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261235: COXE, WILLIAM (1747-1828) - History of the house of Austria : from the foundation of the monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh, to the death of Leopold the Second : 1218-1792
97672: COXE, WILLIAM (1747-1828) - Travels Into Poland
259717: COXE, ARCHDEACON - History of the House of Austria : from the accession of Francis I to the Revolution of 1848, in continuation of the history
270493: COXE, WILLIAM (1747-1828) - Memoirs of the kings of Spain of the house of Bourbon, from the accession of Philip the fifth to the death of Charles the third: in five volumes
62130: COXE, LOUIS OSBORNE (1918-) - Edwin Arlington Robinson; the Life of Poetry [By] Louis Coxe
168170: COXE, WILLIAM (1747-1828) - Memoirs of the kings of Spain of the house of Bourbon : from the accession of Philip the Fifth to the death of Charles the Third 1700 .... to .... 1788 : Drawn from original and unpublished documents - [Complete in 3 volumes]
262815: COXE, WILLIAM - History of the House of Austria : from the foundation of the monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburg to the death of Leopold the second 1218 to 1792 / William Coxe. vol. II
262366: COXE, WILLIAM (1747-1828) - History of the house of Austria, from the foundation of the monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh, to the death of Leopold the Second : 1218-1792
256951: COXE, WILLIAM (1747-1828) - Travels in Switzerland : in a series of letters to William Melmoth, Esq. from William Coxe : in two volumes
262205: COXHEAD, ELIZABETH - Lady Gregory : a literary portrait
199016: COXHEAD, A. C. - Thomas Stothard, R.A. : an illustrated monograph
91560: COYLE, DOMINICK J. (1933-) - Minorities in Revolt : Political Violence in Ireland, Italy, and Cyprus
259912: COYLE, EDWARD - The Empire. A poem
255837: COYLE, JOHN B - The Life of Saint Fechin of Fore
179890: COYLE, DIANE - The economics of enough : how to run the economy as if the future matters / Diane Coyle
73300: COYLE, KATHLEEN - The Magical Realm
45068: COYLE, PAUL R. - Judicial Exceptions - Canonical Commentary with Historical Synopsis and Historical Notes - a Dissertation
45559: COYLE, PAUL R. - Judicial Exceptions - Canonical Commentary with Historical Synopsis and Historical Notes - a Dissertation
255395: COYNE, JUDY DAME - Providence my guide : the heroic force in the Knock Shrine story / Dame Judy Coyne ; edited by Ethna Kennedy
111603: COYNE, JOHN (ED. ). KATHY WHITWORTH. JUDY RANKIN. MARY MILLS [ET AL. ]. - The New Golf for Women. Edited by John Coyne
60097: COYNE, PATRICK (ED. ) - Communication Arts, Volume 23, Number 6, Design Annual 1990
60095: COYNE, RICHARD - Communication Arts Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 7, December, 1984
60094: COYNE, RICHARD - Communication Arts Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 5, November/december, 1976
76573: COYNE, KEVIN - Domers - a Year At Notre Dame
238089: COYNE, DECLAN - Alone by the wild wood : a Roscommon song book / researched, compiled and edited by Declan Coyne
219063: COYSH, A W - Blue and white transfer ware, 1780-1840
240777: COYSH, A. W. (ARTHUR WILFRED) (1905-); KING, J - Buying antiques : general guide
113840: COZENS, W. H. - Lessons in Chess Strategy, by W. H. Cozens
230411: COZZARELLI, GIACOMO (1453-1515). GIUSTI, ANNA MARIA. ITALY. MINISTERO PER I BENI CULTURALI E AMBIENTALI. OPIFICIO DELLE PIETRE DURE - Restauro di una terracotta del Quattrocento : il 'Compianto' di Giacomo Cozzarelli : Firenze, 26 maggio-22 luglio 1984, Opificio delle pietre dure
163763: COZZENS, SAMUEL WOODWORTH (1834-1878) - Explorations & Adventures in Arizona & New Mexico
139003: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD (1903-1978) - S. S. San Pedro
53157: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD (1903-1978) - S. S. San Pedro
161459: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD (1903-1978) - Morning, Noon, and Night
5931: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD (1903-1978) - Children and Others
245876: COZZI, E. DISERTORI, A. DISERTORI, N. GRIFFO, M. GRISERI, A. PONTE, ALESSANDRA. SASSONE, A. SCIOLLA, G. SELVAFOLTA, O - Furniture design : from Rococo to Art Deco / Adrianna Boidi ... [et al.]
109007: COZZI, ANGELO (1934-) - Innocence in the Mirror / Photos. by Angelo Cozzi ; Introduced by Laurie Lee ; Translated from the Italian by Simon Pleasance
139496: CPSU. SKVIRSKY, DAVID - Development of Revolutionary Theory by the CPSU ; Translated from the Russian by David Skvirsky
218507: CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE CPSU (SOVIET UNION) - Postanovleniya Tsentral'nogo Komiteta KPSS i Soveta Ministrov SSSR po voprosam promyshlennosti i stroitel'stva, 1952-1955 g.g. [Resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and USSR Council of Ministers for Industry... 1952-1955. Language: Russian]
208621: CPSU - 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution : theses of Central Committee of the CPSU, June 20-21, 1967
272197: CRABB, GEORGE (1778-1851) - English synonyms explained : in alphabetical order, with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers
186937: CRABB, JAMES (1774-1851) - The Gipsies' advocate; or, observations on the origin, character, manners, and habits of the English Gipsies: to which are added, many interesting anecdotes, on the success that has attended the plans of several benevolent individuals who anxiously desire their conversion to God
227990: CRABB, GEORGE (1778-1851) - Universal historical dictionary
242735: CRABB, GEORGE (1778-1851) - English synonymes, with copious illustrations and explanations, drawn from the best writers
29924: CRABB, A. M. , GEORGE - English Synonymes Explained in Alphabetical Order
254197: CRABBE, GEORGE (1754-1832) - The poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe : with his letters and journals
223016: CRABBE, GEORGE (1754-1832). HOLLAND, BERNARD HENRY [ED] - The Poems of George Crabbe. A selection. Arranged and edited by Bernard Holland. [With plates, including a portrait.]
129636: CRABBE, GEORGE (1754-1832) - The Poetical Works of George Crabbe, Etc. [With a Portrait and a Prefatory Memoir Signed: C. T. ] - [Uniform Title: Works. 1829]
222849: CRABBE, GEORGE (1754-1832) - Tales of the hall
222833: CRABBE, GEORGE (1754-1832) - Poems
222834: CRABBE, GEORGE (1754-1832) - Tales
134826: CRABITES, PIERRE (1877-1943) - Benes, Statesman of Central Europe
92459: CRABITES, PIERRE - Benes, Statesman of Central Europe, by Pierre Crabites ...
126155: CRABITES, PIERRE - Victoria's Guardian Angel; a Study of Baron Stockmar, by Pierre Crabites
89866: CRABITES, PIERRE (1877-1943) - Benes, Statesman of Central Europe
95221: CRABITES, PIERRE - The Winning of the Sudan
235407: CRABTREE, PHILLIP. FOSTER, DONALD H - Sourcebook for research in music / Phillip D. Crabtree and Donald H. Foster
263302: CRABTREE, CONSTANCE - The Secret journals of Queen Elizabeth II / edited by Lady Constance Crabtree
275770: CRACE, JIM - The pesthouse / Jim Crace
268414: CRACE, JOHN DIBBLEE - The art of colour decoration : being an explanation of the purposes to be kept in view and the means of attaining them
175561: CRACIUNAS, SILVIU (1914-?) - The lost footsteps
152396: CRACIUNAS, SILVIU (1914-) - The Lost Footsteps
68414: CRACRAFT, JAMES (ED. ) - The Soviet Union Today, an Interpretive Guide / [Edited by James Cracraft]
193651: CRAD, JOSEPH, PSEUD. [I.E. E. C. TRELAWNEY ANSELL.] - Trailing through Siberia
171635: CRADDOCK, REGINALD HENRY - The dilemma in India
230882: CRADOCK, FANNY (1909-1994) - The Windsor secret
278377: CRADOCK, FANNY (1909-1994) - Cooking with can and pack
104803: CRAFT, ROBERT - Stravinsky Scrapbook, 1940-1971 / [By] Robert Craft; Illustrations Chosen by Patricia Schwark
129544: MEMBER OF THE CRAFT - The Text Book of Freemasonry : a Complete Handbook of Instruction to all the Workings in the Various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry, Containing the Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft and Master Mason's Degrees... The Ceremony of Installation of the W. Master and Officers of Thelodge; Together with the Whole of the Three Lectures; Also the Ceremony of Exaltation in the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.../ Compiled by a Member of the Craft
121960: CRAFT, ROBERT - Stravinsky - Chronicle of a Friendship, 1948-1971 / [By] Robert Craft
20100: CRAFTS, WILBUR FISK (1850-1922) - The rescue of child-soul: a study of the possibilities of childhood. For parents, pastors, and teachers, and all lovers of childhood / with an introduction by Rev. J.H. Vincent, D.D., and a chapter on the kindergarten by Mrs. W.F. Crafts
172042: RHODESIAN ARTS & CRAFTS - Glimpses of Rhodesian native arts & crafts
118647: LOS ANGELES CLUB OF PRINTING HOUSE CRAFTSMEN - Craftsmanship in Los Angeles 1922-1947
266439: CRAGG, GERALD R. (GERALD ROBERTSON) - The church and the age of reason, 1648-1789
266440: CRAGG, GERALD R. (GERALD ROBERTSON) - The poets and their critics : Chaucer to Collins
131751: CRAGG, GERALD R. (GERALD ROBERTSON) - Puritanism in the Period of the Great Persecution, 1660-1668 / Gerald R. Cragg
164191: CRAGG, KENNETH - The Call of the Minaret
51777: CRAGO, JUDY - Junior Show Jumping / [By] Judy Crago ; Introduction by Bertalan De Nemethy
227706: CRAIB, WILLIAM GRANT (1882-1933) - Florae Siamensis enumeratio : a list of the plants known from Siam with records of their occurrence, vol. 1, polypetalae
96618: CRAIG, MARY - The Crystal Spirit : Lech Walesa and His Poland / Mary Craig
81623: CRAIG, JAMES (1930-) - Designing with Type; a Basic Course in Typography. Edited by Susan E. Meyer
37207: CRAIG, BARBARA HINKSON AND O'BRIEN, DAVID M. - Abortion and American Politics
274883: CRAIG, JOHN SIR - A history of red tape : an account of the origin and development of the Civil Service
273334: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Cookery illustrated and household management
272019: CRAIG, MAURICE. (1919-2011) - Irish bookbindings
238317: CRAIG WILLIAM STUART MCRAE; KEAY, ALEXANDER JOHN; MORGAN, DAVID MARTIN; STEPHEN, NORAH J. - Craig's care of the newly born infant. 5th ed. [By] A. J. Keay and D. M. Morgan in collaboration with Norah J. Stephen
230895: CRAIG, DIANA (1947-) - A miscellany of cooks' wisdom
278334: CRAIG, DIANA - A miscellany of cooks' wisdom
121779: CRAIG, MARY - The Crystal Spirit : Lech Walesa and His Poland / Mary Craig
236030: CRAIG, EDWARD ANTHONY - Gordon Craig : the story of his life
249915: CRAIG, CHARLES WILLIAM THURLOW - Spinner's delight. / [By Craig, Charles William Thurlow]
182782: CRAIG, WILLIAM (1929-?) - The fall of Japan
262253: CRAIG, GORDON ALEXANDER - Geschichte Europas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. 1, Vom Wiener Kongress bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges 1815-1914
115739: CRAIG, MAURICE JAMES - The Elephant and the Polish Question / Maurice Craig
69407: CRAIG, HARDIN (1875-1968) - Recent Literature of the English Renaissance, a Bibliography and Index
15981: CRAIG, WILLIAM WARREN (1883-) - The Forgotten Fifty Billions, by W. W. Craig ... and Challiss Gore ...
161230: CRAIG, M. JEAN - Pomando, by M. Jean Craig. Illustrated by Enrico Arno
22595: CRAIG, PATRICIA - The Oxford Book of Modern Women's Stories
278359: CRAIG, ELIZABETH (1883-1980) - Cooking in war-time
36211: CRAIG, JOHN DUNCAN - Lady Wilmerding of Maison Rouge: a Tale of the Riviera
38795: CRAIG, ALEC - Sex and Revolution
277743: CRAIG, DIANA - A miscellany of cooks' wisdom
241486: CRAIG, MAURICE - Irish Bookbindings
15015: CRAIG, WILLIAM - The Fall of Japan
206540: CRAIG, ALEC - Above all liberties
207723: CRAIG, JAMES (1930-) - Basic typography : a design manual
65969: CRAIK, DINAH MARIA MULOCK (1826-1887) - The Fairy Book
31726: CRAIK, MRS. - John Halifax, Gentleman
276300: CRAIK, GEORGE L. (GEORGE LILLIE) (1798-1866) - Sketches of popular tumults : illustrative of the evils of social ignorance
274639: CRAIK, DINAH MARIA MULOCK (1826-1887) - John Halifax, Gentleman. Illustrated, etc
273321: CRAIK, DINAH MARIA MULOCK (1826-1887) - Studies from life
267152: CRAIK, GEORGE LILLIE (1798-1866) - Sketches of the history of literature and learning in England / with specimens of the principal writers, by Geo. L. Craik: vols. I & II
172953: CRAIK, WILLIAM W. (WILLIAM WHITE) - Sydney Hill and the National Union of Public Employees / [by] William Craik; foreword by Lord Moyle
243140: CRAIK, HENRY SIR (1846-1927) - English prose : selections with critical introductions by various writers and general introductions to each period / edited by Henry Craik
218948: MRS. CRAIK ; (DINAH MARIA MULOCK CRAIK); DIXON, A. A. (ILLUS.) - A noble life
245742: CRAIK, HENRY SIR (1846-1927) - A century of Scottish history : from the days before the '45 to those within living memory
261495: CRAIK, GEORGE L. (GEORGE LILLIE) (1798-1866) - The pictorial history of England : being a history of the people, as well as a history of the kingdom : illustrated with many hundred wood-cuts of momumental records ... / [by George L. Craik and Charles MacFarlane, assisted by other contributors] - vol. 3
251271: CRAIK, HENRY - English prose selections, with critical introductions by various writers and general introductions to each period: in three volumes
214860: CRAIK, WILLIAM WHITE (1881-) - History of the Working Class. Lesson II, the English Industrial Revolution and Chartism
253248: CRAIK, GEORGE L. (1798-1866) - Paris, and its historical scenes. Vol. 1
245419: CRAIK, HENRY SIR (1846-1927) - The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England. Vol. 1
187251: CRAIK, HENRY, SIR (1846-1927) - The life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England
142916: CRAIK, HENRY, SIR (1846-1927) - A Century of Scottish History, from the Days before the '45 to Those Within Living Memory
129125: CRAIK, GEORGE LILLIE (1798-1866) - Paris : its Historical Buildings, and its Revolutions / with Illustrations
151271: CRAIK, WILLIAM WHITE (1881-) - Bryn Roberts and the National Union of Public Employees / Foreword by Aneurin Bevan
98729: CRAIK, GEORGE L. (GEORGE LILLIE) - The English of Shakespeare; Illustrated in a Philological Commentary on His Julius Cæsar. by George L. Craik ...
95867: CRAIK, WILLIAM WHITE (1881-?) - The Central Labour College, 1909-29 : a Chapter in the History of Adult Working-Class Education ; with a Foreword by Sydney Hill
144796: CRAIK, DINAH MARIA MULOCK (1826-1887). EDWIN J. PRITTIE (ILL. ). JOHN FITZ (ILL. ) - The Little Lame Prince and the Adventures of a Brownie, by Miss Mulock; with an Introduction by B. Ethel Webb. Illustrated by Edwin J. Prittie and John Fitz, Jr.
244778: CRAIK, HENRY SIR (1846-1927) - A century of Scottish history : from the days before the '45 to those within living memory
244708: CRAIK, HENRY SIR (1846-1927) [AUTHOR] - The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England
113643: CRAIK, GEORGE L. (1798-1866) - The History of British Commerce from the Earliest Times : Reprinted from the Pictorial History of England, with Corrections, Additions and a Continuation to the Present Day
206633: CRAIK, WILLIAM WHITE (1881-) - A short history of the modern British working-class movement
174432: CRAIPEAU, YVAN. MEDVEDEV, ROI AEKSANDROVICH (1925-). COATES, KEN (1930-). BERTRAND RUSSELL PEACE FOUNDATION - Detente and socialist democracy : a discussion with Roy Medvedev. Essays ...
267272: CRAKE, A. D (AUGUSTINE DAVID) (1836-1890) - The Andreds-weald, or, The House of Michelham : a tale of the Norman Conquest
187619: CRALLE, A. - Liege les rues voisines du palais : la demande du quartier de l'Ouest / par A. Cralle
73866: CRAMER, C. H. (CLARENCE HENLEY) (1905-?) - American Enterprise - Free and Not so Free
260921: CRAMER, MARC - The Devil within
228337: CRAMER, RICHARD BEN - How Israel lost : the four questions at the heart of the Middle East crisis
57968: CRAMER, J. S. (JAN SALOMON) (1928-) - The Ownership of Major Consumer Durables; a Statistical Survey of Motor-Cars, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, and Television Sets in the Oxford Savings Survey of 1953
169072: CRAMER, C. H. (CLARENCE HENLEY) (1905- ) - Royal Bob; the life of Robert G. Ingersoll
140402: CRAMER, K. (1882-) - Genesis 1-11: Urgeschichte? : Zum Problem Der Geschichte Im Alten Testament / Von Karl Cramer
151931: CRAMER, KARL - Genesis 1 - 11: Urgeschichte? : Zum Problem Der Geschiche Im Alten Testament
43957: CRAMER, C. H. - Newton D. Baker - a Biography
210539: CRAMER, STUART - Germain the wizard and his legerdemain
189986: CRAMOND, MICHAEL; OLAUS JOHAN MURIE - Hunting and fishing in North America
128042: CRAMP, ALFRED BERNARD - Monetary Management; Principles and Practice, by A. B. Cramp
251795: CRAMP, ARTHUR JOSEPH (1872-) [EDITOR]. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Nostrums and quackery : articles on the nostrum evil, quackery and allied matters affecting the public health; reprinted, with or without modifications, from the Journal of the American Medical Association. Volume II / prepared, compiled or edited by Arthur J. Cramp
135053: CRAMP, A. B. - Opinion on Bank Rate, 1822-60
245141: CRAMPON, AUGUSTIN (1826-1894). SOCIÉTÉ DE SAINT-JEAN L'EVANGÉLISTE - Le saint Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon Saint Matthieu / par A. Crampon ; édition approuvée par Mgr Jacquenet
95525: CRAMPTON, R. J. - The Hollow Detente : Anglo-German Relations in the Balkans, 1911-1914
254670: CRAMPTON, CHARLES - Canework : including an introduction to the history of basket-making and some notes on cane and its uses / Charles Crampton
245861: CRAMPTON, NANCY - Writers / photographs by Nancy Crampton ; foreword by Mark Strand
12696: CRAMPTON, R. J. - The hollow detente : Anglo-German relations in the Balkans, 1911-1914
263529: CRANACH, LUCAS (1472-1553) - Die Gemälde von Lucas Cranach / herausgegeben von Max J. Friedländer und Jakob Rosenberg
139196: CRANAGE, D. H. S. (DAVID HERBERT SOMERSET) (1866-1957) - The Home of the Monk; an Account of English Monastic Life and Buildings in the Middle Ages
270976: CRANBORNE, HANNAH - David Cecil : a portrait by his friends / collected and introduced by Hannah Cranborne
73376: CRANCH, CHRISTOPHER PEARSE - The Last of the Huggermuggers, a Giant Story. with Illustrations
58912: CRANDALL, RALPH J. (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register - Volume CXXXIV, October 1980
165275: CRANDALL, CHARLES LEE, (1850-1917) - Tables for the Computation of Railway and Other Earthwork, Computed by C. L. Crandall
248650: CRANE, WALTER (1845-1915) - Line and form / Walter Crane
85776: CRANE, WALTER (1845-1915) - Flora's Feast : a Masque of Flowers / Penned & Pictured by Walter Crane
73181: CRANE, JIM (1931-) - Parables. Drawings by Kit Hirshberg
276746: CRANE, WALTER - Of the decorative illustration of books old and new
274558: CRANE, W. J. E. (W. J. EDEN) - Bookbinding for amateurs : being descriptions of the various tools and appliances required : and minute instructions for their effective use
269709: CRANE, W. J. EDEN - Bookbinding for amateurs: being descriptions of the various tools and appliances required and minute instructions for their effective use. : By W.J.E. Crane. Illustrated with 156 engravings
269204: CRANE, DOUGLAS - Introducing the Hollywood.....London Film Parade
266118: CRANE, DOUGLAS - Introducing the Hollywood - London film parade : the two film cities in one book
235352: CRANE, NICHOLAS - Mercator : the man who mapped the planet
232979: CRANE, NICHOLAS - Mercator : the man who mapped the planet
226365: CRANE, ROY - Roy Crane's Captain Easy, soldier of fortune. 2, 1936-1937 : the complete Sunday newspaper strips
190497: CRANE, RONALD S. (RONALD SALMON), (1886-1967) - A census of British newspapers and periodicals, 1620-1800
243397: CRANE. RONALD S. BREDVOLD, LOUIS I. BOND, RICHMOND PUGH. FRIEDMAN, ARTHUR. LANDA, LOUIS A - English Literature (1660-1800) : a bibliography of modern studies. Volume II, (1939-1950)
173219: CRANE, DAVID - Lord Byron's jackal : the life of Edward John Trelawny / David Crane
158617: CRANE, STEPHEN (1871-1900) - The Red Badge of Courage : a Facsimile Edition of the Manuscript / Stephen Crane ; Edited with an Introd. and Apparatus by Fredson Bowers
156235: CRANE, GEORGE - Beyond the house of the false Lama : travels with monks, nomads, and outlaws
253391: CRANE, HOWARD HAMP - Gardening on clay / Howard Hamp Crane
130164: CRANE, RONALD SALMON. F. B. KAYE - A Census of British Newspapers and Periodicals, 1620-1800
182482: CRANE, ROY - Captain Easy, soldier of fortune
274560: CRANE, W. J. E. (W. J. EDEN) - Bookbinding for amateurs : being descriptions of the various tools and appliances required and minute instructions for their effective use
277630: CRANE, STEPHEN (1871-1900). STALLMAN, ROBERT WOOSTER (1911-1982) [EDITOR]. HAGEMANN, EDWARD R. (1921-) [EDITOR] - The war dispatches of Stephen Crane
262695: CRANE, WALTER (1845-1915) - Of the decorative illustration of books old and new
218946: CRANE, WALTER (ILLUS.) ; CASSELL & COMPANY - Flora's feast : a masqve of flowers
118388: CRANE, WALTER (1845-1915) - Flowers from Shakespeare's Garden : a Posy from the Plays / Pictured by Walter Crane
215220: CRANE, NATHALIA CLARA RUTH - Venus invisible and other poems
219608: CRANE, PHILIP M - Surrender in Panama : the case against the treaty
88753: CRANE, E. J. (EVAN JAY) - A Guide to the Literature of Chemistry, by E. J. Crane ... Austin M. Patterson ...
104284: CRANE, STEPHEN (1871-1900). JOSE MIRALLES (ILL. ) - The Red Badge of Courage and Other Civil War Stories
210044: CRANE, PAUL. CATHOLIC SOCIAL GUILD - Planned social study : the study prospectus of the Catholic Social Guild for individuals, groups, schools to be used with or without tuition / edited by the Rev. Paul Crane
124228: CRANE, DR. FRANK - Mistakes
14507: CRANE, RONALD S. (RONALD SALMON) (1886-1967) - A Census of British Newspapers and Periodicals 1620-1800
16073: CRANE, STEPHEN. JOAN H. BAUM (COMP. ) - Stephen Crane, 1871-1900 : an Exhibition of His Writings Held in the Columbia University Libraries, September 17- November, 1956
162379: CRANE, LEO (1881 - ) - Indians of the Enchanted Desert / Leo Crane
43390: CRANE, E. V. - My Minds and I - a Development of Spiritual Psychology Essential to Physical and Mental Well-Being
58575: CRANE, JIM (1931-) - On Edge
113884: CRANFIELD, WALTER THOMAS (1874-) - James Flanagan : the story of a remarkable career
278315: CRANG, B. A. (BEATRICE ALICE) - Preserves from the garden
56959: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - The Shadow of the Winter Palace : Russia's Drift to Revolution, 1825-1917 / Edward Crankshaw
32995: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - The Shadow of the Winter Palace - Russia's Drift to Revolution 1825-1917
274403: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - The fall of the House of Habsburg
15538: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - The Shadow of the Winter Palace. Russia's Drift to Revolution 1825-1917
234990: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD (1909-1984) - Khrushchev's Russia
74873: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Tolstoy; the Making of a Novelist
61774: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Gestapo, Instrument of Tyranny
99172: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Khrushchev: a Biography
148370: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Russia Without Stalin : the Emerging Pattern / Edward Crankshaw
131831: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Russia Without Stalin : the Emerging Pattern / Edward Crankshaw
36905: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Khrushchev : a Career
241694: CRANNA, IAN - The Rock yearbook 1988. Volume 8
203894: CRANSTON, S. L. - Reincarnation : a new horizon in science, religion and society / [compiled by] Sylvia Cranston and Carey Williams
133423: CRANSTON, MAURICE WILLIAM (ED. ) - The New Left: Six Critical Essays / Edited by Maurice Cranston
126088: CRANSTON, MAURICE WILLIAM (1920-) - The New Left: Six Critical Essays; Edited by Maurice Cranston
12513: CRANSTON, MAURICE WILLIAM (1920-) - The New Left: Six Critical Essays on Che Guevara, Jean-Paul Sartre, Herbert Marcuse, Frantz Fanon, Black Power and R. D. Laing; Edited by Maurice Cranston
119956: CRANSTON, MAURICE WILLIAM (ED. ) - The New Left: Six Critical Essays; Edited by Maurice Cranston
167036: CRANSTON, MAURICE, (1920-1993) - Freedom : a new analysis
121914: CRANSTON, MAURICE WILLIAM (1920-) - The New Left: Six Critical Essays; Edited by Maurice Cranston
79586: CRAPANZANO, VINCENT (1939-) - The Fifth World of Forster Bennett; Portrait of a Navaho
251418: CRAPANZANO, VINCENT - Waiting : the whites of South Africa / Vincent Crapanzano
48326: CRAPANZANO, VINCENT - The Fifth World of Enoch Maloney - Portrait of a Navaho
81828: CRAPANZANO, VINCENT - The Fifth World of Enoch Maloney; Portrait of a Navaho
81879: CRAPANZANO, VINCENT - The Fifth World of Forster Bennett; Portrait of a Navaho
123080: CRASCREDO & ARMOUR, GEORGE DENHOLM (1864-1949) - No Joke
205423: CRASSWELLER, ROBERT D. - The Caribbean community : changing societies and U.S. policy
34514: CRASSWELLER, ROBERT D.. COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS - The Caribbean Community : Changing Societies and U. S. Policy / Robert D. Crassweller
267972: CRASTER, EDMUND SIR (1879-1959) - History of the Bodleian Library, 1845-1945
6005: CRASTER, HERBERT HENRY EDMUND, SIR (1879-1959) - History of the Bodleian Library, 1845-1945
256967: CRAUGHWELL, THOMAS J - Stealing Lincoln's body / Thomas J. Craughwell
182446: CRAVATH, GLEN - Frank Buck presents Ted Towers animal master
273747: CRAVEN, MME AUGUSTUS - Récit d'une sœur : souvenirs de famille - vol. 2
273748: CRAVEN, ELIZABETH CRAVEN BARONESS (1750-1828) - Memoirs of the Margravine of Anspach / written by herself - vol. 2
268761: CRAVEN, ROY C - Indian art : a concise history / Roy C. Craven
247253: CRAVEN, ROY C - Indian art : a concise history / Roy C. Craven
239749: CRAVEN, ROY C - A concise history of indian art
226710: CRAVEN, PSEUD. [I.E. JOHN WILLIAM CARLETON] - Recreations in Shooting: with some account of the game of the British Islands. By Craven. With sixty-two embellishments, engraved on wood by Frederick W. Branston, from original drawings by William Harvey
211336: CRAVEN, NICO - A sign of the times / Nico Craven ; foreword by Tony Lewis
77022: CRAVERI, MARCELLO (1914-) - The Life of Jesus. Translated by Charles Lam Markmann - [Uniform Title: Vita Di Gesú. English]
97034: CRAWFORD, ROSEMARY & CRAWFORD, DONALD - Michael and Natasha : the Life and Love of Michael II, the Last of the Romanov Tsars
76718: CRAWFORD, LINDA (1938-) - Something to Make Us Happy : a Novel
75074: CRAWFORD, CHERYL (1902-1986) - One Naked Individual : My Fifty Years in the Theatre
65727: CRAWFORD, COLIN (1958-) - Uproar At Dancing Rabbit Creek : Battling over Race, Class, and the Environment / Colin Crawford
274185: CRAWFORD, JOHN ROBERT - Lest we forget. : By J.R.C
268757: CRAWFORD, ALAN - Charles Rennie Mackintosh / Alan Crawford
26750: CRAWFORD, SIR JOHN; OKITA, DR SABURO - Australia, Japan and Western Pacific economic relations : a report to the Governments of Australia and Japan / presented by Sir John Crawford and Dr. Saburo Okita
259123: CRAWFORD, ROBERT JOHN - 'I was an Eighth Army soldier'
252578: CRAWFORD, J ; MCGIBBON, I - One flag, one queen, one tongue : New Zealand, the British Empire, and the South African War, 1899-1902 / edited by John Crawford and Ian McGibbon
241922: CRAWFORD, JEFFREY SELWYN - Principles and practice of obstetric anaesthesia
241406: CRAWFORD, JEFFREY SELWYN - Principles and practice of obstetric anaesthesia / J. Selwyn Crawford
232819: CRAWFORD, JOHN CHARLTON (1931-). CRAWFORD, DOROTHY L - Expressionism in twentieth-century music / John C. Crawford and Dorothy L. Crawford
16005: CRAWFORD, OLIVER - Done This Day. The European Idea in Action
254748: CRAWFORD, F. MARION (1854-1909) - The rulers of the South : Sicily, Calabria, Malta
252555: CRAWFORD, F. MARION - Works of F. Marion Crawford - 24 Volumes
251698: CRAWFORD, OSBERT GUY STANHOPE - General index to 'Antiquity' - A quarterly review of archaeology - Vols. I-XXV 1927-1951
220738: CRAWFORD, F MARION. - In the palace of the king : a love story of old Madrid
245402: CRAWFORD, O.G.S. [EDITOR]. AUSTIN, ROLAND [EDITOR] - Antiquity: Volume XI: 1937
245401: CRAWFORD, O.G.S. [EDITOR] - Antiquity: Volume IV: 1930
241176: CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION (1854-1909) - In the palace of the king : a love story of old Madrid
124639: CRAWFORD, HUBERT H. - Crawford's Encyclopedia of Comic Books
154734: CRAWFORD, ISIS - A Catered Murder / Isis Crawford
107736: CRAWFORD, MARY CAROLINE (1874-1932) - The Romance of the American Theatre
253202: CRAWFORD, F. MARION (1854-1909) - In the palace of the king : a love story of old Madrid
59232: CRAWFORD, GEORGE A. - The Centennial of New England Methodism. a Full Report of the Services Held in People's Church, Boston, Mass. , October 21-23, 1890, with Additional Historical Material. Edited by Rev. Geo. A. Crawford ...
114245: CRAWFORD, C. S. (CHARLES S. ) - The Four Deuces : a Korean War Story / C. S. Crawford
145334: CRAWFORD, ALEXANDER CRAWFORD LINDSAY, EARL OF (1812-1880) - The Earldom of Mar in Sunshine and in Shade During Five Hundred Years. with Incidental Notices of the Leading Cases of Scottish Dignities from the Reign of King Charles I. Till Now. in Reply to an Address to the Peers of Scotland by Walter Henry Earl of Kellie, May 1879. Letters to the Lord Clerk Register of Scotland (George Frederick Earl of Glasgow, Lord Boyle, Etc. ) by the Late Alexander Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, Lord Lindsay, Etc.
224479: CRAWFORD, RAYMOND MAXWELL (1906-) - The Renaissance, and other essays
116500: CRAWFORD, JACK RANDALL (1878-) - What to Read in English Literature, by Jack R. Crawford ...
263981: CRAWFORD, LESLEY - The trout fisher's handbook / Lesley Crawford
11907: CRAWFORD, THOMAS (1860-1937) - Horae Serenae
104265: CRAWFORD, F. MARION (FRANCIS MARION). - Cecilia: a Story of Modern Rome
172188: CRAWFORD, MORRIS DE CAMP (1882-1949) - One world of fashion
41597: CRAWFORD, PATRICIA (PATRICIA M. ) - Women and Religion in England, 1500-1720 / Patricia Crawford
249860: CRAWFORD, O.G.S. [ED.]. AUSTIN, ROLAND [ED.] - Antiquity: a quarterly review of archaeology: volume IX
218187: CRAWFORD, F. MARION (1854-1909) - The complete works of F. Marion Crawford [complete in 32 volumes]
226999: CRAWFORD, HENRY SAXTON (1867-1927) - Handbook of carved ornament from Irish monuments of the Christian period
164294: CRAWFORD, MORRIS DE CAMP, (1882-1949) - The Heritage of Cotton, the Fibre of Two Worlds and Many Ages
44868: CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION (1854-1909) - The Three Fates
105416: CRAWFORD, JERRY L. - Acting, in Person and in Style / Jerry L. Crawford ; Graphic Ill. , Ellis M. Pryce-Jones
76843: CRAWFORD, MARY CAROLINE (1874-1932) - The Romance of Old New England Rooftrees
87969: CRAWFORD, WILLIAM JACKSON (1880-1920) - Hints and Observations for Those Investigating the Phenomena of Spiritualism
195781: CRAWFORD, M. D. C. (MORRIS DE CAMP) (1882-1949) - The heritage of cotton : the fibre of two worlds and many ages
210263: CRAWFORD, STANLEY G. - Gascoyne
227152: CRAWFURD, RAYMOND HENRY PAYNE SIR (1865-1938) - On Forerunners of Harvey in Antiquity. The Harveian Oration for 1919, etc.
134334: CRAWFURD, GEORGE (D. 1748) - The Lives and Characters, of the Officers of the Crown, and of the State in Scotland : from the Beginning of the Reign of King David I. to the Union of the Two Kingdoms. Collected from Original Charters, Chartularies... [Vol 1 - all PUBLISHED] . ..authentick Records, and the Most Approved Histories. to Which is Added, an Appendix, Containing Several Original Papers Relating to the Lives, and Referring to Them
152249: CRAWFURD, JOHN (1783-1868) - History of the Indian Archipelago. Containing an Account of the Manners, Arts, Languages, Religions, Institutions, and Commerce of its Inhabitants ... with Maps and Engravings - [Complete in 3 Volumes]
15424: CRAWHALL, JOSEPH - Crawhall's Chap-Book Chaplets - [The Berkshire Lady's Garland -- the Babes in the Wood -- I Know What I Know -- Jemmy & Nancy of Yarmouth -- the Taming of a Shrew -- Blew Cap for Mee -- John & Joan -- George Barnewel]
82635: CRAWLEY, GEOFFREY (ED. ) - British Journal of Photography Annual
63202: CRAWLEY, TONY - Screen Dreams : the Hollywood Pinup / Text & Captions, Tony Crawley ; Art Direction & Design, Ed Caraeff ; Photographs from the Kobal Collection
51725: CRAWLEY, GEOFFREY, EDITOR - The British Journal of Photography Annual 1982
277371: CRAWLEY, ERNEST - The mystic rose : a study of primitive marriage and of primitive thought in its bearing on marriage
260936: CRAWLEY, ERNEST - The Mystic Rose a study of primitive marriage and of primitive thought in its bearing on marriage
204871: CRAWLEY, GEOFFREY (ED. ) - British Journal of Photography Annual 1975 / editor, Geoffrey Crawley
202205: CRAWLEY, GEOFFREY [ED.] - The British Journal of Photography Annual 1972 / editor, Geoffrey Crawley ; picture editor, Mark Butler
188503: CRAWLEY, ALFRED ERNEST - The mystic rose. A study of primitive marriage
187363: CRAWLEY, A. E. (ALFRED ERNEST) (1869-1924) - The mystic rose
156506: CRAWLEY, ALFRED ERNEST (1869-1924) - The Mystic Rose : a Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in its Bearing on Marriage
139861: CRAWLEY, ALFRED ERNEST (1869-1924) - The Mystic Rose; a Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in its Bearing on Marriage, by Ernest Crawley - [Complete in 2 VOLUMES]
99152: CRAWLEY, A. E. (ALFRED ERNEST) (1869-1924) - Oath, Curse, and Blessing, and Other Studies in Origins, by Ernest Crawley; Edited by Theodore Besterman
79836: CRAWLEY, ALFRED ERNEST (1869-1924) - The Mystic Rose; a Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in its Bearing on Marriage
204873: CRAWLEY, GEOFFREY [ED.] - British Journal of Photography Annual 1968 / editor, Geoffrey Crawley
99868: CRAWLEY, A. E. (ALFRED ERNEST) (1869-1924) - The Mystic Rose; a Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in its Bearing on Marriage
265716: CRAWSHAW, ALWYN - The half-hour painter : paint a successful landscape in 30 minutes / Alwyn Crawshaw
139070: CRAWSHAW, WILLIAM HENRY (1861-1940) - The Making of English Literature, by William H. Crawshaw
108842: CRAWSHAW, WILLIAM HENRY (1861-1940) - The Making of English Literature
9160: CRAWSHAY-WILLIAMS, ELIOT (B. 1879) - The Gutter and the Stars, by Eliot Crawshay Williams
253022: CRAYON, GEOFFREY - Bracebridge Hall: or the humourists: a medley: volume II
9881: CRAYON, GEOFFREY. IRVING, WASHINGTON (1783-1859) - Tales of a traveller. By Geoffrey Crayon, gent. [pseud.] ... - [Complete in 2 volumes]
261091: CRAYONSENT, GEOFFREY - The Sketch-Book
253322: CRAYSON, SUZANNE - Plants from plants : how to grow new houseplants for next to nothing
228871: CRAZE, RICHARD (1950-2006) - The Tao of food / Richard Craze and Roni Jay
244211: CREACH, JEROME FREDERICK DAVIS (1962-) - Yahweh as refuge and the editing of the Hebrew Psalter / Jerome F.D.Creach
276266: CREAGH, PATRICK - Maxwell's illustrated colour dictionary, in 2 vols edited by J. P. Brasier-Creagh M.A., B. A. Workman M.A
5833: CREAGH, PATRICK - A Row of Pharaohs
121615: CREAMER, DANIEL BARNETT (1909-) - Capital in Manufacturing and Mining
156239: CREASE, ROBERT P. - The great equations : breakthroughs in science from Pythagoras to Heisenberg
273808: CREASE, ROBERT P - World in the balance : the historic quest for an absolute system of measurement / Robert P. Crease
270047: CREASEY, JOHN - A gun for Inspector West
270037: CREASEY, JOHN - The sleep
269902: CREASEY, JOHN - A doll for the toff / John Creasey
269795: CREASEY, JOHN - A beauty for Inspector West
269796: CREASEY, JOHN - Leave it to the toff
269802: CREASEY, JOHN - Double it for the toff
269804: CREASEY, JOHN - The Terror. The Return of Dr. Palfrey
269805: CREASEY, JOHN - Inspector West Makes Haste
269807: CREASEY, JOHN - Send Inspector West
269783: CREASEY, JOHN - Murder, London - New York : a new story of 'Handsome' West of the Yard
269784: CREASEY, JOHN - A rocket for the Toff / John Creasey
269785: CREASEY, JOHN - The Toff in wax / John Creasey
269786: CREASEY, JOHN - The Case of the Innocent Victims
269787: CREASEY, JOHN - Inspector West kicks off
269788: CREASEY, JOHN - A bundle for the toff / John Creasey
269781: CREASEY, JOHN - A Prince for Inspector West
269782: CREASEY, JOHN - Murder, London-South Africa : a new story of 'Roger West of the Yard'
269770: CREASEY, JOHN - The Toff and the terrified taxman : the 55th book of the Toff
268690: CREASEY, JOHN - Follow the toff / John Creasey
210206: CREASEY, JOHN ; HALLIDAY, MICHAEL - As merry as hell : a Dr Cellini story
222402: CREASEY, H. H. - Town's Gas : Services, Meters, Appliances and Their Installation
163570: CREASEY, JOHN - Alibi
161480: CREASEY, JOHN - Alibi
21957: CREASEY, JOHN - The Drought
105061: CREASEY, JOHN - Death of an Assassin
269806: CREASEY, JOHN - The Toff and the Trip-Trip-Triplets
105254: CREASEY, JOHN - Runaway
62532: CREASEY, JOHN - The Toff on Fire
62410: CREASEY, JOHN - The Toff on Fire
130139: CREASEY, MAURICE A. - Bearings : Or, Friends and the New Reformation
161427: CREASEY, JOHN - The Toff Goes to Market
56251: CREASEY, JOHN - The Insulators
69437: CREASEY, JOHN - Death in the Rising Sun
104522: CREASEY, JOHN. JEREMY YORK (PSEUD. ) - Mystery Motive
101245: CREASEY, JOHN. [JEREMY YORK, PSEUD. ] - Murder in the Family
277513: CREASY, EDWARD SHEPHERD (1812-1878) - Parerga : poems
265571: CREASY, EDWARD SHEPHERD SIR (1812-1878) - The fifteen decisive battles of the world from Marathon to Waterloo
275086: L'ESPRIT CRÉATEUR - Poetry of the Baroque age
206750: CREBER, FREDERICK LESLIE (1925- ) ; ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS - Safety for industry : a manual for training and practice / [by] Frederick L. Creber
166252: CREBILLON, CLAUDE-PROSPER JOLYOT DE (1707-1777) - Tanzai Et Neadarne : Histoire Japonoise, Tome Premier
131762: UNITED STATES. COMMISSION ON MONEY AND CREDIT - Money and Credit : Their Influence on Jobs, Prices and Growth : the Report of the Commission
245548: CREDNER, KARL AUGUST (1797-1857) - Das neue Testament nach Zweck, Ursprung, Inhalt : für denkende Leser der Bibel / von Dr. Karl August Credner: erster und zweiter theil
213112: CREE, EDWARD H. (EDWARD HODGES), (1814-1901) - The Cree journals : the voyages of Edward H. Cree, Surgeon R.N., as related in his private journals, 1837-1856 / edited with an introduction by Michael Levien
247116: CREECH, SHARON - Walk two moons
186753: CREECH, SHARON; DIAZ, DAVID (ILLUS.) - The Castle Corona
189542: CREED, JOHN MARTIN [BIBLE. N.T. LUKE. GREEK. 1930.] - The Gospel according to St. Luke : the Greek text with introduction, notes, and indices
162228: CREED, JOHN MARTIN (1889-1940) - The Gospel According to St. Luke / the Greek Text with Introduction, Notes, and Indices, by John Martin Creed
121139: CREEGAN, CHARLES C. - Great Missionaries
273513: CREEK, F. N. S. (FREDERICK NORMAN SMITH) (1898-1980) - Teach yourself Rugby Football
273435: CREEK, F N S - Teach yourself Rugby football
31756: CREEL, GEORGE - Rebel At Large - Recollections of Fifty Crowded Years
71782: CREEL, GEORGE (1876-1953) - Rebel At Large: Recollections of Fifty Crowded Years
122976: CREEL, GEORGE (1876-1953) - War Criminals and Punishment, by George Creel
35684: CREEL, GEORGE (1876-1953) - War Criminals and Punishment, by George Creel
179458: CREEL, GEORGE (1876-1953) - Ireland's fight for freedom : setting forth the high lights of Irish history
91859: CREEL, GEORGE (1876-1953) - War Criminals and Punishment
88760: CREELEY, ROBERT - Away / Robert Creeley ; Ill. by Bobbie Creeley
79879: CREELEY, ROBERT (1926-2005) - A Day Book
59183: CREELEY, ROBERT (1926-2005) - Away / Robert Creeley ; Ill. by Bobbie Creeley
239248: CREELEY, ROBERT (1926-2005); CREELEY, BOBBIE (ILLUSTRATOR) - Thirty things / Monoprints by Bobbie Creeley
229889: CREELEY, ROBERT (1926-2005) - The collected prose of Robert Creeley
195520: CREELMAN, HARLAN (B. 1864) - An introduction to the Old Testament : chronologically arranged
248196: CREENY, W.F. [VICAR OF S. MICHAEL-AT-THORN, NORWICH] - Illustrations of Incised Slabs on the Continent of Europe from Rubbings and Tracings: a book of facsimiles of monumental brasses on the continent
265750: CREENY, W.F. [VICAR OF S. MICHAEL-AT-THORN, NORWICH] - Illustrations of Incised Slabs on the Continent of Europe from Rubbings and Tracings: a book of facsimiles of monumental brasses on the continent
272862: CREER, STANLEY - Southern steam : south and east / Stanley Creer
269831: CREEVEY, THOMAS (1768-1838) - The Creevey papers / edited by John Gore
224508: CREEVEY, THOMAS (1768-1838) - The Creevey papers / edited by John Gore
223401: CREEVEY, THOMAS (1768-1838) - The Creevey papers : a selection from the correspondence & diaries of the late Thomas Creevey, M. P., born 1768--died 1838 / ed. by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell
36136: CREGIER, DON M. (1930-) - Bounder from Wales : Lloyd George's Career before the First World War / Don M. Cregier
10010: CREGIER, DON M. (1930-) - Bounder from Wales Lloyd George's Career before the First World War
113180: CREGIER, DON M. (1930-) - Bounder from Wales : Lloyd George's Career before the First World War / Don M. Cregier
104299: CREHANGE, P. -A. - Les Livres Anciens De Medecine Et De Pharmacie : Promenade a Travers La Medecine Du Passe / P. -A. Crehange.
212682: CREIGHTON, M. (MANDELL), (1843-1901) - A history of the Papacy during the period of the Reformation
188361: CREIGHTON, MANDELL (1843-1901) - The Church and the nation : charges and addresses
188096: CREIGHTON, MANDELL (1843-1901) - The story of some English shires
174309: CREIGHTON, T. R. M. (THOMAS RICHMOND MANDELL) - The anatomy of partnership : Southern Rhodesia and the Central African Federation
244864: CREIGHTON, REV. MANDELL - The English Historical Review: published quarterly: volume I: 1886
262750: CREIGHTON, M. (MANDELL) (1843-1901) - Cardinal Wolsey
159241: CREIGHTON, MANDELL (1843-1901) - Historical Essays, and Reviews
95860: CREIGHTON, T. R. M. (THOMAS RICHMOND MANDELL) - The Anatomy of Partnership; Southern Rhodesia and the Central African Federation
262539: SOCIETE BELGE DE CREMATION - La cremation
182942: CREMEAN, ROBERT (1932-) - The tenth arch : a sequel to Vatican corridor, a non-specific autobiography
176721: CREMEANS, CHARLES DAVIS - The Arabs and the world : Nassir's Arab nationalist policy
273592: CREMER, JACOB THEODOR - Important paintings and drawings collected by J. Theodor Cremer for the Cremer Trust
74683: CREMER, JAN (1940-) - Jan Cremer Writes Again ; Translated by Jon Lulius
130667: CREMER, RAYMOND - Le Syndicalisme : Son Action Institutionnelle Et Son Influence Sur Notre Droit Positif / Raymond Cremer
193884: CREMIEUX, ALBERT (1865-) - La censure : en 1820 et 1821 : etude sur la presse politique et la resistance liberale / par Albert Cre?mieux
214162: CREMISINI, ANTONIO - Oltre la sicurezza sociale / Antonio Cremisini ; con prefazione di Giuseppe Pella
84946: CRENSHAW, MARY ANN - End of the Rainbow / Mary Ann Crenshaw
88268: CRENSHAW, BOLLING H. (BOLLING HALL) - Analytic Geometry and Calculus, by Bolling H. Crenshaw ... and Cincinnatus D. Killebrew ...
189961: CRENSHAW, JAMES - Telephone between worlds / foreword by G. Stromberg
280042: CRÉPET, EUGÈNE (1827-1892) - Charles Baudelaire : étude biographique
235678: CRÉPET, JACQUES. PICHOIS, CLAUDE - Propos sur Baudelaire. Rassemblés et annotes par Claude Pichois, etc. [With a portrait.]
171070: CRESAP, KELLY - Pop trickster fool : Warhol performs naivete
259001: CRESCAS, ?ASDAI (1340-CA. 1410) - Sefer or Adonai (Light of the Lord) [Hebrew Language]
138965: CRESCENTI, PETER. COLUMBE, BOB. - The Official Honeymooners Treasury : to the Moon and Back with Ralph, Norton, Alice, and Trixie / Peter Crescenti and Bob Columbe
215605: CRESCI, MARIO - Future images / edited by Mario Cresci
263709: CRESCI, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO - A Renaissance alphabet / Giovan Francesco Cresci
37555: CRESPI, CAMILLA T. - The Trouble with Going Home
171128: CRESPI, GIOVANNA (ED) - Dominique Perrault : projects and architecture / with an essay by Laurent Stadler
209755: CRESSATY, GEORGES - Comment 'prince' Loutfallah et 'juge' Peters ont voulu m'embastiller (histoire egyptienne) Tome premier
189279: CRESSET PRESS (LONDON) ; KELLEHER, DANIEL LAWRENCE (COMP.) - An anthology of Christmas prose & verse / collected by D. L. Kelleher, with new stories and poems by Humbert Wolfe, Martin Armstrong, T. F. Powys, Helen Beauclerk, etc
189215: CRESSEY, GEORGE BABCOCK (B. 1896) - The Indiana sand dunes and shore lines of the Lake Michigan basin
128432: CRESSEY, GEORGE BABCOCK (1896-1963) - The Basis of Soviet Strength, by George B. Cressey ...
197390: CRESSWELL, BEATRIX F. - Rambles in old Exeter
195345: CRESSY, EDWARD - An Outline Of Industrial History with Special Reference to the Problems of the Present Day
277208: CRESTI, CARLO - Palazzi of Rome / text by Carlo Cresti and Claudio Rendina ; photography by Massimo Listri ; translation from Italian: Janet Angelini
256023: CRESTON, DORMER - The youthful Queen Victoria : a discursive narrative
150195: CRESTON, DORMER, PSEUD. [I. E. DOROTHY JULIA BAYNES. ] - The Regent and His Daughter, Etc. [A Life of Princess Charlotte Augusta, Daughter of George IV. with Plates, Including Portraits. ]
28974: CRESTON, DORMER - The Youthful Queen Victoria - a Discursive Narrative
245695: CRESWELL, ALEXANDER - The silent houses of Britain
78425: CRESWELL, JOHN ANGEL JAMES (1828-1891) - Oration on the Life and Character of Henry Winter Davis, by Hon. John A. J. Creswell. Delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives, February 22, 1866
119236: CRESWELL, CLARENDON HYDE - The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh : Historical Notes from 1505 to 1905
27531: CRESWELL, JOHN - Sea Warfare 1939-1945 - a Short History
235574: CRESWICK, WILFRED. GALLOWAY, WILLIAM. HOPTON, WILLIAM (B.1823) - The Hermon prize essays. Essays on the prevention of explosions and accidents in coal mines : to which were awarded the first and second prizes given by Edward Hermon, ... Essay I. By Wilfred Creswick, ... Essay II. By William Galloway, ... Essay III. By William Hopton
206467: CRETZIANU, ALEXANDRE - Rumania's robot state
203937: CREUTZ, GUSTAV PHILIP (1731-1785) ; GYLLENBORG, GUSTAF FREDRIK (1731-1808) - Vitterhets Arbeten / af Creutz och Gyllenborg [Language: Swedish]
193054: CREVEL, ALEXANDRE - Le cri des peuples : adresse au roi, aux ministres, aux marechaux, aux pairs, aux deputes, aux magistrats, a tous les Francais / par Alexandre Crevel
206458: CREVEL, ALEXANDRE - Le cri des peuples : adresse au roi, aux ministres, aux marechaux, aux pairs, aux deputes, aux magistrats, a tous les Francais / par Alexandre Crevel ... .
216416: CREW, FRANCIS ALBERT ELEY (1888-) - Must man wage war? The biological aspects
99054: CREW, ALBERT - London Prisons of Today and Yesterday ; Plain Facts and Coloured Impressions
234560: CREWDSON, HENRY ALASTAIR FERGUSON. COMPANY OF MUSICIANS (LONDON) - The Worshipful Company of Musicians : a short history
61683: CREWDSON, JANE FOX, MRS. (1808-1863) - Aunt Jane's Verses for Children. by Jane Crewdson. Illustrated
247580: CREWE, QUENTIN - Letters from India
246986: CREWE, CANDIDA (1964-) - Mad about bees
155911: CREWE, BEN - Representing men : cultural production and producers in the men's magazine market
101284: CREWE, SARAH ED. - Visionary Spires
180651: CRIBB, PHILLIP - A very Victorian passion : the orchid paintings of John Day, 1863 to 1888 / Phillip Cribb and Michael Tibbs
110429: CRIBB, PHILLIP - The Forgotten Orchids of Alexandre Brun / Phillip Cribb
51569: CRIBB, JAMES (1956-) - Subtidal Galapagos : Exploring the Waters of Darwin's Islands
265978: CRICHTON-BROWNE, JAMES SIR (1840-1938) - The nemesis of Froude : a rejoinder to James Anthony Froude's 'My relations with Carlyle'
265038: CRICHTON, ANDREW (1790-1855) - Scandinavia, ancient and modern ; being a history of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway: comprehending a description of these countries ; an account of the mythology, government, laws, manners, and institutions of the early inhabitants ; and of the present state of society, religion, literature, arts, and commerce. With illustrations of their natural history. By Andrew Crichton, LL. D., Author of the History of Arabia, &c. ; and Henry Wheaton, LL. D., Author of the History of the Northmen, &c., Honorary Member of the Scandinavian and Icelandic Literary Societies, and lately American Charge d'Affaires at Copenhagen. With a map, and twelve engravings by Jackson. In two volumes
260001: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Airframe
185628: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - The lost world : a novel
185612: CRICHTON, MICHAEL (1942-2008) - Rising sun : a novel
177437: CRICHTON, MICHAEL (1942-2008) - Sphere
150389: CRICHTON, MICHAEL (1942-2008) - Disclosure : a Novel
182845: CRICHTON, MICHAEL (1942-2008) - Airframe / Michael Crichton
257326: CRICHTON, MICHAEL (1942-2008) - Timeline / Michael Crichton
11142: CRICHTON SMITH, IAIN - Selected Poems
94826: CRICHTON-MILLER, HUGH (1877-1959) - The New Psychology and the Parent
140489: CRICK, BERNARD (1929-2008) - Crime, Rape, and Gin : Reflections on Contemporary Attitudes to Violence, Pornography, and Addiction / Bernard Crick
92774: CRICK, BERNARD R (ED. ) - Essays on Reform, 1967: a Centenary Tribute
127676: CRICK, WILFRED FRANK (1900-). WADSWORTH, JOHN EDWIN (1905-) - A Hundred Years of Joint Stock Banking
42682: CRICK, W. F. - A Hundred Years of Joint Stock Banking
91950: CRICK, WILFRED FRANK - A Hundred Years of Joint Stock Banking
129358: CRICKILLON, JACQUES - A Visage Ferme / Jacques Crickillon
172595: CRICKILLON, JACQUES - L'Oeuvre romanesque d'Albert Ayguesparse
206055: CRIDDLE, BYRON - Socialists and European integration : a study of the French Socialist Party
136956: CRIDDLE, BYRON - Socialists and European Integration : a Study of the French Socialist Party
77480: CRIDER, BILL (1941-) - Ryan Rides Back
40441: CRIDER, JOHN H. - The Bureaucrat
277674: M'CRIE, THOMAS (1772-1835). KNOX, JOHN (APPROXIMATELY 1514-1572) - Life of John Knox : containing illustrations of the history of the reformation in Scotland: with biographical notices of the principal reformers, and sketches of the progress of literature in Scotland during the sixteenth century; and an appendix, consisting of original papers: in two volumes
174942: M'CRIE, THOMAS (1772-1835) - History of the progress and suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the sixteenth century : including a sketch of the history of the Reformation in the Grisons
235606: M'CRIE, REV. THOMAS - The Lives of Knox and Henderson
266505: CRILLY, DANIEL - Irish evictions
252121: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). STUDY GROUP ON CRIME - Crime : a challenge to us all / report of the Labour Party's study group
32421: COMMITTEE FOR THE DENUNCIATION OF WAR CRIMES - Black book / edited by the Committee for the Denunciation of War Crimes Committed by the US Imperialists and Their Henchmen in South Vietnam / with a preface by Mrs. Isabelle Blume Supplement to Bulletin 8, September 1966
163240: RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON DELINQUENCY AND CRIMINALITY - Actes, 5e Colloque De Recherche Sur La Delinquance Et La Criminalite. Proceedings, 5th Research Conference on Delinquency and Criminality
163166: RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON DELINQUENCY AND CRIMINALITY - [Montreal, 1967. ] Actes. 5e Colloque De Recherche Sur La Delinquance Et La Criminalite. Proceedings 5th Research Conference on Deliquency and Criminality. Societe De Criminologie Du Quebec. Quebec Society of Criminology
215552: UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY - Criminological Implications of Chromosome Abnormalities : Papers presented to Cropwood Round-Table Conference December 1969 / edited by D. J. West
147444: UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY - The Habitual Prisoner : an Enquiry by the Cambridge Institute of Criminology
141016: SCANDINAVIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL FOR CRIMINOLOGY - Scandinavian Studies in Criminology ; Volume 1
151768: SCANDINAVIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL FOR CRIMINOLOGY - Scandinavian Studies in Criminology ; Volume 3
158600: CRIMMINS, JAMES E. (1953-). SPENCER, MARK G. - Utilitarians and Their Critics in America, 1789-1914 / Edited by James E. Crimmins and Mark G. Spencer ; with an Introduction by James E. Crimmins
204076: CRINSON, MARK - Empire building : orientalism and Victorian architecture
260249: THE CRIPP - Torture in Indian Jails
91205: CRIPPS, ARTHUR SHEARLY - The Two of Them Together. a Tale about Africa of To-Day ... with Six Reproductions in Colour from Original Drawings by J. R. Skelton
265995: CRIPPS, WILFRED JOSEPH (1841-1903) - Old English plate : ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic; its makers and marks /
187776: CRIPPS, FRANCIS - Manifesto : a radical strategy for Britain's future / Francis Cripps ... et al.
237814: CRIPPS, WILLIAM HARRISON (1850-1923) - On diseases of the rectum and anus : including the fifth edition of the Jacksonian Prize essay on cancer
193942: CRIPPS, WILFRED JOSEPH (1841-1903) - Old English plate : ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic : its makers and marks
190779: CRIPPS, SIR STAFFORD - God in our work
59834: CRIPPS, JOHN (ED. ) - The Countryman : a Quarterly Non-Party Review and Miscellany of Rural Life and Work... Volume 67, No. 2, Winter 1966
172225: CRIPPS, RICHARD STAFFORD, SIR (1889-1952) - The economic planning of agriculture
119572: CRIPPS, ERNEST CHARLES - Plough Court, the Story of a Notable Pharmacy, 1715-1927. Compiled by Ernest C. Cripps
223384: CRIPPS, WILFRED JOSEPH (1841-1903) - Old English plate : ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic; its makers and marks /
228821: CRIPPS, ERNEST CHARLES - Plough Court : the story of a notable pharmacy, (1715-1927)
192409: CRIPPS, JOHN - The distribution of milk : a study of town delivery costs
190935: CRIPPS, RICHARD STAFFORD, SIR (1889-1952) - Towards Christian democracy
190371: CRIPPS, RICHARD STAFFORD, SIR (1889-1952) - God in our work : religious addresses
159232: CRIPPS, STAFFORD - Towards Christian Democracy
221890: CRIPPS, WILFRED JOSEPH (1841-1903) - Old English plate, ecclesiastical decorative, and domestic; its makers and marks with improved tables of the date letters used in England Scotland, and Ireland. Founded upon the papers and tables of C. Octavius. S. Morgan F.R.S.
206214: CRIPPS, RICHARD STAFFORD, SIR, (1889-1952) - God in our work : religious addresses
206449: CRIPPS, STAFFORD, SIR (1889-1952) - Democracy up-to-date : some practical suggestions for the reorganization of the political and parliamentary system
208236: CRIPPS, STAFFORD, SIR (1889-1952) - The petition : the speech which launched the petition
278091: CRIPPS, RICHARD STAFFORD SIR (1889-1952) - The petition : the speech which launched the petition
160706: CRISLER, LOIS - Arctic Wild
264870: CRISOSTOMO, ISABELO T - Cory : profile of a president
249464: CRISP, QUENTIN - The naked civil servant
20752: CRISP, OLGA - Studies in the Russian Economy before 1914
251046: CRISPIN, EDMUND - The moving toyshop
249414: CRISPIN, EDMUND - The case of the gilded fly
251039: CRISPIN, EDMUND - Love lies bleeding
250853: CRISPIN, EDMUND - Love lies bleeding
212856: CRISPIN, EDMUND (1921-1978) - The Gollancz detective omnibus. (The moving toyshop
31405: CRISS, MILDRED - Malou : a Little Swiss Girl
247937: CRIST, JUDITH - The private eye, the cowboy, and the very naked girl : movies from Cleo to Clyde
61178: CRIST, JUDITH - The Private Eye, the Cowboy, and the Very Naked Girl; Movies from Cleo to Clyde
202079: CRISTIANI, LEON (1879-1971) - Satan in the modern world / Monsignor L. Cristiani ; translated by Cynthia Rowland
204715: CRISTOFANI, MAURO - The Etruscans : a new investigation / Mauro Cristofani ; translated by Brian Phillips ; photographs by Mario Carrieri
42972: CRITCHFIELD, RICHARD - Trees, why Do You Wait? America's Changing Rural Culture
31306: CRITCHLEY, T. A. - The Conquest of Violence - Order and Liberty in Britain
219007: CRITCHLEY, MIKE - Britannia to Beira and beyond
212658: CRITCHLEY, JULIAN (1930-?) - Heseltine
222317: CRITCHLEY, HARRY G. - A Text-Book of Home Nursing and Hygiene
237935: CRITCHLEY, MACDONALD - The divine banquet of the brain : the Harveian oration 1966
219050: CRITCHLEY, MIKE - The Royal Navy in focus 1930-39
229354: CRITCHLEY, MACDONALD - The divine banquet of the brain
150149: CRITCHLEY, THOMAS ALAN (1919-) - The Civil Service Today
157772: CRITCHLEY, THOMAS ALAN (1919-) - The Civil Service Today
159518: CRITCHLEY, THOMAS ALAN - The Civil Service Today
161025: CRITCHLEY, THOMAS ALAN (1919-) - The Civil Service Today
140841: CRITCHLOW, DOROTHY - Dear Jane Dawson ...
100514: CRITICS' THEATRE REVIEWS, INC - New York Motion Picture Critics' Reviews 1945
189664: LES EDITIONS DE LA NOUVELLE CRITIQUE - Les origines du fascisme : Italie - Hongrie - Allemagne
61517: CRITTENDEN, ALAN (ED. ) - Hidden Treasures
199107: CRNJANSKI, MILOS (1893-). POPOVIC, VLADIMIR - Le roman de Londres / Milos Tsernianski ; traduit du serbo-croate par Velimir Popovic
247528: CROALL, JONATHAN - Sybil Thorndike : a star of life
24205: CROALL, JONATHAN - Don't You Know There's a War On? Voices from the Home Front Voices from the Home Front
76982: CROCE, ARLENE - Afterimages
68049: CROCE, ARLENE - Sight Lines / Arlene Croce
180909: CROCE, ELENA (1915-) - Lo snobismo liberale
127227: CROCIKIA, ÉDOUARD - Mussolini, Homme De Gauche / Édouard Crocikia
273338: CROCKER, WALTER R. (WALTER RUSSELL) - On governing colonies : being an outline of the real issues and a comparison of the British, French and Belgian approach to them
182207: CROCKER, ALAN - Paper mills of the Tillingbourne : a history of paper making in a Surrey valley 1704 to 1875 / Alan Crocker
168831: CROCKER, BETTY - Betty Crocker's Christmas cookbook / illustrator, Ray Skibinski
112581: CROCKER, HUBERT JOSIAS (1881-). MCCRAE, JOHN. SOUTH AFRICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE - South Africa and Science : a Handbook. General Editor: H. J. Crocker. Scientific Editor: J. McCrae
277511: CROCKETT, S. R. (SAMUEL RUTHERFORD) (1860-1914) - The stickit minister and some common men
276097: CROCKETT, W. S. (WILLIAM SHILLINGLAW) (1866-1945) - The Scott originals : an account of notables & worthies, the originals of characters in the Waverley novels
271608: CROCKETT, S. R. (SAMUEL RUTHERFORD) (1860-1914) - Red cap adventures : being the second series of 'Red cap tales' stolen from the treasure chest of the wizard of the north / which theft is humbly acknowledged by S.R. Crockett
255808: CROCKETT UNDERWOOD, JAMES - Perennials
251750: CROCKETT, S. R. (1859-1914) - The red axe
186920: CROCKETT, JAMES - Seven pillars of folly
62759: CROCKETT, ALBERT STEVENS (1873-) - Revelations of Louise
94782: CROCKETT, WILLIAM SHILLINGLAW - Footsteps of Scott, by W. S. Crockett ... Illustrations by Tom Scott, R. S. A
269452: CROFT, P.J. (PETER JOHN) - Autograph poetry in the English language : facsimiles of original manuscripts from the fourteenth to the twentieth century / compiled and edited with an introduction, commentary and transcripts by P.J Croft - Complete in 2 volumes
120213: CROFT, MICHAEL - Red Carpet to China
250728: FREEMAN WILLS CROFT - The cheyne mystery
250723: FREEMAN WILLIS CROFT - Inspector French and the starvel tragedy
228465: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT (1903-1979) - The quest for Quixote
245503: CROFT, MICHAEL - Spare the Rod
182665: CROFT, MICHAEL - Red Carpet to China
116571: CROFT, PETER JOHN - Autograph Poetry in the English Language; Facsimiles of Original Manuscripts from the Fourteenth to the Twentieth Century; Compiled and Edited with an Introduction, Commentary and Transcripts by P. J. Croft ... Volumes I & II
109655: CROFT, TERRELL WILLIAMS - Wiring for Light and Power. a Detailed and Fully Illustrated Commentary on the More Important Portions of the National Electrical Code
106865: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT (1903-). PETER COTES - Circus : a World History / Rupert Croft-Cooke & Peter Cotes
71391: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT (1903-) - Give Him the Earth, by Rupert Croft-Cooke
93525: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT - Buffalo Bill: the Legend, the Man of Action, the Showman, by Rupert Croft-Cooke and W. S. Meadmore
160305: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT (1903-1979) - Cities
115416: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT - Miss Allick, by Rupert Croft-Cooke
175932: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT - Buffalo Bill: the legend, the man of action, the showman
71375: CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT (1903-) - Another Sun, Another Home
236476: CROFTON, IAN - A curious history of food and drink / Ian Crofton
188501: CROFTON, ZACHARY (1625/6-1672) - Excise anatomiz'd : Declaring that unequal imposition of excise to be the only cause of the ruin of trade, ...
137058: CROFTON, RICHARD HAYES - Zanzibar Affairs, 1914-1933
95853: CROFTON, RICHARD HAYES - Zanzibar Affairs, 1914-1933
251015: FREEMAN WILLS CROFTS - The loss of the Jane Vosper
250937: FREEMAN WILLS CROFTS - The loss of the Jane Vosper
250927: FREEMAN WILLS CROFTS - Inspector French's greatest case
250863: FREEMAN WILLS CROFTS - The sea mystery
250970: FREEMAN WILLS CROFTS - The Groothe Park murder
195921: CROFTS, A. M. (AMBROSE M.) (1894-?) - Catholic social action : principles, purpose and practice
232880: O'CROHAN, TOMAS - Die Boote fahren nicht mehr aus : Bericht eines irischen Fischers
192392: CROISSET, FRANCOIS DE - Le dragon blesse
38256: CROKE, VICKI - The Modern Ark - the Story of Zoos: Past, Present and Future
101023: CROKE, VICKI - Dogs Up Close / Vicki Croke
253140: CROKER, JOHN WILSON (1780-1857). JENNINGS, LOUIS JOHN [ED.] (1836-1893) - The Croker papers : The correspondence and diaries of the late Right Honourable John Wilson Croker, LL.D., F.R.S., Secretary to the Admiralty from 1809 to 1830 / Edited by Louis J. Jennings: volume II
249782: CROKER, JOHN WILSON (1780-1857) - The Croker papers : the correspondence and diaries of the late Right Honourable John Wilson Croker / edited by Louis J. Jennings. Vol. 2
245258: CROKER, JOHN WILSON (1780-1857) - The Croker papers : the correspondence and diaries of the late Right Honourable John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty from 1809-1830 / edited by Louis J. Jennings: Volumes 1 and 2 (only)
98965: CROKER, JOHN WILSON - The Croker Papers, 1808-1857. Edited by Bernard Pool
119642: CROKER, ROBERT A. - Pioneer Ecologist : the Life and Work of Victor Ernest Shelford, 1877-1968 / Robert A. Croker
280253: CROKER, THOMAS CROFTON (1798-1854). CAMDEN SOCIETY - Narratives illustrative of the contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690 : edited by Thomas Crofton Croker
35737: CROLY, HERBERT DAVID (1869-1930) - Marcus Alonzo Hanna
235174: CROLY, GEORGE (1780-1860). DAGLEY, RICHARD -1841 [ENGRAVER]. MOYES, JAMES (-1838) [PRINTER]. HURST, ROBINSON, AND CO [BOOKSELLER]. ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO. [BOOKSELLER] - Gems, principally from the antique, drawn and etched by Richard Dagley / with illustrations in verse by the Rev. George Croly, A.M
7306: CROLY, DAVID GOODMAN (1829-1889) - Miscegenation; the Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro
220046: CROLY, GEORGE - The Life and times of His Late Majesty, George the Fourth : with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years
215649: CROMBIE, ISOBEL - Body culture : Max Dupain, photography and Australian culture, 1919-1939 / Isobel Crombie
50156: CROMBIE, SIR JAMES - Her Majesty's Customs and Excise
146429: CROMMELYNCK, FERNAND - Le Cocu Magnifique; Piece En Trois Actes
277410: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - More William
277411: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - Still William
277387: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William and the evacuees
277389: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William again
277390: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William the gangster
277391: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William A.R.P.
277381: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969) - William - in trouble
277385: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William the rebel
277386: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William the detective
275028: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969) - William-the Good ... Illustrated by Thomas Henry
274990: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969) - William and the evacuees
266546: CROMPTON, SIDNEY - English glass / edited by Sidney Crompton, contributors E. M. Elville, Euan Ross
258200: CROMPTON, MARGARET - Passionate search : a life of Charlotte Brontë
254721: CROMPTON-ROBERTS, VIOLET - A jubilee jaunt to Norway
277413: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William and the Brains Trust
277388: CROMPTON, RICHMAL (1890-1969.) - William
157788: CROMPTON, ARNOLD - Apostle of Liberty : Starr King in California
94237: CROMPTON, MARGARET - Shelley's Dream Women
260586: CROMWELL, OLIVER (1599-1658) - Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches : with elucidations
63786: CRON, CLARA - Fur Herz Und Geist
153994: CRONBACH, ABRAHAM (1882-1965) - Judaism for Today
263901: CRONE, G. R. (GERALD ROE) - The discovery of America
276475: CRONE, G. R. (GERALD ROE) - Maps and their makers : an introduction to the history of cartography
175034: CRONEIS, CAREY (1901-1972). KRUMBEIN, WILLIAM CHRISTIAN (1902-1979) - Down to earth : an introduction to geology / Carey Croneis and William Christian Krumbein
158413: CRONENBERG, ALLEN (1940-) - Forth to the Mighty Conflict : Alabama and World War II / Allen Cronenberg
90664: CRONIN, VINCENT - The Last Migration / Vincent Cronin
74690: CRONIN, VINCENT - The View from Planet Earth : Man Looks At the Cosmos
49877: CRONIN, THOMAS E. - Direct Democracy - the Politics of Initiative, Referendum, and Recall
266400: CRONIN, VINCENT - Napoleon / Vincent Cronin
255450: CRONIN, SEÁN - Our own red blood : the story of the 1916 Rising
241717: CRONIN, VINCENT - The view from planet Earth : man looks at the cosmos / Vincent Cronin
23158: CRONIN, CONSTANCE - The Sting of Change - Sicilians in Sicily and Australia
183210: CRONIN, DOREEN - Stretch / Doreen Cronin and Scott Menchin
225263: CRONIN, SEAN - Our own red blood : the story of the 1916 Rising
250501: CRONIN, A. J. (1896-1981) - Adventures in two worlds / A. J. Cronin
214301: CRONIN, SEAN. WORKERS' PARTY (IRELAND). '98 BICENTENARY COMMITTEE - A man of the people : Jemmy Hope / Sean Cronin
179541: CRONIN, JOHN FRANCIS (1908- ) - Catholic social action
258084: CRONIN, ANTHONY - Flann O'Brien : eine Biographie
124980: CRONIN, EDWARD W. - The Arun : a Natural History of the World's Deepest Valley
159872: CRONIN, ARCHIBALD JOSEPH (1896-1981) - Adventures in Two Worlds
160023: CRONIN, ARCHIBALD JOSEPH (1896-1981) - The Green Years
79334: CRONIN, ARCHIBALD JOSEPH (1896-1981) - Shannon's Way
197423: CRONIN, SEAN - Marx and the Irish question / Sean Cronin
278900: CRONIN, A. J. (ARCHIBALD JOSEPH) (1896-1981) - The green years
247542: CRONIN, VINCENT - A Pearl To India: The Life of Roberto de Nobili
131731: CRONJE, GILLIAN (1951-) - The Workers of Namibia
185939: CRONJE, SUZANNE (1925-). CHRISTIAN ACTION (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Witness in the dark : police torture and brutality in South Africa
107977: CRONKHITE, DANIEL - Death Valley's Victims : a Descriptive Chronology, 1849-1966
263622: CRONKITE, WALTER - Eye on the world / Walter Cronkite
122520: CRONYN, HUME - A Terrible Liar : a Memoir / Hume Cronyn
90771: CROOK, ISABEL - The First Years of the Yangyi Commune
275313: CROOK, J. MORDAUNT (JOSEPH MORDAUNT) - The architect's secret : Victorian critics and the image of gravity / J. Mordaunt Crook
239997: CROOK, JOHN (1946-) - Winchester Cathedral
170454: CROOK, RONALD E. - A bibliography of Joseph Priestley, 1733-1804
257257: CROOK, MICHAEL J - The evolution of the Victoria Cross : a study in administrative history / M.J. Crook
168782: CROOK, ISABEL - Revolution in a Chinese village : Ten Mile Inn
190408: CROOK, RONALD E. - A bibliography of Joseph Priestley, 1733-1804
255405: CROOKE, ELIZABETH M - Politics, archaeology, and the creation of a national museum in Ireland : an expression of national life / Elizabeth M. Crooke
268022: CROOKENDEN, ARTHUR - Twenty-second footsteps, 1894-1914; an account of life in the 22nd (Cheshire) regiment in those years
139386: CROOKES, WILLIAM, SIR (1832-1919) - Dyeing and Tissue-Printing
256845: CROOKSHANK, ANNE - The painters of Ireland, c. 1660-1920 / Anne Crookshank and the Knight of Glin
267270: CROOKSHANK, EDGAR M. (EDGAR MARCH) (1858-1928) - A text-book of bacteriology : including the etiology and prevention of infective diseases, and a short account of yeasts and moulds, haematozoa, and psorosperms
249942: CROOKSTON, PETER - Village England / edited by Peter Crookston
187422: CROOME, H. M. (HONOR MINTURN) (1908-?) - The economy of Britain; a history
129757: CROOME, WILLIAM (1790-1860) ILLUS. - The Golden Sands of Mexico. a Moral and Religious Tale: to Which is Added True Riches; Or, the Reward of Self Sacrifice. with Illustrations by W. Croome
273815: CROPPER, ELIZABETH - Dialogues in art history, from Mesopotamian to modern : readings for a new century / edited by Elizabeth Cropper
200988: CROPPER, MARGARET - The end of the road, with Little Mary Crosbi and other poems
202975: CROPPER, MARGARET - Flame touches flame
201195: CROPPER, MARGARET - Anthony Broom / Margaret Cropper
235703: CROS, CHARLES (1842-1888). FORESTIER, LOUIS. PIA, PASCAL - Œuvres complètes de Charles Cros : Poèmes, contes, monologues et textes scientifiques avec de nombreux inédits, des variantes, des notes, et illustrés de portraits, dessins et manuscrits en fac-similé
126073: CROSBIE, MICHAEL J. - Color & Context : the Architecture of Perry Dean Rogers & Partners / Michael J. Crosbie
200408: CROSBIE, ROBERT - Answers to questions on the ocean of theosophy
86484: CROSBY, DAVID - Stand and be Counted : Making Music, Making History : the Dramatic Story of the Artists and Causes That Changed America / David Crosby and David Bender
64286: CROSBY, FAYE J. (ED. ) - Spouse, Parent, Worker : on Gender and Multiple Roles / Edited by Faye J. Crosby
270993: CROSBY, CARESSE (1892-1970) - The passionate years / Caresse Crosby
170952: CROSBY, ALFRED W. - Throwing fire : projectile technology through history
160820: CROSBY, KATHRYN (1933-) - My Life with Bing / Kathryn Crosby
182470: CROSBY, PERCY L. (PERCY LEO), (1891-1964) - The story of Skippy
156661: CROSBY, KATHRYN (1933-) - Bing and Other Things
159103: CROSBY, ELISHA OSCAR (1818-1895). BARKER, CHARLES ALBRO (1904- ) (ED. ) - Memoirs of Elisha Oscar Crosby; Reminiscences of California and Guatemala from 1849 to 1864, Edited by Charles Albro Barker
60444: CROSBY, GARY - Going My Own Way / Gary Crosby and Ross Firestone
13366: CROSBY, IRVING B. - Boston through the Ages, the Geological Story of Greater Boston
105539: CROSBY, TED. - The Story of Bing Crosby, by Ted Crosby, with a Foreword by Bob Hope
168154: CROSBY, ELISHA OSCAR (1818-1895) - Memoirs of Elisha Oscar Crosby; reminiscences of California and Guatemala from 1849 to 1864, edited by Charles Albro Barker.
139188: CROSBY, PERCY L. (PERCY LEO (1891-1964) - A Cartoonist's Philosophy
63471: CROSBY, KATHRYN (1933-) - Bing and Other Things
211860: CROSBY LOCKWOOD AND SON, LONDON - Every man's own lawyer : a handy book of the principles of law and equity
224056: CROSBY, JOSIAH - Siam
161865: CROSET, A. -L. - La France, Pilote De L'Europe. Des Corporations Du Moyen-Age a L'Organisation Professionnelle De L'Ere Nouvelle
127294: CROSET, A. -L. - La France, Pilote De L'Europe. Des Corporations Du Moyen-Age a L'Organisation Professionnelle De L'Ere Nouvelle
45838: CROSFILL, JOHN - Historical Survey of the Temperance Question : a Statement of the Problem: the Case for Effective Legislation
280862: CROSLAND, ANTHONY - Towards a Labour housing policy : Herbert Morrison memorial lecture
160938: CROSLAND, ANTHONY (1918- ) - Britain's Economic Problem
264366: CROSLAND, JESSIE - St. Brendan and his voyage : an adventure story of the Middle Ages
195337: CROSLAND, ANTHONY (1918- ) - Britain's Economic Problem
156755: CROSLAND, MARGARET (1920-) - Colette, a Provincial in Paris
175628: CROSLAND, MARGARET (1920-) - Louise of Stolberg, Countess of Albany
144895: CROSLEGH, CHARLES - The Bible in the Light of Today
95405: CROSS, COLIN - The Fall of the British Empire: 1918-1968
82775: CROSS, CHARLES A. (1920-?) & MOORE, PATRICK (JOINT AUTHORS) - The Atlas of Mercury / [By] Charles A. Cross & Patrick Moore ; Foreword by Sir Bernard Lovell
64865: CROSS, CHARLES R. - Backstreets : Springsteen, the Man and His Music / Charles R. Cross and the Editors of Backstreets Magazine ; with Contributions by Erik Flannigan ... [Et Al. ]
63797: CROSS, ROBIN - The Bible According to Hollywood
275117: CROSS, F. L. (FRANK LESLIE) (1900-1968) - The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church / edited by F.L. Cross
265975: CROSS, TINA - Information technology : intermediate GNVQ / Tina Cross and Collette Jones
265967: AMERICAN RED CROSS - The Red Cross magazine : the official organ of the American national Red Cross - Vol. XIV January 1919
256333: CROSS, J.P. AND GURUNG, BUDDHIMAN - Gurkhas at war : in their own words: the Gurkha experience 1939 to the present / edited by J.P. Cross and Buddhiman Gurung
162912: CROSS, RUPERT, SIR (1912-) - Punishment, Prison and the Public : an Assessment of Penal Reform in Twentieth Century England by an Armchair Penologist
152346: CROSS, J. P. - In Gurkha Company : the British Army Gurkhas, 1948 to the Present / J. P. Cross
226689: CROSS, JOHN WALTER (1840-1924) - George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals. COMPLETE in 3 vols / arranged and edited by her husband J W Cross.
178947: DAUGHTER OF THE CROSS (PSEUD.) - Life of Mere Marie Therese : foundress and first superior-general of the Daughters of the Cross
115286: CROSS, MARY AND CROSS, THEODORE - Behind the Great Wall : a Photographic Essay on China / Black and White Photos. by Mary Cross, Color Photos. by Theodore Cross ; Text by Mary and Theodore Cross
220707: CROSS, RUTH - The golden cocoon; a novel
50816: CROSS, AMY WILLARD - Summer in America / Text by Amy Willard Cross ; Principal Photography by Dudley Witney
10682: CROSS, ROBIN - The Battle of the Bulge, 1944 : Hitler's Last Hope / Robin Cross
90987: CROSS, JAMES ELIOT - Conflict in the Shadows : the Nature and Politics of Guerrilla War
111483: CROSS, CHARLES R. ERIK FLANNIGAN - Led Zeppelin : Heaven and Hell : an Illustrated History
150268: RED CROSS. UNITED STATES. AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS - Braille Transcribing : Standard English Braille, Grade One and Grade One and a Half : a Manual
255408: DAUGHTER OF THE CROSS - Life of Mère Marie Thérèse : foundress and first superior-general of the Daughters of the Cross
162177: CROSS, RUPERT, SIR (1912-1980). JONES, P. ASTERLEY - Cases on Criminal Law
250972: CROSS, MAURICE - Selections from the Edinburgh Review : comprising the best articles in that journal, from its commencement to the present time. With a preliminary dissertation, and explanatory notes edited by Maurice Cross: volume I
127260: CROSS, F. L. (FRANK LESLIE) (1900-1968) (ED. ) - Studies in Ephesians. Contributors: J. N. Sanders [And Others]
109682: CROSS, WILBUR L. (WILBUR LUCIUS) (1862-1948) - Connecticut Yankee; an Autobiography [By] Wilbur L. Cross
11157: CROSS, COLIN - The Fascists in Britain
121913: CROSS, COLIN - The Fascists in Britain
279698: BRITISH RED CROSS (SCOTTISH BRANCH) - Recipes: British Red Cross (Scottish Branch): Work Parties Depot, 5 George Square, Edinburgh
175966: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS - Reports on British prison-camps in India and Burma visited by the International Red Cross Committee in February, March, and April, 1917
181541: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS - Turkish prisoners in Egypt : a report by the delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross / extracted and translated from the official reports of the Red Cross Society
134344: CROSS, COLIN - The Liberals in Power, 1905-1914 / Colin Cross
135658: CROSS, COLIN - The Liberals in Power, 1905-1914 / Colin Cross
136345: CROSS, COLIN - The Fascists in Britain / Colin Cross
142088: CROSS, COLIN - The Fascists in Britain
142900: CROSS, COLIN - Philip Snowden
180218: CROSS, COLIN - The Fascists in Britain
89858: CROSS, JAMES ELIOT - Conflict in the Shadows, the Nature and Politics of Guerrilla War
95278: CROSS, COLIN - The Fascists in Britain
280507: THE RED CROSS - War Time Cookery: sold for benefit of the Red Cross and Prisoners of War Funds: Scunthorpe: 1918
209878: CROSS, VICTORIA [PSEUD. I.E. ANNIE SOPHIE CORY (1868-1952)] - Paula : a sketch from life
144911: CROSSEN, HARRY STURGEON. ROBERT JAMES CROSSEN - Diseases of Women, by Harry Sturgeon Crossen ... and Robert James Crossen
194026: CROSSER, PAUL K. (1896-?) - Ideologies and American labor / Paul K. Crosser
187231: CROSSER, PAUL K., (1896-?) - Ideologies and American labor
9218: CROSSETTE, GEORGE, ED. [JOHN WESLEY POWELL] - Selected Prose of John Wesley Powell. A Collection of Essays & Articles, Dogmas & Prophecies
89146: CROSSICK, GEOFFREY & HAUPT, HEINZ-GERHARD (EDS. ) - Shopkeepers and Master Artisans in Nineteenth-Century Europe
259823: CROSSICK, GEOFFREY - Shopkeepers and master artisans in nineteenth-century Europe / edited by Geoffrey Crossick and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
6049: CROSSLAND, R. A. & ANN BIRCHALL, EDS - Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean; Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory, Sheffield Organized by the British Association for Mycenaean Studies and the Departments of Greek and Ancient History of the University of Sheffield. Edited by R. A. Crossland and Ann Birchall
127575: SIDNEY FAMILY. ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. D. W. CROSSLEY (ED. ) - Sidney Ironworks Accounts, 1541-1573 / Edited for the Royal Historical Society by D. W. Crossley
225408: CROSSLEY, ANTHONY CROMMELIN. WOOD, ARTHUR HERBERT EDWARD - The Floating Line for Salmon and Sea-Trout ... With a chapter on dry fly fishing for salmon by John Rennie, correspondence between the late A. H. Wood of Cairnton and other fishermen and a commentary by W. J. Barry. Illustrated by Roy Beddington
222143: CROSSLEY, FREDERICK HERBERT - English church monuments, A.D. 1150-1550 : an introduction to the study of tombs & effigies of the mediaeval period
223954: CROSSLEY, FREDERICK HERBERT (1868-1955) - English church craftsmanship : an introduction to the work of the mediaeval period and some account of later developments
20120: CROSSLEY, SIR JOSHUA - The DCO Story A History of Banking in Many Countries 1925-71
109673: CROSSLEY, FREDERICK HERBERT (1868-) - Timber Building in England : from Early Times to the End of the Seventeenth Century
223790: CROSSLEY, FREDERICK HERBERT - The English abbey: its life and work in the middle ages / With a forward by Lord Harlech. Illus. by photographs... and by drawings by Brian Cook
209167: CROSSLEY, FREDERICK HERBERT - The English abbey : its life and work in the middle ages / Fred H. Crossley, ;illustrated by photographs by the author and others and from drawings by Brian Cook
264779: CROSSMAN, R. H. S. (RICHARD HOWARD STAFFORD) (1907-1974) - The diaries of a Cabinet Minister / [by] Richard Crossman - vol. 1 Minister of Housing 1964-66
201567: CROSSMAN, RICHARD - Palestine mission : a personal record
186141: CROSSMAN, R. H. S. (1907-1974, ED.) ; FABIAN SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN) - New Fabian essays : R.H.S. Crossman, C.A.R. Crosland, Roy Jenkins, Margaret Cole, Austen Albu, Ian Mikardo, Denis Healey, John Strachey / edited by R.H.S. Crossman ; preface by C.R. Atlee
165429: CROSSMAN, RICHARD HOWARD STAFFORD, (1907-1974) - Government and the Governed : a History of Political Ideas and Political Practice
259254: CROSSMANN, RICHARD - Labour and Israel
227876: CROSTHWAITE, JOHN CLARKE (1800 OR 1801-1874) - The Book of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity commonly called Christ Church, Dublin edited from the original manuscript in the library of Trinity College, Dublin
72580: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD (1857-) - The Dame School of Experience
48749: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD - Among Friends
39649: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD - Humanly Speaking
62771: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD (1857-1927) - The Children of Dickens [By] Samuel McChord Crothers; Illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith
49720: CROTHERS, LOUISE BRONSON - A Family Chronicle
76669: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD (1857-1927) - By the Christmas Fire
99389: CROUCH, STEVE - Desert Country
90299: CROUCH, COLIN (1944-) - The Student Revolt
267181: CROUCH, MARCUS - Kent
252333: CROUCH, MARCUS - The Home Counties / Marcus Crouch ; with photographs by the author
248370: CROUCH, FRED - Understanding barbel / Fred Crouch
204031: CROUCH, MARTIN - Understanding Soviet politics through literature : a book of readings / [compiled by] Martin Crouch and Robert Porter
219503: CROUCH, NATHANIEL (1632?-1725?) - The English acquisitions in Guinea and East-India : Containing, first, the several forts and castles of the Royal African Company ... Secondly, the forts and factories of the Honourable East-India Company in Persia, India ...
248433: FRED CROUCH - Skies of Fire Rivers of Gold
243920: CROUCH, NATHANIEL (1632?-1752?) - Memorable remarks upon the ancient and modern state of the Jewish nation; with several other particulars relating to the Jews. To which are prefixed, a particular account of two journeys to Jerusalem
149435: CROUCH, JOSEPH - Puritanism and Art : an Inquiry Into a Popular Fallacy
35657: CROUCH, GLADYS SIDNEY - A Little Book of Old Time Verse : Old Fashioned Flowers Gathered
191397: CROUCH, COLIN (1944- ) - The politics of industrial relations / Colin Crouch
123287: CROUCH, TOM D. - The Bishop's Boys : a Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright / Tom D. Crouch
278081: CROUCH, NATHANIEL (1632-1725) - The history of the House of Orange : or, A brief relation of the glorious and magnanimous achievements of His Majesty's renowned predecessors, and likewise of his own heroic actions till the late wonderful revolution ; together with the history of William and Mary, King and Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland
168527: CROUSE, RUSSEL (1893-1966) - Mr. Currier and Mr. Ives / a note on their lives and times, by Russell Crouse; with 32 illustrations in color, and black and white
240571: CROUSE, RUSSEL (1893-1966) - Mr. Currier and Mr. Ives : a note on their lives and times
177107: CROUSE, RUSSEL (1893-1966) - Mr. Currier and Mr. Ives; a note on their lives and times, by Russel Crouse; with
166309: CROUSSE, COLONEL - De L'Instruction Et De L'Education Militaire Du Soldat a Propos Du Service Personnel. Conference Donnee, Le 10 Avril 1889, a La Ligue De Bruxelles Par Le Colonel Crousse
52839: CROUTHAMEL, JAMES L. - James Watson Webb - a Biography
13424: CROUTIER, ALEV LYTLE - Harem : the World Behind the Veil
191981: CROUY-CHANEL, ETIENNE DE - Alexis Leger, ou, L'autre visage de Saint-John Perse / Etienne de Crouy-Chanel
272553: CROUZET, MAURICE - The European renaissance since 1945 / Maurice Crouzet ; translated from the French by Stanley Baron
240783: CROUZET, MAURICE. BARON, STANLEY - The European renaissance since 1945 / [translated from the French MS by Stanley Baron]
89740: CROW, DUNCAN - The Victorian Woman
36413: CROW, CHRISTINE M. - Paul Valery : Consciousness & Nature
178399: CROW, CHRISTINE M. - Paul Valery : consciousness & nature / [by] Christine M. Crow
89200: CROW, DUNCAN - A Man of Push and Go : the Life of George Macaulay Booth
113780: CROW, DUNCAN. ROBERT J. ICKS - Encyclopedia of Armoured Cars and Half-Tracks / [By] Duncan Crow and Robert J. Icks
227594: CROW, CARL (1883-1945) - He opened the door of Japan : Townsend Harris and the story of his amazing adventures in establishing American relations with the Far East
221817: CROW, GERALD H. - William Morris, designer
249944: CROWDEN, JAMES - Waterways
209391: CROWDEN, JAMES (1954-?) - Waterways / James Crowden
91621: CROWDER, MICHAEL - Revolt in Bussa; a Study of British 'Native Administration' in Nigerian Borgu, 1902-1935
119890: CROWDER, MICHAEL (1934-) - Revolt in Bussa; a Study of British 'Native Administration' in Nigerian Borgu, 1902-1935
220632: CROWDY, TERRY - The enemy within : a history of espionage / Terry Crowdy
274503: CROWE, J. A. (JOSEPH ARCHER)(1825-1896) - A history of painting in north Italy : Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century
273638: CROWE, MARTIN - The Crowe style : Martin & Jeff's world of cricket
107485: CROWE, JOHN. JOHN VOYTKO (ILL. ) - Modern Abc's of Fresh Water Fishing
274554: CROWE, J. A. (JOSEPH ARCHER) (1825-1896) - A new history of painting in Italy : from the second to the sixteenth century
224382: CROWE, JOSEPH ARCHER - A history of painting in Italy : Umbria, Florence and Siena from the second to the sixteenth century [complete in 6 volumes]
89796: CROWE, PHILIP KINGSLAND (1908-) - Diversions of a Diplomat in Ceylon. with a Foreword by Viscount Soulbury. Illustrated by P. E. P. Deraniyagala
114526: CROWELL, KATHARINE RONEY (1854-1926) - Pioneers
19529: CROWELL, PERS - Cavalcade of American Horses
152393: CROWEST, FREDERICK JAMES (1850-1927) - Musician's Wit, Humour, & Anecdote
61412: CROWLEY, ALEISTER (1875-1947) - Magick in Theory and Practice
246148: CROWLEY, DOUGLAS ALFRED (1944-). UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. INSTITUTE OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH - A History of Wiltshire / edited by D. A. Crowley. -- Vol. 13, South-west Wiltshire : Chalke and Dunworth Hundreds
246147: CROWLEY, DOUGLAS ALFRED (1944-) - The Victoria county history of Wiltshire. Vol. 12 Ramsbury Hundred, Selkley Hundred, the Borough of Marlborough / edited by D.A. Crowley
102614: CROWLEY, JANE - Poems That Are Different, Volume II. , by Jane Crowley
102612: CROWLEY, JANE - Poems That Are Different, Volume II. , by Jane Crowley
119122: CROWLEY, F. K. - Modern Australia in Documents [ 2 Vols. Vol. 1; 1901 - 1939. Vol. 2; 1939 - 1970]
87904: CROWN, LAWRENCE - Marilyn At Twentieth Century Fox
67757: CROWNINSHIELD, MARY BOARDMAN (1778?-1840) - Letters of Mary Boardman Crowninshield, 1815-1816 / Edited by Francis Boardman Crowninshield
85457: CROWTHER, BRUCE (1933-) - Hollywood Faction : Reality and Myth in the Movies
270830: CROWTHER, L - Children of Egypt
256069: CROWTHER, M. A. (MARGARET ANNE) - The workhouse system, 1834-1929 : the history of an English social institution / M.A. Crowther
262604: CROWTHER, GEOFFREY CROWTHER BARON (1907-1972) - Paying for the war
264348: CROWTHER, J. G. (JAMES GERALD) (1899-1983) - An outline of the universe. Vol.2
18669: CROWTHER, JAMES GERALD (1899-) - Soviet Science
90790: CROWTHER, J. G. (JAMES GERALD) (1899-?) - Statesmen of Science: Henry Brougham, William Robert Grove, Lyon Playfair, the Prince Consort, the Seventh Duke of Devonshire, Alexander Strange, Richard Burdon Haldane, Henry Thomas Tizard [And] Frederick Alexander Lindemann [By] J. G. Crowther
111488: CROWTHER, BRUCE. MIKE PINFOLD - The Big Band Years / Bruce Crowther, Mike Pinfold ; Picture Editor, Franklin S. Driggs
54350: CROWTHER, JAMES GERALD (1899-) - Francis Bacon, the First Statesman of Science
152166: CROWTHER, JAMES GERALD (1899-) - Science in Soviet Russia
93542: CROWTHER, J. G. (JAMES GERALD) - Statesmen of Science: Henry Brougham, William Robert Grove, Lyon Playfair, the Prince Consort, the Seventh Duke of Devonshire, Alexander Strange, Richard Burdon Haldane, Henry Thomas Tizard [And] Frederick Alexander Lindemann [By] J. G. Crowther
89086: CROWTHER, J. G. (JAMES GERALD) - Statesmen of Science: Henry Brougham, William Robert Grove, Lyon Playfair, the Prince Consort, the Seventh Duke of Devonshire, Alexander Strange, Richard Burdon Haldane...
170280: CROWTHER, J.G. - Soviet science
128430: CROWTHER, J. G. (JAMES GERALD) (1899-) - Soviet Science, by J. G. Crowther
118841: CROWTHER, JAMES GERALD (1899-) - Statesmen of Science : Henry Brougham, William Robert Grove, Lyon Playfair, the Prince Consort, the Seventh Duke of Devonshire, Alexander Strange, Richard Burdon Haldane, Henry Thomas Tizard and Frederick Alexander Lindemann
247218: CROWTHER, GEORGE MORGAN JOSEPH - Sanitized for your protection / George Crowther
191270: CROWTHER, PETER A. - A bibliography of works in English on early Russian history to 1800 / compiled by Peter A. Crowther
77155: CROWTHER, JAMES ARNOLD (1883-?) - Ions, Electrons, and Ionizing Radiations
78447: CROWTHER, BOSLEY - Hollywood Rajah; the Life and Times of Louis B. Mayer
81919: CROWTHER, BOSLEY - The Lion's Share; the Story of an Entertainment Empire
91590: CROWTHER, JAMES GERALD (1899-) - Francis Bacon, the First Statesman of Science
92794: CROWTHER, J. G. (JAMES GERALD) (1899-?) - Francis Bacon, the First Statesman of Science
235030: CROXALL, HAROLD E. SMITH, LIONEL PERCY (1914-) - The fight for food : factors limiting agricultural production / Harold E. Croxall, Lionel P. Smith
267188: CROXFORD, BOB - The Landscape of Avebury
254326: CROXFORD, BOB - From Devon with love : an evocative view of Devon / photographed by Bob Croxford
176713: CROXSON, ROGER C. - Crystal healing : a beginner's guide
278763: CROXTON-SMITH, ARTHUR (1865-1952) - Dogs
157629: CROY, HOMER (1883-1965) - Star Maker : the Story of D. W. Griffith
220852: CROY, HOMER - Star maker
220777: CROY, HOMER - West of the water tower
85814: CROY, HOMER - Star Maker : the Story of D. W. Griffith
125879: CROY, HOMER - Wheels West
105146: CROY, HOMER - Star Maker : the Story of D. W. Griffith
239024: CROY, OTTO R. (1902-1977) - The Retina way : the Retina photographer's companion
85806: CROZIER, BOB (ED. ) - Illustrators XIII - the Twelfth Annual of American Illustration
276702: CROZIER, FRANK P. (FRANK PERCY) (1879-1937) - A brass hat in no man's land
265159: CROZIER, FRANK PERCY (1879-) - Impressions and recollections / F.P.Crozier
233261: CROZIER, MAURNA - A man from across the Channel : poet with a view : lecture by Jacques Darras
19639: CROZIER, BRIAN. SELDON, ARTHUR - Socialism / Brian Crozier and Arthur Seldon ; with Cartoons by Michael Cummings The Grand Delusion
141553: CROZIER, MICHEL - Petits Fonctionnaires Au Travail : Compte Rendu D'Une Enquete Sociologique Effectuee Dans Une Grande Administration Publique Parisienne
90815: CROZIER, BRIAN - The Rebels; a Study of Post-War Insurrections
53195: CROZIER, JOHN BEATTIE (1849-1921) - The Wheel of Wealth; Being a Reconstruction of the Science and Art of Political Economy on the Lines of Modern Evolution - [Contents: Pt. I. Reconstruction. --Pt. II. Free Trade and Protection. --Pt. III. Critical and Historical]
48759: CROZIER, BRIAN - The Masters of Power
47383: CROZIER, WILLIAM PERCIVAL (1879-1944) - The Fates Are Laughing, by W. P. Crozier, Biographical Postscript by Mary Crozier
257386: CROZIER, FRANK P. (FRANK PERCY) (1879-1937) - A brass hat in No Man's Land
101160: CROZIER, BRIAN - Free Agent : the Unseen War, 1941-1991 / Brian Crozier
213537: CROZIER, W. P. (WILLIAM PERCIVAL) (1879-1944) - The fates are laughing
44950: CROZIER, BRIAN - The Morning after - a Study of Independence
159301: CROZIER, JOHN BEATTIE - Sociology Applied to Practical Politics
101234: CROZIER, WILLIAM PERCIVAL - Off the Record; Political Interviews 1933-1943, Edited with an Introduction by A. J. P. Taylor
255169: Ó CRUALAOI, PÁDRAIG (1861-1949) - Seanachas Phádraig Í Chrualaoi / Seán Ó Cróinín, a thóg síos ; Donncha Ó Cróinín, a chuir in eagar
181365: CRUCHET, RENE - Le syndrome hysterique
184680: CRUCY, FRANCOIS - Brantome / par Francois Crucy
279024: CRUDEN, ALEXANDER (1699-1770) - Cruden's complete concordance to the Old and New Testaments : with notes and Biblical proper names under one alphabetical arrangement
233202: CRUDEN, STEWART. GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND WORKS - The early Christian & Pictish monuments of Scotland / an illustrated introduction, with illustrated and descriptive catalogues of the Meigle and St. Vigeans collections
100098: CRUDEN, ALEXANDER - Cruden's Concordance to the Holy Scriptures
222981: CRUDEN, ALEXANDER (1699-1770) - Cruden's complete concordance to the Old and New Testaments : with notes and biblical proper names under one alphabetical arrangement
174983: CRUDEN, ALEXANDER (1699-1770) - A complete concordance to the Old and New Testament, or, a dictionary, and alphabetical index to the Bible, in two parts : to which is added a concordance to the apocrypha
98290: CRUICKSHANK, GORDON - For Millionaires Only
264735: CRUICKSHANK, CHARLES (1914-1989) - Deception : in World War II / Charles Cruickshank
240802: CRUICKSHANK, DAN. DRURY, ELIZABETH. ROYAL HOSPITAL (CHELSEA, LONDON, ENGLAND) - The Royal Hospital Chelsea : the place and the people / Dan Cruickshank
261891: CRUICKSHANK, GEORGE [ILLUS.] - The Political Shoman_At Home! : exhibiting his cabinet of curiosities and creatures - all alive!: with twenty-four cuts
261890: CRUICKSHANK, GEORGE [ILLUS.] - The Queen's Budget Opened; or, correspondence extraordianry, relative to the defence of Her Majesty: a companion to the 'Royal Letter-bag'
261889: CRUICKSHANK, GEORGE [ILLUS.] - The Loyal Man in the Moon: with thirteen cuts: by the author of the constitutional house that Jack built
261888: CRUICKSHANK, GEORGE [ILLUS.] - The Royal House that Jack Built; or, 1820: with fourteen cuts
261887: CRUICKSHANK, GEORGE [ILLUS.] - The Political Shoman_At Home!: exhibiting his cabinet of curiosities and creatures-all Alive!: by the author of the Political House that Jack built: with twenty-four cuts
24349: CRUICKSHANK, CHARLES - Deception in World War II
107323: CRUICKSHANK, CHARLES GREIG - Deception in World War II
256676: CRUICKSHANK, GORDON - The Colonel came late
236794: CRUICKSHANK, JOHN (1924-1995) - The Novelist as philosopher : studies in French fiction, (1935-1960)
206164: CRUICKSHANK, WILLIAM M. - Education of exceptional children and youth / edited by William M. Cruickshank, G. Orville Johnson
268863: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878). THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-1863). SMITH, ALBERT (1816-1860). À BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT (1811-1856). MAYHEW, HORACE (1816-1872). MAYHEW, HENRY (1812-1887) - The Comic almanack : an ephemeris in jest and earnest, containing merry tales, humorous poetry, quips, and oddities
261710: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE - Cruikshank Plates: 12 plates along with excerpts from the comic almanack
261042: CRUIKSHANK. R. J - Charles Dickens and early Victorian England
260388: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE - Ainsworth's magazine : a miscellany of romance, general literature, and art / edited by W. H. Ainsworth ; illustrated by George Cruikshank [and Hablôt K. Browne
221339: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) - Points of humour / Illustrated by the designs of George Cruikshank
26009: LONDON INTEREST. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK (1792-1878) - Sinks of London Laid Open: a Pocket Companion for the Uninitiated, to Which is Added a Modern Flash Dictionary Containing all the Cant Words, Slang Terms, and Flash Phrases Now in Vogue. with a List of the 60 Orders of Prime Coves... . .. the Whole Forming a True Picture of London Life, Cadging Made Easy, the He-She Man, Doings of the Modern Greeks, Snooking Kens Depicted, the Common Lodging House Gallants, Lessons to Lovers of Dice, the Gaming Table Etc.
9001: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (ILLUS) - Sunday in London...and a Few Words by a Friend of His; with a Copy of Sir Andrew Agnew's Bill
129118: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878). THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The Comic Almanack : an Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest : Containing Merry Tales, Humorous Poetry, Quips and Oddities by Thackeray, Albert Smith, Gilbert A. Beckett, the Brothers Mayhew - [1st Series] .... . ...with Many Hundred Illustrations 1st Series , 1835-1843
8880: CRUIKSHANK, ROBERT ; SEYMOUR, ROBERT [ILLUS. ] - Cruikshank At Home; a New Family Album of Endless Entertainment - with Numerous Illustrations Engraved on Wood
5881: LONDON INTEREST. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK (1792-1878) - Sinks of London Laid Open: a Pocket Companion for the Uninitiated, to Which is Added a Modern Flash Dictionary Containing all the Cant Words, Slang Terms, and Flash Phrases Now in Vogue. with a List of the 60 Orders of Prime Coves... . .. the Whole Forming a True Picture of London Life, Cadging Made Easy, the He-She Man, Doings of the Modern Greeks, Snooking Kens Depicted, the Common Lodging House Gallants, Lessons to Lovers of Dice, the Gaming Table Etc.
188175: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) - London society : an illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature for the hours of relaxation - volume XXV - [12 issues bound complete in 2 volumes]
132453: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (ILL. ). WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. ALBERT SMITH [ET AL] - The Comic Almanack : an Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, Containing Merry Tales, Humorous Poetry, Quips and Oddities
120876: CRUIKSHANK, ROBERT JAMES - Roaring Century, 1846-1946
192999: CRUIKSHANK, GORDON - The Colonel came late
212202: CRUIKSHANK, ROBERT JAMES - Roaring century, 1846-1946
186765: CRUISE, ROBIN; HAWKES, KEVIN (ILLUS.) - Bartleby speaks!
129564: CRULL, JODOCUS (D. 1713?) - The Antiquities of St. Peter's : Or, the Abbey-Church of Westminster / Containing the Inscriptions and Epitaphs Upon the Tombs and Grave-Stones: with the Lives, Marriages, and Issue of the Most Eminent Personages Therein Reposited; and Their Coats of Arms
189550: CRUM, JOHN MACLEOD CAMPBELL (B. 1872) - St. Mark's Gospel : two stages of its making
145364: CRUM, JOHN MACLEOD CAMPBELL (1872-) - St. Mark's Gospel : Two Stages of its Making
194996: CRUM, JOHN MACLEOD CAMPBELL (1872-?) - St. Mark's Gospel : two stages of its making
206556: CRUM, JOHN MACLEOD CAMPBELL (B. 1872) - St. Mark's Gospel : two stages of its making
155675: CRUMB, R. - The Sweeter Side of R. Crumb : Being a Delightful Collection ... all Warm and Fuzzy and Cuddly Towards the Artist and Life in General
193985: CRUMLEY, JAMES ; PARKS, PHIL (ILLUS.) - The Mexican pig bandit : a story by James Crumley ; introduction by Lisa McClendon, front cover and interior illustration by Phil Parks
193426: CRUMLEY, JAMES - The Final Country
205727: CRUMMERE, MARIA ELISE - Sun-sign revelations : a practical, unflattering lighthearted guide to the personalities of our friends and ourselves / Maria Elise Crummere
45105: CRUMP, THOMAS - The Phenomenon of Money
257633: CRUMP, W. B. (1868-1950) - The flora of the parish of Halifax
6258: CRUMP, NORMAN - The ABC of the Foreign Exchanges
9490: CRUMP, IRVING - Our Movie Makers
129447: CRUMP, W. B. (ED. ) - The Leeds Woollen Industry 1780-1820 / Edited by W. B. Crump
174144: CRUMP, ARTHUR - A practical treatise on banking, currency and the exchanges / Arthur Crump
174544: CRUMP, CHARLES G. (1862-1935) - The logic of history
61493: CRUMP, IRVING (1887-) - Our Movie Makers, by Irving Crump, Illustrated
182075: CRUMP, ARTHUR - A practical treatise on banking, currency and the exchanges / Arthur Crump
196665: CRUMP, ARTHUR - A new departure in the domain of political economy
180728: CRUMPACKER, BUNNY - How to slice an onion : cooking basics and beyond : hundreds of tips, techniques, recipes, food facts, and folklore / Bunny Crumpacker ; illustrations by Sally Mara Sturman
278297: CRUMPACKER, BUNNY - The old-time brand-name cookbook : recipes, illustrations, and advice from the early kitchens of America's most trusted food makers
65671: CRUNDEN, ROBERT MORSE - Ministers of Reform : the Progressives' Achievement in American Civilization, 1889-1920 / Robert M. Crunden
73702: CRUSE, HOWARD - Early Barefootz - [Uniform Title: Barefootz. Selections]
153617: CRUSE, HAROLD - The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual
150204: CRUSE, AMY (1870-) - The Englishman and His Books in the Early Nineteenth Century
195434: CRUSEN, GEORG (1867-). MAKOWSKI, WACLAW (1880-). TIBAL, ANDRE. CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE. DIVISION OF INTERCOURSE AND EDUCATION - La question de Dantzig : Bulletin No.5 / par Dr. Georg Crusen, Professeur Waclaw Makowski, Professeur Andre Tibal
198241: CRUSENSTOLOPE, MAGNUS JACOB (1795-1865) - Stallningar och forhallanden [19 bref. in 3 volumes -- Language: Swedish]
198287: CRUSENSTOLPE, MAGNUS JACOB (1795 –1865) - Morianen, eller Holstein-Gottorpska huset i Sverige / M. J. Crusentholpe [complete 6 volumes in 3 - Language: Swedish]
198347: CRUSENSTOLPE, MAGNUS JAKOB (1795-1865) - Morianen, eller Holstein-Gottorpiska Huset i Sverige [complete in 6 volumes - Language: Swedidh]
220096: CRUSO, THALASSA - Making things grow; a practical guide for the indoor gardener
135397: CRUTCHFIELD, JAMES ARTHUR. CHARLES N. HENNING. WILLIAM PIGOTT (EDS. ) - Money, Financial Institutions, and the Economy, a Book of Readings [By] James A. Crutchfield, Charles N. Henning [And] William Pigott
119725: CRUTCHLEY, GEORGE W. - John Mackintosh : a Biography
275658: CRUTTWELL, C. R. M. F. (CHARLES ROBERT MOWBRAY FRASER) (1887-1941) - A history of the Great War 1914-1918 / C.R.M.F. Cruttwell, principal of Hertford College, Oxford, formerly fellow of All Souls College
28591: CRUZ, JR. , ARTURO - Memoirs of a Counterrevolutionary. Life with the Contras, the Sandinistas, and the CIA
253983: CRUZ, RAMÓN DE LA (1731-1794). FELIU Y CODINA, JOSÉ.LIZCANO Y ESTEBAN ANGEL. LLOBERA, JOSÉ (ILLUSTRATOR) - Sainetes de D. Ramón de la Cruz. Ilustración de José Llobera: tomo II
46273: DE LA CRUZ, FELIX F. (1933-) ED. - Human Sexuality and the Mentally Retarded - Conference on Human Sexuality and the Mentally Retarded, Hot Springs, Ark. , 1971
117802: CRUZE, WENDELL WAYNE - Adolescent Psychology and Development
40901: CRUZEIRO, ANA BELA FERREIRA (1957-). ZAMBRINI, JEAN-CLAUDE - Stochastic Analysis and Applications : Proceedings of the 1989 Lisbon Conference
272274: CRYSTAL, DAVID - The Cambridge encyclopedia of language / David Crystal
241387: CRYSTAL, DAVID (1941-) - The stories of English / David Crystal
240331: CRYSTAL, DAVID (1941-). BRITISH LIBRARY - Evolving English : one language, many voices : an illustrated history of the English language / David Crystal
262885: CRYSTAL, GRAEF S - In search of excess : the overcompensation of American executives / Graef S. Crystal
109973: CSIDA, JOSEPH. JUNE BUNDY CSIDA - American Entertainment : a Unique History of Popular Show Business
188136: CSIKOS-NAGY, BELA - Socialist economic policy / Bela Csikos-Nagy ; translated by Elek Helvei
215243: FEDERAL OFFICE OF STATISTICS OF THE CSSR (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) - CSSR : 25 Victorious years / compiled by the team of the Federal Office of Statistics headed by Dr. Ing. V. Cap
280572: CSUTORAS, STEVE - Harlequin
171789: CUBA - Cuban protest to the United Nations
32024: CUBBON, WILLIAM (1865-) - A Bibliographical Account of Works Relating to the Isle of Man (Complete in Two Volumes)
258405: CUBBON, ALFRED MARSHALL - The art of the Manx crosses : a selection of photographs with notes
183610: CUBIE, ALEX (ILLUS.) ; CHAPLAIN, FREDDIE (ED.) ; DAILY EXPRESS (LONDON) - Rupert : the Daily Express annual [1976]
183609: CUBIE, ALEX (ILLUS.) ; CHAPLAIN, FREDDIE (ED.) ; DAILY EXPRESS (LONDON) - Rupert : the Daily Express annual [1975]
183608: CUBIE, ALEX (ILLUS.) ; CHAPLAIN, FREDDIE (ED.) ; DAILY EXPRESS (LONDON) - Rupert : the Daily Express annual [1975]
183607: CUBIE, ALEX (ILLUS.) ; CHAPLAIN, FREDDIE (ED.) ; DAILY EXPRESS (LONDON) - Rupert : the Daily Express annual [1974]
250649: CUBITT, GERALD S - Scenic South Africa / photography: Gerald Cubitt ; text: Maxwell Leigh
163094: CUCCHI, ALDO (1911-) - Una Delegazione Italiana in Russia
29990: CUDLIPP, HUGH - Walking on the Water
220074: CUDLIPP, HUGH - Walking on the water
167213: CUDLIPP, HUGH - Walking on the water / [by] Hugh Cudlipp
169619: CUDLIPP, HUGH - Publish and be Damned.Publish and be Damned.Publish and be Damned
190962: CUDLIPP, HUGH (1913-?) - At your peril : a mid-century view of the exciting changes of the press in Britain, and a press view of the exciting changes of mid-century
196057: CUDLIPP, HUBERT KINSMAN [HUGH], BARON CUDLIPP, JOURNALIST AND PUBLISHING EXECUTIVE (1913-1998) - Publish and be damned! The astonishing story of the Daily Mirror
196574: CUDLIPP, HUGH - At your peril : a mid-century view of the exciting changes of the press in Britain, and a press view of the exciting changes of mid-century
205842: CUDLIPP, HUGH - At your peril : a mid-century view of the exciting changes of the Press in Britain,and a Press view of the exciting changes of mid-century
206946: CUDLIPP, HUBERT KINSMAN [HUGH], BARON CUDLIPP, JOURNALIST AND PUBLISHING EXECUTIVE (1913-1998) - Publish and be damned! The astonishing story of the Daily Mirror
211200: CUDLIPP, HUGH (1913-1998). BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. GRANADA LECTURES - Only connect : four studies in modern communication
195618: CUDWORTH, WILLIAM - Histories of Bolton and Bowling (townships of Bradford) : historically and topographically treated
279299: CUDWORTH, RALPH (1617-1688) - The true intellectual system of the universe : wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and its impossibility demonstrated, with a treatise concerning eternal and immutable morality - vol. 3
183885: CUENCA, HUMBERTO - La universidad colonial / Humberto Cuenca ; prologo: Luis Villalba-Villalba
171229: CUERO, DELFINA (CA.1900-1972). SHIPEK, FLORENCE CONNOLLY (1918-) - Delfina Cuero : her autobiography, an account of her last years, and her ethnobotanic contributions
273978: CUFF, MARKUS - Torso / Markus Cuff ; editor, Mike Warlow ; essay by Kristine McKenna
270598: CUGIS, CARLO DE - England and Italy a century ago : a new turn in economic relations. A catalogue of the exhibition held during the British week in Milan, 9-17 October 1965 / edited by Carlo de Cugis
204242: DE CUGIS, CARLO - Italia e Inghilterra un secolo fa : il nuovo corso nelle relazioni economiche ; appendice al catalogo della Mostra tenuta in occasione della Settimana britannica a Milano (9-17 ottobre 1965) / a cura di Carlo De Cugis
257062: Ó CUI´V, BRIAN - A view of the Irish language / edited by Brian Ó Cuív
258561: CUINET, VITAL (-1896) - La Turquie d'Asie : géographie administrative, statistique, descriptive et raisonnée de chaque province de l'Asie-Mineure / par Vital Cuinet: tome troisieme
279528: CUINET, VITAL - La Turquie d'Asie : géographie administrative, statistique, descriptive et raisonnée de chaque province de l'Asie-Mineure, Tome 1
20558: CUISENIER, ANDRE - Jules Romains Et L'Unanimisme
101305: CUISENIER, JEAN (1927-) - French Folk Art
253370: CUISIN, MICHEL - Lakes and rivers / edited by Michael Chinery ; illustrated by Carl Brenders ; written by Michel Cuisin ; translated [from the French] by Anne-Marie Moore
167451: CUISTINE, MARQUIS DE - Lettres de Russie, avec une introduction de l'editeur
29145: CULBERT, SAMUEL A. MCDONOUGH, JOHN JOSEPH (1937-) - Radical Management - Power Politics and the Pursuit of Trust
179707: CULBERTSON, ELY (1893-1955) - The official book of contract bridge / edited by Josephine Culbertson and Albert H. Morehead
150476: CULBERTSON, ELY (1891-1955) - Summary of the World Federation Plan, an Outline of a Practical and Detailed Plan for World Settlement, by Ely Culbertson. Sponsored by the World Federation, Inc, New York, N. Y.
186899: CULBERTSON, ELY (1891-1955) - Contract bridge for everyone
85120: CULHANE, JOHN - Walt Disney's Fantasia
68312: CULIC, DMITAR J. ED. - Dubrovnik 'putnik' Guide
220647: CULICK, FRED E.C. AND SPENCER DUNMORE - On great white wings : the Wright brothers and the race for flight
125742: CULICK, F. SPENCER DUNMORE - On Great White Wings : the Wright Brothers and the Race for Flight / Fred E. C. Culick and Spencer Dunmore
277623: CULICOVER, PETER WILLIAM - Principles and parameters : an introduction to syntactic theory
253891: CULL, ELIZABETH - Portrait of the Chilterns
30373: CULLEN, MICHAEL J. - The Statistical Movement in Early Victorian Britain : the Foundations of Empirical Social Research / M. J. Cullen The Foundations of Empirical Social Research
259750: CULLEN, CIARA - Writings on Irish history compiled by Clara Cullen and Monica Henchy - 7 volumes
255490: CULLEN, PAUL CARDINAL (1803-1878) - The pastoral letters and other writings of Cardinal Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin, etc., etc / edited by the Most Reverend Patrick Francis Moran - Volume 1
234146: CULLEN, MARY - Ma Nuad = Maynooth : a short historical guide / Mary Cullen ; line drawings by Suzanne Pegley
226313: CULLEN, ORIOLE - Ballgowns : Britsh glamour since 1950 / Oriole Cullen, Sonnet Stanfill ; photographs by David Hughes
245717: CULLEN, LOUIS. M - Life in Ireland
246190: CULLEN, CHRISTOPHER - Caught Between Two Worlds
124220: CULLEN, TOM A. - A Playful Panther : the Story of J. Maundy Gregory, Con-Man / Tom Cullen ; Illustrated with Photos
79280: CULLEN, COUNTEE (1903-1946) , ED. - Caroling Dusk; an Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets, Edited by Countee Cullen; Decorations by Aaron Douglas
213132: CULLEN, DONALD E. GREENBAUM, MARCIA L. - Management rights and collective bargaining : can both survive? / by Donald E. Cullen and Marcia L. Greenbaum
122837: CULLEN, CHERYL DANGEL - The Best of Business Card Design 5 / Cheryl Dangel Cullen
122447: CULLEN, ROBERT (1949-) - A Mulligan for Bobby Jobe / Bob Cullen
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