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Click on booknumber for full information
278117: JOHNSTON, ARNRID - Animals of the countryside
242880: JOHNSTON, ANNIE FELLOWS - The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding
185515: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
182765: JOHNSTON, JOSEPH (1907- ) - God's secret armies
172076: JOHNSTON, HANK - Short line to paradise; the story of the Yosemite Valley Railroad
105067: JOHNSTON, ALVA - The Great Goldwyn
103925: JOHNSTON, ANNIE F. (ANNIE FELLOWS) (1863-1931) - Mary Ware's Promised Land
160854: JOHNSTON, ALNAH JAMES - The Footprints of the Pheasant in the Snow
241930: JOHNSTON, ANNIE FELLOWS (1863-1931) BARRY, ETHELDRED BREEZE (1870-) - The Little Colonel : maid of honor
23480: JOHNSTON, KENNETH H. - British Railways and Economic Recovery. A Sociological Study of the Transport Problem
139230: JOHNSTON, MARY (1870-1936) - Audrey
138758: JOHNSTON, MARY (1870-1936) - Croatan
135437: JOHNSTON, NORMAN BRUCE. LEONARD SAVITZ. MARVIN E. WOLFGANG (EDS. ) - The Sociology of Punishment and Correction. Edited by Norman Johnston, Leonard Savitz [And] Marvin E. Wolfgang
100465: JOHNSTON, OLLIE (1912-2008) & THOMAS, FRANK (1912-2004) - The Disney Villain / Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas ; Designed by Dana Levy
69161: JOHNSTON, RONALD (1926-) - The Crusoe Test / Mark Nelson [I. E. R. Johnston]
68820: JOHNSTON, THOMAS ROBERT (1893-) - The Trustees and the Officers of Purdue University, 1865-1940. Prepared by Thomas R. Johnston and Helen Hand
111200: JOHNSTON, JOHN K.. CHET DALGEWICZ. DAN WHITE - Wrestling, Skills and Strategies for the Athlete and Coach / John Johnston and Chet Dalgewicz, with Dan White ; Photos. by James Whittier Parker
112171: WALTERS ART GALLERY (BALTIMORE, MD. ). WILLIAM R. JOHNSTON - The Nineteenth Century Paintings in the Walters Art Gallery / William R. Johnston
50581: JOHNSTON, KENNETH H. - British Railways and Economic Recovery; a Sociological Study of the Transport Problem
116105: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM - Silent Music : the Science of Meditation / William Johnston
93672: JOHNSTON, R. M. (ROBERT MATTESON) - The Roman Theocracy and the Republic, 1846-1849, by R. M. Johnston
93123: JOHNSTON, HARRY HAMILTON, SIR (1858-1927) - George Grenfell and the Congo; a History and Description of the Congo Independent State and Adjoining Districts of Congoland, Together with Some Account of the Native Peoples and Their Languages, the Fauna and Flora; and Similar Notes on the Cameroons.... ...the whole founded on the diaries and researches of the late Rev. George Grenfell, B.M.S., F.R.G.S.; and on the records of the British Baptist Missionary Society; and on additional information contributed by the author, by the Rev. Lawson Forfeitt....
87644: JOHNSTON, JAMES CHAPMAN (1875-1927) - Biography: the Literature of Personality, by James C. Johnston, with an Introduction by Gamaliel Bradford & Eight Unusual Illustrations
85936: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM (1871-1929) - 'Limpy, ' the Boy Who Felt Neglected, by William Johnston; with Illustrations by Arthur W. Brown
84802: JOHNSTON, ALVA - The Great Goldwyn, by Alva Johnston
150306: JOHNSTON, SAMUEL HENRY FERGUS - British Soldiers
148824: JOHNSTON, THOMAS (1881-1965) - Labour's Policy of Food for all / Thomas Johnston
277737: JOHNSTON, JAMES P - A hundred years eating : food, drink and the daily diet in Britain since the late nineteenth century
131994: JOHNSTON, HARRY HAMILTON, SIR - Mrs. Warren's Daughter : a Story of the Woman's Movement
278613: JOHNSTON-LIIK, E. M - Irish history : a select bibliography
123744: JOHNSTON, MARY (1870-1936). F. C. YOHN (ILL. ) - Lewis Rand
123656: JOHNSTON, MARY (1870-1936) - The Goddess of Reason
67830: JOHNSTON, MARY (1870-1936) - The Long Roll
231851: JOHNSTON, HUGH. WESTMINSTER. ST. MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS - St. Martin-in-the-Fields past and present
39840: JOHNSTON, PAUL (1899-) - Biblio-Typographica : a Survey of Contemporary Fine Printing Style
40548: JOHNSTON, JOSEPH - God's Secret Armies
113363: JOHNSTON, ROBERT - The Peril of an Empire
227533: JOHNSTON, ALNAH JAMES - The footprints of the pheasant in the snow
181556: JOHNSTON, JOHN (1852-1927) - Wastage of child life : as exemplified by conditions in Lancashire
182477: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
139027: JOHNSTON, RANDOLPH WARDELL - The Book of Country Crafts; on Working with Wood, Clay, Metals, Stone, and Color, with Many New Recipes and Secrets of the Crafts
139234: JOHNSTON, MARY (1870-1936) - To Have and to Hold
162088: JOHNSTON, KENNETH H. - British Railways and Economic Recovery
162460: JOHNSTON, ANNIE FELLOWS (1863-1931) - Mary Ware's Promised Land
162490: JOHNSTON, ANNIE FELLOWS (1863-1931) - The Little Colonel in Arizona
26834: JOHNSTON, DOUGLAS M.; CHIU, HUNGDAH - Agreements of the People's Republic of China, 1949-1967 : a calendar
76555: JOHNSTON, JULIA MICHAEL - Mary Baker Eddy: Her Mission and Triumph
100085: JOHNSTON, CHARLES HAVEN LADD (1877-1943) - Famous Scouts, Including Trappers, Pioneers, and Soldiers of the Frontier; Their Hazardous and Exciting Adventures in the Mighty Drama of the White Conquest of the American Continent
102753: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM (1925-) - Silent Music : the Science of Meditation
91588: JOHNSTON, JOSEPH (1907-) - God's Secret Armies
198027: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM - England as it is, political, social, and industrial : in the middle of the nineteenth century
209691: JOHNSTON, DENIS (1901-1984) - Nine rivers from Jordan : the chronicle of a journey and a search / Denis Johnston
48953: JOHNSTONE, IAIN - The World is Not Enough - a Companion
272944: JOHNSTONE, E. MCD - Pacific Coast Souvenir
270153: JOHNSTONE, JAMES JOHNSTONE CHEVALIER DE (1719-1800) - A memoir of the 'forty-five / the chevalier de Johnstone; edited and with an introduction by Brian Rawson
269859: JOHNSTONE, JAMES JOHNSTONE CHEVALIER DE (1719-1800) - A memoir of the 'forty-five / the chevalier de Johnstone; edited and with an introduction by Brian Rawson
264960: JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM HENRY - Israel after the flesh : the Judaism of the Bible, separated from its spiritual religion
259921: JOHNSTONE, PAUL - Buried treasure / Paul Johnstone
259755: JOHNSTONE, HUGH - Mines and quarries: Reports of Hugh Johnstone, H. M. Inspector of mines for the Midland and Southern district (no. 8) to his Majesty's secretary of state for the home department under the coal mines regulation act, 1887 to 1908, the metalliferous mines regulations acts, 1872 and 1875, and the quarries act, 1894. For the year 1911
228694: JOHNSTONE, SANDY - Enemy in the sky : my 1940 diary
227567: JOHNSTONE, R. W - William Smellie : the master of British midwifery
223843: JOHNSTONE, DENIS [ET AL.] - Living writers : being critical studies broadcast in the B.B.C. Third Programme
250993: JOHNSTONE, CATHERINE LAURA (1838-1923) - The British colony in Russia : By C.L. Johnstone
259722: JOHNSTONE, HUGH - Mines and quarries: Reports of Hugh Johnstone, H. M. Inspector of mines for the Midland and Southern District (No. 8) to his Majesty's secretary of state for the home department under the coal mines acts, the metalliferous mines acts, and the quarries act for the year 1912
124410: JOHNSTONE, CHRISTOPHER. MARTIN, JOHN (1789-1854) - John Martin / Christopher Johnstone
102787: JOHNSTONE, JAY (1946- ). RICK TALLEY - Temporary Insanity / Jay Johnstone with Rick Talley.
221861: JOHNSTONE, JOHN (1768-1836) - An Harveian oration and other remains of John Johnstone [With a memoir by S. Butler, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry]
223346: JOHNSTONE, MARY ANDERSON - Etruria : past and present
188278: JOHNSTONE, T. B. - The land o' cakes and brither Scots : or, Scotland and things Scottish
227966: JOHNSTONE, GEORGE H - Asiatic magnolias in cultivation
181907: JOHNSTONE, JAMES JOHNSTONE, CHEVALIER DE (1719-1800) - Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746
133145: JOHNSTONE, ARCHIE - In the Name of Peace
115764: JOHNSTONE, JAY. RICK TALLEY - Some of My Best Friends Are Crazy : Baseball's Favorite Lunatic Goes in Search of His Peers / Jay Johnstone with Rick Talley
103355: JOIN-LAMBERT, MICHEL - Jerusalem. / Translated by Charlotte Haldane
56052: JOINER, SUSAN (ED. ) - The A-Z of House Plants / [Editor Susan Joiner ; Assistant Editors Pamela Hunter, Sarie Forster ; Translated from the German by Hugh Young]
143383: JOINT BRITISH-DUTCH OLD TESTAMENT CONFERENCE, WOUDSCHOTEN, NETHERLANDS, 1970. BEEK, MARTINUS ADRIANUS (1909-) - The Witness of Tradition : Papers Read At the Joint British-Dutch Old Testament Conference Held At Woudschoten, 1970
51615: THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING/HALFORD, A. J. - Official Congressional Directory - 61st Congress - 2d Session, Beginning December 6, 1909
5560: JOKAI, MOR (1825-1904). JOKAI, MAURUS - A Hungarian Nabob, by Dr. Maurus Jokai ... - [A Romance]
119930: JOKAI, MOR - The Green Book : Or, Freedom under the Snow : a Novel
46665: JOKAI, MOR (1825-1904) - Black Diamonds; a Novel
95162: JOKAI, MOR (1825-1904) - Debts of Honor
33367: JOKELSON, PAUL (1905-) - Sulphides : the Art of Cameo Incrustation / Paul Jokelson.
114681: JOKELSON, PAUL - Sulphides, the Art of Cameo Incrustation / Paul Jokelson
204088: JOKINEN, MAIJALIISA [ED.] - Det Morka ljuset : Finsk prosa under 75 ar : en antologi / av Maijaliisa Jokinen [Language: Swedish]
65839: JOLINE, ADRIAN HOFFMAN - Rambles in Autograph Land ... Illustrated with Many Portraits and Facsimiles
133873: JOLIOT-CURIE, FREDERIC - La Paix : Le Desarmement Et La Cooperation Internationale
127526: JOLIOT-CURIE, FREDERIC - La Paix, Le Desarmement Et La Cooperation Internationale
169920: JOLIVET, REGIS - Les doctrines existentialistes de Kierkegaard a J.-P. Sartre
270967: JOLL, JAMES - Britain and Europe : Pitt to Churchill, 1793-1940 / edited by James Joll
257122: JOLLIFFE, J. E. A. (JOHN EDWARD AUSTIN) 1891-1964 - The constitutional history of medieval England from the English settlement to 1485
206177: JOLLIFFE, JOHN EDWARD AUSTIN - The constitutional history of medieval England from the English settlement to 1485
220048: JOLLIFFE, J. [COMPILER] - A new edition, corrected to the 20th of April, of The Court and city register ; or, gentleman's complete annual calendar for the year 1780 . . .
191456: JOLLY, PIERRE - La mystique du corporatisme
118868: JOLLY, HUGH - Sexual Precocity
184798: JOLLY, GENERAL BARON - Situation electorale 1899 ce qu'il ne faut pas ce qu'il faudrait
80944: JOLLY, HUGH - Book of Child Care
228698: JOLY, CYRIL - Take these men
125613: JOLY, HENRI L. KUMASAKU TOMITA - Japanese Art & Handicraft. by Henri L. Joly and Kumasaku Tomita. an Illustrated Record of the Loan Exhibiton Held in Aid of the British Red Cross in October-November, 1915
192536: JOLY, HENRI (1839-1925) - Le socialisme chrétien / [by] Henri Joly
135057: JOLY, HENRI - Problemes De Science Criminelle / Henri Joly
204089: JOLY, HENRI (1839-1925) - Problèmes de science criminelle / Henri Joly
168753: JOLY, HENRI (1839-1925) - The psychology of the saints
141817: JOLY A. - Etude Sur Les Chadouliyas
260959: JOMINI, ANTOINE HENRI BARON DE (1779-1869) - Life of Napoleon
85238: JONAS, SUSAN, ED. - Ellis Island : Echoes from a Nation's Past / Essays by Norman Kotker ... [Et Al. ] ; Edited by Susan Jonas
79593: JONAS, GEORGE (1935-) - By Persons Unknown : the Strange Death of Christine Demeter / George Jonas and Barbara Amiel
39954: JONAS, DORIS AND JONAS DAVID - Sex & Status
238582: JONAS, STEVEN - Medical mystery : the training of doctors in the United States / Steven Jonas
187308: JONAS, DORIS (1942-) - Untersuchungen zu den Komodien von Philippe Nericault Destouches.
165154: JONAS, GEORGE, (1935-) - By Persons Unknown : the Strange Death of Christine Demeter / George Jonas and Barbara Amiel
191616: JONAS, EDOUARD - Quelques reliques emouvantes du passe [Facsimiles of French historical documents. With transcriptions and notes.]
160637: JONAS, CARL - Snowslide
149517: JONASSON, OLOF GEORG. ERNST HOIJER. THURE BJORKMAN - Agricultural Atlas of Sweden
137946: JONATHAN, NORTON HUGHES - The Movie Scout : or the Thrill Hunters
186748: JONELL, LYNNE; BEAN, JONATHAN (ILLUS.) - Emmy and the incredible shrinking rat
248004: JONES, DAVID - In parenthesis : seinnyessit e gledyf ym penn mameu / David Jones
97581: JONES, ROBERT HUHN (1927-?) - Disrupted Decades; the Civil War and Reconstruction Years [By] Robert H. Jones. Cartography by Bernhard H. Wagner
96265: JONES, BILL (1946-) - The Russia Complex : the British Labour Party and the Soviet Union
95980: JONES, EDGAR (1953-) - Accountancy and the British Economy, 1840-1980 : the Evolution of Ernst & Whinney ; Introduction by Peter Mathias
94297: JONES, MARGARET C. (1949-) - Heretics & Hellraisers : Women Contributors to the Masses, 1911-1917
92562: JONES, KAREN (ED. ) - International Index to Film Periodicals, 1974 / Edited by Karen Jones
86945: JONES, JAMES EARL - James Earl Jones : Voices and Silences / James Earl Jones and Penelope Niven
84020: JONES, DAN BURNE - The Prints of Rockwell Kent : a Catalogue Raisonne / Dan Burne Jones
75197: JONES, DAVID MILTON - The Politics of Money : the Fed under Alan Greenspan
73634: JONES, GERRE L. (1926-) - How to Market Professional Design Services
73197: JONES, PETER H. - Retail Loss Control
68141: JONES, ROCHELLE - The Supermeds : How the Big Business of Medicine is Endangering Our Health Care / Rochelle Jones
58515: JONES, JACK (1945-) - Let Me Take You Down : Inside the Mind of Mark David Chapman : the Man Who Killed John Lennon / Jack Jones
5697: JONES, LE ROI - Tales
52665: JONES, ALLEN (1937-) - Allen Jones, Sheer Magic / Text by Marco Livingstone
247930: JONES, ERNEST (1879-1958) - Essays in applied psycho-analysis : vol. 1: Miscellaneous essays
45096: JONES, KATHLEEN (1922-) - Opening the Door : a Study of New Policies for the Mentally Handicapped / Kathleen Jones, with John Brown ... [Et Al. ]
44450: JONES, HARVEY - Mathews : Masterpieces of the California Decorative Style
39145: JONES, ROY E. - The Changing Structure of British Foreign Policy
36784: JONES, HOWARD - 'A New Kind of War' America's Global Strategy and the Truman Doctrine in Greece
29323: JONES, CHESTER LLOYD (1881-1941) - Caribbean Backgrounds and Prospects
276844: JONES, CHESTER HENRY (1906-1933) - Ancient architecture; prehistoric, Egyptian, Western Asian, Greek & Roman/ a commentary in verse, written and devised by Chester H. Jones ... with illustrations and decorations by the author
276059: JONES, QUENTIN - Upton way / Quentin Jones
275833: JONES, PHILIP E - A guide to the records in the Corporation of London Records Office and the Guildhall Library Muniment Room
275506: JONES, TESSIE - The Jones Collection : the bequests of Herschel V and Tessie Jones
275393: JONES, MARY EIRWEN - The romance of lace
275341: JONES, HENRY SIR (1852-1922) - Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher
275152: JONES, OWEN - The Psalms of David
274940: JONES, THOMAS (1742-1803) - Thomas Jones (1742-1803) : an artist rediscovered / edited by Ann Sumner and Greg Smith ; with contributions by Christopher Riopelle [and others]
274324: JONES, G. F. TREVALLYN (GWYNNE FARLEY TREVALLYN) - Saw-pit Wharton : the political career from 1640 to 1691 of Philip, fourth lord Wharton / G.F. Trevallyn Jones
274292: JONES, J. SYDNEY - Hitler in Vienna, 1907-1913 / J. Sydney Jones
274159: JONES, DANIEL (1881-1967) - The pronunciation of English
27359: JONES, CHESTER LLOYD (1881-1941) - Caribbean Backgrounds and Prospects
273481: JONES, TREVOR - Pursuing the dream : my season with Surrey C.C.C. / Trevor Jones ; foreword by Michael Soper
273439: JONES, STEVE - Rothmans Rugby Yearbook, 1989-90
273441: JONES, STEVE - Rothmans Rugby Yearbook, 1994-95
273442: JONES, STEVE - Rothmans Rugby Yearbook, 1986-87
273436: JONES, STEVE - Rothmans Rugby Yearbook, 1983-84
273437: JONES, STEVE - Rothmans Rugby Yearbook, 1984-85
273438: JONES, STEVE - Rothmans Rugby Yearbook, 1988-89
273339: JONES, LOUIS THOMAS - Aboriginal American oratory : the tradition of eloquence among the Indians of the United States / Introd. by Carl Schaefer Dentzel
273064: JONES, HENRY (1831-1899) - Card essays, Clay's decisions, and Card-table talk
272986: JONES, MIKE - Breathe on 'em Salop : Shrewsbury Town Football Club : the official history / Mike Jones ; statistics by Kevin Davies
272652: JONES, JOHN ROWLAND (1844-1909) - The diary of John Rowland Jones, Headmaster of Diddlebury School, 1908 / edited by Martin Speight
272154: JONES, WILLIAM LEWIS (1866-1922) - The land of my fathers : a Welsh gift book
270479: JONES, L. E. (LAWRENCE EVELYN) SIR (1885-1969) - An Edwardian youth
270168: JONES, PHILIP E. (PHILIP EDMUND) (1904-1986) - The butchers of London : a history of the Worshipful Company of Butchers of the City of London / (by) Philip E. Jones
270114: JONES, SUSANNA - A tale for the time being / Ruth Ozeki
269439: JONES, BRIAN - The beginner's guide to astronomy
269372: JONES, SYDNEY R. (SYDNEY ROBERT) (1881-1966) - London triumphant
269031: JONES, LAWRENCE EVELYN SIR (1885-1969) - A Victorian boyhood
269026: JONES, L. E. (LAWRENCE EVELYN) SIR (1885-1969) - Georgian afternoon
268976: JONES, L. E. (LAWRENCE EVELYN) SIR (1885-1969) - I forgot to tell you / L. E. Jones
268201: JONES, GWYN (1907-1999) - A history of the Vikings / Gwyn Jones
268114: JONES, JAMES REES - The first Whigs : the politics of the Exclusion Crisis, 1678-1683
26694: JONES, TOM B. - In the Twilight of Antiquity - the R. S. Hoyt Memorial Lectures (1973)
266891: LAWRENCE ELMORE JONES - What to see in a country church
266874: JONES, SYDNEY R. (SYDNEY ROBERT) (1881-1966) - London triumphant
265487: JONES, EMRYS (1920-2006). ELSEVIER INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS - The New encyclopedia of world geography / planned and produced by Elsevier International Projects ; forword by Emrys Jones
264656: JONES, IRA - Tiger Squadron / Ira Jones
264531: JONES, DILWYN - A glossary of ancient Egyptian nautical titles and terms / Dilwyn Jones
260846: JONES, WILLIAM BOOKSELLER, OF DUBLIN - Jones's British theatre - vol. 3
260239: JONES, SYDNEY R. (SYDNEY ROBERT) - How to draw houses
260145: JONES, TOM B. (TOM BARD) (1909-1999) - Sumerian economic texts from the third Ur dynasty : a catalogue and discussion of documents from various collections / [by] Tom B. Jones and John W. Snyder
259037: JONES, HENRY BENCE (1814-1873) - The life and letters of Faraday / (by) Bence Jones - Volume 1
258394: JONES, MERVYN - The pursuit of happiness / [by] Mervyn Jones
256182: JONES, GENESIUS - Approach to the purpose : a study of the poetry of T.S. Eliot
255706: JONES, C. A - Stories for The Christian Year: Vol. III: Palm Sunday to the Third Sunday after Easter
254935: JONES, J.D.F - Storyteller : the many lives of Laurens van der Post / J.D.F. Jones
253403: JONES, FRANCES - The basic guide to angling
253404: JONES, FRANCES - The Hamlyn basic guide to angling
252745: JONES, DEREK - Day out : third series / with Derek Jones and Gwyn Richards
252746: JONES, DEREK - Day out with Derek Jones and Gwyn Richards. Second series
252747: JONES, DEREK - Day out with Derek Jones and Gwyn Richards. Fourth series
252744: JONES, DEREK - Day out / with Derek Jones and Gwyn Richards
251600: JONES, LINDA LLOYD - Fifty Penguin years : published on the occasion of Penguin Books' fiftieth anniversary
250443: JONES, FRANCIS AVERY (1910-1998) - The emergence of gastroenterology : delivered before the fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London on Monday 20th October 1980
248689: JONES, CHARLES - A Separate Place
247651: JONES, DAVID KEITH - Shepherds of the desert / David Keith Jones
247517: JONES, PETER (1945-) - The international yearbook of foreign policy analysis: Vol. 2 / edited by Peter Jones
246994: JONES, DAVE - Romancing the Carp
246104: JONES, OWEN (1809-1874) - The Grammar of Chinese ornament : selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum and other collections
241538: JONES, MARTIN (1951-) [AUTHOR]. JONES, MARTIN - Feast : why humans share food / Martin Jones
237684: JONES, STEVE (1944-) [ED.]. KEYNES, MILO. GALTON INSTITUTE (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Twelve Galton lectures / edited by Steve Jones and Milo Keynes
235495: JONES, F. O - A handbook of American music and musicians : containing biographies of American musicians and histories of the principal musical institutions, firms, and societies / edited by F. O. Jones
231247: JONES, VICKY - The house & garden cookbook / compiled by Vicky Jones
23091: JONES, EDGAR - Accountancy and the British Economy 1840-1980 - the Evolution of Ernst & Whinney
230829: JONES, RONALD - Grand hotelier : behind the scenes in Britain's best hotels / as told by Ronald F. Jones to Eve Jones. SIGNED
230487: JONES, EVAN - Epicurean delight : the life and times of James Beard
22784: JONES, PETER - The International Yearbook of Foreign Policy Analysis - Volume 1
226825: JONES, ANDREW - The stories behind the labels : the history, romance and characters of the world of wine and drink
222869: JONES, INIGO (1573-1652) - The most notable antiquity of Great Britain vulgarly called Stonehenge / Inigo Jones; [edited by John Webb]
222870: JONES, INIGO (1573-1652) - The most notable antiquity of Great Britain vulgarly called Stonehenge / Inigo Jones; [edited by John Webb]
221458: JONES, JENNY; BALE COX, PATSI - Jenny Jones : my story
214929: JONES, LYNNE, ED. - Keeping the peace / Lynne Jones, editor
209725: JONES, FRANK H. - Guide to company balance sheets and profit and loss accounts
209444: JONES, DONALD - Bristol : a pictorial history / Donald Jones
206493: JONES, BILL (1946-) - The Russia complex : the British Labour Party and the Soviet Union / Bill Jones
202361: JONES, NELLA (1932- ) - Nella : a psychic eye. How to see into the mind, the future and the world beyond / / Nella Jones with Mandy Bruce
212955: JONES, A. E. - Juvenile delinquency and the law / A.E. Jones
193564: JONES, SUSANNA (1967- ) - The earthquake bird
182575: JONES, BUCK - Buck Jones in 'Ride 'em cowboy' from an original story by Buck Jones
181114: JONES, FREDERICK ELWYN (B. 1909) - The battle for peace
18079: JONES, RODNEY W. - Urban Politics in India Area, Power and Policy in a Penetrated System
179935: JONES, STEPHEN (ED.). BROECKER, RANDY & EDWARDS, LES(ILLUSTRATORS) - Weird shadows over Innsmouth
179913: JONES, STEPHEN (ED.) BROECKER, RANDY(ILLUSTRATOR) - Dark detectives : adventures of the supernatural sleuths
178205: JONES, KATHLEEN (1922-?) - Issues in social policy / [by] Kathleen Jones, John Brown and Jonathan Bradshaw
174435: JONES, EVAN JOHN - Education in Wales during the Middle Ages
170571: JONES, MAURICE - The four Gospels : their literary history and their special characteristics
158100: JONES, LOUISA - Provence harvest
155300: JONES, ANDREA - Plantworlds / photographs by Andrea Jones ; edited by Mark Fletcher
147538: JONES, WILLIAM O. - Marketing Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa [By] William O. Jones
144307: JONES, MERVYN (1922-2010) - Life on the Dole
144287: JONES, COLIN (ED. ) - Urban Deprivation and the Inner City / Edited by Colin Jones
142117: JONES, HOWARD - Crime, Race and Culture : a Study in a Developing Country / Howard Jones
14101: JONES, H. G. - Planning and Productivity in Sweden
139962: JONES, PETER. SIAN KEVILL (COMPS. ) - China and the Soviet Union 1949-84 / Compiled by Peter Jones and Sian Kevill
134927: JONES, RUSSELL - Wages and Employment Policy, 1936-1985 / Russell Jones ; with a Foreword by Sir Alec Cairncross
134341: JONES, LYNNE - Keeping the Peace / Lynne Jones Editor
134213: JONES, ANDREW - The Politics of Reform 1884
164259: JONES, NOAH - Journals of Two Cruises Aboard the American Privateer Yankee, by a Wanderer. with an Introd. by E. M. Eller
168632: JONES, W. TUDOR (1865-1946) - An interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's philosophy
264130: JONES, GWILYM PEREDUR - A hundred years of economic development in Great Britain : (1840-1940)
244624: JONES, ROBERT SIR (1858-1933) - Orthopedic surgery / Sir Robert Jones
242773: JONES, ERNEST - The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud: The Formative years and the Great Discoveries (1856-1900)
188020: JONES, E. STANLEY (ELI STANLEY), (1884-1973) - Christ and communism
187375: JONES, J. HARRY - Social Economics
100382: JONES, MAURICE BETHELL (1903-?) - Czar, an Historical Tale
156817: JONES, MAX. CHILTON, JOHN - Louis; the Louis Armstrong Story, 1900-1971 by Max Jones & John Chilton
273810: JONES, DAN - Magna Carta : the birth of liberty / Dan Jones
188230: JONES, DAVID AMBROSE (1866-?) - A history of the church in Wales
186624: JONES, WILLIAMS - Quaker Campaigns
186568: JONES, FREDERICK ELWYN (1909-?) - The battle for peace
273440: JONES, STEVE - Rothmans Rugby Yearbook, 1991-92
226864: JONES, GWYN (1907-1999) - The green island : a novel
70809: JONES, MABLEN - Getting it on : the Clothing of Rock 'n' Roll
66059: JONES, J. ELIZABETH (JANE ELIZABETH) (1813-1896) - The Young Abolitionists; Or, Conversations on Slavery
251411: JONES, JOHN L - Crafts from the countryside
237634: JONES, PERCY MANSELL (1889-1968) - Emile Verhaeren : a study in the development of his art and ideas
250745: JONES, HENRY FESTING - Samuel Butler, author of Erewhon, (1835-1902) : a memoir / (by) H. F. Jones. V.1 to 1885
238187: JONES, J. ERNEST (JAMES ERNEST) - A short history of Birmingham / J. Ernest Jones
215978: JONES, DOUGLAS R. - Extract from The Journal of Theological Studies : New Series, Vol. XIX, Part I, 1968 The background and character of the Lukan psalms
278071: JONES, THOMAS - What's wrong with South Wales / Thomas Jones; with a preface by D. Lloyd George
264197: JONES, EWART CHARLES - Germans under my bed
53903: JONES, PIRKLE (1914-) - Pirkle Jones : California Photographs
277901: JONES, FREDERICK ELWYN SIR - The attack from within
228557: JONES, ELIAS HENRY (1883-1942) - Margery Fry : the essential amateur
182692: JONES, JOHN WILLIAM (1913- ) - The salmon
252835: JONES, JOSEPH TREVOR. BIRMINGHAM (ENGLAND). CITY COUNCIL - History of the Corporation of Birmingham: Vol. 5: (1915-1935): Pt. I & II by Joseph Trevor Jones
29061: JONES, M. W - The History and Manufacture of Floorcloth and Linoleum - a Paper Read before the Bristol Section of the Society of Chemical Industry At the University Nov. 21st, 1918
201655: JONES, WILLIAM HENRY - Salisbury
181205: JONES, JOHN DANIEL - The Gospel according to St Mark : a devotional commentary
178550: JONES, JOHN PULESTON - Until the day dawn : the new testament basis for a doctrine of inspiration
242772: JONES, ERNEST - The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud: The Formative years and the Great Discoveries (1856-1900)
222473: JONES, C BRYNER - Live stock of the farm
184493: JONES, LLOYD - Co-operation in danger! ...
48553: JONES, JAMES (1921-1977) - Whistle / James Jones ; Illustrated by Howard Rogers
98381: JONES, MARY WHITMORE - Games of Patience for One or More Players
18845: JONES, SIR HENRY - The Principles of Citizenship, by Sir Henry Jones
9803: JONES, LEONIDAS M. ED. - Selected Prose of John Hamilton Reynolds
141697: JONES, JAMES A. (JAMES ALFRED) - Courts Day by Day : from 'the Evening News'
141679: JONES, VIVIAN, ED. - The Church in a Mobile Society : a Survey of the Zone of Industrial South West Wales / Edited by Vivian Jones
141017: JONES, GERAINT VAUGHAN - Christology and Myth in the New Testament : an Inquiry Into the Character, Extent and Interpretation of the Mythological Element in New Testament Christology / Geraint Vaughan Jones
136970: JONES, GERAINT VAUGHAN - Christology and Myth in the New Testament. an Inquiry Into the Character, Extent and Interpretation of the Mythological Element in New Testament Christology
137313: JONES, MAURICE - The New Testament in the Twentieth Century: a Survey of Recent Christological and Historical Criticism of the New Testament
135027: JONES, JACK (1884-1970) - The Man David : an Imaginative Presentation, Based on Fact, of the Life of David Lloyd George from 1880 to 1914
109131: JONES, CHARLES T. H. (-1930) & WILSON, DON (1896-) - Musico-Dramatic Producing : a Manual for the Stage and Musical Director / Charles T. H. Jones and Don Wilson ; Illustrations by Clark Fiers and Karl Bradley
101867: JONES, JOHN PAUL (1747-1792). PORTER, HORACE (1837-1921). SANBORN, FRANKLIN BENJAMIN (1831-) - Letter of John Paul Jones, Printed from the Unpublished Originals in Mr. W. K. Bixby's Collection
98104: JONES, HERSCHEL V. (HERSCHEL VESPASIAN) - Adventures in Americana, 1492-1897 : the Romance of Voyage and Discovery from Spain to the Indies, the Spanish Main, and North America... (3 Volumes) . .. Inland to the Ohio Country; on Toward the Mississippi; through to California... from the Library of Herschel V. Jones, Minneapolis, Minnesota. with a Pref. by Wilberforce Eames
94132: JONES, WILLIAM HENRY (1860-1932) - History of the Port of Swansea
91196: JONES, FRANCIS S - Escape to Nowhere
90826: JONES, LEWIS WADE (1910-?) - Cold Rebellion : the South's Oligarchy in Revolt
86635: JONES, ISABEL MORSE - Hollywood Bowl, by Isabel Morse Jones; Foreword by Merle Armitage
85744: JONES, E. P. & KEMBLE, EDWARD C (EDS. ) - RELATED NAME: BRANNAN, SAM - The Californian Star: Yerba Buena and San Francisco - Volume 1, 1847-1848. a Reproduction in Facsimile
84576: JONES, KEN D. - Character People / Ken D. Jones, Arthur F. McClure, and Alfred E. Twomey
106083: JONES, JACK (1945-) - Let Me Take You Down : Inside the Mind of Mark David Chapman, the Man Who Killed John Lennon / Jack Jones
69620: JONES, G. O. (GWYN OWAIN) - Atoms and the Universe; an Account of Modern Views of the Structure of Matter and the Universe, by G. O. Jones, J. Rotblat [And] G. J. Whitrow. with a Prefatory Note by Sir John Cockcroft
69443: JONES, RUSSELL K. (1897-) - The New Cruising Cookbook; Easy-To-Cook Meals on a Two-Burner Stove, by Russell K. Jones [And] C. McKim Norton
109203: JONES, MABLEN - Getting it on : the Clothing of Rock 'n' Roll
110337: JONES, EVAN - The World of Cheese / Evan Jones
110361: JONES, PROCTOR - Idylls of France / Photographed and Edited by Proctor Jones ; Foreword by Irving Stone
110663: JONES, NEVILLE - The Origins of Strategic Bombing; a Study of the Development of British Air Strategic Thought and Practice Up to 1918
111537: JONES, BARRY O. M. V. DIXON - The Rutledge Dictionary of People / Barry Jones and M. V. Dixon
58106: JONES, JOHN HARRY (B. 1881) - Josiah Stamp, Public Servant; the Life of the First Baron Stamp of Shortlands, by J. Harry Jones
58093: JONES, ROY GLENN (1932-) - Language and Prosody of the Russian Folk Epic / Roy G. Jones
57740: JONES, GWYN (1907-1999) - The Norse Atlantic Saga, Being the Norse Voyages of Discovery and Settlement to Iceland, Greenland [And] America
55663: JONES, THELMA - Piety Hill
54938: JONES, RICHARD MATTHEW (1925-) - Fantasy and Feeling in Education, by Richard M. Jones
48004: JONES, I. DEANE - The English Revolution, an Introduction to English History 1603-1714
8350: JONES, WILLIAM (1826-1899) - Quaker Campaigns in Peace and War. : by William Jones, ... with Eleven Illustrations
151328: JONES, ARTHUR GORDON - Bridge of Friendship
151137: JONES, G. P. - Workers Abroad
99656: JONES, ROBERT WALTER (1890-1951) - Studies in Practical Banking; Being the Gilbart Lectures for 1932-1935, by R. W. Jones...with a Foreward by Bernard Campion
98243: JONES, M. G. (MARY GWLADYS) - The Charity School Movement; a Study of Eighteenth Century Puritanism in Action, by M. G. Jones
94757: JONES, CHARLES SHERIDAN (1876-) - The Truth about the Black Book
93795: JONES, A. H. M. (ARNOLD HUGH MARTIN) (1904-1970) COMP - A History of Rome through the Fifth Century - Volume 1: the Republic
93719: JONES, HENRY, SIR - Browning As a Philosophical and Religious Teacher, by Sir Henry Jones...
92959: JONES, JOHN HARRY (B. 1881) - The Economics of Private Enterprise, by J. Harry Jones
90356: JONES, LEWIS WADE (1910-) - Cold Rebellion; the South's Oligarchy in Revolt
78892: JONES, LANGDON (1942-) - The Eye of the Lens - [Contents: the Great Clock. --The Eye of the Lens. --The Time Machine. --Symphony No. 6 in C Minor, the Tragic, by Ludwig Van Beethoven II. --The Garden of Delights]
21211: JONES, LEROI - Blues People - Negro Music in White America
18875: JONES, HARRY - Liberalism and the House of Lords; the Story of the Veto Battle, 1832-1911, by Harry Jones
149762: JONES, HENRY, SIR (1852-1922) - The Working Faith of the Social Reformer and Other Essays, by Henry Jones
149426: JONES, MAURICE (1863-) - St. Paul the Orator. a Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Commentary on the Speeches of St. Paul
148319: JONES, ARTHUR. S. M. MAKINGS - Potato Production and Marketing in the East Midlands. Interim Report No. 1 , Early Potato Costs in the Boston Area, 1932
147193: JONES, MAURICE - The Four Gospels : Their Literary History and Their Special Characteristics
146746: JONES, GORONWY J. - From Stalin to Khrushchev / with a Foreword by Kathleen Courtney
143195: JONES, JOHN DANIEL - If a Man Die
134415: JONES, HARRY - Liberalism and the House of Lords; the Story of the Veto Battle, 1832-1911, by Harry Jones
132970: JONES, D. CARADOG - Trade Revival in a Depressed Area
132930: JONES, LEWIS (1897-1939) _ - We Live : the Story of a Welsh Mining Valley / Lewis Jones
132813: [[ BIBLE. N. T. PHILIPPIANS. ENGLISH. ] JONES, MAURICE - The Epistle to the Philippians / with Introduction and Notes by Maurice Jones
201335: JONES, STEPHEN (1763-1827) - Sheridan improved : a general pronouncing and explanatory dictionary of the English language, for the use of schools, foreigners, &c. on the plan of Mr. Sheridan
124984: JONES, TIM - The Last Great Race
188277: JONES, EVAN ROWLAND (1840-1920) - The life and speeches of Joseph Cowen
132517: JONES, JOHN HARRY - The Economics of War and Conquest : an Examination of Mr. Norman Angell's Economic Doctrines
132411: JONES, HENRY, SIR (1852-1922) - The Working Faith of the Social Reformer and Other Essays
132373: JONES, HENRY, SIR (1852-1922) - The Working Faith of the Social Reformer and Other Essays
7533: JONES, HERBERT GRESFORD - Uganda in Transformation, 1876-1926
162014: JONES, M. E. (1869-). HARROGATE COLLEGE - Monograph Commemorating the Thirty-Seven Years' Headship of Harrogate College 1898-1935 of Miss M. E. Jones : and Presented to Her on Her Ninetieth Birthday, October 28th, 1959, At a Luncheon At the Hude Park Hotel, London By the Pupils Who Had the Happiness of Sharing with Her Some of Those Memorable Years when She Was the Informing Spirit of the Community...
261854: JONES, JOHN HARRY (1881-1973) - The tinplate industry, with special reference to its relations with the iron and steel industries : a study in economic organisation
170743: JONES, JOHN HARRY (1881-1973) - The tinplate industry : with special reference to its relations with the iron and steel industries
257411: JONES, ARTHUR CREECH - Trade unionism to-day / Arthur Creech Jones
245816: JONES, WILLIAM (1826-1899) - Quaker Campaigns in Peace and War. : by William Jones, ... with Eleven Illustrations
130622: JONES, GORONWY J. - From Stalin to Khrushchev / with a Foreword by Kathleen Courtney
256780: JONES, LAWRENCE EVELYN SIR - Father Lascaut hits back
244599: JONES, REV. MAURICE - The New Testament in the Twentieth Century: a survey of recent Christological and Historical Criticism of the New Testament
129800: JONES, ROBERT WALTER - Studies in Practical Banking / [By] R. W. Jones ; with a Foreword by Bernard Campion
128289: JONES, LEWIS (1897-1939) - We Live : the Story of a Welsh Mining Valley
128195: JONES, T. J. PARRY - The Other Story of Coal, by T. J. Parry Jones
127701: JONES, JOSEPH (1890-) - The Coal Scuttle, by Joseph Jones
127437: JONES, T. J. PARRY - The Other Story of Coal
126823: JONES, JOSEPH (1890-) - The Coal Scuttle
126492: JONES, JOSEPH - The Coal Scuttle
12522: JONES, JAMES A. - Courts Day by Day from 'The Evening News'
222260: JONES, P. THORESBY (PERCY THORESBY) - Welsh border country
121045: JONES, THOMAS (1870-) - A Diary with Letters, 1931-1950 / Thomas Jones ...
120078: JONES, ARTHUR - Cellulose Lacquers, Finishes and Cements; Their History, Chemistry, Manufacture, Analysis and Testing, Industrial Uses and Applications, with Some Notes on Synthetic Resin Lacquers, by Arthur Jones. with 161 Illustrations
119988: JONES, FRANKLIN DAY (1879-1967). EDWARD K. HAMMOND - Shop Management and Systems; a Treatise on the Organization of Machine Building Plants and the Systematic Methods That Are Essential to Efficient Administration, by Franklin D. Jones and Edward K. Hammond
182579: JONES, BUCK - Buck Jones in 'Ride 'em cowboy' from an original story by Buck Jones
119052: JONES, F. WOOD - Arboreal Man, by F. Wood Jones
118272: JONES, STEPHEN. RICHARD BROWN (ILL. ) - Drifting; Being the Author's Account of His Voyages in Dooryards, Alleys, Bayous, Millraces, Swamps, Sumps, Rivers, Creeks, Canals, Lakes, Bays & Open Sewers about the Historic Lands of New Orleans... . ..valley of Swans, Cape May, Yorktown, Jamestown, Mystic, Noank, and Westerly, Rhode Island. with Illus. by Richard Brown
118268: JONES, SCHOOLCRAFT - Ellen; Or, Forgive and Forget. by Schoolcraft Jones
115524: JONES, PETER WALTER HANDLEY - Kwame Nkrumah and Africa, by Peter Jones. Maps by Michael Jones
185163: JONES, FREDERICK ELWYN - The battle for peace
222392: JONES, P. THORESBY (PERCY THORESBY) - Welsh border country
219879: JONES, HERBERT - Type in action
219256: JONES, WILLIAM HENRY - Domesday for Wiltshire : extracted from accurate copies of the original records, accompanied with translations, illustrative notes, analysis of contents, and general introduction
166627: JONES, D. CARADOG (ED. ) - Full Employment and State Control : a Symposium on the Degree of Control Essential / Edited by D. Caradog Jones
166442: JONES, ROGER, (1939-) - The Rescue of Emin Pasha : the Story of Henry M. Stanley and the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1887-1889
166214: JONES & COMPANY, LONDON (ORIGINAL PUBLISHER) - The British Drama : a Collection of the Most Esteemed Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, in the English Language [Complete in 2 Volumes]
165230: JONES, HENRY, SIR (1852-1922) - The Principles of Citizenship
170730: JONES, CHESTER LLOYD (1881-1941) - Carribean backgrounds and prospects
107394: JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD. THOMAS EDGAR CASADY - The Life of Moses Coit Tyler
220992: JONES, RUSSELL K. (1897-) - The New Cruising Cookbook; Easy-To-Cook Meals on a Two-Burner Stove, by Russell K. Jones [And] C. McKim Norton
182787: JONES, JOSEPH (1890-?) - The coal scuttle
264341: JONES, AUBREY - Right and left
100377: JONES, CHARLES JESSE - Buffalo Jones' Adventures on the Plains, Compiled by Henry Inman
105945: JONES LIBRARY, INCORPORATED, AMHERST, MASS - Emily Dickinson, December 10, 1830-May 15, 1886; a Bibliography, with a Foreword by George F. Whicher
114949: JONES, LOUIS THOMAS - Highlights of Puebloland
201429: JONES, EDGAR REES [ED.] - Selected speeches on British foreign policy : 1738-1914 / edited by Edgar R. Jones, M.P.
118261: JONES, CHARLES T. H. (D. 1930) - Musico-Dramatic Producing : a Manual for the Stage and Musical Director / Charles T. H. Jones and Don Wilson ; Illustrations by Clark Fiers and Karl Bradley
35173: JONES, CLYVE - A Pillar of the Constitution : the House of Lords in British Politics, 1640-1784 / Edited by Clyve Jones
40932: JONES, CONSTANCE - The Love of Friends : an Anthology of Gay and Lesbian Letters to Friends and Lovers / Edited by Constance Jones ; with Research by Val Clark
174220: JONES, JOHN 'JACK' JOSEPH (1873-1941) - My lively life
264881: JONES, PROFESSOR R. V. [ED.]. PATON, PROFESSOR W.D.M. [ED.]. HARTLEY, SIR HAROLD [ED.] - Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London: in 21 volumes
280777: JONES, J. MORGAN (JOHN MORGAN) - Agricultural co-operation in South Wales : an economic and financial analysis
163183: JONES, JACK (1913-2009) - A-Z of Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations / Jack Jones and Max Morris
168653: JONES, JOHN PULESTON - Until the day dawn, the New Testament basis for a doctrine of inspiration. Davies lect. for 1909
180844: JONES, JOHN DANIEL (1865-1942) - If a man die
203142: JONES, WILLIAM RICHARD (1880-?) - Minerals in industry / W. R. Jones
240886: JONES, EDMUND D. (EDMUND DAVID) - English critical essays : [sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries] / selected and ed. by Edmund D. Jones
278469: JONES, RONALD F - Gastromania! 3 volumes
239287: JONES, ALVIN LINCOLN - The Old fairbanks House: abridged from a chapter in 'Old Colonial Homes' written by Alvin Lincoln Jones (1894)
239538: JONES, RAYMOND. ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION - Astounding Science Fiction. February 1951, 'I Tell You Three Times' by Raymond F. Jones
240516: JONES, BERNARD EDWARD (1879-). JONES, BERNARD EDWARD (B.1879). LAKEMAN, ALBERT - Cassell's reinforced concrete : a complete treatise on the practice and theory of modern construction in concrete-steel / [edited] by Bernard E. Jones; assisted by Albert Lakeman ... and by a staff of specialist writers
278723: JONES, A. E. (ARTHUR EDWARD) (1838-1918) - Juvenile delinquency and the law
56613: JONES, KEN D. MCCLURE, ARTHUR - The Films of James Stewart
177109: JONES, E. ALFRED (1872-1943) - Old English gold plate
176673: JONES, LLOYD - Co-operation in danger! ...
176236: JONES, MORGAN (1885-1939) - Whither India?
176095: JONES, LLOYD - Co-operation in danger! : an appeal to the British public
174914: JONES, RAYMOND F. - The Great Gray Plague by Raymond F. Jones : Analog Science Fact - Fiction. Vol. LXVIII. No. 6. February 1962
167170: JONES, MAURICE, (1863-1957) - The four Gospels : their literary history and their special characteristics
167171: JONES, MAURICE, (1863-1957) - The four Gospels : their literary history and their special characteristics
165909: JONES, RAY L. - Like Distant Relatives : Adolescents' Perceptions of Social Work and Social Workers / Ray Jones
67770: JONES, CHARLES REED (1896-) - The Rum Row Murders
61419: JONES, NEAL T. (ED. ) - A Book of Days for the Literary Year : Being a Compendium of Literary Lore, Including Notable Quotations, Scores of Birthdays, Myriad Marriages, Some Romance ( & Quite a Few Deaths) , all Relating to the Literary Life...
181671: JONES, WILLIAM (PRINTER) - Wit of the world : consisting of an endless variety of Yankee jokes, witty sayings, jests, bon mots, repartees, &c., &c., &c.
182088: JONES, EVAN ROWLAND (1840-1920) - The life and speeches of Joseph Cowen
131902: JONES, D. CARADOG - Trade Revival in a Depressed Area / D. Caradog Jones
132935: JONES, EDGAR (1912-) - The Cross in the Psalms
134084: JONES, ARTHUR CREECH (ED. ) - New Fabian Colonial Essays
143189: JONES, HOWARD (1918-2007) - Alcoholic Addiction, a Psycho-Social Approach to Abnormal Drinking
143553: JONES, AUBREY - The Pendulum of Politics
151090: JONES, D. CARADOG - Trade Revival in a Depressed Area
157587: JONES, GOMER - Offensive and Defensive Line Play
160025: JONES, PRESTON (1936-1979) - A Texas Trilogy / Preston Jones
161365: JONES, GORONWY J. - Challenge to the Peacemakers
33527: JONES, LEROI - The System of Dante's Hell
40826: JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD (1892-1980) - One Great Society : Humane Learning in the United States
42657: JONES, PETER - The International Yearbook of Foreign Policy Analysis - Volume 2
43789: JONES, BESSIE ZABAN - Lighthouse of the Skies; the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory: Background and History, 1846-1955
44833: JONES, FRANCIS ARTHUR - Thomas Alva Edison, an Intimate Record
114795: JONES, ROBERT TRENT (ED. ) - Great Golf Stories
70884: JONES, JESSIE ORTON - Rahmet Damlalari
103218: JONES, WILLIAM RICHARD (1880-). DAVID WILLIAMS - Minerals and Mineral Deposits / W. R. Jones and David Williams
89702: JONES, ENID HUWS - Margery Fry; the Essential Amateur
89708: JONES, LEROI - Home / Leroi Jones
91906: JONES, MARC EDMUND (1888-) - George Sylvester Morris: His Philosophical Career and Theistic Idealism
99872: JONES, D. MERVYN - Five Hungarian Writers
95794: JONES, ELIOT (1887-) - The Trust Problem in the United States
204401: JONES, BERNARD EDWARD (1879-?) - Watch cleaning and repairing / edited by Bernard E. Jones
263124: JONES, AUBREY - Right and left
277733: JONES, BRIDGET - Gale's honey book
196049: JONES, JOHN HARRY (B. 1881) - Social economics
196299: JONES, RODERICK, SIR, (1877- 1962) - A life in Reuters
197466: JONES, MAURICE (1863-?) - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians : four lectures
198988: JONES, WILLIAM RICHARD (1880-) - Minerals in industry / W.R. Jones
199281: JONES, INIGO (1573-1652) - Inigo Jones's 'Roman sketchbook' / [introduction and notes by] Edward Chaney
253422: JONES, J. W - Know your fish
206600: JONES, GORONWY J. - From Stalin to Khrushchev / Goronwy J. Jones ; with a foreword by Kathleen Courtney
207270: JONES, CLIFFORD MERTON. NEW ENGLISH BIBLE - New Testament illustrations / photographs, maps and diagrams compiled and introduced by Clifford M. Jones
221908: JONES, THEOPHILUS (1758-1812). GLANUSK, JOSEPH RUSSELL BAILEY, 1ST BARON (1840-1906) - A history of the county of Brecknock : containing the chorography, general history, religion, laws, customs, manners, language, system of agriculture, antiquities, sepulchral monuments and inscriptions, natural curiosities, variations of the soil... ...stratification, mineralogy, list of rare and other plants and birds, parliamentary history, names and biographies of sheriffs and mayors of Brecknock, also the genealogies and arms of the principal families properly coloured and emblazoned....
100712: JONES, JAMES (1921-1977) - Whistle / James Jones ; Illustrated by Howard Rogers
210542: JONES, HERBERT (1905-?) - Type in action : a manual of elementary typographic lay-out
21178: JONES, ARTHUR J. - Principles of Guidance
212094: JONES, RUFUS MATTHEW (1863-1948) - Faith and practice of the Quakers
184820: JONESCO, M. TAKE (1858-1922) - The policy of national instinct / a speech delivered by M. Take Jonesco in the Roumanian Chamber of Deputies during the sitting of the 16th & 17th December, 1915
243076: JONESCU, TAKE. BRYCE, VISCOUNT - Some personal impressions
7523: JONESCU, TAKE - Some Personal Impressions with an Introduction by Viscount Bryce, O. M
275434: JONG, CEES DE - Architectural competitions = Architekturwettbewerbe = Concours d'architecture / Cees de Jong, Erik Mattie
271791: JONG, CEES DE - New poster art / [edited by] Cees W. de Jong, Stefanie Burger, Jorre Both
26753: JONG, WOUTER DE - Town and hinterland in Central Java : the Banjarnegara production structure in regional perspective / Wouter de Jong, Frank van Steenbergen
255874: JONG, ERICA - Fanny : being the true history of the adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones / Erica Jong
241689: JONG, CEES DE - The Image of a company : manual for corporate identity
228278: JONG, CLARA DE - In nacht verloren : de deportatie van de Amsterdamse joden 1940-1945 in tekeningen en schilderijen / Clara de Jong ; [voorwoord Pierre Janssen ; vertalingen Erika Voss ... et al. ; samenstelling en eindredactie Max van den Berg]
223031: JONG, ERICA - Fear of fifty : a midlife memoir / Erica Jong [Signed by the author]
173629: JONG, ERICA - Serenissima : a novel of Venice / Erica Jong
173201: JONG, ERICA - Sappho's leap : a novel
171047: JONG, CEES DE - Creative type : a sourcebook of classic and contemporary letterforms / Cees W. de Jong, Alston W. Purvis, Friedrich Friedl ; translated from the Dutch by Roz Vatter-Buck, Doe-Eye
171041: JONG, CEES DE - Sans serif
160545: JONG, ERICA - Serenissima : a Novel of Venice / Erica Jong
160392: JONG, ERICA - How to Save Your Own Life : a Novel
156879: JONG, ERICA (1942-) - Fear of Fifty : a Midlife Memoir / Erica Jong
89123: JONG, L. DE (LOUIS) (1914-?) - RELATED NAME: GEYL, C. M. (TRANS. ) - The German Fifth Column in the Second World War. Translated from the Dutch by C. M. Geyl
191304: DE JONG, FRITS J. - Developments of monetary theory in the Netherlands
95712: DE JONGE, ALEX - Fire and Water : a Life of Peter the Great / Alex De Jonge
229410: JONGE, CAROLINE HENRIETTE DE (1886-1972) - Dutch tiles / [by] C.H. de Jonge; translated [from the Dutch] by P.S. Falla
163992: DE JONGE, ALEX (1938- ) - Fire and Water : a Life of Peter the Great / Alex De Jonge
127956: JONGEWARD, DOROTHY. DRU SCOTT [ET AL] - Affirmative Action for Women: a Practical Guide [By] Dorothy Jongeward, Dru Scott, and Contributors
41451: DE JONGH, PH. - On the Symbiosis of Ardisia Crispa (Thunb. ) A. DC.
180670: JONQUET, FRANCOIS - Gilbert & George : intimate conversations with Francois Jonquet
274658: JONSON, BEN (1573-1637) - Every man in his humour : a play / written by Ben Jonson ; edited with a preface, notes and glossary by W. Macneile Dixon
261094: JONSON, BEN (1573?-1637) - Ben Jonson / edited, with introduction and notes, by Brinsley Nicholson and C.H. Herford - Volume 3
260703: JONSON, BEN (1573-1637) - The works of Ben Jonson. Vol. 1 / with critical and explanatory notes and a memoir by William Gifford; edited by Francis Cunningham
250210: JONSON, BEN (1573?-1637). NICHOLSON, BRINSLEY (1824-1892). HERFORD, CHARLES HAROLD (1853-1931) - Ben Jonson: volume II
252392: JONSON, BEN (1573-1637) - Ben Jonson / edited with introduction and notes by Brinsley Nicholson and C.H.Herford. Vol.1
276689: JONSON, BEN (1573-1637) - The complete plays of Ben Jonson / with an introduction by Felix E. Schelling
70980: JONSSON, EDVARD (TEXT BY) (ET AL. ) - Karlskrona / Text Edvard Jonsson, Jan-Ojvind Swahn ; Foto Erik Liljeroth, Eric Olsson, Jan Mark
50626: JONZA, NANCYLEE NOVELL - The Underground Stream - the Life and Art of Caroline Gordon
45515: JOODE, TON DE - The Backyard Bestiary / Ton De Joode, Anthonie Stolk ; Illustrated by Kees De Kiefte ; [English Translation by Marian Powell ; Adapted for the American Edition by Jonathan and Marianna Kastner]
231345: JOOS, LOUIS C D - Afrika : Geschichte, Kultur, Natur / Africa : history, culture, nature / Afrique : histoire, culture, nature.
32481: JOOS, LOUIS DAMIEN COSME - Through the Sahara to the Congo / Translated by Isabel and Florence McHugh
30431: JOOS, LOUIS DAMIEN COSME - Through the Sahara to the Congo / Translated by Isabel and Florence McHugh
84786: JOOST, NICHOLAS & SULLIVAN, ALVIN (JOINT AUTHORS) - D. H. Lawrence and the Dial
163987: JOOST, NICHOLAS - Scofield Thayer and the Dial : an Illustrated History
12019: JOOST, J. P. - Aus Der Zweiten Heimat Reisen Und Eindrucke Eines Buren in Deutschland
167963: JOOST, NICHOLAS - The Dial, 1912-1920. (Years of transition.)
237319: JORDAENS, JACOB (1593-1678), ARTIST; AUWERA, JOOST VANDER, EDITOR; SCHAUDIES, IRENE, EDITOR - Jordaens and the antique / edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Irene Schaudies; contributions by Koenraad Brosens, Nello Forti Grazzini, Stefaan Hautekeete, Ulrich Heinen, Justus Lange, Irene Schaudies, Timo Trümper, Joost Vander Auwera, Nico Van Hout, Sabine van Sprang
95754: JORDAN, ROBERT S. (1929-) - Europe in the Balance : the Changing Context of European International Politics / Robert S. Jordan, Werner J. Feld
85968: JORDAN, RENE - Clark Gable ; General Editor, Ted Sennett
84526: JORDAN, RENE - Marlon Brando ; General Editor, Ted Sennett
84121: JORDAN, RENE - Clark Gable
81385: JORDAN, CHARLES J - A Treasury of Nostalgic Collectibles : Facts, Values, Background, Sources, and Societies of Popular Americana
80654: JORDAN, RENE - Marlon Brando
79183: JORDAN, RENE - Marlon Brando
77730: JORDAN, ROBERT (1948-2007) - Conan, the Victorious
63673: JORDAN, RENE - Clark Gable
34131: JORDAN, BILL - Paupers - the Making of the New Claiming Class
33311: JORDAN, WILBUR KITCHENER (1902-) - The Charities of London, 1480-1660 : the Aspirations and the Achievements of the Urban Society
30817: JORDAN, DAVID M. - Roscoe Conkling of New York - Voice in the Senate
30548: JORDAN, JUDITH V. JEAN BAKER MILLER. JANET L. SURREY [ET AL] - Women's Growth in Connection - Writings from the Stone Center
269122: JORDAN, RUTH - George Sand : a biography / Ruth Jordan
264633: JORDAN, PAUL - Riddles of the Sphinx / Paul Jordan ; with photographs by John Ross
254634: JORDAN, FURNEAUX - An introduction to clinical surgery : with a method of investigating and reporting surgical cases
254608: JORDAN, FURNEAUX - Anatomy and physiology in character : an inquiry into the anatomical conformation and the physiology of some of its varieties; with a chapter on physiology in human affairs - in education, vocation, morals, and progress
251559: JORDAN, DON - The King's revenge : Charles II and the greatest manhunt in British history / Don Jordan and Michael Walsh
250280: JORDAN, MICHAEL - The great abolition sham : the true story of the end of the British slave trade / Michael Jordan
232202: JORDAN, KARL (1907-1984) - Ausgewahlte Aufsatze zur Geschichte des Mittelalters / von Karl Jordan
23122: JORDAN, BILL - Paupers - the Making of the New Claiming Class
23108: JORDAN, WILBUR KITCHENER (1902-) - The Charities of London, 1480-1660 : the Aspirations and the Achievements of the Urban Society
230174: JORDAN, ROBERT S. - Government and power in West Africa / Robert S. Jordan; with the editorial assistance of Caroline Ifeka and Michael A. Rebell
224142: JORDAN, MICHAEL (1941-) - Gods of the earth / Michael Jordan
213582: JORDAN, MICHAEL (1941- ) - Cults : prophecies, practices & personalities / Michael Jordan
212553: JORDAN, MICHAEL - Nostradamus and the new millennium : a new guide to the great seer's prophecies / Michael Jordan
206761: JORDAN, WILLIAM (B.1941) - Paupers : the making of the new claiming class / [by] Bill Jordan
17880: JORDAN, MICHAEL (1941-) - Islam : an Illustrated History / Michael Jordan
177532: JORDAN, ROBERT (1948-2007) - The gathering storm : book twelve of the wheel of time / Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
158544: JORDAN-BYCHKOV, TERRY G. (1938-) - The Mountain West : Interpreting the Folk Landscape / Terry G. Jordan, Jon T. Kilpinen, Charles F. Gritzner
158230: JORDAN, MATTIE MAY (1889-1914) - Where the Wild Animals is Plentiful : Diary of an Alabama Fur Trader's Daughter, 1912-1914 / May Jordan ; Edited by Elisa Moore Baldwin
238493: JORDAN, SARA MURRAY. BOLES, RUSSELL S - Diverticulitis
278859: JORDAN, R. FURNEAUX (ROBERT FURNEAUX) - Victorian architecture
163070: JORDAN, PETER - Poland's Frontiers
27677: JORDAN, ELIJAH - Essays in Criticism; with an Introd. and Synopses by Robert D. Mack
27224: JORDAN, G. RAY - Beyond Despair - when Religion Becomes Real
163075: JORDAN, Z. - Oder-Neisse Line : a Study of the Political, Economic and European Significance of Poland's Western Frontier / Prepared by Z. Jordan
139251: JORDAN-SMITH, PAUL (1885-1971) - The Soul of Woman; an Interpretation of the Philosophy of Feminism, by Paul Jordan Smith
74461: JORDAN, E. L. (EMIL LEOPOLD) (1900-?) - Hammond's Nature Atlas of America, by E. L. Jordan with the Assistance of a Group of Specialists in the Various Branches of the Natural Sciences. 320 Original Paintings, 282 by Walter Ferguson, and 38 by John Cody
245018: JORDAN, W. K. KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Archaeologia Cantiana: Social Institutions in Kent (1480-1660): a study of the changing pattern of social aspirations: volume LXXV 1961
84122: JORDAN, RENE - Marlon Brando
79181: JORDAN, RENE - Clark Gable
150018: JORDAN, W. G. (WILLIAM GEORGE) (1854-1939) - Ancient Hebrew Stories and Their Modern Interpretation
145407: JORDAN, DENHAM [SON OF THE MARSHES]. JEAN A. OWEN (ED. ) - On Surrey Hills
116799: JORDAN, TED - Norma Jean : My Secret Life with Marilyn Monroe / Ted Jordon
131153: JORDAN, ZBIGNIEW A. - Philosophy and Ideology : the Development of Philosophy and Marxism-Leninism in Poland Since the Second World War
119888: JORDAN, MARTIN (1913-) - For You the War is Over
102927: JORDAN, CHARLOTTE BREWSTER, MRS. - Sphinx-Lore. a Collection of Original, Literary Ingenuities and Historical Recreations, Interspersed with Charades, Anagrams, and Diagram and Jingle-Puzzles, by Charlotte Brewster Jordan
181306: JORDAN, W. G. (WILLIAM GEORGE) (1854-1939) - Ancient Hebrew stories and their modern interpretation
41185: JORDAN, THOMAS E. - The Mentally Retarded
178880: JORDAN, FRANTISEK - Bibliografie okresu Vyskov / Frantisek Jordan - [Language: Czech]
225369: JORDAN, DENHAM - In the green leaf and the sere
14296: JORDAN, DAVID F. - Jordan on Investments
20818: JORDAN, ROBERT FURNEAUX - Le Corbusier
30950: JORDAN, EDWIN P. (ED. ) - Standard Nomenclature of Disease, and Standard Nomenclature of Operations
101670: JORDAN, KILLIAN (ED. ) - Life - the Year in Pictures, 1998
205937: JORDAN, PETER (ED.) - Face to face : Great Britain and Poland
238126: JORDAN, FURNEAUX - Moral nerve and the error of literary verdicts
277741: JORDAN, KATY (KATHARINE MARY) - Grandmother's recipes : the receipt-book of Mary Jane Stratton
165822: JORDI, HUGO - La Prise Du Pouvoir Et La Realisation Du Socialisme / Hugo Jordi
161494: JORES, ARTHUR AND FREYBERGER, HELLMUTH (EDS. ) - Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine, Symposium of the Fourth European Conference on Psychosomatic Research. Edited by Arthur Jores [And] Hellmuth Freyberger
230043: JØRGENSEN, TOM F. 1963. LIPSØE, BERNHARD - Råt og enkelt = Raw and simple / [skulpturer af] Bernhard Lipsøe ; tekst: Tom Jørgensen ; oversættelse: Anette Mester
228226: JØRGENSEN, CARL ADOLF (1899-). SØRENSEN, THORVALD JULIUS (1902-1973). WESTERGAARD, M - The flowering plants of Greenland : a taxonomical and cytological survey
243783: JORI, ILIO - Eugenio di Savoia: con cinque cartine storico-geografiche, e sei tavole in rotocalco: 2
12232: JORNS, DR. AUGUSTE - The Quakers As Pioneers in Social Work
83903: JORPES, J. ERIK (JOHAN ERIK) (1894-1973) - Jac. Berzelius: His Life and Work, by J. Erik Jorpes. Translated from the Swedish Manuscript by Barbara Steele
109723: JORPES, J. ERIK (JOHAN ERIK) (1894-1973) - Jac. Berzelius: His Life and Work, by J. Erik Jorpes. Translated from the Swedish Manuscript by Barbara Steele
170537: JORRÉ, GEORGES (1899-1957) - The Soviet Union : the land and its people / Georges Jorré; with an introduction by A. Perpillou; translated by E.D. Laborde
244402: JORRÉ, GEORGES (1899-1957). PERPILLOU, AIMÉ VINCENT. LABORDE, EDWARD DALRYMPLE - The Soviet Union : the land and its people / Georges Jorré; with an introduction by A. Perpillou; translated by E.D. Laborde
193698: JORTIN, JOHN (1698-1770) - Remarks on ecclesiastical history
235589: JOSE, JOSEPH LITERARY DIRECTOR OF EDITA - Guns. An illustrated history of artillery, etc
262124: JOSE, FRANCISCO SIONIL - The God stealer and other stories
121190: JOSE, ARTHUR WILBERFORCE - Australasia: the Commonwealth and New Zealand
191495: JOSE'S STUDIO (BELLEVILLE, NEW JERSEY) - Jose's Studio [Magic and magician's catalog]
135128: JOSEE, PIERRE (1883-1945) - The Unpublished Diary of Pierre Laval
43161: JOSELIT, JENNA WEISSMAN - The Wonders of America - Reinventing Jewish Culture 1880-1950
248522: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - Judaism as creed and life
95563: JOSEPH, RICHARD (1940-) - Michael Joseph, Master of Words ; with a Prologue by Monica Dickens
43119: [EDITED BY] JOSEPH BERGER, MORRIS ZELDITCH, JR. - Status, Power and Legitimacy : Strategies & Theories
273771: JOSEPH, B. L. (BERTRAM LEON) - Shakespeare's Eden : the commonwealth of England, 1558-1629 / (by) B.L. Joseph
270093: JOSEPH, ALISON - A dark and sinful death / Alison Joseph
260444: JOSEPH, N. S - Religion: Natural and Revealed: a series of progressive lessons for Jewish youth
202861: JOSEPH, ADRIAN M. - Chinese and Annamese ceramics found in the Philippines and Indonesia
243303: JOSEPH, BERNARD - Nationality, its nature and problems
180034: JOSEPH, JOE - The Japanese : strange but not strangers / Joe Joseph
176250: JOSEPH, PHILIP (ED.) - The Soviet economy after Brezhnev : colloquium, 11-13 April 1984, Brussels = L'economie sovietique apres Brejnev : colloque, 11-13 avril 1984, Bruxelles / Philip Joseph, editor [ North Atlantic Treaty Organization ]
16797: JOSEPH, B. L. - Shakespeare's Eden The Commonwealth of England 1558-1629
186554: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - Judaism As Creed and Life
159343: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - The Ideal in Judaism / and Other Sermons by the Rev. Morris Joseph Preached During 1890-91-92
179196: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - The message of Judaism : sermons preached at the West London Synagogue
153333: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - The Spirit of Judaism : Sermons Preached Chiefly At the West London Synagogue
220395: JOSEPH PAXTON, SIR - A pocket botanical dictionary; comprising the names, history, and culture of all plants known in Britain; with a full explanation of technical terms
143850: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - The Ideal in Judaism / and Other Sermons by the Rev. Morris Joseph Preached During 1890-91-92
142580: JOSEPH, EDDIE. MILLER, HUGH (1937-) - The Art of Eddie Joseph / Edited by Hugh Miller
147788: JOSEPH, MYRON L. NORTON C. SEEBER. GEORGE LELAND BACH (COMPS. ) - Economic Analysis and Policy; Background Readings for Current Issues [Compiled By] Myron L. Joseph, Norton C. Seeber [And] George Leland Bach
139530: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - The Ideal in Judaism / and Other Sermons by the Rev. Morris Joseph Preached During 1890-91-92
153115: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - The Spirit of Judaism : Sermons Preached Chiefly At the West London Synagogue
221401: JOSEPH, ALEXANDER H. (ED) - TV Guide : local program listings week of March 17 -23 1973
161989: JOSEPH, MORRIS (1848-1930) - Judaism As Creed and Life
122111: JOSEPH PENNELL (1857-1926). PENNELL, JOSEPH (1857-1926). ELIZABETH ROBINS PENNELL (1855-1936) - The Life and Letters of Joseph Pennell, by Elizabeth Robins Pennell
36274: JOSEPH, HELEN - Tomorrow's Sun : a Smuggled Journal from South Africa
227119: LEECH. JOSEPH - The Church-Goer : being a series of Sunday visits to the various churches of Bristol
87670: JOSEPH, DONALD - Straw in the South Wind
207761: JOSEPH, N. S. JEWISH RELIGIOUS UNION - Essentials of Judaism
209832: JOSEPH, MICHAEL (1897-1958) - Journalism for profit
77882: JOSEPHS, JEREMY - Swastika over Paris / Jeremy Josephs ; with a Foreword by Serge Klarsfeld
56862: JOSEPHS, JEREMY - Swastika over Paris : the Fate of the French Jews / Jeremy Josephs
174378: JOSEPHS, RAY - Argentine diary : the inside story of the coming of fascism
179353: JOSEPHS, RAY - Argentine diary : the inside story of the coming of fascism
178559: JOSEPHS, RAY - Argentine diary : the inside story of the coming of fascism
121561: JOSEPHS, JEREMY - Swastika over Paris / Jeremy Josephs ; with a Foreword by Serge Klarsfeld
121536: JOSEPHS, JEREMY - Swastika over Paris : the Fate of the French Jews / Jeremy Josephs
8447: JOSEPHS, JEREMY - Swastika over Paris. The Fate of the French Jews
165453: JOSEPHSON, MATTHEW (1899-1978) - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
107928: JOSEPHSON, MATTHEW (1899-1978) - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, by Matthew Josephson
226293: JOSEPHSON, MATTHEW - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
157573: JOSEPHSON, MATTHEW (1899-1978) - Stendhal : Or, the Pursuit of Happiness
63690: JOSEPHSON, MATTHEW (1899-1978) - Stendhal; Or, the Pursuit of Happiness
71181: JOSEPHTHAL, GIORA (1912-1962) - The Responsible Attitude : Life and Opinions of Giora Josephthal. Edited by Ben Halpern and Shalom Wurm. with a Biographical Sketch by Senta Josephthal
261276: JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS - The works of Flavius Josephus, to which are added three dissertations concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's command to Abraham etc. / translated by William Whiston - vols. 1, 2 & 4
252517: JOSEPHUS, F - The works of Flavius Josephus. To which are added three dissertations, concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's command to Abraham, etc. with a complete index to the whole - Volume 1
245582: JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. WHISTON, WILLIAM (1667-1752) - The works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian
63696: JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS - The Works of Flavius Josephus... / Translated by William Whiston Complete in One Volume
242740: JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. WHISTON, WILLIAM (1667-1752) - The genuine works of Flavius Josephus : the learned and authentic Jewish historian, and celebrated warrior... translated from the original Greek, according to Havercamp's accurate edition ; together with large notes and proper obsevations
208169: JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS - Des Flavius Josephus Judische Altertumer / ubersetzt und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Heinrich Clementz
208170: JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS - Geschichte des judischen Krieges / Flavius Josephus ; Ubersetzt und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. Heinrich Clementz
264233: JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS - The works of Flavius Josephus / translated by William Whiston
267767: JOSHI, PURAN CHANDRA (1907-1980) - Communist reply to Congress Working Committee's charges. Part 1 / P. C. Joshi
171007: JOSHI, HIMANSHU - Unknown Himalayas
183679: JOSHI, PURAN CHANDRA (1907-1980) - The Indian communist party : its policy and work in the war of liberation
61494: JOSHI, PRANSHANKAR SOMESHWAR (1897-) - The Tyranny of Colour; a Study of the Indian Problem in South Africa
119317: JOSHI, L. M. (ED. ) - Sikhism. Contributors: Fauja Singh [And Others. ]
192234: JOSHI, PURAN CHANDRA (1907-1980) - The Indian Communist Party : its policy and work in the war of liberation
184777: JOSHI, PURAN CHANDRA (1907-1980) - For the final bid for power! The Communist plan explained
139712: JOSHI, PRANSHANKAR SOMESHWAR - The Tyranny of Colour : a Study of the Indian Problem in South Africa
192356: JOSHI, PURAN CHANDRA (1907-1980) - The Indian Communist Party : its policy and work in the war of liberation
218364: JOSHI, P. C. - The Indian Communist Party: Its policy and work in the war of liberation
184740: JOSIAH STAMP, SIR - The Christian ethic as an economic factor. The Social service lecture, 1926
204150: BROZ-TITO. JOSIP - Plan quinquennal de developpement de l'economic nationale de la Republique Federative Populaire de Yougoslavie, 1947-1951 / precedee du discours de Josip Broz-Tito
271480: JOSLIN, E.C - The Standard Catalogue of British Orders, Decorations and Medals: second edition: 1972: with valuations
257751: JOSLIN, EDWARD C - The standard catalogue of British orders, decorations and medals / E.C. Joslin
255105: JOSLIN, E C - British battles and medals / E. C. Joslin, A. R. Litherland, B. T. Simpkin
91219: JOSLYN, MAURIEL (1955-) - A Meteor Shining Brightly : Essays on Maj. Gen Patrick R. Cleburne / Edited by Mauriel Phillips Joslyn
261359: JOSPE, ALFRED - The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations
268786: JOSSEAU, FRANÇOIS JEAN BAPTISTE - Des institutions de credit foncier et agricule / Par J.B. Josseau
142462: JOSSEAU, FRANCOIS JEAN BAPTISTE (B. 1817) - Des Institutions De Credit Foncier Et Agricole Dans Les Divers Etats De L'Europe / Nouveaux Documents Recueillis Par Ordre De M. Dumas, Ministre De L'Agriculture Et Du Commerce Et Publies Par M. J. B. Josseau, H. De Chonski, Delaroy
110025: JOSSELYN, CHARLES (1847-) - My Favorite Book-Shelf; a Collection of Interesting & Instructive Reading from Famous Authors, by Charles Josselyn
41096: JOSSELYN, IRENE M. - Adolescence
43332: JOSSET, CHRISTOPHER ROBERT - Money in Britain. A History of the Currencies of the British Isles. with ... Plates, Etc
279445: JOST, I. M. (ISAAK MARKUS) (1793-1860) - Geschichte des Judenthums und seiner Sekten - vol. 3
168459: JOST, ISAAK MARKUS (1793-1860) - Geschichte des Judenthums und seiner Sekten
197878: JOST, I. M. (ISAAK MARKUS) (1793-1860) - Geschichte des Judenthums und seiner Secten / von J.M. Jost
165535: JOSTEN, JOSEF (1913-1985) - Tributes to T. G. M. : Published on the Occasion of the Centenary of the President Liberator
147781: JOTTRAND, LUCIEN LEOPOLD - La Reforme Notariale
200051: JOTZU, RUXANDRA.MUZEUL NATIONAL DE ARTA (ROMANIA) - Von Cranach bis Monet : europaische Meisterwerke aus dem Nationalen Kunstmuseum Bukarest / [Kataloggestaltung: Ruxandra Jotzu]
248935: JOUBERT, CARL - Russia as it really is
271276: JOUBERT DE LA FERTE, PHILIP SIR - The third service : The story behind The Royal Air Force
186560: JOUBERT, CARL - The truth about the tsar : and the present state of Russia
194959: JOUBERT, LEO (1826-?) - La Gaule et les gaulois : jusqua la conquete romaine / par Leo Joubert; ouvrage illustre de 54 gravures
185542: JOUBERT, HENRI (1875-) - La guerre d'Espagne et le catholicisme (reponse a M. Jacques Maritain) par le vice-amiral H. Joubert
100020: JOUBERT DE LA FERTE, PHILIP, SIR - The Third Service; the Story Behind the Royal Air Force
148450: JOUBERT, CARL - Russia As it Really is
194282: JOUBERT, CARL (D. 1906) - The fall of tsardom
161958: JOUBERT, CARL - The Fall of Tsardom
256385: FOIRE DE PARIS (PARIS). GROUPE DU JOUET - Foire internationale de Paris, 18 mai-29 mai 1961 [etc.]. Groupe des jeux, jouets, articles de fêtes, voitures d'enfants, sport, camping. Guide de l'acheteur du jouet. [With a plan.]
182859: JOUFFROY, JEAN PIERRE (1933- ) - Le Jardin des Delices de Jerome Bosch grandeur nature / Jean-Pierre Jouffroy
79689: JOUHANDEAU, MARCEL (1888-) - Nouveau Testament; Journaliers XII Novembre 1962 - Mars 1963
79688: JOUHANDEAU, MARCEL (1888-) - Animaleries
132849: JOUHANNEAUD, PAUL - La Prise De Malakoff En Crimee, Nouveau Feuillet De La Guerre D'Orient, Suite a Soeur Mathilde.
141149: JOUHAUD, EDMOND JULES RENE (1905-) - Le Proces D'Edmond Jouhaud : Compte Rendu Stenographique
251653: JOUHAUX, LEON - Fackföreningsrörelsen i Frankrike
131372: JOUHAUX, LEON - La C. G. T. , Ce Quelle Veut
165948: JOUHAUX, LEON ET AL. - Jaures Par Ses Contemporains / L. Jouhaux ... [Et Al. ] ; Ouvrage Precede D'Une Introduction Par F. Pignatel
277957: JOULES, HORACE - British doctors in Russia
192120: JOULES, HORACE - British doctors in Russia / Horace Joules, Ian Gilliland, Mary Barber
150239: JOURDA, PIERRE JEAN MARIE (1898-) - L'Exotisme Dans La Literature Francaise Depuis Chateaubriand : Le Romantisme
134262: JOURDA, PIERRE - Stendhal : L'Homme Et L'Oeuvre / Pierre Jourda
153052: JOURDA, PIERRE (1898-1978) - Etat Present Des Etudes Stendhaliennes / Par Pierre Jourda
269281: JOURDAIN, MARGARET - Chinese export art in the eighteenth century / Margaret Jourdain and R. Soame Jenyns
157410: JOURDAIN, ELEANOR FRANCES (1863-1924) - Dramatic Theory and Practice in France 1690-1808
259227: JOURGNIAC SAINT-MÉARD, FRANÇOIS DE - J. S.-M. devant le Tribunal de l'Abbaye (Massacres de Septembre 1793) Jourgniac a Nancy, mon agonie de trente-huit heures. Ordres du jour ou salmigondis - Petition au duc de Bellune
267778: INTERNATIONAL SUGAR JOURNAL - International sugar journal - No. 357 Vol. XXX Spetember 1928
254541: THE ART JOURNAL - The Art Journal: New Series: 1892
155583: THE VIKING PRESS. THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL - The Journal of the Century / Compiled by Bryan Holme with the Editors of the Viking Press and the Ladies' Home Journal
202202: PHOTOGRAPHIC ART JOURNAL (LEICESTER, ENGLAND : 1901-1904) - The Photographic Art Journal : volume 3. March, 1903 to February ,1904
242081: THE JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY, THE MIT PRESS - The Journal of Interdisciplinary History: Volume XIV, Number 2, Autumn 1983, XIV(2) I/83 (199-534)
226578: BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL - Porphyria : a royal malady / articles published in or commissioned by the British medical journal
89401: POOR-LAW OFFICERS JOURNAL - The Law Relating to the Relief of the Poor
105479: AMERICAN SILK AND RAYON JOURNAL - A Dictionary of Silk Terms
278500: BRITISH ART JOURNAL - The British art journal : the research journal of British art studies - 29 issues
196681: HIBBERT JOURNAL - Jesus or Christ? : essays by G. Tyrrell ... [et al.] ; being the Hibbert journal supplement for 1909
196780: INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL. - Research on racial relations : articles reprinted from the International Social Science Journal
196433: MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM - The citizen and the news : addresses delivered at the golden anniversary celebration of the Marquette University College of Journalism, March 6, 7, and 8, 1961, April 14 and 15, 1961
191458: KOBENHAVNS JOURNALISTFORBUND - Journalisten / udgivet af kobenhavns journalistforbund [January 1905- 15 December 1910]
172426: INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION OF JOURNALISTS - What is the International Organisation of Journalists : the I.O.J. Fifth Congress in Budapest [August 1962]
184937: NATIONAL UNION OF JOURNALISTS - Freelance 1958 Directory
278936: PRESS GROUP OF SOVIET JOURNALISTS - On events in Czechoslovakia : facts, documents, press reports, and eye-witness accounts, issue 1
127296: PRESS GROUP OF SOVIET JOURNALISTS - On Events in Czechoslovakia : Facts, Documents, Press Reports, and Eye-Witness Accounts / [Translated from the Russian Ed. ]
134958: PRESS GROUP OF SOVIET JOURNALISTS - On Events in Czechoslovakia: Facts, Documents, Press Reports, and Eye-Witness Accounts. Issue One. [Translated from the Russian Ed. ]
218175: PRESS GROUP OF SOVIET JOURNALISTS (EDITED BY) - On events in Czechoslovakia: facts, documents, press reports, and eye-witness accounts
137218: ASIAN-AFRICAN JOURNALISTS' ASSOCIATION - Selections of Afro-Asian People's Anti-Imperialist Caricatures
236426: JOURNÉE MASSILLON (1974 : CLERMONT-FERRAND, FRANCE). EHRARD, JEAN. POITRINEAU, ABEL. BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE ET INTERUNIVERSITAIRE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND (FRANCE) - Études sur Massillon : actes de la Journée Massillon, Clermont-Ferrand, Bibliothèque municipale et universitaire, 25 mai 1974 / réunies par J. Ehrard et A. Poitrineau
153425: JOURNEES EUROPEENNES D'ETUDES LAMARTINIENNES, MACON, 1969. LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Actes Du Congres III : Centenaire De La Mort D'Alphonse De Lamartine / Troisiemes Journees Europeennes D'Etudes Lamartiniennes, Macon, 2 Au 5 Mai 1969
183996: ASSOCIATION INTERUNIVERSITAIRE DE L'EST - GROUPE DE RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES - JOURNEES D'ETUDES (1964 : STRASBOURG) - Recherches sur les forces politiques de la France de l'Est depuis 1787
187976: JOUSSET, BERNARD - L'accession des travailleurs au capital : fondement de l'equilibre economique et de la paix
219935: JOUSSET, P. - L'Italie Illustree / P. Jousset
272525: JOUVE, MARIE-ANDRÉE - Balenciaga
186578: JOUVE, MARGUERITE - Vu, en Espagne, Fevrier 1936-Fevrier 1937
127984: JOUVE, MARGUERITE - Vu, En Espagne : Fevrier 1936-Fevrier 1937
150678: JOUVENCEL, PAUL DE (1798-) - L'Allemagne Et Le Droit Des Gaules / Par Paul De Jouvencel
194805: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE (1903-1987) - Problems of Socialist England
188490: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE (1903- ) - Problems of socialist England / Bertrand de Jouvenel ; translated by J.F. Huntington
193917: JOUVENEL, RENAUD DE - L' internationale des traitres
179024: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE (B. 1903) - Problems of socialist England
184836: DE JOUVENEL, HENRY; MARTIN, KINGSLEY - The educational role of the press
135015: JOUVENEL, HENRY DE (1876-1935) - La Paix Francaise, Temoignage D'Une Generation / Henry De Jouvenel
147086: JOUVENEL, RENAUD DE. MARCELLE AGATHE MARIE HILSUM. ANDRE WURMSER - Les Communistes Demasques : D'Apres Les Comptes Rendus Stenographiques Du Proces Contre L'Internationale Des Traitres' / [By] Marcelle Agathe Marie Hilsum, Renaud De Jouvenel, Andre Wurmser ; Preface De J. Paul-Boncour
133314: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE - Problems of Socialist England
133060: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE - Problems of Socialist England
187396: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE (1903-1987) - Problems of Socialist England
126736: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE - Problems of Socialist England / Bertrand De Jouvenel ; Translated by J. F. Huntington
184107: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE (1903-1987) - Napoleon et l'economie dirigee : le blocus continental
167308: JOUVENEL, RENAUD DE - Panorama de l'Amerique latine
167127: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE, (1903-1987) - Problems of Socialist England
94814: JOUVENEL, HENRY DE (1876-1935) - The Stormy Life of Mirabeau
206637: JOUVENEL, BERTRAND DE (1903-) - Problems of socialist England / translated. by J.F. Huntington
235904: JOUVET, LOUIS - Moliere et la comedie classique
218371: JOVER PERALTA, ANSELMO - El Paraguay revolucionario : significacion historica de la revolucion de febrero
179512: JOVICHIC, LENKA A. (B. 1885) - Pages from here and there in Serbia
225612: JOWITT, SUSANNAH - The movers & shakers of medieval England : a who's who of history's most gifted, famous and influential people / Susannah Jowitt
120983: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
120986: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
57481: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL (1885-) - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
37478: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL (1885-) - Some Were Spies
119940: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
30187: JOWITT, THE EARL - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss / the Earl Jowitt
59907: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL (1885-) - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
77679: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, EARL (1885-1957) - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
92168: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL (1885-) - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
96531: JOWITT, WILLIAM ALLEN JOWITT, 1ST EARL (1885-?) - The Strange Case of Alger Hiss
273485: JOY, EDWARD THOMAS - The country life book of English furniture
251961: JOY, EDWARD THOMAS - Getting dressed / Edward T. Joy
223786: JOY, EDWARD THOMAS (1909-) - English furniture, 1800-1851 / [by] Edward T. Joy
202860: JOY, EDWARD T. (EDWARD THOMAS) (1909-?) - Furniture / [by] Edward Joy; drawings by Peter Fitzjohn
193596: JOY, EDWARD THOMAS - Antique English furniture
39264: JOY, CHARLES R. ARNOLD, MELVIN - The Africa of Albert Schweitzer
24939: JOY, CHARLES R. AND MELVIN ARNOLD - The Africa of Albert Schweitzer
206871: JOY, EDWARD T. (EDWARD THOMAS), (1909- ) - The Country Life book of English furniture / Edward T. Joy
86451: JOYCE, ED - Prime Times, Bad Times / Ed Joyce
270946: JOYCE, JEREMIAH (1763-1816) - Scientific dialogues : intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people ; in which the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy are fully explained
266401: JOYCE, JAMES - Trams in colour since 1945
265515: JOYCE, LILIAN ELWYN ELLIOTT (1874-1963) - Chile today and tomorrow
258372: JOYCE, JOE - Blind justice / Joe Joyce & Peter Murtagh
256362: JOYCE, WILLIAM (1906-1946) - Trial of William Joyce / edited by J. W. Hall
19133: JOYCE, JAMES AVERY - World Labour Rights and Their Protection
158403: JOYCE, BARRY ALAN - The Shaping of American Ethnography : the Wilkes Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842 / Barry Alan Joyce
157834: JOYCE, CYRIL ALFRED (1900- ) - By Courtesy of the Criminal : the Human Approach to the Treatment of Crime
159225: JOYCE, G. C. (GILBERT CUNNINGHAM) - The Inspiration of Prophecy : an Essay in the Psychology of Revelation
159526: JOYCE, WILLIAM (1906-1946) - The Trial of William Joyce / Edited by J. W. Hall
258082: JOYCE, JAMES (1882-1941) - Letters of James Joyce. [Vol.1] edited by Stuart Gilbert / edited by Stuart Gilbert
258087: JOYCE, JAMES (1882-1941) - Dublin : Novellen / [by] J. Joyce; deutsch von G. Goyert
258090: JOYCE, JAMES (1882-1941) - Giacomo Joyce / James Joyce; herausgegeben von Richard Ellmann; übersetzt von Klaus Reichert
258093: JOYCE, JAMES - Ulysses
74425: JOYCE, THOMAS ATHOL (1878-1942). THOMAS, NORTHCOTE WHITRIDGE (1868-1936) - Women of all Nations : a Record of Their Characteristics, Habits, Manners, Customs and Influence [Single Volume Edition]
148859: JOYCE, CYRIL ALFRED (1900-) - By Courtesy of the Criminal : the Human Approach to the Treatment of Crime
148850: JOYCE, CYRIL ALFRED (1900-) - By Courtesy of the Criminal : the Human Approach to the Treatment of Crime
178688: JOYCE, T. ATHOL (ED.) - Women of all Nations : a record of their characteristics habits manners customs and influence / edited by T. Athol Joyce and N. W. Thomas [complete in 2 volumes]
170108: JOYCE, JAMES AVERY - The right to life : a world view of capital punishment
128725: JOYCE, CYRIL ALFRED - By Courtesy of the Criminal : the Human Approach to the Treatment of Crime
180442: JOYCE, IRMA & BUCKETT, GEORGE (ILLUSTRATOR) - Never talk to strangers
201107: JOYCE, JAMES (1882-1941) - Stephen Hero
178107: JOYCE, ALFRED (1821-1901) - A homestead history : being the reminiscences and letters of Alfred Joyce of Plaistow and Norwood, Port Phillip, 1843 to 1864 / with introduction and notes by G. F. James
233025: JOYCE, P. W. (PATRICK WESTON) (1827-1914) - The origin and history of Irish names of places
181714: JOYCE, JAMES (1882-1941) - Pomes Penyeach, and other verses
248776: JOYES, CLAIRE - Monet at Giverny / text by Claire Joyes ; photographic and editorial research by Robert Gordon and Jean-Marie Toulgouat ; with a commentary on the paintings at Giverny by Andrew Forge
256932: JOYES, CLAIRE - Claude Monet, schilder en fijnproever : een culinaire impressie
65571: JOYNER, QUINTARD - My Life As a Boy
178372: JOYNT, ROBERT CHARLES (1856-1938) - The church's real work (for clergy and laity)
42968: JU-CHING, LI - Island Militia Women
236867: JUARROZ, ROBERTO. JONES, PHILIPPE. PONGE, FRANCIS. CENTRE INTERNATIONAL D'ÉTUDES POÉTIQUES - Le courrier du centre international d'études poétiques. Numéro 211. Jullet-Septembre 1996: Essais
277146: AIRBORNE FORCE GOLDEN JUBILEE - Airborne Force Golden Jubilee: Winchester Branch Souvenir Programme
111298: JUBINAL, ACHILLE [MICHEL LOUIS ACHILLE] (1810-1875). SENSI, GASPARD. SANSONETTI, VICTOR - La Armeria Real, Ou Collection Des Principales Pieces De La Gallerie D'Armes Anciennes De Madrid. Dessins De ... G. Sensi. Texte De M. A. Jubinal ... Frontispices Lettres Ornées ... Par ... V. Sansonetti, Gravures Sur Bois Par Mr. Faxardo
35899: JUCIUS, MICHAEL JAMES (1907-) - Personnel Management / Michael J. Jucius
178128: JUCKER-FLEETWOOD, ERIN ELVER - Economic theory and policy in Finland, 1914-1925
246828: THE JUDAEANS (NEW YORK) - Judæan Addresses, selected. vol. II: 1900-1917
66119: JUDAEANS - Judaean Addresses, Selected, Vol. IV. 1926-1932
242789: ENCYCLOPAEDIA JUDAICA - Guide for Editors and Contributors
140817: WORLD UNION FOR PROGRESSIVE JUDAISM - Aspects of Progressive Jewish Thought / with an Introd. by Israel I. Mattuck
151902: WORLD UNION FOR PROGRESSIVE JUDAISM - Aspects of Progressive Jewish Thought / with an Introduction by Israel I. Mattuck
274988: JUDD, ALFRED - Toddy scores again : being the school adventures of no ordinary boy
226097: JUDD, DENIS - The Victorian Empire, 1837-1901: a pictorial history
105879: JUDD, CYRIL - Gunner Cade
153493: JUDD & DETWEILER, INC. , WASHINGTON, D. C. - You Can Defend America
248605: THE JUDEANS - Judaean addresses : selected. Vol.3 1918-1926
245530: VERBAND DER DEUTSCHEN JUDEN - Soziale Ethik im Judentum / herausgegeben vom Verband der Deutschen Juden
135798: VERBAND DER DEUTSCHEN JUDEN (GERMANY) - Soziale Ethik Im Judentum; Hrsg. Vom Vervand Der Deutschen Juden
263227: VERBAND DER DEUTSCHEN JUDEN - Soziale Ethik im Judentum / herausgegeben vom Verband der Deutschen Juden
174780: LEHRANSTALT FUR DIE WISSENSCHAFT DES JUDENTUMS (BERLIN) - Funfundzwanzigster bericht der Lehranstalt fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin : erstattet vom Kuratorium
271388: JUDGE, ARTHUR WILLIAM - Stereoscopic photography; its application to science, industry and education / Arthur William Judge
117710: JUDGE, WILLIAM QUAN (1851-1896) - The Ocean of Theosophy
64689: JUDGE, CYRIL BATHURST - Specimens of Sixteenth-Century English Handwriting Taken from Contemporary Public and Private Records
202128: JUDGE, WILLIAM QUAN (1851-1896) - The ocean of theosophy / William Q. Judge
199030: JUDGE, ARTHUR WILLIAM (1887-?) - Stereoscopic photography : its application to science, industry and education
267266: JUDGES, E. A - In & Around Guildford : old and new with nearly 70 illustrations / E. A. Judges
128907: JUDGES, E A. (ED. ) - The Liberal Year Book / 1887 ; [Edited by E. A. Judges]
261329: UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. SENATE. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY - Juvenile delinquency : (treatment and rehabilitation of juvenile drug addicts) ; hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 19th Congress 2nd Session, Pursuant to S. Res 240. Part 19 - L.S.D. and Marihuana Abuse Among Young People
54955: JUDSON, HORACE FREELAND - The Search for Solutions
81924: JUDSON, CLARA INGRAM. WRENN, CHARLES L. - Mary Jane's Summer Fun, by Clara Ingram Judson. Illustrated by Charles L. Wrenn
101993: JUE, DANIEL N. , TERESA CHEW - Light & Healthy Chinese Cooking : the Best of Traditional Chinese Cuisine Made Low in Sodium, Cholesterol, and Calories
104703: JUENIN, GASPARD (1650-1713) - [Commentarius Historicus Et Dogmaticus De Sacramentis, in Genere Et in Specie, Quo Defenduntur Veritates Catholicæ Contra Antiquos Et Recentiores Hæreticos: .... . ... His Adduntur Dissertationes De Censuris, De Irregularitatibus, Et De Indulgentiis, Exactæ Ad Veterem Et Hodiernam Ecclesiæ Disciplinam. Auctore Gaspare Juenin
162826: SAVEZ KOMUNISTA JUGOSLAVIJE. (7. : 1958 : LJUBLJANA). - Le Congres De Ljubliana : (22-26 Avril 1958) Et Le Developpement Interieur De L'Edification Socialiste En Yougoslavie
140913: SAVEZ SINDIKATA JUGOSLAVIJE - Yugoslav Trade Unions under New Conditions : Fourth Congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia, Beograd, April 23-26, 1959 / Translated by Borivoje Ljotic and Others
210288: SAVEZ KOMUNISTA JUGOSLAVIJE - Program of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia
163034: JUGOW, A. - Le Plan Quinquennal
234266: JUHÁSZ, KOLOMAN - Die Stifte der Tschanader Diözese im Mittelalter : ein Beitrag zur Frühgeschichte und Kulturegeschichte des Banats
195820: JUIN, ERNEST LUCIEN. ARMAND, EMILE, PSEUD. - Les tueries passionnelles et le tartuflsme sexuel / Emile Armand, pseud. of Ernest Lucien Juin
25451: FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE LA CULTURE JUIVE - Tradition Et Modernité Dans La Pensée Juive. (Selection of Papers Presented At the First Festival De La Culture Juive, Paris, April 26-May 25 1981)
203797: JUKER, WERNER - Bern : Bildis einer Stadt
252924: JUKES, H. R - Loved river
229296: JUKES, MATTHEW - The wine book : change the way you think about wine
279952: JUKES, ANDREW JOHN (1815-1901) - The names of God in Holy Scripture : a revelation of his nature and relationships : notes of a course of lectures
50121: JUKIC, ILIJA - The Fall of Yugoslavia
60110: BORNENES JUL - Bornenes Jul - Udgivet Af Bornenes Bogsamling
268304: JULES-VERNE, JEAN - Jules Verne : a biography
188050: JULES AUGUSTE ARMAND MARIE POLIGNAC, PRINCE DE. ALEXANDRE BOLTZ - Proces des derniers ministres de Charles X, MM. de Polignac, de Peyronnet, Chantelauze, Guernon-Ranville, Montbel, d'Haussez, et Capelle - [Complete in 2 volumes]
112627: JULIA, PERE. - Explanatory Models in Linguistics : a Behavioral Perspective / Pere Julia
217153: JULIA DE FONTENELLE, JEAN-SEBASTIEN-EUGENE - Examen du rapport de M. Dispan, sur l'appareil Gervais, presente... par J.-S.-E. Julia
246013: CORNER MISS JULIA (1798-1875) - The history of Poland and Russia : from the earliest period to the present time. Adapted for youth, schools, and families
263179: JULIAN, ERAN - Julian's interest tables : containing an accurate calculation of interest, at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 per cent., both simple and compound, on all sums from 1 cent to $10,000. And from one day to six years. Also some very valuable tables
237303: JULIANELLI, JANE - The naked shoe: the artistry of Mabel Julianelli / Jane Julianelli
60697: JULIER, GUY - New Spanish Design
111660: JULIER, GUY - New Spanish Design / Guy Julier
91636: JULITTE, PIERRE - Block 26: Sabotage At Buchenwald. Translated from the French by Francis Price. Pref. by Joseph Kessel
138995: JULITTE, PIERRE - Block 26: Sabotage At Buchenwald. Translated from the French by Francis Price. Pref. by Joseph Kessel
49225: JULITTE, PIERRE (1910-) - Block 26: Sabotage At Buchenwald. Translated from the French by Francis Price. Pref. by Joseph Kessel
122190: JULITTE, PIERRE (1910-) - Block 26 : Sabotage At Buchenwald / Pierre Julitte ; Translated from the French by Francis Price ; Preface by Joseph Kessel
264644: JULLEVILLE, L. PETIT DE - La chanson de Roland : traduction nouvelle, rhythmée et assonancée / avec une introduction et des notes par L. Petit de Julleville
108893: JULLIAN, MARCEL - The Battle of Britain, July-September 1940 / Marcel Jullian ; Translated from the French by Ann-Yvette and Alan Stewart
168247: M. DE J****. PIERRE L.P. DE JULLIAN - Considerations Politiques sur les Affaires de France et d'Italie, pendant les trois premieres annees du retablissement de la maison de Bourbon sur le trone de France; ou, Suite des souvenirs de ma vie, depuis 1774 jusqu'en 1814
210309: JULLIARD, JACQUES - Clemenceau, briseur de greves : l'affaire de Draveil-Villeneuve-Saint-Georges
194531: JULLIEN, ADOLPHE (1845-1932) - Hector Berlioz : sa vie et ses oeuvres / ouvrage orne de quatorze lithographies originales par M. Fantin-Latour, de douze portraits de Hector Berlioz ... de trois planches hors texte et de 122 gravures, scenes theatrales, caricatures, portraits d'artistes, autographes, etc.
13460: JULLION, JEANNE - Long Way Home, the Odyssey of a Lesbian Mother and Her Children
243143: JULLIOT DE LA MORANDIERE, LÉON. LÉVI, SYLVAIN (1863-1935) - Sylvain Lévi et son œuvre. Études sur la pensée religieuse au Japon. [Edited by L. Julliot de la Morandière. With a portrait.]
37510: JULTY, SAM - Male Sexual Performance / Sam Julty ; [Ill. by Dick Kramer]
119280: JUNEJA, M. M. - A Biography of Swami Keshvanand / M. M. Juneja
237385: JUNG, LEO (CREATIVE DIRECTOR); HEFLIN, MARK (EDITOR) - American photography 31
247190: JUNG, CARL GUSTAV (1875-1961). BÖHLER, EUGEN - Bewusstes und Unbewusstes : Beiträge zur Psychologie / C.G. Jung ; mit einem Vorwort von E. Böhler
278412: JUNG, LEO (1892-) - Toward Sinai! : sermons and addresses
149589: JUNG, LEO (1892-1987) - Living Judaism
244617: JUNG, LEO (1892-) - Toward Sinai! : sermons and addresses
234616: JUNG, UTE - Die Musikphilosophie Thomas Manns
142239: JUNG, LEO - Heirloom
151948: JUNG, LEO (1892-1987) - The Jewish Library / Leo Jung, General Editor
166431: JUNGE, WERNER - Bolahun, an African Adventure. Translated by Basil Creighton
210718: JUNGHANN, OTTO - The origin and solution of the problem of national minorities
271596: JUNGMAN, BEATRIX - Peeps at many lands : Holland
277705: D. JUNII JUVENALIS. FRIEDLAENDER, LUDWIG - D. Junii Juvenalis: Saturarum Libri V.: mit erklarenden anmerkungen von Ludwig Friedlaender: erster band
173331: CHATTERBOX JUNIOR - Chatterbox junior - 1878
64889: JUNIUS, FRANCISCUS (1589-1677). LYE, EDWARD (1694-1767) ED. - Etymologicum Anglicanum
268444: JUNIUS (ACTIVE 18TH CENTURY) - Junius : Stat nominus umbra : 2 vols
265861: JUNIUS 18TH CENT. WOODFALL, HENRY SAMPSON (1739-1805) - Junius : including letters by the same writer under other signatures (now first collected) to which are added, his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters addressed to Mr. H. S. Woodfall : with a preliminary essay, notes, facsimiles, &c: vol. II
222815: JUNIUS, HADRIANUS (1511-1575) - Emblemata, 1565 / [by] Hadrianus Junius
220024: JUNIUS (ACTIVE 18TH CENTURY) - Junius : Stat nominus umbra : a new edition [complete in 2 volumes]
136628: JUNKER, F. R. - Repetitorium Und Aufgabensammlung Zur Differentialrechnung / F. R. Junker
39408: JUNKER, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH (1864-) - Repetitorium Und Aufgabensammlung Zur Integralrechnung
273116: JUNOR, JOHN - Listening for a midnight tram : memoirs / John Junor
250982: JUNOT, LAURE PERMON DUCHESSE D'ABRANTÈS - Histoire des salons de Paris : Tableaux et portraits du grand monde, sous Louis XVI, le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration, et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier: tome sixieme
254170: JUNOT, LAURE PERMON DUCHESSE D'ABRANTÈS - Histoire des salons de Paris : Tableaux et portraits du grand monde, sous Louis XVI, le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration, et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier / Laure Permon Junot, Duchesse d'Abrantès. Tome 1
217481: JURGA, TADEUSZ - Armia 'Modlin”, 1939 / Tadeusz Jurga, Wladyslaw Karbowski [Language: Polish]
217776: JURGA, TADEUSZ - Regularne jednostki Wojska Polskiego w 1939 r. : organizacja, dzialania bojowe, uzbrojenie, metryki zwia¸zkow operacyjnych, dywizji i brygad [Language: Polish]
238879: JURGENS, FRENZ. RUBINSTEIN. DC COMICS - Superman. No. 35, September 1997
193316: JURIEU, PIERRE (1637-1713) - The history of the Council of Trent : in eight books, whereunto is prefixt a discourse containing historical reflexions on councils, and particularly on the conduct of the Council of Trent, proving that the Protestants are not oblig'd to submit ... ... thereto / written in French by Peter Jurieu, Doctour and Professour of Divinity ; and now done into English
261343: GREAT BRITAIN. DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON THE SOCIAL SERVICES IN COURTS OF SUMMARY JURISDICTION - Report of the Departmental Committee on the Social Services in Courts of Summary Jurisdiction / presented by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, March 1936
165658: COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE JURISTES - Justice Asservie: Recueil De Documents Sur L'Abus De La Justice a Des Fins Politiques
191987: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (1952-) - South Africa and the rule of law
140792: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (1952- ) - Racial Discrimination and Repression in Southern Rhodesia : a Legal Study
63993: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (1952- ) - The Berlin Wall : a Defiance of Human Rights
169895: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (1952- ) - Cuba and the rule of law.
189677: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (1952-) - Cuba and the rule of law
127029: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS - Spain and the Rule of Law / [International Commission of Jurists]
166410: JURNOVOY, JOYCE. JENNESS, DAVID - America on Display / Joyce Jurnovoy and David Jenness
237500: JUROVICS, TOBY; JOHNSON, CAROL M.; WILLUMSON, GLENN; STAPP, WILLIAM F - Framing the West: the survey photographs of Timothy H. O'Sullivan / Toby Jurovics ... [et al.]
24086: JUSS, SATVINDER S. - Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship
274486: JUSSERAND, J. J. (JEAN JULES) (1855-1932) - The school for ambassadors and other essays
268510: JUSSERAND, JULES - The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare / tr. from the French by Elizabeth Lee ; rev. and enlarged by the author
67826: JUSSERAND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE, NEW YORK - Jean Jules Jusserand, Ambassador of the French Republic to the United States of America, 1903-1925
243707: JUSTE, THÉODORE - Le 'Statu quo' et l'inconnu, à propos des élections [par Th. Juste]
149428: JUSTE, THEODORE (1818-1888) - Histoire Du Congres National De Belgique, Ou, De La Fondation De La Monarchie Belge - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
82288: JUSTEMA, WILLIAM (1904-) - Pattern : a Historical Panorama
114534: JUSTEMA, WILLIAM (1904-) - Private Papers. Poems of an Army Year.
61047: JUSTER, FRANCIS THOMAS (1926-) - Education, Income, and Human Behavior / Edited by F. Thomas Juster, with Chapters by Albert E. Beaton and Others
40806: JUSTER, NORTON (1929-) - So Sweet to Labor : Rural Women in America, 1865-1895 / Compiled by Norton Juster-1895
156251: JUSTI, CARL - Velazquez and His Times
178686: JUSTI, K. A. - Nationalgesange der Hebraer
215428: MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE - Prisons infirmeries
214955: INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE - Series D. Acts and Documents concerning the Organization of the Court. (Serie D. Actes et documents relatifs a l'organization de la cour.) Eng. and Fr. no. 1. Charter of the United Nations, Statute and Rules of Court and other constitutional documents
142172: INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE - Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Series E -No. 10, Tenth Annual Report of the Permanent Court of International Justice (June 15th, 1933 - June 15th, 1934)
47271: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - The Science of Fingerprints - Classification and Uses
196688: UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALISTIC REPUBLICS. PEOPLE'S COMMISSARIAT OF JUSTICE - Report of court proceedings in the case of the anti-Soviet Trotskyite centre heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. Moscow, January 23-30, 1937 ... Verbatim report
63171: JUSTIN, VALERIE - Flat-Woven Rugs of the World : Kilim, Soumak, and Brocading / Valerie Sharaf Justin
164578: JUSTIN - Jaures Patriote : Les Idees D'Un Chef Socialiste Sur La Defense Nationale / Justin
279105: JUSTIN MARTYR, SAINT - S. Iustini philosophi et martyris opera quae feruntur omnia / ad optimos libros MSS. partim nondum collatos recensuit prolegomenis adnotatione versione instruxit indices adiecit Ioann. Carol. Theod. Otto ; Timi I. Pars I
165595: JUSTIN, JOSEPH - Jaures Patriote : Les Idees D'Un Chef Socialiste Sur La Defense Nationale / Justin
279192: JUSTIN MARTYR, SAINT - S. Iustini philosophi et martyris opera quae feruntur omnia / Vol.2, Opera Iustini addubitata. Ad optimos libros mss. partim nondum collatos recensuit prolegomenis adnotatione versione instruxit indices adiecit Ioann. Carol. Theod. Otto
159282: JUSTITIA, MERITUM - The Relative Rights and Interests of the Employer and Employed Discussed; and a System Proposed by Which the Conflicting Interests of all Classes of Society May be Reconciled
261519: JUSTO PÉREZ DE URBEL, R. P - Semblanzas Benedictinas por el R. P. Justo Péres De Urbel: Tomo III: Las Grandes Abadías
261520: JUSTO PÉREZ DE URBEL, R. P - Semblanzas Benedictinas por el R. P. Justo Péres De Urbel: Tomo II: Monjes Ilustres
63529: JUSTUS, MAY (1898-) - The Mail Wagon Mystery, by May Justus, Pictured by Lucia Patton
260850: JUSZCZYNSKI, ANTONI - Polska sztuka wojenna w latach 1764-1793 / Opracowali Antoni Juszcynski [i] Marian Krwawicz
274033: JÜTTE, DANIEL - The age of secrecy : Jews, Christians, and the economy of secrets, 1400-1800 / Daniel Jütte ; translated from the German by Jeremiah Riemer
222739: JUVEN, FELIX [DIRECTEUR] - Le Rire : Journal humoristique paraissant le samedi. No. 395, 31 Mai 1902
256205: JUVENAL. PERSIUS. MADAN, MARTIN (1726-1790) - A new and literal translation of Juvenal and Persius; with copious explanatory notes, by which these difficult satirists are rendered easy and familiar to the reader: two volumes
213790: JUVENAL - The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius / literally translated into English prose by the Rev. Lewis Evans to which is added the metrical version of Juvenal and Persius, by the late William Gifford
99208: JUVENAL - Satyra Quinta Iuuenalis = : Juvenal's Fifth Satire / Translated by George Chapman
101254: JUVENAL - The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius, Literally Translated Into English Prose, with Notes, Chronological Tables, Arguments, & C. ...
239731: JUVENAL; GREEN, PETER (1924-), TRANSLATOR - The sixteen satires / (by) Juvenal. Translated with an introd. and notes by Peter Green
58157: JUVENAL. LEVERETT, FREDERICK PERCIVAL (1803-1836) ED. - Decimi Junii Juvenalis Et Auli Persii Flacci Satirae Expurgatæ, Notis Illustratæ
62386: JUVENAL - D. Junii Juvenalis Et A. Persii Flacci Satirae Interpretatione Ac Notis Illustravit Ludovicus Prateus, Rhetoricae Professor Emeritus, Jussu Christianissimi Regis in Usum Serenissimi Delphini
94136: JUVENAL - Junii Juvenalis, Et A. Persii Flacci Satirae : Interpretatione Ac Notis Illustravit Ludovicus Prateus
198475: JUVENAL - D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirae. Interpretatione ac notis illustravit Ludovicus Prateus, Rhetoricae Professor Emeritus; jussu Christianissimi Regis, in usum Serenissimi Delphini
272161: JUVENILE PRODUCTIONS, LTD - Billy's Adventure
153875: JUVIGNY, PIERRE - The Fight Against Discrimination : Towards Equality in Education / Pierre Juvigny
128392: JUVILER, PETER H. (EDITOR). MORTON, HENRY W. (1929-) - Soviet Policy-Making; Studies of Communism in Transition, Edited by Peter H. Juviler and Henry W. Morton
146562: JUVILER, PETER H. MORTON, HENRY W. (1929-) - Soviet Policy-Making : Studies of Communism in Transition
85002: JUWET, WILLY & BOON, MARCEL - Belgische Graveurs Van Heden - [Exhibition Catalogue]
258015: KA?A?T?????, N???? - O ?apeta? µ??a???
75160: KäHLER, HEINZ - The Art of Rome and Her Empire - [Translated by J. R. Foster]
140238: KüMMEL, WERNER GEORG (1905-1995) - Das Bild Des Menschen Im Neuen Testament
224744: KAABERBOL, LENE ; FRIIS, AGNETE - Death of a nightingale / Lene Kaaberbol and Agnete Friis ; Translated from the Danish by Elisabeth Dyssegaard
82480: KAATZ, EVELYN - Soccer! : How One Player Made the Pros
163129: KAATZ, RABBINER DR. S. - Weltschopfungsara Und Wissenschaft
169973: KABIL, IBRAHIM HUSSEIN - Le commerce exterieur de l'Egypte / par Imbrahim Hussein Kabil
90749: KABIR, HUMAYUN (ED. ) - Green and Gold; Stories and Poems from Bengal. Associated Editor; Tarasankar Banerjee [And] Premendra Mitra
186722: KACZMAN, JAMES - Lucky monkey, unlucky monkey : a story
212467: KACZYNSKI, RICHARD - Perdurabo : the life of Aleister Crowley / Richard Kaczynski
84815: KADANS, JOSEPH M - Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, and Seeds for Healthful Living
178471: KADAR, JA´NOS - Selected speeches and interviews / Janos Kadar ; with an introductory biography by L. Gyurko
183847: KADAR, JANOS (1912-?) - For a socialist Hungary : speeches, articles, interviews 1968-1972 / Janos Kadar ; [translated by Gyula Gulyas and Karoly Ravasz ; translation rev. by Ursula McLean]
191295: KADAR, JANOS (1912-1989) - Socialist construction in Hungary : selected speeches and articles, 1957-1961
162112: KADAR, JANOS (1912-1989) - For a Socialist Hungary : Speeches, Articles, Interviews 1968-1972 / Janos Kadar
201232: KADARE, ISMAIL - Trois chants funèbres pour le Kosovo / Ismail Kadaré ; récits traduits de l'albanais par Jusuf Vrioni
200628: KADARE, ISMAIL - Il a fallu ce deuil pour se retrouver : journal de la guerre du Kosovo / Ismail Kadare; traduit de l'albanais par Jusuf Vrioni
253694: KADATZ, HANS-JOACHIM - Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff : Baumeister Friedrichs II / Text: Hans Joachim Kadatz; Fotos: Gerhard Murza
234455: KADE, OTTO (1825-1900). MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN, HOUSE OF SCHWERIN (MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN, GERMANY). GROSSHERZOGLICHE REGIERUNGS-BIBLIOTHEK. - Die Musikalien-Sammlung des Grossherzoglichen Mecklenburg-Schweriner Furstenhauses aus den letzten zwei Jahrhunderten. Complete in two volumes
38958: KADISH, MORTIMER R. - Reason and Controversy in the Arts
116517: KADO, CLARENCE I. AND AGRAWAL, HARI O. - Principles and Techniques in Plant Virology. Edited by Clarence I. Kado and Hari O. Agrawal
148120: DE KADT, EMANUEL JEHUDA (ED. ) - Patterns of Foreign Influence in the Caribbean, Edited by Emanuel De Kadt
169109: KADUSHIN, MAX (1895- ) - Worship and ethics : a study in rabbinic Judaism / Max Kadushin
167465: KADUSHIN, MAX, (1895-) - A conceptual approach to the Mekilta
159618: KADUSHIN, MAX (1895- ) - The Rabbinic Mind
12683: KADY-NAGY, GY - Hungaro-Turcica. Studies in Honour of Julius Németh
217251: KAELAS, ALEKSANDER - Human rights and genocide in the Baltic States
42199: KAEMMERER, LUDWIG - Memling. Kunstler-Monographien - XXXIX
221006: KAESTNER, DOROTHY - Designs for needlepoint and latch hook rugs
69617: KAFKA, PAUL - Love Enter / Paul Kafka
61431: KAFKA, FRANCIS J. - How to Clothbind a Paperback Book : a Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners / Francis J. Kafka
251079: KAFKA, FRANZ (1883-1924) - The great wall of China
154055: KAFKA, FRANZ (1883-1924) - The Metamorphosis and Other Stories / Franz Kafka ; a New Translation by Donna Freed ; [Introduction by Gerald Williams
6702: KAFKA, FRANZ (1883-1924) - America: Translated from the German by Edwin and Willa Muir
173724: KAFKA, FRANZ (1883-1924) - The great wall of China : stories and reflections / Franz Kafka ; translated by Willa and Edwin Muir
36973: KAFKA, FRANZ (1883-1924). SLOCHOWER, HARRY (1900-). MUIR, EDWIN (1887-) - A Franz Kafka Miscellany; Pre-Fascist Exile
141841: KAFKA, GUSTAV. HANS EIBL - Der Ausklang Der Antiken Philosophie Und Das Erwachen Einer Neuen Zeit, Von Gustav Kafka Und Hans Eibl. Mit Einer Antiken Allegorischen Darstellung Der Epikureischen Und Stoischen Philosophie
145490: KAFKA, FRANZ - Das Urteil Und Andere Erzahlungen / Franz Kafka
218021: KAFTANOV, S. V. - Laureaty Stalinskikh premiy-novatory nauki i tekhniki: stenogramma publichnoy lektsii, prochitannoy v Tsentral'nom lektorii obshchestva v Moskve. [Stalin Prize winners - the innovators of science and technology... public speech... Language: Russian]
217842: KAFTANOV, S. V. - Komsomol v bor'be za peredovuyu nauku i kul'turu [The Young Communist League in the fight for advanced science and culture. Language: Russian]
217640: KAFTANOV, S. V. - O patrioticheskom dolge sovetskoy intelligentsii [About the patriotic duty of the Soviet intelligentsia. Language: Russian]
79184: KAGAN, NORMAN - The War Film
171054: KAGAN, DONALD - Thucydides : the reinvention of history
158555: KAGAN, NORMAN - Greenhorns, Foreign Filmmakers Interpret America
74734: KAGAN, HENRY ENOCH - Changing the Attitude of Christian Toward Jew : a Psychological Approach through Religion
230698: KAGAN, SOLOMON ROBERT (1881-1955) - The modern medical world : portraits and biographical sketches of distinguished men in medicine
26480: KAGANOVICH, A. L. - Splendours of Leningrad / text by Abraam L. Kaganovich, photographs by Gerard Bertin ; translated from the Russian by James Hogarth
18547: KAGARLITSKI, J. - The Life and Thought of H. G. Wells, [By] J. Kagarlitski; Translated from the Russian by Moura Budberg
184974: KAGARLITSKY, BORIS (1958- ) - Farewell perestroika : a Soviet chronicle / Boris Kagarlitsky ; translated by Rick Simon
11376: KAGARLITSKY, BORIS (1958-) - The Disintegration of the Monolith / Boris Kagarlitsky ; Translated by Renfrey Clarke
264983: KAHAL KADOSH PADOVAH. HA-VA?AD. CARPI, DANIEL - Pink?s Va?ad K?hal k?dosh Padov?h, 338-363 : v?-ne?etak? bo gam mik?sat haskamot min ha-shanim 291-336 she-hayu reshumot be-pink?s yashan she-avad / hotsi' le-or ?al-pi ketav-yad v?-hosif mavo, he?arot u-mafteh?t, Dani'el K?rpi ; Minutes book of the Council of the Jewish Community of Padua, 1577-1603
51249: KAHAN, NANCY - Entertaining for Business : a Complete Guide to Creating Special Events with Style and a Personal Touch / Nancy Kahan with Eleanor Berman ; Photographs by Michael Skott
170647: KAHAN, ARCADIUS - Essays in Jewish social and economic history / Arcadius Kahan ; edited by Roger Weiss ; with an introduction by Jonathan Frankel
167683: KAHAN, BASIL CHARLES - Ottmar Mergenthaler : the Man and His Machine : a Biographical Appreciation of the Inventor on His Centennial / Basil Kahan ; Introduction by Carl Schlesinger
158320: KAHAN, BASIL CHARLES - Ottmar Mergenthaler : the Man and His Machine : a Biographical Appreciation of the Inventor on His Centennial / Basil Kahan ; Introduction by Carl Schlesinger
83645: KAHAN, STANLEY (1931-?) - Introduction to Acting
169361: KAHANA, KALMAN (1910- ) - The case for Jewish civil law in the Jewish State / K. Kahana
143780: KAHANE, CHARLES PH. - The Echo of Tradition : a Collection of Sermons for Jewish Holidays and Other Occasions
137482: SOEDJATMOKO. MOHAMMAD ALI. G. J. RESINK. G. MCT. KAHIN (EDS. ) - An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography / Edited by Soedjatmoko ... [Et Al. ]
147070: KAHK, JUHAN - Die Krise Der Feudalen Landwirtschaft in Estland : Das Zweite Viertel Des 19. Jahrhunderts / J. Kahk
148626: KAHK, JUHAN - Soviet Estonian Science
207154: KAHL, BRIGITTE - Traditionsbruch und Kirchengemeinschaft bei Paulus : eine exegetische Studie zur Frage des 'anderen Evangeliums' / Brigitte Kahl
277912: KAHLE, HANS - Stalin, the soldier
172409: KAHLE, HANS - Stalin the soldier
208026: KAHLE, HANS. RUSSIA TODAY SOCIETY - Stalin, the soldier
152302: KAHLEFELD, HEINRICH - Die Gestalt Jesu in Den Synoptischen Evangelien / Heinrich Kahlefeld
32138: KAHLENBERG, RICHARD D. - Broken Contract - a Memoir of Harvard Law School
38619: KAHLER, ERICH - Man the Measure - a New Approach to History
20747: KAHLER, HEINZ - Die Hagia Sophia
13220: KAHLER, HEINZ - The Art of Rome and Her Empire
84014: KAHLER, ERICH - The Tower and the Abyss, an Inquiry Into the Transformation of the Individual
199667: KAHLERT, KARL FRIEDRICH (1765-1813) - The Necromancer: or, a tale of the Black Forest. Founded on facts / ... translated from the German of Lawrence Flammenberg by Peter Teuthold
99493: KAHN, SHOLOM JACOB (1918-?) - Mark Twain's Mysterious Stranger : a Study of the Manuscript Texts
93390: KAHN, ROGER - Joe & Marilyn : a Memory of Love
119688: KAHN, OTTO HERMANN (1867-1934) - Reflections of a Financier: a Study of Economic and Other Problems, by Otto H. Kahn ... with an Introduction by the Rt. Hon. J. H. Thomas
79769: KAHN, JOAN - Chilling and Killing / Edited and with an Introd. by Joan Kahn ; Pref. by Jacques Barzun
64558: KAHN, LYNN SANDRA (1946-) - Peacemaking : a Systems Approach to Conflict Management / Lynn Sandra Kahn ; with Illustrations by Jennifer Hammond Landau
60686: KAHN, JENETTE - In Your Space : Personalizing Your Home and Office / Jenette Kahn, Jason Schmidt
38678: KAHN, JR. , E. J. - Far-Flung and Footloose - Pieces from the New Yorker 1937-1978
272044: KAHN, JEAN-FRANÇOIS - L'extraordinaire métamorphose, ou, 5 ans de la vie de Victor Hugo, 1847-1851 / Jean-François Kahn
27040: KAHN, HOWARD M. - Yarborough - Living in a City That Time Forgot
270270: KAHN, DEBORAH - The Romanesque frieze and its spectator : the Lincoln symposium papers / edited by Deborah Kahn
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