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218406: ALISON, ARCHIBALD, SIR (1792-1867) - History of Europe during the French Revolution ...
218262: ALISON, ARCHIBALD (1792-1867) - History of Europe : from the commencement of the French Revolution in M.DCC.LXXXIX. to the restoration of the Bourbons in M.DCCC.XV
47299: ALKEMA, B. - Agrarische Regelingen in Nederlandsch-Indie
93355: ALKER, HAYWARD R. - World Politics in the General Assembly [By] Hayward R. Alker, Jr. , and Bruce M. Russett
102650: MAJELIS SERIKAT HENDAK MEROMBAK ALKITAB - Wasiat Jang Lama Ija-Itoe Segala Kitab Perdjandjian Lama Ataw Kitab Torat Dan Kitab Zaboer Dan Kitab Segala Nabi
146534: NATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. FRANK ALLABEN GENEALOGICAL COMPANY. FRANK ALLABEN (ED. ) [ET AL] - Journal of American History [48 Vols. + 1 Index; 1907-1921]
94424: ALLABY, MICHAEL - A Dictionary of the Environment
131966: ALLAIN-TARGE, HENRI (1832-1902) - La Republique Sous L'Empire : Lettres, 1864-1870 / Reunies Et Annotees Par Suzanne De La Porte ; Preface De Maurice Sarraut
129252: ALLAIN, E. ERNEST (1847-1902) - La Question D'Enseignement En 1789 D'Apres Les Cahiers / Par E. Allain
248857: ALLAN, D. J. (DONALD JAMES) - The philosophy of Aristotle. 2nd ed
90885: ALLAN, MEA - Palgrave of Arabia; the Life of William Gifford Palgrave, 1826-88
247488: ALLAN, MEA - Weeds : the unbidden guests in our gardens / Mea Allan ; with drawings by Victoria Matthews
247348: ALLAN, STUART - Commando country / Stuart Allan
242645: ALLAN, D. G. C. SHIPLEY, WILLIAM [ENGLISH PAINTER, (1714-1803)]. PHILIP PRINCE, CONSORT OF ELIZABETH II, QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN (1921-). ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - William Shipley : founder of the Royal Society of Arts : a biography with documents / D.G.C. Allan ; foreword by His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
238939: ALLAN, R. N. (ROBERT NORMAN) - Inflammatory bowel diseases / edited by R.N. Allan [and others] ; foreword by Joseph B. Kirsner
238489: ALLAN, ROBERT NORMAN - Inflammatory bowel diseases / medical editors: Robert N. Allan, Jonathan M. Rhodes, Stephen B. Hanauer ; surgical editors: Michael R.B. Keighley, John Alexander-Williams, Victor W. Fazio
237867: ALLAN, NIGEL - Ever the twain shall meet : the interaction of medical science, East and West : an exhibition at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, May 1993 / Nigel Allan
209988: ALLAN, GILLI - Just before dawn
155093: ALLAN, TONY - Americans in Paris
188134: ALLAN, J. R. - Scotland - 1938: Twenty-Five Impressions
142709: ALLAN, JOHN ROBERTSON (ED. ) - Scotland--1938 : Twenty-Five Impressions / Edited by J. R. Allan
75046: ALLAN, SEMMA (RYNIN) , MRS - RELATED NAME: WEBB, BEATRICE - Comrades and Citizens [Societ People]
74335: ALLAN, JOHN (1884-1955) & DODWELL, HENRY (1879-1946) JOINT EDITORS - The Cambridge Shorter History of India: Part 1 Ancient India
146515: ALLAN, SEEMA RYNIN - Comrades and Citizens : [Soviet People]
182145: ALLAN, JOHN C. - Considerations on the antiquity of mining in the Iberian peninsula
12193: ALLAN, D. G. C. - William Shipley. Founder of the Royal Society of Arts. a Biography with Documents
60647: ALLAND, ALEXANDER (1931-) - Adaptation in Cultural Evolution; an Approach to Medical Anthropology
191863: ALLARD, JACQUES - Zola, le chiffre du texte : lecture de L'assommoir / par Jacques Allard
261787: ALLARD, PAUL (1841-1916) - Histoire des persécutions pendant la première motié du troisième siècle : Septime Sévère, Maximin, Dèce / par Paul Allard
159210: ALLARD, PAUL (1841-1916) - Le Christianisme Et L'Empire Romain : De Neron a Theodose / Par Paul Allard
149282: ALLARD, FRANCIS - Considerations Sur L'Histoire Politique De La Prusse Et De L'Allemagne Contemporaine
182932: ALLARD, ALPHONSE - A propos d'une ligue agricole
167261: ALLARD, PAUL - La verite sur les marchands de canons
192553: ALLARD, ANTOINE - Ferveur : Essai d'application pratique de la doctrine chretienne a la politique
174783: ALLARD, EUGENE - La reforme douaniere en France : ses consequences pour le commerce Franco-Belge / par Eug. Allard
210094: ALLARD, A. - La catechisme des ouvriers du batiment / par A. Allard, depute
230695: ALLARDYCE, MABEL D. ABERDEEN. MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. LIBRARY - The library of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Aberdeen
278971: ALLARIA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA - Sulla istituzione delle colonie specialmente diurne per i bambini dell'età pre-scolare
238161: ALLARTON, GEORGE. BRISTOL ROYAL INFIRMARY [PROVENANCE] - Lithotomy simplified, or, A new method of operating for stone in the bladder : to which is appended an interesting and unique case of caesarian section
134944: ALLAUN, FRANK - No Place like Home; Britain's Housing Tragedy (From the Victims' View) and How to Overcome It
175738: ALLAUN, FRANK - New moves in the H-bomb struggle / Frank Allaun ; with a foreword by Bertrand Russell
204177: ALLBERG, JAN - Ostermalmsboken [Language: Swedish]
247785: ALLEAU, RENÉ - Guide de la provence mystérieuse
213705: ALLEAU, RENE - Hitler et les societes secretes : enquete sur les sources occultes du nazisme
176348: ALLEAUME, CH.-J. - Les catholiques dans la societe francaise / conference organisee par le Cercle d'etudes de Saint-Sever a Rouen, le Avril 1907
138729: ALLEG, HENRI - The Question / Translated from the French by John Calder ; Preface by Jean-Paul Sartre
122067: ALLEG, HENRI - The Question / Translated from the French by John Calder : Preface by Jean-Paul Sartre
93298: ALLEG, HENRI - The Question. Translated from the French by John Calder. Pref. by Jean-Paul Sartre
90094: ALLEG, HENRI - The Question. Translated from the French by John Calder. Preface by Jean-Paul Sartre
236321: ALLEM, MAURICE - Alfred de Musset : édition revue et corrigée
219710: ALLEMANDI, UMBERTO - Catalogo nazionale dell'antiquariato e del collezionismo
176345: DES CATHOLIQUES ALLEMANDS - La guerre allemande et la catholicisme: Reponse allemande aux attaques francaises
248431: ALLEN, JERRY - The sea years of Joseph Conrad
98771: ALLEN, J. A. (JOEL ASAPH) - Selected Works of Joel Asaph Allen. Introd. by Keir B. Sterling
93014: ALLEN, THOMAS B. CHARLES O. HYMAN (EDS. ) - Merchants of Treason : America's Secrets for Sale / Thomas B. Allen and Norman Polmar
9031: ALLEN, E. N. MCCORD, J. F. CLARKE, AND D. J. ROWE - The North-East Engineers' Strikes of 1871: the Nine Hours' League
89204: ALLEN, VIVIEN (1925-?) - Lady Trader : a Biography of Mrs Sarah Heckford
88986: ALLEN, E. (ET AL. ) - The North-East Engineers' Strikes of 1871: the Nine Hours' League [By] E. Allen [And Others]
88463: ALLEN, MAURY - Where Have You Gone, Joe Dimaggio? : the Story of America's Last Hero
86971: ALLEN, MEARL L. (1926-) - Welcome to the Stork Club
80842: ALLEN, GEOFFREY FREEMAN (ED. ) - Jane's World Railways 1982 - 83
78436: ALLEN, ROBERT R. , ED. - The Eighteenth Century : a Current Bibliography. N. S. 4 for 1978 / Robert R. Allen, Jim Springer Borck, Kevin L. Cope and Robert C. Leitz General Editors.
78153: ALLEN, FREDERICK S. - The University of Colorado, 1876-1976 : a Centennial Publication of the University of Colorado
76583: ALLEN, WALTER RECHARDE; EPPS, EDGAR G (1929-?) & HANIFF, NESHA Z (1948-?) JOINT EDITORS - College in Black and White : African American Students in Predominantly White and in Historically Black Public Universities
76187: ALLEN, ROBERT G. - Creating Wealth
73772: ALLEN, JESSIE (1957-? ). PIFER, ALAN J - Women on the Front Lines : Meeting the Challenge of an Aging America ; Reface by Gail Sheehy
67097: ALLEN, WILLIAM LUSK - Anzio, Edge of Disaster / William Lusk Allen
65598: ALLEN, JOHN (1942-) - Assault with a Deadly Weapon : the Autobiography of a Street Criminal / John Allen ; Edited by Dianne Hall Kelly and Philip Heymann ; with a Foreword by Hylan Lewis
59949: ALLEN, ALEXANDRA - Travelling Ladies
54984: ALLEN, GEOFFREY FREEMAN - Luxury Trains of the World
44912: ALLEN, ROBERT D. AND CARTIER, MARSHA K. - The Mental Health Almanac
44156: ALLEN, WALTER - The British Isles in Colour
41301: ALLEN, EDWARD (1948-) - Straight through the Night / Edward Allen
37541: ALLEN, IRENE - Quaker Witness
37393: ALLEN, ROBERT G. - Nothing Down - How to Buy Real Estate with Little or No Money Down
276566: ALLEN, BRYAN L - Print collecting
276268: ALLEN, A. J - More Cotswold stories
275634: ALLEN, THOMAS (1803-1833) - The history and antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and parts adjacent
274967: ALLEN, BRIAN - Francis Hayman / Brian Allen
274582: ALLEN, T. G. (TIM G.) - An Iron Age and Romano-British enclosed settlement at Watkins Farm, Northmoor, Oxon
273528: ALLEN, DAVID RAYVERN - The cricketer's quotation book : a literary companion / edited by David Rayvern Allen
273405: ALLEN, DAVID RAYVERN - In the covers : the best cricket writing of the year / [compiled by] David Rayvern Allen
271780: ALLEN, CHARLES - Raj : a scrapbook of British India, 1877-1947
271704: ALLEN, CHRISTOPHER - Art in Australia : from colonization to postmodernism / Christopher Allen
271163: ALLEN, MICHAEL - Pursuit through darkened skies : an ace night-fighter crew in World War II / Michael Allen DFC
269495: ALLEN, PHOEBE - Peeps at heraldry by Phoebe Allen ; containing 8 full page illustrations in colour and numerous line drawings in the text
268987: ALLEN, GRANT (1848-1899) - Florence
268025: ALLEN, CHARLES - A mountain in Tibet : the search for Mount Kailas and the sources of the great rivers of India / Charles Allen
267901: ALLEN, E. L. (EDGAR LEONARD) (1893-1961) - Jesus our Leader : a guide to the thought of Karl Heim / E. L. Allen
266104: ALLEN, RODNEY - Threshold of terror : the last hours of the monarchy in the French Revolution / Rodney Allen
265400: ALLEN, HUBERT RAYMOND - The legacy of Lord Trenchard / [by] H.R. Allen
264679: ALLEN, DAVID - Sir Aubrey : a biography of C. Aubrey Smith, England cricketer, West End actor, Hollywood film star
264661: ALLEN, D. R - A breathless hush -- : the MCC anthology of cricket verse / edited by David Rayvern Allen with Hubert Doggart
264460: ALLEN, LOUIS DAVID - Herbert's Dune and other works : notes, including life of the author, categories of science fiction, analyses of the short stories, analyses of the novels
259455: ALLEN, DIANA MAJOR - The acquisition of modal auxiliaries in the language of children
259127: ALLEN, CHARLOTTE - The human Christ : the search for the historical Jesus / Charlotte Allen
254897: R ALLEN, MARILYN - Alien minorities and mongrelization
252990: ALLEN, JOHN CATLING - Pictorial Bible atlas / J. Catling Allen ; with maps drawn by Malcolm Porter
247511: ALLEN, NOEL VINCENT. GIDDENS, CAROLINE - Exmoor wildlife : a microstudy
240642: ALLEN, DAVID RAYVERN - Cricket's silver lining : 1864-1914 : the 50 years from the birth of Wisden to the beginning of the Great War / David Rayvern Allen
233969: ALLEN, JOHN ROMILLY (1847-1907) - Norman sculpture and the mediaeval bestiaries : from the Rhind lectures in archaeology for 1885
231190: ALLEN, JANET (1937-). HOLDEN, JOHN (1942-) - The home artists / Janet Allen, John Holden
231191: ALLEN, JANET (1937-) - Drawing
227001: ALLEN, GERALD R. - Tropical Reef Fishes / text by Gerald R. Allen ; photography by Roger Steene (...et al.)
226493: ALLEN, CHARLES - Lives of the Indian princes / Charles Allen and Sharada Dwivedi ; with specially commissioned photographs by Aditya Patankar
226087: ALLEN, MARK - Arabs / Mark Allen
224970: ALLEN, RICK - The moving pageant : a literary sourcebook on London street-life, 1700-1914 / Rick Allen
220665: ALLEN, CHARLES - God's terrorists : the Wahhabi cult and hidden roots of modern Jihad / Charles Allen
208544: ALLEN, DAVID RAYVERN - Cricket's silver lining : 1864-1914 : the 50 years from the birth of Wisden to the beginning of the Great War / David Rayvern Allen
186724: ALLEN, JOSEPH (1944-) - Sandcastles : the splendors of enchantment / text by Joseph Allen ; designed by Don and Debra McQuiston ; photography by Marshall Harrington
178196: ALLEN, ISOBEL. POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC PLANNING (THINK TANK) - Women in top jobs : four studies in achievement
155946: ALLEN, CHARLES - The Buddha and Dr Fuhrer : an archaeological scandal
155398: ALLEN, JOHN - Rabble-rouser for peace : the authorized biography of Desmond Tutu
13116: ALLEN, HARRY CRANBROOK AND THOMPSON, ROGER (EDS. ) - Contrast and Connection : Bicentennial Essays in Anglo-American History / Edited by H. C. Allen and Roger Thompson
127367: ALLEN, MARJORY, LADY. MARY NICHOLSON - Memoirs of an Uneducated Lady : Lady Allen of Hurtwood / [By] Marjory Allen and Mary Nicholson
169508: ALLEN, REGINALD CLIFFORD, 1ST BARON ALLEN OF HURTWOOD - Britain's political future : plea for liberty and leadership
104197: ALLEN, REGINALD (COMP. ) - The Life and Work of Sir Arthur Sullivan / Compiled by Reginald Allen
275144: RUSSELL AND ALLEN - A New Historical and Commercial System of Geography: containing a comprehensive history and description of the present state of all the kingdoms of the world: including most recent discoveries of the latest voyages and travellers: the whole forming a complete guide to geography, astronomy, the use of globes, maps &c.: to which are added a new and copious geographical index with the names and places alphabetically arranged: and a genealogical table of all the sovereigns of the world
202430: ALLEN, AGNES - The story of painting
187435: ALLEN, CLIFFORD (1889-1939) - Britain's political future : a plea for liberty and leadership
172667: ALLEN, HAROLD B. - Rural education and welfare in the middle East
194018: ALLEN, G. C. (GEORGE CYRIL) (1900-) - Western enterprise in Far Eastern economic development, China and Japan
194827: ALLEN, FRED HOVEY [COMP.] - Recent German art; or, Selections from the portfolios of Bleibtreu, Piloty, Richter, Knaus, Kiessling, Makart, Becker, Camphausen, Keisel, Vautier, Erdmann, Dahl, Epp, Seifert, and others. Consisting of sixteen photo-etchings, with descriptive text by Fred H. Allen
251267: ALLEN, GEORGE H - The Great War: fourth volume: the wavering balance of forces
220412: ALLEN LANE, THE PENGUIN PRESS - Bibliopola : pictures and text about the book trade / Sigfred Taubert [promotional brochure/prospectus for the first publication of Allen Lane, The Penguin Press in 1966]
107508: ALLEN, HERVEY - The Ward Ritchie Press, and Anderson, Ritchie & Simon
74764: ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1849-1925) - Aftermath. Part Second of 'A Kentucky Cardinal. '
219045: ALLEN, REGINALD (COMP. ) - W. S. Gilbert : An anniversary survey and exhibition checklist with thirty-five illustrations
112322: ALLEN, EDWARD - The North-East Engineers' Strikes of 1871: the Nine Hours' League [By] E. Allen [And Others]
182853: ALLEN, PHILLIP - The atlas of atlases : the map maker's vision of the world, atlases from the Cadbury Collection, Birmingham Central Library / Phillip Allen
246437: ALLEN, DAVID - Catch more Pike
30197: ALLEN, HERVEY - Action At Aquila
170471: ALLEN, IRENE - The Early Church and the New Testament. A general introduction to the New Testament, etc
23042: ALLEN, EDWARD S. - Thomas Robinson, a Memoir
15901: ALLEN, H. C. (HARRY CRANBROOK) (1917-) - Conflict and Concord; the Anglo-American Relationship Since 1783
15459: ALLEN, GRANT (1848-1899) - Florence
109163: ALLEN, THOMAS B. CHARLES O. HYMAN (EDS. ) - We Americans : Celebrating a Nation, its People, and its Past / Edited by Thomas B. Allen and Charles O. Hyman ; Introduction by Spencer R. Crew
9089: ALLEN, F. M. - Brayhard: The Strange Adventures of One Ass and Seven Champions. with 37 Original Illustrations by Harry Furniss
141637: ALLEN, VICTOR LEONARD - Power in Trade Unions : a Study of Their Organization in Great Britain
139408: ALLEN, GEORGE CYRIL (1900-) - British Industries and Their Organization
139135: ALLEN, JAY PRESSON (1922-2006). PIERRE BARILLET. JEAN-PIERRE GREDY - Forty Carats [Adapted from a Play, Quarante Carats, by Barillet and Gredy]
138382: ALLEN, CASEY - The Nude Aesop : Camera Fables for the Modern Man
137963: ALLEN, EDWARD FRANK (1885-) - Allen's Dictionary of Abbreviations and Symbols; over 6000 Abbreviations and Symbols Commonly Used in Literature, Science, Art, Education, Business, Politics, Religion, Engineering, Industry, War
136350: ALLEN, VICTOR LEONARD - Militant Trade Unionism : a Re-Analysis of Industrial Action in an Inflationary Situation
110997: ALLEN, LAWRENCE J.. BRM SELAH CORPORATION - Man's Greatest Adventure
87493: ALLEN, REX. DECCA RECORDS; REPUBLIC STUDIOS - Rex Allen - Souvenir Program
74673: ALLEN, STEPHEN MERRILL (1819-1894) - The Old and New Republican Parties: Their Origins, Similitude and Progress from the Administration of Washington to That of Chester A. Arthur
108406: ALLEN, STEVE - The Public Hating : a Collection of Short Stories
66078: ALLEN, FRED (1894-1956) - Treadmill to Oblivion; with Drawings by Hirschfeld
63393: ALLEN, WILLIS BOYD (1855-1938) - Silver Rags
11320: ALLEN, MICHAEL THAD - Technologies of Power : Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Hughes and Agatha Chipley Hughes / Edited by Michael Thad Allen and Gabrielle Hecht
113411: ALLEN, STEVE - Hi-Ho, Steverino! : My Adventures in the Wonderful Wacky World of TV
151238: ALLEN, VICTOR LEONARD - Power in Trade Unions : a Study of Their Organization in Great Britain
150913: ALLEN, A. L. - Personal Descriptions / Written and Illustrated by A. L. Allen
150597: ALLEN, VICTOR LEONARD - Power in Trade Unions : a Study of Their Organization in Great Britain
7813: ALLEN, AGNES - The Story of the Book / with Drawings by Agnes and Jack Allen
98408: ALLEN, TREVOR - Jade Elephants, by Trevor Allen
153345: ALLEN, DONNA (1920-1999) - Fringe Benefits : Wages or Social Obligation? : an Analysis with Historical Perspectives from Paid Vacations
88765: ALLEN, HERVEY - Anthony Adverse, by Hervey Allen; Decorations by Allan McNab
88228: ALLEN, FRED - Much Ado about Me
103778: ALLEN, DEBBIE. KADIR NELSON (ILL. ) - Brothers of the Knight
23536: ALLEN, GEORGE HENRY (1876-) - The French Revolution ... - [Complete in Four Volumes]
150441: ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1849-1925) - A Kentucky Cardinal : a Story
148304: ALLEN, WILLIAM H. - How to Say it in English, French, Italian, German
147588: ALLEN, G. C. (GEORGE CYRIL) (1900-1982) - British Industries and Their Organization, by G. C. Allen
143468: ALLEN, CLIFFORD (1889-1939) - Labour's Future At Stake
143141: ALLEN, HENRY JUSTIN (1868-1950) - The Party of the Third Part : the Story of the Kansas Industrial Relations Court
14078: ALLEN, G. C. (GEORGE CYRIL) (1900-1982). BONNITHORNE, AUDREY GLADYS - Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development, China and Japan, by G. C. Allen and Audrey G. Donnithorne
163233: ALLEN, WILLIAM F. - The Village Community and Serfdom in England : and Town, Township and Tithing
227756: ALLEN, WILLIAM EDWARD DAVID - Béled-es-siba : sketches and essays of travel and history
115856: ALLEN, STEVE (1921-2000) - Murder on the Glitter Box / Steve Allen
162117: ALLEN, GRANT (1848-1899) - Biographies of Working Men
159980: ALLEN, LUCY G. - A Book of Hors D'Oeuvres ... Illustrated
159976: ALLEN, LUCY G. - A Book of Hors D'Oeuvres ... Illustrated
159977: ALLEN, LUCY G. - A Book of Hors D'Oeuvres ... Illustrated
159979: ALLEN, LUCY G. - A Book of Hors D'Oeuvres ... Illustrated
159972: ALLEN, LUCY G. - A Book of Hors D'Oeuvres ... Illustrated
192261: ALLEN, V.L. (VICTOR LEONARD) (1923-?) - Militant trade unionism : a re-analysis of industrial action in an inflationary situation
211291: ALLEN, WILLIAM, CARDINAL - Letters of William Allen and Richard Barret, 1572-1598 / edited by P. Renold
123988: ALLEN, CARL B. LAUREN D. LYMAN. FRANCIS TREVELYAN MILLER (ED. ) - The Wonder Book of the Air, by C. B. Allen ... and Lauren D. Lyman ... Revised and Edited by Francis Trevelyan Miller ... Introduction by Bernt Balchen
122484: ALLEN, RUTH DEBERTRAM - Meet God
120134: ALLEN, ANNE. ARTHUR MORTON - This is Your Child : the Story of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
165044: ALLEN, W. A. C. - Old Testament Prophets : a Study in Personalities / William Andrew Campbell Allen
107936: ALLEN, WOODY - Play it Again, Sam
107599: ALLEN, HERVEY - Action At Aquila
111717: ALLEN, GRANT (1848-1899) - Flowers and Their Pedigrees
201598: ALLEN, C. BRUCE (CHARLES BRUCE) - Cottage building : or, Hints for improving the dwellings of working men and labourers
282582: ALLEN, DONALD (1912-2004) - The new American poetry : 1945-1960
121603: ALLEN, VERNON L. (1933-) - Psychological Factors in Poverty. Edited by Vernon L. Allen
38986: ALLEN, JAMES LANE - Aftermath - Part Second of 'A Kentucky Cardinal'
121159: ALLEN, MICHAEL. ANGELA WILCOX (EDS. ) - Critical Approaches to Anglo-Irish Literature
40358: ALLEN, HERVEY - The Forest and the Fort
40797: ALLEN, HERVEY (1889-1949) - The City in the Dawn
41920: ALLEN, HERVEY (1889-1949) - Earth Moods : and Other Poems
44575: ALLEN, JOHN ROBINS (1869-1920) - Heating and Air Conditioning [By] John R. Allen ... James Herbert Walker ... [And] John William James ...
58930: ALLEN, GRANT (1848-1899) - Belgium: its Cities
73643: ALLEN, GUNTHER FREDERICK WILLIAM - Country Life Picture Book of London in Colour. Photos. by G. F. Allen
223930: ALLEN, GEORGE CYRIL (1900-1982) - Modern Japan and its problems
173009: ALLEN, HAROLD BOUGHTON (1891-) - Rural reconstruction in action : experience in the Near and Middle East
192505: ALLEN, EDGAR LEONARD (1893-1961) - Creation and grace. A guide to the thought of Emil Brunner
168455: ALLEN, JOHN HARDEN (1847-) - Judah's sceptre and Joseph's birthright : an analysis of the prophecies of Scripture in regard to the regard to the royal family of Judah and the many nations of Israel
240197: ALLEN, DOUGLAS, EDITOR - Caper Vol. V, No. 6, November 1959
240606: ALLEN, LESLIE - Liberty : the statue and the American dream
192545: ALLEN, EDGAR LEONARD (1893-1961) - Pacifism and the free society : a reply to John Middleton Murry
177991: ALLEN, V. L. (VICTOR LEONARD) - International bibliography of trade unionism
177823: ALLEN , W. GORE - King William IV
176397: ALLEN, REGINALD CLIFFORD ALLEN (BARON, 1889-1939) - Labour's future at stake
189832: ALLEN, THOMAS B. - The quest : a report on extraterrestrial life
191363: ALLEN, JOHN (1810-1886) - State churches and the kingdom of Christ : an essay on the establishment of ministers, forms and services of religion by secular power; and on its inconsistency with the free, humbling, spiritual nature of the Christian dispensation
61824: ALLEN, WILLIS BOYD (1855-1938) - Navy Blue : a Story of Cadet Life in the United States Naval Academy At Annapolis
190810: ALLEN, V. L. (VICTOR LEONARD) - Power in trade unions : a study of their organization in Great Britain
190662: ALLEN, EDGAR LEONARD (1893-1961) - Christianity and society : a guide to the thought of Reinhold Niebuhr / E.L. Allen
130995: ALLEN, ARTHUR B. - Norman England to 1154, the Background Book
142128: ALLEN, CLARK LEE - Elementary Mathematics of Price Theory
142894: ALLEN, GEORGE CYRIL (1900-1982) - British Industries and Their Organization
143243: ALLEN, ROY GEORGE DOUGLAS - Mathematical Analysis for Economists
146672: ALLEN, VICTOR LEONARD - Trade Union Leadership : Based on a Study of Arthur Deakin
147250: ALLEN, V. L. (VICTOR LEONARD) - Trade Union Leadership / Based on a Study of Arthur Deakin
150207: ALLEN, JAMES STEWART (1906-) - World Monopoly and Peace / James S. Allen
151400: ALLEN, JAMES STEWART (1906-) - World Monopoly and Peace / James S. Allen
157364: ALLEN, ELLEN GORDON (1897 - ) - Japanese Flower Arrangement; a Complete Primer
160634: ALLEN, GEORGE EDWARD (1896- ) - Presidents Who Have Known Me
16929: ALLEN, HARLAND HILL (1888-) - Whither Interest Rates? An Analysis of Pressures in and from the Capital Markets
31223: ALLEN, ALICE E. - Little Aunt Emmie
123883: ALLEN, REGINALD. GALE R. D'LUHY - Presenting in Word & Song, Score & Deed, the Life and Work of Sir Arthur Sullivan : Composer for Victorian England : from 'Onward, Christian Soldiers' to Gilbert & Sullivan Opera / Compiled by Reginald Allen, in Collaboration with Gale R. D'Luhy
49987: ALLEN, STEVE - Fourteen for Tonight
64203: ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1849-1925) - A Kentucky Cardinal; a Story
64555: ALLEN, G. C. (GEORGE CYRIL) (1900-1982) - British Industries and Their Organization
68475: ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1849-1925) - The Choir Invisible
71452: ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1849-1925) - A Kentucky Cardinal : a Story
71529: ALLEN, FRANCIS H. - Thoreau's editors, history and reminiscence
105605: ALLEN, L. DAVID - Science Fiction : an Introduction / L. David Allen; Consulting Editor: James L. Roberts
86938: ALLEN, GRANT (1848-1899) - The Plants with Many Illustrations
87970: ALLEN, GRANT (1848-1899) - Florence
192507: ALLEN, EDGAR LEONARD (1893-1961) - A guide to the thought of Karl Heim by E. L. Allen
189604: ALLEN, EDGAR LEONARD (1893-1961) - Christian humanism : a guide to the thought of Jacques Maritain
192503: ALLEN, EDGAR LEONARD (1893-1961) - Christianity and society : a guide to the thought of Reinhold Niebuhr
238031: ALLEN, FREDERICK MARTIN BRICE. FISHER, O. D - Aids to diagnosis and treatment of diseases of children
264107: ALLEN, DAVID RAYVERN - More than a game : a classic cricket collection / edited by David Rayvern Allen
210581: ALLEN, WILLIAM EDWARD DAVID (1901-). MURATOV, PAVEL PAVLOVICH (1881-1950) - The Russian campaigns of 1944-45
211083: ALLEN, DAVID RAYVERN (EDITED) - Arlott on cricket: His writings on the game
211381: ALLEN, HAROLD BOUGHTON (1891-1970) - Rural education and welfare in the middle East : a report to the Director General Middle East Supply Centre September 1944
211498: ALLEN, ELIZABETH. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY COMMITTEE - We see Russia / Elizabeth Allen...et al.
54457: ALLEN, RALPH (1913-1966) - Peace River Country
240940: ALLEN, CHARLES DEXTER (1865-1926) - American book-plates : a guide to their study with examples
59606: ALLENBAUGH, KAY (COMP. ) - Chocolate for a Woman's Heart / [Compiled By] Kay Allenbaugh
247875: ALLENBY, GENERAL SIR EDWARD H. H - A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force: July 1917 to October 1918
39178: ALLENDE, ISABEL - The Infinite Plan
173492: ALLENDE, ISABEL - Daughter of fortune : a novel / Isabel Allende ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden
163432: ALLENDE, ISABEL - The Infinite Plan : a Novel / Isabel Allende ; Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden
163431: ALLENDE, ISABEL - Portrait in Sepia : a Novel / Isabel Allende ; Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden
37154: ALLENDORF, MARLIS - Women in Socialist Society
145516: ALLERBECK, KLAUS R. - Soziologie Radikaler Studentenbewegungen : Eine Vergleichende Untersuchung in D. Bundesrepublik Deutschland U. D. Vereinigten Staaten; [Mit] 69 Tab. / Klaus R. Allerbeck
155195: ALLERT, TILMAN - The Hitler salute : on the meaning of a gesture
268532: ALLESTREE, RICHARD (1619-1681) - The ladies calling : in two parts. By the author of The whole duty of man, &c
193681: ALLESTREE, RICHARD (1619-1681) - The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : Divided into XVII chapters. One whereof being read every Lord's Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year... ... Necessary for all families. With private devotions for several occasions
122212: ALLETZHAUSER, AL - The House of Nomura : the Rise to Supremacy of the World's Most Powerful Company: the Inside Story of the Legendary Japanese Dynasty / Al Alletzhauser
256839: ALLEY, RONALD - Gauguin / Ronald Alley
243958: ALLEY, REWI (1897-1987) - Peace through the ages : translations from the poets of China / translated and published by R. Alley
166209: ALLEY, JEROM (1760-1827) - Historical Essays on the Lives of Augustus Cesar; and Lewis XIV : of Cardinals Richelieu and XIMENES; and of William III. of England, and Henry IV. of France: to Which the Prizes Proposed by His Excellency John, Earl of Bucking Hamshire
121308: ALLEY, REWI (1897-1987) - The People Have Strength
42178: ALLGOWER, MARTIN (1917-) - The Cellular Basis of Wound Repair
72003: ALLIANCE GRAPHIQUE INTERNATIONALE / HARAK, RUDOLPH (EDITOR) - Posters by Members of the Alliance Graphique Internationale, 1960-1985 / Edited by Rudolph De Harak
222328: IRISH UNIONIST ALLIANCE - Bound collection of Irish Unionist Alliance pamphlets including The Home Rule Instalment Bill, List of Publications 1906-7, Clericalism and the Irish Local Councils, The Seperatist Conspiracy in Ireland ... among others
174618: UNITED KINGDOM ALLIANCE - The Alliance Year Book and Temperance Reformers' Handbook for 1927 / Edited by George B. Wilson
91845: ALLIBONE, T. E. - RELATED NAMES: ROYAL SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN) ; BRITISH ACADEMY - The Impact of the Natural Sciences on Archaeology: a Joint Symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy; Organised by a Committee under the Chairmanship of T. E. Allibone
230208: ALLIBONE, FINCH - In pursuit of the robber baron : recreating the travels of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily
246487: ALLIBONE, SAMUEL AUSTIN (1816-1889) - A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors living and deceased : from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century: contain over forty-six thousand articles (authors): with forty indexes of subjects: complete in five volumes
152192: ALLIED FORCES. SUPREME HEADQUARTERS. EISENHOWER, DWIGHT DAVID (1890-1969) - Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the Operations in Europe of the Allied Expenditionary Force, 6 June 1944 to 8 May 1945
126852: ALLIER, COURS DE M. LE PROFESSEUR RAOUL - Les Eglises De La Reforme Et Le Probleme De La Paix, Au Cours Du XIX Siecle
261598: ALLIES, T. W. (THOMAS WILLIAM) (1813-1903) - St. Peter, his name and his office : as set forth in Holy Scripture by Thomas W. Allies
129412: ALLIES, THOMAS WILLIAM - Church and State : As Seen in the Formation of Christendom
115998: ALLIGHAN, GARRY - Curtain-Up on South Africa : Presenting a National Drama
136972: ALLIGHAN, GARRY - Curtain-Up on South Africa : Presenting a National Drama
96579: ALLIGHAN, GARRY (1898-?) - Verwoerd - the End : a Look-Back from the Future
36157: ALLIGHAN, GARRY (1898-) - Curtain-Up on South Africa : Presenting a National Drama
12905: ALLIGHAN, GARRY - The 65th Defendant, an Exposure of Gangster Crime and a Social Indictment
21226: ALLIGHAN, GARRY (1898-) - Curtain-Up on South Africa : Presenting a National Drama
89865: ALLIGHAN, GARRY (B. 1898) - The Welensky Story
99003: ALLIGHAN, GARRY - The Welensky Story
217600: ALLILUEVA, SVETLANA - Svetlana alliluyeva dvadtsat' pisem k drugu [Svetlana Alliluyeva, Twenty Letters to a Friend. Language: Russian]
216877: ALLILUYEV, SERGEY YAKOVLEVICH (1866 - 1945) - Proydennyy Put'. [The path of valour. Language: Russian]
14718: ALLILUYEVA, SVETLANA - Only One Year
249446: ALLIN, MICHAEL (1944-) - Zarafa : the true story of a giraffe's journey from the plains of Africa to the heart of post-Napoleonic France / Michael Allin
251465: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Police at the funeral
251441: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - More work for the undertaker
251446: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Mystery mile an Albert Campion mystery
251070: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Police at the funeral
251057: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - More work for the undertaker
250941: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Police at the funeral
249413: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Sweet Danger
249351: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Sweet Danger
233167: ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM (1824-1889). ALLINGHAM, HELEN PATERSON (1848-1926). RADFORD, D - William Allingham's diary, (1847-1889) / [edited by H. Allingham and D. Radford ; introduction by Geoffrey Grigson]
256914: ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM (1824-1889) - Day and night songs
229760: ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM (1824-1889). ALLINGHAM, HELEN PATERSON (1848-1926). RADFORD, D. FOLIO SOCIETY - The diaries / William Allingham ; edited by H. Allingham and D. Radford ; introduction by John Julius Norwich
251000: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - More work for the undertaker
249248: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Sweet Danger
250924: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Hide my eyes
251439: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Sweet dreams
251433: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Death of a ghost
251069: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - More work for the undertaker
251028: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Dancers in mourning
250950: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Coroner's pidgin
250940: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Coroner's pidgin
249349: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Mystery Mile
250892: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - The crime at black Dudley
250891: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - The tiger in the smoke
250889: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - The beckoning lady
250839: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Mystery mile
250798: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Mystery mile
250778: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Coroner's pidgin
250722: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - Look to the lady
249410: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - The crime of black Dudley
67080: ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM (1824-1889) (ED. ) - The Ballad Book: a Selection of the Choicest British Ballads, Ed. by William Allingham
200573: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY (1904-1966) - The mind readers
251440: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - The China governess
238037: ALLINGHAM, HERBERT WILLIAM - Colotomy, inguinal, lumbar, and transverse, for cancer or stricture with ulceration of the large intestine
250964: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - More work for the undertaker
278816: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY (1904-1966) - Death of a ghost : Margery Allingham
230106: ALLINGHAM, HELEN (1848 - 1926) [ILLUS.]. DICK, STEWART [AUTHOR] - The cottage homes of England : with sixty-four full-page coloured plates from pictures never before reproduced / drawn by Helen Allingham and described by Stewart Dick
249332: ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - The Tiger in the Smoke
276090: ALLINSON, ALEC - Multiworlds / Alec Allinson, Beverley Allinson, John McInnes, illustrated by Jon McKee
131417: ALLINSON, A. R. (ALFRED RICHARD) - The Days of the Directoire
199033: ALLINSON, KENNETH LESLIE - 35 mm. photography with an Exakta
39893: ALLIOT, MAURICE AND BAILLOU - Ronsard Et Son Quatrième Centenaire - 15 Janvier 1926
80246: ALLISON, SONIA - Pot Luck
275369: ALLISON, MIKE - The magic of MG
257933: ALLISON, GEORGE - Penal servitude for politics
278497: ALLISON, SONIA - Lots of fun to cook with Rupert
254706: ALLISON, WILLIAM - 'My kingdom for a horse!' Yorkshire, Rugby, Balliol : the bar, bloodstock and journalistic recollections / William Allison
235552: ALLISON, SONIA - Pot luck
230061: ALLISON, SONIA - Calorie counter's cookbook
21656: ALLISON, LINCOLN - Environmental Planning A Political and Philosophical Analysis
178912: ALLISON, JOHN MAUDGRIDGE SNOWDEN (1888-1944) - Thiers and the French monarchy
252060: ALLISON, GEORGE - Penal servitude for politics
29587: ALLISON, GRAHAM T. ALBERT CARNESALE. JOSEPH S. NYE, JR. (EDS. ) - Hawks, Doves, and Owls : an Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War / Graham T. Allison, Albert Carnesale, Joseph S. Nye, Jr. , Editors
108015: ALLISON, YOUNG EWING - The Old Music Master; a Small-Town Christmas Memory. Introd. by J. Christian Bay
102105: ALLISON, SONIA - New and Natural Herbs and Spices
146980: ALLISON, THOMAS (1869-) - English Religious Life in the Eighth Century : As Illustrated by Contemporary Letters
12971: ALLISON, SAMUEL K. , ET ALI - Science and Freedom - the Proceedings of the Hamburg Conference July 22nd-26th, 1953
278588: ALLISON, SONIA - Marmite guide to better cooking
128230: ALLMAND, C. T. C. A. J. ARMSTRONG (EDS.) - English Suits before the Parlement of Paris, 1420-1436 / Edited for the Royal Historical Society by C. T. Allmand and C. A. J. Armstrong
228815: ALLMER, KONRAD - Katalog der Josephinischen Sammlung anatomischer und geburtshilflicher Wachspräparate im Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Wien
227652: ALLOM, T. (ILLUSTRATOR) - Views of France
166533: ALLON, YIGAL, (1918-1980) - Shield of David; the Story of Israel's Armed Forces
278760: ALLOTT, KENNETH CYRIL BRUCE - The Penguin book of contemporary verse
215728: ALLPORT, ALAN - Demobbed : coming home after the Second World War
98469: VAN ALLSBURG, CHRIS - Bad Day At Riverbend
267015: ALLSOP, NIALL - Images of the Kennet and Avon : 100 years in camera: Bristol to Bradford-on-Avon / Niall Allsop
251410: ALLSOP, KENNETH (1920-1973) - In the country / Kenneth Allsop
213328: ALLSOP, R. A. FORSTER, WILLIAM (1934-). UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER - Pit-talk : a survey of terms used by miners in the South Midlands / prepared by R.A. Allsop ... et al. ; edited by W. Forster
274724: ALLSOPP, BRUCE - English architecture : an introduction to the architectural history of England from the Bronze Age to the present day
198180: ALLSOPP, BRUCE - Historic architecture of Newcastle upon Tyne / edited by Bruce Allsopp, sponsored by the Northumberland and Newcastle Society and the City Council
79150: ALLSWANG, JOHN M. - A House for all Peoples; Ethnic Politics in Chicago, 1890-1936 [By] John M. Allswang
184832: ALLTHORPE-GUYTON, MARJORIE ; NORWICH CASTLE MUSEUM - John Thirtle,1777-1839 : drawings in Norwich Castle Museum / Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton
65899: ALLVINE, GLENDON - The Greatest Fox of Them All
272271: ALLWARD, MAURICE - Hurricane special / Maurice Allward ; [paintings by M. Roffe]
247851: ALLWOOD, MONTAGU C - Carnations for everyman
232423: ALLYN, RUBE (1901-1968) - Florida fishes; salt and freshwater fishes
236636: ALMACK, EDWARD (1852-1917). GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY. DRAGOONS, 2ND (ROYAL SCOTS GREYS) - The history of the Second dragoons : 'Royal Scots greys'
279896: DE ALMADA, JOSÉ. GODDING, ROBERT. LORD HAILEY. JOEKES, A.M. LAURENTIE, H - Colonial Administration By European Powers: a series of papers read at King's College, London, 14 November to 12 December 1946
166257: BOSTON ALMANAC - Boston Almanac 1855, Number 1855
32076: THE FOOLISH ALMANACK - The Foolish Almanack for the Year of 1906 A. D. and the Fifth Since the Discovery of Race Suicide by President Roosevelt...
70966: ALMANSA, S. (PHOTOS) - Murcia, a Reality in the 90's
217475: ALMARSKI, WITOLD - Motywy decyzji [Language: Polish]
217708: ALMARSKI, WITOLD - Motywy decyzji [Language: Polish]
217862: ALMAZOV, YU A. - Voprosy khraneniya i konservatsii muzeynykh materialov [Questions preservation and conservation of museum materials. Language: Russian]
274705: ALMEDINGEN, E. M. (EDITH MARTHA) (1898-1971) - Young Mark : the story of a venture / illustrated by Victor G.Ambrus
18770: ALMEDINGEN, EDITH MARTHA (1898-1971) - Catherine the Great : a Portrait
115946: ALMEDINGEN, E. M. (EDITH MARTHA) (1898-1971) - The Romanovs; Three Centuries of an Ill-Fated Dynasty, by E. M. Almedingen
35057: ALMEDINGEN, EDITH MARTHA (1898-1971) - The Romanovs; Three Centuries of an Ill-Fated Dynasty, by E. M. Almedingen
101412: ALMEDINGEN, E. M. (EDITH MARTHA) - Dasha
31321: ALMEDINGEN, E. M. - Out of Seir - a Poem
93025: ALMEDINGEN, EDITH MARTHA (1898-1971) - Catherine the Great, a Portrait
185820: ALMEIDA, MANUEL ANTONIO DE (1831-1861) - Memoirs of a militia sergeant / translated from the Portuguese by Linton L. Barrett
242288: ALMENT, EDWARD ANTHONY JOHN. ALMENT, ANTHONY. MCLACHLAN, GORDON. NUFFIELD PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS TRUST - Reviewing practice in medical care : steps to quality assurance / essays by Anthony Alment [et al.] ; edited by Gordon McLachlan
130150: ALMERAS, HENRI D' (1861-1938) - La Vie Parisienne Sous La Republique De 1848
172061: D'ALMERAS, HENRI (1861-1938) - Le Tartuffe de Moliere / Henri D'Almeras
140566: ALMIRA, JOSE. STOYAN, GIV - Le Declic De Sarajevo
279765: ALMON, JOHN (1737-1805) - A letter to the Right Honourable Charles Jenkinson
151705: ALMON, JOHN (1737-1805) - The History of the Late Minority : Exhibiting the Conduct, Principles, and Views, of That Party, During the Years 1762, 1763, 1764, and 1765
261956: ALMON, JOHN (1737-1805) - Anecdotes of the life of the Right Honourable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham : and of the principal events of his time: with his speeches in Parliament, from the year 1736 to the year 1778
265933: ALMOND, LINDA STEVEN - When Peter Rabbit went to school
209972: ALMOND, DAVID (1951- ) - Heaven Eyes / David Almond
209948: ALMOND, DAVID (1951- ) - Kit's wilderness / David Almond
209906: ALMOND, DAVID (1951- ) - Secret heart / David Almond
26224: ALMOND, STEVE - Candyfreak : a Journey through the Chocolate Underbelly of America / Steve Almond
186684: ALMOND, DAVID - My dad's a birdman
31542: ALMOND, GABRIEL A. - Political Development - Essays in Heuristic Theory
280875: INSTITUTE OF HOSPITAL ALMONERS - Report for the year 1930
280876: INSTITUTE OF HOSPITAL ALMONERS - Report for the year 1932
218324: ALMOSNINO, MOSES - Sefer yede Mosheh = The hands of Moses [Language; Hebrew]
218110: ALMOSNINO, MOSES BEN BARUCH (CA. 1515-CA. 1580) - Sefer yede Mosheh : (The hands of Moses)
181274: ALMOSNINO, MOSES BEN BARUCH (CA. 1515-CA. 1580) - Sefer Yede Mosheh
244195: ALMOSNINO, MOSES BEN BARUCH (CA. 1515-CA. 1580). ?????????, ???. - Sefer yede Mosheh : (The hands of Moses)
181005: ALMQUIST, K. J. E. - Die Kolonisten auf Grimstahamn / von K.J.E. Almquist
203736: ALMQUIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Filosofiska och estetiska avhandlingar / utgivna av Olle Holmberg [Samlade skrifter / C. J. L. Almquist]
203950: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Sesemana / Carl Jonas Love Almqvist; utgiven av Per Martenson; efterskrift Folke Isaksson [Language: Swedish]
204334: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Filosofiska och akademiska avhandlingar ; utgivna av Olle Holmberg [Language: Swedish]
204074: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Menniskoslagtets saga, eller Allmanna werldshistorien forenad med geografi / af C. J. L. Almqvist. Forsta delen: Det stora Asien, eller det inre och egentliga Osterlandet, i aldre och nyare tider
204305: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Tre fruar i Smaland / C. J. L. Almqvist [Language: Swedish]
203962: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Tornrosens bok : Imperial octavupplaga [Language: Swedish]
204303: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Tornrosens bok : duodesupplagan, Band 5-7 / C. J. L. Almqvist [Language: Swedish]
204302: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Tornrosens bok : duodesupplagan, Band 8-11 / C. J. L. Almqvist [Language: Swedish]
204300: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Tornrosens bok : duodesupplagan, band 12-14 / C. J. L. Almqvist [Language: Swedish]
203957: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Jagtslottet : romantisk berattelse ur narvarande tid [Language: Swedish]
198190: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Journalistik, band 1: 1839-1845 / C.J.L. Almqvist ; urval, inledning och kommentarer av Bertil Romberg
198191: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Journalistik, band 2: 1846-1851 / C.J.L. Almqvist ; urval, inledning och kommentarer av Bertil Romberg
204310: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Tornrosens bok [5 volumes - Language: Swedish]
198183: ALMQVIST, CARL JONAS LOVE (1793-1866) - Herrarne pa Ekolsund : Roman fran medlet af forra arhundradet af forfattaren till Tornrosens bok [complete in 3 volumes - language: Swedish]
198228: ALMQVIST, C. J. L. (CARL JONAS LOVE), (1793-1866) - Tornrosens bok : band 1-13 [13 volumes in 5]
198981: ALMQVIST, CARL JONAS LOVE (1793-1866). ASPELIN, KURT - Hvad ar en tourist : brev och korrespondenser fran en utrikes resa / Carl Jonas Love Almqvist ; med inledning och kommentarer utgivna av Kurt Aspelin
230644: ALON, AZARIA - The natural history of the land of the Bible
133067: ALON, GEDALIA. GERSHON LEVI (ED. ) - The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic Age, 70-640 C. E. / Gedaliah Alon ; Translated and Edited by Gershon Levi. Volume 1
185629: ALONSO SCHOKEL, LUIS - Journey through the Bible lands
165872: ALONSO, DON - Memoires D'Une Institutrice a Constantinople, Racontes Par Don Alonso
162588: ALOTTA, ROBERT I. - Signposts and Settlers : the History of Place Names West of the Rockies / Robert I. Alotta
135399: ALPER, BENEDICT SOLOMON - Prisons Inside-Out; Alternatives in Correctional Reform [By] Benedict S. Alper. Foreword by Milton Rector. Foreword by Atsushi Nagashima
152066: ALPER, MICHAEL (1902-1955) - Reconstructing Jewish Education
277150: ALPERS, ANTONY (1919-1997) - Legends of the South Sea : the world of the Polynesians seen through their myths and legends, poetry and art
269104: ALPERS, ANTONY (1919-1997) - The life of Katherine Mansfield / Antony Alpers
94222: ALPERS, ANTONY (1919-) - Katherine Mansfield
62700: ALPERT, JOSEPH S. (ED. ) - Cardiology for the Primary Care Physician / Edited by Joseph S. Alpert
58841: ALPERT, CARL (1913-) - Technion : the Story of Israel's Institute of Technology / Carl Alpert
269443: ALPERT, CARL - Technion : the story of Israel's Institute of Technology / Carl Alpert
228962: ALPERT, GERRI. OWEN, SUZANNE - Bike abroad : 439 organized trips with 70 companies in 49 countries
125913: ALPERT, HOLLIS - The Barrymores
48994: ALPERT, HOLLIS - The Barrymores
219558: AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE / HOLLIS ALPERT [EDITOR] - American Film : Journal of the Film and Television Arts. Volume IV - Number 2 - November 1978
111481: ALPERT, HOLLIS - Burton / Hollis Alpert
172469: ALPHANDERY, JEAN-JACQUES - Cuba, l'autre revolution : douze ans d'economie socialiste
152900: ALPORT, CUTHBERT JAMES MCCALL ALPORT, BARON (1912-) - Kingdoms in Partnership : a Study of Political Change in the British Commonwealth
228735: ALSBERG, CARL - Carl Alsberg : scientist at large / edited by Joseph S. Davis. PRESENTATION COPY
112064: ALSBERG, JOHN L. - Ancient Sculpture from Western Mexico; the Evolution of Artistic Form. Text: John L. Alsberg. Photography: Rodolfo Petschek.
98261: ALSOP, JOSEPH (1910-1989) - The Rare Art Traditions : the History of Art Collecting and its Linked Phenomena Wherever These Have Appeared
125539: ALSOP, JOSEPH - FDR, 1882-1945 : a Centenary Remembrance / Joseph Alsop ; Picture Sections Compiled and Written by Roland Gelatt ; Photo Research by Laurie Platt Winfrey
194556: ALSOP, JOSEPH (1910-1989) - We accuse! : the story of the miscarriage of American justice in the case of J. Robert Oppenheimer
94775: ALSOP, ALFRED - Street Children Sought and Found and Other Stories
161067: ALSOP, JOSEPH (1910-1989) - The Reporter's Trade [By] Joseph and Stewart Alsop
246485: ALSPACH, RUSSEL. K - Yeats and Innisfree by Russell K. Alspach being No. III of the Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers MCMLXV
201808: ALSTON, R. C. (ROBIN CARFRAE), (1933- ) ; BRITISH LIBRARY - The British Library : past, present, future
11684: ALSTON, JOHN - Odds and Ends in Rhyme Old and New : Complete
11562: ALSTON, MADELINE - From an Old Cape Homestead
228204: ALSTON, ARTHUR HUGH GARFIT (1902-1958) - The Kandy Flora
45885: ALSTON, MADELINE - From the Heart of the Veld
272554: VAN ALSTYNE, RICHARD W - The United States and East Asia / Richard W. Van Alstyne
79655: VAN ALSTYNE, RICHARD WARNER (1900-) - American Diplomacy in Action, a Series of Case Studies [By] Richard W. Van Alstyne ... Foreword by Graham H. Stuart
279507: ALSUM'S, INC - Cooking and traveling the Cape Cod way : Plymouth to Provincetown
245698: ALT, PETER-ANDRÉ (1960-) - Schiller : Leben, Werk, Zeit: Eine Biographie
245699: ALT, PETER-ANDRÉ (1960-) - Schiller : Leben, Werk, Zeit: Eine Biographie
240192: ALTA STUDIOS, INC.; STARK, ALEXANDER, PHOTOGRAPHER - Alta art studies, Volume 1
195413: AMERICAN NATIONAL THEATRE AND ACADEMY WEST AND THE ALTANS - The 1976 National Artist Award to Miss Helen Hayes at a Gala Premiere Performance of 'A Chorus Line' at the Schubert Theatre...
152589: FAMILY ALTAR - Holy Bible
67335: ALTBACH, PHILIP G. AND LOMOTEY, KOFI (EDS. ) - The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education / Edited by Philip G. Altbach and Kofi Lomotey ; Foreword by Clark Kerr
233396: ALTEMARK, JOACHIM - Der Lärm, womit der Musikant uns stört. Nachdenkliches über das Verhältnis Wilhelm Buschs zur Musik
266717: ALTENBERG, PETER - Alexander King presents Peter Altenberg's Evocations of love
214542: ALTENBERG, PETER (1859-1919) - Alexander King presents Peter Altenberg's Evocations of love
215523: ALTENBERG, PETER (1859-1919) - Alexander King presents Peter Altenberg's Evocations of love
210891: ALTENBERG, PETER (1859-1919) - Nachlese / Peter Altenberg
211288: ALTENBERG, PETER, PSEUD. [I.E. RICHARD ENGLAENDER.] - Das Altenbergbuch / Herausgegeben von Egon Friedell : [With portraits and illustrations]
234573: ALTENBURG, JOHANN ERNST (1734-1801) - Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Pauker-Kunst
254496: D'ALTENHEYM, MME. (GABRIELLE SOUMET) - Les Quatre siècles littéraires. Récits de l'histoire de la littérature sous Périclès, Auguste, Léon X. et Louis XIV
156183: ALTER, STEPHEN - Elephas Maximus : a Portrait of the Indian Elephant / Stephen Alter
58493: ALTER, NORA M. (1962-) - Vietnam Protest Theatre : the Television War on Stage / Nora M. Alter
208485: ALTHAM, HARRY SURTEES - Hampshire county cricket : the official history of he Hampshire County Cricket Club
211735: ALTHAM, HARRY SURTEES (1888-1965) - The heart of cricket : a memoir of H. S. Altham / edited by Hubert Doggart, with a foreword by Sir Alec Douglas-Home
167154: ALTHAUS, PAUL, (1888-1966) - The so-called Kerygma and the historical Jesus / Paul Althaus ; translated by David Cairns
151142: ALTHAUS, AMTSLEITER HERMANN - Soziale Eingliederung in Deutschland = Social Order Arrangements in Germany = L'Incorporation De L'Individu Dans La Collectivite Allemande
207166: ALTHAUS, PAUL (1888-1966) - Das sogenannte Kerygma und der historische Jesus : zur Kritik der heutigen Kerygma-Theologie
280209: ALTHEA - Making a book
280207: ALTHEA - Life in a castle
280210: ALTHEA - Machines on a farm
85690: ALTHER, LISA - Five Minutes in Heaven
116265: ALTHOFF, WILLIAM F. - Sky Ships : a History of the Airship in the United States Navy / William F. Althoff
111820: ALTHOFF, WILLIAM F. - Sky Ships : a History of the Airship in the United States Navy / William F. Althoff
270759: ALTHOLZ, JOSEF L - Victorian England 1837-1901 / Josef L. Altholz
135493: ALTHOLZ, JOSEF LEWIS - Victorian England 1837-1901 [By] Josef L. Altholz
176768: ALTHOUSE, COLIN H. - The diamond shield
98546: ALTHOUSE, ANDREW DANIEL & TURNQUIST, CARL HAROLD (1910-?) & BOWDITCH, WILLIAM A (JOINT AUTHORS) - Modern Welding; Complete Coverage of the Welding Field in One Easy-To-Use Volume
204921: ALTHUS, P. F. [TEXT] - Die welt der Camera [Bildband, gestaltet durch die Redaktion der Zeitschrift Camera und deren Mitarb]
196160: ALTHUSSER, LOUIS (1918-1990) ; BRECHT, BERTHOLD (1898-1956) [ET AL.] - New Left Review [selection of articles from 1967, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976 & 1981]
74180: ALTICK, RICHARD DANIEL (1915-?) - The Art of Literary Research
205690: ALTING, JOHAN HENDRIK CARPENTIER (1864-1929) - The Netherlands and the world war: studies in the war history of a neutral. Volume 3: The effect of the war upon the colonies
76677: ALTMAN, LEON L. (1911-) - The Dream in Psychoanalysis
235325: ALTMANN, WILHELM (1862-1951) - Handbuch für Streichquartettspieler
215373: ALTMANN, PETER (1936-) - Erwahlungstheologie und Universalismus im Alten Testament / Peter Altmann
165416: ALTMANN, ALEXANDER (ED. ) - Between East and West : Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Bela Horovitz / Edited by A. Altmann
235416: ALTMANN, WILHELM (1862-1951) - Kammermusik-Katalog : ein Verzeichnis von seit 1841 veröffentlichten Kammermusikwerken
141564: ALTMANN, PETER - Erwahlungstheologie Und Universalismus Im Alten Testament / Peter Altmann
131252: ALTON, THAD P. (ET AL. ) - Hungarian National Income and Product in 1955, by Thad Paul Alton and [Others]
96926: ALTON, THAD P. (THAD PAUL) - Hungarian National Income and Product in 1955, by Thad Paul Alton and [Others]
96830: ALTON, THAD P. (THAD PAUL) - Polish National Income and Product in 1954, 1955, and 1956, by Thad Paul Alton and [Others]
161005: ALTON, THAD PAUL - Hungarian National Income and Product in 1955, by Thad Paul Alton and [Others]
96062: ALTRINCHAM, EDWARD WILLIAM MACLEAY GRIGG, BARON (1879-1955) - Kenya's Opportunity; Memories, Hopes and Ideas
263048: ALTSCHUL, ANNIE T - Psychology for nurses / Annie Altschul, Helen C. Sinclair
263039: ALTSCHUL, ANNIE T - Psychiatric nursing / Annie Altschul, Ruth Simpson
261467: ALTSHELER, JOSEPH A. (JOSEPH ALEXANDER) (1862-1919.) - The shadow of the North : a story of old New York and a lost campaign
47233: ALTSHULER, ALAN A. GOMEZ-IBANEZ, JOSE - Regulation for Revenue - the Political Economy of Land Use Exactions
18444: ALTSHULER, DAVID (ED. ) - The Precious Legacy : Judaic Treasures from the Czechoslovak State Collections / Edited by David Altshuler
183363: ALTSHULER, BRUCE (ED.) - Collecting the new : museums and contemporary art / edited by Bruce Altshuler
43668: ALTSHULER, DAVID - The Precious Legacy - Judaic Treasures from the Czechoslovak State Collections
68895: ALTVATER, ELMAR - The Future of the Market : an Essay on the Regulation of Money and Nature after the Collapse of 'Actually Existing Socialism' / Elmar Altvater ; Translated by Patrick Camiller
269123: ALUN-JONES, DEBORAH - The wry romance of the literary rectory / Deborah Alun-Jones
155979: ALUN-JONES, DEBORAH. AYTON, JOHN - Charming : the magic of charm jewelry
158602: ALVA Y ASTORGA, PEDRO DE (-1667) - Monumenta Antiqua Immaculatae Conceptionis Sacratissimae Virginis Mariae Ex Variis Authoribus Antiquis Tam Manuscriptis, Quam Olim Impressis, Sed Qui VIX Modo Reperiuntur / Digesta & in Unum Collecta Studio & Labore Petri De Alva Et Astorga
276117: ALVÃO, DOMINGOS - O Douro de Domingos Alvão
91624: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO - Give Me Combat; the Memoirs of Julio W. Alvarez Del Vayo. Foreword by Barbara W. Tuchman. Translation from the Spanish by Donald D. Walsh
75263: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO (1891-?) - Give Me Combat; the Memoirs of Julio W. Alvarez Del Vayo. Foreword by Barbara W. Tuchman. Translation from the Spanish by Donald D. Walsh
75228: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO (1891-) - Give Me Combat; the Memoirs of Julio W. Alvarez Del Vayo. Foreword by Barbara W. Tuchman. Translation from the Spanish by Donald D. Walsh
62762: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO (1891-) - Give Me Combat; the Memoirs of Julio W. Alvarez Del Vayo. Foreword by Barbara W. Tuchman. Translation from the Spanish by Donald D. Walsh
6219: ALVAREZ, EUGENE - Travel on Southern Antebellum Railroads, 1828-1860
237548: ÁLVAREZ BRAVO, MANUEL (1902-2002); BANVILLE, JOHN (CONTRIBUTOR); LEMAGNY, JEAN-CLAUDE (CONTRIBUTOR); FUENTES, CARLOS (CONTRIBUTOR); ALVAREZ URBAJTEL, COLETTE (WRITER OF PREFACE) - Manuel Alvarez Bravo: photopoetry / essays by John Banville, Jean-Claude Lemagny and Carlos Fuentes; preface by Colette Alvarez Urbajtel
153571: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO (1891-) - The March of Socialism
10607: ALVAREZ, WALTER CLEMENT (1884-?) - The Neuroses; Diagnosis and Management of Functional Disorders and Minor Psychoses
242265: ALVAREZ, WALTER CLEMENT (1884-1978) - Nervousness, indigestion and pain
94813: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO (1891-?) - The Last Optimist - [Translation by Charles Duff]
172627: ALVAREZ, ALEJANDRO (1868- ) - La diplomacia de Chile durante al emancipacion
52047: ALVAREZ, ALEJANDRO (1868-1960) - International Law and Related Subjects from the Point of View of the American Continent : a Report on Lectures Delivered in the Universities of the United States, 1916-1918, under the Auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.....
156041: ALVAREZ, WALER - The Mountains of Saint Francis : Discovering the Geologic Events That Shaped Our Earth / Walter Alvarez
181382: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO - The last optimist / translated from the Spanish by Charles Duff
128682: ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, JULIO - Freedom's Battle
35742: ALVERSON, MARIANNE - Under African Sun
210229: ALVORD, LORI ARVISO - The scalpel and the silver bear / Lori Arviso Alvord and Elizabeth Cohen Van Pelt
28713: ALWAN, MOHAMED (1921-) - Algeria before the United Nations
121394: ALWAN, MOHAMED (1921-) - Algeria before the United Nations. Foreword by W. Wendell Cleland
155915: ALY, GOTZ (1947-). HEIM, SUSANNE (1955-) - Architects of annihilation : Auschwitz and the logic of destruction
209253: COMITE DE VENTES DES BIENS CONFISQUES DE LA FAMILLE MOHAMED ALY - Vent aux Encheres des Collections Garnissant Le Palais de L'ex-Prince Said Toussoun
275801: ST. ALYSIUS' COLLEGE - St. Aloysius' College Magazine: December, 1923
275802: ST. ALYSIUS' COLLEGE - St. Aloysius' College Magazine: December, 1922
194288: ALZOG, JOHANNES (1808-1878) - Handbuch der Universal-Kirchengeschichte / von Johannes Alzog [complete: 2 volumes in 1]
79872: AMADO, JORGE (1912-2001) - Tereza Batista : Home from the Wars / Jorge Amado ; Translated from the Portuguese by Barbara Shelby - [Uniform Title: Tereza Batista Cansada De Guerra. English]
249132: AMADOR DE LOS RIOS, JOSÉ (1818-1878) - Historia social, politica y religiosa de los Judios de España y Portugal. Volume 1
196697: AMADOR DE LOS RIOS, JOSE (1818-1878) - Historia social, politica y religiosa de los Judios de Espana y Portugal : volume 2
217340: AMAL'RIK, ANDREI - Czy Zwiazek Sowiecki przetrwa do roku 1984? [Language: Polish]
217341: AMAL'RIK, ANDREI - Czy Zwiazek Sowiecki przetrwa do roku 1984? [Language: Polish]
29873: AMALDI, GINESTRA - The Nature of Matter: Physical Theory from Thales to Modern Times, by Ginestra Amaldi; Translated from the Italian by Dr. Peter Astbury
269230: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Film Fun Annual 1957
269218: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Boys' Cinema Annual 1950
269219: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Picture Show Annual 1960
269220: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Picture Show Annual 1951
269221: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Picture Show Annual 1955
269222: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Picture Show Annual 1950
269207: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Super Cinema Annual 1954
269208: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Picture Show Annual 1953
269209: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Boys' Cinema Annual 1950
269215: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Picture Show Annual 1952
269203: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1959
269205: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Boy's Cinema Annual 1950
269206: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Boy's Cinema Annual 1951
269190: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Film Fun Annual 1942
269191: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Film Fun Annual 1941
269181: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1947
269182: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1948
269183: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1950
269186: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1941
269187: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1952
269178: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1940
269179: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1945
269180: THE AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD - Radio fun annual 1946
185396: AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF WOODWORKERS (GREAT BRITAIN). HIGENBOTTAM, S. (1872-) - Our society's history / compiled by S. Higenbottam
219676: AMALGAMATED PRESS, LONDON - Modern masterpieces of British art : two hundred full colour reproductions of paintings selected from public galleries in Great Britain and Ireland with critical notes and indexes to painters and pictures.
96223: AMALRIK, ANDREI (1938-) - Involuntary Journey to Siberia [By] Andrei Amalrik. Translated by Manya Harari and Max Hayward. Introd. by Max Hayward
90611: AMALRIK, ANDREI (1938-) - Involuntary Journey to Siberia ; Translated by Manya Harari and Max Hayward. Introduced by Max Hayward
189186: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND (1834-1900) - The revolution of 1848
113664: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND (1834-1900) - The Youth of the Duchess of Angouleme
144587: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND (1834-1900) - The Revolution of 1848
132246: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND (1834-1900) - The Revolution of 1848, by Imbert De Saint-Amand ; Tr. by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. with Portraits
127600: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND (1834-1900) - Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty, by Imbert De Saint-Amand; Tr. by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin
113663: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND (1834-1900) - The Duchess of Angoulême and the Two Restorations, by Imbert De Saint-Amand; Tr. by James Davis
113661: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND (1834-1900) - The Court of Louis XV. by Imbert De Saint-Amand. Tr. by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin
129436: IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND - The Duchess of Berry and the Revolution of 1830
121279: DAS, AMARNATH - India and Jambu Island, Showing Changes in Boundaries and River-Courses of India and Burmah from Pauranic, Greek, Buddhist, Chinese, and Western Travellers' Accounts, by Amarnath Das
100408: AN AMATEUR [-MEARS] - The Chess Handbook; Teaching the Rudiments of the Game ... Exemplified by Appropriate Games Actually Played by Morphy, Harrwitz ... and Many Others. by an Amateur [-Mears]
247106: THE AMATEURS, INC - Disraeli: a play in four acts, 1940
49170: D'AMATO, BARBARA - The Doctor, the Murder, the Mystery : the True Story of the Dr. John Branion Murder Case
191536: AMATO, M. AMATO J. - Prime jeunesse, ou, la jeunesse fasciste a l'ecole : anthologie Francaise, a l'usage des ecoles de la nouvelle Italie
195710: AMAZING DORIAN, THE - Over 264 instant magic tricks : 4 separate magic books reprinted under one cover
205978: AMBARTSUMOV, YEVGENI - How socialism began: Russia under Lenin's leadership, 1917-1923
139541: CONFERENCE DES AMBASSADEURS - Memoire Des Partis Polonais Confederes / a La Conderence Des Ambassadeurs a Londres
219239: ASTA BOLAFFI AMBASSADOR (FIRM) - La raccolta bibliografica e saggistica di Carlo Alberto Chiesa : venerdi, 11 giugno 2010
120013: AMBEKAR, G. V. V. D. DIVEKAR (EDS. ) - Documents on China's Relations with South and Southeast Asia, 1949-1962. Edited by G. V. Ambekar and V. D. Divekar
191565: AMBER, JOHN T. (ED.) - Gun Digest : 23rd edition, 1969 / edited by J. T. Amber
62325: AMBESI, ALBERTO CESARE - Oceanic Art; [Translated from the Italian by Rachel Montgomery]
200114: MINISTERO PER I BENI CULTURALI E AMBIENTALI - Quaderni della Soprintendenza ai beni artistici e storici di Venezia ; 15 Paolo Veronese Restauri 1 Guigno - 30 Settembre
190313: AMBIRAJAN, SRINIVASA - Malthus and classical economics
156619: AMBLER, ERIC (1909-1998) - Doctor Frigo / Eric Ambler
172719: AMBRIERE, FRANCIS (1907- ) - La galerie dramatique : 1945-1948 : le theatre francais depuis la liberation / Francis Ambriere
127064: AMBRIERE, FRANCIS (1907-) - La Galerie Dramatique, 1945-1948 : Le Theatre Francais Depuis La Libération / Francis Ambriere
261142: AMBROS, AUGUST WILHELM (1816-1876) - Culturhistorische Bilder aus dem Musikleben der Gegenwart / von August Wilhelm Ambros
231725: AMBROS, AUGUST WILHELM (1816-1876) - Geschichte der Musik : Mit zahlreichen Notenbeispielen und Musikbeilagen / von August Wilhelm Ambros - Complete in 5 volumes
75556: AMBROSE, KAY - The Ballet-Lover's Companion; Aesthetics Without Tears for the Ballet-Lover; Illus. by the Author
258253: AMBROSE, KAY - Classical dances and costumes of India / byKay Ambrose ; introduction by Ram Gopal
234850: AMBROSE, STEPHEN EDWARD (1936-) - The victors : Eisenhower and his boys : the men of World War II
156952: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E. - Undaunted Courage : Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West / Stephen E. Ambrose
154849: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E. - Nothing like it in the world : the men who built the Transcontinental Railroad, 1863-1869
75555: AMBROSE, KAY - The Ballet-Lover's Pocket-Book; Technique Without Tears for the Ballet-Lover, by Kay Ambrose; Illustrated by the Author
129264: AMBROSINI, GASPARE (1886-) - I Problemi Del Mediterraneo.
176158: AMBROSINI, GASPARE (1886-) - La costituzione dell'U.R.S.S. / a cura di Gaspare Ambrosini
150642: AMBROZE, ANNA - Racine : Poete Du Sacrifice
198269: AMBROZOVICS, BELA - Messung der wirthschaftlichen kraft von Landern : das problem der quote. ein vortrag / von Bela Ambrozovics
29912: VAN AMBURGH, F. D. - The Silent Partner Scrap Book
142376: AMDUR, KATHRYN ELLEN (1947-) - Syndicalist Legacy : Trade Unions and Politics in Two French Cities in the Era of World War I
171677: AMEILLON, B. - La Guinee : bilan d'une independance / par B. Ameillon
213954: AMELINE, LEON - Brochette d'agents provocateurs : la police politique a un lourd passe de servilite, d'espionage et d'odieuse provocation
143711: AMELINE, LEON - Ce Qu'il Faut Connaitre De La Police Et De Ses Mysteres
247298: AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAIE, ABRAHAM-NICOLAS SIEUR (1634-1706) - Memoires historiques, politiques, critiques, et litteraires / Par Amelot de La Houssaie. Ouvrage imprimé sur le propre manuscrit de l'auteur: in two volumes
86902: UNITED STATES. CONSTITUTION. 1ST-10TH AMENDMENTS - Bill of Rights ; a Reprint of the Twelve Proposed Amendments to the Federal Constitution As Submitted to the States for Ratification in 1789
82702: AMENDOLA, JOSEPH - Practical Cooking and Baking for Schools and Institutions [By] Joseph Amendola [And] James M. Berrini
158360: AMENTA, EDWIN (1957-) - When Movements Matter : the Townsend Plan and the Rise of Social Security / Edwin Amenta
97617: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 77, No. 4, October 1973
185876: COMMITTEE ON LATIN AMERICA - Latin American economic & social serials / with a preface by Sir John Walker and a note on periodical indexes by A.J. Walford and Peter Hoare
166544: WESTERN WRITERS OF AMERICA - Water Trails West
163583: COMMITTEE ON LATIN AMERICA - Latin American Economic & Social Serials / [Edited By] the Committee on Latin America [In Collaboration with the British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals]; with a Preface by Sir John Walker and a Note on Periodical Indexes by A. J. Walford and Peter Hoare
187627: CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA - Outlines of American Church history
278654: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XLII no .4 Winter 1989
252623: HARVARD UNIVERSITY. BUREAU FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH IN LATIN AMERICA - The economic literature of Latin America : a tentative bibliography / compiled by the staff of the Bureau for Economic Research in Latin America, Harvard University. Vol. 2
225776: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - Archaeological discoveries in the Holy Land / Compiled by the Archaeological Institute of America
278650: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XXXIII no .1 Spring 1980
250098: THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Transcripts of Record in three volumes of the Supreme Court of the United States: October Term, 1951
249605: THE UNIVERSITY SOCIETY. THE AFTER SCHOOL CLUB OF AMERICA - Bible Stories and Character Building: volume two
278651: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XXVI no .3 Autumn 1973
245371: THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA - The Holy Scriptures: according to the Masoretic text: volume II: Isaiah to II Chronicles
240997: HADOAR. HISTADRUTH IVRITH OF AMERICA - Hadoar. New York, N.Y., October 17, 1958. Vol. XXXVIII. No. 40 (1724). Dedicated to 10 Years of Israel's Independence (1948-1958)
28557: THE RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Studies in the Renaissance - Volume XXI
281025: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Outline for a 'Master' community survey
10469: THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Handbook Museum and Library Collections
108618: BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA - The Boy Scouts' Year Book.
97626: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 87, No. 2, April 1983
97624: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 85, No. 4, April 1981
97623: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 86, No. 2, April 1982
97622: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 86, No. 3, July 1982
97621: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 83, No. 1, January 1979
97620: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 83, No. 3, July 1979
97619: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 83, No. 4, October 1979
97618: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 84, No. 3, July 1980
97615: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 69, No. 1, January 1965
97614: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 64, No. 2, April 1960
97612: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 71, No. 3, July 1967
73736: COMMISSION ON SURVEY OF FOREIGN STUDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - The Foreign Student in America A Study by the Commission on Survey of Foreign Students in the United States of America, under the Auspices of the Friendly Relations Committees of the Young MenÂ’s Christian Association and the Young WomenÂ’s Christian Association
73424: MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF THE COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA - Register of the Massachusetts Society of the Colonial Dames of America
60220: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; with an Appendix. A. D. 1827
60219: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; with an Appendix. A. D. 1825
60217: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; with an Appendix. A. D. 1829
60216: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; with an Appendix. A. D. 1824
60215: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; with an Appendix. A. D. 1826 - Vol. VI
60214: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; with an Appendix. A. D. 1823
100093: BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA - How Book of Cub Scouting
144183: INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT OF NORTH AMERICA - Report on the Steel Strike of 1919, by the Commission of Inquiry, the Interchurch World Movement, Bishop Francis J. McConnell, Chairman ... with the Technical Assistance of the Bureau of Industrial Research
278652: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XXVIII no .2 Summer 1985
241584: BIG BROTHERS OF AMERICA - 1973, 84th Tournament of Roses presents Movie Memories. Souvenir from Big Brothers of America. Official program $1.00
181219: INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT OF NORTH AMERICA - Report on the Steel Strike of 1919
262005: GIRL SCOUTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Leadership of Girl Scout Troops. Concerning the intermediate program for Girl Scouts ten through fourteen
115542: INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT OF NORTH AMERICA - Report on the Steel Strike of 1919, by the Commission of Inquiry, the Interchurch World Movement, Bishop Francis J. McConnell, Chairman ... with the Technical Assistance of the Bureau of Industrial Research
172145: UNITED NATIONS. ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA - Labour productivity of the cotton textile industry in five Latin-America countries
183109: UNITED NATIONS. ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA - The process of industrial development in Latin America
102140: THE ANNALS OF AMERICA - The Annals of America - [Contents: V. 1. 1493-1754: Discovering a New World. --V. 2. 1755-1783: Resistance and Revolution. --V. 3. 1784-1796: Organizing the New Nation. --V. 4. 1797-1820: Domestic Expansion and Foreign Entanglements....] V. 5. 1821-1832: Steps Toward Equalitarianism. --V. 6. 1833-1840: the Challenge of a Continent. --V. 7. 1841-1849: Manifest Destiny. --V. 8. 1850-1857: a House Dividing. Etc. , Etc.
188428: OUTDOOR ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - Outdoor advertising - the modern marketing force : a manual for business men and others interested in the fundamentals of outdoor advertising
106378: BERLITZ SCHOOLS OF LANGUAGES OF AMERICA - The Berlitz Self-Teacher: Spanish
278153: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XXXIII no. 4 Winter 1980
278154: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XXXIII no. 2 Summer 1980
278155: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XL no. 3 Autumn 1987
39376: THE COLLEGE ART ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - The Art Bulletin - December 1986, Volume LXVIII, Number 4
278653: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XL no .1 Spring 1987
244392: THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF DAUGHTERS OF FOUNDERS & PATRIOTS OF AMERICA (1607-1898) - Lineage Book of the National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America: Volume XXVI: 1940
278655: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XLI no .4 Winter 1988
278656: RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Renaissance quarterly ; vol. XXXVIII no .4 Winter 1985
238933: BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA - The Den Mother's Denbook
231130: HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Modern glass from Valencia and Cataluna in the collection of the Hispanic Society of America
127518: JEWISH BOOK COUNCIL OF AMERICA - Jewish Book Annual; 5715 - 5716, 1955 -1956; Volume 13
158984: HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Handbook, Museum and Library Collections
166705: HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA - Sorolla in the Collection of the Hispanic Society of America / Sketches for Columbus Leaving Palos
180382: JEWISH BOOK COUNCIL OF AMERICA - Jewish Book Annual; 5725 - 1964 -1965; Volume 22
180406: JEWISH BOOK COUNCIL OF AMERICA - Jewish Book Annual; 5719 - 1958 - 1959; Volume 16
31854: MEDICAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA - The Medical Clinics of North America; Volume 20, St. Louis Number, Number 2 - September, 1936
32633: ARMY AND NAVY CLUB OF AMERICA - Army and Navy Club of America - Club Book - Constitution, By-Laws, Rules, List of Officers and Members 1928
123090: WESTERN WRITERS OF AMERICA - Water Trails West
69827: HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA - The Hispanic Society of America Handbook : Museum and Library Collections
213632: COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA (OPPOSITION) - War and the 4th International : draft theses adopted by the International Secretariat of the International Communist League / (translated by Sara Weber)
189316: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING, METALLURGICAL AND PETROLEUM ENGINEERS - Centennial volume : American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1871-1970
87942: AMERICAN SHOWCASE, INC - American Illustration Showcase: Volume 9
86111: AMERICAN SHOWCASE, INC - American Illustration Showcase: Volume 6
82978: AMERICAN SHOWCASE, INC. - American Illustration Showcase - Volume 6
80193: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 84 / Number 4 / October-December 1964
41851: THE AMERICAN ASSEMBLY, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY & KREPS, JUANITA MORRIS - Women and the American Economy : a Look to the 1980s / Edited by Juanita M. Kreps
266853: AN AMERICAN [COOPER, J. F.] - Sketches of Switzerland: vol. II
222334: AMERICAN MAP COMPANY, NEW YORK - World at a Glance : The Personal Map. For pocket - handbag - desk. [Vintage world map, 1940]
188616: THE AMERICAN ASSEMBLY, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - The United States and Latin America
203088: ELLSWORTH AMERICAN - Down east pictures and poems
80192: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 85 / Number 2 / April-June 1965
80190: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 83 / Number 4 / September-December 1963
80187: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 82 / Number 4 / October-December 1962
80185: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 82 / Number 3 / July-September 1962
80183: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 82 / Number 2 / April-June 1962
80181: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 82 / Number 1 / January-March 1962
80180: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 81 / Number 4 / September-December 1961
80179: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 80 / Number 3 / July-September 1960
80177: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: SCHAFER, EDWARD H (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 80 / Number 1 / January-March 1960
80130: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: BENDER, ERNEST (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 91 / Number 4 / October-December 1971
80112: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY - RELATED NAME: BENDER, ERNEST (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society: Volume 91 / Number 1 / January-March 1971
64811: AMERICAN SHOWCASE, INC - Corporate Showcase 6 : Photography, Illustration & Graphic Design
145600: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION. NATIONAL SECTION ON DANCE - Materials for Teaching Dance. Committee on Supplementary Materials, National Section on Dance; Vol. II, Folk, Square and Social Dance
266852: AN AMERICAN [COOPER, J. F.] - Sketches of Switzerland: vol. II
69924: AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY / EMENEAU, MURRAY B. (ED. ) - Journal of the American Oriental Society - Volume 72, Number 1, January-March 1952
169959: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICANISTS (28TH : 1947 : PARIS) - Catalogue de l'exposition : Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'Amerique precolombienne. [ Chefs d'oeuvre de l'Amérique précolombienne]
264351: VAN AMERONGEN, C - How things work : the universal encyclopedia of machines / [translated and adapted from the German by C. van Amerongen]
56553: AMERY, COLIN - Vanishing Histories : 100 Endangered Sites from the World Monuments Watch
90659: AMERY, L. S. (LEOPOLD STENNETT) (1873-1955) - The Washington Loan Agreements, a Critical Study of American Economic Foreign Policy
147882: AMERY, LEOPOLD STENNETT (1873-1955) - The Awakening : Our Present Crisis and the Way Out
212415: AMERY, LEOPOLD STENNETT (1873-1955) - Empire and prosperity
176351: AMERY, L. S. (LEOPOLD STENNETT) (1873-1955) - India and freedom
95354: AMERY, L. S. (LEOPOLD STENNETT) (1873-1955) - A Balanced Economy
207109: AMERY, L. S. (LEOPOLD STENNETT), (1873-1955) - The Washington loan agreements : a critical study of American economic foreign policy
249390: AMES, DELANO - Corpse Diplomatique
184091: AMES-LEWIS, FRANCIS (1943-). UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY, NOTTINGHAM. WRIGHT, JOANNE. ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN - Drawing in the Italian Renaissance workshop : an exhibition of early Renaissance drawings from collections in Great Britain held at the University Art Gallery, Nottingham, 12 February to 12 March 1983...[exhibition catalogue] ...in association with the Arts Council of Great Britain
158717: AMES, KENNETH L. WARD, GERALD W. R. - Decorative arts and household furnishings in America, 1650-1920 : an annotated bibliography / edited by Kenneth L. Ames and Gerald W.R. Ward
184594: AMES, J. W. - Co-operative Sweden to-day
62377: AMES, FISHER (1758-1808) - Works of Fisher Ames. Comp. by a Number of His Friends. to Which Are Prefixed Notices of His Life and Character ... [By J. T. Kirkland]
211731: AMES, LESLIE ETHELBERT GEORGE - Close of play
222048: AMI, HENRY M. - North America. Vol. 1: Canada & Newfoundland / edited by Henry M. Ami [Stanford's compendium of geography and travel]
184673: AMIAUX, MARK - Le chevalier de Sacher-Masoch
133845: AMICHAI, YEHUDA. ROBERT FRIEND. CHA'IM BER [ET AL]. MOSHE DOR. NATHAN ZACH (EDS). LEONARD BASKIN (ILL. ) - The Burning Bush : Poems from Modern Israel / Edited by Moshe Dor and Natan Zach ; Introd. by Alan Sillitoe
108242: DE AMICIS, EDMONDO ET AL. - Stories by Foreign Authors, Italian
152039: DE AMICIS, EDMONDO (1846-1908) - Spain and the Spaniards, by Edmondo De Amicis ... Tr. from the 10th Ed. of the Italian by Stanley Rhoads Yarnall ... - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
198073: AMICIS, EDMONDO DE (1846-1908) - La Carrozza di Tutti
266797: D'AMICO, JOHN F - Roman and German humanism, 1450-1550 / John F. D'Amico
50051: D'AMICO, VICTOR E. - Theater Art
248180: AMIES, DERRICK - Pike fishing on the Norfolk Broads
234727: AMIES, F. A. [EDITOR] - De-rating and rating appeals: Volume 28- 1957
244893: AMIES, FRANCIS ALAN. LEACH, WILLIAM AUSTIN - Town and country planning law in practice
263368: AMIES, F. A. (FRANCIS ALAN) - Town and country planning law in practice
208979: AMIES, MARIAN. GALLERY FAB (UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI--ST. LOUIS) - The art of the book : collaboration / Marian M. Amies, general editor
61129: AMIET, PIERRE - Art of the Ancient Near East / Pierre Amiet ; Translated from the French by John Shepley and Claude Choquet ; [Editor, Naomi Noble Richard]
124588: AMIN, MOHAMED. DUNCAN WILLETTS. GRAHAM HANCOCK - Journey through Pakistan / Mohamed Amin, Duncan Willetts, Graham Hancock
275720: AMINI, MAJID - Oriental rugs : care and repair / Majid Amini
143215: AMIPA, SHERAB GYALTSEN - Elements De Tradition Orale De Historique En Bouddhisme Tibetain Sakya / Sherab Gyaltsen Amipa
227832: AMIR YAGANAH, HUMAYUN - Nigin-i Pars : Takht-i Jamshid ; Pearl of Persia : Persepolis
110320: AMIRAN, DAVID H. K.. ANDREW W. WILSON - Coastal Deserts; Their Natural and Human Environments. Editors: David H. K. Amiran [And] Andrew W. Wilson
96824: AMIRSADEGHI, HOSSEIN (ED. ) - Twentieth Century Iran / Edited by Hossein Amirsadeghi ; Assisted by R. W. Ferrier ; Introd. by Sir Denis Wright
100008: AMIRSADEGHI, HOSSEIN (ED. ) - Twentieth Century Iran / Edited by Hossein Amirsadeghi ; Assisted by R. W. Ferrier ; Introd. by Sir Denis Wright
113461: AMIRSADEGHI, HOSSEIN. FERRIER, R. W. (RONALD W. ) - Twentieth Century Iran / Edited by Hossein Amirsadeghi ; Assisted by R. W. Ferrier ; Introd. by Sir Denis Wright
8683: AMIS, MARTIN - Night Train
8680: AMIS, MARTIN - Heavy Water and Other Stories
8678: AMIS, MARTIN - Time's Arrow or the Nature of the Offense
71377: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Stanley and the Women / Kingsley Amis
71386: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Folks That Live on the Hill : a Novel / Kingsley Amis
68880: AMIS, MARTIN - London Fields / Martin Amis
270312: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The New Oxford book of light verse / chosen by Kingsley Amis
265297: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Anti-Death League / Kingsley Amis
249425: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Take a girl like you
241764: AMIS, KINGSLEY (1922-1995) - Memoirs
241739: AMIS, MARTIN (1949-) - Experience / Martin Amis
227060: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The old devils18.
220636: AMIS, MARTIN - Koba the dread : laughter and the twenty million / Martin Amis
200787: AMIS, KINGSLEY (CHOSEN BY) - The new Oxford book of light verse / chosen by Kingsley Amis
199635: AMIS, MARTIN - Success / Martin Amis
199172: AMIS, MARTIN - Other people : a mystery story / Martin Amis
183472: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The folks that live on the hill / Kingsley Amis
183483: AMIS, MARTIN - Einstein's monsters / Martin Amis
183469: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Russian girl / Kingsley Amis
183471: AMIS, KINGSLEY (1922-) - The biographer's moustache / Kingsley Amis
183388: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Stanley and the women / Kingsley Amis
183068: AMIS, KINGSLEY (ED.) - Harold's years : impressions from the 'New statesman' and the 'Spectator' / edited by Kingsley Amis
182967: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Stanley and the women / Kingsley Amis
182262: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Riverside Villas murder
180310: AMIS, KINGSLEY (1922-) - The Amis collection : selected non-fiction 1954-1900
179992: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The letters of Kingsley Amis / edited by Zachary Leader
154832: AMIS, MARTIN - House of meetings
151909: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Collected Poems, 1944-1979 / Kingsley Amis
240908: AMIS, KINGSLEY - A look round the estate : poems (1957-67) / Kingsley Amis
253520: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Jake's things
249327: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Lucky Jim
239718: AMIS, KINGSLEY - What became of Jane Austen? : and other questions / Kingsley Amis
8606: AMIS, MARTIN - The Information
214782: AMIS, KINGSLEY (1922-?) - My enemy's enemy
173818: AMIS, KINGSLEY (ED.) - The New Oxford book of English light verse / chosen by Kingsley Amis
156374: AMIS, MARTIN - Night Train / Martin Amis
164263: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Anti-Death League
30994: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Folks That Live on the Hill
8520: AMIS, KINGSLEY - A Case of Samples. Poems 1946-1956
8533: AMIS, KINGSLEY - One Fat Englishman
240788: AMIS, KINGSLEY (1922-1995) - One fat Englishman : a novel / Kingsley Amis
207760: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Socialism and the intellectuals
241424: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Take a girl like you / Kingsley Amis
239471: AMIXTER, PAUL. DETECTIVE STORY MAGAZINE - Detective Story Magazine, March 25, 1922: For Services Rendered by Paul Amixter
231372: AMLER, JANE FRANCES - Christopher Columbus's Jewish roots / Jane Frances Amler
52239: AMLING, FREDERICK - Investments : an Introduction to Analysis and Management
248165: AMMAN, JOST (1539-1591) - Wappen und Stammbuch / Jost Amman
233827: AMMAN, JOST (1539-1591) - Jost Amman's Wappen- & Stammbuch
234316: AMMAN, JOST (1539-1591). SACHS, HANS (1494-1576). SCHOPPER, HARTMANN. LEMMER, MANFRED - Das Standebuch : 133 Holzschnitte mit Versen von Hans Sachs und Hartmann Schopper Herausgegeben von Manfred Lemmer
247346: AMMANITI, NICCOLÒ - I'm not scared / Niccolò Ammaniti ; translated from the Italian by Jonathan Hunt
64686: AMMANN, JOSEF - Ewiges Abendland
83954: AMMER, CHRISTINE - Dictionary of Business and Economics / Christine Ammer, Dean S. Ammer
20884: AMMER, CHRISTINE AND DEAN S. - Dictionary of Business and Economics
208972: DIETZEN AM AMMERSEE - Klosterpfarrkirche
275189: AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. VALOIS, HENRI DE (1603-1676). VALOIS, ADRIEN DE (1607-1692). GRONOVIUS, JACOBUS (1645-1716). ERNESTI, AUGUST WILHELM (1733-1801) - Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt ex recensione Valesio-Gronoviana / indicem dignitatum nec non glossarium Latinitatis adiecit Augustus Guil. Ernesti
260356: AMMOUN, CHARLES - Study of discrimination in education
11897: AMO, JULIáN - The Printed Work of the Spanish Intellectuals in the Americas 1936-1945. Bibliography Prepared by the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress
46443: AMODIA, JOSE - Franco's Political Legacy : from Dictatorship to Facade Democracy
120908: AMODIA, JOSE - Franco's Political Legacy : from Dictatorship to Facade Democracy / Jose Amodia
37296: AMODIA, JOSE - Franco's Political Legacy - from Dictatorship to Facade Democracy
216655: AMONN, ALFRED ; MAYER, HANS - Einkommensbildung allgemeinen prinzipien lohn zins grundrente, unternehmergewinn, spezialprobleme
169855: AMORETTI, HENRI - Lyon capitale, 1940-1944 / Henri Amoretti
251805: AMORY, CLEVELAND - Who killed society?
64123: AMOS, WALLY - The Famous Amos Story : the Face That Launched a Thousand Chips / Wally Amos, with Leroy Robinson
49089: AMOS, WALLY AND ROBINSON, LEROY - The Famous Amos Story - the Face That Launched a Thousand Chips
141676: AMOS, JIMMY RAY. BROWN, FOSTER LLOYD. MINK, OSCAR G. - Statistical Concepts : a Basic Program
161013: AMOS, WILLIAM E. WELLFORD, CHARLES F. (EDS. ) - Delinquency Prevention; Theory and Practice. Edited by William E. Amos [And] Charles F. Wellford
129520: AMOS, C. W. HALE - The Vital Challenge of Biblical Certitude : Scripture or Sciolism?
113509: AMOSOV, NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH - PPG-2266 : a Surgeon's War / Nikolai Amosoff ; Translated & Adapted by George St. George
218040: AMOSOV, N. - Zabota sotsialisticheskogo gosudarstva o nuzhdakh naroda [Taking care of the needs of the socialist state of the people. Language: Russian]
167461: AMOUDRU, BERNARD (ED.) - La Russie sovietique a la recherche de l'homme nouveau
86978: L'AMOUR, LOUIS (1908-1988) - The Rustlers of West Fork : a Hopalong Cassidy Novel ; Afterword by Beau L Amour
50500: L'AMOUR, LOUIS (1908-1988) - Frontier / Louis L'Amour ; Photographs by David Muench
45491: L'AMOUR, LOUIS (1908-1988) - Frontier / Louis L'Amour ; Photographs by David Muench
107224: L'AMOUR, LOUIS (1908-1988) - The Sackett Companion. a Personal Guide to the Sackett Novels
53921: L'AMOUR, LOUIS (1908-1988) - Frontier / Louis L'Amour ; Photographs by David Muench
243366: AMPÈRE, JEAN JACQUES (1800-1864) - Mélanges d'histoire littéraire et de littérature / par J. J. Ampère: Complete in two volumes
245425: AMPÈRE, ANDRÉ MARIE (1775-1836). CHEUVREUX, HENRIETTE - The story of his love : being the journal and correspondence of André-Marie Ampère, with his family circle during the first republic, 1793-1804 / edited by Madame H.C ; from the French, by the translator of 'The blockade,' 'Man of the people,' etc
249054: AMPHLETT, JOHN ; BUND, J.W WILLIS - Lay Subsidy Roll for The County of Worcester, Circ. 1280. Edited for The Worcestershire Historical Society by J.W. Willus Bund and John Amphlett
49164: AMPHLETT, C. B. - The Uses of Cyclotrons in Chemistry, Metallurgy and Biology: Proceedings of a Conference Held At St Catherine's College, Oxford, 22-23 September 1969; Edited by C. B. Amphlett
249056: AMPHLETT, JOHN - The Churchwarden's Accounts of St. Michael's in Bedwardine, Worcester, from 1539 to 1603. Transcribed and Edited for The Worcestershire Historical Society With An Introduction by John Amphlett, Of Client. To Which are Prefixed the Churchwarden's Accounts of the Church of St. Helen, Worcester, For The Years 1519 and 1520, With An Introduction By The Rev. A. S. Porter, Vicar of Claines, and Hon. Canon of Worcester.
252563: AMPHLETT, JOHN - An index to Worcestershire fines, 1649-1714 : Ed. for the Worcestershire historical society
262239: AMPHLETT, JOHN ; BUND, J.W WILLIS - Lay Subsidy Roll for The County of Worcester, Circ. 1280. Edited for The Worcestershire Historical Society by J.W. Willus Bund and John Amphlett
144628: WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. J. W. WILLIS BUND (ED. ). JOHN AMPHLETT (ED. ) - Lay Subsidy Roll for the County of Worcester, Circ. 1280 / Edited ... by J. W. Willis Bund and John Amphlett. [With a Facsimile. ]
106517: AMPHLETT, C. B. (ED. ) - The Uses of Cyclotrons in Chemistry, Metallurgy and Biology: Proceedings of a Conference Held At St Catherine's College, Oxford, 22-23 September 1969
223657: AMPHLETT, HILDA - Who was Shakespeare? : A new enquiry / With an introduction by Christmas Humphreys
85260: AMRAM, DAVID - Vibrations; the Adventures and Musical Times of David Amram
157116: AMREIN, VERA R. - The Stowaway
100443: AMRINE, MICHAEL (1919?-1974) - The Great Decision: the Secret History of the Atomic Bomb
116171: AMRINE, MICHAEL - The Great Decision: the Secret History of the Atomic Bomb
65683: AMROUCHE, FADHMA A. M. (FADHMA AïTH MANSOUR) (1882 OR 3-1967) - My Life Story : the Autobiography of a Berber Woman / Fadhma A. M. Amrouche ; Translated with an Introduction by Dorothy S. Blair
138759: AMSBARY, WALLACE BRUCE (1867-1954) - M'Sieu Robin : Lyrics and Legends of Jean Baptiste and His Friends
29147: AMSDEN, ALICE H. - The Market Meets its Match : Restructuring the Economies of Eastern Europe / Alice H. Amsden, Jacek Kochanowicz, Lance Taylor
137770: AMSTERDAM, MOREY - Morey Amsterdam's Benny Cooker Crock Book for Drinkers
42698: OUDE KERK AMSTERDAM - Kunsthuis - 500, Schilders, Grafici, Beeldhouwers, Keramisten, Edelsmeden
169217: AMSTERDAM, MOREY - Keep laughing
239335: LETTERGIETERIJ AMSTERDAM (AMSTERDAM) - Egmont, voorloopige proef: magere Egmont romein en cursief
263632: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL HISTORY AMSTERDAM - International review for social history - Vol. 2
140274: AMSTUTZ, WALTER (ED. ) - Das Golden Buch Der Italienischen Seen
244804: SOVIET UNION. MINISTERSTVO INOSTRANNYKH DEL. GERMANY. AUSWÄRTIGES AMT - Documents and materials relating to the eve of the second world war. Vol. 1 November (1937-1938) / from the Archives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
114348: AMTIQUES. WINCHESTER, ALICE - Antiques, September 1959, LXXVI, No. 3
167896: AMULREE, WILLIAM WARRENDER MACKENZIE, BARON (1860-1942) - The overseers' handbook : for the use of overseers, assistant overseers, collectors of rates, vestry clerks, and other parish officers, together with general orders as to accounts, prescribed forms, and a calendar relating to overseers' duties
175313: AMULREE, BASIL WILLIAM SHOLTO MACKENZIE, BARON (1900-1984) - Adding life to years
139774: AMULREE, WILLIAM WARRENDER MACKENZIE) , BARON (1860-1942) - Industrial Arbitration in Great Britain
162727: AMULREE, BASIL WILLIAM SHOLTO MACKENZIE, BARON (1900-1984) - Adding Life to Years
63976: AN, TAI SUNG (1931-) - The Sino-Soviet Territorial Dispute
59396: AN, CHONG-HYO (1941-) - White Badge : a Novel of Korea / Ahn Junghyo
214203: AN OPERATOR (PSUED.) JONES, RANDY (ILLUS.) - Selections from The fancy : or, True sportsman's guide
184926: AN, CHUNYANG - Suzhou : a garden city / photographs by Cao Yuquan and Zheng Kejun ; compiled by An Chunyang
220211: AN OLD BOY (PSEUDONYM); BACON, JOHN (ILLUS.) - Tom Brown's school days
171854: AN-SKI, S. (1863-1920) - The Dybbuk : A play in four acts: translated from the Yiddish with a biographical and bibliographical note and introduction by S. Morris von Engel
228843: ANACREON (CA. 582 B.C.-CA. 485 B.C.). MOORE, THOMAS (1779-1852) - The Odes of Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Moore. With fifty-four illustrative designs by Girodet de Roussy
243503: ANACREON. IRVING, S.C - Noon: Vol. 2, September, MCMII, No. 11: Odes of Anacreon; translated by S. C. Irving
40378: ANAFULU, JOSEPH C. - The Ibo-Speaking Peoples of Southern Nigeria - a Selected Annotated List of Writings 1627 - 1970
262515: ANAGNOSTIADE, TAKE - Les fondements scientifiques du conservatisme
264000: EDIZIONI ANALISI - Precursori di Cristoforo Colombo : mercanti e banchieri piacentini nel mondo durante il Medioevo : atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Auditorium Cristoforo Poggiali, Piacenza, 10-12 settembre 1992
41000: BARCELONA SEMINAR ON STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS (1991 : SAN FELIú DE GUIXOLS, SPAIN) - Barcelona Seminar on Stochastic Analysis : St. Feliu De Guixols, 1991 / David Nualart, Marta Sanz Sole, Editors
256116: ANAND, MULK RAJ (1905-2004) - Conversations in Bloomsbury / Mulk Raj Anand
163857: ANAND, MULK RAJ, (1905-2004) - Kama Kala. Interpretation Philosophique Des Sculptures Erotiques Hindoues ... Traduction Francaise Par Jean Herbert ... Et Huguette Herbert
180743: ANANTHASWAMY, ANIL - The edge of physics : a journey to Earth's extremes to unlock the secrets of the universe / Anil Ananthaswamy
209216: COMMISSION TRANSPORTS FEDERATION ANARCHISTE - L'automobile en question : dossier 1
142137: COMMISSION DE RELATIONS DE L'INTERNATIONALE DES FEDERATIONS ANARCHISTES - Troisieme Congres De L'I. F. A. , a Carrara -Italie- Du 23 Au 27 Mars 1978
92359: ANASTASIA, GEORGE - The Summer Wind : Thomas Capano and the Murder of Anne Marie Fahey
135669: ANASTASIO, DINA - The Romper Room Book of Shapes
101967: ANASTASIO, DINA - The Romper Room Book of Abcs
178106: ANATI, EMMANUEL - Palestine before the Hebrews : a history, from the earliest arrival of man to the conquest of Canaan / Emmanuel Anati
55852: ANATOLY GROMYKO, MARTIN HELLMAN (EDS. ) - Breakthrough : Emerging New Thinking : Soviet and Western Scholars Issue a Challenge to Build a World Beyond War [Proryv] / Editors-In-Chief, Anatoly Gromyko, Martin Hellman
190567: ANAWALT, PATRICIA RIEFF, (1924- ) - Indian clothing before Cortes : Mesoamerican costumes from the codices
78115: ANBINDER, PAUL, ED. - The Sculpture of Nancy Graves : a Catalogue Raisonne with Essays
141292: ANCEL, MARC. PARIS. UNIVERSITE. DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL SCIENCE - Suspended Sentence; a Report Presented by the Department of Criminal Science of the Institute of Comparative Law, University of Paris, under the Direction of Marc Ancel ... to the Cambridge Institute of Criminology
165634: ANCEL, JACQUES (1882-1943) - L' Unite De La Politique Bulgare, 1870-1919 : Une Carte Hors Texte / Jacques Ancel
174541: ANCEL, JACQUES (1882-1943) - Les Balkans face a? l'Italie
212252: ANCEL, ALFRED - Les ouvriers et la religion
135872: ANCEL, ALFRED - La Mentalite Ouvriere
255063: ANCESCHI, LUCIANO - Autonomia ed eteronomia dell'arte : saggio di fenomenologia delle poetiche / Luciano Anceschi
127205: ANCHISKIN, A. - The Theory of Growth of a Socialist Economy
175430: ANCIAUX, CHARLES - L'Etat corporatif lois et conditions d'un regime corporatif en belgique
32438: L'ART ANCIEN S. A. - Zeichnungen - Katalog 71 (Exhibition Catalogue)
245355: ANCILLON, M. F - Tableau des révolutions du système politique de l'Europe depuis la findu quinzième siècle: complete in three volumes
250232: D'ANCONA, ALESSANDRO. COMPARETTI, D - Le antiche rime volgari : secondo la lezione del codice vaticano 3793. Vol. 3 / pubblicate per cura di A. d'Ancona e D. Comparetti
231786: D'ANCONA, PAOLO (1878-). AESCHLIMANN, ERARDO [JOINT AUTHOR] - The art of illumination : an anthology of manuscripts from the sixth to the sixteenth century
263197: D'ANCONA, ALESSANDRO (1835-1914) - Le antiche rime volgari : secondo la lezione del Codice vaticano 3793 / Pubblicate per cura di A. d'Ancona e D. Comparetti - 4 vols
168049: ANCSEL, EVA - The dilemmas of freedom
105418: ANDACHT, SANDRA - Joe Franklin's Show Biz Memorabilia
270404: CÓRDOBA (PROVINCIA) DIPUTACIÓN PROVINCIAL; FORO CIUDADANO PARA LA RECUPERACIÓN DE LA MEMORIA HISTÓRICA DE ANDALUCÍA - 10 años recuperando la Memoria Histórica : Foro ciudadano para la recuperación de la Memoria Histórica de Andalucía
208625: ANDENAES, JOHANNES (1912-2003). RISTE, OLAV. SKODVIN, MAGNE - Norway and the Second World War
99230: ANDERMAN, JANUSZ - Poland under Black Light / Janusz Anderman ; Introduction by Stanislaw Barnczak ; Translated by Nina Taylor and Andrew Short
236296: ANDERS, FRANCE (1914-) - Jacques Copeau et le Cartel des quatre
104575: ANDERS, CURT - Fighting Confederates
194860: ANDERSCH, ALFRED (1914-1980) - Moderne Erzahler, XVI / von Andersch, Kaschnitz und Weyrauch
177430: ANDERSCH, ALFRED (1914-1980) - The red-head / Alfred Andersch ; translated from the German by Michael Bullock
92126: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER P. - The Serpent's Tooth
84429: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER P - Citizen Jane : the Turbulent Life of Jane Fonda
82838: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER P. - Citizen Jane : the Turbulent Life of Jane Fonda / Christopher Andersen
48947: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER - Jack and Jackie - Portrait of an American Marriage
275019: ANDERSEN, H C - Andersen's fairy tales. Translated by Mrs. E.V. Lucas and Mrs. H.B. Paull. Illus. by Arthur Szyk
275000: ANDERSEN, H. C. (HANS CHRISTIAN) (1805-1875) - Favourite fairy tales / Hans Christian Andersen
274709: ANDERSEN, H. C. (HANS CHRISTIAN) (1805-1875) - Hans Andersen, his classic fairy tales / from the new translation by Erik Haugaard ; illustrated by Michael Foreman
263408: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN - H. C. Andersens Samlade sagor och historier. 1
219956: ANDERSEN, H. C. (HANS CHRISTIAN) - The flying trunk
194726: ANDERSEN, WILHELM - Ihr seid zur freiheit berufen : gesetz und evangelium nach biblischem Zeugnis
94541: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (1805-1875). NIELSEN, KAY RASMUS (1866-) ILLUS. - Fairy Tales, by Hans Andersen; Illustrated by Kay Nielsen
182613: ANDERSEN, ALICE - Mary Lee and the mystery of the Indian Heads
107749: ANDERSEN, RIKKE - Tall & Terrific / Rikke Andersen ; Illustrated by Miriam Larsson
115895: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER P. - Young Kate / Christopher Andersen
106085: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER P. - Madonna, Unauthorized / Christopher Andersen
61579: ANDERSEN-ROSENDAL, JORGEN - The Happy Lagoons : the World of Queen Salote / Transl. from the Danish by Eiler Hansen and J. F. Burke
175676: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (1805-1875) - Nattergalen
86942: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER P. - Young Kate ; the Remarkable Hepburns and the Childhood That Shaped an American Legend
96882: ANDERSON, E. W. (EWAN WILLIAM) - Iraq and the Continuing Middle East Crisis / Ewan W. Anderson and Khalil H. Rashidian
92576: ANDERSON, WILLIAM - The Rise of the Gothic / William Anderson ; Photography by Clive Hicks
90361: ANDERSON, JACK (1922-2005) - The Anderson Papers, by Jack Anderson with George Clifford
87460: ANDERSON, ROBERT GORDON - Faces, Forms, Films; the Artistry of Lon Chaney / Robert G. Anderson
84151: ANDERSON, LONI - My Life in High Heels / Loni Anderson, with Larkin Warren
83168: ANDERSON, FAY - The Color Book of Tie Dyeing & Batik
82206: ANDERSON, A. DONALD; QUEENAN, CHARLES F. ; HOFFS, ELLEN; VAUGHN, SUSAN - Los Angeles - a Realm of Possibility
77590: ANDERSON, POUL (1926-2001) - The Queen of Air and Darkness; with a New Introd. by the Author
74709: ANDERSON, JANICE - RELATED NAME: BRITISH LIBRARY. REFERENCE DIVISION - The British Library : the Reference Division Collections
72713: ANDERSON, CHARLES W. (1934-) - The Political Economy of Modern Spain; Policy-Making in an Authoritarian System
72251: ANDERSON, KENNETH (1956-) - Persecuting Human Rights Monitors : the CERJ in Guatemala
71675: ANDERSON, MAXWELL (1888-1959) - Dramatist in America : Letters of Maxwell Anderson, 1912-1958 / Edited by Laurence G. Avery.
70270: ANDERSON, RICHARD C. (RICHARD CHASE) (1934-) (ED. ) - Readings in the Psychology of Cognition, Edited by Richard C. Anderson [And] David P. Ausubel
67565: ANDERSON, OLIVE M. (OLIVE MARY) (1915-2003) - Seeker At Cassandra Marsh / Olive M. Anderson
67104: ANDERSON, JAMES D. (JAMES DESMOND) - The Management of Ministry / James D. Anderson, Ezra Earl Jones
64711: ANDERSON, THAYLE K. AND FORRESTER, KENT (EDS. ) - Point Counterpoint : Eight Cases for Composition / [Edited By] Thayle K. Anderson, Kent Forrester
64126: ANDERSON, POUL (1926-2001) - The Merman's Children
63914: ANDERSON, LUTHER A. - Hunting the Woodlands for Small and Big Game / Luther A. Anderson
61361: ANDERSON, LUTHER A. - Hunting the Uplands with Shotgun and Rifle / Luther A. Anderson
61018: ANDERSON, JON LEE AND ANDERSON, SCOTT (COMP. ) - War Zones / Compiled by Jon Lee Anderson and Scott Anderson
6001: ANDERSON, CHARLES B. , ED. AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION - Bookselling in America and the World : Some Observations & Recollections in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the American Booksellers Association / Edited by Charles B. Anderson
5938: ANDERSON, CHARLES B. & KAHN, JOCELYN D. JOINT AUTHORS - RELATED NAMES: DUFFY, JOSEPH A. ED & AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION - A Manual on Bookselling / Edited by Charles B. Anderson, Joseph A. Duffy and Jocelyn D. Kahn
5933: ANDERSON, FRANK J. - Private Press Work : A Bibliographical Approach to Printing As an Avocation
54982: ANDERSON, WILLIAM (1935-) - Cathedrals in Britain and Ireland : from Early Times to the Reign of Henry VIII / William Anderson, Clive Hicks
54946: ANDERSON, WALTER (1944-) - Read with Me / Walter Anderson
51310: ANDERSON, WALTER [INTRODUCTION] - We the People : a Pictorial Celebration of America
275571: ANDERSON, JOHN PARKER - The book of British topography : a classified catalogue of the topographical works in the Library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland
275361: ANDERSON, WILLIAM J. (WILLIAM JAMES) (1864-1900) - The architecture of the renaissance in Italy : a general view for the use of students and others
274738: ANDERSON, WILLIAM - The rise of the Gothic / William Anderson ; photography by Clive Hicks
272201: ANDERSON, JOHN - Motors and their story by John Anderson
271738: ANDERSON, JOHN - Aeroplanes and their story
271439: ANDERSON, R. C. (ROGER CHARLES) - Oared fighting ships : from classical times to the coming of steam / R.C. Anderson
268589: ANDERSON, R. C (ROGER CHARLES) - Journals and narratives of the third Dutch War / edited by R.C. Anderson
266424: ANDERSON, ROY CLAUDE - History of Royal Blue express services
260935: ANDERSON, LAURIE - Windows on the Wheatbelt
260696: ANDERSON, JAMES (1739-1808) - Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries, of Scotland : in a series of letters to a friend : written in the year one htousand seven hundred and seventy-five
257767: ANDERSON-MORSHEAD, ANNE E. M - The history of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa 1859-1909
23858: ANDERSON, PETER J. (1954-). WIESSALA, GEORG (1962-). WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER (1959-) - New Europe in Transition / Edited by Peter Anderson, Georg Wiessala, and Christopher Williams
238501: ANDERSON, ROY MALCOLM (1947-), EDITOR; TURNER, B. D., EDITOR; TAYLOR, LIONEL ROY, EDITOR; BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. SYMPOSIUM (20TH : 1978 : LONDON) - Population dynamics : the 20th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, London, 1978 / edited by R.M. Anderson, B.D. Turner and L.R. Taylor
238044: ANDERSON, R. M. DAHLEM WORKSHOP ON POPULATION BIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE AGENTS (1982 : BERLIN, GERMANY). FINE, P. E. M. MAY, ROBERT MCCREDIE (1936-). BERLIN (GERMANY : WEST). SENAT. STIFTERVERBAND FÜR DIE DEUTSCHE WISSENSCHAFT. DAHLEM KONFERENZEN - Population biology of infectious diseases : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Population Biology of Infectious Disease Agents, Berlin 1982, March 14-19 / R.M. Anderson and R.M. May, editors ; rapporteurs, P.E.M. Fine ... [et al.] ; program advisory committee, R.M. Anderson ... [et al.]
237556: ANDERSON, DECLAN JOHN. BUXTON, RICHARD - How to dissect and understand medical terms
235246: ANDERSON, CHESTER G - James Joyce and his world
228669: ANDERSON, SASCHA. HESSISCHES LANDESMUSEUM (DARMSTADT, GERMANY). VEREIN DER FREUNDE UND FÖRDERER DES HESSISCHEN LANDESMUSEUMS IN DARMSTADT (GERMANY) - Tiefe Blicke : Kunst der achtziger Jahre aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der DDR, Österreich und der Schweiz
227732: ANDERSON, JANET ALM - A Taste of Kentucky
226590: ANDERSON, MARK - The day the world discovered the sun : an extraordinary story of scientific adventure and the race to track the transit of Venus
22357: ANDERSON, KYM - New Silk Roads East Asia and World Textile Markets
219337: ANDERSON, LONI - My Life in High Heels / Loni Anderson, with Larkin Warren
209137: ANDERSON, M. D. (MARY DESIREE) - History and imagery in British churches / M. D. Anderson
202575: ANDERSON, MARY - Divination : how to use unusual methods
201999: ANDERSON, MARY - Divination : how to use unusual methods
243301: ANDERSON, JAMES [FARMER AT MONKS-HILL, ABERDEENSHIRE] - Essays relating to Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Volume Second
18216: ANDERSON, ANNELISE GRAEBNER - The Business of Organized Crime A Cosa Nostra Family
18207: ANDERSON, CHARLES W. (1934-) - Prescribing the Life of the Mind An Essay on the Purpose of the University, the Aims of Liberal Education, the Competence of Citizens, and the Cultivation of Practical Reason
180593: ANDERSON, SCOULAR - Space pirates and the monster of Malswomp
170284: ANDERSON, ROBERT EARLE - Liberia, America's African friend
163096: ANDERSON, JAMES NORMAN DALRYMPLE, SIR (1908- ) - Into the World: the Need and Limits of Christian Involvement [By] J. N. D. Anderson
157659: ANDERSON, JACK (1922-2005) - Fiasco / Jack Anderson with James Boyd
155844: ANDERSON, TERRY H. - The pursuit of fairness : a history of affirmative action
151920: ANDERSON, DOROTHY (1923-) - The Balkan Volunteers
144361: ANDERSON, B. L. (BRUCE LOUIS) (ED. ) - Capital Accumulation in the Industrial Revolution. Edited, with an Introd. and Notes, by B. L. Anderson
14331: ANDERSON, WALT (1933-) - Evolution Isn't What it Used to be : the Augmented Animal and the Whole Wired World / Walter Truett Anderson
14337: ANDERSON, PATRICIA - All of Us : Americans Talk about the Meaning of Death / [Edited By] Patricia Anderson
229948: ANDERSON, JOHN REDWOOD (1883-) - The legend of Eros and Psyche. (A poem.)
257614: ANDERSON-MORSHEAD, A. E. M. (ANNE ELIZABETH MARY) - The history of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1896
179532: ANDERSON, J. - What saith the scripture : an exposition and analysis of the Pentateuch
236095: ANDERSON, ROBERT GORDON (1916-) - Faces, forms, films : the artistry of Lon Chaney
96354: ANDERSON, OLIVE (1926-?) - A Liberal State At War: English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War
156482: ANDERSON, MARGARET BARTLETT - Robert Frost and John Bartlett : the Record of a Friendship
157072: ANDERSON, BERTHA C. COE, LLOYD (ILLUS. ) - Tinker's Tim and the Witches
274035: ANDERSON, E. N - Food and environment in early and medieval China / E. N. Anderson
194139: ANDERSON, PAUL B. - People, church and state in modern Russia
109285: ANDERSON, COLIN - Magellan; a Novel
215434: ANDERSON, SHERWOOD (1876-1941) - Winesburg, Ohio / Sherwood Anderson ; Illustrated by John Berkey
216141: ANDERSON, PAUL B. - Russia's religious future / edited by Paul B. Anderson...et al.
215149: ANDERSON, ROBERT (1917-2009) - Getting up and going home / Robert Anderson ; illustrated by Barnett Plotkin
279786: ANDERSON, JEAN - The American century cookbook
101048: ANDERSON, EDWIN P. - Air Conditioning : Home and Commercial
28691: ANDERSON, OLIVE (1926-) - A Liberal State At War : English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War
253633: ANDERSON, M. D. (1902-1973) - Misericords : medieval life in English woodcarving
103275: ANDERSON, FLORENCE BENNETT (1883) - A Grandfather for Benjamin Franklin; the True Story of a Nantucket Pioneer and His Mates
160654: ANDERSON, JOHN RICHARD LANE (1911- ) - Vinland Voyage [By] J. R. L. Anderson
25837: ANDERSON, OLIVE (1926-) - A Liberal State At War : English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War
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