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Click on booknumber for full information
142269: FEATHER, VICTOR - The Essence of Trade Unionism
259039: FEATHERSTONE, DONALD. F - Dancing without danger
107365: FEATHERSTONE, DONALD F. - Dancing Without Danger : the Prevention and Treatment of Ballet Dancing Injuries
107366: FEATHERSTONE, DONALD F. - Dancing Without Danger : the Prevention and Treatment of Ballet Dancing Injuries
238525: THE FEATHERSTONE DEPARTMENT; DIVISION OF ANAESTHETISTS; HALL-DAVIES, G - The Featherstone Department Naming ceremony Tuesday 31st March, 1992
250279: FÉAUX, VALMY - Cinq semaines de lutte sociale : la grève de l'hiver, 1960-1961
80029: FEAVER, WILLIAM - When We Were Young : Two Centuries of Children's Book Illustration / William Feaver
177987: FEAVER, WILLIAM - Masters of caricature : from Hogarth and Gillray to Scarfe and Levine / introduction and commentary by William Feaver ; edited by Ann Gould
155147: FEAVER, WILLIAM - When we were young : two centuries of children's book illustration
191629: FECHER, VINCENT JOHN - A study of the movement for German national parishes in Philadelphia and Baltimore, 1787-1802
277824: FECHHEIMER, HEDWIG - Kleinplastik der Ägypter
86369: FECHHEIMER, HEDWIG - Die Plastik Der Agypter, Von Hedwig Fechheimer; Mit 168 Abbildungen
54989: FECHTER, PAUL - Deutschland. Das Gesicht Seiner Städte Und Landschaften
70652: FEDDEN, ROBIN (1908-1977) - Churchill and Chartwell, by Robin Fedden
275560: FEDDEN, ROBIN (1908-1977) - The National Trust guide / compiled and edited by Robin Fedden and Rosemary Joekes
268063: FEDDEN, ROBIN (1908-1977) - Alpine ski tour : an account of the high level route / [by] Robin Fedden, with photographs by A. Costa and others
264634: FEDDEN, HENRY ROMILLY - The Enchanted Mountains. A quest in the Pyrenees. [With plates.]
146020: FEDDEN, ROBIN (1908-1977) - Churchill and Chartwell
250136: FEDDEN, MARGUERITE - How to cook a simple meal
239476: FEDDEN, MARGUERITE - How to do the weekly wash
208924: FEDDEN, ROBIN (1908-1977) - The country house guide : historic houses in private ownership in England, Wales and Scotland / Robin Fedden and John Kenworthy-Browne [and others]
72282: FEDER, NORMAN - American Indian Art
60516: FEDER, JOSHUA B. - Pirates
59739: FEDER, NORMAN - American Indian Art
251824: FEDER, ALFRED LEONHARD - Justins des Märtyrers Lehre von Jesus Christus : dem Messias und dem menschgewordenen Sohne Gottes : eine dogmengeschichtliche Monographie
214666: FEDER, S.FEDER, S. - The Luciano Story
44576: FEDER, LEAH HANNAH (B. 1894) - Unemployment Relief in Periods of Depression; a Study of Measures Adopted in Certain American Cities, 1857 through 1922
37853: THE HISTORY COMMITTEE OF THE FEDERATION - From the Past to the Future : a History of the Massachusetts State Federation of Women's Clubs, 1893-1988
267855: PALESTINE TRADE UNION FEDERATION - Histadrut : economic empire
265968: ALUMINIUM FEDERATION - Aluminium in the Home - a students' brief guide to an important modern commodity
265969: ALUMINIUM FEDERATION - The story of Aluminium
259268: THE UNIVERSITY LABOUR FEDERATION - Students in action : the story of a life against fascism
257819: NATIONAL WOMEN'S AID FEDERATION - Half the sky and still no roof - battered women are still homeless / produced by National Women's Aid Federation and Welsh Women's Aid
257034: WESTMINSTER CATHOLIC FEDERATION - Historical text books and readers : correspondence and notes
184595: UNIVERSITY LABOUR FEDERATION - Universities in the U.S.S.R.
243884: NATIONAL WOMEN'S AID FEDERATION - Battered Women Need Refuges
54905: BRITISH ROAD FEDERATION - People and Cities : Report of the 1963 London Conference Organized by the British Road Federation in Association with the Town Planning Institute
148503: NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION - The Liberal Way : a Survey of Liberal Policy / Published by the Authority of the National Liberal Federation. with a Foreword by Ramsay Muir
143861: FEDERATION GENERALE DU TRAVAIL DE BELGIQUE. COATES, KEN, ED. - A Trade Union Strategy in the Common Market : the Programme of the Belgian Trade Unions : a Translation of the Report of the FGTB on Workers' Control, with Explanatory Documents / Edited and Introduced by Ken Coates
133505: NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION - The Liberal Way : a Survey of Liberal Policy / Published by the Authority of the National Liberal Federation. with a Foreword by Ramsay Muir
263146: UNIVERSITY LABOUR FEDERATION - Songs of the People
169683: NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION - Practical Politics. I. The tenant farmer, by James Howard - II. Foreign policy, by Mountstuart E. Grant Duff - III. Freedom of land, by G. Shaw Lefevre. IV. British colonial policy by Sir David Wedderburn.
280422: UNIVERSITY LABOUR FEDERATION - University Forward: Vol. 6: February, 1941: No. 3
113166: FEDERATION OF MASTER PROCESS ENGRAVERS, LONDON - The process engraver's compendium : for users of photo-process engraving
167476: STUDENT LABOUR FEDERATION - India's demand for freedom !
263113: STUDENT LABOUR FEDERATION - Why socialism?
190643: UNIVERSITY LABOUR FEDERATION - Universities in the U.S.S.R
181363: ANARCHIST FEDERATION - Anarchist Federation : aims and principles
232603: FEDERER, KONRAD - Weihnacht der Welt : Eine Sammlung der schonsten Weihnachtserzahlungen aus Deutschland, England, Frankreich, Schweden, Danemark, Finnland, Amerika und anderen Landern
233193: FEDERHOFER, HELLMUT (1911-) - Musikpflege und Musiker am Grazer Habsburgerhof der Erzherzöge Karl und Ferdinand von Innerösterreich (1564-1619)
147461: FEDERICI, LUIGI (1900-) - Sanzioni
245928: FEDERMANN, ARNOLD - Der junge Goethe und England : essays
181069: FEDERN, KARL (1868-1942) - The materialist conception of history : a critical analysis
30848: FEDERN, ROBERT - Repertoire Bibliographique De La Litterature Francaise Des Origines a Nos Jours ... Par Robert Federn Avec Une Préface De Remy De Gourmont, Un Tableau De La Litterature Française Aux 19e Et 20e Siecles, Presentee Par Ecoles Et Un Index Analytique
121873: FEDERN, KARL - The Materialist Conception of History : a Critical Analysis
119206: FEDERN, KARL (1868-1942) - Dante & His Time, by Karl Federn; with an Introduction by A. J. Butler, and Illustrations
139598: FEDIN, KONSTANTIN (1892-1977) - Early Joys : a Novel
130525: FEDOROFF, MICHEL - La Russie : Sous Le Regime Communiste ; Reponse Au Rapport De La Delegation Des Trades Unions Britanniques Basee Sur La Documentation Officielle Sovietique / Avec Une Preface De Hubert Bourgin
216195: FEDOROV, M. G. - Russkaya Progressivnaya Mysl' kh xix v. Ot Geograficheskogo Determinizma K Istoricheskomu Materializmu [Russian progressive thought in xix. Of geographical determinism to historical materialism. Language: Russian]
150176: FEDOROV, MIKHAIL - La Russie Sous Le Regime Communiste : Reponse Au Rapport De La Delegation Des Trades-Union Britanniques, Basee Sur La Documentation Officielle Sovietique
169200: FEDOSEEV, PETR NIKOLAEVICH [ED.] - Peace and disarmament: academic studies
215890: FEDOSEJEV, P. - Crvena ArmiJa. Armija-Osloboditeljica [Red Army... Language: Macedonian]
218487: FEDOSOV, IVAN ANTONOVICH - Iz istorii russkoy obshchestvennoy mysli XVIII stoletiya : M.M. Shcherbatov [From the history of Russian social thought of the XVIII century: MM Shcherbatov. Language: Russian]
40861: FEDOTOV, GEORGII PETROVICH (1886-1951) - The Russian Church Since the Revolution
234833: FEEHAN, JOHN M. (1916-1991) - An apology to the Irish people
70133: FEELEY, MALCOLM - Court Reform on Trial : why Simple Solutions Fail / Malcolm M. Feeley
259072: FEENEY, LEONARD - Fish on Friday
211245: FEENEY, MARY (1948-). JOINT INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMMITTEE. NATIONAL PRESERVATION OFFICE - Digital culture : a synthesis of JISC/NPO studies on the preservation of electronic materials / edited by Mary Feeney
209434: FEENEY, JOHN (PHOTOGRAPHER) - Egyptian soups : hot and cold
271688: FEEST, CHRISTIAN F - Native arts of North America / Christian F. Feest
80081: FEHER, ZSUZSA D. - Twentieth Century Hungarian Painting [By] Zsuzsa D. Feher [And] Gabor O. Pogany - [Uniform Title: Magyar Feszteszet a XX. Szazadban. English]
54873: FEHL, FRED - On Broadway / Performance Photos. by Fred Fehl ; Text by William Stott with Jane Stott
219289: FEHL, FRED - On Broadway / Performance Photos. by Fred Fehl ; Text by William Stott with Jane Stott
273136: FEHM, SHERWOOD A - Luca di Tommè : a Sienese fourteenth century painter (docs. 1356-1390)
174535: FEHR, BERNHARD (1876-1938) - Die englische Literatur der heutigen Stunde als Ausdruck der zeitwende und der englische Kulturgemeinschaft / von Bernhard Fehr
231657: FEHR, BERNHARD - Die Englische Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts mit einer Einfuhrung in die Englische Fruhromantik
235181: FEHR, MAX - Musikalische Jagd
159641: FEHRENBACH, HEIDE - Race after Hitler : Black Occupation Children in Postwar Germany and America / Heide Fehrenbach
14203: FEHRENBACH, T. R. - The Swiss Banks
28773: FEHRENBACH, T. R. - This Kind of Peace
246302: FEI, SILVANO - Guida al Museo: Casa di Dante - Dante's Housw
189546: FEIBLEMAN, JAMES KERN (B. 1904) - Christianity, Communism and the ideal society : A philosophical approach to modern politics
52075: FEIBLEMAN, JAMES KERN (1904-) - The Theory of Human Culture
163653: FEIBLEMAN, JAMES KERN, (1904-) - The Revival of Realism; Critical Studies in Contemporary Philosophy
85925: FEIBLEMAN, PETER S. (1930-) - Tiger Tiger Burning Bright; a Play
38229: FEIFER, GEORGE - Moscow Farewell
141012: FEIFER, GEORGE - Justice in Moscow
18474: FEIFER, GEORGE - Justice in Moscow
95996: FEIFER, GEORGE - Justice in Moscow
270892: FEIFFER, JULES - Little murders : a comedy in two acts
275082: FEIFFER, JULES - The Penguin Feiffer / Jules Feiffer
123117: FEIFFER, JULES - Passionella, and Other Stories
111068: FEIFFER, JULES - Ackroyd. a Novel
17030: FEIGENBAUM, EDWARD. PAMELA MCCORDUCK. H. PENNY NII - The Rise of the Expert Company : How Visionary Companies Are Using Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Higher Productivity and Profits / Edward Feigenbaum, Pamela McCorduck, H. Penny Nii ; Expert Systems Catalog by Paul Harmon
203370: FEILD, RESHAD - Breathing alive : a guide to conscious living / Reshad Feild
200412: FEILD, RESHAD. SALIK CHALOM (ILLUS.) - The last barrier / Reshad Feild; illustrated by Salik Chalom
103235: FEILD, RESHAD. SALIK CHALOM - The Last Barrier / Reshad Feild ; Illustrated by Salik Chalom
159963: FEILER, BRUCE S. - Under the Big Top : a Season with the Circus / Bruce Feiler
143032: FEILER, ARTHUR (1879-1942) - The Russian Experiment
143565: FEILER, ARTHUR (1879-1942) - Das Experiment Des Bolschewismus / Von Arthur Feiler
264919: FEILING, KEITH SIR (KEITH GRAHAME) - The life of Neville Chamberlain
81715: FEIN, ART - The L. A. Musical History Tour : a Guide to the Rock and Roll Landmarks of Los Angeles / Art Fein
81716: FEIN, ART - The L. A. Musical History Tour : a Guide to the Rock and Roll Landmarks of Los Angeles / Art Fein
81717: FEIN, ART - The L. A. Musical History Tour : a Guide to the Rock and Roll Landmarks of Los Angeles / Art Fein
64132: FEIN, RASHI - Medical Care, Medical Costs : the Search for a Health Insurance Policy / Rashi Fein
36974: FEIN, JUDITH (1941- ) - Exploding the Myth of Self-Defense - a Survival Guide for Every Woman
29671: FEIN, HARRY H. - King Bu : a Lyric Comedy in Four Acts : Based on an Oriental Tale / Illustrated by Calvin Burnett
72671: FEIN, RASHI - The Doctor Shortage; an Economic Diagnosis
41091: FEIN, LEONARD J. - Israel, Politics and People
19469: FEIN, ALBERT - A Guide to the Professional Papers of Robert C. Weinberg
77671: FEIN, HARRY H. - Farewell to Samaria; a Story of the Last Years of the Kingdom of Israel
205775: FEIN, RASHI - Economics of mental illness : a report to the staff director, Jack R. Ewalt, 1958 / Rashi Fein
67284: FEINBERG, ABRAHAM L. - Storm the Gates of Jericho [By] Abraham L. Feinburg
45143: FEINBERG, MORRIS 'MOE' WITH G. P. SKRATZ - My Brother Larry - the Stooge in the Middle
218437: FEINBERG, LEON - The Doomed Generation (A novel in verse) [Language: Hebrew]
55079: FEINBLATT, EBRIA - Old Master Drawings from American Collections : Exhibition, April 29-June 13, 1976, Los Angeles County Museum of Art / Ebria Feinblatt
106724: FEINBLATT, EBRIA. BRUCE DAVIS - Toulouse-Lautrec and His Contemporaries : Posters of the Belle Epoque from the Wagner Collection
162263: FEINE, PAUL (1859-1933) - Theologie Des Neuen Testaments
117507: FEINIGER, ANDREAS - The World through My Eyes
99920: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE - Lawrence's Women : the Intimate Life of D. H. Lawrence / Elaine Feinstein
74510: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE - A Captive Lion : the Life of Marina Tsvetayeva
158864: FEINSTEIN, HAROLD - Orchidelirium / Harold Feinstein ; Introduction by Robert H. Hesse
155768: FEINSTEIN, HAROLD - Foliage
90956: FEINSTEIN, C. H. (ED. ) - Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth: Essays Presented to Maurice Dobb; Edited by C. H. Feinstein
109009: FEINSTEIN, HAROLD - Foliage / Harold Feinstein
185836: FEINSTEIN, JOHN - A civil war : army vs.navy : a year inside college football's purest rivalry / John Feinstein
272286: FEIST, UWE - The fighting 109 : a pictorial history of the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in action / Uwe Feist, Norman E. Harms and Mike Dario ; artwork by Uwe Feist
177358: FEIST, RAYMOND ELIAS - Krondor : the betrayal : book I of the Riftwar legacy / Raymond E. Feist
163084: FEIST, SIGMUND (1865-1943) - Stammeskunde Der Juden : Die Judische Stamme De Erde in Alter Und Neuer Zeit / Historisch-Anthropologische Skizzen Von Dr. Sigmund Feist. Mit 89 Abbildungen Im Text Und Auf Tafeln
166122: FEIST, SIGMUND, (1865-1943) - Stammeskunde Der Juden : Die Judische Stamme De Erde in Alter Und Neuer Zeit / Historisch-Anthropologische Skizzen Von Dr. Sigmund Feist. Mit 89 Abbildungen Im Text Und Auf Tafeln
122804: FEIST, PETER H. - Auguste Renoir, 1841-1919 : a Dream of Harmony / Peter H. Feist ; English Translation, Hugh Beyer
201736: FEIST, SIGMUND (1865-) - Stammeskunde der Juden; die judischen stamme der erde in alter und neuer zeit, historisch-anthropologische skizze / von Dr. Sigmund Feist ; mit 89 Abbildungen im Text und auf Tafeln
146618: FEIST, SIGMUND (1865-) - Stammeskunde Der Juden; Die Judischen Stamme Der Erde in Alter Und Neuer Zeit, Historisch-Anthropologische Skizzen
147970: FEIST, SIGMUND - Stammeskunde Der Juden : Die Judischen Stamme Der Erde in Alter Und Neuer Zeit, Historisch-Anthropologische Skizzen
24444: FEIST, AUBREY - The Lion of St. Mark - Venice; the Story of a City from Attila to Napoleon
52271: FEITH, HERBERT - The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia
171761: FEITZ, LELAND - Cripple Creek! A quick history of the world's greatest gold camp
91144: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-2008) - A History of the People's Democracies: Eastern Europe Since Stalin; Translated [From the French] by Daniel Weissbort - [Uniform Title: Histoire Des Democraties Populaires: Apres Stalin. English]
269011: FEJTÖ, FRANÇOIS - Henri Heine / François Fejtö
26005: FEJTO, FRANCOIS - A History of the People's Democracies - Eastern Europe Since Stalin
248816: FEJTÖ, FRANÇOIS (1909-) - A history of the people's democracies : Eastern Europe since Stalin / François Fejtö ; translated from the French by Daniel Weissbort
152334: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-2008) - A History of the People's Democracies : Eastern Europe Since Stalin / Translated from the French by Daniel Weissbort
164028: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-2008) ED. - The Opening of an Era, 1848; an Historical Symposium / with an Introduction by A. J. P. Taylor
89565: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-2008) - Heine, a Biography, by Francois Fejto; Translated by Mervyn Savill
146606: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-2008) (ED. ) - The Opening of an Era, 1848 : an Historical Symposium. with an Introd. by A. J. P. Taylor
163127: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-2008) - La Tragedie Hongroise : Ou, Une Revolution Socialiste Anti-Sovietique / Francois Fejto ; Lettre-Pref. De Jean-Paul Sartre
197647: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-2008) - Les Juifs et l'antisemitisme dans les pays communistes, entre l'integration et la secession. Suivi de documents et de temoignages.
206924: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (1909-?) - The Opening of an era 1848 : an historical symposium / edited by Francois Fejto ; with an introduction by A.J.P. Taylor
223955: FEKETE, JOHN - The critical twilight : explorations in the ideology of Anglo-American literary theory from Eliot to McLuhan / John Fekete
147544: FEKETE, JANOS - Back to the Realities : Reflections of a Hungarian Banker / Janos Fekete ; [Translated by Tamas Bacskai ... Et Al. ]
162300: FEL, EDIT. HOFER, TAMAS - Saints, Soldiers, Shepherds : the Human Figure in Hungarian Folk Art / [By] Edit Fel and Tamas Hofer
96642: FELAK, JAMES RAMON - At the Price of the Republic : Hlinka's Slovak People's Party, 1929-1938 / James Ramon Felak
229521: FELCHIN, MARIA - Das Arkanum der Matzendorfer Keramiken / von Maria Felchin
74840: FELDER, DAVID W. - A Criminal in Utopia
162427: FELDER, LOUIS - El Dorado
119596: FELDHAUS, ANNE - The Deeds of God in Rddhipur / Translated from Marathi and Annotated by Anne Feldhaus ; with Introductory Essays by Anne Feldhaus and Eleanor Zelliot
119663: FELDHAUS, ANNE & TULPULE, SHANKAR GOPAL (1914-) - In the Absence of God : the Early Years of an Indian Sect : a Translation of Smr? Tisthal? , with an Introduction / Edited by Anne Feldhaus and Shankar Gopal Tulpule
55062: FELDMAN, ANNETTE - Handmade Lace & Patterns / Annette Feldman
47248: FELDMAN, S. SHIRLEY. ELLIOTT, GLEN R. - At the Threshold - the Developing Adolescent
221430: FELDMAN, ANNETTE - Handmade Lace & Patterns / Annette Feldman
221005: FELDMAN, ANNETTE - Annette Feldman's Needlework for the home
215628: FELDMAN, ANITA. GOSUDARSTVENNYI ERMITAZH (RUSSIA) - Blitz and blockade : Henry Moore at the Hermitage / [text, Richard Calvocoressi ... et al.]
158576: FELDMAN, GERALD D. - Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933-1945 / Gerald D. Feldman
148043: FELDMAN, M. PHILIP (MAURICE PHILIP) - Criminal Behaviour : a Psychological Analysis / M. Philip Feldman
216337: FELDMAN, JOZEF - Bismarck a Polska [Language: Polska]
22387: FELDMAN, H. - The Regularization of Employment. A Study in the Prevention of Unemployment
46175: FELDMAN, HERMAN (1894-1947) - Prohibition; its Economic and Industrial Aspects
132864: FELDMAN, REGINALD VIVIAN - The Domain of Selfhood
231417: FELDMAN, WILLIAM MOSES (1879-1939) - Biomathematics : being the principles of mathematics for students of biological science
203852: FELDMAN, EDWIN B. (EDWIN BARRY) (1925-?) - How to use your time to get things done
175587: FELDMAN, REGINALD VIVIAN - The domain of selfhood
25878: FELDMAN, HERBERT - Revolution in Pakistan - a Study of the Martial Law Administration
123926: FELDMAN, EDMUND BURKE - Thinking about Art / Edmund Burke Feldman
192293: FELDMANN, FRANZ (1866-1944) - Geschichte der offenbarung des Alten Testaments bis zum babylonischen exil / von dr. Franz Feldmann
234622: FELDMANN, FRITZ (1905-1984) - Musik und Musikpflege im mittelalterlichen Schlesien : mit umfangreichen Notenbeigaben
13191: FELDSTEIN, MICHAEL - The American Economy in Transition / Edited by Martin Feldstein [National Bureau of Economic Research]
109828: FELDSTEIN, MARK - Sightings. Introduction by Mark Heiferman
108475: FELDSTEIN, MARK - Sightings / Mark Feldstein. Introduction by Mark Heiferman
113149: FELDSTEIN, ALBERT B. (ED. ) - Three Ring Mad, Edited by Albert B. Feldstein
79221: FELICE, CYNTHIA - Double Nocturne
77862: FELICE, CYNTHIA - Downtime
247297: FÉLICE, GUILLAUME DE (1803-1871) - Histoire des Protestants de France : depuis l'origine de la réformation jusqu'au temps présent / par G. de Félice
105191: FELICE, CYNTHIA - Downtime
79549: FELICE, CYNTHIA - Double Nocturne
15481: SISTER FELICIA O. S. A. - Seven Spanish Mystics. Original Studies
263743: FELICIUS, CONSTANTIUS - Lettere a Ulisse Aldrovandi / a cura di Giorgio Nonni ; presentazione di Giuseppe Olmi
52374: FELIX, DAVID - Walter Rathenau and the Weimar Republic - the Politics of Reparations
33874: FELIX, DAVID (1921-) - Walther Rathenau and the Weimar Republic; the Politics of Reparations
228639: FÉLIX-FAURE, LAURENT (1936-) - Land of skies and water : Holland seen through the eyes of its painters
165771: FELIX, JULES - L'Alcoolisme Et Ses Ravages Sociaux : Conference Donnee a L'Institut Des Hautes Etudes De L'Universite Nouvelle De Bruxelles / Par Dr. Jules Felix, Le 4 Fevrier 1909
166307: FELIX, JOSEPH - Le Socialisme Devant La Societe : Conferences / Par Le R. P. Felix
188977: FELIX ROSENSTIEL'S WIDOW & SON LTD ; DYSON, ANTHONY, (1931- ,COMP.) - Rosenstiel's Atelier Collection : Vol.1
262361: FELIX, WERNER - Christoph Willibald Gluck
173656: FELKER, JERE L. - Soviet economic controversies; the emerging marketing concept and changes in planning, 1960-1965
221725: FELKER, CLAY S. [EDITOR AND PUBLISHER] - New York magazine : February 28, 1972
81534: FELL, JOHN L (1927-?) - Film and the Narrative Tradition
66589: FELL, JOHN L. (1927-) - Film : an Introduction / John L. Fell
113990: FELL, E. F. B. - Personal Liberty, the Great Question of To-Day, by E. F. B. Fell
20506: FELL, E. F. B. - The Foundations of Liberty
215003: FELLER, F. E. (FRIEDRICH ERNST) (1802-1859) - A new English and French pocket dictionary : containing all the words indispensable in daily conversation, admirably adapted for the use of travellers
11055: FELLER, ALEXANDER - How to Deal with Organized Labor
235533: FELLERER, KARL GUSTAV (1902-1984) - Geschichte der katholischen Kirchenmusik / unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Forscher des In- und Auslandes herausgegeben von Karl Gustav Fellerer
232779: FELLERER, KARL GUSTAV (1902-1984) - Einführung in die Musikwissenschaft
235175: FELLERER, KARL GUSTAV (1902-1984) - Studien zur Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts / von Karl Gustav Fellerer
234494: FELLERER, KARL GUSTAV (1902-1984) - Einfuhrung in die musikwissenschaft
234643: FELLERER, KARL GUSTAV (1902-1984) - Der gregorianische Choral im Wandel der Jahrhunderte
235489: FELLERER, KARL GUSTAV (1902-1984) - Beitræge zur Musikgeschichte Freisings von den æltesten christlichen Zeiten bis zur Auflœsung des Hofes 1803
277100: FELLINI, FEDERICO - I'm a born liar : a Fellini lexicon / edited by Damian Pettigrew
170892: FELLINI, FEDERICO - I'm a born liar : a Fellini lexicon / edited by Damian Pettigrew
158141: FELLMAN, SANDI - Sandi Fellman : Open Secret / essays by Diane Ackerman and Jerry Aline Flieger ; translation of the Rumi Poem by Coleman Bark
124846: FELLNER, HARRIET - Hemingway As Playwright : the Fifth Column
267922: FELLOWES, P. F. M. (PEREGRINE FORBES MORANT) - Britain's wonderful air force / edited by Air Commodore P.F.M. Fellowes ; with a foreword by Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal
124423: FELLOWES, WILLIAM DORSET - Historical Sketches of Charles the First, Cromwell, Charles the Second, and the Principal Personages of That Period; Including the King's Trial and Execution: to Which is Annexed an Account of the Sums Exacted by the Commonwealth from the Royalists..... . ....and the Names of all Those Who Compounded for Their Estates; with Other Scarce Documents. Illustrated by Fifty Lithographic Plates. by W. D. Fellowes, Esq.
262119: FELLOWS, MALCOLM STUART - Shame in summer : a new play in two acts, specially written to celebrate the 350th anniversary of Owen's School 1963
248501: FELLOWS, JENNIFER - First cook book / Jennifer Fellows ; illustrated by Ann Rees
157986: FELLOWS, RICHARD A. - Edwardian architecture : style and technology
59821: FELLOWS, OTIS (1908-) - The Periodical Press in Liberated Paris, a Survey and Checklist ...
153237: FELLOWS, MURIEL H. - The Land of Little Rain; a Story of Hopi Indian Children, Written and Illustrated by Muriel H. Fellows
242792: FELLOWS-JOHNSTON, ANNIE. MEYNELL, LOUIS (1868-) - The little colonel's house party
145316: FELLOWS, PAUL - Collectors' Guide to Antique Dolls and Doll Marks / Paul Fellows
271871: THE DICKENS FELLOWSHIP - The Dickensian vol. 50 March 1954
263383: THE JEWISH FELLOWSHIP - The journal of Jewish studies - Vol. 1 No. 1
231026: MADRAS INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP - Report of the Retreat at Ennore: 23rd November, to 25th November, 1923
70865: FELLS, RICHARD - A Visitor's Guide to Underground Britain / Richard Fells; Photographs by Tim Grevatt
102073: FELLS, RICHARD AND GREVATT, TIM (PHOTOS) - A Visitor's Guide to Underground Britain : Caves, Caverns, Mines, Tunnels, Grottoes / Richard Fells, with Photographs by Tim Grevatt
243445: FELS, MARY (1863-1953) - Joseph Fels : his life-work / Mary Fels
149731: FELS, MARY FELS (1859-) - Joseph Fels : His Life-Work
38881: FELS, MARY FELS (1859-) - Joseph Fels; His Life-Work [By] Mary Fels
178314: FELS, MARY - The life of Joseph Fels
107341: FELSENSTEIN, WALTER - The Music Theater of Walter Felsenstein : Collected Articles, Speeches, and Interviews
190654: FELSTEIN, IVOR - Living to be a hundred : a study of old age / Ivor Felstein
217347: FELSZTYN, TADEUSZ - Rakiety i podroze miedzyplanetarne [Language: Polish]
245138: FELT, JOSEPH BARLOW (1789-1869) - History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton
123913: FELTON, ROBERT FORESTER - British Floral Decoration, by R. Forester Felton
280666: FELTON, MONICA - What I saw in Korea
268295: ISTITUTO GIANGIACOMO FELTRINELLI - Annali : anno secondo 1959
196107: ISTITUTO GIANGIACOMO FELTRINELLI - Annali : anno primo 1958
110932: FELTS, SHIRLEY. JILL BAILEY - Naturescapes : a Three-Dimensional Field Guide to Woods, Forests, Meadows, & Marshes / Shirley Felts & Jill Bailey
209193: FELTWELL, JOHN - Discovering doorstep wildlife : a complete guide to the animals and plants of towns, parks and gardens / John Feltwell
59564: FELVER, CHRISTOPHER - The Importance of Being
113165: FELVER, CHRISTOPHER (ET AL. ) (PHOTOS) - The Importance of Being
280723: NORTH COUNTRY ANARCHISTS AND ANARCHA-FEMINISTS - Soil of liberty, vol. 2 no. 1
280724: NORTH COUNTRY ANARCHISTS AND ANARCHA-FEMINISTS - Soil of liberty, vol. 2 no. 2
278564: DES FEMMES - Femmes et Russie, 1980 / par le collectif de rédaction de l'Almanach et quelques autres
247229: FEN, ELISAVETA - Remember Russia / Elisaveta Fen
254744: FEN, ELISAVETA - A girl grew up in Russia / Elisaveta Fen
223660: FEN, ELISAVETA - A girl grew up in Russia
147568: FEN, ELISAVETA, TR. - Soviet Stories of the Last Decade / Selected and Translated by Elisaveta Fen
270760: FENBY, J - On the brink : the trouble with France
269106: FENBY, JONATHAN - The General : Charles De Gaulle and the France he saved / Jonathan Fenby
180663: FENBY, JONATHAN - Modern China : the fall and rise of a great power, 1850 to the present
35891: FENBY, ERIC AND FISK, NICHOLAS - Menuhin's House of Music
280195: FENDER, STEPHEN - Shakespeare : 'A midsummer night's dream'
276356: FÉNELON, FRANÇOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE (1651-1715). HAWKESWORTH, JOHN (1715?-1773) - The adventures of Telemachus : the son of Ulysses / From the French of Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon by John Hawkesworth
255787: FÉNELON, FRANÇOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE- (1651-1715) - Le avventure di Telemaco figliuolo d'Ulisse / tradotte dal linguaggio francese di Fenelon: three volumes
224699: FENELON, FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE (1651-1715) - Aventures de Telemaque / par Fenelon ; avec des notes geographiques et litteraires
193687: FENELON, FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE- (1651-1715) - Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d' Ulysse : Composees par feu Messire Francois de Salignac, De la Motte Fenelon, ...
160353: FENELON, FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE- (1651-1715) - Letters of Love and Counsel / Selected and Translated by John Mcewen ; Reflections on the Character and Genius of Fe´nelon, by Thomas Merton
262468: FÉNELON, FRANÇOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE (1651-1715) - Le Aventure di Telemaco figliuolo d'Ullysse
19965: FENELON, FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE- (1651-1715) - Gli Auuenimenti Di Telemaco, Figliuolo D'Ulisse, Tradotti Dal Manuscritto Originale Dell' Autore & in Questa Nuova Impressione Augmentati & Corretti Da Un Infinita D'Errori, Per B. D. Moretti... Two Volumes (Complete) Bound in One with Consecutive Pagination
278926: FÉNELON, FRANÇOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE- (1651-1715) - Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse / par M. Fénélon; ..revu et corrigé d'après les meilleures éditions de Paris par M. Vincent Wanostrocht
178580: FENELON, K. G. (1898- ) - Railway economics
168317: FÉNELON, FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE (1651-1715) - Les aventures de Télémaque : fils d'Ulysse. Par M. De Fénélon, Archevque de Cambrai
181409: FENELON, K. G. (KEVIN GERARD) (1898-?) - The economics of road transport
134233: FENELON, FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE (1651-1715) - The Characters and Properties of True Charity Displayed / Translated from the Original French
92566: FENELON, KEVIN GERARD (1898-) - Transport Co-Ordination; a Study of Present-Day Transport Problems
156144: FENG, ZHENGJIE - Feng Zhengjie / [Curated by Eleonora Battistoni]
94064: I-FENG (PSEUD. ) - Give Back My Rivers and Hills! By I Feng. Translated from the Chinese by Innes Jackson
159683: FENICHEL, OTTO. FENICHEL, HANNA. RAPAPORT, DAVID (1911-1960) - The Collected Papers of Otto Fenichel : First and Second Series / Collected and Edited by Hanna Fenichel and David Rapaport
80582: FENICHEL, OTTO - RELATED NAMES: FENICHEL, HANNA & RAPAPORT, DAVID - Collected Papers of Otto Fenichel - 1st Series & 2nd Series
185912: FENISONG, RUTH - The schemers
274359: FENN, GEORGE MANVILLE - Nat the naturalist : or, A boy's adventures in the eastern seas
272503: FENN, G. MANVILLE - Bunyip land : or, Among the blackfellows in New Guinea
268494: FENN, GEORGE MANVILLE ; HENTY, G.S. ET AL - The golden story book
266610: FENN, E A HUMPHREY - Fonts in English churches
193981: FENN, GEORGE MANVILLE (1831-1909) - The world of wit and humour / edited by George Manville Fenn
53797: FENN, LOUIS ANDERSON - The Blindness of Poverty
37469: FENNER, THEODORE - Leigh Hunt and Opera Criticism - the 'Examiner' Years, 1808-1821
161495: FENNER, PHYLLIS REID (1899-) (COMP. ) - No Time for Glory; Stories of World War II. Illus. by William R. Lohse
160089: FENNER, PHYLLIS REID (1899- ) (COMP. ). AMES, LEE J. (ILLUS. ) - Circus Parade; Stories of the Big Top. Illustrated by Lee Ames
111620: FENNER, MILDRED SANDISON. WOLCOTT FENNER (COMPS. AND EDS. ) - The Circus, Lure and Legend. Compiled and Edited by Mildred Sandison Fenner and Wolcott Fenner
123350: FENNER, THEODORE - Leigh Hunt and Opera Criticism; the 'Examiner' Years, 1808-1821
237442: FENNIMORE, DONALD L.; WAGNER, ANN K. (ANN KELLY) (1967-) - Silversmiths to the nation: Thomas Fletcher and Sidney Gardiner, 1808-1842 / Donald L. Fennimore and Ann K. Wagner; with contributions from Cathy Matson, Deborah Dependahl Waters, Beth Carver Wees
237082: FENNIMORE, DONALD L, AUTHOR; FISTROVICH, GEORGE J., PHOTOGRAPHY - Metalwork in early America: copper and its alloys from the Winterthur collection
171089: FENNIMORE, DONALD L. - Silversmiths to the nation : Thomas Fletcher and Sidney Gardiner, 1808-1842 / Donald L. Fennimore and Ann K. Wagner ; with contributions from Cathy Matson, Deborah Dependahl Waters, Beth Carver Wees
167514: FENOGLIO, GIULIO - Questioni Monetarie E Bancarie / Prof. Giulio Fenoglio
159731: FENOLLOSA, ERNEST (1853-1908) - Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art : an Outline History of East Asiatic Design [In Two Volumes] / Ernest F. Fenollosa
41803: FENTEN, D. X. - Ms. -Attorney, by D. X. Fenten
160969: FENTER, FRANCIS MARGARET - Copec Adventure : the Story of Birmingham Copec House Improvement Society
245334: FENTON, DAVID. MAILER, NORMAN - Shots : an American photographer's journal, (1967-1972) / David Fenton ; with commentary by Norman Mailer ; foreword by Tom Hayden
240456: FENTON, JAMES (1949-) - The strength of poetry / James Fenton
182775: FENTON, LOIS - Dress for excellence / Lois Fenton with Edward Olcott
104384: FENTON, ROBERT W. - The Big Swingers
257055: FENTON, R. S - Mersey Rovers : the coastal tramp ship owners of Liverpool and the Mersey / R.S. Fenton
89283: FENTON, WILLIAM N. (WILLIAM NELSON) - The Iroquois Eagle Dance; an Offshoot of the Calumet Dance with an Analysis of the Iroquois Eagle Dance and Songs, by Gertrude Prokosch Kurath
178412: FENTON, ROBERT - Sinners at the Stadium
267225: FENWICK, SAMUEL (1821-1902) - The student's guide to medical diagnosis
258666: FENWICK, EDWIN HURRY (1856-1944) - The electric illumination of the bladder and urethra as a means of diagnosis of obscure vesico-urethral diseases
238455: FENWICK, EDWIN HURRY (1856-1944) - Epitomes of Modern Surgical Progress: for students and practioners. Urinary surgery
238213: FENWICK, SAMUEL (1821-1902) - The student's guide to medical diagnosis
227493: FENWICK, HUBERT - The chateaux of France
198680: FENWICK, ELIZABETH - The last of Lysandra
157989: FENWICK LANSDOWNE, JAMES - Birds of the West Coast, Volume 2
155094: FENWICK, SIMON - The enchanted river : 200 years of the Royal Watercolour Society
241931: FENWICK, SAMUEL (1821-1902) - The student's guide to medical diagnosis
239763: FENWICK, SAMUEL (1821-1902) - Outlines of medical treatment, a companion to The student's guide to medical diagnosis
192674: FENYO, BELA - Kolumbustol Castroig
148196: FENZ, AUGUSTINUS KURT - Auf Jahwes Stimme Horen : Eine Biblische Begriffsuntersuchung
26710: FEOFANOV, YURI AND BARRY, DONALD D. - Politics and justice in Russia : major trials of the post-Stalin era / Yuri Feofanov, Donald D. Barry.
239968: COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER DE L'EST - La Gare de l'Est / Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'Est
63913: FERBER, STEVE - All about Rifle Hunting and Shooting in America / Edited by Steve Ferber
56568: FERBER, EDNA (1887-1968) - Great Son, by Edna Ferber
76453: FERBER, EDNA (1887-1968) - Great Son, by Edna Ferber
103489: FERBER, EDNA - Come and Get It, by Edna Ferber
156980: FERBER, EDNA (1887-1968) - Ice Palace
176314: FERDAUCI - Millenaire du Grand Poete Perusan Ferdauci: Hommage des Orientalistes belges a l'auteur du 'livre des rois'
141517: FERDIERE, GASTON - Jehan-Rictus, Son Oeuvre : Document Pour Servir a L'Histoire De La Litterature Francaise / Gaston Ferdiere
43739: FERDINANDUSSE, R. - 24 Hours, Uur, Stunden, Amsterdam
188211: FERENCTOL, CSAZAR - Oszi lombok [Language - Hungarian]
59018: FERENCZI, SANDOR (1873-1933) - Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psycho-Analysis (The International Psycho-Analytical Library - No. II. )
149078: FERET, HENRICUS MARIA - L'Apocalypse De Saint Jean, Vision Chretienne De L'Histoire
243126: FERGNANI, ENEA. PORTA, LUIGI - Un Uomo E Tre Numeri & I Fuori Legge: Sconfitte E Vittorie Di Un Movimento Patriottico: Marzo 1942- Aprile 1945 [two books bound together]
251016: FERGURSON, JOHN - Death comes to Perigord
250981: FERGURSON, JOHN - Night in Glengyle
12998: FERGUS, JOHN FREELAND - The Sodger and Other Verses
12831: FERGUS, ALEXANDER FORRESTER (1902-) - Practical Branch Banking
276721: FERGUSON, W. CRAIG - The loan book of the Stationers' Company with a list of transactions, 1592-1692
272546: FERGUSON, JOHN - The heritage of Hellenism / John Ferguson
272239: FERGUSON, NORMAN - The First World War : a miscellany / Norman Ferguson
271286: FERGUSON, W. CRAIG - Pica Roman type in Elizabethan England / W. Craig Ferguson
266305: FERGUSON, KEN & SYLVIA - Film Show
265885: FERGUSON, ALDON P. (ALDON PATRICK) - A history of Royal Air Force Shawbury
255215: FERGUSON, SARAH - To the place of shells / [by] Sarah Ferguson
254943: FERGUSON, J. A - The king of Morven : a play in one act / 1922
254055: FERGUSON, MARY CATHERINE (GUINESS) - The story of the Irish before the conquest : From the mythical period to the invasion under Strongbow / Lady Mary Catherine Ferguson
239950: FERGUSON, NIALL (1964-) - The cash nexus : money and power in the modern world, 1700-2000 / Niall Ferguson
237441: FERGUSON, LESLEY M.; WATSON, KRISTINA; CRAWFORD, JAMES - Victorian Scotland / James Crawford, Lesley Ferguson, and Kristina Watson
228878: FERGUSON, CLARE - The Microwave Diet / Clare Ferguson ; photography by David Gill. SIGNED COPY
218771: FERGUSON, JOHN (1837-1916) - Bibliotheca chemica : a bibliography of books on alchemy, chemistry, and pharmaceutics / [by] John Ferguson. [complete in 2 volumes]
210369: FERGUSON, FRANCESFERGUSON, FRANCES - Identity unknown / Frances Ferguson
154807: FERGUSON, MYRON R. - Drywall : professional techniques for great results
180205: FERGUSON, THOMAS - The young wage-earner : a study of Glasgow boys
180108: FERGUSON, THOMAS (B. 1900) - The young wage-earner : a study of Glasgow boys
235148: FERGUSON, JAMES (1710-1776) - Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, and optics : With the use of the globes, the art of dialing, and the calculation of the mean times of new and full moons and eclipses. With the supplement. By James Ferguson, F.R.S.
241492: FERGUSON, THOMAS (1900-). LONDON. UNIVERSITY. CENTRE FOR URBAN STUDIES - Public health and urban growth / [by] T. Ferguson [and others
12834: FERGUSON, W. L. - A Makar's Medley
10306: FERGUSON, JAMES F. R. S - An Easy Introduction to Astronomy for Young Gentlemen and Ladies. Describing the Figure, Motions, and Dimensions of the Earth, the Different Seasons.....the Cause of the Ebbing & Flowing of the Sea &c.
137300: FERGUSON, THOMAS. J. CUNNISON - The Young Wage-Earner : a Study of Glasgow Boys
133657: FERGUSON, THOMAS (1900-). CUNNISON, JAMES - The Young Wage-Earner : a Study of Glasgow Boys
134552: FERGUSON, THOMAS. JAMES CUNNISON - The Young Wage-Earner : a Study of Glasgow Boys
91373: FERGUSON, JOHN HALCRO - The Revolutions of Latin America
80441: FERGUSON, HELEN S - RELATED NAME: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION - California of the Southland, a History of the University of California At Los Angeles
150481: FERGUSON, JOHN - Studies in Christian Social Commitment. a Christian Pacifist Symposium / Edited by John Ferguson
144296: FERGUSON, JOHN. HOWARD JONES. SIR HERBERT READ [ET AL]. TED DUNN (ED. ) - Alternatives to War and Violence--A Search [Essays By] John Ferguson [And Others] Editor: Ted Dunn. Foreword by Dudley, Bishop of Colchester
48808: FERGUSON, ARTHUR CLARK - Songs Along the Way, by Rev. A. C. Ferguson, PH. D.
12660: FERGUSON, SHEILA. FITZGERALD, HILDE - History of the Second World War; Studies in the Social Sciences
264319: FERGUSON, NIALL - The war of the world : history's age of hatred / Niall Ferguson
12363: FERGUSON, T.. CUNNISON, J. (JAMES) - In Their Early Twenties : a Study of Glasgow Youth
280414: FERGUSON, ROBERT - Memoirs ; The History of the Revolution
156207: FERGUSON, THOMAS (1900-) - The Young Delinquent in His Social Setting : a Glasgow Study
172580: FERGUSON, HOWARD (1908-) - A Keyboard anthology : second series, Book I (Grades 1 & 2) / edited by Howard Ferguson
37295: FERGUSON, JOHN (1788-1858) - Memoir of the Life and Character of Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D. , Formerly Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Newport, Rhode Island. with an Appendix. by John Ferguson
168127: FERGUSON, RICHARD SAUL (1837-1900) - A history of Cumberland
178113: FERGUSON, THOMAS - The young wage-earner : a study of Glasgow boys
191906: FERGUSON, HOWARD (ED.) - A keyboard anthology. First series book IV : (grades 6) / Edited by Howard Ferguson.
191180: FERGUSON, JOHN (ED.) - Studies in Christian commitment : a Christian pacifist symposium / edited by John Ferguson
12230: FERGUSON, THOMAS - The Young Delinquent In His Social Setting
12835: FERGUSON, W. L. - Poems : Scots and English
134506: FERGUSON, THOMAS. JAMES CUNNISON - In Their Early Twenties; a Study of Glasgow Youth
137967: FERGUSON, W. B. M. - The Clew in the Glass
142392: FERGUSON, THOMAS. CUNNISON, JAMES (1884-) - In Their Early Twenties : a Study of Glasgow Youth
161220: FERGUSON, DONALD - The Chums of Scranton High on the Cinder Path / Donald Ferguson
195644: FERGUSON, JOHN, 1921-1989, [ED.] - Studies in Christian social commitment : a Christian pacifist symposium
205996: FERGUSON, DUNCAN - Scotland arise!
248093: FERGUSSON, ADAM (1932-). SNOWDON, ANTONY ARMSTRONG-JONES EARL OF (1930-2017) - The sack of Bath : a record and an indictment / Adam Fergusson ; with photographs by Snowdon, E.L. Green-Armytage, David Wood and others ; with a foreword by Lord Goodman and some introductory rhymes by Sir John Betjeman
180296: FERGUSSON, JAMES (1808-1886) - History of Indian and Eastern architecture
181839: FERGUSSON, JAMES (1808-1886) - A history of architecture in all countries : from the earliest times to the present day
177230: FERGUSSON, JAMES - John Fergusson, 1727-1750
55366: FERGUSSON, HARVEY (1890-1971) - Home in the West, an Inquiry Into My Origins
152762: FERLE, T. - Le Communisme En France
164650: FERLE, T. - Le Communisme En France
70318: FERLINGHETTI, LAWRENCE AND NANCY PETERS - Literary San Francisco : a Pictorial History from its Beginnings to the Present Day
5713: FERLINGHETTI, LAWRENCE - Love in the Days of Rage
261480: FERLINGHETTI, LAWRENCE - Tyrannus Nix? / Lawrence Ferlinghetti
117277: FERM, VERGILIUS TURE ANSELM (1896-1974) (EDITOR) - Classics of Protestantism
104333: FERMAN, EDWARD L. (ED. ) - The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction, 19th Series
207683: ABATTOIR FERME (THEATER COMPANY) - Anatomie : tien jaar slachten = Anatomy : ten years of slaughter
214029: FERMOR, PATRICK LEIGH - A time of gifts : on foot to Constantinople: from the Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube / Patrick Leigh Fermor
227448: FERMOR, PATRICK LEIGH (1915-2011) - A time to keep silence
273928: FERMOR, PATRICK LEIGH - Abducting a general : the Kreipe Operation and SOE in Crete / Patrick Leigh Fermor
249450: FERMOR, PATRICK LEIGH (1915-2011) - A time of gifts : on foot to Constantinople: from the Hook of Holland to the middle Danube / Patrick Leigh Fermor
226873: FERN, HAROLD E. - Cornish Chamber of Mines : year book, 1920
76438: FERNáNDEZ, JOSEPH A. - Tales out of School : Joseph Fernández's Crusade to Rescue American Education / Joseph A. Fernández with John Underwood
242770: FERNALD, MERRITT LYNDON (1873-1950) - Edible wild plants of Eastern North America. [With illustrations and a bibliography.]
20723: FERNALD, HELEN CLARK (1888-). SLOCOMBE, EDWIN M. - River Empire
86569: FERNALD, CHARLES AUGUSTUS - Universal International Genealogy and of [Sic] the Ancient Fernald Families, with Cronology from Creation Found in the Discovered Lost Rolls, Primitive Bible, Squares, Hebrew, Ægyptian, and Other Languages, Etc.
88695: FERNALD, CHARLES (1830-1892) - RELATED NAME: ROGERS, CAMERON (1900-?) - A County Judge in Arcady : Selected Private Papers of Charles Fernald, Pioneer California Jurist / with an Introduction and Notes by Cameron Rogers
175804: FERNANDAT, RENE - Autour de Paul Valery : lignes d'horizon / Rene Fernandat.
247726: FERNANDES, EDNA - The last Jews of Kerala / Edna Fernandes
246580: FERNANDES, EDNA - The last Jews of Kerala / Edna Fernandes
270955: FERNANDEZ ARTUCIO, HUGO - The Nazi octopus in South America
259183: FERNANDEZ, RAMON (1894-1944) - À la gloire de Proust / par Ramon Fernandez
239838: FERNÁNDEZ-ARMESTO, FELIPE - Civilizations / Felipe Fernández-Armesto
236447: FERNANDEZ, RAMON (1894-1944). MARTIN, CLAUDE (1933-) - Gide, ou, Le courage de s'engager / Ramon Fernandez ; textes réunis, suivis d'une notice bio-bibliographique par Claude Martin ; préface de Pierre Masson
155219: FERNANDEZ, BENEDICT J. - Benedict J. Fernandez protest : photographs, 1963-1995 / edited by Brigitte Buberl ; texts by Brigitte Buberl ... et. al
136614: FERNANDEZ, PELAYO HIPOLITO. MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO (1888-1975) - BibliografÃa CrÃtica De Miguel De Unamuno, (1888-1975) / Por Pelayo H. Fernandez
250143: FERNÁNDEZ DE GARCÍA HUIDOBRO, MARÍA LUISA - Blasco Ibañez démasqué : réponse au calomniateur du Roi d'Espagne / traduit de l'Espagnol par Marius André
214429: FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO, FELIPE - Columbus on himself / Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
31063: FERNANDEZ-MARINA, RAMON (1909-). ECKHARDT, URSULA MARIA VON (1925-) - The Horizons of the Mind : a New Odyssey
58719: FERNANDEZ, JUSTINO (1904-1972) - Prometeo, Ensayo Sobre Pintura Contemporanea ...
172593: FERNANDEZ ALMAGRO, MELCHOR (1895-1966) - La emancipacion de America y su reflejo en la conciencia espanola
235771: FERNANDEZ, RAMON (1894-1944) - La vie de Molière / par Ramon Fernandez
167294: FERNANDEZ SALVATTECI, JOSE ANTONIO - Yo acuso : la revolucion peruana / [por] Jose Antonio Fernandez Salvatteci
168866: FERNANDEZ-SHAW, FELIX GUILLERMO - Panama y sus Relaciones centroamericanas.
235714: FERNANDEZ, RAMON (1894-1944) - Balzac
31907: REAL ACADEMIA DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN FERNANDO - La Real Calcografia De Madrid : Goya Y Sus Contemporaneos (Exhibition Catalogue)
177782: FERNAU, FRIEDRICH WILHELM - Moslems on the march : people and politics in the world of Islam ; translated from the German by E.W. Dickes
9534: FERNAU, F. W. - Moslems on the March. People and Politics in the World of Islam
146615: FERNAU, HERMANN - Durch! Zur Demokratie
25973: FERNER, ANTHONY - Industrial Relations in the New Europe
56869: FERNEYHOUGH, FRANK - The History of Railways in Britain / [By] Frank Ferneyhough
184835: FERNON, BRIAN; ATLANTIC TRADE STUDY. TRADE POLICY RESEARCH CENTRE. - Issues in world farm trade : chaos or co-operation?
176456: FEROLDI, FRANCO - Il problema economico, oggi
232174: FERRA, BARTOLEME - Chopin und George Sand auf Mallorca
142215: FERRABINO, ALDO - Giulio Cesare; Con Cinque Tavole in Rotocalco
150161: FERRABINO, ALDO (1892-) - Giulio Cesare : Con Cinque Tavole in Rotocalco
226357: SALVATORE FERRAGAMO - Salvatore Ferragamo : evolving legend 1928-2008
183157: FERRAGAMO, SALVATORE - Salvatore Ferragamo : evolving legend 1928-2008
258952: FERRAND, ANTOINE-FRANÇOIS-CLAUDE COMTE (1751-1825) - L'esprit de l'histoire, ou, Lettres politiques et morales d'un père à son fils, sur la manière d'étudier l'histoire en général, et particulièrement l'histoire de France / par Antoine Ferrand: vols. III & IV
6551: DE FERRANTI, GERTRUDE ZIANI AND RICHARD INCE - The Life and Letters of Sebastian Ziani De Ferranti
149912: FERRAR, WILLIAM JOHN - From Daniel to St. John the Divine; a Study in Apocalypse, by W. J. Ferrar, M. A. , with a Preface by W. O. E. Oesterley, D. D.
130391: FERRAR, WILLIAM JOHN (1868-) - The Uncanonical Jewish Books : a Short Introduction to the Apocrypha and Other Jewish Writings 200 B. C. -100
164886: FERRAR, WILLIAM JOHN, (B. 1868) - The Apocalypse Explained for Readers of To-Day
192066: FERRARA, MARCELLA - Palmiro Togliatti / essai biographique par Marcella et Maurizio Ferrara ; traduit de l'italien par Jean Noaro
126783: FERRARE, HENRI. CLAUDEL, PAUL (1868-1955) - La Trajectoire Claudelienne
271717: FERRARI, ORESTE - Treasures of the Vatican / Oreste Ferrari ; [translated from the Italian MS by Geoffrey Webb]
183891: FERRARI, ANDREA, CARDINAL - Annuario Opera Card. Ferrari : Anno I - 1927
156193: FERRARI, FRANCESCO LUIGI - Le Regime Fasciste Italien
251869: FERRARIO, GIULIO - Il costume antico e moderno ovvero storia: in three volumes
186049: FERRARIO, CARLO ANTONIO - Vicende e problemi della penisola balcanica (1815-1937) / Carlo Antonio Ferrario
162807: FERRARIO, CARLO ANTONIO - Storia Dei Bulgari
163199: FERRARIO, CARLO ANTONIO - Vicende E Problemi Della Penisola Balcanica (1815-1937) / Carlo Antonio Ferrario
258760: FERRARIS, CLEMENTE - Improvviso Romantico per pianoforte
118874: FERRARO, VINCENZO CONSOLATO ANTONIO (1907-) - Electromagnetic Theory
22384: FERRARO, V. C. A. - Electromagnetic Theory
119146: FERRARO, VINCENZO CONSOLATO ANTONIO - Electromagnetic Theory
63030: FERRARS, E. X - Witness before the Fact / E. X. Ferrars
62413: FERRARS, E. X. - The Cup and the Lip / E. X. Ferrars
251059: FERRARS, ELIZABETH - The small world of murder
249357: FERRARS, ELIZABETH - Hanged Man's House
156889: FERRARS, E. X. - The Pretty Pink Shroud / E. X. Ferrars
251085: FERRARS, ELIZABETH - Hanged man's house
251020: FERRARS, ELIZABETH - Remove the bodies
176352: FERRAZ, MARIN (1820-1898) - Etude sur la philosophie en France au XIXe siecle : le socialisme, le naturalisme et le positivisme
76114: FERRÉ, ROSARIO - The Youngest Doll / Rosario Ferré ; Foreword by Jean Franco
42377: FERRÉ, ALBERT. MIGAYROU, FRÉDÉRIC - Dominique Perrault, Architect / [Text Editing, Albert Ferré, Frédéric Migayrou] ['Published on the Occasion of the Exhibition, Dominique Perrault, Arquitecto Urbanista, Organized by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Urbanism in Madrid, in February-March 1999' - T. P. Verso]
47122: FERRE, NELS F. S. - Evil and the Christian Faith
235926: FERRÉ, ANDRÉ - Les années de collège de Marcel Proust
161322: FERRE, FREDERICK POND - Language, Logic and God
237180: FERREIRA, PEDRO G - The perfect theory: a century of geniuses and the battle over general relativity / Pedro G. Ferreira
237182: FERREIRA, PEDRO G - The perfect theory: a century of geniuses and the battle over general relativity / Pedro G. Ferreira
45932: FERREIRA, JOHN VINCENT (1922-) - Totemism in India
81441: FERRELL, ROBERT H - Truman, a Centenary Remembrance
125161: FERRELL, ROBERT H. - Truman, a Centenary Remembrance / Robert H. Ferrell
69519: FERRELL, PAULINE GLOVER - The Eleventh Commandment
263115: FERRER, FRANCISCO GALCERAN - Le plaidoyer pour F. Ferrer
236178: FERRÈRE, E. L - L'esthétique de Gustave Flaubert
185235: FERRERO, GUGLIELMO (1871-1942) - Problems of peace from the Holy Alliance to the League of Nations : a message from a European writer to Americans
263891: FERRERO, GIUSEPPE GUIDO - Politica e vita morale del '500 nelle lettere di Paolo Giovio
263792: FERRERO, MERCEDES VIALE - Feste delle Madame Reali di Savoia
153313: FERRERO, LEO (1903-1933) - Diario Di Un Privilegiato Sotto IL Fascismo / Preface Di Piero Operti. Prodromi Di Gina Ferrero Lombroso
163035: FERRERO, LEO (1903-1933) - Diario Di Un Privilegiato Sotto IL Fascismo
172378: FERRERO, GUGLIELMO - Entre le passe et l'avenir
176571: FERRERO, LEO - Diario di un privilegiato sotto il fascismo
52164: FERRERO, GUGLIELMO - Between the Old World and the New - a Moral and Philosophical Contrast
252073: FERRETTI, J - Ce qu'est le parti socialiste / J. Ferretti
260528: FERRI, ENRICO - Socialism and modern science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx)
195203: FERRI, ENRICO (1856-1929) - Socialism and positive science : (Darwin - Spencer - Marx)
169674: FERRI, ENRICO - Socialism and positive science (Darwin--Spencer--Marx) by Enrico Ferri. Translated by Edith C. Harvey from the French ed. of 1896
52275: FERRI, ANTONIO. KUCHEMANN, D. STERNE, L. H. G. - Progress in Aeronautical Sciences - [Vol.2: Boundary Layer Problems]
178875: FERRI, ENRICO - Socialism and positive science : Darwin, Spencer, Marx / [Preface by J.R. Macdonald]. Translated by E.C. Harvey from the French edition of 1896
175289: FERRI, ENRICO (1856-1929) - The positive school of criminology : three lectures given at the University of Naples, Italy on April 22, 23 and 24, 1901
129625: FERRIAR, JOHN (1761-1815) - Illustrations of Sterne: with Other Essays and Verses
205314: FERRIDAY, ALAN - North America: A regional geography / [by] A. Ferriday
223915: FERRIER, SUSAN EDMONDSTONE (1782-1854) - Destiny; or, the chief's daughter. By the author of “Marriage,” ... In three volumes
269653: FERRIER, KATHLEEN (1912-1953) - Letters and diaries of Kathleen Ferrier / edited by Christopher Fifield
202991: FERRIER, JOHN TODD - The logia or sayings of the Master : as spoken by him ; recovered in these days as was foretold by him / [by] J. Todd Ferrier
225176: FERRIER, NEIL - Churchill : the man of the century, a pictorial biography / edited by Neil Ferrier
233626: FERRIER, WINIFRED - The Life of Kathleen Ferrier : by her sister Winifred Ferrier
149522: FERRIER, NEIL (ED. ) - Churchill; the Man of the Century, a Pictorial Biography
202023: FERRIER, JOHN TODD (-1943). ORDER OF THE CROSS - On behalf of the creatures : a plea historical, scientific, economic, dynamic, humane, religious
225806: FERRIER, NEIL [EDITOR] - Churchill : The man of the century: A pictorial biography / edited by Neil Ferrier
201347: FERRIER, JEAN-LOUIS - Art of the 20th century : a year-by-year chronicle of painting, architecture, and sculpture / under the direction of Jean-Louis Ferrier ; with the collaboration of Yann Le Pichon
203588: FERRIER, J. TODD (JOHN TODD), (D.1943) - What is a Christian
272770: FERRILL, ARTHER - The fall of the Roman empire : the military explanation / Arther Ferrill
87995: FERRIS, TIMOTHY. LANDRY, SARAH - Galaxies / Written and with Photos. Selected by Timothy Ferris ; Ill. by Sarah Landry
87996: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - RELATED NAME: LANDRY, SARAH (ILLUS. ) - Galaxies / Written and with Photos. Selected by Timothy Ferris ; Ill. by Sarah Landry
82886: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - Spaceshots : the Beauty of Nature Beyond Earth / Written and with Photographs Selected by Timothy Ferris and Carolyn Zecca
82857: FERRIS, PAUL (1929-) - Richard Burton
78249: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - Galaxies / Written and with Photographs Selected by Timothy Ferris ; Illustrations by Sarah Landry
266288: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - Coming of age in the Milky Way / Timothy Ferris
229779: FERRIS, PAUL - Dylan Thomas
16459: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - Life Beyond Earth
250037: FERRIS, ALEXANDER JAMES - Deliverance from Russia. How it will come
107292: FERRIS, WILLIAM R. - Blues from the Delta / William Ferris
77647: FERRIS, JAMES CODY, PSEUD. - The X Bar X Boys Following the Stampede, by James Cody Ferris ... Illustrated by Paul Laune
77612: FERRIS, JAMES CODY, PSEUD. - The X Bar X Boys Seeking the Lost Troopers, by James Cody Ferris ... Illustrated by Paul Laune
203512: FERRIS, PAUL (1929-) - The doctors
161582: FERRIS, PAUL (1929- ) - The Nameless: Abortion in Britain Today
208793: FERRIS, PAUL (1929-) - The city
273895: FERRITER, DIARMAID - The transformation of Ireland / Diarmaid Ferriter
236937: FERRITER, DIARMAID (1972-) - A nation and not a rabble: the Irish revolution, 1913-1923 / Diarmaid Ferriter
264537: FERRO, GAETANO - Collana di bibliografie geografiche delle regioni Italiane. / Vol. III [3], Liguria
160411: FERRO, ROBERT - Atlantis : the Autobiography of a Search / Robert Ferro and Michael Grumley
160139: FERRO, ROBERT. GRUMLEY, MICHAEL - Atlantis; the Autobiography of a Search [By] Robert Ferro and Michael Grumley
127685: FERRUCCI, D. FERDINANDO - La Conciliazione Auspicata E Proposta Fin Dall' Anno 1902 Da Suor M. Caterina Geninatti Dell'istitulo 'Figlie Di Gesu'
115310: FERRY, CHARLES (1927-). - One More Time / Charles Ferry
239158: FERRY, CHRISTINE A. [EDITOR, NEEDLEWORK]. MACDONALD, FORRESTER AND ELIZABETH [EDITORS, HOUSEKEEPING] - The Modern Priscilla: home needlework and everyday housekeeping. March, 1919. Vol. XXXIII, Number I
198156: FERSEN, FREDRIK AXEL VON, GREVE (1719-1794) - Riksradet och Faltmarskalken m. m. Grefve Fredrik Axel von Fersens historiska Skrifter / utgifna af R. M. Klinckowstrom [complete, 8 volumes in 5]
135529: FERVACQUE, PIERRE. PIERRE TUGAL - Le Secret D'Azeff / [Par] Pierre Fervacque Et Pierre Tugal
202091: FESCHOTTE, JACQUES - Albert Schweitzer : an introduction
210794: FESPERMAN, DAN (1955- ) - Lie in the dark / Dan Fesperman
271932: FESSEY, WILLIAM (1870-1947) - Blue bonnets, Boers and biscuits : the diary of Private William Fessey D.C.M. serving in the King's Own Scottish Borderers during the Boer War, 1900-1902 / [edited] by Heather Wilson]
96153: FEST, WILFRIED - Peace or Partition : the Habsburg Monarchy and British Policy, 1914-1918
96155: FEST, WILFRIED - Peace or Partition : the Habsburg Monarchy and British Policy, 1914-1918
96156: FEST, WILFRIED - Peace or Partition : the Habsburg Monarchy and British Policy, 1914-1918
39159: FEST, WILFRIED - Peace or Partition - the Habsburg Monarchy and British Policy 1914-1918
273099: FEST, JOACHIM C - The face of the Third Reich
238895: FESTA, THOMAS A. [CREATOR,WRITER, PUBLISHER]. FATTORUSO, RON [PENCILLER] - The Adventures of Martial T. Holiday. Kamase Publications Number 3
280539: LLANDRINDOD WELLS VICTORIAN FESTIVAL - Llandrindod Wells Victorian Festival Recipe Collection
238470: BIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL (1873) - Programme of the Birmingham Musical Festival, in aid of the funds of the General Hospital, to be held in the Town Hall, on ... August 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th 1873
237718: BRIMINGHAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL (1864) - Programme of the Birmingham Musical Festival ... on ... September 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, 1864
165673: FESTY, OCTAVE - L' Agriculture Pendant La Revolution Francaise : L'Utilisation Des Jacheres, 1789-1795 : Etude D'Histoire Economique / Octave Festy
94596: FETLER, WILLIAM - The Stundist in Siberian Exile and Other Poems
231478: FETNER, P. JAY - The African safari : the ultimate wildlife and photographic adventure
115738: FETROS, JOHN G. - This Day in Sports; a Diary of Major Sports Events, by John G. Fetros
234742: FETTER, FRANK WHITSON. GREGORY, DEREK (1928-) - Monetary and financial policy / Frank W. Fetter, Derek Gregory ; introduction by P. and G. Ford
180230: FETTER, FRANK WHITSON (1899-1991) - The Irish pound, 1797-1826 : a reprint of the report of the committee of 1804 of the British House of Commons on the condition of the Irish Currency / with selections from the minutes of evidence presented to the committee by Frank Whitson Fetter
28307: FETTER, FRANK WHITSON [INTRO. ]. IRISH EXCHANGE COMMITTEE - The Irish Pound, 1797-1826 : a Reprint of the Report of the Committee of 1804 of the British House of Commons on the Condition of the Irish Currency. with Selections from the Minutes of Evidence Presented to the Committee, and an Intro. by Frank Fetter
182884: FETTER, FRANK WHITSON (1899-1991) - The Irish pound, 1797-1826 : a reprint of the report of the committee of 1804 of the British House of Commons on the condition of the Irish Currency / with selections from the minutes of evidence presented to the committee by Frank Whitson Fetter
37961: FETTERMAN, ANNABELLE - The Lundy Packing Company : 'Service Above Self-- He Profits Most Who Serves Best' / Annabelle Fetterman
278326: FETTIPLACE, ELINOR - The complete receipt book of Ladie Elynor Fetiplace vol. 3
144614: CROIX DE FEU (ORGANIZATION : FRANCE) - Le Complot Communo-Socialiste : L'Insurrection Armee Dans L''Unité D'Action' / Edite Par Les Croix De Feu ; Preface Du Lt. -Cl. De La Rocque
163274: CROIX DE FEU (ORGANIZATION : FRANCE) - Le Complot Communo-Socialiste : L'Insurrection Armee Dans L''Unite D'Action' / Edite Par Les Croix De Feu ; Preface Du Lt. -Cl. De La Rocque
246108: FEUCHTMÜLLER, R; HAGEN, G; SIEGNER, O - Vienna, a picture album
46995: FEUCHTWANGER, E. J. AND NAILOR, PETER - The Soviet Union and the Third World
274423: FEUCHTWANGER, LION (1884-1958) - Jew Süss
108414: FEUCHTWANGER, LION (1884-1958) - Proud Destiny, a Novel. [Tr. by Moray Firth, Pseud. , from the German Ms. Entitled Waffen Fur Amerika]
228754: FEUER, LEWIS SAMUEL (1912-2002) - The Scientific Intellectual : the psychological & sociological origins of modern science / Lewis S. Feuer
76353: FEUER, LEWIS SAMUEL (1912-?) - The Conflict of Generations; the Character and Significance of Student Movements
186499: FEUER, LEON ISRAEL (1903-) - Why a Jewish state
153564: FEUER, LEON ISRAEL (1903-) - Why a Jewish State
199806: FEUERBACH, ANSELM FRIEDRICH (1829-1880) - Anselm Feuerbach 1829-1880 : Gemalde und Zeichnungen
110686: FEUERLICHT, ROBERTA STRAUSS - Justice Crucified : the Story of Sacco and Vanzetti / Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht
71381: FEUERLICHT, ROBERTA STRAUSS - Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism: the Hate That Haunts America
237199: FEUILLERAT, ALBERT (1874-1953). BOURGET, PAUL (1852-1935) - Paul Bourget : histoire d'un esprit sous la troisième république / Albert Feuillerat ; avec 8 gravures hors texte
150555: FEUILLERAT, ALBERT (1874-1953). PEYRE, HENRI (1901-) ED. - Essays in Honor of Albert Feuillerat / Edited by Henri M. Peyre
235905: FEUILLERAT, ALBERT (1874-1953). BAUDELAIRE, CAROLINE - Baudelaire et sa mere
62381: FEUILLET, OCTAVE (1821-1890) - Life and Adventures of Punchinello.. and Embellished with One Hundred Designs
107624: FEUILLET, OCTAVE (1821-1890). C. G. COMPTON (TRANSL. ) - The Romance of a Poor Young Man
274674: LE FEUVRE, AMY - Eric's good news
275484: LE FEVRE, PETER - Precursors of Nelson : British admirals of the eighteenth century / edited by Peter Le Fevre & Richard Harding
166116: LE FEVRE-DEUMIER, JULES (1797-1857). BAILLY, JEAN SYLVAIN. RIVORAL, ANTOINE DE, COUNT - Celebrites D'Autrefois. Essais Biographiques Et Litteraires. Le Comte De Rivarol, L'Abbe Maury, C. De Rulhiere, L'Abbe De Bernis, Bailly, Lamotte-Houdart
159623: LE FEVRE, GEORGES (1892-1968) - An Eastern Odyssey; the Third Expedition of Haardt and Audouin-Dubreuil
186786: FEWER, MICHAEL - Doorways of Ireland / Michael Fewer
50780: FEY, MARSHALL - Slot Machines : an Illustrated History of America's Most Popular Coin-Operated Gaming Device
260707: FEY, WILLARD R - Problems in industrial dynamics / contributors: Willard R. Fey [and others]; edited by W. Edwin Jarmain
232318: FEY, HERMANN - Schleswig-Holsteinische Musiker von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart
148977: FEYDER, JACQUES. FRANCOISE ROSAY - Le Cinema, Notre Metier / [Par] Jacques Feyder Et Francoise Rosay
277298: FEYYAZ - Photography inspirations : the world is the human's project / written and directed by Feyyaz ; foreword by Steve Davis
277285: FEYYAZ - Das F-Prinzip
158742: FEYYAZ - Das F-Prinzip
155586: FEYYAZ - Photography inspirations : the world is the human's project / written and directed by Feyyaz ; foreword by Steve Davis
209536: FEZZI, ELDA - Henry Moore / [by] Elda Fezzi
202228: FFORDE, JASPER - Something rotten / Jasper Fforde
225165: FFRENCH, YVONNE - News from the past 1805-1887 : the autobiography of the nineteenth century; being a miscellany of newpaper accounts of wars, riots, coronations, murders .... / edited and compiled by Yvonne Ffrench and introduced by Sir John Squire
121513: FFRENCH-BEYTAGH, GONVILLE - Encountering Darkness
73642: FIALA, JAN SIMON - Ma Vlast = My Country / [Fotografie a Text] Jan Simon Fiala ; [Preklad Vladimir Cort (Anglictina) , Margarete Maternova (Nemcina) a Zuzana Tomanova (Francouzstina) ].
249785: FICACCI, LUIGI - Giovanni Battista Piranesi : selected Etchings = eine Auswahl der Kupferstiche = une sélection des eaux-fortes / Luigi Ficacci ; [English translation: Bradley Baker Dick ; German translation: Verena Listl ; French translation: Isabelle Baraton]
226574: FICACCI, LUIGI (1720-1778) - Giovanni Battista Piranesi : selected Etchings = eine Auswahl der Kupferstiche = une se´lection des eaux-fortes / Luigi Ficacci
24729: FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB (1762-1814) - The Popular Works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte - Complete in Two Volumes
24727: FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB (1762-1814) - The Popular Works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte - Complete in Two Volumes
77060: FICHTELIUS, KARL ERIK - Smarter Than Man? Intelligence in Whales, Dolphins, and Humans, by Karl-Erik Fichtelius and Sverre Sjolander. Translated from the Swedish by Thomas Teal
61899: FICHTELIUS, KARL ERIK - Smarter Than Man? Intelligence in Whales, Dolphins, and Humans, by Karl-Erik Fichtelius and Sverre Sjölander. Translated from the Swedish by Thomas Teal
232660: FICHTENAU, HEINRICH - Mensch und Schrift im Mittelalter
252903: FICHTER, GEORGE. S - A guide to fresh and salt-water fishing
139935: FICHTNER, JOHANNES. KLAUS DIETRICH FRICKE (ED. ) - Gottes Weisheit. Gesammelte Studien Zum Alten Testament. Hrsg. Von Klaus Dietrich Fricke
154184: FICHTNER, JOHANNES - Gottes Weisheit. Gesammelte Studien Zum Alten Testament. Hrsg. Von Klaus Dietrich Fricke
151639: FICINO, MARSILIO (1433-1499) - The Letters of Marsilio Ficino / Translated from the Latin by Members of the Language Department of the School of Economic Science, London. Volume 3, Being a Translation of Liber IV
266006: FICINO, MARSILIO (1433-1499) - The letters of Marsilio Ficino. Vol. 5 / translated from the Latin by members of the Language Department of the School of Economic Science, London
266005: FICINO, MARSILIO (1433-1499) - The letters of Marsilio Ficino. Vol. 6 / translated from the Latin by members of the Language Department of the School of Economic Science, London
189990: FICKEN, ROBERT E. - Lumber and politics : the career of Mark E. Reed / Robert E. Ficken
231939: VON FICKER, RUDOLF GERLACH, WALTHER - Johann Sebastian Bach Erbe und Besinnung
233427: FICKER, JULIUS - Über das Eigenthum des Reichs am Reichskirchengute
196256: FICKER, JOHANNES; MARTIN LUTHER - Luthers Vorlesung uber den Hebraerbrief : 1517/18
252149: FICKLING, NEVILLE - Pike fishing in the 80's / Neville Fickling
249583: FICKLING, NEVILLE - Pike fishing in the 80's / Neville Fickling
249503: FICKLING, NEVILLE - Pike fishing with Neville Fickling
248237: FICKLING, NEVILLE - In pursuit of predatory fish
15654: JUVENILE FICTION - George Rowland : a Boy At Service
168416: FIDDES, RICHARD (1671-1725) - The life of Cardinal Wolsey : With several copper plates
99755: FIDDLER, CLAUDE - A Vast and Ancient Wilderness : Images of the Great Basin
75690: FIDELMAN, GEOFFREY MARK - First Lady of Song : Ella Fitzgerald for the Record
235058: FIDLER, JOHN E - British business elite : its attitudes to class status and power
280503: FIDLER, J. [COMPILER]. RICHARDSON, S. [COMPILER] - Gobble It All: Turkey Cook Book
252374: FIDO, MARTIN - The world of Sherlock Holmes : the facts and fiction behind the world's greatest detective / Martin Fido
214027: FIDO, MARTIN - The crimes, detection and death of Jack the Ripper / Martin Fido
204874: FIDO, MARTIN - Oscar Wilde
207637: FIEBIG, PAUL (1876-1949) - Babel und das Neue Testament / Ein Vortrag von Paul Fiebig
233891: FIEBIGER, EVELYN - Johann Christoph Pezel : Stadtpfeifer zu Budissin
37524: FIECHTER, J. J. - Death by Publication
178041: FIECHTER, GEORGES ANDRÉ - Brazil since 1964 : modernisation under a military régime : a study of the interactions of politics and economics in a contemporary military régime / [by] Georges-André Fiechter ; with a foreword by Jacques Freymond, translated from the French A. Braley
256788: FIEDLER, LESLIE A. (1917-2003) - Pull down vanity : and other stories / [by] Leslie A. Fiedler
124809: FIEDLER, LESLIE A. - Being Busted [By] Leslie A. Fiedler
105305: FIEDLER, LESLIE A. - The Messengers Will Come No More
169453: FIEDLER, LESLIE A. - Being busted [by] Leslie A. Fiedler
209703: FIEDLER, HERMANN GEORG - Das Oxforder Buch deutscher Dichtung vom 12ten bis zum 20sten Jahrhundert / hrsg. von H.G. Fiedler; mit einem Geleitworte von Gerhart Hauptmann
96848: FIELD, ANDREW (1938-?) COMP - The Complection of Russian Literature: a Cento
80439: FIELD, WILLIAM B. OSGOOD - John Leech on My Shelves
75060: FIELD, ANDREW (1938-) - VN, the Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov
49420: FIELD, DR. GEORGE AND GOLDSMITH, DR. DONALD - The Space Telescope
274064: FIELD-LEWIS, JANE - Anthology of flowers / words by Jane Field-Lewis ; photography by Richard Maxted
272682: FIELD, CLIVE D - Church and chapel in early Victorian Shropshire : returns from the 1851 census of religious worship / edited by Clive D. Field
261570: FIELD, EUGENE - Songs and other verse
261571: FIELD, EUGENE - Echoes from the Sabine farm
261572: FIELD, EUGENE - Echoes from the Sabine farm
229542: FIELD, ANDREW - Nabokov : his life in part / Andrew Field
21557: FIELD, ANDREW - The Complection of Russian Literature A Cento
173602: FIELD, ANDREW (1938- ) - Djuna, the life and times of Djuna Barnes / Andrew Field
173173: FIELD, RON. SMITH, ROBIN - Uniforms of the Civil War : an illustrated guide for historians, collectors, and reenactors / Ron Field and Robin Smith
163587: FIELD, ANDREW (1938- ) - Djuna, the Life and Times of Djuna Barnes / Andrew Field
162905: FIELD, WILLIAM B. OSGOOD - John Leech on My Shelves
131913: FIELD, FRANK (ED. ) - The Conscript Army : a Study of Britain's Unemployed / Edited by Frank Field
243229: FIELD, GEORGE (1777?-1854). TAYLOR, JOHN SCOTT. [ED] - Field's chromatography : a treatise on colours and pigments for the use of artists / modernized by J. Scott Taylor
253726: FIELD, EUGENE (1850-1895) - Songs and other verse
179583: THE FIELD (PERIODICAL) - Where to Fish (The angler's diary) : “The Field” guide to the rivers and lakes of the world / edited by H. T. Sheringham and H. D. Turing
122368: FIELD, XENIA - Under Lock and Key; a Study of Women in Prison
229885: FIELD, MARGARET JOYCE - Search for Security : an ethno-psychiatric study of Rural Ghana
189856: FIELD, GUY CROMWELL (1887-1955) - Pacifism and conscientious objection
249355: FIELD, PETER - Law Man of Powder Valley
245026: AUTHORITIES IN EACH FIELD - International Pamphlets: a series of pamphlets on current economics, social and political topics: numbers 11-20
140455: FIELD, ROSWELL MARTIN (1851-1919) - The Bondage of Ballinger, by Roswell Field
138465: FIELD, HENRY - The Date-Book of Remarkable and Memorable Events Connected with Nottingham and its Neighbourhood. Part 1, Part 2 , 850-1749. 1750-1884 / from Authentic Records [Complete]
101705: FIELD, SARA BARD (1882-1974) - The Pale Woman : and Other Poems ; by Sara Bard Field
91042: FIELD, HERMANN H. AND MIERZENSKI, STANISLAW - Angry Harvest, by Hermann Field and Stanislaw Mierzenski
88630: FIELD, FREDERIKA PISEK - The Golden Book Magazine of Fiction and True Stories That Will Live - [Volume XVIII - January-June, 1933]
88629: FIELD, FREDERIKA PISEK - The Golden Book Magazine of Fiction and True Stories That Will Live - [Volume XVIII - July-December, 1933]
106465: FIELD, SAUL - Bloomsday, by Saul Field and Morton Levitt - An Interpretation of James Joyce's Ulysses
71842: FIELD, ARTHUR J. - Urban Power Structures: Problems in Theory and Research; an Essay, by Arthur J. Field. with Critiques by William D'Antonio
244945: AUTHORITIES IN EACH FIELD - International Pamphlets: a series of pamphlets on current economic, social and political topics in two volumes: 1-10, 11-20
131206: FIELD, XENIA - Under Lock and Key : a Study of Women in Prison
160555: FIELD, MICHAEL (1915-1971) - Michael Field's Cooking School; a Selection of Great Recipes Demonstrating the Pleasures and Principles of Fine Cooking. Drawings by Roderick Wells
161383: FIELD, EUGENE (1850-1895). PETER PAUPER PRESS - A Comic Primer / Edited by C. Merton Babcock ; with Illustrated by Wendy Watson
244791: FIELD, JOHN (1813?-1884) - Prison discipline, and the advantages of the separate system of imprisonment : with a detailed account of the discipline now pursued in the new county gaol at Reading
130477: FIELD, HARRY H. - After Mother India, by Harry H. Field
116644: FIELD, CHARLES KELLOGG (1873-) & IRWIN, WILL (1873-1948) - Stanford Stories : Tales of a Young University
116240: FIELD, HENRY M. - The Greek Islands and Turkey after the War
185382: FIELD, XENIA - Under lock and key : a study of women in prison
111955: FIELD, SAUL (ILL. ). MORTON LEVITT - Bloomsday, by Saul Field and Morton Levitt
103408: FIELD, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN - Carcassonne East and West, a Book of Verse
101263: FIELD, EDWARD SALISBURY - A Six-Cylinder Covrtship, by Edward Salisbury Field; Frontispiece by Harrison Fisher, Illustrations by Clarence F. Underwood
40322: FIELD, EUGENE - Songs of Childhood, Verses by Eugene Field, Music by Reginald De Koven and Others
102301: FIELD, ANDREW - Nabokov, a Bibliography
201400: FIELD, GUY CROMWELL (1887-1955) - Pacifism and conscientious objection
166875: FIELD, GEORGE LOWELL (1911-) - The syndical and corporative institutions of Italian fascism
167809: FIELD, ROSWELL MARTIN (1851-1919) - The Bondage of Ballinger, by Roswell Field
239192: FIELD, RACHEL - All this, and Heaven too
175154: FIELD, EUGENE (1850-1895) - In Wink a way land
190233: FIELD, MARY; MILLER, MAUD M. - Boys' and girls' film book
142848: FIELD, HENRY (1902-) - Contributions to the Anthropology of the Soviet Union
165169: FIELD, EUGENE (1850-1895) - Verse and Prose
29610: FIELD, EDWARD (1858-) - Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Island; an Historical Account of the Fortifications and Beacons Erected During the American Revolution, with Muster Rolls of the Companies Stationed Along the Shores of Narraganesett Bay
109905: FIELD, ANDREW (1938-) - Nabokov, His Life in Part / Andrew Field
98975: FIELD, HERMANN H. - Angry Harvest, by Hermann Field and Stanislaw Mierzenski
244238: FIELD, EUGENE (1850-1895) - The Tribune Primer
195455: FIELD, T. (ED.) - The Radley district : its history, botany, entomology and geology / edited by T. Field
195892: FIELD, ALICE WITHROW - Protection of women and children in soviet Russia / [by] Alice Withrow Field
119997: FIELD, ANDREW - Nabokov, His Life in Part / Andrew Field
207124: FIELD, GUY CROMWELL (1887-1955) - Pacifism and conscientious objection
207193: FIELD, G. LOWELL (GEORGE LOWELL) (1911- ) - Comparative political development : the precedent of the West / G. Lowell Field
279143: FIELD, EUGENE (1850-1895) - Lullaby-land : songs of childhood
211682: FIELD, HENRY (1902-) COMP. - Contributions to the anthropology of the Soviet Union
273869: FIELDEN, JAY - Fairway : the golf jacket / Jay Fielden
108470: FIELDER, JOHN (PHOTOG. ). M. JOHN FAYHEE - A Colorado Winter / Photography by John Fielder ; Essays by M. John Fayhee
275222: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - Jonathan Wild : The voyage to Lisbon / Henry Fielding ; introduction by George Saintsbury
270807: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The history of Tom Jones / Henry Fielding ; engravings by Derrick Harris
269870: FIELDING, HENRY - The life of Mr. Jonathan Wild, the Great - by Henry Fielding ; with wood-engravings by Frank Martin
269825: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams / Henry Fielding ; with wood-engravings by Derrick Harris
269728: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The History of Tom Jones / Henry Fielding, engravings by Derrick Harris
269556: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The History of Tom Jones: a foundling: in two volumes
225858: FIELDING, HELEN - Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination / Helen Fielding
224607: FIELDING, HELEN - Bridget Jones: the edge of reason / Helen Fielding
252962: FIELDING, HENRY, (1707-1754) - The history of Tom Jones : a foundling. By Henry Fielding, Esq.: in three volumes
276837: FIELDING, HENRY - The history of Tom Jones - in 2 volumes - with an introduction by A. R. Humphreys,... ; original illustrations by Philip Gough
189166: FIELDING, WILLIAM JOHN - Strange customs of courtship and marriage
264270: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754). HERBERT, DAVID (1830-1899) - The writings of Henry Fielding : comprising his celebrated works of fiction / carefully revised and collated with the best authorities ; with a memoir by David Herbert
250829: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754). GOSSE, EDMUND (1849-1928) - The works of Henry Fielding : with an introduction by Edmund Gosse: volume III
280189: FIELDING, JOY - Life penalty
261492: FIELDING, HENRY - The works of Henry Fielding - v. 5. Amelia (pt. 3). Jonathan Wild
251191: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq.: volume eight: The History of Tom Jones a foundling
222678: FIELDING, K. J. - Charles Dickens
214417: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754). CLELAND, T. M. (ILLUS.) - The history of Tom Jones, a foundling
214778: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The history of Tom Jones, a foundling / Henry Fielding ; with the ill. of William Small
215329: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754). TEALBY, NORMAN (ILLUS.) - The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews ... / illustrated by Norman Tealby. With an introduction by J.B. Priestley
226103: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The History of Tom Jones / Henry Fielding; engravings by Derrick Harris
163445: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones a Foundling. with Illustrations by G. Spencer Pryse
278484: FIELDING, HENRY - The works of Henry Fielding - 3 volumes
107616: FIELDING, HENRY AND CLELAND, T. M. (ILLUS. ) - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, by Henry Fielding, Esq. ... . .. with Illustrations by T. M. Cleland, and an Introduction by Louis Kronenberger
81733: FIELDING, HENRY. CLELAND, T. M. (ILLUS. ) - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, by Henry Fielding; with Illustrations by T. M. Cleland, and an Introduction by Louis Kronenberger
212695: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The history of Tom Jones : a foundling
218825: FIELDING, HENRY - The history of Tom Jones a foundling. In six volumes. By Henry Fielding, Esq
222824: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754). DE CASTRO, JOHN PAUL, ILLUS. - The adventures of Joseph Andrews, etc. (With an introduction by George Saintsbury)
200967: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The history of Tom Jones : a foundling
165261: FIELDING, WILLIAM JOHN, (1886-) - Strange Customs of Courtship and Marriage
6113: FIELDING, GABRIEL (1916-) - Eight Days
218300: FIELDING, HENRY (1707-1754) - The works of Henry Fielding. [complete in 12 volumes]
56108: FIELDING, GABRIEL (1916-) - Gentlemen in Their Season [By] Gabriel Fielding
84438: FIELDS, W. C (1879-1946) - RELATED NAME: TAYLOR, MICHAEL M - Fields for President. Commentary and Photo. Selection by Michael M. Taylor
76301: FIELDS, GARY S - Poverty, Inequality, and Development
68750: FIELDS, W. C. (1879-1946) - The W. C. Fields Poster Book
267445: FIELDS, BARNETT - How You Can Achieve Anything
235530: FIELDS, W. C - W.C. Fields speaks
151501: FIELDS, WILLIAM CLAUDE (1880-1946) - W. C. Fields Speaks
118014: FIELDS, ARMOND - Henri Riviere / Armond Fields ; Introduction by Victoria Dailey
113997: FIELDS, W. C. (1879-1946) - Drat! Being the Encapsulated View of Life, by W. C. Fields in His Own Words. Edited by Richard J. Anobile. Introd. by Ed McMahon
86625: FIELDS, JAMES THOMAS (1817-1881) - Yesterdays with Authors, by James T. Fields; Illustrated with Photogravure Portraits, Autograph Letters. - [Contents: Thackeray. --Hawthorne. --Dickens. --Wordsworth. --Miss Mitford. --'Barry Cornwall' and Some of His Friends]
107922: FIELDS, ANNIE (1834-1915) - Authors and Friends
31466: FIELDS, ANNIE - Authors and Friends
163203: FIENBURGH, WILFRED. EVELY, RICHARD WILLIAM - Steel is Power : the Case for Nationalization
178360: FIENBURGH, WILFRED - 25 momentous years : a 25th anniversary in the history of the Daily Herald
275421: FIENNES, CELIA (1662-1741) - The illustrated journeys of Celia Fiennes : c1682-c1712 / edited by Christopher Morris
265210: FIENNES, RANULPH SIR - Beyond the limits : the lessons learned from a lifetime's adventures / Ranulph Fiennes
261858: FIENNES, GERARD - Sea power and freedom a historical study
162387: FIERENS-GEVAERT, HIPPOLYTE - La Tristesse Contemporaine. Essai Sur Les Grads Courants Moraux Et Intellectuels Du Xixe Siecle
36986: FIERO, GLORIA K. - Three Medieval Views of Women - La Contenance Des Fames, Le Bien Des Fames, Le Blasme De Fames
32548: FIERO, GEORGE W. - Condensed Review of Pharmacy, Specially Adapted to College of Pharmacy Students
32549: FIERO, GEORGE W. - Condensed Review of Pharmacy, Specially Adapted to College of Pharmacy Graduates
229332: FIERZ-DAVID, HANS EDUARD (1882-1953) - Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chemie : eine studie
64574: FIESTA, JANINE - The Law and Liability : a Guide for Nurses / Janine Fiesta
9471: FIEVE, RONALD R. - Moodswing - The Third Revolution in Psychiatry
171886: FIEVEE, JOSEPH (1767-1839) - Histoire de la session de 1816
111817: FIFE, DALE AND BORDIGONI, IDELETTE (ILLUS. ) - Bluefoot. Illustrated by Idelette Bordigoni
83673: FIFE, GEORGE BUCHANAN (1869-1939) - RELATED NAME: WOOD, ROBERT SCHOFIELD - Lindbergh, the Lone Eagle, His Life and Achievements, by George Buchanan Fife; with a Valuable Chapter on the Navigation of 'The Spirit of St. Louis' by Captain Robert Schofield Wood
52682: FIFE, JR. , ROBERT HERNDON - The German Empire between Two Wars - a Study of the Political and Social Development of the Nation between 1871 and 1914
180704: FIFFER, SHARON SLOAN - Scary stuff
268462: FIFOOT, RICHARD - A bibliography of Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell / Richard Fifoot
265675: FIFOOT, RICHARD - A bibliography of Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell / Richard Fifoot
273244: FIGES, ORLANDO - Natasha's dance : a cultural history of Russia / Orlando Figes
258165: FIGES, ORLANDO - Natasha's dance : a cultural history of Russia / Orlando Figes
266070: FIGGIS, DARRELL (1882-1925) - AE (George W. Russell) : a study of a man and a nation
187759: FIGGIS, DARRELL (1882-1925) - Æ (George W. Russell) : a study of a man and a nation
115603: FIGGIS, ERIC LENOX - Gamblers Handbook / E. Lenox Figgis
193973: FIGNER, VERA (1852-1942) - Memoirs of a revolutionist / Vera Figner ; authorised translation from the Russian ; introduction by Richard Stites
244455: FIGNER, VERA (1852-1942) - Zapechatlennyi trud
168253: FIGNER, VERA NIKOLAEVNA (1852-1942) - Memoirs of a revolutionist / [by] Vera Figner ; authorised translation from the Russian
178820: FIGNER, VERA (1852-1942) - Nacht uber Russland : Lebenserinnerungen : mit dokumentarischen Abbildungen / Vera Figner ; autorisierte und durchgesehene Ubersetzung aus dem Russischen von L. Hirschfeld, R. von Walter
97316: FIGUEROA, JOSE - Manifesto to the Mexican Republic, Which Brigadier General Jose Figueroa, Commandant and Political Chief of Upper California, Presents on His Conduct and on That of Jose Maria De Hijar and Jose Maria Padres.. . ..as Directors of Colonization in 1834 and 1835 / Translated, with an Introd. and Notes by C. Alan Hutchinson
155853: FIGUEROA, ALEJANDRA - Corpus
123078: FIGUEROA, JOSÉ (1792-1835) - Manifesto to the Mexican Republic, Which Brigadier General José Figueroa, Commandant and Political Chief of Upper California, Presents on His Conduct... . ..and on That of Jose Maria De Hijar and Jose Maria Padres As Directors of Colonization in 1834 and 1835 / Translated, with an Introd. and Notes by C. Alan Hutchinson
264989: FIGUIER, LOUIS - The vegetable world; being a history of plants, with their botanical descriptions and peculiar properties
228932: FIGUIER, LOUIS (1819-1894) - L'année scientifique et industrielle, ou, Exposé annuel des travaux scientifiques, des inventions et des principales applications de la science à l'industrie et aux arts, qui ont attiré l'attention publique en France et à l'étranger
105380: FIGUIER, LOUIS (1819-1894) - Les Races Humaines / Ouvrage Illustré De 288 Gravures Dessinées Sur Bois Et De 8 Chromolithographies Représentant Les Principaux Types Des Familles Humaines
222294: FIGUIER, LOUIS (1819-1894). WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCIVAL (1831-1910) - The ocean world : being a description of the sea and some of its inhabitants : From the French of Louis Figuier
276113: FIGURA, MARTIN - This man's army / Martin Figura ; [text by] Billy Bragg, Anthony Beevor, Liz Wells
264818: FIGURELLI, FERNANDO - Il dolce stil novo / Fernando Figurelli
233023: FIKENSCHER, F. - Aus Deutschlands Ur- und Fruhzeit : fur den Volksschulunterricht
216833: MUNAZZAMAT AL-TAHRIR AL-FILASTINIYAH - Israel : state of war / London Office of the Palestine Liberation Organisation
200155: FILBEE, MARJORIE - A woman's place : an illustrated history of women at home from the Roman villa to the Victorian town house
9416: FILBY, P. WILLIAM, ED. - American & British Genealogy & Heraldry. A Select List of Books
126292: FILBY, P. WILLIAM - American & British Genealogy & Heraldry; a Selected List of Books. Compiled by P. William Filby
15793: FILENE, EDWARD ALBERT (1860-1937) - The Model Stock Plan
133007: FILENE, E. A. (EDWARD ALBERT) - Speaking of Change; a Selection of Speeches and Articles by Edward A. Filene
105543: FILGATE, JOHN THOMAS - Theory of Radio Communication
216375: AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. SIBIRSKOYE OTDELENIYE BURYATSKIY FILIAL - Russkiy Fol'klor sibiri Vypusk 2 [Russian Folklore Siberia Issue 2. Language: Russian]
222790: FILIPPINI, ENRICO [ED.] - Per le nozze Filippini - Scarpelli, Napoli : Napoli 19 Aprille MDCCCXCII
216772: FILIPPOV, MIKHAIL - Mysli o Russkoy literature / M. M. Filippov. [Thoughts on Russian literature. Language: Russian]
184018: FILIPPUCCI GIUSTINIANI, GIOVANNI (1897-) - Il concetto sovietista di diritto internazionale
162566: FILITTI, IOAN C. - Despre Reforma Fiscala a Lui Constantin Voda Mavrocordat
73285: FILLENZ, MARIANNE - Noradrenergic Neurons
56739: FILLER, LOUIS (1912-) - Randolph Bourne
207722: FILLION, SUSAN - Miss Etta and Dr. Claribel : Bringing Matisse to America
39384: FILLION, KATE - Lip Service - the Truth about Women's Darker Side in Love, Sex, and Friendship
139365: FILLMORE, JOHN COMFORT (1843-1898) - Lessons in Musical History. by John Comfort Fillmore
280303: FILLMORE, CHARLES - Giving and receiving
79683: FILLON, AMELIE (FEVRIER) , MME. (1880-) - Francois Mauriac ...
220884: APPLETON AND CO. [PUBLISHER]; GAUCHARD AND FILMER [ENGRAVERS] - The happy hour, or, holiday fancies and every-day facts for young people ; with many illustrations
83195: KIT PARKER FILMS [CARMEL VALLEY - CALIFORNIA] - Kit Parker Films - Catalog 1980-1981
166564: FILON, PIERRE MARIE AUGUSTIN (1841-1916). SPOELBERCH DE LOVENJOUL, CHARLES VICTOR MAXIMILIEN ALBERT, VICOMTE DE (1836-1907) - Merimee Et Ses Amis / Avec Une Bibliographie Des Oeuvres Completes De Merimee Par Le Vte. De Spoelberch De Lovenjoul
129102: FILON, AUGUSTIN (1841-1916) - Le Prince Imperial : Souvenirs Et Documents (1856-1879) Ouvrage Illustre De 45 Planches Tirees Hors Texte Et De 3 Fac-Similes - [A Biography of Prince Louis Napoleon]
129191: FILON, AUGUSTIN (1841-1916) - De Dumas a Rostand : Esquisse Du Mouvement Dramatique Contemporain / Augustin Filon
167784: SOCIEDED CUBANA DE FILOSOFIA - Idea de la historia de la filosofia
170042: ACADEMIA REPUBLICII SOCIALISTE ROMANIA - SECTIUNE DE ISTORIE SI FILOSOFIE - 75 de ani de la proclamarea independent ei de stat a Romaniei. Sedinta largita a Sectiunii de Istorie si Filosofie a Academiei R.P.R. din 20 mai 1952
147557: FILSON, FLOYD VIVIAN (196-1980) - The New Testament Against its Environment : the Gospel of Christ the Risen Lord
153849: FILSON, FLOYD VIVIAN (1896-1980) - Three Crucial Decades
200256: FINALDI, GABRIELE. AVERY-QUASH, SUSANNA - The image of Christ / Gabriele Finaldi ; with an introduction by Neil MacGregor ; and contributions by Susanna Avery-Quash... et al.
232786: NORTHERN IRELAND. MINISTRY OF FINANCE - An account of the ancient monuments in state charge. Two volumes in one
141658: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. CENTRAL BOARD OF FINANCE - The Christian Stewardship of Money
127251: FRANCE. MINISTERE DES FINANCES - Compte General De L'Administration Des Finances Rendu Pour L'Annee 1825
193333: PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPUBLICA : NACIONAL FINANCIERA - 50 anos de Revolucion Mexicana en cifras : [panorama cuantitativo del progreso economico y social generado por la Revolucio´n Mexicana]
185936: L' AGENCE ECONOMIQUE ET FINANCIERE - Le probleme ferroviaire Congolais : Recueil des articles publies dans l'Agence Economique et Financiere d'Octobre a Decembre 1948 et de quelques autres etudes
231877: BAYERN. STAATSMINISTERIUM DER FINANZEN - Schlosserland Bayern. 1, Staatliche Schlosser, Residenzen, Burgen und Festungen mit Karten des Bayerischen Landesvermessungsamtes
235230: BAYERISCHES STAATSMINISTERIUM DER FINANZEN - Staatliche Hofgarten, Schloßparks, Gartenanlagen und Seen mit staatlicher Schiffahrt : mit Kartenteil
235231: BAYERN. STAATSMINISTERIUM DER FINANZEN - Staatliche Schlosser, Garten, Seen und Heilbader
235233: BAYERISCHE STAATSMINISTERIUM DER FINANZEN - Schlösserland Bayern. Bd. 1, Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten, Seen und Heilbäder : mit Karten des Bayer. Landesvermessungsamts
274869: FINBERG, A. J. (ALEXANDER JOSEPH) (1866-1939) - Turner's sketches and drawings
157148: FINBERG, H. P. R. - West-Country Historical Studies, by H. P. R. Finberg
173098: FINBERG, H. P. R. THIRSK, JOAN - Land, church and people : essays presented to Professor H.P.R. Finberg / edited by Joan Thirsk
60274: FINCH, YOLANDE (1934-) - Finchy
58565: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - Walt Disney's America
275905: SIMON FINCH (FIRM) - Bukowski
272469: FINCH, ROBERT J. [ED.] - Countries of the Great War
268921: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - Gone Hollywood
266072: SIMON FINCH (FIRM) - Science & Medicine
260999: FINCH, LUDWIG - Der Rofendottor
260255: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - Rainbow : the stormy life of Judy Garland
241305: FINCH, ROGER (1924-) - The ship painters
236739: FINCH, ALISON (1948-) - Proust's additions : the making of A la recherche du temps perdu. Complete in two volumes
253098: SIMON FINCH (FIRM) - Continental books : incl. science and medicine / Simon Finch
153464: FINCH, M. B. PEERS, EDGAR ALLISON (1891-1952) - The Origins of French Romanticism
280979: FINCH, GEORGE INGLE (1888-1970) - The making of a mountaineer
270324: FINCH, SIMON. SIMON FINCH RARE BOOKS LIMITED - Unchanined by Simon Finch: catalogue 40
82758: FINCH, FRANK (1911-?) - The Los Angeles Dodgers : the First Twenty Years
64619: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - Of Muppets & Men : the Making of the Muppet Show
48334: FINCH, ROGER - Sailing Craft of the British Isles
171830: FINCH, GEORGE - Seventy Million Co-operators / George Finch
198669: FINCH, HENEAGE, 1ST EARL OF NOTTINGHAM, (1621 – 1682) - An exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment, arraignment, trial, and judgment (according to law) of nine and twenty regicides : the murtherers of His late sacred Majesty ... began at Hicks-Hall on Tuesday, the 9th. of October, 1660 ...
15256: FINCHAM, J. R. S. - Fungal Genetics
44534: FINCHER, JACK - Human Intelligence
79237: FINCHLEY, JOAN - Audition! : a Complete Guide for Actors with an Annotated Selection of Readings
232618: FINDEISEN, KURT ARNOLD (1883-1963) - Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen : Geschichten um das deutsche Volkslied
270313: FINDEN, EDWARD FRANCIS (1791-1857). HALL, S. C. MRS. (1800-1881) - The beauties of Moore : a series of portraits of his principal female characters, from paintings by eminent artists, made expressly for the work / engraved by, or under the immediate superintendence of, Mr. Edward Finden ; with describtive letterpress
116357: FINDLATER, RICHARD (1921-1985) - The Player Queens / Richard Findlater
270975: FINDLAY, JEAN - Chasing lost time : the life of C.K. Scott Moncrieff : soldier, spy and translator / Jean Findlay
158564: FINDLAY, RONALD. JONUNG, LARS. LUNDAHL, MATS (1946- ) (EDS. ) - Bertil Ohlin : a Centennial Celebration, 1899-1999 / Edited by Ronald Findlay, Lars Jonung, and Mats Lundahl
179364: FINDLAY, GEORGE GILLANDERS (1849-1919) - The Epistle to the Ephesians / G. G. Findlay
140193: FINDLAY, JOSEPH JOHN (1860-) - The Children of England : a Contribution to Social History and to Education
62893: FINDLAY, HUGH (1879-) - Garden Making and Keeping, by Hugh Findlay
149575: FINDLAY, GEORGE G. (GEORGE GILLANDERS (1849-1919) - The Epistle to the Galatians
145199: FINDLAY, GEORGE G. (GEORGE GILLANDERS) (1849-1919) - The Epistle to the Ephesians, by the Rev. Professorg. G. Findlay
202073: FINDLAY, ROBERT ( CORNELIUS, PSEUD) - A Lie in my right hand
171351: FINDLAY, J. J. (JOSEPH JOHN) (1860- ?) - The young wage-earner and the problem of his education / essays and reports edited by J. J. Findlay
183334: FINDLAY, GEORGE GILLANDERS (1849-1919) - The Epistle to the Galatians
189576: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER (B. 1880) - The Realism of Jesus : A paraphrase and exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
129458: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER - Jesus As They Saw Him
129309: FINDLAY, ADAM FYFE - Byways in Early Christian Literature; Studies in the Uncanonical Gospels and Acts ... by Adam Fyfe Findlay
126679: FINDLAY, RANALD MACDONALD (1904-) - Britain under Protection : an Examination of the Government's Protectionist Policy
126458: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER - The Realism of Jesus : a Paraphrase and Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
164831: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER (1880-) - The Realism of Jesus : a Paraphrase and Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount / J. Alexander Findlay
170769: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER (1880- ) - Jesus in the first Gospel
195354: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER (B. 1880) - Jesus as they saw him
119200: FINDLAY, ALEXANDER - A Hundred Years of Chemistry
190746: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER (B. 1880) - The Acts of the apostles : a commentary
139864: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER (1880-) - Jesus and His Parables - [ Bible. Appendix. Gospels. Miscellaneous ]
150824: FINDLAY, JAMES ALEXANDER (1880-) - A Portrait of Peter
195749: FINDLAY, R. M. FREE TRADE UNION - The case for free trade
265166: FINDON, B.W. [ED.] - The Play Pictorial edited by B.W. Findon: vol. 53-54
116997: FINDON, BENJAMIN WILLIAM (1859-1943) - Sir Arthur Sullivan, His Life and Music; by B. W. Findon
261229: FINE, BOB - Democracy and the rule of law : Liberal ideals and Marxist critiques / Bob Fine
244899: FINE, DOUG - Hemp bound : dispatches from the front lines of the next agricultural revolution
237508: FINE, LEON G. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - The young Harvey / Leon G. Fine
209966: FINE, ANNE - Bad dreams / Anne Fine ; illustrated by Susan Winter
209956: FINE, ANNE; ASQUITH, ROS - Charm school
122894: FINE, RUTH (1941-). LYNES, BARBARA BUHLER (1942-). GLASSMAN, ELIZABETH. WALSH, JUDITH C. - O'Keeffe on Paper / Ruth E. Fine and Barbara Buhler Lynes with Elizabeth Glassman and Judith C. Walsh
122757: FINE, JOHN CHRISTOPHER - Racket Squad / John Christopher Fine
170044: FINE, RUTH E. - The Janus Press 1981-1990
133402: FINE, BENJAMIN - 1, 000, 000 Delinquents
187494: FINEBERG, SOLOMON ANDHIL (1896-?) - Overcoming anti-Semitism
28240: FINEBERG, SOLOMON ANDHIL (1896-) - The Rosenberg Case : Fact and Fiction / S. Andhil Fineberg
79632: FINEGAN, JACK (1908-) - Light from the Ancient Past; the Archeological Background of the Hebrew-Christian Religion, by Jack Finegan
26328: FINEGOLD, KENNETH - Experts and Politicians - Reform Challenges to Machine Politics in New York, Cleveland, and Chicago
194138: FINER, S. E. (SAMUEL EDWARD) (1915-?) - Anonymous empire : a study of the lobby in Great Britain / S.E. Finer
28656: FINER, HERMAN (1898-1969) - Dulles over Suez : the Theory and Practice of His Diplomacy
90869: FINER, HERMAN - Dulles over Suez: the Theory and Practice of His Diplomacy
54374: FINER, HERMAN (1898-1969) - Municipal Trading : a Study in Public Administration
93406: FINER, HERMAN (1898-1969) - Dulles over Suez: the Theory and Practice of His Diplomacy
91577: FINER, HERMAN - Dulles over Suez : the Theory and Practice of His Diplomacy
243722: FINER, SAMUEL EDWARD (1915-) - A primer of public administration / S.E. Finer
121729: FINER, HERMAN (1898-1969) - Dulles over Suez: the Theory and Practice of His Diplomacy
166130: FINER, SAMUEL EDWARD, (1915-) - Anonymous Empire : a Study of the Lobby in Great Britain / [By] S. E. Finer
166034: FINER, HERMAN (1898-1969) - The British Civil Service : an Introduction Essay
38555: FINER, HERMAN - The Presidency, Crisis and Regeneration - an Essay in Possibilities
165756: FINER, HERMAN (1898-1969) - The British Civil Service
14605: FINGER, CHARLES J. - The Affair At the Inn. As Seen by Philo the Innkeeper & the Taxgatherer of Rome
224145: FINGERNAGEL, ANDREAS. GASTGEBER, CHRISTIAN - The most beautiful Bibles / edited by Andreas Fingernagel & Christian Gastgeber
210016: FINGLETON, JACK (1908-1981) - Batting from memory / Jack Fingleton
92722: FINK, MITCHELL (ED. ) - Off the Record : an Oral History of Popular Music / [Stories Told To] Joe Smith ; Edited by Mitchell Fink
211477: FINK, AUGUSTA - I-Mary : a biography of Mary Austin / Augusta Fink
159775: FINK, AARON. HEARTNEY, ELEANOR - Aaron Fink: out of the Ordinary
156243: FINK, LARRY - Runway / photographs by Larry Fink ; introduction by Guy Trebay
140971: FINK, IDA - A Scrap of Time : and Other Stories / Ida Fink ; Translated from the Polish by Madeline Levine and Francine Prose
264462: FINK, DAVID HAROLD - Release from nervous tension
139411: FINK, DANIEL - Die Grundlegung Judischer Lehre Fur Haus Und Schule, Zugleich Als Theoretische Begrundung Und Praktische Einfuhrung in Den Gebrauch Der Vom Verfasser Herausgegeben Hebraischen Lehrbucher (Leshon Limudim) Dargestellt
28925: FINK, REUBEN - America and Palestine - the Attitude of Official America and of the American People Toward the Rebuilding of Palestine As a Free and Democratic Jewish Commonwealth
233751: FINKE, HEINRICH (1855-1938) - Die Frau im Mittelalter : ...mit einem Kapital, Die heiligen Frauen im Mittelalter / Heinrich Finke. ...mit einem Kapitel, Die heiligen Frauen im Mittelalter ; von Dr. Lenné
271190: FINKELSTEIN, NAT - Andy Warhol
80742: FINKELSTEIN, NAT - Andy Warhol : the Factory Years, 1964-1967
71710: FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS (1895-) - New Light from the Prophets
133528: FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS, 1895-. ROSS, JOHN ELLIOT (1884-1946). BROWN, WILLIAM ADAMS (1865-1943) - The Religions of Democracy; Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism in Creed and Life
164733: FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS (1895-1991) - Akiba; Scholar, Saint and Martyr
158502: FINKIELKRAUT, ALAIN - The Future of a Negation : Reflections on the Question of Genocide
155846: FINKIELKRAUT, ALAIN - Remembering in vain : the Klaus Barbie trial and crimes against humanity
165236: FINLAND - Suomi Finland Het Land Van Der Vrijheidsstrijd
171834: MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES DE FINLANDE - Documents sur les relations Finno-Sovietiques - automne 1939
97246: FINLAY, PATRICK (ED. ) - Jane's Freight Containers, 1973-74 The World Wide Survey of Containerisation
77737: FINLAY, IAIN - The Azanian Assignment
63457: FINLAY, PATRICK (ED. ) - Jane's Freight Containers, 1981
52830: FINLAY, PATRICK, ED. - JANE'S Freight Containers 1982
255330: FINLAY, T. A. (1848-1940) - The chances of war
235249: FINLAY, IAN (1906-1995) - Celtic art. An introduction
125614: FINLAY, PATRICK (ED. ) - Jane's Freight Containers, 1972-73
66665: FINLAY, PATRICK (ED. ) - Jane's Freight Containers, 1983
57676: FINLAY, PATRICK, EDITOR - Jane's Freight Containers 1981
107613: FINLAY, PATRICK (ED. ) - Janes Freight Containers, (Fourteenth Edition) Edited by Patrick Finlay, 1982 An International Survey of Container and Roll-On/roll-Off Operations
161201: FINLAYSON, ANGELA. MCEWEN, JAMES - Coronary Heart Disease and Patterns of Living / Angela Finlayson and James Mcewen
87282: FINLER, JOEL W. - All-Time Movie Favourites : Comedies, Thrillers, Epics, Musicals, Love Stories, Westerns, War Films and Others
64812: FINLER, JOEL W. (1938-) - All-Time Movie Favourites : Comedies, Thrillers, Epics, Musicals, Love Stories, Westerns, War Films and Others
269025: FINLER, JOEL W. (JOEL WALDO) - Alfred Hitchcock : the Hollywood years / Joel W. Finler
239887: FINLER, JOEL W. (JOEL WALDO) - Alfred Hitchcock : the Hollywood years / Joel W. Finler
109968: FINLER, JOEL W. (1938-). DUSTIN HOFFMAN - All-Time Movie Favourites : Comedies, Thrillers, Epics, Musicals, Love Stories, Westerns, War Films and Others
24008: FINLEY, GERALD E. - Turner and George the Fourth in Edinburgh 1822
195802: FINLEY, MOSES I. (1912-1986) - The ancestral constitution : an inaugural lecture
149640: FINLEY, JOHN H. (JOHN HUSTON) (1863-1940) - A Pilgrim in Palestine; Being an Account of Journeys on Foot by the First American Pilgrim after General Allenby's Recovery of the Holy Land, by John Finley
111557: FINLEY, MARTHA (1828-1909) - Elsie At Ion
168683: FINLEY, JOHN H. (JOHN HUSTON) (1863-1940) - A pilgrim in Palestine after its deliverance : being an account of journeys on foot by the first American pilgrim after general Allenby's recovery of the holy land
56271: FINLEY, JOHN HUSTON (1863-1940) - The Mystery of the Mind's Desire
94358: FINN, RICHARD B. - Winners in Peace : MacArthur, Yoshida, and Postwar Japan
42229: FINN, DALLAS - Meiji Revisited : the Sites of Victorian Japan
268190: FINN, R. WELLDON (REX WELLDON) - Domesday studies. The Norman conquest and its effect on the economy : 1066-86 ; R.Welldon Finn
271613: FINN, FRANK (1868-1932) - Talks about birds
247341: FINN, DAVID (1921-). MOORE, HENRY (1898-1986). KENT FINE ART, INC - Henry Moore : model to monument / introduction by David Finn
106029: FINN, DAVID (1921-). NEWTON, DOUGLAS (1920-) - Oceanic Images / Portfolio of Photos. by David Finn ; Text by Douglas Newton
56452: FINN, JULIO - Voices of Negritude : with an Anthology of Negritude Poems Translated from the French, Portuguese, and Spanish / Julio Finn
48654: FINN, FRANK (1868-1932) - Wild Animals of Yesterday & To-Day
111597: FINN, MARY E. - Writing the Incommensurable : Kierkegaard, Rossetti, and Hopkins / Mary E. Finn
94325: FINN, R. WELLDON (REX WELLDON) - The Domesday Inquest and the Making of Domesday Book
89984: FINNEGAN, FRANCES - Do Penance or Perish : a Study of Magdalen Asylums in Ireland
258797: FINNEGAN, THOMAS A - Branch of the vine : essays on the spiritual life / edited by Thomas A. Finnegan
251807: FINNEGAN, WILLIAM - Dateline Soweto : travels with black South African reporters / William Finnegan
272465: FINNEMORE, JOHN (1863-1928?). STEWART, ALLAN (1865-1951) - The renegade
271598: FINNEMORE, JOHN (1863-1915) - Switzerland
271603: FINNEMORE, JOHN (1863-1928) - Peeps at many lands : England
271594: FINNEMORE, JOHN - Japan
271595: FINNEMORE, JOHN - France
272040: FINNEMORE, JOHN. FULLEYLOVE, JOHN (1847-1908) [ILL.] - Peeps at many lands : The Holy Land
257232: FINNEMORE, JOHN - The Holy land / John Finnemore
236026: FINNERTY, EDWARD W. (1907-) - Trappers, traps, and trapping
275251: FINNEY, R. C - The “Scarlet Ship”
265086: FINNEY, DAVID JOHN - An introduction to statistical science in agriculture
276848: FINNEY, JACK - Assault on a Queen
187966: FINNEY, PATRICK A. - Moral problems in hospital practice : a practical handbook
102813: FINNEY, HUMPHREY S. RALEIGH BURROUGHS - Fair Exchange; Recollections of a Life with Horses, by Humphrey S. Finney, with Raleigh Burroughs.
76156: FINNEY, JACK - The Third Level
145458: FINNEY, ROSS L. (ROSS LEE) (1875-1934) - Causes and Cures for the Social Unrest : an Appeal to the Middle Class
238056: FINNIE, I. LOFT, D. E. FARTHING, MICHAEL J. G. BRITISH DIGESTIVE FOUNDATION - Dyspepsia / I. Finnie, D.E. Loft [and] M.J.G. Farthing
232989: FINSCHER, LUDWIG - Die Mannheimer Hofkapelle im Zeitalter Carl Theodors / herausgegeben von Ludwig Finscher ; mit Beiträgen von Gabriele Busch-Salmen ... [et al.]
92366: FINSTAD, SUZANNE (1955-?) - Sleeping with the Devil
49020: FINSTAD, SUZANNE - Sleeping with the Devil
169456: FINSTAD, SUZANNE (1955- ) - Ulterior motives : the killing and dark legacy of tycoon Henry Kyle / Suzanne Finstad
205815: SHRINE OF WISDOM: FINTRY : (PUBLISHER) - A synthesis of the Bhagavad-Gita : an arrangement of the teachings of the Gita in their relation to the five paths of attainment / with comments by the editors of The shrine of wisdom
167432: FIOCCA, ILDEBRANDO, (1889-) - Le nobili fanterie
247735: FIORAVANZO, GIUSEPPE (1891-) - La politica estera di Roma antica: volume II
82596: FIORE, MARY - Photoplay, January 1963, Vol. 63, No. 1 to Dec 1963, Vol. 64, No. 6
108914: FIORE, CARLO (1919-1978) - Bud: the Brando I Knew; the Untold Story of Brando's Private Life
221727: FIORE, MARY [MANAGING EDITOR] - Photoplay, September 1964 [vintage magazine: Jackie Kennedy, Liz Taylor, The Bilble motion picture]
247099: FIORENTION, M. REMGIO - La Seconda Parte Delle Orationi Militari
227929: FIORI, ADRIANO (1865-1950) - Iconographia florae italicae : flora italiana illustrata / Adriano Fiori e Giulio Paoletti, continuata da Adriano Fiori
244643: DE FIORI, VITTORIO ERMETE (1890-). PEI, MARIO (1901-1978) - Mussolini, the man of destiny
61791: DE FIORI, VITTORIO E. (VITTORIO ERMETE) (1890-) - Mussolini : the Man of Destiny
165242: FIREBAUGH, W. C. LINDSAY, NORMAN (1879-1969) ILL. - The Inns of Greece & Rome, and a History of Hospitality from the Dawn of Time to the Middle Ages
264061: FIREBRACE, JAMES - Infant feeding in the Yemen Arab Republic : an examination of the shift from breast feeding to bottle feeding and the role of the infant formula, milk powder and weaning food companies in this process / James Firebrace
162773: VALLECCHI EDITORE FIRENZE - Le Parti Fasciste
85191: FIRMIN, STANLEY - They Came to Spy; with a Foreword by G. P. Thomson. with 16 Illustrations
222768: FIRMIN-DIDOT, AMBROISE (1790-1876) - Alde Manuce et l'hellenisme a Venise : orne de quatre portraits et d'un facsimile; Hellenisme dans l'Occident ; Isabelle d'Este, marquise de Mantoue ; Correspondance inedite des refugies grecs en Italie ; Zacharias Calliergi et les calligraphes...
5563: FIRMINGER, WALTER KELLY - The Early History of Freemasonry in Bengal and the Punjabab With Which is Incorporated 'the Early History of Freemasonry in Bengal' by Andrew D'Cruz
43406: FIROR, JOHN - The Changing Atmosphere - a Global Challenge
264927: FIRPO, LUIGI - Gastronomia del Rinascimento
115183: FIRSOFF, V. A. (VALDEMAR AXEL) - Exploring the Planets, by V. A. Firsoff
78371: FIRSOFF, V. A. (VALDEMAR AXEL) (1912-?) - Facing the Universe
62651: FIRSOFF, V. A. (VALDEMAR AXEL) (1912-) - Facing the Universe [By] V. A. Firsoff
90726: FIRSOFF, V. A. (VALDEMAR AXEL) (1910-?) - The Tatra Mountains, with 65 Illustrations
47889: FIRST, RUTH (1925-1982) - Olive Schreiner / Ruth First and Ann Scott
36080: FIRST, RUTH (1925-1982). SCOTT, ANN (1950-) - Olive Schreiner / Ruth First and Ann Scott
250621: FIRST, RUTH (1925-1982) - The South African connection : Western investment in apartheid / Ruth First, Jonathan Steele, Christabel Gurney
252009: FIRST, RUTH (1925-1982) - One hundred and seventeen days : an account of confinement and interrogation under the South African 90-day detention law / Ruth First
263976: FIRSTBROOK, P. L - The voyage of the Matthew : John Cabot and the discovery of North America / Peter Firstbrook
38525: FIRSTBROOK, P. L. - The Voyage of the Matthew : John Cabot and the Discovery of North America / Peter Firstbrook ; [Foreword by H. R. H. Prince Philip]
248073: DE FIRTH, J - Winchester
277325: FIRTH, RAYMOND - Primitive Polynesian economy
273661: FIRTH, C. H. (CHARLES HARDING)(1857-1936) - Naval songs and ballads / selected and edited by C.H. Firth
270492: FIRTH, C H - Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the Puritans in England
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