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153180: CARLTON, FRANK TRACY (1873-) - The History and Problems of Organized Labor
94072: CARLTON, GRACE - Friedrich Engels : the Shadow Prophet / Grace Carlton
242781: CARLTON, W. F - The Amateur Photographer, a complete guide for beginners, in the art-science of Photography
194401: CARLTON, FRANK TRACY (B. 1873) - The history and problems of organized labor
175968: CARLTON, RICHARD K. (1920- , ED.) - Forced labor in the 'people's democracies' : Research and analysis by Andrew G. Caranfil [et al] ; Legal material supplied by the Mid-European Law Project of the Library of Congress
269470: CARLYLE, JANE WELSH (1801-1866) - Jane Welsh Carlyle : letters to her family, 1839-1863 / edited by Leonard Huxley
269027: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Sartor resartus : Lectures on heroes ; Chartism ; Past and present
267330: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Past and Present. By Thomas Carlyle
265979: CARLYLE, JANE WELSH (1801-1866) - Early letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle : together with a few of later years and some of Thomas Carlyle, all hitherto unpublished / edited by David G. Ritchie
261523: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - The French Revolution : a history - Vol. 2
261047: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Thomas Carlyle : letters to his wife / edited by Trudy Bliss
261048: CARLYLE, JANE WELSH (1801-1866) - Jane Welsh Carlyle, a new selection of her letters / arranged by Trudy Bliss
261043: CARLYLE, JANE (WELSH) (1801-1866) - Letters and memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle : prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle / Edited by James Anthony Froude In three volumes - 3 volumes
258953: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881). CARLYLE, JANE WELSH (1801-1866). FIELDING, KENNETH JOSHUA (1924-). SANDERS, CHARLES RICHARD. RYALS, CLYDE DE L. (1928-) - The Collected letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: in seven volumes
258416: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881).NENCIONI, ENRICO [TRANS.]. PEZZE PASCOLATO, MARIA [TRANS.] - Gli eroi : Traduzione e note de M. Pezze Pascolato, con prefazione di Enrico Nencioni
256246: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister / ed. with an introductory essay by Charles Townsend Copeland
254888: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Thomas Carlyle: Critical and Miscellaneous Essays: volume V
254699: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - The letters of Thomas Carlyle to his brother Alexander : with related family letters / edited by Edwin W. Marrs, Jr
240982: CARLYLE, ALEXANDER (1722-1805); KINSLEY, JAMES, EDITOR - Anecdotes and characters of the times / edited with an introduction by James Kinsley
237372: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881). CAMPBELL, IAN (1899-1978) - Selected essays / [by] Thomas Carlyle; introduction by Ian Campbell
213344: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Sartor Resartus ; Heroes and hero-worship ; Past and present
61213: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - The Letters of Thomas Carlyle to His Brother Alexander, with Related Family Letters. Edited by Edwin W. Marrs, Jr
275620: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - French revolution : a history / Thomas Carlyle
189476: CARLYLE, A. J. (ALEXANDER JAMES), (1861-1943) - The Christian church and liberty
187135: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Sartor resartus
279348: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - New letters of Thomas Carlyle / Vol.1. edited and annotated by Alexander Carlyle with illustrations
159393: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle
280984: CARLYLE, THOMAS - ?? ???????, ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? : ???? ???????. ?Al giborim, ?avodat giborim u-midat ha-gevurah be-divre ha-yamim : shishah shiurim. (Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history)
261484: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Critical and miscellaneous essays v. 4
201381: CARLYLE, A. J. (ALEXANDER JAMES), (1861-1943) - Wages
250014: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Carlyle's Complete Works in 11 volumes
207964: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) & CARLYLE, JANE WELSH (1801-1866) - RELATED NAME: BLISS, GERTRUDE HOFFMANN, LADY (1964-?) ED - Die Franzosische Revolution / von Thomas Carlyle ; aus dem Englischen von P. Feddersen, umgeargeitet von E. Erman
269476: CARLYLE, THOMAS - The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-72 - complete in 2 volumes
86627: CARLYLE, RICHARD, TR. - The Psalms of Krishna ... by Richard Carlyle - [Uniform Title: Bhagavadgita. English]
99145: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) & CARLYLE, JANE WELSH (1801-1866) - RELATED NAME: BLISS, GERTRUDE HOFFMANN, LADY (1964-?) ED - Thomas Carlyle: Letters to His Wife. Edited by Trudy Bliss
149126: CARLYLE, ALEXANDER. JAMES CRICHTON-BROWNE, M. D. - The Nemesis of Froude; a Rejoinder to James Anthony Froude's 'My Relations with Carlyle', by Alexander Carlyle, B. A. and Sir James Crichton-Browne, M. D.
145189: CARLYLE, MARGARET (ED. ) - Documents on International Affairs. 1939-1946. Vol. 2 , Hitler's Europe / Selected and Edited by Margaret Carlyle
262019: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Critical and miscellaneous essays
257390: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Letters of Thomas Carlyle / edited by Charles Eliot Norton - 2 volumes
263200: CARLYLE, THOMAS - The French revolution : a history - vol. 1
263140: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
232046: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Little Masterpieces /Thomas Carlyle / edited by Bliss Perry
257404: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Chartism past and present
55530: CARLYLE, ROBERT WARRAND, SIR - A History of Mediæval Political Theory in the West. [Complete in 6 Volumes]
241526: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - The French revolution: Complete in two volumes
195056: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - Chartism
218216: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) - The works of Thomas Carlyle : in thirty volumes
210147: CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) & CARLYLE, JANE WELSH (1801-1866) - RELATED NAME: BLISS, GERTRUDE HOFFMANN, LADY (1964-?) ED - Shooting Niagara : and after?
98300: CARMACK, PAUL R. - The Diary of Snubs, Our Dog, Recorded by Carmack
271806: CARMAN, WILLIAM YOUNG - British military uniforms : from contemporary pictures; Henry VII to the present day / W. Y. Carman
271423: CARMAN, WILLIAM YOUNG (1909-) - Headdresses of the British Army: Yeomanry
268455: CARMAN, W. Y - British military uniforms from contemporary pictures : Henry VII to the present day / W. Y. Carman
257542: CARMAN, W. Y - British military uniforms from contemporary pictures : Henry VII to the present day / W. Y. Carman
278399: CARMAN, BLISS (1861-1929). HOVEY, RICHARD (1864-1900). METEYARD, TOM B - More songs from Vagabondia
182683: CARMAN, W. Y. - A history of firearms : from earliest times to 1914
167459: CARMANNE, J.-G. - Trois Lettres sur la Guerre a la Justice dans la Fonderie de Canons a Liege; et sur l'Etat Militaire en Belgique
167380: CARME, FERNAND DU - Monsieur de Robespierre: comédie dramatique en 1 prologue, 3 actes et 2 tableaux
125797: CARMEL, HERMAN - Black Days, White Nights / Herman Carmel
110150: CARMEL, HERMAN - Black Days, White Nights
79294: CARMENT, DAVID (1959-) , ED. - Peace in the Midst of Wars : Preventing and Managing International Ethnic Conflicts / Edited by David Carment and Patrick James
157904: CARMER, CARL (1893-1976) - Rebellion At Quaker Hill; a Story of the First Rent War. Illustrated by Harve Stein
13592: CARMER, CARL LAMSON (1893-) - My Kind of Country; Favorite Writings about New York, by Carl Carmer
160011: CARMER, CARL (1893-1976) - Dark Trees to the Wind; a Cycle of York State Years; Decorations by John O'hara Cosgrave II
123310: CARMER, CARL LAMSON (1893-) - America Sings; Stories of Our Country's Growing
104432: CARMER, CARL LAMSON AND CARMER, ELIZABETH BLACK (ILLUS. ) - The Hurricane's Children, Tales from Your Neck O' the Woods, by Carl Carmer; Illustrated by Elizabeth Black Carmer
32222: CARMER, CARL - Dark Trees to the Wind - a Cycle of York State Years
31791: CARMI, BORIS - The Jordan / photographs by Boris Carmi ; text by Ephraim Talmi ; graphic editor, Martin Brandt
97889: CARMICHAEL, JOEL (1915-) - Trotsky : an Appreciation of His Life / Joel Carmichael
93241: CARMICHAEL, JOEL - Trotsky : an Appreciation of His Life
82802: CARMICHAEL, BILL - Incredible Collectors, Weird Antiques, and Odd Hobbies
227807: CARMICHAEL, MONTGOMERY (1857-1936) - In Tuscany : Tuscan towns, Tuscan types and the Tuscan tongue
154067: CARMICHAEL, SCOTT W - True Believer : Inside the Investigation and Capture of Ana Montes, Cuba's Master Spy / Scott W. Carmichael
119883: CARMICHAEL, JOEL - The Shaping of the Arabs; a Study in Ethnic Identity
107197: CARMICHAEL, THOMAS N. - The Ninety Days. Five Battles That Changed the World
74355: CARMICHAEL, LEONARD (1898-?) - Tufts College : a Centennial History 1952
143454: CARMICHAEL, JOHN DAVID. GOODWIN, HAROLD S. - William Temple's Political Legacy : a Critical Assessment
202900: CARMICHAEL, MONTGOMERY (1857-1936) - In Tuscany : Tuscan towns, Tuscan types and the Tuscan tongue
122383: CARMICHAEL, JOEL - Trotsky : an Appreciation of His Life
166829: CARMICHAEL, BILL - Incredible collectors, weird antiques, and odd hobbies
121325: CARMICHAEL, FRANCES - The Witch of Brent / Frances Carmichael
32574: CARMICHAEL, JOEL - The Shaping of the Arabs - a Study in Ethnic Identity
57010: CARMICHEL, JIM - The Modern Rifle / Jim Carmichel
116892: CARMICHEL, JIM - The Modern Rifle / Jim Carmichel
233200: CARMODY, WILLIAM PATRICK - Cushendall and its neighbourhood : a guide
122809: CARMONA, RAFAEL FRANCISCO - The Iron Stallion, Harley-Davidson : an American Love Story
156342: CARMONY, NEIL B. BROWN, DAVID E. - Mexican Game Trails : Americans Afield in Old Mexico, 1866-1940 / Edited by Neil B. Carmony and David E. Brown
69303: CARNE, MARCEL - Le Jour Se Leve; a Film by Marcel Carne and Jacques Prevert. English Translation and Description of Action by Dinah Brooke and Nicola Hayden
141160: CARNE, LOUIS-JOSEPH-MARIE DE, COMTE (1804-1876) - La Monarchie Francaise Au Dix-Huitieme Siecle / Etudes Historiques Sur Les Regnes De Louis XIV Et De Louis XV
267793: CARNEGIE, ANDREW (1835-1919) - A league of peace : a rectorial address delivered to the students in the University of St. Andrews, 17th October, 1905
215696: CARNEGIE UNITED KINGDOM TRUST. ELGIN, EDWARD JAMES BRUCE, EARL OF (1881-1968) - The Carnegie bursary scheme for the training of youth leaders : A report to the trustees on the conduct of the experiment from December 1940 to August 1943
247700: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE. DIVISION OF ECONOMICS AND HISTORY. BERGENDAL, KURT. EDSTRÖM, OLOF. HECKSCHER, ELI F - Bidrag till Sveriges Ekonomiska och Sociala Historia under och efter Världskriget / under medverkan av Kurt Bergendal, Olof Edström [and others] ... utgivna av Eli F. Heckscher: Del I
176608: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE, DIVISION OF INTERCOURSE AND EDUCATION - Les Soviets et la dette russe en France / Francis Delaisi ; Les Soviets et les organisations de la paix / René Cassin ; France et Russie / Stephane Lauzanne
88073: CARNES, CECIL - John L. Lewis: Leader of Labor, by Cecil Carnes
74622: CARNESALE, ALBERT - [HARVARD NUCLEAR STUDY GROUP] - Living with Nuclear Weapons / the Harvard Nuclear Study Group, Albert Carnesale ... [Et Al. ] ; with a Foreword by Derek Bok
82709: CARNEVALI, ORESTE - Carving and Boning like an Expert / Oreste Carnevali, with Jean, B. Read ; Ill. by Pat Stewart
79726: CARNEVALI, ORESTE - Carving and Boning like an Expert, with Jean, B. Read ; Ill. by Pat Stewart
78654: CARNEY, CHARLES & MISIROGLU, GINA RENEE - RELATED NAMES: TALAMON, BRUCE; DEVITO, DANNY - Space Jammin' : Michael and Bugs Hit the Big Screen / Written by Charles Carney and Gina Misiroglu ; Photographs by Bruce W. Talamon ; Foreword by Danny Devito
74167: CARNEY, CHARLES & MISIROGLU, GINA RENEE - RELATED NAMES: TALAMON, BRUCE & DEVITO, DANNY - Space Jammin' : Michael and Bugs Hit the Big Screen / Written by Charles Carney and Gina Misiroglu ; Photographs by Bruce W. Talamon ; Foreword by Danny Devito
182487: CARNEY, DAN - Uncle Don's strange adventures
232134: CARNEY, JAMES - The problem of St. Patrick
76409: CARNOCHAN, W. B - The Battleground of the Curriculum : Liberal Education and American Experience
95451: CARNOCHAN, FREDERIC GROSVENOR (1890-1952) - Out of Africa, by F. G. Carnochan and H. C. Adamson...
123899: CARNOY, EMILE HENRY AND DE CHOVIN (ILLUS. ) - Hans Mertens / Illustrations De Chovin
243024: CARO, GEORG (1867-1912) - Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Juden im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit / von Georg Caro. Bd.2, Das spátere Mittelalter
64073: CARO, ELME MARIE (1826-1887) - George Sand, by E. Caro. Translated by Melville B. Anderson
223894: CARO, ANNIBAL (1507-1566) - De le Lettere Familiari del commendatore Annibal Caro volume primo (secondo)
165848: CARO, ELME-MARIE (1826-1887) - Problemes De Morale Sociale / Par E. Caro ... La Morale Independante. Les Theories Contemporaines Sur Le Droit Naturel. Le Droit De Punir. Le Progres Social. La Destinee Humaine D'Apres Les Nouvelles Ecoles Scientifiques
137063: DE CARO, GASPARE - Gaetano Salvemini. Con 29 Tavole Fuori Testo
240579: CAROE, ALBAN D.R - Old churches and modern craftsmanship
139640: CAROLINE, QUEEN, CONSORT OF GEORGE IV, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN (1768-1821) - A Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving to Almighty God / to be Used Daily by all Devout People Throughout the Realm, for the Happy Deliverance of Her Majesty Queen Caroline from the Late Most Traitorous Conspiracy
139638: CAROLINE, QUEEN, CONSORT OF GEORGE IV, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN (1768-1821) - A Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving to Almighty God / to be Used Daily by all Devout People Throughout the Realm, for the Happy Deliverance of Her Majesty Queen Caroline from the Late Most Traitorous Conspiracy
149309: CAROLINE, QUEEN, CONSORT OF GEORGE IV, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN (1768-1821) - The Attempt to Divorce the Princess of Wales Impartially Considered : More Particularly with Reference to the Probability of Success
84984: DE CAROLIS, ADOLFO (1874-1928) - Adolfo De Carolis
148835: CARON, VICKI - Between France and Germany : the Jews of Alsace-Lorraine, 1871-1918 / Vicki Caron
130227: CARONE, PASQUALE A. STANLEY F. YOLLES. SHERMAN N. KIEFFER. LEONARD W. KRINSKY (EDS. ) - Misfits in Industry / Edited by Pasquale A. Carone ... [Et Al. ]
71195: CAROSELLI, MARLENE - The Language of Leadership / Marlene Caroselli
248079: CAROSSA, HANS - A Childhood
233318: CAROSSA, HANS (1878-1956) - Jubilaumsausgabe zum hundertsten Geburtstag von Hans Carossa - Complete in 5 volumes
150442: CAROSSA, HANS (1878-1956) - Die Schicksale Doktor Burgers
90099: CAROTHERS, JOHN COLIN - The Mind of Man in Africa
140752: CAROTHERS, JOHN COLIN - The Mind of Man in Africa, by J. C. Carothers
161580: CARP, DR. J. H. - Het Spinozisme Als Wereldbeschouwing Inleiding Tot De Leer Van Benedictus De Spinoza Door Dr. J. H. Carp
92358: CARPENTER, TERESA - Missing Beauty : a True Story of Murder and Obsession
86988: CARPENTER, TERESA - Mob Girl : a Woman's Life in the Underworld
70466: CARPENTER, HUGH - Chopstix : Quick Cooking with Pacific Flavors
64916: CARPENTER, HUGH. TERI SANDISON - Chopstix : Quick Cooking with Pacific Flavors
273278: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - A serious character : the life of Ezra Pound / Humphrey Carpenter
268716: CARPENTER, THOMAS H - Art and myth in ancient Greece : a handbook / Thomas H Carpenter
267930: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY. (1946-2005) - The Oxford companion to children's literature / Humphrey Carpenter and Mari Prichard
266799: CARPENTER, EDWARD (1910-1998) - A house of kings : the history of Westminster Abbey / edited by Edward Carpenter
266456: CARPENTER, S. C. (SPENCER CECIL) (1877-1959) - Christianity / S.C. Carpenter
240314: CARPENTER, THOMAS H - Art and myth in ancient Greece : a handbook / Thomas H Carpenter
228650: CARPENTER, PATRICK. GRAHAM, WILLIAM (1923- ) - Art and ideas : an approach to art appreciation
205000: CARPENTER, EDWARD - Westminster Abbey / Edward Carpenter and David Gentleman
169414: CARPENTER, TERESA - Mob girl : a woman's life in the underworld / Teresa Carpenter
158400: CARPENTER, MARY WILSON (1937-) - Imperial Bibles, Domestic Bodies : Women, Sexuality, and Religion in the Victorian Market / Mary Wilson Carpenter
125333: CARPENTER, TERESA - Mob Girl : a Woman's Life in the Underworld / Teresa Carpenter
279825: CARPENTER, WILLIAM BENJAMIN - Principles of human physiology : with their chief applications to psychology, pathology, therapeutics, hygiene, and forensic medicine, by William B. Carpenter ; edited, with additions, by Francis Gurney Smith
276872: CARPENTER, JESSE THOMAS (1899-1986) - Competition and collective bargaining in the needle trades, 1910-1967
178872: CARPENTER, EDWARD (1844-1929) - England's ideal : and other papers on social subjects
254803: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - A serious character : the life of Ezra Pound / Humphrey Carpenter
187173: CARPENTER, THOMAS - The scholar's spelling assistant : wherein the words are arranged on an improved plan, according to their respective principles of accentuation : in a manner calculated to familiarize the art of spelling and pronunciation, to remove difficulties . . . and to facilitate general improvement : intended for the use of schools and private tuition
277626: CARPENTER, CHARLES ALBERT (1929-). SHAW, BERNARD (1856-1950) - Bernard Shaw and the art of destroying ideals : the early plays
170213: CARPENTER, J. ESTLIN (1844-1927) - The Johannine writings : a study of the Apocalypse and the Fourth gospel
194098: CARPENTER, S. C. (SPENCER CECIL) (B. 1877) - Supernatural religion in its relation to democracy
215977: CARPENTER, EDWARD (1910-1998) - Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929 : democratic author and poet / a restatement and reappraisal by Edward Carpenter
28156: CARPENTER, MARY (1807-1877). CROFTON, WALTER (1815-1897) - Reformatory Prison Discipline : As Developed by the Rt. Hon. Sir Walter Crofton in the Irish Convict Prisons
23341: CARPENTER, EDMUND J. - The American Advance; a Study in Territorial Expansion, by Edmund J. Carpenter
143337: CARPENTER, JOSEPH ESTLIN (1844-1927) - The Johannine Writings : a Study of the Apocalypse and the Fourth Gospel - [Bible. Appendix. John, Gospel Of. Revelation. Miscellaneous ]
108584: CARPENTER, EDMUND J. (EDMUND JANES) (1845-1924) - A Woman of Shawmut; a Romance of Colonial Times, by Edmund Janes Carpenter. with Illustrations by Frank T. Merrill
111639: CARPENTER, EDWARD K. MARTIN FOX (ED. ) - The Best in Environmental Graphics
149606: CARPENTER, JOSEPH ESTLIN (1844-1927) - The First Three Gospels : Their Origin and Relations
145369: CARPENTER, JOSEPH ESTLIN (1844-1927) - The First Three Gospels : Their Origin and Relations
13652: CARPENTER, HARRY GAGE - A Successful Investor's Letters to His Son
13279: CARPENTER, FREDERIC IVES (1861-1925) - A Reference Guide to Edmund Spenser, by Frederic Ives Carpenter
130893: CARPENTER, SPENCER CECIL (1877-1959) - Politics and Society in the Old Testament
119490: CARPENTER, WILLIAM BOYD (1841-1918) - The Spiritual Message of Dante
117443: CARPENTER, SPENCER CECIL (1877-) - Supernatural Religion in its Relation to Democracy
223287: CARPENTER, MAURICE - The indifferent horseman : the divine comedy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
110926: CARPENTER, EDWIN H. - Printers and Publishers in Southern California 1850-1876
201846: CARPENTER, J. ESTLIN (JOSEPH ESTLIN) (1844-1927) - The historical Jesus and the theological Christ
245930: CARPENTER, WILLIAM BOYD - The spiritual message of Dante
195169: CARPENTER, J. ESTLIN, (JOSEPH ESTLIN) (1844-1927) - Life in Palestine when Jesus lived a short handbook to the first three gospels
140734: CARPENTER, NILES - The Sociology of City Life
144985: CARPENTER, JOSEPH ESTLIN - The First Three Gospels, Their Origin and Relations
149199: CARPENTER, DAVID BAILEY - Inside America
29115: CARPENTER, J. ESTLIN - The First Three Gospels - Their Origin and Relations
115964: CARPENTER, HUGH. SANDISON, TERI. CHOPSTIX DIM SUM CAFE - Chopstix : Quick Cooking with Pacific Flavors
71444: CARPENTER, JANE BRODIE - Abbot and Miss Bailey and Abbot in the Early Days
194384: CARPENTER, WILLIAM BENJAMIN (1813-1885) - Principles of human physiology
202353: CARPENTER, WILLIAM BOYD (1841-1918) - The spiritual message of Dante
195528: CARPENTER, S. C. (SPENCER CECIL) (B. 1877) - The Bible view of life : The Scott Holland memorial lectures, 1936
205039: CARPENTER, EDWARD [ED.] - A house of kings : the history of Westminster Abbey / edited by Edward Carpenter
207143: CARPENTER, NILES (1891-1971) - The sociology of city life
209180: CARPENTER, ALFRED FRANCIS BLAKENEY (1881-1955) - The blocking of Zeebrugge
188036: CARPENTIER, CAMILLE. CORSET, JEANNE - Verites pour notre temps
97670: CARPER, ROBERT S. - American Railroads in Transition
87791: CARPER, ROBERT S. - American Railroads in Transition ; the Passing of the Steam Locomotives
49919: CARPER, ROBERT S. - America's New Railroads
222479: CARPER, JEAN - Food : your miracle medicine. How food can prevent and cure over 100 symptoms and problems / Jean Carper
203278: CARPER, JEAN - The food pharmacy : dramatic new evidence that food is your best medicine / Jean Carper
275424: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORIENTAL CARPETS - The oriental carpet in London 1983 : programme of events
258958: CARPI, DANIEL. YOGEV, GEDALIA. UNIVERSI?AT TEL-AVIV - Zionism : studies in the history of the Zionist movement and of the Jewish community in Palestine / editors: Daniel Carpi and Gedalia Yogev: volume V
175486: CARPI, DANIEL. KAHAL KADOSH PADOVAH , HA-VA'AD - Minutes book of the Council of the Jewish Community of Padua, 1577-1603 / edited with introduction and notes by David Carpi
74614: CARPOZI, GEORGE - Poison Pen : the Unauthorized Biography of Kitty Kelley
24420: CARPOZI, GEORGE - Red Spies in the U. S.
242931: CARPOZI, GEORGE - The Gary Cooper story
111029: CARPOZI, GEORGE - The Gary Cooper Story, by George Carpozi Jr.
13867: CARPOZI, GEORGE - Red Spies in Washington
265029: CARPZOVII, J. B - E Palaia Diatheke kata tous Ebdomekonta : Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum, secundum exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum, Accedunt variae lectiones e Codice Alexandrino necnon / introductio J. B. Carpzovii: in six volumes
91094: CARR-GREGG, CHARLOTTE - Japanese Prisoners of War in Revolt : the Outbreaks At Featherston and Cowra During World War II / [By] Charlotte Carr-Gregg
83314: CARR, VIRGINIA S. - 'Toybox Tales' : Stories of Old Dolls and Toys Photographed in Charming Settings / Virginia S. Carr ; Photography by Edward H. Leland
79481: CARR, TERRY (ED. ) - Classic Science Fiction : the First Golden Age
79228: CARR, JACK (1921-) - Advanced Table Tennis
57483: CARR, TERRY (ED. ) - The Ides of Tomorrow : Original Science Fiction Tales of Horror / Edited by Terry Carr
32424: CARR, MICHAEL H. - The surface of Mars
30551: CARR-RUFFINO, NORMA - Diversity Success Strategies
276993: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) (1886-1966) - A survey of the social conditions in England and Wales : as illustrated by statistics
276964: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) (1886-1966) - A survey of the social structure of England and Wales : as illustrated by statistics
275816: CARR, A. M - Shrewsbury Library : its history and restoration / the notes on the history of the buildings are by A. M. Carr ; the section on the restoration is by T. Fullman
270580: CARR, ROY - Up the Falklands! : cartoons from the Royal Marines / Roy Carr, Arthur Huddart, John R. Webb
253411: CARR, DICKIE - Success with the pole / Dickie Carr
253330: CARR, DAVID - Broad-leaved trees
253329: CARR, DAVID - Conifers
250475: CARR, CALEB - The Italian secretary : a further adventure of Sherlock Holmes / Caleb Carr
248283: CARR, SAMUEL - The poetry of cats / edited by Samuel Carr
235503: CARR, PETER - Portavo : an Irish townland and its peoples. Part 1, Earliest times to 1844
251825: CARR, JOHN DICKSON (1906-1977) - The life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
221656: CARR, CAROLINE - Handknits for babies / Caroline Carr
216486: CARR, JAMES LAURIE - Investment economics
213080: CARR, LORRAINE - To the Philippines with love
172435: CARR, WESLEY - Ministry and the media
156877: CARR, CALEB (1955-) - The Angel of Darkness / Caleb Carr
154554: CARR, MATTHEW - The infernal machine : a history of terrorism
127233: CARR, LARRY - Four Fabulous Faces : Swanson, Garbo, Crawford, Dietrich / Larry Carr
157375: CARR, RACHEL E. - The Japanese Way with Flowers, by Rachel E. Carr. Illus. by Alain R. Carr
228247: CARR, RAYMOND - Images of the Spanish Civil War
111428: CARR, TERRY (EDITOR) - Universe 6. the Acclaimed Anthology.
276633: CARR, JOHN DICKSON (1906-1977) - The life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
120912: CARR, WINIFRED - Hussein's Kingdom
249253: CARR DICKSON, JOHN - Death Watch
214673: CARR, TERRY - This side of infinity / edited by Terry Carr
189212: CARR, LOWELL JUILLIARD (B. 1885) - Delinquency control / [by] Lowell Juilliard Carr
220068: CARR, WILLIAM H A - The basic book of the cat
279013: CARR-SAUNDERS, ALEXANDER MORRIS (SIR) - World population : past growth and present trends
162134: CARR, HERBERT WILDON (1857-1931) - The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce : the Problem of Art and History
262648: CARR, EDWARD HALLETT (1892-1982) - Conditions of peace
6216: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. - The Population Problem - [A Study in Human Evolution]
141899: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) , SIR (1886-1966) - World Population : Past Growth and Present Trends / A. M. Carr-Saunders
139556: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS (1886-1966) - World Population : Past Growth and Present Trends
106142: CARR, TERRY (EDITOR) - Universe 14
56472: CARR, TERRY - No Mind of Man : Three Original Novellas of Science Fiction, by Terry Carr, Richard A. Lupoff [And] Robert Silverberg
116737: CARR, WILLIAM H. A. - The New Basic Book of the Cat / William H. A. Carr
91986: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) , SIR (1886-1966) & CARADOG JONES, D. & MOSER, C. A. (CLAUS ADOLF) , SIR - A Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales As Illustrated by Statistics
7311: CARR-SAUNDERS, ALEXANDER MORRIS, SIR (1886-1966) - World Population : Past Growth and Present Trends
146519: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) , SIR (1886-1966). HERMANN MANNHEIM. E. C. RHODES - Young Offenders, an Enquiry Into Juvenile Delinquency
144024: CARR-SAUNDERS, ALEXANDER MORRIS) , SIR (1886-1966). FLORENCE, PHILIP SARGANT (1890-). PEERS, ROBERT (1888-) - Consumer's Co-Operation in Great Britain
140297: CARR, ROY - Bloomers! : More Newspaper Misprints / Illustrated by Roy Carr
30413: CARR, WINIFRED - Hussein's Kingdom / Foreword by H. M. King Hussein of Jordon
174125: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS)SIR (1886-1966) - Consumers' co-operation in Great Britain
245835: CARR-GOMM, SARAH - Hidden Symbols in Art
173085: CARR, EDWARD HALLETT (1892-1982) - Conditions of peace
160799: CARR, JAMES MCLEOD - Glorious Ride; the Story of Henry Woods Mclaughlin. 'Little Jet' Sketches by the Author
129923: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. - World Population : Past Growth and Present Trends
122694: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) , SIR (1886-1966) - A Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales As Illustrated by Statistics
104473: CARR, TERRY (ED) - Universe 4
164872: CARR-SAUNDERS, ALEXANDER MORRIS, SIR, (1886-1966) - Consumers' Co-Operation in Great Britain : an Examination of the British Co-Operative Movement
195060: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) SIR (1886-1966) - A survey of the social structure of England and Wales as illustrated by statistics
34293: CARR-SAUNDERS, ALEXANDER MORRIS, SIR (1886-1966) - A Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales : As Illustrated by Statistics
35506: CARR, WILLIAM H. A. - The Du Ponts of Delaware
171612: CARR, J. COMYNS (JOSEPH COMYNS) (1849-1916) - Drawings by the old masters. : With an introductory essay By J. Comyns Carr
104332: CARR, TERRY (ED. ) - Universe 3
263500: CARR, ROY ; TYLER, J E A - The Beatles : an illustrated record
185615: CARR, REV. A. (ED.) [ BIBLE. ENGLISH. 1908. ] - The Gospel according to St. Matthew
100566: CARR, VIRGINIA S (1918-?) - 'Toybox Tales' : Stories of Old Dolls and Toys Photographed in Charming Settings / Virginia S. Carr ; Photography by Edward H. Leland
239685: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) SIR (1886-1966); ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - World Population. Past growth and present trends. By A. M. Carr-Saunders
176896: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS) SIR (1886-1966) - A survey of the social structure of England & Wales, as illustrated by statistics
201431: CARR, ARTHUR, 1837-1916, [ED.] BIBLE. N. T. MATTHEW. ENGLISH. 1913. - The Gospel according to St. Matthew / edited by the Rev. A. Carr... with maps, notes and introduction
140121: CARR, STEPHEN - Down to Earth; Christian Agriculture in Nigeria
149163: CARR, EDWARD HALLETT (1892-1982) - German-Soviet Relations between the Two World Wars, 1919-1939
15863: CARR, WILLIAM H. A. - Perils Named and Unnamed. The Dramatic Story of the Insurance Company of North America
160993: CARR, EDWARD HALLETT (1892-) - The Soviet Impact on the Western World
29272: CARR, WILLIAM H. A. - The Du Ponts of Delaware
29275: CARR, WILLIAM H. A. - The Du Ponts of Delaware
30880: CARR, M. EARL. GEORGE A. CRABB. V. J. FROST. D. W. HALLOCK - Soil Survey of Washington County, New York
63783: CARR, CHARLES CARL - Alcoa, an American Enterprise
107026: CARR, TERRY - Planets of Wonder : a Treasury of Space Opera / Edited and with an Introd. by Terry Carr
79528: CARR, ALBERT H. Z - The World and William Walker
197007: CARR, ARTHUR (1837-1916) - The Gospel according to St. Luke
207121: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. [ET AL.] - A survey of social conditions in England and Wales as illustrated by statistics
207371: CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. (ALEXANDER MORRIS), SIR (1886-1966) - Consumers' co-operation in Great Britain : an examination of the British co-operative movement
209726: CARR, HERBERT REGINALD CULLING. LISTER, GEORGE A. - The mountains of Snowdonia in history, the sciences, literature and sport / edited by Herbert R.C. Carr and George A. Lister
264155: CARR, RAYMOND - The Spanish tragedy : the Civil War in perspective / Raymond Carr
30293: CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI PARMA. ENRICO CARRA (ED. ) - Cento Anni Di Vita Della Cassa Di Risparmio Di Parma, 1860-1960 / a Cura Di Enrico Carra
234838: CARRAD, H. L. OLIPHANT, LANCELOT - The Elements of Commerce (Part
145193: CARRAD, HAROLD LANDON - Industry and Commerce : a Course in English for Technical, Industrial and Commercial Students
249106: CARRARA, FRANCESCO - Opuscoli di diritto criminale. Vol. 2
84669: CARRARA, DON - The Quicksilver Days, a Novel by Don Carrara
245550: CARRARA, PROFESSORE FRANCESCO - gli opuscoli di diritto criminale: volume I & III
82135: LE CARRE, JOHN - The Little Drummer Girl / John Le Carre
255150: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - The mission song / John Le Carré
254612: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - Single & Single / John Le Carré
254586: LE CARRE, JOHN - The tailor of Panama / John Le Carré
254579: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - A most wanted man / John le Carré
254581: LE CARRE, JOHN - The constant gardner : John le Carre
253578: LE CARRE, JOHN - The tailor of Panama / John Le Carré
253579: LE CARRE, JOHN - The secret pilgrim / John le Carré
253567: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - The Russia house / John Le Carré
253563: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - Absolute friends / John Le Carré
185763: LE CARRE, JOHN (1931- ) - The secret pilgrim / John le Carre
185727: LE CARRE, JOHN (1931- ) - The night manager : a novel
185595: LE CARRE, JOHN - The little drummer girl
170636: LE CARRE, JOHN (1931-?) - The Russia house
159904: LE CARRE, JOHN (1931- ) - Absolute Friends / John Le Carre
251061: LE CARRE, JOHN - A murder of quality
237604: CARRÉ, JEAN MARIE (1887-1958) - La vie aventureuse de Jean-Arthur Rimbaud
236301: CARRÉ, JEAN RAOUL (1887-) - La philosophie de Fontenelle : ou, Le sourire de la raison
239353: CARREL, FRANK - Guide to the city of Québec : descriptive and illustrated with map
196343: CARREL, JEAN BAPTISTE NICOLAS ARMAND. ROMEY, LOUIS CHARLES REPARAT GENEVIEVE OCTAVE - Oeuvres litteraires et economiques / recueillies et annotees par M. Charles Romey, precedees d'une notice biographique par M. Emile Littre
237573: CARRELL, JENNIFER LEE - The speckled monster: a historical tale of battling smallpx
234353: CARRELL, NORMAN - Bach's Brandenburg concertos
77484: CARRERA, ROLAND - Swatchissimo, 1981-1991 : L'Extraordinaire Aventure Swatch = La Straordinaria Avventura Swatch = the Extraordinary Swatch Adventure / Roland Carrera
176614: CARRERE, JEAN (1897- ) - Manuel des partis politiques en France / par Jean Carrere et Georges Bourgin
97032: CARRERE D'ENCAUSSE, HELENE - Nicholas II : the Interrupted Transition/ Helene Carrere D'Encausse ; Translated by George Holoch - [Uniform Title: Nicolas II, La Transition Interrompue. English]
212540: CARRETTA, VINCENT - George III and the satirists from Hogarth to Byron / Vincent Carretta
78945: CARRICK, PETER - A Tribute to Fred Astaire
180557: CARRICK, PAUL - Watch out for Wolfgang / Paul Carrick
72326: CARRICK, EDWARD (1905-) - Gordon Craig; the Story of His Life
229921: CARRICK, JOHN (1912-) - Richer the dust
118566: CARRICK, MALCOLM - The Wise Men of Gotham. Adapted and Illustrated by Malcolm Carrick
102067: CARRICO, MARA - Yoga Journal's Yoga Basics : the Essential Beginner's Guide to Yoga for a Lifetime of Health and Fitness / Mara Carrico and the Editors of Yoga Journal
259025: CARRIEGO, EVARISTO (1883-1912) - Poesías completas / Evaristo Carriego
151624: CARRIER, RICK. CARRIER, BARBARA - Dive : the Complete Book of Skin Diving
189628: CARRIER, HERVE (1921-). PIN, EMILE JEAN - Sociologie du christianisme : bibliographie internationale = Sociology of Christianity; international bibliography / par Herve Carrier et Emile Pin
190291: CARRIER, E. H. (ELSE HAYDON) (1879-?) - The thirsty earth : a study in irrigation
203946: CARRIERI, MARIO (1932-). BUCKTON, DAVID. ENTWISTLE, CHRISTOPHER. PRIOR, ROWENA. NG. C. OLIVETTI AND CO. CULTURAL RELATIONS DEPT. LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART - The Treasury of San Marco, Venice / the exhibition has been organized by Olivetti's Cultural Relations Department .... et al. ; photography, Mario Carrieri ; catalogue translation, Jane Clarey ... et al. ; edited by David Buckton with the help of Christopher Entwistle and Rowena Prior
219624: CARRIGHAR, SALLY - Wild heritage
51940: CARRIGHAR, SALLY - Moonlight At Midday
166763: CARRIGHAR, SALLY - Icebound Summer. Illus. by Henry B. Kane
181490: CARRIGHAR, SALLY - Wild heritage / Sally Carrighar ; with illustrations by Rachel S. Horne
174009: CARRILLO, CHARLES M. - A century of retablos : the Janis and Dennis Lyon collection of New Mexican santos, 1780-1880 / Charles M. Carrillo, Thomas J. Steele
172099: CARRILLO, SANTIAGO - Hacia la libertad : informe del Comite Central presentado al Octavo Congreso del P[artido] C[omunista] de Espana / [edited by] Santiago Carrillo, [Dolores Ibarruri]
85513: CARRINGER, ROBERT L. (ED. ) - The Jazz Singer / Edited with an Introd. by Robert L. Carringer
61011: CARRINGTON GOODRICH, L [PREFACE]. CAMERON, NIGEL - The Face of China As Seen by Photographers & Travelers, 1860-1912
58222: CARRINGTON, FRANK - The Victims / Frank G. Carrington
267403: CARRINGTON, PHILIP - The early Christian church
267267: CARRINGTON, N. T. (NOEL THOMAS) (1777-1830) - Dartmoor : a descriptive poem
68399: CARRINGTON, FITZROY (ED. ) - The Print-Collector's Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1916
251158: CARRINGTON, HUGH - Life of Captain Cook
61392: CARRINGTON, HENRY BEEBEE (1824-1912) - Battle Maps and Charts of the American Revolution / with Explanatory Notes and School History References. With a New Introd. by George Athan Billias
68396: CARRINGTON, FITZROY (ED. ) - The Print-Collector's Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 1913
68398: CARRINGTON, FITZROY (ED. ) - The Print-Collector's Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 1913
68406: CARRINGTON, FITZROY (ED. ) - The Print-Collector's Quarterly, April 1911
68546: CARRINGTON, FITZROY (ED. ) - The Print-Collector's Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 3, October 1914
62719: CARRISON, DANIEL J. - The United States Navy [By] Daniel J. Carrison
159135: CARRITT, EDGAR FREDERICK (1876-1964) - What is Beauty? A First Introduction to the Subject and to Modern Theories [By] Edgar Frederick Carritt
144270: CARRITT, EDGAR FREDERICK - The Theory of Morals : an Introduction to Ethical Philosophy / Edgar Frederick Carritt
170169: CARRITT, E. F. (EDGAR FREDERICK) (1876-1964) - The theory of morals : an introduction to ethical philosophy
165272: CARRITT, EDGAR FREDERICK, (1876-1964) - The Theory of Morals : an Introduction to Ethical Philosophy
167012: CARRITT, EDGAR FREDERICK, (1876-1964) - Ethical and political thinking
45689: CARRITT, EDGAR FREDERICK (1876-1964) - The Theory of Beauty
68568: CARROL, SHANA - Raven / [By] Shana Carrol
248107: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - The hunting of the Snark : an agony in eight fits
98368: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - RELATED NAMES: HOLIDAY, HENRY (1839-1927) ILLUS. ; TANIS, JAMES (1928-?) & DOOLEY, JOHN (EDS. ) ; GARDNER, MARTIN (1914-?) ; MITCHELL, CHARLES (1912-1995) ; GOODACRE, SELWYN HU - Lewis Carroll's the Hunting of the Snark
92418: CARROLL, JOHN M. (JOHN MELVIN) (COMP. ) - The Black Military Experience in the American West. Edited by John M. Carroll
80776: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) ; ILLUSTRATED BY ARTHUR RACKHAM - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
49424: CARROLL, DAVID - Playboy's Illustrated Treasury of Gambling
43513: CARROLL, JAMES - Firebird
43516: CARROLL, JAMES - The City Below
43521: CARROLL, JAMES - Fault Lines
272578: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - The complete illustrated works of Lewis Carroll
270817: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - Alice's adventures in Wonderland
268866: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - The hunting of the snark : an agony, in eight fits
255458: CARROLL, MICHAEL J. (MICHAEL JOHN) - A bay of destiny : a history of Bantry Bay and Bantry / Michael J. Carroll
234864: O'CARROLL, IDE - Models for movers : Irish women's emigration to America
226551: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - Through the looking glass : and what Alice found there / Lewis Carroll; with fifty illustrations by John Tenniel. [Treasury of children's classics]
212329: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - The complete illustrated Lewis Carroll
185608: CARROLL, JAMES (1943- ) - An American requiem : God, my father, and the war that came between us / James Carroll
165942: CARROLL, ROBERT P - From Chaos to Covenant : Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah
156924: CARROLL, ANDREW (ED. ) - War Letters : Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars / Edited by Andrew Carroll ; Foreword by Douglas Brinkley
256575: CARROLL, R. A - The printed maps of Lincolnshire, 1576 - 1900 : a carto-bilbiography : with an appendix on road-books, 1675 - 1900 / R.A. Carroll
279792: CARROLL, JOCK - Falling for Marilyn : the lost 'Niagara' Collection
252794: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - The hunting of the snark : an agony, in eight fits
262838: CARROLL, MALACHY GERARD - The swallows of the garrett : the story of Etienne Pernet
181577: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898). FURNISS, HARRY (1854-1925) [ILL.] - Sylvie and Bruno ... With forty-six illustrations by Harry Furniss
220881: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898) - The hunting of the snark : an agony, in eight fits
114162: CARROLL, LEWIS - The Hunting of the Snark : an Agony in Eight Fits
6146: CARROLL, LEWIS DODGSON, CHARLES LUTWIDGE (1832-1898). FURNISS, HARRY (1854-1925) - Sylvie and Bruno
103312: CARROLL, DAVID (1942-) - The Matinee Idols / David Carroll
76391: CARROLL, JOHN BISSELL (1916-?) - The Study of Language; a Survey of Linguistics and Related Disciplines in America
105684: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898). MOSER, BARRY, ILL. - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/ Illustrated by Barry Moser ; with a Preface and Notes by James R. Kincaid ; Text Edited by Selywn Goodacre
106505: CARROLL, HARRY - OS Data Processing with Review of OS/VS
263525: CARROLL, PAUL VINCENT - Three plays
119742: CARROLL, JOHN SMYTH - Exiles of Eternity; an Exposition of Dante's Inferno by Rev. John S. Carroll, M. A.
118660: CARROLL, PAUL (ED. ) - Big Table, 2. Ginsberg - Bowles - Breton - Dahlberg - Burroughs - Ferlinghetti ...
44568: CARROLL, MOLLIE RAY (1890-) - Labor and Politics : the Attitude of the American Federation of Labor Toward Legislation and Politics
181576: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898). HOLIDAY, HENRY (1839-1927) [ILL.] - The hunting of the snark : an agony in eight fits
19688: CARROLL, MALCOLM - Soviet Communism and Western Opinion 1919-1921
205597: CARROLL, LEWIS (1832-1898). TENNIEL, JOHN, SIR (1820-1914), ILL. - Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland : and other favorites
132857: CARROTHERS, W. A. (1889-1951) - Emigration from the British Isles : with Special Reference to the Development of the Overseas Dominions
47723: CARRUTH, HAYDEN - The Adventures of Jones
185150: CARRUTH, JANE - The little mountain train / retold by Jane Carruth ; with pictures by Roberto Sgrill - Pinocchio / retold by Jane Carruth ; with pictures bt Pina Totoro
32882: CARRUTH, WILLIAM HERBERT - Each in His Own Tongue, and Other Poems, by William Herbert Carruth
115386: CARRYL, GUY WETMORE (1873-1904) - Fables for the Frivolous
70000: CARRYL, GUY WETMORE (1873-1904) - Mother Goose for Grown Ups
126989: DES CARS, GUY - Le Chateau De La Juive; Roman
222375: HORNIMAN MUSEUM / ADAM CARSE - The Adam Carse collection of old musical wind instruments
160514: CARSE, ROBERT (1902-1971) - The Seafarers; a History of Maritime America, 1620-1820 / Illustrated by Ray Houlihan
234088: CARSE, ADAM VON AHN (1878-1958) - The History of Orchestration ... With sixty-six musical illustrations
173672: CARSE, ROBERT (1902-1971) - Ports of call
234224: CARSE, ADAM (1878-1958) - Musical wind instruments
149530: CARSLAW, RONALD MCGREGOR - Farm Management Research Technique / [By] R. McG. Carslaw, PH. D.
247723: CARSON, ANTHONY - Carson was here
5725: CARSON, EDWARD - The Ancient and Rightful Customs : a History of the English Customs Service / Foreword by A. N. Taylor
190473: CARSON, RACHEL (1907-1964) - The rocky coast
190231: CARSON, RACHEL (1907-1964) - The rocky coast
158390: CARSON, ANNE CONOVER (1937-) - Olga Rudge and Ezra Pound : 'What Thou Lovest Well-- ' / Anne Conover
125842: CARSON, CLAYBORNE - Malcolm X : the FBI File / Carson Clayborne ; Introduction by Spike Lee ; Edited by David Gallen
88855: CARSON, WILLIAM ENGLISH (1870-) - Mexico; the Wonderland of the South, by W. E. Carson
179647: CARSON, WILLIAM ENGLISH A. - Ulster and the Irish Republic / With an introd. by David Gray
60209: CARSON, WILLIAM GLASGOW BRUCE (1891-) - Managers in Distress; the St. Louis Stage, 1840-1844
71142: CARSON, ROBERT (1909-1983) - The Magic Lantern
76733: CARSON, ROBERT (1909-1983) - The Outsiders
65402: CARSTAIRS, G. M. (G. MORRIS) - The Great Universe of Kota : Stress, Change, and Mental Disorder in an Indian Village / G. M. Carstairs and R. L. Kapur
233355: CARSTENSON, CECIL C. BROWN, WILLIAM S - The craft and creation of wood sculpture / [by] Cecil C. Carstenson ; edited by William S. Brown
161957: CARSTENSON, CECIL C. - The Craft and Creation of Wood Sculpture [By] Cecil C. Carstenson. Edited by William S. Brown
34649: CARSWELL, JOHN - The South Sea Bubble
8198: CARSWELL, JOHN - The South Sea Bubble
172776: CART, ADRIEN - La Poesie Francaise au XVIIe Siecle, 1594-1630
271662: CARTE, THOMAS (1686-1754). DESFONTAINES, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS GUYOT (1685-1745). SOUTHWELL, ROBERT SIR (1635-1702) - Histoire du détrônement d'Alfonse VI roi de Portugal contenue dans les lettres de Robert Southwel, alors ambassadeur à la cour de Lisbonne : et précedée d'un abrégé de l'histoire de ce royaume. Traduite de l'anglois: two volumes in one
262314: CARTE, THOMAS - An History of the life of James, Duke of Ormonde, from his birth in 1610, to his Death in 1688: vol. I
263875: CARTECHINI, PIO - La Marca e le sue istituzioni al tempo di Sisto V : mostra documentaria, Macerata, Palazzo Ricci, 21 ottobre-21 dicembre 1989
248507: CARTER, E. H. (1876-1953) - The American story / [by] E. H. Carter ... [and] G.H. Holroyd with a foreword by Professor Arthur Newell
93596: CARTER, RANDOLPH - The World of Flo Ziegfeld
83118: CARTER, HOWARD (1874-1939) - The Tomb of Tutankhamen. with 17 Color Plates and 65 Monochrome Illus. and 2 Appendices
79293: CARTER, STEPHEN L. (1954-) - Integrity
7767: CARTER, MARY DUNCAN. BONK, WALLACE JOHN - Building Library Collections
77007: CARTER, STEPHEN L. (1954-) - Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby
76818: CARTER, LIN - Dreams from R'Lyeh
71057: CARTER, ASHTON B. - A New Concept of Cooperative Security / Ashton B. Carter, William J. Perry, John D. Steinbruner
67112: CARTER, DON - Don Carter's 10 Secrets of Bowling, Illustrated by Anthony Ravielli
39131: CARTER, STEPHEN L. - The Confirmation Mess - Cleaning Up the Federal Appointments Process
36704: CARTER, STEVEN AND SOKOL, JULIA - What Really Happens in Bed - a Demystification of Sex
276200: CARTER, JOHN - Give & take : scenes from the history of Christ's Hospital, Abingdon : 1553-1900
272829: CARTER, JOHN (1905-1975) - Victorian fiction : an exhibition of original editions / arranged by John Carter ; with the collaboration of Michael Sadleir
272831: CARTER, GEORGE GOLDSMITH - The Goodwin Sands / with a foreword by Ronald Jessup
272822: CARTER, JOHN (1905-1975) - Victorian fiction : an exhibition of original editions / arranged by John Carter ; with the collaboration of Michael Sadleir
272063: CARTER, ANGELA (1940-1992) - Burning your boats : stories / Angela Carter ; with an introduction by Salman Rushdie
267165: CARTER, WILL. CARTER, SEBASTIAN - Portfolio 2: projects, backward glances and jeux d'esprit put together by Will & Sebastian Carter at the Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge, 1974
265678: CARTER, HARRY GRAHAM - Orlando Jewitt
265366: CARTER, RAY - An Exhibition of works by Sir John Betjeman from the collection of Ray Carter in the Art Gallery of St Paul's School, February-March, MCMLXXXIII
261611: CARTER, SARAH C - The Choice Gift, or Golden Sands, from the river of literature 'like spangles shining through the crystal wave.'
255483: CARTER, CHARLES FREDERICK - Science in industry : policy for progress / C.F. Carter & B.R. Williams, on behalf of the Science and Industry Committee
251963: CARTER, RUSSELL C - Mary Joyce : John Clare's muse : a novel / Russell C. Carter
248124: CARTER, DAVID JAMES (1943-) - Butterflies and moths
24469: CARTER, CHARLES - The Western European Powers, 1500-1700, by Charles Carter
237470: CARTER, ALICE A - The art of National Geographic: a century of illustration
220208: CARTER, JOHN - Taste & technique in book collecting; with an epilogue
218846: CARTER, JOHN (1905-1975) - An enquiry into the nature of certain nineteenth century pamphlets
177621: CARTER, ROBERT (1955- ) - The giants' dance / Robert Carter
171143: CARTER, ROBERT RANDOLPH (1826-?) - Searching for the Franklin expedition : the Arctic journal of Robert Randolph Carter / edited by Harold B. Gill, Jr. and Joanne Young
169306: CARTER, SAMUEL (1904- ) - The final fortress : the campaign for Vicksburg, 1862-1863 / Samuel Carter III
158425: CARTER, ALLENE G. - Honoring Sergeant Carter : Redeeming a Black World War II Hero's Legacy / Allene G. Carter and Robert L. Allen
156059: CARTER, RITA - Mapping the mind
154707: CARTER, DEAN VINCENT - The hand of the devil
151362: CARTER, JIMMY (1924-). CARTER, ROSALYNN - Everything to Gain : Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life / Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter
218939: CARTER, JOHN; POLLARD, GRAHAM - The firm of Charles Ottley, Landon & Co. : footnote to An enquiry
247644: CARTER, VIOLET BONHAM (1887-1969) - Winston Churchill as I knew him
189556: CARTER, HENRY (1874-1951) - The church and the new age
157589: CARTER, DON (1926-) - 10 Secrets of Bowling / Illustrated by Anthony Ravielli
257048: CARTER, WILLIAM - Linen, the story of an Irish industry
225788: CARTER, LIONEL [EDITOR] - The Masque : a theatre notebook / edited by Lionel Carter. [complete 8 issues issued in 2 slipcased volumes]
186104: CARTER, MATTHEW, (FL. 1660) - The Orders of Knighthood in most places of Christendome, and in particular first of the Order of St. George in England [with] The Names of the several Houses and Innes of Court, Chancery, and other Hostels in in and about the City of London [from] Honor rediviuus [sic] or An analysis of honor and armory
219521: CARTER, LIN; MORROW, GRAY - The wizard of Lemuria
104358: CARTER, DAVID E. (ED. ) - Letterheads/1 : the International Annual of Letterhead Design.
73421: CARTER, JOSEPH (1912-) - 1918; Year of Crisis, Year of Change
152217: CARTER, EDWARD HENRY (1876-1953) - Russian Cavalcade
151683: CARTER, EDMUND (FL. 1753) - The History of the University of Cambridge, from its Original, to the Year 1753 ; in Which a Particular Account is Given of Each College and Hall, Their Respective Foundations, Founders, Benefactors, Bishops, Learned Writers, Masters, Livings, Curiosities
80145: CARTER, GWENDOLEN MARGARET (1906-) - Five African States; Responses to Diversity: the Congo, Dahomey, the Cameroun Federal Republic, the Rhodesias and Nyasaland [And] South Africa. Contributors: Edouard Bustin ... [And Others]
104936: CARTER, LIN - Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown in the Volcano Ogre : a Case from the Files of Omega / As Told to Lin Carter
148817: CARTER, W. N. (WILLIAM NATHANIEL) (COMP. ) - The People of the Book and Their Land / Compiled by W N Carter
147044: CARTER, DYSON - So You Can't Have Health?
203510: CARTER, CEDRIC O. (1917-1984) - Human heredity
268153: CARTER, (HELEN) VIOLET BONHAM (1887-1969) - Winston Churchill as I knew him
226756: CARTER, HENRY ROSE (1852-1925) - Yellow fever : an epidemiological and historical study of its place of origin
123749: CARTER, BOAKE (1898-1944). GEORGE P. FAYKO, JR. (ILL. ) - Black Shirt, Black Skin, with Illus. by George P. Fayko, Jr.
122421: CARTER, ERNEST FRANK (1899-) - 'Edwardian' Cars : a Reverie of Adventurous Motoring
172528: CARTER, HERBERT DYSON - Russia's secret weapon
184350: CARTER, W.N. - Sons of the law : an outline of Jewish life and faith / W.N. Carter
219877: CARTER, HARRY GRAHAM ; RESTALL, FRANK P & P J W KILPATRICK; EDWARD CLARK LIBRARY - Catalogue of the Edward Clark Library [Volume 2]
219266: CARTER, OWEN B. - Some account of the Church of Saint John the Baptist at Bishopstone in the County of Wilts : with illustrations of its architecture
106455: CARTER, EDITH - The Twentieth High Fidelity Annual Records in Review; 1975 Edition.
115317: CARTER, LIN - Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown in Invisible Death : a Case from the Files of Omega / As Told to Lin Carter
34764: CARTER, GWENDOLEN MARGARET (1906-) - Five African States; Responses to Diversity: the Congo, Dahomey, the Cameroun Federal Republic, the Rhodesias and Nyasaland [And] South Africa. Contributors: Edouard Bustin ... [And Others]
36077: CARTER, GWENDOLEN MARGARET (1906-1991). KARIS, THOMAS. STULTZ, NEWELL N. - South Africa's Transkei : the Politics of Domestic Colonialism / Gwendolen M. Carter, Thomas Karis & Newell M. Stutz
40377: CARTER, GWENDOLEN M. AND PADEN, ANN - Expanding Horizons in African Studies - Program of African Studies, Northwestern University
104841: CARTER, DAVID E. - Letterheads/2 : the International Annual of Letterhead Design
18848: CARTER, GWENDOLEN MARGARET (1906-1991). KARIS, THOMAS. STULTZ, NEWELL N. - South Africa's Transkei : the Politics of Domestic Colonialism / Gwendolen M. Carter, Thomas Karis & Newell M. Stutz
114616: CARTER, SAMUEL - Cowboy Capital of the World; the Saga of Dodge City
168486: CARTER, HERBERT DYSON (1910-) - Russia's secret weapon
188891: CARTER, KATE B. - Riders of the Pony Express
166967: CARTER, EDWARD HENRY, (1876-1953) - The Norwich subscription books : a study of the subscription books of the diocese of Norwich, 1637-1800
62711: CARTER, HERBERT - The Boy Scouts in the Rockies, or the Secret of the Hidden Silver Mine
181736: CARTER, JOHN (1748-1817) - Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in England, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII / ... designed to shew the rise and progress of sculpture and painting in England... ...to explain obscure and doubtful parts of history, and to preserve the portraits of great and eminent personages. Exhibited in one hundred and twenety plates drawn and etched by John Carter ... With critical and historical illustrations by Francis Douce
140463: CARTER, LOUISE, MRS. ESLEY, JOAN, ILLUS. - Bible Jingle Rhymes
20893: CARTER, CHARLES ERNEST OWEN (1887-) - The Zodiac and the Soul
50751: CARTER, RUSSELL GORDON - The King's Spurs
115213: CARTER, LIN - Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown in the Volcano Ogre : a Case from the Files of Omega / As Told to Lin Carter
113239: CARTER, BARRY E. - International Economic Sanctions : Improving the Haphazard U. S. Legal Regime / Barry E. Carter
89254: CARTER, EDWARD HENRY (1876-1953) - Russian Cavalcade
91844: CARTER, THOMAS - Rose Harvey : Friend of the Leper
210739: CARTER, JOHN WAYNEFLETE (1905-1975) - Books and book-collectors / John Carter
211543: CARTER, HERBERT DYSON (1910-) - Russia's secret weapon
245017: CARTER, CLIVE - Cornish shipwrecks. Vol. 2: The north coast
99646: CARTEY, WILFRED G (1931-?) - Whispers from a Continent : the Literature of Contemporary Black Africa
121495: CARTEY, WILFRED - Whispers from a Continent : the Literature of Contemporary Black Africa / [By] Wilfred Cartey
42155: CARTEY, WILFRED - Whispers from a Continent : the Literature of Contemporary Black Africa / [By] Wilfred Cartey
82618: CARTIER, JOHN O. - The Modern Deer Hunter; Illustrated by Richard Amundsen
275981: CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI - Henri Cartier-Bresson : Indonésie 1949 = Indonesia 1949
207577: CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI (1908-2004) [ET AL.] - Documentary and anti-graphic : photographs by Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans & Alvarez Bravo
263343: CARTIER, EDD - The known and the unknown
115163: CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI (1908-2004) [ET AL.] - The Europeans: Photographs [Taken from 1950 to 1955]
57044: CARTIER, JOHN O. - The Modern Deer Hunter
69821: CARTIER, JOHN O. - Getting the Most out of Modern Waterfowling
255795: CARTLAND, BARBARA (1902-2000) - Love at the helm / Barbara Cartland ; inspired and helped by Earl Mountbatten of Burma
255802: CARTLAND, BARBARA - Library of love
255259: CARTLAND, BARBARA (1902-2000) - Barbara Cartland's book of love and lovers
255880: CARTLAND, BARBARA (1902-2000) - The best of Barbara Cartland
183046: CARTLAND, BARBARA - Woman : the enigma
252016: CARTLEDGE, PAUL - Alexander the Great : the hunt for a new past / Paul Cartledge
107132: CARTNAL, ALAN - California Crazy / Alan Cartnal
256698: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY (4TH : 1971 : EDINBURGH) - The mapping of Scotland : a booklet of facsimile reproductions from some of the earliest known maps to those of the 19th century / prepared by the organising committee of the IVth International Conference on the History of Cartography, Edinburgh, 1971
158546: CARTON, EVAN - Patriotic Treason : John Brown and the Soul of America / Evan Carton
134367: CARTON DE WIART, HENRI VICTOR MARIE GHISLAIN, COUNT (1869 -1951) - Petit Manuel D'Etudes : Sociales Et Politique pour La Propagande
253142: CARTTER, ALLAN MURRAY (1922-1976) - The redistribution of income in postwar Britain : a study of the effects of the central government fiscal program in 1948-49
76735: CARTWRIGHT, JUSTIN - Look At it This Way
275539: CARTWRIGHT, JULIA (1851-1924) - Christina of Denmark, duchess of Milan and Lorraine, 1522-1590
271142: CARTWRIGHT, JUSTIN - Look at it this way / Justin Cartwright
266938: CARTWRIGHT, RICHARD L - They did not fail / Richard L. Cartwright
253343: CARTWRIGHT, G. - Coarse fishing : a beginner's guide
250524: CARTWRIGHT, JUSTIN - Not yet home / Justin Cartwright
242284: CARTWRIGHT, FREDERICK FOX - A social history of medicine / Frederick F. Cartwright
193513: CARTWRIGHT, JUSTIN - Half in love / Justin Cartwright
227776: CARTWRIGHT , JULIA MARY (D. 1924) - Italian gardens of the Renaissance
163642: CARTWRIGHT, FREDERICK FOX - Disease and History, by Frederick F. Cartwright in Collaboration with Michael D. Biddiss
220558: CARTWRIGHT ADY, JULIA MARY - Sandro Botticelli
95459: CARTWRIGHT, FREDERICK FOX - Disease and History, by Frederick F. Cartwright in Collaboration with Michael D. Biddiss
203555: CARTWRIGHT, JULIA - The painters of Florence : from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century
34483: CARTWRIGHT, ALAN PATRICK. BERNARD SARGENT (ILL. ) - The Corner House : the Early History of Johannesburg
36244: CARTWRIGHT, ALAN PATRICK - Gold Paved the Way : the Story of the Gold Fields Group of Companies / A. P. Cartwright
70663: CARTWRIGHT, ALAN PATRICK - The Dynamite Company : the Story of African Explosives and Chemical Industries Limited
259833: CARTY, XAVIER - Violence & protest : including statement of the hierarchy / edited by Xavier Carty
271724: CARUANA, WALLY - Aboriginal art / Wally Caruana
86014: CARUCCI, VIC - The Buffalo Bills and the Almost-Dream Season
98468: CARUS, PAUL - Personality, with Special Reference to Superpersonalities and the Interpersonal Character of Ideas, by Paul Carus
190343: CARUS-WILSON, E. M. (ED.) - The overseas trade of Bristol in the later Middle Ages / selected and edited by E. M. Carus-Wilson
216801: CARUSIN, NIKOLAJ APOLLONOVIC - O dalekom proshlom: iz vospominaniy o revolyutsionnom dvizhenii 70-kh godov XIX veka. [On the distant past: memories of the revolutionary movement in the 1870s. Language: Russian]
274537: CARUSO, ENRICO (1873-1921) - L'altro Caruso / [Ernesto Gerbi, direttore editoriale ; note bib[l]iografiche a cura Marcella Bonci e Camillo Allevi]
167356: CARUTHERS, WILLIAM - Loafing along Death Valley trails; a personal narrative of people and places
164356: CARUTHERS, WILLIAM - Loafing Along Death Valley Trails; a Personal Narrative of People and Places
183284: CARVALHO, VASCO DE (1888-) - La Domination portugaise au Maroc du XVeme au XVIIIeme siecle (1415-1769) : causerie faite le 19 Fevrier 1934 a l'Ecole superieure de guerre / par Vasco de Carvalho
152081: CARVALHO, ROBERT NUNES (1907-) - Wherein I Glory : a Series of Jewish Contributions on Moral Leadership ; Edited by R. N. Carvalho
160912: CARVALHO, R. N. (ED. ) - Wherein I Glory : a Series of Jewish Contributions on Moral Leadership / [Edited by R. N. Carvalho]
190974: CARVALHO, R. N. (ED. ) - Wherein I Glory : a series of Jewish contributions on moral leadership
62872: CARVALHO E CASTRO, LEONARD DE - Saint Bonaventure, Le Docteur Franciscain, Etc
149299: DE CARVALHO, ELYSIO - Brasil, Potencia Mundial
178391: CARVEN, JOHN W. - Napoleon and the Lazarists
248430: CARVER, MICHAEL (1915-2001) - El Alamein / Michael Carver
276589: BOWLES AND CARVER (FIRM) - Old English cuts and illustrations : for artists and craftspeople
274243: CARVER, MARTIN O H - Two town houses in medieval Shrewsbury : the excavation and analysis of two medieval and later houses built on the town wall at Shrewsbury / edited by M.O.H. Carver
270103: CARVER, CAROLINE - Blood Junction / Caroline Carver
254466: CARVER, MICHAEL - The National Army Museum book of the Boer War / Field Marshal Lord Carver
247578: CARVER, MICHAEL - A policy for peace
246726: CARVER, MICHAEL CARVER BARON - The seven ages of the British army / Lord Carver
240452: CARVER, RAYMOND (1938-1988); STULL, WILLIAM L., EDITOR - No heroics, please : uncollected writings / Raymond Carver ; edited by William L. Stull ; foreword by Tess Gallagher
240281: CARVER, RAYMOND - Where I'm calling from : the selected stories / Raymond Carver
248034: CARVER, MICHAEL - War since 1945
117615: CARVER, MICHAEL (1915-2001) - War Since 1945 / Michael Carver
153886: CARVER, THOMAS NIXON (1865-1961) - The Distribution of Wealth
102840: CARVER, RAYMOND / EDELMAN, BOB / GALLAGHER, TESS - Carver Country : the World of Raymond Carver / Photographs by Bob Adelman ; Introduction by Tess Gallagher
55096: CARVER, THOMAS NIXON (1865-1961) - Essays in Social Justice, by Thomas Nixon Carver...
41898: CARVER, WILLIAM OWEN (1868-1954) - Missions in the Plan of the Ages ; Bible Studies in Missions / William Owen Carver
191034: CARVER, CHARLES - Brann and the Iconoclast
117976: CARVER, MICHAEL (1915-2001) - War Since 1945 / Michael Carver
94761: CARVER, THOMAS NIXON - The Distribution of Wealth By, Thomas Nixon Carver
227005: CARVILLE, GERALDINE - Secrets of Cistercian music in Ireland, 1142-1541 : Cistercian abbey churches where the very stones sing the psalms
67353: CARY, DIANA SERRA (1918-) - The Hollywood Posse : the Story of a Gallant Band of Horsemen Who Made Movie History / Diana Serra Cary
273329: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Memoir of the Bobotes / illustrations by the author; foreword by Walter Allen
226976: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Joyce Cary : Selected essays / edited by A.G. Bishop
226979: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Cock Jarvis. The Main Version (1927-1935) Edited by A. G. Bishop
179962: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Joyce Cary : Selected essays / edited by A.G. Bishop
179880: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Except the Lord / [by] Joyce Cary
180083: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Not honour more
181974: CARY, JOHN (1754-1835). HASKER, THOMAS - Cary's new itinerary : or, an accurate delineation of the great roads, both direct and cross, throughout England and Wales, with many of the principal roads in Scotland / from an actual admeasurement by John Cary... ...made by command of His Majesty's Postmaster General for official purposes under the direction and inspection of Thomas Hasker Esq., Surveyor and Superintendant of the Mail Coaches
229559: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Britain and West Africa / With plates
179651: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - The african witch
227018: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - A fearful joy
138192: CARY, CLIF. - Cricket Controversy : Test Matches in Australia, 1946-1947
65352: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Charley is My Darling
5543: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Selected Essays / [By] Joyce Cary ; Edited by A. G. Bishop
153854: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Memoir of the Bobotes / Joyce Cary ; Illustrations by the Author ; Foreword by Walter Allen
227094: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - The Captive and the Free: Introduction by David Cecil. Editor's note by Winifred Davin
229185: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Memoir of the Bobotes / Joyce Cary ; illustrations by the author ; foreword by Walter Allen
229133: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - The African Witch. SIGNED
112688: CARY-ELWES, COLUMBA - China and the Cross : Studies in Missionary History
204206: CARY, ELISABETH LUTHER (1867-1936) - William Morris : poet, craftsman, socialist
229402: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Except the Lord / Joyce Cary
226978: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Not honour more / Joyce Cary
117870: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - An American Visitor
230923: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - The moonlight
181123: CARY, KATHARINE THOMAS - Arranging flowers throughout the year
226973: CARY, JOYCE (1888-1957) - Spring Song and other stories
211473: CARY, CLIF - Cricket controversy ... / Foreword by A. Kippax
83187: CARYL, NAOMI (ET AL. ) - Cole Porter a Musical Toast, Benefiting AIDS Service Center and Project Angel Food...
264731: GIOVANNI DELLA CASA - Galateo, ovvero, De' costumi
226257: CASADIO, MARIUCCIA - ? Moschino / concept, Luca Stoppini ; text, Mariuccia Casadio ; [traduzione, translation, Steve Piccolo].
277784: CASADIO, MARIUCCIA - Emilio Pucci
178964: CASADY, EDWIN - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
264848: CASALI, ALVARO - Lungo cammino di un popolo sulla strada della libertà
231847: CASALS, PABLO (1876-1973). KAHN, ALBERT EUGENE (1912-1979) - Licht und Schatten : auf einem langen Weg / Pablo Casals ; Erinnerungen aufgezeichnet von Albert E. Kahn
248505: CASANOVA, GIACOMO (1725-1798). LIGNE, CHARLES JOSEPH PRINCE DE (1735-1814) - Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt : écrits par lui-même ; suivis de Fragments des mémoires du prince de Ligne: volumes 3-8 (only)
260747: CASANOVA, GIACOMO (1725-1798) - The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt ... The first complete and unabridged English translation by Arthur Machen. Illustrated with old engravings
263417: CASANOVA, GIACOMO (1725-1798) - The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt : prince of adventurers and the most indomitable of lovers - vol. 1
250316: CASANOVA, GIACOMO (1725-1798) - The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt : Prince of adventurers and the most indomitable of lovers - Complete in 2 Volumes
163276: CASANOVA, LAURENT - Le Parti Communiste, Les Intellectuels Et La Nation
171689: CASANOVA DE SEINGALT, GIACOMO GIROLAMO, (1725-1798) - Geschichte meines Lebens [complete in 12 volumes]
154854: CASATI, ROBERTO - The shadow club : the greatest mystery in the universe --shadows --and the thinkers who unlocked their secrets
153349: CASAVIS, JACK NICHOLAS (1893-) - A Symposium on the Dodecanese, Protesting Italian Oppressions / Compiled by J. N. Casavis
133492: LA CASCIA, JOSEPH S. - Capital Formation and Economic Development in Mexico [By] Joseph S. La Cascia
176773: CASDORPH, PAUL D. - Let the good times roll : life at home in America during World War II
76190: CASE, SAMUEL - Big Profits from Small Stocks : How to Grow Your Investment Portfolio by Investing in Small Cap Companies
238282: CASE, RICHARD MAYNARD - The exocrine pancreas : proceedings of the tenth BSG SK&F International Workshop 1989 : organised by the Education and Science Committee of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Tulfaris, Blessington, County Wicklow, Ireland 24-26 September 1989 / edited by R. Maynard Case
268315: CASE, ARTHUR ELLICOTT (1894-1946) - A Bibliography of English Poetical Miscellanies 1521-1750
187089: CASE, LYNN MARSHALL (1903- ) - French opinion on war and diplomacy during the Second Empire
76797: CASE, DAVID (1937-) - The Third Grave / David Case ; Drawings by Stephen E. Fabian
146225: CASE - The Case Against Armed Merchantmen
161598: CASE, ALEXANDER T. (AUTHOR). DANT, CHARLES (COMPOSER). TYRRELL, THOMAS J. (1938- ) (DIRECTOR) - The Flying Spear / Author, Alexander T. Case ; Composer, Conductor, and Orchestrator, Charles G. Dant ; Director, Thomas J. Tyrrell
162511: CASE, ALEXANDER T. BULOTTI, CHARLES F. - A Soldier and Mr Lincoln
19465: CASE, HENRY JAY - Guy Hamilton Scull Soldier, Writer, Explorer and War Correspondent
273812: CASEBERE, JAMES - James Casebere : works 1975-2010 / edited by Okwui Enwezor
274586: CASELDINE, ASTRID - Environmental archaeology in Wales
108864: CASELLA, FRANK A. (1928-) - The Girls, Errol Flynn, and Me / Frank A. Casella
130775: CASELLI, A. PIOLA - Conflit Dans La Pacifique; Notes Du Printemps 1941, Avec Deux Hors-Texte
113644: CASEMENT, ROGER. EDITED BY ANGUS MITCHELL - The Amazon Journal of Roger Casement
65513: COUNT LAS CASES [COMPILED FROM THE WRITINGS OF...] - The Military and Political Life, Character and Anecdotes of Napoleon Bonaparte from His Origina to His Death on the Rock of Mt. Helena.....
211807: DE LA CASES, PHILIPPE - La greve et la loi : discours prononce a l'ouverture de la conference des Avocats le 7 Decembre 1907 / par M. Philippe de Las Cases
86208: CASEWIT, CURTIS W. - The Mountaineering Handbook; an Invitation to Climbing [By] Curtis W. Casewit and Dick Pownall
118044: CASEWIT, CURTIS W. - The Mountain World
87597: CASEY, LOUIS S. - The Illustrated History of Seaplanes and Flying Boats / Louis S. Casey and John Batchelor
68220: CASEY, BETTY (1916-) - International Folk Dancing U. S. A.
245342: CASEY, KATHY. ARMSTRONG, E. JANE - Kathy Casey's Northwest table : Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Southern Alaska
237275: CASEY, ANDREW (ANDREW JOHN) - Clarice Cliff / Andrew Casey
215208: O'CASEY, EILEEN - Sean / edited with an introd. by J.C. Trewin
104691: CASEY, ROBERT AND CESSNA, A. DOROTHY (ILLUS. ) - The Parson's Boys, by Robert Casey, A. M. ; Wash-Drawings and Pen Sketches, by A. Dorothy Cessna; Character Sketches, by L. C. Phifer; Marginal Embellishments, by Lucile Kling
72690: CASEY, ROBERT JOSEPH (1890-1962) - Such Interesting People
48709: O'CASEY, EILEEN - Eileen
48480: O'CASEY, SEAN - Sunset and Evening Star
178698: CASEY, RICHARD GARDINER CASEY, BARON (1890-1976) - Double or quit : some views on Australian development and relations
221470: O'CASEY, SEAN (1880-1964) - Drums under the windows
114463: CASEY, ROBERT JOSEPH (1890-1962) - Four Faces of Siva; the Detective Story of a Vanished Race, by Robert J. Casey
233792: CASEY, COMHGHALL. EMER GALLERY - Paintings by Comhghall Casey
173917: CASEY, ANDREW JOHN - Art deco ceramics in Britain
280016: O'CASEY, SEAN (1880-1964) - Pictures in the hallway
154114: CASEY, ROBERT JOSEPH (1890-1962) - More Interesting People
156467: CASEY, LEE (ED. ) - Denver Murders
81884: CASEY, ROBERT J. (ROBERT JOSEPH) - The Texas Border and Some Borderliners; a Chronicle and a Guide
155515: CASH, JOHNNY. CARR, PATRICK - Cash : the autobiography
134843: CASH, W. WILSON (WILLIAM WILSON) - The Expansion of Islam : an Arab Religion in the Non-Arab World
135309: CASH, W. WILSON (WILLIAM WILSON) - The Moslem World in Revolution, by W. Wilson Cash
86252: CASH, KEVIN - Who the Hell is William Loeb? / Kevin Cash
211949: CASH, JOHNNY - Johnny Cash : SIGNED mounted b/w promotional photograph
242266: CASHMAN, BERNARD. NORTH BEDFORDSHIRE HEALTH AUTHORITY - Private charity and the public purse : the development of Bedford General Hospital, (1794-1988)
80408: CASIMIR, DIEGO, UFFANO, HEXAM AND OTHER AUTHORS - The Compleat Gunner : in Three Parts / Translated out of Casimir, Diego, Uffano, Hexam and Other Authors ; with a New Foreword by O. F. G. Hogg
59071: CASKEY, JOHN P. - Fringe Banking : Check-Cashing Outlets, Pawnshops, and the Poor / John P. Caskey
91485: CASKIE, DONALD C. (DONALD CURRIE) - The Tartan Pimpernel
159015: CASLER, MELYER (CA. 1820-1862) - A Journal Giving the Incidents of a Journey to California in the Summer of 1859, by the Overland Route
199750: DE CASO, JACQUES - David d'Angers : sculptural communication in the age of romanticism / Jacques de Caso ; translated by Dorothy Johnson and Jacques de Caso
229389: CASPARI, CHRÉTIEN ÉDOUARD (1840-1919) - A chronological and geographical introduction to the life of Christ
138713: CASPARI, WILHELM - Die Bedeutungen Der Wortsippe Kbd Im Hebraischen
38584: CASPER, GERALDINE J. - Glass Paperweights in the Art Institute of Chicago / Geraldine J. Casper
262809: CASPER, LEONARD - The wounded diamond : studies in modern Philippine literature
103462: CASPER, JOSEPH ANDREW - Stanley Donen
230521: CASPERS, ELSE - Alte Fliesen / Else Caspers, Siegfried Stahl
176364: CASSAGNAC, PAUL DE (1843-1904) - Paul de Cassagnac : effigies republicaine ; articles du Pays et de l'Autorite
209657: CASSAGNAC, PAUL DE (1843-1904) - Questions sociales et economiques
236164: CASSAGNE, ALBERT (1869-1916) - La théorie de l'art pour l'art en France
236855: CASSAGNE, ALBERT (1869-1916) - Versification et métrique de Charles Baudelaire / Albert Cassagne
153399: CASSAN, STEPHEN HYDE (1789-1841) - The Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, from Birinus, the First Bishop of the West Saxons, to the Present Time - [Complete in 2 Volumes, Bound in 1]
226155: CASSANDRA - George Brown : a profile and pictorial biography
138527: CASSEDAY, BENJAMIN - The History of Louisville : from its Earliest Settlement Till the Year 1852
260460: CASSEL, GUSTAV - Paper No. XIII: (3) Memorandum on the World's Monetary Problems
237016: CASSEL OLIVER, VALERIE - Donald Moffett: the extravagant vein / Valerie Cassel Oliver; with contributions by Bill Arning [and others]
237017: CASSEL OLIVER, VALERIE - Donald Moffett: the extravagant vein / Valerie Cassel Oliver; with contributions by Bill Arning [and others]
243167: CASSEL, DAVID (1818-1893) - Lehrbuch der judischen Geschichte und Literatur / von David Cassel
166832: CASSEL, JONATHON F. - Tarahumara Indians, by Jonathon F. Cassel
167724: CASSEL, DAVID - Hebraisch-deutsches Worterbuch / von Dr. David Cassel
248617: CASSELL, PETER, GALPIN & CO - The Magazine of Art: illustrated
95602: CASSELL, MICHAEL - Dig it Burn it Sell It! : the Story of Ibstock Johnsen 1825-1990
275542: CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN - Cassell's illustrated family Bible: in two volumes
272609: CASSELL AND COMPANY, LIMITED - Rivers of Great Britain. Rivers of the South and West Coasts : descriptive, historical, pictorial
272225: CASSELL ILLUSTRATED - The British Army : the definitive history of the twentieth century / introduction by Sir Max Hastings
271085: CASSELL, PETTER, GALPIN & CO - Our Own Country: descriptive, historical, pictorial: illustrated
268034: CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN - Cassell's household guide to every department of practical life : being a complete encyclopædia of domestic and social economy - 4 volumes in 2
259927: CASSELL - The girl's realm annual 1913
225697: CASSELL, JOHN 1817-1865 [EDITOR]. FILDES, LUKE SIR 1844-1927 [ILLUSTRATOR] - The Quiver : an illustrated magazine for Sunday and general reading
95112: CASSELL, FRANCIS - Gold or Credit; the Economics and Politics of International Money
230715: CASSELL AND COMPANY, LIMITED - Cassell's Family Magazine. Illustrated. June to November, 1897
280235: CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN - Science for all - 3 volumes
95639: CASSELS, LAVENDER (1916-) - Clash of Generations: a Habsburg Family Drama in the Nineteenth Century
95552: CASSELS, LAVENDER (1916-) - The Archduke and the Assassin : Sarajevo, June 28th 1914
160794: CASSELS, ALAN (1929-) - Fascist Italy
174031: CASSELS, WALTER RICHARD (1826-1907) - The Gospel according to Peter : a study
36418: CASSELS, LAVENDER (1916-) - The Struggle for the Ottoman Empire, 1717-1740
170137: CASSELS, WALTER RICHARD (1826-1907) - A reply to Dr. Lightfoot's essays
103453: CASSELS, LAVENDER - The Archduke and the Assassin : Sarajevo, June 28th 1914 / Lavender Cassels
96793: CASSELS, LAVENDER - The Struggle for the Ottoman Empire, 1717-1740
122252: CASSEN, ROBERT (ED. ) (ET AL. ) - Rich Country Interests and Third World Development / Edited by Robert Cassen ... [Et Al. ]
111297: CASSERIUS, JULIUS - [CASSERIO, JULIUS] (D.1616? ) - Tabulae Anatomicae 78 Omnes Novae Nec Ante Hac Visae. Daniel Bucretius XX. Quae Durant Supplevit Et Omnium Explicationes Addidit
190801: CASSERLEY, J. V. LANGMEAD (JULIAN VICTOR LANGMEAD) (1909-1978) - The bent world : a Christian examination of East-West tensions / J.V. Langmead Casserley
205182: CASSERLEY, JULIAN VICTOR LANGMEAD - The retreat from Christianity in the modern world : the Maurice lectures for 1951
57405: CASSERLY, GORDON - Manual of Training for Jungle & River Warfare ... Illustrated by Photographs and Sketches by the Author
115453: CASSERLY, JACK - The Ford White House : the Diary of a Speechwriter / John J. Casserly
251902: CASSIDAY, B - Roots of detection : the art of deduction before Sherlock Holmes / edited by Bruce Cassiday
13513: CASSIDAY, BRUCE - Roots of Detection : the Art of Deduction before Sherlock Holmes / Edited by Bruce Cassiday
49389: CASSIDAY, BRUCE - Dinah! A Biography
99103: CASSIDY, MARTIN (1950-?) - Inniskilling Diaries, 1899-1903 : 1st Battalion, 27th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers in South Africa
221128: CASSIDY, KATY; WIGGINS, EARL - Canyon country climbs
249746: CASSIDY, MAURICE (1880-1949) - Coronary disease : the Harveian oration of 1946 / Sir Maurice Cassidy
21983: CASSIDY, HENRY C. - Moscow Dateline 1941-1943
56592: ROSS SPEARS AND JUDE CASSIDY (EDS. ) - Agee : His Life Remembered / Edited by Ross Spears and Jude Cassidy ; with a Narrative by Robert Coles
152699: CASSIDY, PATRICK JOHN (1864-). MCGOLRICK, REV. EDWARD J. - The Unchangeable Church, Her Heroes, Her Martyrs, Her Trials, and Her Triumphs - [Complete in 2 Volumes, Bound in 1; Continuously Paged]
237789: CASSIE, ETHEL - Maternity and child welfare : a text-book for public health workers
21531: CASSILL, R. V. - La Vie Passionnee of Rodney Buckthorne A Tale of the Great American's Last Rally and Curious Death
88958: CASSIN-SCOTT, JACK & FABB, JOHN (JOINT AUTHORS) - Ceremonial Uniforms of the World
271906: CASSIN-SCOTT, JACK - Military bands and their uniforms / [by] Jack Cassin-Scott & John Fabb
149271: CASSINI, LEONARD. JAMES BOSWELL (ILL. ) - Music in Rumania / [By] Leonard Cassini ; with Drawings by James Boswell
255983: CASSIRER, ERNST ; ARNAUD, ERALDO - Filosofia delle forme simboliche. 1, Il linguaggio
255985: CASSIRER, ERNST - Filosofia delle forme simboliche. 2, Il pensiero mitico
246350: CASSIRER, ERNST - The Philosophy of the Enlightenment (translated by Fritz C.A. Koelln and James. P. Pettergrove)
246478: CASSIRER, ERNST (1874-1945) - Idee und Gestalt : Goethe, Schiller, Hölderlin, Kleist / Ernst Cassirer
246353: CASSIRER, ERNST - Substance And Function and Einstein's Theory of Relativity; authorized translation by William Curtis Swabey (Ph.D.) and Marie Collins Swabey (ph.D.) - Both books bound as one
246384: CASSIRER, ERNST - The Myth of the State
133936: CASSIUS - The Trial of Mussolini : Being a Verbatim Report of the First Great Trial for War Criminals Held in London Sometime in 1944 or 1945
131616: CASSIUS [I. E. : FOOT, MICHAEL MACKINTOSH] - Un inglese difende Mussolini / Cassius [i.e. Michael Foot]. [Benito Mussolini]
73645: CASSON, LIONEL (1914-?) & THORNDIKE, JOSEPH JACOBS (1913-?) - Mysteries of the Past
53736: CASSON, LIONEL (1914-) - Mysteries of the Past
266110: CASSON, HUGH (1910-1999) - Hugh Casson's London
252732: CASSON, HUGH (1910-1999) - Nanny says; as recalled by Sir Hugh Casson and Joyce Grenfell; edited by Diana, Lady Avebury
247221: CASSON, JOHN - Lewis & Sybil : a memoir / John Casson
225134: CASSON, HUGH 1910-1999 - Hugh Casson's London
170691: CASSON, MARK (1945-?) - Unemployment: a disequilibrium approach
256398: CASSON, ALFRED JOSEPH - My favourite watercolours, 1919 to 1957
188745: CASSON, STANLEY (1889-1944) - Some modern sculptors
94640: CASSON, HERBERT NEWTON (1869-) - Cyrus Hall McCormick, His Life and Work
119249: CASSON, HERBERT NEWTON - The 100% Office. a Complete Course ... for Office Workers
226287: CASSON, STANLEY (1889-1944) - Hellenic studies
210518: CASSON, STANLEY - Some modern sculptors
188589: CASSOU, JEAN (1897-1986) ED. AND TR. POMIES, HELENE TR. - Nouvelles espagnoles / presentees per Jean Cassou ; preface de Henri Barbusse ; traduit de l'espagnol par Jean Cassou et Helene Pomies
70887: CASSOU, JEAN - Die Impressionisten, Und Ihre Zeit / Mit Einer Einleitung Von Jean Cassou
197661: CASSOU, JEAN (1897-1986) - Josue Jehouda : l'homme et l'oeuvre / preface de Jean Cassou
12591: CASSSEL, GUSTAV - Money and Foreign Exchange after 1914
263758: CASTAGNARI, GIANCARLO - La città della carta : ambiente società cultura nella storia di Fabriano
203187: CASTAGNE, JOSEPH - Le mouvement d'emancipation de la femme musulmane en Orient
199773: CASTAGNO, ANDREA DEL (1423-1457) - Andrea del Castagno / testo di Franco Russoli
171845: COLLECTION DES GUIDES CASTAIGNE - Illustrated guide of Bruges
206409: CASTANEDA, CARLOS (1931-?) - Journey to Ixtlan : the lessons of Don Juan
171957: CASTANEDA Y ALCOVER, VICENTE (1884-1958) - El cronista fray Prudencio de Sandoval / neuvas noticas biografica por Vicente Castaneda
171846: CASTANEDA, VICENTE - La real academia de la historia
163800: CASTANO DE SOSA, GASPAR - A Colony on the Move : Gaspar Castano De Sosa's Journal, 1590-1591 / [Annotations By] Albert H. Schroeder and [Translation By] Dan S. Matson
143422: CASTBERG, FREDE (1893-) - Freedom of Speech in the West : a Comparative Study of Public Law in France, the United States, and Germany
202943: CASTEEL, JOHN LAURENCE (1903-?) - Rediscovering prayer
166379: CASTEEL, HOMER - The Running of the Bulls : a Description of the Bullfight
86356: CASTELL, DAVID - Hollywood 1970's : David Castell
86116: CASTELL, DAVID - Richard Attenborough : a Pictorial Film Biography
261860: CASTELLANE-NOVEJAN, MARIE ERNEST PAUL BONIFACE DE MARQUIS DE CASTELLANE - Articles et discours sur la politique extérieure, 1901-1905
140545: CASTELLANE (MARIE-EUGèNE-PHILIPPE-ANTOINE-BONIFACE) , MARQUIS DE (1844-1917) - La Politique Conservatrice : Les Cahiers Conservateurs En 1889
272082: CASTELLANI, GIOVANNI ALBERTO - Vita e morte della terza repubblica
131278: CASTELLANO, GIUSEPPE - Come Firmai L'Armistizio Di Cassibile
196310: CASTELLANO, GIUSEPPE (1893- ) - Come firmai l'armistizio di Cassibile
273936: CASTELLI, LIDA - Balich spectacular shows, edited by Lida Castelli and Moreno Gentili
141378: CASTELLI, ENRICO (1900-1977) - Existentialisme Theologique
159422: CASTELLI, GIULIO - Storia Segreta Di Roma Citta Aperta / Con Prefazione Di Eugenio Boggiano Pico
136819: CASTELLINO, NICOLO - IL Lavoro Nei Porti / Nicolo Castellino ; Prefazione Di Costanzo Ciano
228659: CASTELLÓ, ELENA ROMERO. KAPÓN, URIEL MACÍAS. LUC DEQUEKER, LUK - Joden en Europa : cultuur - geschiedenis
155680: CASTELLUCCI, LEONARDO - Journey to the Chianti : getting to know an ancient Tuscan region / text by Leonardo Castellucci, photography by Gian Luigi Scarfiotti
169962: CASTELNAU, JACQUES THOMAS DE - Retz et son temps
126996: CASTELNAU, JACQUES THOMAS DE - Le Comite De Salut Public, 1793-1794
145723: CASTELNUOVO, ARTURO DI - La Situazione Economica E Gli Istituti Creditizi : Referendum, Pensieri Interlocutorii (Consensi E Dissensi) / Composizione E Conclusione Di Arturo Di Castelnuovo ; Prefazione Di Antonio Mosconi
243198: CASTÉRA, JEAN HENRI (1749-1838). HUNTER, HENRY (1741-1802) - History of Catharine II, empress of Russia
129630: CASTERA, JEAN HENRI (1749-1838). HUNTER, HENRY (1741-1802) - History of Catharine II, Empress of Russia
255453: CASTERAN, CHRISTIAN - Guerre civile en Irlande / par Christian Casteran
109330: CASTERET, NORBERT - Ten Years under the Earth
268647: CASTEX, PIERRE GEORGES - Voltaire : Micromégas, Candide, L'ingénu / P.-G. Castex
236453: CASTEX, PIERRE GEORGES (1915-) - Horizons romantiques
72346: CASTI, J. L. - Searching for Certainty : What Scientists Can Know about the Future
233208: CASTIGLIONE, BALDASSARRE CONTE (1478-1529). BULL, GEORGE (1929-2001) - The book of the courtier / Baldesar Castiglione ; translated [from the Italian] and with an introduction by George Bull
43874: CASTIGLIONI, LUIGI - Luigi Castiglioni's Viaggio - Travels in the United States of North America 1785-87 - Translated and Edited by Antonio Pace. With Natural History Commentary and Luigi Castiglioni's Botanical Observations...
231428: CASTIGLIONI, LUIGI COUNT (1757-1832) - Luigi Castiglioni's Viaggio : Travels in the United States of North America 1985-87
202714: CASTIGLIONI, ARTURO (1874-1953) - Adventures of the mind / Translated from the Italian by V. Gianturco
202257: CASTIGLIONI, ARTURO - Incantation et magie
255216: JUAN MANUEL INFANTE OF CASTILE (1282-1347) - Count Lucanor : or, The fifty pleasant stories of Patronio / written by the Prince Don Juan Manuel and first done into English by James York, 1868
191703: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - L.-A. Blanqui / par Hippolyte Castille
167392: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - Napoleon III et le Clerge / par Hippolyte Castille
167785: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - P.-J. Proudhon : avec portrait et autographe
167786: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - M. Baroche : avec portrait et autobiographe
167787: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - Louis Blanc : avec portrait et autobiographe
167788: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - Ledru-Rollin : avec portrait et autobiographe
167789: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - Ledru-Rollin : avec portrait et autobiographe
167790: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - M. Guizot : avec portrait et autobiographe
167587: CASTILLE, HIPPOLYTE (1820-1886) - M. E. de Girardin
258907: CASTILLO, HORACIO - Tuerto rey
98345: CASTLE, PHILIP - Airflow
256151: CASTLE, CHARLES - Noël / Charles Castle
247569: CASTLE, DENNIS - Sensational Smith of Drury Lane : the biography of a scenic artist extraordinary, engineer and inventor of stage 'disasters', soldier, comedian and Chelsea Casanova
247349: CASTLE, CHARLES (1939-2013) - Noël / Charles Castle
229689: CASTLE, DENNIS - The pleasure of your company: how to give a party, make a speech, organise a wedding, dinner-dance, cricket match, garden fête, etc. SIGNED
184098: CASTLE, PETER - Collecting and valuing old photographs
163946: CASTLE, CHARLES (1939- ) - The Folies Bergere / Charles Castle
256483: CASTLE, CHARLES (1939-2013) - Noël / Charles Castle
242384: ROYAL COLLECTIONS (PRIV.). ADOLF PAUL (1878-1957). WINDSOR CASTLE. - English drawings, Stuart and Georgian periods, in the collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle
94675: AUTHOR OF HARTLEBOURN CASTLE - Henry Somerville, a Tale : by the Author of Haltenbourne [Sic] Castle, & C
104334: CASTLE, JEFFERY LLOYD - Vanguard to Venus
116821: CASTLE, JEFFERY LLOYD (B. 1898) - How Not to Lose At Poker, Jeffery Lloyd Castle
170720: CASTLE, AGNES & EGERTON - Our sentimental garden
105574: CASTLE, JEFFERY LLOYD - Satellite E One.
132271: CASTLE, CORA (SUTTON) , MRS. - A Statistical Study of Eminent Women
211159: CASTLE, EDGAR BRADSHAW (1897-1973) - Approach to Quakerism
66183: CASTLEMAN, RIVA - American Impressions : Prints Since Pollock / Riva Castleman
53898: CASTLEMAN, RIVA - American Impressions : Prints Since Pollock
66341: CASTLEMAN, RIVA - American Impressions : Prints Since Pollock / Riva Castleman
105395: CASTLEMAN, HARRY. WALTER J. PODRAZIK - All Together Now : the First Complete Beatles Discography, 1961-1975
157640: CASTLEMON, HARRY (1842-1915) - The Sportsman's Club in the Saddle
54740: CASTLEMON, HARRY [PSEUD., I.E. FOSDICK, CHARLES AUSTIN (1842-1915)] - Frank Nelson in the Forecastle; Or, the Sportsman's Club Among the Whalers
64537: CASTLES, WILLIAM THOMAS (1909-) - Firearms and Their Use, by W. T. Castles and V. F. Kimball
252038: CASTOR, HELEN - Blood & roses : the Paston Family in the fifteenth century / Helen Castor
236709: CASTOR, GRAHAME - Pléiade poetics : a study in sixteenth-century thought and terminology
204137: CASTREN, GUNNAR (1878-) - Gustav Philip Creutz
204071: CASTREN, GUNNAR - Stormaktstidens diktning : studier af Gunnar Castren [Language: Swedish]
259477: CASTRES, M. L'ABBÉ S*** DE - Les Trois Siecles de La Littérature Française, ou Tableau de l'Esprit de nos excrivains, depuis Francois I, jusqu'en 1781: par ordre alphabétique: tome troisieme
10563: DE CASTRES, ELIZABETH - A Collector's Guide to Tea Silver 1670-1900
32479: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-) - Revolutionary Struggle 1947-1958 - Volume 1 of the Selected Works of Fidel Castro
257741: CASTRO, ARMANDO - A evolucão económica de Portugal dos séculos XII a XV. Volume IV / Armando Castro
20003: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-) - Revolutionary Struggle 1947-1958 - Volume 1of the Selected Works of Fidel Castro
278062: CASTRO, ARMANDO - A evolucão económica de Portugal dos séculos XII a XV. Volume V
193005: CASTRO, FIDEL - 26th of July speech : given at Havana celebrations July, 26, 1961 / translated by Rolando Nunez
194356: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-) - Lenin's ideas - our lodestar / speech by Fidel Castro Ruz ... delivered on April 22, 1970 at a meeting in Havana to commemorate the Lenin birth centennial
171817: CASTRO, FIDEL - Seconde Declaration de La Havane
254154: CASTRO, JOSUÉ DE (1908-1973). WORLD FEDERATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS - Hunger and food / edited by Josué de Castro
278525: CASTRO, ARMANDO - A evolução económica de Portugal dos séculos XII a XV - 3 volumes
113208: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-) - Revolutionary Struggle, 1947-1958. Edited and with an Introd. by Rolando E. Bonachea and Nelson P. Valdes
149450: CASTRO E ALMEIDA, VIRGINIA DE - Vie De Camoens : Le Poète Des 'Lusiades' Et Le Portugal De Son Temps / Par Virginia De Castro E Almeida. Ouvrage Honore D'Une Souscription Du Gouvernement Portugais. Preface De Pierre De Lanux
149265: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-) - To Pay Tribute to the Empire or to Pay Tribute to the Homeland : Dialogue with the Delegates to the Trade Union Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Workers on the Foreign Debt, Held During the Closing Session of the Meeting, Thursday, July 18, 1985
184354: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-) - Fidel Castro
172004: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926- ) - Lenin's ideas - our lodestar / speech by Fidel Castro Ruz ... delivered on April 22, 1970 at a meeting in Havana to commemorate the Lenin birth centennial
280839: CASTRO, FIDEL - When an energetic and forceful people cry, injustice trembles
79566: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-?) - Speech, 68th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Havana, September 15, 1981
211221: CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-) - Lenin's ideas - our lodestar : speech
266085: CASTROL - Car care : a handbook on the workings of the modern car
66810: CASTY, ALAN - Development of the Film; an Interpretive History
227666: ODA VAN DE CASTYNE - A travers Bruges : promenades artistiques et pittoresques
122669: CASUCCI, PIERO (1918-) - Enzo Ferrari : 50 Years of Motoring
127431: CASUSO, TERESA - Cuba and Castro / Translated from the Spanish by Elmer Grossberg
273049: CASWELL, THOMAS H. [GRAND LECTURER] - The Hand-Book of the Chapter: containing monitorial instructions in the degrees of mark master, past master, most excellent master, and royal arch; adapted to the work and lectures of the Grand Chapter of California, as adopted September, 1855: together with the ceremonies of constituting and dedicating chapters and the installation of officers
163899: CATALA-ROCA, FRANCESC - Miro : Ninety Years / Francesc Catala-Roca ; Text by Lluis Permanyer
136643: CATALANO, FRANCO - L' Italia Dalla Dittatura Alla Democrazia, 1919-1948 / Franco Catalano
164557: INSTITUT D'ESTUDIS CATALANS - Exposicio De L'Ortografia Catalana : Extrat Del Diccionari Ortografic De L'Institut D'Estudis Catalans
167916: CATALUCCIO, FRANCESCO - La 'nostra' guerra : l'Italia nella guerra mondiale
164667: REAL AUTOMOVIL CLUB DE CATALUNA - Intinerario-Guia Descriptiva Para Una Excursion a La Vall D'Aran. Datos Y Noticias De Interes Para El Turista Que Visite Aquellos Parajes
228784: SOCIETAT DE CIRURGIA DE CATALUNYA - Tres treballs premiats en el Concurs d'Homenatge a Gimbernat
246551: CATCHERS, BARBEL - Barbel rivers and captures / Compiled by the Barbel Catchers ; edited by Bob Singleton and Mick Wood ; illustrated by Trevor King ; additioqnal artwork by Tony Hart
276221: CATCHPOLE, N - Flowering shrubs and small trees
75670: CATE, CURTIS (1924-2006) - George Sand : a Biography
71687: CATE, CURTIS (1924-2006) - The Ides of August : the Berlin Wall Crisis--1961 / Curtis Cate
56545: CATE, CURTIS (1924-2006) - George Sand : a Biography
42029: CATE, CURTIS (1924-2006) - George Sand : a Biography
259818: CATE, CURTIS (1924-2006) - George Sand : a biography
154366: CATE, CURTIS (1924-2006) - The Ides of August : the Berlin Wall Crisis, 1961 / Curtis Cate
41458: TEN CATE, G. - The Intrinsic Embryonic Development
230117: CATEL, MAURICE PAUL (1902-) - Visages de la Champagne / par Maurice Catel ... [et al.]
219703: CATELLO, ELIO; (ET AL.) - Gli argenti in Europa dal Medioevo al 1925
129022: CATEPHORES, GEORGE - An Introduction to Marxist Economics / George Catephores
238662: CATER, BILL; CRABTREE, SHIRLEY - The Sunday times book of do-it-yourself
48374: CATER, D. B. - Basic Pathology and Morbid Histology
263885: CATERINA VEGRI, SANTA - La sette armi spirituali
264714: CATERINA, DA SIENA SANTA - Dialogo della divina provvidenza - 2 vols
50509: CATES, GWENDOLEN - Indian Country
187376: CATHALA, JEAN - They are betraying peace
225264: O CATHASAIGH, P. O'CASEY, SEAN (1880-1964) - The story of the Irish citizen army
100640: CATHCART, HELEN - The Queen Mother; the Story of Elizabeth, the Commoner Who Became Queen
181964: CATHCART, WILLIAM (1826-1908) - The Baptist encyclopædia : a dictionary of the doctrines, ordinances, usages, confessions of faith, sufferings, labors, and successes, and of the general history of the Baptist denomination in all lands ... with numerous biographical sketches of distinguished American and foreign Baptists, and a supplement / edited by William Cathcart
263305: WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL - International Festival of Flowers and Music, 1977 / Westminster Cathedral
104256: CATHER, WILLA - Sapphira and the Slave Girl
230834: CATHER, WILLA (1873-1947) - Sapphira and the slave girl
226996: CATHER, WILLA (1873-1947) - Lucy Gayheart
124012: CATHER, WILLA (1873-1947) - Obscure Destinies / Willa Cather
252621: CATHERINE HANNAH CHARLOTTE JACKSON, LADY - Lady Jackson - Works in 12 Volumes
215090: CATHERINE, OF CLEVES, DUCHESS, CONSORT OF ARNOLD, VAN EGMOND, DUKE OF GELDERLAND (1417-1476) - The Hours of Catherine of Cleves / introduction and commentaries by John Plummer
277188: CATHERS, DAVID M - Gustav Stickley
221615: CATHERS, DAVID M. - Gustav Stickley / David Cathers
227782: CATHERWOOD, CHRISTOPER - A brief history of the Middle East : from Abraham to Arafat / Christopher Catherwood
276254: CATHOLIC CHURCH. MORETUS, BALTHASAR (1646-1696) [PRINTER] - Missale Romanum : ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilij Tridentini restitutum, Pij V. Pont. Max. iussu editum, et Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Vrbani Papæ VIII. auctoritate recognitum. In quo Missæ propriæ de sanctis ad longum positæ sunt ad maiorem celebrantium commoditatem
233984: CATHOLIC CHURCH. (IRELAND). WASSERSCHLEBEN, HERMANN - Die irische Kanonensammlung / herausgegeben von Hermann Wasserschleben
244514: CATHOLIC CHURCH (SPAIN). INQUISITION. BEINART, HAIM [EDITOR] - Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism: Vol. 1: From Herodotus to Plutarch / edited with introductions and notes by Menahem Stern
244513: CATHOLIC CHURCH (SPAIN). INQUISITION. BEINART, HAIM [EDITOR] - Records of the trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real. Vol. 1 (1483-1485) / edited with introductions and notes by Haim Beinart
244512: CATHOLIC CHURCH (SPAIN). INQUISITION. BEINART, HAIM [EDITOR] - Records of the trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real. Vol. 2 The trials of (1494-1512) in Toledo / edited with introductions and notes by Haim Beinart
258105: JOANNES PAULUS LANCELOTTUS; EMANUEL KÖNIG; JOHANN GEORG KÖNIG; ECCLESIA CATHOLICA - Corpus juris canonici emendatum et notis illustratum - 2 volumes
146222: CATHOLICS (GERMANY) - The German War and Catholicism, Etc. [A Reply to “la Guerre Allemande Et Le Catholicisme, Edited by Cardinal Baudrillart. ]
259243: L'ACTION CATHOLIQUE - Nous verrons apres! Ouvriers, lisez et reflechissez
136114: LA FEDERATION NATIONALE CATHOLIQUE - La Lutte Contre Le Communisme. L'Ordre Corporatif. Compte-Rendu Des Journees D'Etudes De La Federation Nationale Catholique Tenues a Paris Le 26 Et Le 27 Octobre 1936. [Preface Du General De Castelnau. ]
159374: CATHREIN, VICTOR (1845-1931) - Socialism : its Theoretical Basis and Practical Application
195328: CATHREIN, VICTOR (1845-1931) - Socialism : its theoretical basis and practical application
136850: CATHREIN, VICTOR. VICTOR F. GETTLEMANN, S. J. (ED. ) - Socialism: its Theoretical Basis and Practical Application ... Authorized Translation of the 8th German Edition, with Special Reference to the Condition of Socialism in the United States. Rev. and Enlarged by Victor F. Gettlemann, S. J.
244522: CATHREIN, VICTOR (1845-1931). GETTELMANN, VICTOR F - Socialism : its theoretical basis and practical application / authorized translation of the 8th German edition, with special reference to the condition of socialism in the United States
171371: CATHREIN, VICTOR (1845-1931) - Socialism: its theoretical basis and practical application ... Authorized translation of the 8th German edition, with special reference to the condition of socialism in the United States. Rev. and enlarged
129077: CATHREIN, VICTOR (1845-1931) - Die Frauenfrage
87763: CATLEUGH, JON - William De Morgan Tiles ; with Essays by Elizabeth Aslin and Alan Caiger-Smith
261217: CATLIN, GEORGE EDWARD GORDON SIR - New trends in socialism / edited by G.E.G. Catlin ; with a preface by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson
90639: CATLIN, GEORGE EDWARD GORDON, SIR - In the Path of Mahatma Gandhi
150506: CATLIN, GEORGE EDWARD GORDON, SIR (1896-). BRITTAIN, VERA (1893-1970). HODGES, SHEILA - Above all Nations
147165: CATLIN, GEORGE EDWARD GORDON, SIR - Preface to Action / George E. G. Catlin
164842: CATLIN, GEORGE EDWARD GORDON, SIR, (1896-1979) - In the Path of Mahatma Gandhi
191289: CATLIN, WARREN B. (1881-?) - The labor problem in the United States and Great Britain
95296: CATLIN, GEORGE EDWARD GORDON, SIR (1896-?) - In the Path of Mahatma Gandhi
212842: CATLING, THOMAS (1838-1920) - The press album : published in aid of the Journalists' orphan fund / edited by Thos. Catling
41377: CATLING, H. W.. ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM - Notes on Brass-Rubbing : with a List of Some Brasses in the Oxford Region and a Summary of the Remaining Figure Brasses in the British Isles
213050: CATLING, THOMAS (1838-1920) - The Press Album. Published in aid of the Journalists' Orphan Fund. Edited by T. Catling
225872: CATLING, PATRICK SKENE - The experiment
173176: CATO, BOB. VITIELLO, GREG - Joyce Images / Conceived and Designed by Bob Cato ; Edited by Greg Vitiello ; Introduction by Anthony Burgess
158880: CATO, BOB. VITIELLO, GREG - Joyce Images / Conceived and Designed by Bob Cato ; Edited by Greg Vitiello ; Introduction by Anthony Burgess
157994: CATREVAS, CHRISTINA - Fairy tales for little people : Put-together book
268129: CATS, JACOB (1577-1660) - Moral emblems : with aphorisms, adages, and proverbs, of all ages and nations / from Jacob Cats and Robert Farlie. With illustrations freely rendered, from designs found in their works, by John Leighton, F.S.A. The whole tr. and ed., with additions, by Richard Pigot
193688: CATS, JACOB (1577-1660) - J. Cats Gedachten op slapeloose nachten... / mitsgaders het Twee-en-tagtig-jarig leven van den selven heere van zyn geboorte tot zyn doodtoe, door hemzelf in vaerzen beschreven... ; met figuuren
255683: CATTAN, HENRY - To whom does Palestine belong?
177959: CATTAN, HENRY - Jerusalem
181140: CATTANEO, CARLO - L'insurrezione di Milano nel 1848 e la successiva a guerra / Carlo Cattaneo ; Nuova edizione a cura di Giuseppe Macaggi
180992: CATTANEO, PAOLO - I salariati
73008: CATTAUI, GEORGES - T. S. Eliot. Translated by Claire Pace & Jean Stewart - [Uniform Title: T. S. Eliot. English]
237352: CATTAUI, GEORGES - Proust perdu et retrouvé
190946: CATTAUI, GEORGES - Marcel Proust / translated [from the French] by Ruth Hall, with a foreword 'The life and after-life of Marcel Proust' by P. de Boisdeffre
44756: CATTELL, RAYMOND BERNARD (1905-) - Crooked Personalities in Childhood and After; an Introduction to Psychotherapy
114733: CATTERALL, CLAIRE. LIZ FARRELLY (ED. ). BOOTH-CLIBBORN EDITIONS - Specials / [Compiled by Booth-Clibborn Editions, Scarlet Projects and Bump ; Words by Claire Catterall ; Edited by Liz Farrelly]
158670: CATTERMOLE, PAUL. WESTWELL, IAN - Bizarre buildings
188623: CATTERMOLE, GEORGE (1800-1868) - The history and antiquities of Haddon Hall / illustrated by lithographs from drawings by G. Cattermole ; with an account of the hall in its present state
267505: CATTERMOLE, RICHARD (1795-1858) - The great civil war of Charles I and the Parliament. Vol. 2
126720: CATTLE, P. C. - Down the Road, in Belgium : a Volley of Verse
277108: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - The centennial history of the Civil War / Vol.3, Never call retreat. Bruce Cattton
276411: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - Mr. Lincoln's Army / Bruce Catton
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276366: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - The centennial history of the Civil War. Vol. 2 Terrible swift sword / Bruce Catton
261114: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - The army of the Potomac. Glory Road / Bruce Catto
164117: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - Grant Takes Command, with Maps by Samuel H. Bryant
254327: CATTON RICH, DANIEL - Edgar-Hilaire-Germain Degas (1834-1917)
243871: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - The army of the Potomac. Vol. 2: Glory Road / Bruce Catton
72250: CATTON, BRUCE - A Stillness At Appomattox
214141: CATTON, BRUCE. JUST, HAL (ILLUS.) - The coming fury
264332: CATTON, BRUCE - This hallowed ground : the story of the Union side of the Civil War
35890: CATTON, BRUCE - Grant Takes Command
169245: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - Grant takes command
54003: CATTON, BRUCE (1899-1978) - This Hallowed Ground; the Story of the Union Side of the Civil War
276045: CATULLUS, GAIUS VALERIUS - The poems of Catullus / translated with an introduction by Peter Whigham
275169: CATULLUS, GAIUS VALERIUS. SILLIG, CARL JULIUS [ED] - C. Valerii Catulli carmina, recogn., varietatem lectionis indicesque adjecit C.J. Sillig
211787: CATULLUS, GAIUS VALERIUS - Catulli, Tibulli, Properti Carmina quae extant omnia / cura Robinson Ellis, Joannis P. Postgate, Joannis S. Phillimore
137132: CAUDA, ERNESTO - Les Caisses Rurales Et De Prets Sur L'Honneur Au Japon
175842: CAUDERLIER, EMILE (LIQUE PATRIOTIQUE CONTRE L'ALCOOLISME) - L'Alcoolisme en Belgique : 1er rapport sure le remede au mal ; la crise economique
74933: CAUFIELD, CATHERINE - The Emperor of the United States of America & Other Magnificent British Eccentrics ; Drawings by Peter Till
71920: CAUFIELD, CATHERINE - Masters of Illusion : the World Bank and the Poverty of Nations
81896: CAUGHEY, JOHN WALTON - Gold is the Cornerstone; with Vignettes by W. R. Cameron
30171: CAUGHEY, JOHN W. - Their Majesties the Mob
80659: CAUGHIE, JOHN (ED. ) - RELATED NAME: BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE - Theories of Authorship : a Reader
106742: CAUGHIE, JOHN (ED. ) - Theories of Authorship : a Reader
267113: CAULFEILD, SOPHIA FRANCES ANNE (1824-1911) - The dictionary of needlework : an encyclopaedia of artistic, plain, and fancy needleworks [...]
255620: CAULFIELD, MAX (1915-1997) - The Easter rebellion / Max Caulfield
75026: CAUMAN, SAMUEL - Jonah Bondi Wise; a Biography
198893: CAUMERY (1867-1941). PINCHON, JOSEPH-PORPHYRE (1871-1953) - L' enfance de Becassine / texte de Caumery ; illustrations de J. Pinchon
266629: CAUMONT, M. DE (1802-1873) - Abécédaire ou rudiment d'archéologie / par M. de Caumont - 2 vols
227434: CAUNEILLE, A. - Les Chaanba (leur nomadisme) : évolution de la tribu durant l'administration française / par A. Cauneille
252198: CAUNTER, JOHN ALAN LYDE - Shark angling in Great Britain
254366: CAUSA, RAFFAELLO - Murillo - I maestri del colore
254348: CAUSA, RAFAELLO - Antonello da Messina - I maestri del colore
280595: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES - The minority report of the Divorce Commission / signed by The Lord Archbishop of York, Sir William R. Anson, and Sir Lewis T. Dibdin
269172: CAUSLEY, CHARLES (1917-2003) - Jack the Treacle Eater / Charles Causley ; illustrations by Charles Keeping
223908: CAUSLEY, CHARLES - Johnny Alleluia : poems by Charles Causley
256598: CAUSSADE,, JEAN PIERRE DE - Self-abandonment to divine providence : also known as abandonment to divine providence
191823: CAUSSE, ANTONIN (1877-1947) - Les disperses d'Israel : les origines de la diaspora et son role dans la formation du Judaisme
93183: CAUTE, DAVID - The Espionage of the Saints : Two Essays on Silence and the State
8336: CAUTE, DAVID - The Occupation/the Demonstration/the Illusion - [The Confrontation Trilogy] - Three Volumes Complete The Confrontation Trilogy; Complete in Three Volumes
258161: CAUTE, DAVID - News from nowhere / David Caute
166510: CAUTE, DAVID - Joseph Losey : a Revenge on Life / David Caute
12686: CAUTE, DAVID - The Demonstration A Play
75419: CAUTE, DAVID - The Fellow-Travellers; a Postscript to the Enlightenment
40066: CAUTE, DAVID - Communism and the French Intellectuals, 1914-1960
89884: CAUTE, DAVID - Communism and the French Intellectuals, 1914-1960
209304: CAUTE, DAVID - Comrade Jacob / David Caute
161194: CAUTER, T. DOWNHAM, J. S. - The Communication of Ideas : a Study of Contemporary Influences on Urban Life
79631: CAUTER, T. - The Communication of Ideas; a Study of Contemporary Influences on Urban Life [By] T. Cauter and J. S. Downham
240152: CAUTHEN, HENRY F. (HENRY FINLAYSON); ISELEY, N. JANE, PHOTOGRAPHER - Charleston interiors / photographs by N. Jane Iseley ; text by Henry F. Cauthen, Jr
238308: CAUTHERY, PHILIP - Student health / Philip Cauthery ; foreword by Nicolas Malleson
216523: CAUTILLO, FRANCESCO - Dissertazione sulla staurita di S. Pietro a Fusariello, delle sei nobili famiglie Aquarie alle quali appartiene. Dell abate D. Francesco Gautello, rettore dealla medesima
252534: CAVALCADE, THE BRITISH NEWS MAGAZINE - The King and the lady : why did Edward VIII abdicate? Facts which were not told
152509: CAVALERIE - Manuel Des Travaux De Campagne
112106: CAVALIER, JULIAN - American Castles
166230: CAVALIER, AUGUSTE (1871-1945) - Les Rouges 'Chretiens' ?
272074: CAVALIERO, GLEN - The Powys family : some records of a friendship ; with 10 illustrations / Glen Cavaliero
204378: CAVALLERI, RICARDO. (MILANO: TIP. S. MORO) - [Ravenna mosaics] : offerto dalla Cabot italiana S.p.A. in occasione dell'inaugurazione della Stabilimento di Ravenna
221618: CAVALLINI, EMILIO - Emilio Cavallini / edited by Benedetta Barzini
82658: CAVALLO, DIANA (1931-?) - The Lower East Side; a Portrait in Time. with Photos. by Leo Stashin
279232: CAVALLO, TIBERIUS (1749-1809) - The elements of natural or experimental philosophy, vol. 1
65745: CAVALLO, DIANA - A Bridge of Leaves
157009: CAVANAH, FRANCES - They Knew Abe Lincoln, a Boy in Indiana; Illustrated by Harve Stein
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