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203259: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH, KNIAZ (1842-1921) - The wage system
112972: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH - Fields, Factories and Workshops
162887: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH, KNIAZ (1842-1921) - Russian Literature
68239: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH (1842-1921) - Ethics; Origin and Development. Authorized Translation from the Russian by Louis S. Friedland and Joseph R. Piroshnikoff - [Uniform Title: Etika. English]
143755: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH, KNIAZ (1842-1921) - L'Organisation De La Vindicte : Appelee Justice
278979: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH KNI?A?Z' (1842-1921) - La Révolution sera-t-elle collectiviste?
169881: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH - The Terror in Russia an appeal to the british nation
126438: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH (1842-1921) & READ, HERBERT EDWARD, SIR (1893-1968) - Kropotkin : Selections from His Writings / Edited with an Introduction by Herbert Read
126436: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH (1842-1921) & READ, HERBERT EDWARD, SIR (1893-1968) - Kropotkin : Selections from His Writings / Edited with an Introduction by Herbert Read
184228: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH, (1842-1921) - Revolutionary Government
184268: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH (1842-1921) - The state : its historic role
38849: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH, KNIAZ (1842-1921) - Memoirs of a Revolutionist / [By] Peter Kropotkin ; Edited and Introducted by Colin Ward
176381: KROPOTKIN, PETER (1842-1921) - Revolutionary government
192544: KROPOTKIN, PIERRE (1842-1921) - War!
175753: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH - An appeal to the young
142931: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH (1842-1921) - Fields, Factories, and Workshops : Or, Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual Work
198601: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH, (1842-1921) - The state : its historic role
211989: KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSEEVICH (1842-1921) - Revolutionary government
256088: KROPOTKINE, PIERRE - Autour D'Une Vie: mémoires par Pierre Kropotkine: I
196250: KROPROTKIN, PETER (1842-1921) ; WILDE, OSCAR [ET AL.] - Nineteenth Century - Revue des dex Mondes - National Review [various journal articles bound in 1 volume]
200480: KROS, RAYMOND - Space station earth
258308: KROTKOV, YURI - The Nobel prize : a novel
24946: KROTKOV, YURI - The Nobel Prize
126597: KROTKOV, YURI (1917-) - The Angry Exile: a View of the Russian Miracle [By] Yury Krotkov; Translated [From the Russian] by Yury Krotkov and Mark Barty-King
277300: KROUSE, F. MICHAEL - Milton's Samson and the Christian tradition
76060: KROUT, MAURICE HAIM - Psychology, Psychiatry and the Public Interest
233305: KROYER, THEODOR (1873-1945) - Joseph Rheinberger
176691: KRUCHININ, A. - Territorial claims of Mao Tse-Tung: history and modern times / [by] A. Kruchinin [and] V. Olgin
255218: KRUEGER, KURT (PSEUD.) - I was Hitler's doctor / from the German of Kurt Krueger; foreword by Upton Sinclair; introduction by Otto Strasser; preface by K. Arid Enlind
69467: KRUG, MARK M. (1915-) - The Melting of the Ethnics : Education of the Immigrants, 1880-1914
89834: KRUG, MARK M (1915-?) - Aneurin Bevan, Cautious Rebel
251389: KRÜGER, DANIEL WILHELMUS - The making of a nation : a history of the Union of South Africa, 1910-1961 / [by] D. W. Krüger
231689: KRUGER, KRISTINA - Orden und Kloster : 2000 Jahre christliche Kunst und Kultur / Kristina Kruger ; herausgegeben von Rolf Toman ; mit einem Beitrag von Rainer Warland ; Fotografien von Achim Bednorz ; produziert von Thomas Paffen
232617: KRUGER, KARL A - Germanische Heldensagen in Einzelbildern, etc. [With plates.]
147752: KRUGER, HANS. FRITZ BAADE - Sozialdemokratische Agrarpolitik : Erlauterungen Zum Sozialdemokratischen Agrarprogramm / Von Hans Kruger Und Fritz Baade
196146: KRUGLAK, THEODORE EDWARD - The foreign correspondents: a study of the men and women reporting for the American information media in western Europe
140117: KRUGLAK, THEODORE EDUARD - The Two Faces of TASS
183988: KRUGLAK, THEODORE EDUARD - The Two Faces of TASS
176682: KRUGLAK, THEODORE EDUARD - The Two Faces of TASS
49434: KRUGLIKOV, S. S. - Electrochemistry 1965 (Elektrokhimiya 1965)
218006: KRUGLOV, G. [ED.] - Russkoye narodnoye poeticheskoye tvorchestvo : Khrestomatiya po fol'kloristike. [Russian folk poetry : Reader on folklore studies. Language: Russian]
111720: DE KRUIF, PAUL (1890-1971) - The Fight for Life
156856: DE KRUIF, PAUL (1890-1971) - The Sweeping Wind, a Memoir
77649: DE KRUIF, PAUL (1890-1971) - The Sweeping Wind, a Memoir
68046: KRUK, ZOFIA - The Taste of Hope
176493: KRUKOWSKI, KAZIMIERZ - Moja Warszawka [Language : Polish]
102162: KRULIK, NANCY E. - The Autobots' Secret Weapon / Written by Nancy Krulik ; Illustrated by Charles Nicholas and Roberta Edelman
24331: KRULL, KATHLEEN - Paula Danziger
111182: KRULL, MARIANNE - Freud and His Father / Marianne Krull ; Translated by Arnold J. Pomerans ; Preface by Helm Stierlin
54015: KRUMBHAAR, WILLIAM (1887-) - Coating and Ink Resins; a Technological Study
41075: KRUMBOLTZ, JOHN D. AND KRUMBOLTZ, HELEN BRANDHORST - Changing Children's Behavior
159366: KRUMMACHER, GOTTFRIED DANIEL (1774-1837) - Israel's Wanderings in the Wilderness
243313: KRUMMACHER, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1796-1868) - Elisha / from the German of F. W. Krummacher ; revised by the Rev. R. F. Walker
278426: KRUMMACHER, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1796-1868) - Elijah the Tishbite
275970: KRUMMEL, DONALD WILLIAM - Music printing and publishing / edited by D. W. Krummel and Stanley Sadie
272219: KRUMMEL, DONALD WILLIAM - English music printing, 1553-1700
149624: KRUPINSKI, KURT - Die Komintern Seit Kriegsausbruch / Von Kurt Krupinski
265379: KRUPP, ANDREA - Bookcloth in England and America, 1823-50 / Andrea Krupp
131908: KRUPP, SHERMAN ROY (ED. ) - The Structure of Economic Science, Essays on Methodology
245704: KRUSE, JOSEPH A - Ich Narr des Glücks : Heinrich Heine 1797-1856 : Bilder einer Ausstellung / herausgegeben von Joseph A. Kruse ; unter Mitwirkung von Ulrike Reuter und Martin Hollender
232640: KRUSE, GEORG RICHARD - Zelter
170043: KRUSE-VAUCIENNE, URSULA M. - Science and technology in the Soviet Union : a profile
133891: KRUSE, FREDERIK VINDING (1880-1963) - The Community of the Future
204132: KRUSENSTJERNA, AGNES VON (1894-1940) - Fattigadel 1 [Language: Swedish]
203744: KRUSENSTJERNA, AGNES VON (1894-1940) - Froknarna von Pahlen, 5. Alskande Par / Agnes von Krusenstjerna [Language: Swedish]
204128: KRUSENSTJERNA, AGNES VON (1894-1940) - Delat rum pa Kammakaregatan [Language: Swedish]
250190: KRUSHCHOV, NIKITA - Speech at Moscow election meeting
250101: KRUSHCHOV, N. S - For the good of man: On measures for fulfilling the CPSU programme for raising the living standards of the people
143718: KRUSZEWSKI, Z. ANTHONY - The Oder-Neisse Boundary and Poland's Modernization : the Socioeconomic and Political Impact
164267: KRUTCH, JOSEPH WOOD, (1893-1970) - Herbal / Joseph Wood Krutch ; Designed by Marshall Lee
108335: KRUTCH, JOSEPH WOOD - Samuel Johnson
232678: KRUTSCHEK, PAUL - Die Kirchenmusik nach dem Willen der Kirche : eine Instruktion fur kath. Chordirigenten aus zugleich ein Handbuch der kirchenmusikalischen Vorschriften fur jeden Priester u. gebildeten Laien
235153: KRUTTGE, EIGEL - Geschichte der Burgsteinfurter Hofkapelle : : (1750-1817)
232315: KRUTTGE, EIGEL - Geschichte der Burgsteinfurter Hofkapelle 1750-1817
90321: KRUUSE, JENS (1908-) - Madness At Oradour, 10 June 1944- & After; Translated from the Danish by Carl Malmberg
92279: KRUUSE, JENS (1908-) - Madness At Oradour, 10 June 1944- & After; Translated from the Danish by Carl Malmberg - [Uniform Title: Som Vanvid. English]
171336: KRUZENSHTERN, IVAN FEDOROVICH (1770-1846) - Voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, & 1806 ... [complete in 2 volumes]
182949: KRUZHKOV, V. S. - The socio-political and philosophical views of N. A. Dobrolyubov
216753: KRUZHOV, V. S. - Mirovozzreniye N. A. Dobrolyubova [World view. Language: Russian]
216881: KRYLOV, A. N. - Vospominaniya i Ocherki [Memoirs and Essays. Language: Russian]
94459: KRYLOV, IVAN NIKITITCH, PSEUD. - Soviet Staff Officer - [Translated by Edward Fitzgerald]
170371: KRYLOV, IVAN - Soviet staff officer / Ivan Krylov ; translated by Edward Fitzgerald
16318: KRYPTON, CONSTANTINE, PSEUD. - The Northern Sea Route and the Economy of the Soviet North
37697: KRYSKILL, WILLIAM - The Story of Hyeholde, by William Kryskill
269607: KRYSTOF, DORIS - Jacopo Carrucci, surnommé Pontormo, 1494-1557
155914: KRYZA, FRANK T - The race for Timbuktu : in search of Africa's City of Gold
279475: KRZESINSKI, ANDRZEJ J. (1884-1964) - Une nouvelle philosophie de l'immanence : exposé et critique de ses postulats
192682: KRZHIZHANOVSKII, GLEB MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1872-1959) - Anti-Soviet sabotage exposed
216122: KRZYSZTOPORSKA, MARIA (1904-1975) - Ze wspomnien tulaczych / Maria Krzysztoporska
172130: KRZYWON, ERNST JOSEF - Heinrich Heine und Polen / ein Beitrag zur Poetik der politischen Dichtung zwischen Romantik und Realismus ; vorgelegt von Ernst Josef Krzywon
154243: KRZYZANOWSKI, LUDWIK (1906-). GILLON, ADAM (1921-) - Introduction to Modern Polish Literature : an Anthology of Fiction and Poetry / Edited by Adam Gillon and Ludwik Krzyzanowski
96915: KRZYZANOWSKI, JERZY RYSZARD - Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont
217978: KRZYZANOWSKI, ADAM - Pauperyzacja Polski wspolczesnej [Language: Polish]
234378: KUAN, LIANG (1900-) - Gestalten und Szenen der Peking-Oper. : 24 Pinselzeichnungen. Geleitwort von Gerhard Pommeranz-Liedtke
36067: KUBALKOVA, V.. CRUIKSHANK, A. A. - Marxism-Leninism and Theory of International Relations / V. Kubalkova and A. A. Cruickshank
129021: KUBALKOVA, V.. CRUIKSHANK, A. A. - Marxism-Leninism and Theory of International Relations / V. Kubalkova and A. A. Cruickshank
112722: KUBALKOVA, V. A. A. CRUICKSHANK - Marxism-Leninism and Theory of International Relations / V. Kubalkova and A. A. Cruickshank
121233: KUBALKOVA, V.. CRUICKSHANK, A. A. - Marxism-Leninism and Theory of International Relations / V. Kubalkova and A. A. Cruickshank
235150: KUBALLA, WOLFGANG - Ireland : Republik Irland und Nordirland
216982: KUBICEK, JAROMIR [ED.] - Literatura o Brne z let 1801-1979 : soupis publikaci a clanku. [Language: Czech]
160394: KUBIE, LAWRENCE SCHLESINGER (1896-1973) - Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Psychoanalysis / Lawrence S. Kubie
70609: KUBIE, LAWRENCE S. (LAWRENCE SCHLESINGER) (1896-1973) - Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Psychoanalysis / Lawrence S. Kubie
126931: KUBILIUS, JONAS - A Short History of Vilnius University / General Editors, J. Kubilius ... [Et Al. ]
97554: KUBIZEK, AUGUST - Young Hitler : the Story of Our Friendship / August Kubizek ; [Translated from the German by E. V. Anderson] ; with an Introduction by H. R. Trevor-Roper - [Uniform Title: Adolf Hitler, Mein Jugenfreund. English]
258037: KUBLER, GEORGE ALEXANDER - The art and architecture of ancient America : the Mexican Maya and Andean peoples ; The Pelican history of art, Z21
157863: KUBLER, GEORGE ADOLF (1876- ) - A New History of Stereotyping
88315: KUBLER, GEORGE ADOLF (1876-?) - A Short History of Stereotyping
171065: KUBO, NOBORU (1941-) - Japanese movie billboards: retro art from a century of cinema / editor, Youichi Toyoshima ; photographer: Takeshi Kubo and Junichi Kiyomia ; translator Joe Greenholtz
126038: KUBOTA, SHIHAN TAK. MARK MILLER (PHOTOG. ) - The Art of Karate
244386: KUBOVIC, BRANKO. SIROTKOVIC, JAKOV. ŠEFER, BERISLAV - Economic planning in Yugoslavia / Branko Kubovic, Jakov Sirotkovic, Berislav Sefer
217967: KUBOW, STEFAN - Ksiazka Wielkiej Emigracji w Wielkopolsce (1831-1862) / Stefan Kubow [Language: Polish]
165911: KUBURSI, A. A. - Arab Economic Prospects in the 1980's / Atif A. Kubursi
91090: KUBY, ERICH - The Russians and Berlin, 1945; Translated [From the German] by Arnold J. Pomerans
89775: KUBY, ERICH (1910-) - The Russians and Berlin, 1945; Translated [From the German] by Arnold J. Pomerans - [Uniform Title: Russen in Berlin 1945. English]
89689: KUBY, ERICH (1910-) - The Russians and Berlin, 1945; Translated [From the German] by Arnold J. Pomerans - [Uniform Title: Russen in Berlin 1945. English]
65896: KUBY, ERICH (1910-) - The Russians and Berlin, 1945; Translated [From the German] by Arnold J. Pomerans
169941: KUCHARSKI, RAJMUND - Poland's struggle for independence / with a foreword by Lord Werdale.Poland's struggle for independence / with a foreword by Lord Werdale.Poland's struggle for independence / with a foreword by Lord Werdale
128468: KUCHARZEWSKI, JAN (1876-1952) - The Origins of Modern Russia
218031: KUCHARZEWSKI, JAN (1876-1952), [ED.] - Aigle Blanc : Revue des questions polonaises. no. 1, May 1916. [All published]
155858: KUCHLER, SUSANNE. WERE, GRAEME - Pacific pattern
163615: KUCK, LORAINE - The World of the Japanese Garden : from Chinese Origins to Modern Landscape Art / with Color Photographs by Takeji Iwamiya
227076: KUCK, LORAINE E. TONGG, RICHARD C. (1899-) - Hawaiian flowers & flowering trees : a guide to tropical & semitropical flora
233816: KUCKENBURG, MARTIN (1955-) - Die Kelten in Mitteleuropa : Kultur, Kunst, Wirtschaft ; Salzburger Landesausstellung, 1. mai-30. Sept. l980 im Keltenmuseum, Hallein, Österreich
243450: KUCZYNSKI, JÜRGEN - A short history of labour conditions under industrial capitalism. Vol. 1 Great Britain and the Empire, 1750 to the present day
15303: KUCZYNSKI, KURGEN - A Short History of Labour Conditions under Industrial Capitalism; in Great Britain & the Empire 1750-1944
15305: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - A Short History of Labour Conditions under Industrial Capitalism: the United States of America 1789-1946
245409: KUCZYNSKI, ROBERT RENÉ (1876-1947). INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS (WASHINGTON, D.C.) - The balance of births and deaths: Volume II: Eastern and Southern Europe
9723: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - 300 Million Slaves and Serfs Labour under the Fasist New Economic Order
137195: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - The Condition of the Workers in Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1932-1938
135420: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Hunger and Work; Statistical Studies by Jurgen Kuczynski, with a Foreword by R. Coppock
134526: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN. M. WITT - The Economics of Barbarism; Hitler's New Economic Order in Europe, by J. Kuczynski & M. Witt
55410: KUCZYNSKI, ROBERT RENE (1876-1947) - The Measurement of Population Growth; Methods and Results, by Robert R. Kuczynski
143594: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - New Fashions in Wage Theory: Keynes--Robinson--Hicks--Rueff, by Jurgen Kuczynski
133904: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Hunger and Work : Statistical Studies
244984: KUCZYNSKI, JÜRGEN - Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Imperialismus. Bd. 2 Propagandaorganisationen des Monopolkapitals
169922: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - The economics of barbarism : Hitler's new economic order in Europe
169643: KUCZYNSKI, ARNOLD - Thesaurus libellorum historiam reformationis illustrantium : Verzeichniss einer Sammlung von nahezu 3000 Flugschriften Luthers und seiner Zeitgenossen Supplement zu den Handbu¨chern von Panzer, Weller, Goedecke und Heyse
174322: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - The condition of the workers in Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1932-1938
178425: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Hunger and work : statistical studies
130495: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Die Politokonomische Apologetik Des Monopolkapitals in Der Periode Der Allgemeinen Krise Des Kapitalismus
141755: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - New Fashions in Wage Theory. Keynes-Robinson-Hicks-Rueff
161831: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Theodor Mommsen : Portrat Eines Gesellschaftswissenschaftlers / Jurgen Kuczynski ; Mit Einem Kapitel Uber Mommsen, Den Juristen, Von Hermann Klenner
142963: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Labour Conditions in Western Europe
196947: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Labour conditions in western Europe, 1820-1935
197364: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - New fashions in wage theory : Keynes--Robinson--Hicks--Rueff
211500: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Are the workers better off?
211980: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - Are the workers better off?
184147: KUDA, RUDOLF - Arbeiterkontrolle in großbritannien Theorie und Praxis
264399: KUDLICKI, S - Upper Silesia / edited by the Polish Research Centre, London
278794: KUDRI?A?VT??SEV, VLADIMIR LEONT'EVICH - The 24th Congress of the CPSU and the struggle for peace
186600: KUDRIAVTSEV, VLADIMIR LEONTEVICH - Peace programme for Europe
217519: KUDRYAVTSEV, P. S. - Isaak N'yuton [Isaac Newton. Language]
216991: KUDRYAVTSEV, P. S. - Isaak N'yuton: K 300 letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Isaac Newton On the 300th anniversary of his birth. Language: Russian]
217793: KUDRYAVTSEV, P. S. - Isaak N'yuton 1643-1943 k 300-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Isaac Newton. The 300th anniversary of his birth. Language: Russian]
217781: KUDRYAVTSEV, O. V. - Issledovaniya po istorii balkano-dunayskikh oblastey v period rimskoy imperii i stat'i po obshchim problemam drevney istorii [Language: Russian]
217720: KUDRYAVTSEV, P I - Polozheniye o vyborakh narodnykh sudov RSFSR. V voprosakh i otvetakh [The position on the election of people's courts of the RSFSR. In the questions and answers. Language: Russian]
87820: KUEHL, WARREN F. (1924-) - Hamilton Holt: Journalist, Internationalist, Educator
29291: KUEHN, DOUGLAS - Takeovers and the Theory of the Firm - an Empirical Analysis for the United Kingdon 1957-69
254157: KUEMMEL, AUGUST (1858-) - Materialien zur Topographie des alten Jerusalem : Begleittext zu der 'Karte der Materialien zur Topographie des alten Jerusalem / von August Kuemmel
152259: KUENEN, ABRAHAM (1828-1891) - The Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State
41481: KUENEN, PH. H. - Two Problems of Marine Geology: Atolls and Canyons
188239: KUENNE, ROBERT E. - Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk
151391: KUENNE, ROBERT E. - Microeconomic Theory of the Market Mechanism: a General Equilibrium Approach
34890: KUEPPER, WILLIAM G. (WILLIAM GEORGE) (1933-). LACKEY, G. LYNNE (1943-). SWINERTON, E. NELSON (ELWIN NELSON) (1939-) - Ugandan Asians in Great Britain : Forced Migration and Social Absorption / William G. Kuepper, G. Lynne Lackey, E. Nelson Swinerton
27209: KUEPPER, WILLIAM G. (WILLIAM GEORGE) (1933-). LACKEY, G. LYNNE (1943-). SWINERTON, E. NELSON (ELWIN NELSON) (1939-) - Ugandan Asians in Great Britain : Forced Migration and Social Absorption / William G. Kuepper, G. Lynne Lackey, E. Nelson Swinerton
231716: KUERSCHNER, JOSEPH. HEINRICH AUGUST PIERER - Pierer's Konversations-Lexikon. Siebente Auflage, herausgegeben von J. Kurschner, mit Universal-Sprachen-Lexikon, etc. - Complete in 12 volumes
72165: KUGELMASS, JACK - Masked Culture : the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade / Text by Jack Kugelmass ; Photography by Mariette Pathy Allen ... [Et Al. ]
149032: KUGELMASS, JACK - Between Two Worlds : Ethnographic Essays on American Jewry / Edited by Jack Kugelmass
258062: KUGLER, FRANZ ; EASTLAKE, SIR CHARLES LOCK - Handbook of painting : the Italian schools - in 2 Volumes
241691: KUGLER, GEORG JOHANNES. HAMMEL, GABRIELE - Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien und seine Sammlungen / herausgegeben von Georg J. Kugler unter Mitarbeit von Gabriele Hammel ... [et al.]
231853: KUGLER, ANTON - Bauernmoebel
278922: KUGLER, FRANZ (1808-1858) - Handbook of painting. : The German, Flemish, and Dutch schools - Part I
263104: KUGLER, FRANZ (1808-1858) - Handbook of painting : The German, Flemish, and Dutch schools / Based on the Handbook of Kugler. Remodelled by the late Dr. Waagen. Thoroughly rev. and in part re-written by J.A. Crowe - vol. 2
190046: KUHLHOFF, PETE - Kuhlhoff on guns
191147: KUHLMANN, RICHARD V. - Gedanken uber Deutschland / Richard v. Kuhlmann
33158: KUHN, ANNETTE. ANNMARIE WOLPE (EDS. ) - Feminism and Materialism - Women and Modes of Production
254502: KÜHN, HERBERT (1895-) - Die vorgeschichtliche Kunst Deutschlands / von Herbert Kühn
245701: KÜHN, MANFRED - Johann Gottlieb Fichte : ein deutscher Philosoph
237541: KUHN, DIETER (1946-), EDITOR; ZHAO, FENG (1961-), EDITOR; KNIGHT, DAVID ANDREW, TRANSLATOR; SHAW, CRAIG (1954-), TRANSLATOR; WILLIAMS, NICHOLAS MORROW, TRANSLATOR; JUANJUAN, CHEN, CONTRIBUTOR; NEGFU, HUANG, CONTRIBUTOR; WENYING, LI, CONTRIBUTOR; HAO, PENG - Chinese Silks / edited by Dieter Kuhn; Chinese edition edited by Zhao Feng; Foreword by James C.Y. Watt; Contributions by Chen Juanjuan, Huang Nengfu, Dieter Kuhn, Li Wenying, Peng Hao, Zhao Feng; Translations by David Andrew Knight, Craig Shaw, Nicholas Morrow Williams
231938: KUHN, CLEMENS - Analyse lernen. Band 4.
163876: KUHN, CHARLES LOUIS. BURKHARD, ARTHUR - A Catalogue of German Paintings of the Middle Ages and Renaissance in American Collections
189300: KUHN, IRENE (1900-?) - Assigned to adventure / [by] Irene Kuhn
236678: KUHN, REINHARD CLIFFORD - The return to reality : a study of Francis Vielé-Griffin
86007: KUHN, BOWIE (1926-2007) - Hardball : the Education of a Baseball Commissioner / Bowie Kuhn ; Editorial Assistant, Martin Appel
161821: KUHN, KARL GEORG - Konkordanz Zu Den Qumrantexten / Herausgegeben Von Karl Georg Kuhn
262382: KÜHN, HELLMUT - Musikgeschichte. Bd 1, Klassische und romantische Musik : 1750-1880
185750: KÜHN, GERTRAUDE; WIMMER, WALTER; TÜMMLER, KARL - Film und revolutionäre Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland, 1918-1932 : Dokumente und Materialien zur Entwicklung der Filmpolitik der revolutionären Arbeiterbewegung und zu den Anfängen einer sozialistischen Filmkunst in Deutschland [Complete in 2 vols]
174704: KUHN, HENRY - The Socialist Labor Party during four decades, 1890-1930
126793: KUHN, TILLO E. - Public Enterprise Economics and Transport Problems
42761: KUHN, HELMUT - Wesen Und Wirken Des Kunstwerks
206485: KUHN, ANNETTE (1934-) - Die Kirche im Ringen mit dem Sozialismus 1803-1848 : eine historische Studie / Annette Kuhn
233320: KUHNAU, JOHANN. NIEMANN, WALTER - Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath
231839: KUHNE, GERHARD (1928-). POTH, CHLODWIG - Mein erstes Pfeifkonzert : und andere Geschichten und Bildergeschichten fur Musikfreunde und -feinde / Gerhard Kuhne, Chlodwig Poth
169982: KUHNERT, A. A. - Front de guerre des femmes
259596: KUHNS, WILLIAM - In pursuit of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
158629: KUHNST, PETER (1946-) - Physique : classic photographs of naked athletes / written and edited by Peter Kuhnst ; contributions by Walter Borgers ; translation by John S. Southard
259798: KUHRT, AMÉLIE - The ancient Near East c. 3000 - 330 BC, volume 1
203587: KUIJL, ARJEN VAN DER - De glorieuze overtocht : de expeditie van Willem III naar Engeland in 1688 [Language: Dutch]
267810: KUKIEL, MARIAN - General Sikorski : zolnierz i maz stanu Polski walczacej / Marian Kukiel
259841: KUKIEL, MARIAN - Czartoryski and European unity 1770-1861
217655: KUKIEL, MARIAN (1885-) - Od Wiednia do Maciejowic : studia i szkice historyczne [Language: Polish]
218558: KUKUSKIN, URIJ STEPANOVIC - Sel'skiye sovety i klassovaya bor'ba v derevne (1921-1932 gg.) [Village councils and the class struggle in the countryside (1921-1932 gg.). Language: Russian]
204314: KULEBI, CAHIT - Butun siileri [Language: Turkish]
234610: KULENKAMPFF, HANS-WILHELM (1909-) - Musiker im Orchester
217942: KULIKOV, A. D. DYMSHITS, I. A. - Denezhnoye obrashcheniye i kredit SSSR [Money and credit USSR. Language: Russian]
153315: KULISCHER, EUGENE MICHEL (1881-) - The Displacement of Population in Europe
237230: KULISH, NICHOLAS; MEKHENNET, SOUAD - The eternal Nazi: from Mauthausen to Cairo, the relentless pursuit of SS doctor Aribert Heim
217405: KULISIC, SPIRO - Etnolosko-folkloristicka ispitivanja u Neumu i okolini [Language: Croatian]
106654: KULJIAN, HARRY A. - Nuclear Power Plant Design
131419: KULLING, SAMUEL R. - Zur Datierung Der 'Genesis-P-Stucke, ' Namentlich Des Kapitels Genesis XVII
171540: KULPE, OSWALD (1862-1915) - The philosophy of the present in Germany
39270: KULPE, OSWALD - The Philosophy of the Present in Germany
211030: KULS, WOLFGANG - Wirtschaftslachen und feldsysteme im westlichen hintertaunus
231604: KULSHRESHTHA, JAGADISA SAHAYA (1922-) - Theory of Indian Music - [Language ; Hindi]
97763: KULSKI, WLADYSLAW WSZEBOR (1903-?) - Germany and Poland : from War to Peaceful Relations
274393: KULSKI, WLADYSLAW WSZEBÓR - Germany from defeat to conquest, 1913-1933
206869: KULSKI, JULIAN EUGENE (1929- ) - Dying, we live : the personal chronicle of a young freedom fighter in Warsaw, 1939-1945 / Julian Eugeniusz Kulski
142607: KULSKI, WLADYSLAW WSZEBOR - Germany and Poland : from War to Peaceful Relations / W. W. Kulski
140840: KULSKI, WLADYSLAW WSZEBOR (1903-) - Germany and Poland : from War to Peaceful Relations / W. W. Kulski
131079: KULSKI, WLADYSLAW WSZEBOR (1903-) - Germany and Poland : from War to Peaceful Relations / W. W. Kulski
122039: KULSKI, JULIAN EUGENE - Dying, We Live : the Personal Chronicle of a Young Freedom Fighter in Warsaw, 1939-1945
136252: KULSTEIN, DAVID I. - Napoleon III and the Working Class; a Study of Government Propaganda under the Second Empire [By] David I. Kulstein
87297: KULTERMANN, UDO - Trova / Udo Kultermann
118050: KULTERMANN, UDO - Trova / Udo Kultermann
263149: KULTURA - Pietnastolecie 'Kultury' : lipiec 1947 - lipiec 1962
232796: STAATLICHES INSTITUT FÜR MUSIKFORSCHUNG PREUSSISCHER KULTURBESITZ - 100 Jahre Berliner Musikinstrumenten Museum : (1888-1988) / Staatliches Institut fur Musikforschung Preussischer Kulturbesitz
232141: STAATLICHES INSTITUT FUR MUSIKFORSCHUNG PREUSSISCHER KULTURBESITZ - Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums / herausgegeben vom Staatlichen Institut fur Musikforschung Preussischer Kulturbesitz
215633: KULTURHUSET (STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN) - Nuevas historias : a new view of Spanish photography and video art
217230: KULYABKO-KORETSKII, NIKOLAI GRIGOR'YEVICH - Iz davnikh let : vospominaniya lavrista [Of these many years: memories lavrista. Language: Russian]
46289: KUMAR, RAVINDER - Western India in the Nineteenth Century - a Study in the Social History of Maharastra
36065: KUMAR, KRISHAN - Revolution: the Theory and Practice of a European Idea, Edited and Introduced by Krishan Kumar
26579: KUMAR, RAVINDER - Western India in the nineteenth century: a study in the social history of Maharashtra
265223: KUMAR, VIRENDRA - Rape of the mountains : Kargil, the untold story / Virendra Kumar
239026: KUMAR, DEVINDER. ALEXANDER-WILLIAMS, JOHN. ALLAN, ROBERT NORMAN - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis : surgical management / Devinder Kumar and John Alexander-Williams ; [with contributions from R.N. Allan]
213889: KUMAR, PRADEEP (1940-) - Types of wage adjustments in recent collective agreements / Pradeep Kumar
197166: KUMAR JAIN, VIJAY (ED.) - Guide to Indian periodical literature : social sciences and humanities / editor, Vijay Kumar Jain ; compilers, Syed Mohammed Ali, Krishan Gopal Tyagi
213779: MOHAN KUMARAMANGALAM - Land revolution in Eastern Europe
220394: KUMLER, KIPTON - Announcing a portfolio of plants
250251: KÜMMEL, WERNER GEORG (1905-1995) - Die Eschatologie der Evangelien : ihre Geschichte und ihr Sinn / von Werner Georg Kümmel
162849: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG (1905-1995) - Verheissung Und Erfullung : Untersuchungen Zur Eschatologischen Verkundigung Jesu / Von Werner Georg Kumme
205482: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG (1905-1995) - Man in the New Testament / Translated [from a revised and enlarged edition of the original German text] by John J. Vincent
207554: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG (B. 1905) - Heilsgeschehen und Geschichte : gesammelte Aufsatze 1933-1964 / herausgegeben von Erich Grasser, Otto Merk und Adolf Fritz
138425: KUMMER, FREDERIC ARNOLD (1873-1943) - The First Days of Knowledge : As Narrated Quite Simply for Young Readers
162342: KUNCEWICZ, MARIA (ED. ) - The Modern Polish Mind : an Anthology / Ed. by M. Kuncewicz ; [With Contribs by A. Slonimski, W. Woroszylski, Z. Starowieyska Morstin A. O. ]
196742: KUNDEL, ERICH - Marx und Engels im Kampf um die revolutionare Arbeitereinheit; zur Geschichte des Gothaer Vereinigungskongresses von 1875
204582: KUNDERA, MILAN - Immortality / Milan Kundera ; translated from the Czech by Peter Kussi
157315: KUNDERA, MILAN - Immortality / Milan Kundera ; Translated from the Czech by Peter Kussi
158809: KUNDU, APURBA - Militarism in India : the Army and Civil Society in Consensus / Apurba Kundu
155747: KUNDU, APURBA - Militarism in India : the Army and Civil Society in Consensus
146404: KUNETSKAIA, LIUDMILA IVANOVNA. MASHTAKOVA, KLARA ALEKSANDROVNA - A Life Devoted to Struggle (Centennial of N. K. Krupskaya's Birth)
37595: KUNG, HANS (1928-) - Eternal Life? : Life after Death As a Medical, Philosophical, and Theological Problem / Hans Kung ; Translated by Edward Quinn
260005: KÜNG, HANS - Structures of the church
260000: KÜNG, HANS - My struggle for freedom : memoirs / Hans Küng ; translated by John Bowden
260004: KÜNG, HANS - Justification : the doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic reflection / with a letter from Karl Barth, translation [from the 4th ed. German] made by Thomas Collins, Edmund E. Tolk and David Grandskou
259788: KÜNG, HANS - Can we save the Catholic Church? / Hans Küng
258195: KÜNG, HANS - The Catholic Church : a short history / Hans Küng ; translated by John Bowden
257019: KÜNG, HANS - Christianity and the world religions : paths of dialogue with Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism / Hans Küng ; Josef van Ess, Heinrich von Stietencron, Heinz Bechert
180321: KUNG, HANS (1928- ) - That the world may believe : letters to young people / Hans Kung ; translated by Cecily Hastings
54695: KUNG, DAVID - The Contemporary Artist in Japan
54696: KUNG, DAVID - The Contemporary Artist in Japan
221281: KUNG, DAVID - The Contemporary Artist in Japan
83025: KUNHARDT, JR. , PHILIP B. (ED. ) KAPPLER, FRANK K. (TEXT) - Life: World War II / Edited by Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr. ; Written by Frank K. Kappler
118405: KUNHARDT, PHILIP B. (ED. ) - Life in Camelot : the Kennedy Years / Edited by Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr.
46998: KUNIN, MADELEINE - Living a Political Life
13590: KUNIN, MADELINE - Living a Political Life. One of America's First Women Governors Tells Her Story / Madeleine Kunin
216581: KUNIN, A. V. (SOSTAVIL) - Anglo-russkiy Frazeologicheskiy slovar' [English-Russian Phrases. Language: Russian/English]
215857: KUNINA, VALERIJA EMMANUILOVNA - Karl Marks i angliyskoye rabocheye dvizheniye (1845-1883) [Karl Marx and the British Labour Movement. Language: English]
261435: KUNITZ, HANS - Die Instrumentation - Teil IV: Horn
96563: KUNITZ, JOSHUA (1896-?) - Dawn over Samarkand: the Rebirth of Central Asia
146539: KUNITZ, JOSHUA (1896-) - Dawn over Samarkand
196757: KUNITZ, JOSHUA (1896-) - Dawn over Samarkand: The rebirth of central asia
108455: KUNKEL, REINHARD - Elephants
49567: KUNKLE, FREDERICK - Pray for Us Sinners - the Hail Mary Murder
130747: KUNNETH, WALTER - The Theology of the Resurrection. [Translated by James W. Leitch]
153939: KUNNETH, WALTER (1901-) - The Theology of the Resurrection / Walter Ku¨nneth ; Translated by James W. Leitch on the Basis of a Draft Prepared by E. H. Robertson and Brian Battershaw
30214: KUNO, HISASHI (1910-1969) - Selected Papers
75892: KUNOH, HIROSHI - 3-D Planet ; the World As Seen through Stereograms by Hiroshi Kunoh & Eiji Takaoki
207856: LUDWIG FORUM FUR INTERNATIONALE KUNST - Kunst aus Kuba : Sammlung Ludwig = Art from Cuba : the Ludwig Collection
203968: OSTERREICHISCHES MUSEUM FUR ANGEWANDTE KUNST. - Ausstellung archaologische Funde der Volksrepublik China
145930: KUNST - Kunstler Sehen Augsburg
71419: VERBAND DER BERLINER KUNST - Orangerie '88 Internationaler Kunsthandel Im Schloss Charlottenburg International Art and Antiques in Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin 17.9. - 2.10.1988
47289: KUNST, MR. J. - Een En Ander over De Javaansche Wajang. Koninklijke Vereeniging, Koloniaal Instituut - Mededeeling No. LIII, Adf. Volkenkunde No. 16
270259: EIN KRISTALL-KUNSTBAND - Die Bibel des Raffael / mit einer Einleitung von Wilhelm Kamburg
108067: BUCH-UND KUNSTDRUCK - Buch-Und Kunstdruck ... Heft 7, Juli 1926, 26 Jahrgang ... Die Maschine
165837: AKADEMIE DER KUNSTE - Fritz Wisten : Drei Leben Fur Das Theater ; Stuttgart 1919-1933, Judischer Kulturbund, Berlin 1945-1962 / Herausgegeben Von Der Akademie Der Kunste
225938: AKADEMIE DER BILDENDEN KUNSTE (WIEN) - Niederlander und Italien : italianisante Landschafts- und Genremalerei von Niederlandern des 17. Jahrhunderts. [exhibition catalogue]
57205: KUNSTEL, MARCIA - Their Promised Land : Arab Versus Jew in History's Cauldron : One Valley in the Jerusalem Hills / Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright
229604: KUNSTGEWERBEMUSEUM (STAATLICHE MUSEEN PREUSSISCHER KULTURBESITZ) - Meissen : Steinzeug und Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin / Stefan Bursche
229565: KUNSTGEWERBEMUSEUM - Berliner Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts aus dem Kunstgewerbemuseum
85800: STADTISCHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN CHEMNITZ. TEXTIL- UND KUNSTGEWERBESAMMLUNG - European Textile Design of the 1920s / Texts by Katharina Metz, Ingrid Mossinger, Wieland Poser
270626: DIE KUNSTHALLE - Aus der fliessend-vergänglichen Welt : japanische Pinselzeichnungen und Holzschnittbücher von 1600 bis 1900, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, 15. Juli bis 9. September 1984 / [Leitung, Katharina Schmidt, Redaktion, Katharina Schmidt und Siegmar Holsten, Gestaltung, Gerhard Köhler und Bertram Schmidt]
231734: HYPO-KULTURSTIFTUNG (MUNICH, GERMANY). KUNSTHALLE - Sudan : antike Konigreiche am Nil / bearbeitet von Dietrich Wildung ; fotos von Jurgen Liepe
162752: KUNSTLER, CHARLES - Fersen Et Son Secret
230612: NORDJYLLANDS KUNSTMUSEUM (AALBORG) - Wilhelm Freddie : Vaeker (1957 - 1995)
222161: KUNSTVEREINS GREVENBROICH, GERMANT - Das niederlandische Kabinettbild des 17. Jahrhunderts : flamische und hollandische Meister aus Privatbesitz : Ausstellung des Kunstvereins Grevenbroich e. V., Haus Hartmann am Alten Schloss 7. bis 28. November 1993 [exhibition catalogue]
211878: KUNTZ, MARION LEATHERS - The anointment of Dionisio : prophecy and politics in Renaissance Italy / Marion Leathers Kuntz
250416: KUNTZ, MONIQUE - Valéry Larbaud, 1881-1957 : [exposition], Bruxelles, 14 janvier-25 février 1978 : catalogue / établi par Monique Kuntz
232851: KUNZ, HANS - Rumanien
120525: KUNZ, GEORGE FREDERICK (1856-) - Ivory and the Elephant in Art, in Archaeology, and in Science
246127: KUNZE, KARL OBERSTUDIENDIREKTOR DR. OBLÄNDER, HEINZ - Grundwissen deutsche Literatur / bearbeitet von Karl Kunze und Heinz Obländer
230042: KUNZE-KÖLLENSPERGER, MELITTA - Idylle in Porzellan : kostbare Tischdekoration aus Meissen
232649: KUNZE, KARL. WOLFF, KARL - Grundwissen geschichte
247314: KUNZRU, HARI - The impressionist / Hari Kunzru
57921: KUO, BENJAMIN C. (1930-), ED. - Theory and Applications of Step Motors - [Meeting Name: Symposium on Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices, University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, 1972-1973]
56905: KUO, PIN-CHIA - China: New Age and New Outlook
90776: KUPER, LEO - Race, Class and Power : Ideology and Revolutionary Change in Plural Societies / Leo Kuper
12174: KUPER, LEO - Living in Towns / Selected Research Papers in Urban Sociology of the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, University of Birmingham; Edited by Leo Kuper; with a Foreword by P. Sargant Florence and C. Madge
140746: KUPER, LEO. HILSTAN WATTS. RONALD DAVIES - Durban; a Study in Racial Ecology, by Leo Kuper, Hilstan Watts & Ronald Davies. with an Introd. by Alan Paton
121730: KUPER, LEO (ED. ) - Living in Towns; Selected Research Papers in Urban Sociology of the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, University of Birmingham. with a Foreword by P. Sargant Florence and C. Madge
120628: KUPER, LEO. HILSTAN WATTS. RONALD DAVIES - Durban; a Study in Racial Ecology, by Leo Kuper, Hilstan Watts & Ronald Davies. with an Introd. by Alan Paton
113169: KUPER, HILDA. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES. AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER - Urbanization and Migration in West Africa / Edited by Hilda Kuper
111927: KUPER, HILDA (ED. ) - African Law: Adaptation and Development, Edited by Hilda Kuper and Leo Kuper
36470: KUPER, LEO - Passive Resistance in South Africa
140873: KUPER, LEO - Passive Resistance in South Africa
35821: KUPFERBERG, HERBERT - The Mendelssohns; Three Generations of Genius
234253: KUPFERBERG, HERBERT - Die Mendelssohns
279784: KUPFERBERG, HERBERT - Felix Mendelssohn; his life, his family, his music
180918: KUPPER, HEINZ - Worterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache, Bd. 4 : Berufsschelten und Verwandtes
180921: KUPPER, HEINZ - Worterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache, Bd.5 : 10000 neue Ausdrucke von A-Z (Sachschelten)
53754: KUPPER, WALTER - Cactees
180919: KUPPER, HEINZ - Worterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache, Bd.6 : Jugenddeutsch von A bis Z
180920: KUPPER, HEINZ - Worterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache, Bd.3 : Hochdeutsch-Umgangsdeutsch, Gesamtstichwortverzeichnis
28085: KUPPERMAN, ROBERT H. (1935-2006). KAMEN, JEFF. - Final Warning : Averting Disaster in the New Age of Terrorism / Robert Kupperman, Jeff Kamen
173218: KUPPERMAN, ROBERT H. (1935-2006). KAMEN, JEFF - Final warning : averting disaster in the new age of terrorism / Robert Kupperman and Jeff Kamen
106048: KUPPERMAN, ROBERT H. (1935-2006) - Final Warning : Averting Disaster in the New Age of Terrorism / Robert Kupperman, Jeff Kamen
253120: KUPRIN, A. I (1870-1938) - Yama : The pit
176535: CENTRE D'ETUDES KURDES - Bulletin mensuel du Centre d'Etudes Kurdes
8951: KUREISHI, HANIF - The Black Album
264021: KURELLA, ALFRED - The five year plan and the cultural revolution
70875: KURIAN, GEORGE THOMAS - Encyclopedia of the First World
50022: KURIAN, GEORGE THOMAS - The New Book of World Rankings
277593: KURIHARA, KENNETH K - Post-Keynesian economics
23443: KURIHARA, KENNETH K. - The Keynesian Theory of Economic Development
128996: KURIHARA, KENNETH K. - National Income and Economic Growth
153933: KURIHARA, KENNETH K - The Keynesian Theory of Economic Development / Kenneth K. Kurihara
46749: KURIHARA, KENNETH K. - Applied Dynamic Economics
142720: KURILOFF, ARTHUR H. - Reality in Management
218554: KURKIN, M. I. [ED.] - Sovershenstvovaniye form obshchestvennoy organizatsii truda i effektivnost' proizvodstva. [Improving the forms of social organization of labor and production efficiency. Language: Russian]
215749: KURLAND, MICHAEL (ED.) - Sherlock Holmes : the American years / edited by Michael Kurland
158090: KURLAND, MICHAEL - The spymaster's handbook
154343: KURLAND, MICHAEL - The Spymaster's Handbook
169971: KURLAND, SAMUEL - Cooperative Palestine : the story of Histadrut
121765: KURLAND, SAMUEL - Cooperative Palestine; the Story of Histadrut. Foreword by Joseph Schlossberg
58561: KURLAND, PHILIP B. - Religion and the Law of Church and State and the Supreme Court
37628: KURNITZ, HARRY - Invasion of Privacy
199448: KURNITZ, HARRY - Invasion of privacy
204971: KURON, JACEK. LIST OTWARTY DO PARTII. ENGLISH. 1968 - Revolutionary Marxist students in Poland speak out, 1964-1968
167593: KUROYEDOV, VLADIMIR - Church and religion in the USSR / [by] Vladimir Kuroyedov
213479: CENTRE D'ETUDES SOCIALES GODEFROID KURTH - La dechristianisation des masses proletariennes
116568: KURTH, OTTO - Picture History Portfolio ...
247304: KURTH, GODEFROID (1847-1916) - Histoire poétique des Mérovingiens / par Godefroid Kurth
98078: KURTZ, SEYMOUR - Jewish America / Seymour Kurtz
60645: KURTZ, DONALD V. - The Politics of a Poverty Habitat [By] Donald V. Kurtz
274321: KURTZ, HAROLD - The Empress Eugenie, 1826-1920
185717: KURTZ, HOWARD (1953- ) - Spin cycle : inside the Clinton propaganda machine / Howard Kurtz
58123: KURTZ, SEYMOUR - The World Guide to Antiquities
81562: KURTZMAN, HARVEY & ELDER, WILL (1922-?). KITCHEN, DENIS (1946-?) ED - Goodman Beaver
81565: KURTZMAN, HARVEY & ELDER, WILL (1922-?). KITCHEN, DENIS (1946-?) ED - Goodman Beaver
126563: KURUP, DAMODARA - Evolution of Soviet Society
41843: KURZ, DEMIE - For Richer, for Poorer - Mothers Confront Divorce
273622: KURZ, OTTO (1908-1975) - Bolognese drawings of the XVII & XVIII centuries : in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle
272496: KURZ, MARCEL - Chronique himalayenne : l'âge d'or 1940-1955 & Supplement (2 volumes)
155310: KURZMAN, DAN - A special mission : Hitler's secret plot to seize the Vatican and kidnap Pope Pius XII
117723: KURZMAN, DAN - The Race for Rome / Dan Kurzman
161470: KURZMAN, DAN - Fatal Voyage : the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis / Dan Kurzman
142330: KURZMAN, DAN - Subversion of the Innocents; Patterns of Communist Penetration in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia
157275: KURZMAN, DAN - The Race for Rome / Dan Kurzman
169516: KURZWELL, ZVI E. - Modern trends in Jewish education
272327: KUSÁK, DALIBOR - Hrady a zámky v Ceskoslovensku : promeny slohu a životního stylu / Dalibor Kusák [and others]
173372: KUSELL, MAURICE LINCOLN (1902-). MERRITT, MAL SYLVESTER (1900-) - Marquee ballyhoo : an American novel
47741: KUSHI, MICHIO - Cancer and Heart Disease : the MacRobiotic Approach to Degenerative Disorders Michio Kushi with Robert S. Mendelsohn ... [Et Al. ] ; Edited by Edward Esko
52748: KUSHNER, MARILYN S. (1948-) - Winslow Homer : Illustrating America / Marilyn S. Kushner, Barbara Dayer Gallati, Linda S. Ferber
269512: KUSHNER, EVA - Mauriac / Eva Kushner
23754: KUSHNER, HARVEY W. - Essential Readings on Political Terrorism : Analyses of Problems and Prospects for the 21st Century / Edited by Harvey W. Kushner
140735: KUSIN, VLADIMIR V. - Political Grouping in the Czechoslovak Reform Movement
140574: KUSIN, VLADIMIR V - Political Grouping in the Czechoslovak Reform Movement
216356: KUSKOVA, E. I. [ED.] - Internatsional'noye naslediye Parizhskoy Kommuny. [International legacy of the Paris Commune. Language: Russian]
96739: KUSNIERZ, BRONISLAW - Stalin and the Poles; an Indictment of the Soviet Leaders
205817: KUSNIERZ, BRONISLAW - Stalin and the Poles : an indictment of the Soviet leaders
113080: KUSPIT, DONALD B. (DONALD BURTON) - Alex Katz : Night Paintings / Donald Kuspit
260716: KUSS, OTTO - Der Römerbrief / übersetzt und erklärt von Otto Kuss. 1. Lief., Röm 1,1 bis 6,11
235512: KÜSTER, KONRAD - Studium Musikwissenschaft
273619: KUTAL, ALBERT - Gothic art in Bohemia and Moravia
61303: KUTCHER, ARTHUR - Looking At London : Illustrated Walks through a Changing City / Arthur Kutcher ; Introd. by Wayland Kennet
167180: KUTCHER, ARTHUR - The new Jerusalem ; planning and politics
81619: KUTHANOVA, O. , TRANSLATOR - Fairy Tales of the World ; Translated By: O. Kuthanova, V. Gissing, J. Eisler, S. Finn
221282: KUTHANOVA, O. , TRANSLATOR - Fairy Tales of the World ; Translated By: O. Kuthanova, V. Gissing, J. Eisler, S. Finn
163473: KUTLER, STANLEY I. (ED. ) - Abuse of Power : the New Nixon Tapes / Edited with an Introduction and Commentary by Stanley I. Kutler
179285: KUTNER, BERNARD - Five hundred over sixty : a community survey on aging / [by] Bernard Kutner [and others]
79535: KUTNER, LUIS (1908-1993) - Flights and Cascades, Poems
279527: KUTRZEBA, STANISLAW (1876-1946) - Droits de la Russie sur la Lithuanie et sur la Ruthénie-Blanche
217498: KUTRZEBA, STANISLAW - Polskie ustawy i artykuly wojskowe od XV do XVIII wieku [Language: Polish]
147243: KUTTER, HERMANN (1863-1931) - Clemens Alexandrinus Und Das Neue Testament : Eine Untersuchung / Von Hermann Kutter
39602: KUTTNER, ROBERT - The Life of the Party - Democratic Prospects in 1988 and Beyond
43810: KUTTNER, ROBERT - The End of Laissez-Faire - National Purpose and the Global Economy after the Cold War
111355: KUTTNER, HENRY - Fury /henry Kuttner with Foreword by Groff Conklin
111095: KUTTNER, HENRY - Furia
184756: MILLI KUTUPHANE - Turkiye makaleler bibliografyasi : Turkish bibliography of articles 1975 III Temmuz - Agustos - Eylul = July - August - Septembre, Vol. 24
184757: MILLI KUTUPHANE - Turkiye bibliografyasi : Turkish bibliography 1976 I Ocak - Subat - Mart = January - February - March, Vol. 43
184758: MILLI KUTUPHANE - Turkiye makaleler bibliografyasi : Turkish bibliography of articles 1976 I Ocak - Subat - Mart = January - February - March, Vol. 25
229752: KUUKKA, RAAKEL. KOKKONEN, JURI - Aidin kirja = Mother's book
77943: KUUSINEN, AINO (1886-1970) - The Rings of Destiny : Inside Soviet Russia from Lenin to Brezhnev
260407: KUUSINEN, O. W. (OTTO WILLE) (1881-1964) - Prepare for power : the international situation and the tasks of the sections of the Comintern; report... at the XIIth plenum of the executive committee of the Communist International / Otto Kuusinen
213461: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964). RUSSIA TODAY SOCIETY (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Finland unmasked
217310: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - Triumphant march of Lenin's ideas : speech of Otto Kuusinen at the Lenin anniversary meeting, Moscow, April 22d, 1960
214832: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - The Right-Wing Social-Democrats today
148632: KUUSINEN, O. W. (OTTO WILLE) (1881-1964) - Finland Unmasked
217313: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - The Right-Wing Social-Democrats today
231046: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - The right-wing social-democrats today
176083: KUUSINEN, O. W. (OTTO WILLE, 1881-1964) - Youth and the struggle against fascism and war / O. Kuusinen
148213: KUUSINEN, O. W. (OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - The Right-Wing Social-Democrats Today
149277: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - The Right-Wing Social-Democrats Today
192458: KUUSINEN, O. W. (OTTO WILLE) (1881-1964) - Triumphant march of Lenin's ideas. Speech ... at the Lenin anniversary meeting, Moscow, April 22nd 1960
208113: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - The Right-Wing Social-Democrats today
211982: KUUSINEN, OTTO WILLE (1881-1964) - The Right-Wing Social-Democrats today
259277: ALBANIA. KUVENDI - Fiftieth anniversary of the Albanian independence
167098: KUVINA, SUOMI, WERNER SODERSTROM OSAKEYHTIO - Suomi Kuvina. Finland i bilder. Finland in pictures. Finland in bildern
216176: KUVSHINOV, V A - Partiya Bol'shevikov posle sverzheniya samoderzhaviya [The Bolshevik Party after the overthrow of the autocracy. Language: Russian]
110027: KUWAHARA, YASUO AND ALLRED, GORDON T. - Kamikaze / Yasuo Kuwahara and Gordon T. Allred
145633: KUYPERS, JULIEN (1892-1967) - Les Egalitaires En Belgique : Buonarroti Et Ses Societes Secretes D'Apres Des Documents Inédits, 1824-1836
130751: KUYPERS, JULIEN - Les Egalitaires En Belgique. Buonarroti Et Ses Societes Secretes D'Apres Des Documents Inedits 1824-1836. [With Portraits, Facsimiles and a Bibliography. ]
196896: KUZKOVSKI, YOSEF (1902-1970) - Let my people go / presented in appreciation by the Keren Hayesod United Israel Appeal
217447: KUZMINSKA, IZABELLA - Swiatlo jutra : powiesc [Language: Polish]
204973: KUZMINSKA, IZA - Wspolny pokoj
206219: KUZMINSKA, IZABELLA - Wspolny Pokoj. Nowele. Opowiadania: Kilka sciegow mego zycia, Leczylem ludzi, Wspolny pokoj
203819: KUZNET¸ S¡OV, I URII IVANOVICH (1959-) - Hollandse en Vlaamse tekeningen uit de zeventiende eeuw / verzameling van de hermitage, Leningrad en het Museum Poesjkin, Moskou
37259: KUZNETSOV, EDWARD - Prison Diaries
146725: KUZNETSOV, EDUARD - Prison Diaries / Edward Kuznetsov ; Translated (From the Russian) by Howard Spier ; Introduction by Leonard Schapiro
13545: KUZNETSOV, EDWARD - Prison Diaries / Edward Kuznetsov ; Translated by Howard Spier ; Introd. by Leonard Schapiro
134320: KUZNETSOV, EDWARD - Prison Diaries / Edward Kuznetsov ; Translated by Howard Spier ; Introd. by Leonard Schapiro
123613: KUZNETSOV, YURI. LINNIK, IRINA VLADIMIROVNA - Dutch Painting in Soviet Museums
217525: KUZNETSOV, A. N. - Poyava i razvitie na kapitalisticheskata mashinna industriya za kursisti i prepodavateli [Emergence and development of the capitalist machine industry for students and teachers. Language: Bulgarian]
247705: KUZNETSOV, V. V - Documents on Hungary : second collection / speeches by V.V. Kuznetsov... December 3rd, 4th & 10th 1956
109381: KUZNETSOVA, IRINA. EVGENIA GEORGIEVSKAYA - French Painting from the Pushkin Museum : 17th to 20th Century / Irina Kuznetsova, Evgenia Georgievskaya ; [Translated by V. Friedman and Yu. Pamfilov]
101874: KUZNETSOVA, IRINA. EVGENIA GEORGIEVSKAYA. V. FRIEDMAN AND YU. PAMFILOV (TRANSLATED BY) - French Painting from the Pushkin Museum : 17th to 20th Century / Irina Kuznetsova, Evgenia Georgievskaya ; [Translated by V. Friedman and Yu. Pamfilov].
173866: KUZYAKOV - Marxism-Leninism on war and army / translated from the Russian by Donald Danemanis
161236: KVAERNE, MATHIS - Along the King's Highway / Mathis Kvaerne
116614: KVAM, WAYNE E. - Hemingway in Germany; the Fiction, the Legend, and the Critics [By] Wayne E. Kvam
217278: KVET, JAN - Di´lo Aloise Jiraska v ceske ilustraci [language: Czech]
254990: ŠKVORECKÝ, JOSEF (1924-2012) - The bride of Texas / Josef Škvorecký ; translated by Káca Polácková Henley
251524: ŠKVORECKÝ, JOSEF (1924-2012) - The cowards
279985: ŠKVORECKÝ, JOSEF (1924-2012) - The engineer of human souls : an entertainment on the old themes of life, women, fate, dreams, the working class, secret agents, love and death
113235: KWAN, KIM-GAUL (1899-) - Chinese Cavalcade. with a Foreword by Neville Whymant
240807: KWANG-CHIH CHANG [HARVARD UNIVERSITY]. WENNER-GREN FOUNDATION FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 1960 SUMMER SYMPOSIA PROGRAM AT BURG WARTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA - Chinga, from 15,000 B.C. to the threshold of civilization. Paper prepared in advance for participants in symposium no. 2: ' From 15,000 B.C. to the Thresholds of Urban Civilization- A world-side Consideration of the Cultural Alternative', July 2-11, 1960
216957: KWIATKOWSKI, MACIEJ JOZEF - Polskie Radio w konspiracji, 1939-1944 / Maciej Jozef Kwiatkowski. [Language: Polish]
31364: KWONG, PETER - Chinatown, New York : Labor and Politics, 1930-1950
39356: KY, LUU QUY AND VIEN, NGUYEN KHAC - Escalation War and Songs about Peace
280823: LUU-QUY-KY - The Vietnamese problem
229461: KYANDER, PONTUS - Mortem viskum
163415: KYBAL, VLASTIMIL (1880-1958) - Les Origines Diplomatiques De L'Etat Tchecoslovaque / Preface De M. Camille Barrere
269077: KYBALOVÁ, LUDMILA - Das grosse Bilderlexikon der Mode : vom Altertum zur Gegenwart / von Ludmila Kybalová, Olga Herbenová, Milena Lamarová
155619: KYDD, SHAND JOHNNIE - Crash
63589: KYLE, JAMES (WRITER ON ELECTRONICS) - Mathematics Unraveled : a New Commonsense Approach
219301: KYLE, DAVID A. - A Pictorial History of Science Fiction / [By] David Kyle
159120: KYLE, MELVIN GROVE (1858-1933) - Explorations At Sodom. the Story of Ancient Sodom in the Light of Modern Research ... Illustrated
278172: KYLE, ELISABETH - Holly Hotel ... With illustrations by Nora Lavrin
278173: KYLE, ELISABETH - The Mirrors of Castle Doone ... With illustrations by Nora Lavrin
45311: KYLE, DAVID A. - The illustrated book of science fiction ideas and dreams
186451: KYLE, MELVIN GROVE (1858-1933) - The deciding voice of the monuments in Biblical criticism : an introduction to the study of Biblical archaeology
54331: KYLE, MELVIN GROVE (1858-1933) - Moses and the Monuments; Light from Archaeology on Pentateuchal Times
230188: KYLE, SEFTON - Dead Man's Dower
236079: KYLE, DUNCAN - The Suvarov adventure
175364: KYLE, MELVIN GROVE (1858-1933) - The deciding voice of the monuments in Biblical criticism
163369: KYLE, MELVIN GROVE (1858-1933) - Moses and the Monuments : Light from Archaeology on Pentateuchal Times
19289: KYLE, GEORGE A. - The Eighteen Fifties Being a Brief Account of School Street, the Province House and the Boston Five Cents Savings Bank
154603: KYLLOE, RALPH R. - Hickory Furniture / Written and Photographed by Ralph Kylloe
208519: KYNASTON, DAVID (1951- ) - Archie's last stand : M.C.C. in New Zealand 1922-23 : being an account of Mr. A.C. Maclaren's tour and his last stand
75218: KYNE, PETER BERNARD (1880-1957) - The Long Chance
258682: NIHON RODO KYOKAI - Japan's labor statistics
77093: NIHON PAKKEJI DEZAIN KYOKAI - Package Design in Japan - [Parallel Title: Nenkan Nihon No Pakkeji Dezain]
77091: NIHON PAKKEJI DEZAIN KYOKAI - Package Design in Japan - [Parallel Title: Nenkan Nihon No Pakkeji Dezain]
192226: KYOSANTO CHUOIINKAI, NIHON - The 13th extraordinary congress of the Communist Party of Japan, Tokyo, July 28-30, 1976 / (Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan)
191824: KYOSANTO, NIHON - Perspectives of the 1970's and tasks of the Communist Party of Japan : main documents of the 11th Congress
229310: KYRIAKOU, THEODORE - The real Greek at home : dishes from the heart of the Greek kitchen / Theodore Kyriakou and Charles Campion ; photographs by Jason Lowe
235123: KYRIAZES-GOUVELES, DEMETRIOS (1923-) - Magna Carta : Palladium der Freiheiten oder Feudales Stabilimentum / von Demetrios L. Kyriazis-Gouvelis
81282: KYRIAZI, GARY - The Great American Amusement Parks : a Pictorial History
278516: SVENSKA KYRKAN - Swenska Psalm-boken : af konungen gillad och stadfästad år 1819
75626: KYVIG, DAVID E. , COMP. - New Day/new Deal : a Bibliography of the Great American Depression, 1929-1941 / Compiled by David E. Kyvig and Mary-Ann Blasio
183953: LAAC, LIEU D'ART ET ACTION CONTEMPORAINE DE DUNKERQUE - Alberto Giacometti, Arman, Richard Serra : des sculpteurs a l'epreuve de l'estampe au XXe siecle
243955: STIMMEN AUS MARIA-LAACH - Stimmen aus Maria-Laach : katholische Monatschrift
215307: LABADIE, JOSEPH [ET AL.] - Qu'est-ce que l'anarchisme? Divers aspect de l'anrachisme
229869: LABADIE, ERNEST (1845-1917) - Les porcelaines bordelaises : notice historique sur une manufacture de porcelaine a Bordeuaux sous Louis XVI / Ernest Labadie
155140: LABAN, BRIAN - Cars : the early years = Die anfange des automobils = Les debuts de l'automobile / text by Brian Laban ; picture research by Alex Linghorn and Ali Khoja
250290: LABAND, JOHN - Zulu warriors : the battle for the South African frontier / John Laband
269756: LABANDE-MAILFERT, YVONNE - Rome / translated and adapted by Janet Hamilton
267412: LABANDE, LÉON-HONORÉ (1867-1939) - Le château et la baronnie de Marchais : ouvrage orné de 52 planches hors texte
172160: LABANDE, EDMOND RENE (1908-). MORA, BERNADETTE - Repertoire international des medievistes / par Edmond-Rene Labande et Bernadette Leplant
40538: LABAREE, LEONARD W. AND BELL, JR. , WHITFIELD J. - Mr Franklin - a Selection from His Personal Letters
205713: LABARGE, MARGARET WADE - Medieval travellers : the rich and the restless
275051: LABARTE, JULES (1797-1880) - Handbook of the arts of the middle ages and renaissance : as applied to the decoration of furniture, arms, jewels, &c. &c. / Tr. from the French of M. Jules Labarte. With notes, &c.-- copiously illustrated
193740: LABARTE, JULES (1797-1880) - Histoire des arts industriels au moyen age et a l'epoque de la renaissance / par Jules Labarte... - [Complete in 3 volumes]
151131: LABARTHE, ANDRE - La France Devant La Guerre : La Balance Des Forces / Preface Du General Pretelat
248167: LABAUME, EUGÈNE (1783-1849) - A circumstantial narrative of the campaign in Russia : embellished with plans of the battles of the Moskwa and Malo-Jaroslavitz, containing a faithful description of the affecting and interesting scenes of which the author was an eye-witness
134017: LABAUME, EUGENE (1783-1849) - Relation Circonstanciee De La Campagne De Russie, En 1812; Ornee Des Plans De La Bataille De La Moskwa, Du Combat De Malo-Jaroslavetz, Et D'Un Etat Sommaire Des Forces De L'Armee Francaise Pendant Cette Campagne
20587: LABAUME, EUGENE (1783-1849) - A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia Embellished with Plans of the Battles of the Moskwa and Malo-Jaroslavitz Containing a Faithful Description of the Affecting and Interesting Scenes of Which the Author Was an Eye-Witness
96921: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD (COMP. ) - Solzhenitsyn; a Documentary Record. Edited and with an Introd. by Leopold Labedz
141179: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD. G. R. URBAN (EDS. ). RADIO FREE EUROPE - The Sino-Soviet Conflict : Eleven Radio Discussions / Edited by Leopold Labedz & G. R. Urban
90492: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD, ED. - The Sino-Soviet Conflict; Eleven Radio Discussions. Edited by Leopold Labedz & G. R. Urban
96024: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD - The Sino-Soviet Conflict : Eleven Radio Discussions / Edited by Leopold Labedz & G. R. Urban
128404: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD. URBAN, G. R. (GEORGE R. ) (1921-) (EDITORS) - The Sino-Soviet Conflict; Eleven Radio Discussions. Edited by Leopold Labedz & G. R. Urban
127144: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD (ED. ) - International Communism after Khruschev / [Edited By] Leopold Labedz
167121: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD. HAYWARD, MAX (ED.) - On trial: the case of Sinyavsky (Tertz) and Daniel (Arzhak) / documents edited by Leopold Labedz and Max Hayward ; Russian texts translated by Manya Harari and Max Hayward, the French texts by Marjorie Villiers
20646: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD - The Sino-Soviet Conflict - Eleven Radio Discussions
109328: LABELLA, VINCENZO - A Season of Giants : Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, 1492-1508 / Vincenzo Labella ; Special Photography by John McWilliams
158343: LABELLE, NICOLE - Les Differents Styles De La Musique Religieuse En France : Le Psaume De 1539 a 1572 / Par Nicole Labelle. Complete in 3 Volumes
207444: O'LABHRA, COLM - Trodairi na Treas Briogaide / le Colm O'Labhra [Language: Irish]
192998: LABI, MAURICE - La grande division des travailleurs : premiere scission de la C.G.T. (1914-1921) / par Maurice Labi
167984: LABIB, GISELA REUPCKE (1927-) - Der Maure in dem dramatischen Werk Lope de Vega's : ein Beitrag zu dem Problem, der Maure, eine literarisch stilisierte Fiktion oder historische Wirklichkeit ? / vorgelegt von Gisela Labib geb. Reupcke
64431: LABIER, DOUGLAS - Modern Madness : the Emotional Fallout of Success / Douglas Labier
47192: LABIER, DOUGLAS - Modern Madness - the Emotional Fallout of Success
205449: LABIN, SUZANNE - Chile: the crime of resistance
215366: UNITED STATES. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR - Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor : no. 72-September, 1907.
183547: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - Labor conditions in Latin America / from the Monthly Labor Review, August, September, October and December 1942
71361: DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR - Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries. Vol. XXXI, 1911, in Two Parts - Part II
146902: UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF LABOR - The First Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, March 1886
21155: LABOR PARTY, ALBANIA - History of the Party of Labor of Albania
120043: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. COLOR MEASUREMENT LABORATORY - Handbook of Colorimetry / Prepared by the Staff of the Color Measurement Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under the Direction of Arthur C. Hardy
85099: DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY. THERMAL RESEARCH LABORATORY - JANAF Thermochemical Tables. D. R. Stull and H. Prophet, Project Directors
56756: JET PROPULSION LABORATORY (U. S. ) - Ranger VII Photographs of the Moon. Part II: Camera 'B' Series... (NASA SP-62) . ..prepared under Contract for NASA by Jet Propulsion Laboratory...
53389: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. SPECTROSCOPY LABORATORY - Massachusetts institute of technology wavelength tables with intensities in arc, spark, or discharge tube of more than 100,000 spectrum lines, most strongly emitted by the atomic elements under normal conditions of excitation between 10,000 A. and 2000 A. Arranged in Order of Decreasing Wavelengths. Measured and Compiled under the Direction of George R. Harrison ...
135688: LABORDE, EDWARD DALRYMPLE - Western Europe
116356: LABORDE, JEAN - The Dominici Affair / Jean Laborde ; Translated by Milton Waldman
164385: LABOREMUS - La Politique Demographique Du Fascisme - Ses Raisons Et Ses Methodes
168276: LABOUCHERE, HENRY DU PRE (1831-1912) - Diary of the besieged resident in Paris : reprinted from 'The daily news', with several new letters and preface
183796: LABOUGLE, EDUARDO (B. 1883) - Le revolution allemande de 1918 / Eduardo Labougle; Traduit de l'Espagnol par Madame Noel-Domenge
133527: LABOULAYE, EDOUARD (1811-1883) - Le Parti Liberal : Son Programme Et Son Avenir / Par Edouard Laboulaye
166208: LABOULAYE, EDOUARD (1811-1883) - Nouveaux Contes Bleus / Edouard Laboulaye
272612: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON LABOUR - The agricultural labourer. Vol. 2 Wales. Pt. 2 : reports by D. Lleufer Thomas upon certain selected districts in the counties of Anglesey, Carmarthen, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, and Pembroke : to which is added a report by C.M. Chapman upon a selected district in the counties of Brecon and Radnor, with summary report prefixed, also analytical and general indexes : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty
259452: GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF LABOUR - Trade Boards Acts, 1909 and 1918 : button making trade (Great Britain) : general minimum time-rates, piece- workr basis time-rates and overtime rates for female workers other than home-workers effective from 7th January, 1924. Together with the minimum rates in operation in the trade for male workers which have been effective from 17th October, 1921, and 1st August, 1922, respectively. Minimum rates for home workers in operation in the trade are set out in V.12 effective from 7th January, 1924. The rates set out in the attached schedule are also contained in the notice V.12 issued by the Button-Making Trade Board (Great Britain) and dated 3rd January, 1924 / Ministry of Labour
212584: GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF LABOUR - Unemployment assistance act, 1934. Memorandum on the unemployment assistance (determination of need and assessment of needs) regulations, 1934. Presented by the Minister of Labour to Parliament by command of His Majesty, January, 1935
215513: MINISTRY OF LABOUR (GREAT BRITAIN) - Trade boards : Button manufacturing trade. Statutory rules and orders, 1925, no. 838.
280058: THE LABOUR PARTY. PHILLIPS, MORGAN - The Socialist International
280738: GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF LABOUR - The Ministry of Labour gazette - 12 issues
127915: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. SMITH, H. - The Coal Crisis : Facts from the Samuel Commission, 1925-26 / with a Foreword by Herbert Smith
192878: MINISTRY OF LABOUR - Industrial relations handbook : an account of British institutions and practice relating to the organisation of employers and workers...
174079: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). NOEL, BUXTON (BARON, 1869-1948) - Labour looking after agriculture / ... with an introduction by Noel Buxton
190625: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF LABOUR - International policy and defence
176076: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, GREAT BRITAIN - Shipping : Studies in labour and capital no. 6 / Prepared by the Labour Research Department.
175892: LABOUR PARTY, GREAT BRITAIN - Socialism and the condition of the people
191357: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF LABOUR (ENGLAND) - International policy and defence
146105: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF LABOUR - The Need Grows More Urgent
195810: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. SMITH, H. - Mosley fascism : the man, his policy and methods
196337: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. SCHAFFER, GORDON (1905-) - The millionaire press / with a foreword by Gordon Schaffer
207302: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. SCHAFFER, GORDON (1905-) - The millionaire press / with a foreword by Gordon Schaffer
211566: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. SCHAFFER, GORDON (1905-) - The millionaire press / with a foreword by Gordon Schaffer
171594: LABOURER'S FRIEND SOCIETY, LONDON - The labourers' friend : a selection from the publications of The Labourers' Friend Society, showing the utility and national advantage of allotting land for cottage husbandry
258943: LABRANSDATTER, KRISTIN. ARCHER, CHARLES [TRANS.] - Sigrid Undset: volume II: the mistress of husaby
135611: LABRIOLA, ARTURO - Karl Marx, L'Economiste, Le Socialiste / A. Labriola ; Tr. Par E. Berth, Preface De Georges Sorel
162964: LABRIOLA, ANTONIO (1843-1904) - La Concezione Materialistica Della Storia / Antonio Labriola ; Con Un'aggiunta Di B. Croce Sulla Critica Del Marxismo in Italia Dal 1895 Al 1900
196783: LABRIOLA, ARTURO (1874-) - Loi de la concentration capitaliste : contribution a l'etude des theories marxistes / par Arturo Labriola
135264: LABRY, RAOUL - Avec L'Armee Serbe En Retraite a Travers L'Albanie Et Le Montenegro; Journal De Route D'Un Officier D'Administration De La Mission Medicale Militaire Francaise En Serbie
175903: LABUDA, ALEKSANDER WIT (1944- ) - Lectures des Chants de Maldoror / Aleksander Labuda
172846: LABUSQUIERE, JEAN - Verite sur les combattants : grandes batailles de mai et juin 1940 : documentation de Pierre Lety
188605: LACASSAGNE, A. (ALEXANDRE) (1843-1924) - A green old age
108482: LACAYO, RICHARD. GEORGE RUSSELL - Eyewitness : 150 Years of Photojournalism
270039: LACAZE-DUTHIERS, GÉRARD DE (1876-) - Les vrais révolutionnaires. [and] Est-ce cela que vous appelez vivre? / ([by] E. Armand)
169089: LACAZE, ANDRE - Tunnel at Loibl pass. Tunnel at Loibl pass. Tunnel at Loibl pass. Tunnel at Loibl pass. The Tunnel at Loibl pass
193161: LACAZE-DUTHIERS, GERARD DE - La torture a travers les ages. Suivi d'une etude sur les ceintures de chastete
167607: LACAZE , LUCIEN, ADMIRAL - France's naval policy
181465: LACERDA, JOHN - The Conqueror comes to sea Japan under MacArthur
94197: LACEY, DOUGLAS R. (DOUGLAS RAYMOND) (1913-?) - Dissent and Parliamentary Politics in England, 1661-1689; a Study in the Perpetuation and Tempering of Parliamentarianism
94041: LACEY, DOUGLAS R. (DOUGLAS RAYMOND) - Dissent and Parliamentary Politics in England, 1661-1689; a Study in the Perpetuation and Tempering of Parliamentarianism [By] Douglas R. Lacey
82825: LACEY, ROBERT - Ford, the Men and the Machine
23297: LACEY, DOUGLAS R. - Dissent and Parliamentary Politics in England 1661-1689 - a Study in the Perpetuation and Tempering of Parliamentarianism
212655: LACEY, ROBERT - Majesty : Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor / [by] Robert Lacey
223503: LACEY, NORMAN - Wordsworth's view of nature and its ethical consequences
149713: LACEY, THOMAS ALEXANDER (1853-1931) - The Historic Christ
150001: LACEY, T. A. (THOMAS ALEXANDER) , 1853-1931 - The Historic Christ
148469: LACEY, T. A. (THOMAS ALEXANDER) (1853-1931) - The Historic Christ
169719: LACEY, THOMAS ALEXANDER - Nature, miracle and sin, a study of st. Augustine's conception of the natural order. The Pringle Stuart lectures for 1914
112483: LACEY, ROBERT - Sir Walter Ralegh
127820: LACEY, PATRICK - Fascist India [By] Patrick Lacey
207216: LACEY, THOMAS ALEXANDER (1853-1931) - Marriage in church and state
145164: LACGER, LOUIS DE (1871-1961) - Ruanda
39304: LACHANCE, CAROL WALLACE - The Way of the Mother - the Lost Journey of the Feminine
59477: LACHAPELLE, DAVID - Hotel Lachapelle - Photographs by David Lachapelle
277451: LACHAPELLE, DAVID - LaChapelle heaven to hell / [photographs by David LaChapelle]
275941: LACHAPELLE, DAVID - David LaChapelle : photographs
176139: LACHAPELLE, GEORGES (B. 1859) - Les finances de la IIIeme republique / Georges Lachapelle
70208: LACHENAL, ADRIEN (PREF. BY) - Europe. Pref. by Adrien Lachenal
10860: LACHENMANN, DAVID - Italian Drawings : from the Ratjen Foundation, Vaduz / Catalogue by David Lachenmann
75499: LACHENMEYER, CHARLES W - The Language of Sociology
32045: LACHICA, EDUARDO - The Huks: Philippine Agrarian Society in Revolt.
162574: LACHIN, MAURICE - La Ive Italie
263109: LACHMANN, KURT JULIUS - 'Common sense' - today : Paper read before the Grotius society, London, on July 5th, 1944, under the title 'On the rights of the individual, the sovereignty of the State and universal law.' / [By] Kurt Lachmann. Foreword by W. Harvey Moore
233182: LACHNER, CORBINIAN - Munchner Glockenspiel : d. Glockenspiel im Munchner Rathausturm
260519: LACHS, MANFRED - The Polish-German frontier
268167: LACHS, PHYLLIS S - The diplomatic corps under Charles II & James II
142578: LACHS, MANFRED - The Polish-German Frontier; Law, Life, and Logic of History
245056: LACIS, VILIS (1904-1966) - Towards new shores : a novel in two books: Book Two
239019: LACK, DAVID (1910-1973) - Population studies of birds. [With illustrations.]
123023: LACKEY, MERCEDES - The Gates of Sleep
269544: LACLOS, CHODERLOS DE (1741-1803) - Les liaisons dangereuses / Choderlos de Laclos
269249: LACLOS, CHODERLOS DE (1741-1803) - Les liaisons dangereuses / Choderlos de Laclos
270257: LACLOTTE, MICHEL - Musée d'Orsay : chefs-d'oeuvre impressionnistes et post-impressionnistes : avec 93 planches en couleurs - préface de Michel Laclotte ; introduction de Edward Lucie-Smith ; commentaires de Geneviève Lacambre ... [et al.]
201028: LACLOTTE, MICHEL - Orsay : paintings / Michel Laclotte, Genevieve Lacambre, Claire Freches-Thory
254769: LACOCQUE, ANDRÉ - The book of Daniel / André Lacocque ; translated by David Pellauer ; English edition revised by the author ; foreword by Paul Ricoeur
245559: LACOMBE DE PRÉZEL, HONORÉ (1725-) - Dictionnaire d'anecdotes, de traits singuliers, et caractéristiques, historiettes, bons mots, naïvetés, saillies, réparties ingénieuses, &c. &c.: Tome Second
245232: LACOMBE, BERNARD MERCIER DE (1875-) - La vie privée de Talleyrand : son émigration--son mariage--sa conversion--sa mort / par Bernard de Lacombe
139398: LACOMBE, JACQUES (1742-1811) - Abrege Chronologique De L'Histoire Du Nord Ou Des Etats De Dannemarc, De Russe, De Suede, De Pologne, De Prusse, De Courlande, & C. Avec Des Remarques Particulieres Sue Le Genie, Les Moeurs, Les Usages De Ces Nations.... - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
194168: LACORDAIRE, HENRI-DOMINIQUE (1802-1861) - Political and social philosophy / from the French of Lacordaire ; edited by D. O'Mahony
181975: LACORDAIRE, HENRI-DOMINIQUE (1802-1861) - Conferences de Notre-Dame de Paris. Tome Premier; annees 1835-1836-1843
176606: LACOTE, RENE - Henri de Kerillis
43287: LACOTURE, JEAN - André Malraux
43075: LACOTURE, JEAN - André Malraux
249093: LACOUR-GAYET, GEORGES (1856-1935) - Talleyrand, 1754-1838 / G. Lacour-Gayet: Volume I: 1754-1799
220948: LACOUR-GAYET, G. (GEORGES), (1856-1935) - Napoleon : sa vie, son oeuvre, son temps / G. Lacour-Gayet ; avec une preface du Marechal Joffre
192761: LACOUR, LEOPOLD (1854-1939) - Moliere acteur / par Leopold-Lacour
188035: LACOUT, PIERRE - George Fox : un prophete pour le XXe Siecle : conference prononcee a l'Assemblee triennale de Sigtuna (Suede) Aout 1970
91173: LACOUTURE, JEAN - RELATED NAME: PRICE, FRANCIS K - De Gaulle; Translated from the French by Francis K. Price - [Uniform Title: De Gaulle. English]
235731: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Francois Mauriac
144054: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Francois Mauriac / Jean Lacouture
131672: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Francois Mauriac / Jean Lacouture
101362: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Ho Chi Minh; Translated [From the French] by Peter Wiles
93259: LACOUTURE, JEAN & LACOUTURE, SIMONNE (JOINT AUTHORS) - Egypt in Transition, by Jean and Simonne Lacouture. Translated by Francis Scarfe
89658: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Vietnam: between Two Truces. with an Introd. by Joseph Kraft. Translated from the French by Konrad Kellen and Joel Carmichael
89567: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Vietnam: between Two Truces ; Translated from the French by Konrad Kellen and Joel Carmichael
121254: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Vietnam: between Two Truces. Translated from the French by Konrad Kellen and Joel Carmichael
113038: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Vietnam: between Two Truces. with an Introd. by Joseph Kraft. Translated from the French by Konrad Kellen and Joel Carmichael
44736: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Vietnam: between Two Traces
236745: LACOUTURE, JEAN - André Malraux : une vie dans le siècle
265051: LACRETELLE, CHARLES DE (1755-1855) - Précis historique de la révolution française: in six volumes
135218: LACRETELLE, JACQUES DE - Silbermann, by Jacques De Lacretelle. Translated from the French by Brian Lunn
68393: LACRETELLE, JACQUES DE (1888-) - L'Ame Cachee / Jacques De Lacretelle
68394: LACRETELLE, JACQUES DE (1888-) - Histoire De Paola Ferrani
280043: LACRETELLE, PIERRE DE (1886-1969) - Vie politique de Victor Hugo
176052: LACRETELLE, JACQUES DE (1888-1985) - Qui est La Rocque?
164629: LACROIX, JEAN, (1900-) - Socialisme?
187062: LACROIX, PAUL (1806-1884) - Dissertations relatives a l'histoire de France par le bibliophile Jacob [pseud., i.e. Paul Lacroix]
140056: LACROIX, JEAN - Marxisme, Existentialisme, Personnalisme; Presence De L'Eternite Dans Le Temps
150351: LACROIX, PAUL, CALLED LE BIBLIOPHILE JACOB - Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, Dites Les Cent Nouvelles Du Roi Louis XI
153363: LACROIX, PAUL - Histoire De La Vie Et Du Regne De Nicolas Ier Empereur De Russie / Par Paul Lacroix
222291: LACROIX, JEAN ; MATISSE, HENRI - Les musiciens celebres / Jean Lacroix, Henri Matisse
182195: LACROIX, PAUL (1806-1884) - XVIIIme siecle : institutions, usages et costumes : France, 1700-1789 / Ouvrage illustre de 21 chromolithographies et de 350 gravures sur bois d'apres Watteau ... [et al.]
92514: LACY, MADISON S. - Leg Art : Celebrating a Century of Love and Devotion to the Photogenic Wonders of the Prettiest Girls with the Prettiest Legs in the Most Glamorous Profession of 'em All, Show Business
185393: LACY, GEORGE - Liberty and law : being an attempt at the refutation of the individualism of Mr. Herbert Spencer and the political economists
65804: LACY, CREIGHTON - The Conscience of India
74959: LADD, EVERETT CARLL - The Ladd Report
24319: LADD, JAMES D. - SBS, the Invisible Raiders - the History of the Special Boat Squadron from World War Two to the Present
157317: LADD, JAMES - Commandos and Rangers of World War II / James Ladd
13305: LADD, FLORENCE - Sarah's Psalm : a Novel / Florence Ladd
273041: LADELL, EDWARD - Edward Ladell, 1821-1886
272334: LADELL, EDWARD - Edward Ladell, 1821-1886
277993: LADEN, ALICE - The George Bernard Shaw vegetarian cook book / menus and recipes by Alice Laden, edited by R.J. Minney ; drawings by Tony Matthews
42111: LADER, LAWRENCE - The Bold Brahmins : New England's War Against Slavery: 1831-1863
239195: LADER, M. H., EDITOR - Journal of international medical research, Volume 40, Number 3
265105: THE MOUNT VERNON LADIES' ASSOCIATION - An Illustrated handbook of Mount Vernon: the home of Washington
44855: LADJEVARDI, HABIB - Reference Guide to the Iranian Oral History Collection
67271: LADRIERE, JEAN. - Language and Belief. Translated by Garrett Barden
220911: LADVOCAT, JEAN BAPTISTE (1709-1765) - Dictionnaire geographique-portatif, ou Description des royaumes, provinces, villes, eveches, duches, comtes, marquisats, villes imperiales, ports, forteresses, citadelles, et autres lieux considerables des quatre parties du monde...
269263: BURGHCLERE LADY (1864-1933) - Alan Herbert, 1836-1907 : letters and memories
250618: A LADY - Private memoirs of the Court of Louis XVIII. vol. 1
131139: AN ENGLISH LADY - Notes and Letters on the American War
278368: AMERICAN LADY - The American home cook book : with several hundred excellent recipes : selected and tried with great care, and with a view to be used by those who regard economy, and containing important information on the arrangement and well ordering of the kitchen : the whole based on many years of experience
257012: HOSIE LADY - The pool of Ch'ien Lung : a tale of modern Peking
269560: THE LADY'S BOOK - The Lady's Book: January, 1838
215222: LADY'S BOOK [AMERICAN PERIODICAL] - The Lady's Book and Magazine of Belle, Lettres, Fasions, Music & c. Volumes 18 and 19 [12 issues, Jan. - Dec. 1839, bound in 1 volume]
260161: LADYBIRD - The Ladybird book of dragons
164454: LAERE, FRANCOIS VAN - Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Du Phantasme A L'Ecriture, Les Revelations Du 'Levite D'Ephraim.'
242069: LAERTII, DIOGENIS - Diogenis Laertii de Vitis Philosophorum: Libri X cume indice rerum. Ad optimorum Lobrorum Fidem. Tom. I Lib. I-VI
139741: LAEUCHLI, SAMUEL - The Language of Faith; an Introduction to the Semantic Dilemma of the Early Church
260114: LAFARGUE, PAUL - La Religion du capital
174608: LAFARGUE, PAUL (1842-1911). DOMANGET, MAURICE (1888-) ED. - Le Droit a la paresse
128875: LAFARGUE, PAUL - Le Déterminisme Économique De Karl Marx : Recherches Sur L'Origine Et L'Evolution Des Idées De Justice, Du Bien, De L'Ame Et De Dieu / Par Paul Lafargue
172344: LAFARGUE, PAUL (1842-1911) - Le determinisme economique : la methode historique de Karl Marx
166702: LAFARGUE, PAUL - Extraits Des Pamphlets Socialistes / De Paul Lafargue
161718: LAFARGUE, PAUL. GUYOT, YVES (1843-1928) - La Propriete, Origine Et Evolution. These Communiste Par P. Lafargue, Refutation Par Yves Guyot
217739: LAFARGUE, PAUL - Programma frantsuzskoy rabochey partii. [The program of French Workers' Party. Language: Russian]
134702: LAFAYETTE, MARIE JOSEPH PAUL YVES ROCH GILBERT DU MOTIER, MARQUIS DE (1757-1834) - Correspondance Inedite De La Fayette, 1793-1801; Lettres De Prison--Lettres D'Exil; Precedee D'Une Etude Psychologique Par Jules Thomas
109025: LAFEBER, WALTER (1933-) - The Panama Canal : the Crisis in Historical Perspective / Walter Lafeber
77982: LAFFAL, KEN - Vivolo and His Wooden Children / Text and Photography, Ken Laffal
179054: LAFFAN, R. G. D. (ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLE), (B. 1887) - The guardians of the gate : historical lectures on the Serbs
189588: LAFFAN, R. G. D. (ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLE), (B. 1887) - The guardians of the gate : historical lectures on the Serbs
56752: LAFFERRANDERIE, GABRIEL (ED. ) - Outlook on Space Law over the Next 30 Years : Essays Published for the 30th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty / Editor-In-Chief, Gabriel Lafferranderie and Co-Editor, Daphne Crowther
156701: LAFFEY, BRUCE - Beatrice Lillie : the Funniest Woman in the World / Bruce Laffey
94333: LAFFIN, JOHN - Women in Battle
270789: LAFFIN, JOHN - The western front illustrated, 1914-1918 / John Laffin
267515: LAFFIN, JOHN - Brassey's battles : 3,500 years of conflict, campaigns and wars from A-Z / John Laffin
264660: LAFFIN, JOHN - Americans in battle / John Laffin
143630: LAFFIN, JOHN - The Israeli mind
133911: LAFFIN, JOHN - The Israeli Mind / John Laffin
264069: LAFFIN, JOHN - British butchers and bunglers of World War One / John Laffin
91696: LAFFIN, JOHN - Jackboot; the Story of the German Soldier, by John Laffin
16864: LAFFIN, JOHN - Jackboot The Story of the German Soldier
271225: LAFFITTE, MARIE-PIERRE - Reliures royales de la Renaissance : la librairie de Fontainebleau 1544-1570 / Marie-Pierre Laffitte, Fabienne Le Bars
264903: LAFFITTE, JEAN-PAUL - Le suffrage universel et le régime parlementaire
21589: LAFFITTE, SOPHIE - Chekhov, 1860-1904
123989: LAFFITTE, SOPHIE - Chekhov, 1860-1904
242887: LAFFITTE, M. PIERRE - La Revue Occidentale: Philosophique sociale et politque: tome sixieme
129970: LAFFITTE, JEAN PAUL - Le Paradoxe De L'Egalite
119386: LAFFITTE, PIERRE - The Positive Science of Morals : its Opportuneness, its Outlines, and its Chief Applications
86995: LAFFOON, POLK - Tornado / Polk Laffoon IV
130198: LAFITTE, FRANCOIS - Britain's Way to Social Security
221621: LAFO, RACHEL ROSENFIELD - Photography in Boston, 1955-1985 / edited by Rachel Rosenfield Lafo and Gillian Nagler
257451: LAFON, MICHEL - Bibliographie d'Albert Peyriguère / Michel Lafon ; préface de G. Turbet-Delof
183923: LAFOND, GEORGES - L' effort Francais en Amerique Latine
184744: LAFOND, G. - La Pologne au travail / G. Lafond et P. Desfeuilles ; preface de M. Georges Leygues
136182: LAFOND, GEORGES. DESFEUILLES (PAUL) - La Tchecoslovaquie Au Travail, Etc
131756: LAFONT, EMILE - La Politique Religieuse De La Revolution Francaise. Etude Critique Suivie De Pieces Justificatives ... Préface De M. L. Havet
151709: LAFONT D'AUSSONNE, N. (1770?-1849) - Memoires Secrets Et Universels Des Malheurs Et De La Mort De La Reine De France : Suivis D'Une Notice Historique Sur La Garde Brissac, Et De La List Generale Des Souscripteurs Au Grand Portrait En Pied De La Reine / Par M. Lafont D'Aussonne.
165578: LAFONTAINE, ALBERT P. - La Philosophie D'E. Boutroux / Par A. -P. La Fontaine
60109: LAFORE, LAURENCE DAVIS - Philadelphia; the Unexpected City. Text and Pictures by Laurence Lafore and Sarah Lee Lippincott
59147: LAFORGUE, JULES (1860-1887) - Six Moral Tales from Jules Laforgue, Edited & Translated by Frances Newman
235713: LAFORGUE, RENÉ - L'échec de Baudelaire : étude psychanalytique sur la névrose de Charles Baudelaire / René Laforgue
19160: LAFOURCADE, GEORGES - Arnold Bennett A Study
196220: LAFUE, PIERRE - Lenine, ou le mouvement
215205: LAGARDE, A. (ALEXIS) - Biographie des Ministres depuis la Restauration / publiee par M.-A. Lagarde.
149478: LAGARDE, MARCELLIN - Historie Du Duche De Limbourg
130595: LAGARDE, MARCELLIN - Historie Du Duche De Limbourg
157965: LAGASSE, EMERIL - Emeril's New New Orleans Cooking
239127: LAGERKVIST, ULF - DNA pioneers and their legacy / Ulf Lagerkvist
157779: LAGERLOF, SELMA (1858-1940). FLACH, PAULINE BANCROFT, TR. - The Story of Gosta Berling / Translated from the Swedish of Selma Lagerlof, by Pauline Bancroft Flach
152830: LAGERLOF, SELMA (1858-1940) - Marbacka, by Selma Lagerlof, Translated by Velma Swanston Howard
73243: LAGERLOF, SELMA (1858-1940) - Liliecrona's Home
65656: LAGERLOF, SELMA (1858-1940) - Gosta Berling's Saga, by Selma Lagerlof
63108: LAGERLOF, SELMA (1858-1940) - Liliecrona's Home : a Novel
160132: LAGERLOF, SELMA (1858-1940) - Gosta Berling. Roman
53051: LAGERLOF, SELMA (1858-1940) - The Outcast
212250: LAGLAINS, JACQUES - Memoires d'un censeur
97249: LAGNY, GERMAIN DE - The Knout and the Russians. [Translated from the French by John Bridgeman] - [Uniform Title: Knout Et Les Russes. English]
168450: LAGO, MARY - Calendar of the letters of E.M. Forster / compiled by Mary Lago
148669: LAGRANGE, MARIE-JOSEPH (1855-1938) - Saint Paul, Epitre Aux Galates / Par P. M. -J. Lagrange
148532: LAGRANGE, MARIE JOSEPH, FATHER (1855-1938) - L'Evangile De Jesus-Christ
172393: LAGRANGE, MARIE-JOSEPH (1855-1938) - Saint Paul, epitre aux Galates
118961: LAGRANGE, F. (1857-1928) - Fractures of the Orbit : and Injuries to the Eye in War
168238: LAGRANGE, FRANCIS - Flag on Devil's Island, by Francis Lagrange with William Murray.
149757: LAGRANGE, MARIE-JOSEPH (1855-1938) - Saint Paul. Epitre Aux Galates / Par M. -J. Lagrange
219384: LAGUARDIA, ROBERT - Monty : a Biography of Montgomery Clift
219330: LAGUARDIA, ROBERT - Monty : a Biography of Montgomery Clift
215084: LAGUTIN, NIKOLAI STEPANOVICH - Social gains of the Soviet people
245533: LAHARPE, JEAN FRANÇOIS DE (1739-1803) - Lycée, ou cours de littérature ancienne et moderne / par J. F. Laharpe. Tometroisieme: dix-huitieme siecle, poésie
225066: LAHAYE, TIM F. - Desecration : Antichrist takes the throne / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins
122338: LAHEE, ARNOLD WARBURTON - Our Competitors and Markets; an Introduction to Foreign Trade, by Arnold W. Lahee ... with Maps and Diagrams by the Author
198646: LAHIRI, JHUMPA - Unaccustomed earth / Jhumpa Lahiri
179316: LAHNE, HERBERT J. - The Cotton mill worker
279221: LAHODE ..., DE - Histoire des Revolutions de France, ou l'on voit comment cette Monarchie s'est formée, & les divers Changemens qui y sont arrivez par rapport à son Etendue & à son Gouvernement : On y a joint des Remarques Critiques, & les Fastes Des Rois De France, depuis Clovis jus'que à la Mort de Louis XIV. Tome 2
67178: LAHR, JOHN (1941-) - Notes on a Cowardly Lion : the Biography of Bert Lahr / John Lahr [With a New Preface by the Author]
226151: LAHR, JOHN - Prick up your ears : the biography of Joe Orton
221183: LAHR, JOHN (1941-) - Notes on a Cowardly Lion : the Biography of Bert Lahr
66019: LAHR, JOHN (1941-) - Notes on a Cowardly Lion : the Biography of Bert Lahr
221215: LAHR, JOHN (1941-) - Notes on a Cowardly Lion : the Biography of Bert Lahr
87346: LAHUE, KALTON C. - Dreams for Sale; the Rise and Fall of the Triangle Film Corporation, by Kalton C. Lahue
80626: LAHUE, KALTON C - Gentlemen to the Rescue; the Heroes of the Silent Screen
116526: LAHUE, KALTON C.. PETERSEN PUBLISHING COMPANY - Petersen's Big Book of Auto Repair
87225: LAHUE, KALTON C. - Gentlemen to the Rescue; the Heroes of the Silent Screen [By] Kalton C. Lahue
78464: LAHUE, KALTON C. & BREWER, TERRY (JOINT AUTHORS) - Kops and Custards; the Legend of Keystone Films; a Book by Kalton C. Lahue and Terry Brewer. with a Foreword by Kent D. Eastin
60480: LAHUE, KALTON C. - Bound and Gagged : the Story of the Silent Serials / Kalton C. Lahue
123711: LAI, WILLIAM T. - Winning Basketball, by William T. (Buck) Lai
148428: LAIBLE, CHARLES GUILLAUME EDOUARD - Critique De La Doctrine De Kant : Sur L'Immortalite De L'Ame These Presentee a La Faculte De Theologie Protestante De Strasbourg
159442: LAIDLAW, STUART I. A. - Glasgow Common Lodging-Houses and the People Living in Them / [Stuart I. A. Laidlaw]
80239: LAIDLER, KEITH - The Talking Ape
180739: LAIDLER, KEITH JAMES - The harmonious universe : the beauty and unity of scientific understanding / Keith J. Laidler
157416: LAIDLER, HARRY WELLINGTON (1884-). THOMAS, NORMAN (1884-1968). LEAGUE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY - The Socialism of Our Times ; a Symposium
179292: LAIDLER, HARRY WELLINGTON - Boycotts and the labour struggle : legal and economic aspects
43973: LAIDLOW, TONI ANN AND MALMO, CHERYL - Healing Voices - Feminist Approaches to Therapy with Women
25221: LAIGHTON, OSCAR (1839-1939) - Songs from Appledore
35980: LAIGHTON, OSCAR - Songs and Sonnets
181243: LAIGNEL-LAVASTINE, MAXIME (1875-). STANCIU, V. V. (1900-) - Precis de criminologie / par M. Laignel-Lavastine et V.V. Stanciu. Prefaces de B. di Tullio et d'Etienne de Greeff
32058: LAINEZ, MANUEL MUJICA AND SESSA, ALDO - Letra E Imagen De Beunos Aires / textos: Manuel Mujica Lainez, fotografias: Aldo Sessa
276287: LAING, SAMUEL (1780-1868) - Observations on the social and political State of Denmark, and the duchies of Sleswick and Holstein in 1851 : being the third series of the Notes of a traveller on the social and political state of the European people
274732: LAING, LLOYD ROBERT - Early English art and architecture : archaeology and society / Lloyd and Jennifer Laing
274204: LAING, LLOYD ROBERT - The Mote of Mark : a Dark Age hillfort in south-west Scotland / Lloyd Laing and David Longley ; with contributions from Jennifer Bourdillon [and six others]
268711: LAING, LLOYD ROBERT - The art of the Celts : from 700 BC to the celtic revival / Lloyd and Jennifer Laing
225965: LAING, ALASTAIR - In trust for the nation : paintings from National Trust houses / Alastair Laing
210625: LAING, HAMILTON M. (HAMILTON MACK) (1883-1982) - Allan Brooks : artist-naturalist
256651: LAING, G. BLAIR - Memoirs of an art dealer 2 / G. Blair Laing
156616: LAING, ALEXANDER (1903-1976) - Wine and Physic : a Poem and Six Essays on the Fate of Our Language
229581: LAING, ALLAN MACDONALD - Prayers and graces : A little book of extraordinary piety
245612: LAING, ALASTAIR - In trust for the nation: paintings from National Trust houses (Exhibition) (1995-1996 : London)
10937: LAING, JENNIFER (1948-) - Art & Society in Roman Britain
54343: LAING, MARGARET IRENE - Woman on Woman; Edited by Margaret Laing
48524: LAING, SAMUEL (1812-1897) - Human Origins
29728: LAING, S. - Human Origins, by S. Laing
144901: LAING, FRANCIS HENRY - Whence Does the Monarch Get His Right to Rule?
24402: LAING, LLOYD - The Archaeology of Late Celtic Britain and Ireland (C.400-1200 A. D. )
229545: LAING, ALLAN M. PEAKE. MERVYN LAURENCE (1911-1968) [ILLUS.] - More prayers and graces : a second book of unusual piety
108816: LAING, DAVE - Buddy Holly / Dave Laing
238733: LAING, ALLAN MACDONALD. PEAKE, MERVYN LAURENCE (1911-1968). [ILLUS]. VICTOR GOLLANCZ LTD. [PUBLISHER]. CAMELOT PRESS LTD. [PRINTER] - Prayers and graces : A little book of extraordinary piety / Collected by Allan M. Laing with illustrations by Mervyn Peake
182079: LAING, ROBERT C. - Ushaw College: a centenary memorial / edited by Robert C. Laing
132320: LAING, SAMUEL (1780-1868) - Observations on the Social and Political State of Denmark, and the Duchies of Sleswick and Holstein, in 1851
13315: LAING, JANET - Wintergreen, a Tale of the Reconstruction
142822: LAIR, MAURICE - Jaures Et L'Allemagne
136300: LAIR, LOUIS - La Banque De France : Les Banques D'Emission, Les Moeurs Financieres Au Xviie Siecle Et Les Etablissements Qui, En France, Ont Precede La Banque De France, Son Histoire, Son Administration ... / Louis Lair
229868: LAIR-DUBREUIL, F. ; HOTEL DROUOT - Catalogue des anciennes porcelaines tendres de Chantilly : pieces de forme porcelaines de la Chine et du Japon, vitrine
90699: LAIRD, ROBBIN F. (ROBBIN FREDERICK) (1946-?) ED. - RELATED NAME: INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES. CENTRAL RESEARCH PROGRAM - Strangers and Friends : the Franco-German Security Relationship
74589: LAIRD, ROBBIN FREDERICK (1946-) - The Soviet Union, the West, and the Nuclear Arms Race
274876: LAIRD, MARSHALL - English misericords / Marshall Laird
183818: LAIRD, ROY D. LAIRD, BETTY A. - Soviet Communism and agrarian revolution
180114: LAIRD, STEPHEN - Hitler's Reich and Churchill's Britain / a conversation between Stephen Laird and Walter Graebner
79436: LAIRD, ROBERT F. - The Boomer Bible
107906: LAIRD, DONALD ANDERSON AND MULLER, CHARLES G. - Sleep; why We Need it and How to Get It, by Donald A. Laird ... & Charles G. Muller
57397: LAIRD, DONALD ANDERSON (1897-1969) - Psychology and Profits, by Donald A. Laird
146738: LAIRD, JOHN (1887-) - The Device of Government : an Essay on Civil Polity
168361: LAIRD, JOHN (1887-1946) - A study in realism
167612: LAIRD, ROBBIN FREDERICK, (1946-) - Soviet foreign policy / edited by Robbin F. Laird
146595: LAIRD, ROY D. - The Soviet Paradigm : an Experiment in Creating a Monohierarchical Polity / Roy D. Laird
45055: LAIRD, DONALD A. - Psychology and Profits
131345: LAISANT, CHARLES ANGE - La Barbarie Moderne / Charles Ange Laisant
176018: LAISSY, MICHEL - Du panarabisme a la Ligue arabe
232143: LAISTNER, LUDWIG (1845-1896). BROST, EBERHARD. BULST, WALTHER (1899-) - Carmina Burana, Lieder der Vaganten : Lateinisch und Deutsch / [nach Ludwig Laistner hrsg. von Eberhard Brost.]
220778: LAIT, JACK; FRANCES MARION; GEORGE H HILL; (ET AL.) - The big house
99076: LAIT, JACK - Beef, Iron, & Wine, by Jack Lait
39953: LAITE, W. E. - The United States Vs William Laite
208064: LAITHWAITE, HEATHER - Dare to bead
241506: LAITHWAITE, PERCY - A short history of Lichfield Grammar School / Preface, [by] R.W. Clarke
238239: LAITHWAITE, PERCY, EDITOR - Dr. Samuel Johnson and his Birthplace. Edited by Percy Laithwaite. [With illustrations, including portraits.]
231752: LAJARTE, THEODORE DE (1826-1890) - Airs a danser des XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles / Th. de Lajarte
141767: LAJOS, IVAN (1906-1949) - Germany's War Chances As Pictured in German Official Literature
167003: LAJOS, IVAN, (1906-1946) - Germany's war chances : as pictured in German official literature
93452: LAJOS, IVAN - Germany's War Chances As Pictured in German Official Literature
46115: LAKE, BRIAN (1947-) - British Newspapers : a History and Guide for Collectors / Brian Lake ; Introduction by John Frost
271180: LAKE, FREDERICK HERBERT - A bibliography of archery : an indexed catalogue of 5,000 articles, books, films, manuscripts, periodicals and theses on the use of the bow for hunting, war, and recreation, from the earliest times to the present day / [compiled] by Fred Lake and Hal Wright
270137: LAKE, DERYN - Death in the west wind / Deryn Lake
260211: LAKE, KIRSOPP (1872-1946) - Earlier epistles of St. Paul
230709: LAKE, MAX - Scents and sensuality : the essence of excitement / Max Lake
173951: LAKE, KIRK (1966-) - There will be rainbows : a biography of Rufus Wainwright
201796: LAKE, ANTONY B; MONTIEL, HAROLD (ILLUS.) - A pleasury of witticisms and word play
149722: LAKE, KIRSOPP (1872-1946) - The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul : Their Motive and Origin
218767: LAKE, KENNETH R - Stamps for investment
168243: LAKE, HENRY ATWELL, SIR (1808-1881) - Kars and our captivity in Russia : with letters from Gen. Sir W.F. Williams ... , Major Teesdale C.B., and the late Captain Thompson, C.B.
174941: LAKE, KIRSOPP (1872-1946) - Earlier epistles of St. Paul
127684: LAKEMAN, ENID - When Labour Fails
127666: LAKEMAN, ENID - When Labour Fails
40300: LAKEMAN, ALBERT - Concrete Houses and Small Garages
273353: LAKER, JIM - Over to me
264683: LAKER, JIM - Cricket contrasts : from crease to commentary box / Jim Laker with Pat Gibson
211607: LAKER, JIM (1922-1986) - Cricket contrasts : from crease to commentary box / Jim Laker with Pat Gibson
211294: LAKER, JIM (1922-1986) - Spinning round the world / Jim Laker
249711: LAKIN, C. E - Our founders and benefactors : the Harveian oration, 1947, delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London, October 18th, 1947
55026: LAL, KANWAR - Miracle of Konarak
217561: LAL, KANWAR - Miracle of Konark / Kanwar Lal
164334: LAL, KANWAR - The Cult of Desire
86070: LAL, P. , ED. AND TR. - Great Sanskrit Plays, in New English Transcreations
222252: LALANNE, MAXIME (1827-1886) - A treatise on etching : text and plates / Maxime Lalanne ; translated from the second French edition by S. R. Koehler, with an introductory chapter and notes by the translator
246878: LALANNE, MAXIME (1827-1886) - A treatise on etching / text and plates by Maxime Lalanne ; authorized edition translated from the 2nd French ed. by S. R. Koehler; with an introductory chapter and notes by the translator
74198: LALL, ARTHUR S. (ARTHUR SAMUEL) (1911-?) - The House At Adampur; a Story of Modern India
115727: LALLY, DICK - Pinstriped Summers : Memories of Yankee Seasons Past
175713: LALMAND, EDGAR - Reconquerir l'independance nationale : sauver la paix : rapport presente au Xe Congres National du P.C.B., Bruxelles 23-24-25-26 mars 1951
250122: LALOR, JOHN J - Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States
129320: LALOR, JOHN - Money and Morals : a Book for the Times
207506: LALOR, JAMES FINTAN (D. 1849) - James Fintan Lalor : patriot and political essayist (1807-1849) : collected writings / with a biographical note by L. Fogarty
263288: LALOR, BRIAN - The encyclopaedia of Ireland / Brian Lalor, general editor
236338: LALOU, RENÉ (1889-1973). TALVART, HECTOR - Roger Martin du Gard
133599: LALOY, JEAN - Le Socialisme De Lenine
125602: LALUMIA, MATTHEW PAUL - Realism and Politics in Victorian Art of the Crimean War
234243: LAMA, FRIEDRICH RITTER VON (1876-1944) - Papst, Kurie und Weltkrieg
145825: LAMAC, MIROSLAV - Contemporary Art in Czechoslovakia. / [Translated from the Czech by Geraldine Thomson]
150911: LAMAL, EMILE - L'Echec D'Un Coup D'Etat Monetaire
278351: LAMAR, ELDEN - The clothing workers in Philadelphia : history of their struggles for union and security
266851: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Histoire des constituants / par A. de Lamartine: in two volumes: II & III
260688: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE - History of the Girondists : or, Personal memoirs of the patriots of the French revolution from unpublished sources - vol. 1
259346: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - The history of the restoration of monarchy in France
24065: DE LAMARTINE, M. ALPHONSE - Narrative of the Residence of Fatalla Sayeghir Among the Wandering Arabs of the Great Desert
247173: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Histoire des Girondins Par M. A. de Lamartine - Complete in 4 Volumes
252609: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869). RYDE, H. T. [TRANSLATOR] - History of the Girondists : or personal memoirs of the patriots of the French Revolution / Alphonse De Lamartine: volume I
159154: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - History of the French Revolution of 1848
224661: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Oeuvres completes de M. de Lamartine (Lamartine's Works complete in 9 volumes)
203900: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Souvenirs, impressions, pensees et paysages, pendant un voyage en orient (1832-1833) : ou, Notes d'un voyageur / par Alphonse de Lamartine [volumes 1, 2 & 3]
249705: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Travels in the East : including a journey in the Holy Land
151390: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) ED. - Le Conseiller Du Peuple
149513: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Le Conseiller Du Peuple, 3e Annee; No. 6 - Juillet 1851 / Par M. A. De Lamartine
149512: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Le Conseiller Du Peuple, 2e Annee; No. 2 - Fevrier 1850 / Par M. A. De Lamartine.
149511: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Le Conseiller Du Peuple; 2e Annee, No. 9 - September 1850 / Par M. A. De Lamartine
147816: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Le Conseiller Du Peuple, Journal Par M. A. De Lamartine; 3e Annee, No. 1 -Janvier 1851
147815: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Le Conseiller Du Peuple, Journal Par M. A. De Lamartine; 2e Annee, No. 7 -Juillet 1850
145670: DE LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE - Le Passe, Le Present Et L'Avenir De La Republique
144788: LAMARTINE DE PRAT, MARIE LOUIS ALPHONSE DE - Le Passe, Le Present Et L'Avenir De La Republique / Marie Louis Alphonse De Lamartine De Prat
131286: LAMARTINE, ALIX DE. EUSTACE HARGRAVE (ED. ) - The Heart's Memory; Pages from the Diary of Madame De Lamartine, Edited and Translated by Eustace Hargrave
279840: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - The history of the restoration of monarchy in France, vols. 2 & 3
194962: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Oeuvres choisies : prose / A. de Lamartine ; introduction et notes par George Roth [complete : 2 volumes bound in 1]
280106: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE - History of the Girondists : or, Personal memoirs of the patriots of the French Revolution, from unpublished sources, vol. 1, by Alphonse de Lamartine ; translated by H.T. Ryde
228430: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - History of the French revolution of 1848
143876: LAMARTINE, ALFRED - Love Songs of France
159429: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) ED. - Oeuvres Choisies : Poesie
218932: DE LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE - Le tailleur de pierres de Saint-Point : recit villageois
196012: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Le conseiller du peuple / par M. A. de Lamartine
197812: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - History of the Girondists : or, Personal memoirs of the patriots of the French Revolution / From unpublished sources by Alphonse de Lamartine ; translated by H.T. Ryde [complete in 3 volumes]
213945: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869) - Le conseiller du peuple, 2e Annee ; No. 11 - Novemebre 1850 / par M.A. de Lamartine
208095: LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE MARIE LOUIS DE (1790-1869) - Meditations poetiques ; Recueillements poetiques ; Jocelyn ; Harmonies poetiques et religieuses ; Cours familier de litterature, I & II ; Graziella Raphael
188904: LAMAS - Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeology Society ; Volume 53, 2002
248563: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The letters of Charles Lamb. In which many mutilated words and passages have been restored to their original form; with letters never before published and facsimiles of original MS letters and poems / with an introduction by Henry H. Harper. (Notes on facsimile letters by ... Richard Garnett.) [With plates, including portraits] - Volumes 2-5
86912: LAMB, EDGAR - Colourful Cacti and Other Succulents of the Deserts / Edgar and Brian Lamb
82641: LAMB, RUSSELL & BECKEY, FRED W (1921-?) - The Cascades / Photography by Russell Lamb, Text by Fred Beckey
74129: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The Life and Works of Charles Lamb Library Edition in Twelve Volumes - Volumes 7 & 8 of 12 - [With Introduction and Notes by Alfred Ainger]
71248: LAMB, CURT - Homestyles : How-To Projects, Room Designs, and Awareness Activities That Build Feelings Into Your Home
64696: LAMB, PATRICIA FRAZER - Touchstones : Letters between Two Women, 1953-1964 / Patricia Frazer Lamb and Kathryn Joyce Hohlwein ; Edited and with Additional Material by Patricia Frazer Lamb
50718: LAMB, PATRICIA FRAZER AND HOHLWEIN, KATHRYN JOYCE - Touchstones - Letters between Two Women, 1953-1964
29041: LAMB, PERCY. MONTAGU EVANS. ALAN FLETCHER - The Law and Practice of Town and Country Planning / [By] Percy Lamb and Montagu Evans, Assisted by Alan Fletcher
274138: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The letters of Charles and Mary Lamb / edited by E.V. Lucas - vols. 1 & 2
273411: LAMB, ALLAN - Lamb's tales / Allan Lamb and Peter Smith
272294: LAMB, CHRISTINA - Farewell Kabul : from Afghanistan to a more dangerous world / Christina Lamb
26930: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) & LAMB, MARY ANN (1764-1847). EDWIN W. MARRS JR. (ED. ) - The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb / Edited by Edwin W. Marrs, Jr. [Complete in 3 Volumes]
267883: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The praise of chimney-sweepers
265680: LAMB, LYNTON - Lynton Lamb, illustrator : a selection of his work / arranged and introduced by George Mackie
265588: LAMB, HAROLD (1892-1962) - Genghis Khan : the emperor of all men by Harold Lamb
260759: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - Tales from Shakespeare
258725: LAMB, GEOFFREY FREDERICK - The English at school : an anthology
258068: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - Tales from Shakespeare / (by) C. Lamb and M. Lamb
253345: LAMB, TED - The Penguin guide to freshwater fishing in Britain and Ireland : for coarse and game anglers / Ted Lamb
252160: LAMB, TED - The bait book : fresh water and sea angling / Ted Lamb ; with drawings by Susan Neale
250322: LAMB, CHRISTINA - House of stone : the true story of a family divided in war-torn Zimbabwe / Christina Lamb
245497: LAMB, TED (1944-) - The Penguin book of fishing : a complete guide to freshwater coarse and game fishing, and sea boat, shore and big-game angling
209027: LAMB, LYNTON (1907-1977) - Lynton Lamb, illustrator : a selection of his work / arranged and introduced by George Mackie
156399: LAMB, PATRICIA FRAZER. HOHLWEIN, KATHRYN JOYCE - Touchstones : Letters between Two Women, 1953-1964 / Patricia Frazer Lamb and Kathryn Joyce Hohlwein ; Edited and with Additional Material by Patricia Frazer Lamb
13722: LAMB, PATRICIA FRAZER & HOHLWEIN, KATHRYN JOYCE - Touchstones : Letters between Two Women, 1953-1964 / Patricia Frazer Lamb and Kathryn Joyce Hohlwein ; Edited and with Additional Material by Patricia Frazer Lamb
280488: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834). LUCAS, EDWARD VERRALL (1868-1938) [EDITOR] - The works of Charles and Mary Lamb: two volumes [vols. VI & VII]
253158: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834). FITZGERALD, PERCY (1834-1925) - The Life Letters and Writings of Charles Lamb: in five volumes
274345: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - Tales from Shakespeare : designed for the use of young people
247013: LAMB, LIONEL HENRY - Winchester College. A register for the years 1915 to 1960, edited by L. H. Lamb
243800: LAMB, ROBERT REV - Free thoughts on many subjects : a selection from articles contributed to 'Fraser's magazine'
84209: LAMB, RUSSELL - The Cascades / Photography by Russell Lamb, Text by Fred Beckey
194248: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The essays of Elia and Eliana
256502: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - Charles Lamb and Elia : Edited by J.E. Morpurgo
243828: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834). BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY (BOSTON, MASS.). HARPER, HENRY HOWARD (1871-). GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906) - The letters of Charles Lamb. In which many mutilated words and passages have been restored to their original form; with letters never before published and facsimiles of original MS letters and poems / with an introduction by Henry H. Harper. (Notes on facsimile letters by ... Richard Garnett.) [With plates, including portraits.]
220339: LAMB, EDGAR; LAMB, BRIAN MICHAEL - Colorful cacti of the American desert; with 140 photographs reproduced in full color
249911: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The letters of Charles Lamb : newly arranged, with additions. Vol. 2 / edited, with introduction and note by Alfred Ainger.
264207: LAMB, RICHARD - Churchill as war leader
59448: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834). TALFOURD, THOMAS NOON, SIR (1795-1854) ED. - Literary Sketches and Letters: Being the Final Memorials of Charles Lamb, Never before Published. by Thomas Noon Talfourd
56695: LAMB, CURT - Homestyles : How-To Projects, Room Designs, and Awareness Activities That Build Feelings Into Your Home
114379: LAMB, LAWRENCE E. - What You Need to Know about Food & Cooking for Health [By] Lawrence E. Lamb
114674: LAMB, RICHARD B. ERNEST G. MITTELBERGER - In Celebration of Wine and Life, by Richard Lamb and Ernest G. Mittelberger. with a Foreword by Alfred Fromm
102969: LAMB, DAVID (1940-) - Vietnam, Now : a Reporter Returns
57872: LAMB, MARTHA JOANNA (1829-1893) ED. - The Homes of America. with One Hundred and Three Illustrations. Ed. by Mrs. Martha J. Lamb
224772: LAMB, MORRIS CHARLES - Leather dressing including dyeing, staining and finishing
219905: LAMB, CHARLES; LAMB, MARY - Tales from Shakespeare / edited, with an introduction, by The Rev. Alfred Ainger
120364: LAMB, HELEN BOYDEN - Vietnam's Will to Live; Resistance to Foreign Aggression from Early Times through the Nineteenth Century
278930: LAMB, CHARLES - The book of the ranks and dignities of British society : lately attributed in the press and elsewhere to Charles Lamb, including an introductory note by Clement Shorter ; with eight coloured plates and sixteen in monochrome
280230: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The life, letters and writings of Charles Lamb / edited with notes and illustrations, by Percy Fitzgerald ... In six volumes
181592: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) & LAMB, MARY (1764-1847) - Tales from Shakespeare
39233: LAMB, CHARLES AND MARY - Mrs. Leicester's School
84033: LAMB, HAROLD (1892-1962) - The Mighty Manslayer
99873: LAMB, ALASTAIR (1930-?) - Asian Frontiers; Studies in a Continuing Problem
209744: LAMB, CHARLES (1775-1834) - The essays of Elia
238167: LAMB, WILLIAM, AUTHOR; SYDENHAM, FREDERICK W., EDITOR - Practical guide to diseases of the throat, nose and ear : for senior students and junior practitioners
202229: LAMBALLE, E. - Mystical contemplation or The principles of mystical theology / Translated by W.H.Mitchell
279758: LAMBARDE, WILLIAM (1536-1601) - Codex canonum ecclesiae universae. The canons of the first four general councils of the Church, and those of the early local Greek synods, in Greek, with Latin and revised English translations in parallel columns, with notes selected from Zonaras, Balsamon, bishop Beveridge, etc.
74150: LAMBELET, K - Como Se Descifran Jeroglificos
99653: LAMBERT, GAVIN - The Dangerous Edge / Gavin Lambert
88909: LAMBERT, TERENCE & MITCHELL, ALAN F - Lambert's Birds of Shore and Estuary / Paintings by Terence Lambert ; Text by Alan Mitchell
65761: LAMBERT, GAVIN - The Dangerous Edge / Gavin Lambert
47042: LAMBERT, JOHN R. - Crime, Police, and Race Relations: a Study in Birmingham, by John R. Lambert; with the Assistance of Robert F. Jenkinson, and a Foreword by Terence M.
39176: LAMBERT, ELLEN ZETZEL - The Face of Love - Feminism and the Beauty Question
277132: LAMBERT, HENRI - Révison Constitutionnelle: Représentation des Intérets: en vente au prix de 30 centimes, au profit du Bureau de Bienfaisance de la ville de Charleroi
271834: LAMBERT, ANDREW D - War Correspondents : Crimean War
271304: LAMBERT, TIM - Flying soldiers / Tim Lambert
270750: LAMBERT, ANGELA - Unquiet souls : the Indian summer of the British aristocracy, 1880-1918 / Angela Lambert
270600: LAMBERT, GAVIN (1924-2005) - Inside Daisy Clover
265996: LAMBERT, MADAME J.J - Petites Aventures d'une Poupée par Madame J.J. Lambert
258358: LAMBERT, J. W. (JACK WALTER) (1917-1986) - The Bodley Head, 1887-1987 / J.W. Lambert & Michael Ratcliffe
257945: LAMBERT, JACQUES - Problèmes démographiques contemporains
256072: LAMBERT, MARGARET - When Victoria began to reign : a coronation year scrapbook / made by Margaret Lambert
246101: LAMBERT, TERENCE - Lambert's birds of shore and estuary / paintings by Terence Lambert ; text by Alan Mitchell
231221: LAMBERT, JOHANN HEINRICH (1728-1777) - La perspective affranchie
213560: LAMBERT, ANGELA - Unquiet souls : a social history of the illustrious, irreverent, intimate group of British aristocrats known as 'the Souls' / Angela Lambert
211085: LAMBERT, DENNIS (1934-?) - The history of Leicestershire County Cricket Club / Dennis Lambert ; with a personal view by Mike Turner
170927: LAMBERT, GAVIN - On Cukor
143875: LAMBERT, JOHN R. - Crime, Police, and Race Relations : a Study in Birmingham, by John R. Lambert; with the Assistance of Robert F. Jenkinson, and a Foreword by Terence Morris
242167: LAMBERT, ERIC (1921-1966) - The twenty thousand thieves / Eric Lambert
269269: LAMBERT, STERLING - Re-reading poetry : Schubert's multiple settings of Goethe / Sterling Lambert
112821: LAMBERT, ROYSTON - Sir John Simon, 1816-1904, and English Social Administration
215973: LAMBERT, F. - Labour's case for the forty hour working week
214924: LAMBERT, PAUL (1912-1977). MINEUR, JOSEPH - L' economie de la Region Liegeoise : analyse et perspectives elements d'une politique / publie sous la direction de Paul Lambert et Joseph Mineur
28758: LAMBERT, JANET - Whoa, Matilda!
27869: LAMBERT, LYDIA (1910-). TRASK, WILLARD ROPES (1900-) - Pushkin, Poet and Lover
221504: LAMBERT, GILLES - Operation Hazalah. Translated by Robert Bullen and Rosette Letellier
118782: LAMBERT, ROYSTON - Sir John Simon, 1816-1904, and English Social Administration
92531: LAMBERT, JOHN CHISHOLM (1857-1917) - Missionary Heroes in Asia; True Stories of the Intrepid Bravery and Stirring Adventures of Missionaries with Uncivilized Man, Wild Beasts and the Forces of Nature, by John C. Lambert, with Ten Illustrations
91360: LAMBERT, ROYSTON - Sir John Simon, 1816-1904, and English Social Administration
58105: LAMBERT, JANET - Practically Perfect, by Janet Lambert
58103: LAMBERT, JANET - Candy Kane
113318: LAMBERT, GILES - Operation Hazalah How Young Zionists Rescued Thousands of Hungarian Jews in the Nazi Occupation
148205: LAMBERT, RICHARD STANTON (1894-) - Propaganda
147469: LAMBERT, HENRI (1872-1934) - Pax Economica : La Liberte Des Echanges Internationaux Fondement Nécessaire Et Suffisant De La Paix Universelle Et Permanente / Henri Lambert
132875: LAMBERT, JOHN CHISHOLM (1857-1917) - The Sacraments in the New Testament : Being the Kerr Lectures for 1903
169918: LAMBERT, JACQUES - Amerique latine : structures sociales et institutions politiques / par Jacques Lambert
241022: LAMBERT, ANNE THÉRÈSE DE MARGUENAT DE COURCELLES MARQUISE DE (1647-1733) - Oeuvres Morales de la Mise. de Lambert / précédées d'un étude critique par M. de Lescure. Frontispice gravé par Lalauze
12906: LAMBERT, ROYSTON - Sir John Simon, 1816-1904 : and English Social Administration
192038: LAMBERT, PAUL (1912-?) - La theorie quantitative de la monnaie
226908: LAMBERT, J. W. (JACK WALTER) (1917-1986) - The Bodley Head, 1887-1987 / J.W. Lambert & Michael Ratcliffe
121527: LAMBERT, GILLES - Operation Hazalah. Translated by Robert Bullen and Rosette Letellier
238725: LAMBERT, ROYSTON, (1932-1982) - Sir John Simon, (1816-1904), and English social administration / Royston Lambert
177321: LAMBERT, JOHN CHISHOLM (1857-1917) - The sacraments in the New Testament : being the Kerr lectures for 1903
175918: LAMBERT, CHARLES - Ronces d'exil : poemes / Charles Lambert ; illustrations de Christian Frain de la Gaulayrie
195000: LAMBERT, JOHN CHISHOLM (1857-1917) - The sacraments in the New Testament : being the Kerr lectures for 1903 [Bible. Appendix. New Testament. Miscellaneous]
153893: LAMBERT, SYLVESTER MAXWELL (1882-) - A Yankee Doctor in Paradise
160904: LAMBERT, RICHARD S. - Propaganda / Richard S. Lambert
195446: LAMBERT, BENJAMIN - A lecture on wit, humour, and pathos / delivered at Banstead by Benjamin Lambert, Esq.
37129: LAMBERT, DEREK - For Infamous Conduct
72559: LAMBERT, THOMAS SCOTT (1819-1897) - Popular Anatomy and Physiology Adapted to the Use of Students and General Readers
192732: LAMBERT, HENRI - Le nouveau contrat social : ou, L'organisation de la democratie individualiste
198867: LAMBERT, JOHN CHISHOLM (1857-1917) - The sacraments in the New Testament : being the Kerr lectures for 1903
206697: LAMBERT, RICHARD STANTON (1894-?) - The railway king, 1800-1871 : a study of George Hudson and the business morals of his time
252661: LAMBERTON, PROFESSOR J. P. ET AL - The Library of Historic Characters and Famous Events of all Nations and All Ages: illustrated with photogravures from paintings by great artists and from authentic portraits: volumes V, VII, X and XII
153735: LAMBERTON, DONALD MCLEAN (1927-) - The Theory of Profit
19934: LAMBERTSEN, ELEANOR C. - Education for Nursing Leadership
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