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129743: CAILLARD, VINCENT HENRY PENALVER, SIR (1856-) - Imperial Fiscal Reform
129547: CAILLARD, VINCENT HENRY PENALVER - Imperial Fiscal Reform
195061: CAILLARD, VINCENT HENRY PENALVER, SIR (1856- ) - Imperial fiscal reform
243289: CAILLAUX, JOSEPH - Mes mémoires: II: Mes audaces, Agadir : (1909-1912)
243290: CAILLAUX, JOSEPH - Mes Mémoires / III, Clairvoyance et force d'âme dans les épreuves. (1912-1930)
244289: CAILLAUX, JOSEPH - Mes mémoires : I. Ma jeunesse orgueilleuse. (1863-1909)
213305: CAILLET, ALBERT LOUIS (1869-1928) - Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes [Complete in 3 vols]
202242: CAILLIET, EMILE (1894-?) - The clue to Pascal
169517: CAILLIET, EMILE (1894-1981) - The clue to Pascal
167179: CAILLIET, EMILE, (1894-) - The clue to Pascal
144164: CAILLON, LOUIS - Guide Du Malade a Vichy /louis Caillon
114209: CAILLOU, ALAN (1914-) - Bichu, the Jaguar, by Alan Caillou. Illus. by Alex Tsao
161385: CAILLOU, ALAN (1914-) - The Walls of Jolo
80436: CAIN, CHARLES WILLIAM (1922-?) & JERRAM, MICHAEL F (JOINT AUTHORS) - Fighters of World War II
48804: CAIN, ALBERT C. - Survivors of Suicide. Edited by Albert C. Cain. with a Foreword by Edwin S. Shneidman
23942: CAIN, ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER - The Forgotten Air Force : French Air Doctrine in the 1930s / Anthony Christopher Cain
236919: CAIN, JULIEN (1887-1974) - Trois essais sur Paul Valéry / Lucienne Julien Cain
226327: CAIN, JAMES M. - The postman always rings twice
219620: CAIN, JACKSON - Hellbreak Country
220012: CAIN, ALEXANDER M; UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT THE MEDICAL CENTER. LIBRARY OF THE HEALTH SCIENCES - A catalog of the percival bailey collection of neurology & psychiatry
215012: CAIN, JAMES M. (JAMES MALLAHAN) (1892-1977). HAMUTH, WILLIAM (ILLUS.) - The baby in the icebox and other short fiction / James M. Cain ; edited by Roy Hoopes ; illustrated by Will Harmuth.
260430: CAIN, JAMES. M - Serenade
56244: CAIN, GEORGES (1856-1919) - Promenades Dans Paris
78409: CAIN, JAMES MALLAHAN (1892-1977) - The Moth
92607: CAINE, MICHAEL - Michael Caine's Moving Picture Show / Michael Caine
220873: CAINE, HALL - The eternal city a story of modern Rome illustrated with scenes from the Photoplay a first national picture
220742: CAINE, HALL - The prodigal son
215168: CAINE, HALL, SIR (1853-1931) - The deemster
278161: CAINE, WILLIAM (1873-1925) - Fish, fishing & fishermen
220760: CAINE, HALL - The Christian : a story
117228: CAINE, HALL, SIR (1853-1931) - The Prodigal Son, by Hall Caine
113758: CAINE, HALL, SIR (1853-1931) - The Woman of Knockaloe : a Parable
40724: CAINE, HALL - The Prodigal Son
175137: CAINE, HALL, SIR (1853-1931) - The eternal city
139797: CAINE, SYDNEY, SIR - The History of the Foundation of the London School of Economics and Political Science
218277: CAINE, HALL - The works of Hall Caine [complete in 10 volumes]
276963: CAIRD, JOHN, (1820-1898) - University addresses : being addresses on subjects of academic study delivered to the University of Glasgow
142176: CAIRD, ROD - A Good and Useful Life; Imprisonment in Britain Today
158928: CAIRD, EDWARD (1835-1908) - The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte
272907: CAIRD, JOHN (1820-1898) - University sermons : preached before the University of Glasgow, 1873-1898
201601: CAIRD, JAMES, SIR (1816-1892) - The landed interest and the supply of food
105110: CAIRD, JANET - The Loch
209389: GOUVERNORAT DU CAIRE - Rapport detaille sur les travaux du comite des colonies de vacances en 1932
259176: CAIRNCROSS, A. S. (ANDREW SCOTT) - Fact and fiction : selected and edited
16576: CAIRNCROSS, ALEC, SIR. MOHINDER PURI - Employment, Income Distribution and Development Strategy : Problems of the Developing Countries : Essays in Honour of H. W. Singer / Edited by Alec Cairncross and Mohinder Puri
132645: CAIRNES, JOHN ELLIOTT (1823-1875) - Political Essays
195047: CAIRNES, JOHN ELLIOTT (1823-1875) - The slave power : its character, career and possible designs ; being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contest
132146: CAIRNES, JOHN ELLIOTT (1823-1875) - Political Essays
47560: CAIRNS, HELEN S. AND CAIRNS, CHARLES E. - Psycholinguistics, a Cognitive View of Language
141262: CAIRNS, JOHN ARTHUR ROBERT - The Loom of the Law : the Experiences and Reflections of a Metropolitan Magistrate. / John Arthur Robert Cairns
183405: CAIRNS, JULIA - How I became a journalist
44561: CAIRNS, HUNTINGTON (1904-) - Law and the Social Sciences, by Huntington Cairns; Foreword by Roscoe Pound
177878: CAIRNS, DAVID (1904- ) - A gospel without myth? : Bultmann's challenge to the preacher / David Cairns
127821: CAIRNS, D. S. (DAVID SMITH) (1862-1946) - The Faith That Rebels
55726: CALABRELLA, E. C. DE, BARONESS (ED. ) - Evenings At Haddon Hall; a Series of Romantic Tales of the Olden Time. with Illustrations by George Cattermole
244128: CALABRELLA, E. C. DE BARONESS FL. (1840-1850) [AUTHOR]. CATTERMOLE, GEORGE [ILLUSTRATOR] - Evenings at Haddon Hall / edited by the Baroness de Calabrella ; with illustrations, from designs by George Cattermole
242294: CALABRESE, EDWARD JAMES (1946-) - Methodological approaches to deriving environmental and occupational health standards / Edward J. Calabrese
248546: CALAMY, EDMUND. PALMER, SAMUEL - The Nonconformist's Memorial: being an account of the lives, sufferings, and printed works, of the two thousand ministers ejected from the Church of England, chiefly by the Act of Uniformity, Aug. 24, 1666: volume II
254143: CALAMY, EDMUND (1671-1732). PALMER, SAMUEL (1741-1813) - The nonconformist's memorial : being an account of the lives, sufferings, and printed works, of the two thousand ministers ejected from the Church of England, chiefly by the Act of uniformity, Aug. 24, 1666 / Originally written by Edmund Calamy. Abridged, corrected, and methodized, with many additional anecdotes and several new lives by Samuel Palmer: two volumes (vol. I & III)
253676: CALANDRI, FILIPPO - Aritmetica : secondo la lezione del Codice 2669 (sec. XV) della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze / a cura e con introduzione di Gino Arrighi
154596: CALAPRICE, ALICE - The Einstein Almanac
7466: DE CALATCHI, ROBERT - Oriental Carpets
240532: CALATRAVA, SANTIAGO (1951-); SHARP, DENNIS, EDITOR - Santiago Calatrava / edited by Dennis Sharp
175499: CALCAGNO, GUIDO - Biblioteche scolastiche
166263: UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA - History of Police Organisation in India and Indian Village Police. Being Select Chapters of the Report of the Indian Police Commission, 1902-03
110431: CALDARA, ANNA MARIA - How Birds Fly and Other Marvels of the Animal World
234393: CALDAS, THOMAS FEITO. SCHLEICHER, CLEMENS - Worterbuch Irisch-Deutsch : mit einem deutsch-irischen Wortindex
80438: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886) & ENGEN, RODNEY K - Randolph Caldecott, Lord of the Nursery
271856: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886) - The Panjandrum picture book : containing Come lasses and lads, Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross, and A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare, Mrs. Mary Blaize, The great Panjandrum himself
241379: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886). ENGEN, RODNEY K - Randolph Caldecott : Lord of the nursey / [text by] Rodney K. Engen
209002: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH, 1846-1886 ; MANCHESTER CITY ART GALLERY - Randolph Caldecott, 1846-1886 : a Christmas exhibition of the work of the Victorian book illustrator : Manchester City Art Gallery, 13th December, 1977-28th January, 1978
276650: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886). EVANS, EDMUND (1826-1905) - The complete collection of pictures & songs by Randolph Caldecott: engraved and printed by Edmund Evans with a preface by Austin Dobson
223320: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886) - Randolph Caldecott's last 'Graphic' pictures
227877: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886) - Randolph Caldecott's Sketches. With an introduction by Henry Blackburn
240255: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH - More 'Graphic' Pictures
240654: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886) - R. Caldecott's picture book. No. 4. Illustrated in colour and black and white
168995: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886) - Gleanings from the 'Graphic'
223322: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (1846-1886) - More 'Graphic' pictures
89052: CALDER, JENNI - RELATED NAME: DAICHES, DAVID - Women and Marriage in Victorian Fiction
76412: CALDER, NIGEL - The Comet is Coming! : the Feverish Legacy of Mr. Halley
48969: CALDER, NIGEL - The Comet is Coming! - the Feverish Legacy of Mr Halley
266750: CALDER, JENNI - The Victorian and Edwardian home from old photographs / [compiled by] Jenni Calder
258553: CALDER-MARSHALL, ARTHUR - Writing in revolt : theory & examples
158280: CALDER, LENDOL GLEN - Financing the American Dream : a Cultural History of Consumer Credit / Lendol Calder
158256: CALDER, ALEX (ED). LAMB, JONATHAN (ED.). ORR, BRIDGET (ED.) - Voyages and beaches : Pacific encounters, 1769-1840 / edited by Alex Calder, Jonathan Lamb, and Bridget Orr
156809: CALDER-MARSHALL, ARTHUR (1908-) - Arthur Calder-Marshall's Lewd, Blasphemous & Obscene : Being the Trials and Tribulations of Sundry Founding Fathers of Today's Alternative Societies
122943: CALDER-MARSHALL, ARTHUR (1908-). ROTHA, PAUL (1907-). WRIGHT, BASIL - The Innocent Eye, the Life of Robert J. Flaherty. Based on Research Material by Paul Rotha and Basil Wright
187047: CALDER, NIGEL (1931-) - The environment game
101594: CALDER, NIGEL (1931-) - The English Channel
45619: CALDER, ALEXANDER (1898-1976) - Calder : Autobiographie / Traduction De Jean Davidson
98936: CALDER, RITCHIE - Men Against the Desert / Ritchie Calder ; Illustrations by Raymond S. Kleboe
187379: CALDER, RALPH F. G. (ED.) - To introduce the family
185288: CALDER, JOHN - Capital's duty to the wage-earner : a manual of principles and practice on handling the human factors in industry
230187: CALDER, CHARLES CUMMING - List of species and Genera of Indian Phanerogams not included in Sir J.D. Hooker's Flora of British India [1872-1897] : (arranged in alphabetical order, 1906-1924.)
90954: CALDER, RITCHIE - Men Against the Desert / Ritchie Calder ; Illustrations by Raymond S. Kleboe
32894: CALDER, RITCHIE - Men Against the Desert
53337: CALDER-MARSHALL, ARTHUR (1908-) - The Book Front
96106: CALDER, RITCHIE (1906-1982) - Agony of the Congo
277732: CALDER, JENNI - The Victorian home
255189: CALDERA, RAFAEL (1916-2009) - Andrés Bello : philosopher, poet, philologist, educator, legislator, statesman
188002: CALDERA, RAFAEL (1916-2009) - Especificidad de la democracia cristiana / Rafael Caldera
176813: CALDERARA, ATTILIO - Nell'azzurro : l'aeronautica dalle sue origini leggendarie ai giorni nostri
243339: CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA, FRANCES ERSKINE (INGLIS) MARCHIONESS (1804?-1882). PRESCOTT, WILLIAM HICKLING CON. (1796-1859) - Life in Mexico : during a residence of two years in that country
40963: CALDERONE, MARY STEICHEN. GOLDMAN, PHYLLIS. GOLDMAN, ROBERT P. - Release from Sexual Tensions : Toward an Understanding of Their Causes and Effects in Marriage, by Mary Steichen Calderone and Phyllis and Robert P. Goldman. Foreword by Robert W. Laidlaw
81004: CALDERWOOD, MICHAEL - Mexico, a Higher Vision : an Aerial Journey from Past to Present / Carlos Fuentes, Introduction ; Michael Calderwood, Aerial Photography ; Michael Calderwood, Gabriel Brena, Text
162004: CALDERWOOD, HENRY (1830-1897) - The Relations of Mind and Brain : by Henry Calderwood
74580: CALDICOTT, HELEN - Missile Envy : the Arms Race and Nuclear War
22742: CALDICOTT, HELEN - Missile Envy : the Arms Race and Nuclear War / Helen Caldicott
98089: CALDWELL, EARL - Black American Witness : Reports from the Front
258861: CALDWELL, TAYLOR (1900-1985) - A prologue to love
258862: CALDWELL, TAYLOR (1900-1985) - Let love come last
214210: CALDWELL, ERSKINE (1903-1987) - Short stories. Selections
137744: CALDWELL, JOHN CHARLES - African Rural-Urban Migration; the Movement to Ghana's Towns
114484: CALDWELL, LOUIS O. LEONARDO M. FERGUSON (ILL. ) - A Birthday Remembrance / Louis O. Caldwell ; Drawings by Leonardo M. Ferguson
5663: CALDWELL, ERSKINE (1903-1987) - Call it Experience; His Autobiography - [Foreword by Erik Bledsoe]
152195: CALDWELL, JOHN COPE (1913-) - Communism in Our World / with a Foreward by Harry D. Gideonse
98237: CALDWELL, ERSKINE - All-Out on the Road to Smolensk
200587: CALDWELL, TAYLOR (1900-1985) - This Side of Innocence
12122: CALDWELL MOORE, EDWARD - West and East. The Expansion of Christendom and the Naturalization of Christianity in the Orient in the Xixth Century. Being the Dale Lectures, Oxford, 1913
117585: CALDWELL, JEAN AND VEBLEN, CHRISTINE (ILLUS. ) - Granny is a Square, by Jean Caldwell, Decorations by Christine Veblen
220214: CALDWELL, CHARLES (1772-1853) - A discourse on the genius and character of the Rev. Horace Holley, LL.D. : late president of Transylvania University
159869: CALDWELL, JOHN COPE (1913- ) - Still the Rice Grows Green; Asia in the Aftermath of Geneva and Panmunjom
163245: CALDWELL, TAYLOR (1900-1985) - Melissa
8374: CALDWELL, ERSKINE (1903-1987) - Jackpot : Collected Short Stories
205562: CALDWELL, ERSKINE (1903-1987) - God's little acre
30095: CALECA, ANTONINO. DECO GIOSEFFI. GIAN LORENZO MELLINI. LICIA RAGGHIANTI COLLOBI - British Museum, London. [Texts by Antonino Caleca and Others]
111923: CALECA, ANTONINO. GIORGIO FAGGIN. ROBERTO SALVINI [ET AL. ] - Masterpieces of the World's Great Museums
171097: CALHOON, KENNETH SCOTT - Peripheral visions : the hidden stages of Weimar cinema / edited by Kenneth S. Calhoon
158294: CALHOON, KENNETH SCOTT (1956- ) - Fatherland : Novalis, Freud, and the Discipline of Romance / Kenneth S. Calhoon
74884: CALHOUN, DANIEL HOVEY - The Intelligence of a People
66864: CALHOUN, MARY - Hot-Air Henry
169761: CALHOUN, MARY - Medicine show : conning people and making them like it
187432: CALHOUN, ARTHUR W. (ARTHUR WALLACE), (1885-1979) - The worker looks at government
122043: CALHOUN, DANIEL HOVEY - Professional Lives in America : Structure and Aspiration, 1750-1850
109496: CALHOUN, BLUE - The Pastoral Vision of William Morris : the Earthly Paradise
191902: CALHOUN, REV. GEORGE - Rev. William Levy
108725: CALHOUN, MARY - Medicine Show : Conning People and Making Them like It
159142: CALHOUN, S. F. - Fifteen Years in the Church of Rome
269156: CALI, FRANÇOIS - L'ordre ogival : essai sur l'architecture gothique / [par] François Cali. Photos de Serge Moulinier
180652: CALIA, CHARLES LAIRD - The stargazing year : a backyard astronomer's journey through the seasons of the night sky
155996: CALIA, CHARLES LAIRD - The stargazing year : a backyard astronomer's journey through the seasons of the night sky
75716: CALICE, RUDOLF, GRAF - Drei Tausendjahrige Stadte: Rothenburg, Dinkelsbuhl, Nordlingen
84825: CALIFANO, JOSEPH A. - Governing America : an Insider's Report from the White House and the Cabinet / Joseph A. Califano, Jr
64134: CALIFANO, JOSEPH A. (1931-) - Radical Surgery : What's Next for America's Health Care / Joseph A. Califano, Jr
53273: CALIFANO, JOSEPH A. (1931-) - Governing America : an Insider's Report from the White House and the Cabinet / Joseph A. Califano, Jr
66023: CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA - What is Scientology? : Based on the Works of L. Ron Hubbard / [Compiled by Staff of the Church of Scientology of California ; Edited by the LRH Personal Secretary Office ; Color Photography by L. Ron Hubbard]
30545: ASIAN WOMEN UNITED OF CALIFORNIA - Making Waves - an Anthology of Writings by and about Asian American Women
137418: CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE / DAVID PERKINS & NORMAN TANIS (COMPS. ) - Native Americans of North America : a Bibliography Based on Collections in the Libraries of California State University, Northridge / Compiled by David Perkins and Norman Tanis
105600: FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT OF THE WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - Death Valley : a Guide / Written and Compiled by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration of Northern California ; Sponsored by the Bret Harte Associates
228385: THE HUNTINGTON LIBRARY. SAN MARINO. CALIFORNIA - The Huntington art collection
129286: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - California Museum of Photography
157724: AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - The Mother Lode of California
167254: CALIFORNIA. LEGISLATURE. JOINT FACT-FINDING COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES IN CALIFORNIA - Report / Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities in California
166063: CALINO, CESARE (1670-1749) - Trattenimento Istorico, Teologico, E Scritturale Sopra I Santi Vangeli : in Cui Si Espone La Divinita, E Incarnazione, E Vita, E Morte, E Risurrezione Di Nostro Signor Gesu Cristo. / Opera Di Cesare Calino Della Compagnia Di Gesu
142041: CALIPPE, CHARLES - L'Attitude Sociale Des Catholiques Francais Au Xixe Siecle : Les Premiers Essais De Synthese; Lettre Du Albert De Mun / Charles Calippe
75129: CALISHER, HORTENSE - Herself
74756: CALISHER, HORTENSE - Herself
29670: CALISHER, HORTENSE - Herself
82650: CALKINS, CARROLL C. - Gardening with Water, Plantings and Stone / Carroll Calkins ; Illustrated by Maurice Wrangell
79820: CALKINS, CARROLL C - Gardening with Water, Plantings and Stone / Carroll Calkins ; Illustrated by Maurice Wrangell
185555: CALKINS, DICK, LT. - Skyroads with Clipper Williams of the flying legion / story by Lt. Dick Calkins ; pictures by Russell Keaton - based on the famous newspaper strip
76360: CALKINS, HARVEY REEVES - The Centenary At the Old First
11316: CALKINS, ROBERT G. - Monuments of Medieval Art
185573: CALKINS, DICK, LT. ; NOLAN, PHILIP (ILLUS.) - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century A. D.
32845: CALKINS, RAYMOND - The Modern Message of the Minor Prophets
52580: CALKINS, MARY WHITON - The Persistent Problems of Philosophy
85605: CALKINS, ROBERT G. - Programs of Medieval Illumination / Robert G. Calkins
86893: CALKINS, EARNEST ELMO - The Business of Advertising
93665: CALKINS, CLINCH - Spy Overhead, the Story of Industrial Espionage
95324: CALLAGHAN, JAMES (1912-) - A House Divided : the Dilemma of Northern Ireland
89386: O'CALLAGHAN, SEAN - The Yellow Slave Trade: a Survey of the Traffic in Women and Children in the East
271981: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY (1903-1990) - A fine and private place : a novel
239828: CALLAGHAN, JOHN (1938-) - Yorkshire's pride : 150 years of county cricket / John Callaghan
208476: CALLAGHAN, JOHN (1938-?) - Yorkshire's pride : 150 years of county cricket / John Callaghan
220963: O'CALLAGHAN, JOHN CORNELIUS (1805-1883) - The green book, or, gleanings from the writing-desk of a literary agitator
225333: O'CALLAGHAN, SEAN. GOERTZ, HERMANN - The Jackboot in Ireland. [An account of the exploits of Hermann Goertz in Ireland during the second world war]
101164: O'CALLAGHAN, SEAN - The Yellow Slave Trade: a Survey of the Traffic in Women and Children in the East
126986: O'CALLAGHAN, SHEILA MARY - Cinderella of Europe; Spain Explained
188414: CALLAHAM, LUDMILLA IGNATIEV - Russian-English technical and chemical dictionary
83322: CALLAHAN, HARRY M. - Harry Callahan, Color, 1941-1980 / Edited by Robert Tow and Ricker Winsor ; Foreword by Jonathan Williams ; Afterword by A. D. Coleman
50460: CALLAHAN, DAVID - Between Two Worlds - Realism, Idealism, and American Foreign Policy after the Cold War
45235: CALLAHAN, HARRY M. - Harry Callahan, Color, 1941-1980 / Edited by Robert Tow and Ricker Winsor ; Foreword by Jonathan Williams ; Afterword by A. D. Coleman
61715: CALLAHAN, NORTH - Henry Knox, General Washington's General
112066: CALLAHAN, HARRY M. - Water's Edge / Harry Callahan ; with an Introductory Poem by A. R. Ammons and an Afterword by Harry Callahan.
94576: CALLAN, MICHAEL FEENEY - Sean Connery / Michael Feeney Callan
255516: CALLANAN, F - The Literary and Historical Society, 1955-2005 / edited by Frank Callanan
36577: CALLAWAY, GODFREY CALLAWAY, GODFREY (1865/6-1942) - Sketches of Kafir Life. with Pref. by Alan G. S. Gibson
93885: CALLAWAY, GODFREY - Godfrey Callaway, Missionary in Kaffraria, 1892-1942, His Life and Writings, Edited by E. D. Sedding, S. S. J.E
33903: CALLAWAY, GODFREY (1865 OR 6-1942) - Godfrey Callaway, Missionary in Kaffraria, 1892-1942, His Life and Writings, Edited by E. D. Sedding, S. S. J. E.
262824: CALLBECK, LORNE CLAYTON - The cradle of Confederation : a brief history of Prince Edward Island from its discovery in 1534 to the present time / Lorne C. Callbeck
131600: CALLENDER, CHARLES (1928-) & EL GUINDI, FADWA - Life-Crisis Rituals Among the Kenuz
6812: CALLENDER, L. - The Windmill: Stories, Essays, Poems & Pictures by Authors & Artists Whose Works Are Published At the Sign of the Windmill
29492: CALLENDER, GEOFFREY ARTHUR ROMAINE - Sea Kings of Britain : Hawkins to Blake
52470: CALLENDER, CALRENCE N. - American Courts, Their Organization and Procedure
202236: CALLENDER, GEOFFREY ARTHUR ROMAINE, SIR, (1875-1946) - In aid of the 'Save the 'Victory'' fund : loan exhibition of Nelson relics : catalogue / with a foreword by Professor Geoffrey Callender, M.A., F.S.A.
8007: CALLERY, BERNADETTE G & ELIZABETH A. MOSIMAN, EDS. - The Tradition of Fine Bookbinding in the Twentieth Century - Catalogue of an Exhibition 12 November 1979 to 15 February 1980... . ..compiled by Bernadette G. Callery & Elizabeth A. Mosimann ; Essays by Jean Gunner, Bernard Middleton & Marianne Titcombe
277211: CALLERY, BERNADETTE G - The tradition of fine bookbinding in the twentieth century : catalogue of an exhibition, 12 November 1979 to 15 February 1980 / compiled by Bernadette G. Callery & Elizabeth A. Mosimann ; essays by Jean Gunner, Bernard Middleton & Marianne Titcombe
245853: CALLERY, EMMA - The complete calligrapher : a comprehensive guide from basic techniques to inspirational alphabets / Emma Callery
145321: CALLET, PIERRE AUGUSTE (1812-1883) - Les Origines De La Troisieme Republique : Etude Et Documents Historiques / P. A. Callet ; Edited by Charles Callet
128884: CALLET, AUGUSTE - Les Origines De La Troisieme Republique; Etudes Et Documents Historiques
261212: CALLIER, M. A - La Cour Permanente D'Arbitrage de La Haye: discours prononcé par M. A. Callier
227402: CALLIER, OSKAR - Dictionnaire de poche français-polanais et polonais-français
275172: CALLIMACHUS. ERNESTI, JOHANN AUGUST (1707-1781) [EDITOR] - Callimachi Hymni, Epigrammata et Fragmenta : cum notis integris H. Stephani, B. Vulcanii, Annae Fabri, Th. Graevii, R. Bentleji; quibus accedunt Ezechielis Spanhemii Commentarius, & notae nunc primum editae Tiberii Hemsterhusii & Davidis Ruhnkenii / Textum ad MSS. fidem recensuit, Latine vertit, atque notas suas adjecit J. Augustus Ernesti: in two volumes
244150: CALLINICOS, LULI - Gold and workers: (1886-1924): a people's history of South Africa: Volume 1
207146: CALLINICOS, ALEX (1950-) - Is there a future for Marxism? / Alex Callinicos
220147: CALLIS, ROBERT, FL. 1634 - The Reading of That Famous and Learned Gentleman, Robert Callis, esq.; Sergeant at Law, Upon the Statute of H. 8. Cap. 5. of Sewers: As it was delivered by him at Grays-Inn, in August, 1622
273599: CALLMANN, ELLEN - Apollonio di Giovanni
143697: CALLOT, JEAN PIERRE [PSEUD: JEAN PIERRE ALEM] - Enfantin, Le Prophete Aux Sept Visages / Jean-Pierre Alem [I. E. J. P. Callot]
98592: CALLOW, CLIVE (1938-?) - Power from the Sea; the Search for North Sea Oil and Gas
92243: CALLOW, CLIVE (1938-) - Power from the Sea; the Search for North Sea Oil and Gas
267291: CALLOW, WILLIAM (1812-1908) - William Callow, R.W.S., F.R.G.S. : an autobiography / edited by H. M. Cundall
247354: CALLOW, SIMON - Being an actor / Simon Callow
240995: CALLOW, PHILIP (1924-) - Chekhov : the hidden ground : a biography
257591: CALLOW, WILLIAM (1812-1908) - William Callow : an autobiography / edited by H.M. Cundall
227882: CALLOW, WILLIAM (1812-1908) - William Callow, R. W. S., F. R. G. S. : an autobiography
54891: CALLOWAY, CAB (1907-1994) ROLLINS, BRYANT (1937-) - Of Minnie the Moocher & Me / Cab Calloway and Bryant Rollins ; with Ill. Selected and Edited by John Shearer
246651: CALLOWAY, STEPHEN - English prints for the collector / Stephen Calloway
189938: CALLOWAY, STEPHEN ; HAMPTON & SONS - The Victorian catalogue of household furnishings / introduction by Stephen Calloway
237056: CALLU, FLORENCE. BLÉCHET, FRANÇOISE. BRUNET, MICHEL. BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE (FRANCE) - Roger Martin du Gard / [exposition organisée à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de Roger Martin du Gard et Tenue à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris ; Notices du catalogue rédigés par Florence Callu, Françoise Bléchet, Michel Brunet.]
129268: CALLU, FLORENCE & GRAVEREAU, SIMONE - Andre Gide / Exhibition Catalog by F. Callu and S. Gravereau
274640: CALLWELL, J. M. (JOSEPHINE M.) - The squire's grandson : a Devonshire story
30721: CALLWOOD, JUNE - Emma
163602: CALLWOOD, JUNE - Emma / June Callwood
276296: CALMAN, ERASMUS SCOTT - Some of the errors of modern Judaism, contrasted with the word of God
257184: CALMAN, ALVIN. R - Xerox: Ledru-Rolland apres 1948 et les proscrits francais en Angleterre
221368: CALMANN, CHARLES JEFFREY - The Mormon Tabernacle Choir / text by Charles Jeffrey Calman ; col. photography by William I. Kaufman
140541: CALMELS, NORBERT - Richelieu (Abbe General)
257114: CALMET, AUGUSTIN - Commentaire litteral sur tous les livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament ; Dissertations qui Peuvent Servir de Prolégomenes de L'Ecriture Sainte: in six volumes
166682: CALMETTES, PIERRE (1873-) - La Grande Passion D'Anatole France / Avec 65 Illustrations, Tableaux Et Dessins De Pierre Calmettes, Photographies De Henri Malorey
103672: CALMOUR, ALFRED C. (ALFRED CECIL) AND CRANE, WALTER (ILLUS. ) - Rumbo Rhymes; Or, the Great Combine: a Satire; Written by Alfred C. Calmour, Rendered Into Pictures by Walter Crane
254787: CALNEK, W.A - History of the county of Annapolis
141529: CALOGERO, GUIDO - IL Metodo Dell'economia E IL Marxismo. Introduzione Alla Lettura Di Marx
255291: CALOGERO, GIUSEPPE - Il pensiero filosofico di Giuseppe Mazzini / Giuseppe Calogero
52429: CALOGEROPOULOS-STRATIS, S. - La Grece Et Les Nations Unies
243917: CALONNE, M. DE - De L'État de La France, présent et a venir: seconde partie
129294: CALONNE BEAUFAICT, ADOLPHE DE - Etudes Bakango : Notes De Sociologie Coloniale / A. De Calonne Beaufaict
251417: CALPIN, GEORGE HAROLD - There are no South Africans
134928: CALPIN, GEORGE HAROLD - There Are No South Africans, by G. H. Calpin
267491: CALTHROP, DION CLAYTON (1878-1937) - English costume / painted & described by Dion Clayton Calthrop
240909: CALTHROP, DION CLAYTON (1878-1937) - The charm of gardens
72573: CALTHROP, DION CLAYTON (1878-1937) - English Costume. Illustrated by the Author.
85795: CALVER, GILES - Retail Graphics / Giles Calver
23897: CALVERT, PETER AND CALVERT, SUSAN - The South, the North, and the Environment / Peter and Susan Calvert
159226: CALVERT, ERIC ROY (1898? -1933) - Capital Punishment in the Twentieth Century / with a Pref. by Lord Buckmaster
56102: CALVERT, MICHAEL (1913-) - A Dictionary of Battles 1816-1976 / Michael Calvert, with Peter Young
64072: CALVERT, ROBERT (1889-1969) - Patent Practice & Management for Inventors and Executives; with Foreword by Alan N. Mann
219934: CALVERT, ERIC ROY (1898?-1933). NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE ABOLITION OF THE DEATH PENALTY (GREAT BRITAIN) - Notes on the punishment of death. [series of 10 pamphlets]
113670: CALVERT, ALBERT FREDERICK (1872-1946) - Leon, Burgos and Salamanca : a Historical and Descriptive Account
170134: CALVERT, E. ROY (ERIC ROY) - Capital punishment in the twentieth century / With a pref. by Lord Buckmaster
176933: CALVERT, ALFRED - Shipping office organisation, management and accounts : a comprehensive guide to the innumerable details connected with the shipping trade, with numerous forms abd facsimiles of shipping documents
112640: CALVERT, ERIC ROY - Capital Punishment in the Twentieth Century
130718: CALVERT, C. (ED. ) - The French Newspaper
146549: CALVERT, ERIC ROY - Capital Punishment in the Twentieth Century
196695: CALVERT, ERIC ROY (1898?-1933) - Capital punishment in the twentieth century / With a pref. by Lord Buckmaster
204743: CALVERT, ERIC ROY (1898?-1933) - Capital punishment in the twentieth century / Eric Roy Calvert
206676: CALVESI, MAURIZIO - Treasures of the Vatican / introduction by Deoclecio Redig de Campos ; translated from the Italian by James Emmons
189478: CALVEZ, JEAN-YVES (1927-2010) - The social thought of John XXIII: Mater et magistra
148228: CALVEZ, JEAN-YVES (1927-2010) - La Pensee De Karl Marx
165697: CALVEZ, JEAN-YVES, (1927-) - La Pensee De Karl Marx / Jean-Yves Calvez
212260: CALVEZ, JEAN-YVES (1927-). PERRIN, JACQUES - Eglise et societe economique : l'enseignement social des papes de Leon XIII a Pie XII (1878-1958) / Jean-Yves Calvez et Jacques Perrin
54118: CALVIN, WILLIAM H. - The Cerebral Symphony - Seashore Reflections on the Structure of Consciousness
26168: CALVINO, ITALO - Hermit in Paris : autobiographical writings
247561: CALVINO, ITALO (1923-1985) - Mr Palomar / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver
252982: CALVO, CARLOS (1822-1906) - Dictionnaire de droit international public et privé / par Charles Calvo: tome second
196678: CALVOCORESSI, PETER - Freedom to publish : a report on obstacles to freedom in publishing prepared for the Congress of International Publishers Association, Stockholm, May 1980
119421: CALVOCORESSI, M. D. - Mussorgsky
236008: CAMAIONE, DAVID N. TILLMAN, KENNETH G - Teaching and coaching wrestling : a scientific approach / [by] David N. Camaione, Kenneth G. Tillman
161659: CAMAK, DAVID ENGLISH - June of the Hills : a Story of the Southern Mountains with Lake Junaluska, N. C. , As the Center of Action
136634: CAMARA, SYLVAIN SORIBA - La Guinee Sans La France / Sylvain Soriba Camara
109334: CAMARDA, RENATO - Forced to Move
60607: CAMARILLO, ALBERT - Chicanos in a Changing Society : from Mexican Pueblos to American Barrios in Santa Barbara and Southern California, 1848-1930 / Albert Camarillo ; [With a New Preface by the Author]
131307: CAMBIER, EMILE - Jules Destree, Ministre Des Sciences Et Des Arts, 9 Decembre 1919-20 Octobre 1921
174229: CAMBRAY, PHILIP G. (PHILIP GEORGE) - Politics retold, 1880-1924
195386: CAMBRAY, PHILIP G. (PHILIP GEORGE) - Politics retold 1880 - 1924
206298: CAMBRAY, PHILIP GEORGE - Politics retold, 1880-1924
148207: CAMBRELIN, GEORGES - Le Drame Belge, 1940-1950
245728: CAMBRENSIS, GIRALDUS - The first version of the topography of Ireland (translated by John J. O'Meara)
230692: CAMBRIDGE, DOROTHY HASTINGS MARCHIONESS OF - The royal blue and gold cook book
277810: CAMBRIDGE, DOROTHY HASTINGS MARCHIONESS OF - The royal blue and gold cook book
185977: CAMBRIDGE SCIENTISTS' ANTI-WAR GROUP. BOYS, SAMUEL FRANCIS. - Air raid protection : the facts
242217: UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE - Professor R. A. Leigh: Unsolved Problems in the Bibliiography of J.J. Rousseau: Sandars Lectures 1987
220002: UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE - Graduati Cantabrigienses : sive catalogus, exhibens nomina eorum quos, ab anno M.DC.LIX usque ad decimum diem octobris M.DCCC.XXIII gradu quocunque ornavit Academia Cantabrigiensis
241635: THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE - Condominiums & Cambridge
164531: CAMBY, JOSE - Victor Hugo En Belgique : Portrait, Documents, Autographes Et Dessins Inedit / Jose Camby
187131: CAMDEN, CARROLL (1903- ) - The Elizabethan woman : a panorama of English womanhood, 1540 to 1640
276652: CAMDEN, WILLIAM. GIBSON, EDMUND - Britannia: or, a Chorographical Description of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent islands, written in Latin by William Camden: in two volumes
276034: CAMDEN, WILLIAM (1551-1623) - Camden's 'Britannia': Kent : from the edition of 1789 [translated from the Latin] by Richard Gough / annotated and edited by Gordon J. Copley
276036: CAMDEN, WILLIAM (1551-1623) - Surrey and Sussex / annotated and edited by Gordon J. Copley, from the edition of 1789 by Richard Gough
273470: CAMDEN, WILLIAM (1551-1623). GIBSON, EDMUND BISHOP OF LONDON (1669-1748) - Britannia: or a chorographical description of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent islands. Written in latin by William Camden ... and translated into English, with additions and improvements. Revised, digested, and published, with large additions, by Edmund Gibson : volume II
273465: CAMDEN, WILLIAM (1551-1623). GOUGH, RICHARD (1735-1809). NICHOLS, JOHN (1745-1826) - Britannia, or, A chorographical description of the flourishing kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the islands adjacent : from the earliest antiquity ... / translated from the edition published by the author, [William Camden], in [1407] ; enlarged by the latest discoveries, by Richard Gough
266003: CAMDEN, WILLIAM - Britannia: or a chorographical description of Great Britain
236013: CAMDEN, WILLIAM (1551-1623). GOUGH, RICHARD (1735-1809). COPLEY, GORDON J - Camden's 'Britannia', Surrey & Sussex : from the edition of 1789 [translated from the Latin] by Richard Gough / annotated and edited by Gordon J. Copley
242930: THE CAMDEN SOCIETY. RAWSON, SAMUEL [DIRECTOR]. KINGSTON, ALFRED [HON. SECRETARY] - Report of the Council of The Camden Society, read at the general meeting on the 2nd may, 1881
28686: CAMDEN, CARROLL (1903-) - Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature : Essays in Honor of Alan Dugald McKillop
112694: CAMDEN, CARROLL (ED. ) - Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature; Essays in Honor of Alan Dugald McKillop
20554: CAMDEN, CARROLL - The Elizabethan Woman
29664: CAMDEN, GEORGE - My Time, My Life
53985: CAMDEN, WILLIAM - Remains Concerning Britain
198779: CAMDEN, WILLIAM (1551-1623) - Britannia: or, A chorographical description of the flourishing kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the islands adjacent; from the earliest antiquity
206417: CAME, RICHARD - Silver / [by] Richard Came
271093: CREATIVE CAMERA - Creative Camera: 108 issues (some multiples)
96718: CAMERON, ALAN - Bank of Scotland, 1695-1995 : a Very Singular Institution
68364: CAMERON, IAN - Adventure in the Movies
62605: CAMERON, ROBERT (1911-) - Above Los Angeles : a Collection of Nostalgic and Contemporary Aerial Photographs of Greater Los Angeles
53844: CAMERON, ROBERT - Robert Cameron's Alcatraz, a Visual Essay
254647: CAMERON, HECTOR CHARLES - The nervous child
251489: CAMERON, CHRISTIAN (1962-) - Storm of arrows
228483: CAMERON, RODERICK WILLIAM (1913-) - Viceroyalties of the West : the Spanish Empire in Latin America
224730: CAMERON, RODERICK WILLIAM (1913-) - Viceroyalties of the West : the Spanish Empire in Latin America / Roderick Cameron
223495: CAMERON, JAMES MUNRO - Nuclear Catholics and other essays / J.M. Cameron
177761: CAMERON, ROBERT - Above San Francisco : a new collection of nostalgic and contemporary aerial photographs of the Bay area
177762: CAMERON, ROBERT - Above San Francisco : a new collection of nostalgic and contemporary aerial photographs of the Bay area
177656: CAMERON, ALISON STILWELL - Chinese Painting Techniques
247111: CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG SIR (1865-1945). RINDER, FRANK - Etchings of D.Y. Cameron and a catalogue of his etched work / with an introductory essay by Frank Rinder
138027: CAMERON, ALICE MACKENZIE - Civilisation and the Unemployed
237944: CAMERON, HECTOR CHARLES - Mr Guy's hospital (1726-1948)
54759: CAMERON, IAN - Adventure in the Movies
49728: CAMERON, ROBERT (1911-) - Above Los Angeles : a New Collection of Historical and Original Aerial Photographs of Los Angeles
28374: CAMERON, HECTOR CHARLES (1878-1958) - Joseph Lister : the Friend of Man
162209: CAMERON, ROBERT (1911-) (ED. ) - The Drinking Man's Diet Cookbook. Edited by Robert W. Cameron
238338: CAMERON, HECTOR CLARE SIR (1843-1928); LISTER, JOSEPH 1ST BARON LISTER (1827-1912) - On the evolution of wound-treatment during the last forty years : being the Dr. James Watson lectures delivered at the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in February, 1906
140195: CAMERON, JOHN (1850-1925) - John Cameron's Odyssey / Transcribed by Andrew Farrell ; Drawings by Charles Kuhn
139056: CAMERON, KENNETH M. THEODORE J. C. HOFFMAN - The Theatrical Response
138665: CAMERON, JOY - Prisons and Punishment in Scotland : from the Middle Ages to the Present / Joy Cameron
135005: CAMERON, ALICE MACKENZIE - In Pursuit of Justice, the Story of Hugh Lister and His Friends in Hackney Wick, by Alice Cameron
135070: CAMERON, J. M. (JAMES MUNRO) - Scrutiny of Marxism / J. M. Cameron
92591: CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG, SIR (1865-1945). HIND, ARTHUR MAYGER (1880-1957) - The Etchings of D. Y. Cameron, by Arthur M. Hind ... [Complete with a Chronological List]
161438: CAMERON, OLIVE - Let's Have a Good Time; a Plan Book for Successful Socials, by Olive Cameron
264217: CAMERON, IAN - Wings of the morning : the story of the Fleet Air Arm in the Second World War / Ian Cameron
195448: CAMERON, ALLAN - The Church of our Fathers : being lectures on the history and principles of the Scottish Church
125621: CAMERON, RONDO E. (ED. ) - Civilization Since Waterloo; a Book of Source Readings, Edited by Rondo Cameron
230398: CAMERON, DONALD - Sons of El Dorado : Venezuelan adventure
41031: CAMERON, GAIL - Rose : a Biography of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
88218: CAMERON, ROBERT (1911-?) & COOKE, ALISTAIR (1908-2004) - Above London / Photography by Robert Cameron ; Text by Alistair Cooke
128366: CAMERON, JAMES - The African Revolution
141494: CAMERON, JAMES MUNRO (1910-1995) - Scrutiny of Marxism
146682: CAMERON, J. M. (JAMES MUNRO) (1910-1995) - Scrutiny of Marxism
146685: CAMERON, J. M. (JAMES MUNRO) (1910-1995) - Scrutiny of Marxism
150590: CAMERON, JAMES MUNRO (1910-1995) - Scrutiny of Marxism
109127: CAMERON, IAN (1924-) - Lost Paradise : the Exploration of the Pacific
97863: CAMERON, GAIL - Rose; a Biography of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
206541: CAMERON, HECTOR CHARLES - Sir Joseph Banks
72688: CAMERON, ROBERT (1911-) - Above San Francisco; a Collection of Original Aerial Photographs
263625: CAMERON, IAN - Adventure in the movies
262660: CAMERON, JAMES (1911-1985) - 1916 : year of decision / James Cameron
273129: CAMESASCA, ETTORE - Mantegna / Ettore Camesasca ; [English translation by Patrick Creagh]
82229: CAMESASCA, ETTORE (1922-) COMP. - History of the House. with a Foreword by Sir Robert Matthew. Translated by Isabel Quigly - [Uniform Title: Storia Della Casa. English]
146875: DE CAMILLIS, BASILIO - Leonardo Bianchi / Basilio De Camillis
235918: CAMINADE, PIERRE. VALÉRY, PAUL (1871-1945) - Paul Valéry
248448: CAMM, BEDE (1864-1942) - Forgotten Shrines: an account of some old Catholic halls and families in England and of relics and memorials of the English martyrs
271743: CAMM, F J - Hobbies new annual
272389: CAMM, F. J - Horbbies. New annual of easy to make working models and how to build them
195308: CAMMACK, JAMES S. - Moral problems of mental defect : a thesis offered in part fulfilment of the requirements for a doctorate in the Theological Faculty, Heythrop College, Oxon
178134: CAMMACK, JAMES S. - Moral problems of mental defect : a thesis offered in part fulfilment of the requirements for a doctorate in the theological faculty, Heythrop college, Oxon
21617: CAMMAERTS, EMILE - The Prisoner At Laeken : King Leopold, Legend and Fact
204891: CAMMAERTS, EMILE (1878-1953) - Flemish painting / text by Emile Cammaerts
266970: CAMÕES, LUÍS DE (1524-1580) - The Lusiads / Luis de Camões ; in Sir Richard Fanshawe's translation ; edited and with an introduction by Geoffrey Bullough
182005: CAMOES, LUIS DE (1524?-1580). STRANGFORD, PERCY CLINTON SYDNEY SMYTHE, VISCOUNT (1780-1855) - Poems, from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens : with remarks on his life and writings, notes, &c. &c.
76783: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE) (1907-2000) - Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers : the Makers of Heroic Fantasy / L. Sprague De Camp
57181: CAMP, RODERIC AI. - Mexican Political Biographies, 1935-1975 / Roderic Ai Camp
251989: CAMP, JOHN - Portrait of Buckinghamshire / John Camp ; photographs by Ronald Goodearl
21454: CAMP, JOHN - Holloway Prison The Place and the People
214571: CAMP, JOHN (1915-) - One hundred years of medical murder / John Camp
125675: CAMP, JOHN MCK. - The Athenian Agora : Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens / John M. Camp
105102: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE) - The Continent Makers
162145: DU CAMP, MAXIME (1822-1894) - Paris after the Prussians, by Maxime Du Camp. Translated from the French by Philip A. Wilkins
105239: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE - An Elephant for Aristotle
242061: DU CAMP, MAXIME [DE L'ÁCADÉMIE FRANCAISE] - Souvenirs Littéraires. Complete in two volumes
139665: DU CAMP, MAXIME (1822-1894) - Paris after the Prussians
111303: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (1907-2000) - The Unbeheaded King / L. Sprague De Camp
105517: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (1907-2000) - The Purple Pterodactyls : the Adventures of W. Wilson Newbury, Ensorcelled Financier
133551: CAMP, JOHN - Holloway Prison : the Place and the People / John Camp
165882: DU CAMP, MAXIME, (1822-1894) - Les Convulsions De Paris - Volume Four : La Commune a L'Hotel De Ville / Maxime Du Camp
165871: DU CAMP, MAXIME, (1822-1894) - Les Convulsions De Paris - Volume 1: Les Prisons Pendant La Commune / [By] Maxime Du Camp
105896: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE) (1907-2000). FLETCHER PRATT - The Incomplete Enchanter [By] L. Sprague De Camp and Fletcher Pratt
105880: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE) (1907-2000). P. SCHUYLER MILLER - Genus Homo / L. Sprague De Camp and P. Schuyler Miller
106257: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE) (1907-2000) - The Hand of Zei
106026: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE) (1907-2000) - The Undesired Princess
106333: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE) - Divide and Rule
69951: CAMP, WILLIAM (1928-) - Night Beat
77175: DE CAMP, LYON SPRAGUE (1907-2000) - Lest Darkness Fall
244233: CAMP, MAXIME DU - Paris: ses organes, ses fonctons et sa vie
196344: DU CAMP, MAXIME (1822-1894) - Les convulsions de Paris : Tome Troisieme - Les Sauvetages pendant la Commune
204526: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE (LYON SPRAGUE), (1907-2000) - The castle of iron : a science fantasy adventure / L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
194071: CHILE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN - Chile and the British labour movement.
194074: CHILE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN - Chile - trade unions and the resistance
172695: EL SALVADOR SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN - El Salvador, the Latin American Vietnam
185337: CAMPAIGNE, JAMESON G. - Check-off : labor bosses and working men
188139: CAMPAIGNE, JAMESON G. - Check-off: labor bosses and working men
239245: CAMPANA, D. M. (DOMENIC MATHEWS) (1871-) - Amateur artist's encyclopedia; instructions on all the popular branches of art
266850: CAMPARDON, ÊMILE (1837-1915) - Le Tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris : ouvrage composé d'après les documents originaux conservés aux archives de l'Empire suivi de la liste complète des personnes qui ont comparu devant la Tribunal et enrichi d'une gravure et de Fac-simile / par Émile Campardon. Vol. 2
245239: CAMPARDON, ÉMILE (1837-1915) - Le Tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris : ouvrage composé d'après les documents originaux conservés aux archives de l'Empire : suivi de la liste complète des personnes qui ont comparu devant la Tribunal et enrichi d'une gravure et de fac-simile / par Émile Campardon: Tome Premier
11626: CAMPBEL, A. E. - The Fielding Community Centre
97283: CAMPBELL, ALAN B (1949-?) - The Lanarkshire Miners : a Social History of Their Trade Unions
93710: CAMPBELL, DONALD - Selected Poems 1970-1990. [By] Donald Campbell
82669: CAMPBELL, BRYN; HAAS, ERNST (1921-?) EDITORS - World Photography
73690: CAMPBELL, HOWARD (1957-?) ED. - Zapotec Struggles : Histories, Politics, and Representations from Juchitan, Oaxaca / Edited by Howard Campbell ... [Et Al. ] ; Poetry Translated by Nathaniel Tarn
70622: CAMPBELL, ROBERT (1922-) - The Golden Years of Broadcasting : a Celebration of the First 50 Years of Radio and TV on NBC
67811: CAMPBELL, JAMES (1920-) - The Bombing of Nuremberg
54783: CAMPBELL, BRYN (ED. ) - Great Action Photography / Edited by Bryn Campbell
54585: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY (1946-) - Scared Stiff : Tales of Sex and Death / Ramsey Campbell
37110: CAMPBELL, W. REASON - Dead Man Walking - Teaching in a Maximum-Security Prison
30581: CAMPBELL, IAN (1942-) - Thomas Carlyle
274752: CAMPBELL, LAURIE - The wildlife photographs of Laurie Campbell. / [By Campbell, Laurie.]
274269: CAMPBELL, LORNE - Van der Weyden / Lorne Campbell
273652: CAMPBELL, JOHN CAMPBELL BARON (1779-1861) - Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England : from the earliest times till the reign of King George IV
271560: CAMPBELL, MILDRED (1897-1991) - The English yeoman under Elizabeth and the early Stuarts / Mildred Campbell
270775: CAMPBELL, JOHN - Margaret Thatcher. Vol. 1 The grocer's daughter / John Campbell
270733: CAMPBELL, KATHLEEN - Beau Brummell : a biographical study
269703: CAMPBELL, F. J [PUBLISHER]. THE FINE ARTS - The Fine Arts: vol. XXXII, Chicago, January, 1915: Number one
26914: CAMPBELL, R. H. AND WILSON, R. G. - Entrepreneurship in Britain 1750-1939
261016: CAMPBELL, THOMAS. GRAY, THOMAS. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER - Poetical works: Campbell, Goldsmith and Gray
259667: CAMPBELL, THOMAS - The complete poetical works of Thomas Campbell : with a memoir of his life
258550: CAMPBELL, J. R. (JOHN ROSS) (1894-1969) - Some economic illusions in the labour movement / J.R. Campbell
257985: CAMPBELL, J. R. (JOHN ROSS) (1894-1969) - Some economic illusions in the labour movement / J.R. Campbell
255565: CAMPBELL, MINA H - As luck would have it
255418: CAMPBELL, NEIL - Shadow and sun
255006: CAMPBELL, THOMAS - The three sorrows of Irish storytelling / Thomas Campbell
251897: CAMPBELL, MARK - Sherlock Holmes / Mark Campbell
251151: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY - Meddling with ghosts : stories in the tradition of M.R. James / selected & introduced by Ramsey Campbell
247568: CAMPBELL, DONALD (1940-) - A brighter sunshine : a hundred years of the Edinburgh Royal Lyceum Theatre
240473: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844). HILL, WILLIAM ALFRED (B. 1818 OR 19). TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM (1775-1851) - The poetical works of Thomas Campbell / with notes, and a biographical sketch by the Rev. W.A. Hill ... Illustrated by twenty vignettes from designs by Turner
234016: CAMPBELL, BRIAN (1960-2005). MCKEOWN, LAURENCE. O'HAGAN, FELIM - Nor meekly serve my time : the H-block struggle, (1976-1981) / compiled by Brian Campbell ; edited by Brian Campbell, Laurence McKeown, Felim O'Hagan
234021: CAMPBELL, MAUREEN - Armagh : city of light and learning / paintings by Joe Hynes ; text by Maureen Campbell
232608: CAMPBELL-HARDING, VALERIE. GREY, MAGGIE (1947-) - Celtic : inspirations for machine embroiderers / Valerie Campbell-Harding & Maggie Grey
226362: CAMPBELL, KATIE (1957-) - Icons of twentieth-century landscape design / Katie Campbell
225884: CAMPBELL, COLIN - William Nicholson : the graphic work / Colin Campbell
224925: CAMPBELL, GORDON [ED.] - The Renaissance : (1550-1660) / edited by Gordon Campbell. [Macmillan anthologies of English literature ; v. 2]
220655: CAMPBELL, GORDON - Bible : the story of the King James Version, 1611-2011 / Gordon Campbell
213167: CAMPBELL, NANCIE ; TENNYSON RESEARCH CENTRE (LINCOLN, ENGLAND) - Tennyson in Lincoln : a catalogue of the collections in the Research Centre / compiled by Nancie Campbell; foreword by Sir Charles Tennyson; introd. by C. Y. Lang [volumes 1 & 2]
18538: CAMPBELL, R. H. - Entrepreneurship in Britain, 1750-1939 / Edited and with an Introduction by R. H. Campbell and R. G. Wilson
17403: CAMPBELL, ERNEST Q. - Racial Tensions and National Identity / Edited by Ernest Q. Campbell
169346: CAMPBELL, CHRISTOPHER (1951- ) - Aces and aircraft of World War I / Christopher Campbell; illustrated by the author and John W.Wood
169230: CAMPBELL, CHRISTY (ED.) - Understanding military technology / [edited by Christy Campbell]
155917: CAMPBELL, JAMES T. - Middle Passages : African American Journeys to Africa, 1787-2005
154835: CAMPBELL, GORDON - Renaissance art and architecture
151811: CAMPBELL, JUDITH - Royalty on Horseback / Judith Campbell
148377: CAMPBELL, JUDITH - Police Horses
249118: CAMPBELL, JOHN CAMPBELL BARON (1779-1861) - Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of Queen Victoria - Volume 8
105912: CAMPBELL, JOHN WOOD (1910-1971) - Cloak of Aesir
256516: CAMPBELL, FFYONA - On foot through Africa / Ffyona Campbell
188423: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) - Annals of Great Britain from the ascension of George III to the peace of Amiens - [Complete in 3 volumes]
156994: CAMPBELL, G. A. (GEORGE ARCHIBALD) (1900-) - The Civil Service in Britain [By] G. A. Campbell
252059: CAMPBELL, J. R. (JOHN ROSS) (1894-1969) - Only communism can conquer unemployment : a reply to Lloyd George and others
121121: CAMPBELL, OLWEN WARD - Mary Kingsley, a Victorian in the Jungle
271984: CAMPBELL, OLWEN WARD - Thomas Love Peacock
186413: CAMPBELL, WILLIAM CAREY - A Colorado colonel, and other sketches
162383: CAMPBELL, HELEN (1839-1918) - Darkness and Daylight: Or, Lights and Shadows of New York Life. a Woman's Narrative of Mission and Rescue Work in Tough Places, with Personal Experiences Among the Poor in Regions of Poverty and Vice, by Helen Campbell. Col. Thomas W. Knox
183105: CAMPBELL, GEORGE, SIR (1824-1892) - The races, religions and institutions of Turkey and the neighbouring countries : being the substance of two lectures delivered in the Kirkcaldy burghs
183504: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-1957) - The collected poems of Roy Campbell, volume 2
242629: CAMPBELL, JR., EDWARD. FREEDMAN, DAVID NOEL - The Biblical Archaeologist Reader: Volume II
254161: CAMPBELL, JOHN CAMPBELL BARON (1779-1861) - The lives of the Chief Justices of England : from the Norman conquest till the death of Lord Tenterden: vol. III
195426: CAMPBELL, JOHN ROSS (1894-1969) - Communism and industrial peace
223485: CAMPBELL, OLWEN WARD - Shelley and the unromantics
23972: CAMPBELL, DENNIS. SUSAN COTTER - International Environmental Law and Regulations (Volume 3) / General Editor Dennis Campbell ; Editor Susan Cotter
222115: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) - Gertrude of Wyoming, and other poems
245109: CAMPBELL, JOHN ROSS (1894-1969) - Some economic illusions in the labour movement / J.R. Campbell
250340: CAMPBELL, JOHN BARON - The lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England : from the earliest times till the reign of King George IV
21049: CAMPBELL, DUGALD (1871-) - Blazing trails in Bantuland
6513: CAMPBELL, J. L. - The Miracle of Peille
11690: CAMPBELL, R. W. - Jimmy McCallum
105378: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) - The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell / Illustrated by ... Wood-Cuts from Designs by Harvey. [With a Portrait. ]
94489: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) - The Pleasures of Hope, with Other Poems
63384: CAMPBELL, JAMES DUNCAN (1916-) - American Military Insignia, 1800-1851 / J. Duncan Campbell and Edgar M. Howell - [Notes: At Head of Title: Museum of History and Technology]
111427: CAMPBELL, JOHN WOOD (1910-1971). HARRISON, HARRY (1925-) - Astounding; John W. Campbell Memorial Anthology. Edited by Harry Harrison
57776: CAMPBELL, LEWIS (SELECTED BY) - Poems of Thomas Campbell; Selected and Arranged by Lewis Campbell
116981: CAMPBELL, S. C. - Only Begotten Sonnets : a Reconstruction of Shakespeare's Sonnet Sequence...
47670: CAMPBELL, DAVID WATT IAN - Speak with the Sun
152273: CAMPBELL, WILLIAM A. - Did the Jews Kill Jesus? And the Myth of the Resurrection
96737: CAMPBELL, JOHN COERT - American Policy Toward Communist Eastern Europe: the Choices Ahead, by John C. Campbell
89082: CAMPBELL, ROBERT & DELANY, M. R - Search for a Place; Black Separatism and Africa, 1860 [By] M. R. Delany and Robert Campbell. Introd. by Howard H. Bell
8243: CAMPBELL, HUGH FRASER (1857-) - Highland Reconstruction
81502: CAMPBELL, COLIN (1913-?) - The Sports Car Engine, its Tuning and Modification
139537: CAMPBELL, RICHARDSON - Rechabite History : a Record of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Independent Order of Rechabites, Salford Unity, from its Institution on August 25th, 1835, to the Present Time
161168: CAMPBELL, ROBERT WELLINGTON - Soviet Economic Power : its Organization, Growth, and Challenge / Robert W. Campbell
200308: CAMPBELL, BEATRICE STELLA (TANNER), (1865-1940) - My life and some letters
246016: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1733-1795). WATKINSON, JOHN M.D - A philosophical survey of the south of Ireland, in a series of letters to John Watkinson, M.D
183273: CAMPBELL, J. R. - Some economic illusions in the labour movement / J.R. Campbell
213723: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) - The poetical works of Thomas Campbell
183460: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-?) - Flowering reeds
278783: CAMPBELL, G. A (GEORGE ARCHIBALD) - The Civil service in Britain
186476: CAMPBELL, GEORGE ARCHIBALD (1900-) - The Civil service in Britain
200725: CAMPBELL, EILEEN - The Aquarian guide to the new age / Eileen Campbell and J. H. Brennan
212760: CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) - The poetical works of Thomas Campbell / with notes, and a biographical sketch, by W.A. Hill; illustrated by twenty vignettes from designs by Turner
267257: CAMPBELL, WILLIAM (1824-1886) - Materials for a history of the reign of Henry VII : From original documents preserved in the Public record office / Edited by William Campbellp; ublished by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls - 2 vols
262095: CAMPBELL, KEITH - Born beautiful
129466: CAMPBELL, THOMAS - Gertrude of Wyoming, and Other Poems
129371: CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, SIR HENRY. SIR H. H. FOWLER. SIR WALTER FOSTER [ET AL] - Articles and Speeches by Liberal Leaders. Third Series, 1896 - 1902
171299: CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD (B. 1787) - A Voyage round the World from 1806 to 1812; in which Japan, Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands, and the Sandwich Islands were visited (etc.). With an account of the present state of the Sandwich Islands, and a vocabulary of their language.
119855: CAMPBELL, JOHN COERT (1911-) - American Policy Toward Communist Eastern Europe: the Choices Ahead, by John C. Campbell
183047: CAMPBELL, OLWEN W. - The report of a conference on the feminine point of view
185425: CAMPBELL, ERNEST WILLIAM (1909-) - History of the Australian Labour Movement : a Marxist Interpretation
106326: CAMPBELL, MURRAY (1904-) - Herbert H. Dow, Pioneer in Creative Chemistry, by Murray Campbell and Harrison Hatton
106056: CAMPBELL, JOHN WOOD (1910-1971) - The Mightiest Machine; Illus. by Robert Pailthorpe
105911: CAMPBELL, JOHN WOOD (1910-1971) - The Incredible Planet
182652: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-1957) - Broken record : reminiscences
46139: CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, HENRY, SIR (1836-1908) - Early Letters of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman to His Sister Louisa, 1850-51; Chosen by the Rt. Hon. Lord Pentland
93372: CAMPBELL, DUGALD (1871-?) - With the Bible in North Africa
173338: CAMPBELL & ZELL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - How to generate steam economically : a catalogue of the Zell improved water tube safety boiler : manufactured by Campbell & Zell co. Baltimore, MD.
174474: CAMPBELL-PLATT, K. (RUNNYMEDE TRUST) - Ethnic minorities in society : a reference guide ; Community and Race Relations Unit of the British Council of Churches and the Runnymede Trust [compiled by K. Campbell-Platt]
218995: CAMPBELL-JOHNSON, ALAN - Sir Anthony Eden : a biography
167013: CAMPBELL, RICHARDSON - Provident and industrial institutions : being records and historical sketches of various thrift associations ...
280185: CAMPBELL, PHYLLIS - Friendships in the dark : a blind woman's story of the people and pets who light up her world
178331: CAMPBELL, ERNEST QUEENER - Christians in racial crisis : a study of Little Rock's ministry
174884: CAMPBELL, JOHN W. - The self-repairing robot / John W. Campbell, in: Analog science fact & fiction ; vol. lxvi no. 2, Oct. 1960
11721: CAMPBELL, RONALD - The Foster-Brothers: A Tale of the West Highlands and of Life in the Highland Regiment
190270: CAMPBELL, PATRICK GORDON; KNIGHT, HILARY (ILLUS.) - A short trot with a cultured mind,through some experiences of a humorous nature
122287: CAMPBELL JOHNSON, ALAN (1913-) - Mission with Mountbatten
227386: CAMPBELL, DUGALD - Wanderings in Widest Africa. With plates, including portraits, and maps
181629: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-1957). BOSWELL, JAMES (1906-1971) - Pomegranates / a poem by Roy Campbell ; with drawings by James Boswell
182427: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-1957) - Adamastor : poems
182430: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-1957) - The wayzgoose : a South African satire
136764: CAMPBELL, ROBERT W. (ROBERT WELLINGTON) - Accounting in Soviet Planning and Management
154117: CAMPBELL, SAM - Too Much Salt and Pepper : Two Porcupines with Prickly Spines Who Make You Laugh and Think
159317: CAMPBELL, REGINALD JOHN (1867-1956) - Christianity and the Social Order
163998: CAMPBELL, JOHN COERT (1911- ) - Defense of the Middle East; Problems of American Policy
182189: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-?) - The Georgiad : a satirical fantasy / Roy Campbell
21025: CAMPBELL, REV. R. J. - The New Theology
46408: CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER (1912-) - The Heart of Japan
51930: CAMPBELL, L. J. AND WORCESTER, S. T. - A Pronouncing Spelling-Book of the English Language - Mainly on the Principles of Comparison and Contrast
68600: CAMPBELL-JOHNSON, ALAN (1913-) - Viscount Halifax, a Biography
7387: CAMPBELL, ROBERT F. - The History of Basic Metals Price Control in World War 2
77037: CAMPBELL, EVELYN - The Knight of Lonely Land
104985: CAMPBELL, JAMES (1920-) - The Bombing of Nuremberg
9122: CAMPBELL, W. WILFRED - Beyond the Hills of Dream
51688: CAMPBELL, G. GORDON - Common Diseases of the Skin, with Notes on Diagnosis and Treatment
194383: CAMPBELL, PETER (1926-) - French electoral systems and elections since 1789 / Peter Campbell
218140: CAMPBELL, ROBERT W. (ROBERT WELLINGTON) - Soviet economic power in organization grown and challenge
261877: CAMPBELL, JOHN, (1708-1775) - The present state of Europe : explaining the interests, connections, political and commercial views of its several powers, comprehending also, a clear and concise history of each country, so far as to shew the nature of their present constitutions
196702: CAMPBELL, R. J. (REGINALD JOHN) (1867-1956) - Christianity and the social order
200030: CAMPBELL, ROY (1901-1957) - The Georgiad : a satirical fantasy in verse
244184: CAMPBELL, DUGALD - Historical sketches of the town & harbours of Greenock
213188: CAMPBELL, ALASTAIR (1957-) - The Blair years : extracts from the Alastair Campbell diaries / edited by Alastair Campbell and Richard Stott
206195: CAMPBELL, OLWEN WARD - The report of a conference on the feminine point of view drafted by Olwen W. Campbell
207022: CAMPBELL, BYRAM - Race and social revolution : twenty-one essays on racial and social problems / Byram Campbell
207939: CAMPBELL, DAVID (1957-). DURDEN, MARK.BLUECOAT GALLERY (LIVERPOOL) - Variable capital / [authors, David Campbell, Mark Durden]
208106: CAMPBELL, JOHN ROSS - Questions and answers on communism
208813: CAMPBELL, DONALD - Exploring the undercliffs : the Axmouth to Lyme Regis National Nature Reserve : a 50th anniversary guide
209692: CAMPBELL, ROALD FAY, 1905-1988, [ED.] - Administrative theory as a guide to action / edited by Roald F. Campbell and James M. Lipham
210307: CAMPBELL, J. R. - Some economic illusions in the labour movement / J.R. Campbell
264302: CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD BRUCE (1881-) - The battle of the Plate
157048: CAMPIGNO, ANTHONY J. (1932- ) - A Marine Division in Nightmare Alley
215656: CAMPIGOTTO, LUCA (1962- ) - Luca Campigotto : my wild places / with essays = con testi di by Walter Guadagnini, Luca Campigotto
258201: CAMPION, SIDNEY RONALD - The world of Colin Wilson : a biographical study
179212: CAMPION, GILBERT (1882-1958) - British government since 1918 / Gilbert Campion ... [et al.] ; with an introduction by John Anderson
264286: CAMPION, SIDNEY RONALD - Only the stars remain
14123: CAMPION, HARRY - Public and Private Property in Great Britain, by H. Campion. with an Introd. by Professor J. Jewkes
264441: CAMPION, GILBERT - British government since 1918 / Gilbert Campion ... [et al.] ; with an introduction by John Anderson
141712: CAMPION, DOROTHY - The Perfect Team
220514: CAMPITELLI, ALBERTA - The Vatican gardens : an architectural and horticultural history / Alberta Campitelli ; translated by Ceil Friedman
264445: MARCHESE & CAMPORA - Annuario e strenna dell'istituto 'Vittorino da Feltre' : 1931
155452: CAMPOS, CRISTIAN - Plastic design / editor and text, Cristian Campos
106298: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564). D. REDIG DE CAMPOS. - The Sistine Chapel. [Text By] D. Redig De Campos
66687: MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564). D. REDIG DE CAMPOS. - The Paintings of Michelangelo
191538: CAMPOS, ANTONIO MARIO DE FIGUEIREDO - A guerra nos Balkans : a obra do marechal von der Goltz e o seu insuceso a licao dos factos
195006: CAMROSE, WILLIAM EWERT BERRY, 1ST VISCOUNT (1879-1954) - British newspapers and their controllers
216923: CAMROSE, WILLIAM EWERT BERRY, VISCOUNT (1879-1954) - London newspapers : their owners and controllers : The Daily Telegraph's three-quarters of a million sale
173847: CAMROSE, WILLIAM EWERT BERRY, 1ST VISCOUNT 1879 - British newspapers and their controllers / Sir William Ewert Berry, 1st Viscount Camrose
195247: CAMROSE, WILLIAM EWERT BERRY, 1ST VISCOUNT (1879-1954) - British newspapers and their controllers
140009: CAMROSE, WILLIAM EWERT BERRY, 1ST VISCOUNT - British Newspapers and Their Controllers
196682: CAMROSE, WILLIAM EWERT BERRY, 1ST VISCOUNT (1879-1954) - British newspapers and their controllers
205819: CAMROSE, WILLIAM EWERT BERRY, VISCOUNT (1879-1954) - British newspapers and their controllers
192490: CAMUR (SUPPORT COMMITTEE FOR CHILEAN WOMEN) - Chilean women's poems : poesia rebelde
274002: CAMUS, CATHERINE - Albert Camus : solitude and solidarity / Catherine Camus ; with Marcelle Mahasela ; translated by Joseph Laredo
259659: CAMUS, ALBERT - Rede anlässlich der Entgegennahme des Nobelpreises am 10. Dezember 1957 in Stockholm
247177: CAMUS, JEAN-PIERRE (1584-1652) - L'Esprit de Saint François de Sales, évêque et prince de Genève, recueilli de divers écrits de M. Jean-Pierre Camus ... Ouvrage qui contient les plus beaux endroits de ses écrits, et qui renferme des instructions propres à toutes sortes de personnes. Par M. P. C., docteur de Sorbonne
91738: CAMUS, ALBERT, PREF. - The Truth about the Nagy Affair: Facts, Documents, Comments. with a Pref. by Albert Camus
124034: CAMUS, ALBERT (1913-1960). STUART GILBERT (TRANSL. ) - Caligula and Cross Purpose (Le Malentendu) Tr. by Stuart Gilbert
244500: LE CAMUS, ÉMILE (1839-1906) - Notre voyage aux pays bibliques / par L'abbe E. Le Camus
260413: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Proceedings and Transactions of The Royal Society of Canada: third series - Volume XXVI: meeting of May, 1932
260410: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Proceedings and Transactions of The Royal Society of Canada: third series - Volume XXVII: meeting of May, 1933
253052: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada - Third Series - Volume XXXIX
253050: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada - Third Series - Volume XLIII
253049: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada - Third Series - Volume XLV
189079: CANADA. MINES BRANCH (1901-1936). ROBINSON, ARTHUR HERBERT ASHBURNER (1873-) - Gold in Canada
263303: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada : Déliberations et mémoires de la Société royale du Canada
183673: CHIEF CONSTABLES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA - Chief Constables Convention : London, Ontario Aug 21-24, 1945
194182: SERBIAN EASTERN ORTHODOX DIOCESE FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA - Martyrdom of the Serbs : persecutions of the Serbian Orthodox Church and massacre of the Serbian people ; documents and reports of the trustworthy United Nations and of eyewitnesses
239681: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CANADA - A descriptive list of the incunabula in the library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
190661: SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA - The Russian revolution : its origin and outcome.
210458: SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA - The Russian revolution : its origin and outcome
263304: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada : Déliberations et mémoires de la Société royale du Canada
50004: CANALES, LUIS (1943-) - Imperial Gina : the Strictly Unauthorized Biography of Gina Lollobrigida
225632: CANALETTO (1697-1768) - The Masters 3 : Canaletto. [The world's most complete gallery of painting]
224853: CANALETTO (1697-1768). MARTIN, GREGORY - Canaletto; Paintings, Drawings & Etchings
43687: CANAN, JAMES W. - The Superwarriors. The Fantastic World of Pentagon Superweapons
247734: CANAVESI, MANLIO - La politica estera di Roma antica: volume II
219185: AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL: CANBERRA - Soldiering on : the Australian Army at home and overseas / prepared by some of the boys
215758: CANBY, SHEILA R. - Shah Abbas and the treasures of imperial Iran / Sheila R. Canby
56673: CANBY, HENRY SEIDEL (1878-1961) - Walt Whitman, an American; a Study in Biography, by Henry Seidel Canby...
262063: CANBY, COURTLANDT - The encyclopedia of historic places
53052: CANBY, COURTLANDT - Lincoln and the Civil War : a Profile and a History
114177: CANBY, HENRY SEIDEL - Walt Whitman, an American; a Study in Biography, by Henry Seidel Canby ...
128603: CANCEL, LUIS R.. BRONX MUSEUM OF THE ARTS - The Latin American Spirit : Art and Artists in the United States, 1920-1970 : Essays
63893: CANCIAN, FRANK - Another Place; Photographs of a Maya Community
35384: CANCIAN, FRANCESCA M. - Love in America : Gender and Self-Development / Francesca M. Cancian
65424: CANCIAN, FRANK - Economics and Prestige in a Maya Community : the Religious Cargo System in Zinacantan
89119: CANCRO, ROBERT (1932-?) & FOX, NORMA (1940-?) & SHAPIRO, LESTER E - RELATED NAME: AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. JOINT COMMITTEE ON SCHIZOPHRENIA - Strategic Intervention in Schizophrenia; Current Developments in Treatment
230416: CANDEA, VIRGIL. IANCOVESCU, IONA. RIJKSMUSEUM HET CATHARIJNECONVENT. MUZEUL NAT?IONAL DE ARTA (ROMANIA) - Byzantijnse kunst uit Roemenie : de byzantijnse erfenis in de roemeense kunst uit het Nationaal Museum van Schone Kunsten van Roemenie
239381: LINOTYPE CANDIDA - Linotype Candida: der moderne buchdricker. hausmitteilungen der mergenthaler setzmaschinen-fabrik GMBH
143185: 'CANDIDUS' [PSEUD. ] - Labour's Great Lie
147501: CANDIDUS - Parla Candidus : Discorsi Dal 13 Aprile 1941 Al 3 Dicembre 1944
272839: CANDLER, EDMUND (1874-1926) - On the edge of the world
243549: CANDLISH, ROBERT S., D.D - Lectures on the Book of Genesis: being contributions towards its exposition: Volume III
76069: CANE, MELVILLE (1879-) , ED. - [CORPORATE NAME: POETRY SOCIETY OF AMERICA] - The Golden Year: the Poetry Society of America Anthology (1910-1960) Edited by Melville Cane, John Farrar, and Louise Townsend Nicholl. Foreword by Clarence R. Decker
224502: CANE, MICHAEL - For Queen and country : the career of Harry Payne, military artist, 1858-1927 / Michael Cane ; appendices compiled by R.G. Harris
69957: CANE, MELVILLE (1879-) - All and Sundry; an Oblique Autobiography
64874: CANEMAKER, JOHN - Winsor McCay, His Life and Art
243418: CANEPA, ANTONIO (1908-1945) [AUTHOR] - Sistema di dottrina del fascismo / Antonio Canepa
240491: CANESTRINI, GIOVANNI. REALE AUTOMOBILE CLUB D'ITALIA - L'automobile : il contributo italiano all'avvento e all'evoluzione dell'autoveicolo / Giovanni Canestrini
97129: CANETTI, ELIAS - Das Gewissen Der Worte : Essays / Elias Canetti
241614: CANETTI, ELIAS (1905-1994). STEWART, CAROL [TRANS.] - Crowds and power / Elias Canetti ; translated from the German by Carol Stewart
232314: CANETTI, ELIAS (1905-1994) - Die Fackel im Ohr : Lebensgeschichte (1921-1931)
222026: CANEVARI, LEONORE - The Murder of Marilyn Monroe / Leonore Canevari ... [et al.] ; with a foreword and afterword by Brad Steiger
130442: CANEVARI, EMILIO - Lo Stato Maggiore Germanico Da Federico IL Grande a Hitler
150256: CANEVARI, EMILIO (1888-) - Graziani Mi Ha Detto. 28 Documenti
97215: CANFIELD, CASS (1897-1986) - Up and Down and Around; a Publisher Recollects the Time of His Life
74050: CANFIELD, CASS (1897-?) - Up and Down and Around; a Publisher Recollects the Time of His Life
67391: CANFIELD, CASS (1897-) - Up and Down and Around; a Publisher Recollects the Time of His Life
37282: CANFIELD, CASS - The Incredible Pierpont Morgan - Financier and Art Collector
35906: CANFIELD, BERTRAND R. - Public Relations: Principles, Cases, and Problems
39077: CANFIELD, CASS - The Publishing Experience
69520: CANG, JOEL - The Silent Millions: a History of the Jews in the Soviet Union
41659: CANG, JOEL - The Silent Millions; a History of the Jews in the Soviet Union
184318: CANG, JOEL - The who's who of the Allied governments in Great Britain / edited by Joel Cang
112816: CANG, JOEL - The Silent Millions: a History of the Jews in the Soviet Union
216941: CANG, JOEL. BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS - Fate and future of Soviet Jewry : a brief summary and analysis
224698: DU CANGE, CHARLES DU FRESNE SIEUR (1610-1688) - Glossaire francois, faisant suite au Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis : avec additions de mots anciens extraits des glossaires de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye, Roquefort, Raynouard, Burguy, Diez, etc., et une notice sur Du Cange - Complete in 2 Vols
76561: CANHAM, ERWIN D - Commitment to Freedom; the Story of the Christian Science Monitor. Illustrated with Photos
182504: CANIFF, MILTON ARTHUR (1907-1988) - Terry and war in the jungle
182494: CANIFF, MILTON ARTHUR (1907-1988) - Terry and the pirates shipwrecked on a desert island
182497: CANIFF, MILTON ARTHUR (1907-1988) - Terry and the pirates : the plantation mystery
182483: CANIFF, MILTON ARTHUR (1907-1988) - Terry and the pirates shipwrecked on a desert island
280923: CANIFF, MILTON ARTHUR - Terry and the Pirates
251073: CANNADINE, DAVID (1950-) - The aristocratic adventurer
263319: CANNADINE, DAVID - Aspects of aristocracy : grandeur and decline in modern Britain / David Cannadine
276934: CANNAN, EDWIN (1861-1935) - The history of local rates in England : in relation to the proper distribution of the burden of taxation
187294: CANNAN, EDWIN (1861-1935) - The history of local rates in England : five lectures
251623: CANNAN, JOANNE - Hamish
187040: CANNAN, EDWIN (1861-1935) - Elementary political economy
46341: CANNAN, EDWIN (1861-1935) - Modern Currency and the Regulation of its Value
280285: CANNAN, EDWIN (1861-1935) - The economic outlook
174248: CANNAN, GILBERT (1884-1955) - Four plays by Gilbert Cannan: James and John -- Miles Dixon -- Mary's wedding -- A short way with authors
8774: CANNAN, GILBERT - Adventurous Love ; and Other Verses
174578: CANNARSA, SPARTACO - Il socialismo in parlamento : introduzione
158265: CANNEY, DONALD L. (1947-) - Africa Squadron : the U. S. Navy and the slave trade, 1842-1861
133177: CANNEY, MARGARET - Robert Owen, 1771-1858
138726: CANNEY, MARGARET - Robert Owen, 1771-1858
71836: CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) - The Letter-Journal of George Canning : 1793-1795 / Edited by Peter Jupp
275091: CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) - The letter-journal of George Canning : 1793-1795 / edited by Peter Jupp
267485: CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) - The speeches of the Right Hon. George Canning ... in six volumes / with a memoir of his life by R. Therry
76949: CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) AND OTHERS - Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin - [Poems by George Canning, J. H. Frere, George Ellis, William Gifford and Others, Which Appeared in the Anti-Jacobin; Or, Weekly Examiner, Nov. 20, 1797-July 9, 1798]
107393: CANNING, VICTOR - The Mask of Memory / Victor Canning
59213: CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) - Some Official Correspondence of George Canning [1821-1827] Edited, with Notes, by Edward J. Stapleton - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
132443: CANNING, ALBERT STRATFORD GEORGE (1832-1916) - History in Fact and Fiction : a Literary Sketch
168424: CANNING, ELIZABETH (1734-1773) - The trial of Elizabeth Canning, spinster : for wilful and corrupt perjury, at justice hall in the Old-Bailey, held by adjournment, on Monday the 29th of April, Wednesday the 1st, Friday the 3d, Saturday the 4th, Monday the 6th, Tuesday the 7th... ... and Wednesday the 8th of May, 1754. Before th Rt. Hon. Thomas Rawlinson, Sir Edward Clive, the Hon. Heneage Legge, William Moreton, and others justices, etc. Taken in short-hand, by Thomas Gurney, Samuel Rudd and Isaac Harman
79653: CANNON, TOM - Welcome to the Revolution : Managing Paradox in the 21st Century
50009: CANNON, KATIE G. - Black Womanist Ethics
238336: CANNON, WALTER B. (WALTER BRADFORD) (1871-1945) - The mechanical factors of digestion
202301: CANNON-BROOKES, P. HEIM GALLERY - The painted word : British history painting, 1750-1830 / edited by Peter Cannon-Brookes ; with contributions by Peter Cannon-Brookes ... et al.
273839: CANNON, JOANNA - Religious poverty, visual riches : art in the Dominican churches of central Italy in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries / Joanna Cannon
194045: CANNON, MARK W. - Urban government for Valencia, Venezuela / [by] Mark W. Cannon, R. Scott Fosler [and] Robert Witherspoon. Foreword by Lyle C. Fitch
255883: CANNON-BROOKES, PETER - Michael Ayrton : an illustrated commentary / Peter Cannon-Brookes
219698: CANNON, N I - Pattern and design
237134: CANNON ESQ., RICHARD. BY COMMAND OF HIS LATE MAJESTY WILLIAM THE IVTH AND UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN - Historical Records of the British Army: comprising the History of every Regiment in Her Majesty's Service
159985: CANNON, JR. , LE GRAND - A Mighty Fortress / Le Grand Cannon, Jr.
126686: CANNON, JAMES PATRICK (1890-1974) - Socialism on Trial. the Official Court Record of James P. Cannon's Testimony in the Famous Minneapolis 'Sedition' Trial. with an Introduction by Felix Morrow
44563: CANNON, MARY ANTOINETTE, ED. KLEIN, PHILIP, 1889- JOINT ED. - Social Case Work; an Outline for Teaching, with Annotated Case Records and Sample Course Syllabi, by a Committee of the New York School of Social Work
200629: CANNON, ALEXANDER, SIR (1896-) - Powers that be : (The Mayfair lectures) / Alexander Cannon
157262: CANNON, POPPY - The New New Can-Opener Cookbook
79926: VON CANON, CLAUDIA - The Moonclock
204040: CANON KNOX-LITTLE, REV . [ET AL.] - Immortality : a clerical symposium on what are the foundations of the belief in the immortality of man
92911: CANOT, THEODORE (1804-1860) - Adventures of an African Slaver : Being a True Account of the Life of Captain Theodore Canot, Trader in Gold, Ivory, and Slaves on the Coast of Guinea : His Own Story As Told in the Year 1845 to Brandtz Mayer... Introduced by Malcolm Cowley
74088: CANOT, THEODORE (1804-1860) - RELATED NAME: MAYER, BRANTZ (1809-1879) - Adventures of an African Slaver - [Uniform Title: Captain Canot, Or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver]
113196: CANOT, THEODORE - A Slaver's Log Book : or 20 Years' Residence in Africa : the Original Manuscript
254733: CANOVA, ANTONIO (1757-1822) - The works of Antonio Canova in sculpture and modelling : engraved in outline by Henry Moses; with descriptions from the Italian of the Countess Albrizzi, and a biographical memoir by Count Cicognara
104608: CANOVAN, MARGARET - G. K. Chesterton : Radical Populist
265960: CANT, REGINALD - York Minster and the Undercroft / Pitkin Books
100118: CANT, GILBERT - America's Navy in World War II, by Gilbert Cant, with Photographs, and Battle Diagrams by the Author
240721: CANTACUZINO, SHERBAN. GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM - Architectural conservation in Europe / edited by Sherban Cantacuzino ; designed by Michael Reid
70607: CANTER, DAVID AND CANTER, SANDRA (EDS. ) - Designing for Therapeutic Environments : a Review of Research / Edited by David Canter and Sandra Canter
163152: CANTERBERY, E. RAY - Foreign Exchange Capital Flows and Monetary Policy / [By] E. Ray Canterbery
172489: ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY - Spiritual ministration to the wounded and dying as a result of hostile air raids
255967: CANTIMORI, DELIO - Utopisti e riformatori italiani, 1794-1847. Ricerche storiche
6808: CANTON, WILLIAM (1845-1926) - The Five Colours
96571: CANTOR, NORMAN F - The Age of Protest; Dissent and Rebellion in the Twentieth Century
74893: CANTOR, MILTON & LAURIE, BRUCE (JOINT EDITORS) - Class, Sex, and the Woman Worker / Edited by Milton Cantor and Bruce Laurie ; Introd. by Caroline F. Ware ; Contributors, Miriam Cohen ... [Et Al. ]
63812: CANTOR, MURIEL G. - The Hollywood TV Producer; His Work and His Audience [By] Muriel G. Cantor
54090: CANTOR, DANIEL J. - Tunnel Vision : Labor, the World Economy, and Central America / Daniel Cantor and Juliet Schor
109646: CANTOR, EDDIE (1892-1964) - My Life is in Your Hands
76049: CANTOR, ALFRED JOSEPH (1913-) - A Handbook of Psychosomatic Medicine, with Particular Reference to Intestinal Disorders. Introd. by Beaumont S. Cornell
56001: CANTOR, EDDIE (1892-1964) - The Way I See it
105571: CANTOR, HAROLD - Clifford Odets : Playwright-Poet
107207: CANTOR, EDDIE - The Way I See It
44273: CANTOR, ALFRED JOSEPH (1913-) - A Handbook of Psychosomatic Medicine, with Particular Reference to Intestinal Disorders. Introd. by Beaumont S. Cornell
239447: CANTOR, MEYER O. (1907-) - Intestinal intubation
175231: CANTOR, EDDIE (1892-1964) - Take my life / Eddie Cantor, with Jane Kesner Ardmore
56382: CANTOR, EDDIE (1892-1964) - The Way I See It
64318: CANTOR, ALFRED JOSEPH (1913-) - Ridding Yourself of Psychosomatic Health-Wreckers [By] Alfred J. Cantor
71972: CANTOR, NORMAN F. (ED. ) - Colloquium, No. 6, Fall, 1966
71976: CANTOR, NORMAN F. (ED. ) - Colloquium, No. 4, Fall, 1965
71978: CANTOR, NORMAN F. (ED. ) - Colloquium, No. 1, April, 1964 A Journal of Historical and Social Thought
187746: CANTRIL, HADLEY (1906-1969) - Soviet leaders and mastery over man / Hadley Cantril
91552: CANTRIL, HADLEY (1906-1969) - The Politics of Despair
167601: CANTU, CESARE, (1804-1895) - Il Cimitero Dell' 800 - Il cimitero dell'ottocento
221498: CANTWELL, ROBERT - The Real McCoy : the Life and Times of Norman Selby
256401: CANTWELL, ROBERT (1908-1978) - Alexander Wilson: naturalist and pioneer : a biography
101029: CANTWELL, ROBERT - The Real McCoy; the Life and Times of Norman Selby
94449: CAO, MING (1913-) - The Moving Force
155779: O CAOIMH, FIA - The aviation book : a survey of the world's aircraft
183259: CAOVILLA, PAOLA BURATTO - Taste the fashion : a celebration of luxury and creativity / Paola Buratto Caovilla
83050: CAPA, ROBERT - Robert Capa, Photographs / Edited by Cornell Capa and Richard Whelan
51859: CAPA, ROBERT (1913-1954). EDITED BY CORNELL CAPA AND RICHARD WHELAN - Robert Capa, Photographs
50041: CAPA, ROBERT (1913-1954) - Robert Capa, Photographs / Edited by Cornell Capa and Richard Whelan
221630: CAPA, ROBERT - Robert Capa : a look ahead
130543: CAPART, ALPHONSE - La Propriete Individuelle Et Le Collectivisme
221986: CAPE PENINSULA PUBLICITY ASSOCIATION, CAPE TOWN - The motorists' paradise : the Cape Peninsula and its surrounding districts / Cape Peninsula Publicity Association
238441: CAPE, RONALD (1921-), EDITOR - Symposia on geriatric medicine / editor: R.D.T. Cape. Vol.1, Inaugural meeting, The early recognition of morbidity, Accidents in the elderly, Maintenance of mental health in the elderly
277373: CAPEFIGUE M. (JEAN BAPTISTE HONORÉ RAYMOND) (1802-1872) - A king's mistress, or, Charles VII. & Agnes Sorel and chivalry in the XV. century
261820: CAPEFIGUE M. (JEAN BAPTISTE HONORÉ RAYMOND) (1802-1872) - Histoire constitutionnelle et administrative de la France depuis la mort de Philippe-Auguste : Première époque. De Louis VIII à la fin du règne de Louis XI, 1223-1483 / par M. Capefigue - vol. 3
260594: CAPEFIGUE, M. ((JEAN BAPTISTE HONORÉ RAYMOND - Histoire de Philippe-Auguste : par M. Capefigue
243493: CAPEFIGUE, JEAN BAPTISTE HONORÉ RAYMOND M. (1802-1872) - François Ier et la renaissance (1515-1547) / par M. Capefigue. T .4
224733: CAPEFIGUE, JEAN BAPTISTE HONORE RAYMOND (1802-1872) - Le Cardinal de Richelieu / par M. Capefigue
224729: CAPEFIGUE, JEAN BAPTISTE HONORE RAYMOND (1802-1872) - Oeuvres - Works in 11 volumes
146359: CAPEFIGUE, M. (JEAN BAPTISTE HONORERAYMOND) (1802-1872) - Madame La Marquise De Pompadour
244359: CAPEFIGUE, M. JEAN BAPTISTE HONORÉ RAYMOND (1802-1872) - Histoire constitutionnelle et administrative de la France depuis la mort de Philippe-Auguste : Première époque. De Louis VIII à la fin du règne de Louis XI, (1223-1483) / par M. Capefigue: Tome Second
198345: CAPEFIGUE, JEAN BAPTISTE HONORE RAYMOND (1802-1872) - A king's mistress, or, Charles VII. & Agnes Sorel and chivalry in the XV. century
59623: CAPEK, MARY ELLEN S. - A Women's Thesaurus : an Index of Language Used to Describe and Locate Information by and about Women / Edited by Mary Ellen S. Capek
259608: CAPEK, KAREL (1890-1938) - Tales from two pockets
255560: CAPEK, KAREL (1890-1938) - The cheat : a novel
64953: CAPEK, KAREL (1890-1938) - I Had a Dog and a Cat; Pictures Drawn by Josef & Karel Capek; Translated by M. & R. Weatherall
39888: CAPEK, KAREL (1890-1938) - Letters from Holland, by Karel Capek; Translated by Paul Selver
227851: CAPEL, CHARLES C - Trout culture : a practical treatise on the art of spawning, hatching, and rearing trout
62735: CAPELLE, WILHELM (1871-1961) - Die Vorsokratiker; Die Fragmente Und Quellenberichte Ubersetzt Und Eingeleitet Von Wilhelm Capelle
222432: CAPELLINI, GIOVANNI - La Formazione Gessosa di Castellina maritima e i suoi fossili, memoria del Prof. Comm. G. Capellini
73944: CAPERS, CHARLOTTE - The Capers Papers
257776: CAPGRAVE, JOHN (1393-1464) - Ye solace of pilgrimes : a description of Rome, circa A. D. 1450
7412: CAPGRAVE, JOHN - The Book of the Illustrious Henries
192465: CAPIAUMONT, A. - Manuel d'escrime a la baïonnette simplifiee : prescrit par M. le Ministre de la Guerre pour les regiments d'Infanterie et de chasseurs a pied, par disposition du 13 Decembre 1845, deuxieme division, no 34
37592: CAPITAN, WILLIAM H. - Philosophy of Religion; an Introduction
64887: CAPIZZI, MICHAEL. COLTON, KEITA - The Boy Who Came Up Quietly / Illustrated by Keita Colton
43585: CAPLAN, ARTHUR L. - If I Were a Rich Man Could I Buy a Pancreas? And Other Essays on the Ethics of Health Care
22882: CAPLAN, PAULA J. - Barriers between Women
21129: CAPLAN, PAULA J. - The Myth of Women's Masochism
193169: CAPLAN, PATRICIA (1942- ) - Women united, women divided : cross-cultural perspectives on female solidarity / edited by Patricia Caplan and Janet M. Bujra
68896: CAPLAN, GERALD - Adolescence: Psychosocial Perspectives. Edited by Gerald Caplan and Serge Lebovici
60546: CAPLAN, GERALD (ED. ) - Prevention of Mental Disorders in Children; Initial Exploration
59049: CAPLAN, GERALD (ED. ) - Emotional Problems of Early Childhood
52314: CAPLAN, GERALD - Prevention of Mental Disorders in Children - Initial Explorations
208553: CAPLE, SAMUEL CANYNGE - The cricketer's who's who
208568: CAPLE, SAMUEL CANYNGE - The cricketers' who's who / compiled by S. Canynge Caple
211087: CAPLE, SAMUEL CANYNGE - A history of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club 1870-1948
211141: CAPLE, SAMUEL CANYNGE - The cricketers' who's who / compiled by S. Canynge Caple
211859: CAPLE, S. CANYNGE (SAMUEL CANYNGE) - The ashes at stake : memories of Anglo-Australian cricket
211895: CAPLE, S. CANYNGE - England v. the West Indies, 1895-1957
212120: CAPLE, SAMUEL CANYNGE - A history of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club 1870-1948
214505: CAPLET - Le socialisme : ses principes doctrinaux et critique du systeme / par Abbe Caplet
172012: CAPMANY, AURELIO - La iglesia de sa pablo del campo de barcelona
174538: CAPOCCI, ARMAND - L'avenir du syndicalisme
268270: CAPON, ERIC - Actors & audiences in the Soviet Union : the Soviet theatre / described by Eric Capon
204791: CAPON, EDMUND - Princes of jade / [by] Edmund Capon and William MacQuitty
203951: CAPON, EDMUND. MACQUITTY, WILLIAM - Princes of jade
256145: CAPONE, ALFREDO - Storia d'Italia. 1, Destra e sinistra da Cavour a Crispi
198563: CAPOTE, TRUMAN (1924-1984) - One Christmas / Truman Capote
259709: CAPOTE, TRUMAN (1924-1984) - First and last / Truman Capote
102521: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - I Remember Grandpa / a Story by Truman Capote ; Illustrated by Barry Moser
51286: CAPOTE, TRUMAN (1924-1984) - In Cold Blood : a True Account of a Multiple Murder and its Consequences
213374: CAPOTE, TRUMAN (1924-1984) - In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences
222776: CAPOZZI, GIOVANNI - Canti funebri alla memoria del Dottor Giovanni Capozzi Lughese
158095: CAPP, KRISTIN. GEISEL, SIEGLINDE. SLEMMONS, ROD - Hutterite : a world of grace
123068: CAPP, KRISTIN - Hutterite : a World of Grace
110205: CAPP, AL (1909-1979) - The Best of Li'l Abner / Al Capp
183290: CAPPARONI, PIETRO (1868-) - Lazzaro Spallanzani : con figure nel testo e sei tavole in rotocalco / Pietro Capparoni
208313: CAPPONI, NICCOLO - An unlikely prince : the life and the times of Machiavelli
90684: CAPPS, WALTER H - The Unfinished War : Vietnam and the American Conscience
169459: CAPPS, BENJAMIN (1922- ) - The Warren wagontrain raid : the first complete account of an historic Indian attack and its aftermath
217082: CAPPS, ANDREW W. - The 'heat husbandry' solution for the world food problems of inadequate production and surplus disposal : delivered to The Institution of Agricultural Engineers Edinburgh January 22nd 1959
118539: CAPPS, BENJAMIN (1922-) - The Warren Wagontrain Raid; the First Complete Account of an Historic Indian Attack and its Aftermath
88622: CAPPS, STEPHEN REID (1881-1949) - The Chisana-White River District, Alaska
185064: CAPPUCCINI, BRUNO (1893-) - La guerra 'meravigliosa' / Bruno Cappuccini
198907: CAPRA, FRITJOF - The Tao of physics : an exploration of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism / Fritjof Capra
198905: CAPRA, FRITJOF - The Tao of physics : an exploration of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism / Fritjof Capra
65827: CAPRA, FRANK (1897-1991) - The Name Above the Title; an Autobiography
65825: CAPRA, FRANK (1897-1991) - The Name Above the Title : an Autobiography
104104: CAPRA, FRANK (1897-1991) - The Name Above the Title : an Autobiography / Frank Capra [SIGNED by Capra]
83295: CAPRA, FRANK (1897-1991) - The Name Above the Title; an Autobiography
79263: CAPRIO, FRANK SAMUEL (1906-) - Helping Yourself with Self-Hypnosis; a Modern Guide to Self-Improvement and Successful Living, by Frank S. Caprio and Joseph R. Berger
102561: CAPRIO, FRANK SAMUEL (1906-). JOSEPH R. BERGER - Helping Yourself with Self-Hypnosis; a Modern Guide to Self-Improvement and Successful Living, by Frank S. Caprio and Joseph R. Berger
158921: CAPRON, FREDERICK HUGH (1857-1955) - The Conflict of Truth
272160: THE CAPTAIN - The Captain: a magazine for boys and 'old boys': July, 1919
272072: CAPUANA, LUIGI - C'era una volta : Fiabe
221601: CAPUCCI, ROBERTO - Roberto Capucci : art into fashion
75801: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Means of Escape
156615: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Horn of Africa : a Novel
156426: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Delcorso's Gallery / Philip Caputo
92192: CARABATSOS, JAMES - Heroes
152260: CARACCIOLI, LOUIS-ANTOINE, MARQUIS (1719-1803) - The Life of Pope Clement XIV : (Ganganelli)
184643: CARACCIOLO, MARIO (1880-) - L' Italia e i suoi alleati nella grande guerra : con nuovi documenti
180847: CARACCIOLO, MARIO - Bligny Ardre chemin de dames
139448: CARACCIOLO, MARIO (1880-) - Italien Im Weltkrieg : Ubersetzt Ins Deutsche Von M. Steinwender
172736: CARACCIOLO, MARIO - Le truppe Italiane in Francia : il Ilo Corpo d'Armata, le TAIF / Colonnello Mario Caracciolo
167771: CARACCIOLO, MARIO - Sintesi : politico-militaire dell Guerra Mondiale 1914-1918 : con numerosi Allegati, Specchi, cartine
58584: CARACIO, JUDYANN R. - Northern New Jersey : Geteway to the World Marketplace / Judyann R. Caracio ; Partners in Progress by Paul Lavenhar and Robert J. Masiello ; Produced in Cooperation with the Commerce and Industry Association of Northern New Jersey
66382: CARAEFF, ED - Dolly : Close Up/up Close / Photographed by Ed Caraeff ; Text by Richard Amdur
254227: CARAMAN, PHILIP (1911-) - Henry Morse : priest of the plague
245206: CARAMAN, VICTOR-ANTOINE-CHARLES DE RIQUET DE DUC DE (1811-1868) - Histoire des révolutions de la philosophie en France : pendant le moyen age jusqu'au seizième siècle, précédé d'une introduction sur la philosophie de l’antiquité et de celle des premiers temps du Christianisme / par le duc de Caraman: Tome premier
244639: CARAMAN, PHILIP (1911-1998) - Henry Garnet, (1555-1606), and the Gunpowder Plot
247549: CARAMAN, PHILIP - Wardour: A Short History
235614: CARAMASCHI, ENZO - Essai sur la critique francaise de la fine-de-siecle: emile hennequin
258899: CARÁMBULA, R - Negro y tambor : poemas, pregones, danzas y leyendas sobre motivos del folklore afro-rioplatense. Melodías y anotaciones rítmicas del autor. Ensayo literario sobre el candombe; estudio sobre el lenguaje afro-criollo de los negros rioplatenses / Rubén Carámbula
88945: CARAS, ROGER A - The Wonderful World of Mammals; Adventuring with Stamps
65936: CARAS, STEVEN (PHOTOGRAPHS BY) / WENTINK, ANDREW MARK (TEXT BY) - The Steadfast Tin Soldier... Including the Original Story by Hans Christian Andersen
60202: CARAS, ROGER A. GRAHAM, STEVE - Amiable Little Beasts : Investigating the Lives of Young Animals / Conceived and Edited by Ann Guilfoyle ; Text by Roger A. Caras and Steve Graham
110055: CARAS, JIMMY - Trick and Fancy Shots in Pocket Billiards, by Jimmy Caras
114396: CARAS, ROGER A. - The Wonderful World of Mammals; Adventuring with Stamps, by Roger Caras
163626: CARASOV, VICTOR (1904 - ) - Two Gentlemen to See You, Sir; the Autobiography of a Villain, by Victor Carasov. with a Foreword by Michael Young
116483: CARAVAN, JILL - An Identification Guide to Cat Breeds
118178: CARAY, HARRY. BOB VERDI - Holy Cow!
250462: CARBERRY, JUANITA (1925-2013) - Child of a happy valley : a memoir / Juanita Carberry ; with Nicola Tyrer
141334: CARBERY, THOMAS F. - Consumers in Politics: a History and General Review of the Co-Operative Party, by Thomas F. Carbery
220671: CARBONE, TERESA A. [ED.]. BROOKLYN MUSEUM. CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART. DALLAS MUSEUM OF ART. - Youth and beauty : art of the American twenties / edited by Teresa A. Carbone ; contributions by Teresa A. Carbone ... [et al.]
9110: CARBONI, STEFANO - Glass from Islamic Lands
227003: CARCASSON, ROBERT HERBERT - A field guide to the coral reef fishes of the Indian and West Pacific Oceans / R.H. Carcasson
85502: CARCATERRA, LORENZO - Sleepers / Lorenzo Carcaterra
100601: CARCATERRA, LORENZO - Sleepers
235924: CARCO, FRANCIS (1886-1958) - Les derniers états des lettres et des arts; la poésie
169972: CARCO, FRANCIS (1886-1958) - Prisons de femmes
43215: CARD, CLAUDIA - Adventures in Lesbian Philosophy
266315: CARD, PETER W - Motor-car mascots and badges / Peter W. Card
254667: CARD, ORSON SCOTT - Shadow puppets / Orson Scott Card
239133: CARD, WILFRID INGRAM, EDITOR; CREAMER, BRIAN, EDITOR - Modern trends in gastroenterology 4 / edited by W. I. Card and B. Creamer
15101: CARD, CLAUDIA - Lesbian Choices
256463: CARD, ORSON SCOTT - Ender's shadow / Orson Scott Card
78114: CARD, ORSON SCOTT - Cardography ; Introduction by David Hartwell. Illustration by Leslie Newcomer
197464: CARDALL, WILLIAM - Israel's Journeys and Stations in the Wilderness considered as illustrative of the Christian pilgrimage
31180: CARDAMONE, TOM - Advertising Agency and Studio Skills
250206: CARDELL, WILLIAM SAMUEL (1780-1828). LEAVENWORTH, M. T - Story of Jack Halyard, the sailor boy, or, The virtuous family : Designed for American children in families and schools
97971: CARDEN, PATRICIA - The Art of Isaac Babel
96838: CARDEN, PATRICIA - The Art of Isaac Babel
51741: CARDEN, KAREN W. - Western Rider's Handbook
122069: CARDEN, PATRICIA - The Art of Isaac Babel, by Patricia Carden
185707: CARDEW, SIR ALEXANDER G. - A short history of the inquisition
194111: CARDIGAN, CHANDOS BRUDENELL-BRUCE, EARL OF - The life and loyalties of Thomas Bruce : a biography of Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury and Elgin, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to King Charles II and to King James II, 1656-1744
94781: CARDINALL, ALLAN WOLSEY (1887-?) - The Natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast : Their Customs, Religion and Folklore ; with 22 Illustrations from Photos by the Author and a Map
19690: CARDINALL, A. W. - Tales Told in Togoland - to Which is Added the Mythical & Traditional History of Dagomba
252183: CARDING, JOHN - Continental match fishing
249594: CARDING, JOHN - Match fishing with the experts / edited by John Carding
209653: CARDINNE-PETIT, ROGER (1899-) - Les soirees du continental : ce que j'ai vu a la censure 1939-1940 / par R. Cardinne-Petit
148095: CARDIS, FRANCOIS - Federalisme Et Integration Europeene
184432: CARDONER PLANAS, ANTONIO - El medico judio Benvenist Samuel y su parentesco con Samuel Benvenist de Barcelona / por A. Cardoner Planas
101426: CARDOSO, OSCAR R. (OSCAR RAUL) - Falklands, the Secret Plot / Cardoso, Kirschbaum, and Van Der Kooy ; Translated by Bernard Ethell
82400: CARDOZO, NANCY - Lucky eyes and a high heart : the life of Maud Gonne
133993: CARDOZO, HAROLD G. - The March of a Nation : My Year of Spain's Civil War
126555: CARDOZO, HAROLD G. - The March of a Nation; My Year of Spain's Civil War, by Harold G. Cardozo
256227: MURRAY CARDS - Cigarette card values : catalogue of cigarette and other trade cards
258096: CIGARETTE CARDS - Cigarette cards - Football, Cricket & Rugby in a collection
239652: TUCK'S POST CARDS - 'The Pickwick papers.' Oilettes after the Original Paintings
151863: CARDUCCI, GIOSUE (1835-1907) - Lirici Del Secolo XVIII : Savioli, A. Paradiso, Cerretti, Rezzonico, Cassoli, Mazza, Fantoni, Lamberti, G. Paradisi / a Cura Di G. Carducci
265774: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975) - The noblest game : a book of fine cricket prints / Neville Cardus & John Arlott
264667: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975) - Second innings
264672: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975) - Cricket all the year / Neville Cardus
264581: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975) - Second innings
264566: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975) - Australian summer : the test matches of 1936-37 / Neville Cardus
241007: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975). ARLOTT, JOHN - The noblest game : a book of fine cricket prints / Neville Cardus & John Arlott
248440: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975) - Kathleen Ferrier, 1912-1953 : a memoir / edited by Neville Cardus ; with contributions by Neville Cardus [and others]
138063: CARDUS, NEVILLE, SIR (1889-1975) - Autobiography. [With Plates, Including Portraits. ]
263843: CARDUS, NEVILLE (1889-1975) - Autobiography / Neville Cardus
240262: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1889-1975) - Autobiography
240550: CARDUS, NEVILLE SIR (1888-1975) - Good days : [a book of cricket] / Neville Cardus
240551: CARDUS, NEVILLE (1889-1975) - Close of play / Neville Cardus
171488: CARDUS, NEVILLE, SIR (1889-1975) - Autobiography
209689: CARDUS, NEVILLE, SIR (1889-1975) - Autobiography : Neville Cardus
240999: CARDUS, NEVILLE (1888-1975) - English cricket / Neville Cardus. With 8 plates in colour and 21 illustrations in black & white
78861: CARDWELL, KENNETH H. (1920-) - Bernard Maybeck : Artisan, Architect, Artist / Kenneth H. Cardwell
223260: CARDWELL, EDWARD (1787-1861) - Lectures on the coinage of the Greeks and Romans; delivered in the University of Oxford
143118: CARDWELL, ANN SU - Poland and Russia : the Last Quarter Century
134028: CARDWELL, EDWARD (1787-1861) - Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks and Romans; Delivered in the University of Oxford by Edward Cardwell
196038: CARDWELL, ANN SU - Poland and Russia : the last quarter century
76493: GROUP FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF PSYCHIATRY. COMMITTEE ON THERAPEUTIC CARE - The Community Worker : a Response to Human Need / Formulated by the Committee on Therapeutic Care, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
271933: CAREW, TIM - The Royal Norfolk Regiment (The 9th Regiment of Foot)
271923: CAREW, TIM (1921-1980) - How the regiments got their nicknames / Tim Carew ; Nicolas Bentley drew the pictures
261594: CAREW, PETER - Combat and carnival
238110: CAREW, ROD. BERKOW, IRA - Carew
134224: CAREW, P. J. - An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the Introduction of Christianity Into That Country to the Commencement of the Thirteenth Century
117081: CAREW, THOMAS (1595?-1639?) KURT ROESCH (ILL. ) - The Inconstant Mistris / Thomas Carew [With Drawings by Kurt Roesch] [Spine Title: the Love Poems of Thomas Carew]
8582: CAREY, PETER - The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
8509: CAREY, PETER - Jack Maggs
65034: CAREY, GARY - Doug & Mary : a Biography of Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford
48960: CAREY, MACDONALD - The Days of My Life
273750: CAREY, GRAHAM - The Tails Book. A modern bestiary ... Illustrated by Francis Dahl
271741: CAREY, DAVID - The story of the motor car
271732: CAREY, DAVID - The story of the motor car
270140: CAREY, PETER - Bliss / Peter Carey
269999: CAREY, PETER - Theft : a love story / Peter Carey
270000: CAREY, PETER - The line of beauty / Alan Hollinghurst
255079: CAREY, PETER - My life as a fake / Peter Carey
241011: CAREY, PETER (1943-) - True history of the Kelly gang / Peter Carey
239780: CAREY, PETER (1943-) - Illywhacker / Peter Carey
203092: CAREY, JACK - Woods and mirrors : poems
19709: CAREY, LYNETTE - The Sociology of Planning. A Study of Social Activity on New Housing Estates
180293: CAREY, JOHN (1934- ) - The Faber book of science / edited by John Carey
155038: CAREY, RICHARD ADAMS - The philosopher fish : sturgeon, caviar, and the geography of desire
139001: CAREY, GARY - Doug & Mary : a Biography of Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford
190184: CAREY, A. MERWYN (ARTHUR MERWYN) (B. 1890) - American firearms makers : when, where, and what they made from the Colonial period to the end of the nineteenth century
90889: CAREY, ROBERT LINCOLN - Daniel Webster As an Economist
111319: CAREY, GARY - Anita Loos : a Biography / Gary Carey
59617: CAREY, DREW - Dirty Jokes and Beer : Stories of the Unrefined / Drew Carey
117575: CAREY, GARY - Lenny, Janis & Jimi / Gary Carey
115589: CAREY, SAMUEL PEARCE (1862-) - William Carey, D. D. , Fellow of Linnaean Society, by S. Pearce Carey
36471: CAREY JONES, N. S. - The Anatomy of Uhuru: an Essay on Kenya's Independence, by N. S. Carey Jones
37714: CAREY, ROSA NOUCHETTE (1840-1909) - The Sunny Side of the Hill
12162: CAREY, PETER - The Tax Inspector / Peter Carey
61549: CAREY, ROSA NOUCHETTE (1840-1909) - Wooed and Married
194874: CAREY AND HART, PHILADELPHIA - The literary souvenir, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1844 with ten engravings
116004: CAREY, GARY - Doug & Mary : a Biography of Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford
115826: CAREY, GARY - Marlon Brando : the Only Contender / Gary Carey
158179: CARGILL, ANGUS (ED.) - Hang the DJ : an Alternative Book of Music Lists / Edited by Angus Cargill
147878: CARGILL, DAVID - The G. P. : What's Wrong?
78056: CARGO, ROBERT T. - Baudelaire Criticism, 1950-1967 : a Bibliography with Critical Commentary / Robert T. Cargo
52964: CARGO, ROBERT T. - Baudelaire Criticism, 1950-1967 : a Bibliography with Critical Commentary / Robert T. Cargo
130411: CARGO, ROBERT T. - Baudelaire Criticism, 1950-1967 : a Bibliography with Critical Commentary / Robert T. Cargo
100348: CARGO, ROBERT T. - Concordance to Baudelaire's Petits Poemes En Prose, with Complete Text of the Poems. Compiled and with an Introd. , by Robert T. Cargo
43098: CARGOE, RICHARD - Maharajah
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144816: CARLE, ERIC - Draw Me a Star / Eric Carle
102703: CARLE, MARINA. GILA WALKER - Kenya / Author, Marina Carle ; Translation, Gila Walker
217244: CARLEBACH, ALEXANDER (1908-) - Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi : his life and times
274957: CARLESS, W. T - A short history of Hereford school
258414: CARLETON, JOHN WILLIAM - The practice of the Civil Bill Courts, from the judicial decisions, and digest of the several statutes adjudicated upon
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10201: CARLETON, WILLIAM - Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry Complete in 2 Volumes
74780: CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912) - Farm Ballads
48811: CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912) - Songs of Two Centuries
47625: CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912) - Farm Ballads
82118: CARLETON, WILL - City Legends, by Will Carleton
82108: CARLETON, WILL - Farm Festivals, by Will Carleton
82106: CARLETON, WILL - Farm Ballads. by Will Carleton
82104: CARLETON, WILL - City Ballads, by Will Carleton
14376: CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912) - City Ballads, by Will Carleton
129355: CARLETON, WILL - City Ballads, by Will Carleton
129353: CARLETON, WILL - Farm Festivals, by Will Carleton
37753: CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912) - Farm Ballads. by Will Carleton
231702: CARLETON, WILLIAM (1794-1869) - Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. With etchings by Phiz, Wrightson, Lee and others. Complete in 4 volumes.
181958: CARLETON, WILLIAM (1794-1869) - Tales and sketches, illustrating the character, usages, traditions, sports and pastimes of the Irish peasantry
18351: CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912) - Farm Ballads
45029: CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912) - City Festivals
195968: CARLETON, A. P. (ARTHUR PATRICK) - Society : natural and divine
53358: CARLETTI, ALESSANDRO - The Red Sea Dive Guide / Text by Alessandro Carletti ; Photographs by Andrea Ghisotti ; [Translator, Antony Shugaar]
154953: CARLEY, MICHAEL JABARA - 1939 : the alliance that never was and the coming of World War II
44257: CARLI, ENZO (1910-) - The Landscape in Art / Enzo Carli ; Edited by Mia Cinotti ; [Translated from the Italian by Mary Fitton]
280960: CARLI, MARIO - Mussolini visto da Settimelli: prefazione di Mario Carli (Autografi Fuori Testo)
228635: CARLI, ENZO (1910-1999) - The miniatures of Liberale da Verona from the Antiphonaries in Siena Cathedral
17134: CARLILE, JOHN B. - Profiles of Psychiatric Drugs / Editor in Chief John B. Carlile
155168: CARLIN, JOHN. FINEBERG, JONATHAN DAVID - Imagining America : icons of 20th-Century American art
275277: CARLING, THOMAS EDWARD - Wine aristocracy : a guide to the best wines of the world
104079: CARLISI, JOSEPH - A Guide to Personal Power : Approaching Knowledge, Awareness, and Power in an Age of Darkness
95790: CARLISLE, OLGA ANDREYEV - Solzhenitsyn and the Secret Circle / Olga Carlisle
57720: CARLISLE, CHRISTOPHER (ED. ) - Letters from a Merry Widow and Two Gentlemen, 1906-1914 / Edited by Christopher Carlisle
57640: CARLISLE, OLGA ANDREYEV - Island in Time : a Memoir of Childhood
29136: CARLISLE, ELLIOTT - 'Mac', Conversations about Management
26649: CARLISLE, OLGA - Solzhenitsyn and the Secret Circle
205219: CARLISLE, OLGA ANDREYEV - Solzhenitsyn and the secret circle / Olga Carlisle
13071: CARLISLE, OLGA ANDREYEV - Solzhenitsyn and the Secret Circle
194603: CARLISLE, HENRY HERMANN - Dr. Isaac Watts : a bicentenary celebration and inauguration in Southampton - his native town
119789: CARLISLE, JANICE - John Stuart Mill and the Writing of Character / Janice Carlisle
26432: CARLISLE, OLGA ANDREYEV - Solzhenitsyn and the Secret Circle
39135: DE CARLO, ANDREA - Yucatán
243483: DE CARLO, TEN. COL. RAUL VIVALDI SALVATORE - Storia Della Guerra Europa: Primo Volume: Dalla Campagna Di Polonia All'Occupazione Della norvegia; con una sintesi della storia e'europa dal 1870 al 1 Settembre 1939 e la cronistoria delgli avvenimenti politici e militari
263729: DE CARLO - Festa di nozze per Ludovico il Moro : nelle testimonianze di Tristano Calco, Giacomo Trotti, Isabella d'Este, Gian Galeazzo Sforza, Beatrice de' Contrari, e altri / a cura di Guido Lopez
210328: CARLOTTO, MASSIMO (1956-?) - The Colombian Mule / Massimo Carlotto
183304: CARLSEN, SPIKE - A splintered history of wood : belt-sander races, blind woodworkers, and baseball bats
53890: CARLSON, RAYMOND - Arizona's Scenic Seasons : Remembering with Raymond : Selected Writings of Raymond Carlson / Photography by Arizona Highways Contributors ; [Wesley Holden, Editor]
52993: CARLSON, ALLAN C. - Family Questions - Reflections on the American Social Crisis
36078: CARLSON, JOEL - No Neutral Ground
250602: CARLSON, JOEL - No neutral ground
135259: CARLSON, RICK J. DAVID K. DEWOLF. PRISCILLA DEWOLF - The Dilemmas of Corrections / Rick J. Carlson, with the Assistance of David K. Dewolf and Priscilla Dewolf
127380: CARLSON, JOEL - No Neutral Ground
280562: CARLSON, DAN - Prophetic visions warn America : you too can know for sure
189817: CARLSON, JOHN ROY (1909-) - The plotters
160776: CARLSON, LOIS - Monganga Paul; the Congo Ministry and Martyrdom of Paul Carlson, M. D.
234944: CARLSON, RAYMOND [EDITOR]. AVEY, GEORGE, M. AVEY [ART DIRECTOR]. STEVENS, JAMES E. [BUSINESS MANAGER] - Arizona Highways: June 1960 Forty cents. Vol. xxxvi, No. 6. This Issue: Grand Canyon
278143: CARLSON, DAVID R. (DAVID RICHARD) - English humanist books : writers and patrons, manuscript and print, 1475-1525
246145: CARLSSON, ANNI - Die deutsche Buchkritik von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart / Anni Carlsson
183209: CARLSTROM, NANCY WHITE - It's your first day of school, Annie Claire
65468: CARLTON, ERIC - Sexual Anxiety : a Study of Male Impotence / Eric Carlton
255461: CARLTON, CHARLES - Bigotry and blood : documents on the Ulster troubles / [compiled by] Charles Carlton
156458: CARLTON, JOHN T. SLINKMAN, JOHN F. - The ROA Story : a Chronicle of the First 60 Years of the Reserve Officers Association of the United States / John T. Carlton and John F. Slinkman ; Sharing Research, Verification, and Editing with Alexander Jackson, Jr.
188247: CARLTON, BILL - Charioteers of doom : Inflation: some causes and curses
222484: CARLTON, W. N. C. - Famous first editions : bibliographical and descriptive notes. No. 1: The Kilmarnock Burns 1786
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