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9437: MARHUSZEWSKI, RICHARD AND BERNARD BLAUSTEIN, EDS - Fossil Fuels Utilization - Environmental Concerns
221748: DE MARIA, BLAKE (1964-) - Becoming Venetian : immigrants and the arts in early modern Venice / Blake de Maria
98800: MARIA FEODOROVNA, EMPRESS, CONSORT OF PAUL I, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - Chere Annette : Letters from St. Petersburg, 1820-1828 : the Correspondence of the Empress Maria Feodorovna to Her Daughter the Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna, the Princess of Orange / S. W. Jackman
230940: MARIACHER, GIOVANNI - Vetri italiani del Rinascimento / Giovanni Mariacher
229088: MARIACHER, GIOVANNI - Italian blown glass, from ancient Rome to Venice
230933: MARIACHER, GIOVANNI - Vetri : Italiani Del Cinquecento
231122: MARIACHER, GIOVANNI - Il Museo vetrario di Murano / Testo di Giovanni Mariacher
28323: MARIAH, PAUL - Apparitions of a black pauper's suit : 13 eulogies / Paul Mariah
129182: MARIANA, JUAN DE (1535-1624) - Joannis Marianæ, Soc. Jesu, Historiæ De Rebus Hispaniæ Libri Triginta. / Accedunt Josephi Emmanuelis Minianæ ... Continuationis Novæ, Libri Decem, Cum Iconibus Regum..... [4 Volumes Complete and Bound in 2]
57686: MARIANI, VALERIO (B. 1899) - Michelangelo the Painter
180589: MARIANI, MASSIMO (1951-) - Massimo Mariani : progetti 1980-2005
244444: MARIANNE, PÁNDI - Százestendo magyar zenekritikaja
42816: MARIANO, JOHN H. - The Busch Jewelry Stores Labor Injunction
52248: MARIANO, JOHN H. - A Proposed Modern Psychological Clinic
8758: MARIANO, JOHN HORACE (1896-1972) - The Wagner Act Analysis, Discussion and Appraisal
240295: MARÍAS, JAVIER; ALLEN, ESTHER (1962-), TRANSLATOR - Dark back of time / Javier Marías ; translated from the Spanish by Esther Allen
269002: MARIE DE RABUTIN-CHANTAL SÉVIGNÉ, MARQUISE DE - Lettres de Mme. de Sévigné : précedées d'une notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné par M. Suard
261399: MARIE THÉRÈSE LOUISE DE SAVOIE-CARIGNAN LAMBALLE, PRINCESSE DE - Secret memoirs : being her journals, letters and conversations during her confidential relations with Marie Antoinette, with original and authentic anecdotes of the royal family and other distinguished personages during the revolution
261127: MARIE DE RABUTIN-CHANTAL SÉVIGNÉ, MARQUISE DE - Lettres choisies - vol. 1
250457: MARIE ANTOINETTE QUEEN, CONSORT OF LOUIS XVI, KING OF FRANCE (1755-1793) - Correspondance de Marie-Antoinette (1770-1793) / établie, présentée et annotée par Evelyne Lever
262616: MARIE, TANTE (PSEUD) - La Véritable Cuisine de Famille
37026: MARIE, DE FRANCE (12TH CENT. ) - Les Lais De Marie De France
235992: MARIE, ARISTIDE (1862-1939). BILLY, ANDRÉ (1882-1971) - Gérard de Nerval : le poète et l'homme / Aristide Marie avec une préface par André Billy : d'après des manuscrits, et documents inédits
64731: MARIECHILD, DIANE - Mother Wit, a Feminist Guide to Psychic Development
63398: MARIEJOL, JEAN-H. (JEAN-HIPPOLYTE) (1855-1934) - A Daughter of the Medicis; the Romantic Story of Margaret of Valois, by Professor Jean Mariejol. Translated from the French by John Peile, M. A
164673: MARIINEZ DELGADO, LUIS, (1897-) - El Periodismo En La Nueva Granada, 1810-1811
84528: MARILL, ALVIN H. - Katharine Hepburn ; General Editor, Ted Sennett
78761: MARILL, ALVIN H. - Robert Mitchum on the Screen / Alvin H. Marill
65868: MARILL, ALVIN H. - Katharine Hepburn
235569: MARILL, ALVIN H - The films of Anthony Quinn
219998: MARILL, ALVIN H - The films of Anthony Quinn
125331: MARILL, ALVIN H. - Katharine Hepburn, by Alvin H. Marill
176057: MARILL ALBERES, FRANCINE - Stendhal et le sentiment religieux
231546: MARIN, PIETER - Dictionnaire portatif; en deux parties: I. françois et hollandois, & II. hollandois et françois / De feu Mr. Pierre Marin - This , the first volume; Francois et Hollandois
80832: MARIN, ALLAN (ED. ) - 50 Years of Advertising As Seen through the Eyes of Advertising Age, 1930-1980
62396: MARIN, PIETER - Dictionnaire Portatif, Francois Et Hollandois ... Et Augmentee ... Dictionnaire Portatif, François Et Hollandois ... Huitieme Edition, Corrigee ... Et Augmentee ... (Neder-Duitsch En Fransch Woorden-Boek)
167983: MARIN, PAUL (1850-) - Felix Faure ? / Capitaine Paul Marin
198366: MARIN, PAUL (1850-) - Esterhazy? / par Capitaine Paul Marin
88199: MARINACHE, V. (MAPS BY) - Romania; a Guidebook
279544: MARINETTI, F. T. (1876-1944) - Enrico Caviglia
255298: MARINI, GABRIELLA - Nuovi documenti su Giuditta Sidoli / a cura di Gabriella Marini
163363: MARINI, ALBERTO - De Kadesh Al Ebro : Kadesh, Dorilea, El Ebro
263736: MARINIS, TAMMARO DE - Le Nozze di Costanzo Sforza e Camilla d'Aragona celebrate a Pesaro nel maggio 1475; narrazione anonima, accompagnata da 32 miniature di artista contemporaneo
180890: MARINO, ANTONIO - Le tariffe doganali ... e il mezzogiorno d'Italia : con lettera prefazione dell'on Prof. A. Mauri
29331: MARINOFF, IRENE (1901-) - The Heresy of National Socialism
266455: MARINOS, THEMES - Ho ephialtes tes ethnikes antistases : (prosopikes martyries 1941-1944) / Themes Marinos: vol. I
227785: MARINVAL, PHILIPPE - L'alimentation végétale en France : du Mésolithique jusqu'à l'Age du fer / Philippe Marinval
38807: MARION, JOHN FRANCIS - Walking Tours of Historic Philadelphia
38212: MARION, M. D. , ROBERT - Learning to Play God
243116: MARION, MARCEL - Histoire financière de la France depuis 1715. / Tome II, (1789-1792)
244033: MARION, MARCEL - Histoire financière de la France depuis 1715 / Marcel Marion: Tome IV (1797-1818): La Fin De La Révolution, Le Consulat et L'Empire, La Libération du Territoire
243615: MARION, MARCEL (1857-1940) - Histoire financière de la France depuis 1715. Vol. 3 (1792-1797) :la vie et la mort du papier-monnaie
262304: MARION, GEORGE - The 'Free Press' portrait of a Monopoly
139942: MARION, GEORGE - Stop the Press!
165973: MARION, GEORGE, (1905-) - Stop the Press!
57651: MARION, GEORGE (1905-) - All Quiet in the Kremlin
197772: MARION, DENIS - Aspects du cinema : Technique, industrie, commerce, propagande, divertissement, magie ... mais surtout un art!
207265: MARION, GEORGE - All quiet in the Kremlin / George Marion
158304: MARIPOL - Maripolarama by Maripol
236041: MARIQUE, ISABELLE. JORANT, ALBERT - The French cuisine of your choice
25435: MARISTED, KAI - Fall
273310: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973) - Theonas : conversations of a sage
259163: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973) - Christianisme et démocratie / par Jacques Maritain
255640: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973) - Réponse à Jean Cocteau
254381: MARITAIN, JACQUES - Georges Rouault
200310: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973) - The range of reason / Jacques Maritain
115695: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973). EVANS, JOSEPH WILLIAM. WARD, LEO R. (LEO RICHARD) (1893-) - The Social and Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain : Selected Readings
35803: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973) - A Travers Le Desastre ...
121107: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973) - Antisemitism / Jacques Maritain
133303: MARITAIN, JACQUES (1882-1973) - Antisemitism / Jacques Maritain
166160: MARITZINE, GEORGES - Les Detracteurs Du Peuple Bulgare. 1 , Leon Savadjian / Par Georges Maritzine
274274: MARIUS, G. HERMINE - Dutch painters of the 19th century / (by) Marius (translated from the Dutch by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos) edited by Geraldine Norman
256896: MARIUS, G. HERMINE - Dutch painters of the 19th century / (by) Marius (translated from the Dutch by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos) edited by Geraldine Norman
264472: MARIVAUX, PIERRE CARLET DE CHAMBLAIN DE (1688-1763) - Théâtre en deux volumes / Marivaux ; introduction par Émile Faguet
237673: MARIVAUX, PIERRE CARLET DE CHAMBLAIN DE (1688-1763). DUVIQUET M. PIERRE (1765-1835) - La vie de Marianne / Marivaux ; avec des remarques littéraires par M. Duviquet
230165: MARIX-EVANS, MARTIN. HOPKINSON, AMANDA (1948-). BASKAKOV, ANDREI. HAWORTH-BOOTH, MARK - Contemporary photographers / executive editor, Martin Marix Evans ; consultant editor, Amanda Hopkinson ; advisers, Andrey Baskakov ... [et al.]
47470: MARJORIBANKS, KEVIN - Ethnic Families and Children's Achievements
79627: MARK, J. PAUL - The Empire Builders : Inside the Harvard Business School
58822: MARK, ALEXANDRA - Astrology for the Aquarian Age
82249: MARK, EDWARD WALHOUSE - Acuarelas De Mark, 1843-1856 : Un Testimonio Pictorico De La Nueva Granada / [Editor, Joaquin Pineros Corpas].
111283: MARK, JAN (1943-2006) - The Ennead / Jan Mark
216806: MARK, BERNARD - The uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto / Bernard Mark. [Language: Yiddish / Hebrew]
109082: MARK, ALEXANDRA - Astrology for the Aquarian Age
189758: MARK, ALEXANDRA - Astrology for the aquarian age
162124: MARK, ALEXANDRA - Astrology for the Aquarian Age
252384: MARKALE, JEAN - La vie, la légende, l'influence d'Aliénor, comtesse de Poitou, duchesse d'Aquitaine, reine de France, puis d'Angleterre, dame des troubadours et des bardes bretons / Jean Markale
271470: MARKER, R.J., COLONEL [AUTHOR PART I]. DAWNAY, MAJOR, A.G.C. [COMPILER PART II] STUDD, H.W., COLONEL [FORWARD] - The Record of the Coldstream Guards: part I, 1650 to 1907 ; part II, 1914 to 1918
74362: THE STOCK MARKET - The Stock Market, Volume 4
62483: MARKEY, GENE (1895-1980) - Men about Town, a Book of 58 Caricatures, by Gene Markey
249125: MARKHAM MRS. (1780-1837) - A history of England : from the first invasion by the Romans to the end of the reign of George the Third: with conversations at the end of each chapter
276987: MARKHAM, EDWIN (1852-1940) - Children in bondage : a complete and careful presentation of the anxious problem of child labor-its causes, its crimes, and its cure
276183: MARKHAM, CHRISTOPHER A. (CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER) - The stone crosses of the county of Northampton
23875: MARKHAM, IAN S. - Truth and the Reality of God : an Essay in Natural Theology / Ian Markham
161215: MARKHAM, REUBEN HENRY (1887-) - Tito's Imperial Communism
278728: MARKHAM, ROBERT - Colonel Sun : [a James Bond adventure]
59701: MARKHAM, REUBEN HENRY (1887-) - The Wave of the Past, by R. H. Markham
145008: MARKHAM, MRS. (1780-1837) - A History of Germany from its Invasion by Marius Down to the Completion of Cologne Cathedral in the Year 1880 : on the Plan of Mrs. Markham's Histories for the Use of Young Persons, with Woodcuts
168940: MARKHAM, EDWIN (1852-1940) - California the wonderful
78405: MARKHAM, EDWIN (1852-1940) - The Man with the Hoe, and Other Poems
90136: MARKHAM, VIOLET ROSA - May Tennant; a Portrait
244373: MARKLEY, A - The Artist's Manual or, Dictionary of Practical Knowledge: Volume II
208637: MARKMANN, HANS-JOCHEN - Der deutsche Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus 1933-1945 : Modelle fur den Unterricht : Medien, Materialien, Dokumente / Hans-Jochen Markmann
64026: MARKOVA, ALICIA, DAME (1910-2004) - Markova Remembers / Dame Alicia Markova
192053: MARKOVIC, MIHAILO (B. 1923) - From affluence to praxis : philosophy and social criticism
217510: MARKOVIC, SVETOZAR - Politicki deo sveska prva. Celokupna dela svetozara markoviCa [The political part of the first volume. The Collected Works of Svetozar Markovic. Language: Serbian]
183289: MARKOVIC, MIHAILO (1923-) - Dialektik der Praxis
191547: MARKOVIC, LAZAR (1882-1955) - Le desarmement et la politique de Belgrade / Lazare Marcovitch
164499: MARKOVITS, RODION (1888-1948) - Siberian Garrison / Rodion Markovits ; Translated from the Hungarian by George Halasz
90096: MARKOVITS, RODION (1888-1948) - Siberian Garrison ; Translated from the Hungarian by George Halasz
244281: MARKOVITS, RODION - Siberian garrison
95048: MARKOVITS, RODION - Serbian Garrison
118865: MARKOWITZ, GERALD E. DAVID ROSNER - Deceit and Denial : the Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution / Gerald Markowitz and David Rosner
182938: MARKOWSKA, WANDA - Literatura polska epoki odrodzenia
79811: MARKS, GEOFFREY & BEATTY, WILLIAM K (1926-?) JOINT AUTHORS - The Medical Garden
76740: MARKS, COPELAND - The Varied Kitchens of India : Cuisines of the Anglo-Indians of Calcutta, Bengalis, Jews of Calcutta, Kashmiris, Parsis, and Tibetans of Darjeeling
248137: MARKS, JOHN - To the bullfight. A guide to the Spanish national pastime. (With plates)
276590: MARKS, RICHARD - The golden age of English manuscript painting, 1200-1500
274581: MARKS, RICHARD - The golden age of English manuscript painting 1200-1500 / Richard Marks and Nigel Morgan
273432: MARKS, VIC - Marks out of XI : England's winter tour of India and Australia, 1984-1985
270182: MARKS, RICHARD - British heraldry from its origins to c.1800 / compiled and edited by Richard Marks and Ann Payne
266369: MARKS, STEPHEN POWYS - The map of mid sixteenth century London : an investigation into the relationship between a copper-engraved map and its derivatives / Stephen Powys Marks
248179: MARKS, IVAN - The People's Champion
242401: MARKS, VIC. FRINDALL, BILL (1939-2009) - The Wisden illustrated history of cricket / Vic Marks ; records compiled by Bill Frindall
238434: MARKS, RONALD; FRY, JOHN - Practical problems in dermatology / Ronald Marks series consultant, John Fry
203040: MARKS, RICHARD (1945-) - The golden age of English manuscript painting 1200-1500 / Richard Marks and Nigel Morgan
200977: MARKS, RICHARD (1945-) - Burrell : a portrait of a collector : Sir William Burrell, 1861-1958 / Richard Marks
173756: MARKS, ELAINE - Simone de Beauvoir : encounters with death
162390: MARKS, SHANNEE - Where is Palestine? : the Arabs in Israel
256816: MARKS, STEPHEN POWYS. LONDON TOPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY - The map of mid sixteenth century London : an investigation into the relationship between a copper-engraved map and its derivatives / Stephen Powys Marks
156790: MARKS, EDWARD BENNETT (1865-1945) - They all Had Glamour, from the Swedish Nightingale to the Naked Lady
227956: MARKS, JOHN HUGO EDGAR PUEMPIN (1908-) - To the bullfight : a guide to the Spanish national pastime
188068: MARKS, MARY A. M. HOPPUS - The corn laws : a popular history
138529: MARKS, DAVID WOOLF (1811-1909) - Sermons Preached on Various Occasions, At the West London Synagogue of British Jews - [Containing 24 Sermons]
94498: MARKS, THOMAS EDWARD - The Land and the Commonwealth ; with an Introduction by J. Hugh Edwards
132437: MARKS, THOMAS EDWARD - The Land and the Commonwealth
236298: MARKS, ELAINE - Colette
227965: MARKS, JOHN HUGO PUEMPIN (1908-1967) - To the bullfight again
19488: MARKS, JEANETTE - Life and Letters of Emma Woolley
56881: MARKS, PERCY (1891-) - The Plastic Age
6746: MARKS, HERBERT H. - Pax Obbligato
236046: MARKS, JOHN HUGO PUEMPIN (1908-1967) - To the bullfight : a guide to the Spanish national pastime
264433: MARKS, LEO - Between silk and cyanide : the story of S.O.E.'s code war / Leo Marks
171806: MARKSTAHLER, JURGEN - Die franzosische Kongo-Affare 1905/1906 : ein Mittel in der imperialistischen Konkurrenz der Kolonialmachte / Jurgen Markstahler
211026: HOCHSCHULE ST. GALLEN FUR WIRTSCHAFTS- UND SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTEN. SCHWEIZERISCHES INSTITUT FUR AUSSENWIRTSCHAFTS- UND MARKTFORSCHUNG - Die Schweiz als kleinstaat in der weltwirtschaft / herausgegeben vom Schweizerischen Institut fur Aussenwirtschaft- und Marktforschung an der Handels-Hochschule St. Gallen
99487: MARKUS, RIXI - The Rixi Markus Book of Bridge
274744: MARKUS, THOMAS A - Order in space and society : architectural form and its context in the Scottish Enlightenment
226301: MARKUS, KURT - Boxers
119284: MARLAND, E. A. - Early Electrical Communication [By] E. A. Marland
211431: MARLAR, ROBIN (1931-?) - Decision against England : the Centenary Ashes 1982-3 / Robin Marlar
210025: MARLAR, ROBIN (1931-?) - Decision against England : the Centenary Ashes 1982-3 / Robin Marlar
174504: MARLIN, ERED - Caprice : the uncensored diary of a female sex fiend
45449: MARLING, KARAL ANN - Tom Benton and His Drawings : a Biographical Essay and a Collection of His Sketches, Studies, and Mural Cartoons
49650: MARLITT, EUGENIE (1825-1887) - Countess Gisela, from the German of E. Marlitt [Pseud. ] ... by Mrs. A. L. Wister
205073: MARLO, EDWARD - Fingertip control
9388: MARLOW, JOYCE, ED. - The Virago Book of Women and the Great War, 1914-18 / Edited by Joyce Marlow
265232: MARLOW, LOUIS (1881-1966) - Welsh ambassadors : (Powys lives and letters)
193768: MARLOW, JOYCE (1929- ) - Captain Boycott and the Irish
249537: MARLOW, JOHN - The pike fisherman's handbook
105091: MARLOW, JOYCE - The Oak and the Ivy : an Intimate Biography of William and Catherine Gladstone
57157: MARLOW, ANDREW W. - Fine Furniture for the Amateur Cabinetmaker. Photography by I. B. Warner
28653: MARLOWE, JOHN - Perfidious Albion : the Origins of Anglo-French Rivalry in the Levant
265694: MARLOWE, JOHN - Milner : apostle of Empire : a life of Alfred George, the Right Honourable Viscount Milner of St James's and Cape Town, KG, GCB, GCMG, 1854-1925 / John Marlowe
260775: MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER (1564-1593) - The works of Christopher Marlowe - complete in 3 volumes
97218: MARLOWE, JOHN - The Making of the Suez Canal
96760: MARLOWE, JOHN - Perfidious Albion: the Origins of Anglo-French Rivalry in the Levant
71907: MARLOWE, AMY BELL - Wyn's Camping Days or the Outing of the Go-Ahead Club
58099: MARLOWE, AMY BELL - The Oldest of Four; Or, Natalie's Way Out
13411: MARLOWE, GEORGE FRANCIS - Churches of Old New England, Their Architecture and Their Architects, Their Pastors and Their People; Illus. with Photographs by Samuel Chamberlain.
120836: MARLOWE, FRANCIS - The Sunset Express : a Story of Canadian Railway Life for Boys
222887: MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER (1564-1593) ; CHAPMAN, GEORGE (1559?-1634) - Hero and Leander, 1589 / Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman
113582: MARLOWE, JOHN - Mission to Khartum: the Apotheosis of General Gordon
113236: MARLOWE, JOHN - Mission to Khartum: the Apotheosis of General Gordon
201430: MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER (1564-1593) - Hero and Leander : 1598
52867: MARLOWE, GEORGE FRANCIS - The Old Bay Paths : Their Villages and Byways and Their Stories
89193: MARLOWE, JOHN - Arab Nationalism and British Imperialism, a Study in Power Politics
87476: MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER ; DECARIS, ALBERT (ILLUS. ) - Four Plays / Christopher Marlowe. Edited with an introduction by Havelock Ellis. Copperplate Engravings by Albert Decaris
165731: MARMIER, XAVIER (1809-1892) - Du Rhin Au Nil : De Constantinople Au Caire, 1845-1846 / Par Xavier Marmier
251265: MARMONT, A. F. L. V. D, AUGUSTE FRÉDÉRIC LOUIS VIESSE DE, DUC DE RAGUSE( 1774-1852) - Voyage du Maréchal Duc de Raguse en Hongrie, en Transylvanie, dans la Russie méridionale, en Crimée, et sur les bords de la mer d'Azoff, à Constantinople, dan quelque parties de l'Asia-Mineure, en Syrie, en Palestine et en Égypte: in three volumes
259469: MARMONTEL, JEAN-FRANÇOIS (1723-1799) - Contes moraux / par M. Marmontel: tome premier
259465: MARMONTEL, JEAN-FRANÇOIS (1723-1799) - Contes moraux / par M. Marmontel: tome troisieme
247181: MARMONTEL, JEAN-FRANÇOIS (1723-1799) - Oeuvres posthumes de Marmontel : historiographe de France, secrétaire perpétuel de l'académie française / imprimées sur le manuscrit autographe de l'auteur - Complete in 5 volumes
279148: MARMONTEL - Les Incas ou La Destruction de L'Impire du Pérou
134239: MARMONTEL, JEAN FRANCOIS (1723-1799) - Regence Du Duc D'Orleans - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
64248: MARMONTEL, JEAN FRANCOIS (1723-1799) - Memoirs of Marmontel, Translated by Brigit Patmore, with Sainte-Beuve's Essay on Marmontel
181410: MARMONTEL, JEAN FRANCOIS (1723-1799) - Memoirs of Marmontel : written by himself, including anecdotes of the most distinguished literary and political characters who appeared in France during the last century ; translated from the French [complete in 2 volumes]
242060: MARMONTEL, JEAN-FRANÇOIS (1723-1799). TOURNEUX, MAURICE (1849-1917) - Mémoires de Marmontel / publiés avec préface, notes et tables, par Maurice Tourneux. Complete in three volumes
263207: MARMONTEL, JEAN FRANÇOIS (1723-1799) - The Incas: or The destruction of the empire of Peru
20578: MARMOR, THEODORE R. - Understanding Health Care Reform
49606: MARMOR, JUDD - The Contributions of Franz Alexander to Modern Psychotherapy
127042: MARMORSTEIN, EMILE - Heaven At Bay; the Jewish Kulturkampf in the Holy Land
192655: MARMORSTEIN, ARTUR - The contest between Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
203234: MARMUR, DOW - Beyond survival : reflections on the future of Judaism / Dow Marmur
258385: MARNAU, FRED - New road : directions in European art and letters / edited by Fred Marnau. Number 4
35315: MARNER, DOMINIC - St. Cuthbert : His Life and Cult in Medieval Durham
96539: MARNHAM, PATRICK - Crime and the Academie Francaise
43899: MARNHAM, PATRICK (1943-) - Trail of Havoc : in the Steps of Lord Lucan
102743: MARNHAM, PATRICK - Trail of Havoc : in the Steps of Lord Lucan
195821: COMITE MARNIX - Contre l'intolernace : Manifeste du Comite Marnix pour la diffusion des idees de justice et de liberte
256100: LA MISSION SCIENTIFIQUE DU MAROC - Revue du Monde Musulman: volume IV: Février 1908: Numero II
186180: MAROLLES, LOUIS DE, (CA. 1629-1692) - A history of the sufferings and martyrdom of monsieur Lewis de Marolles : together with his essay on providence
255800: MARON, EUGÈNE - Histoire littéraire de la révolution / par Eugène Maron
13933: MARON, MARGARET - Fugitive Colors
55266: MARONE, NICKY - How to Father a Successful Daughter / Nicky Marone ; Foreword by Gilbert Simon
246369: MAROON, FRED J. NATIONAL TRUST (GREAT BRITAIN) - The English country house / [photographed by] Fred Maroon; introduction by Mark Girouard
206734: MAROON, FRED J. - These United States / photographs by Fred J. Maroon ; text by Hugh Sidey
23483: MAROT, CLEMENT. EDITED BY C. A. MAYER - Clement Marot - Oeuvres Diverses. Rondeaux, Ballades, Chants-Royaux, Epitaphes, Etrennes, Sonnets
10145: MAROT, CLEMENT - Les Epitres; Edition Critique Par C. A. Mayer
53620: MAROTTA, TOM - For They Are My Friends, Photographs by Tom Marotta
15092: MAROTTA, TOM - Sons of Harvard. Gay Men from the Class of 1967
84609: MAROTTA, TOM AND EMINESCU, MIHAIL (TEXT) - For They Are My Friends, Photographs by Tom Marotta
48879: MAROWITZ, CHARLES - Stage Dust - a Critic's Cultural Scrapbook from the 1990s. Studies and Documentation in the History of Popular Entertainment, No. 1
229217: MARPERGER, PAUL JACOB - Paul Jacob Marpergers Vollstandiges Kuch- und Keller-Dictionarium
204650: MARPLES, MORRIS (1901-?) - Poor Fred and the Butcher : sons of George II
234682: MARPURG, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1718-1795). GLASSBACH, CHRISTIAN BENJAMIN (1724-1779) [ENGRAVER]. LANGE, GOTTLIEB AUGUST (-1796) [PRINTER] - Kritische Einleitung in die Geschichte und Lehrsatze der alten und neuen Musik / von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Nebst acht Kupfertabellen
234114: MARPURG, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1718-1795). GLASSBACH, CHRISTIAN BENJAMIN (1724-1779) [ENGRAVER]. LANGE, GOTTLIEB AUGUST -(1796) [PRINTER] - Kritische Einleitung in die Geschichte und Lehrsätze der alten und neuen Musik / von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Nebst acht Kupfertabellen
232789: MARPURG, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1718-1795) - Abhandlung von der Fuge : nach den Grundsatzen und Exempeln der besten deutschen und auslandischen Meister entworfen : mit CXXII Notentafeln / Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg
233622: MARPURG, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1718-1795). REICH, WOLFGANG - Legende einiger Musikheiligen / Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg ; [mit einem Nachwort herausgegeben von Wolfgang Reich]
209865: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (JOHN PHILLIPS), (1893-1960) - Thank you Mr Moto / John P. Marquand
179973: MARQUAND, DAVID - The end of the West : the once and future Europe / David Marquand
157945: MARQUAND, JOHN PHILLIPS (1893-1960) - So Little Time
182840: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (JOHN PHILLIPS) (1893-1960) - Sincerely, Willis Wayde
170532: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (1893-1960) - Timothy Dexter revisited
74178: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (JOHN PHILLIPS) (1893-1960) - Thirty Years
159998: MARQUAND, JOHN PHILLIPS (1893-1960) - So Little Time, by John P. Marquand
185751: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (JOHN PHILLIPS) (1893-1960) - Women and Thomas Harrow
185766: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (1893-1960) - Thirty years
170488: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (JOHN PHILLIPS) (1893-1960) - Thirty years
39688: MARQUAND, JOHN P. - Repent in Haste
39692: MARQUAND, JOHN P. - Stopover: Tokyo
170515: MARQUAND, JOHN P. (1893-1960) - Timothy Dexter revisited
150655: MARQUAND, JOHN PHILLIPS (1893-1960) - Stopover: Tokyo
161328: MARQUAND, JOHN PHILLIPS (1893-1960) - Repent in Haste
36241: MARQUARD, LEOPOLD (1897-) - A Federation of Southern Africa
139808: MARQUARD, LEO - The Peoples and Policies of South Africa
255505: MARQUIS OF ZETLAND. MAUROIS, ANDRÉ - The Letters of Disraeli: to Lady Chesterfield and Lady Bradford: volume one: 1873 to 1875
27936: MARQUIS, DON (1878-1937) - Sonnets to a Red-Haired Lady
134715: MARQUIS, FREDERICK JAMES, EARL OF WOOLTON (ED. ) - Handbook of Employments in Liverpool. / Edited by F. J. Marquis ... with a Preface by Alderman F. J. Leslie
239671: MARQUIS, THOMAS B (1869-1935) - Rain-in-the-Face and Curly, the Crow; Sitting Bull and Gall, the Warrior; Sketch Story of the Custer Battle: A Clashing of Red and Blue; Two Days After the Custer Battle: A Clashing of Red and Blue as Viewed by a Gibbon Soldier
109529: MARQUIS, DON (1878-1937) - The Best of Don Marquis
140790: MARQUISET, ALFRED (1867-1919) - Napoleon Stenographie Au Conseil D'Etat 1804-1805
228316: MARQUSEE, MIKE - If I am not for myself : journey of an anti-Zionist Jew
251401: MARR, J. E. (1857-1933) - The scientific study of scenery
180883: MARR, KARL - Der achtzehnte brumaire des Louis Bonaparte / von Karl Marr
255582: MARRECO, ANNE - Rebel countess : the life and times of Constance Markievicz / Anne Marreco
95228: MARRESE, MICHAEL, ED. - The Challenge of Simultaneous Economic Relations with East and West / Edited by Michael Marrese and Sandor Richter
212276: MARRIAGE LAW REFORM ASSOCIATION, LONDON - Facts and opinions tending to shew the Scriptural lawfulness of marriage with a deceased wife's sister, and the consequent necessity for its legalization in England
160714: MARRIC, J. J. - Gideon's Sport
207248: MARRINER, JOHN - The shores of the black ships / [by] John Marriner
246080: MARRIOT, EMIL - Heinz Henning
78045: MARRIOTT, ALICE LEE (1910-) - Dance around the Sun : the Life of Mary Little Bear Inkanish, Cheyenne / Alice Marriott and Carol K. Rachlin
17663: MARRIOTT, EDWARD - Plague : a Story of Science, Rivalry, and the Scourge That Won't Go Away / Edward Marriott
169165: MARRIOTT, ALICE LEE - American Indian mythology
256738: MARRIOTT, CHARLES (1868-1957) - Modern art, 1919 series : a collection of works in modern art / Text by Charles Marriott and 'Tis' [pseud.] Issued by 'Colour magazine.'
221177: MARRIOTT, J. A. R. (JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME), SIR, (1859-1945) - The evolution of Prussia : the making of an empire
201625: MARRIOTT, J. A. R. (JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME), SIR, (1859-1945) - English political institutions : an introductory study
141729: MARRIOTT, J. A. R. (JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME) , SIR (1859-1945) - The Makers of Modern Italy : Napoleon--Mussolini
140874: MARRIOTT, J. A. R. (JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME) , SIR (1859-1945) - The English Land System : a Sketch of its Historical Evolution in its Bearing Upon National Wealth and National Welfare
90665: MARRIOTT, J. A. R. (JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME) , SIR (1859-1945) - Queen Victoria and Her Ministers
149949: MARRIOTT, J. A. R. (JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME) , SIR (1859-1945) - Second Chambers; an Inductive Study in Political Science, by J. A. R. Marriott
147850: MARRIOTT, JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME, SIR (1859-1945) - The English Land System / J. A. R. Marriott
147519: MARRIOTT, J. A. R. (JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME) , SIR (1859-1945) - English Political Institutions; an Introductory Study, by J. A. R. Marriott
128719: MARRIOTT, JOHN A. R. - Second Chambers : an Inductive Study in Political Science
180859: MARRIOTT, R. - Incentive payment systems : a review of research and opinion / [by] R. Marriott
120479: MARRIS, N. MURRELL - The Right Honourable Joseph Chamberlain, the Man and the Statesman, by N. Murrell Marris. with Photogravure Frontispiece and Thirty-Two Full-Page Illustrations and Portrait
130232: MARRIS, PETER. MARTIN REIN - Dilemmas of Social Reform : Poverty and Community Action in the United States / Peter Marris and Martin Rein
167527: MARRO, GIOVANNI, (1875-1952) - Caratteri fisici e spirituali della razza italiana
149193: MARRONI, CESARE (1900-) - Mussolini Se Stesso
175731: MARROQUIN ROJAS, CLEMENTE - Mexico jamas ha poseido territorio propio al sur del Rio Hondo
20336: MARROT, H. V. - A Bibliography of the Works of John Galsworthy
232007: MARROU, HENRI IRENEE - Augustinus in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten / dargestellt von Henri Marrou. Aus dem Französischen übertragen von Christine Muthesius
71172: MARRS, DONALD (1934-) - Executive in Passage : Career in Crisis--The Door to Uncommon Fulfillment / Donald Marrs
120584: MARRUS, MICHAEL R. - The Holocaust in History / Michael R. Marrus
176379: MARRUS, MICHAEL R. (MICHAEL ROBERT) - Les juifs de France a l'epoque de l'affaire Dreyfus : l'assimilation a l'epreuve / preface de Pierre Vidal-Naquet ; traduit de l'anglais par Micheline Legras
247768: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - The novels of Captain Marryat / edited by R. Brimley Johnson
275303: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - The settlers in Canada : written for young people
274631: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - The Children of the New Forest
274354: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - Masterman Ready : or The wreck of the 'Pacific' Written for young people
272500: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - Masterman ready, or, The wreck of the 'Pacific' : written for young people
269393: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - Masterman Ready; or, The wreck of the Pacific / Written for young people by Captain Marryat: with illustrations by Fred Pegram and an Introduction by David Hannay
265426: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - Jacob Faithful
222104: MARRYAT, JOSEPH (1757-1824) - A history of pottery and porcelain : medieval and modern
216629: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - Poor Jack
59292: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - The Pirate and the Three Cutters - [Illustrated with 8 Steel Engravings from Drawings by Clarkson Stanfield, R. A. ]
84218: MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848) - Jacob Faithful; with 12 Plates in Colour by R. W. Buss and an Introductory Essay by George Saintsbury
220858: MARRYAT, JOSEPH - Collections towards a history of pottery and porcelain, in the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries : with a description of the manufacture, a glossary, and a list of monograms
196964: MARRYAT, CAPTAIN; (MARRYAT, FREDERICK) - Valerie: Volume twenty-fourth edited by R. Brimley Johnson
214371: MOUVEMENT DU 22 MARS - Ce n'est qu'un debut, continuons le combat / Mouvement du 22 mars ; presentation d'Emile Copfermann
245761: MARS (1849-1912) - Paris brillant / par Mars
219274: MARS [PSEUD., I.E. MAURICE BONVOISIN, 1849-1912] - La vie de Londres : cotes riants / par Mars
113223: MARSACK, C. C. - Samoan Medley
242042: MARSAN, JULES - La bataille romantique
236835: MARSAN, JULES - La bataille romantique
86289: MARSCHALL, RICK - The History of Television / Rick Marschall
274203: MARSDEN, PETER RICHARD VALENTINE - The Roman Forum site in London : discoveries before 1985 / Peter Marsden
270707: MARSDEN, CHRISTOPHER (1912-1989) - The English at the seaside / Christopher Marsden
253360: MARSDEN, GRAHAM - The complete fisherman : a guide to fishing through the year / Graham Marsden, Brian Furzer, John Darling
252799: MARSDEN, GRAHAM - Advanced coarse fishing / Graham Marsden ; with a foreword by Peter Stone
232100: MARSDEN, JOHN - The illustrated life of Columba / John Marsden ; translation by John Gregory ; photography by Geoff Green
224287: MARSDEN, PHILIP (1916-1984) - The officers of the Commons, 1363-1978 / Philip Marsden
113642: MARSDEN, ARTHUR - British Diplomacy and Tunis, 1875-1902 : a Case Study in Mediterranean Policy / Arthur Marsden
14114: MARSDEN, PHILIP (1916-1984) - In Peril before Parliament. Pref. by Anthony Wedgwood Benn
262927: MARSDEN, GRAHAM - Coarse fishing on stillwaters / Graham Marsden
263276: MARSDEN, JONATHAN - Buckingham Palace : official souvenir guide / [text by Jonathan Marsden]
121933: MARSDEN, PHILIP (1916-1984) - In Peril before Parliament / Philip Marsden ; Preface by Anthony Wedgwood Benn
262952: MARSDEN, GRAHAM - Complete fisherman : a guide to fishing through the year / Graham Marsden, Brian Furzer, John Darling
182076: MARSDEN, JOHN BUXTON (1803-1870) - The history of the later Puritans : from the opening of the Civil War in 1642, to the ejection of the non-conforming clergy in 1662
95194: MARSDEN, PHILIP (1916-1984) - The Officers of the Commons, 1363-1965
209777: MARSDEN, DAVID - Nature watcher's directory / David Marsden
97041: MARSH, DAVE - Glory Days : Bruce Springsteen in the 1980s / Dave Marsh
91996: MARSH, HENRY (1911-1976) - Slavery and Race; a Story of Slavery and its Legacy for Today
90629: MARSH, HENRY - Documents of Liberty: from Earliest Times to Universal Suffrage [By] Henry Marsh
89356: MARSH, HENRY - Documents of Liberty: from Earliest Times to Universal Suffrage [By] Henry Marsh
84297: MARSH, MARCUS - Racing with the Gods
54970: MARSH, DAVE - Elvis / Text by Dave Marsh ; Art Direction by Bea Feitler
276564: MARSH, MADELEINE - Art detective : how to research your paintings, antiques and collectables
273520: MARSH, STEVE - The gloves are off
268810: MARSH, MADELEINE - Miller's collectables price guide 2000-2001 (Vol. XII)
259653: MARSH, CATHERINE (1818-1912) - English hearts and English hands, or, The railway and the trenches
259345: MARSH, CATHERINE - English hearts and English hands or, The railway and the trenches
24979: MARSH, NGAIO - Clutch of Constables
236718: MARSH, CHARLES (1958-) - Strange glory: a life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer / Charles Marsh.
206096: MARSH, HENRY (1911-1976) - The Christian island / Beram Saklatvala
205561: MARSH, NGAIO (1895-1982) - Clutch of constables
200792: MARSH, JAN (1942-) - The legend of Elizabeth Siddal / Jan Marsh
195073: MARSH, NGAIO (1895-1982) - False scent / Ngaio Marsh
191194: MARSH, ARTHUR IVOR - Trade union handbook : a guide and directory to the structure, membership, policy, and personnel of the British trade unions / Arthur Marsh
190477: MARSH, ARTHUR (1922- ) - Concise encyclopedia of industrial relations / Arthur Marsh
147167: MARSH, HENRY (1911-1976) (COMP. ) - Documents of Liberty: from Earliest Times to Universal Suffrage [By] Henry Marsh
32285: MARSH, REV. JOHN - An Epitome of General Ecclesiastical History, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With an Appendix of the Jews, from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Present Day
101421: MARSH, J. B. T. - The Story of the Jubilee Singers; with Their Songs
190686: MARSH, DAVID C. (ED.) - An introduction to the study of social administration / edited by David C. Marsh
188113: MARSH, ARTHUR IVOR - Disputes procedures in British industry
257205: MARSH, FLORA - The twisted florin: Evasion from France, escape from Italy, squadron leader John Mott MBE
279951: MARSH, C C - The science of double-entry book-keeping : simplified by the application of an infallible rule for journalizing ; calculated to insure a complete knowledge of the theory and practice of accounts
79373: MARSH, DAVE - Glory Days : Bruce Springsteen in the 1980s
251027: MARSH, NGAIO - Artists in crime
251026: MARSH, NGAIO - Overture to death
250930: MARSH, NGAIO - Enter a murderer
250767: MARSH, NGAIO - Artists in crime
250727: MARSH, NGAIO - Death in ecstasy
250711: MARSH, NGAIO - Final Curtain
216524: MARSH, HERBERT (1757-1839) - Politique devoilee de la France vis-a-vis de L'Angleterre : conduite de celle-ci, depuis l'epoque de la conference de Pilnitz jusqu'a la declaration de guerre qui lui a ete faite au mepris de sa neutralite... [Complete in 2 volumes] ... confirmee par lous les documens authentiques, et mise en evidence pour servir de comparaison, avec quelques remarques sur la continuation de la guerre. Par M. Herbert Marsh
107853: MARSH, DANIEL L. (DANIEL LASH) (1880-1968) - The Charm of the Chapel
6566: MARSH, CHARLES JAMES - The infancy of the world and the Holy watchers : an epic poem
182608: MARSH, NORMAN - Dan Dunn Secret operative 48 and the border smugglers
182597: MARSH, NORMAN - Dan Dunn Secret Operative 48 and the crime master
149852: MARSH, GIDEON WILLIAM BARKER (1858-) - Messianic Philosophy : an Historical and Critical Examination of the Evidence for the Existence, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
186323: MARSH, LEONARD CHARLES - Health and unemployment : some studies of their relationships.
122233: MARSH, J. B. T. - The Story of the Jubilee Singers : with Their Songs, by J. B. T. Marsh
169085: MARSH, EDWARD HOWARD, SIR, (1872-1953) - Ambrosia and small beer : the record of a correspondence between Edward Marsh and Christopher Hassall / arranged by Christopher Hassall.Ambrosia and small beer : the record of a correspondence between Edward Marsh and Christopher Hassall / arranged
151866: MARSH, EDWARD HOWARD (1872-) - Rupert Brooke; a Memoir
124648: MARSH, REGINALD (1898-1954). NORMAN SASOWSKY - The Prints of Reginald Marsh : an Essay and Definitive Catalog of His Linoleum Cuts, Etchings, Engravings, and Lithographs / Norman Sasowsky
30439: MARSH, DANIEL LASH (1880-1968) - The American Canon
123936: MARSH, KEN. DAVID HOLZMAN (ILL. ) - Independent Video : a Complete Guide to the Physics, Operation, and Application of the New Television for the Student, the Artist, and for Community TV
113786: MARSH, HENRY - Documents of Liberty: from Earliest Times to Universal Suffrage [By] Henry Marsh
94743: MARSH, J. B. T. - The Story of the Jubilee Singers : Including Their Songs
204537: MARSH, NGAIO (1895-1982) - A Wreath for Rivera
204656: MARSH, NGAIO (1895-1982) - Final curtain
211376: MARSH, ARTHUR IVOR. EVANS, E O. GARCIA, PAUL - Workplace industrial relations in engineering
96979: MARSHAK, S. (SAMUIL) (1887-1964) - At Life's Beginning, Some Pages of Reminiscence... Translated by Katherine Hunter Blair, Preface by Moura Budberg, Illustrated by G. Philippovsky
253583: MARSHAL, FIELD - El Alamein to the river sangro
253586: MARSHAL, FIELD - El Alamein to the river sangro
96866: MARSHALL, JOSEPH (FL. 1770) - Travels through Germany, Russia, and Poland in the Years 1769 and 1770 - [Uniform Title: Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, Russia, the Ukraine, and Poland, in the Years 1768, 1769, and 1770]
92522: MARSHALL, CHRIS (PROD. ED. ) - The World's Great Interceptor Aircraft
81297: MARSHALL, MEL (1911-?) - How to Repair, Reupholster, and Refinish Furniture / Mel Marshall ; Photos by Aldine Marshall, Drawings by Eugene Thompson
64792: MARSHALL, HERBERT (1906-) - The Pictorial History of the Russian Theatre
55492: MARSHALL, EDWARD - Space Case
44159: MARSHALL, MICHAEL - The Restless Heart - the Life and Influence of St. Augustine
277053: MARSHALL, ROBERT - A Wire Entanglement : a comedietta in one act
275616: MARSHALL, EMMA (1830-1899) - Dayspring : a story of the time of William Tyndale, reformer, scholar, and martyr
275430: MARSHALL, ROSALIND K. (ROSALIND KAY) - Childhood in seventeenth century Scotland / [catalogue by] Rosalind K. Marshall
272199: MARSHALL, LONDON - Model steamers and motor boats : how to build and run them.
270219: MARSHALL, BARRY - Dressage from all angles
26745: MARSHALL, JOYCE; JOYCE, GENE - The Reign of Reality - a Fresh Start for the Earth
266942: MARSHALL, C. F. DENDY (CHAPMAN FREDERICK DENDY) - A history of the Southern Railway
260830: MARSHALL, FRANCES MRS. MATTHEW - Broken lights
260087: MARSHALL, SHEINE M - A study of certain British seaweeds and their utilization in the preparation of agar
256108: MARSHALL, RONALD - Massimo d'Azeglio : an artist in politics, 1798-1866
255277: MARSHALL, GEOFFREY SIR - Individuality in medicine : Harveian oration delivered before the Royal College of Physicians on October 18, 1949
253342: MARSHALL-HARDY, ERIC - Angling ways
247129: MARSHALL, IAN (1944-) - Queen's Park : historical guide and heritage walk
241099: MARSHALL, ERIC. HAMPLE, STUART - Children's letters to God / compiled by Eric Marshall and Stuart Hample ; illustrated by Stuart Hample
262545: MARSHALL, J. D. (JOHN DUNCAN) - The Old Poor Law, 1795-1834 / prepared for the Economic History Society by J.D. Marshall
224201: MARSHALL, WILLIAM (1745-1818) - The review and abstract of the county reports to the Board of Agriculture from the several agricultural departments of England
224202: MARSHALL, WILLIAM (1745-1818) - The review and abstract of the county reports to the Board of Agriculture from the several agricultural departments of England
211883: MARSHALL, JOHN (1905-1985) - Lord's
211471: MARSHALL, JOHN NORMAN (1905-?) - Headingley / [by] John Marshall
180482: MARSHALL, JAMES (1942-1992) - George and Martha : round and round / written and illustrated by James Marshall
164131: MARSHALL, RICHARD, (1947-) - 50 New York Artists : a Critical Selection of Painters and Sculptors Working in New York
163747: MARSHALL-CORNWALL, JAMES HANDYSIDE, SIR (1887- ) - Grant As Military Commander [By] Sir James Marshall-Cornwall
125091: MARSHALL, JIM. DAVID FAHEY (ED. ) - Not Fade Away : the Rock & Roll Photography of Jim Marshall / Foreword by Michael Douglas ; Edited by David Fahey
252827: MARSHALL-HARDY, E - Angling ways
105347: MARSHALL, GEORGE WILLIAM (1839-) - An Index to the Pedigrees Contained in the Printed Herald's Visitations, Etc. , Etc.
274045: MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER R - Baroque Naples and the industry of painting : the world in the workbench / Christopher R. Marshall
278791: MARSHALL, KATE - Moral panics and Victorian values
248540: MARSHALL, JOHN - The Life of George Washington, commander in chief of the American forces, during the war which established the independence of his country and the first President of the Untied States: volume I
38477: MARSHALL, ANDREW (1967-) - The Trouser People : Colonial Shadows in Modern-Day Burma
193207: MARSHALL, T. H. - The role of the social services
220723: MARSHALL, ROSAMOND - Kitty
220322: MARSHALL, T. H. - Notes on the visit of a La Play House group to Cologne : 29th December 1936- 9th January 1937 [Original MS notebook/diary]
216714: MARSHALL, FRANCES & ANDERSON, GENE - Newspaper Magic
249713: MARSHALL, GEOFFREY SIR - Individuality in medicine : Harveian oration delivered before the Royal College of Physicians on October 18, 1949
249581: MARSHALL-HARDY, E - Approach to angling in fresh and sea-water : with a sea-fishing section by N. Vaughan Olver
249548: MARSHALL-HARDY, E - Mirror of angling
252971: MARSHALL, JOHN (1755-1835). WASHINGTON, BUSHROD (1762-1829) - The life of George Washington : commander in chief of the American forces, during the war which established the independence of his country, and first president of the United States: in four volumes
257267: MARSHALL, ARTHUR - Poppy Parade
193057: MARSHALL, FRANK HAMILTON - The Judaizing faction at Corinth
248562: MARSHALL, C. JENNINGS (CHARLES JENNINGS) - Chronic diseases of the abdomen : a diagnostic system
262852: MARSHALL, SYBIL - Under the hawthorn : country lore and country saw / [compiled by] Sybil Marshall ; illustrated with wood engravings by George Tute
20917: MARSHALL, JACK. DRYSDALE, RUSSELL - Journey Among Men
11938: MARSHALL, GEORGE (1839-1905) - The Genealogists Guide to Printed Pedigrees - Being a General Search through Genealogical, Topographical, and Biographical Works Relating to the United Kingdom, Together with References to Family Histories, Peerage Claims, Etc.
138565: MARSHALL, JOHN (1783-1841) - A Digest of all the Accounts Relating to the Population, Productions, Revenues, Financial Operations, Manufactures, Shipping, Colonies, Commerce, & C. &c. , of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : Diffused through More Than 600 Volumes.... . ...in Two Parts, with a Separate Index to Each / Arranged by J. Marshall, and Printed Pursuant to the ... Recommendation of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Public Documents, March 1, 1833
112146: MARSHALL, MARLENE HURLEY. SABINE VOLLMER VON FALKEN. (PHOTOG. ) - Shell Chic : the Ultimate Guide to Decorating Your Home with Seashells / Marlene Hurley Marshall ; Photographs by Sabine Vollmer Von Falken
187039: MARSHALL, MICHAEL - Hitler invaded Sark
108409: MARSHALL, JOHN (1755-1835) COMP. - The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces, During the War Which Established the Independence of His Country, and First President of the United States - [Complete in 5 Volumes].... . ..compiled under the Inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Washington, from Original Papers ... to Which is Prefixed an Introduction, Containing a Compendious View of the Colonies Planted by the English on the Continent of North America....
84176: MARSHALL, WILLIAM (1845-1907) - William Marshalls Bilderatlas Zur Tierkunde, Mit Beschreibendem Text - [Uniform Title: Bilderatlas].
56365: MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD (1866-1934) - The House of Merrilees
56363: MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD (1866-1934) - The Clintons, and Others
56362: MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD (1866-1934) - Sir Harry : a Love Story
56359: MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD (1866-1934) - Richard Baldock : an Account of Some Episodes in His Childhood, Youth, and Early Manhood, and of the Advice That Was Freely Offered to Him, by Archibald Marshall
55449: MARSHALL, WILLIAM - Nature As a Book of Symbols
51382: MARSHALL, EDISON (1894-1967) - The Upstart
8410: MARSHALL, EMMA - Under the Mendips: a Tale
99245: MARSHALL, HOWARD - Over to Tunis, the Complete Story of the North African Campaign by Howard Marshall. with 15 Maps by L. Potter
146811: MARSHALL, C. C. (CHARLES CLINTON) (1868-1922) - The Roman Catholic Church in the Modern State
50810: MARSHALL, LOUIS (1856-1929) - Louis Marshall: Champion of Liberty; Selected Papers and Addresses - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
160507: MARSHALL, CATHERINE (1914-1983) - A Man Called Peter : the Story of Peter Marshall
170373: MARSHALL, HERBERT (COMP.) - Soviet one-act plays : eleven one-acters / selected by Herbert Marshall
178731: MARSHALL, JENNER - Memorials of Westcott Barton, in the County of Oxford
228762: MARSHALL, H. J., NUNN, KATHLEEN HANDCOCK, ET AL. (COMPILERS) - Thomas Hancock Nunn : the life and work of a social reformer / written by his friends for his friends
120867: MARSHALL, F. RAY BRIGGS, VERNON M. - The Negro and Apprenticeship, by F. Ray Marshall and Vernon M. Briggs, Jr.
116623: MARSHALL, S. L. A. (SAMUEL LYMAN ATWOOD) (1900-1977) - Armies on Wheels, by S. L. A. Marshall ... with a Foreword by Major General J. F. C. Fuller ... and Illustrated with Maps and Diagrams by Colonel Francis Arnoldy and Joseph Bernstein
116217: MARSHALL, SAMUEL L. (SAMUEL LOUIS) - TV Installation Techniques, by Samuel L. Marshall
170098: MARSHALL, ALFRED (1842-1924) - The pure theory of foreign trade; and, the pure theory of domestic values
103202: MARSHALL, KATHERINE TUPPER - Together : Annals of an Army Wife
222765: MARSHALL, ALEXANDER JAMES - Bower-birds : their displays and breeding cycles : a preliminary statement
181264: MARSHALL, ALFRED (1842-1924) - Elements of economics of industry : being the first vol. of Elements of economics
226130: MARSHALL, DOROTHY - English people in the eighteenth century
225902: MARSHALL, FRANCIS - London West
238951: MARSHALL, C. JENNINGS (CHARLES JENNINGS) (1890-) - The surgeon
239177: MARSHALL, ROSAMOND - Kitty: illustrated with photographs from the Paramount Pictures film
246821: MARSHALL-HARDY, ERIC - Angling ways
122439: MARSHALL, DONALD STANLEY (1919-). JAMES SCOTT - Island of Passion : Ra'ivavae. / Drawings by James Scott. Photos by the Author
29369: MARSHALL, HERBERT (1906-) - Masters of the Soviet Cinema ; Crippled Creative Biographies / Herbert Marshall
52183: MARSHALL, FRANCIS H. A. - The Physiology of Reproduction
98633: MARSHALL, NORMAN (1901-?) - The Other Theatre
195622: MARSHALL, HOWARD [ET AL.] - Dick Sheppard : by his friends
198603: MARSHALL, JOHN. CARLILE, RICHARD (1790-1843) - The Political litany, diligently revised: to be said or sung until the appointed change come, throughout the dominion of England and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed
277819: MARSHALL, BRENDA - Mr Pickwick's plentiful portions : the Charles Dickens' cookbook for today
211107: MARSHALL, JOHN (1905-1985) - Sussex cricket : a history
212026: MARSHALL, JOHN (B. 1905) - Headingley / John Marshall
54391: MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD (1866-1934) - Exton Manor, by Archibald Marshall ...
213149: MARSHALL, BRUCE (1899-?) - The Red Danube / Bruce Marshall
241519: MARSHALL, HENRIETTA ELIZABETH (1867-1941) - A History of France ... With illustrations in colour by A. C. Michael
224554: MARSHE, SURREY - The girl in the centrefold
187991: MARSHH, SYLVIA - Web of words
248366: MARSHMAN, JOHN CLARK (1794-1877) - Memoirs of Major-General Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B.
204735: MARSI PARIBATRA, PRINCESS - Le Romantisme contemporain. Essai sur l'inquietude et l'evasion dans les lettres francaises de 1850 a 1950
266077: MARSTON, R. M. (RAYMOND MICHAEL) - Electronic alarm circuits manual
254946: MARSTON, JOHN 1575-1634 - The malcontent / [by] John Marston. Edited by Bernard Harris
242237: MARSTON, ADRIAN - Intestinal ischaemia / [by] Adrian Marston ; with illustrations by Peter Drury
238179: MARSTON, ADRIAN (1927-). BAILEY, HAMILTON (1894-1961) - Hamilton Bailey : a surgeon's life
252205: MARSTON, A. NORMAN - Encyclopaedia of angling / edited and compiled by A. Norman Marston; scrapboard illustrations by David Carl Forbes
252133: MARSTON, A. NORMAN - Newnes encyclopaedia of angling : a unique reference to the whole sport of angling including a great variety of information concerning fishing in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland / edited and compiled by A. Norman Marston ; scraperboard illustrations by David Carl Forbes
227863: MARSTON, ROBERT BRIGHT (1853-1927) - Walton and some earlier writers on fish and fishing
279743: MARSTON, E - An amateur angler's days in Dove Dale, or, How I spent my three weeks' holiday (July 24-Aug. 14, 1884.)
135781: MARSTON, CHARLES, SIR (1867-1946) - The New Knowledge about the Old Testament
148796: MARSTON, CHARLES, SIR (1867-1946) - The New Knowledge about the Old Testament
141677: MARSTON, MAURICE - Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1800-1890
118805: MARSTON, MAURICE - Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1800-1890
147398: MARSTON, MAURICE - Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1800-1890
53212: MARTEAU, CHARLES - Le bagne et ses forcats. Une tranche d'histoire rochefortaise (1766-1854)
262252: HAUS MARTEAU (LICHTENBERG, BAVIÈRE) - Der Lehrer und Wegbereiter von Henri Marteau : band V Hubert Léonard
224626: MARTEL, EDOUARD ALFRED - La France ignoree. Sud-est de la France
279468: MARTEL, CHARLES - The principles of colouring in painting
250347: MARTEL, HENRI - Livre dédié aux classes ouvrières / Henri Martel
140722: MARTEL, RENE - La France Et La Pologne : Realites De L'Est Europeen
167226: MARTEL, ANTOINE, (1899-1931) - Michel Lomonosov et la langue litteraire russe / par Antoine Martel ... Avec une preface par Paul Boyer
112807: MARTEL, GIFFARD LE QUESNE, SIR - East Versus West
140534: MARTEL, GIFFARD LE QUESNE, SIR - East Versus West
93557: MARTEL, GIFFARD LE QUESNE, SIR (1889-?) - East Versus West
211258: MARTEL DE PORZOU, AIME DENIS, COUNT - Etudes historiques sur Louvois et sur Dubois / par un Inconnu i.e. Count A.D. Martel de Porzou
148011: MARTELET, GUSTAVE - The Risen Christ and the Eucharistic World / Gustave Martelet ; Translated by Rene Hague
258641: MARTELL, EDWARD (1909-1989) - The menace of nationalisation : and The only answer
185423: MARTELL, EDWARD (1909-1989). BUTLER, EWAN - The murder of the News chronicle and the Star : killed by trade union restrictive practices, October 17, 1960
172822: MARTELLI-CHAUTARD, M. - Le Commerce de la France avec ses possessions d'Outre-Mer de 1928 a 1932
16681: MARTELLI, GEORGE - Livingstone's River : a History of the Zambezi Expedition, 1858-1864
45494: MARTEN, MICHAEL - The Radiant Universe : Electronic Images from Space / Michael Marten, John Chesterman
82935: MARTENHOFF, JIM - The Powerboat Handbook / Jim Martenhoff
249103: MARTENS, CHARLES DE - Causes célèbres du droit des gens / Tome 2
245600: DE MARTENS, GEO. FRÉD - Nouveau Recueil de Traités: tome I 1808-1814 Avril inclusiv
197873: MARTENS, OTTO - Afrika : ein Handbuch fur Wirtschaft und Reise / Otto Martens, O. Karstedt ; herausgegeben auf Anregung der Deutschen Afrika-Linien
202632: MARTENSEN, HANS (1808-1884) - Jacob Boehme, 1575-1624 / studies in his life and teaching by Hans L. Martensen, primate Bishop of Denmark; translated by T. Rhys Evans
145019: MARTENSEN, HANS LASSEN, BISHOP (1808-1884) - Christian Ethics : Special Part
275547: MARTHA, JULES (1853-1932) - Manuel d'archéologie étrusque et romaine / par Jules Martha
230129: MARTHELOT, PIERRE - Visages de l'Alsace / par Pierre Marthelot, Philippe Dollinger, Robert Heitz, Alfred Biedermann
246388: MÄRTHESHEIMER, PETER. FRENZEL, IVO - Im Kreuzfeuer, der Fernsehfilm 'Holocaust' : eine Nation ist betroffen / hrsg. von Peter Märthesheimer und Ivo Frenzel, unter Mitarbeit von Hellmuth Auerbach und Walter H. Pehle
161591: MARTI, KARL (1855-1925) - The Religion of the Old Testament; its Place Among the Religions of the Nearer East by Karl Marti. Translated by Rev. G. A. Bienemann. Edited by Rev. W. D. Morrison
51976: MARTI-IBANEZ, FELIX (1915-) - The Epic of Medicine
235459: MARTÍ, SAMUEL - Alt-Amerika : Musik der Indianer in präkolumbischer Zeit
181307: MARTI, KARL - The religion of the Old Testament : its place among the religions of the nearer East / translated by G.A. Bienemann, edited by W.D. Morrison
134753: MARTI, KARL - Die Religion Des Alten Testaments Unter Den Religionen Des Vorderen Orients / Von Karl Marti
139205: MARTI, KARL (1855-1925) - Die Religion Des Alten Testaments Unter Den Religionen Des Vorderen Orients
142082: MARTI, KARL (1855-1925) - Geschichte Der Israelitischen Religion / Von Karl Marti
159634: MARTI, KARL (1855-1925) - Geschichte Der Israelitischen Religion / Von Karl Marti
166324: MARTI, KARL (1855-1925) - Geschichte Der Israelitischen Religion / Von Karl Marti
198018: MARTI, KARL (1855-1925) - Das Dodekapropheton / erklart von Karl Marti
274108: MARTIAL - Epigrams / Martial ; with an English translation by Walter C.A. Ker - 2 volumes
274088: MARTIAL - Epigrams / Martial ; with an English translation by Walter C.A. Ker - 2 volumes
260561: MARTIAL, HUMPHREY - The radical letter bag
198447: MARTIAL [MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS (40AD-CA.104AD)] - M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammata / cum notis Farnabii et variorum, gemino[que] indice tum rerum tum auctorum, accurante Cornelio Schreveli
260049: MARTIENSSEN, ANTHONY - Hitler and his admirals
162333: MARTIENSSEN, ANTHONY K. - Crime and the Police / with a Foreword by R. M. Howe
231929: MARTIENSSEN-LOHMANN, FRANZISKA (1887-1971) - Der wissende Sänger. Gesangslexikon in Skizzen
255781: MARTIGNETTE, CHARLES G - The great American pin-up / Charles G. Martignette, Louis K. Meisel
95227: MARTIN, MATTHEW - The Crumbling Facade of African Debt Negotiations : No Winners
88235: MARTIN, MARY (1913-1990) - My Heart Belongs
87774: MARTIN, FLETCHER (1904-) - Fletcher Martin / H. Lester Cooke, Jr.
84501: MARTIN, HARVEY - Texas Thunder : My Eleven Years with the Dallas Cowboys
83539: MARTIN, HARRY (1920-?) & BUSHER, DICK (1941-?) - RELATED NAME: WINTHER, WARREN - Contemporary Homes of the Pacific Northwest / Text by Harry Martin ; Photos. by Dick Busher, Drawings by Warren Winther
81591: MARTIN, CY - The Saga of the Buffalo
81372: MARTIN, JAY - A Singer in the Dawn : Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar
79844: MARTIN, ALICE A - All about Apples
78914: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Kingsley Martin: Portrait and Self-Portrait
78776: MARTIN, JAY - Always Merry and Bright : a Life of Henry Miller
78523: MARTIN, JOHN FREDERICK - Profits in the Wilderness : Entrepreneurship and the Founding of New England Towns in the Seventeenth Century
75660: MARTIN, WENDY (1940-) , COMP. - The American Sisterhood; Writings of the Feminist Movement from Colonial Times to the Present
72479: MARTIN, RONALD E (1933-?) - American Literature and the Universe of Force / Ronald E. Martin
6464: MARTIN, WILLIAM (1888-1934) - Switzerland: from Roman Times to the Present - [Uniform Title: Histoire De La Suisse. English]
64440: MARTIN, RALPH G. (1920-) - Cissy / Ralph G. Martin
63340: MARTIN, SHEILA - Seatramps : Five Years of Ocean Life / Sheila Martin
54423: MARTIN, JOHN (B. 1893) - John Martin's Book of the Dance
54397: MARTIN, RALPH G. (1920-) - Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, by Ralph G. Martin
53657: MARTIN, NAVADA - The Spirit of Art and Words
50157: MARTIN, JANET M. - Lessons from the Hill - the Legislative Journey of an Education Program
48578: MARTIN, JUDITH - Miss Manner's Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
40056: MARTIN, JAY - Winter Dreams : an American in Moscow
276429: MARTIN, CHARLES - Towards a free society / Charles Martin
276273: MARTIN, JAMES - John Denver : Rocky Mountain wonderboy / James Martin
276030: MARTIN, ALEXANDER FREDERICK - The Oxford region / edited by A.F. Martin and R.W. Steel
275771: MARTIN, J. WALLIS - Dancing with the uninvited guest / J. Wallis Martin
274746: MARTIN, GEOFFREY - The town / Geoffrey Martin
274603: MARTIN, ERNEST WALTER - The secret people : English village life after 1750 / E.W. Martin
273474: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - Grand slam : England in Australia 1986/87 : a Cricketer Special / Christopher Martin-Jenkins ; photographs by Adrian Murrell ; statistics by Richard Lockwood
273000: MARTIN, BRIAN P. (BRIAN PHILIP) - The great shoots : Britain's premier sporting estates / Brian P. Martin
272516: MARTIN, RICHARD (RICHARD HARRISON) - Versace / text by Richard Martin
272289: MARTIN, PAUL (1901-1984) - European military uniforms : a short history
272194: MARTIN, NORAH BALDWIN - Shakespeareland
271635: MARTIN, RUPERT - Italy
271139: HERAUSGEBER, MARTIN UITZ, AUDREY SALKELD - Der Berg ruft / Herausgeber, Martin Uitz, Audrey Salkeld
269946: MARTIN, HUGH (1881-) - Battle : the life story of Winston S. Churchill, prime minister, study of a genius by Hugh Martin
267492: MARTIN, ROY V - Ebb and flow : evacuations and landings by merchant ships in World War Two / Roy Martin
266535: MARTIN, JOHN WILLIAM - 'The Trent Otter' on coarse fish angling : Being a practical treatise on the Nottingham, the Sheffield, the Thames ... and Norfolk styles of fishing. The experiences of a lifelong angler ...
265963: MARTIN, MARY - A wayward genius : Neville Northy Burnard : Cornish sculptor (1818-1878) : a study
265946: MARTIN, DOUGLAS - The telling line : essays on fifteen contemporary book illustrators : Charles Keeping ...[et al.] / Douglas Martin
265855: MARTIN, JOHN (JOHN JEFFRIES) - The myths of Renaissance individualism / John Jeffries Martin
264651: MARTIN-JENKIN, C - The Cricketer book of cricket disasters and bizarre records / general editor Christopher Martin-Jenkins ; introduction by Mike Brearley ; illustrations by S. McMurty
261756: MARTIN, ETIENNE - Annales de l'institut de medecine legale de l'universite de Lyon
261242: MARTIN, HENRI (1810-1883) - Histoire de France populaire : depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours. Tome 3 / par Henri Martin
260637: MARTIN, JAMES - Clark's Foreign Theological Library Vol. 1, New series
260036: MARTIN, JAMES - Clark's Foreign Theological Library Vol. 2, Fourth Series
259861: MARTIN, JOSEPH - Mines and quarries reports of Joseph S. Martin, I. S. O., H. M. Inspector of mines for the Southern district (no. 12) to his majesty's secretary of state for the home department under the coal mines regulation acts, 1887 to 1908, the metalliferous mines regulation acts 1872 and 1875, and the quarries act, 1894 for the year 1909
258790: MARTÍN DESCALZO, JOSÉ LUIS (1930-1991) - A priest confesses
257914: MARTIN, MICHAEL - Spike Island : saints, felons and famine / Michael Martin
257758: MARTIN, T.A - The Essex Regiment 1929-1950
256162: MARTIN, P. W. (PERCIVAL WILLIAM) - Experiment in depth : a study of the work of Jung, Eliot and Toynbee
255779: MARTIN, RALPH G. (1920-) - Jennie : the life of Lady Randolph Churchill
254504: MARTIN, REV. JAMES - Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament: volume IV: Joshua, Judges, Ruth
251155: MARTIN, BRIAN - John Henry Newman, his life and work / Brian Martin
24698: MARTIN, RUSSELL - Out of Silence - a Journey Into Language
240010: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER; WARWICK, FRANK. - The Wisden book of county cricket / Christopher Martin-Jenkins ; with statistics edited by Frank Warwick
239939: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER; COLDHAM, JAMES DESMOND - The complete who's who of test cricketers / [by] Christopher Martin-Jenkins ; research by James Coldham
237535: MARTIN, EARL (EARL JAMES) (1974-) - Knoll Textiles / Earl Martin, editor ; Paul Makovsky ... [et al.]
237490: MARTÍN ARROYO, NATALIO (AUTHOR, EDITOR); CILLERO & DE MOTTA (TRANSLATOR) - The sourcebook of contemporary jewelry design / editor and texts Natalio Martín Arroyo; translation: Cillero & Motta
236056: MARTIN, BEN - Marcel Marceau, master of mime
229778: MARTIN, RUTH - International dictionary of food and cooking / Ruth Martin
228198: MARTIN, DOUGLAS - The telling line : essays on fifteen contemporary book illustrators / Douglas Martin
227518: MARTIN, EDWARD ALFRED - A bibliography of Gilbert White, the naturalist & antiquarian of Selborne: with a biography and a descriptive account of the village of Selborne
221457: MARTIN, WILLIAM (1888-1934). BEGUIN, PIERRE (1903-) - Switzerland : from Roman Times to the Present, with Additional Chapters by Pierre Béguin; Translated from the French by Jocasta Innes
214358: MARTIN, ANDREW (1962-) - The Blackpool highflyer / Andrew Martin
210621: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER. RUSSELL, JACK (ILLUS.) - Sketches of a season / text by Christopher Martin-Jenkins ; illustrations by Jack Russell
206718: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - A cricketer's companion / edited by Christopher Martin-Jenkins
203581: MARTIN, LINETTE - Practical praying / Linette Martin
194670: MARTIN, JEAN CHIARAMONTE - The Rockies / text: Jean Chiaramonte Martin ; design: Mike Rose
193459: MARTIN, J. WALLIS - The bird yard
18725: MARTIN, BRIAN (ED. ) - Intellectual Suppression : Australian Case Histories, Analysis and Responses / Edited by Brian Martin...et Al.
178160: MARTIN, RON L. (1948- ) - Regional wage inflation and unemployment / edited by R.L. Martin
175552: MARTIN, F. M. - Children out of court
17425: MARTIN, JANE ROWLAND - Reclaiming a Conversation. The Ideal of an Educated Woman
169055: MARTIN, PAUL S - The archaeology of Arizona : a study of the southwest region / [by] Paul S. Martin [and] Fred Plog
164488: MARTIN, DAVID. MULLEN, PETER (ED. ) - Unholy Warfare : the Church and the Bomb / Edited by David Martin and Peter Mullen
163649: MARTIN, RALPH G. , (1920-) - A Hero for Our Time : an Intimate Story of the Kennedy Years / Ralph G. Martin
162867: MARTIN, RALPH PHILIP (1925- ) - Reconciliation : a Study of Paul's Theology / Ralph P. Martin
161851: MARTIN, JOHN POWELL - The Social Consequences of Conviction
156165: MARTIN, RUSSELL - Picasso's War : the Destruction of Guernica and the Masterpiece That Changed the World / Russell Martin
155955: MARTIN, JUDITH (1938-) - No vulgar hotel : the desire and pursuit of Venice
155521: MARTIN, LOIS - The history of witchcraft
154547: MARTIN, SAM - How to keep house : the lost art of being a man
153811: MARTIN, RALPH G. (1920-) - Cissy / Ralph G. Martin
146270: MARTIN, WILLIAM (1888-1934). BEGUIN, PIERRE (1903-) - Switzerland : from Roman Times to the Present, with Additional Chapters by Pierre Béguin; Translated from the French by Jocasta Innes
140492: MARTIN, JOHN POWELL. WEBSTER, DOUGLAS - The Social Consequences of Conviction
131146: MARTIN-FUGIER, ANNE - La Place Des Bonnes : La Domesticite Feminine a Paris En 1900 / Anne Martin-Fugier
130926: MARTIN, HUGH - Battle: the Life Story of Winston S. Churchill, Etc.
164446: MARTIN, M. -M. - Lecons De La Renaissance Agricole Sous Henri IV
164372: MARTIN-DESLIAS, NOEL - Jules Romains : Ou, Quand Les Hommes De Bonne Volonte Se Cherchent / Precede D'Une Lettre De Jules Romains
164200: MARTIN, DOUGLAS D. - Tombstone's Epitaph by Douglas D. Martin
164132: MARTIN, DOUGLAS DEVENY (1885-1963) - Tombstone's Epitaph [Edited By] Douglas D. Martin
166246: MARTIN, LOUIS AIME (1786-1847) - Education Des Meres De Famille
276665: MARTIN, JEAN-PIERRE HIPPOLYTE - Saint Étienne Harding et les premiers recenseurs de la Vulgate latine, Théodulfe et Alcuin
180161: MARTIN, R. MONGOMERY - Ireland before and after the union with Great Britain
276153: MARTIN, SIMON - Les vies des Saints: in four volumes
178573: MARTIN, HUGH (1890- ) - Luke's portrait of Jesus / Hugh Martin
257142: MARTIN, FREDERICKA I - The hunting of the silver fleece, epic of the fur seal
188221: MARTIN, G. CURRIE (GEORGE CURRIE), (1865-1937) - The Century Bible. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of songs : introductions, Revised version with notes and index / edited by G. Currie Martin
252956: MARTIN, BON LOUIS HENRI - Histoire de France, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789 - Complete in 17 volumes
224333: MARTIN, HUGH - Battle : the life story of Winston S. Churchill, prime minister; study of a genius
100410: MARTIN, HENRY - L'Art Grec Et L' Art Romain - Le Style Pompeien
104787: MARTIN, ROBERT BERNARD - The Dust of Combat
157260: MARTIN, GEORGE MCGREGOR - Dundee Worthies : Reminiscences, Games, Amusements / Compiled by George M. Martin
159059: MARTIN, EDWARD ALFRED - The Story of a Piece of Coal; What it Is, Whence it Comes, and Whither it Goes
159073: MARTIN, GEORGE (MADDEN) , MRS. - Emmy Lou's Road to Grace
273865: MARTIN, BARNABY - Hanging man : the arrest of Ai Weiwei / Barnaby Martin
32768: MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER - The Amistad Affair, by Christopher Martin
266188: MARTIN, ROBERT MONTGOMERY (1803?-1868) - Ireland before and after the union with Great Britain
246010: MARTIN, HUGH (1881-) - Battle : the life story of Winston S. Churchill, prime minister; study of a genius
193308: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Fascism, democracy and the press
201811: MARTIN, JOHN STUART, [EDITOR.] - A picture history of Russia
222470: MARTIN, STAPLETON - Anna Seward and Classic Lichfield
249638: MARTIN, J.W - Barbel, being a practical treatise on angling with float and ledger in still water and stream - illustrations by Paul Cook
221483: MARTIN, KINGSLEY - Fascism, democracy and the press
246585: MARTIN, J. W. (JOHN WM) - Barbel & chub fishing : being a practical treatise on angling with float and ledger in still water and stream : including a few remarks on surface fishing for chub : a working man angler's experiences, written expressly for the benefit of his brethren of the craft
225105: MARTIN-MERY, GILBERTE - Flandres, Espagne, Portugal du quinzieme au XVIIe siecle : Bordeaux 19. mai - 31. juillet 1954. [exhibition catalogue]
153304: MARTIN-DESLIAS, NOEL - Idealisme De Marcel Proust / Preface De Andre Maurois
29021: MARTIN, HAROLD C. AND OHMANN, RICHARD MALIN (1931-) - The Logic and Rhetoric of Exposition
236921: MARTIN, CLAUDE. MARTIN-SCHMETS, VICTOR. MASSSON, PIERRE - André Gide - Andre Ruyters Correspndance (1895-1906). Complete in two volumes
189779: MARTIN, EVA (ED.) - Reincarnation: The ring of return
21858: MARTIN, BENJAMIN ELLIS - In the Footprints of Charles Lamb
12170: MARTIN, ERNEST WALTER (1912-2005) - The Shearers and the Shorn : a Study of Life in a Devon Community
141362: MARTIN, FRIEDRICH P. - Know Your Enemy : the Background and History of the German Communist Army / F. P. Martin ; Introduction by Constantine Fitzgibbon
142554: MARTIN, HUGH (1822-1885) - The Prophet Jonah: His Character and Mission to Nineveh
141819: [BIBLE NT. EPHESIANS, COLOSSIANS, PHILEMON, & PHILIPPIANS]. MARTIN, G. CURRIE (GEORGE CURRIE) (ED. ) - Corinthians : Introduction, Authorized Version, Revised Version with Notes, Illustrations / Edited by J. Massie ; Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, & Philippians : Introduction, Authorized Version, Revised Version with Notes, Illustrations /... . ..edited by G. Currie Martin
139273: MARTIN, GEORGE MADDEN (1866-1936). H. D. WILLIAMS (ILL. ) - Selina; Her Hopeful Efforts and Her Livelier Failures, by George Madden Martin ... Illustrated by H. D. Williams
139468: MARTIN, HAROLD VICTOR - Kierkegaard : the Melancholy Dane
138487: MARTIN, BENJAMIN (1705-1782) - Bibliotheca Technologica: Or, a Philological Library of Literary Arts and Sciences : Viz. I. Theology; or the First Principles of Natural Religion. II....V. Mahometanism; or the Life, Religion, and Polity of Mahomet....
129145: MARTIN, LOUIS-AIME (1786-1847) - Education Des Meres De Famille : Ou De La Civilisation Du Genre Humain Par Les Femmes / Par L. Aime Martin - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
104388: MARTIN, EDWARD (1879-) - The Twenty-Eighth Division, Pennsylvanias Guard in the World War; Forewards by the Commanding Generals. the History of the Keystone or Iron Division in the World War. Also the History and Traditions of the Pennsylvania National Guard [5 Vols. Complete]..
101951: MARTIN-HARVEY, JOHN, SIR. GREEN-ARMYTAGE, ROBERT N (D. 1966) - The Book of Martin Harvey : with the True Story of 'The Only Way' and Other Matters / Compliled and Edited by R. N. G. -A. ; Forword by R. B. Cunningham Graham
103769: MARTIN, BILL (1916-2004). ALEX SCHAEFER (ILL. ) - The Wizard
100075: MARTIN, JOHN BARTLOW (1915-1987) - The Deep South Says 'Never. ' Foreword by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr
72271: MARTIN, JOHN - John Martin's Big Book for Little Folk
71148: MARTIN, RICHARD A. (RICHARD ARTHUR) - Mummies / Richard a Martin ; Drawings by the Author. Anthropology Leaflet Number 36
69578: MARTIN, WILLIAM (1888-1934) - Statesmen of the War in Retrospect, 1918-1928, by William Martin
67437: MARTIN, WILLIAM ALEXANDER PARSONS (1827-1916) - The Chinese: Their Education, Philosophy, and Letters
65317: MARTIN, TONY (1913-) - The Two of Us / Tony Martin & Cyd Charisse, As Told to Dick Kleiner
112844: MARTIN, NEWELL (1854-1941). CYNTHIA PARSONS (ED. ) - Spinach and Zweiback : the Writings of Newell Martin / Edited and Compiled by Cynthia Parsons
54853: MARTIN, JOHN (B. 1893) - John Martin's Book of the Dance
116954: MARTIN, CY - The Saga of the Buffalo / Cy Martin
151046: ETIENNE-MARTIN - Annales De L'Institut De Medecine Legale De L'Universite De Lyon : Tome Troisieme 1920-1921
99596: MARTIN, EDWARD A - The Story of a Piece of Coal: What it Is, Whence it Comes, and Whither it Goes
94830: MARTIN, EDWARD SANDFORD - The Unrest of Women by Edward Sandford Martin...
102745: MARTIN, G. H. (GEOFFREY HAWARD). SYLVIA MCINTYRE - A Bibliography of British and Irish Municipal History. Volume 1. General Works
134276: MARTIN-CHAUFFIER, LOUIS - Chateaubriand, Ou L'Obsession De La Purete
133287: MARTIN, JOHN BARTLOW (1915-1987) - The Deep South Says 'Never. ' Foreword by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
242254: MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER (1866-1933) - Reminiscences of Lawson Tait / [Christopher Martin]
269080: MARTIN, KINGSLEY - French Liberal Thought in the Eighteenth Century; a Study of Political Ideas from Bayle to Condorcet
213313: MARTIN, CAROLINE E. D. - Co-operation
184480: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Fascism, democracy and the press
162815: MARTIN, HUGH (1890-1964). NEWTON, WILFRID DOUGLAS (1884-1951). WADDAMS, HERBERT MONTAGUE. WILLIAMS, RONALD RALPH - Christian Counter-Attack : Europe's Churches Against Nazism
132310: MARTIN, KINGSLEY - The Triumph of Lord Palmerston; a Study of Public Opinion in England before the Crimean War
131764: MARTIN, MARIE-MADELEINE - Aspects De La Renaissance Francaise Sous Henri IV / M. -M. Martin ; Preface De Louis Salleron
161157: MARTIN, JOHN POWELL (1925- ) - Offenders As Employees : an Enquiry by the Cambridge Institute of Criminology / J. P. Martin
161749: MARTIN, HUGH (1890- ) - The Parables of the Gospels and Their Meaning for To-Day
161532: MARTIN, RALPH G. (1920- ) - A Hero for Our Time : an Intimate Story of the Kennedy Years / Ralph G. Martin
161855: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Editor : a Second Volume of Autobiography, 1931-45 / Kingsley Martin
137108: MARTIN, RALPH PHILIP (1925-) - An Early Christian Confession : Philippians 2: 5-11 in Recent Interpretations
172614: MARTIN, CLAUDE (1933- ) - Repertoire chronologique des lettres publiees d'Andre Gide
225160: MARTIN, E. W. (ERNEST WALTER) - The countryman's chap-book / Illustrated by Anthony Brandt
22728: MARTIN, FREDERICK MARTIN - The Junker Menace
130174: MARTIN, HUGH. DOUGLAS NEWTON. H. M. WADDAMS. R. R. WILLIAMS - Christian Counter-Attack: Europe's Churches Against Nazism
242463: MARTIN, ERNEST WALTER (1912-2005) - The secret people : English village life after 1750 being an account of English village people, their lives, work and development through a period of two hundred years
128163: MARTIN-CHAUFFIER, LOUIS - Chateaubriand; Ou L'Obsession De La Purete
127716: MARTIN, HUGH (1890-1964) - The Parables of the Gospels : and Their Meaning for To-Day
127036: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Harold Laski, 1893-1950 : a Biographical Memoir
121640: MARTIN, BERNARD - The Strain of Harmony; Men and Women in the History of China.
232220: MARTIN, FRANZ (1882-1950) - Alte kunst in Osterreich : Salzburg
119173: MARTIN, FRANKLIN H. (FRANKLIN HENRY) (1857-1935) - Fifty Years of Medicine and Surgery; an Autobiographical Sketch [By] Dr. Franklin H. Martin ... Two Forewords: William J. Mayo ... [And] George W. Crile ...
118879: MARTIN, LOUIS CLAUDE - Optical Measuring Instruments, Their Construction, Theory, and Use, by L. C. Martin
115900: MARTIN. E. M. - Dreams in War Time. a Faithful Record
111941: MARTIN, JOHN BARTLOW - Adlai Stevenson, by John Bartlow Martin
170665: MARTIN, GEORGE - The Red Shirt and the Cross of Savoy: the story of Italy's Risorgimento (1748-1871). Illustrated with photographs, and with maps by James MacDonald
228151: MARTIN, MICHAEL - The deserts of Africa
187886: MARTIN-KAYE, NIEL - Democratic enterprise / Niel Martin-Kaye
226906: MARTIN, CECIL PERCY - Prehistoric man in Ireland
103033: MARTIN, MARTHA EVANS. DONALD HOWARD MENZERL - The Friendly Stars. Rev. by Donald H. Menzel. Illus. by Ching-Sung Yu. Foreword by Donald H. Menzel and William W. Morgan.
172323: MARTIN, GERMAIN - Conferences d'economie sociale
43718: MARTIN, JOHN AND WALDO, HELEN - John Martin's Book - the Child's Magazine - Vol. XXIX, November, 1924, No. 6
39099: MARTIN, KINGSLEY - The Crown and the Establishment
121329: MARTIN, LAURENCE (ED. ) - The Management of Defence : Papers Presented At the National Defence College, Latimer, in September 1974 / Edited by Laurence Martin
36265: MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER (1923-) - The Boer War
183835: MARTIN, BASIL KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Fascism, democracy and the press / Basil Kingsley Martin
26318: MARTIN, ANDRE - Infopartnering - the Ultimate Strategy for Achieving Efficient Consumer Response
192802: MARTIN, JOHN G. (1924-1999) - Memorandum upon the rural housing problem
195040: MARTIN, KINGSLEY, (1897-1969) - The Press the Public Wants. / Kingsley Martin
173133: MARTIN, J. P. - Offenders and employees; An enquiry by the Cambridge Institute of Criminology
257885: MARTIN, WILLIAM - Europe as I See it Today
166890: MARTIN, ARTHUR DAVIS (1869-1940) - A plain man's life of Christ / A. D. Martin
225970: MARTIN-MERY, GILBERTE - De Tiepolo a Goya : catalogue [de la VIe Exposition du 'Mai' de Bordeaux] Bordeaux, 7 Mai-31 juillet 1956
223678: PROF. DR. W. MARTIN - Oude schilderkunst in Nederland : schilderijen van Hollandsche en Vlaamsche meesters in raadhuizen, kleine stedelijke verzamelingen, kerken, hofjes, weeshuizen, senaatskamers enz., en in particulier bezit. 2 volumes bound in 1
176009: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Fascism, democracy and the press
175625: MARTIN, DAVID ALFRED - A sociology of English religion
175102: MARTIN SAINT-LEON, ETIENNE (1860-?) - Syndicalisme ouvrier et syndicalisme agricole / et. Martin Saint-Leon
174772: MARTIN SAINT-LEON, ETIENNE (1860-?) - Syndicalisme ouvrier et syndicalisme agricole / Et. Martin Saint-Leon
61421: MARTIN, EDWARD SANDFORD (1856-1939) - Cousin Anthony and I : Some Views of Ours about Divers Matters and Various Aspects of Life
191052: MARTIN, GEOFFREY ERNEST - Gambling and the citizen / Geoffrey Martin
128097: MARTIN-BLAZQUEZ, J. - Guerre Civile Totale / J. Martin-Blazquez
142753: MARTIN SAINT-LEON, ETIENNE - Syndicalisme Ouvrier Et Syndicalisme Agricole / Et. Martin Saint-Leon
144029: MARTIN, MARIE-MADELEINE (1914-) - Le Genie Des Femmes
15046: MARTIN, CHARLOTTE M. - The Stage Reminiscences of Mrs. Gilbert
150488: MARTIN, DAVID (1915-1997) - Battlefields and Girls. Poems
161045: MARTIN, ROBERT BERNARD - Enter Rumour : Four Early Victorian Scandals
165346: MARTIN, KINGSLEY, (1897-1969) - The Press the Public Wants. / Kingsley Martin
166844: MARTIN, GEORGE RALPH. BERNARD, ROBERT JAMES - Recollections of George R. Martin
168370: MARTIN, EDWARD JAMES - The Emperor Julian
173821: MARTIN, BERNARD (1928- ) - Prayer in Judaism
19419: MARTIN, ANNIE - Home Life on an Ostrich Farm
20190: MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER - The Russo-Japanese War
25716: MARTIN, RODERICK - Communism and the British Trade Unions 1924-1933 - a Study of the National Minority Movement
268330: MARTIN, COLIN - The Spanish Armada / Colin Martin & Geoffrey Parker
30768: MARTIN, EUGENE - Randy Starr Leading the Air Circus, Or, the Sky Flyers in a Daring Stunt
37392: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Father Figures - the Evolution of an Editor, 1897-1931
43190: MARTIN, ROBERT BERNARD - Enter Rumour - Four Early Victorian Scandals
45635: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - War, History, and Human Nature
45920: MARTIN, FRANCES - Elizabeth Gilbert and Her Work for the Blind
47461: MARTIN, DAVID - The Littlest Neutral
51473: MARTIN, JOE - My First Fifty Years in Politics, As Told to Robert J. Donovan
5633: MARTIN, EDWARD SANDFORD (1856-1939) - Poems
68783: MARTIN, ELDON HUBERT (1894-) - Vermont College, a Famous Old School
220789: MARTIN, GEORGE VICTOR - The bells of St. Mary's : a novelization by George Victor Martin: from the screenplay by Dudley Nichols and story by Leo Mc Carey
195999: MARTIN, KINGSLEY, (1897-1969) - The Press the Public Wants. / Kingsley Martin
196346: MARTIN SAINT-LEON, ETIENNE (1860-) - Cartells et trusts
198685: MARTIN, HENRI (1810-1883) - Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789 / par Henri Martin [complete in 17 volumes]
206028: MARTIN, BERNARD (B.1905) - Healing for you / translated from the French by A.A.Jones
206168: MARTIN, EDWARD JAMES - The Emperor Julian : an essay on his relations with the Christian religion
206966: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Fascism, democracy and the press, by Kingsley Martin
207357: MARTIN, G. H. (GEOFFREY HAWARD), (1928- ) - The story of Colchester from Roman times to the present day
207497: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - The press the public wants
264104: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - The complete who's who of test cricketers / Christopher Martin-Jenkins ; research by James Coldham
209537: MARTIN, HENRY - L'Art Gothique
209583: MARTIN, GERMAIN LOUIS (1872-1948) - Les problemes actuels des finances publiques en France / Germain Louis Martin
210220: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - The Wisden book of county cricket / Christopher Martin-Jenkins ; with statistics edited by Frank Warwick
210703: MARTIN, KINGSLEY (1897-1969) - Fascism, democracy and the press
211870: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - Cricket contest, 1979-80 : the post-Packer tests / Christopher Martin-Jenkins
276820: MARTINDALE, REV. C. C - 'Into their company' : a book for a modern girl on love and marriage
271288: MARTINDALE, ANDREW - The Triumphs of Caesar by Andrea Mantegna in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Hampton Court
259939: MARTINDALE, C. C. (CYRIL CHARLIE) (1879-1963) - The vocation of Aloysius Gonzaga
259901: MARTINDALE, C. C. (CYRIL CHARLIE) (1879-1963) - Bernard Vaughan, S.J.
258205: MARTINDALE, CYRIL CHARLIE - Princes of his people. II. St. Paul
199913: MARTINDALE, MEREDITH. MOFFAT, PAMELA. PERRY, LILLA CABOT. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WOMEN IN THE ARTS (U.S.) - Lilla Cabot Perry, an American impressionist / Meredith Martindale with the assistance of Pamela Moffat ; including an essay by Nancy Mowll Mathews
246855: MARTINDALE, PERCY HENRY - Engraving, old and modern
200627: MARTINDALE, C. C. (CYRIL CHARLIE) (1879-1963) - Letters from their aunts
68254: MARTINDALE, ROY WARREN (1883-) - The Insurance Bar; a Directory of Eminent Lawyers ... and the Selective Digest of the Law of Insurance and Related Topics - [Related Titles: Selective Digest of the Law of Insurance and Related Topics]
167732: MARTINDALE, DON ALBERT - The nature and types of sociological theory
156886: MARTINDALE, HILDA (1875-) - Some Victorian Portraits and Others / [Hilda Martindale]
275592: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - Illustrations of political economy
261339: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876). CHAPMAN, MARIA WESTON (1806-1885) - Harriet Martineau's autobiography. Vol. 2 / with memorials by Maria Weston Chapman
261128: MARTINEAU, JAMES (1805-1900) - Essays, reviews, and addresses
258264: MARTINEAU, GILBERT - Madame Mère : Napoleon's mother / Gilbert Martineau ; translated from the French by Frances Partridge
239450: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876); ARBUCKLE, ELISABETH SANDERS - Harriet Martineau's letters to Fanny Wedgwood / edited by Elisabeth Sanders Arbuckle
199825: MARTINEAU, JANE. ROBISON, ANDREW. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN). NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART (U.S.) - The glory of Venice : art in the eighteenth century / Jane Martineau and Andrew Robison, co-editors
163713: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - The Parish
120991: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - Feats on the Fiord
247202: MARTINEAU, JAMES (1805-1900) - Types of ethical theory. Vol. 1 / James Martineau
247201: MARTINEAU, JAMES (1805-1900) - Types of ethical theory. Vol. 1 / James Martineau
245964: MARTINEAU, HARRIET. MAYHEW, HENRY - The British Quarterly Review: No. XXX: May 1, 1852
189069: MARTINEAU, JANE. HOPE, CHARLES. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Genius of Venice, 1500-1600 / edited by Jane Martineau and Charles Hope
249696: MARTINEAU, HARRIET - The History of England during the thirty years' peace: 1816-1846: volume II: 1830-1846
153527: MARTINEAU, HENRI (1882-1958) - L' Oeuvre De Stendhal : Histoire De Ses Livres Et De Sa Pensee / Henri Martineau
262298: MARTINEAU, JAMES (1805-1900) - Essays, reviews, and addresses
151862: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - The Billow and the Rock : a Tale
244988: MARTINEAU, HARRIET - History of the thirty years' peace, (A.D. 1816-1846): three volumes only
114467: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - Feats on the Fiord, by Harriet Martineau
219850: MARTINEAU, VIOLET. LONSDALE, SOPHIA. LEAGUE TO ABOLISH POVERTY - Violet Martineau, Sophia Lonsdale and the League to Abolish Poverty : small archive of items [Manuscript Letters and pamphlets]
212644: MARTINEAU, JAMES (1805-1900) - The rationale of religious enquiry : or, The question stated of reason, the Bible, and the church; in six lectures
263362: MARTINEAU, HARRIET - The history of England during the thirty years' peace 1816-1846
203794: MARTINEAU, JANE. HOPE, CHARLES. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Genius of Venice, 1500-1600 / edited by Jane Martineau and Charles Hope
176465: MARTINEAU, HENRI (1882-1958) - Nouvelles soirees du Stendhal-Club : documents inedits / [par] Henri Martineau et Francois Michel ; avec contribution de Luigi-Foscolo Benedetto [et al.]
134232: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - Traditions of Palestine
138502: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - Introduction to the History of the Peace, 1800-1815 / Harriet Martineau
144753: MARTINEAU, FRANCIS B. - Miracle Silk
197016: MARTINEAU, JAMES (1805-1900) - The seat of authority in religion
197710: MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-1876) - Harriet Martineau's Autobiography / with memorials by Maria Weston Chapman
185553: MARTINEK, LT. COMDR. FRANK V. - Don Winslow of the Navy
244088: MARTINENGO-CESARESCO, EVELYN LILIAN HAZELDINE CARRINGTON CONTESSA (1852-1931) - The liberation of Italy (1815-1870)
266917: MARTINES, LAURO - Power and imagination : city-states in Renaissance Italy
266745: MARTINES, LAURO - An Italian Renaissance sextet : six tales in historical context / [with interpretative essays] by Lauro Martines ; translations by Murtha Baca
256005: MARTINET, ANDRÉ - La considerazione funzionale del linguaggio / André Martinet ; traduzione di Giovanna Madonia
166113: MARTINET, ANTOINE, ABBE - Platon-Polichinelle : Ou La Sagesse Devenue Folie, Pour Se Mettre a La Portee Du Siecle / Par Un Solitaire Auvergnat
151415: MARTINET, A. , GARDE-GENERAL DES FORETS - Considerations Et Recherches Sur L'Elagage Des Essences Forestieres
148970: MARTINET, GILLES - Marxism of Our Time, Or, the Contradictions of Socialism / Translated from the French by Frances Kelly
148141: MARTINET, GILLES - Marxism of Our Time, Or, the Contradictions of Socialism / Translated from the French by Frances Kelly
50488: MARTINETZ, DIETER - Poison : Sorcery and Science, Friend and Foe / Dieter Martinetz, Karlheinz Lohs ; [Translated from the German by Alistair and Alison Wightman]
75098: MARTINEZ, LIONEL - Murder in North America
154860: MARTINEZ, GUILLERMO - The book of murder / Guillermo Martinez ; translated from Spanish by Sonia Soto. Uniform Title: Muerte Lenta De Luciana B.
267629: MARTINEZ, MARIO - Lady's men : saga of 'Lady be good' and her crew; a haunting story of the Second World War
184526: MARTINEZ, PEDRO SANTOS (1925-). INSTITUTO GONZALO FERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO - Historia economica de Mendoza durante el Virreinato, 1776-1810
250521: MARTINEZ, ALBERTO B. LEWANDOWSKI, MAURICE. MIALL, BERNARD (1876-1953) - The Argentine in the twentieth century
149795: MARTINEZ, ALBERTO B. - The Argentine in the Twentieth Century
16706: MARTINEZ-ALIER, JUAN - Labourers and Landowners in Southern Spain
232514: MARTINEZ, FRANCISCO - Le nouveau sobrino ou grammaire de la langue Espagnole, reduite a XXIII lecons / par Francisco Martinez
230122: MARTÍNEZ SIERRA, GREGORIO (1881-1947). GRANVILLE-BARKER, HELEN( D. 1950). GRANVILLE-BARKER, HARLEY (1877-1946) - The kingdom of God : a play in three acts / Gregorio Martinez Sierra ; in an English version by Helen and Harley Granville-Barker
230085: MARTÍNEZ KLEISER, LUIS (1883-). REAL ACADEMIA ESPANOLA - Refranero general, ideologico espanol / compilado por luis Martine?z Kleiser
220982: MARTINEZ, ALBERT B. - L'Argentine au XXe siecle / par Albert B. Martinez et Maurice Lewandowski, avec une preface par Emile Levasseur... et une introduction par Charles Pellegrini
197645: MARTINEZ DE LA CANTTALAPIEDRA, MARTIN. INSTITUTO 'ARIAS MONTANO'. PINTA LLORENTE, MIGUEL DE LA - Proceso Criminal contra el Hebraista Salmantino Martin Martinez de Cantalapiedra / edicion y estudio por Miguel de la Pinta Llorente
254373: MARTINI, ALBERTO - Johannes Vermeer - I maestri del colore
174661: MARTINI, ENRICO - Le Basi delle rivoluzioni moderne : Luce di Roma
241204: MARTINI, FRITZ (1909-1991) - Deutsche Literatur im bürgerlichen Realismus, (1848-1898)
148151: MARTINI, FRITZ (1909-1991) - Das Wagnis Der Sprache; Interpretation Deutscher Prosa Von Nietzsche Bis Benn
185068: MARTINI, ENRICO - Civilta e decadenza demografica : Civilta fascista mediterranea
197778: MARTINI, ENRICO - Civilta e decadenza demografica : Civilta fascista mediterranea
61080: MARTINO, JOSEPH PAUL (1931-) - A Fighting Chance : the Moral Use of Nuclear Weapons / Joseph P. Martino ; Foreword by Edward L. Rowny
237244: MARTINO, PIERRE (1880-1953) - Verlaine
182933: MARTINOV, IVAN MIKHAILOVICH (1821-1894) - Les manuscrits slaves de la Bibliotheque imperiale / par le P. Martinof, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Avec un calque
60222: MARTINS, EMMANOEL A. - Sinopse De Geologia Do Brasil
279452: MARTINS, OLIVEIRA - Portugal nos mares : ensaios de critica, historia e geographia, vol. 2
262870: MARTINS, FERREIRA - O poder militar da Gran-Bretanha e a allianca anglo-lusa
11798: MARTINS, HARPER - Nongalazi of the Bemba ; Drama and Romance of Native Superstition, Magic and Ritual in Central Africa
204605: MARTINSON, HARRY (1904-1978) - Doriderna : efterlamnade dikter och prosastycken / Harry Martinson ; i urval och med foretal av Tord Hal [Language: Swedish]
203924: MARTINSON, HARRY (1904-1978) - Langs ekots stigar : ett urval efterlamnade dikter / Harry Martinson [Language: Swedish]
203729: MARTINSON, HARRY (1904-1978) - Vagen ut. Berattelse av Harry Martinson [Language: Swedish]
242052: MARTINUS NIJHOFF, THE HAGUE - Aquil: Chestnut Hill Stuides in Modern Languages and Literatures. Volume II
198431: MARTINY, BENNO - Bericht uber die Hauptprufung von Tiefkuhlern der Wanderaustellung der D. L. G. zu Cassel 1911
266992: MARTIQUE, L F. KING, LOUIS JOSEPH - The Scarlet mother on the Tiber; or, Trials and travels of evangelist L.J. King: volume one
173226: MARTON, KATI - The Polk Conspiracy : Murder and Cover-Up in the Case of CBS News Correspondent George Polk / Kati Marton
86406: MARTON, A. M. - New Treatise on the Modern Methods of Carbon Printing
261028: MARTONNE, EMMANUEL DE (1873-1955) - Traité de géographie physique / Emmanuel de Martonne
227422: MARTONNE, EMMANUEL DE (1873-1955) - Geographical regions of France
273841: MARTOVYCH, OLEH R. - Ukrainian liberation movement in modern times / introduction by John F. Stewart
23396: MARTOVYCH, OLEH R. - Ukrainian liberation movement in modern times / introduction by John F. Stewart
47117: MARTY, MARTIN E. - The Place of Trust - Martin Luther, on the Sermon on the Mount
217139: MARTY, ANDRE - The Epic of the Black Sea / Andre Marty
243379: MARTY, ANDRÉ (1886-). COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN - France's hour has struck
183710: MARTY, ANDRE PIERRE (1886-?) - The trial of the French communist deputies : a contribution to the history of a crime
217112: MARTY, ANDRE - For peace! For the defence of the Soviet Union!
175724: MARTY, ANDRE (B. 1886) - France's hour has struck
194657: MARTY, ANDRE PIERRE (1886-?) - The trial of the French communist deputies. A contribution to the history of a crime
147989: MARTY, ANDRE - The Epic of the Black Sea / Andre Marty
149305: MARTY, ALBERT - Les Democrates Populaires Fourriers Du Socialisme
195934: MARTY, ALBERT - Les Democrates Populaires Fourriers Du Socialisme
248423: MARTYN, TREA - Elizabeth in the garden : a story of love, rivalry and spectacular design / Trea Martyn
274862: MARTYN, WYNDHAM - Anthony Trent, master criminal
268125: MARTYN, HENRY (1781-1812) - A memoir of the Rev. Henry Martyn, B.D.
154609: MARTYN, TREA - Elizabeth in the garden : a story of love, rivalry and spectacular design
234310: MARTYNOV, I - Dmitrij Schostakowitsch
203277: MARTYNOVITCH ALAMPIEV, PIOTR - Les regions economiques de l'URSS
93146: COUNCIL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS TO RESISTANCE AND MARTYRDOM - Scenes of fighting and martyrdom : guide : war years in Poland 1939-1945
265345: MARUCCHI, ORAZIO (1852-1931) - Éléments d'archéologie chrétienne / Horace Marucchi: volume II: Itinéraire des Catacombes
145234: MARUCCHI, ORAZIO (1852-1931) - Guida Archeologica Della Citt'a Di Palestrina, Laantica Presente
149341: MARUS, JOSEPH JOHN [PSEUD. : CANDIDUS] - Parla Candidus; Discorsi Dal 13 Aprile 1941 Al 3 Dicembre 1944
14881: MARVEL, IK. (1822-1908) - Reveries of a Bachelor Or, a Book of the Heart
63638: MARVEL, IK. (1822-1908) - Reveries of a Bachelor: Or, a Book of the Heart, by Ik. Marvel [Pseud. ] with Illustrations & Decorations by E. M. Ashe
170753: MARVEL, TOM - The new Congo / Tom Marvel
109632: MARVELL, ANDREW (1621-1678) - The Poems of Andrew Marvell
142466: MARVELL, ANDREW (1621-1678). AITKEN, GEORGE ATHERTON (1860-1917) - Satires of Andrew Marvell, Sometime Member of Parliament for Hull / Edited by G. A. Aitken. [ Poems. Selections ]
112949: MARVEY, S. M. , PSEUD. - A Thousand Years of German Aggression, by S. M. Marvey. Perface by W. F. Reddaway
157668: MARVIN, JOHN T. - The Complete West Highland White Terrier
119203: MARVIN, FRANCIS SYDNEY - Science and Civilization / Essays Arranged and Edited by F. S. Marvin
101682: MARVIN HUNTER, J. - Frontier Times, Volume 13 - No. 2, November, 1935
101678: MARVIN HUNTER, J. - Frontier Times, Volume 11 - No. 10, August, 1934
101681: MARVIN HUNTER, J. - Frontier Times, Volume 12 - No. 6, March, 1935
75657: MARVIN, FRANCIS SYDNEY (1863-) - The Century of Hope
152391: MARVIN, CHARLES - Training the Trotting Horse: a Natural and Improved Method of Educating Trotting Colts and Horses, Based on Twenty Years Experience. by Charles Marvin ... Ed. by Leslie E. MacLeod ...
145332: MARVIN, FRANCIS SYDNEY (1863-1943) - England and the World / Essays Arranged and Edited by F. S. Marvin
168428: MARVIN, FRED RICHARD (1868-1939) - Fools gold; an expose of un-American activities and political action in the United States since 1860
43702: MARVIN, F. S. - Comte - the Founder of Sociology
196428: MARVIN, F. S. - The evolution of world-peace / essays arranged and edited by F.S. Marvin
223330: MARWICK, ARTHUR - The illustrated dictionary of British history / general editor Arthur Marwick ; contributing editors Christopher Harvie, Charles Kightly, Keith Wrightson
204915: MARWICK, MAX G. - Sorcery in its social setting : a study of the Northern Rhodesian Cewa
247317: MARWICK, HUGH - Orkney ; illustrated and with a map
6231: MARWICK, WILLIAM HUTTON - Economic Developments in Victorian Scotland, with a Foreword by F. W. Ogilvie
139299: MARWICK, JAMES DAVID, SIR (1826-1908) - Edinburgh Guilds and Crafts : a Sketch of the History of Burgess-Ship, Guild Brotherhood, and Membership of Crafts in the City
170254: MARWICK, JAMES DAVID SIR - Edinburgh guilds and crafts
181855: MARWICK, JAMES DAVID, SIR (1826-1908). SCOTTISH BURGH RECORDS SOCIETY - Charters and other documents relating to the City of Edinburgh, A.D. 1143-1540 / [edited by J.D. Marwick]
6678: MARWIL, JONATHAN L. - The Trials of Council - Francis Bacon in 1621
249108: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Karl Marx : selected works in two volumes. Volume 2 / Karl Marx ; edited by V. Adoratsky
248185: MARX, ADOLF BERNHARD (1795-1866) - Die Lehre von der musikalischen Komposition : praktisch theoretisch / von Adolph Bernhard Marx: four volumes bound in two
248178: MARX, ADOLF BERNHARD (D. 1866). - Ludwig van Beethoven : Leben und Schaffen in zwei Theilen mit chronologischem Verzeichniss der Werke und autographischen Beilage / von Adolf Bernhard Marx: in two volumes
86432: MARX, GROUCHO - Memoirs of a Mangy Lover / Groucho Marx ; Illustrated by Leo Hershfield
83252: MARX, GROUCHO - The Groucho Phile : an Illustrated Life
82577: MARX, SAMUEL - Deadly Illusions : Who Killed Jean Harlow's Husband?
78788: MARX, ARTHUR (1921-) - Red Skelton
67953: MARX, ENGELS, AND LENIN - Marx, Engels, and Lenin on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
66911: MARX, ARTHUR (1921-) - Goldwyn : a Biography of the Man Behind the Myth
63862: MARX, GROUCHO (1890-1977) - The Groucho Phile : an Illustrated Life
63510: MARX, GROUCHO (1890-1977) - The Marx Bros. Scrapbook / Groucho Marx and Richard J. Anobile
56896: MARX, GROUCHO (1890-1977) - Beds
275930: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Pre-capitalist economic formations ; translated by Jack Cohen / edited and with an introduction by E. J. Hobsbawm
273576: MARX, MAGDELEINE - Femme: avant=propos de Henri Barbusse: roman
270665: MARX, ENID (1902-1998) - English popular and traditional art / Enid Marx, Margaret Lambert. With 8 plates in colour and 30 illustrations in black & white
265580: MARX, KLAUS - London Brighton & South Coast Railway album / [compiled by] Klaus Marx & John Minnis
260706: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Political writings. Volume 1 The revolutions of 1848 / Karl Marx ; edited and introduced by David Fernbach
254718: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels on the Paris Commune
253224: MARX, HARALD - Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann : der Architekt des Dresdner Zwingers / herausgegeben von Harald Marx ; mit Beiträgen von Harald Marx ... [et al.]
248516: MARX, ARTHUR (1921-) - Goldwyn : a Biography of the Man Behind the Myth
236094: MARX, GROUCHO (1890-1977). ARCE, HECTOR - The secret word is Groucho
219299: MARX, GROUCHO - The Groucho Phile : an Illustrated Life
195772: MARX, KARL; ENGELS, FREDERICK - Considerations of a young man on chossing a career by Karl Marx; History of Ireland by Frederick Engels.
195669: MARX, KARL, (1818-1883) ; ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Briefe und Auszuge aus Briefen von Joh. Phil. Becker, Jos. Dietzgen, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx u. A. an F. A. Sorge und Andere / [hrsg. von F. A. Sorge]
188978: MARX, KARL - Marx Family Letters
243200: MARX, KARL HEINRICH (1818-1883) REVOLUTIONARY AND PHILOSOPHER - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels : volume II
168705: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Selected writings in sociology & social philosophy / newly translated by T. B. Bottomore / edited, with an introduction and notes, by Mr. Bottomore and Maximilien Rubel, and with a foreword by Erich Fromm
152673: MARX, GROUCHO (1890-1977). ANOBILE, RICHARD J. - The Marx Bros. Scrapbook
166376: MARX, ARTHUR, (1921-2011) - Life with Groucho
188985: MARX, KARL: ENGELS, FRIEDERICH (INTRO) - The Commune of Paris being the addresses of the international workingmen's association of the Franco-German war of 1870 and the pamphlet of the same body, The 'Civil War in France' of 1871
188980: MARX, KARL - Compilation of Marx's speeches, interviews with an analysis of The Curtain raised: Interview with Karl Marx Head of L'internationale [Science & Society]
188979: MARX, KARL - New Politics: A Journal of Socialist Thought
187051: MARX, ROLAND - Le declin de l'economie britannique (1870-1929)
245841: MARX, INA BROSSEAU - Professional painted finishes / Ina Brosseau Marx, Allen Marx, Robert Marx
244834: MARX, KARL. ENGELS, FRIEDRICH; ET AL - Collected works. / Volume 7, Marx and Engels, 1848
250533: MARX, ADOLF BERNHARD (1795-1866) - Ludwig van Beethoven : Leben und Schaffen : in zwei Teilen, mit chronologischem Verzeichnis der Werke und autographischen Beilagen
216020: MARX, KARL ; ENGELS, FRIEDRICH - Istoricheskiy Materilizm. Otryvki iz rabot K. Marksa i F. Zngel'sa [Historical Materilism. Excerpts from the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Language: Russian]
188067: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Literature and art / Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: selections from their writings
203240: MARX, KARL. INTRODUCED BY FREDERICK ENGELS - Wage - labour and capital
27418: MARX, MELVIN HERMAN (EDITOR) - Learning: Processes / Melvin H. Marx (Editor)
27416: MARX, MELVIN HERMAN (EDITOR) - Learning: Interactions / Melvin H. Marx (Editor)
243588: MARX, KARL (1818-1883). ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels über Kunst und Literatur: zweiter band
97649: MARX, SAMUEL - A Gaudy Spree : the Literary Life of Hollywood in the 1930s when the West Was Fun / Samuel Marx
279087: MARX, GUSTAVUS ARMINIUS - Traditio Rabbinorum veterrima de librorum Veteris Testamenti ordine atque origine illustrata
143038: MARX, KARL (1818-1883). ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Pariska Komuna
60500: MARX, SAMUEL (1902-) - Mayer and Thalberg : the Make-Believe Saints
55186: MARX, ARTHUR (1921-) - Not As a Crocodile; Illustrated by Gil Walker
114843: MARX, MAXINE - Growing Up with Chico / Maxine Marx
147096: MARX, KARL (1818-1883). GOLO MANN. ERNST BLOCH (ET AL. ) - Karl Marx, 1818-1968 / [By Golo Mann, Et. Al. ]
184488: MARX, KARL (ET.AL) - Salute to the Paris Commune, March 18th, 1871.
184478: MARX, MAGDELEINE - C'est la lutte finale! ... (Six mois en Russie Sovietique)
204097: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Le Capital resume accompagne d'un apercu sur le Socialisme Scientifique par Gabriel Deville
233257: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Werke / Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
108075: MARX, ARTHUR - Son of Groucho
125490: MARX, ARTHUR. GIL WALKER (ILL. ) - Not As a Crocodile; Illustrated by Gil Walker
124880: MARX, ARTHUR - Not As a Crocodile; Illustrated by Gil Walker
184403: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei / Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
184353: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Geschichtliche tat : blatter und satze aus den schriften und briefen / von Karl Marx ; auswahl und gruppierung von Franz Dieberich
123329: MARX, SAMUEL (1902-). CLAYTON, JAN - Rodgers & Hart : Bewitched, Bothered, and Bedeviled : an Anecdotal Account
39350: MARX, KARL - Wages, Price and Profit
55429: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Histoire Des Doctrines Économiques / Karl Marx ; Publiée Par Karl Kautsky ; Traduit Par J. Molitor - [Complete in 8 Volumes]
101077: MARX, KARL - A World Without Jews. Translated from the Original German, with an Introd. by Dagobert D. Runes
109555: MARX, GROUCHO (1891-1977) - Groucho and Me
184784: MARX, KARL (1818-1883). WINTERNITZ, JOSEPH - Karl Marx : aus seinen Schriften. Ausgewa¨hlt und mit erlauternden Anmerkungen versehen von J. Winternitz
219458: MARX, GROUCHO - The Groucho Phile : an Illustrated Life
175973: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Wage-labour and capital
191208: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Selected writings in sociology & social philosophy / newly translated by T. B. Bottomore / edited, with an introduction and notes, by Mr. T. B. Bottomore and Maximilien Rubel.
191055: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Karl Marx: selected writings in sociology and social philosophy / edited with notes by T.B. Bottomore and Maximilien Rubel ; texts translated from the German by T.B. Bottomore
110456: MARX, ARTHUR (1921-) - Son of Groucho
181723: MARX, KARL (1818-1883). ENGELS, FRIEDRICH (1820-1895) - Basic writings on politics and philosophy
131723: MARX, ALEXANDER (1878-1953) - Essays in Jewish Biography
133405: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Die Klassenkampfe in Frankreich, 1848 - 1850 / Von Karl Marx; Mit Einleitung Von Friedrich Engels; Vorwort Und Ammerkungen Von Alexander Emel
137529: MARX, ARTHUR (1921-) - Life with Groucho
110814: MARX, GROUCHO - The Groucho Letters : Letters from and to Groucho Marx
180884: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Articles on India
44556: MARX, ARTHUR - Son of Groucho
87116: MARX, ARTHUR - Son of Groucho
95262: MARX, ARTHUR (1921-) - Groucho
241571: MARX, ARTHUR - Not as a Crocodile ... Illustrated by Gil Walker. [On the author's family life.]
217920: MARX, ENGELS, LENIN - Karl Marks, Fridrikh Engels, Vladimir Ilich Lenin : Fotoportrety. [Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: Portraits]
217745: MARX, KARL ; ENGELS, FRIEDRICH - Tri stat'i protiv anarkhizma. [Three articles against anarchism / Marx & Engels. Language: Russian]
217585: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - English bibliography of Marx and Engels. 1936 - Spring
195839: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Lohn, Preis und Profit
196102: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Oeuvres... [1.], Economie. 1... Preface par Francois Perroux. Edition etablie par Maximilien Rubel. [Traduction de M. Rubel, Louis Evrard et Joseph Roy.] : [Nouvelle edition.]
206250: MARX, KARL (1818-1883) - Articles on India
206254: MARX, KARL - Revolution and counter-revolution, or, Germany in 1848 / ith the collaboration of Karl Marx ; edited by Eleanor Marx
100284: MARX, SAMUEL - Deadly Illusions : Who Killed Jean Harlow's Husband?
185690: SEMAINES DE LA PENSEE MARXISTE (1968 : BRUSSELS) - Lutte de classes ou conflit de generations / Introduction: Jean Suret-Canale
164552: CENTRE D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES MARXISTES - Colloque Sur La Situation De La Litterature, Du Livre Et Des Ecrivains / [Sous Les Auspices Du] Centre D'Etudes Et De Recherches Marxistes
257770: MARY DAMIEN, SISTER - A home for Johnny
186775: MARY ANN HOBERMAN; LINDA WINSTON; BARBARA FORTIN; KAREN SHRAGG; LISA WESTBERG, PETERS - The tree that time built : [a celebration of nature, science, and imagination]
113050: MARY KAY COSMETICS, INC - The Mary Kay Guide to Beauty : Discovering Your Special Look / the Beauty Experts At Mary Kay Cosmetics
121213: MARY PAUL, SISTER AND FISHER, C. EDMUND - A Nun in Taiwan [By] Sister Mary Paul with C. Edmund Fisher
129189: MARY-LAFON, JEAN BERNARD (1812-1884) - Le Marechal De Richelieu Et Mme. De Saint-Vincent. (Appendice De Pieces Justificatives)
277702: [MOHAL?], MARY - 19th Century Workbook: Mary [Mohal?]
14379: COUSIN MARY - Country Life and Other Stories
207040: MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, (1542-1587) - Trial of Mary Queen of Scots / edited by A. Francis Steuart
155572: MARYKE, ANNA - Fragment : icons from antiquity
31701: ANNA-MARYKE - Fragment : icons from antiquity
218479: MARYSKO, MAXI ; BERANOVA, MILENA & MIROSLAVA MATTUSOVA - Bibliografie literarnevednych occidentalik v ceskem tisku za rok 1972 [Language: Slovak]
5533: MARZANI, CARL - The Survivor, a Novel
94448: MARZANI, CARL - The Survivor, a Novel
226264: MARZIANI, GIANLUCA. CORTE, ENRICO (1963-) - Enrico Corte : spectrospective / English/Italian text by Gianluca Marziani ; [translation, Alexandra Corradini ... et al.]
68723: MARZIO, PETER C. (ED. ) - A Nation of Nations : the People Who Came to America As Seen through Objects and Documents Exhibited At the Smithsonian Institution / Edited by Peter C. Marzio
80253: MARZIO, PETER C (ED. ) - RELATED NAME: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION - A Nation of Nations : the People Who Came to America As Seen through Objects and Documents Exhibited At the Smithsonian Institution
230435: MARZOLI, LUIGI - Studio sul costume militare delle milizie di S. Mari Maggiore in Bergamo
59908: MARZULLO, GIOVANNI - Month of Birth, Creativity, and the 'Two Classes of Men'
260498: MASACCIO (1401-1428?). HENDY, PHILIP SIR (1900-). NEW YORK GRAPHIC SOCIETY. UNESCO - Masaccio : frescoes in Florence / introduction, Philip Hendy
90619: MASANI, RUSTOM PESTONJI, SIR (1876-1966) - Britain in India; an Account of British Rule in the Indian Subcontinent
99542: MASANI, MINOCHEHER RUSTOM (1905-?) - The Communist Party of India, a Short History. with an Introd. by Guy Wint. in Association with the Institute of Pacific Relations
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