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227722: HORSLEY, TERENCE - Fishing for Trout and Salmon / with plates and sketches by A.D. Greenhill Gardyne
152375: HORSTMANN, MARIA - Studien Zur Markinischen Christologie : Mk 8, 27-9, 13, Als Zugang Zum Christusbild Des Zweiten Evangeliums / Maria Horstmann
159439: HORT, F. J. A. - The Apocalypse of St. John, I-III. the Greek Text with Introduction, Commentary, and Additional Notes, by the Late F. J. A. Hort
137317: [ BIBLE. N. T. PETER. GREEK. ] F. J. A. HORT - The First Epistle of St Peter, I.1-II.17 : the Greek Text / with Introductory Lecture, Commentary and Additional Notes by F. J. A. Hort
145030: HORT, FENTON JOHN ANTHONY (1828-1892) - The First Epistle of St. Peter I.1 - II.17 / the Greek Text, with Introductory Lecture, Commentary and Additional Notes by ... F. J. A. Hort
170188: F.J.A. HORT. - The First Epistle of St. Peter i.1 - ii.17 / the Greek text, with introductory lecture, commentary and additional notes
122495: HORT, LENNY. BLOOM, LLOYD (ILLUSTRATOR) - The Goatherd and the Shepherdess : a Tale from Ancient Greece / Retold by Lenny Hort ; Pictures by Lloyd Bloom
186699: HORT, LENNY; O'BRIEN, JOHN (ILLUS.) - Did dinosaurs eat pizza? : mysteries science hasn't solved
170101: HORT, F. J. A. - The First Epistle of St Peter, I.1-II.17
215227: HORT, FENTON JOHN ANTHONY (1828-1892) - The Christian Ecclesia : a course of lectures on the early history and early conception of the Ecclesia, and four sermons
201258: HORTA, VICTOR, BARON, (1861-1947) - Horta : art nouveau to modernism / edited by Francoise Aubry and Jos Vandenbreeden ; photography: Reiner Lautwein
172098: HORTEN, MAX JOSEPH HEINRICH (1874-?) - Die Philosophie des Islam in ihren Beziehungen zu den philosophischen Weltanschauungen des westlichen Orients
264878: HORTENSE QUEEN, CONSORT OF LOUIS BONAPARTE, KING OF HOLLAND (1783-1837) - The Memoirs of Queen Hortense. Vol. 2 / edited by Prince Napoleon ; with foreword and note by Jean Hanoteau ; translated by Arthur K. Griggs and F. Mabel Robinson
162650: CHAMBRES SYNDICALE DES HORTICULTEURS - Rapport Annuel / Presente Par Le Comite Permanent a L'Asamblee Generale Du 8 Fevrier 1885 Sur Les Travaux Et Al Situation De La Chambre Syndicale Pendant L'Annee 1884
59942: HORTON, THOMAS R. - What Works for Me : 16 Ceos Talk about Their Careers and Commitments
180346: HORTON, R. F. (ED., 1855-1934) (BIBLE - N.T.) - The Pastoral Epistles : Timothy and Titus : introduction, Authorized Version, Revised Version, with notes, index and map / edited by R.F. Horton
178753: HORTON, ROBERT FORMAN - The book of Proverbs
201607: HORTON, ROBERT F. (ROBERT FORMAN) (1855-1934) - Revelation and the Bible : an attempt at reconstruction
238289: HORTON-SMITH, LIONEL GRAHAM HORTON (1871-) - Dr. Walter Baily (or Bayley) (c. 1529-1592), physician to Queen Elizabeth : his parentage, his life, and his relatives and descendants
184259: HORTON, JOHN - Stories of Great Music
176802: HORTON, R. F. (ED., 1855-1934) - The minor prophets : Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah / introduction, revised version with notes, index and map ; edited by R.F. Horton
129389: HORTON, ROBERT FORMAN (1855-1934) - The Book of Proverbs
55337: HORTON, R. G. RUSHMORE G. (B. 1826) - The Life and Public Services of James Buchanan
197591: HORTON, R.F. (ED.) [BIBLE - OLD TESTAMENT - ENGLISH] - The minor prophets : Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah / introduction, revised version with notes, index and map ; edited by R.F. Horton
234581: HORTSCHANSKY, KLAUS. KESSEMEIER, SIEGFRIED. LUTTEKEN, LAURENZ. PORTRATARCHIV DIEPENBROICK. UNIVERSITAT MUNSTER. MUSIKWISSENSCHAFTLICHES SEMINAR - Musiker der Renaissance und des Fruhbarock : grafische Bildnisse aus dem Portratarchiv Diepenbroick / Klaus Hortschansky, Siegfried Kessemeier, Laurenz Lutteken ; [Ubersetzungen aus dem Lateinischen, Alexander Cizek]
275940: HORVAT, FRANK - Paris-Londres : London-Paris : 1952-1962 / Frank Horvat
272149: HORVAT, FRANK - Arbres : Frank Horvat : Musée des arts décoratifs, Château des ducs de Bretagne, Nantes, 30 juin-11 septembre 1977
206727: HORVAT, MARIJAN [ED.] - Hrvatska [Our lovely Croatia / editors: Marijan Horvat, Drago Zdunic]
58827: HORVAT, BRANKO - An Essay on Yugoslav Society. (Text Translated by Henry F. Mins)
46718: HORVATH-PETERSON, SANDRA - Victor Duruy & French Education
276160: HORVÁTH, M JUDIT - Más világ = Other world
121024: HORVATH, ARTHEMY A. - The Soybean Industry
81541: HORWITZ, JAMES - They Went Thataway
23704: HORWITZ, JULIUS - Natural Enemies
221293: HORWITZ, JAMES - They went thataway / [by] James Horwitz
169145: HORWITZ, SYLVIA L. - The find of a lifetime : Sir Arthur Evans and the discovery of Knossos
128082: HORWITZ, RALPH - The Political Economy of South Africa
19417: HORWITZ, CARRIE NORRIS - Swanhilde and Other Fairy Tales
102194: HORWITZ, SYLVIA L. - The find of a lifetime : Sir Arthur Evans and the discovery of Knossos
261275: HORWOOD, ALFRED J - Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the First Years XXXII and XXXIII / Edited and translated by Alfred J. Horwood
101632: HORWOOD, HAROLD (1923-). EDWARD BUTTS - Pirates & Outlaws of Canada, 1610-1932
233569: HOSE, MARTIN - Meisterwerke der antiken Literatur : von Homer bis Boethius / hrsg. von Martin Hose
140992: HOSELITZ, BERT F. (BERT FRANK) (1913-1995) - Sociological Aspects of Economic Growth
92271: HOSIE, LADY (1885-?) - The Pool of Chien Lung, a Tale of Modern Peking, by Lady Hosie ... Frontispiece by Chiang Yee
91684: HOSIE, LADY - Jesus and Woman, Being a Study of the Four Gospels with Special Reference to the Attitude of the Man, Jesus Christ Towards Women, by Lady Hosie ....
262713: HOSIE, DOROTHEA LADY - The pool of Ch'ien Lung : a tale of modern Peking
266658: HOSKING, GORDON - A summary of socialism
266107: HOSKING, ERIC - An eye for a bird : the autobiography of a bird photographer
265333: HOSKING, GEOFFREY - A history of the Soviet Union / Geoffrey Hosking
259825: HOSKING, GEOFFREY - A history of the Soviet Union / Geoffrey Hosking
18534: HOSKING, GEOFFREY - Beyond Socialist Realism : Soviet Fiction Since Ivan Denisovich / Geoffrey Hosking
18533: HOSKING, GEOFFREY - Beyond Socialist Realism : Soviet Fiction Since Ivan Denisovich / Geoffrey Hosking
96789: HOSKING, GEOFFREY A - Beyond Socialist Realism : Soviet Fiction Since Ivan Denisovich
179477: HOSKING, G. - A summary of socialism
278019: HOSKING, GORDON - A summary of socialism
133078: HOSKING, G. L. (GEORGE LLEWELLYN) - Salute to Service : the Prudential in the Second World War / Compiled by G. L. Hosking
193034: HOSKING, GORDON A. (GORDON ALBERT) (1907-?) - A summary of socialism
238946: HOSKING, ERIC JOHN; NEWBERRY, CYRIL WILLIAM - More Birds of the day
24917: HOSKING, GORDON A. - Superannuation Schemes
107982: HOSKING, ERIC JOHN - Seabirds of the World / Photographs by Eric Hosking, Text by Ronald M. Lockley
77616: HOSKINS, ROBERT (1933-) - Tomorrow's Son
112634: HOSKINS, W. G. - Local History in England
111131: HOSKINS, ROBERT - Tomorrow's Son / Robert Hoskins
199597: HOSKINS, W. G. (WILLIAM GEORGE) - Chilterns to Black Country / with a portrait by W.G. Hoskins ; [gazetteer by H.G. Stokes]
70867: HOSKYNS, BARNEY - James Dean : Shooting Star / Barney Hoskyns ; Picture Editor, David Loehr
244134: HOSKYNS, C. WREN - A catechism on the English land system
195558: HOSMER, WILLIAM - Slavery and the church
164961: HOSMER, WILLIAM - The Higher Law in its Relations to Civil Government; with Particular Reference to Slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law. Auburn [N. Y. ] Derby & Miller, 1852
244320: HOSMER, JAMES KENDALL (1834-1927) - The Jews : ancient, mediaeval and modern times
180933: HOSMER, MARGARET (1830-1897) - Under the holly : a book for girls
89016: HOSMER, JAMES KENDALL - Samuel Adams
195975: HOSMER, WILLIAM - The Higher Law in its Relations to Civil Government; with Particular Reference to Slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law
174797: HOSONO, GUNJI - Histoire du desarmement / Gunji Hosono
241919: GENERAL HOSPITAL (BIRMINGHAM) - The Birmingham General Hospital and Triennial Musical Festivals. A series of papers from “Aris's Birmingham Gazette” ... with additions. [By John Thackray Bunce.]
242004: ST. CROSS HOSPITAL - St. Cross Hospital: Sixty Illustration
215073: BESFORD COURT MENTAL WELFARE HOSPITAL - The Besford Court Mental Welfare Hospital, Worcester : a survey 1st July, 1936 to 30th June, 1937
238197: BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - Birmingham General Hospital Bicentenary appeal
186195: ROBERT JONES & AGNES HUNT ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL (OSWESTRY, ENGLAND) - The heritage of Oswestry : the origin and development of the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry (1900 to 1961)
238438: BIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND EYE HOSPITAL - Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital
238214: DIPLOMÉE OF A LONDON HOSPITAL - The Secret of health : with the story of 'The Missing bag'
238515: THE EDGBASTON NUFFIELD HOSPITAL - The Edgbaston Nuffield Hospital Welcome Pamphlet
239005: BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The General Hospital, Birmingham. Eightieth Annual Report, from midsummer, 1858, to midsummer, 1859
239006: BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The General Hospital, Birmingham. Seventy-Ninth Annual Report, from midsummer, 1857, to midsummer 1858
239007: BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The General Hospital, Birmingham. Seventy-Seventh Annual Report, from midsummer, 1855, to midsummer, 1856
239059: BIRMINGHAM SKIN HOSPITAL (BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND) - The Skin Hospital, Birmingham. A century of skin care, 1881-1981
239095: THE BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The Sixty-Seventh Annual report of the General Hospital, Birmingham. From Midsummer, 1845, to Midsummer, 1846
239097: THE BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The Sixty-Second Annual report of the General Hospital, Birmingham. From Midsummer, 1840, to Midsummer, 1841
239098: THE BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The Fifty-Fourth Annual report of the General Hospital, near Birmingham. From Midsummer, 1832, to Midsummer, 1833
239101: THE BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The Seventieth Annual report of the General Hospital, near Birmingham. From Midsummer, 1848, to Midsummer, 1849
239100: THE BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The Sixty-First Annual report of the General Hospital, near Birmingham. From Midsummer, 1839, to Midsummer, 1840
239103: THE BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL - The Seventy-First Annual report of the General Hospital, near Birmingham. From Midsummer, 1849, to Midsummer, 1850
239545: MIDLAND HOSPITAL - Ninety-First Annual Report of the Midland Hospital (for homoeopathic and general treatment). for the year 1937
239544: MIDLAND HOSPITAL - Hundred and First Annual Report of the Midland Hospital (for homoeopathic and general treatment). for the year 1947
239610: BIRMINGHAM DENTAL HOSPITAL - 83rd Annual report 1943
239611: BIRMINGHAM DENTAL HOSPITAL - 86th Annual report 1946
244225: HENRY FORD HOSPITAL - Collected papers by the staff of the Henry Ford Hospital: First Series (1915-1925)
238523: UNITED BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS - The United Birmingham Hospitals Year Book 1967; including abstract of statistics
238524: UNITED BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS - The United Birmingham Hospitals Year Book 1971; including abstract of statistics
239001: UNITED BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS - Centre Club. Centre Bar Club: Rules and Constitution
239083: THE UNITED BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS - The Children's Hospital: Medical Vade-Mecum. 1956
239669: UNITED BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS - Annual Cancer Report Vol. I 1953: Alimentary Tract; Vol. II 1954: Larynx, Bronchus, Penis, Urethra, Scrotum; Vol. III 1957: Breast, Bladder, Ovary, Salivary Glands, Prostate, Testes
239670: UNITED BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS - Annual Cancer Report Vol. III 1957: Breast, Bladder, Ovary, Salivary Glands, Prostate, Testes
121613: HOSSEIN ETEZADY, M. (EDITOR) - Treatment of Neurosis in the Young : a Psychoanalytic Perspective / Edited by M. Hossein Etezady
209001: HOSSEINI, KHALED - A thousand splendid suns / Khaled Hosseini
254283: HOSSENT, HARRY - Gangster movies : gangsters, hoodlums and tough guys of the screen / Harry Hossent
257837: HOSTELET, GEORGES - L'oeuvre civilisatrice de la Belgique au Congo : de 1885 à 1953. Tome 2 Les avantages dont les blancs et les noirs ont bénéficié et bénéficieront de l'oeuvre civilisatrice de la Belgique au Congo
246253: HOSTER, JOSEPH - Guiding you through Cologne Cathedral
111461: HOSTETLER, JEFF. ED FITZGERALD - One Giant Leap / Jeff Hostetler with Ed Fitzgerald
89132: HOSTOVSKY, EGON - The Hideout, by Egon Hostovsky, Translated from the Czech by Fern Long
217648: HOSZOWSKIEGO, STANISLAWA [ED.] - Zrodla do dziejow handlu i zeglugi Gdanska / pod redakcja Stanislawa Hoszowskiego [complete in 2 volumes]
268596: HOTBLACK, KATE - Chatham's colonial policy : a study in the fiscal and economic implications of the colonial policy of the elder Pitt
107803: HOTCHKIN, WILLIAM ROWLAND - Making More Money in Storekeeping, by W. R. Hotchkin
194122: HOTCHKISS, WILLIS L. (WILLIS LIVINGSTONE) (1901-1986) - The law of wage action
115345: HOTCHKISS, JOHN F. - Hummel Art
195401: HOTCHKISS, JEDEDIAH (1827-1899) - Secession and the Civil War
102933: HOTCHKISS, JOHN F. - Hummel Art II / John F. Hotchkiss with Christine Cassidy
87011: HOTCHNER, A. E. - Blown Away : the Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties
273795: HOTCHNER, A. E - Hemingway in love : his own story / A.E. Hotchner
185915: HOTCHNER, A. E. - Treasure
107181: HOTCHNER, A. E. - Sophia, Living and Loving : Her Own Story
84561: HOTCHNER, A. E. - Sophia, Living and Loving : Her Own Story
266589: SAVOY HOTEL (LONDON, ENGLAND) - London's social calendar. A publication containing illustrations in colour, and descriptions of famous functions attended by English society
62871: UNITED STATES HOTEL - Breast Pocket Map of Boston, Showing Elevated, Surface and Subway Lines
239653: SAVOY HOTEL - Menu for League of Louth meeting, May 21st, 1919
181835: HOTMAN, FRANCOIS (1524-1590) - Franco-Gallia : or, An account of the ancient free state of France, and most other parts of Europe, before the loss of their liberties / written originally in Latin by the famous civilian Francis Hotoman, in the year 1574 . . .
15371: HOTSON, LESLIE (1897-) - Mr. W. H.
222456: HOTTEN, JOHN CAMDEN (1832-1873) - A dictionary of modern slang, cant and vulgar words used in the present day in the street of London; ...; preceded by a History of cant and vulgar language from the time of Henry VIII ...
124934: HOTTENROTH, FRIEDRICH - Le Costume Chez Les Peuples Anciens Et Modernes : Nouvelle Serie / Par Fr. Hottenroth ; Traduction Par M. John Bernhoff
133753: HOTTENROTH, FRIEDRICH (1840-) - Altfrankfurter Trachten : Von Den Ersten Geschichtlichen Spuren an Bis Ins 19. Jahrhundert / Von Friedrich Hottenroth
148234: HOTTINGER, ARNOLD - Spain in Transition: Franco's Regime / Arnold Hottinger
55465: HOTZ, GOTTFRIED - Indian Skin Paintings from the American Southwest; Two Representations of Border Conflicts between Mexico and the Missouri in the Early Eighteenth Century. Translated by Johannes Malthaner
144687: HOTZ, WALTER - L' Unita Dell'europa Nell'arte / Walter Hotz
137060: HOUART, PIERRE - L'Afrique Aux Trois Visages; Ultra Totalitaire Ou Modere?
257010: HOUART, VICTOR - The open heart : the inspiring story of Father Pire and the Europe of the heart
117940: HOUART, VICTOR - Easter Eggs / Victor Houart
78919: HOUDINI, HARRY AND JOSEPH DUNNINGER - Magic and Mystery - the Incredible Psychic Invesigations of Houdini and Dunnibger
188885: HOUDINI, HARRY (1874-1926). DUNNINGER, JOSEPH (1892-1975) - Houdini's Spirit world and Dunninger's Psychic revelations
216689: HOUDINI, HARRY (1874-1926) - Houdini's strange tales : a collection of fiction
108465: HOUDINI, HARRY (1874-1926) - Houdini: A Magician Among the Spirits
114337: HOUDINI, HARRY. JOSEPH DUNNINGER - Magic and Mystery. the Incredible Psychic Investigations of Harry Houdini and Joseph Dunninger
165408: HOUDINI, HARRY (1874-1926). DUNNINGER, JOSEPH - Magic and Mystery : the Incredible Psychic Investigations of Houdini and Dunninger
266416: HOUEL, JEAN PIERRE LOUIS LAURENT (1735-1813) - Voyage pittoresque des isles de Sicile, de Lipari et de Malte : reproduction of six lithographs of Gozo by Jean Houel with original text and an English translation / edited by Ann Monsarrat and Godwin Vella
267206: HOUFE, SIMON - Dictionary of British book illustrators : 1800-1914 / with introductory chapters on the Rise and Progress of the Art; Simon Houfe
240001: HOUFE, SIMON (1942-) - Fin de siècle : the illustrators of the 'nineties
178015: HOUFE, SIMON - Dictionary of British book illustrators : 1800-1914 ; with introductory chapters on the Rise and Progress of the Art / Simon Houfe
47656: HOUGEN, RICHARD T. - Look No Further
95706: HOUGH, RICHARD ALEXANDER - The Potemkin Mutiny
51724: HOUGH, JERRY F. - Opening Up the Soviet Economy
28358: HOUGH, RICHARD (1922-) - Edwina : Countess Mountbatten of Burma
242406: HOUGH, RICHARD (1922-1999) - Fighting ships / [by] Richard Hough
224323: HOUGH, RICHARD - Winston & Clementine : the triumph of the Churchills / Richard Hough.
219304: HOUGH, RICHARD - Man O'War - the Fighting Ship in History
202461: HOUGH, PETER - Phillip Schofield's One in a million / Peter Hough
193104: HOUGH, MICHAEL - Anxiety about crime : findings from the 1994 British crime survey
223875: HOUGH, RICHARD - The Potemkin mutiny / Richard Hough
276624: HOUGH, SAMUEL J & PENELOPE R.O - The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection at Hamilton College : a catalogue of books, manuscripts, prints, maps, and drawings, 1521-1860
137246: HOUGH, HENRY BEETLE - Country Editor, by Henry Beetle Hough
83063: HOUGH, RICHARD ALEXANDER - The Great Admirals / Richard Hough
76146: HOUGH, HENRY BEETLE (1896-) - Wamsutta of New Bedford, 1846-1946 : a Story of New England Enterprise
73403: HOUGH, BENJAMIN OLNEY (1865-? ) - Practical Exporting; a Handbook for Manufacturers and Merchants
73024: HOUGH, HENRY BEETLE - Tuesday Will be Different - Letters from Sheriff's Lane
59509: HOUGH, DONALD (1895-) - Captain Retread
94666: HOUGH, ELEANOR MARGARET - The Co-Operative Movement in India : its Relation to a Sound National Economy
263814: HOUGH, RICHARD (1922-1999) - The longest battle : the war at sea, 1939-45 / Richard Hough
168885: HOUGH, HENRY BEETLE (1896- ) - Country editor, by Henry Beetle Hough
239218: HOUGH, EMERSON (1857-1923) - The covered wagon
160807: HOUGH, HENRY BEETLE (1896- ) - The New England Story, a Novel
165036: HOUGH, LYNN HAROLD, (1877-) - The Meaning of Human Experience
33689: HOUGH, RICHARD ALEXANDER (1922-) - The Potemkin Mutiny
118896: HOUGH, RICHARD ALEXANDER - Sister Agnes : the History of King Edward Vii's Hospital for Officers 1899-1999 / Richard Hough
76182: HOUGH, E. H. , MRS. EVERGREEN, EVA [PSEUD.] - Agatha
93495: HOUGH, RICHARD ALEXANDER (1922-) - The Potemkin Mutiny
195702: HOUGH, JOSEPH C. - Black power and white Protestants : a Christian response to the new Negro pluralism
84388: HOUGHAM, PAUL C (1914-?) - The Encyclopedia of Archery
276015: HOUGHTON, JOHN, (JOHN CASWELL) - Eccentrics and villains, hauntings and heroes : tales from four shires : Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & Hertfordshire
267413: HOUGHTON, ARTHUR AMORY - Books and manuscripts from the library of Arthur A. Houghton, Jnr : which will be sold at auction by Christie, Manson & Woods, ltd - 2 vols
267049: HOUGHTON, STANLEY (1881-1913). BRIGHOUSE, HARRY - The works of Stanley Houghton / edited with an introduction by Harold Brighouse: vol. III
267024: HOUGHTON, WALTER E. (WALTER EDWARDS) (1904-1983) - The Victorian frame of mind, 1830-1870
245574: HOUGHTON, WILLIAM (1828-1895) - British fresh-water fishes ; foreword by Lord Hardinge of Penshurst ; illustrated by A.F. Lydon ; engraved by Benjamin Fawcett
214250: HOUGHTON, DAVID (1928-). ROYAL YACHTING ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - Weather at sea / David Houghton
189422: HOUGHTON, RICHARD MONCKTON MILNES, BARON (1809-1885) - Stray verses 1889-1890 / Robert Lord Houghton
182908: HOUGHTON, WILLIAM (1828-1895). LYDON, ALEXANDER FRANCIS (1836-1917) - British fresh-water fishes / W. Houghton ; foreword by Lord Hardinge of Penshurst ; illustrated by A.F. Lydon ; engraved by Benjamin Fawcett
12539: HOUGHTON BRODRICK, ALAN - The Abbé Breuil : Prehistorian ; a Biography
164140: HOUGHTON, CLAUDE (1889- ) - This Was Ivor Trent, by Claude Houghton [Pseud. ]
252671: HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN - British poets. Riverside edition - 16 volumes
252599: HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN - American statesmen - 38 volumes
204172: HOUGHTON, LOUISE SEYMOUR - The Bible in picture and story
209758: HOULE, CYRIL ORVIN - The effective board
111386: HOULE, GEORGE J. - The Performing Arts - Books & Autographs - Catalogue 51
237334: HOULET, JACQUES. GIRAUDOUX, JEAN (1882-1944) - Le théâtre de Jean Giraudoux / Jacques Houlet
203730: HOUM, PHILIP - Norsk litteratur efter 1900 / Philip Houm [Language: Swedish]
251911: HOUNAM, PETER - The mini-nuke conspiracy : Mandela's nuclear nightmare / Peter Hounam and Steve McQuillan
145165: HOUQUES-FOURCADE, MAURICE - Elements D'Economique Politique; La Circulation, Commerce
130080: L'HOUR, JEAN - La Morale De L'Alliance
90632: HOURANI, ALBERT HABIB - A Vision of History; Near East and Other Essays [By] Albert Hourani
148735: HOURANI, GEORGE FADLO - Ethical Value
270921: HOURMOUZIOS, S.-L. (STELIO L.) - Starvation in Greece / edited by S.-L. Hourmouzios
276343: HALF HOURS - Half hours in many lands : with numerous illustrations
127476: HOURS, JOSEPH - Le Mouvement Ouvrier Francais / Joseph Hours
279563: HOURTICQ, LOUIS (1875-1944) - A guide to the Louvre : painting, sculpture, decorative art / Louis Hourticq ; with 292 illustrations and 7 maps ; English text by L. D. Luard
253423: HOUSBY, TREVOR - Freshwater fishing / Trevor Housby
252140: HOUSBY, TREVOR - Dream fishing : the world's greatest fishing waters / Trevor Housby
252132: HOUSBY, TREVOR - The complete book of fishing : a guide to freshwater, saltwater & big-game fishing / Trevor Housby, Arthur Oglesby & John Wilson
249661: HOUSBY, TREVOR - The illustrated angler : the classic text of Trevor Housby and original paintings by Charles Jardine
247501: HOUSBY, TREVOR. OGLESBY, ARTHUR. WILSON, JOHN - The complete book of fishing
245499: HOUSBY, TREVOR RAYMOND LAURENCE - The Art of Angling
249035: HOUSBY, TREVOR - Shark hunter / Trevor Housby
249553: HOUSBY, TREVOR RAYMOND LAURENCE - Gravel pit fishing
246601: HOUSBY, TREVOR (1939-) - The concise illustrated book of freshwater fish / Trevor Housby
253461: HOUSBY, TREVOR RAYMOND LAURENCE - The art of sea angling
262939: HOUSBY, TREVOR RAYMOND LAURENCE - Coarse fishing illustrated / [by] Trevor Housby and Keith Linsell
140940: HOUSDEN, LESLIE GEORGE - The Prevention of Cruelty to Children
88391: EDITORS OF HERON HOUSE - Book of Numbers: the Ultimate Compendium of the World's Most Fascinating Facts and Statistics
71161: HOUSE, WILLIAM C. (COMP. ) - Operations Research : an Introduction to Modern Applications / William C. House, Editor
277070: HOUSE, JOHN W. (JOHN WILLIAM) (1919-1984) - The North-East
275128: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Sunbeam Annual 1938
275129: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Crackers Annual 1939
272710: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Bubbles Annual 1929
272715: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Bubbles Annual 1938
272688: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Playbox Annual 1951
272689: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Mrs Hippo's Annual 1937
272691: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Tiger Tim's Annual 1933
267881: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY PUB. HOUSE - Soviet economists discuss: parent-states and colonies
266143: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Boy's cinema annual 1936
266125: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Boy's cinema annual 1941
264741: HOUSE, EDWARD MANDELL (1858-1938) - The intimate papers of Colonel House - 4 volumes
64694: HOUSE OF EL DIEFF, INC. [LEW DAVID FELDMAN] - Sixty Five : Manuscripts and Correspondence, Paintings and Sculptures, Drawings and Graphics, Books and Periodicals ... Slip-Cased with Catalog Numbers 64 and 70 - 3 Volumes in All
259374: A.U.C.C.T.U. PUBLISHING HOUSE - The Soviet trade-unions during the period of the postwar five-year plan
259274: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY PUBLISHING HOUSE - A State of the entire people
258625: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE - South Viet Nam : a great victory winter 1966-spring 1967
257992: POLONIA PUBLISHING HOUSE - Poland : Population, system of government, history
262421: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE - Thirty Years of the Soviet Calenday: 1917-1947
178954: HOUSE OF COMMONS, PARLIAMENT, GREAT BRITAIN - Report from select committee on labouring poor (allotments of land) : with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index
277843: OXMOOR HOUSE - Home cookery : ladies' indispensable companion
243943: JOESPHINE BUTLER MEMORIAL HOUSE - The Josephine Butler Memorial House: Twenty-Fourth Annual Report: 1944
188659: HOUSE OF COMMONS, GREAT BRITAIN - Commercial. No. 10 (1894). Reports from Her Majesty's representatives abroad on the system of pawnbroking in various countries. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. August 1894
188174: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, CONGRESS, UNITED STATES - Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, being the third session of the forty-sixth congress, begun and held at the city of Washington. December 6, 1880, in the one hundred and fifth year of the independence of the United States
279477: JOSEPHINE BUTLER MEMORIAL HOUSE - Josephine Butler Memorial House, Annual report - 29th, 1949
51054: HARRISON HOUSE - The Life and Death of Elvis Presley
272379: FLEETWAY HOUSE - The Modern Boy's Annual 1935
272387: FLEETWAY HOUSE - Playbox Annual 1933 - A picture and story book for children
250121: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY PUBLISHING HOUSE - A state of the entire people
256943: HOUSE, JOHN - Post-impressionism : cross-currents in European painting / [edited by John House and Mary Anne Stevens]
194394: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE - Second Session of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. August 10-21, 1938
192495: JUGOSLAVIJA PUBLISHING HOUSE - Yugoslav survey : vol. 1, no. 1, April 1960
252614: HOUSE, EDWARD MANDELL (1858-1938). SEYMOUR, CHARLES (1885-1963) - The intimate papers of Colonel House. Vol. 1 Behind the political curtain, 1912-1915 / arranged as a narrative by Charles Seymour
105301: HOUSE, HOMER DOLIVER - Wild Flowers of New York, by Homer D. House (The Plates Volume Only) ... . .. the University of the State of New York, State Museum
75975: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE: 56TH CONGRESS, 2ND SESSION - Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Frank G. Clarke (Late a Representative from New Hampshire) Feb. 23-26, 1901
108295: HOUSE OF COLLECTIBLES, INC. THOMAS E. HUDGEONS III (ED. ) - The Official Price Guide to Hummel Figurines & Plates
263450: CIVIC OPERA HOUSE - Chicago City Opera Company - Season 1938-1939
192247: GIAI PHONG PUBLISHING HOUSE - South Vietnam : a month of unprecedented offensive and uprising
217211: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY PUB. HOUSE - Independence, freedom and peace for Vietnam : appeal of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
217132: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE (MOSCOW) - Resolutions of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (February 1956)
279616: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE - Democratic Republic of Vietnam 1945-1960 : impressions of foreigners
127936: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY PUBLISHING HOUSE - The Deceived Testify; Concerning the Plight of Immigrants in Israel. (Letters, Statements, Diary Notes, Interviews)
172257: NOVOSTI PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE - U.S.S.R. industry : 1958 - 1965 - 1970
117468: NEW YORK : MANHATTAN HOUSE - The Secret Museum of Mankind. Five Volumes in One.
219273: HOUSE OF EL DIEFF, INC. - 1975 fortieth anniversary catalogue containing forty selections from stock / Lew David Feldman, House of El Dieff, inc
183743: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE - The Thieu regime put to the test, 1973-1975
154083: HOUSE, EDWARD MANDELL (1858-1938) - The Intimate Papers of Colonel House / Arranged As a Narrative by Charles Seymour [Complete in Two Volumes]
172534: NOVOSTI PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE - U.S.S.R. social security : 1958 - 1965 - 1970
246742: HOUSE, EDWARD MANDELL. SEYMOUR, CHARLES (1885-1963) - The intimate papers of Colonel House. Vol. 2 From neutrality to war, 1915-1917 / arranged as a narrative by Charles Seymour
176488: HOUSE OF COMMONS, PARLIAMENT, GREAT BRITAIN - Criminal offenders, (England and Wales.) : Return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons ... showing the number of criminal offenders ... in each county of England and Wales in the year 1834; and the result of the proceedings
175824: HOUSE OF COMMONS, GREAT BRITAIN - Report on alleged existence of 'white terror' in Hungary / presented to parliament by command of His Majesty
174730: HOUSE OF COMMONS, GREAT BRITAIN. - The Penguin Hansard : vol. 4, The second winter
191486: NAIM FRASHERI STATE PUB. HOUSE - Twenty years of socialism in Albania
219033: HOUSE OF EL DIEFF, INC. - 1975 fortieth anniversary catalogue containing forty selections from stock / Lew David Feldman, House of El Dieff, inc.
61529: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE - Indomitable South Vietnam = Le Sud Viet Nam Indomptable
162505: BUDAPEST STATE PUBLISHING HOUSE - The Trial of Jozsef Grosz and His Accomplices
163395: BUDAPEST STATE PUBLISHING HOUSE - The Trial of Jozsef Grosz and His Accomplices
80532: HOUSE, CAURTMAN G - Relative Values of Early American Patterned Glass, a Check List with Prices Covering More Than Seven Thousand Forms in the Two Hundred Most Popular Patterns of American Pressed Glass
194380: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE - Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 1945-1960 : impressions of foreigners
264060: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY PUBLISHING HOUSE - Human rights in socialist society
192672: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY PUBLISHING HOUSE - The Deceived testify : concerning the plight of immigrants in Israel : letters, statements, diary notes, interviews
262907: ORBIS HOUSE - Royal Family - 2 volumes
272740: HOUSEHOLD, GEOFFREY - Arabesque : a novel
268206: HOUSEHOLD, GEOFFREY (1900-1988) - Olura
268199: HOUSEHOLD, GEOFFREY - The three sentinels
268187: HOUSEHOLD, GEOFFREY (1900-1988) - Thing to love / Geoffrey Household
251536: HOUSEHOLD, GEOFFREY (1900-1988) - Rogue male / Geoffrey Household
20763: A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD - The Private Life of King Edward VII (Prince of Wales, 1841-1901)
79163: HOUSEMAN, JOHN - Entertainers and the Entertained : Essays on Theater, Film, and Television
61408: HOUSEMAN, JOHN - Front and Center / John Houseman
242461: HOUSEMAN, JOHN (1902-1988) - Front and center / John Houseman
240339: HOUSEMAN, JOHN - Final dress / John Houseman
239843: HOUSEMAN, JOHN (1902-1988) - Run-through : a memoir
203553: HOUSEMAN, LORNA - The house that Thomas built : the story of De La Rue
197774: CECIL HOUSES - Nineteenth report 1946-47
5819: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Palace Scenes : More Plays of Queen Victoria
47067: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE - Gracious Majesty
270017: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Dethronements : imaginary portraits of political characters, done in dialogue / [by] Laurence Housman
265016: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE - Trimblerigg; a book of revelation
265005: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Sabrina Warham : the story of her youth
254906: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Palestine Plays
220299: HOUSMAN, A E - A Shropshire lad
252372: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Victoria Regina : a dramatic biography
117577: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Brother Elias
220343: HOUSMAN, A. E. ; UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON - Introductory lecture, delivered before the faculties of arts and laws and of science in University College, London, October 3, 1892
220344: HOUSMAN, A. E. ; UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON - Introductory lecture, delivered before the faculties of arts and laws and of science in University College, London, October 3, 1892
220542: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959); SHEPARD, ERNEST H. (ILLUS.) - Gracious majesty : Laurence Housman Illustrated by Ernest H. Shepard
6251: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE - Dethronements - Imaginary Portraits of Political Characters Done in Dialogue
5901: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Palace Plays
65334: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Angels & Ministers; Four Plays of Victorian Shade & Character...
47400: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE - Little Plays of St. Francis - a Dramatic Cycle from the Life and Legend of St. Francis of Assisi
46969: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - The Queen's Progress; Palace Plays (Second Series)
161751: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - What Can We Believe? Letters Exchanged between Dick Sheppard and L. H. / Edited by Laurence Housman
162080: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Palestine Plays
229875: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Ye fearful saints! : Plays of creed, custom, and credulity
229876: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Ironical tales
117578: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - The chapter
166859: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Palestine plays
192542: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE, WRITER AND ARTIST (1865-1959) - Non-violence for the west? a symposium
166369: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE, (1865-1959) - Dethronements : Imaginary Portraits of Political Characters, Done in Dialogue / [By] Laurence Housman
161900: HOUSMAN, ALFRED EDWARD (1859-1936) - More Poems
21847: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE - Angels & Ministers Three Plays of Victorian Shade & Character
5669: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE - Ploughshare and Pruning-Hook; Ten Lectures on Social Subjects
6097: HOUSMAN, ALFRED EDWARD (1859-1936) - More Poems
6226: HOUSMAN, ALFRED EDWARD (1859-1936) - More Poems
7263: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - The New Hangman : a Play in One Act
199876: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1865-1959) - Trimblerigg : a book of revelation
259423: HOUSMANS - Accidental war : some dangers in the 1960's : the Mershon Report / with an introduction by Bertrand Russell
149645: HOUSSAY, FREDERIC (1860-1920) - The Industries of Animals
135718: HOUSSAYE, ARSENE (1815-1896) - Les Charmettes; Jean-Jacques Rousseau Et Madame De Warens
105224: HOUSSAYE, HENRY - Le Salon De 1888; Cent Planches En Photogragure Par Goupil & Cie
63431: HOUSTON, DAVID - Science Fiction Villains - Starlog Photo Guidebook
23427: HOUSTON, ROBERT - The Fourth Codex
158231: HOUSTON, GREGORY F. - The National Liberation Struggle in South Africa : a Case Study of the United Democratic Front, 1983-1987 / Gregory F. Houston
100672: HOUSTON, JAMES A. - The White Dawn; an Eskimo Saga, by James Houston. Drawings by the Author
263270: HOUSTON, ROBERT - Charles & Diana : the first ten years
171763: HOUSTON, ELEANOR JORDAN (1893- ) - Death Valley Scotty told me - / with drawings by Margaret M. Bridwell
119047: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. FRANK CLOWES. A. C. HOUSTON - The Experimental Bacterial Treatment of London Sewage : Being an Account of the Experiments Carried out by the London County Council between the Years 1892 and 1903
153888: HOUSTON, ELEANOR JORDAN (1893-) - Death Valley Scotty Told Me
198580: HOUSTON, HENRY - Financial policy in wars and slumps / [by] H. Houston
202133: HOUSTOUN, ROBERT ALEXANDER (B. 1883) - A treatise on light
209275: HOUSTOUN-BOSWALL, PHOEBE - Light the candles, please / Phoebe Houstoun-Boswall
89342: HOUT, MICHAEL - Following in Father's Footsteps : Social Mobility in Ireland / Michael Hout
213869: HOUTART, FRANCOIS. ROUSSEAU, ANDRE, ATTACHE AU CENTRE DE RECHERCHES SOCIO-RELIGIEUSES - L'Eglise face aux luttes revolutionnaires. 1789 - Luttes ouvrieres du 19me siecle
191408: HOUTART, FRANCOIS. MURY, GILBERT - Aspects religieux des societes industrielles
230133: HOUTH, EMILE (1893-) - Visages de Gascogne et de Béarn / par Émile Houth ... [et al.]
203674: HOUTHAKKER, BERNARD - Master drawings exhibited by Bernard Houthakker 1972 / [Bernard Houthakker]
197213: HOUTIN, ALBERT (1867-1926). LOYSON, CHARLES JEAN MARIE, [PE`RE HYACINTHE - Le pere Hyacinthe : pretre solitaire, 1893-1912 / avec un portrait ; par Albert Houtin
151132: HOUTSMA, MARTIJN THEODOOR (1851-1943) - Textkritische Studien Zum Alten Testament. I. Das Buch Hiob
172852: LE HOUX, TROUBAT - Le travail et la paix : Cinquieme edition comprenant Le Mechanisme : Reponses aux lecteurs de 'L'Europe et la paix' : Comment eviter la guerre civile et reformer la France? Comment reformer le monde economique?
156121: HOUZE, HERBERT G. - Samuel Colt : Arms, Art, and Invention
78441: HOVE, ARTHUR (ED. ) ; SEYMOUR, JAMES; BOEHM, DAVID (1893-1962) ; MARKSON, BEN; HOPWOOD, AVERY (1882-1928) - Gold Diggers of 1933 / Edited with an Introd. by Arthur Hove
128104: HOVELAQUE, EMILE (B. 1865) - Les Peuples D'Extreme-Orient : Le Japon / Emile Hovelaque
128484: HOVELAQUE, EMILE (1865-) - Les Peuples D'Extreme-Orient. Le Japon
181113: HOVELAQUE, EMILE - The Deeper causes of the war
147800: HOVELL, MARK (1888-1916). T. F. TOUT (ED. ) - The Chartist Movement
168801: HOVELL, MARK, 1888-1916. - The Chartist movement
121732: HOVELSEN, LEIF - Out of the Evil Night; Translated from the Norwegian by John Morrison
136333: HOVER, OTTO (1889-1963) - Kultbauten Des Islam
160636: HOVEY, HELEN STONE. CHIDEKEL, ROSLYN WEISS - Grill and Waffle Cookbook, by Helen S. Hovey and Roslyn W. Chidekel. Illustrated by Nathan Gluck
24967: HOVEY, RICHARD - Dartmouth Lyrics
214983: HOW, WILLIAM WALSHAM (1823-1897) - Holy Communion
58364: HOW, WILLIAM WALSHAM - The Closed Door; Instructions and Meditations Given At Various Retreats and Quiet Days
232328: HOWALD, ERNST - Vom geist antiker geschichtsschreibung
174502: HOWALD, OSKAR - Grundzuge der schweizerischen agrarverfassung
92113: HOWARD, CLARK - Love's Blood : the Shocking True Story of a Teenager Who Would Do Anything for the Older Man She Loved--Even Kill Her Whole Family
85995: HOWARD, JOHN (1947-) - The Cyclist's Companion
81158: HOWARD-WILLIAMS, JEREMY (1922-?) - Offshore Crew = Originally Published As Crewing for Offshore Racing / Jeremy Howard-Williams ; Illustrated by the Author
79815: HOWARD, ROBERT WEST (1908-?) - The Dawnseekers : the First History of American Paleontology / Robert West Howard ; Foreword by Gilbert F. Stucker
45196: HOWARD, DAVID SANCTUARY. AYERS, JOHN - Masterpieces of Chinese export porcelain from the Mottahedeh Collection in the Virginia Museum
40859: HOWARD, ROBERT (1954-) - Brave New Workplace / Robert Howard
27982: HOWARD, DICK (1943-) - The Marxian Legacy
268198: HOWARD, DONALD R. (DONALD ROY) (1927-1987) - Chaucer and the medieval world / Donald R. Howard
265283: HOWARD, ELIZABETH JANE - After Julius / Elizabeth Jane Howard
265217: HOWARD, RICHARD - Empire to Commonwealth / [by] Richard Howard
264726: HOWARD, JOHN - The other R.A.F. : the story of the Red Air Force
264610: HOWARD, NEALE E - Handbook for telescope making / [by] N. E. Howard
246568: HOWARD, ANTHONY (1934-2010) - Basil Hume : the monk cardinal / Anthony Howard
246309: HOWARD, DEBORAH - The architectural history of Venice
236823: HOWARD, ROGER (1966-) - Operation Damocles: Israel's secret war against Hitler's scientists, 1951-1967 / Roger Howard
214281: HOWARD, JOHN ELIOT. MCNAIR, WILLIAM WATTS - Memoir of William Watts McNair
21158: HOWARD, RHODA - Colonialism and Underdevelopment in Ghana
209383: HOWARD, ALEXANDER LIDDON (1863-1946) - Trees in Britain / Alexander L. Howard. With 8 plates in colour and 18 illustrations in black & white
205675: HOWARD, PHILIP (1933-?) - London's river / [by] Philip Howard
178745: HOWARD, PETER (1908-1965) - Innocent men
155920: HOWARD, ANGELA FALCO - Summit of treasures : Buddhist cave art of Dazu, China
125848: HOWARD, RONNALIE ROPER - The Dark Glass : Vision and Technique in the Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
164266: HOWARD, JOSEPH L. - A History of San Diego Rotary Club 33
159141: HOWARD, TIMOTHY EDWARD (1837-1916) - Musings and Memories, by Timothy Edward Howard
200589: HOWARD, ELIZABETH JANE - Odd girl out
79413: HOWARD, ROSANNE BEATRICE, ED. - Nutrition and Feeding of Infants and Toddlers / Edited by Rosanne B. Howard, Harland S. Winter ; Foreword by Harry Shwachman
245524: HOWARD, HENRY EARL OF SURREY - The original poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
54910: HOWARD, MARTIN (1941-) - Victorian Grotesque : an Illustrated Excursion Into Medical Curiosities, Freaks, and Abnormalities, Principally of the Victorian Age
116547: HOWARD, LEWIS - Astrology and the United States
276412: HOWARD, MICHAEL - The Franco-Prussian War : the German invasion of France, 1870-1871 / Michael Howard
264147: HOWARD, FRED - Wilbur and Orville : a biography of the Wright brothers / Fred Howard
262822: HOWARD, PETER (1908-1965) - That man Frank Buchman
12813: HOWARD-WHITE, FRANK BULLER (1895-? ) - Nickel, a Historical View
141144: HOWARD, JOHN ELDRED - Parliament and Foreign Policy in France ... : with Special Reference to the Period from 1919 to 1939 / John Eldred Howard
143010: HOWARD, PETER (1908-1965) - Ideas Have Legs
140316: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS (1880-1952) - The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism and Interpretation. (Fernley Lecture, 1931)
140315: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS (1880-1952) - The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism and Interpretation. (Fernley Lecture, 1931)
122904: HOWARD, LELAND OSSIAN (1857-) - The Insect Book
93130: HOWARD, JOSEPH JACKSON (1827-1902) - Visitation of England and Wales. Ed. by Joseph Jackson Howard, LL. D. , Maltravers Herald Extraordinary. and Frederick Arthur Crisp [Volume 5 of the Series]
101625: HOWARD, PHILIP (1933-) - The State of the Language : English Observed
103573: HOWARD, RONNALIE ROPER. DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI - The Dark Glass; Vision and Technique in the Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
75377: HOWARD, BLANCHE WILLIS (1847-1898) - One Summer
100125: HOWARD, JOHN TASKER - Stephen Foster : America's Troubadour
108376: HOWARD, FRED STEVEN - Charlie Flowers & the Melody Gardens
60332: HOWARD, SIDNEY COE (1891-) - Lucky Sam McCarver; Four Episodes in the Rise of a New Yorker
46965: HOWARD, SIDNEY COE (1891-1939) - Ned McCobb's Daughter; a Comedy
151785: E, GEORGE DOUGLAS HOWARD (1889-1959) - The British Co-Operative Movement in a Socialist Society : a Report Written for the Fabian Society
98323: HOWARD, SIDNEY COE - Alien Corn, by Sidney Howard
82025: HOWARD, CONSTANCE - Textile Crafts / Edited by Constance Howard
77779: HOWARD, ROBERT ERVIN (1906-1936) - The Road of Azrael ; Illustrated by Roy G. Krenkel
147261: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS (1880-1952) - Christianity According to St. John
144322: HOWARD, GEORGE - Guardians of the Queen's Peace : the Development and Work of Britain's Police / George Howard
171974: HOWARD, GEORGE P. - Lesbos hill
238102: HOWARD, LEON - Victorian knight-errant : a study of the early literary career of James Russell Lowell
160318: HOWARD, GUY - Walkin' Preacher of the Ozarks, by Guy Howard
164924: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS - The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism and Interpretation
278825: HOWARD, JOHN ELDRED - How to drive safely
128903: HOWARD, R. - Poland Liberated
181295: HOWARD, JAMES HENRY (1876-?) - Jesus the agitator
116660: HOWARD, JAMES HARRY (1887-) - Revised Lapidary Handbook, by Harry Howard ... Designed to Provide Practical Instruction in all Kinds of Gem Cutting for the Beginner and the Advanced Amateur
105674: HOWARD, ROBERT ERVIN (1906-1936) - Singers in the Shadows
106164: HOWARD, ROBERT ERVIN (1906-1936) - Hawks of Outremer / Robert E. Howard ; Edited by Richard L. Tierney ; Illustrated by Rob MacIntyre & Chris Pappas
101152: HOWARD, R. W. (ED. ) - Totems, Tigers, Torches : and Other Stories of Indian Boys / Ed. by R. W. Howard
118287: HOWARD, SIDNEY. MARGARET MITCHELL - Gone with the Wind, the Screenplay by Sidney Howard; Based on the Novel by Margaret Mitchell
105109: HOWARD, ROBERT ERVIN. G. DUNCAN EAGLESON (ILL. ) - Lord of the Dead
262778: HOWARD, H. E - An outline of European history. Part 3 1714-1815. The 18th C & the Revolution
170408: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS (1880-1952) - The fourth Gospel in recent criticism and interpretation
279281: HOWARD, LESLIE RUTH - A quite remarkable father
175173: HOWARD, BURT ESTES - The German Empire
65582: HOWARD, MARIA WILLETT - Lowney's Cook Book, Illustrated in Colors; a New Guide for the Housekeeper, Especially Intended As a Full Record of Delicious Dishes Sufficient for Any Well-To-Do Family, Clear Enough for the Beginner, and Complete Enough for Ambitious Providers, Prepared
103624: HOWARD, DANA - Over the Threshold
228828: HOWARD, ARTHUR VYVYAN - Chambers's Dictionary of Scientists
181818: HOWARD, GEORGE - Wolsey, the Cardinal, and his times : courtly, political, and ecclesiastical / George Howard
127930: HOWARD, JOHN ELDRED - Parliament and Foreign Policy in France
137318: HOWARD, WILBERT F. - The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism and Interpretation
137477: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS - The Romance of New Testament Scholarship
140903: HOWARD, D. L. (DEREK LIONEL) - The English Prisons; Their Past and Their Future
141687: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS (1880-1952) - Christianity According to St. John
16445: HOWARD, GEORGE - Guardians of the Queen's Peace The Development and Work of Britain's Police
165301: HOWARD, ALEXANDER - Endless Cavalcade; a Diary of British Festivals and Customs
31479: HOWARD, JOHN TASKER - Our American Music - Three Hundred Years of It
47272: HOWARD, TONI - Better Strangers
80397: HOWARD, ROBERT ERVIN (1906-1936) - RELATED NAME: MORRISSEY, DEAN (ILLUS. ) - Jewels of Gwahlur
102725: HOWARD, CONSTANCE (ED. ) - Textile Crafts
195544: HOWARD, HENRY (1859-1933) - The shepherd psalm
98884: HOWARTH, T. E. B. (THOMAS EDWARD BRODIE) (1914-?) - Cambridge between Two Wars
95814: HOWARTH, DAVID ARMINE - The Story of P & O : the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company / David Howarth and Stephen Howarth
269630: HOWARTH, LESLEY - Ultraviolet / Lesley Howarth
266284: HOWARTH, DAVID - A near run thing : the day of Waterloo / David Howarth
265254: HOWARTH, DAVID ARMINE (1912-1991) - Dawn of D-day / David Howarth
260622: HOWARTH, ANNA - Sword and Assegai
248653: HOWARTH, DAVID ARMINE (1912-1991) - The Shetland bus / David Howarth
159778: HOWARTH, JACK - Joseph Kishere and the Mortlake Potteries / Jack Howarth and Robin Hildyard
251732: HOWARTH, DAVID ARMINE (1912-1991) - Trafalgar : the Nelson touch / David Howarth
254304: HOWARTH, T. E. B - Cambridge between two wars
264198: HOWARTH, STEPHEN - August '39 : the last four weeks of peace in Europe / Stephen Howarth
6738: HOWARTH, PATRICK - The Year is 1851
91142: HOWARTH, PATRICK - The Year is 1851
148475: HOWARTH, PATRICK - Questions in the House : the History of a Unique British Institution / Patrick Howarth
132061: HOWARTH, WILLIAM - Modern Brazil
268343: HOWARTH, DAVID - A near run thing : the day of Waterloo / David Howarth
120017: HOWARTH, PATRICK - Undercover, the Men and Women of the Special Operations Executive / Patrick Howarth
226836: HOWARTH, O. J. R. (1877-1954) - The British Association ... A retrospect, 1831-1921. By O. J. R. Howarth
161450: HOWARTH, DAVID ARMINE (1912-) - Across to Norway
273410: HOWAT, GERALD - Walter Hammond / Gerald Howat
264637: HOWAT, GERALD - Walter Hammond / Gerald Howat
240814: HOWAT, GERALD - Cricket's second golden age / Gerald Howat
240624: HOWAT, GERALD - Village cricket / (by) Gerald Howat ; foreword by John Arlott
211880: HOWAT, GERALD - Cricket's second golden age / Gerald Howat
210807: HOWAT, GERALD - Plum Warner / Gerald Howat
251473: HOWATCH, SUSAN - The shrouded walls
171337: HOWAY, FREDERIC WILLIAM (1867-1943) (ED.) - The Dixon-Meares controversy, containing, Remarks on the Voyages of John Meares, by George Dixon, An answer to Mr. George Dixon, by John Meares, and Further remarks on the Voyages of John Meares, by George Dixon; edited by F. W. Howay
171296: HOWAY, FREDERICK W. (ED.) - Voyages of the Columbia to the Northwest Coast 1787-1790 and 1790-1793
246392: HOWCROFT, IAN (CHEVIN) [COMPILER]. TAYLOR, FRED J - Our Days with Dick: Richard Walker remembered
145769: HOWDEN, BILL - Meditation : a Handbook / Bill Howden
67125: HOWE, IRVING - A Margin of Hope : an Intellectual Autobiography
58258: HOWE, JAMES (1946-) - The Watcher / James Howe
40107: HOWE, IRVING. LIBO, KENNETH - How We Lived, 1880-1930 : a Documentary History of Immigrant Jews in America
38189: HOWE, IRVING - Leon Trotsky
34630: HOWE, GEORGE MELVYN - Man, Environment, and Disease in Britain; a Medical Geography of Britain through the Ages [By] G. Melvyn Howe
34631: HOWE, GEORGE MELVYN - Man, Environment, and Disease in Britain; a Medical Geography of Britain through the Ages [By] G. Melvyn Howe
34633: HOWE, GEORGE MELVYN - Man, Environment, and Disease in Britain; a Medical Geography of Britain through the Ages [By] G. Melvyn Howe
34570: HOWE, GEORGE MELVYN (1920-) - Man, Environment, and Disease in Britain : a Medical Geography of Britain through the Ages
275329: HOWE, WILLIAM NORTON - Animal life in Italian painting
270974: HOWE, IRVING - Short shorts : an anthology of the shortest stories / edited by Irving Howe and Ilana Wiener Howe ; with an introduction by Irving Howe
260547: HOWE, SONIA E. (SONIA ELIZABETH) - Real Russians
160454: HOWE, QUINCY (1900-) - Ashes of Victory; World War II and its Aftermath
157612: HOWE, JAMES (1946-). ROSE, DAVID S. (1947-) ILL. - Mister Tinker in Oz
154774: HOWE, MARVINE - Morocco : the Islamist awakening and other challenges
150578: HOWE, ELLIC (1910-) - The British Federation of Master Printers, 1900-1950
144281: HOWE, LEO - Being Unemployed in Northern Ireland : an Ethnographic Study / Leo Howe
136525: HOWE, CHRISTOPHER - China's Economy : a Basic Guide / Christopher Howe
135060: HOWE, IRVING / LIBO, KENNETH - The Immigrant Jews of New York, 1881 to the Present / Irving Howe, with the Assistance of Kenneth Libo
246868: HOWE, HENRY - Historical Collections of Ohio: an encyclopedia of the State: volume II
251531: HOWE, P. P - The life of William Hazlitt
178785: HOWE, S. E. (SONIA ELIZABETH), (1871- ) - The drama of Madagascar
185583: HOWE, ELLIC (1910-?) - The London Society of Compositors : a centenary history
25532: HOWE, MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE (1864-1960) - Charles Eliot Norton by M. A. De Wolfe and Charles Francis Adams
9769: HOWE, FREDERIC CLEMSON (1867-1940) - The British City, the Beginnings of Democracy, by Frederic C. Howe
136623: HOWE, SONIA E. (SONIA ELIZABETH) - L'Europe Et Madagascar; Traduit De L'Anglais Par Le General Fillonneau; Preface De L'Amiral Lacaze
103691: HOWE, JAMES. ALLEN ATKINSON (ILLUS. ) - Babes in Toyland
75219: HOWE, MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE (1864-1960) - Memories of a Hostess : a Chronicle of Eminent Friendships, Drawn Chiefly from the Diaries of Mrs. James T. Fields
74538: HOWE, IRVING - Israel, the Arabs, and the Middle East / edited by Irving Howe and Carl Gershman
108416: HOWE, COLLEEN - My Three Hockey Players
55947: HOWE, M. A. DE WOLFE (MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE) (1864-1960) - James Ford Rhodes, American Historian, by M. A. De Wolfe Howe
55011: HOWE, M. A. DE WOLFE (MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE) (1864-1960) - Yankee Ballads, by M. A. De Wolfe Howe; with Illustrations by Philip Kappel
98562: HOWE, T. H. MANNERS - RELATED NAME: STEWART, ALLAN - India by T. H. Manners Howe: Containing Eight Full-Page Illustrations in Colour and Twenty-Six Small Line Drawings in the Text by Allan Stewart
6619: HOWE, L - Oakleigh Mascott - [A Novel (Complete in Two Volumes]
144508: HOWE, ROBERT HARRISON - The Evolution of Banking : a Study of the Development of the Credit System
143752: HOWE, SONIA ELIZABETH (1871-) - Lyautey : Du Tonkin Au Maroc / Par Madagascar Et Le Sud-Oranais ; Traduit De L'Anglais Par Le General Fillonneau ; Preface Du General Hure
188797: HOWE, HENRY V. (HENRY VAN WAGENEN) (1896-?) - Introduction to the study of Cretaceous ostracoda / Henry V. Howe and Laura Laurencich
173529: HOWE, ELLIC (1910- ) - The London Society of Compositors : a centenary history
187241: HOWE, ELLIC (1910- ) - The London Society of Compositors : a centenary history
194197: HOWE, SONIA E. (SONIA ELIZABETH) (B. 1871) - Some Russian heroes, saints and sinners, legendary and historical
170190: HOWE, M. A. DE WOLFE (1864-1960) - George von Lengerke Meyer : his life and public services
98399: HOWE, RUSSELL WARREN - Mata Hari, the True Story / Russell Warren Howe
115269: HOWE, M. A. DE WOLFE (MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE) (1864-1960) - Memories of a Hostess : a Chronicle of Eminent Friendships, Drawn Chiefly from the Diaries of Mrs. James T. Fields
185494: HOWE, ELLIC (1910- ) - The London Society of Compositors (re-established 1848) : a centenary history
165295: HOWE, ELVON L. (ED. ) - Rocky Mountain Empire; Revealing Glimpes of the West in Transition from Old to New, from the Pages of the Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine of the Denver Post. Edited by Elvon L. Howe; with a Foreword by Palmer Hoyt
113245: HOWE, FREDERIC CLEMSON - The British City, the Beginnings of Democracy, by Frederic C. Howe
11822: HOWE, GEORGE FREDERICK - The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature
36335: HOWE, ELLIC (1910-) - The British Federation of Master Printers 1900-1950
121625: HOWE, JOSEPHINE O'CONNOR (ED. ) - Armed Peace : the Search for World Security / Edited by Josephine O'Connor Howe
263180: HOWE, JULIA WARD (1819-1910.) - Passion-flowers
166777: HOWE, ELVON L. (ED. ) - Rocky Mountain Empire; Revealing Glimpes of the West in Transition from Old to New, from the Pages of the Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine of the Denver Post. Edited by Elvon L. Howe; with a Foreword by Palmer Hoyt
239002: HOWE, EARLE [PRESIDENT]. GENERAL HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM - The Fifty-Third Annual report of the General Hospital near Birmingham, from midsummer, 1821, to midsummer, 1832
61560: HOWE, M. A. DE WOLFE (MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE) (1864-1960) - Memories of a Hostess : a Chronicle of Eminent Friendships, Drawn Chiefly from the Diaries of Mrs. James T. Fields
67478: HOWE, EDGAR WATSON (1853-1937) - The Story of a Country Town, by E. W. Howe ...
67707: HOWE, IRVING (COMP. ) - Israel, the Arabs, and the Middle East, Edited by Irving Howe and Carl Gershman
13610: HOWE, M. A. DEWOLFE - Boston Common Scenes from Four Centuries
146815: HOWE, ELLIC (ED. ) - The London Compositor : Documents Relating to Wages, Working Conditions and Customs of the London Printing Trade, 1785-1900
162018: HOWE, RUSSELL WARREN (1925-) - Theirs the Darkness
29948: HOWE, M. A. DE WOLFE - A Venture in Remembrance
56174: HOWE, ROBIN - Balkan Cooking
64983: HOWE, E. W. - Travel Letters from New Zealand, Australia and Africa
93789: HOWE, BEA - Arbiter of Elegance
197145: HOWE, MARIE JENNEY - George Sand : the search for love
39317: HOWELL, ELIZABETH AND BAYES, MARJORIE - Women and Mental Health
31370: HOWELL, ELIZABETH F. (1946-). BAYES, MARJORIE. - Women and Mental Health / Edited by Elizabeth Howell and Marjorie Bayes
189216: HOWELL, TREVOR HENRY - Our advancing years : an essay on modern problems of old age
187721: HOWELL, DR. HOWELL, (WILLIAM 1631 OR 2-1683) - Medulla historiae anglicanae : the ancient and present state of England. Being a compendious history of all its monarchs, from the time of Julius Caesar / written by Dr. Howell. And continued by an impartial hand ...
142548: HOWELL, GEORGE (1833-1910) - Trade Unionism, New and Old
74371: HOWELL, ELAINE & LYONS, DAVID - Creative Source Australia : the Wizards of Oz, the Sixth Book
70471: HOWELL, SARAH - The Seaside / Sarah Howell
148802: HOWELL, JOHN PRYSE (1887-) - An Economic Survey of a Rural Parish
132816: HOWELL, GEORGE (1833-1910) - A Handy-Book of the Labour Laws : Being a Popular Guide to the Employers and Workmen Act, 1875 ; Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act, 1875 ; Trade Union Acts, 1871, 1876, and 1893 ; the Recorder's Act, 1868 ; ... . ..the Employers' Liability Act, 1880 ; Arbitration Act, 1872 ; Etc. , Etc. , Etc. : with Introductions, Notes, and the Authorised Rules and Forms, for the Use of Workmen
169626: HOWELL, GEORGE (1833-1910) - A handy-book of the labour laws : being a popular guide to the Employers and workmen act, 1875 ; Conspiracy and protection of property act, 1875. Trade union acts, 1871, 1876, and 1893 etc... by George Howell, F.S.S., M.P.
262087: HOWELL-THOMAS, DOROTHY - Lord Melbourne's Susan
64926: HOWELL, JR. , ALFRED (ILLUS. ) - Who Took the Weight? Black Voices from Norfolk Prison: Norfolk Prison Brothers. Foreword by Elma Lewis. Drawings by Alfred Howell, Jr. , Photos. by Ted Polumbaum
238752: HOWELL, TREVOR HENRY - Our advancing years : an essay on modern problems of old age
129498: HOWELL, GEORGE (1833-1910) - Labour Legislation, Labour Movements and Labour Leaders
132359: HOWELL, GEORGE (1833-1910) - Labour Legislation, Labour Movements and Labour Leaders
132471: HOWELL, GEORGE (1833-1910) - Labour Legislation, Labour Movements and Labour Leaders
8387: HOWELL, GEORGE, ED - Gold and Silver Commission : A Synopsis of the Final Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire Into the Recent Changes in the Relative Value of the Precious Metals
197814: HOWELL, GEORGE - The conflicts of capital and labour historically and economically considered : being a history and review of the trade unions of Great Britain, showing their origin, progress, constitution . . and objects, in their varied political social, economical and industrial aspects
200126: HOWELL-AP-HOWELL - The birthplace and childhood of Napoleon
205892: HOWELL, JOHN (1788-1863) - An essay on the war-galleys of the ancients
95039: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - RELATED NAME: CADY, EDWIN HARRISON (ED. ) - W. D. Howells As Critic
66159: HOWELLS, JOHN MEAD (1868-1959) - The Architectural Heritage of the Piscataqua : Houses and Gardens of the Portsmouth District of Maine and New Hampshire
266216: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Their silver wedding journey
260302: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN - King Albert's book : a tribute to the Belgian king and people from representative men and women throughout the world
180432: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - The rise of Silas Lapham
253727: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - April hopes
157535: HOWELLS, ANNE MOLLOY (1907-1999). TOLFORD, JOSHUA (ILLUS. ) - The Monkey's Fist; Illustrated by Joshua Tolford
194595: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Discovery of a genius: William Dean Howells and Henry James / Compiled and edited by Albert Mordell. Introd. by Sylvia E. Bowman
250819: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Their silver wedding journey
162224: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Heroines of Fiction, by W. D. Howells. with Illustrations by H. C. Christy, A. I. Keller, and Others
98115: HOWELLS, W. W. (WILLIAM WHITE) - Hutterite Age Differences in Body Measurements, by W. W. Howells, with the Assistance of Hermann K. Bleibtreu Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Uni. , Vol. LVII, No. 2
82525: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN - Imaginary Interviews, by W. D. Howells. Illustrated
78018: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Discovery of a Genius: William Dean Howells and Henry James. Compiled and Edited by Albert Mordell. Introd. by Sylvia E. Bowman
114330: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Literature and Life : Studies
114278: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Heroines of Fiction, by W. D. Howells ... with Illustrations by H. C. Christy, A. I. Keller, and Others
113869: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN - Certain Delightful English Towns; with Glimpses of the Pleasant Country Between, W. D. Howells. Illustrated
35825: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Three Villages
175085: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Their silver wedding journey
37065: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - A Foregone Conclusion
51157: HOWELLS, W. D. - Through the Eye of the Needle - a Romance
88302: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN (1837-1920) - Literature and Life
63320: HOWENSTINE, EMANUEL JAY (1914-) - The Economics of Demobilization, by E. Jay Howenstine, Jr. ; with an Introduction by Dr. Alvin H. Hansen
243424: HOWER, RALPH M - The history of an advertising agency : N.W. Ayer & Son at work, (1869-1939)
64297: HOWES, BARBARA - A Private Signal : Poems New & Selected
252926: HOWES, BILL - Fishing for Londoners
252125: HOWES, BILL - The angler's guide to coarse fishing / Bill Howes
250077: HOWES, BILL - Angling guide to Berks, Bucks and Oxon
249966: HOWES,NWILLIAM JOHN HENRY (BILL) - Angling guide to London and S.E. counties
13414: HOWES, BARBARA - A Private Signal, Poems New and Selected
212615: HOWES, FRANK STEWART (1891-1974) - Full Orchestra / Frank Howes
246799: J.HOWES, WILLIAM - Dace - How to catch them
249655: HOWES, BILL (WILLIAM JOHN HENRY) - Freshwater fishing baits
246597: HOWES, W. J - Fly-Fishing for Coarse Fish: theory & technique
250070: HOWES, BILL - English reservoirs
174207: HOWES, FREDERICK G. (1832-). SHEPARD, THOMAS (1792-1879) - History of the town of Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, from its settlement in 1742-1910
225046: HOWGEGO, JAMES L. - London in the 20s and 30s from old photographs / [compiled by] James L. Howgego
225045: HOWGEGO, JAMES LAURENCE - The Victorian and Edwardian city of London from old photographs / introduction and commentaries by James L. Howgego
93518: HOWGRAVE-GRAHAM, HAMILTON MAURICE - Light and Shade At Scotland Yard
237911: HOWIE, JAMES WILLIAM (1907-). MEMOIR CLUB (FIRM) - Portraits from memory
268131: HOWITT, MARY (MARY BOTHAM) (1799-1888) - Mary Howitt : an autobiography / edited by her daughter, Margaret Howitt - in 2 volumes
242820: HOWITT, WILLIAM - William Howitt's Abridgment of his Popular History of Priestcraft
52921: HOWITT, MARY BOTHAM (1799-1888). RELATED NAMES: COOK, ELIZA (1818-1889). L. E. L. [LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON] (1802-1838) - The Poetical Works of Mary Howitt, Eliza Cook, and L. E. L.
262003: HOWITT, WILLIAM - The rural life of England
155649: HOWKINS, HEIDI - K2 : one woman's quest for the summit
43863: HOWLAND, JAY - The Park School - One Hundred Years (1888-1988) with a foreword by James M. Storey
47352: HOWLAND, JAY - The Park School - One Hundred Years (1888-1988) [Foreword by James M. Storey]
61878: HOWLETT, JOHN - James Dean; a Biography
235106: HOWLETT, DAVID R - Sealed from within : self-authenticating insular charters
121853: HOWLETT, THOMAS ROSLING - Anglo-Israel and the Jewish Problem. the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel Found and Identified in the Anglo-Saxon Race, Etc.
74221: HOWLEY, PETER M. & BROKER, THOMAS R. JOINT EDITORS - RELATED NAMES: BURROUGHS WELLCOME COMPANY; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES - Papillomaviruses : Molecular and Clinical Aspects : Proceedings of the Burroughs-Wellcome-Ucla Symposium Held in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, April 8-14, 1985
257150: HOWLEY, JOHN F. WHITTINGTON (1866-1941) - Psychology and mystical experience
84256: HOWSON, J. B. - Two Hundred Modern Chess Traps in the Fianchetto Openings
268038: HOWSON, J. S. (JOHN SAUL) (1816-1885) - The river Dee : its aspect and history
263797: HOWSON, JAMES B - Two hundred modern chess traps in the fianchetto openings
221800: HOWSON, EDMUND WHYTEHEAD (1855-1905). MARSHALL, HERBERT M.WARNER, GEORGE TOWNSEND - Harrow School : edited by Edmund W. Howson, ... and George Townsend Warner, ... with an introductory note by the Earl Spencer, K.G. ... Illustrated by Herbert M. Marshall
73846: HOWSON, ROGER (1882-?) - His Excellency, a Trustee, and Some Other Columbia Pieces
267786: HOXHA, ENVER (1908-1985) - Our policy is an open policy, the policy of proletarian principles : speech delivered at the meeting with the electors of the Tirana no. 209 precinct on October 3, 1974 / Enver Hoxha
46993: HOXIE, R. GORDON - Command Decision and the Presidency - a Study in National Security Policy and Organization
38851: HOXSEY, PAMELA - Walking in a Landscape of Words
262191: HÖXTER, JULIUS (1873-1944) - Quellenbuch zur jüdischen Geschichte und Literatur / von Julius Höxter - Vols. 1 & 3
245669: HÖXTER, JULIUS - Quellenbuch zur jüdischen Geschichte und Literatur : 2. Teil : Spanien
246826: HÖXTER, JULIUS (1873-1944) - Quellenlesebuch zur jüdischen Geschichte und Literatur. T. 3 Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien im Mittelalter / bearbeitet von Julius Höxter
244787: HÖXTER, JULIUS (1873-1944) - Quellenbuch zur jüdischen Geschichte und Literatur / von dr. Julius Höxter: IV: Teil: Europaische Lander in der Neuzeit
161967: HOXTER, JULIUS (1873-1944) - Quellenbuch Zur Judischen Geschichte Und Literatur / Von Dr. Julius Hoxter
146661: HOY - A Historia Dos Guerrilheiros Da Iugoslavia Livre
232425: HOYA, AMADEO VON DER - Studienbrevier fur den Musikinstrumentalisten (Streichinstrumentalisten und Pianisten)
231836: HOYEM, TOM - From My Office (1987-1998)
179526: HOYLAND, JOHN S. (JOHN SOMERVELL) (1887-1957) - How Christ met aggression
137935: HOYLAND, JOHN S. (JOHN SOMERVELL) - Digging with the Unemployed
174525: HOYLAND, JOHN S. (1887-?) - Federate or perish
174450: HOYLAND, JOHN SOMERVELL (1887-1957) - Federate or perish
191773: HOYLAND, JOHN S. (JOHN SOMERVELL) (1887-) - Federate or perish
195475: HOYLAND, JOHN S. (JOHN SOMERVELL), (B. 1887) - How Christ met aggression
196567: HOYLAND, JOHN S. (JOHN SOMERVELL), (B. 1887) - Digging for a new England : the co-operative farm for unemployed men
275957: HOYLE, R. W. (RICHARD W.) - Tudor taxation records : a guide for users
267826: HOYLE, W. (WILLIAM) - Hoyle's hymns and songs for temperance societies and bands of hope... 275 gems of songs / composed or compiled by William Hoyle
260433: HOYLE, W - Our National Resources; and how they are wasted. An omitted chapter in political economy
213083: HOYLE, FRED (1915-2001) - The incandescent ones / [by] Fred Hoyle and Geoffrey Hoyle ; edited by Barbara Hoyle
169203: HOYLE, FRED, SIR - Seven steps to the sun, by Fred Hoyle and Geoffrey Hoyle
219496: HOYLE, FRED - Ossian's ride
262312: HOYLE, WILLIAM - Our National Resources; and how they are wasted: an omitted chapters in political economy
92981: HOYLE, WILLIAM (1831-1886) - Our National Resources; and How They Are Wasted. an Omitted Chapter in Political Economy
132916: HOYLE, WILLIAM (1831-1886) - Our National Resources, and How They Are Wasted : an Omitted Chapter in Political Economy
204085: HOYLE, WILLIAM (1831-1886) - Our national resources and how they are wasted : an omitted chapter in political economy
162181: HOYLE, FRED (1915- ) - A Decade of Decision
117725: HOYLE, MARTHA BYRD - A World in Flames; a History of World War II [By] Martha Byrd Hoyle
165220: HOYLE, RICHARD BIRCH - The Teaching of Karl Barth : an Exposition
196030: HOYLE, RICHARD BIRCH - The Teaching of Karl Barth : an Exposition
198281: HOYLE, WILLIAM (1831-1886) - Our natural resources and how they are wasted
204853: HOYLE, FRED (1915-2001) - Man in the universe
190129: HOYLES, ANDREE - Imagination in power : the occupation of factories in France in 1968 / Andree Hoyles
146695: HOYNDEN, YOSHIO (1892-) - Labour Banks in Japan / Yoshio Hoynden
88736: HOYNINGEN-HUENE, GEORGE (1900-1968) - Eye for Elegance, George Hoyningen-Huene : September 25-November 9, 1980, International Center of Photography, New York ....
128952: HOYOIS, JOSEPH - Un Coin De L'Histoire Litteraire Belge. Les Lettres Tournaisiennes.
167958: HOYOIS, JOSEPH - Autour de la Presse Caprice
66143: HOYT, CHARLES KING (ED. ) - Public, Municipal, and Community Buildings / [Edited] by Charles King Hoyt
53294: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Sunk by the Bismarck : the Life and Death of the Battleship HMS Hood / Edwin P. Hoyt
169044: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Angels of death : Goering's Luftwaffe / Edwin P. Hoyt
157355: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - American Steamboat Stories, by Edwin P. Hoyt. Illustrated by Ann Grifalconi
56104: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - The Bloody Road to Panmunjom
114979: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Submarines At War : the History of the American Silent Service
114978: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Submarines At War : the History of the American Silent Service
104398: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Marilyn, the Tragic Venus, by Edwin P. Hoyt
106829: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Guadalcanal / Edwin P. Hoyt
110002: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - The Bloody Road to Panmunjom / Edwin P. Hoyt
122690: HOYT, CHARLES KING - Public, Municipal, and Community Buildings / [Edited] by Charles King Hoyt
40967: HOYT, HARLOWE R. - Town Hall Tonight
279583: HOYT, HARLOWE RANDALL - Town hall tonight
14228: HOYT, ELIZABETH ELLIS - Primitive Trade : Its Psychology and Economics
161419: HOYT, HARLOWE RANDALL - Town Hall Tonight
60104: HOYT, HARLOWE RANDALL - Town Hall Tonight
68796: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - A Gentleman of Broadway [By] Edwin P. Hoyt
70748: HOYT, NORRIS D. - The Twelve Meter Challenges for the America's Cup / Text by Norris D. Hoyt ; Paintings and Drawings by Joseph W. Golinkin
73664: HOYT, NANCY (1902-?) - Roundabout
90336: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Paul Robeson, the American Othello
98403: HOYT, EDWIN PALMER - Storm over the Gilberts : War in the Central Pacific, 1943 / Edwin P. Hoyt
280475: HOZIER, HENRY MONTAGUE SIR (1842-1907). ADAMS, WILLIAM HENRY DAVENPORT (1828-1891) - The Franco-Prussian war : its causes, incidents, and consequences: two volumes in one
252278: HRABÁNEK, JAN - The legal position of journalists in Czechoslovakia
38945: HRDY, SARAH BLAFFER - The Woman That Never Evolved / Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
217909: HRISTO, ANGELOV HRISTOV - Osvobozhdenieto na bulgariya i politikata na zapadnite durzhavi 1876-1878 [Liberation of Bulgaria and the policy of Western countries 1876-1878. Language: Bulgarian]
259218: HRONEK, JIRÍ - CSSR: the road to democratic socialism / facts on events from January to May 1968
172084: HRUSHEVSKYI, MYKHAILO (1866-1934) - Die ukrainische Frage in historischer Entwicklung / von Michael Hruschewskyj
218661: HRUSHOVSKI, BENJAMIN (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Literature, meaning, Culture, 5 [Language: hebrew]
205708: HSIANG-KUNANG, CHOU - Dhyana Buddhism in China : its history and teaching
95074: HSIAO, CH'IEN - The Dragon Beards Versus the Blueprints (Meditations on Post-War Culture)
182302: HSIAO, CH'IEN - The Dragon Beards Versus the Blueprints (Meditations on Post-War Culture)
168686: HSIEH, PING-YING - Autobiography of a Chinese girl : a genuine autobiography / Translated into English with an introduction by Tsui Chi. With a preface by G. Bottomley
173766: HSIUNG, JAMES CHIEH - Ideology and Practice : the Evolution of Chinese Communism / [By] James Chieh Hsiung
96324: HSIUNG, JAMES CHIEH - Ideology and Practice : the Evolution of Chinese Communism / [By] James Chieh Hsiung
81061: HSU, TAO-CHING - The Chinese Conception of the Theatre / Tao-Ching Hsu
166513: HSU, LEONARD SHIHLIEN (1901-) - The Political Philosophy of Confucianism : an Interpretation of the Social and Political Ideas of Confucius, His Forerunners, and His Early Disciples
35580: HSU, LEONARD SHIHLIEN (1901-) - The Political Philosophy of Confucianism; an Interpretation of the Social and Political Ideas of Confucius, His Forerunners, and His Early Disciples, by Leonard Shihlien Hsu ... with a Frontispiece of Confucius
39299: HSUN, LU - Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
53459: HTTP: //CATALOG. LOC. GOV/CGI-BIN/PWEBRECON. CGI?SC=AUTHOR & SEQ=20070123051356&PID=12345&SA=HUGHES, ADELLA PRENTISS (1869-1950) - Music is My Life
277276: HU, PHILIP K. (COMP. AND ED.) - Visible traces : rare books and special collections from the National Library of China / compiled and edited by Philip K. Hu
267801: HU, QIAOMU (1912-1992) - Thirty years of the Communist Party of China, an outline history / Hu Chiao-Mu
178064: HU, YUNHUA (1943- ) - Penjing, the Chinese art of miniature gardens / article by Hu Yunhua ; photographs by Deng Yongqing and Jin Baoyuan ; illustrations by Wang Zhiying ; edited in Chinese by Zheng Guanghua
158174: HU, PHILIP K. (COMP. AND ED.) - Visible traces : rare books and special collections from the National Library of China / compiled and edited by Philip K. Hu
183882: HU, CHIAO-MU - Thirty years of the Communist Party of China : an outline history
54689: HUANG, SHU-MIN - The Spiral Road : Change in a Chinese Village through the Eyes of a Communist Party Leader / Huang Shu-Min ; Foreword by Bernard Gallin
269169: HUANG, AL CHUNG-LIANG - Embrace tiger, return to mountain : the essence of Tai Ji / Chungliang Al Huang
267423: TUN-HUANG - A treatise on the ceasing of notions : an early Zen text from Tun-Huang / with a commentary by Soko Morinaga Roshi; translated into German by Ursula Jarand; into English by Myokyo-Ni and Michelle Bromley
10181: HUANG, ZHEN (1909-) - Sketches on the Long March
196725: HUANG, DAVID S. (1930- ) - Introduction to the use of mathematics in economic analysis
28954: HUARD, FRANCES WILSON - My Home in the Field of Honour
249097: HUART, CLÉMENT (1854-1926) - Histoire des Arabes. v1
274381: HUART, CLÉMENT (1854-1926) - A history of Arabic literature
159664: HUART, CLEMENT (1854-1926) - Litterature Arabe / Par Cl. Huart
277166: HUBALA, ERICH (1920-1994) - Die Kunst des 17. [siebzehnten] Jahrhundert / von Erich Hubala ; mit Beiträgen von Per Bjurström [and others]
170309: HUBATSCH, WALTHER - The German question. / Edited by Walther Hubatsch in association with Wolfgang Heidelmeyer [and others] Translated by Salvator Attanasio
38711: HUBATSCH, WALTHER (1915-) - The German Question / Edited by Walther Hubatsch in Association with Wolfgang Heidelmeyer [And Others] ; Translated by Salvator Attanasio
92437: HUBBARD, L. RON (LA FAYETTE RON) - The Invaders Plan / L. Ron Hubbard
81191: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - The Problems of Work : How to Solve Them and Succeed
81193: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Villainy Victorious
81175: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Death Quest
81062: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - A New Slant on Life / L. Ron Hubbard
81066: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - An Alien Affair
80768: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Scientology : the Fundamentals of Thought
80771: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Dianetics : the Evolution of a Science
77721: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - The Invaders Plan
74035: HUBBARD, J. T. W (1935-?) - RELATED NAME: NEW YORK STATE BANKERS ASSOCIATION - For Each, the Strength of all : a History of Banking in the State of New York
72645: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Dianetics : the Evolution of a Science
69716: HUBBARD, DAVID G. (1920-) - Winning Back the Sky : a Tactical Analysis of Terrorism / David G. Hubbard
60430: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Have You Lived before This Life? : a Scientific Survey : a Study of Death and Evidence of Past Lives
60428: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Dianetics 55! : a Guide to Effective Communication
55966: HUBBARD, L. RON (LA FAYETTE RON) (1911-1986) - Disaster; Mission Earth, Volume 8 / L. Ron Hubbard
55959: HUBBARD, L. RON (LA FAYETTE RON) (1911-1986) - Science of Survival; Prediction of Human Behaviour / L. Ron Hubbard
267386: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers: vol. XIX
260962: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Time and chance : a romance and a history, being the story of the life of a man
260710: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of eminent painters
255788: HUBBARD, ERIC HESKETH - A hundred years of British painting, 1851-1951 / Eric Hesketh Hubbard
242439: HUBBARD, HESKETH (1892-1957) - Some Victorian draughtsmen
240249: HUBBARD, HELEN I - Modigliani and the painters of Montparnasse
221637: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Dianetics : the Evolution of a Science
221274: HUBBARD, LAFAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Voyage of vengeance : Mission Earth, volume 7
205463: HUBBARD, L. RON (LA FAYETTE RON), (1911-1986) - Scientology: the fundamentals of thought
187478: HUBBARD, HENRY JOCELYN MAKEPEACE (1911-) - Venezuelan border issue and occupation of Ankoke. A sell-out by the coalition government
129555: HUBBARD, LEONARD EGERTON (1882-) - Soviet Money and Finance
280584: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little journeys to the homes of American authors; Walt Whitman
244047: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the homes of great teachers: Vol. 23, November, MCMVIII, No. 5 : St. Benedict
188210: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of eminent artists : Abbey / written by Elbert Hubbard done into a book by the Roycrofters
252610: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of the great / [by] Elbert Hubbard - 13 volumes
91296: HUBBARD, L. RON (LA FAYETTE RON) (1911-1986) - The Enemy Within - Mission Earth Volume 3 (Of 3)
246992: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of eminent painters / Elbert Hubbard
251852: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys: to the homes of the great: in twelve volumes
250936: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of great of the Elect
250931: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of great: guide book
180398: HUBBARD, LEONARD E. - Soviet trade and distribution
246025: HUBBARD, ERIC HESKETH - A Hundred Years of British Painting, 1851-1951
244043: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Philosophers: Thoreau: Vol. XV, December 1903, No. 6
171375: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - The Note book of Elbert Hubbard ; mottoes, epigrams, short essays, passages orphic sayings and preachments
244038: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Reformers: Vol. 20, April, MCMVII, No. 4: Richard Cobden
188536: HUBBARD, LEONARD E. (LEONARD EGERTON) (B. 1882) - The economics of soviet agriculture
244036: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Teachers: Vol. 22, February, MCMVIII, No. 2: Confucius
141092: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - This Then is a William Morris Book : Being a Little Journey by Elbert Hubbard, & Some Letters, Heretofore Unpublished, Written to His Friend & Fellow Worker, Robert Thomson, all Throwing a Side-Light, More or Less, on the Man and His Times
137930: HUBBARD, ELBERT, THE ELDER - Time and Chance. a Romance and a History: Being the Story of the Life of a Man
72147: HUBBARD, WILLIAM (1621-1704) - The History of the Indian Wars in New England from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677 - Vols. I & II Complete in Two Volumes
62515: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - In the Spotlight, Personal Experiences of Elbert Hubbard on the American Stage
62342: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - The Liberators; Being Adventures in the City of Fine Minds
88248: HUBBARD, L. RON (LA FAYETTE RON) (1911-1986) - Scientology: Control and the Mechanics of S. C. S. - Edited from the Tape Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard
105276: HUBBARD, L. RON (1911-1986) - The Invaders Plan
27424: HUBBARD, WILLIAM HUSTACE - Cotton and the Cotton Market, by W. Hustace Hubbard
146408: HUBBARD, LEONARD E. (LEONARD EGERTON) - The Economics of Soviet Agriculture, by Leonard E. Hubbard
244041: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Business Men: Vol. 24, January, MCMIX, No. 1: Robert Owen
244039: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Reformers: Vol. 21, November, MCMVII, No. 5: Anne Hutchinson
132166: HUBBARD, LEONARD EGERTON (1882-) - Soviet Money and Finance
161290: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) (COMP. ) - Elbert Hubbard's Scrap Book, Containing the Inspired and Inspiring Selections, Gathered During a Life Time of Discriminating Reading for His Own Use, Printed and Made Into a Book by the Roycrofters, At Their Shops, in East Aurora, Erie County, New York
279022: HUBBARD, ALICE - Life lessons; truths concerning people who have lived
219388: HUBBARD, L. RON (1911-1986) - Dianetics - the Modern Science of Mental Health - a Handbook of Dianetic Procedure
238094: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little journeys to the homes of the great : guide book
129780: HUBBARD, LEONARD E. - Soviet Labour and Industry, by Leonard E. Hubbard
185197: HUBBARD, LEONARD E. (LEONARD EGERTON) (B. 1882) - Soviet trade and distribution
37931: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Painters by Elbert Hubbard - Ary Scheffer
247548: HUBBARD, JOHN - John Hubbard : Dartmoor and tongue : 18 February - 20 March 2004 / Introduction by John Hubbard
244040: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Business Men: Vol. 25, December, MCMIX, No. 25: James J. Hill
241574: HUBBARD, LA FAYETTE RON (1911-1986) - Fortress in the sky : the military aspects of the moon in an atomic age
171374: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Elbert Hubbard's scrap book : containing the inspired and inspiring selections gathered during a life time of discriminating reading for his own use
244044: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys: Vol. VI, January, 1900, No. 1: William Morris
244045: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the homes of great teachers: Vol. 22, March, MCMVIII, No. 3 : Pythagoras
244046: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the homes of great teachers: Vol. 23, September, MCMVIII, No. 3 : Erasmus
177420: HUBBARD, L. RON (1911-1986) - The invaders plan : Mission earth volume 1
177029: HUBBARD, HESKETH (B. 1892) - Some Victorian draughtsmen
176847: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of eminent painters
62503: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) (COMP. ) - Elbert Hubbard's Scrap Book, Containing the Inspired and Inspiring Selections, Gathered During a Life Time of Discriminating Reading for His Own Use, Printed and Made Into a Book by the Roycrofters...
181626: HUBBARD, URSULA PHALLA (1904-) - The cooperation of the United States with the League of nations, 1931-1936, No. 329
151125: HUBBARD, LOUISE JONES (1919-) - The Individual and the Group in French Literature Since 1914
162057: HUBBARD, FRANK MCKINNEY (1868- ) - Abe Martin, Hoss Sense and Nonsense
218310: HUBBARD, ELBERT (1856-1915) - Little journeys to the homes of the great / Elbert Hubbard [Anniversary Edition - complete in 14 volumes]
244042: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Business Men: Vol. 25, January, MCMIX, No. 2: Andrew Carnegie
205725: HUBBARD, L. RON (LA FAYETTE RON) (1911-1986) - Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Science
241965: HUBBLE, DOUGLAS. ROSS, ALAN S. C. [EDITOR] - 3. Towards a Humanistic Technology: the Place of Medicine
239092: HUBBLE, DOUGLAS SIR - Lord Moran and James Boswell : the two diarists compared and contrasted / [by] Douglas Hubble
274716: HUBEL, REINHARD G - The book of carpets. Translated by Katherine Watson
179075: HUBENER, DR. ERHARD, DR. STERN, ERICH (ET AL.) - Die wurzeln unserer kraft: Psychologie und Wirtschaftsleben: Gedanken uber Rubland
231958: HUBER, WOLFGANG - Das Textbuch der fruhdeutschen Oper : Untersuchungen uber literarische Voraussetzungen, stoffliche Grundlagen und Quellen
245740: HUBER, VICTOR AIMÉ (1800-1869). NEWMAN, FRANCIS WILLIAM (1805-1897) - The English universities. : From the German of V.A. Huber, ... An abridged translation, edited by Francis W. Newman: complete in two volumes
279654: HUBER, MARIE (1695-1753) - The world unmask'd, or, The philosopher the greatest cheat : in twenty-four dialogues : to which is added, The state of souls separated from their bodies, being an epistolary treatise, wherein is proved by a variety of arguments, deduced from Holy Scripture, that the punishments of the wicked will not be eternal and all objections against it solved : to which is prefix'd a large introduction, evincing the same truth from the Principles of Natural Religion. Vol. 2
233071: HUBER, KARL. SCHMID, HANS, HEINRICH. KIRCHENRAT DES KANTONS ZURICH - Zürcher Bibel-Konkordanz : vollstandiges Wort-, Namen- und Zahlen-Verzeichnis zur Zurcher Bibelübersetzung : mit Einschluss der Apokryphen. Complete in three volumes
192224: HUBER, REINHARD (B. 1905) - Arabisches wirtschaftsleben / von Reinhard Huber
176525: HUBER, MICHEL (ET AL.) - La population de la France : son evolution et ses perspectives / [par] Michel Huber, Henri Bunle, Fernand Boverat ; preface de A. Landry
140642: HUBER, WALTHER - Gottfried Keller Und Die Frauen : Ein Stuck Herzenstragik / Von W. Huber
20713: HUBER, JACK T. - Report Writing in Psychology and Psychiatry
259184: HUBERT, RENÉ - Rousseau et l'Encyclopédie : essai sur la formation des idées politiques de Rousseau (1742-1756)
237345: HUBERT, MARIE-CLOTILDE. BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE (FRANCE) - Paul Claudel, (1868-1955) / préface de Pierre-Henri Simon; catalogue par Marie-Clotilde Hubert ; avant-propos par Étienne Dennery
161908: HUBMANN, FRANZ (1914- ) - The Jewish Family Album : Yesterday's World in Old Photographs / [Compiled By] Franz Hubmann ; Edited by Miriam and Lionel Kochan
60089: HUBMANN, FRANZ (1914-) - The Jewish Family Album : the Life of a People in Photographs / Franz Hubmann ; Text by Miriam and Lionel Kochan
152412: HUBNER, HANS (1930-) - Das Gesetz Bei Paulus : E. Beitr. Zum Werden D. Paulin. Theologie / Hans Hubner
13542: HUBNER, JOHN. GRUSON, LINDSEY - Monkey on a Stick : Murder, Madness and the Hare Krishnas / John Hubner and Lindsey Gruson
139395: HUBNER, ALEXANDER, GRAF VON (1811-1892) - Promenade Autour Du Monde, 1871, Par M. Le Baron De Hubner - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
168410: HUBNER, OTTO (1818-1877). NEWDEGATE, CHARLES NEWDIGATE (1816-1887) - A collection of the customs' tariffs of all nations : based upon a translation of the work of Mr. Hubner, augmented by additional information, brought down to the end of the year 1854
41467: HUBRECHT, A. A. W. - De Placentatie Van De Spitsmuis (Sorex Vulgaris L)
41502: HUBRECHT. A. A. W. - Die Phylogenese Des Amnions Und Die Bedeutung Des Trophoblastes Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen Amsterdam
138058: HUBY, JOSEPH - Le Discours De Jesus Apres La Cene : Suivi D'Une Etude Sur La Connaissance De Foi Dans Saint Jean / Par Joseph Huby
127468: HUBY, JOSEPH - Mystiques Paulinienne Et Johannique / Par Joseph Huby
258334: HUC, EVARISTE RÉGIS (1813-1860). SINNETT, PERCY MRS - Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844, 1845, and 1846
220223: HUC, EVARISTE-REGIS (1813-1860) - Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet
232519: HUCH, RICARDA OCTAVIA (1864-1947) - Urphanomene / Ricarda Huch
231949: HUCH, RICARDA OCTAVIA (1864-1947) - Ausbreitung und Verfall der Romantik
233729: HUCH, RICARDA OCTAVIA (1864-1947) - Blutezeit der Romantik
240544: HUCH, RICARDA OCTAVIA (1864-1947) - Urphänomene / Ricarda Huch
233301: HUCH, RICARDA OCTAVIA (1864-1947) - Urphanomene
226662: HUCHTING, DETMAR - Puccini : ein biografischer Bilderbogen = a biographical kaleidoscope
226660: HUCHTING, DETMAR - Bach : a biographical kaleidoscope
259561: HUCK, GEOFFREY J - Ideology and linguistic theory : Noam Chomsky and the deep structure debates / Geoffrey J. Huck and John A. Goldsmith
53662: HUCKABY, CALVIN (COMP. ) - John Milton, an Annotated Bibliography 1929-1968
175087: HUCKEL, OLIVER (1864-1940) - Through England with Tennyson : a pilgrimage to places associated with the great laureate
27786: HUDDLESTON, JOHN - Killing Ground : Photographs of the Civil War and the Changing American Landscape
258207: HUDDLESTON, SISLEY (1883-1952) - France, the tragic years : an eye-witness account of war, occupation and liberation
279771: HUDDLESTON, JOHN (1636-1700) - Usury explained, or Conscience quieted in the case of putting out mony at interest
76717: HUDDLESTON, SISLEY (1883-1952) - Back to Montparnasse, Glimpses of Broadway in Bohemia, by Sisley Huddleston. with 35 Illustrations by Frank M. Armington and Others
71493: HUDDLESTON, SISLEY (1883-1952) - Those Europeans : Studies of Foreign Faces
167939: HUDDLESTON, SISLEY (1883 -?) - Europe in zig zags: Social, artistic, literary and political affairs on the continent with 36 illustrations
189787: HUDDLESTON, SISLEY (1883-1952) - Mediterranean blue
257649: HUDDY, MARY E. MRS - Matilda, countess of Tuscany
104449: HUDDY, DELIA - The Humboldt Effect
204606: HUDITA, IOAN (1896-1982) - Repertoire des documents concernant les negociations diplomatiques entre la France et la Transylvanie au XVIIe siecle (1635-1683) etc.
69741: HUDLESTON, F. J. - Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne Misadventures of an English General in the Revolution / F. J. Hudleston
266273: HUDLESTON, C. ROY - Our Native City: the story of Bristol and her suburbs
98897: HUDSON, KENNETH - Working to Rule: Railway Workshop Rules: a Study of Industrial Discipline
91945: HUDSON, KENNETH - The Dictionary of Diseased English
86602: HUDSON, WILLIAM NORMAN - Antiques Illustrated & Priced : Dated and Appraised for the Collector, Dealer and Decorator / Norman Hudson
85070: HUDSON, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) (1841-1922) - RELATED NAME: SHRUBSALL, DENNIS - Birds of a Feather : Unpublished Letters of W. H. Hudson / Edited and Introduced by Dennis Shrubsall ; with Wood Engravings by Marcus Beaven
81425: HUDSON, WILLIAM NORMAN - Antiques Illustrated & Priced : Dated and Appraised for the Collector, Dealer and Decorator
79805: HUDSON, ROCK (1925-1985) - Rock Hudson : His Story / Rock Hudson and Sara Davidson
57729: HUDSON, KENNETH - The Bath & West : a Bicentenary History
55855: HUDSON, RICHARD M. - Sixty Years of Vamps and Camps; Visual Nostalgia of the Silver Screen, by Richard M. Hudson. with an Introd. by Martha Raye
54748: HUDSON, KENNETH (1916-) - Men and Women : Feminism and Anti-Feminism Today
276940: HUDSON, KENNETH (1916-) - Pawnbroking - an aspect of British social history
270861: HUDSON, NICHOLAS - Johnson and the Macquarie : an investigation of 250 years' progress in language and lexicography
270698: HUDSON, DEREK (1911-2003) - British journalists and newspapers / Derek Hudson
268362: HUDSON, DEREK - Arthur Rackham : his life and work / Derek Hudson
267314: HUDSON, DEREK - Arthur Rackham : his life and work / Derek Hudson
266886: HUDSON, KENNETH - The fashionable stone / Kenneth Hudson
261740: HUDSON, C. E - The Church and the World : being Materials for the historical Study of Christian Sociology / (by) C. E. Hudson and M. B. Reckitt ; volume author M. B. Reckitt. V.3, Church and Society in England from 1800 - Vol. 3
261246: HUDSON, FREDERIC (1819-1875) - Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872
260138: HUDSON, GEOFFREY FRANCIS - Turkey, Greece and the eastern Mediterranean
257660: HUDSON, W.H - British Birds
250298: LONDON : THAMES & HUDSON - The great explorers / edited by Robin Hanbury-Tenison
212913: HUDSON, KENNETH - Patriotism with profit : British agricultural societies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / [by] Kenneth Hudson
205237: HUDSON, FRED STANSFIELD - North America
201487: HUDSON, THOMSON JAY (1834-1903) - The law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of the vast potential of man's mind
191886: HUDSON, KENNETH - The place of women in society
243420: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841-1922) - Afoot in England
166525: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841-1922) - Birds of a Feather : Unpublished Letters of W. H. Hudson / Edited and Introduced by Dennis Shrubsall ; with Wood Engravings by Marcus Beaver
165387: HUDSON, TOM, (1900-) - In Search of the Sunset / Tom Hudson
159678: HUDSON, D. DENNIS - Protestant Origins in India : Tamil Evangelical Christians, 1706-1835 / D. Dennis Hudson
128495: HUDSON, KENNETH - Men and Women : Feminism and Anti-Feminism Today
158906: HUDSON, BRAMWELL - History of Co-Operation in Cainscross and District
158966: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841-1922) - Green Mansions : a Romance of the Tropical Forest
159139: HUDSON, BRAMWELL - History of Co-Operation in Cainscross and District
159259: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841-1922) - Green Mansions / W.H. Hudson ; illustrated by Keith Henderson
245581: HUDSON, DEREK - Holland House in Kensington
214234: HUDSON, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) (1841-1922). WILSON, EDWARD A. (LLLUS.) - Green mansions : a romance of the tropical forest
273980: HUDSON, GILES - Sarah Angelina Acland : first lady of colour photography, 1849-1930 / Giles Hudson
245114: HUDSON, ALFRED SERENO - The History of Concord, Massachusetts: Volume I: Colonial Concord
140155: HUDSON, DEREK. HAROLD CHILD (ED. ) - Thomas Barnes of the Times
136746: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1862-1918) - The Famous Missions of California
108017: HUDSON, LILLIAN ROW (1860-) - Governor Thurmond's Bird-House
227457: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1862-1918) - France : the nation and its development from earliest times to the establishment of the Third Republic
81972: HUDSON, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY). HENDERSON, KEITH (ILLUS. ) - Green Mansions, by W. H. Hudson; Illustrated by Keith Henderson
60075: HUDSON, CLARENCE WALTER - Deflections and Statically Indeterminate Stresses
58121: HUDSON, KENNETH - The Archaeology of Industry / Kenneth Hudson ; Drawings by Pippa Brand
96659: HUDSON, G. F. (ED. ) - Far Eastern Affairs Number Four / Edited by G. F. Hudson
81971: HUDSON, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY). HENDERSON, KEITH (ILLUS. ) - Green Mansions, by W. H. Hudson; Illustrated by Keith Henderson
27877: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841-1922) - Green Mansions : a Romance of the Tropical Forest
147002: HUDSON, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) (1841-1922) - Birds in London
201354: HUDSON, CYRIL EDWARD (1888-?) - Preface to a Christian sociology
248460: HUDSON, W. H. (1841-1922) - Far away and long ago / W. H. Hudson ; foreword by John Glasworthy
241078: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841-1922). MCCORMICK, ARTHUR DAVID (1860-1943) - A little boy lost
247609: HUDSON, W. H. (1841-1922) - The book of a naturalist
116646: HUDSON, THOMSON JAY (1834-1903) - A Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life
100474: HUDSON, RICHARD M. - Gloria Swanson, [By] Richard M. Hudson and Raymond Lee
39294: HUDSON, W. H. - Green Mansions - a Romance of the Tropical Forest
178424: HUDSON, DEREK - Thomas Barnes of The Times
214017: HUDSON, ROGER (SELECTED AND INTRODUCED) - The Folio book of days / selected and introduced by Roger Hudson
166887: HUDSON, DEREK. HAROLD CHILD (1869-1945), ED. - Thomas Barnes of the Times, by Derek Hudson. With selections from his critical essays never before reprinted / edited by Harold Child
232761: HUDSON, ROGER. FOLIO SOCIETY - The Grand tour, (1592-1796) / edited by Roger Hudson
195038: HUDSON, DEREK - Thomas Barnes of The Times
167114: HUDSON, DEREK - Thomas Barnes of The Times
62684: HUDSON, ELLIS HERNDON (1890-) - Non-Venereal Syphilis : a Sociological and Medical Study of Bejel
248470: HUDSON, W. H. (1841-1922) - Afoot in England / W. H. Hudson
66764: HUDSON, STEPHEN (1868-1944) - Céleste, and Other Sketches ... Wood Engravings by John Nash - [Contents : Céleste--Frau Karl Druschki--Southern Women--Sunrise in Conegliano--Sounds--Transmutation]
191044: HUDSON, KENNETH - Men and women : feminism and anti-feminism today
148732: HUDSON, MANLEY O. (MANLEY OTTMER) (1886-1960) - By Pacific Means; the Implementation of Article Two of the Pact of Paris
150231: HUDSON, DEREK - Oxford Publishing Since 1478
162987: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841-1922) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer / William Henry Hudson
166520: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY, (1841-1922) - A Hind in Richmond Park
29084: HUDSON, W. H. - A Hind in Richmond Park
79134: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1862-1918) - A Quiet Corner in a Library
247447: HUDSON, W. H - Letters from W. H Hudson to Edward Garnett
198953: HUDSON, DEREK (1911-2003) - Charles Keene
199265: HUDSON, THOMSON JAY (1834-1903) - The law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc
205103: HUDSON, DEREK - Holland House in Kensington
207507: HUDSON, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY), (1841-1922) - A hind in Richmond park
212876: HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1862-1918) - An introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer
58718: HUEBENER, THEODORE (1895-) - This is Israel : Palestine: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
165470: HUEBENER, THEODORE, (1895-) - This is Israel; Palestine: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, by Theodore Huebener and Carl Hermann Voss
121007: HUEBENER, THEODORE - The Germans in America
231683: HUEBNER, DIETMAR VON - Fruhe Zeugnisse pramonstratensischer Choraltradition (1126-1331) : Studie zu Offiziumsantiphonen des Pramonstratenserordens / Dietmar von Huebner - Complete in 3 volumes
63319: HUEFFER, OLIVER MADOX (1877-1931) - French France, by Oliver Madox Hueffer
31616: HUEFFER, OLIVER MADOX - Some of the English - a Study Towards a Study
225120: HUELIN, GORDON - Lambeth Palace : a short history / [by] Gordon Huelin
260617: HUET, PIERRE-DANIEL (1630-1721) - Memoirs of the life of Peter Daniel Huet / written by himself ; translated from the original latin, with copious notes, biographical and critical, by John Aiken - vol. 2
263192: HUET, PIERRE DANIEL (1630-1721) - Memoirs of the life of Peter Daniel Huet, written by himself; and translated from the original Latin, with copious notes, biographical and critical, by John Aikin - vol. 1
203999: HUETING, ERNEST. JONG, FRITS DE. NEIJ, ROB - Naar groter eenheid : de geschiedenis van het Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen 1906-1981 / Ernest Hueting, Frits de Jong Edz., Rob Neij
26723: HUFBAUER, GARY CLYDE; SCHOTT, JEFFREY J. - North American Free Trade: Issues and Recommendations
219868: HUFFAKER, CLAIR [WRITER]. SPARTAN PRODUCTIONS. EDWARDS, BLAKE [DIRECTOR] - Rango : Posse from Hell [large format pre-production TV series script / portfolio]
176907: HUFFARD, GRACE THOMPSON (ED., ET AL.) - My poetry book : an anthology of modern verse for boys and girls / selected and arranged by G. T. Huffard and L. M. Carlisle in collaboration with Helen Ferris ... Illustrated by Willy Pogany
85280: HUFFMAN, JAMES L (1941-?) - Politics of the Meiji Press : the Life of Fukuchi Genichiro
255106: HUFTON, OLWEN H - Europe : privilege and protest, 1730-1789 / 0lwen H. Hufton
216727: HUGARD, JEAN - Hugard's magic monthly : volume 9
216723: HUGARD, JEAN (1872-1959) - 'Card manipulations,' series no. 1
216721: HUGARD, JEAN - Card manipulations: Series No. 2
280557: HUGARD, JEAN (1872-1959) - Silken sorcery
216669: HUGARD, JEAN (B. 1872) (COMP. ) - Hugard's magic monthly volume vii
159037: HUGARD, JEAN (1872- ) (COMP. ) - The Magic Annual; Magic and Illusions
196861: HUGARD, JEAN (1872-1959) - More card manipulations
276891: VON HUGEL, BARON FRIEDRICH - The Historical Method and the Documents of the Hexateuch
203596: HUGEL, FRIEDRICH, FREIHERR VON (1852-1925) - The mystical element of religion as studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her friends
149010: HUGEL, FRIEDRICH, FREIHERR VON (1852-1925) - Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion
200405: HUGEL, FRIEDRICH, FREIHERR VON, (1852-1925) - Letters from Baron Friedrich von Hugel to a niece / edited with an introduction by Gwendolen Greene
198677: HUGEL, FRIEDRICH, FREIHERR VON (1852-1925) - Selected letters, 1896-1924 / Baron Friedrich von Hu¨gel ; edited with a memoir by Bernard Holland
205113: HUGEL, FRIEDRICH, FREIHERR VON (1852-1925) - Baron von Hugel, man of God : an introductory anthology / compiled, with a biographical preface by P. Franklin Chambers
180814: HUGENTOBLER, A. - Extinction du Pauperisme / par A. Hugentobler
214365: HUGENTOBLER, A. - Extinction du pauperisme
174764: HUGEUT, R. P. - Bourreaux et victimes de la Commune : scenes de la terreur a Paris en 1871
272536: HUGGETT, FRANK EDWARD - The land question and European society / [by] Frank E. Huggett
265306: HUGGETT, FRANK EDWARD - Life below stairs : domestic servants in England from Victorian times / Frank E. Huggett
213213: HUGGETT, RICHARD (1929- ) - Pontius the pilot : the best of Catholic jokes, wit and humour / compiled by Richard Huggett
178143: HUGGETT, FRANK EDWARD - Victorian England as seen by Punch / [by] Frank E. Huggett
58068: HUGGETT, FRANK EDWARD - Cartoonists At War / Frank E. Huggett
178215: HUGGETT, FRANK EDWARD - The true book about newspapers
58762: HUGGINS, NATHAN IRVIN (1927-) - Protestants Against Poverty; Boston's Charities, 1870-1900. Foreword by Oscar Handlin
17311: HUGGINS, NATHAN IRVIN (1927-) - Revelations : American History, American Myths / Nathan Irvin Huggins ; Edited by Brenda Smith Huggins
137647: HUGGINS, WILLIAM LLOYD (1865-1941) - Labor and Democracy
106572: HUGGINS, R. A. - Annual Review of Materials Science - Volume 2
137964: HUGGONET, LEON - La Grece Nouvelle. L'Hellenisme, Son Evolution Et Son Avenir
224873: HUGH-JONES, WYNN - Diplomacy to politics : by way of the jungle / Wynn Hugh-Jones
20494: HUGH C. WILLIAMS HIGH SCHOOL, CANTON, NEW YORK - Algonquin '76. Yearbook of the Hugh C. Williams High School, Canton (New York)
248058: HUGHES, THOMAS - Tom Brown's Schooldays - Illustrated by Frank McKenna
95818: HUGHES, CATHARINE - Dreams and Regrets : Selections from the Russian Mystics / Edited by Catharine Hughes
91819: HUGHES, FRANCESCA, ED. - The Architect : Reconstructing Her Practice
89558: HUGHES, JOHN (1930-) - The End of Sukarno: a Coup That Misfired: a Purge That Ran Wild
221970: HUGHES, WILLIAM RICHARD (1830-1899). KITTON, FREDERIC GEORGE (1856-1904) - A week's tramp in Dickens-land : together with personal reminiscences of the 'Inimitable Boz' / therein collected by William R. Hughes ; with more than a hundred illustrations by F.G. Kitton and other artists
47631: HUGHES, MICHAEL - The Letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn - a Transatlantic Dialogue 1938-70
38395: HUGHES, LANGSTON (1902-1967) - Remember Me to Harlem : the Letters of Langston Hughes and Carl Van Vechten, 1925-1964 / Edited by Emily Bernard
37170: HUGHES, THOMAS - Tom Brown's School Days
30407: HUGHES, ANNE - The Diary of a Farmer's Wife 1796-1797
275618: HUGHES, THOMAS - Tom Brown at Oxford by the author of 'Tom Brown's school days.' ; with illustrations by Sydney P. Hall
275217: HUGHES, ROBERT (1938-2012) - Culture of complaint : the fraying of America / Robert Hughes
275120: HUGHES, MICHAEL - Law and politics in eighteenth century Germany : the Imperial Aulic Council in the reign of Charles VI / Michael Hughes
275030: HUGHES, THOMAS (1822-1896) - Tom Brown's school days
274769: HUGHES, QUENTIN - Renaissance architecture by J. Quentin Hughes and Norbert Lynton
274353: HUGHES, THOMAS (1822-1896) - Tom Brown's school days
273169: HUGHES, SIMON J. S. (SIMON JOHN SOUTHWORTH) - The Darren mines
272499: HUGHES, THOMAS (1822-1896) - Tom Brown's school days
270968: HUGHES, ROBERT - In perilous seas / Robert Hughes
269333: HUGHES, DOROTHY - A study of social and constitutional tendencies in the early years of Edward III : as illustrated more especially by the events connected with the ministerial inquiries of 1340 and the following years
269107: HUGHES, ROBERT - The fatal shore : a history of the transportation of convicts to Australia, 1787-1868 / Robert Hughes
266604: HUGHES, PENNETHORNE - Kent : a Shell guide
266533: HUGHES, PHILIP GWYN - Wales and the drovers : the historic background of an epoch
265823: HUGHES, THOMAS (1822-1896) - Tom Brown at Oxford
261089: HUGHES, THOMAS - Tom Brown's schooldays
260965: HUGHES, DAVID - The star of Bethlehem mystery / David Hughes
259514: HUGHES, EMRYS (1894-1969) - The crown and the cash
259074: HUGHES, KATHERINE - Father Lacombe : the black-robe voyageur
258914: HUGHES, HECTOR ; DIXON, KEVIN - The Landlord and Tenant Act, 1931 : fully annotated with reference to earlier legislation and all relevant decided cases, and an appendix containing the statutory regulations and forms made under the act, and also the text of the earlier Irish and English statutes
258889: HUGHES, PHILIP - The faith in practice : Catholic Doctrine and Life
258854: HUGHES, HENRY LOUIS - Frederick Ozanam
255773: HUGHES, RICHARD (1900-1976) - The Human Predicament: The fox in the attic, vol. 1
255757: HUGHES, RICHARD ARTHUR WARREN (1900-1976) - The human predicament. Vol.2 The wooden shepherdess
254532: HUGHES, GEORGE BERNARD (1896-1991) - English, Scottish, and Irish table glass : from the sixteenth century to 1820
253317: HUGHES, GERRY - Fishing / Gerry Hughes
248222: HUGHES, ROB - Strategic carp fishing
247704: HUGHES, THERLE - Prints for the collector : British prints from 1500 to 1900 / Therle Hughes
240946: HUGHES, TED (1930-1998) [AUTHOR].LLOYD, REGINALD J. (1926-) [ILLUSTRATOR] - What is the truth? : a farmyard fable for the young / Ted Hughes ; drawings by R.J. Lloyd
237186: HUGHES, TED (1930-1998), AUTHOR; REID, CHRISTOPHER (1949-), ED - Letters of Ted Hughes / selected and edited by Christopher Reid
237161: HUGHES, TED (1930-1998) - Selected translations / Ted Hughes; edited by Daniel Weissbort
233759: HUGHES, KATHLEEN (1926-1977) - Early Christian Ireland: introduction to the sources
229534: HUGHES, TED (1930-1998) - Birthday letters
262556: HUGHES, THERLE - Welfare at work
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