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Click on booknumber for full information
14551: COOPER, LANE (1875-1959) - A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle, by Lane Cooper and Alfred Gudeman
145399: COOPER, A. N. (ARTHUR NEVILE) - The Curiosities of East Yorkshire
247636: COOPER, ERIC - Modern sea fishing : from bass to tunny / Eric Cooper
202085: COOPER, IRVING S. (IRVING STEIGER) (1882-1935) - Theosophy simplified
256061: COOPER, THOMAS CHARTIST - Cooper's journal: or, Unfettered thinker and plain speaker for truth, freedom, and progress
52242: COOPER, RUSSELL MORGAN (1907-) - American Consultation in World Affairs for the Preservation of Peace, by Russell M. Cooper; with an Introduction by Dr. James T. Shotwell
183964: COOPER, DAVID L. (DAVID LIPSCOMB) (1886-1965) - Messiah : His nature and person / David L. Cooper
38663: COOPER, JOSEPH B. AND MCGAUGH, JAMES L. - Integrating Principles of Social Psychology
40771: COOPER, SUSAN LEWIS (1947-). GLAZER, ELLEN SARASOHN - Choosing Assisted Reproduction : Social, Emotional & Ethical Considerations / Susan Lewis Cooper, Ellen Sarasohn Glazer
198115: COOPER, D. JASON - Understanding numerology : the power to know anybody / D. Jason Cooper
186687: COOPER, HELEN - Dog biscuit
262887: COOPER, CLAYTON SEDGWICK (1869-1936) - Latin America-- men and markets
172888: COOPER, ARTHUR - The sexual disabilities of man and their treatment
169186: COOPER, GORDON - Dead cities and forgotten tribes
104328: COOPER, EDMUND - The Slaves of Heaven
262965: COOPER, BILL - Angling in Norfolk and Suffolk waters and sea-fishing around the coast
262343: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - History of the navy of the United States of America
190250: COOPER, MORLEY - The cruising yacht
130364: COOPER, DAVID L. - The God of Israel
24954: COOPER, LEONARD - British Regular Cavalry 1644-1914
124115: COOPER, MARTIN M. - Academy Awards 1979 Oscar Annual
123273: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) AND WYETH, N. C. (ILLUS. ) - The Deerslayer / James Fenimore Cooper ; with Pictures by N. C. Wyeth
43907: COOPER, WILLIAM EARNSHAW, SIR (1843-1924) - Socialism and its Perils : a Critical Survey of its Policy, Showing the Fallacies and Impracticabilities of its Doctrines
46878: COOPER, HERBERT NOEL - Fifteen Years a Store Detective
6683: COOPER, DAVID D. - The Lesson of the Scaffold. The Public Execution Controversy in Victorian England
80268: COOPER, MARK - Mark Cooper - Exhibition in Helen Shlien Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts
87068: COOPER, EDMUND - The Slaves of Heaven
94176: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - The Prairie [By] J. Fenimore Cooper - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
94678: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - The Prairie; a Tale - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
202275: COOPER, DUFF, VISCOUNT NORWICH (1890-1954) - Translations and verses / [by] Duff Cooper
196224: COOPER, DAVID L. (DAVID LIPSCOMB) (1886-1965) - The eternal God revealing himself to suffering Israel and to lost humanity
199027: COOPER, ALFRED HEATON - Suffolk : water-colours
207058: COOPER, WILLIAM EARNSHAW, SIR (1843-1924) - Socialism and its perils : a critical survey of its policy, showing the fallacies and impracticabilities of its doctrines
263184: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) - Satanstoe, or, The Littlepage Manuscripts ; A Tale of the Colony
195143: COOPER'S JOURNAL - Cooper's journal, or, Unfettered thinker and plain speaker for truth, freedom, and progress
207073: DELEGATIONS OF THE NORDIC / ECONOMIC COOPERATION - The northern countries in world economy
191167: COOTE, ANNA. KELLNER, PETER. STAGEMAN, JANE. NEW STATESMAN - Hear this, brother : women workers and union power
190141: COOTE, STEPHEN - Drake : the life and legend of an Elizabethan hero
174088: COOTE, ANNA. PATTULLO, POLLY - Power and prejudice : women and politics / Anna Coote and Polly Pattullo
264323: COOTE, STEPHEN - Napoleon and the hundred days / Stephen Coote
115408: COOTE, COLIN REITH - In and about Rome
207153: COOTE, JAMES ALEXANDER (1882-) - A graphical survey of the Canadian textile industries
228797: COOTER, ROGER - Phrenology in the British Isles : an annotated historical biobibliography and index
275709: COOTNER, CATHRYN M - Anatolian kilims : the Caroline & H. McCoy Jones collection / Cathryn M. Cootner, with contributions by Garry Muse
171288: COOVER, ROBERT - After Lazarus : a filmscript
275106: COPE, ESTHER S - Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 / edited for the Royal Historical Society by Esther S. Cope, in collaboration with Willson H. Coates
252801: COPE, KEN - Fishing canals / Ken Cope ; foreword by Peter Maskell
252161: COPE, KEN - The Angling times book of the Severn / Ken Cope
246434: COPE, KEN - Catch More Barbel
190147: COPE, WENDY [ET AL.] - Poetry introduction 5
237708: COPE, VINCENT ZACHARY SIR (1881-1974), EDITOR - Sidelights on the history of medicine / Edited by Sir Vincent Zachary Cope
112601: COPE, WENDY. NICHOLAS GARLAND (ILL. ) - The River Girl / Wendy Cope ; Illustrated by Nicholas Garland
229355: COPE, ZACHARY (1881-1974) - The history of St. Mary's Hospital Medical School
238494: COPE, ZACHARY (1881-1974) - Actinomycosis
238130: COPE, ZACHARY (1881-1974). ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE (GREAT BRITAIN). SECTION OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE - Sidelights on the history of medicine
238217: COPE, ZACHARY (1881-1974) - Actinomycosis
239116: COPE, ZACHARY (1881-1974) - What the general practitioner ought to know about human actinomycosis
34277: COPE, JACK (1913-) - Albino
196643: COPEC COMMISSION. CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND CITIZENSHIP (1924 : BIRMINGHAM) - The home : being the report presented to the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham, April 5-12, 1924
177962: COPELAND, ROBERT M. (1907- ) - The language of Herz's Esther : a study in Judeo-German dialectology / edited by Robert M. Copeland and Nathan Susskind
159728: COPELAND, REBECCA L. ORTABASI, MELEK (ED. ) - The Modern Murasaki : Writing by Women of Meiji Japan / Edited by Rebecca L. Copeland and Melek Ortabasi
116769: COPELAND, ROBERT - Spode's Willow Pattern & Other Designs after the Chinese / Robert Copeland
46202: COPELAND, ALFRED JAMES - Bridewell Royal Hospital, Past and Present : a Short Account of it As Palace, Hospital, Prison, and School, with a Collection of Interesting Memoranda Hitherto Unpublished
47001: COPELAND, MELVIN THOMAS (1884-) - And Mark an Era; the Story of the Harvard Business School
171285: COPEMAN, EDWARD (1809-1880) - A Report on the Cerebral Affections of Infancy with a Few Comments and Practical Remarks
195645: COPEMAN, CHARLES - You and I and chaos : an ultimatum
259022: COPI - L'internazionale Argentina
172486: COPIN, ALFRED - Histoire des comediens de la troupe de Moliere
79563: COPLAND, AARON (1900-1990) & PERLIS, VIVIAN - Copland. 1900 through 1942
226981: COPLAND, WILLIAM (-1568 OR 1569). WORDE, WYNKYN DE (-1534?). ANGELO, VALENTI (1897-1982) ILLUST. - A lytell geste of Robyn Hode and his meiny / Reprinted from the edition edited by John Mathew Gutch, following the Wynken de Worde and William Copland texts, by Edwin and Robert Grabhorn for the Westgate Press. The colored illustrations are by Valenti Angelo
234794: COPLESTON, FREDERICK CHARLES (1907-1994) - Aquinas
262624: COPLEY, GORDON J - The conquest of Wessex in the sixth century / Gordon J. Copley
219186: COPLEY, GREG - Australians in the air / [by] Greg Copley
270458: COPPARD, A. E. (ALFRED EDGAR) (1878-1957) - Dunky Fitlow : tales
105653: COPPARD, A. E. (ALFRED EDGAR) - Adam & Eve & Pinch Me, Tales by A. E. Coppard
172346: COPPEE, FRANCOIS (1842-1908) - La greve des forgerons : poeme / par Francois Coppee
229960: COPPÉE, FRANÇOIS (1842-1908) - Poésies, (1869-1874)
212918: COPPENS, JOSEPH (1896-1981) - Le fils de l'homme neotestamentaire / par Joseph Coppens
243461: COPPENS, JOSEPH (B. 1896). DESCAMPS, ALBERT-LOUIS (D. 1980). MASSAUX, EDOUARD CONGRESSUS INTERNATIONALIS CATHOLICUS DE RE BIBLICA (1958 : BRUSSELS AND LOUVAIN, BELGIUM) - Sacra pagina : miscellanea biblica Congressus Internationalis Catholici de Re Biblica / ediderunt J. Coppens, A. Descamps, E. Massaux. Vol. 1
257552: COPPENS, CHARLES - Who are the Jesuits?
215360: COPPENS, JOSEPH, 1896-1981 - Vom christlichen Verstandnis des Alten Testaments = Les harmonies des deux Testaments, supplement bibliographique = bibliographie / J. Coppens
192006: COPPENS, JOSEPH (B. 1896) - Het onsterfelijkheidsgeloof in het Psalmboek
170014: COPPENS, URBAN - [Le Palais de Caiphe.] The Palace of Caiphas and the New Garden of the Assumptionist Fathers, St. Peter's, at Mount Sion
76816: COPPER, BASIL - Necropolis / Basil Copper ; Illustrated by Stephen E. Fabian
76772: COPPER, BASIL - The House of the Wolf / Basil Copper ; Drawings by Stephen E. Fabian
77625: COPPER, BASIL - From Evil's Pillow
179266: COPPING, ARTHUR E. (ARTHUR EDWARD) (1865-?) - A journalist in the Holy Land : glimpses of Egypt and Palestine
182260: COPPING, ARTHUR EDWARD (1865-?) - A journalist in the Holy Land : glimpses of Egypt and Palestine
5559: COPPING, EDWARD - Alfieri and Goldoni; Their Lives and Adventures
60945: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Michelangelo / Trewin Copplestone
271367: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - World architecture : an illustrated history from earliest times / edited by Trewin Copplestone
254357: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Masterpieces in colour: Pompeian frescoes with an introduction and notes by Trewin Copplestone
240156: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Frank Lloyd Wright / Trewin Copplestone
60943: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Edgar Degas / Trewin Copplestone
147361: COPPLESTONE, JOHN F. - Preventive Aspects of Occupational Health Nursing
60906: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Pierre-Auguste Renoir / Trewin Copplestone
100194: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Claude Monet
190442: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN [ED.] - World architecture : an illustrated history / introduction by H.R. Hitchcock ; [text by] Seton Lloyd ... [et al.] ; general editor, Trewin Copplestone
168354: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Modern Art Movements
45282: COPPOLA, FRANCIS FORD (1939-). ISHIOKA, EIKO. DWORKIN, SUSAN - Coppola and Eiko on Bram Stoker's Dracula / Francis Ford Coppola and Eiko Ishioka ; Edited by Susan Dworkin ; Photographs of the Costumes by David Seidner ; Photographs of the Film by Ralph Nelson
244322: COPPOLA, GOFFREDO - Augusto
190677: COPPOLA, FRANCESCO (1878-1957) - Fascismo e bolscevismo / Francesco Coppola
149447: COPPOLA, FRANCESCO - Fascismo E Bolscevismo / Francesco Coppola
254260: COPPOLINO, CARL A - The crime That Never Was
271135: COPSEY, W.G - The Practical grocer / written by specialist contributors; edited by W.G. Copsey - in 2 volumes
158575: COPWAY, GEORGE (1818-1863?). RUOFF, A. LAVONNE BROWN. SMITH, DONALD B. - Life, Letters, and Speeches / George Copway (Kahgegagahbow) ; Edited by A. Lavonne Brown Ruoff and Donald B. Smith
119809: ONE CLUB FOR ART & COPY (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - The One Show Interactive : Advertising's Best Interactive and New Media / the One Club. Vol. III
132509: COQUELIN, CHARLES. GUILLAUMIN, GILBERT URBAIN (EDS. ) - Dictionnaire De L'Economie Politique / Contenant L'Exposition Des Principes De La Science, L'Opinion Des Ecrivains Qui Ont Le Plus Contribue a Sa Fondation Et a Ses Progres, La Bibliographie Generale De L'Economie Politique... . ..avec Des Notices Biographiques Et Une Appreciation Raisonnee Des Principaux Ouvrage Par Frederic Bastiat ... [Et Al. ]; Publie Sous La Direction De Ch. Coquelin Et Guillaumin
129813: COQUELLE, P. - Napoleon and England, 1803-1813 : a Study from Unprinted Documents
135815: COQUEREL, ATHANASE - Jean Calas Et Sa Famille; Etude Historique D'Apres Les Documents Originaux. Suivie De Pieces Justificatives Et Des Lettres De La Soeur A. -J. Fraisse De La Visitation
134704: COQUEREL, ATHANASE (1820-1875) - Biographie Sacree / Revue Et Argumentee D'Un Essai Historique Et Critique Sur Les Dates De La Bible Par Athanase Coquerel
180903: CORANDIN, VICTOR - Comedie industrielle du capital et du travail : Etude de socialisme pratique
207442: CORBACH, OTTO (1877-?) - The open door
123872: LE CORBEILLER, CLARE - European and American Snuff Boxes, 1730-1830
50158: CORBET, HUGH - Trade Strategy and the Asian-Pacific Region
175666: CORBET, HUGH. TRADE POLICY RESEARCH CENTRE - Towards an open world economy : report by an advisory group, with background papers by Hugh Corbet
90456: CORBETT, MARY JEAN (1962-) - Allegories of Union in Irish and English Writing, 1790-1870 : Politics, History, and the Family from Edgeworth and to Arnold
55064: CORBETT, RUTH - Daddy Danced the Charleston
187225: CORBETT-SMITH, ARTHUR (1879-?) - Woman--theme and variations : a divertimento
93838: CORBETT, DAVID C. - Politics and the Airlines, by David Corbett
147369: CORBETT, PATRICK - Ideologies
183051: CORBETT-SMITH, A. - Woman - theme and variations : a divertimento
255194: CORBETT, EDWARD COLONEL, LATE SHROPSHIRE MILITIA - An old coachman's chatter; with some practical remarks on driving
263648: CORBETT, JULIAN - Monk
150599: CORBETT, JOHN - The Birmingham Trades Council
90243: CORBETT, DAVID C. - Politics and the Airlines
17972: CORBIJN, ANTON - 33 Still Lives
58516: CORBIN, JOHN R. - The Art of Distributed Applications : Programming Techniques for Remote Procedure Calls / John R. Corbin
124551: CORBIN, PATRICIA - Designers Design for Themselves : Inside the Charming Old Homes of Fourteen Trend Setters and Talents in American Arts and Design / Patricia Corbin ; Photographs by Ernst Beadle
52168: CORBIN, JOHN - The Unknown Washington - Biographic Origins of the Republic
265970: CORBITT, TERRY - Information technology and its applications / Terry Corbitt
279513: CORBITT, HELEN - Helen Corbitt's potluck
242220: LE CORBUSIER - Gaudí: texto: le Corbusier, fotoscop: gomis-prats
237288: LE CORBUSIER (1887-1965); VON MOOS, STANISLAUS AND RUEGG, ARTHUR (1942-), EDS - Le Corbusier before Le Corbusier: applied arts, architecture, painting, photography, 1907-1922 / edited by Stanislaus von Moos and Arthur Ruegg
122728: LE CORBUSIER (1887-1965). FRANCLIEU, FRANCOISE DE - Le Corbusier Sketchbooks. Volume 2 / Preface by Andre Wogenscky ; Introduction by Maurice Besset ; Notes by Francoise De Franclieu
233158: CORCORAN, MARY P. LALOR, KEVIN. ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY - Reflections on crisis : the role of the public intellectual / edited by Mary P. Corcoran and Kevin Lalor
193478: CORCORAN, TOM - Bone Island mambo
242696: CORCOS, FERNAND - A travers la Palestine juive / par Fernand Corcos
144803: CORCOS, FERNAND - Catechisme Des Partis Politiques : Historique, Doctrine Et Programme De Tous Les Partis Politiques En France, Pour Les Elections De 1932
177099: CORD, LEWIS C. - Secrets of industry
223286: CORDASCO, FRANCESCO - American medical imprints, 1820-1910 : a checklist of publications... [complete in 2 volumes]
227478: CORDASCO, FRANCESCO (1920-) - A Junius bibliography / with a preliminary essay on the political background, text and identity
121214: CORDASCO, FRANCESCO (1920-) - The Italian-American Experience; an Annotated and Classified Bibliographical Guide, with Selected Publications of the Casa Italiana Educational Bureau
176672: CORDASCO, FRANCESCO (ED.) - Poverty : sources for the study of economic inequality and its social consequnces / General editor: Francesco Cordasco, Montclair State College.
255707: CORDAY, MICHEL - Monsieur, Madame et L'Auto
154170: CORDAY, MICHEL (1870-) - Anatole France D'Apres Ses Confidences Et Ses Souvenirs
272190: CORDEAUX, E. H. (EDWARD HAROLD) - A bibliography of printed works relating to the city of Oxford
272136: CORDEAUX, E. H. (EDWARD HAROLD) - A bibliography of printed works relating to Oxfordshire (excluding the University and City and Oxford). Supplementary vol
254838: CORDELIER, JEANNE - The life / [by] Jeanne Cordelier and Martine Laroche ; translated from the French by Harry Mathews
62459: CORDELL, ALEXANDER - If You Believe the Soldiers
37749: CORDEN, WARNER MAX - Trade Policy and Economic Welfare
18081: CORDEN, W. M. - Public Asistance to Industry Protection and Subsidies in Britain and Germany
114381: CORDER, JIM WAYNE (1929-) - More Than a Century. Text by Jim W. Corder. Photos. by Michael Chesser and Linda Kaye
114064: CORDER, JIM WAYNE (1929-) - More Than a Century. Text by Jim W. Corder. Photos. by Michael Chesser and Linda Kaye
129774: CORDERO, HARRY GEORGE & TARRING, LESLIE HERBERT - Babylon to Birmingham : an Historical Survey of the Development of the World's Non-Ferrous Metal and Iron and Steel Industries and the Commerce in Metals Since Ther Earliest Times / Compiled Andf Edited by H. G. Cordero & L. H. Tarring
208179: CORDERY, STACY A - Juliette Gordon Low : the remarkable founder of the Girl Scouts
88971: CORDES, RON & ZAHNER, DON - Fly Fisherman's Complete Guide to Fishing with the Fly Rod / Cordes ... [Et Al. ; Edited by Don Zahner and the Staff of Fly Fisherman Magazine]
23824: CORDESMAN, ANTHONY H. - After the Storm : the Changing Military Balance in the Middle East / Anthony H. Cordesman
223622: CORDIER, HENRI (1849-1925) - Bibliotheca indo-sinica; essai d'une bibliographie des ouvrages relatifs a la presqu'ile Indo-chinoise / par Henri Cordier ... Premiere partie: Birmanie et Assam ...
179270: CORDIER, HENRI - Melanges Americains
280696: CORDIER, HENRI (1849-1925) - Un interprète du général Brune et la fin de l'École des jeunes de langues
99741: CORDINGLY, DAVID (CONSULT. ED. ) - Pirates : Terror on the High Seas, from the Caribbean to the South China Sea / Consulting Editor, David Cordingly
116548: CORDLE, NORM - Thoroughbred Handicapping In-Balance
183794: CORDOBA CORTIZ, JORGES - Diccionario de la jurisprudencia colombiana por materias y por disposiciones legales / Jorge Cordoba Cortiz
228462: CÓRDOVA-RIOS, MANUEL - The stolen chief : adventures of a captive in the Amazon jungle
223697: DE CORDOVA, RUDOLPH (1860-1941) - Royalties of the world : being a series of portraits in colour of reigning families of the civilized world / with monographs by Rudolf De Cordova
111415: CORDY, PETER - Creative Source, Third Annual Edition - Canada
68350: CORE, PHILIP - The Original Eye : Arbiters of Twentieth-Century Taste
141013: CORELL, ALF - Consummatum Est : Eschatology and Church in the Gospel of St. John
129055: CORELL, ALF - Consummatum Est : Eschatology and Church in the Gospel of St. John
76314: CORELLI, MARIE (1855-1924) - The Treasure of Heaven ; a Romance of Riches
74516: CORELLI, MARIE (1855-1924) - Temporal Power : a Study in Supremacy
188598: CORELLI, MARIE (1855-1924) - Free opinions, freely expressed on certain phases of modern social life and conduct
244616: CORELLI, MARIE (1855-1924) - Free opinions, freely expressed on certain phases of modern social life and conduct
110854: CORELLI, MARIE (1855-1924) - The Master-Christian; a Question of the Time, by Marie Corelli
194334: CORELLI, MARIE (1864-1924) - Barabbas : a dream of the world's tragedy
176939: CORELLI, MARIE (1855-1924) - The Master-Christian
255932: COREN, ALAN (1938-2007) - Tissues for men / Alan Coren
86447: COREY, MELINDA - Movies and TV : the New York Public Library Book of Answers / Melinda Corey and George Ochoa
40573: COREY, E. RAYMOND - Technology Fountainheads - the Management Challenge of R & D Consortia
142937: CORFIELD, ALAN JOHN - Epoch in Workers' Education : a History of the Workers' Educational Trade Union Committee
123081: CORINA, MAURICE - Fine Silks and Oak Counters : Debenhams, 1778-1978
254694: CORISH, PATRICK J - Maynooth College : 1795-1995 / Patrick J. Corish
85551: CORK, JOHN - James Bond / John Cork & Bruce Scivally - [Half T. P. : James Bond, the Legacy]
269963: CORK, VENA - Thorn / Vena Cork
45418: CORK AND ORRERY, JOHN BOYLE, EARL OF (1707-1762) - Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, in a Series of Letters from John, Earl of Orrery, to His Son, the Honourable Hamilton Boyle ...
18223: CORK, JAMES M. (JAMES MURLE) (1894-) - Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
132759: CORKRAN, ALICE - The Romance of Woman's Influence : St. Monica, Vittoria Colonna, Madame Guyon, Caroline Herschel, Mary Unwin, Dorothy Wordsworth and Other Mothers, Wives, Sisters, and Friends Who Have Helped Great Men
183455: CORLE, EDWIN - People on the earth
122546: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - Billy the Kid
113490: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - Burro Alley
104427: CORLE, EDWIN - Listen, Bright Angel, by Edwin Corle
122515: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - Three Ways to Mecca / Edwin Corle
106295: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - Coarse Gold
167938: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - Coarse Gold
168273: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - In Winter Light
107216: CORLE, EDWIN - Coarse Gold
156492: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - In Winter Light / Edwin Corle
156545: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - People on the Earth / Edwin Corle
82423: CORLE, EDWIN (1906-1956) - Fig Tree John
62220: CORLETT, WILLIAM - The Judaic Law / William Corlett and John Moore
143035: CORLETT, WILFRED JOHN - The Economic Developmemt of Detergents
193578: CORLEY, ELIZABETH - Fatal legacy
91070: CORLISS, RICHARD - Talking Pictures : Screenwriters in the American Cinema / Richard Corliss ; Pref. by Andrew Sarris
278677: CORLISS, RICHARD - Talking pictures : screenwriters in the American cinema
261634: CORMACK, GEORGE - Egypt in Asia : a plain account of pre-Biblical Syria and Palestine
221593: CORMACK, MALCOLM; VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Country pursuits : British, American, and French sporting art from the Mellon collections in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts / Malcolm Cormack
198897: CORMACK, MALCOLM - Bonington / Malcolm Cormack
125552: CORMACK, A. J. R. (ED. ) - Famous Pistols and Hand Guns / General Editor, A. J. R. Cormack
192969: CORMACK, UNA - The Church and social work
270862: CORMACK, GEORGE - Egypt in Asia : a plain account of pre-Biblical Syria and Palestine
116319: CORMACK, A. J. R. (ED. ) - Famous Pistols and Hand Guns / General Editor, A. J. R. Cormack
222196: CORMACK, JOHN ROSE (1815-1882) - Clinical studies, illustrated by cases observed in hospital and private practice - Complete in 2 volumes
85862: CORMAN, CID - Word for Word : Essays on the Arts of Language
86638: CORMAN, CID - At Their Word / Essays on the Arts of Language / Volume II. Cid Corman
277835: CORMAN, CID - Word for word : essays on the arts of language
212964: CORMAN, MATHIEU - Drougar : vie intime d'une republique populaire
130748: CORMEAU, NELLY - L'Art De Francois Mauriac. Pref. De Francois Mauriac. Orne D'Un Portrait Par Charles Leirens
181645: CORMENIN, M. DE - Etat de la question / par M de Cormenin
51351: CORN, WANDA M. - The Art of Andrew Wyeth [By] Wanda M. Corn. with Contributions by Brian O'Doherty, Richard Meryman [And] E. P. Richardson. Issued in Connection with the Exhibition Held At the M. H. De Young Memorial Museum of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 1973
141545: H. CORNAZ - Le Film De L'Ancien Testament Par Un Ancient Pasteur
270040: CORNE, J. M - événements de paris ou journées mémorables des 27, 28 et 28 juillet 1830
264465: CORNEILLE, PIERRE - Théâtre choisi en deux volumes - in 2 volumes
250363: CORNEILLE, PIERRE - Le théatre de P. Corneille - Volume 5
242784: CORNEILLE, PIERRE - Théâtre choisi illustré: Volume three
163132: CORNEILLE, PIERRE (1606-1684) - La Mort De Solon / Piece Attribuee Par Elizabeth M. Fraser a Pierre Corneille
64905: CORNEILLE, PIERRE (1606-1684) - Oeuvres Des Deux Corneille (Pierre Et Thomas) : Collationnée Sur Les Meilleurs Textes, Précédées De La Vie De Pierre Corneille, Rédigée D'Après Les Documents Anciens Et Nouveaux Avec Les Variantes Et Les Corrections De Pierre Corneille... Ses De´dicaces, Ses Avertissements Et Ses Examens, Ses Trois Discours Sur La Trageèdie, Accompagneèes De Notices Historiques Et Littèraires Sur Chacque Piece Des Deux Corneille - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
63424: CORNEILLE, PIERRE (1606-1684) - Les Chef-D'oeuvres De Pierre Et De Thomas Corneille - [Complete in 3 Volumes]. [Partial Contents: Vol.2. Polyceute. Pompée. Rodoguse. by Pierre Corneille]
148809: DE CORNEILLE, ROLAND - Christians and Jews : the Tragic Past and the Hopeful Future / Roland De Corneille ; Postscript by Rabbi Balfour Brickner
231353: CORNEILLE, PIERRE (1606-1684) - Oeuvres de P. Corneille - Theatre Complet - Precedeed de la vie de l'auteur, par Fontenelle et suives d'un dictionnaire donnant l'explication des mots qui ont vieilli
57394: CORNEJO, MARIANO HARLAN (1873-) - The Balance of the Continents, by Mariano H. Cornejo ... with a Letter from M. Raymond Poincare ... and an Epilogue
266491: CORNÉLISSEN, CHRISTIAN - Les Dessous économiques de la guerre, les appétits allemands et les devoirs de l'Europe occidentale, par Christian Cornélissen, ... Préface par Charles Andler
199240: DENIS STEEN : ERIK CORNELIUS - Hogtryck : material och metoder
233107: CORNELIUS TACITUS. SIEVEKING, WILHELM - Die Romer in England : Originaltexte mit deutscher Ubertragung
81337: CORNELL, JAMES (1938-?) - The Great International Disaster Book
39499: CORNELL, JAMES (1938-). LIGHTMAN, ALAN P. (1948-) - Revealing the Universe : Prediction and Proof in Astronomy / Edited by James Cornell and Alan P. Lightman
251256: CORNELL, MARTYN - Beer : the story of the pint : the history of Britain's most popular drink / Martyn Cornell
163773: CORNELL, JULIEN D. , (1910-) - The Conscientious Objector and the Law [By] Julien Cornell. Foreword by Harry Emerson Fosdick
102719: CORNELL, JAMES. JOHN CARR (EDS. ) - Infinite Vistas : New Tools for Astronomy
204431: CORNELLIUS, FRANCISCUS - Cursus Scripturae Sacrae. Auctoribus R. Cornely, I. Knabenbauer, Fr. de Hummelauer aliisque Soc. Jesu presbyteris : Commentarius in Actus Apostolorum auctore Iosepho Knabenbauer
264262: CORNER, GEORGE W. (GEORGE WASHINGTON) (1889-1981) - Attaining manhood : a doctor talks to boys about sex
120436: CORNER, BETSY COPPING - William Shippen, Jr. , Pioneer in American Medical Education; a Biographical Essay. with Notes, and the Original Text of Shippen's Student Diary, London, 1759-1760; Together with a Translation of His Edinburgh Dissertation, 1761
127402: CORNET, RENEJULES - Katanga; Le Katanga Avant Les Belges, Et L'Expedition Bia-Francqui-Cornet Bruxelles, L. Cuypers
73185: CORNET, JULIUS - A Manual of Russian and English Conversation
96541: CORNEVIN, MARIANNE - Apartheid : Power and Historical Falsification / Marianne Cornevin
60807: CORNFELD, G. ED. - War for Redemption and Peace : La Guerre Pour La Redemption Et La Paix
131581: CORNFORD, L. COPE - The Price of Home Rule
246615: CORNFORTH, JOHN - London interiors : from the archives of Country life / John Cornforth
182757: CORNFORTH, MAURICE CAMPBELL - Marxism and the linguistic philosophy
11525: CORNGOLD, STANLEY - Complex Pleasure : Forms of Feeling in German Literature / Stanley Corngold
159286: CORNHILL, CARL HEINRICH (1854-). BOX, GEORGE HERBERT (1869-) TR. - Introduction to the Canonical Books of the Old Testament
259153: CORNICK, HENRY FRANK - Dock and harbour engineering : being a four-volume treatise based on Dock engineering and Harbour engineering by B. Cunningham. Vol. 1 The design of docks / Henry F. Cornick; with a forewordby W.P. Shepherd-Barron
259154: CORNICK, HENRY FRANK - Dock and harbour engineering. Vol.2 The design of harbours
259155: CORNICK, HENRY FRANK - Dock and harbour engineering. Vol.2 The design of harbours
259156: CORNICK, HENRY FRANK - Dock and harbour engineering : being a four-volume treatise based on Dock engineering and Harbour engineering by B. Cunningham. Vol. 1 The design of docks / Henry F. Cornick; with a forewordby W.P. Shepherd-Barron
259144: CORNICK, HENRY F. (HENRY FRANK) - Dock and harbour engineering : being a four-volume treatise based on Dock engineering and Harbour engineering by B. Cunningham. Vol. 2 The design of harbours / Henry F. Cornick; with a forewordby W.P. Shepherd-Barron
259146: CORNICK, HENRY FRANK - Dock and harbour engineering. Vol.2 The design of harbours
229586: CORNIDE, JOSÉ (1734-1803) - Ensayo de una historia de los peces y otras producciones marinas de la costa de Galicia, arreglado al sistema del Caballero Carlos Linneo : con un tratado de las diversas pescas, y de las redes y aparejos con que se practican
132995: [ BIBLE. O. T. JEREMIAH. HEBREW. ] CORNILL, CARL HEINRICH - The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah / Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text Arranged in Chronological Order with Notes by C. H. Cornill ; English Translation of the Notes by C. Johnston
143924: CORNILL, CARL HEINRICH (1854-1920) - Einleitung in Das Alte Testament / Von Carl Heinrich Cornill
195519: CORNILL, CARL HEINRICH (1854-1920) - Introduction to the canonical books of the Old Testament
230136: CORNILLOT, LUCIE - Visages de la Franche-Comté / par Lucie Cornillot ... [et al.]
262062: CORNISH, C. J. (CHARLES JOHN) (1858-1906) - The living animals of the world : a popular natural history : an interesting description of beasts, birds, fishes, reptiles, insects, etc., with authentic anecdotes - Vol. 2
112559: CORNISH, VAUGHAN (1862-) - The Great Capitals. an Historical Geography
164500: CORNISH, LOUIS CRAIG (1870-1950) COMP. - The Religious Minorities in Transylvania
221981: CORNISH, CHARLES JOHN (1858-1906) - The New Forest, and the Isle of Wight
169381: CORNOG, EVAN - Hats in the ring : an illustrated history of American presidential campaigns / text by Evan Cornog ; illustrations selected by and captions by Richard Whelan
57763: J. A. DOWNIE AND THOMAS N. CORNS (EDS. ) - Telling People What to Think : Early Eighteenth-Century Periodicals from the Review to the Rambler / Edited by J. A. Downie and Thomas N. Corns
275021: CORNWALL, NELLIE PSEUD. [I.E. NELLIE SLOGGETT.] - Little Bunch's Charge; or, True to trust
262601: ROYAL INSTITUTION OF CORNWALL - Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall - Volume 9
241437: CORNWALLIS, CAROLINE FRANCES - Christian Sects in the Nineteenth Century in a series of letters to a lady
270100: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Harlequin / Bernard Cornwell
268143: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Excalibur : a novel of Arthur / Bernard Cornwell
265608: CORNWELL, E. L. (EDWARD LEWIS) - Commercial vehicles
97596: CORNWELL, NEIL - The Life, Times, and Milieu of V. F. Odoyevsky, 1804-1869
255125: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Heretic / Bernard Cornwell
235875: CORNWELL, EDWARD LEWIS - Still flying
229766: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - At risk / Patricia Cornwell
229019: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - Black notice
229017: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - Point of origin
229010: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - Cruel & unusual : a novel
228922: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - All that remains : a novel
228923: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - The body farm / Patricia D. Cornwell. SIGNED
228699: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - The last precinct
228601: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - The body farm : a novel
224683: CORNWELL, BERNARD (1944-) - Enemy of God : a novel of Arthur / Bernard Cornwell
213079: CORNWELL, BERNARD (1944-?) - Sharpe's Trafalgar
212309: CORNWELL, BERNARD (1944-) - Sharpe's Eagle : Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809 / Bernard Cornwell
210764: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Black notice / Patricia Cornwell
199514: CORNWELL, BERNARD (1944-) - Sharpe's prey : Richard Sharpe and the expedition to Copenhagen, 1807 / Bernard Cornwell
193505: CORNWELL, BERNARD (1944- ) - Sharpe's prey : Richard Sharpe and the expedition to Copenhagen, 1807
193486: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's fury : Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Barrosa, March 1811
193482: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Stonehenge : a novel of 2000 BC / Bernard Cornwell
159939: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - The Body Farm : a Novel / Patricia Cornwell
159937: CORNWELL, PATRICIA DANIELS - Black Notice / Patricia Cornwell
256408: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's company : Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Badajoz, January to April 1812 / Bernard Cornwell
257191: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Vagabond / Bernard Cornwell
256479: CORNWELL, JOHN - Hitler's Pope : the secret history of Pius 12 / (by) John Cornwell
257316: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's prey : Richard Sharpe and the expedition to Copenhagen, 1807 / Bernard Cornwell
257318: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Vagabond / Bernard Cornwell
257319: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's havoc : Richard Sharpe and the campaign in Northern Portugal, Spring 1809 / Bernard Cornwell
257320: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Gallows thief / Bernard Cornwell
257322: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Stonehenge : a novel of 2000 BC / Bernard Cornwell
257314: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Heretic / Bernard Cornwell
257315: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Enemy of God : a novel of Arthur / Bernard Cornwell
257303: CORNWELL, BERNARD - The Winter king : a novel of Arthur / Bernard Cornwell
178436: COROMINAS, ENRIQUE V. - In the Caribbean political areas
80481: COROMINAS, PEDRO (1870-?) - El Sentimiento De La Riqueza En Castilla; Conferencias Dadas En La Residencia De Estudiantes Los Dias 24, 26 Y 28 De Marzo De 1917
170824: COROMINAS, ENRIQUE V. - In the Caribbean political areas
226412: CORONA, LIVIA - Enanitos toreros : photographs and interviews / Livia Corona
225639: COROT, CAMILLE (1796-1875) - The Masters 59 : Corot. [The world's most complete gallery of painting]
272457: COROTTI, FIORELLO - Fiorello Corotti : dipinti e poesie
248895: HEARST CORP - Motor boating. Special boat show annual
260892: CORP, HARRIET - An antidote to the miseries of human life : in the history of the widow Placid, and her daughter Rachael
104868: SEVEN ARTS ASSOCIATED CORP. - Seven Arts' 'Films of the 50's' - Volume 8
262768: GENERAL FOODS CORP - 19 wonderful coffee recipes
218131: SEVEN ARTS ASSOCIATED CORP. - Seven Arts' 'Films of the 50's' : Volume 8
211019: CORPECHOT, LUCIEN (1871-) - Souvenirs d'un journaliste / Lucien Corpechot
85992: THE HEARST CORPORATION - Maneaters and Marmosets : Strange and Fascinating Tales from the Animal Kingdom
270796: BOPHUTHATSWANA NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - The Place of stones : a short history of Mafeking
258592: BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION - BBC annual report and handbook
214527: BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION - Report and accounts of the British Broadcasting Corporation 1966-67
246231: BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1949 : a radio commemoration
263352: THE ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION - The Entertainment Corporation presents direct from the USSR, the Kirov Ballet : 1988 tour of UK and Ireland official souvenir programme / programme notes by Clement Crisp ; photographed by Snowdon
243517: BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY.; BURROUGHS CORPORATION - A Better day's work at a less cost of time, work, and worry to the man at the desk
98511: CITY OF LONDON (ENGLAND). CORPORATION - London's Roll of Fame: Being Complimentary Votes and Addresses from the City of London, on Presentation of the Honorary Freedom of That City, and on Other Occasions, to Royal Personages, Statesmen [Etc. ] ..
82628: WALT DISNEY CORPORATION - Mickey and Friends At the Airport
241330: BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION - Words : reflections on the uses of language
67999: DAVENPORT INSURANCE CORPORATION - The Experience of a Century; a Narrative Report of the Century 1848-1948, As it Has Dealt with the Davenport Insurance Corporation... . .. and a Pictorial Record of Various Contemporary Events in the Period
239003: CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. AIR RAID PRECAUTIONS COMMITTEE OF THE BIRMINGHAM CORPORATION - Air Raid Precautions: measures for the assistance of persons suffering loss or damage in air raids
239220: LEICESTER CORPORATION - The City of Leicester: official industrial handbook
239550: CHRYSLER CORPORATION - Maintenance and Parts Manual: for 6-cylinder Chrysler Industrial Engines, Model Ind. 5, 5A, 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 8 and 8A series, power units, engine assemblies and base engines
175284: GLASGOW CITY CORPORATION - Municipal Glasgow : its evolution and enterprises / issued by the city of Glasgow ; with a preface by D.M. Stevenson
161624: GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION - The New Joys of Jell-O Recipe Book
163678: SECURITY PACIFIC CORPORATION - The Security Pacific Collection, 1970-1985 : Selected Works
63499: GENERAL MOTORS SALES CORPORATION - The Motorist's Operating Guide; a Handbook for Oldsmobile Owners
110171: HEARST CORPORATION ET AL - Maneaters and Marmosets : Strange and Fascinating Tales from the Animal Kingdom
99692: INTERTYPE CORPORATION - Intertype Parts Supplies & Accessories - Trade Catalogue
209654: BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION - Coexistence : talks broadcast to Europe by the BBC 1962
262517: GENERAL FOODS CORPORATIONS - All about home baking
203214: MINISTERO DELL CORPORAZIONI - I trattati di commercio fra l'Italia e gli altri stati [Volume 2]
163000: MINISTERO DELLE CORPORAZIONI - I Lavori Degli Organi Corporativi Nel Primo Ciclo Della Loro Attivita
276180: GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY. AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND ARMY CORPS - The Anzac book / written and illustrated in Gallipoli by the men of Anzac ; for the benefit of patriotic funds connected with the A. & N.Z.A.C
99191: CORR, GERARD H. - The Chinese Red Army; Campaigns and Politics Since 1949 [By] Gerard H. Corr
93845: CORR, GERARD H. - The War of the Springing Tigers / Gerard H. Corr
92382: CORR, GERARD H - The Chinese Red Army: Campaigns and Politics Since 1949
85276: CORR, GERARD H - The Chinese Red Army; Campaigns and Politics Since 1949
82576: CORR, GERARD H. - The Chinese Red Army: Campaigns and Politics Since 1949 [By] Gerard H. Corr
57428: CORR, GERARD H. - The Chinese Red Army: Campaigns and Politics Since 1949 [By] Gerard H. Corr
150110: CORR, GERARD H. - The Chinese Red Army; Campaigns and Politics Since 1949 [By] Gerard H. Corr
153361: CORRADINI, ROBERT E. - Narcotics and Youth Today
229338: CORRADO, VINCENZO - Del cibo pitagorico ovvero erbaceo per uso de' nobili, e de'letterati
174282: CORRADO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1902-?) - God-made socialism / [by] G. B. Corrado. With illus. by Andel
184335: CORRALES, EDGARDO SEOANE - Reforma Agraria
188663: NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHARITIES AND CORRECTION (UNITED STATES) - Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction : at the forty-first annual session held in Memphis, Tennessee, May 8-15, 1914
141667: NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHARITIES AND CORRECTION - Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction : Eighteenth Annual Session Held in Indianapolis, Ind. , May 13-20, 1891 / Edited by Isabel C. Barrows
185359: NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHARITIES AND CORRECTION (UNITED STATES) - Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction at the thirty-fourth annual session held in the city of Minneapolis, Minn., June 12th to 19th
152995: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION - Twenty-First Annual Report of the Division of Probation of the New York State Department of Correction
111793: CORREDOR MATHEOS, JOSE - Tamayo / J. Corredor-Matheos
118022: CORREDOR MATHEOS, JOSE - Tamayo / J. Corredor-Matheos
225625: CORREGGIO (1489-1534) - The Masters 34 : Correggio. [The world's most complete gallery of painting]
272079: CORREGIDOR - La historia del tango / [Coordinación: Juan Carlos Martini Real] - 4. Época de oro
152963: CORRELL, ALF GUSTAF HANS - Consummatum Est : Eschatology and Church in the Gospel of St. John
223029: CORREVON, HENRY - The Alpine flora
223041: CORREVON, HENRY - Flore coloriee de poche : a l'usage du touriste dans les montagnes de la Suisse, de la Savoie, du Dauphine, des Pyrenees, du Jura, des Vosges, etc.
62151: CORRIERE, RICHARD - The Dream Makers : Discovering Your Breakthrough Dreams
54618: CORRIERE, RICHARD - The Dream Makers : Discovering Your Breakthrough Dreams
259589: CORRIGAN, BEATRICE - Italian poets and English critics, 1755-1859 : a collection of critical essays / edited and with an introduction by Beatrice Corrigan
133074: CORRIGAN, PHILIP RICHARD D. HARVIE RAMSAY. DEREK SAYER - Socialist Construction and Marxist Theory : Bolshevism and its Critique / Philip Corrigan, Harvie Ramsay and Derek Sayer
216649: CORRY, JOHN - The history of Bristol, civil and ecclesiastical : including biographical notices of eminent and distinguished natives
112520: M'CORRY, J. STEWART - The World and the Sects; Or, the Charge of the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Examined by J. Stewart M'Corry D. D.
63837: CORRY, JOHN - The Manchester Affair
162999: CORSELLI, RODOLFO (1873- ) - Cadorna / Rodolfo Corselli
94441: CORSON, WILLIAM R. - Widows / William R. Corson, Susan B. Trento, Joseph J. Trento
24695: CORSON, WILLIAM R. AND ROBERT T. CROWLEY - The New KGB - Engine of Soviet Power
236938: CORSON, RICHARD - Fashions in eyeglasses: [from the fourteenth century to the present day] / Richard Corson
153747: CORSON, WILLIAM R. - Widows / William R. Corson, Susan B. Trento, and Joseph J. Trento
107820: CORSON, HIRAM - An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
73882: CORT, DAVID (1904-?) - The Sin of Henry R. Luce : an Anatomy of Journalism
265450: CORTAMBERT, RICHARD - Les Illustres voyageuses, etc
18734: CORTAZAR, JULIO - Los Premios
43026: CORTES, CARLOS E. - Gacho Politics in Brazil - the Politics of Rio Grande Do Sul, 1930-1964
178678: CORTES DE FIGUEROA, LESLIE - Taxco, the enchanted city : a handbook for tourists
118436: CORTES VIDAL, JUAN - Pintores Frente Al Mar. Painters before the Sea
66176: CORTES VIDAL, JUAN (1898-) - Pintores Frente Al Mar. Painters before the Sea
168908: CORTES DE FIGUEROA, LESLIE - Stuffed shirt in Taxco. Introd. by H. Allen Smith. Illus. by Juan B. Meana.
172121: CORTESE, ANTONIO - Historia económica argentina y americana
19269: CORTHER, RICHARD C. - A Mob Intent on Death The NAACP and the Arkansas Riot Cases
246678: CORTI, EGON CAESAR CONTE (1886-1953) - Maximilian and Charlotte of Mexico / [by] Egon Caesar, Count Corti, translated from the German by Catherine Alison Phillips: volume one
75125: CORTI, EGON CAESAR, CONTE (1886-1953) - RELATED NAMES: LUNN, BRIAN (1893-?) & LUNN, BEATRIX (JOINT TRANSLATORS) - The Rise of the House of Rothschild
136877: CORTNEY, PHILIP (1895-) - The Economic Munich : the I. T. O Charter, Inflation or Liberty, the 1929 Lesson
147678: CORTNEY, PHILIP - The Economic Munich : the I. T. O Charter, Inflation or Liberty, the 1929 Lesson
131852: CORTNEY, PHILIP - The Economic Munich : the I. T. O Charter, Inflation or Liberty, the 1929 Lesson
202999: CORVINA - Budapest / foreword Klara Feher
192983: CORVINO, S. - Utopies a travers l'histoire
155579: CORVO, MAX - Max Corvo, O. S. S. Italy, 1942-1945 : a Personal Memoir
39118: CORWIN, MILES - The Killing Season - a Summer Inside and LAPD Homicide Division
162113: CORWIN, THOMAS - Life and Speeches of Thomas Corwin, Orator, Lawyer and Statesman. Edited by Josiah Morrow. [With a Portrait. ]
277617: CORY, HERBERT ELLSWORTH - Edmund Spenser : a critical study
29796: CORY, DAVID MAGIE (1872-). BARBOUR, H. S. - Little Jack Rabbit and Hungry Hawk / Illustrated by H. S. Barbour
87281: CORY, DAVID MAGIE (1872-) - Little Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked Wolf. Illustrated by H. S. Barbour
80994: CORY, CHARLES BARNEY (1857-1921) - The Birds of Eastern North America Known to Occur East of the Nineteenth Meridian...
175157: CORY, DAVID (DAVID MAGIE) - Billy Bunny and the friendly elephant, by David Cory; illustrated by Hugh Spencer
224993: CORYN, M. S. - A swarm of bees
262112: CORYN, M. S - Black Mastiff
141014: COSBY, BILL (1937-) - Fatherhood / Bill Cosby ; Introduction and Afterword by Alvin F. Poussaint
79862: COSELL, HOWARD (1918-?) - Like it Is
166472: COSENTINO, ANDREW J. - The Paintings of Charles Bird King (1785-1862) / Andrew J. Cosentino
166665: COSENTINO, FRANK J. - Edward Marshall Boehm, 1913-1969
76765: COSENTINO, ANDREW J. - The Paintings of Charles Bird King (1785-1862)
35648: COSER, LEWIS A. (1913-). ROSENBERG, BERNARD (1923-) - Sociological Theory : a Book of Readings / Edited by Lewis A. Coser and Bernard Rosenberg
35655: COSER, ROSE LAUB - The family : its structure and functions
207330: COSGRAVE, PATRICK (1941-?) - Margaret Thatcher : a Tory and her party / Patrick Cosgrave
214319: COSGRAVE, DILLON - North Dublin / Dillon Cosgrave
152971: COSGROVE, I. K. - To Visit the Sick
262188: COSIN, JOHN - A scholastical history of the Canon of the Holy Scripture or the certain and indubitate books thereof, as they are received in the Church of England: compiled by Dr Cosin, Dn of P. and Mr of St P.C. in the University of Cambridge, then sequestred; and Late Lord Bishop of Duresme
251490: COSIRA - Craft workshops in the countryside - England and Wales
103303: COSLOW, SAM (1902-1982) - Cocktails for Two : the Many Lives of Giant Songwriter Sam Coslow
232712: COSMA, VIOREL. ANDREI, CRISTINA - George Enescu, Yehudi Menuhin si Romania : un deceniu de la moartea lui Yehudi Menuhin : album iconografic
278498: COSMAN, MADELEINE PELNER - Fabulous feasts : medieval cookery and ceremony
168938: COSMAR, ALEXANDER (1805-1842) - Puppe Wunderhold und ihre Freundinnen / von A. Cosmar; neu bearb. von Emma Woser. Mit 6 Buntbildern von W. Claudius
110096: MARY KAY COSMETICS - The Mary Kay Guide to Beauty : Discovering Your Special Look / the Beauty Experts At Mary Kay Cosmetics
165583: COSMIN, S. - L'albanie, Par S. Cosmin
10929: COSS, PETER - The Lady in Medieval England, 1000-1500 / Peter Coss
253046: COSSA, LUIGI (1831-1896) - Saggi bibliografici di economia politica / Pref. di Luigi dal Pane
28221: COSSART, THEOPHILUS. GLASS, MONTAGUE (1877-1934) - The Golden Garland of Verse and Family Keepsake : Together with Greeting Cards for all Occasions / Collected & Rev. from the Posthumous Works of Theophilus Cossart, D. D. , by the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday-School Union
53075: COSSIO, ALICIA YANEZ - Bruna and her sisters in the sleeping city / Alicia Yanez Cossio ; translated from the Spanish by Kenneth J.A. Wishnia
274734: COSSONS, NEIL - The Iron Bridge : symbol of the Industrial Revolution / [by] Neil Cossons & Barrie Trinder
225808: COSSONS, NEIL - The Iron Bridge : symbol of the Industrial Revolution / Neil Cossons & Barrie Trinder
67362: COSSU, ANTONIO - The Sardinian Hostage / [By] Antonio Cossu; Translated from the Italian by Isabel Quigly
41113: COST, MARCH (D. 1973) - I, Rachel; a Biographical Novel, by March Cost [Pseud. ]
9261: COSTA, FRANK, ASHOK DUTT, ET ALI, EDS - Urbanization in Asia - Spatial Dimensions and Policy Issues
52857: COSTA, RICHARD HAUER - An Appointment with Somerset Maugham, and Other Literary Encounters
246315: COSTA CLAVELL, JAVIER - Prado Museum : Spanish painting / text, Xavier Costa Clavell ; photographs, lay-out and reproduction, entirely designed and cerated by the technical departament of Editorial Escudo de Oro, S.A
128314: COSTA, ETHBIN HEINRICH (ED. ) - Vodnikov Spomenik. S Spisi Od 86 Pisateljev in Stirimi Na Kamen Tiskanimi Dokladami
71441: COSTA, PAOLO (1932-) - Arabia Felix : Land of Builders / Paolo Costa and Ennio Vicario
243478: COSTA, AFFONSO - Estudos de Economia Nacional: I: O problema da emigracao
144546: COSTA DE BEAUREGARD, LOUIS - L'Evolution Economique De La Pologne Et Les Reformes Monetaires Depuis 1920
261098: COSTAIN, THOMAS. B. BEECROFT, JOHN - More stories to remember - Vol. 2
156839: COSTAIN, THOMAS BERTRAM (1885-) - The Chord of Steel; the Story of the Invention of the Telephone
160857: COSTAIN, THOMAS BERTRAM (1885- ) - The Chord of Steel; the Story of the Invention of the Telephone
68324: COSTAIN, THOMAS BERTRAM (1885-) - Ride with Me
77014: COSTANTINI, COSTANZO - Are all Italians Lousy Lovers? ; Translated from the Italian by Eugene Walter - [Uniform Title: Maschio Nazionale. English]
99157: COSTELLO, JOHN (1943-?) & TSAREV, OLEG - Deadly Illusions
90034: COSTELLO, JOHN (1943-) - Mask of Treachery
35850: COSTELLO, JOHN (1943-) - Mask of Treachery / John Costello
260012: COSTELLO, PETER - James Joyce : the years of growth, 1882-1915 : a biography
256042: COSTELLO, LOUISA STUART 1799-1870 - A pilgrimage to Auvergne : from Picardy to Le Velay
252288: COSTELLO, PETER - The real world of Sherlock Holmes : the true crimes investigated by Arthur Conan Doyle
22091: COSTELLO, JOHN - Mask of Treachery Spies, Lies, Buggery and Betrayal - the First Documented Dossier on Anthony Blunt's Cambridge Spy Ring
173594: COSTELLO, JOHN (1943- ) - Mask of treachery / John Costello
144865: COSTELLO, LINDA (ILL. ). MELANIE MILKIE (ILL. ) - Dinosaur Habitats / [Paper Engineering by Linda Costello ; Illustrations by Melanie Milkie]
125446: COSTELLO, JOHN - Mask of Treachery / John Costello
102757: COSTELLO, JOHN (1943-) - Mask of Treachery
68900: COSTELLO, DONALD P. - The Serpent's Eye; Shaw and the Cinema [By] Donald P. Costello. Foreword by Cecil Lewis
113737: COSTELLO, JOHN - Mask of Treachery / John Costello
99627: COSTELLO, DONALD P. & SHAW, BERNARD (1856-1950) - The Serpent's Eye; Shaw and the Cinema [By] Donald P. Costello. Foreword by Cecil Lewis
101628: COSTELLO, JOHN (1943-) - Mask of Treachery : the First Documented Dossier on Blunt, MI5, and Soviet Subversion
100295: COSTELLO, JOHN - Deadly Illusions / John Costello and Oleg Tsarev
253320: COSTER, DAVE - New Angler's mail guide to coarse fishing / Dave Coster ; consultant editor, Roy Westwood
252885: COSTER, DAVE - How to succeed at coarse fishing
19891: COSTER, CHARLES DE (1827-1879). OPPELN-BRONIKOWSKI, FRIEDRICH VON (1873-1936) TR. - Tyll Ulenspiegel Und Lamm Goedzak; Ein Kampf Um Flanderns Freiheit
144458: COSTER, CHARLES DE - Le Folklore Brabancon : Commemoration Charles De Coster
262955: COSTER, DAVE - Better pole fishing
243169: ITALY. MINISTERO PER LA COSTITUENTE - Rapporto della commissione economica presentato all'assembles costituente. II Industria. III - Appendice alla relazione (questionari e monografie)
270185: COSTLEY-WHITE, HOPE - Mary Cole, Countess of Berkeley : a biography
249755: COSTLEY-WHITE, HOPE - Mary Cole, Countess of Berkeley : a biography
134251: COSTON, HENRY - Dictionnaire Des Pseudonymes, Presentes Par Henry Coston
99095: COSTONIS, JOHN J - Icons and Aliens : Law, Aesthetics, and Environmental Change / John J. Costonis ; with a Foreword by Allan B. Jacobs
274696: GALLERY OF ENGLISH COSTUME - The Gallery of English Costume. Picture book number seven Children's costume
136695: COTE D'IVOIRE - Constitution De La Republique De Cote D'Ivoire
243372: COTEREAU, JEAN - Le complot clérical : Jésuites synarchie M.R.P. / Jean Cotereau
15534: COTES, ROSEMARY A. - Dante's garden : with legends of the flowers
113870: COTES, PETER. THELMA NIKLAUS - The Little Fellow; the Life and Work of Charles Spencer Chaplin [By] Peter Cotes and Thelma Niklaus. with a Foreword by W. Somerset Maugham
112594: COTES, PETER. THELMA NIKLAUS - The Little Fellow; the Life and Work of Charles Spencer Chaplin, by Peter Cotes and Thelma Niklaus. with a Foreword by W. Somerset Maugham
274017: COTHRAN, JAMES R - Grave landscapes : the nineteenth-century rural cemetery movement / James R. Cothran and Erica Danylchak
151667: COTLER, JULIO - Los Cambios En La Propiedad, La Comunidad Y La Familia En San Lorenzo De Quinti
59093: COTLOW, LEWIS (B. 1898) - In Search of the Primitive [By] Lewis Cotlow
178689: COTMAN, ALEC M. (COMP) - Old Norwich : a collection of paintings, prints and drawings of an ancient city / compiled by Alec M. Cotman and Francis W. Hawcroft
99719: COTT, JONATHAN - Dylan / Text by Jonathan Cott
38374: COTT, NANCY F. - No Small Courage : a History of Women in the United States / edited by Nancy F. Cott
265393: COTT, JONATHAN - Masterworks of children's literature. Vol.7 Victorian color picture books / editor, Jonathan Cott ; commentary by Maurice Sendak
168185: COTT, JONATHAN - Pipers at the gates of dawn : the wisdom of children's literature
163435: COTT, JONATHAN - Isis and Osiris : Exploring the Goddess Myth / Jonathan Cott
223131: COTTA VAZ, MARK - Tales of the Dark Knight : Batman's first fifty years, 1939-1989 / Mark Cotta Vaz
235388: COTTA, BERNHARD VON (1808-1879) - Geologische Bilder
152383: COTTAM, THOMAS - The Fourth Gospel Rearranged
248388: COTTAM, BILL - Behind the Rods
241603: COTTEAU, EDMOND (1833-) - Un touriste dans l'extrême Orient : Japon, Chine, Indo-chine et Tonkin (4 aout 1881--24 janvier 1882) / par Edmond Cotteau
267103: COTTEN, RICHARD - Richard Cotten's Conservative Viewpoint: two issues
240819: COTTER, GERRY - The Ashes captains / Gerry Cotter ; foreword by Sir Leonard Hutton
211920: COTTER, GERRY - England versus New Zealand : a history of the tests and other matches / Gerry Cotter
210145: COTTER, GERRY - England versus New Zealand : a history of the tests and other matches / Gerry Cotter
155086: COTTER, BILL - The wonderful world of Disney Television : a complete history
47430: COTTERELL, ARTHUR & YONG YAP - Chinese Civilization from the Ming Revival to Chairman Mao / Yong Yap and Arthur Cotterell
46586: COTTERELL, ARTHUR - The Minoan World
227787: COTTERELL, ARTHUR (ED.) - The Encyclopedia of ancient civilizations / edited by Arthur Cotterell
227769: COTTERELL, ARTHUR - The Penguin encyclopedia of classical civilizations
213245: COTTERELL, MAURICE M. - The Tutankhamun prophecies : the sacred secrets of the Mayas, Egyptians and Freemasons
212748: COTTERELL, MAURICE M. - The lost tomb of Viracocha : unlocking the secrets of the Peruvian pyramids / [MauriceCotterell]
155815: COTTERELL, ARTHUR - Chariot : from chariot to tank, the astounding rise and fall of the World's First War machine
189437: COTTERELL, HOWARD HERSCHEL - Old Pewter: its makers and marks in England, Scotland and Ireland, etc. [With plates.]
110162: COTTERELL, ARTHUR - The First Emperor of China : the Greatest Archeological Find of Our Time / Arthur Cotterell ; Introduction by Yang Chen Ching
262726: COTTERELL, ANTHONY - An apple for the sergeant
94853: COTTERHILL, CHARLES CLEMENT - Human Justice for Those At the Bottom, an Appeal to Those At the Top, a Fragment, by C. C. Cotterill
147071: COTTERILL, JEANNIE HILLS - Facing Life's Challenge. a Study of Mark's Gospel for Today
132871: COTTERILL, C. C. (CHARLES CLEMENT) - Human Justice for Those At the Bottom, an Appeal to Those At the Top / a Fragment by C. C. Cotterill
119430: COTTERILL, HENRY BERNARD (1846-) - The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
210510: COTTESLOE, GLORIA - The Duchess of Beaufort's flowers / Gloria Cottesloe and Doris Hunt ; foreword by the Duke of Beaufort
222929: COTTINI, PAOLO - Villa Carlotta : the garden and the museum : historical-artistic guide / texts by Paolo Cottini, Paola Zatti
77059: COTTLE, BASIL - The Triumph of English, 1350-1400
223303: COTTLER, JOSEPH - Map-makers
273541: COTTON, FRAN - My pride of lions : the British Isles tour of South Africa 1997 / Fran Cotton
271325: COTTON, BERNARD D - Scottish vernacular furniture / Bernard D. Cotton
266526: COTTON, JOHN - Trade unions and law / [John Cotton]
219014: COTTON, HENRY (1789-1879) - A typographical gazetteer / attempted by the Rev. Henry Cotton
182866: COTTON, M. AYLWIN; GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF WORKS - Excavations at Clausentum, Southampton, 1951-1954
138484: COTTON, HENRY (1789-1879) - Fasti Ecclesiæ Hibernicæ : the Succession of the Prelates and Members of the Cathedral Bodies in Ireland. Vol. 1 , the Province of Munster
6084: COTTON, CHARLES (1630-1687) - RELATED NAME: FRASER, CLAUD LOVAT (1890-1921) ILLUS. - Poems from the Works of Charles Cotton; Newly Decorated by Claud Lovat Fraser
231396: COTTON, CHARLES (1630-1687). WALTON, IZAAK (1593-1683) - The complete angler; or, Contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing
257607: COTTON, CHARLES P - The Irish Public Health Acts, 1878-1890, with annotations and appendices and a copious index
262141: COTTON, C. A. (CHARLES ANDREW) (1885-1970) - Climatic accidents in landscape-making : a sequel to Landscape as developed by the processes of normal erosion
165784: COTTONE, JOSEPH - Joseph Cottone's Continuous Card Production : a Masterpiece of Card Magic
97015: COTTRELL, P. L. (1944-?) & LINDGREN, HAKAN & TEICHOVA, ALICE (EDS. ) - European Industry and Banking between the Wars : a Review of Bank-Industry Relations
90657: COTTRELL, LEONARD - Seeing Roman Britain
69209: COTTRELL, JOHN AND CASHIN, FERGUS - Richard Burton, Very Close Up
268246: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Mountains of Pharaoh - 2, 000 Years of Pyramid Exploration
215185: COTTRELL, LEONARD - Enemy of Rome
185026: COTTRELL, EDYTH YOUNG - The oats, peas, beans & barley cookbook
66049: COTTRELL, JOHN - Richard Burton, Very Close Up
214758: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The bull of Minos
264194: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Lion Gate : a journey in search of the Mycenaeans / Leonard Cottrell
102486: COTTRELL, JOHN. FERGUS CASHIN. - Richard Burton, Very Close Up, by John Cottrell and Fergus Cashin
242478: COTTRELL, LEONARD (1913-) - The great invasion
43442: COTTRELL, LEONARD - Digs and Diggers : a Book of World Archaeology
115374: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Lost Pharaohs
116000: COTTRELL, JOHN. FERGUS CASHIN - Richard Burton, Very Close Up, by John Cottrell and Fergus Cashin
56381: COTTRELL, LEONARD - Lost Cities
192170: COTY, FRANCOIS (1874-?) - Contre le communisme
238886: COUCH, TROY [STORY]. RAINES, JASON [ART]. MONTAINE, MICHAEL [PRODUCTION/DESIGN] - Goblin Lord: Part III of VI. [The Goblin Chronicles]
207921: COUCH, N. C. CHRISTOPHER - Jerry Robinson : ambassador of comics / N.C. Christopher Couch ; introduction by Pete Hamill ; foreword by Dennis O'Neil
165955: COUCHOUD, PAUL LOUIS, (1879-1959) - Benoit De Spinoza / Par Paul-Louis Couchoud
96371: COUGHLAN, ROBERT (1914-) - Elizabeth and Catherine: Empresses of all the Russias. Edited by Jay Gold
31946: COUGHLAN, ROBERT - The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564
82266: COUGHLAN, ROBERT (1914-) - The World of Michelangelo, 1475-1564, by Robert Coughlan and the Editors of Time-Life Books
247152: FUSTEL DE COULANGES (1830-1889) - Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France. L'invasion germanique et la fin de l'empire / par Fustel de Coulanges ; ouvrage revu et complété sur le manuscrit et d'après les notes de l'auteur par Camille Jullian
241597: DE COULANGES, FUSTEL - La Cité Antique: étude sur le culte, le droit, les institutions de la Grece et de Rome
177254: COULANGES, FUSTEL DE (1830-1889 - La cite antique
209720: COULCHER, PATRICK - The Sun Islands : a natural history of the Isles of Scilly / Patrick Coulcher
209439: COULCHER, PATRICK - A natural history of the Cuckmere Valley / Patrick Coulcher; foreward by Denis Healey
53709: COULDREY, OSWALD JENNINGS - South Indian Hours, by Oswald J. Couldrey... with 3 Colour and 19 Other Illustrations by the Author
165677: COULET, R. P. - L'Eglise Et Le Probleme Politique
256956: LE SIEUR COULON - Continuation De L'Histoire Universelle: depuis l'an mil xinq cens quatre-vingts dix-huct, jusques a present: second partie
126246: COULON, MARCEL - Verlaine, Poete Saturnien, Par Marcel Coulon. Avec Des Documents Inedits
175916: COULON, MARCEL - Anatomie litteraire
236411: COULON, MARCEL (1873-) - Au cœur de Verlaine et de Rimbaud
239978: COULSON, C. A. (CHARLES ALFRED) (1910-1974) - Science and Christian belief / C.A. Coulson
262593: COULSON, C. A. (CHARLES ALFRED) (1910-1974) - Some problems of the atomic age
239459: COULT, L. H. (LYMAN H.) - An annotated research bibliography of studies in Arabic, English, and French of the fellah of the Egyptian Nile, 1798-1955
60167: COULTER, E. MERTON (ELLIS MERTON) (1890-) - Travels in the Confederate States : a Bibliography
260073: COULTER, JOHN M.D - Adventures on the western coast of South America, and the interior of California : including a narrative of incidents at the Kingsmill Islands, New Ireland, New Britain, New Guinea, and other islands in the Pacific Ocean. With an account of the natural productions, and the manners and customs, in peace and war, of the various savage tribes visited
183929: COULTHARD, GEORGE ROBERT - Raza y color en la literatura antillana / G. R. Coulthard
255207: COULTON, G. G - Life in the Middle Ages. Vol. I / selected, translated & annotated by G.G. Coulton
224114: COULTON, GEORGE GORDON (1858-1947) - Medieval panorama : the English scene from conquest to reformation
194135: COULTON, G. G. (GEORGE GORDON) (1858-1947) - Is the Catholic church anti-social? : a debate / George Gordon Coulton and Sir Arnold Henry Moore Lunn
72681: COULTON, GEORGE GORDON (1858-1947) COMP. - Social Life in Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation
212078: COULTON, G.G. (GEORGE GORDON) - The chronicler of European chivalry
78483: RUSKIN CENTENARY COUNCIL - Ruskin Centenary Addresses, 8 February 1919; Edited by J. Howard Whitehouse
41279: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL - Movement in London : Transport Research Studies and Their Context
276729: STIRLING TOWN COUNCIL - Official guide to the National Wallace Monument
273730: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - Survey of London. Vol. 34 The parish of St. Anne Soho / general editor: F.H.W. Sheppard
273731: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - Survey of London. Vol. 36 The Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden / [general editor: F.H.W. Sheppard]
273729: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - Survey of London. Volume XXXIII the parish of St. Anne Soho
272821: CHILDREN'S BOOK COUNCIL (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - Children's books: awards and prizes / Compiled and edited by Christine Stawicki
271152: AIR COUNCIL - Pilot's notes for Wellington III, X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV, two Hercules XI, VI, XVI or XVII engines / promulgated by order of the Air Council
271153: AIR COUNCIL - Pilot's Notes for Harvard 2B
271154: AIR COUNCIL - Stirling I, III and IV Pilot's & Flight Engineer's Notes
271155: AIR COUNCIL - Pilot's and flight engineer's notes : Lancaster mark 1-four Merlin XX 22 or 24 engines
271157: AIR COUNCIL - Pilot's Notes for Harvard 2B
270603: TRADES UNION CONGRESS. GENERAL COUNCIL - The book of the martyrs of Tolpuddle, 1834-1934 : the story of the Dorsetshire labourers who were convicted and sentenced to seven years' transportation for forming a trade union, [Trades Union Congress. General Council]
270599: TRADES UNION CONGRESS GENERAL COUNCIL - The story of the Tolpuddle martyrs : centenary commemoration
269990: COUNCIL-MANAGER GOVERNMENT, AUBURN, MAINE - Municipal Affairs: twentieth annual report: fiscal year ending December 31, 1937
269633: THE TRADES UNION CONGRESS GENERAL COUNCIL - The Book of The Martyrs of Tolpuddle: 1834-1934: the story of the Dorsetshire Labourers who were convicted and sentenced to seven years' transportation for forming a trade union
267777: MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - Alcohol : its action on the human organism
266594: ST EDMUNDSBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL - Borough of St Edmunsbury : Official Guide
261776: NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD COUNCIL - Fifty doctors against alcohol : a call to national defence
261360: TRADES UNION CONGRESS GENERAL COUNCIL - Administering Unemployment Insurance - Report of Trades Union Congress Deputation to the Minister of Labour
259512: NEW TOWN COUNCIL - A proposal for the establishment of a new town
258602: BRITISH SOCIAL HYGIENE COUNCIL - Sex in life: Young Women
258532: LONDON TRADES COUNCIL - London Trades Council, 1860-1950. A history
257981: BRITISH SOCIAL HYGIENE COUNCIL - Social hygiene and biological teaching
255486: MANCHESTER JOINT RESEARCH COUNCIL - Industry and science : a study of their relationship based on a survey of firms in the Greater Manchester area / carried out by the...Council, 1950-1953
248757: BRITISH COUNCIL - From London : Bacon, Freud, Kossoff, Andrews, Auerbach and Kitaj
208764: VATICAN COUNCIL (2ND : 1962-1965) - Declaration on religious freedom
162967: SOCIAL MORALITY COUNCIL - The Future of Broadcasting : a Report Presented to the Social Morality Council, October 1973 / (Members of the Commission: Dame Margaret Miles (Chairman) ... Et Al)
249164: BRITISH COUNCIL - English literature from the 16th century to the present. A select list of editions
131382: SOCIAL MORALITY COUNCIL - The Future of Broadcasting; a Report Presented to the Social Morality Council, October 1973
261945: CONSUMER COUNCIL - Consumer consultative machinery in the nationalised industries / a Consumer Council study
188109: BRITISH PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL - A review of productivity in the furniture industry
188108: BRITISH PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL - A review of productivity in the clothing industry
188103: BRITISH PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL - Progress report - British Productivity Council 1953-1954
188032: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - Allied peace aims : treaties and agreements / compiled by the National Peace Council
187559: U.S.S.R. COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, CENTRAL STATISTICAL ADMINISTRATION - The U.S.S.R. economy : a statistical abstract / U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers, Central Statistical Administration
217140: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - Britain & Russia : the future
215309: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - The Roosevelt-Churchill Peace Aims Declaration
273728: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - Survey of London : volume XXIV : King's Cross neighbourhood, the parish of St. Pancras part IV / under the general editorship of Sir Howard Roberts (for the council), Walter H.Godfrey (for the survey committee); by Walter H. Godfrey and W. McB. Marcham
193928: U.S.S.R. COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, CENTRAL STATISICAL ADMINISTRATION - The U.S.S.R. economy : a statisical abstract
188118: CAMBRIDGE STUDENT ANTI-WAR COUNCIL - The anti-war demonstrations : who are the hooligans?
192284: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - Peace Year Book 1935
252273: TRADES UNION CONGRESS. GENERAL COUNCIL - Tariffs and world trade : an examination of our fiscal policy
245585: LECIESTER CITY COUNCIL - Minutes of Proceedings of the Council: from 9th November, 1933 to 30th October, 1934
280722: WOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Women's industrial news : organ of the Women's Industrial Council - 4 issues
281035: HEALTH AND CLEANLINESS COUNCIL - Hints for the busy housewife
250241: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. YOUTH COUNCIL - “We're in the Army Now.” To the militiaman
250147: FIGHT THE FAMINE COUNCIL - What is the European famine
250145: FIGHT THE FAMINE COUNCIL - What is the European famine
214336: OXFORD RURAL COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Voluntary organisations in the countryside : being the annual report of the Oxford Rural Community Council in the third year of war 1941-42
280620: NATIONAL CONGRESS AND MARCH COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - Next steps in the fight against the new unemployment act
183680: WORLD PEACE COUNCIL - Imperialist military collaboration with South Africa
245251: INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY COUNCIL. (1928 : JERUSALEM) - The Christian mission in the light of race conflict : Report of the Jerusalem meeting of the International Missionary Council, March 24th - April 8th, 1928 / Volume IV
263353: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - World issues - 20 issues
247508: KINGSWOOD BOROUGH COUNCIL - Conham River Park Trail
13612: TRADES UNION CONGRESS GENERAL COUNCIL - The Book of the Martyrs of Tolpuddle, 1834-1934 - The Story of the Dorsetshire Labourers Who Were Convicted and Sentenced to Seven Years Transportation for Forming a Trade Union
142281: U. S. S. R. COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, CENTRAL STATISTICAL ADMINISRATION - The U. S. S. R. Economy : a Statistical Abstract
141937: MANCHESTER JOINT RESEARCH COUNCIL - Industry and Science : a Study of Their Relationship Based on a Survey of Firms in the Greater Manchester Area Carried out by the Manchester Joint Research Council, 1950-1953
134617: NATIONAL UNITED TEMPERANCE COUNCIL - The United Temperance Gazette 1897
131140: MIDDLESEX COUNTY COUNCIL (ENGLAND) - The County Council of the Administrative County of Middlesex : 76 Years of Local Government, 1 April 1889 to 31 March 1965
71325: BOSTON (MASS. ). CITY COUNCIL - A Memorial of Wendell Phillips from the City of Boston
54337: MANCHESTER JOINT RESEARCH COUNCIL - Economic Aspects of Fuel & Power in British Industry
151094: NATIONAL OLD PEOPLE'S WELFARE COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - Age is Opportunity : a New Guide to Practical Work for the Welfare of Old People
146090: JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL - The Zamora (Part Cargo Ex) : Report of the Argument before Lord Parker of Waddington / Lord Sumner, Lord Parmoor, Lord Wrenbury, and Sir Arthur Channell, on the Hearing of the Appeal from the Judgment of Sir Samuel Evans, in the Above Case
143569: LONDON TRADES COUNCIL - London Trades Council, 1860-1950 : a History / Foreword by Julius Jacobs
263295: SINN FÉIN. THE NATIONAL COUNCIL - Leabhar na hEireann = The Irish year book, 1909 / issued by An Chomhairle Náisiúnta, The National Council, [Sinn Féin]
216054: CAMBRIDGE STUDENT ANTI-WAR COUNCIL - The anti-war demonstrations : who are the hooligans?
186638: TRADES UNION CONGRESS (1936 : PLYMOUTH). TRADES UNION CONGRESS. GENERAL COUNCIL - The Spanish problem : speeches at the Trades Union Congress, Plymouth, 1936.
184424: NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - Growth of the United Kingdom economy to 1966
184422: NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - The growth of the economy
183845: TRADES UNION CONGRESS. GENERAL COUNCIL - Report of the proceedings at the 72nd annual trades union congress held at Southport October 7th to 9th 1940
223214: GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - Medical register for the Year 1865 / (printed and published under the direction of the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom)
164960: WESTMINSTER CATHOLIC FEDERATION AND THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - Historical Text Books and Readers : Supplementary Volume ; Criticisms by Non-Catholic Experts in History of the Federation's Notes on Historical Text Books Published by ... Blackie ... of Glasgow, and the Evolution Theory by Bertram C. A. Windle
192303: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - Jugoslavia and peace : a study of Cominform accusations: report of the N.P.C. delegation to Yugoslavia, September 1950
192260: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - Armaments and education
192945: NATIONAL OLD PEOPLE'S WELFARE COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - Age is opportunity : a new guide to practical work for the welfare of old people
126249: JORDAN. NATIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL - Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development 1976-1980
217179: JEWISH MARRIAGE EDUCATION COUNCIL - The Jewish marriage service
245253: INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY COUNCIL. (1928 : JERUSALEM) - The Christian mission in the light of race conflict : Report of the Jerusalem meeting of the International Missionary Council, March 24th - April 8th, 1928 / Volume VI
279286: THE ELECTRICITY COUNCIL - The Electricity Council / South of Scotland Electricity Board / Central Electricity Generating Board: 20 volumes 1955-1962
167687: SWINDON YOUTH COMMITTEE. YOUTH ORGANISATIONS COUNCIL - Annual report : period ended 30th November 1943 / F.V.D. Pearson, secretary
167457: PRESS COUNCIL - The press and the people : annual report of the General Council of the Press. 9th , 1961-1962
184790: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) - Our trust in Central Africa : the background to federation : an analysis of the federal scheme : memorial to the Prime Minister
280796: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - The British Commonwealth and the United States in the post-war world
192839: PRISON MEDICAL REFORM COUNCIL [AFTERWARDS PRISON REFORM COUNCIL (CHISLEHURST)] - Inside story : A report submitted by a group of ex-prisoners to the Prison Commission, drawing attention to discrepancies between policy and practice in prison administration
238981: THE GENERAL DENTAL COUNCIL - The Dentists Register 1983 comprising the names and addresses of dental practitioners registered in 1. The Main List 2. The Commonwealth List 3. The Foreign List on 31 January 1983. Together with the local list of names so registered and the list of bodies corporate carrying on the business of dentistry
239520: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). SCOTTISH COUNCIL - Programme for the Highlands and Islands
239614: BIRMINGHAM MARRIAGE GUIDANCE COUNCIL - First Annual report 1946
176628: OXFORD RURAL COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Report of an enquiry into the positions regarding young people in rural areas
166748: THE TRADE UNION CONGRESS GENERAL COUNCIL - The Book of the Martyrs of Tolpuddle, 1834-1934 / Trades Union Congress General Council. Cartoons by Low and Will Dyson. Sketch Maps and Portraits by Frank Horrabin. Coloured Plates and Drawings by W. G. Easton
190903: INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY COUNCIL (1928 : JERUSALEM) - The Christian mission in relation to rural problems / the Jerusalem meeting of the International Missionary Council, March 24th-April 8th, 1928 [Vol 6]
182324: TRADES UNION CONGRESS. GENERAL COUNCIL - The British Worker, nos.1-11 [all published on the subject], 5th - 17th May 1926 : official strike news bulletin
138927: CENTRAL CZECHOSLOVAK COUNCIL - The Czechoslovak Co-Operative Movement 1959
149062: PRESS COUNCIL - The Press and the People : Annual Report of the General Council of the Press. 8th , 1960-1961
167292: WORLD PEACE COUNCIL - Violations of Human Rights in Haiti, El Salvador and Nicaragua
172003: CENTRAL AFRICAN COUNCIL (RHODESIA) - Report of the Commission on Higher Education for Africans in Central Africa
195902: CITY OF LONDON (ENGLAND). COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL - Addresses, remonstrances, and petitions to the throne / presented from the Court of Aldermen, the Court of Common Council, and the Livery in common hall assembled: commencing the 28th October 1760, with the answers thereto.
197003: WORCESTER CITY COUNCIL - County Town: a Civic Survey for the Planning of Worcester
206290: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - Six years of progress : ... describing the work done by the London County Council.
206836: MANCHESTER JOINT RESEARCH COUNCIL - Industry and science : a study of their relationship based on a survey of firms in the Greater Manchester area carried out by the Manchester Joint Research Council, 1950-1953
213762: SOUTHWELL PARISH COUNCIL - Southwell, Notts. : Official guide
208751: VATICAN COUNCIL (2ND : 1962-1965) - Declaration on Christian education
210089: JEWISH MARRIAGE EDUCATION COUNCIL - Jewish marriage IV : the marriage relationship / edited by Peter Elman
210602: BRITISH COUNCIL - The year's work in the film 1949
211692: TRADES UNION CONGRESS GENERAL COUNCIL - Fair play for the unemployed. The trade union case against the Royal Commission's report
262142: THE COUNCIL - Addresses given at a three-day conference on the treatment of cerebral palsy, London, September, 1954
220301: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS - Public lighting in rural parishes [and] Financial help for building and improving village halls. [pamphlet and leaflet, 1949 & 1939]
147711: DELEGATES FOR THE PROMOTION OF ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE NORTHERN COUNTRIES - The Northern Countries in World Economy; Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. Published by the Delegations for the Promotion of Economic Co-Operation between the Northern Countries
147367: DELEGATES FOR THE PROMOTION OF ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE NORTHERN COUNTRIES - The Northern Countries in World Economy : Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. Published by the Delegations for the Promotion of Economic Co-Operation between the Northern Countries
198127: CONFERENCE OF HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT OF NON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES (2ND : 1964 : CAIRO) - Cuba at the Second Conference of Non-aligned nations
211034: RUMANIAN INSTITUTE FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES - Religious freedom in the Rumanian People's Republic
31825: COUNTRYMAN, EDWARD - Americans - a Collision of Histories
204447: IRISH COUNTRYWOMENS' ASSOCIATION - Bantracht na Tuatha : Irish Countrywomens Assocation, 1950
131250: COUNTS, DOROTHY AYERS. DAVID R. COUNTS (EDS. ) - Aging and its Transformations : Moving Toward Death in Pacific Societies / Dorothy Ayers Counts and David R. Counts, Editors
143045: COUNTS, GEORGE SYLVESTER (1889-1974). VILLARI, LUIGI (B. 1876). RORTY, MALCOLM CHURCHILL (1875-1936). BAKER, NEWTON DIEHL (1871-1937) - Bolshevism, Fascism, and Capitalism
52097: COUNTS, GEORGE SYLVESTER (1889-1974). VILLARI, LUIGI (B. 1876). RORTY, MALCOLM CHURCHILL (1875-1936). BAKER, NEWTON DIEHL (1871-1937) - Bolshevism, Fascism, and Capitalism
185038: COUPE, W. A. - Germany through the looking glass : a cartoon chronicle of the Federal Republic / W.A. Coupe
227524: COUPERIE, PIERRE - Paris through the ages : an illustrated historical atlas of urbanism and architecture
273721: COUPLAND, REGINALD SIR (1884-1952) - Wilberforce
250419: COUPLAND, SIDNEY (1849-1930) - The Harveian Oration : delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London on October 18th, 1915 [On the growth of knowledge of the brain and nervous system since the time of Harvey; appendix on the alleged increase of insanity]
249726: COUPLAND, SIDNEY (1849-1930) - The Harveian Oration : delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London on October 18th, 1915 [On the growth of knowledge of the brain and nervous system since the time of Harvey; appendix on the alleged increase of insanity]
245224: COUPLAND, REGINALD SIR (1884-1952) - The future of India: report on the constitutional problem in India: part III
171536: COUPLAND, REGINALD, SIR (1884-1952) - Wilberforce
185755: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - Microserfs
141319: FRANCE. COUR D'APPEL (LIEGE) - Cour D'Appel De Liege. Du Secret Des Instructions Criminelles Et De Leur Communication Dans Un Interet Public. Discours Prononce Par M Detroz, Procureur-General
141318: FRANCE. COUR D'APPEL (MONTPELLIER) - Cour D'Appel De Montpellier. Audience Solennelle De Rentree Du 3 November 1882; Discours De M Fernand Dupre, Substitut Dun Procureur General. Etude Sur La Legislation Criminellee a L'Epoque Merovingienne
143079: COURATIN, ARTHUR HUBERT. DAVID TRIPP - Edward Craddock Ratcliff, 1896-1967 : a Bibliography of His Published Works / [By A. H. Couratin and David Tripp]
279647: COURAYER, PIERRE FRANÇOIS LE - A defence of the dissertations on the validity of the English ordinations against the several answers made to it, vol. 2
241752: COURBET, GUSTAVE (1819-1877). FOUCART, BRUNO - G. Courbet
222744: COURBOIN, EUGENE - L'Assiette au beurre. No 128, 12 Septembre 1903. Aux champs, par Eugene Courboin
236909: COURCEL, MARTINE DE - Malraux être et dire / textes réunis par Martine de Courcel et 'Neocritique' ; postface inédite de André Malraux
220638: DE COURCY, ANNE - Diana Mosley : Mitford beauty, British fascist, Hitler's angel / Anne De Courcy
127493: COURCY, ALFRED DE (1816-1888) - Essai Sur Les Lois Du Hasard Suivi D'etudes Sur Les Assurances
194015: COURIER, PAUL-LOUIS (1772-1825) ; CARREL, ARMAND (1800-1836) - Oeuvres de P.-L. Courier : precedes d'un essai sur la vie et les ecrits de l'auteur / par Armand Carrel
88519: COURIER, PAUL-LOUIS AND POUZET, MAURICE (ILLUS. ) - Une Aventure En Calabre / Paul-Louis Courier, Illustrations De Maurice Pouzet
264112: COURIER, PAUL-LOUIS (1772-1825) - Œuvres de P.-L. Courier / [P.-L. Courier] ; précédées d'un essai sur la vie et les écrits de l'auteur par Armand Carrel
244770: COURIER, PAUL-LOUIS (1772-1825) - Pamphlets politiques et littéraires / de Paul-Louis Courier
43125: COURLANDER, HAROLD - The Bordeaux Narrative
170565: COURLANDER, HAROLD - The fourth world of the Hopis / Decorations by Enrico Arno
261148: COURNEYA, JERRY - Secret steps to beauty - Studio promo book
276687: COURNOS, JOHN - American Short Stories of the Nineteenth Century. (Edited with an introduction by John Cournos.)
102734: COURNOS, JOHN (1881-1966) - A Book of Prophecy, from the Egyptians to Hitler, Edited with an Introduction by John Cournos. Decorations by John C. Wonsetler
185983: COUROUBLE, LEOPOLD - En plein soleil. Les maisons du Juge - Le voyage a Bankana
237037: COURS, JEAN DE BARON (1892-1928) - Francis Vielé-Griffin : son œuvre--sa pensée--son art / par Jean de Cours
57983: COURSE, EDWIN - Railways Then and Now / Edwin Course
266941: COURSE, EDWIN - London railways / Edwin Course
34700: COURT, WILLIAM HENRY BASSANO - Scarcity and Choice in History
277548: COURT, W. H. B. (WILLIAM HENRY BASSANO) - British economic history, 1870-1914 : commentary and documents
276941: COURT, WILLIAM HENRY BASSANO - British economic history, 1870-1914 : commentary and documents
275667: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. PREROGATIVE COURT - Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and now preserved in the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London. Vol. 6 1631-1648 / edited by Marc Fitch
275668: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. DIOCESE OF LONDON. COMMISSARY COURT - Index to testamentary records in the Commissary Court of London (London Division), now preserved in Guildhall Library, London. Vol.3: 1571-1625 / edited by Marc Fitch
265601: COURT, ARTHUR - Staveley : my native town : some historical notes of the parish
185103: COURT OF ARBITRATION, BEAGLE CHANNEL CASE, (GREAT BRITAIN) - Award of Her Britannic Majesty's Government pursuant to the agreement for arbitration (compromiso) of a controversy between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile concerning the region of the Beagle Channel.
251704: COURT, ALEXANDER NORMAN - Colourful Britain
151091: COURT, JOHN M. - Myth and History in the Book of Revelation / John M. Court
85189: COURT, ARTHUR - Minerals; Nature's Fabulous Jewels [By] Arthur Court [And] Ian Campbell. Photos. by M. Halberstadt
152604: MASSACHUSETTS. GENERAL COURT - Centennial of the Bulfinch State House. Exercises before the Massachusetts Legislature, January 11, 1898
133236: U. S. S. R. SUPREME COURT - Wrecking Activities At Power Stations in the Soviet Union : the Case of N. P. Vituitsky ... Heard before the Special Session of the Supreme Court of the U. S. S. R. in Moscow, April 12-19, 1933
127480: SUPREME COURT U. S. S. R. - Wrecking Activities At Power Stations in the Soviet Union : the Case of N. P. Vitvitsky [Et Al. ] Heard before the Special Session of the Supreme Court of the U. S. S. R. in Moscow, April 12-19, 1933 / Translation of the Official Verbatim Report ... . ..[April 12th to 13th Sessions]
127479: U. S. S. R. SUPREME COURT - Wrecking Activities At Power Stations in the Soviet Union : the Case of N. P. Vituitsky ... Heard before the Special Session of the Supreme Court of the U. S. S. R. in Moscow, April 12-19, 1933
101253: U. S. S. R. SUPREME COURT - Wrecking Activities At Power Stations in the Soviet Union : the Case of N. P. Vituitsky ... Heard before the Special Session of the Supreme Court of the U. S. S. R. in Moscow, April 12-19, 1933
38098: THE GENERAL COURT - In Commemoration of the Life and Public Services of Frederic T. Greenhalge, Late Governor of the Commonwealth
244385: COURTADE, PIERRE. CACI, ALEKS - Albania: a travel record and documentary: with a complete short Albanian Novel by Aleks Caci: Key Book 3
274819: DE COURTAIS, GEORGINE - Women's headdress and hairstyles : in England from AD 600 to the present day
136091: COURTARVEL, JEAN - Et La Russie? -- / Jean Courtarvel
275740: THE COURTAULD INSTITUTE GALLERIES, LONDON - Exhibition of drawings and watercolours from the Spooner and Witt collections. / The Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
143230: COURTE, EDOUARD - Le Psaume Vingt-Deuxieme Au Point De Vue Ecdotique, Exegetique, De La Forme, Ainsi Qu'au Point De Vue Messianique Et Dans La Liturgie. Par L'Abbe Edouard Courte. [With the Hebrew Text and a French Translation. ]
140591: COURTEAULT, HENRI - La Fronde a Paris
213425: COURTENAY, ASHLEY - Let's halt awhile in war-time : ... Some recommendations ... on where to spend your leave
86908: COURTHION, PIERRE - Impressionism / Pierre Courthion ; Translated by John Shepley
254318: COURTHION, PIERRE - Delacroix: XIX Century - Masterpieces of French paintings
271694: COURTILZ DE SANDRAS, GATIEN DE (1644-1712). COLBERT, JEAN BAPTISTE (1619-1683) - Testament politique de Messire Jean Baptiste Colbert, ministre & secretaire d'Etat : où l'on voit tout ce qui s'est passé sous le régne de Louis le Grand jusqu'en l'année 1684 : avec des remarques sur le gouvernement du royaume
268313: COURTNEY, WILLIAM PRIDEAUX (1845-1913) - A bibliography of Samuel Johnson
255990: COURTNEY, JANET ELIZABETH (HOGARTH) - Freethinkers of the nineteenth century
218871: COURTNEY, J. W. (B. 1868) - Some aspects of forensic psychiatry / The hygiene of the nervous system / The nullity of psychoanalysis as a scientific concept [3 offprints from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal by J. W. Courtney]
213094: COURTNEY, NICHOLAS (1944- ) - In society : the Brideshead years / Nicholas Courtney
161512: COURTNEY, SISTER MARIE THERESE - Edward Martyn and the Irish Theatre. Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Letters of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland ... 1952, Etc. [With Plates, Including a Portrait, and a Bibliography. ]
179693: COURTNEY, WILLIAM PRIDEAUX (1845-1913) - English whist and English whist players
21199: COURTNEY, JOSEPH W. - The Multiple Personality of Dr. Guy Patin
64301: COURTNEY, JAMES - James Dean : Back Creek Boy : Poems
165330: COURTNEY, WILLIAM LEONARD, (1850-1928) - Constructive Ethics : a Review of Modern Moral Philosophy in its Three Stages of Interpretation, Criticism, and Reconstruction / William Leonard Courtney
262909: COURTNEY, NICHOLAS - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother / Nicholas Courtney
227560: COURTNEY, WILLIAM PRIDEAUX (1845-1913) - A bibliography of Samuel Johnson
131932: COURTOIS, LUC. JEAN PIROTTE. FRANCOISE ROSART - Femmes Et Pouvoirs : Flux Et Reflux De L'Emancipation Feminine Depuis Un Siecle / Sous La Direction De Luc Courtois, Jean Pirotte Et Francoise Rosart
120058: COURTOIS-SUFFIT, M. - The Abnormal Forms of Tetanus: a Clinical, Pathogenic, Prophylactic, and Therapeutic Survey
119722: COURTOIS-SUFFIT, M. (MAURICE EDME) (1861-) - The Abnormal Forms of Tetanus : a Clinical, Pathogenic, Prophylactic, and Therapeutic Survey
195233: COUSENS, HILDERIC - Pros and Cons : A newspaper reader's and debater's guide to the leading controversies of the day (political, social etc.)
195251: COUSENS, HILDERIC EDWIN - A new policy for labour : an essay on the relevance of credit control
193247: COUSIN, VICTOR (1792-1867) - Madame de Hautefort et Madame de Chevreuse : nouvelles etudes sur les femmes illustres et la societe du xviie siecle. Madame de Hautefort
142381: COUSIN, VICTOR (1792-1867) - La Societe Francaise Au Xviie Siecle D'Apres Le Grand Cyrus De Mlle De Scudery - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
72562: COUSIN, VICTOR (1792-1867) - Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. by M. V. Cousin. Increased by an Appendix on French Art. Translated, with the Approbation of M. Cousin, by O. W. Wight - [Related Titles: on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good]
148181: COUSIN, VICTOR. SARAH AUSTIN (TRANSL. ) - Report on the State of Instruction in Prussia / Translated by Sarah Austin
269790: COUSINS, EDMUND GEORGE - Great Elk
264678: COUSINS, GEOFFREY (1900-1987) - Lords of the links : the story of professional golf / [by] Geoffrey Cousins
270048: COUSINS, EDMUND GEORGE - Great Elk
163492: COUSINS, EDMUND GEORGE (B. 1893) - Death by Marriage
37299: COUSINS, NORMAN - Present Tense - an American Editor's Odyssey
202355: COUSINS, JAMES HENRY (1873-1956) - The bases of theosophy : a study in fundamentals : philosophical, psychological, practical
210230: COUSINS, E. G. (EDMUND GEORGE) (B. 1893) - Fear of Mr. Taltry
82662: COUSTEAU, JACQUES YVES & RICHARDS, MOSE - Jacques Cousteau's Amazon Journey - [Uniform Title: Amazon Journey]
64603: COUSTEAU, JEAN-MICHEL. RICHARDS, MOSE - Cousteau's Papua New Guinea Journey / Jean-Michel Cousteau and Mose Richards
157496: COUSTEAU, JACQUES (1910-1997) - Diving Companions: Sea Lion, Elephant Seal, Walrus [By] Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Philippe Diole. Translated from the French by J. F. Bernard
124090: COUSTEAU, JACQUES YVES - The Ocean World / Jacques Cousteau
184537: COUSTURIER, LUCIE - La foret du Haut-Niger
103561: COUSY, BOB (1928-). JOHN DEVANEY - The Killer Instinct / Bob Cousy with John Devaney
240957: COUTANCEAU, MAURICE. CHARRON, GEORGES GUY - Encyclopédie des jardins
138604: COUTOUVIDIS, JOHN. JAIME REYNOLDS - Poland 1939-1947 / John Coutouvidis & Jaime Reynolds
132010: COUTOUVIDIS, JOHN. JAIME REYNOLDS - Poland 1939-1947 / John Coutouvidis & Jaime Reynolds
249832: COUTTS, J. (1872-1952) - The complete book of gardening / J. Coutts ..., A. Osborn ..., & A. Edwards
249620: COUTTS, JOHN (1872-1952) - All about gardening / J. Coutts
11903: COUTTS, LEWIS - Lyrics, Ballads, and Satires, Romantic and Real
180029: COUTURE, SUSAN ARKIN - The biggest horse I ever did see
183162: COUZENS, DOMINIC - Top 100 birding sites of the world / Dominic Couzens
114785: COVELL, RALPH R. - Confucius, the Buddha, and Christ : a History of the Gospel in Chinese / Ralph R. Covell
74869: COVENEY, PETER V. HIGHFIELD, ROGER - The Arrow of Time : a Voyage through Science to Solve Time's Greatest Mystery
119975: COVENEY, DOROTHY K. (COMP. ). W. H. MEDLICOTT (COMP. ) - The Lion's Tail: an Anthology of Criticism and Abuse; Compiled by Dorothy K. Coveney and W. H. Medlicott
262217: COVENTRY, FRANCIS (1725-1759) - La vie et les aventures du petit Pompée : Histoire critique / traduite de l'anglois par M. Toussaint. Tome I
238537: THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL COVENTRY - The Science and Art of Healing: a service for members of the medical profession, Wednesday 13 June 1962 at 7.30pm
70572: COVERDALE SUMRALL, AMBER - Love's Shadow : Stories by Women / Edited by Amber Coverdale Sumrall
57463: COWAN, D. S. - Advertising in the 21st Century: a Model of Advertising Agency Development During the Next Fifty Years [By] D. S. Cowan, R. W. Jones; Foreword by Sir John Rodgers
37581: COWAN, THOMAS DALE - Gay Men & Women Who Enriched the World / Thomas Cowan
183266: COWAN, FINLAY - Fantasy art expedition : draw and paint fantastic creatures and characters / Finlay Cowan
109613: COWAN, JAMES - The Caltex Book of Maori Lore. Rev. by J. B. Palmer. Illustrated by Dennis Turner
99052: COWAN, M. G. (MINNA GALBRAITH) - The Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act, 1932 : a Manual of the Acts Relating to the Protection and Training of Children and Young Persons in Scotland ...
256622: COWAN, WILLIAM (1851-1929) - The maps of Edinburgh, 1544-1929
47943: COWAN, REV. ARTHUR A. - Bright is the Shaken Torch
242006: COWAN, JOHN M. FERGUSON, JOSHUA - Some yesterdays / [John M Cowan] ; with a note upon the development of hospitals by J. Ferguson
43015: COWAN, L. GRAY - The Dilemmas of African Independence
272927: COWARD, NÖEL - Play parade
272468: COWARD, THOMAS ALFRED (1867-1933). GREEN, ROLAND [ILLUS] - Birds and their young
270835: COWARD, T. A. (THOMAS ALFRED) (1867-1933) - The birds of the British Isles and their eggs. First series, comprising the families Corvidae to Phoenicopteridae
254859: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Design for living / Noël Coward
167979: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - The collected stories of Noel Coward.
274051: COWARD, NOEL - Noël Coward : the complete lyrics
159472: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Future Indefinite
219332: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Play Parade
139100: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Private Lives; an Intimate Comedy in Three Acts, by Noel Coward
87949: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973). HADFIELD, JOHN - A Last Encore. Words by Noel Coward. Pictures from His Life and Times. Edited by John Hadfield
5538: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Quadrille; a Romantic Comedy in Three Acts
213529: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Cavalcade
219800: COWARD, NOEL. DIETRICH, MARLENE - Noel Coward & Marlene Dietrich : original b/w photograph (22 cm X 17 cm) SIGNED by Noel Coward
268850: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - The cream of Noel Coward / selected by Michael Cox ; illustrated by Helen Smithson ; preface by Graham Payn & Sheridan Morley
229873: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Post-mortem : a play in eight scenes
27122: COWARD, NOEL - Conversation Piece : a Romantic Comedy
5511: COWARD, NOEL (1899-1973) - Quadrille; a Romantic Comedy in Three Acts
248677: COWBURN, FREDERICK - Coarse Fishing. [With plates, including a portrait]
248678: COWBURN, FREDERICK - Fishing at a glance. [With plates, including portraits]
109268: COWBURN, BENJAMIN - No Cloak, No Dagger
252199: COWBURN, FREDERICK - Fishing at a glance
43116: COWBURN, PHILIP - The Warship in History
273390: COWDREY, COLIN (1932-2000) - Time for reflection / Michael Colin Cowdrey
273378: COWDREY, MICHAEL COLIN. - The incomparable game
265808: COWDREY, COLIN - Cricket today
211115: COWDREY, COLIN - M.C.C. : the autobiography of a cricketer / [by] Colin Cowdrey
231271: COWELL, ADRIAN - The tribe that hides from man
252018: COWELL, ALAN - Why are they weeping? : South Africans under apartheid
152627: COWELL, FRANK RICHARD (1897-) - History, Civilization, and Culture : an Introduction to the Historical and Social Philosophy of Pitirim A. Sorokin
85385: COWEN, IDA - A Spy for Freedom : the Story of Sarah Aaronsohn
267487: COWEN, FREDERIC H. (FREDERIC HYMEN) (1852-1935) - My art and my friends
266643: COWEN, D. V - Flowering trees and shrubs in India
163617: COWEN, LAUREN - Daughters & Mothers
138611: COWEN, JOSEPH (1831-1900) - Joseph Cowen's Speeches on the Near Eastern Question: Foreign and Imperial Affairs: and on the British Empire, Revised by His Daughter
72834: COWEN, ROBERT C. - Frontiers of the Sea; the Story of Oceanographic Exploration
143162: COWEN, JOSEPH (1831-1900). JANE COWEN (ED. ) - Joseph Cowen's Speeches on the Near Eastern Question : Foreign and Imperial Affairs : and on the British Empire / Revised by His Daughter
121285: COWEN, JOSEPH (1831-1900) - Joseph Cowen's Speeches on the Near Eastern Question: Foreign and Imperial Affairs: and on the British Empire, Revised by His Daughter
36351: COWEN, DENIS VICTOR - The Foundations of Freedom : with Special Reference to Southern Africa
72545: COWETT, MARK (1951-) - Birmingham's Rabbi : Morris Newfield and Alabama, 1895-1940
271127: COWHERD, RAYMOND GIBSON - The humanitarians and the ten hour movement in England
148912: COWHERD, RAYMOND GIBSON (1910-) - The Politics of English Dissent : the Religious Aspects of Liberal and Humanitarian Reform Movements from 1815 to 1848
83275: COWIE, PETER - Stars and Players
79174: COWIE, PETER - A Concise History of the Cinema, Edited by Peter Cowie ; Volume 1: before 1940
63766: COWIE, PETER (ED. ) - International Film Guide, 1972
63767: COWIE, PETER (ED. ) - International Film Guide, 1979
63760: COWIE, PETER (ED. ) - International Film Guide, 1971
63762: COWIE, PETER (ED. ) - International Film Guide, 1970
63765: COWIE, PETER (ED. ) - International Film Guide, 1973
57712: COWIE, PETER - Dutch Cinema : an Illustrated History
49674: COWIE, PETER - 50 Major Film-Makers
48772: COWIE, PETER - Seventy Years of Cinema
257679: COWIE, DONALD - The poetical works / Donald Cowie. vol 1
223728: COWIE, LEONARD W. - A dictionary of British social history / [by] L.W. Cowie
151265: COWIE, JOHN. COWIE, VALERIE A. SLATER, ELIOT (1904-1983) - Delinquency in Girls
252095: COWIE, EVELYN E - Living through history 8. Communication
193615: COWIE, DONALD (ED.) - The antiques yearbook : encyclopedia & directory 1954-55 / edited by Donald Cowie
111996: COWIE, PETER - Seventy Years of Cinema
152275: COWIE, DONALD - An Empire Prepared ; a Study of the Defence Potentialities of Greater Britain, by Donald Cowie ; with a Foreword by the Rt. Hon. Lord Lloyd
36748: COWIE, DONALD - The Antiques Year Book, Encyclopaedia & Directory 1957-58
97370: COWIE, PETER - International Film Guide 1969
263627: COWIE, PETER - International film guide 1978
94329: COWING, CEDRIC B. - Populists, Plungers, and Progressives; a Social History of Stock and Commodity Speculation, 1890-1936
95824: COWLES, VIRGINIA - The Romanovs [By] Virginia Cowles. with Colour Photos. Specially Taken in Russia by Victor Kennett
254183: COWLES, JULIA DARROW - Favorite Fairy Tales Retold: the first of a series of children's classics especially adapted for story-telling
87385: COWLES, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON - Algebra for Colleges and Engineering Schools, by William H. H. Cowles and James E. Thompson...
126932: COWLES, FLEUR - Bloody Precedent; the Peron Story
15724: COWLES, BARBARA - A Handful of Grass Poems
52599: COWLES, VIRGINIA - No Cause for Alarm
207511: COWLES, VIRGINIA - No cause for alarm : a study of trends in England today
80053: COWLEY, MALCOLM (1898-1989) - The Dream of the Golden Mountains : Remembering the 1930s
265567: COWLEY, CLIVE - Fabled tribe : a journey to discover the river bushmen of the Okavango Swamps / with a foreword by R. C. J. Van Hoogstraten
252164: COWLEY, JOE - I remember : reflections on fishing in childhood / compiled by Joe Cowley
157161: COWLEY, MALCOLM (1898-1989) - And I Worked At the Writer's Trade : Chapters of Literary History, 1918-1978 / Malcolm Cowley
156339: COWLEY, MALCOLM, 1898-1989 - The Dream of the Golden Mountains : Remembering the 1930s
15012: COWLEY, MALCOLM - A Second Flowering; Work and Days of the Lost Generation
125983: COWLEY, MALCOLM - And I Worked At the Writer's Trade : Chapters of Literary History, 1918-1978 / Malcolm Cowley
273826: COWLEY, ROBERT L.S - Marriage a-la-mode : a review of Hogarth's narrative art / Robert L.S. Cowley
148432: COWLEY, A. E. (ARTHUR ERNEST) (1861-1931) - The Hittites
132763: COWLEY, W. H. (WILLIAM HAROLD) - The Personnel Bibliographical Index [By] W. H. Cowley
42570: COWLEY, ABRAHAM - The Crypto Mistress - Love Poems
85154: COWLING, ELIZABETH - Picasso : Style and Meaning
276524: COWLING, GEOFFREY CHARLES - A descriptive list of the printed maps of Shropshire, A.D. 1577-1900
184723: COWLING, ELIZABETH - Picasso : Sculptor/Painter / Elizabeth Cowling [and] John Golding
155974: COWLING, ELIZABETH - Visiting Picasso : the Notebooks and Letters of Roland Penrose / Elizabeth Cowling
231900: COWLING, GEORGE HERBERT (1881-1946) - Music on the Shakespearian stage
276509: COWPER, WILLIAM - Poems by William Cowper, of the inner temple, esq: vol. I
275001: COWPER, EDITH ELISE - The Captain of the Waterguard ... Illustrated by Adolf Thiede
274364: COWPER, WILLIAM - The poetical works of William Cowper. With life. Engravings on steel
270522: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800). SEAVER, ROBERT [ILLUS.] - The diverting history of John Gilpin : shewing how he went further than he intended, and came safe home again : embellished with woodcuts drawn and engraved by Robert Seaver
259746: COWPER, WILLIAM - The diverting history of John Gilpin
259593: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Poems
224083: COWPER, FRANCIS - A prospect of Gray's Inn
253132: COWPER, WILLIAM - Poems: volume II
253073: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - The works of William Cowper his life and letters by William Hayley...Now first completed by the introduction of Cowper's private correspondence / Edited by the Rev. T. S. Grimshawe: vol. III
254163: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Cowper's Poems: volume II
254164: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Poems
111184: COWPER, RICHARD - Clone [By] Richard Cowper
46208: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - The Task : a Poem, in Six Books
152030: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - The Poems of William Cowper ...
244900: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Poems, by William Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq. :volume II
262216: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Poems
259743: COWPER, WILLIAM - The diverting history of John Gilpin
181155: COWPER, WILLIAM - The poetical works of William Cowper with the life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes: 2 Vols
129693: COWPER, FRANCIS - A Prospect of Gray's Inn
229929: COWPER, HENRY SWAINSON (1865-1941) - The Hill of the Graces : a record of investigation among the trilithons and megalithic sites of Tripoli
182651: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Table talk and other poems
37742: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800). THOMSON, JAMES (1700-1748) - The Works of Cowper and Thomson, Including Many Letters and Poems Never before Published in This Country, with a New and Interesting Memoir of the Life of Thomson
263519: COWPER, WILLIAM ; SEAVER, ROBERT - The diverting history of John Gilpin : shewing how he went further than he intended, and came safe home again
240421: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Poems
8770: COWPER, WILLIAM - Table Talk And Other Poems
198410: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - Private correspondence of William Cowper, Esq. with several of his most intimate friends. Now first published from the originals in the possession of his kinsman, John Johnson [complete in 2 volumes]
211525: COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) - The life and works of William Cowper, Esq. : comprising his poems, correspondence, and translations. With a life of the author, by the editor, Robert Southey, Esq. LL.D. Poet Laureate, etc. [9 volumes only: 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14 & 15]
86037: COX, RICHARD H. (1941-) - Teaching Volleyball
80657: COX, GRAHAM F. - RELATED NAME: THOMPSON, GEORGE - Tropical Marine Aquaria, by Graham F. Cox. Illustrated by George Thompson
78952: COX, BEVERLY WITH DALE WHITESELL - Classic Italin Cooking for the Vegetarian Gourmet
71343: COX, STEPHEN (1946-) - Stephen Cox (Exhibition Catalogue)
49349: COX, DANNY - Leadership when the Heat's On
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29160: COX, EDWIN B. - The Bank Director's Handbook / Edwin B. Cox ... [Et Al. ] with the Participation of Charles J. Thayer
276267: COX, HAROLD - The Edinburgh Review. No. 505, Vol. 248, July 1928
275960: COX, JANE - Wills, inventories and death duties : the records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and the Estate Duty Office : a provisional guide / Jane Cox
272680: COX, JANICE V - The People of God : Shrewsbury Dissenters 1660-1699. Part 2. Biographies M-Y and indexes / edited by Janice V. Cox
272681: COX, JANICE V - The people of God : Shrewsbury dissenters 1660-1699. Part 1 Introduction and Biographies A-L / edited by Janice V. Cox
269417: COX, J. CHARLES (JOHN CHARLES) (1843-1919) - Hampshire
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264553: COX, HELEN - Mr and Mrs Charles Dickens entertain at home
261116: COX, THOMAS, D 1734 - Magna Britannia et Hibernia, antiqua & nova : or, a new survey of Great Britain, wherein, to the topographical account given by Mr. Camden, and the later editors of his Britannia is added a more large history - Vol. 5
254635: COX, WILLIAM SANDS (1802-1875) - An introductory lecture on the study of anatomy and physiology delivered on Thursday, October 3, 1833
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193956: COX, RONALD C. - Ireland's bridges / Ronald Cox, Michael Gould
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45876: COX, HAROLD. WILLIAMS, ERNEST EDWIN, JOINT AUTHOR - Free Trade V. Protection. a Fiscal Duel between Harold Cox ... and Ernest E. Williams ... with an Introduction by L. G. Chiozza
150991: COX, SAMUEL SULLIVAN (1824-1889) - Free Land and Free Trade : the Lessons of the English Corn Laws Applied to the United States
88217: COX, CYNTHIA - The Real Figaro; the Extraordinary Career of Caron De Beaumarchais
5561: COX, GEORGE WILLIAM (1827-1902) - Tales of the Gods and Heroes
10086: COX, RICHARD H. - Regressive Therapy; Therapeutic Regressioin in Schizophrenic Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
237710: COX, ALFRED (1866-) - Among the doctors
183779: COX, HAROLD - The capital levy : its real purpose
129958: COX, HAROLD (ED. ) - British Industries under Free Trade : Essays by Experts / Ed. by Harold Cox, Secretary of the Cobden Club
129845: COX, HAROLD - British Industries under Free Trade : Essays by Experts / Edited by Harold Cox, Secretary of the Cobden Club
128285: COX, ABRAHAM L. - The Pathology and Treatment of Asiatic Cholera, so Called. by Abraham L. Cox, M. D.
126739: COX, IDRIS - Socialist Ideas in Africa, by Idris Cox
171920: COX, IDRIS - Empire today
185846: COX CARICO, NITA; CALVERT GUYNN, JANE - The dried-flower book; a guide to methods and arrangements
244183: COX, EDMUND CHARLES SIR, BART (1856-) - Police and crime in India
167381: COX, IDRIS - Empire today
180078: COX, PHILIP - The Rani of Jhansi : a historical play in four acts
172137: COX, CHARLES BRIAN (1928-). COX, CHARLES BRIAN (1928-). DYSON, ANTHONY EDWARD (1928-) - Black paper two : the crisis in education / edited by C.B. Cox and A.E. Dyson contributors includes Kingsley Amis... [et al.]
239436: COX, ALFRED (1866-1954) - Among the doctors
239970: COX, IAN HERBERT (1910-). SHELL TRANSPORT AND TRADING COMPANY - The scallop : studies of a shell and its influences on humankind
120146: COX, ALFRED (1866-) - Among the Doctors
190384: COX, HAROLD - The problem of population
190775: COX, HAROLD - The problem of population
139460: COX, PETER R. - Demography / Peter R. Cox
31010: COX, J. CHARLES. H. STRATTON DAVIS - Gloucestershire
44573: COX, GLEN NELSON (1903-) - Engineering Mechanics
102421: COX, JOHN CHARLES - The English Parish Church : an Account of the Chief Building Types & of Their Materials During Nine Centuries
89256: COX, RICHARD HUBERT FRANCIS (1931-?) - Kenyatta's Country
223727: COX, J. CHARLES (JOHN CHARLES) 1843-1919 - The parish churches of England
189583: COX, JOHN HAYTER - Jesus showing mercy
206902: COX, HAROLD - Economic liberty
211099: COX, J. CHARLES (JOHN CHARLES) (1843-1919) - English church furniture / J. Charles Cox
241418: COX, EDWARD TOWNSEND - Edward Townsend Cox, Birmingham
97916: COXE, WILLIAM (1747-1828) - History of the House of Austria, from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh, to the Death of Leopold the Second: 1218-1792 - [Complete in 3 Volumes]
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