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Click on booknumber for full information
280075: ADENEY, WALTER F - Women of the New Testament
186868: ADENEY, WALTER F. (ED., 1849-1920) ; PEAKE, ARTHUR S. (ED., 1865-1929) - Thessalonians and Galatians : introduction, Authorized version, Revised version with notes, illustrations / edited by Walter F. Adeney ; Hebrews : introduction, Authorized version, Revised version with notes, illustrations / edited by A.S. Peake [ Bible. N.T. Thessalonians, English. 1903 ]
268382: ADER, PICARD, TAJAN - Précieux livres anciens : vente aux enchères publiques organisée en collaboration avec la Société des Bains de Mer : Monte-Carlo Sporting d'Hiver, Salle des Arts, Place du Casino ... lundi, 13 mai 1985 à 15 heures
229998: ADER, ANTOINE. ADER, ETIENNE. PICARD, JEAN-LOUIS.TAJAN, JACQUES. PALAIS GALLIERA - Objets d'art et de bel ameublement principalement du XVIIIe siecle : important ensemble de porcelaines de Saxe ; porcelaines et faiences anciennes ; chenets, vases, pendules, candelabres, lustres, sculptures, sieges et meubles, tapis, tapisseries ; vente, a Paris Palais Galliera, le 21 mars 1973
271707: ADES, DAWN - Dalí / Dawn Ades
228043: ADES, DAWN - Dada and Surrealism Reviewed
272983: ADHÉMAR, JEAN - Le livre romantique / par Jean Adhémar et Jean-Pierre Seguin
177727: ADHEMAR, JEAN - Stampe popolari francesi / a cura di Jean Adhemar.
262609: ADHIKARI, G - Pakistan and Indian national unity
243942: ADHIKARI, GANGADHAR M. [EDITOR] - Marxist miscellany / edited by G. Adhikari
195440: ADHIKARI, GANGADHAR M. - From peace front to people's war / edited by G. Adhikari
174199: ADHIKARI, GANGADHAR M. ED. - From peace front to people's war
133142: ADHIKARI, GANGADHAR M. - From Peace Front to People's War
205058: ADHIKARYA, RONNY (1949-) - Broadcasting in peninsular Malaysia / Ronny Adhikarya ... et al.
8628: ADIGAL, PRINCE ILANGO - Shilappadikaram [The Ankle Bracelet]
155538: ADISWARANANDA, SWAMI - The four yogas : a guide to the spiritual paths of action, devotion, meditation and knowledge
241327: ADKINS, ARTHUR WILLIAM HOPE (1929-) - Moral values and political behaviour in Ancient Greece : from Homer to the end of the fifth century / A.W.H. Adkins
240879: ADKINS, A. W. H. (ARTHUR WILLIAM HOPE) (1929-) - From the many to the one : a study of personality and views of human nature in the context of ancient Greek society, values and beliefs
224190: ADKINS, LESLEY - Empires of the plain : Henry Rawlinson and the lost languages of Babylon / Lesley Adkins
186793: ADKINS, JAN - What if you met a knight
122629: ADKINS, LESLEY. ROY ADKINS - Abandoned Places / Lesley Adkins and Roy Adkins
191554: ADLAM, DIANA; CAMPBELL, BEATRIX (ET AL.) - Politics and Power. 3 Sexual politics, feminism and socialism
29354: ADLEMAN, ROBERT H. (1919-) WALTON, GEORGE H. - Rome Fell Today
40473: ADLEMAN, ROBERT H. - Alias Big Cherry - the Confessions of a Master Criminal
85359: ADLER, BILL (1929-) - Ronnie and Nancy : a Very Special Love Story
61083: ADLER, CYRUS (1863-1940) - Selected Letters / Cyrus Adler ; Edited by Ira Robinson ; Preface by Louis Finkelstein ; Introduction by Naomi W. Cohen
51813: ADLER, BILL (1929-) - Bill Adler's Love Letters to Elvis
50982: ADLER, CYRUS - Selected Letters / Cyrus Adler. Volumes 1 & 2 / Edited by Ira Robinson. Preface by Louis Finkelstein, Introduction by Naomi W. Cohen [complete in 2 volumes]
44727: ADLER, BILL - Fred Astaire - a Wonderful Life
267860: ADLER, MICHAEL (1868-1944) - The history of the Central Synagogue, 1855-1905
261371: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1969
261372: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Winter 1968
261373: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1967
261374: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1968
261375: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Winter 1967
261376: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Winter 1966
261366: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Fall 1966
261367: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Fall 1968
261368: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Summer 1968
261369: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1966
261190: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Summer 1971
261191: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Summer 1970
261192: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Summer 1969
261181: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Winter 1971
261182: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1970
261184: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1972
261185: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1965
261186: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Spring 1962
261187: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Fall 1971
261189: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Fall 1970
185890: ADLER, RENATA - Pitch dark
18054: ADLER, GERALD - Confrontation in Psychotherapy
153043: ADLER, BINYAMIN, RABBI. LAVON, YAAKOV - The Yeinah Shel Torah : Haggadah a Collection of Explanations, Interpretations, Profound Insights ... [Etc. ] / Compiled by Rabbi Binyamin Adler ; Translated by Yaakov Lavon
261188: ADLER, BETTY - Menckeniana A Quarterly Review - Fall 1969
171797: ADLER, SELIG (1909-1984). DAVIS, MOSHE. HANDY, ROBERT THEODORE (1918-). I. EDWARD KIEV JUDAICA COLLECTION - America and the holy land : a colloquium : convened in New York City on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Institute of Contemporary Jewry, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the auspices of its International Committee / co-chairmen, Seli
214863: ADLER, MAX (1873-1937) - Karl Marx : der Mann und sein Werk / Aufsatze von Max Adler...et al
263504: ADLER, BILL - Love letters to the Beatles / selected by Bill Adler, illustrated by Osborn
263505: ADLER, BILL - Love letters to the Beatles / selected by Bill Adler, illustrated by Osborn
110082: ADLER, ELMER (ED. ) (ET AL. ) - The Colophon, New Series - Summer 1935, Volume I, New Series, Number 1
110083: ADLER, ELMER (ED. ) (ET AL. ) - The Colophon, New Series - Summer 1936, Volume I, New Series, Number 4
9698: ADLER, REV. MICHAEL - The History of the Hammersmith Synagogue With a Memoir by Rev. Arthur Bennett
138048: ADLER, ELMER. ALFRED STANFORD. JOHN T. WINTERICH (EDS. ) - The Colophon : a Quarterly for Bookmen. Volume 1, Number 2, Autumn 1935. , New Series / Editors: Elmer Adler, Alfred Stanford, John T. Winterich
137984: ADLER, ELMER. ALFRED STANFORD. JOHN T. WINTERICH - The Colophon : a Quarterly for Bookmen. Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 1935. , New Series / Editors: Elmer Adler, Alfred Stanford, John T. Winterich
137493: ADLER, ELMER. ALFRED STANFORD. JOHN T. WINTERICH (EDS. ) - The Colophon : a Quarterly for Bookmen. Volume 1, Number 3, Winter 1936. , New Series / Editors: Elmer Adler, Alfred Stanford, John T. Winterich
137491: ADLER, ELMER. ALFRED STANFORD. JOHN T. WINTERICH. FREDERICK B. ADAMS JR. (EDS. ) - The Colophon : a Quarterly for Bookmen. Volume 2, Number 4, Autumn 1937 , New Series / Editors: Frederick B. Adams Jr. , Elmer Adler, Alfred Stanford, John T. Winterich
75369: ADLER, ELMER (1884-1962) ; STANFORD, ALFRED (1900-?) ; WINTERICH, JOHN TRACY (1891-1970) & RANDALL, DAVID ANTON (1905-1975) EDITORS - The Colophon : a Quarterly for Bookmen. Volume 1, Number 3, Winter 1936
152075: ADLER, SOLOMON ALFRED - The Discipline of Sorrow : and Other Papers
152082: ADLER, HERMANN NATHAN (1839-1911) - Anglo-Jewish Memories : and Other Sermons
147129: ADLER, JOHN H. (JOHN HANS). EUGENE R. SCHLESINGER. ERNEST C. OLSON - Public Finance and Economic Development in Guatemala, by John H. Adler, Eugene R. Schlesinger, and Ernest C. Olson, in Collaboration with the Research Dept. of the Banco De Guatemala
132630: ADLER, HERMANN (1839-1911) - Anglo-Jewish Memories : and Other Sermons
152886: ADLER, SELIG (1909-). CONNOLLY, THOMAS EDMUND (1918-) - From Ararat to Suburbia : the History of the Jewish Community of Buffalo
125660: ADLER, BETTY. JANE WILHELM (COMPS. ) - H. L. M. ; the Mencken Bibliography. Compiled by Betty Adler with the Assistance of Jane Wilhelm. Published for the Enoch Pratt Free Library on the Occasion of its 75th Anniversary
243936: ADLER, CYRUS. DROPSIE COLLEGE (PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA) - The Jewish quarterly review: Volume XX (1929-1930)
263499: ADLER, BILL - Love letters to the Beatles / selected by Bill Adler, illustrated by Osborn
232562: ADLER, GUIDO (1855-1941) - Handbuch der musikgeschichte, unter mitwirkung von fachgenossen herausgegeben von Guido Adler : mit vielen notenbeispielen und abbildungen von instrumenten
200162: ADLER, MICHAEL (1868-1944) - First steps in Hebrew grammar : with exercises and vocabularies
147060: ADLER, FRIEDRICH (ED. ) - Der Kampf : Sozialdemokratische Monatsschrift
147061: ADLER, FRIEDRICH (1879-1960) (ED. ) - Der Kampf : Sozialdemokratische Monatsschrift [1930]
221823: ADLER, LARRY - It ain't necessarily so : an autobiography / Larry Adler
218673: ADLER, ISRAEL, 1925-2009, [ED.] - Yuval : studies of the Jewish Music Research Centre : volume 1 / edited by Israel Adler in collaboration with Hanoch Avenary and Bathja. [Languages: English, French and Hebrew]
208103: ADLER, VICTOR (1852-1918) - Victor Adlers Aufsatze, Reden und Briefe / hrsg. vom Parteivorstand der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei Deutschosterreichs [11 volumes in 5]
198337: ADLERBETH, GUDMUND JORAN (1751-1818) - Historiska anteckningar / af Gudmund Goran Adlerbeth ; efter en i von Brinkmansk archivet pa Trolle-Ljungby befintlig handskrift, utgifne Gust Andersson [complete - 3 volumes in 1]
10327: ADLEY, ROBERT - In Search of Steam, 1962-68 / Robert Adley
28810: ADLOW, ELIJAH (1896-) - The Genius of Lemuel Shaw : Expounder of the Common Law
43965: ADLOW, ELIJAH - Policeman and People
117094: UNITED STATES. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - How to Become a Pilot : the Step-By-Step Guide to Flying / Prepared by the F. A. A.
11698: SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS AND HARBOURS ADMINISTRATION - Farming Opportunities in the Union of South Africa
164981: UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION - Aeronautical Dictionary, by Frank Davis Adams
39851: BOSTON UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - Syllabus, Published by the Junior Class ...boston University, College of Business Administration
176173: ADMINISTRATION GENERALE DE LA COOPERATION AU DEVELOPPEMENT, BELGIUM - Les Belges au Senegal : cooperation entre la Belgique et le Senegal pour les projets de developpement, Novembre 1976
260311: ECOLE NATIONALE D'ADMINISTRATION (TUNIS). CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÉTUDES ADMINISTRATIVES - Organisation de l'administration tunisienne : édité avec le concours de l'Institut International d'Administration Publique
193292: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DES SCIENCES ADMINISTRATIVES - Vers la reforme des collectivites locales
193808: ADMIRAL, THE - Sportsmen of to-day
249189: LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY - A Seaman's Pocket-Book: June 1943: supplied for the public service: B.R. 827
271539: GREAT BRITAIN. ADMIRALTY - The Navy list 1979
247391: UNITED KINGDOM. ADMIRALTY - Fleet air arm : [the Admiraltry account of naval air operations]
230593: ADMIRALTY - His Majesty's submarines / Prepared for the Admiralty by the Ministry of Information
222344: GREAT BRITAIN. ADMIRALTY - The navy and the Y scheme
231960: ADMONI, VLADIMIR GRIGOREVICH - Der deutsche Sprachbau / Wladimir Admoni
243082: ADOLPHUS, LALIT. KENT, FRANCIS L. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - International affairs. (1922-1976). Cumulative index / compiled by Lalit Adolphus ; edited by Francis L. Kent
262260: ADOLPHUS, JOHN (1768-1845) - Biographical Memoirs of the French Revolution. By John Augustus, F. S. A - vol. 2
39685: ADOMEIT, HANNES - Soviet Risk-Taking and Crisis Behavior : a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis / Hannes Adomeit
217647: ADOMONIENE, O; LIETUVOS TSR MOKSLU AKADEMIJA. CENTRINE BIBLIOTEKA.; ISTORIJOS INSTITUTAS (LIETUVOS TSR MOKSLU AKADEMIJA) - Bibliografiya istorii litovskoy ssr 1940-1965 [Bibliography of the history of the Lithuanian SSR 1940-1965. Language: Russian/Lithuanian]
255371: ADONIS, ANDREW - A class act : the myth of Britain's classless society / Andrew Adonis and Stephen Pollard
217943: INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY (COMMUNIST ACADEMY). B. ADORATSKIY [ET AL.] - 25 let 'Materializma i empiriokrititsizma': sbornik statey. [25 years 'Materialism and empiriocriticism': a collection of articles. Language: Russian]
146536: ADORATSKY, VLADIMIR VIKTOROVICH (1878-) - Dialectical Materialism
259475: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Versuch, das Endspiel zu verstehen / T. W. Adorno
249970: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Gesellschaftstheorie und Kulturkritik
234672: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Philosophie der neuen Musik
234498: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Nervenpunkte der neuen Musik
184128: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Kritik. Kleine Schriften zur Gesellschaft / [von] Theodor W. Adorno
184211: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Stichworte : Kritische Modelle 2
165856: ADORNO, THEODOR W. , (1903-1969) - Zur Metakritik Der Erkenntnistheorie : Studien Uber Husserl Und Die Phanomenologischen Antinomien / Theodor W. Adorno
165575: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Philosophische Terminologie : Zur Einleitung / Theodor W. Adorno ; (Hrsg. Von Rudolf Zur Lippe). Band 1
233274: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Dissonanzen : Musik in der verwalteten Welt
211567: ADORNO, THEODOR W. (1903-1969) - Philosophische Terminologie : zur Einleitung, Band II / Theodor W. Adorno ; herausgegeben von Rudolf zur Lippe
62583: ADRIAN, WERNER - Speed : Cinema of Motion
230545: ADRIAN, CHRIS (1970- ) - Gob's grief
277853: ADRIAN, WERNER - Freaks : cinema of the bizarre
55479: ADRIAN, WERNER - Speed, Cinema of Motion
138864: ADRIAN, CHARLES R. - Governing Urban America : Structure, Politics, and Administration
137141: ADRIANI, GOTZ. TOULOUSE-LAUTREC - Toulouse-Lautrec / Götz Adriani
265352: ADRIENNE - Le gimmick : français parlé / par Adrienne
35308: ADROVIC, LATIF. RADOSLAV GRUJIC - Storm over the Balkans [War in Yugoslavia - August 1990 - December 1994]
35310: ADROVIC, LATIF ET ALI. PHOTO EDITOR; RADOSLAV GRUJIC - Storm over the Balkans [War in Yugoslavia - August 1990 - December 1994]
244318: THE BRITISH ADVERISER - The British Advertiser: Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1902 - Vol. 1, April, 1903
74363: ADWEEK - Adweek Portfolio of Photography 1988
274427: ADY, CECILIA M. (CECILIA MARY) (1881-1958) - The English church and how it works
224468: ADY, JULIA MARY CARTWRIGHT - The life and work of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, bart
193975: ADY, CECILIA MARY - The role of women in the church
190372: ADY, CECILIA MARY - The role of women in the church
207685: ADZ, KING (1969-?) - Street knowledge / King Adz.
207676: ADZ, KING - The urban cookbook : creative recipes for the graffiti generation
180837: AE (1867-1935) - The national being : some thoughts on an Irish polity
234541: AELRED OF RIEVAULX, SAINT (1110-1167). MACDONALD, IAIN (1942-) [EDITOR] - Saint Ninian
257498: AERDE, ROGIER VAN - Cain ; Illustrated by Patricia K. Watters ; translated by I. and E. Graham-Wilson
162035: REGISTRO ITALIANO NAVALE ED AERONAUTICO - Relazione Del Comitato Direttivo / All'on Consiglio D'Amministrazione Esercizio 1934 Maggio 1935
238848: UNITED STATES. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS.; UNITED STATES. NAVY DEPARTMENT. BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS - Handbook preferred circuits : navy aeronautical electronic equipment. Volume I: electronic tube circuits
271556: AEROPLANE - Aeroplane: 1999 Calendar
270568: STAFF OF THE AEROPLANE - Aircraft identification : how to tell friend from foe
106777: AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. , AND HAGGERTY, JAMES J. (ED. ) - The 1970 Aerospace Year Book, 48th Edition
275200: AESCHINES. CHORLEY, RICHARD JOHN. DAVIES, BYAM MARTIN. BREMI, JOHANN HEINRICH (1772-1837). COOKESLEY, WILLIAM GIFFORD (1802-1880) - Aeschinis oratoris opera Graece / ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum recognovit animadversionibusque illustravit Jo. Henr. Bremius Helveto-Turicensis: in two volumes
275161: AESCHYLUS. WELLAUER, AUGUST (1798-1831) - Aeschyli Supplices / ad optimorum librorum fidem denuo recensuit, integram lectionis varietatem notasque adiecit Augustus Wellauer
260711: AESCHYLUS - Aeschylus : with an English translation
249335: AESCHYLUS - Prometheus bound / Aeschylus translated with an introduction by Philip Vellacott : The suppliants Seven against Thebes The Persians
260823: AESCHYLUS - Aeschylus / ex recensione Frederici A. Paley ; accessit verborum quae praecipue notanda sunt et nominum index
225054: AESCHYLUS - The lyrical dramas of Aeschylus / translated into English verse by John Stuart Blackie
117349: AESCHYLUS - The Suppliant Maidens, the Persians, the Seven Against Thebes, the Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus / Translated Into English Verse by E. D. A. Morshead
117348: AESCHYLUS - The House of Atreus; Being the Agamemnon, Libationbearers, and Furies of Æschylus / Translated Into English Verse by E. D. A. Morshead
167833: AESCHYLUS. VERRALL, ARTHUR WOOLLGAR (1851-1912) - The Eumenides of Aeschylus as arranged for performance at Cambridge, December, 1885 and November-December, 1906, with an English version
204652: AESCHYLUS ; FITZGERALD, EDWARD (1809-1883) [TRANS.] - Agamemnon : a tragedy / taken from the Greek of Aeschylus by E. Fitzgerald
163338: AESCOLY-WEINTRAUB, A. Z. - Introduction a L'etude Des Heresies Religieuses Parmi Les Juifs: La Kabbale, Le Hassidisme. Essai Critique
191844: AESCOLY, AARON ZEEV (1901-1948) - Recueil de textes falachas. Introduction. Textes ethiopiens, edition critique et traduction, etc.
238135: AESOP - More Aesop's fables
233719: AESOP. RACKHAM, ARTHUR (1867-1939). JONES, V.S. VERNON - Aesop's fables / translated by V.S. Vernon Jones ; introduction by G.K. Chesterton ; illustrated by Arthur Rackham
214146: AESOP. DETMOLD, EDWARD JULIUS (1883-1957) (ILLUSTRATOR) - The Fables of aesop
59363: AESOP - Aesop's Fables (Well-Loved Tales Series)
193982: AESOP ; BEWICK, THOMAS (1753-1828) [ILL. ] - The fables of Aesop, and others, with designs on wood by Thomas Bewick : vol. IV
93639: AFALO, M[OUSSA] - The Truth about Morocco; an Indictment of the Policy of the British Foreign Office with Regard to the Anglo-French Agreement
242644: AFETINAN, A - Pirî Reis'in hayati ve eserleri : Amerika'nin en eski haritalari / A. Afetinan
162870: AFFAGART, GREFFIN - Relation De Terre Sainte (1533-1534) / Par Greffin Affagart ; Publiee Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes Par J. Chavanon
167779: AFFAGART, GREFFIN - Relation De Terre Sainte (1533-1534) / Par Greffin Affagart ; Publiee Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes Par J. Chavanon
26728: AFFAIRS, FOREIGN - Foreign Affairs - Agenda 1996 - Critical Issues in Foreign Policy
260487: INSTITUTE OF JEWISH AFFAIRS - Institute of Jewish Affairs : program
257952: INSTITUTE OF AFRO-ASIAN AND WORLD AFFAIRS (DELHI) - Afro-Asian and world affairs
257879: THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The far East: China - Japan - The Soviet Far East
252069: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - The Task ahead: economic assessment to 1972
178379: INSTITUTE OF JEWISH AFFAIRS - The Jewish communities of the world
140764: BRITISH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES. DEPT. OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Violence in Southern Africa: a Christian Assessment: Report of a Working Party Appointed by the Department of International Affairs of the British Council of Churches and the Conference of British Missionary Societies
164942: MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (BULGARIA) - Georgi Dimitrov : a Short Biographical Sketch
276471: UNITED STATES. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. DIVISION OF EUROPEAN AFFAIRS - National socialism : basic principles, their application by the Nazi party's foreign organization, and the use of Germans abroad for Nazi aims / Prepared in the special unit of the Division of European affairs by Raymond E. Murphy, Francis B. Stevens, Howard Trivers, Joseph M. Roland
243322: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - British security : a report by a Chatham House study group
243782: CANADIAN INSTITUTE ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS (CANADA) - Economic planning in a democratic society? : 9th winter conference / edited by T.E.H. Reid ; [contributors, Harry Johnson ... et al.]
159453: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - UNEMPLOYMENT : an International Problem / a Report by a Study Group of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
193254: EGYPT. MINSITRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS - The Egyptian social security scheme
193988: INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - South-eastern Europe : a political and economic survey / The Information Department of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
193144: COMMISSION OF THE CHURCHES ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, 1955-1956
214883: MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS - Kashmir questions and answers
245433: UNITED NATIONS: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS - Proceedings of the World Population Conference: Belgrade, 30 August - 10 September 1965: Volume I: Summary Report, Volume II: Fertility, Family Planning, Mortality
279897: THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS - United States No. 4 (1932): Further Note addressed by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to the British War Debt, Washington, December 1, 1932
189843: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. SCHOOL OF POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. VON KLEINSMID INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Studies in comparative communism : an interdisciplinary journal ; Vol. 2, No. 1 Jan 1969 / editors Rodger Swearingen and G.R. Urban ; managing editor Ruth Portugal
15964: MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) - Nazi diplomats in Bonn's service: a documentation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic
52346: THE INDIAN COUNCIL OF WORLD AFFAIRS - India and the United Nations - Report of a Study Group Set Up by the Indian Council of World Affairs
52268: SWEDISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Sweden and the United Nations - Report by a Special Study Group of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
144513: GREAT BRITAIN. DEPT. OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - The West Midlands : a Regional Study
131551: A STUDENT OF AFFAIRS - How Did the Satellites Happen? : a Study of the Soviet Seizure of Eastern Europe
189845: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. SCHOOL OF POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. VON KLEINSMID INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Studies in comparative communism : an interdisciplinary journal ; Vol. 1, No. 1 and 2 July/October 1968 / editors Rodger Swearingen and G.R. Urban ; managing editor Ruth Portugal
189844: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. SCHOOL OF POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. VON KLEINSMID INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Studies in comparative communism : an interdisciplinary journal ; Vol. 2, No. 2 April 1969 / editors Rodger Swearingen and G.R. Urban ; managing editor Ruth Portugal
183788: REFERENCE SERVICE ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (PARIS, FRANCE) - International position of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
186634: GREAT BRITAIN. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - Task ahead. Economic assessment to 1972
185294: UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - National and International Measures for full employment
193062: INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Freedom or free-for-all? Essays in welfare, trade and choice / [by] D.S. Lees, J.E. Meade, Henry Smith, A.P. Herbert, A.R. Ilersic ; Introduction by Ralph Harris.
186228: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The republics of South America : a report by a study group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
186231: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The republics of South America : a report by a study group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
172102: UNITED STATES CONGRESS : HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES : COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS - The Jewish national home in Palestine : hearings before the committee on foreign affairs, House of Representatives, seventy-eighth congress, second session on H.Res.418 and H.Res.419, resolutions relative to the Jewish national home in Palestine, February
244434: MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE U.S.S.R - Documents and Materials Relating to the Eve of the Second World War: Volume II: Dirksen Papers (1938-1939)
168530: UNITED STATES. DEPT. OF STATE. OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS - The signing of the North Atlantic treaty : proceedings
168861: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Obstacles to change in Latin America / edited by Claudio Ve´liz.
244750: INSTITUTE OF JEWISH AFFAIRS - Israeli Society: papers read at a Symposium arranged by the Institute of Jewish Affairs, London, at University College, London, on 18th March 1973
239222: THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - North Africa: Libya-Tunisia-Algeria-French Morocco-French North Africa after June 1940-Spanish Morocco and Tangier: sketch map of North Africa- List of Books for further reading. Information Notes. 2
178276: MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (BULGARIA) - Documents on the hostile and aggressive policy of the government of the United States of America against the People's Republic of Bulgaria
177691: CENTRE FOR THE COURSES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The Industrial future of Great Britain / a series of lectures arranged by the University of London Centre for Courses in International Affairs and the Institute of Bankers
176153: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The U.S.S.R. : geography - peoples - origin and purpose of the Soviet state - how the Soviet state is governed - the Communist Party - economic development - living conditions - the Red Army
167652: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Defence in the cold war : the task for the free world / a report by a Chatham House study group
191541: UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS - The strategy and tactics of world communism : supplement III, Country studies : Communism in China / report of Subcommittee No. 5, National and International Movements, Committee on Foreign Affairs ; Frances P. Bolton, chairman
122310: BELGIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Belgium. The Official Account of What Happened 1939-1940
182396: INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - Rebirth of Britain / a symposium of essays by eighteen writers
16468: CZECHOSLOVAK MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Two Years of German Oppression in Czechoslovakia
218242: STUDENT OF AFFAIRS - What was the Russian revolution?
224011: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - The Middle East : a political and economic survey
210706: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Great Britain and Egypt, 1914-1951
213463: CHINESE PEOPLE'S INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Oppose U. S. military provocations in the Taiwan Straits area; a selection of important documents
64456: AFFRON, CHARLES - Patterns of Failure in La Comedie Humaine
116331: AFFRON, CHARLES - Star Acting : Gish, Garbo, Davis / Charles Affron
63437: MANUELS PRATIQUES AFHA - Dessin Du Corps En Couleur...
120944: AFIFI, MUHAMMAD AL-HADI - The Arabs and the United Nations [By] Mohamed El-Hadi Afifi
31340: AFIFI, MOHAMED EL-HADI - The Arabs and the United Nations
120637: AFLALO, MOUSSA - The Truth about Morocco : an Indictment of the Policy of the British Foreign Office with Regard to the Anglo-French Agreement
182410: AFLALO, FREDERICK GEORGE (1870-1918) - Sea-fish : An account of the methods of angling as practised on the English coast, with notes on the capture of the more sporting fishes in Continental, South African, and Australian waters
146585: AFONIN, A. - A Short History of the Young Communist League of the Soviet Union
252784: STUDY COMMISSION ON U.S. POLICY TOWARD SOUTHERN AFRICA - South Africa : time running out / the report of the Study Commission on U.S. Policy Toward Southern Africa
148088: NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL. INTERDEPARTMENTAL GROUP FOR AFRICA - The Kissinger Study on Southern Africa / National Security Council Interdepartmental Group for Africa
252365: SOUTH AFRICA - Our first half-century : 1910-1960; golden jubilee of the Union of South Africa
250832: UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA - Summary of the Report of the Commission for the Socio-Economic Development of the Bantu Areas Within the Union of South Africa
48315: MOUNTAIN CLUB OF SOUTH AFRICA - The Journal of the Mountain Club of South Africa - Being No. 46 for the Year 1943
10583: INDIAN COUNCIL FOR AFRICA - Problems of the Portugese Colonies Seminar October 1961
120688: RECONSTRUCTION IN SOUTH AFRICA (CONFERENCE) (1994 JUN : MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA) - Reaction and Renewal in South Africa / Edited by Paul B. Rich
190882: UNIVERSITIES' MISSION TO CENTRAL AFRICA - Towards freedom. (The first century of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa)
11269: AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA - Trans-African Highways - a Route Book of the Main Trunk Roads in Africa
196870: ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA - Economic and social consequences of racial discriminatory practices
208873: CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA - Mining Survey : no. 83 - no. 4 of 1976
201794: AFRICAIN, UN - Manuel de politique musulmane / un Africain
211036: BELGIUM. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES AFRICAINES - A ten year plan for the economic and social development of the Belgian Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi
167994: DIE OU-TESTAMENTIESE WERKGEMEENSKAP IN SUID-AFRIKA. DIE NUWE-TESTAMENTIESE WERKGEMEENSKAP VAN SUID-AFRIKA - Proceedings of the ninth meeting of 'Die Ou-Testamentiese werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika' held at the University of Stellenbosch 26th-29th July 1966 Proceedings of the second meeting of 'Die Nuwe-Testamentiese werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika' held at the University of Stellenbosch 22nd-25th July 1966
141153: ARBEITSTAGUNG UBER NEUERE UND NEUESTE GESCHICHTE AFRIKAS (1959, LIEPZIG) - Geschichte Und Geschichtsbild Afrikas : Beitrage Der Arbeitstagung Fur Neuere Und Neueste Geschichte Afrikas Am 17. Und 18. April 1959 in Leipzig
18740: AFSHAR, HALEH - Women, State and Ideology : Studies from Africa and Asia / Haleh Afshar, Editor
280771: AFTALION, ALBERT - L'or et la monnaie : Leur valeur. Les mouvements de l'or
224737: AUDI AG - A history of progress : chronicle of the AUDI AG company
234661: BELSER AG - Kalendarium 2000: Merkbuch der personlichen Fest- und Gedenktage: Mit Bildern aus Prachthandschriften der Bibloteca Apostolica Vaticana
239624: D. STEMPEL AG (FRANKFURT, MAIN) - Garamond, die zeitlos schöne Schrift : [Schriftproben mit Heftzählung der Firma] D. Stempel AG, Heft Nr 108
77361: AGAN, PATRICK - The Decline and Fall of the Love Goddesses
101653: AGAN, PATRICK - Clint Eastwood : the Man Behind the Myth / Patrick Agan
258825: AGAPIDA, FRAY ANTONIO - A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada: vol. II
41739: AGAR, HERBERT (1897-1980) - The Darkest Year : Britain Alone, June 1940-June 1941
121704: AGAR, HERBERT (1897-1980) - The Saving Remnant; an Account of Jewish Survival
121215: AGAR-HAMILTON, JOHN AUGUSTUS ION - The Native Policy of the Voortrekkers, an Essay in the History of the Interior of South Africa, 1836-1858, by J. A. I. Agar-Hamilton ...
11759: AGAR-HAMILTON, J. A. I. - The Native Policy of the Voortrekkers, an Essay in the History of the Interior of South Africa, 1836-1858, by J. A. I. Agar-Hamilton
40223: AGAR-HAMILTON, JOHN AUGUSTUS ION - A Transvaal Jubilee : Being a History of the Church of the Province of South Africa in the Transvaal
168292: AGAR, HERBERT (1897-1980) - The saving remnant; an account of Jewish survival
141530: AGAR, HERBERT (1897-1980) - The Saving Remnant; an Account of Jewish Survival
98510: AGAR, HERBERT - The Saving Remnant; an Account of Jewish Survival Since 1914
144820: AGARD, JOHN. GRACE NICHOLS (EDS. ). CATHIE FELSTEAD (ILL. ) - A Caribbean Dozen : Poems from Caribbean Poets / Edited by John Agard and Grace Nichols ; Illustrated by Cathie Felstead
9521: AGARD, WALTER R. - The New Architectural Scuplture
59771: AGARWAL, BINA (ED. ) - Structures of Patriarchy : the State, the Community, and the Household / Edited by Bina Agarwal
58779: AGARWALA, A. N. (AMAR NARAIN) (1917-) (COMP. ) - Accelerating Investment in Developing Economies; a Series of Articles and Papers Selected and Edited by A. N. Agarwala and S. P. Singh
126790: AGARWALA, AMAR NARAIN (1917-) ED. SINGH, SAMPAT PAL (1929-) - The economics of underdevelopment : a series of articles and papers / selected and edited by A. N. Agarwala and S. P. Singh
273120: AGASSE, JACQUES LAURENT (1767-1849) - Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849 / [entries by Lucien Boissonnas, Renée Loche, Colston Sanger ; translations by Fabia Claris]
253614: AGASSIZ, ELIZABETH CABOT CARY (1822-1907) - Louis Agassiz : his life and correspondence / edited by Elizabeth Cary Agassiz - volume 2
279057: AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER (1835-1910) - Letters and recollections of Alexander Agassiz : with a sketch of his life and work
67480: AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER (1835-1910) - Letters and Recollections of Alexander Agassiz, with a Sketch of His Life and Work, Ed. by G. R. Agassiz ...
248333: AGATE, JAMES EVERSHED - Those were the Nights. [A collection of newspaper cuttings of dramatic criticisms, 1880-1906. With portraits]
271955: AGATE, JAMES - Around cinemas
265684: AGATE, JAMES EVERSHED - A shorter ego : the autobiography of James Agate; second selection
91643: AGATE, JAMES - Around Cinemas (Second Series) , by James Agate
71475: AGATE, JAMES (1877-1947) - Responsibility : a novel
65693: AGATE, JAMES (1877-1947) - Playgoing : an Essay by James Agate
182151: AGATE, JAMES (1877-1947) - Their hour upon the stage
52130: AGATE, JAMES AND VAN THAL, HERBERT - James Agate - an Anthology
52733: AGATE, JAMES - Playgoing - an Essay
258144: AGAY, DENES. YORKTOWN MUSIC PRESS - Classics to Moderns: compiled and edited by Denes Agay: 6
191918: AGAY, DENES (ED.) - More classics to moderns [music] 5 / compiled and edited by Denes Agay
257906: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE PROVISION FOR OLD AGE - Report of the Committee on the Economic and Financial Problems of the Provision for Old Age : presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Parliament by command of Her Majesty, December, 1954
280954: HERALDS OF THE NEW AGE - Heralds of the New Age, no. 30
280455: HERALDS OF THE NEW AGE - Heralds of the New Age, The Christ Regent on Earth, no. 44 Nov. 1969
140615: KHUB DEKHTA AGE (PSEUD. ) - India To-Morrow, by Khub Dekhta Age
280457: HERALDS OF THE NEW AGE - Heralds of the New Age, Christmas! Time of the Divine Mother, no. 47 Nov. 1970
280495: HERALDS OF THE NEW AGE - Heralds of the New Age, no. 33
280456: HERALDS OF THE NEW AGE - Heralds of the New Age, The Divinity that Shapes Our Ends, no. 56 Nov. 1973
280721: HERALDS OF THE NEW AGE - Heralds of the New Age, 3 issues
198132: NEW TOWNS COME OF AGE. - Town and Country Planning, Special Issue, January-February 1968
189224: CHICAGO (WELFARE COUNCIL OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO). COMMUNITY PROJECT FOR THE AGED - Community services for older people : the Chicago plan / prepared by the Community Project for the Aged of the Welfare Council of Metroplitan Chicago
72817: AGEE, MARY CUNNINGHAM (1951-) - Powerplay : What Really Happened At Bendix
276847: AGEE, JAMES (1909-1955) - A death in the family
221756: AGEE, WILLIAM C. - American vanguards : Graham, Davis, Gorky, De Kooning, and their circle, 1927-1942 / William C. Agee, Irving Sandler, and Karen Wilkin ; chronologies by Alicia Longwell and Emily Schuchardt Navratil
215703: AGEE, WILLIAM C. - Coming of age : American art, 1850s to 1950s / William C. Agee and Susan C. Faxon
57415: AGEE, JAMES (1909-1955) - Letters of James Agee to Father Flye
116668: AGEE, JAMES (1909-1955) - Agee on film / drawings by Tomi Ungerer [Complete Two Volume Set)
63707: AGEE, JAMES (1909-1955) - Letters of James Agee to Father Flye
108699: AGEHANANDA BHARATI, SWAMI (1923-1991) - The Asians in East Africa; Jayhind and Uhuru
258614: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - European security and Peking's intrigues
252824: ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - Get hooked! guide to angling in South West England
215897: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - USSR probes space
142057: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Soviet Jews Reject Zionist 'Protection' : Novosti Press Agency Round-Table Discussion, February 5, 1971
102327: LONDON PUBLISHING AGENCY - Notable Londoners, an Illustrated Who's Who of Professional and Business Men - First Issue 1921-22
64655: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY - The Quality of Life Concept: a Potential New Tool for Decision-Makers
140308: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY. - Nine Questions and Answers about Disarmament
172869: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Founder of rocketry, cosmunatics and theory of interplanetery flights : Konstantin Tsoilkovsky
172243: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - October revolution wins in Russia
244757: THE ROMANIAN NEWS AGENCY - Romania: Documents-events: No. 20, 34, 35, 37, 57, 59, 64
170061: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Events in China
172039: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Soviet industry
172540: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Zionism : instrument of imperialist reaction : Soviet opinion on events in the Middle East and the adventures of international Zionism (March-May 1970)
172509: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - The intellectual in socialist society (Collected articles)
172307: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Statement of the government of the USSR
172255: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Soviet industry
175993: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Soviet Jews : fact and fiction.
172552: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - How the Soviet State is administered
280811: KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY - For the peaceful unification of the country : declaration of the Fourth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea, September 17, 1961
192598: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Nine questions and answers about disarmament
175994: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Soviet Jews reject Zionist 'Protection' : Novosti Press Agency round-table discussion, February 5, 1971
191075: SOFIA-PRESS AGENCY - Roads to victory
234345: UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY - Catalog of published concert music by American composers
142069: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - Soviet Industry
218134: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - For the good of man: On measures for fulfilling the cpsu programme for raising the living standards of people, N. S. Khruschov's report at the ussr supreme soviet session on july 13, 1964
208238: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - USSR '76 : Novosti Press Agency Year Book
208250: NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY - In the interests of all peoples
208696: EUROPEAN PRODUCTIVITY AGENCY - The written word in agricultural advisory work
280409: THE LIBERAL AGENT - The Liberal Agent: July, 1903: No. 33 - April, 1907: No. 48 (Vol. IX)
165342: LAND AGENTS' SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN) - Facts about Land : a Reply to 'The Land,' the Report of the Unofficial Land Enquiry Committee / Prepared by the Land Agents' Society
168031: AGER, EDMUND - Practical revolution
253596: AGGETT, W. J. P - The bloody eleventh : history of the Devonshire Regiment / W. J. P. Aggett. Vol.2, 1815-1914
184558: CHINESE PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE FOR WORLD PEACE AND AGAINST AMERICAN AGGRESSION - Shall brothers be-- : an account, written by American and British prisoners of war, of their treatment at the hands of the Chinese People's Volunteers and Korean People's Army in P.O.W. camps in Korea
128545: AGHA, SHAHID ALI (1949-) - T. S. Eliot As Editor
176079: AGHA, OLFAT HASSAN - The role of mass communications in inter-state conflict : the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973
85942: AGIEEV, M. - Novel with Cocaine / M. Ageyev; Translated from the Russian by Michael Henry Heim - [Uniform Title: Roman S Kokainom. English]
155427: AGNESE, GIORGIO. RE, MAURIZIO - Ancient Egypt : Art and archaeology of the land of the Pharaohs / text Giorgio Agnese, Maurizio Re ; translation, Neil-Frazer Davenport]
269559: AGNEW, JOHN HOLMES [ED.] - The Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science, and art: January to April, 1843: volume I: of the United series
156276: AGNEW, BRAD, 1939- - Fort Gibson, Terminal on the Trail of Tears / Brad Agnew
215280: AGNEW'S - Watercolours and drawings. Agnew's 131st Annual Exhibition 25 February - 19 March 2004
215281: AGNEW'S - Watercolours and drawings. Agnew's 130th Annual Exhibition 5 - 28 March 2003
73039: AGNEW, JOHN HOLMES (ED. ) - The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art. May to August, 1845 Volume V.
210231: AGNEW, THOS., AND SONS LTD. - Watercolours & Drawings : Agnew's 130th Annual Exhibition, 5-28 March 2003
168316: AGNEW, JOHN HOLMES (1804-1865). WILLIS, NATHANIEL PARKER (1806-1867) EDS. - The Gem of the season for 1848
166996: AGNON, SHMUEL YOSEF, (1888-1970) - In the heart of the seas
59913: AGONITO, ROSEMARY - No More 'Nice Girl' : Power, Sexuality and Success in the Workplace / Rosemary Agonito
86927: AGOSTINI, FRANCO - Visual Games ; Translated by Geoffrey Culverwell and John Gilbert - [Uniform Title: Giochi Con Le Immagini. English]
78130: AGOSTINI, FRANCO - Visual Games ; Translated by Geoffrey Culverwell and John Gilbert - [Uniform Title: Giochi Con Le Immagini. English]
158224: D'AGOSTINO, PETER R. (1962-) - Rome in America : Transnational Catholic Ideology from the Risorgimento to Fascism / Peter R. D'agostino
210382: ISTITUTO DI TECNICA E PROPAGANDA AGRARIA (ITALIE) - Petit guide de l'agriculture italienne
19976: AGRAWAL, AMAR NATH - Indian Agriculture : Problems, Progress and Prospects
128878: AGRAWAL, A. N. - Indian Agriculture and its Problems
174818: L' ORGANISATION ET AU FONCTIONNEMENT DES SOCIETES AGREES - Manuel des Societes d'Habitations ouvrieres
167986: AGRESTI, OLIVIA ROSSETTI - David Lubin : a Study in Practical Idealism
151377: SOCIETE ROYALE AGRICOLE - Projet De Creation D'Un Fonds D'Agriculture
206263: ASSOCIATION COMMERCIALE MARITIME INDUSTRIELLE ET AGRICOLE DE L'ARRONDISMENT D'OSTENDE - Rapport general et rapports des sections pour l'annee 1883
208700: CENTRES D'ETUDES TECHNIQUES AGRICOLES - Centres d'etudes techniques agricoles : On a souvent reproche, supplement au bulletin d'Octobre 1960
179245: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD - The farm economist : volume 3, 1930-1941
274085: NEW SOUTH WALES. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Know your weeds presented with the compliments of the Commissioners of the Rural Bank of New South Wales
258545: THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE - Tropical Agriculture: the journal of the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture: vol. II, No. 1, January 1925
204284: SCOTLAND. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE - Report on the marketing of live stock in Scotland
234846: COUNTY KILDARE COMMITTEE OF AGRICULTURE - Year Book 1977. Annual Report for 1976: County Kildare Committee of Agriculture
148322: FINLAND. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - Agriculture in Finland
244216: SCOTTISH COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURE - Report of the Scottish Commission on Agriculture to Denmark (June 19th to June 30th 1904): with comparative observations and suggestions
280765: IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE - Tropical agriculture - Jan-Dec 1927
209252: EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - FAO regional conference for the Near East : Cairo, February, 1948 [22 pamplets and short titles relating to agriculture in Egypt, professionally bound in 1 volume.]
210414: INDIA (REPUBLIC) MINISTRY OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE - Extension education in community development
210495: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRONOMY - Turfgrass science / editors: A. A. Hanson and F. V. Juska
57052: AGRONSKY, JONATHAN I. Z. (1946-) - Marion Barry : the Politics of Race / Jonathan I. Z. Agronsky
215996: AGROV, G. - Osnovi na bezvlastieto [Fundamentals of anarchy. Language: Russian]
267602: AGUILAR, GRACE (1816-1847) - The women of Israel : or, characters and sketches from the holy scriptures, illustrative of the past history, present duties, and future destiny of Hebrew females, as based on the word of God
266831: AGUILAR, GRACE (1816-1847) - The mother's recompense : a sequel to home influence
231490: AGUILAR, CARLOS - Religion y magia entre los indios de Costa Rica de origen sureno : chamanismo / Carlos H. Aguilar
145224: AGUILAR, GRACE - The Women of Israel : or Characters and Sketches from the Holy Scriptures and Jewish History : Illustrative of the Past History, Present Duties, and Future Destiny of the Hebrew Females, As Based on the Word of God
227541: AGUILAR, S.A. DE EDICIONES - Nuevo atlas de España
169514: AGUILAR, GRACE (1816-1847) - The women of Israel : or, characters and sketches from the holy scriptures, and Jewish history, illustrative of the past history, present duties, and future destiny of Hebrew females, as based on the word of God
203607: AGUILAR, GRACE (1816-1847) - The women of Israel; or, Characters and sketches from the Holy Scriptures, and Jewish history, illustrative of the past history, present duties, and future destiny of the Hebrew females, as based on the Word of God
175383: AGUILAR, GRACE (1816-1847) - The women of Israel : or characters and sketches from the holy scriptures and Jewish history [...]
236074: AGUILERA CERNI, VICENTE. GONZÁLEZ, JOAN (1868-1908). GONZALEZ-RICHARD, ROBERTA - Julio, Joan, Roberta González : itinerario de una dinastía / Vicente Aguilera Cerni
156197: AGUIRRE ELORRIAGA, MANUEL - El Abate De Pradt En La Emancipacion Hispanoamericana (1800-1830)
174281: AGUIRRE Y LECUBE, JOSE ANTONIO DE (1904-1960) - Freedom was flesh and blood
170587: AGUS, JACOB BERNARD - Dialogue and tradition : the challenges of contemporary Judeo-Christian thought
246811: AGUS, JACOB BERNARD (1911-1986) - The meaning of Jewish history / Foreword by Salo W. Baron: complete in two volumes
103362: AGUS, JACOB B. (JACOB BERNARD) (1911-1986) - The Vision and the Way; an Interpretation of Jewish Ethics [By] Jacob B. Agus
159030: AHAD HAAM (1856-1927). SIMON, LEON (1881- ) (TRANS. ) - Selected Essays, by Ahad Ha-Am (Pseud. ) Translated from the Hebrew, by Leon Simon
224690: AHAD HAAM (1856-1927). SIMON, LEON (1881- ) (TRANS. ) - Selected Essays, by Ahad Ha-Am (Pseud. ) Translated from the Hebrew, by Leon Simon
135074: AHALUWALIA, JASABIRA SINGHA - Marxism and Contemporary Reality [By] Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia
274194: AHEARN, ALLEN - The book of first books / Allen Ahearn
179956: AHEARN, ALLEN - Collected books : the guide to values : 1998 edition / Allen and Patricia Ahearn
174011: AHEARN, EDWARD J. - Visionary fictions : apocalyptic writing from Blake to the modern age
169888: AHEARN, DENNIS M. (ET AL) - Studies in epistemology
85466: AHERN, TOM (ET AL. ) - The Treacle Story Series, Volume One, Nos. 1-4
259675: AHERN, TOM - The railways and the people : an appeal to passengers and workers
217242: AHERN, DENNIS MICHAEL. RESCHER, NICHOLAS - Studies in epistemology : essays
184282: AHERN, DENIS M. [ET AL.] - Studies in epistemology : essays
181867: AHERN, DENNIS M. - Studies in epistemology : essays
147790: AHERN, DENNIS M. ROBERT ALMEDER. PETER A. FRENCH [ET AL] - Studies in Epistemology : Essays
142316: AHERN, DENNIS M. ROBERT ALMEDER. JONATHAN BENNETT [ET AL] - Studies in Epistemology : Essays
35391: AHLBRANDT, ROGER S.. FRUEHAN, R. J.. GIARRATANI, FRANK - The Renaissance of American Steel : Lessons for Managers in Competitive Industries / Roger S. Ahlbrandt, Richard J. Fruehan, Frank Giarratani
209559: AHLEN & AKERLUNDS, STOCKHOLM - Vecko-Journalen : Lyxnummer Julen 1938
209567: AHLEN & AKERLUNDS, STOCKHOLM - Vecko-Journalen : Lyxnummer Julen 1939
53027: AHLFORS, LARS VALERIAN (1907-). LAVRENTEV, MIKHAIL ALEKSEEVICH (1900-) - Some Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics : on the Occasion of the Seventieth Birthday of Academician M. A. Lavrent'ev
169273: AHLGREN, GREGORY J. - Crime of the century : the Lindbergh kidnapping hoax
203749: AHLGREN, STIG (1910-1996) - Krusenstjerna-studier / av Stig Ahlgren [Language: Swedish]
152379: AHLUWALIA, JASBIR SINGH - Marxism and Contemporary Reality
89950: AHMAD, KABIR UDDIN - Breakup of Pakistan: Background and Prospects of Bangladesh
191272: AHMAD, ENAYAT - Soil erosion in India / [by] E. Ahmad
122100: AHMAD, MUZAFFAR - The Communist Party of India and its Formation Abroad / Muzaffar Ahmad; Translated by Hirendranath Mukerjee
168827: AHMAD, MIRZA BASHIRUDDIN MAHMUD, (1889-1965) - Ahmadiyyat, or, the true Islam
176935: AHMAD IBN UMAR, NIZAMI, ARUZ - Chahar Maqala ('The four discourses') of Ahmad Ibn Umar ibn Ali an-Nizami Al-Arudi as-Samarqandi / edited, with introduction by Mirza Muhammad, ibn Abdul-Wahhab of Qazwin [Language: Persian]
142300: AHMAD, JALEEL - Floating Exchange Rates and World Inflation
273214: AHMED, MUSHTAQ - Twenty20 vision : my life and inspiration / Mushtaq Ahmed with Andrew Sibson
176517: AHMED, AKBAR S. - Discovering Islam : making sense of Muslim history and society
158310: AHMED, DURRE (ED. ) - Gendering the Spirit : Women and Religion / Edited by Durre Ahmed
79430: AHMED, LEILA - A Border Passage : from Cairo to America--A Woman's Journey
236634: AHMED, RAFIUDDIN MAJ. GEN - History of the Baloch Regiment : (1820-1939), the colonial period
204202: AHNFELT, ARVID WOLFGANG NATHANAEL, (1845-1890) - C. J. L. Almquist : hans lif och verksamhet / Arvid Ahnfelt [Language: Swedish]
56289: AHNNE, PAUL - Strasbourg - Cent Quarante Gravures Et Dessins Anciens
70909: AHNSTROM, D. N. - The Complete Book of Jets and Rockets
111382: AHOUSE, JOHN (ED. ) SINCLAIR, UPTON - Uppie Speaks, Vol. III, No. 4., Dec. 1979 (Whole No. 18) Qtly ... The Upton Sinclair Review
228417: AICHER, OTL - Gehen in der Wüste
260522: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL AID - Drug-dependence in Britain. An emerging problem. An information paper. Produced by the Church of England Council for Social Aid
88343: AIDALA, THOMAS - Hearst Castle, San Simeon / Text by Thomas R. Aidala ; Photographs by Curtis Bruce ; Foreword by William Randolph Hearst, Jr. ; Introduction by David Niven
148907: AIGRAIN, RENE (1886-1957) , ED. - Ecclesia : Encyclopedie Populaire Des Connaissances Religieuses / Publiee Sous La Direction Du Chanoine Rene Aigrain ; Preface De S. Em. Le Cardinal Suhard, Archeveque De Paris
47250: AIJMER, GORAN - Economic Man in Sha Tin - Vegetable Gardeners in a Hong Kong Valley
81841: AIKEN, JOAN - The Green Flash, and Other Tales of Horror, Suspense, and Fantasy
199434: AIKEN, JOAN (1924-2004) - Voices in an empty house : a novel / [by] Joan Aiken
173805: AIKEN, CONRAD (1889-1973). KILLORIN, JOSEPH (1926-) - Selected letters of Conrad Aiken / edited by Joseph Killorin
254811: AIKEN, CONRAD (1889-1973) - Selected letters of Conrad Aiken / edited by Joseph Killorin
157862: AIKEN, CONRAD (1889-1973) - The Conversation, Or, Pilgrims' Progress : a Domestic Symphony / Conrad Aiken
109778: AIKEN, CONRAD (1889-1973) - A Reviewer's ABC; Collected Criticism on Conrad Aiken from 1916 to the Present
175158: AIKEN, CONRAD (1889-1973) - Nocturne of remembered spring, and other poems
156628: AIKEN, CONRAD (1889-1973) - Thee; a Poem by Conrad Aiken. Drawings by Leonard Baskin
90201: AIKEN, LILLIAN WOODWORTH - Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Morals
231515: AIKEN, CONRAD (1889-1973) - Thee : a poem
245825: AIKIN, LUCY (1781-1864) - Sandford and Merton in words of one syllable
213807: AIKIN, JOHN (1747-1822) - Select works of the British poets : with biographical and critical prefaces by Dr. Aikin [complete in 10 volumes]
168164: AIKIN, LUCY (1781-1864) - Memoirs of the court of King James the First - [Complete in 2 volumes]
166293: AIKIN, JOHN (1747-1822) - Annals of the Reign of King George the Third : from its Commencement in the Year 1760, to the Death of His Majesty in the Year 1820 [Complete in 2 Volumes]
187183: AIKMAN, C. M.; CAMERON, CHARLES A., SIR - Johnston's elements of agricultural chemistry
17764: AIKMAN, DUNCAN (1889-) - The Home Town Mind, by Duncan Aikman
61166: AIKMAN, LONNELLE - Nature's Healing Arts : from Folk Medicine to Modern Drugs
198003: AILAUD, J. P. - Bibliographie diplomatique choisie / J -P Aillaud
267587: AILSBY, CHRISTOPHER - SS : hell on the Eastern Front : the Waffen-SS in Russia 1941-1945
259976: AIMARD, GUSTAVE PSEUD. I.E. OLIVIER GLOUX - The Queen of the Savannah. A story of the Mexican War
225669: AINAUD DE LASARTE, JUAN - Spanish frescoes of the romanesque period / Juan Ainaud
251845: AINGER, ALFRED. LAMB, CHARLES - The Works of Charles Lamb: in eight volumes
54151: AINGER, ALFRED (1837-1904) - Charles Lamb
84583: AINGER, ALFRED (1837-1904) - Charles Lamb ; Edited by John Morley
214244: SADRIDDIN AINI (1878-1854) - Buhara : Vospominanija / Sadriddin Aini ; perevod s tadzhikskogo Sergeja Borodina [Language: Russian]
259259: AINLEY, DAVID - Co-ops : the way ahead
25506: AINSLIE, JOHN - Antipathy; Or, the Confessions of a Cat-Hater. Edited [Or Rather, Written] by J. Ainslie. Complete in Three Volumes
257434: AINSLIE, ROSALYNDE - The collaborators
184791: AINSLIE, ROSALYNDE - The unholy alliance : Salazar, Verwoerd, Welensky / introduced by Conor O'Brien, foreword by Basil Davidson
270370: AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON (1805-1882). CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) [ILLUS] - The tower of London : a historical romance by William Harrison Ainsworth; illustrated by George Cruikshank
260372: AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON (1805-1882) - Old Saint Paul's : a tale of the plague and the fire / Jack Sheppard: a romance / Tower of London
254873: AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON (1805-1882) - Crichton
261488: AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON (1805-1882) - Jack Sheppard / W. Harrison Ainsworth ; illustrated from the original drawings by George Cruikshank - vol. 2
251317: AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON (1805-1882) - Windsor Castle : an historical romance
129760: AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON (1805-1882). CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) , ILLUS. - Guy Fawkes : Or, the Gunpowder Treason. an Historical Romance
153020: AINSWORTH, ED (1902-1968) - The Cowboy in Art
104938: AINSWORTH, KATHERINE. EDWARD M. AINSWORTH - In the Shape of the Juniper Tree
181470: AINSWORTH, ED (1902-1968) - Beckoning desert / Edward Maddin Ainsworth ; illustrated by Bill Bender
88329: AINSWORTH, ED (1902-1968) - Eagles Fly West
171922: AIRDRIE SAVINGS BANK. BLAKE, GEORGE - A century of thrift: the romance of the Airdrie savings bank
195489: DEUTSCHEN LEHRERVEREIN BUENOS AIRES - Zeitschrift fur Argentinische Volkskunde : erster jahrgang / herausgegeben vom Deutschen Lehrerverein Buenos Aires durch E. L. Schmidt
256251: AIRLIE, MABELL COUNTESS OF (1866-1956). MELBOURNE, ELIZABETH MILBANKE LAMB VISCOUNTESS (1752-1818).PALMERSTON, EMILY LAMB VISCOUNTESS (1787-1869) - In Whig society, 1775-1818 / compiled from the hitherto unpublished correspondence of Elizabeth, viscountess Melbourne, and Emily Lamb, countess Cowper, afterwards viscountess Palmerston ; by Mabell, countess of Airlie
267032: AIRS, MALCOLM - The Tudor and Jacobean country house : a building history / Malcolm Airs
188296: AIRY, ANNA (B. 1882) - The art of pastel
41768: AISENBERG, NADYA. HARRINGTON, MONA (1936-) - Women of Academe : Outsiders in the Sacred Grove / Nadya Aisenberg and Mona Harrington
201682: AITCHISON, GEORGE (B. 1877) - Sussex
24513: AITCHISON, ALISON E. - Across Seven Seas to Seven Continents, by Alison E. Aitchison and Marguerite Uttley
205466: AITCHISON, HENRY HOUSTON - Psychology without sighs / Henry Houston Aitchison
94257: AITKEN, JONATHAN (1942-) - Officially Secret
241155: AITKEN, GEORGE ATHERTON. AITKEN, GEORGE ATHERTON (1860-1917) - Later Stuart tracts / with an introduction by George A. Aitken
271729: AITKEN, W. FRANCIS - The children's friend Vol. 53 / edited by W. Francis Aitken
277858: AITKEN, RHONA - The memsahib's cookbook : recipes from the days of the Raj
81274: AITKEN, ROY E. - RELATED NAME: NELSON, AL P - The Birth of a Nation Story, by Roy E. Aitken As Told to Al P. Nelson
247291: AITKEN, GEORGE A - The Spectator / with introduction and notes by George A. Aitken - Complete in 8 Volumes
224810: AITKEN, J.R. ; KATHARINE CAMERON - In a city garden
278781: AITKEN, JAMES - English diaries of the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries
177114: AITKEN, G. A. (ED.) - The best plays of the old dramatists : Richard Steele
112681: AITKEN, JONATHAN - Officially Secret
9703: AITKEN, E. H. - The Tribes on My Frontier : An Indian Naturalist's Foreign Policy
208740: AITKEN, H. H. THOMAS, HARRY HIGGOTT - Plant pests and diseases : how to identify and how to destroy them
278725: AITKEN, JAMES - English letters of the XVIII century
96584: AIYAPPAN, A (1905-?) - Social Revolution in a Kerala Village; a Study in Culture Change
174794: AJALBERT, JEAN - Les Deux Justices
134912: AJAMI, FOUAD - The Arab Predicament : Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967 / Fouad Ajami
217068: AJAMIAN, J. - International seminar on the history of palestine and its jewish settlement during the ottoman period: Le Sultan Abdul-Hamid et le Patriarcat Armenien de Jerusalem (A propos d'un edit imperial du 25 Juilliet 1888)
90072: AJAYI, J. F. ADE - Christian Missions in Nigeria, 1841-1891; the Making of a New Elite
243084: AJDUKIEWICZ, K. INGARDEN, R. TWARDOWSKI, K - Studia philosophica. Commentarii Societatis Philosophicae Polonorum, etc. vol. 3, etc. (1939-1946): editum auxilio Ministerii Insturctionis Publicae
249100: AJDUKIEWICZ, KAZIMIERZ. INGARDEN, R. KOTARBINSKI, T. OSSOWSKA, M. TATARKIEWICZ, W. ZNAMIEROWSKI, C - Studia philosophica. Commentarii Societatis Philosophicae Polonorum: Volume IV: 1949-1950
137120: AJIJOLA, ADELEKE DIRISU (1932-) - The Essence of Faith in Islam
218395: AKADEMIAI KIADO, BUDAPEST - Studia philosophica academae scientiarum hungaricae 3 varia
198165: SPOLECZNOSC AKADEMICKA U.S.B. - Alma Mater Vilnensis / prace Spolecznosci Akademickiej Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego no Obczyznie
204317: SVENSKA AKADEMIEN (STOCKHOLM) - Svenska akademiens handlingar. Ifran ar 1796: Femtonde Delen [Language: Swedish]
216245: AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, INSTITUT FILOSOFII - Izbrannye trudy russkih logikov XIX veka [Selected works of Russian logicians in the 19th century. Language: Russian]
148092: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. INSTITUT ISTORII. MOROKHOVETS, EVGENII ANDREEVICH (1880-). MARKOV, WALTER M. , ED. - Die Bauernbewegung Des Jahres 1861 in Russland Nach Aufhebung Der Leibeigenschaft
216898: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR: VOLGIN, V. P. - Imperializm i bor'ba rabochego klassa. Sbornik statei pamiati akademika Fedora Aronovicha Rotshteina. [Imperialism and the struggle of the working class. Language: Russian]
215852: AKADEMIJA NAUK SSSR. INSTITUT RUSSKOGO JAZYKA, INSTITUT JAZYKOZNANIJA. - Obshhee jazykoznanie : Bibliograficheskij ukazatel' literatury, izdannoj v SSSR s 1918 po 1962 g [General Linguistics... Language: Russian]
216361: AKADEMIYA NAUK USSR, MOSKVA - Vostokovednyye Fondy Krupneyshikh Bibliotek Sovetskogo Soyuza [Oriental Collections of large libraries of the Soviet Union. Language: Russian]
216004: AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, MOSKVA - Russkiy Fol'klor Materialy i issledovaniya I [Russian Folklore Materials and Research 1. Language: Russian]
215866: AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, OTDELENIYE ISTORII, ARKHEOGRAFICHESKAYA KOMISSIYA. - Arkheograficheskiy yezhegodnik za 1965 god [Language: Russian]
217428: AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, NOVOSIBIRSK - Ukazatel' bibliograficheskikh posobiy po sibiri i dal'nemu vostoku 1975 god [Bibliographical aids in Siberia and the far east in 1975. Language: Russian]
92132: AKBULUT, SELMAN (1949-) - Casson's Invariant for Oriented Homology 3-Spheres : an Exposition
120726: AKENSIDE, MARK (1721-1770) - The Pleasures of Imagination. by Mark Akenside. to Which is Prefixed a Critical Essay on the Poem, by Mrs. Barbauld
239701: AKENSIDE, MARK (1721-1770). - The poetical works of Mark Akenside. With memoir and critical dissertation
89150: AKENSON, DONALD HARMAN - Conor : a Biography of Conor Cruise O'Brien. Volume 1 , Narrative
255544: AKENSON, DONALD H - Between two revolutions : Islandmagee, County Antrim, 1798-1920
169148: AKENSON, DONALD H - Conor : A biography of Conor Cruise O'Brien: Anthology/ Donald Harman Akenson
113242: AKENSON, DONALD H. - Conor : a biography of Conor Cruise O'Brien / Donald Harman Akenson
275666: AKERMAN, JOHN YONGE - Coins of the Romans relating to Britain : described and illustrated
267283: AKERMAN, JOHN YONGE (1806-1873) - A numismatic manual
232868: AKERMAN, JOHN YONGE (1806-1873) - Spring-tide : or, The angler and his friends
199102: AKESSON, ESTER (1878-1970) - Faroarna : bland hvalfangare och folkvisedansare / af Ester Akesso
96416: AKHAPKIN, YURI (COMP. ) - First Decrees of Soviet Power; Compiled, with Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Yuri Akhapkin [Translated from the Russian] A Collection of the First Major Acts of Legislation Adopted by the Soviet Government, Nov 1917 - July 1918
190777: AKHAPKIN, YURI - First decrees of Soviet power / compiled, with introduction and explanatory notes by Yuri Akhapkin [translated from the Russian]
214239: AKHTAR, S.M. (SARDAR MOHAMMAD), (B. 1904) - Economics of Pakistan / S. M. Akhtar [Language: Russian]
191288: AKIMOV, VLADIMIR (1872-1921) - Vladimir Akimov on the dilemmas of Russian Marxism, 1895-1903 : The Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party [and] A short history of the Social Democratic Movement in Russia Two texts in translation / edited, introduced and translated by Jonathan Frankel
135971: AKIMOV, VLADIMIR. JONATHAN FRANKEL (ED. ) - Vladimir Akimov on the Dilemmas of Russian Marxism, 1895-1903: the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party [And] a Short History of the Social Democratic Movement in Russia; Two Texts in Translation [From the Russian] ... . ..edited and Introduced by Jonathan Frankel
118008: AKINS, ZOE (1886-1958) - Declassee: Daddy's Gone A-Hunting: and Greatness--A Comedy
172561: AKIVIS, DALILA - Rencontres avec Tchaikovski
235282: AKIYAMA, TERUKAZU - Arts of China. Vol.1 , Neolithic Cultures to the T'Ang Dynasty : Recent Discoveries / Terukazu Akiyama [Et Al. ] ; Coordinated by Mary Tregear
128609: AKIYAMA, TERUKAZU - Arts of China. Vol.2 , Buddhist Cave Temples : New Researches / Terukazu Akiyama, Saburo Matsubara ; Translated by Alexander C. Soper
116083: AKIYAMA, TERUKAZU - Arts of China. Vol.1 , Neolithic Cultures to the T'Ang Dynasty : Recent Discoveries / Terukazu Akiyama [Et Al. ] ; Coordinated by Mary Tregear
79482: AKMAKJIAN, HIAG - The Natural Way to Raise a Healthy Child
218620: D'AKOV, VLADIMIR ANATOL'EVIC; INSTITUT SLAVANOVEDENIA (RUSSIE, FEDERATION) - Istoriki-slavisty SSSR [Historians Slavic USSR. Language: Russian]
273522: AKRAM, WASIM - Wasim : the autobiography of Wasim Akram / [Wasim Akram and Patrick Murphy]
254979: AKSAKOV, SERGEY TIMOFEYEVICH ; BEVERLEY, M C - Chronicles of a Russian family
172557: AKSARINA, N. M. (NINA MIKHAILOVNA) - Social education of preschool children in the Soviet Union / N. Aksarina, N. Smirnova
231256: AKSIT, ILHAN - Pamukkale = Hierapolis
85667: AKST, DANIEL - St. Burl's Obituary
147723: AKSTINAS, BRONIUS - Glimpses of Lithuania
201835: AKUNIN, B. (BORIS) - The death of Achilles / Boris Akunin ; translated by Andrew Broomfield
165636: ALADJOV, THEOPHANA (1946- ) - Die Soziale Stellung Der Frau Im Bulgarischen Sprichwort : Zur Sammlung Bulgarischer Sprichworter Im XIX Jahrhundert / Vorgelegt Von Theophana Aladjov
236238: ALAIN (1868-1951). GIDE, ANDRÉ (1869-1951) - Tableau de la littérature française : XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles : de Corneille à Chénier / par Alain ... [et al.] ; préf. par André Gide
37229: ALAIN - Propos Sur L'Esthétique
237217: ALAJOUANINE, THÉOPHILE. LARBAUD, VALÉRY (1881-1957) - Valery Larbaud sous divers visages / [par] Th. Alajouanine
151786: ALAMANNI, LUIGI (1495-1556) - La Coltivazione Di Luigi Alamanni, Al Cristianissimo Re Francesco Primo : Publicata Da A. Buttura
152173: ALAMPIEV, PETR MARTYNOVICH - Where Economic Inequality is No More : Progress of the Soviet Eastern Republics As Exemplified by Kazakhstan / Translated from the Russian by Leo Lempert
215422: ALAN BAXTER & ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING ENGINEERS - A survey of the churches in the City of London
205737: ALAN, DON - Close up time with Don Alan
207566: ALAND, KURT. NESTLE, EBERHARD (1851-1913) [BIBLE. N.T. GOSPELS. GREEK. HARMONIES] - Synopsis quattuor Evangeliorum / locis parallelis Evangeliorum apocryphorum et patrum adhibitis edidit Kurt Aland [Language: Greek]
256348: ALARCÓN, PEDRO ANTONIO DE (1833-1891) - El clavo : (causa célebre) / Pedro A. de Alarcón
22976: ALARCON, PEDRO ANTONIO DE (1833-1891) AND TEALBY, NORMAN (ILLUS. ) - The Three-Cornered Hat; the True History of an Affair Current in Certain Tales and Ballads, Here Written Down As & How it Befell. Now Translated out of the Spanish by Martin Armstrong, with an Introd. by Gerald Brenan & Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin
75292: ALARCON, PEDRO ANTONIO DE (1833-1891) - Verdades De Pano Pardo : Y Otros Escritos Olvidados
123835: ALARCON, PEDRO ANTONIO DE (1833-1891) AND TEALBY, NORMAN (ILLUS. ) - The Three-Cornered Hat; the True History of an Affair Current in Certain Tales and Ballads and Here Written Down As and How it Befel, by Don Pedro Antonio De Alarcón ... Now Translated out of the Spanish by Martin Armstrong and Illustrated by Norman Teal
249894: ALASTRUEY, GREGORIO - Mariologia sive tractatus de beatissima virgine maria matre dei: in two volumes
255247: ALATRI, PAOLO - L'unità d'Italia, 1859-1861 / a cura di Paolo Alatri - Complete in 2 volumes
237178: ALBALAT, ANTOINE (1856-1935) - Souvenirs de la vie littéraire
260978: ALBANESE, JOSEPH A - Nurses' drug reference / Joseph A. Albanese
199659: ALBEE, EDWARD (1928- ) - Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? A Play / Edward Albee
36965: ALBEE, EDWARD (1928-) - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? A Play
182323: ALBEE, EDWARD - The zoo story and other plays / Edward Albee
274655: ALBEMARLE, GEORGE THOMAS EARL OF (1799-1891) - Fifty years of my life
267752: ALBEMARLE, GEORGE THOMAS KEPPEL EARL OF (1799-1891) - The Albemarle papers; being the correspondence of William Anne, second earl of Albemarle, commander-in-chief in Scotland, 1746-1747, with an appendix of letters from Andrew Fletcher, lord justice-clerk, to the Duke of Newcastle, 1746-1748 - 2 volumes
110798: ALBERA, GIOVANNI. NICOLAS MONTI - Italian Modern, a Design Heritage / Giovanni Albera, Nicolas Monti ; Design by William A. Ewing
220894: ALBERDI, JUAN BAUTISTA, (1810-1884) - The Crime of War
271997: ALBÉRÈS, RENÉ MARILL (1920-) - La genèse du Siegfried de Jean Giraudoux / René Marill Albérès
73826: ALBERES, R. M. (RENE MARILL) (1921-1982) - Portrait De Notre Heros : Essai Sur Le Roman Actuel / R. -M. Alberes [Pseud. ]
160131: ALBERES, RENE MARILL (1921-1982) - Jean-Paul Sartre: Philosopher Without Faith, by Rene Marill-Alberes (Pseud. Translated from the French by Wade Baskin)
235615: ALBÉRÈS, RENÉ MARILL (1921-1982) - Esthétique et morale chez Jean Giraudoux
219674: ALBERGHETTI, ANNA MARIA / MERRICK DAVID [PRODUCER] - Carnival : a new musical [original souvenir program]
175512: ALBERICI, CAMILLO - Il triennio liberatore dal 1859 al 1861
232977: ALBERIGO, GIUSEPPE - Geschichte der Konzilien : vom Nicaenum bis zum Vaticanum II
248271: ALBERS-SCHONBERG, HEINRICH. GRASHEY-KOLN, PORFESSOR RUDOLF - Fortschritte auf dem gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen: 41. Band 1930: I Halbjahr, mit 699 abbildungen im text und I tafel
230272: ALBERS, PATRICIA - Shadows, fire, snow : the life of Tina Modotti
160117: ALBERS, VERNON MARTIN - The Complete Book of Furniture and Cabinetmaking
85669: ALBERT, MARVIN H. - The Gargoyle Conspiracy / [By] Marvin H. Albert
258745: ALBERT, DANIEL. M (EDITED BY) - Principles and practice of ophthalmology / [edited by] Daniel M. Albert, Frederick A. Jakobiec - Volume 1
127791: ALBERT, CHARLES & DUCHENE, JEAN - Le Socialisme Revolutionnaire : Son Terrain, Son Action Et Son but / Charles Albert & Jean Duchene
142364: ALBERT, CHARLES. DUCHENE (JEAN) - Le Socialisme Revolutionnaire : Son Terrain, Son Action Et Son But
176358: ALBERT-PETIT, ARMAND (1860- ) - Histoire de Normandie / A. Albert-Petit
25239: ROLAND. ALBERT - Profiles from the New Asia
221830: ALBERT, MARY - Holland and her heroes to the year 1585 : being an adaptation of Motley's “Rise of the Dutch republic”
272316: ALBERTI, FRANCESCO - Hybrid interiors : new combinations for contemporary living / Francesco Alberti and Daria Ricchi ; principal photography by Mario Ciampi
152916: ALBERTI, ADRIANO (1870-1955) - Testimonianze Straniere Sulla Guerra Italiana 1915-1918 / Del Generale Adriano Alberti. Prefazione Di S. E. Benito Mussolini
136082: ALBERTI, MARIO. GAY, H. NELSON. - Italy's Great War and Her National Aspirations
11968: ALBERTI, MARIO ET. ALI. - Italy's Great War and Her National Aspirations, by Mario Alberti, General Carlo Corsi, Armando Hodnig, Tomaso Sillani, Attilio Tamaro and Ettore Tolomei; with an Introductory Chapter by H. Nelson Gay; with 20 Illustrations and 4 Maps
277692: ALBERTI - Dizionario Italiano-Francese e francese-Italiano estratto da quello d'alberti; terza edizione: two volumes
192252: ALBERTI, MARIO - Il movimento dei prezzi e dei salari nell'anno 1911 a Trieste : con cenni introd. circa un programma di futuri lavori statist., confronti internaz. delle condizioni di vita e di lavoro degli operai ed d'un app . . .
74373: VIENNA. ALBERTINA - Fest Der Augen
143152: ALBERTINI, EUGENE (1880-1941) - Gouvernement General De L'Algerie : L'Afrique Romaine / Par Eugene Albertini
85668: ALBERTS, LAURIE - Tempting Fate, a Novel by Laurie Alberts
49791: ALBERTS, ROBERT C. - The Good Provider - H. J. Heinz and His 57 Varieties
85679: ALBERTS, LAURIE - The Price of Land in Shelby : a Novel
219382: ALBERTSON, CHRIS AND SCHULLER, GUNTHER - Bessie Smith, Empress of the Blues / Commentary by Chris Albertson & Gunther Schuller
109671: THE ALBERTYPE CO., NEW YORK - New Haven and Yale University (Souvenir Pictures)
168747: ALBIG, WILLIAM - Public Opinion
275585: ALBII TIBULLI, HEYNII, G. WUNDERLICHII, ERN. CAR. FRID - Albii Tibulli Carmina Libritres cum libro quarto sulpiciae et aliorum
76328: ALBION, ROBERT GREENHALGH (1896-?) ; LABAREE, BENJAMIN WOODS & LABAREE, BENJAMIN WOODS - The Atlantic World of Robert G. Albion / Edited by Benjamin W. Labaree ; with Chapters by William A. Baker ... [Et Al. ] and a Bibliography of the Works of Robert G. Albion by Joan Bentinck-Smith ; Drawings by William A. Baker
84009: ALBION, ROBERT GREENHALGH (1896-?) - The Rise of New York Port, 1815-1860. with the Collaboration of Jennie Barnes Pope
230002: ALBIS, JEAN D' - La porcelaine de Limoges / Jean d'Albis, Celeste Romanet
230957: D'ALBIS, ANTOINE. PRÉAUD, TAMARA. THE FRENCH PORCELAIN SOCIETY - The French Porcelain Society: les Elements de Datation des Porcelaines de Vincennes avant 1753
73341: ALBRAND, MARTHA - Without Orders
240045: ALBRECHT, DONALD; CRAWFORD, MARGARET (1948-) - World War II and the American dream : how wartime building changed a nation / exhibition organized and catalog edited by Donald Albrecht ; essays by Margaret Crawford ... [et al.]
237546: ALBRECHT, DONALD, EDITOR - Norman Bel Geddes designs America: I have seen the future / edited by Donald Albrecht
226252: ALBRECHT, DONALD - Only in New York : photographs from Look magazine / Donald Albrecht, Thomas Mellins
207844: ALBRECHT, DONALD - Glass + glamour : Steuben's modern moment, 1930-1960 / Donald Albrecht
155705: ALBRECHT, DONALD. SCHONFELD, ROBERT. SHAPIRO, LINDSAY STAMM - Russel Wright : creating American lifestyle
226269: ALBRECHT, DONALD. MELLINS, THOMAS - The American style : Colonial revival and the modern metropolis / Donald Albrecht, Thomas Mellins
280221: ALBRECHT, KURT - 19th century Australian gold and silver smiths
22551: ALBRECHT, GERHARD - Eugen Duhring, Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Sozialwissenschaften
142068: ALBRECHT-CARRIE, RENE (1904-) - Italy from Napoleon to Mussolini
197310: ALBRECHT-CARRIE, RENE (1904-?) - The unity of Europe : an historical survey / Rene Albrecht-Carrie
198122: ALBRECHT, KARL-J. - Le Socialisme Trahi
51360: ALBRIGHT, IVAN (1897-). CROYDON, MICHAEL - Ivan Albright
216695: ALBRIGHT, HOWARD P. - A text-book of klever kard kodes
72438: ALBRIGHT, HORACE M. (HORACE MARDEN) (1890-1987) - Oh, Ranger! A Book about the National Parks
144876: ALBRIGHT, HOWARD P. - Super-Psychic Mental Effects
37603: ALBRIGHT, RAYMOND W. (RAYMOND WOLF) (1901-1965) - Focus on Infinity; a Life of Phillips Brooks
37956: ALBRIGHT, JAMES W. - Bayfront Medical Center : Caring for the Community / James W. Albright
39027: ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM FOXWELL - Archaeology and the Religion of Israel - the Ayer Lectures of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School 1941
194471: VICTORIAN PHOTO ALBUM - Victorian photo album
194466: ART COLLECTORS ALBUM - Photo album (ca. late 19th century) of 86 sepia tone gallery cards from various European galleries (Dresden etc.) including rural scenes and portaits from the Dutch, German and Roman Schools.
175339: SCHAUBEKS-ALBUMS - Nachtrag nr. 34 zu : Schaubeks briefmarken-album ... Reform-ausgabe (Nur fur marken) ... Neuheiten herbst 1917 bis Dezember 1917 ; erster nachtrag zur achttunddreissigsten auflage
263932: ALBUQUERQUE, AFONSO DE (1452-1515) - Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque : seguidas de documentos que as elucidam / publicadas de ordem da Classe de sciencias moraes, politicas e bellas-lettras da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa e sob a diresção de Raymundo Antonia de Bulhão Pato - volume 1
273970: ALCALÁ, LUISA ELENA - Painting in Latin America, 1550-1820 : From Conquest to Independence / edited by, Luisa Elena Alcalà and Jonathan Brown
14339: ALCALA, KATHLEEN (1954-) - Spirits of the Ordinary : a Tale of Casas Grandes / Kathleen Alcala
50952: ALCINA FRANCH, JOSE - Pre-Columbian Art / Jose Alcina Franch ; Translated from the French by I. Mark Paris
262380: ALCKENS, AUGUST - Die Gedenktafeln der Stadt München : mit 53 Abbildungen
144040: ALCOCER, MARIANO (1892-1962). FEIGE, GREGORY. CHARLES, PIERRE ( 1883-1954) - Los Catolicos Y Los Judios / Epigrafe Leon Bloy ; Prefacio Doctor Oswaldo Robles ; Escritos De Dr. Mariano Alcour, Rev. Gregory Feige, Padre Pierre Charles. Iia Edicion
135179: ALCOCER, MARIANO. REV. GREGORY FEIGE. PADRE PIERRE CHARLES - Los Catolicos Y Los Judios ... Escritos De Dr. Mariano Alcour, Rev. Gregory Feige, Padre Pierre Charles
85380: ALCOCK, JOHN (1942-) - The Kookaburras' Song : Exploring Animal Behavior in Australia
272888: ALCOCK, JOAN P - Discovering Cheshire
280074: ALCOCK, GEORGE AUGUSTUS - Key to the Hebrew psalter : a lexicon and concordance combined, wherein are all the words and particles contained in the Book of Psalms
6476: ALCOCK, G. W. - Fifty Years of Railroad Trade Unionism
244997: ALCOCK, GEORGE W. THOMAS, JAMES HENRY RIGHT HON - Fifty years of railway trade unionism
132382: ALCOCK, GEORGE W. - Fifty Years of Railway Trade Unionism
39983: ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, WORLD SERVICES - Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
188657: WORLD LEAGUE AGAINST ALCOHOLISM - International convention : the World league against alcoholism: Toronto, Canada November 24th-29th, 1922
58837: ALCORN, THOMAS JOHN (1956-1974) - Photographs - [Title on Cover: Thomas John Alcorn, New York, 28-4-1956--Firenze, 13-3-1974]
274018: ALCORN, ELLENOR M - English silver in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Vol. 2 Silver from 1697 including Irish and Scottish silver / catalogue by Ellenor M. Alcorn with contributions on Irish silver by Thomas Sinsteden
98961: ALCORN, ROBERT HAYDEN - No Bugles for Spies; Tales of the OSS
98587: ALCORN, ROBERT HAYDEN (1909-?) - No Bugles for Spies; Tales of the OSS
89826: ALCORN, ROBERT HAYDEN (1909-) - No Bugles for Spies; Tales of the OSS
14628: ALCORN, ROBERT HAYDEN (1909-) - No Banners, No Bands; More Tales of the OSS
37652: ALCORN, ROBERT HAYDEN - No Banners, No Bands - More Tales of the OSS
226548: ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY (1832-1888) - Good wives / Louisa May Alcott. [Treasury of children's classics]
237697: ALCOTT, WILLIAM ANDRUS (1798-1859) - The house I live in : or popular illustrations of the structure and functions of the human body
185561: ALCOTT, LOUISA M. (1832-1888) - Louisa May Alcott's Little Men / retold by Eleanor Packer and illustrated with scenes from the Mascot Production
203612: ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY (1832-1888) - Eight cousins, or, The Aunt-Hill
122344: ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY (1832-1888). CLARA M. BURD (ILL. ) - Little Men; Life At Plumfield with Jo's Boys
205938: ALCUIN, PSEUD. - Pologne / textes de Alcuin ; illustration de M. Zulawski, etc.
238904: ALDA, ARLENE - On set, a personal story in photographs and words
279287: ALDAG, PETER - Juden beherrschen England
231438: ALDANA, GUILLERMO - Piedra de luz : dimensión y espacio en el México precolombino / fotografía Guillermo Aldana ; textos Roberto García Moll, Jaime Bali
131031: ALDANOV, MARK ALEKSANDROVICH - Before the Deluge / Tr. from the Russian by Catherine Routsky
37080: ALDANOV, MARK - For Thee the Best
234729: ALDCROFT, DEREK HOWARD - British transport since 1914 : an economic history
135038: ALDCROFT, DEREK HOWARD - Studies in British Transport History, 1870-1970 / Derek H. Aldcroft
12900: ALDCROFT, DEREK H. - From Versailles to Wall Street - 1919-1929
27315: ALDCROFT, DEREK H. (ED. ) - The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition, 1875-1914; Studies in Industrial Enterprise, Edited by Derek H. Aldcroft
112417: ALDCROFT, DEREK HOWARD - Studies in British Transport History, 1870-1970 [By] Derek H. Aldcroft
27317: ALDCROFT, DEREK H. (ED. ) - The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition, 1875-1914; Studies in Industrial Enterprise, Edited by Derek H. Aldcroft
61492: ALDEBARAN - Conquest of Coomassie; an Epic of the Mashanti Nation
98849: ALDEN, CHRIS AND DALOZ, JEAN-PASCAL (EDS. ) - Paris, Pretoria, and the African Continent : the International Relations of States and Societies in Transition / Edited by Chris Alden and Jean-Pascal Daloz
85506: ALDEN, DEBBY - If I Touch a Star Will I Sparkle Too? A Fan's Guide to Meeting the Stars
262401: ALDEN, TIMOTHY (1771-1839) - A collection of American epitaphs and nscriptions : with occasional notes
163190: ALDEN, PERCY (1865-) - Hungary of To-Day
173107: ALDEN, EDWARD C. - Fifty water-colour drawings of Oxford, reproduced in colour with brief descriptive notes
137545: ALDEN, MARGARET PEARSE - Child Life and Labour
146424: ALDEN, DOUGLAS WILLIAM - Jacques De Lacretelle; an Intellectual Itinerary
153259: ALDEN, PERCY (1865-) - Hungary of To-Day
185219: ALDEN, PERCY (ED.) - Hungary of today
205975: ALDEN, PERCY (1865-?) - Aspects of a changing social structure
263151: ALDER, FRIEDRICH - The witchcraft trial in Moscow
126476: ALDERETE DE CARRIZO, SERAPIA - Motivos Del Corazon
161616: ALDERFER, EVAN BENNER (1901-) - Earnings of Skilled Workers in a Manufacturing Enterprise, 1878-1930
173430: ALDERMAN, CLIFFORD LINDSEY - Flame of freedom : the Peasants' Revolt of 1381
197809: ALDERMAN, HARRY MAYNARD (1887-?) - The charm of old Surrey
133732: ALDERSON, J. C. (JOHN COTTINGHAM). PHILIP JOHN STEAD - The Police We Deserve; Edited by J. C. Alderson and Philip John Stead
189954: ALDERSON, A. D. (ANTHONY DOLPHIN) - The concise Oxford Turkish dictionary / Edited by A. D. Alderson and Fahir Iz
48695: ALDERSON, VICTOR CLIFTON (B. 1862) - The Oil Shale Industry, by Victor Clifton Alderson...with Fifteen Illustrations from Photographs
213426: ALDERSON, BERNARD - Andrew Carnegie : from telegraph boy to millionaire
253232: ALDERSON, ROB - It's Nice That - Annual 2013
207869: ALDFRITH, KING OF NORTHUMBRIA (D. 705) - Old Irish wisdom attributed to Aldfrith of Northumbria : an edition of Briathra Flainn Fhina maic Ossu / edited and translated by Colin A. Ireland
234360: ALDHOUSE-GREEN, MIRANDA J. - Keltische Mythen
231767: ALDHOUSE-GREEN, MIRANDA JANE - Dictionary of Celtic myth and legend
272990: ALDIN, CECIL (1870-1935) - An artist's models
272991: ALDIN, CECIL (1870-1935) - Hunting scenes : forty sketches of hunting scenes and countries selected and arranged by Cecil Aldin / with a memoir and descriptive notes by 'Sabretache' [pseud.]
269898: ALDIN, CECIL CHARLES WINDSOR 1870-1935. - Cathedrals and Abbey churches of England / illustrated by Cecil Aldin
260893: ALDINE - International bibliography of social sciences 1965 vol. XIV
55965: ALDING, PETER - Despite the Evidence
248513: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - A wreath for San Gemignano
247751: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - The strange life of Charles Waterton, 1782-1865 / [Richard Aldington]
253653: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Death of a hero : a novel
253124: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Death of a hero : a novel
254764: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Lawrence of Arabia : a biographical enquiry
202779: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Lawrence of Arabia : a biographical enquiry
193659: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Lawrence of Arabia : a biographical enquiry
228609: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Portrait of a Genius, but ... The Life of D. H. Lawrence, (1885-1930)
250599: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Portrait of a genius, but ... : (the life of D.H. Lawrence, 1885-1930) / Richard Aldington
250543: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Portrait of a rebel : the life and work of Robert Louis Stevenson
113263: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Pinorman; Personal Recollections of Norman Douglas, Pino Orioli and Charles Prentice
200668: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - The romance of Casanova / a novel by Richard Aldington
246268: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Lawrence of Arabia / Richard Aldington
223943: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - The eaten heart. [Poems]
127886: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Lawrence of Arabia : a Biographical Enquiry
76231: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - France : a Book of Photographs / with an Introduction by Richard Aldington - [Uniform Title: La France France Frankreich]
203013: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Italy : a book of photographs / with an introduction by Richard Aldington
182327: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Soft answers
247628: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - Wellington : being an account of the life & achievements of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
223724: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - D.H. Lawrence
204753: ALDINGTON, RICHARD (1892-1962) - France : La France. Frankreich. A book of photographs / with an introduction by Richard Aldington
85518: ALDISS, BRIAN (COMP. BY) - Science Fiction Art / Compiled & Introduced by Brian Aldiss
79746: ALDISS, BRIAN WILSON (1925-) , ED. - Decade, the 1950s / Edited by Brian W. Aldiss and Harry Harrison
229313: ALDISS, BRIAN WILSON (1925-) - Seasons in flight
112451: ALDISS, BRIAN WILSON (1925-) - Enemies of the System : a Tale of Homo Uniformis / Brian Aldiss.
121666: ALDISS, BRIAN WILSON (1925-) - Cities and Stones : a Traveller's Jugoslavia / [By] Brian W. Aldiss
100542: ALDISS, BRIAN W. AND HARRISON, HARRY (EDS. ) - Hell's Cartographers : Some Personal Histories of Science Fiction Writers / with Contributions by Alfred Bester ... [Et Al. ] ; Edited by Brian W. Aldiss, Harry Harrison
105085: ALDISS, BRIAN WILSON - The Shape of Further Things
219522: ALDISS, BRIAN W - Galaxies like grains of sand
74540: ALDOUS, JOHN (ED.) - Family Problem Solving : a Symposium on Theoretical, Methodological, and Substantive Concerns / Editors: Joan Aldous [et al.]
13134: ALDOUS, LESLIE - The United Nations Association Yearbook 1949-50
97162: ALDRED, CYRIL - Jewels of the Pharaohs : Egyptian Jewelry of the Dynastic Period / Cyril Aldred ; Special Photography in Cairo by Albert Shoucair
258538: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Bakunin
257928: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - A call to manhood
192447: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Rex v. Aldred : London trial, 1909, Indian sedition / Glasgow sedition trial, 1921 ; edited and compiled, with commentary and appendices by Guy A. Aldred
252269: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Bakunin
126316: ALDRED, CYRIL - Jewels of the Pharaohs : Egyptian Jewelry of the Dynastic Period / Cyril Aldred ; Special Photography in Cairo by Albert Shoucair
226793: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Letters to the Editor
279769: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Regeneracion! Organ of the United Socialist Movement, upholding and extending the Workers' Revolution in Spain, and unfurling the banner of the C.N.T.-F.A.I - vol. 1, no. 1
278982: ALDRED, GUY A - The rebel and his disciples
183774: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Rex v. Aldred : London trial, 1909, Indian sedition : Glasgow sedition trial, 1921 / edited and compiled, with commentary and appendices, by Guy A. Aldred
192704: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Rex v. Aldred : London trial, 1909, Indian sedition, Glasgow sedition trial, 1921 / edited and compiled, with commentary and appendices, by Guy A. Aldred
191593: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (ANARCHIST) (1886-1963) - Socialism and parliament : part 1. Socialism or parliament: the burning question of today
213952: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Socialism and the Pope
206963: ALDRED, GUY ALFRED (1886-1963) - Richard Carlile, agitator : his life and times
252649: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Aldrich's prose works - 3 volumes
273193: ALDRICH, RICHARD J. (RICHARD JAMES) - The hidden hand : Britain, America, and Cold War secret intelligence / Richard J. Aldrich
14736: ALDRICH, GARY - Unlimited Access - an FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House
262235: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Marjorie Daw : and other people / Thomas Bailey Aldrich
139283: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907). HAROLD M. BRETT (ILL. ) - The Story of a Bad Boy, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich; Illustrated by Harold M. Brett
76199: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Ponkapog Papers
75389: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - The Bells: a Collection of Chimes
74353: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Judith and Holofernes; a Poem
72139: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Two Bites At a Cherry, with Other Tales
64173: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Marjorie Daw, and Other People - [Contents: Marjorie Daw. --A Rivermouth Romance. --Quite So. --A Young Desperado. --Miss Mehetabel's Son. --A Struggle for Life. --The Friend of My Youth. --Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski. --Père Antoine's Date-Palm]
62818: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - The Works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Ponkapog Papers, a Sea Turn and Other Matters
55731: ALDRICH, FRED H. (FRED HAMPSON) (B.1861) - World Peace : or Principles of International Law in Their Application to Efforts for the Preservation of the Peace of the World
82142: ALDRICH, MILDRED - A Hilltop on the Marne, Being Letters Written June 3-September 8, 1914, by Mildred Aldrich
24896: ALDRICH, T. B. - Later Lyrics (Selected from Mercedes, the Sister's Tragedy, Wyndham Towers and Unguarded Gates)
152814: ALDRICH, RICHARD STODDARD - Gertrude Lawrence As Mrs. a : an Intimate Biography of the Great Star
172000: ALDRICH, ANN - We, too, must love
41271: ALDRICH, BERTHA & SNYDER, ETHEL - Florida Sea Shells
229910: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Pampinea, and other poems
182310: ALDRICH, HENRY (1647-1710). SMALRIDGE, GEORGE (1663-1719). WOODLAND, ABR. - A Reply to two Discourses [by A. Woodhead concerning the adoration of our Blessed Savior in the Holy Eucharist. BOUND WITH Smalridge's Animadversions on the eight theses ... AND Reflections on the historical part of Church-government, part V... ... also BOUND WITH (the scarce) Abr. Woodland's An answer to some considerations on the spirit of martin Luther and the original of the Reformations
139011: ALDRICH, RICHARD STODDARD - Gertrude Lawrence As Mrs. A; an Intimate Biography of the Great Star
152816: ALDRICH, RICHARD STODDARD - Gertrude Lawrence As Mrs. A; an Intimate Biography of the Great Star
19280: ALDRICH, T. B. - From Ponkapog to Pesth / Thomas Bailey Aldrich
21052: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - Ponkapog Papers
31867: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY - The Ballad of Babie Bell, and Other Poems
32112: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY - From Ponkapog to Pesth
50428: ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) - The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
86593: ALDRIDGE, ALAN - The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast / [Colour Plates By] Alan Aldridge ; with Verses by William Plomer ; and Nature Notes by Richard Fitter
86591: ALDRIDGE, ALAN - The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast / [Colour Plates By] Alan Aldridge ; with Verses by William Plomer ; and Nature Notes by Richard Fitter
86592: ALDRIDGE, ALAN - The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast / [Colour Plates By] Alan Aldridge ; with Verses by William Plomer ; and Nature Notes by Richard Fitter
265574: ALDRIDGE, JOHN - British buses before 1945 / John Aldridge
234382: ALDRIDGE, ALAN. BEATLES - The Beatles songbook : Deutsch Ausgabe
19201: ALDRIDGE, ALAN - Power, Authority and Restrictive Practices A Sociological Essay on Industrial Relations
110334: ALDRIDGE, ALAN - The Peacock Party : a Sequel to the Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast
250665: ALDRIDGE, BRIAN - The pictorial history of South Africa
133691: ALDRIDGE, ALAN - Power, Authority, and Restrictive Practices : a Sociological Essay on Industrial Relations / Alan Aldridge
73340: ALDRIDGE, JAMES (1918-?) - Signed with Their Honour
16917: ALDRIDGE, ALFRED OWEN (1915-) - Man of Reason, the Life of Thomas Paine
43850: ALDRIDGE, JAMES - Heroes of the Empty View
53469: ALDRIDGE, JOHN W. (ED. ) - Critiques and Essays on Modern Fiction, 1920-1951, Representing the Achievement of Modern American and British Critics; with a Foreword by Mark Schorer
185333: ALDRITCH, THOMAS BAILEY ; CENTURY MAGAZINE (NEW YORK) - 'Memoranda', by Thomas Bailey Aldritch [in] The Century illustrated monthly magazine : vol. LXVI New Series, vol. XLIV : May, 1903, to October, 1903
129109: ALDROVANDI, MARIO. LUIGI MINETTI - Aosta, Le Sue Valli E I Suoi Castelli : Ses Vallées Et Ses Châteaux : its Valleys and its Castles / La Raccolta E La Descrizione Delle Illustrazioni Del Presente Volume Furono Curate Dall'avvocato Mario Aldrovandi E... Luigi Minetti
146833: ALDROVANDI MARESCOTTI, L. (LUIGI) - Guerra Diplomatica; Ricordi E Frammenti Di Diario (1914-1919) Con 33 Tavole Fuori Testo
152384: ALDWINCKLE, RUSSELL FOSTER - More Than Man : a Study in Christology
243869: ALEC-TWEEDIE, MRS. ETHEL (D. 1940). HASELDEN, W. K - Women the world over : a sketch both light and gay, perchance both dull and stupid
176945: ALEC-TWEEDIE, ETHEL, MRS (-1940) - Behind the footlights
218505: ALEFIRENKO, P. K. INSTITUT ISTORII (AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR) - Krest'yanskoye dvizheniye i krest'yanskiy vopros v Rossii v 30-50-kh godakh XVII veka. [The peasant movement and the peasant question in Russia in the 30-50s of the XVII century. Language: Russian]
79520: ALEGRIA, CLARIBEL - Tunnel to Canto Grande
42212: ALEGRIA, CLARIBEL AND FLAKOLL, DARWIN J. - Ashes of Izalco : a Novel / Clairbel Alegria and Darwin J. Flakoll ; Translated by Darwin J. Flakoll
60716: ALEITH, R. C. (RICHARD C. ) - Bergsteigen : Basic Rock Climbing
171117: ALEKAR, SATISH - Collected plays of Satish Alekar : The Dread departure, Deluge, The Terrorist, Dynasts, Begum Barve, Mickey and the memsahib / with introductions by Samik Bandyopadhyay.
122065: ALEKSANDER, IGOR. PIERS BURNETT - Reinventing Man : the Robot Becomes Reality / Igor Aleksander and Piers Burnett
217351: ALEKSANDROV, A. A. (SOSTAVITEL') - Krest'yanskaya voyna pod predvoditel'stvom Yemel'yana Pugacheva v Udmurtii. Sbornik dokumentov i materialov. (Sostavitel' A. A. Aleksandrov.) [The peasant war led by Pugachev in Udmurtia. The collection of documents and materials. Language: Russian]
217643: ALEKSANDROV, G F; INSTITUT FILOSOFII (AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR) - Dialekticheskii materializm [Dialectical Materialism. Language: Russian]
216990: ALEKSEEV, A. D. - Bibliografiya I.A. Goncharova. Goncharov v pechati. Pechat' o Goncharov. (1832-1964) [Bibliography I. Goncharov. (1832-1964). Language: Russian]
217487: ALEKSEEV, MIKHAIL PAVLOVICH [ED.]; INSTITUT RUSSKOI LITERATURY (PUSHKINSKII DOM) - Pushkin : issledovaniya i materialy : trudy tret'yey Vsesoyuznoy pushkinskoy konferentsii. [Pushkin: Research and Materials: Proceedings of the Third All-Union Conference of Pushkin. Language: Russian]
218485: ALEKSEEV, A. D. - Bibliografiya I.A. Goncharova. Goncharov v pechati. Pechat' o Goncharov. (1832-1964) [Bibliography I. Goncharov. Potters in print. Print on Goncharov. (1832-1964). Language: Russian]
216369: ALEKSEEVA, M. P. - Dekabristy i ikh vremya : materialy i soobshcheniya [The Decembrists and their time: reports and correspondance. Language: Russian]
192060: ALEKSIEVA, MARGARITA (ED.) - As others see us
163321: ALEKSINSKIJ, GRIGORIJ ALEKSEEVIC (1879-1967) - La Russie Et L'Europe
85097: ALEMASOV, VIACHESLAV EVGENEVICH - Thermodynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Combustion Products = Termodinamicheskie I Teplofizicheskie Svoistva Produktov Sgoraniya : Handbook / V. P. Glushko, Editor ; Translated from Russian - Volume 1
220397: ALEPH [HARVEY, WILLIAM] - London scenes and London people
258452: ALESSANDRO, BACCARI - Saints Peter and Paul Church : the chronicles of the italian cathedral of the west : 1884-1984
165921: ALESSI, MARCO - La Spagna Dalla Monarchia Al Governo Di Franco
130776: ALESSI, MARCO - La Spagna Dalla Monarchia Al Governo Di Franco
134806: ALESSI, MARCO - La Spagna Dalla Monarchia Al Governo Di Franco
253225: ALEX, REINHARD - Schlösser und Gärten um Wörlitz / Text, Reinhard Alex ; Fotos, Peter Kühn
101928: ALEX, WILLIAM. VAUX, CALVERT (1824-1895). TATUM, GEORGE B. - Calvert Vaux : Architect and Planner / William Alex ; with an Introduction by George B. Tatum
92363: ALEXANDER, SHANA - When She Was Bad : the Story of Bess, Hortense, Sukhreet & Nancy
86876: ALEXANDER, PAUL (1955-) - Boulevard of Broken Dreams : the Life, Times, and Legend of James Dean
77865: ALEXANDER, MARC. INTRODUCTION BY COLIN WILSON - The Man Who Exorcised the Bermuda Triangle - the Reverend Donald Omand, Exorcist Extraordinary
59359: ALEXANDER, DAVID (1941-) - Financial Reporting : the Theoretical and Regulatory Framework / David Alexander
53548: ALEXANDER, HERBERT E. (ED. ) - Campaign Money : Reform and Reality in the States / Edited by Herbert E. Alexander
40895: ALEXANDER, KENNETH S. WATKINS, JOSEPH C. - Spatial Stochastic Processes : a Festschrift in Honor of Ted Harris on His Seventieth Birthday / Kenneth S. Alexander, Joseph C. Watkins, Editors
36397: ALEXANDER, KENNETH JOHN WILSON & JENKINS, C. L. - Fairfields : a Study of Industrial Change
277529: ALEXANDER, J. H. (JOHN HUSTON) - Reading Wordsworth
276591: ALEXANDER, J. J. G. (JONATHAN JAMES GRAHAM) - The decorated letter
276586: ALEXANDER, J J G - Italian Renaissance illuminations
274552: ALEXANDER, J. J. G. (JONATHAN JAMES GRAHAM) - The Italian manuscripts in the library of Major J.R. Abbey
273330: ALEXANDER, JOSEPH A - Who's who in Australia, Xth ed, 1938
271468: ALEXANDER, PETER (PETER F.) - William Plomer : a biography / Peter F. Alexander
270233: ALEXANDER, JENNIFER S - Royal arms in Lincolnshire churches / Jennifer S. Alexander & Geoffrey F. Bryant
268055: ALEXANDER, JOHN MINISTER OF PRINCE'S STREET CHAPEL, NORWICH - Memoirs of the Rev. William Alexander
264909: ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD - Advice to a young Christian : on the importance of aiming at an elevated standard of piety
261816: ALEXANDER, MRS - A crooked path - vol. 1
260013: ALEXANDER, EDGAR - Adenauer and the new Germany : the chancellor of the vanquished
259290: ALEXANDER, R. S - Bonapartism and revolutionary tradition in France : the fédérés of 1815 / R.S. Alexander
254691: ALEXANDER, DEREK W - Breaking new ground : fifty years of change in Northern Ireland agriculture 1952-2002 / Derek W. Alexander, Michael Drake
252012: ALEXANDER, MARC - A companion to the royal heritage of Britain / Marc Alexander ; illustrative work by Paul Abrahams
251808: ALEXANDER, MARC - Haunted inns / Marc Alexander ; illustrated by Sandra Biggs
231741: ALEXANDER, WILLIAM (1767-1816) - Views of 18th century China : costumes, history, customs
209973: ALEXANDER, VANESSA - Of love and war / Vanessa Alexander
209963: ALEXANDER, VANESSA - The love knot / Vanessa Alexander
201009: ALEXANDER RALEIGH, SIR WALTER; JONES, HENRY ALBERT - The war in the air : being the story of the part played in the great war by the Royal air force: Vol. I: [General history of aviation and formation of the RFC, operations 1914]
201013: ALEXANDER RALEIGH, SIR WALTER; JONES, HENRY ALBERT - The war in the air : being the story of the part played in the great war by the Royal air force: Vol. III: [East and South-West Africa, air attacks on the UK, operations on the Western Front from winter 1916 to the battle of Arras 1917]
182790: ALEXANDER, CAROLINE (1956- ) - One dry season : in the footsteps of Mary Kingsley / Caroline Alexander
180613: ALEXANDER, WILLIAM - 52 loaves : one man's relentless pursuit of truth, meaning, and a perfect crust
161918: ALEXANDER, ANDREW - The Making of the Prime Minister 1970 / [By] Andrew Alexander & Alan Watkins
161611: ALEXANDER, HARRIET SEMMES (COMP. ) - American and British Poetry : a Guide to the Criticism, 1925-1978 / Compiled by Harriet Semmes Alexander
160883: ALEXANDER, IAN WELSH (1911-) - French Literature and the Philosophy of Consciousness : Phenomenological Essays / Ian W. Alexander ; Edited by A. J. L. Busst ; with an Introduction by Georges Poulet
158235: ALEXANDER, ANN FIELD (1946-) - Race Man : the Rise and Fall of the 'Fighting Editor,' John Mitchell, Jr. / Ann Field Alexander
156786: ALEXANDER, SHANA - Nutcracker : Money, Madness, Murder : a Family Album / Shana Alexander
156710: ALEXANDER, SHANA - Nutcracker : Money, Madness, Murder : a Family Album / Shana Alexander
155542: ALEXANDER, KELLY. HARRIS, CYNTHIA - Hometown Appetites : the Story of Clementine Paddleford, the Forgotten Food Writer Who Chronicled How America Ate / Kelly Alexander and Cynthia Harris
143669: ALEXANDER, IAN W. (IAN WELSH). A. J. L. BUSST - French Literature and the Philosophy of Consciousness : Phenomenological Essays / Ian W. Alexander ; Edited by A. J. L. Busst ; with an Introduction by Georges Poulet
138615: ALEXANDER, IAN W. (IAN WELSH). A. J. L. BUSST (ED. ) - French Literature and the Philosophy of Consciousness : Phenomenological Essays / Ian W. Alexander ; Edited by A. J. L. Busst ; with an Introduction by Georges Poulet
181491: ALEXANDER, HAROLD, EARL ALEXANDER OF TUNIS - The Alexander memoirs, 1940-1945
253092: ALEXANDER, R. M. BRADLEY, CUTHBERT. MASON, FINCH. FORES'S SPORTING NOTES & SKETCHES - Fores's sporting notes & sketches : a quarterly magazine descriptive of British and foreign sport. Illustrated by Finch Mason, R.M. Alexander, and Cuthbert Bradley: in five volumes
188500: ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, SIR (1905-?) - The educational needs of democracy
252588: ALEXANDER, JAMES EDWARD SIR (1803-1885) - Narrative of a voyage of observation among the colonies of Western Africa, in the flag-ship Thalia; and of a campaign in Kaffir-Land, on the staff of the commander-in-chief: volume I
158080: ALEXANDER, DRURY BLAKELEY - Texas Homes of the Nineteenth Century / photos. by Todd Webb ; foreword by Harry H. Ransom
192946: ALEXANDER, MARCEL - Questions de pathologie criminelle
123327: ALEXANDER, THERON - Children and Adolescents, a Biocultural Approach to Psychological Development / Theron Alexander
226529: ALEXANDER, THERON - Children and adolescents: a biocultural approach to psychological development
247450: ALEXANDER, HENRY - The Scottish Mountaineering Club Guide: the Cairngorms (with panoramas by H. C Dugan, J. A Parker, and Gordon Wilson)
106882: ALEXANDER, CHARLES C. - John McGraw / Charles C. Alexander
107989: ALEXANDER, RONALD - Time out for Ginger : a Comedy in Three Acts
96048: ALEXANDER, HENRY TEMPLER (1911-) - African Tightrope; My Two Years As Nkrumah's Chief of Staff [By] H. T. Alexander
93950: ALEXANDER OF TUNIS, HAROLD RUPERT LEOFRIC GEORGE ALEXANDER, EARL - The Alexander Memoirs, 1940-1945. Edited by John North
89712: ALEXANDER OF TUNIS, HAROLD RUPERT LEOFRIC GEORGE ALEXANDER, EARL (1891-1969) - The Alexander Memoirs, 1940-1945. Edited by John North
83174: ALEXANDER, THERON (1913-) - Children and Adolescents: a Biocultural Approach to Psychological Development
148188: ALEXANDER III, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA (1845-1894) (COMP. ) - Souvenirs De Sebastopol; Recueillis Et Rediges Par S. M. I. Alexandre III, Empereur De Russie
145370: ALEXANDER, WILLIAM (1824-1911) - The Leading Ideas of the Gospels
122503: ALEXANDER, SHANA - The Pizza Connection : Lawyers, Money, Drugs, Mafia / Shana Alexander
186105: ALEXANDER, RUTH (B. 1890) - Stones, hilltops and the sea : some Jugo-Slavian impression
100038: ALEXANDER, DALE - Good Health and Common Sense, by Dale Alexander
116615: ALEXANDER, DAN DALE (1919- ) - Arthritis and Common Sense, by Dan Dale Alexander. Illustrated, with Menus
219228: ALEXANDER, MARC - A.E. Stegmann. The life and art of a remarkable artist
174491: ALEXANDER, ALBERT VICTOR - Parliament and the consumer
280973: ALEXANDER, MRS - By woman's wit
112918: ALEXANDER, LLOYD AND ABRAMS, LESTER (ILLUS. ) - The Four Donkeys / [By] Lloyd Alexander ; Illustrated by Lester Abrams
191137: ALEXANDER, NEIL - The Epistles of John / introduction and commentary by Neil Alexander
25617: ALEXANDER, EDWARD - Matthew Arnold and John Stuart Mill
36568: ALEXANDER, POPE (1431-1503) - One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succession; Or, the Crimes of Alexander Borgia
90161: ALEXANDER, EDWARD (1936-) - Matthew Arnold and John Stuart Mill
93216: ALEXANDER, ROBERT J. (ROBERT JACKSON) (1918 NOV. 26-?) - Prophets of the Revolution, Profiles of Latin American Leaders
251609: ALEXANDER, ISABEL - The story of plant life
218358: ALEXANDER, HORACE - Qu'a Gandhi a nous dire aujourd'hui?
218311: ALEXANDER, SIR HENRY; SCOTLAND. HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Report on rural housing in Scotland
242269: ALEXANDER, FRANZ (1891-1964) - Fundamentals of psychoanalysis / Franz Alexander
250447: ALEXANDRE, PHILIPPE - La dernière reine : Victoria, 1819-1901 / Philippe Alexandre, Béatrix de L'Aulnoit
164767: ALEXANDRE, MARIANNE - viva Che! Contribution in Tribute to Ernesto 'che' Guevara. Edited by Marianne Alexandre
172322: ALEXANDRE, PHILIPPE (1932-). TUBIANA, RAOUL - L' Elysee en peril, 2-30 mai 1968 / par Philippe Alexandre, avec la collaboration de Raoul Tubiana
258867: APPIANUS OF ALEXANDRIA - Appianou Alexandreos Romaïkon istorion ta sozomena = Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum historiarum quae supersunt Graece et Latine cum indicibus
206818: PHILO OF ALEXANDRIA - Philosophical writings : selections / Philo ; edited by Hans Lewy
163153: ALEXANDROV, VICTOR (1908-) - L'U. R. S. S. a L'heure 'K.' Pref. De Bernard Lavergne
133597: ALEXANDROV, VICTOR (1908-) - L'Affaire Toukhatchevsky
94178: ALEXANDROV, VICTOR (1908-?) - The Kremlin; Nerve-Centre of Russian History. Translated by Roy Monkcom
90304: ALEXANDROV, VICTOR (1908-) - The Kremlin; Nerve-Centre of Russian History. Translated by Roy Monkcom
33615: ALEXANDROV, VICTOR (1908-) - The Tukhachevsky Affair. Translated from the French by John Hewish
245020: ALEXANDROV, G. F. GORKY, MAKSIM (1868-1936) - The history of the Civil War in the U.S.S.R. Vol. 2 The great proletarian revolution (October-November 1917) / G.F. Alexandrov ... [et al.] ; edited by M. Gorky ... [et al.]
18634: ALEXANDROV, VICTOR - The Kremlin - Nerve-Centre of Russian History / Translated by Roy Monkcom
67162: ALEXANDROVA, VERA (PSEUD. ) - A History of Soviet Literature. Translated by Mirra Ginsburg
280710: ALEXEEV, MICHAEL V - Expenditures on privately rented housing and imputed rents in the USSR
280706: ALEXEEV, MICHAEL V - The second economy and the destabilizing effect of its growth on the state economy in the Soviet Union, 1965-1989
174720: ALEXEJEW, A. M. - Die Hauptrichtungen der modernen burgerlichen politischen okonomie
167437: ALEXINSKY, GREGOIRE - La Russie et l'Europe / Gregoire Alexinsky
256341: ALEXIS, WILLIBALD - Der Werwolf : vaterländischer Roman
216024: ALEXSEEVA, E. P. - Drevijaja i srednevekovaja istorija Karacaevo-Cerkesii (Drevijaja i srednevekovaja istorija Karacaevo-Cerkesii) [Ancient and Medieval History of Karachai-Cherkessia. Language: Russian]
179954: ALFARO FOURNIER, FELIX - Playing cards : general history from their creation to the present day : Fournier Museum / Felix Alfaro Fournier [ complete in 2 volumes ]
231404: ALFASI, YITSHAK - Mo ade kodesh : hage Yisra el u-mo adehem ba-toladah, ba-folklor uva-sipur / Yitshak Alfasi - Language; Hebrew
153307: ALFASSA, MAURICE (1877-1956) - L'Apres-Guerre. Le Fer Et Le Charbon Lorrains Une Des Causes Profondes De La Guerre Et Une Des Conditions Essentielles De La Victoire De La France Et De La Paix Durable, Etc. with a Map
184155: ALFF, WILHELM - Der Begriff Faschismus und andere Aufsatze zur Zeitgeschichte
248646: ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) - Œuvres dramatiques dAlfieri : traduites de l'italien: tome V
265845: ALFIERI, VITTORIO - Oeuvres dramatiques d'Alfieri trad. de l'italien. 3 (1822)
245553: ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) - Œuvres dramatiques dAlfieri : traduites de l'italien: tome I
245552: ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) - Œuvres dramatiques dAlfieri : traduites de l'italien: tome IV
245554: ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) - Œuvres dramatiques dAlfieri : traduites de l'italien: tome II
263565: ALFIERI, VITTORIO - Tragedie scelte - 2 vols
231795: ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) - Tragedie di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti - Complete in 6 volumes
231840: ALFONS CZIBULKA, FREIHERR VON - Das Abschiedskonzert ; Roman
46140: ALFONSO, FRANCESC PUIG I - Curiositats Barcelonines [Proleg De Lluis Duran I Ventosa] - [Complete in Two Volumes]
217999: ALFONSO - Meyashsher akob ('Vypryamlyayushchiy krivoye'). [Meyashsher 'Aqov ('Straightening the curved'). Language: Russian and Hebrew]
271577: ALFORD, VIOLET - Peeps at English folk-dances
128738: ALFORD, BRADLEY HURT - Old Testament History and Literature
120194: ALFORD, LEON PRATT (1877-1942) (ED. ) - Production Handbook, Edited by L. P. Alford ... and John R. Bangs ... Staff Editor, George E. Hagemann ...
265028: ALFRED TENNYSON TENNYSON, BARON - The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson ... : Complete in one volume
246218: DIECK; ALFRED - Goethe über den Faust
208691: O'RAHILLY ALFRED (1884-) - Social principles / Alfred O'Rahilly
158314: ALFREDSON, JAMES B. - Jean Hugard / James B. Alfredson
184959: ALGAZALI, AHMED - British administration and the development of Northern Nigeria, 1900-1954
273952: ALGAZE, MARIO - A respect for light : the Latin American photographs, 1974-2008 / Mario Algaze ; with a foreword by Vince Aletti
260345: ALGER, HORATIO - Wait and hope; or Ben Bradford's motto
200577: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899). FINK, RYCHARD - Ragged Dick, and Mark, the match boy / with a new introduction by Rychard Fink
278342: ALGER, HORATIO - Making his way, or, Frank Courtney's struggle upward
109270: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899) - Adrift in New York
171356: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899) - Herbert Carter's legacy, or, The inventor's son / Horatio Alger, Jr.
220547: ALGER JR., HORATIO ; A.L. BURT COMPANY - Dan the newsboy
21320: ALGER, HORATION (1832-1899). WESTGARD, GILBERT K. - Alger Street : the Poetry of Horation Alger Jr. / Arranged and Edited by Gilbert K. Westgard
76028: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899) - Frank Fowler, the Cash Boy
54732: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899) - Struggling Upward; Or, Luke Larkin's Luck
54722: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899) - The Young Acrobat of the Great North American Circus
38072: ALGER, JR. , HORATIO - Herbert Carter's Legacy, Or, the Inventor's Son
100123: ALGER, HORATIO - The Young Adventurer : Or, Tom's Trip Across the Plains
131086: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899) - Mark Mason His Trials and Triumphs
160187: ALGER, HORATIO (1832-1899) - Making His Way
33103: ALGER, JR. , HORATIO - Ralph Raymond's Heir
54734: ALGER, HORATIO JR - Tom, the Bootblack, or a Western Boy's Success
232262: ALGERMISSEN, KONRAD DR - Konfessions= Kunde
115712: ALGIE, JIMMY - Social Values : Objectives and Action / [By] Jimmy Algie
259598: ALGISI, LEONE - John the twenty-third / Leone Algisi. Translated by Peter Ryde
150285: ALGOUD, ALBERT ANDRE - Sur Le Seuil : Poemes Couronnes Par L'Academie Francaise (30 Avril 1976) , Suivis Des Soliloques D'Un Octogenaire : Poemes Et Stiques ; Et D'Une Conference Sur Charles Maurras 'Politique Et Poete' Preface D'Albert Andre Algoud (Petit-Fils De L'Auteur) ; Dessins De Philippe Algoud (Fils De L'Auteur)
63789: ALGREN, NELSON (1909-1981) - Conversations with Nelson Algren, by H. E. F. Donohue
80334: ALGREN, NELSON (1909-1981) - Who Lost an American?
89583: ALI, BEATRICE - The Good Deeds of a Good Woman : Recorded between May and September 1975
31935: ALI, TARIQ - Pakistan Military Rule or People's Power
27030: ALI, TARIQ - The Coming British Revolution
79558: ALI, MUHAMMAD (1942-?). DURHAM, RICHARD - The Greatest, My Own Story
18392: ALI, MUHAMMAD - The Religion of Islam : a Comprehensive Discussion of the Sources, Principles and Practices of Islam
166059: ALI, RAHMAT - Contribution a L'etude Du Conflit Hindou-Musulman
244543: ALI, MAULANA MUHAMMAD (1875 DEC.-1951) - A manual of Hadith / Maulana Muhammad Ali
121320: ALI, TARIQ - 1968 and after : Inside the Revolution / Tariq Ali
120460: ALI, TARIQ - 1968 and after : Inside the Revolution / Tariq Ali
223248: [FERRARA (ITALY) IMPRINT]. D. GIAMBATTISTA CRESCENZI & ALI. - Professando i voti solenni nell' insigne Monistero delle canonichesse lateranesi di S. Maria delle Grazie detto di Mortara in Ferrara la signora Maria Ludovica Tabacchi che prende i nomi di Donna Maria Elisabetta Teresa. RIME dedicate al merito sempre... ... grande dell'illustrissimo e reverendissimo Monsignore Agostino Giacco, Vicarion Generale di Ferrara
219821: MUHAMMAD ALI - Muhammad Ali : SIGNED photograph
90100: ALIBER, ROBERT Z - The International Money Game
74345: ALIBER, ROBERT Z - The International Money Game
85674: ALICEA, GIL C. AND DESENA, CARMINE - The Air Down Here, True Tales from a South Bronx Boyhood
109997: ALICOATE, JACK - The 1954 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures. 36th Annual Edition.
68001: ALICOATE, JACK (ED. ) - Film Daily Presents a Guide to Motion Picture Production, 1934
62670: ALICOATE, JACK (ED. ) - The 1948 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures
126209: ALICOATE, JACK (ED. ). FILM DAILY - Film Daily Presents its Annual Guide to Motion Picture Production [1935]
126208: ALICOATE, JACK (ED. ). FILM DAILY - The Film Daily Presents the Product Guide and Directors' Annual [1937]
49651: ALICOATE, JACK - The 1957 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures
79539: ALICOATE, CHAS A. , ED. - The 1962 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures
82132: ALICOATE, JACK - The 1954 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures
82133: ALICOATE, JACK - The 1959 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures
82134: ALICOATE, JACK - The 1958 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures
248005: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - The vision of Dante Alighieri, or, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise / translated by Henry Francis Cary; with a life of Dante, chronological view of his age, additional notes, and an index
276732: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine : Cantica I ; Hell
264978: ALIGHIERI, DANTE - La divina commedia commentata da Dino Provenzal - 3 vols
264712: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - La divina commedia. Vol.2 Purgatorio / con il commento di Tommaso Casini
246301: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - Inferno: Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Edited and with a preface by Matthew Pearl - Introduction by Lino Pertile
246286: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - La divina commedia : questioni temi ricerche. Paradiso / Dante Alighieri ; a cura di Pietro Cataldi e Ennio Abat
246288: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - La Divina commedia. Purgatorio / Dante Alighieri: Questioni Temi Ricerche
246278: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - La divina commedia : questioni termi ricerche. Inferno / Dante Alighieri ; a cura di Pietro Cataldi e Ennio Abate
246206: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - Hell / Dante Alighieri ; translated, annotated, and introduced by Steve Ellis
246090: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - Dante's Purgatory / translated with notes and commentary by Mark Musa ; illustrated by Richard M. Powers
263879: ALIGHIERI, DANTE - La Divina Commedia. Commentata da Fausto Montanari - 3 vols
246043: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - The Paradise of Dante Alighieri / edited with translation and notes by Authur John Butler
109681: DANTE ALIGHIERI - Purgatory and Paradise / Translated from the Original of Dante Alighieri, by Henry Francis Cary, and Illustrated by Gustave Dore
246040: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - A vision of Hell : the Inferno of Dante / translated into English tierce rhyme, with an introductory essay on Dante and his translatorsby Charles Tomlinson, F.R.S
246074: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - The vision, or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, of Dante Alighieri / translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary A.M. A new edition, corrected
246048: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-132) - The vision : or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise of Dante Alighieri / translated by Henry Francis Cary ; with 109 illustrations by John Flaxman
246051: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - The vision of Dante Alighieri, or, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise / translated by Henry Francis Cary; with a life of Dante, chronological view of his age, additional notes, and an index
262014: ALIGHIERI, DANTE - The comedia and canzoniere
115445: ALIGHIERI, DANTE - Dante ... with a Critical and Biographical Introduction by Alice Meynell
263702: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - La Divine comédie de Dante Alighieri / traduite par André Pératé
245960: ALIGHIERI, DANTE - Le Opere di Dante Alighieri: A Cura del Dr. E. Moore, nuovamente rivedute nel testo dal Dr. Paget Toynbee
197519: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - The vision, or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise of Dante Alighieri / translated by Henry Francis Cary
204928: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - Dante's Divine Comedy : 15th century manuscript / commentaries on the miniatures by Sergio Samek-Ludovici ; narration by Nino Ravenna
250959: DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321). - La vita nuova e il canzoniere di Dante Allighieri / commentati da G.-B. Giuliani
246205: ALIGIERI, DANTE - Commedia
258125: ALIMENTI, DANTE - Padre pio
258124: ALIMENTI, DANTE - Storia dell'Anno Santo = History of the Holy Year = Geschichte des Heiligen Jahres
108955: ALINDER, JAMES - Picture America / Jim Alinder, Photographs ; Wright Morris, Words ; Ansel Adams, Introduction
97923: ALINE, COUNTESS OF ROMANONES (1923-?) - The Spy Went Dancing
258471: ALINGTON, CYRIL (1872-1955) - Ten crowded hours
179516: ALINGTON, CYRIL (1872-1955) - Twenty years : being a study in the development of the party system between 1815 & 1835
192903: ALINGTON, CYRIL (1872-1955) - God and my neighbour
145427: ALINGTON, CYRIL (1872-1955) - Twenty Years; Being a Study in the Development of the Party System between 1815 and 1835, by Cyril Alington
238754: ALINGTON, CYRIL (1872-1955) - A dean's apology: a semi-religious autobiography / foreword, [by] Alwyn [T.P. Williams, Bp. of] Dunelm
275453: ALISON, JANE - Native nations : journeys in American photography / edited and introduced by Jane Alison
263535: ALISON, ARCHIBALD SIR - History of Europe from the commencement of the French revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815 - vol. V
120648: ALISON, ARCHIBALD, SIR (1792-1867) - Essays Political, Historical, and Miscellaneous
149581: ALISON, ALEXANDER - The Future ; Or, the Science of Politics
129401: ALISON, ALEXANDER - The Improvement of Society and Public Opinion
263806: ALISON, KING - Golden wings : the story of some of the women ferry pilots of the Air Transport Auxiliary
178869: ALISON, ARCHIBALD, SIR (1792-1867) - England in 1815 and 1845 : or, A sufficient and a contracted currency
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