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241896: ARBER, EDWARD [EDITOR] - English Reprints: George Cilliers, 'The Rehearsal, 1672'; George Cascoigne, 'The Steele Glas, 1576'; John Earle, 'Micro-Cosmographie, 1628'
214569: ARBER, EDWARD (EDITED) - English Reprints. John Milton Areopagitica : Master Hugh Latimer, Ex-Bishop of Worcester Sermon on the Ploughers / Stephen Glosson The School of Abuse
179210: ARBER, PROFESSOR EDWARD - The torments of Protestant slaves : in the French king's galleys, and in the dungeons of Marseilles, 1686-1707 A.D. / with some illustrative texts
248218: ARBERY, LEN - In pursuit of big tench
245667: ARBERY, LEN. - Catching Big Tench
246560: ARBERY, LEN - Ripples and Reflections
246503: ARBERY, LEN - Carp for Life
246425: ARBERY, LEN - Barbel for Life
203731: WITTERHETS ARBETEN - Witterhets arbeten II (1762) : faksimil av exemplaret i Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks Westinska samling [Language: Swedish]
274110: PETRONIUS ARBITER - Petronius with an English translation
231519: D'ARBLAY, FRANCES (1752-1840). BURNEY, FANNY (1752-1840) - Camilla : or, A picture of youth
239712: D'ARBLAY, FRANCES (1752-1840); BARRETT, CHARLOTTE; DOBSON, AUSTIN (1840-1921) - Diary and letters of Madame d'Arblay / as edited by her niece Charlotte Barrett ; with preface and notes by Austin Dobson
65085: ARBORE, GRIGORE. BELLINI, GIOVANNI (D. 1516) - Bellini / [Text By] Grigore Arbore ; Translated by Andreea Gheorghitoiu
193878: ARBOUIN, GABRIEL - Les Nations d'apres leurs journaux : Petit essai de psychologie de la presse
18994: ARBUCKLE, ROBERT D. - Pennsylvania Speculator and Patriot : the Entrepreneurial John Nicholson, 1757-1800
35337: ARCAND, BERNARD - The Jaguar and the Anteater : Pornography Degree Zero / Bernard Arcand ; Translated by Wayne Grady
176279: D'ARCANGUES, PIERRE - Le Destin de l'Espagne
148003: ARCANUM (PSEUD. ) - The Blot on Parliament and the Cleansing
241591: ARÇAY, JOSEPH D' PSEUD. [I.E. PAUL DE MALHERBE.] - La Salle à manger du docteur Véron
79515: ARCE, HECTOR - Gary Cooper, an Intimate Biography
79021: ARCE, HECTOR - Groucho
272874: D'ARCH SMITH, TIMOTHY - A bibliography of the works of Montague Summers
158566: ARCH, STEPHEN CARL - After Franklin : the Emergence of Autobiography in Post-Revolutionary America, 1780-1830 / Stephen Carl Arch
111281: ARCH, E. L. - The First Immortals
243205: THE SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY - Records of the Past: being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments: Volume XI: Assyrian Texts
215071: COUNCIL FOR BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY - Archaeological bibliography for Great Britain and Ireland 1968
7432: CHINESE ARCHAEOLOGY - Historical Relics Unearthed in New China
174601: ARCHAMBAULT, PAUL - Humanite d'Andre Gide : essai de biographie et de critique psychologiques / par Paul Archambault
10358: ARCHAMBAULT, REGINALD DONAT - Philosophical Analysis and Education. Edited and with an Introduction by Reginald D. Archambault
159197: ARCHBALD, HUGH - The Four Hour Day in Coal : a Study of the Relation between the Engineering of the Organization of Work and the Discontent Among the Workers in the Coal Mines
278215: ARCHBOLD, RICK - Last dinner on the Titanic
30157: ARCHER, JULES - A History of Mob Action in the United States
276275: ARCHER, FRED - Under the parish lantern / Fred Archer
274633: ARCHER, THOMAS (1830-1893) - Little Tottie : and two other stories / told by Thomas Archer, author of 'The frogs' parish clerk,' 'Child's delight,' 'Wayfe Summers,' &c. ; with three full-page illustrations by J. J. Proctor
260157: ARCHER, JEFFREY - First among equals / Jeffrey Archer ; political cartoons by Charles Griffin
259904: ARCHER, JEFFREY - The prodigal daughter / Jeffrey Archer
259897: ARCHER, JEFFREY - Not a penny more, not a penny less / Jeffrey Archer
250896: ARCHER, R. A. COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. CONGRESS (2ND : 1920 : PETROGRAD, R.S.F.S.R., AND MOSCOW, RUSSIA) - Second congress of the Communist International : minutes of the proceedings: volume one
243160: ARCHER, R. A. COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. CONGRESS (2ND : 1920 : PETROGRAD, R.S.F.S.R., AND MOSCOW, RUSSIA) - Second congress of the Communist International : minutes of the proceedings / [translated by R. A. Archer]
218768: ARCHER, JEFFREY (1940- ) - First among equals
19124: ARCHER, JULES - A History of Mob Action in the United States
185789: ARCHER, JEFFREY (1940- ) - First among equals
185792: ARCHER, JEFFREY (1940- ) - As the crow flies / Jeffrey Archer
185624: ARCHER, JEFFREY (1940- ) - Honor among thieves / Jeffrey Archer
171118: ARCHER, CAROLINE (1961- ) - The Kynoch Press : the anatomy of a printing house, 1876-1981 / Caroline Archer
167845: ARCHER, PETER (1926-) - Human rights
180413: ARCHER, FREDERICK A. - An analysis of the idea of revelation in S. H. Hooke's theology and its relationship to contemporary thought / Frederick A. Archer [MA thesis]
256789: ARCHER, JEFFREY - The Prodigal Daughter: A Kane & Abel Book
201688: ARCHER, THE [PSEUD.] - 'England expects ..' : clear-thinking and plain-speaking in the war
278869: ARCHER, PETER (1926-2012) - The Queen's courts
221881: ARCHER, THOMAS - The war in Egypt and the Soudan : an episode in the history of the British empire; being a descriptive account of the scenes and events of that great drama and sketches of the principal actors in it - 4 volumes complete, bound in 2
279101: ARCHER, JAMES (1751-1834) - Sermons on various moral and religious subjects: for all the Sundays, and some of the principal festivals of the year, vol. 1
277755: ARCHER, JAMES (1751-1834) - Sermons on various moral and religious subjects for all the Sundays and some of the principal festivals of the year: volume II
278705: ARCHER, PETER KINGSLEY - Social welfare and the citizen
132507: ARCHER, THOMAS. A. T. STORY. - William Ewart Gladstone and His Contemporaries. Memorial Ed. , Revised and Extended by A. T. Story [Complete in four volumes]
60456: ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856-1924) - Three Plays by William Archer, with Foreward by George Bernard Shaw - [Contents: Martha Washington. --Beatriz Juana. --Lidia]
148535: ARCHER-SHEPHERD, EDWARD HENRY - The Ritual of the Tabernacle / E. H. Archer-Shepherd
146199: ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856-1924) - To Neutral Peace-Lovers : a Plea for Patience
145545: ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856-1924) - Colour-Blind Neutrality : an Open Letter to Doctor George Brandes
245006: ARCHER, THOMAS (1830-1893) - William Ewart Gladstone and his contemporaries : fifty years of social and political progress. Vol. I-II
279963: ARCHER, THOMAS - The pauper, the thief, and the convict : sketches of some of their homes, haunts, and habits
178804: ARCHER, D. R. W. - Aero-engine theory : a fitter's course
47678: ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856-1924) - Three Plays by William Archer, with Foreward by George Bernard Shaw - [Contents: Martha Washington. --Beatriz Juana. --Lidia]
120871: ARCHER, JULES - Revolution in Our Time
112963: ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856-1924) - India and the Future
175775: ARCHER, PETER - Social welfare and the citizen
167930: ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856-1924) - The theatrical 'world' for 1893
167159: ARCHER, PETER, (1926-) - Communism and the law / [by] Peter Archer
190358: ARCHER, FRED (1920- ) - Exploring the psychic world
280296: E. ARCHER - The new coterie : a quarterly of literature and art. No. 4, Autumn 1926
190008: ARCHER, FRED (1920- ) - Crime and the psychic world
99093: ARCHER, JULES - Red Rebel; Tito of Yugoslavia
212507: ARCHER, JEFFREY (1940- ) - A twist in the tale : twelve short stories
196634: ARCHER, PETER (1926-2012) - Social welfare and the citizen / edited by Peter Archer
197766: ARCHER, THOMAS (1830-1893) - The war in Egypt and the Soudan : an episode in the history of the British empire; being a descriptive account of the scenes and events of that great drama and sketches of the principal actors in it
187974: ARCHEVEQUE, CARDINAL - Compte-rendu du Congres Ouvrier Chretien de Paris tenu les 6 et 7 Juillet 1895 : 26, rue Hermel sous le haut patronage de son Eminence le Cardinal Archeveque de Paris
271308: ARCHIBALD, NORMAN (1894-1975) - Heaven high hell deep : 1917-1918
230651: ARCHIBALD, ALLISON - Water Power as the Foundation of Sheffield’s Industries
278502: ARCHIBALD, E. H. H. (EDWARD H. H.) - Dictionary of sea painters
112163: ARCHIMBAUD, NICHOLAS D'. BRUNO DE CESSOLE. ANNIE FORGEAU [ET AL. ] - Louvre : Portrait of a Museum / Conceived and Photographed by Nicholas D'Archimbaud ; Text by Bruno De Cessole ... [Et Al. ]
210057: ARCHIMBAUD, LEON - L' avenir du radicalisme / Leon Archimbaud
129508: ARCHINARD, E. - Israel Et Ses Voisins Asiatiques : La Phenicie, L'Aram Et L'Assyrie, De L'Epoque De Salomon a Celle De Sancherib / Par E. Archinard ; Avec 2 Cartes Dressees Par L'Auteur
237317: ARCHITECTON (FIRM), AUTHOR; HERBERT, MANDY, EDITOR; JUOGRO, ELIZABETH, TRANSLATOR - Architecton: architecture as an ecology of culture / Architecton Ltd.; edited by Mandy Herbert; translated by Elizabeth Juodro
265197: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - Town Planning Conference, London, 10-15 October, 1910 : transactions
261253: ROYAL INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS - Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects - vol. 110 1968
241249: ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS INC. BELLINGER, CHARLES [PRESIDENT] - Architectural Components Inc.: reproduction and customs windows, doors and architectural millwork
37816: UNITED STATES. NATIONAL ARCHIVES - Germany Surrenders Unconditionally - Facsimiles of the Documents
232963: BAYERISCHE STAATSBIBLIOTHEK. BAYERISCHE ARCHIVVERWALTUNG - Bayerns Kirche im Mittelalter : Handschriften und Urkunden / Ausstellung veranstaltet von den Bayerischen Staatlichen Bibliotheken in Verbindung mit den Staatlichen Archiven Bayerns, Juni-Oktober 1960
162199: GERMANY (EAST). STAATLICHE ARCHIVVERWALTUNG - Forschungen Aus Mitteldeutschen Archiven : Zum 60. Geburtstag / Von Hellmut Kretzschmar
209546: BAYERISCHE STAATSBIBLIOTHEK. BAYERISCHE ARCHIVVERWALTUNG - Bayerns Kirche im Mittelalter : Handschriften und Urkunden / Ausstellung veranstaltet von den Bayerischen Staatlichen Bibliotheken in Verbindung mit den Staatlichen Archiven Bayerns, Juni-Oktober 1960
169522: ARCINIEGAS, GERMAN - Caribbean: sea of the new world
190180: ARCINIEGAS, GERMAN (1900-1999) - Caribbean : sea of the New World / German Arciniegas ; translated from the Spanish by Harriet de Onis
206754: ARCINIEGAS, GERMAN (1900-1999) - The green continent : comprehensive view of Latin America by its leading writers / Tr. from the Spanish and Portuguese by Harriet de Oni´s and others
163017: ARCOLE (PARIS) - La Diagonale Des Autonomies
149830: ARCOS, JUAN (1915-) - El Sindicalismo En America Latina
59177: D'ARCY, SUSAN - The Films of Elizabeth Taylor / Susan D'Arcy
259244: D'ARCY, MARTIN CYRIL (1888-1976) - Catholicism
202445: D'ARCY, CHARLES FREDERICK, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH (1859-1938) - The Christian outlook in the modern world
43910: ARD, WILLIAM - This is Murder
251896: ARDAGH, PHILIP - The silly side of Sherlock Holmes : a brand new adventure using a bunch of old pictures
208089: ARDAGH, PHILIP; ROBERTS, DAVID - The Eddie Dickens trilogy
154544: ARDAGH, PHILIP - The rise of the house of McNally, or, about time too
130435: ARDAGH, JOHN - The New French Revolution; a Social & Economic Survey of France 1945-1967
169199: ARDAGH, JOHN (1928-2008) - A tale of five cities: life in provincial Europe today
63309: ARDAGH, JOHN (1928-) - The New French Revolution
204260: ARDELIUS, LARS - Forfattarnas litteraturhistoria: de svenska forfattarna fran runristarna till Sonja Akesson / redaktorer: Lars Ardelius och Gunnar Rydstrom [Language: Swedish]
88212: ARDEN, EVE - Three Phases of Eve : an Autobiography / Eve Arden
173781: ARDEN, JOHN - Vox pop : last days of the Roman Republic / John Arden
239174: ARDEN, CLIVE (B. 1888) - Sinners in heaven
202740: ARDEN, ADRIENNE - How to know your future
180656: ARDENNE, PAUL - Face to face : the art of portrait photography / [edited by] Paul Ardenne ; Photo Research, Élisabeth Nora ; [translated from the French by Michael Taylor]
158253: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD (1900-1979) - Sketches for friends
11573: ARDIZZONE, MICHAEL - The Mistaken Land
140616: ARDIZZONE, MICHAEL - The Mistaken Land
274540: ARDOIN, JOHN - Callas ...
118135: ARDOIN, JOHN - The Stages of Menotti / John Ardoin ; Photographs Edited by Gerald Fitzgerald ; Designed by Gregory Downer
58832: ARDON, MORDECAI (1896-) - Mordecai Ardon [Compiled By] Michele Vishny
182844: ARDREY, ROBERT - The social contract : a personal inquiry into the evolutionary sources of order and disorder
190282: ARDREY, ROBERT - The social contract : a personal inquiry into the evolutionary sources of order and disorder. Drawings by Berdine Ardrey
274598: GREAT BRITAIN. COMMITTEE ON LAND UTILISATION IN RURAL AREAS - Report of the Committee on Land Utilisation in Rural Areas / presented by the Minister of Works and Planning to Parliament by Command of His Majesty August, 1942
167839: COMMISSIONER FOR THE SPECIAL AREAS (ENGLAND AND WALES) - First report of the Commissioner for the Special Areas (England and Wales)
147671: ARENA, CELESTINO. A. BERNARDINO. G. ZINGALI [ET AL] - Finanza Pubblica Contemporanea. Studi Di C. Arena [Et Al. ] in Onore Di Jacopo Tivaroni
151399: ARENDT, JOS. - L'Action Syndicale (Deuxieme Partie) / Par Le Reverend Pere Jos. Arendt
143570: ARENDT, JOSEPH - La Nature, L'Organisation Et Le Programme Des Syndicats Ouvriers Chretiens / Par Joseph Arendt
200857: ARENT, ARTHUR - The laying on of hands
41061: ARENTEWICZ, GERD & SCHMIDT, GUNTER (1938-) - The Treatment of Sexual Disorders : Concepts and Techniques of Couple Therapy / Edited by Gerd Arentewicz and Gunter Schmidt ; Contributors, Gerd Arentewicz ... [Et Al. ] ; Translated by Tom Todd
39957: ARENTEWICZ, GERD & SCHMIDT, GUNTER (1938-) - The Treatment of Sexual Disorders : Concepts and Techniques of Couple Therapy / Edited by Gerd Arentewicz and Gunter Schmidt ; Contributors, Gerd Arentewicz ... [Et Al. ] ; Translated by Tom Todd
47615: ARENTEWICZ, GERD & SCHMIDT, GUNTER (1938-) - The Treatment of Sexual Disorders : Concepts and Techniques of Couple Therapy / Edited by Gerd Arentewicz and Gunter Schmidt ; Contributors, Gerd Arentewicz ... [Et Al. ] ; Translated by Tom Todd
231197: ARENTS, GEORGE (1875-1960). BROOKS, JEROME E. - Tobacco, its history illustrated by the books, manuscripts and engravings in the library of George Arents, jr. / together with an introductory essay, a glossary and bibliographic notes by Jerome E. Brooks. 4 volumes of 5 (lacking volume 1)
228487: ARESCHOUG, FREDRIK WILHELM CHRISTIAN (1830-1908) - Skånes flora : innefattande de fanerogama och ormbunkartade växterna
236372: ARESSY, LUCIEN (1882-) - Verlaine et la dernière bohème / fantaisie-préface de Rachilde ; frontispiece de Pétrus Aressy ; 5 hors-texte, dessins de Lita Besnard ... [et al.]
221939: ARESTY, ESTHER B. - The delectable past: the joys of the table, from Rome to the Renaissance, from Queen Elizabeth I to Mrs. Beeton: the menus, the manners, and the most delectable recipes of the past, masterfully re-created for cooking and enjoying today
248114: ARETINO, PIETRO. VAN MAELE, MARTIN [ILLUSTRATIONS] - Les Dialogues de Pietro Aretino
208281: ARETINO, PIETRO (1492-1556) - Die Gesprache / Pietro Aretino
158163: ARETS, W. M. J. - Wiel Arets / Edited by Xavier Costa ; Photographs by Helene Binet
223669: ARETZ, GERTRUDE KUNTZE-DOLTON (1889-) - The Empress Catherine / Gertrude Aretz
70389: ARETZ, PAUL - Napoleons Gefangenschaft und Tod : Sankt-Helena-Erinnerungen
70204: ARETZ, GERTRUDE KUNTZE-DOLTON (1889-) - Napoleon and His Women Friends
93006: ARETZ, GERTRUDE KUNTZE-DOLTON (1889-) - The Empress Catherine
128049: AREVALO, JUAN JOSE, PRESIDENT, GUATEMALA - Anti-Kommunism in Latin America; an X-Ray of the Process Leading to New Colonialism
90220: AREY, JAMES A. - The Sky Pirates
27642: ARFA, GENERAL HASSAN - Under Five Shahs - a Dramatic Account of the Evolution of Iran by One Who Took Part
27641: ARFA, GENERAL HASSAN - Under Five Shahs - a Dramatic Account of the Evolution of Iran by One Who Took Part
74213: ARGALL, PHYLLIS - The Truth about Jesse James - a Post Mortem Presentation of Little-Known Facts about a Famous American Character
277161: ARGAN, GIULIO CARLO - Die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1880-1940 / Giulio Carlo Argan, mit Beitr. von Rossana Bossaglia [and others] ; [Übers. fremdsprachiger Texte, Christiane Bertoncini ... et al ; Namen- u. Sachreg., Marianne Eaton-Krauss ; Strichzeichn., Dieter Götze, Jean-Claude Lézin]
87350: ARGAN, GIULIO CARLO - Das Europa Der Hauptstadte 1600-1700
280741: ARGENTINA. - L'elevage et l'agriculture en 1908 : recensement agricole national, Vol. 3: Monographies
165967: ARGUILE, ROGER - Criminal Procedure
120320: ARGYLL, JOHN DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND CAMPBELL, DUKE OF (1845-1914) - Viscount Palmerston, K. G.
191545: ARGYRIADES, P. (PUBLIE SOUS LA DIRECTION) - Almanach de la question sociale
195915: ARGYRIADES, P. (PUBLIE SOUS LA DIRECTION) - almanach de la question sociale illustre pour 1896 revue annuelle du socialisme international [3 vols in 1]
161048: ARIAN, ALAN - The Choosing People : Voting Behavior in Israel
52254: ARIAN, ALAN - Ideological Change in Israel
230580: MUSEE ARIANA - Faiences et porcelaines
77044: ARICHA, YOSEF (1906-) - Tel Aviv 60 Years by Y. Aricha. Translated by G. Yevnin
254534: ARICI, GRAZIANO. ROMANELLI, GIANDOMENICO (1945-) - Gran teatro La Fenice / photographs, Graziano Arici ; text, Giandomenico Romanelli
143695: ARIES, N. - Le Sillon Et Le Mouvement Democratique / N. Aries. 'Le Sillon' Devant L'Episcopat : 52 Consultations De Cardinaux, Archeveques Et Eveques / Albert Monniot
249609: ARIETI, SILVANO - The world biennial of psychiatry and psychotherapy: volume II
91110: ARIETI, SILVANO (ED. ) - The World Biennial of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Volume I (1971) & Volume II (1973)
52006: ARIETI, SILVANO, ED. - The World Biennial of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy - [Complete in Two Volumes]
266056: ARIOSTO, LODOVICO (1474-1533) - The comedies of Ariosto / translated and edited by Edmond M. Beame and Leonard G. Sbrocchi
254387: ARIOSTO, LODOVICO (1474-1533). PHILIPON DE LA MADELAINE, M.V - Roland Furieux: traduction nouvelle et en prose
263725: ARIOSTO, LODOVICO (1474-1533) - Orlando furioso / Ludoviso Ariosto ; introduzione di Silvo Pasquazi ; note di Guglielmo Zappacosta
280091: ARIOSTO, LODOVICO (1474-1533) - Orlando Furioso: / translated from the Italian of Ludovico Ariosto; with notes: by John Hoole. Vol.4
268781: ARIS, ERNEST ALFRED - Fishing : a comprehensive guide to freshwater angling
227225: ARIS, STEPHEN (1936-) - The Jews in business
211261: ARISMENDI, RODNEY - Junto estan los pueblos de America Latina
121766: ARISTIDE, JEAN-BERTRAND - Aristide : an Autobiography / Jean-Bertrand Aristide with Christophe Wargny ; Translation by Linda M. Maloney
275153: ARISTOPHANES. HEMSTERHUIS, TIBERIUS (1685-1766). DOBREE, PETER PAUL (1782-1825) [ANNOTATOR] - Aristophanous Ploutos = Aristophanis comoedia Plutus : adiecta sunt scholia vetusta / recognovit ad veteres membranas, variis lectionibus ac notis instruxit, et scholiastas locupletavit Tiberius Hemsterhuis
274449: ARISTOPHANES - Aristophanes in three volumes. Vol. 3 The Lysistrata : The Thesmophoriazusae ; The ecclesiazusae ; The plutus / with the English translation of Benjamin Bickley Rogers
274106: ARISTOPHANES - Aristophanes / with the English translation of Benjamin Bickley Rogers - vols 1 & 2
226325: ARISTOPHANES - The Plays of Aristophanes : volume 2
81727: ARISTOPHANES - The Birds. with an Introd. by Dudley Fitts and Illus. by Marian Parry and the Frogs, Translated from the Greek by William James Hickie
279760: ARISTOPHANES - Aristophanous Ippes = : The Knights of Aristophanes : adapted for performance by the Oxford University Dramatic Socety 1897, with an English version adapted from that of J. Hookham Frere by L. E. Berman
226111: ARISTOPHANES - Ladies' day / Aristophanes ; an English version by Dudley Fitts
100142: ARISTOPHANES - The Frogs and Three Other Plays of Aristophanes, Tr. by Frere, Hickie, Mitchell and Cumberland
276303: ARISTOTLE - Aristotelous Meteorologika : Aristotelis Meteorologicorum libri IV / Graeca verba denuo post Bekkerum ad codicum veterumque editionum fidem recensuit, novam interpretationem Latinam confecit, ex commentariis Alexandri Olympiodori, et Ioannis Philoponi, suos commentarios adiecit, de auctoritate, integritate et fide librorum, deque criticis subsidiis praefatus est, indices denique verborum et rerum uberrimos addidit Iulius Ludovicus Ideler - 2 volumes
252516: ARISTOTLE - The Politics of Aristotle. Vol 2 Containing the Notes
278638: ARISTOTLE - Aristotelous peri thaumasion akousmaton. Aristotelis liber de mirabilibus auscultationibus explicatus a Ioanne Beckmann ... Additis annotationibus Henr. Stephani ... [et al.] subiectis sub finem notulis C.G. Heynii; interpretationibus anonymi, Natalis de Comitibus, et Dominici Montesauri ... [et al.]
214997: ARISTOTLE. KALLEN, HORACE MEYER (1882-1974) - Politics ; & Poetics / Aristotle ; translated by Benjamin Jowett and S.H. Butcher ; with an introduction by Horace M. Kallen and portraits by Leonard Baskin
171780: ARISTOTLE - The Philosophy of Aristotle / a new selection with an introduction and commentary by R. Bambrough ; new translation by A. E. Wardman and J. L. Creed
245827: ARISTOTLE. JOWETT, BENJAMIN (1817-1893) [TRANSLATOR]. DAVIS, HENRY WILLIAM CARLESS (1874-1928) [EDITOR] - Aristotle's Politics / translated by Benjamin Jowett with introduction, analysis and index by H.W.C. Davis, M.A., fellow of Balliol
250770: ARISTOTLE - The ethics of Aristotle, translated by J. A. K. Thomson
124320: ARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF. OFFICE OF ARID LANDS STUDIES. WILLIAM MCGINNES. BRAM J. GOLDMAN. PATRICIA PAYLORE - Deserts of the World : an Appraisal of Research Into Their Physical and Biological Environments / Edited by William G. McGinnies, Bram J. Goldman and Patricia Paylore
163081: ARIZTIMUNO, JOSE DE - La Democracia En Euzkadi : Ensayo Historico Juridoco
217823: ARKA - Arka : eseistyka, krytyka, literatura [Language: Polish]
89345: ARKELL, REGINALD - Meet These People, by Reginald Arkell, Caricatures by Bert Thomas
241807: ARKELL, WILLIAM JOSCELYN (1904-1958) - Oxford stone / W.J. Arkell
126575: ARKHURST, FREDERICK S. (ED. ) - Africa in the Seventies and Eighties; Issues in Development. Edited by Frederick S. Arkhurst
273651: ARKINS, FRANK J. (FRANCIS JOSEPH) - The mystery of Bonanza Trail
235699: ARLAND, MARCEL (1899-1986). AURY, DOMINIQUE - Tableau de la littérature française. Vol. 3 De Madame de Staël à Rimbaud/ par Marcel Arland ... [et al.]/ préface de Dominique Aury
45734: ARLEN, MICHAEL J. - Passage to Ararat
26094: ARLEN, MICHAEL J. - The View from Highway 1 - Essays on Television
220698: ARLEN, MICHAEL - May fair : the ace of cads and other stories
107242: ARLEN, MICHAEL J. - The Camera Age : Essays on Television / Michael J. Arlen.
101001: ARLEN, MICHAEL - The Romantic Lady, by Michael Arlen ...
176338: ARLINCOURT, CHARLES VICTOR PREVOT D', VISCOUNT - Place au droit. Premiere partie. La Revolution et l'Elysee. Seconde partie. La Royaute et Frohsdorf, etc
49070: ARLISS, GEORGE - Up the Years from Bloomsbury, an Autobiography
110497: ARLISS, GEORGE (1868-1946) - Up the Years from Bloomsbury; an Autobiography
115515: ARLISS, GEORGE (1868-1946) - Up the Years from Bloomsbury; an Autobiography
99568: ARLISS, GEORGE (1868-1946) - Up the Years from Bloomsbury : an Autobiography
45063: ARLITT, ADA HART - Psychology of Infancy and Early Childhood
273386: ARLOTT, JOHN - Fred: portrait of a fast bowler / [by] John Arlott
267949: ARLOTT, JOHN - The snuff shop / John Arlott ; illustrated by Ray Evans ; foreword by Kingsley Amis
239935: ARLOTT, JOHN; ALLEN, DAVID RAYVERN, EDITOR - Arlott on cricket : his writings on the game / edited by David Rayvern Allen
210809: ARLOTT, JOHN - Basingstoke boy / John Arlott
210177: ARLOTT, JOHN - John Arlott's book of cricketers
210162: ARLOTT, JOHN - Cricket: the great captains; general editor John Arlott
240900: ARLOTT, JOHN - John Arlott's 100 greatest batsmen
277654: ARLOTT, JOHN - The snuff shop
138148: ARLOTT, JOHN - Australian Test Journal : a Diary of the Test Matches, Australia V. England, 1954-55
240552: ARLOTT, JOHN (1914-1991) - Cricket : the great all-rounders : studies of ten of the finest all-rounders of cricket history / general editor John Arlott
210178: ARLOTT, JOHN - Australian test journal : a diary of the test matches, Australia v England,1954-55
211143: ARLOTT, JOHN [ET AL.] - The Middle Ages of Cricket : being “Sketches of the Players” by William Denison, 'Cricket Recollections' from 'Oxford Memories' by James Pycroft / the whole assembled, edited and discussed by John Arlott
211229: ARLOTT, JOHN - Cricket in the counties. Studies of the first-class counties in action
211584: ARLOTT, JOHN (1914-1991) - Cricket : the great all-rounders : studies of ten of the finest all-rounders of cricket history / general editor John Arlott
211886: ARLOTT, JOHN - John Arlott's book of cricketers / John Arlott
211970: ARLOTT, JOHN (1914-1991) - Cricket : the great bowlers : studies of ten great bowlers of cricket history / edited by John Arlott
212038: ARLOTT, JOHN - The echoing green : cricket studies
234356: ARLT, WULF - Basler Studien zur Musikgeschichte. Vol.1 / mit Beitragen von Wulf Arlt, Suzanne Clercx, Max Haas, Hans Oesch und Fritz Reckow
170409: ARMAH, KWESI - Africa's golden road / Kwesi Armah ; with a foreword by Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
127216: ARMAH, KWESI - Ghana, Nkrumah's Legacy / [By] Kwesi Armah
46478: ARMAH, KWESI (1929-) - Ghana, Nkrumah's Legacy
193094: WORLD ASSEMBLY FOR MORAL RE-ARMAMENT (1949 : CAUX) - Caux: Report of the World Assembly for Moral Re-armament, 1949
254158: ARMAND, E. L'EN DEHORS - l'en dehors: No. 150: 1929
101179: ARMAND CLESSE AND THOMAS C. SCHELLING, EDS. - The Western Community and the Gorbachev Challenge
191556: ARMAND, E. - Les tueries passionnelles et le tartufisme sexuel
131368: ARMAND, F. R. MAUBLANC - Fourier / F. Armand Et R. Maublanc
164409: ARMAND, FELIX. MAUBLANC, RENE - Fourier / F. Armand Et R. Maublanc
136719: ARMANDY, ANDRE (1882-1958) - La Desagreable Partie De Campagne : Incursion En Abyssinie / A. Armandy
42460: ARMANI, GIORGIO - Giorgio Armani / [Exhibition Organized by Germano Celant and Harold Koda]
257598: ARMATAGE, GEORGE - The dog : its varieties and management in health
95246: ARMBRUSTER, FRANK E. - Can We Win in Vietnam? The American Dilemma [By] Frank E. Armbruster [And Others] with the Assistance of Thomas F. Bartman and Carolyn Kelley
121310: ARMBRUSTER, FRANK E. HERMAN KAHN [ET AL] - Can We Win in Vietnam? The American Dilemma [By] Frank E. Armbruster [And Others] with the Assistance of Thomas F. Bartman and Carolyn Kelley
189536: ARMELLINI, MARIANO (1852-1896) - Lezioni di archeologia cristiana : Opera postuma / [di] Mariano Armellini [bound with] The catacombs of Saint Callistus : history and description, general view of the Christian sepulture, epigraphy and art
162125: ARMER, LAURA ADAMS (1874-1963) - Southwest
66006: ARMES, ROY - A Critical History of the British Cinema / Roy Armes
274657: ARMES, WILLIAM DALLAM - Old English ballads and folk songs
49320: ARMFELT, NICHOLAS - Smudge
207374: ARMFELT, ROGER - The structure of English education
256750: ARMFIELD, MAXWELL - Tempera painting today
64821: ARMFIELD, AMOS. MOGRIDGE, GEORGE (1787-1854) - Amos Armfield; Or, the Leather-Covered Bible - [Authorship Attributed to George Mogridge in British Library Catalogue]. Illustrated with Wood-Engraved Vignettes
244149: ARMISTEAD, SAMUEL G. (1927-). SILVERMAN, JOSEPH H. [JOINT AUTHOR] - Folk Literature of the Sephardic Jews: Volume 1: The Judeo-Spanish ballad chapbooks of Yacob Abraham Yoná
86294: ARMITAGE, MERLE - Dance Memoranda, Edited by Edwin Corle
104259: ARMITAGE, MERLE (1893-1975) - Accent on America / Merle Armitage
270356: ARMITAGE, DORIS MARY - The Taylors of Ongar : portrait of an English family of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries drawn from family records by the great-great niece of Ann and Jane Taylor / Doris Mary Armitage
267381: ARMITAGE, DAVID - Milton and republicanism / edited by David Armitage, Armand Himy, Quentin Skinner
265280: ARMITAGE, M.J - Classic RAF battles : from World War One to the present / editor in chief, M.J. Armitage
251078: ARMITAGE, SIMON (1963-) - King Arthur in the East Riding
226843: ARMITAGE, ELLA SOPHIA - The childhood of the English nation or The beginnings of English history : By Ella S. Armitage.
154379: ARMITAGE, MERLE (1893-1975) - Pagans, Conquistadores, Heroes, and Martyrs : the Spiritual Conquest of America, by Merle Armitage Assisted by Peter Ribera Ortega
233976: ARMITAGE, MERLE - George Gershwin; Wort und Erinnerung. Mit Photos und Dokumenten
220407: ARMITAGE, FLORA - The desert and the stars : a portrait of T.E. Lawrence / Flora Armitage. [AN EARLY PROOF of the DUST WRAPPER ONLY]
63980: ARMITAGE, MERLE (1893-1975) - Accent on Life. Foreword by John Charles Thomas
6250: ARMITAGE-SMITH, G. - The Free Trade Movement and its Results
60003: ARMITAGE, MERLE - Notes on Modern Printing
57396: ARMITAGE-SMITH, GEORGE (1844?-1923) - The Free-Trade Movement and its Results, by G. Armitage-Smith, M. A. ...
53214: ARMITAGE-SMITH, GEORGE (1844?-1923) - The Free-Trade Movement and its Results
51366: ARMITAGE, MERLE (1893-1975) - Accent on America
129731: ARMITAGE-SMITH, GEORGE (1844-1923) - The Free-Trade Movement and its Results
128209: ARMITAGE-SMITH, GEORGE - The Free-Trade Movement and its Results
126894: ARMITAGE-SMITH, GEORGE (1844?-1923) - The Free-Trade Movement and its Results, by G. Armitage-Smith, M. A.
126892: ARMITAGE-SMITH, GEORGE (1844?-1923) - The free-trade movement and its results
103948: ARMITAGE, MERLE - Post-Caviar; Barnstorming with Russian Grand Opera, by Merle Armitage. Those Remarkable Russians, by Lincoln Kirstein. Preface by Jose Rodriguez
101660: ARMITAGE, MERLE - Stella Dysart of Ambrosia Lake. Foreword by Dennis Chavez
12378: ARMITAGE, HAROLD - Early Man in Hallamshire
131924: ARMITAGE, GODFREY W. - The Problem of the Cotton Trade
77464: ARMITAGE, MERLE (1893-1975) - Merle Armitage's Accent on Life
80784: ARMITAGE, MERLE (1893-1975) - Accent on Life. Foreword by John Charles Thomas
30006: ARMOUR-HILEMAN, VICTORIA - Singing to the Dead - a Missioner's Life Among Refugees from Burma
224329: ARMOUR, GEORGE DENHOLM (1864-1949) - Bridle and brush : reminiscences of an artist sportsman
164195: ARMOUR, RICHARD WILLARD, (1906-) - Drug Store Days, My Youth Among the Pills & Potions. Illus. by Catherine Barnes
164194: ARMOUR, RICHARD WILLARD, (1906-) - Drug Store Days, My Youth Among the Pills & Potions. Illus. by Catherine Barnes
256652: ARMOUR, GEORGE DENHOLM - Bridle and Brush. Reminiscences of an artist Sportsman. With four colour plates and 127 drawings in black-and-white by the author
242253: ARMOUR, GILBERT [ARTIST] - Geoffrey Keynes portrait, age 70
130024: ARMOUR, MARGARET - The Nibelungenlied / Translated from the German by Margaret Armour ; with an Introduction by Franz Schoenberner ; Illustrated by Edy Legrand
75935: ARMOUR, RICHARD WILLARD (1906-) - Drug Store Days, My Youth Among the Pills & Potions. Illustrated by Catherine Barnes
98639: ARMOUR, W. S. (WILLIAM STAVELEY) (B. 1883) - Ulster, Ireland, Britain: a Forgotten Trust
160753: ARMOUR, RICHARD WILLARD (1906- ) - It all Started with Europa; Being an Undigested History of Europe from Prehistoric Man to the Present, Proving That We Remember Best Whatever is Least Important. with Appropriately Absurd Illus. by Campbell Grant
35690: ARMOUR, LAWRENCE A. - Profits on Wall Street : How the Professionals Make Money Grow
245591: COLLEGE OF ARMS - Herald's Commemorative Exhibition 1484-1934 held at the college of Ams(enlarged and illustrated catalogue)
75002: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT (1941-) - El Salvador, the Face of Revolution
272504: ARMSTRONG, ANNIE E - Marian and Dorothy, or, the Abbey Grange
255154: ARMSTRONG, ISOBEL - Robert Browning / edited by Isobel Armstrong
251946: ARMSTRONG, NANCY - The book of fans / with a foreword by Hélène Alexander designed and produced by Ted Smart and David Gibbon
249511: ARMSTRONG, ROBIN - The painted stream : a river warden's life
249512: ARMSTRONG, ROBIN - Chalk streams & lazy trout : pictured by a trout fisherman / Robin Armstrong ; foreword by Sir Michael Hordern
248666: ARMSTRONG, ROBIN - Split-cane and sable : a book of fish, men and nature / Robin Armstrong
245351: ARMSTRONG, CAROL M. DEGAS, EDGAR (1834-1917). J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM - A Degas sketchbook / Carol Armstrong ; with a postscript by David Hockney
239727: ARMSTRONG, JOHN (1966-) - Looking at pictures : an introduction to the appreciation of art / John Armstrong
236463: ARMSTRONG, KAREN (1944-) - St. Paul: the misunderstood apostle / Karen Armstrong
236436: ARMSTRONG, KAREN (1944-) - Fields of blood: religion and the history of violence / Karen Armstrong
230495: ARMSTRONG, CAMPBELL - Jigsaw
210671: ARMSTRONG, T. J. (1957-) - Walter and the resurrection of G : a novel and two appendices / T.J. Armstrong
200937: ARMSTRONG, A.HILARY - Classical Mediterranean spirituality : Egyptian, Greek, Roman / edited by A.H. Armstrong
178715: ARMSTRONG, EDWARD - The French Wars of Religion : their political aspects
167423: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT (1941-). SHENK, JANET - El Salvador : the face of revolution / Robert Armstrong and Janet Shenk
158172: ARMSTRONG, DAVID (1954- ) - All day every day
144908: ARMSTRONG, JENNIFER. SUSAN GABER (ILL. ) - Pierre's Dream / Jennifer Armstrong ; Pictures by Susan Gaber
144839: ARMSTRONG, CAROLE - My Art Museum; a Sticker Book of Paintings
138268: ARMSTRONG, FRANK - The Gypsy Fortune Teller and the Sucker
128602: ARMSTRONG, TOM (1932-) - An American Odyssey : the Warner Collection of American Fine and Decorative Arts, Gulf States Paper Corporation, Tuscaloosa, Alabama / Tom Armstrong ; Essays by Amy Coes, Ella Foshay, and Wendell Garrett
189199: ARMSTRONG, DONALD (ET AL.) - The social and biological challenge of our aging population: Proceedings of the eastern states health education conference, March 31 - April 1, 1949
249026: ARMSTRONG, EDWARD - The Emperor Charles V
277624: ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH (1917-2001) - Ronsard and the Age of Gold
263008: ARMSTRONG, EDWARD (1846-1928) - Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania / being a republication, edited by Edward Armstrong
246841: ARMSTRONG, ROBIN - Under the bridge / Robin Armstrong
194461: ARMSTRONG, HAMILTON FISH (1893-1973) - Tito and Goliath
278391: ARMSTRONG, GEORGE - The pocket enquire within : a guide to the niceties and necessities of Victorian domestic life / edited by George Armstrong
139722: ARMSTRONG, HAMILTON FISH - Tito and Goliath
132846: ARMSTRONG, ARTHUR C. - Bouverie Street to Bowling Green Lane : Fifty-Five Years of Specialized Publishing
46423: ARMSTRONG, MARY FRANCES (D. 1903) - Hampton and its Students. by Two of its Teachers, Mrs. M. F. Armstrong and Helen W. Ludlow. with Fifty Cabin and Plantation Songs, Arr. by Thomas P. Fenner
6972: ARMSTRONG, MARTIN DONISTHORPE (1882-) - The Bird-Catcher : and Other Poems
151701: ARMSTRONG, MARY FRANCES (D. 1903) - Hampton and its Students
11172: ARMSTRONG, H. C. - Grey Steel: J. C. Smuts; a Study in Arrogance, by H. C. Armstrong
9169: ARMSTRONG, JOHN (1709-1779) - The Art of Preserving Health : by John Armstrong, M. D. to Which is Prefixed a Critical Essay on the Poem, by J. Aikin, M. D
145157: ARMSTRONG, EDWARD (1846-1928) - The French Wars of Religion : Their Political Aspects; an Expansion of Three Lectures Delivered before the Oxford University Extension Summer Meeting of August, 1892
160147: ARMSTRONG, MARGARET (1867-1944) - Trelawny : a Man's Life
238328: ARMSTRONG, MARTIN - Lady Hester Stanhope
227741: ARMSTRONG, HENRY EDWARD (1848-1937) - Introduction to the study of organic chemistry : the chemistry of carbon and its compounds
55519: ARMSTRONG, RICHARD (1949-) - David Park / Richard Armstrong
280062: ARMSTRONG, GEORGE (1914-) - London's struggle for socialism, 1848-1948
173071: ARMSTRONG, MARGARET (1867-1944) - Fanny Kemble : a passionate Victorian
265921: ARMSTRONG, WALTER (1815-1918) - Sir Joshua Reynolds, first president of the Royal Academy
194512: ARMSTRONG, GEOGE (1914-) - London's struggle for socialism, 1848-1948 / edited by George Armstrong ; with a foreword by John Mahon
119271: ARMSTRONG, D. M. - A Materialist Theory of the Mind
45411: ARMSTRONG, JOHN (1709-1779). RELATED NAMES: STOTHARD, THOMAS, 1755-1834. NEAGLE, JAMES, 1760? -1822, ENGRAVER. HEATH, JAMES, 1757-1834, ENGRAVER. - The Art of Preserving Health
232083: ARMSTRONG, WALTER SIR (1850-1918) - Geschichte der Kunst in Grossbritannien und Irland
6154: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT CORNELL - Buddhism and Buddhists in Japan
240449: ARMSTRONG, A. H. (ARTHUR HILARY) - An introduction to ancient philosophy
229787: ARMSTRONG, HENRY EDWARD (1848-1937) - The Teaching of Scientific Method, and other papers on education
130370: ARMSTRONG, HAMILTON FISH (1893-1973) - Tito and Goliath
16784: ARMSTRONG, F. E. - The Book of the Stock Exchange A Comprehensive Guide to the Theory and Practice of Stock and Share Transactions and to the Business of Members of the London and Provincial Stock Exchanges
49925: ARMSTRONG, MARGARET - Fanny Kemble - a Passionate Voice
98886: ARMSTRONG, HAMILTON FISH (1893-1973) - Tito and Goliath
9939: ARMSTRONG, DOUGLAS E. - British and Colonial Postage Stamps A Guide to the Collection and Appreciation of the Adhesive Postal Issues of the British Empire
238241: ARMSTRONG, MARTIN DONISTHORPE (1882-) - Lady Hester Stanhope
197132: ARMSTRONG, HAMILTON FISH (1893-1973) - Tito and Goliath
197514: ARMSTRONG, WALTER, SIR, (1850-1918) - Art in Great Britain and Ireland
207226: ARMSTRONG, GEORGE GILBERT (1870-1945) - Memories of George Gilbert Armstrong : journalist, politician, author, preacher : apologia pro vita sua
257932: ARMSTRONG, GEOGE - London's struggle for socialism : 1848-1948 / edited by George Armstrong ; with a foreword by John Mahon
253862: GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY - List of casualties in South African Field Force from 11th October, 1899 to 20th March, 1900
267466: GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY - Training manual - signalling 1907 / General Staff, War Office
238667: U. S. ARMY - Fort Ord California : U.S. Army Training Center, Infantry : Company D, 4th Battalion, 1st Brigade
145910: UNITED STATES. ARMY - The New Infantry Drill Regulations
83615: ARMYTAGE, W. H. G - Yesterday's Tomorrows: a Historical Survey of Future Societies
178433: ARMYTAGE, W. H. G. (WALTER HENRY GREEN) - Yesterday's tomorrows : a historical survey of future societies
5751: ARMYTAGE, W. H. G. - Yesterday's Tomorrows: a Historical Survey of Future Societies
95870: ARMYTAGE, W. H. G. - A. J. Mundella, 1825-1897; the Liberal Background to the Labour Movement
33660: ARMYTAGE, W. H. G. - Yesterday's Tomorrows: a Historical Survey of Future Societies
187139: ARNANDER, PRIMROSE ; SKIPWORTH, ASHKHAIN; LAMB, KATHRYN (ILLUS.) - The Son of a duck is a floater / Primrose Arnander and Ashkhain Skipwith ; with illustrations by Kathryn Lamb
130089: ARNAOUTOVITCH, ALEXANDRE - Henry Becque [Complete in 3 volumes]
256806: ARNASON, H. HARVARD - A history of modern art : painting, sculpture, architecture / H. H. Arnason
241303: ARNAU, FRANK (1894-1976). BROWNJOHN, JOHN - Three thousand years of deception in art and antiques : Translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
147925: ARNAUD, RAOUL - Cambon, 1756-1820 : D'Apres Des Documents Inedits [ La Debacle Financiere De La Revolution. ]
183987: ARNAUD, FRANCOISE [ET AL.] - Jean Giono : Catalogue redige par Francoise Arnaud ; Avant-propos par Henri Fluchere ; Chronologie etablie par luce et Robert Ricatte ; Bibliographie etablie avec le concours de Jean Bottin
199359: ARNAUD, FRANCOIS-THOMAS-MARIE DE BACULARD D', (1718-1805) - Fanni istoria inglese tradotta per la prima volta in italiano [bound with] Strane avventure : avvenute in un viaggio marittimo a M. Viaud ...
220978: ARNAUDO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA ; HENRI BELLENGER - Le Nihilisme et les nihilistes. Ouvrage traduit de l'italien par H. Bellenger. Avec annotations du traducteur et deux lettres adressees a l'auteur par MM. I. Tourgueneff et Herzen fils
217574: ARNAUDOV, MIKHAIL - Sofroniy Vrachanski 1739-1813 [Sophronius of Vratsa 1739-1813. Language: Bulgarian]
164943: ARNAULT, JACQUES - Du Colonialisme Au Socialisme
206979: ARNAULT, JACQUES. - Du colonialisme au socialisme / Jacques Arnault
179676: ARNAUNE, FRANCOIS AUGUSTE - La monnaie, le credit et le change
177929: ARNBERGER, ERIK - Ein Buch vom Wienerwald (Vom Wesen und der Gestaltung seiner Landschaft) / redigiert von Erik Arnberger und Rudolf Wismeyer
49660: ARNEEL, GENE - The 1965 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures
158607: ARNHEIM, RUDOLF - Rudolf Arnheim : Revealing Vision / Edited by Kent Kleinman and Leslie Van Duzer
229647: GEMEENTEMUSEUM ARNHEM - Catalogus van Arnhems aardewerk van enkele verwante producten uit Hannoversch-Mundhen, Lenzburg, en Matzendorf en van Italiaans aardewerk, gemerkt met een haan / Catalogue of Arnhem faience of a few relative produkts [sic] from Hannoversch-Munden, Lenzburg, and Matzendorf and from Italian faience marked with a cock
178955: ARNIM, HARRY, GRAF VON (1824-1881) - Pro nihilo! : Vorgeschichte des Arnim'schen Processes [Arnim, Harry, Graf von, 1824-1881 ; Eichhoff, Wilhelm, 1833-1895]
211593: ARNIM, BETTINA VON (1785-1859) - Bettinas Briefwechsel mit Goethe : auf Grund ihres handschriften Nachlass nebst zeitgenossischen Dokumenten uber ihr personaliches Verhaltnis zu Goethe / zum ersten Mal herausgegeben von Reinhold Stieg
184660: ARNISON, JIM; RAMELSON, BERT - The Shrewsbury three : strikes, pickets and conspiracy
211211: ARNODIN, F. - La lutte economique des transports
248087: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Selected Poems of Matthew Arnold
92766: ARNOLD, TERRELL E - The Violence Formula : why People Lend Sympathy and Support to Terrorism
81427: ARNOLD, LLOYD R - Hemingway : High on the Wild
81170: ARNOLD, OREN & HALE, JOHN PRENTISS (1903-?) JOINT AUTHORS - Hot Irons; Heraldry of the Range
77314: ARNOLD, EVE - All in a Day's Work / Eve Arnold
70475: ARNOLD, PETER - All-Time Greats of Boxing
70372: ARNOLD, MADELYN - Bird-Eyes / Madelyn Arnold
47878: ARNOLD, GUY - The Last Bunker : a Report on White South Africa Today / [By] Guy Arnold
45340: ARNOLD, EVE - In America
42662: ARNOLD, GUY - The Unions
39329: ARNOLD, ELEANOR - Voices of American Homemakers
35372: ARNOLD, GUY - The Last Bunker : a Report on White South Africa Today / [By] Guy Arnold
29436: ARNOLD, GUY - Britain's Oil / Guy Arnold
277279: ARNOLD, EVE - Handbook (With Footnotes) / Eve Arnold
276819: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Selected poems
274868: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Selected poems of Matthew Arnold
271820: ARNOLD, HENRY HARLEY - Global mission
271735: ARNOLD, FRANK - The Mad Reporter
271650: ARNOLD, BRUCE - A concise history of Irish art / Bruce Arnold
268930: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Matthew Arnold / selected and edited by Henry Newbolt
265411: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Discourses in America
265115: ARNOLD, THOMAS - Sermons preached in the Chapel of Rugby School, with an address before confirmation
260090: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Culture and anarchy, by Matthew Arnold / edited with an introduction by J. Dover Wilson
258118: ARNOLD, HEINI (1913-1982) - Discipleship / J. Heinrich Arnold ; compiled and edited by the Hutterian Brethren
253354: ARNOLD, RICHARD - The book of angling
251412: ARNOLD, JAMES - The Shell book of country crafts / text and drawings by James Arnold
238823: ARNOLD, EVE - The great British / Eve Arnold
236069: ARNOLD, MATTHIAS (1947-) - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, (1864-1901) : the theatre of life / Matthias Arnold ; [English translation by Michael Hulse]
234180: ARNOLD, BRUCE - Irish art : a concise history
232578: ARNOLD-FORSTER, KATE. LA RUE, HELENE. GREAT BRITAIN. MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES COMMISSION - Museums of music: a review of musical collections in the U.K.
225566: ARNOLD, A. J. (TONY) - George Hudson : the rise and fall of the railway king / A. J. Arnold and S. McCartney
209566: ARNOLD, NEIL ; CHESIL BANK AND THE FLEET NATURE RESERVE - The birds of Chesil Bank, the Fleet and Portland Harbour : a guide with walks
205919: ARNOLD, H. J. P. (HARRY JOHN PHILIP), (1932- ) - William Henry Fox Talbot : pioneer of photography and man of science / H.J.P. Arnold
158569: ARNOLD, EVE - Handbook (With Footnotes) / Eve Arnold
154442: ARNOLD, JAMES R. - Jeff Davis's Own : Cavalry, Comanches, and the Battle for the Texas Frontier
15317: ARNOLD, GUY - Britain's Oil / Guy Arnold
127199: ARNOLD, ROXANE. OLIVE CHANDLER (EDS. ) - Feminine Singular : Triumphs and Tribulations of the Single Woman : an Anthology / Chosen by the National Council for the Single Woman and Her Dependants ; Edited by Roxane Arnold and Olive Chandler
68488: ARNOLD, EVE - Marilyn Monroe : An Appreciation
253114: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Matthew Arnold's poems / introduction by Kenneth Allott
219069: ARNOLD, WILLIAM HARRIS (1854-1923) - Ventures in book collecting
263822: DAVID J ARNOLD - Britain, Europe and the world, 1871-1955
262962: ARNOLD, RICHARD - Fishing
273780: ARNOLD, KYLE - The divine madness of Philip K. Dick / Kyle Arnold
224116: ARNOLD, EDWIN LESTER LINDEN (D. 1935) - On the Indian hills : or, Coffee-planting in southern India
256503: ARNOLD, BRUCE - A concise history of Irish art
186544: ARNOLD, ELLIOTT (1912-) - Rescue!
243355: ARNOLD, ARTHUR. STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS - Two articles bound together: Socialism (The new Quarterly, Vol. X, No. XX, July 1878) by Arthur Arnold & The Gospel according to Walt Whitman (The New Quarterly, Vol. X, No. XXI, October 1878) by Robert Louis Stevenson
186067: ARNOLD-FORSTER, HUGH OAKELEY (1855-?) - English socialism of to-day : its teaching and its aims examined. / Hugh Oakeley Arnold-Forster
227223: ARNOLD, HARRY LOREN (1887-) - Poisonous plants of Hawaii
195188: ARNOLD-FORSTER, H. O. (HUGH OAKLEY) (1855-1909) - English socialism of to-day : its teaching and its aims examined / H. O. Arnold-Forster
263959: ARNOLD, DAVID - The Age of Discovery, 1400-1600 / David Arnold
245177: ARNOLD-FORSTER, HUGH OAKELEY (1855-) - English Socialism of To-Day : its Teaching and its Aims Examined / H. O. Arnold Forster
8163: ARNOLD, SIR EDWIN - Potiphar's Wife - And Other Poems
107399: ARNOLD, WENDY - The Historic Country Hotels of England : a Select Guide / Wendy Arnold ; Photographs by Robin Morrison
112142: ARNOLD, MATTHIAS - Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec 1864-1901 : the Theatre of Life / Matthias Arnold ; English Translation [By] Michael Hulse
93191: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Letters, 1848-1888. Collected and Arranged by George W. E. Russell - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
150660: ARNOLD-FORSTER, HUGH OAKELEY (1855-) - English Socialism of To-Day : its Teaching and its Aims Examined / H. O. Arnold Forster
263176: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Literature and Dogma, etc
130609: ARNOLD-FORSTER, HUGH OAKELEY (1855-) - English Socialism of To-Day : its Teaching and its Aims Examined
182464: ARNOLD, OREN ; ANDERSEN, HERBERT (ILLUS.) - Jim Starr of the border patrol : an adventure of the Mexican frontier
117403: ARNOLD, EDWIN, SIR (1832-1904) - With Sa'di in the Garden; Or, the Book of Love, Being the 'Ishk' or Third Chapter of the 'Bostân' of the Persian Poet Sa'di, Embodied in a Dialogue Held in the Garden of the Taj Mahal, At Agra
185512: ARNOLD, OREN - Flame boy and Indians' secret illustrated by Sekakuku Hopi Indian Artist
166414: ARNOLD, THURMAN WESLEY, (1891-1969) - Voltaire and the Cowboy : the Letters of Thurman Arnold / Edited by Gene M. Gressley
165059: ARNOLD, EDWIN, SIR (1832-1904) (TRANS). POGANY, WILLY(1882-1955) (ILLUS. ) - The Song Celestial, Or, Bhagavad-Gita (From the Mahabharata) ... / Translated from the Sanskrit Text by Sir Edwin Arnold ; Illustrated by Willy Pogany
113222: ARNOLD, RALPH CRISPIAN MARSHALL - The Whiston Matter: the Reverend Robert Whiston Versus the Dean and Chapter of Rochester
193791: ARNOLD, FREDERICK HENRY (1831-1906) (ILLUSTRATED BY MARIAN H. ARNOLD) - Flora of Sussex, or a list of the flowering plants & ferns found in the county of Sussex, with localities of the less common species
262910: ARNOLD, CAROLINE - Easter Island : giant stone statues tell of a rich and tragic past / text and photographs by Caroline Arnold
39316: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Last Essays on Church and Religion - The Religion of Poetry
39630: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Essays in Criticism - First Series
279343: ARNOLD, THOMAS (1823-1900) - Education of deaf-mutes : a manual for teachers
103305: ARNOLD, RICHARD (1912-) - Automatic and Repeating Shotguns
124803: ARNOLD, JULIAN BIDDULPH - Rhyme & Reason
173468: ARNOLD, ROXANE [NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE SINGLE WOMAN AND HER DEPENDANTS] - Feminine singular : triumphs and tribulations of the single woman : an anthology / chosen by the National Council for the Single Woman and her Dependants; edited by Roxane Arnold and Olive Chandler
173382: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Poetical works of Matthew Arnold
230525: ARNOLD, KLAUS-PETER (ED.) - Meissener Blaumalerei aus drei Jahrhunderten
195110: ARNOLD-FORSTER, H. O. (HUGH OAKLEY) (1855-1909) - English Socialism of today : its teaching and its aims examined
120333: ARNOLD-BAKER, CHARLES - Parish Administration; Being a Treatise on the Civil Administration of Parishes in Rural Districts
102416: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold
140670: ARNOLD, ROBERT FRANZ (1872-1938) - Das Deutsche Drama in Verbindung Mit Julius Bab, Albert Ludwig, Friedrich Michael, Max J. Wolff Und Rudolf Wolkan
43047: ARNOLD, HOWARD PAYSON - Historic Side-Lights
7389: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-1888) - Dramatic and Later Poems
78587: ARNOLD, EDWIN, SIR (1832-1904) - The Book of Good Counsels - [Uniform Title: Hitopadesa. ]
198149: ARNOLD, EDWIN, SIR (1832-1904) - The light of Asia : or, The great renunciation = (Mahbhinishkramana) : being the life and teaching of Gautama, prince of India and founder of Buddhism (as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist) by Sir Edwin Arnold
207222: ARNOLD, GUY - Towards peace and a multiracial commonwealth
210531: ARNOLD, BENJAMIN F. & CLARK (ARTILISSA DORLAND) - History of Whittier. By [or rather, edited by] B. F. Arnold and A. D. Clark. [With illustrations.]
208115: ARNOLDOV, ARNOLD ISAEVICH - Cultural revolution in the USSR
86045: ARNOT, ROBERT BURNS - Sportselection / Robert Burns Arnot and Charles Latham Gaines
54782: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-) - The Miners; One Union, One Industry - a History of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain
258976: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE ROBIN (1890-1986) [POLITICAL ACTIVIST AND HISTORIAN] - William Morris : a vindication
258645: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-1986) - Exit the Trade Disputes Act / R. Page Arnot
182750: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (B. 1890) - The miners : one union, one industry : a history of the National Union of Mineworkers
150900: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-) - A Short History of the Russian Revolution from 1905 to the Present Day : Volume One: from 1905 to February 1917
229561: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE [ROBIN] (1890-1986) - The General Strike, May 1926 : its origins and history / prepared by R. Page Arnot
217135: ARNOT, R. PAGE (ROBERT PAGE) (1890-1986) - A short history of the Russian revolution from 1905 to the present day
153410: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-1986) - The Miners : a History of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain
192071: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-1986) - Twenty years : the policy of the Communist Party of Great Britain from its foundation, July 31st, 1920 / R. Page Arnot
257416: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE [ROBIN] (1890-1986) POLITICAL ACTIVIST AND HISTORIAN - Twenty years : the policy of the Communist Party of Great Britain from its foundation July 31st, 1920
128148: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE - Japan
172511: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE - The Russian revolution
185481: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-1986) - The miners : a history of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, 1889-1910
113351: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-) - The Politics of Oil; an Example of Imperialist Monopoly... Prepared for the Labour Resesarch Department, by R. Page Arnot
171703: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-1986) - A short history of the Russian revolution : from 1905 to the present day
122573: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-) - The Miners : a History of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain
167229: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE, (1890-1986) - Twenty years : the policy of the Communist Party of Great Britain from its foundation July 31st, 1920 / R. Page Arnot
143475: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE - Soviet Russia and Her Neighbors
153045: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-) - The Miners ; a History of the Miners Federation of Great Britain
206480: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-1986) - Twenty Years : the policy of the communist party of Great Britain from its Foundation July 31 1920 / R. Page Arnot
210841: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-) - A short history of the Russian revolution : from 1905 to the present day. Volume Two - from February 1917 to the present day
211985: ARNOT, ROBERT PAGE (1890-) - A short history of the Russian revolution from 1905 to the present day : Volume Two, February 1917 to the present day
269285: ARNOTT, JAMES FULLARTON - English theatrical literature, 1559-1900 : a bibliography; incorporating Robert W. Lowe's 'A bibliographical account of English theatrical literature', published in 1888
267406: ARNOTT, JAMES FULLARTON - English theatrical literature, 1559-1900 : a bibliography; incorporating Robert W. Lowe's 'A bibliographical account of English theatrical literature', published in 1888
161218: ARNOTT, ALISON J. E. DUNCAN, JUDITH A. - The Scottish Criminal
236279: LIBRAIRIE GARNIER ARNOUL - Tricentenaire de la mort de Molière, (1622-1673)
187829: ARNOULD, LOUIS (1864-1949) - La Terre de France chez La Fontaine : betes et gens
196674: ARNOULD, M. (AUGUSTE JEAN FRANCOIS), (1803-1854) - Histoire de la Bastille depuis sa fondation 1374 jusqu'a sa destruction 1789 / par mm. A. Arnould et Alboize du Pujol [volumes 5 & 6]
269000: ARNOUX, ALEXANDRE - La légende du Cid Campeador : d'après les textes de l'Espagne ancienne
174397: ARNOVE, ROBERT F. - Student alienation: a Venezuelan study [by] Robert F. Arnove. Foreword by Kalman Silvert
14412: ARNSBERG, PAUL (1899-1978) - Bilder Aus Dem Judischen Leben Im Alten Frankfurt
62292: ARNSON, CYNTHIA - El Salvador, a Revolution Confronts the United States / Cynthia Arnson
230034: SCHLOSSMUSEUM ARNSTADT - Bottgersteinzeug : Bottgerporzellan : Bestandskatalog
29389: ARNSTEIN, WILLIAM E. FRANK GILABERT - Direct Costing / William E. Arnstein, Frank Gilabert
182959: ARNTZ, M. E. - De l'origine des motifs et de la portee de l'article 27, Alinea 2 de la constitution Belge / lecture par M.E. Arntz
259660: ARON, P - Les conteurs de Wallonie. Tome 2 / Francis André [and others]; préface de Marie-Thérèse Guillaume; lecture de Paul Aron
237630: ARON, RAYMOND (1905-1983), AUTHOR; HOWARD, RICHARD (1929-) AND WEAVER, HELEN, TRANSLATORS - Main currents in sociological thought. 2 Durkheim, Pareto, Weber / Raymond Aron; translated by Richard Howard and Helen Weaver
164532: ARON, PAUL - Charles Plisnier : Entre L'Evangile Et La Revolution / Etudes Et Documents Rassembles Par Paul Aron
246931: ÁRON, DR. JÁMBOR. LORÁND, DR. MOLDVAY. ANDRÁS, DR. RÓNAI - Magyarázó magyarország 200 000-ES foldtani térképsorozatához L-34-II Budapest
192853: ARON, RAYMOND (1905-1983) - Marxismes imaginaires : d'une sainte famille a l'autre
172661: ARON, ROBERT (ED. ) - De Marx au marxisme 1848-1948 / par Robert Aron, Arnaud Dandieu, Henri Holstein, Georges Izard, Thierry Maulnier, Raymond Millet, Jules Monnerot, Charles Plisnier, Louis Salleron Gilbert Sigaux, Bernard Voyenne
43923: ARON, ROBERT - The God of the Beginnings
142803: ARON, ROBERT (1898-1975) - The God of the Beginnings / Translated from the French by Frances Frenaye
47498: ARON, RAYMOND - The Industrial Society - Three Essays on Ideology and Development
150813: ARON, ROBERT (1898-1975). DANDIEU, ARNAUD - De Marx Au Marxisme 1848-1948 / Par Robert Aron, Arnaud Dandieu, Henri Holstein, Georges Izard, Thierry Maulnier, Raymond Millet, Jules Monnerot, Charles Plisnier, Louis Salleron Gilbert Sigaux, Bernard Voyenne
93740: ARON, ROBERT (1898-1975) - De Gaulle Triumphant; the Liberation of France, August 1944-May 1945. Translated by Humphrey Hare
93312: ARON, ROBERT (1898-1975) - De Gaulle Triumphant; the Liberation of France, August 1944-May 1945. Translated by Humphrey Hare
90234: ARON, ROBERT (1898-1975) - De Gaulle before Paris; the Liberation of France, June-August, 1944. Translated by Humphrey Hare
76419: ARON, ROBERT (1898-1975) - France Reborn; the History of the Liberation, June 1944-May 1945. Translated by Humphrey Hare
104423: ARON, ROBERT - The God of the Beginnings. Translated from the French by Frances Frenaye
16799: ARON, ROBERT - De Gaulle Triumphant The Liberation of France August 1944 - May 1955
51019: ARONIN, BEN - Cavern of Destiny
67745: ARONSON, SHLOMO (1936-) - Conflict & Bargaining in the Middle East : an Israeli Perspective
65246: ARONSON, JONATHAN DAVID - When Countries Talk : International Trade in Telecommunications Services / Jonathan David Aronson, Peter F. Cowhey
191674: ARONSON, DAN R. - The city is our farm : seven migrant Ijebu Yoruba families
252315: KELVIN I JONES; M E ARONSON - The Sherlock Holmes murder file
9525: ARONSON, JOSEPH - The Book of Furniture and Decoration - Period and Modern
149576: ARONSON, ROBERT L. JOHN P. WINDMULLER (EDS. ) - Labor, Management, and Economic Growth : Proceedings... / Edited by Robert L. Aronson and John P. Windmuller
75896: ARONSON, JOSEPH (1898-) - The Book of Furniture and Decoration
31425: ARONSON, SIDNEY H. - Status and Kinship in the Higher Civil Service : Standards of Selection in the Administrations of John Adams Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson
39365: ARORA, R. C. - The City of the Taj (A Book for Tourists, Visitors and Students of History)
217723: ARPAD, KAROLYI - Az 1848-diki Pozsonyi torvenycikkek az udvar elott [Language: Hungarian]
68294: ARPE, F. AUGUSTINO MARIA (1660-1729) - Pantheon Augustinianum Sive Elogia Vigorumillustriumm. Ordinis Eremitarum S. P. Augustini; Aera Chronologica Et Crisi Illustrata
160782: ARQUETTE, CLIFF (1906-1974) - Charley Weavers' Family Album (These Are My People)
160258: ARQUETTE, CLIFF (1906-1974) - Charley Weaver's Family Album (These Are My People)
159975: ARQUETTE, CLIFF - Things Are Fine in Mount Idy
161137: ARQUETTE, CLIFF (CHARLES WEAVER) - Things Are Fine in Mount Idy
270885: ARRABAL, FERNANDO - Plays
160690: ARRABAL, FERNANDO - The Compass Stone / Fernando Arrabal ; Translated by Andrew Hurley
126152: ARRARAS, JOAQUIN - IL Generalissimo Franco, Prefazione Di Roberto Farinacci
181380: ARRARAS, JOAQUIN - Francisco Franco / (translated by J. Manuel Espinosa.)
231225: ARRHENIUS, SVANTE (1859-1927) - Die Chemie und das moderne Leben / von Svante Arrhenius ; autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von B. Finkelstein
150712: ARRIGON, LOUIS-JULES - Les Annees Romantiques De Balzac : D'Apres Des Documents Nouveaux Et Inedits / L. -J. Arrigon
235743: ARRIGON, LOUIS-JULES - Les années romantiques de Balzac, d'après des documents nouveaux et inédits
235744: ARRIGON, LOUIS JULES - Les débuts littéraires d'Honoré de Balzac d'après des documents nouveaux et inédits
109570: ARRINGTON, BENJAMIN F. (ED. ) - Municipal History of Essex County in Massachusetts. Tercentenary Ed. a Classified Work, Devoted to the County's Remarkable Growth in all Lines of Human Endeavor; More Especially to Within a Period of Fifty Years - Complete in 4 volumes
194272: ARRIVABENE, CARLO - Italy under Victor Emmanuel : a personal narrative
208407: ARROWSMITH, ROBERT LANGFORD - Kent / [by] R.L. Arrowsmith
192556: ARROWSMITH, PAT (ED.) - To Asia in peace : story of a non-violent action mission to Indo-China / compiled and edited by Pat Arrowsmith
138066: ARROWSMITH, R. L. - Kent: a History of County Cricket / R. L. Arrowsmith
50759: ARROWSMITH, JOSEPH, FL. 1673. - The reformation : a comedy / Joseph Arrowsmith ; introduction by Deborah C. Payne
274899: ARRUGA, LORENZO - La Scala / Lorenzo Arruga ; with an introduction by Paolo Grassi and 'Testimony to times past' by Mario Labroca
196229: ARSENE BRACHET, VICOMTE DE - Le conventionnel J.-B. Le Carpentier, 1759-1829 : d'apres de nouveaux documents
216077: ARSH, G. A. - Eteristskoye Dvizheniye V Rossii [Movement in Russia. Language: Russian]
87621: ARSLAN, EDOARDO - Gothic Architecture in Venice. Translated [From the Italian] by Anne Engel - [Uniform Title: Venezia Gotica. English]
92606: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - American Pastels in the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Doreen Bolger ... [Et Al. ]
61599: MINGEI INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF WORLD FOLK ART - A Transcultural Mosaic : Selections from the Permanent Collection of Mingei International, Museum of World Folk Art / Designed and Edited by Martha W. Longenecker ; Photography by Lynton Gardiner
55037: LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART - X, a Decade of Collecting, 1965-1975 : [Exhibition], Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 8-June 29, 1975
44224: THOMAS GILCREASE INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN HISTORY AND ART - Great paintings of the Old American West
274784: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - The great king, King of Assyria : Assyrian reliefs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art / photographed by Charles Sheeler
273997: MUSEUM OF INTERNATIONAL FOLK ART (N.M.) - Young brides, old treasures : Macedonian embroidered dress / Bobbie Sumberg, editor
265168: THE MAGAZINE OF ART - The Magazine of Art: vol. XIV: 1891
240251: LAMPLIGHT COLLECTION OF MODERN ART - Utrillo and the painters of Montmartre
226780: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - The secular spirit : life and art at the end of the Middle Ages / Foreword by Thomas Hoving. Introd. by Timothy B. Husband and Jane Hayward
225721: PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART - Masters of seventeenth-century Dutch genre painting [Exhibition catalogue]
221589: PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART - Italian master drawings at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
218875: NORTON SIMON INC. MUSEUM OF ART. - Three centuries of French art
207698: IRISH MUSEUM OF MODERN ART (DUBLIN) - Alan Phelan : fragile absolutes
204872: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - The Great Bronze Age of China : an exhibition from the People's Republic of China / edited by Wen Fong; introductory essays by Ma Chengyuan ... [et al.] ; catalogue by Robert W. Bagley, Jenny F. So, Maxwell K. Hearn
203949: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - Treasures from the bronze age of China : an exhibition from the People's Republic of China
200010: PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART - Masters of seventeenth-century Dutch genre painting / [organized by Peter C. Sutton ; exhibition committee and contributing authors Christopher Brown, [et al.] ; contributing author Cynthia von Bogendorf-Rupprath ; edited by Jane Iandola Watkins
199780: LILLE (FRANCE). MUSEE DES BEAUX-ARTS. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - Masterworks from the Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lille
191604: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK) - The Metropolitan Museum of Art : favorite paintings / introd. and commentaries by A. Hyatt Mayor
180757: LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART - Glass : material matters / essay by Howard N. Fox ; exhibition organized by Howard N. Fox and Sarah Nichols
177754: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK) - Metropolitan flowers / text by Everett Fahy ; design by Alvin Grossman
173999: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK) - The Robert Lehman Collection IV : Illuminations / Sandra Hindman ... [et al.]
171125: ART, DAVID (1972-?) - The politics of the Nazi past in Germany and Austria
170972: ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO. LOCHNAN, KATHARINE (ED.) - Drawing attention : selected works on paper from the Renaissance to modernism : Art Gallery of Ontario / edited by Katharine Lochnan
163698: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - Greek Art of the Aegean Islands : an Exhibition / Sponsored by the Government of the Republic of Greece, Complemented by a Loan from the Musee Du Louvre At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, November 1, 1979-February 10, 1980
155546: WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART - Visions from America : photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1940-2001
155226: ART AND THE EMPIRE CITY : NEW YORK, 1825-1861 (EXHIBITION) (2000-2001 : METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, NEW YORK - Art and the Empire City : New York, 1825-1861 / edited by Catherine Hoover Voorsanger and John K. Howat
154998: THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART - Matisse, Picasso
154632: CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART - Monet to Dali : impressionist and modern masterworks from the Cleveland Museum of Art : an exhibition / organized by William H. Robinson ; text by Laurence Channing and Barbara J. Bradley ; with Contributions from Margaret Burgess and William H. Robinson
225779: ART ASSOCIATION OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA.; JOHN HERRON ART INSTITUTE - Early British masters, 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries : assembled from Indiana collections for the inauguration of the new exhibition galleries. [exhibition catalogue]
158805: BARRY DAVIES ORIENTAL ART (LONDON, ENGLAND) - Contemporary Lacquer : Unryuan : the New Generation
109149: NEW ORLEANS MUSEUM OF ART - Diverse Images : Photographs from the New Orleans Museum of Art
244121: THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - Handbook of the Benjamin Altman Collection
220365: ROCKET PRESS & ROCKET CONTEMPORARY ART - Rocket Press & Rocket Contemporary Art : 5 exhibition invitations
30284: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N. Y. ). INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF DEALERS IN WORKS OF ART - The Grand Gallery At the Metropolitan Museum of Art : Sixth International Exhibition, October 19, 1974-January 5, 1975 / Presented by the International Confederation of Dealers in Works of Art
15721: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUSEUM OF ART - One Hundred Contemporary American Drawings: February 24 through March 28, 1965.
145815: THOMAS GILCREASE INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN HISTORY AND ART - Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art, a National Treasury
139149: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - Favorite Paintings from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Fifteen Color Reproductions with Descriptive Notes, Ed. by Members of the Metropolitan Museum Staff
120792: MUSEUM OF MODERN ART (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - Americans, 1942; 18 Artists from 9 States
116065: SANTA BARBARA MUSEUM OF ART. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA MUSEUM OF ART - First Flowers of Our Wilderness : [Exhibition] the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, January 11 to February 15, 1976, the University of Arizona Museum of Art, February 29 to March 28, 1976
84163: NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART (U. S. ) - Great Paintings from the National Gallery of Art; Edited by Huntington Cairns and John Walker
83616: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) - Great Paintings from the Metropolitan Museum of Art; a Selection from the European Collections, Presented by the Curatorial Staff
82645: NEW ORLEANS MUSEUM OF ART - Diverse Images : Photographs from the New Orleans Museum of Art
64762: THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART - Golden Anniversary Acquisitions (Exhibition Catalogue)
29704: JAPAN. BUNKAZAI HOGO IINKAI. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART [WASHINGTON] - Exhibition of Japanese Painting and Sculpture / Sponsored by the Government of Japan. National Gallery of Art, Washington; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Art Institute of Chicago; Seattle Art Museum, Seattle
230426: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. MUSEUM OF ART - Architectural and ornament drawings of the 16th to the early 19th centuries in the collection of the University of Michigan Museum of Art
203835: PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART - Handbook of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
280476: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK) (PERM.) - Handbook of the Benjamin Altman Collection
247414: SOTHEBY'S (FIRM). INSTITUTE OF ART - 20th century British and Irish art
169968: NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART (U.S.) - Paintings and sculpture from the Kress Collection
32871: THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - A Handbook to the Loan Exhibition of French Tapestries, Mediaeval, Renaissance, and Modern From the Public and Private Collections of France, Arranged through the Courtesy of the French Government
41341: NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART - National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institute : Book of Illustrations
44505: THE ARIZONA MUSEUM OF ART - The George Gregson Collection - Paintings, Watercolors and Sculpture, Collected by George Gregson
200556: LISS FINE ART - British paintings & works on paper : 1890-1990 / text by Paul Liss and Sacha Llewellyn
169942: MINGEI INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF WORLD FOLK ART - Folk art of the Soviet Union : reflections of a rich cultural diversity of the fifteen republics / designed and edited by Martha Longenecker ; photography by Lynton Gardiner
238968: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - Catalogue of an exhibition of colonial portraits : New York, November 6 to December 31, mcmxi
239205: ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. GÖTZ, OSWALD (1896-) - Masterpieces of French tapestry, medieval, renaissance, modern : lent by the cathedrals, museums and collectors of France through the French Government / [At] the Art Institute of Chicago, March 17 to May 5, 1948
239285: THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART - Today and Tomorrow
239371: NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART (U.S.) - John Gadsby Chapman, painter and illustrator. [Exhibition] Dec. 16, 1962 through Jan. 13, 1963
239958: ART SALES INDEX; HISLOP, RICHARD - The ASI annual picture price guide to the UK art market 1988
229137: CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART - The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Vol. 49, No. 2, February 1962
65932: CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART - Faberge and His Contemporaries; the India Early Minshall Collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art [By] Henry Hawley
68540: UNITED STATES. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART - Paintings and Sculpture from the Kress Collection
107195: WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART - 200 Years of American Sculpture
207004: COURTAULD INSTITUTE OF ART - Architectural drawings from the Witt Collection / Courtauld Institute of Art
207005: COURTAULD INSTITUTE OF ART (LONDON) - English landscape drawings and watercolours from the Witt and Spooner collections, June to September, 1979.
211239: INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF MEDIEVAL ART - International Center of Medieval Art : Volume XXXVII/I, 1998
232308: ARTARIA, FRANZ. BOTSTIBER, HUGO (1875-1942) - Joseph Haydn und das Verlagshaus Artaria : nach den Briefen des Meisters an das Haus Artaria & Compagnie dargestellt und anlässlich der Zentenarfeier / herausgegeben von Franz Artaria und Hugo Botstiber
130324: ARTAUD DE MONTOR, ALEXIS FRANCOIS (1772-1849) - Histoire De La Vie Et Des Travaux Politiques Du Comte D'Hauterive, Comprenant Une Partie Des Actes De La Diplomatie Francaise, Depuis 1784 Jusqu'en 1830
92856: POMEGRANATE ARTBOOKS - Marilyn Monroe - a Book of Postcards
92863: POMEGRANATE ARTBOOKS - James Dean - a Book of Postcards
164780: ARTEAGA Y ALEMPARTE, JUSTO (1834-1882). ARTEAGA Y ALEMPARTE, DOMINGO (1835-1880). HUNEEUS Y GANA, ROBERTO (1867-1926) - Los Constituyentes De 1870 : Por Don Justo Y Don Domingo Arteaga Alemparte / Con Un Bosquejo Cri´tico Por Don Roberto Huneeus
89906: ARTECHE, JOSE DE - The Cardinal of Africa, Charles Lavigerie; Founder of the White Fathers. Translated by Mairin Mitchell
58866: ARTEL, JOHN - Translucent Journey; Including the Law of Attainment As Symbolized by the Sign of the Hand
44951: ARTH, MICHAEL E. - Michael E. Arth : introspective, 1972-1982 / Michael E. Arth
49039: ARTHUR, ZINN - Shooting Superstars
274125: ARTHUR YATES & CO., LTD - Yates garden guide : for the home gardener
272259: ARTHUR, MAX - Forgotten voices of the Great War / Max Arthur
271586: ARTHUR, ANNE KNOX - An embroidery book
271587: ARTHUR, ANNE KNOX - An embroidery book
267556: ARTHUR, MAX - Dambusters : a landmark oral history / Max Arthur ; foreword by Stephen Fry
267543: ARTHUR, MAX - Forgotten voices of the Great War / Max Arthur in association with the Imperial War Museum
261657: ARTHUR, WILLIAM (1819-1901) - Italy in transition : public scenes and private opinions in the spring of 1860
256315: ARTHUR, MAX (MILITARY HISTORIAN) - The faces of World War I / Max Arthur ; foreword by Ian Hislop
255774: ARTHUR, GEORGE SIR (1860-1946) - Life of Lord Kitchener: Vol. 2
228963: ARTHUR, HELEN - The single malt whisky companion : a connoisseur's guide / Helen Arthur
180044: ARTHUR, ANTHONY - Literary feuds : a century of celebrated quarrels from Mark Twain to Tom Wolfe / Anthony Arthur
161016: ARTHUR, ROBERT, ED. - Davy Jones' Haunted Locker : Great Ghost Stories of the Sea / Illustrated by Joseph Cellini
159055: ARTHUR, WILLIAM (1819-1901) - Italy in Transition : Public Scenes and Private Opinions in the Spring of 1860
260792: ARTHUR, WILLIAM - The Antiquarian and general review - vol. 3 1847
215467: ARTHUR HELPS, SIR - Social pressure
142507: ARTHUR, WILLIAM 1819-1901) - The Successful Merchant : Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, Late of Kingswood Hill
70777: ARTHUR, JOHN - Realism, Photorealism : October 5-November 23, 1980, Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma : Essays, Catalogue, and Selections
168551: ARTHUR, TIMOTHY SHAY (1809-1885) - The martyr wife and other tales including ...The Ruined Gamester, Madaline; or, a Daughter's Love, The Heiress
279587: ARTHUR HELPS, SIR - Friends in council : a series of readings and discourse thereon, vol. 2
279721: ARTHUR, T. S. (TIMOTHY SHAY) (1809-1885) - All for the best, or, The old peppermint man : a moral tale
143819: ARTHURTON, EILEEN ALICE - Poland : Land of the White Eagle
274236: ARTHUS-BERTRAND, YANN - The Earth from the air / [photographs by] Yann Arthus-Bertrand
271331: ARTHUS-BERTRAND, YANN - The Earth from the air / [photographs by] Yann Arthus-Bertrand
243031: ARTICLES DE L'AVENIR - Articles de L'Avenir: Tome Septieme
243192: ARTICLES DE L'AVENIR - Articles de L'Avenir: Tome Quatrieme: du 19 Avrill au 12 Juin 1831
213649: 'ARTIFEX', PSEUD. - The faith of a Pacifist
219278: GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY. ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. - Regimental heritage : a pictorial record of the paintings and silver of the Royal Regiment of Artillery
187592: ARTINGSTALL, LESLIE - Towards a Christian economic
225083: PARIS ; ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'ACTION ARTISTIQUE - Le Portrait en Italie au siecle de Tiepolo : Musee du Petit Palais de la ville de Paris, du 7 mai au 5 septembre 1982
53916: GUILD ARTISTS - Object Lessons : Original Art from GUILD Artists
268929: VARIOUS ARTISTS - Collection of Engravings
199426: SCOTTISH ARTISTS' CLUB (EDINBURGH) - Album of the Scottish Artist's Club
220323: ARTLEY, ALEXANDRA - The great all-picture cat show
89665: ARTOM, GUIDO - Napoleon is Dead in Russia; Translated [From the Italian] by Muriel Grindrod - [Uniform Title: Napoleone E Morto in Russia. English]
269065: ARTOM, GUIDO - Napoléon est mort en Russie : (23 Octobre 1812) / Traduit de l'italien par Anne et Claude Manceron
258964: ARTOM, ELIA SAMUELE (1887-1965). CASSUTO, UMBERTO (1883-1951). CAPSALI, ELIJAH (APPROXIMATELY 1555) - Ta?anot ?andi?ah ?e-zikhronoteha / hotsi?u la-?or A. Sh. Har?om u-M.D.A. ?asu?o / Statuta Iudaeorum Candiae eorumque memorabilia: tomus I
122170: ARTOM, GUIDO - Napoleon is Dead in Russia; Translated [From the Italian] by Muriel Grindrod
121792: ARTOM, GUIDO - Napoleon is Dead in Russia; Translated [From the Italian] by Muriel Grindrod
129766: ARTOM, BENJAMIN - Sermons
230333: ARTPUSHER - I Love Mangahattan
62501: DICTIONARY OF THE ARTS - Dictionary of the Arts
60130: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - Design in Texas : a Retrospective Exhibition, Aiga-Texas 1986
54687: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - AIGA Graphic Design USA [4] - Annual of the American Institute of Graphic Arts [Documents the Exhibitions of the American Institute of Graphic Arts]
30290: HONOLULU ACADEMY OF ARTS - Honolulu Academy of Arts : Selected Works
274261: ACHENBACH FOUNDATION FOR GRAPHIC ARTS - Master drawings from the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco / Robert Flynn Johnson, Joseph R. Goldyne
256339: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Royal Academy illustrated, 1978 : a souvenir of the 210th summer exhibition / Royal Academy of Arts
225153: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Royal Academy exhibitors, 1905-1970. Vol.4: Sherr-Zul. A dictionary of artists and their work in the summer exhibitions of the Royal Academy of Arts
203382: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (LONDON) - The glory of Venice : art in the 18th century / Jane Martineau and Andrew Robison, co-editors
199698: TOURCOING (FRANCE). MUSEE DES BEAUX-ARTS - Collection d'estampes du Musee des Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing / Sophie Raux, Gaetane Maes
165997: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Post-Impressionism : Cross-Currents in European Painting
163880: DALLAS MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Middle-American Art : Pre-Columbian and Guatemala
256946: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (LONDON) - Impressionism : its masters, its precursors, and its influence in Britain
219037: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - Pierre Bonnard, 1867-1947 : Royal Academy Of Arts Winter Exhibition 1966
116473: MINNEAPOLIS INSTITUTE OF ARTS - European Paintings from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
225932: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - The Royal Academy Illustrated 1956 [lacking cover wrappers]
178566: VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Painting in England 1700-1850 : collection of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mellon [complete in 2 volumes]
220432: PACIFIC CENTER FOR THE BOOK ARTS - The Ampersand : a publication of the Pacific Center for the Book Arts. Volume 5, Number 2, February 1985
224751: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The Royal Academy illustrated - 1919-1940 complete in 22 issues
225933: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - The Royal Academy Illustrated 1955
225935: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - The Royal Academy Illustrated 1954
184888: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Master drawings : the Woodner collection / catalogue compiled by Christopher Lloyd, Mary Anne Stevens and Nicholas Turner
203467: ARTS COUNCIL, GREAT BRITAIN - British artists of the second world war / an Arts Council exhibition 1965
162687: ANTWERP. ACADEMIE ROYALE DES BEAUX-ARTS - Le Fantastique Dans L'Art Flamand Au Xvie Siecle: Exposition Organisee, En Collaboration Avec La Societe Royale D'Encouragement Aux Beauxarts, Par Le 3e Congres International D'Art Psychopathologique. Anvers, Academie Des Beaux-Arts, 11 Juillet-12 Aout 1
222016: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - Printing for commerce, specimens exhibited by the Institute 1926 / with an introduction by Earnest Elmo Calkins.
125933: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - Printing for Commerce; Specimens Exhibited by the Institute 1926
123948: THE PUSHKIN STATE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts; 20 Reproductions
114048: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - Fifty Books Exhibited by the Institute 1926 / with Introductions by W. A. Dwiggins and Frederic G. Melcher
106674: ROUNDSTONE COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS - Canadian Artists in Exhibition. Artistes Canadiens: Expositions. Volume 2
86833: MINNEAPOLIS INSTITUTE OF ARTS - European Paintings from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
71544: CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS (PARIS, FRANCE : 1971) - Connaissance Des Arts
71543: CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS (PARIS, FRANCE : 1970) - Connaissance Des Arts
63744: AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS - Hugo Robus, by Lincoln Rothschild
63405: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Commemorative Catalogue of the Exhibition of British Art, Royal Academy of Arts, London, January-March 1934
54428: THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS - The American Magazine of Art - Vol. 15, No. 4 - April, 1924 - Sargent Number
32431: THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS - Rodin Bronzes : from the Collection of B. Gerald Cantor (Exhibition Catalogue)
131585: PALAIS DES BEAUX-ARTS (BRUSSELS, BELGIUM) - La Femme Dans L'Art Francais
257395: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - The Two Hundred and Thirteenth Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition, 1981
257391: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - The Two Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition, 1992
257394: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - The Two Hundred and Eleventh Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition, 1979
184092: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (LONDON) - France in the eighteenth century : [catalogue of the] Winter exhibition 1968, 6 January to 3 March 1968, Royal Academy of Arts in London [exhibition catalogue]
112873: DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS - Venice, 1700-1800 : an Exhibition of Venice and the Eighteenth Century / the Detroit Institute of Arts [And] John Herron Art Museum
169981: CHICAGO COUNCIL ON FINE ARTS - Guide to Chicago murals : yesterday and today
203576: REMBRANDT HARMENSZOON VAN RIJN (1606-1669). ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES BEAUX-ARTS (FRANCE) - Rembrandt et son temps : dessins et eaux-fortes de Rembrandt et d'autres maitres hollandais de XVIIe siecle conserves dans les collections de l'Ecole des beaux-arts
36640: THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS - The American Federation of Arts 1969-70 (Exhibition Catalogue)
42189: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - Fifty Books, Exhibited by the Institute 1926, with Introductions by W. A. Dwiggins and Frederic G. Melcher
101018: MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (BOSTON) - Treasures of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ; Introduction by Malcolm Rogers ; Chapter Introductions by Gilian Wohlauer
280310: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - Fifty books of the year 1948
225966: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The genius of Venice 1500 to 1600 / edited by Jane Martineau and Charles Hope
240006: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Flemish art, 1300-1700 : winter exhibition, 1953-4
219813: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - The American Institute of Graphic Arts magazine exhibition, 1951
226561: DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS. - Venice, 1700-1800 : an exhibition of Venice and the eighteenth century
227388: AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS - The Magazine of Art
25404: MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (BOSTON) - European Masters of Our Time
256829: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Portuguese art since 1910 : [catalogue of an exhibition held at] the [Royal Academy] Diploma Galleries, 2nd September to 1st October, 1978
43676: THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS - The American Federation of Arts : 1968-69 [Exhibition Catalogue]
51646: THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS - Fifty Books of the Year 1958 - Catalog of the Annual Exhibition
85665: GERMANY ACADEMY OF ARTS - German Academy of Arts Exhibition of Contemporary German Graphic Art and Sculpture
197721: SOCIETY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - The journal of the Society of Arts, and of the institutions in union : volume 16 from November 22, 1867, to November 20, 1868
199687: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - France in the eighteenth century : Royal Academy of Arts Winter exhibition 1968
209054: BARBER INSTITUTE OF FINE ARTS - Catalogue of the paintings, drawings and miniatures in the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham
223862: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Royal Academy : pictures and sculpture. 1908 Illustrating the hundred and fortieth exhibition of the Royal Academy
230609: ARTSCANANDA - An inquiry into the aesthetics of photography
92904: ARTSYBASHEV, MIKHAIL (1878-1927 - Sanine, a Russian Love Novel, by Michael Artzibashev; with Illustrations by Cameron Wright; Translated Into English by Percy Pinkerton
246480: ARTZIBASCHEW, M - Ssanin
145528: ARTZIBASHEV, MIKHAIL (1878-1927). CAMERON WRIGHT (ILL. ) - Sanine, a Russian Love Novel, by Michael Artzibashev; with Illustrations by Cameron Wright; Translated Into English by Percy Pinkerton
67047: ARTZYBASHEFF, MIKHAIL - The Savage, Translated from the Russia by Gilbert Cannan and Mme. A. Strindberg
53997: ARTZYBASHEFF, BORIS (1899-1965) - Poor Shaydullah, Told and Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff
49168: ARUGA, HISAO (1910-). TANADA, YOSHINORI - The Cytoplasmic-Polyhedrosis Virus of the Silkworm
105797: ARUGA, HISAO (1910-) - The Cytoplasmic-Polyhedrosis Virus of the Silkworm / Edited by Hisao Aruga and Yoshinori Tanada
275048: ARUNDEL, JOCELYN - Jingo, wild horse of Abaco illus. by Wesley Dennis
70147: ARUNDEL, LOUIS - Motor Boat Boys Mississippi Cruise, or the Dash for Dixie
210183: ARUNDEL, EDITH - The Persistent Warrior
278476: ARUNDELL, THOMAS (1817-1880) - Historical reminiscences of the city of London and its livery companies
91445: ARUNDELL, DENNIS DREW - The Story of Sadler's Wells 1683-1964
56322: ARWAS, VICTOR - Berthon & Grasset
200777: ARWAS, VICTOR - Art Deco / Victor Arwas
112199: ARWAS, VICTOR - Berthon & Grasset
274010: VICTION:ARY - Design origin : France : graphics/illustration/art direction/photography / edited and produced by viction:ary
120108: ARYASURA & SPEYER, JACOB SAMUEL (1849-1913) - The Gatakamala ; [Or] Garland of Birth-Stories of Aryasura / Translated by J. S. Speyer
264898: ARZILLI,MARINO - Il Contributo Di San Marino Al Risorgimento D'Italia (primo centenario Dell'Unita Nazionale)
241453: D'AS, LA BARONNE - La Carriere Amoureuse de Gisele B...infirmiere de 1914 a 1918
178481: ASADA, SADAO - Japan and the world, 1853-1952 : a bibliographic guide to Japanese scholarship in foreign relations / edited by Sadao Asada
140573: ASADA, SADAO - Japan and the World, 1853-1952 : a Bibliographic Guide to Japanese Scholarship in Foreign Relations / Edited by Sadao Asada
137287: ASADA, SADAO - Japan and the World, 1853-1952 : a Bibliographic Guide to Japanese Scholarship in Foreign Relations / Edited by Sadao Asada
136541: ASADA, SADAO - Japan and the World, 1853-1952 : a Bibliographic Guide to Japanese Scholarship in Foreign Relations / Edited by Sadao Asada
136428: ASADA, SADAO - Japan and the World, 1853-1952 : a Bibliographic Guide to Japanese Scholarship in Foreign Relations / Edited by Sadao Asada
126196: ASADA, SADAO (1936-) - Japan and the World, 1853-1952 : a Bibliographic Guide to Japanese Scholarship in Foreign Relations / Edited by Sadao Asada
204316: I ASAVI, AKHMED I; KEMAL ERASLAN - Divan-i hikmet'ten secmele [Language: Turkish]
104099: ASBJORNSEN, PETER CHRISTEN (1812-1885). NIELSEN, KAY RASMUS (1886-) ILLUS. - East of the Sun and West of the Moon
224032: ASBOTH, JANOS DE (1845-1911) - An official tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina : with an account of the history, antiquities, agrarian conditions, religion, ethnology, folk lore, and social life of the people By J. de Asboth
117453: ASBURY, HERBERT (1891-1963) - Sucker's Progress; an Informal History of Gambling in America from the Colonies to Canfield, by Herbert Asbury
264928: ASCANI, ANGELO - Toponomastica Castellana
264921: ASCANI, ANGELO - Seminario Tifernate
264923: ASCANI, ANGELO - Niccolo Vitelli: padre della patria
264860: ASCANI, ANGELO - Cospaia : storia inedita della singolare Repubblica
264861: ASCANI, ANGELO - Sangiustino : La pieve, il castello, il comune
264863: ASCANI, ANGELO - Terza Pagina
264864: ASCANI, ANGELO - Terza Pagina - vol. 2
263780: ASCANI, ANGELO - Storia di un monumento ; Chiesa di San Domenico a Città di Castello
263782: ASCANI, ANGELO - Trilogia francescana
76664: CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION - A Service to Honor the Memory of the Rev. R. Heber Newton, D. D. and to Help Perpetuate the Ideals to Which His Life Was Dedicated
273268: ASCH, FLORINE - My Italian sketchbook / watercolors by Florine Asch ; foreword by Dominique Fernandez ; notes on the Grand tour by Olivier Meslay
13986: ASCH, SHOLEM (1880-1957) - Moses; Translated by Maurice Samuel
245955: ASCH, S?CHALOM (1880-1957) - Die Gefangene Gottes
146955: ASCH, SHOLEM (1880-1957) - Mottke Der Dieb : Roman
266538: ASCHAM, ROGER - Toxophilus : the school of shooting : in two books
229401: ASCHAN, OSSIAN (1860-) - Chemie der alicyklischen verbindungen
174179: ASCHER, ABRAHAM (ED., ET AL.) - The mutual effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian worlds : the East European pattern / edited by Abraham Ascher, Tibor Halasi-Kun, Bela K. Kiraly
167628: ASCHER, ISAAC - China's social policy
151130: ASCHER, ABRAHAM (1928-). HALASI-KUN, TIBOR (1914-). KIRáLY, BELA K. (1912-2009) - The Mutual Effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian Worlds : the East European Pattern / Edited by Abraham Ascher, Tibor Halasi-Kun, Bela K. Kiraly
134772: ASCHER, ABRAHAM. TIBOR HALASI-KUN. BELA K. KIRALY (EDS. ) - The Mutual Effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian Worlds : the East European Pattern / Edited by Abraham Ascher, Tibor Halasi-Kun, Bela K. Kiraly
98542: ASCHER, ABRAHAM (1928-?) - RELATED NAME: NEWSWEEK, INC. BOOK DIVISION - The Kremlin, by Abraham Ascher and the Editors of the Newsweek Book Division
70961: ASCHER, ABRAHAM (1928-) - The Kremlin, by Abraham Ascher and the Editors of the Newsweek Book Division
40759: ASCHER, CAROL. DESALVO, LOUISE. RUDDICK, SARA - Between Women : Biographers, Novelists, Critics, Teachers, and Artists Write about Their Work on Women / Edited by Carol Ascher, Louise Desalvo, Sara Ruddick
211794: ASCHER, ROBERT - Der Schuhmeier : Roman / von Robert Ascher
197173: ASCHERBERG, HOPWOOD & CREW (LONDON) - Six famous pieces for violin and piano / arranged by Henry Tolhurst, Clarence Lucas and Alfred Moffat
99015: ASCHERSON, NEAL (INTRO. BY) - The Book of Lech Walesa / Introduced by Neal Ascherson
96060: ASCHERSON, NEAL - The Struggles for Poland
93693: ASCHERSON, NEAL - The Book of Lech Walesa
224065: ASCLEPIADES OF SAMOS / LINDSAY, JACK (1900-1990) - The loves of Asklepiades / done into English by Jack Lindsay
271452: ASCOLI, DAVID (1917-) - A companion to the British army, 1660-1983 / David Ascoli
256883: ASCOLI, DAVID - A companion to the British Army, 1660-1983 / David Ascoli
54235: ASENSIO CERVER, FRANCISCO - Commercial Spaces - European Masters/3 ; 7
54237: ASENSIO CERVER, FRANCISCO - Urban Architecture - European Masters/3 ; 3
54238: ASENSIO CERVER, FRANCISCO - Architecture I & II (Arquitectura I & II) - European Masters/3 ; 1 Two Volumes
241798: ASENSIO, NACHO - Bois : architecture
139936: ASENSIO, FELIX - El Dios De La Luz : Avances a Traves Del A. Testamento Y Contactos Con El Nuevo
91508: ASH, BRIAN - Faces of the Future : the Lessons of Science Fiction / Brian Ash
61980: ASH, BRIAN - Who's Who in Science Fiction / Brian Ash
47082: ASH, BRIAN - Faces of the Future : the Lessons of Science Fiction
119950: ASH, BERNARD - Norway, 1940
103523: ASH, RENE L. - The Motion Picture Film Editor, by Rene L. Ash
104249: ASH, BRIAN - Who's Who in Science Fiction
223664: ASH, LEE - Serial publications containing medical classics : an index to citations in Garrison-Morton / compiled by Lee Ash ; with the story of the Garrison-Morton Bibliography of medical classics
177606: ASH, DOUGLAS - How to identify English silver drinking vessels, 600-1830
191644: ASH, PAUL [PSEUD., I.E. PAULINE WHITBY] - The wings of a bat / Paul Ash [in] Analog : science fact - science fiction ; vol. 77, no. 3, May 1966
21282: ASHABRANNER, BRENT - Always to Remember The Story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
166618: ASHBAUGH, DON - Nevada's Turbulent Yesterday : a Study in Ghost Towns
57697: ASHBEE, HENRY SPENCER (1834-1900) - Forbidden Books of the Victorians: Henry Spencer Ashbee's Bibliographies of Erotica
187993: ASHBEE, CHARLES ROBERT (1863-1942) ; HARWOOD, EDITH (ILLUS.) - The masque of the Edwards of England : a coronation pageant
229396: ASHBEE, CHARLES ROBERT (1863-1942) - The Kings of Min Zaman
218092: ASHBEL, MICHAEL; NEDAVA, JOSEPH - Ale barikadot : yoman ha-kele shel Mikha'el Ashbel [The prison diary of Michael Ashbel. Language: Hebrew]
90999: ASHBOURNE, WILLIAM GIBSON, BARON (1868-) - The Abbe De Lamennais and the Liberal Catholic Movement in France
74594: ASHBROOK, JOSEPH (? -1980) - The Astronomical Scrapbook : Skywatchers, Pioneers, and Seekers in Astronomy
88709: ASHBROOK, WILLIAM S - Fifty Years: the Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Pa. 1865 - 1915
85872: ASHBROOK, FRANK GETZ (1892-) - Fur Farming for Profit ; a Useful and Practical Book on Fur Animal Production
64053: ASHBURN, PERCY MOREAU (1872-) - The Elements of Military Hygiene, Especially Arranged for Officers and Men of the Line
76393: ASHBY, ERIC (1904-?) & ANDERSON, MARY (1922-?) - The Rise of the Student Estate in Britain
257923: CASTLE ASHBY - Castle Ashby
251944: ASHBY, MARGARET - The book of Stevenage
249950: ASHBY, MARGARET (1940-) - Historic buildings of Stevenage
154219: ASHBY, ERIC - Community of Universities : an Informal Portrait of Of the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth 1913-1963
145393: ASHBY, ARTHUR W. - Allotments and Small Holdings in Oxfordshire / Arthur W. Ashby
146959: ASHBY, ERIC (1904-) - Scientist in Russia
278336: ASHBY, MARGARET - The hook to cook book : recipes for trout, sea trout and salmon
208702: ASHBY, ERIC (1904-1992) - The pathology of adult education
271895: ASHCROFT, MICHAEL - Victoria Cross heroes / Michael Ashcroft
271454: ASHCROFT, MICHAEL. CHARLES PRINCE OF WALES (1948-) - Victoria Cross heroes / Michael Ashcroft
271442: ASHCROFT, MICHAEL A - George Cross heroes / Michael Ashcroft ; foreword by Christina Schmid
257237: ASHCROFT, MICHAEL - Victoria Cross heroes / Michael Ashcroft
190893: ASHCROFT, ROBERT LESLIE - Random recollections of Haileybury
267908: ASHDOWN, CHARLES HENRY - British and foreign arms & armour
252028: ASHDOWN-HILL, JOHN - The Wars of the Roses / John Ashdown-Hill
24770: ASHDOWN, DULCIE M. - Ladies-In-Waiting
104782: ASHDOWN, CLIFFORD - The Further Adventures of Romney Pringle, by Clifford Ashdown (R. Austin Freeman & John J. Pitcairn) Introd. by August Derleth
160930: ASHDOWN, MARGARET (1892- ). BROWN, SIBYL CLEMENT - Social Service and Mental Health; an Essay on Psychiatric Social Workers, by Margaret Ashdown and S. Clement Brown
191882: EDWIN ASHDOWN (MUSIC PUBLISHER) - Album Francais for the pianoforte
268252: ASHE, PENELOPE - Naked Came the Stranger
56121: ASHE, GORDON (1908-1973). [PSEUD. ] FOR JOHN ASHE - Wait for Death, by John Creasey As Gordon Ashe
101871: ASHE, ROSALIND - Literary Houses
173601: ASHE, GEOFFREY - The tale of the tub : a survey of the art of bathing through the ages
277393: ASHENBURG, KATHERINE - Clean : an unsanitized history of washing Katherine Ashenburg
152719: ASHENHURST, THOMAS R. - Lectures on Practical Weaving: the Power Loom and Cloth Dissecting. [With Plates, Including a Portrait, and Illustrations]
111724: ASHENHURST, JOHN. RUTH ASHENHURST. C. TURZAK (ILL. ) - All about Chicago, by John Ashenhurst and Ruth L. Ashenhurst; with Woodcuts by C. Turzak
273250: ASHER, MICHAEL - Lawrence : the uncrowned king of Arabia / Michael Asher ; with colour photographs by Mariantonietta Peru
24818: ASHER, HERBERT B. - Theory-Building and Data-Analysis in the Social Sciences
247967: ASHER, MICHAEL - The last of the Bedu : in search of the myth / Michael Asher ; with colour photographs by Mariantonietta Peru
225062: ASHER, JANE - The longing / Jane Asher
147898: ASHER, HERBERT B. - Presidential Elections and American Politics : Voters, Candidates, and Campaigns Since 1952 / Herbert B. Asher
256418: ASHER, NEAL L - Line war / Neal Asher
256415: ASHER, NEAL L - Hilldiggers / Neal Asher
188637: ASHER, DAVID (TRANSLATED BY) - Selichoth for the propitiatory and penitential days, and for the minor fasts : to which are added the Selichoth for the minor day of atonement / with a new English translation by David Asher
127883: ASHER, PERCY H. - National Self-Sufficiency, by P. H. Asher
242257: ASHER, PATRIA, M.D., M.R.C.P. INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH. UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM - A Survey of the Health Services for Children in the City of Birmingham
264498: ASHFORD, DAISY - The young visiters [sic], or, Mr. Salteena's plan
260675: ASHFORD, DAISY - The young visiters : or, Mr. Salteena's plan
212956: ASHFORD, KENT AND SUSSEX TITHEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION. - Facts and incidents of an unequal struggle
179718: ASHFORD, DAISY - The young visiters : or, Mr. Salteena's plan
224630: ASHFORD, E. BRIGHT - Tyburn Village and Stratford Place
30813: ASHFORD, DAISY. WILLIAM PENE DU BOIS (ILL. ) - The Young Visiters, or Mr. Salteena's Plan
257077: ASHKAR, RIAD - Weapons and equipment of the Israeli armed forces
160944: ASHKENAZI, ELLIOTT - The Business of Jews in Louisiana, 1840-1875 / Elliott Ashkenazi
127519: ASHKENAZI, ELLIOTT - The Business of Jews in Louisiana, 1840-1875 / Elliott Ashkenazi
277956: ASHLEIGH, CHARLES - Russia's second front, in 1914-1916
194606: ASHLEIGH, CHARLES - Russia's second front in 1914-16
75167: ASHLEY, DAVID (1950-) - History Without a Subject : the Postmodern Condition
68277: ASHLEY, MICHAEL - Who's Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction / Mike Ashley
64013: ASHLEY, ELIZABETH (1939-) - Actress : Postcards from the Road / Elizabeth Ashley, with Ross Firestone
267076: ASHLEY, MAURICE (MAURICE PERCY) - England in the seventeenth century / Maurice Ashley
266231: ASHLEY, MICHAEL [ED.] - The History of the Science Fiction Magazine: vol. 3 1946-1955
264905: ASHLEY, PERCY (1876-1945) - Modern tariff history : Germany, United States, France
260467: ASHLEY, STETCHWORTH [WORDS]. GRAY, TOM [MUSIC] - Just a Soldier: patriot song
256064: ASHLEY, MAURICE (1907-1994) - The golden century: Europe 1598-1715 / [by] Maurice Ashley
249876: ASHLEY, MAURICE - Life in Stuart England / [by] Maurice Ashley
221254: ASHLEY, MICHAEL - The History of the Science Fiction Magazine 1936-1945 [Vol 2] / Edited by Michael Ashley
219351: ASHLEY, ELIZABETH (1939-) - Actress : Postcards from the Road / Elizabeth Ashley, with Ross Firestone
205153: ASHLEY, MAURICE (1907-?) - Charles I and Oliver Cromwell : a study in contrasts and comparisons / Maurice Ashley
280067: ASHLEY DOWN ORPHANAGE, BRISTOL. MÜLLER, GEORGE FRIERICH - Brief narrative of facts relative to the new orphan houses, ... on Ashley Down, Bristol, and the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for home and abroad
213974: ASHLEY, MAURICE PERCY - England in the seventeenth century
189378: ASHLEY, MAURICE PERCY - England in the seventeenth century
250510: ASHLEY, MAURICE PERCY - Charles II, the man and the statesman / [by] Maurice Ashley
162091: ASHLEY, WILLIAM JAMES (1860-1927) - The Adjustment of Wages; a Study in the Coal and Iron Industries of Great Britain and America, by W. J. Ashley. with Four Maps
22133: ASHLEY, MAURICE - John Wildman - Plotter and Postmaster. A Study of the English Republican Movement in the Seventeenth Century
106244: ASHLEY, MICHAEL - The History of the Science Fiction Magazine / Edited by Michael Ashley
95237: ASHLEY, MAURICE (1907-1994) - John Wildman, Plotter and Postmaster : a Study of the English Republican Movement in the Seventeenth Century
82100: ASHLEY, GEORGE T. - Reminiscenses of a Circuit Rider Being a True Record of Some of the Experiences, Incidents and Observations of a Methodist Circuit Rider in the Late Eighties and Early Nineties of the Last Century...
149421: ASHLEY, W. J. (WILLIAM JAMES) , SIR (1860-1927) - The Adjustment of Wages : a Study in the Coal and Iron Industries of Great Britain and America
132594: ASHLEY, W. J. (WILLIAM JAMES) , SIR (ED. ) - British Dominions : Their Present Commercial and Industrial Condition ; a Series of General Reviews for Busines Men and Students / Ed. W. J. Ashley
50858: ASHLEY, WILLIAM JAMES, SIR (1860-1927) - British Industries : a Series of General Reviews for Business Men and Students / Edited by W. J. Ashley - ['Lectures...delivered During the Winter of 1902-3 under the Auspices of the University of Birmingham'---Pref. ]
129595: ASHLEY, PERCY - Modern Tariff History : Germany - United States - France / Percy Ashley; with a Preface by the Rt. Hon. R. B. Haldane
111935: ASHLEY, NICK. FAYALM GREENE. SUSAN IRVINE [ET AL] - Laura Ashley At Home : Six Family Homes and Their Transformation / Nick Ashely ... [Et Al. ] ; Foreword by Sir Bernard Ashley
223635: ASHLEY-MONTAGU, M. F. - Three unknown portraits of Walter Savage Landor / M. F. Ashley-Montagu. [Overrun from The Colophon : new series, number 2 - volume 2]
223627: ASHLEY-MONTAGU, M. F. - Some Landor waifs
135023: ASHLEY, W. J. (WILLIAM JAMES) - The Progress of the German Working Classes in the Last Quarter of a Century
33349: ASHLEY, PERCY (1876-1945) - Modern Tariff History: Germany-United States-France
6507: ASHLEY, PERCY - Modern Tariff History - Germany-United States-France
88137: ASHLEY, MAURICE - John Wildman, Plotter and Postmaster; a Study of the English Republican Movement in the Seventeenth Century
195744: ASHLEY, WILLIAM JAMES (1860-1927) - The progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a century
95408: ASHMAN, CHARLES R. & TRESCOTT, PAMELA (1942-?) - Outrage : the Abuse of Diplomatic Immunity / Chuck Ashman and Pamela Trescott ; with an Introduction by Gerald Kaufman
45609: ASHMAN, CHARLES R. - The Finest Judges Money Can Buy, and Other Forms of Judicial Pollution
180483: ASHMAN, LINDA & SCHINDLER, S. D. (ILLUMINATOR) - Come to the castle : a visit to a castle in thirteenth-century England
49350: ASHMAN, CHUCK AND TRESCOTT, PAMELA - Diplomatic Crime - Drugs, Killings, Thefts, Rapes, Slavery & Other Outrageous Crimes!
122528: ASHMAN, CHARLES R. - The Finest Judges Money Can Buy, and Other Forms of Judicial Pollution
100278: ASHMAN, CHARLES R. - Diplomatic Crime : Drugs, Killings, Thefts, Rapes, Slavery & Other Outrageous Crimes! / Chuck Ashman & Pamela Trescott
153837: ASHMEAD-BARTLETT, ELLIS (1881-1931) - The Riddle of Russia
225188: ASHMOLE, BERNARD - Architect and sculptor in classical Greece / Bernard Ashmole
246667: ASHMOLE, ELIAS - The institution, laws & ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter ... A facsimile edition
189020: ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. THOROLD, ANNE. ERICKSON, KRISTEN - Camille Pissarro and his family : the Pissarro collection in the Ashmolean Museum / Anne Thorold and Kristen Erickson
156598: ASHMORE, HARRY S. - Hearts and Minds : the Anatomy of Racism from Roosevelt to Reagan
206921: ASHRAF, P. M. (P MARY) - The life and times of Thomas Spence
204725: ASHRAF, KUNWAR MUHAMMAD (1903-1962). KRUGER, HORST (1920-) (ED.) - Kunwar Mohammad Ashraf. An Indian scholar and revolutionary, 1903-1962 / edited by Horst Kruger
197534: SRI AUROBINDO ASHRAM - Conversations with the Mother
48543: ASHRAWI, HANAN - This Side of Peace : a Personal Account
38549: ASHTON, DORE - Terence La Noue
230378: ASHTON, GEOFFREY - Royal Opera House retrospective, (1732-1982) : 250 years of actors, singers, dancers, managers and musicians of Covent Garden seen through the eyes of the artist
209736: ASHTON, J. (JOHN), (1922-1986) ; UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT UNIT - Research, education and extension in agriculture / edited by J. Ashton and R. F. Lord
196418: ASHTON, T. H. - Economic and social investigations in Manchester, 1833-1933 : a centenary history of the Manchester Statistical Society
194592: ASHTON, JOHN (B. 1834) - Social England under the Regency
158811: ASHTON, OWEN R. FYSON, ROBERT. ROBERTS, STEPHEN (1950- ). (EDS. ) - The Chartist Legacy / Edited by Owen Ashton, Robert Fyson and Stephen Roberts
158488: ASHTON, OWEN R. FYSON, ROBERT. ROBERTS, STEPHEN (1950- ) (EDS. ) - The Chartist Legacy / Edited by Owen Ashton, Robert Fyson and Stephen Roberts
14098: ASHTON, THOMAS S. - Economic and Social Investigations in Manchester, 1833-1933 : a Centenary History of the Manchester Statistical Society
15589: ASHTON-WARNER, SLYVIA - Spinster
264257: ASHTON, T. S. (THOMAS SOUTHCLIFFE) - An economic history of England : the 18th century
240760: ASHTON, LEIGH SIR (1897-1983), EDITOR; BINYON, LAURENCE (1869-1943); HOBSON, R. L. (ROBERT LOCKHART) (1872-1941); KOOP, ALBERT J. (ALBERT JAMES) (1877-1945); POPE-HENNESSY, UNA (1876-1949) - Chinese art / Introduction [by] Laurence Binyon; Painting and calligraphy [by] Laurence Binyon; Sculpture and lacquer [by] Leigh Ashton; The potter's art [by] R.L. Hobson; Bronzes [by] A.J. Koop; Jades [by] Una Pope-Hennessy; Textiles [by] Leigh Ashton
225579: ASHTON, T. S. (THOMAS SOUTHCLIFFE) - An economic history of England: the 18th century
90388: ASHTON-WOLFE, HARRY (1881-) - Outlaws of Modern Days ... with Eight Plates
73454: ASHTON-WARNER, SYLVIA - Greenstone
89242: ASHTON, H. S (PSEUD. ) - The Netherlands At War with a Foreword by Professor P. S. Gerbrandy
132721: ASHTON, THOMAS SOUTHCLIFFE - Economic and Social Investigations in Manchester, 1833-1933 : a Century of History of the Manchester Statistical Society with an Index of Reports and Papers of Society. / Thomas Southcliffe Ashton
264244: ASHTON, JOHN - Gossip in the first decade of Victoria's reign
231170: ASHTON, JOHN (1834-1911) - English caricature and satire on Napoleon I
223984: ASHTON, JOHN (1834-1911) - Hyde Park from Domesday-book to date
262015: ASHTON ELLIS, W. M - Life of Richard Wagner
231015: ASHTON, THOMAS A - Ships' gear from hempen rope cordage, a question for inquiry : 'Trades' Union Congress, Liverpool.' Mr. Thomas A. Ashton ... read the following paper on the above subject, which was published in the Liverpool Press, January 25th, 1875
153441: ASHTON, HARRY (1882-1952) - A Preface to Moliere
32759: ASHTON, JOHN - Men, Maidens and Manners a Hundred Years Ago
120106: ASHTON, OWEN R. ROBERT FYSON. STEPHEN ROBERTS (EDS. ) - The Chartist Legacy / Edited by Owen Ashton, Robert Fyson, and Stephen Roberts ; with a Foreword by Asa Briggs
167823: ASHTON, THOMAS SOUTHCLIFFE - The Industrial Revolution : a study in bibliography
138696: ASHTON, H. S. ( PSEUD. ) - Clamour for Colonies
43594: ASHTON, JOHN (B. 1834) - The History of Gambling in England
241167: ASHTON, THOMAS JOHN. - Prolapsus, fistula in ano, and haemorrhoidal affections : their pathology and treatment
198086: ASHTON, THOMAS SOUTHCLIFFE - The industrial revolution : a study in bibliography
184356: ASHTOWN, FREDERICK OLIVER TRENCH, 3D BARON, (B. 1868) - The unknown power behind the Irish Nationalist Party : its present work and criminal history / edited by the Right Hon. Lord Ashtown
217905: ASHUKIN, N. S. - Ushedshaya Moskva; vospominaniya sovremennikov o Moskve vtoroy poloviny XIX veka [Gone Moscow, Moscow memories of contemporaries about the second half of the XIX century. Language: Russian]
249554: ASHURST, KEVIN - The encyclopaedia of pole fishing
134322: ASHWELL, SAMUEL (1798-1857) - A Practical Treatise on the Diseases Peculiar to Women : Illustrated by Cases, Derived from Hospital and Private Practice
276404: ASHWORTH, JOHN (1813-1875) - Walks in Canaan
264543: ASHWORTH, WILLIAM - An economic history of England, 1870-1939 / William Ashworth
135919: ASHWORTH, GEORGINA - World Minorities in the Eighties / Edited by Georgina Ashworth
264135: ASHWORTH, WILLIAM - A short history of the international economy, 1850-1950
132385: ASHWORTH, HENRY (1794-1880) - Recollections of Richard Cobden, M. P. and the Anti-Corn Law League. : by Henry Ashworth
129940: ASHWORTH, HENRY - Recollections of Richard Cobden, M. P : and the Anti-Corn-Law League
133004: ASHWORTH, WILLIAM - Contracts and Finance
168534: ASHWORTH, WILLIAM - An economic history of England
225554: ASHWORTH, WILLIAM - An economic history of England : 1870-1939 / William Ashworth
263809: ASHWORTH, TONY - Trench warfare, 1914-1918 : the live and let live system / Tony Ashworth
239221: UNESCO. SOUTH ASIA SCIENCE CO-OPERATION OFFICE. ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE ON THE TEACHING OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES IN SOUTH ASIA (1954 : DELHI, INDIA) - Round table conference on the teaching of the social sciences in South Asia : Papers and proceedings of the meeting organised by UNESCO at Delhi from 15 to 19 February, 1954
72301: ARTIBUS ASIAE - Artibus Asiae, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Vol. XXI, 3/4...
73072: LA SOCIETE ASIATIQUE - Journal Asiatique, Ou Recueil De Memoires, D'Extraits Et De Notices Relatifs a L'Histoire, a La Philosophie, Aux Langues... Sixieme Serie, Tome II. No. 4.-Juillet 1863
259045: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Extraterrestrial civilizations
191739: ASIMOV, ISAAC (1920-1992) - Exile to hell / Issac Asimov [in] Analog : science fact - science fiction ; vol. 81, no. 3, May 1968
190134: ASIMOV, ISAAC (1920-1992) - A choice of catastrophes : the disasters that threaten our world
177956: ASIMOV, ISAAC (1920-1992) - Fantastic voyage II : destination brain / Isaac Asimov
177446: ASIMOV, ISAAC (ED.) - Laughing space : an anthology of science fiction humour / selected by Isaac Asimov and J.O. Jeppson ; introduction and headnotes by Isaac Asimov.
257119: ASIMOV, ISAAC (1920-1992) - Eyes on the universe : a history of the telescope / Isaac Asimov
105005: ASIMOV, ISAAC. MARTIN HARRY GREENBERG. CHARLES G. WAUGH (EDITORS) - The Science Fictional Solar System / Edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg, and Charles G. Waugh
11148: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction Firsts
102556: ASIMOV, ISSAC. BROOKE HINDLE - The Frontiers of Knowledge / Foreword by Brooke Hindle ; Contributors, Isaac Asimov ... [Et Al. ]
37408: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Asimov's Guide to Halley's Comet
113153: ASIMOV, ISAAC, 1920-1992 - Fantastic Voyage; a Novel
219594: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Second foundation
174863: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Beyond the Phyla, by Issac Asimov, in: Astounding science fact & fiction ; vol. lxv No. 5, July 1960
77187: ASIMOW, MORRIS - Tale of Two Planets
73364: ASINOF, ELIOT (1919-?) - Say it Ain't So, Gordon Littlefield
105667: ASINOF, ELIOT (1919-2008) - 1919 : America's Loss of Innocence / Eliot Asinof
259195: ASÍS, JORGE - La calle de los caballos muertos : canguro insert / Jorge Asís
259064: ASÍS, JORGE - Partes de inteligencia / Jorge Asís
276431: ASKENAZY, SZYMON (1867-1935) - Le prince Joseph Poniatowski : maréchal de France (1763-1813) / tr. du polonais par B. Kozakiewicz et Paul Cazin
135006: ASKENAZY, SZYMON (1867-1935) - Dantzig and Poland
252839: ASKEW, EDDIE - Edge of daylight
203369: ASKEW, EDDIE - A silence and a shouting : meditations and prayers
190628: ASKWITH, GEORGE RANKEN (B. 1861) - Industrial problems and disputes
195725: ASKWITH, EDWARD HARRISON (1864-?) - An introduction to the Thessalonian epistles : containing a vindication of the Pauline authorship of both epistles and an interpretation of the eschatological section of 2 Thess. ii
272318: ASLESON, ROBYN - Albert Moore / Robyn Asleson
274736: ASLET, CLIVE - The last country houses / Clive Aslet
254312: ASLET, CLIVE - Villages of Britain : the five hundred villages that made the countryside / Clive Aslet
230247: ASLIYUCE, ERDOGAN - Adim adim Turk yurtlari
280537: ASMUSSEN, JES PETER - A Zoroastrian 'de-demonization' in Judeo-Persian
14556: ASPEN ENERGY FORUM, 4TH, ASPEN INSTITUTE FOR HUMANISTIC STUDIES, 1977 - Solar Architecture : Proceedings of the Aspen Energy Forum 1977, May 27, 28, and 29, 1977, Aspen, Colorado / Editors, Gregory E. Franta, Kenneth R. Olson ; Graphics, T. Michael Manchester
242886: ASPINALL, ARTHUR (1901-). ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN). CAMDEN SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN) - The formation of Canning's ministry, February to August 1827 / edited from contemporary correspondence by Arthur Aspinall
201517: ASPINALL, A. GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE - The early English trade unions : documents from the Home Office papers in the Public Record Office
213600: ASPINALL-OGLANDER, C. F. (CECIL FABER (1878-1959) - Nunwell symphony
142695: ASPINALL, A. (ARTHUR) (ED. ) - The Early English Trade Unions; Documents from the Home Office Papers in the Public Record Office
55922: ASPINALL, ARTHUR (1901-) - The Formation of Canning's Ministry, February to August, 1827
153137: ASPINALL, ARTHUR (1901-) - The Early English Trade Unions : Documents from the Home Office Papers in the Public Record Office
275083: ASPINWALL, BERNARD - A tribute to John Durkan on the occasion of his eightieth birthday / Bernard Aspinwall and Peter W. Asplin
234231: ASPLIN, P W A, (1939-). ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY - Medieval Ireland, (c. 1170-1495) : a bibliography of secondary works
54941: ASPLUND, UNO - Chaplin's Films / Uno Asplund ; Translated from the Swedish by Paul Britten Austin
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