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Click on booknumber for full information
224711: ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN - Romans nationaux / par Erckmann-Chatrian ; illustres par Riou
263400: NEW YORK (STATE). MONUMENTS COMMISSION FOR THE BATTLEFIELDS OF GETTYSBURG AND CHATTANOOGA - Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg - vol. 3
103837: CHATTERBOX - Chatterbox, 1930
99280: CHATTERBOX - Chatterbox
99279: CHATTERBOX - Chatterbox
114320: CHATTERBOX - Chatterbox. Volume 64
179905: CHATTERJEE, MARGARET (ED.) - Contemporary Indian philosophy : Series 2 / edited by Margaret Chatterjee
94167: CHATTERJI, JOGESH CHANDRA (1895-?) - Indian Revolutionaries in Conference
225984: CHATTERTON, FREDERICK - English architecture at a glance : a simple review in pictures of the chief periods of English architecture / with historical notes by Frederick Chatterton
246750: CHATTERTON, KEBLE E - Old ship prints / E. Keble Chatterton
73304: CHATTERTON, FREDERICK (1871-1934). HARVEY, JOHN DEAN MONROE (B. 1895) - English Architecture At a Glance; a Simple Review in Pictures of the Chief Periods of English Architecture, with Historical Notes by Frederick Chatterton
53700: CHATTERTON, RUTH - Retorno Al Hogar (Homeward Borne) , Novela, by Ruth Chatterton
242405: CHATTERTON, EDWARD KEBLE (1878-1944). MACPHERSON, ARTHUR GEORGE HOLDSWORTH (1875-1942) - Old ship prints / with illustrations in colour, black and white from the Macpherson collection
37933: CHATTERTON, THOMAS - The Letter Paraphras'd - an Unpublished Poem by Thomas Chatterton
145374: CHATTERTON-HILL, GEORGES (1883-) - The Sociological Value of Christianity
262653: CHATTERTON, E. KEBLE (EDWARD KEBLE) (1878-1944) - The epic of Dunkirk / [by] E. Keble Chatterton; with 31 full page illustrations
237734: PICKERING & CHATTO - History, topography, travels, noble and county family history, old newspapers, political history, economics, trading, trades, commodities, and Americana: a catalogue of a very large collection of old books, tracts and pamphlets; with selling prices affixed
270771: CHATWIN, BRUCE (1940-1989) - On the black hill / Bruce Chatwin
231395: CHATWIN, BRUCE (1940-1989) - In Patagonia / Bruce Chatwin
229540: CHATWIN, BRUCE (1940-1989) - Utz / Bruce Chatwin
208821: CHATWIN, CHARLES PANZETTA (1887-). GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN. MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY (GREAT BRITAIN) - British regional geology : the Hampshire basin and adjoining areas
204796: CHATWIN, BRUCE (1940-1989) - What am I doing here / Bruce Chatwin
75578: CHATZEDAKES, MANOLES - Benaki Museum / Manolis Chatzidakis ; Translation, Kay Cicellis ; Special Photography, Makis Skiadaresis
181726: CHATZEGIANNIDES, VANGELES - Physikes histories : enteka diegemata / Vangeles Chatzegiannides ; eikonographese, Euphrosyne K. Doxiade
271465: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (1340-1400) - Troilus and Criseyde
271175: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY - The works of Geoffrey Chaucer / edited by F. N. Robinson
268880: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY - The Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer ; translated into modern English by Nevill Coghill ; woodcuts by Edna Whyte - complete in 2 volumes
198429: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (1340?-1400) - The works of Geoffrey Chaucer : a facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer ; with the original 87 illustrations by Edward Burne-Jones ; together with an introduction by John T. Winterich and a glossary for the modern reader
250858: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY - The Canterbury tales
215512: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (-1400) - Troilus and Cressida
152825: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (D. 1400). KENT, ROCKWELL (1882-1971) ILLUS. - Canterbury Tales, Rendered Into Modern English by J. U. Nicolson, with Illustrations by Rockwell Kent and an Introduction by Gordon Hall Gerould
224214: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY - The Prioresses tale : Sir Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the Squieres tale, from the Canterbury tales / ed. by Rev. Walter W. Skeat
246053: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (-1400) - The Canterbury tales : of Chaucer; completed in a modern version. In three volumes
233066: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (-1400). HERTZBERG, WILHELM ADOLF BOGUSLAW (1813-1879). KOCH, JOHN (1850-1934) - Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury-erzählungen / nach Wilhelm Hertzbergs übersetzung, neu herausgegeben von John Koch. Mit 26 farbigen tafeln
181682: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (D.1400). TYRWHITT, THOMAS (1730-1786) - The Canterbury tales of Chaucer. To which are added an essay on his language and versification, and an introductory discourse: together with notes and a glossary. By the late Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq. F.R.S. - [Complete in 2 volumes]
36769: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY - The Parlement of Foulys
212612: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY - The riches of Chaucer, in which his impurities have been expunged, his spelling modernised, and his obsolete terms explained, by C.C. Clarke
50589: CHAUDHURI, PRAMIT - The Indian Economy : Poverty and Development
270107: CHAUDHURI, AMIT - A new world / Amit Chaudhuri
270007: CHAUDHURI, AMIT - Real time : stories and a reminiscence / Amit Chaudhuri
234999: CHAUDHURI, PRAMIT [COMP] - Readings in Indian agricultural development / edited by Pramit Chaudhuri
52919: CHAUDHURI, NIRAD C. - The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian
247203: CHAUDON, L.M. (1737-1817) - Nouveau dictionnaire historique, ou, Histoire abrégée de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nom ... / par L.M. Chaudon et F.A. Delandine - Complete in 13 Volumes
193517: CHAUDON, LOUIS MAYEUL (1737-1817). - Historical and critical memoirs of the life and writings of M. de Voltaire : interspersed with numerous anecdotes, Poetical Pieces, Epigrams and Bon Mots, little known, and never before published in English... ...relative to the literati of France. Particularly the Life of the Celebrated J. B. Rousseau. As Written by Voltaire; and the History of the Famous Libellous Couplets. From the French of Dom Chaudon
250376: CHAUDON, LOUIS MAYEUL (1737-1817). GROSLEY, PIERRE JEAN (1718-1785). MOYSANT, FRANÇOIS (1735-1813) - Nouveau dictionnaire historique, ou Histoire abregée de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nom par le génie, les talens, les vertus, les erreurs, &c. depuis le commencement du monde jusq'à nos jours : Avec des tables chronologiques pour réduire en corps d'histoire les articles répandus dans ce dictionnaire / Par une société de gens-de-lettres: in five volumes
214117: CHAUDON, L. M., (LOUIS MAYEUL), (1737-1817) - Nouveau dictionnaire historique : ou, Histoire abregee de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nom ..., avec des tables chronologiques ... / par une societe de gens-de-lettres [complete in 6 volumes]
191815: CHAUHAN, B. R. - Kashmir, its place in the Indian Union
163165: CHAUMIE, EMMANUEL - La Belle Aventure De Robert De Flers; Russie-Roumanie (Fevrier-Mars 1918) Par Emmanuel Chaumie´; Preface De Jean Giraudoux
258629: CHAUNU, PIERRE - Eugène Sue et la Seconde République / Pierre Chaunu ; Collection du Centenaire de la Révolution de 1848 / Comité National du Centenaire
174647: CHAURAND DE SAINT EUSTACHE, FELICE DE (1857-?) - Come l'esercito Italiano entro in guerra
269983: CHAUSSARD, PIERRE JEAN-BAPTISTE (1766-1823) - Fêtes et courtisanes de la Grèce : supplément aux voyages d'Anacharsis et d'Antenor
253979: CHAUSSARD, PIERRE JEAN-BAPTISTE (1766-1823) - Fêtes et courtisanes de la Grèce : supplément aux voyages d'Anacharsis et d'Antenor: tome deuxieme
144108: CHAUSSE, GABRIEL. YVONNE CHAUSSEE (ILL. ) - L'Ardente Jonchee
268894: CHAUVEL, ELSA - My life with Charles Chauvel
265009: CHAUVENET, WILLIAM - A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
265011: CHAUVENET, WILLIAM - A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
163914: CHAUVENET, BEATRICE - Hewett and Friends : a Biography of Santa Fe's Vibrant Era
263397: CHAUVENET, WILLIAM - A treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry
268266: CHAUVIGNY, RENE DE - La résistance au Concordat de 1801 : profils d'évêques - profils de prêtres / par René de Chauvigny
204200: CHAUVIN, A. (1852-1923) - La litterature francaise, par les critiques contemporains : choix de jugements / recueillis par A Chauvin et G. Le Bidois
237687: CHAUVOIS, LOUIS (1881-) - William Harvey: his life and times : his discoveries, his methods / Foreword by Sir Zachary Cope
130008: CHAVANNES DE LA GIRAUDIERE, H. DE. & HUILLARD-BREHOLLES, JEAN-LOUIS-ALPHONSE (1817-1871) - L' Irlande : Son Origine, Son Histoire Et Sa Situation Presente / Par H. De Chavannes De La Giraudiere Et Huillard-Breholles
201372: CHAVASSE, CLAUDE - The dialogues of Jesus / an arrangement of S. John's Gospel made by Claude Chavasse... ; with a foreward by the Bishop of Lincoln
113531: CHAVCHAVADZE, PAUL - Because the Night Was Dark
37132: CHAVCHAVADZE, PAUL - Marie Avinov - Pilgrimage through Hell
209539: CHAVE, LEONARD. WYNKYN DE WORDE SOCIETY - Forty years on : the Wynkyn de Worde Society, 1957-1997 / compiled by Leonard Chave
147797: CHAVEL, C. B. (ED. ) - Hadorom, No. 29
184568: CHAVES, MARIA CONCEPCION L. DE. - Rio lunado mitos y costumbres del Paraguay / Ilus. de Francisco de Santo
127443: CHAVES, LUIS - Os Barristas Portugueses (Nas Escolas E No Povo)
180891: CHAVES, JOAO PIRES. LEITE, RUI FERREIRA - A medida da producao industrial Portuguesa / por Joao Pires Chaves e Rui Ferreira Leite
151528: CHAVEZ, ANGELICO (1910-) - New Mexico Triptych : Being Three Panels and Three Accounts: 1. the Angel's New Wings; 2. the Penitente Thief; 3. Hunchback Madonna / Illustrated by the Author
254975: CHAWLA, NAVIN - Mother Teresa / Navin Chawla
69115: CHAYEFSKY, PADDY (1923-1981) - Television Plays
53090: CHAYES, ANTONIA HANDLER AND DOTY, PAUL - Defending Deterrence : Managing the ABM Treaty Regime Into the 21st Century
32097: CHAYKIN, HOWARD - Twilight : book 1 : last frontier
258938: CHAYTOR, D. G - The law and practice relating to the variation of tithe rent-charges in Ireland : with appendices containing forms of notices and orders, and tables showing periods of variation, average prices of corn, parishes situated in two counties, etc. : also a complete collection of the statutes relating to the variation of tithe rent-charges in Ireland and a general index
258841: CHAYTOR, D.G. AND LONGFIELD, M.G - The Tithe Rent-charge (Ireland) Act, 1900 : (63 & 64 Vict., c.58) with explanatory notes ... and appendices ... Being a supplement to Chaytor on tithe rent-charge
171119: CHAZAN, ROBERT, HALLO WILLIAM W. & LAWRENCE, H. (EDS.) - Ki Baruch hu : ancient Near Eastern, biblical, and Judaic studies in honor of Baruch A. Levine / edited by Robert Chazan, William W. Hallo, and Lawrence H. Schiffman.
215746: CHAZIN-BENNAHUM, JUDITH - Rene Blum and the Ballets russes : in search of a lost life
93295: CHE, SUNNY (1929-) - Forever Alien : a Korean Memoir, 1930-1951
76629: CHEAPE, CHARLES W. (1945-) - Family Firm to Modern Multinational : Norton Company, a New England Enterprise
254537: CHEARNLEY, SAMUEL (-1746). BARNARD, TOBY CHRISTOPHER. LAFFAN, WILLIAM M - Miscelanea structura curiosa
210257: CHEATLE, JACK RONALD WILLIAM - A guide to the British landscape / [by] J.R.W. Cheatle
176864: CHECKLEY, EDWIN - A natural method of physical training : making muscle and reducing flesh without dieting or apparatus
63517: CHEEK, W. RAYMOND (1912-) - The Frontier Trail; the Story of an American Pioneer Family
241068: CHEEM, ALIPH (1837-1916) - Lays of Ind.
214494: CHEESEMAN, DAVID. LANSLEY, JOHN. WILSON, JUDY (1943-) - Neighbourhood care and old people: a community development project, [by] David Cheeseman, John Lansley and Judy Wilson
79772: CHEEVER, JOHN - The Wapshot Chronicle & the Wapshot Scandal
73757: CHEEVER, SUSAN - A Woman's Life : the Story of an Ordinary American and Her Extraordinary Generation
69699: CHEEVER, SUSAN - A Handsome Man / Susan Cheever
67265: CHEEVER, SUSAN - Home before Dark / Susan Cheever
54476: CHEEVER, SUSAN - Looking for Work / Susan Cheever
27714: CHEEVER, SUSAN - Home before Dark / Susan Cheever
237157: CHEEVER, SUSAN - E. E. Cummings: a life / Susan Cheever
22607: CHEEVER, SUSAN - A Woman's Life. The Story of an Ordinary American and Her Extraordinary Generation
168294: CHEEVER, JOHN (1912-1982) - Oh what a paradise it seems / John Cheever
168280: CHEEVER, JOHN (1912-1982) - Oh what a paradise it seems / John Cheever
214746: CHEEVER, JOHN - The Wapshot chronicle / John Cheever ; illustrated by Chet Jezierski
134147: CHEEVER, HENRY THEODORE (1814-1897) - The Island World of the Pacific : Being the Personal Narrative and Results of Travel through the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands, and Other Parts of Polynesia
182261: CHEEVER, GEORGE BARRELL (1807-1890) - Travels among Alpine scenery
204978: CHEEVER, JOHN - Bullet Park : a Novel
191444: PARISER CHEFREDAKTEUR - Hinter den Kulissen des franzosischen Journalismus / von einem Pariser chefredakteur
208987: CHEHATA, TAWFIK - La Concession de service public. Etude comparee de droit administratif francais et egyptien
249299: CHEHOV, ANTONIN - Three plays: The Cherry Orchard, Three Sisters, Ivanov
27596: CHEIN, ISIDOR (1912-) - Narcotics, Delinquency and Social Policy : the Road to H
260973: CHEIRO - Cheiro's book of numbers
215225: CHEIRO (1866-1936) - Cheiro's language of the hand : a complete practical work on the science of cheirognomy and cheiromancy containing the system and experience of Cheiro
263665: CHEIRO (1866-1936) - Cheiro's book of the hand
263661: CHEIRO (1866-1936) - Cheiro's memoirs : the reminiscences of a society palmist, including interviews with King Edward the Seventh, W. E. Gladstone, C. S. Parnell...and others
263664: CHEIRO (1866-1936) - Cheiro's book of the hand
158746: CHEKE, DUDLEY - Josephine and Emilie : Stars of the Bel Canto in Europe and America, 1823-89 / Dudley Cheke [Foreword by Richard Bonynge]
128040: CHEKHARIN, E. M. - The Soviet Political System under Developed Socialism / E. Chekharin
96211: CHEKHOV, ANTON PAVLOVICH (1860-1904) - Letters of Anton Chekhov. Selected and Edited by Avrahm Yarmolinsky
276825: CHEKHOV, ANTON PAVLOVICH (1860-1904) - Stories of Russian life
254881: CHEKHOV, ANTON PAVLOVICH (1860-1904) - The cherry orchard : and other plays ; [translated] from the Russian by Constance Garnett
214779: CHEKHOV, ANTON PAVLOVICH (1860-1904) - RELATED NAMES: GARNETT, CONSTANCE BLACK (1862-1946) TRANS. ; SZALAY, LAJOS (ILLUS. ) ; GIELGUD, JOHN, SIR (1904-?) - Two Plays of Anton Chekhov : the Cherry Orchard, Three Sisters / [Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett]; with an Introduction by John Gielgud; and Illustrations by Lajos Szalay
244655: CHEKHOV, ANTON. MCINERNEY, SUSAN [READER]. COMMUTER'S LIBRARY - The Party: Anna on the Neck, Polinka, The Princess, The Party
146621: CHELARD, RAOUL (1857-) - Le Danger Hongrois
218452: CHELCHOWSKI, EUGENIUSZ - Sowiecka gospodarka na Ziemiach Wschodnich R.P. [Language: Polish]
41419: CHELLIS, MARCIA (1940-) - Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives : How to Overcome Adversity and Achieve Positive Change in Your Life / Marcia Chellis
22586: CHELLIS, MARCIA (1940-) - Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives : How to Overcome Adversity and Achieve Positive Change in Your Life / Marcia Chellis
153992: CHELLIS, MARCIA (1940-) - Living with the Kennedys : the Joan Kennedy Story / Marcia Chellis
15022: CHELLIS, MARCIA (1940-) - Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives : How to Overcome Adversity and Achieve Positive Change in Your Life / Marcia Chellis
237389: CHEMECHE, GEORGE (1934-); COSENTINO, DONALD (1941-); SILVA, VAGNER GONÇALVES DA - Eshu: the divine trickster / George Chemeche; with essays by Donald J. Cosentino and Vagner Gonçalves da Silva
162909: CHEMINANT, LOUIS - Le Royaume D'Israel : (933-722 Av. J. -C. ) / Louis Cheminant
92427: SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (5TH : 1973 : DALLAS, TEX. ) - Archaeological Chemistry : a Symposium Sponsored by the Division of the History of Chemistry At the 165th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, Tex. , April 9-10, 1973 / Curt W. Beck, Editor
30055: SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEIC ACIDS CHEMISTRY - Sixteenth Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry : Held At Narashino, Japan, October 5th-7th, 1989 / Symposium Organizer Hiroshi Takaku
259235: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ALCHEMY AND EARLY CHEMISTRY (LONDON) - Ambix. Being the Journal of the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Chemistry - 11 volumes
41216: CHEN, JACK - A Year in Upper Felicity - Life in a Chinese Village During the Cultural Revolution
241488: CHEN, THOMAS S. N. CHEN, PETER S - Understanding the liver : a history / Thomas S. Chen, Peter S. Chen
158794: CHEN, NANCY N. - Breathing Spaces : Qigong, Psychiatry, and Healing in China / Nancy N. Chen
155358: CHEN, CHANGFEN - The Great Wall of China : photographs by Chen Changfen
186378: CHEN, JACK (1908- ) - Soviet art and artists
25371: CHEN, CHENG-SIANG - Atlas of Land Utilization in Taiwan
96671: CHEN, THEODORE HSI-EN - The Chinese Communist Regime: Documents and Commentary, Edited by Theodore H. E. Chen
120022: CHEN, THEODORE HSI-EN (ED. ) - The Chinese Communist Regime: Documents and Commentary, Edited by Theodore H. E. Chen
164915: CHEN, JACK (1908- ) - Soviet Art and Artists
229719: QI CHEN (1955-) - Nature light / Zi ran yu guang du : Danmai zhu ming nu tao ci yi shu jia Lin Wuzhong (Lin Utzon) de yi shu shi jie = Nature light
194491: CHEN, BODA (1905-) - Mao Tse-tung on the Chinese revolution : written in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Communist Party of China
183869: DU CHENE, M. (LE GREFFIER PROVINCIAL, BRABANT) - Memorial administratif de la province de Brabant : Annee 1840, premier semestre : (No. 98) liste des personnes admises a exercer l'art de guerir ; XLI vol.
199425: CHENE, P LE - Images inspirees des poetes Neo-Grecs
68023: CHENESSEAU, GEORGES LOUIS (1880-1956?) - Le Mausolee De Saint-Benoit Dans L'Eglise Abbatiale De Saint-Benoit-Sur-Lorie
145889: CHENEVIERE, JACQUES - Innocences
82365: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES POCKLINGTON (1914-) - A History of Marksmanship
268608: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES (1914-2003) - The Western rising : an account of the rebellion of James Scott, Duke of Monmouth / [by] Charles Chenevix Trench
252139: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES (1914-2003) - A history of angling / Charles Chenevix Trench
236502: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES (1914-2003) - The frontier scouts / Charles Chenevix Trench
121128: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES POCKLINGTON - Portrait of a Patriot; a Biography of John Wilkes
226346: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES (1914-2003) - The royal malady / Charles Chenevix Trench
179119: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES (1914- ) - Portrait of a patriot : a biography of John Wilkes
27697: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES POCKLINGTON (1914-) - Portrait of a Patriot - a Biography of John Wilkes
89998: CHENEVIX TRENCH, CHARLES POCKLINGTON (1914-?) - Portrait of a Patriot; a Biography of John Wilkes
271340: CHENEY, C. R. (CHRISTOPHER ROBERT) (1906-1987) - John Cheney and his descendants : printers in Banbury since 1767
222105: CHENEY, R. H. - Selections in prose and verse from the papers of R.H. C. [i.e. R.H. Cheney / the editor's preface signed: E.C.]
185829: CHENEY, SHELDON - The theatre : three thousand years of drama, acting and stagecraft
280302: CHENEY, ABBEY CHENEY PERKINS - What it is that heals
115331: CHENEY, SHELDON (1886-1980) - World History of Art / Sheldon Cheney
59512: CHENEY, SHELDON (1886-1980) - A Primer of Modern Art. with 179 Illustrations
117688: CHENEY, MARGARET - Tesla, Man out of Time / Margaret Cheney
231160: CHENEY, SHELDON (1886-1980) - The new movement in the theatre
231347: CHENEY, SHELDON (1886-1980) - The theatre : three thousand years of drama, acting and stagecraft
31770: CHENEY, T. A. - Land of the Hibernating Rivers - Life in the Arctic
30066: CHENG, CHU-YUAN - China's Economic Development - Growth and Structural Change
266090: CHENG, RON K. C - Mastering Mechanical Desktop, release 3 : surface, parametric and assembly modeling / Ron K. C. Cheng
158592: CHENG, LINSUN - Banking in Modern China : Entrepreneurs, Professional Managers and the Development of Chinese Banks, 1897-1937 / Linsun Cheng
178532: CHENG, F. T. - China moulded by Confucius : the Chinese way in Western light
52256: CHENG, C. K. - The Dragon Sheds its Scales
121687: CHENG, CHU-YUAN - The Machine-Building Industry in Communist China
264479: CHÉNIER, ANDRÉ (1762-1794) - Poésies / Chénier ; introduction par Émile Faguet
262652: CHÉNIER, ANDRÉ (1762-1794) - Œuvres poétiques de André Chénier / précédées d'une étude sur André Chénier par Sainte-Beuve
168318: CHENIER, ANDRE (1762-1794). LATOUCHE, HENRI DE (1785-1851) - Poesies / [Chenier] ; precedees d'une notice par H. de Latouche
243810: CHENNELLS, ELLEN [HER ENGLISH GOVERNESS] - Recollections of an Egyptian princess by her English governess : being a record of five years' residence at the court of Ismael Pasha, Khédive. Volume 1
272520: CHENOUNE, FARID - Jean Paul Gaultier / text by Farid Chenoune
172588: CHENOY, LEON - Stendhal et la rectification de l'enthousiasme / Leon Chenoy
167378: CHENOY, LEON - Cinq etudes sur Octave Pirmez
259557: CHENU, CHARLES - L'Affaire Henry-Reinach devant le tribunal de la Seine : Plaidoiries de Me Chenu et Me de Saint-Auban
150085: CHENU, CHARLES. ME. DE SAINT-AUBAN - L'Affaire Henry-Reinach Devant Le Tribunal De La Seine / Plaidoiries De Me. Chenu Et De Me. De Saint-Auban
134076: CHENU, A. (ADOLPHE) - Les Montagnards De 1848 : Encore Quatre Nouveaux Chapitres, Precedes D'Une Reponse a Caussidiere Et Autres Demos-Socs
210474: CHENU. SAINT-AUBAN, DE - L'Affaire Henry-Reinach devant le tribunal de la Seine : Plaidoiries de Me Chenu et Me de Saint-Auban
39910: CHERADAME, ANDRE (1871-) - The Pangerman Plot Unmasked : Berlin's Formidable Peace-Trap of 'The Drawn War'
280039: CHÉRADAME, ANDRÉ (1871-) - La mystification des peuples alliés : Pourquoi? Comment? Par qui?
143431: CHERADAME, ANDRE (1871-) - German War Profits and the German Formula No Annexations, No Indemnities
141474: CHERAU, GASTON (1872-) - Concorde!
142589: CHERAU, GASTON (1872-) - Concorde!
233178: CHERBULIEZ, ANTOINE-ELISEE - Die Schweiz in der deutschen Musikgeschichte
240432: CHERBULIEZ, VICTOR (1829-1899) - Olivier Maugant / par Victor Cherbuliez
14405: EDWARD LORD HERBERT OF CHERBURY - The Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury Bound with Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy Written by Himself
110811: CHERDYNTSEV, V. V. - Uranium-234 / V. V. Cherdyntsev ; Translated from the Russian by J. Schmorak
111133: CHERDYNTSEV, V. V. (1912-1971) - Uranium-234 [By] V. V. Cherdyntsev. Translated from Russian by J. Schmorak
212991: CHEREL, ALBERT (1880-) - La pensee de Machiavel en France / Albert Cherel
216737: CHEREPNIN, LEV VLADIMIROVICH - Otechestvennyye istoriki XVIII-XX vv. : sbornik statey, vystupleniy, vospominaniy. [Native historians XVIII-XX centuries. Language: Russian]
260296: CHEREWATUK, KAREN - Dear Sister : medieval women and the epistolary genre / edited by Karen Cherewatuk and Ulrike Wiethaus
8693: CHERFAS, JEREMY - Man-Made Life An Overview of the Science, Technology and Commerce of Genetic Engineering
252985: CHERFAS, JEREMY - Zoo 2000 : a look beyond the bars / Jeremy Cherfas
155446: CHERKASHIN, VICTOR - Spy handler : memoir of a KGB Officer : the true story of the man who recruited Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Ames
35575: CHERKES JULKOWSKI, MIRIAM - Spontaneous Cognitive Processes in Handicapped Children / Miriam Cherkes-Julkowski, Nancy Gertner
114231: CHERKOVSKI, NEELI - Ferlinghetti, a Biography
275963: CHERMAYEFF, CATHERINE - Fashion photography now / edited by Catherine Chermayeff
218047: CHERNAVIN, PROTOIYEREY JOANN - A. S. Pushkin' Kak pravoslavnyy khristianin [A S Pushkin As an Orthodox Christian. Language: Russian]
43079: CHERNECKY, CYNTHIA C. AND KRECH, RUTH L. AND BERGER, BARBARA J. - Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures
167682: CHERNENKO, KONSTANTIN USTINOVICH (1911-1985) - Selected speeches and writings
127484: CHERNENKO, K U. (ED. ). SUPREME SOVIET OF THE U. S. S. R. - Soviet Foreign Policy : Basic Acts and Documents of the Supreme Soviet of the U. S. S. R. , 1956-1962
218128: CHERNENKO, BORIS - Proyekt novogo zemel'nogo zakona i yego ob'yasneniye [The draft of the new land law and its explanation. Language: Russian]
63896: CHERNEVICH, ELENA (1939-) - Russian Graphic Design, 1880-1917 / Text by Elena Chernevich ; Compiled by Mikhail Anikst & Nina Baburina ; Designed by Mikhail Anikst
254033: CHERNI?A?VSKII, S. G. - Das russische Artel und seine Erforschung / von S.G. Georg Tschernjawsy
135214: CHERNICK, JACK. GEORGE C. HELLICKSON - Guaranteed Annual Wages, by Jack Chernick and George C. Hellickson
42863: CHERNICK, JACK AND HELLICKSON, GEORGE C. - Guaranteed Annual Wages
269657: CHERNIN, KIM - Cecilia Bartoli : the passion of song / Kim Chernin and Renate Stendhal
72756: CHERNOFF, MAXINE (1952-) - Plain Grief
152211: CHERNOMORDIK, SOLOMON ISAEVICH - The Bolsheviks on Trial
208614: CHERNORIZETS KHRABUR. ILARION, METROPOLITAN OF WINNIPEG AND ALL CANADA (1882-1972) - Monk Chrabr on Slavic writings : the oldest Cyrillic version of 1348 / edited with notes and commentaries in Ukranian by Metropolitan Ilarion (Dr. Ohienko)
216773: CHERNOV, F. F. - O roli sovetskogo gosudarstva v stroitel'stve kommunisticheskogo obshchestva. [On the role of the Soviet state in the construction of a communist society.]
221531: CHERNOV, VIKTOR [ED.] - Sotsialist-Revolulyutsioner : trekhmesyachnoye literaturno-politicheskoye obozernie. [Le Socialiste Revolutionnaire] No. 1 / edited by Viktor Chernov
49896: CHERNOW, BURT - Gabor Peterdi : Paintings
111841: CHERNOW, BURT - Gabor Peterdi : Paintings
217571: CHERNYAKOV, BORIS - Proyekt osnovnogo zemel'nogo zakona i yego obyasneniye [Draft law of the land and its explanation. Language: Russian]
190457: CHERONNET, LOUIS ; FERRAND, LOUIS - Paris : mon coeur
107101: CHERR, PAT - The Bear in Fact and in Fiction
238431: CHERRETT, JOHN MALCOLM; BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. SYMPOSIUM (18TH : 1976 : BANGOR); SAGAR, GEOFFREY ROGER - Origins of pest, parasite, disease and weed problems : the 18th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Bangor, 12-14 April 1976 / edited by J.M. Cherrett and G.R. Sagar
266049: CHERRY, BRIDGET - The buildings of England : London. 2 : South
277919: CHERRY, JOHN F - The Holy Thorn reliquary
278277: CHERRY, JOHN - Goldsmiths : medieval craftsmen
191775: CHERRY, JACK - The disunited nations : a protest and a plan
23537: CHERRY, RICHARD ROBERT (1859-1923) - Lectures on the Growth of Criminal Law in Ancient Communities
105272: CHERRYH, C. J. - Angel with the Sword
219991: CHERTKOV, VLADIMIR CHERTKOV (1854-1936). TOLSTOY, LEO (1828-1910). FREE AGE PRESS - Vladimir Chertkov [Tchertkoff], Free Age Press and Tuckton House, Christchurch, Hampshire : archive of original photographs, ca. 1905-1912
216454: CHERVENKOV, VULKU - Tasks of the co-operative farms : reports delivered on April 5, 1950, at the second National Conference of Co-operative Farm Representatives, some of the ensuing discussions and model co-operative farm statute
216452: CHERVENKOV, VULKO - Lessons of this year's campaign for collecting the obligatory state deliveries of grain
216460: CHERVENKOV, VULKO - The Fatherland Front and its Impending Tasks
216469: CHERVENKOV, VULKO - All out to fulfil the 1950 Economic Plan. Speech delivered at the Joint Conference of the Council of Ministers the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, secretaries of the District and County Party Committees ... held on February 11, 1950
152225: CHERVENKOV, VULKO - The Fatherland Front and its Impending Tasks
148875: CHERVENKOV, VULKU - Tasks of the Co-Operative Farms : Reports Delivered on April 5, 1950, At the Second National Conference of Co-Operative Farm Representatives, Some of the Ensuing Discussions and Model Co-Operative Farm Statute
143901: CHERVENKOV, VULKU - Tasks of the Co-Operative Farms : Reports Delivered on April 5, 1950, At the Second National Conference of Co-Operative Farm Representatives, Some of the Ensuing Discussions and Model Co-Operative Farm Statute
143866: CHERVENKOV, VULKO (1900-1980). BULGARSKA KOMUNISTICHESKA PARTIYA - Fundamental Lessons of the Discovery of Traïcho Kostov's Group and of the Struggle for its Destruction on the Shortcomings in Party Work and Our Tasks : Report to the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, 16th January 1950
198386: CHERVENKOV, VULKU - Tasks of the co-operative farms; reports delivered on April 5, 1950, at the second National Conference of Co-operative Farm Representatives, some of the ensuing discussions and model co-operative farm statute
99959: CHESEN, ELI S. - President Nixon's Psychiatric Profile; a Psychodynamic-Genetic Interpretation, by Eli S. Chesen
164076: CHESEN, ELI S. - President Nixon's Psychiatric Profile; a Psychodynamic-Genetic Interpretation, by Eli S. Chesen
109786: CHESHAM, SALLIE - Born to Battle; the Salvation Army in America
102867: CHESHER, RICHARD H. DOUGLAS FAULKNER (PHOTOG. ) - Living Corals / Photos. and Commentary, Douglas Faulkner ; with Text by Richard Chesher.
75834: CHESHIN, SHNEOUR ZALMAN (1903-) - Tears and Laughter in an Israel Courtroom
254954: CHESHIRE, LEONARD - The face of victory / [by] Leonard Cheshire
228622: CHESHIRE, GEOFFREY CHEVALIER (1886-1978) - Cheshire's modern law of real property
145242: CHESHIRE FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. HAWORTH, D. (ED. ). W. M. COMBER (ED. ) - Cheshire Village Memories / Being Extracts from Seventy-Four Scrap Books of Local History Made by Members of the Women's Institute and Edited by D. Haworth and W. M. Comber
117520: CHESHIRE, DAVID F. - Music Hall in Britain / D. F. Cheshire
100189: CHESI, GERT - RELATED NAME: KREUZER, RUDOLF - The Last Africans / Translated by Sonja Bahn and Ingrid Vogrin ; [Photography, Text, and Layout, Gert Chesi ; Drawings, Rudolf Kreuzer] - [Uniform Title: Letzten Afrikaner. English]
100192: CHESI, GERT. KREUZER, RUDOLF - The Last Africans / Translated by Sonja Bahn and Ingrid Vogrin ; [Photography, Text, and Layout, Gert Chesi ; Drawings, Rudolf Kreuzer] - [Uniform Title: Letzten Afrikaner. English]
100184: CHESI, GERT. KLAMBAUER, ERNST - Voodoo : Africa's Secret Power / Gert Chesi, Translated by Ernst Klambauer - [Voodoo: Afrikas Geheime MacHt. English]
20374: CHESLER, PHYLLIS - Sacred Bond The Legacy of Baby M.
167871: CHESLER, EVAN R. (ED.) - The Russian Jewry reader / edited by Evan R. Chesler
247140: CHESNEAU, ERNEST ALFRED (1833-1890) - La peinture anglaise / par Ernest Chesneau
93171: CHESNEAUX, JEAN - The Political and Social Ideas of Jules Verne; Translated [From the French] by Thomas Wikeley; with 41 Illustrations from the Original Editions of Novels by Jules Verne
272527: CHESNEAUX, JEAN - Peasant revolts in China, 1840-1949 / Jean Chesneaux ; translated [from the French MS.] by C.A. Curwen
93972: CHESNEAUX, JEAN - The Chinese Labor Movement, 1919-1927. Translated from the French by H. M. Wright - [Uniform Title: Mouvement Ouvrier Chinois De 1919 a 1927. English]
121541: CHESNEAUX, JEAN. LE BARBIER, FRANCOISE. BERGERE, MARIE CLAIRE - China from the 1911 Revolution to Liberation
120011: CHESNEAUX, JEAN. FRANÇOISE LE BARBIER. MARIE-CLAIRE BERGERE - China from the 1911 Revolution to Liberation
131567: CHESNELONG, CHARLES - Les Derniers Jours De L'Empire Et Le Gouvernement De M. Thiers / Charles Chesnelong ; Memoires Publies Par Son Petit-Fils
216378: CHESNOKOV, D. I. - Mirovozzreniye Gertsena [Herzen. Language: Russian]
208010: CHESNOKOV, D. I. - Marxism-Leninism on basis and superstructure
24169: CHESNUTT, CHARLES W. EDITED BY JOSEPH R. MCELRATH AND ROBERT C. LEITZ - To be an Author - Letters of Charles W. Chesnutt 1889-1905
25571: CHESSELL, HENRY - National Parks for Britain
119696: CHESSER, EUSTACE (1902-) - The Sexual, Marital and Family Relationships of the English Woman / Eustace Chesser
277361: CHESSER, EUSTACE - Women. A popular edition of the 'Chesser Report.'.
173553: CHESSER, EUSTACE (1902-). MAIZELS, JOAN. JONES, LEONARD CHARLES THOMAS. EMMETT, BRIAN - The sexual, marital and family relationships of the English woman
187948: CHESSER, EUSTACE. - Live and let live : the moral of the Wolfenden report / with a foreword by John Wolfenden
76051: CHESSER, EUSTACE (1902-) - Sexual Behavior: Normal and Abnormal
41117: CHESSER, EUSTACE - Live and Let Live : the Moral of the Wolfenden Report / Eustace Chesser ; with a Foreword by Sir John Wolfenden
167129: CHESSER, EUSTACE, (1902-) - Unwanted Child
190856: CHESSER, EUSTACE - Live and let live : the moral of the Wolfenden report / with a foreword by John Wolfenden
130451: CHESSER, EUSTACE - Unwanted Child
134172: CHESSER, EUSTACE - Unwanted Child
140691: CHESSER, EUSTACE - Cruelty to Children
22588: CHESSHYRE, ROBERT - The Return of a Native Reporter : The Observer's Washington Correspondent Reports on the Country He Came Home To
39599: CHESTER, LEWIS AND FENBY, JONATHAN - The Fall of the House of Beaverbrook
258782: CHESTER, DANIEL NORMAN - British public utility services / Daniel Norman Chester
234904: CHESTER, MICHAEL - Water Monsters
167187: CHESTER, LEWIS. FENBY, JONATHAN - The fall of the house of Beaverbrook
216317: CHESTER, THEODORE EDWARD ; ACTON SOCIETY TRUST - Management under nationalisation : studies in decentralisation / [prepared by T. E. Chester and J. H. Smith]
147567: CHESTER, LEWIS. FAY, STEPHEN. YOUNG, HUGO - The Zinoviev Letter
130246: CHESTER, D. N. - The Nationalised Industries : an Analysis of the Statutory Provisions
104430: CHESTER, GEORGE RANDOLPH AND BRACKER, M. LEONE (ILLUS. ) - The Cash Intrigue, ... by George Randolph Chester . .. a Fantastic Melodrama of Modern Finance ... with Illustrations by M. Leone Bracker
268133: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE EARL OF (1694-1773) - Letters to his son by the Earl of Chesterfield : on the fine art of becoming a man of the world and a gentleman / edited and with an introduction by Oliver H. Leigh
260864: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE EARL OF (1694-1773) - The oeconomy of human life : translated from an Indian manuscript / written by an ancient Bramin. To which is prefix'd an account of the manner in which the said manuscript was discovered, in a letter from an English gentleman, now residing in China, to the Earl of ****
214163: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF (1694-1773) - Letters written by the late right honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq... together with several other pieces on various subjects [complete in 4 volumes]
261800: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE - Letters, sentences and maxims. With a prefatory note by Charles Sayle and a critical essay by C.A. Sainte-Beuve
280004: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF, (1694-1773) - Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Late Envoy-Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden. Together with Several other Pieces on Various Subjects. [complete in 4 volumes]
141008: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF (1694-1773). HILL, JOHN, M. D. - The Economy of Human Life. Translated from an Indian Manuscript / Written by an Ancient Bramin. to Which is Prefixed an Account of the Manner in Which the Said Manuscript Was Discovered, Etc.
63186: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF (1694-1773) - Practical Morality, Or, a Guide to Men and Manners, Consisting of Lord Chesterfield's Advice to His Son : to Which is Added, a Supplement...
149759: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF (1694-1773). NEWCASTLE, THOMAS PELHAM-HOLLES, DUKE OF (1693-1768). LODGE, RICHARD, SIR (1855-1936) - Private Correspondence of Chesterfield and Newcastle, 1744-46 / Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Sir Richard Lodge
134448: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF (1694-1773). NEWCASTLE, THOMAS PELHAM-HOLLES, DUKE OF (1693-1768). SIR RICHARD LODGE (ED. ) - Private Correspondence of Chesterfield and Newcastle, 1744-46 / Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Sir Richard Lodge
34362: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF (1694-1773) - Letters Written by the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. : Late Envoy Extraordinary At the Court of Dresden : Together with Several Other Pieces on Various Subjects..... Published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the Originals Now in Her Possession [Complete in Two Volumes]
220067: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF, (1694-1773) - Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Late Envoy-Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden. Together with Several other Pieces on Various Subjects. [complete in 4 volumes]
198032: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF, (1694-1773) - Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq; late Envoy Extraordinary at the court of Dresden : together with several other pieces on various subjects [volume 2 only] published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the originals now in her possession
199379: CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF (1694-1773) - Miscellaneous works of the late Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield: consisting of letters to his friends, never before printed, and various other articles. To which are prefixed, memoirs of his life, ... By M. Maty... The second edition, in four volumes. With an appendix ...
178793: CHESTERS, J. H. (JOHN HUGH) - Iron and steel / J. H. Chesters
192315: CHESTERTON, G. K. (GILBERT KEITH) (1874-1936) - Magic A Fantastic Comedy
249360: CHESTERTON, G. K - The innocence of Father Brown
249359: CHESTERTON, G. K - The innocence of Father Brown
251050: CHESTERTON, G. K - The wisdom of Father Brown
108021: CHESTERTON, G. K. (GILBERT KEITH) - G. F. Watts, by G. K. Chesterton
120906: CHESTERTON, ADA ELIZABETH - My Russian Venture
12020: CHESTERTON, THOMAS - The Manual of Drill and Wand Exercises with or Without Music For Use in Elementary and Secondary Schools, Evening Continuation Schools, Gymnastic Classes, Boys Brigades Etc.
108597: CHESTERTON, CECIL - The Story of Nell Gwyn
233701: CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH (1874-1936) - G. Bernard Shaw
144139: CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH (1874-1936) - The New Jerusalem
161985: CHESTERTON, CECIL (1879-1918) - Gladstonian Ghosts
8902: CHETHAM-STRODE, W - Sometimes Even Now, a Play in Three Acts
178432: CHETZIANU, ALEXANDRE (ED.) - Captive Rumania : a decade of Soviet rule / edited by Alexandre Chetzianu ; contributors: Romulus Boila ... [et al.]
247828: CHEVALIER, MICHEL (1806-1879) - Mexico ancient and modern
221980: CHEVALIER, JOSEPH PHILIPPE - L'immense tresor des sciences et des arts : ou les secrets de l'industrie devoiles, contenant 840 recettes et procedes inedits / par M. Chevalier
270106: CHEVALIER, TRACY - Burning bright / Tracy Chevalier
260099: CHEVALIER, MICHEL (1806-1879) - Mexico ancient and modern
227374: CHEVALIER, PAUL - The grudge
69621: CHEVALIER, MAURICE (1888-1972) - I Remember it Well. Pref. by Marcel Pagnol. Translated from the French by Cornelia Higginson
151802: CHEVALIER, ANNE - Valery Larbaud : Ce Cahier a Ete Dirige / Par Anne Chevalier
82818: CHEVALIER, MAURICE (1888-1972) - With Love, by Maurice Chevalier, As Told to Eileen and Robert Mason Pollock
105130: CHEVALIER, MAURICE (1888-1972) - Les Pensées De Momo.
112281: CHEVALIER, HAAKON (1902-) - Oppenheimer; the Story of a Friendship, by Haakon Chevalier
121053: CHEVALIER, JEAN MARIE - The New Oil Stakes / [By] Jean-Marie Chevalier ; Translated [From the French] by Ian Rock
212526: CHEVALIER, MAURICE (1888-1972) - The man in the straw hat : my story by Maurice Chevalier
195054: CHEVALIER, MICHEL (1806-1879) - On the probable fall in the value of gold : the commercial and social consequences which may ensue, and the measures which it invites
195211: CHEVALIER, MICHEL (1806-1879) - On the probable fall in the value of gold : the commercial and social consequences which may ensue, and the measures which it invites
236538: CHEVALIER, JACQUES - Descartes / par Jacques Chevalier
66769: CHEVALIER, MAURICE (1888-1972) - I Remember it Well. Pref. by Marcel Pagnol. Translated from the French by Cornelia Higginson - [Uniform Title: Mome a Cheveux Blancs. English]
235741: CHEVALIER, JACQUES (1882-1962) - Pascal
77390: CHEVALIER, HAAKON (1902) - The Last Voyage of the Schooner Rosamond [By] Haakon Chevalier
167472: LE CHEVALLIER, L - La morale de Leibniz
208791: CHEVALLIER, GABRIEL (1895-1969) - Mascarade, cinq recits
209236: CHEVALLIER, JACQUES - Nous Algeriens
254840: CHEVASSU, JOSEPH (1674-1752) - Méditations ecclésiastiques tirées des épitres et évangiles, qui se lisent a la sainte messe tous les jours et les principales fêtes de l'année / par M. Chevassu, curé du diocèse de Saint-Claude: tome premier
131163: CHEVE, CHARLES FRANCOIS - Histoire Complete De La Pologne Depuis Ses Premieres Origines Jusqu'a Nos Jours, Etc. - [2 Volumes Complet, Bound in 1]
210682: CHEVENEMENT, JEAN-PIERRE (1939-) - Les socialistes, les communistes et les autres / Jean-Pierre Chevenement
42764: CHEVIGNY, PAUL - Criminal Mischief - a Novel
21918: CHEVIGNY, HECTOR - Lord of Alaska. The Story of Baranov and the Russian Adventure
95783: CHEVIGNY, HECTOR - Russian America: the Great Alaskan Venture, 1741-1867
256953: MR. CHEVREAU - Chevraeana, ou Diverses Pensées D'Histoire, De Critique, D'Erudition et De Morale: seconde partie
215717: CHEVRIER, JEAN-FRANCOIS. MALLARME, STEPHANE (1842-1898) - Art and utopia : limited action
6804: CHEVRILLON, ANDRE (1864-1957) - Sanctuaires Et Paysages D'Asie - Ceylan Bouddhique, Le Brahmanisme a Benares Et Le Bouddha Birman
194255: CHEW, ARTHUR P. - Plowshares into swords : agriculture in the world war age
29434: CHEW, SAMUEL CLAGGETT (1888-1960) ED. - Fruit Among the Leaves : an Anniversary Anthology / Edited with an Historical Introduction by Samuel C. Chew
28212: CHEW, OSWALD (1880-1949) - The Stroke of the Moment : a Discussion of the Foreign Debts / Edited by Oswasld Chew
253266: CHEYNE, T. K. (1841-1915) - Introduction to the book of Isaiah / with an appendix containing the undoubted portions of the two chief prophetic writers in a translation by T. K. Cheyne
261774: CHEYNE, T. K. (THOMAS KELLY) (1841-1915) - The origin and religious contents of the Psalter in the light of Old Testament criticism and the history of religion : with an introduction and appendices : Eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford
156507: CHEYNE, THOMAS KELLY (1841-1915) - The Book of Hosea / Edited by the Rev. T. K. Cheyne
178555: CHEYNE, T. K. (ED.) - The book of Hosea / edited by T.K. Cheyne
189280: CHEYNE, T. K. (THOMAS KELLY) (1841-1915) - The two religions of Israel : with a re-examination of the prophetic narratives and utterances
189105: CHEYNE, T. K. (THOMAS KELLY), (1841-1915) - Introduction to the book of Isaiah : with an appendix containing the undoubted portions of the two chief prophetic writers in a translation
179343: CHEYNE, T. K. (THOMAS KELLY) (1841-1915) - Founders of Old Testament criticism : biographical, descriptive, and critical studies
144740: CHEYNE, THOMAS KELLY (1841-1915) - Traditions & Beliefs of Ancient Israel
149083: [ BIBLE. O. T. HOSEA. ENGLISH. 1884.]. REV. T. K. CHEYNE (ED. ) - Hosea / with Notes and Introduction by the Rev. T. K. Cheyne
162163: CHEYNE, THOMAS KELLY (1841-1915) - Hosea / with Notes and Introduction by the Rev. T. K. Cheyne
174020: CHEYNE, T. K. (THOMAS KELLY) - Introduction to the book of Isaiah
221467: CHEYNE, T. K. (THOMAS KELLY), (1841-1915) - Job and Solomon; or, The wisdom of the Old Testament
198865: CHEYNE, T. K. (THOMAS KELLY) (1841-1915) - Jewish religious life after the exile
221849: CHEYNE, WILLIAM WATSON SIR (1852-1932) - Suppuration and septic diseases : three lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in February 1888
250884: CHEYNEY, PETER - The urgent hangman
179655: CHEYNEY, PETER (1896-1951) - You'd be surprised
174237: CHEYNEY, EDWARD P. (ED.) - Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History: English Towns and Gilds: Vol [II] No. 1.
209936: CHEYNEY, PETER (1896-1951) - They never say when : a novel
214516: LIOU CHAO-CHI - Declaration Commune du President Liou Chao-Chi et du President Choi Yong Kun
251621: CHI, TSU - The story of China
251602: CHI, TSU - The story of China
251590: CHI, TSU - The story of China
167884: CHIAMA, JEAN, (1937-). SOULET, JEAN-FRANCOIS - Histoire de la dissidence : oppositions et revoltes en URSS et dans les democraties populaires, de la mort de Staline a nos jours / Jean Chiama, Jean-Francois Soulet
262701: CHIANG, YEE (1903-1977) - Dabbitse / written and illustrated by Chiang Yee
72448: CHIANG, MAY-LING SOONG (1897-2003) - General Chiang Kai-Shek; the Account of the Fortnight in Sian when the Fate of China Hung in the Balance, by General and Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
149142: CHIANG, KAI-SHEK (1887-1975) - Soviet Russia in China : a Summing-Up At Seventy
262847: CHIANG, YEE (1903-1977) - The men of the Burma road ... / written and illustrated by Chiang Yee
170529: CHIANG, YEE (1903-1977) - The silent traveller in San Francisco, written and illustrated by Chiang Yee
121569: CHIANG, KAI-SHEK (1887-1975) - Soviet Russia in China; a Summing-Up At Seventy, by Chiang Chung-Cheng (Chiang Kai-Shek)
120772: CHIANG, KAI-SHEK (1887-1975) - Soviet Russia in China : a Summing-Up At Seventy / Chiang Kai-Shek (Chiang Chung-Cheng)
115541: CHIANG, KAI-SHEK - Soviet Russia in China; a Summing-Up At Seventy, by Chiang Chung-Cheng (Chiang Kai-Shek)
113132: CHIANG, KAI-SHEK (1887-1975) - Soviet Russia in China; a Summing-Up At Seventy, by Chiang Chung-Cheng (Chiang Kai-Shek)
262718: CHIANG, YEE (1903-1977) - Chin-pao and the giant pandas / written and illustrated by Chiang Yee
119892: CHIANG, MAY-LING SOONG (1897-2003) - The Sure Victory [By] Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
13235: CHIANG, YEE (1903-) - The Silent Traveller in Boston, Written and Illustrated by Chiang Yee
262848: CHIANG, YEE (1903-1977) - A Chinese childhood
262644: CHIANG, YEE (1903-1977) - Yebbin : a guest from the wild / written and illustrated by Chiang Yee
152941: CHIARAVIGLIO, CURIO - Civilta Del Lavoro E Della Liberta
163135: CHIARINI, LUIGI (1900- ) - Fascismo E Letteratura / Luigi Chiarini
137405: CHIBNALL, BERNARD - The Organisation of Media / [By] Bernard Chibnall
120696: CHIBWE, E. C. - Arab Dollars for Africa / E. C. Chibwe
50973: ART DIRECTORS CLUB OF CHICAGO - ADLA 2; 39th Annual Competition of Advertising Art / Sponsored by the Art Directors Club of Chicago
183206: ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - Graphic Modernism : selections form the Francey and Dr. Martin L. Gecht Collection at the Art Institute of Chicago
182125: CHICAGO, JUDY (1939-). FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS. THOMPSON, VIKI - Judy Chicago : trials and tributes / Viki D. Thompson, curator ; Lucy R. Lippard, introduction [exhibition catalogue]
189049: ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - The Art Institute of Chicago / with a foreword by Charles Crehore Cunningham
280474: ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO (CHICAGO) (PERM.) - Modern paintings in the Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial : from the Birch Bartlett Bequest
169976: ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - A brief illustrated guide to the collections
40029: CHICAGO, NEW YORK [ETC. ] A. W. SHAW COMPANY. RELATED NAMES: SYSTEM, THE MAGAZINE OF BUSINESS - The Knack of Selling : System's New Method of Training Men to Sell
239229: THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - The Art Institute of Chicago: circular of instruction of the school of drawing, painting, modelling, decorative designing, normal instruction and architecture, (1906-1907)
186989: KNIGHT & LEONARD: CHICAGO - Proceedings of the annual conference of the National Prison Association of the United States held at Boston, July 14-19, 1888
181950: CHICAGO, JUDY. ROCKFORD COLLEGE ART GALLERY - Thinking about trees : March 26, 1999 - April 23, 1999 [exhibition catalogue]
166447: CHICHESTER, FRANCIS, (1901-1972) - Gipsy Moth Circles the World / Francis Chichester
119086: CHICK, HARRIETTE. MARGARET HUME. MARJORIE MACFARLANE. - War on Disease : a History of the Lister Institute / [By] Harriette Chick, Margaret Hume, [And] Marjorie MacFarlane
253809: CHICKERING, CAROL - Flowers of Guatemala
150364: CHIDECKEL, MAURICE - Fakers, Old and New
239911: CHIDLEY, JOHN - Discovering book collecting / John Chidley
28276: CHIDSEY, DONALD BARR (1902-) - Valley Forge
121127: CHIEN, EDWARD T. - Chiao Hung and the Restructuring of Neo-Confucianism in the Late Ming / Edward T. Chien
182007: PETIT DE BARONCOURT. BESSON. UN CHIFFONIER - Physionomie de la presse : ou, Catalogue complet des nouveaux journaux qui ont paru depuis le 24 fevrier, jusqu'au 20 aout, avec le nom des principaux redacteurs / par un chiffonier
197221: CHIFFRES, LES - La Yougoslavie
194516: SHIHCHIEH CHIHSHIH - A chronicle of principal events relating to the Korean question, 1940-1954 / edited and published by Shihchieh chihshih (World culture)
280686: SHIHCHIEH CHIHSHIH (WORLD CULTURE) - A chronicle of principal events relating to the Korean question, 1945-1954
51968: CHIKISHEV, ANATOLII GRIGOREVICH, ED. - Landscape Indicators: New Techniques in Geology and Geography. Edited by A. G. Chikishev. Translated from Russian by J. Paul Fitzsimmons - [Translation of Indikatsionnye Geograficheskie Issledovaniia]
40469: CHIKOTA, RICHARD A. - Riot in the Cities : an Analytical Symposium on the Causes and Effects / Edited by Richard A. Chikota and Michael C. Moran
127190: CHILCOTE, RONALD H. - The Brazilian Communist Party: Conflict and Integration 1922-1972 [By] Ronald H. Chilcote
261783: CHILD, FRANCIS JAMES (1825-1896) - English and Scottish ballads / Selected and ed. by Francis James Child - vol. 6
261447: CHILD, FRANCIS JAMES (1825-1896) - English and Scottish ballads / Selected and ed. by Francis James Child - vol. 8
252238: CHILD, WILLIAM - Fishing with float and fly
180539: CHILD, LAUREN - Clarice Bean, guess who's babysitting?
260653: CHILD, FRANCIS JAMES - English and Scottish ballads - vol. 8
271182: CHILD, HAROLD - Aucassin and Nicolete / translated and edited with introduction by Harold Child ; illustrated by A. Anderson
143883: CHILD, THEODORE (1846-1892) - Art and Criticism : Monographs and Studies
277689: CHILD, E. GREENWOOD, D. M - Wartime Recipes
101370: CHILD, FRANK SAMUEL - An Old New England Town; Sketches of Life, Scenery, Character, by Frank Samuel Child
168923: CHILD, ANDREW (1825-1884) - Overland route to California : description of the route, via Council Bluffs, Iowa; keeping the north side of the Platte River, for the whole of the distance, lying near that stream thence over the South Pass; via the Sublette and Bear river cut-offs and
154271: CHILD, ANDREW (1825-1884) - Overland Route to California
49999: CHILD, FRANCIS JAMES AND LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL - The Scholar-Friends - Letters of Francis James Child and James Russell Lowell
70618: CHILD, FRANCIS JAMES (1825-1896) - A Scholar's Letters to a Young Lady; Passages from the Later Correspondence of Francis James Child
89183: CHILD, FRANK SAMUEL (1854-1922) - An Old New England Town; Sketches of Life, Scenery, Character
267087: CHILDE, V. GORDON (VERE GORDON) (1892-1957) - What happened in history
260046: CHILDE, V. GORDON (VERE GORDON) (1892-1957) - Piecing together the past : the interpretation of archeological data / V. Gordon Childe
240362: CHILDE, VERE GORDON (1892-1957) - The Danube in prehistory
276377: CHILDERS, ERSKINE - The riddle of the sands : a record of secret service
256666: NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE DEFENCE OF CHILDREN - Children in the British colonies / National Committee for the Defence of Children
213128: GREAT BRITAIN. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. COMMITTEE ON MALADJUSTED CHILDREN - Report of the Committee on Maladjusted Children / Department of Education and Science
265939: OSBORNE COLLECTION OF EARLY CHILDREN'S BOOKS - The Osborne Collection of early children's books : a catalogue / prepared at Boys and Girls House by Judith St. John ; with an introd. by Edgar Osborne - 2 vols
60208: UNITED STATES. CHILDREN'S BUREAU - Your Child from One to Six
281022: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT - Eighth report on the work of the Children's Department, 1961
239510: THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND - The Children's Friend. Volume VII
272719: CHILDREN'S PRESS - The Triumph Book for Boys
272386: THE CHILDREN'S PRESS - The Big Book of Stories - Bright and Breezy Stories for Boys
37683: CHILDS, MARQUIS W. (MARQUIS WILLIAM) (1903-1990) - Witness to Power
221202: CHILDS, VALERIE - The magic of Disneyland and Walt Disney World
155738: CHILDS, MICHAEL J. - Labour's apprentices : working-class lads in late Victorian and Edwardian England
58198: CHILDS, MARQUIS W. (MARQUIS WILLIAM) (1903-1990) - This is Democracy : Collective Bargaining in Scandinavia
52943: CHILDS, C. F. - Concerning U. S. Government Securities - a Condensed Review of the Nation's Currency, Public Debt, and the Market for Representative United States Government Loans 1635-1945
46615: CHILDS, MARQUIS - Eisenhower: Captive Hero - a Critical Study of the General and the President
114087: CHILDS, GEORGE WILLIAM (1829-1894) - Recollections. by George W. Childs
194508: CHILDS, BREVARD S. - Myth and reality in the Old Testament
135586: CHILDS, BREVARD S. (BREVARD SPRINGS) - Myth and Reality in the Old Testament / Brevard S. Childs
83021: ELIZABETH HERBERT CHILDS - The Junior Bank Book and Picture Puzzle Thrift Bank Book
206295: CHILDS, DAVID (1933-) - From Schumacher to Brandt : the story of German socialism
263355: COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHILE - Ultraleftism: Trojan horse of imperialism
161124: CHILL, ABRAHAM - The Mitzvot : the Commandments and Their Rationale
247920: CHILLCOTT, IAN - Light My Fire
246556: CHILLCOTT, IAN - Tackling carp : with Chilly Chillcott / Ian Chillcott
252129: CHILLINGWORTH, BILL - Tactics for big pike
12651: CHILMAN, ERIC - Sixty Lyrics and One
191727: CHILSON, ROBERT (1945- ) - Ecological niche / Robert Chilson [in] Analog : science fact - science fiction ; vol. 86, no. 4, Dec. 1970
191723: CHILSON, ROBERT (1945- ) - Per strategem / Robert Chilson [in] Analog : science fact - science fiction ; vol. 85, no. 5, July 1970
86471: CHILTON, JOHN - Sidney Bechet : the Wizard of Jazz
85156: CHILTON, JOHN (1932-?) - Sidney Bechet : the Wizard of Jazz
221443: CHILTON BOOK COMPANY. WEISE, JOHN H. (ED. ) - Chilton's 1986 Automotive Service Manual
150048: CHILTON, JOHN - Billie's Blues : the Billie Holiday Story, 1933-1959 / John Chilton ; Foreword by Buck Clayton
180344: CHILTON-YOUNG, FRANCIS - Every man his own mechanic : a complete and comprehensive guide to every description of constructive and decorative work that may be done by the amateur artisan, at home and in the colonies To which has been added an appendix presenting a review of new woods, new toola, and appliances, etc.
102892: CHILTON, ELEANOR CARROLL - The Burning Fountain / Eleanor Carroll Chilton
110160: CHILTON, JOHN - Who's Who of Jazz! Storyville to Swing Street. Foreword by Johnny Simmen
57885: CHILTON, CHARLES - The Book of the West; the Epic of America's Wild Frontier ... and the Men Who Created its Legends
114779: CHILTON, JOHN (1932-) - Sidney Bechet : the Wizard of Jazz
217526: CHILTON-YOUNG, FRANCIS - Every man his own mechanic : a complete and comprehensive guide to every description of constructive and decorative work that may be done by the amateur artisan at home and in the colonies.
238805: CHILTON, JOHN (1932-2016) - Who's who of jazz : storyville to swing street / John Chilton ; foreword by Johnny Simmen
240414: CHILVERS, HEDLEY A - The seven lost trails of Africa
226104: CHILVERS, IAN [ED.] - The concise Oxford dictionary of art and artists / edited by Ian Chilvers
257280: CHILVERS, HEDLEY ARTHUR (1879-1941). TIMLIN, WILLIAM M. (1892-1943) - Out of the crucible : being the romantic story of the Witwatersrand goldfields; and of the great city which arose in their midst
89412: CHILVERS, HEDLEY ARTHUR (1879-) - Out of the Crucible, Being the Romantic Story of the Witwatersrand Goldfields; and of the Great City Which Arose in Their Midst, by Hedley A. Chilvers... with Sixteen Drawings by William M. Timlin ...
10248: CHILVERS, HEDLEY A. - The Yellow Man Looks On. Being the Story of the Anglo-Dutch Conflict in Southern Africa and its Interest for the Peoples of Asia
178728: CHILVERS, HEDLEY A. (HEDLEY ARTHUR), (1879-1941) - Out of the crucible : being the romantic story of the Witwatersrand goldfields; and of the great city which arose in their midst
122126: CHILVERS, HEDLEY ARTHUR (1879-1941) - The Seven Wonders of Southern Africa / [By] Hedley A. Chilvers. with ... Plates by Chas. E. Peers
15463: CHILVERS, HEDLEY ARTHUR (1879-) - The Seven Wonders of Southern Africa
92686: CHIN, KENNETH S. Y. - Understanding and Winning Casino Blackjack, by Kenneth S. Y. Chin
242642: CHIN P'ING MEI. WALEY, ARTHUR - Chin P'Ing Mei: The Adventurous History of Hsi Men and his Six Wives: Volume II; with an introduction by Arthury Waley
217030: CHINA (REPUBLIC : 1949- ) - The marriage law of the People's Republic of China : together with other relevant articles
207050: PARTY LEADERSHIP AND REVOLUTIONARY POWER IN CHINA (CONFERENCE) (1968 : DITCHLEY PARK, OXFORDSHIRE) - Party leadership and revolutionary power in China / edited by John Wilson Lewis
177946: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY. REPUBLIC OF CHINA - Zhong hua min su ban hua = The graphic art of Chinese folklore
16060: CHINA (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, 1949-) - The Sino-Indian Boundary Question and International Law
204885: PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA - Historical Relics unearthed in New China
68735: CHINAGLIA, GIORGIO (1947-) - Chinaglia! / Giorgio Chinaglia, with Basil Kane
186081: CHINAS, BEVERLY - The Isthmus Zapotecs : women's roles in cultural context
15961: CHINMAYANANDA, SWAMI - Bala Ramayanam / Swami Chinmayan and Kumari Bharathi Naik
123700: CHINMOY, SRI (1931-2007) - The Supreme and His Four Children; Five Spiritual Dictionaries [By] Sri Chinmoy
95610: CHINN, JEFF - Manipulating Soviet Population Resources
161274: CHINN, JEFF - Manipulating Soviet Population Resources / Jeff Chinn
140980: CHINNA DURAI, JESUDASEN - The Choice before India, by J. Chinna Durai
112647: CHINNA DURAI, J. G. EVELYN MILES - Questions and Answers on Hindu and Mahommedan Law
156340: CHINNERY, PHILIP D. - Korean Atrocity : Forgotten War Crimes 1950-1953 / Philip D. Chinnery
53411: CHINNOCK, FRANK W. (1926-) - Nagasaki: the Forgotten Bomb [By] Frank W. Chinnock
114147: CHINOY, HELEN KRICH AND JENKINS, LINDA WALSH (EDS. ) - Women in American Theatre : Careers, Images, Movements : an Illustrated Anthology and Sourcebook / Edited by Helen Krich Chinoy and Linda Walsh Jenkins
176852: CHINTAMANI, C. YAJNESWARA - Indian Politics since the Mutiny: being an account of the development of public life and political institutions and of prominent political personalities / Sir Chirravoori Yajneswara Chintamani
218546: CHINTULOV, DOBRI [ET AL.] - Bulgarski revolyutsionni poeti. [Bulgarian revolutionary poets. Language: Bulgarian]
182133: CHIODI, GIANLUCA. AGAZZANI, ALBERTO - Furia corporis / di Alberto Agazzani [exhibition catalogue]
252539: CHIOZZA MONEY, L. G - The fiscal A. B. C
172720: CHIOZZA, LEONE GEORGE - British trade and the zollverein issue
24238: HIS GRACE THE (EIGHT) DUKE OF BEAUFORT. REVISED BY G. E. H. ROSS AND HERBERT CHIP - The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes - Tennis (J. M. Heathcote) , Lawn Tennis (C. G. Heathcote) , Rackets (E. O. P. Bouverie) and Fives (A. C. Ainger)
153170: CHIPMAN, NATHANIEL (1752-1843) - Principles of Government : a Treatise on Free Institutions Including the Constitution of the United States
63474: CHIPPERFIELD, JIMMY - My Wild Life / Jimmy Chipperfield
258895: CHIPPERFIELD, JOSEPH E - Seokoo of the Black Wind
258888: CHIPPERFIELD, JOSEPH EUGENE - Lone stands the glen / illustrated by Barry Driscoll
258472: CHIPPERFIELD, JOSEPH EUGENE - Dark Fury : stallion of Lost River Valley / [by] Joseph E. Chipperfield
254727: CHIPPERFIELD, JOSEPH EUGENE - Ghost horse : stallion of the Oregon Trail / illustrated by C.Gifford Ambler
160212: CHIPPERFIELD, JIMMY - My Wild Life / Jimmy Chipperfield
156712: CHIPPERFIELD, JIMMY - My Wild Life / Jimmy Chipperfield
103253: CHIPPERFIELD, JIMMY - My Wild Life / Jimmy Chipperfield
224525: CHIPPERFIELD, JOSEPH E. - Beyond the Timberland Trail
266726: CHIRAC, JACQUES - My life in politics / Jacques Chirac with Jean-Luc Barre ; translated by Catherine Spencer
188351: CHIRGWIN, A. M. (ARTHUR MITCHELL), (1885-1966) - Under fire : the Christian church in a hostile world
188506: CHIRGWIN, A. M. (ARTHUR MITCHELL) (1885-1966) - Under Fire: The Christian Church in a hostile world
133174: CHIRGWIN, A. M. - Under Fire : the Christian Church in a Hostile World
40262: CHIRGWIN, A. M. - Under Fire - the Christian Church in a Hostile World
151260: CHIRGWIN, ARTHUR MITCHELL (1885-1966) - Conflict : China, Japan and Christ
45489: DE CHIRICO, GIORGIO, 1888-1978. LEGRAND, GERARD [TEXT] - Giorgio De Chirico
194669: DE CHIRICO, GIORGIO (1888-1978). FAR, ISABELLA - De Chirico / text by Isabella Far
255245: CHIROL, VALENTINE SIR 1852-1929 - India
186393: CHIROL, VALENTINE, SIR (1852-1929) - Indian unrest
46096: CHIROL, VALENTINE, SIR (1852-1929) - Indian Unrest
97445: CHIROVSKY, NICHOLAS L. - An Introduction to Russian History, by Nicholas L. Fr. -Chirovsky
95788: CHIROVSKY, NICHOLAS L. - A History of the Russian Empire
57338: CHISHOLM, MICHAEL (1931-) - Spatial Policy Problems of the British Economy / Edited by Michael Chisholm and Gerald Manners
272717: CHISHOLM, EDWIN - The Jolly Book
270842: CHISHOLM, EDWIN - Old testament stories / selected for the children by Edwin Chisholm ; with pictures by R. T. Rose
247226: CHISHOLM, K ; FERGUSON, J - Rome : the Augustan age : a source book / part 1 edited by Kitty Chisholm and John Ferguson, part 2 edited by Kitty Chisholm
189219: CHISHOLM, CECIL (1887-?) - Retire and enjoy it. / Cecil Chisholm
188529: CHISHOLM, CECIL (B. 1887) - Retire into the sun : a survey of some possibilities in nine paradises
188495: CHISHOLM, CECIL (1887-?) - Retire and enjoy it / Cecil Chisholm
257214: CHISHOLM, RUARI - Ladysmith / Ruari Chisholm
272718: CHISHOLM, EDWIN - The Jolly Book for Boys
178445: CHISHOLM, CECIL (1887-?) - Retire and enjoy it. / Cecil Chisholm
277642: CHISHOLM, ALEC HUGH (1890-1977) - Bird wonders of Australia
264213: CHISHOLM, RODERICK - Cover of darkness / Roderick Chisholm; with a foreword by Air Chief Marshal Sir William Elliott
190749: CHISHOLM, CECIL (1887-?) - The £ s. d. of retirement
190726: CHISHOLM, CECIL, (1887-?) - Retire and enjoy it / Cecil Chisholm
25969: CHISMAN, ISABEL AND GLADYS WILES - Mimes and Miming (Including Fourteen Mimes Without Acting Fees)
33088: CHISMAN, ISABEL. GLADYS WILES - Mimes and Miming
62785: CHISNALL, G. A. - Astronomy and Spaceflight [By] G. A. Chisnall and Gilbert Fielder
249952: CHISNELL, DAVID - Haunted Norwich
126994: CHITNIS, G. Y. - Freedom, Religion and Reality : (Essays on Liberal Religious Thought) / Edited by G. Y. Chitinis
9851: CHITTENDEN, JACQUELINE AND CHARLES SELTMAN - Greek Art A Commemorative Catalogue of an Exhibition Held in 1946 At the Royal Academy, Burlington House, London
49227: CHITTENDEN, LUCIUS EUGENE (1824-1900) - Invisible Siege; the Journal of Lucius E. Chittenden, April 15, 1861-July 14, 1861. Appointed Register of the Treasury by President Abraham Lincoln
226960: CHITTOCK, DEREK - Portrait painting / Derek Chittock
277500: CHITTY, SUSAN - The woman who wrote 'Black Beauty' : a life of Anna Sewell
280090: CHITTY, JOSEPH (1776-1841) - A treatise on the parties to actions, the forms of actions, and on pleading : with a second and third volume, containing precedents of pleadings : vol. 1
230413: CHIU, MELISSA - Yoshitomo Nara : nobody's fool
207728: CHIU, MELISSA ; ART AND CHINA'S REVOLUTION (EXHIBITION) (2008-2009 : NEW YORK, N.Y.) - Art and China's revolution / Melissa Chiu and Zheng Shengtian ; with essays by Roderick MacFarquhar ... [et al.]
251666: CHIUME, M. W. KANYAMA (1929-) - Nyasaland speaks : an appeal to the British people
243177: CHIURCO, G. A - Storia della Rivoluzione Fascista (1919-1922): Volume IV: Anno 1922: Parte I
243178: CHIURCO, G. A - Storia della Rivoluzione Fascista (1919-1922): Volume II: Anno 1920
242830: CHIURCO, G. A - Storia della Rivoluzione Fascista: Volume I, Anno 1919
242829: CHIURCO, G. A - Storia della Rivoluzione Fascista: Volume II, Anno 1920
243195: CHIURCO, G. A - Storia della Rivoluzione Fascista (1919-1922): Volume II: Anno 1920
256101: CHIURCO, GIORGIO ALBERTO (1896-) - Storia della rivoluzione fascista: volume V: anno 1922: parte II
181012: CHIURCO, GIORGIO ALBERTO (1896-) - Storia della rivoluzione fascista. 1 , Anno 1919 (Volume I)
242828: CHIURCO, G. A - Storia della Rivoluzione Fascista: Volume V, Anno 1922: Parte II
242823: CHIURCO, G. A - Storia della Rivoluzione Fascista: Volume III, Anno 1921
175914: CHIVOT, EUGENE (ET AL.) - L'echo du bonheur : hommage a la compositrice Madeline Alexandre / gravures originales et inedites de Didier Raynal ; preface de Philippe Boulogne
168225: CHKHIKVADZE, V. M. (VIKTOR MIKHAILOVICH), (1912- ) INSTITUT GOSUDARSTVA I PRAVA (AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR) - The Soviet state and law / edited by V. M. Chkhikvadze. [Translated from the Russian by Yuri Sdobnikov]. [ Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo ]
196194: CHMAJ, LUDWIK (1888-1959) - Studia nad arianizmem [Language: Polish]
183824: CHMELAR, JOSEF - Le probleme allemand en Tchecoslovaquie / par Joseph Chmelar
217775: CHMIELOWIEC, MICHAL - Bajki, prawdy, moraly [Language: Polish]
268273: CHMIELOWSKI, PIOTR (1848-1904) - Liberalizm i obskurantyzm na Litwie i Rusi, 1815-1823 / Z przedmowa Bronislawa Chlebowskiego
170875: CHO, SOON CHUN. BLOEMINK, BARBARA - The color of nature : monochrome art in Korea
61567: CHOATE, JUDITH - Hot! : the Cookbook for Passionate Devotees Who Go Bonkers over the Incendiary Pleasures of Food That Never Stops Whamming, Popping, or Zapping
40933: CHOATE, PAT - Agents of Influence / Pat Choate Hope Japan's Lobbyists in the United States Manipulate America's Political and Economic System
23304: CHOATE, PAT - Agents of Influence. How Japanese Lobbyists Are Manipulating Western Political and Economic Systems
137284: CHOATE, PAT - Agents of Influence : How Japan's Lobbyists in the United States Are Manipulating Western Political and Economic Systems / Pat Choate
53590: CHOATE, RUFUS (1799-1859) - Argument for the Division of Worcester County, on the Petition of O. L. Huntley and Others, before Legislative Committee, April, 1854 ... Phonographic Report. A. C. Felton and R. Leighton. (Not Revised by the Author)
53332: CHOATE, JOSEPH HODGES (1832-1917) - The Supreme Court of the United States. its Place in the Constitution. Address Delivered before the Political and Social Education League, May 13, 1903, by Joseph H. Choate
73345: CHOATE, ISAAC BASSETT - Through Realms of Song
75940: CHODOROW, NANCY (1944-?) - Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory
277367: CHODOROW, NANCY J - Feminism and psychoanalytic theory
198675: CHOISEUL, CLAUDE-ANTOINE GABRIEL, DUC DE, (1760-1838) - Memoires des contemporains pour servir a l'histoire de France, et principalement a celle de la republique et de l'Empire. Quatrieme livraison
280610: CHOISEUL, ETIENNE-FRANÇOIS DUC DE (1719-1785) - Mémoire historique sur la négociation de la France & de l'Angleterre : depuis le 26 mars 1761, jusqu'au 20 septembre de la même année : avec les pièces justificatives
271558: BUREAU DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE CHOISIE - Lettres Portugaises: nouvelle edition: conforme a la Ire (Paris, CL. Barbbin, 1669) avec une notice bibliographique sur ces lettres
131129: CHOISY, LOUIS-FREDERIC - Sainte-Beuve : L'Homme At Le Poete ; Avec Documents Inedits
229673: CHOJNACKA, HALINA - Fajanse polskie XVIII-XIX wieku / Halina Chojnacka
217439: CHOLAKOV, PETUR - Kooperativniyat magazinu i negovoto schetovodstvo [Magazine cooperative and its accounting. Language: Russian]
218640: CHOLAKOVA-ZARINA, PETARA - Treva li da ostanat dneshnite upravnitsi na bulgarskata narodna banka? [Where are today's leaders of the Bulgarian National Bank? Language: Bulgarian]
96959: CHOLDIN, MARIANNA T. (MARIANNA TAX) & FRIEDBERG, MAURICE (1929-?) - RELATED NAME: DASH, BARBARA L - The Red Pencil : Artists, Scholars, and Censors in the USSR / Edited by Marianna Tax Choldin and Maurice Friedberg ; Russian Portions Translated by Maurice Friedberg and Barbara Dash
243434: CHOLIÈRES, N. DE. TRICOTEL, EDOUARD. JOUAUST, D. LACROIX, PAUL - Œuvres du seigneur de Cholières. T. 2 Les après-dinées / édition préparée par Éd. Tricotel. Notes, index et glossaire par D. Jouaust. Préface par Paul Lacroix
140046: CHOLMELEY, GUY HARGREAVES (ED. ) - Letters and Papers of the Cholmeleys from Wainfleet, 1813-1853
261010: CHOLMONDELEY, MARY (1851-1925) - Moth and rust : Together with Geoffrey's wife and The pitfall by Mary Cholmondeley
225212: CHOLMONDELEY-PENNELL, HENRY (1837-1915) - The book of the pike : a practical treatise on the various methods of jack fishing : with an analysis of the tackle employed--the history of the fish, &c : also a chapter on spinning for trout in lakes and rivers
205750: CHOLONIEWSKI, ANTON - Geist der Geschichte Polens
217459: CHOLONIEWSKIEGO, KS. ST. - Pisma posmiertne Ks. St. Choloniewskiego / wydanie J. N. Bobrowicza [complete in 2 volumes - Language: Polish]
137931: CHOMBART DE LAUWE, PAUL HENRY (1912-1998) - La Vie Quotidienne Des Familles Ouvrieres / Paul-Henry Chombart De Lauwe
131701: CHOMBART DE LAUWE, PAUL HENRY. NELLY FORGET. GUY ROCHER [ET AL] - Images De La Femme Dans La Societe : Recherche Internationale / Paul Henry Chombart De Lauwe...[Et Al. ]
128377: CHOMBART DE LAUWE, JEAN - Les Paysans Sovietiques
136506: CHOME, JULES - Le Drame Du Nigeria
136678: CHOME, JULES - Le Drame Du Nigeria
64423: CHOMSKY, NOAM - American Power and the New Mandarins
237342: CHONEZ, CLAUDINE (1912-) - Introduction à Paul Claudel
146381: CHONEZ, CLAUDINE (1912-) - Introduction a Paul Claudel
59584: CHONG, ALBERT - Ancestral Dialogues : the Photographs of Albert Chong
56501: CHONG, ALBERT - Ancestral Dialogues : the Photographs of Albert Chong ; [Edited by Michael Read]
227109: CHONG, DRUSILLA; HOWELL, BILLY; ICHINOSE, TRIXIE ANN - How to arrange Hawaiian flowers
258739: CHOPIN, FR. KINDWORTH, CHARLES - Oeuvres Completes: revues , doigtées et soigneusement corrigées d'apres les éditions de Paris, Londres, Bruxelles et Leipsic
256901: CHOPIN, FR. KLINDWORTH, CHARLES - Fr. Chopin: oeuvres completes (Klindworth): Mazurkas
162830: CHOPIN, JULES. OSUSKY, STEPHEN - Magyars Et Pangermanistes. Preface De M. Louis Eisenmann
135856: CHOPIN, JULES, PSEUD. [I. E. JULES EUGENE PICHON] STEFAN OSUSKY - Magyars Et Pangermanistes, Etc.
192131: CHOPIN, JULES, PSEUD. [I.E. JULES EUGENE PICHON], AND OSUSKY (STEFAN) - Magyars et pangermanistes
192777: CHOPIN, FRYDERYK (1810-1849) - Les bonnes traditions du pianiste volume 5
192415: CHOPIN, JULES [PSEUD., I.E. JULES EUGENE PICHON] & OSUSKY, STEFAN - Magyars et pangermanistes / Jules Chopin et S. Osusky ; preface de M. Louis Eisenmann
251622: CHOPPING, RICHARD - Butterflies in Britain
278110: CHOPPING, RICHARD - Butterflies in Britain / written and lithographed by Richard Chopping
180718: CHOPRA, SWATI - Himalayan art / Swati Chopra
169764: CHOPRA, DEEPAK - The return of Merlin : a novel
198104: CHOPRA, DEEPAK - Return of the rishi : a doctor's story of spiritual transformation and ayurvedic healing / Deepak Chopra
226372: CHOQUETTE, MICHEL - The Someday funnies / edited by Michel Choquette ; with an introduction by Robert Greenfield and a foreword by Jeet Heer
132352: CHOQUETTE, CHARLES PHILIPPE - Histoire De La Ville De Saint-Hyacinthe. [With Plates. ]
54868: LEADING CHOREGRAPHERS - Ballet and Modern Dance; with Contributions by Leading Choreographers, Dancers and Critics
281028: CHORICIUS, OF GAZA - Éloge funèbre de Procope, Choricius de Gaza ; traduit pour la première fois en français, par Henri Caffiaux
270787: CHORLTON, MARTYN (ED) - Hurricane | The RAF's Renowned World War II Workhorse | Aeroplane Icons
179552: CHORLTON, JAMES DEWSBURY (B. 1873) - The rating of land values
139973: CHORNOVIL, V. I. KANDYBA. V. MOROZ [ET AL]. MICHAEL BROWNE (ED. ) - Ferment in the Ukraine: Documents by V. Chornovil [And Others] Foreword by Max Hayward; Edited by Michael Browne
147742: CHORNOVIL, VYACHESLAV - The Chornovil Papers
23226: CHORNOVIL, VUACHESLAV - The Chornovil Papers
89843: CHORNOVIL, VIACHESLAV - The Chornovil Papers
176532: CHORON, JACQUES - La Doctrine bolcheviste : philosophie, economie politique sociologie d'apres les œuvres de Lenine / Jacques Choron, [pseud., i.e. Jakob Choronshitzky]
37544: CHOROVER, STEPHAN L. - From Genesis to Genocide : the Meaning of Human Nature and the Power of Behavior Control / Stephan L. Chorover
249079: CHOTKOWSKI, WLADYSLAW LONGIN - Historya polityczna Kosciola w Galicyi za rzadów Maryi Teresy - Volume 2
155851: CHOTZINOFF, ROBIN - People with dirty hands : the passion for gardening
84902: CHOTZINOFF, SAMUEL - Toscanini: an Intimate Portrait
84416: CHOTZINOFF, SAMUEL (1889-1964) - Toscanini: an Intimate Portrait
159291: CHOTZNER, JOSEPH (1844-1914) - Hebrew Humour and Other Essays
134559: CHOU, YANG - The Fighting Task Confronting Workers in Philosophy and the Social Sciences
96818: CHOUDHURY, G. W. (GOLAM WAHED) - Pakistan's Relations with India 1947-1966 [By] G. W. Choudhury
190600: CHOUE, YOUNG SEEK - Toward the brighter future
258133: CHOUET, JEAN-JACQUES - Vie et histoire du Corps d'armée de campagne 1 : 1892-1986
191858: CHOUILLET, ANNE-MARIE (ET AL.) - Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopedie : numero 2 Avril 1987
260698: CHOUQUET, GUSTAVE - First lessons in learning French
140727: CHOURAQUI, ANDRE (1917-2007) - Les Juifs D'Afrique Du Nord; Marche Vers L'Occident
191698: CHOURY, MAURICE - Les origines de la Commune : Paris livre / Maurice Choury
218471: CHOURY, MAURICE - Kommuna v serdce Pariza = La Commune au coeur de Paris. [Language: Russian]
63358: CHOW, GIN - [FOREWORD BY HARRY CARR] - Gin Chow's First Annual Almanac
13165: CHOWALSKI, SHALOM - Soldiers from the Ghetto. the First Uprising Against the Nazis / Shalom Cholawski
212055: CHOWDHARY, SAVITRI - Indian cooking
182945: CHOWN, JOSEPH LESLIE - England's debt to monasticism
209837: LES FRERES DES ECOLES CHRETIENNES - Mesures poids et monnaies : Francais, Egyptien et Anglis en usage en Egypte / par Les Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes
205947: SYNDICATS CHRETIENS - Memoire presente par le Bureau de la Confederation des Syndicats Chretiens, sur l'Angloissant Probleme du Chomage : Le Verite vous delivrera 2 Octobre 1935
268149: CHRIMES, S. B. (STANLEY BERTRAM) (1907-1984) - Select documents of English constitutional history : 1307-1485 / edited by S.B. Chrimes and A.L. Brown
128160: CHRISMAN, MIRIAM USHER - Bibliography of Strasbourg Imprints, 1480-1599 / Miriam Usher Chrisman
83944: CHRIST, HANS - Ludwigsburger Porzellanfiguren Mit 162 Abbildungen in Kupfertiefdruck...
207396: CHRIST, CARL F. - Econometric models and methods
44175: CHRISTE, YVES, TANIA VELMANS ET ALI. - Art of the Christian World, A. D. 200-1500 : a Handbook of Styles and Forms
171607: CHRISTEN, SYDNEY MARY - Rodolphe Christen: the story of an artist's life. By his wife. With illustrations [including a portrait]
66447: CHRISTENBERRY, WILLIAM (1936-) - Southern Photographs / William Christenberry ; Introduction by R. H. Cravens
239809: CHRISTENSEN, MICHAEL J - C.S. Lewis on scripture : his thoughts on the nature of biblical inspiration, the role of revelation and the question of inerrancy / Michael J. Christensen ; foreword by Owen Barfield ; introduction by Clyde S. Kilby
151472: CHRISTENSEN, JO IPPOLITO - The Needlepoint Book : 303 Stitches with Patterns and Projects
273803: CHRISTENSEN, THOMAS - River of ink : literature, history and art / Thomas Christensen
125647: CHRISTENSEN, ERWIN OTTOMAR - Early American Wood Carving
159808: CHRISTENSEN, ERWIN OTTOMAR (1890-) - The Index of American Design / Introduction by Holger Cahill
165338: CHRISTENSEN, SOPHY A. - Jeg Vilde Frem! Ungdoms-Oplevelser ... Danmarks Forste Kvindelige Mobelsnedker
163861: CHRISTENSEN, ERWIN O. - The Index of American Design
165600: CHRISTENSEN, ERIK, (1945-) - Automation and the Workers
52198: CHRISTENSON, C. L. - Economic Redevelopment in Bituminous Coal - the Special Case of Technological Advance in United States Coal Mines, 1930-1960
53318: CHRISTENSON, CHARLES J. - Strategic Aspects of Competitive Bidding for Corporate Securities / [by] Charles Christenson
230158: JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CORPUS CHRISTI - Fiesta; favorite recipes of South Texas
271692: CHRISTIAN, P - Histoire des Marins pirates et corsaires de l'océanie et de la méditerranée comprenant la conquete de l'algérie
270745: CHRISTIAN, ROY - The nature-lover's companion / edited by Roy Christian
236975: CHRISTIAN, KATHLEEN (KATHLEEN WREN) (1971-) - Empire without end: antiquities collections in Renaissance Rome, c. 1350-1527 / Kathleen Wren Christian
236976: CHRISTIAN, KATHLEEN (KATHLEEN WREN) (1971-) - Empire without end: antiquities collections in Renaissance Rome, c. 1350-1527 / Kathleen Wren Christian
20863: CHRISTIAN, JOHN - Symbolists and Decadents
166078: CHRISTIAN, JAMES L. (ED. ) - Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence : the First Encounter / Edited by James L. Christian
12950: CHRISTIAN, ROY - Factories, Forges and Foundries, Industrial Buildings of Britain
28376: CHRISTIAN-FROGE, M. - La grande guerre 1914-1918 : [2 volumes] / vecue - racontee - illustree par les combattants; publiee sous la direction de M. Christian-Froge; preface de M. le Marechal Foch hommage; au soldat francais par M. le Marechal Petain
201518: CHRISTIAN SOCIAL UNION, LONDON - Lombard Street in Lent : a course of sermons on social subjects / organized by the London Branch of the Christian Social Union, and preached in the Church of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, Lombard Street, during Lent, 1894
183748: CHRISTIAN, JOHN L. - Burma
239315: THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. CHURCH, RICHARD - Coronation Color Section, King George, April 22, 1937
176809: CHRISTIAN, EDMUND B. V. (EDMUND BROWN VINEY) - The epic of the Oval
166276: CHRISTIAN, VIKTOR, (1885-) - Die Namen Der Assyrisch-Babylonischen Keilschriftzeichen
37074: CHRISTIAN BAY, J. - A Handful of Western Books
245121: CHRISTIANA, GALLIA. SANDRET, L - L'ancienne église de France ou état des archevechés et éveches de France avant la constitution civile du clergé de 1790
216690: CHRISTIANER, LOUIS F. - Thimble manipulation
266154: BY THE AUTHOR OF 'UNCLE PHILIP'S EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY' - Natural History; or, Uncle Philip's conversations with the children about tools and trades among inferior animals: with numerous engravings
170411: SOCIETY OF JEWS AND CHRISTIANS (LONDON) - In spirit and in truth. Aspects of Judaism and Christianity / [by various authors.] Edited for the Society of Jews and Christians by George A. Yates, etc
274252: CHRISTIANSEN, KEITH - Painting in Renaissance Siena, 1420-1500 / Keith Christiansen, Laurence B. Kanter, Carl Brandon Strehlke
92807: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Sleeping Murder
87179: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The Mysterious Affair At Styles / Agatha Christie
87172: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Curtain / Agatha Christie
65775: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Passenger to Frankfurt; an Extravaganza, by Agatha Christie
277406: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Crooked house
277407: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Why didn't they ask Evans?
276107: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Fine 19th century Indian photographs from the collection of Kanwardip Gujral. 27 September 2001
274316: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Important old master & British pictures : Raphael, Portrait of Lorenzo de' Medici (Lot 91) : Thursday 5 July 2007
274193: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Works of art from the Bute Collection, sold by order of the executors and the trustees of the residue funds of the 6th Marquess of Bute : Wednesday, 3 July 1996 ... at 8 King Street ... / [Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd.]
274074: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Old master drawings : the property of the late Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Scharf and from various sources : Tuesday, 2 July 1991
274076: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Old Master drawings : the properties of the estate of Miss Yvonne Ffrech ... and from various others : which will be sold at Christie's Great Rooms on Monday 9 April 1990
272446: CHRISTIE'S (INTERNATIONAL) S.A - The Kingston tureens : which will be sold at auction by Christie's (International) S.A. .. at the Hotel Richemond, Geneva .. on Tuesday, November 8, 1977
271229: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Dresses from the collection of Diana, Princess of Wales / Christies
271096: CHRISTIE-MURRAY, DAVID. ESCOTT, DAN [PLATES] - School of Arms by David Christie-Murray
270589: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS INTERNATIONAL INC - Christie's South Kensington : historic and collectors' aircraft : sold at auction, at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Cambridgeshire, on Monday, 13 August, 1984 at 2:30 p.m
267432: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS INTERNATIONAL INC - The Jay Family Collection of Historical American Portraits: Saturday, January 25, 1986, Christie's New York
265627: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS INTERNATIONAL INC - Christie's South Kensington : historic and collectors' aircraft : sold at auction, at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Cambridgeshire, on Monday, 13 August, 1984 at 2:30 p.m
261041: CHRISTIE, O. F - Dickens and his age
260277: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Appointment with death / Agatha Christie
260278: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Cards on the table / Agatha Christie
260269: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - By the pricking of my thumbs / [by] Agatha Christie
256319: CHRISTIE, MANSON AND WOODS INTERNATIONAL INC - Eighteen important impressionist paintings from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney R. Barlow
252749: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Murder in the news
251544: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Dumb Witness / Agatha Christie
251508: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The seven dials mystery
251499: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The big four
246619: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Christie's review of the season 1995 / edited by Francis Russell, assisted by James Peill
219344: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Sleeping Murder
213081: CHRISTIE-MURRAY, DAVID - Voices from the gods : speaking with tongues / David Christie-Murray
223596: CHRISTIE'S, PARIS - Christie's Paris : Photographies. Samedi 16 Novembre 2002. [Christie's auction catalogue]
223598: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - German and Austrian Art 2003 : Monday 3 February 2003. [Christie's auction catalogue]
223599: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist and modern art evening sale : Tuesday 25 June 2002. [Christie's auction catalogue]
200472: CHRISTIE, KATE - Apparitions : an autobiographical study in parapsychology
154747: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Murder at the vicarage : a Miss Marple mystery
225925: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture (part 1): New York, Tuesday, November 10, 1987. [auction catalogue]
225926: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Modern Belgian Paintings : London, Tuesday 16th October 1990. [auction catalogue]
253084: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOOD INTERNATIONAL INC. THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES - The Estelle Doheny Collection: from the Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California: in seven volumes
247555: CHRISTIE, MANSON AND WOODS LTD - Post-War British Art - London Thursday, 25 November 1993 at 11.00 a.m
189055: CHRISTIE'S - British decorative arts from 1860 to the Present Day. Continental decorative arts from 1880 to the present day contwemporary ceramics, Friday, 9 October 1992...
225852: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : May 1999
225853: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2005 supplements : 'Roy Lichenstein's In the Car' and 'Property from a Private American Collection'
225854: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's art review 1997
250802: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Death comes at the end
225832: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2000
225844: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : June/July/August 2003
225845: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : June/July/August 2007
225842: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2007
225833: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : June/July/August 2001
219039: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Miniatures, objects of vertu and Russian works of art
223588: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist and modern watercolours and paintings : London. Tuesday, 28 November 1989 [Christie's auction catalogue]
225839: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : September/October 2007
225843: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : June/July/August 2005
224304: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Works of art from the Bute collection, sold by order of the executors and trustees of the Residue Funds of the 6th Marquess of Bute ... July 1996 [2 volumes - Christie's auction catalogue]
225985: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Catalogue of the important collection of early English mezzotints and colour prints, the property of the late Martin Erdmann ... which ... will be sold at auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods ... on Monday, November 16, 1937
223609: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - The art of the surreal : Evening sale, Monday 6 February 2006. [Christie's auction catalogue]
223602: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Modern and contemporary Japanese prints, paintings and ceramics : New York, Tuesday, October 17, 1989 [Christie's auction catalogue]
251503: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Passenger to Frankfurt
249256: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Murder in the mews and other stories
251501: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Five little pigs
251498: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The mystery of the blue train
251495: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Crooked house
223595: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Christie's twentieth century art : London Thursday 10 December 1998. [Christie's auction catalogue]
223593: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Christie's impressionist & nineteenth century art : New York Wednesday 18 November 1998. [Christie's auction catalogue]
225909: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture (part 1) : Tuesday, November 15, 1988. [auction catalogue]
253100: CHRISTIE'S - A selection from the Scott Library and other books of navigation and marine science : the property of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects : which will be sold at auction by Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd
250934: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Death comes as the end
249348: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The labours of Hercules
218979: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Important pictures by old masters
250742: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The moving finger
250718: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Miss Marple and the thirteen problems
250494: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Miss Marple's 6 Final Cases and 2 Other Stories
249736: CHRISTIE, RONALD V - Medical education and the state : the Harveian oration of 1969
223608: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - German and Austrian Art : Evening sale, Monday 6 February 2006. [Christie's auction catalogue]
225847: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : December 2006
200721: CHRISTIE, KATE - Apparitions : an autobiographical study in parapsychology
223618: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Fifteen impressionist and modern paintings from a private European collection : Tuesday 27 June 1989. [Christie's auction catalogue]
223594: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Christie's London : Impressionist and modern art evening sale : Monday 2nd February 2004. [Christie's auction catalogue]
225848: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2006
225849: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : May/June 2004
278309: CHRISTIE, ELLA R - Ration recipes for restricted repasts
182645: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - A pocket full of rye / Agatha Christie
218837: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - Christie's review of the year 1967/1968
111525: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Passenger to Frankfurt; an Extravaganza, by Agatha Christie
182628: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - The mirror crack'd from side to side / Agatha Christie
223613: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Dada and surrealism : London, Wednesday 29 November 1989. [Christie's auction catalogue]
223614: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - A collection of Japanese ceramics : London, Monday 20 June 1994. [Christie's auction catalogue]
223616: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - L'Hiver a Montfoucault by Camille Pissaro; catalogue text by Joachim Pissaro. [Christie's auction catalogue : 3 December 1990]
225841: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : December 2007
101171: CHRISTIE, IAN R. - Empire or Independence, 1760-1776 : a British-American Dialogue on the Coming of the American Revolution / [By] Ian R. Christie, Benjamin W. Labaree
183370: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The Clocks [By] Agatha Christie
225834: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2001
225835: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : May/June 2002
225836: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : January/February 2007
225837: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 1998
225838: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : May/June 1994
225830: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : June/July/August 2000
225831: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2008
225825: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : January/February 2003
225826: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : January/February 2006
225827: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : December 2008
222932: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Christopher Wood : A Very Victorian Eye. Christie's, London. Wednesday 28 February 2007. [Auction catalogue]
225850: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : January/February 2008
225851: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : June 2008
187033: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Crooked house
203933: CHRISTIE, MANSON AND WOODS INTERNATIONAL: NEW YORK - Important British and American sporting paintings : including the collection of the late Harry T. Peters, Junior : the properties of Arthur M.R. Charrington III ... and from various sources
39542: CHRISTIE, IAN R. - Essays in Modern History - Selected from the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society on the Occasion of its Centenary
200575: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - Easy to kill
181094: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS INTERNATIONAL INC. [CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK] - Colonial American documents including the Declaration of Independence : from the Chew family papers which will be sold on Thursday, April 1, 1982 ...
168199: CHRISTIE, RICHARD COPLEY (1830-1901) - Etienne Dolet, the martyr of the Renaissance : A biography
225824: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : September/October 2006
225821: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : May/June 2005
225822: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : January/February 2009
225823: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2009
225911: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture (part 1) : Wednesday, November 11, 1982. [auction catalogue]
225912: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture (part 2) : Tuesday, 1 December 1992. [auction catalogue]
225913: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist and modern paintings, watercolours and sculpture (part 2) : London, Tuesday 30 June 1992. [auction catalogue]
225914: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Impressionist and modern paintings from the collection of Richard and Dorothy Rodgers : New York, Wednesday, November 11, 1992. [auction catalogue]
225915: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Editions Picasso, from various sources : Thursday 18 October 1990 [auction catalogue]
225916: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings, sculpture and ceramics : South Kensington, Monday 30 November 1992. [auction catalogue]
225917: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture : London, Tuesday 19 March 1991. [auction catalogue]
225919: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture : London, Tuesday 28 November 1989. [auction catalogue]
225920: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - The Goldberg Collection : Impressionist and modern British paintings, drawings and sculpture : London, Tuesday 2 December 1986. [auction catalogue]
225922: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture (part 1): New York, Tuesday, May 12, 1992. [auction catalogue]
225923: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Christie's Post War : London, Thursday 8 February 2001. [auction catalogue]
225924: CHRISTIE'S, LONDON - Impressionist, modern and contemporary paintings, drawings, sculpture and Editions Picasso : South Kensington, Monday 29 November 1993. [auction catalogue]
225846: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : May/June 2007
203049: CHRISTIE, AGATHA (1890-1976) - The mystery of the blue train
238772: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - A collection of drawings by Stefano Della Bella, the property of a gentleman : which will be sold at auction by Christie, Manson and Woods Ltd., March 18, 1975
239387: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - The Evelyn Library : sold by order of the trustees of the wills of J.H.C. Evelyn, deceased and major Peter Evelyn, deceased. Part 1 A-C through Part 4 T-Z which will be sold at auction by Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. ... at their Great Rooms ... on Wednesday, June 22, 1977 and Thursday, June 23, 1977 ... / Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd
278246: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS - British decorative arts from 1860 to the present day : continental decorative arts from 1880 to the present day : contemporary ceramics. 1992 Oct. 9
225829: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : March/April 2005
225840: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : May 2008
197096: CHRISTIE, O. F., OCTAVIUS FRANCIS - The transition from aristocracy 1832-1867 : an account of the passing of the Reform Bill, the causes which led up to it, & its consequences on the life & manners of all grades of society
204798: CHRISTIE, KATE - Apparitions : an autobiographical study in parapsychology
205399: CHRISTIE, KATE - Apparitions : an autobiographical study in parapsychology
206037: CHRISTIE, KATE - Apparitions : an autobiographical study in parapsychology
225828: CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS LTD. - Christie's magazine : November 2004
209485: CHRISTIE'S (AUCTIONEERS) - Christies international magazine April 1997
212160: CHRISTIE, JOSEPH (1911-). LAWSON, WILLIAM (1904-) - Red letter days
223649: CHRISTIE'S, NEW YORK - Important Impressionist and Modern Paintings from the Searle Collection : Wednesday, May 10, 1989. [Christie's New York auction catalogue]
26319: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Sleeping Murder
256909: CHRISTIE'S CATALOGUES - Christie's art review 1997
248768: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Valuable Travel and Natural History Books and Atlases - Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 December 1987 October 1985
248767: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Printed Books, Autograph letters and Manuscripts - Wednesday 9 December 1987 at 10.30 am and 2.30 pm
248766: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Valuable Travel and Natural History Books including John Arlott's Collection with Aquatint Illustrations - Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 October 1987 at 10.30 am
248765: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Printed Books including Bibliography, Literature, Science, Fine Bindings and an important collection of modern private press books -Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 May 1988
255824: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - The oppulent eye
248764: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Valuable Travel, Atlases and Natural History Books - Wenesday 13 April 1988 at 10.30 am
228766: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Greek, Etruscan and South Italian Vases from Castle Ashby : the property of the Marquess of Northampton
228765: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Greek, Etruscan and South Italian Vases from Castle Ashby : the property of the Marquess of Northampton
220271: CHRISTIE'S LONDON (AUCTIONEER HOUSE) - Christie's Review of the year October, 1964 - July, 1965
240508: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Christie's London: Vol. 1: Van Gogh's Sunflowers- the property of the late Mrs. Helen Chester Beatty, Monday 30 March 1987 at 6.30 p.m.; Vol. 2: Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Sculputre, Monday 30 March 1987 at 6.30 p.m.
218207: CHRISTIE'S LONDON - Hebrew printed books and manuscripts. 1981 Dec. 9
266323: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD - Aviation art and literature
266317: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD - Historic aircraft : which will be sold at auction by Christie's South Kensington Ltd. ... at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Cambridgeshire, on Thursday, 14 April 1983
266318: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD - Historic aircraft, aeronautical and nautical collectables : at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford Airfield, Cambridgeshire, Monday 29 July 1985
214952: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD. - The property of the late R. E. Summerfield. Vol. III. English and Continental prints, watercolours and pictures, which will be sold at auction on Cheltenham Racecourse Friday 27 and Saturday 28 26 October 1989
214954: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD. - The collection of the late R.E. Summerfield. Prices realised at auction on Cheltenham Racecourse Monday October 23 - Saturday October 28, 1989
214951: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD. - The property of the late R. E. Summerfield. Vol. II. English, Continental and Oriental ceramics and Oriental works of art, which will be sold at auction on Cheltenham Racecourse Tuesday 24 October, Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 October 1989
240148: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD - Continental pictures, watercolours and drawings of the 19th and 20th centuries. 1991 Feb. 14
199927: CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON, LTD. - Scientific and medical instruments including barometers, for sale by auction Thursday, October 17, 1985 at 2.00 p. m.
200033: CHRISTIES [AUCTION HOUSE] - London: Important Old Master Pictures from the Collection of Anton Philips (1874-1951), Thursday 6 December 2007 (Catalogue)
223138: CHRISTIES, AUSTRALIA - Christies, Australia : The collection of John Schaffer at Rona : Sydney 15 & 16 May 2004 [auction catalogue]
83629: CHRISTMAS, JUNE JACKSON; THOMPSON, DOUGLASS S ET AL - Everywoman's Health : the Complete Guide to Body and Mind
268454: CHRISTMAS, F.E - The Parson in English literature / edited by F.E. Christmas
148075: CHRISTMAS MøLLER, JOHN (1894-1948). WATSON, KATHERINE - Education in Democracy, the Folk High Schools of Denmark
205700: CHRISTMAS, F. E. (FREDERICK ERNEST) - Survival : the hope of personal immortality
96434: CHRISTOFF, PETER K. - K.S. Aksakov: An Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Russian Slavophilism : a Study in Ideas
219532: CHRISTOHPER, JOHN - Planet in peril
121612: CHRISTOPH, JAMES B. (JAMES BERNARD) - Capital Punishment and British Politics : the British Movement to Abolish the Death Penalty, 1945-57 / James B. Christoph
50168: CHRISTOPHER, ROBERT C. - Crashing the Gates : the De-Wasping of America's Power Elite
19371: CHRISTOPHER, ELPHIS - Sexuality and Birth Control in Community Work
198997: CHRISTOPHER, ALFRED MILLARD WILLIAM (1820-1913). SHARPE, J. C. - Quousque? Whereunto are we drifting? A selection of extracts from the pastoral letters, charges and addresses of leading bishops and clergy ... / edited by Rev. A.M.W. Christopher ... and John Charles Sharpe
223919: CHRISTOPHERS, BARRY E. - A list of the published works of Frederic Wood Jones, 1879-1954 / Barry E. Christophers
223437: CHRISTOPHERS, BARRY E. - A supplement to A list of the works of Frederic Wood Jones, 1879-1954 : including his drawings (published and unpublished), his published letters and his unpublished manuscripts: with notes / Barry E. Christophers ; with a foreword by Leonard J.T. Murphy
107690: CHRISTOPHERS, RICHARD A. - George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1562-1633; a Bibliography
227112: CHRISTOPHERSEN, ERLING - Vegetation of Pacific equatorial islands
210436: CHRISTOPHERSEN, R. - Norsk-Engelsk / revidert utgave ved R. Christophersen og H. Scavenius
56623: STORM THORGERSON & PETER CHRISTOPHERSON (EDS. ) - Hands Across the Water : Wings Tour USA / Book Design by Hipgnosis ; all Photos. by Aubrey Powell ; Graphics and Ill. by George Hardie ; Edited by Storm Thorgerson & Peter Christopherson ...
276520: STORM THORGERSON & PETER CHRISTOPHERSON (EDS. ) - Hands Across the Water : Wings Tour USA / Book Design by Hipgnosis ; all Photos. by Aubrey Powell ; Graphics and Ill. by George Hardie ; Edited by Storm Thorgerson & Peter Christopherson ...
163706: CHRISTOPHERSON, EDMUND - The Night the Mountain Fell; the Story of the Montana-Yellowstone Earthquake. Cover by Elwood Averill
56076: STORM THORGERSON AND PETER CHRISTOPHERSON (EDS. ) - Hands Across the Water : Wings Tour USA / Book Design by Hipgnosis ; all Photos. by Aubrey Powell ; Graphics and Ill. by George Hardie ; Edited by Storm Thorgerson & Peter Christopherson ...
208825: CHRISTY, GERALDINE. NEW FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL - The New Forest : its character and heritage
281040: THE JEWISH CHRONICLE - Special Supplement to the Jewish Chronicle - Tercentenary of the Resettlement of the Jews in the British Isles 1656-1956
55245: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR CHRONOBIOLOGY - Chronobiology / Edited by Lawrence E. Scheving, Franz Halberg, John E. Pauly
244946: THE BRITISH CHRONOLOGIST - The British chronologist : comprehending every material occurrence, ecclesiastical, civil, or military, relative to England and Wales, from the invasion of the Romans to the present time: to which is added an index to the whole: volumes I & II (only)
254567: CHRUCH, RALPH - Mork & Mindy
194611: CHRUSCEV, NIKITA SERGEEVIC. KHRUSHCHOV, NIKITA SERGEEVICH (1894) - Report of the Central Committee to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party : Moscow, Feb. 14, 1956 / N.S. Khrushchov
232743: CHRYSANDER, FRIEDRICH (1826-1901) - G.F. Handel / von Friedrich Chrysander
235213: CHRYSANDER, FRIEDRICH (1826-1901) - Jahrbucher: Seiner Majestat Georg V. Konige von Hannover; Herrn Hermann Magnus. Two volumes
247299: CHRYSTAL, ROBERT NEIL - Insects of the British woodlands
121691: CHU, SAMUEL C. - Reformer in Modern China, Chang Chien 1853-1926
91640: CHU, VALENTIN - The Inside Story of Communist China [Ta Ta, Tan Tan] / Valentin Chu
204440: CHUBARIAN, OGAN STEPANOVICH - Libraries in the Soviet Union
54650: CHUBB, BASIL - The Government & Politics of Ireland. with a Historical Introd. by David Thornley
258162: CHUBB, THOMAS CALDECOT (1899-1972) - The life of Giovanni Boccaccio
20961: CHUBB, THOMAS - The printed maps in the atlases of Great Britain and Ireland - a Bibliography, 1579-1870 / with an introduction by F.P. Spent and Bopgraphical Notes on the map makers, engravers and publishers by T. Chubb, assisted by J.W. Skells and H. Beharrell
68617: CHUBB, THOMAS CALDECOT (1899-1972) - If There Were No Losses : the Story of Chubb & Son from its Founding in 1882 Until 1957 / Thomas Caldecot Chubb
116729: CHUBB, BASIL - The Government & Politics of Ireland / Basil Chubb, with a Historical Introd. by David Thornley
190866: CHUBB, MARY (B. 1903) - City in the sand / Mary Chubb
235012: CHUBB, BASIL. INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (IRELAND) - A source book of Irish government / edited by Basil Chubb
97467: CHUBIN, SHAHRAM (ED. ) - Germany and the Middle East : Patterns and Prospects / Edited by Shahram Chubin
95152: CHUBIN, SHAHRAM (ED. ) - Germany and the Middle East : Patterns and Prospects
217358: CHUBINSKIY, V. - Vil'gel'm Libknekht soldat revolyutsii [Wilhelm Liebknecht soldier of the revolution. Language: Russian]
122098: CHUDGAR, P. L. - Indian Princes under British Protection. a Study of Their Constitutional Position, Etc.
124152: CHUDGAR, POPATLAL L. - Indian Princes under British Protection; a Study of Their Personal Rule, Their Constitutional Position and Their Future
131825: CHUDSON, WALTER ALEXANDER (1914-) - The Pattern of Corporate Financial Structure, a Cross-Section View of Manufacturing, Mining, Trade, and Construction, 1937
193978: CHUG, KANG; CHI, LU & FENG, HAN - Registration and other stories
216196: CHUGAEV, D. A. [ED.] - Khrestomatiya po istorii SSSR, 1917-1925 [Readings on the history of the USSR, 1917-1925. Language: Russian]
58535: CHUK KYO KIM, ED. - Planning Model and MacRoeconomic Policy Issues / Edited by Chuk Kyo Kim
121684: CHUN, DOO HWAN - The 1980s, Meeting a New Challenge : Selected Speeches of President Chun Doo Hwan
237298: CHUNG, ANITA - Chinese art in an age of revolution: Fu Baoshi (1904-1965) / Anita Chung; with contributions by Julia F. Andrews, Tamaki Maeda and Aida Yuen Wong, and Kuiyi Shen
160185: CHUNG, DONALD K. - The Three Day Promise : a Korean Soldier's Memoir
51033: CHUNN, NANCY - Front Pages / Nancy Chunn ; Interview with the Artist by Gary Indiana. - [Published to Coincide with an Exhibition At the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. , Jan. 10-Mar. 2, 1998]
108801: CHUNN, NANCY - Front Pages / Nancy Chunn ; Interview with the Artist by Gary Indiana. - [Published to Coincide with an Exhibition At the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. , Jan. 10-Mar. 2, 1998]
98156: CHUNOVIC, LOUIS - Jodie : a Biography / Louis Chunovic
234816: CHUPP, CHARLES (1886-) - Manual of vegetable-garden diseases
249146: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. ADVISORY BOARD FOR MORAL WELFARE WORK, AFTERWARDS CHURCH OF ENGLAND MORAL WELFARE - Moral crisis: the church in action. The educational and remedial work of the Church of England Moral Welfare Council in matters of sex, marriage and the family
80352: CHURCH, RICHARD (1893-1972) - Portrait of Canterbury
277170: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Eucologe ou Livre D'Église, a l'usage des Fideles du Diocese d'Auxerre: contenant les offices de tous les dimanches et fetes de l'année, avec les processions et autres offices extraordinaires
275245: CHURCH, ALFRED J - The children's Odyssey : told from Homer in simple language by the Rev. Alfred J. Church ; with twelve illustrations
267261: CHURCH, ALFRED JOHN (1829-1912) - Stories from the Greek tragedians
266892: CHURCH, RICHARD (1893-1972) - Portrait of Canterbury
266598: CHURCH, RICHARD - Green tide / Richard Church
265015: CHURCH, ALFRED JOHN (1829-1912) - The Greek Gulliver: stories from Lucian
261458: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Catéchisme du Concile de Trente / traduction nouvelle, avec des notes par l'abbé Doney
261021: CHURCH, R. W - Dante and other essays
255969: CHURCH, RICHARD SIR (1784-1873) - Brigantaggio e società segrete nelle Puglie. 1817-1828
253892: CHURCH, RICHARD (1893-1972) - Kent - Illustrated, and with a map
253885: CHURCH, ALFRED JOHN (1829-1912) - The Crusaders. A story of the war for the Holy Sepulchre. With illustrations by George Morrow
253334: CHURCH, BOB - Reservoir trout fishing / Bob Church
249870: CHURCH, BOB - Fly fishing for trout / Bob Church and Peter Gathercole
248734: CHURCH, BOB ET AL - Specimen hunter's handbook : a specialist angler's guide to big fish / edited by Trevor Housby
246430: CHURCH, BOB - Catch More Stillwater Trout
246428: CHURCH, BOB - Catch More Tench
246354: CHURCH, BOB. GIBBINSON, JIM (1941-) - Big tench / edited by Bob Church ; contributors, Jim Gibbinson ... [et al.]
246355: CHURCH, BOB. BURTON, GORD - Big pike / edited by Bob Church ; contributors, Gord Burton ... [et al.]
246351: CHURCH, BOB - Big carp / edited by Bob Church ; contributors, Chris Ball ... [et al.]
246352: CHURCH, BOB. READING, PETER (1953-) - Big barbel : bonded by the challenge / edited by Bob Church ; contributors: Peter Reading ... [et al.]
245961: CHURCH, RICHARD WILLIAM - Dante, an essay [repr. from Essays and reviews]. To which is added a tr. of De monarchia by F.C [really F.J.] Church
233588: CATHOLIC CHURCH - The weekday missal : weekday Masses for the Proper of Seasons, Ordinary time, the Proper of Saints, occasional Masses, Masses for the dead. Complete with readings, in one volume / Illustrations by Mark and Anne Primavesi
223512: CHURCH, RICHARD (1893-1972) - Portrait of Canterbury / Richard Church ; with illustrations by John Sergeant
233577: CHURCH, R. W - The beginning of the Middle Ages
187632: FIRST CHURCH - Act of incorporation and by-laws of the First Church Boston. Gathered August 27, 1630. Incorporated March 3, 1829
110830: CHURCH, BEVERLY REESE - The Joys of Entertaining / Beverly Reese Church and Bethany Ewald Bultman
113735: CHURCH, R. J. HARRISON (RONALD JAMES HARRISON) - West Africa, a Study of the Environment and of Man's Use of It
173386: LUTHERAN CHURCH [HYMNS - MARTIN LUTHER] - Vollstandiges Marburger Gesang-Buch : zur Uebung der Gottseligkeit, in 615 christlichen und trostreichen Psalmen und Gesangen Hrn. D. Martin Luthers und anderer gottseliger Lehrer, ordentlich in XII...
242117: LICHFIELD DIOCESAN CHURCH - Lichfield Diocesan Church Calendar for the archdeaconries of Stafford, Stoke-on-Trent, and Salop [Thirty-Eighth year of Issue.] 1893
280917: UNITED REFORMED CHURCH - This is Christ's world. Topic 5, Racism
215537: EPISCOPAL CHURCH - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church . .. Together with the Psalter; Or, Psalms of David
171985: CHURCH, R. J. HARRISON (RONALD JAMES HARRISON) - Environment and policies in West Africa
123293: CHURCH, ALFRED JOHN (1829-1912) - The Burning of Rome; Or, a Story of the Days of Nero
249921: SABBATH SCHOOL OF THE FRANKLIN STREET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Thw Co-Workers - Historical sketch, treasurer's report, in memoriam, members, etc
20524: OLD BLANDFORD CHURCH - Old Blandford Church, Bristol Parish, Petersburg, VA Built in 1735.
145523: ORTHODOX EASTERN CHURCH. RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH - The Russian Orthodox Church : Organization, Situation, Activity
55733: CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST - Christian Science Hymnal; with Seven Hymns Written by Reverend Mary Baker Eddy
52383: CHURCH, SAMUEL HARDEN - The Liberal Party in America : its Principles and its Platform
51406: PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE U. S. A. - The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church....together with the Psalter or Psalms of David
46418: CHURCH, ALBERT ENSIGN (1807-1878) - Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with its Applications to Spherical Projections, Shades and Shadows, Perspective and Isometric Projections
45994: CHURCH, ALBERT ENSIGN (1807-1878) - Elements of Descriptive Geometry : with its Applications to Spherical Projections, Shades and Shadows, Perspective and Isometric Projections
94838: WOMEN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Historical Sketches of the Missions under the Care of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church
84620: CHURCH, RICHARD WILLIAM (1815-1890) - Spenser ; Edited by John Morley
7203: CHURCH, COLONEL G. E. - Aborigines of South America Edited by Clements R. Markham
269063: CHURCH, RICHARD SIR (1784-1873) - Brigantaggio e società segrete nelle Puglie. 1817-1828
256679: CHURCH, ROY ANTHONY - Gravener Henson and the making of the English working class
130734: CHURCH, RONALD JAMES HARRISON - West Africa : a Study of the Environment
279935: CHURCH, R. W. (RICHARD WILLIAM) (1815-1890) - The Oxford movement : twelve years, 1833-1945
128503: WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH - Minutes of Several Conversations, between the Rev. John Wesley, A. M. , and the Preachers in Connexion with Him
123968: CHURCH, ALFRED JOHN (1829-1912) - The Chantry Priest of Barnet; a Tale of the Two Roses, by the Rev. Alfred J. Church, ... with Sixteen Illustrations
115500: CHURCH, R. W. (RICHARD WILLIAM) - Bacon, by R. W. Church
165511: CHURCH, C. M. - Wells : I - the Cathedral Church, II - the Palace, III - the Library
44730: CHURCH, BROOKE PETERS (B. 1885) - The Israel Saga, by Brooke Peters Church; Foreword by Charles C. Torrey
57889: CHURCH, RICHARD (1893-) - London, Flower of Cities All. Text by Richard Church. Drawings & Paintings by Imre Hofbauer
74556: CHURCH, RICHARD (1893-1972) - North of Rome
168944: UNITED STATES PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments : and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David
107335: CHURCH, BEVERLY REESE - The Joys of Entertaining / Beverly Reese Church and Bethany Ewald Bultman
177151: CHURCH, ALFRED JOHN (1829-1912) - Henry the Fifth
175153: CHURCH, ALFRED J. - Stories from Virgil
228474: CHURCH, ROBERT J - Turtles
146309: CHURCH UNION, LONDON - The Church, Marriage and Divorce : Some Comments on the Report of the Joint Committee of Convocations on Marriage, Published on Behalf of the Council of the Church Union
146920: CHURCH, RICHARD WILLIAM (1815-1890) - The Oxford Movement : Twelve Years, 1833-1845
147338: METHODIST CHURCH (GREAT BRITAIN) - Declarations of Conference on Social Questions
147751: CATHOLIC CHURCH (AFRICA) - The Church to Africa : Pastoral Letters of the African Hierarchies
32908: CHURCH, LESLIE F. - Oglethorpe - a Study of Philanthropy in England and Georgia
50957: CHURCH, RICHARD - The Wonder of Words
112680: CHURCH, RICHARD - Kent's Contribution
196811: CHURCH, ALFRED JOHN - Nicias and the Sicilian expedition
199374: CHURCH OF ENGLAND ; BAYLEY, JOHN - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. Together with such of the Sunday lessons, as are taken from the Old Testament, with notes
212169: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. CENTRAL BOARD OF FINANCE. BROWNE, ERIC GORE - The Christian stewardship of money / preface by Eric Gore Browne
70285: CHURCHER, SHARON - New York Confidential
258549: BRITISH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - World poverty and British responsibility
192954: BRITISH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - The land : the people and the churches. / British Council of Churches
213936: BRITISH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - Sex and morality : a report to the British Council of Churches, October, 1966
181293: WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - The church and the disorder of society : an ecumenical study prepared under the auspices of the World Council of Churches
249126: CHURCHILL, SIR WINSTON LEONARD SPENCER (1874-1965) - A history of the English-speaking peoples. Vol. 1 The birth of Britain
276868: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - The dawn of liberation : war speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill
275927: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S - The Second World War. [Volumes I-V] / Winston S. Churchill
275928: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S - The Second World War. [Volumes I-IV] / Winston S. Churchill
272846: CHURCHILL, REGINALD CHARLES - English literature of the eighteenth century : with a preface on the relations between literary history and literary criticism
268874: CHURCHILL, CHARLES (1731-1764). GILFILLAN, GEORGE (1813-1878) - The poetical works of Charles Churchill / with memoir, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes by the Rev. George Gilfillan
268433: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - Churchill in 3 volumes: A Churchill Anthology, edited by F.W Heath ; Painting as a pastime, by Winston Churchill ; Churchill his life and times, by Malcolm Thomson
267474: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S - The second world war - complete in 6 volumes
261593: CHURCHILL, WINSTON. S - Blood, sweat and tears
260493: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - I discorsi segreti di Churchill
258633: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH. S - What I said about the press
254426: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - The Boer war
253843: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - The wicked wit of Winston Churchill / compiled, edited and introduced by Dominique Enright
234868: CHURCHILL, PEREGRINE. MITCHELL, JULIAN - Jennie : Lady Randolph Churchill : a portrait with letters / Peregrine Churchill and Julian Mitchell
226126: CHURCHILL, PEREGRINE - Jennie, Lady Randolph Churchill : a portrait with letters / Peregrine Churchill and Julian Mitchell
225534: CHURCHILL, PEREGRINE - Jennie, Lady Randolph Churchill : a portrait with letters / Peregrine Churchill and Julian Mitchell
224254: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. - Winston S. Churchill. Vol. 2 Companion. Part 2 (1907-1911)
224258: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. - Winston S. Churchill. Vol.1. Companion. Part 1 1874-1896
224249: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH S. - Winston S. Churchill. Vol. 2 Companion. Part 1 1901-1907 / [edited] by Randolph S. Churchill
224238: CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH SPENCER - Winston S. Churchill. Vol.2 Companion. Part 3 1911-1914
223496: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1874-1965) - My African journey
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