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Click on booknumber for full information
193645: TARTT, DONNA - The little friend
214322: TASCA, ANGELO (1892-1960) - Les communistes francais pendant la drole de guerre : une page d'histoire / par A. Rossi [pseud.]
140043: TASCA, ANGELO [PSEUD. OF A. ROSSI] - The Russo-German Alliance, August 1939-June 1941 [By] A. Rossi [Pseud. Translated by John and Micheline Cullen]
130019: TASCHEREAU, JULES-ANTOINE (1801-1874) - Revue Retrospective : Ou Archives Secretes Du Dernire Gouvernement
273937: TASHJIAN, STEPHEN - Tabboo! : the art of Stephen Tashjian / edited by Lia Gangitano
177393: TASKER, PETER - Samurai boogie
168002: TASKER, RANDOLPH VINCENT GREENWOOD (1895-) - The Old Testament in the New Testament
167744: VIRGIL. A. TASSET - La Suite du Virgile Travesti de Scarron : en vers burlesques / par A. Tasset
162641: TASSINARI, GIUSEPPE. HAYWARD, FERNAND - La Bonification Integrale Dix Ans Apres La Loi Mussolini
127174: TASSINARI, GIUSEPPE - La Bonification Integrale Dix Ans Après La Loi Mussolini / [By] Giuseppe Tassinari; Traduction Francaise De Fernand Hayward
25363: TASSO, TORQUATO (1544-1595) - Intrichi D'Amore, Comedia Del Sign. Torquato Tasso Rappresentata in Caprarola (All'ill Et Rever Sig. Card. Farnese)
129654: TASSO, TORQUATO (1544-1595) - The Jerusalem Delivered of Torquato Tasso
216500: TASTANOV, SHAFAGAT YUSUPOVICH - Kazakhskaya sovetskaya intelligentsiya: problemy stanovleniya i razvitiya [The Kazakh Soviet intelligentsia... Language: Russian]
215200: TASTU, SABINE CASIMIRE AMABLE (VOIART) - Album poetique des jeunes personnes, ou choix de poesies extraits des meilleurs auteurs
217133: TATARSKAYA, N. - A Soviet family budget / N. Tatarskaya, A. Guryanov
73637: TATE, WILLIAM HENRY (1945-) - A Mariner's Guide to the Rules of the Road
62989: TATE, PETER - Seagulls under Glass, and Other Stories / Peter Tate
254215: TATE, A. NORMAN - Research: a monthly illustrated journal of science: volume I: July, 1888, to June 1889
238203: TATE, WILLIAM EDWARD - The parish chest : a study of the records of parochial administration in England
152688: TATE, ALFRED O. (1863-) - Edison's Open Door : the Life Story of Thomas A. Edison, a Great Individualist
150308: TATE, WILLIAM JAMES - A new and complete practical guide to H.M. Civil Service. : Containing qualifications of candidates, limits as to age, subjects to be examined in, official regulations, specimens of examination papers, etc., etc. / compiled and arranged by William J. Tate
100522: TATE, PETER - Faces in the Flames : Fourth in a Series of Small Wars / Peter Tate
147328: TATE, WILLIAM EDWARD - A Handlist of Sussex Inclosure Acts and Awards Sussex Inclosure Acts
148227: TATE, WILLIAM EDWARD - Handlist of Suffolk Enclosure Acts and Awards
57670: TATE, ALLEN (1899-1979) - Poems, 1922-1947
105150: TATE, PETER - Seagulls under Glass, and Other Stories
77172: TATE, PETER - Gardens One to Five
278012: THE TATES - Hillbilly cookin'
200550: TATFORD, FREDERICK ALBERT - Life isn't all honey
199077: TATHAM, EMMA (1829-1855) - The dream of Pythagoras and other poems
278927: TATIAN, (CA. 120-173) - Tatiani Oratio ad Graecos. Ad optimos libros mss. partim denuo collatos recensuit, scholiis parisinis nunc primum integris ornavit prolegomenis adnotatione versione instruxit indices adiecit Ioann. Carol. Theod. Otto. Philosophiae et theologiae doctor theologiae in academia ienensi professor P. E. societatis latinae ienensis societatis history. –Theologicae lipsiensis societatis haganae pro vindicanda religione christiana sodalis. Cum speciminibus duorum codicum parisinorum
240412: TATLOW, A. H. SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS AND HARBOURS. PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT - Natal province : descriptive guide and official hand-book
228918: TATON, RENE - The Beginnings of Modern Science : from 1450-1800 / edited and with a preface by Rene Taton ; translated by A.J. Pomerans
57653: TATON, RENE - Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery. Translated by A. J. Pomerans
103970: TATSCH, J. H. - The Moon: its Past Development and Present Behavior; an Analysis of Lunar Origin and Development During the 4.6 Billion Years That the Moon is Believed to Have Been in Existence [By] J. H. Tatsch
211928: TATTERSALL, DON - How to make a mini
224072: TATTON-BROWN, VERONICA ; BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. - Cyprus BC : 7000 years of history / edited by Veronica Tatton-Brown ; with contributions by V. Karageorghis, E.J. Peltenburg, S. Swiny
129356: TATTON-BROWN, VERONICA - Cyprus BC : 7000 Years of History / Edited by Veronica Tatton-Brown ; with Contributions by V. Karageorghis, E. J. Peltenburg, S. Swiny
140528: TATU, MICHEL - Power in the Kremlin: from Khrushchev's Decline to Collective Leadership; Translated by Helen Katel
13412: TATUM, LYLE - South Africa; Challenge and Hope
172351: TATUR, SERGEI KOZMICH - The Hungry Steppe becomes a land of plenty
118205: TAUBE, A. M. (ET AL. ) - Russko-Angliiskii Slovar : Okolo 34, 000 Slov / A. M. Taube ... [Et Al. ] ; Pod Redaktsiei R. S. Daglisha (Russian-English Dictionary)
76548: TAUBER, PETER - The Last Best Hope
89526: TAUBER, HERBERT (1912-?) - Franz Kafka; an Interpretation of His Works. [Tr. by G. Humphreys Roberts and Roger Senhouse]
143750: TAUBER, ESTHER - Molding Society to Man : Israel's New Adventure in Co-Operation / Preface by Horace M. Kallen
38918: TAUBERT, SIGFRED - The Book Trade of the World - Volume I, Europe and International Section
223213: TAUBERT, SIGFRED - Bibliopola : Bilder und Texte aus der Welt des Buchhandels = Pictures and texts about the book trade = Images et textes sur la librairie / Sigfred Taubert - complete in 2 slip-cased volumes
164231: TAUBES, FREDERIC (1900-1981) - The Painter's Question & Answer Book
242858: TAUBES, JACOB SAMUEL - The Duty of Mourning: essay/ Ya?akov Shemu?el Toybes? [Yiddish Language]
156599: TAUBES, FREDERIC (1900-) - Better Frames for Your Pictures
61044: TAUBMAN, PAUL (1939-). WALES, TERENCE - Higher Education and Earnings : College As an Investment and a Screening Device
29191: TAUBMAN, HOWARD (1907-1996) - Music As a Profession, by Howard Taubman
107528: TAUBMAN, HOWARD (ED. ) - The New York Times Guide to Listening Pleasure
275192: OFFICINA CAROLI TAUCHNITII - Euripidis Tragoediae: ad optimorum liborum fidem: four volumes in two
183092: TAUNT, HENRY - The Thames of Henry Taunt / edited by Susan Read
110920: TAUNTON, THOMAS HENRY - Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses ... in ... Chronological Order, Commencing in 1702 and Ending in 1870, Together with Their ... Pedigrees and Performances, Etc. - [Complete in 4 Volumes]
166308: TAUNTON, THOMAS HENRY - Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses of the Past and Present Centuries ... Commencing in 1702 and Ending in 1870 ... [Volumes 1-3 of 4]
230274: TAUSK, PETR (1927-) - Photography in the 20th century / Petr Tausk ; [translated by Veronica Talbot and J. David Beal]
112659: TAUSSIG, F. W. (1859-1940) - Inventors and Money-Makers; Lectures on Some Relations between Economics and Psychology Delivered At Brown University in Connection with the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Foundation of the University
19867: TAUSSIG, F. W. - The Silver Situation in the United States
235300: TAUT, KURT - Verzeichnis der in allen Kulturländern im Jahre 1930 erschienenen Bücher und Schriften über Musik : mit Einschluß der Neuauflagen und Übersetzungen sowie der Dissertationen Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz
130188: TAVARES DE SA, HERNANE - The Brazilians, People of Tomorrow / Hernane Tavares De Sa ; Jacket and Map by R. M. Chapin, Jr.
135740: TAVERA, FRANCOIS - L'Idee D'Humanite Dans Montaigne : Le Probleme Humain / Francois Tavera
200238: TAVERNE, JEAN - Tuscany / text Jean Taverne ; photographs Wojtek Buss [translated by Simon Knight in association with First Edition Translations]
127056: TAVERNE, DICK - The Future of the Left; Lincoln and After
225314: TAVERNER, ERIC. MOORE, JOHN (1907-1967) - The Angler's Week-End Book ... With woodcuts by Margot Hamand
182407: TAVERNER, ERIC - Anglers' fishes & their natural history / Eric Taverner ; with two hundred illustrations
247431: TAVERNER, ERIC (1892-). BARRINGTON-BROWNE, W E - The running of the salmon / Eric Taverner & W. Barrington Browne
184674: TAVERNIER, YVES - Le syndicalisme paysan : F.N.S.E.A - C.N.J.A. / Yves Tavernier
137215: TAVERNIER - De La Conduite De La Guerre D'Orient, Expedition De Crimee : Memoire Adresse Au Gouvernement De S. M. L'Empereur Napoleon III / Par Un Officier General
235679: TAVERNIER, RENÉ. LAPORTE, RENÉ. GIRAUDOUX, JEAN (1882-1944) - Hommage á Giraudoux / sous la direction de René Tavernier, par René Laporte, Claude Roy, Alain Borne ... [et al.]
36705: TAVRIS, CAROL & SADD, SUSAN - The Redbook Report on Female Sexuality : 100, 000 Married Women Disclose the Good News about Sex / Carol Tavris and Susan Sadd
40679: TAVRIS, CAROL AND OFFIR, CAROLE - The Longest War - Sex Differences in Perspective
134342: TAWNEY, RICHARD HENRY (1880-1962). KELSALL, ROGER KEITH (1910-). MINCHINTON, WALTER E. - Wage Regulation in Pre-Industrial England / Edited and Introduced by Walter Edward Minchinton ; Comprising Works by R. H. Tawney and R. Keith Kelsall
213472: TAWNEY R. H. - The schoool age and exemptions
280051: TAWNEY, R. H - Why Britain Fights
193251: TAWNEY, RICHARD HENRY (1880-1962). UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. RATAN TATA FOUNDATION - Poverty as an industrial problem : ...being an inaugural lecture delivered on October 22nd, 1913, at the London School of Economics and Political Science, together with the introductory remarks of the Chairman, the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Oxford
32605: TAWNEY, R. H. - The Establishment of Minimum Rates in the Chain-Making Industry under the Trade Boards Act of 1909
278935: TAWNEY, R. H. (RICHARD HENRY) (1880-1962) - The Webbs in perspective
23302: TAWNEY, R. H. - Life and Struggles of William Lovett - in His Pursuit of Bread, Knowledge & Freedo, with Some Short Account of the Different Associations He Belonged To
23301: TAWNEY, R. H. - Life and Struggles of William Lovett - in His Pursuit of Bread, Knowledge & Freedo, with Some Short Account of the Different Associations He Belonged To
46875: TAWNEY, RICHARD HENRY (1880-1962) - The Establishment of Minimum Rates in the Tailoring Industry under the Trade Boards Act of 1909 - [Studies in the Minimum Wage, No. II]
152533: TAWNEY, RICHARD HENRY (1880-1962) - Poverty As an Industrial Problem - 'Being an Inaugural Lecture Delivered on October 22nd, 1913, At the London School of Economics and Political Science, Together with the Introductory Remarks of the Chairman, the Right Reverend the Bishop of Oxford'
92234: TAWNEY, RICHARD HENRY (1880-) - Business and Politics under James I
256674: TAWNEY, R. H. (RICHARD HENRY) (1880-1962) - The Webbs in perspective
268119: TAWNEY, R. H. (RICHARD HENRY) (1880-1962) - Business and politics under James I : Lionel Cranfield as merchant and minister
183841: TAWNEY, RICHARD HENRY - R.H. Tawney: a portrait by several hands
60646: TAX, SOL (1907-) (ED. ) - Horizons of Anthropology
81151: TAX, SOL (1907-?) ED. - RELATED NAME: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICANISTS (29TH : 1949 : NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - The Civilizations of Ancient America; Selected Papers. Edited by Sol Tax. with an Introd. by Wendell C. Bennett
278437: ENGLISH LEAGUE FOR TAXATION - Black and White photo of a group of land reformers circa 1910
234912: IRELAND. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LOCAL FINANCE AND TAXATION. IRELAND. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON LOCAL FINANCE AND TAXATION - Report on exemptions from and remissions of rates / Interdepartmental Committee on Local Finance and Taxation
194900: NEW YORK (STATE). COMMISSIONERS TO REVISE LAWS FOR ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES - Report of the commissioners appointed to revise the laws for the assessment and collection of taxes in New York, 1871
209488: GREAT BRITAIN. REVIEW GROUP ON TAXONOMY - Taxonomy in Britain : report
134195: TAYAR, GRAHAM - Personality and Power : Studies in Political Achievement / Edited by Graham Tayar
268601: TAYLER, HELEN AGNES HENRIETTE - Lady Nithsdale and her family
230719: TAYLER, JEFFREY - The lost kingdoms of Africa : through Muslim Africa by trucks, bus, boat and camel / Jeffrey Tayler
244030: TAYLER, WILLIAM LONSDALE (1899-) - Federal states and labor treaties : relations of federal states to the International labor organization (a study of the origin and application of art. 19, par. 9, of its constitution)
140697: TAYLER, JOHN LIONEL - Social Life and the Crowd, by J. Lionel Tayler
178890: TAYLER, JAMES - The public man, his duties, powers and privileges and how to exercise them
207057: TAYLER, ALISTAIR (ALISTAIR NORWICH) (1870-?) - The old chevalier : James Francis Stuart
249085: TAYLOR, WILLIAM BENJAMIN SARSFIELD (1781-1850) - The origin, progress, and present condition of the fine arts in Great Britain and Ireland. : By W.B. Sarsfield Taylor: volume I
99375: TAYLOR, MAJOR (1878-1932) - The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World; the Autobiography of Major Taylor
98668: TAYLOR, LESLIE ANN (ED. ) - Auto Racing, USA. 1988, the Year in Review
97262: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. (COMP. AND ED. ) - Jane's all the World's Aircraft, 1974-75
96167: TAYLOR, MILTON C. (COMP. ) - Taxation for African Economic Development, Edited by Milton C. Taylor
9393: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. & GORDON SWANBOROUGH - Military Aircraft of the World / John W. R. Taylor and Gordon Swanborough
89592: TAYLOR, KEVIN - The Poisoned Tree / Kevin Taylor with Keith Mumby
8718: TAYLOR, GORDON RATTRAY - How to Avoid the Future / Gordon Rattray Taylor
85547: TAYLOR, MARK - Cabbage Patch Kids : the great rescue / story by Mark Taylor ; pictures by Jan Brett
8148: TAYLOR, HARRY PEARSON - A Shetland Parish Doctor : Some Recollections of a Shetland Parish Doctor During the Past Half Century
80838: TAYLOR, LONN (1940-?) & MAAR, INGRID - The American Cowboy
79565: TAYLOR, ELIZABETH (1932-?) - Elizabeth Takes off : on Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Self-Image, and Self-Esteem
79266: TAYLOR, ELIZABETH (1932-) - Elizabeth Takes off : on Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Self-Image, and Self-Esteem
77363: TAYLOR, ROGER G. - Elvis in Art / Compiled by Roger G. Taylor
77161: TAYLOR, SUSAN L. - In the Spirit : the Inspirational Writings
69268: TAYLOR, GLENHALL (1903-) - Before Television : the Radio Years / Glenhall Taylor
68521: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Alec Guinness : a Celebration / John Russell Taylor
68419: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Orson Welles : a Celebration
65822: TAYLOR, DEREK (1932-) - As Time Goes By
60721: TAYLOR, DENA - Red Flower : Rethinking Menstruation
58388: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. (ED. ) - Aircraft '71
58387: TAYLOR, J. W. R. (ED. ) - Aircraft Annual 1972
54284: TAYLOR, JOHN GERALD (1931-) - The Shape of Minds to Come; by John Taylor
249012: TAYLOR, HANNIS (1851-1922) - The origin and growth of the English constitution : an historical treatise ... the gradual development of the English constitutional system, and the growth out of that system of the Federal republic of the United States
49280: TAYLOR, THEODORE (1921-2006) - Jule : the Story of Composer Jule Styne
47765: TAYLOR, INSUP - Introduction to Psycholinguistics
248414: TAYLOR, FRED J - Reflections of a Country Man
43192: TAYLOR, D. R. F. AND OBUDHO, R. A. - The Computer and Africa - Applications, Problems, and Potential
40088: TAYLOR, HAROLD - How to Change Colleges: Notes on Radical Reform
36306: TAYLOR, HUGH - History As a Science
275640: TAYLOR, ALFRED JOHN - The Roman baths of Bath
274438: TAYLOR, G. R. STIRLING - Robert Walpole : and his age
274419: TAYLOR, A. J. P. (ALAN JOHN PERCIVALE) (1906-1990) - Essays in English history / A. J. P. Taylor
273277: TAYLOR, BRIAN - Barbarossa to Berlin : a chronology of the campaigns on the Eastern Front 1941 to 1945
272773: TAYLOR, A. J. P. (ALAN JOHN PERCIVALE) (1906-1990) - From Sarajevo to Potsdam / A.J.P. Taylor
272584: TAYLOR, THOMAS GRIFFITH (1880-1963) - Geography in the twentieth century
271919: TAYLOR, A. J. P. (ALAN JOHN PERCIVALE) - English history, 1914-1945
270118: TAYLOR, G. P - Wormwood / G.P. Taylor
270094: TAYLOR, ALISON G - Child's play / Alison Taylor
269880: TAYLOR, CATHERINE - First Folio : a little book of Folio forewords, introduced by Catherine Taylor
268917: TAYLOR, ISAAC (1787-1865). ADAMS, WILLIAM - The spirit of the Hebrew poetry / Isaac Taylor: with a biographical introduction by William Adams
268415: TAYLOR, E. A - Paris : past and present / ed. by Charles Holme, text by E.A. Taylor
268062: TAYLOR, ALFRED - Birds of a county palatine : being a camera record of birds found, infrequently for the most part, in the county of Lancaster / written and illustrated by Alfred Taylor
267561: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. (JOHN WILLIAM RANSOM) - C.F.S. : birthplace of air power
267088: TAYLOR, GERALD - Silver / Gerald Taylor
265852: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. (1922-1999) - Westland 50 / [by] John W.R. Taylor and Maurice F. Allward
264643: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Claude Monet : impressions of France : from Le Havre to Giverny / John Russell Taylor
260950: TAYLOR, BAYARD - Eldorado or Adventures in the Path of Empire : Comprising a voyage to California, via Panama: Life in San Francisco and Monterey; pictures of the gold regions and experiences of Mexican travel / Bayard Taylor - Volume 1
260919: TAYLOR, JAMES. W - Mans inhumanity to man: My own experience of the 1939-45 war
260462: TAYLOR, WILLIAM L - The trusts versus the people
259480: TAYLOR, JOHN W R - Jane's all the world's aircraft. 1973-74, 64th year
259313: TAYLOR, JOHN W. (JOHN WILLIAM) (1851-1910) - The coming of the saints : Imaginations and studies in early church history and tradition
258563: TAYLOR, WILLIAM L - The trusts versus the people
123397: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Edward Wolfe / John Russell Taylor
257655: TAYLOR, D.W - The Birds of Kent : a review of their status and distribution / edited by D.W. Taylor, D.L. Davenport and J.J.M. Flegg
255912: TAYLOR, JOHN - Icon painting / John Taylor
255826: TAYLOR, A. J. (ARNOLD JOSEPH) (1911-2002) - Caernarfon Castle / A.J. Taylor
255636: TAYLOR, ALAN R - Prelude to Israel : an analysis of Zionist diplomacy, 1897-1947 / Alan R. Taylor
253939: TAYLOR, ANN (1782-1866) - Hymns for infant minds
252128: TAYLOR, DES - Fish the midlands
251362: TAYLOR, PATRICK - Period gardens / Patrick Taylor, foreword by Penelope Hobhouse ; photographs by Eric Crichton
250080: TAYLOR, FRED J. (FREDERICK JAMES) - One for the pot : Fred Taylor's game and fish cookbook
249487: TAYLOR, ROGER G - Elvis in art / compiled by Roger G. Taylor
249476: TAYLOR, FREDERICK JAMES (1919-) - My fishing years
249477: TAYLOR, FREDERICK JAMES (1919-) - Fred J. Taylor's guide to ferreting / Fred J. Taylor ; drawings by Ted Andrews ; photographs by Tom Quinn and Fred J. Taylor
248156: TAYLOR, FREDERICK JAMES (1919-) - Fishing for tench
248164: TAYLOR, FREDERICK JAMES (1919-) - Fishing here and there : more favourite swims
247076: TAYLOR, JOHN H. (1958-) - Mummy : secrets of the tomb
246547: TAYLOR, FRED J - Country hearts : a gallery of country people
246159: TAYLOR, CHARLES H - Images of the journey in Dante's Divine comedy / Charles H. Taylor and Patricia Finley
245345: TAYLOR, ANDREW (1951-) - The world of Gerard Mercator : the mapmaker who revolutionized geography / Andrew Taylor
242140: TAYLOR, HILARY - James McNeill Whistler / Hilary Taylor
240125: TAYLOR, INA - The art of Kate Greenaway : a nostalgic portrait of childhood / Ina Taylor
239122: TAYLOR, JOHN LEAHY - Medical malpractice / edited by J. Leahy Taylor ; with a foreword by Lord Richardson
239054: TAYLOR, J. LEAHY (JOHN LEAHY) - The doctor and the law / J. Leahy Taylor
238502: TAYLOR, SELWYN. BOOTH, CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHER CHARLES (1924-2012) [DONOR]. ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE SERVICES (GREAT BRITAIN) - Robert Graves : the golden years of Irish medicine / Selwyn Taylor
238082: TAYLOR, STEPHEN JAMES LAKE TAYLOR BARON (1910-1988). MEMOIR CLUB (FIRM) - A natural history of everyday life : a biographical guide for would-be doctors of society / Lord Taylor of Harlow
237234: TAYLOR, FRED (1947-) - Exorcising Hitler: the occupation and denazification of Germany / Frederick Taylor
236995: TAYLOR, ROGER (1940-) - Impressed by light: British photographs from paper negatives, 1840-1860 / Roger Taylor; biographical dictionary by Larry J. Schaaf in collaboration with Roger Taylor
236996: TAYLOR, ROGER (1940-) - Impressed by light: British photographs from paper negatives, 1840-1860 / Roger Taylor; biographical dictionary by Larry J. Schaaf in collaboration with Roger Taylor
234791: TAYLOR, N. P - Development site evaluation
23430: TAYLOR, DONALD S. - Thomas Chatterton's Art - Experiments in Imagined History
232850: TAYLOR, SEDLEY - The indebtedness of Handel to works by other composers : a presentation of evidence
230471: TAYLOR, MICHAEL JOHN HADDRICK (1949-) - The encyclopaedia of the world's air forces
227701: TAYLOR, PATRICK (1938-) - Gardens of France
226625: TAYLOR, ALICE - To school through the fields : an Irish country childhood / Alice Taylor
226614: TAYLOR, ROGER (1940-) - Impressed by light : British photographs from paper negatives, 1840-1860 / Roger Taylor ; biographical dictionary by Larry J. Schaaf in collaboration with Roger Taylor
225661: TAYLOR, A. J. - The Jewel Tower, Westminster / A. J. Taylor
224599: TAYLOR, HILARY - James McNeill Whistler / Hilary Taylor
22424: TAYLOR, JAMES A. - Weather Forecasting for Agriculture and Industry A Symposium
223329: TAYLOR, D. W. (DON W.) - The Birds of Kent : a review of their status and distribution / edited by D.W. Taylor, D.L. Davenport and J.J.M. Flegg
221403: TAYLOR, MARK - Cabbage Patch Kids : the great rescue / story by Mark Taylor ; pictures by Jan Brett
211226: TAYLOR, ALFRED D. - The catalogue of cricket literature
209441: TAYLOR, GEORGE MORRISON - British herbs and vegetables
209144: TAYLOR, G. P. - Tersias / G.P. Taylor
206793: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - New Testament essays / Vincent Taylor
206062: TAYLOR, GORDON RATTRAY (1911-1981) - The natural history of the mind : an exploration / [by] Gordon Rattray Taylor
205495: TAYLOR, LYNDA KING - Not for bread alone : an appreciation of job enrichment
203113: TAYLOR, JOHN GERALD (1931- ) - Superminds : an investigation into the paranormal
201020: TAYLOR, INA - George Eliot : woman of contradictions / Ina Taylor
200067: TAYLOR, A. J. P. (ALAN JOHN PERCIVALE) (1906-1990) - An old man's diary / A.J.P. Taylor
198880: TAYLOR, JOHN GERALD (1931-?) - Black holes - the end of the universe? / [by] John Taylor
189708: TAYLOR, GEORGE MORRISON - British garden flowers
180641: TAYLOR, DAVID A. (1961- ) - Ginseng, the divine root / David A. Taylor
170849: TAYLOR, STEPHEN (1948-) - Storm and conquest : the clash of empires in the Eastern seas, 1809
169344: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL (1935- ) - Edward Wolfe / John Russell Taylor
161153: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - New Testament Essays
158402: TAYLOR, CLARENCE - The Black Churches of Brooklyn / Clarence Taylor
157970: TAYLOR, SHEILA - A journey through time : London Transport Photographs, 1880 to 1965
154489: TAYLOR, STEPHEN - Storm and conquest : the battle for the Indian Ocean, 1809
15410: TAYLOR, MAJELLA - The art and technique of glass engraving
143416: TAYLOR, SILAS (1624-1678) - The History of Gavel-Kind : with the Etymology Thereof
141156: TAYLOR, LAWRENCE (1942-) - A Trial of Generals : Homma, Yamashita, MacArthur / Lawrence Taylor
139983: TAYLOR, L. R. (ED. ) - The Optimum Population for Britain; Proceedings of a Symposium Held At the Royal Geographical Society, London, on 25 and 26 September, 1969. Edited by L. R. Taylor
132834: TAYLOR, CHARLES (ED. ) - Sayings of the Jewish Fathers : Comprising Pirqe Aboth in Hebrew and English, with Notes and Excursuses / Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, by Charles Taylor
127870: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - New Testament Essays
127766: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - New Testament Essays
125128: TAYLOR, NICK - Sins of the Father : the True Story of a Family Running from the Mob / Nick Taylor
125381: TAYLOR, DEEMS (1885-1966) - Some Enchanted Evenings; the Story of Rodgers and Hammerstein
257547: TAYLOR, RACHEL ANNAND (1876-1960) - Dunbar, the poet and his period
179730: TAYLOR, ISAAC - Words and places, or, Etymological illustrations of history, ethnology and geography
11251: TAYLOR, RAY - Britain's Planning Heritage
189343: TAYLOR, RICHARD VICKERMAN - The biographia leodiensis, or, Biographical sketches of the worthies of Leeds and neighbourhood, from the Norman conquest to the present time / compiled from various sources, and arranged in chronological order
187826: TAYLOR, GEORGE ROBERT STIRLING - The guild state : its principles and possibilities
246850: TAYLOR, A. J. P. (ALAN JOHN PERCIVALE) - English history 1914-1945. [With maps and a bibliography]
153119: TAYLOR, ARTHUR F. - The Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sira : Meditations in Ecclesiasticus
252498: TAYLOR, H.A - Jix, Viscount Brentford : being the authoritative and official biography of the Rt. Hon. William Joynson-Hicks, First Viscount Brentford of Newick
224037: TAYLOR, ELIZA PIERCE - The letters of Eliza Pierce, 1751-1775 : with letters from her son Pierce Joseph Taylor, a schoolboy at Eton
70797: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. (ED. ) - The Lore of Flight
51084: TAYLOR, INA - The Edwardian lady, the story of Edith Holden, author of the Country Diary of an Edwardian lady / compiled by Ina Taylor
278852: TAYLOR, ERIC - The House of Commons at work
109252: TAYLOR, FRANK J. (1894-1972) - High Horizons; Daredevil Flying Postmen to Modern Magic Carpet, the United Air Lines Story
107817: TAYLOR, JAMES MONROE AND HAIGHT, ELIZABETH HAZELTON - Vassar, by James Monroe Taylor and Elizabeth Hazelton Haight
250963: TAYLOR, SAMUEL W - The man with my face
280702: TAYLOR, CYRIL - Is your G.P. really necessary?
180374: TAYLOR, W. C. (WILLIAM COOKE), (1800-1849) - Illustrations of the Bible from the monuments of Egypt
280867: TAYLOR, THOMAS MURRAY SIR (1897-1962) - Christians & the prevention of war in an atomic age : a theological discussion
250172: TAYLOR, HENRY ARCHIBALD - Communism in Great Britain : a short history of the British Communist Party
214361: TAYLOR, WILLIAM L. (1916-). INDEPENDENT LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN) - The trusts versus the people
215289: TAYLOR, JOHN - Icon painting
215440: TAYLOR, MICHAEL JOHN HADDRICK (ED.) - Jane's aviation review, 1982-83
249541: TAYLOR, FREDERICK JAMES - Angling in earnest / [by] Fred J. Taylor; with a foreword by Richard Walker
249538: TAYLOR, BILL (WILLIAM P.) - The competent angler : a guide to the catching of coarse fish
249499: TAYLOR, FRED J. ANDREWS, TED [ILLUSTRATOR] - Travellin' Man: prose and poetry
249498: TAYLOR, FRED J. WALKER, RICHARD. PAISLEY, TIM. SEARL, JOHN [ILLUSTRATOR] - Favourite Swims and still water pitches
249472: TAYLOR, FREDERICK JAMES - Fish of rivers, lakes & ponds / illustrated by E.V. Petts
278615: TAYLOR, FANNY ISABEL - A bibliography of unemployment and the unemployed
183073: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - The Life and Ministry of Jesus
162164: TAYLOR, J. T. - The Jubilee History of the Oldham Industrial Co-Operative Society Limited, 1850-1900
247159: TAYLOR, ISAAC (1829-1901) - Etruscan researches
245267: TAYLOR, ISAAC (1759-1829) - Scenes of commerce, by land and sea; or, 'Where does it come from?' answered : Upon a plan / arranged by the late Rev. Isaac Taylor
231894: TAYLOR, DEEMS. ULTSCH, EVA - Der wohltemperierte Zuhorer : Nutzliche u. ergotzliche Hinweise insbes. f. Horer von Orchesterwerken auch am Radio
246402: TAYLOR, DES - Great Days
245220: TAYLOR, ISAAC (1787-1865) - Natural history of enthusiasm
122562: TAYLOR, GORDON RATTRAY - The Biological Time Bomb
270332: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL (1935-) - The art nouveau book in Britain / (by) John Russell Taylor
152799: TAYLOR, JAMES (1813-1892) - The Pictorial History of Scotland : from the Roman Invasion to the Close of the Jacobite Rebellion. A. D. 79-1746
11673: TAYLOR, WILLIAM P. - African Treasures : Sixty Years Among Diamonds and Gold
163249: TAYLOR, JOHN (1808-1887) - The Gospel Kingdom : Selections from the Writings and Discourses of John Taylor, Third President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints / Selected, Arranged, and Edited, with an Introduction by G. Homer Durham
23502: TAYLOR, RACHEL ANNAND (1876- - Leonardo the Florentine, a Study in Personality, by Rachel Annand Taylor, with a Note on the Author's Work by Gilbert Murray
23475: TAYLOR, SIDNEY - Soviet and Soul : Russia through the Eyes of Youth
21304: TAYLOR, ROBERT LEWIS - Vessel of Wrath : the Life and Times of Carry Nation
141923: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - Jesus and His Sacrifice : a Study of the Passion-Sayings in the Gospels
142749: TAYLOR, A. E. (ALFRED EDWARD) - The Christian Hope of Immortality
138118: TAYLOR, FANNY ISABEL. WEBB, SIDNEY (1859-1947) - A Bibliography of Unemployment and the Unemployed / with a Preface by S. Webb.
137708: TAYLOR, ADA WHITE - The Mystic Spell : a Metaphysical Romance
122825: TAYLOR, FRANK J. (1894-1972). WELTY, EARL M. - Black Bonanza; How an Oil Hunt Grew Into the Union Oil Company of California. [By] Frank J. Taylor and Earl M. Welty
111246: TAYLOR, FRANK J. (1894-1972). GORDON BRUSSTAR (ILL. ) - 'Pat' Patterson, by Frank J. Taylor. Illus. by Gordon Brusstar
102951: TAYLOR, EMILY MILES - Into the Silent Land: Epitaphs Quaint, Curious, Historic / Copied Chiefly from Tombstones, by E. M. T. , Author of 'Loving and Living'. with Comments and Illustrations
101531: TAYLOR, JAMES (1813-1892) - The Age We Live in : a History of the Nineteenth Century, from the Peace of 1815 to the Present Time.
97363: TAYLOR, DEREK (1932 AUG. 5-?) - Fortune, Fame and Folly : British Hotels and Catering from 1878 to 1978
86898: TAYLOR, BERT LESTON (1866-1921) - In Memory of Bert Leston Taylor (B. L. T. ) ; Program and Records of a Public Meeting Held in the Blackstone Theatre, March 27, 1921 - [Uniform Title: Cliff Dwellers, Chicago]
86498: TAYLOR, JANE (1783-1824) - The 'Original Poems' and Others, by Ann and Jane Taylor and Adelaide O'Keeffe, Ed. by E. V. Lucas, with Illustrations by F. D. Bedford
82055: TAYLOR, FRANK J. - Black Bonanza; How an Oil Hunt Grew Into the Union Oil Company of California. [By] Frank J. Taylor and Earl M. Welty
103664: TAYLOR, DEREK - It Was Twenty Years Ago Today
80928: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Ingrid Bergman ; Photographs from the Kobal Collection.
105114: TAYLOR, INA - Victorian Sisters
75198: TAYLOR, ALAN R. - Prelude to Israel; an Analysis of Zionist Diplomacy, 1897-1947
71347: TAYLOR, FRANCIS HENRY (1903-1957) - Fifty Centuries of Art
71321: TAYLOR, FRANCIS HENRY (1903-1957) - Fifty Centuries of Art
69140: TAYLOR, ALBERT PIERCE (1872-) - Under Hawaiian Skies, a Narrative of the Romance, Adventure and History of the Hawaiian Islands, by Albert Pierce Taylor
109413: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. - Aircraft Annual 1972
109836: TAYLOR, LONN. INGRID MAAR - The American Cowboy / [Compiled By] Lonn Taylor and Ingrid Maar
65514: TAYLOR, BAYARD (1825-1878) - Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland, by Bayard Taylor
65460: TAYLOR, MATTHEW (18TH CENT. ) - England's bloody tribunal, or, Popish cruelty displayed : containing a compleat account of the lives, religious principles, cruel persecutions, sufferings, tortures, and triumphant deaths of the most pious English Protestant martyrs ... to which is added. A Faithful Narrative of the Many Horrid-Cruelties Practiced by the Inquisition, in Different Parts of the World, Also the Lives of the Primitive Reformers ... Together with a Full and Plain Refutation of the Errors of the Romish Church ...
110340: TAYLOR, MICHAEL J. H. - Jane's Aviation Review
64340: TAYLOR, HAROLD (1914-) - Students Without Teachers; the Crisis in the University
63684: TAYLOR, JAMES MONROE (1848-1916) - Vassar, by James Monroe Taylor and Elizabeth Hazelton Haight
63112: TAYLOR, GEOFFREY - Insect Life in Britain [By] Geoffrey Taylor. with 8 Plates in Colour and 22 Illustrations in Black & White
59649: TAYLOR, EDITH MEYER - Psychological Appraisal of Children with Cerebral Defects
59440: TAYLOR, ISAAC (1787-1865) - History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, Together with the Process of Historical Proof; Or, a Concise Account of the Means by Which the Genuineness of Ancient Literature Generally, and Authenticity of Historical Works Especially.....
58041: TAYLOR, REBECCA NICHOLSON (1857-) - Songs of Hope, by Rebecca N. Taylor
51261: TAYLOR, LAWRENCE S. - Decision in Denmark; the Legalizing of Pornography
97701: TAYLOR, RICHARD L (1933-?) - Instrument Flying [By] Richard L. Taylor. Introd. by Robert N. Buck
97224: TAYLOR, DAWSON - The Secret of Bowling Strikes! With Photos. by Ray Glonka
29806: TAYLOR, DR. J. E. - The Playtime Naturalist, by J. E. Taylor. with Three Hundred and Sixty-Six Illustrations
87267: TAYLOR, BERT LESTON - A Penny Whistle ; Together with the Babette Ballads - with a Foreword by Franklin P. Adams
79126: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL, INTRO. - Masterworks of the British Cinema / Introd. by John Russell Taylor
149016: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - Forgiveness and Reconciliation : a Study in New Testament Theology
145584: TAYLOR, TOM, ED. - Bookways : a Quarterly for the Book Arts ; Number 7, April, 1993
145580: TAYLOR, TOM, ED. - Bookways : a Quarterly for the Book Arts ; Number 6, January, 1993
102559: TAYLOR, DANIEL - Spiritua America
173691: TAYLOR, HENRY JAMES (-1945) - The challenge of freedom
184469: TAYLOR, MILTON C. - Estudio fiscal de Colombia : problemas y recomendaciones de reforma; informe de la Mision Fiscal del Programa preparado bajo la direccion del Profesor Milton C. Taylor Con la colaboracion del Profesor Raymond L. Richman y de Carlos Casas Morales
224871: TAYLOR, JOHN L. - Golf collectors price guide 1983
170232: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - Forgiveness and reconciliation : a study in New Testament theology
159900: TAYLOR, HENRY JUNIOR (1902-1984) - Men in Motion, by Henry J. Taylor
184460: TAYLOR, DONALD C. - Research on agricultural development in selected Middle Eastern countries / Donald C. Taylor
100413: TAYLOR, WILLIAM SENTMAN (1894-?) ED - Readings in Abnormal Psychology and Mental Hygiene, Edited by W. S. Taylor ... with an Introduction by Joseph Jastrow
242902: TAYLOR, JAMES [EDITOR] - The Victorian Empire; a record of the progress and expansion of Great and Greater Britain under Her Majesty Queen Victoria
262339: TAYLOR, ISAAC - Natural history of enthusiasm
229493: TAYLOR, MICHAEL (COMPILER) - Jane's fighting aircraft of World War 1 / [compiled by Michael Taylor] ; foreword by John W. R. Taylor
195307: TAYLOR, A. E. (ALFRED EDWARD) (1869-1945) - The Christian hope of immortality
267222: TAYLOR, ALFRED SWAINE (1806-1880) - On poisons, in relation to medical jurisprudence and medicine
231896: TAYLOR, FRANK SHERWOOD (1897-1956) - Science Past and Present
246052: TAYLOR, WILLIAM COOKE (1800-1849) - Memoirs of the House of Orleans; including sketches and anecdotes of the most distinguished characters in France during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. By W. Cooke Taylor, LL.D., author of 'Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth;' 'Student's Manuals of Ancient and Modern History,' etc. In three volumes
129740: TAYLOR, LUCY - The Children's Champion and the Victories He Won Pictures from the Life of “the Good Earl, ” Lord Shaftesbury
129580: TAYLOR, BAYARD - Eldorado; Or, Adventures in the Path of Empire: Comprising a Voyage to California, Via Panama; Life in San Francisco and Monterey; Pictures of the Gold Region, and Experiences of Mexican Travel. with Illus. by the Author
128232: TAYLOR, CHARLES - The Witness of Hermas to the Four Gospels, by C. Taylor
126908: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - Forgiveness and Reconciliation; a Study in New Testament Theology, by Vincent Taylor
126406: REUTERS LTD. SIDNEY TAYLOR (ED. ) - The New Africans: a Guide to the Contemporary History of Emergent Africa and its Leaders; Written by Fifty Correspondents of Reuters News Agency; Edited by Sidney Taylor
122588: TAYLOR, LAWRENCE (1942-) - A Trial of Generals : Homma, Yamashita, MacArthur / Lawrence Taylor
278735: TAYLOR, HENRY OSBORN (1856-1941) - The humanism of Italy
119672: TAYLOR, FREDERIC WILFRED - The Economics of Advertising
117999: TAYLOR, W. C. (WILLIAM COOKE) (1800-1849) - A Manual of Ancient and Modern History ... by W. C. Taylor. Revised, with a Chapter on the History of the United States, by C. S. Henry. with Questions Adapted for Schools and Colleges
184935: TAYLOR, FANNY ISABEL (LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE) - A bibliography of unemployment and the unemployed / prepared by F. Isabel Taylor. With a preface by Sidney Webb
185159: TAYLOR, JAY LAIRD BURGESS (B. 1884) - The A B C of astronomy
165394: TAYLOR, EMILY, (1795-1872) - England and its People : a Familiar History of the Country and the Social Manners of its Inhabitants
12592: TAYLOR, E. MILES - Banking, Currency and Foreign Exchange
102468: TAYLOR, CHARLES CLARKE (1943-) - John Updike; a Bibliography, by C. Clarke Taylor
249276: TAYLOR, JAMES (1813-1892) - The Victorian Empire: a record of the progress and expansion of Great and Greater Britain under Her Majesty Queen Victoria: in four volumes
104378: TAYLOR, C. CLARKE (CHARLES CLARKE) - John Updike
172069: TAYLOR, FANNY ISABEL (LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE) - A bibliography of unemployment and the unemployed / prepared by F. Isabel Taylor / with a preface by Sidney Webb
263830: TAYLOR, A.J.P - The Russian war, 1941-1945 / edited by Daniela Mrázková and Vladimír Remeš ; text by A. J. P. Taylor
122589: TAYLOR, LESLIE ANN - Auto Racing / USA. 1988 / the Year in Review
36969: TAYLOR, PETER HILLSMAN (1917-) - Happy Families Are all Alike : a Collection of Stories
39878: TAYLOR, DON (1910-1998) - Rainbow on the Zambezi
40192: TAYLOR, DON (1910-1998) - The Rhodesian : the Life of Sir Roy Welensky
120684: TAYLOR, GORDON RATTRAY - The Angel Makers; a Study in the Psychological Origins of Historical Change, 1750-1850
120200: TAYLOR, BARBARA (1950 APR. 11-) - Eve and the New Jerusalem : Socialism and Feminism in the Nineteenth Century / Barbara Taylor
119963: TAYLOR, JOHN M. - History in Your Hand : Fifty Years of the Manuscript Society / John M. Taylor ; Foreword by John D. Haskell
55394: TAYLOR, GEORGE HERBERT (1821-1896) - Paralysis and Other Affections of the Nerves: Their Cure by Transmitted Energy and Special Movements
262915: TAYLOR, ISAAC - Ancient Christianity, and the doctrines of the Oxford tracts
66745: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Hitch : the Life and Times of Alfred Hitchcock
115791: TAYLOR, HOWARD, MRS. - One of China's Scholars, the Early Life & Conversion of Pastor Hsi ; with Illustrations
168670: TAYLOR, J. TROUP - The prophetic families; or, The Negro: his origin, destiny, and status, by J. Troup Taylor. Atlanta, Ga., Foote & Davies Print. Co., 1895
189925: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - The names of Jesus
233668: TAYLOR, JOHN (1925-2009) - The use of medieval chronicles
237754: TAYLOR, ALFRED JOHN (1878-1938). WHEELER, ROBERT ERIC MORTIMER SIR (1890-). O'NEIL, BRYAN HUGH ST. JOHN - The Roman baths of Bath
192571: TAYLOR, FANNY ISABEL. WEBB, SIDNEY (1859-1947) - A Bibliography of Unemployment and the Unemployed / with a preface by S. Webb
278708: TAYLOR, RUPERT - Noise
278734: TAYLOR, HENRY OSBORN (1856-1941) - Philosophy and science in the sixteenth century
278802: TAYLOR, SALLY - Andy & Flo's cookery book
179399: TAYLOR, ALAN R. - Prelude to Israel : an analysis of Zionist diplomacy, 1897-1947
278660: TAYLOR, A. J. P. (ALAN JOHN PERCIVALE) (1906-1990) - Europe: grandeur and decline
66435: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Orson Welles : a Celebration
117159: TAYLOR, UNA - Maurice Maeterlinck; a Critical Study
238742: TAYLOR, MONICA SISTER - Sir Bertram Windle: Bertram Coghill Alan Windle, F.R.S., F.S.A., K.S.G., M.D., M.A., LL.D., Ph.D., Sc.D.; a memoir
239292: TAYLOR, GEORGE (1820-1894). MARTYRS' MONUMENT ASSOCIATION - Martyrs to the revolution in the British prison-ships in the Wallabout Bay
182513: TAYLOR, ROSS MCLAURY (1909-) - The saddle and the plow : an historical novel of Texas
177200: TAYLOR, VINCENT - New testament essays
175150: TAYLOR, BAYARD (1825-1878) - Studies in German literature
168625: TAYLOR, TELFORD - Sword and swastika: the Wehrmacht in the Third Reich
202826: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Anger and after : a guide to the new British drama
190366: TAYLOR, BASIL (1922-1975) - The Impressionists and their world / with an introduction by Basil Taylor
191328: TAYLOR, HENRY, SIR (1800-1886) - Crime considered, in a letter to W.E. Gladstone
61369: TAYLOR, RACHEL ANNAND (1876-) - Leonardo the Florentine, a Study in Personality, by Rachel Annand Taylor, with a Note on the Author's Work by Gilbert Murray
110930: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Ingrid Bergman / John Russell Taylor ; Photographs from the Kobal Collection
190864: TAYLOR, RICHARD (CONGREGATIONAL MINISTER) - Christians in an industrial society / [by] Richard Taylor
181273: TAYLOR, CHARLES (B. 1840) - An appendix to Sayings of the Jewish fathers : containing a catalogue of manuscripts and notes on the text of Aboth / edited for the syndics of the Cambridge University Press by Charles Taylor
181859: TAYLOR, JOHN ELLOR (1837-1895) - The playtime naturalist
128423: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - The Cross of Christ; Eight Public Lectures
129073: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - The Life and Ministry of Jesus
135617: TAYLOR, ISAAC (1787-1865) - The Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry
137579: TAYLOR, ALFRED EDWARD (1869-1945) - The Christian Hope of Immortality
138669: TAYLOR, MILLICENT J. (1892-) - Treasure of Free Men : Highlights of the History of the Bible
140784: TAYLOR, DON (1910-1998) - The Rhodesian; the Life of Sir Roy Welensky
140797: TAYLOR, EDWARD - Finanzpolitik Und Steuersystem Der Republik Polen
144883: TAYLOR, RICHARD VICKERMAN - Supplement to the Biographia Leodiensis ; Or, Biographical Sketches of the Worthies of Leeds and Neighbourhood
152928: TAYLOR, TIMOTHY ALDEN (1809-1858) - Zion's Pathway; Or, Some of the Doctrines, Duties and Dangers of the Christian Pilgrim Delineated
153286: TAYLOR, FRANK SHERWOOD - The Century of Science
18228: TAYLOR, BAYARD (1825-1878) - The Poetical Works of Bayard Taylor
20389: TAYLOR, R. A. - The Economics of White Fish Distribution in Great Britain
25952: TAYLOR, WALTER C. - A Physician's Counsels to Woman, in Health and Disease
26692: TAYLOR, R. C. - A Housemaster's Letters
30618: TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD (1897-) - A Short History of Science
32454: TAYLOR, ALAN R. - Prelude to Israel - an Analysis of Zionist Diplomacy 1897-1947
32455: TAYLOR, ALAN R. - Prelude to Israel - an Analysis of Zionist Diplomacy 1897-1947
32456: TAYLOR, ALAN R. - Prelude to Israel - an Analysis of Zionist Diplomacy 1897-1947
46113: TAYLOR, A. H. E. - The Future of the Southern Slavs
115996: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Strangers in Paradise : the Hollywood Emigres, 1933-1950 / John Russell Taylor
52833: TAYLOR, HUGH - Conditions of National Success
108971: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. - Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1974-75
7318: TAYLOR, CAPTAIN L. G. AND THE LATE F. H. TRIM - Cargo Work - the Care, Handling and Carriage of Cargoes
8228: TAYLOR, H. J. - Capetown to Kafue : the Story of an Eighteen Thousand Miles Journey
195977: TAYLOR, J. TROUP - The prophetic families; or, The Negro: his origin, destiny, and status
196122: TAYLOR, ALKAN K. - From a Glasgow slum to Fleet street
197077: TAYLOR, GORDON RATTRAY - Are workers human?
197734: TAYLOR, RICHARD VICKERMAN - The biographia leodiensis, or, Biographical sketches of the worthies of Leeds and neighbourhood, from the Norman conquest to the present time / compiled from various sources, and arranged in chronological order, with an introduction on the study of biography, and copious indexes by R.V. Taylor
278867: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - Anger and after : a guide to the new British drama
205883: TAYLOR, H. A. (HENRY ARCHIBALD) - The British press : a critical survey / H.A. Taylor
206792: TAYLOR, VINCENT (1887-1968) - The formation of the Gospel tradition / eight lectures by Vincent Taylor
207512: TAYLOR, R. V. (RICHARD VICKERMAN) - The Biographia Leodiensis : or, Biographical sketches of the worthies of Leeds and neighbourhood, from the Norman conquest to the present time / compiled from various sources, and arranged in chronological order; with an introduction on the study of biography, and copious indexes
221341: TAYLOR, ISAAC (1787-1865) - The spirit of Hebrew poetry
211730: TAYLOR, INA - The Edwardian lady : the story of Edith Holden / compiled by Ina Taylor
55708: TAYLOR, BAYARD (1825-1878) - Views A-Foot; Or, Europe Seen with Knapsack and Staff; by Bayard Taylor, with a Preface by N. P. Willis ...
241428: TAYLOR, STEPHEN JAMES LAKE TAYLOR BARON (1910-1988). NUFFIELD PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS TRUST - Good general practice : a report of a survey
212781: TAYLOR, MATTHEW, D.D. - England's bloody tribunal: or, Popish cruelty displayed. Containing a compleat account of the lives, religious principles, cruel persecutions, sufferings, tortures, and triumphant deaths, of the most pious English Protestant martyrs
262861: TAYLOR, JUDITH - Good ideas for your garden
262156: TAYLOR, MICHAEL ALAN - The fundamentals of clinical neuropsychiatry / Michael Alan Taylor
278694: TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL - The Penguin dictionary of the theatre
280816: K TAYLORSON - A gricer in India and Pakistan : in search of steam in India and Pakistan 1978/79 : information on steam centres/depots/photography/rail travel/fares/food and drink/ prices : plus class lists, maps, hotel recommendations
272971: TAYLOUR, HARRIET OSGOOD - Japanese gardens
185094: TAZIEFF, HAROUN - The making of the earth : volcanoes and continental drift
97401: TAZIEFF, HAROUN (1914-?) - When the Earth Trembles. Translated from the French by Patrick O'Brian - [Uniform Title: Quand La Terre Tremble. English]
226175: TAZIEFF, HAROUN (1914-1998) - When the earth trembles / Translated from the French by Patrick O'Brian
175525: TAZIEFF, HAROUN (1914-?) - The Orion book of volcanoes. [Translated from the French, Les volcans, by Arthur Tannenbaum]
269353: TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER ILICH - Tschaikowsky pianoforte album. Vol. 1
258186: TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER ILICH (1840-1893) - The Swan Lake. Excerpts from the Ballet ... Arranged for Piano Solo by G. Bantock, etc
258172: TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER ILICH (1840-1893) - The home series of the great masters : for the pianoforte. Book 6 Tschaikowsky / edited and arranged by Ernest Haywood
233067: TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER ILICH. STÜMCKE, HEINRICH - Erinnerungen eines Musikers
234520: TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER ILICH (1840-1893) - Symphonie V : E moll-E minor-Mi mineur, Op. 64
217875: TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER ILICH (1840-1893) - Tschaikowsky : Casse-Noisette Suite. For piano. Overture - Danses Caracteristiques - Valse des Fleurs [Music score]
248817: TCHEHOV, ANTON - Three Plays: The Cherry Orchard, The Seagull and The Wood Demon
37266: TCHEKOFF, ANTON - Plays by Anton Tchekoff
217327: TCHERNYKH, PAVEL IAKOVLEVITCH - YAzyk Ulozheniya 1649 goda [Language Code 1649. Language: Russian]
216328: TCHORZNICKI, JOZEF - Dla zdrowia ludu [Language: Polish]
219633: TEACHERS UNION, NEW YORK - A pension primer / prepared by the Pension Committee, Erling Tholfsen, Chairman [et al.]
279690: NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS - Teachers in their first posts : the probationary year
190826: LONDON HEAD TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION - London Head Teachers' Association, 1888-1938
170493: CENTRE FOR INFORMATION ON LANGUAGE TEACHING - A language-teaching bibliography / compiled and edited by the Centre for Information on Language Teaching and the English-Teaching Information Centre of the British Council
154501: TEACHOUT, TERRY - All in the dances : a brief life of George Balanchine
273874: TEACHOUT, TERRY - Duke : a life of Duke Ellington
210410: TEAD, ORDWAY (1891-1973) - The art of administration / Ordway Tead ; foreword by Lawrence A. Appley
234902: OAK PARK RESEARCH CENTRE (IRELAND). TEAGASC (ORGANIZATION) - Research report. Plant sciences and crop husbandry / An Foras Taluntais
96183: TEAGUE, ELIZABETH - Solidarity and the Soviet Worker : the Impact of the Polish Events of 1980 on Soviet Internal Politics / Elizabeth Teague
154107: TEAGUE, CHARLES COLLINS (1873-) - Fifty Years a Rancher
161730: TEAGUE, CHARLES COLLINS (1873-) - Fifty Years a Rancher - the Recollections of Half a Century Devoted to the Citrus and Walnut Industries of California and to Futhering the Cooperative Movement in Agriculture
120098: TEALE, A. E. - Kantian Ethics
191954: SUNDAY TIMES OF LONDON INSIGHT TEAM - Catalogue of the third Sunday Times exhibition of books and book production : Dorland Hall, November 4-18, 1935
202848: TEAPE, W M. [UPANISHADS. ENGLISH. SELECTIONS.] - The secret lore of India and the one perfect life for all. Supplement, consisting of additional selections from the Upanishads, with notes by W.M. Teape.
200220: TEAPE, WILLIAM MARSHALL (1862- ) - The secret lore of India and the one perfect life for all / being a few main passages from the Upanishads put into English verse with an introd. & a conclusion by W. M. Teape
107105: TEAPE, WILLIAM MARSHALL (1862-) - The Secret Lore of India and the One Perfect Life for All; Being a Few Main Passages from the Upanishads Put Into English Verse with an Introd. & a Conclusion by W. M. Teape
119231: TEAPE, W. M. - The Secret Lore of India, by W. M. Teape
199401: TEAPE, W. M. (INTRO.) - The secret lore of India and the one perfect life for all / being a few main passages from the Upanishads put into English verse with an introd. & a conclusion by W. M. Teape
214946: TEAR, ROBERT - Master drawings London 2009 / introduction by Robert Tear Master drawings London 2009 Saturday 4 to Friday 10 July
21017: TEBB, W. SCOTT - A Century of Vaccination and What it Teaches
139354: TEBBEL, JOHN WILLIAM (1912-). HEARST, WILLIAM RANDOLPH (1863-1951) - The Life and Good Times of William Randolph Hearst
31555: TEBBEL, JOHN AND JENNISON, KEITH - The American Indian Wars
197490: TEBBEL, JOHN WILLIAM (1912- ) - George Horace Lorimer and the Saturday evening post
121249: TEC, NECHAMA - When Light Pierced the Darkness : Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland / Nechama Tec
25223: HAYDEN GALLERY - MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNIOLOGY - The Clipper Ship - Exhibition Catalogue November 14 through December 2, 1996. (38 Items Illustrated)
248787: CAMBRIDGESHIRE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY - An Introduction to Saffron Walden Museum
158773: DARMSTADT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY - Synagogues in Germany : a virtual reconstruction / edited by Darmstadt University of Technology, Department CAD in Architecture, Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations
7984: CARNEGIE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - The Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt Botanical Library; its Collections, Program, & Staff
165747: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - Class of 1903 : Second Catalogue
82080: TEDROW, THOMAS L. - Dorothy Return to Oz, by Thomas L. Tedrow
32132: TEDROW, RICHARD L. TEDROW, THOMAS L. - Death at Chappaquiddick
26902: TEDROW, THOMAS L. - Death At Chappaquiddick
200160: TEDROW, THOMAS L. - Dorothy Return to Oz
153960: TEDROW, THOMAS L - Death At Chappaquiddick
112970: TEDROW, THOMAS L. - Dorothy Return to Oz, by Thomas L. Tedrow
258794: TEELING, WILLIAM SIR - Crisis for Christianity
238376: TEELING-SMITH, GEORGE. WELLS, NICHOLAS E. J. OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Medicines for the year 2000 : a symposium held at the Royal College of Physicians, London in September 1978 by the Office of Health Economics / edited by George Teeling-Smith and Nicholas Wells
91147: TEELING, WILLIAM, SIR (1903-?) - Why Britain Prospers
151182: TEELING, WILLIAM, SIR (1903-) - Why Britain Prospers
130379: TEELING, WILLIAM, SIR - Why Britain Prospers
149994: TEFFT, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1813-1885) - Hungary and Kossuth: , Or, an American Exposition of the Late Hungarian Revolution
213735: TEGG: LONDON. CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (ILLUS.) (1792-1878) - The history of Napoleon Buonaparte : reprinted from the 'Family Library' / illustrated by George Ckuikshank [sic]
224749: TEGGART, MOSES ; WRIGHT, JOHN R. R. - Moses Teggart : Bard of the Boglands, an anthology / John R. R. Wright
91214: TEGHRARIAN, SOUREN. WITTGENSTEIN, LUDWIG (1889-1951) - Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy : Essays
137587: TEGLER, JOHN. DON BERLINER. ERIC EVERILL (PHOTOG. ). REINI MATERS (ILL. ) - International 1969 Air Racing Annual
276340: TEGNER, HENRY - Rhymeside / Henry Tegner
198207: TEGNER, ESAIAS (1782-1846) - Samlade skrifter : hy kritisk upplaga, kronologiskt ordnad / utgifven af Ewert Wrangel och Fredrik Book [complete in 10 volumes - Swedish language]
198292: TEGNER, ESAIAS (1782-1846) - Esaias Tegners efterlemnade skrifter [complete in 3 volumes - Language: Swedish]
244909: TEGOBORSKI, LUDWIK (1792-1857) - Études sur les forces productives de la Russie / par M. L. de Tegoborsk: in two volumes
244891: TEGOBORSKI, LUDWIK (1792-1857) - Études sur les forces productives de la Russie / par M. L. de Te?goborsk: in four volumes
194335: TEGOBORSKI, LUDWIK (1792-1857) - Des finances et du credit public de l'Autriche : de sa dette, de ses ressources financieres et de son systeme d'imposition / avec quelques rapprochemens entre ce pays, la Prusse et la France - [Complete in 2 volumes]
192215: TEHRANI, ALEXANDER - Iran / von Alexander Tehrani ... unter Mitwirkung von Sebastian Beck
158523: TEICHGRAEBER, RICHARD F. - Sublime Thoughts/penny Wisdom : Situating Emerson and Thoreau in the American Market / Richard F. Teichgraeber III
27537: TEICHMANN, HOWARD - Smart Aleck : the Wit, World, and Life of Alexander Woollcott
107949: TEICHMANN, HOWARD & KAUFMAN, GEORGE SMITH (1889-1961) - The Solid Gold Cadillac; a Comedy, by Howard Teichmann and George S. Kaufman
131142: TEICHMANN, HOWARD - George S. Kaufman : an Intimate Portrait
98009: TEICHOVA, ALICE - The Czecholsavak Economy, 1918-1980
143670: TEICHOVA, ALICE - The Czechoslovak Economy, 1918-1980 / Alice Teichova
142862: TEICHOVA, ALICE - An Economic Background to Munich : International Business and Czechoslovakia 1918-1938
142765: TEICHOVA, ALICE - An Economic Background to Munich; International Business and Czechoslovakia 1918-1938
140941: TEICHOVA, ALICE - The Czechoslovak Economy, 1918-1980 / Alice Teichova
140465: TEICHOVA, ALICE - The Czechoslovak Economy, 1918-1980 / Alice Teichova
213438: TEIGNMOUTH, HENRY NOEL SHORE, BARON (1847-1926) - The flight of the Lapwing : A naval officer's jottings in China, Formosa and Japan
258796: TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE - Man's place in nature ... Translated by René Hague
201533: TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE - Man's place in nature : the human zoological group / translated [from the French] by René Hague
92225: TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE - Album [By] Teilhard De Chardin. Pref. by Andre George. Designed and Edited by Jeanne Mortier and Marie-Louise Aboux from the Publications and Letters of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, and from Papers Preserved At the Fondation Teilhard De Chardin
58419: TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE - L'energie Humaine / Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
155562: TEISSL, HELMUT - Carnival in Rio / Text and Photography by Helmut Teissl
237383: TEITELMAN, S. ROBERT; HALFPENNY, P. A. (PAT A.); FUCHS, RONALD W - Success to America: creamware for the American market: featuring the S. Robert Teitelman collection at Winterthur / S. Robert Teitelman, Patricia A. Halfpenny, Ronald W. Fuchs II; with essays by Wendell D. Garrett and Robin Emmerson
158545: TEIXEIRA, PEDRO NUNO - Jacob Mincer : a Founding Father of Modern Labor Economics / Pedro N. Teixeira
187779: TEIXEIRA, LUIZ - Profil de Salazar : elements pour l'histoire de sa vie et de son epoque / par Luiz Teixeira
113518: TEIXEIRA, BERNARDO - The Fabric of Terror; Three Days in Angola. Introd. by Robert Ruark. Afterword by James Burnham. Illus. by Julio Gil
148094: TEJA ZABRE, ALFONSO (1888-1962) - Guide De L'Histoire Du Mexique : Une Moderne Interpretation
85835: TEJASANANDA, SVAMI - The Ramakrishna Movement : its Ideal and Activities / Swami Tejasananda
235828: TEKIN, SINASI. ÇAVDAR, R. TÛBA - Eski Türklerde yazi, kâgit, kitap ve kâgit damgalari / Sinasi Tekin ; baskiya hazirlayan R. Tûba Çavdar
150087: UN TEL (DE L'UNION FEDERALE) - Vers Une 'Information' Nouvelle
68738: TELANDER, RICK - Joe Namath, and the Other Guys
269533: THE DAILY TELEGRAPH - The Daily Telegraph Map of Antarctica
260478: THE DAILY TELEGRAPH - The Daily Telegraph and morning post: No. 26,378: London, Monday, December 18, 1939
263386: DAILY TELEGRAPH - The daily telegraph. No. 25,442, Friday, Dec. 11, 1936 - abdication of King Edward VIII
252259: DAILY TELEGRAPH - Britain and the Common Market : the facts and the future : an analysis
241216: THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH - Atherton's Ashes Almanac 2006: everything you need to know about cricket's greatest rivalry
222178: BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DE L'UNION TELEGRAPHIQUE - 'Voie Eastern' : Carte generale des grandes communications telegraphiques du monde .... / par Le Bureau International de L'Union Telegraphique [fold out vintage 1912 telegraph/cable map]
265075: ANGLIA TELEVISION - Reasons - 6 debates
246499: TELFER, GILES. W.L - Yeats's Idea of the Gael by Giles W.L. Telfer being No. IV of the Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers MCMLXV
65249: TELFER, DARIEL - The Guilty Ones, a Novel
91926: TELFER, GILES W. L - Yeats's Idea of the Gael
233409: TELLENBACH, GERD. ROM, DEUTSCHES HISTORISCHES INSTITUT - die liturgischen gedenkbucher des fruheren mittelalters und ihre quellenkritische bearbeitung
75200: TELLER, JUDD L. (1912-) , ED. - Acculturation and Integration ; a Symposium by American, Israeli and African Experts.
40153: TELLER, JUDD L. - Strangers and Natives - the Evolution of the American Jew from 1921 to the Present
40427: TELLER, EDWARD AND LATTER, ALBERT L. - Our Nuclear Future... Facts, Dangers and Opportunities
148337: TELLER, JUDD L. - Strangers and Natives; the Evolution of the American Jew from 1921 to the Present [By] Judd L. Teller
206674: TELLHEIM, LOUISE - Die Flucht aus dem Turmzimmer : viele schone Geschichten von seltsamen Begebenheiten, spannenden Abenteuern, Entdeckungen und Erlebnissen in fremden Landern, aus drei Jahrhunderten deutscher Literatur fur junge Leser gesammelt und auch fur altere
244117: TELLIER, E. BRULAND, G.G. DALLAS, R. DUMONT, P. ET AL - Les Cahiers Socialistes; revue indépendante de critique sociale 16-17: numéro spécial: Congo 1947
144370: TELLIER, JULES LOUIS - Edouard Ned: L'Homme, L'Ecrivain
199937: TELLUCCINI, AUGUSTO - L' arte dell' architetto Filippo Juvara in Piemonte
237774: TEMKIN, OWSEI (1902-2002) - The falling sickness : a history of epilepsy from the Greeks to the beginnings of modern neurology / Owsei Temkin
6602: TEMPANY, G. H. - The Eight Day's Feud
120473: TEMPEL, GUDRUN (1926-). WILKINS, SOPHIE - Speaking Frankly about the Germans : a Personal History and a Challenge / (Parts Originally in German Translated by Sophie Wilkins)
168187: TEMPEL, GUDRUN (1926- ) - The chairman as god
33999: TEMPERLEY, HOWARD - British Anti-Slavery - 1833-1870
275664: TEMPERLEY, HAROLD WILLIAM VAZEILLE (1879-1939) - Life of Canning
230714: TEMPERLEY, HOWARD - White dreams, black Africa : the British antislavery expedition to the River Niger 1841-1842 / Howard Temperley
24149: TEMPERTON, PAUL - The UK and the Euro
151424: TEMPEST, PAUL - Lag's Lexicon : a Comprehensive Dictionary and Encyclopaedia of the English Prison of To-Day
167872: TEMPEST, EWART VINCENT, (B. 1889) - The new life in Rumania / E.V. Tempest
85844: TEMPLE-RASTON, DINA - A Death in Texas : a Story of Race, Murder, and a Small Town's Struggle for Redemption
6731: TEMPLE, JOHN - Mining - an International History
271685: TEMPLE, WILLIAM (1628-1699) - Remarques sur l'estat des Provinces Unies des Païs-bas : faites en l'an 1672 / Par Monsieur le chevalier Temple
270597: TEMPLE, NORA - The road to 1789 : from reform to Revolution in France / Nora Temple
260975: THE BUDDHAPADIPA TEMPLE - The Vessak issue of the Buddhapadipa temple journal - The Friendly way, 23rd May 2510/1967
255016: TEMPLE, RICHARD - Lord Lawrence
158830: TEMPLE, KATHRYN (1955- ) - Scandal Nation : Law and Authorship in Britain, 1750-1832 / Kathryn Temple
141967: TEMPLE, WILLIAM (1881-1944) - Social Witness and Evangelism
254794: TEMPLE, SIR WILLIAM - The Works of Sir William Temple, Bart.: volume the first: to which is prefixed the life and character of Sir William Temple: written by a particular friend
252076: TEMPLE, WILLIAM ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY - Christianity and social order
200654: TEMPLE, FREDERICK (1821-1902) - Thoughts on the divine love
194410: TEMPLE, ALFRED GEORGE - Catalogue of the loan collection of pictures : by painters of the British school who have flourished during Her Majesty's reign / prepared by A.G. Temple ....
279675: TEMPLE, RICHARD GRENVILLE-TEMPLE EARL (1711-1779) - Another letter to Mr. Almon, in matter of libel
111341: TEMPLE, WILLIAM F. - Shoot At the Moon [By] William F. Temple
131765: TEMPLE, F. J. & MISTRAL, FREDERIC - Vagabondages -- No.32/33 (Sept. /oct.1981) : Poetes De Langue D'Oc
109540: TEMPLE, NIGEL - Seen and Not Heard : a Garland of Fancies for Victorian Children / Selected and Introduced by Nigel Temple
72187: TEMPLE, RICHARD, SIR (1826-1902) - India in 1880. by Sir Richard Temple, Bart
152703: TEMPLE, ALFRED GEORGE (1848-1928) - The Art of Painting in the Queen's Reign : Being a Glance At Some of the Painters and Paintings of the British School During the Last Sixty Years... / with Reproductions in Collotype of Seventy-Seven Paintings
193863: TEMPLE, WILLIAM (1881-1944) - Christ's revelation of God : three lectures
250170: TEMPLE, LAUNCELOT - Sketches or essays on various subjects: volume one
186166: TEMPLE, WILLIAM (1881-1944) ; PILGRIM TRUST (GREAT BRITAIN) - Men without work : a report made to the Pilgrim Trust / with an introduction by the Archbishop of York; and a preface by Lord Macmillan
186179: TEMPLE, WILLIAM (1881-1944) ; PILGRIM TRUST (GREAT BRITAIN) - Men without work : a report made to the Pilgrim Trust / with an introduction by the Archbishop of York; and a preface by Lord Macmillan
39004: TEMPLE, RUTH Z. AND TUCKER, MARTIN - Twentieth Century British Literature: a Reference Guide and Bibliography
168854: TEMPLE, ALFRED GEORGE (1848-1928), ED. - Sacred art; the Bible story pictured by eminent modern painters / edited by A.G. Temple
280840: TEMPLE, WILLIAM (1881-1944) - The wisdom of William Temple : an anthology from his writings
263646: TEMPLE, RICHARD SIR (1826-1902) - Lord Lawrence / Sir Richard Temple
236337: TEMPLE, RUTH ZABRISKIE (1908-) - The critic's alchemy : a study of the introduction of French symbolism into England
197941: TEMPLE, WILLIAM (1881-1944) - Christianity and war
90828: TEMPLEWOOD, SAMUEL JOHN GURNEY HEARE 1ST. VISCOUNT (1880-?) - Empire of the Air; the Advent of the Air Age, 1922-1929
191653: TENA FUENTES, SALVADOR - Testimoni historic de Naipes Comas / Salvador Tena Fuentes
207862: TENDERINI, MIRELLA; SHANDRICK, MICHAEL - The Duke of the Abruzzi : an explorer's life
28183: TENENBAUM, ELIZABETH BRODY (1944-) - The Problematic Self : Approaches to Identity in Stendhal, D. H. Lawrence, and Malraux / Elizabeth Brody Tenenbaum
91467: TENENBAUM, JOSEPH - The Riddle of Sex; the Medical and Social Aspects of Sex, Love and Marriage, by Joseph Tenenbaum, M. D.
191803: TENG, SSU-YU (B. 1906, COMP.) - An annotated bibliography of selected Chinese reference works / compiled by Ssu-yu Teng and Knight Biggerstaff
167830: TENG, HSIAO-PING - Report on the Revision of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China
75639: TENIN, VLAS - Moscow Nights (Sleep Soundly, Dear Comrade) ; a Fantastic Tale, by Vlas Tenin. Translated by Michel Le Masque
94349: TENNANT, EMMA - Woman Beware Woman
153123: TENNANT, A. E. - Studies in Polish Life and History
141265: TENNANT, A. E. - Studies in Polish Life and History, by A. E. Tennant
114749: TENNANT, EMMA (ED. ) - Bananas / Edited by Emma Tennant ; Art Editor Julian Rothenstein
74064: TENNEY, SANBORN (1827-1877) - Natural History. a Manual of Zoology for Schools, Colleges, and the General Reader
249023: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Poetical works of Alfred Lord Tennyson : including In memoriam, Maud, The princess, Idylls of the king, Enoch Arden, etc
32729: TENNYSON, SIR CHARLES. HOPE DYSON - The Tennysons : Background to Genius / Charles Tennyson and Hope Dyson
276661: TENNYSON, ALFRED - Harold a Drama by Alfred Tennyson
275596: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Elaine
275285: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892). DORÉ, GUSTAVE (1832-1883) [ILL.] - Guinevere by Alfred Tennyson: Illustrated by Gustave Doré
275286: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892). DORÉ, GUSTAVE (1832-1883) [ILLUS]. - Enid by Alfred Tennyson: illustrated by Gustave Doré
269176: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - The Lady of Shalott / Alfred, Lord Tennyson ; illustrated by Charles Keeping
268966: TENNYSON, HALLAM - The wall of dust : and other stories
265615: TENNYSON, ALFRED - The Works of Alfred Tennyson: poet laureate
265448: TENNYSON, ALFRED - The Works of Alfred Tennyson: poet laureate
260992: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Tennyson's poetical works / with introduction by Laurence Binyon
260360: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - In memoriam, Maud, and other poems
254225: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, poet laureate
253920: TENNYSON, ALFRED 1ST BARON - The poetical works of Alfred, lord Tennyson
240474: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Poems
223352: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892). DORE, GUSTAVE (1832-1883) - Vivien
200353: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - Tiresias and other poems
227753: TENNYSON, ALFRED 1ST BARON (1809-1892) - The Death of Œnone, Akbar's dream, and other poems
227754: TENNYSON, ALFRED BARON (1809-1892) - Harold : a drama
227755: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Becket
178966: TENNYSON, ALFRED (1809-1892) - Elaine
253177: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Selections from Tennyson / edited by J. Hubert Jagger
253078: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, poet laureate - 5 volumes
252647: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, poet laureate - 4 volumes
194836: TENNYSON, HALLAM (1921-) - Tito lifts the curtain : the story of Yugoslavia today
266170: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Idyls of the King
200355: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - Demeter, and other poems
178979: TENNYSON, HALLAM (1921-?) - Tito lifts the curtain : the story of Yugoslavia today
152818: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892). DORE, GUSTAVE (1832-1883) - The Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate
215500: TENNYSON, ALFRED - Ring out, wild Bells
208360: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) & GEORGE, ANDREW JACKSON (1855-1907) (EDS. ) - The poetical works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate
279033: TENNYSON, ALFRED - The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson ... : Complete in one volume
14856: ALFRED LORD TENNYSON - The Death of Oenone, Akbar's Dream and Other Poems
74520: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - Enoch Arden, & c.
5858: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - The Death of Oenone, Akbar's Dream & Other Poems
181200: TENNYSON, ALFRED (1809-1892) - The works of Alfred Tennyson - Poet Laureate
264246: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson: 12 volume in six
279798: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Maud : and other poems
125653: TENNYSON, CHARLES, SIR. CHRISTINE FALL - Alfred Tennyson; an Annotated Bibliography, by Charles Tennyson and Christine Fall
279216: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Enoch Arden, etc
165964: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - In Memoriam
200352: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - The death of Oenone, Akbar's dream and other poems
185473: TENNYSON, ALFRED 1ST BARON - The poetic and dramatic works of Alfred lord Tennyson [ed.] (by W.J. Rolfe)
171570: TENNYSON, ALFRED (1809-1892) - Poems of imagination and fancy
221728: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892). DORE, GUSTAVE (1832-1883) - Vivien
279861: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Poems / Alfred Tennyson ; with illustrations by Millais, Stanfield, Creswick, Mulready, Horsley, etc
213683: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson Poet Laureate
279271: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON - The poetic and dramatic works of Alfred Lord Tennyson : with one hundred and twenty-seven illustrations
101898: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - The Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson
134940: TENNYSON, HALLAM - Tito Lifts the Curtain : the Story of Yugoslavia Today
161998: TENNYSON, ALFRED (1809-1892) - The Poems of Alfred Tennyson
45759: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, BARON (1809-1892) - Queen Mary, a Drama
89903: TENNYSON, HALLAM (1921-) - Saint on the March; the Story of Vinoba
99044: TENNYSON, HALLAM (1921-?) - Saint on the March; the Story of Vinoba
221732: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892). DORE, GUSTAVE (1832-1883) - Elaine, by Alfred Tennyson. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
278761: TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON BARON (1809-1892) - Tennyson
141057: TENOT, EUGENE (1839-1890). DUBOST, ANTONIN - Les Suspects En 1858 : Etude Historique Sur L'Application De La Loi De Sureté Générale : Emprisonnements - Transportations / Par Eugene Tenot Et Antonin Dubost
127433: TENOT, EUGENE (1839-1890) - La Province En Decembre 1851 : Etude Historique Sur Le Coup D'Etat / Par Eugene Tenot
206972: TENOT, EUGENE (1839-1890) - Paris en decembre, 1851 : etude historique sur le coup d'etat / par Eugene Tenot
46633: TENREIRO, RAMON MARIA (B. 1879) - The Handmaid of the Lord ...
234408: TENSCHERT, ROLAND - Musikerbrevier : nachdenkliches und ergotzliches aus dem Reich der Musik
92001: CONFERENCE ON TENSIONS IN DEVELOPMENT (1961 : OXFORD UNIVERSITY) ; COUNCIL ON WORLD TENSIONS - Restless Nations; a Study of World Tensions and Development. Foreword by Lester B. Pearson
170446: COUNCIL ON WORLD TENSIONS - Restless nations: a study of world tensions and development
186465: TENTLER, LESLIE WOODCOCK - Wage-earning women : industrial work and family life in the United States, 1900-1930 / Leslie Woodcock Tentler
250132: TENZ, JOHANN MARTIN - The tabernacle of the Israelites and their offerings
185060: TEODOROV-BALAN, ALEKSANDUR - Les Bulgares dans la Moravie du sud-ouest : d'apres J. von Hahn (1858) / interprete par A. Theodorow-Balan
217511: TEODOROV, YURDAN P. - Vuzpomenaniya po vustaniyata v Turnovskiya sandzhak prez 1876 godina i po sudenieto na bulgarskite vustanitsi v Turnovo. [Language: Bulgarian]
272115: TEPP, MAX - Arboles y arbustos de la Cordillera patagónica / Bosquejos forestales por Max Tepp; libre adaptación del alemán por Edmundo Wernicke
233948: TEPPNER, FRIEDRICH - Duell-Regeln fur Officiere und Nachschlagebuch in Ehrenangelegenheiten
26066: DE TERAN, LISA ST. AUBIN - Indiscreet Journeys - Stories of Women on the Road
253943: TERENCE. MURET, MARC ANTOINE (1526-1585) - Pub. Terentius a M. Antonio Mureto emendatus, et argumentis in singulas fabulas & scenas illustratus. Denuò ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatissimè excusus. Accessit index vocum antiquarum apud Terentium
61118: TERENCE - The Comedies of Terence. Literally Translated Into English Prose, with Notes. by Henry Thomas Riley... . Which is Added the Blank Verse Translation of George Colman
263324: TERENCE - The Andrian, Heautontimoreumenos, and Hecyra of Terence
93442: TERENTIUS, PUBLIUS AFER. [TERENCE (186 OR 5 B. C. - CA. 161 B. C. ) ] - Publii Terentii Afri Comoediæ
254717: TERESA OF AVILA, SAINT (1515-1582) - The Life of Saint Teresa. Taken from the French of “A Carmelite Nun” by Alice Lady Lovat. With a preface by Mgr. Robert Hugh Benson
164812: TERFVE, JEAN - Notre Place Est Dans Les Syndicats
64663: TERHORST, JERALD F. - Gerald Ford and the Future of the Presidency
262610: TERHUNE HERRICK, CHRISTINE - Consolidated library of modern cooking and household recipes
279395: TERHUNE, ALBERT PAYSON - The story of Damon and Pythias by Albert Payson Terhune ; adapted and illustrated from the photo-play conceived and produced by the Universal Film Manufacturing Company
74746: TERHUNE, WILLIAM BARCLAY (1893-1987) - Living Wisely and Well : a Discussion of Techniques of Personal Adjustment
89534: TERKEL, STUDS (1912-?) - Talking to Myself : a Memoir of My Times
43149: TERKEL, STUDS - Talking to Myself - a Memoir of My Times
26962: TERKEL, STUDS - The Great Divide - Second Thoughts on the American Dream
160681: TERKEL, STUDS (1912-2008) - Coming of Age : the Story of Our Century by Those Who've Lived it / Studs Terkel
160531: TERKEL, STUDS (1912-2008) - American Dreams, Lost and Found / Studs Terkel
137703: TERKEL, STUDS (1912-2008) - Talking to Myself : a Memoir of My Times / Studs Terkel
114109: TERKEL, STUDS (1912-2008) - Talking to Myself : a Memoir of My Times / Studs Terkel
161116: TERKEL, STUDS, 1912-2008 - American Dreams, Lost and Found / Studs Terkel
174542: VAN TERLAM, J. L. M. EGGEN - Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Vlaamsche Beweging gedurende den oorlog / door J. L. M. Eggen van Terlan
176492: TERLECKI, TYMON - Polska a Zachod : proba syntezy / Tymon Terlecki [Language : Polish]
147786: TERLINDEN, CHARLES ALEXIS JACQUES JOSEPH MARIE, VISCOUNT - La Revolution Belge De 1830 Racontee Par Les Affiches. Avec Commentaire Explicatif Par Ch. Terlinden
106347: TERMAN, DOUGLAS - Shell Game : a Novel
119479: TERMAN, LEWIS MADISON (1877-1956) - Measuring Intelligence: a Guide to the Administration of the New Revised Stanford-Binet Tests of Intelligence, by Lewis M. Terman and Maud A. Merrill
29249: TERMAN, LEWIS M. AND LIMA, MARGARET - Children's Reading - a Guide for Parents and Teachers
228862: TERNI DE GREGORY, WINIFRED - Vecchi mobili italiani
218597: TERNOVSKIY, G. V. - Diorama shturm sapun gory 7 maya 1944 goda [Language: Russian]
162013: TERPENNING, WALTER ABRAM (1886-) - Village and Open-Country Neighborhoods
184870: TERPESHEV, DOBRI - Bulgaria's five-year plan : report submitted to the V Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party
235670: DE TERRA, HELMUT (1900-) - Man and mammoth in Mexico; translated from the German by Alan Houghton Brodrick
77979: TERRACE, VINCENT (1948-) - Radio's Golden Years : the Encyclopedia of Radio Programs, 1930-1960 / Vincent Terrace
25397: TERRACE, EDWARD LEE BOCKMAN - Treasures of Egyptian Art from the Cairo Museum : a Centennial Exhibition, 1970-71 / [by] Edward L. B. Terrace and Henry G. Fischer
276747: TERRAINE, JOHN - Mons, the retreat to victory
276361: TERRAINE, JOHN - To win a war : 1918 the year of Victory / John Terraine
264771: TERRAINE, JOHN - The mighty continent : a view of Europe in the twentieth century / John Terraine
166598: TERRAINE, JOHN - The U-Boat Wars, 1916-1945 / John Terraine
165515: TERRAINE, JOHN - The Mighty Continent : a View of Europe in the Twentieth Century / John Terraine
273152: TERRAINE, JOHN - Mons : the retreat to victory / John Terraine
280163: TERRAINE, JOHN - To win a war : 1918, the year of victory
25591: TERRAINE, JOHN - The Western Front 1914-1918
93441: TERRAINE, JOHN - The Western Front, 1914-1918
155602: TERRAROLI, VALERIO - Skira dictionary of modern decorative arts : 1851-1942
103910: TERRAROLI, VALIERO - Great Museums of Italy
11726: TERRAS, JOHN - Poems Mainly Masonic
185992: TERRELL, JOHN UPTON (1900- ) - War for the Colorado River : Volume 2 : Above Lee's Ferry - The Upper Basin
185448: TERRELL, RICHARD - Soviet understanding
160590: TERRELL, BOB - The Ralph Sexton Story - from the Mountains Came the Light
88145: TERRELL, JOHN UPTON - The Six Turnings; Major Changes in the American West, 1806-1834
221434: TERRES, JOHN K; NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY - The Audubon Society encyclopedia of North American birds
75063: TERRES, JOHN K. , ED. - Discovery; Great Moments in the Lives of Outstanding Naturalists. with Wood Engravings by Thomas W. Nason.
165842: TERRIER, AUGUSTE (1873-1932) - Le Maroc / Par Auguste Terrier
274218: TERRILL, ROSS - 800,000,000 : the real China / Ross Terrill
24398: TERRILL, ROSS - Flowers on an Iron Tree - Five Cities of China
148595: TERRILL, ROSS - R. H. Tawney and His Times : Socialism As Fellowship / [By] Ross Terrill
106495: TERRILL, ROSS - Flowers on an Iron Tree : Five Cities of China
256027: TERRINS, DEIRDRE - 100 years of Fabian socialism, 1884-1984 / [edited and co-ordinated for the Fabian Society by Deirdre Terrins and Phillip Whitehead]
14176: TERRIS, SUSAN - Author! Author!
217169: WORLD PEACE COUNCIL. COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO ISRAELI VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES - Israeli violations of human rights in occupied Arab territories : report of the second session of a WPC international inquiry commission
45227: TERRY, MARTIN - Masterpieces of Australian Painting
134670: TERRY, JEAN F. - Northumberland Yesterday and To-Day
234338: TERRY, CHARLES SANFORD (1864-1936) - Bach's Orchestra
132235: TERRY, CHARLES SANFORD (1864-1936) - The Young Pretender
132160: TERRY, CHARLES SANFORD (1864-1936) - The Chevalier De St. George and Jacobite Movements, 1701-20
231835: TERRY, CHARLES SANFORD - Johann Sebastian Bach : Eine Lebensgeschichte. Mit e. Geleitwort v. Karl Straube. Mit 33 Bildtaf
173167: TERRY, ELLEN (1847-1928) - Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw : a correspondence / edited by Christopher St. John
231888: TERRY, CHARLES SANFORD (1864-1936) - Johann Sebastian Bach : eine lebensgeschichte / Mit einem Geleitwort von Karl Straube
166923: TERRY, JEAN F. - Northumberland yesterday and today
52319: TERRY, ROBERT JAMES - An Introduction to the Study of Human Anatomy
198881: TERRY, CHARLES SANFORD (1864-1936) - The Jacobites and the union: being a narrative of the movements of 1708, 1715, 1719
198209: TERSMEDEN, CARL, ADMIRAL (1715-1797) - Amiral Carl Tersmedens Memoarer [6 volumes - Language: Swedish]
28830: TERTS, ABRAM (1925-1997). DANIEL, IULII (1925-). HAYWARD, MAX - On Trial : the Soviet State Versus 'Abram Tertz' and 'Nikolai Arzhak' / Translated, Edited, and with an Introduction by Max Hayward
74496: TERTZ, ABRAM (1925-1997) - On Trial : the Soviet State Versus 'Abram Tertz' and 'Nikolai Arzhak' / Translated, edited and with an introduction by Max Hayward
165924: TERY, GUSTAVE - Jaures
220414: TERZIBASCHITSCH, STEFAN - Escort carriers and aviation support ships of the U.S. Navy
281027: TESCHEMACHER, E. [WORDS]. SANDERSON, WILFRED [MUSIC] - Until: song: the words by Edward Teschemacher: the music by Wilfred Sanderson
220142: TESCHNER, RUDOLF ; MILES, TONY - It's your move
102749: TESLA, NIKOLA (1856-1943) - Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency : a Lecture Delivered before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London
198420: VAN TESLAAR, JAMES SAMUEL, 1886- [ED.] - An outline of psychoanalysis
199911: TESNIERE, MARIE-HELENE. GIFFORD, PROSSER - Creating French culture : treasures from the Bibliotheque nationale de France / introduction by Emmanuel LeRoy Ladurie ; edited by Marie-Helene Tesniere and Prosser Gifford
106460: TESNOHLIDEK, RUDOLF (1882-1928) - The Cunning Little Vixen / Rudolf Tesnohlidek ; Translated by Tatiana Firkusny, Maritza Morgan & Robert T. Jones ; Afterword by Robert T. Jones ; Pictures by Maurice Sendak
184109: TESSIER, ARLETTE - Gaza
203863: TESSIN, CARL GUSTAF (1695-1770) - Carl Gustaf Tessins Dagbok 1748-1752 / utgifven af Sigrid Leijonhufvud
206287: TESSON, DE, L. - Voyage au Mont Sinai
219101: BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT - The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised
128282: TESTE, LOUIS (1844-1926) - Viaje Por España (1872) / Luis Teste ; Traducido Por Sara De Struuck ; Prologo De Felipe Maldonado
152952: TESTIBUS, A. , PSEUD. - Le Parlement Dans La Tempete / A. Testibus [Pseud. ]
181688: TESTUT, OSCAR - L'Internationale / Oscar Testut
29518: TETARD, GEORGES - Essais Sur Jean Jaures : Suivis D'Une Bibliographie Methodique Et Critique : Illustres De Gravures Et De Documents Hors-Texte / Georges Tetard
134137: TETARD, GEORGES - Essais Sur Jean Jaures
113133: TETENS, TETE HARENS - The New Germany and the Old Nazis
95144: TETHER, PHILIP & ROBINSON, DAVID (1941-?) - Preventing Alcohol Problems : a Guide to Local Action
142108: TETLOW, JOHN. ANTHONY GOSS - Homes, Towns and Traffic [By] John Tetlow & Anthony Goss
142196: TETLOW, JOHN. ANTHONY GOSS - Homes, Towns, and Traffic [By] John Tetlow & Anthony Goss
33220: TETLOW, JOHN. ANTHONY GOSS - Homes, Towns, and Traffic
12321: TETLOW, EDWIN - The United Nations - the First 25 Years
239341: TETTERODE, N - Libra : normaal en mager
239339: TETTERODE, N - Libra : normaal en mager
137785: TEUCHERT, EMIL. E. W. HAUPT - Messingblas-Und Schlaginstrumente [Musik-Instrumentenkunde in Wort Und Bild. III. Teil]
202970: TEUNIS, H. B. [ED.] - Middeleeuwen : tussen Erasmus en heden : bundel aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. F.W.N. Hugenholtz ... / onder redactie van H.B. Teunis en L. van Tongerloo
235203: TEUSCH, JOSEF - Der Zolibat: des katholischen priesters: eine seelsorgliche belehrung
171218: TEUSTSCH, FRIEDRICH - Denkrede auf D. Georg Daniel Teutsch
141619: TEUTSCH, FRIEDRICH (1852-1933) - Die Siebenburger Sachsen in Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart
246239: TEUTSCHAMANN, HEINRICH - Adalbert Stifters gegenwärtiges Wort
30759: TEVETH, SHABTAI - Moshe Dayan
21666: TEVETH, SHABTAI - The Cursed Blessing : the Story of Israel's Occupation of the West Bank / Translated from the Hebrew by Myra Bank
187580: TEW, BRIAN - International monetary co-operation, 1945-52
143031: TEW, BRIAN - Wealth and Income : an Analysis of the Economic and Financial Systems of Australia and Great Britain
144203: TEW, BRIAN. R. F. HENDERSON (EDS. ) - Studies in Company Finance; a Symposium on the Economic Analysis and Interpretation of British Company Accounts, Edited by Brian Tew and R. F. Henderson
194565: TEW, BRIAN - International monetary co-operation, 1945-52
270503: TEWSON, VINCENT [ED.] - Report of Proceedings at the 80th Annual Trades Union Congress: held at Margate: September 6th to 10th, 1948
243256: TEWSON, VINCENT. MCINTOSH, J - Report of Proceedings at the 78th Annual Trades Union Congress held at Brighton: October 21st to 25th, 1946
215076: TEWSON, VINCENT, ED. - Report of proceedings at the 86th annual Trades Union Congress : held at the Dome Brighton September 6 to 10 1954 / edited by Vincent Tewson
215070: TEWSON, VINCENT, ED. - Report of proceedings at the 81st annual Trades Union Congress : held at the Spa Royal Hall Bridlington September 5th to 9th 1949 / edited by Vincent Tewson
103832: TEXANA (ILLUS. ) - People of the World, Painted by Texana - Portfolio I. Portfolio One Only
56279: TEXANA (1918-) - People of the World - [Related Titles: Peuple Du Monde] Portfolio II
272034: TEXIER, EDMOND (1816-1881) - Tableau de Paris / par Edmond Texier ; ouvrage illustré de quinze cents gravures d'après les dessins de Blanchard (Phar.) ... [et al.]: two volumes
132892: TEXTE, JOSEPH (1865-1900) - Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Cosmopolitan Spirit in Literature : a Study of the Literary Relations between France and England During the Eighteenth Century
189239: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. DEPT. OF TEXTILES - Guide to the collection of carpets
249386: TEY, JOSEPHINE - A Schilling for Candles
250865: TEY, JOSEPHINE - The franchise affair
45318: TEYNAC, FRANCOISE - Wallpaper, a history
275708: TEZCAN, HÜLYA - The Topkapi Saray Museum : carpets / translated, expanded and edited by J.M. Rogers from the original Turkish by Hülye Tezcan
250411: HARLEY : TFM - Pioneers in surgical gastroenterology / edited by Walford Gillison & Henry Buchwald
214867: NIHON KYOSAN-TO. CONGRESS. 11TH. (1970 : TOKYO) - Perspectives of the 1970's and tasks of the Communist Party of Japan : main documents of the 11th Congress
279074: THACHER, JAMES (1754-1844) - American medical biography: or, memoirs of eminent physicians who have flourished in America. To which is prefixed a succinct history of medical science in the United States from the first settlement of the country ; vol. 2
94138: THACHER, JAMES (1754-1844) - History of the Town of Plymouth : from its First Settlement in 1620, to the Year 1832
101067: THACHER, JAMES - American Medical Biography; Or, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians Who Have Flourished in America, to Which is Prefixed a Succinct History of Medical Science in the United States from the First Settlement of the Country
220160: THACHER, JAMES (1754-1844) - History of the town of Plymouth : from its first settlement in 1620, to the year 1832
274782: THACKER, CHRISTOPHER - The genius of gardening : the history of gardens in Britain and Ireland / Christopher Thacker
222867: THACKER, ERIC. ANTHONY EARNSHAW (1924-2001) - Musrum / Eric Thacker & Anthony Earnshaw
229220: THACKER, JOHN - The art of cookery
277514: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - A collection of letters of W.M. Thackeray, 1847-1855 : with portraits and reproductions of letters and drawings
276579: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The history of Henry Esmond, Esq. : a colonel in the service of Her Majesty Queen Anne
276260: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The history of Henry Esmond Esq
273686: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Virginians : a tale of the last century
272094: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Four Georges ... With a preface by Gordon Home, four portraits in colour, and twelve illustrations in black & white
270826: THACKERAY, LANCE - The people of Egypt
270267: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). - The letters and private papers of William Makepeace Thackeray / edited by Edgar F. Harden. Vol. 2: 1841-1851
270143: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Drawn from life : the journalism of William Makepeace Thackery / William Makepeace Thackeray, with drawings by the author, selected, edited and with an introduction by Margaret Forster
268836: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Drawn from life : the journalism of William Makepeace Thackery / William Makepeace Thackeray, with drawings by the author, selected, edited and with an introduction by Margaret Forster
268789: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The book of snobs : and other contributions to Punch by William Makepeace Thackeray ; with illustrations by the author and John Leech and Harry Furniss
267910: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The Rose and the Ring : Or, the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo
267911: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by way of Lisbon,Athens, Constantinople, and Jerusalem: performed in the steamers of the Peninsular and oriental company
261780: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - A legend of the Rhine : Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. and The book of snobs
261775: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Early and Late Papers hitherto uncollected. [With an introductory note inscribed J. T. F., i.e. J. T. Fields.]
260449: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). PENDENNIS, ARTHUR [EDITOR]. DOYLE, RICHARD (1824-1883) - The Newcomes : memoirs of a most respectable family / edited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. ; with illustrations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle: in two volumes
257698: THACKERAY, WILLIAM - The Paris sketch book ; The Irish sketch book ; and, Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo
254247: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray: in nine volumes
247913: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The rose and the ring, or, The history of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo : a fireside pantomime for great and small children
234271: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). BUCHANAN-BROWN, JOHN - The illustrations of William Makepeace Thackeray / [compiled and introduced by] John Buchanan-Brown
232833: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Irish sketch book, 1842 / William Makepeace Thackeray ; with an introduction by John A. Gamble
262423: THACKERAY, REV. FRANCIS - A History of the Right Honorable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham: containing his speeches in parliament; a considerable portion of his correspondence, when secretary of state, upon French, Spanish, and American Affairs, never before published: vol. I
261865: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - English humorists
253137: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray - in 14 volumes
253089: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Collected Works of William Makepeace Thackeray: in 11 volumes
253085: THACKERAY, W.M - Works of W.M. Thackeray - 16 volumes
253066: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Virginians : a tale of the last century
252957: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray - in 11 volumes
252952: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - William Makepeace Thackeray's Works. The Pocket Edition - in 12 volumes
252932: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Thackeray's Miscellanies in 10 volumes
252877: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Works of Thackeray: in seven volumes
229759: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Sultan Stork : and other stories and sketches
252678: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Collected Works of William Makepeace Thackeray: in twelve volumes
252675: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray - 23 volumes
252632: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). PENDENNIS, ARTHUR. THIRKELL, ANGELA. ARDIZZONE, EDWARD [ILLUSTRATOR] - The Newcomes : memoirs of a most respectable family, edited by Arthur Pendennis Esq.
222960: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The four Georges. The English humourists of the eighteenth century
223088: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Burlesques : Novels by eminent hands ; Jeames's diary ; The history of the next French revolution ; A legend of the Rhine ; Adventures of Major Gahagan
223089: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Contributions to 'Punch' : (not previously reprinted)
253237: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray - 23 volumes
261498: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The Works : Vol. 8 - The Great Hoggarty Diamond ; Memoirs of Mr. C.J. Yellowplush ; Burlesques
251102: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond
215040: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Vanity Fair : a novel without a hero
279315: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Virginians. : a tale of the last century.
222423: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Newcomes : memoirs of a most respectable family / edited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. ; with illustrations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle
250111: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Barry Lyndon
194257: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Notes of a journey from Cornhill to grand Cairo : by way of Lisbon, Athens, Constantinople, and Jerusalem, performed in the steamers of the Peninsular and Oriental Company
214438: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The history of Henry Esmond, Esq., a colonel in the service of Her Majesty Q. Anne, written by himself / William Makepeace Thackeray; with a new introduction by Laura Bene´t and illustrations by Edward Ardizzon
214415: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Vanity fair : a novel without a hero / William Makepeace Thackeray ; with the illustrations of the author
201185: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray with biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie [Volume x The Virginians]
188760: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The English humourists of the eighteenth century
247455: THACKERAY MAKEPEACE, WILLIAM - Vanity Fair: A Novel Without A Hero
232637: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Ballads, by William Makepeace Thackeray, with Illustrations by the Author, Mrs. Butler (Miss Elizabeth Thompson) , George Du Maurier, John Collier, H. Furniss, G. G. Kilburne, M. Fitzgerald, and J. P. Atkinson
129571: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). DOYLE, RICHARD (1824-1883) , ILLUS. - The Newcomes : Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family / Edited by Arthur Pendennis ; with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by Richard Doyle - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
103944: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The Rose and the Ring. Illustrated in Black and Color by J. H. Tinker
76969: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Virginians. a Tale of the Last Century. by W. M. Thackeray ... with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by the Author ... - [Complete in Two Volumes]
269033: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The English humourists of the eighteenth century
268526: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The history of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy. With illustrations on steel and wood by the author - complete in 2 volumes
224103: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) - The comic almanack : an ephemeris in jest and earnest, containing merry tales, humorous poetry, quips and oddities
132118: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) & HUTTON, CLARK - The History of Henry Esmond : Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne
237596: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Vanity fair
214094: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The history of Henry Esmond, Esq., a colonel in the service of Her Majesty Q. Anne, written by himself / William Makepeace Thackeray; with a new introduction by Laura Bene´t and illustrations by Edward Ardizzon
279338: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Roundabout Papers ; The Four Georges ; The English Humourists ; to which is added The Second Funeral of Napoleon
264115: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The history of Henry Esmond, Esq., a colonel in the service of Her Majesty Queen Anne
267919: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond
252677: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Collected works of William Makepeace Thackeray: with illustrations by the author and Frederick Walker: in 11 volumes
279485: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray, 4 volumes
264113: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The Newcomes : memoirs of a most respectable family
115437: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Ballads, by William Makepeace Thackeray, with Illustrations by the Author, Mrs. Butler (Miss Elizabeth Thompson) , George Du Maurier, John Collier, H. Furniss, G. G. Kilburne, M. Fitzgerald, and J. P. Atkinson
37976: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Great Hoggarty Diamond : the History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond / with Illustrations by H. Thomson
213082: THACKERAY, W. M. (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE) (1811-1863) - The four Georges : and, The English humourists of the eighteenth century
174212: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The English humourists of the eighteenth century : a series of lectures
222350: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) & HUTTON, CLARK - Cornhill Magazine - July 1911. With the new Thackeray material recently discovered
177052: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - A collection of letters of W.M. Thackeray, 1847-1855 : with portraits and reproductions of letters and drawings
175147: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The chronicle of the drum
201189: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray [complete in 22 volumes]
181615: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). DOYLE, RICHARD (1824-1883) [ILL.] - The Newcomes : memoirs of a most respectable family / edited by A. Pendennis, Esqre. ; illustrated by Richard Doyle - [complete in 2 volumes]
181803: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The Virginians. a Tale of the Last Century. by W. M. Thackeray ... with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by the Author ... - [Complete in Two Volumes]
87649: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - A Collection of Letters of Thackeray, 1847-1855
218326: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray. [Charterhouse edition : complete in 26 volumes]
212362: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - Vanity fair : a novel without a hero / William Makepeace Thackeray with illustrations by the author.
252667: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The works of William Makepeace Thackeray - 14 volumes
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226095: THAI, VINH. JAMES KIRKUP (TRANSL. ) - Ancestral voices : recollections of Chungking, August-December, 1943 / [by] Vinh Thai. Translated by James Kirkup
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67024: THALACKER, DONALD W. JOHANNESSEN, JOY - The Place of Art in the World of Architecture / Donald W. Thalacker ; Editor, Joy Johannessen ; Prefaced by Sam Hunter
10011: THALBERG, IRVING - Enigmas of Agency Studies in the Philosophy of Human Action
233761: THALGOTT, MICHAEL - Die Zisterzienser von Kerz : Zusammenhange
232942: THALHOFER, FRANZ XAVER - Unterricht und Bildung im Mittelalter
265401: THALMANN, RITA AND FEINERMANN (EMMANUEL) - Crystal night, 9-10 November 1938. (Translated by Gilles Cremonesi.)
21387: THALMANN, RITA AND EMMANUEL FEINERMANN - Crystal Night; 9-10 November 1938
175116: THANET, OCTAVE (1850-1934) - The lion's share, by Octave Thanet [pseud.] with illustrations by E. M. Ashe
192910: THARAUD, JEROME (1874-1953) - Petite histoire des Juifs
139466: THARAUD, JEROME (1874-1953). THARAUD, JEAN (1877-1952) - L'Ombre De La Croix / Par Jerome Et Jean Tharaud
135875: THARAUD, JEROME (1874-1953). THARAUD, JEAN (1877-1952) - La Bataille à Scutari D'Albanie / Jerome Et Jean Tharaud
144227: THARAUD, JEROME (1874-1953). JACQUES THARAUD - La Tragedie De Ravaillac / Jerome Et Jacques Tharaud
172064: THARAUD, JEROME AND JEAN - Fez, ou les bourgeois de l'Islam / par Jerome et Jean Tharaud
192727: THARAUD, JEROME (1874-1953) - Quand Israel n'est plus roi
176097: THARAUD, JEROME (1874-1953) - Marrakech; ou, les Seigneurs de l'Atlas
159790: THARAUD, JEROME. THARAUD (JEAN) - Causerie Sur Israel
165482: THARAUD, JEROME - Causerie Sur Israel
165563: THARAUD, JEROME, (1874-1953). THARAUD, JEAN - Alerte En Syrie! / Jerome Et Jean Tharaud
196176: THARAUD, JEROME (1874-1953) - La Bataille a Scutari d'Albanie
57226: THARP, LOUISE HALL (1898-) - Three Saints and a Sinner: Julia Ward Howe, Louisa, Annie, Sam Ward
14839: THARP, LOUISE HALL - The Baroness and the General
176957: THARP, LOUISE HALL (1898-) - Adventurous alliance : the story of the Agassiz family of Boston
64798: THARP, LOUISE HALL (1898-) - The Peabody Sisters of Salem
160254: THARP, LOUISE HALL (1898- ) - Until Victory: Horace Mann and Mary Peabody
51172: THARP, LOUISE HALL - Adventurous Alliance - the Story of the Agassiz Family of Boston
161852: THASS-THIENEMANN, THEODORE (1890- ) - Understanding the Symbolic Meaning of Language
273194: THATCHER, CAROL - A swim-on part in the goldfish bowl : a memoir
270777: THATCHER, CAROL - Below the parapet : the biography of Denis Thatcher / Carol Thatcher
234857: THATCHER, MARGARET - The Downing Street years
196533: THATCHER, G. W. (ED. ) - Judges and Ruth / introduction; revised version with notes, giving an analysis showing from which of the original documents each portion of the text is taken edited by Rev G. W. Thatcher
226737: THAW, GEORGE - Second helpings : a taste of the Glenfiddich Awards
111735: THAXTER, CELIA (1835-1894) - Letters of Celia Thaxter, Ed. by Her Friends A. F. and R. L.
32744: THAYER, GEORGE - The War Business - the International Trade in Armaments
275347: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - Italica : studies in Italian life and letters
275327: THAYER, WILLIAM M. (1820-1898) - From log-cabin to White House : life of James A. Garfield, President of the United States : boyhood, youth, manhood, assassination
270269: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - The life and letters of John Hay
259128: THAYER, WILLIAM M - From log cabin to White House : the story of President Garfield's life
257761: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - The life and times of Cavour
134648: THAYER, GEORGE - The British Political Fringe; a Profile
22382: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - The Life and Letters of John Hay, by William Roscoe Thayer - Vols. I. & II. Complete in Two Volumes
76005: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - Theodore Roosevelt; an Intimate Biography
89301: THAYER, PHILIP WARREN (1893-1966) - RELATED NAME: JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL OF ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL STUDIES - Nationalism and Progress in Free Asia. with the Assistance of William T. Phillips; Introd. by Chester Bowles
117495: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - The Life and Letters of John Hay, by William Roscoe Thayer. Volumes I & II - Complete
115403: THAYER, JOHN ADAMS - Astir; a Publisher's Life-Story, by John Adams Thayer
279955: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - Theodore Roosevelt : an intimate biography
36203: THAYER, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1820-1898) - Charles Jewett: Life and Recollections
39061: THAYER, WILLIAM M. - The Printer Boy; Or, How Ben Franklin Made His Mark. An Example for Youth
40255: THAYER, WILLIAM M. - Pastor's Wedding Gift
174210: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE (1859-1923) - Theodore Roosevelt, an intimate biography
280108: THAYER, ELI (1819-1899) - A history of the Kansas crusade : its friends and its foes
142216: THAYER, GEORGE - The British Political Fringe; a Profile
49968: THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE - Letters of John Holmes to James Russell Lowell and Others
276381: THEAL, GEORGE MCCALL (1837-1919) - Catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to Africa south of the Zambesi, etc. / George McCall Theal
264485: THEAR, KATIE - Part-time farming / Katie Thear
270425: ODEON THEATRE - Above Us the Waves: premiere in aid of King George's Fund for Sailors
261663: THE MEDFORD THEATRE - The Prince of Pilsen presented for the Medford Visting Nurse Association, Medford theatre, May 14 - 15, 1928
240868: PLAY BILL THEATRE - Play Bill Collection from the 1950s (U.S. and Paris)
216713: WERBA'S BROOKLYN THEATRE - Werba's Brooklyn Theatre / Louis F. Werba [Promotional publication]
192642: ABBEY THEATRE - The honey spike
113807: MERMAID THEATRE (LONDON) - The Mermaid Theatre Review, 1959
150619: HOLLIS ST. THEATRE - Hollis St. Theatre
244594: THÉBAUD, AUGUSTUS J - The Irish race in the past and the present
167520: THEBAUD, FRITZ ANTOINE - M. le president CNG, la revolution est aux portes: schema repetitif ou non?
127398: THEBERGE, JAMES DANIEL - The Soviet Presence in Latin America
225734: THEDENAT, HENRY - Pompei / Henry Thedenat
42464: THEEN, ROLF H. W. - Lenin - Genesis and Development of a Revolutionary
152901: THEILHABER, FELIX A. - Schicksal Und Leistung : Juden in Der Deutschen Forschung Und Technik / Felix A. Theilhaber
216394: THEIMER, WALTER - The Penguin political dictionary
161862: THEINER, AUGUSTIN (1804-1874) - L'Eglise Schismatique Russe, D'Apres Les Relations Recentes Du Pretendu Saint-Synode / Par Le P. Theiner ; Ouvrage Traduit De L'Italien Par Monseigneur Luquet, Et Precede D'Une Lettre Aux Eveques De Russie, Par Le Meme Prelat
149975: THEINER, AUGUSTIN (1804-1874) - L'Eglise Schismatique Russe, D'Apres Les Relations Recentes Du Pretendu Saint-Synode / Par Le P. Theiner ; Ouvrage Traduit De L'Italien Par Monseigneur Luquet, Et Precede D'Une Lettre Aux Eveques De Russie, Par Le Meme Prelat
193713: THEINER, AUGUSTIN (1804-1874) - L' Eglise schismatique russe, d'apres les relations recentes du pretendu Saint-Synode / par le P. Theiner ; ouvrage traduit de l'italien par monseigneur Luquet, et precede d'une lettre aux eveques de Russie, par le meme prelat
62947: THEINHARDT, MARKETA - Prague : Hidden Splendors / Marketa Theinhardt, Pascal Varejka ; Translated from the French by Deke Dusinberre ; Photography by Pavel Stecha
209034: THELEN, HERBERT ARNOLD (1913-?) - Education and the human quest
253347: THELWELL - Thelwell's compleat tangler
160785: THELWELL, NORMAN (1923- ) - This Desirable Plot; a Dream-House Hunter's Nightmare [By] Thelwell
251455: THELWELL, NORMAN - Thelwell's Riding Academy
262941: THELWELL, NORMAN - A plank bridge by a pool / Norman Thelwell
247472: THELWELL, NORMAN - The Penguin Thelwell
163951: THEMISTOCLES, HOETIS (ED. ) - Zero Anthology No. 8 of Literature and Art
141216: THENARD, JEAN FRANCOIS (1822-1896) - Bailliages De Versailles Et De Meudon : Les Cahiers Des Paroisses Avec Commentaires Accompagnes De Quelques Cahiers De Cures / Recueillis Et Publies Par M. Thenard
57515: THEOBALD, ROBERT - Avoiding 1984 : Moving Toward Interdependence / Robert Theobald
246982: THEOBALD, TERRY - Well and Truly Hooked
152773: THEOBALD, JOHN JACOB (1905-) - Hydraulics for Firemen : with Problems and Solutions
94508: THEOBALDUS EPISCOPUS. POZZATTI, RUDY (1925-) ILLUS. BARNSTONE, WILLIS (1927-) TR. - Physiologus Theobaldi Episcopi De Naturis Duodecim Animalium: the Latin Text; an English Translation by Willis Barnstone. with Woodcuts and Lithographs by Rudy Pozzatti
268663: THÉOCRITE - Les Idylles, mises en français par André Berry et Edgar Valès, avec 47 dessins de Paul Belmondo et une typographie par Maximilien Vox
274086: THEOCRITUS - The Greek bucolic poets / with an English translation by J.M. Edmonds
33879: THEODORAKIS, MIKIS - Journals of Resistance / Translated from the French by Graham Webb
151170: THEODORAKIS, MIKIS - Journals of Resistance / Translated from the French by Graham Webb
146231: THEODORE (1862-1946) - World Court and League of Peace
268395: THEOFILES, GEORGE - American posters of World War I : a price and collector's guide
169461: THEOHARIS, ATHAN G. - The boss : J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition / Athan G. Theoharis and John Stuart Cox
280935: PERKINS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY - The Perkins School of Theology journal - vol. 22 Spring 1969
275766: THEOPHILUS ACTIVE 6TH CENTURY. REITZ, WILHELM OTTO (1702-1768). SCHRADER, EDUARD (1779-1860) - Theophili paraphrasis Justiniani Institutionum : secundum versionem latinam / G.O. Reitzii. Accedunt Justiniani Institutiones cum variarum lectionem delectu ex recensione E. Schrader
274473: THEOPHRASTUS - The Characters of Theophrastus / newly edited and translated by J.M. Edmonds. Herodes, Cercidas and the Greek choliambic poets : (except Callimachus and Babrius) ; edited and translated by A.D. Knox
256955: THEOPHRASTUS. LA BRUYÈRE, JEAN DE - Les Caracteres de Theophraste traduits du grec, avec Les caracteres ou Les mœurs de ce siecle, par mr. de la Bruyere, et la clef: tome premier
241285: THEOPHRASTUS. EDMONDS, J.M - The characters of Theophrastus / newly edited and translated by J.M.Edmonds
233780: THEOPOLD, LUDWIG - Kritische Untersuchungen über die Quellen zur angelsæchsischen Geschichte des achten Jahrhunderts : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Zeit Kœnig Offa's
165916: THEOSOPHICAL SCOIETY, BRITISH SECTION - Seventeenth Annual Convention (Fifth under Present Title) Held in London, July 6th and 7th, 1907 : Report of Proceedings
200203: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ADYAR, INDIA - Eighty-sixth annual general report of the Theosophical Society 1961
200211: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ADYAR, INDIA - Seventy-fourth annual general report of the Theosophical Society 1949
200214: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ADYAR, INDIA - Eightieth annual general report of the Theosophical Society 1955
200206: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ADYAR, INDIA - Seventy-sixth annual general report of the Theosophical Society 1951
200213: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ADYAR, INDIA - Seventy-ninth annual general report of the Theosophical Society 1954
200210: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ADYAR, INDIA - Seventy-fifth annual general report of the Theosophical Society 1950
199081: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: MADRAS, INDIA - Seventy-eighth annual general report of the theosophical society 1953
200209: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ADYAR, INDIA - Seventy-seventh annual general report of the Theosophical Society 1952
259111: THERESA DE CEPEDA, DE JESUS, SAINT - The way to perfection, translated from the autograph of Saint Teresa of Jesus, by the Benedictines of Stanbrook, including all the variants from the Escorial and Valladolid editions / revised, with notes and an introduction, by the Very Reverend F. Benedict Zimmerman
264811: THÉRÈSE DE LISIEUX, SAINT (1873-1897) - Collected letters of Saint Therèse of Lisieux / edited by the Abbé Combes; translated by F.J. Sheed. With a foreword by Father Vernon Johnson
258788: THÉRÈSE DE LISIEUX, SAINT (1873-1897) - Autobiography of a saint, Thérèse of Lisieux : the complete and authorised text of L'histoire d'une âme ; newly translated by Ronald Knox with a foreword by Vernon Johnson
172615: THERIVE, ANDRE (1891-1967) - Moralistes de ce temps
55045: THERNSTROM, MELANIE (1964-) - The Dead Girl / Melanie Thernstrom
43032: THERNSTROM, MELANIE - Halfway Heaven - Diary of a Harvard Murder
100810: THERNSTROM, MELANIE (1964-?) - The Dead Girl
47467: THERNSTROM, STEPHAN - Poverty and Progress - Social Mobility in a Nineteenth Century City
27275: THERNSTROM, STEPHAN - Poverty and Progress - Social Mobility in a Nineteenth Century City
12188: THERNSTROM, STEPHAN - Nineteenth-Century Cities Essays in the New Urban History
81323: THEROUX, PAUL - Picture Palace : a Novel
72990: THEROUX, PAUL - The Family Arsenal / Paul Theroux
59408: THEROUX, PAUL - The London Embassy / Paul Theroux
43110: THEROUX, ALEXANDER AND WASHBURN, STAN - The Great Wheadle Tragedy
271995: THEROUX, PAUL - Chicago loop
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