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171469: BECK, JAMES MONTGOMERY (1861-1936) - The evidence in the case; a discussion of the moral responsibility for the war of 1914 : as disclosed by the diplomatic records of England, Germany, Russia, France, and Belgium
138189: BECK, EARL RAY (1916-) - Germany Rediscovers America
135449: BECK, ELEONORE. P. NOBER. L. RIVERA [ET AL] - Internationale Zeitschriftenschau Fur Bibelwissenschaft Und Grenzgebiete. Band XX, 1973/74
123839: BECK, CLARENCE VICKERS - Modern Combustion, Coal Economics and Fuel Fallacies; a Popular Text-Book or Manual of the Latest Developments in Fuels and Their Combustion. by Clarence V. Beck
75869: BECK, NANCY R (ED. ) - RELATED NAME: STRAWBERY BANKE, INC - Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Official Guidebook and Map
67429: BECK, L. ADAMS (LILY ADAMS) (D. 1931) - The Gallants, Following According to Their Wont the Ladies! By Lily (Moresby) A. Beck (E. Barrington, Pseud. )
62438: BECK, FREDERICK K. - 89 Years in a Sand Trap
56605: BECK, DOREEN - Collecting Country & Western Americana / Doreen Beck
55154: BECK, JAMES M. (JAMES MONTGOMERY) (1861-1936) - The Vanishing Rights of the States; a Discussion of the Right of the Senate to Nullify the Action of a Sovereign State in the Selection of its Representatives in the Senate, by James M. Beck ...
52713: BECK, JAMES M. - The Evidence in the Case - a Discussion of the Moral Responsibility for the War of 1914... . ..as Disclosed by the Diplomatic Records of England, Germany, Russia, France, Austria, Italy, and Belgium
31415: BECK, JAMES MONTGOMERY (1861-) - The Constitution of the United States, Yesterday, Today--And Tomorrow?
174467: BECK, MARY ELIZABETH - What do the Society of Friends believe? : a letter addressed to all inquirers
112562: BECK, FREDERICK K. - 73 Years in a Sand Trap, by Fred Beck and O. K. Barnes; Illus. by Emax
32681: BECK, LEWIS WHITE - Kant Studies Today
76651: BECK, SAMUEL JACOB (1896-) - Reflexes to Intelligence; a Reader in Clinical Psychology
262363: BECK, CARL (1930-1979) - Political elites : a select computerized bibliography
66262: VON BECKENDORFF, MARIE (ILLUS. ) - Worte Des Herzens, Eine Bluthenlese Aus Deutschen Dichtern Und Denkern...
61123: BECKER, A. C. - The Complete Book of Fishing / A. C. Becker, Jr. ; [Photos. by the Author Except Where Otherwise Credited]
60724: BECKER, DAVID G. (1938-) - The New Bourgeoisie and the Limits of Dependency : Mining, Class, and Power in 'Revolutionary' Peru / David G. Becker
57012: BECKER, A. C. - Game and Bird Calling [By] A. C. Becker, Jr
49465: BECKER, A. C. - Gulf Coast Fishing
277436: BECKER, VIVIENNE - The jewellery of Rene Lalique : a Goldsmith's Company exhibition, 28 May to 24 July 1987
274262: BECKER, DAVID P - Old master drawings at Bowdoin College / [compiled by] David P. Becker
260757: BECKER, WILHELM ADOLF - Gallus, or roman scenes of the Time of Augustus : with noter and exeursuses illustrative of the manners and customs of the Romans
250323: BECKER, PETER (1921-1984) - The pathfinder : the saga of exploration in Southern Africa / Peter Becker
237767: BECKER, ADOLPH CARL - Decoying waterfowl / A.C. Becker, Jr
234064: BECKER, HANS-JURGEN (1939-) - Die Appellation vom Papst an ein allgemeines Konzil : historische Entwicklung und kanonistische Diskussion im spaten Mittelalter und in der fruhen Neuzeit
233364: BECKER, HEINZ - Brahms
229463: BECKER, BERNARD HENRY (1833-) - Scientific London
215667: BECKER, CARL (1794-1859) - Decorative arts from the Middle Ages to Renaissance : the complete plates = Angewandte Kunst vom Mittelalter bis zur Renaissance / Carl Becker ; edited by Carsten-Peter Warncke
173254: BECKER, PETER (1921-) - The pathfinders : the saga of exploration in southern Africa / Peter Becker
170836: BECKER, JASPER - Rogue regime : Kim Jong IL and the looming threat of North Korea
163893: BECKER, VIVIENNE (1953- ) - Daniel Swarovski : a World of Beauty / under the Direction of Markus Langes-Swarovski ; [Text, Vivienne Becker]
15910: BECKER, JOHN - Jaimie : an Autobiographical Novel in Short Stories
158274: BECKER, JASPER - Rogue regime : Kim Jong IL and the looming threat of North Korea
155270: BECKER, JASPER - City of heavenly tranquility : Beijing in the history of China
212907: BECKER, RAYMOND DE (1916-) - The other face of love / Raymond de Becker ; translated from the French by Margaret Crosland and Alan Daventry
231600: BECKER, HUGO (1863-1941) - Mechanik und Asthetik des Violoncellspiels / von Hugo Becker und Dago Rynar, mit 23 Figuren im Text und 81 Abbildungen im Anhang
28445: BECKER, BERIL - Paul Gauguin : the Calm Madman
126591: BECKER, MAX [ALBERT KARL] - Der Argentinische Weizen Im Weltmarkte
232566: BECKER, HEINZ (1922) (JUNE 26-2006) - Beiträge zur Geschichte der Musikkritik / herausgegeben von Heinz Becker
150558: BECKER, ALAIN - L'Art Du Poeme : Thematique, Glossographique, Poetique
138704: BECKER, W. A. (WILHELM ADOLF) (1796-1846) - Gallus : Or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus / with Notes and Excursuses Illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, by Professor W. A. Becker ; Translated by the Rev. Frederick Metcalfe.
118369: BECKER, EDITH C. - Adventures with Scissors and Paper
70876: BECKER, DAVID P. - Drawings for Book Illustration : the Hofer Collection / David P. Becker
70294: BECKER, RAYMOND DE (1916-1969) - The Other Face of Love. Translated by Margaret Crosland & Alan Daventry
103444: BECKER, THEODORE LEWIS - Un-Vote for a New America : a Guide to Constitutional Revolution / Ted Becker, Narrative ; Paul Szep, Cartoons ; with Dwight Ritter ; with Comments by Walter Cronkite ... [Et. Al. ]
161262: BECKER, DOROTHY H. - Fabulous Fondues, by Dorothy H. Becker and Nancy S. Wallace. Illus. by Maggie Jarvis
183807: BECKER, GEORGES - Le Japon va-t-il faire la guerre Politique--finances--industrie
128143: BECKER, EMILE - La 'Bande a Bonnot. ' 1911-1912
126522: BECKER, AIME - Itineraire Spirituel D'Alain-Fournier
168048: BECKER, JOSEPH M. - Shared government in employment security : a study of advisory councils / Joseph M. Becker
262244: BECKER, FELIX - Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des XX. Jahrhunderts - Complete in 6 volumes
135663: BECKER, BERNHARD - Geschichte Und Theorie Der Pariser Revolutionaren Kommune Des Jahres 1871
164260: BECKER, ETHEL ANDERSON - Here Comes the Polly
176609: BECKER, EMILE - La 'bande a Bonnot'
108194: BECKER, A. C. - Lure Fishing [By] A. C. Becker, Jr.
198426: BECKER, PHILIPP AUGUST - Mellin de Saint-Gelais, eine kritische Studie
204287: BECKERATH, HERBERT VON (1886-) - Krafte, Ziele und Gestaltungen in der deutschen Industriewirtschaft / von Herbert von Beckerath
153758: BECKERMAN, WILFRED - Wage Rigidity & Unemployment / Edited by Wilfred Beckerman
133605: BECKERMAN, WILFRED (1925-) - Wage Rigidity & Unemployment / Edited by Wilfred Beckerman
131704: BECKERMAN, WILFRED - An Introduction to National Income Analysis
130591: BECKERMAN, WILFRED (ED. ) - Wage Regidity and Unemployment / Edited by Wilfred Beckerman
190867: BECKERMAN, WILFRED (1925- ) - The British economy in 1975
142601: BECKERMAN, WILFRED - An Introduction to National Income Analysis
277891: BECKET, ANDREW (1749-1843) - A concordance to Shakespeare : suited to all the editions, in which the distinguished and parallel passages in the plays of that justly admired writer are methodically arranged. To which are added, three hundred notes and illustrations, entirely new
12574: BECKET, HENRY S. A. - The Dictionary of Espionage : Spookspeak Into English / Henry S. A. Becket
29409: BECKETT, IAN F. W. - The Roots of Counter-Insurgency - Armies and Guerrilla Warfare 1900-1945
274778: BECKETT, DERRICK - Telford's Britain / Derrick Beckett
260312: BECKETT, A. W - Proceedings of the Great Railway Lecture and Debating Society - Session 1927-1928
259886: BECKETT, MARY - Give them stones
240002: BECKETT, LUCY; HORNAK, ANGELO - York Minster / Lucy Beckett & Angelo Hornak
235500: BECKETT, J. C - Belfast : the making of the city
235244: BECKETT, SAMUEL (1906-1989) - Ill seen ill said
233127: BECKETT, J. C - Belfast : the making of the city
232854: BECKETT, JAMES CAMLIN (1912-) - Belfast : the making of the city (1800-1914) / contributors J.C. Beckett .. [et al.]; preface by E. Estyn Evans; foreword by Robin E. Glasscock
230346: BECKETT, FIONA - Food, wine & friends : simple menus for great entertaining / Fiona Beckett ; photography by Peter Cassidy
230097: BECKETT, FIONA - Champagne and sparkling wine / Fiona Beckett
227228: BECKETT, SAMUEL (1906-1989) - Dream of fair to middling women
226968: BECKETT, SAMUEL (1906-1989) - Ill seen ill said
199901: BECKETT, B. S. - Biology : a modern introduction / B.S. Beckett
193524: BECKETT, J. C. - Historical studies : papers read before the Irish Conference of Historians. 7 8th Conference, Queen's University, Belfast, 24-27 May 1967 / edited by J.C. Beckett
257362: BECKETT, I. F. W. (IAN FREDERICK WILLIAM) - Victoria's wars / I. F. W. Beckett
257363: BECKETT, I. F. W. (IAN FREDERICK WILLIAM) - Discovering British regimental traditions / Ian F.W. Beckett
189338: BECKETT, ARTHUR (1872-?) - Adventures of a quiet man : a story with two heroes, a book of gossip and gossips, of country delights, of men, women, and a dog, with extracts from a commonplace book and the journal of the undersigned / Arthur Beckett
279649: A'BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT - The comic history of England
173013: A'BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT - The comic history of England : From Julius Caesar to George II. By Gilbert Abbott A'Beckett. With ... illustrations by John Leech
264346: BECKETT, I. F. W. (IAN FREDERICK WILLIAM) - Victoria's wars / I. F. W. Beckett
107170: BECKETT, IAN (EDITOR) - The March of Communism. 1939-Present.
134329: A BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT (1811-1856). CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) , ILLUS. - The Comic Blackstone
262116: À BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT (1811-1856) - The comic history of England - illus. by Leech, John
232765: BECKETT, JAMES CAMLIN - Belfast : the making of the city / J. C. Beckett ... [et al.]
273200: BECKFORD, PETER (1740-1811) - Thoughts on hunting : in a series of familiar letters
266211: BECKFORD, PETER (1740-1811) - Thoughts on hunting : in a series of familiar letters to a friend
228357: BECKFORD, WILLIAM (1760-1844) - Recollections of an excursion to the monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha
180165: BECKFORD, WILLIAM (1760-1844) - Vathek : an Arabian tale
278340: BECKFORD, WILLIAM - The episodes of Vathek by William Beckford ; tr. by Sir Frank T. Marzials ; with an introduction by Lewis Melville
104784: BECKHARD, ARTHUR J. - Albert Einstein. Illustrated by Charles Beck
223338: BECKINSALE, R. P. (ROBERT PERCY) - Companion into Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds
215241: BECKLEY, RENE - Ancient walls of East Anglia
117544: BECKLEY, TIMOTHY GREEN - Lennon, Up Close & Personal / Editor, Timothy Green Beckley ; Reporters, Arthur Crockett ... Et Al.
147055: BECKMANN, JOACHIM - Quellen Zur Geschichte Des Christlichen Gottesdienstes
268738: BECKWITH, JOHN - Early medieval art : Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque / John Beckwith
148009: BECKWITH, BURNHAM P. (BURNHAM PUTNAM) - Liberal Socialism Applied : the Applied Welfare Economics of a Liberal Socialist Economy
143019: BECKWITH, BURNHAM PUTNAM (1904-) - The Economic Theory of a Socialist Economy
205564: BECKWITH, BURNHAM P. (BURNHAM PUTNAM) (1904-?) - Religion, philosophy, and science : an introduction to logical positivism
163865: BECKWOURTH, JAMES PIERSON (1798-1866) - The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth, Mountaineer, Scout, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. Written from His Own Dictation, by T. D. Bonner
86284: BECOM, JEFFREY - Mediterranean Color / Photographs and Text by Jeffrey Becom
166392: BECQ DE FOUQUIERES, LOUIS AIME VICTOR (1831-1887) - Documents Nouveaux Sur Andre Chenier Et Examen Critique De La Nouvelle Edition De Ses Oeuvres : Accompagnes D'Appendices Relatifs Au Mis De Brazais, Aux Freres Trudaine, a F. De Pange, a Mme De Bonneuil, a La Duchesse De Fleury
195208: BEDALE, CHARLES LEES (1879-1919) - The Old Testament and archaeology
251094: BEDDIE, M.K - Bibliography of Captain James Cook R.N., F.R.S., circumnavigator / editor: M. K. Beddie
133280: BEDDINGTON-BEHRENS, EDWARD, SIR (1897-) - The International Labour Office (League of Nations) : a Survey of Certain Problems of International Administration / Sir Edward Beddington-Behrens ; ...with a Foreword by Harold J. Laski
42749: BEDDOW, TIM - East Africa - an Evolving Landscape
269373: BEDE, CUTHBERT (1827-1889) - The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford freshman
268603: BEDE, THE VENERABLE SAINT - A history of the English Church and people
232890: BEDE THE VENERABLE, SAINT (673-735). SPITZBART, GÜNTER (1936-) - Kirchengeschichte des englischen Volkes / Beda der Ehrwürdige ; übersetzt von Günter Spitzbart. Two volumes in one
233166: BEDE, THE VENERABLE SAINT - A history of the English Church and people
267358: BEDE, CUTHBERT (1827-1889) - The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford freshman
141611: BEDEL, MAURICE (1884-1954) - Fascisme an VII / Maurice Bedel
274389: BEDFORD, JOHN - London's burning
269866: BEDFORD, SYBILLE (1911-2006) - A visit to Don Otavio : a traveller's tale from Mexico / Sybille Bedford ; introduction by Bruce Chatwin ; illustrations by Val Biro
246981: BEDFORD, SYBILLE (1911-2006). HUXLEY, ALDOUS (1894-1963) - Aldous Huxley : a biography / Sybille Bedford. Vol. 1: 1894-1939
218954: BEDFORD, JOHN ; MACKAY, JAMES A. - Yesterday's junk, tomorrow's antiques
214084: BEDFORD, MARTYN - Black cat / Martyn Bedford
193544: BEDFORD, MARTYN - Exit, orange & red
193488: BEDFORD, MARTYN - The Houdini girl
242085: BEDFORD, D. EVAN - Harvey's Third Circulation De Circulo Sanguinis In Corde: the Harveian Oration of 1968
249740: BEDFORD, EVAN - Harvey's third circulation de circulo sanguinis in corde : the Harveian oration of 1968
194080: BEDFORD, HILKIAH (1663-1724). TINDAL, MATTHEW (1653?-1733). ATTERBURY, FRANCIS (1662-1732) - A vindication of the Church of England : from the aspersions of a late libel intituled, Priestcraft in perfection, &c. BOUND WITH Tindall's 'A second defence of The rights of the Christian church (1708)' and Atterbury's 'Additions to the ... ... ...first edition of The rights, powers, and privileges of an English Convocation, stated and vindicated : In answer to a late book of Dr. Wake's...
101952: BEDFORD, HERBERT (1867-1945) - The Heroines of George Meredith. with Twenty Miniatures in Colours
114619: BEDFORD, BRUCE L. - Challenge Underground / Bruce L. Bedford
264397: BEDFORD, HASTINGS WILLIAM SACKVILLE RUSSELL DUKE OF (1888-1953) - Total Disarmament or an International Police Force?. / [By Bedford, Hastings William Sackville Russell Duke of 1888-1953.]
175029: BEDFORD, HERBERT (1867-1945) - The heroines of George Meredith
252338: BEDFORD, NICOLE RUSSELL - Nicole Nobody : the autobiography of the Duchess of Bedford
249715: BÉDIER, JOSEPH (1864-1938) - Les legendes epiques: recherches sur la formation des chansons de geste: in three volumes: volumes II-IV
146164: BEDIER, JOSEPH (1864-1938) - German Atrocities from German Evidence
146163: BEDIER, JOSEPH (1864-1938) - How Germany Seeks to Justify Her Atrocities
256170: BÉDIER, JOSEPH (1864-1938) - Le roman de Tristan et Iseut / renouvelé par Joseph Bédier
119730: BEDINGFIELD, HARRY (1889-) - Visceroptosis and Allied Abdominal Conditions Associated with Chronic Invalidism, by H. Bedingfield
175905: BEDNER, J. - Le Rhin de Victor Hugo : Commentaires sur un recit de voyage ; Academisch Proefschrift
202468: DE LA BEDOYERE, MICHAEL (1900-1973) - Francois de Sales
146400: DE LA BEDOYERE, MICHAEL (ED. ) - The Future of Catholic Christianity
211968: BEDSER, ALEC - Twin ambitions : an autobiography / Alec Bedser with Alex Bannister
208412: BEDSER, ALEC - Twin ambitions : an autobiography / Alec Bedser with Alex Bannister
192563: BEE, KAY - A Russian apostle of peace : attempt at controversy with all the odds against the author
11950: BEE, A. G. - A Man Should Rejoice - a Tale of South Africa and the Life Storey of One John Bredfield, Late of East Anglia and the Orange Free State
164086: BEEBE, LUCIUS MORRIS (1902-1966) - The American West; the Pictorial Epic of a Continent [By] Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg. with Title Page in Color by E. S. Hammack and More Than 1,000 Illus.
75827: BEEBE, LUCIUS MORRIS (1902-1966) & CLEGG, CHARLES (1916-?) - U. S. West, the Saga of Wells Fargo
108223: BEEBE, MORTON - San Francisco / Photographs by Morton Beebe ; Essays by Herb Caen ... [Et Al. ] ; Captions by Alan Magary Ann Seymour
41211: BEEBE, WILLIAM - The Log of the Sun - a Chronicle of Nature's Year
62484: BEEBE, LUCIUS MORRIS (1902-1966) - Boston and the Boston Legend, by Lucius Beebe, Illustrations by E. H. Suydam
152092: BEEBE, WILLIAM (1877-1962) - Das Arcturus-Abenteuer
46416: BEEBE, CHARLES WILLIAM (1877-) - 923 Meter Unter Dem Meeresspiegel - [Uniform Title: Half Mile Down. German]
266140: BEECHER, HENRY WARD (1813-1887). PROCTOR, EDNA DEAN (1829-1923) - Life thoughts, gathered from the extemporaneous discourses of Henry Ward Beecher
258249: BEECHER, SEÁN - Day by day : a miscellany of Cork history
270450: BEECHER, HENRY WARD (1813-1887) - Norwood, or, Village life in New England
93655: BEECHER, HENRY WARD - Norwood: Or, Village Life in New England. by Henry Ward Beecher. (Reprinted from 'The New York Ledger. ')
194957: BEECHER, EDWARD (1803-1895) - Narrative of riots at Alton : in connection with the death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. / Alton, G. Holton, 1838
174341: BEECHER, EDWARD (1803-1895) - Narrative of riots at Alton, in connection with the death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
174955: BEECHER, HENRY WARD (1813-1887) - American Rebellion : report of the speeches of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher ; delivered at public meetings in Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and London, and at the farewell breakfasts in London, Manchester, and Liverpool
61758: BEECHER, HENRY WARD (1813-1887) - American Rebellion : Report of the Speeches of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher : Delivered At Public Meetings in Manchester, Glasgow... and At the Farewell Breakfasts in London...
9123: BEECHER, CATHARINE E. - Physiology and Calisthenics for Schools and Families
267052: BEECHING, H.C - A Paradise of English Poetry: vol. II
149705: BEECHING, HENRY CHARLES (1859-1919). NAIRNE, ALEXANDER (1863-1936) - The Bible Doctrine of Atonement; Six Lectures Given in Westminster Abbey
118970: BEECHING, CHARLES LEMUEL THOMAS. J. ARTHUR SMART - Grocery Business Organisation and Management ... with Chapters on Buying a Business, Grocer's Office Work and Book-Keeping, and a Model Set of Grocer's Accounts by J. Arthur Smart
222797: BEECHING, CYRIL LESLIE - A dictionary of eponyms / Cyril Leslie Beeching
271385: BEECHY, HENRY WILLIAM - The literary works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, first president of the Royal Academy : to which is prefixed a memoir of the author; with remarks on his professional character, illustrative of his principles and practice - in 2 volumes
235386: BEECK, N. DR., OF BERLIN - Handlexikon der Geschichte und Biographie
102678: BEECROFT, GLYNIS. EDWIN BEECROFT - Carving Techniques / Glynis Beecroft ; Drawings and Photographs by Edwin Beecroft
155545: VAN BEEK, FLORY A. - Flory : a miraculous story of survival
73984: BEEKMAN, E. M (1939- ) - Lame Duck
101502: BEEKMAN, DANIEL - The Mechanical Baby : a Popular History of the Theory and Practice of Child Raising
163823: BEELER, JOE - Cowboys and Indians; Characters in Oil and Bronze
258527: BEELEY, LINDA - Safer prescribing : a guide to some problems in the use of drugs / Linda Beeley
79303: BEER, MICHAEL - The Critical Path to Corporate Renewal / Michael Beer, Russell A. Eisenstat, Bert Spector
274001: BEER, OLIVIER - Lucien Hervé : building images / Olivier Beer ; translated from the French by Sharon Grevet
264463: DE BEER, GAVIN - Embryos and ancestors
210605: BEER, PATRICIA - Wessex / text by Patricia Beer ; photographs by Fay Godwin
19576: DE BEER, ESMOND S. - King Charles II, Fundator Et Patronus (1630-1685)
154911: BEER, ANNA R. - Milton : Poet, Pamphleteer and Patriot
164759: BEER, MAX (1864- ) - L'Entente Annexionniste : La Paix Du 'Droit'
257600: DE BEER, GAVIN RYLAN - The comparative anatomy, histology, and development of the pituitary body
159480: BEER, THOMAS (1889-) - The Mauve Decade : American Life At the End of the Nineteenth Century
251219: BEER, MAX (1864-1943) - The general history of socialism and social struggles
238349: DE BEER, GAVIN SIR (1899-1972) - Reflections of a Darwinian : essays and addresses / Sir Gavin de Beer
19936: BEER, THOMAS (1889-) - The Mauve Decade : American Life At the End of the Nineteenth Century
192522: BEER, LEOPOLD JOSEF (ED.) - Vier Hande spielen = Tunes for four hands = Pour jouer a quatre mains : Originalkompositionen von Weber bis Reger = original compositions from Weber to Reger = compositions originales de Weber a Reger edited by = herausgegeben von = edite par Leopold Josef Beer
25830: DE BEER, ESMOND SAMUEL (1895-1990) - King Charles II's own fashion : an episode in Anglo-French relations 1666-1670
130085: BEER, MAX (1864-) - The Life and Teaching of Karl Marx, by M. Beer; Translated by T. C. Partington and H. J. Stenning, and Revised by the Author
242865: BEER, MOSHE - Rashut ha-Golah be-Bavel bi-yeme ha-Mishnah v?ha-Talmud / me-et Mosheh Ber/ Babylonian Exilarchate in the Arsacid and Sassanian periods.[ Hebrew Language]
195091: BEER, MAX (1864-) - A guide to the study of Marx : an introductory course for classes and study circles
58892: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR (1872-1956) - Letters of Max Beerbohm, 1892-1956 / Edited by Rupert Hart-Davis
50024: BEERBOHM, MAX - Rossetti and His Circle
33437: BEERBOHM, MAX (1872-1956). RIEWALD, JACOBUS GERHARDUS - Beerbohm's Literary Caricatures : from Homer to Huxley / Selected, Introduced, and Annotated by J. G. Riewald
31222: BEERBOHM, MAX (1872-1956). RIEWALD, JACOBUS GERHARDUS - Beerbohm's Literary Caricatures : from Homer to Huxley / Selected, Introduced, and Annotated by J. G. Riewald
270973: BEERBOHM, MAX SIR (1872-1956) - The illustrated Zuleika Dobson, or, An Oxford love story
270824: BEERBOHM, MAX SIR (1872-1956) - A Peep into the past
259139: BEERBOHM, MAX - Works / (by) Max Beerbohm
256351: BEERBOHM, MAX SIR (1872-1956) - Seven men and two others / Max Beerbohm
250686: BEERBOHM, MAX SIR (1872-1956) - A variety of things
250410: BEERBOHM, MAX (BRITISH AUTHOR, CARICATURIST, 1872-1956) - A survey
215466: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR, 1872-1956 - Zuleika Dobson : or, An Oxford love story
228017: BEERBOHM, MAX SIR (1872-1956) - Heroes and heroines of bitter sweet
124053: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR (1872-1956) - Observations by Max Beerbohm
109751: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR - More, by Max Beerbohm
98442: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR - The Poet's Corner, by Sir Max Beerbohm, with an Introduction by John Rothenstein ...
84522: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR (1872-1956) - Zuleika Dobson or an Oxford Love Story by Max Beerbohm ; Preface by Douglas Cleverdon ; Illustrations by George Him
215395: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR (1872-1956) - Zuleika Dobson, or, An Oxford love story
179842: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR (1872-1956) - A survey
41128: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR (1872-1956) - A Variety of Things, by Max Beerbohm
213934: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR, 1872-1956 - Zuleika Dobson : or, An Oxford love story
6757: BEERBOHM, MAX - Mainly on the Air. A Collection of Broadcasts and Essays
83506: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR - And Even Now, by Max Beerbohm
199052: BEERBOHM, MAX, SIR (1872-1956) - Max's nineties : drawings 1892-1899 / With an introduction by Osbert Lancaster
37236: BEERING, STEVEN C. - The Indomitable Spirit of Purdue
164315: BEERS, FRED G. - The First Generation : a Half-Century of Pioneering in Perry, Oklahoma
164278: BEERS, HENRY AUGUSTIN (1847-1926) - The Connecticut Wits, and Other Essays, by Henry A. Beers
75518: BEERS, HENRY PUTNEY (1907-) - Bibliographies in American History; Guide to Materials for Research
58581: BEESLEY, MICHAEL (ED. ) - Productivity and Amenity; Achieving a Social Balance, Edited by Michael Beesley
20739: BEESLEY, EARL A. GIBBONS, GARRY. MILLAR, DELIA - The Royal estates of Britain
110439: BEESLEY, TERRECE - Progressive Cross-Stitch : Fast to Fantastic Variations from Single Patterns
145967: BEESLEY, CHARLES NORBURY - Beesley's Souvenir of St Michael's Church, Charleston, S. C.
194127: BEESLEY, ALFRED (1800-1847) - The history of Banbury including copious historical and antiquarian notices of the neghbourhood
262763: BEESLY, EDWARD SPENCER (1831-1915) - Queen Elizabeth
219830: BEESLY, PATRICK - Very special intelligence : the story of the Admiralty's Operational Intelligence Centre, 1939-1945
204485: BEESLY, EDWARD SPENCER (1831-1915) - Home rule
249162: BEESON, TREVOR - Discretion and valour : religious conditions in Eastern Europe / [by] Trevor Beeson ; with a foreword by Sir John Lawrence
164461: BEESON, TREVOR - Discretion and Valour : Religious Conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe / Trevor Beeson; with a Foreword by John Lawrence
149249: BEESON, TREVOR - Discretion and Valour : Religious Conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe / Trevor Beeson ; with a Foreword by John Lawrence
261555: BEET, E. A. (ERNEST AGAR) - A text book of elementary astronomy
264009: BEET, E. A. (ERNEST AGAR) - The sky and its mysteries
179065: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (1770-1827) - Beethoven : Klavierstucke ; herausgegeben und mit fingersatz versehen von Louis Kohler und Adolf Ruthardt
172562: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (1770-1827) - Grand Septuor ; op.20 / de L. van Beethoven ; arrange pour Piano a 4 mains
235445: VAN BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG - Symphonie IX in D minor, op. 125
191909: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (1770-1827) [ET AL.] - The Climax albums for pianoforte. no. 7
79381: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (1770-1827) - Beethoven-Briefe / Ausgewahlt Und Herausgeben Von Dr. Leopold Schmidt
271853: BEETON, MRS - All about cookery : a collection of practical recipes
268869: BEETON, MRS. ISABELLA MARY (1836-1865) - Mrs. Beeton's cookery book : all about cookery, household work, marketing, trussing, carving, etc
278209: BEETON MRS. (ISABELLA MARY) (1836-1865) - The shorter Mrs Beeton
278158: BEETON MRS. (ISABELLA MARY) (1836-1865) - Mrs. Beeton's All-about cookery : with over 2,000 practical recipes, and sections on labour-saving, household work, servants' duties, laundry work, marketing, renovations, etc.; carving and trussing, the art of 'using up', table decorations, table napkins, meals and menus, beverages, etc
277839: BEETON MRS. (ISABELLA MARY) (1836-1865) - Mrs Beeton's household book / Isabella Beeton ; edited by Kay Fairfax
277989: BEETON, (ISABELLA MARY) MRS. (1836-1865) - The book of household management : also sanitary, medical and legal memoranda, with a history of the origin, properties, and uses of all things connected with home life and comfort
280996: BEETON, MRS - Mrs. Beeton's cookery book : a household guide, all about cookery, household work, marketing, prices, provisions, trussing, serving, carving, menus, etc., etc
277869: BEETON MRS. (ISABELLA MARY) (1836-1865) - Mrs. Beeton's All-about cookery : with over 2,000 practical recipes, and sections on labour-saving, household work, servants' duties, laundry work, marketing, renovations, etc.; carving and trussing, the art of 'using up', table decorations, table napkins, meals and menus, beverages, etc
278599: BEETON MRS. (ISABELLA MARY) (1836-1865) - Beeton's every-day cookery and housekeeping book : comprising instructions for mistress and servants, and a collection of over sixteen hundred and fifty practical receipts. A facsimile of the original 1865 edition
17394: BEETZ, KIRK H. (1952-) - John Ruskin : a Bibliography, 1900-1974
101195: BEEVER, EDWARD ALAN - Launceston Bank for Savings, 1835-1970: a History of Australia's Oldest Savings Bank [By] E. A. Beever
273287: BEEVOR, ANTONY - D-Day : the battle for Normandy / Antony Beevor
271434: BEEVOR, ANTONY (1946-) - Berlin : the downfall, 1945 / Antony Beevor
266916: BEEVOR, ANTONY - Berlin : the downfall, 1945 / Antony Beevor
267535: BEEVOR, ANTONY - Ardennes, 1944 : Hitler's last gamble
174335: BEEVOR, HUMPHRY (1903-?) - Peace and pacifism
98993: BEG, AZIZ - The Wailing Vale
260638: BEGBIE, HAROLD (1871-1929) - Life of William Booth : the founder of the Salvation Army
187986: BEGBIE, HAROLD (1871-1929) - Life of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army - [Complete in 2 volumes]
178930: BEGBIE, HAROLD (1871-1929) - The Conservative Mind : by a Gentleman with a Duster [pseud., i.e. Harold Begbie]
141148: BEGBIE, EDWARD HAROLD (1871-1929) - The Conservative Mind
143275: BEGBIE, HAROLD (1871-1929) [ALIAS; A GENTLEMAN WITH A DUSTER - The Conservative Mind : by a Gentleman with a Duster
244885: BEGBIE, HAROLD (1871-1929) - Life of William Booth : the founder of the Salvation Army
132003: BEGBIE, HAROLD (1871-1929) - The Howling Mob, an Indictment of Democracy
130673: BEGBIE, HAROLD - The Conservative Mind
195988: BEGBIE, HAROLD (1871-1929) - The conservative mind
237617: BEGG, CHARLES - Sprue: its diagnosis and treatment. Illustrated
257734: BEGHIN, IVAN - A guide to nutritional assessment / Ivan Beghin, Miriam Cap & Bruno Dujardin
121404: BEGIN, Z. B. - A Zionist Stand / Ze'ev B. Begin
179261: BEGIN, MENACHEM - The revolt / Menachem Begin ; translated [from the Hebrew] by Samuel Katz ; English version edited, with notes, by Ivan M. Greenberg
262654: BEGIN, MENACHEM (1913-1992) - White Nights. The story of a prisoner in Russia. (Translated from the Hebrew by Katie Kaplan.)
40913: BEGLEY, LOUIS - As Max Saw it / Louis Begley
258384: BEGLEY, LOUIS - Man Who Was Late / Louis Begley
258379: BEGLEY, LOUIS - Wartime lies
212284: BEGLOV, SPARTAK IVANOVICH (1924-) - International relations in nuclear age
64114: BEGO, MARK - Leonardo Dicaprio : Romantic Hero
183125: BEGO, MARK - Joni Mitchell / Mark Bego
195828: BEGOUEN, HENRI, COMTE (1863-1956) - Chez les Yougoslaves il y a trente-deux ans : lettres au Journal des Debats (1887-1888) / comte Begouen ; publiees avec une pre´face de M. Louis Lager
151965: BEGUERIE, PHILIPPE. LECLERCQ, JACQUES (1891-1971). STEINMANN, JEAN - Etudes Sur Les Prophetes D'Israel / Ph. Beguerie, J. Leclercq, J. Steinmann
226608: BEHAN, BRENDAN - The world of Brendan Behan / edited by Sean McCann, drawings by Liam C. Martin
207159: BEHARRELL, PETER. PHILO, GREG - Trade unions and the media / edited by Peter Beharrell and Greg Philo
59150: CONFERENCE ON VERBAL LEARNING AND VERBAL BEHAVIOR (2ND : 1961 : ARDSLEY-ON-HUDSON, N. Y. ) - Verbal Behavior and Learning: Problems and Processes; Proceedings. Edited by Charles N. Cofer and Barbara S. Musgrave. Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and New York University
59130: CONFERENCE ON VERBAL LEARNING AND VERBAL BEHAVIOR (1959 : NEW YORK UNIVERSITY) - Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior; Proceedings. Edited by Charles N. Cofer with the Assistance of Barbara S. Musgrave. Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and New York University
96556: BEHBEHANI, HASHIM S. H - China's Foreign Policy in the Arab World, 1955-75 : Three Case Studies
230531: BEHEIM-SCHWARZBACH, MARTIN (1900-1985) - Die grossen Hirten der Menschheit : Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed / [Martin Beheim-Schwarzbach ; die Zusammenstellung und Redaktion besorgte Nino Erne]
246226: BEHLER, ERNST - Friedrich Schlegel mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten / dargestellt von Ernst Behler
268891: BEHLMER, RUDY - Inside Warner Bros. (1935-1951) / Selected, Edited, and Annotated by Rudy Behlmer
111441: BEHLMER, RUDY - Inside Warner Bros. (1935-1951) / Selected, Edited, and Annotated by Rudy Behlmer
64469: BEHN, NOEL - Big Stick-Up At Brink's!
48983: BEHN, NOEL - Lindbergh: the Crime
169425: BEHN, NOEL - Lindbergh : the crime / Noel Behn
233776: BEHN, FRIEDRICH (1883-1970) - Musikleben im Altertum und frühen Mittelalter
231943: BEHN, FRIEDRICH (1883-1970) - Die Bronzezeit in Nordeuropa : Bildnis einer prahistorschen Hochkultur
235258: BEHN, FRIEDRICH (1883-1970) - Altgermanische Kultur : ein Bilderatlas
113489: BEHN, HARRY - Siesta, by Harry Behn
231941: BEHN, FRIEDRICH (1883-1970) - Altgermanische Kultur : ein Bilderatlas
231852: BEHN, DR. FRIEDRICH - Altgermanische Runst
234238: BEHN, FRIEDRICH (B. 1883) - Vorgeschichtliche Welt
234239: BEHN, FRIEDRICH (1883-1970) - Römertum und Völkerwanderung / Mitteleuropa zwischen Augustus und Karl dem Grossen
226990: BEHN, FRIEDRICH - Vorgeschichtliche Welt / von Friedrich Behn
241800: BEHNE, ADOLF (1885-1948). BLETTER, ROSEMARIE HAAG. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF ART AND THE HUMANITIES - The modern functional building / Adolf Behne ; introduction by Rosemarie Haag Bletter ; translation by Michael Robinson
54556: BEHNKE, FRANCES L. - The Changing World of Living Things, by Frances L. Behnke
85382: BEHR, EDWARD (1926-?) - Hirohito : Behind the Myth
48899: BEHR, EDWARD - Thank Heaven for Little Girls - the True Story of Maurice Chevalier's Life and Times
107363: BEHR, EDWARD. MARK STEYN - The Story of Miss Saigon
32467: BEHR, EDWARD - The Algerian Problem
127304: BEHRANG - Iran : Le Maillon Faible / Behrang
179414: BEHREND, HANS - The real rulers of Germany
211154: BEHREND, HILDE - Absence under full employment
194104: BEHRENDS, A. J. F. (ADOLPHUS JULIUS FREDERICK) (1839-1900) - Socialism and Christianity
257436: BEHRENDT, ALBERT - The W.F.T.U. and the German trade unions / Albert Behrendt ; published for the National Executive of the Confederation of the Free German Trade Unions
272533: BEHRENS, C. B. A. (CATHERINE BETTY ABIGAIL) - The Ancien Régime / C.B.A. Behrens
43700: BEHRENS, E. BEDDINGTON - The International Labour Office (League of Nations) - a Survey of Certain Problems of International Administration
73545: BEHRMAN, S. J. - Fertility and Family Planning : a World View / S. J. Behrman, Leslie Corsa, Jr. , and Ronald Freedman, Editors
42820: BEHRMAN, LUCY C. - Muslim Brotherhoods and Politics in Senegal
235029: BEHRMAN, DANIEL - Solar energy : the awakening science / (by) Daniel Behrman ; photographs by Madeleine de Sinety
251840: BEHRMAN, S. N. (1893-1973) - Portrait of Max
250554: BEHRMAN, S. N. (1893-1973) - Conversations with Max
100096: BEHRMAN, S. N. (SAMUEL NATHANIEL) (1893-1973) - Biography, a Comedy
121796: BEHRMAN, S. N. (SAMUEL NATHANIEL) (1893-1973) - Conversation with Max
154385: BEHRMAN, SAMUEL NATHANIEL (1893-1973) - Portrait of Max
77708: BEICHMAN, ARNOLD - Nine Lies about America
134270: BEIGBEDER, MARC - L' Homme Sartre : Essai De Devoilement Preexistentiel / Marc Beigbeder
210450: BEIGBEDER, MARC (1916-) - Le theatre en France depuis la liberation
41430: BEIJERINCK, W. - Calluna - a Monograph on the Scotch Heather
41457: BEIJERINCK, W. - Rubi Neerlandici Bramen En Frambozen in Nederland, Hun Bouw, Levenswijze, Verwantschap, Verspreiding En Gebruik (With a Summary in English)
81186: BEILHARZ, EDWIN A. LOPEZ, CARLOS U. - We were 49ers! : Chilean accounts of the California Gold Rush / translated and edited by Edwin A. Beilharz and Carlos U. Lopez
168986: BEILHARZ, EDWIN A. LOPEZ, CARLOS U. - We were 49ers! : Chilean accounts of the California Gold Rush / translated and edited by Edwin A. Beilharz and Carlos U. Lopez
155026: BEILHARZ, EDWIN A. (ED.) LOPEZ, CARLOS U. (ED.) - We were 49ers! : Chilean accounts of the California Gold Rush / translated and edited by Edwin A. Beilharz and Carlos U. Lopez
109865: BEILHARZ, EDWIN A. & LOPEZ, CARLOS U. - We Were 49ers! : Chilean Accounts of the California Gold Rush / translated and edited by Edwin A. Beilharz and Carlos U. Lopez
157136: BEILIN, HARRY - Studies in the Cognitive Basis of Language Development / Harry Beilin, with the Collaboration of Barbara Lust, Hinda G. Sack, Helen-Marie Natt
166949: BEIN, ALEX, (1903-1988) - Theodore Herzl : a biography
218599: BEIN, ALEX - Te'odor Hertsl : biyografyah [Theodore Herzl a biography. Language: Russian]
259003: BEINART, HAIM. GUILADI, YAEL - Anusim be-din ha-In??izitsyah / ?ayim Bainar? / Conversos on trial by the Inquisition [Hebrew Language]
255010: BEIRNE, BRYAN PATRICK - The family O'Beirne
71221: BEIRNE, ROSAMOND RANDALL - The Hammond-Harwood House and its Owners
258585: BOLESLAW BEIRUT - Der Kampf des polnischen Volkes um den Friden und um den Seschsjahrplan
87548: BEISER, ARTHUR - The Sailor's World. Photography by Stanley Rosenfeld
99649: BEITH, JOHN HAY- - The Citizen Soldier
91867: BEJAR, HECTOR - Peru 1965: Notes on a Guerrilla Experience, by Hector Bejar. Translated by William Rose
30910: BEJAR, HECTOR - Peru 1965: Apuntes Sobre Una Experiencia Guerrillera
230079: BEKE, LASZLO (1942-) - The Hungarian connection : the roots of photojournalism / Laszlo Beke, Gabor Szilagyi, Klara Tory ; edited by Colin Ford
150576: BEKE, LASZLO - A Student's Diary : Budapest, October 16-November 1, 1956 / Edited and Translated by Leon Kossar and Ralph M. Zoltan
99879: BEKER, JEROME - Critical Incidents in Child Care; a Case Book for Child Care Workers, by Jerome Beker in Collaboration with Shirle M. Husted and [Others]
217227: BEKHAR, ALFRED - Tyutyunut v bulgariya [Tobacco in Bulgaria. Language: Bulgaria]
80138: BEKKER, CAJUS (1924-) - Hitler's Naval War / Cajus Bekker [I. E. H. D. Berenbrok] : Translated and Edited by Frank Ziegler
265309: BEKKER, CAJUS - The Luftwaffe war diaries
233450: BEKKER, PAUL - Das Orchester : Geschichte, Komponisten, Stile
232523: BEKKER, PAUL (1882-1937) - Beethoven / von Paul Bekker
10324: BEKKER, CAJUS (1924-) - The German Navy; 1939-1945
147285: BEKKER, GREGOIRE - Le Mouvement Coopératif En Russie Et La Renaissance De La Russie, Par Grégoire Bekker. Préface De Louis De Brouckere. Adaptation Francaise Par Jeanne Colin
244380: BEKKER, PAUL (1882-1937) - Klang und Eros : zweiter Band der Gesammelten Schriften. 1. bis 3. Tausend
256981: BEKKER, IMMANUEL (1785-1871) - Anecdota Graeca / Immanuel Bekker - volumes 1 & 2
231562: BEKKUM, WOUT JAC. VAN. FOLKINGESTRAAT SYNAGOGE (GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS) - Folkingestraat Synagoge : oorsprong en geschiedenis / uitgegeven door de Stichting Folkingestraat Synagoge ; onder redactie van Wout Jac. van Bekkum
228668: BEKS, MAARTEN. DE KERMADEC, YVES HUON - Kees Bol : (1974-1991)
228277: BEKS, MAARTENS; WIEGERSMA, PIETER - H. Wiegersma : enkeling in meervoud
39827: BÉLA, SALAMON - Szodasuveg Es Kornyeke
88433: BELANGER, JEROME D. - The Homesteader's Handbook to Raising Small Livestock, by Jerome Belanger
75394: BELANGER, JEROME D - Raising Milk Goats the Modern Way
255402: BÉLANGER, ANDRÉ J - The ethics of Catholicism and the consecration of the intellectual / André J. Bélanger
109769: BELANGER, JEROME D. - The Homesteader's Handbook to Raising Small Livestock
255287: BELARDELLI, GIOVANNI - Mazzini / Giovanni Belardelli
35411: BELASCO, WARREN JAMES - Appetite for Change : How the Counterculture Took on the Food Industry, 1966-1988 / Warren J. Belasco
220866: BELASCO, DAVID - The girl of the golden West: Illustrated with scenes from the photoplay an Edwin Carewe production a First National Attraction
51931: BELASCO, DAVID - Mrs. Leslie Carter in David Belasco's Du Barry, with portraits of Mrs. Carter by John Cecil Clay, together with portrait of David Belasco and numerous engravings of photos. and sketches in black and white
217798: BELAVSKIJ, MIHAIL TIMOFEEVIC - Odnodvortsy Chernozem'ya : po ikh nakazov v Ulozhennuyu komissiyu 1767-1768 gg [Freeholders Black Soil: in their mandates in the Legislative Commission 1767-1768. Language: Russian]
204600: BELAYEV, A. [ET AL.] - A visitor from outer space : science fiction stories by Soviet writers
264507: BELCHEM, DAVID - All in the day's march
275451: BELCHER, RAY - Faces & facades : a collection of large-format instant images by Ray Belcher, James Bones, Elisabetta Catalano, Marie Cosindas, Alma Davenport Dailey, Carl Fischer, Paul Huf, Peter Jones, Yousuf Karsh, Ulrich Mack, Arnold Newman, Inge Reethof, Gunter Sachs, Stephen Shore, Christian Vogt, Reinhart Wolf ; foreword by L. Fritz Gruber ; introduction by Peter C. Bunnell
153152: BELCHER, JAMES - The Birmingham Riots of 1791 : a Closely Copied Reprint of a Pamphlet Published Immediately after Their Occurrence : with an Introduction
278024: BELCHER, GEORGE FREDERICK ARTHUR (1875-) - Characters by George Belcher: with an introduction by Frank Swinnerton
94642: BELCHER, ERNEST ALBERT CROSSLEY (1872-) - Migration Within the Empire, by E. A. Belcher and James A. Williamson
240436: BELCHER, GEORGE FREDERICK ARTHUR (1875-1947) - Taken from life
140586: BELCROIX, CYR - Le Reve Republicain De Chateaubriand
13948: BELDEN, WILANNE SCHNEIDER - Mind-Hold / Wilanne Schneider Belden
156719: BELDEN, THOMAS GRAHAM. BELDEN, MARVA ROBINS - The Lengthening Shadow : the Life of Thomas J. Watson
173689: BELDEN, ALBERT DAVID (1883-) - Pax Christi : the peace of Christ, a new policy of Christendom today
194545: BELDEN, ALBERT DAVID (B. 1883) - Pax Christi, the peace of Christ : a new policy for Christendom today
150080: BELDER, J DE. J. HANNES - Bibliographie De L'Histoire De Belgique, 1865-1914
267567: BELFIELD, RICHARD - Can you crack the Enigma code? / Richard Belfield
254566: BELFIELD, EVERSLEY MICHAEL GALLIMORE - The Boer war / Eversley Belfield
263823: BELFIELD, EVERSLEY MICHAEL GALLIMORE - The battle for Normandy / Eversley Belfield and H. Essame
142663: BELFORTE, FRANCESCO - La Campagna Dei Volontari Italiani E La Vittoria Di Franco
126652: BELFORTE, FRANCESCO - La Guerra Civile in Spagna : Vol. 1, La Disintegrazione Dello Stato
149213: BELFORTE, FRANCESCO - La Guerra Civile in Spagna : Gli Interventi Stranieri Nella Spagna Rossa
101221: BELFRAGE, SALLY - Living with War : a Belfast Year / Sally Belfrage
90050: BELFRAGE, CEDRIC (1904-?) - The Man At the Door with the Gun
239253: BELFRAGE, CEDRIC (1904-1990) - Seeds of destruction
196279: BELFRAGE, CEDRIC (1904-?) - Let my people go
270362: PARTI SCIALISTE BELGE - Rapport du Bureau au congres des 16, 17 et 18 décembre 1960
165930: PARTI OUVRIER BELGE - Statuts De Parti Ouvrier Belge : Adoptes Dans Les Congres De Bruxelles 1893, De Quaregnon 1894 Et Bruxelles 1908 = Statuten Der Belgische Werkliedenpartij : Aangenomen in De Kongressen Van Brussel 1893 Quaregnon 1894 En Brussel 1908
215387: CLUB ALPIN BELGE - Bulletin du Club Alpin Belge, fonde le 18 Fevrier 1893 ; No.18
163379: UN BELGE - Essai Sur La Defense De La Belgique / Par Un Belge
217291: GOUVERNEMENT BELGE - Voix de l'Amerique Latine / preface de Gomez Carrillo
162662: CONGRES EXTRAORDINAIRE DU P. S. B. (1959). PARTI SOCIALISTE BELGE - Congres Extraordinaire Du P. S. B. Des 4 Et 5 Juillet 1959 : Rapports
215390: CLUB ALPIN BELGE - Bulletin du Club Alpin Belge, fonde le 18 Fevrier 1886 ; No.8
215389: CLUB ALPIN BELGE - Bulletin du Club Alpin Belge, fonde le 18 Fevrier 1885 ; No. 5
215388: CLUB ALPIN BELGE - Bulletin du Club Alpin Belge, fonde le 18 Fevrier 1889 ; No.12
167485: DES OFFICIERS DE RESERVE DE L'ARMEE BELGE - Projet de reorganisation du cadre des Officiers de Reserve de l'Armee Belge : adresse a Messieurs les Membres de la Chambre des representants et du Senat
279599: IMP. DU MONITEUR BELGE - Situation financière de la Belgique. (Juillet 1847.) Impôts. Recettes et dépenses. Dette flottante. Dette constituée
279881: PARTI SOCIALISTE BELGE - Congrès politique des 19 et 20 novembre 1955 : notes documentaires
147601: PARTI SOCIALISTE BELGE - Les Fastes Du Parti 1885-1960
162649: PARTI SOCIALISTE BELGE - Congres Des Sociliastes Wallons
164944: PARTI OUVRIER BELGE - Compte-Rendu Du Ixe Congres Annuel Du Parti Ouvrier Belge
211212: BLOC CATHOLIQUE BELGE - Le bloc Catholique Belge 1937
212405: PARTI OUVRIER BELGE - Statuts du Parti Ouvrier Belge adoptes dans les congres de Bruxelles 1893, de Quaregnon 1894 et Bruxelles 1908 = Statuten der Belgische Werkliedenpartij aangenomen in de Kongressen van Bruseel 1893 quaregnon 1894 en Brussel 1908
203640: OFFICIERS DE MARINE BELGES - La marine de l'etat ou l'expose pur et simple des revendications et griefs des officers de la marine de l'etat / par des Officiers de Marine Belges
184448: CHAMBRE SYNDICALE DES HORTICULTEURS BELGES - Rapport annuel presente par le comite permanent a l'assemblee generale du 7 fevrier 1886 sur les travaux et la situation de la chambre syndicale pendant l'annee 1885
167691: LES COOPERATEURS BELGES - Almanach des Cooperateurs Belges 1896 : cinquieme annee
240715: LIGUE DES ARTISTES BELGES - Belgian art in exile : a representative gallery of modern Belgian art : edited under the distinguished patronage of Their Royal and Imperial Highnesses the Duchess of Vendôme and the Princess Napoléon, by la 'Ligue des artistes belges', issued by 'Colour' [magazine]
252097: BELGIAN GOVERNMENT INFORMATION CENTER, UNITED STATES - A ten year plan for the economic and social development of the Belgian Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi / Belgian Government Information Center
194975: BANQUE NATIONALE DE BELGIQUE NATIONALE BANK VAN BELGIE - Celebration du centenaire viering van het honderdjarig bestaan
273669: OFFICE DU TRAVAIL DE BELGIQUE - Les industries à domicile en Belgique - Vol. X - Étude statistique des familles ouvrieres comprenant des ouvriers a domicile
270386: SÉNAT DE BELGIQUE - Sénat de Belgique: session ordinaire de 1875-1876: Projet de Loi: qui apporte des modifications: a la loi du 25 ventrose an XI sur le notariat
228984: CRÉDIT COMMUNAL DE BELGIQUE - La collection
164935: PARTI COMMUNISTE DE BELGIQUE - Statuts Du Parti Communiste De Belgique, Xive Congres, Anvers, Paques 1963
188388: FEDERATION NATIONALE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT MOYEN LIBRE DE BELGIQUE - Problemes d'education dans l'enseignement secondaire : compte rendu du Ier congres international de l'Enseignement secondaire libre, Bruxelles (du 28 juillet au 2 aout 1930) [Remplissez en 2 volumes]
215548: ACADEMIE ROYALE DE LANGUE ET DE LITTERATURE FRANCAISES DE BELGIQUE - Le centenaire d'Emile Verhaeren (1855-1955)
222902: CHAMBRE DES ANTIQUARIES DE BELGIQUE - Foire des antiquaires de belgique xxixe antiekbeurs van belgie
214943: ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE - Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des ouvriers mineurs : rapport de l'Exercice 1863
144914: LA LIGUE DES FAMILLES NOMBREUSES DE BELGIQUE - La Population Belge Et Son Avenir
138126: ASSOCIATIONS DES PATRONS ET INGENIEURS CATHOLIQUES DE BELGIQUE - Solution Ordonnee Des Conflits Du Travail : Mmeoires De La 9eme Session Des Journees Sociales Patronales ; Anvers Institut St. Ignace 10 Et 11 Decembre 1938
150628: FEDERATION GENERALE DU TRAVAIL DE BELGIQUE - A Trade Union Strategy in the Common Market : the Programme of the Belgian Trade Unions : a Translation of the Report of the FGTB on Workers' Control, with Explanatory Documents / Edited and Introduced by Ken Coates Translations from the French by Jenny Garcia and D. B. Pitt
183760: SOCIETE ROYALE D'ECONOMIE POLITIQUE DE BELGIQUE - La reduction de la duree du travail : colloque des 23 et 24 fevrier 1957
164636: LE PART COMMUNISTE DE BELGIQUE - 20 Questions Et Responses a Propos Des Elections Du 1er Juin 1958 Et Des Perspectives Du Mouvement Ouvrier
166709: UNIVERSITAIRE DE BELGIQUE - L'Evolution : Resume De 6 Conferences Faites Sous Les Auspices De L'Extension Universitaire De Belgique
187998: SOCIETE ANTIESCLAVAGISTE DE BELGIQUE - Le mouvement antiesclavagiste - Revue mensuelle internationale illustree - [all issues for the first 4 years bound in 4 volumes]
212591: SENAT DE BELGIQUE - Catalogue des ouvrages et documents : concernat la question des dons et legs charitables et des institutions de bienfaisance qui se trouvent a la bibliotheque du senat
175702: PARTI COMMUNISTE DE BELGIQUE - Projet de theses : Reconquerir l'independance nationale ; Savoir la paix / Xme congres du Parti Communiste de Belgique
146165: BELGIUM - The Innocence of Belgium Established by the Military Documents Published by Germany
127948: BELGIUM. COMMISSION D'ENQUETE SUR LES VIOLATIONS DES REGLES DU DROIT DES GENS, DES LOIS ET DES COUTUMES DE GUERRE - Les Crimes De Guerre Commis Lors De La Liberation Du Territoire National Septembre 1944: Region De Mons
166981: BELGIUM. COMMISSION ROYALE DE BIENFAISANCE. OVERBERGH, CYRILLE VAN (1866-) ED. - Reforme de la bienfaisance en Belgique ; resolutions et rapport general de la commission speciale. Rapporteur: Cyr. van Overbergh
89579: BELGIUM. OFFICE BELGE D'INFORMATION ET DE DOCUMENTATION, LONDON - The Underground Press in Belgium. Belgian Ministry of Information
184721: EDITORIAL DE BELGRANO (EB) - Ensayos de antropologia argentina, ano 1984
142369: BELIAEV, IURII NIKOLAEVICH - CMEA Countries. Economic Cooperation
218179: BELIAEV, N. - Soviet pensions
213712: BELIEFNET (FIRM) - The big book of angels : angelic encounters, expert answers, listening to and working with your guardian angel
203494: BELINFANTE, JUDITH C. E. - Joods Historisch Museum = Jewish Historical Museum / Judith C.E. Belinfante
256120: BELINSKII, VISSARION GRIGOR'EVICH ; PACINI, GIANLORENZO ; ETC - La grande stagione della critica letteraria russa
216787: BELINSKIY, V. G. - Pis'mo K Gogolyu [Letter to Gogol. Language: Russian]
175549: BELKIN, SAMUEL - Essays in traditional Jewish thought
254871: BELKNAP, JEREMY (1744-1798). HUBBARD, FORDYCE MITCHELL (1809-1888) - American biography
85182: BELL, ROGER - Mercedes-Benz / [By] Roger Bell ; Foreword by Juan Manuel Fangio
75605: BELL, DERRICK A. - Confronting Authority : Reflections of an Ardent Protester
70658: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Waiting for the End of the World / Madison Smartt Bell
241103: BELL, WALTER GEORGE (1867-1942) - Where London sleeps : historical journeyings into the suburbs
57099: BELL, MILLICENT - Marquand : an American Life / Millicent Bell
37564: BELL, PAULINE - The Dead Do Not Praise / Pauline Bell
34742: BELL, COLIN (1938-) - City fathers : town planning in Britain from Roman times to 1900
34345: BELL, S. PETER - Victorian Lancashire / Edited by S. P. Bell
276567: BELL, A. S - The Scottish antiquarian tradition : essays to mark the bicentenary of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and its Museum, 1780 - 1980
275034: BELL, R. S. WARREN (ROBERT STANLEY WARREN) - Tales of Greyhouse
270656: BELL, G. K. A. (GEORGE KENNEDY ALLEN) (1883-1958) - The English church / the Bishop of Chichester, G.K.A. Bell ; with 8 plates in colour and 20 illustrations in black & white
270272: BELL, JULIAN - Mirror of the world : a new history of art / Julian Bell
268142: BELL, QUENTIN (BRITISH ARTIST, 1910-1996) - Virginia Woolf : a biography / Quentin Bell - in 2 volumes
266448: BELL, GERTRUDE LOWTHIAN (1868-1926) - The letters of Gertrude Bell / selected by Lady Richmond from Lady Bell's standard ed
265803: BELL, ISAAC - Foxiana
264925: BELL, H. E - Italian archives
260987: BELL, ARTHUR MRS - The story of plants
259150: BELL, CHARLES CARLYLE (1868-1954) - The story of Fountains Abbey
259065: BELL, J. J. (JOHN JOY) (1871-1934) - Thread o' Scarlet : a play in one act
258495: BELL, VICARS (1904-1988) - This way home : the story of a voyage in search of the earth / Vicars Bell
248301: BELL, DERRICK A - Race, racism, and American law / Derrick Bell
232436: BELL, NICOLAS - Music in medieval manuscripts / Nicolas Bell
224881: BELL, WALTER GEORGE - The Great Plague of London / Walter George Bell
201265: BELL, JULIAN - Mirror of the world : a new history of art / Julian Bell
186328: BELL, DAVID SCOTT (1949-?) - Labour into the eighties / edited by David S. Bell
169408: BELL, ARTHUR (ARTHUR IRVING) - Kings don't mean a thing : the John Knight murder case
163948: BELL, ARTHUR ERNEST - Tudor Foundation : a Sketch of the History of Richard Pate's Foundation in Cheltenham / Arthur Bell
158317: BELL-VILLADA, GENE H. (1941- ) - Art for Art's Sake & Literary Life : How Politics and Markets Helped Shape the Ideology & Culture of Aestheticism, 1790-1990 / Gene H. Bell-Villada
131975: BELL, GEOFFREY - The British in Ireland : a Suitable Case for Withdrawal / Geoffrey Bell
256918: BELL, QUENTIN - Vanessa Bell's family album / compiled by Quentin Bell and Angelica Garnett
195442: BELL, THOMAS (1882-1944) - John Maclean, a fighter for freedom
188269: BELL, LILIAN (1867-1929) - Sir John and the American girl
187692: BELL, EDWARD PRICE (1869-1943) - World chancelleries : sentiments, ideas, and arguments expressed by famous occidental and oriental statesmen looking to the consolidation of the psychological bases of international peace
245592: BELL, JOHN (1691-1780) - Travels from St. Petersburgh in Russia, to various parts of Asia : Illustrated with maps. In two volumes. Volume first
272122: BELL, HUGH - An impartial account of the conduct of the excise towards the breweries in Scotland, particularly in Edinburgh : pointing out the beneficial effects of the new mode of survey, by which several thousand pounds per annum have been already added to the revenue in the Edinburgh collection, and by which, if generally adopted through Scotland, many thousands more might be annually put into the Exchequer, not only without detriment, but with advantage to the manufacturers
224289: BELL, EDWARD (1844-1926) - Early architecture in western Asia : Chaldaean, Hittite, Assyrian, Persian : a historical outline : with cx illustrations, maps and plans
280647: BELL, EVELYN M. (STILES) - Polygons : a survey of the African personnel of a Rhodesian factory
124681: BELL, ROGER - Mercedes-Benz / [By] Roger Bell ; Foreword by Juan Manuel Fangio
238194: BELL, ENID MOBERLY (1881-). CARLING, ERNEST ROCK SIR (1877-1960) - The story of hospital almoners : the birth of a profession / [E. Moberly Bell] ; with a foreword by Ernest Rock Carling
7334: BELL, MARY I. M. OTTLEY - A Short History of the Papacy
143346: BELL, EDWARD PRICE (1869-1943) - World Chancelleries; Sentiments, Ideas, and Arguments Expressed by Famous Occidental and Oriental Statesmen Looking to the Consolidation of the Psychological Bases of International Peace, with an Introduction by Calvin Coolidge ... by Edward Price Bell ..
134223: BELL, ROBERT (D. 1816) - Lectures on the Solemnities Used in Scotland, in the Testing of Deeds. by Robert Bell
94680: BELL, HENRY GLASSFORD (1803-1874) - Life of Mary Queen of Scots, by Henry Glassford Bell - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
94366: BELL, HENRY NUGENT (1792-1822) - The Huntingdon Peerage; Comprising a Detailed Account of the Evidence and Proceedings Connected with the Recent Restoration of the Earldom ... to Which is Prefixed a Genealogical and Biographical History of the Illustrious House of Hastings...
114284: BELL, GEOFFREY (1909-) - The Golden Gate and the Silver Screen / Geoffrey Bell
51787: BELL, THORNTON - Space Trap
98763: BELL, C. F. MOBERLY (CHARLES FREDERIC MOBERLY) (1847-1911) - RELATED NAMES: MONTBARD, G. (GEORGES) (B. 1841) ILLUS. ; BARBANT, CHARLES (ENGRAVER) - From Pharaoh to Fellah, by C. F. Moberly Bell ... with Illustrations by Georges Montbard. Engraved by Charles Barbant
104068: GRIMM. SVEND OTTO S. ANTHEA BELL - The Brave Little Tailor
105211: BELL, BOB BOZE - Even Lower Blows : the Best of Bob Boze Bell
16100: BELL, EDWARD PRICE - Europe's Economic Sunrise; a Survey of the Constructive Forces Contributing to its 'Spirit of the Morning, ' by Edward Price Bell ... Introduction by General Charles Gates Dawes. the Plan of the Book, by Dr. Max Mason ...
148865: BELL, NORMAN W. EZRA F. VOGEL (EDS. ) - A Modern Introduction to the Family, Edited by Norman W. Bell and Ezra F. Vogel
144668: BELL, LUTHER V. (LUTHER VOSE) (1806-1862) - An Address before the Young Men's Entire Abstinence Association : Derry, N. H. , July 4, 1832
13784: BELL, LILIAN (1867-1929) - The Expatriates; a Novel, by Lilian Bell
134010: BELL, R. - Principles of Liberty
130854: BELL, THOMAS - John MacLean, a Fighter for Freedom
229681: BELL, HESKETH SIR (1864-1952) - Love in black
126020: BELL, CHARLES BAILEY. HARRIET PARKS MILLER - A Mysterious Spirit, by Charles Bailey Bell. the Bell Witch of Tennessee [By] Harriet Parks Miller
121943: BELL, SAM HANNA (ED. ) - The Arts in Ulster; a Symposium Edited by Sam Hanna Bell, Nesca A. Robb [And] John Hewitt
121535: BELL, ROBERT (1917-) - By Road to Tangier and Marrakesh
165404: BELL, EDWARD PRICE, (1869-1943) - World Chancelleries; Sentiments, Ideas, and Arguments Expressed by Famous Occidental and Oriental Statesmen Looking to the Consolidation of the Psychological Bases of International Peace, with an Introduction by Calvin Coolidge ... by Edward Price Bell
112874: BELL, JESSE GROVER (COMP. ) - Here's How by Who's Who; a Compilation of Messages from Succesful Men, Directed to the Youth of America in the Hope That Herein Will be Found a Spark of Inspiration That Will Point the Way to Individual Achievement
112794: BELL, CHARLES ALFRED, SIR - Grammar of Colloquial Tibetan. by C. A. Bell ...
170764: BELL, ERNEST A. - Fighting the traffic in young girls or war on the white slave trade
263831: BELL, KEN - Not in vain / photographs Ken Bell, text C.P. Stacey, captions Kildare Dobbs
101379: BELL, MARY I. M. OTTLEY - A Short History of the Papacy, by Mary I. M. Bell, with Two Maps
121292: BELL, HOWARD HOLMAN (1913-) (COMP) - Black Separatism and the Caribbean, 1860, by James Theodore Holly and J. Dennis Harris. Edited, with an Introd. , by Howard H. Bell
42222: BELL, CHARLES - Facts Relating to the Early History of Chester, N. H.. from the Settlement in 1720, Until the Formation of the State Constitution in the Year 1784
12854: BELL, NANCY R. E. MEUGENS (-1933) - Heroes of discovery in South Africa
175839: BELL, THOMAS - The capitalist state
279906: BELL, ROBERT (1800-1867) - The life of the Rt. Hon. Canning
11092: BELL, JOHN JOY (1871-1934) - Christina
168384: BELL, ENID MOBERLY (1881-) - Josephine Butler, flame of fire
242123: BELL, JAMES (1825-1908). BETHNAL GREEN BRANCH MUSEUM - The chemistry of foods : with microscopic illustrations. Pt. 1 Tea, coffee, cocoa, &c.
156026: BELL, ROANNE. SINCLAIR, MARK - Pictures and Words : New Comic Art and Narrative Illustration / Roanne Bell, Mark Sinclair
263954: BELL, CHRISTOPHER - Portugal and the quest for the Indies
239110: BELL, ENID MOBERLY (1881-) - Storming the citadel : the rise of the woman doctor / E. Moberly Bell
176861: BELL, GEO W. - The new crisis
175340: BELL, H. IDRIS - Fragments of an unknown Gospel, and other early Christian papyri / edited by H. Idris Bell and T.C. Skeat.
202840: BELL, J. J. (JOHN JOY) (1871-1934) - Jim Crow
181652: BELL, JOHN (1691-1780) - Travels from St. Petersburgh in Russia, to various parts of Asia : illustrated with maps
182389: BELL, THOMAS (1882-1944?) - The British Communist Party : a short history
147789: BELL, HAROLD IDRIS, SIR - The Crisis of Our Time, and Other Papers
161518: BELL, NEIL (1887-1964) - Crocus
24487: BELL, LILIAN - At Home with the Jardines
25863: BELL, ARCHIE - Seralmo
34788: BELL, JOHN (1745-1831) - Bell's British Theatre; Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays. [Complete in 20 Volumes]
42571: BELL, JR. , WHITFIELD J. - Towards a National Spirit': Collecting and Publishing in the Early Republic to 1830
42923: BELL, ROGER T. - Sociolinguistics - Goals, Approaches and Problems
49128: BELL, MARY - The Little Book of Masterpieces
267420: BELL, CHARLES SIR (1774-1842) - The hand its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design / Sir Charles Bell
238166: BELL, GEORGE HOWARD. DAVIDSON, JAMES NORMAN. SCARBOROUGH, HAROLD - Textbook of physiology and biochemistry
195895: BELL, HENRY MCGRADY - Land of lakes : memories keep me company / With a pref. by Sir Paul Dukes. Illus. by David Dixon McGregor
196831: BELL, KENNETH NORMAN - Puritanism and Liberty (1603-1660) / compiled by Kenneth Bell
197152: BELL, PHILLIP W. - The sterling area in the postwar world : internal mechanism and cohesion, 1946-1952
207063: BELL, THOMAS (1882-1944?) - Pioneering days
211116: BELL, WALTER GEORGE - The great plague in London in 1665
262322: BELL, HENRY GLASSFORD (1803-1874) - Life of Mary Queen of Scots, by Henry Glassford Bell - vol. 1
261850: BELL, CURRER - Shirley : a tale
201663: BELLAIRS, CHARLES - Conservative social and industrial reform : a record of conservative legislation between 1800 and 1974 / [by] Charles E. Bellairs ; with a foreword by Margaret Thatcher
154674: BELLAIRS, JOHN - The curse of the blue figurine
148017: BELLAIRS, CHARLES E. - Conservative Social and Industrial Reform : a Record of Conservative Legislation between 1800 and 1974 / [By] Charles E. Bellairs ; with a Foreword by Margaret Thatcher
251040: BELLAIRS, GEORGE - Death in high Provence
127850: BELLAIRS, CHARLES E. - Conservative Social and Industrial Reform : a Record of Conservative Legislation between 1800 and 1974 / [By] Charles E. Bellairs ; with a Foreword by Margaret Thatcher
72426: BELLAK, LEOPOLD (1916-?). SMALL, LEONARD (1913-?) - Emergency Psychotherapy and Brief Psychotherapy [By] Leopold Bellak and Leonard Small
33218: BELLAK, LEOPOLD (1916-) - Dementia Praecox, the Past Decade's Work and Present Status: a Review and Evaluation. Foreword by Winfred Overholser
252330: BELLAMY, DAVID J - Wetland : an exploration of the lost wilderness of East Anglia / David Bellamy and Brendan Quayle ; research by Deborah Bartlett ; photographs by John Beatty and Richard Denyer
158697: BELLAMY, JOE DAVID. BELLAMY, CONNIE - The lost Saranac interviews : forgotten conversations with famous writers
158714: BELLAMY, JOHN - The New Daily Mail Boys Annual / Edited by John Bellamy
187153: BELLAMY, EDWARD (1850-1898) - Looking backward - if socialism comes - 2000-1887
280144: BELLAMY, GEORGE ANNE (1713-1788) - An apology for the life of George Anne Bellamy : late of Covent-Garden theatre / Vol.V. written by herself ; to which is annexed, her original letter to John Calcraft, Esq. advertised to be published in October 1767, but which was then violently suppressed
31209: BELLAMY, WILLIAM (1846-) - A Century of Charades
101767: BELLAMY, REX - Squash: a History
118331: BELLAMY, DAVID - Green Worlds : Plants and Forest Life
158366: BELLAMY, ELIZABETH JANE - Affective Genealogies : Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism, and the 'Jewish Question' after Auschwitz / Elizabeth J. Bellamy
151782: BELLANGE, CHARLES. DIDIER, HENRI - Spinoza Et La Philosophie Moderne / Charles Bellange ; Henri Didier, Editeur
180592: BELLANI, GIOVANNI G. - Vanishing wilderness of Africa / Giovanni Giuseppe Bellani
198706: NICOLAS FRANCOIS DE BELLART (1761-1826) - Requisitoire de M. Bellart, Procureur-general pres la Cour Royale de Paris, du 24 Mars 1823, contre les journaux le Courrier francais et le Pilote : partie concernant le Courrier Francais, suivie des articles inculpes
263692: BELLASIS, E. S. (EDWARD SKELTON) (1855-1945) - River and canal engineering : the characteristics of open flowing streams, and the principles and methods to by followed in dealing with them
157735: BELLAVANCE-JOHNSON, MARSHA - Georgia O'keeffe in New Mexico : a Guide
265438: DU BELLAY, JOACHIM (1525 (CA)-1560) - La défense et illustration de la langue française : poésies choisies / J. Du Bellay ; introduction par Alphonse Séché
212930: BELLAY, JEROME - L'ultime sacrilege
73146: DU BELLAY, JOACHIM (CA. 1522-1560) - Les Regrets, Suivis Des Antiquites De Rome / Texte Etabli Et Presente Par Pierre Grimal
174611: DU BELLAY, JOACHIM (CA.1522-1560). CHAMARD, HENRI (1867-1952) - La deffence et illustration de la langue Francoyse / Joachim du Bellay ; ed. critique par Henri Chamard
220194: BELLE GELLES, EDITH ; STANFORD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARIES - For instruction and research : a century of library collections at Stanford : an exhibition catalogue issued on the occasion of Stanford University's centennial
125746: BELLEC, FRANCOIS. - Unknown Lands : the Log Books of the Great Explorers / Francois Bellec ; Translated by Lisa Davidson and Elizabeth Ayre
280468: BELLEMARE, LOUIS - Costal l'Indien; ou, Le dragon de la reine; scènes de la guerre de l'indépendance du Mexique
84468: BELLER, JANET - Street People / Janet Beller ; with an Introd. by Pete Hamill
6441: BELLER, ANNE SCOTT - Fat & Thin - A Natural History of Obesity
180388: BELLERBY, J. R. (JOHN ROTHERFORD), (1896-1977) - Economic reconstruction : a study of post-war problems
139899: BELLERBY, JOHN ROTHERFORD (1896-1977) - Economic Reconstruction : a Study of Poast-War Problems
132928: BELLERBY, JOHN ROTHERFORD - A Contributive Society
57540: BELLERBY, JOHN ROTHERFORD (1896-1977) - Monetary Stability
261681: BELLERMANN, LUDWIG - Schiller's werke - Vol. 3
187893: BELLERS, JOHN (1654-1725) - Industry brings plenty : John Belller's scheme for a colledge of industry 1696. A reprint, with prefatory note [front cover title] Industry brings plenty
205966: BELLERS, JOHN (1654-1725) - John Bellers, 1654-1725 : Quaker, economist and social reformer / his writings reprinted with a memoir by A. Ruth Fry
197161: BELLESHEIM, ALPHONS (1839-1912) - Geschichte der katholischen kirche in Schottland von der einfuhrung des christenthums bis auf die gegenwart / von Alphons Bellesheim [2 vols]
198034: BELLESHEIM, ALPHONS (1839-1912) - Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Irland : von der Einfuhrung des Christenthums bis auf die Gegenwart / von Alphons Bellesheim
193281: BELLESSORT, ANDRE - Les intellectuels et l'avenement de la troisieme Republique : 1871-1875
163346: BELLESSORT, ANDRE (1866-1942) - Victor Hugo; Essai Sur Son Œuvre; Cours Professe a La Societe Des Conferences ...
128165: BELLESSORT, ANDRE - Sainte-Beuve Et Le Dix-Neuvieme Siecle, Cours Professe a La Societe Des Conferences
235956: BELLESSORT, ANDRÉ (1866-1942) - Balzac et son oeuvre : ouvrage orné de dix gravures
186549: BELLET, DANIEL (1864-1917) - Le chomage et son remede / par Daniel Bellet ; preface de Paul Leroy-Beaulieu
143312: BELLET, DANIEL (1864-1917) - Crises Economiques : Crises Commerciales, Crises De Guerre : Leurs Caractères, Leurs Indices, Leurs Effets / Par Daniel Ballet ; Preface De M. Yves-Guyot
105334: BELLEW, HELENE - Ballet in Moscow Today
101294: BELLEW, FRANK P. W. (1862-) - Chip's' Dogs. a Collection of Humorous Drawings, by F. P. W. Bellew, 'Chip.
146296: BELLEW, GEORGE, SIR - The Kings and Queens of Britain
247240: BELLEW, JOHN CHIPPENDALL MONTESQUIEU (1823-1874) - Sermons: volume the third
19677: BELLEW, HELENE - Ballet in Moscow Today
244631: BELLEWES, GEORGE OLIVER. DEVENISH, W. H. ROWBOTTOM, S. & SON [PUBLISHER]. ROBB, J. & CO. [PUBLISHER] - The history of constitutional progress during the reign of Queen Victoria, (1837-1887)
65231: BELLI, MELVIN M. (1907-1996) - Melvin Belli : My Life on Trial : an Autobiography
103518: BELLI, MELVIN M. (1907-1996) - Blood Money; Ready for the Plaintiff
277928: BELLI BARSALI, ISA - Medieval goldsmith's work
277929: BELLI BARSALI, ISA - European enamels by Isa Belli Barsali; [translated by Raymond Rudorff from the Italian]
78576: BELLI, MELVIN M. (1907-1996) - Dallas Justice : the Real Story of Jack Ruby and His Trial
124990: BELLI, MELVIN M. (1907-1996) - The Law Revolution, by Melvin M. Belli. Introd. by Erle Stanley Gardner
274547: BELLINA, ANNA LAURA - La Fenice 1792-1996 : theatre, music and history / Anna Laura Bellina and Michele Girardi ; iconographic research by Maria Ida Biggi
263742: BELLINATI, CLAUDIO - Studi danteschi : il 'folle volo' di Ulisse : l'epilogo del 'padre nostro' dei superbi : nelle cornice degli iracondi
232611: BELLINGHAM, DAVID - An introduction to Celtic mythology
273127: BELLINI, IACOPO - Jacopo Bellini, selected drawings / edited by Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier
268641: BELLINI, VINCENZO (1801-1835) - I Puritani = the Puritans : an opera in three acts / composed by Vincenzo Bellini ; edited, and translated into English, by Natalia Macfarren
99875: BELLINI DELLE STELLE, PIER LUIGI & LAZZARO, URBANO (1924-2006) (JOINT AUTHORS) - Dongo, the Last Act [By] Pier Luigi Bellini Delle Stelle & Urbano Lazzaro. Translated by W. C. Darwell - [Uniform Title: Dongo Ultima Azione. English]
93997: BELLINI DELLE STELLE, PIER LUIGI & LAZZARO, URBANO (1924-2006) JOINT AUTHORS - Dongo, the Last Act [By] Pier Luigi Bellini Delle Stelle & Urbano Lazzaro. Translated by W. C. Darwell - [Uniform Title: Dongo Ultima Azione. English]
213605: BELLIS, HANNAH - A journey round Britain
232700: BELLMAN, CARL MICHAEL - Der Lieb zu gefallen : e. Ausw. seiner Lieder, zweisprachig
194773: BELLMAN, HAROLD, SIR (1886-1963) - Architects of the new age : Bright, Kossuth, Lincoln, Mazzini and Tolstoy; with an introductory essay
158956: BELLMAN, HAROLD, SIR (1886-) - The Thrifty Three Millions; a Study of the Building Society Movement and the Story of the Abbey Road Society, by Sir Harold Bellman
173829: BELLMAN, HAROLD, SIR (1886-1963) - The building society movement
16327: BELLMAN, HAROLD - The Building Society Movement Introduced by Sir Josiah Stamp
175588: BELLMAN, HAROLD, SIR (1886-) - The building society movement
175465: BELLMAN, HAROLD - The building society movement
175455: BELLMAN, HAROLD, SIR (1886-1963) - Bricks and mortals : a study of the building society movement and the story of the Abbey National Society, 1849-1949
8872: BELLMAN, HAROLD - Architects of the New Age ; Bright, Kossuth, Lincoln, Mazzini, and Tolstoy
274291: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The hedge and the horse
269039: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The campaign of 1812 and the retreat from Moscow
258902: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The verse of Hilaire Belloc / edited by W.N. Roughead
258453: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - Land & water : the world's war - All issues for August 1914 - August 1916 bound in 4 volumes.
186777: BELLOC, HILAIRE; GREY, MINI (ILLUS.) - Jim, who ran away from his nurse, and was eaten by a lion
227440: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953). BENTLEY, NICOLAS - New Cautionary Tales
279910: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - Essays in liberalism
246623: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The elements of the Great War: The Second Phase: The Battle of the Marne
6990: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - RELATED NAME: B. T. B. (BASIL TEMPLE BLACKWOOD) (1870-1917) ILLUS - The Bad Child's Book of Beasts / Verses by H. Belloc ; Pictures by B. T. B
143377: BELLOC, J. T. DE. - Jerusalem : Souvenirs D'Un Voyage En Terre Sainte / J-T. De Belloc
58903: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The Elements of the Great War - the Second Phase; the Battle of the Marne
247797: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The highway and its vehicles / [by] Hilaire Belloc, edited by Geoffrey Holme
36547: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The Elements of the Great War - the Second Phase, the Battle of the Marne
173956: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - Robespierre : a study
37268: BELLOC, HILAIRE - The Elements of the Great War - the First Phase
98596: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - The River of London
265554: BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870-1953) - Cautionary verses / the collected humorous poems of H. Belloc
104307: BELLOCCHIO, MARCO. - China is Near. Writings on Film. / Marco Bellocchio. with an Introduction by Tommaso Chiaretti. Translated by Judith Green.
102000: BELLOCOHIO, MARCO - China is Near; with an Introduction by Tommaso Chiaretti; Translated from the Italian by Judith Green
136143: BELLONCLE, GUY - Le Chemin Des Villages : Formation Des Hommes Et Developpement Rural En Afrique / Guy Belloncle
62212: BELLONE, ENRICO - A World on Paper : Studies on the Second Scientific Revolution / Enrico Bellone ; English Translation by Mirella and Riccardo Giacconi
123201: BELLONE, JULIUS (COMP. ) - Renaissance of the Film. Edited and with an Introd. and Headnotes by Julius Bellone1st Edition.
264809: BELLONI, GINO ; DRUSI, RICCARDO - Il Rinascimento italiano e l'Europa. Vol. 2 Umanesimo ed educazione / a cura di Gino Belloni e Riccardo Drusi
189453: BELLONI, GIAN GUIDO - Prehistoric to classical painting / Gian Guido Belloni ; translated from the Italian by Annabella Cloudsley
72501: BELLONZI, FORTUNATO. FRANCIA, ENNIO (1905-) - Roma, Ciudad Del Vaticano, Alrededores De Roma Guida Artistica
254376: BELLOSI, LUCIANO - Lorenzo Monaco - I maestri del colore
135244: BELLOTTI, FELICE - Fabulous Congo; Translated from the Italian by Mervyn Savill
71099: BELLOW, SAUL - To Jerusalem and Back : a Personal Account / Saul Bellow
6974: BELLOW, SAUL - Mosby's Memoirs & Other Stories
65348: BELLOW, SAUL - Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories
52891: BELLOW, SAUL - The Actual
49212: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories
237884: BELLOW, SAUL - The dean's December : a novel
229496: BELLOW, SAUL (1915-2005) - More die of heartbreak
204768: BELLOW, SAUL (1915-2005) - To Jerusalem and back : a personal account / Saul Bellow
158839: BELLOW, ADAM (1957- ) - In Praise of Nepotism : a Natural History / Adam Bellow
156918: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories / Saul Bellow
156548: BELLOW, SAUL - The Dean's December : a Novel
154449: BELLOW, SAUL - More Die of Heartbreak
110068: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories / Saul Bellow
237826: BELLOW, SAUL - Herzog
237699: BELLOW, SAUL - Herzog : a novel
275345: BELLOWS, JOHN (1831-1902) - Letters and memoir / John Bellows ; edited by his wife
168256: BELLOY, PIERRE LAURENT BUYRETTE, M. DE (1727-1775) - Le siège de Calais, tragedie : Par M. de Belloy. Représentée pour la premiere fois, par les Comédiens Français ordinaires du Roi, le 13 Février 1765. Suivie de notes historiques
56035: BELLQUIST, ERIC C. - Some Aspects of the Recent Foreign Policy of Sweden
133206: BELLUSH, JEWEL. STEPHEN M. DAVID (EDS. ) - Race and Politics in New York City; Five Studies in Policy-Making, Edited by Jewel Bellush and Stephen M. David
149175: BELLUZZO, GIUSEPPE (1876-1952) - Economia Fascista / Giuseppe Belluzzo [Con Introduzione Di Benito Mussolini]
146783: BELLWOOD, W. A. - Whither the Transkei
174275: BELMONT, LEO - Autobiografia: Salomona Majmona
267060: BELOFF, NORA - The General says no : Britain's exclusion from Europe / Nora Beloff
261766: BELOFF, MAX - The foreign policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941; Vol. II, 1936-1941
209624: BELOFF, NORA - Freedom under Foot : the battle over the closed shop in British journalism
200633: BELOFF, JOHN - Parapsychology : a concise history / John Beloff
198967: BELOFF, JOHN - Parapsychology : a concise history / John Beloff
189547: BELOFF, MAX - The foreign policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-41 [Volume 1 - 1929 - 1936]
189181: BELOFF, MAX - The foreign policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-41 [Volume 1 - 1929 - 1936]
251771: BELOFF, MAX BELOFF BARON (1913-). ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The foreign policy of Soviet Russia : 1929-1941 Vol. 1: 1929-1936 / Max Beloff
245587: BELOFF, MAX BELOFF BARON (1913-) - The Debate on the American Revolution, 1761-1783. Edited by M. Beloff
152186: BELOFF, MAX BELOFF, BARON (1913-) - The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941 ; Volume I / Issued under the Auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
176631: BELOFF, MAX BELOFF, BARON (1913-?) - Lucien Wolf and the Anglo-Russian Entente, 1907-1914
191516: BELOFF, MAX (1913-) - The American Federal Government
152187: BELOFF, MAX (1913-) - Soviet Policy in the Far East, 1944-1951
207451: BELOFF, MAX BELOFF, BARON (1913-?) - New dimensions in foreign policy : a study in British administrative experience, 1947-59 / Max Beloff
50961: BELOHLAVEK, JOHN M. - Let the Eagle Soar! : the Foreign Policy of Andrew Jackson
260575: BELON, PAUL. GERS, PAUL - Voyage de M. le Président de la République en Russie, août 1897
227206: BELOT, JEAN BAPTISTE (1822-1904) - Cours pratique de langue arabe; avec de nombreux exercices.
167624: BELOUINO, PAUL - Histoire d'un coup d'etat (decembre 1851) : d'apres les documents authentiques, les pieces officielles et les renseignements intimes / par M. Paul Belouino; precedee d'une introduction et suivie d'une conclusion sur les causes et les consequences
186586: BELOV, VLADIMIR IVANOVICH (1974-). SVETLOV, ALEKSANDR - The vitally needed world disarmament conference / by V. Belov and A. Svetlov
128367: BELOV, FEDOR - The History of a Soviet Collective Farm
138429: BELOVE, BENJAMIN (1880-) - The Split Atom : Last Human Pair on Earth, the Whirling of Ideas
142463: BELOVIC, JASNA (1874-1946) - Die Sitten Der Sudslawen
58051: BELOW, IDA COMSTOCK - Eugene Field in His Home, by Ida Comstock Below
170981: BELOZERSKAYA, MARINA - To wake the dead : a Renaissance merchant and the birth of archaeology
154905: BELOZERSKAYA, MARINA - The Arts of Tuscany : from the Etruscans to Ferragamo
183750: BELPAIRE, BRUNO - No 4 Les plus belles pages du philosophie chinois han fei tse: Petits traites chinois peu connus
151065: BELSER, JOHANNES EVANGELIST - Die Selbstvertheidigung Des Heiligen Paulus Im Galaterbriefe (1, 11 Bis 2, 21) / Von J. Belser
211689: BELSER, JOHANNES EVANGELIST (1850-1916) - Der zweite Brief des Apostels Paulus an die Korinther / Ubersetzt und erklart von ... Johannes Evang. Belser
155082: BELSEY, HUGH - Gainsborough at Gainsborough House
261809: BELSHAM, WILLIAM (1752-1827) - History of Great Britain - 13 volumes
279225: BELSHAM, WILLIAM - History of Great Britain from the Revolution, 1688, to the conclusion of the Treaty of Amiens 1802, vol. 3
280443: BELSHAM, THOMAS - A Serious Caution Against popular Errors: in a discourse addressed to the young persons who attend the Unitarian Worship, at the Gravel-Pit Meeting, in Hackney
277124: BELSHAW, MICHAEL - A village economy : land and people of Huecorio
55003: BELSHAW, H. - The Provision of Credit with Special Reference to Agriculture
276972: BELSON, WILLIAM A - The impact of television : methods and findings in program research
189153: BELSON, WILLIAM A. (WILLIAM ALBERT) (1921-?) - Television violence and the adolescent boy / William A. Belson
135418: BELSON, WILLIAM A. BERYL-ANNE THOMPSON - Bibliography on Methods of Social and Business Research [By] William A. Belson and Beryl-Anne Thompson
131353: BELSON, WILLIAM A. - The Impact of Television; Methods and Findings in Program Research, by William A. Belson
57658: BELT, ELMER (1893-) - Manuscripts of Leonardo Da Vinci; Their History, with a Description of the Manuscript Editions in Facsimile. [Catalogue by Kate Trauman Steinitz, with the Assistance of Margot Archer]
125269: BELT, ELMER - Manuscripts of Leonardo Da Vinci; Their History, with a Description of the Manuscript Editions in Facsimile
88756: BELT, ELMER - Manuscripts of Leonardo Da Vinci; Their History, with a Description of the Manuscript Editions in Facsimile
87412: BELTING, NATALIA MAREE (1915-) , COMP. - Our Fathers Had Powerful Songs, by Natalia Belting. Illustrated by Laszlo Kubinyi
195920: BELTON, FRANCIS GEORGE - Present day problems in Christian morals
43011: BELTRáN, MIRIAM - Cuzco - Window on Peru
84091: BELUSHI, JUDITH JACKLIN - Samurai Widow / Judith Jacklin Belushi
102436: BELUSHI, JUDITH JACKLIN - Samurai Widow / Judith Jacklin Belushi
222787: BELVILLE, JOHN HENRY. - A manual of the barometer...
197484: BEMAN, LAMAR T. (LAMAR TANEY), (B. 1877) - Proportional representation / compiled by Lamar T. Beman
156284: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG, 1898-1962 - The Blue Danube, Illustrated by the Author
245157: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - The woman of my life
122867: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG (1898-1962) - The Golden Basket
89329: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - The Woman of My Life
84926: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG. WHEELER, JODY, ILL. - Madeline - a Carousel Book Based on the Original by Ludwig Bemelmans
156490: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG (1898-1962) - Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. [A Novel. ]
156491: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG (1898-1962) - Father, Dear Father
157179: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG (1898-1962) - The Woman of My Life
199141: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - Madeline / story & pictures by Ludwig Bemelmans
124950: BEMENT, ALON (1876-1954) - Figure Construction; a Brief Treatise on Drawing the Human Figure, for Art Students, Costume Designers, and Teachers, with Illustrations of Four-Minute Drawings by Students, Supplemented by Photographs and Drawings by the Old Masters, by Alon Bement
83458: BEMIS, ALBERT FARWELL - The Evolving House, Volume II. the Economics of Shelter, by Albert Farwell Bemis
237086: BÉMOL, MAURICE - La méthode critique de Paul Valéry
191792: BEMOL, MAURICE (B. 1900) - Paul Valery / Maurice Bemol
236259: BÉMOL, MAURICE (1900-) - La Parque et le serpent : essai sur les formes et les mythes
236691: BEMOL, MAURICE (1900-) - Paul Valéry
269295: BÉMONT, CHARLES (1848-1939) - Simon de Montfort - Earl of Leicester 1208-1265
53126: BEMT, SAMUEL ARTHUR - Catalogue of the Collections of the Bostonian Society in the Memorial Halls of the Old State House
77677: BEN SHAUL, DVORA - Night in the Wadi. with Photos by Werner Braun. Layout and Design by Shirley Hirsch
57004: BEN ARTZI-PELOSSOF, NOA - In the Name of Sorrow and Hope / Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof
50929: BEN-ELIA, NAHUM - Strategic Changes and Organizational Reorientations in Local Government
41194: BEN-SASSON, H. H. AND ETTINGER, S. - Jewish Society through the Ages
234454: BEN-CHORIN, SCHALOM. SCHOEPS, JULIUS H. SCHOEPS, HANS JOACHIM (1909-) - Auf der Suche nach einer judischen Theologie : der Briefwechsel zwischen Schalom Ben-Chorin und Hans-Joachim Schoeps / Julius H. Schoeps (Hrsg.)
232920: BEN-CHORIN, SCHALOM - Germania Hebraica : Beiträge zum Verhältnis von Deutschen und Juden / Schalom Ben-Chorin
231408: BEN GURION, RAZIA - Desertion - Language; Hebrew
231309: BEN-GURION, DAVID (1886-1973) - Recollections; edited by Thomas R. Bransten
161143: BEN-SASSON, HAIM HILLEL (1914-1977) - Trial and Achievement : Currents in Jewish History (From 313) / H. H. Ben-Sasson
158303: BEN-SASSON, MENAHEM. HARVEY, W. Z. BEN-NAEH, YARON. ZOHAR (EDS. ) - Studies in a Rabbinic Family : the De Botons / Editors, M. Ben-Sasson ... [Et Al. ]
157036: BEN MEYR, BERL (1899- ). MIYAZAKI, SHIRO (ILLUS. ) - Your Own True Story, by Berl Ben Meyer ... with an Introduction by A. C. Ivy ... Illustrations by Shiro Miyazaki
29034: BEN-HORIN, ELIAHU - The Middle East : Crossroads of History
139945: BEN-JACOB, JEREMIAH - The Jewish Struggle, by Jeremiah Ben-Jacob
54021: E. BEN-BARUCH, Y. NEUMANN (EDS. ) - Educational Administration and Policy Making : the Case of Israel / Editors, E. Ben-Baruch, Y. Neumann
152103: BEN-JACOB, JEREMIAH - The Jewish Struggle
36516: BEN-SHAHAR, BEN AND BERGLAS, EITAN - Israel and the Common Market / edited by Pierre Uri ; with work also by Gideon Fishelson, Nadav Halevy and Shlomo Maital.
36343: BEN-SHAHAR, HAIM AND BERGLAS, EITAN - Israel and the Common Market / edited by Pierre Uri ; a comprehensive collection with studies also by Gideon Fishelson, Nadav Halevy and Shlomo Maital.
115717: BEN-GURION, DAVID (1886-1973) - Israel: Years of Challenge
168308: BEN-JACOB, JEREMIAH - The Jewish Struggle
228093: BEN-ARTZI, YOSSI ; ROSOVSKY, MURRAY; HAIFA - Haifa, capital of the North
128390: BEN-GURION, DAVID (1886-1973) - Israel: Years of Challenge
92741: BEN-GURION, DAVID - Israel: Years of Challenge
218522: BEN-MENAHEM, NAFTALI; HA-RAV KUK, MOSAD - Books of Mossad ha-Rav Kook : published during the years 1937-1970 [Language: Hebrew]
174429: BENABDELLAH, SAID - La justice du F.L.N. pendant la lutte de liberation / Said Benabdellah
65429: BENABIB, KIM - Obscene Bodies : a Novel
207661: BENAIM, LAURENCE - Pants : a history afoot
175730: BENALCAZAR PABON, CARLOS (1935- ) - La abolicion del trabajo precario en la agricultura : el I. E. R. A. C. por dentro
267536: BENAMOU, JEAN-PIERRE - The landing beaches
279975: BENAMOZEGH, ELIA - Morale juive et morale chrétienne; examen comparatif suivi de quelques réflexions sur les principes de l'islamisme
58311: BENARDE, MELVIN A. - Our Precarious Habitat : Fifteen Years Later / Melvin A. Benarde
260863: BENARUS, ADOLFO - Israel : notas várias
216419: BENARUS, ADOLFO (1863-) - Israel : Notas Varias
197550: BENARUS, ADOLFO (1863-) - Israel : Notas Varias
197559: BENARUS, ADOLFO (1863-) - Israel : Notas Varias
267799: BENAS, BERTRAM B - Zionism : the Jewish National Movement : with appendices of diplomatic documents and contemporary articles and reports
260126: BENAS, BERTRAM B - Jerusalem : the city of David, tragic and glorious past, prospects as capital of the new Judea
258973: BENAS, BERTRAM - Jerusalem: the city of David: tragic and glorious past: prospects as capital of the New Judea
216117: BENAS, BERTRAM B. - Jerusalem, the city of David : tragic and glorious past, prospects as capital of the new Judea
215931: BENAS, BERTRAM B. - A Jewish University in Jerusalem
140125: BENAS, BERTRAM B. (1880-1968) - The Legal Device in Jewish Law
204282: BENAS, B. L. (1944-1914) - Records of the Jews in Liverpool
217163: BENAS, B. L. (1944-1914) - A review of peasant proprietorships in other lands : address delivered December 12th, 1887, by request of the political committee, at the conservative club, Liverpool
183793: BENAS, LOUIS BARON - £.S.D.; or, Pounds, shillings, and pence still retained; a plan for the decimalization of British coinage
188705: BENAS, B. L. (1944-1914) - Records of the Jews in Liverpool
167685: BENAS, BERTRAM B. - Jerusalem, the city of David : tragic and glorious past, prospects as capital of the new Judea
191633: BENAS, BERTRAM B. - A Jewish renascence
171824: BENAS, B. L. (1944-1914) - Records of the Jews in Liverpool / a paper read before the historic society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 16th November, 1899
218263: BENAS, BERTRAM B. - The Legal Device in Jewish Law, No 9.
195935: BENAS, BERTRAM B. - Jerusalem, the city of David : tragic and glorious past, prospects as capital of the new Judea
227271: BENATAR, ASHER. EDICIONES ARTE APLICADA - Los vinos argentinos de hoy
273429: BENAUD, RICHIE - The appeal of cricket : the modern game / Richie Benaud
273408: BENAUD, RICHIE (1930-2015) - Willow patterns
273409: BENAUD, RICHIE (1930-2015) - Willow patterns
212051: BENAUD, RICHIE (1930-) - Willow patterns
75290: BENAVENTE Y MARTINEZ, JACINTO (1866-1954) - Los Ninos
99760: BENAYOUN, ROBERT - The Films of Woody Allen / Robert Benayoun ; Translated by Alexander Walker
208626: BENAZECH, YVES - Les terroristes de l'esperance : chronique de la resistance dans le tarn / preface de Charles d'Aragon
216636: BENBLIKO'YETS, A. A. - K smolemif Revolyutsii 1848 goda [Revolution of 1848. Language: Russian]
268338: BENBOW, COLIN H - Boer prisoners of war in Bermuda
270222: BENCE-JONES, MARK - Burke's guide to the British monarchy / Mark Bence-Jones ... [et al.] ; edited by Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd
268232: BENCE-JONES, MARK - The Catholic families / Mark Bence-Jones
232186: BENCE-JONES, MARK - Life in an Irish country house
63363: BENCE, WILLIAM - People of the Bison - [A Boy, a Picture Maker from a Cave Painting Stone Age Tribe, is Found by a Less Advanced People, Some of Whom Accept Him, but Others Fear His Artistic Talent and Belittle His Lack of Hunting Prowess]
195449: DEBRETT'S HOUSE OF COMMONS AND THE JUDICAL BENCH - Debrett's house of commons and the judical bench. Illustrated with 800 armorial engravings
61759: THE TREASURY BENCH - Home Rule from the Treasury Bench; Speeches During the First and Second Reading Debates, with an Introduction by the Right Hon. H. H. Asquith, M. P
197543: CROSS-BENCHER - Equal shares
67465: BENCHLEY, NATHANIEL (1915-1981) - The Hunter's Moon
226724: BENCHLEY, PETER (1940-2006) - Q clearance
156673: BENCHLEY, PETER - Time and a Ticket
108536: BENCHLEY, PETER - Jaws
63368: BENCHLEY, ROBERT (1889-1945) - Chips off the Old Benchley; with an Introd. by Frank Sullivan and Drawings by Gluyas Williams
63093: BENCHLEY, ROBERT (1889-1945) - Chips off the Old Benchley; with an Introd. by Frank Sullivan and Drawings by Gluyas Williams
125841: BENCHLEY, BELLE JENNINGS - My Friends, the Apes
161522: BENCHLEY, NATHANIEL (1915-1981) - Sail a Crooked Ship
37108: BENCHLEY, NATHANIEL - All over Again
24602: BENDA, JULIEN (1867-1956) - La France Byzantine; Ou Le Triomphe De La Litterature Pure, Mallarme, Gide, Valery, Alain, Giraudoux, Suares, Les Surrealists; Essai D'Une Psychologie Originelle Du Litterateur
235888: BENDA, JULIEN (1867-1956) - Belphégor : essai sur l'esthétique de la présente société française
236273: BENDA, JULIEN (1867-1956) - La fin de l'éternel
237081: BENDAVID-VAL, LEAH, COMPILER - Changing reality: recent Soviet photography / [compiled] by Leah Bendavid-Val
237072: BENDAVID-VAL, LEAH - Propaganda & dreams: photographing the 1930s in the USSR and the US / Leah Bendavid-Val
94256: BENDER, PETER (1923-) - East Europe in Search of Security; Translated from the German by S. Z. Young
59628: BENDER, STEPHANIE DEGRAFF - PMS : a Positive Program to Gain Control / Stephanie Degraff Bender, Kathleen Kelleher ; Foreword by Terri F. Rosenbaum ; Illustrations by Caron Elizabeth Dunn
19315: BENDER, DAVID - Male/female Roles Opposing Viewpoints
185366: BENDER, ARNOLD E. (ARNOLD ERIC) (1918- ?) - Dictionary of nutrition and food technology
249507: BENDER, DR. ADOLF - Anleitung zur darstellung Anorganische Chemischer Praparate: handbuch der laboratoriumstechnik
234772: BENDICK, JEANNE. BENDICK, ROBERT. - Television works like this
50237: BENDINER, ELMER - The Virgin Diplomats
26058: BENDINER, BURTON - International Labour Affairs - the World Trade Unions and the Multinational Companies
23105: BENDINER, ELMER - A Time for Angels. The Tragicomic History of the League of Nations
256252: BENDIT, JOHN - Alan Maier's War, Letters Home 1941-1945
205282: BENDIT, LAURENCE JOHN (1898-?) - Paranormal cognition : its place in human psychology
201910: BENDIT, PHOEBE DAPHNE PAYNE (1891-?) - The psychic sense
203657: BENDIT, PHOEBE DAPHNE PAYNE, (B. 1891) - This world and that : an analytical study of psychic communication
200487: BENDIT, PHOEBE DAPHNE PAYNE (B. 1891) - This world and that : an analytical study of psychic communication
206347: BENDIT, PHOEBE DAPHNE PAYNE (B. 1891) - The psychic sense
162131: BENDIX, REINHARD - Max Weber : an Intellectual Portrait / Reinhard Bendix
217090: BENDIXEN, H. C. - The milk problem : a critical study of its nutritional, hygienic, economic and social aspects
101542: BENDIXSON, TERENCE. - Instead of Cars
165099: BENDT, VERONIKA. GEISEL, EIKE. HILKER-SIEBENHAAR, CAROLIN - Wegweiser Durch Das Judische Berlin : Geschichte Und Gegenwart / Mit Beitragen Von Vera Bendt ... Et Al. ; Dieses Buch Basiert Zu Teilen Auf Einem Manuskript Von Eike Geisel ; Gesamtredaktion, Carolin Hilker-Siebenhaar
267713: BENEš, EDVARD - Two years of German oppression in Czechoslovakia
267700: BENEš, EDVARD - Le sens politique de la tragédie de Marseille; discours tenus devant le Conseil de la Société des nations à Genève le 7 et le 10 décembre 1934
253043: BÉNÉ, CHARLES - Érasme et saint Augustin, ou, Influence de saint Augustin sur l'humanisme d'Érasme / Charles Béné
191540: BENEš, EDVARD (1884-1948) - Czechoslovakia's struggle for freedom
211136: BENECKE, GERHARD - Society and politics in Germany, 1500-1750 / G. Benecke
137248: BENECKE, GERHARD - Society and Politics in Germany, 1500-1750 / G. Benecke
121036: BENECKE, EDWARD FELIX MENDELSSHON (1870-1895) - Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry, by E. F. M. Benecke; a Fragment, Printed for the Use of Scholars
63834: BENEDEK, THERESE (1892-) - Psychoanalytic Investigations: Selected Papers [By] Therese Benedek. with a Foreword by George H. Pollock
100663: BENEDEK, THERESE - Psychoanalytic Investigations: Selected Papers [By] Therese Benedek. with a Foreword by George H. Pollock
194238: BENEDETTI, GIULIO - Codice della stampa e degli autori
138393: JUDAH HA-LEVI. SALVATORE DE BENEDETTI (TRANSL. ) - Canzoniere Sacro Di Giuda Levita / Tradotto Dall'ebraico Ed Illustrato Da Salvatore De Benedetti ; Con Introduzione
131460: BENEDETTI, GIULIO - Enrico Corradini / Profilo Di Giulio Benedetti
97654: BENEDICT, BRAD (COMP. BY) - Fame / [Compiled By] Brad Benedict
70931: BENEDICT, BRAD (COMP. BY) - Fame / [Compiled By] Brad Benedict
258720: BENEDICT, EDWARD BENSON - Endoscopy : as related to diseases of the bronchus, esophagus, stomach, and peritoneal cavity
169321: BENEDICT, JEFF - No bone unturned : the adventures of a top Smithsonian forensic scientist and the legal battle for America's oldest skeletons / Jeff Benedict
276257: BENEDICT ABBOT OF PETERBOROUGH (-1193). GILES, JOHN ALLEN (1808-1884). CAXTON SOCIETY (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Benedicti abbatis Petriburgensis de vita et miraculis S. Thomæ Cantuar : The life and miracles of Saint Thomas of Canterbury
106356: BENEDICT, BRAD (COMP. ) - Fame
65470: BENEDICT, DAVID (1779-1874) - A General History of the Baptist Denomination in America, and Other Parts of the World. by David Benedict ...[Complete in 2 Volumes]
93035: BENEDICT, AGNES ELIZABETH (1888-?) - Children At the Crossroads ; Drawings by Cyrus Leroy Baldridge
279775: BENEDICT, POPE - Sanctissimi Domini nostri Benedicti Papae XIV De synodo dioecesana libri tredecim in duos tomos distributa - tomus primus
219483: BENEDICT, STEWART H - Tales of terror and suspense
177293: BENEDICT, ROSWELL ALPHONZO (1855- ) - Malefactors of great wealth!
152448: BENEDICTIS, B. DE - Nuove Applicazioni Delle Ruote a Cuneo : Per Semplificare Alcune MacChine Comunissime Per Usi Militari E CIVILI / Memoria De B. De Benedictis
184454: BENEDICTIS, B. DE - I ponti militari a catenaria adottato in Inghilterra per B. De Benedictis
258490: BENEDICTUS, DAVID - A twentieth century man / David Benedictus
208099: BENEDICTUS, DAVID; BURGESS, MARK - Return to the Hundred Acre Wood : in which Winnie-the-Pooh enjoys further adventures with Christopher Robin and his friends
64292: BENEDIKT, MICHAEL (1935-) - Sky
206198: BENEDIKT, HEINRICH (1886-?) - Der Pascha-Graf Alexander von Bonneval, 1675-1747 / Heinrich Benedikt
233783: BENEDIKTINERABTEI (NIEDERALTEICH) - Die beiden Turme : Niederaltaicher Rundbrief Nr. 76. Jg. 35-2/1999
82250: BENEDITE, LEONCE - Les Chefs Doevre Du Musee Du Luxembourg
152617: BENEDITE, LEONCE (1859-1925) - La Peinture Au Xixieme Siecle : D'Apres Les Chefs-D'oeuvre Des Maitres Et Les Meilleurs Tableaux Des Principaux Artistes
226562: BENEDITE, LEONCE - Le musee du Luxembourg : les peintures / par Leonce Benedite
145719: BENEDIX, JULIUS RODERICH. J. MORRIS (TRANSL. ) - Das Lugen. Lustspiel in Drei Aufzugen ... Zum Uebersetzen Aus Dem Deutschen in Das Englische Bearbeitet Von J. Morris
157786: BENEFIELD, BARRY (1877-) - The Chicken-Wagon Family
279375: BENEFIELD, BARRY - Valiant is the word for Carrie
279424: BENEFIELD, BARRY - Texas, Brooklyn, and heaven
264910: PAUL DOWNTON BENEFIT - Paul Downton: Middlesex and England: Benefit 1990
97285: BENES, EDVARD (1884-1948) - Masaryk's Path and Legacy - [Uniform Title: Masarykova Cesta a Odkaz. English]
96876: BENES, EDVARD (1884-1948) - Bohemia's Case for Independence - [Uniform Title: Detruisez L'Autriche-Hongrie. English]
178783: BENES, EDUARD - Democracy today and tomorrow
113596: BENES, EDVARD (1884-1948) & SELVER, PAUL - My War Memoirs, by Dr. Eduard Benes ... Translated from the Czech by Paul Selver
162309: BENES, EDVARD (1884-1948) - Czechoslovak Policy for Victory and Peace : the Fourth Message of the President of the Republic to the State Council, on February 3, 1944 / Dr. Edvard Benes
174999: BENES, EDUARD - Democracy today and tomorrow
94168: BENES, EDVARD (1884-1948) - Democracy Today and Tomorrow
248991: BENESCH, OTTO (1896-1964) - Otto Benesch collected writings. Vol, 4 German and Austrian Baroque art. Art of the 19th and 20th centuries. Museums and collections. Monument service. Theoretical writings on the history of art. Museology and art education. Musicology / Edited by Eva Benesch
270487: BENÉT, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - John Brown's body
261465: BENÉT, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - Selected works of Stephen Vincent Benét. Vol.2 Prose
260891: BENET, WILLIAM ROSE - The Reader's Encyclopedia - 3 volumes
147610: BENET, IVAN. JANOS GYENIS (EDS. ) - Economic Studies on Hungary's Agriculture / Edited by Ivan Benet and Janos Gyenis ; [Translated from the Hungarian by Jeno Racz]
108635: BENET, LAURA - Stanley, Invincible Explorer. Illustrated with Photos
111752: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benet - Volume Two, Prose
214243: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943). MOSER, BARRY (ILLUS.) - John Brown's body / [by] Stephen Vincent Benet with a new introduction by Archibald MacLeish with original wood engravings printed by the artist
160818: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943). KREDEL, FRITZ (ILLUS. ) - John Brown's Body. with Illus. by Fritz Kredel and Warren Chappell
95033: BENET, WILLIAM ROSE (1886-1950) - Man Possessed; Being the Selected Poems of William Rose Benet
73593: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - James Shore's Daughter
61004: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - The Beginning of Wisdom
117119: BENÉT, WILLIAM ROSE (1886-1950) - Wild Goslings; a Selection of Fugitive Pieces, by William Rose Benét
48235: BENET, WILLIAM ROSE (1886-1950) - Merchants from Cathay
280135: BENÉT, STEPHEN VINCENT - Selected works of Stephen Vincent Benét. Vol. 2 Prose
131070: BENET, MARY KATHLEEN - Secretary : Enquiry Into the Female Ghetto
262059: BENÉT, WILLIAM ROSE (1886-1950) - The reader's encyclopedia
202759: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - John Brown's Body
138315: BENET, WILLIAM ROSE (1886-1950) - The Stairway of Surprise
19741: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT - James Shore's Daughter
32610: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT. CHARLES CHILD (ILL. ) - Johnny Pye & the Fool-Killer
37243: BENÉT, STEPHEN VINCENT - Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benét - Volume One, Poetry
53123: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - James Shore's Daughter
66472: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) - Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benet - Volume One, Poetry
100758: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT (1898-1943) & SPANFELLER, JAMES J. (1930-) - Thirteen O'Clock, Stories of Several Worlds / Stephen Vincent Benet ; Illustrated by Jim Spanfeller
148807: BENETT, WILLIAM - Freedom and Liberty
263733: BENETTON, FONDAZIONE - Ludica vol. 1 1995
229906: BENEVENT, ERNEST - Visages de la Provence / par E. Benevent [et al.]
240142: BENEVOLO, LEONARDO; LANDRY, JUDITH, TRANSLATOR - The architecture of the Renaissance / Leonardo Benevolo ; translated from the Italian by Judith Landry
234817: BENEVOLO, LEONARDO. IPSEN, CARL - The European city / Leonardo Benevolo; translated from the Italian by Carl Ipsen
20283: BENEWICK, ROBERT - Political Violence and Public Order A Study of British Fascism
180282: BENEWICK, ROBERT - Political violence and public order : a study of British fascism / Robert Benewick
268708: BÉNÉZIT, EMMANUEL (1854-1920) - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays / par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers - 8 volumes
268398: BÉNÉZIT, EMMANUEL-CHARLES (1854-1920) - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs & graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays / par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers sous la direction de E. Bénézit; avec nombreuses reproductions hors texte d'après les maîtres: in three volumes
257707: BÉNÉZIT, EMMANUEL (1854-1920) - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays / par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers
236809: BENEZIT, E.; ZUCCA, DAMON (ED.) - Benezit dictionary of British graphic artists and illustrators
252954: BÉNÉZIT, E. C. (1854-1920) - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays / par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers - volume 2 & 3
246838: BENEZIT, EMMANUEL (1854-1920) - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays: Tome Cinquieme: Houe. - Matisse
246834: BENEZIT, EMMANUEL (1854-1920) - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays: Tome Quatrieme: Forand. - Houdon
169007: BENEZRA, NEAL DAVID (1953-) - Stephan Balkenhol : Sculptures and Drawings / Neal Benezra
163118: BENEZRA, NEAL DAVID (1953-) - Stephan Balkenhol : Sculptures and Drawings / Neal Benezra
114961: BENEZRA, NEAL DAVID (ED. ). MICHAEL AUPING [ET AL. ]. - Affinities and Intuitions : the Gerald S. Elliot Collection of Contemporary Art / Edited by Neal Benezra ; Contributions by Michael Auping ... [Et Al. ]
74543: BENFEY, CHRISTOPHER E. G. (1954-) - The Double Life of Stephen Crane
253802: BENFIELD, ERIC - Dorset
272819: BENFORD, MERVYN - Milestones / Mervyn Benford
255111: BENFORD, GREGORY - Foundation's fear / Gregory Benford
256454: BENFORD, GREGORY - COSM / Gregory Benford
111304: BENFORD, GREGORY - Against Infinity / Gregory Benford
56851: BENGE, RONALD C. - Communication and Identity: Essays on a Personal Theme and Development in the Third World [By] Ronald C. Benge
216534: BENGEL, JOHANN ALBRECHT (1687-1752) - D. Joh. Alberti Bengelii gnomon Novi Testamenti : in quo ex nativa verborum vi simplicitas, profunditas, concinnitas, salubritas sensuum coelestium indicatur / M. Ernestum Bengelium
59422: BENGERSHOM, EZRA - David : the Testimony of a Holocaust Survivor / Ezra Bengershom ; Translated from the German by J. A. Underwood
151915: BENGIS, ESTHER ROSENBERG - I Am a Rabbi's Wife
220923: BENGIS, ESTHER ROSENBERG - I am a rabbi's wife
247047: BENGOUGH, EIRWEN - The unspoken water
204307: BENGTSSON, FRANS GUNNAR - Lycklig resa [Langauge: Swedish]
204298: BENGTSSON, FRANS GUNNAR - De langhariga merovingerna, och andra essaye [Language: Swedish]
204199: BENGTSSON, FRANS GUNNAR (1894-1954) - Silverskoldarna : och andra essayer / av Frans G. Bengtsson [Language: Swedish]
276794: BENHAM, WILLIAM GURNEY (1859-1944) - Prose quotations : classified under subject-headings, and fully indexed
179686: BENHAM, W. GURNEY (WILLIAM GURNEY), SIR (1859-1944) - A short history of playing cards
120941: BENHAM, FREDERIC CHARLES (1900-) - The Colombo Plan, and Other Essays
143580: BENHAM, CHARLES E. - Colchester Worthies : a Biographical Index of Colchester
139800: BENHAM, FREDERIC CHARLES (1900-) - The Prosperity of Australia : an Economic Analysis
145202: BENHAM, FREDERIC CHARLES - Great Britain under Protection, by Frederic Benham
264127: BENHAM, FREDERIC (1900-1962) - Economics : a general textbook for students
22305: BENHAM, FREDERIC - The Colombo Plan And Other Essays
190969: BENHAM, HERVEY (1910-1987) - Two cheers for the town hall
212059: BENHAM, WILLIAM (1831-1910) - The letters of Peter Lombard : (Canon Benham) / Ed. by Ellen Dudley Baxter, with a preface by the Archbishop of Canterbury
178992: BENIANS, E. A. (ERNEST ALFRED) - Race and nation in the United States : a historical sketch of the intermingling of the peoples in the making of the American nation
276504: BENINGFIELD, GORDON - Beningfield's countryside
261109: BENISCH, A - Jewish school and family Bible - Vol. IV, containing the Hagiography newly translated
261110: BENISCH, A - Jewish school and family Bible - The first part containing the Pentateuch
233292: BENISCH, LISELOTTE - Kreuzwortratsel-Lexikon
145808: BENISTI, MIREILLE - Rapports Entre Le Premier Art Khmer Et L'Art Indien
155409: BENITEZ, CRISTINA PAREDES (ED.) - Architecture inspirations / editor, Cristina Paredes Benitez
277269: BENITEZ, CRISTINA PAREDES (ED.) - Architecture inspirations / editor, Cristina Paredes Benitez
52327: BENITEZ, JOSE A. - Puerto Rico and the Political Destiny of America
264642: BENJAMIN, RENÉ (1885-1948) - Molière
259459: BENJAMIN, WALTER (1892-1940) - Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit : drei Studien zur Kunstsoziologie / Walter Benjamin
238936: BENJAMIN, BERNARD (1910-) - Population and disease in early industrial England / with an introduction by B. Benjamin
227808: BENJAMIN, MARINA - Last days in Babylon : the story of the Jews of Baghdad
208034: BENJAMIN, A H; BENDALL-BRUNELLO, JOHN - At the end of the rainbow
159759: BENJAMIN, ANDREW E. - Blurred Zones : Investigations of the Interstitial : Eisenman Architects, 1988-1998 / with Essays by Andrew Benjamin ... [Et Al. ]
201971: BENJAMIN, HARRY - Your diet in health and disease
100088: BENJAMIN, SUSAN - Halcyon Days : a Georgian Book of Days
250265: BENJAMIN, WALTER (1892-1940) - Über Kinder, Jugend und Erziehung : mit Abbildungen aus der Sammlung Benjamin
214381: BENJAMIN, B. - Demographic and actuarial aspects of ageing, with special reference to England and Wales : submitted to the Institute, 24 February 1964
153471: BENJAMIN, RENE (1885-1948) - La Prodigieuse Vie D'Honore De Balzac
222777: BENJAMIN, LEWIS SAUL (1874-1932). MELVILLE, LEWIS [PSEUD.] - Great English short stories / edited by Lewis Melville [pseud.] and Reginald Hargreaves
93309: BENJAMIN, LEWIS SAUL, 1874-1932 - Maids of Honour, by Lewis Melville [Pseud. ] with Coloured Frontispiece by Aubrey Hammond and Sixteen Half-Tone Illustrations
133543: BENJAMIN, RENE (1885-1948) - Les Justices De Paix; Ou, Les Vingt Façons De Juger Dans Paris. 38 Bois Originaux De Georges Bruyer
133073: BENJAMIN, HARRY. R. E. L. MASTERS - Prostitution and Morality; a Definitive Report on the Prostitute in Contemporary Society and an Analysis of the Causes and Effects of the Suppression of Prostitution [By] Harry Benjaminn & R. E. L. Masters. Introd. by Walter C. Alvarez
244867: BENJAMIN OF TUDELA (ACTIVE 12TH CENTURY). ASHER, ADOLF (1800-1853) - The itinerary of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela / Translated and edited by A. Asher: volume II
130825: BENJAMIN, HARRY. R. E. L. MASTERS - Prostitution and Morality; a Definitive Report on the Prostitute in Contemporary Society and an Analysis of the Causes and Effects of the Suppression of Prostitution [By] Harry Benjaminn & R. E. L. Masters. Introd. by Walter C. Alvarez
184116: BENJAMIN, WALTER (1892-1940) - Walter Benjamin uber Kinder, Jugend und Erziehung mit Abbildungen von Kinderbuchern und Spielzeug aus der Sammlung Benjamin
184185: BENJAMIN, WALTER - Drei Hormodelle
219062: BENJAMIN, SUSAN - English enamel boxes : from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries
142505: BENJAMIN, RENE (1885-1948) - Mussolini Et Son Peuple : Avec 8 Gravures Hors Texte
52630: BENJAMIN, HAROLD - Man the Problem-Solver
67128: BENKOVITZ, MIRIAM J. - Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo : a Biography / Miriam J. Benkovitz
69630: BENN, ALEC (1918-) - The 27 Most Common Mistakes in Advertising / Alec Benn
259248: BENN, ERNEST J. P - Trade
144342: BENN, TONY - Speeches
140440: BENN, TONY (1925-) - Speeches
190930: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE (1875-1954) - The case of Benn v. Maxton : being a correspondence on capitalism and socialism, to which is appended the report of a broadcast debate
212598: BENN, ANTHONY WEDGWOOD (TONY), POLITICIAN (1925-) - The need for a free Press
11002: BENN, ERNEST & JAMES MAXTON - The Case of Benn V. Maxton; Being a Correspondence on Capitalism, Socialism, to Which is Appended the Report of a Broadcast Debate
147504: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE, SIR, BART. (1875-1954) - The Return to Laisser Faire; the Case for Individualism, by Ernest J. P. Benn
14160: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE, SIR, BART. (1875-1954) - This Soft Age, with the Optimistic Theory of the 30/50 Man, by Ernest J. P. Benn
132212: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE, SIR, BART. (1875-1954) - The Return to Laisser Faire; the Case for Individualism, by Ernest J. P. Benn
161986: BENN, ERNEST J. P. - This Soft Age; with the Okptimistic Theory of the 30/50 Man.
130239: BENN, ERNEST J. P. (ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE) - The Case of Benn V. Maxton : Being a Correspondence on Capitalism and Socialism, to Which is Appended the Report of a Broadcast Debate
119973: BENN, ERNEST J. P. , SIR - The Confessions of a Capitalist
165288: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE, SIR, BART (1875-1954) - The Case of Benn V. Maxton : Being a Correspondence on Capitalism and Socialism, to Which is Appended the Report of a Broadcast Debate
194552: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE, SIR, BART, (1875-1954) - The case of Benn v. Maxton : being a correspondence on capitalism and socialism, to which is appended the report of a broadcast debate.
174317: BENN, ALFRED WILLIAM (1843-1915) - Early Greek philosophy
178116: BENN, S. I. (STANLEY I.) - Social principles and the democratic state / S.I. Benn, R.S. Peters
195894: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE, SIR, BART (1875-1954) - The case of Benn v. Maxton : being a correspondence on capitalism and socialism, to which is appended the report of a broadcast debate
196193: BENN, ERNEST JOHN PICKSTONE, SIR, BART, (1875-1954) - The case of Benn v. Maxton : being a correspondence on capitalism and socialism, to which is appended the report of a broadcast debate
207122: BENN, S. I. (STANLEY I.) - Social principles and the democratic state / S.I. Benn, R.S. Peters
207303: BENN, ANTHONY WEDGWOOD (1925-) - The need for a free press
193314: BENNET, A. J. - War : the Communist International's position
222769: BENNET, JAMES HENRY (1816-1891) ; ARAN, F.-A. (DR). TRADUCTEUR - Traite pratique de l'inflammation de l'uterus, de son col et de ses annexes, par James Henry Bennet,... Traduit de l'anglais sur la seconde edition par F.-A. Aran
248924: BENNETT, MARGUERITE - Arnold Bennett
93648: BENNETT, DAPHNE - Margot : a Life of the Countess of Oxford and Asquith
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