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170363: CHURCHILL, CHARLES WILLIAM (1822-1855) - Fortunes are for the few : letters of a forty-niner
168919: CHURCHILL, REGINALD CHARLES - A bibliography of Dickensian criticism, 1836-1975 / compiled and edited by R.C. Churchill
264136: CHURCHILL, WINSTON SIR (1874-1965) - Painting as a pastime / Winston S. Churchill
201240: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - A history of the English-speaking peoples: Volume III. The age of revolution / Winston S. Churchill
223447: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - The Second World War. Volume 3: The Grand Alliance / Winston S. Churchill
223448: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - The Second World War. Volume 2: Their Finest Hour / Winston S. Churchill
246880: CHURCHILL, W. A. (1865-1947) - Watermarks in paper in Holland, England and France, etc., in the XVII and XVIII centuries and their interconnection
187434: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. (RANDOLPH SPENCER), (1911-1968) - What I said about the press
243129: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - A history of the English-speaking peoples. Volume II The New World / Winston S. Churchill
252398: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S - Winston S. Churchill. Vol. 1, Youth : 1874-1900
224242: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH SPENCER (1911-1968) - Winston S. Churchill. Vol.2 Young statesman 1901-1914
218759: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR (1874-1965) - The Second World War / Winston S. Churchill [complete in 6 volumes]
179681: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. (1874-1965) - Great contemporaries / Winston S. Churchill
243419: CHURCHILL, CHARLES (1731-1764). LAVER, JAMES (1899-19750 - Poems of Charles Churchill; edited by James Laver
250816: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - A history of the English-speaking peoples vol. 4 : The great democracies
201243: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - A history of the English-speaking peoples: Volume II. The New World / Winston S. Churchill
250129: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - Mr. Churchill : a pictorial cavalcade of his life and extracts from his immortal speeches
246711: CHURCHILL, WINSTON SPENCER, SIR (1874-1965) - My African journey
246644: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S - Winston S. Churchill. 1, Youth : 1874-1900
23964: CHURCHILL, CHARLES HENRY (1828-1877) - The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish Rule from 1840 to 1860
223268: CHURCHILL, JOHN [PUBLISHER] - The Medical Directory for Scotland 1856. Uniform with the London and Provincial Medical Directory
24821: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH F. - What I Said about the Press - a Speech At Foyle's Literary Luncheon, 10 September 1953
76358: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1871-1947) - RELATED NAMES: KINNEY, MARGARET WEST (B. 1872) ILL. ; KINNEY, TROY (1871-1938) ILL. ; KELLER, A. J ILL - Mr. Crewe's Career
70185: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR (1874-1965) - Blood, Sweat, and Tears, by the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill, with a Preface and Notes by Randolph S. Churchill, M. P
61799: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR (1874-1965) - Stemming the Tide; Speeches 1951 and 1952
57001: CHURCHILL, ALLEN (1911-) - Remember When
61258: CHURCHILL, FLEETWOOD (1808-1878) - On the Diseases of Women; Including Those of Pregnancy and Childbed. by Fleetwood Churchill...
201194: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR (1874-1965) - The Second World War / Winston S. Churchill [complete in 6 volumes]
268432: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - Churchill in 3 volumes: A Churchill Anthology, edited by F.W Heath ; Painting as a pastime, by Winston Churchill ; Churchill his life and times, by Malcolm Thomson
279383: CHURCHILL, WINSTON - The crisis
219812: CHURCHILL, WINSTON. LADY CHURCHHILL. GRACE HAMBLIN - Chartwell, home of Sir Winston Churchill : small archive of letters and published material, 1959-1962
223267: CHURCHILL, JOHN [PUBLISHER] - The London and Provincial Medical Directory 1855
279457: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. (RANDOLPH SPENCER) (1911-1968) - The six day war
224256: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. - Winston S. Churchill. [Vol.1] Companion. Part 2 1896-1900
169557: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - Onwards to victory : war speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill / compiled by Charles Eade
246664: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - Secret session speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill / compiled by Charles Eade
110733: CHURCHILL, ALLEN - The Theatrical 20's / Allen Churchill
198682: CHURCHILL, ROBERT - How to Shoot. Some lessons in the science of shot gun shooting
229735: CHURCHILL, CHARLES (1731-1764). LAVER, JAMES (1899-1975) - Poems of Charles Churchill
176868: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - The inside of the cup
102495: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR - The Grand Alliance / Winston S. Churchill
181071: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - Victory : war speeches
181640: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR (1874-1965). BUCHANAN, JOHN - The call to Britain : a Winston Churchill Calendar for 1944
142996: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH SPENCER (1911-1968) - The Fight for the Tory Leadership, a Contemporary Chronicle
157884: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - Closing the Ring / Winston S. Churchill
173165: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR (1874-1965) - The Second World War
50468: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. - Winston S. Churchill, Volume I, Youth, 1874-1900
51896: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. - Winston S. Churchill, Volume I, Youth, 1874-1900
224240: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH SPENCER (1911-1968) - Winston S. Churchill. Vol.1 Youth, 1874-1900
222134: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1871-1947) - Mr. Crewe's career
223723: CHURCHILL, WINSTON - The Second World War. Vol. 4 The hinge of fate / Winston S. Churchill.
246665: CHURCHILL, WINSTON SIR (1874-1965) - The unrelenting struggle / war speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill ; compiled by Charles Eade
223532: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - A history of the English-speaking peoples. Volume 1: The birth of Britain / Winston S. Churchill
196414: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. (RANDOLPH SPENCER) (1911-1968) - What I said about the press
197497: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. (RANDOLPH SPENCER), (1911-1968) - What I said about the press
198751: CHURCHILL, WINSTON, SIR (1874-1965) - The Second World War / Winston S. Churchill [complete in 6 volumes]
211978: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) AND STALIN, JOSEPH (1879-1953) - The Second World War : 4, The Commonwealth alone
223513: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - A history of the English-speaking peoples. Volume 2 : The New World / Winston S. Churchill
174770: CHURCHMOUSE, CHRISTOPHER [PSEUD.] - The Church of England : a study in industrial depression
26684: CHURCHWARD, WILLIAM BROWN (1844-1920) - My Consulate in Samoa: a Record of Four Years' Sojourn in the Navigators Islands, with Personal Experiences of King Malietoa Laupepa, His Country and His Men
18628: CHURCHWARD, L. G. - The Soviet Intelligentsia : an Essay on the Social Structure and Roles of Soviet Intellectuals During the 1960s
161797: CHURCHWARD, LLOYD GORDON (1919- ) - The Soviet Intelligensia : an Essay on the Social Structure and Roles of Soviet Intellectuals During the 1960s
151275: CHURCHWARD, LLOYD GORDON (1919-) - The Soviet Intelligensia : an Essay on the Social Structure and Roles of Soviet Intellectuals During the 1960s
222880: CHURCHYARD, THOMAS (B.CA 1520) - The first part of Churchyard's Chips / Thomas Churchyard, 1575
266647: CHURTON, EDWARD - The Rail road book of England : historical, topographical and picturesque descriptive of the cities, towns, country seats, and other subjects of local interest, with a brief sketch of the lines in Scotland and Wales. All routes from London
213026: CHURTON, TOBIAS (1960-?) - The Gnostics / Tobias Churton
34702: CHUTE, MARCHETTE GAYLORD (1909-) - The First Liberty : a History of the Right to Vote in America, 1619-1850
227097: CHUTO, JACQUES - James Clarence Mangan : a bibliography of his works
57266: CHWATSKY, ANN - The Man in the Street / Ann Chwatsky
153331: CHYNOWETH, W. HARRIS - The Fall of Maximilian : Late Emperor of Mexico / with an Historical Introduction, the Events Immediately Preceding His Acceptance of the Crown, and a Particular Description of the Causes Which Led to His Execution; Together with a Correct Report..... . ..of the Able Defence Made by His Advocates before the Court-Martial, and Their Persevering Efforts on His Behalf At the Seat of the Republican Government
52054: CHYZ, MARTHA (1907-) - Woman and Child in the Modern System of Slavery--U. S. S. R. Translated from the Ukrainian by Olha Prychodko
17029: CIABATTARI, JANE - Winning Moves : How to Come out Ahead in a Corporate Shakeup / Jane Ciabattari
182121: CIACCIOFERA, MICHELE - Michele Ciacciofera : luoghi dell' assenza prigionieri e deserti / a cura di Ornella Fazzina ; testi di Ornella Fazzina e Aldo Gerbino [exhibition catalogue]
135572: CIACERI, EMANUELE - Tacito; Con Sei Tavole in Rotocalco
146717: CIALDEA, LILIO - L'Espansione Russa Nel Baltico / Lilio Cialdea
162734: CIAMPINI, RAFFAELE (1895-) - Napoleone Buonaparte; Con Otto Tavole in Rotaclco
147273: CIANFARRA, CAMILLE MAXIMILLIAN - The War and the Vatican
242742: CIANO, GALEAZZO. D'ANDREA, UGO - Diario. Volume secondo, (1941-1943)
249443: CIARDETTI, LEONARDO - Vita di Vittorio Alfieri da asti scritta da esso: volume secondo
76220: CIARDI, JOHN (1916-1986) - Other Skies
204653: CIARDI, JOHN (1916-1986) - Live another day : poems
240087: CIBA - Artists' colours
262433: CIBBER, COLLEY (1671-1757) - Woman's wit : or, the lady in fashion. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. Written by Colley Cibber, Esq
262453: MR. CIBBER - Ximena: Or, the heroick daughter. A tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty's servants
262455: CIBBER, COLLEY (1671-1757) - The provok'd husband; or, A journey to London : A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants / Written by the late Sir John Vanbrugh, and Mr. Cibber
262436: CIBBER, COLLEY, (1671-1757) - Love makes a man: or, The Fop's fortune : A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. By C. Cibber
45419: CIBBER, COLLEY (1671-1757) - An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian, and Late Patentee of the Theatre-Royal. with an Historical View of the Stage During His Own Time. Written by Himself
262437: CIBBER, COLLEY, (1671-1757) - The lady's last stake : or, the wife's resentment. A comedy. As it is acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesty's servants. Written by Colley Cibber, Esq
248129: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium: Libri Quatuor: eiusdem de inventione librio duo
275199: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. GUTHRIE, WILLIAM (1708-1770) - Cicero's epistles to Atticus : With notes, historical, explanatory, and critical / Translated by William Guthrie, Esq.: in three volumes
275202: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. OTTO, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1805-1866). GERNHARD, A. G - M. Tulli Ciceronis Cato maior seu De senectute dialogus / Ad codicum manuscriptorum, magnam partem nunc primum collatorum et editionum tum veterum tum recentiorum denuo consultarum fidem recensuit, variantes lectiones omnes enotavit et selectis Gernhardi aliorumque annotationibus addidit suas Fridericus Vilelmus Otto, Zittaviensis. Accedunt duo excursus, quorum primus est de particulis enim, autem igitur etc., adiuncto verbo substantivo recte collocandis; alter de formulis usu venire et usu evenire. Sequuntur analecta et notarum index
275205: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. MATTHIAE, AUGUST HEINRICH. MUELLER, F. H - M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolae Selectae ac temporum ordine dispositae. In usum scholarum edidit Aug. Matthiae
275165: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. KELSALL, CHARLES - The two last pleadings of Marcus Tullius Cicero against Caius Verres / translated, and illustrated with notes, by Charles Kelsall, Esq. ... To which is added a postscript, containing remarks on the state of modern Sicily
275156: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. PEARCE, ZACHARY (1690-1774) - M.T. Ciceronis ad Q. fratrem dialogi tres de oratore / Ex MSS. emendavit, notisque illustravit Zacharias Pearce
261716: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - The orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero / literally translated by C.D. Yonge
261036: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - De Senecute
254144: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. GOLBÉRY, MARIE PHILIPPE AIMÉ DE (1786-1854) - Oeuvres completes De Ciceron / Cicero: in six volumes: vols. I, II, V, VI, VII, and VIII
275198: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. BENTLEY, THOMAS (1692 OR 3-1742) [COMMENTATOR] - M. T. Ciceronis De finibus bonorum et malorum libri quinque : et Paradoxon liber unus / emendavit, notisque illustravit Thomas Bentley, A.M. Trin. Coll. Cantab. socius
215310: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS (106 B.C.-43 B.C) - M. Tvlli Ciceronis Opera / Cum optimis exemplaribus accurante collata [volume 1: Rhetoricum]
278444: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. GRAEVIUS, JOANNES GEORGIUS (1632-1703). PHILIPPE, ETIENNE (1676-1754) - Oraisons choisies de Ciceron, en Latin, et en François : Traduction nouvelle. Avec des notes historiques, critiques, geographiques, & chronologique: in two volumes
75325: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - De Senectute / an essay by Marcy Tullius Cicero
55329: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - Ciceron, Discours, Tome XI - Pour L. Murena - Pour P. Sylla - ..texte Etabli Et Traduit Par Andre Boulanger
47956: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - On the Commonwealth
225415: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS; EMILE THOMAS - M. Tullii Ciceronis In C. Verrem Orationes actio secunda, liber V : De Suppliciis. Texte Latin ... par Emile Thomas
72023: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. NOBBE, CARL FRIEDRICH AUGUST, ED. - [Ciceronis Opera No. 11]. Orationes - Pro M. Fonteio. Pro. A. Caecina. Pro. Lege Manilia
230365: CICLITIRA, SERENELLA (ED.) - Indonesian eye : contemporary Indonesian art / edited by Serenella Ciclitira
236583: CID. SMITH, COLIN (1927-1997) - Poema de mio Cid / edited with introduction and notes by Colin Smith
274549: GUMUCHIAN ET CIE - Les livres de l'enfance du XVe au XIXe Siècle / préface de Paul Gavault
63232: BRAUN & CIE - Choix De Cinquante Dessins De Rembrandt Van Rijn
152981: MICHELIN AND CIE. - Lille : Avant Et Pendant La Guerre
265985: GUMUCHIAN ET CIE - Les livres de l'enfance du XVe au XIXe Siècle / préface de Paul Gavault
166300: A. - N. LEBEGUE ET CIE - Abolition Du Remplacement Militaire
197955: DIDIER ET CIE - Catalogue des publications de la Libraire Academique Didier et Cie
269958: CIECHANOWSKI, JAN (1887-) - Defeat in victory
147136: CIENCIALA, ANNA M. TITUS KOMARNICKI - From Versailles to Locarno : Keys to Polish Foreign Policy, 1919-25 / Anna M. Cienciala and Titus Komarnicki
96826: CIENCIALA, ANNA M - Poland and the Western Powers 1938-1939: a Study in the Interdependence of Eastern and Western Europe
275088: CIERLINSK, HANNA - A panorama of Polish history / [production editor, Hanna Cierlinska]
217331: CIESLIKOWSKI, ZBIGNIEW - Tajemnice sledztwa KO-1042/27 : sprawa generala Zagorskiego [Language: Polish]
176041: CIFFO SCUTO, NINO - Mussolinia : 'La Citta Giardino' in quel di Caltagirone
162021: CIG, KEMAL. BATUR, SABAHATTIN. KOSEOGLU. ROGERS, J. M. - The Topkapi Saray Museum : Architecture: the Harem and Other Buildings / Trnslated and Edited by J. M. Rogers ; from the Original Turkish by Kemal Cig, Sabahattin Batur and Cengiz Koseoglu
121465: CIGANEK, IVAN - Lidice / Ivan Ciganek [Translated by Libor Trejdl]
77991: CIGARETTEN-BILDERDIENST, G. M. B. H. - Die Olympischen Spiele 1936 in Berlin Und Garmisch-Partenkirchen / Herausgegben Vom Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, Hamburg-Bahrenfeld
252190: CIHAR, JIRÍ - A colour guide to familiar freshwater fishes
217757: CILIGA, VERA - Slom politike Narodne stranke (1865-1880) [Language: Croatian]
279459: CIMBALI, EDUARDO - Nella difesa dei diritti di Fiume e della Dalmazia è la degna commemorazione del 24 maggio
105205: CIMENT, MICHEL - John Boorman
262857: CIMOK, FATIH - Saint Sophia / Fatih Cimok
238473: CINCHONA TERCENTARY CELEBRATION AND EXHIBITION (1930 : LONDON, ENGLAND). WELLCOME, HENRY S. (HENRY SOLOMON) SIR (1853-1936). MALCOLM, L. W. G. WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL MUSEUM - Souvenir. Cinchona Tercentenary Celebration and Exhibition at the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum ... / [principal organisers], Henry S. Wellcome, L.W.G. Malcolm
166755: CINTRON, LOLA VERRILL - Goddess of the Bullring : the Story of Cinchita Cintron, the World's Greatest Matadora
271027: CINYBULK, VOJTECH - Tsjechisch quartet; een studie gewijd aan de illustraties, exlibris en gelegenheidsgrafiek van de Tsjechische grafici: Vojtech Cinybulk, Michael Florian, Jaroslav Lukavsky, Pavel Simon. Vertalingen: Ine Bartosik-Woudstra
162488: CIOCCA, GAETANO (1882-1966) - Giudizio Sul Bolscevismo
217629: CIOLKOSZ, ADAM - Karol Marks a powstanie styczniowe [Language: Polish]
241876: CIOMS ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE (18TH : 1984 : ATHENS, GREECE). BANKOWSKI, ZBIGNIEW. BRYANT, JOHN H. COUNCIL FOR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - Health policy, ethics, and human values : an international dialogue : proceedings of the XVIIIth CIOMS Round Table Conference, Athens, Greece, 29 October-2 November 1984 / edited by Z. Bankowski and J.H. Bryant
98913: CIPOLLA, CARLO M - Cristofano and the Plague : a Study in the History of Public Health in the Age of Galileo
243134: CIPOLLA, CARLO MARIA (1922-) - Contemporary economies / editor Carlo M. Cipolla. Vol. 1
190290: CIPOLLA, CARLO M. (ED. ) - The emergence of industrial societies. Part 2 / editor Carlo M. Cipolla
126418: CIPOLLA, CARLO M. (ED. ) - The Twentieth Century. 2 / Editor Carlo M. Cipolla
278372: CIPOLLA, JOE - The Mafia cookbook
64875: CIPRIANI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1766-1839) - Architecture of Rome : a Nineteenth-Century Itinerary
157389: CIRCLE, HOMER - The Art of Plug Fishing
211243: LA CIRCOLAZIONE DEI TEMI E DEGLI INTRECCI NARRATIVI (1986 DEC : AQUILA, ITALY).. MORABITO, RAFFAELE, ED. - La circolazione dei temi e degli intrecci narrativi : il caso Griselda : Convegno di studi : Papers
239660: DOBRITCH INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS - Dobritch International Circus, Inc. Program and Coloring Book
63256: CIRICI, ALEXANDRE (1914-) - Tapies : Witness of Silence / Alexandre Cirici
250107: CIRINO, ROBERT - Power to persuade : mass media and the news
232606: CIRKER, BLANCHE - The Book of Kells : selected plates in full color / edited by Blanche Cirker
242568: CIRLOT, JUAN EDUARDO. PICASSO, PABLO (1881-1973) - Picasso, birth of a genius / [by] Juan Eduardo Cirlot. Foreword by Juan Ainaud de Lasarte [translated from the Spanish]
35977: CIRNI, JIM (1937-) - The Kiss off : a Novel of Suspense / Jim Cirni
254492: CIRODDE, P. L - Leçons d'arithmétique / par P. L. Cirodde
134153: CIRTAUTAS, KAZYS CLAUDE (1915-) - The Refugee / Forewords by Dominique Pire and Pitirim A. Sorokin. Postscript by Romano Guardini
113594: CISAR, JAROSLAV - The Czechoslovak Republic
149357: CITA-MALARD, SUZANNE - Religious Orders of Women / (Translation [From the French] Made by G. Robinson. )
264052: ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATION IN CITIZENSHIP - Bibliography of social studies : a list of books for schools and adults / compiled by The Association for Education in Citizenship
188245: CITRINE, WALTER MCLENNAN CITRINE, 1ST BARON (1887-1983) - Under the heel of Hitler : the dictatorship over sport in Nazi Germany
187299: CITRINE, WALTER (1887-1983) - My American diary
245436: CITRINE, NORMAN ARTHUR - Trade union law
89493: CITRINE, WALTER (1887-1983) - My American Diary, by the Rt. Hon. Sir Walter Citrine, K. B. E
149165: CITRINE, WALTER MCLENNAN CITRINE, BARON (FOREWORD) - Slavery under Hitler's 'New Order' / with a Foreword by Walter Citrine
146481: CITRINE, WALTER (1887-1983) - Cotton : the T. U. C. Plan of Socialisation / Trades Union Congress General Council ; Foreword by Walter M. Citrine
187749: CITRINE, WALTER MCLENNAN, SIR, (1887-1983) - I search for truth in Russia
179315: CITRINE, WALTER (1887-1983, ET AL.) - Labour and the Community / Sir Walter Maclennan Citrine ; Religion interferes
191191: CITRINE, WALTER MCLENNAN CITRINE, BARON (1887-?) - In Russia now
208670: CITRINE, WALTER (1887-1983). TRADES UNION CONGRESS - The T.U.C. in war-time
224858: CITRINI, NICOLETTA - Popular posters : I manifesti frivoli / Nicoletta Citrini
248192: SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME ANDRÉ CITROËN - Citroen repair manual DS.19
231341: CITROEN, PAUL ROELOF (1896-1983) - Landschappen / [door] Paul Citroen
138009: CITROEN, H. A. - European Emigration Overseas Past and Future / with Prefaces by Sjoerd Groenman and E. Rappard
58653: THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY - Changing Capital Markets : Implications for Monetary Policy : a Symposium / Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
244388: THE CITY OF EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS - Welcome Home Souvenir Book: in Honor of Everett's Soldiers and Sailors: published in connection with the Welcome Home Celebration: July 4, 5 and 6, 1919
62690: FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY - Monetary Policy Issues in the 1980s (Symposium) (1982 Aug : Jackson Hole, WY)
62691: FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY - Reducing Unemployment : Current Issues and Policy Options : a Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 25-27, 1994
137163: CIUCURENCU, ALEXANDRU. DAN GRIGORESCU - Ciucurencu / Prefata De Dan Grigorescu
237417: CIURARU, CARMELA - Nom de plume: a (secret) history of pseudonyms / Carmela Ciuraru
228347: TURIN (ITALY). MUSEO CIVICO - Mobili e arredi lignei ; Arazzi e bozzetti per arazzi : catalogo
112547: 'CIVILIAN, ' (PSEUD. ) - The Civilian's South India; Some Places and People in Madras, by 'Civilian'
164065: CIVITAS, ANTOLOGIA DI - Saggi Sulla Resistenza
229448: CIVRAYS, CHANOINE. TRANCHAND, CHARLES - Angers après la tourmente, mai-août 1944
275745: CLABBURN, P - The National Trust book of furnishing textiles / Pamela Clabburn
275423: CLABBURN, PAMELA - Masterpieces of embroidery / Pamela Clabburn
155603: CLABBURN, PAMELA - The needleworker's dictionary
280634: CLAES, J - Plan de La Forteresse et des Ports de Kronstadt: la ligne pointilliée indique la passe: Les chiffres indiquent les sondes en pieds: echelle de 1/40,000
159484: CLAESSENS, GUILL. LEBROCQUY, GUILL - Excursion a Rome En 1870 : Journal De Voyage De M. Le Chanoine P Claessens / Traduit De Flamand Par M. Guill. Lebrocquy
112067: CLAFLIN, EDWARD. JEFF SHERIDAN - Street Magic : an Illustrated History of Wandering Magicians and Their Conjuring Arts
124940: CLAGETT, THOMAS D. - William Friedkin : Films of Aberration, Obsession, and Reality
80949: CLAIBORNE, CRAIG - Cooking with Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey / Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey
85508: CLAIR, RENE - Four Screenplays. Le Silence Est D'Or. La Beaute Du Diable. Les Belles-De-Nuit. Les Grandes Manoeuvres. Translated from the French by Piergiuseppe Bozzetti
53312: LE CLAIR, ROBERT CHARLES (1908-) - Three American Travellers in England : James Russell Lowell, Henry Adams, Henry James / Robert Charles Le Clair
251121: CLAIR, COLIN - Word abiding : the story of the English Bible / Colin Clair
111854: CLAIR, JEAN. ODILE MICHEL (EDS. ) - Picasso : the Italian Journey, 1917-1924 / Edited by Jean Clair, with Odile Michel
221503: CLAIRE, VIVIAN - Linda Ronstadt
279512: CLAIRE, MABEL - The World's modern cook book for the busy woman, including a complete guide to kitchen management
116246: CLAIRE, MALCOLM. PRU HERRIC (ILL. ) - Tune-In Again, Uncle Mal's Second Story Book
238962: CLAIRMONT, LEONARD - The professional cine photographer
227803: CLAMAN, HENRY N. (1930-) - Jewish images in the Christian church : art as the mirror of the Jewish-Christian conflict, (200-1250 C.E.)
259706: CLAN, ERNST - Lord Cohn : ossia la penetrazione giudaica nella casta dominate inglese da Disraeli a Hore Belisha / Ernst Clan ; raccolta curata dal Dr. Agostino Toso
259358: CLAN, ERNST - Lord Cohn : ossia la penetrazione giudaica nella casta dominate inglese da Disraeli a Hore Belisha / Ernst Clan ; raccolta curata dal Dr. Agostino Toso - vol. 1
219851: CLAN FRASER NO. 78 ORDER OF SCOTTISH CLANS, SAN FRANCISCO - Clan Fraser no. 78 Order of Scottish Clans : Cash Book [record of dues and payments for Clan Fraser no. 78 Order of Scottish Clans, San Francisco, August 1903 - July 1906
167913: CLAN, ERNST. TOSO, AGOSTINO (1882-) - Lord Cohn : ossia la penetrazione giudaica nella casta dominate inglese da Disraeli a Hore Belisha / Ernst Clan ; raccolta curata dal Dr. Agostino Toso
233476: CLANCHY, MICHAEL T - Abaelard ein mittelalterliches Leben
259969: CLANCY, TOM - Debt of honour / Tom Clancy
187355: CLANCY, JOHN JOSEPH (1847-) - The Orange bogey
257460: CLANCY, JOHN J. (JOHN JOSEPH) - A handbook of local government in Ireland : containing an explanatory introduction to the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898 ; together with the text of the act, the orders in Council, and the rules made thereunder relating to county council, rural district council, and guardian's elections : with an index
254737: CLANRICARDE, ULICK DE BURGH EARL OF (1604-1657) - Letter-book of the Earl of Clanricarde, 1643-47 / edited by John Lowe
13588: CLANTON, O. GENE - Kansas Populism; Ideas and Men, by O. Gene Clanton.
266166: CLAPHAM, RICHARD - Rough shooting for the man of moderate means : with some notes on game preservation and vermin extermination
230176: CLAPHAM, CHRISTOPHER - Liberia and Sierra Leone : an essay in comparative politics / Christopher Clapham
180180: CLAPHAM, J. W. - Palestine, the land of my adoption / J. W. Clapham
264220: CLAPHAM, J. H. (JOHN HAROLD) SIR (1873-1946) - An economic history of modern Britain / J.H. Clapham - complete in 3 volumes
216290: CLAPHAM, J. W. - Palestine, the land of my adoption
160897: CLAPHAM, J. W. - Palestine, the Land of My Adoption [By] J. W. Clapham. Four Full Colour Illustrations and 20 Plates in Photo Brown
162116: CLAPHAM, J. W. - Palestine, the Land of My Adoption [By] J. W. Clapham. Four Full Colour Illustrations and 20 Plates in Photo Brown
211297: CLAPHAM, ALFRED WILLIAM, SIR (1883-1950) - English romanesque architecture before the conquest
239925: CLAPP, SUSANNAH - With Chatwin : portrait of a writer / Susannah Clapp
119891: CLAPP, EDWIN JONES (1881-) - Economic Aspects of the War
30320: CLAPP, GEORGE WOOD - Profitable Practice
74687: CLAPP, HENRY AUSTIN (1841-1904) - Reminiscences of a Dramatic Critic : with an Essay on the Art of Henry Irving
245821: CLAPP, EDWIN JONES (1881-1930) - Economic aspects of the war : neutral rights, belligerent claims and American commerce in the year (1914-1915)
115861: CLAPP, B. W. (BRIAN WILLIAM) - John Owens, Manchester Merchant, by B. W. Clapp
44836: CLAPP, ESTELLE BARNES - One Woman's India; Experiment in Living
40962: CLAPPER, OLIVE EWING (1896-1968) - Washington Tapestry
239636: CLAPPERTON CAPTAIN (1788-1827). BRUCE-LOCKHART, JAMIE. WRIGHT, JOHN (1937-). SOCIETY FOR LIBYAN STUDIES (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Difficult & dangerous roads : Hugh Clapperton's travels in Sahara and Fezzan (1822-25) / edited by Jamie Bruce-Lockhart and John Wright
174211: CLAPPERTON, JANE HUME (1832-1914) - Scientific meliorism and the evolution of happiness
236900: CLAPTON, GEORGE THOMAS (1898-1964) - Baudelaire et De Quincey / par George T. Clapton
235240: ABRAHAM A SANTA CLARA - Von Lumpen-Eltern: Ein Papier ist ein solch vornehmes Wesen, dass es auch in der hochsten Monarchen Hand gehalten wird, ja darauf Papstliche und Kayserliche Namen und Ehren-Titel geschrieben werden, da es doch von einem schlechten Haus herstammet, indem sein Vater der Lump zu Hadersdorf, sein Mutter die Fetzin gewesen, und gestaltermassen ein unsauber Hader, worinnen ein Zigeunerkind eingewickelt war, zu solch grossen Ehren gelanget. Abraham a Santa Clara
219058: CLARAC, ACHILLE; SMITHIES, MICHAEL - Discovering Thailand : a guidebook
174471: CLARAC, PIERRE (1894-1986) - La Fontaine par lui-meme / Pierre Clarac
192395: CLARAZ, JULES - La revolution prochaine / Jules Claraz ; preface de Victor Margueritte., introduction par Andre Lorulot
191292: CLARDY, JESSE V. - The philosophical ideas of Alexander Radishchev
29338: CLARDY, JESSE V. - The Philosophical Ideas of Alexander Radishchev
270038: CLARE, JOHN (1793-1864) - Nature poetry from John Clare (1793-1864) / with an introduction by Mark Franklin
267927: CLARE, JOHN (1793-1864) - Clare : selected poems and prose / chosen and edited by Eric Robinson and Geoffrey Summerfield; with wood-engravings by David Gentleman
256369: CLARE, JAMES - The life of blessed Julie Billiart : foundress of the institute of Sisters of Notre Dame
210672: CLARE, ALYS - The tavern in the morning / Alys Clare
263896: CLARE, OF ASSISI SAINT - Il processo di Santa Chiara d'Assisi
119583: CLARE, GEORGE - The A B C of the Foreign Exchanges, a Practical Guide, by George Clare
179151: CLARE, CHARLES - J. M. W. Turner : his life and work
208043: CLARE, CASSANDRA - City of fallen angels: the mortal instruments book four
273089: CLARENCE, CAPTAIN A. F - The woman-hater; or, True and feigned love
269907: CLARENDON, EDWARD HYDE EARL OF (1609-1674) - The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England : to which is added an historical view of the affairs of Ireland
269328: CLARENDON, EDWARD HYDE EARL OF (1609-1674) - Clarendon's four portraits : George Digby, John Berkeley, Henry Jermyn, Henry Bennet : from the supplement to the Clarendon state papers vol. 3 (1786) / edited and with an introduction and notes by Richard Ollard
254616: CLARENDON, EDWARD HYDE EARL OF (1609-1674). BOYLE, GEORGE DAVID (1828-1901) - Characters and episodes of the great rebellion : selected from the history and autobiography of Edward, earl of Clarendon, and edited, with short notes
280224: EDWARD EARL OF CLARENDON - The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England: to which is added an historical view of the affairs of Ireland by Edward Earl of Clarendon: vol. II
280225: EDWARD EARL OF CLARENDON - The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England: to which is added an historical view of the affairs of Ireland by Edward Earl of Clarendon: vol. VIII
263553: CLARENDON, EDWARD HYDE EARL OF (1609-1674) - The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England : begun in the year 1641 : with the precedent passages, and actions, that contributed thereunto, and the happy end, and conclusion thereof by the king's blessed restoration and return, upon the 29th of May in the year1660 / written by the right honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon. Volume III. Part 1
270033: CLARETIE, M. JULES - Les Mémoires de la Duchesse D'Abrantes (générale junot) sur Napoléon: in three issues
260378: CLARETIE, M. JULES - Les Mémoires de la Duchesse D'Abrantes (Générale Junot) sur Napoléon
193908: CLARETIE, JULES (1840-1913) - Camille Desmoulins and his wife. Passages from the history of the Dantonists. Founded upon new and hitherto unpublished documents Translated from the French of Jules Claretie by Mrs Cashel Hoey With a portrait.
185981: CLARETIE, LEO (1862-1924) - J.-J. Rousseau et ses amies : avec une preface de Ernest Legouve
281000: CLARETIE, M. JULES - Les Mémoires de la Duchesse D'Abrantes (Générale Junot) sur Napoléon
248177: CLARIDGE, JOHN (1973- ) - Beauties and the beasts
129643: CLARIDGE, R. T. - Hydropathy Or, the Cold Water Cure As Practised by Vincent Priessnitz...
179555: CLARITY, (PSEUD.) - Our future : some urgent economic, social and industrial problems ; to which is appended a special section on the woollen industry
248303: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - The Nude. A study of ideal art. [With illustrations]
247941: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - Rembrandt and the Italian Renaissance / Kenneth Clark
247800: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983). NATIONAL GALLERY (GREAT BRITAIN) - More details from pictures in the National Gallery / with an introduction by Kenneth Clark
98910: CLARK, DORA MAE - The Rise of the British Treasury : Colonial Administration in the Eighteenth Century
98767: CLARK, ELMER T. (ET AL. ) - Church Views of the Mexican American
97420: CLARK, WESLEY K - Waging Modern War : Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future of Combat
97244: CLARK, REBECCA TIMBRES (1896-?) & TIMBRES, HARRY (1899-1937) - We Didn't Ask Utopia
96892: CLARK, CHARLES UPSON (1875-1960) - United Roumania
95192: CLARK, LEONARD - Alfred Williams : His Life and Work
93991: CLARK, THOMAS WELBOURNE (ED. ) - The Novel in India: its Birth and Development; Edited and with an Introduction by T. W. Clark
91570: CLARK, COLIN (1905-) - Starvation or Plenty
90154: CLARK, THOMAS WELBOURNE, ED. - The Novel in India: its Birth and Development; Edited and with an Introduction by T. W. Clark
88507: CLARK, AL C. - Death List, by Al C. Clark
8704: CLARK-KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD EDMUND (1893-) - Man, Medicine and Morality [By] A. E. Clark-Kennedy
82068: CLARK, TOM - Rock Hudson : Friend of Mine
81011: CLARK, AL (ED. ) - The Film Yearbook 1986
65850: CLARK, JOHN R. (1930-) - Form and Frenzy in Swift's Tale of a Tub [By] John R. Clark
63498: CLARK, RAMSEY (1927-) - Challenge to Genocide : Let Iraq Live / Ramsey Clark and Others
60892: CLARK, DAVID HAMILTON (1943-) - The Quest for SS433 / David H. Clark
59602: CLARK, RONALD WILLIAM - The Alps [By] Ronald W. Clark
221963: CLARK, GEORGE THOMAS (1809-1898) - The land of Morgan : being a contribution towards the history of the lordship of Glamorgan
54308: CLARK, DICK (1929-) - Rock, Roll & Remember / Dick Clark and Richard Robinson
46844: CLARK, LEONARD - Alfred Williams: His Life and Work
43258: CLARK, THEKLA - Children in Exile - the Story of a Cross-Cultural Family
34968: CLARK, RUTH - Strangers & Sojourners At Port Royal; Being an Account of the Connections between the British Isles and the Jansenists of France and Holland
30458: CLARK, ERIC (1937-) - Corps Diplomatique
29787: CLARK, MARGARET - Health in the Mexican-American Culture - a Community Study
28600: CLARK, ROBERT S. (ED. ) - High Fidelity's Silver Anniversary Treasury / / Selected by the Editors ; Introduction by Warren B. Syer ; Edited by Robert S. Clark
277577: CLARK, COLIN GRANT - British trade in the Common Market : plain facts about the Common Market / Colin Clark ; in collaboration with Henryk Frankel ; with the assistance of Lynden Moore
277400: CLARK, GRAHAME (1907-1995) - Prehistoric societies : [by] Grahame Clark and Stuart Piggott
277125: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (WILFRID EDWARD LE GROS) (1895-1971) - Man-apes or ape-men? : the story of discoveries in Africa
275573: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - Civilisation : a personal view / Kenneth Clark
275060: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - Landscape into art / Kenneth Clark
274559: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - The Romantic rebellion : romantic versus the classic art / Kenneth Clark
274003: CLARK, JUDITH - Handbags : the making of a museum / Judith Clark ; with contributions by Caroline Evans ... [et al.]
272185: CLARK, LEONARD (1905-1981) - As I looked over Jordan : sixteen poems
271916: CLARK, G. N. (GEORGE NORMAN) SIR (1890-1979) - The later Stuarts, 1660-1714
271601: CLARK, ALFRED - Ceylon
271394: CLARK, J. C. D - Samuel Johnson : literature, religion, and English cultural politics from the Restoration to Romanticism / J.C.D. Clark
270882: CLARK, LEONARD (1905-1981) - The inspector remembers : diary of one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools - 1936-1970 / Leonard Clark
270555: CLARK, A. J. (ALFRED JOSEPH) (1885-1941) - Patent medicines
269968: CLARK, CLARE - The nature of monsters
269138: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - Animals and men : their relationship as reflected in Western art from prehistory to the present day / Kenneth Clark
269140: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - Animals and men : their relationship as reflected in Western art from prehistory to the present day / Kenneth Clark
268628: CLARK, J. KENT - Goodwin Wharton / J. Kent Clark
268612: CLARK, DORA MAE - The Rise of the British Treasury : Colonial Administration in the Eighteenth Century
266363: CLARK, R. H. (RALPH H.) - British railway stations illustrated - 2 volumes
264570: CLARK, J. DESMOND (JOHN DESMOND) (1916-2002) - The prehistory of Africa
264526: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (WILFRID EDWARD LE GROS) (1895-1971) - The fossil evidence for human evolution : an introduction to the study of paleoanthropology
261544: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (WILFRID EDWARD LE GROS) (1895-1971) - The tissues of the body : an introduction to the study of anatomy
261536: CLARK, HAROLD W. (HAROLD WILLARD) (1891-1986) - Genesis and Science
260837: CLARK, R. T. (ROBERT THOMSON) - The fall of the German republic : a political study
258740: CLARK, DUNCAN W - Preventive and community medicine / [edited by] Duncan W. Clark, Brian MacMahon
258668: CLARK, JOHN - Introduction a la philosophie ecologique et politique de l'anarchisme
258656: CLARK, COLIN (COLIN GRANT) - Poverty before politics : a proposal for a reverse income tax / Colin Clark
251738: CLARK, RONALD WILLIAM - The Huxleys / Ronald W. Clark
246904: CLARK, CHRIS - New Angler's Mail guide to sea fishing
24159: CLARK, WILLIAM R. - The New Healers - the Promise and Problems of Molecular Medicine in the Twenty-First Century
240650: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - Landscape into art / Kenneth Clark
231884: CLARK, GEORGE B. (1926-) - Irish soldiers in Europe : 17th-19th century
230473: CLARK, ALAN (1928-1999) - Aces high : the war in the air over the Western Front 1914-18 / Alan Clark
221545: CLARK, CAROL LEA - Clash of eagles : America's forgotten expedition to Ottoman Palestine
213667: CLARK, ERIC - Corps diplomatique / [by] Eric Clark
209387: CLARK, GREGORY (1951- ) - Made in Flanders : the Master of the Ghent Privileges and manuscript painting in the southern Netherlands in the time of Philip the Good / Gregory T. Clark
208880: CLARK, DAPHNE - Biological information : a guide to sources / prepared by Daphne Clark [for the] British Library Research and Development Department Travelling Workshops Experiment
20429: CLARK, ELECTA - Leading Ladies An Affectionate Look At American Women of the Twentieth Century
203938: CLARK, KENNETH (1903-1983) - The Romantic rebellion : Romantic versus classic art / (by) Kenneth Clark
202046: CLARK, ROBERT JUDSON. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. ART MUSEUM. ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. RENWICK GALLERY - The arts and crafts movement in America, 1876-1916 : an exhibition organized by the Art Museum, Princeton University and the Art Institute of Chicago / edited by Robert Judson Clark. With texts by the editor and others
191316: CLARK, DAVID G. - Mass media and the law : freedom and restraint / edited by David G. Clark and Earl R. Hutchison
185957: CLARK, HOWARD (1950-) CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT - Preparing for nonviolent direct action / Howard Clark ... et al.
181885: CLARK, FREDERICK LE GROS (1892-) - Blinded in war: a model for the welfare of all handicapped people
180644: CLARK, LLOYD - Crossing the Rhine : breaking into Nazi Germany, 1944 and 1945 : the greatest airborne battles in history
173191: CLARK, VICTORIA (1961-?) - The far-farers : a journey from Viking Iceland to crusader Jerusalem
163558: CLARK, ROBERT P. , (1940-) - The Basques, the Franco Years and Beyond / Robert P. Clark
155852: CLARK, EUGENE FRANKLIN - The secrets of Inchon : the untold story of the most daring covert mission of the Korean War
148316: CLARK, RAMSEY - Crime in America : Observations on its Nature, Causes, Prevention and Control
13024: CLARK, AL (EDITOR) - The Film Yearbook 1985
236075: CLARK, RONALD WILLIAM (1916-1987) - Tizard
164428: CLARK, SUSANNA REBECCA GRAHAM, (B. 1848) - Forty-Eight Bernard Street
180239: CLARK, R. T. (ROBERT THOMSON) - The fall of the German Republic : a political study
253741: CLARK, DAVID E - Sunset ideas for garden color. [Illustrated.]
187751: CLARK, G. N. (GEORGE NORMAN), SIR (1890-?) - Science and social welfare in the age of Newton
187575: CLARK, F. LE GROS (FREDERICK LE GROS), (B. 1892) - Men, medicine and food in the U.S.S.R
100430: CLARK, RONALD WILLIAM - The Birth of the Bomb
156396: CLARK, ELLA ELIZABETH, 1896- - Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies
182555: CLARK, GEORGE; HANLON, LOU - G-Man on the crime trail
194214: CLARK, E. S. RITHERDON - The meaning of immortality / E. S. Ritherdon Clark
178864: CLARK, ALBERT C. - The primitive text of the gospel and acts
192997: CLARK, F. LE GROS (FREDERICK LE GROS) (1892-?) NUFFIELD FOUNDATION - Ageing in industry : an inquiry based on figures derived from census reports, into the problem of ageing under the conditions of modern industry / F. Le Gros Clark and Agnes C. Dunne
278789: CLARK-KENNEDY, A. E. (ARCHIBALD EDMUND) - Human disease
182563: CLARK, GEORGE ; HANLON, LOU - G-Man on the crime trail
105056: INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC DESIGNERS. LON CLARK - Graphic Design, San Francisco / Compiled by the Institute of Graphic Designers ; with an Introd. by Lon Clark
249853: CLARK, GEORGE - A history of the Royal College of Physicans of London. Vol.1
31390: CLARK, JOSEPH JAMES - Our Sea Power : its Story and its Meaning / with Foreword by Admiral the Lord Beresford, G. C. B.
117230: CLARK, FELICIA BUTTZ - The Cripple of Nuremberg
242143: CLARK-KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD EDMUND (1893-1985). TREADGOLD, SYLVIA [ILLUSTRATOR] - Medicine in its human setting : being clinical stories for students, nurses, and practitioners
277659: CLARK, GERALD (1918-) - Impatient Giant: Red China Today / Illustrated with Photos by the Author
234897: CLARK, GERALD - Impatient giant : Red China today
237720: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (WILFRID EDWARD LE GROS) (1895-1971) - The tissues of the body : an introduction to the study of anatomy / W. E. Le Gros Clark
162493: CLARK, CHARLES HEBER (1841-1915) - Captain Bluitt : a Tale of Old Turley
23034: CLARK, SIMEON TUCKER - My garden / illustrated by Lena J. Ringueberg and F. Schuyler Mathews
9699: CLARK, CUMBERLAND (1862-) - England's Fight Against Communism and its Relation to the Industrial Crisis
141239: CLARK, RAMSEY - Crime in America; Observations on its Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Control. with an Introd. by Tom Wicker
137397: CLARK, F. LE GROS. L. NOEL BRINTON - Men, Medicine and Food in the U. S. S. R.
137174: CLARK, COLIN - National Income and Outlay
107549: CLARK, HOWARD DUDLEY - Lost Mines of the Old West, by Howard D. Clark
81679: CLARK, ROLAND (1874-?) - Stray Shots, by Roland Clark; with Original Dry Points by the Author
76128: CLARK, BARRETT H. (BARRETT HARPER) (1890-1953) - A Study of the Modern Drama; a Handbook for the Study and Appreciation of the Best Plays, European, English and American, of the Last Half Century
68638: CLARK, BARRETT HARPER (1890-1953) - Paul Green, by Barrett H. Clark
64245: CLARK, BARRETT HARPER (1890-1953) - The British and American Drama of To-Day
112983: CLARK, ELMER TALMAGE - The Chiangs of China
56966: CLARK, BARRETT HARPER (1890-1953) - Eugene O'Neill
48329: CLARK, HENRY MARTYN - Robert Clark of the Panjab, Pioneer and Missionary Statesman
151747: CLARK, FREDERICK LE GROS (1892-). BRINTON, LUCY NOEL CLERVAULX - Men, Medicine and Food in the U. S. S. R.
151290: CLARK, GERALD (1918-) - Impatient Giant: Red China Today / Illustrated with Photos by the Author
151010: CLARK, FREDERICK LE GROS (1892-). DUNNE, AGNES C. - Ageing in Industry : an Inquiry, Based on Figures Derived from Census Reports, Into the Problem of Ageing under the Conditions of Modern Industry
104904: CLARK, GARTH (1947-) - American Ceramics, 1876 to the Present / Garth Clark
24584: CLARK, DANIEL A. - A Volume of Sermons Designed to be Used in Religious Meetings when There is Not Present a Gospel-Minister
143681: CLARK, JOHN WILLIS (1833-1910) - Cambridge : Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes
133832: CLARK, WALTER J. - International Language, Past, Present & Future : with Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar
224211: CLARK, SIR GEORGE NORMAN (1890-1979) - The wealth of England from 1496 to 1760 / G. N. Clark
160543: CLARK, BARRETT HARPER (1890-1953) - Intimate Portraits, Being Recollections of Maxim Gorky ... & Others
257545: CLARK, J WILLIS - Old plans of Cambridge, 1574-1798 by Richard Lyne, George Braun, John Hamond, Thomas Fuller, David Loggan and William Custance. Part 1 , text
241927: CLARK, ALFRED JOSEPH (1885-1941) - Applied pharmacology
193939: CLARK, RICHARD 1780-1856 [ED.] - The first volume of poetry; revised, containing the most favorite pieces, as performed at the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Catch Club, the Glee club [&c.] / compiled by Richard Clark ...
237939: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (WILFRID EDWARD LE GROS) (1895-1971) - Practical anatomy / revised and rewritten by W.E. Le Gros Clark
12179: CLARK, G. N. - Science and Social Welfare in the Age of Newton
129834: CLARK, CUMBERLAND - Fairy Tales of Socialism
129281: CLARK, JOHN MAURICE (1884-1963) - The Costs of the World War to the American People
128373: CLARK, F. LE GROS. L. NOEL BRINTON - Men, Medicine and Food in the U. S. S. R.
122299: CLARK, ELMER TALMAGE (1886-1966) - The Small Sects in America, by Elmer T. Clark
121256: CLARK, RONALD WILLIAM - The Greatest Power on Earth : the Story of Nuclear Fission / Ronald W. Clark ; Foreword by Lord Zuckerman
119708: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (WILFRID EDWARD LE GROS) (1895-1971) - Early Forerunners of Man; a Morphological Study of the Evolutionary Origin of the Primates, by W. E. Le Gros Clark ...
262587: CLARK, ARTHUR TILLOTSON - To Bagdad with the British
185369: CLARK, JOHN MAURICE (1884-1963) - Alternative to serfdom : five lectures delivered on the William W. Cook Foundation at the University of Michigan, March 1947
223050: CLARK, DUDLEY. BATEMAN, HENRY MAYO (1887-1970) - Bateman and I in Filmland
263053: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (WILFRID EDWARD LE GROS) (1895-1971) - Chant of pleasant exploration / Wilfrid Le Gros Clark
121344: CLARK, GERALD - Impatient Giant : Red China Today / Gerald Clark
169495: CLARK, GRAHAME (1907-1995) - Prehistoric societies / Grahame Clark and Stuart Piggott
222069: CLARK, JOHN E. T. - Musical boxes : a history and an appreciation / John E. T. Clark
194447: CLARK, ALBERT CURTIS (1859-1937) - The primitive text of the Gospels and Acts
244490: CLARK-KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD EDMUND - The London : a study in the voluntary hospital system. Vol. 1 The first hundred years 1740 to 1840
122758: CLARK, RAMSEY (1927-) - Crime in America; Observations on its Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Control. with an Introd. by Tom Wicker
37744: CLARK, HENRY CANNON (1888-) - The Common Hangover
40031: CLARK, SYDNEY (1890-1975) - All the Best in Switzerland
120664: CLARK, RONALD WILLIAM - The Life of Bertrand Russell / Ronald W. Clark
76396: CLARK, SYDNEY (1890-1975) - All the Best in South America, East Coast
88879: CLARK, FRANCIS EDWARD (1851-1927). CLARK, HARRIET ELIZABETH (B. 1850) - Our Journey around the World; an Illustrated Record of a Year's Travel of Forty Thousand Miles... by Francis E. Clark. with Glimpses of Life in Far off Lands As Seen through a Woman's Eyes by Harriet E. Clark...
179092: CLARK, J. - Progress in milk production : a study of forty farms, 1949 to 1952
173428: CLARK, F. LE GROS (1892-1977) - Four thousand million mouths : scientific humanism and the shadow of world hunger / edited by Frederick Le Gros Clark and Norman W. Pirie
168470: CLARK, DENNIS (1927-) - The ghetto game : racial conflicts in the city
171866: CLARK, ALFRED JOSEPH - Patent medicines
280844: CLARK, A. J. (ALFRED JOSEPH) (1885-1941) - Patent medicines
68184: CLARK JR. , EDWARD H. (ED. ) - The Dial 1914, Volume XVIII
203321: CLARK, GEORGE, SIR (1890-1979) - Early modern Europe from about 1450 to about 1720 / [by] Sir George Clark
15565: CLARK, G. KITSON - The Critical Historian
178191: CLARK, S. D. (SAMUEL DELBERT) (1910-?) - The developing Canadian community
190653: CLARK, F. LE GROS (FREDERICK LE GROS), (1892-1977) - Work, age and leisure : causes and consequences of the shortened working life / [by] F. Le Gros Clark
190346: CLARK, G. N. (GEORGE NORMAN), SIR (1890-1979) - Science and social welfare in the age of Newton
122970: CLARK, KEITH - International Communications, the American Attitude
118845: CLARK, WILFRID E. LE GROS (1895-1971) - The Antecedents of Man; an Introduction to the Evolution of the Primates
182315: CLARK, ALBERT CURTIS (1859-1937) - A bound collection of his individual pamphlet works on metric and phonetic rhythm in English together with some of his MANUSCRIPT CORRESPONDENCE regarding the works and some related clippings.... ... the published titles include Fontes Prosae Numeroasae. The Cursus in Mediaeval and Vulgar Latin, Prose Rhythm in English...
130924: CLARK, DOUGLAS - Three Days to Catastrophe / Douglas Clark
14108: CLARK (PAUL GORDON) (1922-) - American Aid for Development
148081: CLARK, NEVILLE - Interpreting the Resurrection
151092: CLARK, FREDERICK LE GROS (1892-) - Growing Old in a Mechanized World : the Human Problem of a Technical Revolution
15372: CLARK, COLIN - National Income and Outlay
162051: CLARK, THOMAS DIONYSIUS (1903-2005) - The Rampaging Frontier; Manners and Humors of Pioneer Days in the South and the Middle West [By] Thomas D. Clark
165785: CLARK, KEITH - Rope Royale
175972: CLARK, NEVILLE - An Approach to the Theology of the Sacraments
24965: CLARK, GENERAL MARK - From the Danube to the Yalu
31974: CLARK, F. LE GROS - Work, Age and Leisure - Causes and Consequences of the Shortened Working Life
46449: CLARK, DORA MAE - The Rise of the British Treasury; Colonial Administration in the Eighteenth Century
52194: CLARK, W. E. LE GROS - The Tissues of the Body - an Introduction to the Study of Anatomy
52352: CLARK, GROVER - A Place in the Sun
67164: CLARK, MAURINE DORAN - Captain's Bride, General's Lady; the Memoirs of Mrs. Mark W. Clark
107308: CLARK, TOM (1941-) - The Exile of Céline / Tom Clark
79610: CLARK, CUMBERLAND (1862-) - Shakespeare and Home Life
102721: CLARK, RONALD WILLIAM - Works of Man
99321: CLARK, COLIN (1905-?) - National Income and Outlay
263121: CLARK, COLIN (1905-1989) - The Control of Investment
241057: CLARK, GEO. E. CLARK'S COLLEGE SERIES OF TEXT-BOOKS - 500 Questions in Geography, for the use of Students of Clark's College. Containing questions suitable for all examinations where a knowledge of geography is required
206392: CLARK, HENRY B. (HENRY BALSLEY) (1930-?) - The philosophy of Albert Schweitzer with two essays by Albert Schweitzer
207392: CLARK, F. LE GROS (FREDERICK LE GROS) (1892-?) - National fitness : a brief essay on contemporary Britain / edited by F. Le Gros Clark ... With a foreword by Maj.-Gen. Sir Robert McCarrison
209227: CLARK-KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD EDMUND (1893-) - The art of medicine in relation to the progress of thought; a lecture in the history of science course in the University of Cambridge, February 10, 1945
240936: CLARK, LEONARD FRANCIS - The rivers ran east / Leonard Clark
96691: CLARKE, ROGER A. - Soviet Economic Facts, 1917-1970 [By] Roger A. Clarke
96084: CLARKE, JOHN I. AND BOWEN-JONES, HOWARD (EDS. ) - Change and Development in the Middle East : Essays in Honour of W. B. Fisher / Edited by John I. Clarke and Howard Bowen-Jones
93387: CLARKE, ANNA (1919-2004) - Plot Counter-Plot
93291: CLARKE, HUGH V. (1919-) - Twilight Liberation : Australian Prisoners of War between Hiroshima and Home
91724: CLARKE, COLIN G. - Kingston, Jamaica : Urban Development and Social Change, 1692-1962 / Colin G. Clarke
83578: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) (1917-2008) - The Wind from the Sun; Stories of the Space Age
61989: CLARKE, BRUCE AND AYCOCK, WENDELL (EDS. ) - The Body and the Text : Comparative Essays in Literature and Medicine / Edited by Bruce Clarke and Wendell Aycock
61306: CLARKE, PETER - Gift of Gab
51969: CLARKE, DONALD - The Encyclopedia of How it's Built
51662: CLARKE, ARTHUR CHARLES (1917-) - The Snows of Olympus
49367: CLARKE, SUE - Foxhunter Champions
47971: CLARKE, TOM (1977-) - Trade Unions under Capitalism / Edited by Tom Clarke and Laurie Clements
32505: CLARKE, I. F. - The Pattern of Expectation 1644-2001
277515: CLARKE, J. ERSKINE (JOHN ERSKINE) (1827-1920) - Chatterbox. [1915]
277522: CLARKE, COLIN CAMPBELL - Romantic paradox : an essay on the poetry of Wordsworth
276167: CLARKE, PHILIP - The 'Sunday times' book of the countryside, including one thousand days out in Great Britain and Ireland / editors Philip Clarke, Brian Jackman, Derrick Mercer, art director Clive Crook
275998: CLARKE, VICTORIA - Blink : 100 photographers, 10 curators, 10 writers / [editorial manager Victoria Clarke ; preface Anthony Carver]
275514: CLARKE, D. V - Symbols of power at the time of Stonehenge / D.V. Clarke, T.G. Cowie and Andrew Foxon; with contributions by John C. Barrett ... [et al.]; photographs by Ian Larner, Michael Brooks and Doreen Moyes
274979: CLARKE, MICHAEL - The tempting prospect : a social history of English watercolours / Michael Clarke
274341: CLARKE, HUGH V - To Sydney by stealth
273181: CLARKE, KENNETH - Kind of blue : a political memoir / Ken Clarke
272854: CLARKE, CHARLES - Lightweight expeditions to the Great Ranges / proceedings of a symposium for mountaineers and expedition organisers sponsored by the Alpine Club held at the National Mountaineering Centre Plas y Brenin, North Wales on Saturday 10th March 1984 ; edited by Charles Clarke, Audrey Salkeld
272666: CLARKE, DAVID L - Beaker pottery of Great Britain and Ireland / [by] D. L. Clarke - complete in 2 volumes
270781: CLARKE, STEPHEN - 1000 years of annoying the French / Stephen Clarke
266383: CLARKE, MARY COWDEN (1809-1898) - The complete concordance to Shakespeare : being a verbal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet
264723: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (1879-1969) - Outlines of central government, including the judicial system of England / John Joseph Clarke
261064: CLARKE, MARY COWDEN (1809-1898) - The complete concordance to Shakspere : being a verbal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet
262637: CLARKE, C. P. S. (CHARLES PHILIP STEWART) (1871-1947) - Saints and heros of the Christian church
259979: CLARKE, EDWARD SIR (1841-1931) - Selected speeches : with introductory notes / Sir Edward George Clarke
256038: CLARKE, HAROLD GEORGE - Under-glaze colour picture prints on Staffordshire pottery : (The centenary pot lid book) ; an account of their origin, and a descriptive catalogue, compiled from the author's and the 'Lambert' collections
255862: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) (1917-2008) - Time's eye / Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter
255849: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) (1917-2008) - The light of other days / Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter
255090: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) - Greetings, carbon-based bipeds! : a vision of the 20th century as it happened / Arthur C. Clarke ; edited by Ian T. Macauley
254648: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) (1917-2008) - The trigger / Arthur C. Clarke and Michael Kube-McDowell
251710: CLARKE, BRENDA - Richard : by grace of God
251343: CLARKE, STEPHEN - R.W. Ketton-Cremer : an annotated bibliography / Stephen Clarke and John Gretton
251216: CLARKE, J & TYSON, H - Laugh the beloved country : a compendium of South African humour / [edited by] Harvey Tyson & James Clarke
250442: CLARKE, CYRIL A. (CYRIL ASTLEY) - Nature the old nurse : delivered before the fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Thursday 18th October 1979
247969: CLARKE, DUNCAN - African art
241391: CLARKE, BASIL FULFORD LOWTHER - Mental disorder in earlier Britain : exploratory studies
237314: CLARKE, STEPHEN (1949-) - The Strawberry Hill Press and its printing house: an account and an iconography / Stephen Clarke
236981: CLARKE, STEPHEN (1949-) - The Strawberry Hill Press and its printing house: an account and an iconography / Stephen Clarke
236982: CLARKE, STEPHEN (1949-) - The Strawberry Hill Press and its printing house: an account and an iconography / Stephen Clarke
23265: CLARKE, I. F. - The Pattern of Expectation 1644-2001
230344: CLARKE, DELIA - The complete book of chinese cooking
230246: CLARKE, GEORGE B. - Descriptions of Lord Cobham's gardens at Stowe (1700-1750) / edited by G.B. Clarke
225298: CLARKE, AUSTIN (1896-1974) - The third kiss : a comedy in one act
212521: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES), (1917-2008) - Profiles of the future : an inquiry into the limits of the possible / Arthur C. Clarke
61650: CLARKE, DWIGHT LANCELOT (1885-) - William Tecumseh Sherman: Gold Rush Banker, by Dwight L. Clarke
199640: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES), (1917-2008) - 2010 Odyssey Two / Arthur C. Clarke
191325: CLARKE, MICHAEL (1950-). MOWLAM, MARJORIE (1949-) - Debate on disarmament / edited by Michael Clarke and Marjorie Mowlam ; contributors, E.P. Thompson ...et al.
187043: CLARKE, TOM (1977-). CLEMENTS, LAURIE - Trade unions under capitalism / edited by Tom Clarke and Laurie Clements
18028: CLARKE, ROBIN - The Science of War and Peace
178252: CLARKE, M. A. (MARGARET A.) - The cornball syndrome
169436: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (1917-2008) - Cradle / Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
169424: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (1917-2008) - The hammer of God / Arthur C. Clarke
169420: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (1917-2008) - The ghost from the Grand Banks / Arthur C. Clarke
169376: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (1917-2008) - Greetings, carbon-based bipeds! : collected essays, 1934-1998 / Arthur C. Clarke ; edited by Ian T. Macauley
169283: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) - The songs of distant Earth / Arthur C. Clarke. The songs of distant Earth
163804: CLARKE, JAMES W. (1937- ) - Last Rampage : the Escape of Gary Tison / James W. Clarke
163664: CLARKE, ARTHUR CHARLES (1917-2008). LEE, GENTRY - Cradle / Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
163598: CLARKE, ARTHUR CHARLES (1917-2008) - 1984, spring : a choice of futures / Arthur C. Clarke
160384: CLARKE, THURSTON - Equator : a Journey / Thurston Clarke
157124: CLARKE, GERALD (1937-) - Capote : a biography / Gerald Clarke
155908: CLARKE, JOHN D - French eagles, Soviet heroes : the Normandie-Niemen Squadrons on the Eastern Front
153186: CLARKE, R. V. G. - Situational Crime Prevention : Successful Case Studies / Ronald V. Clarke, Editor
144800: CLARKE, SUE. HILARY ARNOLD - Heaven and Earth : a Jacob's Ladder Book / Sue Clarke and Hilary Arnold
13792: CLARKE, MARY (1923-) - The Ballet Goer's Guide / Mary Clarke & Clement Crisp
128692: CLARKE, ROGER A. - Soviet Economic Facts, 1917-1970 [By] Roger A. Clarke
163579: CLARKE, TOM (1884- ) - My Northcliffe Diary
225214: CLARKE, THOMAS JAMES (1858-1916) - Glimpses of an Irish felon's prison life : With an introd. by P. S. O'Hegarty
213598: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (B. 1879) - Outlines of local government of the United kingdom (and the Irish free state)
261882: CLARKE, CHARLES COWDEN [ED.]. MULTIPLE AUTHORS - British Poets: in 17 volumes
252546: CLARKE, JANET - Cuisine Classique - Cookery reference
157461: CLARKE, ARTHUR CHARLES (1917-2008) - Rama II / Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
178905: CLARKE, EDWARD GEORGE, SIR (1841-1931) - Selected speeches : with introductory notes / [by] Sir Edward Clarke
169545: CLARKE, CHARLES E. - Social insurance in Britain : a text book for actuarial students
255963: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) (1917-2008) - Rama revealed / Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
279402: CLARKE, DONALD HENDERSON - Louis Beretti : a novel
250025: CLARKE, MARY ANNE (1776?-1852) - The rival princes, or, A faithful narrative of facts, relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke's political acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Major Dodd, &c. &c. &c. who were concerned in the charges against the Duke of York : together with a variety of authentic and important letters, and curious and interesting anecdotes of several persons of political notoriety
249523: CLARKE, MARTIN - Strictly Carp
30304: CLARKE, TOM - My Northcliffe Diary, by Tom Clarke ...
115074: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) - The Snows of Olympus, a Garden on Mars / Arthur C. Clarke
27510: CLARKE, REBECCA SOPHIA (1833-1906) - Aunt Madge's Story. by Sophie May [Pseud. ]
194947: CLARKE, TOM (1884-) - My Northcliffe diary
194914: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (1879-) - Social administration including the poor laws
7605: CLARKE, JOSEPH IGNATIUS CONSTANTINE (1846-1925) - Japan At First Hand. Her Islands, Their People, the Picturesque, the Real
219518: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - Tales from the White Hart
145832: CLARKE, HARRY - Magic
139925: CLARKE, TOM - My Northcliffe Diary, by Tom Clarke
88020: CLARKE, HELEN ARCHIBALD (D. 1926) - Longfellow's Country
103525: CLARKE, CHARLES GALLOWAY (1899-) - Highlights and Shadows : the Memoirs of a Hollywood Cameraman
105983: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (ARTHUR CHARLES) (1917-2008) - 2010 : Odyssey Two / Arthur C. Clarke
106186: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - The Snows of Olympus : a Garden on Mars : the Illustrated Story of Man's Colonization of Mars
60190: CLARKE, G. H. AND CHARPENTIER - Manuel Lexique Des Difficulties Linguistiques Du Francais
102232: CLARKE, SUE (ILLUS. ) - The Tombs of the Pharaohs : a Three Dimensional Discovery / Illustrated by Sue Clarke
55014: CLARKE, HELEN ARCHIBALD (D. 1926) - Hawthorne's Country
150969: CLARKE, RICHARD WILLIAM BARNES, SIR - The Economic Effort of War
150958: CLARKE, RICHARD WILLIAM BARNES, SIR - The Economic Effort of War
94660: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH - Law of Housing and Planning and Allied Subjects, by John J. Clarke.. with an Introduction to the First Edition by the Rt. Hon. Sir Leslie Scott...
148264: CLARKE, CHARLES E. (CHARLES EDWARD) - Social Insurance in Britain : a Text Book for Actuarial Students
148084: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (1879-) - Outlines of Local Government of the United Kingdom
146145: CLARKE, RICHARD WILLIAM BARNES, SIR - Britain's Blockade
114255: CLARKE, JOHN ERSKINE (1827-) - Chatterbox
221266: CLARKE, DWIGHT LANCELOT (1885-) - William Tecumseh Sherman: Gold Rush Banker
132074: CLARKE, CHARLES PHILIP STEWART (1871-1947) - Church History from Nero to Constantine
187399: CLARKE, R. W. B. - The economic effort of war
185230: CLARKE, TOM (B. 1884) - My Northcliffe Diary
130812: CLARKE, CHARLES FREDERICK ORME - Experiment in Freedom : a Review of British Political and Social Trends
233203: CLARKE, SÉAMUS - The Poetry of Feis na nGleann
129812: CLARKE, HENRY LOWTHER - Studies in the English Reformation
126802: CLARKE, RICHARD WILLIAM BARNES, SIR - The Economic Effort of War, by R. W. B. Clarke
247174: CLARKE, ADAM (APPROXIMATELY 1762-1832) - The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments: The text carefully printed from the most correct copies of the present authorised translation, including the marginal readings and parallel texts : with a commentary and critical notes; designed as a help to a better understanding of the sacred writings / Adam Clarke: volume II: Joshua to Esther
171491: CLARKE, HENRY LOWTHER (1850-1926) - Death and the hereafter
121051: CLARKE, THOMAS CURTIS (1827-1901) - The American Railway; its Construction, Development, Management, and Appliances
262641: CLARKE, CHARLES PHILIP STEWART - The Oxford movement and after / C.P.S. Clarke
219543: CLARKE, ARTHUR C - Sands of Mars
219550: CLARKE, ARTHUR C - The other side of the sky
174145: CLARKE, REBECCA SOPHIA (1833-1906) - Miss Thistledown
193151: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (B. 1879) - Outlines of English local government
178868: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (1879-?) - Social administration including the poor laws
186189: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (B. 1879) - Social administration including the poor laws
37818: CLARKE, JOHN ERSKINE (1827-) ED. - Chatterbox : the King of Juveniles
121576: CLARKE, THURSTON - Pearl Harbor Ghosts : a Journey to Hawaii, Then and Now / Thurston Clarke
41347: CLARKE, REBECCA SOPHIA (1833-1906) - Little Pitchers. by Sophie May [Pseud. ]
168803: CLARKE, ROBERT M. - Narrative of a Native
212588: CLARKE, DAVID - The Conservative Party
279730: CLARKE, EMILY S - Centennial anniversary of the Baptist church at Newton Centre : Novemeber 14, 1880
247164: CLARKE, ADAM (APPROXIMATELY 1762-1832) - The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments: The text carefully printed from the most correct copies of the present authorised translation, including the marginal readings and parallel texts : with a commentary and critical notes; designed as a help to a better understanding of the sacred writings / Adam Clarke: volume II: I. Corinthians to Revelation
105227: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (1917-2008) - The Deep Range
219501: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. (1917-2008) - Against the fall of night
178212: CLARKE, ALLEN (1863-1935) - The effects of the factory system
123185: CLARKE, ANNA (1919-2004) - Plot Counter-Plot / Anna Clarke
11208: CLARKE, JOHN - Specimens of Dialects Berwick-Upon-Tweed 1848
140653: CLARKE, JOHN J. - The Local Government of the United Kingdom / John Joseph Clarke
144486: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH (1879-) - Outlines of Central Government, Including the Judicial System of England
149859: CLARKE, WILLIAM KEMP LOWTHER (1879-) - Concise Bible Commentary
150644: CLARKE, JOHN JOSEPH - Outlines of Central Government, Including the Judicial System of England
18128: CLARKE, LEWIS (AMERICAN SLAVERY) - Interesting Memoirs and Documents Relating to American Slavery and the Glorious Struggle Now Making for Complete Emancipation
182070: CLARKE, EDWARD DANIEL (1769-1822) - Travels in Russia, Tartary, and Turkey
32081: CLARKE, JOHN MASON - The Heart of Gaspe - Sketches in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
37822: CLARKE, JOHN ERSKINE (1827-) ED. - Chatterbox - [1884]
64592: CLARKE, MARY STETSON - Petticoat Rebel
8367: CLARKE, J. ERSKINE, ED. - Heart-Music : For Working People
84371: CLARKE, DWIGHT LANCELOT (1885-?) - RELATED NAME: SHERMAN, WILLIAM T. (WILLIAM TECUMSEH) (1820-1891) ; TURNER, HENRY SMITH (1811-1881) - William Tecumseh Sherman: Gold Rush Banker
196503: CLARKE, FREDERICK S. - Cinefantastique ; May 1989, Volume 19 Number 4 : The Adventures of Baron Munchausen / edited by Frederick S. Clarke
196504: CLARKE, FREDERICK S. - Cinefantastique ; December 1991, Volume 22 Number 3 : Star Trek the 25th anniversary / edited by Frederick S. Clarke
196559: CLARKE, TOM (1884- ) - My Northcliffe diary
197489: CLARKE, TOM (B. 1884) - My Northcliffe diary
197752: CLARKE - The Georgian era : memoirs of the most eminent persons, who have flourished in Great Britain, from the accession of George the First to the demise of George the Fourth [complete in 4 volumes]
209505: CLARKE, BASIL (1908-1978) - English churches / [by] Basil Clarke and John Betjeman
210416: CLARKE, G. R. (GEORGE ROBIN) - The study of the soil in the field
210858: CLARKE, JOHN (B. 1913) - The Australians in England, 1964
211338: CLARKE, BASIL FULFORD LOWTHER - The building of the eighteenth-century church
248863: CLARKSON, GEOFFREY P. E. (PENISTON ELLIOTT) - Managerial economics : selected readings / edited by G. P. E. Clarkson
92145: CLARKSON, WENSLEY - Doctors of Death
261283: CLARKSON, THOMAS (1760-1846) - A portraiture of Quakerism : taken from a view of the education and discipline, social manners, civil and political economy, religious principles, and character of the Society of Friends
225315: CLARKSON, LESLIE ALBERT - The Industrial Revolution : a compendium / edited for the Economic History Society by L.A. Clarkson
115904: CLARKSON, THOMAS (1760-1846) - Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of William Penn
118637: CLARKSON, JESSE DUNSMORE (1897-) - A History of Russia, by Jesse D. Clarkson
190852: CLARKSON, JESSE DUNSMORE (B. 1897) - A history of Russia
14204: CLASING, HENRY K. - The Dow Jones-Irwin Guide to Put and Call Options / Henry K. Clasing, Jr.
106009: CLASON, CLYDE B. - Ark of Venus
260417: CAPITAL AND CLASS - Capital and Class bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists
69928: BOARD OF EDITORS FROM THE SENIOR CLASS (EDS. ) - The Dartmouth (Two Volumes) Fourth Series - Vol. 1. 1879-80, Vol. 2. 1880-81
14166: CLASSEN, ERNEST. DELEGATIONS FOR THE PROMOTION OF ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE NORTHERN COUNTRIES - The Northern Countries in World Economy : Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden Denmarrk - Finland - Iceland - Norway - Sweden
219990: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON HOUSING OF THE WORKING CLASSES - Second report of Her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the housing of the working classes : Scotland. Cmd.-4409,
240685: PENGUIN CLASSICS - Penguin 60s classics
261501: HARVARD CLASSICS - Sacred writings in two volumes : volume 1: Confucian, Hebrew, Christian
231837: BATH CLASSICS - The Shakespeare Library in Ten Volumes
239289: CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED. COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Last of the Mohicans / James Fenimore Cooper
128746: KANAPA JEAN (SERIES DIRECTOR). HENRI CLAUDE (INTRO. ) - Recherches Internationales a La Lumiere Du Marxisme; Aspects Du Capitalisme Contemporain
182041: CLAUDE, JEAN (1619-1687) - La defense de la Reformation contre le livre intitule Prejugez legitimes contre les calvinistes
269910: CLAUDEL, PAUL (1868-1955) - Correspondance, 1899-1926 / Paul Claudel et André Gide ; préface et notes par Robert Mallet
195752: CLAUDEL, PAUL (1868-1955). BONSIRVEN, JOSEPH - Les Juifs / par Paul Claudel, Lt-Cl E. Mayer ... et. al
187327: CLAUDEL, PAUL (1868-1955). DU SARMENT, AGNES - Lettres inedites de mon parrain Paul Claudel
150567: CLAUDEL, PAUL (1868-1955). GIDE, ANDRE (1869-1951). MALLET, ROBERT (1915-) - Correspondence, 1899-1926 between Paul Claudel Et Andre Gide / Introduction and Notes by Robert Mallet ; Preface and Translated by John Russell
152667: CLAUDEL, PAUL (1868-1955) - Duhamel Et Nous
274564: A. CLAUDIN - Catalogue raisonné de la bibliothèque d'un chateau de Lorraine : et de livres rares et curieux, manuscrits et imprimés / provenant de la collection de m. W. ... S. ... de Londres - tome 2
210491: CLAUDIN, FERNANDO - L'eurocommunisme / Fernando Claudin ; traduit de l'espagnol par Anne Valier
232407: CLAUDIUS, MATTHIAS - Von der Freundschaft
277479: CLAUDY, C. H. (CARL HARRY) (1879-1957) - Tell-me-why stories about animals
77990: CLAUDY, C. H. (CARL HARRY) (1879-1957) - The Land of No Shadow, by Carl H. Claudy. Illustrated by A. C. Valentine
272181: CLAUS, HUGO - The sorrow of Belgium / Hugo Claus ; translated from the Dutch by Arnold J. Pomerans
270357: CLAUS, PROFESSOR DR. C ET AL - Pamphlets: Vol. XI: Zoologisch-botanischen
256495: CLAUSAGER, ANDERS DITLEV - Porsche / Anders Ditlev Clausager
171904: CLAUSEL DE COUSSERGUES, JEAN CLAUDE - Projet de la proposition d'accusation contre M. le duc Decazes
79375: CLAUSEN, JAN (1950-) - Apples & Oranges : My Journey through Sexual Identity
279632: CLAUSEWITZ, CARL VON (1780-1831) - Principles of war
138666: CLAUSS, LUDWIG FERDINAND - Semiten Der Wüste Unter Sich; Miterlebnisse Eines Rassenforschers. Mit 36 Kunstdrucktafeln Nach Eigenen Aufnahmen Des Verfassers
164838: CLAUSS, LUDWIG FERDINAND (1892-1974) - Semiten Der Wuste Unter Sich : Miterlebnisse Eines Rassenforschers
248312: CLAUSSE, GUSTAVE - Basiliques et mosaiques chrétiennes : Italie - Sicile : ouvrage illustré de 200 dessins d'apres des document certains ou d'après des documents certains ou d'après nature / par Gustave Clausse - Complete in 2 Volumes
248311: CLAUSSE, GUSTAVE - Les marbriers romains et le moblier presbytéral : ouvrage illustré de soixant-quinze dessins / par Gustave Clausse
130079: CLAUSSE, ARNOULD - Une Doctrine Socialiste De L'Education
176604: CLAUSSE, ROGER (1902- ) - L' information de presse : critique de la relation / Roger Clausse
56411: CLAVE, ANTONI (1913-). SEGHERS, PIERRE - Clave [Par] Pierre Seghers
243370: CLAVEL, ADOLPHE (B. 1815) - Les races humaines et leur part dans la civilisation / par le Dr. Clavel
130575: CLAVEL, ADOLPHE - La Morale Positive / Par Le Dr. Clavel
246282: CLAVELL COSTA, XAVIER - Picasso: Picasso Museum Barcelona - photographic report, complemented by a biography of the painter
160582: CLAVELL, JAMES - James Clavell's Gai-Jin : a Novel of Japan
160583: CLAVELL, JAMES - James Clavell's Whirlwind
279296: CLAVILLE, CHARLES FRANÇOIS NICOLAS LE MAÎTRE DE - Traité du vrai mérite de l'homme, considéré dans tous les âges & dans toutes les conditions : avec des principes d'éducation, propres à former les jeunes gens à la vertu - tome 2
23031: CLAVIR, JUDY - The Conspiracy Trial
111884: CLAVIR, JUDY AND SPITZER, JOHN (EDS. ) - The Conspiracy Trial / Edited by Judy Clavir and John Spitzer
58440: CLAWSON, DAN - Money Talks : Corporate PACS and Political Influence / Dan Clawson, Alan Neustadtl, Denise Scott
158750: CLAXTON, WILLIAM - Photographic memory
54528: CLAY, BRENDA JOHNSON - Pinikindu : Maternal Nurture, Paternal Substance / Brenda Johnson Clay
275440: CLAY, ROTHA MARY - Julius Caesar Ibbetson (1759-1817) / Rotha Mary Clay
227514: CLAY, HORACE FREESTONE (1918-1988). HUBBARD, JAMES C - The Hawaii garden : Tropical shrubs
156578: CLAY, JOHN F. - The British 4-6-0
187679: CLAY, HENRY - The post-war unemployment problem
143260: CLAY, HENRY (1883-1954) - Property and Inheritance
273872: CLAY, CATRINE - Labyrinths : Emma Jung, her marriage to Carl and the early years of psychoanalysis / Catrine Clay
237910: CLAY, R. M - Mediaeval Hospitals of England
170779: BERTHA M CLAY (PSEUD.) - A woman's love-story
138522: CLAY, WALTER LOWE - The Prison Chaplain : a Memoir of the Rev. John Clay, B. D. , Late Chaplain of the Preston Gaol : with Selections from His Reports and Correspondence and a Sketch of Prison Discipline in England
83000: CLAY, JEAN - Modern Art, 1890-1918 - [Uniform Title: De L'Impressionnisme a L'Art Moderne. English]
107527: CLAY CAMPBELL COLLECTION / O'CONNELL, SHELDON - Hollywood Lip Prints, the Clay Campbell Collection, with Handwriting Analysis, by Sheldon O'Connell
132071: CLAY, HENRY (1883-1954) - The Post-War Unemployment Problem
171958: CLAY, JOHN FREDERIC - The British 4-6-0
182923: CLAY, HENRY (1883-1954) - Co-operation and private enterprise
174677: CLAY, GILBERT - Persiflages / par Gilbert Clay ... et al
177204: CLAY, ARTHUR, SIR (1842-1928) - Syndicalism and labour : notes upon some aspects of social and industrial questions of the day
46362: CLAY, HENRY (1883-1954) - The Post-War Unemployment Problem
241377: CLAY, ROTHA MARY. IBBETSON, JULIUS (1759-1817). INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES - Julius Caesar Ibbetson (1759-1817) / Rotha Mary Clay
253479: CLAYPOOLE, HERBERT GEORGE CHARLES - Introduction to coarse fishing / H.G.C. Claypoole
248144: CLAYPOOLE, HERBERT GEORGE CHARLES - The witchery of water
253478: CLAYPOOLE, H. G. C. (HERBERT GEORGE CHARLES) - New angles on coarse fishing, with chapters on trout & grayling
84954: CLAYRE, ALASDAIR - The Heart of the Dragon
57870: CLAYRE, ALASDAIR - The Heart of the Dragon / Alasdair Clayre
109394: CLAYRE, ALASDAIR - The Heart of the Dragon / Alasdair Clayre
84752: CLAYTON, MERLE - Union Station Massacre : the Shootout That Started the Fbi's War on Crime / Merle Clayton
72531: CLAYTON, OBIE (1954-?) - An American Dilemma Revisited : Race Relations in a Changing World
49042: CLAYTON, MICHAEL - Cross Country Riding
253382: CLAYTON, JOHN - Pruning hardy shrubs / John Clayton
253385: CLAYTON, JOHN - Hardy herbaceous plants / John Clayton
206402: CLAYTON, MICHAEL (1931- ) - The collector's dictionary of the silver and gold of Great Britain and North America
200913: CLAYTON, MARTIN (1967- ) - Ten drawings by Leonardo da Vinci : an exhibition to celebrate the sixtieth birthday of HRH The Prince of Wales
188803: CLAYTON CALTHROP, DION AND PEMBERTON, MAX (EDS.) - The Dickens souvenir of 1912 / edited by Dion Clayton Calthrop and Max Pemberton
250352: CLAYTON, ELLEN CREATHORNE (1834-1900) - Female warriors. Memorials of female valour and heroism, from the mythological ages to the present era. : By Ellen C. Clayton - Volume 1
104658: CLAYTON, MERLE - Union Station Massacre : the Shootout That Started the Fbi's War on Crime
112167: CLAYTON, ROBERT ALAN (PHOTOG. ). J. BOURGE HATHAWAY - Quiet Pride : Ageless Wisdom of the American West / Robert Alan Clayton, Photographer ; J. Bourge Hathaway, Text and Foreword
152054: CLAYTON, JOSEPH (1868-) - Co-Operation
105269: CLAYTON, MICHAEL (ED. ) - Cross Country Riding
147014: CLAYTON, JOSEPH - Trade Unions
133455: CLAYTON, JOSEPH - Co-Operation
153860: CLAYTON, GEROLD FANCOURT - The Wall is Strong : the Life of a Prison Governor
132313: CLAYTON, JOSEPH - Leaders of the People; Studies in Democratic History, by Joseph Clayton; with a Frontispiece in Photogravure and Numerous Other Illustrations
227057: CLAYTON, WILLIAM D.SC., F.I.C. - Margarine ... With illustrations. [With a bibliography.]
240632: CLAYTON, RONNIE - A slave - to soccer
176252: CLAYTON, ERIC - Economic planning in peasant agriculture : a study of the optimal use of agricultural resources by peasant farmers in Kenya
156974: CLAYTON, BARBARA - Halfway Hannah
159511: CLEAL, EDWARD E. - The Story of Congregationalism in Surrey
153093: CLEAL, EDWARD E. CRIPPEN, THOMAS GEORGE - The Story of Congregationalism in Surrey
145247: CLEAL, EDWARD E. T. G. CRIPPEN - The Story of Congregationalism in Surrey
162127: CLEAR, CHARLES REUBEN - John Palmer (Of Bath) : Mail Coach Pioneer
236000: CLEAR, RICHARD - Old magazines; collector's price guide
86207: CLEARE, JOHN - Mountaineering
249947: CLEARE, JOHN - The Ridgeway
248669: CLEARE, JOHN - The world guide to mountains and mountaineering
5586: CLEARY, ESMOND JOHN - The building society movement / E.J. Cleary
273475: CLEARY, MICK - Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook, 1995-96
273453: CLEARY, MICK - Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook, 1996-97
273454: CLEARY, MICK - Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook, 1999-2000
197561: CLEARY, THOMAS - The essential Koran : the heart of Islam : an introductory selection of readings from the Qur'an / translated and presented by Thomas Cleary
273452: CLEARY, MICK - Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook, 1995-96
43399: CLEARY, J. F. - Transistor Manual
118541: CLEATON, IRENE - Books & Battles: American Literature, 1920-1930 [By] Irene and Allen Cleaton
270009: CLEAVE, CHRIS - Incendiary
269925: CLEAVE, CHRIS - The other hand / Chris Cleave
234770: VAN CLEAVE, WILLIAM R. COHEN, S. T - Tactical nuclear weapons : an examination of the issues / William R. Van Cleave and S.T. Cohen
220883: CLEAVELAND, NEHEMIAH (1796-1877) - An address delivered at Topsfield in Massachusetts, August 28, 1850 : the two hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town
65830: CLEAVELAND, AGNES MORLEY (1874-) - No Life for a Lady, by Agnes Morley Cleaveland; Illustrations by Edward Borein
59940: CLEAVER, ELDRIDGE (1935-) - Eldridge Cleaver: Post-Prison Writings and Speeches. Edited and with an Appraisal by Robert Scheer
112279: CLEAVER, ELDRIDGE (1935-). ROBERT SCHEER - Eldridge Cleaver: Post-Prison Writings and Speeches. Edited and with an Appraisal by Robert Scheer
168994: CLEAVER, REGINALD. COX, HAROLD - Parliamentary pictures and personalities : 'Graphic' illustrations of Parliament, 1890-1893 : containing one hundred and thirty-five character sketches
233345: CLEBERT, JEAN-PAUL - Guide de la Provence mysterieuse
278820: CLEEVE, MARGARET - World Events : the annual register of the year 1959
9970: CLEGG, JOAN - Dictionary of Social Services : Policy and Practice
36164: CLEGG, JOAN - Dictionary of Social Services : Policy and Practice
267027: CLEGG, JOAN - Dictionary of social services : policy and practice / compiled by Joan Clegg
20993: CLEGG, W. PAUL - British Nationalised Shipping 1947-1968
208296: CLEGG, BRIAN - Armageddon science : the science of mass destruction
206504: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - The system of industrial relations in Great Britain / Hugh Armstrong Clegg
155631: CLEGG, BRIAN - The Man Who Stopped Time : Eadweard Muybridge, Pioneer Photographer, Father of the Motion Picture, Murderer / Brian Clegg
151166: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - The System of Industrial Relations in Great Britain
130494: CLEGG, IAN - Workers' Self-Management in Algeria
252085: CLEGG, ARTHUR - China the unconquerable : 5 years against Japan
142158: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG. T. E. CHESTER - The Future of Nationalization, by H. A. Clegg and T. E. Chester
134852: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG. REX ADAMS. A. J. KILLICK - Trade Union Officers : a Study of Full-Time Fficers, Branch Secretaries and Shop Stewards in British Trade Unions
48376: CLEGG, HOWARD - A Canuck in England - Journal of a Canadian Soldier
143272: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG. CHESTER, THEODORE EDWARD - The Future of Nationalization
127783: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - The Future of Nationalization
262596: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - Labour in nationalised industry / (by) Hugh Clegg
194518: CLEGG, A. - No War With China
178027: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - Labour relations in London transport
190579: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - General union : a study of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers
190818: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - General union in a changing society : a short history of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers, 1889-1964
191037: CLEGG, ARTHUR - The birth of new China : a sketch of one hundred years, 1842-1942
190915: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG (CONGRESS FOR CULTURAL FREEDOM) - A new approach to industrial democracy
227559: CLEGG, HUGH [ED.] - Fifty Years of Medicine: A symposium from the British Medical Journal. Illustrated with plates / edited by Hugh Clegg
135450: CLEGG, CYRIL - Friend in Deed; the History of a Life Assurance Office from 1858 As the Refuge Friend in Deed Life Assurance and Sick Fund Friendly Society to 1958 As the Refuge Assurance Company Limited
146608: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - Labour Relations in London Transport
29967: CLEGG, H. A. - Labour Relations in London Transport
192253: CLEGG, ARTHUR - War with China
206830: CLEGG, HUGH ARMSTRONG - The employers' challenge : a study of the national shipbuilding and engineering disputes of 1957
48189: CLEGHORN, ANDREA - Rosie's Place - Offering Women Shelter and Hope
162613: CLELAND, ROBERT GLASS (1885-1957) - The Irvine Ranch
158062: CLELAND, JOHN (1709-1789) - Fanny Hill
52195: CLELAND, HERDMAN FITZGERALD - Geology, Physical and Historical - Part II. Historical
79597: CLELAND, ROBERT GLASS (1885-1957) - California in Our Time (1900-1940)
165354: CLELAND, ROBERT GLASS (1885-1957) - El Molino Viejo
144402: CLELAND, JAMES (1770-1840) - Abridgement of the Annals of Glasgow : Comprising an Account of the Public Buildings, Charities, and the Rise and Progress of the City
151684: CLELAND, JAMES (1770-1840) - The Annals of Glasgow, Comprising an Account of the Public Buildings, Charities and the Rise and Progress of the City
159221: CLELAND, ROBERT GLASS (1885- ) - March of Industry
159433: CLELAND, ROBERT GLASS (1885-). HARDY, OSGOOD - March of Industry
168151: CLELAND, ROBERT GLASS (1885-1957) - Isaias W. Hellman and the Farmers and Merchants Bank
211626: CLELAND, JOHN (1709-1789) ; BAYROS, FRANZ VON (1866-1924, ILLUS.) - Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill / von John Cleland [complete in 2 volumes]
257510: CLELIA - The Shakespearean reconciliation. (A lecture read at Toynbee Hall, November 16th, 1892.) By Clelia, author of God in Shakespeare, Great Pan lives, The long desiderated knowledge of the life and personality of Shakespeare
96202: CLEM, RALPH S. - Research Guide to the Russian and Soviet Censuses / Edited by Ralph S. Clem
235152: CLEMEN, URSULA - Irische Marchen
223586: CLEMEN, PAUL (1866-1947) - Gothic cathedrals : Paris, Chartres, Amiens, Reims / described by Paul Clemen ; with 164 pages of plates from the photographs of Martin Hurlimann ; translated by Mary Cunynghame
174017: CLEMEN, CARL CHRISTIAN (1865-1940) - Primitive Christianity and its non-Jewish sources
196192: CLEMEN, CARL CHRISTIAN (1865-1940) - Die nichtchristlichen Kulturreligionen in ihrem gegenwartigen Zustand / von Carl Clemen
248031: CLEMENCEAU, GEORGES (1841-1929) - In the evening of my thought - Vol.1
249606: CLEMENCEAU, GEORGES (1841-1929) - In the evening of my thought
41209: CLEMENCEAU-JACQUEMAIRE, MADELEINE - The Life of Madame Roland
176163: CLEMENCEAU, GEORGES - Discours pour la liberte
179016: CLEMENCEAU, GEORGES - Judische Gestalten
262300: CLEMENCEAU, GEORGES (1841-1929) - In the evening of my thought
233769: CLEMENCIC, RENÉ - Alte Musikinstrumente
232797: CLEMENCIC, RENÉ - Alte Musikinstrumente
235305: CLEMENCIC, RENE (1928-). HERMGES, DAVID - Old musical instruments / Rene Clemencic ; translated by David Hermges
29158: CLEMENS, JOHN K. (1939-). DOUGLAS F. MAYER - The Classic Touch : Lessons in Leadership from Homer to Hemingway / John K. Clemens, Douglas F. Mayer
73344: CLEMENS, CYRIL (1902-?) - Shillaber
168638: CLEMENS, J. H. (JAMES HAROLD) - Balance sheets and the lending banker : a new assessment of accounts and accounting ratios in relation to bank advances / J. H. Clemens
69882: CLEMENS, SAMUEL LANGHORNE - Mark Twain - Notes on His Life and Works
158871: CLEMENT, HERBERT - The Circus, Bigger and Better Than Ever
158585: CLEMENT, RICHARD W. (1951-) - Books on the Frontier : Print Culture in the American West, 1763-1875
275201: CLEMENT I, POPE. BOIS, JOHN (1561-1644). COTELIER, JEAN BAPTISTE (1627-1686). WOTTON, HENRY (1687-1754). YOUNG, PATRICK (1584-1652) - Ai tou en tois agiois Klementos pros Korinthious epistolai B ´ : Sancti Clementis Romani ad Corinthios epistolae duae : expressae ad fidem MSti cod. Alexandrini collati cum editione Junii à Millio & Grabio : illustatae notis Junii & Cotelerii, necnon Johan. Boisii olim canonici Eliensis non antehac editis ... cum MSto cod. accurate de novo contulit / praemisit Henricus Wotton
187469: CLEMENT, PIERRE (1809-1870) - Histoire du systeme protecteur en France depuis le ministere de Colbert jusqu'a la revolution de 1848 : suivi de pieces, memoires et documents justificatifs
243291: CLÉMENT, AMBROISE (1805-1886) - Essai sur la science sociale : économie politique; morale experimentale; politique théorique / par Ambroise Clément: Tome Premier
279683: CLÉMENT, FRANÇOIS - L'art de vérifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques, et autres anciens monuments, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur par le moyen d'une table chronologique ... tome 15
279682: CLÉMENT, FRANÇOIS - L'art de vérifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques, et autres anciens monuments, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur par le moyen d'une table chronologique ... tome 12
279680: CLÉMENT, FRANÇOIS - L'art de vérifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques, et autres anciens monuments, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur par le moyen d'une table chronologique ... tome 18
111339: CLEMENT, HAL - Needle, by Hal Clement
176053: CLEMENT, MARCEL (1921- ) - Le Communisme face a Dieu, Marx, Mao, Marcuse / Marcel Clement
174892: CLEMENT, HAL - Close to critical (part 1 of 3) / Hal Clement, in: Astounding science fiction ; vol. lxi no. 3, May 1958
105848: CLEMENT, HAL (1922-) - Iceworld [By] Hal Clement
196973: CLEMENT I, POPE - S. Clement of Rome : an appendix containing the newly recovered portions / with introductions, notes and translations by J.B. Lightfoot
279685: CLÉMENT, FRANÇOIS - L'art de vérifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques, et autres anciens monuments, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur par le moyen d'une table chronologique ... tome 16
207194: CLEMENT I, POPE ; CLEMENS ROMANUS ; CLARKE, W. K. LOWTHER [ED.] - The first epistle of Clement to the Corinthians / [translated and] edited by W.K. Lowther Clarke
237315: CLEMENTE, FRANCESCO (1952-) - Francesco Clemente: works 1971-1979 / text by Jean-Christophe Ammann
226270: CLEMENTE, FRANCESCO (1952-). AMMANN, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE - Francesco Clemente : works 1971-1979 / text by Jean-Christophe Ammann
258694: CLEMENTI, M - Sonatinainc: op. 36, No. 3
175612: CLEMENTS, RONALD E. - Exodus / commentary by Ronald E. Clements.
170860: CLEMENTS, JONATHAN (1971- ) - The pirate king : Coxinga and the fall of the Ming dynasty
169341: CLEMENTS, R. E. (1929- ) - Old Testament theology : a fresh approach / Ronald E. Clements
13431: CLEMENTS, BRUCE - Prison Window, Jerusalem Blue
131867: CLEMENTS, ROGER VICTOR - Local Notables and the City Council / [By] Roger V. Clements
142430: CLEMENTS, RICHARD - Glory Without Power ; a Study of Trade Unionism in Our Present Society
70921: CLEMENTS, RALPH - Tales of the Town, Little-Known Anecdotes of Life in Cedar Rapids
191250: CLEMENTS, RICHARD - Glory without power : a study of trade unionism in our present society
190940: CLEMENTS, RICHARD - Glory without power : a study of trade unionism in our present society
196768: CLEMENTS, RONALD ERNEST (1929-) - Abraham and David; Genesis XV and its meaning for Israelite tradition
207083: CLEMENTS, RICHARD - Glory without power : a study of trade unionism in our present society
184145: CLEMENZ, MANFRED - Gesellschaftliche Ursprunge des Faschismus
184193: CLEMENZ, MANFRED - gesellschaftliche ursprunge des faschismus
266808: CLEMEUR, MARCEL - Le Poete Geo Libbrecht, Metaphysicien
233868: CLEMOES, PETER (1920-). CLEMOES, PETER. HUGHES, KATHLEEN (1926-1977) - England before the conquest : studies in primary sources presented to Dorothy Whitelock / edited by Peter Clemoes and Kathleen Hughes
98789: CLENDENEN, CLARENCE C. (CLARENCE CLEMENS) - Americans in Africa, 1865-1900 [By] Clarence Clendenen, Robert Collins [And] Peter Duignan
128071: CLENDENEN, CLARENCE C. PETER DUIGNAN - Americans in Black Africa Up to 1865, by Clarence C. Clendenen and Peter Duignan
32732: CLENDENEN, CLARENCE CLEMENS - Americans in Africa 1865 - 1900 by Clarence C. Clendenen, Peter Duignan and Robert Collins
238146: CLENDENING, LOGAN (1884-1945) - Behind the doctor / Logan Clendening ; with illustrations from contemporary sources, portraits, photographs, and original drawings by James E. Bodrero and Ruth Harris Bohan
136966: CLENDENNING, SHEILA T. - Emily Dickinson; a Bibliography, 1850-1966
125759: CLENDENNING, SHEILA T. - Emily Dickinson; a Bibliography, 1850-1966, by Sheila T. Clendenning
111742: CLENDENNING, SHEILA T. - Emily Dickinson; a Bibliography, 1850-1966, by Sheila T. Clendenning
260969: CLENDINNEN, INGA - The Aztecs : an interpretation / Inga Clendinnen
134932: CLEOBURY, FRANK HAROLD - A Study in Christian Apologetic
241555: LE CLERC, JULIE. NICHOLSON, BRUCE - Cafe @ home / Julie Le Clerc ; photography, Bruce Nicholosn
193741: LE CLERC, JEAN (1657-1736) - Negociations secretes touchant la paix de Munster et d'Osnabrug : ou recueil general des preliminaires, instructions, lettres, memoires &c. concernant ces negociations, depuis leur commencement en 1642. jusqu'a leur conclusion en 1648....
86550: CLERC, LOUIS PHILIPPE (1875-1959). BROWN, GEORGE EDWARD (1872-1934) ED. - Photography, Theory and Practice; Being an English Editon of 'La Technique Photographique', by L. P. Clerc. Edited by the Late George E. Brown
179215: CLERC, ALBERT - Barthelemy-Christophe Fagan, auteur-comique, 1702-1755 : contribution a l'histoire de la comedie en France au XVIIIme siecle
257946: DE CLERCK, M - Ouvruers et employes de l'Etat
253110: CLERE, E - The latter days of Judah, and her fall. : By Mrs. Clere
179429: CLERE, MRS - The last days of judah
180898: CLEREY, PAUL - Francais, voici la cinquieme colonne
280440: COUNTRY CLERGYMAN - A Letter to a Deist, concerning the Beauty and Excellency of Moral Virtue, and the supplement and improvement which it receives from the Christian Revelation
257323: CLERICI, LUCA - Il viaggiatore meravigliato / a cura di Luca Clerici
152983: CLERMONT-FERRAND, MICHELIN - Soissons Avant Et Pendant La Guerre
60382: CLERMONT, R. M. - Tropical Beauty
258142: CLERY, ARTHUR (1879-1932) - Town Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1906 and the rules and forms made thereunder
70864: CLERY, VAL - Windows / Text by Val Clery ; Photos. by Gordon Beck ... [Et Al. ]
257477: O'CLERY, PATRICK KEYES (1849-1913) - The history of the Italian revolution, first period : the revolution of the barricades (1796-1849)
180307: CLEUGH, JAMES - Oriental orgies : an account of some erotic practices among non-Christians
223868: CLEUGH, JAMES - Prelude to Parnassus : scenes from the life of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837)
186998: CLEUGH, JAMES - Ladies of the harem
173519: CLEUGH, JAMES - The divine Aretino / a biography by James Cleugh
258780: DE CLEVE, VOLTAIRE - Divers aspects de l'anarchisme
71464: VAN CLEVE, CECILIA - Folk Dances for Young People, with Explanatory Text, Diagrams and Photographic Illustrations... Adapted for the Use of Schools, Playgrounds...
62830: CLEVELAND, HARLAN (ED. ) (ET AL. ) - The United Nations : Policy and Financing Alternatives : Innovative Proposals by Visionary Leaders / Editors, Harlan Cleveland, Hazel Henderson, Inge Kaul
76761: CLEVELAND, RAY L. - An Ancient South Arabian Necropolis
84079: CLEVELAND, REGINALD M. (REGINALD MCINTOSH) - The Coming Air Age, by Reginald M. Cleveland and Leslie E. Neville
154206: CLEVELAND, ANNE THORBURN (1916-) - It's Better with Your Shoes Off
251004: CLEVELY, HUGH - Public enemy
197134: CLEVEN, N. ANDREW N. (NELS ANDREW NELSON), 1874-1961, ED. - Readings in Hispanic American history
171278: CLEVENGER, SHOBAL VAIL (1843-1920) - Spinal Concussion: surgically considered as a cause of spinal injury, and neurologically restricted to a certain symptom group, for which is suggested the designation Erichsen's Disease, etc
190970: CLEVERLEY, GRAHAM - The Fleet Street disaster : British national newspapers as a case study in mismanagement / [by] Graham Cleverley ; with a preface by Rex Winsbury
130890: CLEVERLEY, GRAHAM - The Fleet Street Disaster : British National Newspapers As a Case Study in Mismanagement / [By] Graham Cleverley ; with a Preface by Rex Winsbury
67411: CLEWELL, BEATRIZ C. - Breaking the Barriers : Helping Female and Minority Students Succeed in Mathematics and Science / Beatriz Chu Clewell, Bernice Taylor Anderson, Margaret E. Thorpe
248133: CLEWES, DOROTHY. HAWKINS, IRENE [ILLUSTRATOR] - The stream in the wild wood ... / illustrated by Irene Hawkins
61585: CLEWES, HOWARD (1912-) - The Way the Wind Blows : a Memoir of a Journey Across South America
98455: CLEWES, HOWARD - The Unforgiven / [By] Howard Clewes
242032: CLEWLOW, CAROL. STOREY, ROBERT - Hong Kong, Macau & Canton, a travel survival kit
269193: CLIBBON, JOAN - Film World Album
253554: CLIFF, TONY (1917-) - Lenin / Tony Cliff. Vol. 2: All power to the soviets
243108: CLIFF, TONY (1917-) - Lenin / Tony Cliff. Vol. 1, Building the Party
243110: CLIFF, TONY (1917-2000) SOCIALIST - Lenin : volume three : revolution besieged / Tony Cliff
137102: CLIFF, TONY (1917-) - The Crisis : Social Contract or Socialism / Tony Cliff ; with Cartoons by Phil Evans
114368: CLIFF, STAFFORD - The Best in Restaurant Corporate Identity / Consultant Editor Stafford Cliff
122405: CLIFF, STAFFORD - 50 Trade Secrets of Great Design : Packaging / Stafford Cliff
211823: CLIFF, TONY (1917-). BARKER, C. LONDON INDUSTRIAL SHOP STEWARDS DEFENCE COMMITTEE - Incomes policy, legislation and shop stewards
73193: CLIFFORD, DENIS - A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples / Denis Clifford, Hayden Curry
56017: CLIFFORD, MARTIN (1910-) - The Encyclopedia of Household Plumbing, Installation and Repair
40842: CLIFFORD, DEBORAH PICKMAN - Crusader for Freedom : a Life of Lydia Maria Child / Deborah Pickman Clifford
277574: CLIFFORD, JAMES L. (JAMES LOWRY) (1901-1978) - Dictionary Johnson : Samuel Johnson's middle years
270913: CLIFFORD, JAMES L. (JAMES LOWRY) (1901-1978) - Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs. Thrale)
270558: CLIFFORD, COLIN - The Asquiths / Colin Clifford
266821: CLIFFORD, DEREK - Watercolours of the Norwich School
258202: CLIFFORD, JAMES L. (1901-1978) - Young Samuel Johnson
246840: CLIFFORD, KEVIN - Carp / Kevin Clifford
246537: CLIFFORD, KEVIN - A history of carp fishing / Kevin Clifford
228997: CLIFFORD, HELEN (1962-). TREASURED INHERITANCE : 600 YEARS OF OXFORD COLLEGE SILVER (EXHIBITION) (2004: OXFORD) - A treasured inheritance : 600 years of Oxford college silver
225183: CLIFFORD, DEREK - Collecting English watercolours / [by] Derek Clifford
224484: CLIFFORD, DEREK PLINT - Watercolours of the Norwich School
212643: CLIFFORD, JAMES L. (JAMES LOWRY) (1901-1978) - Dictionary Johnson : Samuel Johnson's middle years
15229: CLIFFORD, DONALD K. - The Winning Performance. How America's High-Growth Midsize Companies Succeed
224483: CLIFFORD, DEREK PLINT - Watercolours of the Norwich School
249593: CLIFFORD, GEORGE - Fishing / With drawings by Bernard Venables
7764: CLIFFORD, W. G. - Books in Bottles: the Curious in Literature
42001: CLIFFORD, CHANDLER ROBBINS (1858-1935) - Period Furnishings : an Encyclopedia of Historic Decorations and Furnishings
280713: CLIFFORD, ROY A - The Rio Grande flood : a comparative study of border communities in disaster
41322: CLIFT, ELAYNE - Telling it like it is : Reflections of a Not so Radical Feminist
259977: CLIFT, G GLENN - 'Second census' of Kentucky 1800
161414: CLIFT, CHARMIAN. JOHNSTON, GEORGE - High Valley, by Charmian Clift and George Johnston
268732: CLIFTON-TAYLOR, ALEC - The cathedrals of England / Alec Clifton-Taylor ; photographs by Martin Hürlimann and others
268733: CLIFTON-TAYLOR, ALEC - The Thames and Hudson encyclopaedia of Impressionism / Bernard Denvir
266920: CLIFTON-TAYLOR, ALEC - English stone building / Alec Clifton-Taylor and A. S. Ireson
266910: CLIFTON-TAYLOR, ALEC - Another six English towns / Alec Clifton-Taylor
247570: CLIFTON-TAYLOR, ALEC - The pattern of English building
106270: CLIFTON, MARK - Eight Keys to Eden
194976: CLIFTON, E. -C.; GRIMAUX, ADRIAN - A new dictionary of the French and English languages: New edition revised and corrected with a supplement by J. Mc Laughlin
224791: CLIFTON-TAYLOR, ALEC 1907-1985 - Alec Clifton-Taylor's buildings of delight / edited by Denis Moriarty
279211: CLIFTON, C EBENEZER - Nouveau dictionnaire anglais-français et français-anglais : composé sur un plan nouveau d'après les travaux d'Ogilvie, de Worcester, de Webster ... etc., et les ouvrages spéciaux les plus récents
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153140: CLINARD, MARSHALL BARRON (1911-) - Cities with Little Crime : the Case of Switzerland / Marshall B. Clinard
98135: CLINCH, MINTY - Harrison Ford : a Biography / Minty Clinch
221209: CLINCH, MINTY - Burt Lancaster
188834: CLINCH, GEORGE (1860-1921) - English costume from prehistoric times to the end of the eighteenth century
237149: CLINE, SALLY - Dashiell Hammett: man of mystery
124922: CLINE, WILLIAM C. - In the Nick of Time : Motion Picture Sound Serials / William C. Cline
280819: NOTRE DAME CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC - Notre Dame Child Guidance Clinic Glasgow : report for the period 1st May, 1946 to 30th April 1947
238526: ALL SAINTS CLINIC - Annual Report TEL. NORthern 0744
61055: CLINTON, CHARLES ANTHONY (1939-) - Local Success and Federal Failure : a Study of Community Development and Educational Change in the Rural South / Charles A. Clinton
37180: CLINTON, JAMES W. - The Loyal Opposition - Americans in North Vietnam, 1965-1972
243825: CLINTON, DEWITT (1769-1828). LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW-YORK (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - Introductory discourse delivered before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York, on the fourth of May, 1814
185564: CLINTON, CHARLES T. - Hard Rock Harrigan : a story of Boulder Dam - starring George O'Brien with Irene Hervey and Fred Kohler ... novelized by Charles T. Clinton
278084: CLINTON, GEORGE - Memoirs of the life and writings of Lord Byron
182632: CLINTON, CHARLES T. - Hard Rock Harrigan : a story of Boulder Dam : starring George O'Brien with Irene Hervey and Fred Kohler
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219413: CLISE, MICHELE DURKSON - Ophelia's World, Or, the Memoirs of a Parisian Shop Girl - [Memoirs of a Parisian Shop Girl]
144874: CLISE, MICHELE DURKSON. ANNE CONOVER HELLER - Ophelia's Voyage to Japan, Or, the Mystery of the Doll Solved
49904: CLISE, MICHELE DURKSON - Ophelia's Voyage to Japan, Or, the Mystery of the Doll Solved
201488: CLISSOLD, STEPHEN - St. Teresa of Avila / Stephen Clissold
204468: CLIVE, GEORGE - Some evidence on the Irish land question
150627: CLIVE, E. E. - Copley Theatre
163471: CLODAGH - Total Design : Contemplate, Cleanse, Clarify, and Create Your Personal Spaces / Clodagh ; Text with Heather Ramsdell ; Photographs by Daniel Aubry
195384: CLODD, EDWARD (1840-1930) - Jesus of Nazareth & A sketch of Jewish history to the time of His birth
139489: CLODD, EDWARD (1840-1930) - Obscurantism in Modern Science : an Address Delivered before the 'heretics' Society in Cambridge
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245009: CLODE, CHARLES MATHEW (1818-1893) - The early history of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist, London : with notices of the lives of some of its eminent members
129372: CLODE, CHARLES MATHEW (1818-) - The Early History of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of Fraternity of St. John the Baptist, London, with Notices of the Lives of Some of its Eminent Members
159336: CLODE, CHARLES MATHEW (1818-1893) - London During the Great Rebellion : Being a Memoir of Sir Abraham Reynardson, Knt. , Sheriff, and Master of the Merchant Taylors' Company, 1640-41. Lord Mayor of London
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250661: CLOETE, STUART (1897-1976) - African portraits : a biography of Paul Kruger, Cecil Rhodes and Lobengula, last king of the Matabele
277898: CLOETE, HENRY (1790-1870) - The history of the great Boer trek and the origin of the South African republics
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122095: CLOETE, STUART (1897-) - Congo Song, by Stuart Cloete
160311: CLOETE, STUART (1897- ) - West with the Sun
242164: CLOETE, STUART (1897-1976) - The looking glass, and other African stories
86279: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE - Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Review. Edited by Paul Maurice Clogan
95900: CLOGG, RICHARD (1939-), ED. - The Struggle for Greek Independence; Essays to Mark the 150th Anniversary of the Greek War of Independence
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126479: CLOGG, FRANK BERTRAM - The Christian Character in the Early Church
168802: CLOGG, FRANK BERTRAM (1884-1955) - The Christian character in the early church
256374: CLONMORE, WILLIAM CECIL JAMES PHILIP JOHN PAUL HOWARD LORD - Pope Pius XI and world peace : an authentic biography
145445: CLOQUET, LOUIS (1849-1920) - Elements D'Iconographie Chretienne : Types Symboliques / Par L. Cloquet
97850: CLOSE, ELIZABETH - The Development of Modern Rumanian : Linguistic Theory and Practice in Muntenia, 1821-1838
79534: CLOSE, F. E. - End : Cosmic Catastrophe and the Fate of the Universe
43411: CLOSE, DAVID - Nicaragua - Politics, Economics and Society
276476: CLOSE, CHARLES SIR (CHARLES FREDERICK) (1865-1952) - The early years of the Ordnance Survey
273459: CLOSE, BRIAN - I don't bruise easily : the autobiography of Brian Close / written in association with Don Mosey
273415: CLOSE, BRIAN - The M.C.C. tour of West Indies, 1968
20735: CLOSE, ELIZABETH - The Development of Modern Rumanian Linguistic Theory and Practice in Muntenia 1821-1838
263949: CLOSE, CHARLES FREDERICK SIR (1865-1952) - The early years of the Ordnance Survey
92746: CLOSS, AUGUST - Medusa's Mirror : Studies in German Literature
50684: CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON, J. L. - The Desert
272186: CLOUGH, ERIC A - Bookbinding for librarians
230107: CLOUGH, ROBERT TAYLOR - The lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire Dales and northern Pennines : their architectural character, construction and place in the European tradition
109710: CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH - The Poetical Works of Arthur Hugh Clough
135759: CLOUGH, MARSHALL S. - Fighting Two Sides : Kenyan Chiefs and Politicians, 1918-1940 / Marshall S. Clough ; Foreword by John Lonsdale
157250: CLOUGH, EDWIN HOWARD - Yorick's on the Margin
179661: CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH - Poems
156000: CLOUGH, PATRICIA - Umbria
169784: CLOUSER, JOHN WILLIAM - The most wanted man in America
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226502: CLOUT, HUGH - The Times London history atlas / edited by Hugh Clout
224798: CLOUT, HUGH D. ; TIMES (LONDON) - The Times history of London / edited by Hugh Clout
154118: CLOVER, SAMUEL TRAVERS - A Pioneer Heritage
51358: CLOVIO, GIULIO (1498-1578) - Julije Klovic / [Tekst] Maria Cionini-Visani ; Predgovor Napisao Grgo Gamulin ; [Glavni Urednik Drago Zdunic ; Znanstveni Urednik Grgo Gamulin ; Prevodilac S Talijanskog Zeljka Corak].
195356: CLOW, W. M. (WILLIAM MACCALLAM), (1853-1930) - Christ in the social order
187568: CLOW, W. M. (WILLIAM MACCALLAM), (1853-1930) - Christ in the social order
195647: CLOW, W. M. (WILLIAM MACCALLAM) (1853-1930) - Christ in the social order
198851: CLOW, WILLIAM MACCALLUM (1853-1930) - Christ in the social order
248859: CLOWER, R. W - Monetary theory: selected readings; edited by R. W. Clower
275817: CLOWES, GEOFFREY SWINFORD LAIRD (1883-1937) - Sailing ships : their history & development, as illustrated by the collection of ship-models in the Science museum
278310: WILLIAM CLOWES - Thrift for troubled times
237133: CLOWES, MR. THE WAR OFFICE - Army List- August 1853
7265: CLOWES, WILLIAM LAIRD, SIR (1856-1905) - Black America; a Study of the Ex-Slave and His Late Master
38580: TYPE DIRECTORS CLUB - Typography 23 : the Annual of the Type Directors Club
277135: NOTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB - Northamptonshire County Cricket Club: Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 1974
277136: GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB - Gloucestershire County Cricket Club Year Book 1977
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272639: SCOTTISH MOUNTAINEERING CLUB - Island of Skye / edited by E.W. Steeple [and others]; with a revised appendix on new climbs by W.M. Mackenzie, J.K.W. Dunn
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