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156081: GEOFFROY-SCHNEITER, BERENICE - Indian Beauty : Bollywood Style / Berenice Geoffroy-Schneiter
155456: GEOFFROY-SCHNEITER, BERENICE - Asian art India China Japan
18805: GEOFFROY-DECHAUME, FRANCOIS - China Looks At the World; Reflections for a Dialogue: Eight Letters to T'Ang-Lin; Translated from the French by Jean Stewart; with a Foreword by the Right Honourable Philip Noel-Baker and an Introduction by Paul Mus
46850: GEOFFROY-DECHAUME, FRANCOIS - China Looks At the World; Reflections for a Dialogue: Eight Letters to T'Ang-Lin; Translated from the French by Jean Stewart; with a Foreword by the Right Honourable Philip Noel-Baker and an Introduction by Paul Mus
115659: GEOFFROY-DECHAUME, FRANCOIS - China Looks At the World; Reflections for a Dialogue: Eight Letters to T'Ang-Lin; Translated from the French by Jean Stewart; with a Foreword by the Right Honourable Philip Noel-Baker and an Introduction by Paul Mus
175787: GEOFFROY, M. AUGUSTE - Arabes pasteurs nomades de la tribu des Larbas (Region Saharienne de l'Algerie)
255711: GEOGHEGAN, PATRICK M - Robert Emmet : a life / Patrick M. Geoghegan
128763: GEOGHEGAN, CRISPIN - Louis Aragon : Essai De Bibliographie; V. 1. Oeuvres D'Aragon: Tome 1. 1918-1959.
201405: GEOGRAPHIA (LONDON) - Map of Europe : Political / produced under the direction of Alexander Gross
31637: GEOGRAPHIA - 'Geographia' Vest Pocket Atlas of Central London
246526: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - National Geographic: Flags, Birds: Volume 2
227748: SOCIÉTÉ DE GÉOGRAPHIE (PARIS) - D'Algérie au Sénégal. Mission Augiéras-Draper, (1927-1928)
280291: SOCIÉTÉ DE GÉOGRAPHIE (FRANCE) - Bulletin de la Société de Géographie, tome 5
152462: SERVICE GEOGRAPHIQUE DE L'ARMEE - Rapport Sur Les Travaux Executes En 1888
264527: BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY - A catalogue of British fossil Crustacea : with their synonomyms
189286: EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS - Geophysical surveys in mining, hydrological and engineering projects : 1958
78276: GEORGANO, G. N. - Sports Cars : History and Development
110682: GEORGANO, G. N. - A History of the London Taxicab
122806: GEORGANO, G. N. - Sports Cars : History and Development
91271: GEORGE, T. J. S - Krishna Menon, a Biography
83638: GEORGE, UWE (1940-?) - In the Deserts of This Earth / Uwe George ; Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston - [Uniform Title: in Den Wusten Dieser Erde. English]
57029: GEORGE, NELSON - Blackface : Reflections on African-Americans and the Movies / Nelson George
45523: GILBERT & GEORGE - Gilbert & George, the Complete Pictures, 1971-1985
276898: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - Protection or free trade : an examination of the tariff question, with especial regard to the interests of labour
269625: GEORGE, PIERRE - les démocraties populaires: par Pierre George: L'Exemple Des Démocraties Populaires Européennes
268089: GEORGE, SARA - The journal of Mrs Pepys : portrait of a marriage / Sara George
254723: GEORGE - Memorial to George, etc. [By Adelaide M. Champneys.]
242163: GEORGE, DON (1909-1987) - Sweet man, the real Duke Ellington / Don George
241503: GEORGE, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN; FREDERICK NORTH, LORD - The correspondence of King George the Third with Lord North 1768 to 1783. Volume I
262531: GEORGE, HENRY - La propriété foncière privée et ses adversaires ou le socialisme agraire
207086: GEORGE, SIDNEY CHARLES - The Vikings / [by] S.C. George
175541: GEORGE, UWE (1940-?) - In the deserts of this Earth / Uwe George ; translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston
159023: GEORGE, ALFRED RAYMOND - Communion with God in the New Testament / A. Raymond George
158116: GEORGE, TIMOTHY (ED.) - Mr Moody and the evangelical tradition / edited by Timothy George
154021: GEORGE, FRANCOIS - Deux Etudes Sur Sartre / Francois George
15330: GEORGE, KENNETH M. - Showing Signs of Violence - the Cultural Politics of a Twentiet-Century Headhunting Ritual
14220: GEORGE, ELIZABETH (1949-) - In the Presence of the Enemy / Elizabeth George
164700: GEORGE, HENRY, (1839-1897) - The Crime of Poverty / an Address by Henry George
173741: DE GEORGE, RICHARD T. - Patterns of Soviet thought : the origins and development of dialectical and historical materialism [by] Richard T. De George
248796: GEORGE, G. J - They betrayed Czechoslovakia
174129: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - Social problems
179589: GEORGE, JR., HENRY - The life of henry george
242797: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - A perplexed philosopher : being an examination of Mr. Herbert Spencer's various utterances on the land question, with some incidental reference to his synthetic philosophy
172766: GEORGE, KENNETH DESMOND - Productivity & capital expenditure in retailing
135404: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - The Story of Woman
134793: GEORGE, PIERRE - Questions De Geographie De La Population
110275: THE GEORGE WALTER VINCENT SMITH ART MUSEUM, SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS - Maxfield Parrish. a Retrospect. January 23 - March 20, 1966
58122: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - Engines of social progress - [Contents Include- Organised emigration.--Small holdings.--Garden City: Appendix: Cheap cottages and rural housing.--Model villages: Port Sunlight and Bournville.--Housing schemes.--Cooperation.--The trust public-house...]
113043: GEORGE, PHYLLIS - Kentucky Crafts : Handmade and Heartfelt / Phyllis George
51654: GEORGE, DANIEL - A book of characters : impressions and portraits in writing of famous, infamous, remarkable, and eccentric men and women, with sidelights upon them at various stages of their singular careers
83779: GEORGE, ISAAC - Heroes and Incidents of the Mexican War, Containing Doniphan's Expedition ... by Isaac George. Written from Dictation by J. D. Berry. Greensburg, Pa. , Printed by Review Pub. Co
81648: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - RELATED NAMES: FORBES-ROBERTSON, PHILIPPE (ILLUS. ) - A London Mosaic; Text by W. L. George, Pictures by Philippe Forbes-Robertson
149060: GEORGE, DAVID LLOYD (1863-1945). RAMSAY MACDONALD. SIR HERBERT SAMUEL [ET AL] - Palastinadebatte Im Englischen Unterhaus : Stenographischer Bericht uber Die Verhandlungen Im Englischen Unterhaus Vom 17. November 1930 / Hrsg. Vom Zentralburo Der Jewish Agency for Palestine
147380: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - The Condition of Labour : an Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. by Henry George, with Appendices Containing the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. on the Condition of Labour, Dr. Edward McGlynn's Statement, and Bishop Nulty's Essay on the Land Question With Appendices Containing the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labour, Dr. Edward McGlynn's Statement and Bishop Nulty's Essay on the Land Question
146887: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - A Perplexed Philosopher
144964: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - France in the Twentieth Century, by W. L. George
179799: CONSERVATIVE PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN) ; LLOYD GEORGE - Report of the Liberal land conference, held in the Kingsway Hall, London, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, February 17th, 18th and 19th, 1926 Including speeches by the Earl of Oxford and Lloyd George
49184: GEORGE, ISAAC (B. 1822) - Heroes and Incidents of the Mexican War, Containing Doniphan's Expedition ... by Isaac George. Written from Dictation by J. D. Berry. Greensburg, Pa. , Printed by Review Pub. Co. , 1903
221326: GEORGE, DANIEL - A book of characters; impressions and portrais in writing of famous, infamous, remarkable, and eccentric men and women, with sidelights upon them at various stages of their singular careers
183736: GEORGE, KENNETH D. (KENNETH DESMOND), (1937- ) - Productivity & capital expenditure in retailing / K. D. George in collaboration with P. V. Hills
183408: DE GEORGE, RICHARD T. - Soviet ethics and morality
127908: GEORGE, G. J. - They Betrayed Czechoslovakia / with Preface by Edgar Ansel Mowrer
127589: GEORGE, ALBERT JOSEPH (1913-) - Books by Balzac; a Checklist of Books by Honoré De Balzac, Compiled from the Papers of William Hobart Royce, Presently in the Syracuse University Collection
185868: GEORGE, JONATHAN - The kill dog
170782: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - Hail Columbia! Random impressions of a conservative English radical, by W.L. George; illustrated by George Wright
170807: GEORGE, A. RAYMOND (ALFRED RAYMOND) - Communion with God in the New Testament
184283: GEORGE, PROFESSOR W. - Race, heredity, and civilisation; human progress and the race problem
192112: GEORGE, H. R. - Eight Soviet generals plotted against peace
201717: GEORGE, EDWARD LESLIE - Political strategy, by 'Gaius Visilensus' (Edward Leslie George) : This virile composition sets out the real causes of troubles in England and the world which arise from antiquated legal, political and financial administration
241047: GEORGE GILL & SONS, LTD. - Gill's First Grade Practical Geometry
174416: GEORGE, H. R. - 8 Soviet generals plotted against peace
222087: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - Woman and to-morrow
166795: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897). CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE (1878-1903 : LEO XIII) RERUM NOVARUM (15 MAY 1891) ENGLISH - The Condition of Labour; an Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. by Henry George, with Appendices Containing the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. on the Condition of Labour, Dr. Edward Mcglynn's Statement, and Bishop Nulty's Essay on the Land Question
167728: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - Social problems
222346: GEORGE VI, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN (1895-1952) / ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The King's pictures; an illustrated souvenir of the exhibition of the King's pictures at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1946-47
222361: GEORGE, WILMA B. - Animal geography
181920: GEORGE III, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN. PHILLPOTTS, HENRY (1778-1869) - Letters from His late Majesty [George III] to the late Lord Kenyon, on the coronation oath with his Lordship's answers: and letters of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt to His late Majesty, with His Majesty's answers, previous to the dissolution of the ministry..
144484: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL - Woman and Tomorrow
144662: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - Moses : the Crime of Poverty
19186: GEORGE, W. L. - Olga Nazimov, and other stories
24741: GEORGE, MARGARET - The Hollow Men - an Examination of British Foreign Policy between the Years 1933-1939
96552: GEORGE, MARGARET - The Warped Vision; British Foreign Policy, 1933-1939
149806: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - Social Problems
218339: GEORGE, PIERRE - Le probleme allemand en Tchecoslovaquie, (1919-1946)
195468: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - Engines of social progress
195506: GEORGE, HENRY (1839-1897) - Social problems
196289: GEORGE, WALTER LIONEL (1882-1926) - Woman and to-morrow
207308: GEORGE, KENNETH DESMOND (1937-). HILLS, P.V. - Productivity and capital expenditure in retailing
210365: GEORGE, DANIEL (B. 1890) - A book of anecdotes : illustrating varieties of experience in the lives of the illustrious and the obscure / selected and edited by Daniel George
235392: GEORGES, KARL ERNST (1806-1895). GEORGES, HEINRICH (1852-1921) - Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch : aus den quellen zusammengetragen und mit besonderer bezugnahme auf synonymik und antiquitaten unter berücksichtigung der besten hilfsmittel / ausgearbeitet von Karl Ernst Georges
232061: GEORGIADES, THRASYBULOS G - Sakral und Profan in der Musik : Vortrag, gehalten beim 488. Stiftungsfest d. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat am 25. Juni 1960
234636: GEORGIADES, THRASUBOULOS G - Musik und Schrift. Festvortrag zur Jahressitzung der Bayerischen Akademie der Schonen Kunste
126843: GEORGOV, IVAN A. (1862-) - Die Bulgarische Nation Und Der Weltkrieg (Gesammelte Aufsatze) . Mit Einem Vorwort Von Dr. G. Stresemann, M. D. R. Veroffentlicht Von Der Deutsch-Bulgarischen Gesellschaft E. V. , Berlin
153521: GEPHART, WILLIAM FRANKLIN (1877-) - Effects of the War Upon Insurance : with Special Reference to the Substitution of Insurance for Pensions
147058: GEPP, HERBERT WILLIAM, SIR (1877-1954) - Democracy's Danger; Addresses on Various Occasions, by Sir Herbert Gepp
244296: GERšKOVIC, LEON - Social and economic system in Yugoslavia
237028: GERAGHTY, TONY - Who dare wins : the story of the Special Air Service, (1950-1980)
102544: GERAGHTY, ANNE, COMP. ROBERT GEARY. - The World of Ballet. Illustrated by Robert Geary
72359: GERALD RUFUS ISAACS, MARQUESS OF (1889-1960) - Rufus Isaacs, First Marquess of Reading, P. C. , G. C. B. , G. C. S. I. , G. C. I. E. , G. C. V. O. , by His Son, the Marquess of Reading
168265: GERALD, J. EDWARD - The social responsibility of the press
190824: GERALD, J. EDWARD - The British press under government economic controls
190311: GERALD, J. EDWARD - The social responsibility of the press
185970: GERALDY, PAUL (1885-1983) PSEUD. I.E. PAUL LEFEVRE - Les petites ames
244728: GÉRAMB, MARIE JOSEPH (1772-1848) - Pélerinage à Jérusalem et au Mont Sinaï en 1831, 1832 et 1833 / par le Révérend Pére Marie-Joseph de Géramb: Tome Premier
278384: GERAMB, FERDINAND FREIHERR VON, IN RELIGION JOSEPH MARIA (1772-1848) - Pèlerinage à Jérusalem et au Mont Sinaì
250821: GERAMB, MARIE JOSEPH (1772-1848) - Pélerinage à Jérusalem et au Mont-Sinaï en 1831, 1832, et 1833 / par Marie-Joseph De Géramb
273084: GERARD, EMILY (1849-1905) - Beggar my neighbour : a novel
258932: GÉRARD-GAILLY, EMILE - Autour de Gustave Flaubert : Les véhémences de Louise Colet d'après des documents inédits
181570: GERARD, GILBERT - Institutes of Biblical criticism; or, Heads of the course of lectures on that subject, read in the University and King's college of Aberdeen
145435: GERARD, P. A. F. - Code De Justice Et De Discipline Militaires
278258: GERARD, DOROTHEA - A queen of curds and cream
235707: GÉRARD, ALBERT S. ACADEMIA LEODIENSIS (LIÉGE). - FACULTÉ DE PHILOSOPHIE ET LETTRES. UNIVERSITÉ DE LIÈGE. FACULTÉ DE PHILOSOPHIE ET LETTRES - L'idée romantique de la poésie en Angleterre : études sur la théorie de la poésie chez Coleridge, Wordsworth, Keats et Shelley / Albert Gérard
176653: GERARD, MAX LEO - L'aide aux employes chomeurs
80693: GERARD, JOHN (1840-1912) - Science and Scientists : Some Papers on Natural History. No. 5 - How Theories Are Manufactured
241582: GÉRARD, MAX - Dali ... Dali ... Dali ... / text by Max Gérard ; introd. by Pierre Roumeguère
196539: GERARD, CECILE JULES BASILE - L'Afrique du Nord. Description-histoire-armee ... Illustrations de J. A. Beauce
89560: GERAS, NORMAN (1943-) - The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg
216212: GERASIMOV, E. - Shchors [Language: Russian]
94075: GERASSI, JOHN - North Vietnam: a Documentary; with a Foreword by Conor Cruise O'Brien
91408: GERASSI, JOHN (COMP. ) - Towards Revolution: Volume 1 - China, India, Asia, the Middle East, Africa. Selected, Edited and Introduced by John Gerassi
28967: GERASSI, JOHN - North Vietnam : a Documentary / with a Foreword by Conor Cruise O'Brien
100453: GERASSI, JOHN (COMP. ) - Towards Revolution: Volume 1 - China, India, Asia, the Middle East, Africa. Selected, Edited and Introduced by John Gerassi
121331: GERASSI, JOHN - North Vietnam: a Documentary; with a Foreword by Conor Cruise O'Brien
121305: GERASSI, JOHN - North Vietnam: a Documentary; with a Foreword by Conor Cruise O'Brien
140782: GERAUD, EDMOND (1775-1831). GASTON MAUGRAS (ED. ) - Journal D'Un Etudiant (Edmond Geraud) Pendant La Revolution, 1789-1793
181604: GERAUD, EDMOND (1775-1831) - Journal d'un etudiant (Edmond Geraud) pendant la revolution, 1789-1793
182675: GERBAULT, ALAIN (1893-1941) - The gospel of the sun
231717: GERBER, ERNEST LUDWIG. WESSELY, OTHMAR - Historisch-biographisches Lexikon der Tonkunstler (1790-1792) und : Neues historisch-biographisches Lexikon der Tonkunstler (1812-1814), mit den in den Jahren 1792 bis 1834 veroffentlichten Erganzungen sowie der Erstveroffentlichung handschriftlicher Berichtigungen und Nachtrage / Ernst Ludwig Gerber; herausgegeben von Othmar Wessely - 7 volumes bound in 4
213131: CARL GERBER - Reihe
214660: GERBER, ALBERT BENJAMIN (1913-?) - Bashful billionaire. The story of Howard Hughes
117389: GERBER, ALBERT BENJAMIN (1913-) - Bashful Billionaire; the Story of Howard Hughes, by Albert B. Gerber
163759: GERBER, ROBIN - Leadership the Eleanor Roosevelt Way: Timeless Strategies from the First Lady of Courage
31801: GERBER, ALBERT B. - Bashful Billionaire - the Story of Howard Hughes
42751: GERBER, WILLIAM - The Mind of India
56135: GERBER, ALBERT BENJAMIN (1913-) - Bashful Billionaire; the Story of Howard Hughes
53159: GERBNER, GEORGE - The Analysis of Communication Content : Developments in Scientific Theories and Computer Techniques / edited by George Gerbner...[et al.]
229349: GERDES, PETER - Einfuhrung in die Elektrochemie
220984: GERDTS, WILLIAM H. - American Impressionism
273598: GERE, JOHN A - Drawings by Taddeo and Federico Zuccaro and other artists : from the collection of the British Rail Pension Fund
238764: GERE, JOHN ARTHUR. DRAWINGS BY RAPHAEL : FROM THE ROYAL LIBRARY, THE ASHMOLEAN, THE BRITISH MUSEUM, CHATSWORTH AND OTHER ENGLISH COLLECTIONS (EXHIBITION) (1983 : LONDON, ENGLAND). TURNER, NICHOLAS (1951-). BRITISH MUSEUM - Drawings by Raphael : from the Royal Library, the Ashmolean, the British Museum, Chatsworth and other English collections / J.A. Gere and Nicholas Turner
184727: GERE, J.A. - Drawings by Raphael : from the Royal Library, the Ashmolean, the British Museum, Chatsworth, and other English collections / J.A. Gere and Nicholas Turner
110412: GERE, JOHN A. - Taddeo Zuccaro, His Development Studied in His Drawings [By] J. A. Gere
267727: GEREBTZOFF, NICOLAS DE - De l'emancipation des serfs en Russie : état actuel de la question / par Nicolas de Gerebtzoff
207278: GERECHTER, ARON - Hannah : Versuche zur Einfuhrung in das judische Leben
156203: GERGES, FAWAZ A. - Journey of the Jihadist : Inside Muslim Militancy / Fawaz A. Gerges
249006: GERHARD, EDUARD (1795-1867) - Gesammelte akademische Abhandlungen und kleine Schriften : Nebst einem der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin verdankten band Abbildungen / von Eduard Gerhard - Volume 2
206311: GERHARD, HEINZ PAUL - The icons of the Mother of God / H. P. Gerhard ; translated by Hans Rosenwald
82951: GERHARDIE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - God's Fifth Column : a Biography of the Age, 1890-1940 / William Gerhardie ; Edited and with an Introduction by Michael Holroyd and Robert Skidelsky
82947: GERHARDIE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - God's Fifth Column : a Biography of the Age, 1890-1940 / William Gerhardie ; Edited and with an Introduction by Michael Holroyd and Robert Skidelsky
272772: GERHARDIE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (1895-1977) - God's fifth column : a biography of the age, 1890-1940 / William Gerhardie ; edited and with an introduction by Michael Holroyd & Robert Skidelsky
222528: GERHARDT, CHARLES (1816-1856) - Traite de chimie organique / par M. Charles Gerhardt. [complete in 4 volumes]
142138: GERHARDT, OSKAR - Unser Unvergesslicher Guter Konig! : Ernste U. Heitere Erinnergn Aus D. Leben Wilhelms II. Von Wurttemberg / O. Gerhardt
28543: GERHARDT, PAULUS (1607-1676) - Lieder Paul Gerhardts : Mit Bildern Von Rudolf Schafer
250698: GERHART, GAIL M - Black power in South Africa : the evolution of an ideology
92138: GERHAUSER, MICHAEL - Blumen Und Disteln Aus Dem Orient
234111: GERHEUSER, LUDWIG (1901-1945) - Jacob Scheiffelhut und seine Instrumentalmusik : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Suite und zur Musikgeschichte der Stadt Augsburg / Inaugural-Dissertation ... vorgelegt von Ludwig Gerheuser
255703: BERLINER GERICHTSFALEN - Berliner Humor vor Gericht : In Berliner Dialect
231645: GERIGK, HERBERT (1905-1996) - Giuseppe Verdi
31552: GERIN, WINIFRED - Horatia Nelson
269640: GERIN, RENÉ - Jean-Jacques Rousseau / par René Gerin
163325: GERIN RICARD, LAZARE DE (1908- ). TRUC, LOUIS - Histoire De L'Action Francaise / [Par] Lazare De Gerin Ricard Et Louis Truc
145647: GERIN, PAUL - Les Origines De La Democratie Chretienne a Liege
140612: GERIN, PAUL - Catholiques Liegeois Et Question Sociale (1833-1914)
166153: GERIN-RICARD, L. DE - Histoire De L'Occultisme / L. De Gerin-Ricard
180988: GERIN, CHARLES (1824-1893) - Recherches historiques sur l'Assemblee du clerge de France de 1682 / par Charles Gerin
7373: GERIT - The Warning of Ibraim Pasha of Bud : Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, October, 1934
171518: GERKE, FRIEDRICH (1900-1966) - Griechische plastik in archaischer und klassischer zeit
264720: GERLEMAN, GILLIS - Biblischer Kommentar
195817: GERLEMAN, GILLIS (1912-) - Esther / Gillis Gerleman
278027: GERLEMAN, GILLIS (1912-1993) - Synoptic studies in the Old Testament
192783: GERLEMANN, GILLIS - Biblischer Kommentar : Altes Testament. Bd. 21, Esther
134801: GERLO, ALOIS. EMILE LAUF - Bibliographie De L'Humanisme Belge, Precedee D'Une Bibliographie Generale Concernant L'Humanisme Europeen, Par Alois Gerlo, Avec La Collaboration D'Emile Lauf
174779: GERLO, ALOIS - Repertoire des lettres traduites d'Erasme / par Alois Gerlo ; avec la collaboration de Frans De Raeve
254482: GERMAIN, JOSÉ. MAUCLÈRE, JEAN - Le Secret amour de Diane de Poitiers : Couverture en couleurs de Marcel Norsac ; illustrations de Pierre Rousseau
254782: GERMAIN, JOSÉ - Trésor des Héros: introduction de Stéphane Faye
201633: GERMAIN, ALEXANDRE CHARLES - Martyrologe de la Presse, 1789-1861
278895: GERMAIN, GABRIEL - Homer. (Translated by Richard Howard.) [With illustrations.]
176051: GERMAIN, ANDRE (1881-) - Guerre civile
127802: GERMAIN, ANDRE (1881-) - La Revolution Espagnole : En Vingt-Cinq Tableaux
179066: GERMAN, EDWARD - 10 dances : pianoforte solo / Edward German
92470: GERMAN, EDWARD (1862-1936). KIPLING, RUDYARD (1865-1936) - The 'Just So' Song Book : Being the Songs from Rudyard Kipling's 'Just so Stories'. [ Secular Solos, Duets & C ]
240139: GERMAN, EDWARD (1862-1936); KIPLING, RUDYARD (1865-1936) - The just so song book : being the songs from Rudyard Kipling's Just so / stories set to music by Edward German
191898: GERMAN, EDWARD (1862-1936) - Three dances [from] Nell Gwyn / composed by Edward German ; arranged for the pianoforte by the composer
8609: GERMANETTO, GIOVANNI - Memoirs of a Barber : the Autobiography of an Italian Revolutionist - [Translated by Edmund Stevens]
199918: GERMANN, GEORG. SEEDAMM-KULTURZENTRUM. GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). MUSEE D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE. STIFTUNG PRO VENEZIA - Venezianische Kunst in der Schweiz und in Liechtenstein : [Ausstellungen] Pfaffikon SZ, Seedamm-Kulturzentrum 18. Juni-27. August 1978, Genf, Musee d'art et d'histoire 8. September-5. November 1978 / Veranstalter, Stiftung Pro Venezia ; Katalogred. Gloor
54866: SITE AND RELIC SOCIETY OF GERMANTOWN - Papers Read before the Site and Relic Society of Germantown
248999: GERMANY (WEST). BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR VERTRIEBENE, FLÜCHTLINGE UND KRIEGSGESCHÄDIGTE - The fate of the Germans in Hungary : a selection and translation from Dokumentation der Deutschen aus ost-mitteleuropa / edited by Theodor Schieder [etc.]
249021: GERMANY (WEST). BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR VERTRIEBENE, FLÜCHTLINGE UND KRIEGSGESCHÄDIGTE - The fate of the Germans in Hungary : a selection and translation from Dokumentation der Deutschen aus ost-mitteleuropa / edited by Theodor Schieder [etc.] - Vol 2/3
260420: GERMANY. FEDERAL REPUBLIC 1949- BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR DEN VERTRIEBENE, FLÜCHTLINGE UND KRIEGSGESCHÄDIGTE. SCHIEDER, T - Documents on the expulsion of the Germans from eastern Central Europe, Vol 1. The expulsion of the German population from the territories east of the Oder-Neisse-line : a selection and translation from Dokumentation der Vertreibung der Deutschen aus Ost-mitteleuropa. Band I, 1 und I, 2 / Editor: T.Schieder
257828: GERMANY (EAST) - Agreement between the government of the German Democratic Republic and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the transit traffic of civilian persons and goods between the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin (West)
242640: GERMANY. AUSWÄRTIGES AMT. DUGDALE, EDGAR TREVELYAN STRATFOR - German diplomatic documents, (1871-1914) / selected and translated [from the German] by E. T. S. Dugdale, with a preface by Sir Rennell Rodd and an introduction by J. W. Headlam-Morley. Vol. 1, Bismarck's relations with England, (1871-1890)
242641: GERMANY. AUSWÄRTIGES AMT. DUGDALE, EDGAR TREVELYAN STRATFORD (1876-1964) - German diplomatic documents, (1871-1914) / selected and translated [from the German] by E. T. S. Dugdale, with a preface by Sir Maurice De Bunsen. Vol. 3: The Growing Antagonism (1898-1910)
163475: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL FRONT OF DEMOCRATIC GERMANY - White Book on the American and British Policy of Intervention in West Germany and the Revival of German Imperialism / Presented by the National Council of the National Front of Democratic Germany
145728: GERMANY, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC - Jahrbuch Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik / Hrsg. Vom Deutschen Institut Fur Zietgeschichte, Berlin in Verbindung Mit Dem Verlag Die Wirtschaft. 1957
142950: GERMANY. AUSWARTIGES AMT. SONTAG, RAYMOND JAMES (ED. ). JAMES STUART BEDDIE (ED. ) - Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939-1941; Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Office. Ed. by Raymond James Sontag and James Stuart Beddie
134917: GERMANY. [BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND. ]. BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUR VERTRIEBENE, FLUCHTLINGE UND KRIEGSGESCHADIGTE - Bauern Ohne Land. Reden Und Stellungnahmen Zum 1. Ostdeutschen Bauerntag 1958, Mit Einer Zusammenstellung Der Wichtigsten Bundesgesetze Und Richtlinien Fur Die Bauerliche Eingliederung ... Herausgegeben Vom Bundesministerium Fur Vertriebene...
148904: LEAGUE OF CULTURE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC REGENERATION OF GERMANY [I. E. KULTURBUND ZUR DEMOKRATISCHEN ERNEUERUNG DEUTSCHLANDS] - The League of Culture in Berlin : a Memorandum / Published by the League of Culture for the Democratic Regeneration of Germany [I. E. Kulturbund Zur Demokratischen Erneuerung Deutschlands]
174595: GERMANY (WEST). PRESSE- UND INFORMATIONSAMT. ADENAUER, KONRAD (1876-1967) - Germany reports / with a preface by Konrad Adenauer
164953: HECHALUTZ. GERMANY - Arbeiterinnen Erzahlen : Kampf Und Leben in Erez Jisrael
197602: GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC). FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR EXPELLEES, REFUGEES AND WAR VICTIMS - Documents on the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern-Central-Europe vol II/III : The fate of the Germans in Hungary (and) the fate of the Germans in Rumania
206951: UNITED STATES. OFFICE OF THE US HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR GERMANY - 4. Vierteljahresbericht uber Deutschland, 1. Juli- 30. September 1950 / Amt des Amerikanischen Hochkommissars fur Deutschland
262513: INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE SOCIALIST UNITY PARTY OF GERMANY - The growing role of the communist and workers' parties in the revolutionary process of the construction of socialism and communism - International scientific conference, Berlin 1970
213503: CONGRESS OF THE SOCIALIST UNITY PARTY OF GERMANY (6TH : BERLIN : JANUARY 1963) - Program of the Socialst Unity Party of Germany : adopted at the 6th conference of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, Berlin, January 1963
226499: GERMER, RENATE - Mummies : life after death in ancient Egypt
122778: GERMER, RENATE. ELLIOT, FIONA. ALTENMULLER, HARTWIG - Mummies : Life after Death in Ancient Egypt
143534: GERMINO, DANTE L. - The Italian Fascist Party in Power : a Study in Totalitarian Rule
94880: GERMINO, DANTE L - The Italian Fascist Party in Power; a Study in Totalitarian Rule
183543: GERMINY, XAVIER DE (1914-) - La position du travaillisme, vis-a-vis du communisme
225032: GERMOND, PHILIPPE. LIVET, JACQUES - An Egyptian bestiary : animals in life and religion in the land of the pharaohs / Philippe Germond, Jacques Livet
145628: GERNER, M. - Brich An, Du Helles Weihnachtslicht : Erzahlungen Und Gesichte Fur Die Liebe Jugend / Von M. Gerner Et Al.
199878: GERNSHEIM, HELMUT (1913- ) - Creative photography : aesthetic trends 1839-1960
96964: GERO, ANDRAS & POOR, JANOS - Budapest : a History from its Beginnings to 1998 / Andras Gero and Janos Poor, Editors ; Translated by Judit Zinner and Cecil D. Eby and Nora Arato
143437: GEROGE, ISAAC - Heroes and Incidents of the Mexican War : Containing Doniphan's Expedition ; the Cause of the War with Mexico ; a Description of the People and Customs At That Time ; a Sketch of the Life of Doniphan ; Together with Sketches and Portraits of the Heroes...
175705: GEROK, GUSTAV - Frauenenabende sechs vortrage
214488: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GERONTOLOGY - Fourth congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Merano (Bolzano) Italy, July 14-19, 1957 = IV congresso della Associazone Internazionale di Gerontologia, Merano (Bolzano) Italia 14 - 19 Luglio 1957 : Volume - Opening Plenary Session Biological and social meaning of ageing. Biological research
158424: GEROSA, LIBERO - Canon Law / Libero Gerosa
200084: GEROULD, WINIFRED GREGORY (1885-?) - A guide to Trollope
123814: GEROULD, JAMES THAYER AND TURNBULL, LAURA SHEARER (COMP. ) - Selected Articles on Interallied Debts and Revision of the Debt Settlements - the Handbook Series, Series II. Vol. 4
57308: GEROULD, KATHARINE FULLERTON (1879-1944) - The Aristocratic West
97309: GEROVICH, LASZLO - The Art of Buda and Pest in the Middle Ages
210114: GERRARD, THOMAS JOHN (1871-1916) - The Church and Eugenics
79938: GERRAS, CHARLES. AROBONE, NANCY - Feasting on Raw Foods : Featuring over 350 Healthful No-Cook Recipes for Every Part of a Meal--From Appetizers through Main Course Dishes to Desserts / Edited by Charles Gerras ; Special Contributions, Nancy Arobone ... [Et Al. ]
185018: GERSHENFELD, NEIL A - When things start to think
29494: GERSHENSON, HARRY - Measurement of Mortality
224183: GERSHON, KAREN - Postscript : a collective account of the lives of Jews in West Germany since the Second World War / edited & translated [from the German] by Karen Gershon
190483: GERSHON, KAREN - Postscript : a collective account of the lives of Jews in West Germany since the Second World War / edited & translated [from the German] by Karen Gershon
126545: GERSHON, KAREN - Legacies & Encounters: Poems, 1966-1971
47953: GERSHOY, LEO - The French Revolution and Napoleon
136413: GERSHUNI, GRIGORII ANDREEVICH (1870-1908) - Dans Les Cachots De Nicolas II / Grigouri Guerchouni
127119: GERSHUNI, GRIGORII ANDREEVICH (1870-1908) - Dans Les Cachots De Nicolas II / Grigori Guerchouni ; Seule Traduction Autorisee
99317: GERSON, NOEL BERTRAM - The Velvet Glove / Noel B. Gerson
258032: GERSON, H. (HORST) - Art and architecture in Belgium, 1600-1800 / H. Gerson, E.H. ter Kuile ; The Pelican history of art, Z18
251894: GERSON, STÉPHANE - Nostradamus : how an obscure Renaissance astrologer became the modern prophet of doom / Stephane Gerson
225968: GERSON, LORETTA - Rome : a guide to the Eternal City / Loretta Gerson, Silvia Mazzola, Venetia Morrison
131561: GERSON, LOUIS L. - Woodrow Wilson and the Rebirth of Poland, 1914-1920 : a Study in the Influence on American Policy of Minority Groups of Foreign Origin
232748: GERSON-KIWI, EDITH. UNIVERSITAT TEL-AVIV. DEPARTMENT OF MUSICOLOGY - Migrations and mutations of the music in East and West : selected writings / Edith Gerson-Kiwi
71015: GERSON, H. (HORST) - Rembrandt Paintings. Translated by Heinz Norden. Edited by Gary Schwartz
114171: GERSON, NOEL BERTRAM - The Prodigal Genius; the Life and Times of Honore De Balzac, by Noel B. Gerson
122204: GERSON, NOEL BERTRAM (1914-1988) - Statue in Search of a Pedestal : a Biography of the Marquis De Lafayette / Noel B. Gerson
231539: GERSPACH, EDOUARD (1833-1906) - L'art de la verrerie / par Gerspach
162653: GERSPACHER, HANS - Die Badische Politik Im Siebenjahrigen Kriege
272923: GERSTÄCKER, FRIEDRICH - The young gold-digger ; or, A boy's adventures in the gold regions
181006: GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH (1816-1872) - Herrn Mahlhubers Reiseabenteuer / von Friedrich Gerstacker
232676: GERSTENBERG, WALTER - Die Zeitmasse und ihre Ordnungen in Bachs Musik
200056: GERSTENBERG, KURT (1886-1968) - Die deutschen Baumeisterbildnisse des Mittelalters
21497: GERSTENMAIER, CORNELIA - The Voices of the Silent
166714: GERSTENMAIER, CORNELIA I - Die Stimme Der Stummen : Die Demokratische Bewegung in Der Sowjetunion / Cornelia Gerstenmaier
30367: GERSTER, GEORG - Grand Design - the Earth from Above
219333: GERSTER, GEORG - Grand Design - the Earth from Above
216307: GERSTER, GEORG (1928- ) - Sahara: desert of destiny
134630: GERSTER, GEORG - Sinai, Land Der Offenbarung
90396: GERSTER, GEORG (1928-) - Sahara. Translated by Stewart Thomson - [Uniform Title: Sahara. English]
121161: GERSTER, GEORG - Sahara / Translated by Stewart Thomson
190036: GERSTNER, PATSY (1933- ) - Henry Darwin Rogers, 1808-1866 : American geologist / Patsy Gerstner
231811: GERTENBERG, WALTER - Musiker Hand-Schriften von Palestrina Bis Beethoven
257936: GERTH, HANS HEINRICH - Die sozialgeschichtliche Lage der bürgerlichen Intelligenz um die wende des 18. Jahrhunderts : ein beitrag zur Soziologie des Deutschen Frühliberalismus / von Hans Gerth
224803: GERTLER, MARK, 1891-1939 - Selected letters / Mark Gertler ; Edited by Noel Carrington. With an introd. on his work as an artist by Quentin Bell
216644: GERTSEN, A. I. - Spravochnyy tom Obshchiye Ukazateli [General Index Volume Indices. Language: Russian]
26779: GERTZ, DWIGHT L. AND BAPTISTA, JOAO P. A. - Grow to be Great : Breaking the Downsizing Cycle
67384: GERTZ, ELMER (1906-) - Moment of Madness: the People Vs. Jack Ruby. with a Pref. by Jon R. Waltz
153648: GERTZ, ELMER (1906-) - Moment of Madness: the People Vs. Jack Ruby. / with a Pref. by Jon R. Waltz
105082: GERTZ, ELMER - Moment of Madness: the People Vs. Jack Ruby. with a Pref. by Jon R. Waltz
174457: GERUZEZ, EUGENE NICOLAS (1799-1865) - Essais d'histoire litteraire
254832: GERVAIS, DAVID - Literary Englands : versions of 'Englishness' in modern writing / David Gervais
246592: GERVAIS, ALBERT - Malven auf weisser Seide
37813: GERVASI, TOM - America's War Machine : the Pursuit of Global Dominance : Arsenal of Democracy III
48675: GERVASI, FRANK (1908-1990) - To Whom Palestine?
200451: GERVASO, ROBERTO - Cagliostro : a biography
261141: VERBAND DER VEREINE F R J DISCHE GESCH - Jahrbuch Fur Judische Geschichte Und Literatur, Volume 7
71933: MENNONITISCHE GESCHICHTSBLATTER - Mennonitische Geschichtsblatter
235206: INSTITUT FUR OSTERREICHISCHE GESCHICHTSFORSCHUNG - Mitteilungen des Instituts fur osterreichische Geschichtsforschung
165500: INTERNATIONALEN JAHRBUCH FUR GESCHICHTSUNTERRICHT - Deutschland Und England 1918-1933 : Empfehlungen Zur Behandlung Der Englisch-Deutschen Beziehungen in Der Zwischenkriegszeit : Ergebnisse Der 4. Und 5. Englisch-Deutschen Historikertagung, Oxford Marz 1956 Und Bamberg Marz 1957
160351: GESELL, ARNOLD (1880-1961) , ILG, FRANCES LILLIAN (1902-). AMES, LOUISE BATES. BULLIS, GLENNA E. - The Child from Five to Ten
228581: GESELL, ARNOLD (1880-1961) - The child from five to ten (from the former Clinic of Child Development School of Medicine at Yale University)
228582: GESELL, ARNOLD (1880-1961) - Infant and child in the culture of today : the guidance of development in home and nursery school.
247814: DEUTSCHE ORTHOPÄDISCHE GESELLSCHAFT - Verhandlungen der Deutschen Orthopädischen Gesellschaft: XLIX Bd.: Beilagehft der Zeitschrift fur orthopadische Chirurgie
261138: DEUTSCHE LANDWIRTSCHAFTS-GESELLSCHAFT - Betriebsverhältnisse der deutschen landwirtschaft
243330: JÜDISCH-LITERARISCHE GESELLSCHAFT (FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY) - Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft: VII: 1909-5670
246525: JÜDISCH-LITERARISCHE GESELLSCHAFT (FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY) [ISSUING BODY] - Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft: X: 1912=5673
250365: JÜDISCH-LITERARISCHE GESELLSCHAFT (FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY) - Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft.1903-5664 - Vol. 1
245423: JÜDISCH-LITERARISCHE GESELLSCHAFT - Jüdisch-Literarische Gesellschaft : Jahrbuch. 19, 1928 = 5688
243028: GESELLSCHAFT FÜR ERDKUNDE ZU BERLIN. BOGUSLAWSKI, GEORG HEINRICH VON (1827-1884). REISS, WILHELM (1838-1908) - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin
280974: JÜDISCH-LITERARISCHE GESELLSCHAFT (FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY) - Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-literarischen gesellschaft XI
247695: JUDISCH-LITERARISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT - Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft: XIV
232807: GEORG-FRIEDRICH-HANDEL-GESELLSCHAFT - Handel-Jahrbuch. 10./11. Jahrgang 1964/65
174157: JUDISCH-LITERARISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT - Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft (sitz: Frankfurt a. M.) IV : 1906-5667
247692: JUDISCH-LITERARISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT - Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft: XIII
175233: DEUTSCHE DERMATOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT [GERMAN DERMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY] - Archiv fur Dermatologie und Syphilis / Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft [vols. 53 & 54]
232946: IM SELBSTVERLAG DER GESELLSCHAFT - Sonderdruck Aus: Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Salzburger Landeskunde
243855: GESENIUS, WILHELM (1786-1842). BUHL, FRANTS (1850-1932). MÜLLER, WILHELM MAX (1862-1919). WEBER, OTTO (1877-1928). ZIMMERN, HEINRICH (1862-1931) - Wilhelm Gesenius' Hebräisches und aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament / in Verbindung mit H. Zimmern, W. Max Müller und O. Weber, bearbeitet von Frants Buhl
48856: GESENSWAY, DEBORAH - Beyond Words - Images from America's Concentration Camps
47791: GESENSWAY, DEBORAH - Beyond Words - Images from America's Concentration Camps
42915: GESENSWAY, DEBORAH - Beyond Words - Images from America's Concentration Camps
13681: GESENSWAY, DEBORAH - Beyond Words - Images from America's Concentration Camps
235114: MUSEUM FUR DEUTSCHE GESHICHTE - Ur- und Fruhgeschichte. Anfange- 5./6.Jh.u.Z.
217366: GESHOV, IV. EV. - Pryestupnoto bezumie i Anketa po Nego fakti i dokumenti [Language: Bulgarian]
71322: GESKE, NORMAN A. - Venice 34. the Figurative Tradition in Recent American Art, by Norman A. Geske
111803: GESS, DIANE AND LOWENHEIM, AL (ILLUS. ) - Sunshine Porcupine / Written by Diane Gess ; Ill. by Al Lowenheim and the Staff of the Lion's Den
217707: GESSENE, I. V. - Uzakoneniye usynovleniye i vnebrachnyye deti [Legalization of the adoption, and illegitimate children. Language: Russian]
229841: GESSI, ROMOLO (1831-1881) - Seven years in the Soudan : being a record of explorations, adventures, and campaigns against the arab slave hunters
263403: GESSNER, SALOMON - Œuvres complettes de M. Gesner - Tome premier, contenant La mort d'Abel, Le premier navigateur
107074: GEST, JOHN MARSHALL - The Old Yellow Book; Source of Browning's the Ring and the Book, a New Translation with Explanatory Notes and Critical Chapters Upon the Poem and its Source, by John Marshall Gest
227330: GEST, HOWARD - Bacterial photosynthesis. A symposium sponsored by the Charles F.Kettering Research Laboratory (held in Yellow Springs, Ohio, 18-20 March 1963)
176186: GESTEL, P. C. VAN - Het religieus-socialisme / door P.C. van Gestel
197302: HAMBURG (GERMANY). GESUNDHEITSBEHORDE - Hygiene und soziale Hygiene in Hamburg : zur neunzigsten Versammlung der Deutschen Naturforscher und Aerzte in Hamburg im Jahre 1928
274641: GETHEN, H. F - Sydney's chums : a story of east and west London
274643: GETHEN, H. F - Some other children, or, Stories from a children's hospital
256693: GETHEN, H. F - Some other children, or, Stories from a children's hospital
55933: GETLEIN, FRANK - Playing Soldier: a Diatribe
160329: GETLEIN, FRANK - A Modern Demonology; Being Social Criticism in the Form of a Scholarly Dissertation, Complete with Sociological Findings Collected by the Latest Approved Methods, on the Need for a Rehabilitation of the Ancient Science of Demonology
168045: GETLEIN, FRANK. DOROTHY GETLEIN - The bite of the print : satire and irony in woodcuts, engravings, etchings, lithographs and serigraphs
169799: GETLEIN, FRANK - The bite of the print : satire and irony in woodcuts, engravings, etchings, lithographs and serigraphs / [by] Frank and Dorothy Getlein
189998: GETLEIN, FRANK; OSBORN, ROBERT (ILLUS.) - A Modern Demonology; Being Social Criticism in the Form of a Scholarly Dissertation, Complete with Sociological Findings Collected by the Latest Approved Methods, on the Need for a Rehabilitation of the Ancient Science of Demonology
258967: GETTER, MIRIAM - ?ayim Arlozorov : biyografyah poli?it / Miryam Ge?er
242407: GETTINGS, FRED - Arthur Rackham / Fred Gettings
202769: GETTINGS, FRED (1937- ) - Palmistry
76920: GETTLEMAN, MARVIN E - An Elusive Presence : the Discovery of John H. Finley and His America
65690: GETTLEMAN, MARVIN E. (ET AL. ) - El Salvador : Central America in the New Cold War / Edited by Marvin E. Gettleman ... [Et Al. ]
21818: GETTLEMAN, MARVIN E. GETTLEMAN, SUSAN. KAPLAN, LAWRENCE. KAPLAN, CAROL. - Conflict in Indo-China : a Reader on the Widening War in Laos and Cambodia
129061: GEURICKX, OTTO - Les Ombres
129299: COMMISSION DES CRIMES DE GEURRE - Les Crimes De Geurre Commis Sous L'Occupation De La Belgique 1940-1945 : Le Camps De Tortures De Breendonk
272820: GEURTS, REINER - Hair colour in the horse / [by] R. Geurts ; translated [from the Dutch] by Anthony Dent
85337: GEVA, TAMARA - Split Seconds : a Remembrance
231556: GEVAERT, FRANCOIS AUGUSTE (1828-1908) - Neue Instrumenten-Lehre ... ins Deutsche ubersetzt von H. Riemann
111176: GEVIRTZ, DON - Business Plan for America : an Entrepreneur's Manifesto / Don Gevirtz
251243: GEVISSER, MARK - A legacy of liberation : Thabo Mbeki and the future of the South African dream / Mark Gevisser
10512: GEWEHR, WESLEY MARSH (1888-) - The Rise of Nationalism in the Balkans, 1800-1930, by Wesley M. Gewehr
166285: SCHWEIZ. GEWERKSCHAFTSBUNDE - Teurung in Der Schweiz - Beitrage Zur Illustration Der Gegenwartigen Lage Der Lohnarbeiter
249137: GEWIRTH, ALAN - Political philosophy
91448: GEYER, GEORGIE ANNE (1935-) - Guerrilla Prince : the Untold Story of Fidel Castro
255319: GEYER, JOHN B - Mythology and lament : studies in the oracles about the nations in Isaiah 13-23, Jeremiah 46-51 and Ezekiel 26-32
179535: GEYER, HORST (1907- ) - Dichter des Wahnsinns : eine Untersuchung uber die dichterische Darstellbarkeit seelischer Ausnahmezustande / Horst Geyer
140944: GEYER, FRANZ XAVER (1859-1943?) - Durch Sand, Sumpf Und Wald : Missionsreisen in Zentral-Afrika / Von Franz Xaver Geyer
268344: GEYL, PIETER, (1887-1966) - Orange and Stuart, 1641-72 / Pieter Geyl; translated [from the Dutch] by Arnold Pomerans
215998: GEYMAN, O. - Birzhevoy Nalog Na. Voprosy Tekhniki Oblozheniya [Tax on stock exchange. Questions of taxation Technicians. Language: Russian]
166248: GFROERER, AUGUST FRIEDRICH (1803-1861) - Allgemeine Kirchengeschichte : Geschichte Der Christlichen Kirche / Von A. F. Gfrorer
245381: GFROERER, A. F - Allgemeine Kirchengeschichtes: volumes III & IV
209814: GHALEB, KAMEL OSMAN - La coudee nilometrique / par Kamel Osman Ghaleb [Extrait du Bulletin de La Societe royale de Geographie d'Egypte, T. XXI]
241186: GHAMBASCHIDES, D. MITTWOCH, E. V. WESENDONK, O.G - Der neue Orient : Monatsschrift für das politische, wirtschaftliche und geistige Leben im gesamten Osten
231317: GHAZBANPUR, JASIM - Bam / Jassem Ghazbanpour
250273: GHAZVINIAN, JOHN H - Untapped : the scramble for Africa's oil / John Ghazvinian
48111: GHEDINA - Dolomitenland : Photographiert Entlang Seiner Weltberühmten Strasse
127588: DE GHELDERODE, MICHEL. VANDEPUTTE, HENRI - Correspondance. Autour D'Une Amite Naissante
68329: GHENT, WILLIAM J. (WILLIAM JAMES) (1866-1942) - The Early Far West; a Narrative Outline, 1540-1850, by W. J. Ghent
276662: GHÉON, HENRI (1875-1944) - The marriage of St. Francis / a translation by C.C. Martindale ... of Henri Ghéon's La vie profonde de St. François
25921: GHEON, HENRI AND HENRI BROCHET - St. Anne and the Gouty Rector, and Other Plays; Translated by Marcus Selden Goldman & Olive Remington Goldman - [Uniform Title: Plays. English. Selections. ]
206379: GHEON, HENRI (1875-1944) - The secret of the Cure d'Ars / with a note on the Saint by G. K. Chesterton. Translated by F.J. Sheed
35609: GHEONDEA, AURELIAN (1955-) - Operator Extensions, Interpolation of Functions, and Related Topics : 14th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timis? Oara (Romania) , June 1-5, 1992 / Edited by A. Gheondea, D. Timotin, F. -H. Vasilescu
216839: GHEORGHIU-DEJ, GHEORGHE - Discours prononce au congres des instituteurs de la RPR 10th April 1952
217185: GHEORGHIU-DEJ, GHEORGHE - Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej. [A biography. With portraits.] Fr.
174437: GHEORGHIU-DEJ, GHEORGHE - Speech to the National Conference of Miners, June 29, 1952
144114: GHEUDE, CHARLES - Contra Bellum, Elans Lyriques Contre La Guerre Et Pour La Paix
273722: GHEUSI, PIERRE BARTHÉLEMY - Gambetta, life and letters / authorised translation by Violette M. Montagu
172138: GHIANO, JUAN CARLOS - Poesia argentina del siglo XX
235735: GHIL, RENÉ (1862-1925) - Les dates et les œuvres : symbolisme et poésie scientifique
264839: GHINASSI, GHINO - Fasi dell'elaborazione del Cortegiano
268719: GHIRARDO, DIANE YVONNE - Architecture after modernism / Diane Ghirardo
44901: GHISELLI, EDWIN E. AND BROWN, CLARENCE W. - Personnel and Industrial Psychology
78378: GHITELMAN, DAVID - The Space Telescope
258693: GHODSE, HAMID - Psychoactive drugs : improving prescribing practices / edited by Hamid Ghodse and Inayat Khan
180019: GHOSE, ZULFIKAR (1935-?) - Don Bueno / Zulfikar Ghose
179939: GHOSE, ZULFIKAR (1935-?) - A new history of torments / Zulfikar Ghose
249805: GHOSE, SHISHIR KUMAR - The Hindu Spiritual Magazine: vol. X, October, 1915: No. 8
262203: GHOSE, SISIRKUMAR - The later poems of Tagore
224045: GHOSE, BIMAL COMAR - Industrial location
127401: GHOSE, BIMAL COMAR - Planning for India
202025: GHOSE, AUROBINDO (1872-1950) - Lights on yoga / sri Aurobindo
280506: GHOSE, AUROBINDO (1872-1950) - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on love
269933: GHOSH, AMITAV - Sea of poppies / Amitav Ghosh
224215: GHOSH, JYOTISH CHANDRA - Annals of English literature, 1475-1950 : the principal publications of each year, together with an alphabetical index of authors with their works
151002: GHOSH, JAJNESWAR - A History of Land Tenure in England
129799: GHOSH, PRAPHULLACHANDRA - The Theory of Profits
121622: GHOSH, SUDHIR - Gandhi's Emissary
93932: GHOSH, SUDHIR - Gandhi's Emissary
63663: GHOUGASSIAN, JOSEPH P. - Kahlil Gibran: Wings of Thought; the People's Philosopher, by Joseph P. Ghougassian
176416: GIACALONE-MONACO, TOMMASO - Considerazioni sulla politica vinicola : vol. 1
135600: GIACCHERO, GIULIO - Storia Del Movimento Sindacale Europeo
136070: GIACHETTI, CIPRIANO (1877-). BRIVIDO - Fascismo Liberatore : Storia, Biografie, Profili / Cipriano Giachetti ; Con 175 Ritratti Disegnati Da Brivido
85024: GIACOMETTI, ALBERTO (1901-1966) - Alberto Giacometti : a Retrospective Exhibition
63742: GIACOMETTI, ALBERTO (1901-1966) - Giacometti - World House Galleries (Exhibition Catalogue)
263890: GIACOMO, DELLA MARCA SAINT - Lettera autografa di san Giacomo della Marca, 1393-1476, a san Giovanni da Capestrano, 1386-1456
85052: GIANCANA, SAM - Double Cross : the Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America / Sam Giancana and Chuck Giancana
102738: GIANCANA, SAM. CHUCK GIANCANA - Double Cross : the Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America
75899: GIANNELLI, GIULIO (1889-) , ED. - The World of Classical Athens. Edited by Giulio Giannelli. Translated by Walter Darwell. Text by Francesco Adorno.
138188: GIANNINI, GUGLIELMO - La Folla
133055: GIANNINI, AMEDEO - L'Ultima Fase Della Questione Orientale (1913-1939)
130780: GIANNINI, ALBERTO - Le Memorie Di Un Fesso (Parla Genarino 'Fuoruscito' Con L'Amaro in Bocca)
213989: GIANNONE, PIETRO (1676-1748) - Istoria civile del regno di Napoli / di Pietro Giannone, giureconsulto, ed avvocato Napoletano ... [complete in 5 volumes]
29128: GIANOPULOS, WILLIAM J. - Up on the Market with Carter Randall - Wisdom, Insights, & Advice from a Lifetime on Wall Street
130215: GIANTURCO, LUIGI EMANUELE - Sette Giorni in Germania; Impressioni Sul Viaggio Dei Combattenti in Germania
130587: GIANTURCO, LUIGI EMANUELE - Sette Giorni in Germania; Impressioni Sul Viaggio Dei Combattenti in Germania
92171: GIAP, VO NGUYEN - Banner of People's War, the Party's Military Line ; Preface by Jean Lacouture; Introduction by Georges Boudarel
127747: GIARDINI, CESARE (1893-) - Varennes; the Flight of Louis XVI (1791) by Cesare Giardini; Translated by Una, Lady Troubridge
243789: GIARDINO, GAETANO (1864-1935) - Rievocazioni e riflessioni di guerra / Gaetano Giardino: II: L'Armata del Grappa: La Battaglie Difensiva del Giugno 1918
197793: GIARDINO, GAETANO ETTORE (1864-1935) - Rievocazioni e riflessioni di guerra. I. La battaglia d'arresto al piave ed al grappa (10 Novembre - 25 Dicembre 1917). Studio sul diario personale di un sottocapo di Stato Maggiore dell' esercito
198158: GIARDINO, GAETANO ETTORE (1864-1935) - Rievocazioni e riflessioni di guerra III L'Armata del Grappa, la battaglia offensiva dell'ottobre 1918 / Gaetano Giardino
255155: GIARTOSIO DE COURTEN, MARIA LUISA - BA (Elisabetta Barrett Browning)
238117: GIBB, BILL - Hollywood knits
235531: GIBB, BARRY (1946-). GIBB, ROBIN (1949-2012). GIBB, MAURICE (1949-2003) - Bee Gees : the authorized biography
237682: GIBB, GEORGE DUNCAN SIR (1821-1876) - On diseases of the throat and windpipe, as reflected by the laryngoscope : a complete manual upon their diagnosis and treatment
91088: GIBB, D. E. W. - Lloyd's of London, a Study of Individualism
58908: GIBB, WILLIAM - The Royal House of Stuart / Illustrated by a Series of Forty Plates in Colours, Drawn from Relics of the Stuarts by William Gibb ; with an Introduction by John Skelton ; and Descriptive Notes by W. H. St. John Hope
45631: GIBB, SPENCER JAMES - Boy-Work, Exploitation or Training? By the Rev. Spencer J. Gibb
224384: GIBB, WILLIAM (1839-1929). SKELTON, JOHN (1831-1897). HOPE, W. H. ST. JOHN (1854-1919) - The Royal house of Stuart, illustrated by a series of forty plates in colour drawn from relics of the Stuarts
173915: GIBB, JOHN ALEXANDER CRAWFORD (1923-) - Crop drying : barn, and storage machinery
63705: GIBB, D. E. W. - Lloyd's of London, a Study of Individualism
217932: GIBB, DAVID ERIC WILSON - Lloyd's of London : a study in individualism
206134: GIBB, MILDRED ANN - The Yorkshire Post : two centuries
276014: GIBBARD, DAVID - Bloxham : village & folk / written and published by David Gibbard
147566: GIBBENS, T. C. N. , ED. AHRENFELDT, ROBERT H. , JOINT ED. - Cultural Factors in Delinquency / Edited by T. C. N. Gibbens and R. H. Ahrenfeldt
166934: GIBBENS, T. C. N. , ED. AHRENFELDT, ROBERT H. , JOINT ED. - Cultural factors in delinquency / edited by T.C.N. Gibbens and R.H. Ahrenfeldt; organized by the World Federation for Mental Health
142017: GIBBENS, T. C. N. A. WALKER - Cruel Parents : Case-Studies of Prisoners Convicted of Violence Towards Children / Trevor Charles Noel Gibbens and Anneliese Walker
13126: GIBBERD, FREDERICK - The Architecture of England; from Norman Times to the Present Day
135721: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN. M. S. CHADWICK (ILL. ) - I. L. O. ; the Unregarded Revolution
147005: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN - No Place like School / Kathleen Gibberd
143595: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN - Soviet Russia; an Introduction, by K. Gibberd
134184: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN (1897- ) - Workmen's Fare : an Account of Herbert Richard Haynes, the Average Working Man, and the Social and Industrial Problems Arising out of His Life
178774: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN (1897- ) - The people's government : a book of civics giving some account of national, local, commonwealth and international government
181034: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN (1897-) - I. L. O. : the unregarded revolution
167192: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN (1897-) - I. L. O. : the unregarded revolution
195504: GIBBERD, KATHLEEN - I. L. O. : the unregarded revolution
275332: GIBBINGS, RICHARD (1813-1888) - Report of the trial and martyrdom of Pietro Carnesecchi : sometime secretary to Pope Clement VII, and apostolic pronotary / transcribed from the original MS., and edited, with an English translation, facsimiles of signatures, an introduction, and illustrative notes, by Richard Gibbings
225402: GIBBINGS, ROBERT - Till I end my song
225404: GIBBINGS, ROBERT (1889-1958) - Blue angels and whales : a record of personal experiences below and above water
189757: GIBBINGS, ROBERT (1889-1958) - Till I end my song / With wood engravings by the author
226869: GIBBINGS, ROBERT (1889-1958) - Over the Reefs
225329: GIBBINGS, ROBERT (1889-1958) - John Graham, Convict 1824 : an historical narrative / written and illustrated by Robert Gibbings
225253: GIBBINGS, ROBERT (1889-1958) - The wood engravings of Robert Gibbings : with some recollections by the artist / edited by Patience Empson ; introduction by Thomas Balston
166716: GIBBINGS, ROBERT, (1889-1958) - John Graham, Convict, 1824; a Historical Narrative Written and Illustrated by Robert Gibbings
212366: GIBBINGS, ROBERT (1889-1958) - Blue angels and whales : a record of personal experiences below and above water
256028: GIBBINS, HENRY DE BELTGENS (1865-1907) - English social reformers
127679: GIBBINS, HENRY DE BELTGENS (1865-1907) - The Industrial History of England
126336: GIBBINS, HENRY DE BELTGENS (1865-1907) - The History of Commerce in Europe, by H. De B. Gibbins, ... with Maps
174276: GIBBINS, HENRY DE BELTGENS (1865-1907) - The industrial history of England
132729: GIBBINS, HENRY DE BELTGENS (1865-1907) - Industry in England, Historical Outlines
248417: GIBBINSON, JIM - Carp / Illustrations by Tom O'Reilly
248209: GIBBINSON, JIM - A Glorious Waste of Time - With illustrations by Tom O'Reilly
247892: GIBBINSON, JIM - Carp Sense
246788: GIBBINSON, JAMES ARTHUR - Carp / James A. Gibbinson
246715: GIBBINSON, JIM - Modern specimen hunting / Jim Gibbinson
246514: GIBBINSON, JIM - Big water carp
270534: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
269900: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The autobiographies of Edward Gibbon : printed verbatim from hitherto unpublished mss / with an introduction by the Earl of Sheffield ; edited by John Murray
266976: GIBBON, EDWARD - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: vol. II (A. D. 476-1461)
266843: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
261297: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
258111: GIBBON, DAVID ; BARRY, PETER - The art of glamour photography
256245: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / Edward Gibbon: in three volumes
254855: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
230152: GIBBON, ALAN - Céramiques de Bernard Palissy / Alan Gibbon ; préface de Philippe Boucaud ; photographies de Pascal Faligot
13598: GIBBON, DAVID - Texas / Designed by David Gibbon ; Produced by Ted Smart.
250883: GIBBON, EDWARD. MILMAN, REV. H. H - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: in three volumes
279353: GIBBON, EDWARD - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
225422: GIBBON, F. E. MRS. - A simple catechism of the history of England : adapted to the capacities of young children
113420: GIBBON, FREDERICK P. - William A. Smith of the Boys' Brigade / Frederick P. Gibbon
145001: GIBBON, JAMES MORGAN - Eternal Life : Notes of Expository Sermons on the Epistles of S. John : Preached At Stamford Hill Congregational Church 1889-1890
277829: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The decline and fall of the Roman Empire : 180 A.D.-395 A.D
168735: GIBBON, I.G. - Unemployment insurance : a study of schemes of assisted insurance : a record of research in the Department of Sociology in the University of London
149427: GIBBON, GWILYM, SIR (B. 1874) - History of the London County Council, 1889-1939 / [By] Sir Gwilym Gibbon and Reginald W. Bell
171654: GIBBON, JAMES MORGAN - The Epistle to the Galatians
200291: GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-1794) - The life of Edward Gibbon, Esq / with selections from his correspondence, and illustrations, by H.H. Milman
280080: GIBBON, CHARLES - What would you do, love? : a novel
263616: GIBBON, DAVID - San Francisco : a picture book to remember her by
69779: GIBBONS, REGINALD (ED. ) - The Writer in Our World : a Symposium Sponsored by Triquarterly Magazine
271122: GIBBONS, AGNES - Wantage past and present
232858: GIBBONS, LUKE - Edmund Burke and Ireland : aesthetics, politics and the colonial sublime
250153: GIBBONS, JOHN - The Soviet Union and its western neighbours
98359: GIBBONS, HERBERT ADAMS - The New Map of Asia (1900-1919) by Herbert Adams Gibbons
94773: GIBBONS, JOHN - London to Sarajevo, by John Gibbons
28428: GIBBONS, JAMES CARDINAL - The Ambassador of Christ
208800: GIBBONS, WILLIAM JOSEPH (1912-) ED. - Population, resources, and the future
99416: GIBBS, SHARON L - Greek and Roman Sundials
90179: GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD (1909-) - The Rebirth of European Aviation, 1902-1908 : a Study of the Wright Brothers' Influence
89152: GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD - The Rebirth of European Aviation, 1902-1908 : a Study of the Wright Brothers' Influence
275715: GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD (1909-1981) - The Bayeux Tapestry / C.H. Gibbs-Smith ; [photographs by Percy Hennell]
268341: GIBBS, LEWIS - Sheridan / Lewis Gibbs
259059: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - The hidden city
245448: GIBBS, JERRY - Bass Myths Exploded : Newest Ways to Catch Largemouths
218869: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - The pageant of the years : an autobiography
245801: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - The Spoils of Time
219090: GIBBS, PHILIP - America speaks
223692: GIBBS, LEWIS - Sheridan / Lewis Gibbs
254747: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - Ordeal in England : England speaks again / Philip Gibbs
254749: GIBBS, PHILIP - Ten years after / a reminder ; by Philip Gibbs
254761: GIBBS, PHILIP - Life's adventure / Philip Gibbs
159137: GIBBS, ALBERT ERNEST - The Corporation Records of St. Albans : with Lists of Mayors, High Stewards, Members of Parliament, & C.
245715: GIBBS, WILLA - The Twelth Physician
264171: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - The war dispatches of Sir Philip Gibbs
220772: GIBBS, PHILIP - The reckless lady
242128: GIBBS, EDDIE - Holy land travel diary / compiled by Eddie Gibbs
29852: GIBBS, LEWIS - The Admirable Lady Mary - the Life and Times of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762)
7561: GIBBS, HERBERT COKAYNE (1854-1935) - A Bimetallic Primer
7345: GIBBS, THE HON. VICARY - Some Observations on Mediaeval Names
108806: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - The Day after To-Morrow: What is Going to Happen to the World?
101888: GIBBS, PHILIP HAMILTON, SIR - George the Faithful. the Life and Times of George V ... [A New Edition of “the Book of the King's Jubilee”] Edited ... by Sir Philip Gibbs
107433: GIBBS, JERRY - Bass Myths Exploded : Newest Ways to Catch Largemouths
11128: GIBBS, HENRY - Africa on a Tightrope
88438: GIBBS, JEWELLE TAYLOR - Race and Justice : Rodney King and O. J. Simpson in a House Divided / Jewelle Taylor Gibbs ; Foreword by Cornel West
149767: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - England Speaks, by Philip Gibbs; Being Talks with Road Sweepers, Barbers, Statesmen, Lords and Ladies, Beggars, Farming Folk, Actors, Artists, Literary Gentlemen, Tramps, Down-And-Outs, Miners, Steel Workers, Blacksmiths, the Man-In-The-Street, ... . ..highbrows, Lowbrows and all Manner of Folk of Humble and Exalted Rank with a Panorama of the English Scene in This Year of Grace, 1935
143163: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - The Day after To-Morrow : What is Going to Happen to the World?
121468: GIBBS, HENRY - Background to Bitterness; the Story of South Africa, 1652-1954
171702: GIBBS, EDWARD J. - Parliamentary reform
185304: GIBBS, PHILIP - The eighth year; a vital problem of married life
120638: GIBBS, GEORGE HENRY (1785-1842). JACK SIMMONS (ED. ) - The Birth of the Great Western Railway : Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of George Henry Gibbs / Edited by Jack Simmons
119545: GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD (1909-) - The Rebirth of European Aviation, 1902-1908 : a Study of the Wright Brothers' Influence
101080: GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD - The Caroline Affair
174265: GIBBS, HERBERT C. - A bimetallic primer
19254: GIBBS, GEORGE - The House of Mohun
166865: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - The soul of the war
168954: GIBBS, WOLCOTT (1902-1958) - More in sorrow
279388: GIBBS, GEORGE FORT - The great deception : photoplay title of The yellow dove
203663: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - Facts and ideas : short studies of life and literature
262720: GIBBS, J. ARTHUR (JOSEPH ARTHUR) (1867-1899) - A Cotswold village : or, Country life and pursuits in Gloucestershire
263561: GIBBS, JOSIAH W - A Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament, including biblical Chaldee, from the German works of Prof. W. Gesenius
220117: GIBBS, J. ARTHUR (JOSEPH ARTHUR), (1867-1899) - A Cotswold village : or, Country life and pursuits in Gloucestershire
135192: GIBBS, PHILIP (1877-1962) - Thine Enemy
178401: GIBBS, MARY ANN - The Years of the Nannies
39498: GIBBS, A. HAMILTON - Obediance to the Moon
89577: GIBBS, LEWIS (1891-) - The Admirable Lady Mary
96452: GIBBS, PETER - Avalanche in Central Africa
195462: GIBBS, PHILIP HAMILTON, SIR (1877-?) - England speaks
207206: GIBBS, HENRY - Crescent in shadow
272508: GIBERNE, AGNES (1845-1939) - Least said, soonest mended
264914: GIBERNE, AGNES - Muriel Bertram : a tale
95652: GIBERT, STEPHEN P. - Soviet Images of America, Contributing Authors, Arthur A. Zuehlke, Jr. , Richard Soll, Michael J. Deane
230132: GIBERT, ANDRÉ - Visages du Lyonnais / par André Gibert [et al.]
184466: GIBERTI, HORACIO C. E. - El desarrollo agrario argentino : estudio de la region pampeana / [por] Horacio S.E. Giberti
19020: GIBNEY, FRANK (1924-2006) - The Khruschev Pattern Coexistence and its Workings through International Communism
96699: GIBNEY, FRANK - The Khrushchev Pattern, by Frank Gibney
112283: GIBNEY, FRANK (1924-2006) - The Khrushchev Pattern
146806: GIBNEY, FRANK (1924-2006) - The Khrushchev Pattern
95286: GIBNEY, FRANK (1924-2006) - The Khrushchev Pattern
95674: GIBNEY, FRANK (1924-2006) - The Khrushchev Pattern
259894: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The wanderer : his parables and his sayings
259896: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The prophet
259790: GIBRAN, KAHILL - The prophet
242315: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The Prophet / Kahlil Gibran
236970: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - The Prophet
236942: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - The treasured writings of Kahlil Gibran
206365: GIBRAN, KAHLIL ; NAHMAD, H M - Spirits rebellious
170261: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The prophet
164258: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran
164082: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) (ED. ) - A Treasury of Kahlil Gibran, Edited by Martin L. Wolf. Translated from the Arabic by Anthony Rizcallah Ferris
64447: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The Procession. Edited, Translated and with a Biographical Sketch by George Kheirallah
161950: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - Kahlil Gibran, a Self-Portrait. Translated from the Arabic & Edited by Anthony R. Ferris
240628: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The prophet
42536: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - The Garden of the Prophet
42597: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - Spirits Rebellious
118540: GIBRAN, KAHLIL. FERRIS, ANTHONY R. - A Second Treasury of Kahlil
206126: GIBRAN, KAHLIL (1883-1931) - The Prophet
92627: GIBSON, WILLIAM MERRIAM - The Art of Mark Twain / William M. Gibson
82798: GIBSON, CECIL - Model Commercial Vehicles [By] Cecil Gibson. Consultant Editor: C. B. C. Lee
65102: GIBSON, BARBARA - Life with Rose Kennedy / Barbara Gibson, with Caroline Latham
48981: GIBSON, GREGORY - Gone Boy - a Walkabout
48961: GIBSON, BARBARA AND LATHAM, CAROLINE - Life with Rose Kennedy
48897: GIBSON, BARBARA AND SCHWARZ, TED - The Kennedys, the Third Generation
45254: GIBSON, ROBERT (1947-) WITH SID SHAW - Elvis, a King Forever
276265: GIBSON, WILFRID WILSON (1878-1962) - Solway ford : and other poems
275820: GIBSON, J. S. W. (JEREMY SUMNER WYCHERLEY) - The Protestation Returns, 1641-1642, and other contemporary listings : collection in aid of distressed Protestants in Ireland; subsidies; poll tax; assessment or grant; vow and covenant; solemn league and covenant / compiled by Jeremy Gibson and Alan Dell ; with a foreword by David J. Johnson
275375: GIBSON, J. S. W. (JEREMY SUMNER WYCHERLEY) - The hearth tax, other later Stuart tax lists, and the association oath rolls / compiled by J.S.W. Gibson
272116: GIBSON, WALTER BROWN - Houdini's fabulous magic
265289: GIBSON, GUY - Enemy coast ahead
261146: GIBSON, WALTER BROWN (1897-) - Backgammon
257705: GIBSON, WILLIAM HAMILTON - Highways and byways, or saunterings in New England ... Illustrated
255729: GIBSON, W. H - St. Peter's church two-mile-house 1790-1990
254615: GIBSON, GARY - Nova war / Gary Gibson
254594: GIBSON, WILLIAM - All tomorrow's parties / William Gibson
254555: GIBSON, GARY - Stealing light / Gary Gibson
239989: GIBSON, ALAN (1923-) - The cricket captains of England : a survey / Alan Gibson
239161: GIBSON, WILLIAM CARLETON. - Medical comets : scholarly contributions by medical undergraduates / William C. Gibson
239051: GIBSON, G. GORDON, EDITOR; WALKER, R., EDITOR - Food toxicology : real or imaginary problems? / edited by G.G. Gibson and R. Walker
238520: GIBSON, P. R. (PETER R.), EDITOR; JEWELL, D. P. (DEREK PARRY), EDITOR - Topics in gastroenterology. 12 / edited by D.P. Jewell and P.R. Gibson
238427: GIBSON, WILLIAM CARLETON; POYNTER, F. N. L. (FREDERICK NOËL LAWRENCE) (1908-); WOODWARD-WELLCOME SYMPOSIUM (1970 : UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA) - British contributions to medical science : the Woodward-Wellcome symposium, University of British Columbia, 1970 / edited by William C. Gibson
226466: GIBSON, PETER - The capital companion : a street by street guide to London and its inhabitants / Peter Gibson
224826: GIBSON, STUART W. - Basic welding / Stuart W. Gibson amd Alan R Smith
216853: GIBSON, EVELYN (1911-). KLEIN, SIDNEY - Murder, 1957 to 1968: a Home Office Statistical Division report on murder in England and Wales, by Evelyn Gibson and S. Klein (with annex by the Scottish Home and Health Department on murder in Scotland)
215642: GIBSON, TRISH - Brenda Colvin : a career in landscape / Trish Gibson
205898: GIBSON, WALTER BROWN - The Complete Illustrated Book of Divination and Prophecy
205304: GIBSON, WALTER BROWN - Witchcraft : a history of the black art / Walter B. Gibson
200224: GIBSON, WALTER BROWN - The Complete Illustrated Book of Divination and Prophecy
158033: GIBSON, WALTER BROWN (1897-1985) - Houdini's Fabulous Magic / Walter B. Gibson and Morris N. Young
145839: GIBSON, WALTER B. (WALTER BROWN) (1897-1985) - Walter Gibson's Encyclopedia of Magic and Conjuring
226966: GIBSON, R. W. (REGINALD WALTER) - St. Thomas More : a preliminary bibliography of his works and of Moreana to the year 1750 / compiled by R. W. Gibson ; with a bibliography of Utopiana compiled by R.W. Gibson and J. Max Patrick
189051: GIBSON, WILLIAM PETTIGREW (1902-1960) - Three lectures upon French painting
278671: GIBSON, W. M - Basic electricity
237360: GIBSON, ROBERT (1927-). MARTIN DU GARD, ROGER (1881-1958) - Roger Martin du Gard
228713: GIBSON, GEORGE ALEXANDER (1854-1913) - Life of Sir William Tennant Gairdner, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. : Regius Professor of Practice of Medicine in the University of Glasgow
29649: GIBSON, WILLIAM (1914-2008) - The Seesaw Log : a Chronicle of the Stage Production, with the Text of Two for the Seesaw
29330: GIBSON, WILLIAM - A Cry of Players : a Play
159549: GIBSON, EDGAR C. S. - The Book of Job : with Introduction and Notes
9886: GIBSON, WILFRID WILSON (1878-1962) - Borderlands
9336: GIBSON, KATHARINE - The Goldsmith of Florence - A Book of Great Craftsmen
126051: GIBSON, CHARLES DANA - The Education of Mr. Pipp, by Charles Dana Gibson
110264: GIBSON, WALTER - The Man from U. N. C. L.E. - The Coin of El Diablo Affair
103064: GIBSON ART COMPANY, NEW YORK - Diary of High-Days and Holidays
72605: GIBSON, CHARLES DANA (1867-1944) - London As Seen by Charles Dana Gibson
72603: GIBSON, CHARLES DANA (1867-1944) - Americans, Drawn by Charles Dana Gibson
61801: GIBSON, JOHN MENDINGHALL (1898-1966) - Those 163 Days; a Southern Account of Sherman's March from Atlanta to Raleigh
114712: GIBSON, WALTER B. (1897-1985) - Walter Gibson's Encyclopedia of Magic & Conjuring
149646: GIBSON, ARTHUR H. - Human Economics, Books I. and II. , Natural Economy and Cosmopolitan Economy
144988: GIBSON, WILLIAM RALPH BOYCE (1869-1935) - Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy of Life, by W. R. Boyce Gibson
45953: GIBSON, JOHN (1790-1866) - The Biography of John Gibson, R. A. , Sculptor, Rome
162911: GIBSON, EDGAR CHARLES SUMNER, BP. OF GLOUCESTER (1848-1924) - John Howard
188070: GIBSON, HUGH (1883-1954) - The road to foreign policy
188213: GIBSON, WILLIAM (1838?-1894) - Paris during the Commune, 1871 : being letters from Paris and its neighbourhood, written chiefly during the time of the second siege
230434: GIBSON, WILLIAM PETTIGREW (1902-1960). WALLACE COLLECTION (LONDON) (PERM.) - Three lectures upon French painting
111012: GIBSON, CHARLES EDMUND - The Ship with Five Names [By] Charles Gibson
120216: GIBSON, JAMES - Locke's Theory of Knowledge and its Historical Relations
185826: GIBSON, G. A. (M. D.) - The edinburgh medical journal [Vol. x]
223316: GIBSON, CHARLES DANA (1867-1944) - London As Seen by Charles Dana Gibson
165296: GIBSON, EDGAR C. S. - The Book of Job / with Introduction and Notes by Edgar C. S. Gibson
165070: GIBSON, WILLIAM, (1838?-1894) - Paris During the Commune, 1871 : Being Letters from Paris and its Neighbourhood, Written Chiefly During the Time of the Second Siege
105442: GIBSON, JOHN - Chips from the Earth's Crust : Or, Short Studies in Natural Science
105344: GIBSON, CHARLES ROBERT (1870-1931) - Scientific Ideas of To-Day. a Popular Account of the Nature of Matter, Electricity, Light, Heat, & C. , &c. , in Nontechnical Language, by Charles R. Gibson
227848: GIBSON, REGINALD WALTER - Francis Bacon: a bibliography of his works and of Baconiana to the year 1750
123316: GIBSON, WALTER B. (WALTER BROWN) (1897-1985) - Witchcraft, by Walter B. Gibson
41812: GIBSON, ROBERT (1927-) - The Land Without a Name : Alain-Fournier and His World / Robert Gibson
201542: GIBSON, EDGAR C. S. (EDGAR CHARLES SUMNER) (1848-1924) - The book of Job / with introduction and notes by Edgar C. S. Gibson
168835: GIBSON, WILLIAM (1838?-1894) - Paris during the Commune, 1871 : being letters from Paris and its neighbourhood / written chiefly during the time of The Second Siege
168966: GIBSON, CHARLES DANA (1867-1944) - Men, women and mirth
244387: GIBSON, MARGARET DUNLOP. HARRIS, JAMES RENDEL. ISHO'DAD OF MERV - The Commentaries of Isho'Dad of Merv: Bishop of Hadatha (c. 850 A.D.) in Syriac and English: Volume 1 [translation]
203027: GIBSON, CHARLES DANA (1867-1944) - Sketches and cartoons
238715: GIBSON, WILLIAM CARLETON. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. FACULTY OF MEDICINE - Health care, teaching and research : prospect and retrospect : a symposium celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of British Columbia, June 4-6, 1975 / edited by William C. Gibson
78254: GIBSON, CHARLES DANA (1867-1944) - Drawings
175015: GIBSON, A. M. - A political crime : the history of the great fraud
111317: GIBSON, CECIL. C. B. C. LEE (ED. ) - Model Commercial Vehicles [By] Cecil Gibson. Consultant Editor: C. B. C. Lee
143803: GIBSON, ALEXANDER BOYCE (1900-1972) - The Philosophy of Descartes
17137: GIBSON, WILLIAM (1914-2008) - A Mass for the Dead
36719: GIBSON, GIFFORD GUY AND RISHER, MARY JO - By Her Own Admission - a Lesbian Mother's Fight to Keep Her Son
108894: GIBSON, WILLIAM M. (WILLIAM MERRIAM) (1912-1987) - The Art of Mark Twain / William M. Gibson
80147: GIBSON, WALTER BROWN (1897-1985) - How to Play Winning Solitaire
101804: GIBSON, RALPH (1939-). PETER WEIERMAIR. JOHN S. SOUTHARD. - Light Years / Ralph Gibson ; Edited by Peter Weiermair ; [Translation from the German by John S. Southard]
210997: GIBSON, ALAN (1923-?) - Jackson's year : the test matches of 1905
267407: GID, DENISE - Catalogue des reliures françaises estampées à froid, XVe-XVIe siècle, de la Bibliothèque Mazarine / par Denise Gid - 2 vols
227821: GIDAL, TIM - Jews in Germany from Roman times to the Weimar Republic / Nachum T. Gidal ; with a preface by Marion Gräfin Dönhoff
34724: GIDDENS, ANTHONY - New Rules of Sociological Method : a Positive Critique of Interpretative Sociologies
176772: GIDDENS, ANTHONY - The class structure of the advanced societies
279903: GIDDENS, ANTHONY - Politics and sociology in the thought of Max Weber
115801: GIDDINGS, ROBERT - Echoes of War : Portraits of War from the Fall of Troy to the Gulf War / Robert Giddings
79578: GIDDINS, GARY - Rhythm-A-Ning : Jazz Tradition and Innovation in the 80's
276927: GIDE, CHARLES (1847-1932) - Principles of political economy
272213: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - The coiners / André Gide ; translated from the French by Dorothy Bussy
260020: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - The journals of André Gide / translated from the French and annotaed by Justin O'Brien. Vol.2, 1914-1927
257917: GIDE, CHARLES - L'actionnaire et le dividende: Deux lecons de cours sur la cooperation au college de France
256024: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Corydon : four Socratic dialogues / André Gide
255677: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951). O'BRIEN, J - The Journals of André Gide: translated from the French and annotated by Justin O'Brien: volume II: 1914-1927
255679: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951). O'BRIEN, J - The Journals of André Gide: translated from the French and annotated by Justin O'Brien: volume II: 1914-1927
255681: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951). O'BRIEN, J - The Journals of André Gide: translated from the French and annotated by Justin O'Brien: volume II: 1914-1927
164949: GIDE, CHARLES (1847-1932) ED. - Effects of the War Upon French Economic Life : a Collection of Five Monographs, Edited by Charles Gide
165925: GIDE, CHARLES (1847-1932) - Ce Que Doit Devenir Le Travail Agricole D'Apres Fourier : Deux Lecons Du Cours Sur La Cooperation Au College De France, Janvier 1922
158935: GIDE, CHARLES (1847-1932) - La Cooperation : Conferences De Propagande / Charles Gide
158936: GIDE, CHARLES (1847-1932) - Communist and Co-Operative Colonies / Translated by Ernest F. Row
236924: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Nouveaux prétextes : réflexions sur quelques points de littérature et de morale
246696: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Les Faux-Monnayeurs / Andre Gide
237639: SOCIÉTÉ DES AMIS D'ANDRÉ GIDE - Essai de bibliographie chronologique des écrits d'André Gide
255637: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951). O'BRIEN, JUSTIN (1906-1968) - The journals of André Gide / translated from the French, with an introduction and notes, by Justin O'Brien. v.1, 1889-1913
26637: GIDE, ANDRE (1869-1951) - If it die - / Andre Gide ; translated by Dorothy Bussy
53211: GIDE, CHARLES (1847-1932) - Political Economy
53196: GIDE, ANDRE (1869-1951) FONSECA, GONZALO (ILLUS.) - L'Ecole Des Femmes / Andre Gide. Nouvelle edition, augmentee du supplement Robert
78597: GIDE, ANDRE (1869-1951) - La Symphonie Pastorale. Edited by Justin O'Brien and M. Shackleton
236927: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Divers : Caractères, Un esprit non prévenu, Dictées, Lettres / André Paul Guillame Gide
236925: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Prétextes : réflexions sur quelques points de littérature et de morale
171756: GIDE, ANDRE (1869-1951) - Et notre temps
200602: GIDE, ANDRE (1869-1951) - La Symphonie pastorale
235997: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Le retour de l'enfant prodigue : précédé de cinq autres traités
226599: GIDE, ANDRE - The Vatican cellars / [by] Andre Gide
235748: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Incidences
166838: GIDE, ANDRE, (1869-1951) - Corydon
176032: GIDE, ANDRE. VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hommage a Andre Gide, 1869-1951 : hommages de l'etranger ; Gide dans les lettres ; Andre Gide tel que je l'ai vu ; Textes inedits
175830: GIDE, ANDRE - Lettres de charles du bos et responces de andre gide
235750: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Les caves du Vatican : sotie
235752: GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Les Cahiers et les Poésies d'André Walter : avec des fragments inédits du Journal / André Gide ; édition établie et présentée par Claude Martin
196143: GIDE, CHARLES (1847-1932) - Communist and co-operative colonies
196283: GIDE, CHARLES, (1847-1932) - RIST, CHARLES (1874-1955) - Histoire des doctrines economiques depuis les physiocrates jusqu'a nos jours / par Charles Gide ... [et] Charles Rist
210725: GIDE, ANDRE - Pretexte : cahiers Andre Gide
221105: GIDNEY, W. T. - The Jews and their evangelization
234415: GIEBEL, MARION - Reisen in der Antike
167236: INSITUT FUR AGRAR- UND WIRTSCHAFTSFORSCHUNG DER JUSTUS LIEBIG-UNIVERSITAT GIEBEN - Giessener Abhandlungen Zur Agrar - Und Wirtschaftsforschung Des Europaischen Ostens. Band 3. Aus Natur und Geschichte Mittel- und Osteuropas
55243: GIEDION-WELCKER, CAROLA - Paul Klee. Translated by Alexander Gode
240593: GIEDION, S. (SIGFRIED) (1888-1968), EDITOR - A Decade of new architecture / edited by S. Giedon = Dix ans d'architecture contemporaine / publié par S. Giedon
248302: GIELGUD, KATE TERRY - Kate Terry Gielgud. An autobiography, etc. [With plates, including portraits]
87690: GIELGUD, JOHN (1904-2000) - Distinguished Company
139002: GIELGUD, JOHN (1904-2000) - Early Stages / John Gielgud
252870: GIELGUD, JOHN (1904-2000) - Early stages / John Gielgud
123692: GIELGUD, JOHN (1904-2000) - Distinguished Company
62236: GIELGUD, JOHN (1904-2000) - Early Stages
100388: GIELGUD, JOHN - Early Stages / John Gielgud
211453: GIELKENS, EMILE - Pour l'art et le progres
181550: GIERACH, JOHN (1946-) - Sex, death, and fly-fishing / John Gierach
193336: GIERS, PROF. DR. JOACHIM - Christliche kritik am kapitalismus nach georg ratzinger hauptwerk 'die volkswirtschaft in ihren sittlichen grundlagen'
10585: GIERTSEN, ED. B. HALVORSEN, ADOLPH - Norway Illustrated, 1888 / Editors: E. B. Giertsen and A. Halvorsen.
9529: GIERTYCH, JEDRZEJ. ILLUSTRATED BY S. G. BRIAULT - Baltic Tales. Translated from the Polish
8200: GIES, FRANCES - The Knight in History / Frances Gies
58932: GIES, JOSEPH - The Ingenious Yankees / Joseph and Frances Gies
22612: GIES, JOSEPH - The Colonel of Chicago. A Biography of the Chicago Tribune's Legendary Publisher, Colonel Robert McCormick
208705: GIESE, VINCENT J. - The Catholic Church in the USA
279814: GIESEBRECHT, FRIEDRICH (1852-1910) - Die Hebraeische Praeposition Lamed
144120: E. GIESEKING - Reichs-Herbergsverzeichnis 1931
280930: BAUERSCHE GIESSEREI - Beton : nach Zeichnungen von Heinrich Jost
106031: GIESY, J. U. - Palos of the Dog Star Pack
217010: GIEYSZTOR, ALEKSANDER - A thousand years of Polish history
71023: GIEYSZTOR, ALEKSANDER (ET AL. ) - Millennium
179822: GIFFEN, J. KELLY - The Egyptian Sudan
178519: GIFFEN, ROBERT, SIR (1837-1910) - The case against bimetallism
273644: GIFFEN, ROBERT - Essays in finance
248916: JOHN HENRY BARTLETT; JOHN PEARL GIFFORD - Dartmouth athletics. A complete history of all kinds of sports at college
84333: GIFFORD, BARRY - Jack's book : an oral biography of Jack Kerouac
82893: GIFFORD, DENIS - The Comic Art of Charlie Chaplin : a Graphic Celebration of Chaplin's Centenary / Conducted by Dennis Gifford ; Edited and Designed by Mike Higgs
78458: GIFFORD, DENIS - Books and Plays in Films, 1896-1915 : Literary, Theatrical, and Artistic Sources of the First Twenty Years of Motion Pictures
68825: GIFFORD, PROSSER AND LOUIS, WM. ROGER (ED. ) - Decolonization and African Independence : the Transfers of Power, 1960-1980 / Edited by Prosser Gifford and Wm. Roger Louis
51865: GIFFORD, DENIS (1927-2000). HIGGS, MIKE - The Comic Art of Charlie Chaplin : a Graphic Celebration of Chaplin's Centenary / Conducted by Dennis Gifford ; Edited and Designed by Mike Higgs
273460: GIFFORD, C. H - History of the wars occasioned by the French Revolution : from the commencement of hostilities in 1792, to the end of the year 1816 : embracing a complete history of the Revolution, with biographical sketches of most of the public characters of Europe : Comprising also ... the history of the wars in Spain and Portugal, the American war, the campaigns of the Duke of Wellington, Bonaparte, &c. and ... the glorious Battle of Waterloo ...
230425: GIFFORD, JOHN (1946-) - William Adam, (1689-1748) : a life and times of Scotland's universal architect
196407: GIFFORD, DENIS - Space aces! : comic book heroes from the forties and fifties / a Denis Gifford collection
160888: GIFFORD, KATHIE LEE (1953-). JEROME, JIM - I Can't Believe I Said That! : an Autobiography / Kathie Lee Gifford ; with Jim Jerome
138409: GIFFORD, BARRY (1946-). LEE, LAWRENCE (1941-) - Jack's Book : an Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac
165761: GIFFORD, JAMES P. - Anti-Semitism its Causes and Cures (A Symposium)
257223: GIFFORD, DENIS - Chaplin / (by) Denis Gifford
237584: GIFFORD, WILLIAM (1756-1826) [TR]. WARRINGTON, JOHN [ED. AND TR] - Juvenal's satires, with The satires of Persius / William Gifford translation, rev. and annotated by John Warrington. Introd. by H.J. Rose
131383: GIFFORD, CHARLES. J. A. STEVENS - Making Money on the Stock Exchange; a Beginners' Guide to Investment Policy [By] Charles Gifford & J. A. Stevens
41613: GIFFORD, FRANK DEAN (1891-) (EDITOR) - The Anglican Pulpit To-Day - Representative Sermons by Leading Preachers of the Anglican Communion
118095: GIFFORD, BARRY. LAWRENCE LEE - Jack's Book : an Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac
168168: GIFFORD, C. H. - History of the wars occasioned by the French Revolution, from the commencement of hostilities in 1792, to the end of 1816 : embracing a complete history of the revolution, with biographical sketches of most of the public characters of Europe....
55030: GIFFORD, DENIS - Movie Monsters
193744: GIFFORD, JOHN (1758-1818) - The history of France, from the earliest times, to the present important era : From the French of Velly, Villaret, Garnier, Mezeray, Daniel, and other eminent historians; with notes, critical and explanatory - [Complete in 4 volumes]
236359: GIFFORD, M. A., PAUL. FROMILHAGUE, RENE [DIRECTEUR DE THESE: M. LE PROFESSEUR] - l'humour chez paul valery
36854: GIGANTES, PHILIPPE DEANE - The Road Ahead
197956: GIGLI, GIULIO - Nazareno Mezzetti / prefazione di Paolo Orano
70691: GIGLIOTTI, RICHARD J. - Emergency Planning for Maximum Protection / Richard Gigliotti, Ronald Jason
118012: GIGLIOTTI, CAIROLI - American Psychology, by Cairoli Gigliotti, ... a True Study
141477: GIGNOUX, CLAUDE-JOSEPH (1890-) - L' Apres-Guerre Et La Politique Commerciale / Par Claude-Joseph Gignoux
174394: GIGNOUX, C.-J. [ET AL.] - La france en guerre / preface de Andre Siegfried
279576: GIGNOUX, C.-J. (CLAUDE-JOSEPH) - L'économie française entre les deux guerres, (1919-1939)
268948: GIGON, HENRI - Thunder over Europe (turning points of European politics.) / H Gigon
173910: GIGON, FERNAND (1908-). GRIFFIN, GERALD (1889-) - The epic of the Red Cross, or, The knight-errant of charity
174311: GIGON, FERNAND - The epic of the Red Cross : or, The knight-errant of charity
191509: GIGON, FERNAND - L'E´popee de la Croix-rouge
241431: GIGON, FERNAND. GRIFFIN, GERALD TRANSLATOR - The epic of the Red Cross : or, The knight-errant of charity
141986: GIJSELS, HUGO - Les Barbares : Les Immigres Et Le Racisme Dans La Politique Belge / Hugo Gijsels ... Et Al.
226781: GIJSWIJT-HOFSTRA, M. - Biographies of remedies : drugs, medicines and contraceptives in Dutch and Anglo-American healing cultures / edited by M. Gijswijt-Hofstra, G. M. Van Hetern and E. M. Tansey.
207581: GIL, EMILIO [ET AL.] - Pioneers of Spanish graphic design
28308: GILARDONI, VIRGILIO - Naissance de l'art / Virgilio Gilardoni
122122: GILBART, JAMES WILLIAM - The Philosophy of History
134480: GILBART, JAMES WILLIAM (1794-1863) - The History of Banking in Ireland
194411: GILBART, JAMES WILLIAM (1794-1863) - Lectures and essays
196728: GILBART, JAMES WILLIAM (1794-1863) - Lectures and essays
93590: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-) - Auschwitz and the Allies
81954: GILBERT, CASS (1859-1934) - RELATED NAMES: CHRISTEN, BARBARA S. & FLANDERS, STEVEN (JOINT EDS. ) - Cass Gilbert, Life and Work : Architect of the Public Domain / Edited by Barbara S. Christen and Steven Flanders ; Introduction by Robert A. M. Stern
75032: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-?) - The Jews of Hope
69701: GILBERT, W. S. (WILLIAM SCHWENCK) (1836-1911) - The Yeomen of the Guard or the Merryman and His Maid : [Libretto]
68104: GILBERT, W. S. (WILLIAM SCHWENCK) (1836-1911) - The Yeomen of the Guard, Or, the Merryman and His Maid
59637: GILBERT, JAMES BURKHART - Perfect Cities : Chicago's Utopias of 1893 / James Gilbert
57417: GILBERT, SIR W. S. - The Yeoman of the Guard, Or, the Merryman and His Maid
50819: GILBERT, CASS (1859-1934). CHRISTEN, BARBARA S. FLANDERS, STEVEN - Cass Gilbert, Life and Work : Architect of the Public Domain / Edited by Barbara S. Christen and Steven Flanders ; Introduction by Robert A. M. Stern
48902: GILBERT, MARTIN - Shcharansky - Hero of Our Time
36951: GILBERT, HARRIETT (1948- ) - A Women's History of Sex
32327: GILBERT, MARTIN - Shcharansky - Hero of Our Time
277354: GILBERT, VICTOR F. (VICTOR FRANCIS) - Women's studies : a bibliography of dissertations 1870-1982
276703: GILBERT, W. S. (WILLIAM SCHWENCK) (1836-1911) - The Savoy operas : being the complete text of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas as orginally produced in the years 1875-1869
269401: GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER - Thomas Chippendale as undertaker
267950: GILBERT, W. STEPHEN - Fight and kick and bite : life and work of Dennis Potter / W. Stephen Gilbert
266743: GILBERT, NEAL WARD - Renaissance concepts of method / [Neal Ward Gilbert]
266539: GILBERT, MARK - Wisdom of the ages : fourteen hundred concepts of two hundred everyday subjects by four hundred great thinkers of thirty nations extending over five thousand years, together with a preface and a final section 'X-Y-Z' (which latter should solve most problems in business, private, or domestic life)
265856: GILBERT, FELIX (1905-1991) - History : politics or culture? : reflections on Ranke and Burckhardt / Felix Gilbert
264871: GILBERT, BENTLEY B - David Lloyd George : a political life / Bentley Brinkerhoff Gilbert. The organiser of victory 1912-16
260267: GILBERT, W. S. (WILLIAM SCHWENCK) (1836-1911) - The Bab ballads : with which are included Songs of a Savoyard
252988: GILBERT, W. S. (1836-1911) - The Bab ballads
25185: GILBERT, MARTIN - The Righteous - the Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust / Martin Gilbert
24689: GILBERT, EDMUND W. - British Pioneers in Geography
228938: GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER - The life and work of Thomas Chippendale. Complete in two volumes / [by] Christopher Gilbert
228329: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-) - In Ishmael's house : a history of Jews in Muslim lands
228118: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-) - Israel : a history
228076: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-2015) - The story of Israel : from Theodor Herzl to the roadmap for peace / Martin Gilbert
227379: GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER - Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherson Hall - Complete in 2 slipcased volumes
226903: GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER (1936-1998) - Pictorial dictionary of marked London furniture, 1700-1840 / Christopher Gilbert.
224262: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-) - Winston S. Churchill. Vol.3. Companion. Part 2 Documents: May 1915-December 1916 / Martin Gilbert
224248: GILBERT, MARTIN - Winston S. Churchill. Vol.3. Companion. Part 1 Documents: July 1914-April 1915 / Martin Gilbert
220657: GILBERT, CREIGHTON - Michelangelo : on and off the Sistine ceiling / Creighton Gilbert
219468: GILBERT, MARTIN - Final journey : the fate of the Jews in Nazi Europe / Martin Gilbert
195177: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936- ) - Final journey : the fate of the Jews in Nazi Europe / Martin Gilbert
17899: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-) - From the Ends of the Earth : the Jews in the 20th Century / Martin Gilbert ; Picture Research by Sarah Jackson and Franziska Payer Crockett
178207: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-?) - Jewish history atlas / Martin Gilbert
168662: GILBERT, EUGENE - The California to remember / sketches by Eugene Gilbert ; words by Richard F. Pourade ; commissioned by Helen K. Copley
155067: GILBERT, MARTIN - Churchill and America
154325: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936- ) - The Jews of Hope / Martin Gilbert.
15358: GILBERT, MARTIN - Shcharansky. Hero of Our Time
147683: GILBERT, MARTIN - The Jews of Hope / Martin Gilbert
133638: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-) - The Holocaust : a Record of the Destruction of Jewish Life in Europe During the Dark Years of Nazi Rule / Martin Gilbert
130115: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-) - Atlas of the Holocaust / Martin Gilbert
263422: GILBERT, JOHN THOMAS SIR (1829-1898) - A history of the city of Dublin
155404: GILBERT, ELIZABETH L. - Broken spears : a Maasai journey
108823: GILBERT, ANNE (1927-) - 60's and 70's : Designs and Memorabilia : Identification and Price Guide / Anne Gilbert ; Photographs by Liz Cunningham
243267: GILBERT, JOHN THOMAS (1829-1898) - A contemporary history of affairs in ireland from 1641 to 1652
264164: GILBERT, MARTIN (1936-2015) - Holocaust journey : travelling in search of the past / Martin Gilbert
157946: GILBERT, EDWIN - Damion's Daughter
156386: GILBERT, MORT & E. ALBERT - Life Insurance : a Legalized Racket
195304: GILBERT, W. M. - Edinburgh in the nineteenth century : being a diary of the chief events which have occurred in the city from 1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D., together with an account of the building of the South Bridge, and a sketch of the fashions . .
261961: GILBERT, HENRY - The boys' book of pirates
227133: GILBERT, WILLIAM MATTHEWS - Edinburgh in the nineteenth century : being a diary of the chief events which have occurred in the city from 1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D. / edited by W.M. Gilbert
264355: GILBERT, MARTIN - Continue to pester, nag and bite : Churchill's war leadership / Martin Gilbert
276647: GILBERT, HENRY F B - King Arthur's Knights. The tales retold for boys and girls by Henry Gilbert. Illustrations
272946: GILBERT, W. S. (WILLIAM SCHWENCK) (1836-1911) - The 'Bab' ballads : much sound and little sense / W.S. Gilbert
250974: GILBERT, ANTHONY - The black stage
243233: GILBERT, JOHN THOMAS (1829-1898) - A contemporary history of affairs in Ireland, from 1641 to 1652 : now for the first time published with an appendix of original letters and documents / edited by John T. Gilbert ; illustrated with portraits and facsimiles. Vol.3. Pt.1
179704: GILBERT, W. S. (1836-1911) - Fifty 'Bab' ballads : Much sound and little sense
195417: GILBERT, TONY. - Israel - where to? : constant war or peace...
12587: GILBERT, W. M. - Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century: Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occured in the City from 1800 A. D. to 1900 A. D...
107111: GILBERT, JOHN RAPHAEL - Cats, Cats, Cats, Cats
91162: GILBERT, ALLAN H (1888-?) - Dante and His Comedy
85455: GILBERT, JAMES - The Great Planes, by James Gilbert
74658: GILBERT, JEANNE GIFFORD (1905-) - Psychology for the Profession of Nursing, by Jeanne G. Gilbert and Robert D. Weitz; with a Foreword by George O'Hanlon
107684: GILBERT, JARVEY (COMP. ) - Prescriptions for Living
59235: GILBERT, W. S. (WILLIAM SCHWENCK) (1836-1911) - The Yeomen of the Guard or the Merryman and His Maid : [Libretto]
56581: GILBERT, W. S. (WILLIAM SCHWENCK) (1836-1911) - The Lost Stories of W. S. Gilbert / Illustrated by 'Bab' ; Selected and Introduced by Peter Haining
50669: GILBERT, CLINTON W. (1871-1933) - Behind the Mirrors - the Psychology of Disintegration At Washington
152709: GILBERT, WILLIAM SCHWENCK (1836-1911) - More 'Bab' Ballads; Much Sound and Little Sense
147759: GILBERT, WILLIAM MATTHEWS (ED. ) - Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century : Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occurred in the City from 1800 A. D. to 1900 A. D. ... / Edited by W. M. Gilbert
147118: GILBERT, WILLIAM MATTHEWS (ED. ) - Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century : Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occurred in the City from 1800 A. D. to 1900 A. D. ... / Edited by W. M. Gilbert
192726: GILBERT, EUGENE, DIRECTEUR DE LA “REVUE GENERALE” - France et Belgique. Études litteraires. Lettre-preface de M. Paul Bourget
213151: GILBERT, ADRIAN GEOFFREY - The Mayan prophecies : unlocking the secrets of a lost civilization / Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell
257094: GILBERT, W. S. (1836-1911) - Fifty 'Bab' ballads : much sound and little sense
166118: GILBERT, NICOLAS JOSEPH LAURENT (1751-1780) - Œuvres Completes De Gilbert : Publiees Pour La Premiere Fois, Avec Les Corrections De L'Auteur Et Les Variantes, Accompagnees De Notes Litteraires Et Historiques
165852: GILBERT, PIERRE - La Poesie Egyptienne
165353: GILBERT, (WILLIAM MATTHEWS) , (D. 1916) - Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century : Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occurred in the City from 1800 A. D. to 1900 A. D. ... / Edited by W. M. Gilbert
36403: GILBERT, NEIL (1940-) - Welfare Justice : Restoring Social Equity / Neil Gilbert
174060: GILBERT, GEORGE HOLLEY (1854-1930) - The first interpreters of Jesus
239570: GILBERT, TONY - Israel - where to? : constant war or peace -
177561: GILBERT, HENRY - King Arthur's Knights. The tales retold for boys and girls
142484: [WYSS, JOHANN DAVID (1743-1818) ]. GILBERT, JOHN, ILLUS. - The Swiss Family Robinson : Being the Adventures of a Family Shipwrecked on a Desert Island. [ Schweizerische Robinson. English ]
145955: GILBERT, SIR WILLIAM SCHWENK (1836-1911) - Book and Lyrics of the Best-Known Gilbert and Sullivan Opera and the Bab Ballads
107771: GILBERT, ROD - Playing Hockey the Professional Way, by Rod Gilbert and Brad Park. with a Pref. by Emile Francis
161179: GILBERT, ARTHUR - A Jew in Christian America
30313: GILBERT, W. S. PAUL MCPHARLIN (ILL. ) - The Mikado, Or, the Town of Titipu
52336: GILBERT, RUTH - The Public Health Nurse and Her Patient
112666: GILBERT, EDMUND WILLIAM - British Pioneers in Geography
101840: GILBERT, JAMES (1935-2006) - The Flier's World
202321: GILBERT, GEORGE HOLLEY (1854-1930) - The first interpreters of Jesus
206088: GILBERT, BERNARD (B. 1882) - Bly market : moving pictures of a market-day
225584: GILBEY, WALTER, BART SIR. - Hounds in old days
155824: GILBEY, RYAN - It don't worry me : Nashville, Jaws, Star Wars and beyond
224115: GILBEY, WALTER SIR (1831-1914) - George Morland. His life and works
118172: GILBO, PATRICK F. - The American Red Cross : the First Century / Written and Edited by Patrick F. Gilbo
256137: GILBOA, YEHOSHUA A. [EDITOR] - Shvut : Jewish problems in the USSR and Eastern Europe : 1
58444: GILBREATH, ROBERT DEAN (1949-) - Forward Thinking : the Pragmatist's Guide to Today's Business Trends / Robert D. Gilbreath
116879: GILBY, THOMAS - Principality and Polity : Aquinas and the Rise of State Theory in the West / Thomas Gilby
60128: GILCHER, EDWIN - A Bibliography of George Moore
227066: GILCHER, EDWIN - A bibliography of George Moore
47204: GILCHRIST, ELLEN - Flights of Angels - Stories by Ellen Gilchrist
30736: GILCHRIST, ELLEN - Light Can be Both Wave and Particle - a Book of Stories
204513: GILCHRIST, PETER S - Someday I'll travel
173227: GILCHRIST, ELLEN (1935-) - Anabasis : a journey to the interior : a novel
276887: GILCHRIST, JAMES - Anglican church plate
266722: GILDEA, ROBERT - Children of the Revolution : the French, 1799-1914 / Robert Gildea
154870: GILDEA, ROBERT - Marianne in chains : everyday life in the French heartland under the German occupation
49061: GILDEA, EDWIN F. - Theory and Treatment of the Psyhoses, Some Newer Aspects
62365: GILDEA, MARIANNA, SISTER (1907-) - Expressions of Religious Thought and Feeling in the Chansons De Geste, by Sister Marianna Gildea
162023: GILDEMEISTERI, IOANNIS - De Evangeliis in Arabicum E Simplici Syriaca / Translatis Commentatio Academica Ioannis Gildemeisteri
263139: GILDEN, K B - Hurry sundown. Volume 1
37327: GILDER, GEORGE - The Quantum Revolution in Microcosm - Economics and Technology
70002: GILDER, RICHARD WATSON (1844-1909) - The Poems of Richard Watson Gilder - [Uniform Title: Poems]
86775: GILES, CARL H. - Bewitching Jewelry : Jewelry of the Black Arts / Carl H. Giles and Barbara Ann Williams
52767: GILES, CARL H. - 1927: the Picture Story of a Wonderful Year
256133: GILES - Giles Sunday express & Daily express cartoons: in 11 volumes
249555: GILES, KEN & SMITH, CLIVE - Match fishing our way / Ken Giles and Clive Smith
185857: GILES, GAIL; OTANI, JUNE - Breath of the dragon
181437: GILES, MOLLY - Rough translations : stories by Molly Giles.
125259: GILES, NICKI - The Marilyn Album
262016: GILES, J.A. (JOHN ALLEN) (1808-1884) - Hebrew and Christian records : an historical enquiry concerning the age and authorship of the Old and New Testaments
246917: GILES, KEN ; HARRELL, DAVE - Float fishing : rivers
192323: GILES, FRANK - Un correspondant tres particulier : Blowitz du 'Times'
214602: GILES, REV. DR. - Sallust's Jugurthine war construed literally for word
163373: GILES, FRANCIS TRESEDER (1896-) - The Criminal Law : a Short Introduction
263167: GILES, NICKI - The Marilyn Album
140933: GILES, ARTHUR EDWARD - Moral Pathology, by Arthur E. Giles
71086: GILES, RAY (1889-) - Begin Now - to Enjoy Tomorrow. Illustrated by Will Black
117182: GILES, HERBERT ALLEN - A Glossary of Reference on Subjects Connected with the Far East
147802: CONFUCIUS. LIONEL GILES (ED. ) - The Sayings of Confucius : a New Translation of the Greater Part of the Confucian Analects / with Introduction and Notes by Lionel Giles
46942: GILES, FRANK - A Prince of Journalists - the Life and Times of Henri Stefan Opper De Blowitz
221474: GILES, H. PRESTON - Egyptian types
120062: GILES, ARTHUR EDWARD (1864-) - Menstruation and its Disorders, by Arthur E. Giles
174731: GILES, F. T. (FRANCIS TRESEDER), (1896- ) - The criminal law : a short introduction
67627: GILES, JOEL - Maxims on Health, Business, Law, Policy, and Mind / Collected by Joel Giles
130793: GILES, FRANK. FRANK BARTON. LEONARD SUSSMAN. PETER GALLINER - Unesco and the Third World Media; an Appraisal
131728: PETROVA L. S. GILEVSKAYA (EDS. ) - Equality of Women in the U. S. S. R : Materials of [An] International Seminar, Moscow, September 15-October 1, 1956 / [Compiled by L. Petrova and S. Gilevskaya]
193600: GILFILLAN, ROSS - The snake-oil Dickens man
263542: GILFILLAN, GEORGE ; COWDEN CLARKE, CHARLES - Specimens with memoirs of the less-known British poets - vol. 1
179836: GILFILLAN, GEORGE - Young's night thoughts : With a life ... by ... George Gilfillan
37315: GILFILLAN, GEORGE (1813-1878). GOLDSMITH, OLIVER (1730? -1774). COLLINS, WILLIAM (1721-1759). WARTON, THOMAS (1728-1790) - The Poetical Works of Goldsmith, Collins, and T. Warton by the Rev. George Gilfillan
41924: GILFILLAN, REV. GEORGE - Young's Night Thoughts - with Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes
265395: GILFOND, HENRY - The Reichstag fire, February, 1933 : Hitler utilizes arson to extend his dictatorship
237813: GILFORD, HASTINGS (1861-). GALTON LABORATORY FOR NATIONAL EUGENICS - The disorders of post-natal growth and development
220627: GILFOYLE, TIMOTHY J. - A pickpocket's tale : the underworld of nineteenth-century New York / Timothy J. Gilfoyle
199715: GILHESPY, F. BRAYSHAW - Royal Crown Derby china, from 1876 to the present day; including Sampson Hancock, King Street, Derby, 1849-1935
277294: GILI, OBERTO - Luxury of space / photographs by Oberto Gili
35390: GILIOMEE, HERMANN BUHR (1938-). SCHLEMMER, LAWRENCE - Up Against the Fences : Poverty, Passes, and Privilege in South Africa / Edited by Hermann Giliomee & Lawrence Schlemmer
191041: GILISON, JEROME M. - British and Soviet politics : legitimacy and convergence
204473: GILISSEN, J. MAGITS, M. - De Arabische Landen en Israel : Actuele Geschiedens 4
236966: GILJE, KARIANNE BJELLÅS, ED.; FLOR, THOMAS; HALÉN, WIDAR; OPSTAD, JAN-LAURITZ; SKJERVEN, ASTRID - Grete Prytz Kittelsen: the art of enamel design / Karianne Bjellås Gilje (editor); Thomas Flor ... [et al.]
130526: GILKES, PATRICK - The Dying Lion : Feudalism and Modernization in Ethiopia / Patrick Gilkes
153698: GILKES, ANTHONY NEWCOMBE - The Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls
182177: GILKISON, ROBERT (1862-1942) - Early days in central Otago : being tales of times gone by
98100: GILL, LUNDA HOYLE - Portraits of China / Lunda Hoyle Gill ; Text by Colin Mackerras
80925: GILL, BRENDAN (1914-) - Lindbergh Alone
7931: GILL, D. M. - Illuminated Manuscripts
72805: GILL, GILLIAN - Agatha Christie : the Woman and Her Mysteries
57932: GILL, BRENDAN (1914-). WITNEY, DUDLEY - Summer Palaces
49843: GILL, BRENDAN (1914-) - The Dream Come True : Great Houses of Los Angeles / Brendan Gill ; Photographs by Derry Moore and with the Assistance of Christopher Phillips
275149: GILL, D. M - Illuminated manuscripts / D.M. Gill
275012: GILL, M. C. (MICHAEL CURRER) - The Wharfedale Mines
275013: GILL, M. C. (MICHAEL CURRER) - The Grassington mines
273176: GILL, M. C. (MICHAEL CURRER) - The Wharfedale Mines
272631: GILL, M. C. (MICHAEL CURRER) - The Greenhow mines
269023: GILL, ERIC (1882-1940) - The engraved work of Eric Gill
268060: GILL, MICHAEL - Mountain midsummer : climbing in four continents
267976: GILL, ERIC (BRITISH SCULPTOR, TYPOGRAPHER, AND AUTHOR, 1882-1940) - Letters of Eric Gill / edited by Walter Shewring
220863: GILL, TOM - The gay bandit of the border
209029: GILL, ERIC (1882-1940) - Bibliography of Eric Gill / [by] Evan R. Gill ; foreword by Walter Shewring
190432: GILL, DEREK - Illegitimacy, sexuality and the status of women / Derek Gill
16187: GILL, BRENDAN - Tallulah
158829: GILL, IRVING (1870-1936) - Irving J. Gill : Architect, 1870-1936 / Photographs, Marvin Rand
153908: GILL, BRENDAN (1914-) - Here At the New Yorker
156691: GILL, GILLIAN - Agatha Christie : the Woman and Her Mysteries / Gillian Gill
237659: GILL, C. A. (CLIFFORD ALLCHIN) (1878-) - The genesis of epidemics and the natural history of disease : an introduction to the science of epidemiology based upon the study of epidemics of malaria, influenza, & plague
14368: GILL, EVAN R. - Bibliography of Eric Gill - A Record of all Eric Gill's Writings & Illustrations with a List of the Major Criticisms of His Work and 96 Pages of Title-Pages
102549: GILL, BRENDAN. MARVIN ISRAEL. - Tallulah
65455: GILL, JOHN (1697-1771) - An Exposition of the Book of Solomon's Song, Commonly Called Canticles : Wherein the Authority of it is Established and Vindicated, Against Objections Both Ancient and Modern; Several Versions Compared with the Original Text The Different Senses, Both of Jewish and Christian Interpreters Considered; and the Whole Opened and Explained in Proper and Useful Observations ; to Which is Added, the Targum, or Chaldee Paraphrase Upon the Whole Book....
112231: GILL, BRENDAN. DERRY MOORE (PHOTOG. ) - The Dream Come True : Great Houses of Los Angeles / Brendan Gill
132717: GILL, CONRAD (1883-) & BRIGGS, ASA (1921-) - History of Birmingham : Volume I - Manor and Borough to 1865 ; Volume II - Borough and City 1865-1938
241898: GILL, FREDERICK CYRIL (1898-) - The romantic movement and Methodism : a study of English romanticism and the evangelical revival
100463: GILL, BRENDAN (1914-?) - Lindbergh Alone
184509: GILL, FEDERICO G. (B. 1915) - La poltica Latinoamerica : Partidos politicos - Bases economicas
233484: M. H. GILL - A Picture History of Ireland
150055: GILL, J. CLIFFORD (JOHN CLIFFORD) - The Ten Hours Parson; Christian Social Action in the Eighteen-Thirties
200032: GILL, MICHAEL - Image of the body : aspects of the nude / Michael Gill
206224: GILL, J. CLIFFORD (JOHN CLIFFORD) - The ten hours parson : Christian social action in the eighteen-thirties
29300: GILLARD, MICHAEL - A Little Pot of Money - the Story of Reginald Maudling and the Real Estate Fund of America (Introduction by Paul Foot)
176582: GILLE, VALERE - La Jeune-Belgique au hasard des souvenirs
273220: GILLER, NORMAN - Denis Compton / Norman Giller
210808: GILLER, NORMAN - Denis Compton / Norman Giller
56720: GILLESPIE, JAMES E. (JAMES ERNEST) (1940-) - Solos for Unaccompanied Clarinet: an Annotated Bibliography of Published Works, by James E. Gillespie, Jr
275402: GILLESPIE, CHARLES COULSTON - The monuments of Egypt : the Napoleonic edition : the complete archaeological plates from La description de l'Egypt / edited with an introduction by Charles Coulston Gillespie and Michel Dewachter
222442: GILLESPIE, THOMAS HAINING - A book of king penguins
135785: GILLESPIE, SARAH C. - A Hundred Years of Progress : the Record of the Scottish Typographical Association, 1853 to 1952
134360: GILLESPIE, SARAH C. - A Hundred Years of Progress : the Record of the Scottish Typographical Association, 1853 to 1952
131524: GILLESPIE, JESSIE LYNN - Le Tragique Dans L'Oeuvre De Georges Bernanos
265752: GILLESPIE, JAMES - Details of Scottish domestic architecture : a series of selected examples from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, of stonework, woodwork, furniture, plaster & metalwork, with introductory and descriptive text by James Gillespie, architect, published
262979: GILLESPIE, IAN - Sea fishing: The Wash to Thames estuary
179328: GILLESPIE, ALEXANDER LOCKHART - The natural history of digestion
178050: GILLESPIE, SARAH C. - A hundred years of progress : the record of the Scottish Typographical Association 1853-1952
149764: GILLESPIE, SARAH C. - A Hundred Years of Progress; the Record of the Scottish Typographical Association, 1853 to 1952
160895: GILLESPIE, JAMES J. - Free Expression in Industry, a Social-Psychological Study of Work and Leisure
7768: GILLESPIE, SARAH C. - A Hundred Years of Progress The Record of the Scottish Typographical Association 1853 to 1952
198304: GILLESPIE, C. G. K. (CHARLES GEORGE KNOX) - The sanitary code of the Pentateuch
269201: GILLET, ERIC - Junior Film Annual 1946-47
220924: GILLET, RANSOM H. (1800-1876) - Democracy in the United States : what it has done, what it is doing, and what it will do
190651: GILLET, LOUIS (1876-1943). ROLLAND, ROMAIN (1866-1944) - Correspondance entre Louis Gillet et Romain Rolland. Choix de lettres etabli par Mme Louis Gillet et Mme Romain Rolland ; preface de Paul Claudel. Cahier 2
178725: GILLET, JOSEPH E. (JOSEPH EUGENE) - Moliere en Angleterre, 1660-1670 / par J. E. Gillet
159584: GILLET, LEV - Communion in the Messiah : Studies in the Relationship between Judaism and Christianity
140325: GILLET, MARCEL (1931-) - La Philosophie De M. Meyerson. : Etude Critique
69298: GILLETT, CHARLIE - Rock Almanac : Top 20 Singles, 1955-73, and Top 20 Albums, 1964/73 / Edited by Charlie Gillett and Stephen Nugent
204993: GILLETT, ROY - Zen for modern living / Roy Gillett
232419: GILLETT, KEITH - The Australian Great Barrier Reef in colour / [by] K. Gillett
167660: GILLETT, GEORGE M. (COMMISSIONER FOR THE SPECIAL AREAS IN ENGLAND AND WALES) - Report of the commissioner for the special areas in England and Wales for the year ended 30th September, 1937...
190367: GILLETT, HENRY T. (HENRY TREGELLES) (D. 1955) - The spiritual basis of democracy : the living way / With a foreword by L. W. Grensted
139811: GILLETTE, JOHN MORRIS (1866-). REINHARDT, JAMES MELVIN - Current Social Problems
117526: GILLETTE, F. L. (FANNY LEMIRA) (1828-1926). ZIEMANN, HUGO. GROSSMAN, FRANCES R. - The White House Cookbook : a Re-Creation of a Famous American Cookbook and a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home / Mrs. F. L. Gillette and Hugo Ziemann ; Edited and New Material Supplied by Frances R. Grossman
103399: GILLETTE, DON CARLE - Formula for Stardom. the Techniques That Made Superstars
121724: GILLETTE, DOUGLAS - The Shaman's Secret : the Lost Resurrection Teachings of the Ancient Maya / Douglas Gillette
225556: GILLEY, SHERIDAN [EDITOR] - Victorian churches and churchmen : essays presented to Vincent Alan McClelland / edited by Sheridan Gilley
250315: GILLHAM, NICHOLAS W - A life of Sir Francis Galton : from African exploration to the birth of eugenics / Nicholas Wright Gillham
188458: GILLHAM, CHARLES EDWARD (1898-?) - Sled dog : and other poems of the North
66289: GILLIAM, TERRY - Animations of Mortality
273982: GILLIAM, TERRY - Gilliamesque : me, me, me, me memoir / Terry Gilliam and Ben Thompson
160459: GILLIAM, DOROTHY BUTLER (1936-) - Paul Robeson, All-American / Dorothy Butler Gilliam
100153: GILLIAM, ANN (ED. ) - RELATED NAME: SIERRA CLUB - Voices for the Earth : a Treasury of the Sierra Club Bulletin / Edited by Ann Gilliam ; Introd. by Harold Gilliam
126370: GILLIARD, EMILE - LI Derene Saison / Emile Gilliard.
269489: GILLIAT, EDWARD - In Lincoln Green : a merrie tale of Robin Hood by the Rev. E. Gilliat ; with illustrations by Ralph Cleaver
85321: GILLIATT, PENELOPE - Three-Quarter Face : Reports & Reflections
83028: GILLIATT, MARY - Lighting Your Home : a Practical Guide / Mary Gilliatt & Douglas Baker ; Photos by Michael Dunne & Others ; Designed by Janet Odgis
80922: GILLIATT, MARY - Decorating : a Realistic Guide
139226: GILLIATT, MARY - Mary Gilliatt's New Guide to Decorating
108491: GILLIATT, MARY - Dream Houses
60366: GILLIATT, MARY - Period Style / Mary Gilliatt with Elizabeth Wilhide
30909: GILLIES, ARCHIBALD L. JEFF FAUX. JERRY W. SANDERS [ET AL] - Post-Reagan America / Archibald L. Gillies ... [Et Al. ]
58071: GILLIES, R. R. (ROBERT REID) - Bacteriology Illustrated [By] R. R. Gillies [And] T. C. Dodds. Foreword by R. Cruickshank
259738: GILLIGAN, OSCAR - The Birmingham Six : an appalling vista / editor, Oscar Gilligan ; sub editors, Jürgen Schneider, Ralf Sotscheck
145526: GILLIGAN, EDMUND - I Name Thee Mara, by Edmund Gilligan
175546: GILLIGAN, ARTHUR EDWARD R. - Australian challenge / A.E.R. Gilligan
210911: GILLIGAN, ARTHUR EDWARD R. - Australian challenge / A.E.R. Gilligan
211063: GILLIGAN, ARTHUR E. R. - Sussex cricket / A.E.R. Gilligan ; with a foreword by K.S. Duleepsinhji
211876: GILLIGAN, ARTHUR EDWARD R. - The urn returns : a diary of the 1954-55 M.C.C. tour of Australia
159340: GILLIN, JOHN LEWIS (1871-1958) - Taming the Criminal : Adventures in Penology
172895: GILLIN, JOHN LEWIS (1871-1958) - Poverty and dependency : their relief and prevention
132619: GILLIN, JOHN LEWIS - History of Poor Relief Legislation in Iowa
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