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184797: DARNAR, PIERRE-LAURENT - Tardieu
233308: DARNTON, ROBERT - Die Wissenschaft des Raubdrucks : ein zentrales Element im Verlagswesen des 18. Jahrhunderts / Robert Darnton
48574: DARRACH, BRAD - Bobby Fischer Vs. the Rest of the World
56541: DARRACOTT, JOSEPH - The World of Charles Ricketts
268846: DARRACOTT, JOSEPH - England's Constable : the life and letters of John Constable / Joseph Darracott
247112: DARRACOTT, JOSEPH (1934-). LOFTUS, BELINDA. IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM (GREAT BRITAIN) - First World War posters / Joseph Darracott and Belinda Loftus
249893: DARROCH, ELIZABETH - A bibliography of Norfolk history / compiled and edited by Elizabeth Darroch and Barry Taylor - Complete in 2 Volumes
227692: DARROCH, JOHN - Chinese self-taught by the natural method : with phonetic pronunciation
277441: DARS, CELESTINE - Images of deception : the art of trompe-l'œ?il
123012: DART-THORNTON, CECILIA - The Lady of the Sorrows / Cecilia Dart-Thornton
235484: DART, THURSTON (1921-1971) - Practica musica : vom Umgang mit alter Musik
257833: DARTEVELLE, ED - Union du credit reponse de Ed. Dartevelle au memoire lu a l'assemblee generale du 4 mars 1879 par M. le President Antoine Dansaert
265394: DARTON, F. J. HARVEY (FREDERICK JOSEPH HARVEY) (1878-1936) - Children's books in England : five centuries of social life / F.J. Harvey Darton
225025: DARTON, FREDERICK JOSEPH HARVEY (1878-1936) - English Fabric. A study of village life. [With plates]
19475: DARTON, FREDERICK JOSEPH HARVEY (1878-1936) - Arnold Bennett
124028: DARTON, NELSON HORATIO (1865-1948) - Story of the Grand Canyon of Arizona; a Popular Illustrated Account of its Rocks and Origin, by N. H. Darton
103742: DARTON, N. H. (ET AL. ) - Guidebook of the Western United States, Part C. the Santa Fe Route, with a Side Trip to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado ... Bulletin 613
280567: DARTON, NELSON HORATIO - Story of the Grand Canyon of Arizona : How it was made
19476: DARTON, FREDERICK JOSEPH HARVEY (1878-1936) - Arnold Bennett
196691: DARTON, JOHN MAW (1810?-1881) - Famous girls who have become illustrious women : forming models for imitation for the young women of England
14334: DARTT, ROBERT L. - G. A. Henty, a Bibliography [By] Robert L. Dartt
227705: DARTT, ROBERT L. (1908-) - A companion to G. A. Henty - a bibliography
273706: DARU, PIERRE-ANTOINE-NOËL-BRUNO COMTE (1767-1829) - Histoire de la république de Venise / par P. Daru (4 vols)
56185: DARVI, ANDREA - Pretty Babies : an Insider's Look At the World of the Hollywood Child Star
82682: DARVI, ANDREA - Pretty Babies : an Insider's Look At the World of the Hollywood Child Star
155275: DARVILL, TIMOTHY - The concise Oxford dictionary of archaeology
238450: DARWALL, JOHN; MEIKLEJOHN, ANDREW - John Darwall and 'Diseases of artisans'
262218: DARWIN, ERASMUS, (1731-1802) - Zoonomia : or, the laws of organic life. ... . By Erasmus Darwin, M.D.F.R.S. Author of the Botanic Garden - vol. 2
249013: DARWIN, BERNARD - At odd moments : an anthology / selected by Bernard Darwin
270701: DARWIN, BERNARD (1876-1961) - British clubs / Bernard Darwin
255470: DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-1882). DARWIN, FRANCIS SIR (1848-1925) - The life and letters of Charles Darwin : including an autobiographical chapter / edited by his son, Francis Darwin. Vol. II
201144: DARWIN, EMMA - The mathematics of love / Emma Darwin
221786: DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-1882). WILLIAMS, JOSEPH WILLIAM - On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, by C. Darwin. Edited ... by J. W. Williams
194559: DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-1882) - The voyage of Charles Darwin / selected and arr. by Christopher Ralling
179964: DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-1882) - Charles Darwin's letters : a selection, 1825-1859 / edited by Frederick Burkhardt
264091: DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-1882) - The living thoughts of Darwin / presented by Julian Huxley ; assisted by James Fisher
254309: DARWIN, LEONARD (1850-1943) - What is Eugenics? / Leonard Darwin
277804: DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-1882) - Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world : under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N
222055: DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-1882) - The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex
121273: DARWIN, LEONARD (1850-1903) - Municipal Trade; the Advantages and Disadvantages Resulting from the Substitution of Representative Bodies for Private Proprietors in the Management of Industrial Undertakings
185570: DARYLL, PETE - Tom Mix and the stranger from the south
126308: DASBURG, ANDREW - Andrew Dasburg / Van Deren Coke
248082: DASENT, ARTHUR IRWIN (1859-1939) - John Thadeus Delane Editor of 'The Times' : His life and correspondence by Arthur Irwin Dasent ... with portraits and other illustrations: volume I
203898: DASENT, ARTHUR IRWIN - John Thadeus Delane, editor of 'The Times' : his life and correspondence
247827: DASENT, ARTHUR IRWIN (1859-1939) - John Thadeus Delane Editor of 'The Times' : His life and correspondence by Arthur Irwin Dasent ... with portraits and other illustrations: complete in two volumes
27367: DASENT, ARTHUR IRWIN - John Thadeus Delane : Editor of 'the Times'. His Life and Correspondence. [Complete in Two Volumes]
136675: DASGUPTA, A. K. - The Conception of Surplus in Theoretical Economics
75162: DASGUPTA, SUGATA (1926-) , ED. - History of Rural Development in Modern India.
32794: DASGUPTA, JYOTIPROVA - Girls' Education in India: in the Secondary and Collegiate Stages
119638: DASGUPTA, SURAMA - An Ever-Expanding Quest of Life and Knowledge
58964: DASH, JOAN - Summoned to Jerusalem : the Life of Henrietta Szold
154493: DASH, MIKE - Satan's circus : murder, vice, police corruption, and New York's Trial of the Century
13847: DASH, SAMUEL - Chief Counsel : Inside the Ervin Committee--The Untold Story of Watergate / Samuel Dash
51091: DASH, JOAN - Summoned to Jerusalem - the Life of Henrietta Szold
74742: DASHIELL, JOHN FREDERICK (1888-?) - An Experimental Manual in Psychology
263168: DASHKOVA, E. R. (EKATERINA ROMANOVNA) KNI?A?GINI?A? (1743-1810) - Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw, lady of honour to Catherine II. Empress of all the Russias / written by herself, comprising letters of the Empress, and other correspondence ; edited from the originals, by Mrs. W. Bradford - vol. 1
194396: DASIC, DAVID; BOSKOVIC, BLAGOJE (EDS.) - Socialist self-management in Yugoslavia 1950 - 1980
264271: DASSANCE ABBÉ (1810-1865). BOSSUET, JACQUES-BÉNIGNE (1627-1704). JOHANNOT, TONY (1803-1852). CAVELIER, ADRIEN-LOUIS-MARIE (1785-1867). GÉRARD-SÉGUIN, JEAN ALFRED. BRÉVIÈRE, LOUIS HENRI (1797-1869) - Les Saints Évangiles / traduits de la Vulgate par M. l'Abbé Dassance ; illustrés par MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Seguin et Brevière: in two volumes
272360: HÔTEL DASSAULT - Art Italien du XX Siecle
262597: DASTUR, ALOO J - India and the Commonwealth / [by] Aloo J. Dastur
205676: DASZYNSKA-GOLINSKA, S. - La reforme agraire en Pologne / S.Daszynska-Golinska (traduit du Polonais)
152365: DASZYNSKI, S. RADAPOLSKI, IAN - Imperialisme Contre Communisme : Le Complot Economique, Politique Et Militaire Contre L'Union Sovietique / S. Daszynski and Ian Radapolski
213644: DATAIN, JEAN. SAINT-PIERRE, LOUIS DE - Montherlant et l'héritage de la Renaissance / Jean Datain. Suivi de Le sang des Malatesta, et Montherlant et les génealogistes / par Louis de Saint-Pierre
128874: DATALLER, ROGER - Oxford Into Coal-Field
46885: DATAR, ASHA LAXMAN - India's Economic Relations with the USSR and Eastern Europe, 1953 to 1969
279444: DATHE, JOHANN AUGUST (1731-1791) - Prophetae majores / ex recensione textus Hebraei et versionum antiquarum Latine versi notisque philologicis et criticis illustrati a Joanne Augusto Dathio S. Theol. Doct. et Prof. linguae Hebr. ord in acad. Lipsiens
141734: DATTA, AMLAN - Socialism, Democracy and Industrialization : a Collection of Essays
160987: DATTA, AMLAN (1924- ) - Essays on Economic Development
98328: DATTNER, RICHARD (1948-?) - Civil Architecture : the New Public Infrastructure
236763: DAUB, ADRIAN - Four-handed monsters: four-hand piano playing and nineteenth-century culture / Adrian Daub
191827: DAUBAN, CHARLES-AIME (1820-1876) - Le Fond de la societe sous la Commune, decrit d'apres les documents qui constituent les archives de la justice militaire, avec des considerations critiques sur les moeurs du temps et sur les evenements qui ont precede la Commune ... Ouvra
232063: DAUBE, OTTO - Das Orchester und seine Instrumente
235676: DAUBRAY, CECILE. VALERY, PAUL - Benjamin Constant. Dans ce meme numero: Le centenaire d'Andre Spire
217233: DAUBRESSE, MIREILLE - Le meurtrier : son acte - son histoire - sa personalite, analyse de 68 dossiers d'expertise medico-legale / memoire presente en vue de l'obtention du grade de licenciee en crominologie par Mireille Daubresse, ep Biernaux
186518: DAUBY, J. - De l'elevation des classes ouvrieres en Belgique, au point de vue moral et intellectuel / par J. Dauby
187428: DAUCHOT, GABRIEL - Immortelle Pologne! / Gabriel Dauchot ; preface de Teodor de Wyzewa
274865: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Tartarin de Tarascon
270864: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Lettres de mon moulin
270031: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Lettres de mon moulin
269844: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Tartarin of Tarascon / translated by J. M. Cohen, lithographs by M. Lin-Desportes
266936: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Lettres de mon moulin : Oeuvres de Alphonse Daudet
264475: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Contes du lundi
254384: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Lettres de mon moulin
18911: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - The Works of Alphonse Daudet - [Complete in 24 Volumes]
242674: DAUDET, FRANCOIS - Les Libertés Francaises: No. 3, October 1955
221094: DAUDET, LEON - L'Avant-Guerre : etudes et documents sur l'espionnage juif-allemand en France depuis l'affaire Dreyfus / Leon Daudet
152871: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - Vingt-Neuf Mois D'Exil
236438: DAUDET, LÉON (1867-1942) - Le stupide XIXe siècle
263539: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Sapho. Edition définitive. Avec 16 illustrations de Dethomas, gravées par Paul Baudier
140098: DAUDET, LEON - Deux Idoles Sanguinaires : La Revolution Et Son Fils Bonaparte
139546: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - Moloch Et Minerve, Ou, L'Apres-Geurre
139525: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - L'Avant-Guerre : Etudes Et Documents Sur L'Espionage Juif-Allemand En France Depuis L'Affaire Dreyfus
120528: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - La Belle-Nivernaise : Histoire D'Un Vieux Bateau Et De Son Equipage / Alphonse Daudet
119333: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Tartarin of Tarascon ... Illustrated by Montegut, De Myrbach, Picard, and Rossi, Etc. [ Single Works. Aventures Prodigieuses De Tartarin De Tarascon ]
47334: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Rose and Ninette. a Story of the Morals and Manners of the Day
162456: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - Depute De Paris, 1919-1924 / Leon Daudet
264404: DAUDET, LÉON (1867-1942) - La tragique existence de Victor Hugo / par Léon Daudet
261868: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Tartarin de Tarascon / Alphonse Daudet
128987: DAUDET, LEON - Les Dicts Et Pronostiquations D'Alcofribas Deuxieme Pour Le Bel an 1922 / Leon Daudet
128956: DAUDET, LEON - Panorama De La IIIe Republique
128955: DAUDET, LEON - Le Coeur Et L'Absence : Roman Du Temps De Guerre / Leon A. Daudet
128258: DAUDET, ERNEST (1837-1921) - Ferdinand Ier : Tsar De Bulgarie
100115: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Tartarin on the Alps, with Illustrations
117884: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) AND JAMES, HENRY (ILLUS. ) - Port Tarascon ; the Last Adventures of the Illustrious Tartarin / Alphonse Daudet ; Translated by Henry James ; Illus. by Rossi [Et. Al. ]
152997: DAUDET, LEON A (1868-) - L'Entre-Deux-Guerres : Souvenirs Des Milieux Litteraires, Politiques, Artistiques Et Médicaux De 1880 a 1905, 3. Serie
166144: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Tartarin De Tarascon [BOUND WITH] Fromont Jeune Et Risler Aine, and Les Rois En Exil
183968: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942); SENNEP, JEHAN (ILLUS.) - La Chambre Nationale du 16 novembre: Dessins de Jehan Sennep / Leon Daudet
254497: DAUDET, ALPHONSE. BERGGREN, AXEL. JUNGSTEDT, KURT - Tartarin från Tarascon
204321: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Les rois en exil : roman parisien / par Alphonse Daudet
167489: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - Vingt-neuf mois d'exil
200547: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Trente ans de Paris : a travers ma vie et mes livres / Alphonse Daudet ; illustre par Bieler, Montegut, Myrbach, Picard et Rossi; gravure de Guillaume Freres et cie.
176356: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - L' agonie du regime : panorama des hommes, des clans et des crimes 1919-1925
143745: DAUDET, ERNEST (1837-) - Mon Frere Et Moi
152988: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - L' Entre-Deux-Guerres / Leon Daudet
162772: DAUDET, LEON - La Police Politique: Ses Moyens Et Ses Crimes
201156: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Entre les frises et la rampe : petites etudes de la vie theatrale / Alphonse Daudet ; illustrations de Marold et Picard
33251: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Kings in Exile
195148: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Lettres de mon moulin
167577: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - L' avant-guerre : etudes et documents sur l'espionage juif-allemand en France depuis l'affaire Dreyfus
197069: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Sapho : moeurs parisiennes / Alphonse Daudet
198910: DAUDET, LEON (1867-1942) - Breviaire du journalisme : l'ame du journalisme, c'est la bonne foi
263190: DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1897) - Jack / Alphonse Daudet ; illustrations de Myrbach
267022: DAUDY, PHILIPPE - Les Anglais : portrait of a people / Philippe Daudy ; translated and edited by Isabelle Daudy
246974: DAUGHERTY, CARROLL ROOP (1900-1988). DE CHAZEAU, MELVIN GARDNER. STRATTON, SAMUEL SOMMERVILLE. UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH. BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH - The economics of the iron and steel industry / ... by Carroll R. Daugherty...Melvin G. de Chazeau...and Samuel S. Stratton: complete in two volumes
249633: HIS ELDER DAUGHTER - Reminiscences of John V. Farwell by His Daughter: volume II
236814: DAUGHTREY, PETER - Atlantis and the silver city
177193: DAUGNY, JACQUES - En Russie : hier - aujourd'hui - demain / Jacques Daugny ; preface de Emile Faguet
265729: DAULTE, FRANCOIS - Alfred Sisley / François Daulte
220437: DAULTE, FRANCOIS; RICHEBE, CLAUDE ; MARMOTTAN, MUSEE - Monet et ses amis : le legs Michel Monet, la donation Donop de Monchy
199195: DAUM, NOEL - Daum : mastery of glass : from art nouveau to contemporary crystal / Noel Daum
164144: DAUMIER, HONORE (1808-1879) - Honore Daumier. 240 Lithographs / selected and Introduced by Wilhelm Wartmann ; translated by Harry C. Schnur
276862: DAUMIER, HONORÉ (1808-1879) - Daumier : paintings and drawings : an exhibition / organized by the Arts Council of Great Britain at the Tate Gallery
80834: DAUMIER, HONORE (1808-1879) - RELATED NAMES: MONDOR, HENRI (1885-1962) ; ADHEMAR, JEAN - Doctors & Medicine in the Works of Daumier [By] Henri Mondor. Notes and Catalogue by Jean Adhémar. Preface by Arthur W. Heintzelman. [Translated from the French by C. De Chabanne]
58545: DAUMIER, HONORE (1808-1879) - Humours of Married Life / Daumier ; Introduction, Catalogue, and Notes by Philippe Roberts-Jones ; Translated from the French by Angus Malcolm - [Uniform Title: MÂœurs Conjugales. English]
88685: DAUMIER, HONORE (1808-1879) - RELATED NAME: PHILLIPS COLLECTION - Honore Daumier; Appreciations of His Life and Works
259360: DAUMONT, FERNAND - Le Mouvement flamand. 1. Ses raisons d'être - vol. 1
192027: DAUMONT, FERNAND - Le projet de loi scolaire devant l'opinion : pour les propagandistes
182077: DAUNT, WILLIAM J. O'NEILL (1807-1894) - Ireland and her agitators
122113: DAUNTON, M. J. (ED. ) - Councillors and Tenants : Local Authority Housing in English Cities, 1919-1939 / Edited by M. J. Daunton
235739: DAUPHIN, LÉOPOLD - Couleur du temps : poésies
235747: DAUPHIN, LEOPOLD - Pipe au bec : suivi de Les fontaines du bois-joli : poesies
131395: DAUZAT, ALBERT - Le Village Et Le Paysan De France
83062: DAVAL, JEAN-LUC - Annuel Skira, Art Actuel - Skira Annual, Actual Art
80864: DAVAL, JEAN-LUC - Modern Art : the Decisive Years 1884 - 1914
66489: DAVAL, JEAN LUC - Photography, History of an Art
190438: DAVAL, JEAN LUC - Photography : history of an art
124616: DAVAL, JEAN-LUC (ED. ) - Skira Annual No. 6
236128: DAVAL, JEAN-LUC - Avant-garde art (1914-1939)
268782: DAVENANT, CHARLES (1656-1714) - Essays upon peace at home and war abroad : in two parts
151706: DAVENANT, CHARLES (1656-1714) - A Discourse Upon Grants and Resumptions : Showing How Our Ancestors Have Proceeded with Such Ministers As Have Procured to Themselves Grants of the Crown-Revenue; and That the Forfeited Estates Ought to be Applied Towards the Payment of the Publick Debts
269598: DAVENPORT, CYRIL JAMES HUMPHRIES (1848-1941) - English heraldic book-stamps : figured and described
24628: DAVENPORT, RUSSELL W. - My Country - a Poem of America
125033: DAVENPORT, WILLIAM W. - Gyro! : the Life and Times of Lawrence Sperry / William Wyatt Davenport
214694: DAVENPORT, BASIL (1905-1966) ED. - Great escapes / selected and edited by Basil Davenport
140163: DAVENPORT, NICHOLAS - Vested Interests or Common Pool?
75751: DAVENPORT, MARCIA (1903-1996) - Of Lena Geyer, by Marcia Davenport
93396: DAVENPORT, CYRIL (1848-1941) - Miniatures, Ancient and Modern
160771: DAVENPORT, NICHOLAS ERNEST HAROLD - Vested Interests or Common Pool?
11772: DAVENPORT WHELPLEY, JAMES - The Trade of the World, by James Davenport Whelpley
103984: DAVENPORT, CHARLOTTE C. - Caught on the Wing, by Charlotte C. Davenport; Illustrated by Paul R. MacAllister
35914: DAVENPORT, CYRIL (1848-1941) - Byways Among English Books, by Cyril Davenport ... with Sixty-One Drawings by the Author and Sixteen Other Illustrations
167341: DAVENPORT, NICHOLAS - The split society
237871: DAVENPORT, HORACE WILLARD (1912-) - University of Michigan surgeons, 1850-1970 : who they were and what they did / Horace W. Davenport
224493: DAVENPORT, CYRIL (1848-1941) - Mezzotints
182027: DAVENPORT, RICHARD ALFRED (1777?-1852) - The history of the Bastile and of its principal captives
161465: DAVENPORT, MARCIA (1903-1996) - The Constant Image
6284: DAVENPORT, CYRIL F. S. A. - Cameos - [Discusses Materials Used and the Process Itself and Considers the Influence of Graeco-Roman and Medieval Cameos on Renaissance and Later Versions]
97709: DAVERN, JEANNE M. (ED. ) - Architecture, 1970-1980 : a Decade of Change / Edited by Jeanne M. Davern
78855: DAVEY, PETER - Architecture of the Arts and Crafts Movement
208944: DAVEY, NORMAN (B. 1888) - A history of building materials
172934: DAVEY, SYDNEY (1874-1930) - Maintenance and desertion under the Poor Law and under the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act, 1895 : with a chapter on Affiliation Orders
149603: DAVEY, SYDNEY (1874-1930) - Law of Settlement and Removal in its Relation to Children and Married Women, and Also so Far As Concerns Settlement and Irremovability by Residence
233808: DAVEY, RAY - An unfinished journey [an anniversary anthology of the Corrymeela Community, 1965-1986]
159441: DAVEY, HERBERT - Poor Law Settlement (Local Chargeability) and Removal
249292: DAVEY, JOCELYN - A touch of stagefright
98932: DAVID, JAY (COMP. ) - Black Joy, Edited by Jay David
98031: DAVID, ANDREW - Rock Stars: People At the Top of the Charts
83617: DAVID, SAUL - The Industry : Life in the Hollywood Fast Lane
73499: DAVID, SAUL - The Industry : Life in the Hollywood Fast Lane
48948: DAVID, LESTER - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - a Portrait of Her Private Years
267589: DAVID, PETER - Triumph in the desert / text by Peter David ; foreword by Colin L. Powell ; edited by Ray Cave and Pat Ryan ; contributions by the world's best photojournalists and artists of the U.S. Armed Forces ; additional text by C.D.B. Bryan ... [et al.] ; maps by John Grimade
267195: DAVID, PENNY - Aberglasney - A garden lost in time
259699: DAVID, ELIZABETH - Of pageants and picnics / Elizabeth David
252282: DAVID, SAUL - Prince of pleasure : the Prince of Wales and the making of the regency / Saul David
251170: DAVID, SAUL - Zulu Hart / Saul David
245671: TIPPING. DAVID - Coarse angling waters
23908: DAVID, CHARLES-PHILIPPE - The Future of NATO : Enlargement, Russia, and European Security / Edited by Charles-Philippe David and Jacques Levesque
237557: DAVID, CATHERINE - Japanese prints
237424: DAVID, ELIZABETH (AUTHOR); NORMAN, JILL (EDITOR) - Harvest of the cold months: the social history of ice and ices /Elizabeth David edited by Jill Norman
236473: DAVID, ELIZABETH - Harvest of the cold months: the social history of ice and ices /Elizabeth David; edited by Jill Norman
226675: DAVID, CATHERINE - Japanese prints
212928: DAVID, JOY. - An invitation to Plymouth
199833: DAVID-NEEL, ALEXANDRA (1868-1969) - Magic and mystery in Tibet / introduction by Aaron Sussman ; Alexandra David-Neel
166105: DAVID, JACOB VILLIERS PEVERIL - A Winter Firework
189808: DAVID, JAY - Flying saucers have arrived
278590: DAVID, ELIZABETH - Cooking with Le Creuset and Cousances
64416: DAVID, JAY (1929-) (COMP. ) - Letters from Israel; the Making of a Nation, 1948-1968 [Compiled By] Jay David. Introd. by Leon Uris
61452: DAVID, A. ROSALIE (ANN ROSALIE) - The Egyptian Kingdoms
98977: DAVID, HENRY PHILIP (ED. ) - Perspectives in Personality Theory, Edited by Henry P. David and Helmut Von Bracken
98962: DAVID, JAY (COMP. ) - Black Roots; an Anthology, Edited by Jay David and Catherine J. Greene. with an Introd. by Charlemae Rollins
131210: DAVID-BERNARD, EUGENE - La Conquete De Madagascar
12177: WILLS. W. DAVID - The Hawkspur Experiment, an Informal Account of the Training of Wayward Adolescents, by W. David Wills
120833: DAVID, JAY (ED. ) - Growing Up Black, Edited by Jay David
36464: DAVID, JAY (1929-). CRANE, ELAINE FORMAN - The Black Soldier: from the American Revolution to Vietnam. Edited by Jay David and Elaine Crane
119954: DAVID, JAY (COMP. ) - Black Joy, Edited by Jay David
174412: DAVID, TUDOR - Discussing defence and disarmament : the background to the summit talks and the U.N. debates
10091: DAVID, HENRY PHILIP (1923-?) - Child Mental Health in International Perspective : Report. A Volume from the Joint Commission on Mental Health of Children
175283: DAVID, F. - Der Bankrott des Reformismus. Wandlungen in der Theorie und in der Politik der deutschen Gewerkschaften vom Verzicht auf die soziale Revolution zur Preisgabe des Lohnkampfes
191166: DAVID, TUDOR - Discussing defence and disarmament : the background to the summit talks and the U.N. debates / Tudor David
15038: DAVID, JULIAN - The Three Hanses - a Story of Young Hans Christian Andersen
52135: DAVID, HENRY P.; VON BRACKEN, HELMUT - Perspective in Personality Theory / edited by Henry P. David and Helmut von Bracken
196369: DAVID, PIERRE DRAPEYRON DE (1749-1832) - Histoire chronologique des operations de l'armee du Nord, et de celle de Sambre et Meuse : Depuis le mois de germinal de l'An II, fin de mars 1794 jusqu'au meme mois de l'An III, 1795 ... / par le Citoyen David
98677: DAVIDOVITCH, DAVID - The Ketuba : Jewish Marriage Contracts through the Ages / David Davidovitch ; Foreword, Cecil Roth
192583: DAVIDOWITZ, H.S. BANETH, D.H. - De beatitudine capito duo R. Mosi Ben Maimon Adscripta
60307: DAVIDS, RICHARD C. - Lords of the Arctic : a Journey Among the Polar Bears
253095: DAVIDS, ARLETTE - Flowers: tulips, hyacinths, narcissi / Drawn by Arlette Davids; text by Princess Bibesco
253094: DAVIDS, ARLETTE - Flowers : rock plants / drawn by A. Davids ; preface by H. de Montherlant ; (ed. by A. Gloeckner) ; transl. from the French by S.P. Skipwith
110415: DAVIDS, RICHARD C. - How to Talk to Birds and Other Uncommon Ways of Enjoying Nature the Year Round [By] Richard C. Davids
98128: DAVIDSON, BILL - Jane Fonda : an Intimate Biography / Bill Davidson
91140: DAVIDSON, ALASTAIR (1939-?) - Antonio Gramsci, the Man, His Ideas
82013: DAVIDSON, BILL - Collura : Actor with a Gun / Bill Davidson
76088: DAVIDSON, JAMES DALE - The Great Reckoning : How the World Will Change in the Depression of the 1990s
70198: DAVIDSON, SARA - Loose Change : Three Women of the Sixties / Sara Davidson
63885: DAVIDSON, NICHOLAS (1955-) - The Failure of Feminism / Nicholas Davidson
51492: DAVIDSON, BILL - Collura: Actor with a Gun
48449: DAVIDSON, FRANK. COX, JOHN STUART - MacRo - Big is Beautiful
47209: DAVIDSON, III. , ROBERT L. - Contracting Your Services
44020: DAVIDSON, JOY - The Agony of it All
36376: DAVIDSON, ROGER (1942-) - Whitehall and the Labour Problem in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain : a Study in Official Statistics and Social Control / Roger Davidson
36381: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-) - Report on Southern Africa
29391: DAVIDSON, FRANK PAUL (1918-). JOHN STUART COX - MacRo : a Clear Vision of How Science and Technology Will Shape Our Future / Frank P. Davidson with John Stuart Cox ; Photo Research by Vincent Virga
273142: DAVIDSON, JANE P - David Teniers the Younger / Jane P. Davidson
272014: DAVIDSON, THOMAS (1856-1923). GEDDIE, J. LIDDELL [M.A., OFFICIER D'ACADÉMIE] - Chambers's twentieth century dictionary: compiled by Rev. Thomas Davidson: revised and expanded by J. Liddell Geddie, M.A., Officier d'Académie
265173: DAVIDSON, SAMUEL (1806-1898) - The Hebrew text of the Old Testament, revised from critical sources : being an attempt to present a purer and more correct text than the received one of Van Der Hooght; by the aid of the existing materials
264519: DAVIDSON, BASIL - African kingdoms
249492: DAVIDSON, JIM (1954-) - Jim Davidson gets hooked / illustrated by Len Gurd
245703: DAVIDSON, CAROLINE - The world of Mary Ellen Best (with a foreword by Howard Rutkowski)
227273: DAVIDSON, ALAN (1924-). KNOX, CHARLOTTE - Seafood : a connoisseur's guide and cookbook
227068: DAVIDSON, BASIL. HUGHES, HUGHES. GAMLIN, LINDA. WAGENINGEN, H VAN. ET AL - Afrika : een groots continent
219508: DAVIDSON, AVRAM - Masters of the maze
192934: DAVIDSON, ROBERT - The Pelican Guide to Modern Theology: Volume 3: Biblical criticism
180466: DAVIDSON, ELLEN DEE (1954- ) ; CHESWORTH, MICHAEL (ILLUS.) - Princess Justina Albertina : a cautionary tale / Ellen Dee Davidson ; illustrated by Michael Chesworth
171046: DAVIDSON, JOHN E. HAKE, SABINE - Framing the fifties
159770: DAVIDSON, CYNTHIA C. (ED. ) - Legacies for the Future : Contemporary Architecture in Islamic Societies / Edited by Cynthia C. Davidson
155766: DAVIDSON, JANET F. SWEENEY, MICHAEL S. - On the move : transportation and the American story
155230: DAVIDSON, SUSAN - Art in America : 300 years of innovation / edited by Susan Davidson
155157: DAVIDSON, S. GAIL DR. MCCARRON-CATES, FLORAMAE. BLOEMINK, BARBARA DR. BURNS, SARAH DR. MARLING, ANN KARAL DR. - Frederic Church, Winslow Homer, and Thomas Moran : tourism and the American landscape
136722: DAVIDSON, WILLIAM LESLIE (1848-1929) - Political Thought in England : the Utilitarians from Bentham to J. S. Mill / William L. Davidson
130754: DAVIDSON, ROGER - Whitehall and the Labour Problem in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain : a Study in Official Statistics and Social Control / Roger Davidson
157650: DAVIDSON, WINIFRED - Where California Began, by Winifred Davidson
242814: DAVIDSON, SAMUEL (1807-1898) - An introduction to the study of the New Testament, critical, exegetical, and theological: Volume I (only)
188195: DAVIDSON, REV. PROFESSOR. [BIBLE -- O.T. -- ENGLISH] - The Psalms i-lxxii: Volume 1
251443: DAVIDSON, LIONEL - The night of Wenceslas
277635: DAVIDSON, GLADYS - Modern opera stories
250606: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-2010) - Report on Southern Africa / Basil Davidson
278070: DAVIDSON, MORRISON - Leaves from the Book of Scots
245153: DAVIDSON, LIONEL (1922-) - A long way to Shiloh / Lionel Davidson
109579: DAVIDSON, BEN J. - The Official Fonzie Scrapbook
77234: DAVIDSON, LUCRETIA MARIA (1808-1825). MORSE, SAMUEL FINLEY BREESE (1791-1872) - Amir Khan, and Other Poems: the Remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson, Who Died At Plattsburgh, N. Y August 27, 1825, Aged 16 Years and 11 Months
74744: DAVIDSON, HENRY A. (HENRY ALEXANDER) (1905-?) - Forensic Psychiatry
70538: DAVIDSON, DAVID ALBERT (1908-) - In Another Country, a Novel by David Davidson
48736: DAVIDSON, HUGH M. - Audience, Words, and Art - Studies in Seventeenth-Century French Rhetoric
151135: DAVIDSON, ISRAEL (1870-1939). MILLER, LINDA ROSENBERG (1877-1936). JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA - Essays and Studies in Memory of Linda R. Miller / Edited by Israel Davidson
94245: DAVIDSON, MAURICE (1883-?) - The Royal Society of Medicine: the Realization of an Ideal, 1805-1955
149621: DAVIDSON, ANDREW BRUCE (1831-1902. PATERSON, JAMES ALEXANDER (1851-1915). INNES, ALEXANDER TAYLOR (1833-1912) - The Called of God
149286: DAVIDSON, BASIL - Can We Face German Competition? : a Warning
148742: DAVIDSON, PAUL. EUGENE SMOLENSKY. CHARLES L. LEVEN - Aggregate Supply and Demand Analysis / [By] Paul Davidson and Eugene Smolensky. with a Section on Social Accounts: Theory and Measurement, by Charles L. Leven
146313: DAVIDSON, FRANCIS - Pauline Predestination
145892: DAVIDSON, MORRIS - Painting for Pleasure, by Morris Davidson
278276: DAVIDSON, ALAN - The pleasures of English Food
132433: DAVIDSON, ANDREW BRUCE (1831-1902) - The Called of God / Edited by J. A. Paterson ; with Biographical Introduction by A. Taylor Innes
236587: DAVIDSON, HUGH MCCULLOUGH (1918-) - Audience, words, and art : studies in seventeenth-century French rhetoric
280339: DAVIDSON, GLADYS - Brownie and the grocer
112512: DAVIDSON, AUGUSTA M. CAMPBELL - Present-Day Japan, by Augusta M. Campbell Davidson, M. A.
242914: DAVIDSON, SAMUEL (1807-1898) - An introduction to the study of the New Testament, critical, exegetical, and theological: Volume II (only)
187258: DAVIDSON, REV. A. B. [BIBLE -- O.T. -- ENGLISH] - The book of Job with notes and appendix
115672: DAVIDSON, JOHN (1857-1909) - John Davidson: a Selection of His Poems. Preface by T. S. Eliot. Edited with an Introduction by Maurice Lindsay. with an Essay by Hugh McDiarmid
115646: DAVIDSON, WINIFRED - Where California Began, by Winifred Davidson
118324: DAVIDSON, HOMER K. - Black Jack Davidson, a Cavalry Commander on the Western Frontier : the Life of General John W. Davidson
121274: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-) - Daybreak in China
278208: DAVIDSON, CAROLINE - A woman's work is never done : a history of housework in the British Isles, 1650-1950
118190: DAVIDSON, BILL (1918-) - Gary Coleman, Medical Miracle / Bill Davidson & the Coleman Family
195388: DAVIDSON, REV. PROFESSOR. [BIBLE -- O.T. -- ENGLISH] - The Psalms i-lxxii: Volume 1
239020: DAVIDSON, ALFRED; GORDON, ROBERT - The origin of Hospital Sunday in Birmingham, 1859
278562: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-2010) - Which way Africa? : the search for a new society
126112: DAVIDSON, JOHN - Commercial Federation and Colonial Trade Policy
147492: DAVIDSON, BASIL. ADENEKEN AMOLA (EDS. ) - The New West Africa; Problems of Independence
148051: DAVIDSON, LIONEL - The Menorah Men
168032: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-2010) - Report on Southern Africa
96390: DAVIDSON, BASIL - The African Awakening
96544: DAVIDSON-HOUSTON, JAMES VIVIAN (1901-?) - Russia and China, from Huns to Mao Tse-Tung
151358: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-2010) - The Road to Hell
195656: DAVIDSON, A. B. (ANDREW BRUCE) (1831-1902) - Old Testament prophecy
197816: DAVIDSON, REV. PROFESSOR. [BIBLE -- O.T. -- ENGLISH] - The Psalms i-lxxii: Volume 1
205665: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-2010) - Japan for Peace or War? The case against remilitarising Japan ... A Peace News edition of a Union of Democratic Control pamphlet entitled “Japanese Ally?”
206765: DAVIDSON, PAUL (1930- ) - Theories of aggregate income distribution
208648: DAVIDSON, BASIL (1914-2010) - Can we face German Competition? : A Warning / Basil Davidson
264603: DAVIE, DONALD - The New Oxford book of Christian verse / chosen and edited by Donald Davie
259953: DAVIE, MARK - Half-serious rhymes : the narrative poetry of Luigi Pulci / Mark Davie
204637: DAVIE, DONALD - A gathered church : the literature of the English dissenting interest, 1700-1930 / Donald Davie
171080: DAVIE, KARIN - Karin Davie / foreword by Louis Grachos ; essay by Barry Schwabsky ; afterword by Lynne Tillman
256456: DAVIE, DONALD - Brides of reason : [a selection of poems] / Donald Davie
229840: DAVIE, DONALD (1922-) - Poetry from Cambridge in wartime : a selection of verse
187314: DAVIE, THOMAS BENJAMIN (1895-1955) - Education and race relations in South Africa : the interaction of educational policies and race relations in South Africa
197099: DAVIE, MAURICE R. (1893- ) - Problems of city life : a study in urban sociology
99980: DAVIES, DAVID MICHAEL - The Last of the Tasmanians / David Davies
84702: DAVIES, P. C. W. - Other Worlds : a Portrait of Nature in Rebellion, Space, Superspace, and the Quantum Universe
82655: DAVIES, NIGEL (1920-) - Voyagers to the New World
77121: DAVIES, THOMAS L. - Shoots : a Guide to Your Family's Photographic Heritage
69251: DAVIES, MARION (1897-1961) - The Times We Had : Life with William Randolph Hearst
6524: DAVIES, WILLIAM JAMES FRANK - Teaching Reading in Early England
64303: DAVIES, P. C. W. - The Last Three Minutes : Conjectures about the Ultimate Fate of the Universe / Paul Davies
50954: DAVIES, GARETH - From Opportunity to Entitlement - the Transformation and Decline of Great Society Liberalism
34531: DAVIES, WILLIAM JAMES FRANK - Teaching Reading in Early England
272257: DAVIES, DAVID TWISTON - The Daily Telegraph book of military obituaries
271969: DAVIES, ROBERTSON - What's bred in the bone / Robertson Davies
271915: DAVIES, GODFREY (1892-1957) - The early Stuarts, 1603-1660
271313: DAVIES, RANDALL (1866-1946) - Velasquez
269405: DAVIES, J. L. (JOHN LLOYD) - Geographical variation in coastal development / J. L. Davies ; edited by K. M. Clayton
268269: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875-1950) - Our ageing population
268191: DAVIES, GODFREY (1892-1957) - Bibliography of British history : Stuart period, 1603-1714 / Issued under the direction of the American Historical Association and the Royal Historical Society of Great Britain
267987: DAVIES, HUNTER - William Wordsworth : a biography / Hunter Davies
267816: DAVIES, RHYS (1901-1978) - Tale
266674: DAVIES, ERNEST - American labour : the story of the American trade union movement
261020: DAVIES, JOHN - Cofiant y parchedig John Jones, Blaenanerch
260949: DAVIES, W. H - Moll Flanders
260883: DAVIES, CHARLES LL.D - [Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with their application to spherical trigonometry, spherical projections, and warped surfaces. [With folding plates.]]
259804: DAVIES, CHARLES MAURICE (1828-1910) - Heterodox London, or, Phases of free thought in the metropolis
253447: DAVIES, W. E - Game fishing: Trout, salmon, sea trout
240478: DAVIES, COLIN (1929-) - The prefabricated home / Colin Davies
235793: DAVIES, MARGARET (1923-) - Une saison en enfer d'Arthur Rimbaud : analyse du texte
230219: DAVIES, MARTIN - The early Italian schools : before 1400
228471: DAVIES, DAVID (1929-) - The centenarians of the Andes
219262: DAVIES, NIGEL - The Aztecs
219082: DAVIES, HUGH WILLIAM (COMPILER) - Catalogue of a collection of early German books in the library of C. Fairfax Murray / compiled by Hugh Davies. Two volumes in 1
214462: DAVIES, JOHN GORDON (1919-) - Christians, politics and violent revolution
248497: DAVIES-PATRICK, TONY - Globetrotter's quest : a worldwide search for carp and other giant fish
179363: DAVIES, ERYL W. - Prophecy and ethics : Isaiah and the ethical traditions of Israel / Eryl W. Davies
177261: DAVIES, SIMON - Paris and the provinces in the eighteenth-century prose fiction
175821: DAVIES, BRIAN (ED.) - Mixed-ability teaching in the secondary school / editors Brian Davies and Ronald G. Cave
170632: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (1913-1995) - The lyre of Orpheus : a novel
156299: DAVIES, ROBERTSON, 1913-1995 - The Papers of Samuel Marchbanks / Robertson Davies
154521: DAVIES, NORMAN - Rising '44 : the Battle for Warsaw
154377: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (1913-1995) - The Papers of Samuel Marchbanks
152148: DAVIES, ROBERT WILLIAM (1925-) - From Tsarism to the New Economic Policy : Continuity and Change in the Economy of the USSR / Edited by R. W. Davies
147311: DAVIES, IOAN (1936-2000) - Social Mobility and Political Change / Ioan Davies
141512: DAVIES, ANDREW - Where Did the Forties Go? : a Popular History / Andrew Davies
248865: DAVIES, IOAN (1936-) - African trade unions
131488: DAVIES, MARTIN - Prisoners of Society : Attitudes and After-Care / [By] Martin Davies
131348: DAVIES, ROSS - Women and Work / [By] Ross Davies
178812: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875- ) - Land nationalisation : the key to social reform
165262: DAVIES, EBENEZER THOMAS, (1903-) - The Political Ideas of Richard Hooker / E. T. Davies ; with a Preface by the Very Rev. R. H. Malden
254823: DAVIES, NORMAN - The isles : a history / Norman Davies
224687: DAVIES, RHYS (1901-1978) - Rings on her fingers / Rhys Davies
252901: DAVIES, W. E. (WILLIAM ERNEST) - Begin fishing with Uncle Bill / written and illustrated by W. E. (Bill) Davies
188021: DAVIES, DAVID DAVIES, BARON (1880-1944) - Force and the future
278919: DAVIES, G CHRISTOPHER - Angling idylls
187555: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875-1950) - The collectivist state in the making
252523: DAVIES, CHARLES MAURICE (1828-1910) - Fun, ancient and modern
159435: DAVIES-SMITH, J. - Palestine Portrayed : a Reminiscence of a Recent Tour ...
252123: DAVIES, W. E. (WILLIAM ERNEST) - The technique of fresh water fishing
252122: DAVIES, W. E. (WILLIAM ERNEST) - Davies' Trout and Grayling Fishing. Written and illustrated by W. E. Davies
277867: DAVIES, ELSPETH - Dr Kitchiner and The cook's oracle
251685: DAVIES, W. E. (WILLIAM ERNEST) - The fish we catch : indentification, habitat, lures / written and illustrated by W. E. Davies
212243: DAVIES, DAVID JAMES LLEWELYN (1903-). DAVIES, NOELLE - Can Wales afford self-government?
250393: DAVIES, CHARLES - Elements of Surveying and Levelling: with descriptions of the instruments and the necessary tables
215236: DAVIES, RANDALL (1866-1946) - English society of the eighteenth century in contemporary art
189586: DAVIES, D. R. (DAVID RICHARD), (1889-1958) - Secular illusion or Christian realism?
223539: DAVIES, RHYS (1901-1978) - The story of Wales
280941: DAVIES, RHYS - Peace aims, Speech by Mr. Rhys Davies, M.P. - House of Commons Friday 17 December 1943
185503: DAVIES, ERYL; BURGESS, JAN - Ocean frontiers
182842: DAVIES, LORD - The seven pillars of peace / Lord Davies
246439: DAVIES, W.E - The Techniques of Freshwater Fishing and Tackle Tinkering; written and illustrated by W.E Davies
245247: DAVIES, MARTIN (1908-?) NATIONAL GALLERY (GREAT BRITAIN) - A few saints from pictures in the National Gallery / with notes by Martin Davies
189367: DAVIES, RANDALL 1866-1946) - Chats on old English drawings
180818: DAVIES, DAVID DAVIES, BARON (1880-1944) - Nearing the abyss : the lesson of Ethiopia
10282: DAVIES, RHYS - The Stars, the World, and the Women
140667: DAVIES, WILLIAM DAVID (1911-2001) - The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount
137994: DAVIES, RAYMOND ARTHUR (1908-). STEIGER, ANDREW JACOB (1900-) - Soviet Asia
137625: DAVIES, RAYMOND ARTHUR (1908-). STEIGER, ANDREW JACOB (1900-) - Soviet Asia
137623: DAVIES, RAYMOND ARTHUR (1908-). STEIGER, ANDREW JACOB (1900-) - Soviet Asia
278367: W. H. DAVIES - A little book of cookery for war-time : being a collection of over 200 tried and economical recipes contributed by the members and friends of Llandinam Girls' Guild
109705: DAVIES, RANDALL (1866-1946) - English Society of the Eighteenth Century in Contemporary Art
92563: DAVIES, ELLEN CHIVERS (B. 1889) - Tales of Serbian Life, by E. Chivers Davies ... with Illustrations by Gilbert James, William Sewell and Noel L. Nisbet
86896: DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY (1871-1940) - Secrets, by W. H. Davies
86658: DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY (1871-1940) - True Travellers, a Tramps Opera in Three Acts
72142: DAVIES, NANCY MILLICHAP - American Traveler : San Francisco
71336: DAVIES, RANDALL (1866-1946) - Six Centuries of Painting
69494: DAVIES, JEANNIE BARBARA THOMSON - The Heart of the Bible. by Jeannie B. Thomson Davies, One Volume Edition...
48585: DAVIES, RANDALL (1866-1946) - Romney, by Randall Davies, Containing Sixteen Examples in Colour of the Master's Work
5892: DAVIES, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) (1871-1940) - A Poet's Calendar [By] W. H. Davies
152474: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875-). EVANS, DOROTHY - Land Nationalisation : the Key to Social Reform
98756: DAVIES, E. T. (EBENEZER THOMAS) - The Political Ideas of Richard Hooker [By] E. T. Davies ... with a Preface by the Very Rev. R. H. Malden ...
94466: DAVIES, ELLEN CHIVERS (1889-?) - Tales of Serbian Life, by E. Chivers Davies ... with Illustrations by Gilbert James, William Sewell and Noel L. Nisbet
149761: DAVIES, GEORGE REGINALD. WALTER F. CROWDER - Methods of Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences, by George R. Davies and Walter F. Crowder
146393: DAVIES, HOWELL - The South American Handbook 1930 : a Year Book and Guide to the Countries and Resources of Latin-America, Inclusive of South and Central America, Mexico and Cuba / Edited by Howell Davies
146126: DAVIES, E. F. - The Finances of Great Britain and Germany
133981: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875-1950) - The Case for Nationalization
133957: DAVIES, D. R. (DAVID RICHARD) - In Search of Myself. the Autobiography of D. R. Davies
245008: DAVIES, SAMUEL (1723-1761). GIBBONS, THOMAS (1720-1785) [EDITOR]. FINLEY, SAMUEL (1715-1766) - Sermons on important subjects
169828: DAVIES, HAROLD - Death stands at attention : a protest against the H-bomb tests
178495: DAVIES, REV. T. WITTON - The Psalms LXXII - CL : introduction revised version with notes and index / edited by Rev. T. Witton Davies
278793: DAVIES, GWYNNE HENTON - The approach to the Old Testament : an inaugural lecture delivered on 15th May, 1953
277992: DAVIES, ELSPETH - Dr Kitchiner and The cook's oracle
104431: DAVIES, L. P. (LESLIE PURNELL) - Psychogeist
264028: DAVIES, MOYA LLEWELYN - What the working people want : the cure for unemployment
131376: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL - The Case for Nationalization
131377: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL - The Case for Nationalization
244877: DAVIES, J. CONWAY [EDITOR] - Journal of the Historical Society of the Church in Wales: Volume I
101163: DAVIES, NICHOLAS - The Unknown Maxwell : His Astonishing Secret Lives Revealed by His Aide and Close Companion / Nicholas Davies
170155: DAVIES, E. T. (EBENEZER THOMAS) - The political ideas of Richard Hooker / E. T. Davies ; with a preface by the Very Rev. R. H. Malden
225159: DAVIES, JOHN DAVID GRIFFITH - George the Third : a record of a king's reign
229478: DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY (1871-1940) - Young Emma
130388: DAVIES, DAVID RICHARD (1889-1958) - Reinhold Niebuhr : Prophet from America
129344: DAVIES-SMITH, J. - Palestine Portrayed : a Reminiscence of a Recent Tour ...
128858: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL - The Case for Nationalization
128839: DAVIES, E. T. - An Ecclesiastical History of Monmouthshire; Part 1: Down to the Beginnings of the Reformation
127817: DAVIES, JAMES - Notes on II. Kings
126993: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875-1950) - The Nationalization of Railways
119847: DAVIES, E. CHIVERS (ELLEN CHIVERS) (1889-) - Tales of Serbian Life, by E. Chivers Davies ... with Illustrations by Gilbert James, William Sewell and Noel L. Nisbet
252905: DAVIES, W. E. (WILLIAM ERNEST) - The Fish we catch. Identification-habitat-lures. Written and illustrated by W. E. Davies
113752: DAVIES, ARTHUR MORLEY (1869-1959) - Evolution and its Modern Critics
104161: DAVIES, L. P. (LESLIE PURNELL) - Psychogeist
103409: DAVIES, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) - Forty-Nine Poems by W. H. Davies; Selected and Illustrated by Jacynth Parsons
186161: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL - The case for railway nationalisation
38006: NATIONAL GALLERY (GREAT BRITAIN). PREFATORY NOTE BY MARTIN DAVIES - The Earlier Italian Schools [The Plates in Two Volumes]
42360: DAVIES, BARRY AND FAIRLEY, MALCOLM - Contemporary Lacquer : Unryuan, the New Generation : Exhibition: 12-25 June 1993
8135: DAVIES, CHARLES MAURICE (1828-1910) - Mystic London; Or, Phases of Occult Life in the Metropolis by Rev. Charles Maurice Davies
125626: DAVIES, LAURENCE - The Gallic Muse
205185: DAVIES, NIGEL (1920-?) - The ancient kingdoms of Mexico / Nigel Davies
101133: DAVIES, DAVID MICHAEL - The Rice Bowl of Asia [By] David M. Davies
194622: DAVIES, ARTHUR - Worcester Cathedral : its history, its architecture, its library, its school / preface by Arthur Davies (Dean)
68944: DAVIES, MARION (1897-1961) - The Times We Had : Life with William Randolph Hearst
252124: DAVIES, W. E. (WILLIAM ERNEST) - Footloose with a fishing rod
168649: DAVIES, T. W. LLYNFI - Pauline readjustments
179232: DAVIES, ERNEST - National enterprise : the development of the public corporation
177786: DAVIES, JOHN GORDON - Daily life in the early church : studies in the church social history of the first five centuries
174966: DAVIES, HUNTER (1936-?) - The other half
179312: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875-1950) - The collectivist state in the making
61915: DAVIES, W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) (1871-1940) - Forty New Poems by William H. Davies
191864: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL - The Case for Nationalization
180985: DAVIES, IOAN (1936-2000) - African trade unions / Ioan Davies
181512: DAVIES, ALFRED THOMAS, SIR, KNIGHT, SOLICITOR AND CIVIL SERVANT. 1861-1949 - Robert Owen, 1771-1858 : pioneer, social reformer and philanthropist / edited by Sir Alfred T. Davies
132218: DAVIES, MARGARET BROWN - Apollinaire / Margaret Davies
143995: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL (1875-1950) - The Case for Nationalization
149744: DAVIES, RANDALL (1866-1946) - English Society of the Eighteenth Century in Contemporary Art
164875: DAVIES, JOHN GORDON (1919- ) - Daily Life in the Early Church : Studies in the Church Social History of the First Five Centuries
16940: DAVIES, JOHN P. - An Insured Investment
19263: DAVIES, W. H. - Later Days
26604: DAVIES, D. R. - Reinhold Niebuhr : prophet from America
7011: DAVIES, RHYS - The Withered Root
7012: DAVIES, RHYS - Rings on Her Fingers
89109: DAVIES, DAVID MICHAEL - The Rice Bowl of Asia [By] David M. Davies
91685: DAVIES, JOSEPH, SIR - The Prime Minister's Secretariat, 1916-1920
223730: DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY (1871-1940) - Later days
253421: DAVIES, W. E. (WILLIAM ERNEST) - Footloose with a fishing rod : places to fish in Britain and Ireland
196952: DAVIES, ALBERT EMIL - The case for railway nationalisation
197168: DAVIES, LEONARD TWISTON, SIR (1894- ) - Welsh life in the eighteenth century
197229: DAVIES, E. O. (EDWARD OWEN), (1864-1936) - The miracles of Jesus : a study of the evidence
198357: DAVIES, MARTIN (1908-?) NATIONAL GALLERY (GREAT BRITAIN) - A few saints from pictures in the National Gallery / with notes by Martin Davies
205194: DAVIES, R. TREVOR (REGINALD TREVOR) - Four centuries of witch-beliefs : with special reference to the great rebellion
207282: DAVIES, RANDALL 1866-1946)( - Reynolds
261902: DAVIES, DAVID MARGERISON - Textbook of adverse drug reactions / edited by D. M. Davies
278080: DAVIES, NORMAN - God's playground : a history of Poland in two volumes. Volume I The origins to 1795
26357: DAVIES, ROSS - Women and Work
166064: DAVILA, ENRICO CATERINO (1576-1631) - Historia Delle Guerre CIVILI Di Francia Di Henrico Caterino Davila: Nella Quale Si Contengono Le Operationi Di Quattro Re, Francesco 2. Carlo 9. Enrico 3. & Enrico 4. Cognominato IL Grande. Con L'Indice Piu Copioso Delle Cose Notabili
231286: DAVILLIER, CH. (CHARLES) BARON (1823-1883) - Les porcelaines de Sevres de Mme. du Barry : d'apres les memoires de la manufacture royale, notes et documents inedits sur le prix des porcelaines de Sevres au XVIIIe siecle / par Ch. Davillier
96936: DAVIS-POYNTER, R. G (COMP. ) - For Freedom, Theirs and Ours; an Anthology of Russian Writing; Edited by R. G. Davis-Poynter, with an Introductory Essay by Michael Foot
93252: DAVIS, MICHAEL JUSTIN (1925-?) - William Blake : a New Kind of Man
91458: DAVIS, MOSHE, ED. - The Yom Kippur War : Israel and the Jewish People
89165: DAVIS, MORRIS - Interpreters for Nigeria : the Third World and International Public Relations
89091: DAVIS-POYNTER, R. G. (COMP. ) - For Freedom, Theirs and Ours; an Anthology of Russian Writing; Edited by R. G. Davis-Poynter, with an Introductory Essay by Michael Foot
86062: DAVIS, JIM (1945 JULY 28-?) - RELATED NAME: FENTZ, MIKE (ILLUS. ) - Garfield's Furry Tales / Created by Jim Davis ; Illustrated by Mike Fentz
85791: DAVIS, SUSAN (ED. ) - Typography 5 - the Annual of the Type Directiors Club
83405: DAVIS, PAUL - Faces / Paul Davis ; with an Introduction by Kurt Vonnegut
83061: DAVIS, FRANK (ET AL. ) - Antiques : Victoriana, Boxes, Fans, Chinese Bronze, Jade & Ceramics, Samplers, Pipes & Tobacco Jars, Porcelain, Clocks & Watches / [By] Frank Davis, Walter De Sager, Kenneth Blakemore & Others
83019: DAVIS, FRANK (1892-?) - Antiques : Victoriana, Boxes, Fans, Chinese Bronze, Jade & Ceramics, Samplers, Pipes & Tobacco Jars, Porcelain, Clocks & Watches / [By] Frank Davis, Walter De Sager, Kenneth Blakemore & Others
79650: DAVIS, HARRY L. , ED. - Behavioral and Management Science in Marketing / Edited by Harry L. Davis, Alvin J. Silk ; Contributing Authors, Victor J. Cook ... [Et Al. ]
78359: DAVIS, FRANK (1892-?) ; DE SAGER, WALTER & BLAKEMORE, KENNETH - Antiques : Victoriana, Boxes, Fans, Chinese Bronze, Jade & Ceramics, Samplers, Pipes & Tobacco Jars, Porcelain, Clocks & Watches
78361: DAVIS, FRANK (1892-?) ; DE SAGER, WALTER & BLAKEMORE, KENNETH - Antiques : Victoriana, Boxes, Fans, Chinese Bronze, Jade & Ceramics, Samplers, Pipes & Tobacco Jars, Porcelain, Clocks & Watches
77373: DAVIS, MARGO BAUMGARTEN - Antigua Black; Portrait of an Island People. Photos. by Margo Davis. Text by Gregson Davis
76891: DAVIS, ELMER HOLMES (1890-1958) ED - By Elmer Davis
76145: DAVIS, STANLEY M & DAVIDSON, WILLIAM HARLEY (1951-?) - 2020 Vision
74466: DAVIS, MILLARD C - The Near Woods [By] Millard C. Davis. Illus. by Matthew Kalmenoff
70543: DAVIS, THULANI - Maker of Saints : a Novel / Thulani Davis
63047: DAVIS, DOROTHY SALISBURY - Scarlet Night / Dorothy Salisbury Davis
59160: DAVIS, WILLIAM C. (1946-) [FOREWORD] - The Civil War Wall Chart
56626: DAVIS, DAPHNE - Stars! / Daphne Davis
56293: DAVIS, GWEN - Changes
55897: DAVIS, CHARLES (1923-) - Temptations of Religion
50699: DAVIS, FRANK (1892-) , WALTER DE SAGER, KENNETH BLAKEMORE AND OTHERS - Antiques : Victoriana, Boxes, Fans, Chinese Bronze, Jade & Ceramics, Samplers, Pipes & Tobacco Jars, Porcelain, Clocks & Watches / [By] Frank Davis, Walter De Sager, Kenneth Blakemore & Others
50235: DAVIS, PETER - If You Came This Way - a Journey through the Lives of the Underclass
50010: DAVIS, STEPHEN (1947-). AEROSMITH (MUSICAL GROUP) - Walk This Way : the Autobiography of Aerosmith / Aerosmith with Stephen Davis
48903: DAVIS, BURKE - Old Hickory - a Life of Andrew Jackson
47372: DAVIS, FRANCES - A Fearful Innocence
47188: DAVIS, FRANCES - A Fearful Innocence
43984: DAVIS, STAN AND MEYER, CHRISTOPHER - Blur - the Speed of Change in the Connected Economy
36305: DAVIS, LENNARD J. (1949-) - Resisting Novels : Ideology and Fiction / Lennard J. Davis
30999: DAVIS, STEVEN I. - Excellence in Banking
29392: DAVIS, WILLIAM (1933-) - Three Years Hard Labour : the Road to Devaluation
275466: DAVIS, S C H - More Sketches by 'Casque'-Sammy Davis of 'The Autocar.' Racing, rallies and trials-as they often are
274048: DAVIS-KLEMM, ERIKA - Dirk Brömmel. Kopfüber
272303: DAVIS, BRIAN LEIGH - Flags of the Third Reich / text by Brian L. Davis ; illustrated by Malcolm McGregor
272272: DAVIS, BRIAN LEIGH - Badges and insignia of the Third Reich, 1933-1945 / Brian L. Davis ; colour plates by Malcolm McGregor
271514: DAVIS, RALPH - English overseas trade, 1500-1700 / prepared for the Economic History Society by Ralph Davis
266963: DAVIS, CHARLES G. (CHARLES GERARD) (1870-1959) - Ships of the past
266919: DAVIS, ANN - The Old English sheepdog / Ann Davis
265586: ZIFF-DAVIS - Aviation : past, present and future - Sept. 1977
261617: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - The rulers of the Mediterranean
261577: DAVIS, JOHN FRANCIS, (1795-1890) - China : a general description of that empire of China and its inhabitants - Vol. 1
261029: DAVIS, WILLIAM MORRIS (1850-1934) - The coral reef problem / William Morris Davis
260396: DAVIS, S. OF NEWTON, MASS - An Appeal to the Citizens of Newton, embracing a brief history of the town
258927: DAVIS, R LESLIE - Humanitas : studies in French literature presented to Henri Godin / edited by R. Leslie Davis, John H. Gillespie, Robert McBride
248254: DAVIS, J. R. AINSOWOTH - The Natural History of Animals: the animal life of the world in its various aspects and relations: in eight volumes
256214: DAVIS, SIDNEY MORRIS ; COONEY, CHARLES F - Common soldier, uncommon war : life as a cavalryman in the Civil War
239280: DAVIS, BETTE - This 'n that
236011: DAVIS, ANN - The Old English sheepdog
232609: DAVIS, COURTNEY (1946-). GRAHAM-FLYNN, FIONA - Celtic ornament : art of the scribe / Courtney Davis ; additional text & calligraphy by Fiona Graham-Flynn
230494: DAVIS, DEREK C - English bottles and decanters, (1650-1900)
228837: DAVIS, PAT R - Oysters and champagne : choice morsels from Wheeler's review
224075: DAVIS, AUDREY B. - Bloodletting instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology / Audrey Davis and Toby Appel
223468: DAVIS, AUDREY B. - The finest instruments ever made : a bibliography of medical, dental, optical, and pharmaceutical company trade literature, 1700-1939 / Audrey B. Davis and Mark S. Dreyfuss
220668: DAVIS, RICHARD H. - Gods in print : masterpieces of India's mythological art : a century of sacred art (1870-1970) / introduction and notes by Richard H. Davis ; foreword by Mark Baron ; preface by Vasudha Narayanan
210679: DAVIS, BART - Black widow
209004: DAVIS, MICHAEL (1925-?) - William Blake : a new kind of man / Michael Davis
208327: DAVIS, STEPHEN; SIMON, PETER - LZ-'75 : the lost chronicles of Led Zeppelin's 1975 American tour
197664: DAVIS, URI. MEZVINSKY, NORTON - Documents from Israel, 1967-1973 : readings for a critique of Zionism / edited by Uri Davis, Norton Mezvinsky
196666: DAVIS, JOHN HERBERT (1904-?) - The evasive peace : a study of the Zionist-Arab problem / [by] John H. Davis
195643: DAVIS, DAPHNE - Stars! / Daphne Davis
190828: DAVIS, MARTYN P. (MARTYN PAUL), (1929- ) - The effective use of advertising media : a practical guide
183134: DAVIS, MIKE (1946- ) - Buda's wagon : a brief history of the car bomb / Mike Davis
178407: DAVIS, WILLIAM C. (1946- ) - Duel between the first ironclads / William C. Davis
171179: DAVIS, PAUL K. (1952- ) - Encyclopedia of warrior peoples and fighting groups / Paul K. Davis and Allen Lee Hamilton
169284: DAVIS, BENJAMIN O. (1912-2002) - Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American : an autobiography
16294: DAVIS, FRANK. WALTER DE SAGER. KENNETH BLAKEMORE [ET AL] - Antiques : Victoriana, Boxes, Fans, Chinese Bronze, Jade & Ceramics, Samplers, Pipes & Tobacco Jars, Porcelain, Clocks & Watches / [By] Frank Davis, Walter De Sager, Kenneth Blakemore & Others
157843: DAVIS, PATRICK - Badminton Complete
157435: DAVIS, WILLIAM (ED. ) - 'Punch' and the Monarchy / Edited by William Davis
155838: DAVIS, LAWRENCE J - Fleet fire : Thomas Edison and the pioneers of the electric revolution
148049: DAVIS, MOSHE (ED. ) - The Yom Kippur War : Israel and the Jewish People / Edited by Moshe Davis
13959: DAVIS, STANLEY M. & DAVIDSON, WILLIAM HARLEY (1951-) - 2020 Vision / Stan Davis and Bill Davidson
134379: DAVIS, WILLIAM (1933-) - Three Years Hard Labour : the Road to Devaluation
12939: DAVIS, ANN E. - Schizophrenics in the New Custodial Community. Five Years after the Experiment
164777: DAVIS, HAROLD PALMER (1878-) - Black Democracy : the Story of Haiti
257632: DAVIS, THOMAS - National and other poems
264079: DAVIS, WILLIAM C - The American Civil War : a historical account of America's war of secession / William C. Davis
181162: DAVIS, HORACE B. - Labor and steel
253115: DAVIS, ANDREW JACKSON (1826-1910) - The great harmonia : being a philosophical revelation of the natural, spiritual, and celestial universe
189278: DAVIS, RALPH EMERSON - Stories of natural gas
252674: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING - Writings of Richard Harding Davis - 12 volumes
252594: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING - Writings of Richard Harding Davis - 14 volumes
157368: DAVIS, KENNETH SYDNEY (1912-) - Experience of War; the United States in World War II [By] Kenneth S. Davis. Maps by Rafael Palacios
78519: DAVIS, CLIVE - Clive: Inside the Record Business, by Clive Davis with James K. Willwerth
221110: DAVIS CATE, MARGARET; HERRON FAIRBANKS, CHARLES - Hawkins-Davison houses, Frederica, St. Simons Island, Georgia
270459: DAVIS, FRANK - Chinese jade
65108: DAVIS, LORRIE - Letting Down My Hair; Two Years with the Love Rock Tribe--From Dawning to Downing of Aquarius, by Lorrie Davis with Rachel Gallagher
201813: DAVIS, J. MERLE (1875-1960) ; INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY COUNCIL. MEETING (1938 : MADRAS, INDIA) - The Economic basis of the church : International Missionary Council, meeting at Tambaram, Madras, December 12th to 29th, 1938 / compiled by J Merle Davis
216255: DAVIS, JEROME DWIGHT - The Russian Immigrant
243679: DAVIS, WILLIAM JOHN (1848-1934) TRADE UNIONIST - The British Trades Union Congress : history and recollections. Vol. II / W.J. Davis
213962: DAVIS, SAMUEL, HEADMASTER OF THE BAYSWATER JEWISH SCHOOLS, LONDON. LAZARUS, HARRIS MEYER - For the Life Everlasting. An episode in the Maccabean War of Independence ... Rendered into Biblical Hebrew
29428: DAVIS, OSCAR DAVIS (1866-) - Released for Publication : Some Inside Political History of Theodore Roosevelt and His Times, 1898-1918
221769: DAVIS, DAVID - Showdown at Shepherd's Bush : the 1908 Olympic marathon and the three runners who launched a sporting craze
153280: DAVIS, FRANKLYN PIERRE (1868-) - Impotency, Sterility, and Artificial Impregnation
172690: DAVIS, JEROME - Peace, war and you
217167: DAVIS, SAMUEL. LAZARUS, HARRIS M. FRANKLIN, LEONARD B. BAYSWATER JEWISH SCHOOLS (LONDON, ENGLAND) - For the life everlasting : An episode in the Maccabean War of Independance / performed by the Pupils of the Bayswater Jewish Schools at the annual prize distribution 5673-1913
20248: DAVIS, E. H. - '..of the People, by the People, for the People...' - An Informal Analysis of Tax-Free Public Bonds (Municipal Bonds)
19107: DAVIS, JEROME - Religion in Action
144007: DAVIS, CHARLES THOMAS - A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks, Tiles, Terra-Cotta, Etc. ... by Charles Thomas Davis
142722: DAVIS, W. J. (WILLIAM JOHN) - The British Trades Union Congress : History and Recollections / W. J. Davis
139742: DAVIS, JEROME ( ED. ) - The New Russia between the First and Second Five Year Plans. with an Introd. by Edward M. House
138339: DAVIS, NOAH H. - The Story of the Nazarene in Annotated Paraphrase
137763: DAVIS, KINGSLEY (1908-1997). ISAAC, JULIUS - People on the Move
137532: DAVIS, NOLAN - The Old Missions of California; the Story of the Peaceful Conquest of the State, by Nolan Davis, Twenty-Four Full Page Illustrations in Sepia
136355: DAVIS, JOHN A. (JOHN AUBREY). JAMES K. BAKER (EDS. ) - Southern Africa in Transition. Edited by John A. Davis and James K. Baker
131676: DAVIS, HAROLD T. - The Analysis of Economic Time Series
78353: DAVIS, STANLEY M. - The Monster under the Bed : How Business is Mastering the Opportunity of Knowledge for Profit / Stan Davis and Jim Botkin
76306: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - Gallegher, and Other Stories
74954: DAVIS, KENNETH SYDNEY (1912-) - Soldier of Democracy : a Biography of Dwight Eisenhower, by Kenneth S. Davis
71193: DAVIS, KENNETH SYDNEY (1912-) - Soldier of Democracy : a Biography of Dwight Eisenhower
70267: DAVIS, MOSHE - Jewish Religious Life and Institutions in America : a Historical Study
69784: DAVIS, EUGENE N. - A Story of the Brook and Other Verse, by Eugene N. Davis
108857: DAVIS, FEI-LING - Primitive Revolutionaries of China : a Study of Secret Societies in the Late Nineteenth Century
58806: DAVIS, JR. , DONALD G. (ED. ) - Libraries & Culture; a Journal of Library History - Volume 25 / Number 4 / Fall 1990
57454: DAVIS, SUSAN (ED. ) - Typography 4 - the Annual of the Type Directiors Club
51391: DAVIS, CLYDE BRION (1894-1962) - Adventure - [Originally Appeared As the Anointed]
117298: DAVIS, GENNY WRIGHT. BRUCE DAVIS - The Lover's Book : Your Secret Source of Love / Genny Wright Davis and Bruce Davis ; Illustrated by Genny Wright Davis
46623: DAVIS, CLYDE BRION - Shadow of a Tiger
151952: DAVIS, A. Z. - The Freemason's Monitor; Containing a Delineation of the Fundamental Principles of Freemasonry....
91644: DAVIS, HASSOLDT - Sorcerers' Village. with Photos. by Ruth and Hassoldt Davis
89793: DAVIS, MARY LEE CADWELL - Alaska, the Great Bear's Cub, by Mary Lee Davis ... Illustrated by Pen and Ink Illustrations by Olaus Johan Murie and Author's Photographs
89074: DAVIS, CHARLES (1923-?) ED - English Spiritual Writers. with a Foreword by Cardinal Godfrey
86654: DAVIS, DAPHNE - Selections from Stars! A Treasury of Hollywood's Most Popular Superstars
83739: DAVIS, MELTON S. - Who Defends Rome? The Forty-Five Days, July 25- September 8, 1943 [By] Melton S. Davis
255213: DAVIS, HENRY WILLIAM CARLESS - England under the Normans and Angevins, 1066-1272
144023: DAVIS, AVROHOM - The Metsudah Tehillim : a New Linear Tehillim with English Translation and Notes = [Tehilim Metsudat Avraham]
13849: DAVIS, JEROME (1891-) - Character Assassination. Introd. by Robert Maynard Hutchins
133363: DAVIS, MOSHE (ED. ) - World Jewry and the State of Israel / Edited by Moshe Davis
13125: DAVIS, JEROME (1891-) - Capitalism and its Culture
162459: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - Ranson's Folly, by Richard Harding Davis, with Illustrations by Frederic Remington, Walter Appleton Clark, Howard Chandler Christy, E. M. Ashe & F. Dorr Steele
161163: DAVIS, MOSHE (ED. ) - Israel: its Role in Civilization
278686: DAVIS, JULIA - No other white men : a true story of adventure
186479: DAVIS, HARRIET EAGER (ED.) - Pioneers in world order : an American appraisal of the League of Nations / edited by Harriet Eager Davis
244632: DAVIS, HENRY WILLIAM CARLESS (1874-1928) - The political thought of Heinrich von Treitschke
238169: DAVIS, LOYAL (1896-1982) - Surgeon extraordinary : the life of J.B. Murphy
124883: DAVIS, SAMMY (1925-1990). BURT BOYAR. JANE BOYAR - Yes I Can; [The Story of Sammy Davis, Jr. , by Sammy Davis, Jr. , and Jane and Burt Boyar
121271: DAVIS, MICHAEL MARKS (1879-1971) - Paying Your Sickness Bills, by Michael M. Davis
119861: DAVIS, HASSOLDT (1907-1959) - Sorcerers' Village. with Photos. by Ruth and Hassoldt Davis
117554: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - The Boy Scout, by Richard Harding Davis
117350: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - The Deserter
115582: DAVIS, MARY LEE (CADWELL) - Uncle Sam's Attic, the Intimate Story of Alaska, by Mary Lee Davis. Illustrated by Author's Photographs
117237: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - Van Bibber, and Others
223123: DAVIS, FRANK - Victorian patrons of the arts : twelve famous collections and their owners / Frank Davis
277776: DAVIS, DOROTHY - A history of shopping
153958: DAVIS, MELTON S. - Who Defends Rome? The Forty-Five Days, July 25- September 8, 1943
216858: DAVIS, SAMUEL, HEADMASTER OF THE BAYSWATER JEWISH SCHOOLS, LONDON. LAZARUS, HARRIS MEYER - For the Life Everlasting. An episode in the Maccabean War of Independence ... / Rendered into Biblical Hebrew by Rabbi Harris M. Lazarus, etc. Eng. & Heb.
100732: DAVIS, TOM - Coneheads : the Life and Times of Beldar Conehead, As Told to Gorman Seedling, INS Commissioner, Retired
213373: DAVIS, WILLIAM (1933-) (ED.) - The 'Punch' book of travel / edited by William Davis
115467: DAVIS, RUTH M. - Getting Along with Yourself / Ruth M. Davis
189811: DAVIS, ELMER HOLMES (1890-1958) - Two minutes till midnight
179452: DAVIS, JOHN D. (1854-1926) - The Westminster dictionary of the Bible
166878: DAVIS, MELTON S. - Who Defends Rome? The Forty-Five Days, July 25- September 8, 1943
168293: DAVIS, WILLIAM STEARNS (1877-1930) - A victor of Salamis : a tale of the days of Xerxes, Leonidas and Themistocles
167324: DAVIS, JEROME, (1891-) - Peace, war and you
169238: DAVIS, ELMER HOLMES (1890-1958) - Two minutes till midnight
61472: DAVIS, ROBERT H. (ROBERT HOBART) (1869-1942) - Oriental Odyssey; People Behind the Sun, by Bob Davis; with Forty-Seven Illustrations from Photographs by the Author and Others
203227: DAVIS, SAMMY, JR. (1925-1990) - Sammy Davis, Jr. December 8, 1925 - May 16, 1990 [Funeral service programme]
239890: DAVIS, KENNETH S. (KENNETH SYDNEY) (1912-1999) - A prophet in his own country : the triumphs and defeats of Adlai E. Stevenson
240537: DAVIS, SYDNEY CHARLES HOUGHTON (1887-1981) - Motor racing
240705: DAVIS, BELFIELD & EVEREST, CHARTERED QUANTITY SURVEYORS [EDITORS] - Spon's Architects' and Builders' Price Book. Ninety-fourth Edition. (1968-1969)
177880: DAVIS, JOHN H. - The evasive peace : a study of the Zionist Arab problem / John H. Davis
177314: DAVIS, HAROLD EUGENE (1902- ) - Latin American leaders
175857: DAVIS, BENJAMIN J. (1903-1964) - The negro people on the march
175212: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - Van Bibber and others
166470: DAVIS, DEERING. DORSEY, STEPHEN P. HALL, RALPH COLE, (1897-) - Georgetown Houses of the Federal Period : Washington D. C. , 1780-1830
203231: DAVIS, SAMMY, JR. (1925-1990) - Sammy Davis Jr.
61117: DAVIS, WILLIAM STEARNS (1877-1930) - A Friend of Cæsar; a Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic, Time, 50-47 B. C
235579: DAVIS, WILLIAM MORRIS (1850-1934). RÜHL, ALFRED (1882-1935) - Die erklarende Beschreibung der Landformen / von William Morris Davis. Deutsch bearbeitet von A. Ruhl
117243: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - Captain Macklin: His Memoirs
104707: DAVIS, DANIEL S. - Spain's Civil War; the Last Great Cause
181954: DAVIS, JAMES G. REICH, SHELDON. TUSCON MUSEUM OF ART - James G. Davis : twenty-five years - a retrospective ; April 16 - June 5, 1988 [exhibition catalogue]
13092: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING - The Exiles and Other Stories
139627: DAVIS, MAXINE - The Sexual Responsibility of Woman
156670: DAVIS, ELMER HOLMES (1890-1958) - But We Were Born Free
157868: DAVIS, HENRY P. - Training Your Own Bird Dog [By] Henry P. Davis
160633: DAVIS, ELMER HOLMES (1890-1958) - But We Were Born Free
160858: DAVIS, ELMER HOLMES (1890-1958) - Two Minutes Till Midnight
162410: DAVIS, MOSHE (ED. ) - Contemporary Jewish Civilization on the American Campus : Research and Teaching / Editor, Moshe Davis
24824: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING - Soldiers of Fortune
256150: DAVIS, H. W. CARLESS (1874-1928) - The age of Grey and Peel
25728: DAVIS, KENNETH S. - Soldier of Democracy - a Biography of Dwight Eisenhower
26662: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING - With the Allies
29351: DAVIS, ELMER (1890-1958) - But We Were Born Free
124325: DAVIS, NORAH DEAKIN. JOSEPH HOLMES (PHOTOG. ) - The Father of Waters : a Mississippi River Chronicle / Text by Norah Deakin Davis ; Photographs by Joseph Holmes
30509: DAVIS, FORREST - The Atlantic System - the Story of Anglo-American Control of the Seas
36607: DAVIS, SARAH MATILDA HENRY - The Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney
37085: DAVIS, RONALD L. - A History of Opera in the American West
52146: DAVIS, D. RUSSELL - An Introduction to Psychopathology
54016: DAVIS, CLYDE BRION (1894-1962) - The Anointed [By] Clyde Brion Davis
54784: DAVIS, J. CHARLES - California Salt Water Fishing
66128: DAVIS, BURKE (1913-) - Gray Fox: Robert E. Lee and the Civil War
70592: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - Captain Macklin: His Memoirs
71208: DAVIS, ROBERT H. (ROBERT HOBART) (1869-1942) - The Caliph of Bagdad : Being Arabian Nights Flashes of the Life, Letters, and Work of O. Henry, William Sydney Porter / Robert H. Davis and Arthur B. Maurice
82189: DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864-1916) - The Deserter
218288: DAVIS, MR. SAMUEL (HEADMASTER OF THE BAYSWATER JEWISH SCHOOLS, LONDON) - For the Life Everlasting. An episode in the Maccabean War of Independence [Language: Hebrew/English]
218089: DAVIS, MOSHE - Darkhe ha-Yahadut ba-Amerikah [Jewish religious life and institutions in America. Language: Hebrew]
217931: DAVIS, MOSHE [ED.] - Israel and the Jewish people : during and after the Yom Kippur war / edited by Moshe Davis [Language: Hebrew]
145620: DAVIS, ELLIS A. - Davis Commercial Encyclopedia
195928: DAVIS, SAMUEL. LAZARUS, HARRIS M. FRANKLIN, LEONARD B. BAYSWATER JEWISH SCHOOLS (LONDON, ENGLAND) - For the life everlasting : An Episode in the Maccabean War of Independance / performed by the Pupils of the Bayswater Jewish Schools at the annual prize distribution 5673-1913
208416: DAVIS, JOSEPH S. - A digest of legislative enactments, relating to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in England; with occasional observations and notes. By Joseph Davis, conveyancer
208666: DAVIS, FORREST - The Atlantic System - the Story of Anglo-American Control of the Seas
263513: DAVIS, EDWARD E - The Beatles book
97587: DAVISON, IAN HAY - Lloyd's : a View of the Room : Change and Disclosure
240297: DAVISON, PETER (1928-2004) - The fading smile : poets in Boston, 1955-1960 from Robert Frost to Robert Lowell to Sylvia Plath / Peter Davison
167248: DAVISON, PETER (ED. ) - The book encompassed : studies in twentieth-century bibliography / edited by Peter Davison
187856: DAVISON, RONALD C. (RONALD CONWAY), (B. 1884) - The unemployed : old policies and new
185174: DAVISON, RONALD C. - The unemployed, old policies and new
185171: DAVISON, RONALD C. (B. 1884) - British unemployment policy : the modern phase since 1930
178494: DAVISON, PROFESSOR W. T. - The Psalms I-LXXII : introduction revised version with notes and index / edited by Rev. Professor Davison
250247: DAVISON, RONALD C. (RONALD CONWAY) - What wrong with unemployment insurance
179567: DAVISON, CHARLES (1858-1940) - A study of recent earthquakes
48920: DAVISON, ARCHIBALD T. - Church Music, Illusion and Reality
102860: DAVISON, MARY M. - The Secret Government of the United States, by Mary M. Davison, Secretary, Council on American Relations
79291: DAVISON, ARCHIBALD THOMPSON (1883-1961) - Protestant Church Music in America [By] Archibald T. Davison ...
149898: DAVISON, WILLIAM THEOPHILUS (1846-1935) - The Praises of Israel : an Introduction to the Study of the Psalms
144291: DAVISON, RONALD C. (RONALD CONWAY) - The Unemployed, Old Policies and New, by Ronald C. Davison
143892: DAVISON, ROBERT BARRY - Black British : Immigrants to England
131992: DAVISON, RONALD C. - The Unemployed : Old Policies and New
249153: DAVISON, ROBERT BARRY - Commonwealth immigrants
128510: DAVISON, WILLIAM THEOPHILUS (1846-1935) - The Psalms ; I-LXXII : Vol. 1 / Edited by Rev. Professor Davison
119014: DAVISON, CHARLES - The Origin of Earthquakes
262931: DAVISON, BOB - Tales of a water bailiff / Bob Davison
176179: DAVISON, R. B. - West indian immigrants
25517: DAVISON, EDWARD - Harvest of Youth
42474: DAVISON, PETER - Half Remembered - a Personal History
210690: DAVISON, LESLIE - The cross in the club : an experiment in youth work
216785: DAVITNIDZE, I. L. - Kollegii ministerstv Pravovoye Polozheniye i organizatsiya Raboty [College of Ministries. The legal position and the organization of work. Language: Russian]
241964: DAVSON, HUGH (1909-1996) - The physiology of the eye
217639: DAVUIDOV, LEV D - Rossiya-rodina traktora [Russian is the native land of the tractor. Language: Russian]
49162: DAVY, HUMPHRY, SIR (1778-1829) - Humphry Davy on Geology : the 1805 Lectures for the General Audience / Edited and with an Introd. by Robert Siegfried, and Robert H. Dott, Jr.
266697: DAVY, COLIN - Horses in action
240912: DAVY, CHARLES - Words in the mind : exploring some effects of poetry, English and French
91367: DAVY, MARIE MAGDALEINE (1903-?) - Nicolas Berdyaev: Man of the Eighth Day, by M. -M. Davy; Translated from the French by Leonora Siepman
185317: DAVY, MARIE-MADELEINE - The mysticism of Simone Weil / translated by Cynthia Rowland
279071: DAVY, HUMPHRY SIR (1778-1829) - Salmonia : or, Days of fly fishing. In a series of conversations. With some account of the habits of fishes belonging to the genus Salmo
176460: DAVY, ALFRED HUMPHREY- - The Bible and Palestine's future
181843: DAVY, HUMPHRY, SIR (1778-1829) - Elements of chemical philosophy : as regards the laws of chemical changes: undecompounded bodies and their primary combinations
7621: DAVY, M. J. B. - Interpretive History of Flight A Survey of the History and Development of Aeronautis with Particular Reference to Contemporary Influences and Conditions
65069: DAVYDOFF, MARIAMNA (1871-1961) - Memoirs of a Russian Lady : Drawings and Tales of Life before the Revolution / Mariamna Davydoff ; Selected and Translated by Olga Davydoff Dax
57449: DAWBARN, C. Y. C. (CLIMENSON YELVERTON CHARLES) (B. 1859) - Liberty & Progress, by C. Y. C. Dawbarn
254540: DAWE, GEORGE (1781-1829) - The life of George Morland
44226: DAWES, JOHN - The Swimming Pool & the Garden : an International Illustrated Guide to the Design and Construction of Swimming Pools
274888: DAWES, C. R. (CHARLES REGINALD) - Restif de La Bretonne, 1734-1806
160064: DAWES, EDWIN ALFRED (1925- ) - The Great Illusionists
141350: DAWES, EDWIN ALFRED (1925-). SETTERINGTON, ARTHUR - Making Magic / Edwin A. Dawes and Arthur Setterington
141352: DAWES, EDWIN ALFRED (1925-). SETTERINGTON, ARTHUR - Making Magic / Edwin A. Dawes and Arthur Setterington
114212: DAWES, EDWIN ALFRED - The Great Illusionists / Edwin A. Dawes
132925: DAWES, RICHARD (1793-1867) - Lessons on the Phenomena of Industrial Life, and the Conditions of Industrial Success / Edited by Rev. Richard Dawes
119913: DAWES, FRANK VICTOR - A Cry from the Streets : the Boys' Club Movement in Britain from the 1850s to the Present Day / [By] Frank Dawes
62384: DAWES, RUFUS (1803-1859) - Geraldine, Athenia of Damascus, and Miscellaneous Poems
33995: DAWIDOWICZ, LUCY S. - The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 / Lucy S. Dawidowicz
119872: DAWIDOWICZ, LUCY S. - The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 / Lucy S. Dawidowicz
76874: DAWKINS, LOUISA - Chasing Shadows
275178: DAWKINS, RICHARD - River out of Eden : a Darwinian view of life / Richard Dawkins; illustrations by Lalla Ward
265618: DAWKINS, W. BOYD. SANFORD, W. AYSHFORD. THE PALAEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY - A Monograph of the British Pleistocene Mammalia: vol. I: British Pleistocene Felidae
254452: DAWKINS, RICHARD - A devil's chaplain : selected essays by Richard Dawkins / edited by Latha Menon
251077: DAWKINS, RICHARD (1941-) - The view from mount improbable
250531: DAWKINS, WILLIAM BOYD (1838-1929) - Cave hunting : researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe
266176: DAWNEY, MICHAEL - Doon the wagon way : mining songs from the North of England / edited by Michael Dawney
268604: DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT (1860-1948) - Germany at home
268594: DAWSON, CONINGSBY (1883-1959) - The Unknown Soldier
264639: DAWSON, WARREN R. (WARREN ROYAL) (1888-1968) - Who was who in Egyptology
238302: DAWSON, RAYMOND, EDITOR - The legacy of China / edited by Raymond Dawson
237386: DAWSON, DAVID (1960-) - A painter's progress: a portrait of Lucian Freud / David Dawson
193595: DAWSON, JILL (1962-) - Fred and Edie / Jill Dawson
170026: DAWSON, RICHARD - Red terror and green / [by] Richard Dawson
158438: DAWSON, MELANIE (1967- ) - Laboring to Play : Home Entertainment and the Spectacle of Middle-Class Cultural Life, 1850-1920 / Melanie Dawson
140789: DAWSON, PHILIP - Provincial Magistrates and Revolutionary Politics in France, 1789-1795
128693: DAWSON, PHILIP - Provincial Magistrates and Revolutionary Politics in France, 1789-1795
127364: DAWSON, PHILIP - Provincial Magistrates and Revolutionary Politics in France, 1789-1795
179737: DAWSON, LAWRENCE H. (LAWRENCE HAWKINS) (1880-?) - Hoyle's games modernized
189914: DAWSON, MILES MENANDER (1863-1942) - The conduct of life: The basic thoughts of Confucius
252571: DAWSON, IAN & PURDY, MARTIN - Doing our bit - Middleton 1914-1919
263118: DAWSON, ROBERT BRIAN - Lawns for garden and playing field / R.B. Dawson ; prepared in conjunction and collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society
278830: DAWSON, ROBERT BRIAN - Lawns for garden and playing field
179601: DAWSON, OWEN LAFAYETTE - Communist China's agriculture : its development and future potential
183452: DAWSON, KENNETH (1888-?) - Casts from a salmon reel
192652: DAWSON, KEITH; WALL, PETER - Society and Industry in the 19th century. 2. Factory Reform
228578: DAWSON, KENNETH (1888-) - Just an ordinary shoot
227744: DAWSON, BERNARD 1883 - The History of Medicine: a short synopsis with thirty-one illustrations
142184: DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT (1860-1948) - The Unearned Increment: Or, Reaping Without Sowing. by William Harbutt Dawson
102587: DAWSON, FIELDING - Krazy Kat, the Unveiling & Other Stories
45820: DAWSON, JAMES, JR. - Belting and its Application
102594: DAWSON, FIELDING - The Dream/thunder Road; Stories and Dreams, 1955-1965
223310: DAWSON, WM. & SONS [BOOKSELLER] - Medicine and science : a bibliographical catalogue of historical and rare books from the 15th to the 20th century. Catalogue No. 91. [Spine title: Medical bibliography]
170441: DAWSON, GRACE S. (1891- ) - California : the story of our southwest corner
244571: DAWSON, JOHN WILLIAM SIR (1820-1899) - Modern science in Bible lands
117866: DAWSON, GRACE STRICKLER. LOREN BARTON (ILL. ) - California, the Story of Our Southwest Corner, by Grace S. Dawson, Illustrated by Loren Barton
117492: DAWSON SCOTT, C. A. (CATHARINE AMY) (1865-1934) - Bitter Herbs, by C. A. Dawson-Scott
223238: DAWSON, ROBERT K. - Metropolitan Boroughs [vintage map of London showing metropolitan boroughs, 1832]
277697: DAWSON, W. BENSLEY, T. COOKE, J. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND - The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of The Church, according to the use of the Church of England: together with the psalter or psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches
204053: DAWSON, JOHN WILLIAM, SIR (1820-1899) - Egypt and Syria : their physical features in relation to Bible history
170517: DAWSON, RAYMOND H. - The decision to aid Russia, 1941; foreign policy and domestic politics
279268: DAWSON, JAMES JR - Belting and its application : a treatise on the construction and use of the many types of belting, including a chapter on 'v' shaped ropes
156030: DAWSON, PHILIP - The Liner : Retrospective and Renaissance / Philip Dawson
239580: DAWSON, CHARLES B. (1864-1937) [AUTHOR] - The mirror of Oxford
227525: DAWSON, RAYMOND - The legacy of China
128391: DAWSON, RAYMOND H. - The Decision to Aid Russia, 1941; Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics
149784: DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT (1860-1948) ED. - Industrial Germany
153269: DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT (1860-1948) - Municipal Life and Government in Germany
31543: DAWSON, JOSEPH G. - Psychotherapy with Schizophrenics - a Reappraisal
33829: DAWSON, RAYMOND H. - The Decision to Aid Russia 1941
36761: DAWSON, CONINGSBY - Carry on - Letters in War-Time
5682: DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUT - Social Switzerland Studies of Present-Day Social Movements and Legislation in the Swiss Republic
108932: DAWSON, ALAN (1942-) - 55 Days : the Fall of South Vietnam / Alan Dawson
81640: DAWSON, WILLIAM JAMES (1854-1928) - The Makers of English Prose
93447: DAWSON, THOMAS, BARRISTER - The Law of the Press
97549: DAWSON, RAYMOND H - The Decision to Aid Russia, 1941; Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics
195465: DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT (1860-1948) - Social Switzerland : studies of present-day social movements and legislation in the Swiss Republic
198416: DAWSON, SAMUEL ARTHUR - Freedom of the press : a study of the legal doctrine of 'qualified privilege'
263970: DAWSON, SAMUEL EDWARD (1833-1916) - The voyages of the Cabots : latest phases of the controversy
77643: DAY, JAMES WENTWORTH (1899-) - The Modern Shooter
35395: DAY, DOUGLAS - Malcolm Lowry - a Biography
35108: O'DAY, ALAN - Reactions to Irish Nationalism / with an Introduction by Alan O'Day
274637: DAY, THOMAS (1748-1789) - The history of Sandford and Merton
274157: DAY, J. WENTWORTH (JAMES WENTWORTH) (1899-1983) - Sporting adventure
274052: DAY, BARRY - The treasures of Noël Coward : star quality / Barry Day, O.B.E
273494: DAY, SIMON - Comedy and error : they really were marvellous times / Simon Day
268314: DAY, CYRUS LAWRENCE (1900-1968) - English song-books, 1651-1702 : a bibliography with a first-line index of songs
267819: DAY, JOHN - International nationalism : the extra-territorial relations of Southern Rhodesian African nationalists
265577: DAY, JOHN R. (JOHN ROBERT) - The story of the London bus : London and its buses from the horse bus to the present day / John R. Day
255723: DAY, ANGÉLIQUE. MCWILLIAMS, PATRICK - Parishes of County Fermanagh 1834-5. I / edited by Angélique Day and Patrick McWilliams - Vol. 4
248347: DAY, DOUGLAS (1932-2004) - Malcolm Lowry, a biography
242418: DAY, MICHAEL (1937-) - Modern art in English churches
23222: DAY, DAVID - The Eco Wars - a Layman's Guide to the Ecology Movement
226588: DAY, DAVID (1949-) - Antarctica : a biography / David Day
224239: DAY, HAROLD ARMSTRONG EDWARD - The Norwich school of painters
212865: DAY, ROBIN SIR (B.1923-) - Speaking for myself / Sir Robin Day
208632: DAY, HEM, PSEUD. [I.E. MARCEL DIEU.]. EEKHOUD, GEORGES. - Hommage a Georges Eekhoud, ne a Anvers en 1854, mort a Bruxelles le 24 mai 1927
246624: DAY, KIRKLAND H - Camion Cartoons
166488: DAY, HARVEY - Occult Illustrated Dictionary / Harvey Day
157150: DAY, DOUGLAS - Malcolm Lowry; a Biography
154618: DAY, MARTHA - Complete baking
149074: DAY, SAMUEL H. PROGRESSIVE FOUNDATION. 8TH DAY CENTER FOR JUSTICE - Prisoners on Purpose : a Peacemakers' Guide to Jails and Prisons / Edited by Samuel H. Day, Jr. ; Illustrated by Bonnie Urfer
164483: DAY, HEM, PSEUD. [I. E. MARCEL DIEU. ] - Gerard De Lacaze-Duthiers. L'artistocratie En Action. Artistocratie: Theorie D'un Devenir Meilleur. L'oeuvre D'un Artistocrate. Le Pacifiste. L'activite Et La Fin D'un Artistocrate. Pages Choisies. Bibliographie
164213: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - Short is the Time; Poems 1936-1943
229952: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - Dick Willoughby
229945: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - Overtures to death and other poems
229942: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - A time to dance : and other poems
257041: DAY, ARTHUR FRANCIS - John C. F. S. Day : his forbears and himself. A biographical study
125804: DAY, RICHARD ELLSWORTH - Flagellant on Horseback; the Life Story of David Brainerd
229754: DAY, KENNETH FREDERIC (1908-) - The Dartmoor scene : a series of camera studies between Two Bridges and Postbridge
189147: DAY, HENRY C. (HENRY CYRIL), (B. 1865) - Catholic democracy : individualism and socialism
202728: DAY, BARCLAY LEWIS - Our heritage of thought : being a short review of some leading ideas of dominant thinkers in the east and west
106141: DAY, A. GROVE - Jack London in the South Seas
225239: DAY, ST. JOHN VINCENT - Papers on the Great Pyramid : including a critical examination of Sir Henry James' 'Notes on the Great Pyramid of Egypt'
238098: DAY, CLARENCE (1874-1935) - Life with father
181088: DAY, HENRY C. (HENRY CYRIL) - Catholic democracy : individualism and socialism
220288: DAY, P. J. - An album of model aircraft photographs compiled by P. J. Day [personal scrapbook, 1942]
261988: DAY, DAVID. T - A handbook of the petroleum industry - Vol.1
249880: DAY, JAMES WENTWORTH - Norwich and The Broads
249828: DAY, J. WENTWORTH (1899-1983) - Farming adventure : a thousand miles through England on a horse
226505: DAY, HAROLD - Suffolk school painters : East Anglian painters. Volume 1
28522: DAY, CLARENCE (1874-1935) - Thoughts Without Words
7335: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - Poems; 1943-1947
163041: DAY, HEM, PSEUD. I. E. MARCEL DIEU - Anthologie De L'objection De Conscience Et De Raison / Presentee Par Hem Day
131738: DAY, CLIVE (1871-) - The Distribution of Industrial Occupations in England, 1841-1861
120571: DAY, THOMAS (1748-1789) - The History of Sandford and Merton
91203: DAY, ERNEST HERMITAGE - S. Francis and the Greyfriars ... with Preface by P. N. Waggett
75327: DAY, CLARENCE (1874-1935) - The Simian World
72466: DAY, CLARENCE (1874-1935) - Life with Mother, by Clarence Day
64579: DAY, JOHN (1574-1640?) - The Ile of Gvls, 1606; with an Introduction by G. B. Harrison
110434: DAY, BRENDA - Beautiful Cross Stitch from Classic Quilts Designs / Brenda Day ; Photographs by Steve Tanner ; Illustrations by Penny Brown
62095: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - The Poet's Way of Knowledge
57590: DAY, BRADFORD M. - Edgar Rice Burroughs, a Bibliography
151682: DAY, JEREMIAH (1773-1867) - A Treatise of Plane Trigonometry : to Which is Prefixed a Summary View of the Nature and Use of Logarithms : Being the Second Part of a Course of Mathematics, Adapted to the Method of Instruction in the American Colleges
80606: DAY, DONALD (1899-?) - The Autobiography of Will Rogers: Selected and Edited by Donald Day with a Foreword by Bill and Jim Rogers
77605: DAY, CLARENCE (1874-1935) - Life with Mother, by Clarence Day
7527: DAY, W. A. - The Russian Government in Poland : with a Narrative of the Polish Insurrection of 1863
225242: DAY, ST. JOHN VINCENT - The prehistoric use of iron and steel : with observations on certain matters ancillary thereto / St. John V. Day
132623: DAY, EDWARD - The Social Life of the Hebrews
132518: DAY, ALAN CHARLES LYNN - Money and Income; an Outline of Monetary Economics / A. C. L. Day
202918: DAY, HARVEY - You too can write for money
160013: DAY, ELEANOR F. - Catch 'em and Cook 'em
162786: DAY, ALAN CHARLES LYNN - Outline of Monetary Economics
100049: DAY, HARVEY - Occult Illustrated Dictionary
213782: DAY, FRANCIS (-1940) - The community and the criminal
170241: DAY, FRANK A. - Life of John Albert Johnson : three times governor of Minnesota
127792: DAY, HEM & ERNESTAN, PSEUD. [I. E. ERNEST TANREZ. ] - Ernestan, 1898-1954, Et Le Socialisme Libertaire
165263: DAY, A. J. T. - Civil Service Guide : a Description of the Principal Government Appointments Filled by Open Competition : with the Regulations, Age Limits, and Other Information of Assistance to the Would-Be Civil Servant
192040: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - The newborn : D.M.B., 29th April, 1957
193277: DAY, HEM - Pensee et action michel bakounine aspects de son oeuvre
239585: DAY, WILLIAM HENRY - Headaches: their nature, causes, and treatment
175521: DAY, JOHN (1931-?) - International nationalism : the extraterritorial relations of Southern Rhodesian African nationalists
175008: DAY, HOLMAN (1865-1935) - King Spruce : a novel
229500: DAY LEWIS, CECIL (1904-1972) - A hope for poetry
191234: DAY, JAMES ROSCOE (1845-1923) - My neighbor the workingman
108639: DAY, JAMES WENTWORTH (1899-) - The Modern Shooter
228273: DAY, LANGSTON (1894-) - The life and art of W. Heath Robinson
161503: DAY, BETH (1924-) - The Little Professor of Piney Woods; the Story of Professor Laurence Jones
26707: DAY, PETER - Saints on Main Street : the Gospel for the Ordinary Christian
32627: DAY, THOMAS - The History of Sandford and Merton
44429: DAY LEWIS, C. - The Poetical Image
44611: DAY, DONALD - Will Rogers - a Biography
46912: DAY, CLARENCE - Life with Father
50545: DAY, CLARENCE - This Simian World
8259: DAY, JOHN R. - Railways of Northern Africa
84042: DAY, GINA - Tell No Tales
87118: DAY, DONALD - Will Rogers, a Biography
194285: DAY, HENRY C. (HENRY CYRIL) (B. 1865) - Catholic democracy : individualism and socialism
241448: DAY, JOHN ROBERT (1917-). GARNETT, DAVID (1909-1984) [DONOR]. LONDON TRANSPORT BOARD - The story of the Victoria Line
195535: DAY, EDWARD - The Social Life of the Hebrews
198393: DAY, HEM, PSEUD. [I.E. MARCEL DIEU.]. FAURE, SEBASTIEN - Sebastien Faure. Le pacifiste
211973: DAY, HARVEY - Luck of the toss
278973: DAY, HEM - Individualisme d'harmonie chez Han Ryner
156832: DAYAN, MOSHE, 1915-1981 - Moshe Dayan : Story of My Life
264202: DAYAN, RUTH - ... Or did I dream a dream? : The story of Ruth Dayan / [by] Ruth Dayan and Helga Dudman
218795: DAYAN, YAEL - A soldier's diary: Sinai 1967
168077: DAYAN, YAEL (1939-) - Death had two sons : a novel
31982: DAYAN, YAEL - Death Had Two Sons
127837: DAYE, PIERRE - En Espagne, Sous La Dictature
150056: DAYER, PIERRE - Trente-Deux Mois Chez Les Deputes
202868: DAYES, EDWARD (1763-1804) - The works of the late Edward Dayes : containing an excursion through the pricipal parts of Derbyshire and Yorkshire, with illustrative notes by E.W. Brayley ...
124191: DAYOT, ARMAND - Histoire Generale De La Peinture, Publiee Sous La Direction De Armand Dayot, ...
63631: DAYOT, ARMAND - Beautiful Women in Art, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Seventeenth Century...
178675: DAYSH, GEORGE HENRY JOHN (1901-?) - Studies in regional planning : outline surveys and proposals for the development of certain regions of England and Scotland
160445: DAYTON, DOROTHY (1947-) - The Epic of Alexandra
64565: DAYTON, EDWARD R. - Mission Handbook : North American Protestant Ministries Overseas
264722: PANORAMA DDR - New menace to peace in the Caribbean
216491: VERBAND DER JUDISCHEN GEMEINDEN IN DER DDR. - Anti-semitism in West Germany. Enemies and murderers of Jews in the ruling apparatus of the Federal Republic; a documentation of the Association of Jewish Communities in the German Democratic Republic Facts - Causes - Executors
218265: VERBAND DER JUDISCHEN GEMEINDEN IN DER DDR - Anti-semitism in West Germany : Facts, caises, executors
26888: O'DEA, THOMAS F. - Sociology and the Study of Religion - Theory, Research, Interpretation
92095: O'DEA, WILLIAM T. - The Meaning of Engineering
94442: DEACON, RICHARD (1911-) - Spy! / [By] Richard Deacon [I. E. D. McCormick], with Nigel West ; Additional Research by Bernard Adamczewski and Linda McCarthy
94350: DEACON, RICHARD (1911-) - The Silent War : a History of Western Naval Intelligence / Richard Deacon [I. E. D. McCormick]
93185: DEACON, RICHARD (1911-?) - Super Spy : the Man Who Infiltrated the Kremlin and the Gestapo
7961: DEACON, RICHARD - A Biography of William Caxton : the First English Editor, Printer, Merchant, and Translator
31913: DEACON, RICHARD - A History of the Russian Secret Service
226776: DEACON, HARRIET - The Cape doctor in the nineteenth century : a social history / edited by Harriet Deacon, Howard Phillips and Elizabeth van Heyningen.
205378: DEACON, RICHARD (1911-1998) - The book of fate : its origins and uses / Richard Deacon
16051: DEACON, RICHARD - The Israeli Secret Service
15941: DEACON, RICHARD - A History of the Russian Secret Service
15861: DEACON, RICHARD (1911-) - Escape! The / Richard Deacon [I. E. D. McCormick]
91963: WILLIAMS DEACON'S BANK - Williams Deacon's 1771-1970 with a Foreword by Kenneth Holden
80440: DEADMAN, DAVID (BOOK DESIGNER) - Illustrator Illustrated : Art Director's Index to Graphists and Designers
256714: DEADMAN, DEREK - An illustrated guide to the printed maps of Leicestershire, 1576-1900 / Derek Deadman and Colin Brooks
262219: DEAEICH, L G - Sixteen years in Siberia; some experiences of a Russian revolutionist
259292: DEAK, ISTVAN - Lawful revolution : Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians 1848-1849 / Istvan Deak
96412: DEAKIN, F. W. (FREDERICK WILLIAM) (1913-2005) & STORRY, RICHARD (1913-?) - The Case of Richard Sorge
266128: DEAKIN, BASIL - Bonanza : new stories based on the famous television series
201366: DEAKIN, FRANK B. - Spain to-day
20055: DEAKIN, F. W. - A History of World Communism
243071: DEAKIN, RALPH. WINDSOR, EDWARD DUKE OF (1894-1972) - Southward ho! : with the Prince in Africa and South America
133083: DEAKIN, NICHOLAS. INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS - Colour and the British Electorate, 1964 : Six Case Studies / Edited by Nicholas Deakin
130376: DEAKIN, TERENCE (1942-) - Catalogi Librorum Eroticorum : a Critical Bibliography of Erotic Bibliographies and Book-Catalogues / Compiled by Terence J. Deakin
167084: DEAKIN, NICHOLAS D. (1936-) - Colour and the British Electorate, 1964 : six case studies / edited by Nicholas Deakin
167500: DEAKIN, NICHOLAS D. (1936-), ED. - Colour and the British Electorate, 1964 : six case studies / edited by Nicholas Deakin
258654: DEAKINS, ERIC - Europe : what next? / Eric Deakins, Edmund Marshall
151233: DEAKINS, ERIC - A Faith to Fight for / Eric Deakins ; with a Foreword by Anthony Greenwood
130630: DEAKINS, ERIC - A Faith to Fight for / Eric Deakins : with a Foreword by Anthony Greenwood
234961: DEALE, KENNETH E. L. IRELAND - The Landlord and Tenant Acts, 1931 and 1943, annotated : with appendices containing the landlord and tenant regulations, 1932, the rules of court appertaining to the acts and the forms made thereunder
92527: DEAN, FRANK E. - Cowboy Fun / Frank Dean
77282: DEAN, CORINNA - Graphic Interiors : Spaces Designed by Graphic Artists
52297: DEAN, VERA MICHELES - Builders of Emerging Nations
35454: DEAN, GENEVIEVE CATHERINE - Science and Technology in the Development of Modern China : an Annotated Bibliography / [By] Genevieve C. Dean
274781: DEAN, WINTON - Handel's operas, 1726-1741 / Winton Dean
274756: DEAN, WINTON - Handel's operas, 1704-1726 / Winton Dean and John Merrill Knapp
272448: DEAN - Speed: cloth-lined picture books
272449: DEAN - Main Line Trains
272445: DEAN - Speed: cloth-lined picture books
270135: DEAN, LOUISE - This human season / Louise Dean
269248: DEAN, HARRY (1864-1935) - Umbala : the adventures of a negro sea-captain in Africa and on the seven seas in his attempts to found an Ethiopian empire ; an autobiographical narrative
267592: DEAN, VERA MICHELES - Soviet Russia: 1917-1935
24173: DEAN, MISAO - A Different Point of View - Sara Jeanette Duncan
241619: DEAN, ROGER. THORGERSON. STORM. GRIERSON, NIGEL - Album cover album 5
220933: DEAN, ROGER [ED.] - Album cover album / edited by Storm Thorgerson (Hipgnosis) & Roger Dean
164179: DEAN, FRANK E. - Cowboy Fun / Frank Dean
279272: DEAN, BASIL (1888-1978) - Seven ages: an autobiography, 1888-1927
245544: DEAN, THE RT. REV. MGR. JOSEPH - The New Testament: Volume I: the synoptic gospels
28867: DEAN, GORDON E. (1905-1958) - Report on the Atom : What You Should Know about the Atomic Energy Program of the United States
26481: DEAN, HARRY (1864-1935) - The Pedro Gorino : the adventures of a Negro sea-captain in Africa and on the seven seas in his attempts to found an Ethiopian empire : an autobiographical narrative
24676: DEAN, GORDON - Report on the Atom: Waht You Should Know about Atomic Energy
138157: DEAN, VERA MICHELES (1903-1972) - The United States and Russia
137916: DEAN, JOHN ROBERT - A Land Called California / J. Robert Dean
136752: DEAN, VERA MICHELES - The United States and Russia
105325: DEAN, LEIGH. GIAN CARLO MENOTTI - Gian Carlo Menotti's Help, Help, the Globolinks. Adapted by Leigh Dean from the Original Opera Libretto. Illustrated by Milton Glaser
184326: DEAN, VERA MICHELES (1903-1972) - Latin America and the war / [by] Vera Micheles Dean
115023: DEAN, BETTY - The New Jewish Cook Book of Favorite Recipes
26612: DEAN, ARTHUR H. - Test Ban and Disarmament - the Path to Negotiation
50125: DEAN, GRAHAM M. - Circle Four Patrol
50895: DEAN, GRAHAM M. - Bob Gordon, Cub Reporter
52252: DEAN, DWIGHT G. - Dynamic Social Psychology - Toward Appreciation and Replication
52517: DEAN, VERA MICHELES (1903-1972) - New Patterns of Democracy in India
52573: DEAN, VERA MICHELES (1903-1972) - The United States and Russia
205662: DEAN, EDWIN - The supply responses of African farmers : theory and measurement in Malawi.
258123: DEANE, SEAMUS AND MAC SUIBHNE, BREANDÁN - Field Day Review. V. 1 2005 / edited by Seamus Deane and Breandán Mac Suibhne
246035: DEANE, SEAMUS (1940-). CARPENTER, ANDREW. WILLIAMS, JONATHAN - The Field Day anthology of Irish writing / general editor, Seamus Deane ; associate editors, Andrew Carpenter, Jonathan Williams: in three volumes (1-3)
218230: DEANE, H. - Daniel; his life and times
20480: DEANE, MICHAEL J. - Political Control of the Soviet Armed Forces
202305: DEANE, QUENTIN. CONSUMERS' ASSOCIATION - The Which? guide to cameras and other photographic equipment / editor, Quentin Deane
197937: DEANE, JOHN F. (1943-) - Eye of the hare / John F. Deane
179572: DEANE, W. J. (ET AL.) - Proverbs / exposition by W. J. Deane and S. T. Taylor-Taswell ; homiletics by W. F. Adeney ; homilies by various authors.
280021: DEANE, SEAMUS - Reading in the dark
141770: DEANE, ANTHONY C. (ANTHONY CHARLES) (1870-1946) - The Valley and Beyond
94209: DEANE, SAMUEL (1784-1834) - History of Scituate, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement to 1831
189484: DEANE, ANTHONY C. (ANTHONY CHARLES) (1870-1946) - The world Christ knew : the social, personal and political conditions of His time
278171: DEANE, WALLACE - Three comrades in Fiji
279989: DEANE, SEAMUS - Reading in the dark
190729: DEANE, ANTHONY C. (ANTHONY CHARLES) (1870-1946) - The valley and beyond
12843: DEANE, ALBERT L. - Investing in Wages : A Plan for Eliminating the Lean Years
263194: DEANE, SAMUEL (1784-1834) - History of Scituate, Massachusetts, from its first settlement to 1831
206069: DEANE, ANTHONY C. (ANTHONY CHARLES), (1870-1946) - The world Christ knew : the social, personal and political conditions of His time
200830: DEANESLY, MARGARET - A history of the medieval Church, 590-1500 / Margaret Deanesly
224847: DEANS, MARJORIE. SHAW, BERNARD. PASCAL, GABRIEL - Meeting At the Sphinx, by Marjorie Deans. Gabriel Pascal's Production of Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra, with Forewords by Both the Author and Producer, Bernard Shaw and Gabriel Pascal
183474: DEAR, IAN (1935- ) - Ten Commando, 1942-1945 / Ian Dear
67626: DEARBORN, HENRY ALEXANDER SCAMMELL (1783-1851) - An Address Delivered on the VIII of October, MDCCCXXX, the Second Centennial Anniversary
107250: DEARING, ALBIN PASTEUR - The Elegant Inn : the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 1893-1929
52978: DEARING, CHARLES LEE (1903-). HOMAN, PAUL THOMAS (1893-1969). LORWIN, LEWIS LEVITZKI (1883-1970). LYON, LEVERETT SAMUEL (B. 1885) - The ABC of the NRA
162249: DEARLE, NORMAN BURRELL (B. 1882) - An Economic Chronicle of the Great War for Great Britain & Ireland, 1914-1919
265613: DEARMER, PERCY (1867-1936). PENNELL, JOSEPH ILLUS. (1857-1926) - Highways and byways in Normandy : By Percy Dearmer, ... With illustrations by Joseph Pennell
258556: DEARMER, PERCY (1867-1936). FABIAN SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN) - Socialism and Christianity
179499: DEARMER, PERCY - The Russian church : lectures on its history, constitution, doctrine and ceremonial / preface by the Lord Bishop of London
187684: DEARMER, PERCY (1867-1936) - Christianity and the Crisis / Edited by Dr. Percy Dearmer
188066: DEARMER, PERCY (1867-1936) - Christianity and the crisis / edited by Dr. Percy Dearmer
178818: DEARMER, PERCY (1867-1936) - Christianity and the crisis / edited by Dr. Percy Dearmer
210611: DEAS, C. J. [ET AL.] - The Bradford book of collector's plates : the comprehensive guide to all editions traded on the United Kingdom division of the world's largest exchange / edited by C.J. Deas [et al...] ; photographs by Gerald Hoos and Blinkhorns Photography
162440: DEAT, MARCEL (1894-) - Le Front Populaire Au Tournant / Marcel Deat
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224322: DEAVER, JEFFERY - The empty chair / Jeffery Deaver
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