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278749: DRABBLE, PHIL - The Penguin Book of Pets
226672: DRABELLE, DENNIS - The great American railroad war : how Ambrose Bierce and Frank Norris took on the notorious Central Pacific Railroad / Dennis Drabelle
76230: DRABENSTOTT, MARK AND GIBSON, LYNN (EDITORS) - Rural America in Transition
128291: DRACHKOVITCH, MILORAD M. (ED. ) - Fifty Years of Communism in Russia. Edited with an Introd. by Milorad M. Drachkovitch
165631: DRACHKOVITCH, MILORAD M - De Karl Marx a Leon Blum : La Crise De La Social-Democratie / Milorad M. Drachkovitch ; Preface De Hendrik Brugmans
52586: DRACHSLER, JULIUS - Democracy and Assimilation : the Blending of Immigrant Heritages in America
150451: DRACOTT, ALICE ELIZABETH - Folk Tales from Simla : Stories from the Himalayas
186307: DRAEGER, ANTON AUGUST (1820-1895) - Uber Syntax und Stil des Tacitus / von A. Draeger
151749: DRAEV, IVAN - Bulgaria in the Final Attack Against Fascism / Ivan Draev
260793: DRAGE, GEOFFREY (1860-1955) - Russian affairs
129843: DRAGE, GEOFFREY - The Imperial Organization of Trade
112356: DRAGE, GEOFFREY (1860-) - Russian Affairs
153196: DRAGE, GEOFFREY (1860-) - The State and the Poor
99150: DRAGE, GEOFFREY (B. 1860) - The State and the Poor
49468: DRAGER, MARVIN - The Most Glorious Crown
239301: DRAGER, MARVIN - The most glorious crown : the story of America's Triple Crown thoroughbreds, from Sir Barton to Secretariat
234642: DRAGER, HANS HEINZ - Prinzip einer Systematik der Musikinstrumente
133473: DRAGHICESCO, D. - La Transylvanie : Esquisse Historique, Géographique, Ethnographique Et Statistique / D. Draghicesco
90233: DRAGNICH, ALEX N. - Serbs and Croats : the Struggle in Yugoslavia
214636: DRAGO, HARRY SINCLAIR - Notorious ladies of the frontier : volume 1
163594: DRAGO, HARRY SINCLAIR, (1888-1979) - The Steamboaters, from the Early Side-Wheelers to the Big Packets
152397: DRAGOMIR, SILVIU (1888-1962) - La Transylvanie Roumaine Et Ses Minorites Ethniques / Silviu Dragomir
108327: DRAGONETTE, JESSICA - Faith is a Song; the Odyssey of an American Artist
87697: DRAGONETTE, JESSICA (1900-1980) - Faith is a Song; the Odyssey of an American Artist
101083: DRAGONETTE, JESSICA - Faith is a Song; the Odyssey of an American Artist
60961: DRAGONWAGON, CRESCENT - Stevie Wonder
217050: ROYAL COMMISSION ON LAND DRAINAGE (GREAT BRITAIN) - Report of the Royal Commission on Land Drainage in England and Wales : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty, December, 1927
78090: DRAKE, DAVID - The Dragon Lord
72062: DRAKE, STILLMAN - Cause, Experiment, and Science : a Galilean Dialogue, Incorporating a New English Translation of Galileo's Bodies That Stay Atop Water, or Move in it / Stillman Drake
43128: DRAKE, JAMES, FL. 1825 - Drake's Road Book of the Grand Junction Railway from Birmingham to Liverpool and Manchester : Illustrated by an Accurate Map and Numerous Engravings, to Which is Appended the Visitor's Guide to Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester
271220: DRAKE, NICHOLAS - The Sixties : a decade in Vogue / edited by Nicholas Drake
259668: DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS (1833-1905) - Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston
237074: DRAKE, ARNOLD; CERTA, JOE (1919-1986) - Dark Shadows: the complete series: Volume 5
237075: DRAKE, ARNOLD; CERTA, JOE (1919-1986) - Dark Shadows: the complete series: Volume 4
171331: DRAKE, FRANCIS, SIR (1540?-1596) - The world encompasseded by sir francis drake / edited by Sir R.C. Temple
15615: DRAKE, STILLMAN - Cause, Experiment and Science : a Galilean Dialogue, Incorporating a New English Translation of Galileo's Bodies That Stay Atop Water, or Move in it / Stillman Drake
63963: DRAKE, DURANT (1878-1933) - Shall We Stand by the Church? A Dispassionate Inquiry, by Durant Drake
114156: DRAKE, ROBERT - The Burning Bush and Other Stories
121616: DRAKE, CHARLES D. (CHARLES DANIEL) (1811-1892) - Union and Anti-Slavery Speeches / Delivered During the Rebellion: by Charles D. Drake
110458: DRAKE, ROBERT L. - The Boy Allies with the Flying Squadron, Or, the Naval Raiders of the Great War
110457: DRAKE, ROBERT L. - The Boy Allies in the Baltic, Or, through Fields of Ice to Aid the Czar
110454: DRAKE, ROBERT L. - The Boy Allies with the Submarine D-32, Or, the Fall of the Russian Empire
230259: DRAKE, STILLMAN - Copernicus--philosophy and science : Bruno-Kepler-Galileo
187864: DRAKE, BARBARA (1876-1963) - Women in trade unions / Barbara Drake
169236: DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS - New England legends and folklore : based on writings by Samuel Adams Drake and others / and illustrated with photographs by Samuel Chamberlain ; edited, with a foreword, by Harry Hansen
280237: DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS - The heart of the White Mountains; their legend and scenery, With illus. by W. Hamilton Gibson
31511: DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS - Old Boston Taverns and Tavern Clubs
65465: DRAKE, SAMUEL GARDNER (1798-1875) - The Old Indian Chronicle; Being a Collection of Exceeding Rare Tracts Written and Published in the Time of King Philip's War
280775: EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MUSIC AND DRAMA - Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Drama, August 21 to September 9, 1950 - programme for Bartholomew Fair a comedy by Ben Jonson
191942: DRANE, JOHN WILLIAM - Old Testament faith : an illustrated documentary
191944: DRANE, JOHN WILLIAM - Old Testament Story : an illustrated documentary
92616: DRAPE, JOE - In the Hornets' Nest : Charlotte and its First Year in the NBA. / Joe Drape
248483: DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM (1811-1882) - History of the intellectual development of Europe: volume II
98563: DRAPER, THEODORE (1912-2006) - Abuse of Power
94196: DRAPER, THEODORE (1912-2006) - The Rediscovery of Black Nationalism
93500: DRAPER, HILARY - Private Police / [By] Hilary Draper
67596: DRAPER, THEODORE (1912-2006) - The Rediscovery of Black Nationalism
269763: DRAPER, JO - Thomas Hardy's England / introduced and edited by John Fowles ; written by Jo Draper
261526: DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM (1811-1882) - History of the conflict between religion and science
255029: DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM (1811-1882) - A history of the intellectual development of Europe
209416: DRAPER, JO - Dorset : the complete guide
190215: DRAPER, MARIE P. G. (MARIE PATRICIA GRACE), (1924- ) - Marble Hill House and its owners
147565: DRAPER, HILARY - Private Police
59191: DRAPER, JOHN SMITH. BENJAMIN MORGAN [PSEUD. ] - Shams; Or, Uncle Ben's Experience with Hypocrites. by Benjamin Morgan [Pseud. ]
47636: DRAPER, THEODORE - Abuse of Power
244974: DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM, M.D - History of the Intellectual Development of Europe: Volume II
247603: DRAPER, JO - Thomas Hardy's England / introduced and edited by John Fowles ; written by Jo Draper
194151: DRAPER, ELIZABETH - Birth control in the modern world : the role of the individual in population control
118382: DRAPER, RUTH (1884-1956) - The Letters of Ruth Draper : 1920-1956, a Self-Portrait of a Great Actress / Edited, with Narrative Notes by Neilla Warren ; Foreword by Sir John Gielgud
29673: DRAPER, THEODORE (1912-2006) - The Six Weeks' War : France, May 10 - June 25, 1940
44640: DRAPER, THEODORE - The Six Weeks' War, France May 10 - June 25, 1940
207136: DRAPER, THEODORE (1912- ) - The roots of American communism
235108: DRÄSEKE, JOHANNES - Johannes Scotus Erigena und dessen Gewährsmänner in seinem Werke 'De divisione naturae' libri V
42022: DRASKOVICH, SLOBODAN M. (1910-) - Will America Surrender?
161171: DRAWBELL, JAMES (1899-1979) - James Drawbell, an Autobiography
44615: DRAWBRIDGE, CYPRIAN LEYCESTER (1868-) ED. - The Religion of Scientists, Being Recent Opinions Expressed by Two Hundred Fellows of the Royal Society on the Subject of Religion and Theology
257745: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS - Catalogue of drawings by Dutch and Flemish artists preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Vol. 2 Drawings by Rubens, Van Dyck and other artists of the Flemish school of the XVII century
240937: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564). BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPT. OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS - Drawings by Michaelangelo : in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle, the Ashmolean Museum, the British Museum and other English collections
177900: BRITISH MUSEUM DEPT. OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS - Italian baroque drawings / [written by] Nicholas Turner
219279: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS - English book illustration, 966-1846
158333: DRAZIN, DAVID H. , COMP. - Croquet : a Bibliography : Specialist Books and Pamphlets Complete to 1997 / Compiled by David H. Drazin
198137: DREAMER (YOGA OF DISCRIMINATION) - Studies in the Bhagavad Gita
165966: DREANO, MATURIN - La Pensee Religieuse De Montaigne / Par Maturin Dreano
119025: DREAPER, W. P - The Chemistry and Physics of Dyeing : Being an Account of the Relations between Fibres and Dyes, the Formulation of Lakes, and the General Reactions of Colloids, and Their Solution State
138010: DRECHSLER, HANNO - Die Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands, SAPD. Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung Am Ende Der Weimarer Republik
203116: DREHER, DIANE ELIZABETH (1946- ) - The Tao of personal leadership : the ancient way to success / Diane Dreher
52201: DREHER, CARL (1896-) - The Coming Showdown
79832: DREHER, CARL (1896-?) - Sarnoff, an American Success
230839: DREIER, FRANZ ADRIAN - Venezianische Glaser : und 'Facon de Venise / Franz Adrian Dreier
18037: DREIKURS, RUDOLF - Psychology in the Classroom A Manual for Teachers
43409: DREISBACH, DANIEL L. - Religion and Politics in the Early Republic
221533: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) - Jennie Gerhardt : a novel
238658: DREISER, VERA; HOWARD, BRETT - My Uncle Theodore
244108: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) - An American tragedy: Volume 1
90983: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) - Twelve Men
15191: DREISER, THEODORE - A Hoosier Holiday
121356: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) - Tragic America, by Theodore Dreiser
105708: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945). MARSH, REGINALD (1898-1954) ILL. - Sister Carrie; a Novel by Theodore Dreiser; with a New Introduction by Burton Rascoe. Illustrated from Crayon Drawings by Reginald Marsh
64649: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) - Dawn
6957: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) - The Bulwark
100749: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) & STAHL, BEN F. - Sister Carrie / Theodore Dreiser ; Illustrated by Ben F. Stahl
211608: DREISER, THEODORE (1871-1945) - Eine Amerikanische Tragodie : Roman / Theodore Dreiser
142374: DRELINCOURT, CHARLES (1595-1669) - The Christian's Defence Against the Fears of Death : with Seasonable Directions How to Prepare Ourselves to Die Well / Written Originally in French, by ... Charles Drelincourt. Translated Into English by Marius D'Assigny
182672: DREMEL, EDOUARD - Guide de bruxelles et de ses environs: Souvenir des hotels de belle-vue et de Flandre
216462: DRENIKOFF, KYRIL G. - L'Eglise Catholique en Bulgarie
256604: DRESCH, JOSEPH FÉLIX ÉMILE - Heine à Paris, 1831-1856 : d'après sa correspondence et les témoignages de ses contemporains
253290: DRESCHER, HORST - Das Neue Palais in Potsdam : Beiträge zum Spätstil der friderizianischen Architektur und Bauplastik / von Horst Drescher, Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger
67569: DRESCHER, VITUS B. - Mysterious Senses; an Enquiry Into Animal Perception
277176: COLLECTIONS DRESDEN - The glory of baroque Dresden : the State Art Collections Dresden / presented by the Mississippi Commission for International Cultural Exchange, Inc. ; [catalogue project director, Dr. Sabine Siebel]
230167: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN. PORZELLANSAMMLUNG. HERAUSGEBER: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN - Porzellansammlung im Zwinger : Fuhrer durch das Museum / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
230157: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN. PORZELLANSAMMLUNG. HERAUSGEBER: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN - Porzellansammlung im Zwinger : Fuhrer durch das Museum / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
229823: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN - Porzellansammlung im Zwinger
229527: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN - Böttgersteinzeug - Böttgerporzellan aus der Dresdener Porzellansammlung
229529: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN - Böttgersteinzeug - Böttgerporzellan aus der Dresdener Porzellansammlung
230528: STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN - Meissen : Fruhzeit und Gegenwart: Johann Freidrich Bottger zum 300.Geburtstag
188018: DRESHER, ELAN - Linguistics as science / a discourse by means of selected tracts...by Elan Dresher Cover title: Linguistics and scientific theory
150297: DRESSE, PAUL - Courrier Des Poetes : 6 La Poesie Civique / Cahier Compose Par Paul Dresse
127585: DRESSE, PAUL - Charles Maurras. Poete. Avec Deux Illustrations Hors-Texte Et Un Essai De Bibliographie
272280: DRESSEL, JOACHIM - The Luftwaffe album : fighters and bombers of the German Air Force, 1933-1945 / Joachim Dressel and Manfred Greihl; translated by M.J. Shields
258826: DRESSEL, ALBERT RUDOLF MAXIMILIAN (1808-1875). TISCHENDORF, CONSTANTIN VON (1815-1874) - Patrum apostolicorum opera : textum ad fidem codicum et graecorum latinorum, ineditorum copia insignium : adhibitis praestantissimis editionibus / recensuit atque emendavit, notis illustravit, versione latina passim correcta, prrolegomenis, indicibus instruxit Albertus Rud. Max. Dressel. Accedit Hermae pastor ex fragmentis Graecis Lipsienibus, instituta quaestione de vero eius textus fonte / auctore Constantino Tischendorf
135438: DRESSENDORFER, PETER - Islam Unter Der Inquisition; Die Morisco-Prozesse in Toledo 1575-1610
140322: DRESSLER, WILHELM - Existenz Und Arbeit : Das Problem Der Konkretion Des Abstrakten Existenzbegriffes in Der Philosophie J. P. Sartre
163251: DRESSLER, DAVID (ED. ) - Readings in Criminology and Penology / Edited by David Dressler
26539: DRESSLER, DAVID - Probation and Parole
153215: DRESSLER, DAVID - Parole Chief
85677: DRESSMAN, DENNY - Gerry Faust : Notre Dame's Man in Motion
72494: DREUILHE, A. E - Mortal Embrace : Living with AIDS / Emmanuel Dreuilhe ; Translated by Linda Coverdale
37462: DREUILHE, A. E. - Mortal Embrace : Living with AIDS / Emmanuel Dreuilhe ; Translated by Linda Coverdale
174255: DREVER, JAMES (1873-1950) - The psychology of industry
195621: DREVER, JAMES (1878-) - The psychology of everyday life
235313: DREVES, GUIDO MARIA - Die Kirche der Lateiner in ihren Liedern
215337: DREVET - Mysteres de l'Hotel-de-ville; revelations de Drevet pere, president des Delegues du peuple. Faits et actes inedits du Gouvernment provisoire, fevrier 1848
167723: DREVET, CAMILLE - La Bulgarie : Au coeur des Balkans.
196183: DREVET, THE ELDER ; MARCHAL M. ; BOUTON, VICTOR - Mysteres de l'Hotel de Ville : Revelations de Drevet pere, president des delegues du peuple ... (Fevrier 1848) [bound with] Encore un scandale... / par M. Marchal [bound with] La patrie en danger au 25 Fevrier 1848... / par Victor Bouton
80215: DREW, LESLIE - Argillite, Art of the Haida
69726: DREW, ELIZABETH - Politics and Money : the New Road to Corruption / Elizabeth Drew
272763: DREW, WILLIAM ROBERT MACFARLANE SIR (1907-1991) - Commissioned officers in the medical services of the British army 1660-1960. Vol. II Roll of officers in the Royal Army Medical Corps 1898-1960
270903: DREW, ELIZABETH - Jane Welsh and Jane Carlyle
24403: DREW, ELIZABETH - Election Journal - Political Events of 1987-1988
164357: DREW, BETTINA (1956-) - Nelson Algren : a Life on the Wild Side / Bettina Drew
13556: DREW, ELIZABETH - Senator
257195: DREW, SIMON - Golf : fairway fables
179803: DREW, GEORGE SMITH - Scripture lands in connection with their history : with an appendix, and extr. from a journal kept during an Eastern tour
250106: DREW, JOSEPH OF WEYMOUTH - The poisoned cup : a tale of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, in the days of Queen Elizabeth
194084: DREW, BERNARD. [SANGORSKI] - 'The fire office.' Being the history of the Essex and Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society Limited, 1802-1952
70688: DREW, MARY GLADSTONE (1847-1927) - Some Hawarden Letters, 1878-1913, Written to Mrs. Drew (Miss Mary Gladstone) before and after Her Marriage, Chosen and Arranged by Lisle March-Phillipps and Bertram Christian
65438: DREW, ELIZABETH - Showdown : the Struggle between the Gingrich Congress and the Clinton White House / Elizabeth Drew
149644: DREW, G. S. (GEORGE SMITH) (1819-1880) - Scripture Lands, in Connection with Their History; with an Appendix, and Extracts from a Journal Kept During an Eastern Tour in 1856-57. by G. S. Drew
115449: DREW, MARY GLADSTONE (1847-1927) - Mary Gladstone (Mrs. Drew) ; Her Diaries and Letters. with Thirty-Nine Illustrations. Edited by Lucy Masterman
240072: DREW, JANE B. (JANE BEVERLY) (1911-); ARCHITECTS' YEAR BOOK - Architects' year book. 1 / editor, Jane B. Drew
222937: DREWATTS - Puritan Values, Designers & Makers 1850 - 1950. Tuesday 6th October 2009. Drewatts, Donnington Priory Salerooms [auction catalogue]
223139: DREWATTS - Drewatts, Donnington Priory : Interiors by John Hobbs. Wednesday 15th December 2010. [auction catalogue]
233149: DREWERMANN, EUGEN. MARZ, BERND (1953-) - Reden gegen den Krieg / Eugen Drewermann ; herausgegeben von Bernd Marz
209834: DREWETT, JOHN - Surrey / John Drewett
209813: DREWETT, JOHN - The nature of Surrey
206903: DREWETT, ALFRED JOHN - Signs of the times (Nationalism, Communism and Christianity)
246222: DREWS, WOLFGANG - Gotthold Ephraim Lessing in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten / dargestellt von Wolfgang Drews
250451: DREYER, PETER - Martyrs and fanatics : South Africa and human destiny
222232: DREYER, ALOYS (1861-1938) - Franz Pocci : der Dichter, Kunstler und Kinderfreund / von Aloys Dreyer ; mit zahlreichen Illustrationen
271200: DREYFUS, JOHN - A history of the Nonesuch Press
270408: DREYFUS, ALFRED (1859-1935) - Five years of my life
245201: DREYFUS, ALFRED (1859-1935) - La révision du procès de Rennes: Débats de La Cour de Cassation: 15 juin 1906-12 juillet 1906: Rapport de M. Le Conseiller Moras, Réquistoire de M. Le Procureur Général Baudouin, Plaidoirie de Me Henry Mornard: L'Arret, Annexes: Tome I
141684: DREYFUS, ROBERT (1873-) - Monsieur Thiers Contre L'Empire, La Guerre, La Commune, 1869-1871
76208: DREYFUS, ALFRED (1859-) - Five Years of My Life - [Uniform Title: Cinq Annees De Ma Vie. English]
75863: DREYFUS, JACK (1913-?) - The Lion of Wall Street : the Two Lives of Jack Dreyfus
75744: DREYFUS, ALFRED (1859-1935) - The Dreyfus Case
149630: DREYFUS, ALFRED (1859-1935) - Five Years of My Life / Translated from the French by James Mortimer
144282: DREYFUS, FERDINAND I. E. CAMILLE FERDINAND - L'Assistance Sous La Legislative Et La Convention (1791-1795)
113344: DREYFUS, ALFRED (1859-) - Five Years of My Life - [Uniform Title: Cinq Annees De Ma Vie. English]
210473: M., R. L. DREYFUS, ALFRED (1859-1935) - Histoire sommaire de l'affaire Dreyfus / par R.L.M.
96545: DREYFUSS, JOEL & LAWRENCE, CHARLES (1943-?) JOINT AUTHORS - The Bakke Case : the Politics of Inequality
93431: DREYFUSS, JOEL - The Bakke Case : the Politics of Inequality / Joel Dreyfuss & Charles Lawrence III
122422: DREYFUSS, JOEL. LAWRENCE, CHARLES - The Bakke Case : the Politics of Inequality / Joel Dreyfuss and Charles Lawrence
195302: DRIBERG, TOM (1905-1976) - Beaverbrook : a study in power and frustration / Tom Driber
188647: DRIBERG, TOM (1905-1976) - Beaverbrook : a study in power and frustration / Tom Driberg
196118: DRIBERG, TOM (1905-1976) - Beaverbrook : a study in power and frustration / Tom Driberg
196422: DRIBERG, TOM (1905-1976) - Beaverbrook : a study in power and frustration / Tom Driberg
79508: DRIEBERG, TREVOR - Indira Gandhi
9980: DRIGALSKI, DORTE VON (1942-) - Flowers on Granite : One Woman's Odyssey through Psychoanalysis
279501: DRIGGS, LOUISE - Soups and stews the world over
171766: DRIJVERS, H. J. W. - Old-Syriac (Edessean) inscriptions / edited with an introduction, indices and a glossary, by H.J.W. Drijvers
191157: DRIJVERS, PIUS - Les Psaumes : genres litteraires et themes doctrinaux / traduit du neerlandais
38964: DRILLE, HEARTON - Tactics; Or, Cupid in Shoulder-Straps. a West Point Love Story
233289: VAN DRIMMELEN, WIM ; JAUSLIN, JEAN-FREDERIC ; VILENKA, JAKAC-BIZJAK - Europe's national libraries : 15 years of joint programmes/ [editorial board : Wim van Drimmelen, Jean-Frederic Jauslin, Jakac-Bizjak Vilenka]
218884: DRINKER, FREDERICK E. - Theodore Roosevelt, his life and work ... / written and edited by Frederick E. Drinker and Jay Henry Mowbray [Salesman's dummy]
268973: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Mary Stuart : a Play
267364: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - The eighteen-sixties : essays by fellows of the Royal Society of Literature / edited by John Drinkwater
258147: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - The pilgrim of eternity : Byron--a conflict
250642: DRINKWATER, CAROL - The olive farm : a love story
250569: DRINKWATER, CAROL - The olive tree : a personal journey through Mediterranean olive groves
163507: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - A Book for Bookmen : Being Edited Manuscripts & Marginalia with Essays on Several Occasions
188854: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) ; HOWE, PERCIVAL PRESLAND (1886-1944) ; WILLIAMS, ORLO (B. 1883) - The art and craft of letters : The lyric, by John Drinkwater ; Criticism, by P. P. Howe ; The essay, by Orlo Williams
223667: DRINKWATER, JOHN - The pilgrim of eternity : Byron -- a conflict
9283: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Mary Stuart : a Play
256210: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Charles James Fox
73134: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - The World's Lincoln
70223: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Oliver Cromwell : a Play
69283: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Mary Stuart; a Play, by John Drinkwater
69144: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Pawns, Four Poetic Plays, by John Drinkwater ... with an Introduction by Jack R. Crawford
60234: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Pepys, His Life and Character, by John Drinkwater
5529: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Lincoln, the World Emancipator
277778: DRINKWATER, PENNY - To set before a king : illustrated with 48 photographs
229533: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-19370 - Garibaldi : a chronicle play of Italian freedom, in ten scenes
263049: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Oliver Cromwell; a play
204146: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Robert E. Lee : a play
35996: DRINKWATER, JOHN - Robert E. Lee : a Play
263645: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Preludes,1921-1922
67764: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - The Art of Theatre-Going, by John Drinkwater
27031: DRINKWATER, JOHN - Robert E. Lee - a Play
5673: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - The Lyric; an Essay
69399: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Robert Burns, a Play
69550: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Charles James Fox
82366: DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1937) - Discovery; Being the Second Book of an Autobiography, 1897-1913
125820: DRINNON, RICHARD - White Savage; the Case of John Dunn Hunter
255508: Ó DRISCEOIL, DONAL - Censorship in Ireland, 1939-1945 : neutrality, politics, and society / Donal Ó Drisceoil
241981: DRISCOLL, ROBIN - Mr. Bean's scrapbook : all about me in America
22610: DRISCOLL, DAWN-MARIE - Members of the Club. The Coming of Age of Executive Women
164030: DRISCOLL, CHARLES BENEDICT (1885-1951) - Country Jake
156409: DRISCOLL, CHARLES B. (CHARLES BENEDICT) , 1885-1951 - Country Jake, by Charles B. Driscoll
75942: DRISCOLL, JOSEPH (1902-) - Pacific Victory, 1945
57173: DRISCOLL, CHARLES B. (CHARLES BENEDICT) (1885-1951) - The Life of O. O. McIntyre, by Charles B. Driscoll
264435: DRISCOLL, IAN H - Flightpath South Pacific / Ian H. Driscoll
104625: STUDIO MUSEUM IN HARLEM. DAVID DRISKELL (ET AL) - Harlem Renaissance : Art of Black America / Introduction by Mary Schmidt Campbell ; Essays by David Driskell, David Levering Lewis, and Deborah Willis Ryan
102008: DRISKO, CAROL F. EDGAR A. TOPPIN - The Unfinished March; the Negro in the United States, Reconstruction to World War I
268347: DRIVER, ELIZABETH - A bibliography of cookery books published in Britain, 1875-1914 / Elizabeth Driver
257528: DRIVER, JACK - The Vatican : conspiracies, codes and the Catholic church
262631: DRIVER, S. R. (SAMUEL ROLLES) (1846-1914) - Sermons on subjects connected with the Old Testament
122075: DRIVER, GODFREY ROLLES (1892-1975) - The Judaean Scrolls, the Problem and a Solution
220979: DRIVER, GODFREY ROLLES (1892-1975) - The Hebrew scrolls : from the neighborhood of Jericho and the Dead Sea
56264: DRIVER, TOM FAW (1925-) - Romantic Quest and Modern Query : a History of the Modern Theatre
133196: DRIVER, S. R. (SAMUEL ROLLES) - Isaiah : His Life and Times and the Writings Which Bear His Name
178497: DRIVER, S. R. (1846-1914) - The Century Bible. The minor prophets: Nahum, Habbakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi : introductions, Revised Version with notes, index and map / edited by S.R. Driver.
195162: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES - Isaiah : his life and times
132216: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES (1846-1914) - The Ideals of the Prophets / Sermons by the Late S. R. Driver. Together with a Bibliography of His Published Writings
132214: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES (1846-1914) - An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament
130826: DRIVER, S. R. (SAMUEL ROLLES) - Modern Research As Illustrating the Bible
129826: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES - Sermons on Subjects Connected with the Old Testament
129749: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES (1846-1914) - Modern Research As Illustrating the Bible
116131: DRIVER, TOM FAW - Romantic Quest and Modern Query; a History of the Modern Theatre, by Tom F. Driver
165398: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES, (1846-1914) - Modern Research As Illustrating the Bible
165176: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES, (1846-1914) - Sermons on Subjects Connected with the Old Testament
40190: DRIVER, CHRISTOPHER P. - The Disarmers : a Study in Protest
174183: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES - The International critical commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments - DEUTERONOMY - under the present editorship of Alfred Plummer ; planned and for years edited by Samuel Rolles Driver, Alfred Plummer, and Charles Augustus Briggs
168006: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES (1846-1914) - Isaiah, his life and times : and the writings which bear his name
168574: DRIVER, S. R. (1846-1914) - The book of the Prophet Jeremiah / a revised translation, with introductions and short explanations, by the Rev. S. R. Driver [ Bible. O.T. Jeremiah. English. Driver. 1908 ]
168637: DRIVER, S. R (SAMUEL ROLLES) (1846-1914) - Sermons on subjects connected with the Old Testament
106580: DRIVER, TOM FAW - Romantic Quest and Modern Query; a History of the Modern Theatre
186878: DRIVER, S. R. (1846-1914) - The ideals of the prophets : sermons by the late S.R. Driver, together with a bibliography of his published writings
129510: DRIVER, GODFREY ROLLES (1892-1975) - Semitic Writing from Pictograph to Alphabet
31325: DRIVER, CHRISTOPHER - The Exploding University
75538: DRIX, SAMUEL, M. D. - Witness to Annihilation : Surviving the Holocaust, a Memoir
217223: DROBLENKOVA, NADEZHDA FEOKTISTOVNA - Novaya povest' o preslavnom rosiyskom tsarstve i sovremennaya yey agitatsionnaya patrioticheskaya pis'mennost' [A new tale of the most glorious kingdom and modern rosiyskogo her patriotic propaganda writing. Language: Russian]
218542: DROBLENKOVA, N. F. - Novaya povest' o preslavnom Rossiyskom tsarstve i sovremennaya yey agitatsionnaya patrioticheskaya pis'mennost' [A new tale of the most glorious kingdom and the modern Russian propaganda patriotic her writing. Language: Russian]
6719: DROESE, MISS - Indian Gems for the Master's Crown
184564: DROGAT, NOEL - Economie rurale et nourriture des hommes
190700: DROGAT, NOEL - The challenge of hunger
158740: DROHOJOWSKA-PHILP, HUNTER (1952- ) - Full Bloom : the Art and Life of Georgia O'Keeffe / Hunter Drohojowska-Philp
237306: DROOKER, ARTHUR - Lost worlds: ruins of the americas
63668: DROSNIN, MICHAEL - Citizen Hughes / Michael Drosnin
212500: DROSNIN, MICHAEL - The Bible code 2 : the countdown / Michael Drosnin
61631: DROSNIN, MICHAEL - Citizen Hughes / Michael Drosnin
277204: DROSTE, MAGDALENA - Bauhaus
217303: DROSTE-HULSHOFF, ANNETTE VON (1797-1848) - Die Judenbuche : ein Sittengemalde aus dem Gebirgichten Westfalen / Annette von Droste-Hulshoff
272485: HOTEL DROUOT - Millon, collection de Monsieur G - Mercredi 16 novembre 2016
229810: HOTEL DROUOT - Faiences et porcelaines anciennes: Importante paire de Potiches de Delft Doré Gravures anciennes
169938: HOTEL DROUOT - Livres illustres modernes, en partie avec aquarelles et dessins. 1975 June 6
229863: HOTEL DROUOT - Rare ensemble de porcelaines tendres francaises du XVIIIe siecle. 1967 Nov. 23
229866: HOTEL DROUOT - Porcelaines francaises et etrangeres du XVIIIe siecle, faiences anciennes, objets varies. 1939 Feb. 15-16
230124: HOTEL DROUOT - Porcelaines Francaises et etrangeres, tapisseries, objets d'art de la Chine et du Japon
111918: DROWN, FRANK - Mission to the Head-Hunters [By] Frank and Marie Drown
177984: DROWN, EDWARD STAPLES (1861-1936) - God's responsibility for the war
93172: DROWN, FRANK - Mission to the Head-Hunters [By] Frank and Marie Drown
152130: DROZ, JACQUES (1909-) - Le Socialisme Allemand De 1869 a 1918 / Par M. Droz
127795: DROZ, EDOUARD (1855-1923) - P. -J. Proudhon, 1809-1865
97731: DROZDOWSKI, BOHDAN & ITZIN, CATHERINE (1944-?) - Twentieth Century Polish Theatre / Edited by Bohdan Drozdowski English Translations (From the Polish) Edited by Catherine Itzen (I. E. Itzin)
151129: DROZDZYNSKI, ALEKSANDER. ZABOROWSKI, JAN (1915-) - Oberlander : a Study in German East Policies
192961: LE DRU, NICOLAS - Lettre a Monsieur le Cardinal : burlesque / [by Nicolas Le Dru, pseud. (i.e. Nicolas de Laffemas)
145623: DRU, LEON - Rapport Sur Les Eaux Minerales Du Caucase
131394: DRU, JEAN - De L'Etat Socialiste. Tom.2 , Ici, Maintenant, Et Demain
94897: DRUCKER, PETER F. (PETER FERDINAND) - Managing in Turbulent Times
115666: DRUCKER, PETER F. (PETER FERDINAND) (1909-2005) - The New Society; the Anatomy of the Industrial Order
60449: DRUCKER, MALKA - Hanukkah : Eight Nights, Eight Lights
234797: DRUCKER, PETER FERDINAND (1909-2005) - The practice of management
234771: DRUCKER, PETER FERDINAND (1909-2005) - Innovation and entrepreneurship : practice and principles
16708: DRUCKER, H. M. - Doctrine and Ethos in the Labour Party
160203: DRUCKER, PETER FERDINAND (1909-2005) - The Age of Discontinuity; Guidelines to Our Changing Society, by Peter F. Drucker
33314: DRUCKER, PETER FERDINAND (1909-2005) - Technology, Management & Society : Essays
25889: DRUCKER, PETER FERDINAND (1909-2005) - Technology, Management & Society : Essays
235001: DRUCKER, PETER FERDINAND (1909-2005) - The effective executive
121052: DRUCKER, PETER F. - The Changing World of the Executive / Peter F. Drucker
172224: DRUCKER, PAULINE - The critical doctrine of Honore de Balzac
234775: DRUCKER, PETER FERDINAND (1909-2005) - Age of discontinuity
72257: DRUCKREY, TIMOTHY - Reasoned Space : an Exhibition / Curated by Timothy Druckrey and Marnie Gillett
267276: DRUITT, ROBERT (1814-1883) - The surgeon's vade mecum : a manual of modern surgery
152765: DRUJON, FRANCOIS - L'Orient Marxiste. Reportage Et Notes ; Preface De Jean Cassou
277054: DRUM, BRIAN - The Sale of Work - A comedy in one act
270069: DRUMMOND-WOLFF, HENRY - British Declaration of Independence: with forward by the Rt. Hon. Lord Altringham
247462: DRUMMOND, JOHN (1934-) - Tainted by experience : a life in the arts
201621: DRUMMOND, JAMES (1835-1918) ; [BIBLE. APPENDIX. JOHN, GOSPEL OF. MISCELLANEOUS] - Johannine thoughts : meditations in prose and verse suggested by passages in the fourth Gospel
202709: DRUMMOND, HENRY (1851-1897) - Natural law in the spiritual world
159077: DRUMMOND, WILLIAM HENRY (1854-1907) - The Voyageur and Other Poems, by William Henry Drummond, with Illustrations by Frederick Simpson Coburn
186453: DRUMMOND, JAMES (1835-1918) - An inquiry into the character and authorship of the Fourth Gospel / James Drummond
107653: DRUMMOND, IVOR - The Tank of Sacred Eels
280243: DRUMMOND, JAMES EARL OF PERTH. CAMDEN SOCIETY - Letters from James, Earl of Perth, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, &c., to his sister, the Countess of Erroll, and other members of his family
162323: DRUMMOND, JAMES (1835-1918) - Studies in Christian Doctrine
24361: DRUMMOND, DONALD F. - The Passing of American Neutrality 1937-1941
134072: DRUMMOND, ROBERT JAMES - The Relation of the Apostolic Teaching to the Teaching of Christ : Being the Kerr Lectures for 1900
133797: DRUMMOND, ROBERT J. (ROBERT JAMES) - The Relation of the Apostolic Teaching to the Teaching of Christ
280501: DRUMMOND, HENRY - The greatest thing in the world
220922: DRUMMOND, JAMES (1835-1918) - An inquiry into the character and authorship of the Fourth Gospel / James Drummond
174021: DRUMMOND, ROBERT J. (ROBERT JAMES) (1858-1951) - The relation of the apostolic teaching to the teaching of Christ : being the Kerr lectures for 1900
123196: DRUMMOND, JUNE - Drop Dead
119629: DRUMMOND-WOLFF, HENRY (1899-) - British Declaration of Independence
44721: DRUMMOND, ISABEL - . .. Getting a Divorce
177483: DRUMMOND, IVOR - The man with the tiny head / Ivor Drummond
137441: DRUMMOND, IVOR - The Power of the Bug / Ivor Drummond
44865: DRUMMOND, HENRY - Natural Law in the Spiritual World
198144: DRUMMOND, HENRY (1851-1897) - Natural law in the spiritual world
164419: DRUMONT, EDOUARD ADOLPHE (1844-1917) - Le Secret De Fourmies : (Avec Un Plan De La Place De L'Eglise) / Edouard Drumont
63216: DRURY, ALLEN - Egypt : the Eternal Smile : Reflections on a Journey
255406: DRURY, THOMAS WILLIAM ERNEST - Unforgotten / Thomas William Ernest Drury
238694: DRURY, MICHAEL - The medical secretary's and receptionist's handbook / Michael Drury
238696: DRURY, MICHAEL. HULL, ROBIN - Introduction to general practice / Michael Drury, Robin Hull ; foreword by Raymond Hoffenberg
238276: DRURY, MICHAEL. COLLIN, MARION (1928-) - The medical secretary's and receptionist's handbook : including Hospital office practice
213738: DRURY, NEVILL (1947- ) - Magic and witchcraft : from shamanism to the technopagans / Nevill Drury
160369: DRURY, ALLEN - The Promise of Joy / Allen Drury
160197: DRURY, ALLEN - Mark Coffin, U. S. S. : a Novel of Capitol Hill / Allen Drury
157381: DRURY, ALLEN - A God Against the Gods / Allen Drury
156993: DRURY, ALLEN - Pentagon / Allen Drury
156795: DRURY, ALLEN. MAROON, FRED J. - Courage and Hesitation : Notes and Photographs of the Nixon Administration / Notes by Allen Drury. Photos. by Fred Maroon
246076: DRURY, HENRY - Arundines Cami sive Musarum Cantabrigiensium Lusus Canori
100692: DRURY, ALLEN AND LIEPKE, MALCOLM (ILLUS. ) - Decision / Allen Drury
83990: DRURY, CLIFFORD MERRILL (1897-?) - William Anderson Scott, 'No Ordinary Man. '
161501: DRURY, ALLEN - Anna Hastings : the Story of a Washington Newspaperperson! : a Novel
278880: DRURY, ELIZABETH - Victorian household hints
156973: DRURY, ALLEN - Preserve and Protect
231813: DRUSCHE, ESTHER - Richard Wagner
229519: VAN DRUTEN, JOHN (1901-1957) - Diversion : a play in three acts
29969: VAN DRUTEN, JOHN - The Vicarious Years
81568: DRUXMAN, MICHAEL B (1941-?) - Make it Again, Sam : a Survey of Movie Remakes
259496: DRUZHININ, VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICH - How workers become engineers in the U.S.S.R. / V. Druzhinin
194631: DRUZHININ, VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICH (1908-) - How workers become engineers in the U.S.S.R. / V. Druzhinin
184227: DRUZHININ, VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICH (1908-) - How the workers become engineers in the USSR
216089: DRUZHININA, E. I. - Severnoye Prichernomor'ye v 1775-1800 gg. [Northern Black Sea region in the years 1775-1800. Language: Russian]
199166: DRYASDUST, REV. DR. [PSEUD.] - The common-place book of literary curiosities, remarkable customs, historical and domestic anecdotes, and etymological scraps
248927: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - The poems of John Dryden / edited with an introduction and textual notes by John Sargeaunt
62682: DRYDEN, STEVE - Trade Warriors : USTR and the American Crusade for Free Trade / Steve Dryden
277602: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700). KINSLEY, JAMES - The poems of John Dryden: in four volumes
266361: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - Of dramatick poesie : an essay, 1668
254883: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - Dryden : poetry & prose / with essays by Congreve, Johnson, Scott and others ; with an introduction and notes by David Nichol Smith
222868: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - Fables / John Dryden
279065: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - Fables ancient and modern : translated into verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer : with original poems. By Mr. Dryden
189364: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - The poetical works of John Dryden / edited with a memoir, revised text and notes by W.D. Christie
188344: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700). CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH (1819-1861) - Plutarch's lives : The translation called Dryden's. Corrected from the Greek and revised by A.H.Clough... Complete in five volumes
223903: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - The miscellaneous works of John Dryden... containing all his original poems, tales, and translations, now first collected and published together in four volumes. With explanatory notes and observations. Also an account of his life and writings
248457: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - John Dryden / edited, with an introduction and notes by George Saintsbury. Vol.1
159024: DRYDEN, ALICE (ED. ) - Memorials of Old Wiltshire / Ed. by Alice Dryden
225995: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - Fables antient and modern : translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer: with original poems. By Mr. Dryden
223872: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - The poetical works of John Dryden, edited with a memoir, revised text, and notes
262457: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - An evening's love : or, The mock-astrologer. A comedy
262439: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - Limberham: or, the kind keeper : A comedy
99886: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - John Dryden, Edited with an Introd. and Notes by George Saintsbury - Volume 1
217534: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700) - The poetical works of John Dryden / With illustrations by John Franklin
280608: DRYDEN, JOHN. VIRGIL - Virgil's Aeneis: Books I-VI
211651: DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700). SARGEAUNT, JOHN (ED.) - The poems of John Dryden edited with an introduction and textual notes by John Sargeaunt
272087: DRYERRE, J. MELDRUM (JOHN MELDRUM) - Heroes and heroines of the Scottish Covenanters
197472: DRYERRE, J. MELDRUM (JOHN MELDRUM) (B. 1865) - Heroes and heroines of the Scottish Covenanters. [With illustrations, including portraits.]
192460: DRYSDALE, GEORGE R. - La pauvrete, sa seule cause, son seul remede : avec des dues sur la question sexuelle, l'amour libre, la suppression du mariage, du celibat, de la prostitution, de la guerre. Malthusianisme et Neo-Malthusianisme
163535: DRYSDALE, A. H. - The Epistle of Paul to Philemon
242733: DRYSDALE, ALEXANDER HUTTON (1837-1924). RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN) - Early Bible songs : with introduction on the nature and spirit of Hebrew song
114246: DRYSDALE, DON - Once a Bum, Always a Dodger / Don Drysdale with Bob Verdi
168890: DRYSDALE, A. H. (ALEXANDER HUTTON) (1837-1924) - Early Bible songs : with introduction on the nature and spirit of Hebrew song
234929: COMHAIRLE NA DTREIDLIA (VETERINARY COUNCIL) - The Veterinary Register of Ireland 1988
251636: LÊ, DUÂ?N (1907-1986) - The Vietnamese revolution : fundamental problems essential tasks
183744: DUAN, LE - Some present tasks
103382: DUANE, O. B. - Zen Buddhism / O. B. Duane The Origins of Wisdom
103057: DUANE, O. B. - Mysticism
183876: DUBARBIER, GEORGES - La Chine Contemporaine politique et economique
130096: DUBARLE, A. -M. - Le Peche Originel Dans L'ecriture / A. M. Dubarle
207720: DUBBELDAM, WINKA - AT-INdex / Winka Dubbeldam ; introduction by Reed Kroloff ; contributions by Javier Barreiro Cavestany, Detlef Mertins, and Michael Speaks
108897: DUBE, WOLF DIETER - The Pinakothek, Munich. [Translated from the German by J. Wood]
144725: DUBECH, LUCIEN (1882-1940) - Histoire De Paris / L. Dubech, P. D'Espezel - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
174113: DUBECH, LUCIEN (1882-1940) - La Comedie-Francaise d'aujourd'hui
75820: DUBERMAN, MARTIN B - Cures : a Gay Man's Odyssey
37470: DUBERMAN, MARTIN B. - Cures : a Gay Man's Odyssey / Martin Duberman
28746: DUBERMAN, MARTIN - The Uncompleted Past
183795: DUBEUX, ALBERT - Roland Dorgeles. Son oeuvre. Portrait, et autographe : document pour l'histoire de la litterature Francaise
153130: DUBEUX, ALBERT - La Curieuse Vie De Georges Courteline / Presentation De Roland Dorgeles
176634: DUBEUX, ALBERT - Roland Dorgeles, son oeuvre : document pour l'histoire de la litterature francaise
257883: BRATACH DUBH - Workers' autonomy
239185: DUBIEF, LISE; SONOLET, J - Des connaissances médicales d'aprés quelques manuscrits et incunables / [L. Dubief, J. Sonolet]
192673: DUBIEF, HENRI - Les anarchistes (1870-1940)
273939: DUBIN, LOIS SHERR - Adornment : the art of Barbara Natoli Witt / Lois Sherr Dubin
180872: DUBINSKY, IRWIN - Reform in trade union discrimination in the construction industry : Operation Dig and its legacy
197057: DUBKOVETSKY, FYODOR - Advancing to communism : notes of a pioneer of collective farming in the Ukraine / Fyodor Dubkovetsky
67778: DUBLIN, LOUIS I. (LOUIS ISRAEL) (1882-1969) - A Family of Thirty Million; the Story of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, by Louis I. Dublin ...
95325: DUBLIN, LOUIS I. (LOUIS ISRAEL) (1882-1969) ED - Population Problems in the United States and Canada: an Outgrowth of Papers Presented At the Eighty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, December, 1924
135910: THE CORPORATION OF DUBLIN - A Book of Dublin
165134: DUBLIN, LOUIS ISRAEL (1882-1969) , (ED. ) - Population Problems in the United States and Canada
273213: DUBNABR, DAVID - Lord's My Cricket Home
215987: DUBNOVA, S. M. - Vsemirnaya Istoriya Yevreyskogo Naroda Drevneyshaya Istoriya. Drevneyshaya Istoriya Yevreyskogo Naroda S. M. DuBnova [The ancient history of the Jewish People by SM Dubnov. Language: Russian]
192538: DUBNOW, SIMON (1860-1941) - Nationalism and history : Essays on Old and New Judaism / Simon Dubnow ; edited with an introductory essay by Koppel S. Pinson
208216: DUBNOW, SIMON (1860-1941) - Die neueste Geschichte des Judischen Volkes (1789-1914) / von S. M. Dubnow [volumes 1 & 2]
38783: DUBOFSKY, MELVYN - The State & Labor in Modern America
172804: DUBOIN, JACQUES - Demain : ou, Le socialisme de l'abondance
257838: DUBOIS, A (DR) - La lèpre dans la region de Wamba-Pawa (Uele-Nepoko)
134880: DUBOIS, LEO L. (LEO LUIS) - Saint Francis of Assisi, Social Reformer
224043: DUBOIS, J. A. (JEAN ANTOINE) 1765-1848 - Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies
185514: DUBOIS, GAYLORD (1899-1993) - Buck Jones and the two gun kid
245227: DUBOIS, EUGÈNE - Histoire de la Révolution dans l'Ain: VI: Le Directoire
182475: DUBOIS, GAYLORD - Clyde Beatty daredevil lion and tiger tamer
202114: DUBOIS, J. A. (JEAN ANTOINE), (1765-1848) - Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies / J.A. Dubois ; translated from the author's later French ms. and edited with notes, corrections and biography by Henry K. Beauchamp ; with a prefatory note by F. Max Muller and a portrait
131269: DUBOIS, PIERRE - Victor Hugo : Ses Idees Religieuses De 1802 a 1825 / Par L'Abbe Pierre Dubois
219130: DUBOIS, D. S. - Leonora / D.S. Dubois ; drawings by Virgil Burnett
229679: DUBOIS, FÉLIX. WHITE, DIANA (TRANS.) - Timbuctoo the mysterious
124930: DUBOIS, J. HARRY - Plastics, a Simplified Presentation of the Important Plastics Materials and Products with Tables of Their Properties and the Basic Design Information Required by Engineers and Designers, by J. H. Du Bois
110242: DUBOIS, J. A. (1765-1848). HENRY K. BEAUCHAMP (TRANSL. AND ED. ) - Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies
227669: DUBOIS, RENÉ - Ile-de-France
177066: DUBOIS, PIERRE - Bio-bibliographie de Victor Hugo de 1802 a 1825 / par l'abbe Pierre Dubois
175965: DUBOIS, MARC (1897- ) - Grande Chartreuse : l'art religieux au monastere / Marc Dubois ; preface de Leon Auscher
14318: DUBOIS, FELIX - Timbuctoo The Mysterious
271936: DUBOS ABBE, JEAN-BAPTISTE (1670-1742) - Histoire de la Ligue faite a Cambray : entre Jules II. Pape, Maximilien I. Empereur, Louis XII. Roy de France, Ferdinand V. Roy d'Arragon, & tous les Princes d'Italie. Contre la republique de Venise: two volumes in one
72743: DUBOS, RENE JULES (1901-1982) - The Torch of Life; Continuity in Living Experience
41264: DUBOS, RENE JULES (1901-1982) - Louis Pasteur : Free Lance of Science
94337: DUBOS, RENE JULES (1901-1982) - Louis Pasteur, Free Lance of Science
206374: DUBOS, RENE J. (RENE JULES) (1901-1982) - The torch of life : continuity in living experience
37667: DUBOSCQ, GENEVIEVE - My Longest Night
107006: DUBOSCQ, GENEVIEVE - My Longest Night
144304: DUBOSCQ, ANDRE - Les Japonais
227424: DUBOULOZ, JEAN AUGUSTE (1800-1870) [ENGRAVER]. VILLEREY, AUGUSTE B. (1801) [ILLUSTRATOR] - Galerie des arts utiles ou Entretiens d'un père avec ses enfants sur les inventions, découvertes, perfectionnements, et autres merveilles des industries des hommes
162537: DUBREUIL, LEON - L'Idee Regionaliste Sous La Revolution
207558: HISTORIJSKOG INSTITUTA U DUBROVNIKU - Anali : Historijskog Instituta Jugoslavenske Akademie Znanosti i Umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. Godina IV. V. [Language: Croatian]
217372: DUBROVSKIY, S. M. - Sel'skoye khozyaystvo i krest'yanstvo rossii v period imperializma [Agriculture and the Russian peasantry in the period of imperialism. Language: Russian]
216125: DUBSKY, STANISLAV - Economic development / translated from the Czech by Jean Eisler
154813: DUBUS, ANDRE - The garden of last days : a novel
277549: DUBY, GEORGES - The early growth of the European economy : warriors and peasants from the seventh to the twelfth century
48029: DUBY, GEORGES - The Knight the Lady and the Priest - the Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France
230956: LE DUC, GENEVIEVE. THE FRENCH PORCELAIN SOCIETY - The French Porcelain Society: La Porcelaine de Villeroy
130062: ANH DUC - The Young Woman of Sao Beach
191941: DUCARME, BERNARD - La financement de la resistance armee en Belgique, 1940-1944 / par Bernard Ducarme ; preface de Socrate (R. Scheyen)
51973: DUCASSE, ALAIN - Harvesting Excellence
167557: DUCASSE PIERRE, (1905-) - Methode et intuition chez Auguste Comte / par Pierre Ducasse
174691: DUCASSI Y MENDIETA, FRANCISCO. PHILLIPS, RUBY HART, MRS., TR. - The problem of unemployment, legislation proposed to remedy unemployment, opinions and comments / translated by R. Hart Phillips
37911: DUCATI, PERICLE (1880-) - Die Etruskische Italo-Hellenistische Und Römische Malerei
174801: DUCATTILLION, J. V. - La guerre, cette revolution: le sort de la civilisation chretienne
154535: DUCERF, PATRICIA - Simply pretty beading : Adorn Yourself with over 30 unique designs for sparkling necklaces, rings and more
129170: DUCHATELET, BERNARD - Les Debuts De Jean-Cristophe (1886-1906) : Etude De Genese : Volume 2 / Bernard Duchatelet
244720: DUCHATELET, BERNARD - Les Débuts de 'Jean-Christophe' : (1886-1906). Etude de genèse: Tome I
229477: DUCHÊNE, FRANÇOIS (1927-2005) - The case of the helmeted airman : a study of W. H. Auden's poetry
181572: DUCHER, ROBERT - Caracteristique des styles : 410 sujets de styles dont 18 reproductions photographiques
236682: DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, JACQUES - Étude de 'Charmes' de Paul Valéry
188190: DUCHESNE, LOUIS (1843-1922) - Early history of the Christian Church from its foundation to the end of the fifth century - [Complete in 3 volumes]
150596: DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, JACQUES - Essai Sur La Jeune Parque De Paul Valery / Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin
237098: DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, JACQUES - Essai sur la jeune Parque de Paul Valéry / Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin
169689: DUCHESNE, L. (LOUIS) (1843-1922) - Christian worship: its origin and evolution : A study of the Latin liturgy up to the time of Charlemagne / Translated by M.L. McClure
167257: DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, JACQUES - Essai sur la jeune Parque de Paul Valery / Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin
128229: DUCHY OF LANCASTER. SOMERVILLE, ROBERT (ED. ) - Camden Miscellany. V26 : Ordinances of the Duchy of Lancaster
220231: DUCK, STEPHEN (1705-1756) - Poems on several occasions
141843: DUCKER, E. N. (ERIC N. ) - A Christian Therapy for a Neurotic World
158882: DUCKERS, ROB - The Limbourg Brothers : Nijmegen Masters At the French Court, 1400-1416 / Rob Duckers, Pieter Roelofs ; with Contributions by Boudewijn Bakker ... [Et Al. ]
263820: DUCKERS, PETER - British campaign medals 1815-1914 / Peter Duckers
234922: DUCKHAM, ALEC NARRAWAY - Farming systems of the world
189716: DUCKHAM, B. F. (BARON FREDERICK) - A history of the Scottish coal industry
201641: DUCKHAM, A. N. (ALEC NARRAWAY) - The fabric of farming
233846: DUCKLES, VINCENT - Music reference and research materials : an annotated bibliography / compiled by Vincent Duckles
88681: DUCKWORTH, PAUL - Creative Photographic Effects Simplified
278144: DUCKWORTH, GEORGE ECKEL - The nature of Roman comedy : a study in popular entertainment
135920: DUCKWORTH, WYNFRID LAURENCE HENRY - Studies from the Anthropological Laboratory, the Anatomy School, Cambridge
239542: DUCKWORTH, W.E. [COMPILER] - A Fifty-year Record of the North Stafforshire Society of Dental Surgeons
176992: DUCKWORTH, DYCE, SIR (1840-1928) - Views on some social subjects
197440: DUCKWORTH, W. L. H. (WYNFRID LAURENCE HENRY) (1870-?) - Prehistoric man
47044: DUCLAUD-WILLIAMS, ROGER H. - The Politics of Housing in Britain and France
179630: DUCLAUX, MADAME - Victor Hugo
30963: DUCLAUX, MARY - A Short History of France from Caesar's Invasion to the Battle of Waterloo
193203: DUCLOS, CHARLES PINOT (1704-1772) - The history of Lewis XI : King of France. In which is comprehended a general view of the affairs of Europe during the XVth century;... Wherein also are contained many curious particulars relating to our own history - [Complete in 2 volumes]
192721: DUCLOS, JACQUES; ROCHET, WALDECK - Finances democratiques et lutte contre les trusts : discours prononces par Jacques Duclos,... et Waldeck Rochet,... Assemblee consultative... 25-26 juillet 1945
90168: DUCLOUX, LOUIS - From Blackmail to Treason; Political Crime and Corruption in France, 1920-40. Translated by Ronald Matthews
31862: DUCOFF, HOWARD S. AND EHRET, CHARLES F. - Mitogenesis
184566: DUCOIN, GEORGES, S.J. (1914-) - Pour une economie du bien commun, selon la doctrine sociale de l'Eglise
22449: DUCOUT, FRANCOISE - Plaisirs D'Amour - (Almanach Erotique Des Femmes)
243509: DUCPÉTIAUX, EDOUARD (1804-1868) - La question de la charité et des associations religieuses en Belgique / Édouard Ducpetiaux
278508: DUCREST, GEORGETTE - Secret memoirs of the court of the Empress Josephine : with anecdotes of the courts of Navarre and Malmaison, in 3 volumes
270242: DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - The color treasury of eighteenth century porcelain / text by Siegfried Ducret ; photos. by Michael Wolgensinger ; translated by Christine Friedlander
229364: DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - Die Zurcher Porzellanmanufaktur und ihre Erzeugnisse im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert BAND II DIE PLASTIK / Siegfried Ducret
230351: DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - Anna Elisabeth Wald, eine geborene Aufenwerth
230371: DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - Anna Elisabeth Wald, eine geborene Aufenwerth
229639: DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - Zurcher Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts : seine Geschichte und seine Erzeugnisse / Siegfried Ducret
229365: DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - Die Zurcher Porzellanmanufaktur und ihre Erzeugnisse im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert BAND I GESCHIRRE / Siegfried Ducret
230005: DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - Meissner Porzellan, bemalt in Augsburg, 1718 bis um 1750. Complete in two volumes
151953: DUCROUX, JOSEPH - Roumanie : Un Des Chantiers De La Vie Nouvelle / Preface De Georges Cogniot
16465: DUDA, EUGENIUSZ - The Jews of Cracow / Eugeniusz Duda ; Translation, Ewa Basiura - [Uniform Title: Krakowskie Judaica. English]
193787: DUDA, HERBERT W. - Balkanturkische Studien
234140: DUDEN, KONRAD ; GREBE, PAUL - Rechtschreibung der deutschen Sprache und der Fremdworter
275136: DUDIN, RENÉ MARTIN (1725-1807) - The art of the bookbinder and gilder, 1772
31330: DUDLEY, D. R. (ED. ). BROOKS OTIS. MICHAEL AYRTON [ET AL] - Virgil. Chapters by Michael Ayrton [And Others] Edited by D. R. Dudley
258919: DUDLEY, OWEN FRANCIS - The coming of the monster; a tale of the masterful monk
226284: DUDLEY, DONALD - The Romans / Donald Dudley
185224: DUDLEY, DOROTHY (B. 1884) - Dreiser and the land of the free : a novel of facts
12482: DUDLEY BUXTON, L. H. - Primitive Labour
24879: DEAN DUDLEY - Social and Political Aspects of England and the Continent - a Series of Letters
31567: DUDLEY, OWEN FRANCIS - The Coming of the Monster - a Tale of the Masterful Monk -
69326: DUEKER, CHRISTOPHER WAYNE (1939-) - Medical Aspects of Sport Diving. Illustrated by J. Edson Adams
231442: DUERDEN, DENNIS - African art; an introduction
246860: PAID MY DUES - Paid My Dues: Journal of Women and Music: Volume II, Issue 1: Autumn, 1977
141147: DUESBERG, HILAIRE (1888-) - Les Valeurs Chretiennes De L'Ancien Testament
128648: DUESBERG, HILAIRE - Les Valeurs Chretiennes De L'Ancien Testament
236345: DUFAY, PIERRE (1864-1942) - Autour de Baudelaire : Poulet-Malassis, l'éditeur et l'ami : Madame Sabatier, la muse et la madone
172616: DUFAY, PIERRE - Autour de Baudelaire: Poulet-Malassis, l'editeur et l'ami; Madame Sabatier, la muse et la madone
205970: DUFAY, FRANCIS (1916-?) - Red star versus the cross : the pattern of persecution / [by] Francis Dufay & Douglas Hyde
274675: DUFF, DOUGLAS V - Peter Darington, seaman detective
272973: DUFF, E. GORDON (EDWARD GORDON) (1863-1924) - Printing in England in the fifteenth century : E. Gordon Duff's bibliography / with supplementary descriptions, chronologies and a census of copies by Lotte Hellinga
271673: DUFF, E. GORDON (EDWARD GORDON) (1863-1924) - Early English printing : a series of facsimiles of all the types used in England during the XVth century, with some of those used in the printing of English books abroad, with an introd
268279: DUFF, E. GORDON (EDWARD GORDON) (1863-1924) - Fifteenth century English books : a bibliography of books and documents printed in England and of books for the English market printed abroad
267313: DUFF, E. GORDON (EDWARD GORDON) (1863-1924) - Printing in England in the fifteenth century : E. Gordon Duff's bibliography / with supplementary descriptions, chronologies and a census of copies by Lotte Hellinga
266367: DUFF, E. GORDON (EDWARD GORDON) (1863-1924) - Fifteenth century English books : a bibliography of books and documents printed in England and of books for the English market printed abroad
260753: DUFF, ALEXANDER (1806-1878) - The Indian rebellion : its causes and results : in a series of letters / from ... Alexander Duff
254431: DUFF, KAT - The alchemy of illiness
252371: DUFF, DAVID - The shy princess : the life of Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice, the youngest daughter and constant companion of Queen Victoria
212782: DUFF, DAVID (1912-?) - Elizabeth of Glamis
205029: DUFF, DAVID - Victoria travels : journeys of Queen Victoria between 1830 and 1900, with extracts from her journal
224572: DUFF, CHARLES - This human nature : a history, a commentary, an exposition
189190: DUFF, ARCHIBALD - The theology and ethics of the Hebrews
178833: DUFF, EDWARD S. J. - The social thought of the World Council of Churches
141046: DUFF, CHARLES (1894-) - Anthropological Report on a London Suburb
83869: DUFF, JAMES H. (TEXT) - An American Vision : Three Generations of Wyeth Art : N. C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, James Wyeth / Essays by James H. Duff ... [Et Al. ]
74546: DUFF, RAYMOND S. (1923-). HOLLINGSHEAD, AUGUST DE BELMONT - Sickness and Society
55439: DUFF, E. MURL AND DUFF, LARRY G. (ED. ) - Purebred Arabian Horse Yearbook 1973 - Volume XXI A Picture Record of Ribbon Winners of 135 All-Arabian Shows...
48035: DUFF, CAROLYN S. AND COHEN, BARBARA - When Women Work Together - Using Our Strengths to Overcome Our Challenges
133739: DUFF, CHARLES - Spain Against the Invaders : Napoleon 1808 - Hitler and Mussolini 1936 / Edited by Charles Duff
154033: DUFF, PEGGY. SINGH, AGIT. CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT - Vietnam : the Credibility Gap : a Critical Analysis of Attempts to Reach a Political Settlement of the War in Vietnam from 1954 to 1967 / Peggy Duff and Agit Singh
170813: DUFF, ARCHIBALD - The theology and ethics of the Hebrews
195154: DUFF, ARCHIBALD - The theology and ethics of the Hebrews
174225: DUFF, ARCHIBALD - The theology and ethics of the Hebrews
181047: DUFF, CHARLES (1894-1966) - A key to victory : Spain
166897: DUFF, ALEXANDER, D.D. - Abraham and the patriarchal age
132093: DUFF, ARCHIBALD - Hints on Old Testament Theology
148133: DUFF, EDWARD, S. J. - The Social Thought of the World Council of Churches
166107: DUFF, CHARLES (1894-1966) - A Handbook on Hanging; Being a Short Introduction to the Fine Art of Execution, and Containing Much Useful Information on Neck-Breaking, Throttling, Strangling, Asphyxiation, Decapitation and Electrocution; As Well As Data and Wrinkles for Hangmen
17005: DUFF, MAJOR-GENERAL A. C. - Sword and Pen Some Problems of a Battledress Army - Ten Essays
20289: DUFF, EDWARD S. J. - The Social Thought of the World Council of Churches
107032: DUFF, WILSON (1925-) - Images, Stone, B. C. : Thirty Centuries of Northwest Coast Indian Sculpture / Wilson Duff ; Photos. and Drawings by Hilary Stewart
7455: DUFF, SIR HECTOR - The Ivory Graves A Novel
197603: DUFF, ARCHIBALD - Old Testament theology : or, The history of Hebrew religion. vol II, the Deuteronomic reformation in century VII B.C.
236877: DUFFIN, JACALYN - Medical saints: Cosmas and Damian in a postmodern world / Jacalyn Duffin
170583: DUFFUS, R. L. (ROBERT LUTHER), (1888- ) - The tower of jewels; memories of San Francisco by R.L. Duffus
180379: DUFFUS, R. L. (ROBERT LUTHER), (B. 1888) - The American Renaissance
116339: DUFFUS, R. L. (ROBERT LUTHER) - The Santa Fe Trail, by R. L. Duffus
111547: DUFFUS, R. L. - Books, Their Place in a Democracy, by R. L. Duffus
36835: DUFFUS, R. L. - To-Morrow Never Comes
208451: DUFFUS, LOUIS - Springbok glory
210170: DUFFUS, LOUIS. LEYDEN (ILLUS.) - Cricketers of the veld
211759: DUFFUS, LOUIS. LEYDEN (ILLUS.) - Cricketers of the veld
98670: DUFFY, MAUREEN - A Thousand Capricious Chances : a History of the Methuen List, 1889-1989 / Maureen Duffy
67033: DUFFY, KEVIN - Children of the Forest / Kevin Duffy
276775: DUFFY, GLADYS CARPENTER - Warden's wife
273243: DUFFY, CHRISTOPHER - Red storm on the Reich : the Soviet march on Germany, 1945 / Christopher Duffy
236386: DUFFY, PETER (1969-) - Double agent : the first hero of World War II and how the FBI outwitted and destroyed a Nazi spy ring / Peter Duffy
232665: DUFFY, SEAN (1962-) - Ireland in the Middle Ages
231876: DUFFY, SEAN (1962-) - Ireland in the Middle Ages
181889: DUFFY, PAULA BARKER (1945-) - The relevance of a decade : essays to mark the first ten years of the Harvard Business School Press / edited by Paula Baker Duffy
177260: DUFFY, CAROL ANN - The good child's guide to rock 'n' roll
257520: DUFFY, LUKE J - The Shops Acts, 1938 : a handbook for the use of those concerned in the administration of the Shops (Hours of Trading) Act, 1938 and the Shops (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1938
280279: DUFFY, MARGARET - Prospect of death
163250: DUFFY, GLADYS CARPENTER - Warden's Wife
280461: DUFFY, CLARENCE - A farm in Ireland
125184: DUFFY, KEVIN - Black Elephant Hunter
119752: DUFFY, JOHN J. - Early Vermont Broadsides / John Duffy, Editor ; Introd. by Mason I. Lowance, Jr.
112524: DUFFY, JAMES (1923-) - A Question of Slavery
20749: DUFFY, JAMES (1923-) - A Question of Slavery
180443: DUFORD, STACEY ; POPKO WENDY (ILLUS.) - The fairy painting / written by Stacey DuFord ; illustrated by Wendy Popko
268265: DUFOUR, THÉOPHILE - Recherches bibliographiques sur les oeuvres imprimées de J.-J. Rousseau / Théophile Dufour ; introduction de Pierre-Paul Plan. Tomes 1-2
140822: DUFOUR, PIERRE - Geschichte Der Prostitution Bei Allen Volkern Von Der Urzeit Bis Zur Gegenwart
244060: DUFOURNET, JEAN - recherches sur le testament de francois villon: tome II
243735: DUFOURNET, JEAN - Recherches sur le Testament de François Villon / Jean Dufournet. Tom .2
250830: DUFRAISSE, R. DUBEAU, G. GOSSEZ, R. MAITRON, J. VIDALENC, J. DAUTRY, JEAN - Dictionnaire Biographique Du Mouvement Ouvrier Francais: premiere partie: 1789-1864: De la Révolution Francaise a la foundation de la premier Internationale: tome III: M a Z
172757: DUFRENOY, MARIE LOUISE - L'Orient romanesque en France, 1704-1789. Etude d'histoire et de critique litteraires
156176: DUFRESNE, TODD - Killing Freud : Twentieth-Century Culture and the Death of Psychoanalysis / Todd Dufresne
168340: DUFRESNOY, CHARLES-ALPHONSE (1611-1668). [SIR GEORGE HAYTER (1792 -1871)] - The art of painting / of Charles Alphonse Du Fresnoy. Translated into English verse by William Mason, with annotations by Sir Joshua Reynolds. [ De arte graphica. English & Latin ]
231953: DUFT, JOHANNES (B. 1915). LAUTERWASSER, SIEGFRIED - Die Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen : der Barocksaal und seine Putten / von Johannes Duft ; Aufnahmen von Siegfried Lauterwasser
232401: DUFT, JOHANNES - Hochfeste im Gallus-Kloster : die Miniaturen im Sacramentarium Codex 341, (11. Jahrhundert) mit Texten aus der Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen / Herausgegeben von Johannes Duft
232670: DUFT, JOHANNES (1915-). STIFTSBIBLIOTHEK SANKT GALLEN - Der Bodensee in Sanktgaller Handschriften : Texte und Miniaturen aus der Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen
232036: DUFT, JOHANNES - Weihnacht im Gallus-Kloster : Bilder und Texte aus der Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen / Herausgegeben von J. Duft
209533: DUFT, JOHANNES (1915-?) - Hochfeste im Gallus-Kloster : die Miniaturen im Sacramentarium Codex 341, (11. Jahrhundert) mit Texten aus der Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen / Herausgegeben von Johannes Duft
240147: DUFY, RAOUL (1877-1953); WILDENSTEIN & CO. (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Raoul Dufy, 1877-1953 : [catalogue of an exhibition held at] Wildenstein, ... 2-30 October 1975
220463: DUFY, RAOUL (1877-1953) - Bouquet / Raoul Dufy [art : colour reproduction]
93706: DUGAN, JAMES (1912-1967) & LAFORE, LAURENCE DAVIS (JOINT AUTHORS) - Days of Emperor and Clown; the Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936
270953: DUGAN, JAMES (1912-1967) - The great iron ship
39333: DUGARD, JOHN - The South West Africa / Namibia Dispute
170846: DUGARD, MARTIN - The last voyage of Columbus : being the epic tale of the great captain's fourth expedition, including accounts of swordfight, mutiny, shipwreck, gold, war, hurricane, and discovery
95879: DUGAUQUIER, D. P. - Congo Cauldron
261211: DUGDALE, THOMAS - Curiosities of Great Britain : England & Wales delineated, historical, entertaining & commercial - vol. 6
261174: DUGDALE, THOMAS - Curiosities of Great Britain : England & Wales delineated, historical, entertaining & commercial - vol. 3
261175: DUGDALE, THOMAS - Curiosities of Great Britain : England & Wales delineated, historical, entertaining & commercial - vol. 4
261176: DUGDALE, THOMAS - Curiosities of Great Britain : England & Wales delineated, historical, entertaining & commercial - vol. 5
261178: DUGDALE, THOMAS - Curiosities of Great Britain : England & Wales delineated, historical, entertaining & commercial - vol. 2
261180: DUGDALE, THOMAS - Curiosities of Great Britain : England & Wales delineated, historical, entertaining & commercial - vol. 8
177325: DUGDALE, WILLIAM, SIR - Monasticum anglicanum : a history of the abbies and other monasteries, hospitals, frieries, and cathedrals and collegiate churches, with their dependencies in England and Wales ... originally published in Latin by Sir William Dugdale [6 volumes of 8] A new edition ... by John Caley, Sir Henry Ellis and the Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel
218773: DUGDALE, THOMAS - England and Wales delineated, historical, entertaining and commercial : alphabetically arranged
252519: DUGDALE, BLANCHE E. C - Arthur James Balfour, First Earl of Balfour, K.G., O.M., F.R.S., 1906-1930
252520: DUGDALE, BLANCHE E. C. (BLANCHE ELIZABETH CAMPBELL) - Arthur James Balfour, First Earl of Balfour. Volume I
269345: DUGDALE, JAMES - The new British traveller; or, Modern panorama of England and Wales : In four volumes: exhibiting, at one comprehensive view, an ample, accurate, and popular account, historical, topographical, and statistical, of this most important portion of the British Empire : descriptive of its several counties, cities, towns, and other subdivisions; their situation, extent, climate, soil, and productions, natural and artificial: improvement and present state of the arts, sciences, manufactures, agriculture, commerce, population, and society : forming a complete survey of South Britain; comprising authentic information on every subject of a local or general nature; and interspersed with biographical particulars of eminent and remarkable persons
218763: DUGDALE, THOMAS - England and Wales delineated, historical, entertaining and commercial : alphabetically arranged
226152: DUGDALE, GEORGE STRATFORD - Whitehall through the centuries / George S. Dugdale
175937: DUGDALE, THOMAS - About the agricultural charter
206149: DUGDALE, GEORGE S. - Whitehall through the centuries
259998: DUGGAN, ALFRED - The right line of Cerdic
20638: DUGGAN, MARGARET - Runcie The Making of an Archbishop
161757: DUGMORE, CLIFFORD WILLIAM - The Interpretation of the Bible / Edited by C. W. Dugmore
198452: DUGMORE, C. W. (CLIFFORD WILLIAM) - The interpretation of the Bible / edited by C. W. Dugmore
189155: DUGUID, DAVID ; NISBET, HAY (COMP.) - Hafed Prince of Persia : his experiences in earth-life and spirit-life ; being spirit communications received through Mr. David Duguid, the Glasgow trance-painting medium with an appendix, containing communications from the spirit artists, Ruisdal and Steen
260218: DUHAMEL, GEORGES (1884-1966) - Chronique des Pasquier - 5 volumes
224020: DUHAMEL, JEAN - The fifty days : Napoleon in England
279471: R. DUHAMEL - Royal Commission on Health Services : [report]. Volume 2 1965
224817: DUHAMEL, GEORGES - Le notaire du Harve : roman / Georges Duhamel
241909: DUHAMEL, JEAN - Gastrites et antihistaminiques de synthèse; étude clinique, endoscopique et expérimentale
5766: DUHAMEL, GEORGES (1884-1966) - Patrice Periot
150439: DUHAMEL, GEORGES (1884-1966) - Suzanne and Joseph Pasquier
14491: DUHAMEL, GEORGES (1884-1966) - Suzanne and Joseph Pasquier
133053: DUHAMEL, GEORGES (1884-1966) - Consultation Aux Pays D'Islam
174346: DUHAMEL, GEORGES (1884-1966) - The white war of 1938 by Georges Duhamel ; translated from the French by N. Hoppe
32443: DUHAMEL, GEORGES - Almanach Des Lettres 1947
159710: DUHAUT-CILLY, AUGUSTE BERNARD (1790-1849) - A Voyage to California, the Sandwich Islands & around the World in the Years, 1826-1829
183672: DUHM, BERNHARD (1847-1928) - Israels Propheten / von Bernhard Duhm
165545: DUHM, BERNHARD (1847-1928) - Das Buch Hiob / Erklart Von D. Bernh. Duhm
191505: DUHREN, EUGEN - Der Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit : ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Sittengeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts, mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Lehre von der Psychopathia Sexualis / von Eugen Duhren
251802: DUIGNAN, P ; GANN,L - Why South Africa will survive : a historical analysis
241553: DUIJKER, HUBRECHT - The wine atlas of Spain and traveller's guide to the vineyards
150221: DUIJKER, H. C. J. - Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor De Psychologie En Haar Grensgebieden : Nieuwe Reeks, Deel XII, 1957, Aflevering ; 6 / Onder Redactive Van H. C. J. Duijker Et Al.
177068: DUJARDIN, EDOUARD (1861-1949) - The source of the Christian tradition : a critical history of ancient Judaism
22822: DUJON, DIANE - For Crying out Loud. Women's Poverty in the United States
51293: DUKAS, PETER - Managing Bars for Profit : a Liquor Control System for Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, and Taverns
99687: DUKE, BENJAMIN C - Japan's Militant Teachers; a History of the Left-Wing Teachers' Movement
93942: DUKE, SIMON - New European Security Disorder / Simon Duke
58689: DUKE, STEVEN B. - America's Longest War : Rethinking Our Tragic Crusade Against Drugs / Steven B. Duke and Albert C. Gross ; Foreword by Kurt L. Schmoke
206892: DUKE, BENJAMIN C. - Japan's militant teachers : a history of the left-wing teachers' movement / [by] Benjamin C. Duke
49001: DUKE, PATTY AND TURAN, KENNETH - Call Me Anna - the Autobiography of Patty Duke
11198: DUKE, WINIFRED - King of the Highland Hearts. [The Later Life of Prince Charles Edward. ]
175617: DUKE, WINIFRED - The rash adventurer : being an account, compiled from contemporary records, of Prince Charles Edward Stuart's expedition into England durning the last months of the year 1745
210381: DUKE, NEVILLE - Victoire sur le ciel ('Test pilot') / Neville Duke ; traduit de l'anglais par A. E. Fayon
200922: DUKE'S AUCTIONEERS (DORCHESTER, DORSET) - Duke's, auctioneers since 1823. Thursday, April 14th at 10.30am: Painting - Friday, April 15th at 10.30am: Furniture and Works of Art
275534: DUKELSKAYA, L. A - The Hermitage : English art sixteenth to nineteenth century : paintings, sculpture, prints and drawings, minor arts / [compiled and introduced by Larissa Dukelskaya] ; [translated from the Russian by Philip Taylor ... et al.]
97393: DUKES, PAUL (1934-?) - October and the World : Perspectives on the Russian Revolution
42126: DUKES, PAUL (1934-) - A History of Russia : Medieval, Modern, and Contemporary
100786: DUKES, PAUL - A History of Russia: Medieval, Modern, and Contemporary
242241: DUKES, CUTHBERT E. [EDITOR] - Transactions of the Medical society of London: Volume the Seventy - Fifth
129924: DUKES, LEOPOLD - Rabbinische Blumenlese, Enthaltend : Eine Sammlung, Übersetzung Und Erläuterung Der Hebräischen Und Chaldäischen Sprüche Des Sirach, Talmudischer Sprichwörter, Sentenzen Und Maximen, Nebst Einem Anhange, Leichenreden Und Einem Glossar
247426: DULAC, EDMUND - Birthday book
252552: DULAURE, JACQUES-ANTOINE (1755-1835) - Histoire physique, civile et morale de Paris, depuis les premiers temps historiques jusqu'a nos jours; contenant, par ordre chronologique, la description des accroissemens successifs de cette ville, et de ses monumens anciens et modernes; la notice de toutes ses institutions, tant civiles que religieuses; et, a chaque période, le tableau des moeurs, des usages des progrès de la civilisation; ornèe de gravures. Représentant divers plans de Paris, ses monumens et ses édifices principaux / par J.A. Dulaure - 9 Volumes
257121: DULAURE, J. A - Description des principaux lieux de France: sixieme partie
253542: DULAURE, JACQUES-ANTOINE (1755-1835) - Esquisses historiques des principaux événemens de la révolution française : depuis la convocation des États-Généraux jusqu'au rétablissement de la maison de Bourbon: in four volumes
108797: DULL, CHARLES ELWOOD (1878-1947) - Fundamentals of Machines, a Pre-Induction Course At the Foundational Level. Prepared At the Request of the War Department and the U. S. Office of Education in Conformance with Official Pre-Induction Training Course Outline PIT-102
16050: DULLER, ALLEN - The Secret Surrender. The First Inside Account of the Nazi Surrender in Italy
254864: DULLES, FOSTER RHEA (1900-1970) - Eastward ho! : the first English adventurers to the Orient - Richard Chancellor - Anthony Jenkinson - James Lancaster - William Adams - Sir Thomas Roe
107218: DULLES, ALLEN - The Secret Surrender
32183: DULLES, ALLEN - The Secret Surrender
92823: DULLES, ALLEN WELSH (1893-1969) - The Secret Surrender
196944: DULLES, FOSTER RHEA (1900-1970) - Labor in America, a history
145556: RUSSIA. DUMA - Russia and Her Allies : Extract from the Verbatim Report of the Imperial Duma, Ivth Session, 16th Sitting
207139: DUMAINE, JACQUES - Quai d'Orsay (1945-1951) / Jacques Dumaine ; Preface de F. Mauriac
81675: DUMAS, ANN & BRENNEMAN, DAVID A. - RELATED NAME: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Degas and America : the Early Collectors
274242: DUMAS, ANN - Woodner Collection : master drawings / [catalogue compiled by Ann Dumas ... et al ; edited by Mary Anne Stevens, assisted by Luci Collings]
269876: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - La dame aux camélias, by Alexandre Dumas, the younger ; translated from the French by Barbara Bray ; drawings by Jennifer Campbell.
269767: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The three musketeers
265869: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - Twenty years after by Alexandre Dumas; with illustrations by Edy Legrand and introduction by Ben Ray Redman
227438: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - Pictures of Travel in the South of France
253075: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - La tulipe noire / par Alexandre Dumas
252641: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The romances of Alexandre Dumas - 13 volumes
252586: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The romances of Alexandre Dumas - illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett - 14 volumes
252527: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The works of Alexandre Dumas / [with introductions by J. Walker McSpadden] / Alexandre Dumas, J. Walker McSpadden - 7 Volumes
192566: DUMAS, CHARLES (B. 1883) - La paix que nous voulons / par Charles Dumas
261904: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The Romances of Alexandre Dumas: in 30 volumes ; illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett
261903: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The Romances of Alexandre Dumas: in six volumes ; illustrated by Evert Van Muyden
252930: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The Romances of Alexandre Dumas. [With illustrations] in 5 volumes
153596: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1824-1895). BEER, RICHARD (1928-) , ILLUS. - The Pigeon Prize / Alexandre Dumas Fils ; Illustrated by Richard Beer
105401: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - Camille - La Dame Aux Camelias
88459: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The Neapolitan Lovers, by Alexandre Dumas; Tr. and with an Introduction by R. S. Garnett. [ La San Felice. English. Selections]
86462: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE. ANTHONY, JOSEPH. TEWIATA, INIA. TOWERS, CONSTANCE - The Parisians: World Premiere of 'Dumas and Son - 30th Anniversary Season Civic Light Opera Association - [Souvenir Program]
83125: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - Camille = La Dame Aux Camelias
111349: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802 - 1870). ALAN HULL WALTON (TRANSL. ) - Horror At Fontenay / Alexandre Dumas ; Translated and Adapted by Alan Hull Walton ; with a Foreword by Dennis Wheatley
151401: DUMAS, PIERRE - Euzkadi ; Les Basques Devant La Guerre D'Espagne / Par Pierre Dumas. Preface De Raymond-Laurent
212286: DUMAS, CHARLES (1883-) - Die wahrheit ueber die Bolschewiki : dokumente ind notizen eines zeugen / von Charles Dumas
162521: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1824-1895). BEER, RICHARD (1928-) - The Pigeon Prize / Alexandre Dumas Fils ; Illustrated by Richard Beer
262031: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - Twenty years after
279754: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1824-1895) - Antonine
227961: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - Travels in Switzerland ... Translated by R. W. Plummer and A. Craig Bell
279958: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The conscript ; a tale of war
122819: DUMAS, ANN. BRENNEMAN, DAVID A.. DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Degas and America : the Early Collectors / Ann Dumas, David A. Brenneman
90589: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - Tangier to Tunis. Translated and Edited by A. E. Murch
181987: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The romances of Alexandre Dumas: La Comtesse de Charny [Complete in 2 vols]
9287: DUMAS, W. C - Belshazzar
213895: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The three musketeers
198559: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802 - 1870) [ET AL.] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : 5me annee - tome 9
199858: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870) - The journal of Madame Giovanni
236685: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (1802-1870). JOSSERAND, PIERRE - Mes mémoires. Texte présenté et annoté par Pierre Josserand.Comlete in five volumes
225219: DUMBLETON, J. E. - The construction of wells & bore-holes for water supply & the elements of the analysis & purification of water
119773: DUMBLETON, C. W. (ED. ) - Russian-English Biological Dictionary, Compiled and Edited by C. W. Dumbleton
271658: DUMESNIL, ALEXIS - Histoire de Philippe II., Roi d'Espagne
236926: DUMESNIL, RENÉ (1879-1967) - La publication de 'Madame Bovary'
129451: DUMESNIL, MARIE FRANCOISE. M. DUSSAULT - Memoires De Mlle Dumesnil, En Reponse Aux Memoires D'Hippolyte Clairon / Revus, Corriges, Et Augmentes D'Une Notice Sur Cette Comedienne Par M. Dussault
235758: DUMESNIL, RENÉ (1879-1967) - Boileau / par René Dumesnil
274800: DUMLER, HELMUT - The high mountains of the Alps / Helmut Dumler and Willi P. Burkhardt ; with additional photos by John Allen ... [et al.]
258578: DUMMETT, ANN (1930-2012) - A portrait of English racism / Ann Dummett
226147: DUMMETT, G. A. - From little acorns : a history of The A.P.V. Company Limited / G.A. Dummett
96477: DUMOGA, JOHN - Africa between East and West
138044: DUMON, FREDERIC - La Communaute Franco-Afro-Malgache : Ses Origines, Ses Institutions, Son Evolution, Octobre 1958-Juin 1960 / Frederic Dumon
32469: DUMONT, RENE. BERNARD ROSIER - The Hungry Future
206509: DUMONT, RENE - The hungry future / [by] Rene Dumont and Bernard Rosier; translated from the French by Rosamund Linell and R. B. Sutcliffe, foreword by Thomas Balogh
127057: DUMONT, RENE (1904-) - Socialisms and Development [By] Rene Dumont with Marcel Mazoyer. Translated by Rupert Cunningham
183810: DUMONT, RENE (B. 1904) - Cuba, est-il socialiste?
185326: DUMONT, ETIENNE (1759-1829) - Recollections of Mirabeau : and of the two first legislative assemblies of France
236889: DUMONT, FRANÇOIS (1956-). P.P. - MARSEILLES. - CAHIERS DU SUD - Les petits romantiques français / présentés par Francis Dumont
72920: DUMONT, HENRIETTA - The Lady's Oracle: an Elegant Pastime for Social Parties and the Family Circle
106692: DUMONT, RENE. - Is Cuba Socialist? Translated by Stanley Hochman
152663: DUMONT, RENE (1904-) - Sovkhoz, Kolkhoz : Ou, Le Problematique Communisme
121586: DUMONT, RENE (1904-) - Types of Rural Economy; Studies in World Agriculture, by Rene Dumont
180914: DUMONT, RENE - Misere ou prosperite paysanne / Preface de Jacques Duboin. La France doit nourrir tous ses enfants. Contre la misere dans l'abondance
204102: DUMONT, LEON A. (1837-1876) - Theorie scientifique de la sensibilite : le plaisir et la peine / par Leon Dumont
89102: DUMONT, MATTHEW P - The Absurd Healer; Perspectives of a Community Psychiatrist
198553: DUMONT, H. [PUBLISHER] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : 3me annee - tome 1
198556: DUMONT H. [PUBLISHER] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : 5me annee - tome 6
275591: DUMOURIEZ, CHARLES FRANÇOIS DU PÉRIER (1739-1823) - Mémoires du Général Dumouriez: écrits par lui-meme: in two volumes
269856: DUMOURIEZ, CHARLES-FRANÇOIS DU PÉRIER (1739-1823) - The life of General Dumouriez: vol. I
243189: DUMOURIEZ, CHARLES FRANÇOIS DU PÉRIER [AUTHOR]. BEAUMONT, J. P. [TRANSLATOR] - Memoirs of General Dumourier: written by himself: translated by J. P. Beaumont: Part I
249758: DUMSDAY, WILLIAM HENRY - The relieving officers' handbook : being a complete and practical guide to the law relating to the powers, duties, and liabilities of relieving officers
186024: DUMSDAY, WILLIAM HENRY - The relieving officers' handbook : being a complete and practical guide to the law relating to the powers, duties, and liabilities of relieving officers
169631: DUMSDAY, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) - The relieving officers' handbook : being a complete and practical guide to the law relating to the powers, duties, and liabilities of relieving officers
194061: DUNAN, RENE - 'Ceux' de Paris : aout 1944 / Rene Dunan ; preface de Pierre Lazareff ; dessins de Pellos
276947: DUNAS, JEFF - Femmes captives
155725: DUNAS, JEFF - American Pictures : a Reflection on Mid-Twentieth Century America = Amerika Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts in Bildern = Un reflet de l'Amerique du milieu du Xxe Siecle / Jeff Dunas
138888: DUNAS, JEFF - Captured Women / Jeff Dunas
105989: DUNAS, JEFF - Voyeur / Jeff Dunas
104056: DUNAS, JEFF - Mademoiselle Mademoiselle!
104752: DUNAS, JEFF - Disappearing America
277502: DUNBAR, JANET - J. M. Barrie: the man behind the image
277351: DUNBAR, JANET - The early Victorian woman : some aspects of her life, 1837-57
267282: DUNBAR, EDWARD DUNBAR - Social life in former days. Second series
204938: DUNBAR, JANET - A prospect of Richmond / [by] Janet Dunbar
168676: DUNBAR, CLEMENT - A bibliography of Shelley studies, 1823-1950 / Clement Dunbar ; with a foreword by Donald H. Reiman
257568: DUNBAR, JANET - Golden interlude : the Edens in India, 1836-1842 / Janet Dunbar
171891: DUNBAR, MARY - New cook book
262840: DUNBAR, JANET - Mrs. G.B.S. : a biographical portrait of Charlotte Shaw / Janet Dunbar
162408: DUNBAR, HORACE - A Vermont Encounter, by Horace Dunbar
22397: DUNBAR, JANET - Golden Interlude. The Edens in India 1836-1842
121267: DUNBAR, GEORGE, SIR (1878-) - India and the Passing of Empire
42077: DUNBAR, PAUL LAURENCE (1872-1906) - Lyrics of Lowly Life
117286: DUNBAR, CARL OWEN (1891-) - The Earth [By] Carl O. Dunbar
122925: DUNBAR, GEORGE, SIR (1878-) - Other Men's Lives; a Study of Primitive Peoples
130077: DUNBAR, JAMES - The World's Coming War Lord
24388: DUNBAR, CHAS. S. - Buses, Trolleys & Trams
66060: DUNBAR, PAUL LAURENCE (1872-1906) - The Love of Landry
6903: DUNBAR, GEORGE, SIR (1878-?) - Other Men's Lives; a Study of Primitive Peoples
224040: DUNBAR, JANET - Golden interlude : the Edens in India, 1836-1842 / Janet Dunbar
204548: DUNBAR, JANET (1901-?) - Golden interlude : the Edens in India, 1836-1842
247975: DUNCAN, BARRY - The St James's Theatre : its strange & complete history 1834-1957
62018: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS (PRESENTED BY) - Magic Worlds of Fantasy : Dorle Lindner, Oscar Forel, Hsueh Shao-Tang, Ariane / Presented by David Douglas Duncan
57135: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR (1942-) - Art Nouveau Furniture
57050: DUNCAN, ANDREW (1940-) - The Reality of Monarchy
56329: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR (1942-) - Art Nouveau and Art Deco Lighting
54969: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Viva Picasso : Centennial Celebration 1881-1981 / David Douglas Duncan
52765: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - The Silent Studio
51909: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Picasso Paints a Portrait - [Presents Duncan's Photographs of Picasso Painting a Portrait of His Future Wife, Jacqueline, At the Villa La Californie, France, 1957]
277394: DUNCAN, KATHLEEN M - Valley of adventure
276922: DUNCAN, DAVID D - Picasso's Picassos
274811: DUNCAN, ANDREW - Village London : original walks through 25 London villages / Andrew Duncan
271689: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR - Art deco / Alastair Duncan
269890: DUNCAN-JONES, KATHERINE - Shakespeare's life and world / compiled and introduced by Katherine Duncan-Jones
269688: DUNCAN, ANDREW - Secret London : exploring the hidden city, with original walks and unusual places to visit / Andrew Duncan
268740: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR - Art nouveau / Alastair Duncan
267461: DUNCAN, JOHN OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE - Birds of the British Isles, drawn and described by J. Duncan. With an introduction by C. Dixon. Reprinted from the “Newcastle Weekly Chronicle.”
261535: DUNCAN, J. (JOHN) - A text book of physics for students of science and engineering
258829: DUNCAN, C. GEORGE - Present-day golf
258521: DUNCAN, WILLIAM - Marriage breakdown in Ireland : Law and practice / William R. Duncan, Paula E. Scully
250477: DUNCAN, ALISTAIR - An entirely new country : Arthur Conan Doyle, Undershaw and the resurrection of Sherlock Holmes (1897-1907) / Alistair Duncan ; with a foreword by Mark Gatiss
246458: DUNCAN, PAUL - The pocket essential Hitchcock
242373: DUNCAN, PAUL (1964-) - Alfred Hitchcock : architect of anxiety (1899-1980) / Paul Duncan
237305: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR (1942-); DE BARTHA, GEORGES - Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club
224969: DUNCAN, ANDREW - Walking London : thirty original walks in & around London
220508: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Photo nomad / David Douglas Duncan
219020: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR - Art nouveau and art deco bookbinding : the French masterpieces, 1880-1940
204775: DUNCAN, ANTHONY DOUGLAS - The priesthood of man / Anthony D. Duncan
182865: DUNCAN, ALISTAIR - The noble heritage : Jerusalem and Christianity : a portrait of the Church of the Resurrection / [by] Alistair Duncan
180713: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR (1942-) - Art nouveau designers at the Paris salons, 1895-1914. Vol. 6 , Leatherware and textiles / Alastair Duncan
180586: DUNCAN, MICHAEL (1953-) - Joyce Treiman / Michael Duncan, Theodore F. Wolff
12732: DUNCAN, MARGARET - The Witch Stone
157459: DUNCAN, WILLIAM CARY (1874-1945) - Dog Training Made Easy for You and Your Dog, by Wm. Cary Duncan, Illustrated by Ernest H. Hart
224275: DUNCAN, LELAND LEWIS (1862-1923). WILLIAMSON, HENRY - Colfe's Grammar School, Lewisham and the Great War 1914-19 : with rolls of honour and of service / compiled by members of the school and ed. by L.L. Duncan
222567: DUNCAN, F. MARTIN - Wonders of the seashore : illustrated by one hundred original photographs, 'through the camera'
28368: DUNCAN, RONALD (1914-1982) - Jan's Journal / Illustrated by Michael Hansom
27998: DUNCAN, RONALD (1914-1982) - This Way to the Tomb : a Masque and Anti-Masque
121455: DUNCAN, JOHN SPENSER RITCHIE - The Sudan; a Record of Achievement / J. S. R. Duncan.
23176: DUNCAN, RONALD - Man (Part Two)
12715: DUNCAN, D. L. - Hamespuns. Poems and Songs (Mostly Scots)
118928: DUNCAN, F. MARTIN - The Monkey Tribe, by F. Martin Duncan
90548: DUNCAN, SYLVIA - Bonganga; Experiences of a Missionary Doctor [By] Sylvia and Peter Duncan
84886: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS (1916-?) - Self-Portrait: U. S. A
64550: DUNCAN, NORMAN (1871-1916) - The Suitable Child
111239: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR. GEORGES DE BARTHA - Art Nouveau and Art Deco Bookbinding : French Masterpieces, 1880-1940 / Alastair Duncan & Georges De Bartha ; Preface by Priscilla Juvelis
49419: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - The Kremlin
119234: DUNCAN, DAVID - The Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer
226233: DUNCAN, LELAND L. (LELAND LEWIS) 1862-1923 - The history of Colfe's grammar school, 1652-1952 / Leland L. Duncan
122957: DUNCAN, J. S. R. (JOHN SPENSER RITCHIE) - The Sudan; a Record of Achievement, J. S. R. Duncan
120878: DUNCAN, JOHN SPENSER RITCHIE - The Sudan's Path to Independence
185246: DUNCAN, WILLIAM, OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE - Life of Joseph Cowen : (M.P. for Newcastle, 1814-86) / with letters, extracts from his speeches, and verbatim report of his last speech. By William Duncan:Introd. by R. Welford
165104: DUNCAN, JOHN GARROW (1872 - ) - The Accuracy of the Old Testament. the Historical Narratives in the Light of Recent Palestinian Archaeology
113071: DUNCAN, JOHN SPENSER RITCHIE - The Sudan's Path to Independence / John Spenser Ritchie Duncan ; ...with a Foreword by Sir Knox Helm
221437: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Great treasures of the Kremlin
234166: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Great Treasures of the Kremlin
186255: DUNCAN, J. GARROW (JOHN GARROW), (B. 1872) - The accuracy of the Old Testament : the historical narratives in the light of recent Palestinian archaeology
38988: DUNCAN, DELBERT J. PHILLIPS, CHARLES F. - Retailing - Principles and Methods
173976: DUNCAN, JOSEPH FORBES - Agriculture and the community
234917: DUNCAN, JOHN (1869-1941) - Steam and other engines
221203: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Yankee Nomad : a Photographic Odyssey
168657: DUNCAN, J. GARROW - The accuracy of the Old Testament
70626: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Yankee Nomad; a Photographic Odyssey
263282: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Self-portrait: U.S.A / David Douglas Duncan
239808: DUNCAN, RONALD - Home-made home
177858: DUNCAN, GEORGE SIMPSON (1884-?) - Jesus, son of man : studies contributory to a modern portrait
177102: DUNCAN, ARTHUR - India in crisis
176970: DUNCAN, WATSON BOONE - Immortality and modern thought
175243: DUNCAN, PROFESSOR - The temperance speaker, or, The good templars' reciter : comprising speeches, readings, dialogues, anecdotes, narrations, &c showing the evils of intemperance, and the advantages of total abstinence
127624: DUNCAN, GEORGE SIMPSON (1884-) - Jesus, Son of Man; Studies Contributory to a Modern Portrait
13010: DUNCAN, A. C. W. - An Artist's Poems
138013: DUNCAN, GEORGES - Belgique-Congo / Geo. Duncan
159246: DUNCAN, JOHN GARROW (B. 1872) - The Accuracy of the Old Testament
28004: DUNCAN, DAVID (1839-1923) - The Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer
28316: DUNCAN, RONALD (1914-1982) - Don Juan
28517: DUNCAN, RONALD - Abelard and Heloise - a Correspondence for the Stage in Two Acts
105763: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - The World of Allah / David Douglas Duncan
76708: DUNCAN, ROGER F. - The Story of Belmont Hill School, 1923-1973 [By] Roger F. Duncan
195524: DUNCAN, JOHN GARROW (1872 - ) - Digging up Biblical history : recent archaeology in Palestine and its bearing on the Old Testament
196943: DUNCAN, JOHN - The education of the ordinary child : Lankhills methods: with schemes of work
199084: DUNCAN, LELAND L. (LELAND LEWIS) (1862-1923) - The parish church of Saint Mary, Lewisham, Kent : its building and rebuilding : with some account of the vicars and curates of Lewisham
205982: DUNCAN, JOHN GARROW - New light on Hebrew origins
212747: DUNCAN, WILLIAM WALLACE - How money makes money
241395: DUNCAN, ALEXANDER (1833-1921). INNES SMITH, ROBERT WILLIAM (1872-1933) [FORMER OWNER]. JAMES MACLEHOSE & SONS [PUBLISHER] - Memorials of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, (1599-1850) : with a sketch of the rise and progress of the Glasgow Medical School and of the medical profession in the west of Scotland
220646: MUSEUM BOIJMANS VAN BEUNINGEN (ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS). VEENA DUNCKER ... [ET AL.] - A personal touch : the Seawolf collection : late 19th- and 20th-century silver / with contributions by Veena Duncker ... [et al.]
242812: DUNCKER, HERMANN - Einführungen in den Marxismus : ausgewählte Schriften und Reden / Hermann Duncker: Band 2
259890: DUNCKER, HERMANN - Einführungen in den Marxismus : ausgewählte Schriften und Reden / Hermann Duncker - vol. 1
6792: DUNCKLEY, HENRY (1823-1896) - The Charter of the Nations. Or, Free Trade and its Results : an Essay on the Recent Commercial Policy of the United Kingdom to Which the Council of the National Anti-Corn Law League Awarded Their First Prize
134225: DUNCKLEY, HENRY (1823-1896) - The Charter of the Nations : Or, Free Trade and its Results. an Essay on the Recent Commercial Policy of the United Kingdom, to Which the Council of the National Anti-Corn Law League Awarded Their First Prize
129700: DUNCKLEY, HENRY - Richard Cobden and the Jubilee of Free Trade
6766: DUNCKLEY, HENRY, M. PAUL LEROY-BEAULIEU, THEODOR BARTH - Richard Cobden and the Jubilee of Free Trade
155397: DUNCOMBE, STEPHEN. MATTSON, ANDREW - The bobbed haired bandit : a true story of crime and celebrity in 1920s New York
139331: DUNCUM, ARTHUR PHILIP - The Westminster Press Provincial Newspapers
236730: DUNDAS, ZACH - The great detective: the amazing rise and immortal life of Sherlock Holmes / Zach Dundas
239955: DUNDAS, CHARLES SIR (1884-1956); ASHTON, E. H. (EDMUND HUGH) (1911-) - Problem territories of Southern Africa : Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland
176931: DUNDAS, LAWRENCE - Behind the Spanish mask
182165: DUNDEDIN, BURTON - Land of loveliness New Zealand: Photographed by Burton Dunedin
105147: DUNETON, CLAUDE - La Puce a L'Oreille : Anthologie Des Expressions Populaires Avec Leur Origine / Claude Duneton
244929: DUNFORD, REV. D. [EDITOR] - Roman Documents and Decrees: Vol. IV: (July, 1909 - June, 1910)
215586: VAN DEN DUNGEN, PETER (1948-) - A bibliography of the pacifist writings of Jean de Bloch
98604: DUNHAM, ROGER C (1944-?) - Spy Sub : a Top Secret Mission to the Bottom of the Pacific
69981: DUNHAM, CORYDON B. (1927-) - Fighting for the First Amendment : Stanton of CBS Vs. Congress and the Nixon White House / Corydon B. Dunham ; Foreword by Walter Cronkite
39536: DUNHAM, BARROWS (1905-) - Ethics, Dead and Alive
276298: DUNHAM, S. A. (SAMUEL ASTLEY) - The history of Poland
207719: DUNHAM, CARROLL (1949- ) - Carroll Dunham prints : a catalogue raisonne, 1984-2006 / Allison N. Kemmerer, Elizabeth C. DeRose, and Carroll Dunham
159923: DUNHAM, ROGER C. (1944-) - Spy Sub : a Top Secret Mission to the Bottom of the Pacific / Roger C. Dunham
155717: DUNHAM, V. CARROLL. BAKER, IAN - Tibet : reflections from the wheel of life / text by Carroll Dunham and Ian Baker ; photographs by Thomas L. Kelly ; foreword by the Dalai Lama
221218: DUNHAM, JOSEPH S ; ABBOTT LABORATORIES - What's New: Christmas 1953, no. 180
117038: DUNHAM, BARROWS (1905-) - Man Against Myth, by Barrows Dunham
134234: DUNHAM, SAMUEL ASTLEY (D. 1858) - The History of Poland
24665: DUNHAM, BARROWS - Giant in Chains
207228: DUNHAM, ARTHUR LOUIS - The industrial revolution in France, 1815-1848 / Arthur Louis Dunham
260490: DUNHILL, THOMAS - Sea Fairies: A cantata for treble voices in unison and two parts
216944: DUNIN-WASOWICZ, KRZYSZTOF - Oboz koncentracyjny Stutthof [Language: Polish]
88209: DUNITZ, JAY (1956-?) - Pacific Light / Jay Dunitz ; Introduction by Peter Clothier ; Afterword by Ellen Handy
67904: DUNIWAY, C. A. (CLYDE AUGUSTUS) (1866-1944) - The Development of Freedom of the Press in Massachusetts, by Clyde Augustus Duniway
9957: DUNKERLEY, DAVID - The Foreman : Aspects of Task and Structure / David Dunkerley
62288: DUNKERLEY, JAMES - The Pacification of Central America : Political Change in the Isthmus, 1987-1993 / James Dunkerley
34126: DUNKERLEY, DAVID - The Foreman : Aspects of Task and Structure / David Dunkerley
259432: DUNKERLEY, RODERIC - Beyond the Gospels / Roderic Dunkerley
206949: DUNKERLEY, JAMES. WHITEHOUSE, CHRIS - Unity is strength : trade unions in Latin America : a case for solidarity / researched and written by James Dunkerely and Chris Whitehouse
243433: DUNKLEY, CHARLES. CHURCH CONGRESS (1887 : WOLVERHAMPTON) - The official report of the Church Congress held at Wolverhampton : on October 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1887 / edited by C. Dunkley
238704: DUNKLEY, CHARLES - Brewood Grammar School and the old grammar schools
58303: DUNLAP, ALBERT J. (ALBERT JOHN) (1937-) - Mean Business : How I Save Bad Companies and Make Good Companies Great / Albert J. Dunlap with Bob Andelman
238068: DUNLAP, CAROL (1943-) - California People
18190: DUNLAP, CAROL (1943-) - California People
146926: DUNLAP, ORRIN ELMER (1896-) - Marconi : L'Uomo E Le Sue Scoperte, Etc. / Traduzione Di M. L. Giartosio De Courten
172158: DUNLAP, JOSEPH RIGGS (1913-) - William Caxton and William Morris : comparisons and contrasts
205092: DUNLAP, KATHARINE - Encore for love
275808: DUNLOP, IAN - Châteaux of the Loire / Ian Dunlop ; with a preface by the Duc de Brissac
237989: DUNLOP, DERRICK SIR (1902-1980) - Medicines in our time / Derrick Dunlop
220023: DUNLOP, IAN; DEGAS, EDGAR - Degas
197324: DUNLOP, JOHN T. ; INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - The Theory of wage determination : proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association [Number 3]
243454: DUNLOP, ROBERT - Daniel O'Connell and the revival of national life in Ireland
250831: DUNLOP, ROBERT (1861-1930) - Ireland under the Commonwealth : being a selection of documents relating to the government of Ireland from 1651 to 1659 / edited, with historical introduction and notes by Robert Dunlop. Vol. 1
139709: DUNLOP, JOHN THOMAS (1914-) - Wage Determination under Trade Unions
91923: DUNLOP, JOHN THOMAS (1914-?) ED. - INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - The Theory of Wage Determination; Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association
244831: DUNLOP, ROBERT (1861-1930) - Ireland under the Commonwealth : being a selection of documents relating to the government of Ireland from 1651 to 1659 / edited, with historical introduction and notes by Robert Dunlop. Vol. 2
279842: DUNLOP, O. JOCELYN - The farm labourer : the history of a modern problem
278920: DUNLOP, O. JOCELYN - The farm labourer : the history of a modern problem
240066: DUNLOP, D. C. (DAVID COLIN) (1897-1968) - Church planning and arrangement. I problems from the past
182082: DUNLOP, JOHN (1789-1868) - The universal tendency to association in mankind analyzed and illustrated. : With practical and historical notices of the bonds of society, as regards individuals and communities; comprehending the elements and results of combination . . .
196185: DUNLOP, JOHN (1789-1868) - The universal tendency to association in mankind analyzed and illustrated. : With practical and historical notices of the bonds of society, as regards individuals and communities; comprehending the elements and results of combination . . .
48520: DUNMAN, THOMAS (1849-1882) - A Glossary of Biological, Anatomical, and Physiological Terms
175817: DUNMAN, JACK - Co-ops : the future
270134: DUNMORE, HELEN (1952-2017) - Mourning Ruby / Helen Dunmore
183529: DUNMORE, HELEN (1952- ) - Mourning Ruby / Helen Dunmore
183490: DUNMORE, HELEN (1952- ) - House of Orphans / Helen Dunmore
155480: DUNMORE, SPENCER - Lost subs : from the Hunley to the Kursk, the greatest submarines ever lost - and found
264456: DUNMORE, HELEN (1952-2017) - A spell of winter / Helen Dunmore
264457: DUNMORE, HELEN (1952-2017) - House of orphans / Helen Dunmore
183576: DUNMORE, HELEN (1952- ) - Love of fat men
69114: DUNN, E. CATHERINE (ELLEN CATHERINE) (1916-) - The Gallican Saint's Life and the Late Roman Dramatic Tradition / E. Catherine Dunn
56237: DUNN, DONALD H. - Ponzi! : the Boston Swindler
272069: DUNN, DOUGLAS - The happier life / Douglas Dunn
271896: DUNN, JANE - A very close conspiracy : Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf / Jane Dunn
267238: DUNN, H A COLMORE - Fencing by H.A. Colmore Dunn ; with illustrations by H.G. Willink
260946: DUNN-MASCETTI, MANUELA - Chronicles of the vampire / Manuela Dunn-Mascetti
254976: DUNN, JOSEPH - No tigers in Africa! : recollections and reflections on 25 years of Radharc
179017: DUNN, JAMES - From coal mine upwards or seventy years of an eventful life
236073: DUNN, JACK FREDERICK. WAKEFIELD, GEORGE LESLIE (1912-) - Exposure manual
208304: DUNN, RICHARD; NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM (GREAT BRITAIN) - The telescope : a short history
164154: DUNN, DOUGLAS - The Happier Life / Douglas Dunn
12995: DUNN, JAS. R. - Anither Draft Awa', and Other Poems, by Jas. R. Dunn
201825: DUNN, JAMES - From coal mine upwards, or seventy years of an eventful life
283257: DUNN, STEPHEN - New & selected poems : 1974-1994
228064: DUNN, MARY (1899-1958) - Lady Addle remembers : being the memoirs of the Lady Addle of Eigg
189412: DUNN, WILLIAM EDWARD (1888-1966) - Peru: A Commercial and Industrial Handbook
17748: DUNN, STEPHEN PORTER (1928-) - The Peasants of Central Russia, by Stephen P. Dunn and Ethel Dunn
142509: DUNN, ROBERT WILLIAMS (1895-) - The Americanization of Labor : the Employers' Offensive Against the Trade Unions
125925: DUNN, NEVILLE. HADEN KIRKPATRICK (EDS. ) - The Thoroughbred Record; Annual Statistical Review Covering the Year 1952
60169: DUNN, JAMES TAYLOR - Marine on St. Croix; from Lumber Village to Summer Haven, 1838-1968
150956: DUNN, ROBERT WILLIAMS (1895-) - Soviet Trade Unions
143318: DUNN, ROBERT WILLIAMS (1895-) - Soviet Trade Unions
114510: DUNN, LAURENCE - Merchant Ships of the World, 1910-1929 in Colour, Written and Illustrated by Laurence Dunn
108768: DUNN, EMMA - You Can Do It
35892: DUNN, ALAN - Is there intelligent life on Earth? : a report to the Congress of Mars
240132: DUNN-MASCETTI, MANUELA - Goddess wisdom: Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena [in 3 volumes]
175925: DUNN, TED - Alternatives to war and violence--a search / [essays by] John Ferguson ... [et al.] ; editor: Ted Dunn ; foreword by Dudley, Bishop of Colchester
9038: DUNN, JAMES - From Coal Mine Upwards, Or, Seventy Years of an Eventful Life
278118: DUNN, LAURENCE - A book of ships
208400: DUNN, TED. FERGUSON, JOHN (1921-1989) - Alternatives to war and violence--a search / essays by John Ferguson ... et al. ; editor: Ted Dunn ; foreword by Dudley, Bishop of Colchester
151108: DUNNAGE, JAMES ARTHUR (1893-) - Transport and the Public
202579: DUNNE, JOHN S. - Time and myth : a meditation on storytelling as an explanation of life and death
181476: DUNNE, DOMINICK - Fatal charms and other tales of today / Dominick Dunne
160164: DUNNE, JOHN GREGORY (1932-2003) - Dutch Shea, Jr. : a Novel
257042: DUNNE, DEREK - The Birmingham six / Derek Dunne
139294: DUNNE, BERT VINCENT - Play Ball! Introd. by Joe Cronin
36548: DUNNE, FINLEY PETER (1867-1936) - Mr Dooley - in Peace and War
62533: DUNNE, DESMOND - Yoga Made Easy
232914: DUNNE, FINLEY PETER (1867-1936) - Mr. Dooley's opinions
133190: DUNNER, JOSEPH - The Republic of Israel, its History and its Promise
229151: DUNNETT, ALASTAIR MACTAVISH - Alistair MacLean introduces Scotland
159044: DUNNETT, ARTHUR H. - The Church in Changing Scotland
105174: DUNNETT, ALASTAIR MACTAVISH - No Thanks to the Duke
61078: DUNNIGAN, JAMES F. - How to Make War : a Comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare / James F. Dunnigan
53055: DUNNIGAN, JAMES F. - How to Make War - a Comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare
18031: DUNNIGAN, JAMES F. - How to Make War A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare - all the World's Weapons, Armed Forces & Tactics
238649: DUNNILL, MICHAEL - William Budd : Bristol's most famous physician : pioneer of preventive medicine and epidemiology / Michael Dunnill
225537: DUNNILL, FRANK - The civil service : some human aspects / Frank Dunnill
164021: DUNNILL, FRANK - The Civil Service. Some Human Aspects
36382: DUNNING, JOHN H. MORGAN, E. VICTOR - An Economic Study of the City of London : Directors and Editors of Study : John H. Dunning and E. Victor Morgan
258393: DUNNING, THOMAS PATRICK - Piers Plowman : an interpretation of the A text / T. P. Dunning
169775: DUNNING, JOHN (1942- ) - The bookman's wake : a mystery with Cliff Janeway / John Dunning
154048: DUNNING, JOHN (1942-) - The Bookman's Wake : a Mystery with Cliff Janeway / John Dunning
226726: DUNNING, JOHN - The bookman's wake : a mystery with Cliff Janeway
131923: DUNNING, JOHN H. C. J. THOMAS - British Industry : Change and Development in the Twentieth Century / [By] J. H. Dunning and C. J. Thomas
120110: DUNNING, JOHN H. - Governments, Globalization, and International Business / Edited by John H. Dunning
124058: DUNNING, JOHN H. (JOHN HARRY) (1927-). MORGAN, EDWARD VICTOR - An Economic Study of the City of London
207478: DUNNING, JOHN H. (JOHN HARRY), (1927- ) - Economic planning and town expansion : a case study of Basingstoke / J.H. Dunning; with the assistance of E. Stokes and a W.E.A. study group at Basingstoke
98053: DUNNINGER, JOSEPH - Dunninger's Monument to Magic
85833: DUNNINGER, JOSEPH - 100 Classic Houdini Tricks You Can Do
233736: DUNNINGER, EBERHARD - Die christliche Fruhzeit Bayerns
235133: DÜNNINGER, EBERHARD. KIESSELBACH, DOROTHEE - Bayerische Literaturgeschichte : In ausgewahlten Beispielen ; Mittelalter / Hrsg. von Eberhard Dunninger und Dorothee Kiesselbach
92398: DUNPHY, JACK - Dear Genius-- : a Memoir of My Life with Truman Capote / Jack Dunphy
65037: DUNPHY, DON - Don Dunphy At Ringside / Don Dunphy
160084: DUNPHY, JACK - An Honest Woman
244839: DUNRAVEN, WINDHAM THOMAS WYNDHAM-QUIN EARL OF (1841-1926) [AUTHOR] - Self-instruction in the practice and theory of navigation
207990: DUNREA, OLIVIER - Old Bear and his cub
102187: DUNROY, WILLIAM REED HOPPER - Corn Tassels, by William Reed Dunroy
275762: DUNS, JEREMY - Free agent / Jeremy Duns
82320: DUNSANY, EDWARD JOHN MORETON DRAX PLUNKETT, BARON (1878-1957) - Tales of War, by Lord Dunsany
258763: DUNSTAN, DR. RALPH - The World's Most Famous Piano Solos: 101 Classics
59652: DUNSTAN, J. LESLIE (JOHN LESLIE) (1901-) - Protestantism
56702: DUNSTAN, J. LESLIE (JOHN LESLIE) (1901-) - Protestantism
169921: DUNSTAN, REGINALD E. - Transports of state
157812: DUNTON, SAM C. - Hold That Tiger!
158764: DUONG, ANH - (Self) Portraits / Anh Duong
250632: DUPANLOUP, FÉLIX (1802-1878) - Lettre pastorale de Mgr l'évêque d'Orléans : sur les malheurs et les signes du temps
163078: DUPANLOUP, FELIX (1802-1878) - L' Atheisme Et Le Peril Social / Par L'Eveque D'Orleans
176925: DUPANLOUP, FELIX (1802-1878) - Defense de la liberte de l'eglise / par Mgr. Dupanloup [complete in 2 volumes]
212445: DUPETIT, JEAN-BERNARD - Cailloux de sang / Jean-Bernard Dupetit ; avec 8 dessins d'Hubert Agostini
258883: DUPEYRAT, ANDRÉ - Festive Papua
227914: DUPEYRAT, ANDRÉ - Papua : beasts and men / translated from the French by Michael Heron
261252: DUPIN, LEWIS ELLIS - A Compendious History of the Church, from the Beginning of the World to this Present Time: in three volumes: vol. II, III & IV
194906: DUPIN, CHARLES, BARON (1784-1873) - Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne : entrepris relativement aux services publics de la guerre, de la marine, et des ponts et chaussees, en 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, et 1820 : IV - deuxieme partie : force navale
125082: DUPIN, JACQUES - Miro / Jacques Dupin
215701: DUPIN, JACQUES - Miro engraver / Jacques Dupin. I. 1928-1960
190213: DUPIN, HENRI - Experiences d'education sanitaire et nutritionelle en Afrique
230058: DUPLEIX, JILL - Take three / Jill Dupleix ; photography by Geoff Lung
153475: DUPONT, FRANZ - Les Degres De La Volonte Criminelle : Et L'Etat De Recidive / Par Franz Dupont
189196: DUPONT, LEONCE - Souvenirs de Versailles pendant la Commune / par Leonce Dupont
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