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8866: DEBEAUFORT, J. M. - Behind the German Veil; a Record of a Journalistic War Pilgrimage. by J. M. De Beaufort, with 46 Illustrations and Maps - A Record of a Journalistic War Pilgrimage
216995: DEBEC, N P; VESELITSKIJ, V V; IZEVSKAA, M G; INSTITUT RUSSKOGO AZYKA (URSS) - Slovari, izdannyye v SSSR bibliograficheskii ukazatel', 1918-1962 [Dictionaries published in the USSR 1918 - 1962. Language: Russian]
217767: DEBEC, N. P. ; VESELITSKIJ, V. V. ; IZEVSKAA, M. G. ; INSTITUT RUSSKOGO AZYKA (URSS) - Slovari, izdannyye v SSSR : bibliograficheskiy ukazatel', 1918-1962 [Dictionaries published in the USSR: a bibliography, 1918-1962. Language: Russian]
93219: DEBENEDETTI, CHARLES - The Peace Reform in American History
43097: DEBLIEU, JAN - Meant to be Wild : the Struggle to Save Endangered Species through Captive Breeding
220676: DEBO, KAAT. - Beyond desire / [composition: Kaat Debo]
100448: DEBO, ANGIE (1890-1988) - Prairie City, the Story of an American Community
73761: DEBOLD, ELIZABETH. WILSON, MARIE. MALAVE, IDELISSE - Mother Daughter Revolution : from Betrayal to Power
57014: DEBOLD, ELIZABETH - Mother Daughter Revolution : from Betrayal to Power / Elizabeth Debold, Marie Wilson, Idelisse Malave
35360: DEBOLD, ELIZABETH. WILSON, MARIE (MARIE C. ). MALAVE, IDELISSE - Mother Daughter Revolution : from Betrayal to Power / Elizabeth Debold, Marie Wilson, Idelisse Malave
46883: DEBORIN, GRIGORII ABRAMOVICH - Secrets of the Second World War [By] G. Deborin. [Translated from the Russian by VIC Schnelerson]
217844: DEBORIN, G. A. - Sovetskaya vneshnyaya politika v pervyye gody sushchestvovaniya sovetskogo gosudarstva 1917-1920 gg [Soviet foreign policy in the early years of the Soviet state in 1917-1920. Language: Russian]
98257: DEBOUT D'ESTREES, A. E. - Medical Guide to Contrexeville (Vosges)
93045: DEBRAY, REGIS - Prison Writings. Translated by Rosemary Sheed
191573: DEBRAY, REGIS - Strategy for revolution / Regis Debray
169435: DEBRAY, REGIS - Undesirable alien / Regis Debray; translated by Rosemary Sheed
90412: DEBRAY, REGIS - Undesirable Alien / [By] Regis Debray ; Translated [From the French] by Rosemary Sheed
206482: DEBRAY, PIERRE - Un catholique retour de l'U.R.S.S. / P. Debray ; preface de l'abbe Boulier
272941: DEBRETT, JOHN (-1822). HESILRIGE, ARTHUR G. M - Debrett's peerage, baronetage, knightage, and companionage: illustrated with 1,800 armorial bearings: 1925
267929: DEBRETT, JOHN - The peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland : In two volumes. The eleventh edition, considerably improved. ... By John Debrett
263108: PRINTED FOR J. DEBRETT - The New Foundling Hospital for wit : being a collection of fugitive pieces, in prose and verse, not in any other collection. : With several pieces never before published - 5 vols
94143: DEBRETT, JOHN (1752-1822) - Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland. : Complete in Two Volumes
267111: DEBRETT'S LIMITED - People of today 2013
266810: DEBRIE-PANEL, NICOLE - Montherlant. L'art et l'amour. Préface de Henry de Montherlant
163013: DEBRIE, ADOLPHE (1910-2003) - De L'Intervention Administrative Dans Les Lieux De Travail Occupes Par Les Ouvriers Grevistes ; These Pour Le Doctorat Presentee... Par Adolphe Debrie
169889: DEBRUN, E. - Taylor et son oeuvre (ce que nous devons en retenir) / par E. Debrun, ancien chef de service des ateliers de construction H. Bollinckx, a Bruxelles, secretaire du Congres international de l'organisation scientifique du travail, de Bruxelles (1925)
158599: DEBS, EUGENE VICTOR (1855-1926). CONSTANTINE, JAMES ROBERT (1924-) - Letters of Eugene V. Debs / Edited by J. Robert Constantine
94516: DEBUS, ALLEN G. - Science and Education in the Seventeenth Century : the Webster-Ward Debate
237742: DEBUS, ALLEN G. - Science and education in the seventeenth century : the Webster-Ward debate
238198: DEBUS, ALLEN GEORGE (1926-) - The English Paracelsians
232034: DEBUSSY, CLAUDE (1862-1918) - Musik und Musiker : Ins Dt. ubertragen v. Hansjurgen Wille u. Barbara Klau
168931: DEBUYST, FEDERICO - Las clases sociales en America Latina
137303: CONFERENCE ON THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT DECADE (1962 : CHRIST'S COLLEGE) - War on Want : Report / Contributors: William Clark, Chairman ... [Et Al. ]
184528: DECAHORS, ELIE (1885-) - Maurice de Guerin : essai de biographie psychologique / (Textes et documents inedits)
236773: DECAHORS, ÉLIE (1885-) - Maurice de Guérin : essai de biographie psychologique / (textes et documents inédits)
135120: DECARD, HENRI. JEAN REMY (ILL. ) - Jamais Ne Desespere; Anecdotes De Captivite Militaire En Allemagne, 1940-1945. Illustrees Par Jean Remy
235609: DECAUDIN, MICHEL - La crise des valeurs symbolistes : vingt ans de poésie française, (1895-1914)
146554: DECAUDIN, MICHEL - Xxe Siecle Francais : Les Temps Modernes
136498: DECAUX, ALAIN (1925-) - La Conspiration Du General Malet : D'Apres Des Documents Inedits
125279: DECHAMBRE, EDMOND - The Pocket Encyclopaedia of Cats. Translated by Alec Brown
276424: DECHAMPS, ADOLPHE (1807-1875) - L'empire et l'Angleterre / par A. Dechamps
256179: DECHAMPS, JULES ALBERT - Chateaubriand en Angleterre / Jules Dechamps
136810: DECHAMPS, VICTOR AUGUSTE I. CARD, ABP. OF MALINES - Le Christ Et Les Antechrists Dans Les Ecritures, L'Histoire Et La Conscience
130658: DECHAMPS, ADOLPHE - L'Empire Et L'Angleterre
166205: DECHAMPS, ADOLPHE - Lettres Sur L'Instruction Publique. Reponse a M. Frere- Orban Et a M. Verhaegen [BOUND WITH] Les Projets Inconstitutionnels Contre La Loi De 1842 Ou L'Ecole Dans Ses Rapports Avec L'Etat, L'Eglise Et La Liberte
130709: DECHAMPS, JULES ALBERT - Amities Stendhaliennes En Belgique [Par] Jules Dechamps
211437: DECHAMPS, JULES ALBERT (1888-) - Sainte-Beuve et le sillage de Napoleon / par Jules Dechamps
143701: DECK, JEAN - Pour La Finlande : Memoire Et Documents / Jean Deck
67140: DECKER, PETER R. (1934-) - Fortunes and Failures : White-Collar Mobility in Nineteenth Century San Francisco / Peter R. Decker
224831: DECKER, RICK - The object concept : an introduction to computer programming using C++ / Rick Decker; Stuart Hirshfield
185071: DECKER, HENRY DE. UNIVERSITE NATIONALE DU ZAIRE. INSTITUT DE RECHERCHES ECONOMIQUES ET SOCIALES - Nation et developpement communautaire en Guinee et au Senegal / Henry de Decker
157838: DECKOFF, HAROLD B. - The Free Lance Photographer's Hand-Book
232035: DECKU, JOSEPH - Deutsche Lander-und Stadtewappen / von Joseph Decku
153264: DECLE, LIONEL (1859-) - The New Russia
228348: MUSEE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (BORDEAUX, AQUITAINE, FRANCE) - Bordeaux, Musee des arts décoratifs : mobilier bordelais et parisien
230733: MUSEE DES ARTS DECORATIFS (FRANCE) - Trois siecles de papiers peints : [Exposition] 22 juin-15 octobre, 1967
230156: MUSEE DES ARTS DECORATIFS (FRANCE) - La porcelaine francaise de 1673 a 1914 ; La porcelaine contemporaine de Limoges : [exposition] novembre-decembre, 1929, Pavillon de Marsan, Palais du Louvre
165527: DECREUS-VAN LIEFLAND, JULIETTE - Sainte-Beuve Et La Critique Des Auteurs Feminins / Julietee Decreus-Van Liefland
277328: DECTER, MIDGE - The new chastity, and other arguments against Women's Liberation
62264: DECTER, MOSHE - 'To Serve, to Teach, to Leave' : the Story of Israel's Development Assistance Program in Black Africa
250955: DÉDÉYAN, CHARLES [PROFESSEUR A LA SORBONNE] - Rilke et La France: tome III (2e partie) fin
90818: DEDIJER, VLADIMIR - The Battle Stalin Lost; Memoirs of Yugoslavia, 1948-1953 - [Uniform Title: Izgubljena Bitka J. V. Staljina. English]
89941: DEDIJER, VLADIMIR - The Battle Stalin Lost; Memoirs of Yugoslavia, 1948-1953
120788: DEDIJER, VLADIMIR - The Battle Stalin Lost; Memoirs of Yugoslavia, 1948-1953
120669: DEDIJER, VLADIMIR - The Battle Stalin Lost; Memoirs of Yugoslavia, 1948-1953
236775: DEDMAN, BILL - Empty mansions: the mysterious life of Huguette Clark and the spending of a great American fortune / Bill Dedman and Paul Clark Newell, Jr
273264: DEE, JACK - Thanks for nothing / Jack Dee
38020: DEE, ELAINE EVANS. ALFRED M. FISCHER. COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM. MUSEUM LUDWIG - Idee Und Anspruch Der Architektur : Zeichnungen Des 16. Bis 20. Jahrhunderts Aus Dem Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York : [Ausstellung], Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Museum Ludwig, 14. Dez. 1979 Bis 27. Jan. 1980
259421: DEEDES, WYNDHAM - Report of the British Association of Residential Settlements June 1928
143158: DEELEY, WILLIAM JOSEPH - Labour Difficulties and Suggested Solutions : a Manual for Technical Students, Cashiers, Foremen, Departmental or Works Managers and Employers
189143: DEEN, EDITH - All the Women of the Bible
220809: DEEPING, WARWICK - Sorrell and son : illustrated with scenes from the photoplay a United Artists picture featuring H. B. Warner
262201: DEEPING, WARWICK (1877-1950) - Paradise Place
262211: DEEPING, WARWICK (1877-1950) - Mr. Gurney and Mr. Slade
214586: DEEPING, WARWICK (1877-1950) - The House of Adventure
110505: DEEPING, WARWICK (1877-1950) - The Ten Commandments
86656: DEER, IRVING - The Popular Arts : a Critical Reader / Edited by Irving Deer, Harriet A. Deer
245033: DEERE, DERWARD WILLIAM [ED. AND TR] - The twelve speak (volume I) : a translation of Books of Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea and Micah with exegetical and interpretative footnotes and an introductory section on Prophecy
255464: DEERY, OISÍN - A compact history of Birr / Oisi´n Deery
43986: DEES, MORRIS AND CORCORAN, JAMES - Gathering Storm - America's Militia Threat
27508: DEESE, JAMES. HULSE, STEWART H. - The Psychology of Learning [By] James Deese [And] Stewart H. Hulse
233325: DEEST, HINRICH VAN - Heilen mit Musik : Musiktherapie in der Praxis
231951: DEETERS, WALTER - 'alte und neue aktenfunde uber michael praetorius'. Sonderdruck Aus: Braunschweigisches Jahrbych. Band 52
34314: DEFANTI, CHARLES (1942-) - The Wages of Expectation : a Biography of Edward Dahlberg
195432: AIDE A L'ENFANCE DEFAVORISEE - Bana ba biso : periodique d'information et de formation de l'A.E.D., Aide a l'enfance defavorisee a.s.b.l.
173913: DEFELICE, JIM (1956-?) - Rangers at Dieppe : the first combat action of U.S. Army Rangers in World War II / Jim DeFelice
270621: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE - Crashed Military Aircraft of Historical Interest - Notes for guidance of Recovery Groups
69936: SOUTH CAROLINA. STATE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE - The South Carolina handbook of the War / issued by the South Carolina State Council of Defense
244998: THE ARCTIC INSTITUTE OF NORTH AMERICA. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - Arctic Bibliography: prepared for and in cooperation with The Department of Defense, under the direction of the Arctic Institute of North America: Volume II
145565: UNITED STATES. OFFICE OF CIVILIAN DEFENSE - A Handbook for Messengers
136083: DEFENSE DE L'OCCIDENT - Le Poujadisme
44330: DEFERRARI, ROY J. (ROY JOSEPH) [1890-] - Lucian's Atticism : the Morphology of the Verb
279110: DU DEFFAND, MARIE MARQUISE (1697-1780) - Letters of the Marquise Du Deffand to the Hon. Horace Walpole, afterwards Earl of Orford, from the year 1766 to the year 1780. : To which are added letters of Madame Du Deffand to Voltaire, from the year 1759 to the year 1775. Published from the originals at Strawberry-Hill ; vol. 3
279135: DU DEFFAND, MARIE MARQUISE (1697-1780) - Letters of the Marquise Du Deffand to the Hon. Horace Walpole, afterwards Earl of Orford, from the year 1766 to the year 1780. : To which are added letters of Madame Du Deffand to Voltaire, from the year 1759 to the year 1775. Published from the originals at Strawberry-Hill ; vol. 1
128809: DU DEFFAND, MARIE DE VICHY CHAMROND, MARQUISE (1697-1780). JOSEPH TRABUCCO (ED. ) - Lettres a Voltaire / Introduction Et Notes De Joseph Trabucco, Orne D'Un Portrait Grave Sur Bois Par Ouvre
164459: DEFFONTAINES, PIERRE, (1894-1978) - La Vie Forestiere En Slovaquie
127121: DEFFOUX, LEON LOUIS (1881-) - Pipe-En-Bois, Temoin De La Commune / Illustrations De Pedro
190510: DEFFOUX, LEON LOUIS (1881-) - Pipe-en-Bois, temoin de la commune / illustrations de Pedro
270754: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661-1731) - The fortunes & misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders : who was born in Newgate and, during a life of continu'd variety was ten year a whore, three times married (of which once to her own brother), seven year a thief, three year a transported felon in Virginia, where she reformed her ways and died a penitent
268057: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661-1731) - The life and adventures of Robinson Cruso
261708: DEFOE, DANIEL - A Journey to the World in the Moon
260700: DEFOE, DANIEL - The novels and miscellaneous works of Daniel De Foe. With prefaces and notes, including those attributed to Sir Walter Scott - vol. 2
254889: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731). MAYNADIER, HOWARD (1866-1960) - A new voyage : round the world by a course never sailed before / Daniel Defoe ; with the author's preface ; and an introduction by G. H. Maynadier
222051: DEFOE, DANIEL - The adventures of Robinson Crusoe
254343: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731). REYBAUD, LOUIS - Aventures de Robinson Crusoe / par Daniel de Foe ; Traduites par Mmme A. Tastu ; suivies d'une notice sur foe sur Le Matelot Selkirk. par Louis Reybaud, et Ornees de 50 gravures sur acier, d'apres les Dessins de M. De Sainson: in two volumes
214180: DEFOE, DANIEL - Robinson Crusoe : the life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe ... by Daniel Defoe ; illustrated by Fritz Kredel
248062: DEFOE, DANIEL - Moll Flanders
280927: DEFOE, DANIEL - Robinson Crusoe
68016: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - The Life & Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner
245215: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, mariner
124833: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661? -1731). WALTER PAGET (ILL. ) - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, As Related by Himself
114227: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
60458: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - The Fortunate Mistress, by Daniel Defoe; Printed from the First Edition
152351: DEFOE, DANIEL - Best in Children's Books / Daniel Defoe Et Al.
81894: DEFOE, DANIEL - RELATED NAME: SUTHERLAND, JAMES; GNOLI, SIGNOR DOMENICO (ILLUS. ) - A Journal of the Plague Year, &. Being Observations or Memorials of the most Remarkable Occurences, both Publick and Private, which happen'd in London during the last Great Visitation in 1665. And written by a Citizen who continued all the while in London
27788: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661? -1731). JOHN ALAN MAXWELL (ILL. ) - Roxana, the Fortunate Mistress
62737: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - The Fortunes & Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, Who Was Born in Newgate, and During a Life of Continued Variety for Threescore Years, Besides Her Childhood, Was Twelve Year a Whore, Five Times a Wife...
225280: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731). AITKEN, GEORGE ATHERTON (1860-1917). YEATS, JOHN BUTLER (1839-1922) - The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders
223928: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - Memoirs of the Church of Scotland, in four periods : I. The Church in her infant-state. II. The Church in its growing state. III. The Church in its persecuted state. IV. The Church in its present state, from the Revolution to the Union... ... with an appendix of some transactions since the Union
262777: DEFOE, DANIEL - Robinson Crusoe: illustrated pamphlet
262882: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - Robinson Crusoe
105972: DEFOE, DANIEL - Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe
64808: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, Illustrated with Drawings by Nigel Lambourne
182436: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Story of Robinson Crusoe
159581: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661? -1731) - The Shakespeare Head Edition of the Novels and Selected Writings of Daniel Defoe: Memoirs of a Cavalier
218308: DEFOE, DANIEL; ENGLAND AND WALES. PARLIAMENT - Giving alms no charity, and employing the poor a grievance to the nation : being an essay upon this great question, whether work-houses, corporations, and houses of correction for employing the poor ...
223702: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - Roxana, the fortunate mistress : or, A History of the life and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau, afterwards called the Countess de Wintselsheim ... / Daniel Defoe ; edited with an introduction by Jane Jack
212882: DEFOE, DANIEL (1661?-1731) - The life of Captain Singleton / [by] Daniel Defoe
72764: DEFOREST, ORRIN - Slow Burn : the Rise and Bitter Fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam
55751: DEFOREST, ORRIN - Slow Burn : the Rise and Bitter Fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam / Orrin Deforest and David Chanoff
24300: DEFOREST, ORRIN AND DAVID CHANOFF - Slow Burn - the Rise and Bitter Fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam
101964: DEFOREST, CHARLOTTE BURGIS - The Woman and the Leaven in Japan
143493: DEFOURNY, M. GEORGES RENARD. JOS. ARENDT [ET AL] - Le Corporatisme; Rapports Des Journees Etudes Au College Philosophique De La Sartre
161374: DEFRANCESCO, RUTH B. - Journey to Another Hilltop : Life of Dr. De
57626: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Degas / (Text By) Keith Roberts
269590: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Ballet dancers / Edgar Degas ; selected with an introduction by Lillian Browse
253824: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Degas / [text by] Keith Roberts
225676: DEGAS, EDGAR - Degas: Dancers
220461: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Pink and green / Edgar Degas [art : colour reproduction]
116123: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Women As Seen by Degas
256176: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917) - Edgar-Hilaire-Germain Degas, 1834-1917 / text by Daniel Catton Rich
75819: DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917). WILENSKI, REGINALD HOWARD (1887-) - Degas, 1834-1917
62875: DEGENERES, ELLEN - My Point-- and I Do Have One / Ellen Degeneres
101938: DEGERANDO, JOSEPH MARIE BARON DE (1772-1842). F. C. T. MOORE (TRANS. AND ED. ) - The Observation of Savage Peoples
232551: DEGERING, HERMANN - Kurzes Verzeichnis der germanischen Handschriften der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek / von Hermann Degering - Complete in 3 volumes
258473: DÉGH, LINDA - Märchen, Erzähler und Erzählgemeinschaft : dargestellt an der ungarischen Volksüberlieferung
279791: DEGNEN, LISA - Dawson's Creek
236269: DEGOUMOIS, LÉON - Flaubert à l'école de Gœthe
101361: DEGRAFT-JOHNSON, JOHN COLEMAN - African Experiment; Cooperative Agriculture and Banking in British West Africa
42913: DEGRANDPRE, RICHARD - Ritalin Nation - Rapid-Fire Culture and the Transformation of Human Consciousness
148854: DEGRAS, HENRY ERNEST (1910- ) - The Truth about English Prisons
17120: DEGRAVE, LOUISE - From This Day Forward : Staying Married when No One Else Is, and Other Reckless Acts / Louise Degrave
141492: DEGROOT, ALFRED THOMAS (1903-). MILLIKAN, ROBERT ANDREWS (1868-1953). NORRIS, RONALD - You Can Live Forever : a Study in Genius and Immortality
158447: DEGUIGNET, JEAN-MARIE (1834-1905) - Memoirs of a Breton Peasant / Jean-Marie Deguignet ; Translated from the French by Linda Asher
221576: DEHAU, ETIENNE - Bedouin and nomads : peoples of the Arabian desert / Etienne Dehau ; texts by Pierre Bonte
158772: DEHEJIA, HARSHA V. (ED.) - A Festival of Krishna : Featuring under the Kadamba Tree, Paintings of a Divine Love and ateliers of love, a film on DVD, a journey of poets, painters, and patrons
176516: DEHEM, ROGER - L'efficacite sociale du systeme economique : criteriologie de la politique economique / Roger Dehem
222798: DEHERAIN, P. P. - Cours de chimie agricole, professe a L'Ecole d'agriculture de Grignon / par P. P. Deherain
128911: DEHIO, GEORG. ERNST GALL - Sudliches Hessen.
135963: DEHIO, GEORG. H. ADENAUER [ET AL; EDS] - Handbuch Der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler : Nördliches Hessen / Bearbeitet Unter Mitwirkung Von H. Adenauer [Et. Al. ]
235104: DEHLINGER, ARMAND - Die Ordensgesetzgebung der Benediktiner und ihre Auswirkung auf die Grundrissgestaltung des benediktinischen Klosterbaues in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Reform von Hirsau / von Armand Dehlinger
201742: DEHN, PAUL (1848-1938) - La verita sulla guerra / editori: Paul Dehn ... et al. ; arrichita di illustrazioni
230282: DEHN, PAUL (1912-1976) - The day's alarm
167152: DEHN, GUNTHER - Der Gottessohn : eine Einfuhrung in das Evangelium des Markus
139740: DEHN, GUNTHER (1882-1970) - Der Gottessohn : Eine Einführung in Das Evangelium Des Markus / Von D. Gunther Dehn
233654: DEHNERT, MAX - Das Weltbild Johann Sebastian Bachs
19769: DEHNERT, VON MAX - Das Weltbild Johann Sebastian Bachs
155401: DEHO, VALERIO (ED.) - Sound Zero
244473: DEHOUX, EMILE - Un reportage critique : l'Afrique Centrale à la croisée des chemins: Tome II: L'Est-Africain Britannique: Kenya, Tanganyika Territory, Uganda. Le Ruanda-Urundi. Le Congo Belge: Kivu, Uele, Le Plan Decennal, Le Colonat. Illustrations Photographiques
267605: DEICH, LEV GRIGORVICH (1855-1941). CHISHOLM, HELEN - Sixteen years in Siberia : some experiences of a Russian revolutionist
104202: DEICHMANN, FRIEDRICH WILHELM - Fruhchristliche Bauten Und Mosaiken Von Ravenna
46490: DEIGHTON, JANE - Sweet Ramparts : Women in Revolutionary Nicaragua
258332: DEIGHTON, LEN - Goodbye Mickey Mouse / Len Deighton
255947: DEIGHTON, LEN - Winter : a Berlin Family, 1899-1945 / Len Deighton
255897: DEIGHTON, LEN - Violent ward
255855: DEIGHTON, LEN - Winter : a Berlin Family, 1899-1945
255459: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - Spy sinker
255098: DEIGHTON, LEN - Winter : a Berlin Family, 1899-1945 / Len Deighton
255078: DEIGHTON, LEN - City of gold
254619: DEIGHTON, LEN - Charity / Len Deighton
253580: DEIGHTON, LEN - Spy story / Len Deighton
253577: DEIGHTON, LEN - Spy hook
253569: DEIGHTON, LEN - Spy line
253571: DEIGHTON, LEN - Berlin game / Len Deighton
253572: DEIGHTON, LEN - Blitzkrieg : from the rise of Hitler to the fall of Dunkirk / Len Deighton ; with a foreword by W.K. Nehring
253566: DEIGHTON, LEN - Twinkle, twinkle, little spy / Len Deighton
253568: DEIGHTON, LEN - Yesterday's spy / Len Deighton
253535: DEIGHTON, LEN - Berlin game / Len Deighton
253522: DEIGHTON, LEN - Spy sinker
230499: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - Berlin game
227038: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - XPD
193414: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929- ) - Close-up / [by] Len Deighton
185723: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929- ) - XPD / Len Deighton
185639: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929- ) - MAMista / Len Deighton
160523: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - Spy Sinker / Len Deighton
160327: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - Spy Line : a Novel
160001: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - Violent Ward / Len Deighton
159935: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - City of Gold
159932: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - Spy Hook : a Novel
159881: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929- ) - Mamista / Len Deighton
150375: DEIGHTON, LEN - Goodbye, Mickey Mouse / Len Deighton
193427: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929- ) - XPD / Len Deighton
256189: DEIGHTON, LEN - Events relating to the last flight of an R.A.F. bomber over Germany on the night of June 31st, 1943
159947: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929-) - City of Gold
177938: DEIGHTON, LEN (1929- ) - Spy hook : a novel
79281: DEINDORFER, ROBERT G. - The Incompleat Angler : Fishing Izaak Walton's Favorite Rivers; Foreword by Nick Lyons ; Drawings by Dorothea Von Elbe
249597: DEINDORFER, ROBERT G - The incompleat angler : fishing Izaak Walton's favorite rivers / Robert G. Deindorfer ; foreword by Nick Lyons ; drawings by Dorothea von Elbe
239111: DEISLER, PAUL F - Reducing the carcinogenic risks in industry / edited by Paul F. Deisler, Jr
272755: DEISS, JOSEPH JAY - Herculaneum : Italy's buried treasure / Joseph Jay Deiss
25942: DEISS, LUCIEN - God's World and God's People
220475: DEITCH, KIM - Alias the cat!
152980: DEJARDIN - Systeme Defensif D'Anvers : Et a L'Extension De Ses Installations Maritimes / Par Lieutenant-General Dejardin
248587: DEJEAN, ÉTIENNE (1859-1913) - Un préfet du consulat : Jacques-Claude Beugnot / par Étienne Dejean
227515: DEJEAN-ARRECGROS, JOSETTE - Les Itinéraires fleuris de la Côte d'Azur
149440: DEJEUX, JEAN - La Poesie Algerienne De 1830 a Nos Jours; Approaches Socio-Historiques. Publie Sous La Direction De Albert Memmi
208623: DEKEN, GERMAINE DE - Images de Palestine : extrait de la Revue Generale du 15 avril 1938
276690: DEKKER, THOMAS CA. (1572-1632) - The best plays of the old dramatists : Thomas Dekker / edited, with an introduction and notes by Ernest Rhys
252387: DEKKER, THOMAS (1572-1632) - Thomas Dekker / ed., with an introduction and notes, by Ernest Rhys
246583: DEKKER, HERMANN - Planeten und Menschen. Mit zahlreichen Abb
228320: DEKKERS, MIDAS (1946-) - Dearest pet : on bestiality
65323: DEL AGUILA, JUAN M. - Cuba, Dilemmas of a Revolution / Juan M. Del Aguila
38620: DEL VAYO, J. ALVAREZ - The March of Socialism
259502: SOVIET UNION. MINISTERSTVO INOSTRANNYKH DEL - The Soviet Union and the Berlin question : documents
247109: DEL VECCHIO, GIORGIO (1878-1970) - Lezioni di filosofia del diritto / Giorgio del Vecchio
232746: DEL MAR, NORMAN (1919-1994) - Anatomy of the orchestra
237062: DEL LITTO, VICTOR (1911-). JAHAN, LOÏC [ILLUSTRATOR] - Stendhal en Dauphiné / Vittorio del Litto ; photographies de Loïc Jahan
215851: RUSSIA (U.S.S.R., CCCP). MINISTERSTVO INOSTRANNYKH DEL - Vneshnjaja politika Rossii : XIX i nachala XX veka. Dokumenty rossijskogo Ministerstva inostrannyh del [Russian foreign policy : 19th and early 20th century... Language: Russian]
135175: SOVIET UNION. MINISTERSTVO INOSTRANNYKH DEL - Documents and Materials Relating to the Eve of the Second World War; V. 1. November 1937-1938 [From the Archives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
183839: COMMISSIONE PROPAGANDA DEL P.C.I. - Teresa Noce : dirigenti Comunisti
280703: RUSSIA MINISTERSTVO INOSTRANNYKH DEL - Miscellaneous. No. 11 (1914). Documents respecting the negotiations preceding the war published by the Russian Government
262078: DEL CAMPO, ESTANISLAO - Faust: Adapted from the Spanish and rendered into English verse by Walter Owen with drawings by Enrique Rapela
191785: DEL REY, LESTER (1915-1993) (EDITOR) - When the world tottered / Lester Del Rey [in] Fantastic adventures yearbook 1970
190669: COMMISSIONE PROPAGANDA DEL P.C.I. - Monarchia e fascismo la questione di Trieste
221264: DEL REY, LESTER (1915-1993) (EDITOR) - The mysterious sky / Lester Del Rey
181947: DEL CAMPO, MICHELLE (1976-). THE GALLERY IN CORK STREET - Close Strangers : 28 June - 10 July 2010 [exhibition catalogue]
11854: DEL VAYO, JULIO ALVAREZ (1891-) - Give Me Combat : the Memoirs of Julio W. Alvarez Del Vayo / Foreword by Barbara W. Tuchman; translation from the Spanish by Donald D. Walsh
111436: DEL REY, LESTER (1915-1993) (EDITOR) - Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year. Fifth Annual Collection.
199784: DEL MAZZA, VALENTINO - Lucignano e la sua Collegiata: 'cittadella della luce' : guida artistico-pastorale / a cura di Valentino Del Mazza
208006: DELABERE MAY, THOMAS HUGHES (1852-) - The deadly decay of British Industry : its cause and its remedy
247141: DELABORDE, HENRI (1811-1899) - La gravure : précis élémentaire de ses origines, de ses procédés et de son histoire / par le vie Henri Delaborde
130868: DELABY, PHILIPPE. MICHEL TESMOINGT (ILL. ) - Litanies Des Jours Ouvrables
78014: DELACOUR, JEAN (1890-) - Wild Pigeons and Doves
177147: DELACROIX, EUGENE (1798-1863) - Selected letters, 1813-1863 / selected and translated [from the French] by Jean Stewart ; with an introduction by John Russell
37901: DELACROIX, EUGèNE (1798-1863). MUSEE DU LOUVRE - Centenaire D'Eugene Delacroix, 1798-1863, Musee Du Louvre, Mai-Septembre 1963. Exposition Placee Sous Le Haut Patronage Du General De Gaulle Et Sous La Presidence D'Honneur De M. Andre Malraux
209420: DELACROIX, EUGENE (1798-1863) ; MAYNARD, FRANCAISE [ET AL.] - Soleils : volume 1
123349: DELAFONS, ALLAN - The Penrose Annual. a Review of the Graphic Arts. Volume 54.
267319: DELAFORCE, ANGELA - Art and patronage in eighteenth-century Portugal / Angela Delaforce
168788: DELAFOSSE, JULES - Etudes et portraits
237202: DELAHAYE, ERNEST (1853-1930) - Verlaine
237607: DELAHAYE, ERNEST (1853-1930) - Les 'Illuminations' : et 'Une saison en enfer' de Rimbaud
131244: DELAISI, FRANCIS - Political Myths and Economic Realities, by Francis Delaisi
156226: DELAISI, FRANCIS (1873-) - Comment Les Soviets Regleront La Dette Russe / Francis Delaisi
176181: DELAISI, FRANCIS (ET AL.) - Tempete sur l'espagne: L'homme reel octobre-novembre 1936 (3 annee)
268859: DELALANDE, JEAN - Victor Hugo à Hauteville House / Jean Delalande
198379: GREAT BRITAIN. FOREIGN OFFICE. RUSSIAN S.F.S.R. NARODNYI KOMISSARIAT PO INOSTRANNYM DELAM - Correspondence with the Russian Soviet government respecting the imprisonment of Mrs. Stan Harding in Russia
179048: DELANCEY, MARK - African international relations : an annotated bibliography
117494: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - John Ward, Preacher; by Margaret Deland ...
100241: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The Awakening of Helena Richie, by Margaret Deland ... Illustrated by Walter Appleton Clark
142520: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - Where the Laborers Are Few, by Margaret Deland ... Illustrated by Alice Barber Stephens
142519: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - Partners, by Margaret Deland; Illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson
142518: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - An Encore, by Margaret Deland ... Illustrated by Alice Barber Stephens
139219: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945). F. WALTER TAYLOR (ILL. ) - The Iron Woman, by Margaret Deland ... with Four Illustrations by F. Walter Taylor
139120: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The Kays
139193: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The Hands of Esau
139174: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The Awakening of Helena Richie, by Margaret Deland ... Illustrated by Walter Appleton Clark
138295: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945). LUCIUS HITCHCOCK (ILL. ) - Dr. Lavendar's People
138291: : DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - Around Old Chester, by Margaret Deland
70617: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The Voice, by Margaret Deland; Illustrated by W. H. D. Koerner
64378: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The Story of a Child, by Margaret Deland
61542: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - Golden Yesterdays
60622: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - John Ward, Preacher; by Margaret Deland...
152256: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945). CRANE, WALTER (1845-1915) , ILLUS. - The Old Garden, and Other Verses
107821: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL AND CRANE, WALTER (ILLUS. ) - The Old Garden, and Other Verses
117496: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) AND HITCHCOCK, LUCIUS (ILLUS. ) - Dr. Lavendar's People. Illustrated by Lucius Hitchcock
171591: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The awakening of Helena Richie
281003: DELAND, MARGARET (1857-1945) - Florida days
174972: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - The awakening of Helena Richie
18612: DELAND, MARGARET - An Old Chester Secret
19463: DELAND, MARGARET - The Voice
36767: DELAND, MARGARET - The Wisdom of Fools
77657: DELAND, MARGARET WADE CAMPBELL (1857-1945) - Captain Archer's Daughter
130976: DELANDINE DE SAINT-ESPRIT, JEROME - Histoire De France. Le Moniteur Des Dates, 5200 Av. J. -C. -1845 Ap. J. -C. Pp. 544.
208605: DELANDSHEERE, PAUL. OOMS, ALPHONSE - La Belgique sous les nazis I 1940-1941 / par Paul Delandsheere et Alphonse Ooms
271386: DELANEY, PAUL - The lithographs of Charles Shannon
180064: DELANEY, FRANK (1942-) - My dark Rosaleen / Frank Delaney: Illustrated by John Kirby
160958: DELANO, ANTHONY - Slip-Up : Fleet Street, Scotland Yard, and the Great Train Robbery / Anthony Delano
105009: DELANO, HUGH - Eddie / Hugh Delano
258801: DELANY, V. T. H (VINCENT THOMAS HYGINUS) - Christopher Palles, Lord Chief Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland 1874-1916 : his life and times
192797: DELANY, RUTH - A celebration of 250 years of Ireland's inland waterways / Ruth Delany
95086: DELANY, M. R. & CAMPBELL, ROBERT - Search for a Place : Black Separatism and Africa, 1860 [By] M. R. Delany and Robert Campbell. Introd. by Howard H. Bell
120942: DELANY, M. R. AND CAMPBELL, ROBERT - Search for a Place; Black Separatism and Africa, 1860 [By] M. R. Delany and Robert Campbell. Introd. by Howard H. Bell
19720: DELANY, MARTIN ROBINSON. CAMPBELL, ROBERT - Search for a Place : Black Separatism and Africa, 1860 / Martin Robinson Delany and Robert Campbell ; Introduction by Howard H. Bell
188313: DELARC, L'ABBE O. - Impressions d'un aumonier d'hopital a Paris
216308: DELARUE (PUBLISHER) - La fleur des chansons francaises
247538: DELATTE, PAUL - Dom Paul Delatte, abbé de Solesmes. L'Évangile de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ, le fils de Dieu. Nouvelle édition
279877: DELATTE, PAUL - Dom Paul Delatte, ... L'Évangile de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ, le fils de Dieu : Nouvelle édition - Tome Second
82014: DELATTRE, EDWIN J. - Character and Cops : Ethics in Policing / Edwin J. Delattre
264535: DELATTRE, FLORIS (1880-1950) - La personnalité d'Auguste Angellier : avec de nombreux textes inédits / Floris Delattre: tome premier
187885: DELATTRE, FLORIS (1880-) - L' Angleterre d'apres-guerre et le conflit houiller, 1919-1926 : etude de psychologie sociale / Floris Delattre
186890: DELATTRE, FLORIS (1880-) - La personnalite d'Auguste Angellier, avec de nombreux textes inedits : Tome second
139993: DELATTRE, FLORIS - L'Angleterre D'Après-Guerre Et Le Conflit Houiller, 1919-1926; Etude De Psychologie Sociale
137068: DELATTRE, FLORIS - L'Angleterre D'Apres-Guerre Et Le Conflit Houiller, 1919-1926 : Etude De Psychologie Sociale
137129: DELATTRE, ACHILLE - Reflexions Sur Le Syndicalisme / Preface De Louis De Broukere
257441: DELATTRE, A - Reflexions sur le syndicalisme
183934: DELATTRE, ANDRE - Repertoire chronologique des lettres de Voltaire non recueillies dans les editions de sa correspondance generale
105419: DELAUNAY, SONIA AND ESTEVE, MAURICE - 20mme [XX, Mme] Siecle - Panorama 72** , Nouvelle Serie, Xxxivmme Annee - No. 39, December 1972
127292: DELAUNAY, PAUL - La Medecine Et L'Eglise : Contribution a L'Histoire De L'Exercice Medicale / Paul Delaunay
155056: DELAUNAY, ROBERT - Visions of Paris : Robert Delaunay's Series / [Organized by Mark Rosenthal] ; [Essay by Matthew Drutt]
259317: DELAURA, DAVID J - Victorian prose : a guide to research / Edited by David J. DeLaura
209419: DELAURENTIS, DENISE - The art of the garden : collecting antique botanical prints / Denise DeLaurentis, Hollie Powers Holt
48197: DELAVENAY, EMILE - D. H. Lawrence and Edward Carpenter - a Study in Edwardian Transition
31229: DELAVENAY, EMILE - D. H. Lawrence and Edward Carpenter : a Study in Edwardian Transition
62246: DELAVENAY, EMILE - D. H. Lawrence and Edward Carpenter; a Study in Edwardian Transition
245551: DELAVIGNE, CASIMIR (1793-1843) - Oeuvres complètes de C. Delavigne. Messéniennes
201197: DELAVIGNE, CASIMIR (1793-1843) - Oeuvres completes de Casimir Delavigne. Poesies: Messeniennes - Chants populaires - Poesies diverses. Oeuvres posthumes: Derniers chants - Poemes et ballades sur l'Italie
224702: DELAVIGNE, CASIMIR (1793-1843) - Oeuvres completes de Casimir Delavigne, de l'Academie Francaise
25324: DELAVIGNE, JEAN FRANCOIS CASIMIR (1793-1843) - Messeniennes, Chants Populaires Et Poesies Diverses
190769: DELAVIGNETTE, ROBERT LOUIS (B. 1897) - Christianity and colonialism
237611: DELAY, JEAN (1907-1987) - La jeunesse d'André Gide. 2 D'André Walter à Andrè Gide, (1890-1895)
236248: DELAY, JEAN (1907-) - La jeunesse d'André Gide. André Gide avant André Walter, (1869-1890)
195809: DELBOS, VICTOR (1862-1916). BLONDEL, MAURICE (1861-1949) - De Kant aux postkantiens / Victor Delbos ; avec une preface de Maurice Blondel
15993: DELBRIDGE, ROSEMARY - Consuming Secrets. How Official Secrecy Affects Everyday Life in Britain
137203: DELCROIX, CARLO - Non Vogliamo Ingannare I Nostri Figli Come Fummo Ingannati Noi : Discorso Pronunciato Alla Camera Dei Deputati Sul Bilancio Dell'aeronautica IL 26 Aprile, A. 10 / Carlo Delcroix
176587: DELCROIX, CARLO - Un uomo e un popolo
174815: DELCROIX, CARLO - Un uomo e un popolo / Carlo Delcroix
133825: DELCROIX, CARLO - Un Uomo E Un Popolo / Carlo Delcroix
199282: DELCROIX, CARLO - Non vogliamo ingannare i nostri figli come fummo ingannati noi : discorso pronunciato alla Camera dei Deputati sul bilancio dell'Aeronautica il 26 aprile anno X
134578: DELCROS, XAVIER - Les Majorites De Reflux a La Chambre Des Deputes De 1918 a 1958
161401: DELDERFIELD, RONALD FREDERICK (1912-1972) - Charlie, Come Home / R. F. Delderfield
184452: DELECLOS, CAMILLE - A travers la Roumanie nouvelle
181244: AMERICAN TRADE UNION DELEGATION - American Workers Look At the Soviet Union : Impressions of the American Trade Union Delegation That Visited the Soviet Union in June and July 1951
40321: BRITISH TRADE UNION DELEGATION - Russia - the Official Report of the British Trades Union Delegation to Russia and Caucasia, Nov. and Dec. 1924
92515: BRITISH TRADES UNION DELEGATION - Russia; the Official Report of the British Trades Union Delegation to Russia and Caucasia, in November and December, 1924
205076: AMERICAN TRADE UNION DELEGATION - American Workers Look At the Soviet Union : Impressions of the American Trade Union Delegation That Visited the Soviet Union in June and July 1951
207182: LEAGUE OF NATIONS. FINANCIAL COMMITTEE. GOLD DELEGATION - Second interim report of the Gold delegation of the Financial committee
136479: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTE (1859-1941) - L'Oeuvre Des Bollandistes a Travers Trois Siecles, 1615-1915
229341: DELENNE, RENE LOUIS - Dictionnaire des marques de l'ancienne faience de Delft
259344: DELEST, JOSEPH - Pour une grande cause : en prison et en liberté avec Léon Daudet / Joseph Delest ; préface de Léon Daudet
162619: DELEST, JOSEPH - Pour Une Grande Cause : En Prison Et En Liberte Avec Leon Daudet / Joseph Delest ; Preface De Leon Daudet
196339: DELETANG-TARDIFF, YANETTE. MONDOR, HENRI - Les Emblemes / dessin d'Henri Mondor
203501: DELEU, JOZEF. STICHTING ONS ERFDEEL - The Low Countries : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. 10 / chief editor: Jozef Deleu
129173: DELEUX, GAETAN - Un Baronian En Cache Un Autre / Gaetan Deleux ; Bibliographie Etablie Par Francis Goidts
224628: DELEVOY, ROBERT L. - Bruegel / par Robert L Delevoy
134921: DELFAU, AUGUST - Coma L'Aiga Del Riu [Par] August Delfau
59412: DELFONSECA, MISHA - Misha : a Memoire of the Holocaust Years / Misha Delfonseca
85484: DELFONT, BERNARD DELFONT, BARON (1909-) - East End, West End / Bernard Delfont with Barry Turner
201373: DELFOUR, LOUIS CL[ODOMIR], (1862-1940) - La presse contre l'eglise / Abbe L.-Cl. Delfour
120809: DELGADO, ALAN - The Annual Outing and Other Excursions / Alan Delgado
195969: DELGADO, ALAN - Printing / Alan Delgado
208961: INDICA CARDS: NEW DELHI - Khajuro: 12 colour picture post cards
212983: DELIERNEUX - Travail des prisonniers et travail libre : (extrait de la revue du travail du mois 1938)
221214: DELILAH CALENDARS, INC. - Delilah's Hollywood Classic 1983 Pinup Calendar
253527: DELILLO, DON - The body artist : a novel / Don DeLillo
155011: DELILLO, DON - Falling man : a novel
256417: DELILLO, DON - Cosmopolis / Don DeLillo
197659: DELINES, MICHEL - La France jugee par la Russie : Premier Partie - La France et la Russie jusqu'a Nicolas Ier
166161: DELION, PAUL, PSEUD. [I. E. PAUL BOURDE] - Les Membres De La Commune Et Du Comite Central / Par Paul Delion
204115: DELION, PAUL - Les membres de la commune et du comite central / par Paul Delion
39978: DELISLE, FRANCOISE ROUSSEL - Friendship's Odyssey : in Odyssey : in Love with Life
20067: DELISLE, FRANCOISE - Francoise; in Love with Love
243223: DELISSE, LOUIS - Les socialistes belges
164631: DELISSE, LOUIS - Les Socialistes Belges
242803: DELITZSC, FRANZ, D.D. [AUTHOR]. MARTIN, REV. JAMES [TRANS.] - Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah
259936: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (FRANZ JULIUS) (1813-1890) - Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah
245840: DELITZSCH, FRANZ JULIUS - Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah
251528: DELITZSCH, FRANZ. BOLTON, REV. FRANCIS [TRANS.] - Biblical Commentary on The Psalms: volume II
245598: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890). BOLTON, FRANCIS - Biblical commentary on the Book of Job
245473: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890). BOLTON, FRANCIS [TRANSLATOR] - Biblical commentary on the book of Job
279557: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890) - Biblical commentary on the Psalms
242853: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890). TAYLOR, SOPHIA - A new commentary on Genesis / y Franz Delitzsch; Translated by Sophia Taylor. Volume I (only)
278332: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890) - Zur Geschichte der jüdischen Poësie vom Abschluss der Heiligen Schriften alten Bundes bis auf die neueste Zeit
195070: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890) - Biblical commentary on the Psalms
244914: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890) - Biblical commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon
195069: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890) - Biblical commentary on the Psalms
201566: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890) FLEISCHER, HEINRICH LEBERCHT (1801-1888)WETZSTEIN, J. G. (JOHANN GOTTFRIED) (1815-1905) - Biblischer commentar uber das Buch Jesaia / von Franz Delitzsch ; mit neuen Beitragen von H.L. Fleischer und J.G. Wetzstein
242938: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890). BOLTON, FRANCIS - Biblical commentary on the Psalms
242815: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890) - Biblical commentary on the book of Job
244416: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (1813-1890). BOLTON, FRANCIS - Biblical Commentary on the Book of Job. by F. Delitzsch, D.D., Professor of Theology. Translated from the German by the Rev. Francis Bolton, B.A., Elland: Vol. II
197592: DELITZSCH, FRANZ (FRANZ JULIUS), (1813-1890) - Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah
258706: DELIUS, FREDERICK - Three Preludes for pianoforte
232948: DELIUS, FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN (1943-) - Die Flatterzunge : Erzählung / Friedrich Christian Delius
180828: DELIUS, PETER (ED.) - Women by women / edited by Peter Delius and Jacek Slaski ; with an introduction by Sophie Hack and Stephanie Kunen
211028: DELIVANIS, DIMITRIOS J. (1909-) - La politique des banques allemandes en matiere de credit a court terme
264201: DELIVORRIAS, ANGELOS - Guide to the Benaki Museum / A. Delivorrias
247236: O'DELL, ANDREW CHARLES AND WALTON, KENNETH - The Highlands and Islands of Scotland. [With plates and maps]
159883: O'DELL, SCOTT (1898-1989). LEWIN, TED (ILLUS. ) - The Serpent Never Sleeps : a Novel of Jamestown and Pocahontas / Scott O'dell ; Illustrations by Ted Lewin
159871: O'DELL, SCOTT (1898-1989) - Kathleen, Please Come Home / Scott O'dell
220512: O'DELL, ILSE - Deutsche und Osterreichische Exlibris, 1500-1599, im Department of Prints and Drawings im Britischen Museum / Ilse O'Dell
220739: DELL, FLOYD - Little accident : photoplay title of An unmarried father, a novel
73102: DELL, ETHEL M. (ETHEL MAY) (1881-1939) - The Top of the World
115508: DELL, FLOYD - Homecoming; an Autobiography, by Floyd Dell
185128: O'DELL, SCOTT - The treasure of Topo-el-Bampo
166866: O'DELL, PAUL. SLIDE, ANTHONY - Griffith and the rise of Hollywood
62581: O'DELL, PAUL - Griffith and the Rise of Hollywood
205444: DELL, SIDNEY SAMUEL - A Latin American common market? / [by] Sidney Dell
185069: CONFEDERAZIONE FASCISTA DEI LAVORATORI DELL'AGRICOLTURA (ITALY) - Problemi corporativi del lavoro agricolo nel campo internazionale : relazioni, note e proposte, anno XIII
264894: MINISTERO DELL' INTERNO - Nuovo Ordinamento Degli Archivi Del Regno: legge 22 Dicembre 1939-XVIII, N. 2006 Pubblicata Nella <> Del 17 Gennaio 1940-XVIII, N. 13
264838: ITALIA. MINISTERO DELL'INTERNO - Nuovo ordinamento degli archivi del Regno : legge 22 dicembre 1939, n. 2006
174864: MINISTERO DELL' INTERNO - La protezione e l'assistenza degli orfani di guerra
107699: DELL'ISOLA, FRANK - Thomas Merton; a Bibliography
103846: DELL'ISOLA, FRANK - Thomas Merton; a Bibliography
14357: DELL'ISOLA, FRANK - Thomas Merton; a Bibliography
273135: DELLA BELLA, STEFANO (1610-1664) - Presenting Stefano della Bella, seventeenth-century printmaker
236660: DELLA BELLA, STEFANO (1610-1664). CATELLI ISOLA, MARIA. GABINETTO NAZIONALE DELLE STAMPE - Disegni di Stefano della Bella, (1610-1664) : dalle collezioni del Gabinetto nazionale delle stamp ; Roma, Villa della Farnesina alla Lungara, 4 febbraio-30 aprile 1976 / catalogoa cura di Maria Catelli Isola
193685: DELLA CASA, GIOVANNI (1503-1556) - Le terze rime piacevoli di G.d.C. : con una scelta delle migliori rime burlesche del Berni, Mauro, Dolce, ed altri autori incerti
235543: DELLAR, FRED. WOOTTON, RICHARD - The best of country music
164475: DELLICOUR, FERNAND - Les Propos D'Un Colonial Belge : (Etudes Et Portraits) / F. Dellicour
184703: DELLICOUR, FERNAND - Les Propos d'un colonial belge. Études et portraits
140049: DELLING, GERHARD - Das Zeitverstandnis Des Neuen Testaments
91490: DELLINGER, DAVID T. (1915-) , DEFENDANT - Contempt; Transcript of the Contempt Citations, Sentences, and Responses of the Chicago Conspiracy 10. Foreword by Ramsey Clark. Introd. by Harry Kalven, Jr. Including On-The-Scene Sketches by Bill Jones, John Downs [And] James Yep
201599: DELLIQUADRI, FRED (ED.) NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL WELFARE. FORUM (89TH : 1962 : NEW YORK) - Helping the family in urban society / edited by Fred DelliQuadri
183470: DELLONTE, CARLO (1975-) - The hollow house / Carlo Dellonte
210926: DELLOR, RALPH - Durham : birth of a first-class county / Ralph Dellor
150665: DELMAS, ANDRE, OF TERRASSON - A Gauche De La Barricade ; Chronique Syndicale De L'Avant-Guerre
166040: DELMAS, ANDRE, (1913-) - A Gauche De La Barricade : Chronique Syndicale De L'Avant-Guerre / Andre Delmas
194750: DELMER, F. S. (FREDERIC SEFTON), (1865-1936) - English literature from 'Beowulf' to Bernard Shaw : for the use of schools, seminaries and private students
238934: DELMONT, J; SYMPOSIUM ON HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY (1ST : 1972 : NICE) - Treatment of small bowel diseases : proceedings of the first Symposium on Hepato-Gastroenterology of the University Hospital Center of Nice, Nice, April 7-8, 1972 / editor, J.Delmont
134667: DELMONT, JOSEPH (1873-1935) - Juden in Ketten Roman
169347: DELOACH, CARTHA - Hoover's FBI : the inside story by Hoover's trusted lieutenant
236395: DELOFFRE, FRÉDÉRIC - Une préciosité nouvelle : Marivaux et le Marivaudage / par Frédéric Deloffre
221941: GERMAINE DELOGE - La bonne cuisine de chez nous / par Madame Germaine
209635: DELONCLE, PIERRE. COMITE NATIONAL METROPOLITAIN DU CENTENAIRE DE L'ALGERIE - La vie et les moeurs en Algerie / par Pierre Deloncle
237096: DELOUCHE, DENISE - Recontres de peintres et de poetes en Bretagne au XIXe siecle. Les Cahiers de l'Iroise Revue Trimestrielle 22e Année, No. 4 (Nouvelle Série) - Octobre-Décembre 1975
230169: DELPAL, JACQUES LOUIS - Gourmet guide to Paris / Jacques-Louis Delpal ; photography by Alain Riviere & Christian Sarramon
140562: DELPECH, HENRY - Recherches Sur Le Niveau De Vie Et Les Habitudes De Consommation (Toulouse 1936-1938) / Par Henry Delpech ; Preface De Louis Baudin
254026: DELSINNE, LEON - La revolution Belge de 1830
140443: DELSINNE, LEON - Le Mouvement Syndical En Belgique / Leon Delsinne ; Preface De Louis De Brouckere
174610: DELSINNE, LEON - Cours sur le mouvement syndaical
166987: DELSTANCHE, ALBERT. WHITWORTH, GEOFFREY ARUNDEL (1883-1951) TR. - The little towns of Flanders : woodcuts and descriptive notes
274561: LÉO DELTEIL - Annuaire des ventes de livres, manuscrits, reliures armoriées
165684: DELTOUR, FELIX, (1822-1904) - Les Ennemis De Racine Au Xviie Siecle / Par F. Deltour
58830: DELU, CHRISTIAN - French Provincial Cuisine / Christian Delu
264979: DELUMEAU, JEAN - Une histoire du Paradis. [1] Le jardin des délices / Jean Delumeau
70874: DELURY, GEORGE E. (ED. ) - World Encyclopedia of Political Systems & Parties / Edited by George E. Delury Volumes I & II
254361: DELVAU, ALFRED (1825-1867) - Collection des romans de chevalerie / mis en prose Française modern [par] Alfred Delvau: in two volumes
268071: DELVE, KEN - The sourcebook of the R.A.F. / Ken Delve
176524: DELVECCHIO, PIETRO - Il Valore italiano : Note storiche sulle grandi azioni collettive e individuali nelle battaglie del Risorgimento e nella guerra mondiale ; primo volume
131979: DELVERT, CHARLES (CHARLES LAURENT) - La Vivante Pologne / Charles Delvert
270010: DELVIGNE, ISI - Euons la Crise par le plan du travail
267193: DELVIGNE, ISI - L'action socialiste
251673: DELVIGNE, ISI - La journee de 8 heures et la semaine de 48 heures
210829: DELVIGNE, ISI - Credo : jeunesse du syndialisme
148827: DELWAIDE, HENRY - Le Droit Subjectif Individuel Et Social. Discours / Henry Delwaide
111030: DELZA, SOPHIA - Body and Mind in Harmony; T'Ai Chi Ch'uan (Wu Style) ; an Ancient Chinese Way of Exercise. Drawings by the Author
223114: ELLE / JEAN DEMACHY - Jardins & ramilletes : Lo mejor de Elle Deco no. 2 / Jean Demachy, et l'equipe de Elle decoration, presentent
130016: DEMAISON, ANDRE (1885-) - Tropique : 36 Bois Originaux D'Antral
64388: DEMANGEON, ALBERT (1872-) - The British Isles, by A. Demangeon ... and Translated by E. D. Laborde ...
187329: DEMANT, VIGO AUGUSTE - This unemployment : disaster or opportunity? An argument in economic philosophy submitted to the Christian social council by its Reserach committee
136817: DEMANY, FERNAND - Images D'Une Greve : Un Document C. G. S. P. / Texte De Fernand Demany
109638: DEMARAIS, ANNE - Erotic Photography - an Exhibition
89642: DEMARAY, JOHN G. - Milton's Theatrical Epic : the Invention and Design of Paradise Lost
198590: DEMARIAUX, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. BOWDEN, JOHN (1935-2010) - How to understand Hinduism / Jean-Christophe Demariaux
193528: DEMARINIS, RICK; CRUMSLEY, JAMES - Sky full of sand : a novel
125215: DEMARIS, OVID - The Director : an Oral Biography of J. Edgar Hoover
125094: DEMARIS, OVID - How Greed, Corruption, and the Mafia Turned Atlantic City Into--The Boardwalk Jungle / Ovid Demaris
167169: DEMARTINO, MANFRED F. - The new female sexuality / Manfred F. DeMartino; foreword by Albert Ellis
63248: DEMATTEIS, J. M. - Blood : a Tale - Volume One / J. M. Dematteis, Writer ; Kent Williams, Artist
63249: DEMATTEIS, J. M. - Blood : a Tale - Volume Two / J. M. Dematteis, Writer ; Kent Williams, Artist
63247: DEMATTEIS, J. M. - Blood : a Tale - Volume Three / J. M. Dematteis, Writer ; Kent Williams, Artist
63246: DEMATTEIS, J. M. - Blood : a Tale - Volume Four / J. M. Dematteis, Writer ; Kent Williams, Artist
125650: DEMAUS, A. B. J. C. TARRING - The Humber Story : 1868-1932 / A. B. Demaus and J. C. Tarring
194242: DEMAUS, ROBERT - The prose and prose writers of Britain from Chaucer to Ruskin : with biographical notices, explanatory notes, and introductory sketches of the history of English literature
216269: DEMBINSKA, ANNA - Polityczna walka o egzekucje dobr krolewskich w latach 1559/64 / Anna Dembinska [Language: Polish]
206638: DEMBOWSKI, JAN (1889-) - Science in new Poland
218489: DEMENY, LAJOS; CERNOVODEANU, PAUL - Relatiile politice ale Angliei cu Moldova, Tara Romaneasca si Transilvania in secolele XVI-XVIII [Language: Romanian]
48180: DEMERATH, NICHOLAS J. STEPHENS, RICHARD W. TAYLOR R., ROBB - Power, Presidents, and Professors
35546: DEMETER, ANNA - Legal Kidnaping : What Happens to a Family when the Father Kidnaps Two Children / Anna Demeter ; Introd. by Adrienne Rich
89145: DEMETER, KARL - The German Officer-Corps in Society and State, 1650-1945. Translated from the German by Angus Malcolm. Introd. by Michael Howard
88998: DEMETER, KARL - The German Officer-Corps in Society and State, 1650-1945. Translated from the German by Angus Malcolm. Introd. by Michael Howard
37104: DEMETRAKOPOULOS, STEPHANIE - Listening to Our Bodies - the Rebirth of Feminine Wisdom
93895: DEMETRIOS, GEORGE - When Greek Meets Greek; with Drawings by the Author
57770: DEMETZ, HANNA - The House on Prague Street / Hana Demetz ; Translated from the German by the Author
246339: DEMETZ, PETER - Brecht: A Colection of Critical Essays - Edited by Peter Demetz
135079: DEMETZ, PETER - Marx, Engels Und Die Dichter : Zur Grundlagenforschung Des Marxismus
187473: DEMEURE, RENE - Une vie en chansons. Jules Cognioul, chantre de Wallonie, 1872 1952
217192: DEMIANOVA, GENIA. SCARFE, RONALD - Comrade Genia : the story of a victim of German bestiality in Russia / told by herself ; with a preface by Ronald Scarfe
56989: DEMICHELE, MICHAEL D. - The Italian Experience in America : a Pictorial History
193052: DEMICHEV, P. N. - The great truth of our epoch: Leninism, the scientific basis of the party's policy : speech
229368: WALLACE COLLECTION (LONDON, ENGLAND). ANATOLE DEMIDOFF (EXHIBITION : 1994 : LONDON, ENGLAND) - Anatole Demidoff Prince of Dan Donato, (1812-70)
47162: DEMIDOV, ALEXANDER - The Russian Ballet - Past and Present
213267: DEMILLE, NELSON - The lion's game / Nelson DeMille
81491: DEMIN, MIKHAIL - The Day is Born of Darkness
121398: DEMIN, MIKHAIL - The Day is Born of Darkness
188393: DEMING, HORACE GROVE (B. 1885) - In the realm of carbon : the story of organic chemistry
235191: DEMMIN, AUGUSTE - Geschichtliche, archaologische, biographische, chronologische, monogrammatische und technische Encyclopaedie der Schriftenkunde, Bilderkunde, Wappenkunde, geistlichen Trachten, kirchlichen Gerathe, Gefasse und dergl., der burgerlichen und kirchlichen Baukunst, Kriegsbaukunst und Schiffsbaukunst
213623: COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSION ON INNER PARTY DEMOCRACY - The report of the Commission on Inner Party Democracy [to the Executive Committee] 25th (special) Congress of the Communist Party, April 19-22, 1957, Hammersmith Town Hall
133658: NORTH AMERICAN COMMITTEE TO AID SPANISH DEMOCRACY - American Democracy Vs. the Spanish Hierarchy
195274: FEDERATION DEMOCRATIQUE - Federation democratique de l'arrondissement de Charleroi
265412: DEMOGEOT, J. (JACQUES) (1808-1894) - Histoire de la littérature française : depuis ses origines jusqu'à nos jours / par J. Demogeot
187171: COLLOQUE NATIONAL DE DEMOGRAPHIE (TROISIEME, D'AVRIL 1968) - Grande villes et petites villes : demographie et croissance urbaine, demographie et scolarisation - Lyon, St-Etienne, Grenoble 22-26 avril 1968
205891: INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF POPULATION PROBLEMS. COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHY - Population growth and economic development in the third world : volume 1 / edited by Leon Tabah
217396: NIEPODLEGLOSC I DEMOKRACJA - Trybuna : kwartalnik polityczny: Nr. 19/75 [Language: Polish]
217398: NIEPODLEGLOSC I DEMOKRACJA - Trybuna : kwartalnik polityczny: Nr. 56/112 [Language: Polish]
217397: NIEPODLEGLOSC I DEMOKRACJA - Trybuna : kwartalnik polityczny: Nr. 59/115 [Language: Polish]
217725: NIEPODLEGLOSC I DEMOKRACJA - Trybuna : kwartalnik polityczny: Nr. 65/121 [Language: Polish]
217724: NIEPODLEGLOSC I DEMOKRACJA - Trybuna : kwartalnik polityczny: Nr. 55/111 [Language: Polish]
186915: DEMOMBYNES, GABRIEL (B. 1840) - Constitutions Europeennes : resume de la legislation concernat les parlements, les conseils provinciaux et communaux, et l'organization judiciare dans les divers etats de l'Europe, avec une notice sur le congres des États-Unis d'Amerique [complete in 2 volumes]
173283: DEMOREST, JEAN-JACQUES [ED.] - Studies in seventeenth-century French literature : presented to Morris Bishop / edited by Jean-Jacques Demorest
184638: DEMORGNY, GUSTAVE (1869-). BERENGER, HENRY (1867-) - Danube et Adriatique
171034: DEMORNEX, JACQUELINE - Lucien Lelong
154883: DEMOS, JOHN - The Enemy Within : 2,000 Years of Witch-Hunting in the Western World
247200: DEMOSTHENES. KENNEDY, CHARLES RANN (1808-1867). YOUNGMAN, ROBERT BARBER - Orations of Demosthenes ; translated by Charles Rann Kennedy ; with a critical and biographical introduction by Robert Barber Youngman
277746: DEMOSTHENES. WEIL, HENRI - Les Plaidoyers politiques de Démosthène: texte grec: 1e série Leptine - Midias - Ambassade - Couronne
222826: DEMOSTHENES. ULPIANUS, RHETORICIAN. HIERONYMUS WOLF. ANDREAS SCHOTTUS. AESCHINES - Demosthenis et Aeschinis principum Graeciae oratorum opera, cum utriusque authoris vita & Vlpiani commentariis, nouisq[ue] scholiis ex quarta eaq[ue] postrema recognitione, Graecolatina: sex codicum impressorum... ... & inter hos Parisiensis nuper editi: duorum manuscriptorum, alterius Pannonii, alterius ex Augustana bibliotheca fidelissimi collatione, amendis repurgata, variis lectionibus adaucta, annotationibus illustrata: per Hieronymum Wolfium Oetingensem ...
278190: DEMOSTHENES - Les plaidoyers politiques de Démosthène : texte grec, publié d'après les travaux les plus récents de la philologie, avec un commentaire critique et explicatif, une préface et des notices sur chaque discours, par Henri Weil - 3 volumes
262002: DEMOSTHENES - Opere di Demostene : trasportate dalla Greca nella favella Italiana e con varie annotazioni de osservazioni / illustrate dall' Ab. Melchior Cesarotti - Vol. 3
240050: DEMOTIKE PINAKOTHEKE RODOU; KAMPOURIDES, CHARES - He hellenike zographike tou 20ou aiona ste Demotike Pinakotheke tes Rodou = Greek painting of 20th century at the Municipal Art Gallery of Rhodes / [epimeleia] Chares Kampourides
76582: DEMOTT, BENJAMIN (1924-?) - The Trouble with Friendship : why Americans Can't Think Straight about Race
17717: DEMOTT, BENJAMIN - The Trouble with Friendship : why Americans Can't Think Straight about Race / Benjamin Demott
259533: DEMOULIN, ROBERT - Les journées de septembre 1830 à Bruxelles et en province : étude critique d'après les sources
237267: DEMOULIN, BRUNO; BALACE, FRANCIS - A cultural history of Wallonia / edited by Bruno Demoulin; contributions by Francis Balace [and others]
22240: DEMOYA, ARMANDO - Sex and Health. A Practical Guide to Sexual Medicine
235438: DEMPF, ALOIS (1891-1984) - Sacrum imperium : Geschicts- und Staatsphilosophie des Mittelalters und der politischen Renaissance
231456: DEMPSEY, GUY - Napoleon's soldiers : the Grand Armee of 1807 as depicted in the paintings of the Otto Manuscript / Guy C. Dempsey Jr.
49640: DEMPSEY, JACK (1895-1983) - Dempsey
246422: DEMPSEY, TERRY - The Urban Myth
113300: DEMPSEY, JAMES (1906-) - Mission on the Nile
191720: DEMPSEY, HANK [PSEUD., I.E. HARRY HARRISON (1925- )] - One step from Earth / Hank Dempsey [in] Analog : science fact - science fiction ; vol. 85, no. 1, March 1970
14847: DEMPSEY, JACK (1895-1983) - Dempsey
99253: DEMPSEY, JAMES - Mission on the Nile
253499: DEMPSTER, NIGEL - Heiress : the story of Christina Onassis / Nigel Dempster
224877: DEMPSTER, NIGEL - H.R.H. the Princess Margaret, a life unfulfilled / Nigel Dempster
182025: DEMPSTER, CHARLOTTE LOUISA HAWKINS (1835-1913) - The Maritime Alps and their seaboard
207462: DEMPSTER, J. J. B. - Selection for secondary education : a survey / With a foreword by P. E. Vernon
233629: DEMUTH, NORMAN (1898-1968) - An anthology of musical criticism
41484: DEMUTH, FRITS AND WINKLER JUNIUS, E. - Cultivation of Braintumourcells and the Relationship of Some of Them with Schwann Cells in Vitro
148986: STELLER P. J. LOEWE. R. SCHACHNER. F. DEMUTH - Die Storungen Im Deutschen Wirtschaftsleben Wahrend Der Jahre 1900 Ff. 3 , Maschinenindustrie
239619: DENBY, EDWIN H - Catalog of architectural renderings and water colors
157427: DENDER, JAY - Tom Harmon and the Great Gridiron Plot, an Original Story Featuring Tom Harmon, Famous Football Star, As the Hero, by Jay Dender, Illustrated by Henry E. Vallely
148903: DENDRICKSON, GEORGE. FREDERICK THOMAS - The Truth about Dartmoor, by George Dendrickson and Frederick Thomas
178070: DENDRICKSON, GEORGE (1924- ) - The truth about Dartmoor
179309: DENDRICKSON, GEORGE (1924- ) - The truth about Dartmoor
249461: DENEKE, OTTO (1875-) - Lichtenbergs Leben / erzählt von Otto Deneke: I: mit sechzeben tafeln
94886: DENEKE, HELENA CLARA - Grace Hadow, by Helena Deneke
190422: DENEKE, HELENA CLARA - Grace Hadow
111637: DENEVE, ROSE M. MARTIN FOX (ED. ) - The Best in Posters
48823: DENEVI, DON (1937-) - Earthquakes / Don Denevi, with an Introd. by Peter L. Ward
170548: DENEVI, DON (1937- ) - Junipero Serra : the illustrated story of the Franciscan founder of California's missions / Don DeNevi, Noel Francis Moholy.
63878: DENFELD, RENE - The New Victorians : a Young Woman's Challenge to the Old Feminist Order / Rene Denfeld
194366: DENG, XIAOPING (1904-1997) - Report on revision of the constitution of the Communist Party of China
94253: DENHAM, H. M. - Inside the Nazi Ring : a Naval Attache in Sweden, 1940-1945
81351: DENHAM, H. M. - The Tyrrhenian Sea : a Sea-Guide to its Coasts and Islands
201329: DENHAM'S (AUCTIONEERS, SUSSEX) - The Hemingway centennial auction 30th September 1998
122622: DENHAM, H. M. - The Tyrrhenian Sea : a Sea-Guide to its Coasts and Islands / H. M. Denham
17740: DENHAM, WOODROW W. - Alyawara Ethnographic Data Base: A Guide to Contents, Structure and Operation
242498: DENIKINE, ANTON IVANOVICH (1872-1947) - The White Army, by A. Denikine; translated from the Russian by Catherine Zvegintzov
79297: DENING, GREG - Mr Bligh's Bad Language : Passion, Power, and Theatre on the Bounty
249004: DENIS, HECTOR - Histoire des systèmes économiques et socialistes / Hector Denis. v 2
192411: DENIS, JACQUES - Liberte d'opinion... verboten : les interdictions professionnelles en R.F.A
59532: DENIS, VALENTIN AND VRIES, TJOMME E. DE (1908-) - Picture History of World Art - [Complete in 2 Volumes] - [Contents: V. 1. Old Stone Age to Gothic Art. --V. 2. Renaissance to Modern Art; Oriental and Primitive Art]
192158: DENIS, HENRI (1913-). GARAUDY, ROGER. COGNIOT, GEORGES. BESSE, GUY - Les Marxistes repondent a leurs critiques catholiques / par Henri Denis, Roger Garaudy, Georges Cogniot et Guy Besse. Conclusion par Laurent Casanova
126228: DENIS, ERNEST - La Fondation De L'Empire Allemand (1852 - 1871)
165199: DENIS, PIERRE, (1883-1951) - Brazil / Trans. and with a Historical Chapter by Bernard Miall ; and a Supplementary Chapter by Dawson A. Vindin
167837: DENIS, HENRI (1913-) - Les Marxistes repondent a leurs critiques catholiques / par Henri Denis et al. Conclusion par Laurent Casanova
167669: DENIS, HECTOR - Les Fondateurs de la Sociologie au XIXe siecle
176618: DENIS, ERNEST (1849-1921) - Du Vardar a la Sotcha / prefaces de Alexandre Belitch et Louis Eisenmann
142497: DENIS, HENRI (1913-) - La Valeur
211812: DENIS, ERNEST (1849-1921) - Du Vardar a la Sotcha / prefaces de Alexandre Belitch et Louis Eisenmann
98970: DENISON, MICHAEL - Overture and Beginners By, Michael Denison
261314: DENISON, EDWARD (1840-1870) - Letters and other writings of the late Edward Denison, M.P. for Newark / edited by Sir Baldwyn Leighton
35744: DENISON, MARY ANDREWS (1826-1911) - That Wife of Mine
138711: DENISON, JOHN HOPKINS (1870-) - The Enlargement of Personality
45837: DENISON, MARY ANDREWS (1826-) - Gertrude Russel : Or, Parental Example
217636: DENISOVA, A. I. (PROFESSORA) - Teoriya Gosudarstva i prava [Theory of State and Law. Language: Russian]
161656: DENISTON, GEORGE LOVELL (1909- ) - The Science of Modern Wood Finishing; a Digest of Modern Materials and Methods for Industrial Finishers and Home Craftsmen... with an Introd. by Robert F. Ohmer
140866: DENITCH, BOGDAN DENIS - Limits and Possibilities : the Crisis of Yugoslav Socialism and State Socialist Systems / Bogdan Denitch
184794: DENITCH, BOGDAN DENIS - After the flood : world politics and democracy in the wake of communism / Bogdan Denitch
280178: DENKER, HENRY - Reader's Digest Condensed Books - The North Runner / A Ship Must Die / Error of Judgment / Kalahari
233955: BAYRISCHE LANDESAMT FÜR DENKMALPFLEGE - Schützt die Bodenfunde + Denkmäler unserer Vorzeit
161602: DENLINGER, MILO GRANGE (1890-1953) - The New Complete Saint Bernard, by Milo Denlinger [And Others] Edited and Expanded by E. Georgean Raulston [And Others]
157658: DENLINGER, MILO GRANGE (1890-1953) - The New Complete Great Dane, by Noted Authorities
155887: DENLINGER, ELIZABETH CAMPBELL - Before Victoria : Extraordinary Women of the British Romantic Era
92662: DENLINGER, MILO GRANGE - The New Complete Saint Bernard, by Milo Denlinger [And Others] Edited and Expanded by E. Georgean Raulston [And Others]
39161: DENMAN, ROSE MARY - Let My People In
278954: DENMAN, JOSEPH (1810-1874) - Manchester election, 1859 / summary of the speeches delivered by Joseph Denman, Royal Navy, at ward meetings held on the 28th, 29th, and 30th of April
139330: DENMAN, DONALD R. - Estate Capital : the Contribution of Landownership to Agricultural Finance / Foreword by the Duke of Northumberland
178025: DENMAN, D. R. - Farm rents : a comparison of current and past farm rents in England and Wales
144026: DENMAN, R. D. (RICHARD DOUGLAS) - Political Sketches
164856: DENMAN, RICHARD DOUGLAS (1876 - ) - Political Sketches
146983: DENMARK. INSTITUTE OF FARM MANAGEMENT AND AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. THOMSEN, C. - Technical and Economic Changes in Danish Farming : 40 Years of Farm Records 1917-1957
17563: DENNETT, DANIEL CLEMENT - Freedom Evolves
185694: DENNETT, J. - Thoughts on the book of Ruth
189544: DENNEY, JAMES (1856-1917) - The death of Christ / James Denney ; edited by R. V. G. Tasker
180008: DENNING, TREVOR - The playing-cards of Spain : a guide for historians and collectors / Trevor Denning
82694: DENNIS, FELIX (1947-?) & ATYEO, DON (JOINT AUTHORS) - Bruce Lee, King of Kung-Fu
50098: DENNIS, PETER (1945-) - Decision by Default - Peacetime Conscription and British Defence 1919-39
34469: DENNIS, PETER (1945-) - Decision by Default : Peacetime Conscription and British Defence 1919-39
33134: DENNIS, PETER (1945-) - Decision by Default - Peacetime Conscription and British Defence 1919-39
252889: DENNIS, PAUL - Match fishing : the winner's peg / Paul Dennis
249543: DENNIS, PAUL - An introduction to match fishing / Paul Dennis ; illustrations by Keith Linsell
158204: DENNIS, MATTHEW (1955-) - Red, white, and blue letter days : an American calendar
248592: DENNIS, JAMES S - Christian missions and social progress [3] : a sociological study of foreign missions: volume three
214836: DENNIS, EUGENE (1905-) - Letters from prison / selected by Peggy Dennis
100447: DENNIS, LAWRENCE (1893-1977) - The Dynamics of War and Revolution
57550: DENNIS, ALFRED PEARCE (1869-1931) - The Romance of World Trade, by Alfred Pearce Dennis ...
129995: DENNIS, ROBERT - Industrial Ireland : a Practical and Non-Political View of 'Ireland for the Irish'
128643: DENNIS, EUGENE - Ideas They Cannot Jail. Introd. by William Z. Foster
213258: DENNIS, C. J. (CLARENCE JAMES) (1876-1938) - Selected verse of C.J. Dennis / chosen and introduced by Alexander Hugh Chisholm
37303: DENNIS, WENDY - Hot and Bothered - Sex and Love in the Nineties
251304: DENNISTON, ROBIN - Trevor Huddleston : a life / Robin Denniston
275330: DENNISTOUN, JAMES - Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange, engraver, and of his brother-in-law Andrew Lumisden, private secretary to the Stuart Princes and author of The antiquities of Rome - in 2 volumes
179813: DENNISTOUN, JAMES (1803-1855) - Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino : illustrating the arms, arts, & literature of Italy, 1440-1630
256796: DENNY, JAMES - The Oxford school harmony course. Book 1
278619: DENNY, NORMAN - Arrival in Wycherly
241956: DENNYS, JOYCE (1893-) - Mrs. Dose, the doctor's wife : a book on false nosery / written and illustrated by Joyce Dennys
100427: DENSMORE, FRANCES (1867-1957) - Nootka and Quileute Music
109601: DENSMORE, VALERIE AND HAIG, ZACK (ILLUS. ) - Quimby, a Little House Fly Who Loved Adventure, by Valerie Densmore, Drawings by Zack Haig
102279: DENSMORE, FRANCES (1867-1957) - Mandan and Hidatsa Music, by Frances Densmore
102278: DENSMORE, FRANCES (1867-1957) - Music of Acoma, Isleta, Cochiti, and Zuni Pueblos
89422: DENSMORE, FRANCES (1867-1957) - Chippewa Music - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
89445: DENSMORE, FRANCES (1867-1957) - Pawnee Music
89447: DENSMORE, FRANCES (1867-1957) - Northern Ute Music
169444: DENSON, ALAN (ED.) - Letters from AE. Selected and edited by Alan Denson. With a foreword by Monk Gibbon
228388: DENSON, ALAN - Ronald Falck: a Yorkshire artist
85947: DENT, JIM - King of the Cowboys : the Life and Times of Jerry Jones
71064: DENT, THOMAS C. - Southern Journey : a Return to the Civil Rights Movement / Tom Dent
265670: DENT, J. M. (JOSEPH MALABY) (1849-1926) - My memoirs : 1849-1921
264775: DENT, H. C. (HAROLD COLLETT) - Milestones to the silver jubilee : a diary of the nation / edited by H. C. Dent
247222: DENT, ALAN - My Covent Garden / Alan Dent
280976: DENT, CLINTON THOMAS (1850-1912). WHYMPER, EDWARD (1840-1911). MACQUOID, PERCY - Above the snow line: mountaineering sketches between 1870 and 1880
48176: DENT, ROBERT KIRKUP - The Cathedrals of England and Wales through a Camera
152615: DENT, ROBERT KIRKUP (1851-1925) - Old and New Birmingham : a History of the Town and its People
156216: DENT, OLIVE - A V. A. D. in France
223979: DENT, ALAN - How well do you know your Shakespeare?
153178: DENT, ROBERT KIRKUP (1851-1925) - Old and New Birmingham: a History of the Town and its People. : by Robert K. Dent. with 200 Illustrations from Most Authentic Sources.
278860: DENT, EDWARD J - Opera / Edward J. Dent ; illustrated by Kay Ambrose
232349: DENT, EDWARD JOSEPH (1876-1957) - Mozarts Opern. (Autorisierte Ubersetzung von Anton Mayer.) With musical examples
63793: DENT, ALAN - Nocturnes and Rhapsodies
273763: DENTON, W. (WILLIAM) (1815-1888) - England in the fifteenth century
224837: DENTON, TOM - Advanced automotive fault diagnosis / Tom Denton
209667: DENTON, JONTY - Water bugs and water beetles of Surrey / Jonty Denton
175801: DENTON, WILLIAM - Fallacies of the Eastern Question
144611: DENUIT, DESIRE - Roger Avermaete/ Par Desire Denuit
175847: DENUIT, DESIRE (1905- ) - Georges Duhamel
272816: DENVIR, BERNARD - Post-impressionism / Bernard Denvir
268758: DENVIR, BERNARD - The Impressionists at first hand / edited by Bernard Denvir
268748: DENVIR, BERNARD - Toulouse-Lautrec / Bernard Denvir
235083: DENVIR, BERNARD - The chronicle of impressionism : a timeline history of impressionist art
111116: DENVIR, BERNARD (1917-) - Art Treasures of Italy / Bernard Denvir
241254: DENY, EUGÈNE - Jardins et parcs publics. Histoire générale des jardins; les maîtres de l'école moderne et leurs principales créations; le style paysager, exposé de ses principes et son application. [With plates and illustrations.]
232006: DENZLER, GEORG - DTV Worterbuch der Kirchengeschichte / Georg Denzler, Carl Andresen
229395: DEONNA WALDEMAR (1781-1813). MARTINENT, A. DUCRET, SIEGFRIED - Pro Arte : Internationale Zeitschrift fur alte und zeitgenossische Kunst : Nr. 61, Mai 1947 : [Porzellan]
229502: DEONNA, WALDEMAR - Porcelaines de Nyon et de Geneve : Musee Arianaa a Geneve
157050: DEPAOLA, TOMIE (1934-) - Now One Foot, Now the Other / Story and Pictures by Tomie De Paola
276426: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & capital on the railways / Prepared by the Labour Research Department
276375: IMPERIAL INSTITUTE. MINERAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - Mining royalties and rents in the British empire
266676: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & capital on the railways / Prepared by the Labour Research Department
266663: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Electricity : public versus private / with an introduction by E.W. Bussey
266504: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Tories and housing : an analysis of the Tories' housing policy since they took office in November 1951
259551: SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland, 1961 : statistics relating to crime and criminal proceedings ... / Scottish Home and Health Department
259552: SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland, 1966 : statistics relating to crime and criminal proceedings ... / Scottish Home and Health Department
259553: SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland, 1971 : statistics relating to crime and criminal proceedings ... / Scottish Home and Health Department
259554: SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland, 1962 : statistics relating to crime and criminal proceedings ... / Scottish Home and Health Department
259555: SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland, 1960 : statistics relating to crime and criminal proceedings ... / Scottish Home and Health Department
259556: SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland, 1970 : statistics relating to crime and criminal proceedings ... / Scottish Home and Health Department
259540: PRISON DEPARTMENT - Report on the work of the Prison Department / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Office
259232: SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT - Russian banks and Communist funds : Report of an enquiry into certain transactions of the Bank for Russian Trade, Ltd., and the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd. Memorandum by the directors of the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd / Presented by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to Parliament by command of His Majesty
258785: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Land and land owners : a study of the social basis and immediate policies and proposals relating to land and reconstruction
258676: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Wartime profits
258621: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Engineering wages and profits ; Labour white papers ; no.19
257818: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Engineers v profiteers
247105: DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK DEPARTMENT - Bus away, walk-a-day in the Dartmoor National Park
262520: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The common market: What would it mean for Britain?
189882: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The National wages board and after / prepared by A. Railwayman for the Labour Research Department
257064: HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT - West coast of England pilot : comprising the coast of Great Britain from the Scilly Isles to the Mull of Galloway including the Isle of Man / Great Britain. Hydrographic Department. 1960
256722: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & capital on the railways : studies in labour and capital no. IV / prepared by the Labour Research Department
254202: BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRARIES REFERENCE DEPARTMENT - Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection Supplement 1918-1931
179195: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Wages, prices and profits : a report prepared by the Labour Research Dept
192336: SCOTTISH HOME DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland : statistics relating to police apprehensions and criminal proceedings for the year 1959
179109: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & capital in the engineering trades / prepared by the Labour Research Department
252244: THE LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The attack on the cotton workers
252243: THE LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The non-politicals with foreword by A. J. Cook
186603: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT - The Liberal Year Book for 1925
186604: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT - The Liberal Year Book for 1932
278521: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & capital in the engineering trades / prepared by the Labour Research Department
234872: GENERAL VALUATION DEPARTMENT - Instructions to Valuers. Annual Revision
193329: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Who owns the press? After the shut downs and mergers
251576: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour Research Department - Studies in labour and capital Vol. II: The press
192337: SCOTTISH HOME DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland : statistics relating to police apprehensions and criminal proceedings for the year 1954
186659: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal monthly [Complete in 6 vols, bound in 5]
202548: DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND TECHNICAL SURVEYS, MINES BRANCH - Canadian mineral industry in 1951 : reviews by the staff of the Mines Branch
201809: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Shipping: studies in labour and capital No. vi prepared by the labour research department
242788: SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Crime Recording: the Scottish Criminal Statistics: report of the departmental committee: presented to parliament by the secretary of state of Scotland by command of Her Majesty, august, 1968
250201: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Education and economy
250072: THE LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour and capital on the railway
214585: PHONETICS DEPARTMENT (UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON) - French Language Records / Monsieur E. M. Stephan ; prepared by The Phonetics Department University College, London [14 LPs in a leather briefcase]
214620: UNITED STATES. NAVY DEPARTMENT - Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the practicability of a ship-canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by the way of the isthmus of Tehuantepec
214493: BRITISH WORKERS' DELEGATION TO SOVIET RUSSIA. LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Soviet Russia to-day : the Report of the British Workers' Delegation which visited Soviet Russia for the Tenth Anniversary of the Revolution, November, 1927
249992: LABOUR'S RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Killing the Goose some facts and figures about the cotton trade
249980: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - What is the Economic League?
252260: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The British bondholders : an account of the national debt, showing what really hinders the Labour programme.
184608: CONSERVATIVE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT (LONDON) - All the answers for the election
184248: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Who's who in Bristol?
220998: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1908 / Liberal Publications Department
220999: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1908 / Liberal Publications Department
189687: DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY, GREAT BRITAIN - Trading with Japan [a series of leaflets on various aspects of trading with Japan]
263127: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour and capital in Parliament
14895: DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, U. K. - Documents Concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939. [Cmd. 6106. (Series) Miscellaneous No. 9 (1939) ]
111917: UNITED STATES. WAR DEPARTMENT - The Official Atlas of the Civil War. Introd. by Henry Steele Commager
153272: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & Capital on the Railways : Studies in Labour and Capital No. IV / Prepared by the Labour Research Department
73628: UNITED STATES NAVY DEPARTMENT - Nomenclature of Naval Vessels
152110: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Rivals of the Co-Operatives : Milk Trust / with a Foreword by Afred Barnes
152109: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Rivals of the Co-Operatives : Drapery Concerns / Foreword by Alfred Barnes
152108: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Rivals of the Co-Operatives : Grocery Concerns / Foreword by Alfred Barnes
152107: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Rivals of the Co-Operatives : Boot and Shoe Concerns / with a Foreword by Alfred Barnes
189887: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The war on wages
172207: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - British Guiana : Who owns it? What are wages and conditions? What happen? What is the meaning of the government's policy?
130973: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Wages, Prices and Profits / a Report Prepared by the Labour Research Department. Preface by Sidney Webb
183756: CONSERVATIVE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT (LONDON) - Glossed over! Socialist plans explained and exposed
130896: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Memorandum on the Cotton Industry / prepared by the Labour Research Department
257423: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & capital in the engineering trades / prepared by the Labour Research Department
172492: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The war on wages
172428: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Who owns the press? After the shut downs and mergers
185426: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The coal crisis : facts from the Samuel commission
120394: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT (GREAT BRITAIN) - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1913 Being the Publications for the Year of Liberal Publication Department
184269: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Handbook : facts and figures for socialists, 1951 / prepared by the Labour Research Department
187728: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT (LONDON) - The Workers' Register of labour and capital, 1923 / prepared by Labour Research Department
193108: GREAT BRITAIN. DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROBATION SERVICE. HOME OFFICE SCOTTISH HOME DEPARTMENT - Report of the Departmental Committee on the Probation Service / Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland by Command of Her Majesty, March 1962
192301: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The Federation of British industries / prepared by the Labour Research Department
257949: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Governing by starvation : the government and the unemployed
257921: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Powell and his allies
41392: UNITED STATES POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT - A Description of United States Postage Stamps 1847-1943. Issued by the Post Office Department from July 1, 1847, to December 31, 1943
192340: SCOTTISH HOME DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland : statistics relating to police apprehensions and criminal proceedings for the year 1956
174080: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Why food prices are rising / Labour Research Department
192334: SCOTTISH HOME DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland : statistics relating to police apprehensions and criminal proceedings for the year 1958
167490: EGYPT. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT - The Suez Canal : facts and documents / Egyptian Information Department ; M. Abou Nousier et al
167852: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The coal crisis : facts from the Samuel commission
167556: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Plastics : labour opportunities, money prospects ; a survey
280896: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The Monthly circular of the Labour Research Department - 6 issues
264391: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Rents : how much will they go up? The Government's plan analysed and exposed : 'Operation Rescue' - who for?
280690: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Education and economy
239534: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The threat to wages
176589: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Why a treaty with Soviet Russia?
176503: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Law in war-time : a workers' guide
176007: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Fascism - fight it now / prepared for the Labour Research Department ; foreword by John Marchbank and J.C. Little
174697: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Memorandum on the work of the Labour Research Department presented to the delegates in attendance at the Annual General Meeting of the National Union of Railwaymen, July 3rd, 1933.
167659: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Standards of starvation: five years of government policy towards the unemployed
167382: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Electricity : public versus private / Labour Research Department; (with an introduction by E. W. Bussey)
192339: SCOTTISH HOME DEPARTMENT - Criminal statistics, Scotland : statistics relating to police apprehensions and criminal proceedings for the year 1955
194722: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The coal crisis : facts from the Samuel commission, 1925-26. Studies in labour and capital No. IX / prepared by the Labour Research Department
129374: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1913 : Being the Publications for the Year of the Liberal Publication Department
131010: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1919 / Liberal Publications Department
131011: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1922 / Liberal Publications Department
131017: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1923 / Liberal Publications Department
131018: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1924 / Liberal Publications Department
131020: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1920 / Liberal Publications Department
131021: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1927 / Liberal Publications Department
131022: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1928 / Liberal Publications Department
131025: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. [LIBERAL PARTY UK] - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1929 / Liberal Publications Department
13209: U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE - Aging in the Modern World An Annotated Bibliography
142569: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Labour & Capital in the Engineering Trades
159647: LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT - Pamphlets and Leaflets for 1923 / Liberal Publications Department
176025: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Immigration : Facts v. Myths / Labour Research Department
72939: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. NAVY DEPARTMENT - Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps to January 1, 1907
218354: LABOUR RESERCH DEPARTMENT - Wartime Profits
218253: WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT - Zionism, the force of change; history, organization, facts and figures, tasks and problems
218161: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT - How labour will save agriculture
195745: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - A complete guide to the call up of women
198036: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT - The Liberal year book. 1926
198368: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Where the right road twisted : Tory record on social services, etc.
198485: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Education and economy
210840: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Wages and profits on the railways
211696: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Wartime profits
212733: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Houses for the people
280490: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMERCIAL RELATIONS AND EXPORTS DEPARTMENT - Portugal : economic and commercial conditions in Portugal, with annexes on Madeira and the Azores, November 1948
192835: DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON CORPORAL PUNISHMENT, GREAT BRITAIN - Report of the Departmental Committee on Corporal Punishment / presented by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, March, 1938
75287: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS - History Making, the Story of a Great Nation, the National Departments and Their Duties - a Condensed History of all States, Territories and Insular Possessions, Their Acquisition, Organization and Administration....
170181: DEPELCHIN, HENRI - Trois ans dans l'Afrique australe / lettres des Peres H. Depelchin et Ch. Croonenberghs, S.J
160362: DEPEW, ARTHUR M. - The Cokesbury Stunt Book, by Arthur M. Depew; More Than 600 Stunts for the Stage, Banquet, Luncheon, Party, Boys' Camps, and Other Occasions
169847: DEPOL, JOHN (1913-2004) - Five decades of the burin : the wood engravings of John DePol / with a foreword by Timothy D. Murray & an introduction by David R. Godine.
215383: DEPOL, JOHN (1913-2004). WEBER, RENEE I. JOHN DEPOL COLLECTION (LIBRARY OF CONGRESS) - Ireland remembered : a GI's recollections
55331: DEPONTE, PAIGE - Gaia - Journey Into Vanishing Worlds / Photographs by Paige Deponte
20311: DEPORTE, ANTON W. (1928-) - DE GAULLE'S FOREIGN POLICY, 1944-1946
185495: NATIONAL TEMPERANCE PUBLICATION DEPOT - The National Temperance Mirror
251829: DEPPING, G. B - Les Soirées D'Hiver: ouvrage amusant et instructif, dédié a la jeunesse: tome III
194096: DEPPING, GEORGES-BERNARD (1784-1853) - Histoire de la Normandie sous le regne de Guillaume-le-Conquerant et de ses successeurs : depuis la conquete de l'Angleterre jusqu'a la reunion de la Normandie au royaume de France - [Complete in 2 volumes]
133826: DEPREUX, EDOUARD (1898-) - Souvenirs D'Un Militant : Cinquante Ans De Lutte, De La Social-Democratie Au Socialisme (1918-1968) .
260512: THE LABOUR PUBLICATIONS DEPT - New Zealand's progress under socialism
262550: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). RESEARCH DEPT - Unfit to govern : the record of the Tory government
205955: FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK. ECONOMICS DEPT - Profile of a city / prepared by members of the Economics Department, First National City Bank, New York
191601: CHURCH LEAGUE OF AMERICA. RESEARCH DEPT - Betraying America : the Jane Fonda-Tom Hayden axis : a documented report / from the Research Department of the Church League of America
192255: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. INFORMATION DEPT - South east Asia and the South Pacific islands
159489: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1932 - Volume XL
159490: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1938 - Volume XLVI
159491: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1934 - Volume XLII
159492: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1928 - Volume XXXXVI
159493: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1933 - Volume XLI
159494: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1941 - Volume XLIX
159495: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1935 - Volume XLIII
159496: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1936 - Volume XLIV
159497: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1940 - Volume XLVIII
193633: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. CERAMICS DEPT. - Catalogue of the Herbert Allen collection of English porcelain
161164: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL. SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPT. - Social Aspects of a Town Development Plan : a Study of the County Borough of Dudley
153179: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL. SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPT. - The Dock Worker : an Analysis of Conditions of Employment in the Port of Manchester
136406: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL. SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPT. - The Dock Worker : an Analysis of Conditions of Employment in the Port of Manchester / the University of Liverpool, Department of Social Science
84413: UNITED STATES. WAR DEPT - Infantry Drill Regulations
72806: UNITED STATES. NAVY DEPT. - Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy, for the Fiscal Year 1941
64764: UNITED STATES. WAR DEPT - Dictionary of Spoken Russian : Russian-English, English-Russian
59693: YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE. BOYS' WORK DEPT - Handbook for Pioneers; a Program for Christian Citizenship Training for Boys Twelve to Fourteen Years of Age
58152: UNITED STATES. WAR DEPT - Manual of Interior Guard Duty
152080: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. INFORMATION DEPT. - Middle East : a Political and Economic Survey
144683: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1931 - Volume XXXIX
134412: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1938 - Volume XLVI
134410: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1933 - Volume XLI
162277: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. INFORMATION DEPT. - South-Eastern Europe : a Political and Economic Survey / Prepared by the Information Department of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in Collaboration with the London and Cambridge Economic Service
129097: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1932 - Volume XL
129091: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1937 - Volume XLV
129090: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1929 - Volume XXXVII
129089: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1930 - Volume XXXVIII
129088: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1924 - Volume XXXII
129086: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1925 - Volume XXXIII
129085: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1933 - Volume XLI
129084: LIBERAL PUBLICATION DEPT. (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Liberal Magazine - for the Year 1927 - Volume XXXV
187022: GREAT BRITAIN. SCOTTISH HOME DEPT. - Report on the fisheries of Scotland 1939-1948 / Scottish Home Department
182921: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). RESEARCH DEPT. - Railways for the nation / Labour Party [Labour Research Dept.]
141618: DEPT. OF EDUCATION, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS - The Tercentenary of Massachusetts Bay Colony and of the General Court and One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution of the Commonwealth
63326: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. INFORMATION DEPT - The Middle East; a Political and Economic Survey
68337: UNITED STATES. NAVY DEPT. - Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States : Including Officers of the Marine Corps, for the Year 1885
202388: LABOUR PARTY (GREAT BRITAIN). RESEARCH DEPT. - Labour Party Bulletin : June 1946 - Dec. 1947 [volume 5]
196894: DEPT. OF FINANCE, ITALY. FINSIDER (SOCIETA FINANZIARIA SIDERURGICA) - Esercizio 1941-42 : V, Esercizio Sociale
262532: LABOUR RESEARCH DEPT - The non-politicals / with foreward by A.J. Cook ; Labour white papers ; no. 40
208642: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. INFORMATION DEPT. - The economic and financial position of Italy
211519: GREAT BRITAIN. HOME DEPT. - First aid and ambulance at factories and workshops
231248: BRAZIL. CONGRESSO NACIONAL. CAMARA DOS DEPUTADOS - Livro do centenario da Camara dos Deputados, 1826-1926. [With plates] - Complete in 3 slip-cased volumes
172136: SENATO DEL REGNO - CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI. - Bollettino parlamentare : indice delle materie pubblicate nel decennio 1927 - 1936 (V - XV)
247718: DEQUENNE, JEAN. COMMISSION BELGE DE BIBLIOGRAPHIE - Amerique Latine : essai de bibliographie des ouvrages belges publiés sur l'Amerique Latine, 1875-1962 / Jean Dequenne
215776: DERBY, EDWARD HENRY STANLEY, EARL OF (1826-1893) - The diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93) between 1878 and 1893 : a selection / edited by John Vincent
215760: DERBY, EDWARD HENRY STANLEY, EARL OF (1826-1893) - A selection from the diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93) : between September 1869 and March 1878 / edited by John Vincent
171760: DERBY, GEORGE HORATIO (1823-1861) - Squibob, an early California humorist / foreword by Richard Derby Reynolds
56736: DERBY, GEORGE HORATIO (1823-1861) - Phoenixiana; Or, Sketches and Burlesques
117266: DERBY, GEORGE HORATIO (1823-1861). E. W. KEMBLE (ILL. ) - Phœnixiana; Or, Sketches and Burlesques by John Phoenix, a New Edition Illustrated by E. W. Kemble with an Introduction by John Kendrick Bangs
269407: DERBYSHIRE, EDWARD D - Geomorphological processes / E. Derbyshire, K.J. Gregory, J.R. Hails
216844: DEREKH, SHLOMO - Israeli socialism
216789: DERENKOVSKOGO, G. M. - Pervaya russkaya revolyutsiya 1905-1907 gg. Annotirovannyy ukazatel' literatury [The first Russian revolution of 1905-1907. Annotated index of literature. Language: Russian]
267698: DÉRER, IVAN - L'unité des Tchèques et des Slovaques. Le protocole de Pittsburg a-t-il été réalisé?
135226: DERFLER, LESLIE - Paul Lafargue and the Founding of French Marxism, 1842-1882 / Leslie Derfler
88957: DERGE, WANA MARIE (1887-?) - Color, Form and Composition
237070: DERHAM, WILLIAM - Lost Ireland 1860-1960 / William Derham
243369: DERI, MAX (1878-) - Die Malerei im XIX. Jahrhundert : entwicklungsgeschichtliche Darstellung auf psychologischer Grundlage. Bd.1 Textband / von Max Deri
98963: DERIABIN, PETER AND GIBNEY, FRANK - The Secret World, by Peter Deriabin and Frank Gibney
93177: DERIABIN, PETER (1921-) - The Secret World, by Peter Deriabin and Frank Gibney
120481: DERIABIN, PETER (1921-). GIBNEY, FRANK (1924-2006) - The Secret World, by Peter Deriabin and Frank Gibney
95375: DERIABIN, PETER (1921-?) & GIBNEY, FRANK (1924-2006) JOINT AUTHORS - The Secret World
52904: DERIAN, JEAN-CLAUDE - America's Struggle for Leadership in Technology
197601: DERIBERE, MAURICE - la photographie a l'infrarouge; 106 illustrations et graphiques
236439: DÉRIEUX, HENRY (1891-) - La poésie française contemporaine, (1885-1935) : avec une bibliographic
158234: DERITTER, JONES - The Embodiment of Characters : the Representation of Physical Experience on Stage and in Print, 1728-1749 / Jones Deritter
23561: DERJAVINE, KONSTANTIN (1903-1956). SHILLINCOVSKY, P. - A Century of the State Dramatic Theatre, 1832-1932
216871: DERJAVINE, NIKOLAI SEVASTIANOVITCH - A. I. Gertsen : literaturno-khudozhestvennoye naslediye. [A. I. Herzen : literary and artistic heritage. Language: Russian]
205081: DERLATKA, TADEUSZ. LUBOJANSKI, JOZEF - Western and northern territories of Poland : facts and figures
76835: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (1909-1971) - Dwellers in Darkness - [Contents: the Ghost Walk. --The Ormolu Clock. --A Knocking in the Wall. --The Lost Path. --The Place of Desolation. --The Patchwork Quilt. --The Island out of Space. --The Night Road. --Come to Me. --Memoir for Lucas Payne......]
105048: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (1909-1971). MARK SCHORER - Colonel Markesan, and Less Pleasant People
106256: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM - Harrigan's File
173212: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (1909-1971) - New poetry out of Wisconsin / edited by August Derleth
123048: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (ED. ) - New Poetry out of Wisconsin, Edited by August Derleth
104779: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (1909-1971) (COMP. ) - Dark Things
77380: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (1909-1971) - Emerson, Our Contemporary [By] August Derleth
78404: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (1909-1971) - West of Morning
204573: DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM (1909-1971) - Village daybook : a Sac Prairie journal
145155: DERMENGHEM, EMILE (1892-1971). YORKE, ARABELLA, TR. - The Life of Mahomet
193317: DERMONCOURT, PAUL FERDINAND STANISLAS - The Duchess of Berri in La Vendee; comprising a narrative of her adventures, with her private papers and secret correspondence
142411: DERMONCOURT, PAUL FERDINAND STANISLAS, BARON (1771-1847) - The Duchess of Berri in La Vendée : Comprising a Narrative of Her Adventures, with Her Private Papers and Secret Correspondence
63430: DERMOTT, VERN - Planet Finders
189950: DERNALOWICZ, MARIA - Portret Familii / Maria Dernalowicz [Language: Polish]
272073: DÉROBERT, LÉON - Les momies
49015: DEROSE, CHRIS - In Your Face - from Actor to Animal Activist
128912: DERR, THOMAS SIEGER - Ecology and Human Liberation : a Theological Critique of the Use and Abuse of Our Birthright
223945: DERRICK, FREDA - Cotswold stone
222376: DERRICK, FREDA - A trinity of craftsmen / Freda Derrick
193442: DERRICK, DAVID - Boat maintenance / David Derrick
126128: DERRICK, PAUL - Lost Property; Proposals for the Distribution of Property in an Industrial Age.
121157: DERRICK, FREDA - Country Craftsmen
122254: DERRICK, JONATHAN - Africa's Slaves Today / Jonathan Derrick
167165: DERRICK, PAUL - Lost property; proposals for the distribution of property in an industrial age.
198502: DERRICK, PAUL - Christian socialism : economic crisis and common ownership
146854: DERRIENNIC, HERVE - Famines Et Dominations En Afrique Noire : Paysans Et E'Leveurs Du Sahel Sous Le Joug / Herve Derriennic
61162: DERRY, JOSEPH TYRONE (1841-) - Story of the Confederate States : [Or, History of the War for Southern Independence Embracing ... the Early Settlement of the Country, Trouble with the Indians, the French, Revolutionary, and Mexican Wars ...] / Joseph T. Derry
226242: DERRY, JOHN W. (JOHN WESLEY) - William Pitt / John W. Derry
256009: DERRY, JOHN W. (JOHN WESLEY) - The radical tradition : Tom Paine to Lloyd George / John W. Derry
195395: DERRY, JOSEPH T. - Georgia
113212: DERRY, JOHN W. (JOHN WESLEY) - The Radical Tradition: Tom Paine to Lloyd George [By] John W. Derry
228086: DERSHOWITZ, ALAN M - The case for peace : how the Arab-Israeli conflict can be resolved
155501: DERSHOWITZ, ALAN - Rights from Wrongs / Alan Dershowitz
123280: DERSO, ALOIS (B. 1888) - United Nations Sketchbook, a Cartoon History of the United Nations, by Derso and Kelen
37198: DERTHICK, MARTHA - The Influence of Federal Grants - Public Assistance in Massachusetts
19161: DERTOUZOS, MICHAEL L. - Made in America Regaining the Productive Edge
174118: DERU, ALEXANDRE - L'agriculture immolee : ses moyens de deliverance exposes au corps legislatif de la Belgique / par Alexandre Deru, cultivateur a Fays-Polleur Janvier 1891 rectification aux comptes-rendus de mes entretiens aux reunions agricoles du 28 Decembre...
207743: DERVAUX, ISABELLE - Roy Lichtenstein : the black-and-white drawings, 1961-1968 / Isabelle Dervaux ; with essays by Graham Bader ... [et al.]
136337: DERVENN, CLAUDE. HELENE JEANBRAU [ET AL; PHOTOG] - Brittany / Text by Claude Dervenn ; Photographs by Helene Jeanbrau
152800: VAN DERVOORT, J. WESLEY - The Water World Or, the Ocean. its Laws Currents, Tides, Wind-Waves, Phenomena, Mechanical Appliances, Andimal and Vegetable Life
12811: DERWENT, LAVINIA - Clashmaclavers; a Mixty-Maxty of Prose and Verse in the Couthy Tradition
216249: DERZHAVIN, N. S. - Sbornik statey i issledovaniy v oblasti Slavyanskoy Filologii [Collection of articles and studies in the field of Slavic Philology. Language: Russian]
216802: DERZHAVIN, NIKOLAI SEVAST'YANOVICH - Proiskhozhdeniye russkogo naroda-velikorusskogo, ukrainskogo, belorusskogo [Origins of the Great-Russian nation, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Language: Russian]
217393: DERZHAVIN, N. S. - Plemennyye i kul'turnyye svyazi bolgarskogo i russkogo narodov [Tribal and cultural ties Bulgarian and Russian peoples. Language: Russian]
208643: DESACHY, PAUL (1872-1906) - Une grande figure de l'affaire Dreyfus : Louis Leblois / Paul Desachy
264218: DÉSAGNEAUX, HENRI (1898-1969) - A French soldier's war diary, 1914-1918 / [by] Henri Desagneaux ; edited by Jean Desagneaux ; translated [from the French] by Godfrey J. Adams
94429: DESAI, MORARJI (1896-1995) - The Story of My Life
226120: DESAI, NEERA - Indian women : challenge and change in the international decade 1975-1985 / Neera Desai, Vibhuti Patel
183801: DESAI, MEGHNAD - Marxian Economic Theory / Meghnad Desai
278831: DESAI, KIRAN - The inheritance of loss
57330: DESAI, PADMA - Tariff Protection and Industrialization; a Study of the Indian Tariff Commissions At Work, 1946-1965
104912: DESAI, ANITA (1937-) - Clear Light of Day / Anita Desai
144873: DESAIX, DEBORAH DURLAND - In the Back Seat / Deborah Durland Desaix
51027: DESAIX, E. - Bruxelles, Grand'place
259887: DESALVO, LOUISE A - Virginia Woolf : the impact of childhood sexual abuse on her life and work / Louise DeSalvo
262663: DESANA, DOROTHY - The white squadron
246759: DESANI, G. V. (GOVINDAS VISHNOODAS) (1909-2000) - All about H. Hatterr : a novel / G. V. Desani
156801: DESANTI, DOMINIQUE - A Woman in Revolt : a Biography of Flora Tristan
133791: DESANTI, DOMINIQUE. HAROCHE, CHARLES - Bombe Ou Paix Atomique
265335: DESAULNIERS, MARCEL. GRAND, MICHAEL - Desserts to die for / Marcel Desaulniers ; photography by Michael Grand ; recipes with Jon Pierre Peavey
222305: DESBARROLLES, ADOLPHE (1801-1886) - Les mysteres de la main reveles et expliques. : Art de connaitre la vie, le caractere, les aptitudes et la destinee de chacun d'apres la seule inspection des mains / par Ad. Desbarrolles
186784: DESBORDES, ASTRID; MARTIN, PAULINE (ILLUS.) - Daydreams of a solitary hamster
247244: DESCAMPS, EDOUARD EUGÈNE FRANÇOIS BARON (1847-1933) - L'Afrique nouvelle : essai sur l'état civilisateur dans les pays neufs et sur la fondation, l'organisation et le governement de l'état indépendant du Congo / Édouard Eugène François Descamps
116365: DESCARGUES, PIERRE - Cranach, by Pierre Descargues
45273: DESCARGUES, PIERRE - Art Treasures of the Hermitage / Text by Pierre Descargues ; Translated from French by Matila Simon
266828: DESCARTES, CERCLE - Le Probleme Espagnol
186069: DESCARTES, RENE (1596-1650) - Discourse on method / Rene Descartes ; translated, with an introduction, by Laurence J. Lafleur
243786: DESCHAMPS, AUGUSTE FRANCOIS [AUTHOR] - Eugène Cavaignac / par Auguste Deschamps
127440: DESCHAMPS, BERNARD - La Verite Sur Guadalajara / Préface De Marcel Chaminade. Ouvrage Illustre D'Une Carte Et De Huit Hors-Texte
181515: DESCHAMPS, BERNARD - La verite sur Guadalajara / preface de Marcel Chaminade. Ouvrage illustre d'une carte et de huit hors-texte
274404: DESCHANEL, PAUL EUGÈNE LOUIS PRES. FRANCE (1856-1922) - Gambetta
270510: DESCHANEL, PAUL EUGENE LOUIS (1856-1922) - La question sociale / Paul Deschanel
192516: DESCHANEL, PAUL EUGENE LOUIS - La Question sociale
229813: DESCHANEL, PAUL - La republique nouvelle
236349: DESCHARMES, RENÉ (1881-1925) - Flaubert : sa vie, son caractère et ses idèes avant 1857
82280: DESCHARNES, ROBERT - Auguste Rodin / Robert Descharnes and Jean-Francois Chabrun - [Uniform Title: Auguste Rodin. English]
77494: DESCHARNES, ROBERT - Gaudi, the Visionary [By] Robert Descharnes [And] Clovis Prevost. Pref. by Salvador Dali. Followed by 'Gaudí's Artistic and Religious Vision' by Francesc Pujols. Introduced by Joan Alavedra
210659: DESCHARNES, ROBERT - Auguste Rodin / [by] Robert Descharnes and Jean Francois Chabrun
86721: DESCHNER, DONALD - The Complete Films of Spencer Tracy
86312: DESCHNER, DONALD - The Films of W. C. Fields
254280: DESCHNER, DONALD - The films of Cary Grant
60298: DESCHNER, DONALD - The Films of W. C. Fields
257742: DESCLÉE - Moïse : l'homme de l'alliance / H. Cazelles ... [et al.]
162607: DESCLOUX, ARMAND - Le Docteur Antoine Thibault : Etude Psychologique D'Un Personnage Medecin Dans Les Thibault De Roger Martin Du Gard
146370: DESCLOUX, ARMAND - Le Docteur Antoine Thibault, Etude Psychologique D'Un Personnage Medecin Dans Les Thibault De Roger Martin Du Gard
124343: DESCLOZEAUX, ADRIEN (1836-) - Gabrielle D'Estrees. Translated from the French by the Author
144465: DESCOTES, MAURICE - Aspects De La Tchecoslovaquie / Preface Du General Bethouart
28466: DESCOUR, L. - Pasteur and His Work (Medicin Inspecteur De L'Armee)
101920: DESCOURTILZ, J. T. (D. 1855) - Oiseaux Brillants Et Remarquables Du Bresil : Places Pres Des Vegetaux Dont Les Fruits Les Nourrissent
23571: DESDEVISES DU DEZERT, GEORGES NICOLAS (1854-) - Clermont-Ferrand, Royal Et La Puy-D-Dôme
111513: DESERTIS, V. C. - Psychic Philosophy As the Foundation of a Religion of Natural Law
271700: DESFONTAINES, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS GUYOT (1685-1745) - Dictionaire néologique : à l'usage des beaux esprits du siécle
247064: DESFONTAINES, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS GUYOT (1685-1745). GRANET, FRANÇOIS - Observations sur les Écrits modernes: tome vingt-troisieme
38125: DESHOULIèRES, F. AND AUBERT, MARCEL - Bulletin Monumental, Dirigé Par F. Deshoulières Et Marcel Aubert, Sous Les Auspices De La Société Francaise D'Archéologie - Quatre-Vingt-Deuxième Volume De La Collection - Pp. 1 - 247
167393: DESHUMBERT, MARIUS (1856-) - Morale fondee sur les lois de la nature / par M. Deshumbert
163390: DESHUSSES, JEROME - La Gauche Reactionnaire / Jerome Deshusses
255754: SEA DESIGN - Ten/SEA 1997-2007
72128: SOCIETY OF PUBLICATION DESIGNERS (U. S. ) - The Twentieth Publication Design Annual
84625: INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC DESIGNERS (COMP. BY) - Graphic Design, San Francisco / Compiled by the Institute of Graphic Designers ; with an Introd. by Lon Clark
106434: SOCIETY OF PUBLICATION DESIGNERS - The Twenty-Second Publication Design Annual
207650: OILSHOCK DESIGNS (FIRM) - Rock & street culture / Oilshock Designs
166049: DESLANDRES, MAURICE. MICHELIN, ALFRED - IL Y a Cent Ans. Etat Physique Et Moral Des Ouvriers Au Temps Du Liberalisme. Temoignage De Villerme
167242: DESLINIERES, LUCIEN - La production intensive / Lucien Deslinieres
126776: DESLINIERES, LUCIEN - Une Seule Solution Pour Tous Les Problemes Humains
150978: DESMAZE, CHARLES ADRIEN (1820-) - Les Penalites Anciennes : Supplices, Prisons Et Grace En France, D'Apres Des Textes Inedits / Par Charles Desmaze Supplices, Prisons Et Grace En France
190340: DESMOND, ROBERT WILLIAM (1900-?) - The information process : world news reporting to the twentieth century
155704: DESMOND, RAY - Great natural history books and their creators
279256: DESMOND, ADRIAN J - Darwin
29982: DESMOND, ROBERT W. - The Press and World Affairs
142637: DESMOND, SHAW (1877-) - Labour : the Giant with the Feet of Clay
59087: DESMOND, ALICE CURTIS (1897-) - George Washington's Mother. Illustrated with Photos. and with Drawings and Maps by the Author
146675: DESMOND, SHAW (1877-) - Labour, the Giant with the Feet of Clay
127750: DESMOND, SHAW (1877-) - The Soul of Denmark, by Shaw Desmond
120322: DESMOND, ROBERT WILLIAM (1900-) - Tides of War : World News Reporting, 1940-1945 / Robert W. Desmond
44519: DESMOND, ROBERT W. - The Press and World Affairs
194942: DESMOND, ROBERT WILLIAM (1900-) - The press and world affairs
168001: DESMOND, SHAW (1877-) - Labour : the giant with the feet of clay
236506: DESNOIRESTERRES, GUSTAVE - Voltaire et la société au XVIIIe siècle / par Gustave Desnoiresterres. Complete in eight volumes
235781: DESNOIRESTERRES, GUSTAVE LE BRISOYS (1817-1892) - Le Chevalier Dorat et les poEtes lEgers au XVIIIe siEcle / par Gustave Desnoiresterres
280577: IMPR. DESOER - Avis de la Chambre de Commerce de Liège sur le projet de loi relatif à la condition des classes ouvrières et au travail des enfants
243324: DESONAY, FERNAND - Ronsard : poète de l'amour / [Desonay]: Volume I & II (only)
136489: DESONAY, FERNAND - Le Roman Francais D'Aujourd'hui
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