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95067: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (1772-1834). HOLMES, RICHARD (1945-) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge : Selected Poems / Edited and Introduced by Richard Holmes ; Engravings by Miriam MacGregor. Spine Title: Coleridge
226698: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (1772-1834) - Biographia literaria : or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions
264116: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (1772-1834) - The poetical and dramatic works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
185091: COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, SAMUEL (1875-1912) - Six Negro melodies Vol. II / transcribed for the piano by S. Coleridge-Taylor
203390: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (1772-1834) - S. T. Coleridge, 1772-1834, Poet & Explorer : 26th May-31st October 1984, Trustees of Dove Cottage : A sesquicentennial exhibition
263099: COLERIDGE, ERNEST HARTLEY (1846-1920) - Life and correspondence of John Duke , Lord Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice of England / written and edited by Ernest Hartley Coleridge - 2 vols
172570: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (1772-1834) - Four characteristic waltzes : Op. 22 / Arranged for the pianoforte by the composer
191925: COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, SAMUEL - Coleridge-Taylor piano album : eight favourite pieces
21168: COLERIDGE, THE HONOURABLE STEPHEN - The Royal Commission on Vivisection - Evidence by the Honourable Stephen Coleridge
86264: COLES, R. N. - Battles Royal of the Chessboard, Collected and Presented by R. N. Coles
85894: COLES, RICHARD NEVIL, ED. - Battles Royal of the Chessboard ; Collected and Presented by R. N. Coles
78401: COLES, K. ADLARD (KAINES ADLARD) - Heavy Weather Sailing
7235: COLES, J. M. (1930-) SIMPSON, DEREK DOUGLAS ALEXANDER - Studies in Ancient Europe : Essays Presented to Stuart Piggott / Edited by J. M. Coles and D. D. A. Simpson
272548: COLES, PAUL - The Ottoman impact on Europe
218831: COLES, ROBERT - Walker Percy : an American search
214748: COLES, ROBERT - Women of crisis : lives of struggle and hope / Robert Coles, Jane Hallowell Coles ; illustrated by Chet Jezierski
67546: COLES, ROBERT - Erik H. Erikson; the Growth of His Work
98268: COLES, ROBERT & ERIKSON, JON (1933-?) (ILLUS. ) - The Middle Americans; Proud and Uncertain. Photos. by Jon Erikson
89911: COLES, ROBERT - Children of Crisis: a Study of Courage and Fear
279924: WILLIAM COLES - Portrait of John Trevor
43268: COLES, ROBERT - Farewell to the South
205802: COLES, ROBERT (1929-?).COLES, JANE HALLOWELL - Women of crisis : lives of struggle and hope / [compiled by] Robert Coles and Jane Hallowell Coles
19349: COLETTA, PAOLO E. - The United States Navy and Defense Unification 1947-1953
248812: COLETTE (1873-1954) - The Vagabond. Translated by Enid McLeod
248836: COLETTE (1873-1954) - Chance acquaintances and Julie de Carneilban / translated by Patrick Leigh Fermor
62867: COLETTE (1873-1954) - Looking Backwards / Colette ; Translated from the French by David Le Vay ; with an Introd. by Maurice Goudeket
44016: COLETTE - Flowers and Fruit
271952: COLETTE (1873-1954) - Claudine and Annie / [by] Colette. Translated by Antonia White
271035: COLETTE - Claudine married
254271: COLETTE (1873-1954) - The Evening Star: Recollections; Translated from the French by David Le Vay
236450: COLETTE (1873-1954). FORBIN, ROBERTE. PICHOIS, CLAUDE - Lettres à ses pairs. Texte établi et annoté par Claude Pichois et Roberte Forbin
236562: COLETTE (1873-1954). PICHOIS, CLAUDE. FORBIN, ROBERTE - Lettres de la vagabonde / Colette ; texte établi et annoté par A. Pichois et R. Forbin
69855: COLETTE (1873-1954) - The Other One. Translated by Elizabeth Tait and Roger Senhouse - [Translation of La Seconde]
65668: COLETTE (1873-1954) - The Other One. Translated by Elizabeth Tait and Roger Senhouse
236561: COLETTE (1873-1954). PICARD, HÉLÈNE DUMAS (1878-1945). PICHOIS, CLAUDE [ED] - Lettres à Hélène Picard / Texte établi et annoté par Claude Pichois
35933: COLETTE (1873-1954) - Creatures Great and Small
236449: COLETTE (1873-1954). PICHOIS, CLAUDE [EDITOR] - Lettres à Marguerite Moreno / Texte établi et annoté par Claude Pichois
236568: COLETTE (1873-1954). HAMON, RENÉE (1897-1943). PICHOIS, CLAUDE [ED]. FORBIN, ROBERTE [ED] - Lettres au petit corsaire / Texte établi et annoté par Claude Pichois et Roberte Forbin. Préf. de Maurice Goudeket
54987: COLETTI, JOSEPH (1898-) - The Sculpture of Joseph Coletti. Introd. by Alan Priest
265814: COLEY, GERTRUDE EMILY ALTREE - Out of this danger. [A study of current affairs and Bible prophecy.]
177874: COLEY, GERTRUDE EMILY ALTREE - The wonder race : its extraordinary history and future destiny
262415: COLFS, JEAN FRANÇOIS - La filiation généalogique de toutes les écoles gothiques ... Deuxième édition - vols. 1 & 2
125687: COLGAN, SUSAN - Restaurant Design : Ninety-Five Spaces That Work / [Edited By] Susan Colgan
234285: COLGRAVE, BERTRAM - Two Lives of St. Cuthbert / Edited by Bertram Colgrave
254495: COLIN-SIMARD, JEAN CLAUDE (1924-) - Découverte archéologique de la France : la préhistoire au grand soleil / Colin-Simard
262541: COLIS, ROBERT - Feminism and women's history : an introduction / edited by Robert Colls
89569: COLL, STEVE - The Taking of Getty Oil : the Full Story of the Most Spectacular-- & Catastrophic--Takeover of all Time
50571: COLL, BLANCHE D. - Safety Net, Welfare and Social Security 1929-1979
115647: COLL, STEVE - The Taking of Getty Oil : the Full Story of the Most Spectacular - & Catastrophic - Takeover of all Time / Steve Coll
156036: COLL, STEVE - The Bin Ladens : an Arabian family in the American century
185984: COLLA, PIERRE - L'univers tragique de Barbey d'Aurevilly
235455: COLLAER, PAUL (1891-). BESSELER, HEINRICH (1900-). SCHNEIDER, MAX (1875-1967). BACHMANN, WERNER. BERNARTZIK, EMMY - Musikgeschichte in Bildern. Bd.1 Musikethnologie. Lfg.3 Südostasien, Paul Collaer; unter Mitarbeit von Emmy Bernatzik...[et al] / begründet von Heinrich Besseler und Max Schneider; herausgegeben von Werner Bachmann
206039: COLLANGE, J F. - Enigmes de la deuxieme epitre de Paul aux Corinthiens : etude exegetique de 2 Cor. 2:14-7:4 / par J.-F. Collange
191277: COLLANGE, JEAN-FRANCOIS - Enigmes de la deuxieme epitre de Paul aux Corinthiens : etude exegetique de 2 Cor. 2:14-7:4
271320: COLLANTES TERÁN, ALEJANDRO - Sevilla : Notas de arte
139738: COLLARD, DUDLEY - Soviet Justice and the Trial of Radek and Others by Dudley Collard ... with an Introduction by D. N. Pritt
193070: COLLARD, LEO - Un proces fameux - Le grand Complot / par Leo Collard ... suivi du Catechisme du peuple et de lettres et ecrits d'Alfred de Fuisseaux, ainsi que de documents relatifs a sa vie et a son oeuvre
270266: PHILLIPS COLLECTION - Master paintings from the Phillips Collection, Washington : [exhibition] Hayward Gallery, London, 19 May-14 August, 1988 / [exhibition organizer, Catherine Lampert ; introduction by Lawrence Gowing]
265732: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. DRAWINGS COLLECTION - Catalogue of the Drawings Collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects. [Vol.16] Antonio Visentini / [edited] by John McAndrew
209291: YANNICK CHASTANG; WALLACE COLLECTION (LONDON, ENGLAND) - French marquetry furniture : paintings in wood
189052: WALLACE COLLECTION (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Pictures and drawings (illustrations)
273951: MENIL COLLECTION (HOUSTON, TEX.) - African art from the Menil Collection / edited by Kristina Van Dyke ; contributions by Marla C. Berns ... [et al.]
183958: PEGGY GUGGENHEIM COLLECTION - The Peggy Guggenheim Foundation, Venice
171611: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.). H. O. HAVEMEYER COLLECTION - The H.O. Havemeyer Collection : a catalogue of the temporary exhibition, March 10-November 2
229014: GILBERT COLLECTION - A celebration of Hungarian gold & silver
280392: PFORZHEIMER BRUCE ROGERS COLLECTION (LIBRARY OF CONGRESS) - Philobiblon : Zeitschrift für Bücherliebhaber = a magazine for book-collectors, vii.Jahrgang 1934 Heft Nr. 4
102519: ABBY ALDRICH ROCKEFELLER FOLK ART COLLECTION - The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection: a Descriptive Catalogue by Nina Fletcher Little
75277: WALLACE COLLECTION (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Illustrated Catalogue of Pictures and Drawings - with Historical Notes, Short Lives of the Painters, and 380 Illustrations
70992: ABBY ALDRICH ROCKEFELLER FOLK ART COLLECTION - The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection : Gallery Book
68531: THE PHILLIPS COLLECTION - The Phillips Collection - a Museum of Modern Art and its Sources (Catalogue)
278912: FRANCIS FRITH COLLECTION - Flavours of- Birmingham & West Midlands : recipes
263315: COLOR COLLECTION - Berlin - Color Collection Stodte
114073: AMERICAN ALMANAC COLLECTION - The California Almanac
64753: FRICK COLLECTION - The Frick Collection, Paintings : Summary Catalogue
207167: WALLACE COLLECTION (LONDON, ENGLAND) - A general guide to the Wallace Collection
208143: MISCELLANEOUS PAMPHLET COLLECTION (LIBRARY OF CONGRESS) - A review of the principal proceedings of the Parliament of 1784
219080: STANFORD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARIES DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS - The Barchas Collection : the making of modern science, an exhibition of books, January 27 through March 6, 1985, Cecil H. Green Library / prepared by Henry E. Lowood
214150: PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. DEPT. OF RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS - Robert Louis Stevenson : a catalogue of the Henry E. Gerstley Stevenson Collection, the Stevenson section of the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists . . and items from other collections in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections of the Princeton University Library
139838: SURREY ARCHAEOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS - Surrey Archaeological Collections : Volume LIX 1962
203713: MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS : SHORT GUIDE TO THE COLLECTIONS. - Montreal Museum of Fine Arts : short guide to the collections
126826: SUSSEX ARCHAEOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS - Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County : Vol LXVI
26892: THE WOMEN OF THE SOUTH ASIAN DESCENT COLLECTIVE - Our Feet Walk the Sky - Women of the South Asian Diaspora
176698: GAY LEFT COLLECTIVE - Homosexuality : power and politics / edited by Gay Left Collective
188110: ANARCHY COLLECTIVE (GREAT BRITAIN) - Anarchy 85 (Vol. 8 No. 3)
188111: ANARCHY COLLECTIVE (GREAT BRITAIN) - Anarchy 112 Southern Africa (Vol. 10 No. 6)
198258: CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE L'ECONOMIE COLLECTIVE - L'autogestion ouvriere dans l'economy Yougoslave : Materiaux d'Information de la delegation des economies Yougoslaves pour le Congres International de l'economie collective ; Mai 1953
208391: ANARCHY COLLECTIVE (GREAT BRITAIN) - Anarchy, No. 109, March 1970 : Russell and the anarchists
280267: TIDE COLLECTIVE - The Tide, vol. 3 no. 7 March 1974
266046: THE AMERICAN BOOK COLLECTOR - The American Book Collector: three issues
17359: THE BOOK-COLLECTOR - The Pleasures of Bibliophily : Fifty Years of the Book Collector : an Anthology
220311: UNKNOWN COLLECTOR - Scrapbook of original bookplates and bookbinders' marks
255822: THE ANTIQUE COLLECTOR'S CLUB - Antique collecting: The journal of the antique collector's club
213997: ANTIQUE DEALER AND COLLECTOR'S GUIDE - Three Victorian Games and Pastimes : The History and Adventures of Little Henry (1810), British Sovereigns, and the History of England Game (1808)
191841: MAP COLLECTORS' CIRCLE - Map collectors' circle. Map collectors' series (seventh volume). No.63 County atlases of the British Isles 1579-1850, a biograpyh / compiled by R.A. Skelton in collaboration with members of the staff of the map room, British Museum
278772: COLLEE, JOHN - Kingsley's touch
266069: HARVARD COLLEGE - Harvard College related small archive from 1860s: The Game Club
265339: PITMANS COLLEGE - Typewriting / Pitmans College
259381: NUFFIELD COLLEGE - The further education of men and women : a task of the 1944 Education Act / Nuffield Collge
258588: UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. COLLEGE - Introduction to the civilization of India : South Asia, an introductory bibliography / Prepared and edited by Maureen L.P. Patterson and Ronald B. Inden
179870: AMHERST COLLEGE - Teaching what we do : essays by Amherst College faculty
257103: TRINITY COLLEGE - Excavations at Knowth, Co. Meath: [catalogue of an exhibition at] Exhibition Hall, Trinity College, Dublin, 8-22 January 1970
279890: RADCLIFFE COLLEGE - Radcliffe Looks to its Future
30306: HARVARD COLLEGE - Education, Bricks and Mortar - Harvard Buildings and Their Contribution to the Advancement of Learning
73658: TRINITY COLLEGE - The Ivy : 1822-1961 : Trinity College, Hartford 6, Connecticut / edited by Lestage, Donald, Morgan, C. Baird Jr. , [et al.]
70988: MOUNT HOLYOAKE COLLEGE - The Llamarada, 1915
70987: MOUNT HOLYOAKE COLLEGE - Llamarada, 1913
46987: HARVARD COLLEGE - Harvard Class of 1922 - Thirtieth Anniversary Report
76724: DARTMOUTH COLLEGE - The Proceedings of the Webster Centennial. the Commemoration by Dartmouth College of the Services of Daniel Webster to the College and the State ; Edited by Ernest Martin Hopkins
146099: AMHERST COLLEGE - R. F. : Amherst College, March 26 . 1954
187158: STAFFORD STUDENTS OF WESTHILL TRAINING COLLEGE - Eighty thousand adolescents : a study of young people in... Birmingham by the stafford students of Westhill Training College
48251: BOWDOIN COLLEGE - Descriptive Catalogue of the Art Collections of Bowdoin College by Henry Johnson, Curator
41756: SKIDMORE COLLEGE - Dialogues with the Unseen and the Unknown : Essays in Memory of André Malraux Proceedings of the Symposium in Honor of Malraux, April 15-16, 1977, Skidmore College...
239239: LAKE FOREST COLLEGE - One thousand years of Christian books; Lake Forest College presents a selection of books and fragments including some of the rarest monuments in the development of manuscript writing and printing from the ninth century to the present on the occasion of the second assembly of the world council of churches
161221: BETH JACOB HEBREW TEACHERS COLLEGE - Deeds of the Righteous
46988: HARVARD COLLEGE - Harvard Class of 1922 - Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Report
208988: ENGLISH MISSION COLLEGE - Foundation stones. Story of the English Mission College. Sept. 1924 - June 1949
251638: THE CAMBRIDGE BIBLE FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - The Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges. The book of Daniel / with introduction and notes by the Rev. S. R. Driver
245954: COLLES, RAMSAY (1862-1919) - The history of Ulster : from the earliest times to the present day
40013: COLLES, H. C. - Essays and Lectures
168528: COLLES, JAMES (1828-1898). ADIRONDACK MUSEUM, BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, N.Y. - Journal of a hunting excursion to Louis Lake
234014: COLLES, HENRY COPE (1879-1943). STURM, A.W - Johannes Brahms' Werke / H.C. Colles ; autorisierte Bearbeitung von A.W. Sturm
40403: COLLES, HENRY COPE (1879-) - The Growth of Music A Study in Musical History for Schools
271937: COLLET, PIERRE (1693-1770) - Sermons pour les retraites, avec des discours ecclésiastiques, des panégyriques, etc. / par M. Collet prêtre de la congrégation de la mission, docteur en Théologie: two volumes
128076: COLLET, LEON W. (1880-1957) - The Structure of the Alps. Foreword by O. T. Jones. with Introd. by Albert V. Carozzi
279127: COLLET, PIERRE - Institutiones theologiæ moralis / Tomus quartus, , continens tractatus, I. De sacramentis in genere. II. De baptismo. III. De confirmatione. IV. De eucharistia et sacrificio missæ
279126: COLLET, PIERRE - Institutiones theologiæ moralis / Tomus tertius, , continens tractatus, I. De justitia et jure. II. De contractibus. III De virtute religionis. IV. De beneficiis et simonia
279125: COLLET, PIERRE - Institutiones theologiæ moralis / Tomus quintus, , continens tractatus, I. De pœnitentia. II. De extrema-unctione. III. De ordine. IV. De matrimonio. V. De indulgentiis
279108: COLLET, PIERRE - Institutiones Theologiae Scholasticae, Quas Ad Usum Seminariorum È Propriis Suis Praelectionibus / 1 Continens Tractatus, I. De Prolegomenis Et Attributis. II. De Ss. Trinitate. III. De Incarnatione. Opus ad Juris Romani & Gallici normam exactum
279109: COLLET, PIERRE - Institutiones theologiæ moralis / Tomus primus, , continens tractatus, I. De actibus humanis. II. De conscientia. III. De legibus. IV. De peccatis. V. De præcipuorum statuum obligationibus et peccatis
279107: COLLET, PIERRE - Institutiones theologiæ moralis / Tomus secundus, , continens tractatus, I. De præceptis decalogi. II. De præceptis ecclesiæ. III. De censuris. IV. De irregularitatibus
150091: COLLET, COLLET DOBSON - History of the Taxes on Knowledge : Their Origin and Repeal
278801: COLLET'S BOOKSHOPS - The road to '37 : an exhibition of books, posters, cartoons showing the struggle of six generations of workers for peace, freedom and democracy
219194: COLLETT, D W ; BRANT, J G; DANIEL F COLLINS - Medals year book
239830: COLLEY, LINDA (1949-) - Captives : Britain, Empire and the world, 1600-1850 / Linda Colley
155634: COLLEY, LINDA - The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh : a Woman in World History / Linda Colley
154597: COLLEY, LINDA - The ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh : a woman in world history
176272: COLLEYE, HUBERT - L'Ame de Leon Bloy : I. La Genese du Desespere, Veronique - la Salette portraits.]
260298: COLLIE, MICHAEL - George Gissing : a bibliography / Michael Collie
227536: COLLIE, MICHAEL (1929-) - George Meredith, a bibliography
20323: COLLIE, MICHAEL - George Meredith : a Bibliography
269268: COLLIE, MICHAEL - George Borrow : a bibliographical study / Michael Collie and Angus Fraser
239635: COLLIE, JOHN SIR (1860-1935). SPICER, ARTHUR HERBERT - Malingering and Feigned Sickness. By Sir J. Collie ... assisted by Arthur H. Spicer ... Illustrated
198349: COLLIE, BARBARA - New Zealand books in print 1968 / Compiled by Barbara Collie
98873: COLLIER, RICHARD (1924-?) - Duce! The Rise and Fall of Benito Mussolini
98130: COLLIER, PETER - The Fondas : a Hollywood Dynasty
9045: COLLIER, BASIL (1908-?) - A History of Air Power
66543: COLLIER, BASIL - Japanese Aircraft of World War II / Basil Collier
42904: COLLIER, RICHARD - The Road to Pearl Harbor: 1941
277003: COLLIER, RICHARD - Masculinity, law, and the family
265453: COLLIER, BASIL - A history of air power / Basil Collier
256175: COLLIER, R - Duce! the rise and fall of Benito Mussolini
23700: COLLIER, RICHARD - The Warcos - the War Correspondents of World War Two
20483: COLLIER, RICHARD - The War That Stalin Won Tehran - Berlin
180481: COLLIER, JAMES LINCOLN (1928- ) - Me and Billy / James Lincoln Collier
156539: COLLIER, RICHARD (1924-) - Duce! A Biography of Benito Mussolini
14690: COLLIER, RICHARD - The Rainbow People : a Gaudy World of the Very Rich and Those Who Served Them
14093: COLLIER, BASIL - Arms and the Men : the Arms Trade and Governments / Basil Collier
125728: COLLIER, PETER - When Shall They Rest? The Cherokees' Long Struggle with America
100794: COLLIER, RICHARD - Duce! A Biography of Benito Mussolini
280190: COLLIER, GAYDELL M - Leaning into the wind : women write from the heart of the West
252542: P.F. COLLIER - Versailles memoirs - 11 Volumes
51087: COLLIER, JAMES LINCOLN - The Rise of Selfishness in America
116349: COLLIER, JOY - The Heretic Pharaoh / Joy Collier
32585: COLLIER, BASIL - Barren Victories - Versailles to Suez (1918-1956)
140450: COLLIER, JEREMY (1650-1726) - Essays Upon Several Moral Subjects : in Two Parts. Part I. Upon Pride. Upon Cloaths. Upon Duelling. Upon General Kindness. Upon the Office of a Chaplain. Upon the Weakness of Human Reason. Part II. of Fame. of Musick. of the Value of Life. of the Spleen.. . ..of Eagerness of Desire. of Friendship. of Popularity. a Thought. of the Entertainment of Books. of Confidence. of Envy. of the Aspect. Against Despair. of Covetousness. of Liberty. of Old Age. of Pleasure
76236: COLLIER, RICHARD (1924-?) - Duce! A Biography of Benito Mussolini
70552: COLLIER, ABRAM T. - A Capital Ship : New England Life : a History of America's First Chartered Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1835-1985 / Abram T. Collier
98492: COLLIER, D. M. B. - Manchoukuo, Jewel of Asia, [By] D. M. B. Collier and C. L'E. Malone
148522: COLLIER, GERARD (1878-1923) - Economic Justice; a Text-Book of Political Economy from the Christian Point of View,
145246: COLLIER, PRICE - The West in the East from an American Point of View
264413: COLLIER, RICHARD (1924-1996) - 1941 : Armageddon / Richard Collier
279165: COLLIER, JOHN PAYNE (1789-1883) - The Egerton papers : a collection of public and private documents, chiefly illustrative of the time of Elizabeth and James I : from the original manuscripts, the property of the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P., President of the Camden Society
129144: COLLIER, JOHN DYER (1762-1825) - The Life of Abraham Newland, Esq. Late Principal Cashier At the Bank of England: with Some Account of That Great National Establishment. to Which is Added an Appendix, Containing the Late Correspondence of the Chancellor of the Exchequer with the Bank.... . ...and a List of the Statutes Passed Relative to It, from the Time of its Incorporation
104045: COLLIER, ROBERT - The Secret of the Ages, by Robert Collier
280323: COLLIER, GORDON W - Will you be alive in 1965?
168597: COLLIER, PRICE - The West in the East from an American Point of View
181771: COLLIER, JOHN PAYNE (1789-1883) - Old ballads, from early printed copies of the utmost rarity / edited by J. Payne Collier
156704: COLLIER, RICHARD (1924-) - A House Called Memory
30455: COLLIER, RICHARD - Ten Thousand Eyes
123321: COLLIER, PETER (1939-) - When Shall They Rest? The Cherokees' Long Struggle with America
36762: COLLIER, PRICE - The West in the East, from an American Point of View
84427: COLLIER, PETER (1939-?) - The Fondas : a Hollywood Dynasty
101384: COLLIER, PETER - The Kennedys / Peter Collier, David Horowitz
91452: COLLIER, BASIL - Barren Victories; Versailles to Suez, 1918-1956
263811: COLLIER, BASIL - A short history of the Second World War
261131: GREAT BRITAIN. INSPECTOR OF MINES AND COLLIERIES - Report of the Commissioner appointed under the provisions of the Act 5 & 6 Vict., c.99. to inquire into the operation of that Act and into the state of the population in the mining districts 1847
247145: COLLIGNON, MAXIME (1849-1917 ) - Manuel d'archéologie grecque / par Maxime Collignon
247146: COLLIGNON, MAXIME (1849-1917) - Mythologie figurée de la Grèce / par Maxime Collignon
266551: COLLIN SMITH, RODNEY (1909-1956) - The theory of celestial influence : man, the universe, and cosmic mystery
167391: COLLIN, VICTOR, DOCTEUR EN SCIENCES POLITIQUES ET SOCIALES - Un Reportage Belge en Extreme Orient. Guerre internationale de 1900-1901. (Edition du “Matin,” illustree.)
188295: COLLIN D'HARLEVILLE, JEAN FRANCOIS (1755-1806) - Oeuvres choisies de Colin d'Harleville [L'inconstant.--L'optimiste.]
137665: COLLINET, MICHEL - Essai Sur La Condition Ouvriere, 1900-1950; L'Ouvrier Francais. Avant-Propos Par Edouard Dolleans
167763: COLLINET, MICHEL (1904-) - La tragedie du marxisme : du Manifeste communiste a la strategie totalitaire, essai critique
268624: COLLINGE, J. M - Navy Board officials, 1660-1832 / compiled by J.M. Collinge
173010: COLLINGS, JESSE (1831-1920) - Land reform : occupying ownership, peasant proprietary, and rural education, by Right Hon. Jesse Collings ... With illustrations
9049: COLLINGS, JESSE (1831-1920) - The Great War : its Lessons and its Warnings
149957: COLLINGS, JESSE (1831-1920) - Land Reform: Occupying Ownership, Peasant Proprietary, and Rural Education, by Right Hon. Jesse Collings ... with Illustrations
122120: COLLINGS, JESSE (1831-1920) - The Great War, its Lessons and its Warnings
119703: COLLINGS, JESSE (1831-1920) - Land Reform: Occupying Ownership, Peasant Proprietary, and Rural Education, by Right Hon. Jesse Collings ... with Illustrations
59287: COLLINGS, RANDY - Los Angeles, Hollywood
275409: COLLINGWOOD, PETER (1922-2008) - The techniques of tablet weaving / Peter Collingwood
274650: COLLINGWOOD, HARRY (1851-1922) - Turned adrift : an adventurous voyage
271520: COLLINGWOOD, ROBIN GEORGE - Roman Britain and the English settlements
269390: COLLINGWOOD, WILLIAM GERSHOM (1854-1932) - The life of John Ruskin
278178: COLLINGWOOD, HARRY - A middy of the slave squadron : a west African story, illustrated in colour by D.L. Mays
249839: COLLINGWOOD, W. G. (1854-1932) - The life and work of John Ruskin
92532: COLLINS, LEE - Oh, Didn't He Ramble : the Life Story of Lee Collins, As Told to Mary Collins / Edited by Frank J. Gillis and John W. Miner
84240: COLLINS, JOHN W. - Maxims of Chess
83009: COLLINS, JOAN - Past Imperfect : an Autobiography
79286: COLLINS, MICHAEL (1930-) - Mission to Mars
79226: COLLINS, JOAN (1933-) - Past Imperfect : an Autobiography
70189: COLLINS, ELIZA G. C. (ED. ) - Executive Success : Making it in Management / Eliza G. C. Collins, Editor
65573: COLLINS, JOSEPH (1945-) - What Difference Could a Revolution Make? : Food and Farming in the New Nicaragua
65325: COLLINS, JOSEPH (1945-) - Nicaragua : What Difference Could a Revolution Make? : Food and Farming in the New Nicaragua
58386: COLLINS, MARIE - Caxton, the Description of Britain : a Modern Rendering
56611: COLLINS, PETER - How to Play the Guitar; Reading Music, Chord Construction and Interpretation for all Styles of Guitar Playing
277476: COLLINS, ARTHUR SIMONS - English literature of the twentieth century
277318: COLLINS, VERE H. (VERE HENRY) (1872-1966) - Talks with Thomas Hardy at Max Gate, 1920-1922
277312: COLLINS, WILLIAM (1721-1759) - The poetical works of William Collins : enriched with elegant engravings / To which is prefixed a life of the author by Dr. Johnson
275121: COLLINS - Jolly Jack's Annual 1941
274600: COLLINS, JOHN CHURTON (1848-1908) - Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau in England
272711: WM. COLLINS - Teddy Tail's Annual 1939
272712: WM. COLLINS - Teddy Tail's Annual 1936
272714: WM. COLLINS - Teddy Tail's Annual 1940
270108: COLLINS, WARWICK - The sonnets / Warwick Collins
266840: COLLINS, ARTHUR, (? 1682-1760) - The Peerage of England : containing a genealogical and historical account of all the peers of that kingdom ...
265404: COLLINS, ROBERT JOHN - Lord Wavell, 1883-1941 : a military biography
261563: COLLINS, KENNETH E - Go and learn : the international story of Jews and medicine in Scotland / Kenneth Collins
261324: COLLINS, ROBERT (1801-1868) - A short sketch of the life and writings of the late Joseph Clarke, Esq., M.D., vice-president of the Royal Irish Academy, and formerly master of the Dublin Lying-in Hospital, etc., etc. : containing minute results of his private practice, extending over a series of forty-four years ; including three thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight births
259634: COLLINS, LUCAS - Virgil. By the Rev. W. Lucas Collins, M.A. Author of 'Etoniana', 'The public schools', etc
257681: COLLINS, PETER - The making of Irish linen : historic photographs of an Ulster industry / Peter Collins
256373: COLLINS, HENRY - Heaven opened; or, Our home in heaven, and the way thither : A manual of guidance for devout souls
237076: COLLINS, HELEN ELUNED (1939-) - Edward Jerman, 1605-1668: the metamorphosis of a master-craftsman / Helen Collins
234994: COLLINS, STEPHEN (1951-) - The Haughey file : the unprecedented career and last years of The Boss
233800: COLLINS, PETER. COLLINS, PETER (1944-). GREAT BRITAIN. DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR NORTHERN IRELAND. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE - County Monaghan sources in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland / [edited by Peter Collins]
225692: COLLINS, JUDITH - Writing on the wall / women writers on women artists ; edited by Judith Collins and Elsbeth Lindner
213067: COLLINS, ANDREW (1957-) - Gateway to Atlantis : the search for the source of a lost civilisation / Andrew Collins ; with an introduction by David Rohl
209732: COLLINS, GRAHAM A. - Butterflies of Surrey / Graham A. Collins
209676: COLLINS, GRAHAM A. - Larger moths of Surrey / Graham A. Collins
205860: COLLINS, DORIS - A woman of spirit : the autobiography of a psychic / Doris Collins ; foreword by Michael Bentine
200722: COLLINS, DORIS - A woman of spirit : the autobiography of a psychic / Doris Collins ; foreword by Michael Bentine
192625: COLLINS, MAX ALLAN - The road to perdition : a novel
186725: COLLINS, MAX ALLAN. LOCHER, DICK (1929-) - The Dick Tracy casebook : favorite adventures, 1931-1990 / selected by Max Allan Collins and Dick Locher
165860: COLLINS, JOSEPH, (1945-) - What Difference Could a Revolution Make? : Food and Farming in the New Nicaragua
158863: COLLINS, BRAD (ED. ) - Gwathmey Siegel Houses / Foreword, Robert Siegel ; Preface, Robert A. M. Stern ; Introduction Paul Goldberger ; Edited by Brad Collins
158792: COLLINS, BRAD (ED.) - Gwathmey Siegel : buildings and projects, 1992-2002 / edited by Brad Collins ; introduction by Robert A. M. Stern
155807: COLLINS, TIM - Rules of engagement : a life in conflict
13532: COLLINS, SHEILA D. - Let Them Eat Ketchup! : the Politics of Poverty and Inequality / Sheila Collins
280313: COLLINS, MABEL - Light on the path : a treatise written for the personal use of those who are ignorant of the Eastern wisdom, and who desire to enter within its influence
275304: COLLINS, ARTHUR - The Peerage of England : containing a genealogical and historical account of all the peers of England
157996: COLLINS, STANLEY (1881-1966) - A Conjuring Melange : a Collection of Tricks and Puzzles / Originated by Stanley Collins, with 146 Illustrations by Alba, and an Introduction by Paul Fleming
251850: COLLINS, ARTHUR (1682?-1760). BRYDGES, EGERTON SIR (1762-1837) - Peerage of England : genealogical, biographical, and historical. Greatly augmented and continued to the present time
178848: COLLINS, IRENE (B. 1925) - The age of progress : a survey of European history from 1789-1870
222671: COLLINS, WILLIAM JOHN TOWNSEND - Monmouthshire writers : a literary history and anthology
214790: COLLINS, LONDON (PUBLISHERS) - The Gem pocket pronouncing dictionary of the English language : with an appendix, containing abbreviations, foreign words and phrases, forms of address, etc
278210: COLLINS - From a monastery kitchen
192935: COLLINS, WILLIAM EDWARD (1867-1911) - Queen Elizabeth's defence of her proceedings in church and state : with an introductory essay on the Northern Ireland Rebellion
284292: COLLINS, CANON L. JOHN [CHAIRMAN]. CND - Signpost to a Sane World: A CND Rally: Royal Albert Hall, Monday Novemeber 13th, 7.30 p.m
224529: COLLINS [PUBLISHER] - Collins' wide world geography reader. Book VIII: The British Empire
31648: COLLINS, MAX ALLAN - The history of mystery
24596: COLLINS, WILLIAM (1721-1759) - The Poetical Works of William Collins Memoir of Collins [By Sir Harris Nicolas]--An Essay on the Genius and Poems of Collins, by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. --Oriental Eclogues. --Odes. --Observations Etc by Dr. Langhorne.
138371: COLLINS, DIANA - Christian Action
136072: COLLINS, JAMES RICHARD - The Public Debts of Australia
103884: COLLINS, JOAN (1933-) - Second Act
79229: COLLINS, ALAN COPELAND (1902-) - The Story of America in Pictures; with an Introd. by Claude G. Bowers
76913: COLLINS, ARTHUR (1682? -1760). EGERTON BRYDGES - Collins's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical. Greatly Augmented, and Continued to the Present Time, by Sir Egerton Brydges ... [Complete in 9 Volumes]
116296: COLLINS, LEE (1901-1960). MARY COLLINS - Oh, Didn't He Ramble : the Life Story of Lee Collins, As Told to Mary Collins / Edited by Frank J. Gillis and John W. Miner
149061: COLLINS, WILLIAM EDWARD, BP. OF GIBRALTAR (1867-1911) - The English Reformation and its Consequences. : Four Lectures, with Notes and an Appendix. by William Edward Collins, ... Published under the Direction of the Tract Committee
132797: COLLINS, CHARLES WALLACE - The National Budget System, by Charles Wallace Collins
234699: COLLINS, FREDERICK HOWARD (1857-1910) - Authors' and printers' dictionary : a guide for authors, editors, printers, correctors of the press, compositors and typists
162297: COLLINS, LEWIS JOHN - The New Testament Problem / L. J. Collins
192168: COLLINS, WENDY - Women
48070: COLLINS, MICHAEL FRANK - Transport Organisation in a Great City; the Case of London [By] Michael F. Collins and Timothy M. Pharoah [For The] Greater London Group, London School of Economics and Political Science; Foreword by W. A. Robson
185203: COLLINS, CHARLES WALLACE (1879-1964) - Rural banking reform
186188: COLLINS, CHARLES WALLACE (1879-1964) - Rural banking reform
262929: COLLINS, PETER - Fishing the Norfolk Broads
66888: COLLINS, PAUL (1936-). LEE, TOM - Black Portrait of an African Journey
76611: COLLINS, VARNUM LANSING (1870-1936) - Princeton, Past and Present
279865: COLLINS, MICHAEL - The keepers of truth
181196: COLLINS, ARTHUR (1880-?) - The ratepayer's money
238957: COLLINS, WILLIAM J. (WILLIAM JOB) (1859-1946) - The life and doctrine of Sir Edwin Chadwick
186864: COLLINS, WILLIAM EDWARD (1867-1911) - The beginnings of English Christianity : with special reference to the coming of St. Augustine
61792: COLLINS, ROBERT JOHN (1880-) - Lord Wavell, 1883-1941 : a Military Biography
190878: COLLINS, DIANA CLAVERING (1917-?) - Christian Action / With a foreword by L. John Collins
121606: COLLINS, JAMES DANIEL - The Mind of Kierkegaard
238008: COLLINS, JOHN CHURTON (1848-1908) - Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau in England
166084: COLLINS, WILLIAM (1721-1759) - The Poetical Works of William Collins
110441: COLLINS, N. MARK. DAVID ATTENBOROUGH - The Last Rain Forests : a World Conservation Atlas / Edited by Mark Collins ; Foreword by David Attenborough
73242: COLLINS, FREDERICK HOWARD (1857-1910) - An Epitome of the Synthetic Philosophy
76439: COLLINS, VARNUM LANSING (1870-1936) - Princeton, Past and Present
103604: COLLINS, JOAN (1933-) - Second Act / Joan Collins
218269: COLLINS, WILKIE. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. FIELDING, HENRY [ET ALI.] - The English comedie humaine : romance and humour [12 volumes]
218241: COLLINS, HENRY - Trade unions today
206378: COLLINS, L J. - The New Testament problem / L. J. Collins
211208: COLLINS, HENRY (1918-) - Trade unions today
89550: COLLIS, JOHN STEWART (1900-?) - Christopher Columbus
270678: COLLIS, MAURICE (1889-1973) - British merchant adventurers / Maurice Collis
247750: COLLIS, MAURICE (1889-1973) - Somerville and Ross: a biography, by Maurice Collis
239951: COLLIS, JOHN STEWART (1900-1984) - The worm forgives the plough / [by] John Stewart Collis
182215: COLLIS, JOHN (1944-) - Defended sites of the late La Tene in Central and Western Europe / John Collis
277560: COLLIS, JOHN STEWART (1900-1984) - The Carlyles : a biography of Thomas and Jane Carlyle
256745: COLLIS, MAURICE (1889-1973) - Stanley Spencer : a biography
106876: COLLIS, JOHN STEWART - Marriage and Genius: Strindberg and Tolstoy; Studies in Tragi-Comedy
203892: COLLIS, MAURICE (1889-1973) - Stanley Spencer / a biography by Maurice Collis
154365: COLLIS, JOHN STEWART (1900-) - Havelock Ellis: Artist of Life; a Study of His Life and Work.
170576: COLLIS, ARTHUR T. - These our children
149355: COLLIS, EIRENE - A Way of Life for the Handicapped Child : a New Approach to Cerbral Palsy. / Eirene Collis
127986: COLLIS, ARTHUR THOMAS. VERA E. POOLE - These Our Children : an Account of the Home Life and Social Environment of Children in an Industrial Slum District, Having Special Reference to the Problems of Child Neglect, Juvenile Delinquency and Sub-Standard Family Life: ... . ..based on Observations and Rec
173881: COLLIS, ARTHUR THOMAS (1916-). POOLE, VERA ELLEN (1890-) - These our children : an account of the home life and social environment of children in an industrial slum district, having special reference to the problems of child neglect, juvenile delinquency and sub-standard family life based on observations and records of social workers who lived in the district
101358: COLLIS, MAURICE - The Motherly and Auspicious, Being the Life of the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi in the Form of a Drama, with an Introduction and Notes
271619: COLLISON, C S - Sketches in the Vale of Chalke
150412: COLLISON, ROBERT LEWIS - The Story of Street Literature; Forerunner of the Popular Press, by Robert Collison
7811: COLLISON, ROBERT - Book Collecting. an Introduction to Modern Methods of Literary and Bibliographical Detection
78474: COLLISON, THOMAS F. (ED. ) ; MASON. ELIZABETH E. (ILLUS) ; PETERS, VANNA; CARR HARRY - Gin Chow's First Annual Almanac with Foreword by Harry Carr
57692: COLLISTER, PETER - The Sulivans and the Slave Trade / Peter Collister
150394: COLLODI, CARLO (1826-1890). M. A. MURRAY (TRANSL. ). K. WIESE (ILL. ) - Pinocchio, by C. Collodi [Pseud. ] Illustrated by K. Wiese; Translated from the Italian by M. A. Murray
278257: COLLODI, CARLO (1826-1890) - Le avventure di Pinocchio / C. Collodi ; storia di un burattino illustrata da Carlo Chiostri ; incisioni di A. Bongini
146484: COLLODI, CARLO. DISNEY, WALT - Walt Disney's Pinocchio
57492: COLLOMS, BRENDA - Victorian Visionaries
235595: COLLOQUE DE LONDON [CANADA] (1970 : UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO). BUSH, WILLIAM. VILQUIN, JEAN-CLAUDE. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO. DEPARTMENT OF FRENCH - Regards sur Baudelaire : actes du Colloque de London, Canada / [organise par] The Department of French, The University of Western Ontario, 1970 ... texte etabli par William Bush, assisté de J.-C. Vilquin
207483: COLLOQUE SUR LES LUMIERES EN HONGRIE, EN EUROPE CENTRALE ET EN EUROPE ORIENTALE (4TH : 1978 : MATRAFURED, HUNGARY) - Les Lumieres en Hongrie, en Europe centrale et en Europe orientale : actes du quatrieme Colloque de Matrafured, 20-25 octobre 1978 : journee d'etudes Voltaire-Rousseau
160892: COLLOQUE SUR LES LUMIERES EN HONGRIE, EN EUROPE CENTRALE ET EN EUROPE ORIENTALE (5TH : 1981 : MATRAFURED, HUNGARY) - Les Lumieres En Hongrie, En Europe Centrale Et En Europe Orientale : Actes Du Cinquieme Colloque De Ma´trafu¨red, 24-28 Octobre 1981
236918: COLLOQUE PAUL VALÉRY (UNIVERSITÉ D'ÉDIMBOURG : 1976). BARBIER, CARL PAUL - Amitiés de jeunesse, influences, lectures : [actes du] Colloque Paul Valéry, Université d'Édimbourg, novembre, 1976 / communications de Agathe Rouart-Valéry [et al.]; texte établi par Carl P. Barbier
263904: LINACRE COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD). CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF THE PORTUGUESE DISCOVERIES. COLLOQUIUM - Studies in the Portuguese discoveries I : proceedings of the first colloquium of the Centre for the Study of the Portuguese discoveries / edited by T. F. Earle & Stephen Parkinson
203858: COLLUM, VERA CHRISTINA CHUTE (B. 1883) - Manifold unity : the ancient world's perception of the divine pattern of harmony and compassion
105874: COLLUM, CHARLES R. - New York Nude : a Photographic Essay
183005: COLLYER, DAVID J. (DAVID JEROME), (1937- ) - Fly-dressing II / David J. Collyer ; line drawings by Susan and Sharon Collyer
183006: COLLYER, DAVID JEROME - Fly-dressing / David J. Collyer ; foreword by Richard Walker ; with 91 drawings by Derek Bradbury
249936: COLLYER, WILLIAM BENGO - lectures on Scripture Facts and Prophecy: two volumes in one
224397: COLLYER, MARGARET (1872-1945) - Life of an artist
38030: COLLYER, MARY. GESSNER, SALOMON (1730-1788) - The Death of Abel, in Five Books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner, by Mary Collyer. to Which is Added the Death of Cain in Five Books... the Life of Joseph, the Son of Israel... Two Volumes in One
192608: COLLYNS, CHARLES - Can protection cure unemployment?
114648: COLLYNS, ROBIN - Did Spacemen Colonize the Earth? / Robin Collyns
172737: COLM, GERHARD - Can we afford additional programs for national security? : a statement of a special NPA Project Committee, and a staff report
274158: COLMAN, GEORGE (1762-1836) - Broad grins, my nightgown & slippers and other humorous works of George Colman the younger
255499: COLMAN, HENRY (1785-1849) - European life and manners; in familiar letters to friends
157108: COLMAN, HILA - That's the Way it Is, Amigo
15416: COLMAN, ANNE ULRY - Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Irish Women Poets / Anne Ulry Colman
88933: COLMER, MICHAEL - Bathing Beauties : the Amazing History of Female Swimwear
256828: COLMJON, GERBEN - The Hague school : the renewal of Dutch painting since the middle of the nineteenth century / text by Gerben Colmjon ; with eighty reproductions collected by Pieter A. Scheen
220421: COLNAGHI & CO., P. & D. - Colour prints of the 19th and 20th centuries : 5 - 29 November 1974, P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London. [exhibition catalogue]
219734: P. & D. COLNAGHI & CO. ORIGINAL PRINTMAKING IN BRITAIN, 1600-1900 (EXHIBITION) (1972 : LONDON) - Original printmaking in Britain, 1600-1900
210970: COLNAGHI - English drawings and watercolours, 9th to 25th May 1984
210971: COLNAGHI - English drawings and watercolours, 30th April to 23rd May 1986
171297: COLNETT, JAMES - A Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean
175893: COLODNER, SOLOMON - What's your name? (A dictionary of names)
145573: COLOMB, JOSEPHINE (1833-1892). DE JOANNIS, H. A. - Entre Oiseaux / Par Mme. J. Colomb, Edited by H. A. De Joannis
215410: COLOMBIA RECORDS, NEW YORK: SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - Simon and Garfunkel : Bridge Over Troubled water
69187: COLOMBO, JOHN ROBERT (1936-) - Popcorn in Paradise : the Wit and Wisdom of Hollywood / Edited by John Robert Colombo
55960: JOHN ROBERT COLOMBO (ED. ) - Popcorn in Paradise : the Wit and Wisdom of Hollywood / Edited by John Robert Colombo
180973: COLOMBO, GIUSEPPE - Mitraglieri Neri
265592: VACHÉE COLONEL - Napoleon at work / Colonel Vachée ; translated by G. Frederic Lees
62702: COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG, INC. - A Handbook for the Exhibition Buildings of Colonial Williamsburg
145496: COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG, INC. - A Handbook for the Exhibition Buildings of Colonial Williamsburg, Incorporated
197044: CONGRES INTERNATIONAL D'HISTOIRE COLONIALE (1ST : 1931 : PARIS, FRANCE) - Le premier congres international d'histoire coloniale : (21-25 September 1931)
167696: MINISTERE DELLE COLONIE - Le colonie Italiane di diretto dominio
95024: THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES - Hints on the Preservation of Health in Tropical Africa
40774: COLOPHON (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - The Colophon : a Book Collectors' Quarterly [Summer 1935- Vol 1 (No.1) , New Series]
226794: COLOSIMO, GASPARE (1859-1944) - Interessi Coloniali
208954: ROYAL SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Royal Watercolour Society : the first fifty years, 1805-1855
273370: COLQUHOUN, JOHN CAMPBELL (1803-1870). NATIONAL PROTESTANT UNION - The progress of the Church of Rome towards ascendancy in England : traced through the parliamentary history of forty years
227846: COLQUHOUN, JOHN (1805-1885) - Rocks and rivers, or, Highland wanderings over craig and correi, 'flood and fell'
249750: COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD R. (1848-1914) - The mastery of the Pacific
267971: COLQUHOUN, PATRICK (1745-1820) - A treatise on the wealth, power, and resources of the British Empire : in every quarter of the world, including the East Indies: the rise and progress of the funding system explained; with observations on the national resources for the beneficial employment of a redundant population, and for rewarding the military and naval officers, soldiers, and seaman, for their services to their country during the late war / ... Illustrated by copious statistical tables, constructed on a new plan, and exhibiting a collected view of the different subjects discussed in this work. By P. Colquhoun, LL.D
246077: COLQUHOUN, JOHN (1805-1885) - The moor and the loch : containing minute instructions in all Highland sports
227867: COLQUHOUN, JOHN (1805-1885) - Sporting days
206785: COLQUHOUN, FRANK - Harringay story : the official record of the Billy Graham Greater London crusade, 1954
131930: COLSON, PERCY - Close of an Era, 1887-1914, by Percy Colson
276017: COLSTON, ADRIAN - Wildlife in Northamptonshire : a guide to the Trust's nature reserves, edited by Adrian Colston, Basil Greenwood & Ioan Thomas
230653: COLTMAN, JOHN L - Manufacture of vertical boilers
43901: COLTON, TIMOTHY J. (1947-) - Commissars, Commanders and Civilian Authority : the Structure of Soviet Military Politics
228610: COLTON, LARRY - Goat brothers
187533: COLTON, ETHAN T. - The XYZ of Communism
254743: COLUM, PADRAIC (1881-1972) - The poet's circuits : collected poems of Ireland
234284: COLUM, PADRAIC. TRAUSIL, HANS - Irische Harfe : Gedichte vom 8. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
221472: COLUM, PADRAIC (1881-1972) - Three men
242497: COLUM, PADRAIC (1881-1972) - Irish elegies
225346: COLUM, PADRAIC 1881-1972 - Images of departure / Padraic Colum
232695: COLUMBAN SAINT (543-615). WALKER, G. S. M. DUBLIN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES - Sancti Columbani Opera / edited by G. S. M. Walker
279776: COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC - Crisis : a report from the Columbia Broadcasting System
209061: COLUMBIA COLLEGE, AFTERWARDS COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY (NEW YORK, CITY OF). - SCHOOL OF LAW - Legal institutions today and tomorrow. (Centennial conference volume) / edited by Monrad G. Paulsen
171321: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER - The voyages of Christopher Columbus / translated and edited, [with an introduction and notes] by Cecil Jane
263920: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER - Writings of Christopher Columbus : descriptive of the discovery and occupation of the new world / ed., with an introduction by Paul Leicester Ford
263925: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER - The log of Christopher Columbus' first voyage to America in the year 1492, as copied out in brief by Bartholomew Las Casas, one of his companions, with illustrations by J. O'H. Cosgrave, II
263930: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER - The Columbus papers : the Barcelona letter of 1493, the landfall controversy, and the Indian guides
158380: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER - Nuova Raccolta Colombiana, English Edition. Complete Set of Printed Books, Volumes I-VII, IX, XI-XII
263998: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER - The Spanish letter of Columbus : a facsimile of the original edition published by Bernard Quaritch in 1891 / Bernard Quaritch ; Michael Kerney ; edited by Anthony Payne
129468: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER. SAMUEL ELIOT MORISON (TRANSL. AND ED. ). LIMA DE FREITAS (ILL. ) - Journals and Other Documents on the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Translated and Edited by Samuel Eliot Morison. Illustrated by Lima De Freitas
37594: COLVER, ANNE (1908-1991) - Bread-And-Butter Journey, by Anne Colver. Illustrated by Garth Williams
71384: COLVER, ALICE ROSS (1892-) - If Dreams Come True
269021: COLVERSON, TOM - A Catalogue of fine press printers in the British Isles / edited & compiled by Tom Colverson and Dennis Hall
219735: COLVERSON, TOM - A Catalogue of fine press printers in the British Isles / edited & compiled by Tom Colverson and Dennis Hall
220169: COLVILE, FREDERICK LEIGH (1819-1886) - The worthies of Warwickshire who lived between 1500 and 1800
213372: COLVILLE, JOHN RUPERT, SIR - The new Elizabethans, 1952-1977 / [by] John Colville
166592: COLVILLE, JOHN (1915-1987) - The Portrait of a General : a Chronicle of the Napoleonic Wars / John Colville
98195: COLVIN, CLARE - John Nash Book Designs / Researched and Written by Clare Colvin
97462: COLVIN, JOHN - Twice around the World : Some Memoirs of Diplomatic Life in North Vietnam and Outer Mongolia
205453: COLVIN, HOWARD (1919-2007) - A biographical dictionary of British architects, 1600-1840 / Howard Colvin
254786: COLVIN, IAN DUNCAN (1877-1938) - The Cape of Adventure : being strange and notable discoveries, perils, shipwrecks, battles upon sea and land, with pleasant and interesting observations upon the country and the natives of the Cape of Good Hope / Extracted from the writings of the early travellers, by Ian D. Colvin, with numerous illustrations
10459: COLVIN, IAN DUNCAN (1877-1938) - Party whips
5666: COLVIN, DAVID LEIGH (1880-) - Prohibition in the United States : a History of the Prohibition Party, and of the Prohibition Movement
84641: COLVIN, SIDNEY, SIR (1845-1927) - Landor ; Edited by John Morley
149925: COLVIN, IAN DUNCAN (1877-1938) - The Germans in England, 1066-1598, by Ian D. Colvin. with Map of Hanseatic League
194847: COLVIN, MARY NOYES - Lautliche Untersuchung der Werke Robert's von Blois, nach der Handschrift 24301 der Pariser Nationalbibliothek
107735: COLVIN, SIDNEY, SIR (1845-1927) - Keats
132559: COLVIN, IAN DUNCAN - The Germans in England, 1066, 1598; with Map of Hanseatic League
137304: COLVIN, IAN DUNCAN - The Origins of Empire [By] Ian Colvin
94123: COLVIN, IAN GOODHOPE (1912-?) - Chief of Intelligence
98904: COLVIN, IAN GOODHOPE (1912-?) - Chief of Intelligence
197670: COLVIN, IAN DUNCAN (1877-1938) - Party whips
76734: COLWIN, LAURIE - Goodbye Without Leaving
223662: COLYER, FRANK - Old instruments used for extracting teeth
57976: COLYER, S. W. - The Charm of the English Lakes : a Book of Photographs / with a Foreword by Sir Hugh Walpole
131112: COLYER, WILLIAM THOMAS (1883-) - An Outline History of Unemployment
57447: COLYER, WILLIAM THOMAS (1883-) - The Worker's Passport : a Study of the Legal Restrictions on Migrant Workers / Prepared for the Labour Defence Council by W. T. Colyer ; with a Foreword by George Hicks
274189: COMA, JAVIER - Lo que el viento se llevó ; Robín de los bosques
264858: COMACCHIO, LUIGI - Storia di Asolo. 13, L'organo del Duomo
264855: COMACCHIO, LUIGI - Storia di Asolo. vol. settimo. Parte seconda, Il Duomo
263777: COMACCHIO, LUIGI - Storia di Asolo - v.30 La scuola pubblica di asolo durante la dominazione di Venezia
263778: COMACCHIO, LUIGI - Storia di Asolo - v. 31 L'accademia dei rinnovati
263776: COMACCHIO, LUIGI - Storia di Asolo - v. 29. I podestà di Asolo durante la dominazione di Venezia, 1337 - 1797
107073: COMAN, EDWIN T. (EDWIN TRUMAN) - Time, Tide, and Timber; a Century of Pope & Talbot, by Edwin T. Coman, Jr. , and Helen M. Gibbs
66120: EL COMANCHO - The Old-Timer's Tale by El Comancho
255289: COMANDINI, FEDERICO - La critica socialista e il pensiero di Giuseppe Mazzini
56577: COMARNESCU, PETRU - Tuculescu / [By Petru Comarnescu ; Translated Into English by Richard Hillard]
65076: COMARNESCU, PETRU - Tuculescu / [By Petru Comarnescu ; Translated Into English by Richard Hillard]
174449: COMAS, JUAN (1900-) - Relaciones inter-raciales en America-Latina, 1940-1960
138053: COMAS, JUAN - Racial Myths
72103: COMAY, JOAN - The Jerusalem I Love / Joan Comay ; Photographer David Harris
56326: COMBALIA DEXEUS, VICTORIA (1952-) - Tapies / Victoria Combalia Dexeus
176086: FRANCE COMBATTANTE - Les Allemands en Syrie sous le gouvernement de Vichy
186891: OPERA NAZIONALE PER I COMBATTENTI - Provvedimenti legislativi in favore dei combattenti Italiani : raccolta pratica delle disposizioni di legge a guida degli smobilitati e delle famiglie die caduti
269311: COMBE, WILLIAM - The tour of doctor Syntax in search of the picturesque, a poem [by W. Combe, illustr. by T. Rowlandson]
260832: COMBE, WILLIAM (1742-1823) - The three tours of Doctor Syntax : in search of 1. The picturesque, 2. Of consolation, 3. Of a wife : the text complete
105348: COMBE, GEORGE (1788-1858) - The Constitution of Man Considered in Relation to External Objects
215223: COMBE, WILLIAM (1742-1823) - Doctor Syntax's three tours : in search of the picturesque, consolation, and a wife
10924: COMBE, WILLIAM - The Three Tours of Doctor Syntax. a Poem [Three Volumes in One]
132404: COMBE, THOMAS (1797-1872) - Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts / with an Introduction by F. A. Paley
116655: COMBE, WILLIAM (1742-1823) - The Dance of Life, a Poem by the Author of 'doctor Syntax'; Illustrated with Coloured Engravings by Thomas Rowlandson
208683: COMBE, JEAN - Vie rurale et techniques agricoles
213652: COMBE, W. - The second tour of Doctor Syntax : In search of consolation, a poem / with twenty-four coloured illustrations by Thomas Rowlandson
64748: COMBES DE PATRIS, BERNARD (1884-1965) - Anthologie, Des Ecrivains, Du Rouergue
176035: COMBES, FRANCOIS (1816-1890) - La princesse des Ursins : essai sur sa vie et son caractere politique d'apres de nombreux documents inedits / par Francois Combes
31863: COMBES, M. D. , FRANK C. - Coal Tar and Cutaneous Carcinogenesis in Industry
39321: COMBESCOT, PIERRE - Louis II De Baviare
247565: DE COMBRAY, RICHARD - Venice, frail barrier: Portraits of Disappearing City
181715: COMBS, TRAM (1924-) - Pilgrim's terrace : poems American, West Indian
48025: COMEGYS, CORNELIUS (B. 1858) - A Summer Sojourn Among the Inns of Court, by Cornelius Comegys...
259228: COMELIAU, CHRISTIAN - Fonctions économiques et pouvoir politique : la province de l'Uele en 1963-1964 / Christian Comeliau
164486: COMELIAU, CHRISTIAN - Fonctions Economiques Et Pouvoir Politique : La Province De L'Uele En 1963-1964 / Christian Comeliau
263764: COMELLI, ALBINO - Fantasie d'uso comune
263768: COMELLI, ALBINO - Prima di tutto il sole
233363: COMENIUS, JOHANN AMOS (1592-1670) - Orbis sensualium pictus / Johann Amos Comenius ; herausgegeben von Johannes Kuhnel
265358: COMER, JOHN - Combat crew
192001: COMER, LEE - Wedlocked women
59295: COMER, GEORGE NIXON (D. 1877) - Book-Keeping Rationalized
182531: CONVENCION NACIONAL DE LA PRODUCCION Y DEL COMERCIO (SANTIAGO DE CHILE : 1968) - Convencion Nacional de la Produccion y del Comercio, 1967-1968
233140: COMERFORD, R. V. DELANEY, ENDA - National questions : reflections on Daniel O'Connell and contemporary Ireland / edited by R.V. Comerford and Enda Delaney
32909: COMERFORD, ROBERT A. AND CALLAGHAN, DENNIS W. (1941-). CALLAGHAN, DENNIS W. - Strategic Management : Text, Tools, and Cases for Business Policy / Robert A. Comerford, Dennis W. Callaghan
108369: COMFORT, ALEX (1920-2000) - Tetrarch
6393: COMFORT, RICHARD A. - Revolutionary Hamburg - Labor Politics in the Early Weimar Republic
116398: COMFORT, WILL LEVINGTON (1878-1932) - Down Among Men, by Will Levington Comfort
263034: COMFORT, ALEX (1920-2000) - Poems for Jane / Alex Comfort
7174: COMFORT, WILLIAM WISTAR (1874-1955) - Quakers in the Modern World
268784: MARVEL COMICS - Barbie (Marvel comic) Vol. 1 No. 23, 23 November 1992
254593: DC COMICS - DC Comics: 15 issues
280358: DC COMICS - Detective Comics, no. 426 Aug. 1972
280356: DC COMICS - Wanted : The World's Most Dangerous Villains, no. 1 Aug. 1972
280355: DC COMICS - Strange Sports Stories, no. 3 Feb. 1974
280354: DC COMICS - Wonder Woman, no. 222 Mar. 1975
280353: DC COMICS - Batman, no. 225 Sept. 1970, Shutdown on York Street
221314: TANGENT COMICS / DC COMICS - The Atom #1 / Dan Jurgens, Paul Ryan
280357: DC COMICS - Superboy, no. 190 Sept. 1972
280364: DC COMICS - House of Mystery, no. 217 Sept 1973
280352: DC COMICS - Batman and Batgirl, no. 407 Jan. 1971, The Bride of Man-Bat!
280367: DC COMICS - Ghosts, no. 8 Oct 1972
280365: DC COMICS - Superman, no. 273 March 1974
280363: DC COMICS - House of Mystery, no. 218 Oct 1973
280359: DC COMICS - Weird Mystery Tales, no. 13 Sept. 1974
280368: DC COMICS - Secrets of Sinister House, no.13 Sept. 1973
280362: DC COMICS - The Witching Hour, no. 45 Aug 1974
221312: TANGENT COMICS / DC COMICS - The Joker #1 / Karl Hesel, Matt Haley, Tom Simmons
280373: DC COMICS - Superman, no. 208 July 1968
280366: DC COMICS - Ghosts, no. 6 Aug 1972
280360: DC COMICS - Weird Mystery Tales, no. 2 Oct. 1972
280369: DC COMICS - Secrets of Sinister House, no. 7 Nov 1972
239506: TIP TOP COMICS - Tip Top Comics: Vol. 5, Issues 49-60
280372: DC COMICS - World's Finest, no. 196 Sept. 1970
280371: DC COMICS - World's Finest, no. 214 Nov. 1972
280370: DC COMICS - Shazam!, no. 9 Jan 1974
280361: DC COMICS - The Witching Hour, no. 24 Oct. 1972
275299: COMINES, PHILIPPE DE - The historical memoirs of Philip de Comines
187507: COMISSO, ELLEN AND D'ANDREA TYSON, LAURA (EDS.) - Power, purpose and collective choice : economic strategy in Socialist states
126927: COMISSO, ELLEN TURKISH. TYSON, LAURA D'ANDREA (1947-) - Power, Purpose, and Collective Choice : Economic Strategy in Socialist States / Edited by Ellen Comisso and Laura D'Andrea Tyson
96572: KOMITEE ZUIDELIJK AFRIKA (AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS). ANGOLA COMITE - White Migration to Southern Africa : a European Study Compiled and Produced by Angola Comite, Amsterdam ... [Et Al. ]
146742: COMITE DES AMITIES FRANCO-YOUGOSLAVES, PARIS - Bulletin Du Comite Des Amities Franco-Yougoslaves [Juillet 1934]
146745: COMITE DES AMITIES FRANCO-YOUGOSLAVES, PARIS - Bulletin Du Comite Des Amities Franco-Yougosla [Octobre 1937]
196085: COMITE - Oeuvre de l'hospitalite a Bruxelles : Rapport sur les travaux de l'Oeuvre. Sixieme exercice, 1890-1891
167666: COMITE D'ANVERS - Patronage des Condamnes Liberes et des Enfants Moralement Abandonnes: sous le haut patronage de S. M. Le Roi Comite d'Anvers. Examen du Projet de Loi sur la Protection de l'Enfance
164591: COMITE D'EUROPE - La Commune De Paris
192332: COMITE DE L'INDOCHINE, PARIS - Le Comite de L'Indochine : trente ans d'action
220370: 1986 BOOK REVIEW COMITTEE - 1986 the new england book show
181022: MINISTERO PER L'INDUSTRIA E IL COMMAERCIO - Paesi di Esportazione : Relazione presentata al Convegno Nationale per l'esportazione (Milano - Gennaio 1922) - Volume II
261759: COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE (1902-1998) - The Blue and the Gray : the story of the Civil War as told by participants
75303: COMMAGER, EVAN - Valentine
171620: COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE (1902-1998) - The Blue and the Gray : the story of the Civil War as told by participants. Vol. 2 / edited by Henry Steele Commager
118368: GREAT BRITAIN. COMBINED OPERATIONS COMMAND - Combined Operations; the Official Story of the Commandos, with a Foreword by Vice-Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten
279709: BRITISH ARMY: EASTERN COMMAND - Brighter 'Bully' Beef: eastern command: containing recipes for tinned meat, pastry and sauces
88750: COMMENWEALTH UNITED / O'HORGAN, TOM (DIRECTOR) - Futz, a Ritual Celebration of the Death of Personal Liberty - (Movie Promotional Booklet) Directed by Tom O'Horgan, Produced by Ben Shapiro and Alan Stroth
280929: COLORADO SPRINGS JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - The Pikes Peak region welcomes you
172622: CANADIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - The communist threat to Canada
245249: MINISTERUL INDUSTRIEI SI COMERTULUI. MINISTERE DE L'INDUSTRIE ET DU COMMERCE - Anuarul Statistic Al Romaniei 1927 / Annuaure Statistique de La Roumanie
104531: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (KANSAS CITY, MO. ) - Where These Rocky Bluffs Meet; Including the Story of the Kansas City Ten-Year Plan
132273: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE (5TH : 1912 : BOSTON) - Fifth International Congress of Chambers of Commerce and Commercial and Industrial Associations, September and October, 1912
141941: LUBECK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (INDUSTRIE- UND HANDELSKAMMER, LUBECK) - Ostsee-Jahrbuch : D. Wirtschaft D. Lander Im Ostseeraum / Industrie- Und Handelskammer, Lubeck
217512: MOVEMENT COMMERCIAL - Statistique du commerce exterieur de l'ile de Crete. Direction superieure des finances bureau de la comptabilite generale
184529: ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE FASCISTA DIRIGENTI AZIENDE COMMERCIALI - I Dirigenti di azienda nel sistema sindacale, e la regolamentazione contrattuale del loro rapporto di lavoro
181227: CONFEDERAZIONE FASCISTA DEI LAVORATORI DEL COMMERCIO - Numero e distribuzione dei lavoratori del commercio
131631: COMITATO NAZIONALE PER LE TARIFFE DOGNALI E PER TRATTATI DI COMMERCIO - Industria Enologica : Produzione - Commercio - Regime Dognale
160142: COMMINS, SAXE. LINSCOTT, ROBERT NEWTON (1886-1964) (EDS. ) - The World's Great Thinkers. Vol. 3: Man and the State: the Political Philosophers Ed. by Saxe Commins & Robert N. Linscott
7427: TRADES UNIONS COMMISSION - The Sheffield Outrages : Report Presented to the Trades Unions Commissioners in 1867 / with an Introduction by Sidney Pollard
98008: UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS. STATE PLANNING COMMISSION - Soviet Seven-Year Plan, 1959-1965 / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics State Planning Commission ; Foreword by A. W. Haslett
194347: UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION - Latin America as a source of strategic and other essential materials : A report on strategic and other essential materials, and their production and trade, with special reference to the Latin American countries and to the United States
255775: IRISH MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION - The civil survey A.D. 1654-6. Vol. 10 Miscellanea / prepared for publication with introductory note by Robert C. Simington
254899: STATIONERY OFFICE FOR THE IRISH MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION - The O Doyne (Ó Duinn) manuscript : documents relating to the family of O Doyne (Ó Duinn) from Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin MSZ.4.2.19 : with appendices / edited by K.W. Nicholls
172745: COMMISSION DES CRIMES DE GUERRE, MINISTIERE DE LA JUSTICE, ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE - Les crimes de guerre commis sous l'occupation de la Belgique, 1940-1945: le camp de tortures de Breendonck
201600: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PUBLIC MORALS. NATIONAL BIRTH RATE-COMMISSION - The declining birth-rate : its causes and effects
194145: COMMISSION OF THE C.C. OF THE C.P.S.U. (B.) - History of the communist party of the Soviet Union / Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevirs)
193733: INDIA. CENTRAL WATER AND POWER COMMISSION - Snow surveys in the Himalayas / edited by Ram Das Dhir and Harbhajan Singh
251637: LABOUR PARTY AND TRADE UNION COMMISSION - Life and labour in Germany / report of the Labour Party and Trade Union Commission on wages, hours of employment, working conditions, and the standard of living ; June 1910
217243: KASHRUS COMMISSION - Outlines of the Laws of Kashrus
215814: GREAT BRITAIN. DOMINIONS ROYAL COMMISSION. - Royal Commission on the natural resources, trade, and legislation of certain portions of His Majesty's dominions. Minutes of evidence taken in London during October and November, 1912. Part II. Natural resources, trade, and legislation (The first interim report and minutes of evidence relating to migration are printed as [Cd. 6515] and [Cd. 6516] respectively.)
189648: COMMISSION. - Le probleme Algerien : l'exploitation economique / par la Commission Centrale d'Information et de Documentation du mouvement pour le Triomphe des Libertes democratiques en Algerie
184327: UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION - Economic controls and commercial policy in Ecuador
244076: UNITED STATES. MERCHANT MARINE COMMISSION - Report of the Merchant Marine Commission : together with the testimony taken at the hearings: Volume III: hearings on the southern coast and at Washington, D.C., and general index
217083: TRACT COMMISSION - Sabbath sermons 5700 ... 1939
245234: THE TARIFF COMMISSION - The Tariff Commission: Vol. 3: Report of the Agricultural Committee with appendix
23532: ONTARIO. HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION - The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario: its Origin, Administration and Achievements
186728: GREAT BRITAIN. WEST INDIA ROYAL COMMISSION - West India Royal Commission, 1938-1939 : recommendations / presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, February, 1940
140379: AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION. - 50 Films : Category 1 : Current Attractions
135636: INDIA (REPUBLIC). PLANNING COMMISSION - The New India : Progress through Democracy
132971: UNITED STATES. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION - Railways in the United States in 1902....part V. State Taxation of Railways and Other Transportation Agencies
99083: GREAT BRITAIN. POOR LAW COMMISSION - Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners with Appendices [Eighth]. - [The Act for the More Effectual Relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland]
257372: COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION - Annual report 1992-93 / Commonwealth War Graves Commission
182662: EDUCATIONAL POLICIES COMMISSION (ILLUSTRATIONS BY LYND WARD) - Education and economic well-being in American democracy / Educational Policies Commission
262866: NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMMISSION - National health insurance commission: Official explanatory leaflet no. 7 - Women under the insurance act
262319: COMMISSION ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN, YOUNG PERSONS, AND WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE (1867) - Appendix Part II: to fourth report: evidence from the assistance commissioners and analytical index to reports I, II, III & IV: presented to the Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty
128971: COMMISSION OF THE CHURCHES FOR INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. DEMANT, VIGO AUGUSTE. - The Miner's Distress and the Coal Problem : an Outline for Christian Thought and Action, Submitted to the Christian Social Council by its Research Committee / Vigo Auguste Demant
127775: CHICAGO (ILL. ). VICE COMMISSION - The Social Evil in Chicago: a Study of Existing Conditions with Recommendations by the Vice Commission of Chicago: a Municipal Body Appointed by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Chicago, and Submitted As its Report to the Mayor and City Counc
120539: METROPOLITAN SANITARY COMMISSION - Metropolitan Sanitary Commission. First Report. Minutes of Evidence Taken before the Commissioners
119899: U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION - A Nation's Security, the Case of Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Edited from the Official Transcript of Evidence Given before the Personnel Security Board of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, by Michael Wharton
184329: UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION - Mining and manufacturing industries in Ecuador
280633: CARIBBEAN COMMISSION - Current Caribbean bibliography, vol. 7 1957
172797: STATE PLANNING COMMISSION (GDR) - GDR agriculture : its management and planning
176331: GREAT BRITAIN. INDIAN STATUTORY COMMISSION - Indian Statutory Commission. : Report of the Indian Statutory Commission. v.1
166687: INDIANAPOLIS SESQICENTENNIAL COMMISSION - Sesqui Samplings : 150 Years of Cooking in Indianapolis
231514: GREAT BRITAIN. RECORD COMMISSION - State papers : published under the authority of His Majesty's Commission - Volumes 1-3. King Henry the Eighth Parts 1-3 Complete and bound in 3 volumes
279729: REPARATION COMMISSION - The execution of the experts' plan : first annuity year; September 1, 1924 to August 31, 1925
239096: INTERNATIONAL BIOHISTORICAL COMMISSION - A perpetual biohistorical date booklet : pictorially elucidating some of the biohistorical spectrum while enabling its owners to record past and future data of relevance to them
190211: INDIA. PLANNING COMMISSION - Second five year plan : summary / Government of India, Planning Commission
191611: LADIES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION (PHILADELPHIA, PA.) - Ladies' Christian Commissions: auxiliary to the U.S. Christian Commission
152153: KASHRUS COMMISSION - Outlines of the Laws of Kashrus
63804: UNITED STATES. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION - Study Guide and Reference Material for Commercial Radio Operator Examinations - Revised May 15, 1955
197045: MOSELY INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION - Mosely Industrial Commission to the United States of America, Oct.-Dec. 1902. Report of the delegates.
197960: NATIONAL INCOMES COMMISSION - Remuneration of academic staff in universities and colleges of advanced technology
224585: GREAT BRITAIN. RECORD COMMISSION - The statutes of the realm : printed by command of His Majesty King George the Third, in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons of Great Britain : from original records and authentic manuscripts. Volume the sixth [1685-1694]
205935: CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE POLISH UNITED WORKERS' PARTY. FOREIGN COMMISSION - Information bulletin ; No. 7-8 1969 / Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party
260322: LA COMMISSION G 7 DE L'URRAFA - Mondialisation du capitalisme et lutte de classes
187913: POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Extracts from the information received by His Majesty's Commissioners as to the administration and operation of the poor laws / published by authority
194936: GREAT BRITAIN. POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - Eleventh annual report of the Poor Law Commissioners, with appendices
194922: GREAT BRITAIN. POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - Fifth annual report of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales : together with appendices A. B. C. & D.
194924: GREAT BRITAIN. POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - Seventh annual report of the Poor Law Commissioners with appendices
237727: THE POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - The Unions' and Parish Officers' Year-Book for 1839
123363: MASSACHUSETTS. BOARD OF PRISON COMMISSIONERS - Fifteenth Annual Report of the Board of Prison Commissioners of Massachusetts
186991: GREAT BRITAIN. POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - Report from His Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the administration and practical operation of the poor laws
173126: POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - Ninth annual report of the Poor law commissioners, with appendices. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty
168319: GREAT BRITAIN. POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - Seventh annual report of the Poor Law Commissioners, with appendices. [Cockton index title: Poor Law Coms.: Seventh Annual Report, Appendices ]
176487: COMMISSIONERS FOR INQUIRING CONCERNING CHARITIES, GREAT BRITAIN - Further report of the commissioners for inquiring concerning charities
145778: UNITED STATES. BOARD OF INDIAN COMMISSIONERS - Report of the Board of Indian Commissioners to the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1927
145303: GREAT BRITAIN. POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS - Eighteenth Annual Report of the Poor Law Board. 1865-66
248893: RADIO LIBERT COMMITTEE - Ukrainian Intellectuals Plead for Justice
79471: AMERICAS WATCH COMMITTEE (U. S. ) - Peru under Fire : Human Rights Since the Return to Democracy
51576: LOS ANGELES OLYMPIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE - Games of the Xxiiird Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 Commemorative Book / Officially Sanctioned by the IOC and under License from the LAOOC
277353: WOMEN'S GROUP ON PUBLIC WELFARE (ENGLAND). HYGIENE COMMITTEE - Our towns : a close-up : a study made in 1939-42 with certain recommendations by the Hygiene Committee of the Women's Group on Public Welfare (in association with National Council Service) / with a preface by the Rt. Hon. Margaret Bondfield
275889: STAFFORDSHIRE (COUNTY). RECORDS COMMITTEE - The crown and the people : an exhibition in the Shire Hall, Stafford, Thursday, 30th April-Saturday, 16th May 1953
269445: GEOPHYSICS RESEARCH FORUM (U.S.). GEOPHYSICS STUDY COMMITTEE - Sea-level change / Geophysics Study Committee, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council
267857: WAR EMERGENCY: WORKERS' NATIONAL COMMITTEE - The conscription of riches : war taxes and war loans
267859: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS. HOME AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Racial disadvantage : fifth report from the Home Affairs Committee, session 1980-81 - volumes 1-3
267827: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Communist Party of Great Britain 30th National Congress : report of the Executive Committee, August 1965 to July 1967
267785: CHINA CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Who fights China? : some of us would answer that Japan is the sole aggressor, but there are others who are responsible for this campaign of cruelty and destruction
267731: GREAT BRITAIN. BOARD OF EDUCATION. CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE - Report of the Consultative committee on the education of the adolescent
267703: UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE - Dimensions of Soviet economic power; studies
266509: COMMUNIST PARTY. HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Post-war housing problems : a policy memorandum issued by the Housing Advisory Committee of the Communist Party
266279: GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY. SOUTH WALES BORDERERS. REGIMENTAL COMMITTEE - A short history of the South Wales Borderers, 24th Foot and the Monmouthshire Regiment
264887: CO-OPERATIVE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE - The Private Traders' Anti-Co-Operative Agitation: a brief review
261400: HAVERHILL (MASS.). WAR RECORDS COMMITTEE - Haverhill in World war II; an attempt to record the story of one American city, the valor and the sacrifice of its sons and daughters in the armed forces, and the labor and the sacrifice of its people at home in the protection of their own liberties and the liberties of all good men everywhere
260819: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Communist Party of Great Britain 35th National Congress : report of the Executive Committee November 12-15 1977
260325: LABOUR PARTY. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Labour and the new social order : a report on reconstruction
260105: OXFORD BELGIAN RELIEF COMMITTEE - Final report of the Oxford Belgian Relief Committee 1914 -1919
259851: LONDON : PRISONERS AID COMMITTEE - Irish voices from English jails
259509: PEOPLE'S FRONT PROPAGANDA COMMITTEE - People's front for Britain
259454: INTERNATIONAL ABOLITIONIST FEDERATION. BRITISH COMMITTEE - State regulation of vice in the British empire
259324: LAND ENQUIRY COMMITTEE - The land : the report of the Land Enquiry Committee. Vol. 2, Urban
258701: FRIENDS' LITERARY COMMITTEE - Inner light : first series : a devotional anthology
258644: THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE - Contemporary Jewish record review of events and digest of opinion
25797: COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC POLICY (U. S. ) - Balancing the National Interest - U. S. National Security, Export Controls and Global Economic Competition
257871: POPULATION INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE - The future of our population?
255687: UNITED NATIONS. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE PALESTINIAN QUESTION. SUB-COMMITTEE 2 - The partition of Palestine, 29 November, 1947 : an analysis
255389: ROSC COMMITTEE - Rosc '84 : the poetry of vision : [an international exhibition of modern art held at] the Guinness Hop Store, St James's Gate, Dublin 8, [24 August-17 November l984]
254058: THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE - Tefutsot Israel - Information Service on Jewlish Life and Issues vol. XIX No. 2-3
195252: UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION ORGANIZATION. INTER-ALLIED INFORMATION COMMITTEE (LONDON) - Women under Axis rule / report issued by the Inter-Allied Information Committee
189601: GULF COMMITTEE - Oman : a class analysis / translated and published by the Gulf Committee
186826: FRIENDS HOME SERVICE COMMITTEE - Studies in Quaker thought and practice. Part 1, A handbook for discussion groups
258628: CHINA CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Allies and equals : the story of extraterritoriality in China, 1843-1943
219988: GREAT BRITAIN. EMPLOYMENT OF SCHOOL CHILDREN COMMITTEE - Report of the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Children Act, 1903. Cmd. 5229.
253056: LAND ENQUIRY COMMITTEE - The land : the report of the Land Enquiry Committee. V. II: Urban
113934: COMMITTEE FOR REFORM OF THE BOARD OF CUSTOMS, LONDON - A Digest of the Proceedings and Reports of the Committee of London Merchants for Reform of the Board of Customs
187581: SWORD OF THE SPIRIT (ENGLAND). AFRICA COMMITTEE - The Church to Africa : Pastoral letters of the African hierarchies
179275: BARNETT HOUSE (OXFORD, ENGLAND). SURVEY COMMITTEE - A survey of the social services in the Oxford district - I economics and government of a changing area
179518: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (C.O.P.E.C.) - The proceedings of C. O. P. E. C. : being a report of the meetings of the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship held in Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924.
251658: SOUTH AFRICA CONCILIATION COMMITTEE - The crisis in South Africa : some answers (from authoritative sources) to Sir A. Milner's reflections upon colonial loyalty / issued by friends of South Africa in the interests of truth
252084: CHINA CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Who fights China? : some of us would answer that Japan is the sole aggressor, but there are others who are responsible for this campaign of cruelty and destruction
252052: NATIONAL FITNESS COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND AND WALES. GRANTS COMMITTEE - Report of the Grants Committee [of the] National Fitness Council for England and Wales to the President of the Board of Education
261165: CITY OF OXFORD JUVENILE ORGANISATIONS COMMITTEE - Programme of the demonstration in the Oxford Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, April 20th, At 7pm
243282: THE LAND ENQUIRY COMMITTEE - The Land: the report of the land inquiry committee: Vol. 1: Rural
193991: GREAT BRITAIN. STATE TRIALS COMMITTEE. - Reports of state trials. New series. / published under the direction of the State trials committee ; edited by John Macdonnell [volumes 1 - 3]
193392: TRADES UNION CONGRESS PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE - Trades Union Congress Parliamentary Committee : 22nd Quarterly Report December, 1915
243083: THE GOETTINGEN RESEARCH COMMITTEE - Eastern Germany: a handbook: vol. III: economy
281016: GREAT BRITAIN. MENTAL DEFICIENCY COMMITTEE - Report of the Mental Deficiency Committee : being a joint committee of the Board of Education and Board of Control. Part 4 Report on an investigation into the incidence of mental deficiency in six areas, 1925-27
280980: NATIONAL JOINT COMMITTEE - Spanish relief. Bulletin of the National Joint Committee, no. 11 March 1938
242881: LAND TENURE REFORM COMMITTEE - Preliminary report of the Land Tenure Reform Committee, November 1880
257427: SOUTH AFRICA CONCILIATION COMMITTEE - Was there a Dutch conspiracy against British rule in South Africa, or is it a nightmare? / Publications of South Africa Conciliation Committee ; no. 13
278059: COAL MINING ORGANISATION COMMITTEE - Report of the Departmental Committee: appointing to inquire into the conditions prevailing in the coal mining industry due to the war: Part II: minutes of evidence and index
250244: TORY REFORM COMMITTEE (ENGLAND) - Forward-by the Right! A statement by the Tory Reform Committee
250215: NATIONAL UNITY CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - The Unity campaign : Cripps, Pollitt, Maxton
250205: COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - The next step in Britain, America and Ireland : speeches and reports, XII plenum, etc
250171: ANGLO-RUSSIAN PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE - The German attack on the U.S.S.R. : speeches by Mm. Molotov, Stalin and Litvinov
250144: INDEPENDENT LABOUR PARTY INFORMATION COMMITTEE - Six months of labour government : a reply to the Unionist publication entitled 'Five months of socialist government'
195267: BANKING INSURANCE AND FINANCE UNION. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMITTEE - Equality for women : proposals for positive action : report and recommendations of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Banking Insurance & Finance Union
216403: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Czechoslovakia : statement of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain August 24th and 27th, 1968
215584: BRITISH PEACE COMMITTEE - Britain for peace : report of the British Peace Congress, London, October 22-23, 1949
215524: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS. SELECT COMMITTEE... - First report from the Select Committee Appointed to Take into Consideration the Means of Promoting the Cultivation and Improvement of the Waste, Uninclosed, and Unproductive Lands of the Kingdom
215526: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS. SELECT COMMITTEE - First Report from the Select Committee Appointed to Take into Consideration the Present High Price of Corn
215532: STREET OFFENCES COMMITTEE (PARLIAMENT, GREAT BRITAIN) - Committee on Street Offences 1927-28. Report, proceedings & c. Volume 2
153302: COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - The Report of the Executive Committee of the Communist International : a Speech Delivered by G. Zinoviev At the III Congress of the Communist International, At Moscow, on June 25th, 1921
194870: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON DISTRICT COMMITTEE - Communist leadership : a four-session syllabus for Branch Committee members.
163425: NORTHUMBERLAND (ENGLAND). COUNTY PLANNING COMMITTEE - Northumberland County Development Plan : Written Analysis / Submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government by the Northumberland County Council
279574: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE - Freedom of association. Vol. 3 Germany, former dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovak republic, Poland, Baltic states, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland
184604: LIBERAL LAND COMMITTEE - The land and the nation; rural report of the Liberal land committee 1923-25
192698: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - 30th National Congress : report of the Executive committee from August 1965 to July 1967
227880: CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA (JOHANNESBURG). GOLD PRODUCERS COMMITTEE - Quality of Mine Air. Dust content and cooling power
153057: NATIONAL CYPRIOT COMMITTEE - Cyprus -- the Solution / Foreword by Fenner Brockway
279497: GREAT BRITAIN. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. VAGRANCY COMMITTEE - Report of the Departmental Committee on Vagrancy / Vol.1
192552: WORLD PEACE COUNCIL. PRESIDENTIAL COMMITTEE - World Peace Council Presidential Committee meeting, Warsaw, May 5-8, 1973
187625: HOOKER BRIGADE COMMITTEE - Roster of the petitioners to the Massachusetts legislature of 1904 for correction of errors on the tablet of the Hooker statue
248900: RADIO LIBERTY COMMITTEE - To Soviet Intellectuals - An Appeal Circulated in Moscow Against Re-Stalinization
277959: COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Guide to the XII plenum E.C.C.I. : material for propagandists, organisers, reporters, training classes
216775: EMIGRE BUND COMMITTEE - Otkliki Bunda (L'Echo du Bounde). No. 5, Fevral' 1911, God vtoroy [Responses of the Bund. No. 5, February 1911, volume 2. Language: Russian]
134866: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS. IRISH EXCHANGE COMMITTEE - The Irish Pound 1797-1826 : a Reprint of the Report of the Committee of 1804 of the British House of Commons on the Condition of the Irish Currency / with Selections from the Minutes of Evidence Presented to the Committee...
126107: GREAT BRITAIN. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. VAGRANCY COMMITTEE - Report of the Departmental Committee on Vagrancy; Volume II, Minutes of Evidence and General Index to Evidence, Appendix and Report
101222: COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND ARMS CONTROL, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Nuclear Arms Control : Background and Issues / Committee on International Security and Arms Control, National Academy of Sciences
280879: CHARITY ORGANISATION SOCIETY (LONDON, ENGLAND). THRIFT AND SAVINGS SUB-COMMITTEE - First annual report of the Thrift and Savings Sub-Committee : 31st December, 1905
73716: UNITED STATES. NATIONAL ADVISORY MENTAL HEALTH COUNCIL. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE - Evaluation in Mental Health : a Review of the Problem of Evaluating Mental Health Activities ; Report of the Subcommittee on Evaluation of Mental Health Activities, Community Services Committee, National Advisory Mental Health Council
73402: PENNSYLVANIA BANKERS ASSOCIATION. BOND PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE - Principles of Bank Investment; Proceedings of the Conferences on Bond Portfolios Held At Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
128847: MARIE LOUISE BERNERI MEMORIAL COMMITTEE - Marie Louise Berneri 1918-1949 : a Tribute
47755: RESEARCH DEFENSE SOCIETY [LONDON] COMMITTEE - Publications of the Research Defense Society
152171: ANGLO-RUSSIAN PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE - Possibilities of British-Russian Trade : an Investigation by British Members of Parliament
150618: BRITISH PEACE COMMITTEE - German Troops in Britain? : We Say No!
150591: TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND. LABOR COMMITTEE - How Collective Bargaining Works : a Survey of Experience in Leading American Industries. Research Director: Harry A. Millis / Contributing Authors: Donald Anthony and Others
148820: COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Theses, Resolutions and Decisions [Of The] (Xith Plenum)
146992: WOMEN'S GROUP ON PUBLIC WELFARE. HYGIENE COMMITTEE - Our Towns : a Close Up / a Study Made in 1939-1942 with Certain Recommendations by the Hygiene Committee.. (In Association with the National Council of Social Service) ; with a Preface by Margaret Bondfield
146113: ASSEMBLY OF CAPTIVE EUROPEAN NATIONS. BULGARIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Bulgaria / Prepared by the Bulgarian National Committee, Assembly of Captive European Nations
140623: AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE - Proceedings of the Fiftieth Anniversary Observance of the American Jewish Committee; April 10-14, 1957, the Pursuit of Equality At Home and Abroad
161934: SCOTTISH COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN EDUCATION. MENTAL SURVEY COMMITTEE - The Trend of Scottish Intelligence : a Comparison of the 1947 and 1932 Surveys of the Intelligence of Eleven-Year-Old Pupils
217065: GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF RECONSTRUCTION. WOMEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Report of the Women's Advisory Committee on the domestic service problem together with reports by sub-committees on training, machinery of distribution, organisation and conditions
192720: LMS NORTHERN COUNTIES COMMITTEE - Interactive seven day tour : Northern Ireland [tourism brochure]
217106: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Report of the executive committee to the 31st National Congress of the Communist Party
192857: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. ECONOMIC COMMITTEE - Britain's plan for prosperity : outline of an economic plan to solve the crisis and lay the foundations for a prosperous Britain
278320: LIVERPOOL EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Easy meals for busy days and nights
228891: CORNWALL COUNTY COMMITTEE - Report of the County Committee on the Cronwall Mining Exhibit
165311: PROVISIONAL EMERGENCY COTTON COMMITTEE - The Crisis in the Cotton Industry : Report of the Proceedings of the Provisional Emergency Cotton March 16 to May 17, 1923. Vol. II
217124: FREE EUROPE COMMITTEE - Europe : nine panel studies by experts from central and eastern Europe : an examination of the post liberation problem of the position of central and eastern European nations in a free European community
193064: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. JOINT LIAISON COMMITTEE - The Christian stewardship of money
278528: COMMUNIST PARTY OF AUSTRALIA. CENTRAL COMMITTEE - Differences in the Communist movement : views of the Communist Party of Australia
212976: NORTHERN IRELAND. AGRICULTURAL ENQUIRY COMMITTEE - Reports of the Agricultural Enquiry Committee : presented to Parliament by Command of His Excellency The Governor of Northern Ireland
172867: JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE (UNITED STATES CONGRESS) - Dimensions of Soviet economic power : studies prepared for the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States
174404: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON DISTRICT COMMITTEE - Communist policy for Britain: Report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party November, 1945
279573: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE - Freedom of association. Vol. 4 Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Serb-Croat-Slovene kingdom, Bulgaria, Rumania
167487: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Report of the Executive Committee : covering the period February 1948 to July 1949
167900: AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE - The Jews in the Eastern war zone
171714: ZIONIST ORGANIZATION ACTIONS COMMITTEE (BERLIN) - Im Kampf um die hebraische Sprache / herausgegeben vom Zionistischen Actions-Comite [The Struggle for the Hebrew Language]
192249: CHINA CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - No Munich in the Pacific!
280855: COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA. CENTRAL COMMITTEE - National unity for the defence of the motherland. : Resolutions of the two Plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India held in September 1942 and February 1943 respectively
195272: UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE - Equal pay for equal work / prepared by the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the International Labour Office
238909: 1961 INAUGURAL COMMITTEE (U.S.) - Official program, inaugural ceremonies of John F. Kennedy, thirty-fifth President of the United States and Lyndon B. Johnson, thirty-seventh Vice President of the United States. Washington, D.C., January 20, 1961
239576: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. ECONOMIC COMMITTEE - Britain's plan for prosperity : outline of an economic plan to solve the crisis and lay the foundations for a prosperous Britain / prepared by the Economic Committee of the Communist Party
176459: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. CENTRAL COMMITTEE - Report of the Central Committee to the 15th party congress : Town Hall, Birmingham, September 16th-19th, 1938
186495: CITY OF OXFORD YOUTH COMMITTEE - Report for year ending March 31st, 1941
123976: LAND ENQUIRY COMMITTEE - The Land; the Report of the Land Enquiry Committee, Vol. I. Rural
191765: AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE - Peace in Vietnam : a new approach to Southeast Asia. A report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee
191021: NATIONAL HOUSING COMMITTEE - A national housing policy / report of the National Housing Committee
190610: EUROPEAN WORKERS' CONFERENCE (1951 : BERLIN, GERMANY). EUROPEAN WORKERS COMMITTEE - Stop the remilitarisation of Germany : the European Workers' Conference, from March 23rd to 25th, 1951 in Berlin
181374: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. ECONOMIC COMMITTEE - Britain's plan for prosperity : outline of an economic plan to solve the crisis and lay the foundations for a prosperous Britain
131815: CHINA CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Chinese Students and Their Country's Struggle
136075: YUGOSLAVIA EMERGENCY COMMITTEE (BRITISH) - The Story of the Partisans of Free Yugoslavia
148279: AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE - The Jews in the Eastern War Zone
149490: COUNTY BADGE EXPERIMENTAL COMMITTEE - The County Badge, Or, the Fourfold Achievement / [County Badge Experimental Committee]
150818: CAMBRIDGESHIRE. EDUCATION COMMITTEE. ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ENGLAND) - The Cambridgeshire Syllabus of Religious Teaching for Schools
166554: INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TURKISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Turkey : Geographical, Historical, Economic and Touristic
172043: RUSSIAN FAIR COMMITTEE - Russian Fair: Program of Russian fair and cabaret. Hotel Sherman, Sept. 30-Oct. 1 '42 [promotional literature]
51144: THE WILLIAM PENN TERCENTENARY COMMITTEE - Remember William Penn 1644-1944 - a Tercentenary Memorial
70581: PENNSYLVANIA. CONSTITUTION COMMEMORATION COMMITTEE - The Federal Constitution Celebration in Pennsylvania, 1937-1938
213322: FESTIVAL COMMITTEE - The Liberties Festival, May 6th - 16th, 1973 : programme magazine
218359: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON DISTRICT COMMITTEE - The march of English history : a message to you from the Communist Party
195945: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. MINERS' EIGHT HOUR DAY COMMITTEE - First report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners ; Part II minutes of evidence and appendices thereto taken.../ Miners' Eight Hour Day Committee
195946: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. MINERS' EIGHT HOUR DAY COMMITTEE - First report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners ; Part III minutes of evidence and appendices thereto taken.../ Miners' Eight Hour Day Committee
195947: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. MINERS' EIGHT HOUR DAY COMMITTEE - First report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners ; Part I report and appendices.../ Miners' Eight Hour Day Committee
196068: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. TREASURY. FAIR WAGES COMMITTEE - Report of the Fair Wages Committee, with appendices / presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty
196070: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. TREASURY. FAIR WAGES COMMITTEE - Royal commission on the aged poor. Report of the royal commission on the aged poor appointed to consider whether any alterations in the system of poor law relief are desirable, in the case of persons whose destitution is occasioned... ...by incapacity for work resulting from old age, or whether assistance could otherwise be afforded in those cases. Vol. I.
196075: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. MINERS' EIGHT HOUR DAY COMMITTEE - Final report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners ; Part I, Report and appendices.../ Miners' Eight Hour Day Committee
196221: THE COMMITTEE - Minutes of the New-York annual conference : sixty-seventh session June, 1856
196222: THE COMMITTEE - Minutes of the New-York annual conference : sixty-seventh session June, 1856
196627: FRIENDS HOME SERVICE COMMITTEE - Studies in Quaker thought and practice : Part II, Practice of religion in personal life and in the life of the Christian society
196735: AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE - American Jewish year book : 5687 ... volume 28 / edited by Harry Schneiderman
196879: CITY OF BIRMINGHAM EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Information concerning certain trades for women and girls / prepared for the Central Care Committee by Miss Matheson Warden, of the Women's Settlement
197034: NATIONAL OLD PEOPLE'S WELFARE COMMITTEE - Age is opportunity : a new guide to practical work for the welfare of old people
197055: AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE - Search for peace in the Middle East
197191: COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE (ENGLAND) - Community in Britain : a survey of community thought and activity compiled mainly from addresses given at the Bath and London conferences in 1937
197252: BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. BELFAST LOCAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Belfast in its regional setting : a scientific survey / prepared for the meeting held in Belfast 3rd to 10th September 1952
199177: YORKSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB COMMITTEE - Yorkshire County Cricket Club: Forty-fourth Annual Report season 1936
205637: WOMEN'S ANGLO-SOVIET COMMITTEE (GREAT BRITAIN) - Soviet women call to you!
206948: PUERTO RICAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Handbook to Puerto Rican work
207314: COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL EXPENDITURE. MAY, GEORGE ERNEST, SIR - Committee on national expenditure : report / Chairman: Sir George Ernest May
209645: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. ECONOMIC COMMITTEE - Britain's plan for prosperity : outline of an economic plan to solve the crisis and lay the foundations for a prosperous Britain
210054: GREAT BRITAIN. BOARD OF EDUCATION. CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE - The education of the adolescent / report of the Consultative Committee
210083: COMMUNIST PARTY OF AUSTRALIA. CENTRAL COMMITTEE - Differences in the Communist movement : views of the Communist Part of Australia
210585: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. CENTRAL COMMITTEE - Report of the central committee : to the 15th Party Congress, Town Hall Birmingham September 16th-19th, 1938
211814: WORLD CONFERENCE ON SOVIET JEWRY. PRESIDIUM. STEERING COMMITTEE - Soviet Jewry and the implementation of the Helsinki Final act : report / prepared on behalf of the ongoing Presidium and Steering Committee of the World Conference on Soviet Jewry, in co-operation with the Jewish Communities concerned
212142: THE COMMITTEE - The Scarborough Festival ; preface by Len Hutton
8117: COMMON, JACK - Kiddar's Luck
269904: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on trade unions and employers' associations - Research Papers - 13 volumes
269288: HOUSE OF COMMONS - Members of Parliament : return to two orders of the Honourable the House of Commons dated 4 May 1876 and 9 March 1877 : return 'of the names of every Member returned to serve in each Parliament from the Year 1696 up to the present Time, specifying the Names of the county, city, university, borough, or place for which returned' : 'That there be added to the return relative to Members of Parliament, ordered by this House on the 4th day of May 1876, a return, from so remote a period as it can be obtained up to the year 1696, of the surnames, christian names, and titles of all Members of the Lower House of Parliament of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the name of the constituency represented, and the date of return of each' - complete in 2 volumes
261845: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The history and proceedings of the House of Commons from the restoration to the present time. ... Together with a large appendix, ... Vol. XI
261841: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The History and proceedings of the House of Commons : from the Restoration to the present time : containing the most remarkable motions, speeches, resolves, reports and conferences to be met with in that interval - Vol. 2. 1680-1695
261843: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The history and proceedings of the House of Commons of England : With the speeches, debates, and conferences, ... from the year 1660 - v. 1
261844: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The history and proceedings of the House of Commons from the restoration to the present time. ... Together with a large appendix, ... Vol. IV
261310: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - First report of the commissioners appointed for inquiring into the duties, salaries and emoluments, of the several officers, clerks, and ministers of justice, of the courts in Scotland: presented to the House of Commons, pursuant to the commands of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. Court of Session
261312: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Juries (Scotland.) Report of the commissioners appointed by His Majesty's warrant of the 19th day of August 1826, for inquiring into the forms of proceeding in trials of civil causes by jury in Scotland ; dated 9th day of March 1827: together with an appendix of minutes of evidence, &c
260841: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report from the Select Committee on the Act for the Regulation of Mills and Factories
260842: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - A bill as amended by the committee to amend the laws respecting letters patent for inventions
259776: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Mines and quarries: general report, with statistics, for 1913. By the Chief inspector of mines. Part I.--Divisional statistics
259777: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Mines and quarries. Reports of W. Walker, H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Scotland Division (no. 1), to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department, under the coal mines acts, the metalliferous mines acts, and the quarries act
259779: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Supplementary report of the commissioners appointed for inquiring into the duties, salaries, fees and emoluments, of the several officers, clerks, and ministers of justice, of the courts in Scotland : charges of agents or law practitioners before the inferior courts : twelfth report.
259762: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Mines and quarries: general report, with statistics, for 1913. By the chief inspector of mines. Part III - Output
259765: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Mines and quarries: general report, with statistics, for 1913. By the Chief inspector of mines. Part I.--Divisional statistics
244180: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report: State of Agriculture (England and Wales): ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed 30 June 1837
215811: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Papers relating to piracy in the Adriatic
243759: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - Standing Orders of the House of Commons 1951
243244: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - 32: Part VI: Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities (Dated 30th June 1837)
243243: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - 32: Part IV: Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities (Dated 30th June 1837)
243241: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - 27: Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities (Dated 10 July 1833)
261847: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The history and proceedings of the House of Commons from the restoration to the present time. ... Together with a large appendix, ... Vol. III
243208: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - 6. Further: Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities (Dated 30th June 1821)
261846: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The history and proceedings of the House of Commons from the restoration to the present time. ... Together with a large appendix, ... Vol. XII
243242: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - 32: Part V: Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities (Dated 30th June 1837)
187346: MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - Thoughts on our foreign relations
243209: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - First Report from the Select Committee on Sugar and Coffee Planting: together with the minutes of evidence and appendix
217142: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report of the Committee on Horticultural Marketing. Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food . . .
226852: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Miscellaneous. No. 4 (1907). Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Sleeping Sickness, held at London in June 1907
263301: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Debate on the first reading of the Protection of Life (Ireland) Bill. (March 31, 1846.) By R. Dillon Browne, M.P
280982: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Correspondence respecting the foreign refugees in London & Further correspondence respecting the foreign refugees in London
215815: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Memorandum on the law relating to truck, with appendix of statutes and decided cases, and on the checkweighing clauses in the coal mines regulation acts, with appendix of decided cases
215816: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports of J. B. Atkinson, H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Newcastle District (No. 2), to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department... ...under the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1908, the Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, 1872 and 1875, and the Quarries Act, 1894. For the Year 1911
215817: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports of John Gerrard, H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Manchester and Ireland District (No. 6), to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department... ...under the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1896, the Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, 1872 and 1875, and the Quarries Act, 1894. For the Year 1909
215818: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports of John Gerrard, H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Manchester and Ireland District (No. 4A), to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department... ...under the Coal Mines Acts, the Metalliferous Mines Acts, the Quarries Act. For the Year 1913
215819: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports of Henry Hall, I.S.O., H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Liverpool and North Wales District (No. 7), to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department... ...under the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1896, the Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, 1872 and 1875, the Quarries Act, 1894. For the Year 1909
215820: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports of J. R. R. Wilson, H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Liverpool and North Wales District (No. 6), to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department... ...under the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1908, the Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, 1872 and 1875, the Quarries Act, 1894. For the Year 1912
215821: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the law relating to compensation for injuries to workmen, vol 1 : report and appendices
216155: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Eighteenth report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence
216153: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Thirteenth report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
216152: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Twelfth report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
216151: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Tenth report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
216149: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Seventh report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
216150: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Eighth report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
216147: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Second report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
216148: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Sixth report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
216145: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Fourteenth report of the inspectors general on the general state of the prisons of Ireland : 1836
215812: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Part VI. Correspondence relating to the affairs of Italy, Savoy, and Switzerland
215504: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Army Medical Department report for the year 1892. Volume XXXIV
249734: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports from Committees of the House of Commons: reprinted by order of the House: Vol. XII: Finance Reports: I. --to--XXII (1797-1798)
259721: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on Local Taxation. Final report of His Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of local taxation. England and Wales
259723: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Mines and quarries : general report and statistics for 1907. Part I.--District statistics. Statistics of the persons employed, output, and accidents at mines and quarries in the United Kingdom, arranged according to the inspection districts
259724: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Mines and quarries : general report with statistics for 1912. By the chief inspector of mines. Part IV.--Colonial and foreign statistics. Statistics relating to persons employed, output, and accidents at mines and quarries in the British colonies and in foreign countries
279653: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - The Electricity Council Reports / North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board Reports / South of Scotland Electricity Board Reports / Central Electricity Generating Board: 20 reports
193823: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Repeal of the Union : report of the debate in the House of Commons on Mr. O'Connell's motion, and the proceedings in the House of Lords, on Earl Grey's motion for concurring in the address of the Commons, April, 1834.
216146: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Fifth report from Select Committee on the Poor Law Amendment Act; with the minutes of evidence
183570: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - First Report of the Joint Select Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on Consolidation Bills, being a report on the Poor Law Bill together with appendices
171931: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Appendix volume VII. Minutes of evidence (111th to 122nd days)
171935: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report from the select Committee on Poor Law (Scotland) ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix
171937: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - First reportof the Departmental Committee appointed by thePresident of the Local Government Board with respect to the Poor Law Orders
245211: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports from Committees of the House of Commons: reprinted by order of the House: Vol. XII: Finance Reports: I. --to--XXII (1797-1798)
244274: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports from the Secret Committee on the expediency of the Bank resuming cash payments [communicated by the commons to the Lords]
171932: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Appendix volume IA. Appendices to minutes of evidence (1st to 34th days) being mainly the evidence of Local Government for England and Wales
171933: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Appendix volume III. Minutes of evidence (49th to 71st days) being mainly the evidence of critics of the Poor Law...
280622: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Eighth report from the Select Committee on National Expenditure. Session 1943-44 being the eighty-seventh report in the series of reports from the select committees on national expenditure originally set up in session 1939-1940. The chemical controls
261842: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons of Great Britain; with Speeches and Debates in that House, from the death of Queen Anne (to the dissolution of the eighth Parliament in 1741) ... To which is added, an appendix, etc - v. 3
171934: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Report on Ireland ; presented to both houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty
262317: THE BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report from the Select Committee on Bonded Corn; together with the minutes of evidence taken before them, and an appendix, and index: ordered by The House of Commons, to be printed, 10 July 1840
261848: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The history and proceedings of the House of Commons from the restoration to the present time. ... Together with a large appendix, ... Vol. X
172584: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Finance and revenue accounts of the government of India, for the year 1916-17
172697: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report from the select committee on the health of towns. : Together with the minutes of evidence taken before them, and an appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 17 June, 1840
186164: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Fourteenth report of the Poor Law Commissioners; with appendices
171924: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Appendix volume II A. Index to minutes of evidence (35th to 48th days) being mainly the evidence of London Witnesses with appendix
171938: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded. Reports of the Medical Investigators with Memorandum Thereon ; Volume VI
170053: GREAT BRITAIN PARLIAMENT HOUSE OF COMMONS - 22. Further report of the commissioners for inquiring concerning charities
166673: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Turnpike Trusts. an Abstract of the General Statements of the Income and Expenditure of the Several Turnpike Trusts in Scotland : between the Term of Whitsunday 1853 and the Term of Whitsunday 1854
168787: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Minutes of the evidence taken before a Committee of the House of Commons, ... appointed to consider of the several articles of Charge ... against Warren Hastings, ... [ Proceedings. 1786-05-03. ]
170194: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Miscellaneous. No. 10 (1915). Collected diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of his majesty. May 1915.
192219: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the proceedings of the Seventh International Penitentiary Congress held at Buda-Pesth by Sir. E. Ruggles-Brise, K.C.B., chairman of the Prison Commission for England and Wales . . .
191619: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Further report of the commissioners for inquiring concerning charities (Dated 30th June 1837)
171936: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - First Annual Report of the Board of Supervision for the Relief of the Poor in Scotland
195861: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - 26. Further report of the commissioners appointed in pursuance of an act of Parliament, made and passed in the 1st and 2nd years of His Present Majesty, c. 34, intituled, 'an act for appointing commissioners to continue the inquiries concerning... ...charities in England and Wales for two years, and from thence to the end of the then next session of Parliament.'
196062: COMMONS, JOHN R. (JOHN ROGERS), (1862-1945) - History of labour in the United States
196079: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - Reports from Poor Law inspectors on agricultural statistics. (England) 1854
244181: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS - Poor Law Commission: Appendix to Report. (B.1.): Answers to Rural Queries: Part V
204765: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - 19. Further report of the commissioners for inquiring concerning charities
204766: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - 11. Further report of the commissioners appointed in pursuance of two several acts of Parliament...
262159: GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS - The history and proceedings of the House of Commons from the restoration to the present time. ... Together with a large appendix, ... Vol. IX
191615: MASSACHUSETTS. SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH - Instructions of the secretary of state to town and city clerks, registrars, and others, relating to the registration of births, marriages, and deaths : embracing the laws of the commonwealth on the subject
203460: MUSEE COMMUNAL (BRUSSELS) - Rogier van der Weyden = Rogier de le Pasture : officiele schilder van de Stad Brussel, portretschilder aan het Hof van Bourgondie, 6 oktober-18 november 1979, Stedelijk Museum van Brussel. Language: Dutch
157758: SBC COMMUNICATIONS - American images : the SBC Collection of twentieth-century American art / foreword, Edward Whitacre ; preface by Laura Carey Martin ; introduction by Walter Hopps ; essays, Betsy Fahlman ... et al. ; afterword, Peter Marzio
270298: STARLOG COMMUNICATIONS - Screen Greats: Hollywood Nostalgia
203665: FLOOR DE GRAAF; JøRGEN WADUM; RIEKE VAN LEEUWEN; KIST KILIAN COMMUNICATIONS (AMSTERDAM) (ET AL) - Een dansfestijn doorgrond : technisch en kunsthistorisch onderzoek naar een Vlaams schilderij : Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis tentoonstelling, 11 december 1992-14 maart 1993 [Language: Dutch]
263251: BPI COMMUNICATIONS - American film - Journal of the film and television arts - April 1977
243956: CAHIERS DU COMMUNISME - XVIe Congres du Parti Communiste Francais: Saint-Denis, 11-14 Mai 1961: Rapports, Interventions et Documents
216037: COMMUNIST INFORMATION BUREAU. CONFERENCE, HUNGARY, 1949 - Working class unity for peace : reports by M. Suslov, Palmiro Togliatti, and Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej and resolutions adopted by the November 1949 meeting of the Communist Information Bureau
215051: THE COMMUNIST - The Palestine question
39757: COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. 1ST CONGRESS, MOSCOW, 1919. LENIN, VLADIMIR ILICH (1870-1924) - Der I. Und II. Kongress Der Kommunistischen Internationale; Dokumente Der Kongresse Und Reden W. I. Lenins. Hrsg. Vom Institut Für Marxismus-Leninismus Beim Zentalkomitee Der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands
167825: COMMUNIST INFORMATION BUREAU. CONFERENCE, HUNGARY, 1949 - Meeting of the Information Bureau of Communist Parties in Hungary in the latter half of November
176561: COMMUNIST PARTY, GREAT BRITAIN - 27th Communist Party congress report : St. Pancras Town Hall, London, Easter 1961
210301: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. MINC, HILARY - On people's democracy in Eastern Europe and China : a selection of articles and speeches
211974: COMMUNIST PARTY, LONDON DISTRICT COMMITTEE - United we stand : 100 years of struggle in the docks
164937: SOVIET REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNISTS - Programmatic Proclamation of the Soviet Revolutionary Communists (Bolsheviks)
172487: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - The European Community and nuclear safety
260650: COMMYNES, PHILIPPE DE - The memoirs of Philip de Commines, Lord of Argenton : containing the histories of Louis XI and Charles VIII, Kings of France, and of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, to which is added The scandalous chronicle or secret history of Louis XI
148272: COMORERA, JUAN - La Tragica Ignorancia Espanola. Estudio Del Cuerpo Y Del Espiritu De Nuestro Pueblo...
271188: BREIDENBACH & COMP - Deutsches Künstler-Album : mit Beiträgen lebender Künstler und Dichter / [Vol. IV]
76952: [ECTON, JOHN] (D 1730) COMP. BACON, JOHN (1738-1816) - Liber Regis: Vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum ... with an Appendix, Containing Proper Directions and Precedents Relating to Presentations, Institutions, Inductions, Dispensations, & C. and a Complete Alphabetical Index
40877: [CONANT, ALBERT FRANCIS] (1863-1923) COMP. EDDY, MARY BAKER (1821-1910) AND CONANT, ALBERT FRANCIS (1863-1923) (COMP. ) - A Complete Concordance to the Writings of Mary Baker Eddy Other Than Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Together with an Index to the Chapter Sub-Title, Headings, and Titles of the Poems, ... . .. and an Index to the Scriptural Quotations Contained in These Writings As Finally Revised and Arranged by Their Author, Mary Baker Eddy
46675: [RANDOLPH, ANSON DAVIES FITZ] (1820-1896) COMP. - The Changed Cross, and Other Religious Poems
275891: COMPAGNON, JEAN - The Normandy landings / Jean Compagnon; photographs: Herve Champollion and French Air Force; translated by Paul Williams
262001: FRED. L. TOWER COMPANIES - Maine register state year-book and legislative manual, no. 59
241634: THE ANTIQUERS COMPANION - The Antiquers Companion. Being a compendium of useful information pertaining to furniture, glass, chinaware and metals. To which is annexed a guide to refinishing, repairing, and cleaning of antique furniture and smallwares. With appropriate formulae for the preservation and protection of valuable antiquities
279581: JAPANESE COOKING COMPANIONS - Practical Japanese cooking
248896: DILLON PRINTING & PUBLISHING COMPANY - Holyoke old and new : a chronological history together with an account of the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the incorporation of Holyoke, Massachusetts as a city : 1873-1923
248894: STATE STREET TRUST COMPANY (BOSTON, MASS) - Towns of New England and old England, Ireland and Scotland : connecting links between cities and towns of New England and those of the same name in England, Ireland and Scotland ...also much matter pertaining to the founders and settlers of New England and to their memorials on both sides of the Atlantic - Volume 2
66155: JANE'S PUBLISHING COMPANY - Jane's Urban Transport Systems 1983 : Second Edition / Edited by Chris Bushell and Peter Stonham
66158: JANE'S PUBLISHING COMPANY - Jane's Freight Containers 1983 : Fifteenth Edition / Edited by Patrick Finlay
57068: CHERYL CURRID & COMPANY - The Reengineering Toolkit : 15 Tools and Technologies for Reengineering Your Organization / Cheryl Currid & Company ; [Cheryl Currid]
55076: THE DISNEY COMPANY - Disney's Adventure Guide to California / a Fodor Travel Book
53613: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY - The Kodak Book of Practical 35mm Photography
45263: RAND MCNALLY AND COMPANY - Our Magnificent Earth : a Rand McNally Atlas of Earth Resources - [Uniform Title: Mitchell Beazley Atlas of Earth Resources]
277099: A. L. BURT COMPANY - The Sleeping Beauty and Other Stories (including 'Unselfish Sambo')
268667: AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY - Sold American! : the first fifty years
261149: TALYLLYN RAILWAY COMPANY - The Talyllyn Railway Company steaming through 100, 1865-1965
258103: LOVELL BROTHERS COMPANY - The memorial war book - Historical war series Vol. 1 No. 8 May 28 1894
246934: GALE RESEARCH COMPANY - Who was who among North American authors, 1921-1939
242030: THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Disney's Pocahontas: Meet the Characters
262508: HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY - Papaya recipes
221235: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Disney's Beauty and the beast : play set
219726: COATES BROTHERS & COMPANY - A history of Coates Brothers & Company Limited, 1877-1977
173490: AMERICAN HERITAGE PUBLISHING COMPANY - The American heritage century collection of Civil War art / editor: Stephen W. Sears ; foreword: Bruce Catton.
227443: HOULDER BROTHERS AND COMPANY - Sea Hazard, (1939-1945) : a record of the engagements between enemy submarines, aircraft, etc., and the ships under the management of Houlder Brothers and Company limited
187141: BRITISH PETROLEUM COMPANY - Our industry : an introduction to the petroleum industry for the use of members of the company's staff
124371: THE TEXAS COMPANY [TEXACO] - Lubrication, a Technical Publication Devoted to the Selection and Use of Lubricants. Vol. 44, 1958
124373: THE TEXAS COMPANY [TEXACO] - Lubrication, a Technical Publication Devoted to the Selection and Use of Lubricants. Vol. 45, 1959
116888: THE LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY - Lessons in Arc Welding
280405: CHICAGO CITY OPERA COMPANY - Chicago City Opera Company : [program] - Season 1940
280908: TRUTH PUBLISHING COMPANY - The Daily Stunt (Supplement to Truth Christmas Number) No. 1 Mon Dec 25th 1935
279351: WORLD SYNDICATE COMPANY - Popular Webster dictionary, self-pronouncing
201735: H.M. GOUSHA COMPANY - Vancouver and Victoria : streets and vicinity maps
250603: EDINBURGH GATEWAY COMPANY - The twelve seasons of the Edinburgh Gateway Company, 1953-1965
100525: L. H. NELSON COMPANY - The Delaware Water Gap and Vicinity
214641: CENTURY COMPANY (NEW YORK) - Century illustrated monthly magazine : May 1887 to October 1887. Volume 34, new series, vol. 12
215302: INTERNATIONAL WORKERS' RELIEF FOR SOVIET RUSSIA INDUSTRIAL AND TRADING COMPANY - Renewal certificate for bond no. 250205 : Berlin, October 1922 ... with 10 interest coupons
249847: GIN & COMPANY - The New-England Primer: enlarged: O, and early and pleasant guide to the art of reading, adorn'd with cuts: to which are added, the assembly of the divines and Mr. Cotton's Catechism, &c
249845: GIN & COMPANY - The New-England Primer: enlarged: O, and early and pleasant guide to the art of reading, adorn'd with cuts: to which are added, the assembly of the divines and Mr. Cotton's Catechism, &c
52681: CHAMPION DECAL COMPANY - Freight Car Lettering Plan Book for Model Railroaders - Book Number 2 - [Over 600 Authentic Freight Car Plans]
279565: GENERAL BAKING COMPANY - Bond bread cook book
185562: SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY (OHIO ; NEW YORK) - Little Lord Fauntleroy / illustrations from the David O. Selznick production of the same name
184654: TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY - Southern Africa : seven articles and a leading article reprinted from The Times
124366: THE TEXAS COMPANY [TEXACO] - Lubrication, a Technical Publication Devoted to the Selection and Use of Lubricants. Vol. 40, 1954
270833: NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY - The New Zealand Shipping Company's pocket book : an interesting guide for passengers by the Company's steamers, and containing information of general interest to all travellers to the Dominion / with sixteen full-page illustrations in colour, six reproductions from photographs, two maps, and two plates of flags
221951: FOX & COMPANY [PUBLISHER] - The Cuisine, containing household cooking recipes / prepared under the supervision of an eminent caterer. [2nd editon, 1872]
263372: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1906
263373: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index 1899
262310: RAND MCNALLY & COMPANY - The Globe Handbook and pronouncing index: for use with Rand McNally indexed World Globes
137272: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY - The MacMillan Company
132982: NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY - A Descriptive and Pictorial Review of the Luncheon and Reception Given by the National Biscuit Company in Celebration of the Completion of its New Bakery, on Saturday, the Ninth of September, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eleven, ... . ..at its New Buildings, Central Street and Milwaukee Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri
123525: L. C. PAGE & COMPANY - Chatterbox for 1928
116523: THE WHITE MOTOR COMPANY - Service Parts Book. White Six Cylinder Truck Chassis. Model 700K
116519: THE WHITE MOTOR COMPANY - Service Parts Book. White Six Cylinder. Truck Chassis. Models 640 - 641 - 642 - 643
116515: THE WHITE MOTOR COMPANY - Service Parts Book. White Six Cylinder Bus Chassis, Model 54A Airstream with 580 Engine. 5AG Engine W/ Air Brakes
116513: WHITE MOTOR COMPANY - Service Parts Book. White Six Cylinder Truck Chassis. Model 722 Diesel
109743: MCGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY - The McGraw-Hill Author's Book; Details of Manuscript Preparation and Book Production, ...
90439: UNBREAKABLE PULLEY COMPANY - A Treatise on the Economical Transmission of Power. with an Appendix Containing Full Dimensions and Prices of the Article Described Therein
87932: MILLINE PUBLISHING COMPANY - Best National Advertising of the Year: Volume 1 - 1948 - 1949
86036: VAN DEAN COMPANY (INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ) - The Van Dean Manual; Professional Training for Beauticians - [Uniform Title: Van Dean System of Beauty Culture. ]
85535: WAKO COMPANY [GINZA, TOKYO] - Ginza Wako No Windo Disupurei: New Concepts in Window Display : Ginza Wako
78860: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY - A Way to Do it Better ...; a Report on Applications of Photographic and Related Energy-Sensitive Processes by Three Leading Industrial Organizations
77539: GENERAL DRAFTING COMPANY - Of Maps and Mapping - [Notes: Published in Honor of the Company's Fiftieth Anniversary]
75802: STATE STREET TRUST COMPANY - The Log of the State Street Trust Company : Containing a Description of its Colonial Banking Rooms, its Ship Models, Quaint Furnishings, Rare Prints of Ships, and Views of Boston and Other New England Towns, Including a Story of the 'Lamp Shade Fleet'....
75800: STATE STREET TRUST COMPANY (BOSTON, MASS. ). WALTON ADVERTISING AND PRINTING COMPANY - Forty of Boston's Historic Houses : a Brief Illustrated Description of the Residences of Historic Characters of Boston Who Have Lived in or Near the Business Section
73864: W. B. CONKEY COMPANY - What a Business Man Should Know about Printing and Bookmaking : a Book for Ready Reference
70991: SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY - Bedtime Story Book. Illustrated
70728: THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY - Showboat - Coloring Book
67307: THOMAS TODD COMPANY - Specimen Pages of Linotype Composition, Prepared and Printed in Office of Thomas Todd Company, Boston, Massachusetts
65762: NORTH AMERICAN ALMANAC COMPANY - The North American Almanac 1930
60336: W. MORROW & COMPANY - Morrow's Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1929 (Burton Rascoe, Philom. )
55471: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY - Linotype Parts and Supplies. Catalog No. 30 - for Models 8, 14, 25, 26
54047: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 4 Color Stills from the Film 'southern Comfort'
54046: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 8 Color Stills from the Film 'paternity'
54045: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 8 Color Stills from the Film 'take This Job and Shove It'
54043: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 8 Color Stills from the Film 'nobody's Perfekt'
54041: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 8 Color Stills from the Film 'Raggedy Man'
54039: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 8 Color Stills from the Film 'first Monday in October'
54038: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 7 Color Stills from the Film 'looker'
54037: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 8 Color Stills from the Film 'under the Rainbow'
54036: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Collection of 8 Color Stills from the Film 'happy Birthday to Me'
53871: WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Promotional Printed Envelope of 9 Color Stills from the Film 'the Watcher in the Woods'
52817: ANTIQUE BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY - The Antique Bulletin - Vol. 4, No. 6. June, 1930 - a Bulletin of Rarities
52816: ANTIQUE BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY - The Antique Bulletin - Vol. 4, No. 7. July, 1930
116229: GILMAN COLLAMORE & COMPANY - China and Pottery Marks
150581: EUROPEAN GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY - Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) and Oil Production in Hungary
99089: EDGE MOOR IRON COMPANY [DELAWARE] - The Edge Moor Water Tube Boiler ... [General Catalog Number 63]
84812: A. W. SHAW COMPANY - How to Run a Store At a Profit; Figuring Expenses and Mark-Up--Counter and Window Displays--How a Retailer Increased Business 400 in Fourteen Months--Short Cuts in Handling Trade--Larger Net Profits--Training Your Men to Sell..
77080: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY - Kodak Films : Color & Black-And-White
145954: SAMUEL LOWE COMPANY - Safety is Fun!
71359: M. A. DONOHUE & COMPANY - Stories for Little Men
263364: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1909
262126: VIRTUE AND COMPANY - Virtue's household physician : a twentieth century medica / Herbert Buffum ... [et al.] - 5 volumes
204183: TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY - Strike nights in Printing House Square : an episode in the history of The Times
280403: CHICAGO CITY OPERA COMPANY - Chicago City Opera Company : [program] - Season 1937-1938
200667: THE S. A. RENOUF ADVERTISING COMPANY (TORONTO) - The 1956 map and street guide of Hamilton metropolitan area including Burlington, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Ancaster
217117: BOOKMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY - The Bookman September 1929. vol. lxx: No. 1
280429: COSMOS PICTURES COMPANY - Fifty Famous Madonnas: choice reproductions of the paintings of famous artists of many nations
184323: THE NEW ROSARIO SILVER MINING COMPANY [LONDON] - The New Rosario Silver Mining Company, Limited : Prospectus
182550: SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY (OHIO ; NEW YORK) - Little Lord Fauntleroy / illustrations from the David O. Selznick production of the same name
36016: JACOB WIRTH COMPANY - A Seidel for Jake Wirth
40410: R. R. BOWKER COMPANY - Private Book Collectors in the United States and Canada
182547: WHITMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY (WISCONSIN, U.S.) - The last days of Pompeii / adapted from the Merian C. Cooper production ; An RKO radio picture
227283: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY - X - Ray Studies
263374: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index 1902
263375: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index 1911
168690: PROVIDENCE JOURNAL COMPANY - Half a century with the Providence journal; being a record of the events and associated connected with the past fifty years of life of Henry R. Davis, secretary of the company. Comp. and issued by the Journal Company
263365: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1912
263366: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1907
263357: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1910
263359: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1905
263360: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1900
263361: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1897
279505: METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - The Metropolitan Life cook book
68078: GENERAL DRAFTING COMPANY - Alberta and British Columbia [Prepared For] Imperial Oil Limited (2 Sided Colored Road Map)
239164: THE SPOOL COTTON COMPANY - Smart Bags: crochet your own hats-bags. Book No. 209
239181: ABBOTT'S MAGIC NOVELTY COMPANY - Catalogue No. 13
239347: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY - The apprentice system of the General Electric Company, West Lynn, Mass., 1919
239383: RENE LARSEN PHOTOGRAPHY. MACCO REALTY COMPANY - The Porter Ranch Park dedication by Macco Realty Company to the City of Los Angeles, Friday, February 18, 1966
239529: HALE FIRE PUMP COMPANY - Operating - Maintenance Manual and Replacement Parts List. Haly Type CFD Fire Fighter pumper Trailer (Spec. - 16S43331). Contract No. DA-36-109-ENG.-902. Budocks Requisition No. AE-112-51
239479: PERUNA COMPANY - Peruna: the hope of all nations. Facts and Faces
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