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Click on booknumber for full information
153865: GANN, ERNEST KELLOGG (1910-1991) - Gentlemen of Adventure / Ernest K. Gann
153790: GANN, ERNEST KELLOGG (1910-1991) - The Triumph : a Novel / Ernest K. Gann
227818: GANN, THOMAS WILLIAM FRANCIS - Ancient cities and modern tribes : exploration and adventure in Maya lands
212668: GANN, ERNEST KELLOGG (1910-1991) - Twilight for the gods
115461: GANN, ERNEST KELLOGG - Brain 2000
34487: GANN, LEWIS H. (1924-) - Burden of Empire: an Appraisal of Western Colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara, by L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan
33058: GANN, L. H. AND PETER DUIGNAN - Burden of Empire - an Appraisal of Western Colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara
39524: GANN, ERNEST KELLOGG (1910-1991) - Twilight for the Gods
118478: GANN, ERNEST KELLOGG (1910-1991) - The Magistrate : a Novel
53812: GANN, ERNEST KELLOGG (1910-1991) - The High and the Mighty
188122: GANNES, HARRY - Spain in Revolt
186618: GANNES, HARRY. REPARD, THEODORE - Spain in revolt
186620: GANNES, HARRY. REPARD, THEODORE - Spain in revolt : a history of the Civil War in Spain in 1936 and a study of its social political and economic causes
127014: GANNES, HARRY & REPARD, THEODORE - Spain in Revolt : a History of the Civil War in Spain in 1936 and a Study of its Social Political Economic Causes
187031: GANNES, HARRY. REPARD, THEODORE - Spain in revolt : a history of the Civil War in Spain in 1936 and a study of its social political and economic causes
127421: GANNES, HARRY - Spain in Revolt
222061: GANNETT, HENRY (1846-1914) - North America. Vol.2: The United States
142398: GANNETT, FRANK ERNEST (1876-1957). CATHERWOOD, B. F. - Industrial and Labour Relations in Great Britain : a Symposium / Edited and Published by Frank E. Gannett ... and B. F. Catherwood
133693: GANNETT, FRANK ERNEST (1876-1957) ED. - Industrial and Labour Relations in Great Britain : a Symposium / Edited and Published by Frank E. Gannett ... and B. F. Catherwood
44531: GANNETT, LEWIS - Cream Hill - Discoveries of a Weekend Countryman
258920: GANNON, ROBERT I - The Cardinal Spellman story
31828: GANNON, S. J. , THOMAS M. - The Catholic Challenge to the American Economy Reflections on the U. S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U. S. Economy
136235: GANNON, FRANCIS X. (FRANCIS XAVIER) - Biographical Dictionary of the Left, Volume IV, by Francis X. Gannon
88098: GANNON, KIM (LYRICS) ; ALTMAN, ARTHUR (MUSIC) ; DAY, DENNIS - I'Ll Pray for You - [Musical Score]
88482: GANS-RUEDIN, E. (ERWIN) - Caucasian Carpets - [Uniform Title: Tapis Du Caucase. English]
82269: GANS-RUEDIN, ERWIN - Chinese Carpets; Photos, Leo Hilber ; [Translated from the French Tapis De Chine by Valerie Howard].
57944: GANS-RUEDIN, ERWIN - The Splendor of Persian Carpets / E. Gans-Ruedin ; Photographs by Leo Hilber
45784: GANS-RUEDIN, E. (ERWIN) - Indian Carpets / E. Gans-Ruedin ; Photographs by Leo Hilber ; Translated by Valerie Howard. - [Uniform Title: Tapis Des Indes. English]
45500: GANS-RUEDIN, ERWIN - The Great Book of Oriental Carpets / E. Gans-Ruedin ; [Translated from the French by Valerie Howard] - [Uniform Title: Beauté Du Tapis D'Orient. English]
232923: GANSHOF, FRANCOIS LOUIS - Was ist das lehnswesen?
163785: GANSLER, LAURA LEEDY (1958- ) - The Mysterious Private Thompson : the Double Life of Sarah Emma Edmonds, Civil War Soldier / Laura Leedy Gansler
164343: GANSON, EVE, MRS. - Desert Mavericks : Caught and Branded
157943: GANSON, LEWIS - Routined Manipulation Part II
216659: GANSON, LEWIS - Routined manipulation
88528: GANSON, A. - Gentlemen Preferred, by A. Ganson
117010: GANSON, LEWIS - The Dai Vernon Book of Magic, Etc. with Illustrations, Including Portraits. Photographs by George Bartlett
221507: GANTHER, AUGUST - Dannezapfe us em Schwarzwald : luschdigi Gedichtli in nieder-alemannischer Mundart / von August Ganther
183861: GANTIER, JOAQUIN - Casimiro Olaneta
82728: GANTOS, JACK - Fair-Weather Friends / Text by Jack Gantos ; Art by Nicole Rubel
114813: GANTSCHEV, IVAN - Art of Ivan Gantschev
260078: GANTZ, IDA - The pastel portrait / the Gunnings of CastleCoote and Howards of Hampstead
106255: GANTZ, KENNETH FRANKLIN - Not in Solitude
13975: GANTZ, KENNETH FRANKLIN (1905-) - Not in Solitude
274898: GANTZHORN, VOLKMAR - The Christian oriental carpet : a presentation of its development, iconologically and iconographically, from its beginnings to the 18th century / Volkmar Gantzhorn
180724: GANZ, JAMES A. - The unknown Monet : pastels and drawings / James A. Ganz and Richard Kendall
251833: GANZ, HUGO (B. 1862). ROSENTHAL, HERMAN (1843-1917) - The land of riddles : (Russia of to-day)
29579: GANZ, P. F. - The Discontinuous Tradition: Studies in German Literature in Honour of Ernest Ludwig Stahl; Edited by P. F. Ganz
99217: GANZ, HUGO - The Downfall of Russia : Behind the Scenes in the Realm of the Czar
149936: GANZ, HUGO - The Downfall of Russia : Behind the Scenes in the Realm of the Czar
139609: GANZ, HUGO (B. 1862) - The Downfall of Russia : Behind the Scenes in the Realm of the Czar
149653: GANZ, HUGO (1862-) - The Downfall of Russia : Behind the Scenes in the Realm of the Czar
105535: GANZEL, DEWEY (1927-) - Fortune and Men's Eyes : the Career of John Payne Collier / Dewey Ganzel
232897: GANZER, KLAUS - Die Entwicklung des Auswartigen Kardinalats im Hohen Mittelalter : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kardinalkollegiums vom 11. bis 13. Jahrhundert / von Klaus Ganzer
77349: GANZL, KURT - The Complete Aspects of Love / Kurt Ganzl ; Photographs by Clive Barda ; Research by Jane Rice
158445: GAO, JAMES ZHENG (1948-) - The Communist Takeover of Hangzhou : the Transformation of City and Cadre, 1949-1954 / James Z. Gao
169392: GAO, XINGJIAN - One man's Bible : a novel / Gao Xingjian ; translated from the Chinese by Mabel Lee
258965: GAON, R. HAI. EPSTEIN, DR. J. N. NIRDAMIM, MEKIZE - Der Gaonaische Kommentar zur Mischnaordnung Teharoth zugeschrieben R. Hai Gaon: nach handschriften herausgegeben und mit textkritischen und erklarenden Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. J. N. Epstein: zweites heft
167470: GAPANOVICH, J.-J. - Historiographie russe hors de la Russie : introduction a l'histoire de la Russie / Traduction et notes par Basile P. Nikitine, pref. du baron Michel A. de Taube
216432: GAPONENKO, L. S. BESKROVNYY, L. G. (REDAKTSIONNAYA KOLLEGIYA) - Bor'ba Bol'shevikov za armiyu v trekh revolyutsiyakh [Fighting the Bolsheviks for the army in three revolutions. Language: Russian]
85666: GARAGIOLA, JOE - It's Anybody's Ballgame
194533: EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI (EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA). CLAUDE GARAMOND (CA. 1490) - Ecclesiasticae Historiae. Eusebii Pamphili Lib. x. Eiusdem de Vita Constantini. Lib. v. Socratis. Lib. vii. Theodoriti episcopi Cyrensis Lib. v. Collectanorum ex historia eccles. Theodori Lectories. Lib. ii. Hermii Sozomeni Lib ix. Euagrii. Lib. vi
236530: GARAPON, ROBERT - Les caractères de La Bruyère : La Bruyère au travail
235602: GARAPON, ROBERT - Le dernier Molière : des 'Fourberies de Scapin' au 'Malade imaginaire'
175873: GARAPON, ROBERT - Les caracteres de La Bruyere : La Bruyere au travail / [par] Robert Garapon
273140: GARAS, KLÁRA - Italian Renaissance portraits / Klára Garas ; (translated by Lili Halápy)
206140: GARAS, KLARA - Eighteenth century venetian paintings
45735: GARAUDY, ROGER - The Alternative Future; a Vision of Christian Marxism. Translated by Leonard Mayhew
21509: GARAUDY, ROGER - The Alternative Future A Vision of Christian Marxism
161278: GARAUDY, ROGER - The Crisis in Communism: the Turning-Point of Socialism. Translated from the French by Peter and Betty Ross
145186: GARAUDY, ROGER - Marxism in the Twentieth Century; Translated [From the French] by Rene Hague
133029: GARAUDY, ROGER - Marxism in the Twentieth Century / Translated [From the French] by Rene Hague
172807: GARAUDY, ROGER - Le grand tournant du socialisme
142351: GARAUDY, ROGER - Le Communisme Et La Morale
140811: GARAUDY, ROGER - Marxism in the Twentieth Century. Translated by Rene Hague
135456: GARAUDY, ROGER - Karl Marx : the Evolution of His Thought / [Translated from the French by Nan Apotheker]
106765: GARAUDY, ROGER - Moretti / [Pref. : Waldemar George] - Avec La Collaboration De: L'Impimerie Robaudy a Cannes, L'Atelier D'Art Vairel a Monaco
113172: GARAUDY, ROGER - Marxism in the Twentieth Century; Translated [From the French] by Rene Hague
148969: GARAUDY, ROGER - From Anathema to Dialogue : the Challenge of Marxist-Christian Cooperation
153364: GARAUDY, ROGER - Toute La Verite
132034: GARAUDY, ROGER - La Liberte / Preface De Maurice Thorez
162451: GARAUDY, ROGER - The Turning-Point of Socialism / Roger Garaudy ; Translated from the French by Peter and Betty Ross
165832: GARAUDY, ROGER - De L'Anatheme Au Dialogue : Un Marxiste S'Adresse Au Concile / Roger Garaudy
217237: GARAUDY, ROGER - Antee : journal de Daniel Chenier / Roger Garaudy
190624: GARAUDY, ROGER - From anathema to dialogue : the challenge of Marxist-Christian cooperation / Roger Garaudy ; with replies by Karl Rahner and J. B. Metz
135838: GARAUDY, ROGER - Humanisme Marxiste; Cing Essais Polemiques
148208: GARAUDY, ROGER - Humanisme Marxiste : Cing Essais Polemiques
164581: GARAUDY, ROGER - Humanisme Marxiste : Cinq Essais Polemiques / Roger Garaudy
165682: GARAUDY, ROGER - Les Sources Francaises Du Socialisme Scientifique
208655: GARAUDY, ROGER (1913-) - Perspectives de l'homme. Existentialisme, pensee catholique, marxisme ...
158790: GARB, TAMAR - The painted face : portraits of women in France, 1814-1914
267115: GARBARI, FABIO - Giardino dei semplici : l'Orto botanico di Pisa dal XVI al XX secolo / Fabio Garbari, Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi, Alessandro Tosi
61048: GARBARINO, JOSEPH WILLIAM (1919-) - Faculty Bargaining : Change and Conflict : a Report Prepared for the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and the Ford Foundation
159332: GARBE, RICHARD (1857-1927) - Indien Und Das Christentum : Eine Untersuchung Der Religionsgeschichtlichen Zusammenhange / Von Richard Garbe
74469: GARBER-TALMON, YONINA (1923-1966) - Family and Community in the Kibbutz
90247: GARBER, PAUL E. - The National Aeronautical Collections ; Smithsonian Institution National Air Museum
272285: GARBETT, MIKE - The Lancaster at war / Mike Garbett and Brian Goulding
267579: GARBETT, MIKE - The Lancaster at war. 2 / [by] Mike Garbett and Brian Goulding
194549: GARBETT, CYRIL (1875-1955) - In an age of revolution
137550: GARBETT, CYRIL (1875-1955) - Church and State in England
165327: GARBETT, EDWARD (1817-1887) - The Bible and its Critics : an Enquiry Into the Objective Reality of Revealed Truths
175682: GARBETT, CYRIL (1875-1955) - In an age of revolution
131439: GARBETT, CYRIL (1875-1955) - World Problems of Today
138040: GARBETT, CYRIL - In an Age of Revolution
148684: GARBETT, CYRIL (1875-1955) - Watchman, What of the Night! Eight Addresses on Problems of the Day
150830: GARBETT, CYRIL (1875-1955) - In an Age of Revolution
198862: GARBETT, CYRIL (1875-1955) - In an age of revolution
207092: GARBETT, CYRIL FORSTER, ABP. OF YORK (1875-1955) - Church and state in England
62127: GARBIT, FREDK J. - The Women's Medical Companion and Guide to Health...
183762: GARBUZOV, VASILI - USSR national income and budget
36685: GARCEAU, OLIVER - Political Research and Political Theory
257701: GARCÉS, FRANCISCO TOMÁS HERMENEGILDO (1738-1781) - A record of travels in Arizona and California, 1775-1776 / A new translation edited by John Galvin
157739: GARCETTI, GIL (1941-) - Iron : erecting the Walt Disney Concert Hall
69287: GARCIA, JERRY (1942-1995) - Garcia; the Rolling Stone Interview by Charles Reich and Jann Wenner. Plus a Stoned Sunday Rap with Jerry, Charles, and Mountain Girl
249456: GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL (1927-2014) - Of love and other demons / Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman
229335: GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL (1927-2014) - The general in his labyrinth
204595: GARCIA MARQUEZ, GABRIEL (1928- ) - Innocent Erendira, and other stories / Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa
173200: GARCIA MARQUEZ, GABRIEL (1928-?) - Of love and other demons / Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman
155993: GARCIA MARQUEZ, GABRIEL - Living to Tell the Tale / Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; Translated by Edith Grossman
155009: GARCIA-ROZA, LUIZ ALFREDO - Blackout : an Inspector Espinosa mystery
180056: GARCIA LORCA, FEDERICO (1898-1936) - Five plays : comedies and tragicomedies / translated by James Graham-Lujan and Richard L.O'Connell
180300: GARCIA MARQUEZ, GABRIEL - One hundred years of solitude / (by) Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa
157423: GARCIA NEGRETE, JORGE - La Via Interoceanica San Lorenzo - Manaos : Folleto De Divulgacion
229851: GARCÍA LORCA, FEDERICO (1898-1936) - Canti gitani e andalusi ... / studi introduttivi, note bibliografiche, testo, versione e commento a cura di O. Marcí
116126: GARCIA, MANUEL PATRICIO RODRIGUEZ (1805-1906) - Hints on singing
190615: GARCIA VENERO, MAXIMIANO - Eduardo Dato : vida y sacrificio de un gobernante conservador / por Maximiano Garcia Venero
142570: GARCIA, FRANK - Marked Cards and Loaded Dice
38831: GARD, ROBERT E. AND SORDEN, L. G. - Wisconsin Lore
122036: GARD, RICHARD ABBOTT (1914-) (ED. ) - Buddhism, Edited by Richard A. Gard
180077: GARD, RICHARD ABBOTT, (B. 1914, ED.) - Buddhism
93985: GARD, RICHARD ABBOTT (1914-?) ED - Buddhism
205129: GARD, RICHARD ABBOTT, (B. 1914, ED.) - Buddhism
180979: GARDA, RENZO - La fanteria e la sua realta (nella ipotesi di una guerra futura)
270513: GARDAM, JANE - The Green Man : an eternity
249121: LA GARDE-CHAMBONAS, AUGUSTE LOUIS CHARLES - Gemälde des Wiener Kongresses, 1814-1815 : Erinnerungen, Feste, Sittenschilderungen, Anekdoten / Graf de La Garde ; mit einem Vorwort und zahlreichen Anmerkungen neu herausgegeben von Gustav Gugitz - Complete in 2 Volumes
42822: DU GARDE PEACH, L. - John Smedley of Matlock and His Hydro
43768: DU GARDE PEACH, L. - John Smedley of Matlock and His Hydro
134245: GARDEN, JAMES (FL. 1783) - The History of Henry III. (Last of the House of Valois, ) King of France
62545: THE GREENHOUSE GARDENER - The Total Illustrated Greenhouse Gardener
272033: ROYAL PARKS AND GARDENS - Parks Regulation Act, 1872, with Rules Revised in 1910, and Motor Regulations
270383: HOME & GARDENS - Holiday Guide: best value for money at home or abroad: Homes & Gardens: gift booklet, February 1957
236122: BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS - Cooking for friends
203840: BUTCHART GARDENS - A brief guide to The Butchart Gardens, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
239234: CANAL ZONE EXPERIMENT GARDENS - Annual Reports of the Canal Zone Experiment Gardens for the fiscal years 1931 and 1932
196399: CYPRESS GARDENS - Cypress Gardens official program
37717: GARDINER, JUDITH KEGAN - Rhys, Stead, Lessing, and the Politics of Empathy / Judith Kegan Gardiner
276055: GARDINER, JULIET - Wartime : Britain, 1939-1945 / Juliet Gardiner
274877: GARDINER, G RUSSELL - Cornwall / [by] G. Russell Gardiner
273280: GARDINER, LESLIE - The eagle spreads his claws : a history of the Corfu Channel dispute and of Albania's relations with the West, 1945-1965
270331: GARDINER, A. G. (ALFRED GEORGE) (1865-1946) - The life of Sir William Harcourt
237176: GARDINER, PHILIP; OSBORN, GARY (1957-) - The serpent grail: the truth behind the Holy Grail, the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life / Philip Gardiner with Gary Osborn
225026: GARDINER, DOROTHY - The Great Betrayal
200230: GARDINER, JULIET - Oscar Wilde : a life in letters, writings and wit / Juliet Gardiner
243327: GARDINER, SAMUEL RAWSON (1829-1902) - A student's history of England: Volume III: from the earliest times to the death of Queen Victoria. A.D. (1689-1901)
227352: GARDINER, ALFRED GEORGE (1865-1946) - Prophets, priests and kings
153359: GARDINER, GERALD (1900-) - Capital Punishment As a Deterrent : and the Alternative
280254: GARDINER, SAMUEL RAWSON. CAMDEN SOCIETY - Parliamentary Debates in 1610: edited from the notes of a member of the House of Commons
141783: GARDINER, GORDON (1874-1937) - Notes of a Prison Visitor
133652: GARDINER, GERALD (1900-) - Capital Punishment As a Deterrent : and the Alternative
59428: GARDINER, JOHN HAYS (ET AL. ) - The Mother Tongue. Book III - Elements of Composition
150331: GARDINER, GERALD AUSTIN GARDINER, BARON - Capital Punishment As a Deterrent : and the Alternative
217089: GARDINER, GERALD AUSTIN, BARON GARDINER. CURTIS.RALEIGH, NIGEL HUGH - The judicial attitude to penal reform
169699: GARDINER, GERALD AUSTIN - Capital punishment as a deterrent : and the alternative
219207: GARDINER, ROBERT - The heyday of sail : the merchant sailing ship, 1650-1830
32765: GARDINER, ALFRED GEORGE (1865-1946) - John Benn and the Progressive Movement, by A. G. Gardiner
168029: GARDINER, PHYLLIS HYATT (1902-) - The Hyatt legacy : the saga of a courageous educator and his family in California
149986: GARDINER, ALFRED GEORGE (1865-) - Life of George Cadbury
32238: GARDINER-HILL, H. - Clinical Involvements, Or, the Old Firm - Being Running Commentaries on the Round
74952: GARDINER, JOHN A. (1937-) - Traffic and the Police : Variations in Law-Enforcement Policy
89006: GARDINER, ALFRED GEORGE (1865-) - Life of George Cadbury
237793: GARDINER, ALFRED GEORGE. GARDINER, CLIVE. FURROWS - Many Furrows. (Essays.) By Alpha of the Plough [A. G. Gardiner]. (Illustrated by Clive Gardiner.)
90039: GARDNER, BRIAN - The Quest for Timbuctoo
83891: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982) - The King's Indian : Stories and Tales / John Gardner; illustrated by Herbert L. Fink
63072: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982) - In the Suicide Mountains / John Gardner ; Illustrated by Joe Servello
276312: GARDNER, BRIAN - The big push : a portrait of the Battle of the Somme
249205: GARDNER, CHARLES (1912-) - The ?gen' book
269921: GARDNER, GRAHAM - Inventing Elliot / Graham Gardner
268578: GARDNER, MONICA MARY (1873-1941) - Poland: containing twelve full-page illustrations - four of them in colour- including two by Artur Grottger
266575: GARDNER, WILLIAM HENRY - Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1889 : a study of poetic idiosyncrasy in relation to poetic tradition / With a foreword by G. Hopkins - 2 volumes
259871: GARDNER, RICHARD - The adventures of Don Juan / [by] Richard Gardner
201878: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the half-wakened wife / Erle Stanley Gardner
258552: GARDNER, JIM - Key questions for trade unionists
256213: GARDNER, BRIAN - Mafeking : a Victorian legend
255360: GARDNER, BRIAN - The quest for Timbuctoo / Brian Gardner
254911: GARDNER, HELEN (1908-1986) - The Faber book of religious verse / edited by Helen Gardner
254554: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the runaway corpse
235657: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982) - In the Suicide Mountains / John Gardner ; Illustrated by Joe Servello
226077: GARDNER, DAVID - Last chance : the Middle East in the balance / David Gardner
225653: GARDNER, DOUGLAS - The Covent Garden guide
21810: GARDNER, LLOYD CALVIN (1934-) - Spheres of Influence : the Partition of Europe, from Munich to Yalta / Lloyd C. Gardner
214699: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the vagabond virgin
202823: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the fenced-in woman
202824: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the blonde bonanza
202674: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the glamorous ghost
201155: GARDNER, SALLY - I, Coriander / Sally Gardner
227574: GARDNER, JOHN E - For special services
199330: GARDNER, PAUL VICKERS (1908-). CARDER, FREDERICK. CORNING MUSEUM OF GLASS. ROCKWELL MUSEUM - Frederick Carder : portrait of a glassmaker / Paul V. Gardner
196637: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the fenced-in woman
17982: GARDNER, DORE. TURNER, KAY (1948-) - Nino Fidencio : a Heart Thrown Open / Photographs and Interviews by Dore Gardner ; Essay by Kay F. Turner
17498: GARDNER, MARTIN (1914-) - Are universes thicker than blackberries : discourses on Godel, magic hexagrams, Little Red Riding Hood, and other mathematical and pseudoscience subjects
173180: GARDNER, JOHN (1926-2007) - Ian Fleming's James Bond back in action : three complete novels
167974: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982) - Stillness ; and, Shadows / John Gardner ; edited and with an introduction by Nicholas Delbanco
163926: GARDNER, JOHN, (1933-1982) - Nickel Mountain; a Pastoral Novel [By] John Gardner. with Etchings by Thomas O'donohue
156978: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982). SPORN, MICHAEL (ILLUS. ) - The King of the Hummingbirds, and Other Tales / John Gardner ; Illustrated by Michael Sporn
156351: GARDNER, THEODORE ROOSEVELT - The Paper Dynasty / Theodore Roosevelt Gardner II
154265: GARDNER, JOSEPH LAWRENCE (1933-) - Departing Glory; Theodore Roosevelt As Ex-President [By] Joseph L. Gardner
154009: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982) - Mickelsson's Ghosts ; Illustrated with Photographs by Joel Gardner
133418: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982). J. WOLF (ILL. ) - The Life & Times of Chaucer
201958: GARDNER, ADELAIDE - Vital magnetic healing. by Adelaide Gardner
277608: GARDNER, MONICA MARY (D. 1941) - The anonymous poet of Poland, Zygmunt Krasinski
158052: GARDNER, ALBERT TEN EYCK - Winslow Homer, American artist : his world and his work
159177: GARDNER, PERCY (1846-1937) - The Ephesian Gospel, by Percy Gardner
278183: GARDNER, EDWARD L - Fairies : the Cottingley photographs and their sequel
251627: GARDNER, JAMES - On the farm
251613: GARDNER, JAMES - On the farm
251308: GARDNER, EDWARD L - Fairies : the Cottingley photographs and their sequel
25431: GARDNER, JOHN ; ILLUSTRATED BY MARY AZARIAN - The Art of Living and Other Stories
224660: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the terrified typist / Erle Stanley Gardner
229446: GARDNER, JOHN (1926-2007) - Spin the bottle : the autobiography of an alcoholic. SIGNED
250258: GARDNER, JIM - Key questions for trade unionists
250164: GARDNER, MONICA MARY (1873-1941) - Poland: containing twelve full-page illustrations - four of them in colour- including two by Artur Grottger
201066: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the stuttering bishop
229230: GARDNER, JOHN E - The censor
229231: GARDNER, JOHN - Amber Nine
229232: GARDNER, JOHN - A complete state of death
189863: GARDNER, JIM - Key questions for trade unionists
25286: GARDNER, EUGENE CLARENCE (1836-1915) - Homes and How to Make Them
141440: GARDNER, MONICA MARY - Poland, a Study in National Idealism. by Monica M. Gardner
137711: GARDNER, EMELYN ELIZABETH. RAMSEY, ELOISE - A Handbook of Children's Literature : Methods and Materials
108020: GARDNER, JOHN (1926-2007) - The Revenge of Moriarty / John Gardner
52690: GARDNER, LOUIS S. AND ANDERSON, ALFRED L. - Contributions to Economic Geology 1943-46, Short Paspers... United States Department of the Interior - Bulletin 944
94785: GARDNER, EDMUND GARRATT AND ERICHSEN, NELLY (ILLUS. ) - The Story of Florence, by Edmund G. Gardner, with 40 Illustrations by Nelly Erichsen... . .. and Many Reproductions from the Works of Florentine Painters & Sculptors
145146: GARDNER, MONICA MARY (-1941) - Poland : a Study in National Idealism
121499: GARDNER, BRIAN - The Wasted Hour; the Tragedy of 1945
181073: GARDNER, RICHARD N. - In pursuit of world order : U.S. foreign policy and international organizations
232535: GARDNER, ARTHUR (1878-) - French sculpture of the thirteenth century : seventy-eight examples of masterpieces of medieval art illustrating the works at Reims and showing their place in the history of sculpture / with an introduction and notes, by Arthur Gardner ... fifty plates
278702: GARDNER, JOHN WILLIAM - Electricity without dynamos : the coming revolution in power generation
118952: GARDNER, ERNEST ARTHUR - Six Greek Sculptors, by Ernest A. Gardner
115270: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY - The Case of the Dangerous Dowager
117324: GARDNER, JOHN (1926-2007) - The Revenge of Moriarty / John Gardner
165224: GARDNER, LUCY (ED. ) - Some Christian Essentials of Reconstruction / Essays by Various Writers; Edited by Lucy Gardner for the Interdenominational Conference of the Social Service Union
280426: GARDNER, ADELAIDE - Vital magnetic healing. by Adelaide Gardner
263027: GARDNER, ROBERT - Gardens of war : life and death in the New Guinea stone age / [by] Robert Gardner [and] Karl G. Heider. Introd. by Margaret Mead
37661: GARDNER, JOHN (1933-1982) - Gudgekin, the Thistle Girl, and Other Tales
120675: GARDNER, NICK - A Guide to United Kingdom and European Union Competition Policy / Nick Gardner
44630: GARDNER, RILEY W. AND MORIARTY, ALICE - Personality Development At Preadolescence - Explorations of Structure Formation
278808: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The Case of the Counterfeit Eye
228451: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The desert is yours
241806: GARDNER, JOHN STARKIE (1844-1930). WATTS, WILLIAM WHITEHEAD (B. 1860). VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Ironwork : part II, Continental ironwork of the Renaissance and Late periods / J. Starkie Gardner
239313: GARDNER, WILLIAM - Basic hand lettering
175926: GARDNER, EDWARD LEWIS - A Mystery Scroll and its Key
174667: GARDNER, JIM - Key questions for trade unionists
148514: GARDNER-SMITH, PERCIVAL - The Narratives of the Resurrection, a Critical Study
163768: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY, (1889-1970) - The World of Water : Exploring the Sacramento Delta / Erle Stanley Gardner
168818: GARDNER, PERCY - A Historic View of the New Testament. The Jowett Lectures ... 1901
25362: GARDNER, EDMUND GARRATT (1869-1935) - The Story of Florence
31953: GARDNER, CELIA E. - Stolen Waters
71955: GARDNER, JOHN (1926-2007) - The Liquidator [By] John Gardner
96675: GARDNER, BRIAN - The Wasted Hour; the Tragedy of 1945
244269: GARDNER, DAVID E - Genealogical research in England and Wales. Volume 3 : Old English handwriting, Latin, research standards and procedures
221453: GARDNER, SAMUEL - A guide to English Gothic architecture : illustrated by numerous drawings and photographs
198121: GARDNER, ADELAIDE - Introductory studies in theosophy
199573: GARDNER, A. H. (ALFRED HERBERT) - Outline of English architecture : an account for the general reader of its development from early times to the present day
205539: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY (1889-1970) - The case of the nervous accomplice
209273: GARDNER, ARTHUR - English medieval sculpture
210097: GARDNER, JIM - Key questions for trade unionists
229229: GARDNER, JOHN - For special services
163922: GARDOS, MIKLOS (ED. ) - Hungary 67
161736: GARDYNE, MARY ELKINS - Oup in Ole Vermont and Other French Dialect Poems, by Mary Elkins Gardyne, with an Introduction by Bessie Simmons Pease
260436: GARESCHÉ, WILLIAM A - Complete story of the Martinique and St. Vincent horrors
259107: GARESCHE, EDWARD - Sodality conferences
72338: GARFIELD, BRIAN (1939-) - Wild Times
31157: GARFIELD, CHARLES A. - Second to None : How Our Smartest Companies Put People First / Charles Garfield
264352: GARFIELD, SIMON - Our hidden lives : the remarkable diaries of post-war Britain / Simon Garfield
236097: GARFIELD, JAMES ABRAM. BROWN, HARRY JAMES. WILLIAMS, FREDERICK D - The diary of James A. Garfield / edited with an introduction by Harry James Brown, Frederick D. Williams. Volume III (1875-1977)
25311: GARFIELD, BRIAN - What of Terry Conniston? (a Falcon's Head Suspense Novel)
73157: GARFIELD, JAMES F. D. - Sketch of Journalism in Fitchburg, Mass.
92314: GARFIELD, VIOLA EDMUNDSON (1899-?) & FORREST, LINN ARGYLE (1905-?) - The Wolf and the Raven
179739: GARFINKEL, IRWIN - Earnings Capacity, Poverty, and Inequality / Irwin Garfinkel, Robert H. Haveman, with the Assistance of David Betson
141363: GARFORTH, F. W. (FRANCIS WILLIAM) - Educative Democracy : John Stuart Mill on Education in Society / F. W. Garforth
207074: GARFORTH, F. W. (FRANCIS WILLIAM) (1917-?) - Education and social purpose
235210: GARG, L. N - Indian Musical Instruments
80447: GARGAN, WILLIAM (1905-1979 - Why Me? : an Autobiography
263320: GARGANO, MICHAEL DI - Irish and English Freemasons and their foreign brothers : their system, oaths, ceremonies, secrets, grips, signs, and passwords
215841: GARIBDZANAN, GEVORG BAGRATOVIC - V. I. Lenin i bol'shevistskie organizacii Zakavkaz'ja, 1893-1924 [Lenin and the Bolshevik organizations in Transcaucasia. Language: Russian]
184687: GARIBOLDI, ITALO (ET AL.) - 'Lungo i confini della patria' .. Fascicolo XII: La frontiera italo-jugoslava 2. La linea del confine giulo
184684: GARIBOLDI, ITALO (ET AL.) - 'Lungo i confini della patria' .. Fascicolo XI: La frontiera italo-jugoslava 1. la zona di confine in generale
175816: GARIO, GINO - Italy : 1914 - 1918
67739: GARIS, LILIAN - Nancy Brandon
133013: GARIS, ROY LAWRENCE - Immigration Restriction; a Study of the Opposition to and Regulation of Immigration Into the United States, by Roy L. Garis
239324: GARIS, HOWARD ROGER - Uncle Wiggily and the canoe
160366: GARIS, HOWARD ROGER (1873-1962) - Teddy and the Mystery Goat
19535: GARIS, HOWARD ROGER (1873-1962) - Buddy on the Trail; Or, a Boy Among the Gypsies
265840: GARLAND, HUGH GREGORY - Medicine. Vol.1
239281: GARLAND, PATRICK - The incomparable Rex : a memoir of Rex Harrison in the 1980s : the last of the high comedians / Patrick Garland
166496: GARLAND, HAMLIN, (1860-1940) - Roadside Meetings, by Hamlin Garland ... Decorations by Constance Garland
142486: GARLAND, HAMLIN (1860-1940) - Roadside Meetings
98069: GARLAND, JUDY. HARNNE, HOWARD (ED. ) - The Judy Garland Souvenir Songbook: [Songs. Pictures, Words]
80858: GARLAND, PHYL & GOLDSMITH, LYNN - Michael : in Concert, with Friends, At Play / Text Written By, Phyl Garland ; Cover Photo, Bennie Schiffman ; Photo Credits, Lynn Goldsmith ... [Et Al. ]
75956: GARLAND, HAMLIN (1860-1940) - Trail-Makers of the Middle Border, by Hamlin Garland; Illustrated by Constance Garland
52918: GARLAND, JOSEPH - The Physician and His Practice
11016: GARLAND, C. M. - Depressions and Their Solution. Economic, Moral and Philosophical Aspects
114166: GARLAND, HAMLIN - My Friendly Contemporaries : a Literary Log
169523: GARLAND, HAMLIN (1860-1940) - Trail-makers of the middle border, by Hamlin Garland; illustrated by Constance Garland
275432: GARLICK, KENNETH (1916-2009) - Catalogue of portraits in the Bodleian Library
115534: GARLIN, SENDER - The Real Rickenbacker, by Sender Garlin
11228: GARLING, MARGUERITE - The Human Rights Handbook. A Guide to British and American International Human Rights Organisations
96631: GARLINSKI, JOZEF - The Survival of Love : Memoirs of a Resistance Officer
217345: GARLINSKI, JOZEF - Niezapomniane lata : dzieje Wywiadu Wieziennego i Wydzialu Bezpieczenstwa Komendy Glo´wnej Armii Krajowej [Language: Polish]
217329: GARLINSKI, JOZEF - Matki I Zony [Language: Polish]
112690: GARLINSKI, JOZEF - Intercept : the Enigma War / Jozef Garlinski
15559: GARMENT, SUZANNE - Scandal. The Culture of Mistrust in American Politics
13831: GARMENT, SUZANNE - Scandal : the Crisis of Mistrust in American Politics / Suzanne Garment
197103: DE GARMO, CHARLES (1849-1934) - Herbart and the Herbartians
279671: GARMONSWAY, G. N. SUMMERSCALE, SIR JOHN - The Penguin English Dictionary / The Penguin Encyclopedia
261662: GARN, JAKE - The future of U.S. land-based strategic forces ; sponsored by the Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center
205985: GARN, STANLEY M. [ED.] - Readings on race / edited by Stanley M. Garn
98058: GARNER, PHILIPPE - The World of Edwardiana / [By] Philippe Garner
82649: GARNER, PHILIPPE - The World of Edwardiana
82281: GARNER, PHILIPPE - Contemporary Decorative Arts from 1940 to the Present
56678: GARNER, PHILIPPE - The World of Edwardiana / [By] Philippe Garner
166463: GARNER, PHILIPPE (ED. ) - The Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts, 1890-1940 / Edited by Philippe Garner
164290: GARNER, WILLIAM ROBERT, (1803-1849) - Letters from California, 1846-1847. Edited, with a Sketch of the Life and Times of Their Author, by Donald Munro Craig
118948: GARNER, R. L. - The Speech of Monkeys
277915: GARNER, PHILIPPE - Art nouveau for collectors
112151: GARNER, JOE - Stay Tuned : Television's Unforgettable Moments / Joe Garner
103169: GARNER, JOE - And the Fans Roared : the Sports Broadcasts That Kept Us on the Edge of Our Seats / Joe Garner ; Bob Costas, Narration ; George Foreman, Foreword
34858: GARNETT, RONALD GEORGE - A Century of Co-Operative Insurance, by R. G. Garnett
271145: GARNETT, DAVID - War in the air : September 1939 to May 1941 / David Garnett
271005: GARNETT, DAVID - The Essential T.E. Lawrence
266631: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906) - Life of Thomas Carlyle
279086: GARNETT, EDWARD (1868-1937) - Papa's war : & other satires
255476: GARNETT, DAVID (1892-1981) - Up she rises / David Garnett
246996: GARNETT, A. F - Steel wheels : the evolution of the railways and how they stimulated and excited engineers, architects, artists, writers, musicians and travellers
246574: GARNETT, A. F - Steel wheels: the evolution of the railways and how they excited engineers, architects, artists and writers
252955: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906) - English literature : an illustrated record / [by Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse] - 2 volumes
193066: GARNETT, JAMES CLERK MAXWELL (1880-?) - Organising peace : an account of the League of Nations
116914: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906) - Life of John Milton
186357: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906) - The life of W. J. Fox : public teacher & social reformer, 1786-1864
222248: GARNETT, DAVID (1892-1981) - Rabbit in the air : notes from a diary kept while learning to handle an aeroplane
279045: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906) - The accession of Queen Mary : being the contemporary narrative of Antonio de Guaras, a Spanish merchant resident in London / edited with an introduction, translation, notes, and an appendix of documents, including a contemporary ballad in fac-simile, by Richard Garnett
5791: GARNETT, DAVID (1892-1981) - The Grasshoppers Come
46777: GARNETT, EDWARD - A Hudson Anthology, Arranged by Edward Garnett
189958: GARNETT, HENRIETTA (1945- ) - Anny : a biography of Anny Thackeray Ritchie / Henrietta Garnett
229511: GARNETT, DAVID (1892-1981) - Beany-eye
11952: GARNETT, RICHARD - De Flagello Myrteo. Thoughts and Fancies on Love
107864: GARNETT, EDWARD (1868-1937) - Hogarth, by Edward Garnett
111813: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906) - Life of Thomas Carlyle
180579: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906). ANDERSON, JOHN PARKER (1841-) - Life of John Milton
27170: GARNETT, RICHARD - William Shakespeare, pedagogue & poacher : a drama
39697: GARNETT, DAVID (1892-1981) - A Shot in the Dark
241384: GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906). BLAKE, WILLIAM (1757-1827) - William Blake : painter and poet
197004: GARNETT, JAMES CLERK MAXWELL (1880-?) - The organization of peace
115278: GARNHAM, NICHOLAS - Samuel Fuller
217390: GARNICH, N. F. - 1812 god [1812. Language: Russian]
201757: GARNIER, RUSSELL MONTAGUE - Annals of the British peasantry
156849: GARNIER, CHRISTINE (1915-) - Fetish, Translated by Naomi Walford
250700: GARNIER, RUSSELL MONTAGUE - History of the English landed interest : its customs, laws and agriculture (Modern period)
183100: GARNIER-PAGES, LOUIS ANTOINE. CARNOT, LAZARE HIPPOLYTE. DREO, AMAURY PROSPER MARIE - Le proces des Treize en Appel / MM. Garnier-Pages, Dreo, Carnot...et al
144432: GARNIER, ERNEST HENRI - Jerusalem Et La Judee : Description De La Palestine Ou Terre Sainte... / Par E. Garnier
141273: GARNIER, JEAN PAUL - La Tragedie De Dantzig. Préface De Jules Cambon
149698: GARNIER, RUSSELL M. (RUSSELL MONTAGUE) - Annals of the British Peasantry, by Russell M. Garnier
149656: GARNIER, RUSSELL M. (RUSSELL MONTAGUE) - Annals of the British Peasantry, by Russell M. Garnier
193792: GARNIER, RUSSELL MONTAGUE - History of the English landed interest : its customs, laws and agriculture (modern period) [volume 2]
132099: GARNIER, RUSSELL MONTAGUE - History of the English Landed Interest; its Customs, Laws and Agriculture
100359: GARNIER, CHARLES MARIE GEORGES (1869-?) - A Popular History of Ireland - Uniform Title: Eire, Historie D'Ireland. English
176531: GARNIER, JEAN-PAUL - La tragedie de danzig
7542: GARNIER, RUSSELL M. - Annals of the British Peasantry
214337: GAROFALO, RAFFAELE, BARON - La superstition socialiste / par Le Baron Raffaele Garofalo ; traduit de l'italien par Auguste Dietrich
263779: GAROFALO, LUCILLA - Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato : indici : 1955-1981
219623: GAROFOLI, FEDERICO - Anno Jubilaei Romae MCMXXV
259124: GARRARD, GARRY - A book of verse : the biography of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám / Garry Garrard
167205: GARRARD, JOHN GORDON - The eighteenth century in Russia / edited by J. G. Garrard
80227: GARRATT, COLIN DENNIS - The Last of Steam
266957: GARRATT, COLIN - The golden years of British steam trains. Southern Railway
256394: GARRATT, WILLIAM - Loreto, the New Nazareth and its Centenary Jubilee
280059: GARRATT, G. T. (GEOFFREY THEODORE) (1888-1942) - The mugwumps and the Labour Party
172844: GARRATT, G. T. (GEOFFREY THEODORE) (1888-1942) - Agriculture and the Labour party
246191: GARRATT, C & WAKEFORD, P - Chew Valley Giants
262640: GARRATT, EVELYN R - Tied and bound : or, The story of Nan
186162: GARRATT, G. T. (GEOFFREY THEODORE), (1888-1942) - The organisation of farming : Volume 1 : Production
189722: GARRATT, G. T. (GEOFFREY THEODORE), (1888-1942) - The organisation of farming
137525: GARRATT, JOHN GEOFFREY - Model Soldiers; a Collector's Guide
93453: GARRATT, GEOFFREY THEODORE (1888-1942) - The Shadow of the Swastika
57706: GARRETT, RICHARD - Stories of Famous Ships
277483: GARRETT, EDGAR - Headline Holiday
276946: GARRETT, ALBERT - A history of wood engraving
276553: GARRETT, ALBERT - A history of british wood engraving
269234: GARRETT, GERARD - The films of David Niven
265961: GARRETT, WENDELL - The Magazine Antiques: Vol. CXXI, No. 3, March 1982
25597: GARRETT, RICHARD - P. O. W. (Prisoners of War)
164268: GARRETT, GEORGE (1929-2008) (COMP. ) - Botteghe Oscure Reader. Edited by George Garrett, with the Assistance of Katherine Garrison Biddle. Introd. by George Garrett
163932: GARRETT, RICHARD - The Raiders : the Elite Strike Forces That Altered the Course of War and History / Richard Garrett
90910: GARRETT, HENRY EDWARD - Great Experiments in Psychology
87768: GARRETT, ALBERT - A History of British Wood Engraving
112011: GARRETT, WENDELL D. - American Home : from Colonial Simplicity to the Modern Adventure : an Illustrated Documentary / Wendell Garrett, David Larkin, Michael Webb ; with Essays by James Howard Kunstler, Richard Guy Wilson, Denise Scott Brown ; Photography by Michael Freeman
173369: GARRETT, GEORGE (1929-2008) - King of the mountain
240422: GARRETT, EDMUND HENRY (1853-1929). GARRETT, EDMUND H. LANG, ANDREW (1844-1912). GARRETT, EDMUND H [ILLUSTRATOR] - Elizabethan songs 'in honour of love and beautie' / collected and illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett ; with an introduction by Andrew Lang
55034: GARRETT, RICHARD - Submarines
174932: GARRETT, RANDALL - What's eating you / Randall Garrett in: Astounding Science Fiction : Vol. lix, No. 3, May 1957
174919: GARRETT, RANDALL - Damned if you don't by Randall Garrett : Astounding Science Fact & Fiction. Vol. LXV. No. 3. May 1960
174881: GARRETT, RANDALL - The Higher Treason by Garrett, Randall : Analog Science Fact and Fiction. Vol. LXVI. No. 5. January 1961
174871: GARRETT, RANDALL - The destroyers, by Randall Garrett, in: Astounding science fiction ; vol. lxiv no. 4, Dec. 1959
191782: GARRETT, RANDALL (1927-1987) - Tin Lizzie / Randall Garrett [in] Amazing stories: fact and science fiction ; vol. 38, no. 6, June 1964
43587: GARRETT, RICHARD - The Raiders - the Elite Strike Forces That Altered the Course of War and History
68516: GARRETT, WENDELL D. - The Topographical Development of Cambridge 1793-1896
72099: GARRETT, LESLIE (1932-?) - The Beasts
192982: GARRIC, ROBERT (B. 1896) - Albert de Mun / Robert Garric
279652: GARRICK, DAVID - Dramatic works, to which is prefixed a life of the author, v. 1. Lethe. The lying valet. Miss in her teens. Romeo and Juliet. Every man in his humour. The fairies. Florizel and Perdita. Catharine and Petruchio
226940: GARRICK CLUB. ASHTON, GEOFFREY. BURNIM, KALMAN A. WILTON, ANDREW - Pictures in the Garrick Club : a catalogue of the paintings, drawings and sculpture
62349: GARRICK, DAVID (1717-1779) - Some Unpublished Correspondence of David Garrick / Edited by George Pierce Baker
184385: GARRIGOU-LAGRANGE, ANDRE - Production agricole et economie rurale
103547: GARRIGUE, JEAN (1912-1972) (COMP. ) - Translations by American Poets
172147: GARRIGUES, HENRY JACQUES (1831-1913) - A text-book of the diseases of women. By Henry J. Garrigues ... Containing three hundred and thirty-five engravings
65332: GARRISON, PAUL - Model Railroad Photography
42304: GARRISON, DANIEL H. - Sexual Culture in Ancient Greece
260890: GARRISON, FIELDING H. (FIELDING HUDSON) (1870-1935) - An introduction to the history of medicine : with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data
222259: GARRISON, FIELDING H. (FIELDING HUDSON) 1870-1935 - A medical bibliography : (Garrison and Morton) an annotated check-list of texts illustrating the history of medicine / [by] Leslie T. Morton.
14202: GARRISON, PAUL - Investing in Oil in the '80s Without Spending a Fortune / Paul Garrison
115248: GARRISON, PAUL - Model Railroad Photography
85347: GARRISON, MYRTLE - Stars and Stripes, by Myrtle Garrison, Illustrated by W. J. Goodacre
85294: GARRISON, WINFRED ERNEST (1874-1969) & DE GROOT, A. T. (ALFRED THOMAS) (1903-?) - The Disciples of Christ : a History
81853: GARRISON, OMAR V. - Balboa, Conquistador : the Soul-Odyssey of Vasco Nunez, Discoverer of the Pacific / Omar V. Garrison
117514: GARRISON, MAXINE - The Angel Spreads Her Wings
238041: GARRISON, FIELDING HUDSON (1870-1935) - Notes on the history of military medicine / [by] Fielding H. Garrison. Mit einem Vorwort von Horst Zoske
239579: GARRISON, FIELDING HUDSON (1870-1935) - An introduction to the history of medicine : with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data
181467: GARRISON VILLARD, OSWALD - Within Germany; with an epilogue, England at war
160308: GARRISON, MAXINE - The Angel Spreads Her Wings
242120: GARRISON, FIELDING HUDSON (1870-1935) - John Shaw Billings : a memoir
177426: GARROD, HEATHCOTE WILLIAM (1878-1960) - The Oxford book of Latin verse : from the earliest fragments to the end of the Vth century A.D / chosen by H.W. Garrod
255949: GARRONI, EMILIO - Il Circolo linguistico di Praga - Le tesi del '29
88546: GARROULD, ANN - RELATED NAME: MOORE, HENRY (1898-1986) - Henry Moore : Drawings
36950: GARRY, ANN AND PEARSALL, MARILYN - Women, Knowledge, and Reality: Explorations in Feminist Philosophy
90007: GARSIDE, W. R. - The Durham Miners, 1919-1960
18970: GARSIDE, W. R. - The Durham Miners, 1919-1960
234244: GARSO, SIGMUND - Schule der speziellen Stimmbildung auf der Basis des losen Tones
236971: GARSON, PAUL - Album of the damned: snapshots from the Third Reich / Paul Garson
18181: GARSON, ROBERT A. - The Democratic Party and the Politics of Sectionalism, 1941-1948
255989: GARSOU, JULES - L'évolution démocratique de Victor Hugo, 1848-1851
176662: GARSOU, JULES - L'evolution democratique de Victor Hugo, 1848-1851
196035: GARSOU, JULES - L'evolution democratique de Victor Hugo, 1848-1851
261602: GARSTANG, JOHN (1876-1956) - Joshua Judges : with the text
246616: GARSTIN, DENIS NORMAN (1890-1918). WELLS, HERBERT GEORGE (1866-1946) - Friendly Russia
76122: GART, ALAN - Banks, Thrifts, and Insurance Companies : Surviving the 1980s
18909: GARTH, SAMUEL, SIR (1661-1719) - The Poetical Works of Sir Sam Garth with a Life of the Author
18475: GARTHOFF, RAYMOND L. - Sino-Soviet Military Relations, Edited by Raymond L. Garthoff
206173: GARTHOFF, RAYMOND L. - Soviet military policy : a historical analysis / [by] Raymond L. Garthoff
115686: GARTLAND, RUTH M. - Psychiatric Social Service in a Children's Hospital : Two Years of Service in Bobs Roberts Memorial Hospital for Children, University of Chicago Clinics
72415: GARTMANN, HEINZ (1917-?) - Rings around the World; Man's Progress from Steam Engine to Satellite. Translated by Alan G. Readett - [Uniform Title: Sonst Stünde Die Welt Still. English]
190168: GARTMANN, HEINZ (1917- ) - Science as history : the story of man's technological progress from steam engine to satellite
42882: GARTNER, ALAN AND RIESSMAN, FRANK - The Service Society and the Consumer Vanguard
164988: GARTNER, LLOYD P. (1927- ) - The Jewish Immigrant in England, 1870-1914
114367: GARTON, RAY. J. K. POTTER (ILL. ) - The New Neighbor
233157: GARTZ, JOACHIM - Die Grossen der Philosophie
171471: GARVER, WILL L. (B. 1867) - Brother of the third degree
121309: GARVER, EARL SIMEON - Puerto Rico, Unsolved Problem, by Earl S. Garver ... [And] Ernest B. Fincher. with Maps and Drawings by John Morgan and William Schuhle
268370: GARVEY, ELEANOR M - The turn of a century, 1885-1910 : art nouveau-Jugendstil books / [Catalogue by Eleanor M. Garvey, Anne B. Smith, and Peter A. Wick, of an exhibition held at] the Houghton Library Harvard University, 1970
261790: GARVIE, ALFRED E. (ALFRED ERNEST) (1861-1945) - The Christian belief in God : in relation to religion and philosophy
188180: GARVIE, ALFRED E. (ALFRED ERNEST) (1861-1945) [BIBLE -- N. T. -- ENGLISH] - The Gospel according to St Luke / with introduction and notes by the general editor
187063: GARVIE, ALFRED ERNEST (ED., 1861-1945) - Romans : introduction. Authorized version, Revised version with notes, index and map / edited by Alfred E. Garvie
103515: GARVIN, RICHARD M.. EDMOND G. ADDEO - The Midnight Special: the Legend of Leadbelly, by Richard M. Garvin and Edmond G. Addeo
200419: GARVIN, J. L. (JAMES LOUIS), (1868-1947) - The economic foundations of peace : or, World-partnership as the truer basis of the league of nations
141253: GARVIN, J. L. (JAMES LOUIS) - The Economic Foundations of Peace
197401: GARVIN, J. L. (JAMES LOUIS) (1868-1947) - The economic foundations of peace : or, World-partnership as the truer basis of the league of nations
29789: GARVY, GEORGE - Money, Banking, and Credit in Eastern Europe / [By] George Garvy
227220: GARWOOD, GOUGH THOMAS - Gough Thomas's gun book : shotgun lore for the sportsman
248844: GARY, ROMAIN - Lady L
71919: GARY BERTSCH, ED. - The Impact of Governments on East-West Economic Relations
189854: GARY, A. L. (1935-) - The psychic world of Doc Anderson
107239: GARY, DOROTHY HALES. PAYNE, ROBERT - The splendors of Asia : India, Thailand, Japan. / photographs by Dorothy Hales Gary ; text by Robert Payne
264915: GARZANTI, ALDO [EDITORE] - Catalogo III: Agosto 1943-XXI: Biblioteca Dantesca: le maggiori edizioni del poema, le opere minori, opere su Dante ; Novellieri: i rappresentanti della novellistica Italiana nelle loro principali edizioni
266372: GARZONI, GIOVANNI (1419-1505) - The letters of Giovanni Garzoni : Bolognese humanist and physician, 1419-1505 / [edited by] L.R. Lind
211817: GARZOUZI, EVA - Old ills and new remedies in Egypt : a comprehensive review of the different measures adopted in recent years to deal with the problems resulting from over-population
210480: GASC-DESFOSSES, EDOUARD - La convention / par Edouard Gasc-Desfosses
235686: GASCHET, ROBERT (1865-) - La vie et la mort tragique de Paul-Louis Courier
85025: GASCOIGNE, BAMBER & GASCOIGNE, CHRISTINA (B. 1938 OR 9-?) ILLUS - Why the Rope Went Tight / Words by Bamber Gascoigne ; Pictures by Christina Gascoigne
247315: GASCOIGNE, BAMBER - The Christians / Bamber Gascoigne ; with photographs by Christina Gascoigne
237940: GASCOIGNE, BAMBER - A brief history of the dynasties of China
175835: GASCON, ROGER - La nuit du pouvoir : ou, Le 24 mai manque
256274: GASCOYNE, DAVID (1916-2001) - Selected prose 1934-96 / David Gascoyne; edited by Roger Scott; with an introduction by Kathleen Raine
182699: GASCOYNE-CECIL, WILLIAM (1863-1936) - Changing China
203265: GASELEE, STEPHEN (1882-1943) - The Uniats and their rites : a paper read before the Alcuin club on November 20, 1924
276482: GASH, JONATHAN - Lovejoy : an omnibus
276478: GASH, JONATHAN - The great California game
230297: GASH, JONATHAN - The great California game
227242: GASH, JONATHAN - Jade Woman. A Lovejoy narrative
210488: GASH, JONATHAN - Moonspender : a lovejoy narrative / Jonathan Gash
199749: GASH, JONATHAN - The lies of fair ladies
193627: GASH, JONATHAN - The year of the woman / Jonathan Gash
159942: GASH, JONATHAN - The Great California Game
200730: GASH, JONATHAN - The rich and the profane / Jonathan Gash
37055: GASH, JONATHAN - The Tartan Sell
177865: GASK, NORMAN - Old silver spoons of England / Norman Gask
238723: GASK, GEORGE ERNEST (1875-) - Essays in the history of medicine
248109: GASKELL, ELIZABETH CLEGHORN (1810-1865) - The life of Charlotte Brontë
275287: GASKELL, ELIZABETH - The life of Charlotte Brontë / Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell ; with an introduction by May Sinclair
260733: GASKELL, ELIZABETH CLEGHORN - The life of Charlotte Brontë - vol. 2
227628: GASKELL, PHILIP (1926-) - John Baskerville - a bibliography
227573: GASKELL, PHILIP - Bibliography of the Foulis Press / Philip Gaskell
226630: GASKELL, ELIZABETH - Cranford / Elizabeth Gaskell ; edited with an introduction by Elizabeth Porges Watson
253104: GASKELL, ELIZABETH CLEGHORN (1810-1865) - The life of Charlotte Bronte / with an intr. and notes by Clement K. Shorter
224756: GASKELL, ELIZABETH - Marie Barton : roman anglais / Mrs Gaskell ; traduit avec l'autorisation de l'auteur par Mlle Morel
269534: GASKELL, ELIZABETH CLEGHORN (1810-1865) - Cranford / Elizabeth Gaskell with 25 coloured illustrations by C. E. Brock
248139: GASKELL, ELIZABETH CLEGHORN (1810-1865) - Cousin Phillis - With a preface by Thomas Seccombe. Illustrations by M. V. Wheelhouse
111772: GASKELL, JANE - Atlan / Jane Gaskell
123054: GASKELL, JANE - The Dragon / Jane Gaskell
206471: GASKILL, BETTY MILTON - Russias new hate America campaign
14335: GASKIN, STEPHEN - Rendered Infamous : a Book of Political Reality
212836: GASKIN, CATHERINE - The file on Devlin
136595: GASKIN, MAXWELL - The Scottish Banks, a Moden Survey
71051: GASMAN, LAWRENCE - Telecompetition : the Free Market Road to the Information Highway / Lawrence Gasman
153350: GASON, ELISE - Mille Pourquoi?
188227: GASON, ELISABETH - Trajectoire / Elisabeth Gason
187359: GASON, ELISABETH - Harmonies a pieds
187333: GASON, ELISABETH - J'Ai Mis En Vers Les Hommes En Blanc / Preface Du Docteur Jean-Michel Debry
187317: GASON, ELISABETH - Des vers pour tout dire
187488: GASON, ELISABETH - Dis-le en vers ca passera mieux / dessins de Marie-Laure Massart
131475: GASON, ELISABETH - J'Ai Mis En Vers Les Hommes En Blanc / Preface Du Docteur Jean-Michel Debry
187487: GASON, ELISABETH - Marie-Laure et moi
187486: GASON, ELISABETH - De vagues a lames
243608: GASON, ELISABETH - Des Métiers et des Hommes
183564: GASPAR, CAMILLE. LYNA, FREDERIC - Philippe le Bon et ses beaux livres
229387: GASPAR SZCZEPKOWSKI, S.J - Praelectiones de cognitione humana quas in Collegio Lavalliensi anno 1855 tradebat
184276: DE GASPARIN, COUNT AGENOR - L'egalite
174056: GASPARINI, GRAZIANO - Templos coloniales de Venezuela / Graziano Gasparini
209204: GASPARRINI LEPORACE, TULLIA - Biblia, patres, liturgia : catalogo di mostra presso la biblioteca Nazionale Marciano
129285: DE GASPERI, ALCIDE (1881-1954) - Le Crocnache De IL Popolo Di Milano Per La Scomparsa / Dell'on. Dott Alcide De Gasperi
131356: DE GASPERI, ALCIDE. TOMMASO BOZZA (ED. ) - Discorsi Politici / Alcide De Gasperi ; a Cura Di Tommaso Bozza
243008: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
243006: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
243000: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
243003: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
243007: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
102654: GASPEY, THOMAS (1788-1871). TALLIS, JOHN (1817-1876) - Tallis's Illustrated Scripture History for the Improvement of Youth
243005: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
243001: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
242999: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time: Vol. I: Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth: (1506-1568)
243004: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
243002: GASPEY, THOMAS. HISTORY OF ENGLAND SERIES - The History of England: from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third; and thence continued to the present time
187556: GASQUET, FRANCIS AIDAN (1846-1929) ; [ET AL.] - The Catholic church and labour
271534: GASQUET, FRANCIS AIDAN - Henry VIII and the English monasteries; an attempt to illustrate the history of their suppression - in 2 volumes
201838: GASQUET, FRANCIS AIDAN (1846-1929) - Religio religiosi : the object and scope of the religious life
270172: GASS, IRENE - A glance at heraldry
274271: GASSIER, PIERRE - Goya : a witness of his times / Pierre Gassier ; translated from the German by Helga Harrison
83607: GASSIER, PIERRE. BAREAU, JULIET WILSON. GOYA, FRANCISCO (1746-1828) - The Life and Complete Work of Francisco Goya : with 2148 Illustrations Including 48 Colour Plates / [By Pierre Gassier and Juliet Wilson, Ed. by Francois Lachenal, Trans. from the French by Christine Hauch and Juliet Wilson]
241404: GASSNER, F. S - Universal-Lexikon der Tonkunst
249614: GASSNER, JOHN - A treasury of the theatre : (from Aeschylus to Turgenev) - Revised edition, edited by John Gassner - Volume 1
75682: GASSNER, JOHN (1903-1967) , ED. - Ideas in the Drama; Selected Papers from the English Institute
254330: GAST, HAROLD - The Jesse Owens story: film script
152205: GASTER, THEODOR HERZL (1906-) - Passover : its History and Traditions
134048: GASTER, THEODOR HERZL (1906-1992) - The Scriptures of the Dead Sea Sect / in English Translation with Introduction and Notes by Theodor H. Gaster
111931: GASTEYGER, CURT (ED. ) - The Future for European Energy Security / Edited by Curt Gasteyger
172841: GASTIN, LOUIS - L'enfance criminelle et son salut / Louis Gastine ; preface de Maitre Guy Cupfer
127726: GASTINE, LOUIS JULES - Reine Du Directoire, La Belle Tallien
221815: GASTINEAU, HENRY (1791-1876) - South Wales illustrated, in a series of views, Comprising the Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Castles, Seats of the Nobility & Gentry, Antiquities &c. Engraved on Steel from Original Drawings by Henry Gastineau. Accompanied by historical and topographical...
222057: GASTINEAU, HENRY (1791-1876) - Wales illustrated : in a series of views, comprising the picturesque scenery, towns, castles, seats of the nobility & gentry, antiquities, &c. engraved on steel from original drawings by Henry Gastineau...
222058: GASTINEAU, HENRY (1791-1876) - South Wales illustrated : in a series of views, comprising the picturesque scenery, towns, castles, seats of the nobility & gentry, antiquities, &c. engraved on steel from original drawings by Henry Gastineau...
221831: GASTINEAU, HENRY (1791-1876) - Wales illustrated : in a series of views, comprising the picturesque scenery, towns, castles, seats of the nobility & gentry, antiquities, &c. engraved on steel from original drawings by Henry Gastineau. Accompanied by historical... ...and topographical descriptions
273095: GASTON, PETER - Thirty-eighth parallel : the British in Korea
147737: PREUD'HOMME GASTON (ED. ) - Memoires De La Societe Royale D'Histoire Et D'Archeologie De Tournai ; Tome IV
64517: GASTON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (1859-1927) - The Problems of Peace; a Study of the Essential Needs of Massachusetts During the Reconstruction Period
274286: GATER, GEORGE - Survey of London. Vol. 17 The Village of Highgate (The Parish of St. Pancras, Part 1) / under the general editorship of George Gater [and] Walter. H Godfrey
42046: GATES, HENRY LOUIS AND WEST, CORNEL - The Future of the Race
273486: GATES, ELEANOR M - End of the affair : the collapse of the Anglo-French alliance, 1939-40 / Eleanor M. Gates
253498: GATES, BILL - The road ahead / Bill Gates with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson
25161: GATES, HENRY LOUIS JR. - The Trials of Phillis Wheatley - America's First Black Poet and Her Encounters with the Founding Fathers / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
157981: GATES, BETSEY (ED.) - The Colton letters : Civil War period, 1861-1865 / compiled and edited by Betsey Gates
154455: GATES, HENRY LOUIS. APPIAH, ANTHONY (EDS. ) - Richard Wright : Critical Perspectives Past and Present / Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K. A. Appiah
137600: GATES, FRIEDA - North American Indian Masks : Craft and Legend
279379: GATES, MAC BURNEY - Aloma of the South Seas by MacBurney Gates ; adapted from the drama of the same name by John B. Hymer & Leroy Clemens ; illustrated with scenes from the photoplay ; a Paramount picture starring Gilda Gray
10799: GATES, HENRY LOUIS - Richard Wright : Critical Perspectives Past and Present / Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K. A. Appiah
91716: GATES, ARTHUR IRVING - Elementary Psychology, by Arthur I. Gates ...
61826: GATES, JOSEPHINE SCRIBNER (1859-1930) - The Story of Live Dolls; Being an Account by Josephine Scribner Gates of How, on a Certain June Morning, all of the Dolls in the Village of Cloverdale Came Alive; with Many Pictures Made At the Time by Virginia Keep
33148: SCHIEFFER. GARY PAUL GATES - The Acting President / Bob Schieffer and Gary Paul Gates
50968: GATES, ELEANOR - The Poor Little Rich Girl
261724: THE GATEWAY - The Gateway: a journal of life and literature: No. 108, Mid-August, 1921, Vol. X - No. 215, Mid-July, 1930, Vol. XIX
269246: GATFIELD, GEORGE - Guide to printed books and manuscripts relating to English and foreign heraldry and genealogy : being a classified catalogue of works of those branches of literature
48891: GATHJE, CURTIS - A Model Crime - a True Fiction
94905: GATHORNE-HARDY, JONATHAN - The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny
255232: GATHORNE-HARDY, GEOFFREY MALCOLM - A short history of international affairs, 1920 to 1939
247749: GATHORNE-HARDY, JONATHAN - The rise and fall of the British nanny / Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy
208032: GATHORNE-HARDY, JONATHAN; HILL, NICHOLAS (ILLUS.) - Janes' adventures : in and out of the book, on the Island of Peeg, in a balloon
224014: GATHORNE-HARDY, A. E. (ALFRED ERSKINE) 1845-1918 - My happy hunting grounds with notes on sport and natural history
232533: GATHY, AUGUST (1800-1858) - Musikalisches Conversations-Lexikon : Encyklopdie der gesammten Musik-Wissenschaft fur Kunstler, Kunstfreunde und Gebildete / unter Mitwirkung von J. Schmidt ... [et al.] redigirt von A. Gathy
269430: GATLAND, KENNETH WILLIAM - Manned spacecraft
119671: GATLAND, KENNETH WILLIAM (1924-) - Project Satellite. Illustrated with Photos. and Drawings by John W. Wood
243219: GATOVSKIJ, LEV MARKOVIC - Über die allgemeingültigen Gesetzmäßigkeiten und die Besonderheiten des Aufbaus des Sozialismus in den verschiedenen Ländern
224361: GATRELL, VIC (1941-) - City of laughter : sex and satire in 18th century London / Vic Gatrell
164380: GATRELL, F. LUXMORE - Humor
168439: GATSCHET, ALBERT SAMUEL (1832-1907) - The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon - [Complete in 2 volumes]
255927: GATT, GIUSEPPE - Constable : the life and work of the artist illustrated with 80 colour plates / translated from the Italian by Pearl Sanders
255930: GATT, GIUSEPPE - Turner : the life and work of the artist illustrated / with 80 colour plates ; translated from the Italian by Pearl Sanders and Caroline Beamish
267678: GATTA, ENRICO - La Costituzione jugoslava del 1931
243746: GATTA, BRUNO. ROMAN REPUBLIC (1849) - La costituzione della repubblica romana del 1849 / a cura di Bruno Gatta
68244: GATTEGNO, JEAN - Lewis Carroll : Fragments of a Looking-Glass / Jean Gattegno ; Translated by Rosemary Sheed
41290: GATTERER S. J. , DR. MICHAEL AND KRUS S. J. , DR. FRANZ - Die Erziehung Zur Keuschheit - Gedanken Uber Sexuelle Belehrung Und Erziehung, Den Seelsorgern Und Anderen Erziehern Vorgelegt
90362: GATTEY, CHARLES NEILSON - Gauguin's Astonishing Grandmother: a Biography of Flora Tristan
269656: GATTEY, CHARLES NEILSON - Queens of song / [by] Charles Neilson Gattey
112475: GATTEY, CHARLES NEILSON - The Bloomer Girls; Foreword by James Laver
226653: GATTI, JUAN (1950-) - Contraluz / Juan Gatti ; texto, Maria Vela.
164657: GATTI, GEROLAMO - Le Socialisme Et L'Agriculture / Avec Une Introd. De G. Sorel
263730: GATTI, LUIGI - Bertinoro : notizie storiche
182641: GATTI, ELLEN MORGAN WADDILL - Exploring we would go
183459: GATTI, ATTILIO (1896-?) - South of the Sahara
185077: GATTI, ANGELO (1875-1948) - Nel tempo della tormenta
185076: GATTI, ANGELO, GENERA - Uomini e folle di guerra
143734: GATTI, PASQUALE - La Guerra E Gli Ideali Della Vita Saggio D'Interpretazione Filosofica Della Storia
131185: GATTI, ANGELO - La Parte Dell'italia : Rivendicazioni / Angelo Gatti
152858: GATTI, ANGELO (1875-) - La Parte Dell 'italia : Rivendicazioni
172861: GATTO ROISSARD, LEONARDO - Disarmo e difesa / Leonardo Gatto Roissard
275499: GATTY, ALFRED MRS. (1809-1873). EWING, JULIANA HORATIA (1841-1885). PHILIP HERMOGENES (1833-1898) - Parables from nature, first series
257719: GATTY, CHARLES T. (CHARLES TINDAL) - Mary Davies and the Manor of Ebury
261474: GATTY, ALFRED MRS. (1809-1873) - Parables from nature
40036: GATTY, CHARLES T. - George Wyndham - Recognita
199024: GATTY, ALFRED, MRS (1809-1873) - Parables from nature
209169: GATTY, HORATIA K. F. - Juliana Horatia Ewing and her books
31372: GATZKE, HANS WILHELM (1915-) - Germany and the United States, a 'Special Relationship?' / Hans W. Gatzke
127215: GAUCHER, ANDRE - L'Honorable Leon Daudet. Contribution Aux Enquetes De La Conscience Nationale
100059: GAUCHER, ROLAND - Opposition in the U. S. S. R. , 1917-1967
59082: GAUCHER, ROLAND - Opposition in the U. S. S. R. , 1917-1967. Translated by Charles Lam Markmann
140363: GAUCHEREL, LEON - Exemples De Decoration Appliques a L'Architecture Et a La Peinture Depuis L'Antiquite Jusqu'a Nos Jours
141456: GAUCKLER, PHILIPPE-GASPARD (1826-) - Le Beau Et Son Histoire / Par Ph. Gauckler
194077: GAUDEN, JOHN (1605-1662) - Eikon basilike : The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings
63273: GAUDI, ANTONI (1852-1926) - Gaudi / Xavier Miserachs & Lluis Permanyer (A Portfolio of Six Excellent, Stiff-Card Photos)
175884: GAUDIN, LOIS STRONG (B. 1901) - Les lettres anglaises dans l'Encyclopedie
245719: GAUGHAN, J. ANTHONY (JOHN ANTHONY) (1932-) - A political odyssey : Thomas O'Donnell MP for West Kerry 1900-1918
247943: GAUGUIN, PAUL (1848-1903) - Noa Noa : Gauguin's Tahiti / edited and introduced by Nicholas Wadley ; translated by Jonathan Griffin
220490: GAUGUIN, CEZANNE, MATISSE : VISIONS OF ARCADIA (EXHIBITION) (2012 : PHILADELPHIA, PA.) - Gauguin, Cezanne, Matisse : visions of Arcadia / edited by Joseph J. Rishel ; with essays by Stephanie D'Alessandro, Charles Dempsey, Tanja Pirsig-Marshall, Joseph J. Rishel, and George T.M. Shackelford
10589: GAUGUIN - Peintures Introduction De Jean Taralon
106033: GAUGUIN, PAUL (1848-1903) - Noa Noa / P. Gauguin ; Réalisé Et Présenté Par Gilles Artur, Jean-Pierre Fourcade, Jean-Pierre Zingg
106484: GAUGUIN, PAUL. VAN GOGH, VINCENT. SISLEY, ALFRED - French Impressionism in Russian Museums, Print Portfolio (Eight High-Quality, Full-Color Reproductions)
96537: GAUHER, ALTAF - Regional Integration : the Latin American Experience / Edited by Altaf Gauher
212579: GAULIS, BERTHE GEORGES. ABBAS II, KHEDIVE OF EGYPT (1874-1944) - Le nationalisme Egyptien / Berthe Georges Gaulis
202672: GAULLE, CHARLES DE (1890-1970) - Memoires de guerre : Le salut 1944-1946
224819: GAULLE, CHARLES DE (1890-1970) - Memoires de guerre. L'appel : 1940-1942 / Charles de Gaulle
94201: GAULLE, CHARLES DE (1890-1970) - War Memoirs: Volume 1 - the Call to Honour, 1940-1942, Documents, Translated by Jonathan Griffin
93360: GAULLE, CHARLES DE (1890-1970) - War Memoirs: the Call to Honour, 1940-1942
224821: GAULLE, CHARLES DE (1890-1970) - Memoires de guerre. Le salut : 1944-1946 / Charles de Gaulle
224820: GAULLE, CHARLES DE (1890-1970) - Memoires de guerre. L'unite : 1942-1944 / Charles de Gaulle
204457: DE GAULLE, CHARLES ANDRE JOSEPH MARIE - Memoires de Guerre / Charles de Gaulle
112648: GAULLE, CHARLES DE (1890-1970). - The Call to Honour, 1940-1942 / Charles De Gaulle ; Translated by Jonathan Griffin.
32190: DE GAULLE, CHARLES - War Memoirs Volume One - the Call to Honour, 1940-1942, Documents
136785: GAULLIEUR, E. -H. (EUSEBE HENRI ALBAN) - Histoire Et Description De La Bibliotheque Publique De Geneve / Par E. -H. Gaullieur
20980: GAULLIEUR, HENRY - The Paternal State in France and Germany
136059: REVIS-GAULOIS - Doctrine Et Plan Unisocialistes / Revis-Gaulois
250344: GAULOT, PAUL - A Friend of the queen, Marie Antoinette-Count de Fersen : from the Fr. of Paul Gaulot
167430: GAULOT, PAUL, (1852-1937) - Un complot sous la terreur : Marie-Antoinette, Toulan, Jarjayes
223081: GAULT, S. MILLAR (SIMPSON MILLAR) - The dictionary of shrubs in colour / S. Millar Gault ; photographs supplied by Ernest Crowson ; foreword by C.D. Brickell
205600: GAULT, WILLIAM CAMPBELL - Come die with me
178976: BIBLIOTHEQUE DE L'UNION FRANCAISE DIRGEE PAR PAUL GAULTIER - La Roumanie conferences faites a l'union francaise
276548: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - British painting from Hogarth's day to ours / [by] William Gaunt with 31 illustrations in colour and duochrome.
276064: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - Everyman's dictionary of pictorial art - in 2 volumes
273184: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - Court painting in England from Tudor to Victorian times / William Gaunt
271711: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - English painting : a concise history / William Gaunt
270765: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - The history of corporal punishment / George Ryley Scott
269697: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - The observer's book of modern art : from impressionism to the present day
268162: GAUNT, PETER - Cromwellian Gazetteer : Illustrated Guide to Britain in the Civil War and Commonwealth / Peter Gaunt
224464: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The impressionists : with 108 plates in full colour / William Gaunt
220276: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The observer's book of painting and graphic art
210966: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - The great century of British painting : Hogarth to Turner / William Gaunt
201492: GAUNT, LEONARD - The photoguide to the 35mm single lens reflex / Leonard Gaunt
137584: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - The Treasury of Painting through Five Centuries
240838: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - A companion to painting
256552: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - A concise history of English painting
225049: GAUNT, WILLIAM 1900-1980 - Chelsea / William Gaunt
256500: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - The observer's book of painting and graphic art / With 16 plates in full colour and 57 monochrome reproductions from the original paintings
109380: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The Treasury of Painting through Five Centuries
224928: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The Impressionists
203505: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - A concise history of English painting
156266: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-) - Kensington
8840: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The Aesthetic Adventure
210237: GAUNT, WILLIAM (1900-1980) - British painting : from Hogarth's day to ours / William Gaunt
30884: GAUPP, FRIEDRICH (1897-) - Pioniere Der Neuzeit in Der Fruhrenaissance, Von Friedrich Gaupp
205145: GAUQUELIN, MICHEL - Cosmic influences on human behaviour
96908: DE GAURY, GERALD & WINSTONE, H. V. F. (HARRY VICTOR FREDERICK) (EDS. ) - The Road to Kabul : an Anthology
96614: DE GAURY, GERALD AND WINSTONE, H. V. F. (EDS.) - The Road to Kabul : an Anthology / Edited by Gerald De Gaury and H. V. F. Winstone
180852: DE GAURY, GERALD - The new State of Israel
269046: DE GAURY, GERALD - Travelling Gent: the Life of Alexander Kinglake (1809-1891)
180851: DE GAURY, GERALD - The new State of Israel
16948: GAUSS, CHRISTIAN - The German Emperor as Shown in His Public Utterances
58789: GAUSS, CHRISTIAN FREDERICK (1878-1951) - Why We Went to War, by Christian Gauss
14389: GAUSS, CHRISTIAN FREDERICK (1878-1951) - Why We Went to War, by Christian Gauss
159305: GAUSSEN, PROFESSOR - From Egypt to Sinai - the Exodus of the Children of Israel
153146: GAUTHEROT, GUSTAVE - Le Bolchevisme Aux Colonies Et L'Imperialisme Rouge
165681: GAUTHEROT, GUSTAVE - Le Communisme a L'Ecole. En Russie Sovietique Et En Belgique
176593: GAUTHEROT, GUSTAVE - Le Communisme a l'ecole. En Russie sovietique et en belgique
134831: GAUTHEROT, GUSTAVE - Le Monde Communiste
152950: GAUTHEROT, GUSTAVE (1880-) - Le Monde Communiste
159515: GAUTHIER, LOUIS (B. 1860) - Bernard Lamotte; Oil Painting and Brush Drawing, by Louis Gauthier
229999: GAUTHIER, SERGE - Les Porcelainiers du XVIII* siecle francais
146373: GAUTHIER, EMMANUEL - Le Genie Satirique De Louis Veuillot
211021: GAUTHIER, ROBERT (1901-). DREYFUS, MATHIEU (1857-1930) - Dreyfusards! / souvenirs de Mathieu Dreyfus et autres inedits presentes par Robert Gauthier
200185: GAUTHIEZ, PIERRE (B. 1862) - Florence
259386: GAUTIER, ARMAND - Leçons de chimie biologique, normale et pathologique / par Armand Gautier
251209: GAUTIER, THÉOPHILE. DE SUMICHRAST, PROFESSOR F. C. [ED. & TRANS.] - Art and Criticism: the magic hat
242876: GAUTIER, THÉOPHILE (1811-1872) - Émaux et camées par Théophile Gautier; avec un portrait de l'auteur et deux eaux-fortes de H. Manesse d'Apres les aquarelles de la Princesse Mathilde
245391: GAUTIER, THÉOPHILE (1811-1872). SUMICHRAST, F. C. DE - The works of Théophile Gautier: Volume Six: Portraits of the Day / translated and edited by F.C. de Sumichrast
155625: GAUTIER, LYDIA - Tea : exotic flavors and Aromas
192836: GAUTIER, JULES - La Chine brule : sera-t-elle bolchevisee ?
201297: GAUTIER, THEOPHILE (1811-1872). SEVERIN, MARK (ILLUS.) - Mademoiselle de Maupin / [by] Theophile Gautier; translated by R. & E. Powys Mathers; illustrated by Mark Severin
144226: GAUTIER. CHARLES, COLONEL - Histoire Sommaire De La Ville Et Du Comte De Nice
235922: GAUTIER, LEON - Etudes et controverses historiques
129405: GAUTIER, LEON (1832-1897) - Quelques Mots Sur L'Etude De La Paleographie Et De La Diplomatique / Par Léon Gautier
237184: GAUTIER, THÉOPHILE (1811-1872) - L'España de Th. Gautier
159233: GAUTIER, THEOPHILE (1811-1872) - The Wife of King Candaules
82369: GAUTIER, THEOPHILE (1811-1872) - RELATED NAME: UZANNE, OCTAVE (ILLUS. ) - Captain Fracasse
208657: GAUTIER, THEOPHILE (1811-1872). GOHIN, FERDINAND (1867-). TISSERAND, ROGER - Critique artistique et litteraire / Introductions et notes par Ferdinand Gohin ... et Roger Tisserand ... Une gravure hors texte
277449: GAUTRAND, JEAN-CLAUDE - Brassaï Paris, 1899-1984 : Brassaï's universal art
192916: GAUVAIN, AUGUSTE (1861-1931) - La question yougoslave / Auguste Gauvain
146699: GAUVAIN, AUGUSTE (1861-) - L'Affaire Grecque
230998: GAUVAIN, HENRY SIR (1878-). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHT AND HEAT IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY (2ND : 1928 : LONDON, ENGLAND) - Light and heat in therapy : with a chapter on 'foam treatment' / being the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Light and Heat in Medicine and Surgery, University of London, October-November, 1928 ; authors: Sir Henry Gauvain [and others]
166265: GAVAND, J P. - La Faction Civile Devoilee
99005: GAVANTO, BARTOLOMMEO (1569-1638) - Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum Auctore Rev. Patre D. Bartholomaeo Gavanto ... Cum Novis Observationibus, Et Additionibus R. P. D. Cajetani-Mariae Merati ... [Tomus Primus Complectens Omnia Gavanti Commentaria in Rubricas Missalis Romani .......]
249436: GAVIN, JAMILA - Coram boy / Jamila Gavin
154912: GAVIN, JAMES - Stormy Weather : the Life of Lena Horne
32940: GAVIN, CATHERINE - None Dare Call it Treason
43467: GAVIN, JAMES M. - Crisis Now
121257: GAVINS, RAYMOND - The Perils and Prospects of Southern Black Leadership : Gordon Blaine Hancock, 1884-1970 / Raymond Gavins
204963: GAVRILOV, I. - Duplicity (On double-dealing policy of Peking splitters)
89536: GAVSHON, ARTHUR L & RICE, DESMOND - The Sinking of the Belgrano
161234: GAWENDA, JERZY AUGUST BOLESLAW - The Soviet Domination of Eastern Europe in the Light of International Law
111599: GAWRON, JEAN MARK - An Apology for Rain
231400: GAWSWORTH, JOHN (1912-1970) - Some Poems.
143997: GAWTHORN, E. E. - Old Rhineland through an Englishman's Eyeglass
91059: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732). BAX, CLIFFORD (1886-1962) - Polly, an Opera; Being the Sequel to the Beggar's Opera
8392: GAY, SUSAN E. - John William Fletcher, Clairvoyant A Biographical Sketch with Some Chapters on the Present Era and Religious Reform
269151: GAY, CLAIRE - The XVIIIth century / Claire Gay ; [translated from the French by Paul Eve]
268050: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732) - The shepherd's week : In six pastorals
260967: GAY, PETER - Historians at work, vol. 3 : Niebuhr to Maitland
252202: GAY, MARTIN - Beginner's guide to pike fishing / Martin Gay
247423: GAY, RUTH. GAY, PETER (1923-2015) - The Jews of Germany : a historical portrait / Ruth Gay ; with an introduction by Peter Gay
224953: GAY, PETER - The cultivation of hatred / Peter Gay. [The bourgeois experience : Victoria to Freud. Volume 3]
223048: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732) - Fables, 1727 [and 1738]
151772: GAY, PETER (1923-) - Freud, Jews, and Other Germans : Masters and Victims in Modernist Culture / Peter Gay
214471: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732) - Rural sports : together with The birth of the squire, and The hound and the huntsman
214024: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732). LYDIS, MARIETTE, 1894-1970. (ILLUS.) - The beggar's opera : to which is added the music to each song
24580: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732 ) - Poems on Several Occasions (Complete in Two Volumes)
102516: GAY, JOHN AND TYLER, GILLIAN LEWIS (ILLUS. ) - Fables. in One Volume Complete with Wood-Engravings by Gillian Lewis Tyler
58835: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732) - The Beggar's Opera
60968: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732). MOORE, EDWARD - Fables by John Gay, in Two Parts; to Which Are Added Fables by Edward Moore
268052: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732) - Fables, by the late Mr. Gay
186875: GAY, H. NELSON (HARRY NELSON), (1870-1932) - Strenuous Italy, solving a perilous problem
94191: GAY, JOHN (1685-1732) - Poems on Several Occasions
133346: GAYDA, VIRGINIO - Profili Della Nuova Europa. L'Economia Di Domani
174584: GAYDA, VIRGINIO - La Jugoslavia contro l'Italia (documenti e rivelazioni) / Virginio Gayda
167641: GAYDA, VIRGINIO, (1885-) - Profili della nuova Europa. L'economia di domani
136837: GAYDA, VIRGINIO - Italia E Francia : Problemi Aperti / Virgino Gayda
163155: GAYDA, VIRGINIO - Italia E Francia : Problemi Aperti / Virgino Gayda
196563: GAYDA, VIRGINIO - Was will Italien? (Che cosa vuole l'Italia)
49137: GAYESKI, DIANE M. - Corporate and Instructional Video - Design and Production
173123: GAYET, ALBERT (1856-1916) - L' art persan / par Al. Gayet
186194: GAYET, AL. (ALBERT) (1856-1916) - L' art persan / par Al. Gayet
276054: GAYLE, MIKE - Turning thirty / Mike Gayle
274853: GAYLE, MARGOT - Cast-iron architecture in New York : a photographic survey / text by Margot Gayle ; photos. by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr
162000: GAYLER, J. L. RICHARDS, IRENE. MORRIS, JOSEPH ACTON - A Sketch-Map Economic History of Britain
72499: GAYLIN, WILLARD - The Killing of Bonnie Garland : a Question of Justice / Willard Gaylin
38234: GAYLIN, WILLARD - Adam and Eve and Pinocchio - on Being and Becoming Human
267631: GAYLOR, JOHN - Military badge collecting / John Gaylor
104815: GAYNOR, FRANK (1911-) - Concise Encyclopedia of Atomic Energy
121352: GAYNOR, K. B. (ET AL. ) - Economic Convergence in a Multispeed Europe / K. B. Gaynor and E. Karakitsos ; Forewords by Norbert Kloten and Farhan Sharaff
190165: GAYNOR, FRANK (1911- ) - Pocket encyclopedia of atomic energy
141317: GAYRE OF GAYRE AND NIGG, ROBERT (1907-1996) - Teuton and Slav on the Polish Frontier; a Diagnosis of the Racial Basis of the Germano-Polish Borderlands, with Suggestions for the Settlement of German and Slav Claims, by Lieut. -Colonel G. R. Gayre
131502: GAYRE OF GAYRE AND NIGG, ROBERT (1907-1996) - Teuton and Slav on the Polish Frontier : a Diagnosis of the Racial Basis of the Germano-Polish Borderlands, with Suggestions for the Settlement of German and Slav Claims
208563: GAYRE OF GAYRE AND NIGG, ROBERT [ED.] - The Armorial who is who 1979-1980 : a register of armorial bearings in current use with the names and addresses of the bearers and the authority for their use
258412: THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR GAZETTE - The Ministry of Labour Gazette: Vol. XXXIX: Nos. 9-12, Vol. LIV: Nos. 1, 5, 7,8,12, Vol. XL: Nos. 2-12; includes 20 issues in total
258345: THE LONDON SCOTTISH REGIMENTAL GAZETTE - The London Scottish Regimental Gazette: circa 195 issues (issues number in the 600's to 700's)
263354: TRADE BOARDS QUARTERLY GAZETTE - Trade Boards Quarterly Gazette
172379: PALL MALL GAZETTE - The John Bright celebration at Birmingham, June 11-16, 1883 : a verbatim report of the speeches of Mr. Bright, Mr. Chamberlain, and Lord Granville
164798: GAZIER, AUGUSTIN (1844-1922) - Etudes Sur L'Histoire Religieuse De La Revolution Francaise, D'Apres Des Documents Originaux Et Inedits. ... Depuis La Reunion Des États Generaux Jusqu'au Directoire
244007: GAZIER, AUGUSTIN (1844-1922) - Histoire générale du mouvement janséniste depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours. T. 2
151077: GAZIER, ALBERT. LOUSTAU, KLEBER - Pour Un Renouveau Economique Et Social : Discours Prononces Au 46e Congres National Du Parti Socialiste S. F. I. O. Qui S'Est Tenu a Asnieres Les 1-2-3 Et 4 Juillet 1954 / Albert Gazier Et Kleber Loustau
136466: GAZIER, ALBERT (1908-1997) - Le Syndicalisme Chretien
208214: GAZZANIGA, MICHAEL S - Human : the science behind what makes us unique
238260: GAZZARD, BRIAN, EDITOR; THEODOSSI, ANDREW, EDITOR - Symptoms in gastroenterology / Brian Gazzard, Andrew Theodossi, guest editors
264842: GAZZERA, ERMELINDA ARMIGERO - Alberico Gentili: bibliografia. [With a preface in English by Sir T.E. Holland.]
136524: GBAGBO, LAURENT (1945-) - La Cote-d'Ivoire : economie et societe a la veille de l'independance, 1940-1960
218125: GDZ, ZH. LAFARG, P. - Chezo khomyak' sotsial-demokraty [Chezo homyak Social Democrats. Language: Russian]
235982: LES GÉANTS - Charles Baudelaire
181628: LE GEAR, CLARA EGLI - Maps : their care, repair and preservation in libraries
250905: GEARON, JOHN - The velvet well
207422: GEARY, DICK (1945- ) - Karl Kautsky / Dick Geary
192572: GEARY, ROBERT CHARLES (1896-). DEMPSEY, MARY - A study of schemes for the relief of unemployment in Ireland
95720: GEARY, FRANK - Land Tenure and Unemployment ; Preface by A. S. Comyns Carr
144190: GEARY, FRANK - Land Tenure and Unemployment / Preface by A. S. Comyns Carr
211648: GEBAUER, CURT (B. 1869) - Geistige Stromungen und Sittlichkeit im 18. Jahrhundert : Beitrage zur deutschen Moralgeschichte / von Curt Gebauer
232458: GEBESCHUS, J. - Geschichte der Musik von den altesten vorchristlichen Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart: mit ausfuhrlichen Geschichtstabellen und einem Musik-Lexikon
165538: GEBHARD, MARY LOU. BUTLER, WILLIAM H. - Pineapples Passion Fruit and Poi : Recipes from Hawaii
164717: GEBHARDT, CHUCK - Backpacking Death Valley
197557: GEBHARDT, OSCAR VON (1844-1906). HARNACK, ADOLF VON (1851-1930) - Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur : VII. Band. Heft 2. uber das Gnosticche Buch Pistis-Sophia. Brod und Wasser: die Eucharistischen Elemente bei Justin. Zwei untersuchungen von Adolf Harnack
146625: GEBHART, MONIQUE. MERCADIER, CLAUDE - L' Octroi De Toulouse a La Veille De La Revolution / Par Monique Gebhart Et Claude Mercadier
235941: GEBLER, CARLO (1954-) - August '44
179873: GEBLER, CARLO (1954- ) - August in July / Carlo Gebler
235202: GEBLER, PETER - das rircheniahr seine geschichtliche entwicklung und liturgische bedeutung
218521: GECHEVA, KRUSTINA - Bulgarskata kultura prez Vuzrazhdaneto : bibliografiya bulgarska i chuzhda knizhnina, 1878-1983. [Bulgarian culture during the Renaissance: bibliography of Bulgarian and foreign literature, 1878-1983. Language: Bulgarian]
169836: GECK, ELISABETH - Johannes Gutenberg : vom Bleibuchstaben zum Computer
258950: GEDDES, MICHAEL, (1650?-1713) - Miscellaneous tracts : Vol. II & III
257736: GEDDES, ALEXANDER MCINTOSH - Current antibiotic therapy / editors: A.M. Geddes [and] J.D. Williams
213295: GEDDES, PAUL (1922-?) - A green bag affair
203347: GEDDES AND GROSSET, NEW YORK - Dictionary of the occult
201926: GEDDES, SHEILA - The art of astrology : a complete course in the working techniques of natal astrology
166540: GEDDES, ANNE - Pure
48046: GEDDES, DONALD PORTER - Franklin Delano Roosevelt - a Memorial
47330: GEDDES, J. JOSSELYN, FREEMAN M. - Il Vero Amico Di Carlo Goldoni
269341: GEDDIE, JOHN (1848-1937) - Illustrations of the scenery of the river Tay / reproduced in photogravure by T. and R. Annan from watercolour drawings by Sir Wm. Fettes Douglas ... [et al.] ; with an introduction by John Geddie
194323: GEDDIE, JOHN [ET AL.] - Rivers of Great Britain : rivers of the east coast, descriptive, historical, pictorial
243963: GEDEN, ALFRED SHENINGTON (1857-1936) - Outlines of introduction to the Hebrew Bible
113512: GEDEN, A. S. (ALFRED SHENINGTON) (1857-1936) - Studies in Eastern Religions
40648: GEDO, JOHN E. - Psychoanalysis and its Discontents
69388: GEDULD, HARRY M. AND GOTTESMAN, RONALD (EDS. ) - Robots, Robots, Robots / Edited by Harry M. Geduld, Ronald Gottesman
253496: GEE, MAURICE - Prowlers / Maurice Gee
280650: GEE, JOSHUA - The Trade and Navigation of Great-Britain Considered
279651: THOMAS GEE - Testament yr Ysgol Sabbathol : cynnwysa y cyfeiriadau cyflawnaf : nodiadau beirniadol, eglurhaol, a daearyddol : sylwadau ar eiriau ac arferion, &c ... . Cyf. 1 Matthew-Rhufeiniaid
206936: GEE, WILSON, 1888- [ED.] - The country life of the nation
185099: GEELHAAR, CHRISTIAN - Paul Klee : Leben und Werk
102097: GEERLINGS, GERALD K. - Metal Crafts in Architecture; Bronze, Brass, Cast Iron, Copper, Lead, Lighting Fixtures, Tin, Specifications
171883: VAN GEERT, P. - Biographie de M. Th. H. Edouard Seve
49429: GEESTERANUS, H. P. MAAS - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Wageningen, 14-21 April 1971
231666: GEFEN, GERARD. BASTIN, CHRISTINE. NIKLAS, CORNELIA - Musiker und ihre Hauser
147399: GEFFEN, D. H. BROWN, LESLIE FARRER - Public Health and Social Services : an Elementary Textbook for Midwives
243994: GEFFROY, MATHIEU AUGUSTE - Gustave III et la cour de France : suivi d'une étude critique sur Marie-Antoinette et Louis XVI apocryphes. Vol. 1
245223: GEFFROY, AUGUSTE (1820-1895) - Gustave III et la cour de France : suivi d'une étude critique sur Marie-Antoinette et Louis XVI apocryphes / par A. Geffroy: Tome Second
273912: GEFTER, PHILIP - Wagstaff, before and after Mapplethorpe : a biography / Philip Gefter
248655: GEGGIE, H. J. G. (1886-1966) - The extra mile : the journals of H.J.G. Geggie, M.D. : medicine in rural Quebec, 1885-1965 / edited by Norma and Stuart Geggie ; revised by Norma Geggie
192888: GEHL, WALTHER - Der nationalsozialistische Staat : Grundlagen und Gestaltung, Urkunden des Aufbaus - Reden und vortrage (Bis zum 12. November 1933) / herausgegeben von Walther Gehl
147937: GEHLEN, MICHAEL P. - The Politics of Coexistence; Soviet Methods and Motives, by Michael P. Gehlen
114490: GEHLEN, REINHARD. DAVID IRVING (TRANSL. ) - The Service : the Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen / Translated by David Irving. Introd. by George Bailey
144734: GEHRING, JOHN GEORGE (1857-1932) - The Hope of the Variant
273259: GEHRMAN, SHURA - The silent circles of truth / Shura Gehrman ; with an introduction by Colin Wilson
261749: GEIGER, ABRAHAM - Jüdische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Leben
22683: GEIGER, THEODORE - The Fortunes of the West : the Future of the Atlantic Nations
245475: GEIGER, LUDWIG [EDITOR] - Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland: Band I
183569: GEIGER, IMRE (1900-) DEFENDANT. VOGELER, ROBERT, 1911- DEFENDANT. SANDERS, EDGAR, 1906- DEFENDANT. HUNGARY. BUNTETO TORVENYSZEK, BUDAPEST - R. Vogeler, E. Sanders and their accomplices before the Criminal Court
54799: GEIGER, MAYNARD J. (1901-) - Franciscan Missionaries in Hispanic California, 1769-1848; a Biographical Dictionary, by Maynard Geiger
19128: GEIGER, H. KENT - The Family in Soviet Russia
50563: GEIGER, THEODOR - Theodor Geiger on Social Order and Mass Socety - Selected Papers
52181: GEIGER, GEORGE RAYMOND - The Philosophy of Henry George
198203: GEIJER, ERIK GUSTAF (1783-1847) - Erik Gustaf Geijers Samlade Skrifter [complete in 13 volumes - Swedish language]
73089: GEIJERSTAM, GUSTAF AF (1858-1909). BJORKMAN, EDWIN (1866-1951) - The Book about Little Brother; a Story of Married Life, by Gustaf Af Geijerstam, Tr. from the Swedish with an Introduction by Edwin Bjorkman
248020: GEIKE, CUNNINGHAM (1824-1906) - The Holy land and the Bible : a book of Scripture illustrations gathered in Palestine - 2 Volumes
244921: GEIKIE, JOHN CUNNINGHAM (1824-1906) - The Holy Land and the Bible : a book of scripture illustrations gathered in Palestine
159454: GEIKIE, CUNNINGHAM (1824-1906) - Old Testament Characters
222722: GEIKIE, JAMES - Fragments of earth lore Sketches & addresses geological and geographical : By James Geikie, ... With maps and illustrations
222723: GEIKIE, JAMES (1839-1915) - Mountains, their origin, growth and decay / James Geikie
132318: [BIBLE OT. PSALMS. ENGLISH]. GEIKIE-COBB, WILLIAM FREDERICK (ED. ) - The Book of Psalms. with Introd. and Notes by W. F. Cobb
132261: GEIKIE-COBB, WILLIAM FREDERICK (1857-1941) - The Book of Psalms. with Introd. and Notes by W. F. Cobb
223150: GEIKIE, ARCHIBALD ; CECIL CARUS-WILSON - Illustrations & diagrams from the works of Sir Archibald Geikie and others; to aid in illustrating the geological and physiographical lectures delivered under the auspices of the Oxford University Extension and the Parents' National Educational Union, etc
262137: GEIKIE, ARCHIBALD SIR (1835-1924) - Text-book of geology / Archibald Geikie - vols. 1 & 2
267588: GEINITZ, HANNS BRUNO (1814-1900) - Die Urnenfelder von Strehlen und Grossenhain / von Hanns Bruno Geinitz
139349: GEIPEL, JOHN (1937-) - Mame Loshn : the Making of Yiddish
232145: GEIRINGER, KARL (1899-1989). GEIRINGER, IRENE - Joseph Haydn : der schopferische Werdegang eines Meisters der Klassik / Karl Geiringer unter Mitarbeit von Irene Geiringer
234577: GEIRINGER, KARL - Instrumente in der Musik des Abendlandes
84444: GEIS, DARLENE (ED. ) - RELATED NAME: WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS - Walt Disney's Treasury of Silly Symphonies
68724: GEIS, DARLENE - The Gilbert and Sullivan Operas / Darlene Geis
110528: GEIS, DARLENE. WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS - Walt Disney's Treasury of Silly Symphonies / Edited by Darlene Geis
160975: GEISEL, EIKE - Im Scheunenviertel : Bilder, Texte Und Dokumente / Eike Geisel ; Mit Einem Vorwort Von Gunter Kunert
223331: GEISON, GERALD L. - Michael Foster and the Cambridge School of Physiology : the scientific enterprise in late Victorian society / Gerald L. Geison
259471: GEISS, IMANUEL - Studien über Geschichte und Geschichtswissenschaft / Imanuel Geiss
50087: GEIST, KENNETH L. - Pictures Will Talk : the Life and Films of Joseph L. Mankiewicz
103031: GEIST, KENNETH L. - Pictures Will Talk : the Life and Films of Joseph L. Mankiewicz
64509: GEIST, STANLEY - Herman Melville, the Tragic Vision and the Heroic Ideal, by Stanley Geist Harvard Honors Theses in English
114417: GEIST, KATHE - The Cinema of Wim Wenders : from Paris, France to Paris, Texas
188037: GEKOSKI - R. A. Gekoski : Modern first editions ; Catalogue 2, Autumn 1983
187988: GEKOSKI - R. A. Gekoski : Modern first editions ; Catalogue 5, Autumn 1984
78396: GELATT, ROLAND (1920-?) - Nijinsky, the Film / Text by Roland Gelatt
74107: GELATT, ROLAND (1920-?) - Nijinsky : the Film / text by Roland Gelatt
86302: GELB, ALAN - The Doris Day Scrapbook
231569: GELB, NORMAN - Kings of the Jews : exploring the origins of the Jewish nation
277604: GELB, ARTHUR (1924-). GELB, BARBARA - O'Neill
98852: GELBER, LIONEL MORRIS - Crisis in the West : American Leadership and the Global Balance / [By] Lionel Gelber
50293: GELBER, LIONEL - Crisis in the West : American Leadership and the Global Balance
171105: GELBER, HARRY GREGOR - The dragon and the foreign devils : China and the world, 1100 B.C. to the present
215093: GELBER, LIONEL MORRIS (1907-?) - Peace by power : the plain man's guide to the key issue of the war and of the post-war world
59983: GELBSPAN, ROSS - Break-Ins, Death Threats, and the FBI : the Covert War Against the Central America Movement / Ross Gelbspan
13333: GELBSPAN, ROSS - The Heat is on : the High Stakes Battle over Earth's Threatened Climate / Ross Gelbspan
166849: GELDENHUYS, NORVAL (1918-) - Commentary on the Gospel of Luke / foreword by F. F. Bruce
101405: GELDER, G. STUART (GEORGE STUART) - The Timely Rain; Travels in New Tibet [By] Stuart & Roma Gelder. Foreword by Edgar Snow. Photography by Stuart Gelder
230439: GELDER, HENDRIK ENNO VAN (1876-1960) - Catalogus van de verzameling Haagsch porcelein
120904: GELDER, GEORGE STUART. ROMA GELDER - Memories for a Chinese Grand-Daughter
250337: GELDOF, BOB - Geldof in Africa / Bob Geldof ; additional photographs: John Maguire ; addtional text Paul Vallely
71219: GELEDAN, ALAIN (ED. ) - The Development of World Economy, 1975-1991 / Edited by Alain Geledan
158534: GELFAND, MARK I. - Trustee for a City : Ralph Lowell of Boston / Mark I. Gelfand
11612: GELFAND, MICHAEL - Livingstone the Doctor, His Life and Travels. a Study in Medical History, Etc. [With Plates Including Portraits and Facsimiles, and Maps. ]
233615: GELFERT, HANS-DIETER - Kleine Geschichte der englischen Literatur
216282: GELIN, ALBERT; FOSTER, J R - The religion of Israel
170085: GELIN, ALBERT - L'Ame d'Israel dans le livre
175985: GELIN, ALBERT - Les idees maitresses de l'Ancien Testament
227222: GELL, WILLIAM SIR (1777-1836). CLAY, EDITH. FREDERIKSEN, MARTIN (1930-1980) - Sir William Gell in Italy : letters to the Society of Dilettanti, (1831-1835)
226435: GELLATELY, ROBERT (1943-) - Stalin's curse : battling for communism in war and Cold War
118311: GELLER, L. D. - The Architecture of Elegance; the Tradition of Charles Bullfinch and the Federal Savings Bank
74284: GELLER, URI - Mind Medicine : the Secret of Powerful Healing / Uri Geller ; with Lulu Appleton
258101: GELLER, JAMES J - Grandfather's follies
92134: GELLER, DARYL (1950-) - Analytic Pseudodifferential Operators for the Heisenberg Group and Local Solvability
160611: GELLER, URI (1946- ) - Uri Geller, My Story
129298: GELLER, RUTH - Roma Ebraica : Duemila Anni Di Immagini / Testo, Ruth Liliana Geller ; Fotografie, Henryk Geller, Ard Geller = Jewish Rome : a Pictorial History of 2000 Years / Text, Ruth Liliana Geller ; Fotographs, [Sic] Henryk Geller, Ard Geller ; [English Translation
214002: GELLHORN, MARTHA (1908-?) - A stricken field
70164: GELLICHSHEIMER, IVY HILDA (1917-) - From the South Seas to Hitler, by Ivy Carl [Pseud. ]
275810: GELLING, MARGARET - The landscape of place-names
141063: GELLION-DANGLAR, EUGENE - Lettres Sur L'Egypte Contemporaine (1865-1875) , Par Eugene Gellion-Danglar
110260: GELMAN, BARBARA. SHORIN, ROBERT - Soupy Sales by Barbara Gelman and Robert Shorin. Illustrated by Tony Tallarico
198068: GELOSO, CARLO - Le battaglie di Gorizia e della Bainsizza
28589: GELSANLITER, DAVID - Jump Start - Japan Comes to the Heartland
71575: GELSANLITER, DAVID - Jump Start : Japan Comes to the Heartland / David Gelsanliter
235681: GÉLY, CLAUDE - Victor Hugo, poète de l'intimité / par Claude Gély
134006: GEMAYEL, AMINE - Peace and Unity : Major Speeches, 1982-1984 / Amine Gemayel
257845: AMSTERDAM. BUREAU VAN STATISTIEK DER GEMEENTE - Vergelijkende bevolkingsstatistiek van eenige voorname steden der wereld in de jaren 1899-1907. Tableaux de statistique démographique comparée de quelques grandes villes du monde dans les annees 1899-1907
230522: HAAGS GEMEENTEMUSEUM - Haags porselein, 1776-1790 : Haags Gemeentemuseum, 9 april t/m 7 juni 1965
229183: HAAGS GEMEENTEMUSEUM - Twee eeuwen Duitse faience, 1600-1800, uit de collectie van het Hetjens-Museum te Dusseldorf. Gemeentemuseum / 's-Gravenhage 2 April-29 Mei 1955
256615: GEMEENTEMUSEUM - Gemeentemuseum den haag : catalogus schilderijen, afdeling moderne kunst
229618: HAAGS GEMEENTEMUSEUM - Haags porselein. Hague porcelain
229624: HAAGS GEMEENTEMUSEUM - Nederlandse tegels ca. 1600-1800 ; [tentoonstelling] 20 januari - 4 maart, 1973
229630: HAAGS GEMEENTEMUSEUM - Nederlands aardewerk, 1500-1800 : 6 augustus-2 october 1949
177433: GEMMELL, DAVID A. - Stormrider
157708: GEMMILL, PAUL FLEMING (1889- ) - The Paul Fleming Book Reviews; Appraisals of Works on Sleight-Of-Hand, Mind-Reading, Pseudo-Sprititualism, Stage Illusions, and Kindred Subjects
205075: GEMMILL, PAUL FLEMING (1889-) - The Paul Fleming book reviews - Volume II ; appraisals of works on sleight-of-hand, mind-reading, pseudo-sprititualism, stage illusions, and kindred subjects
125866: GEMMING, ELIZABETH - Huckleberry Hill; Child Life in Old New England
48119: GEMP, KSENIIA PETROVNA - Kargopol [Language: Russian]
128132: GENDARME, RENE - L' Experience Francaise De La Nationalisation Industrielle Et Ses Enseignements Economiques
32422: GENDELL, MURRAY - Swedish working wives : a study of determinants and consequences - a Ph. D. Thesis
183389: GENDERS, ROY - Pelham's new gardening annual : new flowers, new vegetables, new ideas. Ed. Roy Genders. 1971- .
239807: GENDERS, ROY - League Cricket in England. [With plates.]
135888: GENDERS, ROY - League Cricket in England
136567: GENDZIER, IRENE L. - Frantz Fanon : a Critical Study / [By] Irene L. Gendzier
275373: SOCIETY OF GENEALOGISTS (GREAT BRITAIN) - Parish register copies in the library of the Society of Genealogists
131123: SOCIETY OF GENEALOGISTS - Catalogue of the Parish Registers in the Possession of the Society of Genealogists
261873: NEDERLANDSCH TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GENEESKUNDE - Opuscula selecta Neerlandicorum de arte medica / Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde: in 19 volumes
266826: UN OFFICIER GÉNÉRAL - De la conduite de la guerre d'orient : expedition crimee : memoire adresse au gouvernement de S.M. l'Empereur Napoleon III / par un Officier general
262559: ARGENTINA. ARCHIVE GENERAL - Política lusitana en el Río de la Plata. Colección Lavradio II 1810-1811
214839: PARTI SOCIALISTE BELGE. CONSEIL GENERAL - Rapport du Bureau du conseil general sur lactivite du Parti ouvrier pendant la guerre : (aout 1914--novembre 1918).
128588: EXPOSITION COLONIALE INTERNATIONALE DE PARIS (1931) COMMISSARIAT GENERAL - Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, Saint-Pierre Et Miquelon / Exposition Coloniale Internationale De Paris, 1931
193223: PARTI OUVRIER BELGE - CONSEIL GENERAL - Rapports presentes au xxxx congres annuel des 6, 7 et 8 Juillet 1929
246693: GENERAL STAFF, WAR OFFICE - Manual of Field Engineering 1911
266351: RAPIN. LORDS THE STATES-GENERAL - Acta Regia: being the account which Mr. Rapin de Thoyras published of the History of England: by authority of the Lords of the States-General; and groundedupon those records which, by Order of their Late Majesties King William, Queen Anne, and King George, are collected in that inestimable Fund of History: Mr. Rymer's Foedera ; History of England: but an account of the several grants from the Crown to the Nobility & through all the Reigns, from King William Rufus to the Tenth Year of the King Charles I [ect.]
176390: CONSEIL GENERAL DU P.O.B. - Vade-mecum du propagandiste socialiste elections legislatives de 1929
184826: CONSEIL GENERAL DU P.O.B. - Rapports presentes au xviii congres annuel
238557: GENERAL HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NURSES' LEAGUE; PEARCE, MONICA - General Hospital Birmingham Nurses' League Journal No 73
238558: GENERAL HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NURSES' LEAGUE; SCATTERGOOD, SHEILA - General Hospital Birmingham Nurses' League Journal No 75
239548: GENERAL HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM - Nurses' League Journal, October, 1960. No. 53
239645: THE GENERAL HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM - The Seventy-Third Annual Report of the General Hospital, Birmingham; from midsumer, 1851 to midsummer, 1852
239646: THE GENERAL HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM - The Seventy-Second Annual Report of the General Hospital, Birmingham; from midsumer, 1850 to midsummer, 1851
174778: T. U. C. GENERAL COUNCIL, GREAT BRITAIN - Union leaders vindicated : a full account of the libel action brought by Sir Walter McLennan Citrine K.B.E., and others against the proprietor of the Daily Worker
191819: PARTI OUVRIER BELGE. CONSEIL GENERAL - Rapports presentes au XXXIVe congres annuel tenu a Bruxelles les 31 mars, 1 et 2 avril 1923
166171: PARTI OUVRIER BELGE. CONSEIL GENERAL - Le Vade-Mecum Du Propagandiste Socialiste
192379: GOUVERNEMENT GENERAL DE L'INDOCHINE - Rapport sur la navigation et le mouvement commercial de L'Indochine pendant l'annee 1923
165740: MOROCCO. SERVICE GENERAL DE L'INFORMATION - Bulletin D'information Du Maroc : Les Journees De La Modernisation Rurale/ Service General De L'information
149544: FLORENCE. SEGRETARIA GENERALE - Firenze, Rassegna Mensile Del Comune; Anno III, No. 1 - Gennaio 1934
208133: CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE DIALECTOLOGIE GENERALE - Orbis : Bulletin international de Documentation linguistique : Tome IX, No.1, 1960 : Collaborateurs du Present Fascicule
115290: REVUE GENERALE DE L'ARCHITECTURE - Revue Generale De L'Architecture Et Des Travaux Publics : Journal Des Architectes, Des Ingenieurs, Des Archeologues Des Industriels Et Des Proprietaires - Vol. XXVII. Annee 1869
163834: GENERALIC, IVAN - The Magic World of Ivan Generalic / [Edited] by Nebojsa Tomasevic ; Translated from the Italian by John Shepley
216410: GENERALSTABENS - Karta over Koppabergs lan i skalan 1:500000
91723: GENEROUS, KEVIN M. - Vietnam : the Secret War / Kevin M. Generous
172652: GENEST, EMILE - La maison de Moliere, connue et inconnue / par Emile Genest et E. Duberry ... douze gravures hors texte
272117: GENET, JEAN (1910-1986) - Miracle of the rose
185756: GENET, JEAN PHILIPPE (ED.) ; ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Four English political tracts of the later Middle Ages / edited for the Royal Historical Society by Jean-Philippe Genet
127567: GENET, JEAN PHILIPPE. ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Four English Political Tracts of the Later Middle Ages / Edited for the Royal Historical Society by Jean-Philippe Genet
130936: DU GENET, GABRIEL - Jean Giraudoux, Ou, Un Essai Sur Les Rapports Entre L'Ecrivain Et Son Langage / Gabriel Du Genet
237215: GENETTE, GÉRARD (1930-) - Figures / essais / Gérard Genette
236137: GENETTE, GÉRARD (1930-) - Figures. III
236138: GENETTE, GÉRARD (1930-) - Figures. II
128841: GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES GENEVA - The European Free Trade Association and the Crisis of European Integration : an Aspect of the Atlantic Crisis
222341: ASSOCIATION DES INTERETS DE GENEVE - Geneve, ville de sejour : renseignements pratiques a l'usage des etrangers
223239: CONFEDERATION SUISSE. CANTON DE GENEVE - Livret special pour les jeunes gens qui se placent en Allemagne, Autriche-Hongrie, Grece, Roumanie et Russie
268340: GENIESSE, JANE FLETCHER - Freya Stark : passionate nomad / Jane Fletcher Geniesse
154921: GENIESSE, JANE FLETCHER - American Priestess : the Extraordinary Story of Anna Spafford and the American Colony in Jerusalem
260813: GENIN, THOMAS HEDGES (1796-1868) - Selections from the writings of the late Thomas Hedges Genin : with a biographical sketch : a memorial work
131169: GENIN, FRANCOIS - Les Jesuites Et L'Universite
36837: GENIN, MARIE THERESE - Scenes De La Vie Presente Etats-Unis
141799: ACCADEMIA D'ARTIGLIERIA E GENIO - Geografia Militare
233836: GENIUS, ADOLF - Kirchliches Handworterbuch : ein kurzgefaßtes Nachschlagewerk, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des deutschen Staats- und Sprachgebiets, fur die Hand des katholischen Laien
216365: GENKINA, E. B. - Gosudarstvennaya deyatel'nost' V. I. Lenina v 1921-1923 gg. [Lenin's political activity in the years 1921-1923. Language: Russian]
269520: GENLIS, STÉPHANIE FÉLICITÉ COMTESSE DE (1746-1830). CIGNANI, PIETRO A - Manuel du voyageur, or the traveller's pocket companion : consisting of familiar conversations in english, french, and italian; with models of letters, notes, etc. also a table of french and italian coins, and the various terms used in music
224645: GENLIS, STEPHANIE FELICITE COMTESSE DE (1746-1830) - Les veillees du chateau : par Madame de Genlis nouvelle edition revue et corrigee ... - Complete in 2 volumes
263414: GENLIS, STÉPHANIE FÉLICITÉ COMTESSE DE (1746-1830) - Tales of the castle; or, A course of morality for the improvement of the youthful mind
245494: GENLIS, STÉPHANIE FÉLICITÉ DE SAINT-AUBIN COMTESSE DE - Les veillées du chateau: tome I
133019: GENNARI, GENEVIEVE - Le Dossier De La Femme
194462: GENNARO, GIUSEPPE AURELIO DI (1701-1761) - Della famiglia Montalto, libri III. / scritti da Giuseppe Aurelio di Gennaro
234651: GENNRICH, FRIEDRICH (1883-1967) - Abriss der Mensuralnotation des XIV. und der ersten Halfte des XV. Jahrhunderts
234611: GENNRICH, FRIEDRICH (1883-1967) - Musikwissenschaft und romanische Philologie : ein Beitrag zur Bewertung der Musik als Hilfswissenschaft der romanischen Philologie / von Friedrich Gennrich
243416: R. ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SCIENZE ECONMICHE E COMMERCIALI- GENOVA - Annuario per : L'Anno Accademico (1933-1934)
178736: R. ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E COMMERCIALI GENOVA - Corso di statistica economica: Edito dal gruppo universitario fascista 1930 - viii
40516: GENOVESE, EUGENE D. (1930-) - In Red and Black; Marxian Explorations in Southern and Afro-American History [By] Eugene D. Genovese
174531: GENSOUL, LOUIS - L'organisation de la justice a l'usage des gens du monde
267220: GENT, L. C - Familiar English quotations
267824: GENTILE, PANFILO - Cinquanta anni di socialismo in Italia / di Panfilo Gentile
243278: GENTILE, GIOVANNI - La Lotta Politica In Italia: origini della lotta attuale (476-1887): prefazione di Giovanni Gentile: vol. II
267246: EMINENT LITERARY GENTLEMAN - King Edward VII : A comprehensive account of his glorious reign / compiled by an eminent literary gentleman
214980: A GENTLEMAN (PSEUD.) - The child's guide to a knowledge of the English constitution, with a short account of its rise and progress. Arranged in simple language, in the form of question and answer, for the use of young persons
275549: GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE - The Gentleman's Magazine Library : a classified collection of the chief contents of 'The Gentleman's Magazine', from 1731-1868. 3 volumes / edited by George Laurence Gomme
169197: GENTRY, CURT (1931- ) - Frame-up; the incredible case of Tom Mooney and Warren Billings
129113: GENTZ, FRIEDRICH VON - On the State of Europe before and after the French Revolution; Being an Answer to L'etat De La France a La Fin De L'An VIII. [Of Count A. M. Blanc De Lanautte] ... Translated from the German by J. C. Herries
166062: VON GENTZ, FRIEDRICH - Zur Geschichte Der Orientalischen Frage. Briefe Aus Dem Nachlasse Friedrichs Von Gentz 1823-1829
222108: GENUENSE, MARCO ANTONIO - Praxis archiepiscopalis Curiae Neapolitanae / auctore M. Antonio Genuense ...
25807: GENUNG, JOHN FRANKLIN - Stevenson's Attitude to Life with Readings from His Essays and Letters
109874: GENUNG, JOHN FRANKLIN (1850-) - Stevenson's Attitude to Life; with Readings from His Essays and Letters
62103: GENUNG, JOHN FRANKLIN (1850-1919) - The Life Indeed; a Review, in Terms of Common Thinking, of the Scripture History Issuing in Immortality, by John Franklin Genung
162507: GEOFFRE, FRANCOIS DE - Hongrie, Terre Dechiree : Je Reviens De Budapest / Francois De Geoffre
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