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197413: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Free Russia
255195: DIXON, HUGH - An introduction to Ulster architecture
210563: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH (1821-1879) - Free Russia
278026: DIXWELL, GEORGE BASIL - Progress and poverty : a review of the doctrines of Henry George
215828: DJAVAKHISHVILI, GIVI DMITRIEVICH - Georgia : Land of the 'Golden fleece' reveals its riches
97811: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - Rise and Fall - [Vlast. English]
95266: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - Wartime / Milovan Djilas ; Translated by Michael B. Petrovich
52103: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - The Unperfect Society: Beyond the New Class
257669: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - The new class : an analysis of the communist system
164061: DJILAS, MILOVAN, (1911-1995) - Under the Colors [By] Milovan Djilas. Translated by Lovett F. Edwards
140096: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - The New Class; an Analysis of the Communist System, by Milovan Djilas
95915: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - Conversations with Stalin. Translated from the Serbo-Croat by Michael B. Petrovich - [Uniform Title: Susreti Sa Staljinom. English]
93666: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - Anatomy of a Moral: the Political Essays of Milovan Djilas
39999: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - The Leper, and Other Stories
179394: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - The new class : an analysis of the Communist system / Milovan Djilas
191513: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - On new roads of socialism : address delivered at the preelection rally of Belgrade students, March 18, 1950
127770: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - Anatomy of a Moral
93887: DJILAS, MILOVAN - The Leper, and Other Stories. Translated by Lovett F. Edwards
207235: DJILAS, MILOVAN (1911-1995) - Anatomy of a moral : the political essays of Milovan Dilas / edited by Abraham Rothberg ; with an introd. by Paul Willen
195438: DJORDJEVIC, JOVAN - La Yougoslavie, democratie socialiste / Jovan Djordjevic ;...preface de Marcel Prelot
275127: DLMS - Tiny Tots ABC
156146: DLUHOSCH, ERIC. SVACHA, ROSTISLAV (EDS. ) - Karel Teige : L'enfant Terrible of the Czech Avant-Garde / Edited by Eric Dluhosch and Rostislav Svacha
216656: DMITRIEV, IVAN I - Vzglyad na moiu zhizn' [Language: Russian]
158814: DMITRIEVA, OLGA. ABRAMOVA, NATALYA - Britannia and Muscovy : English silver at the Court of the Tsars / edited by Olga Dmitrieva and Natalya Abramova
216504: DMITRIYEV, S. S: ZEMANOVA, R. G. (SOSTAVITELI) - Khrestomatiya po istorii sssr (1861-1917) Posobiye dlya uchiteley [Readings in the history of the USSR (1861-1917) Manual for Teachers. Language: Russian]
217742: DMITRIYEV, V. - Pchely zhuzhzhat. Rasskazy. [The bees are buzzing. Stories. Language: Russian.]
92736: DO-DINH, PIERRE - Confucius and Chinese Humanism. Translated by Charles Lam Markmann
267207: DOAK, FRANK - Australian defence heritage : the buildings, establishments and sites of our military history that have become part of the national estate / text, Frank Doak ; illustrations, Jeff Isaacs
277004: DOANE, JANICE - Nostalgia and sexual difference : the resistance to contemporary feminism
257054: DOANE, BENJAMIN - Following the sea
58915: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register - Volume CXXIX, April 1975 - Bicentennial Issue
58913: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register - Volume CXXXI, January 1977
58911: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (2 Vols. ) Vol. CXXX April & July 1976
58910: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (2 Vols. ) CXXXII, April and July 1978
58756: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (Vol. CXXVIII) 1974 (Indexes)
58755: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (Vol. CXXVIII) July 1974 - Whole Number 511
58754: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (Vol. CXXI) July 1967
56731: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (10 Vols. - CXXX to CXXXV) Oct 1976, Oct 77, Jan 78, Oct 78, Jan 79, Oct 79, Jan 80, Jul 80, Apr 81, Oct 81
56730: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (3 Vols. - CXXIX to CXXX) July 1975, October 1975 & January 1976
56729: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (Vol. CXXVIII) April 1974. No. 510
56725: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (5 Vols. ) April 1965 to April 1966. Nos. 474 to 478
56724: DOANE, GILBERT HARRY (ED. ) - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (2 Vols. ) January 1969 to April 1969. Nos. 489 & 490
36980: DOANE, GEORGE WASHINGTON, BISHOP OF NEW JERSEY - The Church Upon Her Knees. the Sermon [On John Xvii. 21] before the Offertory in St. Mary's Church, Burlington, on Quinquagesima Sunday, MDCCCXLIII. when At the Request of the Board of Missions, the Offerings of the Church in the United States
37881: DOANE, GILBERT H. [ED. ] - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register [16 Volumes - April 1970 to April 1874; Nos. 494 to 513 (Except No. S 497, 503, 509 and 511)
258566: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Socialist planning : some problems / Maurice Dobb ; Socialism today series ; 12
258558: DOBB, MAURICE HERBERT - Capitalism yesterday and today
190199: DOBB, MAURICE HERBERT (1900-1976). POTTS, J. H. - How Soviet trade unions work / Maurice Dobb ; introduction by J.H. Potts
204484: DOBB, MAURICE HERBERT (1900-). POTTS, J. H. LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - How Soviet trade unions work / Maurice Dobb ; introduction by J.H. Potts
136763: DOBB, MAURICE - Soviet Planning and Labour in Peace and War : Four Studies.
180822: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Some aspects of economic development : three lectures
182901: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Soviet economy and the war
172546: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Social insurance in the Soviet Union
278527: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Argument on socialism
194858: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Modern capitalism : its origin and growth; an outline course for classes and study circles
167522: DOBB, MAURICE, (1900-1976) - Capitalism yesterday and today
175653: DOBB, MAURICE - An essay on economic growth and planning
194667: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Planning and capitalism
182386: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Capitalism yesterday and today
128412: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Soviet Economy and the War
136790: DOBB, MAURICE - Soviet Planning and Labour in Peace and War : Four Studies
139596: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Soviet Planning and Labor in Peace and War : Four Studies / Maurice Dobb
160959: DOBB, MAURICE HERBERT (1900-1976) - Papers on Capitalism, Development and Planning / Maurice Dobb
91701: DOBB, MAURICE - Soviet Economic Development Since 1917
205084: DOBB, MAURICE HERBERT (1900-) - Capitalism yesterday and today
208141: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Capitalism yesterday and today
210587: DOBB, MAURICE (1900-1976) - Capitalism yesterday and today
138144: DOBBERT, GERHARD. CAMPBELL, MALCOLM HUGH (1895-) TRANS. - Soviet Economics : a Symposium / Edited by Gerard Dobbert ; Translated by M Campbell
151308: DOBBERT, GERHARD - Soviet Economics : a Symposium / Edited by Gerhard Dobbert ; Translated from the German by Malcolm Campbell
238001: DOBBIE, BEATRICE MARION WILLMOTT (1903-) - Obstetrics and gynaecology; a synoptic guide to treatment
239035: DOBBIE, BEATRICE MARION WILLMOTT (1903-) - Obstetrics and gynaecology; a synoptic guide to treatment
62204: DOBBIN, MURIEL - Joe's World
257709: DOBBING, HERBERT - Cause for concern : a Quaker's view of the Palestine problem / Herbert Dobbing
247095: DOBBINS, JOHN J - The excavations of the Roman villa at La Befa, Italy - BAR international series ; 162
44416: DOBBS, PAUL - To Baruch ....a Responsum
275676: DOBBS, MICHAEL - Churchill's hour / Michael Dobbs
193445: DOBBS, MICHAEL (1948- ) - The Buddha of Brewer Street
193430: DOBBS, MICHAEL (1948- ) - Goodfellowe MP
156942: DOBBS, MICHAEL (1950- ) - Saboteurs : the Nazi Raid on America / Michael Dobbs
155840: DOBBS, MICHAEL - Saboteurs : the Nazi raid on America
151162: DOBBS, ARCHIBALD EDWARD (1838-1916) - The Nation in Judgment
43303: DOBBS, SEALEY PATRICK - The Clothing Workers of Great Britain, by S. P. Dobbs ... with an Introduction by the Rt. Hon. Sidney Webb
83183: DOBBY, ALAN - Conservation and Planning
261011: DOBELL, BERTRAM (1842-1914) - Sidelights on Charles Lamb
254281: DOBEREINER, PETER. SNYDER, NORMAN - The glorious world of golf
101711: DOBEREINER, PETER. JOHN IRELAND (ILLUSTRATOR) - The Book of Golf Disasters
232561: DÖBEREINER, CHRISTIAN - 50 Jahre alte Musik in Munchen : eine Denkschrift zur Wiedererweckung alter Musik
24961: DOBERER, K. K. - Secret Weapon
64082: DOBIE, J. FRANK (JAMES FRANK) (1888-1964) - Prefaces / J. Frank Dobie
165064: DOBIE, JAMES FRANK, (1888-1964) - Rattlesnakes [By] J. Frank Dobie
154423: DOBIE, CHARLES CALDWELL (1881-1943) - San Francisco; a Pageant, by Charles Caldwell Dobie; Illustrated by E. H. Suydam
102647: DOBIE, J. FRANK (JAMES FRANK) (1888-1964) - Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest. Rev. and Enl. in Both Knowledge and Wisdom.
163933: DOBIE, JAMES FRANK (1888-1964) - Some Part of Myself
164139: DOBIE, JAMES FRANK (1888-1964) - Tongues of the Monte
67259: DOBLHOFER, ERNST - Voices in Stone; the Decipherment of Ancient Scripts and Writings. Translated by Mervyn Savill
22539: DOBLIN, ERNST MARTIN (1904-) - Theorie Des Dumpings, Von Dr. Ernst Döblin; Mit 3 Schaubildern Im Text
207628: DOBOSIEWICZ, STANISAW - Our progress in education
207638: DOBOSZYNSKI, ADAM - Drogi pokolenia
63117: DOBREE, BONAMY (1891-) - English Essayists [By] Bonamy Dobrée. with 8 Plates in Colour and 23 Illustrations in Black & White
277505: DOBRÉE, BONAMY - Alexander Pope
269238: DOBRÉE, BONAMY (1891-1974 ) - English literature in the early eighteenth century, 1700-1740
134199: DOBREE, BONAMY - The Unacknowledged Legislator / Bonamy Dobree
178727: DOBRETSBERGER, JOSEF - Das Geld im Wandel der Wirtschaft : 14 Studien zu den Wahrungsfragen der Gegenwart / Josef Dobretsberger
279297: DOBRIZHOFFER, MARTIN - An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay. From the Latin of Martin Dobrizhoffer, eighteen years a missionary in that country - vol. 3
89932: DOBROLI?U?BOV, NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH (1836-1861) - Selected Philosophical Essays ; Translated by J. Fineberg
185470: DOBROLIUBOV, N. A. (NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH) (1836-1861) - Selected philosophical essays / N.A. Dobrolyubov ; translated by J. Fineberg
216219: DOBROLYUBOV, N. A. - Izbrannyye Sochineniya. Podbor Teksta I Primechaniya A. Lavretskogo [Selected Works. Selection of Texts. Language: Russian]
133087: DOBROLYUBOV, N. A. (NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH) - Selected Philosophical Essays / N. A. Dobrolyubov ; Translated [From the Russian] by J. Fineberg
11512: DOBROV, GREGORY W. - Figures of Play : Greek Drama and Metafictional Poetics / Gregory W. Dobrov
217726: DOBROVOL'SKIJ, LEV MIHAJLOVIC; INSTITUT RUSSKOJ LITERATURY. PUSKINSKIJ DOM (SAINT-PETERSBOURG, RUSSIE) - Bibliografiya literatury o M. Ye. Saltykove-Shchedrine. 2, 1848-1917 [Bibliography of the literature on the ME Saltykov-Shchedrin. 2, 1848-1917. Language: Russian]
216980: DOBROVOL'SKIY, L. M. - Zapreshchonnaya Kniga v rossii 1825-1904. Arkhivno-bibliograficheskiye razyskaniya [Forbidden Book(s) in Russia 1825-1904. Language: Russian]
217935: DOBROVOL'SKIY, L. M. - Bibliografiya Literatury o m. ye. saltykove - shchedrine 1848-1917 [Bibliography of Literature on Saltykov - Shchedrin 1848-1917. Language: Russian]
215853: DOBROVOLSKY, LEV MIKHAILOVICH - Zapreshhjonnaja kniga v Rossii 1825-1904. Arhivno-bibliograficheskie razyskanija [Banned books in Russia 1825-1904. Language: Russian]
216759: DOBROVOLSKY, LEV MIKHAYLOVICH - Zapreshchonnaya kniga v Rossii 1825-1904 : Arkhivno-bibliograficheskiye razyskaniya. [Banned books in Russia 1825-1904 : Archival and bibliographical evidence. Language: Russian]
121163: DOBSCHINER, JOHANNA-RUTH - Selected to Live
178072: DOBSCHUTZ, ERNST VON - The influence of the Bible on civilisation / Ernst von Dobschutz
197568: DOBSCHUTZ, ERNST VON (1870-1934) - Probleme des apostolischen Zeitalters / von Ernst von Dobschutz
265018: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Proverbs in porcelain : to which is added 'Au revoir,' a dramatic vignette
259442: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Poems on several occasions
257930: DOBSON, BENJAMIN - 48 hours strike: The conference, 1897
24711: DOBSON, CHRISTOPHER AND RONALD PAYNE - The Dictionary of Espionage
237249: DOBSON, MARY J - The story of medicine: from bloodletting to biotechnology / Mary Dobson
22712: DOBSON, CHRISTOPHER. PAYNE, RONALD (1926-) - The Carlos Complex: a Study in Terror / Christopher Dobson and Ronald Payne
181397: DOBSON, C. R. - Masters and journeymen : a prehistory of industrial relations, 1717-1800 / C.R. Dobson
13925: DOBSON, CHRISTOPHER - Counterattack : the West's Battle Against the Terrorists
188828: DOBSON, ALBAN (1885-?) - Austin Dobson / some notes by Alban Dobson ; with chapters by Sir Edmund Gosse & George Saintsbury
188827: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Old-world idylls : and other verses
248640: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Eighteenth century vignettes : second series / Austin Dobson
249925: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Eighteenth century vignettes
6995: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921). THOMSON, HUGH (1860-1920) , ILL. - Coridon's Song : and Other Verses from Various Sources / with Illustrations by Hugh Thomson ; and an Introduction by Austin Dobson
117082: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921). ABBEY, EDWIN AUSTIN (1852-1911). PARSONS, ALFRED (1847-1920) - 'The Quiet Life'; Certain Verses by Various Hands: the Motive Set Forth in a Prologue & Epilogue by Austin Dobson; the Whole Adorned with Numerous Drawings by Edwin A. Abbey & Alfred Parsons
82405: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921). THOMSON, HUGH (1860-1920) - The Story of Rosina, and Other Verses, by Austin Dobson; Illustrated by Hugh Thomson
74010: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Collected Poems - (Volume 1 of 2)
64510: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Proverbs in Porcelain, and Other Poems, by Austin Dobson
8018: DOBSON, MARGARET STIRLING - Block-Cutting and Print-Making by Hand. from Wood, Linoleum and Other Media
92967: DOBSON, AUSTIN - Proverbs in Porcelain : to Which is Added, Au Revoir, a Dramatic Vignette
5939: DOBSON, WILLIAM T. - History of the Bassandyne Bible : the First Printed in Scotland, with Notices of the Early Printers of Edinburgh
32031: DOBSON, ALBAN (1885- COMP. ) - A Bibliography of the First Editions of Published and Privately Printed Books and Pamphlets by Austin Dobson, Comp. by Alban Dobson, with a Preface by Sir Edmund Gosse, C. B.
132441: DOBSON, B. PALIN - The Story of the Evolution of the Spinning Machine
278417: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921). ANDERSON, JOHN PARKER (1841-) - Life and writings of Oliver Goldsmith
125655: DOBSON, ALBAN (COMP. ) - A Bibliography of the First Editions of Published and Privately Printed Books and Pamphlets by Austin Dobson. with a Pref. by Sir Edmund Gosse
113416: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - The Ballad of Beau Brocade, and Other Poems of the Xviiith Century, by Austin Dobson, with Fifty Illustrations by Hugh Thomson
182673: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) ; PARTRIDGE, BERNARD, (ILLUS., B. 1861) - Proverbs in porcelain : a dramatic vignette to which is added 'Au revoir'
280085: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Poems on several occasions, vol. 2
13329: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - At the Sign of the Lyre
14297: DOBSON, AUSTIN - At the Sign of the Lyre
14298: DOBSON, AUSTIN - Old-World Idylls and Other Verses
27421: DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Old-World Idylls, and Other Verses / Bu Austin Dobson
197504: GATTY & DOBSON (PUBLISHERS, LONDON) - Six etchings : North Wales scenery
29130: DOBYNS, LLOYD. CRAWFORD-MASON, CLARE - Quality or Else : the Revolution in World Business / Lloyd Dobyns and Clare Crawford-Mason
163745: DOBYNS, STEPHEN (1941- ) - The Church of Dead Girls : a Novel / Stephen Dobyns
210333: DOCHERTY, DAVID (1956-) - The spirit death
73030: DOCKENDORF, MARGO - The Mahdi : a Millenium Thriller
91635: DOCKER, FREDERICK JOSEPH - Foreign Exchange, by F. J. Docker ...
144027: DOCKER, EDWARD WYBERGH - History of Indian Cricket / Edward Docker
96772: DOCKRILL, M. L. (MICHAEL L. ) - Peace Without Promise : Britain and the Peace Conferences, 1919-23 / Michael L. Dockrill and J. Douglas Goold
107563: DOCKSTADER, FREDERICK J. - Weaving Arts of the North American Indian
140335: LE DOCTE, MAXIMILLIEN - Essai Sur L'Amelioration De L'Agriculture Belgique : Suivi Le Defrichement Des Landes Et Bruyeres
279691: LE DOCTEUR - Nouveau Mode de Recrutement de L'Armée sans Tirage au Sort
241992: THE RADIO DOCTOR - Good Health, Children!
111986: DOCTOR, GARY L. - The Sinatra Scrapbook
159962: DOCTOROW, E. L. (1931-) - Billy Bathgate : a Novel / E. L. Doctorow
135748: DOCTOROW, E. L. - World's Fair / E. L. Doctorow
58552: DOCTORS, SAMUEL I. - The Role of Federal Agencies in Technology Transfer
184423: INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE BIBLIOGRAFIA E DOCUMENTACAO - Amazonia - Bibliografia : 1601/1970
207125: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences : International Bibliogrpahy of Political Science 1973, Volume 22 / prepared by International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation
267293: DOD, CHARLES R, (CHARLES ROGER) (1793-1855) - The peerage, baronetage, and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852, including all the titled classes : Twelfth year
49426: CYCLESERV. CECIL R. DODD - Servicing Suzuki Motorcycles - RM Series
268157: DODD, A. H. (ARTHUR HERBERT) (1891-1975) - A history of Caernarvonshire 1284-1900 / Arthur Herbert Dodd
153171: DODD, CLEMENT HENRY. SALES, MARY E. - Israel and the Arab World,
164498: DODD, CHARLES HAROLD (1884-1973) - New Testament Studies
251985: DODD, A. H. (ARTHUR HERBERT) - Life in Elizabethan England
194830: DODD, CHARLES (1672-1743) ; TIERNEY, MARK ALOYSIUS (1795-1862) - Dodd's Church history of England : from the commencement of the sixteenth century to the Revolution in 1688 / With notes, additions, and a continuation by the Rev. M. A. Tierney [complete in 5 volumes]
279441: DODD, WILLIAM - The beauties of Shakspeare
241928: DODD, HAROLD. COCKETT, FRANK B - The Pathology and Surgery of the Veins of the Lower Limb, etc
250380: DODD, A. D. (ANTHONY DENNIS) - Anthology of Short Stories by South African Writers. Selected by A. D. Dodd
113004: DODD, CRAIG - Ballet : First Steps to First Night. a Three-Dimensional Book / Craig Dodd ; and Shirley Soar
54751: DODD, CRAIG - Ballet
115487: DODD, ANNA BOWMAN AND REINHART, C. S. (ILLUS. ) - In and out of Three Normandy Inns. by Anna Bowman Dodd...illustrated by C. S. Reinhart and Others
129867: DODD, C. H. - History and the Gospel
225376: DODD, WILLIAM - The factory system illustrated in a series of letters to the Right Hon. Lord Ashley
138618: DODD, C. H. (CHARLES HAROLD) (1884-1973) - History and the Gospel
143476: DODD, CHARLES HAROLD (1884-1973) - Christianity and the Reconciliation of the Nations
28274: DODD, ARTHUR HERBERT - The Industrial Revolution in North Wales
30654: DODD, ARTHUR HERBERT - The Industrial Revolution in North Wales
30965: DODD, LEE WILSON (1879-1933) - A Modern Alchemist, and Other Poems
70841: DODD, CECIL ROY - The Auto-Body Repair Manual, 1960
197124: DODD, C. H. (CHARLES HAROLD), 1884-1973 [BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT. JOHN 1-3] - The Johannine Epistles
205583: DODD, C. H (CHARLES HAROLD) - History of the gospel
210767: DODD, DUDLETY ; MATCALFE, PAULINE - Eliza Blackwell : a tribute and a portrait
260913: DODDRIDGE, PHILIP (1702-1751) - The family expositor or, A paraphrase and version of the New Testament : with critical notes, and a practical improvement of each section - 2 volumes
262392: DODDRIDGE, PHILIP (1702-1751) - The rise and progress of religion in the soul : illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses suited to persons of every character and circumstance, with a devout meditation or prayer added to each chapter ; to which is subjoined A sermon on the care of the soul
220598: DODDRIDGE, PHILIP - The rise and progress of religion in the soul
149833: DODDRIDGE, PHILIP (1702-1751) - Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of the Honourable Col. James Gardiner : Who Was Slain At the Battle of Preston-Pans, September 21, 1745. with an Appendix Relating to the Antient Family of the Munro's of Fowlis
166412: DODDRIDGE, PHILIP (1702-1751). CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (1792-1878) (ILLUS. ) - The Life of the Hon. Colonel Gardiner : Who Was Slain At the Battle of Prestonpans. with an Appendix, Relating to the Ancient Family of the Munroes of Fowlis
278597: DODDRIDGE, PHILIP (1702-1751) - Letters to and from the Rev. Philip Doddridge, D.D. : late of Northampton / published from the originals with notes explanatory and biographical, by Thomas Stedman
275646: DODDS, JOHN WENDELL - The age of paradox : a biography of England 1841-1851 / John W. Dodds
273744: DODDS, JOHN WENDELL - The age of paradox : a biography of England 1841-1851 / John W. Dodds
250432: DODDS, EDWARD CHARLES, SIR - A riddle of the seventeenth century : the Linacre lecture
46605: DODDS, JOHN W. - The Age of Paradox - a Biography of England 1841-1851
186893: DODDS, ELLIOTT (1889-) - Let's try liberalism
205325: DODDS, JOHN WENDELL - The age of paradox : a biography of England, 1841-1951 / John Wendell Dodds
42919: DODGE, BERTHA S. - Cotton - the Plant That Would be King
170470: DODGE, JEFFREY SAMUEL (ED.) - The field worker in immigrant health / edited by J. S. Dodge
161911: DODGE, JEFFREY SAMUEL - The Field Worker in Immigrant Health / Edited by J. S. Dodge
279381: DODGE, HENRY IRVING - Skinner steps out, photoplay title of Skinner's dress suit, by Henry Irving Dodge; illus. with scenes from the Universal all talking picture
157110: DODGE, MARY MAPES (1830-1905). OSBORNE, HELEN (ILLUS. ) - Hans Brinker; Or, the Silver Skates. Illustrated by Helen Osborne
250720: DODGE, DAVID - Plunder of the sun
249308: DODGE, DAVID - Ransom of the angel
33295: DODGE, NORTON T. - Women in the Soviet Economy - Their Role in Economic, Scientific, and Technical Development
33293: DODGE, NORTON T. - Women in the Soviet Economy - Their Role in Economic, Scientific, and Technical Development
188728: DODGE, JOHN, [ED.] ; NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE TRAINING OF JOURNALISTS (LONDON) - The practice of journalism / edited by John Dodge [and] George Viner
88702: DODGE, MARY MAPES (1830-1905) - The Land of Pluck; Stories and Sketches for Young Folk
238960: THE LOS ANGELES DODGERS - Los Angeles Dodgers Player Pictures, Autographed, 20 Individual Pictures, 50 cents
238961: THE LOS ANGELES DODGERS - Los Angeles Dodgers Player Pictures, Autographed, 20 Individual Pictures, $1.00
196351: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1981 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196352: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1982 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196355: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1967 Los Angeles Dodgers Souvenir Yearbook
196356: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1970 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196357: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1972 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196358: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1971 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196359: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1969 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196360: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1983 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196361: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1973 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196362: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1980 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196363: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1974 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196364: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - 1985 Los Angeles Dodgers Yearbook
196403: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - Los Angeles Dodgers 1974-1983 : a decade of success, 1984 commemorative yearbook
196513: LOS ANGELES DODGERS - Out of this World Series : Official Souvenir Program 1965
260141: DODGSON, CAMPBELL (1867-1948.) - The etchings of Charles Meryon
256902: DODGSON, CAMPBELL (1867-1948) - Modern drawings
7369: DODGSON, CAMPBELL (1867-1948) - French Etchings from Meryon to Lepere: Being a Lecture Delivered to the Print Collectors' Club ... 1922. [With Plates. ] Being a Lecture Delivered to the Print Collector's Club, June 21st, 1922
6179: DODGSON, CAMPBELL (1867-1948). GOODEN, STEPHEN (1892-) - An Iconography of the Engravings of Stephen Gooden, with Preface and Introduction by Campbell Dodgson
138386: DODGSON, CAMPBELL (1867-1948) - Modern Drawings
129155: DODGSON, CAMPBELL (1867-) ED. JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY, MANCHESTER - Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century in the John Rylands Library, Manchester
68404: DODGSON, CAMPBELL (ED. ) - The Print-Collector's Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 1925
219234: DODMAN, FRANK E. - Ships of the Cunard Line
195262: DODS, MARCUS (1834-1909) - The Gospel of St. John / Marcus Dods. Volume 2.
171667: DODS, MARCUS (1834-1909) - The present state of the currency practically considered; proving the justice and necessity of immediately and effectually revising the currency measures of 1819 and 1844
243564: DODS, MARCUS. NICOLL, W. ROBERTSON - The Gospel of St. John: Volume I
277714: DODS, MARGARET - The cook and housewife's manual : a practical system of modern domestic cookery and family management
265463: DODSLEY, J - The Preceptor: containing a general course of education: wherein the first principles of polite learning are laid down in a way most suitable for trying the genius, and advancing the instruction of youth: in twelve parts, illustrated with maps and useful cuts: vol. I
151947: DODSLEY, ROBERT (1703-1764) - The Economy of Human Life : [Complete in Two Parts]. with 32 Elegant Wood-Cuts by Austin and Hole from Designs by Craig
277678: THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE MR. JAMES DODSLEY - The Annual register, or a view of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1793
85991: DODSON, JAMES - Final Rounds : a Father, a Son, the Golf Journey of a Lifetime
75131: DODSON, DANIEL BOONE - Dancers in the Dark : a Novel
97486: DODWELL, CHRISTINA - Beyond Siberia / Christina Dodwell
271221: DODWELL, C. R. (CHARLES REGINALD) - Painting in Europe 800-1200 ; The Pelican history of art
258028: DODWELL, C. R. (CHARLES REGINALD) - Painting in Europe 800-1200 ; The Pelican history of art
241708: DODWELL, CHARLES REGINALD - The great Lambeth Bible, with an introd. and notes
247275: DODWELL, C. R - Jewish art treasures from Prague : the State Jewish Museum in Prague and its collections ; a catalogue / compiled by the Museum in Prague, edited and with a foreword by C.R. Dodwell
79212: DODY, SANDFORD - Giving Up the Ghost : a Writer's Life Among the Stars
211281: DOEDE, WERNER - Die Berliner Secession : Berlin als Zentrum der deutschen Kunst von der Jahrhundertwende bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg / Werner Doede
179203: DOEHAERD, RENEE - L' expansion economique belge au moyen age / par Renee Doehaerd
112276: DOELL, E. W. - Doctor Against Witchdoctor, by E. W. Doell; with Illus. by Con Purchase
95865: DOELL, E. W. AND PURCHASE, CON (ILLUS. ) - Hospital in the Bush, by E. W. Doell. with Illustrations by Con Purchase
128043: DOELL, E. W. CON PURCHASE (ILL. ) - Doctor Against Witchdoctor, by E. W. Doell; with Illus. by Con Purchase
36106: DOELL, E. W. - Doctor Against Witchdoctor, by E. W. Doell; with Illus. by Con Purchase
99124: DOELL, E. W - A Mission Doctor Sees the Wind of Change
17414: VON DOENHOFF, RICHARD A. - Versatile Guardian : Research in Naval History / Edited by Richard A. Von Doenhoff
77511: DOERFLINGER, WILLIAM - The Magic Catalogue : a Comprehensive Guide to the Wonderful World of Magic / Written and Compiled by William Doerflinger
37208: DOERR, EDD AND MENENDEZ, ALBERT J. - Church Schools & Public Money - the Politics of Parochiaid
116853: DOESER, LINDA - Ballet and Dance
107361: DOESER, LINDA - Ballet and Dance
16664: DOESTICKS, Q. K. PHILANDER - Doestick's Letters and What He Says : Containing the Whole of His Celebrated and Original Letters
131440: DOFF, NEEL (1858-1941) - Jours De Famine Et De Detresse, Roman
274016: DOGANÇAY, BURHAN (1929-2013) - Burhan Dogançay : fifty years of urban walls
156154: DOGANCAY, BURHAN - Burhan Dogancay : Works on Paper, 1950-2000 / Essay by Richard Vine ; Introduction by Thomas M. Messer
273847: DOGANÇAY, BURHAN (1929-2013) - Bridge of dreams : the rebirth of the Brooklyn bridge / photographs by Burhan Dogançay ; with an introduction by Phillip Lopate
113973: DOGANÇAY, BURHAN. ROY MOYER (ED. ) - Dogançay / Edited by Roy Moyer ; with an Introduction by Thomas M. Messer
157225: DOGBOLT, BARNABY - Maiden Voyage [By] Barnaby Dogbolt [Pseud. ]
53252: DOGHERTY, MARIAN N. - Scusa Me Teacher
259784: DOHENY, MICHAEL (1805-1862) - The felon's track : or history of the attempted outbreak in Ireland ; embracing the leading events in the Irish struggle from the year 1843 to the close of 1848
84938: DOHERTY, ROBERT H (ED. ) - Royal Cookbook - Favorite Court Recipes from the World's Royal Families
277599: DOHERTY, FRANCIS MICHAEL - Samuel Beckett
259845: DOHERTY, FRANK - The Stalker affair / Frank Doherty
212997: DOHERTY, PAUL - The mysterious death of Tutankhamun / Paul Doherty
155534: DOHERTY, PAUL - The Great Crown Jewels Robbery of 1303 : the extraordinary story of the first big bank raid in history
263329: DOHERTY, BERLIE - Fairy tales / told by Berlie Doherty ; illustrated by Jane Ray
235124: O'DOHERTY, JOHN FRANCIS (1901-) - Laurentius von Dublin und das irische normannentum
241580: DOHERTY, MIKE - Best Racing Photos of All-Time: Auto Racing Photo Greats
231703: DOHRING, SIEGHART (1939-). DAHLHAUS, CARL (1928-1989) - Pipers Enzyklopadie des Musiktheaters : Oper, Operette, Musical, Ballet / herausgegeben von Carl Dahlhaus und dem Forschungsinstitut fur Musiktheater der Universität Bayreuth unter Leitung von Sieghart Dohring
30998: DOIG, JAMESON W. ERWIN C. HARGROVE (EDS. ) - Leadership and Innovation - a Biographical Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government
259115: Ó DOIRNÍN, PEADAR - Peadar Ó Doirnín. A bheatha agus a shaothar. Seán de Rís a chuir in eagar
207918: DOISNEAU, ROBERT - Bonjour Monsieur Le Corbusier / Robert Doisneau, Jean Petit
259060: DOISY, MARCEL - Paul Valéry : intelligence et poésie / par Marcel Doisy ; Les Univers de la littérature ; 4
126251: DOISY, MARCEL - Paul Valery, Intelligence Et Poesie
128928: DOISY, MARCEL - Le Theatre Francais Contemporain / Marcel Doisy
172105: BERICHTE UND DOKUMENTE - Russischer Kolonialismus in der Ukraine : Berichte und Dokumente
72030: DOLAN, SEAN - Pursuing the Dream : from the Selma-Montgomery March to the Formation of PUSH (1965-1971) / Sean Dolan
52503: DOLAN, EDWARD F. (1924-) - Hollywood Goes to War
41858: DOLAN, FREDERICK MICHAEL. - Allegories of America : Narratives, Metaphysics, Politics / Frederick M. Dolan
38559: DOLAN, THERESE (1946-) - Inventing Reality : the Paintings of John Moore
183236: DOLAN, JAY P. (1936- ) - The Irish Americans : a history / Jay P. Dolan
115798: DOLAN, EDWARD F. - Disaster 1906; the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, by Edward F. Dolan, Jr.
219969: DOLAN BLAYNEY, MOLLY; STEVENSON, MONICA - Wedded bliss : a Victorian bride's handbook
261420: DOLBACH, FRITZ - Handbuch der Musikwissenschaften - 1. Band
188390: DOLBEAR, SAMUEL H. (CHAIRMAN) - Industrial Minerals and Rocks (Nonmetallics other than fuels)
130367: DOLBOW, SANDRA W. - Dictionary of Modern French Literature : from the Age of Reason through Realism / Sandra W. Dolbow
179767: DOLCI, DANIL - A new world in the making / Danilo Dolci ; translated from the Italian by R. Munroe[ Verso un mondo nuovo. English ]
64172: DOLCI, DANILO - Waste; an Eye-Witness Report on Some Aspects of Waste in Western Sicily. Translated from the Italian by R. Munroe
125441: DOLCI, DANILO - The Man Who Plays Alone. Translated from the Italian by Antonia Cowan
261564: DOLE, STEPHEN H - Planets for Man. (Based on the RAND Corporation Research Study, Habitable Planets for Man, by Stephen H. Dole.)
91080: DOLE, NATHAN HASKELL (1852-1935) - Richard Wagner
127609: DOLE, CHARLES F. (CHARLES FLETCHER) (1845-1927) - What We Know about Jesus, by Charles F. Dole, D. D.
22773: DOLE, MARY PHYLINDA (1862-) - A Doctor in Homespun : Autobiography of Mary Phylinda Dole
55934: DOLE, REV. WALTER - Heaven on Earth through Life Study, Supplemented by Correlated Sermons
100666: DOLENZ, MICKY - I'M a Believer : My Life of Monkees, Music, and Madness / Micky Dolenz and Mark Bego
100704: DOLENZ, BERNARD J. - Bariloche Connection, by Bernard J. Dolenz
110794: DOLEZ, ALBANE - Glass Animals : 3, 500 Years of Artistry and Design
163404: DOLEZALOVA, JANA - Jewish Customs and Traditions
153952: DOLEZEL, LUBOMIR. - Narrative Modes in Czech Literature
217517: DOLGORUKOV, PETR VLADIMIROVICH (1816-1868) - Peterburgskiye ocherki: pamflety emigranta, 1860-1867. [Petersburg essays: emigrant pamphlets 1860-1867. Language: Russian]
188896: DOLGORUKOV, PETR VLADIMIROVICH KNYAZ (1816-1868) - La verite sur la Russie
165838: DOLGORUKOV, PETR (1816-1868) - La Verite Sur La Russie / Par Le Prince Pierre Dolgoroukov
215716: DOLIN, ERIC JAY - Fur, fortune, and empire : the epic history of the fur trade in America / Eric Jay Dolin
255420: DOLINGER, JANE - Behind harem walls
111611: DOLIS, JOHN - The Style of Hawthorne's Gaze : Regarding Subjectivity / John Dolis
92596: DOLL, SUSAN - Elvis, a Tribute to His Life / Contributing Writer, Susan Doll
69392: THE DOLL COLLECTORS OF AMERICA, INC - Doll Collectors Manual, 1983
250434: DOLL, RICHARD - Prospects for prevention : delivered before the fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London on Monday 18th October 1982
226523: DOLL, SUSAN - Marilyn, her life & legend
243106: DOLLÉANS, ÉDOUARD, (1877-1954) - Le Chartisme : (1830-1848) / Edouard Dolléans. Vol. 2
243430: DOLLÉANS, ÉDOUARD, (1877-1954) - Le Chartisme : (1830-1848) / Edouard Dolléans: Volume I
245263: DOLLÉANS, EDOUARD (1878-1954) - Histoire du mouvement ouvrier : (1871-1936) / Édouard Dolléans: Volume II
191990: DOLLEANS, EDOUARD (1878-1954). DEHOVE, GERARD (1914-1979) - Histoire du travail en France : mouvement ouvrier et legislation sociale, des origines a 1919
244067: DOLLÉANS, EDOUARD (1878-1954) - Histoire du mouvement ouvrier / Édouard Dolléans ; préface de Lucien Febvre (1830-1871)
143192: DOLLEANS, EDOUARD (1877-1954) - Drames Interieurs / Edouard Dolleans
195859: DOLLEANS, EDOUARD (1877-1954) - Histoire du mouvement ouvrier : 1830-1871
154054: DOLLEN, CHARLES - John F. Kennedy, American
159550: DOLLER, JOHANN (1868-1923) - Geographische Und Ethnographische Studien Zum III, Und IV. Buche Der Konige
246666: DOLLEY, MICHAEL - Anglo-Saxon coins : studies presented to F.M. Stenton on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 17 May l960 / edited by R.H.M. Dolley
31348: DOLLINGER, HANS - The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan : a Pictorial History of the Final Days of World War II / Hans Dollinger ; Technical Adviser, Hans Adolf Jacobsen ; Translated from the German by Arnold Pomerans
267379: DÖLLINGER, JOHANN JOSEPH IGNAZ VON (1799-1890) - The first age of Christianity and the church
265245: DOLLINGER, HANS - The decline and fall of Nazi Germany and imperial Japan : a pictorial history of the final days of World War II / Hans Dollinger ; technical adviser, Hans Adolf Jacobsen ; translated from the German by Arnold Pomerans
259991: DÖLLINGER, JOHANN JOSEPH IGNAZ VON (1799-1890) - The Gentile and the Jew in the courts of the Temple of Christ : an introduction to the history of Christianity / from the German of John J. I. Döllinger... by N. Darnell.... Vol.2
23690: DOLLINGER, HANS - The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan : a Pictorial History of the Final Days of World War II / Hans Dollinger ; Technical Adviser, Hans Adolf Jacobsen ; Translated from the German by Arnold Pomerans
243700: DÖLLINGER, JOHANN JOSEPH IGNAZ VON (1799-1890) - Heidenthum und Judenthum : Vorhalle zur Geschichte des Christenthums / von Joh. Jos. Ign. Döllinger
257028: DOLLMANN, EUGEN - The interpreter : memoirs of Doktor Eugen Dollmann / translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
108947: DOLMAN, JOHN (1888-) - The Art of Acting
257351: DOLMAN, BERNARD - A dictionary of contemporary British artists, 1929 / edited by Bernard Dolman
194995: DOLMAN, FREDERICK - Municipalities at work : the municipal policy of six great towns and its influence on their social welfare
98298: DOLMAN, JOHN - The Art of Play Production
108412: DOLNICK, BARRIE - Simple Spells for Hearth and Home : Ancient Practices for Creating Harmony, Peace, and Abundance
74357: KOMITEE 50 JAHRE DOLOMITENSTRASSE - Die Grosse Dolomitenstrasse 1909 - 1959
115743: DOLSON, FRANK - The Philadelphia Story : a City of Winners / Frank Dolson
32710: DOLUKHANOV, PAVEL MARKOVICH - Ecology and Economy in Neolithic Eastern Europe / Paul M. Dolukhanov
241202: DOMB, CYRIL. ROSEN, KOPUL (1913-1962) - Memories of Kopul Rosen / edited by Cyril Domb
121069: DOMBROWSKI ZU PAPROS UND KRUSVIC, KATHE SCHONBERGER VON - Land of Women: the Tale of a Lost Nation
29237: DOMELIER, HENRI - Behind the Scenes At German Headquarters
90509: DOMES, JURGEN - China after the Cultural Revolution : Politics between Two Party Congresses, with a Contribution by Marie-Luise Nath ; Translated from the German by Annette Berg and David Goodman
206881: DOMES, JURGEN - China after the Cultural Revolution : politics between two party congresses / Jurgen Domes ; with a contribution by Marie-Luise Nath ; translated from the German by Annette Berg and David Goodman
100050: DOMES, JURGEN - The Internal Politics of China, 1949-1972. Translated by Rudiger MacHetzki - [Uniform Title: Ara Mao Tse-Tung. English]
122221: DOMES, JURGEN (ED. ) - Chinese Politics after Mao / Edited by Jurgen Domes
275711: DOMÍNGUEZ ORTIZ, ANTONIO - Resplendence of the Spanish monarchy : Renaissance tapestries and armor from the Patrimonio Nacional / Antonio Domínguez Ortiz, Concha Herrero Carretero, José A. Godoy
266083: DOMINIAN, JACK - Marital breakdown / Jack Dominian
134966: DOMINIQUE, PIERRE - Les Journees De Juin / Pierre Dominique
127803: DOMINIQUE, PIERRE (1889-) - Louis Napoleon Et Le Coup D'Etat Du Deux Decembre / Par Pierre Dominique [Pseud. ]
162642: DOMINIQUE, PIERRE (1889-1973) - La Commune / Pierre Dominique
210844: DOMINIQUE, PIERRE (1891-1973) - Les polemistes francais depuis 1789 / par Pierre Dominique
276202: DOMÍNQUEZ BORDONA, JESÚS - Spanish illumination / Jesus Bordona Dominguez: in two volumes
135496: DOMMANGET, MAURICE - Un Drame Politique En 1848; Blanqui Et Le Document Taschereau. Paris, Les Deux Sirenes
269064: DOMMANGET, MAURICE - Babeuf e la congiura degli Uguali - Maurice Dommanget ; prefazione di Elena Brambilla
279619: DOMMANGET, MAURICE - Blanqui
167670: DOMMANGET, MAURICE - La revolution de 1848 et le drapeau rouge / Maurice Dommanget
164478: DOMMANGET, MAURICE (1888-1976) - Histoire Du Premier Mai / Ed. Definitive Avec Index Des Noms
226820: DOMMER, ARREY VON - Handbuch der Musikgeschichte bis zum Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts. Auf Grundlage des gleichnamigen Werks von Arrey von Dommer als dessen dritte Auflage bearbeitet von Arnold Schering
151156: DOMMERSHAUSEN, WERNER (1919-) - Die Estherrolle : Stil Und Ziel Einer Alttestamentlichen Schrift
137321: DOMONT, JEAN MARIE - La Prise De Conscience De L'Individu En Milieu Rural Kongo / par J. -M. Domont
175910: DOMS, ANDRE - Pierre Bourgeois : une lecture de soixante ans de poesie / Andre Doms
131750: DOMS, JULIEN - La Politique Internationale Du Coton
83760: DOMVILLE-FIFE, CHARLES W. (CHARLES WILLIAM) (1886-?) - Submarines and Sea Power
264751: DON, MONTY - Great gardens of Italy / Monty Don & Derry Moore
162376: DONAGHEY, GEORGE WASHINGTON - Building a State Capitol [By] George W. Donaghey
104394: DONAHEY, MARY DICKERSON - The Wonderful Wishes of Jacky and Jean, by Mary A. Dickerson; with Six Illustrations by C. B. Falls
79633: DONAHUE, PHIL - Donahue, My Own Story
76964: DONALD, HENDERSON H. (HENDERSON HAMILTON) - The Negro Freedman; Life Conditions of the American Negro in the Early Years after Emancipation
264793: DONALD, MAXWELL BRUCE - Elizabethan monopolies : the history of the Company of mineral and battery works from 1565 to 1604
258799: DONALD ADAMS, JAMES - Triumph over odds : an anthology of man's unconquerable spirit / Edited by James Donald Adams
262553: DONALD, JOYCE - Long Crendon: a short history Part II 1800-1914
278325: DONALD, ANNIE AND FLETCHER - Recipes for war-time cookery / compiled by Annie Donald and Ella Fletcher ; with a forward by Sir James B. Orr
134974: DONALD, M. B. (MAXWELL BRUCE) - Elizabethan Monopolies : the History of the Company of Mineral and Battery Works from 1565 to 1604
106594: DONALD, ELSIE BURCH (ED. ) - The Book of Creative Crafts
91702: DONALD, ROBERT, SIR - The Polish Corridor and the Consequences, by Sir Robert Donald
146180: DONALD, ROBERT, SIR (1861-1933) - Trade Control in War : Things Which the British Government Has Done Well
278706: DONALDON, PETER - Guide to the British economy
94031: DONALDSON, GERALD (ED. ) - Frogs
84844: DONALDSON, MAUREEN. ROYCE, WILLIAM - An Affair to Remember : My Life with Cary Grant / Maureen Donaldson and William Royce
84847: DONALDSON, MAUREEN (1946-). ROYCE, WILLIAM - An Affair to Remember : My Life with Cary Grant
258764: DONALDSON, DAVID D. (DAVID DUANE) - Cornea and sclera / David D. Donaldson
21130: DONALDSON, FRANCES - The Actor-Managers
155785: DONALDSON, CHRISTOPHER - The Great English Pilgrimage : in the Footsteps of Saint Augustine : from Rome to Canterbury : 1400th anniversary AD 597-1997
234986: DONALDSON, PETER (1934-) - Worlds apart : the economic gulf between nations
278850: DONALDSON, PETER - Guide to the British economy
180809: DONALDSON, HENRY HERBERT (1857-1938) - The growth of the brain : a study of the nervous system in relation to education
74674: DONALDSON, HENRY HERBERT (1857-1938) - The Growth of the Brain : a Study of the Nervous System in Relation to Education
108426: DONALDSON, STEPHEN R. - White Gold Wielder
65510: DONALDSON, JOHN WILLIAM (1811-1861) - The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with a Supplementary Treatise on the Language, Metres, and Prosody of the Greek Dramatists. by John William Donaldson ...
151975: DONALDSON, THOMAS LEVERTON (1795-1885) - Architectura Numismatica; Or, Architectural Medals of Classic Antiquity: Illustrated and Explained by Comparison with the Monuments and the Descriptions of Ancient Authors, and Copious Text. One Hundred Lithographs and Woodcuts. by T. L. Donaldson
144578: DONALDSON, STUART A. (STUART ALEXANDER) (1854-1915) - Church Life and Thought in North Africa A. D. 200
103090: DONALDSON, JOHN WILLIAM - The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with a Supplementary Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements. by John William Donaldson ...
227586: DONALDSON, A. - The amazing cruise of the German raider 'Wolf' : from the log of Captain Donaldson, S.S. 'Matunga'
152680: DONALDSON, SAM (1934-) - Hold On, Mr. President! / Sam Donaldson
181748: DONALDSON, JOHN WILLIAM (1811-1861) - Jashar : fragmenta archetypa Carminum Hebraicorum in Masorethico Veteris Testamenti textu passim tessellata / collegit, ordinavit, restituit, in unum corpus redegit, Latine exhibuit, commentario instruxit Joannes Guilelmus Donaldson
49536: DONALDSON, MAUREEN (1946-). ROYCE, WILLIAM - An Affair to Remember : My Life with Cary Grant
175182: DONAT, JOSEF (1868-1946) - The freedom of science
191470: DONATELLO (1386?-1466) - Donatello / presentazione di Francesco Gebelin
188950: DONATI, LAZZARO - Florence : a book of photographs
264896: DONATTINI, MASSIMO. PROSPERI, ADRIANO. REINHARD, WOLFGANG. ISTITUTO STORICO ITALO-GERMANICO. SETTIMANA DI STUDIO (34TH : 1991 : TRENTO, ITALY) - Orizzonti geografici dell'editoria italiana (1493-1560): Il Nuovo Mondo nella coscienza italiana e tedesca del Cinquecento / a cura di Adriano Prosperi e Wolfgang Reinhard
161815: DONCHIAN, JOHN B. - Threads from the Oriental Loom; a Series of Intimate Notes and Sketches Helpful Interesting to Students Connoisseurs and Collectors. by John B. Donchian
30920: DONDEN, DR. YESHI. JEFFREY HOPKINS (ED. ) - Health through Balance - an Introduction to Tibetan Medicine
75767: DONDERS, JOSEPH G. - Charged with the Spirit : Mission is for Everyone
69482: DONEY, MALCOLM - Lennon and McCartney / Malcolm Doney
238109: DONEY, MALCOLM - Lennon and McCartney / Malcolm Doney
189564: DONEY, JEAN-MARIE (1794-1871, BISHOP OF MONTAUBAN) - Lettre de Mgr l'eveque de Montauban au clerge de son diocese au sujet de l'enseignement de la philosophie dans les colleges de l'etat et de la liberte de conscience
166399: DONEY, JEAN-MARIE (1794-1871) - Nouveaux Elemens De Philosophie, D'Apres La Methode D'Observation Et La Regle Du Sens Commun, Par M. L'Abbe Doney
226450: DONG, STELLA - Peking : heart of the celestial empire, 1404-1949 / Stella Dong
180591: DONGEN, RON VAN (1961-) - The tulip anthology / photographs by Ron Van Dongen ; foreword by Anna Pavord ; edited by Billie Lythberg
229526: DONHOF, MANFRED - Böttgersteinzeug, Böttgerporzellan : Schlossmuseum Arnstadt Bestandskatalog
229593: DONHOF, MANFRED - Böttgersteinzeug, Böttgerporzellan : Schlossmuseum Arnstadt Bestandskatalog
176979: DONIACH, N. S. A(NAKDIMON SHABBETHAY) - Purim, or the Feast of Esther : an historical study
130368: DONIACH, NAKDIMON SHABBETHAY - Purim; Or, the Feast of Esther; and Historical Study
218244: DONIACH, N. S., (NAKDIMON SHABBETHAY) - Purim, or the Feast of Esther : an historical study
265355: DÖNITZ, KARL (1891-1980) - Memoirs : ten years and twenty days / Karl Doentiz ; translated by R.H. Stevens in collaboration with David Woodward ; with an introduction and afterword by Jürgen Rohwer
268637: DONIZETTI, GAETANO (1797-1848) - Lucrezia Borgia : opera, in two acts and prologue
268638: DONIZETTI, GAETANO (1797-1848) - La figlia del reggimento = The daughter of the regiment : a comic opera in two acts, according to the version performed at the Italian operas in London / composed by G. Donizetti ; edited, and the pianoforte accompaniment revised, by Berthold Tours ; the English by Natalia Macfarren
260169: DONIZETTI, GAETANO (1797-1848) - La favorita : opera in four acts
253128: DONIZETTI, GAETANO (1797-1848) - Anna Bolena : tragedia lirica di F. Romani / posta in musica dal Maestro Donizetti
253215: DONIZETTI, G. WAGNER, RICHARD - La Fille du Régiment / La Favorite: Two Operas Bound in One
203816: DONKERSLOOT-DE VRIJ, Y. MARIJKE. NEDERLANDS SCHEEPVAART MUSEUM - Drie generaties Blaeu : Amsterdamse cartografie en boekdrukkunst in de zeventiende eeuw / Marijke Donkersloot-De Vrij
227122: DONKIN, HORATIO BRYAN - The Diseases of Childhood (medical)
29486: DONLAGIC, AHMET. ATANACKOVIC, ZARKO. PLENCA, DUSAN - Yugoslavia in the Second World War
226321: DONLEAVY, CANICE - Sonnets on the Psalms
48597: DONLEAVY, JAMES PATRICK (1926-) - Leila : Further in the Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman
191112: DONLEY, MICHAEL W. [ET AL.] - Atlas of California / Michael W. Donley ... [et al.]
12839: DONNAN, JEANIE MUNRO - Heatherbloom : Poems and Songs
12837: DONNAN, JEANIE - The Hills O'Hame Poems
236412: DONNAY, MAURICE (1859-1945) - Autour du Chat Noir
276830: DONNE, JOHN (1572-1631) - Complete poetry and selected prose
255153: DONNE, JOHN (1572-1631) - The complete English poems of John Donne / edited by C.A. Patrides
269729: DONNE, JOHN (1572-1631) - Poems of love / John Donne ; introduction by Kingsley Hart
221989: DONNE, JOHN (1572-1631). DRURY, ELIZABETH (-1610) - The First Anniuersarie : An Anatomie of the World. Wherein, By Occasion Of the vntimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drvry, the frailtie and decay of this whole World is represented. [Printer's mark] / London, Printed by A. Matthewes, for Tho: Dewe...
199057: DONNE, JOHN (1572-1631) - John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's : complete poetry and selected prose / edited by John Hayward
218922: DONNE, JOHN (1572-1631) / GARDNER, HELEN LOUISE, DAME - John Donne's holograph of 'A letter to the Lady Carey and Mrs Essex Riche' / [by] Helen Gardner
54838: DONNEGAN, JAMES FL. (1841) - A New Greek and English Lexicon; Principally on the Plan of the Greek and German Lexicon of Schneider ...
99703: O'DONNELL, ELLIOTT (1872-1965) - Werewolves
91602: O'DONNELL, JAMES P. (JAMES PRESTON) - The Bunker : the History of the Reich Chancellery Group / James P. O'Donnell
72726: O'DONNELL, LILLIAN - Pushover
51469: O'DONNELL, LILLIAN - Dial 577 R-A-P-E
255600: O'DONNELL, RUAN - Robert Emmet and the Rebellion of 1798 / Ruán O'Donnell
234940: O'DONNELL, EDWARD EUGENE (1940-) - Annals of Dublin fair city
218927: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : Dragon's Claw
218928: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : The Xanadu Talisman
218906: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : The Silver Mistress
218908: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : The Silver Mistress
218911: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : The Night of Morning Star
218925: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : Last Day in Limbo
218895: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : Dead Man's Handle
199431: O'DONNELL, MICHAEL (1928-) - The long walk home
193732: O'DONNELL, E. E. - The annals of Dublin - fair city - / E. E. O'Donnell ; with photographs from The Francis Browne Collection
173178: O'DONNELL, PATRICK K. (1969-) - Operatives, spies, and saboteurs : the unknown story of the men and women of World War II's OSS / Patrick K. O'Donnell
169311: O'DONNELL, PATRICK K. (1969- ) - Operatives, spies, and saboteurs : the unknown story of the men and women of World War II's OSS / Patrick K. O'Donnell
154606: O'DONNELL, PATRICK K. - The Brenner Assignment : the untold story of the most daring spy mission of World War II
257017: O'DONNELL, RUAN - Robert Emmet and the rising of 1803 / Ruán O'Donnell
262796: O'DONNELL, H. (HENRY) - Hints on preparing short company lectures, and, Address to young officers on joining
257557: O'DONNELL, E. E. (EDWARD EUGENE) - The annals of Dublin / E.E. O'Donnell ; with photographs from the Father Browne SJ Collection
218898: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : Cobra trap
178591: O'DONNELL, FRANK HUGH (1848-1916) - Paraguay on Shannon : the price of a political priesthood
71176: O'DONNELL, MARY KING (1909-) - Those Other People / Mary King O'Donnell ; Drawings by F. Strobel
65611: O'DONNELL, LILLIAN - A Private Crime
117698: O'DONNELL, JAMES PRESTON - The Bunker : the History of the Reich Chancellery Group / James P. O'Donnell
148715: O'DONNELL, JOHN A. - Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky, by John A. O'Donnell
218919: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : I, Lucifer
132220: O'DONNELL, FRANK HUGH - Paraguay on Shannon : the Price of a Political Priesthood
37556: O'DONNELL, LILLIAN - A Wreath for the Bride
120959: O'DONNELL, TERENCE - Garden of the Brave in War / Terence O'Donnell
218912: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise : A Taste for Death
238813: O'DONNELL, GAIL. TRAVOLTA, MICHELE - Making it in Hollywood : behind the success of 50 of today's favorite actors, screenwriters, producers and directors
28745: O'DONNELL, EUGENE - The Night Cometh
218904: O'DONNELL, PETER (1920-2010) - Modesty Blaise
211050: O'DONNELL, JAMES P. - The Berlin bunker / James P. O'Donnell
168533: DONNELLEY, GAYLORD - To be a good printer : our four commitments
43797: DONNELLON, ANNE - Team Talk - the Power of Language in Team Dynamics
40860: DONNELLY, LEWIS - Justice First [By] John Downing [And Others]; Edited by Lewis Donnelly
234383: DONNELLY, MAUREEN - Poetry of the Glens / edited by Maureen Donnelly
233602: DONNELLY, COLM J. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST. INSTITUTE OF IRISH STUDIES - Living places : archaeology, continuity, and change at historic monuments in Northern Ireland
224446: DONNELLY, JOE - Twitchy Eyes
136825: DONNELLY, DESMOND - Gadarene '68: the Crimes, Follies and Misfortunes of the Wilson Government
47925: DONNELLY, JOHN (1941-) - Logical Analysis and Contemporary Theism
41584: DONNELLY, MARGARITA - Calyx. a Journal of Art and Literature by Women - Volume 14, Number 1, Summer 1992
41586: DONNELLY, MARGARITA - Calyx. a Journal of Art and Literature by Women - Tenth Anniversary Issue - Volume 10, Number 1, Summer 1986
41587: DONNELLY, MARGARITA - Calyx. a Journal of Art and Literature by Women - Volume 16, Number 1, Summer 1995
167007: DONNELLY, DESMOND - Gadarene '68 : the crimes, follies and misfortunes of the Wilson government
233451: DONNELLY, MAUREEN M - The nine glens : a personal look at the history folklore and poetry of the nine glens of Antrim
140795: DONNELLY, DESMOND - The March Wind; Explorations Behind the Iron Curtain
9108: DONNELLY, IGNATIUS - The Golden Bottle Or, the Story of Ephraim Benezet of Kansas
93402: DONNELLY, DESMOND - Struggle for the World; the Cold War: 1917-1965
98172: DONNELLY, DESMOND - Struggle for the World; the Cold War: 1917-1965
206305: DONNELLY, MORWENNA - Founding the life divine : an introduction to the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo
124002: DONNER, JORN - The Personal Vision of Ingmar Bergman. Translated by Holger Lundbergh
147066: DONNERT, ERICH (ED. ) - Probleme Der Revolutionären Bewegung Russlands Im 19. Und Beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert / Herausgegeben Von Erich Donnert
267084: DONNISON, DAVID (1926-2018) - The government of housing / [by] D. V. Donnison
243898: DONNISON, DAVID VERNON - The neglected child and the social services : a study of the work done in Manchester and Salford by social services of all kinds for 118 families whose children came into public care
279607: DONNISON, DAVID VICTOR - Essays on housing; Rowntree Trust housing study : a critical discussion of the standards and findings
178263: DONNISON, DAVID (1926-?) - Social policy and administration : studies in the development of social services at the local level
207501: DONNISON, DAVID VERNON - Social policy and administration / studies in the development of social services at the local level
29028: DONNITHORNE, AUDREY G. - British Rubber Manufacturing - an Economic Study of Innovations
94062: DONOGHUE, DENIS - Ferocious Alphabets / Denis Donoghue
40524: DONOGHUE, DENIS - The Sovereign Ghost - Studies in Imagination
255553: O'DONOGHUE, DAVID - Hitler's Irish voices : the story of German radio's wartime Irish service / David O'Donoghue ; foreword by Professor J.J. Lee
75393: O'DONOGHUE, MARIAN ADELE (LONGFELLOW) , MRS (1849-) - History of the Society of Descendants of Robert Bartlet of Plymouth, Massachusetts
234413: O'DONOGHUE, JOHN (1900-) - In a quiet land
36772: DONOGHUE, WILLIAM E. AND SHILLING DANA - William E. Donoghue's Lifetime Financial Planner
52992: DONOHUE, WILLIAM A. - The New Freedom - Individualism and Collectivism in the Social Lives of Americans
260023: DONOHUE, JAMES J. (JAMES JOHN) - Exile in the stars : a book of hours for the first Sunday in Advent
104676: M. A. DONOHUE, CHICAGO - Mamma's Helper
76699: DONOVAN, JOHN J. - Business Re-Engineering with Information Technology : Sustaining Your Business Advantage : an Implementation Guide
69765: DONOVAN, HEDLEY - Right Places, Right Times : Forty Years in Journalism, Not Counting My Paper Route
274044: DONOVAN, TERENCE (1936-1996) - Terence Donovan fashion / edited by Diana Donovan and David Hillman ; text, Robin Muir ; foreword, Grace Coddington
192749: DONOVAN, WILLIAM J., COLONEL - Should men of fifty fight our wars?
226300: DONOVAN, MOLLY (1966-) - The Andy Goldsworthy project / Molly Donovan and Tina Fiske ; with John Beardsley and Martin Kemp
17904: DONOVAN, MOLLY - Christo and Jeanne-Claude in the Vogel Collection
177773: DONOVAN, ROBERT J. - Conflict and crisis : the Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1945-1948 / Robert J. Donovan
17597: O'DONOVAN, OLIVER. O'DONOVAN, JOAN LOCKWOOD (1950-) - From Irenaeus to Grotius : a Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought 100-1625 / Edited by Oliver O'Donovan and Joan Lockwood O'Donovan
221706: DONOVAN, HEDLEY [EDITOR-IN-CHIEF] - People Weekly : January 17, 1977 [Ringo Starr]
73513: DONOVAN, ROBERT J. - Eisenhower: the Inside Story
227875: O'DONOVAN, JOHN (1809-1861) - The banquet of Dun na n-Gedh : and The battle of Magh Rath : an ancient historical tale
57718: O'DONOVAN, PATRICK ANTHONY - For Fear of Weeping
279991: O'DONOVAN, SÍOFRA - Malinski
117652: DONOVAN, JOHN - Eichmann, Man of Slaughter
80290: DONOVAN, FRANK ROBERT (1906-) - Prepare Now for a Metric Future
221680: DONOVAN, HEDLEY [EDITOR-IN-CHIEF] - People Weekly : June 7, 1976. Vol. 5 No. 22 [Paul McCartney cover]
171801: DONY, JOHN G. LUTON MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY - A history of education in Luton
147416: DONY, JOHN G. - Flora of Bedfordshire
210448: DONY, FRANCOISE - Ixelles Sainte-Croix
206036: DOOLEY, ANNE - Guidance from Silver Birch
156840: DOOLEY, AGNES WISE (D. 1964) - Promises to Keep; the Life of Doctor Thomas A. Dooley, by Agnes W. Dooley
230245: DOOLIN, WILLIAM (1887-1962) - Wayfarers in Medicine
70407: DOOLING, D. M. - Parabola : Myth and the Quest for Meaning. Vol. 08:3 Words of Power
219447: DOOLITTLE, BEV / MACLAY, ELISE / BALLANTINE, BETTY - The Art of Bev Doolittle / text and poems by Elise Maclay ; edited by Betty Ballantine
80273: DOOLITTLE, J. E. - Gold Dredging in California
278842: DOORLY, ELEANOR - The microbe man : a life of Pasteur for children
278841: DOORLY, ELEANOR - The insect man : a tale of how the Yew Tree children went to France to hear the story of Jean Henri Fabre in the places where he lived and to see the homes of some of the insects whose life-story he has written
278687: DOORLY, ELEANOR - The radium woman : a youlh edilion of lhe life of Madame Curie
158476: DOPICO BLACK, GEORGINA - Perfect Wives, Other Women : Adultery and Inquisition in Early Modern Spain / Georgina Dopico Black
217839: DOPIERALA, BOGDAN - Polska Partia Robotnicza na Pomorzu Zachodnim : studia i materialy / Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogdana Dopieraly [Language: Polish]
277203: DOPP, HANS-JURGEN - Paris eros : the imaginary museum of eroticism
246699: DÖPP, HANS-JÜRGEN - Sapphic Art: Sappho's Repudiated Love - Hans-Jürgen Döpp
159772: DOPP, HANS-JURGEN (1940- ) - Encyclopædia Erotica
158852: DOPP, HANS-JURGEN (1940- ) - In Praise of the Backside / Hans-Jurgen Dopp ; [Translation, Jane Susanna Ennis]
158435: DOPP, HANS-JURGEN (1940-) - Sadomasochism: On the Ecstasies of the Whip / Hans-Jurgen Dopp
234586: DOPSCH, HEINZ. JUFFINGER, ROSWITHA. KUNNERT, VALENTIN. ST. PETER IN SALZBURG (ABBEY). DOMMUSEUM ZU SALZBURG - St. Peter in Salzburg : das alteste Kloster im deutschen Sprachraum : 3. Landesausstellung, 15. Mai-26. Oktober 1982 : Schatze europaischer Kunst und Kultur / Katalogredaktion und fur den Inhalt verantwortlich, Heinz Dopsch und Roswitha Juffinger, unter Mitarbeit von Valentin Kunnert
98083: DOR-NER, ZVI - Columbus and the Age of Discovery
199094: DOR, REMY - Chants du toit du monde : textes d'orature kirghize suivis d'un lexique kirghiz-francais / (choisis et traduits par) Remy Dor
101775: DOR-NER, ZVI. WILLIAM G. SCHELLER. - Columbus and the Age of Discovery
92067: DORAN, MICHAEL SCOTT (1962-) - Pan-Arabism before Nasser : Egyptian Power Politics and the Palestine Question
268848: DORAN, AMANDA JANE - More pick of Punch / edited by Amanda Jane Doran ; preface by Libby Purves
248545: DORAN, JOHN - Their majesties' servants : annals of the English stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean; actors, authors, audiences
250192: DORAN, DR. STODDARD, R. H - Annals of The English Stage: from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean: volume I
171587: DORAN, GEORGE H. (GEORGE HENRY), (1869-1956) - Chronicles of Barabbas, 1884-1934, by George H. Doran
99930: DORAN, GEORGE H. (GEORGE HENRY) - Chronicles of Barabbas, 1884-1934, by George H. Doran
131128: DORAN, MICHEL - L'Action Catholique : Nature Et Structures
166045: DORAN, JOHN (1807-1878) - The Bentley Ballads : a Selection of the Choice Ballads, Songs, & C. , Contributed to 'Bentley's Miscellany' / Edited by Dr. Doran. with Four Ballads Contributed by the Editor
225888: DORAN, PATRICK F. (PATRICK FRANCIS) ; HUNT MUSEUM - 50 treasures from the Hunt Collection / Patrick F. Doran ; with a foreword by the Knight of Glin
278034: DORBEC, PROSPER - L'Hotel Carnavalet et la Marquise de Sévigné
183726: DORCHAIN, AUGUSTE (1857-1930) - Pierre Corneille
216749: DORDEVIC, TIHOMIR R. - Beleske o nasoj narodnoj poeziji [Notes about our folk poetry. Language: Serbian]
276158: DORÉ, GUSTAVE - El Quijote de Gustavo Doré
23223: DORE, RONALD - British Factory - Japanese Factory. The Origins of National Diversity in Industrial Relations
201956: DORE, J.R. (JOHN READ) - Old Bibles : an account of the early versions of the English Bible
274027: DORE, PAUL GUSTAVE - The Holy Bible : King James Version
242875: DORÉ, GUSTAVE [ILLUSTRATOR] - The Holy Bible: containing the Old and New Testament, according to the authorised version, with illustrations by Gustave Doré: Volume 2 - Ezekiel to Revelations
220603: BIBLE. ENGLISH. AUTHORIZED. 1866. / GUSTAVE DORE - The Holy Bible containing the Old and New testaments, according to the authorised version. With illustrations by Gustave Dore. Volume 1: Genesis - Lamentations
241174: DORÉ, GUSTAVE (1832-1883). OLLIER, EDMUND (1827-1886). HUYOT, JULES JEAN MARIE JOSEPH (B. 1841) [ENGRAVER]. PANNEMAKER, STÉPHANE (1847-1930) [ENGRAVER]. PISAN, HÉLIODORE JOSEPH (1822-1890) [ENGRAVER]. CASSELL & COMPANY [PUBLISHER] - Cassell's Doré gallery : containing two hundred and fifty beautiful engravings, selected from the Doré Bible, Milton, Dante's Inferno, Dante's Purgatorio and Paradiso, Atala, Fontaine, Fairy Realm, Don Quixote, Baron Munchhausen, Croquemitaine, &c. &c, with memoir of Doré, critical essay, and descriptive letterpress
226281: DORE, J. R. (JOHN READ) - Old Bibles: An account of the early versions of the English Bible
240243: DORÉ, GUSTAVE (1832-1883). OLLIER, EDMUND (1827-1886). HUYOT, JULES JEAN MARIE JOSEPH (B. 1841) [ENGRAVER]. PANNEMAKER, STÉPHANE (1847-1930) [ENGRAVER]. PISAN, HÉLIODORE JOSEPH (1822-1890) [ENGRAVER]. CASSELL & COMPANY [PUBLISHER] - Cassell's Doré gallery : containing two hundred and fifty beautiful engravings, selected from the Doré Bible, Milton, Dante's Inferno, Dante's Purgatorio and Paradiso, Atala, Fontaine, Fairy Realm, Don Quixote, Baron Munchhausen, Croquemitaine, &c. &c, with memoir of Doré, critical essay, and descriptive letterpress
168964: DORE, GUSTAVE (1832-1883). DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321). CARY, HENRY FRANCIS (1772-1844) TR. - Purgatory and Paradise
164747: DOREN, EUGENE VAN - Les Tribulations Du <> De < > Clandestine 1914-1918
195450: VAN DOREN, WILLIAM HOWARD (1810-1882) - Mercantile morals : a book for young men entering upon the duties of active life ; with an appendix, containing a popular explanation of the principal terms used in law and commerce ... with the money's, weights, and measures of foreign countries, and their English equivalents
74182: VAN DOREN, MARK (1894-1972) COMP - The Night of the Summer Solstice & Other Stories of the Russian War Selected and with a Preface by Mark Van Doren
70025: VAN DOREN, CARL (1885-1950) - Mutiny in January; the Story of a Crisis in the Continental Army Now for the First Time Fully Told from Many Hitherto Unknown or Neglected Sources, Both American and British, by Carl Van Doren
59354: VAN DOREN, MARK (1894-1972) - The Transients, by Mark Van Doren
46617: VAN DOREN, DOROTHY - The Professor and I
127415: VAN DOREN, DOROTHY - The Lost Art; Letters of Seven Famous Women, Edited by Dorothy Van Doren
104269: VAN DOREN, CARL (1885-1950). - Sinclair Lewis, a Biographical Sketch. with a Bibliography by Harvey Taylor
61214: VAN DOREN, CARL (1885-1950) - Jane Mecom, the Favorite Sister of Benjamin Franklin: Her Life Here First Fully Narrated from Their Entire Surviving Correspondence
173534: VAN DOREN, MARK (1894-1972) - Collected stories
160047: VAN DOREN, CHARLES LINCOLN (1926-) (ED. ) - Letters to Mother; an Anthology
27157: VAN DOREN, MARK - A Winter Diary, and Other Poems / Mark Van Doren
57668: VAN DOREN, MARK (1894-1972) - Spring Birth, and Other Poems
81943: VAN DOREN, CARL (1885-1950) ED. HELD, JOHN (1889-1958) ILLUS. LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB - The Travels of Baron Munchausen - [Uniform Title: Baron Munchausen's Narrative of His Marvellous Travels]
237055: DORENLOT, FRANÇOISE. TISON-BRAUN, MICHELINE - Andre Malraux : metamorphosis and imagination / guest editors, Françoise Dorenlot, Micheline Tison-Braun
144116: DORENLOT, F E. - Malraux; Ou, L'Unite De Pensee
75071: DORFMAN, ROBERT, ED. - Science with a Human Face : in Honor of Roger Randall Revelle / Edited by Robert Dorfman, Peter P. Rogers
67073: THE YALE REVIEW. INTRODUCED BY JOSEPH DORFMAN - The Yale Review : a Quarterly Journal of History and Political Science, Old Series 1892-1911 / with an Introduction by Joseph Dorfman - [Complete in 20 Volumes; 19 Plus the Index]
14687: DORFMAN, ROBERT - Prices and Markets
13769: DORFMAN, ARIEL & KESSLER, STEPHEN - Widows / Ariel Dorfman ; Translated from the Spanish by Stephen Kessler
73283: DORFMAN, ROBERT ED - Measuring Benefits of Government Investments / R. Dorfman, Editor. Papers Presented At a Conference of Experts Held Nov. 7-9, 1963 (At the Brookings Institution)
131717: DORFMAN, ROBERT - The Price System
232246: DORFMULLER, KURT (1922-) [EDITOR]. KINSKY, GEORG (1882-1951) - Beitrage zur Beethoven-Bibliographie : Studien u. Materialien zum Werkverz / von Kinsky-Halm ; hrsg. von Kurt Dorfmuller
254491: DORGELÈS, ROLAND (1886-1973) - Le cabaret de la belle femme / Roland Dorgelès
230876: DORIGATO, ATTILIA (ED.) - Venezianisches Glas 19. bis 20. Jahrhundert aus dem Glasmuseum Murano/Venedig : August bis Oktober 1981, Sonderausstellung der musei civici veneziani/Museo vetrario di Murano im Kunstgewerbemuseum Schloss Köpenick / Autoren des Katalogs, Attilia Dorigato, Rosa Barovier Mentasti
229138: DORIGATO, ATTILIA - Vetri di Murano del '700 : Murano, Museo vetrario, luglio-ottobre 1981 : catalogo / a cura di Attilia Dorigato
228823: DORIVAL, BERNARD (CONSERVATEUR). MINISTERE D' ÉTAT AFFAIRES CULTURELLES - Le Musée national des Granges de Port-Royal : Collection des guides du visiteur
25565: DORIVAL, BERNARD - Cezanne
195416: DORKENOO, EPHREM SETH - Sang d'escargot : poemes / Ephrem Seth Dorkenoo
238898: DORKIN, EVAN. SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS - Milk & Cheese's other number one: God Made us Funky! October 1996
238899: DORKIN, EVAN. SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS - Milk & Cheese's 3rd number one: Where is the Hate? November, 1996
220235: DORLING, E. E. - Wilts and Dorset at the opening of the twentieth century
257381: DORLING, H. TAPRELL - Ribbons and medals : naval, military, air force and civil
202904: DORLING, H. TAPRELL (HENRY TAPRELL) (1883-1968) - Off shore
195222: DORLING, EDWARD EARLE - A history of Salisbury
196425: DORMAN, MARCUS ROBERT PHIPPS - The mind of the nation : a study of political thought in the nineteenth century
266071: DORMANDY, THOMAS - The white death : a history of tuberculosis / Thomas Dormandy
238402: DORMANDY, THOMAS - The white death : a history of tuberculosis / Thomas Dormandy
66431: DORMANN, GENEVIEVE (1933-) - Colette, a passion for life
274745: DORMENT, RICHARD - Alfred Gilbert / Richard Dorment
247378: DORMENT, RICHARD - Alfred Gilbert, sculptor and goldsmith
268731: DORMER, PETER - Design since 1945 / Peter Dormer
158069: DORN, MICHAEL - Tycoons in the kitchen : the favorite recipes of the men who run big business / drawings by Rosalind Rust
91230: VAN DORN, HAROLD ARCHER (1896-) - Twenty years of the Chinese Republic : two decades of progress
94957: DORNBERG, JOHN (1931-?) - The Putsch That Failed : Munich 1923 : Hitler's Rehearsal for Power
169185: DORNBERG, JOHN - The putsch that failed : Munich 1923 : Hitler's rehearsal for power
178153: DORNBERG, JOHN - The new tsars : Russia under Stalin's heirs
120475: DORNEMANN, LUISE - Jenny Marx: Der Lebensweg Einer Sozialistin
120779: DORNEMANN, LUISE - Jenny Marx : Der Lebensweg Einer Sozialistin / Luise Dornemann
46382: DORNEMANN, LUISE - Jenny Marx: Der Lebensweg Einer Sozialistin
248631: DORNER, J. A. (1809-1884) - A system of Christian doctrine
234295: DORNER, DORIS - Musik als Reprasentationsgeschehen : ein musikphilosophischer Rekurs auf Thr. Georgiades
244944: DORNER, ISAAK AUGUST (1809-1884). CAVE, ALFRED (1847-1900). BANKS, JOHN SHAW (1835-1917) - A system of Christian doctrine
245844: DORNER, ISAAK AUGUST (1809-1884). CAVE, ALFRED. [TRANS.]. BANKS, J. S. [TRANS.] - A system of Christian doctrine
243047: DORNER, ISAAK AUGUST (1809-1884). CAVE, ALFRED (1847-1900). BANKS, JOHN SHAW (1835-1917) - A system of Christian doctrine
250440: DORNHORST, ANTONY CLIFFORD - Sharing the secrets : delivered before the fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London on Thursday 18th October 1984
71366: DORNIC, FRANCOIS - La France De La Revolution, 1789/1799
145138: DORNSTETTER, PAUL - Abraham, Studien Uber Die Anfange Des Hebraischen Volkes / Von Paul Dornstetter
237475: DOROS, PAUL E - The art glass of Louis Comfort Tiffany / Paul E. Doros; foreword by Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen; photography by David Schlegel
217771: DOROSENKO, VASILIY VASIL'EVIC; INSTITUT FILOSOFII I PRAVA. AKADEMIA NA LATVIJSKOJ SSR - Torgovlya i kupechestvo Rigi v XVII veke [Trade and the merchants of Riga in the XVII century. Language: Russian]
98451: DOROSHEVITCH, V. - The Way of the Cross, by V. Doroshevitch, with an Introductory Note by Stephen Graham
203247: DOROSHINSKAYA, E. - This is Soviet Democracy
55867: DOROTICH, D. - Canadian Slavonic Papers - Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes - Vol. XIII, 2 & 3, Summer - Fall, 1971
219814: DORPH-PETERSEN, KAJ - 1967 [Language: Danish]
219816: DORPH-PETERSEN, KAJ (ED.) - 1969 [Language: Danish]
259488: DORRINGTON, THEOPHILUS (D. 1715). WYAT, JOHN (D. CA. 1732) - Family devotions for Sunday evenings, throughout the year : being practical discourses, with suitable prayers. Volume II
110430: DORRINGTON-WARD, CAROL (ED. ) - Fans from the East
157283: DORRIS, MICHAEL - Paper Trail : Essays / Michael Dorris
269110: DORSCH, T. S - Classical literary criticism / Translated with an introduction by T.S. Dorsch
239736: DORSCH, T. S., TRANSLATOR - Classical literary criticism / translated with an introduction by T.S. Dorsch
48002: DORSEN, NORMAN - Frontiers of Civil Liberties
59740: DORSEY, DAVID (1952-) - The Force / David Dorsey
56840: DORSEY, JOHN (ED. ) - On Mencken / Edited by John Dorsey ; Essays by William Manchester .. [Et Al. ]
75821: DORSEY, JOHN M. - An American Psychiatrist in Vienna, 1935-1937, and His Sigmund Freud
66875: DORSEY, HEBE - The Belle Epoque : in the Paris Herald / [Compiled and Introduced By] Hebe Dorsey
48360: DORSEY, JOHN M. - Psychology of Language - a Local Habitation and a Name
46393: DORSEY, JOHN M. (JOHN MORRIS) (1900-1978) - Psychology of Emotion; Self Discipline by Conscious Emotional Continence, by John M. Dorsey
107891: DORSEY, JAMES OWEN - A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages, Accompanied with Thirty-One Biloxi Texts and Numerous Biloxi Phrases, by James Owen Dorsey and John R. Swanton Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 47
35426: DORSEY, JOHN M. (JOHN MORRIS) (1900-1978) - Psychology of Political Science, with Special Consideration for the Political Acumen of Destutt De Tracy, by John M. Dorsey
35428: DORSEY, JOHN M. (JOHN MORRIS) (1900-1978) - Psychology of Emotion; Self Discipline by Conscious Emotional Continence, by John M. Dorsey
15951: DORSEY, JOHN M. - American Government, Conscious Self-Soverignty
46284: DORSEY, JOHN MORRIS (1900-) - Psychology of Ethics
71939: DORSEY, ELLA LORAINE (1853-1935) - Pickle and Pepper
181013: DORSO, GUIDO. MUSCETTA, CARLO - La rivoluzione meridionale : il Mezzogiorno d'Italia de Cavour a Mussolini / Guido Dorso ; edited by Carlo Muscetta
141435: DORSO, GUIDO - Benito Mussolini Alla Conquista Del Potere
93375: DORSON, RICHARD MERCER (1916-) , COMP. - Peasant Customs and Savage Myths: Selections from the British Folklorists
56833: DORSON, RICHARD MERCER (1916-) - America in Legend: Folklore from the Colonial Period to the Present [By] Richard M. Dorson
252025: DORSON, RICHARD MERCER (1916-1981) - Peasant customs and savage myths : selections from the British folklorists / edited by Richard M. Dorson - Complete in 2 volumes
35487: DORSON, RICHARD MERCER (1916-) (EDITOR) - America Rebels - Narratives of the Patriots
89548: DORSON, RICHARD MERCER (1916-?) - Buying the Wind
184213: DORST, TANKRED - Die Munchner Raterepublik : Zeugnisse und Kommentar / Herausgegeben von Tankred Dorst ; mit einem Kommentar versehen von Helmut Neubauer
195264: DORTA, ENRIQUE MARCO - Sur : Revista de Historia y Arte No.2 / edited by Enrique Marco Dorta, Gunnar Mendoza, Jose Enrique Viana ; director, Armando Alba
179068: DORTMUNDER ACTIEN-BRAUEREI, GERMANY - Aus Liebe zum Bier : 100 Jahre Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei, 1868 - 1968
191337: DORWARD, ALAN - Bertrand Russell : a short guide to his philosophy
167971: DORWART, JEFFERY M. (1944-) - Conflict of duty : the U.S. Navy's intelligence dilemma, 1919-1945 / Jeffery M. Dorwart.
259063: DOS SANTOS, ESTELA - Sanata Triste
227381: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970) - The Fourteenth Chronicle. Letters and diaries of John Dos Passos. Edited and with a biographical narrative by Townsend Ludington
227074: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970) - The best times: an informal memoir
221081: DOS SANTOS, JOYCE AUDY - The diviner / retold and illustrated by Joyce Audy dos Santos
245501: DOS PASSOS, JOHN - Chosen Country
227977: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970) - One Man's Initiation -1917
227303: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970) - Three Soldiers. Introduction by John Dos Passos
226951: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970) - The Head and Heart of Thomas Jefferson. With a portrait. Presentation copy
226769: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970) - Mr. Wilson's war. From the assassination of McKinley to America's rejection of the League of Nations.
229691: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970) - The Prospect before us
227072: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970). STROBEL, F. - State of the Nation
227073: DOS PASSOS, JOHN (1896-1970). STROBEL, MICKEY - The prospect before us
166937: DOS PASSOS, JOHN RODERIGO, (1896-1970) - Occasions and protests / [by] John Dos Passos
168095: DOSCHKA, ROLAND (ED.) - Pablo Picasso : metamorphoses of the human form : graphic works, 1895-1972 / edited by Roland Doschka ; with essays by Anne Baldassari, Roland Doschka, and Marilyn McCully
274217: DOSS, ERIKA - Twentieth-century American art / Erika Doss
35635: DOSTER, MICHAEL. - Michael Doster : reflections / presented by Dr. Irene Krawehl, Margaretha Ley, Werner Wunderlich ; edited by Dr. Irene Krawehl Et Ali.
268854: DOSTOEVSKIJ, FEDOR MIHAJLOVIC - I demonî - Fjodor Dostojevskij ; traduzione di Alfredo Polledro
268853: DOSTOEVSKIJ, FEDOR MIHAJLOVIC - I fratelli Karamàzov - in 2 volumes
96139: DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR (1821-1881) - RELATED NAME: WASIOLEK, EDWARD (ED. ) - The Notebooks for a Raw Youth [By] Fyodor Dostoevsky. Edited and with an Introd. by Edward Wasiolek. Translated by Victor Terras
245981: DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR (1821-1881) - Der Idiot : Roman / [by] F.M. Dostojewski; übertragen von K. Brauner
208047: DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR (1821-1881) - Die Bruder Karamasoff : Roman in Zwei Bandeu : Gebunden in drei Bande
74810: DOTON, HOSEA - The Vermont Directory and Farmers' Almanac for 1873 - Being the First after Bissextile or Leap Year and Closing the Ninety-Seventh and Beginning the Ninety-Eighth Year of the Independence of the United States
192586: DOTREMONT, STANISLAS - L'Arbitrage international et le Conseil de la Societe des Nations. Le Pacte. Les progres tentes et realise´s depuis les progres realisables
66884: DOTY, RICHARD G. - Money of the World
273699: DOTY, MADELEINE ZABRISKIE - Behind the Battle-line: around the world in 1918
112179: DOTY, ROBERT M. - Will Barnet
154166: DOUADY, JULES - Vie De William Hazlitt : L'Essayiste / Jules Douady
128760: DOUAIS, MARIE JEAN CELESTIN, BISHOP OF BEAUVAIS - La Mission De M. De Forbin-Janson, Eveque De Marseille ... Aupres Du Grand Duc Et De La Grande Duchesse De Toscane, Mars-Mai 1673. Recit D'Un Temoin (Jacques De Faur-Ferries) . (Pieces Inedits. )
271162: DOUBILET, DAVID - Fish face / portraits by David Doubilet
161592: DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & CO. - The Country Life Press, Garden City, New York
79461: DOUBLEDAY, NELSON & COOLEY, C. EARL (JOINT EDITORS) - RELATED NAME: ZELKO, MARJORIE (ED) - Encyclopedia of World Travel - Volume 1
140414: DOUBLIER, GERDA - Maria Stuart : Ihr Leben Als Konigin Und Frau
235754: DOUBROVSKY, SERGE - Pourquoi la nouvelle critique : critique et objectivité
236570: DOUBROVSKY, SERGE (1928-). TODOROV, TZVETAN (1939-) - L'Enseignement de la littérature : Centre culturel de Cerisy-la-Salle, 22 au 29 juillett 1969 / sous la direction de Serge Doubrovsky et de Tzvetan Todorov
276517: DOUCERÉ, VICTOR (1857-1939) - La mission catholique aux Nouvelles-Hébrides d'après des documents écrits et les vieux scuvenirs de l'auteur
158252: DOUCET, JULIE - Elle-Humour
238702: DOUEK, ELLIS - The sense of smell and its abnormalities / Ellis Douek
232534: DOUGAL, DANIEL (1884-1948), - Professor Dougal's notes on obstetrics and gynaecology - 4 parts complete in 2 volumes
140421: DOUGALL, LILY (1858-1923) - The Lord of Thought, a Study of the Problems Which Confronted Jesus Christ and the Solution He Offered
29169: DOUGHERTY, DAVID E. (1933-) - From Technical Professional to Corporate Manager : a Guide to Career Transition / David E. Dougherty
265202: DOUGHTY, CHARLES MONTAGU (1843-1926) - Travels in Arabia Deserta
34924: DOUGHTY, OSWALD - Early Diamond Days; the Opening of the Diamond Fields of South Africa
177192: DOUGHTY, CHARLES M. (CHARLES MONTAGU) (1843-1926) - Mansoul : (or, The riddle of the world)
33317: DOUGHTY, OSWALD - Early Diamond Days; the Opening of the Diamond Fields of South Africa
33318: DOUGHTY, OSWALD - Early Diamond Days; the Opening of the Diamond Fields of South Africa
33319: DOUGHTY, OSWALD - Early Diamond Days; the Opening of the Diamond Fields of South Africa
33361: DOUGHTY, OSWALD - Early Diamond Days; the Opening of the Diamond Fields of South Africa
8272: DOUGHTY, OSWALD - Early Diamond Days; the Opening of the Diamond Fields of South Africa
91641: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, JAMES - Motive for a Mission: the Story Behind Hess's Flight to Britain, with a Foreword by Alan Bullock
85478: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, JAMES - Motive for a Mission : the Story Behind Rudolf Hess's Flight to Britain / [By] James Douglas-Hamilton ; with a Foreword by Alan Bullock
82623: DOUGLAS, MIKE - Mike Douglas, My Story
8263: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, JAMES (1942-) - Motive for a Mission: the Story Behind Hess's Flight to Britain, with a Foreword by Alan Bullock
68534: DOUGLAS-HOME, CHARLES (1937-) - Rommel
49835: DOUGLAS, DAVISON M. - Reading, Writing, & Race - the Desegregation of the Charlotte Schools
34774: DOUGLAS-WILSON, IAN (1912-) - Health Service Prospects; an International Survey Published on the Lancet's 150th Anniversary in October 1973; Edited by I. Douglas-Wilson and Gordon McLachlan
32449: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, JAMES (1942-) - Motive for a Mission: the Story Behind Hess's Flight to Britain, with a Foreword by Alan Bullock
276789: DOUGLAS, LLOYD C - Magnificent obsession
276686: DOUGLAS, ALFRED BRUCE (1870-1945) - Selected poems
27438: DOUGLAS, ROY - In the Year of Munich
266846: DOUGLAS, NORMAN - In the Beginning
253315: DOUGLAS, TED - Fishing for all
252295: DOUGLAS, DAVID CHARLES - William the Conqueror : the Norman impact upon England / David C. Douglas
251330: DOUGLAS, ANN - Terrible honesty : mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s / Ann Douglas
247350: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, JAMES - After you, Prime Minister / James Douglas-Hamilton ; foreword by Malcolm Rifkind
239277: DOUGLAS, CAROLE NELSON - Marilyn : shades of blonde
23697: DOUGLAS, ROY - In the Year of Munich
23689: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, JAMES (1942-) - Motive for a Mission: the Story Behind Hess's Flight to Britain, with a Foreword by Alan Bullock
213360: WEBER. R. DOUGLAS - Solomon's key : the CODIS project : a conspiracy thriller
205275: DOUGLAS, ALFRED - Extra-sensory powers : a century of psychical research
167972: DOUGLAS, WILLIAM O. (WILLIAM ORVILLE) (1898-1980) - Go East, young man: the early years; the autobiography of William O. Douglas
161837: DOUGLAS, JAMES WILLIAM BRUCE (1914- ) - All Our Future : a Longtitudinal Study of Secondary Education / [By] J. W. B. Douglas, J. M. Ross and H. R. Simpson
157065: DOUGLAS, KIRK (1916- ) - Dance with the Devil / Kirk Douglas
153869: DOUGLAS, HUGH (1928-) - Charles Edward Stuart : the Man, the King, the Legend / Hugh Douglas
135039: DOUGLAS, ROY - In the Year of Munich / Roy Douglas
276780: DOUGLAS, NORMAN (1868-1952) - South wind
256587: DOUGLAS, LLOYD C. (LLOYD CASSEL) (1877-1951) - The Big Fisherman / Lloyd C. Douglas ; illustrated by Dean Cornwell
263863: DOUGLAS, CHRISTOPHER - Douglas Jardine : spartan cricketer / Christopher Douglas
277981: DOUGLAS, JACK - The 'Wu-hey' to better cooking / [by] Jack Douglas & Alf Ippititimus ; [drawings by Brian Blackwell]
107850: DOUGLAS, J. - Every Game Check Mate : One Hundred Fine Games with Diagrams and Solutions / J. Douglas
23318: DOUGLAS, CHARLES YORK (1884-) - All for the Love of Laddie
10515: DOUGLAS, DRAKE - Horrors!
75110: DOUGLAS-SMITH, AUBREY EDWARD (1899-) - Guilty Germans?
59193: DOUGLAS-IRVINE, HELEN - History of London, by Helen Douglas-Irvine
58416: DOUGLAS, NORMAN (1868-1952) - In the Beginning
48958: DOUGLAS, KIRK - Climbing the Mountain, My Search for Meaning
98984: DOUGLAS, ROBERT K. (ROBERT KENNAWAY) , SIR - Europe and the Far East, 1506-1912, by Sir Robert K. Douglas...rev. and Cor. with an Additional Chapter (1904-1912) by Joseph H. Longford
143789: DOUGLAS, PAUL HOWARD (1892-1976). HITCHCOCK, CURTICE NELSON (1892-1946). ATKINS, WILLARD EARL (1889-) - The Worker in Modern Economic Society
139306: DOUGLAS, JAMES (1867-1940) - Theodore Watts-Dunton, Poet, Novelist, Critic; by James Douglas ... with Twenty-Four Illustrations [Frontis Portrait Signed in Facsimile]
161096: DOUGLAS, WILLIAM ORVILLE (1898-1980) - Strange Lands and Friendly People
224104: DOUGLAS, NORMAN (1868-1952) - Looking back : an autobiographical excursion - Complete in 2 volumes
132323: DOUGLAS, ROBERT KENNAWAY, SIR (1838-1913) - Confucianism and Taouism
237817: DOUGLAS, CLAUDE GORDON (1882-). PRIESTLEY, JOHN GILLIES - Human physiology; a practical course
161830: DOUGLAS, JAMES WILLIAM BRUCE. BLOMFIELD, J. M. - Children under Five. the Results of a National Survey / Made by a Joint Committee of the Institute of Child Health, University of London, the Society of Medical Officers of Health, and the Population Investigation Committee
219335: DOUGLAS-HOME, ROBIN - Sinatra
13084: DOUGLAS, SIR GEORGE - The Border Breed : Georgics & Pastorals & Other Poems
256668: DOUGLAS, C. H. (CLIFFORD HUGH) (1879-1952) - The monopoly of credit
266534: DOUGLAS, ANDREW HALLIDAY - The philosophy and psychology of Pietro Pomponazzi
174277: DOUGLAS, C. H. (CLIFFORD HUGH), (1879-1952) - Credit-power and democracy : with a draft scheme for the mining industry
220166: DOUGLAS-HOME, ROBIN - Sinatra
118120: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, JAMES - Motive for a Mission: the Story Behind Hess's Flight to Britain, with a Foreword by Alan Bullock
36354: DOUGLAS, A. ELIZABETH - The End of the Trek : a Story of South Africa
167661: DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, G. N. (COMMISSIONER FOR THE SPECIAL AREAS IN SCOTLAND) - Report of the Commissioner for the Special Areas in Scotland for the period 1st September, 1937, to 30th September, 1938
175380: DOUGLAS, C. H. (CLIFFORD HUGH) (1879-1952) - Credit-power and democracy : with a draft scheme for the mining industry
181745: DOUGLAS, JAMES (FL.1822-1865) - The advancement of society in knowledge and religion
130942: DOUGLAS, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM MONTEATH (1826-1904) - The Book of Jeremiah / with Introduction and Notes George Douglas
144586: DOUGLAS, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM MONTEATH (1826-1904) - The Book of Jeremiah / with Introduction and Notes George Douglas
164387: DOUGLAS, NORMAN (1868-1952) - In the Beginning
27974: DOUGLAS, WILLIAM ORVILLE (1898-1980) - Strange Lands and Friendly People
69968: DOUGLAS, LLOYD C. (LLOYD CASSEL) (1877-1951) - The Robe
76530: DOUGLAS, AMANDA MINNIE (1831-1916) - A Woman's Inheritance
94715: DOUGLAS, M. - With Stanley on the Congo / M. Douglas
202377: DOUGLAS, NORMAN (1868-1952) ; PETRINA, CARLOTTA, 1901- - South wind
83867: DOUGLASS, BARBARA (1930-) - The Great Town and Country Bicycle Balloon Chase / Story by Barbara Douglass ; Pictures by Carol Newsom
81574: DOUGLASS, BARBARA (1930-?) & NEWSOM, CAROL (ILLUS. ) - The Great Town and Country Bicycle Balloon Chase
44467: DOUGLASS, JANE - Trustable and Preshus Friends / Foreword by Julie Harris ; Edited by Jane Douglass
260086: DOUGLASS, GEORGE NORMAN - How about Europe? Some footnotes on East and West. [A reply to “Mother India” By Katherine Mayo.]
228632: DOUGLASS LEYBURN, ELLEN. - 'Bishop Berkeley: The Querist'. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Volume XLIV, Section C, No. 3
197048: DOUIFFIAGUES, JOSEPH-ANDRE - La politique industrielle de la Potase : un essai d'economie organisee
157063: DOULIS, THOMAS - Path for Our Valor, a Novel
205962: DOUST, DUDLEY - Ian Botham : the great all-rounder / Dudley Doust
218941: DOUST, L. A. (LEN A.) - A manual on wood engraving
264290: DOUST, L. A. (LEN A.) - Warne's 'Learn to draw' folders
227555: DOUST, L. A. - A manual on sketching sea, town & country
210599: DOUST, L. A. (LEN A.) - A manual on drawing and painting children
247676: DOUTHITT, JACK - Bonsai : the art of living sculpture / Jack Douthitt ; foreword by Warren Hill
127709: DOUTREPONT, GEORGES (1868-1941) - Les Types Populaires De La Litterature Francaise / Par Georges Doutrepont
121146: DOVE, JOHN (1872-1934). BRAND, ROBERT HENRY (1878-) ED. - The Letters of John Dove, Edited by Robert Henry Brand
194340: DOVER, GEORGE AGAR ELLIS, BARON (1797-1833) - The life of Frederic the Second : King of Prussia
144723: DOVER, GEORGE AGAR ELLIS, BARON (1797-1833) - The Life of Frederic the Second : King of Prussia - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
148612: DOVIME, GEORGES - La Debacle De Nos Finances / Georges Dovime.
226238: DOW, J. C. R. (JOHN CHRISTOPHER RODERICK) - Management of the British Economy, 1945-60
220100: DOW, ALLEN; MICHAELSON, MIKE - The official guide to ballroom dancing
195649: DOW, ALLEN - The official guide to jazz dancing / Allen Dow, with Mike Michaelson [photography, Patrick K. Snook]
242077: DOW, ALLEN (1931-) [AUTHOR]. MICHAELSON, MIKE (1934-) [AUTHOR] - The official guide to Latin dancing / Allen Dow with Mike Michaelson
166529: DOW, J. CHRISTOPHER R. - The Management of the British Economy, 1945-60
280778: DOW, GEORGE F - An economic study of milk distribution in Maine markets
166593: DOW, JOHN CHRISTOPHER RODERICK - The Management of the British Economy : 1945-60
26019: DOWALL, DAVID E. - The Suburban Squeeze - Land Conservation and Regulation in the San Francisco Bay Area
257057: DOWD, JAMES - Limerick and its sieges
115439: DOWD, CLEMENT - Life of Zebulon B. Vance. by Clement Dowd
61817: DOWD, THOMAS H. - Our Heritage - Independence Day Oration, Delivered on Boston Common, July 4, 1925
164127: DOWDELL, DOROTHY. DOWDELL, JOSEPH - Sierra Nevada: the Golden Barrier, by Dorothy and Joseph Dowdell. Illustrated with Photos
270902: DOWDEN, EDWARD (1843-1913) - The French Revolution and English literature / Edward Dowden
266973: DOWDEN, EDWARD (1843-1913) - The life of Percy Bysshe Shelley
260781: DOWDEN, EDWARD (1843-1913) - The life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Vol. 1-2
84618: DOWDEN, EDWARD (1843-1913) - Southey ; Edited by John Morley
116808: DOWDEN, EDWARD (1843-1913) - A History of French Literature, by Edward Dowden
117719: DOWDEY, CLIFFORD - The Seven Days; the Emergence of Lee
130131: DOWDY, EDWIN - Marxist Policies Today : in Socialist and Capitalist Countries / Edited by Edwin Dowdy
112277: DOWDY, HOMER E. - Out of the Jaws of the Lion [By] Homer E. Dowdy
111919: DOWDY, HOMER E. - The Bamboo Cross; Christian Witness in the Jungles of Viet Nam, by Homer E. Dowdy
167059: DOWDY, HOMER E. - Christ's witchdoctor : from savage sorcerer to jungle missionary
97408: DOWDY, HOMER E - The Bamboo Cross; Christian Witness in the Jungles of Viet Nam
250878: DOWER, GANDAR - Amateur adventure
107823: DOWHAN, MICHAEL W. - Thornton W. Burgess : a Magazine Bibliography / Researched and Compiled by Michael W. Dowhan, Jr
171130: DOWLER, WAYNE (1945-?) - An unnecessary man : the life of Apollon Grigorev / Wayne Dowler
188706: DOWLING, DONALDSON BOGART (1858-1925) - Coal fields of British Columbia / comp. by D.B. Dowling
188709: DOWLING, DONALDSON BOGART (1858-1925) - Coal fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Eastern British Columbia / comp. by D.B. Dowling
188707: DOWLING, DONALDSON BOGART (1858-1925) - Coal fields of coal resources of Canada / comp. by D.B. Dowling
46092: DOWLING, THEODORE EDWARD (1837-1921) - The Armenian Church, by Archdeacon Dowling, with an Introduction by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury
133761: DOWLING, ALFRED E. P. RAYMUND - The Flora of the Sacred Nativity : an Attempt At Collecting the Legends and Ancient Dedications of Plants Connected in Popular Traditin with the Life of Our Blessed Lord from His Nativity to the Flight Into Egypt : Preceded by an Essay Upon the Flora Sacr
264680: DOWN, MICHAEL - Archie : a biography of A.C. MacLaren / Michael Down
262767: SWANS DOWN - Swans Down Breakthrough Baking: classic cakes that cut the calories!
262770: SUNBEAM CORPORATION. SWANS DOWN - How to be a Cake Genius with your Sunbeam Mixmaster: delightful cake recipes for your Sunbeam Mixmaster from the Swans Down Kitchens of General Foods
267303: DOWNER, ALAN S. (ALAN SEYMOUR) (1912-1970) - The eminent tragedian William Charles Macready / Alan S. Downer
156238: DOWNER, LESLEY - Madame Sadayakko : the Geisha who seduced the West
126450: DOWNER, ARTHUR CLEVELAND - The Principle of Interpretation of the Epistle to the Hebrews / Arthur Cleveland Downer
28104: DOWNER, ALAN SEYMOUR (1912-) - The Eminent Tragedian William Charles MacReady
55832: DOWNER, ALAN S. (ED. ) - The Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson
139844: DOWNER, ARTHUR CLEVELAND - The Principle of Interpretation of the Epistle to the Hebrews / Arthur Cleveland Downer
271865: DOWNES, RICHARD - In search of Iraq : Baghdad to Babylon / Richard Downes
271657: DOWNES, KERRY - Hawksmoor / Kerry Downes
173266: DOWNES, LARRY (1959-). MUI, CHUNKA (1962-) - Unleashing the killer app : digital strategies for market dominance / Larry Downes and Chunka Mui
161909: DOWNES, RANDOLPH CHANDLER (1901-) - History of Lake Shore Ohio [Volumes I and II]
278949: DOWNES, DAVID M - Educating for uncertainty
149968: DOWNES, ROBERT P. (ROBERT PERCIVAL) (1842-1924) - Man's Immortality and Destiny / a Popular Treatise by the Rev. Robert P. Downes
197300: DOWNES, OLIN (1886-1955) - A Treasury of American Song. Text by O. Downes and E. Siegmeister. Music arranged by E. Siegmeister. Second edition. Revised and enlarged, with a new introduction
137759: DOWNEY, FAIRFAX (1893-1990) - Richard Harding Davis : His Day
80406: DOWNEY, FAIRFAX DAVIS (1893-?) - RELATED NAME: BROWN, PAUL (1893-1958) ILLUS - Army Mule
81876: DOWNIE, WILLIAM - Hunting for Gold
238036: DOWNIE, ROBERT SILCOCK - The healing arts : an Oxford illustrated anthology / edited by R.S. Downie ; with a foreword by Kenneth C. Calman
203439: DOWNIE, R. S. (ED.) - The healing arts : an Oxford illustrated anthology / edited by R.S. Downie ; with a foreword by Kenneth C. Calman
278227: DOWNIE, GARY - The Doctor Who cookbook / Gary Downie ; illustrated by Gail Bennett
65811: DOWNIE, ROBERT ANGUS (1905-) - James George Frazer, the Portrait of a Scholar, by R. Angus Downie
161788: DOWNIE, ROBERT SILCOCK - Government Action and Morality : Some Principles and Concepts of Liberal Democracy
60442: DOWNING, DAVID (1946-) - Jack Nicholson : a Biography
48684: DOWNING, JOHN AND MOHAMMADI, ALI AND SREBERNY-MOHAMMADI, ANNABELLE - Questioning the Media - a Critical Introduction
32216: DOWNING, DAVID - The Devil's Virtuosos: German Generals At War 1940-5
169416: DOWNING, ANTOINETTE FORRESTER - The architectural heritage of Newport, Rhode Island, 1640-1915
138015: DOWNING, JOHN. DONNELLY, LEWIS, ED. - Justice First
135200: DOWNING, DAVID. GARY HERMAN - War Without End, Peace Without Hope : Thirty Years of the Arab-Israeli Conflict / [By] David Downing and Gary Herman
242381: DOWNING, ANTOINETTE FORRESTER. SCULLY, VINCENT JR. (1920-) - The architectural heritage of Newport, Rhode Island, (1640-1915)
107834: DOWNING, LUCIA BARNEY - A Summer Vacation / Lucia Barney Downing
153217: DOWNING, FRANCIS GERALD - The Church and Jesus : a Study in History, Philosophy, and Theology
162846: DOWNING, FRANCIS GERALD - The Church and Jesus: a Study in History, Philosophy and Theology / [By] F. Gerald Downing
183990: DOWNING, FRANCIS GERALD - The Church and Jesus : a study in history, philosophy and theology / F. Gerald Downing
60498: DOWNS, HUGH - My America : What My Country Means to Me by 150 Americans from all Walks of Life / Edited and with an Introduction by Hugh Downs
50971: DOWNS, HUGH - Greater Phoenix : the Desert in Bloom / Hugh Downs ; Introduction by Hugh Downs ; Art Direction by Brian Groppe
277207: DOWNS, LINDA BANK - Diego Rivera : the Detroit industry murals
173486: DOWNS, ART - Paddlewheels on the frontier : the story of British Columbia and Yukon sternwheel steamers
161731: DOWNS, ROGER M. STEA, DAVID (ED. ) - Image and Environment; Cognitive Mapping and Spatial Behavior. Edited by Roger M. Downs and David Stea. Foreword by Kenneth E. Boulding
76334: DOWNS, BRIAN WESTERDALE (1893-?) - Modern Norwegian Literature, 1860-1918
52140: DOWNS, NORTON - Essays in Honor of Conyers Read
175530: DOWSE, ROBERT EDWARD - Political sociology [by] Robert E. Dowse and John A. Hughes
159516: DOWSETT, CHARLES FINCH (1835? -1915) - Land : its Attractions and Riches
162334: DOWSETT, CHARLES FINCH (1835? -1915) - Land : its Attractions and Riches / Fifty-Seven Writers ; Edited by C. F. Dowsett
149572: DOWSETT, CHARLES FINCH (1835-1915) - Land : its Attractions and Riches
146583: DOWSETT, WILFRED THOMAS - Elementary Mathematics in Economics
191190: DOWSETT, JOSEPH MOREWOOD (1864-?) - The romance of England's forests
69672: DOWSON, ERNEST CHRISTOPHER (1867-1900) - The Poems of Ernest Dowson, with a Memoir by Arthur Symons, Four Illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley and a Portrait by William Rothenstein
166791: DOWSON, ERNEST CHRISTOPHER (1867-1900) - The Complete Lyrics of Ernest Dowson
54380: DOWST, HENRY PAYSON (1876-) - Random Notes of Boston, by Henry P. Dowst; Drawings by John Albert Seaford
230699: DOXAT, JOHN - The gin book / John Doxat
123993: DOXAT, JOHN - The Living Thames : the Restoration of a Great Tidal River / John Doxat
125583: DOXEY, G. V. - The Industrial Colour Bar in South Africa / G. V. Doxey
36085: DOXEY, G. V. - The Industrial Colour Bar in South Africa / G. V. Doxey
183093: DOXIADIS, EUPHROSYNE ; HATZIYANNIDIS VANGELIS - Hypnos : the god of sleep / Euphrosyne Doxiadis ; Vangelis Hatziyannidis
65327: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - Round the Fire Stories / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
58325: DOYLE, JACK (1947-) - Altered Harvest : Agriculture, Genetics, and the Fate of the World's Food Supply
35254: DOYLE, WILLIAM (1942-) - Officers, Nobles and Revolutionaries : Essays on Eighteenth-Century France
277437: DOYLE, RICHARD (1824-1883) - Richard Doyles's journal 1840 / introduction and notes by Christopher Wheeler
277432: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - Arthur Conan Doyle : a life in letters
277430: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The haunted grange of Goresthorpe
277405: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - The green flag and other stories of war and sport
277382: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Tales of the ring and camp
277383: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Micah Clarke : his statement as made to his three grandchildren, Joseph, Gervas and Reuben, during the hard winter of 1734
277375: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Rodney Stone
277376: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - The last of the legions : and other tales of long ago
277377: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The captain of the Pole-Star
277379: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - The refugees : a tale of two continents
276764: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Uncollected stories : the unknown Conan Doyle
276765: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Strange studies from life and other narratives : the complete true crime writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
276733: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - The hound of the Baskervilles
276236: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The Stark Munro letters : being a series of sixteen letters written by J. Stark Munro, M.B., to his friend and former fellow-student, Herbert Swanborough, of Lowell, Massachusetts, during the years 1881-1884 / edited and arranged by A. Conan Doyle
276078: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Rodney Stone vol. 1
276079: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Rodney Stone vol. 2
274596: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The refugees : a tale of two continents / A. Conan Doyle
274468: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
272730: DOYLE, RODDY - The van
271551: DOYLE, PETER (1960-) - The British soldier of the Second World War / Peter Doyle
271404: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The great Boer war
270021: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The White company / A. Conan Doyle
269775: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - The return of Sherlock Holmes - illustrations by David Johnson, afterword by John L. Cobbs
268135: DOYLE, RODDY - A star called Henry / Roddy Doyle
267178: DOYLE, RICHARD - The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson
259125: DOYLE, CHRISTOPHER - The company secretary : a guide to the law / Christopher Doyle
252459: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The Edinburgh stories of Arthur Conan Doyle
252397: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The original illustrated Arthur Conan Doyle
252017: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - 'Dangerous work' : diary of an Arctic adventure / Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited by Jon Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower
251858: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - Arthur Conan Doyle : a life in letters / edited by Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower & Charles Foley
250284: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Arthur Conan Doyle : a life in letters / edited by Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower & Charles Foley
245856: DOYLE, RICHARD (1824-1883) - Richard Doyle's journal, 1840 / introduction and notes by Christopher Wheeler
245716: DOYLE, RODDY (1958-) - Paddy Clarke, ha-ha-ha
226658: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - 'Dangerous work' : diary of an Arctic adventure / Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited by Jon Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower
22306: DOYLE, BRIAN - The Who's Who of Children's Literature
212990: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR, (SPIRIT) (1859-1930). COOKE, IVAN - Arthur Conan Doyle's book of the beyond
208859: DOYLE, RICHARD (1824-1883). POLLEN, JOHN HUNGERFORD (1820-1902) ED. - Richard Doyle and his family : an exhibition ... held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 30th November 1983 to 26th February 1984
201767: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) ; COOKE, IVAN [ED.] - The return of Arthur Conan Doyle / edited by Ivan Cooke
180463: DOYLE, RODDY - Wilderness
180031: DOYLE, RODDY - The woman who walked into doors
161642: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - Story of Mr. George Edalji
276656: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The exploits of Brigadier Gerard
253103: DOYLE, JOHN (1797-1868) - The seven years of William IV : a reign cartooned
255702: DOYLE, MARTIN - A Cyclopaedia of Practical Husbandry and Rural Affairs in General: with illustrations engraved on wood
252458: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - The British campaign in France and Flanders 1915
252457: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - The British campaign in France and Flanders, 1914
252456: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - The British campaign in France and Flanders 1916
252454: DOYLE, ADRIAN CONAN - The exploits of Sherlock Holmes / Adrian Conan Coyle and John Dickson Carr.
252443: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Through the magic door
252428: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The Conan Doyle stories
251855: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Western wanderings
251846: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The British campaign in France and Flanders : January to July 1918
251813: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR - His last bow : some reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes
276630: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - Sir Nigel
279242: DOYLE, LYNN (1873-1961) - Ballygullion
250487: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - The poems of Arthur Conan Doyle : collected edition
250486: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The war in South Africa : its cause and conduct
250473: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The vital message
250431: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The final adventures of Sherlock Holmes : completing the canon
250422: DOYLE, ADRIAN CONAN - The true Conan Doyle ... With a preface by General Sir Hubert Gough
214795: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - Rodney Stone
225815: DOYLE, LYNN (1873-1961) - Yesterday morning
226514: DOYLE, JOHN (IRISH PAINTER, PRINTMAKER, AND CARICATURIST, 1797-1868) - The seven years of William IV / a reign cartooned by John Doyle ; [text by] G.M. Trevelyan
200311: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) [ET AL.] - The Strand Magazine : an illustrated monthly / edited by George Newes. Vol. 27, January to June 1899 [nos.97-102]
280169: DOYLE, RODDY - Paddy Clarke, ha-ha-ha
277664: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SIR (1859-1930) - A duet : with an occasional chorus
277665: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The White Company
280032: DOYLE, ROSE - Shadows will fall
19418: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930). FREDERIC DORR STEELE. SIDNEY PAGET (ILLS. ) - Micah Clarke : his statement as made to his three grandchildren, Joseph, Gervas, and Reuben, during the hard winter of 1734
111419: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Sherlock Holmes, Mystery Book Illustrated
88771: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - Memories and Adventures, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
85092: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - The Hound of the Baskervilles ; a Sherlock Holmes Mystery - Adapted by Richard Widdows
114142: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR AND THOMPSON, DEBRA (ILLUS. ) - Scenes from Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Illustrated by Debra Thompson ... . .. a Study in Scarlet. the Sign of Four. the Hound of the Baskervilles. the Valley of Fear.
151881: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - The Tragedy of the Korosko
188669: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - The wanderings of a spiritualist
102330: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR AND NEWNES, GEORGE (ED. ) - The Tragedy of the Korosko, by Arthur Conan Doyle [1st Appearance] in the Strand, Nos. 77-84, [Feb-July1897]
278754: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The man with the twisted lip : and, The adventure of the devil's foot / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
278990: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Sir Nigel
240367: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - Sherlock Holmes. His adventures. Memoirs. Return. His last bow & The case-book. The complete short stories
240370: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The great Boer War : a two years' record, (1899-1901)
240534: DOYLE, EDWARD P., EDITOR - As we knew Adlai : the Stevenson story by twenty-two friends / edited and with preface by Edward P. Doyle ; foreword by Adlai E. Stevenson III
229427: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The hound of the Baskervilles
104318: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - The Lost World
252427: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The British campaigns in Europe, 1914-1918
252455: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN (1859-1930) - The Conan Doyle historical romances
204536: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) ; COOKE, IVAN [ED.] - The Conan Doyle historical romances, volume 2 : Rodney Stone - Uncle Bernac - Exploits of Brigadier Gerard - Adventures of Gerard
204567: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, SIR (1859-1930) - Sherlock Holmes : A study in scarlet -- The sign of four -- The hound of the Baskervilles -- The valley of fear. The complete long stories
221378: DOYLE, RICHARD - The foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson : being the history of what they saw, and did, in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland & Italy
108451: DOZOIS, GARDNER (ED. ) - Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year; Eight Annual Collection
184536: DOZON, AUGUSTE (1822-1891) - Rapports sur une mission litteraire en Macedoine / par M. Auguste Dozon
234949: DPI - The Dublin Millennium Book
270013: DRABBLE, MARGARET - The gates of ivory / Margaret Drabble
267932: DRABBLE, MARGARET - The Oxford companion to English literature
255051: DRABBLE, MARGARET - The dark flood rises / Margaret Drabble
251125: DRABBLE, MARGARET - A writer's Britain : landscape in literature / Margaret Drabble ; photographed by Jorge Lewinski
160289: DRABBLE, MARGARET (1939-) - The Ice Age / Margaret Drabble
157460: DRABBLE, MARGARET (1939-) - A Natural Curiosity / Margaret Drabble
256595: DRABBLE, MARGARET - The Oxford companion to English literature / edited by Margaret Drabble
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