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130292: EMMONS, TERENCE - The Russian Landed Gentry and the Peasant Emancipation of 1861
101481: EMMONS, SHIRLEE - Tristanissimo : the Authorized Biography of Heroic Tenor Lauritz Melchior
57657: EMMONS, EARL H. (1888-) [ASSOCIATED NAME]. DECORATED BY CARL COBBLEDICK - An Uncensored Anthology, Written by Divers Hands; Decorated by Carl Cobbledick
279423: EMMONS, DELLA GOULD - Sacajawea of the Shoshones
151904: EMMOTT, ALFRED EMMOTT, BARON (1858-) - Nationalization of Industries : a Criticism
192766: EMOND, PAUL - La mort dans le miroir : ecriture et representation romanesque dans La noire de Jean Cayrol
270426: AIR LEAGUE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE - Industrial Britain : Britain's message to the empire from the air V. 1, Engineering, motor and aircraft industries
258814: CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATION IN THE EMPIRE - Conference on Agriculture Co-operation in the Empire at the British Empire Exhibition, Wembley: July 28-31, 1924 (conference hall no. 3): programme
249116: DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S STUDY CONFERENCE ON THE HUMAN PROBLEMS OF INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITIES WITHIN THE COMMONWEALTH AND EMPIRE (1956 : OXFORD, ENGLAND) - Report and proceedings : His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh's Study Conference on the Human Problems of Industrial Communities within the Commonwealth and Empire, 9-27 July 1956 - Volume 1
228657: EMPIRE COTTON GROWING CORPORATION. COTTON RESEARCH STATION, TRINIDAD. GENETICS DEPT. HUTCHINSON, JOSEPH BURTT SIR (1902-) - The evolution of Gossypium and the differentiation of the cultivated cottons
243272: ROYAL COMMISSION ON TRADE UNIONS AND EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION - Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers' Associations: minutes of evidence: 6: Tuesday, 23rd November 1965 and 9: Tuesday 7th December 1965: Witness: Confederation of British Industry
259353: GREAT BRITAIN. REGISTRY OF TRADE UNIONS AND EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATIONS - Report of the Chief Registrar of Trade Unions and Employers' Associations. 1971
193365: ROYAL COMMISSION ON TRADE UNIONS AND EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATIONS - Research Paper 1: The role of shop stewards in British Industrial Relations
217854: ROYAL COMMISSION ON TRADE UNIONS AND EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATIONS - Royal Commission on trade unions and employers' associations. Research papers 4: 1. Productivity bargaining. 2. Restrictive labour practices
146848: ENGINEERING EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION - Unemployment : its Realities and Problems / Issued by Engineering & Allied Employers National Federation
176440: CENTRALE NATIONALE DES EMPLOYES - Que penser de l'organisation paritaire de l'economie des conseils d'entreprises de la co-gestion
191670: GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF LABOUR. LONDON REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR JUVENILE EMPLOYMENT - Report on the work of Advisory Committees for Juvenile Employment during the year 1927
167053: EMRICH, DUNCAN, (1908-1977) - It's an old Wild West custom
118956: EMTAGE, W. T. A. - Light
105447: L'ENCLOS, ANNE - The Memoirs of Ninon De L'Enclose. with Her Letters to the Marquis De Sevigne and Mons. De St. Evremond ... . .. Translated from the French, by Mrs. Griffith
21872: ENCRENAZ, T. - The Solar System
276123: ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, INC - An anthology : of pieces from early editions of Encyclopædia Britannica
260108: ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, INC - The Britannica home university. American literature
106036: ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, INC. - Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of the English Language. International Ed. Combined with Britannica World Language Dictionary - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
180194: ENDELMAN, TODD M. (ED.) - Jewish apostasy in the modern world / edited and with an introduction by Todd M. Endelman
153801: TODD M. ENDELMAN - Jewish Apostasy in the Modern World / Edited and with an Introduction by Todd M. Endelman
162971: ENDELMAN, B. C. - Le Monometallisme-Or En Russie : Histoire De La Reforme Monetaire Et De La Circulation Fiduciaire Russe Depuis 1897 : Etude Historique Et Economique / Par B. C. Endelman
263574: ENDEMANN, SAMUEL - Institvtiones Theologiae Dogmaticae. T. 1
94995: ENDLEMAN, SHALOM - Violence in the Streets / Edited with an Introduction by Shalom Endleman
166812: ENDLEMAN, SHALOM - Violence in the streets / edited with an introduction by Shalom Endleman
234740: ENDORE, S. GUY (1901-1970) - King of Paris : a novel based on the lives of Alexandre Dumas, father and son
87446: ENDORE, S. GUY - King of Paris, a Novel
66650: ENDRES, STACEY - Hollywood At Your Feet : the Story of the World-Famous Chinese Theatre
158461: ENDRES, KATHLEEN L. - Rosie the Rubber Worker : Women Workers in Akron's Rubber Factories During World War II / Kathleen L. Endres
234296: ENDRES, JOSEPH ANTON (1863-1924) - Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Philosophie im christlichen Abendlande
265910: ARCHITECTURAL 'ODDS AND ENDS' - Fireplaces - Renaissance: XVI century: 1529-31: series I: 40 plates
205574: ENELOW, GERTRUDE - Body dynamics: the Zen and zest of self-development
210566: ENELOW, H. G. (HYMAN GERSON), (1877-1934) - Selected works of Hyman G. Enelow / with a memoir by Dr. Felix A. Levy
229294: ENFIELD, ALEXANDER - Sea Captains' tales
279064: ENFIELD, WILLIAM (1741-1797) - The Speaker : or, Miscellaneous Pieces
277964: ENFIELD, WILLIAM - The Speaker, or, Miscellaneous pieces, selected from the best English writers, and disposed under proper heads : with a view to facilitate the improvement of youth in reading and speaking ; to which is prefixed an essay: On elocution
65726: ENFIELD, JESSE EMORY (1894-) - The Man from Packsaddle
75663: ENG, DAVID L. (1967-) , ED. - Q & a : Queer in Asian America ; Edited by David L. Eng and Alice Y. Hom
13081: ENGBERG, EDWARD - The Spy in the Corporate Structure : and the Right to Privacy / [By] Edward Engberg And the Right to Privacy
85507: ENGEL, DAVID - The McGraw-Hill Guide to World Literature. Volume Two, Moliere to Beckett / David Engel, Ruth Hoberman, Frank Palmeri
265475: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 1999
265476: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 1995
265477: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 2005
264783: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 1994
264785: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 2004
264786: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 1997
264787: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 1998
250476: ENGEL, HOWARD - Mr. Doyle & Dr. Bell : a Victorian mystery / Howard Engel
22599: ENGEL, BEVERLY - The Right to Innocence. Healing the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse
232586: ENGEL, HANS - Deutscher Kulturatlas: Musikgeschichte
234019: ENGEL, EDUARD (1851-) - Geschichte der englischen literatur von den anfängen bis zur gegenwart : mit einem anhang: Die nordamerikanische literatur
109070: ENGEL, LEHMAN (1910-1982) - This Bright Day; an Autobiography / Lehmann Engel
113856: ENGEL, RENE - Geology of the Lake Elsinore Quadrangle, California, by René Engel, and Mineral Deposits of Lake Elsinore Quadrangle, California, by Rene Engel, Thomas E. Gay, Jr. , and B. L. Rogers Bulletin 146, 1959
234621: ENGEL, HANS - Musik in Pommern
232454: ENGEL, CARL (1818-1882) - Musical Instruments
264784: ENGEL, MATTHEW - Wisden cricketers' almanack 2006
233845: ENGEL, HANS (1894-1970) - Musik der Zeiten und Volker : Eine Geschichte der Musik von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. Umgearb., vollig neugestaltete Ausg
232270: ENGEL, HANS (1894-1970) - Das Instrumentalkonzert / von Hans Engel
233065: ENGEL, HANS (1894-) - Musik der Völker und Zeiten
144320: ENGEL, CLAIRE ELIANE - Le Veritable Abbe Prevost
163530: ENGEL, CLAIRE ELIANE - La Litterature Alpestre En France Et En Angleterre Aux 18e Et 19e Siecles
12319: ENGEL, FREDERIC ANDRE (1908-) - An Ancient World Preserved : Relics and Records of Prehistory in the Andes
181872: ENGELBERG, ERNST - Revolutionare Politik und rote Feldpost, 1878-1890 / Ernst Engelberg
172001: ENGELBORGHS-BERTELS, MARTHE - Les Pays de l'Est et la de colonisation, particulierement en Afrique : bibliographie
243875: ENGELBRECHT, ERNST - Fünfzehn Jahre Kriminalkommissar Ernstes u. Heiteres aus meiner kriminalistischen Berufsarbeit
94486: ENGELBRECHT, HELMUTH CAROL (1895-1939) - Revolt Against War ; Foreword by Robert S. Lynd
147356: ENGELBRECHT, HELMUTH CAROL (1895-1939) - How to Combat Anti-Semitism in America : the Six Prize Winning Essays in the Contest Conducted by Opinion-A Journal of Life and Letters
241976: ENGELBRECHT, A. J. [DIRECTOR-GENERAL]. VAN WYK, BETTIE [EDITOR-IN-CHIEF] - South Africa 1979: Official Yearbook of the Republic of South Africa
186768: ENGELBREIT, MARY - Mary Engelbreit's nursery rhymes / Mary Engelbreit
229591: ENGELHARDT, CARL AUGUST (1768-1834) - Johann Friedrich Bottger : Erfinder des sachsischen Porzellans ; Biographie
255316: ENGELKING, BARBARA - The Holocaust and memory : autobiographical accounts of the Holocaust and its consequences / edited by Barbara Engelking-Boni and Gunnar S. Paulsson
246370: ENGELMANN, BERNT - Deutschland ohne Juden : eine Bilanz
41445: ENGELMANN, TH. W. - Die Erscheinungsweise Der Sauerstoffausscheidung Chromophyllhaltiger Zellen Im Licht, Bei Anwendung Der Bacterienmethode
260352: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH - The fourteenth of March, 1883 : Frederick Engels on the death of Karl Marx
196113: ENGELS, FREDERICH ; DAUTRY, JEAN [ET AL.] - Marxism today - Labour Review - Encounter - Soviet Survey [selection of articles in 1 volume]
188983: ENGELS, FREDERICH; MARX, KARL - La Nouvelle Critique
214482: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - The fourteenth of March 1883 ; Frederick Engels on the death of Karl Marx
180885: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Pour comprendre 'Le capital.'
186324: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Germany : revolution and counter-revolution / F. Engels : with a preface and appendices
189956: ENGELS, FREDERICH - Auf Reisen
186312: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Zur Geschichte und Sprache der deutschen Fruhzeit : ein Sammelband / Friedrich Engels ; besorgt vom Marx-Engels-Lenin-Institut beim ZK der SED
186276: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Friedrich Engels 1820 - 1895 : Leben und Werk : Eine Ausstellung der Stadt Wuppertal / Bearbeitet von D. Dowe ; Mit einem bisher unveroffentlichten Brief von Friedrich Engels
186300: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Engels on Capital : synopsis, reviews, letters and supplementary material / translated and edited by Leonard E. Mins
233387: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Der Ursprung der Familie, des privateigenthums, und des Staats / Im Anschluss an Lewis H. Morgan's Forschungen, von Friedrich Engels
174522: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - The British labour movement
280598: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH - Principles of Communism, a new translation by Paul M. Sweezy
175689: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895). DLUBEK, ROLF, TR. - Die deutsche Reichsverfassungskampagne / Friedrich Engels ; zusammengestellt und eingeleitet von Rolf Dlubek
175118: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Socialisme Utopique et Socialisme Scientifique ; Die Entwicklung der Sozialismus, von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft [complete in 2 volumes]
175113: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in science : [Anti-Duhring] / Frederick Engels
175106: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Briefe an Bebel / Friedrich Engels ; Besorgt vom Institut fur Marxismus-Leninismus beim ZK der SED
175051: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895). MOSCOW (RUSSIA). INSTITUT MARKSA-ENGEL'SA-LENINA - The fourteenth of March 1883 : Frederick Engels on the death of Karl Marx
175045: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Herrn Eugen Duhrings Umwalzung der Wissenschaft. Anti-Duhring
175009: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - The British Labour movement : articles from the Labour Standard / Frederick Engels
175677: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Zwischen 18 und 25. Jungendbriefe
190778: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Engels on Capital : synopsis, reviews, letters and supplementary material
175615: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Biographische Skizzen
207978: ENGELS, FREDERICH (1820-1895) - Herrn Eugen Duhring's Umwalzung der Wissenschaft / Friedrich Engels
210271: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895). KNIERIEM, MICHAEL. FRIEDRICH-ENGELS-HAUS (WUPPERTAL). KARL-MARX-HAUS (TRIER, GERMANY) - Cola di Rienzi : ein unbekannter dramatischer Entwurf / Friedrich Engels ; [bearb. von] Michael Knieriem ; hrsg. vom Friedrich-Engels-Haus, Wuppertal und Karl-Marx-Haus, Trier
211247: ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Die Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft / Friedrich Engels
247085: ENGEN, RODNEY K - Victorian engravings / Rodney K. Engen ; edited by Hilary Beck
204077: ENGESTROM, LARS VON (1751–1826) - Minnen och anteckningar / af Lars von Engestrom [2 volumes in 1 ; Language: Swedish]
198295: ENGESTROM, JOHAN VON (1743-1807) - Historiska anteckningar och bref fran aren 1771-1805 / af Johan von Engestrom ; utgifna af E. V. Montan
204763: ENGHOLM, FREDERICK WALDERMAR - The story of H. M. S. Victory : a ship unsurpassed in naval history
272310: AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING - The Care and Maintenance of Aircraft; A Complete Course of Instruction for Ground Engineers and Light Aeroplane Owners contributed by Various Authors
138967: UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. DEPT. OF MILITARY ART AND ENGINEERING - The West Point Atlas of American Wars / Compiled by the Department of Military Art and Engineering, the United States Military Academy ; Chief Editor, Vincent J. Esposito
102520: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - Mechanical Catalog. 1935-36. 25th Annual Volume.
148190: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Agricultural Register, 1933-4 Being a Record of Legislation, Organization, Supplies and Prices
188742: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS - Geophysical prospecting : papers and discussions presented at meetings held at New York, February, 1928, and at Boston, August, 1928
188730: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS - Petroleum technology / American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers - 11 volumes [ALL PUBLISHED] bound in 6
102517: THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - Asme Mechanical Catalog and Index to Manufacturers of Industrial Equipment, Materials and Supplies. 1933-34. 23rd Annual Volume
262584: WESTERN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS - Journal - Western Society of Engineers -
262585: WESTERN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS - Journal - Western Society of Engineers -
227345: THE JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTION OF MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS - John Loudon Macadam (1756-1836): Centenary Celebrations at Ayr, 30th October, 1936, The Institution of Municipal & County Engineers
227886: INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - The theory and practice of hydro-mechanics : A series of lectures delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers, session 1884-5
249207: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1978-1980 ; vol. 27 and Miscellanies Part XII
249201: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1959-1961 ; vol. 20
249199: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1945-1951 ; vol. 16
249197: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1968-1969 ; vol. 22
248978: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England Part 6
248951: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England - Third Series - Volume the Seventh Part 3 - No. 27 - 30 September 1896
248665: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Third Series: Volume the eighth: Part II: No. 30, 30th June, 1897
248675: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Third Series: Volume the Seventh: Part I: No. 25, 31st March, 1896
248674: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Third Series: Volume the First: Part IV: No. IV, 31st December, 1890
248673: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Third Series: Volume the Seventh: Part IV: No. 28, 31st December, 1896
248668: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Volume the Seventy-Second: practice with science
248223: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - La liturgie, ou formulaire des prières publiques : selon l'usage de l'Église Anglicane
249195: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1974-1978 ; vol.26
249045: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions - Sessions 1924-1927 - Volume 11
249044: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions: Sessions 1955-59 Volume 19
248667: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Third Series: Volume the eighth: Part I: No. 29, 31st March, 1897
248985: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England - Volume 9 1918-1920
248979: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England Part 3
249036: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England Part 2
249038: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England Part 6
249039: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions: Sessions 1968-1969 Volume 22
249211: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1945-1951 ; vol. XVI
248984: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions - Sessions 1939-1945 - Volume 15
248983: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions - Sessions 1932-1935 - Volume 13
273561: THE AUTHOR OF THE CRITICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND - The History of England: during the reigns of the Royal House of Stuart
272705: ENGLAND, JOHN - Warne's happy book for boys
249203: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - MISCELLANIES of the Jewish Historical Society of England - Part III
271909: THIS ENGLAND - The Register of the Victoria Cross
268051: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Sermons, or, homilies : appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory. In two parts : to which are added the constitutions and canons ecclesiastical, and the thirty-nine articles of the church of England
266081: BADMINTON ASSOCIATION OF ENGLAND - Badminton (Know the game series)
265200: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England - vol. 63
249196: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1969-1970 ; vol. 23
249209: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Transactions of the Jewish historical society of England Vol. XI 1924-1927
249206: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1969-1970 ; vol. 23 and Miscellanies Part VIII
249194: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1973-1975 ; vol.25
249042: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions: Sessions 1951-52 Volume 17
244349: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the seventy-sixth: Practice with Science
249204: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1968-1969 ; vol. 22
248671: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Third Series: Volume the Sixth: Part III: No. 23, 30th September, 1895
248987: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions - Sessions 1924-1927 - Volume 11
243795: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the Eighty-Second: Practice with Science
249193: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - MISCELLANIES of the Jewish Historical Society of England - Part III
242947: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agriculture Society of England: Volume the Seventy-Seventh: Practice with Science
242948: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agriculture Society of England: Volume the Seventy-Ninth: Practice with Science
242949: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agriculture Society of England: Third Series: Volume the fourth: Practice with Science
242951: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agriculture Society of England: Third Series: Volume the fourth: part I, No. 13.- 31st march, 1893: Practice with Science
242953: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agriculture Society of England: Third Series: Volume the second: Part I: No. V. 31st March, 1891: Practice with Science
187229: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England [Vol. 5]
187222: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England [Vol. 6]
159274: ENGLAND, ROBERT B. - Noah : the Seventy-First Grove Play of the Bohemian Club Presented July 30 1976 / Author, Robert B. England ; Composer, Frank R. Denke ; Orchestrations, Earl O. Zindars ; Director, James Robert Minser
248975: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England - Volume 10 1921-1923
248976: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England Part 2
248977: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions: Sessions 1969-1970 Volume 23 & Miscellanies Part 8
252094: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Jewish Historical Society of England: Transactions. session 1962-1967 ; vol.21
260422: ROYAL AGRICULTURE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agriculture Society of England: volume the third: 1842: practice with science
249047: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions - Sessions 1932-1935 - Volume 13
243794: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Tenth: Part II: No. 37- 31st March, 1899
249037: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England Part 3
241239: THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND - The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of The Church of England. Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches; and the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons
263274: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - The Coronation of their majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, May 12th, 1937
216398: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Agricultural research in 1927 : Practice with science
244344: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Fourth: Part III: No. 15- 30th September, 1893: to be continued quarterly
249191: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1962-1967 ; vol.21
243944: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Tenth: Part IV: No. 40.- 30th December, 1899
248974: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions: Sessions 1959-61 Volume 20
188261: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the proper lessons for Sundays and other holy-days
248663: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Volume the second: Part IV: No. VIII, 31st December, 1891
243533: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the First: Part I: No. I.- 31st March, 1890
243532: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Eleventh: part II: No. 42. 30th June, 1900
243531: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Fifth: Part II: No. 19.- 30th June, 1894
243530: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the Seventy-Sixth: practice with science
243529: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third series: volume the the sixth: part IV: No. 24.- 31st December, 1895
243528: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third series: volume the the sixth: part II: No. 22.- 29th June, 1895
243527: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third series: volume the the eighth: part IV: No. 32.- 31st December, 1897
243526: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third series: volume the fifth: part 1: No. 17.- 31st March, 1894
243524: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the Eighty-First: Practice with Science
243523: THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the fourth: Part II: No. 14.- 30th June, 1893; to be continued quarterly
242281: ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND - A record of the years from 1901 to 1950 : Royal College of Surgeons of England
144403: [ANONYMOUS WORK]. A PRESBYTER OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Christian Ethics and Wise Sayings
143114: ENGLAND, BETTY - Trade Union Problems. with a Foreword by E. J. Hill
139427: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Relations between Anglican and Presbyterian Churches : a Joint Report
62363: ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND - Calendar of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. July 8, 1886
249043: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions: Sessions 1959-61 Volume 20
249041: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions - Sessions 1939-1945 - Volume 15
243793: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Tenth: Part II: No. 38- 30th June, 1899
244670: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the Eighty-Third: Practice with Science
249040: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish Historical Society of England - Transactions: Sessions 1969-1970 Volume 23 & Miscellanies Part 8
248980: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England Part 2
191488: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - General index to the second series of the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England : Volumes I to XXV - 1865 - 1889
171897: ENGLAND, BETTY - Trade union problems
184075: ENGLAND. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. AMPHLETT, JOHN (1845-1918). WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY - An index to Worcestershire fines, 1649-1714 / edited for the Worcestershire historical society by John Amphlett
277690: KING GEORGE OF ENGLAND - A Collection of Treaties, Alliances and Navigation of the British Dominions, made since His Majesty's happy accession to the Crown
170772: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Remember the days : essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth by members of the Council of the Jewish Historical Society of England / edited by John M. Shaftesley
244334: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Fourth: Part I: No. 13- 31st March, 1893: to be continued quarterly
279204: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According the the Use of the Church of England, Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches
249200: JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Jewish historical society of England: Transactions. session 1970-1973 ; vol. 9
111257: ENGLAND, GEORGE ALLAN - The Afterglow
244353: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Second Series: Volume the Fourteenth: Part I: No. XXVII
244355: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Second Series: Volume the Fifteenth: Part I: No. XXIX
244354: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Second Series: Volume the Eighteenth: Part I: No. XXXV
244352: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Second Series: Volume the Seventeenth: Part II: No. XXXIV
244351: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the eighty-first: Practice with Science
244350: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the seventy-second: Practice with Science
244348: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the seventy-seventh: Practice with Science
244347: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the eighty-second: Practice with Science
244346: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the seventy-ninth: Practice with Science
244345: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Fifth: Part I: No. 17- 31st March, 1894: to be continued quarterly
244343: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Third: Part II: No. X- 30th March, 1892: to be continued quarterly
244342: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Eighth: Part I: No. 29- 31st March, 1897: to be continued quarterly
244341: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Fifth: Part II: No. 18- 30th June, 1894: to be continued quarterly
244338: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Seventh: Part II: No. 26- 30th June, 1896: to be continued quarterly
244339: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Sixth: Part IV: No. 24- 31st December, 1895: to be continued quarterly
244336: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Eighth: Part III: No. 31- 30th September, 1897: to be continued quarterly
244335: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Seventh: Part III: No. 27- 30th September, 1896: to be continued quarterly
244333: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Fourth: Part II: No. 14- 30th June, 1893: to be continued quarterly
244332: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Ninth: Part 1: No. 33- 31st March, 1898: to be continued quarterly
244324: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Volume the Eighty-Fifth: practice with science
263950: COMPANY OF MERCHANT ADVENTURERS OF ENGLAND - The book of privileges of the Merchant Adventurers of England, 1296-1483 / edited by Anne F. Sutton and Livia Visser-Fuchs
280492: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND - Royal Commission on Local Government in England, 1966-1969 Vol. 2. Memorandum of dissent
249452: THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England: vol. XIII: 1932-1935
176663: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Special forms of service in commemoration of his late majesty King Edward VII of blessed and glorious memory to be used in all churches and chapels in England and Wales and in the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed either on the day of the funeral or on the most convenient day within the octave
132215: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Volume the Seventh
148528: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, Volume the Eightieth
244340: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Third Series: Volume the Fifth: Part III: No. 19- 29th September, 1894: to be continued quarterly
197810: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Volume the third 1842
197939: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England ; Volume 88. Practice with science Being the eighty-eighth volume issued since the first publication of the journal in 1839
200109: ENGLAND, BETTY - Trade union problems / with a foreword by E.J. Hill.
207779: ENGLAND. SOVEREIGN (1558-1603 : ELIZABETH I). COLLINS, WILLIAM EDWARD (1867-1911) - Queen Elizabeth's Defence of her proceedings in Church and State / with an introductory essay on the Northern Ireland Rebellion by William Edward Collins
210397: ENGLAND, RODNEY BENNETT - Inside journalism / edited by Rodney Bennett-England; foreword by the Rt. Hon. Lord Devlin
210861: ENGLAND, BETTY - Trade union problems
244448: THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England: Second Series: Volume the Eighteenth: Part II: No. XXXVI
268496: 'YOUNG ENGLAND' OFFICE - Young England : an illustrated magazine for recreation and instruction
55310: ENGLANDER, DAVID (ED. ) - The Jewish Enigma : an Enduring People / Editor, David Englander
33694: ENGLE, ELOISE. LAURI PAANANEN. - The Winter War : the Russo-Finnish Conflict, 1939-40 / [By] Eloise Engle and Lauri Paananen
182691: ENGLEFIELD, CICELY - George and Angela / told and illustrated by Cicely Englefield
91415: ENGLER, ROBERT (1922-2007) - The Politics of Oil ; a Study of Private Power and Democratic Directions
158642: ENGLERT, KERSTINM (1962-) - Lifts in Berlin : 100 Years of History / with texts by Kerstin Englert and photographs by Alfred Englert = Fahrstuhle in Berlin : Eine 100 jahrige geschichte / mit texten von Kerstin Englert und fotografien von Alfred Englert
166295: ENGLES, F. KAUTSKY, K. VANDERVELDE, E. BAUER, O. ADLER, FR. - Histoire De L'Internationale Socialiste
276582: BIBLE. APOCRYPHA. ENGLISH - The Apocrypha according to the authorised version
244883: ENGLISH LADY. GIFFORD, JOHN (1758-1818) - A residence in France, during the years 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795 : described in a series of letters from an English lady: with general and incidental remarks on the French character and manners / Prepared for the press by John Gifford: vol. II
237204: ENGLISH, T. J. (1957-) - The Havana mob: gangsters, gamblers, showgirls and revolutionaries in 1950s Cuba / T.J. English
236464: ENGLISH, ADRIAN J. (1939-) [AUTHOR]. FALKLANDS COLLECTION - Armed forces of Latin America : their histories, development, present strength, and military potential
155771: ENGLISH, SIMON - Simon English and the Army Pink Snowman
14655: ENGLISH, JANE - Sex Equality
154027: MAGYAR FORRADALMI MUNKASMOZGALOM TORTENETE. VOL. 3. ENGLISH - History of the Revolutionary Workers' Movement in Hungary, 1944-1962 / Edited by Dezso Nemes ; Contributors to the Volume, Miklos Lacko ... Et Al. ; Translated by Eva Racz ; Translation Revised by Len Scott
74177: P. E. N. ENGLISH CENTRE - RELATED NAMES: MORGAN, CHARLES (1894-1958) - Mightier Than the Sword; the P. E. N. Hermon Ould Memorial Lectures, 1953-1961. with a Foreword by C. V. Wedgwood. Contributors: Charles Morgan [And Others]
57614: SOCIETY OF PURE ENGLISH - Report of Society. the American Invitation. on Grammatical Inversions by H. W. Fowler
121205: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. DEPT. OF ENGLISH - Studies in Shakespeare, Milton and Donne
120471: ENGLISH, HORACE BIDWELL (1892-) - A Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological and Psychoanalytical Terms; a Guide to Usage, by Horace B. English and Ava Champney English
111394: BIBLE. ENGLISH. - Holy Bible : Old and New Testaments in the King James Version [Nelson Imperial Reference Bible]
262407: AN ENGLISHWOMAN - Views of Society and Manners in America ; in a series of letters from the country to a friend in England, during the years 1818, 1819, and 1820
66008: ENGLUND, STEVEN - Grace of Monaco : an Interpretive Biography / Steven Englund
243971: ENGNELL, IVAN (1906-1964) [AUTHOR] - Critical essays on the Old Testament
173718: ENGNELL, IVAN - Critical essays on the Old Testament
191242: ENGNELL, IVAN (1906-1964) - Critical essays on the Old Testament
36621: ENGWICHT, DAVID (1950-) - Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns : Better Living with Less Traffic / David Engwicht
98018: ENKING, WILLIAM [COMPILER] - Kanwa Senjibun Hyo - Drill Cards for 1000 Chinese-Japanese Characters
59045: ENKVIST, NILS ERIK - Caricatures of Americans on the English Stage Prior to 1870
191801: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT (7TH : 1987 : BUDAPEST, HUNGARY) - Seventh International Congress on the Enlightenment, Budapest 26 July-2 August, 1987 : introductory papers
165608: ENNALS, DAVID. CAMPBELL, IAN - Middle East Issues / [By] David Ennals and Ian Campbell
231109: ENNES, PIERRE - La verrerie ancienne
256168: ENNESCH, CARMEN ; BURÉ, ÉMILE - Émigrations politiques d'hier et d'aujourd'hui : [Préface d'Emile Buré.]
242764: ENNESCH, CARMEN - La Femme en Russie, 11e Annee, No. 5, Mai 1933
176469: ENNESCH, CARMEN - Emigrations politiques d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
169829: ENNEW, JUDITH - Child labour in Jamaica : general review / Judith Ennew and Pansy Young
84704: ENNIS, GEORGE PEARSE - Making a Water Colour, by George Pearse Ennis
149484: ENNIS, ALFRED REGINALD - Round about Palestine
198842: ENNIS, ALFRED REGINALD - Round about Palestine
258721: ENO, J. C - A treatise on the stomach and its trials
264970: ENOCH, KENNETH L - How I dropped the germ bombs...
187977: ENOCK, CHARLES REGINALD (1868-1970) - The Panama canal (its past, present, and future)
181059: ENOCK, ARTHUR GUY - This war business : a book for every citizen of every country / With forewords by L. P. Jacks, Kathleen Lonsdale and J. F. C. Fuller
60837: ENOCK, CHARLES REGINALD (1868-1970) - Mexico : its Ancient and Modern Civilisation, History and Political Conditions, Topography and Natural Resources, Industries and General Development
94746: ENOCK, ESTHER ETHELIND - Cannibalism Conquered. Mary Slessor. Pandita Ramabai ... by E. E. Enock and J. Chappell [And H. S. Dyer. with Portraits. ]
29538: ENOCK, ARTHUR GUY - This Milk Business, a Study from 1895 to 1943, by Arthur Guy Enock ... with Fourteen Plates and Forty-Six Tables
207821: ENOS, CLAY - Watchmen : portraits / photography by Clay Enos ; foreword by Zack Snyder
249922: BY A PROFESS'D FRIEND TO AN HONEST FREEDOM OF THOUGHT IN RELIGIOUS ENQUIRIES - Revelation Examined with Candour: or a fair enquiry into the sense and use of the several revelations: volume two
146166: BELGIAN COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY - Why Belgium Was Devastated As Recorded in Proclamations of the German Commanders in Belgium
16324: ENRENBURG, ILYA - The Spring
271041: ENRIGHT, D. J. (DENNIS JOSEPH) (1920-2002) - The Oxford book of contemporary verse, 1945-1980 / chosen by D. J. Enright
256294: ENRIGHT, D. J. (DENNIS JOSEPH) - The apothecary's shop : essays on literature
232074: ENRIGHT, MICHAEL J. (1944-) - Iona, Tara and Soissons : the origin of the royal anointing ritual
262510: ENRIGHT, EVELYN - Happy living! A guidebook for brides
280034: ENRIGHT, ANNE - The green road
11800: ENRIGHT, DENNIS JOSEPH (1920-) - Fair of Speech : the Uses of Euphemism / Edited by D. J. Enright
162482: ENRIQUEZ, NELLO - Colonie Alla Germania. Presentazione Di S. E. IL Gen. Ambrogio Bollati
102176: ENSER, A. G. S. - Filmed Books and Plays; a List of Books and Plays from Which Films Have Been Made, 1928-1969
55175: ENSLIN, THEODORE - Forms - Part 3 - the Experiences
103329: ENSMINGER, M. EUGENE - The Complete Book of Dogs / M. E. Ensminger
208834: ENSOM, PAUL - Geology / Paul Ensom
267874: ENSOR, R. C. K. (ROBERT CHARLES KIRKWOOD) (1877-1958) - Who Hitler is
258784: ENSOR, R. C. K. (ROBERT CHARLES KIRKWOOD) (1877-1958) - Who Hitler is
207914: ENSOR, JAMES (1860-1949) - James Ensor : the complete paintings
180260: ENSOR, ROBERT CHARLES KIRKWOOD SIR - England, 1870-1914
197408: ENSOR, R. C. K. (ROBERT CHARLES KIRKWOOD), (1877-1958) ; MALLOCK, W. H. (WILLIAM HURRELL), (1849-1923) - Modern socialism as set forth by socialists in their speeches, writings, and programmes / edited, with an introduction, by R.C.K. Ensor [bound with] A critical examination of socialism / W. H. Mallock
51648: ENSRUD, BARBARA - American Vineyards / Barbara Ensrud ; Photographs by Charles E. Dorris
114858: ENSRUD, BARBARA - Wine with Food : a Guide to Entertaining through the Seasons / Barbara Ensrud ; Foreword by M. F. K. Fisher ; Illustrated by Beatriz Vidal
40809: ENSTAM, ELIZABETH YORK - Women and the Creation of Urban Life : Dallas, Texas, 1843-1920 / Elizabeth York Enstam
147203: ENTEEN, GEORGE M. - The Soviet Scholar-Bureaucrat : M. N. Pokrovskii and the Society of Marxist Historians / George M. Enteen
142080: INTERNATIONAL ANTICOMMUNIST ENTENTE - The Red Network : the Communist International At Work
183830: INTERNATIONAL ANTICOMMUNIST ENTENTE - The red network : the Communist International at work
163516: INTERNATIONAL ANTICOMMUNIST ENTENTE - Vade-Mecum Antibolchevique
172702: UNITED STATES. INQUIRY ON COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE - Report of the Inquiry on cooperative enterprise in Europe
191460: NAIM FRASHERI STATE PUBLISHING ENTERPRISE - 15 years after the issue of the Inform Bureau resolution 'on the situation in the Jugoslav Communist Party' : (article published in the daily 'Zeri i Popullit' June 29, 1963)
265888: TRISTAR PICTURES. SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT - My Best Friend's Wedding: studio promotional pack
263631: WORLD VISION ENTERTAINMENT - Marilyn Monroe: Loss of Innocence [VHS]
207524: ENTHOLT, HERMANN (B. 1870) - The Ratskeller in Bremen
147609: ENTINE, ALAN D. (ED. ) - Monetary Economics; Readings, Edited by Alan D. Entine
206153: ENTMAN, ROBERT M. - Democracy without citizens : media and the decay of American politics / Robert M. Entman
236420: ENTRETIENS SUR PAUL VALÉRY ( 1971 : MONTPELLIER, FRANCE). MOUTOTE, DANIEL. UNIVERSITÉ PAUL VALÉRY. - Entretiens sur Paul Valéry : actes du colloque de Montpellier des 16 et 17 octobre 1971 / textes recueillis par Daniel Moutote
237089: ENTRETIENS SUR PAUL VALÉRY (1965 : CERISY-LA-SALLE). NOULET-CARNER, ÉMILIE - Entretiens sur Paul Valéry : sous la direction de Émilie Noulet-Carner
36915: ENTWISTLE, HAROLD - Antonio Gramsci - Conservative Schooling for Radical Politics
205469: GREAT BRITAIN. DEPT. OF THE ENVIRONMENT - The History of the King's works / general editor, H.M. Colvin. Vol.6, 1782-1851 / J. Mordaunt Crook, M. H. Port
155151: ENYEART, JAMES - Harmony of reflected light : the photographs of Arthur Wesley Dow ; featuring the collection of Barbara and George Wright
149473: ENZENSBERGER, HANS MAGNUS (ED. ) - Freisprache Revolutionare Vor Gericht / Herausgegeben Von Hans Magnus Enzensberger
238488: ENZINGER, FRANZ MICHAEL. WEISS, SHARON W - Soft tissue tumours / Franz M. Enzinger, Sharon W. Weiss
255715: EOGAN, GEORGE - Knowth : and the passage-tombs of Ireland / 1986
178711: EON DE BEAUMONT, CHARLES GENEVIEVE LOUIS AUGUSTE ANDRE TIMOTHEE (1728-1810) - D'Eon de Beaumont, his life and times / compiled chiefly from unpublished papers and letters by Octave Homberg and Fernand Jousselin ; and now translated into English by Alfred Rieu
186351: EPHESIAN, PSEUD. [I.E. CARL ERIC BECHHOFER, AFTERWARDS BECHHOFER ROBERTS] - Winston Churchill : being an account of the life of the Right Hon. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill ...
195391: EPHESIAN (C. E. BECHHOFER ROBERTS) - Philip Snowden an impartial portrait
179393: EPHESIAN (C. E. BECHHOFER ROBERTS) - Philip Snowden an impartial portrait
82428: EPHRON, HENRY (1912-1992) - We Thought We Could Do Anything : the Life of Screenwriters Phoebe and Henry Ephron
29329: EPHRON, PHOEBE (1914-1971). EPHRON, HENRY (1912-1992) - Take Her, She's Mine : a Comedy
237567: EPICTETUS (AUTHOR); MEDIAVILLA, CLAUDE (CALLIGRAPHY) - Virtue and happiness : the manual of Epictetus / calligraphy by Claude Mediavilla
266234: EPINAY, LOUISE FLORENCE PÉTRONILLE TARDIEU D'ESCLAVELLES MARQUISE D' (1726-178) - Memoirs and correspondence of Madame d'Epinay / translated with an introduction by E. G. Allingham
179833: EPINAY, LOUISE D', (1726-1783) - The memoirs and correspondence of Madame d'Epinay / translated with introduction and brief notes by J.H. Freese [ complete in 3 volumes ]
114277: L'EPINE, ERNEST LOUIS VICTOR JULES (1826-1893) & HOOD, TOM - The Fortress of Fear / Translated from the French of L'Epine by Tom Hood and Illustrated by Gustave Dore
192157: L'EPINOIS, HENRI DE (1831-1888) - La question de Galilee : les faits et leurs consequences / par Henri de L'E´pinois
145741: EPONYMOUS - Societes Pour La Repression Du Braconnage : Et Du Corportage Du Gibier, Etc. ; Dans L'Est De La Belgique
235193: EPOSITO, M - Hermathena: Notes on Latin learning and literature in medieval Ireland. - 1. [Reprinted from Hermathena, vol. XX, 1929.]
121793: EPP, FRANK H. JOHN GODDARD (PHOTOG. ) - The Palestinians : Portrait of a People in Conflict / Frank H. Epp ; Photos. by John Goddard
178967: EPPINK, NORMAN R. - 101 prints : the history and techniques of printmaking
127407: EPPLER, ELIZABETH E. - International Bibliography of Jewish Affairs, 1966-1967 : a Select Annotated List of Books and Articles Published Outside Israel / Compiled and Edited by Elizabeth E. Eppler
273860: EPPLETT, CHRISTOPHER - Gladiators : deadly arena sports of ancient Rome
48977: EPPOLITO, LOU. DRURY, BOB - Mafia Cop
125125: EPPOLITO, LOU. BOB DRURY - Mafia Cop
236988: EPPRIDGE, BILL - The Beatles: six days that changed the world / Bill Eppridge, Rankin; [edited by] Adrienne Aurichio, Daniel Melamud
194560: EPPS, WILLIAM - Land systems of Australasia
130043: EPPSTEIN, JOHN (1895-) - The Cult of Revolution in the Church
13076: EPPSTEIN, JOHN. GILBERT MURRAY - Ten Years Life of the League of Nations. a History of the Origins of the League and of its Development from A. D. 1919 to 1929 / Compiled by John Eppstein ... and an Epilogue by Gilbert Murray ...
147813: BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING. JOHN EPPSTEIN (ED. ) - Hungary / [Edited by John Eppstein. with a Map. ]
207048: EPPSTEIN, JOHN (B.1895) - Hungary
97458: EPRILE, CECIL - War and Peace in the Sudan, 1955-1972
19131: EPRILE, CECIL - War and Peace in the Sudan 1955-1972
121462: EPRILE, CECIL - War and Peace in the Sudan, 1955-1972
171710: EPSILON [PSEUD.] - Coalition fatuity and the irish question
95316: EPSTEIN, BENJAMIN R. - Some of My Best Friends...
93128: EPSTEIN, JASON - The Great Conspiracy Trial : an Essay on Law, Liberty and the Constitution
83475: EPSTEIN, JOEL J. - Francis Bacon : a Political Biography
76903: EPSTEIN, LESLIE - P. D. Kimerakov
75589: EPSTEIN, DANIEL MARK - Sister Aimee : the Life of Aimee Semple McPherson
68198: EPSTEIN, JASON - The Great Conspiracy Trial; an Essay on Law, Liberty, and the Constitution
62577: EPSTEIN, JERRY (1927-) - Remembering Charlie : a Pictorial Biography / Jerry Epstein
58698: EPSTEIN, EDWARD JAY (1935-) - Legend : the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald / Edward Jay Epstein
51888: EPSTEIN, JERRY (1927-) - Remembering Charlie : a Pictorial Biography
269078: EPSTEIN, KLAUS - The genesis of German conservatism / Klaus Epstein
240953: EPSTEIN, JOSEPH (1937-) - Essays in biography / Joseph Epstein
19606: EPSTEIN, CYNTHIA FUCHS EPSTEIN, CYNTHIA FUCHS. - Deceptive Distinctions Sex, Gender and the Social Order
167204: EPSTEIN, SIMON (1947-) - Cry of Cassandra : the resurgence of European anti-semitism
148858: EPSTEIN, PERLE - Kabbalah : the Way of the Jewish Mystic / Perle Epstein ; Foreword by Edward Hoffman
146395: EPSTEIN, EDWARD JAY - News from Nowhere: Television and the News
137827: EPSTEIN, PERLE S. - The Private Labyrinth of Malcolm Lowry: under the Volcano, and the Cabbala, by Perle S. Epstein
13546: EPSTEIN, EDWARD JAY (1935-) - Legend : the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald / Edward Jay Epstein
163912: EPSTEIN, ISIDORE (1894-1962) (ED. ) - Joseph Herman Hertz, 1872-1946 : in Memoriam / [Edited by Isidore Epstein. ]
251246: EPSTEIN, ELIAS L. [EDITOR] - Hebrew Union College Annual: volume XXXII
251242: EPSTEIN, ELIAS L [EDITOR] - Hebrew Union College Annual: volume XXXVIII
250223: EPSTEIN, ISIDORE - Man and his creator : a guide-book for teachers
249969: EPSTEIN, ISIDORE (1894-1962.) - Judaism : a historical presentation
100013: EPSTEIN, PHILIP G. - The Mad Miss Mantan / Directed by Leigh Jason ; Screenplay by Philip G. Epstein
57981: EPSTEIN, MORRIS (1922-) - A Pictorial Treasury of Jewish Holidays and Customs
151153: EPSTEIN, CLAIRE - Israel Exploration Journal : Volume 34, Number 4, a Pottery Neolithic Site Near Tel Qatif
99664: EPSTEIN, BENJAMIN R. & FORSTER, ARNOLD (JOINT AUTHORS) - The Radical Right; Report on the John Birch Society and its Allies
85335: EPSTEIN, MORTIMER (1880-1946) - RELATED NAMES: HODSON, H. V. (HENRY VINCENT) (B. 1906) ; MACADAM, IVISON S. (IVISON STEVENSON) (1894-1974) - The Annual Register: a Review of Public Events At Home and Abroad for the Year 1925
85315: EPSTEIN, MORTIMER (1880-1946) - The Annual Register ; a Review of Public Events At Home and Abroad for the Year 1922
34205: EPSTEIN, BENJAMIN R. - The Radical Right : Report on the John Birch Society and its Allies
178625: EPSTEIN, ABRAHAM (1892- ) - Facing old age, a study of old age dependency in the United States and old age pensions
244705: EPSTEIN, ELIAS L. [EDITOR] - Hebrew Union College Annual: Volume XXXV
279020: EPSTEIN, ISIDORE (1894-1962) - Moses Maimonides 1135-1204 : Anglo-Jewish papers in connection with the eighth century of his birth
174295: EPSTEIN, ISIDORE (1894-1962) - Step by step in the Jewish religion
119491: EPSTEIN, SAMUEL. WILLIAMS, BERYL (1910-) - The Rocket Pioneers
186329: EPSTEIN, MORTIMER (1880-1946) - Essays on Jewish life and thought : the letters of Benammi [i.e. Mordecai Epstein]: second series / Essays
121707: EPSTEIN, SIMON (1947-) - Cry of Cassandra : the Resurgence of European Anti-Semitism
189852: EPSTEIN, PERLE - Oriental mystics & magicians
239269: EPSTEIN, EDWARD JAY; ROVERE, RICHARD H - Inquest : the Warren Commission and the establishment of truth
23087: EPSTEIN, BENJAMIN R. - The Radical Right : Report on the John Birch Society and its Allies
145286: EPSTEIN, MORTIMER (1880-1946) - Aspects of Jewish Life and Thought
164755: EPSTEIN, JACOB NAHUM, (1878-1952) - Der Gaonaische Kommentar Zur Ordnung Tohoroth. Eine Kritische Einleitung Zu Dem R. Hai Gaon Zugeschriebenen Kommentar
89247: EPSTEIN, JACOB, SIR - Epstein; an Autobiography
227140: EPTON, NINA CONSUELO - Oasis Kingdom. The Libyan story
176373: COMMISSION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY - Further education in a multi-racial society : a policy report
150797: ERASMIAN - The Unrest in Religion : an Enquiry of the Church of England Into the Present Position of the Church
275055: ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS - Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : recognita et adnotatione critica instructa notisque illustrata. Ord. 9. T. 2
270964: ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS - Erasmus and Cambridge
239796: ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS (-1536); RADICE, BETTY, TRANSLATOR; LEVI, ANTHONY HERBERT TIGAR - Praise of folly / Erasmus; translated by Betty Radice with an introduction and notes by A.H.T. Levi : and, Letter to Martin Dorp 1515
263772: ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS - Discourse on free will / Erasmus, Luther ; translated and edited by Ernst F. Winter
159321: ERB, JOHN LAWRENCE (1877- ) - Music Appreciation for the Student; a Handbook for Amateur and Music-Student, by J. Lawrence Erb
232291: ERBE, LEBENDIGES - Johann Sebastian Bach
122994: ERBEN, WALTER - Joan Miro
16500: ERBSTOSSER, MARTIN - The Crusades / Martin Erbstosser ; Translated from German by C. S. V. Salt
191552: ERBT, WILHELM - Elia, Elisa, Jona. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des IX. und VIII. Jahrhunderts
186536: ERCOLE, FRANCESCO - La rivoluzione fascista / Francesco Ercole
194613: ERCOLI, MARIO, PSEUD. I.E. PALMIRO TOGLIATTI (1893-1964) - The fight against war and fascism
176284: ERDAL, H. - Discussions in the CPT 1981-1982 : documents / H. Erdal
183718: ERDE, D. - Marriage and the family in the U.S.S.R.
170189: ERDEI, FERENC (ED.) - Information Hungary / editor-in-chief Ferenc Erdei
122958: ERDELY, EUGENE V. - Prague Braves the Hangman [By] E. V. Erdely
28125: ERDMAN, HOWARD L. - Politics, Economic Development, and Industrial Management in India : the Cases of Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers
74989: ERDMAN, HOWARD L. - Politics, Economic Development, and Industrial Management in India : the Cases of Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers
65355: ERDMAN, PAUL (1932-2007) - Tug of War : Today's Global Currency Crisis / Paul Erdman
231902: ERDMANN, OTTO LINNÉ (1804-69). WERTHER, AUGUST FRIEDRICH GUSTAV - Journal für praktische Chemie. Volume 2
142737: ERDMANN, BENNO (1851-1921) - Logische Elementarlehre / Von Benno Erdmann
160561: ERDRICH, LOUISE - The Beet Queen : a Novel
156806: ERDRICH, LOUISE - The Bingo Palace / Louise Erdrich
156808: ERDRICH, LOUISE - The Beet Queen : a Novel
71303: ERED. E. (ED. ) (ET AL. ) - Israel At War, June 5-10, 1967; a Pictorial Record
249160: EREMEEV, LEONID MATVEEVICH (1911-1973) - Through the eyes of friends: Correspondence of the USSR and the GDR report
102406: EREMO, JUDIE. ROY CLARK - Country Musicians : from the Editors of Guitar Player, Keyboard, and Frets Magazines / Edited by Judie Eremo ; Foreword by Roy Clark
59469: ERENBURG, IL'IA (1891-1967) - The Tempering of Russia. Translated from the Russian by Alexander Kaun
89134: ERENBURG, ILYA GRIGOREVICH - Childhood and Youth, 1891-1917 : Volume I of Men, Years-Life / Ilya Grigorevich Erenburg ; Translated by Anna Bostock in Collaboration with Yvonne Kapp
16315: ERENBURG, ILIA (1891-1967) - Chekhov, Stendhal, and Other Essays. [Translated from the Russian by Anna Bostock and Yvonne Kapp]
178301: ERENBURG, ILIA GRIGOREVICH - Eve of war, 1933-1941 : volume IV of Men, years-life / translated by Tatiana Shebunina in collaboration with Yvonne Kapp
177793: ERENBURG, ILYA (1891-1967) - Eve of war, 1933-41 : volume IV of Men, Years, Life / translated by Tatiana Shebunina in collaboration with Yvonne Kapp
86120: ERENS, PATRICIA (1938-?) - The Films of Shirley MacLaine
43744: EREZ, YEHUDA - David Ben-Gurion, a Pictorial Record
62361: UNIVERSITAT ERFURT - Beitrage Zur Geschichte Der Universitat Erfurt (1392-1816)
232899: ERICHSEN, JOHANNES. MAINFRÄNKISCHES MUSEUM WURZBURG. HAUS DER BAYERISCHEN GESCHICHTE (MUNICH, GERMANY). BAYERISCHES LANDESAMT FUR DENKMALPFLEGE. FESTUNG MARIENBERG WURZBURG - Kilian, Monch aus Irland : aller Franken Patron 689-1989 : Katalog der Sonder-Ausstellung zur 1300-Jahr-Feier des Kiliansmartyriums : 1. Juli 1989-1. Oktober 1989, Festung Marienberg Wurzburg : Mainfrankisches Museum Wurzburg, Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Denkmalpflege
277084: ERICKSON, CHARLOTTE - British industrialists : steel and hosiery 1850-1950
268820: ERICKSON, JOHN - Panslavism
261591: ERICKSON, CAROLLY - Bonnie Prince Charlie : a biography / Carolly Erickson
223652: ERICKSON, CAROLLY - Great Catherine / Carolly Erickson
264169: ERICKSON, JOHN (1929-2002) - The road to Stalingrad / John Erickson
143510: ERICKSON, JOHN - Panslavism
153616: ERICKSON, CHARLOTTE - British Industrialists : Steel and Hosiery, 1850-1950
71979: ERICKSON, JOHN (1929-) - Panslavism
180729: ERICSSON, ANNE-MARIE. OSTERGARD, DEREK E. STRITZLER-LEVINE, NINA - The brilliance of Swedish glass, 1918-1939 : an alliance of art and industry / Anne-Marie Ericsson ... [et al.] ; Derek E. Ostergard and Nina Stritzler-Levine, editors
40660: ERIKSON, ERIK H. - Dimensions of a New Identity: the 1973 Jefferson Lectures in the Humanities
220501: ERIKSON, DANIEL P. - The Cuba wars : Fidel Castro, the United States, and the next revolution
215733: ERIKSON, DANIEL P. - The Cuba wars : Fidel Castro, the United States, and the next revolution / Daniel P. Erikson
158729: ERIKSON, AIDEN - Playboy's Aiden Erikson
75179: ERIKSON, ERIK HOMBURGER (1902-1994) - Gandhi's Truth; on the Origins of Militant Nonviolence
180330: ERIKSON, ERIK H. (ERIK HOMBURGER), (1902- ) - Life history and the historical moment / Erik H. Erikson
273550: ERIKSSON, SVEN-GÖRAN - Sven-Göran Eriksson on football : the inner game - improving performance / Sven-Göran Eriksson ; with Willi Railo & Hakan Matson
203879: ERIKSSON, ULF - Rum for lasande : kulturkritik / Ulf Eriksson [Language: Swedish]
14564: ERISMANN, MARIE - Ein Edles Herz Hinter Den Mauern Einer Irren-Anstalt
53971: ERITH, JOHN - Erith on Pictorial Photography
277941: ERIVANSKY, A - A Soviet automatic plant
211539: ERIVANSKY, A. - A Soviet automatic plant / A. Erivansky ; translated from the Russian by D.S. Sobolev
169548: ERK, LUDWIG (1807-1883) - Volkslieder-Album. 80 Volkslieder fur eine Singstimme mit Pianofortebegleitung, herausgegeben Ludwing Erk
199587: ERKELIUS, PER AGNE (1935-2010) - Rembrandt till sin dotter : roman / Per Agne Erkelius
248176: ERKMANN, EMILE (1822-1899). CHATRIAN, ALEXANDRE (1826-1890) - Histoire d'un paysan, 1789-1815 / par Erckmann-Chatrian ; illustrée par Théophile Schuler ; gravures par Pannemaker
59816: ERLANDE-BRANDENBURG, ALAIN - Gothic Art / Alain Erlande-Brandenburg ; Translated from the French by I. Mark Paris
270247: ERLANDE-BRANDENBURG, ALAIN - The lady and the unicorn / Alain Erlande-Brandenburg
223507: ERLANDE, ALBERT (1878-1934) - The life of John Keats
272583: ERLANGER, PHILIPPE (1903-1987) - Richelieu and the affair of Cinq-Mars / (by) Philippe Erlanger; translated (from the French) by Gilles and Heather Cremonesi
250706: ERLANGER, PHILIPPE (1903-1987) - Louis XIV [English] / translated from the French by Stephen Cox
213178: ERLANGER, PHILIPPE - The age of courts and kings : manners and morals, 1558-1715 / Philippe Erlanger
256048: ERLICH, VICTOR - Il formalismo russo
152311: ERLIJMAN, JACOB - El Problema Del Comunismo En America Latina ; Sus Soluciones
158541: ERLIN, MATT - Berlin's Forgotten Future : City, History, and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Germany
184633: D'ERM, CAMILLE LEMERICIER - Les poetes de Paris ; anthologie du XVe Siecle a nos jours : illustre de 9 gravures ancienne et moderne / choix et preface par Camille Lemercier d'Erm
217409: ERMICHEV, A. A. ; SAVEL'EV, S. N. ; IZDATEL'STVO LENINGRADSKOGO UNIVERSITETA - Filosofiya i osvoboditel'noye dvizheniye v rossii [Philosophy and Liberation Movement in Russia. Language: Russian]
255736: GOSUDARSTVENNYI ERMITAZH (RUSSIA) - La peinture française, seconde moitié du XIXe-début du XXe siècle : Musée de l'Ermitage, Léningrad / Introd. de A. Izerghina ; réalisation et commentaires de A. Barskaïa ; réalisation de V. Smolkov ; traduit du russe par Mireille de Karton et Z. Spetchinsky
240181: ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO.; METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.); GOSUDARSTVENNYI ERMITAZH (RUSSIA) - From Poussin to Matisse : the Russian taste for French painting : a loan exhibition from the U.S.S.R
101005: GOSUDARSTVENNYI ERMITAZH (RUSSIA) - Treasures of the Hermitage / Introduction by Vitaly Suslov
138958: GOSUDARSTVENNYI ERMITAZH (RUSSIA) - The Hermitage, Leningrad : Dutch & Flemish Masters
97021: ERMOLAEV, HERMAN - Mikhail Sholokhov and His Art
188638: ERNEST, MAURICE (B. 1872) - The longer life : a critical survey of many claims to abnormal longevity, of various theories on duration of life and old age, and of divers attempts at rejuvenation
188535: ERNEST, MAURICE (1872-?) - The longer life : a critical survey of many claims to abnormal longevity / Maurice Ernest
233826: ERNESTI, JOHANN HEINRICH GOTTFRIED (1664-1723) - Die wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckerey : mit hundert und ein und zwanzig teutsch- lateinisch- griechisch- und hebraischen Schriften, vieler fremden Sprachen Alphabeten, musicalischen Noten, Calender-Zeichen, und Medicinischen Characteren, Ingleichen allen ublichen Formaten bestellet, und mit accurater Abbildung der Erfinder der loblichen Kunst, nebst einer summarischen Nachricht von den Buchdruckern in Nürnberg ausgezieret / Am ende sinde etliche kurz-gefasste Anmerkungen von der hebraischen Sprach angefuget
244488: ERNESTI, D. JO. AUG. M. T. CICERONIS - Praefationes et Notae ad M. T. Ciceronis Operum Omnium
228015: BAER CAROLUS ERNESTUS A - De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi; epistolam ad Academiam Imperialem Scientiarum Petropolitanam dedit Carolus Ernestus a Baer
160400: ERNI, HANS (ILLUS. ). KLEMER, D. J. (ED.) - Modern Love Poems. Illustrated by Hans Erni
264451: ERNLE, ROWLAND EDMUND PROTHERO BARON (1852-1937) - The land and its people : chapters in rural life and history
252711: ERNOUF, ALFRED AUGUSTE BARON - Histoire de trois Ouvriers Français, Richard-Lenoir, A. L. Bréguet, M. Brézin
253827: ERNST, MAX (1891-1976) - Max Ernst / [text by] Ian Turpin
248875: CINCINNATI : JACOB ERNST - Key to Robinson's algebra : containing also, a short treatise on the indeterminate and diophantine analysis and some miscellaneous examples
188614: ERNST, MORRIS L. - The First Freedom
156633: ERNST, MARGARET S. THURBER, JAMES (ILLU. ) - In a Word / Text by Margaret S. Ernst, Drawings by James Thurber
251848: ERNST, BERNARD MORRIS LEE (1879-1938) - Houdini and Conan Doyle : the story of a strange friendship
193986: ERNST, MORRIS LEOPOLD (1888-?) - To the pure-- : a study of obscenity and the censor
215469: ERNST, B. (BRUNO) - Atlas of the universe / Br. Ernst and Tj.E. de Vries ; translated by D.R. Welsh ; edited by H.E. Butler ; with a preface by H.A. Bruck
90944: ERNST, BERNARD MORRIS LEE (1879-1938) - Houdini and Conan Doyle : the Story of a Strange Friendship
15003: ERNST, MORRIS L. - So Far so Good
147848: ERNST, SIMON PIERRE - Memoire Sur Les Comtes De Louvain, Jusqua Godefroi Le Barbu ... Ouvrage Posthume, Publie Par M. E. Lavalleye
118438: ERNST, MAX (1891-1976). QUINN, EDWARD - Max Ernst / Compiled by Edward Quinn ; Contributors Max Ernst ... [Et Al. ]
197502: ERNST, MORRIS LEOPOLD (B. 1888) - Censorship: the search for the obscene
217620: EROFEEV, NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH - Narodnaya emigratsiya i klassovaya bor'ba v Anglii v 1825-1850 gg. [Emigration and the class struggle in Britain in 1825-1850. Language: Russian]
273890: ERPICUM, BRUNO - Architectural moments : Atelier d'Architecture Bruno Erpicum
273814: ERPICUM, BRUNO - Archinature / [photographer, Jean-Luc Laloux ; text, Bruno Erpicum] volume 1
193691: ERREDGE, JOHN ACKERSON (1811?-1862) - History of Brighthelmston : or, Brighton as I view it and others knew it, with a chronological table of local events.
168178: ERREDGE, JOHN ACKERSON (1811?-1862) - History of Brighthelmston : or, Brighton as I view it and others knew it, with a chronological table of local events.
61446: ERRIGO, ANGIE / LEANING, STEVE - The Illustrated History of Rock Album Art
61103: ERRINGTON, PAUL LESTER - The Red Gods Call. Prepared for Publication by Carolyn Errington
274969: ERRINGTON, LINDSAY (ED) - Scotland's pictures : the national collection of Scottish art
111593: ERRINGTON, FREDERICK KARL - Karavar: Masks and Power in a Melanesian Ritual
46843: ERROLL, HENRY - By Woman's Favour - [Complete in Three Volumes]
110048: ERSHKOWITZ, MIRIAM. JOSEPH ZIKMUND II - Black Politics in Philadelphia. Edited by Miriam Ershkowitz and Joseph Zikmund II
217828: ERSHOV, L. F. - Iz istorii sovetskoy satiry. M. Zoshchenko i satiricheskaya proza 20-40-kh godov [From the history of Soviet satire. M.Zoshchenko and satirical prose 20-40s. Language: Russian]
277314: ERSKINE-HILL, HOWARD - The art of Alexander Pope
268635: ERSKINE, R.W.H - The story of Domesday book / edited by R.W.H. Erskine and Ann Williams
160302: ERSKINE, JIM - Throw a Tomato : and 151 Other Ways to be Mean and Nasty
226762: ERSKINE, STEUART MRS. - The Bay of Naples
17768: ERSKINE, JOHN (1879-1951) - Venus, the Lonely Goddess; with Illus. by Warren Chappell
134458: ERSKINE, JOHN - Prohibition and Christianity; and Other Paradoxes of the American Spirit, by John Erskine
154389: ERSKINE, JOHN (1879-1951) - Venus, the Lonely Goddess; with Illus. by Warren Chappell
115390: ERSKINE, JOHN (1879-1951) - Uncle Sam in the Eyes of His Family : a Novel
185241: ERSKINE, JOHN (1879-1951) - Prohibition and Christianity : and other paradoxes of the American spirit
21879: ERSKINE, JOHN - Unfinished Business
159988: ERSKINE, DOROTHY WARD - Dr. Smith and the Antic Assembly
16093: ERSKINE, JOHN - Sincerity, a Story of Our Time
43570: ERSKINE, JOHN - Penelope's Man, the Homing Instinct
195673: ERSKINE, JOHN, 6TH EARL OF MAR - A Journal of the Earl of Marr's Proceedings
98199: ERTE - Erte's Costumes & Sets for Der Rosenkavalier in Full Color / with an Introd. by John Cox
255882: ERTE - Erte fashions
110742: ERTÉ - New Erté Graphics in Full Color
105981: ERVILLE, LUCIENNE - Tinker Wants to Know / Lucienne Erville, Marcel Marlier
259956: ERVINE, ST. JOHN G. (ST. JOHN GREER) - The wayward man / St. John G. Ervine
231288: ERVINE, ST. JOHN GREER (1883-1971) - The theatre in my time
131599: ERVINE, ST. JOHN G. (ST. JOHN GREER) - Parnell
260574: ERVING DAYTON, FRED. DOUGLAS, LESTER - The begotten man: My favorite Pratt
11668: ERWICK, E. J. - Studies of Boy Life in Our Cities: Written by Various Authors for the Toynbee Trust
245349: ERWITT, ELLIOTT - Elliott Erwitt's handbook / foreword by Charles Flowers
90323: ERWOOD, P. M. E. (ED.) - The Railway Enthusiast's Guide / Edited by P. M. E. Erwood
162063: ESAR, EVAN (1899- ) - Esar's Joke Dictionary, by Evan Esar
204504: ESAR, EVAN (1899-? ) - Esar's Comic Dictionary
214478: ESAREY, LOGAN (1874-1942) - The Indiana home
266961: ESAU, MIKE - Kent coast heyday / Mike Esau & Gerald Siviour
271321: ESCAGEDO SALMON, MATEO - Santillana de Mar : Notas de arte / prólogo de D. Ricardo Léon
233997: ESCH, ARNOLD. PETERSEN, JENS. DEUTSCHES HISTORISCHES INSTITUT IN ROM - Geschichte und Geschichtswissenschaft in der Kultur Italiens und Deutschlands : wissenschaftliches Kolloquium zum hundertjahrigen Bestehen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom (24.-25. Mai 1988)
144102: VAN DEN ESCH, JOSE - Armand Salacrou, Dramaturge De L'Angoisse
176623: VAN DEN ESCH, JOSE (1912- ) - Armand Salacrou : dramaturge de l'angoisse
9893: ESCHELBACH, CLAIRE JOHN AND JOYCE LEE SHOBER - Aldous Huxley: a Bibliography, 1946-1959
108546: ESCHENBURG, JOHANN JOACHIM (1743-1820). FISKE, NATHAN WELBY (1798-1847) TR. - Manual of Classical Literature. from the German of J. Eschenburg with Additions. by N. W. Fiske
233033: ESCHENBURG, JOHANN JOACHIM (1743-1820) - Handbuch der klassischen Literatur, enthaltend I. Archaologie. II. Kunde der Klassiker. III. Mythologie. IV. Griech Allertuümer. V. oomische Alterthumer.
45512: ESCHER, MAURITS CORNELIS (1898-1972) - The Graphic Work of M. C. Escher / translated from the Dutch by John E. Brigham
224927: ESCHER, M. C. (MAURITS CORNELIS) 1898-1972 - Escher : the complete graphic work : including essays
98189: ESCHER, MAURITS CORNELIS - The Graphic Work of M. C. Escher
59042: ESCHOLIER, RAYMOND (1882-1971) - Comes the Blind Fury, by Raymond Escholier, Translated from the French by J. Lewis May
116881: ESCHOLIER, RAYMOND (1882-1971). LEWIS GALANTIERE (TRANSL. ) - Victor Hugo, by Raymond Escholier, Translated from the Original French Edition by Lewis Galantiere
177493: ESCHOLIER, RAYMOND (1882-1971) - The secret of Mont-Se´gur
153221: ESCHOLIER, RAYMOND (1882-1971) - Victor Hugo Et Les Femmes. Avec Quatre Planches Horstexte Tirees En Heliogravure
262623: ESCOFFIER, A. (AUGUSTE) (1846-1935) - The Escoffier cook book : a guide to the fine art of cookery
219066: ESCOFFIER, MAURICE - Le mouvement romantique 1788-1850 : essai de bibliographie synchronique et methodique / precede d'une lettre a l'Academie Francaise sur l'edition originale et suivi de notes et documents sur le meme sujet
163519: ESCOMBE, WILLIAM MALCOLM LINGARD - Full and Down : the History of Escombe Mcgath and Co Ltd
101872: ESCOTT, THOMAS HAY SWEET (1844-1924) - The Story of British Diplomacy : its Makers and Movements
37971: ESCOTT, THOMAS HAY SWEET (1844-) AND SMALLEY, GEORGE WASHBURN (1833-) - Society in London. by a Foreign Resident
61757: ESCOTT, THOMAS HAY SWEET (1844-1924) - Randolph Spencer-Churchill, As a Product of His Age. Being a Personal and Political Monograph, by T. H. S. Escott
119852: ESCOTT, T[HOMAS] H[AY] S[WEET] (1844-) - King Edward and His Court
225218: ESCOUFLAIRE, RODOLPHE C. - Ireland an enemy of the allies? : (L'Irlande-ennemie?) / Translated from the French of R.C. Escouflaire, translated into English by mrs. Roy
270046: ESCRITT, L. B. (LEONARD BUSHBY) - Building sanitation : design and specification with special reference to country house problems
274199: ESDAILE, KATHARINE ADA (1881-1950) - Temple church monuments : being a report to the two honourable societies of the Temple
266281: ESDAILE, CHARLES J - Napoleon's wars : an international history, 1803-1815 / Charles Esdaile
7770: ESDAILE, ARUNDEL - The British Museum Library ; a Short History and Survey
73427: ESENWEIN, JOSEPH BERG (1867-1946) - Studying the Short-Story; Sixteen Short-Story Classics, with Introductions, Notes and a New Laboratory Study Method for Individual Reading and Use in Colleges and Schools
181371: STATO MAGGIORE R. ESERCITO - Educazione morale ed istruzione tecnica
135652: CONFERENCE ON JEWISH LIFE IN MODERN BRITAIN. JULIUS GOULD (ED. ). SHAUL ESH (ED. ) - Jewish Life in Modern Britain : Papers and Proceedings of a Conference Held At University College, LondonÂ…1962, by the Institute of Contemporary Jewry, of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem / Edited by Julius Gould and Shaul Esh
188739: ESHBACH, OVID W. (1893-1958) - Handbook of engineering fundamentals / prepared by a staff of specialists under the editorship of the late Ovid W. Eshbach
268984: ESHER, REGINALD BALIOL BRETT VISCOUNT (1852-1930) - Footprints of statesmen during the eighteenth century in England
245697: ESHER, LIONEL (1913-2004) - The glory of the English house ; photographs by Clay Perry
103156: ESHLEMAN, CLAYTON - Cantaloups & Splendor / Clayton Eshleman
73629: ESHLEMAN, JOHN MORTON - The Deadly Chase
95417: ESKELUND, KARL (1918-1972) - Revolt in the Tropics : Travels in the Caribbean
167266: ESKING, ERIK, (1905-) - Glaube und Geschichte in der theologischen Exegese E. Lohmeyers : zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der neutestamentlichen Interpretation
190971: ESMAN, MILTON J. (MILTON JACOB) (1918-?) - Administration and development in Malaysia : institution building and reform in a plural society / [by] Milton J. Esman
17246: ESMAN, AARON H. - The Psychiatric Treatment of Adolescents / Edited by Aaron H. Esman
269623: ESMERIAN, RAPHAËL - Bibliothèque Raphaël Esmerian - Complete in 6 volumes
254335: ESP - Part II: History ; Part III: Theory
254338: ESP - Part III ; Part IV
228944: ESPALIEU, MME. (TRANSLATOR) ; MUSEE DES BEAUX-ARTS - Matisse : peintures et dessins du Musée Pouchkine et du Musée de l'Ermitage
63969: ESPER, ERWIN ALLEN (1895-) - A History of Psychology
192725: ESPERIA [PERIODICAL] - Esperia : Maggio 1927
53865: ESPEZEL, PIERRE D' (1893-) - The Pageant of Painting, from the Byzantine to Picasso [By Pierre] D'Espezel & [Francois] Fosca [Pseud. ]
243408: ESPINAS, GEORGES (1869-1948) - La draperie dans la Flandre française au moyen-âge / Georges Espinas: Tome I
75101: ESPINOSA-CARRANZA, JORGE. RUFATT, ADOLFO - External Debt and Economic Development in Latin America : Background and Prospects
194884: ESPINOSA, JUAN GUILLERMO (1941- ) - The experience of worker participation in the management of industrial firms : the case of the social ownership area in Chile, 1970-1973
15965: ALBANIA - ESPIONAGE - Le Proces Des Espions Parachutes En Albanie: Compte Rendu Stenographique Des Debats Du Proces De Tirana (24 Mai - 6 Juin 1950) .
203911: ESPMARK, KJELL (1930- - Missforstandet / Kjell Espmark [Language: Swedish]
203868: ESPMARK, KJELL (1930- ) - Forsok till liv / Kjell Espmark [Language: Swedish]
236655: ESPMARK, KJELL - Att översätta själen : en huvudlinje i modern poesi - från Baudelaire till surrealismen
198958: ESPMARK, KJELL (1930-) - Att oversatta sjalen : en huvudlinje i modern poesi fran Baudelaire till surrealismen
207852: ESPOSITO, CARLA - The monotype : the history of a pictorial art / Carla Esposito Hayter
235194: ESPOSITO, M - Notes on Latin Learning and Literature in Medieval Ireland. IV. [Reprinted from Hermanthena, Vol. XXIV, 1935]
235195: ESPOSITO, M - Notes on Latin Learning and Literature in Medieval Ireland Ireland. II. [Reprinted from hermanthena, vol. XXII, 1932]
235196: ESPOSITO, M - Notes on Latin Learning and Literture in Medieval Ireland. II. [Reprinted from Hermathena, vol. XXII, 1932]
235200: ESPOSITO, M - Miscellaneous Notes on Medieval Latin Literature. [hermathena, 1912]
108679: ESPY, WILLARD R. - Say it My Way : How to Avoid Certain Pitfalls of Spoken English Together with a Decidedly Informal History of How Our Language Rose (Or Fell)
242256: PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER FRIENDS OF JOSEPH HODGSON ESQUIRE F. R. J - Testimonial to Joseph Hodgson, Esquire F.R.S
149146: ESQUIROS, ALPHONSE (1812-1876). RICARDO MOLINA (ED. ) - Historia De Los Martires De La Libertad / De Alfonso Esquiros ; Corregida Y Compendiada Por Ricardo Molina
217441: VAN ESS, LEANDER - Vetus Testamentum Graece : secundum Septuaginta interpretes ex auctoritate Sixti Quinti Pontificis Maximi editum ad exemplar Vaticanum accuratissime expressum [Language: Greek]
49363: ESSARY, DON - Training Quarter Horses
270180: THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF ESSEX - Royalty in Essex : a souvenir book for Essex children / presented by the County Council of Essex on the occasion of the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on June 2nd, 1953
238451: ESSINGTON, R. W. (-1907) - Croes y Breila, or, The exercises of many regular weeks
268378: ESSLEMONT, DAVID - Gwasg Gregynog : a descriptive catalogue of printing at Gregynog 1970-1990 / compiled by David Esslemont and Glyn Tegai Hughes
8406: ESSLEMONT, PETER (1870-) - Brithers A' (Brothers All) a Minute a Day with Burns, Poet, Lover and Prophet of Brotherhood
277509: ESSLIN, MARTIN - Mediations : essays on Brecht, Beckett and the media.
70495: ESSLIN, MARTIN - The Encyclopedia of World Theater : with 420 Illustrations and an Index of Play Titles / Introd. by Martin Esslin
67612: ESSLIN, MARTIN (1918-2002) - Reflections; Essays on Modern Theatre
245985: ESSLIN, MARTIN - Brecht : A choice of evils: a critical study of the man, his work and his opinions
63624: ESSOE, GABE - Demille: the Man and His Pictures, by Gabe Essoe and Raymond Lee
269233: ESSOE, GABE - The films of Clark Gable
270548: ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT - Desert Survival (Air Ministry Survival Guide)
187220: GREAT BRITAIN. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON POST OFFICE ESTABLISHMENTS - The Inter-Departmental Committee on Post-Office Establishments : being a verbatim report of the evidence given before Lord Tweedmouth and committee by the representatives of the Postmen's Federation
25335: ESTABROOK, HELEN SLOCUM NICHOLS (1880-1928) - Old Testament Stories in Woodcut. Text from the King James Version of the Bible; Illustrated with Reproductions from Works of Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Artists. Compiled by Helen Slocum Estabrook
7363: AN ESTANCIERO - Ponce De Leon : The Rise of the Argentine Republic
220273: EXCEAT ESTATE - Exceat Estate [folding map showing the extents of Exceat Esate and surrounding areas of East Sussex, England.
225538: SYON HOUSE ESTATE - Syon House : the story of a great house ; with a short guide for visitors.
140270: PORTUGAL. INSPECCAO DE DEMOGRAFIA E ESTATISTICA - Estatistica Do Movimento Fisiologico Da Populacao De Portugal
59592: ESTAVER, PAUL - His Third, Her Second : a Novel / Paul Estaver
269109: D'ESTE, CARLO - Decision in Normandy
208301: ESTEBAN, ANGEL; STOCKWELL, DIANE & STEPHANIE PANICHELLI - Fidel and Gabo : a portrait of the legendary friendship between Fidel Castro and Gabriel Garcia Marquez
115818: ESTEN, JOHN (1935-) & GILBERT, ROSE BENNETT. - Manhattan Style
270388: MINISTERO DEGLI AFFARI ESTERI - Disposizioni relative all'uso delle divise per il personale di custodia e di servizio delle rr. rappresentanze all' estero
214907: ISTITUTO NAZIONALE FASCISTA PER IL COMMERCIO ESTERO - Relazione sull' attivita dell' ICE presentata al Comitato tecnico nell' adunanza del 12 luglio 1939 - Anno XVII
6290: ESTEROW, MARTIN - The Art Stealers
227428: D'ESTERRE-KEELING, ELSA (1857-1935) - Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A.
268646: ESTÈVE, EDMOND (1868-1929) - Le Parnasse
237108: ESTÈVE, EDMOND (1868-1929) - Leconte de Lisle : l'homme et l'œuvre
184334: ESTEVE, ED. - A propos de la question d'unite monetaire en haiti
236575: ESTÈVE, LOUIS (1890-1933) - Études philosophiques sur l'expression littéraire / Claude-Louis Estève
134003: ESTEVE, MICHEL (ED. ) - Luis Bunuel (2) / Textes Reunis Et Presentes Par Michel Esteve
29910: ESTEY, J. A. - Revolutionary Syndicalism - an Exposition and a Criticism
166216: ESTIENNE, HENRI (1531-1598). PERION, JOACHIM (1499?-1559) VERATIUS, JOBUS (? - 1571) - Conciones Et Orationes Ex Historicis Latinis Excerptae. Argumenta Singulis Praefixa Sunt, Quae Causam Cujusque & Summam Ex Rei Gestae Occasione Explicant. Opus Recognitum Recensitumque in Usum Scholarum Hollandiae & Westfrisiae / Ex Decreto Illustriss. D
198584: ESTIENNE, CHARLES - Gauguin/ Biographical and critical studies by Charles Estienne
207176: ESTIER, CLAUDE - La gauche hebdomadaire 1914-1962
224707: L'ESTOILE, PIERRE DE (1546-1611). BRUNET, GUSTAVE (1807-1896) - Memoires-journaux de Pierre de L'Estoile : Edition pour la premiere fois complete et entierement conforme aux manuscrits originaux / Publiee avec de nombreux documents inedits et un commentaire historique, biographique et bibliographique - 10 Volumes ... ...par mm. G. Brunet, A. Champollion, E. Halphen, Paul Lacroix, Charles Read, Tamizey de Larroque et Ed. Tricotel
146413: ESTONIAN INFORMATION CENTRE, STOCKHOLM - Estonia : Basic Facts on Geography-- History-- Economy / Estonian Information Centre
242191: ESTORICK, MICHAEL - Heirs & graces : the claim to the Dukedom of Leinster / Michael Estorick
178598: ESTORICK, ERIC - Stafford Cripps : a biography
141668: ESTORICK, ERIC - Stafford Cripps : a Biography
169617: ESTORICK, ERIC - Stafford Cripps : a biography
168389: ESTORICK, ERIC - Stafford Cripps : a Biography
178324: ESTORICK, ERIC - Stafford Cripps : a biography
141797: ESTORICK, ERIC - Stafford Cripps, a Biography
245593: ESTRADES, GODEFROI D' COMTE. - Lettres, mémoires et negociations de Monsieur le comte d'Estrades tant en qualite d'Ambassadeur de S.M.T.C. en Italie...avec Messieurs Colbert et Comte d'Avaux. Tome Huitieme
245452: ESTRADES, GODEFROI LOUIS COMTE D' (1607-1686). COLBERT DE CROISSY, CHARLES MARQUIS (1629-1696). MARCHAND, PROSPER (1678-1756). AVAUX COMTE D' JEAN-ANTOINE DE MESMES (1640-1709). OLDMIXON, JOHN )1673-1742) - Lettres, mémoires et négociations de monsieur le comte d'Estrades : tant en qualité d'ambassadeur de S.M.T.C. en Italie, en Angleterre, & en Hollande, que comme ambassadeur plénipotentiaire à la paix de Nimegue : conjointement avec messieurs Colbert & comte d'Avaux; avec les reponses du roi et du secretaire d'etat: ouvrage où sont compris l'achat de Dunkerque, et plusieurs autres choses très-intéressantes; includes Tome Second & Tome Quatrieme
243880: PORTUGAL. MINISTÉRIO DOS NEGÓCIOS ESTRANGEIROS - Documentos diplomáticos relativos à abolição do regime das capitulações na zona do Protectorado francês em Marrocos 3 de novembro de 1911-6 de abril 1916
22984: ESTREICHER, KAROL. CZAPLINSKI, E. - Collegium Maius Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego : Dzieje, Obyczaje, Zbiory / Zd. Tobolka ; Autorzy Zdjec E. CzaplÃnski ... et al.
168426: D'ESTRES, JACQUES. LA ROCHE-AYMON, FAMILY OF - Genealogie historique et critique de la maison de la Rocheaymon, pour servir au supplement ou continuation de l'histoire genealogique et chronologique de la maison de France et des grands officiers de la couronne
219987: BRITISH WORKER. TIMES. OBSERVER. DAILY MIRROR ETC. - General Strike 1926, Great Britain : small archive of contemporary newspapers including a complete run of the British Worker - Official Strike News Bulletin
247023: ETCHECOPAR, R. D. HUE, FRANCOIS - The Birds of North Africa - From the Canary Islands to the Red Sea
242694: ETCHEVERRY, AUGUSTE - La philosophie du communisme
276148: VšETECKA, JIRÍ - Pražský chodec = Walker of Prague = Ein Spaziergänger durch Prag = Un passant de Prague = Pražskij pešechod
225107: ST. ETHELDREDA'S (CHURCH : LONDON, ENGLAND) - St. Etheldreda's and Ely Place : a brief account of the church and its surroundings
267637: ETHELL, JEFFREY - Target Berlin : mission 250; 6 March 1944 / Jeffrey Ethell and Alfred Price
262434: ETHEREGE, GEORGE SIR (1635-1691) - The comical revenge : or, love in a tub. A comedy
246544: ETHERINGTON, JOHN - Big chub and roach : John Etherington's thoughts and encounters
189363: ETHERINGTON, HAROLD, [ED.] - Nuclear engineering handbook
207868: ETHERINGTON-SMITH, MEREDITH - The most fabulous jewels in the world
188931: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPT. OF BRITISH AND MEDIAEVAL ANTIQUITIES AND ETHNOGRAPHY - A guide to antiquities of the early Iron Age in the Department of British and Mediaeval antiquities
261354: PALESTINE INSTITUTION OF FOLKLORE AND ETHNOLOGY - Edoth ('Communities') A quarterly for folklore and ethnology - Vol. 1 No. 2 Jan. 1946
237168: ETIEMBLE (1909-). GAUCLÈRE, YASSU - Rimbaud
237166: ETIEMBLE (1909-). GAUCLÈRE, YASSU - Rimbaud / par Étiemble et Y. Gauclère
75396: ETIENNE, GILBERT - India's Changing Rural Scene, 1963-1979
151816: ETIENNE, SERVAIS - Le Genre Romanesque En France : Dequis L'Apparition De La 'Nouvelle Heloise' Jusqu'aux Approches De La Revolution
126764: ETIENNE, SERVAIS - Les Sources De 'Bug-Jargal', Avec En Appendice Quelques Sources De 'Han D'Islande'
16979: ETKIND, EFIM - Notes of a Non-Conspirator
137534: ETNASI, FERNANDO - Cronache Col Mitra / Fernando Etnasi
279535: CENTRE D'ÉTUDES DE POLITIQUE ÉTRANGÈRE (PARIS, FRANCE) - Lexique arabe-français. Suivi d'un index français-arabe. Contribution à l'étude de l'arabe moderne. [By Léon Bercher. Published jointly by the Centre d'études de politique étrangère and the Institut des études islamiques.]
197788: CENTRE D'ETUDES DE POLITIQUE ETRANGERE (PARIS, FRANCE) - Entretiens sur l'evolution des pays de civilisation Arabe. Tome III. Communications, presentees a la reunion tenue a Paris, du 11 au 13 Juillet 1938, sous les auspices de l'Institut des Etudes Islamiques de l'Universite de Paris
267792: FRANCE. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES - The French Yellow Book : diplomatic documents (1938-1939) : papers relative to the events and negociations which preceded the opening of hostilities between Germany on the one hand, and Poland, Great Britain and France on the other
29307: BELGIUM. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES - Belgium. the Official Account of What Happened 1939-1940
140776: BELGIUM. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES - Discours Prononce Par Le Ministre Des Affaires Etrangeres Dans La Seance De La Chambre Des Representans Du 23 Mars 1833; Suivi Des Pieces Posterieures Au 70me Protocole Du 1er Octobre 1832
35848: FRANCE. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES. - The Deportation of Women and Girls from Lille. Translated Textually from the Note Addressed by the French Government to the Governments of Neutral Powers on the Conduct of the German Authorities Towards the Population of the French Departments... . ...in the Occupation of the Enemy, with Extracts from Other Documents, Annexed to the Note, Relating to German Breaches of International Law During 1914, 1915, 1916
166322: MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES - Documents Diplomatiques. Affaires Du Montenegro. [Complete in Two Volumes]
63739: ETROG, SOREL (1933-) - Sorel Etrog, Recent Sculpture - January 6 - February 1, 1969, Felix Landau Gallery
232581: GENRE ETSEN - Rembrandt
66497: ETTENBERG, EUGENE M. (1903-) - Type for books and advertising / Eugene M. Ettenberg
219919: ETTENBERG, EUGENE M - Type for books and advertising
240328: ETTLINGER, LEOPOLD DAVID (1913-). ETTLINGER, HELEN S - Botticelli / L.D. and Helen S. Ettlinger
223188: ETTLINGER, LEOPOLD D. - Compliments of the season
122600: ETTLINGER, LEOPOLD D. (LEOPOLD DAVID) (1913-). RAPHAEL (1483-1520) - Raphael / Leopold D. and Helen S. Ettlinger
161854: ETTLINGER, MAX - Philosophische Fragen Der Gegenwart
206849: ETTLINGER, AMREI - Russian literature, theatre and art : a bibliography of works in English, published 1900-1945
272883: ETZIN, FRANZ - Pferde. Schicksale und Abenteuer
18071: ETZIONI, AMITAI - Capital Corruption The New Attack on American Democracy
213140: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE. DIVISION OF INTERCOURSE AND EUCATION - La Mediterranee depuis la Conference de la Paix : Bulletin No. 5-6
165551: EUCHNER, WALTER, (1933-) - Egoismus Und Gemeinwohl : Studien Zur Geschichte Der Burgerlichen Philosophie
248941: EUCKEN, RUDOLF (1846-1926) - Life's basis and life's ideal : the fundamentals of a new philosophy of life
203719: EUCKEN, RUDOLF (1846-1926) - The problem of human life as viewed by the great thinkers from Plato to the present time
158953: EUCKEN, RUDOLF - The Problem of Human Life As Viewed by the Great Thinkers from Plato to the Present Time
186060: EUCKEN, RUDOLF (1846-1926) - Collected essays of Rudolph Eucken : Professor of Philosophy in the University of Jena : Nobel Prizeman 1908 / edited and translated by Meyrick Booth
235387: EUCKEN, RUDOLF (1846-1926) - Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker : eine Entwicklungsgeschichte des Lebensproblems der Menschheit von Plato bis zur Gegenwart
151880: EUCLIDES. SIMSON, ROBERT (1687-1768) , ED. - The Elements of Euclid, Viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth. the Errors, by Which Theon, or Others, Have Long Ago Vitiated These Books, Are Corrected, and Some of Euclid's Demonstrations Are Restored....
278055: EUGÈNE DE GUICHEN, VTE - Quelques aspects de la situation économique et agricole de l'Allemagne. Communication faite le 4 novembre 1922 à la Société d'économie politique
220976: EUGENE-MELCHIOR VOGUE, VICOMTE DE - Trois drames de l'histoire de Russie: Le fils de Pierre Le Grand - Mazeppa - Un changement de regne
206982: EUGENE, GREGOIRE - Plaidoyer en faveur des partis politiques / Eugene Gregoire
57227: EULAU, HEINZ (1915-) - Politics, Self, and Society : a Theme and Variations / Heinz Eulau
273340: EULENBERG, HERBERT - Die Präraphaeliten
234342: PHILHARMONISCHE EULENSPIEGELEIEN - Philharmonische Eulenspiegeleien : 6. Okt. 1979 zu Berlin
109166: EURASIA - The Love of Two Women
224388: EUREN, GUSTAF ERIK - Finsk spraklara / af Gustaf Erik Euren
275987: EURICH, CRISPIN (1935-1976) - The gentle eye : Crispin Eurich, 1935-1976
257781: EURIPIDES - Hippolytos / (by) Euripides ; translated by Robert Bagg
257682: EURIPIDES - Ancient Greek drama by the National Theartre of Greece, 1966 / [sponsored by] the National Tourist Organisation of Greece
100680: EURIPIDES - Hippolytos. Translated by Robert Bagg
100684: EURIPIDES - Alcestis / [By] Euripides ; Translated by William Arrowsmith
192637: EURIPIDES. MURRAY, GILBERT (1866-1957) TR. - The Trojan women / translated into English rhyming verse with explanatory notes by Gilbert Murray
225249: EURIPIDES - The Alcestis of Euripides / tr. into English rhyming verse, with explanatory notes by Gilbert Murray
225113: EURIPIDES - Euripides : Three plays. Hippolytus - Iphigenia in Tauris - Alcestis / translated by Philip Vellacott
240754: EURIPIDES; WAY, ARTHUR S. (ARTHUR SANDERS) (1847-1930) - Euripides ; with an English translation by Arthur S. Way
53562: EURIPIDES - The Alcestis of Euripides; Tr. Into English Rhyming Verse with Explanatory Notes by Gilbert Murray ...
117317: EURIPIDES. - Hippolytos. Translated by Robert Bagg
117316: EURIPIDES - The Phoenician Women / Euripides ; Translated by Peter Burian and Brian Swann
166135: EURIPIDES - Euripides' Medea / Griechisch Mit Metrischer Ubersetzung Und Prufenden Und Erklarenden Anmerkungen Von J. A. Hartung [BOUND WITH] Euripides' Trojerinnen, Euripides' Hippolytus, Euripides' Orestes,
100685: EURIPIDES - The Phoenician Women / Euripides ; Translated by Peter Burian and Brian Swann
100595: EURIPIDES - RELATED NAMES: BURIAN, PETER (1943-?) & SWANN, BRIAN - The Phoenician Women / Euripides ; Translated by Peter Burian and Brian Swann - [Uniform Title: Phoenician Women. English]
252319: EUROPA - Africa south of the Sahara. 1978-79 : 8th ed
271099: EUROPE - Nouveaux intérêts de L'Europe depuis la révolution françoise
267856: ANGLO-AMERICAN COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY ON JEWISH PROBLEMS IN PALESTINE AND EUROPE - Report of the Anglo-American committee of enquiry regarding the problems of European Jewry and Palestine, Lausanne, 20th April, 1946 : presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by command of His Majesty
259193: EUROPE (PERIODICAL) - Europe Janvier-février 1965 : (Numéro consacré à Honoré de Balzac)
257733: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EUROPE - Nuclear power : accidental releases : practical guidance for public health action : report on a WHO meeting, Mol, Belgium, 1-4 October 1985 / World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
244826: THE NEW EUROPE - The New Europe: a weekly review of foreign politics: vol. V: 18 October 1917 - 10 January 1918
280583: CONFERENCE OF COMMUNIST AND WORKERS' PARTIES OF EUROPE - Conference of Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe: Documents and Speeches
74711: AMERICAN FEDERATION OF JEWS FROM CENTRAL EUROPE - Jubilee Volume : Dedicated to Curt C. Silberman / edited by Herbert A. Strauss [and] Hanns G. Reissner
255758: ART DIRECTORS CLUB OF EUROPE - Best of European design and advertising 2003
244828: THE NEW EUROPE - The New Europe: a weekly review of foreign politics: vol. VI: 17 January 1918 - 11 April 1918
244827: THE NEW EUROPE - The New Europe: a weekly review of foreign politics: vol. IV: 19 July - 11 October 1917
212987: COUNCIL OF EUROPE - The index of crime some further studies
172788: CONFERENCE OF COMMUNIST AND WORKERS' PARTIES OF EUROPE (BERLIN, 1976) - For peace, security, cooperation and social progress in Europe : Document adopted by the conference of 29 Communist & Workers' Parties of Europe ; Berlin, 29/30th June 1976
191374: CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES FOR SAFEGUARDING PEACE AND SECURITY IN EUROPE (1954 : MOSCOW, R.S.F.S.R.) - Moscow conference for European security, November 29-December 2, 1954 : final communique and declaration
190536: BUREAU DU KOUOMINTANG EN EUROPE - La presse chinoise en le conflit sino-japonais, 1937, Japanese aggression and Chinese opinion. Par le Bureau du Kouomintang en Europe (Paris)
205451: RADIO FREE EUROPE - Scaling the wall : talking to Eastern Europe. The best of Radio Free Europe / edited and with an introduction by George R. Urban
208131: ANGLO-AMERICAN COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY ON JEWISH PROBLEMS IN PALESTINE AND EUROPE - Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry regarding the problems of European Jewry and Palestine : Lausanne, 20th April 1946
211534: CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES FOR SAFEGUARDING PEACE AND SECURITY IN EUROPE (1954 : MOSCOW, R.S.F.S.R.) - Moscow conference for European security, November 29-December 2, 1954 : final communique and declaration
243163: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON EQUALITY IN LAW BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (1985 : BRUSSELS AND LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE). VERWILGHEN, MICHEL. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. UNIVERSITÉ CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN. CENTRE DE DROIT PATRIMONIAL DE LA - Equality in law between men and women in the European Community : records of the proceedings of the European conference / organized at Brussels and Louvain-la-Neuve (21-24 May 1985) by the Commission of the European Communities, the Centre Interuniversitaire Belge de Droit Comparé and the Centre de Droit Patrimonial of the Université Catholique de Louvain / Michel Verwilghen (edit.) = L'égalité juridique entre femmes et hommes dans la Communauté Européenne : actes du colloque européen organisé à Bruxelles et Louvain-la-Neuve (21-24 mai 1985) par la Commission des Communautés Européennes, le Centre Interuniversitaire Belge de Droit Comparé et le Centre de Droit Patrimonial de l'Université Catholique de Louvain. Vol.2, National reports = Rapports nationaux
142118: EUROPEAN GROUP FOR THE STUDY OF DEVIANCE AND SOCIAL CONTROL. BIANCHI, H. (HERMAN). MARIO SIMONDI. IAN TAYLOR (EDS. ) - Deviance and Control in Europe : Papers from the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control / Edited by Herman Bianchi, Mario Simondi, Ian Taylor
280760: DOTATION CARNEGIE POUR LA PAIX INTERNATIONALE. CENTRE EUROPÉEN - L'Esprit international = The International mind - October 1932
244775: CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL DES ÉTUDES BALKANIQUES ET SUD-EST EUROPÉENNES (1 : 1966 : SOFIA). ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE D'ETUDES DU SUD-EST EUROPÉEN - Actes du Premier Congrès International des Études Balkaniques et Sud-est Européennes. Vol. 2 Archéologie, histoire de l'antiquité, arts
280759: DOTATION CARNEGIE POUR LA PAIX INTERNATIONALE. CENTRE EUROPÉEN - L'Esprit international = The International mind - 11 issues
204271: INSTITUT D'ECONOMIE EUROPEENNE - Rapport sur les travaux 1932 - 1937
248919: INSTITUT D'ECONOMIE EUROPEENNE - Rapport sur les travaux 1932-1937
276513: EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA, BISHOP OF CAESAREA (APPROXIMATELY 260-APPROXIMATELY 340). CRUSÉ, C. F - The ecclesiastical history of Eusebius Pamphilus / translated from the Greek by C.F. Crusé
280410: EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA, (BISHOP OF CAESAREA APPROXIMATELY 260-APPROXIMATELY 340). CRUSÉ, C. F - The ecclesiastical history of Eusebius Pamphilus
226024: EUSTACE, MAY - A hundred years of Siamese cats
251025: EUSTIS, HELEN - The horizontal man
234696: EUTING, ERNST - Zur Geschichte der Blasinstrumente im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
266837: SAINT EUVREMOND - Mélange Curieux des Meilleures Pieces: attribuées a Mr. De Saint-Euvremond: tome premier
247332: EUW, ANTON VON. LOF, N. J. P. VAN DER (NICO J. P.). RIJKSMUSEUM MEERMANNO-WESTREENIANUM. - Karolingische verluchte evangelieboeken / Anton van Euw
117284: EUWER, ANTHONY HENDERSON - By Scarlet Torch and Blade
190209: ZSINAGOGAI EV - Naptara (egyszeru ev, 355 napos) 1973. Szeptember 27-tol. 1974. Szeptember 16-ig.
217253: EVALENKO, R. - Etude relative a l'evolution des salaires et appointements : extrait de la Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie No. 3/1952
188788: EVAN, E. B. - Modern petroleum technology / [by various authors.]
183623: EVANGELISTI, RICCARDO (1971-) - Riccardo Evangelisti : the reality of the symbol / [text by] Edward Lucie-Smith
138244: EVANOFF, VLAD - 500 Fishing Experts and How They Catch Fish / Vlad Evanoff
157397: EVANOFF, VLAD (ED. ) - Hunting Secrets of the Experts. Drawings by the Editor
107493: EVANOFF, VLAD - Modern Fishing Tackle
108180: EVANOFF, VLAD - Make Your Own Fishing Lures / Vlad Evanoff
105003: EVANOFF, VLAD - Fishing Rigs for Fresh & Salt Water / Vlad Evanoff ; Illustrated by the Author
108161: EVANOFF, VLAD - How to Fish in Salt Water
84287: EVANOFF, VLAD - How to Fish in Salt Water; a Complete Guide for Both the Beginner and the Expert
275755: EVANOVICH, JANET - To the nines / Janet Evanovich
275756: EVANOVICH, JANET - Visions of sugar plums / Janet Evanovich
275751: EVANOVICH, JANET - Seven up / Janet Evanovich
275752: EVANOVICH, JANET - Hot six / Janet Evanovich
275753: EVANOVICH, JANET - Hard eight / Janet Evanovitch
275754: EVANOVICH, JANET - Two for the dough / Janet Evanovich
268700: EVANOVICH, JANET - Ten big ones
94430: EVANS, BARBARA, DR. - Caduceus in Saigon: a Medical Mission to South Viet-Nam
90969: EVANS, BARBARA, DR. - Freedom to Choose : the Life and Work of Dr. Helena Wright, Pioneer of Contraception / Barbara Evans
90506: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - Chateaubriand; a Biography by Joan Evans
86172: EVANS, MARK - Soundtrack : the Music of the Movies ; Drawings of Composers by Marc Nadel
85902: EVANS, KAREN L. B. - You Must Remember This / Karen L. B. Evans and Pat Dade
80615: EVANS, MAX (1924-?) - Sam Peckinpah, Master of Violence; Being the Account of the Making of a Movie and Other Sundry Things
72337: EVANS, HEIDI (1954-) - How to Hide Money from Your Husband : and Other Time- Honored Ways to Build a Nest Egg : the Best-Kept Secret of a Good Marriage
55871: EVANS, DONALD P. - Big Bum : the Story of Bret Hanover
42020: EVANS, G. RUSSELL (1913-) & HARMAN, PHILLIP (1920-) - The Panama Canal Treaties Swindle : Consent to Disaster
30489: EVANS, DOUGLAS - The Politics of Trade - the Evolution of the Superbloc
277601: EVANS, JOAN - Life in medieval France
276527: EVANS, HILARY - The picture researcher's handbook : an international guide to picture sources and how to use them
273023: EVANS, LEWIS - The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius
272004: EVANS, MARTIN MARIX - Over the top : great battles of the First World War
271298: EVANS, JOAN - The Flowering of the Middle Ages edited by Joan Evans ; texts by Christopher Brooke [and others]
269813: EVANS, CHARLES (1918-1995) - Kangchenjunga, the Untrodden Peak. [With a portrait.]
269700: EVANS, GEORGE HENRY (1908-1952) - Heraldry in Britain
268222: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - A history of the Society of Antiquaries
266977: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - A history of jewellery : 1100-1870 / Joan Evans
266673: EVANS, STANLEY G. (STANLEY GEORGE) - Equality / Stanley Evans
264753: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - The flowering of the middle ages / texts by Christopher Brooke, George Zarnecki [and others]. Edited by Joan Evans, etc. [Illustrated.]
25602: EVANS, DOUGLAS - Western Energy Policy - the Case for Competition
255023: EVANS, E. ESTYN (EMYR ESTYN) - Ireland and the Atlantic heritage : selected writings / Emyr Estyn Evans
24256: EVANS, CALVIN D. - Soren Kierkegaard Bibliographies - Remnants, 1944-1980 and Multi Media, 1925-1991
242539: EVANS, WILLIAM (1895-) - Journey to Harley Street : an autobiography / William Evans
237868: EVANS, BARBARA DR - Freedom to choose : the life and work of Dr. Helena Wright, pioneer of contraception
237220: EVANS, PETER, (1933 DECEMBER 10-); GARDNER, AVA - Ava Gardner: the secret conversations / Peter Evans and Ava Gardner
236066: EVANS, GEORGE BIRD - Troubles with bird dogs, and what to do about them : training experiences with actual dogs under the gun
235062: EVANS, CHRISTOPHER - The mighty micro : the impact of the computer revolution
233486: EVANS, E. ESTYN (EMYR ESTYN) (1905-1989) - The personality of Ireland : habitat, heritage and history / E. Estyn Evans
23012: EVANS, WYN (1946-) - Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi, 1181-1981 = St. Davids Cathedral, 1181-1981 / Wyn Evans, Roger Worsley ; Cyfieithwyd Gan Huw I. James
229462: EVANS, HELEN C. [ED]. GLORY OF BYZANTIUM (EXHIBITION) (1997 : NEW YORK) - The glory of Byzantium : art and culture of the Middle Byzantine era, A.D. (843-1261 )
229278: EVANS, MARK (1954-) - Princes as patrons : the art collections of the Princes of Wales from the Renaissance to the present day [an exhibition from the Royal Collection]
228687: EVANS, DAVID - A guide to the beaches and battlefields of Normandy / David Evans ; foreword by The Rt. Hon. Sir Tasker Watkins
221782: EVANS, JOHN (1768-C.1812) - A tour through part of North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times : principally undertaken with a view to botanical researches in the Alpine Country, interspersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, manufactures, customs, history...
226670: EVANS, GRACE - Titanic style : dress and fashion on the voyage
224923: EVANS, GEOFFREY - Kensington
218970: EVANS, EDMUND; MCLEAN, RUARI - The reminiscences of Edmund Evans
219971: EVANS, MIKE - The art of the Beatles
211752: EVANS, GODFREY (1920-?) - Gordon's Gin wicket-keepers of the world / Godfrey Evans ; introduction by Trevor Bailey
210947: EVANS, I. O. (IDRISYN OLIVER), (B. 1894) - The Observer's book of sea and seashore / edited by I. O. Evans
209958: EVANS, NICHOLAS (1950- ) - The horse whisperer / Nicholas Evans
209020: EVANS, C S. RACKHAM, ARTHUR (ILLUS.) - Cinderella...illustrated by Arthur Rackham
204876: EVANS, HILARY [ED.] - Frontiers of reality : where science meets the paranormal / edited by Hilary Evans ; contributors Kevin McClure ... [et al.]
204821: EVANS, HILARY - UFOs : the greatest mystery
200367: EVANS, ALFRED JOHN - The mysterious invisible and psychic experiences
186760: EVANS, CAMBRIA - Martha moth makes socks
213494: EVANS, HOWARD (1839-1915) - Our old nobility
16904: EVANS, GRAHAM. NEWNHAM, JEFFREY - The Dictionary of World Politics A Reference Guide to Concepts, Ideas, and Institutions
156425: EVANS, NICHOLAS, 1950- - The Horse Whisperer / Nicholas Evans
136275: EVANS, HUMPHREY (ED. ) - Beautiful Gardens of Britain
134976: EVANS, PETER - Prison Crisis
133131: EVANS, MARY (1946-) - Work on Women : a Guide to the Literature / Mary Evans and David Morgan
164496: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - Chateaubriand : a Biography
201645: EVANS, ELIZABETH EDSON GIBSON (1832-1911) - Ferdinand Lassalle and Helene Von Donniges : a modern tragedy
264020: EVANS, GWYNFOR - Welsh nationalist aims / Gwynfor Evans
256758: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - Pattern : a study of ornament in western Europe from 1180 to 1900
106065: EVANS, E. EVERETT (EDWARD EVERETT) (1893-1958) - Alien Minds
254746: EVANS, DAVID - An introduction to modern Ulster architecture
152923: EVANS, AUGUSTA JANE (1835-1909) - Vashti, Or, 'Until Death Us Do Part' : a Novel
188986: EVANS, JOHN H. - An index of archaeological matters as published in Archaeologia Cantiana from volume 1, 1858, to volume 83, 1968 : covering the stone ages, the bronze age, the iron age, the Roman period and the pagan Anglo-Saxon period / compiled by John H. Evans
187832: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - The churches in the U.S.S.R.
217141: EVANS, STANLEY G. (STANLEY GEORGE) - Soviet Story. The U.S.S.R. through thirty years
158941: EVANS, HUBERT R. - Forest Friends ; Stories of Animals, Fish, and Birds, West of the Rockies
246964: EVANS, HOWARD (1839-1915) - Our old nobility. By Noblesse Oblige (pseud.)
246916: EVANS, ARTHUR HUMBLE - A fauna of the Tweed area
224151: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - Style in ornament
240856: EVANS, BERGEN (1904-); BENTLEY, NICOLAS (1907-1978) - Comfortable words
70740: EVANS, C. S. (CHARLES SEDDON) (1883-1944) - The Sleeping Beauty / Told by C. S. Evans ; and Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
56067: HILARY AND DIK EVANS - Beyond the Gaslight : Science in Popular Fiction 1895-1905 / Hilary and Dik Evans ; with Ill. from the Mary Evans Picture Library
221813: EVANS, JOHN (1768-C.1812) - Letters written during a tour through North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times : containing views of the history, antiquities, and customs of that part of the principality, and interpersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, botany...
221814: EVANS, JOHN (1768-C.1812) - Letters written during a tour through South Wales in the year 1803 and at other times : containing views of the history, antiquities and customs ... with observations on its scenery, agriculture, botany, minerology, trade and manufactures...
251632: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - The trial of Cardinal Mindszenty : an eye witness account
186436: EVANS THOMAS, J. - The Old Testament in the Light of the Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
241054: EVANS, THOMAS (ACTIVE 1887) - Evans's Midland grammar for the standards : with examinations for standards IV, V, VI and VII
201822: EVANS, ALFRED ARTHUR (1862-?) - A saunterer in Sussex
172066: EVANS, STANLEY G. (STANLEY GEORGE) - A short history of Bulgaria
170773: EVANS, M. S, (MAURICE SMETHURST) (1854-1920) - Black and white in south east Africa
184241: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - Frontier of dollar imperialism : the story of Soviet America / Stanley Evans
235247: EVANS, JOAN - Life in medieval France
103274: EVANS, JOSEPH (1925-) - Fundamental Principles of Transistors
160253: EVANS, MELVIN JAMES (1890-) - It Works, by Melvin J. Evans
12345: EVANS, IVOR B. N. (1913-) - Man of Power; the Life Story of Baron Rutherford of Nelson, O. M. , F. R. S.
138815: EVANS, HENRY ST. JOHN TOMLINSON - The Church in Southern Rhodesia
138167: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - The Churches in the U. S. S. R.
138164: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - The Churches in the U. S. S. R.
134615: EVANS, HILARY. MARY EVANS - Hero on a Stolen Horse : the Highwayman and His Brothers-In-Arms, the Bandit and the Bushranger / [By] Hilary and Mary Evans ; with Illustrations from the Mary Evans Picture Library
88521: EVANS, ROSALIE CADEN, MRS. (D. 1924) - The Rosalie Evans Letters from Mexico, Arranged with Comment by Daisy Caden Pettus ...
88172: EVANS, HILARY - Ufos: the Greatest Mystery
64339: EVANS, RICHARD I. (RICHARD ISADORE) (1922-) - Dialogue with Erik Erikson, by Richard I. Evans
61614: EVANS, CLEMENT A. (ED. ) - Confederate Military History : a Library of Confederate States History in Seventeen Volumes / Written by Distinguished Men of the South and Edited by Clement A. Evans - Vol. V. South Carolina
61612: EVANS, CLEMENT A. (ED. ) - Confederate Military History : a Library of Confederate States History in Seventeen Volumes / Written by Distinguished Men of the South and Edited by Clement A. Evans - Vol. VIII. Tennessee
61611: EVANS, CLEMENT A. (ED. ) - Confederate Military History : a Library of Confederate States History in Seventeen Volumes / Written by Distinguished Men of the South and Edited by Clement A. Evans - Vol. IV. North Carolina
61607: EVANS, CLEMENT A. (ED.) - Confederate Military History : a Library of Confederate States History in Seventeen Volumes / Written by Distinguished Men of the South and Edited by Clement A. Evans - Vol. XI. Texas and Florida
61605: EVANS, CLEMENT A. (ED. ) - Confederate Military History : a Library of Confederate States History in Seventeen Volumes / Written by Distinguished Men of the South and Edited by Clement A. Evans - Vol. IX. Kentuck and Missouri
61603: EVANS, CLEMENT A. (ED. ) - Confederate Military History : a Library of Confederate States History Edited by Clement A. Evans - Vol. X - Louisiana and Arkansas
60560: EVANS, M. STANTON (MEDFORD STANTON) (1934-) - The Politics of Surrender [By] M. Stanton Evans
58277: EVANS, AUGUSTA JANE (1835-1909) - Vashti, or Until Death Us Do Part
115671: EVANS, D. MORIER (DAVID MORIER) (1819-1874) - The Commercial Crisis 1847-1848; Being Facts and Figures Illustrative of the Events of That Important Period Considered in Relation to the Three Epochs of the Railway Mania, the Food and Money Panic & the French Revolution
45809: EVANS, HOWARD (1839-1915) - Our Old Nobility. by Noblesse Oblige, (Howard Evans)
151877: EVANS, JOHN, OF ISLINGTON (1767-1827) - Sequel to the Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World : Being One Hundred Testimonies in Behalf of Candour, Peace, and Unanimity, by Divines of the Church of England, of the Kirk of Scotland, and Among the Protestant Dissenters
89141: EVANS, MARTIN (1916-?) - Pacific Steam : the British Pacific Locomotive
89139: EVANS, MARTIN (1916-?) - Atlantic Era: the British Atlantic Locomotive
85967: EVANS, CLEMENT ANSELM (1833-1911) - Alabama and Mississippi ; Confederate Military History; a Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South, and Edited by Gen. Clement A. Evans of Georgia...
21027: EVANS, HOWARD - Sir Randal Cremer : His Life and Work
231780: EVANS, EMYR ESTYN. DE BREFFNY, BRIAN - The Irish world : the history and cultural achievements of the Irish people / edited by Brian De Breffny
262212: EVANS, LLOYD - Contemporary sources and opinions in modern British history. Vol. 2 / [compiled by] Lloyd Evans and Philip J. Pledger
187279: EVANS, THOMAS WATKINS (B. 1906) - Land potential
208144: EVANS, STANLEY - Religion in the U.S.S.R. / Stanley Evans
238229: EVANS, ALVA DELBERT. REDMOND HOWARD, LOUIS G. (1884-) - The romance of the British voluntary hospital movement
117897: EVANS, ERIC J. JEFFREY RICHARDS - A Social History of Britain in Postcards, 1870-1930 / Eric J. Evans & Jeffrey Richards
234420: EVANS, EMYR ESTYN (1905-1989) - Northern Ireland
121012: EVANS, JOHN H. - Churchman Militant : George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop of New Zealand and Lichfield
194628: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - Religion in the U.S.S.R.
228130: EVANS, RAY - Travelling with a sketchbook / Ray Evans
106584: EVANS, GEORGE - A Practical Treatise on Artificial Crown-, and Bridge- Work, and Porcelain Dental Art, by George Evans, ... . .. with 651 Illustrations
105602: EVANS, E. EVERETT (EDWARD EVERETT) - Man of Many Minds, by E. Everett Evans, ... . .. with an Introduction by Edward E. Smith ...
262912: EVANS, EMYR ESTYN - The Irish world : the history and cultural achievements of the Irish people / edited by Brian De Breffny
201619: EVANS, D. DELTA (DAVID DELTA) - The ancient bards of Britain (sometimes called 'Druids') : being a critical inquiry into traditions concerning their history, philosophy, religion, ethics, and rites, in the light of science and modern thought
35077: EVANS, STANLEY G. (STANLEY GEORGE) - A Short History of Bulgaria
40454: EVANS, HOWARD - Sir Randal Cremer : His Life and Work
41132: EVANS, CHARLES BENJAMIN SHAFFER (1901-) - Sex Practice in Marriage
120295: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - Art in Mediaeval France, 987-1498
232192: EVANS, EMYR ESTYN (1905-) - Irish heritage : the landscape, the people and their work
167911: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - Religion in the U.S.S.R.
168739: EVANS, CERINDA W. - Collis Potter Huntington
123579: EVANS, STANLEY G. - A Short History of Bulgaria
203182: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - Soviet story : the U.S.S.R. through thirty years
105903: EVANS, E. EVERETT (EDWARD EVERETT) (1893-1958) - Man of Many Minds
262102: EVANS, F GWYNNE - Here be dragons; a book of children's verse - Illustrated by George Morrow
240238: EVANS, EDMUND [PRINTER]. LOCKER, ARTHUR [EDITOR OF THE 'GRAPHIC'] - The Complete Collection of Randolph Caldecott's Contributions to the 'Graphic'
241650: EVANS, CARADOC (1878-1945) - My people : stories of the peasantry of West Wales
279808: EVANS, D. MORIER (DAVID MORIER) (1819-1874) - The commercial crisis 1847-1848 : being facts and figures... : to which is added an appendix containing an alphabetical list of the English and foreign mercantile failures
177400: EVANS, NICHOLAS (1950-?) - The loop
176146: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - Religion in the U.S.S.R.
166738: EVANS, HILARY. EVANS, MARY - Hero on a Stolen Horse : the Highwayman and His Brothers-In-Arms, the Bandit and the Bushranger / [By] Hilary and Mary Evans ; with Illustrations from the Mary Evans Picture Library
236535: EVANS, THOMAS WILTBERGER (1823-1897). CRANE, EDWARD A. [EDITOR] - The memoirs of Dr. Thomas W. Evans : recollections of the second French Empire / edited by Edward A. Crane
242624: EVANS, LLOYD. PLEDGER, PHILIP J. - Contemporary sources and opinions in modern British history / [compiled by] Lloyd Evans and Philip J. Pledger. Volume 2
190239: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - The Victorians / introduced by Joan Evans
12944: EVANS, C. ETHEL - The Tree and Other Poems
138831: EVANS, PETER (1932-) - The Police Revolution / Peter Evans
156509: EVANS, PERCY WILLIAM - Sacraments in the New Testament, with Special Reference to Baptism
161486: EVANS, CHARLES - Kangchenjunga El Pico No Hollado Por Charles Evans
16360: EVANS, LLOYD AND PHILIP J. PLEDGER - Contemporary Sources and Opinions in Modern British History Complete in Two Volumes
179670: EVANS, HERBERT A. - Highways and Byways in Northamptonshire and Rutland
26971: EVANS, E. W. - The Miners of South Wales
43542: EVANS, JEAN - Three Men - an Experiment in the Biography of Emotion
44744: EVANS, MONTGOMERY, II - Prodigal Sons; Or, the Evolution of Caste
45980: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - The Endless Web; John Dickinson & Co. , Ltd. , 1804-1954
64116: EVANS, MELVIN (1911-) - What Are the Odds? [By] Mel Evans and Walter Gibson
75473: EVANS, OWEN (1829-1920) - Bywgraffiadau Y Beibl a Phregethau Eraill / Owen Evans, Llundain. [ Bible. Appendix. Miscellaneous]
262362: EVANS, JOHN DAVIES - Malta
278864: EVANS, IFOR - A short history of English drama
196213: EVANS, S.G. - Russia and the atomic bomb
197482: EVANS, A. A. - On foot in Sussex : a loiterer's notebook
248342: EVANS, HAZEL - 'Good Housekeeping' small space gardening / [by] Hazel Evans ; illustrations by Chris Evans
208402: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - East of Stettin-Trieste / with Drawings by Paul Hogarth
208413: EVANS, GODFREY (1920-?) - Behind the stumps
208747: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE - Religion in the U.S.S.R.
209379: EVANS, JOAN (1893-1977) - English art, 1307-1461 / Joan Evans
211541: EVANS, STANLEY GEORGE, CLERGYMAN AND CHRISTIAN SOCIALIST (1912-1965) - How the USSR is governed : Soviet democracy in practice
212854: EVANS, HAROLD (1911-1983) - Men in the tropics : a colonial anthology
65986: EVARTS, HAL GEORGE (1915-) - Skunk Ranch to Hollywood : the West of Author Hal Evarts
167602: EVASON, EILEEN - Ends that won't meet : a study of poverty in Belfast
256945: EVATT, E. J. R - An Introduction to the Study of Embryology
143180: EVATT, HERBERT VERE (1894-1965) - Australian Labour Leader : the Story of W. A. Holman and the Labour Movement
280284: EVATT, HERBERT VERE (1894-1965) - Australian labour leader : the story of W. A. Holman and the labour movement
270403: EVELYN, JOHN (1620-1706) - The life of Mrs. Godolphin
268080: EVELYN, JOHN (1620-1706) - The diary of John Evelyn / with an introduction and notes by Austin Dobson
266627: EVELYN, JOHN - The diary of John Evelyn, Esq., FRS, from 1641 to 1705-6, with memoir edited by William Bray
180689: EVELYN, JOHN & CAMPBELL-CULVER, MAGGIE (ED.) - Directions for the gardiner and other horticultural advice
253001: EVELYN, JOHN (1620-1706) - Diary of Iohn Evelyn, to which are added a selection from his familiar letters and the private correspondence between Charles I. and sir E. Nicholas, and between sir E. Hyde and sir R. Browne, ed. by W. Bray - Volumes 1, 2 & 4
252673: EVELYN, JOHN (1620-1706). BRAY, WILLIAM (1736-1832) - Memoirs of John Evelyn : comprising his diary, from 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his familiar letters, to which is subjoined, the private correspondence between King Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicholas : also between Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne, ambassador to the Court of France, in the time of King Charles I. and the usurpation / edited from the original mss. by William Bray: in five volumes
280159: EVELYN, JOHN (1620-1706) - The diary of John Evelyn. Edited from the original MSS. by William Bray ... with a biographical introduction by the editor and a special introduction by Richard Garnett, vol. 1
269909: EVELYN, JOHN (1620-1706) - Memoirs of John Evelyn esq. F.R.S. ... : comprising his diary, from 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his familiar letters. To which is subjoined, the private correspondence between King Charles I. and his Secretary of State, Sir Edward Nicholas, ... ; also between Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne, ambassador to the Court of France, in the time of King Charles I. and the usurpation. The whole now first published from the original mss. In two volumes / Edited by William Bray
113387: EVELYN, GEORGE PALMER (1823-1889) - A Diary of the Crimea. Edited with a Pref. , by Cyril Falls
177534: EVELYN, JOHN (1904- ) - Walpurgis night
262289: EVELYN, JOHN (1620-1706) - Memoirs of John Evelyn : comprising his diary, from 1641-1705-6, and a selection of his familiar letters, to which is subjoined, the private correspondence between King Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicholas; also between Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne, ambassador to the Court of France, in the time of King Charles I. and the usurpation / Edited from the original mss. by William Bray - vol. 2
272470: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943). GAMMON, REG (1894-) [ILL.] - Out with Romany again
272126: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL. GAMMON, REG [ILL.] - Out with Romany : adventures with birds and animals
272049: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943). GAMMON, REG (1894-) [ILL.] - Out with Romany again
272043: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1885-1943) - A Romany in the fields
270878: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943) - Out with Romany by the sea
270879: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1885-1943) - A Romany on the trail
270874: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1885-1943) - A Romany on the trail
270875: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1885-1943) - A Romany on the trail
270876: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1885-1943) - A Romany in the country
270877: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943) - Through the years with Romany
270851: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943) - Out with Romany : adventures with birds and animals
270852: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943) - Romany Muriel and Doris by Raq / presented by G.K. Evens ; illustrations by Reg Gammon
270853: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943) - Out with Romany by moor and dale
270854: EVENS, GEORGE BRAMWELL (1884-1943) - Out with Romany once more
25587: EVENSMO, SIGURD - A Boat for England
249514: EVERARD, MARK - Barbel River
88141: EVERARD, JOHN - Second Sitting; Another Artist's Model
246197: EVERARD, MARK - Dace: The Prince of the Stream
190453: EVERARD, JOHN - Nymph and naiad / John Everard ; with an introduction by the author
93977: EVERETT-HEATH, JOHN - Helicopters in Combat : the First Fifty Years
274706: EVERETT, ALAN - Materials / Alan Everett
224799: EVERETT, SUSANNE - London, the glamour years 1919-39 / Susanne Everett
220524: EVERETT, BILL; BELL, BLAKE - Amazing mysteries: The Billy Everett Archives vol. 1
215747: EVERETT, BILL (1917-1973) - Amazing mysteries : the Bill Everett archives. Vol. 1
120605: EVERETT, JAMES - The Village Blacksmith
22465: EVERETT, WILLIAM (1839- ) - Address in Commemoration of the Life and Services of Charles Francis Adams. Delivered in the Stone Temple At Quincy Adams, 4 July, 1887
73106: EVERETT, CHARLES CARROLL (1829-1900) - The Gospel of Paul
52087: EVERETT, WALTER GOODNOW (B. 1860) - Moral Values; a Study of the Principles of Conduct
29764: EVERETT, EDWARD (1794-1865) - The Life of George Washington
121165: EVERETT-GREEN, EVELYN (1856-1932) - Gabriel Garth, Chartist
277998: EVERETT, LEE - The Lee and Kenny Everett cookery book
100818: EVERETT, THOMAS H (ED. ) - Reader's Digest Complete Book of the Garden. [Prepared by the Editors of the Reader's Digest. General Editor and Technical Advisor, Thomas H. Everett] - [Uniform Title: Reader's Digest]
159069: EVERETT SPENCE, HERSEY - Holidays and Holy Days: Plays, Pageants and Programs for Many Occasions
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