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Click on booknumber for full information
109736: ASPLUND, UNO - Chaplin's Films / Uno Asplund ; Translated from the Swedish by Paul Britten Austin
204099: ASPLUND, KARL (B. 1890) - Bo Bergman : Manniskan och diktaren / Karl Asplund [Language: Swedish]
77470: ASPRIN, ROBERT - The Bug Wars / Robert Lynn Asprin ; Ill. by Doug Rice and R. L. Asprin
270217: ASQUITH, H. H. (HERBERT HENRY) (1852-1928) - H.H. Asquith, letters to Venetia Stanley / selected and edited by Michael and Eleanor Brock
258609: ASQUITH, H. H. (HERBERT HENRY) (1852-1928) - Asquith's message : international partnership
238422: ASQUITH, PETER; GELL, P. G. H - Immunology of the gastrointestinal tract / edited by Peter Asquith ; foreword by P. G. H. Gell
248509: ASQUITH, EMMA ALICE MARGARET (1864-1945) - The autobiography of Margot Asquith
18884: ASQUITH, THE RT. HON. H. H. - The Idea of Public Right; Being the First Four Prize Essays in Each of the Three Divisions of the Nation Essay Competition, with an Introduction by the Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, M. P.
75408: ASQUITH, CYNTHIA, LADY (1887-1960) (EDITOR) - The Flying Carpet - [Contributors Include; Thomas Hardy, Alfred Noyes, Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc, Walter De La Mare. Illustrated by T. Heath Robinson and Ernest H. Shepard]
146242: ASQUITH, HERBERT HENRY (1852-1928) - A Free Future for the World. a Speech by the Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister, At the Guildhall, on the 9th November, 1916. (Pub. by Authority. )
146115: ASQUITH, HERBERT HENRY (1852-1928) - How Do We Stand To-Day? A Speech Delivered by Right Hon. H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister, in the House of Commons, on the 2nd November, 1915. (Pub. by Authority) .
134359: ASQUITH, HERBERT HENRY (1852-1928) - The Paisley Policy
133834: ASQUITH, HERBERT HENRY (1852-1928) - Occasional Addresses, 1893-1916
128828: ASQUITH, H. H. - Occasional Addresses, 1893-1916
122542: ASQUITH, MARGOT (1864-1945) - The Autobiography of Margot Asquith
174202: ASQUITH, HERBERT HENRY (1852-1928) - The Paisley policy
195346: ASQUITH, HERBERT HENRY (1852-1928) - The Paisley policy
15612: ASQUITH, CYNTHIA, LADY (1887-1960) - Married to Tolstoy
21731: ASQUITH, MARGOT (1864-1945) - An Autobiography
63523: ASQUITH, CYNTHIA, LADY (1887-1960) - A Book of Modern Ghosts
237020: ASSCHE, ELINE VAN - Ravaged: art and culture in times of conflict / edited by Jo Tollebeek and Eline van Assche
237021: ASSCHE, ELINE VAN - Ravaged: art and culture in times of conflict / edited by Jo Tollebeek and Eline van Assche
195144: ASSE, EUGENE (1830-1901) - Lettres de la Presidente Ferrand au Baron de Breteuil, suivies de l'histoire des amours de cleante et de belise et des poesies d'Antoine Ferrand
158478: ASSELIN, PIERRE - A Bitter Peace : Washington, Hanoi, and the Making of the Paris Agreement / Pierre Asselin
236274: ASSELINEAU, CHARLES. POULET-MALASSIS, AUGUSTE. CRÉPET, JACQUES. PICHOIS, CLAUDE - Baudelaire et Asselineau : Charles Baudelaire, sa vie et son uvre ; Notes inédits sur Baudelaire et Ph. Boyer ; Letters ŕ Poulet-Asselineau ; textes recueillis et commentés par Jacques Crépet et Claude Pichois
279739: ASSEMANI, JOSEPH SIMONIUS - Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana: in qua manuscriptos codices Syriacos, Arabicos, Persicos, Turcicos, Hebraicos, Samaritanos, Armenicos, Aethiopicos, Graecos, Aegyptaicos, Ibericos, & Malabaricos: jussu et munificentia Clementis XI, pontificus Maximi: in three volumes
261382: CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY - The Chautauqua quarterly - Home reading series - 2 issues
238505: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY - The growth chart : a tool for use in infant and child health care
215358: COUNCIL OF EUROPE CONSULTATIVE ASSEMBLY. (5TH SESS. : 1953) - A policy for Europe to-day : debate at the Consultative Assembly, September 1953
54153: AMERICAN ASSEMBLY - The United States and the Middle East
216911: BULGARIA. PARLIAMENT. 7TH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY - Dnevnitsi (stenograficheski) Sedmoto Obiknovenno Narodno Subranie... 1863... Kinga I... [Logs (stenographs) Seventh Ordinary National Assembly... 15th October - 22nd December, 1893... Book 1... 15th October - 17 November, 1893... Language: Bulgarian]
172583: THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY - Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Property and Revenues of the Church / The Church of England National Assembly with appendices
165386: WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS. PLENARY ASSEMBLY. (4TH : 1959 : STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN) - World Jewish Congress : Fourth Plenary Assembly, Stockholm, 2-12 August, 1959 : Proceedings
183257: ASSEO GRILICHES, DIANE; J BOORSTIN, DANIEL - Library : the drama within
261067: ASSER, JOHN - Asser's life of King Alfred : together with the Annals of Saint Neots erroneously ascribed to Asser / edited with introduction and commentary by William Henry Stevenson
178223: ASSFY, ZAID H. - Islam and Christianity : connections and contrasts, together with the stories of the prophets and imams
195034: ANGLO-JEWISH ASSICIATION - Wherein I glory : a series of Jewish contributions on moral leadership / [edited by R.N. Carvalho]
172624: COUNCIL FOR MUTUAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE - Comprehensive programme for the further extension and improvement of co-operation and the development of Socialist economic integration by the CMEA member-countries
59122: MASSACHUSETTS. OFFICE OF LOCAL ASSISTANCE - Built to Last : a Handbook on Recycling Old Buildings / Prepared by the Massachusetts Department of Community Affairs, Office of Local Assistance ; Gene Bunnell, Associate Planner
14520: EARLY TRIALS. THE YORK ASSIZES - The Proceedings At the Assizes Holden At York (July, 24th, 1680) before the Rt. Hon. Sir William Dolben and Sir Edward Atkyns...against Several Prisoners Then Indicted for the Horrid Popish Plot Against the Life of the King. With an Account At Large of the Arraignment of Sir Miles Stapleton Baronet, and of the Tryal, Condemnation and Execution of Mr. Thomas Thwing and Mary Pressicks for the Same Plot.
231392: ASSMANN, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1800-) - Quellenkunde der vergleichenden Anatomie als Vorlaufer einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Zootomie. Fur Naturforscher und Anatomen / bearb. von Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Assmann
129881: NATIONAL UNIONIST ASSOCIAITION - National Union Gleanings; Volume VIII. January to June 1897
53822: CHEN DESIGN ASSOCIATES - 1 C/G : One-Color Graphics : the Power of Contrast / Selected by Chen Design Associates
259032: P. S. I. ASSOCIATES - Webster's dictionary
189070: ASSOCIATES OF THE V AND A. - The V & A album. 4
122689: BURT HILL KOSAR RITTELMANN ASSOCIATES. MIN KANTROWITZ ASSOCIATES - Commercial Building Design : Integrating Climate, Comfort, and Cost / Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann Associates, Min Kantrowitz Associates
168260: RUTH SLOAN ASSOCIATES (WASHINGTON, D.C.) - The educated African : a country by country survey of educational development in Africa / compiled by Ruth Sloan Associates, edited by Helen Kitchen
111158: P. S. I. ASSOCIATES, INC. , FLORIDA - New Roget's Thesaurus. over 150, 000 Words.
248724: CARP ANGLERS ASSOCIATION - The Carp Catcher Book
83032: NATIONAL PRESS PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION - Photojournalism / 76 : an Annual Based on the 33rd Pictures of the Year Competition
61383: AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION - A Manual on Bookselling : How to Open and Run a Bookstore / Edited for the American Booksellers Association by Robert D. Hale with Allan Marshall and Ginger Curwen
276502: AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - AA book of British villages : a guide to 700 of the most interesting and attractive villages in Britain / (edited and designed by the Reader's Digest Association for Drive Publications)
275488: ROSE BAY ASSOCIATION - The Rose Bay Association Magazine: special centenary number 'Mater Admirabilis': 1944: volume XXXIII
275489: ROSE BAY ASSOCIATION - The Rose Bay Association Magazine: 1943: volume XXXII
275490: ROSE BAY ASSOCIATION - The Rose Bay Association Magazine: 1942: volume XXXI
275491: ROSE BAY ASSOCIATION - The Rose Bay Association Newsletter: 1955
275492: ROSE BAY ASSOCIATION - The Rose Bay Association Newsletter: 1957
270345: THE PRIVATE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION - The Private Library: in three volumes
270325: THE FINE PRESS BOOK ASSOCIATION - Parenthesis: the journal/newsletter of The Fine Press Book Association: in two volumes: number 2 ( September, 1998) and number 5 (December 2000)
267970: INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION - Vocabulaire technique de l'éditeur, en sept langues : français, deutsch, English, espańol, hollandsch, italiano, magyar
267858: ANGLO-JEWISH ASSOCIATION - Memoranda prepared in connection with the London Conference of Jewish Organisations, February 1946-5706. 1, The future of European Jewry. A, General considerations
266310: COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - This is copper and the copper family
265964: NORTH EASTERN REGION OF THE ART ADVISERS ASSOCIATION - Learning through drawing : a booklet to accompany an exhibition of drawings by children from pre-school to eighteen years mounted by the North Eastern Region of the Art Advisers Association : first exhibition held by Bradford Art Galleries and Museums at Cartwright Hall, Lister Park, 16th December 1978 to 28th January 1979
265886: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY ASSOCIATION - 6th Annual IDA: Oscar Reception and Film Program: Thursday, April 7, 1988: Academy of Motion Picture arts and Sciences, Beverly Hills, California: honoring the 60th Annual Academy Award Nominees in the Documentary categories: reception and film program
265821: CHICAGO CITY OPERA COMPANY. THE CHICAGO OPERA ASSOCIATION - Prospectus of the Chicago City Opera Company: four issues
264727: BRITISH ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION - The Esperanto monthly: May-June 1917
260107: WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION - Twenty-fifth Annual report for the year ended May 31st 1928
259677: ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS - A guide to official shelter policy and proposals for better protection; better shelters
259510: SOCIALIST MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - The war, tuberculosis, and the workers / a report prepared by a Committee of the Socialist Medical Association of Great Britain
257977: LADIES' SANITARY ASSOCIATION - Sowing the seed
257980: LADIES SANITARY ASSOCIATION - The health of mothers
255025: ULSTER HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION - Gravestone inscription : Belfast / edited by R.S.J. Clarke. Vol.3, Balmoral Cemetery, Friends' Burial Ground and Malone Presbyterian Church
252811: THE READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION - The gardening year
251945: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION - A-Z of perennials
229326: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Cycling : towards health and safety / British Medical Association
32311: AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION - Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1903 - Volume II. Volume Two Only, of Two Volumes
196165: FINANCIAL REFORM ASSOCIATION - The Financial reform almanack 1905 : for fiscal reformers, free traders, politicians, public speakers and writers, and the public generally, containing elaborately-tabulated statistical information
278395: AMERICAN UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION - Services for congregational worship
192251: BRITAIN-CHINA FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION - Eleven visit China : report of the first British delegation
238491: BRITISH DENTAL ASSOCIATION - The jubilee book of the British Dental Association
194758: YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION - Fifty years' work amongst young men in all lands : a review of the work of the Young Men's Christian Associations 1844-1894
262391: CHESHIRE PASTORAL ASSOCIATION - Christian Hymns for Public and Private Worship. A collection compiled by a committee of the Cheshire Pastoral Association
188347: ARMCO CULVERT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (MIDDLETOWN, OHIO) - Handbook of culvert and drainage practice : for the solution of subsurface drainage problems
252099: BRITAIN-CHINA FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION - Eleven visit China : report of the first British delegation
252070: FAMILY WELFARE ASSOCIATION - Social work: A quarterly review of family casework July 1948
185709: ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RADIO, TELEVISION, AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE - Freedom of the press and a fair trial; final report with recommendations by the Special Committee on Radio, Television, and the Administration of Justice of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York
270447: CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION - Jamboree Keswick: 31 July - 10 August: inclusive official souvenir guide
247172: WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY (4TH : 1959 : MILAN, ITALY, AND STRESA, ITALY). INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Transactions of the fourth World Congress of Sociology = Actes du quatričme Congrčs mondial de sociologie : Milan and Stresa, 8-15 Sept. 1959 : general theme: Society and sociological knowledge = La société et la connaissance sociologique: volume I: sociology in its Social Context = La Sociologie dans son Contexte Social
222129: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vol. 1, 3rd series, 1855
242787: WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION - A Study in Juvenile Delinquency: who has offended?: a study of juvenile delinquency made by a W.E.A. Tutorial class in Lincoln
193189: SOCIALIST MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Socialist health care : or tory bureaucracy / Socialist Medical Association
193916: IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION - Dublin : offical guide
214313: IRISH MEMORIALS ASSOCIATION - Journal of the Irish Memorials Association, Vol. XIII 1935-37, No. 2 : Index to the Parish Register Section of the journal of the Irish Memorials Association Vol. XII
220281: NARASIMHAN S. / NILGIRIS ADIVASI WELFARE ASSOCIATION (NAWA) - Dr. S. Narasimhan : collections of articles and original photographs on health and medicine care with ethnic and tribal groups in 1960s India
250026: LADIES' SANITARY ASSOCIATION - The massacre of the innocents! / an address delivered by the Rev. Charles Kingsley
214272: NATIONAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION - Nine months of socialist government : A record of promises, performances and broken pledges. [Jan. 22-Oct. 9, 1924.]
214718: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION - Lasting ideas : some expressions on the art of persuasion, wise and witty enough to endure
243747: THE BOYS' WELFARE ASSOCIATION - The Boys' Welfare Journal: Vol. 1, No. 1: November, 1918
246704: AMERICAN LAND & TITLE REGISTER ASSOCIATION - History of the Police and Fire Departments of the Twin Cities: their origin in early village days and progress to 1900: historical and biographical
186505: CATHOLIC BIBLICAL ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - Scripture : quarterly of the Catholic Biblical Association : volumes I, II & II 1946, 1947 & 1948
162360: INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Transactions of the Third World Congress of Sociology, Koninlijk Instituut Voor De Tropen, Amsterdam, August 1956. Vol.1-2
280729: FREEDOM ASSOCIATION - The Free Nation : the fortnightly paper of the National Association for Freedom - 11 issues
237260: ASSOCIATION DES ETUDES FRANÇAISES (PARIS). CUÉNOT, CLAUDE - Etat présent des Etudes Verlainiennes
222078: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vol 2, 3rd series, 1856
222077: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : a record of the antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vol 2, new series, 1851
270442: THE BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION - Northern Counties Jamboree: Raby Castle: Aug. 1st - 9th, 1936: souvenir
264145: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - Family guide to the law : your rights and responsibilities under the laws of England and Wales / consultant editor Michael Zander
201442: BRITISH CONSTITUTION ASSOCIATION - Political socialism, a remonstrance : a collection of papers by members of the British Constitution Association, with presidential addresses by Lord Balfour of Burleigh and Lord Hugh Cecil / edited by Mark H. Judge
238297: WEST MIDLANDS PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION - Historical sketches of medicine in the West Midlands
222246: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : a record of the antiquities of wales and its Marches and the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. New Series (Jan. 1850 - Oct. 1854) - Complete in 5 volumes
192525: EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION - The trade effects of EFTA and the EEC, 1959-1967
238368: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - The SPA in medical practice : a report of a Committee of the British Medical Association
132953: AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - Surveys of Economic Theory : Growth and Development / Prepared for the American Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society
73881: AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - Readings in the Theory of International Trade / Selected by a Committee of the American Economic Assocation
71341: PAPER MAKERS ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION - Direct Advertising - Calendars - Volume LVIII, Number 4, Fourt Quarter. 1972
64577: THE SHAKESPEARE ASSOCIATION - The Life and Death of Gamaliel Ratsey, a Famous Thief, of England, Executed At Bedford the 26th of March Last Past. 1605
64102: SHAKESPEARE ASSOCIATION - Work for Chimny-Sweepers; Or, a Warning for Tabacconists, with an Introduction by S. H. Atkins, 1601 Shakespeare Association Facsimiles, No. II
57125: SNACK FOOD ASSOCIATION - 50 Years : a Foundation for the Future
53385: SOCIAL REGISTER ASSOCIATION - Social Register, Summer 1983 - Vol. XCVII - May, 1983
49882: AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION - Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1912
151995: LABOR RESERACH ASSOCIATION - Labor Fact Book 7 / Prepared by Labor Research Association
82351: AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION - The American Diabetes Association/ the American Dietetic Association Family Cookbook, Volume II / Illustrated by Lauren Rosen
148403: RURAL RECONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION - Feeding the Fifty Million : a Report of the Rural Reconstruction Association, Research Committee on the Increase of Agricultural Production / with an Introduction by Laurence Easterbrook
146538: ANGLICAN AND EASTERN ASSOCIATION - The Russian Church : Lectures on its History, Constitution, Doctrine and Ceremonial / Preface by the Lord Bishop of London
145922: FAMILY WELFARE ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - From Pauperism to Manliness: the Story of Bradfield Union
144882: FINANCIAL REFORM ASSOCIATION - Financial Reform Almanack 1904 : for Politicians, Writers, Public Speakers
153211: FAMILY WELFARE ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - The West Indian Comes to England : a Report Prepared for the Trustees of the London Parochial Charities
222074: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vol 4, 3rd series, 1853
132661: ANGLO-JEWISH ASSOCIATION - Wherein I Glory : a Series of Jewish Contributions on Moral Leadership
222128: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : a record of the antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Volumes 1 - 4 complete, 1846-1849
195015: COUNTY COUNCILS ASSOCIATION - The Jubilee of County Councils, 1889 to 1939. Nottinghamshire
244579: PROVINCIAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - The Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association: instituted 1832: volume V
262869: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION - Respublica: VIII Congres mondial, world congress Munich, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 1970
130897: EASTERN CHURCH ASSOCIATION - The Russian Church : Lectures on its History, Constitution, Doctrine and Ceremonial
230249: AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - The Tolentino collection : Illustrated catalogue of Gothic and Renaissance Italian and French art : gathered by Chevalier Raoul Tolentino, expert antiquarian of Rome, to be dispersed at unrestricted public sale
173411: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOCIATION [CONFERENCE, LONDON 1943] - Country towns in the future England : a report of the conference representing local authorities, arts and amenities organisations and members of the Town and Country Planning Association...23rd October,1943 / edited by Stanley Baron with an introduction by Sir Eric Macfadyen
129900: FINANCIAL REFORM ASSOCIATION - The Financial Reform Almanack 1906. for Fiscal Reformers, Free Traders, Politicians, Public Speakers and Writers, and the Public Generally. Containing Elaborately-Tabulated Statistical Information ...
127790: HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - Leaflets Published by the Historical Association 1-26
184500: ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES EXPORTATEURS SUEDOIS, (STOCKHOLM) - La Suede, sa vie industrielle et commerciale / Edite par l'Association generale des exportateurs Suedois ; Redacteur en chef, Erik Nylander
223438: WEST MIDLANDS PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION - Historical sketches of medicine in the West Midlands / [edited by R.N. Allen and M.G. Fitzgerald]
219974: NUMISMATIST.; AMERICAN NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION.; (ET AL.) - Selections from the Numismatist: ancient and medieval coins
165221: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY. MIND ASSOCIATION - Mind, Matter and Purpose : the Symposia Read At the Joint Session of The...society and the Mind Association At the University of Bristol, July 13th - 16th, 1928
193233: FAMILY WELFARE ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - From pauperism to manliness : the story of Bradfield Union
222155: ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, GENEVA - Illustrated guide of Geneva : With 45 drawings, etc., by E. Jeanmaire. Published by the Association of commerce and industry
186185: RURAL RECONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION - The revival of agriculture : a constructive policy for Britain / Prepared by a committee of the Rural Reconstruction Association, with a foreword by Lord O'Hagan and Michael Beaumont and an illustration by Elizabeth Tuke Jenkins
204049: SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION - Hymns for school and home, with services for opening and closing school
249994: LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION - Apologists for monopoly
228856: THE CATENIAN ASSOCIATION - Province Seven Cook-Book: (2007-2008)
32795: LINCOLN CENTENNIAL ASSOCIATION - Lincoln Centennial Association Papers, Delivered before the Members of the Lincoln Centennial Association
40716: LOS ANGELES CIVIC LIGHT OPERA ASSOCIATION - The Merry Widow (Theater Program) - Fourteenth Annual Season 1951 - Philharmonic Auditorium
278614: BRITISH RECORDS ASSOCIATION - Work in archives, 1939-47
172760: SOCIALIST MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Gas attacks : is there any protection? / prepared by the Socialist Medical Association ; introduced by Dr. Somerville Hastings
279611: PRIVATE LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION - Private Libraries Association : members 1979
238295: WEST MIDLANDS PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION - Historical sketches of medicine in the West Midlands
280651: AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - The library of the late Ogden Goelet of New York. Part two : to be dispersed at public sale by order of his son Robert Goelet January 24 ... January 25
212586: EDUCATIONAL SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION - Citizen centres for adult education : foreword by Sir Richard Livingstone
188711: INTERNATIONAL BRIGADE ASSOCIATION - The volunteer for liberty ; No.8
222075: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : a record of the antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vol 1, new series, 1850
195281: INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - The positive contribution by immigrants; a symposium prepared for Unesco by the International Sociological Association and the International Economic Association
279773: AMERICAN NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION - Selections from the Numismatist : modern foreign currency, by American Numismatic Association ; Reprint Advisory Committee: James W. Curtis [et al ...] Reprint Pub. Committee: P.K. Anderson [et al ...]
239642: BIRMINGHAM FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION - Twenty-sixth Annual Report 1953
240603: PARENTS' PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION - Mother's own book
280203: THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION - Proceedings of the Classical Association: 1971: volume LXVIII
264152: BOULTON PAUL ASSOCIATION - Boulton Paul Aircraft
190872: LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION - Labor Fact Book 8
235659: IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION - Irish Tourist Association map of Ireland
194710: JERSEY COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION (INC.) - The official guide to Jersey
228625: THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION - National Rifle Association 91st Annual Prize Meeting, Bisley, 4th July to 20th July, 1960. Centenary Programme.
129512: ETON COLLEGE. OLD ETONIAN ASSOCIATION - The Eton Register : Being a Continuation of Stapylton's Eton School Lists, 1893-1899 / Compiled for the Old Etonian Association
130095: COUNTY COUNCILS ASSOCIATION - The Jubilee of County Councils, 1889 to 1939. Durham
133698: AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - Surveys of Economic Theory. Prepared for the American Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society; Vol. 1. Money, Interest, and Welfare
133699: AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - Surveys of Economic Theory. Prepared for the American Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society; Vol. 3. Resource Allocation
138172: LABOR RESERACH ASSOCIATION - Labor Fact Book 15
146102: INTERNATIONAL BRIGADE ASSOCIATION - Report from the Camps of Vichy
147030: LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (U. S. ) - Labor Fact Book 7
147042: LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (U. S. ) - Labor Fact Book 14
147607: SWEDISH TOURIST TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION - Sweden, Past and Present / Swedish Tourist Traffic Association
147634: JEWISH FRONTIER ASSOCIATION - Jewish Frontier Anthology, 1934-1944
159470: SOUTHERN PINE SERVICE ASSOCIATION - Southern Yellow Pine: a Manual of Standard Wood Construction.
165450: AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION - Mealtime Mastery
41417: QUARTER CENTURY WIRELESS ASSOCIATION - Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc. 1968-1969 Year Book
53331: SOCIAL REGISTER ASSOCIATION - Social Register, Summer 1977 - Volume 91
110028: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION - 101 Do-It-Yourself Projects
73550: HARVARD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION - The Ninetieth Birthday of Charles William Eliot; Proceedings in Sanders Theatre and the Yard, March 20, 1924
75288: GARFIELD NATIONAL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION - The Man and the Mausoleum : Dedication of the Garfield Memorial Structure in Cleveland, Ohio, May 30, 1890
86113: JAPAN CREATORS ASSOCIATION - Commercial Photography Exposed 1. Extensive Coverage of the Best International Photographers
263057: ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION - Handbook of adult education in the United States / Malcom S. Knowles, editor
192852: LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (U.S.) - Trends in American capitalism : profits and living standards
222076: CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Archaeologia Cambrensis : the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vol 3, 3rd series, 1857
262968: LONDON'S ANGLER ASSOCIATION - London's Angler Association: Members' handbook
196204: CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION (GREAT BRITAIN) - Proceedings of the Classical Association, 1962, Vol. LIX
196916: WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY (2ND : 1953 : LIEGE). INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Transactions of the second world congress of sociology, held in the University of Liege, Belgium, August, 1953, under the auspices, and with the support of UNESCO and of the Belgian Government. Vol. II
254276: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION - Great people of the Bible and how they lived
205987: AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - Surveys of economic theory : resource allocation : volume 3, surveys 9-13 / prepared for the American Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society
207053: LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (UNITED STATES) - Labor fact book 15 / prepared by Labor Research Association
211808: THE APPRENTICE AND SKILLED EMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION - First annual report, April, 1907
279770: INTERNATIONAL BRIGADE ASSOCIATION - The volunteer for liberty, no. 2 Feb 1940
263307: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION - When, where, why & how it happened
59470: AMERICAN UNION OF ASSOCIATIONISTS - The Harbinger Devoted to Social and Political Progress - [3 Bound Volumes [6, 7, and 8] from 1848. Volume VI, No. 1 to Volume Viii, No. 15]
119436: YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS - The Jubilee of Work for Young Men in North America; a Report of the Jubilee Convention of North American Young Men's Christian Associations
267931: ASSOULINE, PIERRE - Simenon : a biography / Pierre Assouline ; translated from the French by Jon Rothschild
228356: ASSOULINE, PIERRE - Henri Cartier-Bresson, l'oeil du sičcle
154060: ASSOULINE, PIERRE - Gaston Gallimard : a Half-Century of French Publishing / Pierre Assouline ; Translated by Harold J. Salemson. Uniform Title: Gaston Gallimard
273944: ASSOULINE - Mattel : 70 years of innovation and play
194494: ASTAFYEV, G. - China from a semi-colony
235535: ASTAIRE, FRED - Steps in time
110791: ASTAIRE, LESLEY. MICHAEL BOYS (PHOTOG. ) - London Living Style / Text by Lesley Astaire ; Photographs by Michael Boys
216739: ASTALOVICH, Z. A. (REDAKTSIONNAYA KOLLEGIYA) - Iz istorii revolyutsionnogo dvizheniya v rossii xix-nachale xx [From the history of the revolutionary movement in Russia. Language: Russian]
54095: ASTESANI, ALESSANDRO - Raccolta Di Varie Lettere, Scritte a Diversi Soggetti, Da Alessandro Astesani, Parroco Di Affori... La Basilica Parrocchiale DI S. Satiro
268029: ASTILL, TONY - Mount Everest : the reconnaissance 1935 / Tony Astill
261522: ASTLEY, JOHN DUGDALE SIR, 3D BART. (1828-1894) - Fifty years of my life in the world of sport at home and abroad : By Sir John Dugdale Astley, ... In two volumes
135623: ASTLEY, HUGH JOHN DUNKINFIELD - Biblical Anthropology Compared with and Illustrated by the Folklore of Europe and the Customs of Primitive Peoples
71832: ASTON, THOMAS, SIR (1600-1645) - The Short Parliament (1640) Diary of Sir Thomas Aston / Edited by Judith D. Maltby
275104: ASTON, THOMAS SIR (1600-1645) - The short Parliament (1640) diary of Sir Thomas Aston / edited by Judith D. Maltby
262775: ASTON, P. E - The raid on the Transvaal by Dr. Jameson / Edited by P. E. Aston
68732: ASTOR, GERALD (1926-) - '... and a Credit to His Race; ' the Hard Life and Times of Joseph Louis Barrow, A. K. A. Joe Louis
264797: ASTOR, MICHAEL - Tribal feeling
94384: ASTOR, GERALD (1926-2007) - The 'Last' Nazi : the Life and Times of Dr. Joseph Mengele
173113: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT (1879-1952). MURRAY, KEITH ANDERSON HOPE - The planning of agriculture
160943: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT (1879-1952). ROWNTREE, BENJAMIN SEEBOHM (1871-1954) - British Agriculture; the Principles of Future Policy; a Report of an Enquiry Organized by Viscount Astor and B. Seebohm Rowntree
153223: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT (1879-1952). ROWNTREE, BENJAMIN SEEBOHM (1871-1954) - Mixed Farming and Muddled Thinking, an Analysis of Current Agricultural Policy, a Report on an Enquiry Organised
140602: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT (1879-1952). ROWNTREE, BENJAMIN SEEBOHM (1871-1954) - British Agriculture : the Principles of Future Policy / a Report of an Enquiry Organized by Viscount Astor and B. Seebohm Rowntree
134988: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT (1879-1952). B. SEEBOHM ROWNTREE - Mixed Farming and Muddled Thinking, an Analysis of Current Agricultural Policy, a Report on an Enquiry Organised by Visount Astor and B. Seebohm Rowntree
132346: ASTOR, HON. JOHN JACOB. BOWLEY, A. L. (ARTHUR LYON) SIR [ET AL] - Is Unemployment Inevitable? An Analysis and a Forecast; a Continuation of the Investigation Embodied in 'The Third Winter of Unemployment', Published in 1923
161838: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT (1879-1952) - Mixed Farming and Muddled Thinking : an Analysis of Current Agricultural Policy / a Report on an Enquiry Organised by Visount Astor and B. Seebohm Rowntree
171634: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT (1879-1952) - The agricultural dilemma / a report of an enquiry organised by Viscount Astor and Mr. B. Seebohm Rowntree
10825: ASTOR, GERALD (1926-2007) - The Right to Fight : a History of African Americans in the Military / Gerald Astor
197265: ASTOR, WALDORF ASTOR, VISCOUNT, (1879-1952) - The planning of agriculture
272101: ASTRACHAN, SAMUEL - The game of Dostoevsky / Samuel Astrachan
198267: ASTROM, KELL (1920-) - City planning in Sweden
97691: ASTROP, JOHN - Ghastly Games : 12 Sinister Board Games Invented Designed, and Drawn for Your Pleasure
243018: ASTROV, W. SLEPKOV, A. THOMAS, J - An illustrated history of the Russian revolution : volume two / editors : W. Astrov, A. Slepkov, J. Thomas
34521: ASTURIAS, MIGUEL ANGEL - The Eyes of the Interred
15274: ASTURIAS, MIGUEL ANGEL - The Eyes of the Interred
247088: ASZTALOS, MIKLÓS (1899-1986). ERDÉLYI FÉRFIAK EGYESÜLETE. JANCSÓ BENEDEK TÁRSASÁG - Jancsó Benedek emlékkönyv : az EFE 'Jancsó Benedek Társasága' megbízásából szerkesztette Asztalos Miklós
96782: ASZTALOS, ISTVAN - RELATED NAME: MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA, BUDAPEST. FOLDRAJZTUDOMANYI KUTATOCSOPORT - Geographical Types of Hungarian Agriculture / Authors, Istvan Asztalos ... [Et Al. ; Translated by Elek Biro]
166831: ATA ALLA, MALUMUD - Arab struggle for economic independence / translated from the Russian by Bernard Isaacs
184120: ATABINEN, RECHID SAFFET - Les Turcs occidentaux et la Mediterranee
194525: ATANAGI, DIONIGI (CA. 1504-1573) [COMP.] - De le lettere di tredici huomini illustri libri tredici / Gli autori. Il vesc. di Baius. Il Sanga. Il Guidiccione. Il vescouo di Verona. M. Franc. de la Torre. Il Sadoleto. L'Ardinghello. M. Marcant. Flaminio. Il Giouio. Il Tasso... [et al.]
237493: ATASOY, NURHAN (1934-); KINAY, IREM - Portraits and caftans of the Ottoman sultans / Nurhan Atasoy; with the collaboration of Irem Kinay
261479: ATAY, M ÇINAR - Tarih içinde Izmir
266520: ATCHUTHAN, M - Fact book on wages
207707: ATGET, EUGENE (1856-1927). ARTHUR D. TROTTENBERG (ED. ) - Eugene Atget : Retrospektive
108547: ATGET, EUGENE. BERENICE ABBOTT - The World of Atget
101696: ATGET, EUGENE - Atget's Gardens : a Selection of Eugene Atget's Garden Photographs / William Howard Adams ... . .. Introd. by Jacqueline Onassis ; Royal Institut of British Architects, London ; International Center of Photography, New York ; International Exhibitions Foundation, Washington
45424: ATGET, EUGENE (1857-1927). BADGER, GERRY - Eugène Atget / Text by Gerry Badger
279815: ATHANASIUS SAINT, PATRIARCH OF ALEXANDRIA - The Canons of Athanasius of Alexandria : the Arabic and Coptic versions / edited and translated with introductions, notes and appendices by Wilhelm Riedel & Walter E. Crum
167854: EGYPT. MASLAHAT AL-ATHAR - Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'Egypte antique. ser. 1, t. 1-3
123555: ATHELING, JR, WILLIAM [PSEUD. OF JAMES BLISH] - More Issues At Hand; Critical Studies in Contemporary Science Fiction, by William Atheling, Jr. Edited, and with an Introd. by James Blish
42555: ATHENAEI, PROFESSOR ANTONIANI DE URBE - Antonianum - Annus LX, Aprilis-September 1985, Fasc. 2-3
42556: ATHENAEI, PROFESSOR ANTONIANI DE URBE - Antonianum - Annus LIX, Ianaurius-Iunius 1984, Fasc. 1-2
277213: BOSTON ATHENAEUM - 50 books in the collection of the Boston Athenćum
259402: BOSTON ATHENAEUM - A catalogue of the Washington collection in the Boston Athenćum / compiled and annotated by Appleton P.C. Griffin ... With an appendix, The inventory of Washington's books drawn up by the appraisers of his estate; with notes in regard to the full titles of the several books and the later history and present ownership of those not in the Athenćum collection, by William Coolidge Lane
262798: THE ATHENEUM - The Atheneum: or, spirit of the English Magazines: in seven volumes
138485: XENOPHON OF ATHENS - Xenophontos Apomnemoneumata. Xenophontis Memorabilia Socratis, Cum Apologia Socratis, Conjecturis Annotationibusque Recens. Et Interpretatus Est J. G. Schneider. Accedunt L. C. Valckenaerii Et D. Ruhukenii Annotationes. Huic Ed. Accedunt Adnotationes L. D
238163: ATHERLEY, GORDON R. C - Occupational health and safety concepts : chemical and processing hazards / Gordon R.C. Atherley
159048: ATHERLEY-JONES, LLEWELLYN ARCHER - The Miners' Manual : a Legal Handy-Book for Employer and Employed. / Llewellyn Archer Atherley-Jones
239988: ATHERTON, MIKE (1968-) - Opening up : my autobiography / Mike Atherton
159506: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE (1857-1948) - The Travelling Thirds
220763: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN HORN (1857-1948) - Black oxen
172951: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN - The conqueror : being the true and romantic story of Alexander Hamilton
142511: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE HORN FRANKLIN (1857-1948) - Rezanov : a Novel
137415: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN HORN (1857-1948) - Ancestors : a Novel
73299: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN HORN (1857-1948) - My San Francisco, a Wayward Biography
172955: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN HORN (1857-1948) - The travelling thirds
263849: ATHERTON, MIKE - Opening up : my autobiography / Mike Atherton
244561: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN HORN (1857-1948) - The Conqueror. Being the true and romantic story of Alexander Hamilton
279811: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN HORN - California; an intimate history
40722: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE - Senator North
55739: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN HORN (1857-1948) - The Conqueror; Being the True and Romantic Story of Alexander Hamilton
214363: ATHILL, DIANA - After a funeral / Diana Athill
56240: ATHOLL, JUSTIN - Shadow of the Gallows
48431: ATHOS, ANTHONY G. AND COFFEY, ROBERT E. - Behavior in Organizations: a Multidimensional View
228980: ATIL, ESIN - Renaissance of Islam : art of the Mamluks
109724: ATIL, ETIL - Turkish Art / Edited by Esin Atil
114645: ATIYA, AZIZ SURYAL (1898-1988) - The Crusade: Historiography and Bibliography
72818: ATIYA, AZIZ SURYAL (1898-1988) - The Crusade: Historiography and Bibliography
84804: ATIYA, AZIZ SURYAL - The Crusade: Historiography and Bibliography
266450: ATIYAH, EDWARD SELIM (1903-1964) - The Arabs
78277: ATKESON, RAY & SATTERFIELD, ARCHIE - Oregon Coast. Photography by Ray Atkeson. Text by Archie Satterfield
217573: ATKESON, RAY - Western Impressions / Photographed by Ray Atkeson
177760: ATKESON, RAY - Northwest heritage : The Cascade range
84307: ATKESON, RAY - Western Impressions / Photographed by Ray Atkeson
80836: ATKESON, RAY & SATTERFIELD, ARCHIE - Washington II. Photography by Ray Atkeson. Text by Archie Satterfield
219371: ATKESON, RAY & SATTERFIELD, ARCHIE - Washington II. Photography by Ray Atkeson. Text by Archie Satterfield
48837: ATKIN, RONALD (1931-) - Maintain the Right; the Early History of the North West Mounted Police, 1873-1900
124208: ATKIN, RANDOLPH HENRY - Western Breezes, or Ballads of a Gringo
83719: ATKINS, DICK (ED. ) - Method to the Madness : (Hollywood Explained)
80588: ATKINS, DICK (ED. ) - Method to the Madness : (Hollywood Explained)
65853: ATKINS, DICK, ED. - Method to the Madness : (Hollywood Explained) / Edited by Dick Atkins Et Al ; and a Cast of Six
256278: ATKINS, G. DOUGLAS (GEORGE DOUGLAS) - T.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the word : intersections of literature and Christianity / G. Douglas Atkins
266174: ATKINS, ELIZABETH HOWARD - The Treasure Chest of the Medranos
225689: ATKINS, W. M. (WILLIAM MAYNARD) - The pictorial history of St. Paul's Cathedral : the official record
115399: ATKINS, SUSAN - Child of Satan, Child of God / Susan Atkins, with Bob Slosser
87661: ATKINS, GAIUS GLENN (1868-1956) - Procession of the Gods, by Gaius Glenn Atkins ... and Charles Samuel Braden ...
123036: ATKINS, DICK - Method to the Madness : (Hollywood Explained)
44402: ATKINS, GAIUS GLENN - The Making of the Christian Mind
91846: ATKINS, PAUL - The Flags of Dawn
205150: ATKINS, HEDLEY JOHN BARNARD, SIR, (1905-1983) - Tools of biological research / edited by H. J. Atkins, with an introduction by Sir Cyril Hinshelwood
100386: ATKINS, DICK (ED. ) - Method to the Madness : (Hollywood Explained)
81749: ATKINSON, BROOKS (1894-1983) - Broadway
36887: ATKINSON, B. W. AND GADD, ALAN - Weather
33164: ATKINSON, DICK - Orthodox Consensus and Radical Alternative - a Study in Sociological Theory
248151: ATKINSON, BARRY - Angling from the fishes' point of view
274409: ATKINSON, THOMAS DINHAM - English Architecture ... With 199 illustrations and a map
273545: ATKINSON, RON - Big Ron : a different ball game / written by Ron Atkinson with Peter Fitton
261578: ATKINSON, JOSEPH BEAVINGTON (1822-1886) - An art tour to northern capitals of Europe
210631: ATKINSON, D. SCOTT (1953-) - Winslow Homer in Gloucester / essays by D. Scott Atkinson and Jochen Wierich ; edited by Sue Taylor
190721: ATKINSON, GEOFFROY - Prelude to the Enlightenment : French literature, 1690-1740
182420: ATKINSON, KATE - Human croquet
169325: ATKINSON, AUSTEN - Lost civilizations : rediscovering ancient sites through new technology / Austen Atkinson
155561: ATKINSON, D. SCOTT. ENGEL, CHARLENE S. - An American pulse : the lithographs of George Wesley Bellows
146361: ATKINSON, DOROTHY. ALEXANDER DALLIN. GAIL WARSHOFSKY LAPIDUS (EDS. ) - Women in Russia / Edited by Dorothy Atkinson, Alexander Dallin, and Gail Warshofsky Lapidus
142906: ATKINSON, ANTHONY BARNES - Unequal Shares: Wealth in Britain
159331: ATKINSON, EDWARD (1827-1905) - The Margin of Profits; How it is Now Divided, What Part of the Present Hours of Labor Can Now be Spared. by Edward Atkinson ... an Address Delivered before the Central Labor Lyceum of Boston ... May 1, 1887
141113: ATKINSON, ROBERT E. - Spot Gardens; a Guide for Creating and Planting Miniature Gardens, Indoors and Outdoors, by Robert E. Atkinson
133679: ATKINSON, RAYMOND CUMINGS. LOUISE C. ODENCRANTZ. BEN DEMING - Public Employment Service in the United States, by Raymond C. Atkinson, Louise C. Odencrantz [And] Ben Deming
116053: ATKINSON, ROBERT E. - Spot Gardens : a Guide for Creating and Planting Miniature Gardens, Indoors and Outdoors
72509: ATKINSON, BROOKS (1894-1983) , ED. - College in a Yard Minutes by Thirty-Nine Harvard Men
52466: ATKINSON, EDWARD - The Distribution of Products, or the Mechanism and the Metaphysics of Exchange : Three Essays
46683: ATKINSON, THOMAS DINHAM (1864-) - English Architecture, by Thomas Dinham Atkinson. with 199 Illustrations and a Map
89231: ATKINSON, GEOFFROY - Prelude to the Enlightenment: French Literature, 1690-1740
104031: ATKINSON, HUGH C. - Theodore Dreiser; a Checklist, by Hugh C. Atkinson
152813: ATKINSON, BROOKS (1894-1983) - Broadway
267227: ATKINSON, J. C - British birds' eggs and nests / popularly described, by J. C. Atkinson ; illustrated by W.S. Coleman
169443: ATKINSON, BROOKS - Brief chronicles
152772: ATKINSON, ANTHONY BARNES. GRIFFITH, JOHN ANEURIN GREY - Socialism in a Cold Climate / Tony Atkinson ... [Et Al. ] ; John Griffith, Editor
263933: ATKINSON, GEOFFREY (1892-1960) - La littérature geographique française de la renaissance : répertoire bibliographique / [par] Geoffroy Atkinson
238691: ATKINSON, MICHAEL - A Short History of the Midland Gastroenterological Society 1967-1992
239423: ATKINSON, MICHAEL - A Short History of the Midland Gastroenterological Society 1967-1992
133136: ATKINSON, RONALD F. (1928-) - Sexual Morality / Ronald Atkinson
21614: ATKINSON, GEORGE - Rambles and Scrambles in Lakeland
202262: ATKINSON, WILLIAM WALKER (1862-1932) - The secret of mental magic : a course of seven lessons
86139: THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY COMPANY - RELATED NAME: KIMBALL, FISKE - The House Beautiful Furnishing Annual, 1926- a Comprehensive and Practical Manual for the Guidance of all Who Seek Comfortable and Attractive Homes, with Contributions and Suggestions by Experts in Every Department of Interior Design Finish and Furnishing
206464: ATLANTIC - Hungary : the Atlantic report on the world today, February, 1952
239810: ATLAS, JAMES. - Bellow : a biography / James Atlas
198178: ATLAS, ANATOLE - Manuscrits de la Mere-Rouge
124375: ATMORE, ANTHONY. GILLIAN STACEY. WERNER FORMAN (PHOTOG. ) - Black Kingdoms, Black Peoples : the West African Heritage / Anthony Atmore and Gillian Stacey ; Photos. by Werner Forman
280556: ATORA - Tough Guy Grub
230319: ATROSHENKO, V. I - The origins of the Romanesque : Near Eastern influences on European art, 4th-12th centuries / V.I. Atroshenko and Judith Collins ; with architectural drawings by Nigel Cox and other drawings by G.M. Mundy
63046: VAN ATTA, WINFRED - The Adam Sleep / Winfred Van Atta
77670: ATTANASIO, A. A. - In Other Worlds
277744: ATTAR, DENA - Cookery and Household Books Published in Britain 1800-1914: series editor and co-ordinator: Lynette Hunter: Volume One: Household Books Published in Britain 1800-1914
55001: ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID (1926-) - The Living Planet : a Portrait of the Earth / David Attenborough
82748: ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID (1926-?) - The Tribal Eye
257611: ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID - Life on air : memoirs of a broadcaster / David Attenborough
225240: ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID - Zoo quest to Guiana / With over 50 photos. incl. 5 in full colour by Charles Lagus and the author
111608: ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID (1926-) - Life on Earth : a Natural History / David Attenborough
203960: ATTERBOM, PER DANIEL AMADEUS (1790-1855) - Minne af Professoren i medicinen vid Upsala universitet Olof Rudbeck den aldre [Language: Swedish]
204329: ATTERBOM, P D A - Svenska siare och skalder; eller, Grunddragen af svenska vitterhetens hafder, intill och med Gustaf Den III's tidehvarf. Sjette Delens. [Language: Swedish]
204328: ATTERBOM, P. D. A. (PER DANIEL AMADEUS), (1790-1855) - Svenska siare och skalder; eller, Grunddragen af svenska vitterhetens hafder. Intill och med Gustaf III's tidehvarf tecknade af P. D. A. Atterbom [5 volumes in 3 - Language: Swedish]
204312: ATTERBOM, P D A - Poesiens historia [Language: Swedish] [4 vols in 2]
203805: ATTERBOM, PER DANIEL AMADEUS (1790-1855) - Litterara karakteristiker / af P.D.A. Atterbom [Complete 2 volumes in 1]
198185: ATTERBOM, P. D. A. (1790-1855) - Valda skrifter / P.S.A. Atterbom ; utgivna av Fredrik Book [complete, 6 volumes in 5 - language: Swedish]
97305: ATTERBURY, PAUL & MACKENZIE, JULIA - A Golden Adventure : the First 50 Years of Ultramar
268461: ATTERBURY, PAUL - Victorians at home and abroad
265760: ATTERBURY, PAUL - Moorcroft : a guide to Moorcroft pottery 1897-1993 / Paul Atterbury ; additional material by Beatrice Moorcroft
265248: ATTERIDGE, A. HILLIARD (ANDREW HILLIARD) - Napoleon's brothers / A. Hilliard Atteridge
263765: ATTILIO, ANTONINO - Poesie, con due lettere ad un poeta
224535: ATTIWILL, KENNETH - The Singapore story
252056: ATTLEE, C. R - Borough and urban district councils / based on a Fabian Tract by C. R. Attlee, revised by A. E. Lauder
178750: ATTLEE, C. R. (CLEMENT RICHARD) (1883-1967) - Purpose and policy : selected speeches
196590: ATTLEE, CLEMENT RICHARD, 1ST EARL ATTLEE, PRIME MINISTER. 1883-1967,NEW FABIAN RESEARCH BUREAU (GREAT BRITAIN) - The road to war : being an analysis of the National Government's foreign policy / with a preface by the Right Hon. C.R. Atlee
267011: ATTWATER, DONALD (1892-1977) - The Penguin dictionary of saints / Donald Attwater
208608: ATTWATER, DONALD - Bombs, babies and beatitudes
278424: ATTWELL, MABEL LUCIE - Lucie Attwell's annual / cover and illustrations by Mabel Lucie Attwell ; stories written by Penelope Douglas
266545: ATTWOOD, EDWARD LEWIS - Text-book of theoretical naval architecture / with 130 diagrs, by Edward L. Attwood
201130: ATTWOOD, PHILIP - Medals of dishonour / Philip Attwood & Felicity Powell
168207: ATTWOOD, EDWARD LEWIS (B. 1871) - War-ships : a text-book on the construction, protection, stability, turning, etc., of war vessels by Edward L. Attwood, ... With numerous diagrams
108274: ATTWOOD, JAMES P. - The Daggers and Edged Weapons of Hitler's Germany / James P. Atwood
86050: ATWAN, ROBERT, ED. - Bedside Hollywood : Great Scenes from Movie Memoirs / Edited by Robert Atwan and Bruce Forer ; Foreword by Jack Kroll
103680: ATWAN, ROBERT. BRUCE FORER (EDS. ) - Bedside Hollywood : Great Scenes from Movie Memoirs / Edited by Robert Atwan and Bruce Forer ; Foreword by Jack Kroll.
8547: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Blind Assassin
77501: ATWOOD, MARGARET (1939-). YOUNG, CATHERINE M. - To See Our World / Catherine M. Young ; with an Essay by Margaret Atwood and Quotations from the Journals of Henry David Thoreau
270122: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Alias Grace / Margaret Atwood
251393: ATWOOD, RODNEY - Roberts and Kitchener in South Africa 1900-1902 / Rodney Atwood
156798: ATWOOD, MARGARET (1939-) - The Robber Bride / Margaret Atwood
88250: ATWOOD, WALLACE WALTER (1872-1949) - The Rocky Mountains - Third Volume in the American Mountain Series, Edited by Roderick Peattie
239386: F.E. ATWOOD - Antiques : a monthly publication for collectors & amateurs ; volume seven, number two, February 1925
239388: F.E. ATWOOD - Antiques : a monthly publication for collectors & amateurs ; volume seven, number one, January 1925
263281: ATYEO, DON - The holy warrior, Muhammad Ali : an illustrated biography
268720: AU, SUSAN - Ballet and modern dance / Susan Au ; introduction by Selma Jeanne Cohen
201089: AU, ANDREAS MEINRAD VON (1712-1792) - Andreas Meinrad von Au, 1712-1792 : Katalog zur Ausstellung / im Auftrag von Landkreis, Kreisstadt und Gesellschaft fur Kunst und Kultur Sigmaringen, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Eugen Buri und Ingeborg Maria Buck
93510: AUB, JOSEPH CHARLES (1890-) - Pioneer in Modern Medicine: David Linn Edsall of Harvard, by Joseph C. Aub and Ruth K. Hapgood. Foreword by Paul Dudley White
244976: AUBERLEN, CARL AUGUST - Die göttliche Offenbarung, ein apologetischer Versuch
274759: AUBERT, MARCEL (1884-1962) - La cathédrale de Chartres / Marcel Aubert
270297: AUBERT, MARCEL (1884-1962) - Cathédrales et trésors gothiques de France / Marcel Aubert avec la collaboration de Simone Goubet
89441: AUBERT, LOUIS (B. 1876) - Les Maitres De L'Estampe Japonaise ... Avec 55 Planches Hors Texte [complete in 2 volumes]
58503: AUBERT, ROGER (ED. ) - Sacralization and Secularization / Edited by Roger Aubert. - (Volume 47)
150843: AUBERT, L. - La Vie Apres La Mort : Chez Les Israelites / Par L. Aubert
247170: AUBERT DE VERTOT D'AUBEUF, RENÉ - Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appellez depuis les Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui ... de Malte: tome premier
169876: AUBERT, L. - Que Reste-t-il l'ancient testament
198678: AUBERT DE LA CHESNAYE-DESBOIS, FRANCOIS-ALEXANDRE, (1699-1784) - Dictionnaire genealogique, heraldique, chronologique et historique, contenant l'origine et l'etat actuel des premieres maisons de France, des maisons souveraines & principales de l'Europe ... / par M.D.L.C.D.B [complete in 3 volumes]
275533: AUBERTIN, CHARLES (1825-1908) - L'esprit public au XVIIIe sičcle : étude sur les mémoires et les correspondances politiques des contemporains, 1715 ŕ 1789 / Charles Aubertin
263673: AUBERTIN, CAREY JOHN - A Caravan Afloat ... 24 illustrations from photos by the author
279164: D'AUBIGNÉ, JEAN H MERLE - Histoire de la Réformation du seizičme sičcle / tome 3
249671: D'AUBIGNE, J. H - History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century: volume IV
249670: D'AUBIGNE, J. H. BEVERIDGE, HENRY [TRANS.] - History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century: volume III
278925: D'AUBIGNE, JEAN HENRI MERLE - Histoire de la Réformation du seizičme sičcle. T. 1
144457: AUBIN, HERMANN - Der Deutsche Osten Und Das Abendland : Eine Aufsatzreihe / Hrsg. ... Von H. Aubin
213949: AUBINEAU, LEON - Les Jesuites au Bagne. Toulon.- Brest. - Rochefort. - Cayenne / par Leon Aubineau
60589: AUBOYER, JEANNINE - Buddha : a Pictorial History of His Life and Legacy / Jeannine Auboyer ; Photographs by Jean-Louis Nou ; Foreword by Huston Smith ; Epilogue by Heinrich Dumoulin. Uniform Title: Buddha. English
213908: AUBREY, JOHN (1626-1697) - Brief lives a selection based upon existing contemporary portratits edited by Richard Barber
220228: AUBREY, JOHN (1626-1697) - Wiltshire : The topographical collections of John Aubrey ... / corrected and enlarged by John Edward Jackson ... Published by the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society
204721: AUBREY, CRISPIN - Nukespeak, the media and the bomb / edited by Crispin Aubrey
221139: AUBREY, JOHN (1626-1697) - Brief lives : a selection based upon existing contemporary portraits / John Aubrey ; edited by Richard Barber
220175: AUBREY, JOHN (1626-1697) - Wiltshire : The topographical collections of John Aubrey ... / corrected and enlarged by John Edward Jackson ... Published by the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society
247579: AUBREY, JOHN - Brief Lives and Other Selected Writings (edited with an introduction and notes by Anthony Powell)
219249: AUBREY, JOHN (1626-1697) - Wiltshire : The topographical collections of John Aubrey, F.R.S., A.D. 1659-70, with illustration. Corrected and enlarged by John Edward Jackson
183356: AUBRY, OCTAVE (1881-1946) - The empress might-have-been : the love story of Marie Walewska and Napoleon. / Translated from the French by H. G. Dwight
142045: AUBRY, MARTINE. DUHAMEL, OLIVIER (1950-) - Petit Dictionnaire Pour Lutter Contre L'Extreme Droite / Martine Aubry, Olivier Duhamel
182241: AUBRY, G. JEAN - Sainte-Beuve : poete suisse
127818: AUBRY, G. JEAN - Sainte-Beuve: Poete Suisse
181562: AUBURN, H. W. (ED.) - Comparative banking : in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada... / edited by H.W. Auburn ; forewords by Per Jacobsson and Karl Blessing
129221: AUCHER, PASCHAL & BYRON, GEORGE GORDON, BARON BYRON (1788-1824) - A Grammar, Armenian and English
85489: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS (1917-) - Love Without Wings : Some Friendships in Literature and Politics
185787: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The partners
175524: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The book class
164322: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Life, Law, and Letters : Essays and Sketches / Louis Auchincloss
40766: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Exit Lady Masham / Louis Auchincloss ; Illustrated by Istvan Ventilla
48538: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Exit Lady Masham / Louis Auchincloss ; Illustrated by Istvan Ventilla
214651: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS. - The rector of Justin / Louis Auchincloss ; illustrated by Uldis Klavins
214214: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS. - The rector of Justin / Louis Auchincloss ; illustrated by Uldis Klavins
215132: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Winthrop covenant / Louis Auchinclss ; illustrated by Jerry Pinkney
48541: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Diary of a Yuppie / Louis Auchincloss ; Frontispiece by Jeffrey Smith
113216: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Reflections of a Jacobite
40133: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Reflections of a Jacobite
177508: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS STANTON - A law for the lion
177488: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Portrait in brownstone
175529: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The cat and the King
73570: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - A World of Profit
170913: AUCOUTURIER, MARIE - Longchamp
255261: BLOOMSBURY AUCTIONS - Erotica : including books, objets d'art, watercolours & drawings, prints & photographs, film posters
230091: BLOOMSBURY AUCTIONS - Photographs and photobooks
253099: BLOOMSBURY BOOK AUCTIONS (FIRM) - Books from the Bibliotheca Mechanica (the collection of Verne L. Roberts) : and books on horology. 2002 June 27
277321: AUDEN, W. H. (WYSTAN HUGH) (1907-1973) - Epistle to a godson, and other poems
277301: AUDEN, W. H. (WYSTAN HUGH) (1907-1973) - Epistle to a godson : and other poems
237384: AUDEN, W. H. (WYSTAN HUGH) (1907-1973); MENDELSON, EDWARD, EDITOR - The complete works of W.H. Auden: Prose. v3 1949-1955 / edited by Edward Mendelson
230268: AUDEN, WYSTAN HUGH (1907-1973). - City without walls : and other poems
230215: AUDEN, W. H. (WYSTAN HUGH) (1907-1973) - Thank you fog: last poems
252767: AUDEN, W. H. (WYSTAN HUGH) (1907-1973) - Selected poems
193767: AUDEN, W. H. (1907-1973) ; ISHERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER (1904-1986) - The ascent of F6 : a tragedy in two acts / W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood
6099: AUDEN, WYSTAN HUGH (1907-1973) - On the Frontier; a Melodrama in Three Acts, by W. H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood
203598: AUDEN, W. H. (WYSTAN HUGH) (1907-1973) - Poems
266626: AUDEN, W. H - Oxford book of light verse / [chosen by W.H. Auden]
230210: AUDEN, W. H. (WYSTAN HUGH) (1907-1973) - Some Poems
181712: AUDEN, WYSTAN HUGH (1907-1973) - Making, knowing and judging : an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 11 June 1956
32996: AUDEN, HAROLD ALLDEN (1874- ) - Sulphur and Sulphur Derivatives
236694: AUDIAT, PIERRE - Ainsi vécut Victor Hugo
236322: AUDIAT, PIERRE (1891-1961) - L'Aurélia de Gérard de Nerval
235810: AUDIAT, PIERRE - La biographie de l'uvre littéraire : esquisse d'une méthode critique
273604: AUDIAU, JEAN - Les poésies de quatre troubadours d'ussel
204481: AUDIBERT, RENE - Echos libertaires, No.10 / redaction: Rene Audibert
165512: AUDIFFRET-PASQUIER, EDME ARMAND GASTON, DUC D', (1823-1905) - La Maison De France Et L'Assemblee Nationale : Souvenirs Du Duc D'Audiffret-Pasquier, 1871-1873 / Publies Par Son Petit-Fils, Le Duc D'Audiffret-Pasquier ; Preface De Gabriel Hanotaux
218953: AUDIN, MARIUS - Le livre, son architecture, sa technique
126847: AUDIN, M. (JEAN MARIE VINCENT) (1793-1851) - Histoire De Leon X Et De Son Siecle
215916: CAHIER INTERNATIONAL SUR LE TEMOIGNANE AUDIOVISUEL - Etudes sur le temoignage audiovisuel des victimes des crimes et genocides Nazis = Studies on the audio-visual testimony of victims of the Nazi crimes and genocides
146636: AUDIT, GEORGE - The Polish conspiracy. Full story of the Polish-Goebbels plot to save Hitler, April 11-April 30, 1943
217641: AUDIT, GEORGE - Poland and the Peace
217624: AUDIT, GEORGE - The Polish Conspiracy: full story of the Polish-Goebbels plot to save Hitler, April 11- April 30, 1943
205642: AUDIT, GEORGE - The Polish conspiracy : full story of the Polish-Goebbels plot to save Hitler, April 11-April 30, 1943
206210: AUDIT, GEORGE - The Polish conspiracy : full story of the Polish-Goebbels plot to save Hitler, April 11-April 30, 1943
221742: AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES (1785-1851). PATTERSON, DANIEL (1953-) - John James Audubon's journal of 1826 : the voyage to the Birds of America ; edited and with an introduction by Daniel Patterson
158690: AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES (1785-1851) - The John James Audubon Portfolio : a Selection of the Original Drawings and Watercolors used in the making of Birds of America, accompanied by a choice of Audubon's writings
226768: AUEL, JEAN M. - The Mammoth Hunters
226738: AUEL, JEAN M. - The plains of Passage
51297: AUERBACH, PAUL S. - Diving the Rainbow Reefs : Adventures of an Underwater Photographer
40820: AUERBACH, NINA (1943-) - Communities of Women : an Idea in Fiction / Nina Auerbach
274942: AUERBACH, ERNA - Paintings and sculpture at Hatfield House / a catalogue compiled by Erna Auerbach and C. Kingsley Adams
273610: AUERBACH, FRANK - Frank Auerbach / edited by Catherine Lampert ; essay by T.J. Clark
59611: AUERBACH, JEROLD S. - Rabbis and Lawyers : the Journey from Torah to Constitution / Jerold S. Auerbach
232113: AUERBACH, BERTHOLD. GUT, ELIAS - Berthold Auerbach: Eine Auswahl aus seinen Schriften
13107: AUERBACH, JOSEPH (1916-) - Investment Banking and Diligence : What Price Deregulation? / Joseph Auerbach and Samuel L. Hayes, III
145331: AUERBACH, ELIAS (1882-) - Wuste Und Gelobtes Land : Geschichte Israels Von Den Anfängen Bis Zum Tode Salomos, Von Elias Auerbach. Mit 18 Bildtafeln Und 8 Abbildungen Im Text
169961: AUFLAGE, DRITTE - Theodor Korner / Gedenkbuch fur die Deutsche jugend
39890: AUFSCHNEIDER, PIERRE (1909-) - Manuel Pratique De Reliure a L'Usage Des Amateurs Et Des Débutants
191835: AUGE-LARIBE, MICHEL (1876-1954) - Situation de l'agriculture francaise 1930-1939 : ses capacites de developpement, sa part dans les echanges internationaux, d'apres les documents officiels, avec 3 graphiques et 28 cartes
39399: AUGE, E, - Notre-Dame De Bonsecours, Vingt-Cinq Dessins Par Fraipont
191891: AUGENER (MUSIC PUBLISHERS) - Album for Pianoforte Duet
20877: AUGER, BOYD - The Architect and the Computer
27289: AUGSBURGER, MYRON S. - Invitation to Discipleship : the Message of Evangelism
113391: AUGSTEIN, RUDOLF (1923-) - Konrad Adenauer. with a Chronological Introd. Compiled by the Staff of Der Spiegel. Translated from the German by Walter Wallich
140865: AUGUR, PSEUD. I. E. VLADIMIR POLYAKOV - Germany in Europe
47750: AUGUST, EUGENE R. (1935-) - John Stuart Mill : a Mind At Large
277594: AUGUST, EUGENE - John Stuart Mill : a mind at large
236576: AUGUSTE VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM, COMTE DE - Correspondance genérale de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam et documents inédits. Complete in two volumes
196251: AUGUSTE LOUIS CESAR MONTAGU, MARQUIS DE - Études sociales d'apres la revelation : reponse a M. Donoso Cortes; Solidarite vue synthetique sur la doctrine de ch. fourier par Renaud, Hippolyte
258242: AUGUSTEIJN, JOOST - From public defiance to guerrilla warfare : the experience of ordinary volunteers in the Irish War of Independence, 1916-1921 / Joost Augusteijn
252707: L'ORDRE DE S. AUGUSTIN - Breviaire tire' du Romain, accommode a l'usage des religieuses hospitalieres de la misericorde de Jesus, de l'ordre de S. Augustin
259829: AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, SAINT (354-430) - The conversion of Saint Augustine : a selection from the 'Confessions' / edited with a translation by A. J. McIver
203417: AUGUSTINE, SAINT, BISHOP OF HIPPO - The confessions of Saint Augustine / a new translation with introductions by E.M. Blaiklock
250345: AUGUSTINE SAINT, BISHOP OF HIPPO - The city of God against the pagans. 1 Books 1-3 / Saint Augustine ; with an English translation by George E.McCracken
11204: AUGUSTINY, JULIUS - Kurzer Abriss Des Madschamedialekts
240674: AUILER, DAN - Hitchcock's secret notebooks : an authorised and illustrated look inside the creative mind of Alfred Hitchcock / Dan Auiler
58566: AUKSTAKALNIS, STEVE - Silicon Mirage : the Art and Science of Virtual Reality
204121: STOCKHOLMS STADS AUKTIONSVERK - J. Viktor Johanssons boksamling. Forteckning upprattad av Stockholms Stads Auktionsverk [Language: Swedish]
141895: AULEN, GUSTAF (1879-1977) - Jesus in Contemporary Historical Research
71814: AULETTA, KEN - Three Blind Mice : How the TV Networks Lost Their Way
188601: AULNEAU, J. - Les aspirations autonomistes en Europe : leçons faites ŕ l'École des hautes études sociales / par mm. J. Aulneau, F. Delaisi [etc.]
192963: AULNEAU, J. (JOSEPH), (B. 1879) - Le Rhin et la France : histoire politique et economique
139187: AULT, NORMAN (1880-1950) - Life in Ancient Britain; a Survey of the Social and Economic Development of the People of England from Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest
58594: AULTMAN, DICK - The Methods of Golf's Masters : How They Played, and What You Can Learn from Them / Dick Aultman & Ken Bowden ; Illustrated by Anthony Ravielli ; Introd. by Herbert Warren Wind ; Research Associate, Barbara Kelly
227464: AULTON, MARGARET - Fair Touraine : stories and legends of the Loire
227465: AULTON, MARGARET - Fair Touraine : Stories and legends of the Loire ... Illustrated with eighty facsimile reproductions of original drawings, and thirteen
265926: AULTON, MARGARET - Fair Touraine : stories and legends of the Loire
48263: AUMANN, FRANCIS ROBERT (1901-) - The Changing American Legal System : Some Selected Phases
35969: AUMONIER, STACY WITH CYRIL FALLS, ALDOUS HUXLEY, P. G. WODEHOUSE AND OTHERS - Georgian Stories 1924 : with Portraits / Aumonier, Stacy with Cyril Falls, Aldous Huxley, P. G. Wodehouse and Others
85918: AUMONT, JEAN PIERRE - Sun and Shadow ; with a Foreword by Francois Truffaut ; Translated from the French by Bruce Benderson
280233: AUNGIER, GEORGE JAMES. CAMDEN SOCIETY - Croniques de London depuis l'an 44 Hen. III jusqu'ŕ l'an 17 Edw. III
183886: AUNOS, EDUARDO - L'Espagne contemporaine, histoire d'une grande crise politique et sociale, 1810-1939
174431: CARTEA DE AUR - Problema rurala : expropriera - datoriile agricole de St. Antim
146029: AURAND, AMMON MONROE (1895-1956) - Little Known Facts about Bundling in the New World
234290: AUREL, MARC - Selbstbetrachtungen
131854: AURENCHE, HENRY - La Fortune De Marysienka. [A Biography of Mary Casimira, Queen Consort of John III. , King of Poland. ]
278944: AURENT, CLAUDE - Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes ... : un anarchiste face au probleme paysan
26660: D'AURIA, R. - 1st Torino Meeting on Superunification and Extra Dimensions, 22-28 September 1985, Torino, Italy / sponsored by I.S.I. (Institute for Scientific Interchange), I.N.F.N. (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), UniversitĂ di Torino ; edited by R. D'Auria
184689: AURIANT, [PSEUD. I.E. ALEXANDRE HADJIVASSILIOU] - Un ecrivain original : M. Andre Maurois / Auriant
176616: AURIANT (PSEUD.) - Quatre heros d'Alphonse Daudet: Sapho, Flamant, Alice Dore, Tartarin. Suivi de 14 essais
279084: AURIOL, VINCENT (1884-1966) - Hier demain, 1
244232: AURIOL, VINCENT (1884-1966) - Hier demain / par Vincent Auriol: 2
84595: AURNESS, CRAIG - Los Angeles / Introduction by Ray Bradbury ; Photography by Craig Aurness, Bill Ross & West Light
65930: AURNESS, CRAIG - Los Angeles / Introduction by Ray Bradbury ; Photography by Craig Aurness, Bill Ross & West Light
85113: AURNESS, CRAIG - Los Angeles / Introduction by Ray Bradbury ; Photography by Craig Aurness, Bill Ross & West Light
194968: AURORA ART PUBLISHERS. PAVLOV, G. - The Soviet political poster - a portfolio collection of 31, full-color posters / [introd. by] G. Pavlov
260348: MULTIPLE AURTHORS - Battle of giants eye-witnesses' stories from the Russian Front
222540: AUSCHER, E. S. (ERNEST SIMON) - A history and description of French porcelain
121326: AUSLANDER, JOSEPH (1897-1965) - The Unconquerables; Salutes to the Undying Spirit of the Nazi-Occupied Countries, by Joseph Auslander
105456: AUSLANDER, JOSEPH - Letters to Women, by Joseph Auslander. Frontispiece Woodcut and Decorations by Clare Leighton
37747: AUSLANDER, JOSEPH (1897-1965) - Hell in Harness
27711: AUSLANDER, JOSEPH (1897-1965) - Cyclop's Eye
188200: UNIVERSITAT BERLIN. BEIRAT FUR AUSLANDSTUDIEN - Lebensfragen des Britischen Weltreiches / behandelt von C. H. Becker...[et al.] ; mit einen Geleitwort von Erich Marcks
274450: AUSONIUS, DECIMUS MAGNUS - Ausonius. Vol.2 / with an English translation by Hugh G. Evelyn White
274451: AUSONIUS, DECIMUS MAGNUS - Ausonius. Vol.1 / with an English translation by Hugh G. Evelyn White
262245: AUSSTELLUNG 'DIE ZEIT DER STAUFER', 1977 - Die Zeit der Staufer : Geschichte, Kunst, Kultur. Ausstellung, Württembergisches Landesmuseum, Stuttgart, (26. März - 5. Juni) 1977. Katalog - 4 volumes
234722: DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCHDIENST (DAAD) - Studium, Forschung, Lehre im Ausland : Förderungsmöglichkeiten für Deutsche ; akademisches Jahr 2002/2003
234246: DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCHDIENST - Musik : das Studium der Musik in Grossbritannien
27975: AUSTEN, BRIAN - English Provincial Posts, 1633-1840 : a Study Based on Kent Examples
276678: AUSTEN-LEIGH, JAMES EDWARD (1798-1874) - A memoir of Jane Austen
276674: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Volume the first
276675: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Lady Susan
276676: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Volume the third, now first printed from the manuscript in the Bodleian Library / edited by R. W. Chapman
276677: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Fragment of a novel / written by Jane Austen, January-March 1817. Now first printed from the manuscript ; [Ed. by R. W. Chapman]
252460: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Lady Susan : and. The Watsons
251564: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Lady Susan ; The Watsons ; Sanditon
221313: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - The complete illustrated novels of Jane Austen [Vol 1 only]
195788: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Jane Austen: The complete novels
189089: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817). BLYTHE, RONALD (1922-) - Emma / edited with an introduction by Ronald Blythe
182737: AUSTEN-LEIGH, JAMES EDWARD - A memoir of Jane Austen by her nephew / J.E. Austen-Leigh ; introduction by Fay Weldon
247610: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Northanger Abbey / Jane Austen
78754: AUSTEN, JOHN [COMPILER] - 'Rogues in Porcelain' a Miscellany of Eighteenth Century Poems, Compiled & Decorated by John Austen
201186: AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) - Jane Austen's letters to her sister Cassandra and others / collected and edited by R. W. Chapman
211514: AUSTERLITZ, FRITZ (1862-1931) - Austerlitz spricht : ausgewa¨hlte Aufsatze und Reden von Friedrich Austerlitz / im Auftrage der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei Deutschosterreichs ; hrsg. von Julius Braunthal
249017: AUSTIN, ALEXANDER BERRY - Fighter command / Alexander Berry Austin
63875: AUSTIN, JOHN (1922-) - Hollywood's Unsolved Mysteries
48815: AUSTIN, MARY HUNTER (1868-1934) - The Flock. Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith
272915: AUSTIN, E - Anecdotage, or, Stray leaves from the note books of a provincial reporter
258724: AUSTIN, ROGER T. (ROGER TILSTON) - Robert Chessher of Hinckley 1750-1831 : first English orthopaedist
221319: AUSTIN, MARY HUNTER (1868-1934) - The Flock. Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith
19220: AUSTIN, M. M. - Economic & Social History of Ancient Greece An Introduction
249850: AUSTIN, STANLEY ELSTON - The Collector's Magazine: with which is incorporated the Printseller and Collector: vol. II: January to December 1904
72693: AUSTIN, JAMES C. , DR. - Fields of the Atlantic Monthly: Letters to an Editor, 1861-1870
61686: AUSTIN, JAMES C. - Fields of the Atlantic Monthly: Letters to an Editor, 1861-1870
227820: AUSTIN, ALFRED (1835-1913) - The garden that I love
116786: AUSTIN, ALFRED (1835-1913) - Lamia's Winter-Quarters, by Alfred Austin
185490: AUSTIN, BERTRAM - The secret of high wages
222384: AUSTIN, STANLEY - The History of Engraving from its inception to the time of Thomas Bewick
165651: AUSTIN, ALEX (ED. ) - War!
265843: AUSTIN, BERTRAM - The secret of high wages
40276: AUSTIN, RICHARD - Images of the Dance
65776: AUSTIN, ALFRED (1835-1913) - Lamia's Winter-Quarters
102029: AUSTIN, LEONARD - Around the World in San Francisco, by Leonard Austin; Foreword by Louis Adamic, Pictures by Pauline Vinson
223470: AUSTIN, ROBERT B. ; NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE (U.S.) - Early American medical imprints : a guide to works printed in the United States, 1668-1820
170303: AUSTIN, DENNIS (1922- ) - Britain and South Africa Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
32254: AUSTIN, BERTRAM AND LLOYD, W. FRANCIS - The Secret of High Wages
51110: AUSTIN, JAMES C. - Artemus Ward
72191: AUSTIN, GEORGE LOWELL (1849-1893) - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; His Life, His Works, His Friendships
195874: AUSTIN, DENNIS (1922-) - West Africa and the Commonwealth
215072: AUSTRALIA. ROYAL COMMISSION ON ESPIONAGE. OWEN, W. F. L. PHILP, R. F. B. LIGERTWOOD, G. C. - Report of the Royal Commission on Espionage : 22nd August 1955 / W.F.L. Owen, R.F.B. Philp, G.C. Ligertwood, Commissioners
122846: CREATIVE SOURCE AUSTRALIA - The Wizards of Oz
206256: COMMUNIST PARTY OF AUSTRALIA - Handbook for tutors
244503: UNITED STATES ALLIED COMMISSION AUSTRIA - The rehabilitation of Austria (1945-1947) / Volume 2
163064: AUSTRIA - Katholische Stimmen Aus Osterreich ; Zweiter Band
239444: AUSTYN, JONATHAN M - New prospects for medicine / edited by Jonathan M. Austyn
72123: AUSUBEL, NATHAN (1899-?) - Pictorial History of the Jewish People, from Bible Times to Our Own Day Throughout the World
228508: AUSUBEL, NATHAN (1898-1986) - Pictorial history of the Jewish people : from Bible times to our own day throughout the world
71270: AUSUBEL, NATHAN (1899-) - Pictorial History of the Jewish People, from Bible Times to Our Own Day Throughout the World
49150: AUSUBEL, HERMAN - Historians and Their Craft: a Study of the Presidential Addresses of the American Historical Association, 1884-1945 Number 567
35837: AUSUBEL, HERMAN - In Hard Times; Reformers Among the Late Victorians
21478: AUSUBEL, HERMAN - In Hard Times Reformers Among the Late Victorians
45087: AUSUBEL, HERMAN - John Bright, Victorian Reformer
56018: AUSUBEL, NATHAN (1899-) - Pictorial History of the Jewish People, from Bible Times to Our Own Day Throughout the World
93547: AUSUBEL, HERMAN - In Hard Times; Reformers Among the Late Victorians
205535: AUSUBEL, NATHAN (1899-1986) - Pictorial history of the Jewish people : from Bible times to our own day throughout the world
207556: AUSUBEL, HERMAN - In hard times : reformers among the late Victorians
179171: AUSWARTIGES AMTES, GERMANY - Akten zur deutschen auswartigen Politik, 1918-1945 : Serie D (1937-1945) - band 3 - Deutschland under Spanische Burgerkreig, 1936-1939
231945: AUTENRIETH, JOHANNE (1923-) - Kirchenrechtliche Texte im Bodenseegebiet : mittelalterliche uberlieferung in Konstanz, auf der Reichenau und in St. Gallen / Johanne Autenrieth u. Raymund Kottje
269550: YOUNG INDIAN AUTHOR - Rose Clarendon, or, The trials of true love
220308: UNKNOWN AUTHOR - Il Marmo delle Alpi Apuane [photo album]
8165: THE AUTHOR OF MISS MOLLY, INGELHEIM - Dan Riach - Socialist
185287: UNKNOWN AUTHOR [SOMETIMES ATTRIBUTED TO DANIEL DEFOE (TRENT, MOORE, NOVAK)] - The annals of King George, year the second : being a faithful history of the affairs of Great Britain, for the year MDCCXVI containing also a full and compleat history of the rebellion
185316: UNKNOWN AUTHOR - A Magyar Geniusz : Rovid tanulmanyok nemzetunk muvelodesenek tortenetebol ket reszbe [2 vols. bound in 1 - Language : Hungarian]
219912: UNKNOWN AUTHOR - Typography : sample portfolio folder
176089: UNKNOWN AUTHOR - Proces contre le Duc d'Aumale et la Baronne de Feucheres
175854: UNKNOWN AUTHOR - Socialism as a Briton sees it
221392: UNKNOWN AUTHOR - Personal photo album / scrapbook : ca. late 19th century. Original images of Italy and Switzerland
7476: [WILLIAM CLARKE] THE AUTHOR OF 'THE CIGAR' - Every Night Book Or, Life after Dark
262280: BY THE AUTHOR OF 'JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN,' ECT - Poems by the author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman,' ect
264259: THE AUTHOR OF 'THE PICTURE GALLER,' ECT - Fire-Side Stories; or, recollections of my school-fellows
280479: COLLECTED FROM THE BEST AUTHORITIES - The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, during the Third Parliament of his present Majesty King George II. held in the years 1742, and 1743 ; together with the last determination of the House relating to contested elections: being the fourtheenth volume from the Restoration of King Charles II [ect.]
209679: EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY - Enjoying Exmoor : the National Park in words and pictures / Exmoor National Park Authority
189065: ASCOT AUTHORITY - Royal Ascot 2000
234734: CUSTOM HOUSE DOCKS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - Custom House Docks, Dublin : planning scheme
252911: SOUTH WEST WATER AUTHORITY - South West Water's guide to angling and recreation / South West Water
109492: BIBLE. ENGLISH. AUTHORIZED - Holy Bible; Authorized or King James Version. Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues and with all Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. Pictorial Pronouncing Dictionary and Other Interesting Instructive Features
231294: BIBLE. ENGLISH. AUTHORIZED - The Holy Bible : reprinted according to the Authorised version 1611 - Complete in 5 volumes
138897: BIBLE. O. T. APOCRYPHA. ENGLISH. AUTHORIZED (1924-) - The Apocrypha : Reprinted According to the Authorised Version, 1611
198319: BIBLE. ENGLISH. AUTHORIZED - The Holy Bible : Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised
214605: AUTHORJENNINGS, PAUL FRANCIS (1918-?) - The living village : a report on rural life in England and Wales, based on actual village scrapbooks
280638: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Small Archive of reports and pamphlets concerning Women's Organisations
249217: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - 'Dante':revue de culture Latine: Huitieme Annee: VIII: Septieme Annee No. 1-2 (Fascicile 48) : Janvier-Fevrier 1938: Sommaire
249216: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - 'Dante':revue de culture Latine: Huitieme Annee: IX: No. 1-2 (Fascicile 54) : Janvier-Fevrier 1939: Sommaire
277190: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Tales of Adventure
277163: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Children's Friend: a monthly magazine for Boys and Girls: volume XL: January to December, 1900
276146: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Sermons preached by several of the People called Quakers: exactly taken in short-hand as they were delivered by them at their Meeting-Houses, in Grace-Church-Street, Devonshire-HOuse, St. Martin's-le-Grand, St. John's-Street, Wheeler-Street, and Ratcliffe, in and about London
275795: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Collected Pamphlets Relating to The Aborigines
275593: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Royal Treasury of England: or, an historical account of all taxes, under what denomination soever, from the conquest to this present year
275594: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Social Science: collected pamphletes
275553: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Imprimerie Gourmontienne: bulletin trimestriel consacré a remy de gourmont et rédigé par se amis: aout-sept-oct. 1921: no. IV
273101: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Charges, Sermons &c.: collected pamphlets
273063: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - A Brief History of Dorset's County Yeomanry
272441: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Champion Annual: 1955
272443: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Tip Top Book: 1951
272427: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Stories for Boys
272428: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Thrilling Books for Boys
272429: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Fifty-Second Annual Volume: Young England
272430: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Fifty-Second Annual Volume: Young England
272432: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Girl's Adventure Book
272174: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Big Bumper Budget For Children
272177: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Tale for Tinies
272180: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Champion Annual for Boys: 1949
272169: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Ideal Books for Boys
272164: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Ideal Books for Boys: 309-305
272165: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Ideal Books for Boys
270525: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Spectator: with sketches of the lives of the authors: and explanatory notes: vol. IV
270520: THE AUTHORS - Rejected Addresses: or, the new theatrum poetarum
270376: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Parliamentary Reform
270323: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE. MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Walter del La Mare: Books: the journal of the National Book League: No. 301: April-May 1056
269995: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Annales des Travaux Publics de Belgique: cahier IV - tome XLVII
267600: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Great Leaders: and national issues of 1896: with over 100 portraits and illustrations
267139: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Armour in Profile: 6 issues: Military armoured vehicles
266112: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Theatre Record: Pre-1920 American Theatre archive (New York and Boston)
266041: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Richard Hale Photo Archive: four photographs
265868: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Theatrum veritatis et iustitiae sive decisivi discursus: ad veritatem editi in forensibus controuersijs, canonicis, & ciuilibus, in quibus, in Vrbe Aduocatus, pro vna partium scripsit, vel consultus respondit: IO Baptista De Luca venvsinvs: per materias seu titulos distincti iuxta proximam indicem post praefationem: Liber Septimus
265859: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Elegant Extracts from the most eminent prose writers: in two volumes
264886: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Soviet-Polish Relations
264536: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Der Kampf: in seven volumes
261549: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - La Lente : storia, scienza, curiosita attraverso la collezione Fritz Rathschuler, catalogo della mostra, Genova, 5 marzo -5 giugno 1988, Museo civico di storia naturale 'G.Doria'
261322: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Pamphlets: Sociological, Historical and Economical: volume: index
261060: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Poetry Review: Afro-Asian Caribbean focus - Vol. 80 No. 4
260584: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Essays of British essayists : including biographical and critical sketches / with a special introduction by Chauncey C. Starkweather - Vol. 1
260548: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Cahiers sloniens: Tables de l'annee 1954 (VIII Annee)
260521: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Inside story
260526: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Le temps parallčle : Revue de création poétique
260492: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Extracts from the journal of theological studies - Vol. 15, part 2
260468: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Europe : revue mensuelle. 30e année, no.74-75, février-mars 1952 Numéro spécial: Victor Hugo
260402: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Monadnock only an amateur magazine for love only
260307: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Stille nacht, heillige nacht fur jung und alt
259803: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Histoire de Pologne
259047: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The dictionary of art / edited by Jane Shoaf Turner. V.15, Hungary, section 6: Ceramics to Iran, ancient - Vol. 1
258687: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Réalités secrčtes : cahiers de littérature - Vol. 4
258631: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Interrogations : revue internationale de recherche anarchiste
257991: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Scottish Journal of Theology - Vol. 28
257964: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Syndicalisme et corporations ; L'Homme réel. no. 15/16
257960: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - L'Homme réel. Revue mensuelle du syndicalisme et de l'humanisme. No. 37
257882: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Christian citizen
257884: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - NOW volume 6
257886: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Conference on Christian politics, economics and citizenship
257874: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Into the 10th decade : tribute to Bertrand Russell
257820: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - People's power in Mozambique & Guinea Bissau
257814: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Un mois avec les Juifs d'U.R..S.S. - Bulletin mensuel mai 1981
254192: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Fortnightly Review: Contemporary Review (19th century)
253924: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Poets of England and America; being selections from the best authors of both countries
253904: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - La Famille
253363: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Fishing with the experts : a new look at the wonderful world of angling / edited by Charles Wade ; contributors, Conrad Voss Bark
252925: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Successful angling : coarse fishing tackle and methods
252828: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - DC big carp
252748: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Spreekkamergeluiden
252226: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Great angling stories / Selected and edited by John M. Dickie
252210: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Carpworld yearbook
251693: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Mr Crabtree's fishing with the experts: Sea fishing, coarse fishing, fly fishing
251477: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - In the hand of God
262481: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Autobiography : a collection of the most instructive and amusing lives ever published / written by the parties themselves
262503: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Modern painters: A quarterly journal of the fine arts - Vol. 1, No. 2
262504: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Modern painters: A quarterly journal of the fine arts - Vol. 1, No. 1
262505: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Modern painters: A quarterly journal of the fine arts - Vol. 2, No. 3
262540: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Gazette - Vol. 5 issue 1 and 2 - International Journal for Mass Communication Studies
219536: FIFTH OF JUNE SOCIETY / VARIOUS AUTHORS - Fifth of June Society [a small archive of journal articles, offprints and promotional material]
277184: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Collected 19th century Tracts of British Historical Sites and other subjects
243968: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Proces de Montalembert (1858); Le Pape et Le Congres: la guerrioniere (1859); L'Empereur Rome et le Roi d'Italie (1861); Lettre Sur L'Histoire de France: duc d'aumale; La Politique Anglaise (1860)
261923: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Cupid's horn-book : songs and ballads of marriage and of cuckoldry / written by various hands & embellished with cuts by Richard Floethe
179689: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivers of Great Britain : The Thames, from source to sea : descriptive, historical, pictorial / [by various authors]
253866: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the end of the reign of James II - Fron the reign of William and Mary to the death of George II - From the accession of George III to the twenty-thrid year of the reign of Queen Victoria in three volumes
253220: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Collected Notated pieces for Piano-Forte
246641: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - British Theatre: 22 volumes
189469: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Essays of the year (1929-1930) [edited by F.J.H. Darton]
278048: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Collections: Historical and Miscellaneous: 18th century: New Hampshire
253231: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Annals of England: an epitome of English History: from contemporary writers, the rolls of parliament, and other public records
252096: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Fight for freedom - A black paper edited by C. B. Cox and A. E. Dyson
252071: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Britain to-day No. 130
252065: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Japanese-American relations : an AEI Round Table held on 17 December 1974 at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C
252062: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Soviet Union Everyman's Book
251843: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Library of Choice Literature: prose and poetry selected from the most admired authors: in three volumes
251801: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Handbuch Der Psychologie: in eight volumes
251677: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Examen de la proposition de messieurs Dubus et Brabant
251534: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Profiles (II) selected from 'The New York'
249255: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Famous Trials III
242074: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Le Parnasse contemporain : recueil de vers nouveaux. 1876
254329: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Francisco Salzillo - I maestri della scultura
254334: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Chefs-d'oeuvres de l'art - Grands peintres: Kokoschka
272437: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Champion Annual: 1941
212324: VARIOUS AUTHORS (T. S. ELIOT, CECIL DAY-LEWIS, A. A. MILNE AND OTHERS) - The Queen's book of the Red Cross / with a message from Her Majesty the Queen and contributions by fifty British authors and artists
231698: GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. VARIOUS AUTHORS - List of the Geological Society of London. November 1st 1870. BOUND with The society's Charter and Bye-Laws (1869), Cat. of the published Maps etc. (1868), Campbell's Harmony of Revelation and the Sciences (1864) and 2 others
245601: THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. VARIOUS AUTHORS - The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: from the restoration to the present time: volume V
249336: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Four English comedies of the 17th and 18th centuries : Volpone ;The Way of the World ;She Stoops to Conquer ;The School for Scandal - Edited by J. M. Morrell
272171: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The World's Best Boys' Annual: sport, travel, adventure in many lands
280587: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Points et Contrepoints: No. 54, Octobre 1960
250734: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Winterstein: Vol. I: Part 1: 3: Index
250227: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Presence universitaire: Revue interuniversitaire des etudiants catholiques du Congo, du Rwanda et du Burundi
250103: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Collection of Oxford Pamphlets: 1914-1915 in 21 volumes
250052: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Socialism and national minimum
250036: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - 100 questions, 100 answers : GDR / [authors, Günter Albrecht ... et al. ; translated by Intertext Berlin
249988: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The achievements of Soviet economics in the first postwar five year plan period
249972: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Muller, Bredekamp, Hinz, Verspohl, Fredel, Apitzch ; Autonomie der Kunst zur Genese und Kritik einer burgerlichen Kategorie
249967: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Scotland's gardens scheme
249938: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Mélanges D'économie Politique: in two volumes
245047: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Miscellaneous Papers: Water Divining Devices
249963: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - L'encyclopedie des jardins et maisons de campagne Tome 2
245417: THE MOTHERS' UNION. VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mothers In Council: Vol. XXIII: January, 1913, No. 89 - October, 1913, No. 92
245397: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Africa and Its Exploration as told by Its Explorers: volume II
280536: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Nether Whiteacre Nuggets: a selection of Village Recipes
242890: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Det Nya Europa. Utgiven till Sverges Kommunistiska Partis trettioĺrsjubileum, den 13-16 maj 1947. [By various authors. With portraits.]
271090: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Reproduktionen alter Einbände aus Monatshefte für graphisches Kunstgewerbe.
203651: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Chatterbox
280463: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Child's Picture Reading Book: Second Part: Nursery Morals: chiefly in monosyllables
262441: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Miscellaneous plays
254159: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - La France et L'Europe ; La Patrie Francaise
254166: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Second Part of the Modern Conveyancer or Conveyancing Imposed: being a choice collection of Presidents on most occasions: vol. I
250681: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Negotiating South Africa's future / editors, Hermann Giliomee, Lawrence Schlemmer ; in conjunction with Centre for Policy Studies, University of the Witwatersrand
244119: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Marxist-Leninist ideology will certainly overcome revisionism. 2
262854: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Das Musikinstrument
245202: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Collected Pamphlets about Palestine
220291: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Italy - Abyssinia : collection of 5 pamphlets, 1935-1936
115536: CELEBRATED AUTHORS - The Garland of Poetry and Prose by Celebrated Authors / with Numerous Engravings by Eminent Artists
242780: SUISSE CONTEMPORAINE. MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Suisse Contemporaine: Revue Mensuelle: Sommaire: Janvier, Février, Mars, Juin, 1941, Numero 1, 2, 3, 6
242119: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Birmingham Health Lectures: First Series
246054: VARIOUS AUTHORS - 15th & 16th Century Homes: Volumes I-III
256492: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Great golf stories / edited by Gordon Jarvie
261957: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The battle of 1900: An official hand-book for every American citizen
244845: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The mirror of time, from the Creation to the present hour ...; the whole arranged as a diurnal chronology, with a copious index: volume I
264248: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - The Holy Bible (worn family Bible)
267054: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Collected Pamphlets on Social Theology: Social Sermons
219793: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Magic and magic tricks : small private collection of articles, pamphlets, correspondence etc. 1940s
262995: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Khrushchev on culture
203626: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bedtime stories / illustrated by G. Higham
256174: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Traveller's Library in 29 volumes
262913: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - A Day in the life of Ireland / photographed by 75 of the world's leading photojournalists on one day, May 17, 1991
262954: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Specimen hunting / introduction by John Bailey
263379: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Die Lehren des Judentums nach den Quellen. Teil 2 Die sittlichen Pflichten des Einzelnen / herausgegeben vom Verband der deutschen Juden / bearbeitet von Simon Bernfeld
264976: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Manolis Glezos Archive: seven documents
262960: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Improve your coarse fishing
238661: VARIOUS AUTHORS - London and the Advancement of Science: Issued by the British Association for the Advancement of Science on the Occasion of its Centenary Meeting in London, 1931
238906: THE RED CROSS. VARIOUS AUTHORS - The October Red Cross Magazine. Volume 12, Number 10
175250: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The voice of the pulpit on temperance
202746: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Some stirring relics of English history
244111: ANONYMOUS COMPILER. QUOTES FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS - Purified Proverbs and censored quotations
254207: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Music: collected pianoforte pieces from the 19th century
243115: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Articles de L'Avenir: tome deuxieme
280971: VARIOUS AUTHORS - A Messieurs les Présidents et Membres du Sénat Belge
223529: PENGUIN BOOKS ; VARIOUS AUTHORS - The things we see [complete in 7 volumes]
197619: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Reign of terror : a collection of authentic narratives of the horrors committed by the revolutionary government of France under Marat and Robespierre written by eye-witnesses of the scenes. Translated from the French; interspersed with biographical notices of prominent characters and curious anecdotes illustrative of a period without its parallel in history
204701: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Discursos [12 titles on Spanish political and cultural affairs, bound in 1 volume]
241218: MULTIPLE AUTHORS - Radical Philosophy 30: Reviews and news. Spring 1982. Arthur: Objectification and Alienation. Grimshaw: feminism. Bird: Lacan. ParkerL Adam Smith. Hunt and Swan: Dialectical Form
241647: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CONWILL-EVANS, T.P. ET AL.) - Land Problems
267921: AUTOCAR - AutoCar: 118 issues: 1950-1989: car and automobile magazines
245496: AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. GRAHAM, COLIN (1929-) - AA guide to angling in Great Britain / editor Colin Graham
234804: AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. BEACH, RUSSELL P. O - AA touring guide to Ireland / [Editor Russell P.O. Beach]
262368: ROBERT AUTY ... ET AL - Lexikon des Mittelalters / [hrsg. von Lexikon des Mittelalters / [hrsg. von Robert Auty ... et al.].]
161003: AUTY, PHYLLIS - Yugoslavia / with 95 Illustrations and 2 Maps
264733: D'AUVERGNE, EDMUND B. (EDMUND BASIL) - Human livestock : an account of the share of the English-speaking peoples in the development, maintenance and suppression of slavery and the slave trade
227959: D'AUVERGNE, EDMUND BASIL - Famous castles and palaces of Italy
176050: AUVRAY, PAUL [ET AL.] - L' Ancien Testament et les chretiens / par Paul Auvray [et al.]
76431: VON AUW, ALVIN - Heritage & Destiny : Reflections on the Bell System in Transition
184224: AVACUMOV, S. - S. M. Kirov : marele tribun Bolsevic / S. Avacumov
74619: AVAKIAN, BOB - A Horrible End, or an End to the Horror?
226266: AVAKIAN, ALEXANDRA - Windows of the soul : my journeys in the Muslim world / Alexandra Avakian
212247: AVAKOV, RACHIK MAMIKONOVICH - National liberation movement, vital problems / prepared by R. Avakov, and others
194677: AVALIANI, NOI. - Bolshoi's young dancers : Vladimir Vassiliev, Ekaterina Maximova ... [et al.]
194697: AVALLONE, ALESSANDRA - The complete book of salads / Alessandra Avallone ; photographs by Franco Pizzochero
177489: AVALLONE, MICHAEL - The spitting image : a novel of suspense
124451: AVATI, ALDO - Architectural Visions
245238: AVAUX, CLAUDE DE MESMES COMTE D' (1595-1650) - Correspondance inédite du comte d'Avaux (Claude de Mesmes) avec son pčre Jean-Jacques de Mesmes, s' de Roissy (1627-1642) / pub. par A. Boppe
261627: AVEBURY, LORD - The pleasures of life
188370: AVEBURY, RIGHT HON. LORD - Essays & addresses 1900-1903
132128: AVEBURY, JOHN LUBBOCK, 1ST BARON (1834-1913) - Essays and Addresses, 1900-1903
268669: AVEDON, RICHARD - Portraits - Richard Avedon ; essai: Harold Rosenberg ; [trad. de l'américain par Robert Latour]
159913: AVEDON, JOHN F. - In Exile from the Land of Snows / [By] John F. Avedon
165097: AVELING, FRANCIS (1875-1941) - The God of Philosophy
186652: AVELING, EDWARD BIBBINS (1851-1898) - The students' Marx : an introduction to the study of Karl Marx' Capital
250235: AVELING, F. W. (FREDERICK WILKINS) - Christian imperialism
145275: AVELING, HENRY F. M. E. E. JAMES. J. M. RHODES [ET AL] - The History Sheet or Case-Paper System
208008: AVELING, EDWARD BIBBINS (1849-1898) - The curse of capital
166697: AVENARD, ETIENNE (1873-) - Le 22 Janvier Nouveau Style
227843: AVENARIUS, FERDINAND (1856-1923) - Das bild als narr : die karikatur in der völkerverhetzung, was sie aussagt- und was sie verrät / Mit 338 abbildungen. Herausgegeben vom Kunstwart
191379: AVENATI, CARLO ANTONIO (1903-1967) - La rivoluzione italiana da Vittorio Alfieri a Benito Mussolini
162545: AVENATI, CARLO ANTONIO (1903-) - La Rivoluzione Italiana Da Vittorio Alfieri a Benito Mussolini
186926: D'AVENEL, GEORGES VTE - Decouvertes d'Histoire sociale 1200 - 1910
243500: D'AVENEL, GEORGES VICOMTE (1855-1939) - Les riches depuis sept cents ans : revenus et bénéfices, appointements et honoraires / Vicomte G. d'Avenel
135861: D'AVENEL, GEORGES - Histoire De La Fortune Francaise; La Fortune Privee a Travers Sept Siecles
150877: AVENEL, GEORGES, D', VICOMTE (1855-1939) - Les Enseignements De L'Histoire Des Prix
140779: D'AVENEL, G. , VICOMTE - Paysans Et Ouvriers Depuis Sept Cent Ans
210058: AVENEL, GEORGES, VICOMTE D', (1855-1939) - Les decouvertes d'histoire sociale, 1200-1910
244164: AVENIR. LAMENNAIS, HUGUES FÉLICITÉ R. DE - Articles de L'Avenir: Tome Troisieme
271315: D'AVENNES, ÉMILE PRISSE - L'art arabe d'aprčs les monuments du Kaire
66087: AVERILL, GERALD P. (1919-) - Mustang : a Combat Marine / Gerald P. Averill
257603: AVERROËS (1126-1198) - Averroes on Plato's Republic / translated, with an introduction and notes, by Ralph Lerner
234291: AVERROES (IBN RUSCHD) - Die entscheidende Abhandlung oder die Bestimmung des Zusammenhangs zwischen religiosem Gesetz und Philosophie. Zusatz. Die Untersuchung uber die Methoden der Beweise im Rahmen der religiosen Glaubenssatze
124471: AVERSON, RICHARD (COMP. ) - Electronic Drama: Television Plays of the Sixties, Selected by Richard Averson and David Manning White. with an Introd. by Hubbell Robinson
61901: AVERY, DEREK E. - The New Encyclopedia of Knots / Derek E. Avery
270465: AVERY, GILLIAN - Childhood's pattern : a study of the heroes and heroines of children's fiction, 1770-1950 / Gillian Avery
240269: AVERY, CHARLES - Florentine Renaissance sculpture / Charles Avery
19557: AVERY, GILLIAN (1926-) - Victorian People in Life and in Literature
17379: AVERY, GILLIAN (1926-) - The Echoing Green ; Memories of Victorian Youth, [By] Gillian Avery
201732: AVERY, CHARLES. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (GREAT BRITAIN). ING. C. OLIVETTI AND C. - The horses of San Marco : guide and plan / compiled and translated by Charles Avery
55527: AVERY, TEX - Tex Avery, the MGM Years, 1942-1955 / Text by John Canemaker
221178: AVERY, SAMUEL PUTNAM - A handbook of the S.P. Avery collection of prints and art books in the New York Public Library
44968: AVERY, ELROY MCKENDREE (1844-1935) - Elements of Natural Philosophy : a Text Book for High Schools and Academies
159299: AVES, ERNEST - Co-Operative Industry
169614: AVES, ERNEST (1857- ) - Co-operative industry
102484: AVESTA. [ENGLISH] - The Zend-Avesta / Translated by James Darmesteter - [Volume 2 - the Sirozahs, Yasts, and Nyayis]
256334: AVEY, DENIS - The man who broke into Auschwitz / Denis Avey with Rob Broomby
275568: AVI-YONAH, MICHAEL (1904-1974) - Illustrated encyclopaedia of the classical world / [edited by] Michael Avi Yonah and Israel Shatzman ; foreword by F.W. Walbank
255590: AVI-YONAH, MICHAEL (1904-1974) - The Jews of Palestine : a political history from the Bar Kokhba war to the Arab conquest / M. Avi-Yonah
180752: AVI - Poppy and Rye
274860: SCHOOL OF ARMY AVIATION - School of Army Aviation Middle Wallop: Ground School Instructions Notes: Volume 1: Flying - Associated Subjects: principles of flight, airmanship, instruments, meteorology, navigation
98191: AVIEL, YAAKOV - Choice of Illustrations from Yaakov Aviel's Collections of Holy Land
230822: AVIGAD, BRAKÄ - Carmel flowers / Fleurs de Carmel
64441: AVIGDOR, ISAAC C. - From Prison to Pulpit : Sermons for all Holidays of the Year and Stories from the Holocaust
177975: AVILA, MANUEL (1921- ) - Tradition and growth : a study of four Mexican villages
170385: AVILA, MANUEL (1921- ) - Tradition and growth; a study of four Mexican villages
172508: AVILA, FERNANDO BASTOS DE (1918- ) - L' immigration au Bresil : contribution a une theorie generale de limmigration / Fernando Bastos de Avila.
225871: AVILOV, LYDIA. LYNTON LAMB (ILL. ) - Chekhov in My Life : a Love Story / Translated with an Introd. by David Magarshack; with Drawings by Lynton Lamb
76715: AVISHAI, BERNARD - A New Israel : Democracy in Crisis, 1973-1988 : Essays
28603: AVISHAI, BERNARD - A New Israel - Democracy in Crisis 1973-1988 : Essays
146104: AVISO - Die Gesetzliche Schulerspeisung Im Schuljahre 1923/1924
113151: AVNIEL, M. HOENICH, P. K. POMROCK, M. B. EDS. - Fifty Artists - Painters & Sculptors Association, Public Committee, Chagall's House, Haifa
176230: BRUXELLES: IMPRIMERIE F. AVONDSTOND - Application inedite de la representation proportionnelle par un ouvrier
14143: AVRAMOVIC, DRAGOSLAV - South-South Financial Co-Operation : Approaches to the Current Crisis : the Jamaica Papers / Edited by Dragoslav Avramovic
66405: AVRETT, EUGENE H. (ED. ) - Frontiers of Astrophysics / Eugene H. Avrett, Editor
276600: AVRIL, FRANÇOIS - Manuscript painting at the court of France : the fourteenth century (1319-1380)
242936: AVRON, DOV. ME?ITSE NIRDAMIM (SOCIETY) - Pins? ha-kesharim shel kehilat Pozna = Acta electorum communitatis Judaeorum Posnaniensium (1621-1835) / edidit et explanavit D. Avron
134684: AVTORKHANOV, ABDURAKHMAN - The Communist Party Apparatus
184851: AVTZON, SHOLOM DOVBER - Likutei Amarim Tanya : its story and history from the time when the Alter Rebbe started to prepare the Tanya until today
216447: AVVAKUMOV, S. I: VALK, S. N: VYATKIN, M. P: KOCHAOV, B. M. (REDKOLLEGIYA) - Oktyabr'skoye vooruzhennoye vosstaniye v petrograde [October armed uprising in Petrograd. Language: Russian]
212395: AVYAKTANANDA, SWAMI - Yoga restated
37936: AWAD, JOHN - Baalbek in History
217465: AWALOW, Z. - Federalizm. Sejmy krajowe / Z. Awalow [Language: Polish]
80250: CLIO AWARDS - Clio Awards (Gloucester, Mass. ) - [42nd Annual Awards Competition]
265340: LONDON INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING AWARDS (FIRM) - 18th annual London International Advertising & Design Awards
261218: ACADEMY AWARDS - Academy Awards Portfolio promotional poster
114046: CLIO AWARDS (FIRM) - Clio Awards : the 42nd Annual Awards Competition
275253: AWDRY, WILBERT VERE (1911-1997) - Stepney : the 'Bluebell' engine
275255: AWDRY, WILBERT VERE (1911-1997) - Percy,the small engine / W. Awdry
182694: AWDRY, REV. W.; DALBY, C. REGINALD (ILLUS.) - Troublesome Engines
171999: AXEL, GABRIEL - Danish blue: the scenario of the film with over 100 illustrations.
46741: AXELBANK, ALBERT - Black Star over Japan: Rising Forces of Militarism
99861: AXELL, ALBERT - Russia's Heroes, 1941-45
31669: AXELL, ALBERT - Russia's Heroes
13190: AXELL, ROGER E. - The Do's and Taboos of International Trade : a Small Business Primer / Roger E. Axtell ; Foreword by Tommy G. Thompson
61343: AXELROD, TODD M. - Collecting Historical Documents : a Guide to Owning History
115547: AXFORD, H. WILLIAM - Gilpin County Gold : Peter McFarlane, 1848-1929, Mining Entrepreneur in Central City, Colorado / H. William Axford
178421: AXLING, WILLIAM - Kagawa / William Axling
29451: AXLING, WILLIAM (1873-) - Kagawa
129446: AXON, WILLIAM EDWARD ARMYTAGE (1846-1913) - Echoes of Old Lancashire
150028: AXT, HEINZ-JURGEN. STIFTUNG WISSENSCHAFT UND POLITIK, FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUR INTERNATIONALE POLITIK UND SICHERHEIT - Aussenpolitik Griechenlands : Grundzuge Und Bestimmungsfaktoren Nach Dem Ende Der Militarjunta / Heinz-JĂźrgen Axt
238851: AXTON, HOYT. THREE DOG NIGHT. DUNHILL RECORDS - Never Been to Spain b/w Joy to the World
262565: AY, DOUGLAS PATRICK THOMAS (1907-1996) BARON JAY, POLITICIAN - The common market debate / [by] Douglas Jay [and] Roy Jenkins
80877: AYALA, MITZI - The Farmer's Cookbook a Collection of Favorite Recipes, Economical Meal Planning Methods & Other Tips and Pointers from America's Farm Kitchens
88603: AYALA, JUAN DE. NOWELL, CHARLES E. , TRANS. - A Letter to Ferdinand and Isabella, 1503 / [By Juan De Ayala] ; Translated [From the Spanish], with Commentary, by Charles E. Nowell
166561: AYANOGLU, SALAHATTIN (1906-) - Hauptpunkte Des Turkischen Eheschliessungsrechtes : Von Fruher Und Heute Verglichen Mit Dem Deutschen Recht / Vorgelegt Von Salahattin Ayanoglu
65616: AYDELOTTE, WILLIAM O. (ED. ) - The History of Parliamentary Behavior / Edited by William O. Aydelotte
30824: AYDELOTTE, WILLIAM O. - The History of Parliamentary Behavior
85408: AYDELOTTE, FRANK - Elizabethan Seaman in Mexico and Ports of the Spanish Main - Volume XLVIII, No. 1, October, 1942
235820: AYDEMIR, IZZET (1925-) - Muhaceretteki Cerkes aydinlari
17645: AYDON, CYRIL - Charles Darwin : the naturalist who started a scientific revolution
237748: AYE, JOHN - Humour among the doctors
105413: AYENSU, EDWARD S. AND WHITFIELD, PHILIP - The Rhythms of Life / Consultant Editors, Edward S. Ayensu and Philip Whitfield
266472: AYER, A. J. (ALFRED JULES) (1910-1989) - The problem of knowledge / A.J. Ayer
260693: AYER, HANNAH PALFREY - A legacy of New England; letters of the Palfrey family - vol. 1
248851: AYER, A. J - The Central Question of Philosophy
90901: AYER, MARGARET HUBBARD - The Three Lives of Harriet Hubbard Ayer
118573: AYER, JOSEPH CULLEN (1866-1944) - A Source Book for Ancient Church History, from the Apostolic Age to the Close of the Conciliar Period, by Joseph Cullen Ayer, Jr ...
70148: AYER, FREDERICK (1917-1974) - Yankee G-Man
274837: AYERS, JOHN - Architecture in Bradford
35011: AYKROYD, WALLACE RUDDELL (1899-) - The Conquest of Famine
229089: AYKROYD, WALLACE RUSSELL - Three philosophers : Lavoisier, Priestley and Cavendish / Wallace Russell Aykroyd [With plates, including portraits]
56005: AYLESWORTH, THOMAS G. - The Best of Warner Bros. / Thomas G. Aylesworth
256848: AYLESWORTH, THOMAS G - Broadway to Hollywood : musicals from stage to screen / Thomas G. Aylesworth
107317: AYLESWORTH, THOMAS G. - The World Almanac Who's Who of Film / Thomas G. Aylesworth and John S. Bowman ; Foreword by Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
269387: AYLETT, MARY - Country wines
277933: AYLETT, MARY - Country Fare
272002: AYLING, R - Sean O'Casey : modern judgements / edited by Ronald Ayling
251967: AYLING, STANLEY - John Wesley / Stanley Ayling
226202: AYLING, STANLEY - George the Third / Stanley Ayling
225173: AYLING, STANLEY - George the Third
280137: AYLMER, ISABELLA ELINOR - Alec Tomlin, or, Choose wisely
134861: AYMARD, CAMILLE EDMOND - Bolchevisme Ou Fascisme?
127061: AYMARD, CAMILLE E. - Bolchevisme Ou Fascisme? : Francais, IL Faut Choisir!
245150: AYMÉ, MARCEL (1902-1967) - The miraculous barber / Marcel Aymé ; translated from the French by Eric Sutton
134832: AYNARD, JOSEPH - La Bourgeoisie Francaise : Essai De Psychologie / Par Joseph Aynard
200959: AYNSLEY, JEREMY [ED.] - Design and the modern magazine / edited by Jeremy Aynsley and Kate Forde
43644: AYRE, ROBERT AND BUCHANAN, DONALD W. - Canadian Art, Volume XV. No. 2, April 1958
99560: AYRES, MICHAEL & NEWBON, GARY (JOINT AUTHORS) - Over the Sticks; the Sport of National Hunt Racing, by Michael Ayres and Gary Newbon. with a Foreword by Lord Wigg
27773: AYRES, HARRY V. - Hotel Du Pont Story : Wilmington, Delaware 1911-1981
114513: AYRES, HARRY V. - Hotel Du Pont Story : Wilmington, Delaware, 1911-1981 / Harry V. Ayres
113352: AYRES, LEONARD PORTER (1879-1946) - The Economics of Recovery
108852: AYRES, MICHAEL. GARY NEWBORN - Over the Sticks; the Sport of National Hunt Racing, by Michael Ayres and Gary Newbon. with a Foreword by Lord Wigg
270390: AYROUT, HENRY HABIB - The fellaheen / Tr. by Hilary Wayment, with a foreword by M. Taher Pasha
150846: AYROUT, HENRY HABIB - Fellahs D'Egypte / Preface De Mohammed Ghallab
273646: AYRTON, W. E. (WILLIAM EDWARD) (1847-1908) - Practical electricity : a laboratory and lecture course for first year students of electrical engineering, based on the international definitions of the electrical units. Volume I. Current, pressure, resistance, energy, power and cells ; with 247 illustrations / completely re-written by W.E. Ayrton
270688: AYRTON, MICHAEL (1921-1975) - British drawings : with 8 playtes in colour and 25 illustrations in black and white / Michael Ayreton
255818: AYRTON, MICHAEL (1921-1975) - Michael Ayrton, recurring themes and images : sculpture, paintings, drawings, reliefs, theatre designs / [exhibition:] Bruton Gallery ... 28 March-2 May 1981
269479: AYRTON, ELISABETH - Royal favourites. Recipes from palace kitchens
228021: AYRTON, MICHAEL ; VELLACORT, PHILIP - Euripides: the Three Plays 'Medea', 'Hippolytus' and 'The Bacchae
260500: AYTO, JOHN - A gourmet's guide : food and drink from A to Z / John Ayto
199009: AYTON, RICHARD (1786-1823) - A voyage round Great Britain : undertaken between the years 1813 and 1823 and commencing from the Land's End, Cornwall
156088: AYTON, MEL - The Forgotten Terrorist : Sirhan Sirhan and the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy / Mel Ayton
270322: AYTOUN, WILLIAM EDMONDSTOUNE (1813-1865) - Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems
264918: AYTOUN, WILLIAM EDMONDSTOUNE - Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems
247616: AYTOUN, WILLIAM EDMONDSTOUNE (1813-1865) - Lays of the Scottish cavaliers : and other poems
36579: D'AYZAC, MME FELICIE - Les Statues Du Porche Septentrional De Chartres, Ou Explication De La Presence Des Statues...
216243: AYZIN, B. A. [ET AL.] AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR - Lenin v bor'be za revolyutsionnyy Internatsional [Lenin's struggle for a revolutionary International. Language: Russian]
218672: AZADOVSKII, M K ; ASKARIANTS, A V ; GOSUDARSTVENNAIA BIBLIOTEKA SSSR IMENI V.I. LENINA. OTDEL RUKOPISEI - Dekabristy novyye materialy [Decembrists new materials. Language: Russian]
216079: AZADOVSKIY, M. K. - Istoriya Russkoy Fol'kloristiki [The history of Russian folklore. Language: Russian]
128127: AZAIS, M. - Explication Des Puits Artesiens
272908: AZAN, PAUL (1874-1951) - The warfare of to-day
43059: AZAN, LT. COLONEL PAUL - The War of Positions
96647: AZAR, EDWARD E. (ET AL. ) - Lebanon and the World in the 1980's / [Edward E. Azar ... Et Al. ]
62675: AZBEL, MARK IAKOVLEVICH - Refusenik, Trapped in the Soviet Union / Mark Ya. Azbel ; Edited by Grace Pierce Forbes
152010: AZEVEDO, LUIS GONZAGA (1867-1930). CABRAL, LUIS GONZAGA DO VALLE COELHO PEREIRA (1866-1939). LE THIEC, J. M. - Proscrits : Histoire Anecdotique De La Persecution Et De L'Expulsion Des Jesuites De Portugal En Octobre 1910 / Preface Du R. P. Luis Gonzaga Cabral, S. J. ; Traduit Et Adapte Du Portugais Par J. M. Le Thiec, S.J.
150236: AZEVEDO, FERNANDO DE (1894-1974) - Principios De Sociologia : Pequena Introducao Ao Estudo De Sociologia Geral
215555: ASSOCIAZIONE FRA LE SOCIETA ITALIANE PER AZIONI - L'economia italiana e l'attivita dei nostri Uffici economici nell'anno 1927
20736: AZIZ, SARTAJ - Rural Development Learning from China
261481: AZORÍN (1873-1967) - Lope en silueta : (con una aguja de navegar Lope) / [por] Azorín
245042: AZORÍN (1873-1967) - Brandy, mucho brandy : sainete sentimental en tres actos / Azorín [i. e. J. Martínez Ruiz]
244113: AZORÍN (1873-1967) - Felix Vargas : etopeya
80483: AZORIN (1873-1967) - Comedia Del Arte : En Tres Actos
216736: AZOVCEV N. N. (ET AL.) (REDAKTSIONNAYA KOLLEGIYA) - Iz istorii grazhdanskoy voyny i interventsii 1917-1922 Sbornik statey [Of the history of the Civil War and Intervention 1917-1922 Collection of articles. Language: Russian]
226207: AZOY, G. WHITNEY - Buzkashi : game and power in Afghanistan / G. Whitney Azoy
126681: AZPILIKOETA, DE (ED. ). CARDINAL GOMA. PRESIDENT AGUIRRE - The Basque Problem, As Seen by Cardinal Goma and President Aguirre
127160: AZZAM, SALEM (ED. ) - Islam and Contemporary Society
205653: AZZARONI, ALFREDO - Socialisti anticlericali : la sinistra anticlericale ... saggio [sic] / di Alfredo Azzaroni
46160: BĂźLOW, BERNHARD, FURST VON (1849-1929) - Letters of Prince Von Bulow - a Selection from Prince Von Bulow's Official Correspondence As Imperial Chancellor During the Years 1903-1909, Including, in Particular, Many Cnfidential Letters Exchanged between Him and the Emperor
253017: BAAR, HERMANN - Addresses on homely and religious subjects, delivered before the children of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum: 2nd volume
237403: BAARSEN, REINIER - Paris 1650-1900: decorative arts in the Rijksmuseum / Reinier Baarsen
280333: BABA, SATHYA SAI - Sathya Sai speaks : discourses of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, vol. 3, compiled by N. Kasturi
280325: BABA, SATHYA SAI - Prasanthi vahini
280326: BABA, SATHYA SAI - Jnana vahini
280329: BABA, SATHYA SAI - Prema vahini
280330: BABA, SATHYA SAI - Dhyana vahini
280315: BABA, SATHYA SAI - Sathya Sai speaks : discourses of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, vol. 2, compiled by N. Kasturi
280331: BABA, SATHYA SAI - Sandeha Nivarini
214242: BABAJAN, LEVON HOVNANNESI - Social'no-jekonomicheskaja i politicheskaja istorija Armenii v XIII-XIV vekah [Socio-economic and political history of Armenia in the 14th and 15th centuries. Language: Russian]
217937: BABAYEV, Z. G. - Iz Istorii Russkogo Romana XIX veka Pushkin, Gertsen, Tolstoy [Stories of Russian-century XIX Roman Pushkin, Herzen, Tolstoy. Language: Russian]
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