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145172: DESONAY, FERNAND - Le Grand Meaulnes D'Alain-Fournier; Essai De Commentaire Psychologique Et Litteraire
142825: DESONAY, FERNAND - Le Reve Hellenique Chez Les Poetes Parnassiens
272906: DESPARD, L. L. (LOUISA L.) - Textbook of massage and remedial gymnastics
129148: DESPOIS, JEAN - La Tunisie - [Related Titles: Le Tourisme En Tunisie]
205854: DESPOIS, EUGENE (1818-1876) - La vandalisme revolutionnaire : fondations litteraires, scientifiques et artistiques de la Convention / par Eugene Despois
139313: DESROCHE, HENRI - Au Pays Du Kibboutz : Essai Sur Le Secteur Cooperatif Israelien
73032: DESROCHE, HENRI - Jacob and the Angel; an Essay in Sociologies of Religion. Translated by John K. Savacool - [Uniform Title: Sociologies Religieuses. English]
273001: DESROCHES-NOBLECOURT, CHRISTIANE (1913-2011) - Life and death of a pharaoh : Tutankhamen / Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt; with 75 color photographs by F.L. Kenett; preface by Sarwat Okasha; notes on the color plates by A. Shoukry
220496: DESROCHES-NOBLECOURT, CHRISTIANE - Ramses II : an illustrated biography
76889: DESS, G. D - His Vision of Her
54175: DESS, G. D. - His Vision of Her / G. D. Dess
163108: DESSART, CHARLES (ED. ) - Le Pari Congolais
54119: DESSAUER, JOHN P. - International Strategies for American Investors / John P. Dessauer
256897: DESSER, A - The illustrated who's who of the cinema / edited by Ann Lloyd and Graham Fuller ; consultant editor, Arnold Desser
242966: DESSOUKI, ALI E. HILLAL [PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, CAIRO UNIVERSITY] - The Cairo Papers in Social Science: Volume One: Monograph Two: Democracy in Egypt: problems and prospects
204553: NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE PREVENTION OF DESTITUTION (ENGLAND) - The Case for the National Minimum. With preface by Mrs. Sidney Webb
15562: DESTLER, I. M. - Making Foreign Economic Policy
253069: DESTOUCHES, NÉRICAULT (1680-1754) - Oeuvres choisies de Destouches: two volumes in one
234648: DESTOUCHES, ERNST VON - Orlando di Lasso : ein Lebensbild zum dritten Centenarium seines Todestages (14. Juni 1894)
264022: DESTRAY, PAUL - Corporations et métiers de Clamecy à la fin du XVIIIe siècle
193866: DESTREE, JULES (1863-) - Introduction a la vie socialiste
243497: DESTRÉE, JULES - Le droit au loisir : le repos hebdomadaire
131540: DESTREE, JULES - Les Socialistes Et La Guerre Europeenne 1914-1915
166269: DESTREE, JULES. FURNEMONT, LEON. VANDERVELDE, EMILE - La Doctrine Collectiviste a La Chambre Belge: Discours De Jules Destree, De Leon Furnemont Et D'Emile Vandervelde
165207: DESTREE, JULES, (1863-1936) - Les Socialistes Et La Guerre Europeenne 1914-1915 / Par Jules Destree
136061: DESTREE, JULES (1863-1936) - Une Campagne Electorale Au Pays Noir / Jules Destree
165796: DESTREE, JULES (1863-1936) - Une Campagne Electorale Au Pays Noir / Jules Destree
211216: DESTREE, JULES (1863-1936) - Les refectoires scolaires
54105: DESVERNINE, RAOUL EUGENE (1891-) - Democratic Despotism, by Raoul E. Desvernine ...
171637: DESVERNINE, RAOUL EUGENE (1891-?) - Democratic despotism
129056: DETALLE, ANNY - Mythes, Merveilleux Et Legendes Dans La Poesie Francaise / Anny Detalle
109292: DETHLEFSEN, THORWALD - Voices from Other Lives : Reincarnation As a Source of Healing
275698: DETMOLD, EDWARD JULIUS (1883-1957) - The fantastic creatures of Edward Julius Detmold / edited by David Larkin ; introd. by Keith Nicholson
7273: DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS & CARLSON, VICTOR I. - Italian, French, English, and Spanish Drawings and Watercolors : Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries / Introduction by Ellen Sharp ; Essays by Victor Carlson ... [Et Al. ]
164438: CONFERENCE DE MONTREUX CONCERNANT LE REGIME DES DETROITS - Actes De La Conference De Montreux, 22 Juin-20 Juillet 1936. Compte Rendu Des Seances Plenieres Et Proces-Verbal Des Debats Du Comite Technique.
166332: DETROZ, M. - De La Mission Du Bourgmestre En Matiere De Police Rurale (Chapitre Ier, Titre II, Du Code Rural Belge). Discours Prononce Par M. Detroz, Procureur General
148828: DETROZ, M. - Le Nouveau Code Rural Belge
235099: DETTLOFF O. F. M., P. DR. WERNER - Die Lehre von der Acceptatio Divina Dei Johannes Duns Scotus mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Rechtfertigungslehre
86035: DETTRE, ANDREW - How to Play Winning Soccer
102877: DETTRE, ANDREW - How to Play Winning Soccer / Andrew Dettre
46577: DETWILER, DONALD S. - Hitler, Franco Und Gibraltar
34495: DETZER, DAVOD - The Brink : Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
56827: DETZER, DAVID - Thunder of the Captains : the Short Summer in 1950 / David Detzer
80970: DEURESS, ELIZABETH - The Seen and the Unseen
263416: DEUSCH, WERNER RICHARD - Deutsche Malerei des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts : die Malerei der Dürerzeit / [von] Werner R. Deusch. Mit einem Vorwort von F. Winkler
94626: VAN DEUSEN, JOHN GEORGE (1890-) - The Black Man in White America
180577: DEUSSEN, PAUL (1845-1919). GEDEN, ALFRED SHENINGTON (1857-1936) (TR.) - The philosophy of the Upanishads
85007: DEUTCH, YVONNE (ED. ) - Science Against Crime
152489: DEUTCH, YVONNE - The Gentle Needle Arts / Edited by Yvonne Deutch
110729: DEUTCH, YVONNE (ED. ) - The Gentle Needle Arts
221007: DEUTCH, YVONNE - The Gentle needle arts
233423: DEUTINGER, M. - Beispiel-Sammlung aus allen wesentlichen Entwicklungsstufen der Dichtkunst als zweite Abtheilung der Lehre von dem höchsten Einheitspunkte der Künste in der Poesie
49026: DEUTSCH, ARMAND - Me and Bogie - and Other Friends and Acquaintances from a Life in Hollywood and Beyond
261765: DEUTSCH, GOTTHARD (1859-1921) - Scrolls : essays on Jewish history and literature, and kindred subjects
258000: DEUTSCH, JULIUS - Krieg und Frieden Militarpolitische revue
250234: DEUTSCH, HELENE (1884-1982) - The psychology of women : a psychoanalytic interpretation. Vol. 2 Motherhood / Helene Deutsch
189705: DEUTSCH, JULIUS (1884-1968) - Geschichte der deutschsterreichischen Arbeiterbewegung : eine skizze von Julius Deutsch
139148: DEUTSCH, SALLY (ED. ) - All-Star Cast; a Footlight Anthology Edited by Sally Deutsch
59687: DEUTSCH, BABETTE (1895-1982) - In Such a Night
77711: DEUTSCH, MARTIN (1923-) - Social Class, Race, and Psychological Development, Edited by Martin Deutsch, Irwin Katz [And] Arthur R. Jensen
249030: DEUTSCH, HELENE (1884-1982) - The psychology of women : a psychoanalytic interpretation. v.1
242369: DEUTSCH, ANDRÉ. SAVILL, MERVYN - Villon Ballades French and English / edited by Andre Deutsch and Mervyn Savill: French and English
52321: DEUTSCH, SAMUEL AND BALICER, SIMON - How to Prove a Prima Facie Case
76867: DEUTSCH, GOTTHARD (1859-1921) - Scrolls; Essays on Jewish History and Literature, and Kindred Subjects - Volume 2
95395: DEUTSCH, HAROLD CHARLES - The Conspiracy Against Hitler in the Twilight War
100250: DEUTSCH, ARMAND - Me and Bogie : and Other Friends and Acquaintances from a Life in Hollywood and Beyond
233749: DEUTSCHE BANK (1957-). BEYE, PETER. SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE FRANKFURT. BERLINISCHE GALERIE. MUSEUM DER BILDENDEN KÜNSTE (LEIPZIG, GERMANY) - Auf Papier : Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts aus der Deutschen Bank / [herausgegeben von der Deutschen Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main ; Ausstellung und Katalog, Peter Beye ... et al.]
22488: DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AUSWÄRTIGE POLITIK. FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT, FRANKFURT AM MAIN. EDITED BY WOLFGANG HEIDELMEYER - Documents on Berlin, 1943-1963. Selected and Edited by Wolfgang Heidelmeyer and Guenther Hindrichs
95959: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC (1907-1967) - Lenin's Childhood
89209: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC (1907-1967) - RELATED NAME: HALLIDAY, FRED (ED. ) - Russia, China, and the West; a Contemporary Chronicle, 1953-1966
173790: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC (1907-1967) - Lenin's childhood
126407: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC - The Great Contest; Russia and the West
23520: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC - The Great Contest - Russia and the West
113777: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC - The Unfinished Revolution: Russia 1917-1967; the George Macaulay Trevelyan Lectures Delivered in the University of Cambridge, January-March 1967
63935: DEUTSCHER, IRWIN (1923-) - Among the People: Encounters with the Poor, Edited by Irwin Deutscher and Elizabeth J. Thompson
185434: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC (1907-1967) - The unfinished revolution : Russia, 1917-1967 : the George Macaulay Trevelyan lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge, January-March 1967
245896: DEUTSCHER, GUY - Du Jane, ich Goethe: Eine Geschichte der Sprache
39477: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC (1907-1967) - The Great Contest : Russia and the West
52637: DEUTSCHER, IRWIN AND THOMPSON, ELIZABETH J. - Among the People: Encounters with the Poor
194369: DEUTSCHER, ISAAC (1907-1967). TATE, ERNEST. BERTRAND RUSSELL PEACE FOUNDATION - Deutscher on the Chinese cultural revolution
232153: ANTIQUARIATE IN DEUTSCHLAND - Der Sammler auf Reisen : Antiquariate in Deutschland. 1246 Antiquariate in Deutschland
232155: ANTIQUARIATE IN DEUTSCHLAND - Der Sammler auf Reisen. Antiquariate in Deutschland. 1304 Antiquariate in Deutschland
243932: AMT DES AMERIKANISCHEN HOCHKOMMISSARS FUR DEUTSCHLAND - Bericht Uber Deutschland: 6: Des Amerkanischen Hochkommissars Fur Deutschland: 1. Januar - 31. Marz, 1951
172794: VERBANDE DER VEREINE FUR JUDISCHE GESCHICHTE UND LITERATUR IN DEUTSCHLAND - Jahrbuch fur Judische geschichte und literatur : herausgegeben vom Verbande der Vereine für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur in Deutschland
169644: VERBAND DER VEREINE FUR JUDISCHE GESCHICHTE UND LITERATUR IN DEUTSCHLAND. - Jahrbuch fur judische Geschichte und Literatur.[ Jahrbuch fur judische Geschichte ]
169651: VERBAND DER VEREINE FUR JUDISCHE GESCHICHTE UND LITERATUR IN DEUTSCHLAND. - Jahrbuch fur judische Geschichte und Literatur.[ Jahrbuch fur judische Geschichte ]
169648: VERBAND DER VEREINE FUR JUDISCHE GESCHICHTE UND LITERATUR IN DEUTSCHLAND. - Jahrbuch fur judische Geschichte und Literatur.[ Jahrbuch fur judische Geschichte ]
267710: SOZIALDEMOKRATISCHE PARTEI DEUTSCHLANDS - Action Program of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, adopted by the Party Conference at Dortmund, September 28, 1952 and revised by the Party Conference at Berlin, July 24, 1954
252250: DER SOZIALISTISCHEN EINHEITSPARTEI DEUTSCHLANDS - Thema V: Der Grosse Vaterlandische Krieg und die Zerschlagung des Hitlerfaschismus durch die Sowjetarmee
246584: REICHSBUND DER STANDESBEAMTEN DEUTSCHLANDS - Hausbuch für die deutsche Familie
243728: SOZIALISTISCHE EINHEITSPARTEI DEUTSCHLANDS - Lehrmaterialien für Parteischulen, Fernunterricht und Selbststudium : Kursus Politische Ökonomie
146679: KOMMUNISTISCHE PARTEI DEUTSCHLANDS - The Karlsruhe Trial for Banning the Communist Party of Germany
198042: SOZIALISTISCHE EINHEITSPARTEI DEUTSCHLANDS [EAST GERMAN COMMUNIST PARTY] - Einheit : Zeitschrift fur Theorie und Praxis des wissenschaftlichen Sozialismus / Herausgegeben vom Zentralkomitee der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands [10 volumes, 1949-1953]
97106: DEUTSCHLE, PHIL - The Two Year Mountain / Phil Deutschle
133437: DEUTSCHMANN, O. R. GROSSMANN. H. PETRICIONI. H. TIEMAN (EDS. ) - Romanistisches Jahrbuch; I. Band 1947-48
161058: DEVA, NARENDRA (1889-1956). MEHERALLY, YUSUF (ED. ) - Socialism and the National Revolution; Ed. by Yusuf Meherally
25957: DEVA, JAYA - Japan's Kampf
244058: DEVADDER, JAN - Rooted in history : the life and times of T.J. Ryken, founder of the Xaverian Brothers / J. Devadder: Volume II: The Test
264396: DEVALDÈS, MANUEL( 1875-1956) - Les Raisons de mon insoumission
220990: DEVAMBEZ, PIERRE - Great Sculpture of Ancient Egypt / Kazimierz Michalowski ; [Translated by Halina Tunikowska]
221083: DEVAMBEZ, PIERRE - Great Sculpture of Ancient Greece / Translated by Halina Tunikowska
139069: DEVANANDAN, PAUL DAVID. THOMAS, M. M. (EDS. ) - Communism and the Social Revolution in India / a Christian Interpretation ; Edited by P. D. Devanandan & M. M. Thomas
115540: DEVANNY, JEAN - Travels in North Queensland
256266: DEVAS, NICOLETTE (1911-1987) - Susannah's nightingales / [by] Nicolette Devas
192907: DEVAS, CHARLES S. (CHARLES STANTON), (1848-1906) - Socialism
132192: DEVAS, CHARLES STANTON - Political Economy
193347: DEVAUX, PHILIPPE (1902-?) - Lotze et son influence sur la philosophie anglo-saxonne / contribution a l'etude historique et critique de la notion de valeur
131648: DEVAUX, PAUL - Du Suffrage Universel : Et De L'Abaissement Du Cens Electoral / Par Paul Devaux
148425: DEVAUX, PAUL - Du Suffrage Universel : Et De L'Abaissement Du Cens Electoral / Par Paul Devaux
184438: DEVAUX, PAUL (1801-1880) - Quelques reflexions politiques au sujet de la reorganisation de l'Armee / par un ancien membre du Congres National de 1830
204435: DEVECCHI, CESARE MARIA - Relazione sul progetto di Bilancio della Somalia Italiana per l'esercizio finanziaro 1925-1926 :
176039: DEVECCHI, CESARE MARIA - Relazione sul progetto di bilancio della Somalia italiana per l'esercizio finanziario 1925-26
66356: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT - The Developing Individual in a Changing World / Edited by Klaus F. Riegel and John A. Meacham - Vols. I & II In Two Volumes
187280: INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT - The economic development of Jamaica : report by a mission of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
62831: ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Reviews of National Science Policy. United States
53375: ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT - The Future of European Passenger Transport : Final Report on the OECD Study on European Intercity Passenger Transport Requirements
98919: COUNCIL ON WORLD TENSIONS - RELATED NAME: CONFERENCE ON TENSIONS IN DEVELOPMENT (1961 : OXFORD UNIVERSITY) - Restless Nations; a Study of World Tensions and Development. Foreword by Lester B. Pearson
90507: CONFERENCE ON TENSIONS IN DEVELOPMENT (1961 : OXFORD UNIVERSITY) - Restless Nations; a Study of World Tensions and Development. Foreword by Lester B. Pearson
147097: INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT - The Economic Development of Spain / Report of a Mission Organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development At the Request of the Government of Spain
174388: COMMITTEE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (UNITED STATES) - Providing for unemployed workers in the transition
212975: ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Low incomes in agriculture : problems and policies
170622: INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT - The economic development of Nigeria / report of a mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the request of the Governments of Nigeria and the United Kingdom
137726: UGANDA. MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - Work for Progress : Uganda's Second Five-Year Plan, 1966-1971
152296: COMMITTEE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Regional Integration and the Trade of Latin America
208682: ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Trained manpower for tomorrow's agriculture. A report on pilot studies in France and Sweden on projecting future needs for people with agricultural training and on planning the educational investment required to meet those needs.
250069: KORDA DEVELOPMENTS - Advanced Rig Book
176159: OCDE ENSEIGNMENT ET DEVELOPPEMENT - Rapport Par Pays: Le Projet Regional Mediterraneen
53988: DEVERDUN, ALFRED LOUIS - The True Mexico, Mexico-Tenochtitlan, by Alfred Louis Deverdun ... Illustrated with a Water Color by the Author, Two Drawings, and Thirty-Four Photographs
93569: DEVEREUX, GEORGE - A Study of Abortion in Primitive Societies : a Typological, Distributional, and Dynamic Analysis of the Prevention of Birth in 400 Preindustrial Societies
138243: DEVEREUX, GEORGE - A Study of Abortion in Primitive Societies; a Typological, Distributional, and Dynamic Analysis of the Prevention of Birth in 400 Preindustrial Societies
251624: DEVERSON, H. J - The story of bread
71583: DEVEY, LOUISA - Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton, with Numerous Extracts from Her Ms. Autobiography and Other Original Documents, Published in Vindication of Her Memory. by Louisa Devey ...
280477: DEVILLE, GABRIEL - L'évolution du capital. 4, Machinisme et grande industrie
166710: DEVILLE, GABRIEL - L'Evolution Du Capital III ; Cooperation Et Manufacture / Par Gabriel Deville
257982: DEVILLE, GABRIEL - L'Evolution du capital
272787: DEVILLERS, MARCEAU - Errol Flynn : 1909-1959
158158: DEVINE, THOMAS MARTIN - Scotland's Empire and the shaping of the Americas, 1600-1815
153520: DEVINE, EDWARD THOMAS (1867-1948). BRANDT, LILIAN (1873-) - Disabled Soldiers and Sailors Pensions and Training
192383: DEVINE, HENRY C. - People's country co-operative banks
124917: DEVINE, JEREMY M. - Vietnam At 24 Frames a Second : a Critical and Thematic Analysis of over 400 Films about the Vietnam War
129522: DEVINE, EDWARD THOMAS (1867-1948) - Efficiency and Relief : a Programme of Social Work
127597: DEVINE, MINOS (1871-1937) - Ecclesiastes, Or, the Confessions of an Adventurous Soul : a Practical Application of the Book of Koheleth Called 'Ecclesiastes'
94460: DEVINE, GEORGE - The Psychology of Everyman; Nerves and the Masses
195952: DEVINE, MINOS (1871-1937) - The story of Job : a sympathetic study of the book of Job in the light of history and literature
260665: RICHARD OF DEVIZES - Chronicles of the Crusades : being contemporary narratives of the crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion
219191: G. SIMPSON; DEVIZES - Wiltshire notes and queries : an illustrated quarterly antiquarian and genealogical magazine [1 vol]
219188: G. SIMPSON; DEVIZES - Wiltshire notes and queries : an illustrated quarterly antiquarian and genealogical magazine [5 vols]
277558: DEVLIN, D. D. (DAVID DOUGLAS) - Wordsworth and the poetry of epitaphs
275986: DEVLIN, LUCINDA - The Omega suites / Lucinda Devlin ; edited by Susanne Breidenbach ; introduction, Barbara Rose
255724: DEVLIN, PADDY - Yes we have no bananas : outdoor relief in Belfast 1920-39 / Paddy Devlin
255722: DEVLIN, PADDY - The fall of the N. I. Executive
107221: DEVLIN, GERARD M. - Paratrooper! The Saga of U. S. Army and Marine Parachute and Glider Combat Troops During World War II
107664: DEVLIN, JOHN C. GRACE NAISMITH. ROGER TORY PETERSON (ILL. ) - The World of Roger Tory Peterson : an Authorized Biography
278701: DEVLIN, DENYSE - The catalpa tree - proof copy
196050: DEVLIN, J. DANIEL - Criminal courts and procedure
263825: DEVLIN, GERARD M - Paratrooper! : the saga of parachute and glider combat troops during World War II / Gerard M. Devlin ; foreword by William P. Yarborough
65186: DEVOL, KENNETH S. (COMP. ) - Mass Media and the Supreme Court : the Legacy of the Warren Years / Edited, with Commentaries and Special Notes by Kenneth S. Devol
163121: DEVONS, ELY - An Introduction to British Economic Statistics
196547: DEVONS, ELY - An introduction to British economic statistics
71834: DEVONSHIRE, WILLIAM CAVENDISH, DUKE OF (1720-1764) - Memoranda on State of Affairs, 1759-1762 : the Devonshire Diary / William Cavendish, Fourth Duke of Devonshire ; Edited by Peter D. Brown and Karl W. Schweizer
275469: DEVONSHIRE, DEBORAH VIVIEN FREEMAN-MITFORD CAVENDISH DUCHESS OF (1920-2014) - Chatsworth : the home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire
275259: DEVONSHIRE, WILLIAM CAVENDISH DUKE OF (1720-1764) - Memoranda on state of affairs, 1759-1762 : the Devonshire diary / William Cavendish, fourth Duke of Devonshire ; edited by Peter D. Brown and Karl W. Schweizer
275092: DEVONSHIRE, WILLIAM CAVENDISH DUKE OF (1720-1764) - Memoranda on state of affairs, 1759-1762 : the Devonshire diary / William Cavendish, fourth Duke of Devonshire ; edited by Peter D. Brown and Karl W. Schweizer
270211: DEVONSHIRE, DEBORAH VIVIEN FREEMAN-MITFORD CAVENDISH DUCHESS OF (1920-2014) - Counting my chickens... : and other home thoughts
270215: DEVONSHIRE, DEBORAH VIVIEN FREEMAN-MITFORD CAVENDISH - Wait for me! : memoirs of the youngest Mitford sister / Deborah Devonshire
265797: DEVONSHIRE, DEBORAH VIVIEN FREEMAN-MITFORD CAVENDISH - Wait for me! : memoirs of the youngest Mitford sister / Deborah Devonshire
250329: DEVONSHIRE, DEBORAH VIVIEN FREEMAN-MITFORD CAVENDISH (1920-2014) - All in one basket : nest eggs / Deborah Devonshire
247583: DEVONSHIRE, DEBORAH VIVIEN FREEMAN-MITFORD CAVENDISH DUCHESS OF 1920-2014 - Counting my chickens... : and other home thoughts
223706: DEVONSHIRE, WILLIAM CAVENDISH DUKE OF (1720-1764) - The Devonshire diary : memoranda on state of affairs, 1759-1762 / William Cavendish, fourth Duke of Devonshire ; edited by Peter D. Brown and Karl W. Schweizer
280966: DEVONSHIRE, R. L. MRS. (1864-1949) - Rambles in Cairo
213758: DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND ART - Report and transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art : Vol. LXXXIV / edited by Percy Russell
212531: DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND ART - The Devonshire Association for the advancement of science, literature and art : Report and transactions vol. 85 (Plymouth) / edited by Percy Russell
128288: DEVONSHIRE, WILLIAM CAVENDISH, DUKE OF (1720-1764). PETER D. BROWN (ED. ). KARL W. SCHWEIZER (ED. ) - The Devonshire Diary / Will[I]am Cavendish, Fourth Duke of Devonshire, Memoranda on State of Affairs, 1759-1762 ; Edited by Peter D. Brown and Karl W. Schweizer
40773: DEVOR, HOLLY - Gender Blending : Confronting the Limits of Duality / Holly Devor
105043: DEVORE, SALLY, THELMA WHITE - Dinner's Ready! : an Invitation to Better Nutrition from 9 Healthier Cultures
98748: CATHOLIC CHURCH --PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS - Diario Spirituale : Che Comprende Una Scelta Di Detti E Di Fatti De'santi, O Di Altre Persone Di Singolare Virtu : Adattati Ad Incitare Le Anime All'acquisto Della Perfezione, Ed I Loro Direttori a Condurvele
190326: DEVRIES, SIMON JOHN - Yesterday, today and tomorrow : time and history in the Old Testament
157933: DEVRIES, JULIAN (1904-) - The Campfire Girls Flying around the Globe
161531: DEVRIES, PETER - Into Your Tent I'Ll Creep
157925: DEVRIES, JULIANNE - The Campfire Girls on Caliban Island
94933: DEW, CHARLES B - Bond of Iron : Master and Slave At Buffalo Forge
90488: DEW, CHARLES B. - Bond of Iron : Master and Slave At Buffalo Forge
238106: DEW, JOAN [AUTHOR] - Singers & sweethearts : the women of country music
231891: DEWALL, WOLF VON - Die Insel der heiligen : Eindrucke aus Irland
270029: DEWAR, GEORGE A. B. (GEORGE ALBEMARLE BERTIE) - Wild life in Hampshire highlands
133460: DEWAR, DIANA - Orphans of the Living: a Study of Bastardy
183984: DEWAR, MARGARET - Soviet trade with Eastern Europe, 1945-1949 / Margaret Dewar
263947: DEWAR, K.G.B - The Navy from within
149017: DEWAR, LINDSAY. CYRIL E. HUDSON - A Manual of Pastoral Psychology
133271: DEWAR, HUGO - Communist Politics in Britain : the CPGB from its Origins to the Second World War / Hugo Dewar
227921: DEWAR, GEORGE ALBEMARLE BERTIE (1862-1934) - The south country trout streams
227930: DEWAR, GEORGE ALBEMARLE BERTIE (1862-1934) - The book of the dry fly
42823: DEWAR, DUNCAN - Duncan Dewar : a student of St. Andrews 100 years ago, his accounts / with a commentary by the late Sir Peter Redford Scott Lang
199181: DEWAR, DOUGLAS (1875-?); DAGLISH, ERIC FITCH (1892-1966) [ILLUS.] - Game birds
111892: DEWEERD, HARVEY A. (HARVEY ARTHUR) - Great Soldiers of the Second World War, by Major H. A. De Weerd; Maps by Liam Dunne
101205: DEWEERD, HARVEY A. (HARVEY ARTHUR) - Great Soldiers of the Second World War
77864: DEWEESE, GENE - Black Suits from Outer Space
224991: DEWES, SIMON - Piccadilly pageant
64071: DEWEY, GEORGE (1837-1917) - Autobiography of George Dewey, Admiral of the Navy
120680: DEWEY, THOMAS E. (1902-1971) - Journey to the Far Pacific
58043: DEWEY, D. M. - Hand Book of Church Terms, Being a Pocket Dictionary, or Brief Explanation of Words in Common Use...
46257: DEWEY, RICHARD (1845-1933) - Recollections of Richard Dewey, Pioneer in American Psychiatry; an Unfinished Autobiography with an Introduction by Clarence B. Farrar ... Edited by Ethel L. Dewey
121548: DEWEY, RICHARD (1845-1933). DEWEY, ETHEL L. (ETHEL LILLIAN) - Recollections of Richard Dewey, Pioneer in American Psychiatry; an Unfinished Autobiography with an Introduction by Clarence B. Farrar ... Edited by Ethel L. Dewey
38837: DEWEY, JOHN (1859-1952) - Individualism, Old and New
159012: DEWEY, THOMAS EDMUND (1902-1971) - Journey to the Far Pacific
212363: DEWEY, STODDARD - Four French adventurers (from the Causes celebres)
37482: DEWHURST, EILEEN - Whoever I Am / Eileen Dewhurst
237919: DEWHURST, KENNETH (EDITOR) - Oxford medicine : essays on the evolution of the Oxford Clinical School to commemorate the bicentenary of the Radcliffe Infirmary, 1770-1970
252486: DEWHURST, KENNETH EASTHAM - Dr. Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689) : his life and original writings / Kenneth Dewhurst
250446: DEWHURST, KENNETH EASTHAM - The quicksilver doctor : the life and times of Thomas Dover, physician and adventurer
90663: DEWHURST, CLAUDE HECTOR - Close Contact
128081: DEWHURST, CLAUDE HECTOR - Close Contact
33824: DEWHURST, C. H. - Close Contact - with the Soviets in Eastern Germany
225733: DEWINT, PETER 1784-1849 - Drawings & watercolours
206044: DEWINT, PETER (1784-1849) - Drawings & watercolours
160396: DEWITT, JAMES - In Pursuit of the Spanish Galleon
50196: DEWOLFE HOWE, M. A. - American Bookmen - Sketches, Chiefly Biographical, of Certain Writers of the Nineteenth Century
103009: DEWULF NICKELL, KAROL (ED. ) - Traditional Home
178087: DEXEUS, VICTORIA COMBALIA - Tapies / Victoria Combalia Dexeus
160885: DEXINGER, FERDINAND. PUMMER, REINHARD - Die Samaritaner / Herausgegeben Von Ferdinand Dexinger Und Reinhard Pummer
157417: DEXINGER, FERDINAND - Das Buch Daniel Und Seine Probleme
275749: DEXTER, COLIN - The daughters of Cain / Colin Dexter
275750: DEXTER, COLIN - Morse's greatest mystery and other stories
239916: DEXTER, TED (1935-); LEMMON, DAVID - A walk to the wicket / Ted Dexter & David Lemmon
227491: DEXTER, COLIN (1930-) - The daughters of Cain
227486: DEXTER, COLIN (1930-) - The way through the woods
185622: DEXTER, COLIN - The daughters of Cain
180640: DEXTER, GARY - Title deeds : how 50 books got their name
177650: DEXTER, PETE (1943- ) - Train : a novel / Pete Dexter
178562: DEXTER (PSEUD.) - Will you be left?
142956: DEXTER, PSEUD. - Will You be Left?
142595: DEXTER, WILL. BONGO, ALI - Magic Circle Magic : a Tribute to the Memory of George Davenport and Lewis Davenport / Institued by the Council of the Magic Circle ; Editor: Will Dexter ; Art Editor: Ali Congo
133267: DEXTER, PSEUD. - Will You be Left? By 'Dexter. '
162793: DEXTER, LEWIS ANTHONY. WHITE, DAVID MANNING - People, Society, and Mass Communications / Lewis Anthony Dexter and David Manning White, Editors
176645: DEY, S. K. (SURENDRA KUMAR) - Cooperative farming : the theory and practice of a scheme being tried in a Bengal District (Nadia)
53906: DEYDIER, CHRISTIAN - Chinese Bronzes / Christian Deydier ; Foreword by Michel Beurdeley ; Translated by Janet Seligman
97108: DEYNEKA, ANITA - A Song in Siberia / Anita and Peter Deyneka
218682: DEYWIS, MOSEH - Yahadut 'Ameriqah be-hitpathutah : toledot ha-'askolah ha-historit ba-me'ah ha-tesa-es´reh [Language: Hebrew]
222838: DEZALLIER D'ARGENVILLE, ANTOINE NICOLAS (D. 1794) - Voyage pittoresque des environs de Paris : ou description des maisons royales, chateaux & autres lieux de plaisance, situes a quinze lieues aux environs de cette ville. / Par M. D***
260289: DU DÉZEN, E DELAUNEY - Hoffmann. Le Vieux Magister. Adaptation, par Delauney Du Dézen
39517: DEZSO, SZOMORY (1869-1944) - A Parizsi Regeny
208075: DGPH (FIRM) - Space Cadet Topo : the day the sun turned off
229864: DHAINAUT, MME. GALERIE GEORGES PETIT - Collection de Madame Dhainaut. Tableaux modernes ... dont la vente aux encheres publiques aura lieu Galerie Georges Petit ... le lundi 19 mai 1924, a deux heures. Commissaire-priseur: Me. F. Lair- Dubreuil
274257: DHANENS, ELISABETH - Hubert and Jan van Eyck / Elisabeth Dhanens
232749: DHANIT YUPHO (1907-). MORTON, DAVID - Thai musical instruments
89661: DHAVAN, RAJEEV AND DAVIES, CHRISTIE (EDS. ) - Censorship and Obscenity / Edited by Rajeev Dhavan and Christie Davies
105728: DHEER, SUDARSHAN - The World of Symbols/logos & Trademarks : India / Sudarshan Dheer
140800: DIA, MAMADOU - The African Nations and World Solidarity / Mamadou Dia ; Translated from the French by Mercer Cook
172799: DIA, MAMADOU - L' economie africaine : etudes et problemes nouveaux
216782: DIAKOV, V. A. - Osvoboditel'noye dvizheniye v Rossii, 1825-1861 gg. [The liberation movement in Russia, 1825-1861. Language: Russian]
50507: DIAL, THORNTON - Thornton Dial : Image of the Tiger / Essays by Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones) , Thomas McEvilley ; Notes on the Works by Paul Arnett and William Arnett ; Foreword by Gerard C. Wertkin ; Afterword by Henry Pillsbury Catalog of an Exhibitions Held At the Museum of American Folk Art, New York, and the American Center, Paris
15041: GUIDES DIAMANT - Chartres Rambouillet, Maintenon, Dreux, Nogent-Le-Rotrou Chateaudun
77030: DIAMANT, GERTRUDE (1901-) - The Days of Ofelia, Illustrated by John O'Hara Cosgrave II
240246: DIAMANT, RUDOLPH MAXIMILIAN EUGEN (1925-) - Industrialised building : 50 international methods / R.M.E. Diamant in collaboration with The Architect & Building News
67531: DIAMANT, GERTRUDE (1901-) - The Days of Ofelia, Illustrated by John O'Hara Cosgrave II
64951: DIAMOND, EDWIN - The Tin Kazoo : Politics, Television, and the News / Edwin Diamond
64135: DIAMOND, JAMES S. - Homeland or Holy Land? : the 'Canaanite' Critique of Israel / James S. Diamond
48202: DIAMOND, EDWIN - The Media Show - the Changing Face of the News, 1985-1990
39467: DIAMOND, IRENE (1947-) - Sex Roles in the State House / Irene Diamond
266656: DIAMOND, CLAUDE - Why socialism cannot come and remain
207412: DIAMOND, SARAH (1976- ) - Remember me / Sarah Diamond
170884: DIAMOND, HANNA (1962- ) - Fleeing Hitler : France 1940
215347: DIAMOND, SARAH (1976- ) - The beach road
10107: DIAMOND, SOLOMON - Inhibition and Choice; a Neurobehavioral Approach to Problems of Plasticity in Behavior [By] Solomon Diamond, Richard S. Balvin [And] Florence Rand Diamond. [Under the Editorship of Gardner Murphy]
238924: DIAMOND, NEIL. CBS RECORDS - Neil Diamond. SIGNED photograph
36746: DIAMONSTEIN, BARBARALEE - New Uses, Old Places - Remaking America
66445: DIAMONSTEIN, BARBARALEE - Interior Design, the New Freedom / Barbaralee Diamonstein ; Ward Bennett ... [Et Al. ]
118716: DIANA, ANTONINUS - R. P. D. Diana Panormitani, Clerici Regularis, Et Sancti. Officij in Regni Sicilia Consultoris, Resolutiones Morales in Tres Partes Dictribute [Bound with Part 4 and Includes Resolutionum Moralium Pars Quinta - Lacking the Final Tract and Some of Tract 9]
136709: DIARIST (PSEUD. ) - Sunday Times Diary of the War
170077: DIARIST - The eight 6 months
76901: THE TIMES DIARY - More Signs of the Times : a Further Selection of Comic Signs from 'the Times Diary' - ['Times, The'. ]
217848: DIAS, KHOZE - Tesneye Splotit' ryady narodnogo fronta razgromit' myatezhnikov i interventov [Uniting the ranks of the Popular Front to defeat the rebels and interventionists. Language: Russian]
243997: UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. FOUNDATION CONFERENCE OF THE WORLD UNION FOR JEWISH EDUCATION IN THE DIASPORA - Jewish Education in the Diaspora: addresses and resolutions at the foundation conference of the world union for Jewish Education in the Diaspora: July-August 1947
261793: DÍAZ DEL CASTILLO, BERNAL, (1496-1584.) - The true history of the conquest of Mexico / written in the year 1568 by Capitan Bernal Diaz del Castillo... and translated from the original Spanish by Maurice Keatinge ; with an introduction by Arthur D. Howden Smith - vol. 1
173187: DIAZ, TOM. NEWMAN, BARBARA (1939-) - Lightning out of Lebanon : Hezbollah terrorists on American soil / Tom Diaz and Barbara Newman
227924: DÍAZ-CAÑABATE, ANTONIO - The magic world of the bullfighter / Introd. by John Marks. Translated by R. H. Stevens
255750: DIB, GEORGE. JABBER, FUAD. - Israel's violation of human rights in the occupied territories : a documented report
222356: DIBB, JOHN R. - Field book of beetles : with keys to general and species arranged according to habitat and 182 illustrations
145414: DIBBLEE, GEORGE BINNEY (1868-) - The Psychological Theory of Value
145411: DIBBLEE, GEORGE BINNEY (1868-) - The Psychological Theory of Value
276878: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - Dead lagoon
262424: DIBDIN, THOMAS FROGNALL (1776-1847) - Reminiscences of a literary life; with anecdotes of books and of book collectors - vol. 2
183531: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - Blood rain / Michael Dibdin
183526: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - And then you die / Michael Dibdin
182964: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - A long finish / Michael Dibdin
177644: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - A long finish
154924: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - End Games : an Aurelio Zen mystery
278188: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - A long finish
76918: DIBDIN, THOMAS (1771-1841) - The Reminiscences of Thomas Dibdin, of the Theatres Royal, Covent-Garden, Drury-Lane, Haymarket, & C. , and Author of the Cabinet, &c. ... - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
64825: DIBDIN, THOMAS FROGNALL (1776-1847) - The Library Companion; Or, the Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin ...
7981: DIBDIN, THOMAS - The Library Companion; Or, the Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin
20800: DIBDIN, THOMAS JOHN (1771-1841) - Don Giovanni : Or, a Spectre on Horseback! A Comic, Heroic, Operatic, Pantomimic, Burletta-Spectacular Extravaganza in Two Acts As Performed At the Royal Circus and Surrey Theatre...the Action and Dance under the Direction of Mr. Bologna and Mr. Giroux Bound with His Vicar of Wakefield, Heart of Midlothian, Ivanhoe, and the Pirate
218381: DIBDIN, THOMAS (1771-1841) - The London theatre : a collection of the most celebrated dramatic pieces / correctly given, from copies used in the theatre by Thomas Dibdin [complete 26 volumes bound in 13]
210741: DIBDIN, EDWARD RIMBAULT (1853-1941) - Raeburn
278628: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - Dirty tricks
232316: DIBELIUS, ULRICH - Moderne Musik II: 1965-1985
232317: DIBELIUS, ULRICH - Moderne Musik / 1. (1945-1965)
189971: DIBELIUS, MARTIN (1883-1947) - Paul / Martin Dibelius, edited and completed by Werner Georg Kummel, translated from the German by Frank Clarke
234554: DIBELIUS, ULRICH - Musik auf der Flucht vor sich selbst. Acht Aufsatze. Herausgegeben von Ulrich Dibelius
134848: DIBELIUS, MARTIN (1883-1947) - Der Brief Des Jakobus / Erklart Von Martin Dibelius
161709: DIBELIUS, MARTIN (1883-1947) - Die Kolosser, Epheser, an Philemon / Erklart Von D. Dr. Martin Dibelius
71096: DIBELIUS, MARTIN (1883-1947) - Die Pastoralbriefe / Erklart Von D. Dr. Martin Dibelius
205767: DIBELIUS, MARTIN (1883-1947) - Der Brief des Jakobus / erklart von Martin Dibelius
210726: DIBELIUS, MARTIN (1883-1947) - Die Reden der Apostelgeschichte und die antike Geschichtsschreibung / von Martin Dibelius
229319: DIBNER, BERN - Leonardo da Vinci, machines and weaponry
158623: DIBNER, BERN - Moving the Obelisks; a Chapter in Engineering History in Which the Vatican Obelisk in Rome in 1586 Was Moved by Muscle Power, and a Study of More Recent Similar Moves
58186: DIBNER, BERN - Leonardo Da Vinci : Machines and Weaponry
230254: DIBNER, BERN - Ten founding fathers of the electrical science
230257: DIBNER, BERN - The Victoria and the Triton / Bern Dibner
230258: DIBNER, BERN - Luigi Galvani : an expanded version of a biography prepared for the forthcoming edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, with a supplement reproducing three of the four original drawings illustrating the 1791 edition of De viribus electricitatis
230260: DIBNER, BERN - The new rays of Professor Röntgen / Bern Dibner
158622: DIBNER, BERN - Agricola on Metals
158625: DIBNER, BERN - The Victoria and the Triton / Bern Dibner
135739: DIBON, PAUL - Inventaire De La Correspondance D'Andre Rivet (1595-1650) / Par Paul Dibon Avec La Collaboration D'E. Estourgie Et De H. Bots
263572: DICCONSON, EDWARD - L'état de la France, contenant tous les princes, ducs & pairs, & marêchaux de France: les evêques, les juridictions du roïaume ; les gouverneurs des provinces ; les chevaliers des trois ordres du roy, &c. Les noms des officiers de la Maison du Roy, leurs gages & priviléges, & ceux de Monseigneur le Dauphin, de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne, de Madame la Duchesse de Bourgogne, de Monsieur le Duc de Berry, de Madame, de Monsieurle Duc d'Orléans, & de Madame la Duchesse d'Orléans. Suivant les Etats portez à la Cour des Aides - vol. 1
254790: DICEY, EDWARD (1832-1911) - Cavour : a memoir
244190: DICEY, EDWARD (1832-1911) - The Schleswig-Holstein War
244467: DICEY, ALBERT VENN (1835-1922) - England's case against home rule
104987: DICEY, EDWARD (1832-1911) - Spectator of America. Edited with an Introd. by Herbert Mitgang
86651: DICK, BERNARD F. - Anatomy of Film / Bernard F. Dick
220070: DICK, BERNARD F. - Anatomy of Film / Bernard F. Dick
215721: DICK, PHILIP K. - The exegesis of Philip K. Dick / edited by Pamela Jackson and Jonathan Lethem ; Erik Davis, annotations editor
163573: DICK, EVERETT NEWFON (1898- ) - The Lure of the Land; a Social History of the Public Lands from the Articles of Confederation to the New Deal [By] Everett Dick
14622: DICK, JAMES C. - Violence and Oppression / James C. Dick
225011: DICK, STEWART (1874-) - Our favourite painters
217201: DICK, KARL (1873-) - Der schriftstellerische Plural bei Paulus
251469: DICK, FRANCIS - Nerve
11624: DICK-READ, ROBERT - Sanamu; Adventures in Search of African Art
138512: DICK, THOMAS (1774-1857) - On the Improvement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge, Or, an Illustration of the Advantages Which Would Result from a More General Dissemination of Rational and Scientific Information Among all Ranks : Illustrated with Engravings
221777: DICK MR., PSEUD. - James Ingleton : the history of a social state. A.D. 2000
225146: DICK, STEWART - Master painters : being pages from the romance of art
263208: DICK, THOMAS (1774-1857) - The Christian philosopher, or, The connection of science and philosophy with religion
249134: DICKENS, CHARLES - David Copperfield the Younger - Vol 1
248447: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The letters of Charles Dickens. Vol.3 1836 to 1870 / edited by his sister-in-law and his eldest daughter
98034: DICKENS, HOMER - The Films of Katharine Hepburn
86151: DICKENS, HOMER - RELATED NAME: VERMILYE, JERRY - The Complete Films of Marlene Dietrich
277455: DICKENS, CHARLES - American notes, ill. by Arthur A. Dixon
276839: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The posthumous papers of the Pickwick club - complete in 2 volumes
275325: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Pictures from Italy ... The vignette illustrations on wood, by Samuel Palmer
274422: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Barnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of 'eighty
274383: DICKENS, MONICA (1915-1992) - One pair of feet / Monica Dickens
274322: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens
273377: DICKENS, CHARLES (1719-1793). BARNARD, F. [ILLUS.]. BARNARD, J. [ILLUS.]. FORSTER, JOHN. MAHONEY, J ET AL - The Collected Works of Charles Dickens: in 16 volumes
273177: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The mystery of Edwin Drood / Charles Dickens
272586: DICKENS, A. G. (ARTHUR GEOFFREY) (1910-2001) - The German nation and Martin Luther / [by] A. G. Dickens
271866: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Christmas books / Charles Dickens ; edited with an introduction by Ruth Glancy
270798: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
269879: DICKENS, CHARLES - The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club by Charles Dickens ; introd. by Christopher Hibbert ; drawings by Charles Keeping.
269732: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Dickens' London : essays / [by Charles Dickens] ; selected and introduced by Rosalind Vallance ; engravings by George Cruikshank
269418: DICKENS, CHARLES - Vignettes of country life from Charles Dickens
269128: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - A Dickens anthology / [edited] by H. Pluckrose & F. Peacock ; illustrations by Bridget Jackson
267208: DICKENS, CHARLES - The posthumous papers of The Pickwick Club
266648: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The selected letters of Charles Dickens / edited by Jenny Hartley
266203: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dombey and Son: four volumes in one: illustrated from designs by Darley and Gilbert
265858: DICKENS, MONICA (1915-1992) - Flowers on the grass / Monica Dickens
265839: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club by Charles Dickens: with forty-three illustrations, by R. Seymour and Phiz
261076: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The complete works of Charles Dickens: Pictures from Italy and American notes
260825: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - A Christmas carol : In prose. Being a ghost story of Christmas
260648: DICKENS, CHARLES - David Copperfield - vol. 1
260588: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The works of Charles Dickens
260266: DICKENS, CHARLES - The adventures of Oliver Twist
259633: DICKENS, CHARLES - The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
259410: DICKENS, CHARLES - Nell and her grandfather : told from Charles Dickens's 'the old curiosity shop'
258071: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Barnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of 'eighty
258014: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Complete works / Charles Dickens - 14 Volumes
98030: DICKENS, HOMER - The Complete Films of James Cagney
256264: DICKENS, CHARLES - Oliver Twist II : A Tale of Two Cities
248690: DICKENS, HOMER - Films of James Cagney
226437: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The selected letters of Charles Dickens / edited by Jenny Hartley
262222: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Works of Charles Dickens: Barnaby Rudge. Sketches. -Part 2
214815: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Four Complete Novels: Great Expectations; Hard Times; A Christmas Carol; A Tale of Two Cities
177368: DICKENS, CHARLES - Reprinted pieces
256926: DICKENS, CHARLES - Charles Dickens Anthology
276152: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). MULTIPLE ILLUSTRATORS - Collected Works of Charles Dickens: 13 volumes
253708: DICKENS, CHARLES - Household words : [a weekly journal] - 12 volumes
253164: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Barnaby Rudge - a tale of the riots of eighty
253161: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The mystery of Edwin Drood : and, Master Humphrey's clock
253162: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Christmas Books
253081: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dickens' works - 24 volumes
253007: DICKENS, CHARLES - The works of Charles Dickens - 10 volumes
218931: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The works of Charles Dickens. [17 works in 13 volumes : illustrated by Fred Barnard, James Mahoney, E. G. Dalziel, F. A. Fraser, C. Green and Hablot Knight Browne]
252873: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The uncommercial traveller
252855: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Barnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of '80
262262: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Works of Charles Dickens: Nicholas Nickleby
252793: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Nicholas Nickleby
252761: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dombey and son
262056: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - A Child's History of England
281023: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dealings with the firm of Dombey and Son: wholesale, retail and for exportation by Charles Dickens: three volumes: number I, VI, XVI
227135: THE KENT OF DICKENS - Dexter, Walter (1877-1944)
225244: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT (1815-1882) - The personal history of David Copperfield
225248: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT (1815-1882) - The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
251630: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - A Christmas carol : in prose, being a ghost story for Christmas
193967: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). CLARK, J. CLAYTON (ILLUS.) - Some Well-Known Characters from the Works of Charles Dickens. Illustrated by J. Clayton Clark. [Selections, with plates.]
251207: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - David Copperfield ... With an introduction by Norman Collins
251203: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Hard times : Hunted down ; Holiday romance ; George Silverman's explanation
251133: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The old curiosity shop / Charles Dickens ; with an introduction by R. Brimley Johnson
65560: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - La Vivo De Nia Sinjoro Jesuo / Verkita De Charles Dickens Speciale Por Siaj Infanoj ; Tradukita De Montagu C. Butler - [Uniform Title: Life of Our Lord. Esperanto]
250739: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Barnaby Rudge: in three volumes
214797: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). ROSS, GORDON (ILLUS.) - The posthumous papers of the Pickwick club.
220004: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) ; (BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT, 1815-1882., ILLUS.) - Little Dorrit
258072: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Christmas books : and Hard times
270822: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT (1815-1882) - Bleak House ... With illustrations by H.K. Browne [Phiz]
224996: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
102968: DICKENS, CHARLES - Mr Pickwick. (Pages from the Pickwick Papers) . Illustr. by F. Reynolds
81009: DICKENS, HOMER - The Films of James Cagney
63966: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Les Grandes Esperances. Traduit De L'Anglais P. Leyris
93540: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Dickens Theatrical Reader. Edited with a Prologue and Notes by Edgar and Eleanor Johnson
221898: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT (1815-1882) - Bleak House ... With illustrations by H.K. Browne [Phiz]
224998: DICKENS, CHARLES 1812-1870 - Dickens' London : essays / selected and introduced by Rosalind Vallance; engravings by George Cruikshank
195454: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) ; DISRAELI, BENJAMIN (1804-1881) ; EMERSON, RALPH WALDO (1803-1882) ; COBDEN, RICHARD (1804-1865) [ET AL.] - Manchester Athenaeum : Addresses, 1835-1885 ; also, report of proceedings of the meeting of the members in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the institution, October 28th, 1885
173340: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The chimes
280215: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Pickwick Papers by Chales Dickens
193697: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). (BOZ) - A Christmas carol
252708: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - All the year round : a weekly journal, new series: in four volumes: 1-22
280202: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club by Charles Dickens: with forty-three illustrations by R. Seymour and Phiz
280199: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby: with illustrations by Phiz
216582: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
166482: DICKENS, CHARLES, (1812-1870) - The Dickens Theatrical Reader / Dited with a Prologue and Notes by Edgar and Eleanor Johnson
220219: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812- 1870) - The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
166051: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Oliver Twist
110390: DICKENS, MICHAEL. ERIC STOREY (PHOTG. ) - The World of Moths : Text
102391: DICKENS, CHARLES AND MACLISE, DANIEL (ILLUS. ) AND LEECH, JOHN (ILLUS. ) - The Battle of Life. a Love Story. by Charles Dickens
246046: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). ALDIN, CECIL (1870-1935) [ILLUS.] - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club ... Illustrated by Cecil Aldin: complete in two volumes
277699: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club: with forty-three illustrations, by R. Seymour and Phiz
166053: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The old curiosity shop, and other tales: with numerous illustrations by Cattermole, Browne, and Sibson
220016: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Bleak House
264250: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Master Humphrey's clock
176837: DICKENS, CHARLES - Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the riots of 'eighty'
145657: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - David Copperfield
145658: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Adventures of Oliver Twist
145659: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Our Mutual Friend
145662: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
145665: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Bleak House
145666: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Christmas Stories and a Tale of Two Cities
145667: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Dombey and Son
106803: DICKENS, HOMER - The Films of Marlene Dietrich
221899: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870). BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT (1815-1882) - Little Dorrit
218425: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - Works of Charles Dickens. [New illustrated library edition : 26 volumes]
218414: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The Writings of Charles Dickens. With critical and bibliographical introductions and notes by Edwin Percy Whipple and others. [complete in 32 volumes]
218190: DICKENS, CHARLES - The works of Charles Dickens in thirty volumes
198688: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) - The life of Our Lord : written expressly for his children
198743: DICKENS, CHARLES (1812-1870) ; (BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT, 1815-1882., ILLUS.) - The life & adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
100943: DICKENS, CHARLES - Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens
168501: DICKERMAN, ELIZABETH MANSFIELD STREET (1843-1926) - A memorial of two lives
171758: DICKERSON, SHARON LEWIS - Mountains of fire / San Luis Obispo County's famous Nine Sisters - a chain of Ancient volcanic peaks
170967: DICKERSON, JAMES - Just for a thrill : Lil Harden Armstrong, first lady of jazz
157336: DICKERSON, ALBERT INSKIP - Selected Writings / Albert Inskip Dickerson
273950: DICKERSON, C. D. III (CLAUDE DOUGLAS) - The Brothers Le Nain : painters of seventeenth-century France / C.D. Dickerson III and Esther Bell ; with Claire Barry, Emerson Bowyer, Elise Effmann Clifford, Don H. Johnson, Frédérique Lanoë, Nicolas Milovanovic, Alain Tallon ; and Colin B. Bailey and Pierre Rosenberg
267501: DICKEY, THOMAS - The kings of El Dorado
163603: DICKEY, JAMES - Alnilam / James Dickey
123626: DICKEY, JAMES. RON SAUTER (ILL. ) - The Enemy from Eden / James Dickey ; Illustrated by Ron Sauter
117818: DICKEY, CHRISTOPHER - With the Contras : a Reporter in the Wilds of Nicaragua / Christopher Dickey
256475: DICKIE, JOHN - Blood brotherhoods : the rise of the Italian mafias / John Dickie
136154: DICKIE, JOHN - The Uncommon Commoner : a Study of Sir Alec Douglas-Home
47195: DICKIE-CLARK, H. F. - The Marginal Situation - a Sociological Study of a Coloured Group
128739: DICKIE, J. P. - The Coal Problem : a Survey: 1910-1936
128567: DICKIE-CLARK, H. F. - The Marginal Situation: a Sociological Study of a Coloured Group [By] H. F. Dickie-Clark
12728: DICKIE, EDGAR PRIMROSE - Mister Bannock. A Nonsense Story
128505: DICKIE, JOHN PURCELL (1874-) - The Coal Problem
128506: DICKIE, JOHN PURCELL (1874-) - The Coal Problem
86263: DICKINS, ANTHONY STEWART MACKAY - 100 Classics of the Chessboard / A. S. M. Dickens [I. E. Dickins] and H. Ebert
85893: DICKINS, ANTHONY STEWART MACKAY (1914-) - 100 Classics of the Chessboard / A. S. M. Dickens [I. E. Dickins] and H. Ebert
257469: DICKINS, BRUCE (1889-1978) - Early Middle English texts / edited by Bruce Dickins and Richard Middlewood Wilson
98825: DICKINS, SHIRLEY J. - Grenfell of the Congo : Pioneer Missionary and Explorer
63101: DICKINSON, BRIAN (1927-) - Aircraft Stability and Control for Pilots and Engineers [By] B. Dickinson
28989: DICKINSON, H. T. - Liberty and Property : Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain
276473: DICKINSON, DAVID - The antiques buyer
270374: DICKINSON, HENRY D. (HENRY DOUGLAS) - Economics of socialism
270131: DICKINSON, MATT - The death zone : climbing Everest through the killer storm / Matt Dickinson
269359: DICKINSON, RICHARD JOHN - Officers' mess : being a history of mess origins and customs from a wealth of military records; enlivened anecdotes of mess times remembered from a host of one-time mess members; and the progress of Charles Oswald Littlewart from 2 Lieutenant to Major-General / compiled by R.J. Dickinson
226909: DICKINSON, HENRY WINRAM (1870-1952) - Sir Samuel Morland : diplomat and inventor, 1625-1695
209896: DICKINSON, PETER (1927- ) - The ropemaker / Peter Dickinson
162180: DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES (1862-1932) - War : its Nature, Cause and Cure
155334: DICKINSON, GARY. WRIGGLESWORTH - Imperial wardrobe : Gary Dickinson and Linda Wrigglesworth
253604: DICKINSON, WILLIAM CROFT (1897-1963) - Scotland, from the earliest times to 1603 / William Croft Dickinson - Volume 1
125295: DICKINSON, THOMAS HERBERT - The Making of American Literature
26642: DICKINSON, EDWARD - The Education of a Music Lover : a Book for Those Who Study or Teach the Art of Listening
140835: DICKINSON, ROBERT ERIC - The Regions of Germany, by Robert E. Dickinson
90961: DICKINSON, EMILY (1830-1886) - Bolts of melody : new poems of Emily Dickinson / edited by Mabel Loomis Todd and Millicent Todd Bingham
54378: DICKINSON, Z. CLARK (ZENAS CLARK) (1889-) - Collective Wage Determination; Problems and Principles in Bargaining, Arbitration, and Legislation, by Z. Clark Dickinson ...
92950: DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES (1862-1932) - The Meaning of Good : a Dialogue
160286: DICKINSON, THOMAS HERBERT (1877-) (ED. ) - Wisconsin Plays ... Thomas H. Dickinson, Editor; Original One-Act Plays from the Repertory of the Wisconsin Dramatic Society [By] Zona Gale, Thomas H. Dickinson, William Ellery Leonard
117479: DICKINSON, THOMAS HERBERT (1877-) - The Portrait of a Man As Governor, by Thomas H. Dickinson, with a Foreword by George Foster Peabody
117186: DICKINSON, EMILY (1830-1886) - Bolts of melody : new poems of Emily Dickinson / edited by Mabel Loomis Todd and Millicent Todd Bingham
120263: DICKINSON, H. W. (HENRY WINRAM) (1870-1952) - Sir Samuel Morland: Diplomat and Inventor, 1625-1695, by H. W. Dickinson
120158: DICKINSON, HENRY WINRAM (1870-1952) - Sir Samuel Morland : Diplomat and Inventor, 1625-1695
179321: DICKINSON, G. LOWES (GOLDSWORTHY LOWES) (1862-1932) - Religion and immortality
186840: DICKINSON, G. LOWES (GOLDSWORTHY LOWES), (1862-1932) - Religion and immortality / G. Lowes Dickinson
131211: DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES (1862-1932.) - Revolution and Reaction in Modern France
141975: DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES - The Greek View of Life
148774: DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES (1862-1932) - Letters from a Chinese Official : Being an Eastern View of Western Civilization
153465: DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES (1862-1932) - The European Anarchy
25285: DICKINSON, S. N. - The Boston Almanac for the Year 1849
52158: DICKINSON, G. LOWES - Justice and Liberty - a Political Dialogue
71474: DICKINSON, G. LOWES (GOLDSWORTHY LOWES) (1862-1932) - Letters from a Chinese Official : Being an Eastern View of Western Civilization
90067: DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES (1862-1932) - Letters from John Chinaman and Other Essays
241998: DICKINSON, PATRIC (1914-1994). DICKINSON, PATRIC (1914-1994). SCOTT, WILLIAM (1913-1989). ADPRINT (FIRM) - Soldiers' Verse. Verses chosen by P. Dickinson. With original lithographs by William Scott
232421: DICKREITER, MICHAEL - Musikinstrumente : moderne Instrumente, historische Instrumente, Klangakustik
40241: DICKS, SHIRLEY - Congregation of the Condemned - Voices Against the Death Penalty
89581: DICKSON, MORA (1918-2001) - Beloved Partner : Mary Moffat of Kuruman
266297: DICKSON-SIMPSON, JOHN MARMADUKE - Era of articulation
193993: DICKSON, PAUL (1939-?) - Work revolution
14934: DICKSON, HARRY ELLIS - Arthur Fiedler. And the Boston Pops
250793: DICKSON-CARR, JOHN - Poison in jest
157402: DICKSON, MARGUERITE STOCKMAN. MACDONALD PORTER, JEAN (ILLUS. ) - Roof over Our Heads; Illus. by Jean Macdonald Porter.
249380: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The blind barber
251054: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - Till death do us part
251038: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - Till death do us part
250976: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The case of the constant suicides
250975: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The dead man's knock
250962: DICKSON, CARTER - She died a lady
257256: DICKSON, THOMAS - Compota: Thesaurariorum: accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland: vol. I: A.D. 1473-1498
186614: DICKSON, HARALD - Variable, function, derivative. A semantic study in mathematics and economics
250929: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - Patrick Butler for the defence
250915: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The waxworks murder
249358: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - Hag's Nook
250852: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - He who whispers
250725: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - Patrick Butler for the defense
257261: DICKSON, THOMAS - Compta Thesaurarum Regum Scotorum: Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland: vol. I: A.D. 1473-1498
214732: DICKSON, GORDON R - Ancient, my enemy
249407: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The Waxworks Murder
257266: DICKSON, THOMAS - Compota Thesaurariorum Regum Scotorum: Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland: vol. I: A.D. 1473-1498
249295: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The case of the constant suicides
58069: DICKSON, LOVAT (1902-) - Half-Breed; the Story of Grey Owl (Wa-Sha-Quon-Asin)
56884: DICKSON, LOVAT (1902-) - Radclyffe Hall At the Well of Loneliness : a Sapphic Chronicle / Lovat Dickson
51044: DICKSON, HARRIS - The Unpopular History of the United States, by Uncle Sam Himself, As Recorded in Uncle Sam's Own Words
132751: DICKSON, SAMUEL (1802-1869) - Revelations on Cholera, or its Causes and Cure
244918: DICKSON, WILLIAM KIRK (1860-1949). DUNLOP, ANNIE I. GREIG, JOHN YOUNG THOMSON (1891-). MARCHMONT, HUGH HUME EARL OF (1708-1794). MARISCHAL, GEORGE KEITH EARL (1693-1778). TAYLER, HENRIETTA (1869-1951) - Miscellany of the Scottish History Society. Third volume
116686: DICKSON, LOVAT (1902-) - Radclyffe Hall At the Well of Loneliness : a Sapphic Chronicle / Lovat Dickson
249378: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The Emperor's Snuff Box
213020: DICKSON, ANNAN - Devon byways / With front. and line drawings by Henry Trivick
249323: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The Emperor's Snuff Box
249324: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The Mad Hatter Mystery
249325: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - The blind barber
249304: DICKSON CARR, JOHN - Patrick Butler for the Defence
174926: DICKSON, GORDON - The hard way / Gordon Way in: Analog Science Fact and Science Fiction : Vol. lxx, No. 5, Jan 1963
174873: DICKSON, GORDON R. - Dorsai! / Gordon R. Dickson, in: Astounding science fiction ; vol. lxiii no. 3, May 1959
191725: DICKSON, GORDON R. (1923-2001) - The tactics of mistake / Gordon R. Dickson [in] Analog : science fact - science fiction ; vol. 86, no. 2, Oct. 1970
191749: DICKSON, GORDON R. (1923-2001) - The outposter / Gordon R. Dickson [in] Analog : science fact - science fiction ; vol. 87, no. 3, May 1971
67703: DICKSON, MORA (1918-2001) - Israeli Interlude. with Illus. by the Author
191774: DICKSON, GORDON R. (1923-2001) - The immmortal (novelet) / Gordon R. Dickson [in] The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ; vol. 29, no. 2, Aug. 1965
42658: DICKSON, TONY - Capital and Class in Scotland
77177: DICKSON, GORDON R. - Hour of the Horde
102265: DICKSON, LOVAT - Radclyffe Hall At the Well of Loneliness : a Sapphic Chronicle
206845: DICKSON, LOVAT (1902-1987) - The house of words
58124: ASLANIAN DICRAN - Les Principes De L'evolution Sociale
200687: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784). DUTOURD, JEAN - Jacques le fataliste et son maitre / Diderot ; presente par Jean Doutourd
274412: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - Œuvres choisies de D. Diderot / publiées en six volumes et précédées d'une introduction par Paul Albert - vols. 1-5
270232: DIDEROT, DENIS - Recueil de planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication - Orfèvre ; Bijoutier
269822: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - The nun / Denis Diderot ; translated and with an introduction by Leonard Tancock ; lithographs by Charles Mozley
269734: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - The nun / Denis Diderot ; translated and with an introduction by Leonard Tancock ; lithographs by Charles Mozley
261119: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
259186: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - Correspondence, [de] Denis Diderot / recueillie, etablie et annotee par Georges Roth et Jean Varloot - Volume 5
237181: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784). BÉNAC, HENRI (1913-) - Oeuvres romanesques / Diderot
85575: DIDEROT, DENIS - Diderot, Encyclopedia: the Complete Illustrations, 1762-1777 - [In 5 Volumes]
203043: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - Jacques le fataliste/ in the original French ; introduction and notes by J. Robert Loy
79660: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - Jacques Le Fataliste Et Son Maitre
279570: DIDEROT, DENIS - Oeuvres complètes de Diderot ... revues sur les éditions originales, accompagnées de notices, notes, table analytique, suivies d'une étude sur Diderot et le mouvement philosophique au XVIIIe siècle. / Tome deuxième
242034: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784). ROTH, GEORGES. VARLOOT, JEAN - Correspondance / Denis Diderot ; publiée par Georges Roth et Jean Varloot. 16, Complément, corrections, listes et index général / édition établie par Jean Varloot
233572: DIDEROT, DENIS. WUTHENOW, RALPH-RAINER - Enzyklopadie : philosophische und politische Texte aus der 'Encyclopedie' sowie Prospekt und Ankundigung der letzten Bande
79675: DIDEROT, DENIS (1713-1784) - Oeuvres Choisies 1 - Romans
165522: DIDIER, GEORGES - Desinteressement Du Chretien : La Re´tribution Dans La Morale De Saint Paul / Georges Didier
176900: DIDIER, CHARLES - The romance of l'Aiglon / authorized translation from the French of Carolus [pseud.] by J. P. Wilson
77365: DIDINGER, RAY - The Super Bowl : Celebrating a Quarter-Century of America's Greatest Game / Foreword by Pete Rozelle ; Introduction by John Wiebusch ; Text by Ray Didinger ... [Et Al. ]
37234: DIDION, JAMES J. - Tradition and Vision - CB Commercial Looks Toward the New Century
259932: DIDON, PEÌ?RE - Jesus Christ - vol. 1
259208: DIDON, HENRI LOUIS - The Spiritual Letters of Père Didon, O.S.D. Translated by Arthur G. Nash [from “Lettres du R.P. Didon à Mademoiselle Th. V
250890: DIDON PÈRE, HENRI (1840-1900) - Jésus Christ : heri et hodie, ipse et in secula: volume II
260670: DIDRON, ADOLPHE NAPOLÉON (1806-1867) - Christian iconography : or, The history of Christian art in the middle ages
260659: DIDRON, ADOLPHE NAPOLÉON (1806-1867) - Christian iconography : or, The history of Christian art in the middle ages
58363: DIDSBURY, HOWARD F. (ED. ) - Creating a Global Agenda : Assessments, Solutions and Action Plans / Edited by Howard F. Didsbury
54550: DIEBOLD, JOHN (1926-2005) - The Role of Business in Society / John Diebold
38254: DIEBOLD, JOHN - Managing Information - the Challenge and the Opportunity
36237: DIEBOLD, JOHN - Tomorrow's Enterprise and its Management - Speeches and Papers 1957-1969 - Three Volumes In Three Volumes
210936: DIEDERICH, FRANZ (1865-1921) - Von unten auf : ein neues Buch der Freiheit / gesammelt und gestaltet von Franz Diederich
232873: THEODOR FONTANE; ULF DIEDERICHS - Allerlei Gluck : ein Lebensbuch
150382: DIEFENDORF, ELIZABETH. DIANA BRYAN (ED. ) - The New York Public Library's Books of the Century / Elizabeth Diefendorf ; Illustrations by Diana Bryan
104407: FINE ARTS GALLERY OF SAN DIEGO - A Catalogue of European Paintings, 1300-1870 [Exhibition Catalogue]
81077: DIEHL, GASTON - The Moderns : a Treasury of Painting Throughout the World
276603: DIEHL, HUSTON - An index of icons in English emblem books, 1500-1700
174324: DIEHL, KARL (1864-1943) - Ausgewahlte lesestucke zum studium der politischen okonomie / herausgegeben von Karl Diehl und Paul Mombert ; zweiter band, Der Abeitslohn
169850: DIEHL, EDITH (1876-1953) - Bookbinding : its background and technique
164242: DIEHL, GASTON - Picasso
244589: DIEHL, ALICE MANGOLD (1844-1912) [AUTHOR] - The true story of my life : an autobiography
241142: DIEHL, GASTON. - Pascin
242575: DIEHL, GASTON. VASARELY, VICTOR (1906-1997) - Vasarely / par Gaston Diehl
137996: JOHN R. DIEHL - Manual of Lathing and Plastering
63677: DIEHL, CHARLES (1859-1944) - Byzantium: Greatness and Decline. Translated from the French by Naomi Walford. with Introd. and Bibliography by Peter Charanis
17186: DIEHL, CHARLES (1859-1944) - Byzantium: Greatness and Decline. Translated from the French by Naomi Walford. with Introd. and Bibliography by Peter Charanis
122569: DIEHL, CHARLES (1859-1944) - Byzantine Empresses. Translated from the French by Harold Bell and Theresa De Kerpely
241751: DIEHL, GASTON - Max Ernst
136985: DIEHL, KARL (1864-1943) - Uber Sozialismus, Kommunismus Und Anarchismus
164869: DIEHL, KARL, (1864-1943) - Uber Sozialismus, Kommunismus Und Anarchismus : Funfundzwanzig Vorlesungen
61922: DIEKERMANN (ET AL. ) - Lied Und Leben; Hirts-Musikbuch Fur Oberschlesische Schulen - I. Teil
135313: DIEL, LOUISE - Mussolini, Duce Des Faschismus. Nach Dokumenten Und Gesprachen Von L. Diel. (48-57. Verbesserte Und Erganzte Auflage. ) [With Portraits. ]
232355: DIEM, NELLY - Beitrage zur Geschichte der Schottischen Musik im XVII. Jahrhundert : nach bisher nicht veroffentlichen Manuscripten / von Nelly Diem
238677: DIEM, K. (KONRAD); LENTNER, C. (CORNELIUS); CIBA-GEIGY LIMITED - Scientific tables / edited by K. Diem and C. Lentner
44249: DE DIENES, ANDRE (1913-) - Marilyn, Mon Amour : the Private Album of Andre De Dienes, Her Preferred Photographer
44250: DE DIENES, ANDRE (1913-) - Marilyn, Mon Amour : the Private Album of Andre De Dienes, Her Preferred Photographer
64433: DIENSTAG, ELEANOR FOA - Whither Thou Goest : the Story of an Uprooted Wife
11505: DIENSTAG, JOSHUA FOA (1965-?) - Dancing in Chains : Narrative and Memory in Political Theory
277822: DIENSTAG, ELEANOR FOA - In good company : 125 years at the Heinz table, 1869-1994
234170: NUR FUR DEN DIENSTGEBRAUCH - Schematismus 1996/96
71188: DIERKS, JACK - A Leap to Arms : the Cuban Campaign of 1898
245271: DIÈS, AUGUSTE (1875-1958) - Autour de Platon : essais de critique et d'histoire / par A. Diès: I: Les Voisinages - Socrate
269676: DIETERICH, ANTON - Miguel de Cervantes : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten dargestellt von Anton Dieterich
76157: DIETHELM, OSKAR (1897-) - Treatment in Psychiatry
241567: DIETRICH, MARLENE - Marlene
215912: DIETRICH, P. R. - The war of intervention against the soviet union and the Second international
77901: DIETRICH, MARLENE - Marlene
192976: DIETRICH, P. R. - The war of intervention against the soviet union and the Second international
244328: DIETRICH, HEINRICH [PUBLISHER] - Göttingische anzeigen von gelehrten sachen: unter der Aussicht der Fonigl. Gesselschaft der Wissenschaften: der dritte & zwente band: complete in two volumes
275913: DIETTERLIN, WENDEL (1550-1599) - The fantastic engravings of Wendel Dietterlin : the 203 plates and text of his Architectura / with an introduction by Adolf K. Placzek
270057: DIETZ, FREDERICK CHARLES (B. 1888). AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION - English public finance, 1558-1641
237685: DIETZ, JOHANN (1665-1738) - Master Johann Dietz, surgeon in the army of the Great Elector and barber to the royal court / from an old manuscript in the Royal Library of Berlin. Translated by Bernard Miall first published by Dr. Ernst Consentius
262390: DIETZ, ALEXANDER - Frankfurter Handelsgeschichte: zweiter band
249776: DIETZ, JOHANN (1665-1738) - Master Johann Dietz : surgeon in the army of the Great Elector and barber to the Royal Court : from the old manuscript in the Royal Library of Berlin / translated by Bernard Miall ; first published by Dr. Ernst Consentius
228899: DIETZ, JOHANN (1665-1738) - Master Johann Dietz, surgeon in the army of the Great Elector and barber to the royal court / from an old manuscript in the Royal Library of Berlin. Translated by Bernard Miall first published by Dr. Ernst Consentius
229280: DIETZ, JOHANN (1665-1738) - Master Johann Dietz, surgeon in the army of the Great Elector and barber to the royal court / from an old manuscript in the Royal Library of Berlin. Translated by Bernard Miall first published by Dr. Ernst Consentius
29739: DIETZ, DAVID - Atomic Energy in the Coming Era
147632: DIETZE, CONSTANTIN VON - Die Gegenwartige 'Agrarkrisis', Von Constantin Von Dietze ...
149953: DIETZGEN, JOSEPH (1828-1888). EUGENE DIETZGEN (ED. ). JOSEPH DIETZGEN, JR. (ED. ) - Some of the Philosophical Essays on Socialism and Science, Religion, Ethics, Critique-Of-Reason and the World-At-Large, by Joseph Dietzgen. Tr. by M. Beer and Th. Rothstein, with a Biographical Sketch and Some Introductory Remarks by Eugene Dietzgen... . ..tr. by Ernest Untermann. Ed. by Eugene Dietzgen and Joseph Dietzgen, Jr.
149935: DIETZGEN, JOSEPH (1828-1888). EUGENE DIETZGEN (ED. ). JOSEPH DIETZGEN, JR. (ED. ) - Some of the Philosophical Essays on Socialism and Science, Religion, Ethics, Critique-Of-Reason and the World-At-Large, by Joseph Dietzgen. Tr. by M. Beer and Th. Rothstein, with a Biographical Sketch and Some Introductory Remarks by Eugene Dietzgen... . ..tr. by Ernest Untermann. Ed. by Eugene Dietzgen and Joseph Dietzgen, Jr.
189614: DIETZGEN, JOSEPH (1828-1888) - Some of the philosophical essays on socialism and science, religion, ethics, critique-of-reason, and the world-at-large
242613: DIETZGEN, JOSEPH (1828-1888). BEER, MAX (1864-1943). ROTHSTEIN, FEDAR ARNOVICH (1871-). DIETZGEN, EUGEN. UNTERMANN, ERNEST. DIETZGEN, JOSEPH JR - Some of the philosophical essays on socialism and science : religion, ethics, critique-of-reason and the world-at-large
132064: DIEULAFOY, MARCEL (1844-1920) - David the King : a Historical Inquiry
41619: DIEULAFOY, MARCEL (1844-1920) - Art in Spain and Portugal, by Marcel Dieulafoy
252974: DIEZ, FRIEDRICH (1794-1876) - Grammaire des langues romanes / par Frédérich Diez - Complete in 3 volumes
183890: DIEZ DE MEDINA, FERNANDO - Thunupa
233424: DIEZ, FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN (1794-1876) - Leben und Werke der Troubadours : ein Beitrag zur nähern Kenntniss des Mittelalters
194526: DIEZ, FELIPE (CA. 1550-1601) - R. P. F. Philippi Diez Lusitani, Ord. Min. Reg. Obseruantiae prouinciae Sancti Iacobi. Summa praedicantium : ex omnibus locis communibus locupletiss. Tomus primus [volume 1]
42609: DIEZ, ERNST - The Ancient Worlds of Asia - from Mesopotamia to the Yellow River
14304: DIFONZO, LUIGI - St. Peter's Banker
144545: DIGAND, FREDERIC - Abolition Complete Des Droits D'Octrois, Et Abolition Totale Ou Partielle Des Cotisations Personnelles Dans Les Campagnes. Nouveau Systeme Financier Des Villes Et Des Communes, Par Frederic Digand
274804: DIGBY, GEORGE WINGFIELD (1911-1989) - Victoria and Albert Museum : the tapestry collection; medieval and Renaissance / George Wingfield Digby, assisted by Wendy Hefford
252297: DIGBY, ANNE - Making a medical market : doctors and patients in the English market for medicine, 1720-1911 / Anne Digby
216843: DIGBY, MARGARET (1902-) - Co-operative land use, the challenge to traditional co-operation
277831: DIGBY, KENELM (1603-1665) - The closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight opened / with introduction, notes and glossary by Anne Macdonell
138638: DIGBY, MARGARET (1902-) - The World Co-Operative Movement
241873: DIGGES, LEONARD (D. 1571?). GUNTHER, ROBERT THEODORE (1869-1940) - Prognostication
62164: DIGGES, MARY LAURENTIA (1910-) - Adam's Haunted Sons. by Laurentia Diggs; with a Foreword by Barnabas Ahern
234272: DIGGIN, MICHAEL - Beautes de l'Irlande historique / [Photographies de Michael Diggin]
232688: DIGGIN, MICHAEL - Beautes de l'Irelande historique / [photographies de Michael Diggin ... [et al.] ; traducion: Raya Wall]
135946: DIGHTON, ADAIR - Moralisings of a Medico : Being a Mixed Medley of Many Merry Memories of Medical Student Days in Edinburgh / Adair Dighton
76080: DIGREGORIO, BARRY - Mars : the Living Planet / Barry E. Digregorio with Gilbert V. Levin and Patricia Ann Straat
169591: DIHIGO, JUAN M. (1866-1952) - Elogio del dr. Enrique Jose´ Varona y Pera / ...lei´do por el dr. Juan Miguel Dihigo y Mestre...en la sesio´n solemne celebrada en la noche del 19 de noviembre de 1935
164993: DIHIGO Y MESTRE, JUAN MIGUEL (1866- ) - Elogio Del Dr. Mario Garcia Kohly (Fundador De Esta Corporacion) : Leido Por El Dr. Juan M. Dihigo Y Mestre, En La Sesion Solemne Celebrada En La Noche Del 8 De Febrero De 1937
169693: DIHIGO, JUAN M. - Elogio del dr. Enrique Jose Varona y Pera / ...leido por el dr.Juan Miguel Dihigo y Mestre...en la sesion solemne celebrada en la noche del 19 de noviembre de 1935
64157: DIIULIO, JR. , JOHN J. AND NATHAN, RICHARD R. (EDS. ) - Making Health Reform Work : the View from the States / John J. Diiulio, Jr. , Richard R. Nathan, Editors
128590: VAN DIJK, CAREL. HENRI PIECK - Het Geheim Van Oom Duc
221761: DIJKSTRA, BRAM - Naked : the nude in America / Bram Dijkstra
204331: DIKTONIUS, ELMER (1896-1961) - Frysom: lysom! : Elmer Diktonius och Gunnar Ekelof brevvaxlar / sammanstalld av Ulf Thomas Moberg. [Language: Swedish]
219590: DIKTY, T. E. (ED. ) - 6 from worlds beyond
254434: DILELLO, RICHARD - The longest cocktail party / [by] Richard DiLello
247799: DILKE, EMILIA FRANCIS STRONG LADY (1840-1904) - French engravers and draughtsmen of the XVIIIth century
270728: DILKE, O. A. W. (OSWALD ASHTON WENTWORTH) - Mathematics and measurement / O. A. W. Dilke
224797: DILKE, EMILIA FRANCIS STRONG LADY 1840-1904 - French painters of the XVIIIth century
274373: DILL, SAMUEL (1844-1924) - Roman society in the last century of the Western Empire
254936: DILL, SAMUEL (1844-1924) - Roman society in the last century of the Western Empire
265337: DILLARD, ANNIE - Pilgrim at Tinker Creek / Annie Dillard ; with an introduction by Richard Adams
240820: DILLARD, ANNIE - The writing life / Annie Dillard
102079: DILLARD, J. M. (JEANNE M. ) - Star Trek, Where No One Has Gone before : a History in Pictures / Text by J. M. Dillard ; Additional Material by Susan Sackett... [Et. Al. ] ; Photo Consultants, Paula Block, Tyya Turner
147716: DILLARD, DUDLEY (DUDLEY E. ) - The Economics of John Maynard Keynes : the Theory of a Monetary Economy
144279: DILLARD, DUDLEY E. - The Economics of John Maynard Keynes : the Theory of a Monetary Economy
92291: DILLARD, DUDLEY D. - The Economics of John Maynard Keynes; the Theory of a Monetary Economy
45989: DILLAWAY, CHARLES KNAPP (1804-1889) - Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology; for Classical Schools
233294: DILLE, DENIJS - Thematisches Verzeichnis der Jugendwerke Bela Bartoks (1890-1904) / herausgegeben von Denis Dille
127237: DILLE, ROBERT C. (ED. ) - The Collected Works of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Introd. by Ray Bradbury. Editor: Robert C. Dille
99612: DILLEY, ROY - Beginner's Guide to Military Modelling
259323: DILLING, WALTER J. (1886-1950) - The pharmacology and therapeutics of the materia medica
169489: DILLING, ELIZABETH. - The red network. A “Who's who” and handbook of radicalism for patriots
257670: DILLISTONE, F. W. (1903-1993) - The novelist and the passion story / F. W. Dillistone
169801: DILLMANN, JOHN - The French Quarter killers : the story of the protected witness murders / John Dillmann
130820: DILLMANN, AUGUST. RUDOLF KITTEL - Handbuch Der Alttestamentlichen Theologie / Von August Dillmann ; Aus Dem Nahlass Des Verfassers Herausgegeben Von Rudolf Kittel
104592: DILLMANN, JOHN - The French Quarter Killers : the Story of the Protected Witness Murders
28645: DILLMANN, JOHN - Deadly Weekend - a True Story of Obsession and Murder
198437: DILLMANN, AUGUST (1823-1894) - Handbuch der alttestamentlichen Theologie / von August Dillmann ; aus dem Nahlass des Verfassers herausgegeben von Rudolf Kittel
97152: DILLON, RICHARD H. - Delta Country / Narrative, Richard Dillon ; Photographs, Steve Simmons ; Foreword, Harold Gilliam
75013: DILLON, GEORGE L. (1944-) - Language Processing and the Reading of Literature : Toward a Model of Comprehension
258844: DILLON, MILES - Celtica vol. 3 - Zeuss memorial volume, ed. by Miles Dillon
251507: DILLON, LUCY - One small act of kindness
235137: DILLON, MYLES - Irish sagas / edited by Myles Dillon
171292: DILLON, PETER (1785-1847) - Narrative of la perouse's expedition
257608: DILLON, EILÍS (1920-1994) - Living in Imperial Rome / Eilis Dillon ; illustrated by Richard Kennedy
187351: DILLON, JOHN (1851-1927) - Facts for Mr. Parnell's bill : a speech delivered in the House of Commons, on 21st September, 1886
185403: DILLON, EMILE JOSEPH (1855-1933) - President Obregon : a world reformer
234282: DILLON, MYLES. CHADWICK, NORA K - Die Kelten : von der Vorgeschichte bis zum Normanneneinfall
129620: DILLON, JOHN TALBOT, SIR (CA. 1740-1805) - Historical and Critical Memoirs of the General Revolution in France, in the Year 1789 : from the Opening of the States General, on the 25th April; 'till the Framing the Constitution, on the 6th August Following. by John Talbot Dillon
93017: DILLON, EMILE JOSEPH (1855-1933) - President Obregon, a World Reformer
93351: DILLON, EMILE JOSEPH (1855-1933) - From the Triple to the Quadruple Alliance; why Italy Went to War
132168: DILLON, EMILE JOSEPH (1855-1933) - The Sceptics of the Old Testament, Job, Koheleth, Agur / with English Text Translated for the First Time from the Primitive Hebrew As Restored on the Basis of Recent Philological Discoveries
242348: DILLON, MYLES (1900-1972). IRISH TEXTS SOCIETY - Lebor na cert = The Book of Rights / edited by Myles Dillon
78660: DILLON, RICHARD H. - Delta Country / Narrative, Richard Dillon ; Photographs, Steve Simmons ; Foreword, Harold Gilliam
165185: DILLON, EMILE JOSEPH (1855-1933) - Mexico on the Verge
170619: DILLON, RICHARD H. - Embarcadero
94506: DILLON, EMILE JOSEPH (1855-1933) - Mexico on the Verge
67078: DILNOT, GEORGE (1883-1951) - Great Detectives and Their Methods
88686: DILWORTH, THOMAS (D.1780) - The Schoolmaster's Assistant; Being a Compendium of Arithmetic, Both Practical and Theoretical; in Five Parts ... to Which is Prefixed, an Essay on the Education of Youth ..
78039: DIMAGGIO, JOE (1914-1999) - The Di Maggio Albums : Selections from Public and Private Collections Celebrating the Baseball Career of Joe Di Maggio / with an Introduction and Commentaries by Joe Di Maggio ; Compiled and Edited by Richard Whittingham - [Complete in Two Volumes]
28791: DIMANCESCU, DAN - The Seamless Enterprise : Making Cross Functional Management Work / Dan Dimancescu
143439: SOCIETES SUISSES POUR LA SANCTIFICATION DE DIMANCHE - Le Dimanche Et La Societe : Au Point De Vue Economique
86316: DIMAND, MAURICE - Indische Miniaturen, Einleitung Von Maurice Dimand, Ubersetzt Von Helga Kunzel
209309: DIMAND, MAURICE SVEN. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - A handbook of Muhammadan art
226268: DIMANT, ELYSSA - Minimalism and fashion : reduction in the postmodern era / Elyssa Dimant ; foreword by Francisco Costa
247002: DIMBLEBY, JOSCELINE - A profound secret : May Gaskell, her daughter Amy, and Edward Burne-Jones
224404: DIMBLEBY, JONATHAN - The Prince of Wales : a biography / Jonathan Dimbleby
163761: DIMBLEBY, JONATHAN - Richard Dimbleby : a Biography
277729: DIMBLEBY, JOSCELINE - A taste of dreams : Josceline Dimbleby's cookery book / illustrated by Nicholas Dimbleby
23744: DIMENTO, JOSEPH F. - The Global Environment and International Law / Joseph F. C. Dimento
217435: DIMITRIEV, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ON THE GENERAL STAFF R. - Boevete i operatsiite okolo Shipka vuv voinata 1877-78 godini. Voenno-istoricheski etyudu [Battles and operations around Shipka in the war years 1877-78. Language: Russian]
217121: DIMITROFF, GEORGI - Communism and the war
179214: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - Dimitroff's letters from prison / compiled with explanatory notes by Alfred Kurella ; translated by Dona Torr and Michael Davidson.
216027: DIMITROV, STRASHIMIR ATANASOV - Vustanieto ot 1850 godina v Bulgariia [1850 uprising in Bulgaria. Language: Bulgarian]
215562: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949). COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL (7TH CONGRESS : 1935 : MOSCOW) - The present rulers of the capitalist countries are but temporary : the real master of the world is the proletariat ! concluding address to the 7th World Congress / G. Dimitrov
184691: DIMITROV, GEORGI MIHAJLOV - Political Report delivered to the V Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party
280861: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - The present rulers of the capitalist countries are but temporary : the real master of the world is the proletariat ! concluding address [to the 7th World Congress]
142521: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - Dimitroff's Letters from Prison / Compiled with Explanatory Notes by Alfred Kurella ; Translated by Dona Torr and Michael Davidson
142740: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - Selected Speeches and Articles
91224: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949). KURELLA, ALFRED (1895-) ED. TORR, DONA, TR. - Dimitroff's Letters from Prison; Compiled with Explanatory Notes by Alfred Kurella; Translated by Dona Torr and Michael Davidson
169851: DIMITROV, GEORGI - A short biographical sketch
120956: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949). ALFRED KURELLA (ED. ) - Signed G. Dimitroff; Letters Documents and Notes from Prison and the Leipzig Supreme Court, with Eight Unpublished Facsimiles... . ..compiled with Explanatory Notes by Alfred Kurella
186932: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - Dimitroff's Letters from Prison / Compiled with Explanatory Notes by Alfred Kurella ; Translated by Dona Torr and Michael Davidson
169006: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949). ALFRED KURELLA (ED. ) - Selected speeches and articles
280672: DIMITROV, GEORGI - Unity and peace
186958: DIMITROV, GEORGI; KURELLA, ALFRED; TORR, DONA - Dimitroff's letters from prison
7042: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949) - The Working Class Against Fascism
241449: DIMITROV, GEORGI (1882-1949). COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL - L'unité de la classe ouvrière dans la lutte contre le fascisme / Georges Dimitrov
275162: DIMITROVA, EKATERINA - The Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander / Ekaterina Dimitrova
216456: DIMITROVA, STELA, D-R I.N - Lenin and the struggle of the Bulgarian Communist Party against revisionism / translated by V. Izmirliev
258961: DIMITROVSKY, HAIM Z. (1920-). JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA - Me??arim u-me?orot : ma'asef le-mada?e ha-Yahadut / ?arukh bi-yede ?.Z. Dimi?rovs?i. Sefer 1
94590: DIMNET, ERNEST - France Herself Again
44813: DIMNET, ERNEST - My New World
179224: DIMOCK, MARSHALL EDWARD (1903-1991) - British public utilities and national development / Marshall E. Dimock
127642: DIMOCK, N. (NATHANIEL) (1825-1909) - The Doctrine of the Sacraments in Relation to the Doctrines of Grace : As Contained in the Scriptures, Taught in Our Formularies, and Upheld by Our Reformers
203530: DIMOND, FRANCES - Crown and camera : the royal family and photography 1842-1910 / Frances Dimond and Roger Taylor
108815: DIMSDALE, THOMAS JOSIAH (D. 1866) - The Vigilantes of Montana; Or, Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains. Being a Correct and Impartial Narrative of the Chase, Capture, Trial and Execution of Henry Plummer's Road Agent Band... . ..together with Accounts of the Lives and Crimes of Many of the Robbers and Desperadoes, the Whole Being Interspersed with Sketches of Life in the Mining Camps of the 'Far West. '
50808: DIN, RASSHIED - New Retail / Rasshied Din ; with Contributed Text by Jackie Wills
87293: VAN DINE, ALAN - Unconventional Builders
279572: DINE, S S VAN - The Greene murder case : a Philo Vance story, by S.S. Van Dine ; illustrated with scenes from the Paramount photoplay
110368: VAN DINE, ALAN - Unconventional Builders
206123: DINEEN, JACQUELINE - Remembering made easy : the sure guide to a better memory
120771: DINERSTEIN, HERBERT SAMUEL (1919-) - War and the Soviet Union : Nuclear Weapons and the Revolution in Soviet Military and Political Thinking
18767: DINERSTEIN, HERBERT SAMUEL (1919-) - War and the Soviet Union : Nuclear Weapons and the Revolution in Soviet Military and Political Thinking
198250: DINERSTEIN, H.S. - War and the Soviet Union : nuclear weapons and the revolution in Soviet military and political thinking
31269: DINES, WILLIAM HENRY (1855-1927) - Collected Scientific Papers of William Henry Dines
30737: DINESEN, ISAK - Carnival - Entertainments and Posthumous Tales
158908: DINESEN, ISAK (1885-1962) - Winter's Tales
136730: DINGELSTEDT, VICTOR - Le Regime Patriarcal Et Le Droit Coutumier Des Kirghiz : D'Apres L'Etude Enterprise ... Par Le General N. -I. Grodekoff
8957: DINGLE, A. E. - The Campaign for Prohibition in Victorian England
34792: DINGLE, REGINALD J. - Woman under Fire : Six Months in the Red Army : a Woman's Diary and Experiences of Revolutionary Russia
190596: DINGLE, REGINALD J. (REGINALD JAMES), (B. 1889) - Russia's work in France / Reginald J. Dingle
138136: DINGLE, REGINALD JAMES (1889-) - Russia's Work in France
229891: DINGLE, HERBERT (1890-1978) (ED.) - A Century of science 1851-1951 / written by specialist authors under the editorship of Herbert Dingle
128330: DINGLEY, CYRIL S. - The Story of B. I. P. : 1894-1962
101586: DINGMAN, LARRY - Bibliography of Limited and Signed Editions in Literature, Twentieth Century American Authors
161850: DINGMAN, LARRY - Bibliography of Limited and Signed Editions in Literature, Twentieth Century American Authors
277332: DINGWALL, ERIC JOHN - The American woman : a historical study
191308: DINGWALL, ERIC JOHN - The American Woman. A historical study
167174: DINGWALL, ERIC JOHN - The American woman: a historical study
180167: DINGWALL, E. J. - Racial Pride and Prejudice
198151: DINGWALL, ERIC JOHN - The unknown, is it nearer?
233802: DINN, FREDA - The observer's book of music : sections on sound, musical instruments, concert programme terms and composers / illustrated by Paul Sharp
246124: DINNEEN, PATRICK STEPHEN (1860-1934) - An Irish-English dictionary : being a thesaurus of the words, phrases and idioms of the modern Irish language / compiled and edited by Rev. Patrick S. Dinneen
91936: DINNERSTEIN, LEONARD - America and the Survivors of the Holocaust / Leonard Dinnerstein
72860: DINNERSTEIN, DOROTHY - The Mermaid and the Minotaur : Sexual Arrangements and Human Malaise
31261: DINNERSTEIN, LEONARD - Antisemitism in the United States
215637: DINNERSTEIN, HARVEY - Underground together : the art and life of Harvey Dinnerstein / essays by Pete Hamill and Gabriel Weisberg ; introduction by Raman Frey and Wendi Norris
169193: DINNERSTEIN, LEONARD - The Leo Frank case
70580: DINNERSTEIN, MYRA (1934-) - Women between Two Worlds : Midlife Reflections on Work and Family / Myra Dinnerstein
253268: DINO, DOROTHÉE DUCHESSE DE (1793-1862) - Chronique de 1831 à 1862 / publié avec des annotations et un index biographique par la princesse Radziwill, née Castellane v.1. 1831-1835
244032: DINO, DOROTHÉE DUCHESSE DE (1793-1862). RADZIWILL, MARIE DOROTHEA ELISABETH DE CASTELLANE FÜRSTIN (1840-1915) - Chronique de 1831 à 1862 / publié avec des annotations et un index biographique par la princesse Radziwill, née Castellane
244074: DINO, DOROTHÉE DUCHESSE DE (1793-1862) - Chronique de 1831 à 1862 / publié avec des annotations et un index biographique par la princesse Radziwill, née Castellan
171786: DINO, DOROTHEE, DUCHESSE DE (1793-1862) - Souvenirs de la Duchesse de Dino / publiés par sa petite-fille la Comtesse Jean de Castellane ; preface de M. Etienne Lamy
38199: DINUR, BEN ZION - Israel and the Diaspora
87316: DINWIDDIE, DONAL AND MACFALL, RUSSELL P. - Complete Book of Rocks, Minerals, Gems, Fossils
64508: DINWOODIE, HEPBURN - All the World and I
232805: DINZELBACHER, PETER - Bernhard von Clairvaux : Leben und Werk des beruhmten Zisterziensers
62415: DIONNE, E. J. - Why Americans Hate Politics / E. J. Dionne, Jr
54818: DIORIO, AL (1950-) - Barbara Stanwyck / Al Diorio
152877: DIORIO, AL (1950-) - Little Girl Lost
224026: DIOSY, ARTHUR (1856-1923) - The new Far East
127055: DIOSY, ARTHUR (1856-1923) - The New Far East. with Illus. from Special Designs by Kubota Beisen, a Reproduction of a Cartoon Designed by H. M. the German Emperor, and a Specially-Drawn Map
55993: DIPEGO, GERALD - With a Vengeance / Gerald Dipego
143292: DIPIERO, MICHELE - Storia Critica Dei Partiti Italiani
267806: DIPLOMATICUS - Can the Tories win the peace? : And how they lost the last one
148338: DIPLOMATICUS (PSEUD. ) - The Czechs and Their Minorities
143654: DIPLOMATICUS, PSEUD. ZILLIACUS, KONNI (1894-1967) - The Czechs and Their Minorities
162260: DIPLOMATICUS (PSEUD. ) - The Czechs and Their Minorities
46144: DIPLOMATICUS. [ZILLIACUS, KONNI] (1894-) - The Czechs and Their Minorities
176448: DOCUMENTS DIPLOMATIQUES (CONFERENCE PUBLICATION) - Documents Diplomatiques relations polono-lithuaniennes conferences de copenhague et de lugano
227367: DIRCKS, HENRY (1806-1873) - The life, times and scientific labours of the second Marquis of Worcester : to which is added, a reprint of his Century of inventions, 1663, with a commentary thereon
262877: DESIGN & ART DIRECTION - The D&AD showreel
262876: DESIGN & ART DIRECTION - D&AD Now that's what I call advertising 42
255740: BRITISH DESIGN AND ART DIRECTION - The 37th annual of the best in British and international design and advertising - British design and art direction annual/ CD ROM/DVD
262873: DESIGN & ART DIRECTION - The D&AD 39th annual
266197: THE EDITOR, BAILY'S HUNTING DIRECTOR - Baily's hunting directory, 1951-1952
227012: THE EDITOR, BAILY'S HUNTING DIRECTOR - Baily's hunting directory, 1964-1965
227011: THE EDITOR, BAILY'S HUNTING DIRECTOR - Baily's hunting directory, 1951-1952
38101: NEW HAMPSHIRE BUSINESS DIRECTORY - The New Hampshire Business Directory, for the Year Commencing October 1, 1870
227723: BAILY'S HUNTING DIRECTORY - Baily's Hunting Directory, 1928-1929, with diary and hunt maps. Thirty-second year
197558: DIRINGER, DAVID (1900-) - Le origini della scrittura Etiopica : estratto dagli 'Atti del Terzo Congresso di Studi Coloniali' Firenze 12-17 Aprile 1937-XV
230179: VON DIRKSEN, SAMMLUNG W. VON FALKE, OTTO - Sammlung W. von Dirksen, Berlin; Kunstwerke und kunstgewerbe der gotik und renaissance
130626: DIRKSEN, CLETUS FRANCIS (1907-) - Economic Factors of Delinquency
192052: DIRLIK, ARIF - Revolution and history : the origins of Marxist historiography in China, 1919-1937
119853: DIRLIK, ARIF - Revolution and History : the Origins of Marxist Historiography in China, 1919-1937 / Arif Dirlik
179513: DIRR, PIUS - Augsburg / von Pius Dirr
263827: DIRS, BEN - Everywhere we went : England's Barmy Army / Ben Dirs
232818: DIRX, RUTH - Das Kind : das unbekannte Wesen : Geschichte, Soziologie, Padagogik
250197: CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT - Easter March 1961 Aldermaston, London, Wethersfield - Advice to Marchers
198614: CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT - The big breakthrough
132245: DISBROWE, CHARLOTTE ANNE ALBINIA - Old Days in Diplomacy : Recollections of a Closed Century
105976: DISCH, THOMAS M. - The Businessman : a Tale of Terror / Thomas M. Disch
21187: BOSTON. CHURCH OF THE DISCIPLES - Memorial of the Commemoration by the Church of the Disciples of the Fiftieth Birthday of Their Pastor, James Freeman Clarke, April 4, 1860
264367: SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF DISCOVERIES - Terrae incognitae : the journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries - vol. XXII 1990
217305: AGRICULTURE AND THE WORLD TODAY : A SYLLABUS FOR DISCUSSION. - Agriculture and the world today : a syllabus for discussion
30870: ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH IN NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE. - Psychiatric Treatment. Proceedings of the Association, December 14 and 15, 1951, New York, N. Y. with 49 Illustrations and 62 Tables
248396: DISHER, M. WILSON - Fairs, Circuses and Music Halls: with 8 plates in colour and 27 illustrations in black & white
270640: DISHER, M. WILSON - Fairs, Circuses and Music Halls: with 8 plates in colour and 27 illustrations in black & white
98337: DISNEY, WALT - Great Moments from the Films of Walt Disney
82155: DISNEY, WALT - Peter Pan
65982: DISNEY, MICHAEL - The Hidden Universe / Michael Disney
54106: WALT DISNEY - Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
42603: DISNEY, MICHAEL - The Hidden Universe
265917: DISNEY - ????????????? ; Mikki no okaimono asobi
236693: WALT DISNEY - Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters / John Grant ; Foreword by David R. Smith ; Foreword to the Rev. Ed. by Roy E. Disney
228960: DISNEY, WALT - Walt Disney's Donald Duck winterboek
221441: WALT DISNEY - Peter Pan
221439: WALT DISNEY - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
221440: WALT DISNEY - The Magic Book
158716: DISNEY - Disney's the Hunchback of Notre Dame : a Pop-Up Book
182490: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse and Bobo the elephant
100156: DISNEY, WALT - Daisy and Donald Paper Dolls
182484: DISNEY, WALT - Donald Duck gets fed up
182582: DISNEY, WALT - Donald Duck forgets to duck
182554: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse and the pirate submarine
103732: DISNEY, WALT AND BARKS, CARL - The Carl Barks Library of Walt Disney's Donald Duck, 1954-1959 - Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 167-229 (Set 9 of 10 Boxed Sets) 3 Volumes
182602: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse in the race for riches
88672: DISNEY, WALT - The bears and I : a collection of 8 color stills in printed envelope. Prepared for promotional purposes
102475: WALT DISNEY - Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters / John Grant ; Foreword by David R. Smith ; Foreword to the Rev. Ed. by Roy E. Disney
182614: DISNEY, WALT - Donald Duck : Hunting for trouble
115232: MOUSE WORKS. DISNEY - Disney's Pocahontas
115243: MOUSE WORKS. DISNEY - Disney's Oliver & Company Little Library
48636: DISNEY, WALT - Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse and the Best-Neighbor Contest
182618: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse and the sacred jewel
182595: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse and Pluto the racer
104298: DARLENE GEIS. WALT DISNEY - Walt Disney's Treasury of Silly Symphonies / Edited by Darlene Geis
182571: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse sails for treasure island
115237: MOUSE WORKS. DISNEY - Disney's Aladdin
182592: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse presents Walt Disney's silly symphonies stories : featuring Donald Duck, Peter Pig, Benny Bird, and Bucky Bug
239528: WALT DISNEY - Walt Disney's Donald Duck, No. 273
182445: DISNEY, WALT - Mickey Mouse and the 'lectro box
182458: DISNEY, WALT - Pluto the Pup
182471: DISNEY, WALT - Silly Symphony featuring Donald Duck and his (mis)-adventures
270904: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN EARL OF BEACONSFIELD (1804-1881) - Alroy ; Ixion in heaven ; The infernal marriage ; Popanilla
269874: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN (1804-1881) - Sybil, or, The two nations / Benjamin Disraeli ; introduction by Patrick Cormack ; drawings by Nigel Lambourne
280809: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN (1804-1881) - The letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield Vol. 2 1876 to 1881
266195: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN - Novels and tales by the Earl of Beaconsfield - 3 volumes
132308: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, EARL OF BEACONSFIELD (1804-1881). RALPH DISRAELI (ED. ) - Lord Beaconsfield's Correspondence with His Sister, 1832-1852. [Ed. by Ralph Disraeli]
257401: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN (1804-1881) - Venetia
250737: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN EARL OF BEACONSFIELD (1804-1881) - The Novels and Tales of Benjamin Disraeli in 12 volumes
56233: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, EARL OF BEACONSFIELD (1804-1881) - The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Chesterfield and Lady Bradford - Volume One, 1873 to 1875 & Volume Two, 1876 to 1881 - [Complete in Two Volumes]
208347: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN (1804-1881) - Contarini Fleming : a psychological romance ; The young duke : 'a moral tale, though gay' ; Vivian Grey [3 novels in 1 volume]
196959: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, EARL OF BEACONSFIELD, (1804-1881) - David Alroy : Frei nach dem Englischen / von D'Israeli
97515: DISSELHOFF, HANS DIETRICH - The Art of Ancient America; Civilizations of Central and South America, by H. D. Disselhoff and S. Linne
270256: DISTEL, ANNE - Chefs-d'oeuvre impressionnistes du Musée du Jeu de Paume - préface de Michel Laclotte ; introduction de Edward Lucie-Smith ; commentaires de Anne Distel [and others]
154974: DISTEL, ANNE. STEIN, SUSAN ALYSON - Cezanne to Van Gogh : the Collection of Doctor Gachet / Anne Distel and Susan Alyson Stein
279871: HOLLOWAY'S GIN DISTILLERY - Holloway's Gin Distillery Cocktail Recipes
97149: DISTIN, WILLIAM H. - The American Clock : a Comprehensive Pictorial Survey, 1723-1900, with a Listing of 6153 Clockmakers / William H. Distin and Robert Bishop
172114: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XXII : Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on the overlapping of the work of the voluntary general hospitals with that of Poor Law Medical Relief
172116: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XIX. B. : Report by Mr.Cyril Jackson on the effects of employment or assistance given to the 'unemployed' since 1886 as means of relieving distress outside the Poor Law in Ireland
259719: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. : Appendix Volume III. Minutes of evidence (49th to 71st days) being mainly the evidence of critics of the Poor Law and of witnesses representing Poor Law and charitable associations. With Appendix
172111: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XXVII : Replies by Distress Committees to questions circulated on the subject of the Unemployed Workmen Act, 1905
172113: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XII : Memoranda by Individual Commissioners on various subjects
126144: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume VIII, Minutes of Evidence (123rd to 138th Days) with Appendix
126143: ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Reports on Visits Paid by the Labour Colonies Committee to Certain Institutions in Holland, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland
126142: ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XXX; Scotland -Statistical and Other Documents Relating Specially to Scotland
172106: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Statistics relating to Ireland : Appendix Volume XXXI
172109: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XXIX ; Church of Scotland. Report from General Assembly's Committee on Church Interests with appendix
172120: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume VII. A. : Index to minutes of evidence (appendix volume VII)
244771: ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress: Appendix Volume X: Minutes of Evidence (157th and 159th days) with Appendix: this volume contains the oral and written evidence of witnesses relating to Ireland
172122: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XXI : Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on an Inquiry in certain Unions into Cases of Refusal of Out-Relief
172118: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - Appendix Volume XIX. A. : Report by the Rev. J.C. Pringle on the effects of unemployed' since 1886 as a means of relieving distress ouside the Poor Law of Scotland
181505: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON POOR LAWS AND RELIEF OF DISTRESS - The Minority report of the Poor law commission : Part II. The unemployed
170056: GREAT BRITAIN ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POOR LAWS OF RELIEF AND DISTRESS - Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress
124448: LOS ANGELES CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - The Biological Effects of Alcohol. a Bulletin of Facts for the Use of Teachers in Junior and Senior High Schools
35230: DITCHFIELD, G. M. , DAVID HAYTON AND CLYVE JONES - British Parliamentary Lists, 1660-1800 : a Register / Edited by G. M. Ditchfield, David Hayton, and Clyve Jones
274953: DITCHFIELD, P.H. (PETER HAMPSON) (1854-1930) - The parish clerk
268792: DITCHFIELD, P. H. (PETER HAMPSON) (1854-1930) - The cathedrals of Great Britain, their history and architecture
249898: DITCHFIELD, P. H. - The charm of the English village
132531: DITCHFIELD, P. H (PETER HAMPSON) - The Story of the City Companies
165341: DITCHFIELD, PETER HAMPSON, (1854-1930) - Old Village Life; Or, Glimpses of Village Life through all Ages
155916: DITERLIZZI, TONY - Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World around You / Accurately Restored and Described by Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black - Deluxe Gift box set with all the books and DVDs
182656: DITERLIZZI, TONY - The nixie's song / Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
277650: DITMARS, RAYMOND LEE (1876-1942) - Snakes of the world: with illustrations from life
40091: DITTMAR, NORBERT - A Critical Survey of Sociolinguistics : Theory and Application / Norbert Dittmar ; Translated from the German by Peter Sand, Pieter A. M. Seuren, and Kevin Whiteley
172976: DITTMER, CLARENCE GUS - Introduction to Social Statistics
148034: DITTRICH, ZDENEK RADSLAV - Wittfogel En Rusland : over De Oorsprong Van De Russische Autocratie / Z. R. Dittrich
117901: DITTRICK, MARK. DIANE KENDER DITTRICK - Decorative Hardware / Mark Dittrick, Diane Kender Dittrick ; Photographs by David Arky ; Illustrations by Mark Dittick
211188: O DIUBHGINN, SEOSAMH - Ag scaoileadh sceoil
39787: DIVALD, KORNEL (1872-) - Old Hungarian Art, by Kornél Divald...
249990: DIVEKY, ADRJAN - Dziejowe wskazania polskiej i wegierskiej racji stanu
275968: DIVENDAL, LEO - Divendal : fotografie = photography = photographie / Leo Divendal
68902: DIVER, MAUD (1867-1945) - Sylvia Lyndon. a Novel of England
24516: DIVER, MAUD - But Yesterday -
255647: IL DIVERTIMENTO DE' NUMI - Il Divertimento De' Numi scherzo rappresentativo per musica composito per il real piacere delle maesta' loro in Napoli
268955: DIVINE, A. D. (ARTHUR DURHAM) (1904-1987) - Deeds that held the empire : At sea / [by] A. D. Divine. With a foreword by Admiral of the fleet Sir Roger Keyes, bt
49064: DIVINE, ROBERT A. - The Reluctant Belligerent: American Entry Into World War II
118715: DIVINE, DAVID (1904-) - Mutiny At Invergordon [By] David Divine
98177: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. GEOGRAPHY AND MAP DIVISION - Panoramic Maps of Anglo-American Cities; a Checklist of Maps in the Collections of the Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division. Compiled by John R. Hebert
98081: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. PRINTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS DIVISION - Viewpoints : the Library of Congress Selection of Pictorial Treasures : a Picture Book
74945: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (U. S. ). SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - America's Seashore Wonderlands / Prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.
171387: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (U.S.). SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - Blue horizons : paradise isles of the Pacific / prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society
171388: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (U.S.). SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - The World's wild shores / prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society
169139: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (U.S.). SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - Secret corners of the world / prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society
13553: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (U. S. ). SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - America's Majestic Canyons / Prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society
220964: GREAT BRITAIN. LAND RESOURCES DIVISION. - Land resources of the Solomon Islands, vol. 7 : San Cristobel and adjacent islands / J.R.D. Wall and J.R.F. Hansell.
250246: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION. REFERENCE AND TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION - Between two cultures : a study of relationships between generations in the Asian community in Britain / Community Relations Commission
171383: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (U.S.). SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - Into the wilderness / prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. ; photographed by Lowell Georgia ; illustrated by H. Tom Hall
124666: NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA. STILL PHOTOGRAPHY DIVISION - The Female Eye = Coup D'Oeil Féminin / Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, Still Photography Division
111395: NINETY-FIRST DIVISION - Fifth Annual Reunion, Ninety-First Division, September 27-28, 1924 ... Souvenir Program
12818: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION - Jugoslavia - Geographical Handbook Series - [Complete in Three Volumes]
140065: SOKA GAKKAI. YOUTH DIVISION - Cries for Peace : Experiences of Japanese Victims of World War II / Compiled by the Youth Division of Soka Gakkai
77835: INTERTEC PUBLISHING CORPORATION. ABOS MARINE PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - Outboard Motor Service Manual - [6th Edition - Volume 1 Covering Motors Below 30 HP]
250901: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION - Algeria: volume I: February 1943
244704: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION - Morocco: Volume II: October 1942
126674: GREAT BRITAIN. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION - French West Africa, Volume II: the Colonies
184047: SHIPLEY DIVISION - Liberal Almanac for 1913
171384: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (U.S.). SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DIVISION - Exploring America's scenic highways / prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society
108874: FIFTH ANNUAL REUNION 91ST DIVISION - Fifth Annual Reunion, Ninety-First Division, September 27-28, 1924, Los Angeles, Cal. , Souvenir Program
191599: GREAT BRITAIN. LAND RESOURCES DIVISION. - Land resources of the Solomon Islands : Vol.8, Outer islands / J.R.D. Wall and J.R.F. Hansell.
129877: GREAT BRITAIN. NATIONAL COAL BOARD. SCOTTISH DIVISION - A Short History of the Scottish Coal-Mining Industry
124643: CREATIVE SERVICES DIVISION - Super Sunday : the Official Photographic Celebration of the Super Bowl / [Prepared by National Football League Properties, Inc. , Creative Services Division]
233251: DHANIT YUPHO (1907-1959). THAILAND. KROM SINLAPAKO?¯N. PROMOTION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS SUB-DIVISION - The development of national museums in Thailand
197306: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. PRINTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS DIVISION - Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings : presented to the Library of Congress by Mrs. Gardiner Greene Hubbard / compiled by Arthur Jeffrey Parsons, chief of Division of prints
249019: GREAT BRITAIN. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION - Jugoslavia. Vol. 2 History, peoples and administration, October 1944 / [prepared for the Naval Intelligence Division at the Cambridge sub-centre, general editor H. C. Darby
212995: GREAT BRITAIN : ROYAL COMMISSION ON MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE - Report 1951-1955 : presented to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty 1956
273769: DIWAKAR, RANGANATH RAMACHANDRA (1894-1990) - Gandhi's triple message
273322: DIWAKAR, RANGANATH RAMACHANDRA (1894-1990) - Gandhi's triple message
232196: DIWALD, HELLMUT - Kunst-Landschaften der Sudetendeutschen
260817: DIX, EDWIN ASA - A midsummer drive through the Pyrenees
140417: DIX, CAROL (1946-) - A Chance for the Top : the Lives of Women Business Graduates
227838: DIX, OTTO (1891-1969) - Otto Dix im Selbstbildnis : mit 126 Abbildungen, 43 Farbreproduktionen und einer Sammlung von Schriften, Briefen und Gesprächen / von Diether Schmidt
60010: DIX, REV. G. H. - Child Study, with Special Application to the Teaching of Religion
94699: DIX, BEULAH MARIE - A Rose O' Plymouth-Town; a Romantic Comedy in Four Acts
12154: DIXEY, GILES - Furin - Collected Verses
146966: DIXEY, ROGER NICHOLAS, ED. ELMHIRST, LEONARD KNIGHT (1893-1974) - International Explorations of Agricultural Economics. a Tribute to the Inspiration of Leonard Knight Elmhirst. Edited by Roger N. Dixey
267480: DIXEY, ANNIE COATH - The lion dog of Peking : being the astonishing history of the Pekingese dog
90377: DIXON, CHRIS - Perfecting the Family : Antislavery Marriages in Nineteenth-Century America / Chris Dixon
78869: DIXON, PHILIP (1945-) - Barbarian Europe
78384: DIXON, DON - Universe
62523: DIXON, ROGER - Noah II / [By] Roger Dixon ; Original Story Idea by Basil Bova and Roger Dixon
62285: DIXON, MARLENE AND JONAS, SUSANNE (EDS. ) - Nicaragua under Siege / Edited by Marlene Dixon and Susanne Jonas
249066: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Her Majesty's Tower. Vol. 3
44830: DIXON, MARLENE - Women in Class Struggle
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272920: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Personal history of Lord Bacon : From unpublished papers
272814: DIXON, ROGER (1935-1983) - Victorian architecture / Roger Dixon, Stefan Muthesius
267223: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Free Russia
235011: DIXON, ROGER (1935-1983). MUTHESIUS, STEFAN - Victorian architecture
203490: DIXON, YVONNE ROMNEY. ROMNEY, GEORGE (1734-1802). FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY - 'Designs from fancy' : George Romney's Shakespearean drawings
203230: DIXON, PAMELA - Ginseng / [by] Pamela Dixon
190264: DIXON, PHILIP - Barbarian Europe
183055: DIXON, KEITH - Freedom and equality : the moral basis of democratic socialism / Keith Dixon
170950: DIXON, SIMON (SIMON M.) - Catherine the Great
134528: DIXON, KEITH - Freedom and Equality : the Moral Basis of Democratic Socialism / Keith Dixon
279374: DIXON, THOMAS JR - The foolish virgin : a romance of today
254763: DIXON-SCOTT, J - Scottish Counties : a book of photographs / J. Dixon-Scott
266186: DIXON, HENRY HALL - Saddle and sirloin
266187: DIXON, HENRY HALL - Scott and Sebright, by the Druid
251535: DIXON, MORMAN. DIXON, MARGARET - Can you tell me?
249420: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Her Majesty's Tower. Vol. I-II
249403: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH - Her Majesty's Tower. Vol. 1 ; with illustrations
222951: DIXON, CHARLES (1858-1926) - Among the birds in northern shires
22350: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH - Her Majesty's Tower [Two Volumes Complete in One]
72877: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Yellow Feather Mystery
65831: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Secret of the Caves, by Franklin W. Dixon... Illustrated by Walter S. Rogers
65803: DIXON, HARRY VERNOR - The Rag Pickers, by H. Vernor Dixon
58893: DIXON, WILLIAM - A Portfolio of Drawings by Williams Dixon Based on the Novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs
139353: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Her Majesty's Tower
100841: DIXON, ROGER & BOVA, BASIL - Noah II / [By] Roger Dixon ; Original Story Idea by Basil Bova and Roger Dixon
264405: DIXON, M. V. (MEREDITH VIBART) - The true facts about the disputed frontiers of Europe
130582: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH - La Russie Libre / Ouvrage Traduit De L'Anglais Avec L'Autorisation De L'Auteur Par Emile Jonveaux ; Illustre De 75 Gravures Sur Bois Et Accompaigne D'Une Carte
187224: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - New America
261954: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Free Russia
61808: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - William Penn: an Historical Biography from New Sources
161185: DIXON, JEANE - Jeane Dixon: My Life and Prophecies : Her Own Story As Told to Rene Noorbergen
124938: DIXON, WHEELER W. - The 'B' Directors : a Biographical Directory
249419: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Her Majesty's Tower. Vol. IV
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