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Click on booknumber for full information
206432: LINKLATER, ERIC (1899-1974) - The Royal House of Scotland / Eric Linklater
213046: LINKLATER, ERIC (1899-1974) - Juan in China
157107: LINKLETTER, ART (1912-2010) - A Child's Garden of Misinformation, Loving Harvested by Art Linkletter. Illustrated by Charles Saxon
61942: LINKS, MARTY - Candy Canes; a Holiday Treat
70727: LINKS, J. G. - Canaletto / J. G. Links
199952: LINLEY, DAVID ALBERT CHARLES ARMSTRONG-JONES, VISCOUNT (1961-) - Extraordinary furniture / David Linley
63001: LINN, EDWARD - Big Julie of Vegas
277073: LINN, JOHANNES F - Cities in the developing world : policies for their equitable and efficient growth
270006: LINN, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (1846-1917) - Horace Greeley / William Alexander Linn: illustrated
13296: LINN, MERITT - A Book of Songs : a Novel
239604: LINN, DON (1945-) - Harrier : in action
264454: LINN, THOMAS - The health resorts of Europe : a medical guide to the mineral springs, climatic, mountain and seaside health resorts, milk, whey, grape, earth, mud, sand and air cures of Europe
155746: LINNANE, FERGUS - Madams : bawds and brothel-keepers of London
152289: LINNEMANN, ETA - Parables of Jesus : Introduction and Exposition / Translated from the 3rd German Edition by John Sturdy
213301: LINNER, BIRGITTA - Sex and society in Sweden
170539: LINNER, BIRGITTA - Sex and society in Sweden / Birgitta Linner ; ...in collaboration with Richard J. Litell
46204: LINNER, BIRGITTA (1920-) - Sex and Society in Sweden. in Collaboration with Richard J. Litell. with a Pref. by Lester A. Kirkendall. Photos. by Lennart Nilsson
120266: LINNINGER, DR. FRANZ - St. Florian
134255: LINOTTE, LEON - Les Manifestations Et Les Greves a Liege De L'An 4 a 1914 / Leon Linotte
233270: LINS, BERNARDIN (1870-1954) - Geschichte der bayerischen Franziskanerprovinz zum hl. Antonius von Padua : von ihrer Gründung bis zur Sakularisation 1620-1802 / von P. Bernardin Lins, O.F.M. [Complete in 2 Vol.]
235103: LINS, BERNARDIN 1870-1954 - Scriptores Provinciae Bavariae Fratrum Minorum, (1625-1803)
251114: LINSELL, STEWART - Hickling Broad and its wildlife : the story of a famous wetland nature reserve, [by] Stewart Linsell
158078: LINSENMEYER, HELEN WALKER - From fingers to finger bowls : a sprightly history of California cooking / with the editorial assistance of Doris Loewnau ; commissioned by James S. Copley ; edited by Richard F. Pourade
172701: LINSENMEYER, HELEN WALKER - From Fingers to Finger Bowls : a Sprightly History of California Cooking / with the Editorial Assistance of Doris Loewnau. Commissioned by James S. Copley. Edited by Richard F. Pourade
222303: LINSINGEN, CAROLINE VON (1768-1815) - Caroline von Linsingen and King William the Fourth : Unpublished love-letters discovered among the litarary remains of Baron Reichenbach / transl. with the German editor's introduction and Baron Reichenbach's account of the letters, by T.G. Arundel
22788: LINSKY, MARTIN - How the Press Affects Federal Policymaking Six Case Studies
228885: LINSTOW, OTTO FRIEDRICH BERNHARD VON (1842-1916) - Compendium der Helminthologie / Nachtrag. Die Litteratur der Jahre 1878-1889
279149: LINTHICUM, RICHARD. WHITE, TRUMBLE. FALLOWS, RT. REV. SAMUEL [INTRO.] - Complete Story of the San Francisco Horror: by the survivors and rescuers: introduction by Bishop Fallows
273643: LINTILHAC, EUGÈNE FRANÇOIS (1854-1920) - Beaumarchais et ses oeuvres : précis de sa vie et histoire de son esprit, d'après des documents inédits / par E. Lintilhac
175239: LINTILHAC, EUGENE - Histoire generale du theatre en France - 1, Introduction generale : Les origines du theatre francais, drame sacre - drame profane / par Eugene Lintilhac
82888: LINTON, DR. GEORGE - AFF : American Fabrics and Fashions, No. 108, Fall 1976
76466: LINTON, HAROLD - Color Model Environments : Color and Light in Three-Dimensional Design ; Illustrations, Richard Rochon
66734: LINTON, CALVIN D. (ED. ) - The American Almanac, a Diary of America
261666: LINTON, CHARLES - The healing of the nations
187451: LINTON, RALPH (1893-1953) - The cultural background of personality
82887: LINTON, DR. GEORGE - AFF : American Fabrics and Fashions, No. 109, Spring 1977
124948: LINTON, WILLIAM EVANS. E. L. BECKLES (ILL. ) - The Drawing and Construction of Animals, by W. Evans Linton, R. W. S. , with Illustrations by the Author and E. L. Beckles
39281: LINTON, W. J. AND STODDARD, R. H. - Ballads and Romances
225137: LINTON, WILLIAM EVANS - The drawing and construction of animals
238674: LINTON, ELIZA LYNN - The girl of the period, and other social essays
227301: LINTON, WILLIAM JAMES (1812-1897) - Poetry of America. Selections from one hundred American Poets from 1776 to 1876. With an introductory review of Colonial poetry and some specimens of Negro Melody
247092: LINTOT, BERNARD. LINTOT, HENRY - A treatise of feme coverts: or, the lady's law. Containing all the laws and statutes relating to women
144551: LINZE, JACQUES-GERARD (1925-1997) - La Conquete De Prague
128765: LINZE, GEORGES - Poemes, 1920-1963
129237: LINZER, NORMAN - The Jewish Family : Authority and Tradition in Modern Perspective / Norman Linzer
223359: LION-GOLDSCHMIDT, DAISY. MOREAUGOBARD, JEAN CLAUDE ET ALI - [Arts de la Chine.] Chinese Art. Complete in 4 slip-cased volumes [With illustrations.]
245513: SHAPIRO. LIONEL - The Sixth of June
198184: LIONEL, FREDERIC - Challenge : on special mission
138649: LIOTARD, ANDRE FRANCIS. SAMIVEL. JEAN THEVENOT - Cinema D'Exploration; Cinema Au Long Cours [Par] Andre F. Liotard, Samivel [Et] Jean Thevenot
191970: LIOURE, MICHEL - L' esthetique dramatique de Paul Claudel
256440: LIPARI, MARTINO - Pensiero e azione nel risorgimento italiano
28310: LIPCHITZ, JACQUES. MARLBOROUGH-GERSON GALLERY (NEW YORK) - Images of Italy - Exhibition Catalogue of 25 Bronze (Sculpture) Pieces
216126: LIPETSKER, MIKHAIL SEMENOVICH (1906-) - Property rights of Soviet citizens
232056: LIPFFERT, KLEMENTINE (1889-1966) - Symbol-Fibel : eine Hilfe zum Betrachten und Deuten mittelalterlicher Bildwerke
171813: LIPIANSKY-MARC, ARNAUD - Communisme d'etat ou socialisme libertaire
216286: LIPINSKI, EDWARD - Poglady ekonomiczne Mikolaja Kopernika [Language: Polish]
271393: LIPKING, LAWRENCE I - Samuel Johnson : the life of an author / Lawrence Lipking
247924: LIPMAN, JEAN (1909-1998) - Young America : a folk-art history / Jean Lipman, Elizabeth V. Warren, Robert Bishop
78120: LIPMAN, JEAN (1909-) , ED. - American Folk Painters of Three Centuries / Jean Lipman, Tom Armstrong, Editors
67595: LIPMAN, EUGENE J. (ED. ) - A Tale of Ten Cities; the Triple Ghetto in American Religious Life. Edited by Eugene J. Lipman and Albert Vorspan
44462: LIPMAN, JEAN (1909-) - American Folk Painters of Three Centuries - 'Exhibition Organized by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, February 26-May 13, 1980.'
247679: LIPMAN, JEAN (1909-1998) - The flowering of American folk art, 1776-1876 / Jean Lipman and Alice Winchester
23832: LIPMAN, VIVIAN DAVID (1921-) - Americans and the Holy Land through British Eyes, 1820-1917 : a Documentary History / V. D. Lipman
161564: LIPMAN, VIVIAN DAVID (1921-) ED. - Three Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History : a Volume of Essays
23157: LIPMAN, VIVIAN - A Century of Social Service 1859-1959. The History of the Jewish Board of Guardians
68764: LIPMAN, JEAN (1909-) - Bright Stars : American Painting and Sculpture Since 1776 / Jean Lipman and Helen M. Franc ; Introd. by John I. H. Baur
143856: LIPMAN, EUGENE J. , ED. - A Tale of Ten Cities : the Triple Ghetto in American Religious Life / Edited by Eugene J. Lipman and Albert Vorspan
178453: LIPMAN, V. D. - Three centuries of Anglo-Jewish history : a volume of essys / edited by V. D. Lipman
43652: LIPMAN, JEAN - Art in America, September-October 1967 - Vol [55], Number Five (Art Journal)
232542: LIPOWSKY, FELIX JOSEPH (1764-1844) - Geschichte der Jesuiten in Baiern - Complete in 2 volumes
238698: LIPP, MARTIN R (1940-) - Medical landmarks USA : a travel guide to historic sites, architectural gems, remarkable museums and libraries, and other places of health related interest / Martin R. Lipp
236054: LIPPA, MARIO. NEWTON, DAVID - The World of small ads : a fascinating look at the world of advertising mini art
271642: LIPPARD, LUCY R - Pop art / Lucy R. Lippard ; with contributions by Lawrence Alloway, Nancy Marmer, Nicolas Calas
141785: LIPPENS, MAURICE - Notes Sur Le Gouvernement Du Congo, 1921-1922 / Par Maurice Lippens
258250: LIPPERT, PETER - Briefe in ein Kloster
202620: LIPPERT, PETER - The Jesuits : a self-portrait
234121: LIPPHARDT, WALTHER (1906-1981) - Gesellige Zeit. Liederbuch fur gemischten Chor
61546: LIPPINCOTT, LILLIAN - A Bibliography of the Writings and Criticisms of Edwin Arlington Robinson, by Lillian Lippincott
130548: LIPPINCOTT, ISAAC (1879-) - Economic Resources and Industries of the World
92493: LIPPINCOTT, ISAAC (B. 1879) - Problems of Reconstruction
158125: LIPPMAN, MARCIA - Sacred Encounters East and West / Foreword by Bell Hooks. Texts by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison and Marcia Lippman
108923: LIPPMAN, THEO - Senator Ted Kennedy / Theo Lippman, Jr.
98952: LIPPMANN, HEINZ - Honecker and the New Politics of Europe / [By] Heinz Lippman ; Translated [From the German] by Helen Sebba
55819: LIPPMANN, WALTER (1889-1974) - Early Writings. Introd. and Annotations by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr
9028: LIPPMANN, WALTER (1889-1974) - U. S. War Aims
121851: LIPPMANN, WALTER (1889-1974) - Interpretations, 1931-1932, by Walter Lippmann, Selected and Edited by Allan Nevins
128428: LIPPMANN, WALTER (1889-1974) - The Coming Tests with Russia
143067: LIPPMANN, WALTER (1889-1974) - The Communist World and Ours
162316: LIPPMANN, FRIEDRICH (1839-1903) - Der Kupferstich / Von Friedrich Lippmann
50248: LIPPMANN, WALTER - Men of Destiny
100014: LIPSCHUTZ, MARK R. - Dictionary of African Historical Biography / [By] Mark R. Lipschutz & R. Kent Rasmussen
105092: LIPSCOMB, F. W. - Heritage of Sea Power: the Story of Portsmouth
20616: LIPSET, SEYMOUR MARTIN - Rebellion in the University A History of Student Activism in America
162106: LIPSEY, RICHARD G. (1928-) - An introduction to positive economics
93961: LIPSKI, JOHN M. - The Language of the Islenos : Vestigial Spanish in Louisiana / John M. Lipski
13322: LIPSKY, ELEAZAR - Malpractice; a Novel
149041: LIPSKY, LOUIS (1876-1963) - A Gallery of Zionist Profiles
218429: LIPSKY, LOUIS - Herzl, Weizmann and the Jewish state [Language: Hebrew/English]
91534: LIPSON, EPHRAIM - Reflections on Britain & the United States : Mainly Economic
149969: LIPSON, E. (EPHRAIM) (1888-1960) - The History of the Woollen and Worsted Industries
170778: LIPSON, E. (EPHRAIM) (1888-1960) - The growth of English society: a short economic history
119631: LIPSON, EPHRAIM (1883-) - Reflections on Britain & the United States : Mainly Economic
185831: LIPSON, E. (EPHRAIM), (1888-1960) - Europe in the XIXth & XXth centuries, 1815-1939
257484: LIPSON, E - A short history of wool and its manufacture, mainly in England
166767: LIPSON, LESLIE, (1912-) - The Democratic Civilization
88983: LIPSON, EPHRAIM - Reflections on Britain & the United States : Mainly Economic / E. Lipson
89510: LIPSON, E. (EPHRAIM) (1888-1960) - Reflections on Britain and the United States : Mainly Economic
212714: LIPTAY, ALBERTO (DR) - Pour et contre malthus : La preservation sexuelle ... / par Liptay
52776: LIPTON, SEYMOUR (1903-) - Seymour Lipton. Text by Albert Elsen
175365: LIPTON, MICHAEL (1937- ) - The erosion of a relationship : India and Britain since 1960 / Michael Lipton and John Firn
273785: LIPTON, SARA - Dark mirror : the medieval origins of anti-Jewish iconography / Sara Lipton
114050: LIPTON, RONNIE - Information Graphics and Visual Clues / Ronnie Lipton
117661: LIPTON, LAWRENCE (1898-1975) - The Holy Barbarians, by Lawrence Lipton
138082: LIPTZIN, SOLOMON - Historical Survey of German Literature, by Sol Liptzin
134296: LIPTZIN, SOLOMON - Germany's Stepchildren, by Solomon Liptzin
169584: LIPTZIN, SOLOMON (1901- ) - Eliakum Zunser : poet of his people
58611: LIPTZIN, SOLOMON (1901-) - Generation of Decision : Jewish Rejuvenation in America
215516: LIREUX, AUGUSTE (1810-1870) [ET AL.] - Revue comique a l'usage des gens serieux [17 issues bound in 1 volume, 1848]
216291: LIRUMVA, N - Karl Marks [Karl Marx. Language: Russian]
216014: LIRUMVA, N - Bakunin [Bakunin. Language: Russian]
166607: LIS, CATHARINA - Social Change and the Labouring Poor : Antwerp, 1770-1860 / Catharina Lis
211801: LISCIANDRO, FRANK - Jim Morrison, an hour for magic / photographs, text, and design by Frank Lisciandro
47914: LISIEWICZ, MIECZYSLAW - Destiny Can Wait; the Polish Air Force in the Second World War. Foreword by Viscount Portal of Hungerford. [Editor: M. Lisiewicz]
217478: LISIEWICZ, PAWEL MARIA - Bezimienni : z dziejow wywiadu Armii Krajowej [Language: Polish]
218028: LISKOV, B. A. - Narodnyy sud na strazhe prav grazhdan. [The People's Court to guard the rights of citizens. Language: Russian]
149196: LISKUN, Y. - Livestock Raising in the U. S. S. R.
277086: LISLE, ARTHUR PLANTAGENET - The Lisle letters : an abridgement / edited by Muriel St. Clare Byrne ; selected and arranged by Bridget Boland ; foreword by Hugh Trevor-Roper
264788: DE LISLE, TIM - Wisden cricketers' almanack 2003
217651: LISOVSKIY, P. A. - Voyna v Afrike [War in Africa. Language: Russian]
258001: LISOWSKI, IOANNES - Elementa ad fontium editiones: 1 - Polonica ex libris 'obligationum et solutionum' camerae apostolicae AB A. 1373
157842: LISS, HOWARD - Goal! Hockey's Stanley Cup Playoffs
262756: LISS, P. S - Man-made carbon dioxide and climatic change : a reviews of scientific problems / P.S. Liss and A.J. Crane
97118: LISS, HELLMUTH M. - Babylon, Rome, Jerusalem, a Prophetic Study, Past-Present-Future, by Hellmuth M. Liss
278316: DE LISSA, N. R. (NELLIE R.) - War food and how to cook it
129338: LISSAC, ROGER - Le Paysan Dans L'Ancienne France / Par Roger Lissac
216545: LISSACK, MORRIS (1814-) - Jewish perseverance, or the Jew, at home and abroad: an autobiography
53750: LISSEN, ADRIAN - Tapas / Adrian Lissen with Sara Cleary
124629: LIST, HERBERT. GüNTER METKEN - Herbert List, Photographs 1930-1970 / Günter Metken ; Introduction by Stephen Spender
241838: THE LISTENER - The Listener and BBC Television Review. Vol. LXX, No. 1798. Thursday, September 12, 1963
276667: LISTER, W. B. C. (WILLIAM BRIAN COLLINS) - A bibliography of Murray's handbooks for travellers and biographies of authors, editors, revisers and principal contributors
276525: LISTER, RAYMOND - How to identify old maps and globes : with a list of cartographers, engravers, publishers and printers concerned with printed maps and globes from c. 1500 to c. 1850
273526: LISTER, SIMON - Supercat : the authorised biography of Clive Lloyd / Simon Lister
273202: LISTER, RAYMOND GEORGE - George Richmond : a critical biography / Raymond Lister
271369: LISTER, RAYMOND. ROBIN GARTON (FIRM) - Great images of British printmaking : a descriptive catalogue, 1789-1939 / [by] Raymond Lister
257894: LISTER, RUTH - Justice for the claimant : a study of supplementary benefit appeal tribunals / Ruth Lister
239032: LISTER, JOHN (1920-2013) - By the London post : essays on medicine in Britain and America / John Lister
192901: LISTER, RUTH (1949- ) - As man and wife? : a study of the cohabitation rule
222389: LISTER, RAYMOND - Decorative cast ironwork in Great Britain / Raymond Lister ; illustrated by the author
201427: LISTER, RAYMOND (1919-?) - Tao
116666: LISTER, RAYMOND - The Miniature Defined
177032: LISTER, RAYMOND (1919-2001) - The British miniature
77160: LISTON, ROBERT A. - The Dangerous World of Spies and Spying
45650: LISTOWEL, THE EARL OF - Modern Aesthetics: an Historical Introduction - Studies in Culture and Communication
201805: LISTRI, MASSIMO - Hidden Tuscany : unusual destinations and secret places / Massimo Listri, Cesare M. Cunaccia
67742: LISZT, FRANZ (1811-1886) - The Letters of Franz Liszt to Olga Von Meyendorff, 1871-1886, in the Mildred Bliss Collection At Dumbarton Oaks / Translated by William R. Tyler ; Introd. and Notes by Edward N. Waters
192513: LISZT, FRANZ (1811-1886) - Franz Liszt : his greatest piano solos ... compiled by Alexander Shealy
88733: LITCHFIELD, MICHAEL W - Salvaged Treasures : Designing and Building with Architectural Salvage / Michael Litchfield ; Photographs by Rosmarie Hausherr ; Illustrations by Leonard Davis
270283: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK (1850-) - How to collect old furniture
266907: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK - How to collect old furniture
223759: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK (1850-) - Pottery and porcelain : a guide to collectors
216677: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK - Pottery and porcelain : a guide to collectors
13383: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK - Pottery and Porcelain; a Guide to Collectors, by Frederick Litchfield ... Containing 150 Illustrations of Specimens of Various Factories, 7 Coloured Plates, and Marks and Monograms of all the Important Makers
65840: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK (1850-) - How to Collect Old Furniture
261151: INSTYTUT LITERACKI - Zeszyty historyczne - Tom CVIII
217457: INSTYTUT LITERACKI (PARIS, FRANCE) - Zeszyty historyczne [Language: Polish]
217346: INSTYTUT LITERACKI (PARIS, FRANCE) - Kultura: Marzec : Mars 1964 [Language: Polish]
217488: INSTYTUT LITERACKI (PARIS, FRANCE) - Zeszyty historyczne [Language: Polish]
217342: INSTYTUT LITERACKI (PARYZ) - Przeciw niewolnictwu : glos wolnej Rosji [Language: Polish]
203672: VERBANDE DER VEREINE FUR JUDICHE GESCHICHTE UND LITERATUR (DEUTSCHLAND) - Jahrbuch fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur / herausgegeben vom Verbande der Vereine fur Judiche Geschichte und Literatur in Deutschland ; mit beitragen von Simon Berfeld, T. Bergmann [et al.]
215864: USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE - Istoriya Russkoy Literatury Veka Bibliograficheskiy Ukazatel. [History of the century: Russian Literature. Bibliographic Index. Language: Russian]
68093: LITEWKA, ALBERT - Warsaw : a Novel of Resistance
134911: LITMAN, SIMON - Prices and Price Control Great Britain and the United States During the World War
153486: LITMAN, SIMON (1873-) - Ray Frank Litman : a Memoir
19744: LITMAN, ROBERT E. - Psychoanalysis in the Americas Original Contributions from the First Pan-American Congress for Psychoanalysis
270080: LITT, TOBY - Finding myself / Toby Litt
263708: LITTA, POMPEO (1781-1852) - Ritratti dei Visconti signori di Milano / Pompeo Litta
138625: LITTELL, ROBERT (ED. ) - The Czech Black Book; [Translated from the Czech. ]; Edited by Robert Littell
113296: LITTELL, ROBERT (1935-) - The Czech Black Book; [Translated from the Czech. ]; Edited by Robert Little.
55417: LITTELL, FRANKLIN HAMLIN - American Protestantism and Antisemitism
127730: LITTELL, FRANKLIN HAMLIN (1917-2009.) - The Free Church
126782: BRUSSELS. UNIVERSITE LIBRE. CERCLE LITTERAIRE - Trente-Deux Poemes De Guerre Et D'Amour
126676: IMP. SCIENTIFIC ET LITTERAIRE - L'Action Democratique Du Liberalism
232023: GESELLSCHAFT FUR DEUTSCHE LITTERATUR - Acht Lieder aus der Reformationszeit : Zum 90. Geburtstage Seiner Excellenz des Wirklichen Geheimen Rates Herrn D. Dr. Rochus Freiherrn von Liliencron. uberreicht durch den Vorsitzenden Erich Schmidt diese von ihren Mitgliedern Johannes Bolte und Martin Breslauer ausgewahlten / von Bolte erlauterten Lieder ... die Gesellschaft fur Deutsche Litteratur in Berlin. 8. Dezember 1910
233196: LITTGER, KLAUS WALTER. UNIVERSITATSBIBLIOTHEK EICHSTATT - Musik in Eichstatt : Beitrage zur Geschichte der Hofmusik und Katalog
98203: LITTLE, ROBERT (ED. ) - The Czech Black Book; [Translated from the Czech. ]; Edited by Robert Little
93841: LITTLE, KENNETH LINDSAY - The Sociology of Urban Women's Image in African Literature / Kenneth Little
65786: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY - One Hundred and Fifty Years of Publishing, 1837-1987
47993: LITTLE, ANTHONY J. - Deceleration in the Eighteenth-Century British Economy
276178: LITTLE, BRIAN - Banbury : a century of change / Brian Little
273024: LITTLE, RICHARD HENRY - The linebook, 1925
266718: LITTLE, BRYAN - The city and county of Bristol : a study in Atlantic civilisation
260483: WILLIAM LITTLE [PUBLISHER AND PRINTER] - Original Wellington Prints: 6 prints
252887: LITTLE, ANDY - Angler's mail guide to big carp fishing / Andy Little ; consultant editor, Roy Westwood
251995: LITTLE, BRYAN D. G - Portrait of Exeter
249892: LITTLE, BRYAN D. G - Portrait of Somerset / [by] Bryan Little
249552: LITTLE, ANDY - My passion for carp / Andy Little
248220: LITTLE, ANDY - Complete Carp Angler
199323: LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY (PUBLISHER'S) - An Illustrated anthology of erotica : sexual art and literature from around the world
252683: LITTLE, BROWN & CO - The British poets - 9 volumes
215273: LITTLE, KENNETH LINDSAY - Race and society
171903: LITTLE, KENNETH - Race and society
228805: LITTLE, ERNEST MUIRHEAD - History of the British Medical Association : (1832-1932)
72005: LITTLE, FRANCES (1863-1941) - The Lady of the Decoration
107593: LITTLE, ROGER - Saint-John Perse
58053: LITTLE, FRANCES (1863-1941) - The Lady and Sada San : a Sequel to the Lady of the Decoration, by Frances Little (Pseud. )
7970: LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY - One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Publishing 1837-1962
89337: LITTLE, RICHARD HENRY - Better Angels, by Richard Henry Little (R. H. L. ) , with an Introduction by Carl Sandburg
263916: LITTLE, GEORGE A - Brendon the navigator : an interpretation
72595: LITTLE, FRANCES (1863-1941) - The Lady and Sada San : a Sequel to the Lady of the Decoration, by Frances Little [Pseud. ]
116273: LITTLE, FRANCES - Little Sister Snow
236895: LITTLE, ROGER - Saint-John Perse
221692: LITTLE , BESSIE [ED.] - Teen Life : November 1962 Vol. 1 No. 12 [Elvis Presley, Connie Stevens, Jerry Lewis and more]
221693: LITTLE , BESSIE [ED.] / DICK CLARK [HON. ED.] - Teen Life : April 1964 Vol. 3 No. 2 [Elvis Presley, Cliff Richard, The Beatles, Jerry Lewis and more]
129523: LITTLE, WILLIAM JOHN KNOX - St Francis of Assisi: His Times, Life and Work
14171: LITTLE, I. M. D. - The Price of Fuel
50602: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY - One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Publishing 1837-1962 / Little, Brown and Company
50904: LITTLE, I. M. D. AND CLIFFORD, J. M. - International Aid - a Discussion of the Flow of Public Resources from Rich to Poor Countries with Particular Reference to British Policy
66654: LITTLE & IVES, WEBSTER - The Little & Ives Webster Dictionary and Home Reference Library. Complete and Unabridged
7988: LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY - One Hundred Years of Publishing; 1837-1937
82040: LITTLE, RICHARD HENRY - The Line Book 1925 - Volume 2
78150: LITTLEFIELD, DOUGLAS R. - The Spirit of Enterprise : the History of Pacific Enterprises from 1886 to 1989 / Douglas R. Littlefield and Tanis C. Thorne
60281: LITTLEJOHN, DAVID (1937-) - The Man Who Killed Mick Jagger : a Novel
265468: LITTLEJOHN, HUGH - Tales of a Grandfather: being stories taken from Scottish History: second series: humbly inscribed to Hugh Littlejohn, Esq.: complete in one volume
113462: LITTLEJOHN, DAVID (1937-) - The Man Who Killed Mick Jagger : a Novel
255911: LITTLEJOHNS, J. (JOHN) (1874-1955) - British Watercolour Painting and Painters of Today / J. Littlejohns
188460: LITTLEJOHNS, JOHN - England against the world
60785: LITTLEWOOD, JOHN ERIC - How to Play the Middle Game in Chess / [By] John E. Littlewood
221424: LITTLEWOOD, JOHN ERIC - How to Play the Middle Game in Chess / [By] John E. Littlewood
261504: LITTLEWOOD, DUDLEY ERNEST - The skeleton key of mathematics : a simple account of complex algebraic theories / D. E. Littlewood
272535: LITTMAN, ROBERT (ROBERT JACOB) - The Greek experiment : imperialism and social conflict, 800-400 B.C. / Robert J. Littman
257900: LITTON, HELEN - The World War II years : the Irish emergency ; an illustrated history / Helen Litton ; picture research by Peter Costello
192661: LITTON, HELEN - The World War II years : the Irish emergency ; an illustrated history / Helen Litton ; picture research by Peter Costello
258847: INTERNATIONAL STUDY WEEK ON MISSION AND LITURGY (1ST : 1959 : NIJMEGEN AND UDEN, NETHERLANDS) - Liturgy and the missions : the Nijmegen papers / edited by Johannes Hofinger
216353: LITVAK, G. [TRANSLATOR] - Pesni i dumy Sovetskoy Ukrainy [Songs and Ballads of Soviet Ukraine. Language: Russian]
218633: LITVIN, RABBI DR. JOSEPH - Yismach Yisrael (al ahavath Yisrael v'eretz Yisrael). Compendium of Rabbinic laws and ideas regarding love for the people of Israel and the land of Israel [Language: Hebrew]
58437: LITVINOFF, BARNET - The Burning Bush : Anti-Semitism and World History / Barnet Litvinoff
48851: LITVINOFF, BARNET - Weizmann - Last of the Patriarchs
258982: LITVINOFF, EMANUEL [EDITOR] - Insight: Soviet Jews: in 22 issues
24699: LITVINOFF, EMANUEL - A Death out of Season
204822: LITVINOFF, SARAH - The illustrated guide to the supernatural / general editor Sarah Litvinoff ; foreword by Richard Cavendish
162953: LITVINOFF, BARNET - A Peculiar People : Inside World Jewry Today
134529: LITVINOFF, BARNET - The Burning Bush : Antisemitism and World History / Barnet Litvinoff
55642: LITVINOFF, BARNET - Weizmann : Last of the Patriarchs
143857: LITVINOFF, BARNET - To the House of Their Fathers : a History of Zionism
143620: LITVINOFF, BARNET - Road to Jerusalem: Zionism's Imprint on History
121852: LITVINOFF, BARNET - A Peculiar People: Inside World Jewry Today
53515: LITVINOFF, EMANUEL - The Face of Terror / Emanuel Litvinoff
196611: LITVINOFF, BARNET - Ben-Gurion of Israel
207397: LITVINOFF, BARNET - The story of David Ben-Gurion
57647: LITVINOV, PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH (1940-) COMP. - The Trial of the Four; a Collection of Materials on the Case of Galanskov, Ginzburg, Dobrovolsky & Lashkova 1967 - 68, Compiled with Commentary, by Pavel Litvinov [English Text Edited and Annotated by Peter Reddaway, with a Foreword by Leonard Schapiro. Translated by Janis Sapiets, Hilary Sternberg & Daniel Weissbort]
210236: LITVINOV, IVY (1889-1977) - His master's voice : a detective story
139403: LITVINOV, PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH (1940-) COMP. REDDAWAY, PETER, ED. - The Trial of the Four a Collection of Materials on the Case of Galanskov, Ginzburg, Dobrovolsky & Lashkova 1967 - 68, Compiled with Commentary
139396: LITVINOV, PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH (1940-) COMP. - The Trial of the Four; a Collection of Materials on the Case of Galanskov, Ginzburg, Dobrovolsky & Lashkova, 1967-68. Compiled, with Commentary, by Pavel Litvinov. English Text Edited and Annotated by Peter Reddaway. with a Foreword by Leonard Schapiro Translated by Janis Sapiets, Hilary Sternberg & Daniel Weissbort
280582: LITVINOV, M. M. (MAKSIM MAKSIMOVICH) (1876-1951) - The Soviet's fight for disarmament / containing speeches by M. Litvinov at Geneva, 1932, and other documents in sequel to 'The soviet union and peace,' ; with an introduction by M. Lunacharsky
105915: LITVINOV, PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH (1940-) (COMPILER) - The Trial of the Four; a Collection of Materials on the Case of Galanskov, Ginzburg, Dobrovolsky & Lashkova, 1967-68. Compiled, with Commentary, by Pavel Litvinov. English Text Edited and Annotated by Peter Reddaway. with a Foreword by Leonard Schapiro.
96356: LITVINOV, PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH (1940-) - The Demonstration in Pushkin Square [By] Pavel Litvinov; Translated by Manya Harari
16316: LITVINOV, PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH (1940-) - The Demonstration in Pushkin Square [By] Pavel Litvinov; Translated by Manya Harari
133075: LITVINOV, PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH - The Demonstration in Pushkin Square / [By] Pavel Litvinov; Translated by Manya Harari
172636: LITVINOV, M. M. (1876-1951) - The Soviet's fight for disarmament : containing speeches by M. Litvinov at Geneva, 1932, and other documents in sequel to 'The Soviet Union and peace' with an introduction by M. Lunacharsky
113546: LITVINOV, M. M. (MAKSIM MAKSIMOVICH) (1876-1951) - Notes for a Journal. Introd. by E. H. Carr
184782: LITVINOV, MAKSIM MAKSIMOVICH (1876-1951). LUNACHARSKY, ANATOLY VASILIEVICH (1875-1933) - The Soviet's fight for disarmament : containing speeches by M. Litvinov at Geneva, 1932, and other documents in sequel to 'The Soviet Union and peace' with an introduction by M. Lunacharsky
147482: LITWACK, LEON F. (ED. ) - The American Labor Movement
77466: LITWAK, MARK - Reel Power : the Struggle for Influence and Success in the New Hollywood
104113: LITWAK, MARK - Reel Power : the Struggle for Influence and Success in the New Hollywood / Mark Litwak
170447: LITZEL, OTTO - On photographic composition
216874: LITZKY, EUGENE - Slovo o polku Igoreve ... ocherke iz istorii drevne-russkoy literatury, kompozitsiya, stil'. [The Tale of Igor ... an essay on the history of ancient Russian literature, composition, style. Language: Russian]
60105: LIU, D. T. Y. - Labour Ward Manual / D. T. Y. Liu, D. V. I. Fairweather
189689: LIU, SHAO-CHI, (1898-1969), [ET AL.] - Report on the draft constitution of the People's Republic of China / [by] Liu Shao-Chi [and] Constitution of the People's Republic of China
111903: LIU, LEO YUEH-YUN - China As a Nuclear Power in World Politics / [By] Leo Yueh-Yun Liu
180060: LIU, SHAO-CHI, (1898-1969), [ET AL.] - Ten glorious years
44610: LIU, WILLIAM T. - Family and Fertility, Proceedings of the Fifth Notre Dame Conference on Population, December 1-3, 1966
99251: LIU, CHING - Wall of Bronze
258510: LA LIVE D'ÉPINAY, LOUISE FLORENCE PÉTRONILLE DE - Memoirs and Correspondence of Madame d'Épinay. Translated with an introduction by E. G. Allingham. (With plates, including a portrait)
188047: LA LIVE D'EPINAY, LOUISE FLORENCE PETRONILLE DE. FREESE, JOHN HENRY, M.A. - The Memoirs and Correspondence of Madame d'Epinay translated with introduction and brief notes by J. H. Freese - [Complete in 3 volumes]
44117: LIVEING, EDWARD GEORGE DOWNING (1895-) - Across the Congo
8570: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Heat Wave
275679: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Consequences / Penelope Lively
160686: LIVELY, PENELOPE (1933-) - Cleopatra's Sister : a Novel / Penelope Lively
259708: LIVELY, PENELOPE - A long night at Abu Simbel / Penelope Lively
204607: LIVELY, CHARLES ELSON (1890-). TAEUBER, CONRAD (1906-) - Rural migration in the United States
260240: LIVER, JACOB - Toldot bet Da?id : mi-?urban mamlekhet Yehudah ?e-?ad le-a?ar ?urban ha-Bayit ha-Sheni / Ya?a?ov Li?er ; House of David from the fall of the kingdom of Judah to the fall of the Second Commonwealth and after
210400: LIVERIGHT, A. A. (ALEXANDER ALBERT) - Strategies of leadership in conducting adult education programs
275281: LIVERMORE, H. V - Portugal and Brazil : an introduction / Made by friends of Edgar Prestage and Aubrey Fitz Gerald Bell in piam memoriam. Edited by H. V. Livermore with the assistance of W. J. Entwistle
245111: LIVERMORE, COLONEL THOMAS L. RAND, COLONEL, ARNOLD A - In Memoriam: Captain Charles W. Elwell: military order, loyal legion, United States
230600: LIVERMORE, HAROLD VICTOR (1914-) - A history of Portugal
150304: LIVERMORE, ABIEL ABBOT (1811-1892) - The Marriage Offering : a Compilation of Prose and Poetry / Abiel Abbot Livermore
26075: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL (DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCE) - Social Aspects of a Town Development Plan - a Study of the County Borough of Dudley
202048: LIVERSIDGE, M. J. H. FARRINGTON, JANE. BIRMINGHAM MUSEUMS AND ART GALLERY - Canaletto and England / edited by Michael Liversidge and Jane Farrington
256567: LIVERSIDGE, DOUGLAS - The picture life of Queen Elizabeth II
123784: LIVET, ANNE (ED. ) - Contemporary Dance : an Anthology of Lectures, Interviews and Essays with Many of the Most Important Contemporary American Choreographers, Scholars and Critics ... / Edited with an Introd. by Anne Livet
265052: T. LIVII - T. Livii Historiarum. Tom. VIII, libb. xcv ad cxv
265057: T. LIVII - T. Livii Historiarum. Tom. IV, libb. xxviii ad xxxv
265059: T. LIVII - T. Livii Historiarum. Tom. VII, libb. lxiii ad xciv
204320: LIVIJN, CLAS - Samlade skrifter [Language: Swedish]
135211: LIVINGS, HENRY. MARIA LIVINGS (ILL. ) - Pennine Tales / Henry Livings ; [Line Drawings by Maria Livings]
271324: LIVINGSTON, JANE - Odyssey : the best photos from National Geographic / [text by Jane Livingston]
224563: LIVINGSTON, NANCY - Quiet murder / Nancy Livingston
107470: LIVINGSTON, A. D. - Advanced Bass Tackle and Boats
107630: LIVINGSTON, LUTHER SAMUEL (COMP. ) - A Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Compiled Largely from the Collection Formed by the Late Jacob Chester Chamberlain, with Assistance from His Notes and Memoranda, by Luther S. Livingston
108193: LIVINGSTON, A. D. (1932-) - Tying Bugs and Flies for Bass
57038: LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM (ET AL. ) - The Independent Reflector; Or, Weekly Essays on Sundry Important Subjects...
118042: LIVINGSTON, BERNARD - Their Turf; America's Horsey Set & its Princely Dynasties, by Bernard Livingston
167679: LIVINGSTON, SIGMUND (1872-1946) - Must men hate?
119027: LIVINGSTON, PHILIP, SIR (1893-) - Fringe of the Clouds
79618: LIVINGSTON, FLORA VIRGINIA MILNER (1862-) - Supplement to Bibliography of the Works of Rudyard Kipling
82165: LIVINGSTON-LITTLE, D. E - An Economic History of North Idaho 1800-1900
196660: LIVINGSTON, SIGMUND (1872-?) - Must men hate? / Sigmund Livingstone
206922: LIVINGSTON, SIGMUND (B.1872) - Must men hate?
85787: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID - Anne Murray, the Story so Far
274058: LIVINGSTONE, KAREN - The bookplates and badges of C.F.A. Voysey: arcitect and designer of the Arts and Crafts Movement / Karen Livingstone
271869: LIVINGSTONE, MARCO - David Hockney / Marco Livingstone
268767: LIVINGSTONE, MARCO - David Hockney / Marco Livingstone
268709: LIVINGSTONE, MARCO - David Hockney / Marco Livingstone
264625: LIVINGSTONE, W. P. (WILLIAM PRINGLE) - Mary Slessor of Calabar : pioneer missionary
189778: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID N. (1953- ) - Nathaniel Southgate Shaler and the culture of American science / David N. Livingstone
16879: LIVINGSTONE, W. P. - Laws of Livingstonia A Narrative of Missionary Adventure and Achievement
6224: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID (1813-1873) - Livingstone's Private Journals; 1851-1853 - [Edited with an Introduction by I. Schapera]
87636: LIVINGSTONE-LEARMONTH, DAVID - Famous Winners of the British Turf, 1949-1955 : Modern Champions Selected and Described by the British Racehorse / David Livingstone-Learmonth and John Hislop
93747: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID - Family Letters, 1841-1856 Volume One & Two / David Livingstone ; Edited with an Introd. by I. Schapera
92461: LIVINGSTONE, WILLIAM PRINGLE - Mary Slessor of Calabar : pioneer missionary
147116: LIVINGSTONE, ADELAIDE LORD STICKNEY DAME. MARJORIE SCOTT JOHNSTON - The Peace Ballot ; the Official History, by Dame Adelaide Livingstone (Secretary, National Declaration Committee) in Collaboration with Marjorie Scott Johnston, with a Statistical Survey of the Results by Walter Ashley, Conclusion by Viscount Cecil...
241288: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID (1813-1873) - Travels and Researches in South Africa: including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast; thence across the continent, down the River Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean
121689: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID (1813-1873) - Livingstone's Missionary Correspondence, 1841-1856. Edited with an Introduction by I. Schapera
119869: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID (1813-1873) - Livingstone's Missionary Correspondence, 1841-1856. Edited with an Introduction by I. Schapera
119639: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID (1813-1873). I. SCHAPERA - Livingstone's Private Journals 1851-1853 / Edited with an Introduction by I. Schapera
107979: LIVINGSTONE, MALCOLM & SHERIDAN, JOHN - Eric and the Lost Planes / Idea and Pictures by Malcolm Livingstone ; Story by John Sheridan
171892: LIVINGSTONE, ISAAC - Illustrations of co-operation between Jews and non-Jews in educational and other fields
60846: LIVINGSTONE, BEULAH - Remember Valentino : Reminiscences of the World's Greatest Lover
69249: LIVINGSTONE, MARY - Jack Benny / Mary Livingstone Benny and Hilliard Marks, with Marcia Borie
194094: LIVIUS, TITUS - Historiarum quod extat : cum perpetuis Gronovii et variorum notis - [Other title; Historiae Romanae] - [Complete in 3 volumes]
91736: SOCIETE PRESENCE DU LIVRE - Turquie, Au Nom De La Tulipe
260662: LIVY - The history of Rome - [v. 4.] Books thity-seven to the end, with the epitomes and fragments of the lost books / literally translated by William A. M'Devitte
260244: LIVY - Titus Livius Patavinus ad codices parisinos / recensitus cum varietate lectionum et selectis commentariis item Supplementa J. Freinshemii ; curante N. E. Lemaire - vol. 12
277677: LIVY. BEKKER, IMMANUEL (1785-1871). RASCHIG, M. F. E - T. Livii ab urbe condita libri: pars II
278595: LIVY - T. Livii ab urbe condita libri / recognovit Immanuel Bekkerus ; selectas virorum doctorum notas in usum scholarum addidit M. F. E. Raschig. Pars I
179467: NARODNA IN UNIVERZITETNA KNJIZNICA V LJUBLJANI (SLOVENIA) - Slovenska bibliografija III : 1949 ; izdala Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica v Ljubljani [Language : Slovenian]
179468: NARODNA IN UNIVERZITETNA KNJIZNICA V LJUBLJANI (SLOVENIA) - Slovenska bibliografija IV : 1950 ; izdala Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica v Ljubljani [Language : Slovenian]
217437: NARODNA IN UNIVERZITETNA KNJIZNICA V LJUBLJANI - Slovenska bibliografija, volume v 1951 [Language: Slovenian]
179465: NARODNA IN UNIVERZITETNA KNJIZNICA V LJUBLJANI (SLOVENIA) - Slovenska bibliografija II : 1948 ; izdala Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica v Ljubljani [Language : Slovenian]
204198: LJUNGBERG, SVEN (1913-2010) - Sven Ljungberg : som bokillustrator [Language: Swedish]
57074: BAHA'U'LLAH (1817-1892) - Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
198139: BAHA U LLAH (1817-1892) - The glad tidings of Baha u llah
110123: LLAMZON, BENJAMIN S. - The Self Beyond, Toward Life's Meaning [By] Benjamin S. Llamzon
69415: LLANDER, ZANDER, ED. - Basketball's Greatest Games
271232: LLANES, LLILIAN - The houses of Old Cuba / Llilian Llanes ; photography by Jean-Luc de Laguarigue
229219: LLANOVER, BARONESS, AUGUSTA HALL. FREEMAN, BOBBY - The first principles of good cookery
274777: LLEWELLYN, ALUN - The Shell guide to Wales / introduction by Wynford Vaughan-Thomas ; gazetteer by Alun Llewellyn
264641: LLEWELLYN, NIGEL - The art of death : visual culture in English death rituals c.1500-c.1800 / Nigel Llewellyn
247577: LLEWELLYN-JONES, ROSIE - Engaging scoundrels : true tales of old Lucknow
209430: LLEWELLYN, SAM (1948-) - Emperor Smith : the man who built Scilly / Sam Llewellyn
32825: LLEWELLYN, ALEXANDER - The Decade of Reform - the 1830s
254292: LLEWELLYN, RODDY - Roddy Llewellyn's elegance & eccentricity / edited by Robert Holt
250260: LLEWELLYN, BERNARD - The Poor world ... Illustrated by Abis Sida Stribley
160242: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - None but the Lonely Heart
242616: LLEWELLYN, ALUN (1903-) - The tyrant from below : an essay in political revaluation / Alun Llewellyn
130963: LLEWELLYN, DAVID WILLIAM ALUN - The Tyrant from Below : an Essay in Political Revaluation
120705: LLEWELLYN-JONES, DEREK - People Populating / Derek Llewellyn-Jones ; Illustrations by Audrey Besterman
41908: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - None but the Lonely Heart
236663: LLEWELLYN, ELIZABETH. ROMALLI, CRISTIANA. COURTAULD INSTITUTE GALLERIES - Drawing in Bologna, (1500-1600) / Elizabeth Llewellyn and Cristiana Romalli ; sponsored by Sotheby's, University of London, Courtauld Institute Galleries 18th June-31st August 1992
157799: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - A Few Flowers for Shiner
157901: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - Mr. Hamish Gleave; a Novel
198140: LLEWELLYN, GEORGE - A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator
13293: LLITERAS, D. S. - Judas the Gentile : a Novel / D. S. Lliteras
181976: LLORENTE, JUAN ANTONIO (1756-1823) - The history of the inquisition of Spain, from the time of its establishment to the reign of Ferdinand VII : composed from the original documents of the Archives of the Supreme Council and from those of subordinate tribunals of the Holy Office... ...abridged and translated from the original works of D. Jean Antoine Llorente
35589: LLOSA, MARIO VARGAS (1936-) - A Fish in the Water : a Memoir
249086: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - War memories of David Lloyd George 1914-1915. [With plates, including portraits.] - Volume 1
249053: LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN, GEORGE AMBROSE LLOYD, BARON (1879-1941) - Egypt since Cromer: volume I
94270: LLOYD, ALAN (1927-) - Franco
75122: LLOYD, SARAH - An Indian Attachment
71990: LLOYD, HOWELL A. - The State, France, and the Sixteenth Century
70420: LLOYD, ANN - Marilyn : a Hollywood Life / Ann Lloyd
39327: LLOYD, CYNTHIA B. AND NIEMI, BETH T. - The Economics of Sex Differentials
277093: LLOYD, ALAN (1927-2018) - King John
275884: LLOYD, JOHN EDWARD - The Dictionary of Welsh biography down to 1940 / Under the auspices of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. [Editors: John Edward Lloyd, R.T. Jenkins]
275300: LLOYD-WILLIAMS, RICHARD. LLOYD-WILLIAMS & UNDERWOOD. - The architectural antiquities and village churches of Denbighshire
274838: LLOYD, DAVID WHARTON - Historic towns of Hampshire & Surrey / David W. Lloyd
274833: LLOYD, DAVID WHARTON - Historic towns of East Anglia / David W. Lloyd
273579: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - Fra Angelico / (text by) Christopher Lloyd
273546: LLOYD, DAVID - G'day ya Pommie b-! : and other cricketing memories / David Lloyd ; illustrated by Colin Whittock
273300: LLOYD, JOHN - The second book of general ignorance : a quite interesting book / John Lloyd and John Mitchinson
272234: LLOYD, R. A - A Trooper in the 'Tins' Autobiography of a Lifeguardsman
272107: LLOYD, ALAN - The war in the trenches / Alan Lloyd
268118: LLOYD, HOWELL A. (HOWELL ARNOLD) - The gentry of South-West Wales, 1540-1640
267304: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER (1906-1986) - Mr Barrow of the Admiralty : a life of Sir John Barrow, 1764-1948
265767: LLOYD, NATHANIEL - A history of the English house from primitive times to the Victorian period
259429: LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN, GEORGE BARON (1879-1941) - The British case
259424: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - British war aims : statement by the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable David Lloyd George, on January 5, 1918 / George Lloyd, David Lloyd George, 1st Earl
257953: LLOYD, SETON - The interval : a life in Near Eastern archaeology
250631: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER (1906-1986) - Sir Francis Drake / Christopher Lloyd
249960: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - Shrubs and trees for small gardens
248259: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER (1921-2006) - Foliage plants / Christopher Lloyd
244789: LLOYD, ANN. ROBINSON, DAVID (1930-) - The Illustrated history of the cinema / edited by Ann Lloyd ; consultant editor: David Robinson
238623: LLOYD, WYNDHAM E. B. (WYNDHAM EDWARD BUCKLEY) - A hundred years of medicine
238546: LLOYD HART, V. E - Health in the Vale of Aylesbury and its environs, 13th-20th centuries : with some of its medical personalities
237308: LLOYD, CLIVE L - The arts and crafts of Napoleonic and American prisoners of war, 1756-1816 / Clive L. Lloyd
237061: LLOYD, ROSEMARY. LILLY LIBRARY (INDIANA UNIVERSITY, BLOOMINGTON) - Mallarmé and his circle : music and letters in France and Belgium, (1870-1900) : an exhibition / prepared and described by Rosemary Lloyd ... [et al.]
236515: LLOYD, ROSEMARY - Baudelaire's literary criticism
236320: LLOYD, ROSEMARY - Baudelaire et Hoffmann : affinités et influences / Rosemary Lloyd
229305: LLOYD-DAVIES, VICTORIA - Mmm - mushrooms / Victoria Lloyd-Davies ; foreword by Antonio Carluccio
224867: LLOYD, ALAN - Marathon : the story of civilizations on collision course / [by] Alan Lloyd
224353: LLOYD, ALAN - The Taras report on the last days of Pompeii
219336: LLOYD, ANN - Marilyn : a Hollywood life
201911: LLOYD, TIM - A clear premonition : letters of Lt. Tim Lloyd to his mother, Italy and North Africa, 1943-44 / Tim Lloyd ; edited and with commentary by Raleigh Trevelyan in collaboration with Sampson Lloyd
199763: LLOYD WILLIAMS, JULIA; DUTCH ART AND SCOTLAND: A REFLECTION OF TASTE (EXHIBITION ) 1992. NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND - Dutch art and Scotland : a reflection of taste / Julia Lloyd Williams
190831: LLOYD, JOHN (B. 1948) - Light and liberty : a history of the EETPU / John Lloyd
186745: LLOYD, SAM - Mr. Pusskins and Little Whiskers : another love story
180556: LLOYD, SAM (1971-) - Chief Rhino to the rescue / Sam Lloyd
174001: LLOYD, CLIVE L. (1920-2004) - Napoleonic and American prisoners of war, 1756-1816 / Clive L. Lloyd [ complete in 2 volumes ]
155426: LLOYD, R. IAN - Kathmandu : the Forbidden Valley / Photography by R. Ian Lloyd ; Written by Wendy Moore ; Designed by Genevieve Gigi Schiemann ; Edited by Joseph R. Yogerst
155415: LLOYD, ANN - Marilyn : a Hollywood life
256836: LLOYD, SETON - World architecture : an illustrated history / introduction by H.R. Hitchcock ; [text by] Seton Lloyd [and others] ; general editor : Trewin Copplestone
188533: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - The truth about reparations and war-debts
188302: LLOYD, ROGER BRADSHAIGH (B. 1901) - Revolutionary religion : Christianity, Fascism and Communism
192596: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - Organizing prosperity : a scheme of national reconstruction / being the memorandum on unemployment and reconstruction submitted to the government by Mr Lloyd George
200910: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - In search of a masterpiece: An art lover's guide to Great Britain and Ireland
222482: LLOYD, R. H. - Bredon Hill and its villages
215135: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID. ASQUITH, H. H. LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT - Pamphlets and leaflets for 1924 : being the publications for the year of the Liberal Publication Department
243094: LLOYD, PHOEBE. SCHWARTZ, SHEILA. - Recipes from My Kitchen: from generation to generation
192618: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945). LOTHIAN, PHILIP HENRY KERR, MARQUIS OF (1882-1940). ROWNTREE, BENJAMIN SEEBOHM (1871-1954) - How to tackle unemployment : the Liberal plans as laid before the Government and the nation
254867: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - The truth about reparations and war-debts
178596: LLOYD, W. FRANCIS (ET AL.) - Capital for labour
34477: LLOYD, P. C.. MABOGUNJE, AKIN L.. AWE, B.. - The City of Ibadan; Edited by P. C. Lloyd, A. L. Mabogunje, B. Awe
256840: LLOYD, ANN - Movies of the thirties / edited by Ann Lloyd ; consultant editor, David Robinson
137792: LLOYD, JOHN URI - Warwick of the Knobs; a Story of Stringtown County, Kentucky. with Photographic Illustrations of Knob County
114062: LLOYD, ANN & ROBINSON, DAVID - Good Guys, Bad Guys / Editor: Ann Llyod ; Consultant Editior: David Robinson.
110349: LLOYD, ANN (ED. ) - There's Something Going on out There / Editor Ann Lloyd ; Consultant Editor David Robinson
110348: LLOYD, ANN (ED. ) - They Went That-A-Way / Editor Ann Lloyd ; Consultant Editor David Robinson
82230: LLOYD, NORMAN (1909-1980) - The Encyclopedia of Music. with a 24-Page Color Section on Instruments by Emanuel Winternitz
114364: LLOYD WEBBER, ANDREW - Andrew Lloyd Webber : the Essential Collection, Volume Two
151767: LLOYD, FRANK ERIC - Rhodesian Patrol
95349: LLOYD, PETER CUTT - The New Elites of Tropical Africa : Studies Presented and Discussed At the Sixth International African Seminar At the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, July 1964 / Edited with an Introduction by P. C. Lloyd; Foreword by Daryll Forde
147374: LLOYD, JOHN HALL SEYMOUR, SIR, K. B. E. - Municipal Elections and How to Fight Them : a Practical Handbook
147325: LLOYD, ROGER BRADSHAIGH (1901-1966) - Revolutionary Religion : Christianity, Fascism and Communism
146026: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - Why the Allies Will Win. an Interview with the Rt. Hon. D Lloyd George
217107: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - British war aims / statement by the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable David Lloyd George, on January 5, 1918
170086: LLOYD, CHARLES MOSTYN (1878- ) - The abolition of the poor law
129919: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID - Is it Peace? By the Right Hon. David Lloyd George
128729: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - Coal and Power / the Report of an Enquiry Presided over by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George
171596: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - Is it peace
185683: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - Coal and power / the report of an enquiry presided over by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George
112340: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER (1906-) - The British Seaman 1200-1860: a Social Survey
120832: LLOYD, SETON - Twin Rivers, a Brief History of Iraq from the Earliest Times to Present Day
120690: LLOYD, PETER CUTT - Power and Independence : Urban Africans' Perception of Social Inequality / P. C. Lloyd
171948: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - How to tackle Unemployment. The Liberal plans as laid before the Government and the nation. By the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George ... the Marquess of Lothian ... and B. Seebohm Rowntree
168406: LLOYD, NATHANIEL (1867-1933) - A history of English brickwork : with examples and notes of the architectural use and manipulation of brick from mediaeval times to the end of the Georgian period
227603: LLOYD, E. B. WYNDHAM - A hundred years of medicine
195277: LLOYD, J. SEYMOUR. NATIONAL UNION OF CONSERVATIVE AND CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATIONS. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE - Campaign guide against the budget, 1909. Part I. relating to the Land Taxes
239025: LLOYD-OWEN, D. C - The elements of ophthalmic therapeutics : being the Richard Middlemore Post-Graduate Lectures delivered at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital, 1889
239710: LLOYD-OWNEN, D.C., F.R.C.S.I - The elements of Ophthalmic Therapeutics, being The Richard Middlemore Post-Graduate Lectures delivered at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital, 1889
186534: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - Coal and Power : the Report of an Enquiry / Presided over by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George
141615: LLOYD, CHARLES MOSTYN (1878-) - Trade Unionism
14408: LLOYD, NELSON (1873-1933) - How We Went to War
19987: LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN, GEORGE, BARON (1879-1941) - Egypt Since Cromer
28017: LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN, GEORGE, BARON (1879-1941) - Egypt Since Cromer
29324: LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN, GEORGE, BARON (1879-1941) - Egypt Since Cromer
46317: LLOYD, ROGER BRADSHAIGH (1901-1966) - Letters from the Early Church
109977: LLOYD, ANN - Good Guys & Bad Guys
76557: LLOYD, WILLIAM WATKISS - Christianity in the Cartoons Referred to Artistic Treatment and Historic Fact
195738: LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (1863-1945) - Organizing Prosperity. A scheme of national reconstruction. Being the memorandum on unemployment and reconstruction submitted to the Government by Mr. Lloyd George
196462: LLOYD, T. ALWYN (THOMAS ALWYN) - Planning in town and country
196578: LLOYD, THOMAS - The theory of distribution and consumption
206584: LLOYD, J. E. (JOHN EDWARD), SIR (1861-1947) - Sir Harry Reichel, 1856-1931 : a memorial volume with two photographs / edited by Emeritus Professor Sir J. E. Lloyd
245732: LLYOD, CLARE - The Travelling Naturalists
90469: LO, DIC (1963-) - Market and Institutional Regulation in Chinese Industrialization, 1978-94
157754: LO BUE, FRANCESCO - Che Cosa E IL Nuovo Testamento
148960: LO, HUAI - La Nouvelle Legislation Chinoise : Ses Fondements, Ses Tendances / Lo-Hoai ; Preface De M. Le Baron Silvercruys
192142: LO, TA-KANG - Homme d'abord, poete ensuite : presentations de sept poetes chinois. Avec sept portraits anciens
51963: LOADES, DAVID M. - The Tudor Chronicles--The Kings / General Editor, David Loades
236736: LOADES, D. M. - Catherine Howard: the adulterous wife of Henry VIII / David Loades
208596: LOADES, ANN. ARMSTRONG, KAREN (1944-) - Feminist theology : a reader / edited by Ann Loades ; Karen Armstrong ... et al.
251311: LOADES, D. M - Princes of Wales : royal heirs in waiting / David Loades
122619: LOADES, D. M. - The Tudor Chronicles--The Kings / General Editor, David Loades
171474: LOANE, M. - The queen's poor : life as they find it in town and country
196939: LOANE, M. E. - The common growth
230827: LOBANOV-ROSTOVSKY, NINA - Revolutionskeramik : Sowjetisches porzellan 1917-1927 / Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky
71046: LOBAO, LINDA M. (1952-) - Locality and Inequality : Farm and Industry Structure and Socioeconomic Conditions / Linda M. Lobao
59069: LOBAS, VLADIMIR (1937-) - Taxi from Hell : Confessions of a Russian Hack / Vladimir Lobas ; Translated from the Russian by Tamara Glenny
57936: LOBB, ALLAN - Indian Baskets of the Northwest Coast
251148: LOBBAN, MICHAEL - White man's justice : South Africa political trials in the black consciousness era / Michael Lobban
238883: LOBDELL, SCOTT. WAID, MARK. LEE, STAN. MARVEL COMICS - X-Men: Onslaught. Vol. 1, August, 1996. [Traitor to the Cause]
238882: LOBDELL, SCOTT. WAID, MARK. LEE, STAN. MARVEL COMICS - Marvel Universe Onslaught. Vol. 1, October, 1996
248149: LOBE, JOHANN CHRISTIAN (1797-1881) - Lehrbuch der musikalischen Komposition / von J.C. Lobe: complete in four volumes
234439: LOBE, JOHANN CHRISTIAN (1797-1881) - Katechismus der Compositionslehre
234615: LOBE, JOHANN CHRISTIAN - Katechismus der Musik
233960: LOBE, JOHANN CHRISTIAN (1797-1881) - Katechismus der Musik
98041: LOBEL, ANITA - The Dwarf Giant
274038: LOBEL, MICHAEL - John Sloan : drawing on illustration / Michael Lobel
142690: LOBET, MARCEL - La Tragique Histoire De L'Ordre Du Temple
182238: LOBET, MARCEL - Au seuil du desert : Introduction a la poesie musulmane
144746: LOBET, MARCEL - Histoire Mysterieuse Et Tragique Des Templiers
61058: LOBINGIER, ELIZABETH MILLER - Activities in Child Education, for the Church School Teacher
275115: LOBO, JERÓNIMO (1596-1678) - The Itinerário of Jerónimo Lobo / translated by Donald M. Lockhart ; from the Portuguese text established and edited by M.G. da Costa ; with an introduction and notes by C.F. Beckingham
175837: LOBO, EDWIN DE H. - Children of immigrants to Britain : their health and social problems / Edwin de H. Lobo
179255: LOBSTEIN, PAUL (1850-1922) - The virgin birth of Christ : an historical and critical essay
47062: LOBSTEIN, DR. P. - An Introduction to Protestant Dogmatics
156204: LOBSTEIN, PAUL (1850-1922). LEULIETTE, VICTOR, TR. MORRISON, WILLIAM DOUGLAS (1852-1943) ED. - The Virgin Birth of Christ : an Historical and Critical Essay
13335: LOCASCIO, ALFRED - The Tom-Toms Speak
260889: LOCH, DAVID - Essays on the trade, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries of Scotland; containing, remarks on the situation of most of the sea-ports ; the number of shipping employed ; their tonnage : strictures on the principal inland towns ; the different branches of trade and commerce carried on ; and the various improvements made in each : hints and observations on the constitutional police ; with many other curious and interesting articles never yet published
188658: LOCH, CHARLES STEWART SIR - Old age pensions and pauperism
245609: LOCH, DAVID (-1780) - Essays on the trade, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries of Scotland : volume I
188541: LOCH, CHARLES STEWART, SIR (1849-1923) - Methods of social advance / short studies in social practice by various authors / edited by C. S. Loch
248293: LOCHHEAD, MARION - Portrait of the Scott country / Marion Lochhead
91138: LOCHHEAD, MARION - Young Victorians
90110: LOCHHEAD, MARION - The Victorian Household
235550: Ó LOCHLAINN, COLM - Irish street ballads / collected and annotated by Colm O Lochlainn and adorned with woodcuts from the original broadsheets
94264: LOCHMAN, JAN MILIC - Church in a Marxist Society: a Czechoslovak View
134566: LOCHMAN, JAN MILIC - Church in a Marxist Society: a Czechoslovak View
225630: LOCHNER, STEFAN (C. 1410 – 1451) - The Masters 79 : Lochner. [The world's most complete gallery of painting]
76943: LOCHNER, LOUIS PAUL (1887-1975) - Herbert Hoover and Germany
218493: LOCHTIN, STEFAN - Sasiad naszego niebezpiecznego sasiada : Sowiety a Chiny 1949-1954 [Language: Polish]
276565: LOCK, C. B. MURIEL (CLARA BEATRICE MURIEL) - Modern maps and atlases : an outline guide to twentieth century production
154352: LOCK, JOAN - The British Policewoman : Her Story
148712: LOCK, JOAN - The British Policewoman : Her Story
227350: WARD & LOCK - A Handbook of the law relating to matters of domestic economy, including the adulteration of food and the licensing laws.: With a copious index, etc
178603: LOCK, WALTER (1846-1933) - The Epistle to the Ephesians : with an introduction and notes
280322: LOCK, WALTER (1846-1933) - Two lectures on the 'Sayings of Jesus' recently discovered at Oxyrhynchus / delivered at Oxford on Oct. 23, 1897 by Walter Lock and William Sanday
145203: LOCK, WALTER. H. S. HOLLAND. H. H. WILLIAMS. A. C. HEADLAM - Miracles : Papers and Sermons Contributed to the Guardian
196946: LOCK, WALTER (1846-1933) [BIBLE. N.T. EPHESIANS. ENGLISH. REVISED. 1929.] - The epistle to the Ephesians / with introduction and notes by Walter Lock [Bible. N.T. Ephesians. English. Revised. 1929.]
41691: LOCKARD, DUANE (1921-) - The New Jersey Governor : a Study in Political Power
31207: LOCKARD, DUANE (1921-) - The Politics of State and Local Government
35766: LOCKE, DON - A Fantasy of Reason : the Life and Thought of William Godwin / Don Locke
268575: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863-1930) - The glory of Clementina Wing
237504: LOCKE, ADRIAN - Mexico: a revolution in art, 1910-1940 / Adrian Locke
232878: LOCKE, JOHN. EBBINGHAUS, JULIUS - Ein Brief uber Toleranz englisch-deutsch
262333: LOCKE, JOHN (1632-1704) - An essay concerning human understanding / written by John Locke, Gent - vol. 1
214066: LOCKE, REGINALD - A naturalists book of poetry / Reginald Locke
208318: LOCKE, JOHN L - Eavesdropping : an intimate history
172905: LOCKE, JOHN S. - A brave struggle or the orphan's inheritance
252872: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863-1930) - The belovéd vagabond
220710: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN - The mountebank
262367: LOCKE, JOHN - An Essay concerning Human Understanding: volume II
6620: LOCKE, WILLIAM J. - The Golden Journey of Mr. Paradyne
57413: LOCKE, WILLIAM NASH (1909-) - Machine Translation of Languages; Fourteen Essays, Edited by William N. Locke and A. Donald Booth
56691: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863-1930) - The Mountebank
55767: LOCKE, WILLIAM J. - The Old Bridge
29808: LOCKE, WILLIAM J. - The Wonderful Year, by William J. Locke
84700: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN - The Golden Journey of Mr. Paradyne, by William J. Locke, Illustrated in Colour and Black and White by Marcia Lane Foster
77039: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863-1930) - The Mountebank, by William J. Locke
35862: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863-1930) - Joshua's Vision, by William J. Locke
145953: LOCKE, BELLE MARSHALL - Belle Marshall Locke's Original Monologues and Sketches
27472: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863-1930) - The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol
55774: LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863-1930) - The Kingdom of Theophilus, by William J. Locke...
217049: LOCKER, BERL - Herzl's path to the 'Jewish state' / Berl Locker
217175: LOCKER, BERL (1887-1972) - Palestine and the Jewish future
151042: LOCKER, BERL (1887-1972) - Palestine and the Jewish Future
217176: LOCKER, BERL (1887-1972) - Palestine and the Jewish future
117550: LOCKER-LAMPSON, FREDERICK (1821-1895) - London Lyrics, by Frederick Locker
169853: LOCKER, BERL (1887-1972) - Palestine and the Jewish future
199054: LOCKETT, ARTHUR - Camera lenses : a handbook to lenses and accessories for the amateur and professional photographer
81573: LOCKHART, JAMES L - Wild America / Portrayed by James Lockhart
274947: LOCKHART, J. G. (JOHN GIBSON) (1794-1854) - Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott
269711: LOCKHART, J. G. (JOHN GIBSON) (1794-1854) - Ancient Spanish ballads; historical and romantic / translated, with notes, by J. G. Lockhart, Esq. With numerous illustrations from drawings by William Allan, David Roberts, William Simson, [et al.]. The borders and ornamental vignettes by Owen Jones, architect
266984: LOCKHART, J.G. [TRANS.]. SOUTHEY, ROBERT [TRANS.] - The Spanish Ballads ; Chronicle of the Cid
261542: LOCKHART-MUMMERY, JOHN PERCY - Nothing new under the sun : illustrated by William Wood / J.P.Lochart Mummery
207974: LOCKHART, E - Fly on the wall : how one girl saw everything
139400: LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON (1794-1854) - Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ... - [Complete in 7 Volumes]
252874: LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON (1794-1854) - The Life of Sir Walter Scott by John Gibson Lockart: in seven volumes
96287: LOCKHART, ROBERT HAMILTON BRUCE, SIR - The Two Revolutions; an Eye-Witness Study of Russia, 1917 [By] R. H. Bruce Lockhart. with a Foreword and Postscript, the Achievements of the Russian Revolution, by John Keep
215194: LOCKHART JACK, R. - Geological Survey of South Australia. Bulletin No. 1
278472: LOCKHART, ROBERT HAMILTON BRUCE (1887-1970) - British Agent by R.H. Lockhart: with an introduction by Hugh Walpole
23333: LOCKHART, R. H. BRUCE - Guns or Butter - War Countries and Peace Countries of Europe Revisited
143055: LOCKHART, ROBERT HAMILTON BRUCE, SIR (1887-1970) - Guns or Butter. War Countries and Peace Countries of Europe Revisited
142549: LOCKHART, JOHN GILBERT (1891-) - Babel Visited; a Churchman in Soviet Russia, by J. G. Lockhart (The Janitor)
65495: LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON (1794-1854) - Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ... - [Complete in 7 Volumes]
267346: LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON (1794-1854) - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart - complete in 7 volumes
119713: LOCKHART, L. W. (LEONORA WILHELMINA) (1906-) - Basic for Economics, by L. W. Lockhart
170657: LOCKHART, ROBERT HAMILTON BRUCE, SIR (1887-1970) - The two revolutions : an eye-witness study of Russia 1917 : a background book / R.H. Bruce Lockhart ; with a foreword and postscript: The Achievements of the Russian revolution
257006: LOCKHART, ROBERT HAMILTON BRUCE (1887-1970) - Giants cast long shadows
46985: LOCKHART, ROBERT HAMILTON BRUCE, SIR (1887-1970) - My Scottish Youth
208207: LOCKHART, J. G. (JOHN GIBSON), (1794-1854) - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott
200518: LOCKIE, ANDREW - The complete guide to homeopathy / Andrew Lockie & Nicola Geddes
233192: LOCKLEY, RONALD MATHIAS (1903-2000) - Islands round Britain / R. M. Lockley ; with 8 plates in colour and 27 illustrations in balck & white
256978: LOCKLEY, R. M. (RONALD MATTHIAS) - The seals and the curragh : introducing the natural history of the grey seal of the North Atlantic
42763: LOCKLEY, R. M. - Animal Navigation
206686: LOCKLEY, RONALD MATHIAS (1903-2000) - Islands round Britain / R.M. Lockley
157810: LOCKRIDGE, ROSS FRANKLIN (1877-1952) - George Rogers Clark, Pioneer Hero of the Old Northwest
28342: LOCKRIDGE, ROSS FRANKLIN (1877-1952) - George Rogers Clark : Pioneer Hero of the Old Northwest
86397: LOCKS, NORMAN - Familiar Subjects, Polaroid SX-70 Impressions, by Norman Locks
219315: LOCKS, NORMAN - Familiar Subjects, Polaroid SX-70 Impressions, by Norman Locks
124829: LOCKS, NORMAN - Familiar Subjects, Polaroid SX-70 Impressions, by Norman Locks
66366: LOCKWOOD, CHARLES - Bricks and Brownstone : the New York Row House, 1783-1929 / Charles Lockwood
223684: LOCKWOOD, FRANCIS (1846-1897) - The Frank Lockwood sketch book : being a selection from the pen and ink drawings of the late Sir Frank Lockwood, Q.C., M.P.
250593: LOCKWOOD, GEOFFREY - Geoff Lockwood's Garden birds of Southern Africa
270611: LOCKWOOD, LUKE VINCENT (1872-1951) - Colonial furniture in America
49515: LOCKWOOD, CHARLES - The Estates of Beverly Hills : Holmby Hills, Bel-Air, Beverly Park
267572: LOCKWOOD, KIM - D-Day landings / Kim Lockwood
141991: LOCKWOOD, RUPERT - America Invades Australia
149251: LOCKWOOD, AGNESE NELMS - Indians of the Andes
44976: LOCKWOOD, DAVID (1929-) - The Blackcoated Worker; a Study in Class Consciousness
97143: LOCKWOOD, MARY - The Accessory
198070: LOCKWOOD, FRANK, SIR (1846-1897). EIGHTY CLUB - Party prospects / speeches by Frank Lockwood, Q.C., M.P. et. al. ... at the Masonic Hall, Cambridge, on Saturday, June 2, 1894, Mr R.T. Reid, Q.C., M.P. in the chair
97043: LOCKYER, DAPHNE - Julio : the Unsung Story / Daphne Lockyer
65390: LOCKYER, DAPHNE - Julio : the Unsung Story / Daphne Lockyer
261554: LOCKYER, NORMAN SIR (1836-1920) - Studies in spectrum analysis
76169: LOCKYER, NORMAN, SIR (1836-1920) - Astronomy / edited by Professors Huxley, Roscoe, and Balfour Stewart
242777: LOCKYER, NORMAN SIR (1836-1920). HALDANE, RICHARD BURDON HALDANE, VISCOUNT (1856-1928) - Education and national progress : essays and addresses (1870-1905)
85875: LODGE, WALTER - Birds : Alternative Names : a World Checklist
266596: LODGE, THOMAS - Songs and sonnets : Robert Greene Lyrics from romances, etc. Samuel Daniel Selected verse
251407: LODGE, TOM - Sharpeville : an apartheid massacre and its consequences / Tom Lodge
23432: LODGE, GEORGE C. - Perestroika for America. Restructuring U. S. Business-Government Relations for Competitiveness in the World Economy
222881: LODGE, THOMAS ; BRETON, NICOLAS [ET AL.] - The Phoenix nest, 1593
211912: LODGE, DEREK - The test match career of Walter Hammond
211856: LODGE, DEREK - The test match career of Ted Dexter / Derek Lodge ; foreword by Robin Marlar
211603: LODGE, DEREK - Figures on the green / Derek Lodge
169874: LODGE, MILTON G. - Soviet elite attitudes since Stalin
202528: LODGE, OLIVER, SIR (1851-1940) - Man and the universe : a study of the influence of the advance in scientific knowledge upon our understanding of Christianity
243460: LODGE, EDMUND (1756-1839) - Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners, in the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, & James I : exhibited in a series of original papers, selected from the mss. of the noble families of Howard, Talbot, and Cecil; containing among a variety of interesting pieces, a great part of the correspondence of Elizabeth and her ministers, with George, Sixth Earl of Shrewsbury, during the fifteen years in which Mary, Queen of Scots, remained in his custody / with numerous notes and observations by Edmund Lodge
202624: LODGE, OLIVER, SIR (1851-1940) - Reason and belief
273727: LODGE, EDMUND (1756-1839) - Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : Engraved from authentic pictures in the galleries of the nobility and the public collections of the country / With biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions, by Edmund Lodge - 11 vols
202084: LODGE, OLIVER, SIR (1851-1940) - Making of man : a study in evolution
102984: FREEMASONS. PHILADELPHIA. GRAND LODGE - By-Laws of Prospect Lodge, No. 578 F. and A. M.. Prospect Park (Moore) Delaware Co. , PA. and Extracts from the Ahiman Rezon and Decision of Grand Lodge
64852: LODGE, HENRY CABOT (1850-1924). BRIGGS, LE BARON RUSSELL (1855-1934). UNDERWOOD, OSCAR WILDER (1862-1929) - The Pilgrims of Plymouth. an Address At Plymouth, Massachusetts, December 21, 1920, on the Three Hundredth Anniversary of Their Landing, by Henry Cabot Lodge, Senator Briggs, Professor in Harvard University ...
58102: LODGE, RICHARD, SIR (1855-1936) - Studies in Eighteenth-Century Diplomacy, 1740-1748 - [Contents Include: the So-Called Treaty of Hanau, 1743.--The Treaty of Worms, 13 September, 1743.--D'argenson's Relations with Germany and Sardinia. --D'argenson and the Dutch. --Breda and Lisbon...]
46728: LODGE, GEORGE C. - The New American Ideology
93653: LODGE, HENRY CABOT - Certain Accepted Heroes and Other Essays in Literature and Politics, by Henry Cabot Lodge
89028: LODGE, HENRY CABOT - Daniel Webster, by Henry Cabot Lodge
73096: LODGE, THOMAS (1558?-1625) - Rosalynde, a Novel
244772: LODGE, EDMUND (1756-1839) - Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners : in the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I, exhibited in a series of original papers / selected from the manuscripts of the noble families of Howard, Talbot, and Cecil; containing ... a great part of the correspondence of Elizabeth, and her ministers, with George, the sixth Earl of Shrewsbury, during the fifteen years in which Mary Queen of Scots remained in his custody: with numerous notes and observations. By Edmund Lodge, Esq.: Vol. 1
264097: LODGE, RICHARD SIR (1855-1936) - Richelieu
165012: LODGE, RUPERT CLENDON, (1886-) - Plato's Theory of Education, by R. C. Lodge. with an Appendix on the Education of Women According to Plato, by Solomon Frank
153245: LODGE, HENRY CABOT (1850-1924) - A Short History of the English Colonies in America
179230: LODGE, RICHARD - Richelieu
182101: LODGE, DAVID (1935- ) - Thinks -
29992: LODGE, GEORGE C. - Spearheads of Democracy - Labor in the Developing Countries
42857: LODGE, GEORGE C. - The American Disease
196282: LODGE, OLIVER JOSEPH SIR (1851-?) - Modern problems / Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge
255210: LODOLINI, ARMANDO (1888-1966) - Mazzini maestro italiano
132051: LODS, ADOLPHE (1867-1948) - Israel, from its Beginnings to the Middle of the Eighth Century
130547: LODS, ADOLPHE - Israel from its Beginnings to the Middle of the Eighth Century
121705: LODWICK, JOHN (1916-) - The Forbidden Coast; the Story of a Journey to RÃo De Oro, a Spanish Possession in North-West Africa, to Some Adjacent Islands and to Certain Other Sites in the 28th Degree of Northern Latitude Which Are Not, ... . .. Without Some Measure of Personal Perseverance, Open to Uninstructed Members of the General Public
77106: LOEB, PAUL ROGAT (1952-) - Generation At the Crossroads : Apathy and Action on the American Campus
161158: LOEB, EVELYN - Festive Buffet Cookery. with Decorations by Maggie Jarvis
206961: LOEBEL - Lettres sur la Belgique / par Loebel, traduit l'Allemand
93021: LOEBL, EUGEN (1907-) - Conversations with the Bewildered; Translated [From the German] by George Gretton - [Uniform Title: Gesprache Mit Den Ratlosen. English]
34607: LOEBL, EUGEN (1907-) - Conversations with the Bewildered / Translated from the German by George Gretton
18920: LOEBL, EUGEN (1907-) - Conversations with the Bewildered / Translated from the German by George Gretton
111832: LOEBSACK, THEO - Our Atmosphere / Theo Loebsack, Translated from the German by E. L. and D. Rewald
253262: LOEDERER, RICHARD A - Voodoo fire in Haiti
115897: LOEDERER, RICHARD A. - Voodoo Fire in Haiti, Translated by Desmond Ivo Vesey, with Illustrations by the Author.
198643: LOEDERER, RICHARD (1894-1981) - Voodoo fire in Haiti / Richard A. Loederer ; translated by Desmond I. Vesey, with fifty-one illustrations in black and white by the author
98099: LOEFFLER, HARRIET - The Yangtze Gorges
148899: LOEHR, MAX RICHARD HERMANN (1864-1931) - A History of Religion in the Old Testament, by Max Loehr
148810: LOEHR, MAX RICHARD HERMANN (1864-1931) - A History of Religion in the Old Testament
153470: LOEHR, MAX RICHARD HERMANN (1864-1931) - A History of Religion in the Old Testament
69508: LOEN, RAYMOND O. - Manage More by Doing Less [By] Raymond O. Loen
160759: LOENING, GROVER (1888-1976) - The Conquering Wing [By] Grover Loening
139892: LOERSCH, SIGRID (1936-) - Das Deuteronomium Und Seine Deutungen : Ein Forschungsgeschichtlicher Uberblick. Vorwort Von Alfons Deissler
146683: LOESCH, ACHIM VON - German Labour Banks in the Twenties / Achim Von Loesch
162146: LOESCHE, PETER - Der Bolschewismus Im Urteil Der Deutschen Sozialdemokratie, 1903-1920 / Peter Loesche
36869: LOESER, HERTA - Women, Work, and Volunteering
151096: LOETHER, HERMAN J. - Problems of Aging : Sociological and Social Psychological Perspectives / Herman J. Loether
249225: LOEWE, HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. I
249223: LOEWE, HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. I
249222: LOEWE, HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. II Suplementary notes
249176: LOEWE., HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. 3 Indexes ; by Herbert Loewe / with illustrative documents, translations and notes by Israel Abrahams and H.P. Stokes ; with additions by Herbert Loewe
249224: LOEWE, HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. I
249220: LOEWE, HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. II Suplementary notes
85277: LOEWE, MICHAEL - Everyday Life in Early Imperial China During the Han Period 202 B. C. -A. D. 220; Drawings by Eva Wilson
249214: LOEWE., HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. II Suplementary notes
184942: LOEWE, RAPHAEL - Ibn Gabirol / Raphael Loewe
153591: LOEWE, LIONEL LOUIS - Basil Henriques: a Portrait Based on His Diaries, Letters and Speeches As Collated by His Widow, Rose Henriques
153592: LOEWE, LIONEL LOUIS - Basil Henriques: a Portrait Based on His Diaries, Letters and Speeches As Collated by His Widow, Rose Henriques; Foreword by Viscount Amory
249215: LOEWE., HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. I
256581: LOEWE, H. M. J. (HERBERT MARTIN JAMES) (1882-1940) - The contact of pharisaism with other cultures / essays by H. Loewe
249221: LOEWE, HERBERT - Starrs and Jewish charters : preserved in the British Museum. Vol. II Suplementary notes
278423: LOEWE, HERBERT. ALLEN, SIR HUGH. ADLER, H. M - Some Mediaeval Hebrew Poesy by Herbert Loewe: with a foreword by Sir Hugh Allen and an afterward by H.M. Adler
153810: LOEWE, RAPHAEL (ED. ) - Studies in Rationalism, Judaism and Universalism in Memory of Leon Roth
99505: LOEWE, RAPHAEL (ED. ); ROTH, LEON (1896-1963) - Studies in Rationalism, Judaism & Universalism : in Memory of Leon Roth
198473: LOEWE, H. M. J. (HERBERT MARTIN JAMES) (1882-1940) - Some mediaeval Hebrew poesy
69658: LOEWENBERG, GERHARD (ED. ) (ET AL. ) - Handbook of Legislative Research / Edited by Gerhard Loewenberg, Samuel C. Patterson, Malcolm E. Jewell
146247: LOEWENBERG, R. J. - Elijah White Vs. Jason Lee : a Tale of Hard Times
168872: LOEWENBERG, JACOB - Aus judischer Seele. Gedichte ... Dritte vermehrte Auflage
5648: LOEWENSTEIN, PRINCE HUBERTUS & WALDOCK, DENIS - After Hitler's Fall : Germany's Coming Reich
280467: LOEWENSTEIN, PEDRO - Bibliografia e índice da geologia da Amazônia legal brasileira, 1641-1964
274050: LOEWER, CATHERINE - Armando Morales : monographie = monograph : catalogue raisonné 1974-2004 / Catherine Lœwer ; main texts by Pascal Bonafoux ... [et al.] ; contibutions by Jorge Eduardo Arellano ... [et al.]
102633: LOEWINSOHN, RON - The Sea, around Us / Ron Loewinsohn
78388: LOEWINSON-LESSING, V. ; YEGOROVA, K. ; POZNER, V. ; TARASOVA, L - Rembrandt Harmensz Van Rijn : Paintings from Soviet Museums / [Edited by V. Loewinson-Lessing ; Introductory Articles by V. Loewinson-Lessing and K. Yegorova ; Translated from Russian by V. Pozner ; Photos. by L. Tarasova] Uniform Title: Kartiny Khudozhnika V Muzeiakh Sovetskogo Soiuza. English
142786: LOEWY, HERTA - The Retarded Child; a Guide for Parents and Teachers
171555: LOFCHIE, MICHAEL F. - The State of the nations: constraints on development in independent Africa. Edited by Michael F. Lofchie
96261: LOFCHIE, MICHAEL F. - Zanzibar: Background to Revolution, by Michael F. Lofchie
128786: LOFCHIE, MICHAEL F. - Zanzibar: Background to Revolution, by Michael F. Lofchie
269613: LÖFFLER, FRITZ (1899-1988) - Die Stadtkirchen in Sachsen / Fritz Löffler ; mit einer geschichtlichen Einführung von Karlheinz Blaschke und einem Beitrage zur romanischen und gotischen Architektur von Heinrich Magirius
253693: LÖFFLER, FRITZ - Das alte Dresden : Geschichte seiner Bauten / Fritz Löffler
229460: LÖFFLER, FRITZ (1899-) - Otto Dix : Leben und Werk
86527: LOFGREN, SVANTE - Vinvandringar Langs Rhone / Svante Lofgren
50135: LOFTAS, TONY - The Last Resource
273354: LOFTHOUSE, NAT - Goals galore
158893: LOFTHOUSE, WILLIAM FREDERICK (B. 1871) - The Prophet of Reconstruction (Ezekiel) : a Patriot's Ideal for a New Age
152419: LOFTHOUSE, WILLIAM FREDERICK (1871-) - Jeremiah and the New Covenant
148900: LOFTHOUSE, WILLIAM FREDERICK - Jeremiah and the New Covenant, by W. F. Lofthouse
130272: LOFTHOUSE, WILLIAM FREDERICK - Israel after the Exile, Sixth and Fifth Centuries, B. C
166804: LOFTHOUSE, WILLIAM FREDERICK (1871-) ED. - Ezekiel ; Introduction, Revised Version with Notes and Index
149768: LOFTHOUSE, WILLIAM FREDERICK (1871-) - The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved : Lectures on the Fourth Gospel
197381: LOFTHOUSE, WILLIAM FREDERICK (1871- ) - Christianity in the social state
208567: LOFTHOUSE, JESSICA. - Countrygoer in the Dales / [by] Jessica Lofthouse ; illustrations by the author
246199: LOFTING, BEN - Essex Carp Hunters
51660: LOFTNESS, ROBERT L. - Energy Handbook
97170: LOFTS, NORAH - Emma Hamilton / Norah Lofts
268457: LOFTS, WILLIAM OLIVER GUILLEMONT - The British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace [By] W. O. G. Lofts & Derek Adley
268381: LOFTS, W O G - The Rupert index : a bibliography of Rupert Bear
200131: LOFTS, NORAH (1904-1983) - Emma Hamilton / Norah Lofts
160427: LOFTS, NORAH (1904- ) - A Wayside Tavern / Norah Lofts
150407: LOFTS, WILLIAM OLIVER GULLEMONT. D. J. ADLEY - The Men Behind Boys' Fiction [By] W. O. G. Lofts and D. J. Adley
127694: LOFTS, WILLIAM OLIVER GUILLEMONT - The British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace [By] W. O. G. Lofts & Derek Adley
127481: LOFTS, WILLIAM OLIVER GUILLEMONT. DEREK ADLEY - The British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace [By] W. O. G. Lofts & Derek Adley
160615: LOFTS, NORAH (1904- ) - The Lonely Furrow / Norah Lofts
91813: LOFTUS, BELINDA - Mirrors : William III & Mother Ireland
67561: LOGAN, TERENCE P. AND SMITH, DENZELL S. (EDS. ) - The Popular School / Edited by Terence P. Logan and Denzell S. Smith
154735: LOGAN, PAMELA - Tibetan rescue : the extaordinary quest to save the sacred art treasures of Tibet
138757: LOGAN, DANIEL (1936-) - America Bewitched : the Rise of Black Magic and Spiritism
100583: LOGAN, ANDY - Against the Evidence; the Becker-Rosenthal Affair
79585: LOGAN, DANIEL (1936-) - Do You Have ESP? Thirty Tests to Determine Your Ability
102093: LOGAN, DANIEL - The Anatomy of Prophecy
99397: LOGAN, DANIEL (1936-?) - Do You Have ESP? Thirty Tests to Determine Your Ability
145529: LOGAN, J. D. (JOHN DANIEL) (1869-1929) - Marjorie Pickthall, Her Poetic Genius and Art : an Appreciation and an Analysis of Aesthetic Paradox
118124: LOGAN, ANDY - Against the Evidence; the Becker-Rosenthal Affair
117849: LOGAN, DANIEL - The Reluctant Prophet
26516: LOGAN, JOSHUA - Josh - My Up and Down, in and out Life
45595: LOGAN, FRANK A. - Incentive; How the Conditions of Reinforcement Affect the Performance of Rats
206366: LOGAN, DANIEL (1936- ) - The anatomy of prophecy
26445: LOGAN, JOSHUA - Josh : my up and down, in and out life
57302: LOGANATHAN, C. - Development Savings Bank : an Institutional Device to Promote Economic Development and Assist in the Provision of Social Justice in Asian Countries Within the Framework of Democracy
212432: LOGEMAN, D. WILLIGEN, VAN DER - Suomi het land van de Kalevala / door D. Logeman - Van der Willigen
162925: LA LOGGIA, ENRICO - IL Problema Demografico / Enrico La Loggia
128349: LOGIE, GORDON - Industry in Towns / with a Preface by W. G. Holford
241803: LOGIE, GORDON. GLOAG, JOHN (1896-1981) - Furniture from machines / With an introd. by John Gloag
152299: LOGIO, GEORGE CLENTON - Bulgaria, Past & Present
57359: LOGISTES [PSEUD. GLASGOW, GEORGE (1891-) ] - The Dupe As Hero, by Logistes
252920: LOGSDON, GENE - Successful berry growing : how to plant, prune, pick and preserve bush and vine fruits / Gene Logsdon
36918: LOGUE, JOHN - Boats Against the Current
233349: LOGUE, ANTONIA - Shadow-box
255407: LOHAN, MÁIRE - An 'antiquarian craze' : the life, times and work in archaeology of Patrick Lyons R.I.C. (1861-1954) / Máire Lohan
170522: LOHBECK, DON - Patrick J. Hurley
129579: LOHER, FRANZ VON (1818-1892) - Cyprus, Historical and Descriptive / Adapted from the German of Franz Von Loher ; with Much Additional Matter by Mrs. A. Batson Joyner. and Two Maps - [Cypern: Reiseberichte Uber Natur Und Landschaft, Volk Und Geschichte. English]
151052: LOHMEYER, ERNST (1890-1946) - Urchristliche Mystik : Neutestamentliche Studien
142131: LOHR, MAX (1864-1931) - Untersuchungen Zum Buch Amos / Von Max Lohr
126999: LOHSE, EDUARD (1924-) - Die Ordination Im Spatjudentum Und Im Neuen Testament
191812: QUANG-LOI - South of the 17th parallel
50997: DE LOI, RAIMON - Trails of the Troubadours
255351: Ó LOINSIGH, PEADAR - Dorn mine : [aistí] / le Peadar Ó Loinsigh [.i. An Bráthair Peadar]
106688: LOIR, MAURICE - Gloires Et Souvenirs Maritimes : D'Apres Les Memoires Ou Les Recits De Baudin [Et Al. ] / Maurice Loir
257986: SOCIETE D'ETUDES ECONOMIQUES DU DEPARTEMENT DE LA LOIRE - Societe d'etudes economiques du departement de la Loire: Bulletins - 3 issues
247725: BULLETIN DES LOIS - Bulletin des Lois du Royaume de France, 7e série; tome neuvieme: contenant les Lois et Ordonnances rendues pendant le second semestre de l'année 1819: Nos. 292 a 336
155158: LOIS, GEORGE - Sellebrity : my angling and tangling with famous people
194173: LOISEAU, CHARLES (B. 1861) - L'Equilibre Adriatique (L'Italie & la question d'Orient)
149345: LOISELEUR, JULES (1816-1900) - Ravaillac Et Ses Complices. L'Evasion D'Une Reine De France. La Mort De Gabrielle D'Estrees. Mazarin Et Le Duc De Guise. Par M. Jules Loiseleur
213643: LOISY, ALFRED (1857-1940) - Remarques sur la litterature epistolaire du Nouveau Testament
151147: LOISY, ALFRED (1857-1940) - La Religion D'Israel
153497: LOJACONO, LUIGI (1888-) - L' Indipendenza Economica Italiana / Luigi Lojacono ; Con Scritti Di G. Acutis, A. Anastasi ...[Et Al]
152834: LOJACONO, LUIGI (1888-) - L' Indipendenza Economica Italiana / Luigi Lojacono ; Con Scritti Di G. Acutis, A. Anastasi ...[Et Al]
176206: LOJACONO, LUIGI (ED.) - Le corporazioni fasciste / a cura di Luigi Lojacono ; con scritti di Francesco Angelini, Gino Arias ...[ et al. ] ; [ L'Economia Italiana : rassegna fascista mensile di politica ed economia : numero speciale ]
166922: LOJEWSKI, WERNER VON (1907-1980) - Aufmarsch im Orient
83440: LOKE, MARGARETT (ED. ) - The World As it Was, 1865-1921 : a Photographic Portrait from the Keystone-Mast Collection / Edited and with Text by Margarett Loke ; Foreword by Paul Theroux
162897: LOKERMAN, A. - Les Bolcheviks a L'Oeuvre : Soixante-Quatorze Jours De Dictature Bolcheviste a Rostov-Sur-Le-Don / A. Lokerman ; Preface De Vladimir Zenzinoff
243356: LOLIÉE, FRÉDÉRIC - Du prince de Bénévent au Duc de Morny : Talleyrand et la société européenne : Vienne, Paris, Londres, Valencay ; Suivi d'une Galerie anectodique et critique des principaux personnages ... de cette histoire d'un homme et d'un siècle
59023: LOLIEE, FREDERIC AUGUSTE (1856-) - Le Duc De Morny - the Brother of an Emperor and the Maker of an Empire
194791: LOLME, JEAN LOUIS DE (1740-1806) - The constitution of England : in which it is compared both with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies in Europe
148474: LOLME, JEAN LOUIS DE (1740-1806) - The Constitution of England, Or, an Account of the English Government : in Which it is Compared Both with the Republican Form of Government and the Other Monarchies in Europe
166136: DE LOLME, JEAN LOUIS (1740-1806) - The Constitution of England : Or, an Account of the English Government: in Which it is Compared, Both with the Republican Form of Government, and the Other Monarchies in Europe
220168: LOLME, JEAN LOUIS DE (1740-1806) - The constitution of England, or, An account of the English government. In which it is compared with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies in Europe
257934: LOMAMI-TSHIBAMBA, P - Ngando (le crocodile)
258224: LOMASK, MILTON - John Carroll, Bishop and Patriot ... Illustrated by Joshua Tolford
125854: LOMASK, MILTON - Aaron Burr, the Years from Princeton to Vice-President 1756-1805 / Milton Lomask
278236: LOMAX, JAMES - British silver at Temple Newsam and Lotherton Hall : a catalogue of the Leeds Collection / James Lomax
222483: LOMAX, SAM - Early days : memories of the beginnings of automobile engineering in South Lancashire and Cheshire
226616: LOMBA, MODESTO. ASOCIACION CREADORES DE MODA DE ESPANA - Geografia de la moda Espanola = [Geography of Spanish fashion / edited by Modesto Lomba]
249130: LOMBARD, PAUL - Quatorze mois de démence : L'expérience Léon Blum
242671: LOMBARD, SULLY - Essai historique sur l'introduction du Christianisme dans l'île de Tahiti
237191: LOMBARD, ALFRED (1878-) - Flaubert et Saint Antoine : illustré de huit planches horstexte
172612: LOMBARD, PAUL - Front populaire / Paul Lombard
143301: LOMBARD, PAUL (1889-) - Ce Qu'il Faut Connaitre Du Fascisme (Origines Et Tendances) / Par Paul Lombard
131671: CASSA DI RISPARMIO DELLE PROVINCIE LOMBARDE - Le Beneficenze Ospedaliere Della Cassa Di Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombarde : Sessantadue Milioni Di Lire Erogate
18132: LOMBARDI, LOUIS G. - Moral Analysis Foundatiosn, Guides and Applications
147101: LOMBARDI, LUIGI - Per Le Associazioni D'Arma; Lettera Aperta Al Ministro Della Difesa
197780: LOMBARDI, GABRIO (1913-) - Italia!
87487: LOMBARDO, GUY - Auld Acquaintance
217319: LOMBARDO, HERACLIO A. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - Research on agricultural development in Central America
91273: LOMBARDO, JOSEF VINCENT - Chaim Gross, Sculptor
149503: LOMBARDO TOLEDANO, VICENTE (1894-1968) - Objetivos Y Tactica Del Proletariado Y Del Sector Revolucionario De Mexico En La Actual Etapa De La Evolucion Historica Del Pais
163306: LOMBARDO-RADICE, LUCIO - Fascismo E Anticomunismo : Appunti E Ricordi 1935-1945
78485: LOMBARDO, GUY (1902-1977) - Auld Acquaintance
86092: LOMBARDY, WILLIAM - U. S. Championship Chess, with the Games of the 1973 Tournament / William Lombardy and David Daniels ; with a Special Report by George Koltanowski
86082: LOMBARDY, WILLIAM. DANIELS, DAVID - Chess panorama
221298: LOMBARDY, WILLIAM - U. S. Championship Chess, with the Games of the 1973 Tournament / William Lombardy and David Daniels ; with a Special Report by George Koltanowski
128136: LOMBARES, MICHEL DE - L'Affaire Dreyfus; La Clef Du Mystere
169892: LOMBRAIL, A M DE. - Apercus generaux sur la doctrine positiviste / par A.M. de Lombrail
248888: LOMÉNIE, LOUIS DE (1815-1878) - La comtesse de Rochefort et ses amis : études sur les moeurs en France au XVIIIe siècle / avec des documents inédits par Louis de Loménie
127434: LOMENIE, LOUIS DE (1815-1878) - La Comtesse De Rochefort Et Ses Amis : Etudes Sur Les Moeurs En France Au Xviiie Siecle Avec Des Documents Inedits
192599: LOMKO, YA. A., ED. - European security : a spectrum of opinions (people from 21 countries speak on problems of security and cooperation in Europe) / edited by Ya. A. Lomko
33327: LOMMAX, BILL (EDITOR) - Eyewitness in Hungary : the Soviet Invasion of 1956 / Edited by Bill Lommax [I. E. Lomax]
60100: LOMMEL, ANDREAS - Prehistoric and Primitive Man
9401: LOMONOSOV, MIKHAIL - Mikhail Vasil'evich Lomonosov on the Corpuscular Theory
154896: LONCRAINE, REBECCA - The Real Wizard of Oz : the Life and Times of L. Frank Baum
83679: LONDON, ROSE - Zombie : the Living Dead
66959: LONDON, MEL - Getting Into Film / Mel London ; Designed by Bea Feitler
65952: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - Jack London's California : the Golden Poppy and Other Writings / Edited with an Introduction by Sal Noto
60907: LONDON, MEL - Making it in Film / Mel London
60354: LONDON, HANNAH RUTH (1894-) - Miniatures and Silhouettes of Early American Jews
273210: O'LONDON, JOHN - London stories : old and new
268584: ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: Series A: containing papers of a mathematical or physical character for the year 1896: vol. 188
265865: LONDON, EDWIN - Printing in the twentieth century : a survey ; reprinted from the special number of the Times, October 29, 1929
258594: FABIAN SOCIETY. LONDON - Report on Fabian policy and resolutions presented by the Fabian Society to the International Socialist Workers and Trade Union Congress, London 1896
255760: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - The best advertising and design in the world 2010
255761: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - The best advertising and design in the world 2011
255764: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 2012: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255765: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Art directors annual 1984: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255766: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 2003: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255767: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 2001: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255752: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art directors 1990
255756: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 2013: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255741: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 1996: The 34th annual of the best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255742: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 2000: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255743: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 1997: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255744: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 1998: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255745: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 1994: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255747: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 1995: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
239139: LONDON, P. S. (PETER STANFORD) - Modern trends in accident surgery and medicine. 2 / edited by P. S. London
226549: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - White Fang / Jack London [Treasury of children's classics]
226546: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - The call of the wild, [and], The cruise of the 'Dazzler' / [by] Jack London. [Treasury of children's classics.]
224438: O'LONDON, JOHN - London stories : being a collection of the lives and adventures of Londoners in all ages / edited by John O'London
221046: CAVENDISH HOUSE: LONDON - How to read your dreams: Understanding the secret world of sleep
220003: EUROPA PUBLICATIONS: LONDON - Sheppard's book dealers in the British Isles, 1988 : a directory of antiquarian and secondhand book dealers in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland
211834: HEINEMANN: LONDON (PUBLISHING) - County champions
208039: LONDON, JONATHAN ; REMKIEWICZ, FRANK (ILLUS.) - Froggy learns to swim
182347: LONDON, J H. - James Scott and William Scott, bookbinders / [by] J.H. Loudon
128425: LONDON, KURT (1900-1985) - The Soviet Impact on World Politics / Edited by Kurt London
242203: THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Across the Channel: Catalogue of an exhibition, September 1982
216967: TAURUS PUBLISHERS LONDON - Rocznik Polonii 1958-59. Year Book & Directory Poles Abroad
256973: ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS AND SKETCH, LTD - The Illustrated War News: being a pictorial record of the Great War: volume 6: parts 61-72 (October 6th, 1915, to December 22nd, 1915)
253612: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London - volume 3 October 1968-July 1969
261931: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - The Works of Jack London: The sea wolf
187823: COMMITTEE OF DEPUTIES OF THE PROTESTANT DISSENTERS OF THE THREE DENOMINATIONS IN LONDON (LONDON) - A sketch of the history and proceedings of the deputies appointed to protect the civil rights of the Protestant dissenters : to which is annexed a summary of the laws affecting dissenters, with an appendix of statutes and precedents of legal instruments
242200: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Medicine in America (1680-1820): catalogue of an exhibition, July 1976
251936: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - Visions of antiquity : the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1707-2007 / edited by Susan Pearce
253775: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - Archaeologia : or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity published by the Society of Antiquaries of London - second series volume 1
272356: OPERA GALLERY LONDON - Made in India : Indian modern and contemporary art
171730: COMMUNIST PARTY OF LONDON - The communist party of the soviet union: Syllabus for six lessons on the history of the c.p.s.u.
251470: LONDON, JACK - The Assassination Bureau, Ltd
242201: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Sit Thomas Browne (1605-1682) and the Baroque: with a postscript on his son Edward as Treasurer (1694-1703/4) and President (17-4-8) of the College of Physicians: Catalogue of an exhibition, January 1982
242303: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Aspects of Bright: Catalogue of an exhibition. September 1983.
280965: ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON - Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of London: 1865-6: vol. II
250546: ROYAL SOCIETY; LONDON - Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society: very comprehensive run in 29 volumes
214283: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - The Antiquaries journal : being the journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London 2003, Volume 83
214284: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - The Antiquaries journal : being the journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London 1999, Volume 79
214285: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - The Antiquaries journal : being the journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London 2000, Volume 80
214286: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - The Antiquaries journal : being the journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London 2001, Volume 81
214787: THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY: LONDON - The Child's companion, and juvenile instructor
215549: SIMS REED FOGG: LONDON - Art Books 86 summer catalogue of rare, out-ofprint & new books
214230: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916). J. PASSALACQUA, DAVID (ILLUS.) - The call of the wild / Jack London ; illustrated by David J. Passalacqua
214611: ROYDOCK BOOKS: LONDON - The Sex Prowlers
214583: THE NONESUCH PRESS: LONDON - The week-end book
215499: DEAN & SON: LONDON - Chatterbox
221460: LONDON, ROSE - Cinema of mystery
215020: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916). POOR, HENRY VARNUM (ILLUS.) - The call of the wild. With an introd. by Pierre Berton and illus. by Henry Varnum Poor
179104: NEWMAN & CO. LONDON - Recollections of Clifton & Neighbourhood
222152: F. P. & S. , LONDON [PUBLISHER] - The Royal Album of London Views
242125: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Medical aspects of dietary fibre : a report from the Royal College of Physicians of London
242014: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Fluoride, teeth and health : a report and summary on fluorides and its effect on teeth and health from the Royal College of Physicians [by the Committee on the Fluoridation of Water Supplies]
189436: ART UNION OF LONDON - Thirty illustrations of Childe Harold : the original drawings expressly for the Art-Union of London
203237: SOLIDARITY LONDON - Summer in Gdansk
253776: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - Archaeologia: or, Miscellaneous tracts, relating to antiquity - vol. 109
228580: THE OSLER CLUB OF LONDON - Geoffrey Keynes : tributes on the occasion of his seventieth birthday : with a bibliographical check list of his publications
180826: P.E.P. (POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC PLANNING), LONDON - The British fuel and power industries / a report by P.E.P.
16363: CHESTER BEATTY. SOTHEBY & CO. LONDON - The Chester Beatty Western Manuscripts : Which Will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co [Contents: Pt. 1. Catalogue of 37 Illuminated Manuscripts of the 9th to 16th C. --Pt. 2 Catalogue of 38 Illuminated Manuscripts of 8th to 17th C. ]
138294: P. P. - LONDON. - TIMES. PINK, M. ALDERTON. - 'The Times' / an Anthology, Chosen and Edited, with Introduction and Notes by M. Alderton Pink
114363: LONDON, JACK - Jack London Centennial Calendar 1876-1976
107612: ART GALLERY OF THE CORPORATION OF LONDON - Victorian Art : Reproductions by the Collotype Process of Some of the Pictures in the Loan Exhibition Held in the Art Gallery of the Corporation of London, At the Guildhall, in 1897 With Descriptive and Biographical Notes
90653: LONDON, CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION (PHOTOS) - Report on Jamaica for the Year 1955
90559: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - Letters from Jack London, Containing an Unpublished Correspondence between London and Sinclair Lewis. Edited by King Hendricks and Irving Shepard
9902: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - A Daughter of the Snows, by Jack London ... with Illustrations in Color by Frederick C. Yohn
149763: LONDON. CITY. CORPORATION. SHARPE, REGINALD ROBINSON (1848-) ED. - Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corporation of the City of London, Circa A. D. 1350-1370 : Enrolled and Preserved Among the Archives of the Corporation At the Guildhall / Edited (With an Introduction) by Reginald R. Sharpe
144886: CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON - The Guildhall of the City of London Together with a Short Account of its Historic Associations, and the Municipal Work Carried on Therein
255755: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 2015: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
242302: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - The Early Printers: catalogue of an exhibition. April 1976
189452: THE ALGAMATED PRESS LONDON - Modern masterpieces of British art : two hundred full colour reproductions of paintings selected from public galleries in Great Britain and Ireland, with crucial notes and indexes to painters & pictures
242202: THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Some Lithographs of Physicians and Surgeons: Catalogue of an exhibition, March 1984
238342: LONDON, P. S. (PETER STANFORD); POWELL, MARY - Nursing emergencies / [by] P.S. London; foreword by Mary Powell
192705: DEAN & DAWSON LIMITED LONDON - Holiday highspots [British tourism brochure, 1939]
219886: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS: LONDON - Transations of the Bibliographical Society: The library fifth series vol. xv, no. 3, September 1960
219269: MACMILLAN AND CO. : LONDON - The English illustrated magazine. 1887-1888
214600: MITRE PRESS: LONDON - Knowsley Park, its antiquity and history : the ancestral home of the Stanleys
101581: LONDON, JACK - Jack London - Opere Alese, in 3 Volumes (Vols. I. , II. & II. )
265866: PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON - Transactions of the Pathological Society of London: volume fourth: including the report of the proceedings for the session 1852-53
212819: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - The call of the wild : White fang / Jack London ; afterword by Jack Sullivan
194597: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - Letters from Jack London : containing an unpublished correspondence between London and Sinclair Lewis / edited by King Hendricks and Irving Shepard
227120: LONDON, JACK (1876-1916) - John Barleycorn, or, Alcoholic memoirs
280493: LONDON : H.M.S.O - The Civil Service. Vol. 4: Factual, statistical and explanatory papers: evidence submitted to the committee under the chairmanship of Lord Fulton 1966-68
239094: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - William Harvey, 1578-1657 : an exhibition of books and manuscripts illustrating his life and work
239626: MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON - Index to Volumes XXXII to LXXV of the Transactions of the Medical Society of London
178094: P.E.P. (POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC PLANNING), LONDON - Economic development in S. E. Europe : including Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greece / with an introduction by David Mitrany
255762: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Art directors annual 1982: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
255759: DESIGNERS AND ART DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF LONDON - Design and art direction 1983: The best in Britsh and international advertising and design
146181: LONDON DISTRICT COMMITTEE, COMMUNIST PARTY - United We Stand, 100 Years of Struggle in the Docks
162703: DAVID NUTT : LONDON - Germany, Denmark, and the Scandinavian Question
5873: LONDON, JACK - The Game
7421: NATIONAL GALLERY LONDON - Portraiture; Twenty-Four Plates with an Introduction
101723: LONDON, MEL - Bread Winners Too : the Second Rising / Mel London
242198: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON - Quaestiones Medico-Legales: the regulation of the medical profession catalogue of an historical exhibition 31st July to 30th November 1975
213744: CORPORATION OF LONDON (ENGLAND) - The livery companies of the City of London
218348: COMMUNIST PARTY LONDON - The Communists were right!
196901: LONDON MERCHANT, (PSEUD.) - Fruits of the system called free trade : as shown in three letters to the operatives of the manufacturing districts of the United Kingdom
196902: LONDON MERCHANT, (PSEUD.) - Fruits of the system called free trade : some remarks upon three letters under the above title, addressed by 'A London merchant' to the operatives of the manufacturing districts of the United Kingdom
196903: LONDON MERCHANT, (PSEUD.) - Fruits of the system called free trade : a letter to the author of 'some remarks upon three letters, under the above title, addressed by a London Merchant to the operatives of the manufacturing districts of the United Kingdom
210900: LONDON, JACK; MAGNUS, ERWIN - Jerry der Insulaner
212047: EVANS BROS. LONDON - The Boys' book of cricket
253352: LONDON'S ANGLERS' ASSOCIATION - Members' handbook and rule book
97785: LONDONDERRY, FRANCES ANNE VANE, MARCHIONESS OF (1800-1865) - Russian Journal of Lady Londonderry, 1836-37, Edited by W. A. L. Seaman and J. R. Sewell
141522: LONDONDERRY, FRANCES ANNE VANE, MARCHIONESS OF (1800-1865) - Russian Journal of Lady Londonderry, 1836-37 / Edited by W. A. L. Seaman and J. R. Sewell
194229: LONDRES, ALBERT (D. 1932) - Terror in the Balkans / translated from the French of Albert Londres; with an appendix by L. Zarine
183894: COLLOQUE DE LONDRES (1963 : LONDON) - Emile Zola : inspiration, techniques, rayonnement : actes du Colloque de Londres, Institut Francais du Royaume-Uni, 15-17 mars 1963 / textes de C.-A. Burns ... [et al.]
192813: LONDRES, ALBERT (D. 1932) - Les comitadjis : ou, Le terrorisme dans les Balkans.
211248: LONDRES, ALBERT - Terror auf dem balkan
212112: LONDRES, ALBERT (D. 1932) - Jude wohin? : Ein Reisebericht aus den Ghettos der Welt / [Deutsch von Alexander Benzion]
217446: INSTYTUT JOZEFA PILSUDSKIEGO W LONDYNIE - Komunikat 104: Rok xxxx Komunikat 104 Marzec 1991 [Language: Polish]
217401: INSTYTUT JOZEFA PILSUDSKIEGO W LONDYNIE - Komunikat 100: Rok xxxviii Komunikat 100 Marzec 1987 [Language: Polish]
38616: DE LONE, RICHARD H. - Small Futures - Children, Inequality, and the Limits of Liberal Reform
154036: LONEY, MARTIN (1944-). ALLEN, MARK - The Crisis of the Inner City / Edited by Martin Loney and Mark Allen
76827: LONG, FRANK BELKNAP (1903-) - Howard Phillips Lovecraft : Dreamer on the Nightside
36126: LONG, ROBERT EMMET - Nathanael West / Robert Emmet Long
272626: LONG, BASIL SOMERSET (1881-1937) - British miniaturists
255777: DE LONG, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1844-1881). - The voyage of the Jeannette / the ship and ice journals of George W. De Long, lieutenant-commander U.S.N. and commander of the Polar expedition of 1879-1881 ; edited by his wife, Emma De Long: volume II
155021: LONG, JAMES. LONG BEN - The Plot Against Pepys the Untold Story of Espionage and Intrigue in the Tower of London
154982: LONG, KIERAN - New London interiors
264125: LONG, JAMES (1846-1931) - Elements of dairy farming
138206: LONG, JOHN (1917-) - Modern Russia : an Introduction
76147: LONG, HARLAND WILLIAM (1869-) - Sane Sex Life & Sane Sex Living; Some Things That all Sane People Ought to Know about Sex Nature and Sex Functioning
73592: LONG, JOHN DAVIS (1838-1915) - America of Yesterday
64231: LONG, FRANK BELKNAP (1903-) - The Rim of the Unknown
113713: LONG, ROBERT EMMET - The Films of Merchant Ivory / Robert Emmet Long
153299: LONG, JAMES, SIR (1862-1928) - Small Holdings
94839: LONG, WILLIAM JOSEPH - Brier-Patch Philosophy, by 'Peter Rabbit', Interpreted by William J. Long, Illustrated by Charles Copeland
140704: LONG, JAMES, SIR (1862-1928) - Small Holdings
261997: LONG, JOHN. D - The new American navy
100960: LONG, ROBERT EMMET - James Thurber / Robert Emmet Long
129840: LONG, HAROLD CECIL (ED. ) - Business Aspects of Farming : a Series of Papers by Well-Known Authorities / Arranged and Edited by H. C. Long, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
115349: LONG, WELLINGTON - The New Nazis of Germany
107756: LONG, WELLINGTON - The New Nazis of Germany
114391: LONG, WELLINGTON - The New Nazis of Germany
110186: LONG, FRANK BELKNAP - It Was the Day of the Robot
147069: LONG, ROBERT EDWARD CROZIER - The Mythology of Reparations
161167: LONG, RAY (1878-19350 (ED. ) - My Favorite Story
163801: LONG, HANIEL, (1888-1956) - Pittsburgh Memoranda / Haniel Long
118345: LONG, CHARLES K. DAN MARUSKA ( PHOTOG. ). IAN S. R. GRAINGE (ILL. ) - The Stonebuilder's Primer, a Harrowsmith Step-By-Step Guide for Owner-Builders
50986: LONG, JOHN DAVID - America of Yesterday : As Reflected in the Journal of John Davis Long
66047: LONG, WELLINGTON - The New Nazis of Germany
84006: LONG, MARGARET (B. 1873) - The Shadow of the Arrow
261241: LONGACRE, JAMES B - The National Portrait Gallery of distinguished Americans / Conducted by James B. Longacre, Philadelphia; and James Herring, New York. Under the Superintendence of the American Academy of the Fine Arts - vol. 1
160166: LONGACRE, JOHN - Backgammon of Today
103403: LONGACRE, EDWARD G. (1946-) - The Man Behind the Guns : a Biography of General Henry Jackson Hunt, Chief of Artillery, Army of the Potomac
226391: LONGDEN, SEAN - Blitz kids : the children's war against Hitler
151763: LONGDEN, FRED (1889-) - Co-Operative Politics Inside Capitalist Society : a Reply to 'Consumers' Co-Operation in Great Britain': a Case for Scientific Politics in the Co-Operative Movement; and a Study of the Politics of Capitalist Society
36454: LONGDEN, HORACE WILLIAM DEVEREUX - Ways of the Veld Dwellers, by H. W. D. Longden, F. R. G. S. Being Eight Stories of Wild Animals and Birds of the African Bush; Pen-And-Ink Sketches by the Author and Plates by Erna Pinner
166924: LONGDEN, FRED (1889-) - Co-operative politics inside capitalist society
142948: LONGDEN, FREDERICK - The Proletarian Heritage
271904: LONGERICH, PETER - Heinrich Himmler / Peter Longerich ; translated by Jeremy Noakes and Lesley Sharpe
265402: LONGERICH, PETER - The unwritten order : Hitler's role in the final solution / Peter Longerich
275581: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSOWRTH - The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
272734: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The song of Hiawatha / [by] Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; [with a colour frontispiece and] line drawings in the text by Kiddell-Monroe
269386: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. CARPENTER, REV. W. BOYD - Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: with an introduction by the Right Revd. W. Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon
266386: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The poetical works of Longfellow, including recent poems, with explanatory notes, etc
265445: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH - The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (including recent poems)
260283: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The Golden Legend ... With illustrations [in colour] by Sidney H. Meteyard
254624: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - Longfellow's Poetical Works: in five volumes: I-IV & VI
214533: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The song of Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; decorated by Herbert Meyer
261942: LONGFELLOW, HENRY. W - Building the ship
252554: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's works - 11 volumes
227426: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems
29713: LONGFELLOW, SAMUEL. JOSEPH MAY (ED. ) - Samuel Longfellow; Memoir and Letters, Ed. by Joseph May
228800: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - Hyperion: a romance ... Illustrated ... from drawings by Birket Foster
254222: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow : (reprinted from the revised American edition, including recent poems) with explanatory notes
24924: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ...
138464: LONGFELLOW, SAMUEL (1819-1892) - Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow : with Extracts from His Journals and Correspondence / Edited by Samuel Longfellow - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
110826: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The Leap of Roushan Beg, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; a Complete Facsimile Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Arthur Christy
71257: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - America, the Beautiful, in the Words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. by the Editors of Country Beautiful. Editorial Direction: Michael P. Dineen. Edited by Robert L. Polley
81911: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - RELATED NAME: UNTERMEYER, LOUIS (1885-1977) ED. ; HANNA, BOYD - The Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Selected, and Edited with a Commentary, by Louis Untermeyer; Illustrated with Wood-Gravings by Boyd Hanna
22339: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
162331: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - Favorite Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow / with an Introduction by Henry Seidal Canby and Illustrations by Edward A. Wilson
231169: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The poetical works of Longfellow : including recent poems, with explanatory notes etc.
231172: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The poetical works of Longfellow with 8 engravings on steel
244574: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - Tales of a Wayside Inn
104534: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH - The New-England Tragedies, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ... I. John Endicott. II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms
105632: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - RELATED NAME: UNTERMEYER, LOUIS (1885-1977) ED. ; HANNA, BOYD - Paradise Beyond, by Dolly Madison
181666: LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. - Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow: [Complete in 2 vols]
129730: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - Hyperion, a Romance
154143: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
59053: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The courtship of Miles Standish
218344: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH - The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with bibliographical and critical notes. [complete in 6 volumes]
196481: LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. - Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in two volumes
278549: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) - The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
214859: LONGFIELD, MOUNTIFORT (1802-1884) - Lectures on political economy, delivered in Trinity and Michaelmas terms, 1833
46640: LONGFORD, ELIZABETH (1906-2002) - A Pilgrimage of Passion : the Life of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
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