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MW Books Ltd. 70A Renmore Road, Galway, Ireland. Tel.: +353 91 768981 Email: mwbooksire@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
198555: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) [ET AL.] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : 4me annee - tome 10
198562: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) ; HUGO, VICTOR (1802-1885) [ET AL.] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : tome 7, julliet 1934
198565: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) [ET AL.] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : tome 11, novembre 1934
211102: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - Dunkle Geschichten / Honore de Balza [Band 1]
66534: BALZER, ROBERT LAWRENCE - Wines of California
227935: BAMBER, CHARLES JAMES (1855-) - Plants of the Punjab : a descriptive key to the flora of the Punjab, North-west Frontier Province, and Kashmir
262544: BAMBERGER, FRITZ - Coronet: February, 1954
232473: BAMBERGER, GEORG - Anno Tobak
243486: BAMBERGER, FRITZ - Die Lehren des Judentums nach den Quellen. Teil 5 Judentum und Umwelt / herausgegeben vom Verband der Deutschen Juden ; bearbeitet von F. Bamberger
279496: BAMBERGER, BERNARD J. (BERNARD JACOB) (1904-1980) - Yiremyah : the book of Jeremiah : a new translation : with woodcuts by Nikos Stavroulakis
224343: BAMBERGER, LOUIS - Bow bell memories
198869: BAMBERGER, LOUIS - Louis Bamberger : memories of sixty years in the timber and pianofortes trades / with forewords by Edwin Haynes, William Gilligan, Herbert Sinclair
77533: BAMBOROUGH, PHILIP - Antique Oriental Rugs and Carpets / Philip Bamborough ; Photographed by David Couling
242487: BAMBOROUGH, PHILIP [AUTHOR]. COULING, DAVID (1941-) [ILLUSTRATOR] - Antique oriental rugs and carpets / Philip Bamborough ; photographed by David Couling
235559: BAMBOROUGH, PHILIP. COULING, DAVID (1941-) - Antique oriental rugs and carpets / Philip Bamborough ; photographed by David Couling
216729: BAMBOROUGH, PHILIP; COULING, DAVID - Antique oriental rugs and carpets
117767: BAMBOROUGH, PHILIP - Treasures of Islam / Philip Bamborough
123147: BAMFORD, GEORGIA (LORING) , MRS. - The Mystery of Jack London, Some of His Friends, Also a Few Letters, a Reminiscence
279968: BAMFORD, SAMUEL (1788-1872) - Passages in the life of a radical. Vol.2
233263: BAMM, PETER (1897-1975) - Welten des Glaubens aus den Fruhzeiten des Christentums
217434: BAN, SOFIIA - Dokumenti za bulgarskoto vuzrazhdane ot arkhiva na Stefan I. Verkovich (1860-1893) [Documents from the archives Bulgarian revival of Stephen I. Verkovich 1860-1893. Language: Bulgarian]
91928: BANAS, JOSEF - The Scapegoats : the Exodus of the Remnants of Polish Jewry
147613: BANAS, JOSEF - The Scapegoats : the Exodus of the Remnants of Polish Jewry
86266: BANASZKIEWICZ, WLADYSLAW (ET AL. ) - La Cinematographie Polonaise : [Ouvrage Collectif / Auteurs: Wladyslaw Banaszkiewicz Et Al Traduit Par Jean-Claude Bireau]
195832: BANCA, D'ITALIA. AZIONISTI - Adunanza generale ordinaria / degli Azionisti, tenuta in Roma il Giorno 28 Marzo 1929, Anno Trentacinquesimo
259686: BANCE, MICHAEL - Smokey Joe : the life and times of a provincial newspaper editor / Michael Bance
176426: BANCEL A. D. - Le cooperatisme
168321: BANCKS, JOHN (1709-1751) - The life of Peter the Great : formerly Emperor of Russia
184844: BANCO NACIONAL DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR, S.A. (MEXICO) - Mexico 1960 : facts, figures, trends
248598: BANCROFT, THE HON. GEORGE - History of the United States: from the discovery of the American continent: volume II
261082: BANCROFT, FREDERIC - The life of William H. Seward. Vol.2
171767: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Silver Queen, the Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor
251218: BANCROFT, GEORGE (1800-1891) - History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the continent / George Bancroft. vols. II and IV
249394: BANCROFT, GEORGE (1800-1891) - History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent: History of the Colonization of the United States: volume II
114758: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Silver Queen, the Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor
249231: BANCROFT, GEORGE (1800-1891) - History of the United States : from the discovery of the American continent
103936: BANCROFT, EDITH - Jane Allen, Senior
56282: BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE (1832-1918) - The Book of the Fair; an Historical and Descriptive Presentation of the World's Science, Art, and Industry, As Viewed through the Columbian Exposition At Chicago in 1893 ... by Hubert Howe Bancroft ...volume 1
262800: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Augusta Tabor - her side of the scandal
114801: BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE - The New Pacific. by Hubert Howe Bancroft
52093: BANCROFT, EDGAR ADDISON (1857-1925) - The Mission of America, an Other War-Time Speeches of Edgar A. Bancroft, Edited by Frederic Bancroft, with an Introduction by John H. Finley
244066: BANCROFT, AARON. HILL, ALONZO - A Sermon delivered at the dedication of the Second Congregational Church, in Worcester, Aug. 20, 1829; A sermon delivered in Worcester, January 31, 1836;A Discourse on the life and character of the Rev. Aaron Bancroft, D.D., senior pastor of the second congregational church in Worcester, delivered at his internment, Augst 22, 1839; To Young Householders in the Second Congregational Society, Worcester; A Discourse on Conversion
166344: BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE (1832-1918) - The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft : Volume XXV : History of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming 1540-1888
153887: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Silver Queen, the Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor
165983: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Silver Queen, the Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor. Illustrated
171771: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Silver Queen, the Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor
171772: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Silver Queen, the Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor
171773: BANCROFT, CAROLINE - Silver Queen, the Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor
52325: BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE - The New Pacific
263550: BANCROFT, AARON (1755-1839) - An essay on the life of George Washington, commander in chief of the American army, through the revolutionary war : and the first president of the United States
223815: BAND, GEORGE (1929-) - Road to Rakaposhi. [An account of the Cambridge University Mountaineering Club's expedition to the Karakoram, Northern Pakistan, 1954. With four chapters by Edward A. Wrangham. With plates, including portraits]
243382: BAND, I - Festschrift zume 75 jahrigen bestehen des judische theologischen seminars fraenckelscher stiftung
140334: BAND, ERSTER - Niedersachsen Und Westfalen / Bearbeitet Unter Mitwirkung Von K. Becker Et Al.
192792: BANDAI CO., LTD, TOKYO - B-Club Special Kido Senshi Gundam Shin MS Daizenshu Ver. 3.0
192795: BANDAI CO., LTD, TOKYO - Gundam Special MS
145159: BANDAS, RUDOLPH G. (RUDOLPH GEORGE) - The Master-Idea of Saint Paul's Epistles; Or, the Redemption. a Study of Biblical Theology
36111: BANDELE, ASHA - The Prisoner's Wife : a Memoir / Asha Bandele
247192: BANDELLO, MATTEO (1485-1561) - Certain Tragical Discourses of Bandello. Translated into English by Geoffraie Fenton, anno 1567. With an introduction by R. L. Douglas - Complete in 2 Volumes
191392: BANDELLO, MATTEO. DE BERT, ISAAC - Het Eerste Deel Van de Tragedische ofte klaechlijcke Historien : inhoudende xviij waerachtige geschiedenissen, welckers begin lief ende genuechlijck is, maer het eynde vol swarigheyts ende verdriets [...] [...]
114019: BANDI, HANS GEORG - Eskimo Prehistory; Translated [From the German] by Ann E. Keep
36357: BANDOW, DOUG - The Politics of Plunder - Misgovernment in Washington
119551: BANDYOPADHYAY, PRANAB - The Voice of Buddha : the Eternal Truth / Pranab Bandyopadhyay ...
119655: BANDYOPADHYAY, PRANAB - The Voice of Buddha : the Eternal Truth
113026: BANERJEA, PRAMATHANATH - Provincial Finance in India, by Pramathanath Banerjea
85523: BANERJEE, SAMIK - The Ruins (Khandahar) : a Film
85524: BANERJEE, SHAMPA - Jabbar Patel's the Threshold = Umbartha : Screenplay by Vijay Tendulkar / Script Reconstructed and Translated by Shampa Banerjee
217652: BANFALVY, CSABA - Szebb idokre varva : munkane´lkuliseg es munkane´lkuliek Magyarorszagon az 1990-es evek eleje [Language: Hungarian]
139688: BANFIELD, THOMAS CHARLES - Industry of the Rhine. Series I: Agriculture. Series II: Manufactures
94701: BANFIELD, EDMUND JAMES (1852-1923) - The Confessions of a Beachcomber ; Scenes and Incidents in the Career of an Unprofessional Beachcomber in Tropical Queensland ; with an Introduction by A. H. Chrisholm
143169: BANFIELD, EDWARD C. (ED. ) - Urban Government : a Reader in Administration and Politics
187761: BANG, GUSTAV (1871-1915). PETERSEN, ARNOLD (1885-1976) TR. - Crises in European history
142415: BANG, JACOB PETER (1865-). BROCHNER, JESSIE - Hurrah and Hallelujah : the Spirit of New-Germanism : a Documentation
280678: BANG, GUSTAV - Crises in European history
51657: BANGS, RICHARD (1950-) - Whitewater Adventures - Running America's Great Scenic Rivers
231198: BANGS, RICHARD - Islands of fire, islands of spice : exploring the wild places of Indonesia / R. Bangs, C. Kallen
188270: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK (1862-1922) - Over the plum-pudding
82548: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK - Uncle Sam Trustee, by John Kendrick Bangs
226464: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK (1862-1922) - A house-boat on the Styx : being some account of the divers doings of the associated shades
100411: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK - The Bicyclers, and Three Other Farces, by John Kendrick Bangs ...
105445: BANGS, MARY ROGERS - High Bradford
240653: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK (1862-1922); NEWELL, PETER, ILLUSTRATOR - Mr. Munchausen : being a true account of... recent adventures beyond the Styx of the late... Baron Munchausen / as originally reported for the... Gehenna Gazette... transcribed... by J.K. Bangs... with drawings by P. Newell
244550: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK - The Bicyclers and three other farces
263548: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK (1862-1922) - Over the plum-pudding
155173: BANIER, FRANCOIS-MARIE - On the edge
268188: BANISTER, JUDITH - English silver
52562: BANISTER, H. - Psychology and Health
277588: WORLD BANK - The economic development of Syria : report of a mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the request of the Government of Syria
277586: WORLD BANK - The Economic development of Jordan
277585: WORLD BANK - The economic development of Iraq : report of a mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the request of the Government of Iraq
276880: BANK OF ENGLAND. GOLDSMITHS' LIBRARY OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE, THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON - Bank of England: selected tracts 1694-1804: a collection of seven rare works republished from originals in the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature, the University of London, by kind permission of the Librarian
189193: BANK OF ITALY, RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Economic papers : Bank of Italy, Research Department: December 1977
188026: BANK OF ITALY, RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Economic papers : Bank of Italy, Research Department : June 1979
280632: WALTHAM CO-OPERATIVE BANK - When You Need a Friend: Waltham Co-operative Bank, Waltham, Mass.: promotional pamphlet
216312: WORLD BANK - The economic development of Syria : report of a mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the request of the Government of Syria
231686: DEUTSCHE BANK - Meisterwerke der moderne kunstler des 20. jahrhunderts in der sammlung deutsche bank
22810: STATE BANK OF THE U. S. S. R. - Banking in the U. S. S. R. Lectures Delivered At the 15th International Banking Summer School, Moscow (July 1962)
138671: WORLD BANK - The Economic Development of Syria; Report of a Mission Organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development At the Request of the Government of Syria
53888: IMAGE BANK (AGENCY) - A Catalog of Existing Photography - Image Bank Number 9
197174: WORLD BANK (INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT) - The economic development of Jordan / report of a mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the request of the Government of Jordan
207773: INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK - Socio-economic progress in Latin America : Social Progress Trust Fund ... annual report
208836: BARCLAYS BANK - London : a visitors guide to London for the year 1967 / presented free with the compliments of the Barclays Group of banks
241215: MARTINS BANK - The World is you Market: a guide to overseas trading
145352: INSTITUTE OF BANKERS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Questions on Banking Practice from Vols. I-XVIII (Inclusive) of the Journal : Revised and Issued under the Authority of the Council of the Institute
198476: INSTITUTE OF BANKERS (GREAT BRITAIN). - Journal of the Institute of Bankers : vol. 79, 1958
206941: INSTITUTE OF BANKERS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Banking and foreign trade : being the lectures delivered at the 5th International Banking Summer School, Christ Church, Oxford, July 1952
66957: BANKETTE COMPANY, BOSTON - The Tercentenary Art Book of Boston
166360: BANKHEAD, TALLULAH, (1902-1968) - Tallulah: My Autobiography
124902: BANKHEAD, TALLULAH (1902-1968) - Tallulah: My Autobiography
12148: BANKOFF, GEORGE - The Shadow on the Path
98805: BANKOFF, GEORGE - The Shadow on the Path, by George Bankoff [Pseud. I. E. George Alexis Milkomanovich Milkomane]
119178: BANKOFF, GEORGE - The Story of Plastic Surgery
262151: BANKOFF, GEORGE - The conquest of tuberculosis / George Bankoff
204661: BANKOFF, GEORGE (1903-?) - The shadow on the path
237079: BANKOWSKY, JACK; GINGERAS, ALISON M.; WOOD, CATHERINE (EDS) - Pop life: art in a material world / edited by Jack Bankowsky, Alison M. Gingeras and Catherine Wood
280028: BANKS, RUSSELL - The darling
51652: BANKS, EDWIN M. - Vertebrate Social Organization
30549: BANKS, OLIVE - Faces of Feminism - a Study of Feminism As a Social Movement
273298: BANKS, FRANCIS RODWELL - I kept no diary : 60 years with marine diesels, automobile and aero engines
270109: BANKS, IAIN (1954-2013) - Canal dreams
270110: BANKS, IAIN (1954-2013) - Walking on glass / Iain Banks
270101: BANKS, IAIN - The business / Iain Banks
270079: BANKS, IAIN (1954-2013) - Complicity / Iain Banks
269812: BANKS, MIKE - Rakaposhi / Foreword by Gerald Templer
255944: BANKS, IAIN (1954-2013) - Whit or Isis amongst the unsaved / Iain Banks
255847: BANKS, IAIN - A song of stone / Iain Banks
255148: BANKS, IAIN - Transition / Iain Banks
253538: BANKS, IAIN - The business / Iain Banks
230752: BANKS, LYNNE REID - Tiger, tiger / Lynne Reid Banks
230729: BANKS, IAIN (1954-2013) - The business
262435: BANKS, JOHN - The unhappy favourites or the earl of Essex: A tragedy
177392: BANKS, IAIN M. (1954- ) - The algebraist / Iain M. Banks
128871: BANKS, JOSEPH AMBROSE - Marxist Sociology in Action : a Sociological Critique of the Marxist Approach to Industrial Relations
225320: BANKS, ARTHUR GUELPH - 'A.G's' book of the rifle, etc.
186402: BANKS, THOMAS CHRISTOPHER (1765–1854) - A disquisition upon the right of succession to the Crown of England, as by law established. To which is added, an historical inquiry into the nature of the kingly office; the importance and indispensibility of the coronation ceremony ... ... the origin of that solemnity, and the minutiae of ancient and modern usage; with a variety of novel matter, interesting notes, remarks and, &c.
263147: BANKS, PAUL - People versus bankers : an account of the inefficiency of the financial system since the European War and its consequences
182878: BANKS, OLIVE - The Attitudes of steelworkers to technical change / Olive Banks
262447: BANKS, JOHN - The Albion Queens : Or, The death of Mary Queen of Scotland. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal. Written by Mr. Banks
142501: BANKS, FRANCES - Teach Them to Live : a Study of Education in English Prisons / with a Foreword by Lord Birkett
142610: BANKS, J. A. (JOSEPH AMBROSE) - Industrial Participation, Theory and Practice : a Case Study
90601: BANKS, JOSEPH AMBROSE - Feminism and Family Planning in Victorian England [By] J. A. and Olive Banks
69939: BANKS, CHARLES EUGENE (1852-1932) - The History of the San Francisco Disaster and Mount Vesuvius Horror
63679: BANKS, MARY MACLEOD (D. 1914) - The Shakespeare Story-Book, by Mary MacLeod; with Introduction by Sidney Lee; Illustrations by Gordon Browne
225301: BANKS, ARTHUR GUELPH - Random Writings on Rifle Shooting. [Reprinted from “The Rifleman.” With illustrations, including a portrait]
178452: BANKS, J. A. (ED.) - Studies in British Society / edited by J. A. Banks
227294: BANKS, HENRY STANLEY - The common infectious diseases : a handbook for students and postgraduates
270078: BANKS, IAIN (1954-2013) - Dead air / Iain Banks
170547: BANKS, FRANCES - Teach them to live. A study of education in English prisons, etc
244370: BANKS, THOMAS CHRISTOPHER (1765-1854) - The dormant and extinct baronage of England : or an historical and genealogical account of the English nobility who have flourished from the Norman conquest to the year 1809
175523: BANKS, JOSEPH AMBROSE - Prosperity and parenthood : a study of family planning among the Victorian middle classes
128896: BANKS, JAMES. TOM WISE. WILL WHITE [ET AL] - Eight Working Men in Russia
134805: BANKS, A. LESLIE (ARTHUR LESLIE) - Social Aspects of Disease
142679: BANKS, OLIVE - The Attitudes of Steelworkers to Technical Change
8364: BANKS, PAUL - Metropolis : Or, the Destiny of Cities
208138: BANKS, PAUL - People versus bankers. : An account of the inefficiency of the financial system since the European War and its consequences. / Paul Banks
153970: BANKSON, BUDD (1916-) - I Should Live so Long
274013: BANN, STEPHEN - Art and the early photographic album / edited by Stephen Bann
30913: BANNER, LOIS W. - Women in Modern America : a Brief History / Lois W. Banner
247285: BANNERMAN, DAVID ARMITAGE (1886-1979) - The birds of the British Isles
278747: BANNERMAN, DAVID ARMITAGE - Larger birds of West Africa
71388: BANNING, KENDALL (1879-1944) - Annapolis today / Rev. by A. Stuart Pitt.
28923: BANNING, KENDALL - Annapolis Today
32897: BANNING, KENDALL (1879-1944) - Mother Goose Rhymes
273226: BANNISTER, ROGER - First 4 minutes
210799: BANNISTER, JOHN THOMAS - The primrose switchback / Jo Bannister
210800: BANNISTER, JO - Echoes of lies / Jo Bannister
208545: BANNISTER, JACK - Jack in the box : a TV commentator's diary of England v West Indies / Jack Bannister
120081: BANNO, JUNJI (1937-) - The Political Economy of Japanese Society : Volume Two International and Domestic Issues / Edited by Banno Junji
34304: BANNOCK, GRAHAM - The Juggernauts: the Age of the Big Corporation
35076: BANNOCK, GRAHAM. BAXTER, RON ERIC. REES, RAY (1943-) - The Penguin Dictionary of Economics / [By] G. Bannock, R. E. Baxter and R. Rees.
235023: BANNON, MICHAEL JOSEPH - Planning : the Irish experience, (1920-1988) / edited by Michael J. Bannon
83595: BANOV, ABEL - Book of Successful Painting
74038: BANTOCK, NICK - Griffin & Sabine : an Extraordinary Correspondence / Written and Illustrated by Nick Bantock
182868: BANTOCK, NICK - Sabine's notebook : in which the extraordinary correspondence of Griffin & Sabine continues / written and illlustrated by Nick Bantock
160719: BANTOCK, NICK - The Egyptian Jukebox : a Conundrum / Created by Nick Bantock
26812: BANTON, MICHAEL - Race Relations
47714: BANTON, MICHAEL (1926-) - West African City; a Study of Tribal Life in Freetown
98279: BANUS, TUDOR - The Muppet Show Book / [Layout and Ill. by Tudor Banus]
157681: BAO LORD, BETTE - Legacies : a Chinese Mosaic
176361: BAPAT, NARAYAN SADASHIV - A national challenge to the communalists: Nationalism versus communalism (An essay on hindu-muslim unity)
270044: BAPST, GERMAIN (1853-1921) - Le maréchal Canrobert : souvenirs d'un siècle / par Germain Bapst: t. 5. Bataille de Rezonville
243803: BAPST, GERMAIN (1853-1921) - Le maréchal Canrobert : souvenirs d'un siècle / par Germain Bapst: Tome premier
128717: BAPST, GERMAIN - Le Marechal Canrobert : Souvenirs D'Un Siecle / Par Germain Bapst [Tome Second; Napoeon III Et Sa Cour, La Guerre De Crimee]
183541: BAPST, EDMOND (1858-) - Deux gentilhommes-poetes de la cour de Henry VIII / par Edmond Bapst
235147: BAPST, GERMAIN (1853-1921) - Le marechal Canrobert : souvenirs d'un siecle / par Germain Bapst - (Mixed editions complete in 5 volues)
197781: BAPST, CONSTANT GERMAIN (1853-1921) - Le Marechal Canrobert. Souvenirs d'un siecle : Tome Quatrieme
255734: BAPTISTE, MARC - Intimates: Nudes by Marc Baptiste
49798: BAR-ZOHAR, MICHAEL - Facing a Cruel Mirror - Israel's Moment of Truth
43413: BAR-SIMAN-TOV, YAACOV - Israel and the Peace Process, 1977-1982 - in Search of Legitimacy for Peace
228671: BAR-AM, MICHA. POR?ER, RUT. BET HA-TEFUTSOT ?AL SHEM NA?UM GOLDMAN. - Jews in Arab lands today : photographs
21684: BAR-ZOHAR, MICHAEL - Arrows of the Almighty The Most Extraordinary True Spy Story of World War II
194023: TEMPLE BAR (PERIODICAL, LONDON) - Temple Bar: a London magazine for town and country readers. Vol 15. November 1865
75206: BAR-YAACOV, NISSIM - The Israel-Syrian Armistice: Problems of Implementation (1949-1966)
228665: BAR-LEV, ARIE - Shirat ha-midbar = Poetry of the Desert Poesie Du Desert; Poesia Del Desierto
171960: BARADA, M. - Opinion de M. Barada depute du department du gers sur le nouveau systeme des remontes militaires
90144: BARAKA, IMAMU AMIRI (1934-) - Tales
216855: BARAN, PAUL A. - Marxism and psychoanalysis
195439: BARANIECKI - Tadeusz Bielecki 30.1.1901 - 5.11.1982 w 80-ta Rocznice Urodzin i po jego zgonie
217429: BARANOVICH, A. I. ; INSTITUT ISTORII (AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR); (ET AL.) - Vossoyedineniye ukrainy s rossiyey 1654-1954 Sbornik Statey [The reunification of Ukraine with Russia 1654-1954 Collection of Articles. Language: Russia]
258163: BARANSKI, Z - Pasolini old and new : surveys and studies / edited by Zygmunt G. Baranski
141215: BARANTE, AMABLE-GUILLAUME-PROSPER BRUGIERE, BARON DE (1782-1866) - Questions Constitutionnelles, Par M. De Barante...
179359: BARASH, ASHER (1889-1952) - Pictures from a brewery
229588: BARATIER, ALBERT ERNEST AUGUSTIN - Epopees africaines
163498: BARATZ, GIDEON. BENTWICH, NORMAN (1883-1971) ED. - A New Way of Life : the Collective Settlements of Israel
27673: BARATZ, JOSEPH (1890-1968) - A Village by the Jordan - the Story of Degania
76029: BARATZ, MORTON S - The Union and the Coal Industry
163202: BARATZ, GIDEON. BENTWICH, NORMAN (1883-1971) ED. - A New Way of Life : the Collective Settlements of Israel
168784: BARATZ, GIDEON - A New way of life : the collective settlements of Israel / [by] Gideon Baratz [and others] Foreword by Sir Wyndham Deedes; introd. by Norman Bentwich
130828: BARAVELLI, G. C. - L'Ultimo Baluardo Della Schiavitu L'Abissinia
127224: BARAVELLI, G. C. - The Last Stronghold of Slavery: What Abyssinia Is
141451: BARAVELLI, GIULIO CESARE - The Last Stronghold of Slavery : What Abyssinia Is
44017: BARBACH, LONNIE - The Pause - Positive Approaches to Menopause
213710: BARBARIN, GEORGES - Le secret de la grande pyramide ou La fin du monde adamique : edition du cinquantenaire (1936-1986)
206749: BARBASH, JACK - Labor unions in action : a study of the mainsprings of unionism
158952: BARBE, LOUIS A. - Sidelights on the History, Industries & Social Life of Scotland, by Louis A. Barbe
214840: BARBE, CARLOS - Progresso e sviluppo : la formazione della teoria dello sviluppo e lo sviluppo come ideologia, (Auguste Comte-Herbert Spencer) / di Carlos Barbe ; prefazione di Filippo Barbano
165875: BARBEAU, CHARLES MARIUS, (1883-) - The Modern Growth of the Totem Pole on the Northwest Coast
144786: BARBEDETTE, L. (LUCIEN) (1890-1942) - Par Dela L'Interet : Essai De Psychologie Morale / Par L. Barbedette
175783: BARBEDETTE, LUCIEN (1890-1942) - Aux sources de la douleur : recherches philosophiques / L. Barbedette
140290: BARBEDETTE, LUCIEN (1890-1942) - Remarques Et Suggestions : Etude Philosophique / Par L. Barbedette
202209: BARBELLI, GIAN GIACOMO (1604-1656) - Gian Giacomo Barbelli di Crema : disegni inediti dell'Accademia Tadini di Lovere
93321: BARBER, NOEL (1909-) - From the Land of Lost Content: the Dalai Lama's Fight for Tibet
87500: BARBER, NOEL - Seven Days of Freedom : the Hungarian Uprising 1956 / Noel Barber
277597: BARBER, DULAN (1940-1988) - Concerning Thomas Hardy : a composite portrait from memory / edited by D.F. Barber and based on material researched and collected by J. Stevens Cox
275494: BARBER, GILES - Daphnis and Chloë : printing and publishing a pastoral classic
265255: BARBER, NOEL - Strangers in the sun
23009: BARBER, RICHARD - The Reign of Chivalry
212538: BARBER, RICHARD - A strong land & a sturdy : England in the Middle Ages / [by] Richard Barber
173943: BARBER, CRAIG J. - Ghosts in the landscape : Vietnam revisited / photographs by Craig J. Barber ; essay by Alison Devine Nordstrom
126378: BARBER, JAMES P. - South Africa's Foreign Policy, 1945-1970 [By] James Barber
164033: BARBER, WILLARD FOSTER. RONNING, C. NEALE - Internal Security and Military Power : Counterinsurgency and Civic Action in Latin America by Willard F. Barber and C. Neale Ronning
262850: BARBER, MARGARET FAIRLESS (1869-1901) - The roadmender
251904: BARBER, JAMES - Rhodesia : the road to rebellion / James Barber
216112: BARBER, MARY (1911-1965). GILLILAND, IAN CHALMERS. - British Doctors in Russia
221886: BARBER, THOMAS - Barber's picturesque illustrations, of the Isle of Wight : dedicated to her most Gracious Majesty The Queen : engraved from original drawings. Accompanied by historical and topographical descriptions
153243: BARBER, GEORGE DUCKETT (B. 1801 OR 2) - Suggestions on the Ancient Britons
160380: BARBER, ROWLAND - The Midnighters: a Documentary Novel Based on the Memoirs of Martin Allen Ribakoff
77221: BARBER, JOHN WARNER (1798-1885) - Connecticut historical collections, containing a general collection of interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c., relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Connecticut, with geographical descriptions. Illustrated
75114: BARBER, NOEL (1909-) - The Black Hole of Calcutta ; a Reconstruction
65509: BARBER, JOHN WARNER (1798-1885) - The History and Antiquities of New England, New York and New Jersey the Following Subjects, Viz : Discoveries and Settlements - Indian History - Indian, French and Revolutionary Wars -Religious History - Biographical Sketches..... Anecdotes, Traditions, Remarkable and Unaccountable Occurrences - with a Great Variety of Curious and Interesting Relics of Antiquity / Collected and Compiled from Authentic Sources, by John Warner Barber ; Illustrated by Numerous Engravings
256749: BARBER, NOËL - Conversations with painters / [by] Noel Barber. With an introduction to each painter by Pierre Jeannerat
193660: BARBER, THOMAS - Barber's picturesque illustrations of the Isle of Wight, comprising views of every object of interest on the island, engraved from original drawings. Accompanied by historical and topographical descriptions
127628: BARBER, JAMES P. - Rhodesia: the Road to Rebellion [By] James Barber
119686: BARBER, HUGH - The Occasion Fleeting
119022: BARBER, H. - The Aeroplane Speaks
111939: BARBER, JAMES P. - The West and South Africa / James Barber, Jesmond Blumenfeld, and Christopher R. Hill
123284: BARBER, RICHARD W. - The Reign of Chivalry / Richard Barber
263498: BARBER, JOHN WARNER - Historical collections being a general collection of interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c. : Relating to the History and Antiquities of every town in Massachussetts, with geographical descriptions. Illustrated by 200 engravings
120692: BARBER, NOEL - From the Land of Lost Content; the Dalai Lama's Fight for Tibet
7327: BARBER, REV. W. T. A. - David Hill Missionary and Saint
221781: BARBER, JOHN THOMAS (1774-1841) - A tour throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire : comprehending a general survey of the picturesque scenery, remains of antiquity, historical events, peculiar manners and commercial situations...
277598: BARBERA, JACK - Stevie : a biography of Stevie Smith
220081: BARBERINO, ANDREA DA (CA. 1370 – 1431) - Guerino detto il Meschino : nel quale si tratta, come trouo suo padre, & sua madre, in la citta di Durazzo in Prigione. Et diuerse vittorie hauute contra Turchi
235978: BARBÉRIS, PIERRE - Le monde de Balzac
53032: BARBERY, BERNARD - L'Éphémère Seigneur De Caille. [The Lives of Isaac De Brun De Castellane and of His Impersonator Pierre Mège. with Portraits]
131074: BARBEY, FREDERIC - Suisses Hors De Suisse : Au Service Des Rois Et De La Revolution / D'Apres Des Documents Inedits Par Frederic Barbey. Stanislas Poniatowsky Et Marc Reverdil. Madame De Stael Et Ferdinand Christin. Jean-Gaspard Schweizer
253133: BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, JULES (1808-1889) - Oeuvres de J. Barbey d'Aurevilly: un pretre marié: tome premier
237332: BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, JULES (1808-1889) - Poésie et poètes
244272: BARBEYRAC, JEAN - Le Droit de la nature et des gens ou système général: Tome Second
261405: BARBIER, ALBERT - Histoire des sapeurs-pompiers de Nancy. 1, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
183562: BARBIER, J. C. COURADE, GEORGES. TISSANDIER, J. ORSTOM - Complexes agro-industriels au Cameroun
20270: BARBIER, MARCEL N. - Les mines et les arts a travers les ages
57605: BARBIER, PAUL (1873-1947) - English Influence on the French Vocabulary II.
114190: DE BARBIN, LUCY AND MATERA, DARY - Are You Lonesome Tonight? : the Untold Story of Elvis Presley's One True Love and the Child He Never Knew / Lucy De Barbin and Dary Matera
166188: BARBOTIN, JACQUES - L'Habitation Flamande
79180: BARBOUR, ALAN G. - Humphrey Bogart
48996: BARBOUR, ALAN G. - Humphrey Bogart
255630: BARBOUR, NEVILL - Nisi dominus : a survey of the Palestine controversy
193890: BARBOUR, ROBERT STEWART - Traditio-historical criticism of the Gospels : some comments on current methods
186496: BARBOUR, ROBERT STEWART - Traditio-historical criticism of the Gospels : some comments on current methods
31225: BARBOUR, RALPH HENRY (1870-1944) - A Maid in Arcady
162215: BARBOUR, NEVILL - Nisi Dominus : a Survey of the Palestine Controversy
140075: BARBOUR, NEVILL - Nisi Dominus : a Survey of the Palestine Controversy, by Nevill Barbour. with Three Maps
91389: BARBOUR, PHILIP L. - RELATED NAME: BRYANT, SAMUEL H - Dimitry, Called the Pretender: Tsar and Great Prince of all Russia, 1605-1606 [By] Philip L. Barbour; Illustrated with Photographs and with Maps and Tables by Samuel H. Bryant
151901: BARBOUR, NEVILL (1895-) - Nisi Dominus : a Survey of the Palestine Controversy
96363: BARBOUR, PHILIP L. - Dimitry, Called the Pretender: Tsar and Great Prince of all Russia, 1605-1606 [By] Philip L. Barbour; Illustrated with Photographs and with Maps and Tables by Samuel H. Bryant
128393: BARBOUR, PHILIP L. - Dimitry, Called the Pretender, Tsar and Great Prince of all Russia, 1605-1606 [By] Philip L. Barbour. Illustrated with Photos. and with Maps and Tables by Samuel H. Bryant
165053: BARBOUR, NEVILL, (B. 1895) - Nisi Dominus : a Survey of the Palestine Controversy
65320: BARBOUR, FLOYD B. (COMP. ) - The Black Power Revolt; a Collection of Essays. Editor: Floyd B. Barbour
73074: BARBOUR, ALAN G. (ED. ) - Screen Facts, Volume Two, Number Three
73075: BARBOUR, ALAN G. (ED. ) - Screen Facts, Volume One, Number Three
84800: BARBOUR, ALAN G - Screen Facts - Volume 3 - Number 3
158983: BARBUSSE, HENRI (1873-1935) - La Lueur Dans L'Abime : Ce Que Veut Le Groupe Clarte
163382: BARBUSSE, HENRI (1873-1935) - Paroles D'Un Combattant. Articles Et Discours, 1917-1920
8329: BARBUSSE, HENRI (1873-1935) - Chains
128019: BARBUSSE, HENRI (1873-1935) - La Lueur Dans L'Abime, Ce Que Veut Le Groupe Clarte
165509: BARBUSSE, HENRI, (1873-1935) - Paroles D'Un Combattant : Articles Et Discours (1917-1920)
167440: BARBUSSE, HENRI, (1873-1935) - Staline : un monde nouveau vu a travers un homme / Henri Barbusse
211412: BARBUSSE, HENRI (1873-1935) - Zola : der Roman seines Lebens / Henri Barbusse ; Deutsch von Lyonel Dunin
84566: BARCELONA, GALAXIS - Foto Galaxis 77
269271: BARCHAS, JANINE - Graphic design, print culture, and the eighteenth-century novel / Janine Barchas
32339: BARCLAY, GLEN - Struggle for a Continent - the Diplomatic History of South America 1917-1945
259263: BARCLAY, IRENE - Property management
258651: BARCLAY, THOMAS - The rights of labour according to John Ruskin / arranged by Thomas Barclay
239437: BARCLAY, PER. BONNET, FRÉDÉRIC. NAVARRO, MARIANO. SPERANZA, GIULIETTA. MUSEO NACIONAL CENTRO DE ARTE REINA SOFÍA - Per Barclay / [textos/testi/texts, Frédéric Bonnet, Mariano Navarro, Giulietta Speranza ; traduccions/traduzioni/translations, Anna Caffaro ... [et al.]]
186297: BARCLAY, ROBERT (1648-1690) - An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth and preached, by the people, in scorn, called Quakers : being a full explanation and vindication of their principles and doctrines
159271: BARCLAY, DONALD A. MAGUIRE, JAMES H. WILD, PETER (1940-) - Into the Wilderness Dream : Exploration Narratives of the American West, 1500-1805 / Edited by Donald A. Barclay, James H. Maguire, and Peter Wild
251250: BARCLAY, FLORENCE L. (1862-1921) - Through the postern gate : a romance in seven days
115800: BARCLAY, GLEN ST. JOHN - Struggle for a Continent : the Diplomatic History of South America, 1917-1945, [By] Glen Barclay
250680: BARCLAY, WILLIAM (1907-1978) - Prayers for young people
263818: BARCLAY, C. N. (CYRIL NELSON) - Armistice 1918 / [by] C. N. Barclay
106487: BARCLAY, GLEN ST. JOHN - The Rise and Fall of the New Roman Empire: Italy's Bid for World Power, 1890-1943
132899: BARCLAY, ROBERT - The Disturbance in the Standard of Value
120915: BARCLAY, C. N. - On Their Shoulders : British Generalship in the Lean Years, 1939-1942 / C. N. Barclay
41182: BARCLAY, JOHN F. - Arthur & Company Limited, Glasgow - One Hundred Years of Textile Distribution
239979: BARCLAY, WILLIAM (1907-1978) - The plain man looks at the Lord's Prayer / William Barclay
240306: BARCLAY, PÉR - Per Barclay
190870: BARCLAY, FLORENCE L. (FLORENCE LOUISA), (1862-1921) - Through the postern gate : a romace in seven days
32583: BARCLAY, BRIGADIER C. N. - Armistice 1918
29543: BARD, MORTON AND SANGREY, DAWN - The Crime Victim's Book / Morton Bard & Dawn Sangrey
230397: BARD, MITCHELL GEOFFREY - Will Israel survive? / Mitch Bard
171013: THE BARD GRADUATE CENTER FOR STUDIES IN THE DECORATIVE ARTS, NEW YORK - The brilliance of Swedish glass, 1918-1939 : an alliance of art and industry
170976: BARD GRADUATE CENTER FOR STUDIES IN THE DECORATIVE ARTS, DESIGN AND CULTURE, NEW YORK - Utopia and reality : modernity in Sweden 1900-1960 / catalogue editor Cecilia Widenheim
60772: PERRY BARD (ET AL. ) - Ethereal Images : New Media Installations : Perry Bard ... [Et Al. ] ; Patricia Snavely, Curator
216172: BARDAKH, M. - Itogi golodaniya germanii i avstrii [Results of starvation in Germany and Austria. Language: Russian]
50082: BARDEN, LEONARD AND TIM HARDING - Guide to the Chess Openings
155058: BARDEN, LEONARD - How to Play the Endgame in Chess
68449: BARDEN, LEONARD (1929-) - Play Better Chess with Leonard Barden / Foreword by Viktor Korchnoi
102695: BARDEN, RENARDO - Tamashiwara : the Art of Breaking Bricks and Boards with Your Hands and Feet / Renardo Barden
84843: BARDEN, LEONARD - The Ruy Lopez, Winning Chess with 1 P-K4
232573: BARDENHEWER, OTTO (1851-1935) - Patrologie
212840: BARDENS, DENNIS - Elizabeth Fry : Britain's second lady on the five-pound note / Dennis Bardens ; foreword by John Mackrell
205728: BARDENS, DENNIS - Mysterious worlds : a personal investigation of the weird, the uncanny and the unexplained
201881: BARDENS, DENNIS - Psychic animals : an investigation of their secret powers
13059: BARDENS, DENNIS - Psychic Animals. a Fascinating Investigation of Paranormal Behavior
209219: BARDENS, DENNIS - A press in chains
252178: BARDER, RICHARD CHARLES REMILLY - Spinning for pike / [by] R. C. R. Barder; with a foreword by Fred. J. Taylor
264503: BARDGETT, SUZANNE - Imperial War Museum review / articles on aspects of twentieth century history principally by the staff of the Imperial War Museum - no. 12
244031: BARDI, GIOVANNI [EDITORE] - Rivista Degli Studi Orientali: pubblicata: a cura dei professori della scuola orientale della universita di Roma: Volume XLI: fasc. II (1966)
257001: BARDON, JONATHAN - The struggle for shared schools in Northern Ireland : the history of All Children Together / Jonathan Bardon
267442: BARDOUX, JACQUES (1874-1959) - Angleterre et France : leurs politiques étrangères : essai d'une définition psychologique : ... the Zaharoff Lecture for 1936
145459: BARDOUX, JACQUES - Silhouettes D'Outre-Manche
144499: BARDOUX, JACQUES (1874-1959) - Les Soviets Contre La France (Quel Jour Eclatera La Revolution Communiste? )
214060: BARDOUX, JACQUES (1874-1959). MICHELS, ROBERT (1876-1936). ECKHARDT, TIBOR (1888-1972) - L' Angleterre et l'organisation de l'Europe centrale : R. Michels: Les bases historiques de la politique Italienne. T. Eckhardt: L'amenagement politique et économique de l'Europe danubienne / Jacques Bardoux
182361: BARDOUX, JACQUES (1874-1959) - Les origines du malheur europeen : l'aide anglo-francaise a la domination prussienne / Jacques Bardoux
209656: BARDOUX, JACQUES (1874-1959) - J. Ramsay Macdonald
21026: BARDSLEY, CHARLES WAREING - Memorials of St. Ann's Church, Manchester in the Last Century. An Attempt to Rectify Several Popular Errors to Which is Added a Short History of Church Building and Sunday School Work in the Same Town
170230: BARDSLEY, HERBERT JAMES - Reconstructions of early Christian documents
197754: BARDSLEY, HERBERT JAMES (B. 1865) - Reconstructions of early Christian documents
272098: BARDSWELL, FRANCES ANNE - The herb-garden
60942: BARDWELL, HORATIO - Memoir of Rev. Gordon Hall ... One of the First Missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, At Bombay
51124: BARDWELL, JOHN EDWARD - Dr. Williams's Library, London - Catalogue of Accessions, Volume 4
227735: BAREHAM, TONY - A bibliography of George Crabbe / T. Bareham & S. Gatrell
38588: BAREIKIS, ROBERT P. - Visions from the Soul : the Woodcuts of Hans Friedrich Grohs / Robert P. Bareikis, Daniel Piersol - [Catalog Published in Conjunction with an Exhibition Held At the New Orleans Museum of Art, Jan. 9-Mar. 30, 2003, and At the University of Richmond Museums
55233: BARENHOLTZ, BERNARD - American Antique Toys, 1830-1900 / Bernard Barenholtz, Inez McClintock ; Photos. by Bill Holland ; [Editor, Lory Frankel]
269282: BARETTI, GIUSEPPE MARCO ANTONIO (1719-1789). PICCIONI, LUIGI (1870-1955) - Lettere Familiari a' suoi tre fratelli Filippo, Giovanni e Amedeo. Sei tavole fuori testo
60350: BARETTI, GIUSEPPE MARCO ANTONIO (1719-1789) - A Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France, by Joseph Baretti. with an Introd. by Ian Robertson
273309: BARFF, H. E. (HENRY E.) - A short historical account of the University of Sydney
264356: BARFIELD, THOMAS - War Photography : Images of conflict from frontline photographers / Edited by Thomas Barfield
189444: BARFIELD, T. C. (THOMAS CHARLES) - Longman's historical illustrations : England in the Middle Ages : Portfolio 5. The 14th and 15th centuries / drawn and described by T.C. Barfield
189442: BARFIELD, T. C. (THOMAS CHARLES) - Longman's historical illustrations : England in the Middle Ages : Portfolio 4. The 14th century / drawn and described by T.C. Barfield
189445: BARFIELD, T. C. (THOMAS CHARLES) - Longman's historical illustrations : England in the Middle Ages : Portfolio 6. The 15th century / drawn and described by T.C. Barfield
263917: BARFOD, JØRGEN H. (JØRGEN HENRIK) - Niels Juel : a Danish admiral of the 17'th century / Jørgen H. Barfod
170641: BARGELLINI, CLARA - Casas senoriales del Banco Nacional de Mexico / Clara Bargellini ... [et al.]
32175: BARGELLINI, PIERO - IL Sogno Nostalgico Di Sandro Botticelli
23459: BARGER, HAROLD - Distribution's Place in the American Economy Since 1869
12542: BARGER, HAROLD - Outlay and Income in the United States, 1921-1938, by Harold Barger
73311: BARGERON, CARLISLE - Confusion on the Potomac : the Alarming Chaos and Feuds of Washington
91381: BARGHOORN, FREDERICK CHARLES (1911-?) - Detente and the Democratic Movement in the USSR
99429: BARGHOORN, FREDERICK CHARLES (1911-?) - Soviet Foreign Propaganda
273845: BARGIEL, RÉJANE - Gruau : portraits of men / Réjane Bargiel and Sylvie Nissen
275630: BARHAM, R. H. (RICHARD HARRIS) (1788-1845) - The Ingoldsby legends
272924: BARHAM, R. H. DALTON (RICHARD HARRIS DALTON) (1815-1886) - The life and remains of Theodore Edward Hook
241544: BARHAM, PETER (1950-) - The science of cooking / Peter Barham
243088: REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI <> - BARI - Annali dell;Istituto Di Statisticaa: Volume VII
135883: BARIL, CLAIRE. EMILE VANDERVELDE (COMPS. ) - Le Livre Rouge. Choix De Lectures Destinees a L'Enseignement Populaire / Claire Baril Et Emile Vandervelde
106972: BARILLE, ELIZABETH. TAHARA, KEIICHI - Coty. Parfumeur and Visionary.
106976: BARILLE, ELIZABETH. KEIICHI TAHARA - Coty. Parfumeur and Visionary
164592: BARINE, ARVEDE, (1840-1908) - La Jeunesse De La Grande Mademoiselle (1627-1652) / Arvede Barine
135182: BARINE, ARVEDE (1840-1908) - Bernardin De Saint-Pierre / Par Arvede Barine
25488: BARINE, ARVEDE, PSEUD. [I. E. CECILE VINCENS] - La Jeunesse De La Grande Mademoiselle (Anne Marie Louise D'Orleans) , 1627-1652
127939: BARINE, ARVEDE (1840-1908) - Madame : Mere Du Regent
274443: BARING, MAURICE (1874-1945) - Maurice Baring restored : selections from his work / chosen and edited, with an introductory essay and commentaries by Paul Horgan
230379: BARING, MAURICE (1874-1945) - Flying Corps headquarters 1914-1918 / Maurice Baring
252477: BARING, MAURICE (1874-1945) - Dead letters
146927: BARING, MAURICE (1874-1945) - The Oxford Book of Russian Verse, Chosen by the Hon. Maurice Baring
134266: BARING, DANIEL EBERHARD (1690-1753) - Clavis Diplomatica, Specimina Vetervm Scriptvrarvm Tradens, Alphabeta Nimirvm Varia, Medii Evi Compendia Scribendi, Notariorvm Vetervm Signa Perpvra, Cet : Singvla Tabvlis Aeneis Expressa.... . ..praemissa Est Bibliotheca Scriptorvm Rei Diplomaticae. Iterata Hac Editione Sic Ab Avctore Recognita, Emendata Ac Locvpletata, Vt Novvm Opvs Videri Possit
153100: BARING, MAURICE (1874-1945) - The Mainsprings of Russia
129973: BARING, MAURICE - The Mainsprings of Russia
123769: BARING-GOULD, S. (SABINE) (1834-1924) - The Tragedy of the Caesars; a Study of the Characters of the Caesars of the Julian and Claudian Houses
132406: BARING, MAURICE - Landmarks in Russian Literature
45762: BARING-GOULD, SABINE (1834-1924) - The Church Revival : Thoughts Thereon and Reminiscences
6855: BARING, MAURICE (1874-1945) - Hildesheim ; Quatre Pastiches
57473: BARITZ, LOREN (1928-) - Backfire : a History of How American Culture Led Us Into Vietnam and Made Us Fight the Way We Did / Loren Baritz
250257: BARJONET, ANDRÉ - La C.G.T. : histoire, structure, doctrine
93409: BARK, EVELYN - No Time to Kill ; with a Foreword by H. R. H. the Duke of Gloucester
46413: BARK, EVELYN - No Time to Kill
53087: BARKALOW, CPT. CAROL AND RAAB, ANDREA - In the Men's House - an Inside Account of Life in the Army by One of West Point's First Female Graduates
47671: BARKAN, LEONARD - Renaissance Drama - New Series VIII, the Celebratory Mode
68289: BARKE, JAMES (1905-1958) - The Wind That Shakes the Barley; a Novel of the Life and Loves of Robert Burns
85089: BARKER, BRIAN, O. B. E. - When the Queen Was Crowned
84761: BARKER, CLIVE - The Inhuman Condition : Tales of Terror / Clive Barker
78302: BARKER, A. J. LT-COL - Stuka Ju-87
54011: BARKER, LUCIUS JEFFERSON (1928-) - Freedom, Courts, Politics: Studies in Civil Liberties [By] Lucius J. Barker [And] Twiley W. Barker, Jr. with Revisions
46806: BARKER, MARTIN AND PETLEY, JULIAN - ILL Effects - the Media/violence Debate
36384: BARKER, MICHAEL K. - Gladstone and Radicalism : the Reconstruction of Liberal Policy in Britain 1885-94
276843: BARKER, HARLEY GRANVILLE - Prefaces to Shakespeare Vol. 3 Antony and Cleopatra Coriolanus
276562: BARKER, NICOLAS - The Book collector : volume 21 no. 1 Spring 1972
275920: BARKER, NICOLAS - The Oxford University Press and the spread of learning, 1478-1978 : an illustrated history
275065: BARKER, ERNEST - British statesmen ... With 12 plates in colour and 17 illustrations in black & white
273010: BARKER, K. F. (KATHLEEN FRANCES) - Bellman carries on
272628: BARKER, PHILIP - The Baths basilica Wroxeter : excavations 1966-90 / Philip Barker [and others] ; with contributions by Miranda Armour-Chelu [and others]
271819: BARKER, RALPH - The ship-busters : the story of the R.A.F. torpedo-bombers
270063: BARKER, ERNEST SIR (1874-1960) [AUTHOR]. HARRIS, HENRY WILSON (1883-1955) [EDITOR]. D'ARCY, MARTIN CYRIL (1888-1976). NEEDHAM, JOSEPH (1900-1995). NIEBUHR, REINHOLD (1892-1971). STRACHEY, JOHN (1901-1963). INGE, WILLIAM RALPH (1860-1954). BARRY, FRANK RUS - Christianity and communism / considered by Ernest Barker, R. Inge, John Strachey. M.C. D'Arcy, Joseph Needham, Reinhold Niebuhr, F.R. Barry ; edited by H. Wilson Harris
269450: BARKER, NICOLAS - Bibliotheca Lindesiana : the lives and collections of Alexander William, 25th Earl of Crawford and 8th Earl of Balcarres and James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Balcarres / Nicolas Barker
266373: BARKER, NICOLAS - The Oxford University Press and the spread of learning, 1478-1978 : an illustrated history
265361: BARKER, RALPH - Great mysteries of the air / Ralph Barker
258700: BARKER, D. J. P. (DAVID JAMES PURSLOVE) - Epidemiology in medical practice / D.J.P. Barker, G. Rose
247483: BARKER, CAROL - How the World Began
242022: BARKER, DAVID JAMES PURSLOVE. BENNETT, F. J - Practical epidemiology / D.J.P. Barker ; with chapters by F.J. Bennett
241925: BARKER, PHILIP (1929-) - Basic child psychiatry / Philip Barker ; with a foreword by W.H. Trethowan
240848: BARKER, RALPH (1917-2011). ROSENWATER, IRVING [JOINT AUTHOR] - England v Australia : a compendium of test cricket between the countries (1877-1968) / [by] Ralph Barker [and] Irving Rosenwater
238782: BARKER, NICOLAS. 'POET IN PARADISE': LORD LINDSAY AND CHRISTIAN ART (EXHIBITION) (2000 : EDINBURGH). BRIGSTOCKE, HUGH. CLIFFORD, TIMOTHY. NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND - 'A poet in paradise' : Lord Lindsay and christian art / [essays by] Nicolas Barker, Hugh Brigstocke and Timothy Clifford ; edited by Aidan Weston-Lewis
211756: BARKER, RALPH (1917-?) - Innings of a lifetime / Ralph Barker
211142: BARKER, RALPH (1917-?) - Purple patches / Ralph Barker
210175: BARKER, RALPH - The cricketing family Edrich / [by] Ralph Barker ; with a statistical summary by Irving Rosenwater
202041: BARKER, BENJAMIN (1720-1793). BARKER, THOMAS (1769-1847). BARKER, THOMAS (1769-1847). BARKER, JOSEPH (1782-1809). BARKER, JOHN JOSEPH (1824-1904). BATH MUSEUMS SERVICE. VICTORIA ART GALLERY (BATH, ENGLAND) - The Barkers of Bath
169809: BARKER, NICOLAS - Treasures of the British Library / compiled by Nicolas Barker and the curatorial staff of the British Library
135775: BARKER, MALCOLM J. - Courting Disaster
157769: BARKER, EDWIN. PRESTON, RONALD - Christians in Society
156428: BARKER, SHIRLEY - The Dark Hills Under; with a Foreword by Stephen Vincent Benet
223550: BARKER, ERNEST - British statesmen / Ernest Barker. [Britain in Pictures series]
251907: BARKER, DUDLEY - The man of principle : a view of John Galsworthy / Dudley Barker
84177: BARKER, A. J. - Dunkirk : the Great Escape / A. J. Barker
251301: BARKER, HUGH - Hedge Britannia : a curious history of a British obsession / Hugh Barker
201696: BARKER, ERNEST, SIR (1874-1960) - Political thought in England, 1848 to 1914 / Ernest Barker
214984: BARKER, JOHN: FUNERAL DIRECTORS - The Order for the burial of the dead
221102: BARKER, REGINALD JOHN - Christ in the valley of unemployment
280937: BARKER, RAYMOND CHARLES - Treatment, what it is and how to do it
280631: BARKER, CAROLINE - Women at W.A.R. / Women Against Rape, London, Women Against Rape, Bristo
180798: BARKER, D. A. (DALGAIRNS ARUNDEL) - The theory of money
186449: BARKER, ERNEST (1874-1960) - Christianity and communism : Considered by E. Barker, W.R. Inge, J. Strachey, M.C. D'Arcy, J. Needham, R. Niebur, F.R. Barry and others; ed. by H. Wilson Harris
179186: BARKER, D. A. - Cash and Credit / D. A. Barker
138030: BARKER, J. S. - In the Main : West Indies V M. C. C. 1968
91403: BARKER, LUCIUS JEFFERSON (1928-?) & BARKER, TWILEY WENDELL (1926-?) - Freedoms, Courts, Politics : Studies in Civil Liberties
54658: BARKER, EUGENE CAMPBELL (1874-1956) - The Life of Stephen F. Austin, Founder of Texas, 1793-1836 : a Chapter of the Westward Movement by the Anglo-American People. New Introd. by Seymour V. Connor
53345: BARKER, NICOLAS - Treasures of the British Library / Compiled by Nicolas Barker and the Curatorial Staff of the British Library
50737: BARKER, GRANVILLE - Waste: a Play in Four Acts
94621: BARKER, ERNEST, SIR (1874-1960) - National Character and the Factors in its Formation
9054: BARKER, LIEUT. COLONEL F. A. - The Modern Prison System of India. Foreword by Lord Hailey. Preface by Professor P. H. Winfield
13219: BARKER, CHARLES A. - American Convictions; Cycles of Public Thought, 1600-1850, by Charles A. Barker
268323: BARKER, NICOLAS - Stanley Morison
238312: BARKER, ANTHONY - Giving and Receiving: an adventure in African medical service
110014: BARKER, HELEN GRANVILLE - Songs in Cities and Gardens
237077: BARKER, EMMA, ED - Art & visual culture, 1600-1850: academy to avant-garde / edited by Emma Barker
213353: BARKER, CHRIS - Lashed into slavery
128090: BARKER, D. A. (DALGAIRNS ARUNDEL) - Cash and Credit / D. A. Barker
116716: BARKER, BOUCHER - The Fatal Caress ... and Other Accounts of English Murders from 1551 to 1888
230267: BARKER, GEORGE (1913-1991) - The true confession of George Barker
178411: BARKER, CHARLES JOSEPH - The Johannine epistles
221527: BARKER, EDWARD HARRISON (1851-1919) ; BRIGHTWELL, L. R. - A British dog in France : his adventures in divers places and conversations with French dogs
103920: BARKER, CHARLES FRANCIS (1858-) - The American Checker-Player
195370: BARKER, BRIAN - Labour in London : a study in municipal achievement
178311: BARKER, ERNEST, SIR (1874-1960) - The development of public services in Western Europe : 1660-1930
178242: BARKER, GEOFFREY RUSSELL (1923-1977) - Some problems of incentives and labour productivity in Soviet industry : a contribution to the study of the planning of labour in the U.S.S.R
195118: BARKER, BRIAN - Labour in London : a study in municipal achievement
235607: BARKER, RICHARD HINDRY (B. 1902) - Marcel Proust : a biography
182111: BARKER, EDWARD HARRISON (B. 1851) - Two summers in Guyenne : a chronicle of the wayside and waterside
139022: BARKER, DUDLEY - Grivas; Portrait of a Terrorist
150842: BARKER, J. ELLIS - 101 Points Against Free Trade
151187: BARKER, DUDLEY - Grivas : Portrait of a Terrorist
33887: BARKER, DUDLEY - Grivas : Portrait of a Terrorist
42690: BARKER, LUCIUS JEFFERSON (1928-) - Freedoms, Courts, Politics : Studies in Civil Liberties
50736: BARKER, GRANVILLE - Three Short Plays: Rococo - Vote by Ballot - Farewell to the Theatre
52953: BARKER, HARRY - Public Utility Rates; a Discussion of the Principles and Practice Underlying Charges for Water, Gas, Electricity, Communication and Transportation Services
8265: BARKER, DUDLEY - Swaziland
262655: BARKER, RALPH - Down in the drink : true stories of the Goldfish Club / Ralph Barker
199085: BARKER, T. C. (THEODORE CARDWELL) (1923-?) - Pilkington brothers and the glass industry
206539: BARKER, BRIANBARKER, BRIAN - Labour in London : a study in municipal achievement
217189: BARKEVITCH, J. M. - J'ai vecu 13 ans sous les Soviets!. Puis deporte a vie par le Guepeou a Solowky (Siberie) / par J.M. Barkewitch
255380: BARKLEY, JOHN M. (JOHN MONTEITH) - Blackmouth & dissenter / John M. Barkley
156727: BARKLEY, ALBEN W. - That Reminds Me
140760: BARKLEY, JOHN MONTEITH - The Eldership in Irish Presbyterianism
151180: BARKMAN, CARL D. - Ambassador in Athens / Carl Barkman
253829: BARKOW, AL - Golf legends of all time
160108: BARKSDALE, ETHELBERT COURTLAND (1944- ) - The Dacha and the Duchess : an Application of Levi-Strauss's Theory of Myth in Human Creativity to Works of Nineteenth-Century Russian Novelists / E. C. Barksdale
30569: BARLAY, STEPHEN - Double Cross : Encounters with Industrial Spies
276417: BARLEY, MAURICE WILLMORE - A guide to British topographical collections
139335: BARLEY, MAURICE WILLMORE (1909-) - Parochial Documents of the Archdeaconry of the East Riding : an Inventory / Edited by M. W. Barley
280263: BARLEY, M. W. (MAURICE WILLMORE) (1909-1990) - The house and home
25225: GALERIE FRANCIS BARLIER (PARIS) - Louis Mazot - 19 Octobre - 15 Novembre (Exhibtition Catalogue with a Series of Selected (Color) Images
269336: BARLOW, FRANK - Edward the Confessor. / [By Barlow, Frank.]
239049: BARLOW, SUSAN M.; SULLIVAN, FRANK M - Reproductive hazards of industrial chemicals : an evaluation of animal and human data / Susan M. Barlow and Frank M. Sullivan
228606: BARLOW, JOHN S. - Wills, administration and taxation : A practical guide / John Barlow, L.C. King and A.G. King
228524: BARLOW, JAMES - Liner : a novel
245504: BARLOW, JAMES - The Protagonists
119374: BARLOW, ANDREW. SIR THOMAS BARLOW (1845-1945) - Sir Thomas Barlow 1845-1945 : Three Selected Lectures and a Biographical Sketch
25513: BARLOW, JOEL (1754-1812) - The Hasty-Pudding; a Poem in Three Cantos Written At Chambery in Savoy During January MDCCLXXXXIII
245814: BARLOW, JAMES (1921-1973) - The patriots / James Barlow
113374: BARLOW, JAMES (1921-) - The Patriots
267301: BARMAN, CHRISTIAN AUGUSTUS - The bridge : a chapter in the history of building / illustrated in colour and black and white by Frank Brangwyn and written by Christian Barman
240962: BARMAN, CHRISTIAN - The Information Book of Sir John Burnet Talt and Lorne
259736: BARMAN, CHRISTIAN AUGUSTUS (1898-1980) - Early British railways : with sixteen reproductions of old prints and drawings
244257: BARMEIER, JOHANN ALBRECHT [PRINTER]. KÖNIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN ZU GÖTTINGEN - Zugabe zu den Göttingischen Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen / unter der Aussicht der Konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
128489: BARMENKOV, ALEKSEI IVANOVICH - Freedom of Conscience in the USSR / A. Barmenkov ; [Translated from the Russian by Dmitry Sventitsky]
69354: BARNA, YON - Eisenstein
280799: BARNA, TIBOR - Investment and growth policies in British industrial firms
154168: BARNABAS, BROTHER, PSEUD. - The Wicked Book of Brother Barnabas
161147: BARNABAS, APOSTLE, SAINT - Kirche Und Synagoge : Die Ersten Nachbiblischen Zengnisse Ihres Gegensatzes Im Offenbarungsverstandnis : Der Barnabasbrief Und Der Dialog Justins Des Martyrers ; Neu Bearb. Und Erlautert Von K. Thieme
90936: BARNABY, FRANK - The Automated Battlefield / Frank Barnaby
37810: BARNABY, FRANK - Space Weapons
254208: BARNARD, EDWARD - The New, Comprehensive, Impartial and Complete History of England: in two volumes
73078: BARNARD, ROBERT - A Hovering of Vultures
72144: BARNARD, CHARLES (1838-1920) - Talks about the Weather in its Relation to Plants and Animals. a Book of Observations for Farmers, Students, and Schools. by Charles Barnard
277498: BARNARD, JOHN - Pope, the critical heritage
274747: BARNARD, JULIAN - The decorative tradition / (by) Julian Barnard
271485: BARNARD, CLIVE H - The British Empire in pictures
211873: BARNARD, DEREK - An index to Wisden cricketers' almanack, 1864-1984 / compiled by Derek Barnard
225197: BARNARD, JOHN - The handy boy's book / an entirely new edition by John Barnard ; assisted by many experts ; with 70 photographs and nearly 300 drawings and diagrams
272397: BARNARD, H. C. (HOWARD CLIVE) (1884-1985) - Europe in Pictures ... Containing fifty seven illustrations ... and also four maps
237975: BARNARD, HAROLD LESLIE (1868-1908); SHERREN, JAMES (1872-), EDITOR - Contributions to abdominal surgery
72141: BARNARD, CHARLES (1838-1920) - Talks about Our Useful Plants : a Book of Observations and Experiments for the Use of Schools, Students, and all Who Are Interested in the Culture of Plants for Pleasure or Profit
146657: BARNARD, R. W. (COMP. ) - A Century of Service : the Story of the Prudential 1848-1948
228506: BARNAVI, ELI - A historical atlas of the Jewish people, from the time of the Patriarchs to the present
228286: BARNAVI, ELIE. CHARBIT, DENIS - A historical atlas of the Jewish people : from the time of the patriarchs to the present
183251: BARNBROOK, JONATHAN - Barnbrook Bible : the graphic design of Jonathan Barnbrook / with contributions by Kalle Lasn, ... [et al.] ; and three paragraphs by David Bowie
113611: BARNBY, HENRY GEORGE - The Prisoners of Algiers. an Account of the Forgotten American-Algerian War 1785-1797
176701: BARNDT, JOSEPH R. - Dismantling racism : the continuing challenge to white America / Joseph Barndt
278689: BARNE, KITTY (1883-1961) - Elizabeth Fry : a story biography
38897: BARNE, GEORGE - The Three Orders of Perspective
30997: BARNER, ROBERT W. - Crossing the Minefield - Tactics for Overcoming Today's Toughest Management Challenges
97023: BARNES, CHRISTOPHER J (ED. ) - Studies in Twentieth Century Russian Literature : Five Essays
89720: BARNES, LEONARD (1895-) - African Renaissance
88874: BARNES, JEREMY - The Pictorial History of the Vietnam War
5945: BARNES, JAMES J. - Authors, Publishers and Politicians : the Quest for an Anglo-American Copyright Agreement, 1815-1854
48422: BARNES, MIKE - The Game Shot
28627: BARNES, STEVEN - Iron Shadows
275274: BARNES, IRENE H - Doctor Alec
271908: BARNES, R. MONEY - Military uniforms of Britain and the Empire, 1742 to the present time
271426: BARNES, ROBERT MONEY (1897-1979) - A history of the regiments & uniforms of the British Army
270731: BARNES, ROBERT MONEY - A history of the regiments and uniforms of the British Army / R. Money Barnes
264685: BARNES, SIMON - Phil Edmonds : a singular man / Simon Barnes
258376: BARNES, JOHN C - Dante and the Middle Ages : literary and historical essays / edited by John C. Barnes and Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin
256282: BARNES, SIMON - How to be a bad birdwatcher : let birds into your life, discover a new world / Simon Barnes ; illustrations by Alex Fox
255941: BARNES, ALBERT COOMBS - Great French paintings from the Barnes Foundation : Impressionist, Post-impressionist, and Early Modern
255279: BARNES, THOMAS GARDEN - Rationalism and revolution, 1660-1815. / Edited by Thomas G. Barnes [and] Gerald D. Feldman
248244: BARNES, TAG - Angling memories
239769: BARNES, JULIAN (1946-) - Flaubert's parrot / Julian Barnes
231316: BARNES, IAN (1946-2014) - Historical atlas of Judaism / Ian Barnes ; edited by, Josephine Bacon
229308: BARNES, JULIAN - Talking it over
225191: BARNES, ALBERT COOMBS ; BARNES FOUNDATION - Great French paintings from the Barnes Foundation : Impressionist, Post-impressionist, and Early Modern
211791: BARNES, JAMES J. - Authors, Publishers and Politicians : the Quest for an Anglo-American Copyright Agreement, 1815-1854
199641: BARNES, JULIAN - Nothing to be frightened of / Julian Barnes
199515: BARNES, JULIAN - Cross channel / Julian Barnes
199479: BARNES, JULIAN - Before she met me / Julian Barnes
159252: BARNES, ALISON (1947- ) - Essex Eccentrics / [By] Alison Barnes
158543: BARNES, KENNETH C. (1956- ) - Journey of Hope : the Back-To-Africa Movement in Arkansas in the Late 1800s / Kenneth C. Barnes
14223: BARNES, LINDA - Flashpoint : a Carlotta Carlyle Mystery / Linda Barnes
127145: BARNES, PAUL - Building Societies : the Myth of Mutuality / Paul Barnes
256876: BARNES, R. MONEY (ROBERT MONEY) - A history of the regiments & uniforms of the British Army
256923: BARNES, ROBERT MONEY (1897-1979) - A history of the regiments and uniforms of the British army
187140: BARNES, RICHARD WILLIAM, SIR (INGOT: PSEUD) - The Socialisation of Iron and Steel
243131: BARNES, WILLIAM EMERY (1859-1939) - The Psalms : with introduction and notes
225772: BARNES, ROBERT MONEY - A history of the regiments and uniforms of the British army
231290: BARNES, LEONARD JOHN - Soviet Light on the Colonies
252057: BARNES, LEONARD - Skeleton of the Empire
153380: BARNES, WILLIAM EMERY (1859-1939) - The Psalms. with Introduction and Notes by W. E. Barnes - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
249689: BARNES, TAG - The exploring angler. / [By Barnes, Tag]
226459: BARNES, ALBERT C. (ALBERT COOMBS) 1872-1951 - The French primitives and their forms from their origin to the end of the fifteenth century
31131: BARNES, BERTRAM HERBERT - Johnson of Nyasaland : a Study of the Life and Work of William Percival Johnson, D. D. , Archdeacon of Nyasa, Missionary Pioneer 1876-1928
153017: BARNES, CLIVE - The New York Times Directory of the Theater / Introduction by Clive Barnes
179174: BARNES, HARRY ELMER - Housing : the facts and the future
245152: BARNES, MARGARET CAMPBELL - Like Us, They Lived: a novel
249650: BARNES, TAG - Coarse fishing for absolute beginners / Tag Barnes
263800: BARNES, JUSTYN - The random history of cricket : silly mid-offs & baffling wrong 'uns / Justyn Barnes & Aubrey Day ; illustrations by Tony Husband
136495: BARNES, WILLIAM EMERY (1859-1939) - The Second Book of the Kings : in the Revised Version / with Introduction and Notes by William Emery Barnes
10649: BARNES, MARTIN (1971-) - Benjamin Brecknell Turner : Rural England through a Victorian Lens / Martin Barnes ; Introduction by Malcolm Daniel ; Biography by Mark Haworth-Booth
66121: BARNES, NELLIE (COMP. ) - American Indian Love Lyrics, and Other Verse, from the Songs of the North American Indians, Selected by Nellie Barnes; Foreword by Mary Austin
63582: BARNES, GRACE (1889-) - On Stage, Everyone [By] Grace Barnes [And] Mary Jean Sutcliffe
57615: BARNES, MATTHEW - What is Pure French, by Matthew Barnes. Note on 'As To', by H. W. Fowler
57345: BARNES, JAMES J. - Free Trade in Books : a Study of the London Book Trade Since 1800
133802: BARNES, GEORGE NICOLL (1859-1940) - Industrial Conflict, the Way out : a Study of the Industrial Problem in its Practical Aspects, by the Rt. Hon. George N. Barnes ... with a Foreword by Lord Cecil of Chelwood
201638: BARNES, LEONARD (1895- ) - Empire or democracy? : a study of the colonial question
130887: BARNES, RICHARD WILLIAM, SIR - The Socialisation of Iron and Steel
278823: BARNES, KENNETH C - He and she
171855: BARNES, LEONARD - Skeleton of the Empire
183689: BARNES, LEONARD JOHN - Skeleton of the Empire
40295: BARNES, LEONARD - African Renaissance
42228: BARNES, JAMES (1866-1936) - The Blockaders, and Other Stories, by James Barnes
168603: BARNES, WILLIAM EMERY (1859-1939) - Lex in corde (The law in the heart) studies in the Psalter
248800: BARNES, LEONARD (1895-) - Soviet light on the colonies
238676: BARNES, STANLEY - The Birmingham Hospitals Centre
238941: BARNES, STANLEY; VERNON, SYDNEY - The Birmingham Hospitals Centre
238942: BARNES, STANLEY; VERNON, SYDNEY - The Birmingham Hospitals Centre
119156: BARNES, ARTHUR STAPYLTON - Christianity At Rome in the Apostolic Age : an Attempt At Reconstruction of History. / Arthur Stapylton Barnes
177058: BARNES, LEONARD (1895- ) - Empire or democracy? : a study of the colonial question
176990: BARNES, ROBERT SYDENHAM FANCOURT (1849-1908) - A manual of midwifery for midwives
175268: BARNES, W. E. - The Psalms with introduction and notes. Volume [1] Introduction: Psalms i-xli
174971: BARNES, IRENE H. - Behind the pardah : the story of C.E.Z.M.S. work in India
202789: BARNES, ERNEST WILLIAM, BISHOP OF BIRMINGHAM - The rise of Christianity
195126: BARNES, WILLIAM (1837-1884) - Lex in corde = (The law in the heart) : studies in the Psalter
105828: BARNES, ARTHUR K. - Interplanetary Hunter
142839: BARNES, LEONARD - Skeleton of the Empire
150674: BARNES, GEORGE N. (GEORGE NICOLL (1859-1940) - The Industrial Section of the League of Nations
218799: BARNES, MAJOR R. MONEY - A history of the regiments and uniforms of the British army
163224: BARNES, ROBERT MONEY (1897-) - The Soldiers of London
27505: BARNES, EDWIN N. C. - The Reconciliation of Randall Claymore
65601: BARNES, STEVEN - Blood Brothers / Steven Barnes
196227: BARNES, GEORGE N. (GEORGE NICOLL) (1859-1940) - History of the International Labour Office
196277: BARNES, LEONARD (B. 1895) - Empire or democracy? : A study of the colonial question
198926: BARNES, ARTHUR STAPYLTON (1861-1936) - The Holy Shroud of Turin
199510: BARNES, JULIAN - The sense of an ending / Julian Barnes
210121: BARNES, LEONARD (1895-) - Skeleton of the Empire
54500: BARNES, MARGARET AYER (1886-1967) - Westward Passage, by Margret Ayer Barnes
242502: BARNES, CYRIL GEORGE - Medical disorders in obstetric practice
256952: BARNES, ROBERT MONEY (1897-1972) - Military uniforms of Britain & the Empire : 1742 to the present time / R. Money Barnes
99678: BARNET, RICHARD J - Intervention and Revolution; the United States in the Third World
99184: BARNET, RICHARD J. - Global Reach : the Power of the Multinational Corporations / Richard J. Barnet, Ronald E. Muller
93323: BARNET, RICHARD J. - Global Reach : the Power of the Multinational Corporations / Richard J. Barnet, Ronald E. Muller
91465: BARNET, RICHARD J. - Global Reach : the Power of the Multinational Corporations / [By] Richard J. Barnet, Ronald E. Muller
42535: BARNET, RICHARD J. - The Lean Years - Politics in the Age of Scarcity
17338: BARNET, RICHARD J. - The Alliance--America, Europe, Japan : Makers of the Postwar World
261476: BARNET, MONTROSE L - Right living
112410: BARNET, RICHARD J.. MULLER, RONALD E. - Global Reach : the Power of the Multinational Corporations / Richard J. Barnet, Ronald E. Muller
173455: BARNET, RICHARD J. - After 20 years : alternatives to the cold war in Europe / Richard J. Barnet and Marcus G. Raskin
96868: BARNETT, A. DOAK AND REISCHAUER, EDWIN O. (EDS. ) - The United States and China : the Next Decade / Edited by A. Doak Barnett and Edwin O. Reischauer; with the Assistance of Lois Dougan Tretiak
92383: BARNETT, A. DOAK - Uncertain Passage: China's Transition to the Post-Mao Era
74879: BARNETT, DAVID (1907-1985) - The Performance of Music : a Study in Terms of the Pianoforte
276736: BARNETT, JOHN, (1878-1916) - The skipper of the XI : a story of school life
272949: BARNETT, HENRIETTA DAME (1851-1936) - Canon Barnett : his life, work, and friends
271104: BARNETT, HENRIETTA DAME (1851-1936) - Canon Barnett : his life, work, and friends
266236: BARNETT, T. RATCLIFFE (THOMAS RATCLIFFE) - The makers of the Kirk
265697: BARNETT, CORRELLI - Britain and her army, 1509-1970 : a military, political and social survey / Correlli Barnett
265287: BARNETT, CORRELLI - The lost victory : British dreams, British realities, 1945-1950 / Correlli Barnett
253172: BARNETT, CORRELLI - Marlborough / Correlli Barnett
224941: BARNETT, CORRELLI - Marlborough / Correlli Barnett
212323: BARNETT, CORRELLI (1927- ) - Marlborough / [by] Correlli Barnett
207079: BARNETT, A. DOAK [ED., ET AL.] - The United States and China : the next decade / edited by A. Doak Barnett and Edwin O. Reischauer ; with the assistance of Lois Dougan Tretiak
204762: BARNETT, CORRELLI (1927- ) - Marlborough / [by] Correlli Barnett
183699: BARNETT, RICHARD DAVID (B. 1909) - Illustrations of Old Testament history / R.D. Barnet
139768: BARNETT, LARRY D. REED, EMILY F. - Law, Society and Population : Issues in a New Field
263081: BARNETT, S. A. MRS. (1851-1936) - Canon Barnett, his life, work, and friends
201583: BARNETT, SAMUEL AUGUSTUS (1844-1913) - Practicable socialism : essays on social reform
10080: BARNETT, SAMUEL ANTHONY (1915-) - Instinct & Intelligence : the Science of Behaviour in Animals and Man
104710: BARNETT, A. DOAK. - Uncertain Passage: China's Transition to the Post-Mao Era [By] A. Doak Barnett
68206: BARNETT, CORRELLI - The Desert Generals
47704: BARNETT, A. DOAK - Communist China and Asia - Challenge to American Policy
97097: BARNETT, A. DOAK - Communist China: the Early Years, 1949-55 [By] A. Doak Barnett
94716: BARNETT, BENJAMIN - The Road You Made for Angels : a Patchwork of Pleasure and Pain
91632: BARNETT, A. DOAK - Communist China: the Early Years, 1949-55 [By] A. Doak Barnett
132732: BARNETT, HENRIETTA OCTAVIA ROWLAND (1851-1936) - Canon Barnett : His Life, Work, and Friends
225057: BARNETT, CORRELLI - The swordbearers : studies in supreme command in the First World War
179221: BARNETT, CANON (1844-1913) - Practicable socialism : new series
43317: BARNETT, A. DOAK - Communist China: the Early Years, 1949-55
204295: BARNETT, SAMUEL ANTHONY (1915-) - The human species : a biology of man
122029: BARNETT, A. DOAK - China on the Eve of Communist Takeover / A. Doak Barnett
129655: BARNETT HOUSE, OXFORD. SURVEY COMMITTEE - A Survey of the Social Services in the Oxford District
144421: BARNETT, SAMUEL AUGUSTUS (1844-1913) - Practicable Socialism Essays on Social Reform
195679: BARNETT, HENRIETTA, DAME (1851-1931) - Canon Barnett : his life, work, and friends
242855: BARNETT, HENRIETTA DAME (1851-1936) - Canon Barnett : his life, work and friends
185637: BARNHARDT, WILTON - Gospel / Wilton Barnhardt
76335: BARNHART, ROBERT K. - RELATED NAME: STEINMETZ, SOL (ED. ) - The American Heritage Dictionary of Science - [Uniform Title: Hammond Barnhart Dictionary of Science]
272221: BARNHILL, GEORGIA BRADY - American broadsides : sixty facsimiles dated 1680-1800, reproduced from originals in the American Antiquarian Society / Selected & introduced by Georgia B. Bumgardner
159250: BARNHILL, JOHN FINCH (1865- ) - The Nose, Throat and Ear
180477: BARNHOUSE, REBECCA - The book of the maidservant / Rebecca Barnhouse
245377: BARNICH, G - La législation et l'organisation ouvrières en Belgique / G. Barnich: Tome I
135433: BARNICH, GEORGES - Essai De Politique Positive Basée Sur L'Energetique Sociale De Solvay, Avec Tableau De Synthese Sociale, Par G. Barnich
268722: BARNICOAT, JOHN - A concise history of posters / John Barnicoat
11941: BARNIER, LUCIEN - Secrets of Soviet Science. Translated by Alan Neame
62693: BARNOUW, DAGMAR - Visible Spaces : Hannah Arendt and the German-Jewish Experience / Dagmar Barnouw
175904: BARNOUW, DAGMAR - Elias Canetti
78738: BARNUM, PHINEAS TAYLOR (1810-1891) - Lion Jack; a Story of Perilous Adventures Among Wild Men and the Capturing of Wild Beasts; Showing How Menageries Are Made
203420: BARNWELL, F. ASTER - The meaning of Christ for our age
236445: BARNWELL, HENRY THOMAS (1920-). KNIGHT, ROY CLEMENT - The Classical tradition in French literature : essays presented to R. C. Knight by colleagues, pupils and friends / edited by H. T. Barnwell ... [et al.]
184298: BARNY, ROGER - La Revision des valeurs sociales dans la litterature europeenne a la lumiere des idees de la Revolution Francaise / par Roger Barny [et al.]
206672: BAROCAS, CLAUDIO - Egypt / text by Claudio Barocas ; introduction by Oscar Niemeyer
133958: BAROCIO, ALBERTO. ALFONSO CASO. CARLOS CHAVEZ [ET AL] - Mexico Y La Cultura [Por] Alberto Barocio [Et Al. ]
118506: HIS HIGHNESS THE GACKWAR OF BARODA - Hindoo Mythology Popularly Treated ... Presented As a Memento of His Visit to India to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, K. G. , G. C. S. I. by His Highness the Gackwar of Baroda
71407: BAROFSKY, IVAN AND BUDSON, RICHARD D. (EDS. ) - The Chronic Psychiatric Patient in the Community : Principles of Treatment / Edited by Ivan Barofsky, Richard D. Budson
259296: BAROJA, PÍO (1872-1956) - La ciudad de la niebla / Pío Baroja
43569: BAROJA, PÃO - La Ciudad De La Niebla
265871: BARON, GEORGE GORDON BYRON BYRON - Don Juan by George Gordon, Lord Byron ; illustrated by Hugo Steiner-Prag
24107: BARON, ARCHIE - An Indian Affair - from Riches to the Raj
238362: BARON, JEREMY HUGH - Clinical tests of gastric secretion : history, methodology, and interpretation / J.H. Baron
231479: BARON, MYRNA (ED.) - Contemplate : the international journal of secular Jewish thought. Issue four
227500: BARON, STANLEY (1922-) - Sonia Delaunay : the life of an artist
191100: BARON, SALO W. (1895-1989) & WISE, GEORGE S. (B. 1906) [EDS.] - Violence and defense in the Jewish experience : papers prepared for a seminar on violence and defense in Jewish history and contemporary life, Tel Aviv University, August 18-September 4, 1974
164506: BARON, JOSEPH LOUIS (1894-1960) - Stars and Sand : Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables / Selected and Edited by Joseph L. Baron
256866: BARON, W - The Camden Town Group
252448: BARON, JOHN - The life of Edward Jenner, M.D. LL.D., F.R.S., Physician extraordinary to the king, &c. &c. with illustrations of his doctrines, and selections from his correspondence. By John Baron, M.D., F.R.S
116503: BARON, STANLEY RICHARD - The Desert Locust [By] Stanley Baron
263344: BARON (1906-1956) - Baron's ballet finale / introd. and commentary by Arnold L. Haskell
134493: BARON, SALO WITTMAYER. RALPH MARCUS [ET AL]. LEO W. SCHWARZ (ED. ) - Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People, by Salo W. Baron [And Others]
60667: BARON, JOSEPH L. (1894-1960) - Stars and Sand, Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables
58659: BARON, SALO WITTMAYER (1895-1989) - Steeled by Adversity : Essays and Addresses on American Jewish Life / Edited by Jeannette Meisel Baron
58002: BARON (1906-) - Baron Encore / Introd. and Commentary by Arnold L. Haskell
34666: BARON, SALO WITTMAYER (1895-1989) - The Russian Jew : under Tsars and Soviets
112366: BARON, SAMUEL H. - Plekhanov; the Father of Russian Marxism
164916: BARON, STANLEY (ED. ) - Country Towns in the Future England; Edited by Stanley Baron, with an Introduction by Sir Eric Macfayden A Report of the Conference Representing Local Authorities Arts and Amenities Organizations and Members of the Town and Country Planning Association on the 23rd of October 1943
34670: BARON, SALO WITTMAYER (1895-1989) - The Russian Jew : under Tsars and Soviets
104743: BARON, MIKE (1949-) - Robotech, the Graphic Novel : Genesis : Robotech / Based on a Plot by Carl MacEk ; Written by Mike Baron ; Pencilled by Neil D. Vokes ; Edited by Diana Schutz
195125: BARON, DAVID - The ancient scriptures and the modern Jew
106268: BARON, MIKE. BILL RHEINHOLD (ARTWORK) - Stan Lee Presents: The Punisher in Intruder / Mike Baron, Story : Bill Rienhold, Art ; Willie Schubert, Letters ; Linda Lessman, Colors
264833: BARONE, NICOLA - Breve memoria intorno ai professori di diplomatica e di paleografia nell'Universita degli studii e nel Grande Archivio di Napoli
199132: STANDING COUNCIL OF THE BARONETAGE - Roll of the baronets : as authorized by Royal Warrant / issued with official sanction by the Standing Council of the Baronetage
173934: BARONI, MAURIZIO (1951-?) - Bernardo Bertolucci / project, research and filmography by Maurizio Baroni and Marco D'Ubaldo ; English translation by Pat Scalabrino
206988: BAROT-FOLIERE, M. BAROT-FORLIERE, L. - Notre soeur, la Pologne-. Notes et impressions, septembre 1927, etc.
277946: BAROU, N. (NOAH) (1889-1955) - The Soviet home front
152056: BAROU, NOAH (1889-1955) ED. - The Co-Operative Movement in Labour Britain / Edited for the Fabian Society. Essays by J. Bailey[And Others
143181: BAROU, N. (NOAH) (ED. ). FABIAN SOCIETY - The Co-Operative Movement in Labour Britain: Ed. for the Fabian Society. Essays by J. Bailey [And Others]
127329: BAROU, N. - Co-Operation in the Soviet Union, a Study Prepared for the Fabian Society, by N. Barou
127325: BAROU, N. (NOAH) (1889-1955) - Co-Operation in the Soviet Union, a Study Prepared for the Fabian Society, by N. Barou
133805: BAROU, NOAH (1889-1955) - The Jews in Work and Trade
142270: BAROU, N. - British Trade Unions
153445: BAROU, NOAH (1889-1955) - British Trade Unions
237007: BAROVIER MENTASTI, ROSA - Venetian glass: 1890-1990
226652: BAROVIER MENTASTI, ROSA - Venetian glass, 1890-1990 / Rosa Barovier Mentasti
226609: BAROVIER, MARINA - Art of the Barovier : glassmakers in Murano, 1866-1972 / essay by Attilia Dorigato ; introduction by Dan Klein ; edited by Marina Barovier ; [translation, Amanda De Felice, Matthew McParland]
220648: BAROVIER, MARINO - Venetian art glass : an American collection, 1840-1970 / Marino Barovier
86165: BARR, GERALDINE - My Sister Roseanne : the True Story of Roseanne Barr Arnold / Geraldine Barr with Ted Schwarz
67968: BARR, NEVADA - Hunting Season / Nevada Barr
50698: BARR, JENNIFER - Within a Dark Wood - the Personal Story of a Rape Victim
40339: O'BARR, WILLIAM M. SPAIN, DAVID H. TESSLER, MARK A. - Survey Research in Africa - its Applications and Limits
275528: BARR, JOHN - Britain portrayed : a Regency album, 1780-1830 / John Barr
266966: BARR, CHARLES - Ealing Studios / Charles Barr
224588: BARR, JOHN - Britain portrayed : a Regency album, 1780-1830 / John Barr
183639: BARR, DAVID (1917-?) - Twice hooked / David Barr
182969: BARR, DAVID (1917-?) - Twice hooked / David Barr
14457: O'BARR, JEAN. WYER, MARY - Engaging Feminism : Students Speak Up & Speak out / Edited by Jean O'Barr & Mary Wyer
5605: BARR, GEORGE - George Wickes 1698-1761, royal goldsmith
112478: BARR, PAT (1934-) - The Deer Cry Pavilion: a Story of Westerners in Japan 1868-1905
279846: BARR, AMELIA E. (1831-1919) - Remember the Alamo
93137: BARR, OF GLASGOW, AND BROWN, JAMES - Biographical Sketches of the Hon. the Lord Provosts of Glasgow : with Appendix
60285: BARR, KENNETH J. - Cyprus Minerals Company, People Make the Difference
148781: BARR, JAMES (1862-1949) - Ignored Speeches : No.1
242521: BARR, PAT (1934-). MCHUGH, JAMES NOEL DATO' (1909-1990) - The coming of the barbarians : a story of Western settlement in Japan (1853-1870) / Pat Barr
216851: BARR, HUGH. GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE - Probation research : a survey of group work in the probation service : a Home Office Research Unit report
112498: BARR, PAT (1934-) - The Coming of the Barbarians: the Opening of Japan to the West (1853-1870)
122850: BARR, PAT - The Memsahibs : the Women of Victorian India / [By] Pat Barr
234887: BARR, PAT (1934-) - Taming the jungle : the men who made British Malaya
133018: BARR, STRINGFELLOW - The Pilgrimage of Western Man
80083: BARRACLOUGH, GEOFFREY (1908-1984) - The Times Atlas of World History/ Edited by Geoffrey Barraclough
66200: BARRACLOUGH, GEOFFREY (ED. ) - The Christian World : a Social and Cultural History / Texts by Geoffrey Barraclough ... [Et Al. ] ; Edited by Geoffrey Barraclough
272541: BARRACLOUGH, GEOFFREY (1908-1984) - Eastern and western Europe in the Middle Ages / [by] F. Graus [and others]; edited with an introduction by Geoffrey Barraclough
272537: BARRACLOUGH, GEOFFREY (1908-1984) - The medieval papacy
225388: BARRACLOUGH, KENNETH CHARLES - Sheffield steel / [compiled by] K.C. Barraclough
78577: BARRACLOUGH, SOLON LOVETT (1922-) - A Preliminary Analysis of the Nicaraguan Food System : (A Progress Report of Research Being Carried out under Unrisd's Project 'Food Systems and Society')
218461: BARRACLOUGH, GEOFFREY (1908-1984) - An introduction to contemporary history / Geoffrey Barraclough. [Language: Hebrew]
208757: BARRADA, HAZEM - How to succeed as an investor
191889: BLOUD ET BARRAL (PARIS) - La troisieme republique jugee par un ancien depute republicain
238508: BARRAQUER, JOAQUIN ET AL - Microsurgery of glaucoma
262051: BARRAQUER, JOAQUIN ET AL - Microsurgery of glaucoma
97722: BARRATT, GLYNN - Russophobia in New Zealand, 1838-1908
259315: BARRATT, GLYNN - Voices in exile : the Decembrist memoirs / [edited and translated from the Russian by] G.R.V. Barratt
258577: BARRATT, CAROL. CHESTER MUSIC - Chester;s Concert Piano Pieces: volume two: from Purcell to Prokofiev for the younger pianist
178457: BARRATT, JOHN (ED.) - International aspects of overpopulation : proceedings of a conference held by the South African Institute of International Affairs at Johannesburg / edited by John Barratt and Michael Louw
16735: BARRATT, JOHN - Accelerated Development in Southern Africa / Edited by John Barratt Et Al...
134820: BARRATT, JOHN. MICHAEL LOUW (EDS. ) - International Aspects of Overpopulation; Proceedings of a Conference Held by the South African Institute of International Affairs At Johannesburg. Edited by John Barratt and Michael Louw
127091: BARRATT, JOHN (1930-2007) & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Strategy for Development / Edited by John Barratt ... [Et Al. ]
75618: BARRATT BROWN, MICHAEL - After Imperialism
112362: BARRATT BROWN, MICHAEL - Essays on Imperialism
191226: BARRATT BROWN, MICHAEL; COATES, KEN (EDS.) - Trade union register. 3 / edited by Michael Barratt Brown and Ken Coates
241196: BARRAU, THEODORE-HENRI (1794-1865) - Histoire de la revolution française (1789-1799) / Théod. H. Barrau
123067: BARRÉ-DESPOND, ARLETTE. SUZANNE TISE. JEAN BAPTISTE ROUAULT (PHOTOG. ) - Jourdain : Frantz--1847-1935, Francis--1876-1958, Frantz-Philippe--1906-1990 / Arlette Barré-Despond ; 'Francis Jourdain' by Suzanne Tise ; Photography by Jean Baptiste Rouault ; Archival Material Courtesy of Stephan Jourdain
145304: BARRE, R. P. DE LA - La Vie Du Dogme Catholique : Autorite - Evolution
198759: BARREN, CHARLES - Eighty north
175931: BARRENECHEA, ANA MARIA - Unamuno en el movimiento de renovacion de la novela europea
94304: BARRENO, MARIA ISABEL - The New Portuguese Letters
168163: BARRENO, MARIA ISABEL - New Portuguese letters
59079: BARRENTINE, PAT (ED. ) - When the Canary Stops Singing : Women's Perspectives on Transforming Business / Edited by Pat Barrentine ; Authors, Riane Eisler ... [Et Al. ]
28858: BARRENTINE, PAT. EISLER, RIANE TENNENHAUS - When the Canary Stops Singing : Women's Perspectives on Transforming Business / Edited by Pat Barrentine ; Authors, Riane Eisler ... [Et Al. ]
172194: BARRERA-VIDAL, ALBERT - Der Stil von Albert Camus: (Le style d'Albert Camus)
235790: BARRÈRE, JEAN-BERTRAND - Victor Hugo, l'homme et l'œuvre
135292: BARRERE, JEAN-BERTRAND - Romain Rolland: L'Ame Et L'Art
164771: BARRES, MAURICE (1862-1923) - L'Ame Francaise Et La Guerre: Les Saints De La France
250364: BARRÈS, MAURICE - Une enquête aux pays du Levant : Alexandre, Beyrouth, le Liban, le tombeau d'Henriette Renan, une soirée avec les bacchantes, la religieuse arabe, Baalbek, Damas, le vieux de la montagne, le génie de nos congrégations
192905: BARRÈS, PHILIPPE (1896-?) - Charles de Gaulle
235938: BARRÈS, MAURICE (1862-1923) - Amori et dolori sacrum
48012: BARRES, MAURICE (1862-1923) - The Faith of France - [Uniform Title: Diverses Familles Spirituelles De La France. English]
242064: BARRÈS, MAURICE (1862-1923) - Sous l'œil des barbares. Un Homme Libre. Le Jardin De Berénice. Complete in three volumes
196218: BARRES, MAURICE (1862-1923) - L' union sacree
213155: BARRET, DAVID V. - Destiny and your dreams
206662: BARRET, ANDRE - Greece observed / [by] Andre Barret ; translated from the French by Stephen Hardman
192338: BARRET, FRANCOIS - L'evolution du capitalisme Japonais : tome 1 : L'evolution de la structure capitaliste: trusts, cartels, concentration et socie´te´s d'economie mixte.
126920: BARRETO, LIMA (1881-1922) - The Patriot / [By] Lima Barreto ; Translated [From the Portuguese] by Robert Scott-Buccleuch
79366: BARRETT, MARTHA BARRON - Invisible Lives : the Truth about Millions of Women-Loving Women
67974: BARRETT, ANDREA - Servants of the Map : Stories / Andrea Barrett
271941: BARRETT, C R B - The 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars / Vol. 1, 1688-1792 : as dragoons during the Flanders Campaign, War of the Australian Succession and the Seven Years War
266568: BARRETT, PETER - HMS Glory : the history of a light fleet aircraft carrier 1942-1961 / Peter Barrett ; foreword by B.C.G. Place
245482: BARRETT, MARK - Zander fishing : a complete guide / Mark Barrett ; foreword by Neville Fickling ; contributors, John Cahill ... [et al.]
13514: BARRETT, MARVIN - Moments of Truth? The Fifth Alfred I. Dupont - Columbia University Survey of Broadcast Journalism
157881: BARRETT, CHARLES KINGSLEY (1917-) - Luke the Historian in Recent Study, by C. K. Barrett
141082: BARRETT, CHARLES KINGSLEY (1917-) ED. - The New Testament Background : Selected Documents / Edited, with Introductions by C. K. Barrett
139642: BARRETT, C. K. (CHARLES KINGSLEY) - Jesus and the Gospel Tradition / C. K. Barrett
87957: BARRETT, WILLIAM, SIR (1844-1925) - On the Threshold of the Unseen : an Examination of the Phenomena of Spiritualism and of the Evidence for Survival after Death
110375: BARRETT, RONA - The Lovo-Maniacs; a Novel
86192: BARRETT, WILLIAM, SIR (1844-1925) - On the Threshold of the Unseen : an Examination of the Phenomena of Spiritualism and of the Evidence for Survival after Death ; with an Introduction by James H. Hyslop
131951: BARRETT, MARVIN - Survey of Broadcast Journalism, 1968-1969 / Edited by Marvin Barrett
244701: BARRETT, JAMES WILLIAM, SIR (1862-1945) - The twin ideals : an educated commonwealth. Vol. 2 / James W. Barrett
116514: BARRETT, JOSEPH H. (JOSEPH HARTWELL) - Life of Abraham Lincoln, Presenting His Early History, Political Career, and Speeches in and out of Congress; Also a General View of His Policy As President of the United States; ... . .. with His Messages, Proclamations, Letters, Etc. , and a History of His Eventful Administration, and of the Scenes Attendant Upon His Tragic and Lamented Demise. by Joseph H. Barrett
36060: BARRETT, EDWARD - Sociomedia : Multimedia, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Knowledge / Edited by Edward Barrett
198749: BARRETT, ROBERT LE MOYNE ; KATHARINE RUTH (ELLIS) BARRETT, MRS - A Yankee in Patagonia, Edward Chace/Robert & Katharine Barrett; with frontispiece and introduction by Rockwell Kent
178377: BARRETT, C. K. (CHARLES KINGSLEY), (1917- ) - Luke the historian in recent study
190897: BARRETT, C. K. (CHARLES KINGSLEY) (1917-?) - The Gospel of John and Judaism / C.K. Barrett ; translated from the German by D.M. Smith
98759: BARRETT, CHARLES (1879-1959) ED - The Pacific, Ocean of Islands
197339: BARRETT, JAMES W. (JAMES WILLIAM), SIR, (1862-1945) - The twin ideals : an educated commonwealth : vol. 1 / James W. Barrett
144890: BARRHEAD CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED. MURRAY, ROBERT - History of Barrhead Co-Operative Society Limited. a Record of its Struggles, Progress, and Success from its Inception in 1861 Until the Year of its Jubilee, 1911
251373: DE BARRI, KINSMAN - The bucks and bawds of London town : a set of essays about the folk of the London of George the Third, the morals and manners of kings, queens, princes, peers, prostitutes and paupers, their clubs, pubs and pastimes / [by] Kinsmen de Barri
241030: BARRIBALL, ALFRED - Wightman's Arthmetical Tables. New and Enlarged Edition
265891: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - The plays of J. M. Barrie : in one volume / edited by A.E. Wilson
182689: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW), (1860-1937) - Tommy and Grizel
252450: BARRIE, J. M. (1860-1937) - Tommy and Grizel
250208: BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937) - Tommy and Grizel
218213: BARRIE, J. M. (1860-1937) - The novels, tales and sketches of J. M. Barrie. [complete in 12 volumes]
105700: BARRIE, JACK A. - Sovereign Wings : the North American Bald Eagle / Photography by Jack A. Barrie, Lon E. Lauber and Others ; Introduction by James W. Grier
58268: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - The Greenwood Hat, Being a Memoir of James Anon, 1885-1887, by J. M. Barrie; with a Preface by the Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, K. G
53176: BARRIE, J. M. JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937) - Alice Sit-By-The-Fire
152700: BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937). THOMSON, HUGH (1860-1920) ILLUS. - Quality Street, a Comedy in Four Acts. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson
152442: BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937). THOMSON, HUGH (1860-1920) , ILLUS. - The Admirable Crichton / J. M. Barrie ; Illustrated by Hugh Thomson
85098: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - George Meredith, a Tribute, by J. M. Barrie
268967: BARRIE, J. M. (1860-1937) - Courage
237566: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - The little minister
280312: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - Courage
183326: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW), (1860-1937) - Margaret Ogilvy
266549: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - George Meredith 1909
115426: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) - The Little Minister, by J. M. Barrie
37978: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - The Entrancing Life, by J. M. Barrie
38173: BARRIE, J. M. - George Meredith - a Tribute
239141: BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937) - The little minister
239148: BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937) - The Little Minister
175190: BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937) - The little minister
42639: BARRIE, J. M. - A Window in Thrums
50425: BARRIE, J. M. - George Meredith : a Tribute
50628: BARRIE, J. M. (1860-1937) - Quality Street - a Comedy
50629: BARRIE, J. M. - Half Hours
50631: BARRIE, J. M. - Echoes of the War
50646: BARRIE, J. M. - Half Hours
68608: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) (1860-1937) - Farewell, Miss Julie Logan, a Wintry Tale
218323: BARRIE, J. M. - The works of J.M. Barrie. [Peter Pan edition - complete in 14 volumes]
199643: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW), (1860-1937) - The Greenwood hat, being a memoir of James Anon, 1885-1887
252681: BARRIE, J. M. (1860-1937) - The works of J.M. Barrie: novels, stories, and sketches - 13 volumes
6248: BARRIER, N. GERALD - Banned : Controversial Literature and Political Control in British India, 1907-1947
174844: BARRIER, MICHELE - L'etude geographique du tourisme : problemes de methode et de representation cartographique dans l'est de la France ....
235617: BARRIÈRE, MARCEL, (1861-) - L'œuvre de H. de Balzac : étude littéraire et philosophique sur la Comédie Humaine
243201: BARRIGA WILLALBA, A. M - Historia de la Casa de Moneda: tomo I
153236: BARRIGER, JOHN WALKER (1832-1906) , COMP. - Legislative History of the Subsistence Department of the United States Army, from June 16, 1775 to August 15, 1876. Compiled under the Direction of the Commissary-General of Subsistence, by John W. Barriger
12785: BARRINGER, EDWIN CHARLES (1892-) - The Story of Scrap
274095: BARRINGTON, E - Glorious Apollo
267114: BARRINGTON, MICHAEL - Grahame of Claverhouse, viscount Dundee
260016: BARRINGTON, JONAH SIR 1760-1834 - The rise and fall of the Irish nation : a full account of the bribery and corruption by which the Union was carried : the family histories of the members who voted away the Irish Parliament with an extraordinary black list of the titles, places, and pensions which they received for their corrupt votes
279416: BARRINGTON, E - The divine lady, a romance of Nelson and Emma Hamilton
157249: BARRINGTON, MICHAEL - Blaye, Roland, Rudel and the Lady of Tripoli : a Study in the Relations of Poetry to Life, A. D. 731-1950
159247: BARRINGTON, E. - The Exquisite Perdita
72926: BARRINGTON, E. (D. 1931) - The Empress of Hearts
14294: BARRINGTON, E. - 'The Ladies! ' a Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty by E. Barrington [Pseud: Lily Adams Beck]
39040: BARRINGTON, E. - Glorious Apollo
235580: D. JOSÉ MARÍA REINA BARRIOS - Isagoge histórico apologético general de todas las Indias y especial de la provincia Sn. Vicente Ferrer de Chiapa y Goathemala de el orden de Predicadores; libro inédito hasta ahora, que, con motivo de la celebración del cuarto centenario del descubrimiento de América, ha mandado publicar el gobierno de la república de Guatemala
92884: BARRIS, ALEX - Hollywood's Other Men
72119: BARRIS, ALEX - Hollywood According to Hollywood / Alex Barris
72058: BARRIS, GEORGE - Cars of the Stars. Photos. and Original Data by George Barris. Text by Jack Scagnetti
63434: BARRIS, ALEX - Hollywood's Other Men
220321: BARRIS, ALEX - Stop the presses! : the newspaperman in American films
217565: BARRIS, ALEX - Stop the presses! : the newspaperman in American films / Alex Barris
108328: BARRIS, CHUCK - You and Me, Babe
267235: BARRISTER - Every man's own lawyer : a handy book of the principles of law and equity comprising the rights and wrongs of individuals
153197: BARRISTER (PSEUD) - Justice in England
195408: BARRISTER [PSEUD.] - Justice in England
232587: BARRITT, DENIS PHILLIPS. QUAKER PEACE & SERVICE. NORTHERN FRIENDS PEACE BOARD - Northern Ireland - a problem to every solution
119469: BARRITT, JOHN WILLARD - The Care and Operation of Machine Tools
85750: BARRON, DON (ED. ) - Creativity No.11 / a Photographic Review
85265: BARRON, JOHN (1930-?) - KGB Today : the Hidden Hand
276612: BARRON, RODERICK - Decorative maps
229454: BARRON, STEPHANIE (1950-) - German expressionism : art & society (1909-1923)
22093: BARRON, JOHN - Breaking the Ring The Bizarre Case of the Walker Family Spy Ring
202689: BARRON, DAVE - Desert cache
13951: BARRON, T. A. - Heartlight / T. A. Barron
125447: BARRON, JOHN - Breaking the Ring / John Barron
250135: BARRON, JOHN BERNARD. WADDAMS, HERBERT MONTAGUE - Communism and the churches : a documentation
249695: BARRON, WILLIAM (D.1803) - Lectures on belles lettres and logic
245375: BARRON, WILLIAM (D.1803) - Lectures on belles lettres and logic
29043: BARRON, CLARENCE WALKER (1855-1928) - The Audacious War
212426: BARRON, J.BERNARD. WADDAMS, HERBERT MONTAGUE - Communism and the Churches : a documentation
148610: BARRON, J. B. H. M. WADDAMS - Communism and the Churches : a Documentation
176427: BARRON, J. BERNARD - Communism and the churches : a documentation
175072: BARRON, EVAN MACLEOD (1879-) - Inverness and the Macdonalds
252665: BARROS, HENRIQUE DA GAMA (1833-1925) - Historia da administração publica em Portugal nos seculos XII a XV / por Henrique da Gama Barros: in four volumes
167224: BARROSO, GUSTAVO, (1888-1959) - Ao som da viola : (folk - lore)
245618: BARROT, ODILON (1791-1873) - Mémoires posthumes de Odilon Barrot: Tome Quatrieme
207882: BARROUX, ROBERT (1899-1960) - Paris : des origines a nos jours et son role dans l'histoire de la civilisation / Robert Barroux
84420: BARROW, KENNETH - Helen Hayes, First Lady of the American Theater
72558: BARROW, JOHN D. (1952-) - The Artful Universe
269955: BARROW, JOHN SIR (1764-1848) - A Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great
158995: BARROW, JOHN, SIR (1764-1848) - The Life of Peter the Great
189254: BARROW, REGINALD HAYNES (1893-) - The Romans
242808: BARROW, JOHN SIR (1764-1848) - A Memoir of the life of Peter the Great. [By Sir John Barrow.]
225707: BARROW, GEORGE - On the geology of lower Dee-side and the southern Highland border
279442: BARROW, JOHN SIR (1764-1848) - A memoir of the life of Peter the Great
89186: BARROW, JOHN, SIR (1764-1848) - The Life of Peter the Great
110489: BARROW, KENNETH - Helen Hayes, First Lady of the American Theater / Kenneth Barrow
12071: BARROW, ANDREW - The Flesh is Weak : an Intimate History of the Church of England
115822: BARROW, KENNETH - Helen Hayes, First Lady of the American Theater / Kenneth Barrow
44004: BARROWS, SYDNEY AND NOVAK, WILLIAM - Mayflower Madam - the Secret Life of Sydney Biddle Barrows
169823: BARROWS, SYDNEY BIDDLE - Mayflower madam : the secret life of Sydney Biddle Barrows / Sydney Biddle Barrows with William Novak
179498: BARROWS, E. P. (ELIJAH PORTER) (1807-1888) - The manners and customs of the Jews
80593: BARROWS, EDWARD MORLEY (1881-1940) - The Great Commodore; the Exploits of Matthew Calbraith Perry
151533: BARROWS, SARAH TRACY (1870-). HALL, ALTA BELL (1888-) - An American Phonetic Reader
261803: BARRUEL,(AUGUSTIN), ABBÉ (1741-1820) - Histoire du clergé : pendant la Révolution françoise ouvrage dédié à la nation angloise; par l'abbé Barruel
92417: BARRY, TOM - The Central America Fact Book
64474: BARRY, JOHN M. (1947-) - The Ambition and the Power / John M. Barry
264974: BARRY, JOHN JOACHIM - The life of Christopher Columbus. From authentic Spanish and Italian documents
259787: BARRY, PATRICK D - George Boole : a miscellany / edited by Patrick D. Barry
256370: BARRY, WILLIAM FRANCIS (1849-1930) - The tradition of Scripture : its origin, authority and interpretation
257636: BARRY, MICHAEL - The story of Cork Airport
263387: BARRY, W.F - The Times Law Reports - Vol. XVIII (1901-02)
11526: BARRY, JAMES - Measures of Science ; Theological and Technological Impulses in Early Modern Thought
245611: DU BARRY, JEANNE BÉCU COMTESSE (1743-1793). DELHANTY, GEORGE KENDAL - Memoirs of the Comtesse du Barry : with intimate details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV / written by herself. With a special introduction by George Kendal Delahanty
259893: BARRY, JOHN - Hillsborough: a parish in the Ulster plantation
194574: BARRY, JOHN PATRICK - At the gates of the East : a book of travel among historic wonderlands
245034: DU BARRY, JEANNE BÉCU COMTESSE (1743-1793) - Memoirs of the Comtesse du Barry : with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV / written by herself. With a special introduction by Robert Arnot
106471: BARRY, JOSEPH AMBER - Infamous Woman : the Life of George Sand
56732: BARRY, JOHN D. (JOHN DANIEL) (1866-1942) - Julia Marlowe
162074: BARRY, FRANK RUSSELL (1890-1976) - Christianity & Psychology; Lectures Towards an Introduction
243723: BARRY, FRANK RUSSELL (1890-1976) [AUTHOR] - A philosophy from prison : a study of the Epistle to the Ephesians
204398: BARRY, TOM (1898-?) - Guerilla days in Ireland
222186: BARRY, JOHN WARREN - Studies in Corsica, sylvan and social
44633: BARRY, FREDERICK (1876-1943) - The Scientific Habit of Thought; an Informal Discussion of the Source and Character of Dependable Knowledge
93166: BARRY, WILLIAM FRANCIS (1849-1930) - The World's Debate : an Historical Defence of the Allies
207349: BARRY, E. ELDON - Nationalisation in British politics : the historical background / [by] E. Eldon Barry
210021: BARRY, GERALD REID, SIR (1898-) ED. - Report on Greece
147530: BARRYMAINE, NORMAN - The Time Bomb : a Veteran Journalist Assesses Today's China from the Inside
207294: BARRYMAINE, NORMAN - The time bomb : a veteran journalist assesses today's China from the inside / [by] Norman Barrymaine
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271034: BARRYMORE, LIONEL (1878-1954) - We Barrymores
70070: BARRYMORE, ETHEL (1879-1959) - Memories, an Autobiography
94835: BARRYMORE, JOHN - Confessions of an Actor, by John Barrymore. Illustrated
237837: BARRYMORE, ETHEL (1879-1959) - Memories, an Autobiography
86250: BARRYMORE, ETHEL - Memories, an Autobiography
226330: BARSAC, JACQUES. PERRIAND, CHARLOTTE (1903-1999) - Charlotte Perriand : photography : a wide-angle eye / Jacques Barsac ; introduction by Francois Cheval ; foreword by Alfred Paquement
60150: BARSAM, RICHARD MERAN - In the Dark : a Primer for the Movies / Richard Meran Barsam
117625: BARSAM, RICHARD MERAN - In the Dark : a Primer for the Movies / Richard Meran Barsam
62004: BARSTOW, ROBBINS AND SINETI, DONALD - Meet the Great Whales; an Illustrated Introduction to the Marvels of Cetaceans
248845: BARSTOW, STAN (1928-2011) - A kind of loving
278684: BARSTOW, CAROL - In grandmother Gell's kitchen
68043: BART, PETER - Fade out : the Calamitous Final Days of MGM
49377: BART, PETER - Fade out - the Calamitous Final Days of MGM
186757: BART KING; SABATINO, CHRIS (ILLUS.) - Bart's king-sized book of fun
168331: DU BARTAS, GUILLAUME DE SALLUSTE, SEIGNEUR (1544-1590) - Du Bartas his diuine weekes, and workes : with a compleate collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full workes translated and written by yt famous philomusus, Iosuah Syluester Gent
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207630: BARTEL, PAUL - Le Marechal Pilsudski / preface de A. de Monzie
210836: BARTEL, HORST. ENGELS-KONFERENZ (1955 : BERLIN) - Friedrich Engels Kampf fur die Schaffung einer marxistischen Arbeiterpartei in Deutschland : Engels-Konferenz, Berlin, 1955 / Horst Bartel
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30080: BARTER, A. R. - Learning Languages : the Comparative Method
270144: BARTER, RICHARD (1828-1891) - The siege of Delhi : mutiny memories of an old officer
237511: BARTER, JUDITH A. (1951-), EDITOR - Apostles of beauty: arts and crafts from Britain to Chicago / edited by Judith A. Barter ; with essays by Judith A. Barter ... [et al.]
178828: BARTER, RICHARD (1828-1891) - The siege of Delhi : mutiny memories of an old officer
248993: LEIPZIG : JOHANN AMBROSIUS BARTH - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Photographie, Photophysik und Photochemie - Band 50 I Mit einem Bildnis, einer Tafel und 128 Abbildungen im Text
238346: BARTH, PETER S.; HUNT, H ALLAN - Workers' compensation and work-related illnesses and diseases / [by] Peter S. Barth, with H. Allan Hunt
156869: BARTH, JOHN (1930-) - Once Upon a Time : a Floating Opera / John Barth
13828: BARTH, ALAN - The Rights of Free Men : an Essential Guide to Civil Liberties
164429: BARTH, HERMANN, (1886-) - Constantinople / Par H. Barth; Ouvrage Orne De 103 Gravures
248989: LEIPZIG : JOHANN AMBROSIUS BARTH - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Photographie, Photophysik und Photochemie - Band 47 Mit 82 Abbildungen im Text
30499: BARTH, ALAN - Government by Investigation
234368: BARTH, HERBERT. HAAS, WILLY - Richard Wagner und Bayreuth in Karikatur und Anekdote
248992: LEIPZIG : JOHANN AMBROSIUS BARTH - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Photographie, Photophysik und Photochemie - Band 52 Mit 122 Abbildungen im Text
214232: BARTH, JOHN (1930-?) - Sabbatical : a romance / John Barth
248997: LEIPZIG : JOHANN AMBROSIUS BARTH - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Photographie, Photophysik und Photochemie - Band 28 Mit 105 Figuren im Text
48622: BARTH, KARL (1886-1968) - The Only Way. How Can the Germans be Cured?
127693: BARTH, FRITZ (1856-1912) - Einleitung in Das Neue Testament / Von Fritz Barth
139954: BARTH, CHRISTOPH (1917-1986) - Einfuhrung in Die Psalmen / Von Christoph Barth
231708: BARTHA, DENES (1908-1993) - Haydn als Opernkapellmeister : die Haydn-Dokumente der Esterhazy-Opernsammlung / bearbeitet von Denes Bartha und Laszlo Somfai
73814: BARTHEL, MANFRED (1924-?) - The Jesuits : History & Legend of the Society of Jesus / Translated & Adapted by Mark Howson
13861: BARTHEL, JOE - A Death in California / Joan Barthel
84204: BARTHEL, BRUCE - Skiing the Rockies / Photography by Bruce Barthel ; Text by Charlie Meyers
232213: BARTHEL, WALDEMAR - Handlexikon der deutschen Vorgeschichte / Waldemar Barthel, Carl Atzenbeck
124814: BARTHEL, JOAN - Love or Honor : the True Story of an Undercover Cop Who Fell in Love with a Mafia Boss's Daughter / Joan Barthel
195739: BARTHEL, GUNTER - Industrialization in the Arab countries of the Middle East. Problems and trends / translated from the German by Ria and Christopher Salt in collaboration with Achim Kleiber
215320: BARTHELEMY, J. J. (JEAN JACQUES), (1716-1795) - Voyage du jeune anacharsis en Grece, dans le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere vulgaire. Extrait complet de l'ouvrage de J. J. Barthelemy. Arrange a l'usage des ecoles par Jean Henri Meynier ... avec une carte de l'ancienne Grece
279491: BARTHÉLÉMY, ADRIEN - Dictionnaire arabe-français : dialectes de Syrie: Alep, Damas, Liban, Jérusalem. 5. (1954)
279489: BARTHÉLÉMY, ADRIEN - Dictionnaire Arabe-Français : Dialectes de Syrie : Alep, Damas, Liban, Jérusalem.., 3ème fascicule
279490: BARTHÉLÉMY, ADRIEN - Dictionnaire Arabe-Français : Dialectes de Syrie : Alep, Damas, Liban, Jérusalem. / 4ème fascicule / pubié par H. Fleisch
279492: BARTHÉLÉMY, ADRIEN - Dictionnaire arabe-français : dialectes de Syrie: Alep, Damas, Liban, Jérusalem. Fasc. 2
122198: BARTHÉLEMY-SAINT-HILAIRE, JULES (1805-1895) - Egypt and the Great Suez Canal. a Narrative of Travels. by J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire .....
131333: BARTHELEMY, EDOUARD DE - La Noblesse En France Avant Et Depuis 1789
84272: BARTHELME, DONALD - Amateurs
67369: BARTHELME, PETER - Push, Meet Shove / Peter Barthelme
156379: BARTHELME, DONALD - Overnight to Many Distant Cities / Donald Barthelme
118482: BARTHELME, DONALD - Overnight to Many Distant Cities / Donald Barthelme
65760: BARTHELME, DONALD - The Dead Father / Donald Barthelme
66153: BARTHELMEH, VOLKER - Street Murals / Volker Barthelmeh
236805: BARTHES, ROLAND (1915-1980). COLLÈGE DE FRANCE - Leçon : leçon inaugurale de la Chaire de sémiologie littéraire du Collège de France, prononcée le 7 janvier 1977
236573: BARTHES, ROLAND - Sollers écrivain
235892: BARTHES, ROLAND - Critique et vérité
236572: BARTHES, ROLAND - Système de la mode
84811: BARTHOLDN, FELIX MENDELSSOHN - Breife : Aus Den Jahren 1830 Bis 1847 / Herausgegeben Von Paul Mendelssohn Bartholdn Un Prof. Carl Mendelssohn Bartholdn
272894: LINNAEUS. BECHSTEIN. WITHERING. DAMBOURNEY. BARTHOLLET [ECT. ECT.] - A New Medical, Economical, and Domestic Herbal: containing a familiar and accurate description of upwards of six hundred British Herbs, Shrubs, Tress, &c.: together with some of the most esteemed and useful exotic plants
275926: BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN C. (JOHN CHRISTOPHER) - The Times concise atlas of the world
271119: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. (JOHN GEORGE) (1860-1920) - A literary & historical atlas of Europe / [by] J. G. Bartholomew, LL. D
268557: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. - A Literary and Historical Atlas of America / J. G. Bartholomew
268560: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. - A literary and historical atlas of Africa and Australiasia / J.G. Bartholomew, edited by Ernest Rhys
268561: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. - A literary & historical atlas of Asia / [by] J.G. Bartholomew
265916: BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN (1831-1893). THE EDINBURGH GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE - General Map of Palestine: illustrating Old and New Testament History: according to Palestine Exploration Survey
264873: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. (JOHN GEORGE) (1860-1920) - A literary and historical atlas of America
254020: BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN - Bartholomew's Road Atlas of Great Britain - 5th inch to mile
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