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Click on booknumber for full information
239618: MONOTYPE COMPOSITION COMPANY - Specimen book of type faces
239656: HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY - Spring Books 1940
239663: BOOK SUPPLY COMPANY - 1920 Illustrated catalogue of books
240028: CEMENT MARKETING COMPANY - Everyday uses of Portland cement
224915: WHITBREAD AND COMPANY - Whitbread's brewery : incorporating The brewer's art
152702: BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY - Needle and Brush - Useful and Decorative
176124: SUEZ CANAL COMPANY - The suez canal company and the decision taken by the egyptian government on 26th July 1956 (26th July-15th September)
175247: CASSELL AND COMPANY - The Belle Sauvage Provident, Emergency and Pension Funds : statement of Cassell and Company, Limited, to the persons employed in their establishment, La Belle Sauvage and Fleet Lane, London, E.C
191492: THAYER MAGICAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY (LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA) - Illusion steps [and] Aerial flight [magic tricks]
182466: WHITMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY - Pole-to-Pole Flight
20975: NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY - The Dawns of Tradition
129789: LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY - Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding, Design and Practice
145547: OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY - New England Old and New
145613: A. WITTEMANN. ALBERTYPE COMPANY - Souvenir of Buffalo; Photo-Gravures
152863: WALWORTH MANUFACTURING COMPANY (BOSTON, MASS. ) - Valves, Fittings and Tools, Wrought Pipe and Supplies for Steam Water, Gas and Oil - [Original Manufacturer's Catalogue]
157726: THE CROCKER COMPANY - Official Guide Book, Golden Gate International Exposition on San Francisco Bay
159481: LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY - Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding, Design and Practice
263376: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index 1903
43673: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY - General Electric Company Transistor Manual
44959: UNION-CASTLE MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY - Year Book & Guide to East Africa 1950
263358: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING COMPANY - Municipal engineering index January-June 1908
68645: POWERLINE TACKLE COMPANY - The Powerline Manual - How to Catch Fish with Powerline
68769: MILITARY SERVICE PUBLISHING COMPANY - The Officer's Guide; a Ready Reference on Customs and Correct Procedures Which Pertain to Commissioned Officers of the Army of the United States - [Related Titles: Infantry Journal]
76713: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY - How to Make Good Pictures; a Guide for the Amateur Photographer
81523: MELLIN'S FOOD COMPANY - The Mellin's Food Method of Percentage Feeding
86404: SCOVILL MANUFACTURING COMPANY - The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1895
63857: THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Walt Disney Pictures Presents the Great Mouse Detective
196490: NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY - The newspaper : its making and its meaning
198740: ASAHI MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (TOKYO, JAPAN) - Eighty Years of Asahi Life 1888-1968 [Language: Japanese]
207539: LITTLEBURY & COMPANY (PUBLISHER) - Man in society
179286: COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL LAW PROJECT, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY - The Turkish criminal code ; with an introduction by Dr. Nevzat Gurelli
166956: UNIVERSITE DE PARIS. INSTITUT DE DROIT COMPARE - Suspended sentence / presented by the Department of Criminal Science of the Institute of Comparative Law, University of Paris, under the direction of Marc Ancel to the Cambridge Institute of Criminology. Translated from the French MS by Judith Chambers
210477: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES. COMMISSION FOR THE HISTORY OF STATE ASSEMBLIES. SECTION FRANCAISE. FACULTE DE DROIT ET DES SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES DE PARIS. CENTRE INTERNATIONAL D'ETUDES D'HISTOIRE COMPAREE - Etudes sur l'histoire des assemblees d'etats / publication de la Section francaise de la Commission internationale pour l'histoire des assemblees d'etats et du Centre international d'etudes d'histoire ...comparee du droit de la Faculte de droit et des sciences economiques de Paris
188309: COMPATRIOTS' CLUB (GREAT BRITAIN) - Compatriots' club lectures : first series / edited by the Committee of the compatriots' club
167458: A.-N. LEBEGUE ET COMPE - Abolition Du Remplacement Militaire
237093: COMPÈRE, GASTON (1924-) - Maurice Maeterlinck
171881: COMPERE-MOREL, ADEODAT CONSTANT ADOLPHE - Le socialisme aux champs
163164: COMPERE-MOREL, ADEODAT CONSTANT ADOLPHE (1872-1941). LONGUET, JEAN - Encyclopedie Socialiste, Syndicale Et Cooperative De L'Internationale Ouvriere / Publiee Sous La Direction Technique De Compere-Morel ; Avec La Collaboration De Bracke... [Et Al. ] ; Directeur-Propagateur Jean-Lorris
127023: COMPERE-MOREL, ADEODAT CONSTANT ADOLPHE (1872-1941) - Jules Guesde; Le Socialisme Fait Homme, 1845-1922
169030: COMPERE-MOREL, ADEODAT CONSTANT ADOLPHE (1872-1941). LONGUET, JEAN - Encyclopedie Socialiste, Syndicale Et Cooperative De L'Internationale Ouvriere / Publiee Sous La Direction Technique De Compere-Morel ; Avec La Collaboration De Bracke... [Et Al. ] ; Directeur-Propagateur Jean-Lorris
79460: COMPERE, TOM, ED. - The Navy Blue Book : Volume I
30632: NATHAN BURKAN MEMORIAL COMPETITION - Copyright Law Symposium : Number Twenty-Three - Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition, Sponsored by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
258726: MULTIPLE COMPOSERS - Musica Hungarica: klavierstucke Ungarischer Komponisten: piano pieces of Hungarian Composers
90586: COMPTON, JAMES V. (1928-) - The Swastika and the Eagle: Hitler, the United States, and the Origins of the Second World War
80320: COMPTON-HALL, RICHARD - Submarine Boats : the Beginnings of Underwater Warfare
29001: COMPTON, SUSAN P. - The World Backwards - Russian Futurist Books 1912-16
276370: COMPTON, DENIS CHARLES SCOTT - Playing for England
264622: COMPTON, DENIS (1918-1997) - Denis Compton's Annual. 1957
252782: COMPTON, R. H. [ED] - Our South African flora / edited by R.H. Compton, M.A. (Cantab.), F.R.S.S.Af., Hon. F.R.H.S., Director of the National Botanic Gardens, Kirstenbosch, Cape Town = Ons Suid-Afrikaanse plantgroen
247928: COMPTON, SUSAN P. RUDIN, BO. WIRBERG, AGNETA - Domarsumpen : målare & poeter i rysk bokkonst, 1910-30 / Susan P. Compton ; översättning av Bo Rudin och Agneta Wirberg
240187: COMPTON, SUSAN, EDITOR; ADES, DAWN; BRITISH ART IN THE 20TH CENTURY: THE MODERN MOVEMENT (EXHIBITION) (1987 : LONDON) - British art in the 20th century : the modern movement / edited by Susan Compton ; with contributions by Dawn Ades ... [et al.]
224378: COMPTON-RICKETT, ARTHUR - The London life of yesterday
19843: COMPTON, JAMES V. (1928-) - The Swastika and the Eagle : Hitler, the United States, and the Origins of the Second World War
167186: COMPTON, JAMES V. (1928-) - The Swastika and the Eagle : Hitler, the United States, and the origins of the Second World War
256904: COMPTON, SUSAN - British art in the 20th century : the modern movement / edited by Susan Compton ; with contributions by Dawn Ades ... [et al.]
257224: COMPTON, SUSAN - Chagall : [catalogue of an exhibition] / Susan Compton
23310: COMPTON, WILSON - The Organisation of the Lumber Industry with Special Reference to the Influences Determining the Prices of Lumber in the United States
138750: COMPTON-BURNETT, IVY (1884-1969) - Daughters and Sons
196582: COMPTON, HENRY - How things are made: Newspapers
212046: COMPTON, DENIS (1918-1997) - Denis Compton's annual, 1952
212075: COMPTON, DENIS (1918-1997) - Dennis Compton's Annual 1957
212076: COMPTON, DENIS (1918-1997) - Denis Compton's annual, 1954
249778: COMRIE, JOHN DIXON - History of Scottish Medicine to 1860. [With illustrations.]
261558: COMSTOCK, JOHN LEE - A system of natural philosophy
272392: COMSTOCK, ENOS B. (ENOS BENJAMIN) (1879-1945) - Tuck-me-in stories / written and illustrated by Enos B. Comstock
70248: COMSTOCK, HARRIET T. (1860–1925) - Out of the Clay
29901: COMSTOCK, DANIEL F. AND TROLAND, LEONARD T. - The Nature of Matter and Electricity - an Outline of Modern Views
191404: COMSTOCK - Comstock : an introduction guide to stock photography
14627: COMSTOCK, ANTHONY (1844-1915). BREMNER, ROBERT HAMLETT (1917-) (EDITOR) - Traps for the Young
195538: COMSTOCK, ALZADA (1888-1960) - Taxation in the modern state
247582: COMTE-SPONVILLE, ANDRÉ - The little book of philosophy / André Comte-Sponville ; translated from the French by Frank Wynne
257140: COMTE, CHARLES (1782-1837). DUNOYER, CHARLES (1786-1862) - Le Censeur : ou, Examen des actes et des ouvrages qui tendent àdétruire ou àconsolider la constitution de l'état / par mm. Comte et Dunoyer
279950: COMTE, AUGUSTE (1798-1857) - A general view of positivism
245555: ESTRADES COMTE D' (1607-1686) - Lettres, memoires et negociations de monsieur le comte d'Estrades, tant en qualite d'ambassadeur de S.M.T.C. en Italie, en Angleterre, & en Hollande, que comme ambassadeur plenipotentiaire a la paix de Nimegue: tome troisieme
170039: COMTE, AUGUSTE (1798-1857) - Passages from the letters of Auguste Comte / selected and translated by John K. Ingram
59237: COMTE, AUGUSTE - Republic of the West Order and Progress : a General View of Positivism Or, Summary Exposition of the System of Thought and Life / Auguste Comte. Translated by J. H. Bridges
46417: COMTE, AUGUSTE (1798-1857) - The Philosophy of Mathematics; Tr. from the Cours De Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte, by W. M. Gillespie ...
144460: VLOEBERGHS CH. CORNET D'ELZIUS DU CHENOY JOHN COMTE - Bruxelles Charitable Suivi De Quelques Ouvres Sociales
262329: SAINTE-AULAIRE COMTE DE (LOUIS CLAIR DE BEAUPOIL) (1778-1854) - Histoire de la Fronde / par M. le comte de Sainte-Aulaire - vols. 2 & 3
33230: COMTE, ISIDORE AUGUSTE MARIE FRANCOIS XAVIER - Appeal to Conservatives ... Joint Translators T. C. Donkin, R. Congreve.
281004: COMTE, AUGUSTE (1798-1857) - A general view of positivism / translated from the French of Auguste Comte by J. H. Bridges
197777: COMTE, AUGUSTE. CONGREVE, RICHARD - Positivist tables / revised and enlarged from the third edition of R. Congreve
272909: SÉVIGNÉ MADAME LA MARQUISE DE. GRIGNAN MADAME LA COMTESSE DE - Recueil des lettres : de Madame la Marquise de Sévigné à Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille: in seven volumes
269241: COMTESSE DE, MARGUERITE GARDINER BLESSINGTON - The Keepsake 1845 with beautifully finished engravings, from drawings by the first artists, engraved under the superintendence of Mr. Charles Heath ; ed. by the countess of Blessington
215697: MINISTERO DELLE COMUNICAZIONI - I lavori degli organi corporativi nel primo ciclo della loro attivita
259136: COMYN, JAMES - Watching brief
259051: COMYN, JAMES - Leave to appeal : further legal memoirs
280894: ISTITUTO NAZIONALE FASCISTA PER GLI SCAMBI CON L'ESTERO - Relazione sull'attività dell'ISE. presentata al Consiglio generale nell'adunanza del 1º giugno 1935
69614: CONABLE, BARBER B. - Congress and the Income Tax
147128: CONACHER, J. B. - The Peelites and the Party System, 1846-52 [By] J. B. Conacher
177812: CONACHER, J. B. - The Peelites and the party system, 1846-52 / J.B. Conacher
194589: O CONAIRE, PADRAIC (1883-1928) - Seacht mbua an Eiri Amach / Padraic O Conaire, in eagar ag Tomas de Bhaldraithe
251695: CONAN DOYLE, ARTHUR - The Strand magazine : an illustrated monthly. Vol. XII July to December / edited by George Newnes
131807: CONAN, ARTHUR ROBERT - The Problem of Sterling
258044: CONANT, KENNETH JOHN - Carolingian and Romanesque architecture 800-1200 ; The Pelican history of art, Z13
190475: CONANT, KENNETH JOHN (1894-?) - Carolingian and romanesque architecture, 800 to 1200 / Kenneth John Conant
77199: CONANT, ALBERT FRANCIS (1863-1923) , COMP. - A Complete Concordance to the Writings of Mary Baker Eddy Other Than Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
72442: CONANT, ALBERT FRANCIS (1863-1923) - Complete Concordance to Miscellaneous Writings : Manual of the Mother Church, Christ and Christmas, Retrospection and Introspection, Unity of Good, Pulpit and Press, Rudimental Divine Science...
55938: CONANT, ALBERT FRANCIS] (1863-) (COMP. ) - A Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures...
53552: CONANT, ALBERT FRANCIS (1863-) (COMP. ) - A complete concordance to Science and health, with key to the Scriptures, together with an index to the marginal headings and a list of the Scriptural quotations contained therein
40326: CONANT, GRACE WILBUR - The Children's Year - Short and Simple Songs for Very Little Children in School and At Home
40405: CONANT, LEVI L. - Five-Place Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables
173012: CONANT, ROGER WILLIAM (1895-) - Hiking westward : being the story of two boys whose ambition led them to face privations and hardships in their quest of a home in the great West
28948: CONANT, ISABELLA FISKE - Frontier
44709: CONARD, ALFRED FLETCHER (1911-) - Studies in the Law of Easements and Licenses in Land
65405: CONASON, JOE - The Hunting of the President : the Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton / Joe Conason and Gene Lyons
159068: M'CONAUGHY, J E. - Capital for Working Boys. Chapters on Character Building
234350: O CONBHUIDHE, COLMCILLE (-1992). DONOVAN, FINBARR - Studies in Irish Cistercian history / Colmcille O Conbhuidhe ; edited by Finbarr Donovan ; and with a foreword by Roger Stalley
256455: CONCANNON, THOMAS MRS. (1878-1952) - Blessed Oliver Plunket : Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland : martyred at Tyburn, 11th July, 1681
232847: CONCANNON, THOMAS MRS. (1878-1952) - The Jesuits in Ireland
39818: CONCERNED VOTERS, INC. - Communists in the Democratic Party
192140: CONCHARD, VERMEIL DE, COLONEL - Le Marechal Brune : pendant la 1er restaurant et les Cent jours jusqu'a sa mort
122592: CONCHON, GEORGES (1925-) - The Savage State; Translated by Peter Fryer
278558: AMERICAN BRANCH OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INTERNATIONAL CONCILIATION - International conciliation. No. 147, Feb. 1920 Some Bolshevist portraits
69594: CONCORD, N. H. - The Granite Monthly: a New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 52, March 1920, Number 3
69590: CONCORD, N. H. - The Granite Monthly: a New Hampshire Magazine, Volume XX, June 1896, Number 6
69589: CONCORD, N. H. - The Granite Monthly: a New Hampshire Magazine, Volume XXVI, June 1899, Number 6
69587: CONCORD, N. H. - The Granite Monthly: a New Hampshire Magazine, Volume XIX, December 1895, Number 6
69586: CONCORD, N. H. - The Granite Monthly: a New Hampshire Magazine, Volume XX, May 1896, Number 5
69585: CONCORD, N. H. - The Granite Monthly: a New Hampshire Magazine, Volume XX, April 1896, Number 4
69584: CONCORD, N. H. - The Granite Monthly: a New Hampshire Magazine, Volume XXI, August 1896, Number 2
141232: CONDAMIN, ALBERT - Poemes De La Bible : Avec Une Introduction Sur La Strophique Hebraique / Albert Condamin
184733: CONDE, MARYSE; PHILCOX, RICHARD - Crossing the Mangrove
170706: CONDE, ROBERTO CORTES [ED.] - Latin America : a guide to economic history, 1830-1930 / Roberto Cortes Conde & Stanley J. Stein, editors ; Jirina Rybacek-Mlynkova, editorial assistant
280273: CONDÉ, NICHOLAS - The legend
158484: CONDEE, WILLIAM FARICY - Coal and Culture : Opera Houses in Appalachia / William Faricy Condee
252689: CONDER, JOSIAH (1789-1855) - The modern traveller : a popular description, geographical, historical, and topographical, of the various countries of the globe. India: in four volumes
252688: CONDER, JOSIAH (1789-1855) - The modern traveller : a popular description, geographical, historical, and topographical, of the various countries of the globe. North America: in two volumes
252687: CONDER, JOSIAH (1789-1855) - The modern traveller : a popular description, geographical, historical, and topographical, of the various countries of the globe. Brazil and Buenos Ayres: in two volumes
252686: CONDER, JOSIAH (1789-1855) - The modern traveller : a popular description, geographical, historical, and topographical, of the various countries of the globe. Spain and Portugal: vol. I
153257: CONDER, JOSIAH (1789-1855) - The Modern Traveller : a Popular Description, Geographical, Historical, and Topographical, of the Various Countries of the Globe. Africa - [Complete in 3 Volumes]
142405: CONDER, JOSIAH (1789-1855) - The modern traveller, a popular description, geographical, historical, and topographical of the various countries of the slope. Syria and Asia Minor / [By Josiah Conder] - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
174175: CONDER, C. R (CLAUDE REIGNIER) (1848-1910) - The Hebrew tragedy
195217: CONDER, CLAUDE REIGNIER (1848-1910) - Syrian stone-lore, or, The monumental history of Palestine
195185: CONDER, JOSIAH (1789-1855) - The modern traveller. A popular description, geographical, historical and topographical, of the various countries of the globe ... by Josiah Conder. Volume the sixth [Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia - vol. 2]
126818: CONDLIFFE, J. B. (JOHN BELL) (1891-1981) - The Reconstruction of World Trade; a Survey of International Economic Relations, by J. B. Condliffe
181869: CONDLIFFE, JOHN BELL (1891-) - China to-day
130210: CONDOIDE, MIKHAIL VLADIMIR - Russian-American Trade : a Study of the Soviet Foreign-Trade Monopoly / Mikhail Vladimir Concoide
127378: CONDOIDE, MIKHAIL VLADIMIR (1898-) - The Soviet Financial System : its Development and Relations with the Western World
90777: CONDOMINAS, GEORGES - We Have Eaten the Forest : the Story of a Montagnard Village in the Central Highlands of Vietnam / Georges Condominas ; Translated from the French by Adrienne Foulke ; Photos. , Maps, and Diagrs. by the Author - [Uniform Title: Nous Avons Mange La Foret]
56898: CONDOMINAS, GEORGES - We Have Eaten the Forest : the Story of a Montagnard Village in the Central Highlands of Vietnam / Georges Condominas ; Translated from the French by Adrienne Foulke ; Photos. , Maps, and Diagrs. by the Author
81286: CONDON, EDDIE (1905-1973) & O'NEAL, HANK (JOINT AUTHORS) - The Eddie Cordon Scrapbook of Jazz
271733: CONDON, RICHARD - The vertical smile : a novel
163566: CONDON, DIANNE RUSSELL - Jackie's Treasures : the Fabled Objects from the Auction of the Century / Dianne Russell Condon ; Foreword by Dominick Dunne
123620: CONDON, RICHARD - The Oldest Confession
124187: CONDON, CHALMER / CIRCUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Bandwagon - Vol. 8, No. 4, July - August, 1964 - 80 Years of Circus in Peru
226907: CONDON, RICHARD - The Manchurian Candidate
279153: CONDON, EDWARD O'MEAGHER - The Irish race in America
142553: CONE, ORELLO (1855-1905) - Rich and Poor in the New Testament : a Study of the Primitive-Christian Doctrine of Earthly Possessions
69651: CONE, FAIRFAX M. (1903-) - With all its Faults; a Candid Account of Forty Years in Advertising, by Fairfax M. Cone
113654: CONE, ARTHUR L. - Fishing Made Easy, by Arthur L. Cone, Jr.
191389: CONESTAGGIO, GIROLAMO FRANCHI DI - Historia delle guerre della Germania inferiore / Di Jeronimo Conestaggio ... ; Diuisa in dieci libri. ; Con la tauola delle cose notabili
79479: CONEY, MICHAEL - Gods of the Greataway - Volume 2 of the Song of Earth
106180: CONEY, MICHAEL - Gods of the Greataway - Volume 2 of the Song of Earth
219591: CONEY, MICHAEL - The hero of Downways
279710: OFFICES OF THE BAKER AND CONFECTIONER - War Recipes for Confectioners, Pastry Cooks and Bakers
26742: CONFERENCE ON THE RUSSIAN PEASANT IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. DECEMBER 2-3, 1966. - The peasant in nineteenth-century Russia / edited by Wayne S. Vucinich ; contributors, John S. Curtiss [et al.].
261545: IGU EUROPEAN REGIONAL CONFERENCE (1971 : BUDAPEST) - Man and environment : selected papers / edited by Marton Pecsi and Ferenc Probald
261038: WORLD CLIMATE CONFERENCE (2ND : 1990 : GENEVA, SWITZERLAND) - Climate change : science, impacts and policy / edited by J. Jäger, H. L. Ferguson[; sponsored by the World Meteorological
259498: COMMUNIST INFORMATION BUREAU. CONFERENCE (1949 : HUNGARY) - Meeting of the Information Bureau of Communist Parties in Hungary in the latter half of November, 1949
247357: CONFERENCE ON STATISTICS, SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY (6TH : 2001 : HAILSHAM, ENGLAND) - Statistics, science and public policy VI : science and responsibility : proceedings of the Conference on Statistics, Science and Public Policy held at Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, U.K., April 18-21, 2001 / A.M. Herzberg and R.W. Oldford, editors
133294: CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. DIX, WILLIAM S. , ED. BIXLER, PAUL HOWARD (1899-) ED. - Freedom of Communication; Proceedings / Edited by William Dix and Paul Bixler.
193212: MILBANK MEMORIAL FUND. CONFERENCE (36TH : 1959 : NEW YORK) - Population trends in Eastern Europe, the USSR and mainland China : proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, held November 4-5, 1959, at the Carnegie Endowment International Center / Milbank Memorial Fund
194832: INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CONFERENCE (1951- ) (1ST : 1951 : ROME, ITALY) - Papers and proceedings of the first International Credit Conference Vol. 4 Bank liquidity and control of inflation. Part 3, Papers on general economic and legal aspects
178449: FARM TENURE CONFERENCE. (ED. BY JOSEPH ACKERMAN & MARSHALL HARRIS) - Family farm policy : proceedings of a conference on family farm policy, attended by participants from the British Commonwealth, northern Europe, central Europe, Latin America, and the United States ; held at the University of Chicago, February 15-20, 1946
172362: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE - Reduction of hours of work in coal mines
278583: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP - The social function of the church : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
192381: NATIONAL MINORITY MOVEMENT (LONDON, ENGLAND). CONFERENCE (6TH : LONDON, ENGLAND) - Another year of rationalisation : Report presented to the Sixth Annual Conference of the National Minority Movement, August 24th & 25th, 1929
184601: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (1924 : BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND) - International relations : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
184605: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. COMMISSION ON LEISURE (1924 : BIRMINGHAM) - Leisure : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian politics, economics and citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
184606: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP, COMMISSION ON THE RELATION OF THE SEXES - The relation of the sexes : being the report presented to the conference on Christian politics, economics ad citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
184562: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. 1924. BIRMINGHAM - Industry and property : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship / Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
184563: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. (1924 : BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND). COMMISSION ON THE SOCIAL FUNCTION OF THE CHURCH - The social function of the church : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
30954: CONFERENCE ON VERBAL LEARNING AND VERBAL BEHAVIOR (2ND : 1961 : ARDSLEY-ON-HUDSON, N. Y. ). COFER, CHARLES N. BARBARA S. MUSGRAVE (EDS. ) - Verbal Behavior and Learning: Problems and Processes
195425: RURAL LIFE CONFERENCE. - Report of the Rural Life Conference : held at Christ Church, Oxford, July 23rd to 25th, 1948
243603: JESUITS. CONGREGATIO GENERALIS. JESUIT CONFERENCE - Decreta, canones, censurae et praecepta Congregationum Generalium Societatis Jesu : cum formulis et quorumdam officiorum regulis: Tomus Secundus: complectens decreta VII AD XXI congr. incl
214069: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. COMMISSION ON THE SOCIAL FUNCTION OF THE CHURCH - The social function of the church : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian politics, economics and citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
192079: INTERNATIONAL TRADE CONFERENCE (1919 : ATLANTIC CITY) - Le voyage des missions economiques des pays allies aux Étas-Unis et le congres d'Atlantic-City : Octobre-Novembre 1919 / rapport de Eugene Schneider, President de la Mission Francaise
253663: CONFERENCE ON THE NORTH SEA FLOODS OF 31 JANUARY/1 FEBRUARY, 1953 (1953 : LONDON) - Conference on the North Sea Floods of 31 January/1 February, 1953 : a collection of papers presented at the Institution in December 1953
141567: CONFERENCE ON HEALTH AND HUMAN RELATIONS IN GERMANY. 1ST, PRINCETON, N. J. , 1950 - Health and Human Relations in Germany; Report of a Conference on Problems of Health and Human Relations in Germany, Nassau Tavern, Princeton, N. J. , June 26-30, 1950
140395: INTERNATIONAL POPULATION CONFERENCE (1959 : VIENNA, AUSTRIA) - International Population Conference : Wien 1959
140255: INTERNATIONAL POPULATION CONFERENCE (1ST : 1959 : VIENNA) - Internationaler Bevölkerungskongre = : International Population Conference = Congrés International De La Population, Wien, 1959 / [Presented by Louis Henry and Wilhelm Winkler]
138005: MILBANK MEMORIAL FUND. CONFERENCE (1946) - Postwar Problems of Migration : Papers Presented At the Round Table on Population Problems 1946 Conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, October 29-30, 1946
135564: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. NATIONAL CONFERENCE (1942) - The Communist Party on the Way to Win : Decisions, Etc.
71491: CONFERENCE UPON THE PRESERVATION OF THE ERYTHROCYTES, LEUCOCYTES, PLATELETS AND PLASMA PROTEINS, HARVARD UNIVERSITY - The Preservation of the Formed Elements and of the Proteins of the Blood : Conference Called At the Request of the Committee on Medical Sciences of the Research and Development Board of the National Military Establishment
145440: INDUSTRIAL REMUNERATION CONFERENCE (1885 : LONDON) - Industrial Remuneration Conference : the Report of the Proceedings and Papers
143298: CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND LABOUR (1924). HUMBERSTONE, THOMAS LLOYD, ED. - Science and Labour : Being the Principal Addresses At the Conference...held in London on 30th and 31st May 1924 / Edited by Thomas Lloyd Humberstone ; with a Preface by Lord Askwith
216913: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE (27TH : 1945 : PARIS) - The maintenance of high levels of employment during the period of industrial rehabilitation and reconversion.
257421: WORLD IDEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE - World Ideological Conference (of the World Labour Zionist Movement), Beit Berl, 5-10 August 1970
192039: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. COMMISSION ON THE HOME (1924 : BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND) - The home : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
204285: SIXTH OXFORD FARMING CONFERENCE - Sixth Oxford Farming Conference - report and proceedings. The Playhouse, Oxford, January 7-9, 1952 / edited by M.H.R. Soper
192021: FRIENDS WORLD CONFERENCE (1937 : PHILADELPHIA) - Friends World Conference 1937 : Report of Comission 3 : Methods of achieving economic, racial, and international justice
192885: ORGANISING COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE (1919 : WASHINGTON) - Report on the eight-hours day or forty-eight hours week : prepared by the Organising Committee for the International Labour Conference, Washington, 1919
44676: MEETING NAME: INTERNATIONAL POPULATION CONFERENCE (1959 : VIENNA, AUSTRIA) - International Population Conference At Vienna 1959 - [Related Titles: Congrès International De La Population, Vienne 1959. Internationaler Bevölkerungswissenschaftlicher Kongress Wien 1959]
168418: CONFERENCE ON THE CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO THE JEWS, BUDAPEST, 1927 - The Christian approach to the Jew
212253: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. (1924 : BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND). COMMISSION ON EDUCATION - Politics and citizenship : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
244314: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP AT BIRMINGHAM - The Treatment of Crime: being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
181884: ALL NATIONS TRADE AND ECONOMIC CONFERENCE (1963 : WESTMINSTER) - Towards a world economic conference : report, etc.
143262: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. INTERNATIONAL LABOR CONFERENCE (26TH : 1940 : GENEVA) - Methods of Collaboration between the Public Authorities Workers' Organisations and Employers' Organisations
30663: NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE - Wages in the United States, 1914-1927
30665: NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE - Minimum Wage Legislation in Massachusetts
192292: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION. ASIAN REGIONAL CONFERENCE. - Problems of wage policy in Asian countries [3 vols - 3 reports]
197267: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. INTERNATIONAL LABOR CONFERENCE (12TH : 1929 : GENEVA) - Forced labour : report and draft questionnaire. Item III on the agenda / First discussion. International Labour Conference. Twelfth Session, Geneva, 1929
206178: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE (1954 : SEELISBERG) - The theory of wage determination : proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association / edited by John T. Dunlop
206363: FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STIFTUNG. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ADVISORY COUNCIL. CONFERENCE (1966 : LONDON) - Issues in the future of Asia : Communist and non-Communist alternatives / edited by Richard Lowenthal
206960: LOCARNO. CONFERENCE - Final protocol of the Locarno conference, 1925 (and Annexes) together with treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia, Locarno, October 16, 1925
211152: CONFERENCE ON JEWS IN THE U.S.S.R., LONDON, 1969. CARRINGTON, DAVID, ED. BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS - Light on Soviet Jewry: report of a conference on Jews in the U.S.S.R., London, June 15, 1969; editor David Carrington
211357: RURAL LIFE CONFERENCE (1946) - The science of relationships : report of a Rural Life Conference held at Downe House, Newbury, January 8-11, 1946
212024: CONFERENCE OF COMMUNIST AND WORKERS' PARTIES, MOSCOW (1969) - Programme of struggle and unity in action (first anniversary of International Conference of Communist and Workers' Parties)
212158: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. (1924 : BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND). COMMISSION ON EDUCATION - Education : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
212167: CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP. (1924 : BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND). COMMISSION ON EDUCATION - The treatment of crime : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship, at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
212725: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN) CONFERENCE (1935 : BRIGHTON) - Socialisation of the cotton industry
185998: POOR LAW DISTRICT CONFERENCES (ENGLAND) - Reports of the Poor Law District Conference held during the year 1878
173160: POOR LAW DISTRICT CONFERENCES (ENGLAND) - Reports of the Poor Law District Conferences held during the year 1889
128126: REPORTS OF POOR LAW DISTRICT CONFERENCES - Report of the Second Annual Poor Law Conference for the North Wales District, Held At the Town Hall, Rhyl, on Friday, May 3rd, 1878
132316: POOR LAW CONFERENCES - Reports of the Poor Law District Conferences
132543: CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF POOR LAW CONFERENCES. - Reports of the Poor Law District Conferences : Held During the Year 1882
132544: CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF POOR LAW CONFERENCES - Reports of the Poor Law District Conferences : Held During the Year 1886
170091: CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF POOR LAW CONFERENCES - Reports of the Poor Law District Conferences : Held During the Year 1881
256232: CONFINO, MICHAEL (1926-2010) - Daughter of a revolutionary : Natalie Herzen and the Bakunin-Nechayev circle / edited with an introduction by Michael Confino ; translated [from the Russian] by Hilary Sternberg and Lydia Bott
154178: CONFINO, MICHAEL (1926-) ED. SHAMIR, SHIMON, ED. - The U. S. S. R. and the Middle East / Edited by Michael Confino and Shimon Shamir
152183: CONFINO, MICHAEL (1926-) COMP. HERZEN, NATALIE (1844-1936). PAUL AVRICH COLLECTION - Daughter of a Revolutionary : Natalie Herzen and the Bakunin-Nechayev Circle / Edited with an Introduction by Michael Confino ; Translated from the Russian by Hilary Sternberg and Lydia Bott
229226: DE CONFLENTIA, PANTHALEON. FACCIOLI, EMILIO - Trattato dei latticini
229367: CONFORTI, MICHAEL. WALTON, GUY. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART (U. S.) - Sweden, a royal treasury, (1550-1700) : [Exhibition held] National Gallery of Art, Washington ; the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
154485: CONFUCIUS - The Analects of Confucius : a Selection of the Sayings of Muncius ; the Way and its Power of Laozi / English Translation by James Legge
201895: CONFUCIUS - The living thoughts of Confucius / presented by Alfred Doeblin
234300: CONFUCIUS. STANGE, HANS O. H - Die Weisheit des Konfuzius : das Buch Lun-yu, eine Auslese des Wesentlichen / aus dem ... Urtext neu ubertragen und eingeleitet von Hans o. H. Stange
119808: DAZED & CONFUSED - Annual
196258: CONGDON, LEE ; FEUER, LEWIS S. [ET AL.] - Marxism [selection of journal articles on Marxism from various publications, published between 1937-1974]
87659: CONGER, ELIZABETH MALLETT - Ships of the Fleet
145206: FEDERATION DES ASSOCIATIONS D'ENTREPRISES DU CONGO - L' Economie Congolaise a La Veille De L'Independance
244796: INFOR CONGO - Le Congo Belge: Tome I
217047: BIRMINGHAM HEBREW CONGREGATION - Service of Thanksgiving to commemorate the centenary of the Synagogue, Singers Hill - held on 14th October, 1956 - 9th Cheshvan, 5717
258120: A MEMBER OF THE CONGREGATION - The life and work of Mary Aikenhead : foundress of the Congregation of Irish Sisters of Charity, 1787-1858
250174: BIRMINGHAM HEBREW CONGREGATION - Order of service at the reconsecration of the synagogue singers hill
73589: PITTSBURGH (PA. ). RODEF SHALOM CONGREGATION - Essays in Honor of Solomon B. Freehof - [Editors: Walter Jacob, Frederick C. Schwartz and Vigdor W. Kavaler]
165772: PARTI COMMUNISTE DE BELGIQUE. CONGRES (11TH : 1954 : BRUSSELS, BELGIUM) - Xie Congres Du Parti Communiste De Belgique : Vilvorde 9-12 Decembre 1954 : Les Travaux De Congres
165768: PARTI COMMUNISTE DE BELGIQUE. CONGRES (7TH : 1939 : BRUSSELS, BELGIUM) - Viiie Congres Du Parti Communiste De Belgique : Bruxelles Les 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Fevrier, 1946
130217: CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DES REFORMES DOUANIERES, BRUSSELS, 1856 - Congres International Des Reformes Douanieres Reuni a Bruxelles
237645: CONGRÈS BENJAMIN CONSTANT (1967 : LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND). CORDEY, PIERRE [EDITOR]. SEYLAZ, JEAN-LUC [EDITOR]. BENJAMIN CONSTANT (1967 : LAUSANNE) - Benjamin Constant : actes du Congrès Benjamin Constant (Lausanne, octobre 1967) / édités par Pierre Cordey et Jean-Luc Seylaz
167329: CONGRES INTERNATIONAL D'ETHNOLOGIE EUROPEENNE, 1ST, PARIS, 1971 - Actes du premier Congres international d'ethnologie Europeenne, Paris, 24 au 28 Aout 1971
191660: PARTI SOCIALISTE BELGE. CONGRES (1959) - Congres : PSB : 12-13 decembre 1959
194057: PARTIDO COMUNISTA DE CUBA. CONGRESO (1ST : 1975 : HAVANA, CUBA) - The First Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (Havana, December 17-22, 1975)
168208: PARTIDO COMUNISTA DE CUBA. CONGRESO (1ST : 1975 : HAVANA, CUBA) - First Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, Havana, December 17-22, 1975 (collection of documents)
260472: COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. CONGRESS (7TH : 1935 : MOSCOW, R.S.F.S.R.) - Full text of the resolutions adopted at the Seventh Congress
259354: INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONGRESS (8TH : 1947 : STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN) - Eighth International Management Congress, Stockholm, 1947. Vol. 3
258901: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF ANGLO-IRISH LITERATURE. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS (9TH : 1986 : UPPSALA UNIVERSITY) - Anglo-Irish and Irish literature : aspects of language and culture : proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, held at Uppsala University, 4-7 August, 1986 / Birgit Bramsbäck, Martin Croghan (eds) - 2 volumes
258673: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. NATIONAL CONGRESS (25TH : 1957 : LONDON, ENGLAND) - 25th (special) Congress of the Communist Party, April 19-22, 1957, Hammersmith Town Hall : political resolution : draft
258652: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. CONGRESS (6TH : 1924 : MANCHESTER, ENGLAND) - Speeches & documents of the sixth (Manchester) conference of the Communist Party of Great Britain, May 17, 18 & 19, 1924
257812: RUSSIA (1923- U.S.S.R.). 8TH (1936 : MOSCOW). CONGRESS - Decision of the extraordinary eighth Congress of Soviets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, on the ratification of the Constitution (fundamental law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
244168: PEOPLE'S PROGRESSIVE PARTY (GUYANA). CONGRESS (20TH : 1979 : ANNANDALE, ECD) - Guyana's road to socialism : political program of the People's Progressive Party adopted by the 20th Congress ... August 6, 1979, Annandale, ECD
262528: THE TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Trade boards and the cave report
189879: WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Decisions and resolutions / World Trade Union Congress (6th : 1965 : Warsaw, Poland)
212396: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Paid release for union training / Trades Union Congress
280616: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - The employment of married women
187898: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Model rules for the guidance of trades councils / Trades Union Congress
159173: UNITED STATES. CONGRESS - Acceptance of the Statue of Will Rogers Presented by the State of Oklahoma. Proceedings in the Congress and in the Rotunda, United States Capitol
278953: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN CONGRESS - Unity and victory : report of the 16th Congress of the Communist Party, 1943
189905: FOURTH WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Texts and documents, adopted by the Fourth World Trade Union Congress
193378: MINERS' INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS (29TH : 1930 : CRACOW, POLAND) - Twenty-Ninth Miners' International Congress : held at Cracow (Poland) from 12th to 16th May 1930
193401: TRADES UNION CONGRESS (1950 : BRIGHTON) - Report of proceedings at the 82nd annual Trades Union Congress, held at the Dome, Brighton, September 4th to 8th, 1950
193379: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Report of the 98th Annual Trades Union Congress, held in the opera house, blackpool september 5th to 9th1966: President: Mr. Joseph O'Hagan CBE
193399: TRADES UNION CONGRESS (1944 : BLACKPOOL) - Report of proceedings at the 76th annual Trades Union Congress, held at Blackpool, October 16th to 20th, 1944
280478: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. CONGRESS (22ND : 1952) - Britain arise : 22nd National Congress of the Communist Party : political report made by Harry Pollitt
263148: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN CONGRESS (16TH : 1943) - Unity and victory : report of the 16th Congress of the Communist Party, 1943
250350: AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS - The Black Record : Nasser's persecution of Egyptian Jewry
192276: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Trade unionism : the evidence of the Trades Union Congress to the Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers' Associations
189898: FIFTH WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Programme of trade union action at the present stage of the defence of the worker's interests and rights ; World Trade Union Congress, 4-16 XII 1961
171895: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. NATIONAL CONGRESS : (1942 : LONDON) - The Communist Party on the way to win : decisions of the National Conference of the Communist Party of Great Britain, May, 1942
184653: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Trade unionism in South Africa : report of a delegation from the Trades Union Congress
183838: INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST CONGRESS - Beschlusse der Internationalen Sozialistischen Konferenz in Wien
172759: THIRTEENTH UNIVERSAL PEACE CONGRESS (BOSTON) - Official Report of the Thirteenth Universal Peace Congress held at Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., October third to eighth, 1904 / Reported by William J. Rose ... Edited by the Secretary of the Congress [Benjamin F. Trueblood]
187248: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Report of proceedings of the thirty-first annual Trades Union Congress ... 1898 August 29th, 30th, 31st, and September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 1898
188468: INTERNATIONAL FREE TRADE CONGRESS (1ST : 1908 : LONDON) - Report of the proceedings of the International Free Trade Congress, London, August, 1908 / Chairman the Right Hon. Lord Welby ; Secretary J. A. Murray Macdonald
216832: WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS - Resolutions adopted by the First World Jewish Congress. 8-15.VII.1936
143080: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. NATIONAL CONGRESS (14TH : 1937 : LONDON) - It Can be Done : Report of the Fourteenth Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Battersea, May 29-31, 1937
142597: TRADES UNIONS CONGRESS - Report of 95th Annual Trades Union Congress : Held in the Dome At Brighton September 2nd to 6th 1963 / President Fred Hayday CBE
134972: INTERNATIONAL FREE TRADE CONGRESS (1ST : 1908 : LONDON) - Report of the Proceedings of the International Free Trade Congress, London, August, 1908; Chairman the Right Hon. Lord Welby, Secretary J. A. Murray MacDonald
99786: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - Image of America: Early Photography, 1839-1900; a Catalog. an Exhibit Held in the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. , Opened on February 8, 1957
70324: UNITED STATES. CONGRESS - Official Congressional Directory, for the Use of the United States Congress...
150190: CO-OPERATIVE CONGRESS (1869-) - South-West England / Prepared and Published for the Co-Operative Congress At Bath, 1937, Etc.
262729: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR QUATERNARY RESEARCH. CONGRESS (7TH : 1965 : BOULDER-DENVER) - Arctic and alpine environments : vol.10 [of the] proceedings [of the] VII Congress [of the] International Association for Quarternary Research, Boulder-Denver, Colorado, August 14-September 19, 1965; sponsored by U.S. National Academy of Science National Research Council / edited by H.E. Wright and W.H. [ie: W.S.] Osburn
189900: FIFTH WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Texts and documents adopted
192167: WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS (MILAN : 1949) - Report of the proceedings of the 2nd World Trade Union Congress, 29 June - 9 July 1949, Palazzo dell'Arte, Milan, Italy
257413: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Two centuries of trade unionism
170079: COOPERATIVE CONGRESS - Scarborough 1968 report on proceedings
170201: COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION. CONGRESS (18TH : 1939 : MOSCOW) - The land of Socialism today and tomorrow / reports and speeches at the eighteenth congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), March 10-21, 1939
129852: INTERNATIONAL FREE TRADE CONGRESS - Report of the Proceedings of the International Free Trade Congress, London, August, 1908 ; Chairman the Right Hon. Lord Welby, Secretary J. A. Murray MacDonald
128454: COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION. CONGRESS (18TH : 1939 : MOSCOW) - The Land of Socialism Today and Tomorrow / Reports and Speeches At the Eighteenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevviks) , March 10-21, 1939
125618: JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE OF THE US CONGRESS - An Economic Profile of Mainland China. Foreword by William Proxmire, Chairman
185388: UNIVERSAL PEACE CONGRESS (2ND : 1890 : LONDON) - Proceedings of the Universal peace congress, held in the Westminster Town hall, London, from 14th to 19th July, 1890
184217: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN - NATIONAL CONGRESS (14TH : 1937 : LONDON) - It can be done : report of the Fourteenth Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Battersea, May 29-31, 1937
194893: TRANS MISSISSIPPI COMMERCIAL CONGRESS - Official proceedings of the twenty-second annual session of the Trans=Mississippi Commercial Congress held at Kansas City, Missouri November 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1911
170045: INTERNATIONAL NUMISMATIC CONGRESS (5TH : 1953 : PARIS) - Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 6-11 juillet, 1953 (Complete in two vols)
242859: WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS - Yidishe dialog : asifes fun Yidishn ?el?-?ongres [Yiddish Language]
257442: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - International Companies : report of a conference on international companies, Congress House, London, October 21st 1970
170780: SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGICAL CONGRESS (WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Democracy in Earnest. [Lectures read before the] Southern Sociological Congress, 1916-1918. Edited by James E. McCulloch
217057: TRADES UNION CONGRESS (SOUTHPORT, 1940) - Report of Proceedings at the 72nd Annual Trades Union Congress, held at Southport, October 7th to 9th, 1940
193183: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. CONGRESS (15TH : 1938 : BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND) - For peace and plenty! : report of the Fifteenth Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain held in the Town Hall, Birmingham, September 16th to 19th, 1938
186240: EDITORIAL COMMISSION OF THE FIFTH CONGRESS - Fifth Congress of the Socialist Alliance of the working people of Yugoslavia
189867: WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Against colonialism and aggression in Vietnam / World Trade Union Congress (6th : 1965 : Warsaw, Poland)
41378: THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - The Rare Books Division - a Guide to its Collections and Services
42185: THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress - Volume 32 / Number 4 / October 1975 : Age of Woman
264371: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Trade unionism in Yugoslavia
166703: INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST CONGRESS (1921) - L'Imperialisme Et La Revolution Sociale : Resolution Votee a La Conference Internationale Socialiste De Vienne, 22-27 Fevrier 1921
192428: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. NATIONAL CONGRESS (17TH : 1944 : LONDON, ENGLAND) - Victory, peace, security : report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party
179295: NATIONAL EXECUTIVE OF THE IRISH TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Fifty-fifth annual report being the report of the national executive for 1948-49 and the report of the proceedings of the fifty-fifth annual meeting held in Husband Memorial Hall, Belfast, July 27th, 28th and 29th 1949 / secretary Ruadhri Roberts
239225: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. NATIONAL CONGRESS (18TH : 1945) - Communist policy for Britain : report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party, November, 1945
239504: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Tariffs and world trade : an examination of our fiscal policy / the T.U.C. report
176196: ALL-INDIA TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Report of the all-hyderabad trade union congress presented by Dr. Raj Bahudur Gour, M.P. to the second session of the AHTUC (April 11-13, 1954)
175709: INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONGRESS (PARIS, 1931) - Algerie, Sahara Algerien : excursion B 4 / Directeurs: Aug. Bernard [et] M. Laraude
175370: INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS (9TH : 1922 : MADRAS, INDIA) - Indian Science Congress handbook : for the use of members attending the ninth meeting to be held at Madras from the thirtieth of January to the fourth of February, 1922
190194: WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS (3RD : 1953 : VIENNA, AUSTRIA) - Texts and decisions of the third World Trade Union Congress, Vienna, 10-21 October, 1953
190195: WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS (3RD : 1953 : VIENNA, AUSTRIA) - The W.F.T.U cmapaigns for social security : Third World Trade Union Congress, Vienna, 10-21 October, 1953
191788: INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST CONGRESS (1921) - L'imperialisme et la revolution sociale : resolution votee a la Conference internationale socialiste de Vienne, 22-27 fevrier 1921
191855: TRADES UNION CONGRESS (T.U.C.) - Report of the 97th Annual Trades Union Congress : Held in The Dome, Brighton September 6th to 110th 1965: Presiding Lord Collison CBE
191856: TRADES UNION CONGRESS (T.U.C.) - Report of the proceedings at the 90th Annual Trades Union Congress : Held in the Pavillion Theatre Bournemouth September 1 to 5 1958
191857: TRADES UNION CONGRESS (T.U.C.) - Report of the proceedings at the 90th Annual Trades Union Congress : Held in the Guildhall Portsmouth September 4 to 8 1961
191243: INTERNATIONAL WORKINGMEN'S ASSOCIATION (1864-1876). CONGRESS (5TH : 1872 : THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS) - The first International : minutes of the Hague congress of 1872, with related documents / edited and translated by Hans Gerth
190663: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. CONGRESS (18TH : 1945 : LONDON, ENGLAND) - Communist policy for Britain : report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party
181513: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Report to the twenty third annual conference of trades councils : held at Church House London, S.W.I...
127165: INTERNATIONAL FREE TRADE CONGRESS (1908 : LONDON) - Report of the Proceedings of the International Free Trade Congress, London, August 1908
131554: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Women in the Trade Union Movement
132768: INTERNATIONAL SWEDENBORG CONGRESS - Transactions of the International Swedenborg Congress, Held in Connection with the Celebration of the Swedenborg Society's Centenary : London, July 4 to 8, 1910
159302: IRISH TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Fifty-Fourth Annual Report Being the Report of the National Executive for 1947-48
168742: IRISH TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Fifty-First Annual Report Being the Report of the National Executive for 1945-46
181509: TRADE UNION CONGRESS - Trades Councils 1955 : Retort to the Annual Conference of Trades Councils Weymouth
51612: UNITED STATES. CONGRESS - Official Congressional Directory - 63d Congress, 1st Session, Beginning April 7, 1913
51618: UNITED STATES CONGRESS - Official Congressional Directory - 63d Congress, 3d Session, Beginning December 7, 1914
212272: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Industrial law : an introduction for trade union officers
196719: UNITED STATES CONGRESS - Memorial addresses on the life and character of Justin S. Morrill (late a senator from Vermont), delivered in the Senate and House of representatives, Fifty-fifth Congress, third session
207304: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF JOURNALISTS. CONGRESS (6TH : 1966 : BERLIN, GERMANY) - Sixth Congress of the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ), Berlin, capital of the German Democratic Republic, 10 to 15 October 1966
213888: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Two centuries of trade unionism
208646: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Free trade unions leave the W.F.T.U. : statement
208647: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Trade union structure and closer unity : final report
208665: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Trade unionism in Central Europe, T.U.C. survey
210073: TRADES UNION CONGRESS - Q and A on equal pay : questions and answers on equal pay for women
211804: INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF FREE TRADE UNIONS. WORLD CONGRESS (20-28 : 1955 : VIENNA, AUSTRIA) - Report of the Fourth World Congress: held in Vienna 20-28 May 1955: including the General Secretary's report on activities and the financial reports for the years 1953-54
152488: CONGRESSES PENTRU PACE SI CULTURA AL INTELECUALILOR DIN REPUBLICA POPULAR ROMANA, BUCHAREST (1949) - Congress of the Intellectuals of the Rumanian People's Republic for Peace and Culture
76418: CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - Outer Space : What Should be the United States Government Policy Toward the Region Beyond Earth's Atmosphere? : National Debate Topic for High Schools, 1990-1991, Pursuant to Public Law 88-246
213982: COMMITTEE OF INDIAN CONGRESSMAN - Gandhi suffers for India and world, tribute meeting Holborn Hall...Sunday, Feb 28, 6 p.m. Prominent British and Indian Speakers / organised by Committee of Indian Congressman
249022: CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1670-1729) - William Congreve / ed. by Alexander Charles Ewald
223847: CONGREVE, WILLIAM - William Congreve / edited by Alex. Charles Ewald
257550: CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1670-1729) - The comedies of William Congreve / William Congreve; with an introduction by G.S. Street - 2 volumes
253556: CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1670-1729). STREET, GEORGE SLYTHE (1867-1936) - The Comedies of William Congreve: in two volumes
100084: CONGREVE, WILLIAM AND KETTELWELL, JOHN (ILLUS. ) - The Way of the World and Love for Love ... with Illustrations and Decorations by John Kettelwell
215015: CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1670-1729). CLELAND, T. M. (ILLUS.) - The way of the world. Comedy in five acts
85619: CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1670-1729) - The Way of the World : Comedy in Five Acts. / with Illus. by T. M. Cleland and an Introd. by Louis Kronenberger
175060: CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1670-1729). EWALD, ALEXANDER CHARLES (1842-1891). MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, BARON (1800-1859) - William Congreve / edited by Alex. Charles Ewald
65175: CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1670-1729) - Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconciled
251668: DE CONINCK, ALBERT - Le drame Congolais
216694: CONJURER'S SHOP, INC. - Conjurer's chatter : a newsette published every now and then by the Conjurer's Shop. Volume 1, no. 22. February, 1946
216693: CONJURER'S SHOP, INC. - Conjurer's chatter : a newsette published every now and then by the Conjurer's Shop. Volume 1, no. 21. November, 1945
190248: CONKLIN, LES (B. 1900) - Betting horses to win
260441: CONKLING, MARGARET C. (MARGARET COCKBURN) (1814-1890) - Memoirs of the mother and wife of Washington
64524: CONLAN, TIMOTHY J. - New Federalism : Intergovernmental Reform from Nixon to Reagan / Timothy Conlan ; with an Introduction by Samuel H. Beer
77482: CONLEY, ROBERT J - Killing Time
237413: CONLIN, JONATHAN - Tales of two cities: Paris, London, and the birth of the modern city / Jonathan Conlin
206927: CONLON, EVELYN [ED.] - What worth the head : county Limerick anthology = An cloigeann is a luach
107991: CONLON, DALYS - Presenting New Zealand / Text by Dalys Conlon ; Photographs by Dawn Kendall Et Al
206854: O CONLUAIN, PROINSIAS - Sceal na scannan / Proinsias O Conluain
211187: O CONLUAIN, PROINSIAS - Ar scannain fein
244062: CONN, HAROLD JOEL (1886-). AMBLER, JOSEPH ALFRED (1889-). BRADSHAW, ANIS P. DARROW, MARY A. FRENCH, RALPH WARREN (1891-). HOLMES, WALTER CHAPIN (1884-1932). KORNHAUSER, SIDNEY ISAAC (1887-). MALLORY, FRANK BURR (1862-). SCANLAN, JOHN THOMAS (1893-). SHARP - Biological stains : a handbook on the nature and uses of the dyes employed in the biological laboratory
61495: CONN, GEORGE HAROLD (B. 1890) - Bang's Disease of Cattle, by George H. Conn
161233: CONN, CHARLES PAUL - The Music Makers - a Profile of the Lee Singers
224250: CONNAH, GRAHAM - Kibiro : the salt of Bunyoro, past and present
76857: O'CONNELL, KEVIN G - The Theodotionic Revision of the Book of Exodus; a Contribution to the Study of the Early History of the Transmission of the Old Testament in Greek
277567: CONNELL, DOROTHY - Sir Philip Sidney : the maker's mind
277392: O'CONNELL, JOHN - The Baskerville legacy : a confession
272211: CONNELL, VIVIAN - The nineteenth hole of Europe : a play in three acts
269982: O'CONNELL, CAROL - Crime school
32686: CONNELL, JOHN (1909-1965) - Most Important Country : the True Story of the Suez Crisis and the Events Leading to it
257915: O'CONNELL, MICHAEL - The Church of Saint John the Baptist, Blackrock
255307: O'CONNELL, GEOFFREY - Naturalism in American education
226567: O'CONNELL, SHEILA - London 1753 / [by] Sheila O'Connell, with contributions by Roy Porter, Celina Fox and Ralph Hyde
226290: O'CONNELL, DAN - Messerschmitt Me 262 : the production log 1941-1945 / Dan O'Connell
169391: O'CONNELL, ROBERT L. - Of arms and men: a history of war, weapons, and aggression / Robert L. O'Connell
135975: CONNELL, CHARLES - World-Famous Rebels / Charles Connell
261976: CONNELL, JOHN, (1909-1965) - Wavell : scholar and soldier to June 1941 / John Connell
253238: O'CONNELL, WILLIAM - Sermons and addresses of His Eminence William Cardinal O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston - 4 volumes
25715: O'CONNELL, JOHN (1810-1858) - An Argument for Ireland
76258: CONNELL, BRIAN (1916-1999) - A Watcher on the Rhine; an Appraisal of Germany Today
99420: CONNELL, JOHN (1909-1965) - The Most Important Country; the True Story of the Suez Crisis and the Events Leading to It, by John Connell [Pseud. ]
140478: CONNELL, BRIAN (1916-1999) - A Watcher on the Rhine : an Appraisal of Germany Today
224575: CONNELL, JOHN (1909-1965) - Wavell : scholar and soldier, to June 1941 / John Connell
47520: CONNELL, VIVIAN (1903-) - September in Quinze
98728: CONNELL, EVAN S. JR. PATCHEN, KENNETH - Contact 7 - the San Franciso Collection of New Writing, Art, and Ideas - 'this Issue is for Kenneth Patchen'
85512: CONNELLY, MARC - The Green Pastures / [By Marc Connelly] ; Edited with an Introd. by Thomas Cripps
272061: CONNELLY, MARC - The green pastures a fable suggested by Roark Bradford's southern sketches, 'Ol' man Adam an his chillun,' by Marc Connelly, with illustrations by Robert Edmond Jones
255866: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - Echo Park / Michael Connelly
229617: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - Void moon
229239: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - Chasing the dime
229240: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - City of bones
229070: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - The closers
229072: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - Crime beat : true stories of cops and killers
229073: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - Chasing the dime
229074: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - Blood work
229061: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - The fifth witness
229062: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - Angels flight
229066: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - Trunk music
229068: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - The reversal
229055: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - The poet
208594: CONNELLY, SHEILA - The Girl Guide annual. 1971
186735: CONNELLY, CHARLIE - Our man in Hibernia : Ireland, the Irish and me / Charlie Connelly
50841: CONNELLY, PHILIP - The Politics of Scarcity : Resource Conflicts in International Relations / Philip Connelly and Robert Perlman
151257: CONNELLY, T. J. - The Woodworkers, 1860-1960
89420: CONNELLY, MARC - The Green Pastures, a Fable, Suggested by Roark Bradford's Southern Sketches, 'Ol' Man Adam An' His Chillun', by Marc Connelly
229063: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - The black echo
229069: CONNELLY, MICHAEL (1956-) - The narrows
115385: CONNELLY, MARC (1890-1980) - The Green Pastures: a Fable
24797: CONNELLY, MARC - Voices Offstage - a Book of Memoirs
207376: CONNELLY, MARCUS COOK - Green pastures / with an intr. and conclusion by Vincent Long, and postscripts by W.R. Matthews, John Macmurray, Sir Henry Self
211444: CONNELLY, T. J. - The woodworkers, 1860-1960
223291: CONNELY, WILLARD, 1888-1967, [ET AL.] - Essays by divers hands : being the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, new series. New series, v.27 / edited by Sir George Rostrevor Hamilton
224612: CONNELY, WILLARD - Louis Sullivan as he lived : the shaping of American architecture
97457: CONNER, FLOYD - Lupe Velez and Her Lovers / Floyd Conner
77178: CONNER, MICHAEL - I Am Not the Other Houdini
275441: CONNER, PATRICK - George Chinnery,1774-1852 : artist of India and the China Coast / Patrick Conner
274928: CONNER, PATRICK - Michael Angelo Rooker, 1746-1801
224963: CONNER, PATRICK - Michael Angelo Rooker, 1746-1801 / Patrick Conner
157345: CONNER, DENNIS. STANNARD, BRUCE - Comeback : My Race for the America's Cup
166835: CONNER, SABRA - The quest of the Sea Otter
165642: CONNER, ALEX - Coal in Decline
43198: CONNER, PAUL W. - Poor Richard's Politicks - Benjamin Franklin and His New American Order
70180: CONNERY, ROBERT HOWE (1907-) - Rockefeller of New York : Executive Power in the Statehouse
210335: CONNERY, TOM - Honour redeemed / Tom Connery
117859: CONNIFF, JAMES C. G. RICHARD CONNIFF - The Energy People, a History of PSE & G
265218: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Connoisseur: volume 2
265140: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Connoisseur: volume 1
265136: THE CONNOISSEUR - The connoisseur: volumes 53-55
265137: THE CONNOISSEUR - The connoisseur: volumes 13-14-15
265138: THE CONNOISSEUR - The connoisseur: volumes 62-64
265139: THE CONNOISSEUR - The connoisseur: volume XIII (September - December, 1905)
240843: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Connoisseur. January 1938
212665: CONNOISSEUR, THE [PERIODICAL] - The Connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors [various articles, published 1902, finely bound in 1 volume]
214028: CONNOISSEUR, THE [PERIODICAL] - The Connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors. Volume 2 (January - June, 1902)
212662: CONNOISSEUR, THE [PERIODICAL] - The Connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors [various articles, published 1902-1906, finely bound in 1 volume]
212667: CONNOISSEUR, THE [PERIODICAL] - The Connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors [various articles, published 1904-05, finely bound in 1 volume]
223226: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Solon Collection of Pottery : photographs and illustrations of the collection with text from The Connoisseur, February, 1902, Vol. 2, No. 6 - finely bound in 1/2 leather over marbled boards
212666: CONNOISSEUR, THE [PERIODICAL] - The Connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors [various articles, published 1903, finely bound in 1 volume]
240509: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Connoisseur. Volume 190. Number 765. November 1975. Jewellery Issue.
240511: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Connoisseur. Volume XCVII, No. 416. April, 1936
240512: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Connoisseur. Volume XCVI. November, 1935
249003: CONNOLLY, CYRIL (1903-1974) - Previous convictions
270060: CONNOLLY, JOHN - Dark hollow / John Connolly
229397: CONNOLLY, JOSEPH - Collecting modern first editions / Joseph Connolly
227069: CONNOLLY, JOSEPH (1950-) - Modern first editions : their value to collectors
186831: CONNOLLY, JAMES (1868-1916) - Labour in Ireland ... II : The re-conquest of Ireland / with an introduction by Robert Lynd
194731: CONNOLLY, JAMES (1868-1916) - Labour, nationality, and religion : being a discussion of the Lenten discourses against socialism delivered by Father Kane
113510: CONNOLLY, JOSEPH (1950-) - Collecting Modern First Editions / Joseph Connolly
171709: CONNOLLY, JAMES (1868-1916) - Labour in Ireland
262858: CONNOLLY, SEÁN J - The Oxford companion to Irish history / edited by S.J. Connolly
203389: CONNOLLY, CYRIL - London Magazine: New Series, Volume 13 number 3. Ross, Alan (ed.)
225279: CONNOLLY, JAMES (1868-1916) - The workers' republic : a selection from the writings of James Connolly / edited by Desmond Ryan ; with introduction by William McMullen
240257: CONNOLLY, THOMAS WILLIAM JOHN - History of the Royal Sappers and Miners : from the formation of the Corps in March 1772, to the date when its designation was changed to that of Royal Engineers, in October 1856
128303: CONNOLLY, VIOLET - Beyond the Urals : Economic Developments in Soviet Asia
72462: CONNOLLY, CYRIL (1903-1974) - Ideas and Places
269681: CONNON, F. WALLACE - World Government: the drama of the ages
91056: O'CONNOR, ULICK - The Troubles : Ireland, 1912-1922
86326: O'CONNOR, PATRICK - The Amazing Blonde Woman : Dietrich's Own Style / Patrick O'Connor
78163: O'CONNOR, PATRICK (1949-) - Dietrich : Style and Substance
77542: O'CONNOR, KAORI - Creative Dressing : the Unique Collection of Top Designer Looks That You Can Make Yourself / Kaori O'Connor
62189: O'CONNOR, RICHARD (1915-1975) - The Spirit Soldiers; a Historical Narrative of the Boxer Rebellion
37191: O'CONNOR, JUNE - The Quest for Political and Spiritual Liberation : a Study in the Thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghose / June O'Connor
36490: O'CONNOR, JOHN JOSEPH (1818-) - Amadis De Gaule, and its Influence on Elizabethan Literature
30076: CONNOR, WALTER D. - Tattered Banners - Labor, Conflict, and Corporatism in Postcommunist Russia
276831: O'CONNOR, PATRICK - Songs of youth
269938: CONNOR, JOHN - Phoenix
268889: O CONNOR, FIONNUALA - In search of a state : Catholics in Northern Ireland / Fionnuala O Connor
248643: CONNOR, RALPH (1860-1937) - Black Rock : a tale of the Selkirks
255309: O'CONNOR, BARBARA - Tourism in Ireland : a critical analysis / edited by Barbara O'Connor, Michael Cronin
233446: O'CONNOR, ULICK - The troubles : Michael Collins and the volunteers in the struggle for Irish freedom (1912-1922)
232209: O'CONNOR, FRANK (1903-1966) (TRANS.) - Kings, lords and commons : Irish poems from the seventh century to the nineteenth century / [translated, with a preface] by Frank O'Connor
213443: O'CONNOR, LAURENCE. GALLAGHER, PATRICK - Lost Ireland : a photographic record at the turn of the century / Laurence O'Connor; with an introduction and commentary by Patrick Gallagher
213788: O'CONNOR, T. P. (THOMAS POWER) (1848-1929) - Lord Beaconsfield, a biography
193018: O'CONNOR, PAUL. LYONS, FERGAL. DAWSON, KARL - Bridges and crosswords : artists responding to poetry / editors: Paul O'Connor, Fergal Lyons, Karl Dawson
19101: CONNOR, WALTER D. - The Accidental Proletariat : Workers, Politics, and Crisis in Gorbachev's Russia / Walter D. Connor
180528: O'CONNOR, SANDRA DAY (1930-) - Finding Susie : by Sandra Day O'Connor ; illustrated by Tom Pohrt
160382: O'CONNOR, GARRY - The Pursuit of Perfection : a Life of Maggie Teyte
256854: O'CONNOR, PATRICK - The amazing blonde woman : Dietrich's own style / Patrick O'Connor
191872: O'CONNOR, ULICK - Sputnik & other poems
251678: O'CONNOR, J. C. (JOHN CHARLES) (1853-1928) - Primer of Esperanto : containing grammar and exercises
277848: CONNOR, PHYLLIS - A taste of the past (More old timey recipes)
201680: O' CONNOR, FRAND (ED.) - A book of Ireland
277847: CONNOR, PHYLLIS - Old timey recipes
215155: O'CONNOR, EDWIN - The edge of sadness / Edwin O'Connor ; illustrated by Robert Heindel
214205: O'CONNOR, EDWIN. HEINDEL, ROBERT (ILLUS. ) - The edge of sadness / Edwin O'Connor ; illustrated by Robert Heindel
140381: O'CONNOR, HARVEY (1897-) - History of Oil Workers Intl. Union (CIO)
82413: O'CONNOR, JACK (1902-) - Hunting in the Southwest with Illustrations by T. J. Harter
80508: O'CONNOR, FRANCIS V. - Jackson Pollock
106502: CONNOR, D. RUSSELL (DONALD RUSSELL). WARREN W. HICKS - BG on the Record; a Bio-Discography of Benny Goodman
106758: O'CONNOR, GARRY - The Pursuit of Perfection : a Life of Maggie Teyte
72598: CONNOR, RALPH (1860-1937) - Black Rock : a tale of the Selkirks
65733: O'CONNOR, RICHARD (1915-1975) - High Jinks on the Klondike
58922: O'CONNOR, RICHARD (1915-1975) - Bret Harte; a Biography
76979: CONNOR, RALPH (1860-1937) - Corporal Cameron : a Tale of the North-West Mounted Police
160365: O'CONNOR, EDWIN - Benjy : a Ferocious Fairy Tale / Illustrated by Ati Forberg
110152: O'CONNOR, RICHARD (1915-1975) - Bret Harte; a Biography
116702: CONNOR, RALPH (1860-1937) - The Prospector; a Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass, by Ralph Connor [Pseud. ]
115121: CONNOR, RALPH - The Man from Glengarry; a Tale of the Ottawa, by Ralph Connor [Pseud. ]...
185146: CONNOR, RALPH - The sky pilot : a tale of the foothills
212485: O'CONNOR, T. P. (THOMAS POWER), (1848-1929) - Lord Beaconsfield : a biography
123885: CONNOR, JIM - Ann Miller, Tops in Taps : an Authorized Pictorial History
119994: CONNOR, JOHN W. - Tradition and Change in Three Generations of Japanese Americans / John W. Connor
42261: O'CONNOR, RICHARD (1915-1975) - Hell's Kitchen - the Roaring Days of New York's Wild West Side
76748: O'CONNOR, PATTI - One Summer in Israel / Patti O'Connor, Catharine Cole
172240: O'CONNOR, MARY IRENE, SISTER - A study of the sources of Han d'Islande and their significance in the literary development of Victor Hugo : a dissertation ... by Sister Mary Irene O'Connor
239260: O'CONNOR, THOMAS H.; MASSACHUSETTS CIVIL WAR CENTENNIAL COMMISSION - Massachusetts in the Civil War Volume 1: The Call to Arms
176759: O' CONNOR, HARVEY - New light on iraq
235554: O'CONNOR, FRANK (1903-1966) - A book of Ireland / edited by Frank O'Connor
150124: O'CONNOR, RICHARD (1915-1975) - Bret Harte; a Biography
181218: O CONNOR MORRIS, WILLIAM - Ireland 1798-1898
81332: CONNOR, JOHN W - Tradition and Change in Three Generations of Japanese Americans
115854: O'CONNOR, GARRY (ED. ) - Olivier : in Celebration / Edited by Garry O'Connor
155554: CONNORS, KATHLEEN. BAYLEY, SALLY - Eye rhymes : Sylvia Plath's art of the visual / edited by Kathleen Connors and Sally Bayley
142829: CONNORS, LESLEY - The Emperor's Adviser : Saionji Kinmochi and Pre-War Japanese Politics / Lesley Connors
136268: CONNORS, LESLEY - The Emperor's Adviser : Saionji Kinmochi and Pre-War Japanese Politics / Lesley Connors
157885: CONNORS, CHARLES HENRY (1884- ) - Chemical Gardening for the Amateur
18529: CONOLLY, VIOLET - Siberia Today and Tomorrow : a Study of Economic Resources, Problems, and Achievements / Violet Conolly
130252: CONOLLY, VIOLET - Siberia Today and Tomorrow : a Study of Economic Resources, Problems, and Achievements / Violet Conolly
242146: CONOLLY, JOHN (1794-1866) - On some of the forms of insanity : the Croonian lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, London in 1849
165468: CONOLLY, VIOLET - Soviet Economic Policy in the East : Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan, Mongolia and Tana Tuva, Sin Kiang
91576: CONOT, ROBERT E. - Justice At Nuremberg
76257: CONOT, ROBERT E - Justice At Nuremberg
172740: CONOVER, TED - Coyotes : a journey across borders with America's illegal migrants
96350: CONQUEST, ROBERT - Agricultural Workers in the U. S. S. R.
256036: CONQUEST, ROBERT - Poems
191293: CONQUEST, ROBERT - The Soviet political system
135058: CONQUEST, ROBERT - Marxism Today / Robert Conquest
95477: CONQUEST, ROBERT - Industrial workers in the USSR
161338: CONQUEST, ROBERT - Industrial Workers in the U. S. S. R.
128283: CONQUEST, ROBERT (ED. ) - Industrial Workers in the U. S. S. R.
191462: CONQUEST, ROBERT - A world of difference
55476: CONRAD, PAUL (1924-) - Drawn and Quartered : the Best Political Cartoons / Paul Conrad ; Introduction by William F. Thomas ; Text by Richard C. Bergholz - [Related Titles: Los Angeles Times]
274168: CONRAD, EARL - Errol Flynn : a memoir
269060: CONRAD, E - Errol Flynn : a memoir
260985: CONRAD, JOSPEH - 'Twixt land and sea tales
260171: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - Romance : a novel
256034: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - Youth and : The end of the tether / Joseph Conrad
231806: CONRAD, LORE - Die romanische Schottenkirche in Regensburg und ihre Bildsymbolsprache
227919: CONRAD, BARNABY - Fun while it lasted
168186: CONRAD, PAUL, (1924-2010) - Drawn and quartered : the best political cartoons / Paul Conrad ; introduction by William F. Thomas ; text by Richard C. Bergholz
153590: CONRAD, JOHN PHILLIPS (1913-) - Crime and its Correction: an International Survey of Attitudes and Practices
223897: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - Letters from Conrad 1895 to 1924 / edited with introduction and notes by Edward Garnett
193201: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - The rescue : a romance of the shallows
214154: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - Lord Jim : a tale
231383: CONRAD, BARNABY (1922-2013) - Gates of fear
91235: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - Suspense
63173: CONRAD, BARNABY (1922-) - Gates of Fear
143547: CONRAD, JOHN PHILLIPS (1913-) - Crime and its Correction : an International Survey of Attitudes and Practices
268567: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - Romance : a novel by Joseph Conrad and F. M. Hueffer
220813: CONRAD, JOSEPH - The rescue : a romance of the shallows
263323: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - The secret agent. A drama in three acts
12521: CONRAD, JOHN PHILLIPS (1913-) - Crime and its Correction; an International Survey of Attitudes and Practices, by John P. Conrad
179165: CONRAD GOURCY, COMTE DE - Voyages agricoles dans le Nord et le Centre de la France en 1865
43599: CONRAD, JOHN PHILLIPS (1913-) - Crime and its Correction : an International Survey of Attitudes and Practices
168449: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924). FORD, FORD MADOX (1873-1939) - The nature of a crime
225374: CONRAD, JOSEPH 1857-1924 - The arrow of gold : a story between two notes
181977: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - Tales of unrest
182112: CONRAD, JOSEPH - The Arrow of Gold: a story between two notes
164786: CONRAD, JOHANNES (1839-1915) - Leitfaden Zum Studium Der Nationalokonomie
165058: CONRAD, BARNABY (1922- ) - Gates of Fear
123894: CONRAD, PAUL - Pro and Conrad / Paul Conrad
31798: CONRAD, JOSEPH - The Concord Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad, 'twixt Land and Sea - Tales
73721: CONRAD, JOSEPH (1857-1924) - An Outcast of the Islands
216718: CONRADI, F W; HARKEWITZ, EUGEN; TAGREY, H W - The book of exquisite conjuring
74997: CONRAN, SHIRLEY - Savages : a Novel
137559: CONRARDY, GUSTAVE - Histoire De La Federation Locale
192769: CONRARDY, CHARLES - Les Nevroses Typiques, et autres poemes
86496: CONRIED, HEINRICH (DIRECTION) - The San Francisco Season of Grand Opera under the Direction of Mr. Heinrich Conried and by His Entire Company of 250 Artists from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York: Grand Opera House - Nine Evenings and Three Matinees - [Souvenir Catalogue] Brochure for Tuesday Afternoon, April 11, At 5 O'Clock Precisely: Second Performance of Parsifal in Three Acts (In German) & Wednesday Evening, April 12, At 7: 45 La Gioconda Opera in 4 Acts and 5 Tableaux.
103326: CONROW, ROBERT - Field Days; the Life, Times, & Reputation of Eugene Field
229961: CONROY, PAT - My losing season / Pat Conroy
228740: CONROY, PAT - The Prince of Tides / Pat Conroy
137661: O'CONROY, TAID - The Menace of Japan
279479: CONSEJO UNITARIO NACIONAL AGRARIO, CUNA - Acuerdos del II Congreso Nacional, Lima 11-14 Setiembre 1985
185560: CONSELMAN, BILL; PLUMB, CHARLIE - Ella Cinders (trade mark) and the mysterious house
215381: CONSERVATEUR DE L'EPARGNE - L'exception de Jeu : extrait du Conservateur de l'Epargne du 28 mai 1911
192329: CONSERVATIVE PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN), RESEARCH DEPT - What they have said : a dictionary of political quotations / compiled by the Conservative Research Department
84482: CONSIDINE, BOB & JARVIS, FRED G - The First Hundred Years: a Portrait of the Nyac
147932: CONSIDINE, BOB (1906-1975) - It's all News to Me; a Reporter's Deposition, by Bob Considine
168465: CONSIDINE, JOHN JOSEPH (1897-1982) - New horizons in Latin America
152859: CONSIGLIO, ALBERTO (1902-) - Vita Di Vittorio Emanuele III
152861: CONSIGLIO, ALBERTO (1902-) - Origini Della Politica Estera Sovietica / Historicus
46123: CONSOLIDATED GOLD FIELDS OF SOUTH AFRICA, LTD. - 'The Gold Fields': 1887-1937
248595: CONSTABLE - The new Europe : a weekly review of foreign politics - Vol. 3, 19 April-12 July 1917
272604: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837) - Constable oil sketches
271503: CONSTABLE - The General register of politics and literature in Europe and America, for the year 1827 : preceded by a memoir of the Right Honourable George Canning
225179: CONSTABLE : PAINTINGS, WATERCOLOURS & DRAWINGS (EXHIBITION) (1976 : LONDON) - Constable : paintings, watercolours & drawings / Leslie Parris, Ian Fleming-Williams, Conal Shields
222888: CONSTABLE, HENRY (1562-1613) - Diana / Henry Constable [1594]
208975: CONSTABLE, LIONEL (1828-1887). PARRIS, LESLIE. TATE GALLERY - Lionel Constable / Leslie Parris and Ian Fleming-Williams
191410: CONSTABLE, NICK - Ancient Ireland
184809: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837) - Constable : paintings, watercolours and drawings / Conal Shields ; Leslie Parris ; Ian Fleming-Williams
177722: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837) - Constable: paintings, drawings and watercolours / [text by] Basil Taylor
177670: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837) - Constable's 'English landscape scenery' / Andrew Wilton
189003: CONSTABLE, WILLIAM GEORGE ; FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM - Catalogue of pictures in the Marlay Bequest : Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge / compiled by W.G. Constable
224342: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837). REYNOLDS, GRAHAM - John Constable's sketch-books of 1813 and 1814 reproduced in facsimile ; introduction by Graham Reynolds
221390: CONSTABLE, JOHN ; REMBRANDT ; VELAZQUEZ [ET AL.] - Famous paintings selected from the world's great galleries and reproduced in colour / with an introduction by G.K. Chesterton and descriptive notes. [volume 2]
38880: CONSTABLE, W. G. - Forgers and Forgeries
178138: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837) - Constable oil sketches / [text by] John Baskett
178063: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837) - John Constable R.A., 1776-1837 : drawings, the golden age / [ text by Harold A. E. Day ]
177148: CONSTABLE, JOHN - John Constable's correspondence : the family at East Bergholt 1807-1837 / edited, with an introduction and notes, by R. B. Beckett.
122978: CONSTABLE, JOHN (1776-1837). GADNEY, REG (1941-) - John Constable R. A. , 1776-1837 : a Catalogue of Drawings and Watercolours, with a Selection of Mezzotints by David Lucas after Constable for 'English Landscape Scenery', in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge / [Text By] Reg Gadney
9780: CONSTABLE, FRANK CHALLICE - Personality and Telepathy
121783: CONSTANDSE, ANTON L. (1899-) - Michael Bakoenin, Russisch Rebel; Een Biografie
259822: CONSTANT, BENJAMIN (1767-1830) - Écrits et discours politiques / par Benjamin Constant ; présentation, notes et commentaires par O. Pozzo di Borgo - Volume 2
259821: CONSTANT, BENJAMIN - Memoires sur les cent-jours
259810: CONSTANT, BENJAMIN - L'inconnue d'Adolphe: Correspondance de Benjamin Constant et d'Anna Lindsay
197831: CONSTANT, STEPHEN (1931- ) - Foxy Ferdinand, 1861-1948, Tsar of Bulgaria / [by] Stephen Constant
236609: CONSTANT, BENJAMIN (1767-1830). CONSTANT, ROSALIE DE (1758-1835) - Benjamin et Rosalie de Constant : correspondance, (1786-1830) / publiée avec une introduction et des notes par Alfred et Suzanne Roulin
250846: CONSTANT. PINKERTON, PERCY [TRANS.] - Memoirs of Constant: the emperor Napoleon's Head Valet: containing details of the private life of Napoleon, his family and his court: in three volumes
236534: CONSTANT, BENJAMIN (1767-1830) - Journaux intimes / édition intégrale des manuscrits autographes publiée pour la première fois avec un index et des notes par Alfred Roulin et Charles Roth
72642: CONSTANT, PAUL - Ephraim of Israel
140481: CONSTANT, GUSTAVE LEON MARIE JOSEPH (1869-1940) - L'Eglise De France Sous Le Consulat Et L'Empire (1800-1814) / Par G. Constant
245654: CONSTANTACATOS, MARINOS EVANGHELOU [MERCHANT] - Money and Credit: Volume One: The Fallacious Premises of the Gold Standard and of the Credit Expedients for its Management
242737: CONSTANTACATOS, MARINOS EVANGHELOU [MERCHANT] - Money and Credit: Volume One: The Fallacious Premises of the Gold Standard and of the Credit Expedients for its Management
242638: CONSTANTACATOS, MARINOS EVANGHELOU - Money and credit. Vol. 1 The fallacious premises of the gold standard and of the credit expedients for its management
135352: CONSTANTACATOS, MARINOS EVANGHELOU - Money and Prices As Viewed from Actual Money Supply in the United States of America : from 1800 to 1940, and Optimum Money Supply in the Long Run : an Essay in Interpretation
186218: CONSTANTACATOS, MARINOS EVANGHELOU - Money and prices as viewed from actual money supply in the United States of America from 1800 to 1940, and optimum money supply in the long run ; an essay in interpretation
164469: CONSTANTIN-WEYER, MAURICE (1881-1964) - L' Aventure Vecue De Dumas Pere
86730: CONSTANTINE, MILDRED - Tina Modotti : a Fragile Life : an Illustrated Biography
201052: CONSTANTINE, K. C. - Always a body to trade / K.C. Constantine
155102: CONSTANTINE, MILDRED - Tina Modotti, a fragile life : an illustrated biography
83078: CONSTANTINE, MILDRED - Tina Modotti : a Fragile Life : an Illustrated Biography / Mildred Constantine
221978: CONSTANTINE, JOSEPH - Hydropathy in city and town. An account of sixty years practice of home treatment
190840: CONSTANTINESCU, MIRON (ED.) - Unification of the Romanian national state : The union of Transylvania with Old Romania / Authors: Miron Constantinescu, Stefan Pascu, L. Banyai. Under the editorship of: Professor Miron Constantinescu, Professor Stefan Pascu
204621: CONSTANTINESCU, MIRON. - Etudes d'histoire contemporaine de la Roumanie, II / Miron Constantinescu
204629: CONSTANTINESCU, MIRON. LIVEANU, V. - Problems of history and of social theory
261245: FRANCE. ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE CONSTITUANTE (1789-1791) - Liste par ordre alphabétique de bailliages et sénéchaussées de MM. les députés à l'Assemblée nationale. 1789
192880: FRANCE. ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE CONSTITUANTE (1789-1791) - Supplement au Code de l'administration et de l'alienation des biens nationaux / re´dige par ordre de l'Assemblee-Nationale-Constituante
198359: PORTUGAL. ASSEMBLEIA NACIONAL CONSTITUINTE - Documentos politicos encontrados nos palacios riais depois da Revolucao Republicana de 5 de outubro de 1910 / edicao ordenada pela Assemblea Nacional Constituinte en sessa~o de 13 de julho de 1911 [Language: Portuguese]
131233: UNITED STATES. CONSTITUTION - La Costituzione Degli Stati Uniti D'America, a Cura Di Romolo Astraldi
184330: URUGUAY - CONSTITUTION - Constitucion de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay : Conteniendo las leves y decretos de caracter constitutional
197539: CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE, LONDON BOARD OF EDUCATION. - The education of the adolescent : Report of the Consultative Committee / Consultative Committee, London Board of Education
194696: JANE'S FREIGHT CONTAINERS - Jane's freight containers 1970-71 / edited by Patrick Finlay
218141: JANE'S FREIGHT CONTAINERS - Jane's freight containers 1970-71 / edited by Patrick Finlay
208650: BIBLIOTHEQUE JUIVE CONTEMPORAINE - Proces de Leningrad, decembre 1970, precede du proces de Riazan, fevrier 1970
179062: HISTOIRE CONTEMPORAINE - Le Menage imperial. Lui et elle en apparence et en realite . . .
208652: BIBLIOTHEQUE JUIVE CONTEMPORAINE - Second proces de Leningrad, mai 1971
208653: BIBLIOTHEQUE JUIVE CONTEMPORAINE - Proces de Riga, mai 1971
184878: DE CONTENSON, LE BARON G. - Chine et extreme orient
70957: CONTI, FLAVIO (1943-) - The Closed Faith / Flavio Conti ; Translated by Patrick Creagh
52822: CONTI, FLAVIO (1943-) - Centers of Belief / Flavio Conti ; Translated by Patrick Creagh
40993: CONTI, FLAVIO (1943-) - The Focus on Democracy / Flavio Conti ; Translated by Patrick Creagh The Grand Tour
272331: CONTI, FLAVIO - Shrines of power
273934: CONTI, QUIRINO - Conversation piece : a film by Luchino Visconti, edited by Quirino Conti ; with contributions by Natalia Aspesi, Adriana Asti, Piera Detassis, Alvar Gonzales-Palacios and Sergio Toffetti ; translated by Sylvia Adrian Notini
263762: TIPOGRAFIA DI PIETRO CONTI - Lettere di celebri scrittori italiani
130452: CONTI, GIOVANNI - Nella Battaglia Contro La Dittatura; Cronistoria E Tre Discorsi
223233: CONTI, PIETRO - Adunanza di Faentini a celebrare nel pubblico palazzo il di XX giugno MDCCCXLVII l'anniversario della coronazione di nostro signore Pio IX
150102: CONTINI, MILA - 5000 Years of Fashion
280943: LIGUE PATRIOTIQUE CONTRE L'ALCOOLISME (BELGIUM) - Journal de la Ligue patriotique contre l'alcoolisme, 23 annee, Mars-Avril 1907
137131: LIGUE PATRIOTIQUE CONTRE L'ALCOOLISME - L'Alcoolisme En Belgique : Quatorzieme Partie ; Compte Rendu De L'Assemblee Generlae Tenue a Bruxelles a L'Hotel Ravenstein Le 25 Avril 1909
174634: LIQUE PATRIOTIQUE CONTRE L'ALCOOLISME - Almanach de la temperance pour 1908
205649: CONTRERAS, CARLOS A. - Entre el marasmo : analisis de la crisis del Partido Liberal de Honduras, 1933-1970 / por carlos A. Contreras
243224: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Revue Politique
192317: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - Crisis in Japan
192575: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - The secret international : armament firms at work
252100: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - Facing facts in Formosa : a challenge to peace
212582: THE UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - The world that is to be is it to be
214956: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - How to get a permanent peace : being a short statement of the objects and policy, etc.
74586: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (U. S. ). COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND ARMS CONTROL - Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium - [Executive Summary]
280639: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL. - Union of Democratic Control., Leaflets no. 15b & 16b
150483: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - The Balance of Power
205069: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - Patriotism Ltd. : an exposure of the war machine
211367: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - Guns for the Germans? The arguments for and against German rearmament
141617: CONVEGNO STURZIANO DI TORINO. SCELBA, MARIO. CARONIA, GIUSEPPE (1884-1975) - Convegno Sturziano Di Torino, 5-6 Settembre 1959 /discorsi Di Scelba ... Et Al. !
129719: MONETARY CONVENTION - Report of the Monetary Commission of the Indianapolis Convention of Boards of Trade, Chambers of Commerce, Commercial Clubs, and Other Similar Commercial Bodies of the United States
73559: CONVERSE, GORDON N. (ET AL. ) - All Mankind : Photographs
32153: CONVERSE, FRANK H. - The Island Treasure; Or, Harry Darrel's Fortunes
180037: CONVERSE, FLORENCE (B. 1871) - Into the void : a bookshop mystery
76218: CONVERSE, FLORENCE (1871-) - The Story of Wellesley
73478: CONVERSE, FLORENCE (1871-) - The House of Prayer
35675: CONVERSE, FLORENCE (B. 1871) - Garments of Praise; a Miracle Cycle, by Florence Converse
154902: CONVERY, WILLIAM JOSEPH - Pride of the Rockies : the Life of Colorado's Premiere Irish Patron, John Kernan Mullen
91470: NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD CONVOCATION - Gold and World Monetary Problems; [Proceedings of The] National Industrial Conference Board Convocation, Tarrytown, New York, October 6-10, 1965
64631: CONWAY, PATRICIA - Art for Everyday : the New Craft Movement
272852: CONWAY, WILLIAM MARTIN SIR (1856-1937) - A week-end in the Jura
265867: CONWAY, WILLIAM MARTIN SIR (1856-1937) - The woodcutters of the Netherlands in the fifteenth century : In three parts: I. History of the woodcutters. II. Catalogue of the woodcuts. III. List of the books containing woodcuts
261390: CONWAY, TIM - The Window to Thoroughbred Handicapping - Video Cassette
255452: CONWAY, BOB - God be with the chimneys of Cappa / Bob Conway
171112: CONWAY, SUSAN. - Silken threads lacquer thrones : Lan Na court textiles / Susan Conway
270416: CONWAY, WILLIAM MARTIN SIR (1856-1937) - The route des Alpes
139503: CONWAY, FREDA - Descriptive Statistics
64632: CONWAY, PATRICIA - Art for Everyday : the New Craft Movement
279322: CONWAY, MONCURE DANIEL (1832-1907) - My pilgrimage to the wise men of the East
175240: CONWAY, MONCURE DANIEL (1832-1907) - My pilgrimage to the wise men of the East
191228: CONWAY, EDWARD S. - Post-war employment
31456: CONWAY, KATHERINE ELEANOR (1853-1927) - A Dream of Lilies
192689: CONWAY, FREDA - Descriptive statistics
196480: CONWELL, RUSSELL HERMAN (1843-1925) - The life, travels, and literary career of Bayard Taylor
277663: CONYBEARE, JOHN JOSIAS SIR. MANN, WILLIAM NEVILLE - Textbook of medicine by various authors
186608: CONYBEARE, F. C. (FREDERICK CORNWALLIS) (1856-1924) - History of New Testament criticism
278479: CONYBEARE, JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD (B. 1843). BEDFORD, THOMAS GEORGE - A history of Cambridgeshire
91333: CONYBEARE, FREDERICK CORNWALLIS (1856-1924) - The Dreyfus Case, by Fred. C. Conybeare ... with Twelve Illustrations and Facsimiles of the Bordereau, & C.
94654: CONYBEARE, F. C. (FREDERICK CORNWALLIS) - The Dreyfus Case, by Fred. C. Conybeare ... with Twelve Illustrations and Facsimiles of the Bordereau, & C
132219: CONYBEARE, F. C. (FREDERICK CORNWALLIS) - The Dreyfus Case
224504: CONYBEARE, JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD (1843-) - Alfred in the chroniclers
185391: CONYBEARE, JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD (1843-) - Alfred in the chroniclers
203599: CONYBEARE, F. C. (FREDERICK CORNWALLIS), (1856-1924) - The Dreyfus Case
168203: CONYBEARE, JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD (B. 1843) - A history of Cambridgeshire
238552: CONYBEARE, JOHN JOSIAS SIR - Textbook of medicine
153095: CONYBEARE, FREDERICK CORNWALLIS (1856-1924) - The Dreyfus Case
162522: CONYBEARE, FREDERICK CORNWALLIS - History of New Testament Criticism
262157: CONYBEARE, JOHN (JOHN JOSIAS) SIR - Conybeare's textbook of medicine
10619: CONYN, CORNELIUS - Three Centuries of Ballet
33143: CONYN, CORNELIUS - Three Centuries of Ballet
50831: CONYNGTON, THOMAS (B. 1855) - A Manual of Corporate Organization, Containing Information, Directions and Suggestions Relating to the Corporation of Enterprises, by Thomas Conyngton ...
176928: CONZE, EDWARD (1904-1979) - Spain to-day : revolution and counter-revolution
279438: CONZELMANN, HANS - Der erste Brief an die Korinther
207599: CONZELMANN, HANS (1915-1989) - Die Mitte der Zeit : Studien zur Theologie des Lukas
259849: COOGAN, TIM PAT - On the blanket : the H Block story / Tim Pat Coogan
255574: COOGAN, TIM PAT - The I.R.A. / [by] Tim Pat Coogan
233809: COOGAN, TIM PAT (1935-) - Ireland and the arts
164072: COOGAN, TIM PAT, (1935-) - The IRA : a History / Tim Pat Coogan
122121: COOGAN, TIM PAT - The I. R. A. / [By] Tim Pat Coogan
97920: COOK, ROBIN (1940-?) - Sphinx
95283: COOK, ALEXANDRA PARMA & COOK, NOBLE DAVID - Good Faith and Truthful Ignorance : a Case of Transatlantic Bigamy
95163: COOK, GRAEME - Missions Most Secret
91397: COOK, JUDITH (1933-?) - The Price of Freedom
66783: COOK, BRUCE (1932-) - Listen to the Blues
62569: COOK, CHRIS (1945-) - The Atlas of Modern Warfare / Chris Cook and John Stevenson ; Cartography by QED ; Research Editor, Stephen Brooks
28514: COOK, ALICE H. - The Working Mother : a Survey of Problems and Programs in Nine Countries / Alice H. Cook
276992: COOK, LLOYD ALLEN - A sociological approach to education / a revision of 'Community backgrounds of education'
276744: COOK, JAMES (1728-1779) - Bibliography of Captain James Cook R.N., F.R.S., circumnavigator
276455: COOK, H. C. B. (HUGH CHRISTOPHER BULT) - The battle honours of the British and Indian armies 1662-1982 / H. C. B. Cook
276205: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA (1867-1928). WARD, WILLIAM HENRY (1865-1924) - Twenty-five great houses of France
275881: COOK, ROBERT - Visitation of London 1568 / with additional pedigrees 1569-90, the arms of the City companies and a London subsidy roll, 1589 ; edited from the transcripts prepared and annotated by the late H. Stanford London by Sophia W. Rawlins
274933: COOK, B. J - The British numismatic journal : including the Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society for the year 1989
274879: COOK, G. H. (GEORGE HENRY) - The story of Gloucester Cathedral
273066: COOK, EDWARD TYAS SIR (1857-1919) - Delane of the Times
270026: COOK, EMILY CONSTANCE ; THOMSON, HUGH [ILLUS.] - Highways and Byways in London
269032: COOK, EDWARD TYAS, SIR (1857-1919) - Rights and wrongs of the Transvaal War
269020: COOK, BERYL - Private view / Beryl Cook
26818: COOK, JOAN MARBLE - In Defense of Homo Sapiens
267973: COOK, CHRISTOPHER D - Incunabula in the Westminster Abbey and Westminster School libraries
26748: COOK, JUDITH - Apprentices of Freedom
267394: COOK, JAMES (1728-1779) - Captain Cook's voyages of discovery / edited by John Barrow ; introduction by G.N. Pocock
266492: COOK, ARTHUR JAMES - The Mond moonshine : my case against the 'peace' surrender
265418: COOK, ELIZA (1818-1889) - Melaia : and other poems
265329: COOK, J - Air transport : the first fifty years / compiled by John Cook
265034: COOK, ELIZA (1818-1889) - The poetical works of Eliza Cook: complete edition, with explanatory notes, ect.: portrait and original illustrations
258777: COOK, A. J. (ARTHUR JAMES) - Mond's manacles : the destruction of trade unionism : being the sequel to 'Mond Moonshine'
255934: COOK, PETER - Tragically I was an only twin : the complete Peter Cook / [Peter Cook] ; edited by William Cook
255081: COOK, LIN - Something like fire : Peter Cook remembered / edited by Lin Cook
25257: COOK, ALBERT - French Tragedy; the Power of Enactment
251479: COOK, GRAHAM - Read Mark and pray
237418: COOK, CATHY (1968-) - The Agatha Christie miscellany / Cathy Cook
176690: COOK, ALICE - Greenham women everywhere : dreams, ideas and actions from the Women's Peace Movement / Alice Cook & Gwyn Kirk
170176: COOK, EDWARD TYAS, SIR (1857-1919) - Rights and wrongs of the Transvaal War
16748: COOK, TIM - Vagrant Alcoholics
167091: COOK, S. F. (1951-). SKINNER, TINA - Architectural details : Spain and the Mediterranean / S.F. 'Jerry' Cook III & Tina Skinner
160868: COOK, W. ROBERT - The Theology of John
155989: COOK, THOMAS H - Master of the delta
155783: COOK, DIANE. JENSHEL, LEN - Aquarium / Black-And-White Photographs by Diane Cook ; Color Photographs by Len Jenshel ; Essay by Todd Newberry ; Interview by Lawrence Weschler
155608: COOK, VIVIAN - Accomodating brocolli in the cemetary, or, why can't anybody spell?
12585: COOK, GRAEME - Missions Most Secret / Graeme Cook
189016: COOK, HERBERT FREDERICK, SIR (1868-1939) - Reviews and appreciations of some old Italian masters
187117: COOK, JOSEPH (1838-1901) - God in the Bible : with preludes and other addresses
252618: COOK, FREDERIC CHARLES (1810-1889) - The Acts of the Apostles / with a commentary, and practical and devotional suggestions for readers and students of the English Bible, by the Rev. F.C. Cook, M.A
159011: COOK, STANLEY ARTHUR (1873-1949) - The Religion of Ancient Palestine in the Second Millennium B. C. in the Light of Archæology and Inscriptions
195230: COOK, JOSEPH (1838-1901) - Socialism : with preludes on current events
251814: COOK, EDWARD - A popular handbook to the Greek and Roman antiquities in the British Museum
271531: COOK, G. H. (GEORGE HENRY) - English monasteries in the middle ages
277969: COOK, ANN - Ann Cook and friend / with an introduction and notes, by Regula Burnet
31226: COOK, CANFIELD - Springboard to Tokyo
124642: COOK, LELAND A. - St. Patrick's Cathedral
246389: COOK, PAUL - Lost in a Quiet World
136058: COOK, JOSEPH (1838-1901) - Labour : with Preludes on Current Affairs
109880: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA, SIR (1867-1928) - The Story of Rouen, by Theodore Andrea Cook, Illustrated by Helen M. James and Jane E. Cook
76945: COOK, JOEL (1842-1910) - England, Picturesque and Descriptive. a Reminiscence of Foreign Travel. by Joel Cook
61782: COOK, FRED J. - What Manner of Men; Forgotten Heroes of the American Revolution
113301: COOK, CHRIS (1945-) & PUGH, GEOFF - Sources in European Political History : Volume Three War and Resistance / Chris Cook and Geoff Pugh
55675: COOK, FRED J. - The Warfare State
8414: COOK, E. T. - Edmund Garrett; a Memoir, by E. T. Cook; with Portrait
151804: COOK, OLIVE (1912-2002) - Movement in Two Dimensions
85057: COOK, SHERMAN ROBLEY - Tin Things We like to Make
143291: COOK, HARTLEY KEMBALL (1878-) - The Free and Independent : the Trials, Temptations and Triumphs of the Parliamentary Elector
122532: COOK, PAUL (1944-) & NIXSON, F. I. - The Move to the Market? : Trade and Industry Policy Reform in Transitional Economies / Edited by Paul Cook and Frederick Nixson
220221: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA, SIR (1867-1928) - Old Touraine : the life and history of the famous chateaux of France
131993: COOK, STANLEY A. - The Religion of Ancient Palestine in the Light of Archaeology
131445: COOK, JOSEPH (1838-1901) - Marriage, with Preludes on Current Events
131423: COOK, STANLEY ARTHUR - Critical Notes on Old Testament History : the Traditions of Saul and David
226912: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA SIR (1867-1928) - Old Touraine : The life and history of the chateaux of the Loire - Complete in 2 volumes
227098: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA SIR (1867-1928 - Old Provence. Complete in 2 volumes
165156: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA, SIR (1867-1928) - Old Touraine : the Life and History of the Chateaux of the Loire
170784: COOK, STANLEY ARTHUR (1873-1949) - The 'truth' of the Bible
178797: COOK, JOSEPH (1838-1901) - Socialism : with preludes on current events
121158: COOK, ALEXANDRA PARMA & COOK, NOBLE DAVID - Good Faith and Truthful Ignorance : a Case of Transatlantic Bigamy / Alexandra Parma Cook & Noble David Cook
43220: COOK, EDWARD TYAS, SIR (1857-1919) - Edmund Garrett; a Memoir, by E. T. Cook; with Portrait
263064: COOK, STANLEY - Form photographs
195035: COOK, JOSEPH (1838-1901) - Socialism : with preludes on current events
237841: COOK, TERRY [EDITOR] - Hot rod yearbook no. 12
175121: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA, SIR (1867-1928) - Old Touraine : the life and history of the chateaux of the Loire
195105: COOK, STANLEY ARTHUR (1873-1949) - The Old Testament : a reinterpretation
12601: COOK, SIR EDWARD - Delane of 'The Times' / Sir Edward Tyas Cook
145551: COOK, EDWARD T. , SIR - Britain's Part in the War
146174: COOK, EDWARD TYAS, SIR - Britain's Part in the War
159425: COOK, JOSEPH (1838-1901) - Socialism, with Preludes on Current Events
168631: COOK, STANLEY ARTHUR - The 'truth' of the Bible
36419: COOK, THOMAS - My Mission Tour in South Africa
46149: COOK, THEODORE ANDREA, SIR (1867-1928) - Old Touraine; the Life and History of the Chateaux of France - [Complete in Two Volumes]
81886: COOK, JOHN R. - The Border and the Buffalo; an Untold Story of the Southwest Plains
195526: COOK, STANLEY ARTHUR (1873-1949) - The 'truth' of the Bible
196316: COOK, ROBERT C. (ROBERT CARTER), (1898-1991) - Human fertility: the modern dilemma / Robert C. Cook ; with an introd. by Julian Huxley
206516: COOK, ROBERT C. (ROBERT CARTER), (1898-1991) - Human fertility : the modern dilemma / Robert C. Cook ; with an introduction by Julian Huxley
208167: COOK, ELIZA (1818-1889) - Poems
209250: COOK, EMILY CONSTANCE ; THOMSON, HUGH [ILLUS.] - Highways and Byways in London
210544: COOK, G. H. (GEORGE HENRY) - Mediaeval chantries and chantry chapels / G.H. Cook
280551: ARMADILLO COOKBOOK - Armadillo Cook-Off Cookbook: a Texas Original: the cookbook sought by millions! used by few!
9165: COOKE, JUDY (ED. ) - Passions & Reflections : a Collection of 20th-Century Women's Fiction / Edited by Judy Cooke ; with an Introduction by Deborah Moggach - Vols. I & II
78381: COOKE, DONALD A - The Life & Death of Stars
74604: COOKE, ALISTAIR (1908-2004) - Memories of the Great & the Good
34164: COOKE, JAMES J. - New French Imperialism, 1880-1910 : the Third Republic and Colonial Expansion / James J. Cooke
30295: COOKE, ALISTAIR - The World of George Price : a 55-Year Retrospective
274059: COOKE, JOHN BYRNE - On the road with Janis Joplin
269524: COOKE, GREVILLE - The Light of the World : a reconstruction and interpretation of the life of Christ
268743: COOKE, MERVYN - Jazz / Mervyn Cooke
267324: COOKE, WILLIAM BARRISTER-AT-LAW, OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE (1757-1832) - Memoirs of Charles Macklin, comedian : with the dramatic characters, manners, anecdotes, &c. of the age in which he lived: forming an history of the stage during almost the whole of the last century. And a chronological list of all the parts played by him
258248: COOKE, RICHARD T - Cooke and Scanlon's guide to the history of Cork : compiled: Richard T. Cooke, Marion Scanlon
237300: COOKE, MERVYN - The chronicle of jazz / Mervyn Cooke
237165: COOKE, PHILIP E.; SHEPHERD, BEN - Hitler's Europe ablaze: occupation, resistance, and rebellion during World War II
227677: COOKE, BARRIE (1931-) - Barrie Cooke
226369: COOKE, MERVYN - The chronicle of jazz / Mervyn Cooke
206093: COOKE, GRACE - The light in Britain / [by] Grace and Ivan Cooke
169220: COOKE, ALISTAIR (1908-2004) - Alistair Cooke's America
257059: COOKE, JIM - Marley Grange Multi-denominational School challenge, 1973-78 / Jim Cooke
252936: COOKE, C - The senator; or, Clarendon's Parliamentary chronicle. Containing a weekly register, recording, with the strictest impartiality, and utmost accuracy, the proceedings and debates of the Houses of Lords and Commons. Forming a source of political information, highly interesting to every British subject ... volume 2
263563: COOKE, WILLIAM (1757-1832) - Memoirs of Samuel Foote, Esq. : With a collection of his bon-mots, anecdotes, opinions, &c. Mostly original. And three of his dramatic pieces, not published in his works. ...
257514: COOKE, JOHN FLETCHER - The Emperor's guest, 1942-45 / John Fletcher-Cooke
216624: COOKE, GEORGE WINGROVE (1814-1865) - The History of Party : from the rise of the Whig and Tory factions, in the reign of Charles II., to the passing of the Reform Bill / George Wingrove Cooke
109996: COOKE, EDMUND VANCE - Rimes to be Read
104688: COOKE, ALISTAIR - Douglas Fairbanks; the Making of a Screen Character, by Alistair Cooke ... . .. Museum of Modern Art, Film Library Series No. 2
76132: COOKE, PETER JOSEPH - RELATED NAME: BROWNE, EDMOND - A Handbook of the Drama; its Philosophy and Teaching, by P. J. Cooke ... with a Chapter on the Law of Copyright in its Relation to Dramatic Works. by Edmond Browne
109323: COOKE, ALISTAIR (1908-2004) - Alistair Cooke's America
110727: COOKE, ALISTAIR (1908-2004) - Masterpieces : a Decade of Masterpiece Theatre / Commentary by Alistair Cooke
223480: COOKE, M. C. (MORDECAI CUBITT) (1825-1914) - Handbook of British hepaticae : containing descriptions and figures of the indigenous species of Marchantia, Jungermannia, Riccia, and Anthoceros
202944: COOKE, JOAN - Why on earth : the light of the ancient wisdom on modern problems
193081: COOKE, ARTHUR O. (ARTHUR OWENS), (1867-1930) - Woodland voices
103494: COOKE, EDMUND VANCE - Impertinent Poems : by Edmund Vance Cooke ... with Illustrations by Gordon Ross ...
108783: COOKE, FRANCIS B. - Seamanship for Yachtsmen
100564: COOKE, ALISTAIR (1908-2004) - Masterpieces : a Decade of Masterpiece Theatre / Commentary by Alistair Cooke
194352: COOKE, GEORGE WINGROVE (1814-1865) - The history of party : from the rise of the Whig and Tory factions, in the reign of Charles II., to the passing of the Reform Bill
181960: COOKE, GEORGE ALEXANDER - Topographical and statistical description of the county of Wilts [Wiltshire] : containing an account of its situation , extent, towns, ... civil and ecclesiastical jurisdiction, &c. To which is prefixed, a copious travelling guide, ...
144881: COOKE, RICHARD JOSEPH, BISHOP (1853-1931) - The Incarnation and Recent Criticism
145550: COOKE ADAMS, G. - Why Great Britain Declared War
25265: COOKE, HEREWARD LESTER - The National Gallery of Art in Washington
44786: COOKE, NELSON M. AND MARKUS, JOHN - Electronics Dictionary
45915: COOKE, NELSON MAGOR - Electronics Dictionary, an Illustrated Glossary of over 6, 000 Terms Used in Radio, Television, Industrial Electronics, Communications, Facsimile, Sound Recording, Etc. , by Nelson M. Cooke ... and John Markus
46027: COOKE, STENSON - This Motoring : Being the Romantic Story of the Automobile Association
101250: COOKRIDGE, E. H. - The Third Man: the Truth about 'kim' Philby, Double Agent [By] E. H. Cookridge
113039: COOKRIDGE, E. H. - The Third Man: the Truth about 'kim' Philby, Double Agent [By] E. H. Cookridge
93126: COOKRIDGE, E. H. - The Third Man: the Truth about 'kim' Philby, Double Agent
91899: COOKRIDGE, E. H. - The Third Man: the Truth about Kim Philby, Double Agent
37480: COOKRIDGE, E. H. - The Many Sides of George Blake, Esq. ; the Complete Dossier, by E. H. Cookridge
120482: COOKRIDGE, E. H. - The Many Sides of George Blake, Esq. ; the Complete Dossier, by E. H. Cookridge
122483: COOKRIDGE, E. H. - The Third Man: the Truth about 'kim' Philby, Double Agent [By] E. H. Cookridge
271207: COOKSLEY, P. G - Classic fighters and bombers of World War II
272749: COOKSON, WILLIAM - Agenda (12 issues)
202809: COOKSON, CATHERINE - The invitation
270337: COOLE, W W - Thus spake Germany / Edited by W. W. Coole and M. F. Potter. Foreword by Lord Vansittart
58902: COOLE, W. W. AND POTTER, M. F. (EDS. ) - Thus Spake Germany
10538: COOLE, P. G. - The Orpheus Clocks
274557: COOLEY, ARNOLD JAMES - Cooley's Cyclopædia of practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufactures, professions, and trades, including medicine, pharmacy, and domestic economy : designed as a comprehensive supplement to the pharmacopœia and general book of reference for the manufacturer, tradesman, amateur, and heads of families / revised and greatly enlarged by W. North, M.A.Camb., F.C.S - in 2 volumes
26590: COOLEY, LELAND AND COOLEY, LEE MORRISON - Pre-medicated murder? Your self-defense manual / [by] Leland Cooley and Lee Morrison Cooley.
279170: COOLEY, THOMAS MCINTYRE (1824-1898) - The general principles of constitutional law in the United States of America
5488: COOLEY, EDWIN J. - Probation and Delinquency : the Study and Treatment of the Individual Delinquent
130527: COOLEY, EDWIN J. - Probation and Delinquency : the Study and Treatment of the Individual Delinquent
274361: COOLIDGE, SUSAN (1835-1905) - What Katy did next
273062: COOLIDGE, SUSAN - What Katy did next by Susan Coolidge [pseudonymn] ; with illustrations by Jessie McDermot
244100: COOLIDGE, WILLIAM H. HIGHT, CLARENCE A - Argument before the Board of Railroad Commissioners of Massachusetts in behalf of the Lexington & Boston Street Rail Company and the Newton Street Railway Company in Re Petition of Waltham Street Railway Company: for approval of Location of Tracks in Main Street, Parallel to existing Tracks of Newton Street Railway Company
244052: COOLIDGE, AUSTIN JACOBS AND MANSFIELD, JOHN BRAINARD - A History and Description of New England, general and local ... Vol. 1. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. [With plates and maps.]
29548: COOLIDGE, JOHN GARDNER (1864-1936) - A War Diary in Paris, 1914-1917, by John Gardner Coolidge
175136: COOLIDGE, EMMA DOWNING (1884-1968) - The dreamer
52661: COOLIDGE, ARCHIBALD CARY - Ten Years of War and Peace
166483: COOLING, B. FRANKLIN - Benjamin Franklin Tracy: Father of the Modern American Fighting Navy
263962: COOLING, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN III - Benjamin Franklin Tracy : father of the modern American fighting Navy
50117: COOMBES, DAVID - The Power of the Purse - the Role of European Parliaments in Budgetary Decisions
151350: COOMBES, MARION - Bettina Bear's Bus / Story by Marion Coombes ; Illustrated by J. S. Goodall
89048: COOMBES, H - T. F. Powys
128640: COOMBES, B. L. - Those Clouded Hills
253395: COOMBS, GEOFFREY K., (GEOFFREY KENDALL) - Plans for small gardens / Geoffrey K. Coombs
250305: COOMBS, L. F. E - Sherlock Holmes at the breakfast table / L.F.E. Coombs
208096: COOMBS, KATE - The runaway dragon
207972: COOMBS, KATE - The runaway princess
157860: COOMBS, ANNA OLSSON (1898- ) - Modern Swedish Cookbook, by Anna Olsson Coombs
182543: COOMBS CHARLES IRA ; LUHRS, HENRY (ILLUS.) - Walt Disney's Andy Burnett on trial / adapted by Charles I. Coombs ; illustrated by Henry Luhrs
108402: COOMBS, DAVID (ED. ) - Antique Collecting for Pleasure
29569: COON, CARLETON S. - Adventures and Discoveries - the Autobiography of Carleton S. Coon
246441: COON, NELSON - The dictionary of useful plants : the use, history and folklore of more than 500 plant species
73350: COON, GAYLORD PALMER (B. 1901). RAYMOND, ALICE F. - A Review of Psychoneuroses At Stockbridge
39106: COONEY, JOHN - The Annenbergs
255435: COONEY, JOHN - Humbert, a French general in rebel Ireland, 1798
255374: COONEY, DUDLEY LEVISTONE - Sharing the word : a history of the Bible Society in Ireland / Dudley Levistone Cooney
257558: COONEY, JOHN - Ireland & Europe : in times of world change : Humbert International School chronicle and directory 1987-2002
255449: COONEY, JOHN - A United State of Europe?
169451: COONS, WILLIAM R. - Attica diary / William R. Coons
185797: COONTS, STEPHEN (1946- ) - Fortunes of war / Stephen Coonts
248582: COOPER, THOMAS. MATTHEW, FRANCES. MATTHEW, TOBIAS - Thesaurus linguae Romanae & Britannicae, tam accurate congestus, vt nihil pene in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latine complectatur amplissimus Stephani thesaurus, vel Anglice, toties aucta Eliotae bibliotheca: opera & industria Thomae Cooperi Magdalensis. ... Accessit dictionarium historicum & poeticum propria vocabula virorum ... & caeterorum locorum complectens
95179: COOPER, RONALD A. & HARTLEY, KEITH (JOINT AUTHORS) - RELATED NAME: HARVEY, C. R. M - Export Performance and the Pressure of Demand: a Study of Firms, by R. A. Cooper and K. Hartley, Assisted by C. R. M. Harvey
94539: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). WYETH, NEWELL CONVERS (1882-1945) ILL. - The Deerslayer / James Fenimore Cooper ; Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth
94456: COOPER, MATTHEW (1952-) - The Phantom War : the German Struggle Against Soviet Partisans, 1941-1944
78375: COOPER, DOUGLAS (1911-?) ED - Great Family Collections. Edited and with an Introd. by Douglas Cooper
7116: COOPER, DAVID D. - The Lesson of the Scaffold. The Public Execution Controversy in Victorian England
71054: COOPER, RICHARD N. - Economic Policy in an Interdependent World : Essays in World Economics / Richard N. Cooper
247777: COOPER, BRANSBY BLAKE (1792-1853). - The life of Sir Astley Cooper, Bart : interspersed with sketches from his note-books of distinguished contemporary characters. Vol. 2
65321: COOPER, JANE (ED. ) (ET AL. ) - Extended Outlooks : the Iowa Review Collection of Contemporary Women Writers / Edited and with an Introduction by Jane Cooper ... [Et Al. ]
60293: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - James Fenimore Cooper; Short Stories from His Novels
53922: COOPER, HEATHER - Carnaval Perpetuel : a Collection of Works
42117: COOPER, JOSEPH (1933-) & MACKENZIE, CALVIN G. - The House At Work
36996: COOPER, RICHARD N. - Economic Policy in an Interdependent World - Essays in World Economics
33443: COOPER, MICHAEL H. - Social Policy : a Survey of Recent Developments / Edited by Michael H. Cooper
275531: COOPER, TARNYA - Citizen portrait : portrait painting and the urban elite of Tudor and Jacobean England and Wales / Tarnya Cooper
272765: COOPER, J. C. (JEAN C.) - An illustrated encyclopaedia of traditional symbols / J.C. Cooper
272242: COOPER, LEONARD - British regular cavalry, 1644-1914 / Leonard Cooper
269329: COOPER, DUFF; NORWICH, JOHN JULIUS, EDITOR - The Duff Cooper diaries, 1915-1951 / edited by John Julius Norwich
267533: COOPER, LEONARD - British regular cavalry, 1644-1914 / Leonard Cooper
267463: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - The Pilot
267079: COOPER, ANTHONY ASHLEY (1801-1885) [7TH EARL SHAFTESBURY, PHILANTHROPIST AND POLITICIAN] - Speeches of the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. : upon subjects having relation chiefly to the claims and interests of the labouring class: with a preface
266265: COOPER, PAMELA - A cloud of forgetting / Pamela Cooper
265286: COOPER, LEONARD - British regular cavalry, 1644-1914 / Leonard Cooper
265160: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - Mark's reef : or, The crater ; a tale of the Pacific
261018: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - Lionel Lincoln, or, The leaguer of Boston
260880: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - Lionel Lincoln: or, The leaguer of Boston - vol. 1
260053: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - Gleanings in Europe. England: by an American [i.e. James Fenimore Cooper] - vol. 1
259414: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - Leather stockings
256330: COOPER, BRYAN - Tank battles of World War I / [by] Bryan Cooper
255858: COOPER, JILLY - Class : a view from middle England / Jilly Cooper ; with drawings by Timothy Jaques
255082: COOPER, THOMAS (1805-1892) - The life of Thomas Cooper
247707: COOPER, ARTEMIS - Patrick Leigh Fermor : an adventure / Artemis Cooper
229424: COOPER, ROSALIND - Home wine waiter
11190: COOPER, WILLIAM E. - Britain for the Briton. Co-Operative Working of Agriculture and Other Industries a Necessity An Earnest Appeal for Land, Industrial, Economic and Other Vital Reforms
262497: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - Gleanings in Europe by an American
262332: COOPER, THOMAS SIDNEY (1803-1902) - My life
224482: COOPER, EMMANUEL - A history of pottery / [by] Emmanuel Cooper
222523: COOPER, JEREMY - Nineteenth-century romantic bronzes : French, English, and American bronzes, 1830-1915 / Jeremy Cooper
221261: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). N. C. WYETH (ILL. ) - The Deerslayer; or, The First War-Path
221262: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). N. C. WYETH (ILL. ) - The Deerslayer; or, The First War-Path
221258: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). N. C. WYETH (ILL. ) - The Deerslayer; or, The First War-Path
221259: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). N. C. WYETH (ILL. ) - The Deerslayer; or, The First War-Path
221260: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). N. C. WYETH (ILL. ) - The Deerslayer; or, The First War-Path
219294: COOPER, JACKIE - Please Don't Shoot My Dog : the Autobiography of Jackie Cooper / with Dick Kleiner
20303: COOPER, CHARLES (1936-) ED. - Science, Technology and Development : the Political Economy of Technical Advance in Underdeveloped Countries / Edited by Charles Cooper
195139: COOPER, THOMAS (1805-1892) - The purgatory of suicides : a prison-rhyme
19497: COOPER, LEONARD (1900-) - Many Roads to Moscow Three Historic Invasions
18939: COOPER, MICHAEL H. - Social Policy : a Survey of Recent Developments / Edited by Michael H. Cooper
180685: COOPER, MICHELLE - A brief history of Montmaray
167090: COOPER, DAVID D. (1924-) - The lesson of the scaffold : the public execution controversy in Victorian England / David D. Cooper
155860: COOPER, SUZANNE FAGENCE - Pre-Raphaelite art in the Victoria and Albert Museum
155712: COOPER, GUY. TAYLOR, GORDON - Paradise transformed : the private garden for the twenty-first century
155690: COOPER, TARNYA - Searching for Shakespeare / Tarnya Cooper ; with Essays by Marcia Pointon, James Shapiro, and Stanley Wells
155443: COOPER, MICHAEL - 'A More Beautiful City' : Robert Hooke and the Rebuilding of London after the Great Fire
138634: COOPER, CHESTER L. - The Lion's Last Roar : Suez, 1956 / Chester L. Cooper
125906: COOPER, B. K. - A Century of Trains / Basil Cooper
125430: COOPER, ROBERT M. - Lost on Both Sides : Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Critic and Poet / [by] Robert M. Cooper
252871: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - Cooper's Novels: illustrated by Darley: in ten volumes
80123: COOPER, MIRIAM AND HERNDON, BONNIE - Dark Lady of the Silents - My Life in Early Hollywood by Miriam Cooper
100641: COOPER, ERIC - Modern Sea Fishing; from Bass to Tunny, by Eric Cooper ... . .. with Eight Plates from Photographs
157089: COOPER, JAMES A. - Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper : a Story of Cape Cod
157207: COOPER, JOHN R. - The Southpaw's Secret
123619: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). WYETH, N. C. (NEWELL CONVERS) (1882-1945) (ILLUSTRATOR) - The Deerslayer / James Fenimore Cooper ; Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth [In Original Slip-Case]
263528: COOPER, THOMAS V - American politics (non-partisan) from the beginning to date : embodying a history of all the political parties, with their views and records on all important questions : great speeches on all great issues, the text of all existing political laws : a complete tabulated history of American politics ... : also a complete federal blue book ...
245712: COOPER, LETTICE - Fenny
103997: COOPER, MICHAEL (1973) - The Early Stones : Legendary Photographs of a Band in the Making, 1963-1973
214426: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - The pilot / James Fenimore Cooper ; introduction by John T. Winterich and illustrated with woodcuts by Robert M. Quackenbush
214428: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - The pilot / James Fenimore Cooper ; introduction by John T. Winterich and illustrated with woodcuts by Robert M. Quackenbush
214531: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851). PITZ, HENRY C. (ILLUS.) - The spy : a tale of the neutral ground
214399: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - The deerslayer, or, The first war-path, by James Fenimore Cooper, with an introduction by John T. Winterich and illustrations by Edward A. Wilson
249697: COOPER, CHARLES HENRY (1808-1866) - Annals of Cambridge. Vol. II & III
222080: COOPER, ALFRED SIR (1838-1908) - Syphilis and pseudo-syphilis
11675: COOPER, JOHN MONTGOMERY (1881-1949) - Children's Institutions
230451: COOPER, LANE - Louis Agassiz as a teacher; illustrative extracts on his method of instruction
245265: COOPER, CHARLES HENRY (1808-1866) - Annals of Cambridge. Complete in two volumes
25274: COOPER, COURTNEY RYLEY - Designs in Scarlet
138647: COOPER, DAVID LIPSCOMB (1886-1965) - The Eternal God Revealing Himself to Suffering Israel and to Lost Humanity
112234: COOPER, FREDERIC TABER AND MAURICE, ARTHUR BARTLETT (ET AL. ) - The Bookman, a Magazine of Literature and Life ... History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature ... . .. Chronicle and Comment. March, 1903
101497: COOPER, STEPHEN (1949-) - Full of Life : a Biography of John Fante
104164: COOPER, EDMUND - The Slaves of Heaven
75709: COOPER, LANE (1875-1959) - Late Harvest: Sketches of Cook, Adams, and Kleist; the College President; with Philosophical Reviews, and Papers on Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Byron
74848: COOPER, WILLIAM E. (1951-? ). PACCIA-COOPER, JEANNE (1955-? ) JOINT AUTHORS - Syntax and Speech
64867: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - Lionel Lincoln; Or, the Leaguer of Boston - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
110221: COOPER, LESTER - Animals, Animals, Animals : from the Award Winning ABC Television Children's Series, a Creation of ABC News / Written by Lester Cooper ; Edtied by Julie Duffy ; Illustrated by Ed Cage and Novle Rogers ; Photography by H. Michael Stewart
56941: COOPER, LETTICE ULPHA (1897-) - Robert Louis Stevenson
55742: COOPER, FRANK, PSEUD. SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE (1806-1870) - Vasconselos, a Romance of the New World
48934: COOPER, DANA - The Light of Common Day
15786: COOPER, ROBERT U. - Investments for Professional People
9100: COOPER, JOSEPH - The Lost Continent; or, Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa 1875. with Observations on the Asiatic Slave-Trade, Carried on under the Name of the Labour Traffic, and Some Other Subjects
84830: COOPER, JACKIE - Please Don't Shoot My Dog : the Autobiography of Jackie Cooper / with Dick Kleiner
83991: COOPER, ERWIN - Aqueduct Empire; a Guide to Water in California, its Turbulent History and its Management Today
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