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60045: BRUGGEN, COOSJE VAN - John Baldessari - [Published on the Occasion of the Retrospective Exhibition Organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art ... Los Angeles, California [And Other Museums] --T. P. Verso]
116080: BRUGGEN, COOSJE VAN - John Baldessari / Coosje Van Bruggen
26821: BRUGGER, WILLIAM - Democracy & Organisation in the Chinese Industrial Enterprise (1948-1953)
115630: BRUGGER, BILL - China : the Impact of the Cultural Revolution / Edited by Bill Brugger
140619: BRUGMANN, ARNOLD - Zucht Und Leben Der Deutschen Studenten, 1648-1848
153039: BRUGMANS, HENDRIK (1906-) - Georges De Porto-Riche : Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre / Hendrik Brugmans
243926: BRUHAT, JEAN (1931-1973) - Histoire du mouvement ouvrier français. T.1 Des origines à la révolte der canuts / Jean Bruhat ; publiée sous le patronage de la Confédération Générale du Travail
147828: BRUHAT, JEAN - Destin De L'Histoire : Essai Sur L'Apport Du Marxisme Aux Etudes Historiques
133472: BRUHAT, JEAN. MARC PIOLOT - Esquisse D'Une Histoire De La CGT
131754: BRUHAT, JEAN & PIOLOT, MARC - Esquisse D'Une Histoire De La C. G. T. / Par Jean Bruhat, Marc Piolot
243455: BRUHAT, JEAN (1931-1973) - Histoire du mouvement ouvrier français. T.1 Des origines à la révolte der canuts / Jean Bruhat ; publiée sous le patronage de la Confédération Générale du Travail
211447: BRUHAT, JEAN. MARC PIOLOT - Histoire du mouvement ouvrier francais / publiee sous le patronage de la Confederation generale du travail. Tome Premier, Des origines a la revolte des canuts
220477: DE BRUHL, MARSHALL - The river sea : the Amazon in history, myth, and legend : a story of discovery, exploration, and exploitation
241994: BRÜHL, WILHELM. KRENTZ, KLAUS (1924-) - Clinical gastroscopy. : A manual and atlas.
241481: BRÜHL, WILHELM. KRENTZ, KLAUS (1924-) - Lehrbuch und Atlas der Gastroskopie : von Wilhelm Brühl und Klaus Krentz
111541: BRUHN, MARTHA EMMA - The Müller-Walle Method of Lip-Reading for the Deaf (Bruhn Lip-Reading System) by Martha E. Bruhn
246257: BRUHNS, LEO - Tilman Riemenschneider / text by Leo Bruhns
230130: BRULEY, ÉDOUARD - Visages de l'Orléanais / par Édouard Bruley, René Crozet [et] C. Sibertin-Blanc
229847: BRULON, DOROTHEE GUILLEME - La porcelaine de Vincennes
67120: BRUMBAUGH, ROBERT S. (ED. ) - Six Trials. Robert S. Brumbaugh, Editor
36495: BRUMBERG, JOAN JACOBS - Mission for Life : the Story of the Family of Adoniram Judson, the Dramatic Events of the First American Foreign Mission, and the Course of Evangelical Religion in the Nineteenth Century / Joan Jacobs Brumberg
147207: BRUMBERG, ABRAHAM - In Quest of Justice : Protest and Dissent in the Soviet Union Today / Edited by Abraham Brumberg
206525: BRUMBERG, ABRAHAM (ED.) - Russia under Khrushchev / [by various contributors.] An anthology from 'Problems of Communism'. Edited by Abraham Brumberg
168510: BRUMFIELD, WILLIAM CRAFT (1944-) - Gold in azure : one thousand years of Russian architecture / text and photographs by William Craft Brumfield
60205: BRUMLIK, MICHA - The Situation of the Jews in Today's Germany / Micha Brumlik
41429: BRUMMELKAMP, R. - Brainweight and Bodysize (A Study of the Cephalization Problem)
229455: BRUN, HANS-JAKOB - Bjørn Carlsen : fabel aktig
158329: BRUN, SAMUEL JACQUES - Tales of Languedoc from the South of France / Samuel Jacques Brun ; with an Introduction by Harriet W. Preston ; Illustrations by Ernest C. Peixotto
252697: LE BRUN, PIERRE. BOUGEANT, GUILLAUME-HYACINTHE (1690-1743) - Defense de l'ancien sentiment sur la forme de la consecration de l'eucharistie: ou reponse a la refutation publiee par le R.P. Bougeant Jesuite, contre un article des dissertations sur les liturgies / Par le R.P. Le Brun
167840: BRUNARD, HUBERT - Suppression de l'exception de jeu : en matiere de marches a termes / Conference de M. Hubert Brunard
148831: BRUNARD, HUBERT - Les Unions Professionnelles Et Le Projet Do Loi De M. Begerem, Ministre De La Justice; Expose Fait a L'Union Syndicale De Bruxelles
268662: BRUNDAGE, FRANCES - Little Maids
184930: BRUNEAU, RENE; BAYLE, CLAUDE - Ronsard gentilhomme vendomois
142815: BRUNEL, CAMILLE - La Question Indigene En Algerie. L'Affaire De Margueritte Devant La Cour D'Assises De L'Herault
226275: MICHAEL BRUNELLE - Pastels / [translated by Michael Brunelle and Beatriz Cortabarria]
178855: BRUNET, JACQUES CHARLES - Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres - [Complete in 5 volumes]
165648: BRUNET, GEORGES - Le Mysticisme Social De Saint-Simon
219219: BRUNET, JACQUES CHARLES (1780-1867) - Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres .... par Jacques-Charles Brunet. [volumes 1-4]
193708: BRUNET, JACQUES-CHARLES (1780-1867) - Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres, contenant 1. Un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique... 2. Une table en forme de catalogue raisonne - [Complete in 4 volumes]
230000: BRUNET, MARCELLE - Sevres : des origines a nos jours / Marcelle Brunet et Tamara Preaud
135217: BRUNET, GEORGES - Le Mysticisme Social De Saint-Simon
147930: BRUNET, GILBERT - Essai Sur L'Isaïe De L'Histoire : Étude De Quelques Textes Notamment Dans Isa. VII, VIII & XXII / Gilbert Brunet
235789: BRUNET, GEORGES - Victor Hugo
145204: BRUNETIèRE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - Les Epoques Du Theatre Francais (1636-1850) / Par Ferdinand Brunetiere
269832: BRUNETIÈRE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - L'évolution de la poésie lyrique en France au dix-neuvième siècle / Ferdinand Brunetière: tome second
187982: BRUNETIÈRE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - Victor Hugo : lecons faites à l'École normale supérieure par les élèves de deuxième année (lettres), 1900-1901 / sous la direction de Ferdinand Brunetière - [Complete in 2 volumes]
157411: BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - Honore De Balzac : 1799-1850 / Par Ferdinand Brunetiere
245458: BRUNETIÈRE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - L'évolution de la poésie lyrique en France au dix-neuvième siècle : leçons professées à la Sorbonne. Tome 1 / par Ferdinand Brunetière
162885: BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - L' Evolution De La Poesie Lyrique En France Au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle. Tome 1 / Ferdinand Brunetiere
163215: BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - Etudes Critiques Sur L'Histoire De La Litterature Francaise. 3. Ser / Par Ferdinand Brunetiere
174044: BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND (1849-1906) - L'evolution des genres dans l'histoire de la litterature : lecons professees a l'ecole normale superieure, Tome Premier / par Ferdinand Brunetiere
248123: BRUNHOFF, LAURENT DE - Babar et la vieille dame
248119: BRUNHOFF, LAURENT DE - Babar goes camping
164894: BRUNHOFF, LAURENT DE, (1925-) - Babar's Busy Year / Laurent De Brunhoff
157988: DE BRUNHOFF, LAURENT - The Rescue of Babar
144907: BRUNHOFF, JEAN DE (1899-1937) - The Travels of Babar / Jean De Brunhoff ; Translated from the French by Merle S. Haas
109617: BRUNHOFF, LAURENT DE - Babar Dans L'Ile Aux Oiseaux
235481: BRUNHÖLZL, FRANZ.. SPINDLER, MAX - Handbuch der bayerischen Geschichte. Complete in two volumes
266737: BRUNI, LEONARDO (1369-1444) - History of the Florentine people. Vol. 1 Books 1-4 / Leonardo Bruni ; edited and translated by James Hankins
195941: BRUNIALTI, ATTILIO (1849-1920) - Unioni e combinazioni fra gli stati. Gli stati composti e lo stato federale
275576: BRUNING, TED - The David & Charles book of historic English inns / Ted Bruning & Keith Paulin
185913: BRUNINI, JOHN GILLAND (1899- ) - Whereon to stand
61756: BRUNKER, HOWARD MOLYNEAUX EDWARD (1844-) - Story of the Campaign in Eastern Virginia, April, 1861 to May, 1863
244586: BRUNN, HEINRICH (1822-1894) - Geschichte der griechischen Künstler / von Dr. Heinrich Brunn
246774: BRUNNER, FELIX - A handbook of graphic reproduction processes : A technical guide ... . Handbuch der Druckgraphik. Manuel de la gravure / (French version: Albert Flocon. English version: Dennis Qu[ibell] Stephenson
231934: BRUNNER, KARL - Arbeitsbuch Geschichte / (3. - 16. Jh.) / Eberhard Bussem ... (Hrsg.)
109287: BRUNNER, JOHN - The Whole Man
278665: BRUNNER, JOHN (1934-1995) - Telepathist / John Brunner ; cover design by Richard Hollis
156149: BRUNNER, GISBERT L. PFEIFFER-BELLI, CHRISTIAN - Wristwatches = Armbanduhren = Montres-Bracelets / Gisbert L. Brunner, Christian Pfeiffer-Belli
214855: BRUNNER, EDMUND DE SCHWEINITZ (1889- ) ; LORGE, IRVING (1905- ) - Rural Trends in Depression Years : a Survey of Village-centered Agricultural Communities, 1930-1936
201959: BRUNNER, EMIL (1889-1966) - The scandal of Christianity
135052: BRUNNER, CHRISTOPHER TATHAM - Road Versus Rail : the Case for Motor Transport
83593: BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN (1862-1937) - RELATED NAME: BERNARD, WALTER (ED. ) - Science, Spirit, Superstition: a New Enquiry Into Human Thought; Abridged and Translated by Abraham Suhl, Revised and Edited by Walter Bernard
104460: BRUNNER, JOHN - The Stone That Never Came Down
104429: BRUNNER, JOHN - Quicksand
279075: BRUNNER, EMIL (1889-1966) - Der Mittler : zur Besinnung über den Christusglauben
233043: BRUNNER, HEINRICH (1840-1915). NORMANDY (FRANCE) - Das anglonormannische Erbfolgesystem : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Parentelenordnung nebst einem Excurs über die älteren normannischen Coutumes / von Heinrich Brunner
151155: BRUNNER, ROBERT - Gesetz Und Gnade Im Alten Testament Und Im Jüdischen Denken
165025: BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN, (1862-1937) - Aus Meinem Tagebuch
274094: BRUNNING, LESLIE H - Australian home gardener : a complete and practical guide dealing with the growing of fruit, flowers
242050: BRUNO, RAFFAELE. MUSEI CAPITOLINI (ROME, ITALY). PINACOTECA CAPITOLINA - Roma, Pinacoteca capitolina / [a cura di] Raffaele Bruno
98207: BRUNO, FRANK JOHN - The Theory of Social Work, by Frank J. Bruno
184288: BRUNO, GIORDANO - Discorso all'accademia di religione Cattolica : il 21 Maggio 1885 dal socio Arcanelo Lolli
13055: BRUNO, JOSEPH S. - All the Best for 57 Years
138804: BRUNO, ARVID (1881-) - Alttestamentliche Texträtsel Und Strophische Analyse : Paralipomena Zu Den Büchern Genesis-Exodus, Josua, Richter, Samuel, Könige / Von Arvid Bruno ; Biographische Einleitung Von Kurt Wilhelm
139122: BRUNO, ARVID - Gibeon / Arvid Bruno
151020: BRUNO, ARVID (1881-) - Micha Und Der Herrscher Aus Der Vorzeit
42894: BRUNO, MICHAEL - Venus in Hollywood - the Continental Enchantress from Garbo to Loren
83212: BRUNO, MICHAEL - Venus in Hollywood; the Continental Enchantress from Garbo to Loren
264851: BRUNORI, DIONISIO - Il seminario di Fiesole
242178: BRUNOT, FERDINAND - Histoire de la Langue Francaise des Origines a 1900: Tome II Le Seizieme Siecle
111561: BRUNS, BILL. RON GARRISON (PHOTOG. ) - A World of Animals : the San Diego Zoo and the Wild Animal Park / Text by Bill Bruns ; Foreword by Jane Goodall ; Photographs by Ron Garrison
76302: BRUNS, MAX (1876-?) - Die Arche, Von Den Nachten Der Flut
243784: BRUNSCHVICG, LÉON (1869-1944) - Le progrès de la conscience dans la philosophie occidentale / par Léon Brunschvicg
235792: BRUNSCHVICG, LÉON (1869-1944) - Pascal / par Léon Brunschvicg
235768: BRUNSCHVICG, LÉON (1869-1944). - Descartes et Pascal : lecteurs de Montaigne
251739: BRUNSKILL, I - Great Victorian lives : an era in obituaries / general editor: Ian Brunskill ; edited by Andrew Sanders
83686: BRUNT, DAVID (1886-?) - Physical & Dynamical Meteorology
237711: BRUNTON, LAUDER SIR (1844-1916) - On disorders of digestion their consequences and treatment. [Lectures and essays.]
237799: BRUNTON, THOMAS LAUDER (1844-1916) - The Bible and science
220089: BRUNTON, GEORGE (1799-1836) - An historical account of the senators of the College of Justice : from its institution in MDXXXII
169383: BRUNVAND, JAN HAROLD - Too good to be true : the colossal book of urban legends / Jan Harold Brunvand
99347: BRUNVAND, JAN HAROLD - The Study of American Folklore; an Introduction
34860: BRUS, WLODZIMIERZ - The Economics and Politics of Socialism; Collected Essays. with a Foreword by Maurice Dobb
144359: BRUS, WLODZIMIERZ - The Economics and Politics of Socialism; Collected Essays. with a Foreword by Maurice Dobb
33571: BRUS, WLODZIMIERZ - The Market in a Socialist Economy; [Translated from the Polish by Angus Walker]
206190: BRUSATI, ALOIS - Geschichte der Sozialpolitik mit Dokumenten. Herausgegeben von ... Alois Brusatti, Wilhelm Haas und Walter Pollak
157039: BRUSENDORFF, OVE. HENNINGSEN, POUL - A History of Eroticism [In Six Volumes]
101243: BRUSENDORFF, AAGE - The Chaucer Tradition, by Aage Brusendorff
207797: BRUSH, DANIEL - Daniel Brush : thirty years' work [complete in 4 volumes]
36975: BRUSH, FREDERIC (1871-1961) - Hill Doctor - Tells in Story and Ballads Tales of the Appalachians
89797: BRUSKOVSKY, MEYER N - The Supreme Plan; the Way to Perfection
232045: BRUSNIAK, FRIEDHELM - Grundzuge einer Musikgeschichte Waldecks, Augsburger Yearbook of Musicology 2
272764: BRUSSEL, ISIDORE ROSENBAUM - Anglo-American first editions
108300: BRUSSEL, ISIDORE ROSENBAUM - Anglo-American First Editions
172412: BRUTENTS, K. - True ally of national-liberation movement
220325: BRUTON, ERIC - Clocks and Watches
229451: BRÜTSCH, FRANÇOISE - Serge Poliakoff (1900-1969)
260366: ANNALES DE LA SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE DE BRUXELLES - Annales de la societe scientifique de Bruxelles - sciences economiques
184542: EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE ET INTERNATIONALE DE BRUXELLES - Exposition universelle et internationale, Bruxelles, 1935 : Participation Bulgare
193400: VILLE DE BRUXELLES - Comite de Patronage (institue par loi du 9 aout 1889): L'habitation De Woning des Werkmans
226509: SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE BIENFAISANCE DE BRUXELLES - L'Art francais au XVIIIe siecle : exposition organisee sous le haut patronage de Sa Majeste Leopold II, Roi des Belges par la Societe francaise de bienfaisance de Bruxelles, janvier, fevrier, mars 1904
252950: LA BRUYÈRE, JEAN DE - Les caracteres de Theophraste : avec les caracteres ou les mœurs de ce siécle, par M. de la Bruyere. Nouvelle edition augmentée de quelques notes sur ces deux ouvrages, & de la défense, de La Bruyere, & de ses Caracteres. Par M. Coste. Tome Premier
193666: LA BRUYERE, JEAN DE (1645-1696) - Les caracteres de La Bruyere / precedes d'une notice par M. Suard.
159734: BRUYN, GERD DE - Contemporary Architecture in Germany, 1970-1996 : 50 Buildings / Gerd De Bruyn; with a Preface by Wilfried Wang and an Essay by Gerd Zimmermann; Edited by Inter Nationes, Bonn, in Cooperation with the German Architecture-Museum, Frankfurt Am Main
203545: BRUYN, BARTHOLOMAUS (1493-1555) - Barthel Bruyn : 1493-1555 : Gesamtverzeichnis seiner Bildnisse und Altarwerke
224935: BRUZEAU, MAURICE - Paris, notre Paris / par Maurice Bruzeau et Charles Feld
274022: BRUZELIUS, CAROLINE ASTRID - Preaching, building, and burying : friars and the Medieval city / Caroline Bruzelius
93554: BRY, ADELAIDE - Inside Psychotherapy; Nine Clinicians Tell How They Work and What They Are Trying to Accomplish. Edited by Adelaide Bry
76383: BRYAN, J. (JOSEPH) (1904-?) & MURPHY, CHARLES JOHN VINCENT (1904-?) JOINT AUTHORS - The Windsor Story
260150: BRYAN, C. D. B ((COURTLANDT DIXON BARNES)) - The National Air and Space Museum / text by C. D. B. Bryan; art directed and designed by David Larkin ; photographed by Michael Freeman, Robert Golden, and Dennis Rolfe
253789: BRYAN, JOHN EDMIND - The edible ornamental garden
177829: BRYAN, J. (JOSEPH) (1904-?) & MURPHY, CHARLES JOHN VINCENT (1904-?) - The Windsor story
155696: BRYAN, JOHN M. - Robert Mills : America's First Architect / John M. Bryan
188272: BRYAN, GEORGE S. - Edison : the man and his work
257219: BRYAN, GERALD - Be of good cheer service in war and peace
215125: BRYAN, WILLIAM JENNINGS (1860-1925) BRYAN, MARY (BAIRD) (1861-1930) (JOINT AUTHOR) - The memoirs of William Jennings Bryan
152827: BRYAN, WILLIAM JENNINGS (1860-1925) - The First Battle. a Story of the Campaign of 1896, by William J. Bryan, Together with a Collection of His Speeches and a Biographical Sketch by His Wife ...
228868: BRYAN, GEORGE SANDS (1879-1943) - Edison: the man and his work. With plates, including portraits, and a bibliography
203680: BRYAN, MICHAEL (1757-1821) - Dictionary of painters and engravers : biographical and critical
100563: BRYAN, C. D. B. (COURTLANDT DIXON BARNES) - The National Air and Space Museum / C. D. B. Bryan ; Art Directed and Designed by David Larkin ; Photographs by Michael Freeman, Robert Golden, Dennis Rolfe
53863: BRYAN, COURTLANDT DIXON BARNES - The National Geographic Society : 100 Years of Adventure and Discovery
87258: BRYAN, WILLIAM FRANK (1879-) - The Writer's Handbook; a Manual of English Composition, by W. F. Bryan, Arthur H. Nethercot, Bernard De Voto ...
238484: BRYAN, CYRIL PHILLIPS - Roundabout Harley street : the story of some famous streets
166587: BRYAN, WILLIAM LOWE (1860-1955) - Wars of Families of Minds, by William Lowe Bryan. Published for Indiana University
192426: BRYAN, DEREK - China's Taiwan / Derek Bryan
169744: BRYAN, GEORGE J. - Biographies of Attorney-General George P. Barker
25822: BRYAN, WILLIAM JENNINGS - Letters to a Chinese Official - Being a Western View of Eastern Civilization
32580: BRYAN, WILLIAM A. - Administrative Psychiatry
115721: BRYAN, MIKE - Baseball Lives : Men and Women of the Game Talk about Their Jobs, Their Lives, and the National Pastime / Mike Bryan
225568: BRYANS, ROBIN - Ulster : a journey through six counties / Robin Bryans
76586: BRYANT, CHARLES V (1930-?) - Rediscovering the Charismata : Building Up the Body of Christ through Spiritual Gifts
73621: BRYANT, DOROTHY (1930-) - Miss Giardino : a Novel
73335: BRYANT, PAGE - Crystals and Their Use: a Study of At-One-Ment with the Mineral Kingdom
71521: BRYANT, RALPH C. (1938-) - Money and Monetary Policy in Interdependent Nations / Ralph C. Bryant
274390: BRYANT, ARTHUR SIR - Samuel Pepys : the man in the making / Arthur Bryant
270758: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - The Great Duke : or, The invincible general
268218: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Samuel Pepys : the years of peril
268202: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Postman's horn : an anthology of the letters of latter seventeenth century England
268090: BRYANT, ARTHUR WYNNE MORGAN SIR - Samuel Pepys : the saviour of the navy / Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant
266282: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - The Great Duke : or, The invincible general
264780: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Historian's holiday / Arthur Bryant ; decorations by Brian Hope-Taylor
250550: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Nelson
239458: BRYANT, JIM - The wild game and fish cookbook
248909: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878) - The Little People of the Snow ... [In verse.] Illustrated from designs by Alfred Fredericks, etc
202044: BRYANT, JULIUS. ENGLISH HERITAGE. IVEAGH BEQUEST, KENWOOD (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Finest prospects : three historic houses : a study in London topography / Julius Bryant
200274: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - The Elizabethan deliverance / Arthur Bryant
180604: BRYANT, JOHN H. & CONES, HAROLD N. - Dangerous crossings : the first modern polar expedition, 1925
17404: BRYANT, F. CARLENE - We're all Kin : a Cultural Study of a Mountain Neighborhood / F. Carlene Bryant
158140: BRYANT, MARSHA (1960-) - Auden and documentary in the 1930s
253678: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Samuel Pepys : the years of peril
226157: BRYANT, ARTHUR - The years of endurance : 1793-1802 / Arthur Bryant
159522: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878) - Three Great Poems. Thanatopsis. Flood of Years. Among the Trees
224226: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - English saga (1840-1940) / Arthur Bryant
251867: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - The age of elegance, 1812-1822. / [By Bryant, Arthur 1899-1985]
104977: BRYANT, EDWARD (1945-) - Among the Dead, and Other Events Leading Up to the Apocalypse
264186: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - A history of Britain and the British people / Arthur Bryant. Vol. 1, Set in a silver sea : the island peoples from earliest times to the fifteenth century
278160: BRYANT, ARTHUR SIR (1899-1985) - Samuel Pepys : the man in the making
212385: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - The age of elegance, 1812-1822 / Arthur Bryant
278888: BRYANT, MARK - Riddles, ancient, and modern
25323: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878) - Poems, by William Cullen Bryant
119336: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878). BUNCE, OLIVER BELL (1828-1890) - Picturesque America, Or, the Land We Live in : a Delineation by Pen and Pencil of the Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Water-Falls, Shores, Cañons, Valleys, Cities and Other Picturesque Features of Our Country.... . ...with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by Eminent American Artists ; Edited by William Cullen Bryant - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
108151: BRYANT, BEVERLEY (1940-) - Portraits in Roses : 108 Years of Kentucky Derby Winners / Beverley Bryant ; Text by Jean Williams
60238: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - The Fire and the Rose
247643: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - The Battle of Britain / Arthur Bryant. The few / Edward Shanks
226465: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Samuel Pepys : the man in the making
268905: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878). BUNCE, OLIVER BELL (1828-1890) - Picturesque America, or, The land we live in : a delineation by pen and pencil of the mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, water-falls, shores, cañons, valleys, cities and other picturesque features of our country / with illustrations on steel and wood by eminent American artists ; edited by William Cullen Bryant: vol. I
268237: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Years of victory, 1802-1812 / Arthur Bryant
116672: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Samuel Pepys, the Man in the Making, by Arthur Bryant
246466: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN - The flood of years
35703: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878). BUNCE, OLIVER BELL (1828-1890) - Poems
39804: BRYANT, ARTHUR, SIR (1899-1985) - Liquid History : to Commemorate Fifty Years of the Port of London Authority, 1909-1959
41375: BRYANT, DOUGLAS W. KIPP, LAURENCE J. - Harvard University Library, Annual Report for the Year 1978-1979
226236: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Samuel Pepys : the years of peril
225613: BRYANT, ARTHUR SIR (1899-1985) - Years of victory, 1802-1812 / Arthur Bryant
105549: BRYANT, EDWARD (1945-) - Among the Dead, and Other Events Leading Up to the Apocalypse / Edward Bryant
66691: BRYANT, EMMIE LEE - A Thousand Victories for a Black Woman
77878: BRYANT, EDWARD (1945-) - Among the Dead, and Other Events Leading Up to the Apocalypse
199301: BRYANT, ARTHUR, SIR (1899-) - Historian's holiday
212196: BRYANT, ARTHUR (1899-1985) - Samuel Pepys : the man in the making / Arthur Bryant
219767: BRYANTT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878) - March, by William Cullen Bryant : original handwritten manuscript of second verse, SIGNED
248445: BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE VISCOUNT (1838-1922) - Modern Democracies: volume I
194044: BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, VISCOUNT (1838-1922) - South America : observations and impressions
249866: BRYCE, JUDITH - Cosimo Bartoli, 1503-1572 : the career of a Florentine polymath / Judith Bryce
84637: BRYCE-HAMILTON, W. (ET AL. ) - The Oxford Annual for Girls (1932)
178841: BRYCE, JAMES, 1ST VISCOUNT (1838-1922) - Studies in contemporary biography
132153: BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, VISCOUNT (1838-1922) - Two Centuries of Irish History, 1691-1870 / with Introduction by James Bryce, M. P
104454: BRYCE, CATHERINE T. (CATHERINE TURNER) - Robert Louis Stevenson Reader, by Catherine T. Bryce, Introduction by F. E. Spaulding
8173: BRYCE, L. WINIFRED - Comrades of the Road : Or, Rama and Sita To-Day
36421: BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, VISCOUNT (1838-1922) - Impressions of South Africa, by James Bryce... with Three Maps
173137: BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, VISCOUNT (1838-1922) - South America : observations and impressions
273015: BRYDEN, HENRY ANDERSON (1854-1937) - Hare-hunting and harriers : with notices of beagles and basset hounds
263382: BRYDEN, H. A. (HENRY ANDERSON) (1854-1937) - Nature and sport in South Africa
10082: BRYDEN, H. A. - The Victorian Era in South Africa : a Short History of Progress from the Cape to British Central Africa During Her Majesty's Reign, 1837 to 1897
241476: BRYDER, LINDA - Below the magic mountain : a social history of tuberculosis in twentieth-century Britain / Linda Bryder
260740: BRYDGES, E - Peerage of England : genealogical, biographical, and historical. Greatly augmented and continued to the present time
185817: BRYDONE, R.R. SOUTH AFRICAN VIGILANCE COMMITTEE - 'Liberty' versus liberty : some remarks on a South African petition / R.R. Brydone
245966: BRYDONE, PATRICK (1736-1818) - A tour through Sicily and Malta : In a series of letters to William Beckford, ... from P. Brydone, F.R.S. In two volumes
76935: BRYDSON, THOMAS - A Summary View of Heraldry in Reference to the Usages of Chivalry and the General Economy of the Feudal System : with an Appendix Respecting Such Distinctions of Rank As Have Place in the British Constitution
151865: O'BRYEN, DENIS (1755-1832) - Utrum Horum? : the Government; Or, the Country?
199459: BRYERS, PAUL - Hollow target / [by] Paul Bryers
254957: BRYHER (1894-1983) - The days of Mars : a memoir 1940-1946
224965: BRYHER (1894-1983) - The days of Mars : a memoir 1940-1946
158962: BRYK, FELIX (1882-) - Circumcision in Man and Woman : its History, Psychology, and Ethnology
173075: BRYNER, B. C. (BYRON CLOYD), (B. 1849) - Abraham Lincoln in Peoria, Illinois
82392: BRYNNER, ROCK (1946-) - Yul : the Man Who Would be King : a Memoir of Father and Son
49701: BRYSON, JOHN - The World of Armand Hammer / Text and Photographs by John Bryson ; Introduction by Walter Cronkite ; Designed by Wil Hopkins and Ira Friedlander
214067: BRYSON-WHITE, IRIS - Sussex crafts
205335: BRYSON, BILL - The lost continent : travels in small-town America
180043: BRYSON, BILL - Neither here nor there : travels in Europe / Bill Bryson
179959: BRYSON, BILL - African diary
179933: BRYSON, BILL - The lost continent : travels in small town America / Bill Bryson
90617: BRYSON, LYMAN (1888-1959) , ED. - Perspectives on a Troubled Decade: Science, Philosophy, and Religion, 1939-1949; Tenth Symposium. Edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein [And] R. M. MacIver
113380: BRYSON, STUART M. - Light in Darkness : the Story of the Nandi Bible
34731: BRYSON, STUART M. - Light in Darkness : the Story of the Nandi Bible
216241: BRYUSOV, VALERY YAKOVLEVICH (1873-1924) - Ognennyy angel' : povest' ve KHVI glavakh' [The Fiery Angel. Language: Russian]
131517: BRZESKA, MARIA - Through a Woman's Eyes; Life in Poland under the German Occupation
175852: BRZESKI, ANDRZEJ - Poland as a catalyst of change in the communist economic system
72808: BRZEZINSKI, ZBIGNIEW (1928-) - Out of Control : Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century
170886: BRZEZINSKI, MATTHEW (1965-) - Red moon rising : Sputnik and the rivalries that ignited the space age
154561: BRZEZINSKI, MATTHEW - Red moon rising : Sputnik and the hidden rivalries that ignited the Space Age
217535: BRZEZINSKI, ZBIGNIEW - Europa bez podzialu. Wlasciewe zadanie polityki Americkanskie w Europie [Language: Polish]
206688: BRZEZINSKI, BOGDAN.CHRZANOWSKI, LEON.HALABA, RYSZARD - Polegli w walce o wladze ludowa : materialy i zestawienia statystyczne / [opracowal zespol Bogdan Brzezinski, Leon Chrzanowski (wspolpraca), Ryszard Halaba (red. odp.) [Language: Polish]
260744: BSSR - Dzi?a?rzhauny mastatski muzei BSSR ... = State Art Museum of the BSSR ... / [autary teksta i skladal'niki P.M. Herasimovich, A.K. Resina]
202340: BSTAN-DZIN-RGYA-MTSHO, DALAI LAMA XIV (1935-) - The power of Buddhism / The Dalai Lama and Jean-Claude Carriere
125901: BSTAN-DZIN-RGYA-MTSHO, DALAI LAMA XIV (1935- ) - The Buddhism of Tibet and the Key to the Middle Way / Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ; Translated in the Main by Jeffrey Hopkins and Lati Rimpoche
232051: BSTAN-'DZIN-RGYA-MTSHO, DALAI LAMA XIV - Das Meer der Weisheit : Gedanken zum Leben
257590: BUACHALLA, SÉAMAS - Education policy in twentieth century Ireland / Séamas Ó Buachalla
205063: BUACHE, FREDDY - Luis Bunuel / Freddy Buache
272984: BUBBIO, ALDO - Torino : immagini di una città sconosciuta - Aldo Bubbio [and others] ; introduzione di Angelo Dragone ; 'Augurio ad un album di memorie formali urbane' di Augusto Cavallari Murat. Augurio ad un album di memorie formali urbane / di Augusto Cavallari Murat
31901: GALERIE BUBENIK - Hans Hong : Olbilder Zeichnungen Aquarelle von 1976-1986
157406: BUBER, MARTIN (1878-1965) - Israel and Palestine : the History of an Idea / Translated by Stanley Godman
165857: BUBER, MARTIN, (1878-1965) - Tales of the Hasidim [Tr. by Olga Marx]
279918: BUBER, MARTIN (1878-1965) - Das Buch Könige : verdeutscht von Martin Buber gemeinsam mit Franz Rosenzweig
165145: BUBER, MARTIN, (1878-1965) - Israel and the World, Essays in a Time of Crisis
245144: BUBER, MARTIN (1878-1965) - Hasidism and modern man
177198: BUBNOFF, J. V. - The co-operative movement in Russia : its history, significance and character
230642: BUBNOVA, ELENA ANDREEVNA - Staryi russkii faians
166608: BUCCELLATI, GIORGIO. SPERONI, CHARLES (1911- ) (EDS. ) - The Shape of the Past : Studies in Honor of Franklin D. Murphy / Giorgio Buccellati & Charles Speroni, Editors
240718: BUCCI, MARIO. CHAGALL, MARC (1887-1985) - Chagall / Mario Bucci ; [translated from the Italian]
107192: BUCCI, RHONDA (EDITOR) - Sailing Boats of the World. a Guide to Classes
185113: BUCCIANTE, GIUSEPPE (B. 1907) - Antologia artigiana : volume 1 / Giuseppe Bucciante ; con prefazione di Vincenzo Buronzo
276670: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Greenmantle
276371: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Prester John
274511: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Montrose
266872: BUCHAN, ANNA - Farewell to Priorsford / a book by and about Anna Buchan (O. Douglas)
259105: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Four tales
257664: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - The clearing house, a survey of one man's mind : a selection from the writings of John Buchan / arranged by Lady Tweedsmuir, with a preface by Gilbert Murray
214837: BUCHAN, ALASDAIR - The right to work : the story of the Upper Clyde confrontation / with an introduction by Harold Wilson. Photos by Arthur Foster and George Wilkie
190759: BUCHAN, ALASTAIR - Change without war : the shifting structures of world power
154495: BUCHAN, JAMES - The authentic Adam Smith : his life and ideas
200391: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - The last secrets : the final mysteries of exploration
252750: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Prester John / John Buchan
251300: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - The blanket of the dark
227326: BUCHAN, SUSAN CHARLOTTE (1882-). TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY (1876-1962) - John Buchan : by his wife and friends; with a preface by George M. Trevelyan
228526: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Montrose
134018: BUCHAN, WILLIAM (1729-1805) - Domestic Medicine: Or, a Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and Simple Remedies ...
76205: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Sir Quixote of the Moors : Being Some Account of an Episode in the Life of the Sieur De Rohaine
75649: BUCHAN, ALASTAIR (1918-1976) - Arms and Stability in Europe; a Report, by Alastair Buchan and Philip Windsor
150609: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Yugoslavia, the Nations of To-Day : a New History of the World / Edited by John Buchan
104617: BUCHAN, ALASTAIR (1918-1976) - The End of the Postwar Era : a New Balance of World Power
235889: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Prester John
229801: BUCHAN, SUSAN GROSVENOR - John Buchan by his wife and friends / With a pref. by George M. Trevelyan
121573: BUCHAN, ALASTAIR (1918-1976) - NATO in the 1960's : the Implications of Interdependence, by Alastair Buchan, with a Foreword by John Slessor
121011: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - Yugoslavia, the Nations of To-Day : a New History of the World / Edited by John Buchan
105302: BUCHAN, SUSAN GROSVENOR - The Sword of State : Wellington after Waterloo
228616: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - The Island of Sheep
46130: BUCHAN, JOHN - The Baltic and Caucasian States / John Buchan, Aft. 1st Baron Tweedsmuir
79878: BUCHAN, JOHN (1875-1940) - The Man from the Norlands
247853: BUCHANAN, GEORGE (1506-1582). AIKMAN, JAMES - The history of Scotland / translated from the Latin of George Buchanan, with notes, and a continuation to the Union in the reign of Queen Anne by James Aikman: volume I
90255: BUCHANAN, RONALD HULL, ED. - Man and His Habitat; Essays Presented to Emyr Estyn Evans. Edited by R. H. Buchanan, Emrys Jones & Desmond McCourt
79040: BUCHANAN-BROWN, JOHN. BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT (1815-1882) - Phiz! : Illustrator of Dickens' World / John Buchanan-Brown
59573: BUCHANAN, CONSTANCE H. - Choosing to Lead : Women and the Crisis of American Values / Constance H. Buchanan
266911: BUCHANAN, R. A. (ROBERT ANGUS) - Brunel's Bristol / R.A. Buchanan and M. Williams
249158: BUCHANAN, JAMES DAVID - The professional
234049: BUCHANAN, RONALD HULL. WALKER, BRIAN MERCER. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. NORTHERN IRELAND COMMITTEE - Province, city & people : Belfast and its region / edited by R. H. Buchanan & B. M. Walker
221169: BUCHANAN-BROWN, JOHN ; CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) - The book illustrations of George Cruikshank / John Buchanan-Brown
221168: BUCHANAN-BROWN, JOHN ; THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863) - The illustrations of William Makepeace Thackeray / [compiled and introduced by] John Buchanan-Brown.
20659: BUCHANAN, R. A. - Industrial Archaeology in Britain
177450: BUCHANAN, COLIN - Farlander / Colin Buchanan
173330: BUCHANAN, MARY ELIZABETH TORRANCE (B. 1898) - The Children's Village : the village of peace
246971: BUCHANAN, GEORGE SIR (1854-1924) - My mission to Russia and other diplomatic memories
152855: BUCHANAN, GEORGE (1854-1924) - Meine mission in Russland
132499: BUCHANAN, KEITH M. & PUGH, JOHN CHARLES - Land and People in Nigeria : the Human Geography of Nigeria and its Environmental Background / K. M. Buchanan and J. C. Pugh ; with a Contribution by A. Brown and a Foreword by L. Dudley Stamp
94009: BUCHANAN, GEORGE (1506-1582). EURIPIDES. - Georgii Buchanani Scoti Poemata Quæ Extant
99633: BUCHANAN-GOULD, VERA - Not Without Honour : the Life and Writings of Olive Schreiner / with an Introd. by J. C. Smuts
94326: BUCHANAN-GOULD, VERA - Not Without Honour : the Life and Writings of Olive Schreiner / with an Introduction by J. C. Smuts
150473: BUCHANAN, MARY ELIZABETH TORRANCE (1898-) - The Children's Village : the Village of Peace / with a Foreword by Walter Robert Corti ; and an Introduction by H. J. Alexander
225343: BUCHANAN, ROBERT ANGUS (1930-) - The industrial archaeology of the Bristol region / [by] R.A. Buchanan [and] Neil Cossons
279933: BUCHANAN, GEORGE (1506-1582) - Georgii Buchanani Scoti : Poetarum sui seculi facile Principis, Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis poetica
126751: BUCHANAN-GOULD, VERA (1918-) - Not Without Honour ; the Life and Writings of Olive Schreiner / with an introduction by J.C. Smuts
36405: BUCHANAN-GOULD, VERA (1918-) - Vast Heritage
279227: BUCHANAN, GEORGE (1506-1582) - The history of Scotland, translated from the Latin of George Buchanan; with notes, and a continuation to the present time, by John Watkins, LL.D. Illustrated with portraits and other plates
219512: BUCHANAN-BROWN, JOHN. VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliography and book history [a collection of offprints and articles, published 1960-1998]
238592: BUCHANAN, SCOTT (1895-1968) - The doctrine of signatures : a defence of theory in medicine
133945: BUCHANAN, JOSEPH RAY (1851-1924) - The Story of a Labor Agitator
114968: BUCHANAN, GEORGE - Traditional Toys : over 20 Classic Designs for Making in Wood / George Buchanan
197537: BUCHANAN, ROBERT WILLIAMS (1841-1901) - The wandering Jew : a Christmas carol
259428: BUCHARIN, NIKOLAJ - Vom Sturze des Zarismus bis zum Sturze der Bourgeoisie : der Klassenkampf und die Revolution in Russland : von der Diktatur des Imperialismus zur Diktatur des Proletariats
231744: BUCHBERGER, MICHAEL (1874-1961) - Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche - Complete in 10 volumes
235310: BUCHBERGER, MICHAEL - Die Kulturarbeit der katholischen Kirche in Bayern; Aufsatze uber das kulturelle, soziale und caritative Wirken der Kirche in Bayern
232680: BUCHBERGER, MICHAEL BISHOP OF RATISBON - Eineinhalb Jahrtausend kirchliche Kulturarbeit in Bayern. In Verbindung mit Fachgelehrten herausgegeben von Erzbischof Dr. Michael Buchberger. [A new edition of “Die Kulturarbeit der katholischen Kirche in Bayern.”]
26090: BUCHEN, IRVING - The Perverse Imagination - Sexuality and Literary Culture
277221: BUCHER, FRANÇOIS - The Pamplona Bibles : a facsimile compiled from two picture Bibles with martyrologies commissioned by King Sancho el Fuerte of Navarra (1194-1234): Amiens manuscript Latin 108 and Harburg MS. 1, 2, Lat. 4, 15
232827: BUCHER, KARL (1847-1930) - Arbeit und Rhythmus
174562: BUCHER, KARL - Etudes d'histoire et d'economie politique
172874: BUCHER, JEAN - La situation de Paul Valéry, critique
205926: BUCHERWARTE - Sozialistischer Literaturfuhrer : I Jahrbuch der Bucherwarte 1927
205940: BUCHERWARTE - Sozialistischer Literaturfuhrer : I Jahrbuch der Bucherwarte 1928
261446: UNIVERSITÄTS-BUCHHANDLUNG (GÖTTINGEN) - Göttingische Anzeigen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
261449: UNIVERSITÄTS-BUCHHANDLUNG (GÖTTINGEN) - Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen unter der Aufsicht der königl : Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
272832: HOFFMANN'SCHE VERLAGS - BUCHHANDLUNG - Ratgeber heim pferdekauf
162701: MANZSCHE K. U. K. HOF-VERLAGS- UND UNIVERSITATS - BUCHHANDLUNG - Osterreichisch-Ungarisches Rotbuch : Diplomatische Aktenstucke Betreffend Die Beziehungen Osterreich-Ungarns Zu Italien in Der Zeit Vom 20. Juli 1914 Bis. 23. Mai 1915
228060: BUCHHEIM, LOTHAR-GÜNTHER - Expressionisten : Sammlung Buchheim : eine Ausstellung der Museen der Stadt Koln im Kolnischen Stadtmuseum vom 2. April bis 31. Mai 1981 / Katalogbearbeitung, Wolf-Dieter Dube, Herbert Pee, Katja Laske
110293: BUCHHEIT, GERT - Rom
36266: BUCHHOLTZ, JOHANNES (1882-1940) - The Saga of Frank Dover
187951: BUCHHOLZ, ERNST WOLFGANG - Raum und Bevolkerung in der Weltgeschichte : Bevolkerungs-Ploetz. Band 3 : Vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit / von Ernst Wolfgang Bucholz
133522: BUCHLER, ADOLPH - Types of Jewish-Palestinian Piety : from 70 B. C. E. to 70 C. E. : the Ancient Pious Men
215129: BUCHLER, ADOLF - Types of Jewish-Palestinian piety from 70 B.C.E.- 70 C. E : the ancient pious men
141238: BUCHLER, ADOLF (1867-1939). I. BRODIE (ED. ). J. RABBINOWITZ (ED. ) - Studies in Jewish History; the Adolph Bachler Memorial Volume, Edited by I. Brodie and J. Rabbinowitz
133991: BUCHLER, ADOLF. ISRAEL BRODIE (ED). JOSEPH RABBINOWITZ (ED. ) - Studies in Jewish History
133822: BUCHLER, ADOLF (1867-1939) - Studies in Jewish History; the Adolph Buchler Memorial Volume / Edited by I. Brodie and J. Rabbinowitz
128743: BUCHLER, ADOLF - Types of Jewish-Palestinian Piety from 70 B. C. E. to 70 C. E. the Ancient Pious Men
179395: BUCHLER, ADOLPH - Types of Jewish-Palestinian piety : from 70 B.C.E. to 70 C.E. the ancient pious men
178234: BUCHLER, ADOLF (1867-1939) - Studies in Jewish history : the Adolph Buchler memorial volume / edited by I. Brodie and J. Rabbinowitz
205196: BUCHMAN, DIAN DINCIN - Dian Dincin Buchman's Herbal medicine : the natural way to get well and stay well / illustrated by Lauren Jarret
239971: BUCHNER, ALEXANDER (1911-) - Musical instruments through the ages / Alexander Buchner; translated by Iris Urwin
233194: BUCHNER, ALEXANDR - Handbuch der Musikinstrumente
172643: BUCHNER, JOHANNES - The agent provocateur in the labour movement : translated from the German
158922: BUCHNER, LUDWIG (1824-1899) - Last Words on Materialism and Kindred Subjects
231630: BUCHNER, ALEXANDR - Musikinstrumente im Wandel der Zeiten
251665: BÜCHNER, JOHANNES - The agent provocateur in the labour movement : translated from the German
246417: BUCHNER, GEORG - Werke und Briefe (Dramen, Prosa, briefe, Dokumente)
149607: BUCHNER, WILHELM. CARL WEISER (ED. ). LOLA R. OSTERMANN (ED. ) - Buchners-Howes Leitfaden Der Kunstgeschichte. Fur Hohere Lehranstalten Und Zum Selbstunterricht. Ausgabe Fur Osterreich Bearb. Von Carl Weiser Und Lola R ..... Ostermann
72122: BUCHNER, ERNST (1892-?) - Art Treasures of the Pinakothek. [Translated from the German by Peter Gorge]
93401: BUCHNER, GEORG (1813-1837) - The Plays of Georg Buchner, Translated with an Introduction by Geoffrey Dunlop
233756: BUCHNER, MAXIMILIAN (1881-1941). EGINHARDUS, ABBOT OF SELIGENSTADT - Einhards Kunstler- und Gelehrtenleben : Ein Kulturbild aus der Zeit Karls des Grossen und Ludwigs des Frommen
112371: BUCHNER, GEORG (1813-1837) - The Plays of Georg Buchner, Translated with an Introduction by Geoffrey Dunlop
101206: BUCHNER, GEORG - The Plays of Georg Buchner / Translated with an Introduction by Geoffrey Dunlop
233044: BUCHNER, MAXIMILIAN (1881-1941) - Die Entstehung der Erzämter und ihre Beziehung zum werden des Kurkollegs : mit Beiträgen zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Pairskollegs in Frankreich / Von Max Buchner
182093: BUCHNER, GEORG (1813-1837). SPENDER, STEPHEN (1909-1995) - A play in four acts: Danton's death
135583: BUCHNER, MAXIMILIAN (1881-1941) - Die Deutschen Konigswahlen Und Das Herzogtum Bayern, Vom Beginn Des 10. Bis Zum Ende Des 13. Jahrhunderts; Ein Beitrag Zur Entstehungsgeschichte Des Kurrechtes Der Laienfursten
165809: BUCHNER, GEORG (1813-1837) - Dantons Tod : Ein Drama / Von Georg Buchner
199774: BUCHNER, ERNST (B. 1892) - Martin Schongauer als Maler
278786: BUCHSBAUM, RALPH (1907-2002) - Animals without backbones : an introduction to the invertebrates. Vol. 2
243181: BÜCHSEL, FRIEDRICH (1883-1945) [AUTHOR] - Johannes und der hellenistische Synkretismus / von D. Friedrich Büchsel
101765: BUCHSTEINER, THOMAS. RHONDA FARR AND JAMES PHILLIPS (TRANSLATORS) - Edward, Cole, Kim Weston : Three Generations of American Photography
190837: BUCHVAROV, MIHAIL (ED.) - Eleven centuries of Bulgarian philosophical thought
87032: BUCHWALD, ART - The Buchwald Stops Here / Art Buchwald
69693: BUCHWALD, ART - The Buchwald Stops Here / Art Buchwald
65607: BUCHWALD, EMILIE (ET AL. ) - Transforming a Rape Culture / Edited by Emilie Buchwald, Pamela R. Fletcher, Martha Roth
268106: BUCHWALD, ART - More caviar
160473: BUCHWALD, ART - Laid Back in Washington / Art Buchwald
160474: BUCHWALD, ANN - Seems like Yesterday / Ann Buchwald ; Interrupted by Art Buchwald
159732: BUCHWALD, DIANA KORMOS (1956- ) - Walther Nernst and the Transition to Modern Physical Science / Diana Kormos Barkan
75364: BUCHWALD, ART - I Chose Capitol Punishment. Illustrated by Laszlo Matulay
73431: BUCHWALD, ART - Counting Sheep; the Log and the Complete Play: Sheep on the Runway
160301: BUCHWALD, ART - Son of the Great Society [By] Art Buchwald. Illustrated by Laszlo Matulay
227338: BUCHWALD, ART - I Chose Caviar
62456: BUCHWALD, ART - Son of the Great Society [By] Art Buchwald. Illustrated by Laszlo Matulay
136775: BUCHWALD, REINHARD (1884-1983) - Das Vermachtnis Der Deutschen Klassiker
153913: BUCHWALD, ART - More Caviar
97871: BUCK, PEARL S. (PEARL SYDENSTRICKER) (1892-1973) - The Kennedy Women; a Personal Appraisal
8972: BUCK, CLAIRE, ED. , - Bloomsbury Guide to Women's Literature. from Sappho to Atwood, Women's Writing through the Ages and Throughout the World / Edited by Claire Buck
34447: BUCK-MORSS, SUSAN - The Origin of Negative Dialectics : Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin and the Frankfurt Institute / Susan Buck-Morss
258493: BUCK, PEARL S. (PEARL SYDENSTRICKER) (1892-1973) - China as I see it / Pearl S. Buck ; compiled and edited by Theodore F. Harris
155407: BUCK, ALEX. VOGT, MATTHIAS (EDS.) - Matteo Thun
139024: BUCK, PEARL S. (PEARL SYDENSTRICKER) (1892-1973) - The Woman Who Was Changed, and Other Stories / Pearl S. Buck
185712: BUCK, PEARL S. (PEARL SYDENSTRICKER), (1892-1973) - Imperial woman : a novel
110870: BUCK, PEARL S. (1892-1973) - The Three Daughters of Madame Liang; a Novel, by Pearl S. Buck
38667: BUCK, PEARL S. - Mandala
38926: BUCK, PEARL S. - Kinfolk
41043: BUCK, SOLON JUSTUS - Travel and Description 1765-1865 - Together with a List of County Histories, Atlases ... and Biographical Collections and a List of Territorial and State Laws
67800: BUCK, PEARL S. (PEARL SYDENSTRICKER) (1892-1973) - The Three Daughters of Madame Liang; a Novel, by Pearl S. Buck
130635: BUCK, PHILIP WALLENSTEIN (1900-) - Amateurs and Professionals in British Politics
30013: BUCK, PEARL S. - Kinfolk
36939: BUCK, PEARL S. (1892-1973) - Peony
64129: BUCK, PHILIP W. (PHILIP WALLENSTEIN) (B. 1900) - Amateurs and Professionals in British Politics, 1918-59
205610: BUCK, PEARL SYDENSTRICKER (1892-1973) - The good earth
81787: BUCKE, RICHARD MAURICE (1837-1902) - Richard Maurice Bucke, Medical Mystic : Letters of Dr. Bucke to Walt Whitman and His Friends / Selected and Edited by Artem Lozynsky ; with a Foreword by Gay Wilson Allen
232239: BUCKEN, ERNST - Handbuch der Musikerziehung
233234: BÜCKEN, ERNST - Richard Strauss
232363: BÜCKEN, ERNST (1884-1949) - Wörterbuch der Musik / Ernst Bücken ; überarbeitet und ergänzt von Fritz Stege.
235410: BÜCKEN, ERNST (1884-1949) - Die Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Moderne / von Ernst Bücken
235412: BÜCKEN, ERNST (1884-1949) - Die Musik des Rokokos und der Klassik / von Ernst Bücken
278184: BUCKERIDGE, ANTHONY - Jennings as usual
210154: BUCKERIDGE, ANTHONY - Jennings, as usual
278355: BUCKERIDGE, ANTHONY - Jennings and Darbishire
157776: BUCKHAM, JOHN WRIGHT (1864-1945) - John Knox Mclean : a Biography
41853: BUCKINGHAM, ROBERT W. & DERBY, MARY P. - I'M Pregnant, Now What Do I Do? / Robert W. Buckingham & Mary P. Derby ; Foreword by Elizabeth C. Winship
157686: BUCKINGHAM, GEOFFREY - It's Easier Than You Think
250761: BUCKINGHAM, BRUCE - Boiled alive
277651: BUCKINGHAM, ALAN - Allotment month by month
263451: J.J. BUCKINGHAM - The Polyanthos Enlarged Vol. 3
263597: BUCKINGHAM, GEORGE NUGENT TEMPLE GRENVILLE MARQUESS OF (1753-1813) - Catalogue of the Stowe manuscripts in the British Museum - Vol. II Index
260361: BUCKLAND, FRANCIS. T - Curiosities of natural histories
226345: BUCKLAND, GAIL - Who shot rock & roll : a photographic history, 1955 to the present / Gail Buckland
204830: BUCKLAND, GAIL - First photographs : people, places, and phenomena as captured for the first time by the camera / [compiled by] Gail Buckland
201490: BUCKLAND, RAYMOND - Practical candleburning rituals
108476: BUCKLAND, GAIL - First Photographs : People, Places, and Phenomena As Captured for the First Time by the Camera
62589: BUCKLE, RICHARD - Buckle At the Ballet / Selected Criticism by Richard Buckle
39171: BUCKLE, EILEEN AND LORD, DEREK - In the Country - 250 Years of Country Life in Paintings, Prose and Poetry
247571: BUCKLE, RICHARD 1916-2001 - Buckle at the ballet : selected criticism
247631: BUCKLE, RICHARD - U and non-U revisited / edited by Richard Buckle ; drawings by Timothy Jaques
202893: BUCKLE, HENRY - The After Life. A help to a reasonable belief in the probation life to come
109507: BUCKLE, RICHARD. JOHN TARAS - George Balanchine, Ballet Master : a Biography
201817: BUCKLER, FRANCIS WILLIAM - Harunu'l-Rashid and Charles the Great
220229: BUCKLER, BENJAMIN (1718-1780) - Stemmata Chicheleana : or, A genealogical account of some of the families derived from Thomas Chichele, of Higham-Ferrers in the county of Northampton... A supplement to the Stemmata Chicheleana. [2 volumes, 1765 & 1775]
74976: BUCKLEY, TOM - Violent Neighbors : El Salvador, Central America, and the United States
71251: BUCKLEY, PETER - Ernest
68518: BUCKLEY, MARY (MARY E. A. ) - Redefining Russian Society and Polity / Mary Buckley
28570: BUCKLEY, KEVIN - Panama - the Whole Story
170957: BUCKLEY, VERONICA - The secret wife of Louis XIV : Francoise d'Aubigne, Madame de Maintenon
160462: BUCKLEY, WILLIAM FRANK (1925-2008) - Atlantic High : a Celebration / William F. Buckley, Jr. ; Photographs by Christopher Little
160440: BUCKLEY, WILLIAM FRANK (1925-2008) - Marco Polo, if You Can / William F. Buckley, Jr.
160125: BUCKLEY, WILLIAM FRANK (1925-2008) - The Story of Henri Tod / William F. Buckley, Jr.
156890: BUCKLEY, WILLIAM F. (WILLIAM FRANK) (1925-2008) - Right Reason : a Collection / William F. Buckley, Jr. ; Selected by Richard Brookhiser
156828: BUCKLEY, WILLIAM F. (WILLIAM FRANK) , 1925-2008 - Execution Eve, and Other Contemporary Ballads
258076: BUCKLEY, VINCENT - Poetry and morality : studies on the criticism of Matthew Arnold, T.S. Eliot, and F.R. Leavis / With an introd. by Basil Willey
222088: BUCKLEY, ROBERT J. - Sir Edward Elgar
107110: BUCKLEY, JOHN R. - Classic Cars in Color. Introd. and Notes by J. R. Buckley
48613: BUCKLEY, WILLIAM FRANK (1925-) - The Story of Henri Tod / William F. Buckley, Jr.
117199: BUCKLEY, GAIL LUMET - The Hornes : an American Family / Gail Lumet Buckley
5554: BUCKLEY, ALBERT COULSON (1873-) - Nursing Mental and Nervous Diseases, from the Viewpoints of Biology, Psychology and Neurology; a Text-Book for Use in Schools for the Training of Nurses, by Albert Coulson Buckley, 57 Illustrations
99530: BUCKLEY, MICHAEL J - Morality and the Homosexual; a Catholic Approach to a Moral Problem. with Foreword by John C. Heenan
117071: BUCKLEY, ARTHUR - Principles and Deceptions
232493: BUCKLEY, WILFRED (1873-1933) - Diamond engraved glasses of the sixteenth century : with particular reference to five attributed to Giacomo Verzelini
191274: BUCKLEY, MICHAEL J. - Morality and the homosexual : a Catholic approach to a moral problem / With foreword by John C. Heenan
87562: BUCKMAN, PETER (1941-) - Let's Dance : Social, Ballroom, & Folk Dancing ; Picture Research by Enid Moore
40174: BUCKMAN, JOSEPH (1926-) - Immigrants and the Class Struggle : the Jewish Immigrant in Leeds 1880-1914
275244: BUCKMAN, E - Brave deeds of youthful heroes / illustrated from drawings by E. Buckman ... [et al.]
196236: BUCKMAN, PETER - The limits of protest
141241: BUCKMAN, JOSEPH - Immigrants and the Class Struggle : the Jewish Immigrant in Leeds, 1880-1914 / Joseph Buckman
118100: BUCKMAN, ROLLIN. CALVERT RICHARD JONES - The Photographic Work of Calvert Richard Jones / Rollin Buckman ; with an Introduction by John Ward
135916: BUCKMASTER, HENRIETTA - Women Who Shaped History
160968: BUCKMASTER, HENRIETTA - Women Who Shaped History
90076: BUCKMASTER, HENRIETTA, PSEUD. - Freedom Bound
252138: BUCKNALL, GEOFFREY - The bright stream of memory : the golden years of The fishing gazette / Geoffrey Bucknall
183089: BUCKNALL, GEOFFREY - To meet the first March brown / Geoffrey Bucknall ; illustrated by Aideen Canning
246401: BUCKNALL, GEOFFREY - Alive on a Rainy Day or Fishing is a Way of Life
252179: BUCKNALL, GEOFFREY - Fly-fishing tactics on still water / photographs by R. Ward and James A. Gilmour; line drawings by Keith Linsell
249533: BUCKNALL, GEOFFREY - Fly-fishing tactics on rivers. Illustrated by Keith Lindsell and Donald Downs
246404: BUCKNALL, GEOFFREY - Alive on a Rainy Day: Fishing is a Way of Life
233899: BUCKREIS, ADAM - Die Benediktiner. Ein Überblick über die Geschichte des Ordens
125920: BUCOVICH, MARIUS VON (PHOTOG. ). PAUL MORAND - Paris; Geleitwort Von Paul Morand
223116: BUCZACKI, STEFAN - A garden for all seasons / Stefan Buczacki
232716: HAUSDRUCKEREI DER HAUPTSTADT BUDAPEST - Budapest: ausgabe des stadtischen fremdenverkehrsamtes fur fremden von Budapest
240309: BUDAY, GEORGE (1907-1990) - The history of the Christmas card
6796: BUDAY, LANDISLAUS (LASZLO) - Dismembered Hungary
235003: BUDD, ALAN - The politics of economic planning
90230: BUDD, KENNETH GEORGE (1904-) - The Last Victorian; R. D. Blackmore and His Novels
159191: BUDDE, KARL FERDINAND REINHARDT (1850-1935) - The religion of Israel to the exile / Karl Budde
278264: BUDDE, KARL (1850-1935) - Das Alte Testament und die Ausgrabungen
139127: BUDDE, KARL (1850-1935) - Das Alte Testament Und Die Ausgrabungen / Von Karl Budde
265068: BUDDEN, MARIA ELIZABETH (1780-1832) - True stories from ancient history : chronologically arranged, from the creation of the world to the death of Charlemagne
244841: BUDDEN, CHARLES WILLIAM (1878-) - The local colour of the Bible
198062: BUDDEN, CHARLES WILLIAM (B. 1878) - The local colour of the Bible
211406: BUDDEN, CHARLES WILLIAM (1878-?) - English Gothic churches : the story of their architecture
100947: BUDELER, WERNER - The Fascinating Universe : the Modern Aspects of Astronomy / Werner Buedeler ; Translated by Fred Bradley
13401: BUDENZ, JULIA - From the Gardens of Flora Baum
95075: BUDENZ, LOUIS FRANCIS (1891-1972) - This is my story
90563: BUDGE, IAN - Belfast: Approach to Crisis; a Study of Belfast Politics, 1613-1970 [By] Ian Budge [And] Cornelius O' Leary
154435: BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS, SIR - Tutankhamen : Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism with Hieroglyphic Texts of Hymns to Amen and Aten
267610: BUDGE, E.A. WALLIS - The papyrus of Ani: a reproduction in facsimile: edited with Hieroglyphic transcript, translation and introduction: by E.A. Wallis Budge: volume Two
22047: BUDGE, SIEGFRIED (1969-) - Der Kapitalprofit; Eine Kritische Untersuchung Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Theorie Franz Oppenheimers, Von Siegfried Budge ...
74299: BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS - The Rosetta Stone
120852: BUDGE, IAN. O'LEARY, CORNELIUS - Belfast Approach to Crisis : a Study of Belfast Politics, 1613-1970
226058: BUDGEN, FRANK (1882-1971) - Myselves when young / [by] Frank Budgen
155193: BUDIANSKY, STEPHEN - Her Majesty's Spymaster : Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Walsingham, and the birth of modern espionage
217557: SRPSKA STAMPARIJA JOV KRNJCA U BUDIMPESTI - Pravila zajednice pitomaca nauma ... Budimpesti [Language: Serbian]
171640: BUDISH, JACOB M. (1886-?) - The new unionism in the clothing industry
19668: BUDMAN, SIMON H. , ED. - Forms of Brief Therapy / Edited by Simon H. Budman ; Foreword by Mardi J. Horowitz
272147: BUDNIK, DAN - Medical center perceived : an exhibition of photographs by Dan Budnik, illustrating the people and spirit of the Albany Medical Center in the period 1959-1974
273819: BUDNITZ, PAUL - I am plastic, too : the next generation of designer toys / Paul Budnitz
219563: BUDRYS, ALGIS - The falling torch
19694: BUDSON, RICHARD D. - The Psychiatric Halfway House : a Handbook of Theory and Practice
217837: BUDZYK, KAZIMIERZ - Bibliografia literatury polskiej okresu Odrodzenia : materialy / opracowaly Kazimierz Budzyk, Roman Pollak, Stanislaw Stupkiewicz. [Language:Polish]
107355: BUECHNER, THOMAS S. NORMAN ROCKWELL (ARTWORK) - Norman Rockwell: a Sixty Year Retrospective
267104: BUEL, JAMES WILLIAM (1849-1920). TALMAGE, THOMAS DE WITT (1832-1902) - The beautiful story : a companion book to the Holy Bible, containing a narrative history of all the events recorded in the sacred book ... to which is added Golden gems of religious thought, including numerous selections from great writers and speakers, for fireside reading, sacred reflection, the elevation and happiness of the home circle and to point the way to heaven / written and edited by J.W. Buel ; assisted by T. Dewitt Talmage
137065: BUEL, JAMES W. (JAMES WILLIAM) - A Nemesis of Misgovernment, Authorized by J. W. Buel. the Author Undertook a Journey of Research to the Countries of Europe for the Purpose of Observing the Different Conditions Resulting from the Various Forms of Republican, Monarchical... . ..and Empirical Governments
252538: BUELL, RAYMOND LESLIE - Death by Tariff. Protectionism in state and federal legislation
251784: BUELL, RAYMOND LESLIE (1896-1946) - The native problem in Africa
57535: BUELL, JOHN (1927-) - Four Days
212763: BUELL, AUGUSTUS C. (1847-1904) - Paul Jones, founder of the American Navy : a history / Augustus C. Buell [complete in 2 volumes]
241732: BUENDÍA, J. ROGELIO - A basic guide to the Prado
20451: BUENKER, JOHN D. - Urban Liberalism and Progressive Reform
29675: BUENZLE, FRED J. DAY, ARTHUR GROVE (1904-) - Bluejacket : an Autobiography
75503: BUENZOD, EMMANUEL (1893-1971) - Une Epoque Litteraire, 1890-1910
90223: BUER, MABEL CRAVEN (1881-1942) - Health, Wealth and Population in the Early Days of the Industrial Revolution
147396: BUER, MABEL CRAVEN (1881-1942) - Health, Wealth and Population in the Early Days of the Industrial Revolution / M. C. Buer
197268: BUER, M. C. (MABEL CRAVEN), (1881-1942) - Health, wealth and population in the early days of the Industrial Revolution / M.C. Buer
108117: BUERKLE, JACK VINCENT (1923-) - Bourbon Street Black : the New Orleans Black Jazzman / [By] Jack V. Buerkle and Danny Barker
56111: BUERKLE, JACK VINCENT (1923-) - Bourbon Street Black; the New Orleans Black Jazzman [By] Jack V. Buerkle and Danny Barker
264387: BUET, CHARLES - Le Droit du Seigneur a-t-il existé?
216830: BUFALINI, PAOLO - Rapporto sulla violenza fascista a Catania / prefazione di Paolo Bufalini
118039: BUFF, MARY. CONRAD BUFF - Hurry, Skurry, & Flurry
129983: BUFFENOIR, HIPPOLYTE - Les Charmettes Et Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Hippolyte Buffenoir
208770: BUFFETT, WARREN. CUNNINGHAM, LAWRENCE A. (1962-) - The essays of Warren Buffett : lessons for corporate America / essays by Warren E. Buffett ; selected, arranged, and introduced by Lawrence A. Cunningham
181739: BUFFIER, CLAUDE (1661-1737) - Pratique de la memoire artificielle, pour apprendre et pour retenir aisement la chronologie, et l'histoire / par le pere Buffier, de la compaigne de Jesus [Parts 3 & 4 bound in 1]
145673: BUFFON, GEORGES LOUIS LECLERC, COMTE DE - Morceaux Choisis / Comte De Buffon...
224825: BUFFON, GEORGES LOUIS LECLERC COMTE DE (1707-1788). FLOURENS, PIERRE (1794-1867) - Chefs-d'oeuvre littéraires de Buffon / avec une introduction par M. Flourens - Complete in 2 volumes
269862: BUFFUM, E. GOULD (EDWARD GOULD) (1820-1867) - The Gold Rush : an account of six months in the California diggings
162305: BUFFUM, GEORGE TOWER (1846-1926) - Smith of Bear City, and Other Frontier Sketches, by George T. Buffum; Illustrated with Six Photogravures from Original Drawings, by F. T. Wood
41720: BUFKIN, E. C. - The Twentieth-Century Novel in English / a Checklist, by E. C. Bufkin
215847: BUGANOV, VIKTOR IVANOVICH - Razrjadnye knigi poslednej chetverti XV - nachala XVII v [Discharge books of the last quarter of XV - early XVII century. Language: Russian]
216883: BUGANOV, V. I. - Otechestvennaya istoriografiya russkogo letopisaniya [Domestic historiography of Russian chronicles. Language: Russian]
216758: BUGANOV, V. I. ; INSTITUT ISTORII SSSR (AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR) - Moskovskiye vosstaniya kontsa KHVII veka. [The Moscow Uprising at the end of the 17th century. Language: Russian].
126248: BUGE, JACQUES - Louis Guillaume; Deux Essais, Suivis De Textes Inedits De Louis Guillaume
243518: BUGIEL, V - La Pologne et les Polonais : avec une carte
255913: BUGLER, CAROLINE - Dutch painting : in the seventeenth century / Caroline Bugler
215288: BUGLER, CAROLINE - Dutch painting in the seventeenth century
76429: BUGLIOSI, VINCENT - Till Death Us Do Part : a True Murder Mystery
37221: BUGLIOSI, VINCENT - No Island of Sanity - Paula Jones V. Bill Clinton: the Supreme Court on Trial
152318: BUGNARIU, TEOFIL. DOMSA, IOAN. VATAMANIUC, DIMITRIE (1920-) - Ioan Slavici. 1848-1925. Biobibliografie
29108: BUGNET, CHARLES, MAJOR (1884-) - Foch Speaks / Translated by Russell Green
183856: BUHL, FRANTS (1850-1932) - Liber Psalmorum / praeparavit F. Buhl [ Bible. O.T. Psalms. Hebrew. 1931. ]
233965: BUHLE, EDWARD (1875-1913) - Die musikalischen Instrumente in den Miniaturen des fruhen Mittelalters : I. Die Blasinstrumente
171042: BUHLE, PAUL (ED.) - Jews and American comics : an illustrated history of an American art form / edited by Paul Buhle.
131662: BUHLE, MARI JO. PAUL BUHLE. DAN GEORGAKAS (EDS. ) - Encyclopedia of the American Left / Edited by Mari Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle, Dan Georgakas
234719: BUHLE, EDWARD (-1913) - Die musikalischen Instrumente in den Miniaturen des fruhen Mittelalters : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Musikinstrumente. 1 Die Blasinstrumente
248897: BUHLER, KATHRYN C - Paul Revere, goldsmith, 1735-1818
183227: BUHLER, CYNTHIA VON - But who will bell the cats?
97523: BUHLER, ALFRED - The Art of the South Sea Islands, Including Australia and New Zealand, by Alfred Buehler, Terry Barrow [And] Charles P. Mountford
234374: BUHLER, JOHANNES (1884-) - Die Kultur des Mittelalters : mit 30 Abbildungen
174091: BUHLER, ALAIN. SABATIER, ALAIN - Le VIe plan, pourquoi? / par Alain Buhler et Alain Sabatier
180982: BUHLER, JOHANNES (1884-). NARCISS, GEORG A. - Klosterleben im Mittelalter / nach zeitgenossische Quellen von Johannes Buhler ; herausgegeben von Georg A. Narciss
172269: BUHR, WILHELM - Studien zur stellung des wilhelmsliedes innerhalb der altesten altfranzosischen epen
211905: BUICK, HARRY ARTHUR - The Gringoes of Tepehuanes
277363: BUIKEMA, R - Women's studies and culture : a feminist introduction
217883: BUIKHOVSKY, BERNARD EMMANUILOVICH - Lyudvig Feyyerbakh [Ludwig Feuerbach. Language: Russian]
212109: BUIKNOVSKY, BERNARD EMMANUILOVICH (1898-1980) - The individual and society
240517: THE BUILDERS' COMPENDIUM - Builders' compendium and annual catalogue of the building trades. 1934, forty-eighth year of issue
184768: BUIOELGARSKA KOMUNISTICHESKA PARTIII AI. TSENTRALEN KOMITET. DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - Political report deliered [sic] to the v Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party
263924: BUISSERET, DAVID - The mapmaker's quest : depicting new worlds in Renaissance Europe / David Buisseret
11746: BUIST, ALEXANDER - The Gleam and the Dark. Poems
166921: DU BUIT, MICHEL - Biblical archaeology
167698: DU BUIT, MICHEL - Biblical archaeology
207631: BUJAK, FRANCISZEK (1875-1953) - Uwagi krytyczne o naszej reformie rolnej
123024: BUJOLD, LOIS MCMASTER - Diplomatic Immunity / Lois McMaster Bujold
153437: BUKDAHL, ELSE MARIE - Diderot Est-Il L'Auteur De 'salon' De 1771? / Par Else Marie Bukdahl ; Traduit Du Danois Par Francois Marchetti
216760: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH (1888-1938) - Problemy teorii i praktiki sotsializma / N. I. Bukharin [Problems in the theory and practice of socialism. Language: Russian]Description:511 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
191335: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH (1888-1938). ANARCHY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMUNISM. 1981. FABBRI, LUIGI (1877-1935). ANARCHY AND 'SCIENTIFIC' COMMUNISM. 1981. ROCKER, RUDOLF (1873-1958) - The Poverty of Statism : Bukharin, Fabbri, Rocker / translated from the Spanish by Paul Sharkey
136358: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH - The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class. Introd. by Donald J. Harris
150225: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH (1888-1938). PREOBRAZHENSKII, EVGENII ALEKSEEVICH (1886-1937). BROUE, PIERRE, ED. - A. B. C. Du Communisme / Par N. Boukharine, E. Preobrajenski ; Preface De Pierre Broue
147988: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH (1888-1938) - Report of Court Proceedings in the Case of the Anti-Soviet 'Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites, ' Heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U. S. S. R. , Moscow, March 2-13, 1938
194415: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI - Imperialism and World Economy
279812: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH (1888-1938) - Historical materialism, a system of sociology. Authorized translation from the third Russian edition
208013: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH (1888-1938) - Building up socialism
208015: BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH (1888-1938) - Lenin as a Marxist
159720: BUKIET, MELVIN JULES (ED. ) - Nothing Makes You Free : Writings by Descendants of Jewish Holocaust Survivors / Edited by Melvin Jules Bukiet
149134: BUKSBAZEN, LYDIA - They Looked for a City
243830: BUKSBAZEN, LYDIA - They looked for a city
216433: BULATOV, M. A. - Leninskiy analiz nemetskoy klassicheskoy Filosofii [Lenin's analysis of German classical philosophy. Language: Russian]
162343: BULAVAS, JUOZAS, ET AL. - Vilniaus Universitetas. Redagavo J. Bulavas. by L. Vladimirovas, K. Jablonskis, J. Jurginis and J. Bulavas
207516: BULCOCK, HARRY (1880-?) - Religion and its New Testament expression
113944: BULFINCH, THOMAS - The age of fable ; or, Stories of Gods and heroes
225548: BULFINCH, THOMAS (1796-1867) - The golden age of myth and legend / Thomas Bulfinch
84985: BULFINCH, THOMAS (1796-1867) - The Trojan War, with Introductory Notes on the Grecian Divinities. Adapted from the Age of Fable
98833: BULGAKOV, SERGEI NIKOLAEVICH (1871-1944) - A Bulgakov Anthology / Sergius Bulgakov ; Edited by James Pain and Nicolas Zernov
226433: BULGAKOV, MIKHAIL (1891-1940) - Mikhail Bulgakov : diaries and selected letters / Mikhail Bulgakov ; translated by Roger Cockrell
192433: BULGANIN, NIKOLAY ALEKSANDROVICH (1895-1975) - Report by N. A. Bulganin to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on the directives of the sixth five-year plan for the development of the USSR, 1956-1960 The directives of the sixth five-year plan as approved by the 20th Congress of the CPSU, February 1956
172235: BULGANIN, NIKOLAY ALEKSANDROVICH (1895-1975) - Report by N. A. Bulganin to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on the directives of the sixth five-year plan for the development of the USSR, 1956-1960
185432: BULGANIN, NIKOLAY ALEKSANDROVICH (1895-1975) - Report by N.A. Bulganin to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on the directives of the sixth five-year plan for the development of the USSR, 1956-1960
208601: BULGANIN, NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH (1895-1975). KHRUSHCHEV, NIKITA SERGEEVICH (1894-1971) - Visit to Britain of the Soviet Leaders, N.A. Bulganin ... and N.S. Khrushchov ... April 18th-27th 1956. Speeches, statements, press conference, trade programme
216474: BULGARIA. DIREKTSIIA NA PECHATA. CHERVENKOV, VULKO (1900-1980). BULGARSKA KOMUNISTICHESKA PARTIIA. TSENTRALNI KOMITET - Fundamental lessons of the discovery of Traicho Kostov's group and of the struggle for its destruction on the short-comings in party work and our tasks : report to...the Bulgarian communist party
165834: COMMITTEE FOR FRIENDSHIP AND CULTURAL REALTIONS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES BULGARIA - Nikola Vaptsarov : 1909-1942 / Committee for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Bulgaria
152228: LA COMMISSION D'AIDE AUX ANTIFASCISTES DE BULGARIE - Les Bulgares Paprlent Au Monde / Edited by La Commission D'Aide Aux Antifascistes De Bulgarie
216448: BULGARSKA KOMUNISTICHESKA PARTI A KONGRES, 9TH, SOFIA, 1966 - For unity and cohesion : materials of the 9th Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Sofia, November 14-19, 1966
152230: BULGARSKA KOMUNISTICHESKA PARTIIA. TSENTRALEN KOMITET. DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - Political Report Deliered [Sic] to the V Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party
186662: BULIC, PROF. - Bulletino di archeologia e storia dalmata / pubblicato per cura di Fr. Prof. Bulic
153746: BULKA, REUVEN P. - What You Thought You Knew about Judaism : 341 Common Misconceptions about Jewish Life / Reuven P. Bulka
156436: BULKLEY, MILDRED EMILY - Bibliographical Survey of Contemporary Sources for the Economic and Social History of the War
277592: BULKLEY, M. E. (MILDRED EMILY) - Bibliographical survey of contemporary sources for the economic and social history of the war
201359: BULKLEY, MILDRED EMILY - The establishment of legal minimum rates in the boxmaking industry under the Trade boards act of 1909 / Mildred Emily Bulkley; with an introduction by R. H. Tawney
45457: BULL, DEBORAH - Up the Nile : a Photographic Excursion, Egypt 1839-1898 / Deborah Bull and Donald Lorimer ; Foreword by Anne Horton ; Photos. Sotheby Parke Bernet
269574: BULL, GEORGE (1929-2001) - Venice : the most triumphant city
237792: BULL, JOSIAH - John Newton of Olney and St. Mary Woolnoth : An autobiography and narrative, compiled chiefly from his diary and other unpublished documents
234059: BULL, BRUNO HORST - Die schonsten Gluckwunsche und Reden fur jeden Anlass
220875: BULL, THOMAS - The maternal management of children in health and disease
172687: BULL, DAVID (ED.) - Family poverty : programme for the seventies / edited by David Bull, foreword by Peter Townsend
140410: BULL, DAVID - Family Poverty / Edited by David Bull ; Foreword by Peter Townsend
180086: BULL, PETER - Not on your Telly!
157447: BULL, JOHN L. - Birds of the New York Area, by John Bull
273791: BULL, ANDY - Speed kings : the 1932 Winter Olympics and the fastest men in the world
130345: BULL, GEORGE (1929-2001) , HOBDAY, PETER & HAMWAY, JOHN - Industrial Relations : the Boardroom Viewpoint
18865: BULL, THEODORE - Rhodesian Perspective / Edited by Theodore Bull
53124: BULL, DANIEL F. - Country Boy : Memories of Daniel F. Bull
207643: BULL, DAVID - Action for welfare rights
278924: BULL, HENRY - Christian prayers and holy meditations, as well as for private as public exercise
266000: BULLARD, READER SIR (1885-1976) - Bootstraps : a memoir of Reader William Bullard / Margaret Bullard
240566: BULLARD, EDGAR JOHN (1942-) - Mary Cassatt : oils and pastels
256859: BULLARD, E. JOHN (EDGAR JOHN) - Mary Cassatt : oils and pastels
75093: BULLARD, FREDDA JEAN - Mexico's Natural Gas; the Beginning of an Industry
33010: BULLARD, BYRON L. - Presbyterian Hospital : a Steadfast Commitment to Patient-First Health Care (An Address Given At a Meeting of the Newcomen Society in Charlotte, N. C. , Nov. 29, 1989)
232311: BULLARD, BETH. VIRDUNG, SEBASTIAN - Musica Getutscht : A Treatise on Musical Instruments (1511) by Sebastian Virdung / Sebastian Virdung, Edited and translated by Beth Bullard
95822: BULLARD, ARTHUR (1879-1929) - The Russian Pendulum; Autocracy --Democracy --Bolshivism
22504: BULLEN, ARTHUR HENRY 1857-1920) - Musa Proterva: Love-Poems of the Restoration. Ed. by A. H. Bullen
47709: BULLEN, A. H. - Lyrics, from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age
252232: BULLER, FRED. FALKUS, HUGH - Falkus and Buller's freshwater fishing
248150: BULLER, FRED (1926-) - Pike and the pike angler
246794: BULLER, FRED ; FALKUS, HUGH ; TAYLOR, FRED J. ; WALKER, RICHARD - Successful angling : coarse fishing tackle and methods
245963: BULLER, FRED (1926-) - Pike / Fred Buller
246546: BULLER, FRED - More Mammoth Pike
148520: BULLER, DAME GEORGINA. MARY KETTLE. DONALD V. WILSON [ET AL] - The Welfare of the Disabled
262370: BRASS BULLETIN - Brass bulletin : magazine international des cuivres - 1988
262375: BRASS BULLETIN - Brass bulletin : magazine international des cuivres - 1986
238925: THE CALL BULLETIN - Green Flash: The Call Bulletin. Hollywood Previews, Radio and Theaters. San Francisco, Saturday, November 20, 1937
18130: ROOSEVELT WILD LIFE BULLETIN - A Biological Reconnaissance of the Peterboro Swamp and the Labrador Pond Areas Vol 6, No. 1 of the Roosevelt Wild Life Forest Experiment Station, March 1931
68644: BULLETT, GERALD WILLIAM (1894-1958) - A Man of Forty
278242: BULLEY, MARGARET H. (MARGARET HATTERSLEY) - Art and counterfeit
90880: BULLEY, M. W. - Kabanza : a Story of Africa. by M. W. Bulley
207111: BULLEY, MARGARET H. (MARGARET HATTERSLEY) (B. 1882) - Ancient and medieval art : a short history
164043: BULLIET, CLARENCE JOSEPH (1883-) - Venus Castina : Famous Female Impersonators, Celestial and Human
206139: BULLIET, CLARENCE JOSEPH (1883-1952) - Art masterpieces in a Century of Progress fine arts exhibition at the Art institute of Chicago (complete in one volume, with index) informally discussed by C. J. Bulliet
124723: BULLINS, ED - The Hungered One; Early Writings
279026: BULLIONS, PETER - The principles of Greek grammar : comprising the substance of the most approved Greek grammars extant, for the use of schools and colleges
205331: BULLITT, ORVILLE H. - Search for Sybaris / Orville H. Bullitt
44801: BULLITT, WILLIAM C. - The Great Globe Itself - a Preface to World Affairs
94081: BULLITT, ORVILLE H. - Search for Sybaris [By] Orville H. Bullitt
76170: BULLIVANT, CECIL H (ED. ) - Home Plays, a Collection of Plays for Boys and Girls by Various Living Writers with Plain Instructions for Costumes, Scenery, Etc
8891: BULLOCH, JOHN - The Making of a War : the Middle East from 1967 to 1973
90410: BULLOCH, JOHN - Akin to Treason / John Bulloch
86360: BULLOCK, WYNN. BULLOCK-WILSON, BARBARA - Wynn Bullock Photography: a Way of Life. Edited by Liliane De Cock. Text by Barbara Bullock-Wilson
84790: BULLOCK, ALAN (1914-2004) & STALLYBRASS, OLIVER (EDS. ) - The Harper Dictionary of Modern Thought
248883: BULLOCK, F. W. B. (FREDERICK WILLIAM BAGSHAWE) - The history of Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Volume I To the end of A.D. 1907
277000: BULLOCK, HENRY - A history of negro education in the south : from 1619 to the present
275238: BULLOCK, CHARLES (1829-1911) - The Queen's resolve : 'I will be good' : with royal anecdotes and incidents : a jubilee memorial
271921: BULLOCK, ALAN - Hitler : a study in tyranny / Alan Bullock
267885: BULLOCK, ALAN (1914-2004) - A select list of books on European history, 1815-1914 / Edited for the Oxford Recent History Group by Alan Bullock and A. J. P. Taylor
260818: BULLOCK, GEORGE (ENGLISH CABINETMAKER AND SCULPTOR, BORN 1778, 1782 OR 1783, DIED) - George Bullock : cabinet-maker / introduction by Clive Wainwright
25012: BULLOCK, ALAN AND R. B. WOODINGS - Twentieth-Century Culture - a Biographical Companion
190236: BULLOCK, ALAN (1914-2004) - The faces of Europe / edited by Alan Bullock
141307: BULLOCK, JIM - Them and Us; with a Last Word by Lord Robens
272368: BULLOCK, ALAN (1914-2004) - The twentieth century : a Promethean age / texts by Alan Bullock [and others], edited by Alan Bullock
102146: BULLOCK, ALAN (INTRO. BY) - Great Rivers of Europe; Introduction by Alan Bullock
186150: BULLOCK, EDNA D. - Selected articles on single tax / compiled by Edna D. Bullock.
138608: BULLOCK, CHARLES JESSE (1869-1941) - Economic Essays
206729: BULLOCK, ALAN [ED.] - Die Grossen Strome Europas / einleitung von Alan Bullock
211270: BULLOCK, CHARLES (1829-1911) - The Queen's resolve : 'I will be good.' and her doubly royal reign a gift for 'the Queen's year'
275433: BULLOUGH, DONALD - The age of Charlemagne / text by Donald Bullough ; photographs by E. Smith [and others]
226380: BULLOUGH, OLIVER (1977-) - Let our fame be great : journeys among the defiant people of the Caucasus / Oliver Bullough
170580: BULLOUGH, WILLIAM A. (1933- ) - The blind boss & his city : Christopher Augustine Buckley and nineteenth-century San Francisco / William A. Bullough
153227: BULMER-THOMAS, IVOR (1905-1993) - Coal in the New Era
129889: BULMER-THOMAS, IVOR - Coal in the New Era
219481: BULMER, KENNETH - The secret of Zi & Beyond the vanishing point
129539: BULMER-THOMAS, IVOR - Coal in the New Era
55888: BULMER-THOMAS, IVOR (1905-1993) - Coal in the New Era
133556: BULMERINCQ, DE M. - Le Passe De La Russie Depuis Le Temps Les Plus Recules Jusqu'a La Paix De San-Stefano
243227: BÜLOW, BERNHARD FÜRST VON (1849-1929). BLOCH, HENRI. ROQUES, PAUL (B. 1879) - Mémoires du chancelier prince de Bülow / traduction de Henri Bloch: volumes 1 & 2 (only)
75974: BULOW, BERNHARD, FURST VON (1849-1929) - Denkwurdigkeiten / Bernhard, Furst Von Bulow ; Hrsg. Von Franz Von Stockhammern - Volume 1 & 2 of 4
6454: BULOW, HANS VON (1830-1894). BULOW, MARIE SCHANZER VON, FRAU (1857-) ED. - The Early Correspondence of Hans Von Bulow, Edited by His Widow; Selected and Translated Into English by Constance Bache
100965: BULOW, HANS VON - Letters of Hans Von Bülow to Richard Wagner, Cosima Wagner, His Daughter Daniela, Luise Von Bülow, Karl Klindworth, Carl Bechstein. Edited, with an Introd. , by Richard Count Du Moulin Eckart ...
178095: BULOW, BERNHARD, FURST VON (1849-1929) - Deutsche Politik
100937: BULOW, HANS VON - Letters of Hans Von Bulow to Richard Wagner, Cosima Wagner, His Daughter Daniela, Luise Von Bulow, Karl Klindworth, Carl Bechstein. Edited, with an Introd. , by Richard Count Du Moulin Eckart ... . .. Translated from the German by Hannah Walter. the Translation Edited with a Pref. and Notes by Scott Goddard
250336: BULPIN, T. V. (1918-1999) - Scenic wonders of southern Africa / T.V. Bulpin ; artwork and creative assistant, Solveig Stibbe ; edited by Ellen Smith and Hilary Rennie
227608: BULPIN, THOMAS VICTOR (1918-1999) - Storm over the Transvaal
186132: BULSARA, JAL FEEROSE (1899-?) - Parsi charity relief and communal amelioration / Jal Firoz Bulsara
165550: BULTHAUP, PETER - Zur Gesellschaftlichen Funktion Der Naturwissenschaften
244982: BULTHAUPT, HEINRICH ALFRED (1849-1905) - Dramaturgie des Schauspiels / von Heinrich Bulthaupt: in two volumes
187870: BULTHAUPT, HEINRICH ALFRED (1849-1905) - Dramaturgie des Schauspiels : Band 3 : Grillparzer, Hebbel, Ludwig, Gutzkow, Laube / von Heinrich Bulthaupt
212980: BULTHE, BRUNO. JANSSEN, CHRISTIANE. SCREVENS, RAYMOND - Les prisons et la contestation collective / par Bruno Bulthe et Christiane Janssen ; sous la direction et avec preface de Raymond Screvens
257863: BULTMANN, RUDOLF (1884-1976) - Das Evangelium des Johannes / erklärt von Rudolf Bultmann
150610: BULTMANN, RUDOLF KARL (1884-1976) - Der Zweite Brief an Die Korinther / Erklart Von Rudolf Bultmann ; Hrsg. Von Erich Dinkler
222148: BULWER-LYTTON, EDWARD (1803-1873) - Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
181972: BULWER, LUTTON EDWARD - L'angleterre et Les Anglais [Complete in 2 Vols]
252672: BULWER-LYTTON, SIR - Lord Lytton's Novels : The Knebworth Edition - 19 volumes
218535: BUMGAMIN, A. A. - Voyenno-istoricheskiy muzey artillerii i inzhenernykh voysk. Kratkiy putevoditel'. Chetvertoye izdaniye. Pod obshchey redaktsiyey polkovnika A. A. Bumagina [Military-Historical Museum of Artillery . . Engineering Corps. . . [Language: Russian]
213899: BUMGARDNER, GEORGE H. - Novelle cinque : tales from the Veneto / translated, edited, and annotated by George H. Bumgardner ; illustrated with facsimiles from the 16th century manuscript
185364: BUMGARTNER, LOUIS E. - Jose del Valle of Central America
99877: BUMPASS, LARRY L. & WESTOFF, CHARLES F (JOINT AUTHOR) - The Later Years of Childbearing
230475: BUMPHREY, EILEEN - Occupational therapy in the community / edited by Eileen E. Bumphrey
241373: BUMPUS, JUDITH. BLACKADDER, ELIZABETH - Elizabeth Blackadder / Judith Bumpus
227413: BUMPUS, T. FRANCIS - The Cathedrals and Churches of Belgium
223972: BUMPUS, THOMAS FRANCIS (1861-1916) - Ancient London churches
227414: BUMPUS, THOMAS FRANCIS (1861-1916) - The cathedrals of Southern France
226753: BUMPUS, T. FRANCIS - The cathedrals and churches of Italy. With seventy-nine illustrations (eight of which are in colour)
227410: BUMPUS, THOMAS FRANCIS (1861-1916) - The cathedrals of northern France
209690: BUMPUS, T. F. (THOMAS FRANCIS), (1861-1916) - Holiday rambles among the cathedrals and churches of North Germany
216217: BUNAK, V. V. NESTURKH, M. F. ROGINSKIY, YA. - Antropologiya Kratkiy Kurs [Anthropology Short Course. Language: Russian]
252691: BUNCE, JOHN THACKRAY (1828-1899) - History of the corporation of Birmingham : with a sketch of the earlier government of the town
152789: BUNCE, JOHN THACKRAY (1828-1899) - History of the Corporation of Birmingham : with a Sketch of the Earlier Government of the Town - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
240036: BUNCE, JOHN THACKRAY (1828-1899) - A history of the Birmingham General Hospital and the Musical Festivals (1768-1873) / prepared for the Festival Committee by John Thackray Bunce
16962: BUNCHIE, RALPH J. - The Political Status of the Negro in the Age of FDR
249049: BUND, J.W WILLIS - The Inquisitiones Post Mortem For The County of Worcester - Part 1 From Their Commencement in 1242 to The End of the 13th Century. Edited for The Worcestershire Historical Society by J.W. Willus Bund
249052: BUND, J.W WILLIS - The Inquisitiones Post Mortem For The County of Worcester - Part 2 From 28 Edward I. to 19 Edward II., A.D. 1300 to A.D. 1326. Edited for The Worcestershire Historical Society by J.W. Willus Bund
242707: BUND, J. W. WILLIS, F.S.A - The Inquisitiones Post Mortem for The County of Worcester. Part I. from their commencement in 1242 to the end of the 13th century. Edited for the Worcestershire Historical Society
242708: BUND, J. W. WILLIS. THE WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Episcopal Registers, Diocese of Worcester. Register of Bishop Godfrey Giffard. September 23rd, 1268 to 1273. Edited for the Worcester Historical Society. By J. W. Willis Bund: Part I
151388: OSTERREICHISCHEN BUNDESPRESSEDIENST - Der Aufbau Eines Staates / Hrsg. Vom Osterreichischen Bundespressedienst
150472: SWITZERLAND. BUNDESRAT - Botschaft Des Bundesrates an Die Bundesversammlung Betreffend Die Frage Des Beitrittes Der Schweiz Zum Völkerbund. Mit Beilagen. Vom 4. a Ugust 1919
146186: DEUTSCHER BUNDESVERLAG - Versprochen Und Gehalten : Die Regierungserklarung Unter Der Lupe
139429: BUNDOCK, CLEMENT J. - The National Union of Journalists : a Jubilee History, 1907-1957
135593: BUNDOCK, CLEMENT J. - The Story of the National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers
182753: BUNDOCK, CLEMENT J. - The story of the National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers
137687: BUNDOCK, CLEMENT J. - The National Union of Journalists; a Jubilee History, 1907-1957
141959: BUNDOCK, CLEMENT J. - The Story of the National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers
142870: BUNDOCK, CLEMENT J. - The National Union of Journalists; a Jubilee History, 1907-1957
7966: BUNDOCK, CLEMENT J. - The Story of the National Union of Printing Bookbinding and Paper Workers
210923: BUNDY, WILLIAM P. (1917-2000) - A tangled web : the making of foreign policy in the Nixon presidency / William Bundy
130166: BUNDY, COLIN - The Rise and Fall of the South African Peasantry / Colin Bundy
161795: BUNDY, EDGAR C. - How the Communists Use Religion
168728: BUNDY, WALTER ERNEST (1889- ) - Jesus and the first three Gospels : an introduction to the synoptic tradition / Walter E. Bundy
186509: BUNDY, WALTER ERNEST (B. 1889) - The religion of Jesus
54027: BUNDY, MCGEORGE - The Strength of Government
246258: BÜNEMANN, HERMANN - Von Runge bis Spitzweg : Deutsche und Österreichische Malerei in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts / Hermann Bünemann
239265: BUNGE, MARTIN L.; RATIONALIST ASSOCIATION (ST. LOUIS, MO.) - Billy Sunday : the Revival of Superstition and Sham
29695: BUNGE, J. H. O. - Tideless Thames in Future London, by J. H. O. Bunge...foreword by the Right Honourable the Lord Desborough... with Articles on the Thames Barrage from a Health Aspect, by Lieut. -Col. Wm. Butler... . ..the Thames Barrage in a Replanned London, by Sir Charles Bressey...
177057: BUNGE, J. H. O. (JULIUS HENRI OTTO) - Tideless Thames in future London
191067: BUNGER, SIEGFRIED - Friedrich Engels und die britische sozialistische Bewegung, 1881-1895
234336: BUNGERT, HANS. UNIVERSITAT REGENSBURG - Martin Luther : eine Spiritualitat und ihre Folgen : Vortragsreihe der Universitat Regensburg zum Lutherjahr 1983 / herausgegeben von Hans Bungert
243511: BUNIM, IRVING M. SPERO, SHUBERT. WENGROV, CHARLES. HAUSDORFF, DAVID M - Ethics from Sinai : an eclectic, wide-ranging commentary on Pirke Avoth / adapted by David M. Hausdorff ; edited by Shubert Spero and Charles Wengrov: Volume 1
86110: BUNKER, JOHN (1913-?) - Harbor & Haven : an Illustrated History of the Port of New York
72730: BUNKER, STEVENS DANA - Alaska, a Photographic Journey
158657: BUNKER, GARY L. (1934-) - From rail-splitter to icon : Lincoln's image in illustrated periodicals, 1860-1865
136277: BUNKER, JOHN - Harbor & Haven : an Illustrated History of the Port of New York
17430: BUNKER, GEORGE - George Bunker in Houston 1974-1986 : Catalogue of paintings - collages - drawings, February 6 - 27
32416: BUNKER, GEORGE - George Bunker : landscapes 1949-1989 (Exhibition Catalogue)
106525: BUNKER, M. N. - Handwriting Analysis; the Art and Science of Reading Character by Grapho Analysis
187159: BUNLE, HENRI - Le mouvement naturel de la population dans le monde de 1906 a 1936 : donnees rassemblees et commentees
159019: BUNN. , CHARLES R. LOBAN, JOY MAXWELL - Diet and Exercise
238850: BUNNELL, DEWEY. AMERICA - A Horse With No Name
67150: BUNNER, H. C. (HENRY CUYLER) (1855-1896) - The Stories of H. C. Bunner. First Series; with an Introductory Note by Brander Matthews
275511: BUNNY, RUPERT CHARLES WULSTEN. TURNBULL, CLIVE (1906-1975). BUESST, TRISTAN - The art of Rupert Bunny / appreciation by Clive Turnbull ; Biographical sketch by Tristan Buesst
84190: BUNONARROTI, MICHEL ANGELO (1475-1564) - Choix De Cinquante Dessins De Michel-Angelo
141688: DE BUNSEN, VICTORIA ALEXANDRINA BUXTON (1874-) - Charles Roden Buxton : a Memoir
255517: BUNSEN, FRANCES WADDINGTON BARONESS - A Memoir of Baron Bunsen, late minister, plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary of His Majesty Frederic William IV at the Court of St. James / drawn chiefly from family papers by his widow, Frances Baroness Bunsen. Vol. 2
263380: BUNSEN, ERNEST DE (1819-1903) - The Angel-Messiah of Buddhists, Essenes, and Christians
43536: DE BUNSEN, MADAME CHARLES - In Three Legations
277439: BUNSON, MATTHEW - The Sherlock Holmes encyclopedia
251233: BUNSON, MATTHEW - The Sherlock Holmes encyclopedia / Matthew E. Bunson
275406: BUNT, CYRIL G. E. (1882-1966) - Tudor & Stuart fabrics / Cyril G. E. Bunt
257755: BUNT, CYRIL GEORGE EDWARD - David Cox : painter of nature's moods
224337: BUNT, CYRIL GEORGE EDWARD (1882-) - Byzantine fabrics
67327: BUNTE, EIBERT H. - Between Stars and Atoms, a Present-Day Journey through the World and Space. Translated by Ian F. Finlay
275110: BUNTING, JABEZ (1779-1858) - The early correspondence of Jabez Bunting, 1820-1829 / edited for the Royal Historical Society by W.R. Ward
128052: BUNTING, JABEZ (1779-1858). W. R. WARD (ED. ) - The Early Correspondence of Jabez Bunting, 1820-1829 / Edited for the Royal Historical Society by W. R. Ward
142012: BUNTING, J. H. - Is Trade Unionism Sound? A Suggestion for Outflanking the Power of Capital, by J. H. Bunting
136374: BUNTING, J. H. - Is Trade Unionism Sound? : a Suggestion for Outflanking the Power of Capital
149592: BUNTING, JOHN HOWARD - Is Trade Unionism Sound? : a Suggestion for Outflanking the Power of Capital
104336: BUNUEL, LUIS (1900-198) 3. - Belle De Jour; a Film. English Translation and Description of Action by Robert Adkinson
277512: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come
275132: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The pilgrims progress
268183: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come : delivered under the similitude of a dream
267944: BUNYAN, JOHN - The pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come : in two parts. Illustrated by T. Stothard ... and A.H. Lindsell
168992: BUNYAN, TONY - The history and practice of the political police in Britain
126156: BUNYAN, TONY - The history and practice of the political police in Britain
241588: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688). MASON, WILLIAM (1719-1791). ADAMS, SAMUEL - The holy war: made by Shaddai upon Diabolus : for the regaining of the metropolis of the world, or, the losing and taking again of the town of Mansoul
279795: BUNYAN, JOHN - Grace abounding to the chief of sinners in a faithful account of the life & death of John Bunyan
246899: BUNYAN, JOHN - Bunyan's Works
216653: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come ...
22460: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream in Two Parts (With Notes and Plates)
109800: BUNYAN, JOHN - The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan; with over Fifty Illustrations by Frederick Barnard and Others and an Introductory Notice of the Author
88892: BUNYAN, JOHN - RELATED NAME: SCOTT, THOMAS - The Select Works of John Bunyan: Containing the Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come with Illustrative Notes by Thomas Scott, D. D. ; 'Also Travels of the Ungodly, ' and Life of the Author with Numerous Engravings
73163: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The Pilgrim's Progress : from This World to That Which is to Come; Delivered under the Similtude of a Dream
263218: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The Life of John Bunyan, author of the 'Pilgrim's progress'
129395: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come, Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream / Illustrated by Byam Shaw
222885: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The pilgrim's progress, part 1, 1678
38075: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The Holy War, Made by Shaddai Upon Diabolus, for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World Or, the Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul
247136: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688). OFFOR, GEORGE (1787-1864) - The whole works of John Bunyan : accurately reprinted from the author's own editions / with editorial prefaces, notes, and life of Bunyan by George Offor: volume VI
175139: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The Pilgrim's progress and other works of John Bunyan / the prefaces, indices, and the text revised by George Offor; with copious notes, original and selected, and an original memoir of the author by George B. Cheever
64893: BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688) - The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream to Which is Added a Life of Bunyan by Himself Or, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
268046: BUNYON, CHARLES JOHN (1821-1892) - Memoirs of Francis Thomas McDougall, D.C.L., F.R.C.S., sometime Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, and of Harriette, his wife
234120: BUONANNI, FILIPPO (1638-1725). HARRISON, FRANK LLEWELLYN (1905-1987). RIMMER, JOAN (1918-2015) - Antique musical instruments and their players : 152 plates from Bonanni's 18th century 'Gabinetto armonico' / Filippo Bonanni ; with a new introd. and captions by Frank Ll. Harrison and Joan Rimmer
271687: BUONAPARTE, JACOPO (-1541) - Tableau historique des événemens survenus pendant le sac de Rome, en 1527 / par Jacopo Bonaparte, témoin oculaire. Transcrit du manuscrit original, et imprimé pour la première fois à Cologne en 1756, avec une note historique sur la famille des Bonaparte. Traduit de l'italien, par M.***
277295: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI - The last judgement / preface by Francesco Buranelli ; essays by Fabrizio Mancinelli, Gianluigi Colalucci, Nazzareno Gabrielli and Fabio Morresi - 2 volumes
276537: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564) - Michelangelo and Raphael with Botticelli, Perugino, Signorelli, Ghirlandaio and Rosselli in the Vatican : all the Sistine Chapel, the stanzas and the loggias
245880: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564) - Michelangelo's three Pietàs / [a photographic study by David Finn ; text by Frederick Hartt]
155496: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI - The last judgement / preface by Francesco Buranelli ; essays by Fabrizio Mancinelli, Gianluigi Colalucci, Nazzareno Gabrielli and Fabio Morresi
252978: BUONARROTI, MICHELANGELO - Michelangelo : the Sistine Chapel
145986: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564). SUBJECT: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564) - Michel Angelo / Max Sauerlandt
112079: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564) - Michelangelo : Drawings / Text by Pavel Preiss ; Translated from the French by Francis Harrison.
114072: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564) - Sibyllen Und Propheten; 24 Farbige Bilder Nach Den Fresken in Der Sixtinischen Kapelle. Mit Einem Geleitwort Von Bettina Seipp
219632: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI - Michelangiolo : Les sculptures = The sculptures = Las esculturas = Die Skulpturen
170258: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564) - The Sistine Chapel / [Text by] D. Redig de Campos
280469: BUONARROTI, MICHELANGELO - Michelangiolo : les sculptures, las esculturas, the sculptures, die Skulpturen
207982: BUONARROTI, PHILIPPE (1761-1837) - Babeuf und die Verschworung fur die Gleichheit : mit dem durch sie veranlassten Prozess und den Belegstucken / von Ph. Buonarroti ; ubersetzt und eingeleitet von Anna und Wilhelm Blos
220620: BUONAVENTURA, WENDY - Something in the way she moves : dancing women from Salome to Madonna
151370: BURALL, A. A. - Problems of the Famine : Transport in Europe
223784: BURANELLI, VINCENT - Gold : an Illustrated History / Vincent Buranelli
42716: BURBANK, REX J. , COMP. - The Literature of the American Renaissance. Edited by Rex J. Burbank [And] Jack B. Moore
274835: BURBERRY, PETER - Environment and services / [Peter Burberry]
9671: BURBIDGE, WILLIAM F. - From Balloon to Bomber, by Wm. F. Burbidge. a Complete History of Aviation from Earliest Times Until the Present Day
130057: BURBURY, WINIFRED MARY, BALINT, EDNA MARY YATES & YAPP, BRIDGET J. - An Introduction to Child Guidance
263299: DE BÚRCA, MARCUS - The GAA : a history
99806: BURCH, NOEL - To the Distant Observer : Form and Meaning in the Japanese Cinema / Noel Burch ; Rev. and Edited by Annette Michelson
242271: BURCH, DRUIN - Digging up the dead : the life and times of Astley Cooper, an extraordinary surgeon / Druin Burch
130701: BURCH, ALEXANDRE, COMTE VAN DER - Le Calvaire Iberique ; Temoignage / Precede D'Un Liminaire De Paul Crokaert Et Suivi D'Un Epilogue De Maurice Torfs
183828: BURCH, ALEXANDRE, COMTE VAN DER - Le Calvaire Iberique : temoignage / [par] Comte van der Burch ; Precede d'un liminaire de Paul Crokaert et suivi d'un epilogue de Maurice Torfs.
18033: BURCH, CLAIRE - Stranger in the Family - A Guide to Living with the Emotionally Disturbed
176577: BURCH, ALEXANDRE, COMTE VAN DER - Le calvaire iberique : temoignage
102394: BURCH, GEOFF - The Art and Science of Business Persuasion : Mastering the Power of Getting What You Want / Geoff Burch
122564: BURCHETT, WILFRED G. (1911-1983) - Grasshoppers & Elephants : why Viet Nam Fell
130671: BURCHETT, WILFRED G. - Cold War in Germany
135158: BURCHETT, WILFRED G. (1911-1983) - Cold War in Germany
81361: BURCHETTE, DOROTHY - Needlework: Blocking and Finishing
271368: BURCHFIELD, R W - The compact edition of the Oxford English dictionary - in 3 vols
71275: BURCHWOOD, KATHARINE TYLER (B. 1891) - The Origin and Legacy of Mexican Art
23036: BURCKHARDT, JAKOB CHRISTOPH (1818-1897) - Die Zeit Constantins Des Grossen
159833: BURCKHARDT, RUDY - An Afternoon in Astoria
248063: BURCKHARDT, JACOB - The Civilization of the Renaissance
68213: BURCKHARDT, JACOB (1818-1897) - Geschichte Der Renaissance in Italien, Von Jacob Burckhardt
170325: BURCKHARDT, CARL JACOB (1891-1974) - Richelieu: his rise to power / Carl J. Burckhardt; translated and abridged by Edwin and Willa Muir
211668: BURCKHARDT, JACOB (1818-1897) - Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien / Jacob Burckhardt ; mit einem geleitwort von Wilhelm von Bode
232651: BURDE, WOLFGANG (1930-2013) - Strawinsky : Monographie / von Wolfgang Burde
45513: BURDEN, SHIRLEY - Presence, Photographs with Observations
273603: BURDEN, PHILIP D - The mapping of North America : a list of printed maps, 1511-1670
252983: BURDEN, MICHAEL - Purcell remembered / Michael Burden
251335: BURDEN, VERA - Chiltern villages: history, people and places in the Chiltern Hills
252970: BURDER, SAMUEL (1773-1837) - Memoirs of eminently pious women of the British Empire: in two volumes (volumes I & III)
195149: BURDER, SAMUEL (1773-1837) - Oriental customs : applied to the illustration of the sacred scriptures
216230: BURDESA, B. I. - Politicheskiy stroy i partii sovremennoy Frantsii [The political system and parties of modern France. Language: Russian]
274592: BURDETT, ERIC - The craft of bookbinding : a practical handbook / Eric Burdett
171000: BURDETT, C. (ED.). DUNCAN, D. (ED.) - Cultural encounters : European travel writing in the 1930s
107746: BURDETT, OSBERT (1885-1936) - The Art of Living
82091: BURDETT, OSBERT - William Blake, by Osbert Burdett
201237: BURDETT, ERIC - The craft of bookbinding : a practical handbook / [by] Eric Burdett
20091: BURDETT, HENRY C. - Cottage Hospitals : General, Fever and Convalescent - Their Progress, Management, and Work in Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America With an Alphabetical List of Every Cottage Hospital At Present Opened
198244: BURDETT, HENRY C., SIR, 1847-1920 -- STOCK EXCHANGE (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Burdett's official intelligence for 1882 : Being a carefully compiled precis of information regarding British, American, and foreign stocks; corporation, colonial, and provincial government securities...
142461: BURDETTE, ROBERT JONES (1844-1914) - Robert J. Burdette; His Message, Ed. from His Writings by His Wife, Clara B. Burdette
123665: BURDETTE, ROBERT J. (ROBERT JONES) (1844-1914) - The Drums of the 47th, by Robert J. Burdette
280020: BURDICK, ERIC - Old rag bone
36293: BURDICK, EUGENE - Nina's Book
184325: LATIN AMERICA BUREAU - Nicaragua : dictatorship and revolution / [Latin America Bureau] ; [written by Jan Karmali, Hugh O'Shaughnessy and Andrew Pollak]
192549: PACIFIST RESEARCH BUREAU - War and the colonies : a policy for socialists and pacifists
247711: COMMUNIST INFORMATION BUREAU - Meeting of the Information Bureau of Communist Parties in Hungary in the latter half of November, 1949
187504: BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION (UNITED STATES) - Third annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution : 1881-'82
204010: CANADA. NATIONAL PARKS BUREAU - Playgrounds of the prairies : Riding Mountain, Prince Albert, Elk Island, Nemiskam, and Wood Buffalo National Parks / Department of Mines and Resources, Lands, Parks and Forests branch, National Parks Bureau
192781: BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS, WASHINGTON, U.S.A - Bolivia : Bulletin no. 55 1892 [revised to July 1, 1893]
171727: COMMUNIST INFORMATION BUREAU - Meeting of the Information Bureau of Communist Parties in Hungary in the latter half of November, 1949
185757: BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE, UNITED STATES. DEPT. OF COMMERCE - Rumania: an economic handbook / prepared in the Eastern European and Levantine Division, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
219744: BUREAU OF FIRE INVESTIGATION, NEW YORK. GEORGE S. PRESTON - New York Fire Department Case Files : Case of George S. Preston, 1937 [Case files, witness statements, sternographer's transcripts, portrait photograph, confession, and other related documents]
201654: BUREAU CENTRAL DE PRESSE, BELGRADE - La Yougoslavie par les chiffres
167981: FABIAN COLONIAL BUREAU - The Sudan : the road ahead; report to the Fabian Colonial Bureau
280222: BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS - Geological Map of Australia and New Guinea: scale 1: 6,336,000: October, 1952
279718: BRITISH SUGAR BUREAU - Chldren's Classic Cookcards
152948: FINLAND TRAVEL BUREAU - 6 Tours in Finland
49140: GULF TOURGIDE BUREAU - Gulf, Maine Info-Map
7917: BOOK PUBLISHERS BUREAU (1938-1945) - Frederic G. Melcher; Friendly Reminiscences of a Half Century Among Books & Bookmen
195140: COMMUNIST INFORMATION BUREAU - Meeting of the Information Bureau of Communist Parties in Hungary in the latter half of November, 1949
223394: BUREAUX DU JOURNAL DES CONNAISSANCES UTILES, PARIS - Annuaire de France : statistique generale et comparee ... des 86 departmens [sic] de la France et de ses colonies, publie par la Societe Nationale pour l'Emancipation Intellectuelle ...
206439: VAN BUREN, PAUL MATTHEWS - Theological explorations
139275: VAN BUREN, MAUD. KATHARINE ISABEL BEMIS - Easter in Modern Story / Edited by Maud Van Buren and Katharine Isabel Bemis
73040: VAN BUREN, PAUL MATTHEWS (1924-?) - Theological Explorations
177798: VAN BUREN, PAUL MATTHEWS - The secular meaning of the Gospel : based on an analysis of its language
176084: VAN BUREN, PAUL MATTHEWS (1924- ) - The secular meaning of the Gospel, based on an analysis of its language
224966: BURFORD, E. J. (EPHRAIM JOHN) - Royal St. James's : being a story of kings, clubmen and courtesans
224371: BURFORD, E. J. (EPHRAIM JOHN) - Royal St. James's : being a story of kings, clubmen and courtesans
99904: BURG, DAVID - Solzhenitsyn [By] David Burg and George Feifer
28177: BURG, DAVID. FEIFER, GEORGE - Solzhenitsyn
122585: BURG, DAVID - Solzhenitsyn [By] David Burg and George Feifer
271833: BURGBACHER, KURT - White hell : a story of the search and rescue service in the Alps / translated by Stella Humphries
275769: BURGE, WILLIAM (1787-1849) - The Temple church : an account of its restoration and repairs
84059: BURGE, SQUADRON-LEADER C. G. (COMP. & ED. BY) - Encylopaedia of Aviation, Compiled and Edited by Squadron-Leader C. G. Burge...
209931: BURGEN, STEPHEN - Walking the lions / Stephen Burgen
232894: BÜRGER, ERIC - Gottfried August Burger ein Lebensbild
204356: BURGER, HERMANN (1942-1989) - Brenner / Hermann Burger. Erster Band, Brunsleben
169698: BURGER, CHRISTOPH - Schopfung und Versohnung : Studien zum liturgischen Gut im Kolosser- und Epheserbrief / Christoph Burger
154872: BURGER, WILLIAM C. - Perfect planet, clever species : how unique are we?
232997: BURGER, GOTTFRIED AUGUST (1747-1794) - Burgers samtliche Werke in vier Banden / mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Wolfgang von Wurzbach.
82844: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) CAVALIER OF THE ROSE. 1982 - [ADAPTATION BY BURGESS] - Richard Strauss, Der Rosenkavalier : Comedy for Music in Three Acts / Libretto by Hugo Von Hofmannsthal ; Story Adaptation by Anthony Burgess ; Introduction by George R. Marek ; General Editor, Robert Sussman Stewart
6933: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - Any Old Iron / Anthony Burgess
6929: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - Moses : a Narrative
66424: BURGESS WISE, DAVID - Classics of the Road / [By] David Burgess Wise
62571: BURGESS, LORRAINE MARSHALL - Garden Art : the Personal Pursuit of Artistic Refinements, Inventive Concepts, Old Follies, and New Conceits for the Home Gardener / Lorraine Marshall Burgess... . ..black and White Photos. and Penline Sketches by the Author, Color Photos. by Guy Burgess
5691: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - The Pianoplayers
5692: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - Enderby's Dark Lady; or No End to Enderby
53574: JULIAN BURGESS (ET AL. ) - The Great White Hoax : South Africa's International Propaganda Machine : a Report
276522: BURGESS, FRED. W. (FREDERICK WILLIAM) (1855-1945) - Old prints and engravings
273192: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - You've had your time / being the second part of the confessions of Anthony Burgess
278560: BURGESS, TYRRELL - Matters of principle: labour's last chance
254696: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - This man and music / Anthony Burgess
241396: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - Enderby / Anthony Burgess
239781: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - The end of the world news : an entertainment / Anthony Burgess
226572: BURGESS, ANTHONY - Au sujet de James Joyce / Anthony Burgess ; traduit de l'anglais par Heloise Esquie
170384: BURGESS, ANTHONY - You've had your time / being the second part of the confessions of Anthony Burgess
156376: BURGESS, ANTHONY, 1917-1993 - The Pianoplayers / Anthony Burgess
154457: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - Little Wilson and big God
27175: BURGESS, JOSEPH - John Burns: the Rise and Progress of a Right Honourable
106844: BURGESS-WISE, DAVID - Fire Engines and Fire-Fighting / [By] David Burgess-Wise
48319: BURGESS, CECIL RITCHIE - Meteorology for Seamen
45790: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993). HASKELL, FRANCIS (1928-) - The Age of the Grand Tour, containing sketches of the manners, society and customs of France, Flanders, the United Provinces, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in the letters, journals and writings of the most celebrated voyagers between the years 1720-1820; With Descriptions of the Most Illustrious Antiquities and Curiosities in These Countries, Together with the Story of Such Traffic by Anthony Burgess and an Appreciation of the Art of Europe in the Eighteenth Century by Francis Haskell
150775: BURGESS, ERNEST WATSON (1886-) ED. - Aging in Western Societies / Edited by Ernest W. Burgess
83701: BURGESS, THORNTON W. (THORNTON WALDO) (1874-1965) - The Burgess Animal Book for Children, by Thornton W. Burgess, with Illustrations by Louis Agassiz Fuertes
139612: BURGESS, JOSEPH (1874-) - John Burns: the Rise and Progress of a Right Honourable
186134: BURGESS, JOSEPH (1874-?) - John Burns : the rise and progress of a right honourable
127699: BURGESS, JOSEPH (1874-) - Will Lloyd George Supplant Ramsay MacDonald? : Past, Present, and Prospective Controversies over Lib. -Lab. Alliances
156987: BURGESS, THORNTON WALDO (1874-1965). HARRISON, CADY (ILLUS. ) - The Adventures of Reddy Fox
27172: BURGESS, PERRY - Who Walk Alone
5683: BURGESS, ANTHONY - The Novel Now; a Guide to Contemporary Fiction
199754: BURGESS, ANTHONY (1917-1993) - The novel today
256390: BURGESS, FRED. W. (1855-1945) - Old prints and engravings
207025: BURGESS, KEITH - The challenge of labour : shaping British society, 1850-1930 / Keith Burgess
27749: BURGGRAF, SHIRLEY P. - The Feminine Economy and Economic Man : Reviving the Role of Family in the Post-Industrial Age / Shirley P. Burggraf
140826: BURGHARDT, FRIEDRICH - Die Orientalin
119310: BURGI-KYRIAZI, MARIA - Ramana Maharshi Et L'Experience De L'Etre / Maria Burgi-Kyriazi
44758: BURGI, RICHARD - A History of the Russian Hexameter
245309: BURGIN, MIRON [EDITOR] - Handbook of Latin American Studies No. 9
127787: BURGIS, EDWIN - Perils to British Trade : How to Avert Them
196444: BURGIS, EDWIN - Perils to British trade : how to avert them
191926: BURGMULLER, FRIEDRICH (1806-1874) - Twelve Brilliant and melodious studies for the pianoforte, op.105
9904: BURGOYNE, LIEUT. GENERAL - Richard Coeur De Lion. an Historical Romance, in Three Acts. Altered from the French of Monsr. Sedaine
259070: VAN DE BURGT, F. P - Tractatus de dispensationibus matrimonialibus
194888: BURGTHEATER (VIENNA, AUSTRIA) - Hundertfunfzig Jahre Burgtheater, 1776-1926 : eine Festschrift von der Direktion des Burgtheaters
158522: BURGTORF, JOCHEN. NICHOLSON, HELEN (ED. ) - International Mobility in the Military Orders (Twelfth to Fifteenth Centuries) : Travelling on Christ's Business / Edited by Jochen Burgtorf and Helen Nicholson
11940: BURHOF, E. H.. JOHN HASTED - The Challenge of Atomic Energy, by E. H. S. Burhop with the Collaboration of John Hasted
22995: BURIAN, K. V. - The Story of World Opera
103945: BURICH, NANCY J. - Alexander the Great: a Bibliography [By] Nancy J. Burich
180609: BURIGANA, ALESSANDRA - Italian designers at home / Alessandra Burigana, Mario Ciampi
42025: BURK, WAYNE - The Thief - the Autobiography of Wayne Burk, As Told to Ted Thackrey, Jr.
273257: BURK, KATHLEEN - Old World, New World : the story of Britain and America / Kathleen Burk
128618: BURK, JACOB (EDITOR) - A Treasury of Modern Small Arms
11816: BURKART, A. J. - The Management of Tourism : a Selection of Readings / Compiled and Edited by A. J. Burkart and S. Medlik
81914: BURKE, JOHN - Buffalo Bill: the Noblest Whiteskin, by John Burke
36661: BURKE, RICHARD E. - The Senator : My Ten Years with Ted Kennedy / Richard E. Burke, with William and Marilyn Hoffer
270645: BURKE, THOMAS (1887-1945) - English inns / [by] Thomas Burke
268430: BURKE, JOHN BERNARD SIR (1814-1892) - The book of orders of knighthood and decorations of honour of all nations - Bound in 2 volumes
267388: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) - The beauties of the late Right Hon. Edmund Burke, selected from the writings, &c. of that extraordinary man, ... To which is prefixed, a sketch of the life, with some original anecdotes of Mr. Burke: complete in two volumes
259795: BURKE, HELEN - The Royal Hospital Donnybrook : a heritage of caring, 1743-1993 / Helen Burke
256356: BURKE, OLIVER J. (1825-1889) - The history of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland from A.D. 1186 to A.D. 1874
254458: BURKE, JAMES LEE - The glass rainbow
254456: BURKE, JAMES LEE - Pegasus descending / James Lee Burke
24958: BURKE, ALAN DENNIS - Getting Away with Murder
245159: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797). MCDOWELL, ROBERT BRENDAN (1913-). WOODS, JOHN A - The correspondence of Edmund Burke Vol. 9: Part 1: (May 1796-July 1797) / edited by R. B. McDowell. Part 2: additional and undated letters / edited by John A. Woods
245160: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797).GUTTRIDGE, GEORGE H - The correspondence of Edmund Burke Vol. III (July 1774-June 1778) / edited by George H. Guttridge
240873: BURKE, RICHARD E - The Senator : my ten years with Ted Kennedy / Richard E. Burke with William and Marilyn Hoffer
210785: BURKE, JAMES LEE (1936- ) - Purple cane road / James Lee Burke
209823: BURKE, THOMAS (1887-1945) - English inns / [by] Thomas Burke
178157: BURKE, RICHARD C. (ED.) - Instructional television : bold new venture / edited by Richard C. Burke
16589: BURKE, PETER (COMP. ) - Economy and Society in Early Modern Europe: Essays from Annales. [Translated from the French by Keith Folca]
155444: BURKE, JANINE - The Sphinx on the table : Sigmund Freud's art collection and the development of psychoanalysis
137294: BURKE, ROGER - The Murky Cloak: Local Authority - Press Relations
163999: BURKE, ROBERT EUGENE (1921- ) - Olson's New Deal for California
275567: BURKE, JOHN (1787-1848) - Encyclopædia of heraldry, or, General armory of England, Scotland and Ireland : comprising a registry of all armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time, including the late grants by the College of Arms
252654: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) - The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke. Revised edition. 9 Volumes
220398: BURKE, JACKSON - Jackson Burke 1908-1975. In Memoriam, 11 June 1975, Japan House, New York
30915: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) - Two Letters Addressed to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Directory of France OFFERED WITH.... A Letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace, the Duke of Portland : on the Conduct of the Minority in Parliament : Containing Fifty-Four Articles of Impeachment Against the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox
278386: BURKE, HELEN - Kippers to caviar : cooking for all occasions / Helen Burke ; wood engravings by Zelma Blakely
263946: BURKE, PETER - Celebrated naval and military trials
263546: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) - The works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke - vol. 2
21729: BURKE, THOMAS - The Streets of London through the Centuries
16553: BURKE, KATHLEEN (1887-) - The White Road to Verdun, by Kathleen Burke
10848: BURKE, JAMES D. - An American in Europe - The Photography Collection of Baroness Jeane Von Oppenheim from the Norton Museum of Art
135890: BURKE, THOMAS (1887-1945) - The English Townsman : As He Was and As He is
60863: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) (ED. ) DODSLEY, ROBERT (ANNUAL REGISTER) - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politicks, and Literature, of the Year 1762
60862: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) (ED. ) DODSLEY, ROBERT (ANNUAL REGISTER) - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politicks, and Literature, for the Year 1766
60861: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) (ED. ) DODSLEY, ROBERT (ANNUAL REGISTER) - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politicks, and Literature, for the Year 1799
60860: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) (ED. ) DODSLEY, ROBERT (ANNUAL REGISTER) - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politicks, and Literature, for the Year 1763
60859: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) (ED. ) DODSLEY, ROBERT (ANNUAL REGISTER) - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politicks, and Literature, for the Year 1764
46668: BURKE, RICHARD E. AND HOFFER, WILLIAM AND HOFFER, MARILYN - The Senator - My Ten Years with Ted Kennedy
151946: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797). LAURENCE, FRENCH (1757-1809) - The Epistolary Correspondence of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke and Dr. French Laurence / Published from the Original Manuscripts
151387: BURKE, ARTHUR MEREDYTH - Key to the Ancient Parish Registers of England & Wales
105548: BURKE, RICHARD E. - The Senator : My Ten Years with Ted Kennedy / Richard E. Burke, with William and Marilyn Hoffer
28148: BURKE, JOHN (1787-1848) - A General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire - Exhibiting under Strict Alphabetical Arrangement, the Present State of Those Exalted Personages, with Their Armorial Bearings, Mottoes & C. And Deducing the Genealogical Line of Each House from the Earliest Period with an Appendix Comprising the Prelates, Surnames of Peers....
148465: BURKE, THOMAS (1887-1945) - The Beauty of England
280573: BURKE, WILLIAM MAXWELL - History and functions of central labor unions
116784: BURKE, BILLIE (1885-1970) - With a Feather on My Nose, by Billie Burke, with Cameron Shipp
100914: BURKE, JOAN MARTIN - Civil Rights; a Current Guide to the People, Organizations, and Events
241560: BURKE, BILLIE (1885-1970) - With powder on my nose / [by] Billie Burke with Cameron Shipp
239463: BURKE, PETER (1811-1881) - The public and domestic life of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke
102479: BURKE, BERNARD, SIR (1814-1892) - Prominent Families in America with British Ancestry
132277: BURKE, JAMES (1819-1886) - The Life of Thomas Moore
158012: BURKE, MARIE LOUISE (1912-2004) - Swami Vivekananda in the West : New Discoveries / Marie Louise Burke
164223: BURKE, KENNETH, (1897-1993) - The Complete White Oxen
30900: BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797) - Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke; between the Year 1744 and the Period of His Decease, in 1797. Ed. by Charles William, Earl Fitzwilliam and Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Bourke (Complete in Four Volumes)
123502: BURKE, RICHARD E. WILLIAM HOFFER. MARILYN HOFFER - The Senator : My Ten Years with Ted Kennedy / Richard E. Burke, with William and Marilyn Hoffer
60427: BURKE, MARIE LOUISE (1912-2004) - Swami Vivekananda in the West : New Discoveries - the World Teacher [Part 1]
66703: BURKE, MARIE LOUISE (1912-2004) - Swami Vivekananda in the West : New Discoveries - His Prophetic Mission, Part Two / Marie Louise Burke
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