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245522: LUDOVICI, ANTHONY MARIO (1882-1971) - Lysistrata : or the woman's future and future woman / Anthony. M. Ludovici
93725: LUDOVICI, ANTHONY MARIO - Lysistrata ; Or, Woman's Future and Future Woman
131860: LUDOVICI, L. J. (LORENZ JAMES) - The Final Inequality : a Critical Assessment of Woman's Sexual Role in Society / [By] L. J. Ludovici
170553: LUDOVICI, L. J. (LORENZ JAMES) (1910-?) - The final inequality: a critical assessment of woman's sexual role in society
130143: LUDOVICI, ANTHONY MARIO (1882-) - Lysistrata; Or, Woman's Future and Future Woman, by Anthony M. Ludovici ... with a Foreword by Norman Haire
130116: LUDOVICI, L. J. - The Final Inequality : a Critical Assessment of Woman's Sexual Role in Society / [By] L. J. Ludovici
222779: LUDOVICI, LAURENCE JAMES - Fleming, Discoverer of Penicillin. [A biography. With plates, including portraits.]
143204: LUDOVICI, ANTHONY MARIO - The Sanctity of Private Property
145264: LUDOVICKA, MARY - Our Community ; the Origin and the Development through Seventy Years of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of the Perpetual Adoration, La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1849-1919
61868: LUDWIG, COY L. (1939-) - Maxfield Parrish
259837: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - Bismarck : the story of a fighter / Emil Ludwig ; translated by Eden and Cedar Paul
24970: LUDWIG, ALFRED O. - Psychomatic Aspects of Gynecological Disorders - Seven Psychoanalytic Case Studies
155241: LUDWIG, COY L. - Maxfield Parrish
273820: LUDWIG, REINHOLD - Schmuck-Design der Moderne : Geschichte und Gegenwart = Modern jewellery design : past and present / Reinhold Ludwig
108420: LUDWIG, JERRY - Little Boy Lost : a Novel
127192: LUDWIG, ARMIN K. HARRY W. TAYLOR - Brazil's New Agrarian Reform; an Evaluation of its Property Classification and Tax Systems [By] Armin K. Ludwig [And] Harry W. Taylor
126914: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-). LINDSAY, MARY H. - Bolivar, the Life of an Idealist
246019: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - Bismarck : Geschichte eines Kämpfers
246015: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - Wilhelm der Zweite
119245: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - Goethe; the History of a Man, 1749-1832, by Emil Ludwig ... Translated from the German by Ethel Colburn Mayne
202751: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - The Son of man
61734: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - On Mediterranean Shores. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
128559: LUDWIG, KARL - Alt-Karlsbad / K. Ludwig
43553: LUDWIG, EMIL - Bismarck, the Story of a Fighter
232290: LUDWIG, HELLMUT - Marin Mersenne und seine Musiklehre
208230: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - Goethe : Geschichte eines Menschen / von Emil Ludwig [complete in 2 volumes]
229592: LUDWIG, EMIL (1881-1948) - The Nile : the life-story of a river / [by] Emil Ludwig; translated by Mary H. Lindsay
211057: LUDWIG, EMIL - Beethoven : life of a conqueror / Emil Ludwig; translated from the German by George Stewart McManus
213979: LUDWIG, OTTO (1813-1865) - Die Makkabaer : Trauerspiel in funf Akten / von Otto Ludwig ; mit einleitung und unmerkungen von Dr. Adolf Stern
266481: LUECKE, MARTIN - Biblische symbole : oder, Bibelblätter in bildern, nebst lebensbilde unseres Heilandes, in den hauptzügen der jugend gezeichnet
210319: LUEDEKING, LEILA - Leonard Woolf : a bibliography
39175: LUEPNITZ, DEBORAH ANNA - The Family Interpreted - Feminist Theory in Clinical Practice
162597: LUETHI, KATHY - Les Femmes Dans L'Oeuvre De Marivaux
191904: LUFF, ENID - Storm tide : for piano / Enid Luff
167588: LUGAN, ALPHONSE, (1869-1931) - La fin d'une mystification : l'Action francaise, son histoire, sa doctrine, sa politique / [by] A. Lugan
210556: LUGT, FRITS (1884-1970) - Les marques de collections de dessins & d'estampes : marques estampillees et ecrites de collections particulieres et publiques : marques de marchands, de monteurs et d'imprimeurs : cachets de vente d'artistes decedes : marques de graveurs apposees apres le tirage des planches : timbres d'edition : etc. / avec des notices historiques sur les collectionneurs, les collections, les ventes, les marchands et editeurs, etc. par Frits Lugt
81494: LUHR, WILLIAM - Raymond Chandler and Film
68210: LUHR, WILLIAM - Authorship and Narrative in the Cinema : Issues in Contemporary Aesthetics and Criticism / William Luhr, Peter Lehman ; Illustrations by Stuart Auld
68211: LUHR, WILLIAM - Authorship and Narrative in the Cinema : Issues in Contemporary Aesthetics and Criticism / William Luhr, Peter Lehman ; Illustrations by Stuart Auld
261985: LUHR, WILLIAM - Authorship and Narrative in the Cinema : Issues in Contemporary Aesthetics and Criticism / William Luhr, Peter Lehman ; Illustrations by Stuart Auld
233367: LÜHR, HANS-PETER. DRESDNER GESCHICHTSVEREIN - Kurfürst Moritz und die Renaissance
110483: LUHR, WILLIAM - Authorship and Narrative in the Cinema : Issues in Contemporary Aesthetics and Criticism / William Luhr, Peter Lehman ; Illustrations by Stuart Auld
105438: LUI, T. P. - Secrets of Chinese Physicians
176227: LUIGI, CANONICO NASI - Discorsi e panegirici
98434: LUIJTERS, GUUS & TIMMER, GERARD - Sexbomb : the Life and Death of Jayne Mansfield
61996: LUIJTERS, GUUS (ED. ) - Marilyn Monroe : a Never-Ending Dream / Compiled and Edited by Guus Luijters
204795: LUIK, VIIVI - Historiens forfarande skonhet : Roman [Language: Swedish]
75501: LUIKEN, JAN (1649-1712). NOORDE, CORNELIS VAN (1731-1795) - Het Overvloeijend Herte : Of, Nagelaten Verzen / Van Jan Luiken; ... Met Vyf En Tachentig Konstige Figuuren ... Door Cornelis Van Noorde
232075: LUIN, ELISABETH JEANETTE - Die 'Liedertafel', ein Hort des musikalischen Salzburgertums
255001: Ó LUÍNSE, AMHLAOIBH (1872-1947) - Seanachas / Amhlaoibh Í Luínse ; Seán Ó Cróinín a thóg síos ; Donncha Ó Cróinín a chuir in eagar
70141: LUISI, GERARD - How to Catch 5000 Thieves, by Gerard Luisi and Charles Samuels
124270: LUISI, GERARD - How to Catch 5000 Thieves, by Gerard Luisi and Charles Samuels
88061: LUITJENS, HELEN. ROBINSON, W. W - The Elegant Era: a Sketchbook of the Ornate Architecture and Delicate Detail of Yesterday's Southland
76683: LUKAC, GEORGE J. , ED. - Aloud to Alma Mater, Edited by George J. Lukac
207934: LUKACHER, BRIAN - Joseph Gandy : an architectural visionary in Georgian England / Brian Lukacher
97525: LUKACS, GYORGY (1885-1971) - Solzhenitsyn [By] Georg Lukacs; Translated from the German by William David Graf - [Uniform Title: Solschenizyn. English]
27864: LUKACS, GEORG (1885-1971) - Solzhenitsyn
273188: LUKACS, JOHN - The legacy of the Second World War / John Lukacs
255986: LUKÁCS, GYÖRGY (1885-1971) - Scritti di sociologia della letterature / György Lukács ; premessa e introduzione critica di Peter Ludz
25174: LUKACS, JOHN - Churchill - Visionary, Statesman, Historian / John Lukacs
250059: LUKÁCS, GYÖRGY - Die Zerstorung der Vernunft, v3 : Irrationalismus und soziologie. v3
155499: LUKACS, JOHN - June 1941 : Hitler and Stalin / John Lukacs
164124: LUKACS, GYORGY, (1885-1971) - Solzhenitsyn [By] Georg Lukacs. Translated from the German by William David Graf
236683: LUKÁCS, GYÖRGY (1885-1971) - Le roman historique / Georges Lukacs ; traduction française de Robert Sailley
250178: LUKÁCS, GYÖRGY (1885-1971) - Der junge Hegel : über die Beziehungen von Dialektik und Ökonomie / Georg Lukács: band I
250060: LUKÁCS, GYÖRGY - Die Zerstorung der Vernunft, v1 - Irrationalismus zwischen den Revolutionen
75560: LUKACS, GEORG - Organisation Und Partei
156037: LUKACS, JOHN - George Kennan : a Study of Character / John Lukacs
246146: LUKÁCS, GYÖRGY (1885-1971) - Goethe und seine Zeit / Georg Lukács
207026: LUKACS, GYORGY (1885-1971) - Studies in European Realism. A sociological survey of the writings of Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, Tolstoy, Gorki and others ... Translated by Edith Bone
44993: LUKAS, JAN & WHEELER, SIR MORTIMER - Pompeii and Herculaneum
159814: LUKAS, SARAH K. LEAKEN, KITTY (1958- ). HARRIS, CLARE. MUSEUM OF INTERNATIONAL FOLK ART (N. M. ). FRIENDS OF TIBETAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION - The Art of Exile : Paintings by Tibetan Children in India / Conceived by the Museum of International Folk Art ; Painting Clubs Founded and Sponsored by Sarah K. Lukas and Friends of Tibetan Women's Association ; Photographs by Kitty Leaken
206732: LUKAS, JAN - Pompeii and Herculaneum / photographs by Jan Lukas ; introduction by Sir Mortimer Wheeler
99047: LUKASH, IVAN (1892-1940) - RELATED NAME: DUDDINGTON, NATALIE - The Flames of Moscow. by Ivan Lukash; Translated from the Russian by Natalie Duddington - [Uniform Title: Pozhar Moskvy. English]
110832: LUKE, TIM - Toys from American Childhood, 1845-1945
192363: LUKE, LOUIS E. - Die marxistische Frau : Sowjetische Varianten
167575: LUKESCH, ROBERT - Alternative sofort! : Ein libertäres Programm am Beispiel Portugals
172519: LUKIANOV, KONSTANTIN - How the USSR plans its national economy / [by] Konstantin Lukyanov [and] Boris Tsvetkov
272269: LUKINS, A. H - The book of Westland aircraft / compiled by A.H. Lukins ; edited by D.A. Russell
91878: LUKNITSKY, PAVEL - Soviet Tajikistan - an Abridged Translation. [With Plates and a Map. ]
132913: LUKNITSKY, PAVEL NIKOLAEVICH - Soviet Tajikistan
205989: LUKNITSKY, PAVEL - Soviet Tajikistan
168433: LUKOMSKII, GEORGII KRESKENTEVICH (1884-1952) - Le Kremlin de Moscou - L'art decoratif religieux
264239: LUKONIN, VLADIMIR GRIGOR'EVICH - Persia II / Vladimir G. Lukonin ; translated from the Russian by James Hogarth
267694: LUKOVET?S?, ALEKSEI ILLARIONOVICH - Unbreakable friendship
234953: LULL, JAMES - World families watch television
211205: LULVES, JEAN - Die Stellung des Papsttums im Weltkriege
135526: LUMBROSO, ALBERT - Fame Usurpate : IL Dramma Del Comando Unico Interaleato / Alberto Lumbroso
244231: LUMBROSO, ALBERT (1872-) - Le origini economiche e diplomatiche della guerra mondiale : dal trattato di Francoforte a quello di Versailles: La Vittoria Dell'Imperialismo Anglosassone: Primo Volume
244229: LUMBROSO, ALBERTO - Le Origini economiche e diplomatiche della guerra mondiale : Dal trattato di francoforte a quello di versailles-La vittoria dell'imperialismo Anglosasson / Alberto Lumbroso. vol 1
179329: LUMBY, J. RAWSON (ED. ) - The acts of the apostles with maps, introduction and notes
227155: LUMHOLTZ, CARL (1851-1922) - Through Central Borneo : an account of two year's travel in the land of the head-hunters between the years 1913 and 1917
260137: LUMIČRE - La répression des actes d'incivisme: le point de vue du parti socialiste belge
35042: LUMLEY, ROGER - White-Collar Unionism in Britain; a Survey of the Present Position
271809: LUMLEY, JOHN LUMLEY BARON (1534-1609) - The Lumley library : the catalogue of 1609 / edited by Sears Jayne & Francis R. Johnson
156109: LUMME, HELENA - Great Women of Film
231304: LUMMIS, WILLIAM MURRELL. WYNN, KENNETH G - Honour the Light Brigade : a record of the services of officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the five Light Cavalry Regiments, which made up the Light Brigade at Balaclava on October 25th 1854 and saw service in the Crimea from September 1854 to
208920: LUMMIS, TREVOR - The woman's domain : women and the English country house / Trevor Lummis, Jan Marsh
146335: LUMMIS, CHARLES FLETCHER (1859-1928) - The Awakening of a Nation; Mexico of To-Day
272275: LUMSDEN, ROBIN - Himmler's black order, 1923-45 / Robin Lumsden
144367: LUMSDEN, KEITH G. (ED. ) - New Developments in the Teaching of Economics. Edited by Keith G. Lumsden
190613: LUMSDEN, CARLOS BARRON - The dawn of modern England : being a history of the Reformation in England 1509-1525 / Carlos B. Lumsden
238416: LUMSDEN, KENNETH; TRUELOVE, S. C - Radiology of the digestive system : a radiological companion to Truelove and Reynell's Diseases of the digestive system / [by] K. Lumsden and S. C. Truelove
211924: DE LUNA, FREDERICK A. (1928- ) - The French Republic under Cavaignac, 1848 / [by] Frederick A. de Luna
216548: LUNACHARSKOGO, A. (POD REDAKTSIYEY) - Vil'gel'm blos Wilhelm Blos. Istoriya germanskoy Revolyutsii 1848 Goda [The history of the German Revolution of 1848. Language: Russian]
163350: COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Copy of the Sixtieth Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor
163511: COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Copy of the Sixty-Sixth Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor, Part I
163512: COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Copy of the Sixty-First Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor, Part I
163693: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Copy of the Fifty-Ninth Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor
163694: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Copy of the Sixty-Seventh Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor : Part I
163695: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - The Sixty-Fifth Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor : Part I
163696: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - The Sixty-Fourth Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor : Part I
195773: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : Copy of the sixty-eighth report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor. Part 1
195774: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : The fourteenth annual report of the board of control for the year 1927: Part 1
195775: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : Seventeenth annual report of the board of control for the year 1930: part 1
195776: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : Sixty-fifth report of the commissioners in lunacy to the lord chancellor.Part 1 (presented pursuant to parliament)
195777: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : Copy of the sixty-second report of the commissioners in lunacy to the chancellor
195779: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : The twenty-first annual report of the board of control for the year 1934. Part 1
195780: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : The sixty-sixth report of the commissioners in lunacy to the lord chancellor
195783: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : The nineteenth annual report of the board of control for the year 1932. Part 1
195784: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : The eighteenth annual report of the board of control for the year 1931. Part 1
195778: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY - Lunacy : Copy of the second annual report of the board of control for the year 1915. Part 1
254637: LUNCZ, ABRAHAM MOSES (1854-1918). KRESSEL, GETZEL (1911-1986) - Netivot Tsiyon ?i-Yerushalayim : miv?ar ma'amre Avraham Mosheh Lunts / ?arukhim be-tseruf he?arot u-mavo me-et G. ?resel
142624: LUNCZ, ABRAHAM MOSES (ED. ) - Jerusalem : Year-Book for the Diffusion of an Accurate Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Palestine
195912: LUNCZ, ABRAHAM MOSES (ED. ) - Jerusalem : year-book for the diffusion of an accurate knowledge of ancient and modern Palestine / edited by A. M. Luncz [Vol. 2]
261509: FREDERIK CHRISTIAN 1826-1901 LUND - Danske national dragter = [Trajes nacionales daneses]
17741: LUND, ROBERT D. - Restoration and Early Eighteenth-Century English Literature 1660-1740 A Selected Bibliography of Resource Materials
240612: LUND HUMPHRIES. FISHENDEN, R. B. PENROSE ANNUAL - The Penrose annual : a review of the graphic arts. Vol. 50, , 1956 / edited by R.B. Fishenden
234874: LUNDAHL, GUNILLA. SMITH, PATRICK - Recent developments in Swedish architecture : a reappraisal
40511: LUNDBERG, ERIK (1907-) - Instability and Economic Growth
139798: LUNDBERG, ERIK (1907-) ED. - The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
140927: LUNDBERG, GEORGE ANDREW - Social Research, a Study in Methods of Gathering Data
45065: LUNDBERG, GEORGE ANDREW - Social Research, a Study in Methods of Gathering Data
166419: LUNDEN, WALTER ALBIN, (1899-) - Statistics on Delinquents and Delinquency, by Walter A. Lunden
229412: LUNDGREN, SVANTE - Hav och fjall
64204: LUNDIN, JOHN PHILIP (PSEUD. ) - Women; the Autobiographical Reflections of a Frustrated Male. Introd. by R. E. L. Masters
43033: LUNDKVIST, ARTUR - Journeys in Dream and Imagination
131933: SWEDISH TOURIST TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION. GOSTA LUNDQUIST (ED. ) - Sweden Past and Present. (Edited by Gösta Lundquist. Picture Texts by Harald Jacobson. ) [With Illustrations]
158382: THE CHILDREN OF NOAH : JEWISH SEAFARING IN ANCIENT TIMES / RAPHAEL PATAI ; WITH CONTRIBUTIONS BY JAMES HORNELL AND JOHN M. LUNDQUIST - The Children of Noah : Jewish Seafaring in Ancient Times / Raphael Patai ; with Contributions by James Hornell and John M. Lundquist
139743: LUNDSTROM, GOSTA - The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus : a History of Interpretation from the Last Decades of the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day / [By] Gosta Lundstrom ; Translated by Joan Bulman
266013: LUNDY, MIRANDA - Sacred geometry
273593: LUNGHANS, H.A - Das Nibelungenlied
95679: LUNGHI, HUGH - Dubcek's Blueprint for Freedom : His Original Documents Leading to the Invasion of Czechoslavakia / Profile by Hugh Lunghi, Commentary by Paul Ello
181091: LUNN, ARNOLD HENRY MOORE, SIR (1888-1974) - Spanish rehearsal
212298: LUNN, ARNOLD - The Bernese Oberland
193503: LUNN, JONATHAN (1969- ) - Killigrew and the golden dragon
193485: LUNN, JONATHAN (1969- ) - Killigrew and the north-west passage
193477: LUNN, JONATHAN (1969- ) - Killigrew and the incorrigibles
187079: LUNN, HENRY S. (HENRY SIMPSON) (1859-1939) - Municipal studies and international friendship
187077: LUNN, HENRY S. (HENRY SIMPSON) (1859-1939) - Municipal studies and international friendship
136262: LUNN, HENRY S. (HENRY SIMPSON) - Municipal Lessons from Southern Germany
147896: LUNN, HENRY SIMPSON, SIR (1859-1939) - Municipal Lessons from Southern Germany
132279: LUNN, HENRY SIMPSON, SIR (1859-1939) - Municipal Lessons from Southern Germany, by Henry S. Lunn. with an Introduction by the Right Hon. Sir John Gorst
131134: LUNN, HENRY SIMPSON (1859-1939) - Municipal Studies and International Friendship / Henry S. Lunn
133031: LUNN, ARNOLD HENRY MOORE - Revolutionary Socialism in Theory and Practice / Sir Arnold Lunn
143445: LUNN, ARNOLD HENRY MOORE, SIR (1888-1974) - Revolutionary Socialism in Theory and Practice / Sir Arnold Lunn
17237: LUNN, BRIAN - The Charm of Belgium
207072: LUNN, BRIAN - Salvation dynasty
263978: LUNNY, ROBERT M - Early maps of North America
76706: LUNSFORD, ANDREA A. (1942-) , ED. - The Right to Literacy / Edited by Andrea A. Lunsford, Helene Moglen, and James Slevin
240723: LUNSINGH SCHEURLEER, D. F. FL. (1966) - Chinese export porcelain : Chine de commande / D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer
272249: LUNT, JAMES D - 16th/5th the Queen's Royal Lancers
245306: LUNT, EDWARD C - Surety bonds: nature, functions, underwriting requirements
191010: LUNT, THEODORE ROBERT WOOSNAM (1878-) - The quest of nations : a study in national and international ideals
151743: LUNT, CARROLL - Breaks in the Clouds
37362: LUNT, DUDLEY CAMMETT - Taylors Gut - in the Delaware State
48195: LUNZER, E. A. - The Regulation of Behaviour
215651: LUPERTZ, MARKUS; WEBER, C SYLVIA; ELSEN-SCHWEDLER, BEATE - Markus Lupertz : Malerei, Zeichnung, Skulptur : [Museum Wurth, Kunzelsau, June 13-Nov. 3, 2002]
59762: LUPINO, STEPHAN - En Avant!
111523: LUPO, MAXINE VAN EVERA. AMY ALCOTT. JAN NICHOLS (ILL. ) - Building Your Swing for Better Golf, with Amy Alcott / Maxine Van Evera ; Ill. by Jan Nichols, Consultant Illustrator, Dom Lupo
135580: LUPO, MASSIMO - Biologia E Marxismo
77945: LUPOFF, RICHARD A. (1935-) - The Triune Man
123527: LUPOFF, RICHARD A. (1935-) - Sword of the Demon : a Novel
269267: LUPOFF, RICHARD A - Edgar Rice Burroughs : master of adventure / preface by Henry Hardy Heins
187480: LUPPE, ROBERT DE - Les idees litteraires de Madame de Stael et l'heritage des lumieres (1795-1800)
95230: LUPTON, ARNOLD - Happy India, As it Might be if Guided by Modern Science
244695: LUPTON, ARNOLD. GLADSTONE, RT. HON. W. E. BESANT, ANNIE. LEES, DR. F.R. VINDEX. SANDERSON, REV. EDGAR. - Collected Political Pamphlets: Our Inheritance in the Earth: (Part I) or, Room enough for all: a lecture; Visit to Leeds of the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, Prime Minister, October 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1881: his Speeches on Free Trade; The Redistribution of Political Power; Pamphlets; The Life and Labours of the late Joseph Livesey and a Lesson to be learnt from it; What Lord Beaconsfield has Done; A Popular Review of Politcal Work during the Reign of Queen Victoria;
8679: LURIE, ALISON - The Truth about Lorin Jones
255857: LURIE, ALISON - Foreign affairs / Alison Lurie
157646: LURIE, ALISON - The Truth about Lorin Jones : a Novel
15584: LURIE, LEONARD - Party Politics Why We Have Poor Presidents
13291: LURIE, ALISON - The Last Resort : a Novel / Alison Lurie
255890: LURIE, ALISON - The last resort / Alison Lurie
73155: LURIE, ROSE G. - The Great March; Post-Biblical Jewish Stories, by Rose G. Lurie; Illustrations by Todros Geller
48546: LURIE, ALISON - The Truth about Lorin Jones : a Novel
12181: LURIE, ALISON - The Truth about Lorin Jones
218634: LURIE, ABRAM YAKOVLEVICH - Portrety deyateley Parizhskoy Kommuny. [Portraits of the Paris Commune. Language: Russian]
272771: LURKER, MANFRED - The gods and symbols of ancient Egypt : an illustrated dictionary / Manfred Lurker
272232: LURKER, MANFRED - The gods and symbols of ancient Egypt : an illustrated dictionary / Manfred Lurker
194956: LUSCHAN, FELIX VON (1854-1924) - Volker, rassen, sprachen / von Felix v. Luschan
215074: LUSH, A.J. - The young adult : being a report prepared in co-operation with young men in Cardiff, Newport and Pontypridd, under the auspices of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust
168313: LUSHINGTON, HENRY (1812-1855) - A great country's little wars or, England, Affghanistan,[sic] and Sinde : being a sketch, with reference to their morality and policy, of recent transactions on the north-western frontier of India
244167: LUSHINGTON, ELLEN E - Storm and calm on the downs
263887: LUSINI, ALDO - Mostra Cateriniana : di documenti, manoscritti e edizioni (secoli XIII-XVIII) nel palazzo del comune di Siene, Agosto-Ottobre, 1947, catalogo
204117: LUSK, HUGH H. (HUGH HART) (1838-1926) - Social welfare in New Zealand : the result of twenty years of progressive social legislation and its significance for the United States and other countries
242053: DE LUSSY, FLORENCE - Charmes d'aprčs les manuscrits de Paul Valéry : histoire d'une métamorphose. 1 / Florence de Lussy
236150: LUSSY, FLORENCE DE - L'univers formel de la poésie chez Valéry, ou, La recherche d'une morphologie généralisée / Florence de Lussy
229821: BAYERISCHES NATIONALMUSEUM. FILIALMUSEUM LUSTHEIM - Schloss Lustheim : Meissener Porzellan-Sammlung Stiftung Ernst Schneider
38392: LUSTY, ROBERT - Bound to be Read
245842: LUTHARDT, CHRISTOPH ERNST (1823-1902). GREGORY, CASPAR RENÉ (1846-1917) - St. John's Gospel described and explained according to its peculiar character
248217: LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546) - A commentary on the Galatians : By Martin Luther. With the life of the author
266340: LUTHER, MARTIN - Die Bibel: oder die ganze: heilige schrift: deutsch von Doktor Martin Luther: 1. Band
261632: LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546) - Commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians
232959: LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546) - Die Bibel, oder, Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers
166254: LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546) , TR. BILLMEYER, MICHAEL (1752-1837) , PRINTER - Das Neue Testament Unsers Herrn Und Heylandes Jesu Christi : Nach Der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers, Mit Kurzem Inhalt Eines Jeden Capitels, Und Vollstandiger Anweisung Gleicher Schrift-Stellen. Wie Auch Aller Sonn...
215807: LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546). FICKER, JOHANNES (1861-1944) - Luthers Vorlesung uber den Hebraerbrief, 1517/18 : die Glosse / hrsg. von Johannes Ficker
186353: LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546) - A compend of Luther's theology / edited by Hugh Thomson Kerr
233975: LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546) - Die Bibel : oder,die ganze heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers
59054: LUTHER, MARTIN - Luther's Table-Talk. Extract Selected by Dr Macaulay
115651: LUTHERA, VED PRAKASH - The Concept of the Secular State and India
157092: LUTHI, WALTER (1901- ). BRUNNER, ROBERT - The Sermon on the Mount
147225: LUTHI, WALTER - The Letter to the Romans, an Exposition. Translated by Kurt Schoenenberger
172996: LUTKEN, ANDRE - Fra Adria til Bosporus. Brogede Bille der fra Europas urolige Hjorne
280890: LUTRARIO, ALBERTO - La tutela dell'igiene e della sanita pubblica durante la guerra e dopo la vittoria. 1, L'opera di profilassi e l'opera di ricostruzione
233314: LUTTRELL, HENRY (1765?-1851) - Letters to Julia : in rhyme. Third edition. To which are added Lines written at Ampthill-Park
279740: LUTTRELL, HENRY (1765-1851) - Advice to Julia. : A letter in rhyme
279741: LUTTRELL, HENRY (1765-1851) - Advice to Julia. : A letter in rhyme
16588: LUTTWAK, EDWARD - A Dictionary of Modern War
269105: LUTYENS, EDWIN LANDSEER SIR (1869-1944) - The Letters of Edwin Lutyens to his wife Lady Emily / edited by Clayre Percy and Jane Ridley
186059: LUTYENS, WILLIAM ENDERBY - After His Likeness
166366: LUTYENS, MARY (ED. ) - Young Mrs. Ruskin in Venice; Unpublished Letters of Mrs. John Ruskin Written from Venice between 1849-1852. Edited by Mary Lutyens
183130: LUTZ, TOM - Doing nothing : a history of loafers, loungers, slackers and bums in America / Tom Lutz
168206: LUTZ, CORA E. (CORA ELIZABETH), (1906- ) - Essays on manuscripts and rare books
256578: LUTZ, CORA E. (CORA ELIZABETH) - Essays on manuscripts and rare books
128994: LUTZ, FRIEDRICH A. - The Theory of Interest. [By] Friedrich A. Lutz. [Translated from the German by Claus Wittich]
41369: LUTZ, S. M. - The Garland of Song : a Collection of Sacred and Secular Music
65239: LUTZ, ALMA - Susan B. Anthony: Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
162698: LUX, P. T. - La Lecon De L'Autriche 1919-1937
249089: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Gegen den Reformismus / Rosa Luxemburg ; eingel. und bearb. von P. Frölich.- Volume 3
267690: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Politische Schriften 1 / [von] Rosa Luxemburg ; hrsg. und eingeleitet von Ossip K. Flechtheim.
186817: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - The mass strike : the political party and the trade unions, and the Junius pamphlet
184762: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Briefe an Freunde / Rosa Luxemburg ; nach d. von Luise Kautsky fertiggestellten Ms. ; hrsg. von Benedikt Kautsky
176551: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Comrade and lover : Rosa Luxemburg's letters to Leo Jogiches / edited and translated by Elzbieta Ettinger
146918: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919). DAVIS, HORACE BANCROFT (1898-) - The National Question : Selected Writings
137734: LUXEMBURG, ROSA / BUKHARIN, NIKOLAI - Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital
181533: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Politische Schriften II
216064: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Theory and practice, also 'In conclusion ...' from Attrition or collision / Rosa Luxemburg ; translated by David Wolff
189519: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Marxisme contre Dictature : Centralisme et democratie - Masse et Chefs - Liberte de la critique at de la Science
138016: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Comrade and Lover : Rosa Luxemburg's Letters to Leo Jogiches / Edited and Translated from the Polish by Elzbieta Ettinger
75078: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Comrade and Lover : Rosa Luxemburg's Letters to Leo Jogiches / Edited and Translated by Elz? Bieta Ettinger
244952: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919). INSTITUT FÜR MARXISMUS-LENINISMUS - Gesammelte Werke [von] Rosa Luxemburg. Band 1: (1893 bis 1905): zweiter halbband
280675: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Letters from prison / [by] Rosa Luxemburg ; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
180888: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Leninism or Marxism?
136697: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Briefe Aus Dem Gefangnis
191469: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Die Russische Revolution, eine kritische Wurdigung
195569: DIE RUSSISCHE REVOLUTION : EINE KRITISCHE WĂĽRDIGUNG / AUS DEM NACHLASS VON ROSA LUXEMBURG (1871-1919) - Die Russische Revolution : eine kritische Wurdigung / aus dem Nachlass von Rosa Luxemburg
197530: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Rosa Luxemburg / Rosa Luxemburg ; mit Einem Vorwort von Wilhelm Peick
206505: LUXEMBURG, ROSA (1871-1919) - Gesammelte Werke / Rosa Luxemburg. Band 1: 1893 bis 1905. Erster Halbband
131152: LUXFORD, KEITH - Culture of the Chrysanthemum
33079: LUZA, RADOMIR - The Transfer of the Sudeten Germans A Study of Czech-German Relations 1933-1962
222162: GALERIE FISCHER LUZERN - Gemalde alter und moderner Meister [exhibition catalouge - Galerie Fischer Luzern, 1994]
218543: LUZHIN, A. V. - Gorodskiye sovety deputatov trudyashchikhsya [City Councils of People's Deputies. Language: Russian]
194946: LUZZATTI, LUIGI (1841-1927) - God in freedom : studies in the relations between church and state
180892: LUZZATTI, LUIGI - Italia e Germania nel Trattato di pace di Versailles
161867: LUZZATTO, SAMUEL DAVID - La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel : Vol. XXXII, No. 9-10, Septembre-Octobre 1966
162510: LUZZATTO, GINO (1878-1964) - Storia Economica Dell'eta Moderna E Contemporanea
138822: LUZZATTO, GINO (1878-1964) - An Economic History of Italy : from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century / Translated from the Italian by Philip Jones
218051: LVAVI, JACOB - ha- Hityashvut ha-yehudit be-Birobigan. [The Jewish colonization in Birobijan / Jacob Lvavai (Babitski). Language: Hebrew]
248633: LYALL, ALFRED COMYN SIR (1835-1911) - The life of the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. Vol. 1
274841: LYALL, SUTHERLAND - The state of British architecture / Sutherland Lyall
241787: LYALL, SUTHERLAND - The state of British architecture / (by) Sutherland Lyall
113760: LYALL, LEONARD ARTHUR - China, by L. A. Lyall; with a Foreword by H. A. L. Fisher
174064: LYALL, ALFRED COMYN, SIR (1835-1911) - The rise of the British dominion in India
169256: LYALL, GAVIN (ED.) - The war in the air: the Royal Air Force in World War II edited by Gavin Lyall
57370: LYALL, ARCHIBALD (1904-1964) - The Future of Taboo in These Islands
263656: LYALL, ALFRED COMYN SIR (1835-1911) - Warren Hastings
193877: LYAUTEY, PIERRE - Chine ou Japon (1932-1933) / Pierre Lyautey
98996: LYAUTEY, PIERRE - Claude Barres : a Hero in Revolt. / Translated from the French by Humphrey Hare
120923: LYAUTEY, PIERRE - Claude Barres, a Hero in Revolt, by Pierre Lyautey ...
165665: LYAUTEY, MARECHAL, ET AL. - L' Islam Et La Politique Contemporaine : Conferences Organisees Par La Societe Des Anciens Eleves Et Eleves De L'Ecole Libre Des Sciences Politiques. Marechal Lyautey, Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Paul Boyer, Marcel Granet, General Weygand, Rene Pinon, Et Al.
112375: LYAUTEY, PIERRE - Claude Barres: a Hero in Revolt
167530: LYAUTEY, PIERRE - Iran secret
190664: LYAUTEY, PIERRE - Liban moderne
189092: LYBARGER, DONALD FISHER (1896-1970) - The origin of the Western Reserve
275866: LYCETT GREEN, CANDIDA - England : travels through an unwrecked landscape / Candida Lycett Green ; photographs by Bill Burlington
240990: LYCETT, ANDREW - From diamond sculls to golden handcuffs : a history of Rowe & Pitman / Andrew Lycett
240510: LYCETT GREEN, CANDIDA; THYNNE, CHRISTOPHER - Hadrian in the Orient
30641: LYDALL, HAROLD - The Structure of Earnings
57299: LYDALL, HAROLD FRENCH - British Incomes and Savings
130985: LYDALL, HAROLD - British Incomes and Savings
225768: LYDE, LIONEL WILLIAM - A child's geography of England and Wales.
229358: LYDEKKER, RICHARD (1849-1915) - A hand-book to the British Mammalia
42482: LYDEN, JACKI - Daughter of the Queen of Sheba
193510: LYDGATE, JOHN (1370?-1451?) - Lydgate's Temple of glas / edited with introduction and notes by J. Schick
209522: LYDIS, MARIETTE (1894-1970) - Mariette Lydis : avec une introduction de l'artiste / 39 reproductions en noir, 16 en couleur
85462: LYDON, MICHAEL - How to Succeed in Show Business by Really Trying ; a Handbook for the Aspiring Performer - [Photographs by Ellen Mandel]
81695: LYDON, MICHAEL - Ray Charles : Man and Music / Michael Lydon
65191: LYDON, MICHAEL - Boogie lightning
105335: LYDON, MICHAEL - How to Succeed in Show Business by Really Trying : a Handbook for the Aspiring Performer
227799: LYELL, JAMES PATRICK RONALDSON (1871-1948) - La ilustración del libro antiguo en Espańa / James P.R. Lyell ; edición, prólogo y notas, Julián Martín Abad ; traducción de Héctor Silva
212117: LYKOVA, LIDIA - Social security
172547: LYKOVA, L. - Social security in the USSR
176685: LYKOVA, LIDIA - Social security: The ussr. yesterday, today and tomorrow
208259: LYKOVA, LIDIA - Social Security : the USSR yesterday, today and tomorrow
273534: LYLE, SANDY - To the fairway born : the autobiography / Sandy Lyle
265267: LYLE, EVELYN - The search for the Royal Road
186143: LYLE, JEROLYN R. - Women in industry : employment patterns of women in corporate America / [by] Jerolyn R. Lyle [and] Jane L. Ross
280993: TATE AND LYLE - Lyles Golden Syrup : 30 Best Loved Recipes
65125: LYLE, ROB - Mistral
276611: LYLES, ANNE - Turner and natural history : the Farnley project
276138: LYLES, ANNE - Colour into line : Turner and the art of engraving / Anne Lyles and Diane Perkins
184920: LYLES, ANNE. PERKINS, DIANE. TATE GALLERY - Colour into line : Turner and the art of engraving / Anne Lyles and Diane Perkins [exhibition catalogue]
250401: LYLY, JOHN. ARBER, EDWARD [EDITOR] - English Reprints: John Lyly: Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (editio princeps. 1579): Euphues and His England (editio princeps. 1580)
90202: LYMAN, STANFORD M. - Militarism, Imperialism, and Racial Accommodation : an Analysis and Interpretation of the Early Writings of Robert E. Park
66053: LYMAN, DARIUS (1821?-1892) - Leaven for Doughfaces; Or, Threescore and Ten Parables Touching Slavery
66084: LYMAN, HENRY (1915-) - Tackle Talk, by Henry Lyman and Frank Woolner
107407: LYMAN, HENRY. FRANK WOOLNER - Tackle Talk
146711: LYMINGTON, G. V, VISCOUNT - Famine in England
276550: LYNAM, EDWARD - The mapmaker's art : essays on the history of maps
276486: LYNAM, EDWARD - British maps and map-makers / Edward Lynam ; with 8 plates in colour and 22 illustrations in black & white
276223: LYNAM, EDWARD - British maps and map-makers / Edward Lynam
259791: LYNAM, SHEVAWN - Humanity Dick Martin : 'King of Connemara' 1754-1834 / Shevawn Lynam
209839: LYNAM, EDWARD - British maps and map-makers / Edward Lynam ; with 8 plates in colour and 22 illustrations in black & white
247944: LYNAM, EDWARD WILLIAM O’FLAHERTY - British maps and map-makers / Edward Lynam
274584: LYNCH, FRANCES MARION - Excavations in the Brenig Valley : a Mesolithic and Bronze Age landscape in North Wales / Frances Lynch ; with contributions by David Allen ... [et al.
259307: LYNCH, JOHN - The Spanish American revolutions, 1808-1826 / (by) John Lynch
211853: LYNCH, STEVEN - The Lord's test : 1884-1989
177961: LYNCH, PATRICK - Carriers / Patrick Lynch
145640: LYNCH, PATRICIA. PEGGY FORTNUM (ILL. ) - Brogeen and the Green Shoes / Patricia Lynch; Illustrated by Peggy Fortnum
13292: LYNCH, CHRIS - Blood Relations / Chris Lynch
252431: LYNCH, HANNAH - George Meredith : a study
186416: LYNCH, JEREMIAH - A senator of the fifties
225332: LYNCH, DIARMUID (1878-1950) - The I.R.B. and the 1916 insurrection : a record of the preparations for the Rising, with comments on published works relating thereto, and a report on operations in the G.P.O. garrison area during Easter Week, 1916
278447: LYNCH, HANNAH - George Meredith : a study
194566: LYNCH, THOMAS TOKE (1818-1871) - Memorials of Theophilus Trinal, student
22327: LYNCH, JOHN - Spanish Colonial Administration 1782-1818 - the Intendant System in the Viceroyalty of the Rio De La Plata
87616: LYNCH, JOHN (1904-) , COMP. - The Coffee Table Book of Astrology, Edited by John Lynch
57407: LYNCH, E. M. - Killboylan Bank or Every Man His Own Banker. Being an Account of How Killboylan Characters Concerned Themselves about Co-Operative Credit
224350: LYNCH-ROBINSON, CHRISTOPHER HENRY SIR, BART. - Intelligible heraldry : the application of a medieval system of record and identification to modern needs
169750: LYNCH, ARTHUR - Ireland : vital hour
191787: LYNCH, PATRICK (TRANSLATED BY) - The Evangelical Church in Berlin and the Soviet zone of Germany
221836: LYNCH, JOHN GILBERT BOHUN (1884-) - The prize ring ... : illustrated by reproductions of old prints, several oil paintings, and of the famous Byron screen / John Gilbert Bohun Lynch
115771: LYNCH, BOHUN (1884-1928) - Max Beerbohm in Perspective
270704: LYND, SYLVIA (1888-1952) - English children / Sylvia Lynd
254714: LYND, ROBERT (1879-1949) - Irish & English : portraits and impressions
36773: LYND, ROBERT S. AND LYND, HELEN MERRELL - Middletown in Transition - a Study in Cultural Conflicts
49779: LYND, ROBERT - Books & Authors
238335: LYNDOE, EDWARD - Everyman's astrology
85402: LYNES, BARBARA BUHLER (1942-) - O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes : the Artist's Collection / Barbara Buhler Lynes with Russell Bowman
84012: LYNES, RUSSELL - The Lively Audience : a Social History of the Visual and Performing Arts in America, 1890-1950 / Russell Lynes
77149: LYNES, RUSSELL (1910-) - A Surfeit of Honey
109319: LYNES, BARBARA BUHLER. RUSSELL BOWMAN - O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes : the Artist's Collection
122896: LYNES, BARBARA BUHLER (1942-). O'KEEFFE, GEORGIA (1887-1986). BOWMAN, RUSSELL (1946-) - O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes : the Artist's Collection / Barbara Buhler Lynes with Russell Bowman
116717: LYNES, BARBARA BUHLER (1942-) - O'Keeffe, Stieglitz and the Critics, 1916-1929
196004: LYNES, RUSSELL (1910-?) - The taste-makers illustrated
207642: LYNES, TONY - Pension rights and wrongs, a critique of the conservative scheme
77771: LYNN, ELIZABETH A. - The Silver Horse
276951: LYNN, MARTHA DREXLER - American studio glass, 1960-1990
273027: LYNN-ALLEN, ESMOND H - Leaves from a game book
258496: LYNN, KENNETH SCHUYLER - The comic tradition in America : an anthology / edited with foreword and notes by Kenneth S. Lynn
226294: LYNN, MARTHA DREXLER - Sculpture, glass, and American museums / Martha Drexler Lynn
213359: LYNN, JONATHAN ; JAY, ANTONY [EDS.] - Yes, Minister : the diaries of a cabinet minister
157556: LYNN, JANET - Peace + Love [By] Janet Lynn, with Dean Merrill
266169: LYNN-ALLEN, ESMOND HARCOURT - Rough shoot : Some thoughts for the Owner-Keeper by Captain E.H. Lynn-Allen Illustrated by The Master of Elphinstone
108433: LYNN, ELIZABETH A. - The Sardonyx Net
108436: LYNN, ELIZABETH A. - Watchtower
114155: LYNN, ROBERT W. - The Big Little School; Sunday Child of American Protestantism, by Robert W. Lynn and Elliott Wright
122889: LYNN, ELWYN - Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly : the Ned Kelly Paintings in the Australian National Gallery and a Selection of the Artist's Sketches for the Series : Elwyn Lynn's Story of the Paintings with Sir Sidney Nolan's Comments [In Original Slip-Case]
189729: LYNN, LINTON; SMITH, ARTHUR (ILLUS.) - Whiskers Patch. (The chronicles of a countryman. Illustrated by Arthur Smith.)
255868: LYNTON, NORBERT - The story of modern art / [by] Norbert Lynton
226486: LYNTON, NORBERT - The story of modern art / Norbert Lynton
256934: LYNTON, NORBERT - The modern world
49851: LYNTON, NORBERT - The Modern World
167499: LYNTON, ROLF P. - Incentives and management in British industry
141583: LYNTON, ROLF P. - Incentives and Management in British Industry
95470: LYNTON, ROLF P. - The Tide of Learning : the Aloka Experience
269226: LYNX, J.J - The Film Fan's Bedside Book No. 2
168252: LYNX, J. J. - The prince of thieves; a biography of George Manolesco, alias H.H. Prince Lahovary, alias the Duke of Ontario
196323: LYNX, J. J. [ED.] - The future of the Jews : a symposium / edited by J. J. Lynx
206943: LYNX, J. J. [ED.] - The future of the Jews : a symposium / edited by J. J. Lynx
204221: LYON, PHILIPPA; M. WOODHAM, JONATHAN M. (EDS) - Art and design at Brighton 1859-2009 : from arts and manufactures to the creative and cultural industries / Philippa Lyon and Jonathan M. Woodham (eds)
187417: LYON, DAVID GORDON (1852-1935) - An Assyrian manual : for the use of beginners in the study of the Assyrian language
251285: CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE DE LYON - Compte-rendu des travaux de la Chambre de Commerce de Lyon : anée 1910
216424: GENEVE ET BALE: LYON - Nabroski Filosofii [Outline of Philosophy. Language: Russian]
183903: CHUAN-PO FU; UNIVERSITE DE LYON - Etude historique et critique sur le re´gime douanier de la Chine
263351: LYON, IAN - Illustrated London News: Ten years of De Gaulles
106346: LYON, ISAAC S. (1812-1882) - Recollections of an Old Cartman : Old New York Street Life
46639: LYON, PETER - Eisenhower - Portrait of the Hero
102661: LYON, MARY - Memoir of Miss Mary Lyon
244623: CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE DE LYON - Compte-rendu des travaux de la Chambre de Commerce de Lyon : anées 1901, 1905, 1906, 1911 and 1912
124488: LYON, WILLIAM EDGAR (1885-) - Youth in the Saddle / edited by Lt. - Col. W. E. Lyon
118255: LYON, WILLIAM HENRY (1846-1915) - A Study of the Christian Sects, by William H. Lyon
167445: LYON, JACQUES - La crise en Russie sovietique
85869: LYON, WILLIAM EDGAR, ED. - Youth in the Saddle
87869: LYON, PETER (1915-) - Eisenhower: Portrait of the Hero
211401: LYON, LAURANCE (1875-1932) - The path to peace
270381: CREDIT LYONNAIS - Catalogue of French Airplanes: et pourtant Ils Volent Encore: 91590 Cerny-la-ferté-alais
163124: LYONNET, HENRY (1853-1933) - Les 'Premieres' De P. Corneille / Preface De Auguste Dorchain
96309: LYONS, GRAHAM (1936-?) ED - The Russian Version of the Second World War : the History of the War As Taught to Soviet Schoolchildren
93425: LYONS, GRAHAM (1936-) , ED. - The Russian Version of the Second World War : the History of the War As Taught to Soviet Schoolchildren
90079: LYONS, EUGENE (1898-?) ED - We Cover the World, by Sixteen Foreign Correspondents
75809: LYONS, LOUIS MARTIN (1897-) - Newspaper Story; One Hundred Years of the Boston Globe
270321: LYONS, MARTYN - Napoleon Bonaparte and the legacy of the French Revolution / Martyn Lyons
259809: LYONS, JAMES - My Irish hills
251236: LYONS, MATHEW - The favourite / Mathew Lyons
183493: LYONS, NICK - Fisherman's bounty : a treasury of fascinating lore and the finest stories from the world of angling / edited by Nick Lyons
125887: LYONS, PAUL R. - Fire in America!
70555: LYONS, GENE MARTIN (1924-) - Education and Military Leadership: a Study of the R. O. T. C.
69100: LYONS, LOUIS M. (ED. ) - Reporting the News; Selections from Nieman Reports. Edited, with an Introd. , by Louis M. Lyons
144771: LYONS, A. NEIL (ALBERT MICHAEL NEIL) - Robert Blatchford: the Sketch of a Personality: an Estimate of Some Achievements. by A. Neil Lyons
13234: LYONS, AGNES CLAIRE (1908-) - Invitation to Boston, a Merry Guide to Her Past, Present, and Future. Photos. by Samuel Chamberlain, Maps by Chadbourne & Wilcox
236001: LYONS, FORREST D - Collectors guide to postcards
246194: LYONS, CRAIG & STARKEY, MIKE - It's a Long Old Road: A tribute to Steve Edwards from his family and friends
31534: LYONS, A. NEIL (ALBERT MICHAEL NEIL) - Robert Blatchford - the Sketch of a Personality: an Estimate of Some Achievements
40941: LYONS, EUGENE (1898-) - The Herbert Hoover Story
197093: LYONS, GEORGE J. - The strategy of job finding
198714: LYOTARD, JEAN-FRANCOIS (1924-1998) - Heidegger and 'the jews' / Jean-Francois Lyotard ; translation by Andreas Michel and Mark S. Roberts ; foreword by David Carroll
204340: LYSANDER, ALBERT TEODOR (1822-1890) - C. J. L. Almquist / A. Th. Lysander [Language: Swedish]
259378: LYSENKO, TROFIM DENISOVICH (1898-1976) - Soviet biology : report to the Lenin academy of agricultural sciences Moscow, 1948
263153: LYSENKO, TROFIM (1898-1976) - Soviet biology : report by Trofim Denisovich Lysenko to the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences / [by T. D. Lysenko]
172646: LYSENKO, TROFIM DENISOVICH (1898-1976) - New developments in the science of biological species
193069: LYSENKO, TROFIM DENISOVICH (1898-1976) - New developments in the science of biological species / T. D. Lysenko
210575: LYSENKO, TROFIM (1898-1976) - Soviet biology : report to the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Science
192695: LYSIS [PSEUD., I.E. EUGENE LE TAILLEUR] - Pour Renaitre
243022: LYSONS, DANIEL (1762-1834) - An historical account of those parishes in the county of Middlesex which are not described in The environs of London
46869: LYSTAD, ROBERT A. - The African World - a Survey of Social Research
275196: LYTE, H. C. MAXWELL SIR - A history of Eton college : 1440-1875
159179: LYTE, H. C. MAXWELL - A History of the University of Oxford from the Earliest Times to the Year 1530. by H. C. Maxwell Lyte
68069: LYTE, HERBERT O. (1892-) - Spanish Literature and Spain in Some of the Leading German Magazines of the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century, by Herbert O. Lyte
43639: LYTE, HERBERT O. - Spanish Literature and Spain in Some of the Leading German Magazines of the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century
97742: LYTLE, R. J. - Industrialized Builders Handbook. R. J. Lytle, Editor & Author
139524: LYTLE, CHARLES WALTER - Wage Incentive Methods : Their Selection, Installation and Operation
185467: LYTLE, CHARLES WALTER - Wage incentive methods : their selection, installation and operation / Charles Walter Lytle
263534: LYTTELTON, GEORGE - The Lyttelton Hart-Davis letters : correspondence of George Lyttelton and Rupert Hart-Davis. Vol.3 1958 / edited and introduced by Rupert Hart-Davis
214101: LYTTELTON, GEORGE LYTTELTON, BARON (1709-1773) - Ephemera
208430: LYTTELTON, ROBERT HENRY (ET AL.) - Giants of the game : being reminiscences of the stars of cricket from Daft down to 1900
166623: LYTTLE, RICHARD B. - Waves Across the Past : Adventures in Underwater Archeology / Richard B. Lyttle ; with Illustrations by the Author
157804: LYTTLE, RICHARD B. - Basic Volleyball Strategy : an Introduction for Young Players / Richard B. Lyttle ; Illustrated with Diagrs. by John Lane
267192: LYTTLETON, ALFRED - The Housing Problem
254213: LYTTLETON, GEORGE COURTNEY - The History of England from the earliest dawn of Authentic record to the ultimate ratification of the General Peace of 1802: in three volumes
248266: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873) - Pelham, or, Adventures of a gentleman
272902: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873). SHARP, ROBERT FARQUHARSON (1864-1945) - The Lady of Lyons : and other plays
27032: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - England and the English. Complete in Two Volumes
256206: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873) - The pilgrims of the Rhine
261880: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873) - Bulwer's novels
253734: HORACE.; EDWARD BULWER LYTTON LYTTON - The odes and epodes of Horace : a metrical translation into English
248441: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873) - Harold : the last of the Saxon kings
188516: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - The last days of Pompeii
194228: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - The Caxtons : a family picture [bound with] The Pilgrims of the Rhine
215445: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873). CRAEMER, KURT (ILLUS.) - The last days of Pompeii / Edward George Bulwer-Lytton ; with an introduction by Edgar Johnson & illustrations by Kurt Craemer
270364: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873) - The last days of Pompeii
11586: LYTTON, DAVID - The Goddam White Man
108617: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - The Last Days of Pompeii, by Edward Bulwer Lytton (Lord Lytton). Pictures by F. C. Yohn
76165: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - RELATED NAME: GORDON, F. C - Richelieu: or the Conspiracy
71588: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - The Caxtons, a Family Picture
151688: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - England and the English. by the Author of Pelham Etc. [I. E. Bulwer Lytton] - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
29746: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - Dramas and Poems, by Edward Bulwer Lytton (Lord Lytton)
13290: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - Ernest Maltravers, by Edward Bulwer Lytton (Lord Lytton)
40542: LYTTON, DAVID - A Place Apart
121558: LYTTON, DAVID - The Freedom of the Cage
175572: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - The last days of Pompeii
261866: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873) - Devereux
218421: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873). GORDON, F. LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton. [3 volumes of historical fiction: The last days of Pompeii -- Harold, the last of the Saxon kings -- The last of the Barons]
218379: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER (1803-1873) - Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton [6 volumes of Historical fiction]
55720: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON, BARON (1803-1873) - The Last Days of Pompeii
252690: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER LYTTON BARON (1803-1873) - Lord Lytton's works - 19 volumes
217697: LYUBIMOV, S. P. - Rech' V. I. Lenina na III s'yezde komsomola 'Zadachi soyuzov molodezhi.' [VI Lenin's speech at the III Congress of the Young Communist League, 'The Tasks of the Youth.' Language: Russian]
215393: LYUBIMOVA, V. GAUZNER, NIKOLAI DMITRIEVICH - Working class on the wane? : (bourgeois theories and reality)
217364: LYUBOMIRA MARINOVA, PLYEVENU - Psikhicheskaya sushchnost' na prestupleniye [Psychic Entity. Language: Bulgarian]
218593: LYUBOMIROV, P. G. - Ocherk istorii Nizhegorodskogo opolcheniya 1611-1613 gg. / P. G. Lyubomirov. [Outline of the History of Nizhny Novgorod militia 1611-1613. Language: Russian]
217957: SIRRI DZHORDZHA KORNUOLA LYUISA - Koe e nai dobroto upravlenie? [What is good governance? Language: Bulgarian]
216045: LYVEDEN, LORD. SWIFT MACNEILL, J.G. - Address on the House of Lords and the Nation
46877: MĂĽLLER, KLAUS-JURGEN (1930-) - The Army, Politics, and Society in Germany, 1933-45 : Studies in the Army's Relation to Nazism - [Translation Of: Armee, Politik Und Gesellschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945]
68941: MA, PEARL AND ARMSTRONG, DONALD (EDS. ) - AIDS and Infections of Homosexual Men / Edited by Pearl Ma, Donald Armstrong
64087: MĂĽGGE, MAXIMILIAN AUGUST (1878-) - Friedrich Nietzsche, His Life and Work
113443: MAARTENS, MAARTEN (1858-1915) - God's Fool; a Koopstad Story, by Maarten Maartens [Pseud. ] ...
240429: MAARTENS, MAARTEN (1858-1915) - Some women I have known / [by Maarten Maartens]
92142: MAAS, PETER (1929-) - In a Child's Name : the Legacy of a Mother's Murder
28845: MAAS, PETER (1929-) - King of the Gypsies
272742: MAAS, PETER (1929-2001) - King of the gypsies / Peter Maas (Unrevised proof copy)
256324: MAAS, JEREMY - Victorian painters / Jeremy Maas
18202: MAAS, PETER (1929-) - Killer Spy The Inside Story of the Fbi's Pursuit and Capture of Aldrich Ames, America's Deadliest Spy
173618: MAAS, PETER (1929- ) - Manhunt / Peter Maas
173265: MAAS, PETER (1929-) - Killer spy : the inside story of the FBI's pursuit and capture of Aldrich Ames, America's deadliest spy / Peter Maas
167967: MAAS, PETER (1929-2001) - Killer spy: the inside story of the FBI's pursuit and capture of Aldrich Ames, America's deadliest spy
167336: MAAS, PETER (1929-) - The canary that sang
173327: MAAS GEESTERANUS, HENRY - The organisation of peace : ideas of an old Dutchman / Henry Maas Geesteranus
106047: MAAS, PETER (1929-) - In a Child's Name : the Legacy of a Mother's Murder / Peter Maas
107676: MAAS, PETER - King of the Gypsies / Peter Maas
32195: MAAS, PETER - The Rescuer
256960: MAASKAMP, E - Voyage dans l'interieur de la hollande dans les années 1806-1808: tome second
153788: MAASS, JOACHIM (1901-1972) - The Gouffe Case. Translated from the German by Michael Bullock
46321: ROYAL DUTCH PETROLEUM COMPANY. KONINKLIJKE NEDERLANDSCHE PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPIJ - The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company [N. V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappij] - 1890 -16 June - 1950. Diamond Jubilee Book
43481: MABBOTT, J. D. - The State and the Citizen - an Introduction to Political Philosophy
28619: MABBUTT, J. A. - Desert Landforms
14841: MABBUTT, J. A. - Desert Landforms
5830: MABELL, COUNTESS OF AIRLIE - Lady Palmerston and Her Times Complete in Two Volumes
247805: MABERLY, JOSEPH - The print collector : an introduction to the knowledge necessary for forming a collection of ancient prints. Containing suggestions as to the mode of commencing collector, the selection of specimens, the prices and care of prints. Also notices of the marks of proprietorship used by collectors, remarks on the ancient and modern practice of the art and a catalogue raisonné of books on engraving and prints
227819: MABEY, RICHARD (1941-) - The perfumier and the stinkhorn
208948: MABEY, RICHARD (1941- ) - The Frampton Flora
158176: MABEY, RICHARD (1941-) - The Frampton flora
278217: MABEY, DAVID - In search of food : traditional eating and drinking in Britain
278751: MABEY, RICHARD - The pollution handbbook : the ACE/Sunday Times clean air and water surveys
265915: MABIE, HAMILTON W. [AUTHOR AND EDITOR] - John Milton: The Mentor Reading Course: The Mentor: Department of Literature: December 15, 1915
89177: MABIE, HAMILTON WRIGHT (1846-1916) - William Shakespeare; Poet, Dramatist, and Man, by Hamilton Wright Mabie. with One Hundred Illustrations
139325: MABIE, HAMILTON WRIGHT (1846-1916) - Backgrounds of Literature - Illustrated
176650: MABILE DE PONCHEVILLE, ANDRE - Jeunesse de Peguy, avec un essai inedit de Peguy : Du role de la volonte dans la croyance
172471: MABILLE DE PONCHEVILLE, ANDRE - Promenades avec Verhaeren
195576: MABILLE DE PONCHEVILLE, A. - Verhaeren en Hainaut / par Andre M. de Poncheville
279207: MABILLON, JEAN (1632-1707) - De liturgia Gallicana libri III. : In quibus veteris Missć, quae ante annos mille apud Gallos in usu erat, forma ritusque eruuntur ex antiquis monumentis, Lectionario Gallicano hactenus inedito, & tribus Missalibus Thomasianis, quae integra referuntur. : Accedit disquisitio de cursu Gallicano, seu de divinorum officiorum origine & progressu in ecclesiis Gallicanis
177811: MABRO, ROBERT - The industrialization of Egypt, 1939-1973 : policy and performance / Robert Mabro and Samir Radwan
217102: MABUIL'S'KY, DMITRO ZAKHAROVICH. - The results of socialist construction in the U.S.S.R. (Seventh World Congress Communist International.)
81428: MAC LIAMMOIR, MICHEAL (1899-1978) - Enter a Goldfish : Memoirs of an Irish Actor, Young and Old
266527: MAC SAY, STEPHEN - La Vivisection, ce crime!
258460: MAC CÁRTHAIGH, CRÍOSTÓIR - Treasures of the National Folklore Collection = Seoda as Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann / edited by Críostóir Mac Cárthaigh ... [et al.] ; foreword by T.K. Whitaker
255425: MAC AN BHEATHA, PROINSIAS - Tart na córa. Saol agus saothar Shéamais Ui´ Chonghaile
255161: MAC AONGUSA, BRIAN - Hidden streams : a new history of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown / Brian Mac Aongusa
254996: MAC GIOLLA-DOMHNAIGH, PADRAIG - Some Ulster surnames
245169: MAC CRAITH, SEAN MAC RUAIDHRI. O'GRADY, STANDISH HAYES. FLOWER, ROBIN. IRISH TEXT SOCIETY - Caithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh / [by] Sean (Mac Ruaidhrí) Mac Craihth ; edited by Standish Hayes O'Grady ; introduction and index by Robin Flower. Vol. 1
221473: MAC LIAMMOIR, MICHEAL; BOLAND, EAVAN - W.B. Yeats and his world
215791: MAC KILLIAN, CAROLINE - Travels of the Zephyr : an interactive journey around the world / James Mac Killian
257359: MAC LIAMMÓIR, MICHEÁL - W. B. Yeats and his world
231827: MAC NEILL, EOIN (1867-1945) - Early Irish laws and institutions
245637: MAC BOBY MAGRATH, JOHN - The Triumphs of Turlough (Caithreim Thoirdhealbhaigh, translated by Standish Hayes O'Grady and D. Litt)
242389: MAC NEILL, MUIRCHEARTACH. EIGEAS, CORMACAN. O'DONOVAN, JOHN - Tracts relating to Ireland, printed for the Irish Archaeological Society. Vol. I: The Circuit of Ireland; a poem, written in the year DCCCCXLII
153288: MAC ALPIN, MICHAEL - Mr. Churchill's Socialists : the Evidence and Some Conclusions
137639: MAC ALPIN, MICHAEL - Mr. Churchill's Socialists : the Evidence and Some Conclusions
136001: MAC ALPIN, MICHAEL - Mr. Churchill's Socialists : the Evidence and Some Conclusions
103574: MAC LIAMMOIR, MICHEAL (1899-1978) - Enter a Goldfish : Memoirs of an Irish Actor, Young and Old / Micheal MacLiammhoir
225270: MAC THORMAID, BRENDAN MARY - Deathless glory / Brendan Mary Mac Thormaid
226985: MAC LAIMMOIR, MICHEAL. - Irland : Leinster Munster Connacht Ulster
204692: MAC ORLAN, PIERRE (1882-1970) - La croix, l'ancre et la grenade : cinq contes de Pierre Mac Orlan, illustres par Lucien Boucher
211184: MAC AN BHEATHA, PROINSIAS - Tart na cora : Saol agus saothar Sheamais Ui Chonghaile
255226: MACALISTER, ROBERT ALEXANDER STEWART (1870-1950) - Bible side-lights from the mound of Gezer : a record of excavation and discovery in Palestine
233407: MACALISTER, ROBERT ALEXANDER STEWART (1870-1950) - The archaeology of Ireland
201557: MACALPIN, MICHAEL - Mr. Churchill's socialists : the evidence and some conclusions
208134: MACALPIN, MICHAEL - Russia fights / Michael MacAlpin
227180: MACANDREW, BARBARA - Elijah and other poems
195194: MACARA, CHARLES W. (CHARLES WRIGHT), SIR (B. 1845) - The new industrial era / Sir Charles W. Macara, Bart.
159255: MACARA, CHARLES WRIGHT, SIR (B. 1845) - Recollections, by Sir Charles W. Macara, Bart
195293: MACARA, CHARLES WRIGHT SIR - Recollections by Sir Charles W. Macara, Bart
148580: MACARA, CHARLES W. (CHARLES WRIGHT) , SIR - In Search of a Peaceful World : the Practical Views of a Leader of Industry / Sir Charles W. MacAra
147371: MACARA, CHARLES WRIGHT, SIR 1ST BART (1845-) - Social and Industrial Reform
178398: MACARA, CHARLES WRIGHT, SIR 1ST BART - Social and industrial reform
129711: MACARA, CHARLES W. , SIR - Trade Stability and How to Obtain it / Sir Chas. W. MacAra
115653: MACARA, CHARLES W. - A Study of Modern Lancashire
174195: MACARA, CHARLES WRIGHT, SIR (1845-) - The new industrial era
195407: MACARA, CHARLES W. (CHARLES WRIGHT), SIR, (B. 1845) - The new industrial era / Sir Charles W. Macara
195405: MACARA, CHARLES W. (CHARLES WRIGHT), SIR, (B. 1845) - The new industrial era / Sir Charles W. Macara
195323: MACARA, CHARLES WRIGHT, SIR 1ST BART - Social and industrial reform
175266: MACARA, SIR CHARLES WRIGHT, BART., (1845-?) - Modern industrial tendencies
150872: MACARA, CHARLES WRIGHT, SIR (1845-) - Social and Industrial Reform : Some International Aspects
32550: MACARA, SIR CHARLES W. - Modern Industrial Tendencies
270239: MACARTHUR, ELLEN - Race against time / Ellen MacArthur
107901: MACARTHUR, JAMES (ED. ) - The Bookman Literary Year-Book 1898, Edited by James MacArthur Illustrated
90906: MACARTHUR, DAVID WILSON - The Road to the Nile : a Story of Travel in the Western Desert and the Army of the Nile
87515: MACARTNEY, CLARENCE EDWARD NOBLE - Grant and His Generals
89892: MACARTNEY, CARLILE AYLMER (1895-1978) , COMP. - The Habsburg and Hohenzollern Dynasties in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Edited by C. A. MacArtney
280417: MACARTNEY, CARLILE AYLMER (1895-1978) - The Danube basin
142141: MACARTNEY, MAXWELL HENRY HAYES - One Man Alone; the History of Mussolini and the Axis, by Maxwell H. H. MacArtney
95807: MACARTNEY, C. A. (CARLILE AYLMER) (COMP. ) - The Habsburg and Hohenzollern Dynasties in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Edited by C. A. MacArtney
95806: MACARTNEY, C. A. (CARLILE AYLMER) (COMP. ) - The Habsburg and Hohenzollern Dynasties in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Edited by C. A. MacArtney
142248: MACARTNEY, H. H. - The Rebuilding of Italy
182834: MACASSEY, LYNDEN LIVINGSTON (1876-1963) - Labour policy - false and true : a study in economic history and industrial economics
134975: MACASSEY, LYNDEN LIVINGSTONE, SIR - Labour Policy--False and True; a Study in Economic History and Industrial Economics, by Lynden MacAssey
174290: MACASSEY, LYNDEN LIVINGSTON (1876-1963) - Labour policy - false and true : a study in economic history and industrial economics
130638: MACASSEY, LYNDEN LIVINGSTONE, SIR (1876-) - Labour Policy--False and True; a Study in Economic History and Industrial Economics
126469: MACASSEY, LYNDEN LIVINGSTONE, SIR - Labour Policy--False and True; a Study in Economic History and Industrial Economics, by Lynden MacAssey
181387: MACASSEY, LYNDEN LIVINGSTONE, SIR (1876-) - Labour Policy--False and True; a Study in Economic History and Industrial Economics
198617: MACASSEY, LYNDEN LIVINGSTON (1876-1963) - Labour policy - false and true : a study in economic history and industrial economics
247842: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays ... With a memoir and index: volume II & IV (only)
89766: MACAULAY, RONALD K. S. - Locating Dialect in Discourse : the Language of Honest Men and Bonnie Lasses in Ayr / Ronald K. S. Macaulay1st Ed.
280131: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - History of England to the death of William III / Lord Macaulay ; introd. by A. G. Dickens, vols. 1 & 3
273685: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - The history of England from the accession of James II. By Thomas Babington Macaulay, in 5 volumes
270819: MACAULAY, JAMES (1817-1902) - Samuel Johnson, LL.D / James Macaulay
270711: MACAULAY, ROSE DAME - Life among the English / Rose Macaulay ; with 8 plates in colour and 26 illustrations in black & white
270346: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - The Earl of Chatham / with an introduction by H.W.C. Davis ; and a portrait of the Earl of Chatham
269566: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON - The History of England: from the accession of James II: volume II
269558: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - The history of England from the accession of James the Second
267363: LORD MACAULAY - The Miscellaneous Writings of Lord Macaulay: volume II
265611: LORD MACAULAY - Critical and Historical Essays: contributed to the Edinburgh Review: vol. I
261619: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical and historical essays : contributed to the Edinburgh Review
260408: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - The history of England from the accession of James the Second
255388: MACAULAY, AMBROSE - William Crolly, Archbishop of Armagh, 1835-49 / Ambrose Macaulay
254141: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - The history of England from the accession of James the Second
242485: MACAULAY, DAVID - Cathedral : the story of its construction / David Macaulay
14091: MACAULAY, RONALD K. S. - Locating Dialect in Discourse : the Language of Honest Men and Bonnie Lasses in Ayr / Ronald K. S. Macaulay
263404: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - The miscellaneous writings and speeches of Lord Macaulay
256798: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON - Critical and Historical Essays: contributing to the Edinburgh Review: vol. III
252964: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical and historical essays : contributed to the Edinburgh Review
252935: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - The history of England from the accession of James II
203606: MACAULAY, LORD - Essay and speech on Jewish disabilities
252543: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Writings of Thomas Babington Macaulay - 11 volumes
194239: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, BARON (1800-1859) - The history of England from the accession of James the Second
248260: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays ... With a memoir and index: volume III
250948: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical, historical, and miscellaneous essays and poems
262299: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical and historical essays, contributed to The Edinburgh Review
257275: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical and historical essays : contributed to the Edinburgh Review
263169: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON - The history of England from the accession of James II - vol. 1
102035: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, BARON (1800-1859) - Napoleon and the Restoration of the Bourbons : the Completed Portion of Macaulay's Projected 'History of France from the Restoration of the Bourbons to the Accession of Louis Philippe' / Edited by Joseph Hamburger
47501: MACAULAY, ROSE - Letters to a Sister
149604: MACAULAY, ALEXANDER BEITH - The Death of Jesus : in Three Aspects
277798: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical and historical essays
265982: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Speeches of the Right Honorable T.B. Macaulay, M.P. / corrected by himself
32799: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, BARON (1800-1859) - Critical and Historical Essays Contributed to the Edinburgh Review. Complete in Two Volumes.
280415: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY BARON (1800-1859) - Critical and historical essays contributed to the Edinburgh review: in two volumes
232598: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABIBINGTON - Thomas Babington Macaulay's Geschichte von England seit dem Regierungsantritte Jacob's II. bis zum Tode Wilhelm's III - Complete in 9 volumes
176919: MACAULAY, JAMES (1817-1902) - Vivisection, scientifically and ethically considered in prize essays
227006: MACAULAY, AMBROSE - Down and Connor : a short history
162189: MACAULAY, JOSEPH CORDNER (1900-) - A Devotional Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles
210536: MACAULAY, ROSE (1881-1958) - Pleasure of ruins
263183: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON - The history of England from the accession of James II - vol. 2
77208: MACAULEY, MISS ELIZABETH WRIGHT (1785?-1837) - Tales of the Drama. Founded on the Tragedies of Shakspeare, Massinger, Shirley, Rowe, Murphy, Lillo, and Moore, and on the Comedies of Steele, Farquhar, Cumberland, Bickerstaff, Goldsmith, and Mrs. Cowley
185840: MACBEATH, INNIS - Votes, virtues, and vices : trade union power / [by] Innis Macbeath
136147: MACBEATH, INNIS - Power Sharing in Industry : a Practical Guide to Employee Participation in Company Operations / Innis MacBeath
62574: MACBETH, GEORGE AND BOOTH, MARTIN (EDS. ) - The Book of Cats / Edited by George MacBeth and Martin Booth
135732: MACBETH, R. G. (RODERICK GEORGE) - Policing the Plains, Being the Real-Life Record of the Famous Royal North-West Mounted Police. by R. G. MacBeth
229475: MACBETH, GEORGE (1932-) - A war quartet
6098: MACBETH, GEORGE - The Colour of Blood; Poems
196114: MACBETH, R. G. (RODERICK GEORGE), (1858-1934) - Policing the plains : being the real-life record of the famous Royal North-west Mounted Police
278770: MACBETH, GEORGE - The Penguin book of animal verse
166129: MACBRIDE, JOHN DAVID (1778-1868) - Lectures Explanatory of the Diatessaron, Or, the History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : Collected from the Four Gospels in the Form of a Continuous Narrative
234033: MACBRIDE, MAUD GONNE - Im dienste einer königin : eine frau kämpft für Irland
261415: MACBRYDE, CYRIL MITCHELL - Signs and symptoms : applied pathologic physiology and clinical interpretation / edited by Cyril Mitchell MacBryde
258440: MACCAFFREY, JAMES (1875-1935) - History of the Catholic church from the renaissance to the French revolution
258445: MACCAFFREY, JAMES - History of the Catholic Church in the nineteenth century (1789-1908)
251425: MACCAFFREY, WALLACE T - Elizabeth I / Wallace MacCaffrey
154255: MACCAIG, NORMAN (1910-) - The Sinai Sort; Poems
279965: MACCALL, WILLIAM (1812-1888) - The newest materialism : sundry papers on the books of Mill, Comte, Bain, Spencer, Atkinson and Feuerbach
19193: MACCALLUM, GERALD C. - Legislative Intent And Other Essays on Law, Politics, and Morality
201617: MACCALLUM SCOTT, JOHN HUTCHISON (1911-?) - Experiment in internationalism : a study in international politics
47408: MACCANN, RICHARD DYER AND PERRY, EDWARD S. - The New Film Index, a Biography of Magazine Articles in English, 1930-1970
277773: MACCARFRAE, DAVID - David's amazing cakes
258447: MACCARTHY, MARY STANISLAUS - Songs of Sion
202730: MACCARTHY, DESMOND (1877-1952) - Experience
262914: MACCARTHY-MORROGH, MICHAEL - The Irish century / Michael MacCarthy-Morrogh ; foreword by Neil Jordan ; picture research by Bill Bagnell and Mick Farrelly
30942: MACCARTHY, DESMOND - Humanities. Pref. by Lord David Cecil.
73445: MACCARTHY, DESMOND (1877-1952) - Lady John Russell : a Memoir, with Selections from Her Diaries and Correspondence / Ed. by Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell; with Two Illustrations
171864: MACCARTHY, DESMOND & READ, HERBERT - This publishing business: an occasional review of books and authors
245945: MACCARTHY, DENIS FLORENCE (1817-1882) - The book of Irish ballads
113586: MACCARTHY, DESMOND (1877-1952) & RUSSELL, LADY AGATHA, I. E. MARY AGATHA, 1853- JOINT ED. - Lady John Russell; a Memoir with Selections from Her Diaries and Correspondence, Ed. by Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell; with Twelve Illustrations, of Which Six Are in Colour
231042: MACCARTHY, DESMOND (1877-1952) - Life and letters. Vol. VIII, no. 47 December 1932 / edited by Desmond MacCarthy
231043: MACCARTHY, DESMOND (1877-1952) - Life and letters. Vol. I, no. 4 September 1928 / edited by Desmond MacCarthy
190292: MACCARTHY, B. G. (BRIDGET G.) - Women writers: Their contribution to the english novel 1621 - 1744
51138: MACCARTHY, DESMOND - Portraits
102451: MACCHIAVELLI, MARIARITA - Pittura Su Stoffa
47488: MACCLANCY, JEREMY - Consuming Culture - why You Eat What You Eat
233844: MACCLINTOCK, CAROL (1910-1989) [EDITOR] - Readings in the history of music in performance / selected, translated, and edited by Carol MacClintock
81984: MACCLINTOCK, WILLIAM DARNALL - Song and Legend from the Middle Ages, Selected and Arranged by William D. McClintock ... and Porter Lander McClintock
117467: MACCLOSKEY, JAMES E. (1876-) - History of Harbison-Walker Refractories Company; from Star to Vega and Beyond
111276: MACCLOSKEY, MONRO - Achieving Victory--World War II; a Behind-The-Scenes Account
101553: MACCLOSKEY, MONRO. - Achieving Victory--World War II; a Behind-The-Scenes Account.
279578: MACCLURE, VICTOR (1887-1963) - Scotland's inner man : a history of Scots food & cookery
108392: MACCLURE, VICTOR - The Golden Snail; a Fantasy of London
198396: MACCNAIMHIN, SEAMAS - Ca ndeanfad mo nead? / Seamas Mac Cnaimhin do scriobh [Language: Irish]
39962: MACCOBY, MICHAEL - The Leader - a New Face for American Management
277326: MACCOBY, ELEANOR E. (1917-2018) - The psychology of sex differences / Eleanor Emmons Maccoby and Carol Nagy Jacklin
255185: MACCOBY, S (EDITED BY) - The English radical tradition, 1873-1914 / edited by S. MacCoby
142961: MACCOBY, SIMON - English Radicalism / S. MacCoby. 1762-1785, the Origins
98630: MACCOBY, SIMON - English Radicalism - the End?
183419: MACCOBY, SIMON (ED.) - The English radical tradition : 1763-1914 / edited by S. MacCoby
42686: MACCOBY, S. - The Radical Tradition 1763-1914
44081: MACCOBY, SIMON, ED. - The English Radical Tradition, 1763-1914
90181: MACCOBY, SIMON - English Radicalism
201946: MACCOLL, DUGALD SUTHERLAND (SCOTTISH WRITER, CRITIC, AND PAINTER, 1859-1948) - Life, work and setting of Philip Wilson Steer
189299: MACCOLL, DUGALD SUTHERLAND (1859-1948) - Bull and other war verses
127335: MACCOLL, RENE - Just Back from Russia : 77 Days Inside the Soviet Union
172623: MACCOLLUM, WATT HUGH - Who owns Canada? An examination of the facts concerning the concentration of the ownership and control of the means of production, distribution and exchange in Canada
130296: MACCOMBIE, JOHN - The Prince & the Genie; a Study of Rimbaud's Influence on Claudel
42515: MACCOMBIE, JOHN - The Prince & the Genie - a Study of Rimbaud's Influence on Claudel
255807: MACCORMICK, MAGGI - Favourite perennial flowers
112724: MACCORRY, JOHN S. - Medieval Holiness : or 'The Dark Ages'. Dedicated to the Right Rev. Samuel Wilberforce, D. D. , Lord Bishop of Winchester
78504: MACCREAGH, GORDON (1886-) - White Waters and Black
172222: MACCRONE, IAN DOUGLAS - Group conflicts and race prejudice
141204: MACCUAIG, DONALD. GRANT S. CLARK - Games Worth Playing: for School, Playground, and Playing Field
271812: MACCUBBIN, ROBERT P - The age of William III & Mary II : power, politics, and patronage, 1688-1702 : a reference encyclopedia and exhibition catalogue / edited by Robert P. Maccubbin & Martha Hamilton-Phillips
259564: MACCUNN, JOHN - Six Radical Thinkers: Bentham, J.S. Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T.H. Green
194837: MACCUNN, JOHN (1846-1929) - Six radical thinkers : Bentham, J.S. Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T.H. Green
7550: MACCUNN, JOHN (1846-1929) - Liverpool Addresses on Ethics of Social Work
29896: MACCUNN, JOHN - Liverpool Addresses on Ethics of Social Work
149701: MACCUNN, JOHN (1846-1929) - Six Radical Thinkers: Bentham, J. S. Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T. H. Green
146570: MACCURDY, JOHN THOMPSON (1886-) - Germany, Russia and the Future / a Psychological Essay by J. T. MacCurdy
146396: MACCURDY, JOHN T. (JOHN THOMPSON) - Germany, Russia and the Future, a Psychological Essay by J. T. MacCurdy
127814: MACCURDY, JOHN THOMPSON (1886-) - Germany, Russia and the Future / a Psychological Essay by J. T. MacCurdy
178309: MACCURDY, JOHN T. - Germany, Russia and the future : a psychological essay
239240: MACDARI, CONOR - Irish Wisdom preserved in Bible and Pyramids
46314: MACDERMOT, VIOLET - The Cult of the Seer in the Ancient Middle East: a Contribution to Current Research on Hallucinations Drawn from Coptic and Other Texts
274293: MACDERMOT, VIOLET - The cult of the seer in the ancient Middle East : a contribution to current research on hallucinations drawn from Coptic and other texts. Supplement
273627: MACDERMOT, EDWARD T. (EDWARD TERENCE) (1873-1950) - The Devon and Somerset staghounds, 1907-1936 / written by E.T. MacDermot ; illustrated by Lionel Edwards
90765: MACDIARMID, HUGH (1892-1978) - RELATED NAME: BOLD, ALAN NORMAN (1943-?) ED - The Letters of Hugh MacDiarmid / Edited with an Introduction by Alan Bold
8953: MACDIARMID, HUGH - A Clyack-Sheaf [By] Hugh MacDiarmid
5717: MACDIARMID, HUGH (1892-1978). GLEN, DUNCAN (1933-2008) ED. - Selected Essays of Hugh MacDiarmuid / Edited with an Introduction by Duncan Glen
274937: MACDIARMID, HUGH (1892-1978) - Direadh I, II, and III
11653: MACDIARMID, HUGH (1892-1978) - To Circumjack Cencrastus : Or, the Curly Snake
6915: MACDIARMID, HUGH - A Lap of Honour
6089: MACDIARMID, HUGH (1892-1978) - Selected Poems. Edited by R. Crombie Saunders
133922: MACDIARMID, HUGH. ARNOLD WESKER. DIANA LOESER [ET AL] - Essays in Honour of William Gallacher : Supplement, Thomas Spence : the History of Crusonia and Other Writings
113676: MACDIARMID, HUGH (1892-1978). (PSUED: OF CHRISTOPHER MURRAY GRIEVE) - The Company I'Ve Kept / Hugh MacDiarmid (Christopher Murray Grieve)
34845: MACDIARMID, HUGH (1892-1978) - The Company I'Ve Kept [By] Hugh MacDiarmid (Christopher Murray Grieve)
12008: MACDIARMID, HUGH - The Fire of the Spirit. Two Poems
188215: MACDONAGH, MICHAEL (1862-1946) - Parliament : its romance, its comedy, its pathos
193919: MACDONAGH, MICHAEL (1862-1946) - Irish life and character
56733: MACDONAGH, MICHAEL (1862-1946) - Parliament : its Romance, its Comedy, its Pathos
245938: MACDONAGH, DONAGH (1912-1968). ROSE, FRANCIS [ILLUSTRATOR] - Happy as Larry
194123: MACDONAGH, MICHAEL (1862-1946) - Parliament : its romance, its comedy, its pathos
195966: MACDONAGH, MICHAEL (1862-1946) - Parliament : its romance, its comedy, its pathos
196011: MACDONAGH, MICHAEL (1862-1946) - Parliament : its romance, its comedy, its pathos
86837: MACDONALD, A. M. , ED. - Chambers Everyday Dictionary / Edited by A. M. MacDonald and E. M. Kirkpatrick
86678: MACDONALD, JOHN DANN (1916-1986) - The Green Ripper
73542: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - A Singular Marriage : a Labour Love Story in Letters and Diaries / Ramsay and Margaret MacDonald ; Edited by Jane Cox
48542: MACDONALD, GUS - Camera - a Victorian Eyewitness
37553: MACDONALD, JOHN DANN (1916-1986) - One More Sunday
36866: MACDONALD, ANNE L. - Feminine Ingenuity - Women and Invention in America
35165: MACDONALD, LESLEY ORR - A Unique and Glorious Mission : Women and Presbyterianism in Scotland 1830 to 1930 / Lesley Orr MacDonald
276462: MACDONALD, JOHN M.A - Czar Ferdinand and his people
273255: MACDONALD, PETER - Giap : the victor in Vietnam / Peter Macdonald
269567: MACDONALD-TAYLOR, MARGARET - English furniture from the Middle Ages to modern times / Margaret Macdonald-Taylor
269240: MACDONALD, HUGH (1885-1958) - John Dryden : a bibliography of early editions and of Drydeniana
268292: MACDONALD, HUGH (1885-1958) - John Dryden : a bibliography of early editions and of Drydeniana
266121: MACDONALD - The Western film annual
250911: MACDONALD, HUGH (1940-) - Berlioz
235403: MACDONALD, HUGH (1940-). BERLIOZ, HECTOR (1803-1869) - Berlioz
230402: MACDONALD, LYN - 1914-18 : voices and images of the Great War / (by) Lyn Macdonald
228921: MACDONALD, CALLUM - The killing of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich / Callum MacDonald
228345: MACDONALD, JOHN DANN (1916-1986) - The lonely silver rain
228120: MACDONALD, GUS - Camera: a Victorian eyewitness
243113: MACDONALD, ANGUS [EDITOR]. BROUGHTON, LESLIE N. [ASSOCIATE EDITOR] - Annual Bibliography of English Literature : Volume XX: 1939; edited for the modern humanities research association
186746: MACDONALD, ROSS - Another perfect day
173738: MACDONALD, ANGUS (1926- ) - Middle ground
163557: MACDONALD, MICHAEL - Children of Wrath : Political Violence in Northern Ireland / Michael Macdonald
142966: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937). BERNARD BARKER (ED. ) - Ramsay MacDonald's Political Writings; Edited and with an Introduction by Bernard Barker
12714: MACDONALD DOUGLAS, RONALD - Gizzageak Collected Stories
163672: MACDONALD, DONALD FARQUHAR, (1906-) - The State and the Trade Unions
10620: MACDONALD, WILLIAM - The Conquest of the Desert
180336: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937). BERNARD BARKER (ED. ) - The socialist movement
263865: MACDONALD, PETER - Cabot & the naming of America : a revelation
223764: MACDONALD, JOHN HAY ATHOLE (1836-1919) - Life jottings of an old Edinburgh citizen / Sir John Hay Athole MacDonald
280066: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - The socialist movement
195193: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY, 1866-1937MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY, 1866-1937.MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Socialism and society
159500: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - The Socialist Movement
221726: MACDONALD, DUNCAN (FL. 1800) - The new London family cook; or, Town and country housekeeper's guide. Comprehending directions for marketing ... practical instructions for preparing soups, broths, gravies, sauces, and made dishes ... With the respective branches of pastry... ... and confectionary, the art of potting, pickling, preserving, &c., cookery for the sick, and for the poor; directions for carving ... Also a collection of valuable family recipes,in dyeing, perfumery, &c. Instructions for brewing, making of British...
243808: MACDONALD, J. RAMSAY - Socialism and Government: Volume II
252061: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Why Socialism must come
249279: MACDONALD, PHILIP - X v. Rex
7620: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Socialism: Critical and Constructive
245737: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Parliament and democracy
54546: MACDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905) - At the Back of the North Wind. with Illus. by Charles Mozley
267553: MACDONALD, C. A - The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich / Callum MacDonald
250775: MACDONALD, PHILIP - Guest in the house
201830: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Parliament and revolution
152844: MACDONALD, FREDERIKA - Jean Jacques Rousseau : a New Criticism - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
228057: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - The Zollverein and British industry
162176: MACDONALD, JAMES, REV. - Poverty, Wealth, and Taxation : a Political Conversation by the Rev. James Macdonald. with Two Unspoken Addresses on “jesus, a Socialist, ” and “rational Religion”
245330: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Socialism and government. Vol. 2
195241: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937). BERNARD BARKER (ED. ) - At home and abroad : essays
169860: MACDONALD, J. R, (1866-1937) - The awakening of India
278436: MACDONALD, J. RAMSAY - 1930-31: With Greetings for Christmas and New Year: J. Ramsay MacDonald: includes print of Frank Brangwyn's The Bridge at Subbiano
140458: MACDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905). PARKINSON, WILLIAM (1871-1927) , ILLUS. - A Rough Shaking, by George MacDonald ; with Twelve Page Illustrations by W. Parkinson
182621: MACDONALD, WILLIAM COLT - Powder Smoke Range from the RKO Radio Picture
60481: MACDONALD, GREVILLE (1856-1944) - Count Billy
54544: MACDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905) - At the Back of the North Wind. with Illus. by Charles Mozley
114676: MACDONALD, BARBARA. CULINARY ARTS INSTITUTE STAFF - Wine in Cooking and Dining / Barbara MacDonald and the Culinary Arts Institute Staff ; Ill. by David Cunningham
46001: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Margaret Ethel MacDonald - a Memoir
89586: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY - National Defence, a Study in Militarism, by J. Ramsay MacDonald
146899: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - The Socialist Movement
144772: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Parliament and Revolution
144462: MACDONALD, WILLIAM ALLAN - Humanitism : the Scientific Solution of the Social Problem
194817: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Wanderings and excursions
244931: MACDONALD, FREDERIKA RICHARDSON - Jean Jacques Rousseau : a new criticism
50850: MACDONALD, REV. JAMES [SOCIALIST WRITER] - Poverty, Wealth, and Taxation: : a Political Conversation by the Rev. James MacDonald. with Two Unspoken Addresses on 'Jesus, a Socialist, ' and 'Rational Religion'
131687: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Margaret Ethel MacDonald
130978: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY - Wanderings and Excursions
183037: MACDONALD, D. F. (DONALD FARQUHAR), (B. 1906) - The state and the trade unions
219267: MACDONALD, REGINALD JAMES - The history of the dress of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1625-1897 / compiled and illustrated by Captain R.J. Macdonald
165208: MACDONALD, ALLAN JOHN - The Evangelical Doctrine of Holy Communion, Edited by A. J. Macdonald
121709: MACDONALD, MALCOLM (1901-1981) - Titans & Others
173001: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - National defence : a study in militarism
227728: MACDONALD, HUGH (1885-1958) - John Dryden : a bibliography of early editions and of Drydeniana
242422: MACDONALD, GEORGE - Cruel painter and other stories
167421: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - A prosperous countryside
167562: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Tories and the House of Lords : an exposure of their trickery
241825: MACDONALD, ROSS - The underground man
166435: MACDONALD, DONALD FARQUHAR, (1906-) - The Age of Transition: Britain in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries / D. F. Macdonald
195116: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Socialism : critical and constructive
195102: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - Socialism : critical and constructive
190577: MACDONALD, N. P. (NORMAN PEMBERTON), (B. 1923, ED.) - What is patriotism? / Answered by Lord Allen of Hurtwood, Geoffrey Le M. Mander, Lady Cynthia Asquith [and others] ... Edited by N. P. Macdonald
111058: MACDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905) - The Portent : a Story of the Inner Vision of the Highlanders Commonly Called the Second Sight / George MacDonald ; Frontispiece by Maurice Sendak
230749: MACDONALD, JOHN DANN (1916-1986) - Barrier island
181072: MACDONALD, WILLIAM (1863-1938) - The intellectual worker and his work
111085: MACDONALD, JOHN D. - Ballroom of the Skies
182067: MACDONALD, HUGH (1817-1860) - Rambles round Glasgow : descriptive, historical and traditional
143143: MACDONALD, D. F. - The State and the Trade Unions
160481: MACDONALD, WILSON - Caw-Caw Ballads
175461: MACDONALD, DUNCAN BLACK (1863-1943) - Development of Muslim theology, jurisprudence and constitutional theory
46069: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - National Defence, a Study in Militarism
93735: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - National Defence, a Study in Militarism
241087: MACDONALD, ALEXANDER (1878-1939). RAINEY, WILLIAM (1852-1936) - The quest of the black opals: a tale of adventure in the heart of Australia
196613: MACDONALD, N. P. (NORMAN PEMBERTON), [ET AL.] - What is patriotism? / answered by Lord Allen of Hurtwood, Geoffrey Le M. Mander, Lady Cynthia Asquith [and others] ... edited by N. P. Macdonald
197447: MACDONALD, GEORGE - The Evolution of Coinage
197531: MACDONALD, FREDERIKA - Jean Jacques Rousseau : a new study in criticism
207069: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY, (1866-1937) - The Zollverein and British industry
213875: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY - Tariff-ridden Germany / James Ramsay Macdonald.
210088: MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY (1866-1937) - National defence, a study in militarism
211164: MACDONALD, ANGUS (1926- ) - Annual bibliography of English language and literature : Vol. XX, 1939 / edited for the Modern Humanities Research Association by Angus MacDonald, assisted by Leslie N. Broughton
211489: MACDONALD, CHARLES B. (CHARLES BROWN) (1922-?) - The Battle of the Bulge / Charles B. MacDonald
279446: MACDONALD, W - Liturgies and other documents of the ante-Nicene period. / transl. by W. Macdonald, G. R. Merry, J. Donaldson
265318: MACDONELL, A. G. (ARCHIBALD GORDON) (1895-1941) - England their England
187243: MACDONELL, JOHN, SIR (1846-1921) - The land question : with particular reference to England and Scotland
264313: MACDONELL, ANNE - Touraine and its story
278598: MACDONNEL, D. E. (DAVID EVANS) - A dictionary of quotations in most frequent use, taken chiefly from the Latin and French, but comprising many from the Greek, Spanish, and Italian languages / translated into English with illustrations historical and idiomatic by D.E. MacDonnel
255375: MACDONNELL, JOHN COTTER - The life and correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Peterborough
191928: MACDONNELL, EDWARD - From the 18th century: Harpsichord & Clavichord Pieces transcribed for the Pianoforte by Edward MacDonnell
129939: MACDONNELL, JAMES - France Since the First Empire
257902: MACDONOGH, GILES - Brilat-Savarin the judge and his stomach
224863: MACDOUGALL, DONALD - Don and mandarin : memoirs of an economist / Donald MacDougall
202037: MACDOUGALL, SARAH. DICKSON, RACHEL. BEN URI ART GALLERY - Embracing the exotic : Jacob Epstein and Dora Gordine / edited by Sarah MacDougall and Rachel Dickson
248095: MACDOUGALL, ALLAN ROSS. COLLIER, JOHN - The Gourmets Almanac: wherein is set down, month by month, recipes for strange and exotic dishes with divers considerations anent the cooking and the eating thereof, together with the feast days & the fast days...ect
183239: MACDOUGALL, J. D., (1944- ) - Nature's clocks : how scientists measure the age of almost everything / Doug Macdougall
80972: MACDOUGALL, CURTIS DANIEL (1903-) - Interpretative Reporting [By] Curtis D. MacDougall
148872: MACDOUGALL, JOHN (1887-) - The Old Testament Parables
148795: MACDOUGALL, JOHN (1887-) - The Old Testament Parables
41285: MACDOUGALL, JR. , ARTHUR RAYMOND (1896-) - Dud Dean Yarns
90045: MACDOUGALL, SIR DONALD (1912-?) - The World Dollar Problem; a Study in International Economics
158036: MACDOUGALL, MICKEY - Macdougall on Dice and Cards. Modern Rules, Odds, Hints and Warnings for Craps, Poker, Gin Rummy and Blackjack
206738: MACDOUGALL, CURTIS D. (CURTIS DANIEL) - Interpretative reporting / Curtis D. MacDougall
269354: MACDOWELL, EDWARD (1860-1908) - New England idyls : Opus 62 / composed for the pianoforte by Edward MacDowell
80330: MACDOWELL, EDWARD (1860-1908) - Critical and Historical Essays, by Edward MacDowell. Edited by W. J. Baltzell. New Introduction by Irving Lowens
191912: MACDOWELL, EDWARD (1860-1908) - Sea pieces : op. 55
14797: MACDUFF, DAVID - Murder Strikes Three
273866: MACE, MARTIN - The war in Italy 1943-1944 / introduced and compiled by Martin Mace and John Grehan ; with additional research by Sara Mitchell
263119: MACE, PATRICK B. (PATRICK BRONBY) - No man's land
90277: MACE, CECIL ALEC (1894-1971) ED. - British Philosophy in the Mid-Century: a Cambridge Symposium
148688: MACE, CECIL ALEC (1894-1971). VERNON, PHILIP EWART - Current Trends in British Psychology / Edited by C. A. MacE and P. E. Vernon
254520: MACÉ, JEAN (1815-1894) - Contes du petit chateau / par Jean Macé ; illustrations par Bertrall
225339: MACE, ALCIDE - La pronunciation du latin : manuel pratique resumant le minimum de prosodie necessaire et suffisant et precede d'une introduction sur l'essence de l'accent latin
185480: MACE, DAVID R. (DAVID ROBERT) (1907-?) - Marriage : East and West / [by] David and Vera Mace
112907: MACE, C. A. (ED. ) - British Philosophy in the Mid-Century : a Cambridge Symposium / Edited by C. A. MacE
195471: MACE, DAVID R. (DAVID ROBERT), (1907- ) - The Soviet family / [by] David and Vera Mace
184040: MACEK, JOSEF - Demokracie v hospodarstvi. Rec pronesena v cyklu prednasek “O demokracii”, etc.
22371: MACELWEE, ROY S. - Economic Aspects of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Ship Channel
94184: MACEOIN, GARY (1909-?) - Revolution Next Door; Latin America in the 1970's
93046: MACEOIN, GARY (1909-) - Revolution Next Door; Latin America in the 1970's
71190: MACEOIN, GARY (1909-) - Revolution Next Door; Latin America in the 1970's
69703: MACEOIN, GARY (1909-) - Latin America, the Eleventh Hour
90860: MACEWAN, ARTHUR - Revolution and Economic Development in Cuba / Arthur MacEwan
245277: MACEWEN, ALEXANDER ROBERTSON (1851-1916) - A history of the church in Scotland
142322: MACEWEN, ALEXANDER MALCOLM, SIR - The Thistle and the Rose : Scotland's Problem To-Day
143299: MACEWEN, ALEXANDER MALCOLM, SIR (1875-) - Towards Freedom : a Candid Survey of Fascism, Communism and Modern Democracy
131709: MACEWEN, ALEXANDER MALCOLM, SIR - The Thistle and the Rose : Scotland's Problem To-Day
119495: MACEWEN, HUGH A. - Food Inspection : a Practical Handbook
206908: MACEWEN, ALEXANDER MALCOLM, SIR - The thistle and the rose : Scotland's problem to-day
276719: MACEY, H H - What happens in a Hoffmann
139162: MACFADDEN, BERNARR (1868-1955) - Strengthening the Spine, by Bernarr MacFadden
72578: MACFADDEN, BERNARR (1868-1955) - Hair Culture; Rational Methods for Growing the Hair and for Developing its Strength and Beauty
262925: MACFADDEN, BERNARR (1868-1955) - Muscular power and beauty : containing detailed instructions for the development of the external muscular system to its utmost degree of perfection
239398: MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS; OURSLER, FULTON (EDITOR) - Liberty ; Vol. 15, No. 45, November 5, 1938
239402: MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS; OURSLER, FULTON (EDITOR) - Liberty ; Vol. 17, No. 4, January 27, 1940
239404: MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS; OURSLER, FULTON (EDITOR) - Liberty ; Vol. 18, No. 16, April 19, 1941
239407: MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS; OURSLER, FULTON (EDITOR) - Liberty ; Vol. 18, No. 20, May 17, 1941
239406: MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS; OURSLER, FULTON (EDITOR) - Liberty ; Vol. 18, No. 18, May 3, 1941
239409: MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS; OURSLER, FULTON (EDITOR) - Liberty ; Vol. 18, No. 46, November 15, 1941
239412: MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS; OURSLER, FULTON (EDITOR) - Liberty ; Vol. 19, No. 9, February 28, 1942
55224: MACFADYEN, DUGALD (1867-) - Alfred the West Saxon, King of the English
255922: MACFALL, HALDANE (1860-1928) - Vigée Le Brun
225702: MACFALL, HALDANE (1860-1928) - Whistler : butterfly, wasp, wit, master of the arts, enigma
229623: MACFALL, HALDANE (1860-1928) - Germany at bay
212193: MACFALL, HALDANE (1860-1928) - Germany at bay
194108: MACFARLAND, CHARLES STEDMAN (ED.) (1866-?) - The Christian ministry and the social order : lectures delivered in the Course in pastoral functions at Yale Divinity School, 1908-1909 / ed. by Charles S. Macfarland
58917: MACFARLAND, A. O. - Gift of the Orient
276969: MACFARLANE, ALAN - Reconstructing historical communities
261316: MACFARLANE, WALTER (1698?-1767). MITCHELL, ARTHUR SIR (1826-1909). CLARK, JAMES TOSHACH - Geographical collections relating to Scotland, made by Walter Macfarlane. Vol. 3 / edited from Macfarlane's transcripts in the Advocates Library by Sir Arthur Mitchell and James T. Clark
98810: MACFARQUHAR, RODERICK (COMP. ) - Sino-American Relations, 1949-71; Documented and Introduced by Roderick MacFarquhar
90214: MACFARQUHAR, RODERICK, COMP. - Sino-American Relations, 1949-71; Documented and Introduced by Roderick MacFarquhar
34133: MACFARQUHAR, RODERICK - Sino-American Relations, 1949-71
32151: MACFARQUHAR, RODERICK - Sino-American Relations, 1949-71
220583: MACFARQUHAR, RODERICK. - The Forbidden City
112888: MACFARQUHAR, RODERICK - Sino-American Relations, 1949-71
147154: MACFIE, A. L. (ALEC LAWRENCE) (1898-1980) - Economic Efficiency and Social Welfare, by Alec L. MacFie; with a Foreword by Frank H. Knight
243965: MACFIE, ALEC LAWRENCE (1898-1980). KNIGHT, FRANK HYNEMAN (1885-1972) - Economic efficiency and social welfare
169670: MACFIE, J. M. (JOHN MANDEVILLE) - Myths and legends of India : An introduction to the study of Hinduism by J.M. MacFie
186995: MACFIE, ALISON B. S. - The curious history of Toc H Women's association : the first phase, 1917-1928 / compiled by A. B. S. MacFie
47161: MACFIE, ALEC LAWRENCE (1898-1980) - Theories of the Trade Cycle
196704: MACFIE, A. L. (ALEC LAWRENCE), (1898-1980) - An essay on economy & value : being an enquiry into the real nature of economy
208690: MACFIE, DANIEL THOMPSON. MACSELF, ALBERT JAMES. - Pictorial Short Cuts to Practical Gardening
197811: MACGAHAN, JANARIUS ALOYSIUS (1844-1878) - Campaigning on the Oxus : And the fall of Khiva
51398: MACGEORGE, ANDREW (1810-1891) - Old Glasgow : the Place and the People from the Roman Occupation to the Eighteenth Century
5696: MACGEORGE, A - Flags: some Account of Their History and Uses
249752: MACGIBBON, DAVID. ROSS, THOMAS (1839-1930). AYR AND WIGTON ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. AYRSHIRE AND GALLOWAY ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeological and historical collections relating to the counties of Ayr and Wigton: volume IV
249751: MACGIBBON, DAVID. ROSS, THOMAS (1839-1930). AYR AND WIGTON ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. AYRSHIRE AND GALLOWAY ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeological and historical collections relating to the counties of Ayr and Wigton: volume II
249749: MACGIBBON, DAVID. ROSS, THOMAS (1839-1930). AYR AND WIGTON ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. AYRSHIRE AND GALLOWAY ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeological and historical collections relating to the counties of Ayr and Wigton: volume II
249745: MACGIBBON, DAVID. ROSS, THOMAS (1839-1930). AYR AND WIGTON ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. AYRSHIRE AND GALLOWAY ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeological and historical collections relating to the counties of Ayr and Wigton: volume I
103754: MACGILL-CALLAHAN, SHEILA. BARRY MOSER (ILL. ) - And Still the Turtle Watched
198006: MACGILL, PATRICK (1890-?) - Songs of the dead end
259830: MACGILLIVRAY, GEORGE JOHN - Father Vernon and his Critics
230838: MACGILLIVRAY, EVAN JAMES (1873-1955) - MacGillivray on insurance law : relating to all risks other than marine. Complete in two volumes
98301: MACGOWAN, KENNETH AND WITH, GERDA BECKER (ILLUS. ) - The Living Stage; a History of the World Theater [By] Kenneth MacGowan [And] William Melnitz. Including 50 Illus. by Gerda Becker With
223998: MACGOWAN, JOHN (D. 1922). SMYTH, MONTAGUE (1863-1965) - Sidelights on Chinese life
99888: MACGRATH, HAROLD (1871-1932) - The Private Wire to Washington, the Inside Story of the Great Long Island Spy Mystery That Baffled the Secret Service, by Harold MacGrath ... Illustrated by C. H. Taffs
247873: MACGREEVY, THOMAS (1893-1967). NATIONAL GALLERY OF IRELAND (DUBLIN) (PERM.) - Pictures in the Irish National Gallery
94345: MACGREGOR-HASTIE, ROY - Never to be Taken Alive : a Biography of General Gordon
9183: MACGREGOR, SUSANNE. PIMLOTT, BEN - Tackling the Inner Cities - The 1980s Reviewed, Prospects for the 1990s
77488: MACGREGOR, MORNA - Early Celtic Art in North Britain : a Study of Decorative Metalwork from the Third Century B. C. to the Third Century A. D. / Morna MacGregor - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
259335: MACGREGOR, JOHN (1797-1857) - Commercial tariffs and regulations of the several states of Europe and America : together with the commercial treaties between England and foreign countries. Part the sixth Holland / John Macgregor
257674: MACGREGOR-HASTIE, ROY - The throne of Peter: a history of the Papacy
247084: MACGREGOR, MIRIAM. NATIONAL ART LIBRARY (GREAT BRITAIN). ARCHIVE OF ART AND DESIGN. ENID MARX COLLECTION - Cat cuts : a collection of engravers' cats / compiled by Miriam Macgregor
227773: MACGREGOR, JESSIE (D. 1919) - Gardens of celebrities and celebrated gardens in and around London
173865: MACGREGOR, GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY (1892-1963) - The relevance of the impossible : a reply to Reinhold Niebuhr
193968: MACGREGOR, G. H. C. (GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY) (1892-1963) - The gospel of John
237893: MACGREGOR, ALEXANDER LEE - A synopsis of surgical anatomy ... Illustrated with ... figures
133741: MACGREGOR, G. H. C. (1892-1963). A. Q. MORTON - The Structure of the Fourth Gospel / G. H. C. MacGregor and A. Q. Morton
161331: MACGREGOR, GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY (1892-1963) - The Structure of the Fourth Gospel / G. H. C. Macgregor and A. Q. Morton
161062: MACGREGOR, GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY (1892-1963) - The Structure of the Fourth Gospel / G. H. C. Macgregor and A. Q. Morton
173305: MACGREGOR, GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY (1892-1963) - The relevance of the impossible : a reply to Reinhold Niebuhr
171520: MACGREGOR, GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY (1892-1963) - The relevance of the impossible, a reply to Reinhold Niebuh
238185: MACGREGOR, MARY. BRICKDALE, ELEANOR FORTESCUE - The Story of Saint Christopher and the Story of Saint Cuthbert ... Illustrated by Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
181132: MACGREGOR, G. H. C. (1892-1963) - The New Testament basis of pacifism
177995: MACGREGOR, GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY (1892-1963) - The structure of the fourth gospel / George Hogarth Carnaby MacGregor and A. Q. Morton
190574: MACGREGOR, G. H. C. (GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY), (1892-1963) - The relevance of the impossible : a reply to Reinhold Niebuhr / G.H.C. MacGregor
115702: MACGREGOR, SUSANNE. PIMLOTT, BEN (1945-) - Tackling the Inner Cities : the 1980s Reviewed, Prospects for the 1990s / Edited by Susanne MacGregor and Ben Pimlott
69397: MACGREGOR, JOHN MARSHALL (1879-1936) - Leaves of Hellas; Essays on Some Aspects of Greek Literature
89095: MACGREGOR, GEDDES - The Vatican Revolution
195871: MACGREGOR, STEVEN - Truth and Mr Chamberlain
207218: MACGREGOR, G. H. C. (GEORGE HOGARTH CARNABY), (1892-1963) - The structure of the fourth Gospel / G. H. C. MacGregor and A. Q. Morton
92091: MACGREGOR, GEDDES - The Vatican Revolution
257673: MACGUIRE, FRANCES MARGARET - Twelve tales of the life and adventures of Saint Imaginus ... / edited [or rather, written] by Frances Margaret McGuire. With illustrations by Betty Arnott
79107: MACH, ELYSE - Great Pianists Speak for Themselves / Elyse MacH ; Introd. by Sir Georg Solti - Volume 2
170220: MACH, LEE - Collected works of Lee Mach
155927: VON MACH, EDMUND - Greek sculpture : its spirit and its principles
217836: MACH, WILHELM - Zycie duze i male [Language: Polish]
280531: MACHADO, CELSO CORDEIRO - Introduçăo ao estudo da cięncia das finanças
231285: MACHADO, MANUEL AYRES FALCAO - Bucaco : past and present
257704: MACHALE, JOHN (1791-1881) - The evidences and doctrines of the Catholic church
162527: MACHAT, JULES - Le Developpement Economique De La Russie
151126: MACHAT, J. - Le Developpement Economique De La Russie
234302: MACHATIUS, FRANZ JOCHEN - Die Tempi in der Musik um 1600 : Fortwirken und Auflösung einer Tradition
273016: MACHELL, HUGH W - John Peel, famous in sport and song
123716: MACHEN, ARTHUR - The Green Round
226411: MACHEROT, RAYMOND (1924-) - Sibyl-Anne vs. Ratticus / R. Macherot ; [edited and translated by Kim Thompson ; lettering by Alexa Koenings]
279034: MACHIAS - Memorial of the centennial anniversary of the settlement of Machias
171213: MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLO (1469-1527) - Belphagor / Niccolo Machiavelli ; illustrated by Danuta Laskowska
184800: MACHICADO, HUMBERTO VAZQUEZ - Fuentes para la historia boliviana en los E.E. U.U.
26601: MACHIN, FRANK - The Yorkshire miners : a history. Volume 1
242703: MACHIN, FRANK. NATIONAL UNION OF MINEWORKERS. YORKSHIRE AREA. MACHEN, J. R. A - The Yorkshire miners; a history / (Foreword, [by] J. R.A. Machen, etc.)
220953: MICRO MACHINES - MicroCards Kit : Series 1. [100 collectible MicroCards - 96 pages of hot Micro Machines]
220954: MICRO MACHINES - MicroCards Kit : Series 2. [100 collectible MicroCards - 96 pages of hot Micro Machines]
56465: MACHLIN, MILTON - Ninth Life, by Milton MacHlin and William Read Woodfield
25383: MACHLIS, JOSEPH - Allegro
12031: MACHLIS, PAUL - Union Catalog of Clemens Letters / Edited by Paul MacHlis
70258: MACHLOWITZ, MARILYN (1952-) - Inside Moves : Corporate Smarts for Women on the Way Up / Marilyn MacHlowitz
138912: MACHOTKA, HANA - The Magic Ring : a Year with the Big Apple Circus / Hana MacHotka ; Introduction by Paul Binder
137910: MACHOTKA, HANA - The Magic Ring : a Year with the Big Apple Circus / Hana MacHotka ; Introduction by Paul Binder
91589: MACHOVER, JOHN M. (1885-?) - Governing Palestine : the Case Against a Parliament
172375: MACHOVER, J. M. - Judenstaat oder Ghetto : Die Teilung Palastinas - Eine Gefahr : Prufung der vorschlage der Koniglichen Kommission : von J. M. Machover ... ubersetzt von Dr. Jenny Becher
190644: MACHRAY, ROBERT (1857-1946) - The Polish-German problem : Poland's western provinces are the condition of her independence
133217: MACILHONE, R. (ED. ) - Petrograd, October 1917 : Reminiscences / [Translated from the Russian by G. Hanna and L. Lempert ; Edited by R. MacIlhone]
248078: MACINNES, COLIN (1914-1976) - City of spades / Colin MacInnes
266109: MACINNES, C. M. (CHARLES MALCOLM) - Bristol and its adjoining counties : edited by C.M. MacInnes and W.F. Whittard
205333: MACINNES, HAMISH - High drama : mountain rescue stories from four continents / [edited by] Hamish MacInnes
160030: MACINNES, HELEN (1907-1985) - The Snare of the Hunter
100432: MACINNES, C. M. (CHARLES MALCOLM) (1891-?) - A Gateway of Empire
185854: MACINNES, HELEN - Agent in place
245489: MACINTOSH, DUNCAN - Chinese blue and white porcelain
131403: MACINTOSH, A. A. (ANDREW ALEXANDER) - Isaiah XXI : a Palimpsest / A. A. MacIntosh
254779: MACINTOSH, A. A. (ANDREW ALEXANDER) - Isaiah XXI : a palimpsest / A.A. Macintosh
248344: MACINTYRE, ALASDAIR C - The unconscious : a conceptual study
73777: MACINTYRE, RICHARD (1952-?) - Mortal Men : Living with Asymptomatic HIV
236501: MACINTYRE, BEN (1963-) - Double cross: the true story of the D-Day spies / Ben Macintyre
127661: MACINTYRE, STUART (1947-) - A Proletarian Science : Marxism in Britain, 1917-1933 / Stuart MacIntyre
7285: MACINTYRE, DONALD G. F. W. BATHE, BASIL W. - Man-Of-War : a History of the Combat Vessel
99729: MACINTYRE, DONALD G. F. W. - Man-Of-War : a History of the Combat Vessel / [By] Donald MacIntyre [And] Basil W. Bathe. Preface by Edward L. Beach
99728: MACINTYRE, DONALD G. F. W. - Man-Of-War; a History of the Combat Vessel [By] Donald MacIntyre [And] Basil W. Bathe. Pref. by Edward L. Beach
56075: MACINTYRE, DONALD G. F. W. - Man-Of-War; a History of the Combat Vessel [By] Donald MacIntyre [And] Basil W. Bathe. Pref. by Edward L. Beach
151583: MACINTYRE, DONALD G. F. W. BATHE, BASIL W. - Man-Of-War; a History of the Combat Vessel
170179: MACINTYRE, RONALD GEORGE (1863- ) - The other side of death : a study in Christian eschatology
212530: MACINTYRE, BEN - Forgotten Fatherland : Search for Elizabeth Nietzsche / Ben Macintyre
127763: MACINTYRE, ARCHIE - Down the Araguaya : Travels in the Heart of Brazil
239485: MACINTYRE, DUNCAN MALCOLM - Public assistance : too much or too little?
9736: MACINTYRE, CAPTAIN DONALD - Sea Power in the Pacific. A History from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day
174446: MACIU, VASILE. DAN BERINDEI. V. LIVEANU - Outline of Rumanian historiography until the beginning of the 20th century / Vasile Maciu ... et al.
192058: MACIU, VASILE (ET AL.) - Introduction a l'historiographie Roumaine jusqu'en 1918
151750: MACIU, VASILE - Outline of Rumanian Historiography Until the Beginning of the 20th Century / Vasile MacIu ... [Et Al. ]
30887: MACIVER, R. M. (ED. ) - New Horizons in Creative Thinking: a Survey and Forecast
58183: MACIVER, KENNETH A. AND TH - Echoes of Old New England
48368: MACIVER, ROBERT M. - The Nations and the United Nations
152631: MACIVER, ROBERT MORRISON (1882-1970) - Society, a Textbook of Sociology
147263: MACIVER, ROBERT M. (ROBERT MORRISON) (1882-1970) - Democracy and the Economic Challenge; Five Lectures Delivered ... At the University of Michigan, December 1950
173898: MACIVER, ROBERT MORRISON (1882-1970) - The web of government / Robert Morrison MacIver
66993: MACK, WILLIAM P. (1915-) - Naval Ceremonies, Customs, and Traditions
276134: MACK, MICHAEL - Surface : contemporary photographic practice / [editors, Simon Browning, Michael Mack, Sean Perkins ; afterword, Michael Mack]
255072: MACK SMITH, DENIS (1920-2017) - Mussolini / Denis Mack Smith
237073: MACK, JOHN (1949-) - The art of small things / John Mack
160677: MACK, WILLIAM P. (1915-) - Straits of Messina / William P. Mack
85068: MACK, CONNIE (1862-1956) - My 66 Years in the Big Leagues; the Great Story of America's National Game, by Connie Mack (Cornelius McGillicuddy) with Official Photographs from the Mack Family and from Other Authentic Sources
106636: MACK, HEINZ AND HOPKER, THOMAS - Sculpture Safaris, Photographic Interpretations of Artifacts in Nature / Heinz Mack and Thomas Hopker
72130: MACK, HEINZ & HOPKER, THOMAS - Sculpture Safaris. Photographic Interpretations of Artifacts in Nature
179818: MACK, GERSTLE - Toulouse-Lautrec
101374: MACK, CHARLES E. - Two Black Crows in the A. E. F. , by Charles E. Mack (Of Moran and Mack)
230575: MACK, GERSTLE (1894-) - Toulouse-Lautrec
105133: MACK, MAX NOBLE - Is it Legal to Barbecue an Eagle?
273315: MACKAIL, J. W. (JOHN WILLIAM) (1859-1945) - Latin literature
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