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255366: BABB, LAWRENCE A - Redemptive encounters : three modern styles in the Hindu tradition / Lawrence A. Babb
225405: BABBAGE, CHARLES (1791-1871) - Reflections on the decline of science in England and on some of its causes / [by] Charles Babbage
56940: BABBITT, HAROLD EATON (B. 1888) - Water Supply Engineering [By] Harold E. Babbitt [And] James J. Doland
129416: BABCOCK, WILCOX AND CO. - Steam: its Generation and Use / with Catalogue of the Manufactures of the Babcock & Wilcox Co.
33112: BABCOCK, BERNIE. GAYLE HOSKINS (ILL. ) - The Soul of Abe Lincoln, by Bernie Babcock ... with a Frontispiece in Color by Gayle Hoskins
263905: BABCOCK, WILLIAM HENRY (1849-1922) - Legendary islands of the Atlantic : a study in medieval geography
273113: BABEL', I. (ISAAK) (1894-1941) - The complete works of Isaac Babel / edited by Nathalie Babel ; translated with notes by Peter Constantine ; introduction by Cynthia Ozick
186517: BABELON, ERNEST (1854-1924) - Manuel d'archeologie orientale : Chaldee -- Assyrie -- Perse -- Syrie -- Judee -- Phenicie -- Carthage / par Ernest Babelon
132724: BABELON, ERNEST CHARLES FRANCOIS (1854-1924) - Manuel D'Archeologie Orientale; Chaldee--Assyrie--Perse--Syrie--Judee--Phenicie--Carthage
141496: BABER, M. M. - Karl Marx's Interpretation of History
217904: BABIEJCZUK, JANUSZ [ET AL.] - Perspektywy XXI wieku : szkice futurologiczne [Language: Polish]
45638: BABINGTON, ANTHONY - The English Bastille: a History of Newgate Gaol and Prison Conditions in Britain, 1188-1902; Foreword by James Callaghan
161181: BABINGTON, ANTHONY (1920- ) - A House in Bow Street : Crime and the Magistracy : London 1740-1881 / Anthony Babington
12572: BABINGTON, ANTHONY - The Power to Silence; a History of Punishment in Britain
274136: BABINGTON, MARGARET AGNES - The romance of Canterbury Cathedral
246863: BABINGTON, CHURCHILL - Catalogue of the birds of Suffolk. With an introduction and remarks on their distribution. (Reprinted from the 'Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History')
223445: BABINGTON, MARGARET AGNES - The romance of Canterbury Cathedral
223399: BABINGTON, MARGARET AGNES - The romance of Canterbury Cathedral
86401: BABIUK, ANDY - Beatles Gear : all the Fab Four's Instruments, from Stage to Studio / Andy Babiuk
216893: BABKIN, D. S. - A. N. Radishchev [Language: Russian]
121191: BABKIN, BORIS PETER - Pavlov : a Biography
218594: BABKIN, A. M. - Slovar' inoyazychnykh vyrazheniy i slov, upotreblyayushchikhsya v russkom yazyke bez perevoda : v dvukh knigakh. [Dictionary of foreign-language expressions and words used in the Russian language without translation: in two volumes. Language: Russian]
241426: BABKIN, BORIS PETROVICH (1877-1950) - Secretory mechanism of the digestive glands
83610: BABLET, DENIS - The Revolutions of Stage Design in the 20th Century / Denis Bablet ; Original Lithographs by Joan Miro ; Translation of Les Revolutions Sceniques Du Xxe Siecle
160921: BABSON, ROGER WARD (1875-1967) - If Inflation Comes; What You Can Do about It, by Roger W. Babson
46480: BABSON, ROGER WARD (1875-1967) - W. B. Wilson and the Department of Labor
7194: BABSON, ROGER W. - The Future of South America
140176: BABY, JEAN. MARCEL COHEN. GEORGES FRIEDMANN [ET AL] - A La Lumiere Du Marxisme : Essais : Sciences Physico-Mathematiques, Sciences Naturelles, Sciences Humaines/ Jean Baby ... [Et Al. ] ; Introduction Du Dr. Henri Wallon.
131705: BABY, JEAN. MARCEL COHEN. HENRI WALLON [ET AL] - A La Lumiere Du Marxisme : Essais : Sciences Physico-Mathematiques, Sciences Naturelles, Sciences Humaines. / Jean Baby ... [Et Al. ] ; Introduction Du Dr. Henri Wallon
167646: BABY, JEAN - A la lumiere du marxisme : essais : sciences physico-mathematiques, sciences naturelles, sciences humaines. / Jean Baby ... [et al.] ; introduction du Dr. Henri Wallon
166403: BACA, ELMO - Native American Style / Elmo Baca, M. J. Van Deventer
151419: BACALL, LAUREN (1924-) - Now
257369: BACALL, LAUREN (1924-2014) - By myself / Lauren Bacall
219727: BACALL, LAUREN - Woman of the Year : the musical comedy smash hit! [original souvenir program starring Lauren Bacall]
241107: BACCELLI, LUCIO CAJO - Il Corso dei pianeti, Lunario per l'anno 1819. : dell'insigne mattematico Lucio Cajo Baccelli
90376: BACCHELLI, RICCARDO (1891-) - Son of Stalin. Translated from the Italian by Kathleen Nott
242683: BACCI, BACCIO - L'artiglio tedesco
83602: BACH, GEORGE LELAND (1915-?) - The New Inflation: Causes, Effects, Cures
40061: BACH, RICHARD - Running from Safety - an Adventure of the Spirit
217158: BACH, ROBERT. NOTH, MARTIN (1902-1968). WOLFF, HANS WALTER. GERLEMAN, GILLIS (1912-) - Biblischer Kommentar : Altes Testament / in Verbindung mit Robert Bach ... [et al.] herausgegeben von Martin Noth und Hans Walter Wolff. Bd.18, 3. Ruth ; Das Hohelied / Gillis Gerleman
217156: BACH, ROBERT. NOTH, MARTIN (1902-1968). WOLFF, HANS WALTER. GERLEMAN, GILLIS (1912-) - Biblischer Kommentar : Altes Testament / in Verbindung mit Robert Bach ... [et al.] herausgegeben von Martin Noth und Hans Walter Wolff. Bd.18, 1. Ruth / Gillis Gerleman
45427: BACH, JEAN - Collecting German Dolls
231959: BACH, ADOLF - Geschichte der deutschen Sprache / von Adolf Bach
217157: BACH, ROBERT. NOTH, MARTIN (1902-1968). WOLFF, HANS WALTER. GERLEMAN, GILLIS (1912-) - Biblischer Kommentar : Altes Testament / in Verbindung mit Robert Bach ... [et al.] herausgegeben von Martin Noth und Hans Walter Wolff. Bd.18, 2. Ruth ; Das Hohelied / Gillis Gerleman
231707: VON BACH, JOSEPH - Ueber das Verhaltnis von Arbeit und Bildung : Rede beim Antritt des Rektorats der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat
235421: BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN (1685-1750) - Six Brandenburg concertos
146940: BACH, LYDIA - Moscou, Ville Rouge
262409: BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN - Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ : Dominica quasimodogeniti : cantata no. 67
267069: BACHARACH, A. L - The music masters. Volume two After Beethoven to Wagner
248952: BACHARACH, A. L. (1891-1966) - Lives of the great composers / edited by A.L. Bacharach - Volume 2
152457: MR. (PSEUD). BACHARACH, A. - Considerations Sur Les Naturelles Et Artificielles De La France : En Cas D'Une Invasion Allemande / Par Mr. ; Traduit De L'Allemand
87513: BACHARACH, BERT - How to Do Almost Everything / Bert Bacharach
142053: BACHAUMONT, LOUIS PETIT DE (1690-1771). JACOB, P. L. (1806-1884) - Memoires Secrets De Bachaumont / Rev. Et Pub. Avec Des Notes Et Une Preface, Par P. L. Jacob, Bibliophile Pseud.
227967: BACHAUMONT, LOUIS PETIT DE (1690-1771) - Mémoires Secrets pour servir A L'Histoire de la République des Lettres en France, depuis 1762 jusqu'a nos jours - 37 volumes complete and bound in 19
165369: BACHE, SAMUEL - Miracles: the credentials of the Christ: five lectures, delivered in the Church of the Messiah, Birmingham: on Sunday Mornings in January and February, 1863
63382: BACHE, JULES SEMON (1861-) - A Catalogue of Paintings in the Bache Collection
97835: BACHELARD, GASTON - Images Imaginées : 12 Photographes Contemporains Et La Pensée De Gaston Bachelard / John Batho, Nadhira Lekehal
235930: BACHELARD, GASTON (1884-1962) - Lautréamont
235936: BACHELARD, GASTON (1884-1962) - La terre et les rêveries du repos
235885: BACHELARD, GASTON (1884-1962) - La Terre et les rêveries de la volonté
228546: BACHELARD, GASTON (1884-1962) - La formation de l'esprit scientifique : contribution à une psychanalyse de la connaissance objective
116744: BACHELDER, LOUISE (COMP. ) AND STEWART, PAT (ILLUS. ) - Little Things, Edited by Louise Bachelder, Illustrated by Pat Stewart
231281: BACHELIER, JEAN-JACQUES (1724-1806). GOUELLAIN, GUSTAVE (B. 1836) - Memoire historique sur la manufacture nationale de porcelaine de France : redige en 1781 / par Bachelier ; reedite avec preface et notes par Gustave Gouellain
141505: BACHELIN, HENRI - Jules Renard 1864-1910 : Son Oeuvre : Portrait Et Autographe : Document Pour L'Histoire De La Litterature Francaise / Henri Bachelin
72597: BACHELLER, IRVING (1859-1950) - Eben Holden; a Tale of the North Country
103923: BACHELLER, IRVING (1859-1950) - Keeping Up with Lizzie, by Irving Bacheller; Illustrated by W. H. D. Koerner
234677: BACHFISCHER, MARGIT - Musikanten, Gaukler und Vaganten : Spielmannskunst im Mittelalter
234706: BACHHAUS (EISENACH, GERMANY). NEUE BACHGESELLSCHAFT - Verzeichnis der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente im Bachhaus zu Eisenach
233279: NEUE BACHGESELLSCHAFT. - Berzeichnis der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente im Bachhause zu Eisenach
232969: BÄCHLER, EMIL. PFENDSACK, HUGO - Bilder vom alten Rhein
141254: BACHMAN, GEORGE W. (GEORGE WILLIAM). LEWIS MERIAM - The Issue of Compulsory Health Insurance: a Study Prepared At the Request of Senator H. Alexander Smith, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, by George W. Bachman and Lewis Meriam
232167: BACHMANN-GEISER, BRIGITTE - Das Alphorn in der Schweiz : avec un resume en français 'Le cor des Alpes en Suisse : with an English summary 'The Alphorn in Switzerland' / Brigitte Geiser
155348: BACHMANN, H. G. - The lure of gold : an artistic and cultural history
162244: BACHMANN, ERNEST THEODORE - They Called Him Father: the Life Story of John Christian Frederich Heyer
50469: BACHMANN, C. CHARLES - Ministering to the Grief Sufferer
206459: BACHMANN, PHILIPP (1864-1931) - Der erste Brief des Paulus an die Korinther / ausgelegt von Philipp Bachmann
235447: BACHOFEN, JOHANN JAKOB (1815-1887). BERNOULLI, KARL ALBRECHT (1868-). KLAGES, LUDWIG (1872-1956) - Versuch über die Gräbersymbolik der Alten
93239: BACHRACH, MAX - Fur; a Practical Treatise by Max Bachrach
203524: BACHRACH, ALFRED GUSTAVE HERBERT (1914-?) - The orange and the rose : Holland and Britain in the age of observation, 1600-1750 / introduced by A. G. H. Bachrach
259233: BACIU, NICOLAS - Des geôles d'Anna Pauker aux prisons de Tito
183186: BACK, MARYTN [ET AL.] - Diccionario junior : Espanol-Ingles / English-Spanish ;] idea originaly diseno de la obra, Martyn Back ; redaccion, Kim Blasco, Tony Galvez
243805: BÄCK, SAMUEL (1834-1912) - Die Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes und seiner Litteratur vom babylonischen Exile bis auf die Gegenwart / übersichtlich dargestellt von S. Bäck
22554: BACK, DR. JOSEF - Die Entwicklung Der Reinen Okonomie Zur Nationalokonomischen Wesenswissenschaft
59964: BACKER, DOROTHY - Precious Women
247039: BACKES-CLEMENT, CATHERINE - Levi-Strauss ou la structure et le malheur - Presentation bibliographie par Catherine Backes-Clement
124827: BACKES, MAGNUS. REGINE DOLLING - Art of the Dark Ages. Text by Magnus Backes and Regine Dölling. [Translated from the German by Francisca Garvie]
66331: BACKHOUSE, JANET - The Illuminated Manuscript
275923: BACKHOUSE, JANET - The Illuminated Manuscript
275151: BACKHOUSE, JANET - The illuminated manuscript / Janet Backhouse
275150: BACKHOUSE, JANET - The illuminated manuscript / Janet Backhouse
274579: BACKHOUSE, JANET - The illuminated manuscript / Janet Backhouse
253358: BACKHOUSE, ANDREW - The dragon book of fishing
252880: BACKHOUSE, ANDREW - The dragon book of fishing / [by] Andrew Backhouse ; diagrams by Andrew Backhouse, illustrated by Clarissa Porter
242375: BACKHOUSE, JANET. BRITISH LIBRARY. ADDITIONAL 18850 - The Bedford Hours / Janet Backhouse
230883: BACKHOUSE, THOMAS WILLIAM (1842-1920) - Publications of West Hendon House Observatory, Sunderland
197609: BACKHOUSE, EDWARD (1808-1879) - Witnesses for Christ and memorials of church life from the 4th to the 13th century
24157: BACKMAN, MICHAEL - The Asian Insider - Unconventional Wisdom for Asian Business
125984: BACKMAN, MILTON VAUGHN - Joseph Smith's First Vision; the First Vision in its Historical Context [By] Milton V. Backman, Jr.
233579: BACKMUND, NORBERT - Die Kollegiat- und Kanonissenstifte in Bayern
204338: BACKSTROM, LARS - Erik Lindegren [Language: Swedish]
103594: BACKUS, JIM. HENNY BACKUS. GEORGE BURNS - Backus Strikes Back / Jim Backus and Henny Backus ; Foreword by George Burns
142928: BACKVIS, CLAUDE - Le Dramaturge Stanislas Wyspianski, 1869-1907
188671: BACLE, LOUIS LUCIEN (1853-?) - Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science
253420: BACMEISTER, ARNOLD - The angler's book of freshwater fish - Volume 2
66552: BACON, MATT - No Strings Attached : the Inside Story of Jim Henson's Creature Shop / Matt Bacon
62209: BACON, JAMES (1914-) - Hollywood is a Four Letter Town / James Bacon
38765: BACON, FRANCIS - Francis Bacon - the Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Francis Ld. Verulam, Viscount St. Albans
270154: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626) - The history of the reign of King Henry the Seventh / Francis Bacon ; edited with an introduction by Roger Lockyer
269871: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626) - The history of the reign of King Henry the Seventh / Francis Bacon ; edited with an introduction by Roger Lockyer
265033: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - The fourth Gospel in research and debate : a series of essays on problems concerning the origin and value of the anonymous writings attributed to the apostle John
240188: BACON, CAROLINE (1966-); CECIL HIGGINS ART GALLERY; MCGREGOR, JAMES; NURSE, JULIA - Cecil Higgins Art Gallery : prints / contributors Caroline Bacon, James McGregor, Julia Nurse
237296: BACON, FRANCIS (1909-1992); CALVOCORESSI, PETER; HARRISON, MARTIN (1945-); WARNER, FRANCIS - Francis Bacon, Henry Moore: flesh and bone
221289: BACON, JAMES (1914-2010) - Made in Hollywood / James Bacon
156381: BACON, LEONARD, 1887-1954 - Day of Fire, by Leonard Bacon
257504: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626) - The two books of Francis Bacon : Of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human / Rev. from the early copies, with the references supplied, a few notes, and index, by Thomas Markby, M. A
163923: BACON, FRANCIS - The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Francis Ld. Verulam Viscount St. Albans
256735: BACON, G. W. (1830-1921) - The A to Z of Victorian London / introductory notes by Ralph Hyde
179346: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - The story of Jesus and the beginnings of the church : a valuation of the synoptic record for history and for religion
263392: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626) - The promus of formularies and elegancies : being private notes, circ. 1594, hitherto unpublished
203391: BACON, ALLON - Out of my hands : my life and work as a healer
156258: BACON, REGINALD KINGSLEY - The Life of Sir Enoch Hill : the Romance of the Modern Building Society
159404: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER - The Beginnings of Gospel Story; a Historico-Critical Inquiry Into the Sources and Structure of the Gospel According to Mark, with Expository Notes Upon the Text, for English Readers, by Benjamin Wisner Bacon
267614: BACON, EDWARD DENNY SIR (1860-1938). NAPIER, FRANCIS JOHN HAMILTON SCOTT - Grenada : to which is prefixed an account of the perforations of the Perkins Bacon printed stamps of the British colonies
178597: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - Jesus and Paul : lectures given at Manchester College, Oxford, for the winter term, 1920
215449: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626) - The essayes or counsels civill & morall of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban
277644: BACON, ROGER (1214?-1294). DAILEY, WILLIAM - The mirror of alchemy: composed by the thrice-famous and learned Frier, Roger Bacon, sometimes fellow of Martin College: and afterwards of Brasen-nose College in Oxenford: with the Smaragdine Table of Hermes, Trismegistus of Alchemy
270460: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626) - The Works of Francis Bacon: complete in 12 volumes
186450: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - The story of Jesus and the beginnings of the church : a valuation of the synoptic record for history and for religion
149665: BACON, ROBERT (1860-1919) - For Better Relations with Our Latin American Neighbors : a Journey to South America
139229: BACON, JOSEPHINE DASKAM (1876-1961). ROSE O'NEILL (ILL. ) - The Biography of a Boy, by Josephine Daskam Bacon ... with Illustrations by Rose O'Neill
119327: BACON, FRANCIS, VISCOUNT ST. ALBANS (1561-1626). WORRALL, WALTER. SMEATON, WILLIAM HENRY OLIPHANT (1856-1914) - The Essayes, or Counsels, CIVILL & Morall of Francis Bacon, Lo: Verulam, Viscount St. Alban : First Published in 1597, Newly Written in 1625 / and Now Edited by Walter Worrall with an Introduction by Oliphant Smeaton
109629: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626) - The Essays or Counsels CIVILL and Morall of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban
105796: BACON, EDWARD - Archaeology: Discoveries in the 1960's / Edward Bacon.
100148: BACON, EDWARD - Archaeology: Discoveries in the 1960's
65504: BACON, DAVID FRANCIS (1813-1866) - Memoirs of Eminently Pious Women of Britain and America. Collected and Edited by David Francis Bacon
151414: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626). MONTAGU, BASIL (1770-1851) - Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning
132705: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - Jesus and Paul. Lectures Given At Manchester College, Oxford, for the Winter Term, 1920
222231: BACON, G. W. & CO. (LONDON) - Bacon's motoring and cycling road map : London and West District [vintage road map, ca. 1913]
253778: BACON, ROY H - The golden age of British motoring : classic cars from 1900 to 1940
162935: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - Jesus and Paul. Lectures Given At Manchester College, Oxford ... 1920
169576: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER - The beginnings of gospel story; a historico-critical inquiry into the sources and structure of the Gospel according to Mark, with expository notes upon the text, for English readers, by Benjamin Wisner Bacon.
170124: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER - The beginnings of Gospel story : a historico-critical inquiry into the sources and structure of the Gospel according to Mark : with expository notes upon the text for English readers
169493: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER - The making of the New Testament
116638: BACON, JOSEPHINE DODGE DASKAM (1876-1961) - The Memoirs of a Baby, by Josephine Daskam (Mrs. Selden Bacon) Illustrated by F. Y. Cory
114029: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626). BRIAN VICKERS, ED. HARRY BROCKWAY, ILL. - Essays, Or, Counsels, Civil and Moral
41548: BACON, HON. GASPAR G. - A Non-Jew Discusses Jewish Contributions to World Progress
169540: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER - An introduction to the New Testament
173035: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - Jesus and Paul : lectures given at Manchester College, Oxford, for the winter term, 1920
278196: BACON, JOSEPHINE - The Popeye cookbook
168474: BACON, LEONARD (1802-1881) - Slavery discussed in occasional essays, from 1833 to 1846
166770: BACON, LEONARD, (1887-1954) - Lost Buffalo : and Other Poems
168393: BACON, EDGAR MAYHEW (1855-1935) - The Hudson River from ocean to source : historical - legendary - picturesque
181842: BACON, NATHANIEL (1593-1660). SELDEN, JOHN (1584-1654) - An historicall discourse of the uniformity of the government of England - [the first part & second parts complete]
129862: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - The Fourth Gospel in Research and Debate
147699: BACON, LEONARD (1802-1881) - Slavery Discussed in Occasional Essays, 1833-1846
115302: BACON, DAVID. MASLOV, NORMAN - The Beatles' England : There Are Places I'Ll Remember
52193: BACON, THE HONORABLE GASPAR G. - Government and the Voter - Addresses
189581: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - Jesus and Paul : lectures given at Manchester College, Oxford, for the winter term, 1920
197224: BACON, BENJAMIN WISNER (1860-1932) - An introduction to the New Testament
199360: BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1626). MONTAGU, BASIL (1770-1851) - The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England [complete in 10 volumes]
221366: BACOU, ROSELINE - Great Drawings of the Louvre Museum, the German, Flemish and Dutch Drawings [By] Roseline Bacou with the Collaboration of Arlette Calvet. [Translated from the French by Marguerite Hugo]
86864: BACOU, ROSELINE - Great Drawings of the Louvre Museum, the German, Flemish and Dutch Drawings [By] Roseline Bacou with the Collaboration of Arlette Calvet. [Translated from the French by Marguerite Hugo]
164926: BACOURT, PIERRE DAREUTIERE DE (1869- ). CUNLIFFE, JOHN WILLIAM(1865-1946) - French Literature During the Last Half-Century
71931: BACRI, ROLAND - Le Petit Lettre Illustre
139881: BACZKOWSKI, W. - Towards an Understanding of Russia ; a Study in Policy and Strategy
126701: BACZKOWSKI, W. - Towards an Understanding of Russia ; a Study in Policy and Strategy
147219: BADAEV, ALEKSEI? EGOROVICH (1883-1951) - The Bolsheviks in the Tsarist Duma, by A. Badayev ... with an Article by Lenin on the Work and Trial of the Bolshevik Group in the Duma, and an Introduction by Em. Yaroslavsky
217252: BADAIEFF, A. E. - Les cooperatives de consommation en U.R.S.S. : et l'Edification du Socialisme
218566: BADAMKHAN, S. - Etnografiya Sudlal [Ethnography Sudlal. Language: Russian]
30983: BADARACCO, JR. , JOSEPH L. RICHARD R. ELLSWORTH - Leadership and the Quest for Integrity
180038: BADARACCO, CLAIRE - Trading words : poetry, typography, and illustrated books in the modern literary economy / Claire Hoertz Badaracco
166187: BADAUTA, AL - Bucurestii in 1869 / De Preziosi Cu O Prezentare De Al. Baduata
148030: BADAYEV, A. Y. - Bolsheviks in the Tsarist Duma / A. Y. Badayev ; with an Article by Lenin on the Work and Trial of the Bolshevik Group in the Duma ; and an Introd. by Em. Yaroslavsky
162676: BADCOCK, FRANCIS JOHN (1869-) - The History of the Creeds
195696: BADCOCK, F. J. (FRANCIS JOHN) (B. 1869) - The Pauline epistles and the Epistle to the Hebrews in their historical setting
38813: SOUTHEASTERN (GROUP). RELATED NAMES: BADDELEY. G. E. (GEOFFREY E. ) - The Tramways of Woolwich and South East London
212326: BADDELEY, WELBORE ST. CLAIR - A Cotteswold shrine being a contribution to history of Hailes, County Gloucester, manor, parish and abbey
236940: BADDIEL, IVOR; ZUCKER, JONNY - Never in a million years: a history of hopeless predictions from the beginning to the end of the world / Ivor Baddiel and Jonny Zucker
230533: BADE, PATRICK - Degas
154975: BADE, PATRICK - Tamara De Lempicka / Patrick Bade
217578: BADE, P. B. - Logos Theos : Untersuchungen zur Logos-Christologie des Titus Flavius Clemens von Alexandrien : eine dogmengeschichtliche Studie [Thesis/dissertation]
212052: BADEAU, JOHN STOTHOFF (1903- ), [ET AL.] - The genius of Arab civilization : source of Renaissance / John S. Badeau ... [et al.] ; John R. Hayes, editor
276352: BADEN-POWELL OF GILWELL, ROBERT STEPHENSON SMYTH BADEN-POWELL BARON (1857-1941) - Rovering to success : a book of life-sport for young men
12551: BADEN-POWELL, DOROTHY - Operation Jupiter : Soe's Secret War in Norway
172875: BADEN-POWELL, B. H. (BADEN HENRY) (1841-1901) - The origin and growth of village communities in India
239482: BADENOCH, JOHN (EDITOR); BROOKE, BRYAN N. (BRYAN NICHOLAS) (EDITOR) - Recent advances in gastroenterology
274008: BADER, GRAHAM - Hall of mirrors : Roy Lichtenstein and the face of painting in the 1960s / Graham Bader
179247: BADER, CLARISSE (1840-1902) - Women in ancient India
271211: BADGER, GERRY - The genius of photography : how photography has changed our lives / Gerry Badger
136157: BADGER, ALFRED BOWEN - Man in Employment : the Fundamental Principles Ofindustrial Relations
189910: BADGER, ALFRED BOWEN (B. 1901) - Man in employment
196949: BADGER, ALFRED BOWEN, (B. 1901) - Man in employment : the fundamental principles of industrial relations
215279: BADGLEY, PETER C. CANADA. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND TECHNICAL SURVEYS - Geological Survey of Canada Paper 52 - 11. Notes on the subsurface stratigraphy and oil and gas geology of the Lower Cretaceous Series in Central Alberta (Report and seven figures)
147229: BADHAM, LESLIE - Verdict on Jesus : a Fresh Inquiry
181225: BADOGLIO, PIETRO (1871-1956) - La guerra d'Etiopia : con prefazione del Duce
185110: BADOGLIO, PIETRO (1871-1956) - La Guerra d'Etiopia / Pietro Badoglio ; con prefazione del Duce
192499: BADOGLIO, PIETRO (1871-1956) - Rivelazioni su Fiume
243246: BADOUIN, ROBERT - L'élasticité de la demande des biens de consommation
34854: BAECHLER, JEAN - Revolution / Jean Baechler ; Translated by Joan Vickers
207955: BAECHLER, DONALD - York House suite : drawings / Donald Baechler ; texts by Demosthenes Davvetas
243468: BAECK, DR. L. BERNFELD, DR. S. ELBOGEN, PROF. DR. J. HOLZMAN, DR. M. LOEWENTHAL, DR. A. WIENER, DR. M - Die Lehren des Judentums: Die Lehre von Gott
263014: BAECK, L. ET AL - Die Grundlagen der jüdischen Ethik / mit Einleitungen von L. Baeck et al
267048: BAECK, LEO (1873-1956). BAMBERG, FRITZ (1902-) - Die Grundlagen der jüdischen Ethik : Die sittlichen Pflichten des Einzelnen / mit Einleitungen von L. Baeck [and others]
195173: BAECK, LEO (1873-1956) - God and man in Judaism / with a foreword by Leonard G. Montefiore. Translated from the German by A. K. Dallas
239874: BAECK, LEO (1873-1956) - Das Wesen des Judentums
178195: BAECK, LEO (1873-1956) - God and man in Judaism / Leo Baeck ; with a foreword by Leonard G. Montefiore
148931: BAECK, LEO (1873-1956) - Changes in Jewish Outlook
218105: BAECK, LEO - Die Pharisaer : ein Kapitel judischer Geschichte . . . [Language: Hebrew]
270389: BAEDEKER, KARL - Switzerland and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol : handbook for travellers
270387: BAEDEKER, KARL - Northern Italy : including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna and routes through France, Switzerland, and Austria : handbook for travellers
265076: BAEDEKER, KARL - Northern Italy, including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna and routes through Switzerland and Austria : handbooks for travelers
278991: KARL BAEDEKER (FIRME) - Allemagne du nord : manuel du voyageur
182717: BAEDEKER, KARL - Schweden und Norwegen, nebst den wichtigsten Reiserouten durch Danemark. Handbuch fur Reisende ... Mit 4 Planen, etc
280660: BAEDEKER, KARL - Italy from the Alps to Naples : handbook for travellers
19164: BAEDEKER, KARL - Northern France from Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire Excluding Paris and its Environs Handbook for Travellers
9821: BAEDEKER, KARL - Sudbayern. Munchen. Oberbayern. Allgau. Unterinntal Mit Innsbruk. Salzburg - Handbuch Fur Reisende
263523: BAEDEKER, KARL - Le Sud-ouest de la France de la Loire à la frontière d'Espagne : manuel du voyageur / par K. Baedeker
263520: BAEDEKER, KARL - Le sud-est de la France du Jura à la Méditerranée y compris la Corse : manuel du voyageur / par Karl Bædeker
222028: BAEDEKER, KARL - Switzerland, and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy, and the Tyrol : Handbook for travellers
198841: BAEDEKER, KARL - Belgium and Holland including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
199069: BAEDEKER, KARL - Die Schweiz : nebst den angrenzenden Teilen von Oberitalien, Savoyen und Tirol ; Handbuch fur Reisende / von Karl Baedeker
68569: BAER, MARTHA - As Francesca
55511: BAER, MORLEY. WALLACE, DAVID RAINS (1945-) - The Wilder Shore / Photographs by Morley Baer ; Text by David Rains Wallace ; Foreword by Wallace Stegner
233710: BAER, DIETER - Deutsches Worterbuch : mit einem Leitfaden der deutschen Rechtschreibung
229602: BAER, WINFRIED - Von Gotzkowsky zur KPM : aus der Fruhzeit des friderizianischen Porzellans / Winfried Baer, Ilse Baer, Suzanne Grosskopf-Knaack ; [Veranstalter], Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlosser und Garten Berlin, Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin (KPM)
229598: BAER, WINFRIED - Berlin Porcelain
244003: BAER, GABRIEL - Anti-Jewish poetry in Ottoman Egypt / Gabriel Baer
104736: BAER, RANDALL N. - Windows of Light : Using Quartz Crystals As Tools for Self-Transformation / Randall N. Baer and Vicki Vittitow Baer
104737: BAER, RANDALL N. - Windows of Light : Using Quartz Crystals As Tools for Self-Transformation / Randall N. Baer and Vicki Vittitow Baer
233988: JOSEPH BAER (FIRM) - Illustrierte Bucher vom XIII. bis zum XVI. Jahrhundert. 1. T Italien, Frankreich, Spanien und Portugal
115932: BAER, MORLEY. FINK, AUGUSTA. ELKINTON, AMELIE - Adobes in the Sun; Portraits of a Tranquil Era. Photos. by Morley Baer. Text by Augusta Fink, with Amelie Elkinton
153808: BAER, JEAN (1926-) - Follow Me!
232026: JOSEPH BAER (FIRM) - A catalogue of one thousand fine & valuable books, manuscripts, drawings, prints and autograph letters
279498: BAER, MORLEY - Adobes in the sun : portraits of a tranquil era / Photos. by Morley Baer, Text by Augusta Fink, with Amelie Elkinton
146626: BAERLEIN, HENRY (1875-1960) - Baltic Paradise
129938: BAERLEIN, HENRY - In Search of Slovakia
165478: BAERLEIN, HENRY, (1875-1960) - Spain : Yesterday and To-Morrow
55279: BAERLEIN, HENRY (1875-1960) - No Longer Poles Apart
227911: BAERLEIN, HENRY (1875-1960) - Belmonte, the Matador
246822: BAERLEIN, HENRY (1875-1960) - The birth of Yugoslavia
198039: BAERLEIN, HENRY (1875-1960) - Baltic paradise
215644: BAERTLING, OLLE (1911-1981) - Olle Baertling : a modern classic / [editors, John Peter Nilsson, Aystein Ustvedt, Marianne Yvenes ; managing editor, Teresa Hahr]
191884: BRUXELLES : J. BAERTSOEN - Bulletin des conferences pre´paratoires a l'organisation d'une Bourse du travail a Bruxelles
215515: BAETHGEN, FRIEDRICH WILHELM ADOLF (1849-1905) - Handkommentar zum Alten Testament : in Verbindung mit anderen Fachgelehrten. Abt. 2, Band 2 Die poetischen Bucher. Die Psalmen / hrsg. von W. Nowack ; ubersetzt und erklart von Frdr. Baethgen; das buch jesaia ubersetzt und erklart
234708: BAETKE, WALTER (1884-1978). BAETKE, WALTER (1884-1978) - Die Islandersaga
166132: BAEYENS, ANDRE. PROBSTING, KARL. PERROUX, FRANCOIS. WEISSER, GERHARD. ARMYTAGE, W. H. G. RAMADIER, PAUL. ANGELOPOULOS, ANGELOS. WEILLER, JEAN. OSTERKAMP, KARL. BUTTGENBACH, ANDRE. STEFANI, GEORGES. RIEDER, ALBERT. LAMBERT, PAUL - Seconds Melanges D'Economie Politique Et Sociale Offerts a Edgard Milhaud : Theme, L'Economie Collective / Andre Baeyens. Karl Probsting. Francois Perroux. Gerhard Weisser. W. H. G. Armytage. Paul Ramadier. Angelos Angelopoulos. Jean Weiller Et Al.
73048: VON BAEYER, HANS CHRISTIAN - Taming the Atom : the Emergence of the Visible Microworld
264849: BAFFO, GIORGIO - Le poesie di Giorgio Baffo
124419: BAGAGLI, CLEMENTINA. MUSSOLINI, BENITO (1883-1945) - Voci D'Italia - ['Illustrato Da Angelo Della Torra. ']
238800: BAGAR, ROBERT C. BIANCOLLI, LOUIS LEOPOLD - The concert companion : a comprehensive guide to symphonic music
37613: BAGBY, GEORGE (1906-) - A Question of Quarry / George Bagby
250794: BAGBY, GEORGE - Red is for killing
19918: BAGDIKIAN, BEN H. - Caged : Eight Prisoners and Their Keepers / Ben H. Bagdikian
141704: BAGDIKIAN, BEN H. - Caged : Eight Prisoners and Their Keepers / Ben H. Bagdikian
130914: BAGDIKIAN, BEN H. - The Media Monopoly / Ben H. Bagdikian
126153: BAGDIKIAN, BEN H. - Caged : Eight Prisoners and Their Keepers / Ben H. Bagdikian
248397: BAGEHOT, WALTER (1826-1877). HUTTON, RICHARD HOLT (1826-1897) [EDITOR] - Literary studies: volume II
247786: BAGEHOT, WALTER. HUTTON, RICHARD HOLT - Literary studies. Vol. 1
119148: BAGEHOT, WALTER (1826-1877). RICHARD HOLT HUTTON (ED. ) - Literary Studies
273174: BAGENAL, T. B - Miners and farmers : the agricultural holdings of the lead miners at Heights, Gunnerside, in North Yorkshire
255816: BAGENAL, TIMOTHY BRACEGIRDLE - The observer's book of freshwater fishes
253444: BAGENAL, T. B - The observer's book of freshwater fishes. Revised ed
64167: BAGG, EDWARD PARSONS; JOHN LINGARD - Another Canterbury Tale. Related Names: Lingard, John (1771-1851)
79475: BAGGALEY, ANDREW R. - Intermediate Correlational Methods
202422: BAGGALLY, W. W. - Telepathy, genuine and fraudulent
205812: BAGGARLY, H. M. (HERBERT MILTON) - The Texas country editor : H. M. Baggarly takes a grass-roots look at national politics / edited by Eugene W. Jones
276363: BAGGELAAR, KRISTIN - The folk music encyclopaedia
75599: BAGGER, EUGENE S. (EUGENE SZEKERES) (1892-?) - Eminent Europeans; Studies in Continental Reality, by Eugene S. Bagger; with Portraits
114178: BAGGETT, BYRD - The Book of Excellence : 236 Habits of Effective Sales People / Byrd Baggett
247662: BAGGORRE, REED GOOCH SIR - Mythological rhymes: volume II and miscellanea
140989: BAGGOTT, LOUIS JOHN - A New Approach to Colossians
141702: BAGGOTT, LOUIS JOHN - A New Approach to Colossians
145169: BAGGOTT, LOUIS JOHN - A New Approach to Colossians
70218: BAGGS, THOMAS ALEXANDER - Where Does America Go from Here? [By] Thomas Alexander Baggs
216981: BAGINSKI, HENRYK - Poland and the Baltic : the problem of Poland's access to the sea
109439: BAGLEE, CHRISTOPHER AND MORLEY, ANDREW - Enamelled Street Signs, by Christopher Baglee & Andrew Morley
269821: BAGLEY, DESMOND - Night of error
260047: BAGLEY, DESMOND (1923-1983) - The enemy / Desmond Bagley
224435: BAGLEY, DESMOND - Flyaway / [by] Desmond Bagley
154526: BAGLEY, TENNENT H. - Spy wars : moles, mysteries, and deadly games
256704: BAGLEY, J. J. (JOHN J.) - Lancashire : a history of the County Palatine in early maps / J.J. Bagley, A.G. Hodgkiss
249873: BAGLEY, JOHN JOSEPH - Life in medieval England / J. J. Bagley
27444: BAGNALL, ROGER S.. RENNER, TIMOTHY TODD (1946-). WORP, K. A. (KLAAS ANTHONY) - American Studies in Papyrology Volume 28 - Columbia Papyri VIII
168250: BAGNALL, JOHN NOCK (1826-1884) - A history of Wednesbury in the county of Stafford / compiled from various authentic sources both ancient and modern and embracing an account of the coal and iron trade
229366: BAGNANI, GILBERT - The Roman Campagna and its treasures
275118: BAGNOLD, ENID (1889-1981) - The loved and envied. / [By Bagnold, Enid 1889-1981.]
107951: BAGNOLD, ENID - The Chalk Garden
237164: BAGNOLI, GIORGIO - Verdi's operas: an illustrated survey of plots, characters, sources, and criticism / Giorgio Bagnoli
253192: BAGOT, RICHARD (1860-1921) - Casting of nets by Richard Bagot
231785: BAGROW, LEO. SKELTON, R. A. WINTER, HEINRICH - Meister der Kartographie
117329: BAGSHAWE, EDWARD - Proudlock's Egg Bag and Four-Ace Presentations
213707: BAGSHAWE, JOHN BERNARD - The threshold of the Catholic church : a course of plain instructions for those entering her communion
134997: BAGUENAULT DE PUCHESSE, GUSTAVE, COMTE (1843-1922) - Condillac: Sa Vie, Sa Philosophie, Son Influence
96864: BAGWELL, PHILIP SIDNEY - The Railwaymen - Volume 2: the Beeching Era and After. the History of the National Union of Railwaymen
34883: BAGWELL, PHILIP SIDNEY - The Railway Clearing House in the British Economy 1842-1922, by Philip S. Bagwell
276867: BAGWELL, PHILIP SIDNEY - Industrial relations
234926: BAGWELL, PHILIP SIDNEY (1914-) - Industrial relations / (by) Philip S. Bagwell ; introduction by P. and G. Ford
14125: BAGWELL, PHILIP SIDNEY - The Railway Clearing House in the British Economy 1842-1922, by Philip S. Bagwell
234820: BAGWELL, PHILIP SIDNEY. MINGAY, GORDON EDMUND (1923-2006) - Britain and America (1850-1939) : a study of economic change / Philip S. Bagwell, G. E. Mingay
89176: BAGWELL, PHILIP SIDNEY - The Railway Clearing House in the British Economy 1842-1922, by Philip S. Bagwell
215842: BAH, IRINA ALEKSEEVNA [EDITOR] - Pervyj Internacional. Chast 1 1864 - 1870. [Language: Russian]
174299: BAHADUR, KHAN - The Indian sugar industry
26283: BAHAMON, ALEJANDRO - Houses - Casas - Hauser
186553: BAHAMONDE Y SANCHEZ DE CASTRO, ANTONIO - Memoirs of a Spanish nationalist
186632: BAHAMONDE Y SANCHEZ DE CASTRO, ANTONIO - Memoirs of a Spanish nationalist
260517: BAHAT, DAN - The forgotten generations / editor, Dan Bahat
193305: MUHAMMAD AL- BAHI; ET AL - Islam communautaire = Al- Umma : concepts et realites
109902: BAHLKE, GEORGE W. (1934-) - The Later Auden: from 'New Year Letter' to about the House, by George W. Bahlke
100307: BAHLKE, GEORGE W (1934-?) - The Later Auden: from 'New Year Letter' to about the House
81359: BAHR, ROBERT (1940-?) - Least of all Saints : the Story of Aimee Semple McPherson
231332: BAHR, ANN MARIE B. (CONSULT.) - 2000 Jaar Christendom - Geïllustreerde reisgids door 20 eeuwen Christelijk Geloof / Christianity : the illustrated guide to 2,000 years of the Christian faith
184873: BAHR, JURGEN - Migration im Grossen Norden Chiles / von Jurgen Bahr
160570: BAHR, ROBERT (1940- ) - Least of all Saints : the Story of Aimee Semple Mcpherson
101030: BAHR, ROBERT - Good Hands : Massage Techniques for Total Health / Robert Bahr ; Illustrated by Martin Lemelman
98987: BAHRO, RUDOLF - The Alternative in Eastern Europe / Rudolf Bahro ; Translated [From the German] by David Fernbach1st Edition.
13893: BAHRO, RUDOLF. FERNBACH, DAVID - The Alternative in Eastern Europe / Rudolf Bahro ; Translated [From the German] by David Fernbach
279160: BAHRT, SIDNEY - A wilderness of birds / portraits of birds by Sidney Bahrt ; text by Hope S. Jex ; foreword by Roger Tory Peterson ; ornithology of the birds by John Bull
189663: BAIAO, ANTONIO. MARY FRANCES ISABELLA [OF SAVOY], QUEEN CONSORT OF ALPHONSO VI, KING OF. PORTUGAL, AND AFTERWARDS OF PETER II., KING OF PORTUGAL. ALPHONSO VI., KING OF PORTUGAL - Causa de nulidade de matrimonio entre a Rainha D. Maria Francisca Isabel de Saboya e o Rei D. Afonso VI. Reedicao aumentada de muitos depoimentos e pareceres ineditos ... por Antonio Baiao
233691: BAIER, HERWIG - Schulen fur Behinderte im Sudetenland
210959: BAIERL, HELMUT - Stucke : Die Feststellung, Frau Flinz, Der Dreizehnte, Johanna von Dobeln / Helmut Baierl
44216: BAIGELL, MATTHEW - The American Scene: American Painting of the 1930's
213069: BAIGENT, MICHAEL (1948-) - The Dead Sea Scrolls deception / Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
271569: BAIKIE, JAMES - Peeps at the royal navy
224664: BAIKIE, JAMES - The sea-kings of Crete
189840: BAIKIE, JAMES - The sea-kings of Crete / James Baikie
224352: BAILE DE LAPERRIERE, CHARLES. MURRAY, LYNDA - The Royal Society of Marine Artists exhibitors, 1946-2008 : a dictionary of artists and their works in the annual exhibitions of the Royal Society of Marine Artists / Charles Baile de Laperriere, editor ; Lynda Murray, assistant editor
224332: BAILE DE LAPERRIERE, CHARLES. ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY - The Royal Scottish Academy exhibitors, 1826-1990 : a dictionary of artists and their work in the Annual Exhibitions of The Royal Scottish Academy - Complete in 4 Volumes
247078: BAILES, ALYSON J. K. ET AL - Regionalism in South Asian diplomacy - SIPRI policy paper. 15
108851: BAILES, FREDERICK W. - Your Mind Can Heal You, by Frederick W. Bailes
248376: BAILEY, JOHN - Barbel Perfect Days / Illustrated by Tom O'Reilly
86066: BAILEY, CAROLYN SHERWIN (1875-1961) - RELATED NAME: SANTORO, CHRISTOPHER (ILLUS. ) - The Little Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings
85301: BAILEY, PEARL - Talking to Myself
247907: BAILEY, JOHN - Carp - Perfect Days / with illustrations by Tom O'Reilly
73709: BAILEY, HARRY A. , ED. - Classics of the American Presidency / Edited by Harry A. Bailey Jr.
61447: BAILEY, LEE - Lee Bailey's Good Parties : Favorite Food, Tableware, Kitchen Equipment and More, to Make Entertaining a Breeze / Text and Photographs by Lee Bailey
61422: BAILEY, JOYCE WADDELL (ED. ) - Handbook of Latin American Art : a Bibliographic Compilation - Vol 1: General References and Art of the Nineteenth and Twentiethcenturies - Part 1: North America - Part 2: South America In Two Volumes
40617: BAILEY, GEOFFREY - Maverick - Succeeding As a Free-Lance Entrepreneur
277206: BAILEY, DAVID - Locations : the 1970s archive
276852: BAILEY, PAUL - Trespasses
276853: BAILEY, PAUL - A distant likeness
274823: BAILEY, BRIAN J - Almshouses / Brian Bailey
273594: BAILEY, GEOFF - Klithi : Palaeolithic settlement and Quaternary landscapes in northwest Greece / edited by Geoff Bailey - 2 volumes
273516: BAILEY, TREVOR - Sir Gary : a biography / [by] Trevor Bailey ; with a foreword by Richie Benaud
273515: BAILEY, TREVOR - Wickets, catches and the odd run / Trevor Bailey
273296: BAILEY, RODERICK - Forgotten Voices of the secret war : an inside history of special operations during the Second World War / [compiled and edited by] Roderick Bailey ; in association with the Imperial War Museum
271765: BAILEY, DAVID - Heroes / David Bailey, Dylan Jones
271230: BAILEY, DAVID - Imagine : a book for Band Aid
271198: BAILEY, DAVID - Bailey's stardust / with an essay by Tim Marlow
269723: BAILEY, MARTIN - The Folio Society book of the 100 greatest paintings / Martin Bailey, general editor
269101: BAILEY, ANTHONY - A view of Delft : Vermeer then and now / Anthony Bailey
268408: BAILEY, DAVID - Mixed moments / [by] David Bailey
268392: BAILEY, DAVID - 8 minutes : Hirst and Bailey / David Bailey
264652: BAILEY, PHILIP ; THORN, PHILIP ; WYNNE-THOMAS, PETER - Who's who of cricketers : a complete who's who of all cricketers who have played first-class cricket in the British Isles, with full career records
264599: BAILEY, TREVOR - From Larwood to Lillee
25935: BAILEY, GEORGE - Galileo's Children - Science, Sakharov, and the Power of the State
253782: BAILEY, RALPH ; MCDONALD, ELVIN - Good housekeeping planning the perfect garden
249667: BAILEY, JOHN - Pike : the predator becomes the prey / [compiled by] John Bailey and Martyn Page
249647: BAILEY, JOHN - Perch : contemporary days and ways / John Bailey and Roger Miller
248368: BAILEY, JOHN - Carp : the quest for the queen / [compiled by] John Bailey and Martyn Page
248195: BAILEY, JOHN (1951-) - Fishing in the footsteps of Mr. Crabtree
247365: BAILEY, RODERICK - Forgotten Voices of the secret war : an inside history of special operations during the Second World War / [compiled and edited by] Roderick Bailey ; in association with the Imperial War Museum
246895: BAILEY, JOHN - Perfect your baits / edited by John Bailey
246897: BAILEY, JOHN - Perfect your tackle / edited by John Bailey
246892: BAILEY, JOHN - John Bailey's freshwater fishing.
246787: BAILEY, JOHN - Casting far & wide / compiled by John Bailey
246789: BAILEY, JOHN - From water to net : an angler's album / John Bailey
246772: BAILEY, JOHN - Fisherman's valley : seasonal tips for coarse anglers / John Bailey
246565: BAILEY, JOHN - Tales from the river bank / John Bailey
246524: BAILEY, JOHN (1951-) - Casting for gold
246539: BAILEY, JOHN - The master angler : coarse fishing season by season / John Bailey
246516: BAILEY, JOHN - Carp challenge
246519: BAILEY, JOHN (1951-) - In wild waters
246505: BAILEY, JOHN (1951-) - The great anglers
246507: BAILEY, JOHN (1951-) - Fish of the summer stillwaters
240545: BAILEY, TREVOR (1923-) - Sir Gary : a biography / [by] Trevor Bailey ; with a foreword by Richie Benaud
234344: BAILEY, MARK E. [EDITED BY]. BAILEY, M. E. ARMAGH OBSERVATORY - Border heritage : tracing the heritage of the City of Armagh and Monaghan County / edited by Mark E. Bailey
233732: BAILEY, KAREN - Irish proverbs
232037: BAILEY, MARK E. [EDITED BY] - Border heritage : tracing the heritage of the City of Armagh and Monaghan County / edited by Mark E. Bailey
211838: BAILEY, TREVOR (1923-?) - The spinners' web / Trevor Bailey and Fred Trueman
211464: BAILEY, TREVOR (B.1923) - Sir Gary : a biography / [by] Trevor Bailey ; with a foreword by Richie Benaud
211223: BAILEY, TREVOR (1923-?) - The spinners' web / Trevor Bailey and Fred Trueman
20875: BAILEY, JAMES (GENERAL EDITOR) - New towns in America : the design and development process
208542: BAILEY, JACK - Trevor Bailey : a life in cricket / Jack Bailey
206091: BAILEY, RICHARD N. (RICHARD NIGEL) (1936-?) - Dowsing and church archaeology
19396: BAILEY, BROOKE - The Remarkable Lives of 100 Women Healers and Scientists
183467: BAILEY, JOHN (1951- ) - Trout at ten thousand feet : reflections of a passionate fisherman / John Bailey
158184: BAILEY, COLIN B. - Renoir landscapes, 1865-1883
155797: BAILEY, COLIN B. RIOPELLE, CHRISTOPHER - Renoir Landscapes, 1860-1883
138065: BAILEY, TREVOR. ROY ULLYETT (ILL. ) - The Greatest of My Time; Cartoons by Roy Ullyett
178884: BAILEY, WILLIAM FREDERICK (1857-1917) - The Slavs of the war zone
188715: BAILEY, ALICE (1880-1949), ED. - Letters on occult meditation / received and edited by Alice A. Bailey
188594: BAILEY, ALICE (1880-1949) - Glamour : a world problem
187825: BAILEY, STEPHEN K. (STEPHEN KEMP) - Roosevelt and his new deal
261916: BAILEY, JOYCE WADDELL - Handbook of Latin American art = Manual de arte latinoamericano : a bibliographic compilation / general editor, Joyce Waddell Bailey ; volume/regional editor--Brazil, Aracy Abreu Amaral ; volume editor--southern cone, Ramón Gutiérrez ; regional editor--southern cone, Alberto S.J. de Paula - Vol. 1 part 2
252091: BAILEY, JACK - The Co-operative Movement in Labour Britain
226870: BAILEY, HAMILTON (1894-1961) - Notable names in Medicine and Surgery : short biographies of some of those whose discoveries (not necessarily the greatest medical discoveries) have become eponymous in the medical and allied professions
264174: BAILEY, RODERICK - Forgotten Voices of the secret war : an inside history of special operations during the Second World War / [compiled and edited by] Roderick Bailey ; in association with the Imperial War Museum
277636: BAILEY, PAUL (1937-) - Old soldiers
203163: BAILEY, ALICE ANN - Initiation, human and solar
121921: BAILEY, ANTHONY (1933-) - Acts of Union : Reports on Ireland, 1973-79 / Anthony Bailey
138137: BAILEY, TREVOR - Trevor Bailey's Cricket Book
105411: BARNUM AND BAILEY - The Greatest Show on Earth, ... Spectacular Bicentennial Edition, ... Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (Souvenir Program & Magazine)
101839: BAILEY, ALICE COOPER - The Skating Gander, Written by Alice Cooper Bailey; Pictures by Marie Honre Myers
90876: BAILEY, SYDNEY DAWSON - The General Assembly of the United Nations : a Study of Procedure and Practice
82386: BAILEY, TEMPLE (D. 1953) - The Dim Lantern
8738: BAILEY, MARGAERY, ED - Boswell's Column Being His Seventy Contributions to the London Magazine under the Pseud. the Hypochondriak from 1777 to 1783
107358: BAILEY, LEE - California Wine Country Cooking
66672: BAILEY, PEARL - The Raw Pearl
109819: BAILEY, LEE - Lee Bailey's Country Flowers : Gardening and Bouquets from Spring to Fall
64756: RINGLING BROS AND BARNUM & BAILEY - Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus; the Greatest Show on Earth. (Souvenir Program & Magazine)
64755: RINGLING BROS AND BARNUM & BAILEY - Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus; the Greatest Show on Earth (Souvenir Program & Magazine)
60928: BAILEY, CAROLYN SHERWIN (1875-1961). DASH, JOSEPH EUGENE - Stories from an Indian Cave : the Cherokee Cave Builders
58272: BAILEY, ARTHUR SCOTT - The Tale of the Muley Cow
11426: BAILEY, F. G. - The Need for Enemies. A Bestiary of Political Forms
278275: BAILEY, PAUL - A distant likeness
277930: BAILEY, ADRIAN - Mrs Bridges' 'Upstairs, downstairs' cookery book / [edited by (i.e. written by) Adrian Bailey ; photographs by John Hedgecoe]
12338: BAILEY, SYDNEY D. - The General Assembly of the United Nations; a Study of Procedure and Practice
188714: BAILEY, ALICE (1880-1949) - The externalisation of the hierarchy
162192: BAILEY, WILLIAM FREDERICK (1857-1917) - The Slavs of the War Zone
248892: BAILEY, THOMAS (1785-1856) - Annals of Nottinghamshire : history of the County of Nottingham, including the borough
58540: BAILEY, DAVID (1938-) - Masterpieces of Erotic Photography / David Bailey ... [Et. Al. ]
113863: BAILEY, EDGAR HERBERT - Quicksilver Deposits in Nevada, by Edgar H. Bailey and David A. Phoenix - Vol. XXXVIII, Dec 1944, No. 5
104027: BAILEY, ALICE - From Bethlehem to Calvary; Initiations of Jesus by Alice A. Bailey
225949: BAILEY, NICK - Fitzrovia
37998: BAILEY, EBENEZER - First Lessons in Algebra, Being an Easy Introduction to That Science, Designed for the Use of Academies and Common Schools
40872: BAILEY, RICHARD - Africa's Industrial Future / Richard Bailey
171860: BAILEY, STEPHEN K. (STEPHEN KEMP) - Roosevelt and his new deal
239632: BAILEY, STEPHEN K. (STEPHEN KEMP) - Roosevelt and his new deal
279852: BAILEY, SAMUEL W - Homage of eminent persons to the Book
177244: BAILEY, SYDNEY D. - Aspects of american government
277722: BAILEY, MARGARET E - A taste of Wordsworth
49399: BAILEY, NORMAN A. - Latin America - Politics, Economics, and Hemispheric Security
11424: BAILEY, F. G. - The Civility of Indifference - on Domesticating Ethnicity
65665: BAILEY, ARTHUR SCOTT (1877-) - The Tale of Pony Twinkleheels
65666: BAILEY, ARTHUR SCOTT (1877-) - The Tale of Mistah Mule
65670: BAILEY, ARTHUR SCOTT (1877-) - The Tale of Henrietta Hen
105775: BAILEY, PEARL - Talking to Myself / Pearl Bailey
83966: BAILEY, HELEN MILLER - Santa Cruz of the Etla Hills
197250: BAILEY, SAMUEL (1791-1870) - Essays on the formation and publication of opinions and on other subjects
197658: BAILEY, STEPHEN KEMP - Roosevelt and his new deal
208163: BAILEY, CYRIL (1871-1957) [ED.] - The legacy of Rome / essays by C. Foligno... [et al.] ; ed. by C. Bailey ; with an introduction by H. H. Asquith
209232: BAILEY, STEPHEN KEMP - Roosevelt and his new deal
211508: BAILEY, TREVOR - Championship cricket : a review of county cricket since 1945
211509: BAILEY, TREVOR - Championship cricket : a review of county cricket since 1945
240775: BAILEY, PHILIP (1953-) - Who's who of cricketers : a complete who's who of all cricketers who have played first-class cricket in England with full career records / Philip Bailey, Philip Thorn, Peter Wynne-Thomas
278633: BAILEY, PAUL - Trespasses
278635: BAILEY, PAUL - Peter Smart's confessions / [by] Paul Bailey
238865: BAILIE, J. M - The British crossword puzzle dictionary
167690: BAILLEUL, JACQUES CHARLES - Situation de la France : consideree sous les rapports politiques, religieux, administratifs. Un vol. in-8o qui parait par cahiers de 100 pages au moins l'un. L'Ouvrage sera compose de cinq cahiers
209705: BAILLIE, IAN FOWLER [ED.] ; UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT UNIT - Irish agriculture in a changing world / edited by I. F. Baillie and S. J. Sheehy
193067: BAILLIE, JOHN (1886-1960) - What is Christian civilization?
141549: BAILLIE, JOHN (1886-1960) - And the Life Everlasting
201773: BAILLIE, JOHN (1886-1960) - The belief in progress
188588: BAILLON, CHARLES, COMTE DE (1816-) - Henriette-Anne d'Angleterre, duchesse d'Orléans : sa vie et sa correspondance avec son frère Charles II / par le comte de Baillon
183717: BAILLON, ANDRE (1875-1932) - Le perce-oreille du Luxembourg. Edition originale
164585: BAILLY, AUGUSTE, (1878-1967) - La Guerre De Cent Ans
130741: BAILLY, AUGUSTE - L'Ecole Classique Francaise : Les Doctrines Et Les Hommes, 1660-1715
166236: BAILLY, AUGUSTE (1878-1967) - La Fontaine / Auguste Bailly
175844: BAILLY, AUGUSTE (1878-1967) - Montaigne / Auguste Bailly
76658: BAILLY, AUGUST (1878-) - Byzance
145933: BAILWARD, W. A. - The Reports of the Poor Law Commissions of 1834 and 1909
131472: BAILWARD, WILLIAM AMYAS (1852-1918) - Some Recent Developments of Poor Relief / Reprinted ... from “the Economic Journal, December, 1912, with Postscript, 1914
145929: BAILWARD, W. A. - Old Age Pensions and the Poor Law
218955: BAILY, LESLIE - Leslie Baily's BBC Scrapbooks Vol 1 1896-1914 ; with a calendar of significant dates
118056: BAILY, FRANCIS (1774-1844) - Journal of a Tour in Unsettled Parts of North America, in 1796 & 1797. Edited by Jack D. L. Holmes. Foreword by John Francis McDermott
265119: BAILY, J.T. HERBERT [ED.] - The Connoisseur: an illustrated magazine for collectors: vol. XVII (January-April, 1907)
275559: BAILY'S MAGAZINE - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes: vol. XIV
35520: BAILYN, BERNARD - Boyd's Jefferson - Notes for a Sketch
38136: BAILYN, BERNARD - Boyd's Jefferson - Notes for a Sketch
96870: BAIN, R. NISBET (ROBERT NISBET) (1854-1909) - The Last King of Poland and His Contemporaries
96878: BAIN, R. NISBET (ROBERT NISBET) (1854-1909) - Slavonic Europe
274719: BAIN, IAIN - Celtic knotwork / Iain Bain
232079: BAIN, DAVID ROUALEYN FINDLATER - Fools rush in : a call to Christian clowning / [by] Roly Bain
200484: BAIN, F. W., (FRANCIS WILLIAM) (1863-1940) [TRANSLATOR] - An Essence of the dusk / translated from the original manuscript by F.W. Bain
125342: BAIN, DAVID HAWARD - Sitting in Darkness : Americans in the Philippines / David Haward Bain
38419: BAIN, DAVID HAWARD - The Old Iron Road : an Epic of Rails, Roads, and the Urge to Go West / David Haward Bain
10487: BAIN, F. W. (FRANCIS WILLIAM) (1863-1940) - An Incarnation of the Snow ... Tr. from the Original Manuscript, by F. W. Bain
9120: BAIN, F. W. - The Corner in Gold: its History and Theory : Being a Reply to Mr. Robert Griffen's Case Against Bimetallism
50315: BAIN, F. W. - The Corner in Gold: its History and Theory: Being a Reply to Mr. Robert Giffen's 'case Against Bimetallism. '
245820: BAIN, ALEXANDER - Mental and moral science. Part Second: Theory of ethics and ethical systems
115636: BAIN, F. W. (FRANCIS WILLIAM) (1863-1940) - A Mine of Faults / Translated from the Original Manuscript by F. W. Bain
210387: BAIN, GEORGE SAYERS - The growth of white-collar unionism
177965: BAIN, GEORGE SAYERS - The growth of white-collar unionism
102506: BAIN, GEORGE W. (GEORGE WILLIAM) (1901-) - The Flow of Time in the Connecticut Valley
133702: BAIN, GEORGE SAYERS - The Growth of White-Collar Unionism
52204: BAIN, H. FOSTER AND READ, THOMAS THORNTON - Ores and Industry in South America
197107: BAIN, ALEXANDER (1818-1903) - Education as a science
8857: BAINBRIDGE, BERYL (1933-) - Young Adolf / Beryl Bainbridge
76249: BAINBRIDGE, JOHN - Another Way of Living; a Gallery of Americans Who Choose to Live in Europe
63440: BAINBRIDGE, JOHN - Garbo
212902: BAINBRIDGE, BERYL (1934- ) - The birthday boys
199461: BAINBRIDGE, BERYL (1934-) - Young Adolf
173209: BAINBRIDGE, BERYL (1934-2010) - Watson's apology
219170: BAINBRIDGE, HENRY CHARLES - Peter Carl Faberge, goldsmith and jeweller to the Russian imperial court and the principal crowned heads of Europe : an illustrated record and review of his life and work, A.D.1846-1920 / Henry Charles Bainbridge ; with a foreword by Sacheverell Sitwell
278250: BAINBRIDGE, HENRY CHARLES - Peter Carl Faberge,´ goldsmith and jeweller to the Russian Imperial Court : his life and work ; with a foreword by Sacheverell Sitwell
273919: BAINBRIDGE, DAVID - Curvology : the origins and power of female body shape
237650: BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM SEAMAN (1870-1947) - Report on seventh International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy and meetings of the Permanent Committee, Madrid, Spain, May 29-June 3, 1933
219280: BAINBRIDGE, HENRY CHARLES - Peter Carl Faberge, goldsmith and jeweller to the Russian imperial court : His life and work by Henry Charles Bainbridge; with a foreword by Sacheverell Sitwell.
237715: BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM SEAMAN (1870-1947) - Report on sixth International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, and meetings of the Permanent Committee : The Hague, the Netherlands, June, 1931 / report for the delegation from the United States of America by William Seaman Bainbridge
67439: BAINBRIDGE, JOHN - Biography of an Idea : the Story of Mutual Fire and Casualty Insurance
237637: BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM SEAMAN (1870-1947) - Report on Fifth International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, London, England, May, 1929
106941: BAINBRIGGE, MARION S. - A Walk in Other Worlds with Dante
93254: BAINBRIGGE, MARION S. - A Walk in Other Worlds with Dante
273273: BAINES, JOHN MANWARING - Sussex pottery
26988: BAINES, EDWARD, SIR (1800-1890) - Baines's Account of the Woollen Manufacture of England; with a New Introduction by K. G. Ponting
233854: BAINES, ANTHONY - Brass instruments : their history and development
243170: BAINES, THOMAS (1806-1881). FAIRBAIRN, WILLIAM SIR (1789-1874) - Lancashire and Cheshire, past and present : a history and a description of the Palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester forming the North-western division of England ; from the earliest ages to the present time (1867)
273558: BAINES, EDWARD (1774-1848). HARLAND JOHN [ED] - The history of the county palatine and duchy of Lancaster by the late Edward Baines. The biographical department by late W.R. Whatton , edited by John, Harland: complete in two volumes
222431: BAINES, ANTHONY - European and American musical instruments / Anthony Baines
216065: BAINES, EDWARD, SIR (1800-1890) - Bondage and victory
5883: BAINES, F. E. - Forty Years At the Post Office - a Personal Narrative [Complete in 2 Volumes]
229394: BAINES, JOHN. MÁLEK, JAROMÍR - Atlas of ancient Egypt / John Baines and Jaromír Málek
233865: BAINES, ANTHONY - Musikinstrumente die Geschichte ihrer Entwicklung und ihrer Formen ; ein Symposion von 16 Autoren
13003: BAINES, TALBOT (1852-1927) - The Industrial North in the Last Decade of the Nineteenth Century / Articles Reprinted by Permission from the Times by a Contemporary Observer: Talbot Baines, with a Preface by Sir Hugh Bell and a Memoir
166157: BAINES, THOMAS (1806-1881) - Yorkshire, Past and Present : a History and a Description of the Three Ridings of the Great County of York from the Earliest Ages to the Year 1870 : with an Account of its Manufactures, Commerce and Civil and Mechanical Engineering [Complete in 4 Volumes]
231292: BAINES, THOMAS (1806-1881) - History of the Commerce and Town of Liverpool : and of the Rise of the Manufacturing Industry in the Adjoining Counties
168213: BAINES, FREDERICK EBENEZER (1832-) - Records of the manor, parish, and borough of Hampstead, in the county of London, to December 31st, 1889 / ed. by F. E. Baines, C.B.
142297: BAINES, HENRY - Flora of Yorkshire
221911: BAINES, EDWARD (1774-1848) - History of the wars of the French Revolution, from the breaking out of the war in 1792, to the restoration of a general peace in 1815 : comprehending the civil history of Great Britain and France, during that period - Complete in 2 Volumes
149026: BAINTON, ROLAND HERBERT (1894-1984). ERIC W. GRITSCH - Bibliography of the Continental Reformation: Materials Available in English
160347: BAINTON, ROLAND HERBERT (1894-) - Pilgrim Parson : the Life of James Herbert Bainton (1867-1942)
221100: BAINTON, ROLAND HERBERT - Here I stand : a life of Martin Luther
243631: BAINVILLE, JACQUES (1879-1936) - La fortune de la France / par Jacques Bainville. Préface de C.-J. Gignoux; avant-propos de Jean Marcel
134041: BAINVILLE, JACQUES (1879-1936) - La Russie Et La Barriere De L'Est / Par Jacques Bainville ... Préface Du Comte De Saint-Aulaire ... Avant-Propos De Jean Marcel
279002: BAINVILLE, JACQUES (1879-1936) - Italy and the war
213559: BAINVILLE, JACQUES (1879-1936) - The French Republic, 1870-1935
218148: BAIRATI, ELEONORA - La Belle Epoque : fifteen euphoric years of European history / Eleonora Bairati ... [et al.]
258400: BAIRD, THOMAS - Nice try
134814: BAIRD-LANGE, LORRAYNE Y. - A Bibliography of Chaucer, 1964-1973 / Lorrayne Y. Baird
272403: BAIRD, JAMES B - Children of Africa
245303: BAIRD, HENRY MARTYN - History of the rise of the Huguenots
67794: BAIRD, THOMAS (1923-) - Triumphal Entry
55793: BAIRD, WILLIAM, F. S. A. SCOT - The One Pound Note: its History, Place, and Power in Scotland, and its Adaptability for England, to Which is Added Note Exchange and Clearing-House System and Rules in Scotland
190599: BAIRD, J. ARTHUR (JOSEPH ARTHUR) - The justice of God in the teaching of Jesus
181910: BAIRD, H. J. - Tables of foreign exchanges : and weights and measures of the principal trading places in Europe equated: with remarks on decimal currency
161088: BAIRD, JOSEPH ARTHUR - The Justice of God in the Teaching of Jesus
192707: BAIRD, MONA - Womanhood
224126: BAIRNSFATHER, BRUCE (1887-1959) - Fragments from France
273232: BAIRSTOW, DAVID - A Yorkshire diary / David Bairstow with Derek Hodgson ; photographs by Barry Wilkinson
164750: BAISTROCCHI, ALFREDO - La Certezza Della Vittoria
45553: BAJ, ENRICO (1924-) - Imperatores Romani - Portrait Studies of Caesar, Flavius Valerius, Marcus Antonius, Caius Flavius, and Sextus Varius
145913: BAK, SAMUEL - The Fruit of Knowledge : Recent Paintings 8 April - 31 May
72972: BAK, HANS - Malcolm Cowley : the Formative Years
159800: BAK, SAMUEL - Bak
183111: T. C. KULTUR BAKANLIGI - Turkiye bibliyografyas : 1975 I. - IV. Sayilara ait Yillik Dizinler - Matbaa ve Yayinevleri
183110: T. C. KULTUR BAKANLIGI - Turkiye makaleler bibliyografyas : Turkish bibliography of articles 1976 I Ocak - Subat - Mart
263257: TURKEY. TURIZM BAKANLIGI - Discovering Turkey / Ministry of Tourism, Turkey ; [editor, Alan White]
97924: BAKER, RUSSELL (1925-?) - The Rescue of Miss Yaskell and Other Pipe Dreams
86482: BAKER, WILLIAM J. (WILLIAM JOSEPH) - Jesse Owens : an American Life / William J. Baker
82454: BAKER, RICHARD D (1935-?) - Lifeguarding Simplified : the Management Principles and Techniques of Lifeguarding
80260: BAKER, WENDY - NASA : America in Space
7892: BAKER, CHARLES, ED - Bibliography of British Book Illustrators 1860-1900
223917: BAKER, DENYS VAL (1917-1984) - Little Reviews Anthology / edited by Denys Val Baker [1943 edition]
65805: BAKER, T. H. (THOMAS HARRISON) - The Memphis Commercial Appeal; the History of a Southern Newspaper
63514: BAKER, ROGER (1934-) - Bette Davis : a Tribute, 1908-1989 / Roger Baker
62329: BAKER, MARILYN - Exclusive! The Inside Story of Patricia Hearst and the SLA by Marilyn Baker with Sally Brompton
49862: BAKER, MICHAEL - Our Three Selves - the Life of Radclyffe Hall
31836: BAKER, MARILYN AND BROMPTON, SALLY - Exclusive! The Inside Story of Patricia Hearst and the SLA
29202: BAKER, LIVA - I'M Radcliffe, Fly Me! : the Seven Sisters and the Failure of Women's Education
277078: BAKER, J. N. L. (JOHN NORMAN LEONARD) - The history of geography
276279: BAKER, GEOFFREY ACTIVE (1326-1350). GILES, JOHN ALLEN (1808-1884). CAXTON SOCIETY - Galfridi Le Baker de Swinbroke : Chronicon Angliae temporibus Edwardi II et Edwardi III / nunc primum ex unico codice msto Bodleiano edidit J.A. Giles
275767: BAKER, JOHN - Death minus zero / John Baker
275763: BAKER, JOHN - Poet in the gutter / John Baker
275288: BAKER, OLIVER - Ludlow town and neighbourhood : a series of sketches of its scenery, antiquities, geology, etc., drawn and described in pen and ink
274223: BAKER, STEPHEN - How to live with a neurotic dog
272887: BAKER, MARGARET - Discovering the Bath road
268587: BAKER, ALAN R. H - Studies of field systems in the British Isles / edited by Alan R.H. Baker and Robin A. Butlin
268322: BAKER, WILLIAM - George Eliot : a bibliographical history / William Baker & John C. Ross
267640: BAKER, ANTHONY - Battle honours of the British and Commonwealth armies / Anthony Baker
267431: BAKER, ROBERT K - Introduction to Library Research in French Literature
267299: BAKER, W. MORRANT (WILLIAM MORRANT) (1839-1896) - Hand-book of physiology
265918: BAKER, KATHRYN - Murphy Brown: 'The Morning Show': screen play by Kathryn Baker: # 186580
260816: BAKER, IRA O. (IRA OSBORN) (1853-1925) - A treatise on masonry construction
257888: BAKER, HUMPHREY - Commons, village greens and other open spaces : their protection and control with special reference to the powers of parish councils
256312: BAKER, ANTHONY - Battle Honours of the British and Commonwealth Armies
253383: BAKER, H - Peaches, nectarines, apricots, figs and grapes / original text revised by H. Baker and E. G. Gilbert
252119: BAKER, E. R. (EDWARD RONALD) - Criminal evidence and procedure
237440: BAKER, KENNETH (1934-) - George Washington's war in caricature and print / Kenneth Baker
236126: BAKER, ROGER - Marilyn Monroe
230403: BAKER, DAVID - Manfred von Richthofen : the man and the aircraft he flew / edited by David Baker
262560: BAKER, TRUDY. JONES, RACHEL - The coffee, tea or me girls' 'round-the-world diary / [by] Trudy Baker and Rachel Jones
225587: BAKER, KENNETH - George III : a life in caricature / Kenneth Baker
183129: BAKER, CHARLES HENRY (1895- ) - Knife, fork, & spoon : eating around the world / Charles H. Baker, Jr.
173615: BAKER, ROGER - Sensual swimwear [Roger Baker: text and captions]
168478: BAKER, PHILIP (1940-). INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN INSTITUTE - International guide to African studies research = Etudes africaines : guide international recherches / edited by the International African Institute ; compiled by Philip Baker
168069: BAKER, MICHAEL (1948-) - Our three selves : the life of Radclyffe Hall
160564: BAKER, PEARL BIDDLECOME - The Wild Bunch At Robbers Roost, [By] Pearl Baker
159733: BAKER, EMERSON W. (ED. ) - American Beginnings : Exploration, Culture, and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega / Edited by Emerson W. Baker ... [Et Al. ]
157734: BAKER, MURIEL - Stumpwork : the art of raised embroidery
156868: BAKER, NICHOLSON - The Fermata
14941: BAKER-CARR, JANET - Evening At Symphony : a Portrait of the Boston Symphony Orchestra / Janet Baker-Carr
14560: BAKER, STEPHEN & LEVIN, ARNIE - I Hate Meetings / Stephen Baker with Drawings by New Yorker Magazine Cartoonist Arnie Levin
126293: BAKER, MICHAEL - Our Three Selves : the Life of Radclyffe Hall
256995: BAKER, HUGH ARTHUR - Ericas in southern Africa / with paintings by Irma von Below, Fay Anderson and others, text by H.A. Baker and E.G.H. Oliver, edited by E.G.H. Oliver
187246: BAKER, CHARLES ALMA (1857-1941) - The labouring earth : a survey of agricultural conditions at home and abroad
157598: BAKER, DAISY (1894-) - Travels in a Donkey Trap / Illustrated by Pamela Mara
158707: BAKER, DOUGLAS - Practical Techniques of Astral Projection
189261: BAKER, IRA O. (IRA OSBORN) (1853-1925) - A treatise on masonry construction
215124: BAKER, WILLIAM HOWARD - The Greyfriars holiday annual. 1976
100584: BAKER, MARILYN & BROMPTON, SALLY (JOINT AUTHORS) - Exclusive! The Inside Story of Patricia Hearst and the SLA
243315: BAKER, F. GRENFELL - The model republic : a history of the rise and progress of the Swiss people
257476: BAKER, SAMUEL WHITE - Cast up by the sea
278456: BAKER, E. C. STUART (EDWARD CHARLES STUART) (1864-1944) - The game birds of India, Burma and Ceylon. Vol. 3 Pheasants and bustard-quail
139387: BAKER, HENRY BARTON - Stories of the Streets of London
139868: BAKER, ARTHUR PONSFORD - A College Mystery : the Story of the Apparition in the Fellows' Garden At Christ's College, Cambridge
135370: BAKER, RACHEL - The First Woman Doctor : the Story of Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D / Rachel Baker ; with a Foreword by Edith Summerskill
75210: BAKER, HENRY E. (1908-) - The Legal System of Israel
74981: BAKER, NINA BROWN (1888-1957) - Juarez : Hero of Mexico / Nina Brown Baker ; Illustrations by Marion Greenwood
74837: BAKER, WILLARD F. - The Boy Ranchers in the Desert; Or, Diamond X and the Lost Mine
73675: BAKER, HELEN CODY (1889-? ). ROUTZAHN, MARY BRAYTON SWAIN (1880-? ) JOINT AUTHOR - How to Interpret Social Welfare : a Study Course in Public Relations
50579: BAKER, JOHN C. - An Autobiography
99323: BAKER, T. BARWICK LL. (THOMAS BARWICK LLOYD) (1807-1886) - 'War with Crime'; Being a Selection of Reprinted Papers on Crime, Reformatories, Etc
96532: BAKER, G. P. (GEORGE PHILIP) - A Book of Battles : Being a Description of Fifteen Battles That Determined the Course of Civilization...
95327: BAKER, SILVIA - Alone and Loitering: Pages from an Artist's Travel-Diary (1938-1944) , with Illustrations by the Author and a Comment by Clough Williams-Ellis
15607: BAKER, SHERMAN - The Making
147496: BAKER, RICHARD ST. BARBE (1889-1982). YVONNE SKARGON (ILL. ) - Kabongo ; the Story of a Kikuyu Chief / with Engravings by Yvonne Skargon
147135: BAKER, EDWARD ALAN. D. J. FOSKETT - Bibliography of Food; a Select International Bibliography of Nutrition, Food, and Beverage Technology and Distribution, 1936-56 [By] E. Alan Baker [And] D. J. Foskett
147051: BAKER, RAY STANNARD (1870-1946) - The New Industrial Unrest : Reasons and Remedies
134471: BAKER, CHARLES EDMUND - Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers : with Forty Forms
152759: BAKER, CHRISTOPHER (1967-). CALDWELL, BILL - Unions and Change Since 1945 / Chris Baker and Peter Caldwell
107902: BAKER, JOSEPHINE TRUCK - Correct Business Letter Writing and Business English
277817: BAKER, KENNETH - Prime Ministers : irreverent political history in cartoons
125711: BAKER, BLANCH - Theatre and Allied Arts; a Guide to Books Dealing with the History, Criticism, and Technic of the Drama and Theatre and Related Arts and Crafts, by Blanch M. Baker
120973: BAKER, RAY STANNARD (1870-1946) - Woodrow Wilson : Life and Letters, Princeton 1890-1910
120412: BAKER, HERSCHEL CLAY (1914-) - Hyder Edward Rollins; a Bibliography, by Herschel Baker
165331: BAKER, THOMAS BARWICK LLOYD ( 1807-1886) - 'War with Crime' : Being a Selection of Reprinted Papers on Crime, Reformatories, Etc
165133: BAKER, THOMAS, (1656-1740) - History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge
102385: BAKER, THOMAS [BOOKSELLER] - Catalogues Issued During 1882 of Books on Sale by Thomas Baker
39153: BAKER, MICHAEL - Our Three Selves - the Life of Radclyffe Hall
44291: BAKER, LAWRENCE MANNING (1907-) - General Experimental Psychology: an Introduction to Principles
59972: BAKER, BYRD (ET AL. ) - Mendocino : Past & Present / Text, Byrd Baker ... [Et Al. ] ; Contemporary Photos. , Robert Avery ... [Et Al. ] ; Historic Photos. , Richard Behrendt ... [Et Al. ] ; Editor, David Landsman
91256: BAKER, BERNARD GRANVILLE (1870-1957) - From a Terrace in Prague, by Lieut. -Col. B. Granville Baker... with 36 Illustrations and on Map
94722: BAKER, JAMES (1847-1920) - Pictures from Bohemia Drawn with Pen and Pencil ; with a Map and One Hundred and Eight Illustrations from Drawings by Walter Crane, H. Whatley, and the Best Bohemian Artists
156007: BAKER, NICHOLSON - Human Smoke : the Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization / Nicholson Baker
168718: BAKER, GEORGE PIERCE (1866-1935) - The principles of argumentation
220145: BAKER, PETER - Time out of life
177511: BAKER, JOHN F. (1942- ) - Poet in the gutter / John Baker
223841: BAKER, DENYS VAL (1917-1984) - Little reviews anthology 1947-8 / edited by Denys Val Baker
190176: BAKER, RICHARD ST. BARBE (B. 1889) - Land of Tane : the threat of erosion / With a foreword by Viscount Bledisloe
148710: BAKER, PETER - Land and Empire. / Peter Baker
124852: BAKER, PAUL G. (PAUL GEOFFREY) - A Reassessment of D. H. Lawrence's Aaron's Rod
33185: BAKER, PHILIP NOEL - Hawkers of Death - the Private Manufacture and Trade in Arms
44869: BAKER, NEWMAN FREESE (1898-) - Legal Aspects of Zoning
51916: BAKER, WILLIAM E. - Syntax in English Poetry 1870-1930
7712: BAKER, JOHN - The Book Business
103777: BAKER, ROGER AND CONNOLLY, KATE - Techniques of Making Love / Roger Baker & Kate Connolly
93242: BAKER, ERNEST - The Life & Explorations of Frederick Stanley Arnot
93505: BAKER, ERNEST - The Life & Explorations of Frederick Stanley Arnot; the Authorised Biography of a Zealous Missionary, Intrepid Explorer, & Self-Denying Benefactor Amongst the Natives of Africa
9715: BAKER, MARGARET (B. 1890.) - Pedlar's Ware
189582: BAKER, ALBERT E. (ALBERT EDWARD), (B. 1884) - St. Paul and his gospel
196858: BAKER, AL - Al Baker's second book
197503: BAKER, DUKE - Egyptian commercial calculating tables / compiled by Duke Baker, and Frederic Guy
198843: BAKER, CHARLES (B. 1803) - The book of Bible geography, alphabetically arranged and serving as a scriptural gazeteer for schools
88238: BAKER, CARROLL (1931-?) - Baby Doll : an Autobiography
210060: BAKER, STANLEY (1868-1950) - The Acts of the Apostles, chapters i.-xv. Notes
210168: BAKER, JAY - Night of the Fair
243066: BAKER, ERNEST - The Citizen's Choice
241028: HUNTERS THE BAKERS - Hunters' Blue-Book for scholars: Bakeries, Branches and Van Deliveries throught the Tyne, Wear and Tees Districts
78460: BAKEWELL, WILLIAM (1908-?) - Hollywood be Thy Name : Random Recollections of a Movie Veteran from Silents to Talkies to TV
130786: BAKEWELL, JOAN. NICHOLAS GARNHAM - The New Priesthood: British Television Today [By] Joan Bakewell, Nicholas Garnham
218600: BAKH, I. A. [ED.] - Pervyy Internatsional : Chast' 2 1870-1876. [The First International: Part 2 1870-1876. Language: Russian]
217582: BAKHMET'YEVA, V.A. F. GLADKOVA, F. (POD REDAKTSIYEY) - Zhurnal dlya vsekh. No. 1 - 1930 [The magazine for all. Language: Russian]
73261: BAKKE, EDWARD WIGHT (1903-) COMP. - Unions, Management, and the Public
266192: BAKON, YITZHAK. [AUTHOR] .????, ???? - Brener ha-tsa?ir : ?aya? ?i-yetsirota? shel Brener ?ad le-hofa?at ha-Me?orer be-London / Yits?a? Ba?on / Young Brenner: a study in the works: vol. II
37807: BAKOS, SUSAN CRAIN - Kink : the Hidden Sex Lives of Americans / Susan Crain Bakos
233054: BAKOS, EVA - Friaul, Triest, Venetien : Land hinter d. Strand
280277: BAKOS, SUSAN CRAIN - Female superior position
65921: BAKST, LEON (1866-1924) - The designs of Leon Bakst for the sleeping princess : a ballet in five acts after Perrault / preface by Andre Levinson
278958: BAKUNIN, MIKHAIL (1814-1876) - God and the State. With a new introduction and index of persons by Paul Avrich
136823: BAL, WILLY (COMP. ) - Les Sciences Humaines Et L'Afrique a L'Universite Lovanium
183540: BAL, WILLY (1916-). GERMAIN, JEAN - Guide bibliographique de linquistique romane / par Willy Bal, Jean Germain
247710: BALA?AM, EN. I. (1919-) - What is Marxism?
154044: BALABANOFF, ANGELICA (1878-1965) - My Life As a Rebel
216018: BALABANOVA, M. [ET AL.] - Rabochiy Yezhegodnik 1906 [Workers Yearbook 1906. Language: Russian]
140827: BALABIN, VICTOR (1813-1864). ERNEST DAUDET (ED. ) - Paris De 1842 a 1852 ... Journal De Victor De Balabine, Secretaire De L'Ambassade De Russie, Publie Par Ernest Daudet. I. 1842-1847
83231: BALACI, ALEXANDRU - Mantegna / Alexandru Balaci ; [Translated Into English by Leon Levitchi]
66146: BALACI, ALEXANDRU - Mantegna / Alexandru Balaci ; Translated Into English by Leon Levitchi
217570: BALACI, ALEXANDRU - Mantegna / Alexandru Balaci
236710: BALAKIAN, ANNA (1915-1997). TANGUY, YVES (1900-1955) - Literary origins of surrealism : a new mysticism in French poetry
192173: BALANDIER, GEORGES; INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE COUNCIL. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH OFFICE ON SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE.; (ET AL.) - Changements techniques, economiques et sociaux; etude theorique. Social, economic and technological change; a theoretical approach
192082: BALANYI, GYORGY - Histoire de la nation hongroise
97943: BALAZS, GYORGY - The Magyars : the Birth of a European Nation
243966: BALBO, ITALO (1896-1940) - Stormi in volo sull'oceano
132750: BALBUENA, BERNARDO DE (D. 1627) - Bernardo / Poema Heroico Del Doctor D. Bernardo De Balbuena
211035: BALCESCU, NICOLAE (1819-1852) - Nicolae Balcescu : a fighter for freedom
270784: BALCH, ADRIAN M - Testing colours : British test, trials and research aircraft of A&AEE, RAE & ETPS since 1960 / Adrian M. Balch
178552: BALCH, EMILY GREENE (ED.) - Occupied Haiti : being the report of a committee of six disinterested Americans representing organizations exclusively American, who, having personally studied conditions in Haiti in 1926, favor the restoration of the independence of the Negro republic
234743: BALCHIN, PAUL N - Housing policy : an introduction
212788: BALCHIN, NIGEL (1908-1970) - The fall of the sparrow / Nigel Balchin
138703: BALCHIN, NIGEL (1908-1970) - Fatal Fascination, by Nigel Balchin, C. S. Forester, Eric Linklater and Christopher Sykes
246119: BALCHIN, NIGEL (1908-1970) - A way through the wood / Nigel Balchin
227488: BALCHIN, NIGEL - Seen dimly before dawn
89468: BALD, R. C. (ROBERT CECIL) (1901-1965) ED - Seventeenth-Century English Poetry
255133: BALDACCI, DAVID - True blue
158082: BALDECK, ANDREA - Talismanic : Photographs
33200: HITCHCOCK & BALDEN - Aus Fernen Landen - Erzahlungen Fur Die Jugend
116809: BALDENNE, FERNAND, PSEUD. [I. E. PHILIPPE JULES FERNAND BALDENSPERGER. ] - La Croisee Des Routes. Poesies, 1901-1914
273715: BALDENSPERGER, PHILIP J - The immovable East : studies of the people and customs of Palestine
272950: BALDENSPERGER, FERNAND (1871-1958) - Le mouvement des idées dans l'émigration française (1789-1815) / Fernand Baldensperger ; v.2. 'Prophètes du passè' - théories de l'avenir
108305: BALDENSPERGER, FERNAND. WERNER P. FRIEDERICH - Bibliography of Comparative Literature
164407: BALDENSPERGER, FERNAND (1871-1958) - Sensibilite Musicale Et Romantisme / [Par] Fernand Baldensperger
242039: BALDENSPERGER, FERNAND (1871-1958) - Etudes d'Histoire Littéraire. Troisième série and Quatrieme série
207749: BALDESSARI, JOHN (1931-) - John Baldessari : brick bldg, LG windows W/Xlent views, partially furnished, renowned architect : Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld
173511: BALDICK, ROBERT - The siege of Paris / Robert Baldick
182825: BALDING, ALAN - No other foundation : studies in the nature of Christian discipleship
140227: BALDING, ALAN - No Other Foundation : Studies in the Nature of Christian Discipleship
191098: BALDING, ALAN - No other foundation : studies in the nature of Christian discipleship, suggested by the basis of the Fellowship of Reconciliation
60604: BALDINI, UMBERTO - The Sculpture of Michelangelo / Umberto Baldini ; Photographs by Liberto Perugi ; [Translated by Clare Coope]. Uniform Title: Michelangelo Scultore. English
17817: BALDIZZONE, TIZIANA. GIANNI - Wedding Ceremonies : Ethnic Symbols, Costume, and Rituals / Tiziana and Gianni Baldizzone ; Translated from the French by David Radzinowicz Howell
209706: BALDOCK, DAVID W. (DAVID WILLIAM) (1936-) - Grasshoppers and crickets of Surrey / David W. Baldock
172536: BALDRICH CABALLE, JUAN - Programas agrarios de partidos politicos espanoles : (alternativa politico-economica para el sector agrario)
241843: BALDRY, ALFRED LYS (1858-1939). HERTFORD HOUSE (LONDON). WALLACE COLLECTION (LONDON, ENGLAND) - The Wallace Collection at Hertford House
210219: BALDUCCI, ROLANDO - Alessandro Balducci e gli albori del socialismo nel Forlivese, 1880-1904
62185: BALDWIN, NEIL (1947-) - To all Gentleness : William Carlos Williams, the Doctor-Poet
35211: BALDWIN, T. J. - Cash Flow and Corporate Finance in Victorian Britain : Cases from the British Coal Industry, 1860-1914
271436: BALDWIN OF BEWDLEY, ARTHUR WINDHAM BALDWIN EARL (1904-1976) - A flying start / [by] A.W. Baldwin
265698: BALDWIN, HANSON WEIGHTMAN (1903-1991) - Battles lost and won : great campaigns of World War II / [by] Hanson Baldwin
264791: BALDWIN, ROBERT E - The Philippines
261832: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1828
261834: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1828
261835: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1816
261836: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1834
261837: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1832
261825: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register or A view of the history, politics, and literature, for the year 1816
261827: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1833
261828: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1831
261829: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1833
261830: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1817
261831: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1835
261824: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, for the year 1819
257887: BALDWIN, STANLEY - The Albert Hall demonstration
236754: BALDWIN, DAVID (1947-) - Henry VIII's Last Love : The Extraordinary Life of Katherine Willoughby, Lady-in-Waiting to the Tudors / David Baldwin
233810: BALDWIN, JOHN W. - The scholastic culture of the Middle Ages, 1000-1300 / John W. Baldwin
228359: BALDWIN, NEIL - Man Ray
70830: BALDWIN, RUTH MARIE (1918-) (COMP. ) - 100 Nineteenth-Century Rhyming Alphabets in English, from the Library of Ruth M. Baldwin
178891: BALDWIN, STANLEY BALDWIN, EARL (1867-1947) - Service of our lives : last speeches as prime minister
215374: BALDWIN, STANLEY BALDWIN, EARL (1867-1947) - A call to youth. Mr. Baldwin's address to the Empire Youth Rally at the Albert Hall on May 18 1937. Reprinted from the Times ... May 19, 1937
194404: BALDWIN, CHARLES N. (1793?-1838) - A universal biographical dictionary : containing the lives of the most celebrated characters of every age and nation ... to which is added, a dictionary of the principal divinities and heroes of Grecian and Roman mythology ... ... and a biographical dictionary of eminent living characters
106288: BALDWIN, GORDON C. - Indians of the Southwest / Gordon C. Baldwin
192960: BALDWIN, STANLEY BALDWIN, EARL (1867-1947) - A Call to Youth / Mr. Baldwin's address to the Empire Youth Rally at the Albert Hall on May 18 1937
143105: BALDWIN, STANLEY BALDWIN, EARL (1867-1947) - This Torch of Freedom: Speeches and Addresses by the Right Honourable Stanley Baldwin
108930: BALDWIN, MUNSON. OWEN WOOD - With Brass and Cas. an Illustrated and Embellished Chronicle of Ballooning in Mid-Nineteenth Centruy America. / Munson Baldwin. Illustrated by Owen Wood
91191: BALDWIN, HANSON WEIGHTMAN (1903-1991) - Battles Lost and Won: Great Campaigns of World War II
151944: BALDWIN, CHARLES N. (1793?-1838) - A Universal Biographical Dictionary : Containing the Lives of the Most Celebrated Characters of Every Age and Nation ... to Which is Added, a Dictionary of the Principal Divinities and Heros of Grecian and Roman Mythology....
90301: BALDWIN, HANSON WEIGHTMAN (1903-1991) - Battles Lost and Won: Great Campaigns of World War II
150400: BALDWIN, MUNSON. OWEN WOOD (ILL. ) - With Brass and Gas; an Illustrated and Embellished Chronicle of Ballooning in Mid-Nineteenth Century America. Illustrated by Owen Wood
160135: BALDWIN, FAITH (1893-1978) - Private Duty
160243: BALDWIN, HANSON WEIGHTMAN (1903-1991) - Battles Lost and Won: Great Campaigns of World War II [By] Hanson Baldwin
178775: BALDWIN, STANLEY BALDWIN, EARL (1867-1947) - On England : and other addresses
117700: BALDWIN, HANSON WEIGHTMAN - Battles Lost and Won : Great Campaigns of World War II
110940: BALDWIN, RUTH MARIE (1918-) - 100 Nineteenth-Century Rhyming Alphabets in English, from the Library of Ruth M. Baldwin
30861: BALDWIN, FAITH - Private Duty
32180: BALDWIN, HANSON W. - World War I - an Outline History
45090: BALDWIN, ALFRED LEE (1914-) - Theories of Child Development
65126: BALDWIN, FAITH (1893-1978) - The Rest of My Life with You
65664: BALDWIN, GEORGE B. (GEORGE BENEDICT) (1920-) - Industrial Growth in South India : Case Studies in Economic Development
78038: BALDWIN, JOSEPH K. - A Collector's Guide to Patent and Proprietary Medicine Bottles of the Nineteenth Century [By] Joseph K. Baldwin
213566: BALDWIN, STANLEY BALDWIN, EARL (1867-1947) - A speech on the death of King George the Fifth : broadcast from London
218360: BALDWIN, RT. HON. STANLEY - Britain and world peace
262158: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1829
262161: BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY - The annual register, or A view of the history, politics, and literature, of the year 1820
217081: BALE, MALCOLM D. - A study of the marketing of New Zealand honey
280249: BALE, JOHN (1495-1563). COLLIER, JOHN PAYNE (1789-1883) [EDITOR]. CAMDEN SOCIETY - Kynge Johan : a play in two parts
251167: BALES, KEVIN - Disposable people : new slavery in the global economy / Kevin Bales
52805: BALES, KATE - Film Producers, Studios, Agents, and Casting Directors Guide
172029: BALESTRA, JUAN (1861-?) - El noventa : una evolucion politica argentina
259558: BALET, JEAN CYPRIEN - Le Japon militaire : l'armée et la marine japonaises en 1910-1911
203882: BALFET, HELENE [ET AL.] - Pratiques et representations de l'espace dans les communaute´s mediterraneennes / H. Balfet [et al.]
264953: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES 1848-1930 1ST EARL OF BALFOUR, POLITICIAN AND PHILOSOPHER - The case against socialism : a handbook for speakers and candidates / with prefatory letter by A.J. Balfour
225352: BALFOUR-KINNEAR, GEORGE PURVIS RUSSELL (1888-) - More about trout and salmon
262855: BALFOUR, DARYL - This is Botswana / Daryl and Sharna Balfour
109768: BALFOUR, CLARA LUCAS (1808-1878) - Working Women of This Century : the Lesson of Their Lives
146229: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - The Navy and the War (August, 1914 to August, 1915)
146192: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - The British Blockade
146144: BALFOUR-BROWNE, JOHN HUTTON - State and Municipal Trading and Where it Leads
152947: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - Economic Notes on Insular Free Trade
170814: BALFOUR, JABEZ SPENCER - My prison life
121814: BALFOUR, MICHAEL - The Kaiser and His Times
278817: BALFOUR, A. P - Annual and biennial flowers
184408: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES, BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - Economic notes on insular free trade
184409: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES, BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - Economic notes on insular free trade
184406: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES, BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - Economic notes on insular free trade
279966: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES (1848-1930) - Arthur James Balfour as philospher and thinker : a collection of the more important and interesting passages in his non-political writings, speeches and addresses, 1879-1912
228826: BALFOUR, GEORGE WILLIAM (1823-1903) - Clinical lectures on diseases of the heart and aorta
129865: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - Fiscal Reform : Speeches Delivered from June 1880 to December 1905. Together with a Reprint of the Pamphlet, Economic Notes on Insular Free Trade, and Letters from and to J. Chamberlain, September 1903
180255: BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, EARL OF (1848-1930) - Fiscal Reform : Speeches Delivered from June 1880 to December 1905. Together with a Reprint of the Pamphlet, Economic Notes on Insular Free Trade, and Letters from and to J. Chamberlain, September 1903
218386: BALFOUR, GRAHAM, SIR (1859-1929) - The life of Robert Louis Stevenson
188256: SOCIETE D'ECONOMIE POLITIQUE DE BALGIQUE - Conference Internationale des Sciences Economiques Appliquees, Bruxelles, 26-27 et 28 Septembre 1930
169499: BALICKI W. S. - Twenty years of the Polish People's Republic / [Authors: Stanislaw W. Balicki. Editorial Committee: Eugeniusz Szyr, chairman, and others. Translators: Eugene Lepa, Olga Lepa, George Lepa. English editor: Harry Yaris]
238182: BALINT, JOHN A. SARFEH, I. JAMES. FRIED, MARTIN BARRY (1946-) - Gastrointestinal bleeding : diagnosis and management / John A. Balint, I. James Sarfeh, Martin B. Fried
242987: BÁLINT, LÁSZLÓ (1919-). BUDAPEST. COUNTY COURT - Tito-Fascist kidnappers before the court : Budapest, November 15-17, 1952
248827: BALKANSKI, GR - L'anarchisme et le problème de l'organisation
212249: BALKANSKI, GR. - Les anarchistes face a la realite : indispensable clarification
158339: BALKEN, DEBRA BRICKER - Debating American Modernism : Stieglitz, Duchamp, and the New York Avant-Garde / Debra Bricker Balken ; with an Essay by Jay Bochner
256799: BALKEN, FRANCIS A - Chong-Sen-Pao: drame chinois moderne en 3 Tableaux
97665: BALL, RICHARD - Master Pieces / Richard Ball & Peter Campbell
80383: BALL, JOHN DUDLEY (1911-?) - The First Team
273111: BALL, S. J. (SIMON J.) - The guardsmen : Harold Macmillan, three friends, and the world they made / Simon Ball
270978: BALL, S. J. (SIMON J.) - The guardsmen : Harold Macmillan, three friends, and the world they made / Simon Ball
269277: BALL, JOHNSON - William Caslon, 1693-1766 : the ancestry, life and connections of England's foremost letter-engraver and type-founder / [Johnson Ball]
266278: BALL, DESMOND - Signals intelligence (SIGINT) in South Asia : India, Pakistan Sri Lanka (Ceylon) / Desmond Ball
266067: BALL, ADRIAN - Yesterday in Bath: a camera record, 1849-1949. Written by Adrian Ball; designed by Douglas Merritt
264628: BALL, OONA H. (OONA HOWARD) (1867-1941) - Dalmatia
255720: BALL, F. ELRINGTON (FRANCIS ELRINGTON) - The vicinity of the international exhibition, Dublin : an historical sketch of the Pembroke township
255235: BALL, HARRY P - Of responsible command : a history of the U.S. Army War College
248252: BALL, CHRIS (1946-) - A century of carp fishing / Chris Ball, Kevin Clifford, Tim Paisley
245649: BALL, CHRIS (1946-) - The King Carp Waters
240660: BALL, PHILIP (1962-) - Bright earth : the invention of colour / Philip Ball
229510: BALL, DANIELA (EDITOR) - Kaffee aus Porzellangeschirr und Aludosen : ein Beitrag zur japanischen Kaffeekultur / Konzeption und Redaktion: Daniela U. Ball
189479: BALL, CHARLES R - Preliminary studies on the books of the New Testament : in the probable order of their writing
18453: BALL, MADELEINE & MANN, JIM - Lipids and Heart Disease : a Practical Approach / Madeleine Ball and Jim Mann
158774: BALL, HUGO (1886-1927) - Ball and Hammer : Hugo Ball's Tenderenda the Fantast / Illustrated by Jonathan Hammer ; Introduced, Edited, and Annotated by Jeffrey T. Schnapp ; Translated and with an Essay by Jonathan Hammer
125047: BALL, DON - Rails / Don Ball, Jr. ; Designed by Hugh O'Neill
257526: BALL, J N - Merchants and merchandise : the expansion of trade in Europe, 1500-1630
263434: BALL, ABRAHAM - The price guide to pot-lids and other underglaze multicolour prints on pottery
188668: BALL, MAX W. (MAX WAITE), (1885-1954) - This fascinating oil business
253229: BALL, ROBERT STAWELL (1840-1913) - The story of the heavens
252220: BALL, IAN - The complete fisherman
273900: BALL, PHILIP - Serving the reich : the struggle for the soul of physics under Hitler / Philip Ball
220729: BALL, EUSTACE HALE - The Gaucho
220751: BALL, EUSTACE HALE - The legion of the condemned
100230: BALL, CHARLES JAMES (1851?-1924) - Light from the East, or the Witness of the Monuments; an Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archaeology
17099: BALL, ALICE E. BOYLSTON DRUMMER H. - Little Miss Muffett Abroad
131722: BALL, ROBERT JAMES - Inflation and the Theory of Money
129851: BALL, CHARLES JAMES (1851-1924) - The Prophecies of Jeremiah : with a Sketch of His Life and Times
101244: BALL, MAX W. (MAX WAITE) - This Fascinating Oil Business, by Max W. Ball; Illustrations by Jack Housez, Maps by Sven W. Reims and C. G. Mundy
169005: BALL, ELIZA CRAUFURD - The Christian armour / written and embellished by Eliza Craufurd Ball. [ Bible. N.T. Ephesians. ]
181578: BALL, ROBERT STAWELL, SIR (1840-1913) - Star-land : being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens
242804: BALL, CHARLES JAMES (1851?-1924) - The prophecies of Jeremiah : with a sketch of his life and times
207890: BALL, SIDNEY (1857-1918) - The moral aspects of socialism
243556: BALLA, ALADÁRNÉ - 1930 Szeptember 1. 'Ebred a vörös holnap!'
270912: BALLAM, HARRY - The visitors' book : England and the English as others have seen them, A.D. 1500 to 1950 / edited by Harry Ballam and Roy Lewis
97892: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR - The Secret War in the Sudan, 1955-1972
97864: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR (1918-) - Arab Guerilla Power 1967-1972
178152: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR - Arab guerilla power 1967-1972 / [by] Edgar O'Ballance
121540: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR - The Red Army
121778: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR - Arab Guerilla Power 1967-1972 / (By) Edgar O'Ballance
118200: BALLANCE, BILL - The Bill Ballance Hip Handbook of Nifty Moves ... and How to Cope in Situations of Utter Copelessness
149246: BALLANCE, E. R. - Sex in Human Life
19398: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR - The Red Army
91615: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR - The Red Army of China; a Short History
96443: O'BALLANCE, EDGAR - The Red Army
33182: BALLANGER, ROBERT - The Rise of Paris
108391: BALLANTINE, BILL - Wild Tigers & Tame Fleas
136476: BALLANTINE, W. M. - Rebuilding a Nation : a Descriptive Account of Housing in Modern Scotland
40846: BALLANTYNE, SHEILA - Life on Earth : Stories
275641: BALLANTYNE, R M - The Wild Man of The West by R.M. Ballantyne ; illustrated by D.C. Eyles
275301: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - Martin Rattler or A boy's adventures in the forests of Brazil
274642: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The coral island : a tale of the Pacific Ocean
274624: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The dog Crusoe and his master : a story of adventure in the Western Prairies
274348: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The dog Crusoe and his master : a story of adventure in the Western Prairies
274352: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - Erling the Bold : a tale of the Norse sea-kings
272497: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The gorilla hunters
272501: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The dog Crusoe and his master : a story of adventure in the Western Prairies
260996: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The lifeboat : a tale of our coast heroes
275276: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The wild man of the West : a tale of the Rocky Mountains
279228: BALLANTYNE, R. M. (ROBERT MICHAEL) (1825-1894) - The dog Crusoe and his master : a story of adventure in the Western prairies
227982: BALLANTYNE, ROBERT MICHAEL (1825-1894) - Martin Rattler : or, A boy's adventures in the forests of Brazil
62380: BALLANTYNE, ROBERT MICHAEL (1825-1894) - Away in the Wilderness; Or, Life Among the Red Indians and Fur-Traders of North America. with Four Illusstrations
94727: BALLANTYNE, ARCHIBALD - Voltaire's Visit to England 1726-1729
99264: BALLARD, ROBERT D. - Explorer : a Pop-Up Book
8740: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-) - Rushing to Paradise
268208: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-2009) - Empire of the Sun
192348: BALLARD, FRANK; BLATCHFORD, ROBERT - Guilty: A tribute to the bottom man
255466: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-2009) - Super-Cannes / J.G. Ballard
213856: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-2009) - Empire of the sun / J.G. Ballard
182995: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-2009) - Cocaine nights / J.G. Ballard
173626: BALLARD, J. G. - The day of creation
160579: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-2009) - The Kindness of Women / J. G. Ballard
160533: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-2009) - The Day of Creation / J. G. Ballard
178895: BALLARD, FRANK - Guilty: a tribute to the bottom man : and a plain reply to 'Not Guilty: a defence of the bottom dog,' by Mr. R. Blatchford
236064: BALLARD, ROBERT D. ARCHBOLD, RICK - Lost liners : from the Titanic to the Andrea Doria the ocean floor reveals its greatest lost ships
184661: BALLARD, FRANK (1873-1931) - Social questions and socialism : being part V of a selection from more than 2,000 questions asked and answered at open conferences following lectures upon Christian foundations
7565: BALLARD, FRANK - Haeckel's Monism False An Examination of 'the Riddle of the Universe', the Wonders of Life', 'the Confession of Faith of a Man of Science', by Professor Haeckel
143326: BALLARD, FRANK (1873-1931) - Haeckel's Monism False; an Examination of 'the Riddle of the Universe'; 'the Wonders of Life'; 'the Confession of Faith of a Man of Science'; by Professor Haeckel: Together with 'haeckel's Critics Answered, ' by Mr. Joseph McCabe. by Frank Ballard
145271: BALLARD, FRANK (1873-1931) - Determinism, False and True : a Contribution to Modern Philosophy and Ethics
280264: BALLARD, ROBERT D - Exploring the Lusitania : probing the mysteries of the sinking that changed history
111957: BALLARD, COLIN ROBERT (1868-1941) - Kitchener, by Brig. -General C. R. Ballard
173536: BALLARD, J. G. (1930-2009) - The day of creation / J.G. Ballard
241535: BALLARD, ROBERT D. ARCHBOLD, RICK - Lost liners : from the Titanic to the Andrea Doria the ocean floor reveals its greatest lost ships
178269: BALLARD, MARTIN (1929-?) - Bristol : sea-port city / with an introduction and the editorial assistance of Berna Clark, illustrated by Gareth Floyd
174579: BALLARINI, FRANCO - Le due economie antibelliche, 1914 e 1939 : crisi e guerre creatrici di lavoro? / Franco Ballarini
136830: BALLARINI, FRANCO - Le Due Economie Antibelliche, 1914 E 1939 : Crisi E Guerre Creatrici Di Lavoro? / Franco Ballarini
139788: BALLEINE, GEORGE REGINALD (1873-1966) - Christianity As St. Peter Saw it : a Course of Fifty-Two Lessons
35560: SIMON AND SCHSTER BOOK OF BALLET - The Simon and Schuster Book of the Ballet - a Complete Reference Guide 1581 to the Present
184053: BOLSHOI BALLET - Promotional photo still for 'Bolshoi Ballet '67' - A Paramount Pictures presentation
188181: BALLEYDIER, ALPHONSE, BARON (1818-1859) - Histoire de la revolution de Rome. Tableau religieux, politique et militaire des annees 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849 et 1850 en Italie - [Complete in 2 volumes]
166328: BALLEYDIER, ALPHONSE (1818-1859) - Histoire De La Guerre De Hongrie En 1848-1849 : Pour Faire Suite a L'Histoire Des Revolutions De L'Empire D'Autriche / Par Alphonse Balleydier
152889: BALLHATCHET, KENNETH. HARRISON, JOHN (1919-). UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. CENTRE OF SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES. - The City in South Asia : Pre-Modern and Modern / Edited by Kenneth Ballhatchet and John Harrison
84341: BALLIETT, WHITNEY - Alec Wilder and His Friends; the Words and Sounds of Marian McPartland, Mabel Mercer, Marie Marcus, Bobby Hackett, Tony Bennett, Ruby Braff, Bob and Ray, Blossom Dearie, and Alec Wilder. Illustrated with Photos. by Geoffrey James
83757: BALLIETT, WHITNEY - New York Notes : a Journal of Jazz, 1972-1975 / Whitney Balliett
82222: BALLIETT, WHITNEY - Alec Wilder and His Friends; the Words and Sounds of Marian McPartland, Mabel Mercer, Marie Marcus, Bobby Hackett, Tony Bennett, Ruby Braff, Bob and Ray, Blossom Dearie, and Alec Wilder. Illustrated with Photos. by Geoffrey James
80317: BALLIETT, WHITNEY - New York Notes : a Journal of Jazz, 1972-1975
65311: BALLIETT, WHITNEY - American Singers / Whitney Balliett
123333: BALLIETT, WHITNEY - American Singers / Whitney Balliett
107447: BALLIETT, WHITNEY - American Singers
48269: BALLIF, NOEL - Dancers of God
93871: BALLIF, NOEL - Dancers of God; Translated from the French by James Cameron
196243: BALLIN, HAROLD HANNS - The organisation of electricity supply in Great Britain
51161: BALLINGAL, JAMES - The Rhynd and Elcho - a Parish History
145306: BALLINGER, MARGARET, 1894- - From Union to Apartheid: a Trek to Isolation
178275: BALLINGER, M. L. (MARGARET LIVINGSTONE), (1894- ) - From union to apartheid : a trek to isolation
240559: BALLIOL COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD). JONES, JOHN (1942 APRIL 29-) [AUTHOR] - St Cross Church, Holywell : its history, architecture, people, and conversion into an historic collections centre / Balliol College Oxford
17112: BALLON, ROBERT J. IWAO TOMITA (1924-) - The Financial Behavior of Japanese Corporations / Robert J. Ballon & Iwao Tomita
267867: BALLOU, MATURIN MURRAY (1820-1895) - Biography of Rev. Hosea Ballou
246464: BALLOU, MATURIN MURRAY (1820-1895) - Due West; or, Round the World in ten months
122742: BALLOU & WRIGHT. BRENTANO, RON - Ballou-Wright, Automobile Supplies Catalog, 1906. with Pref. by Ron Brentano
37494: BALLOU, ELLEN B. - The Building of the House; Houghton Mifflin's Formative Years [By] Ellen B. Ballou
50318: BALLOU, ELLEN B. - The Building of the House - Houghton Mifflin's Formative Years
93657: BALLS, WILLIAM LAWRENCE - Egypt of the Egyptians, by W. Lawrence Balls
262606: BALME, HAROLD - The unfit made fit
129673: BALME, JOSHUA RHODES - Letters on the American Republic, Or, Common Fallacies and Monstrous Errors Refuted and Exposed
247728: BALMER, DEREK - Derek Balmer : a singular vision / memoirs: Derek Balmer ; interview: Andrew Lambirth ; The art of friendship: ACH Smith
213636: BALMER, TOM, COMP. - The War comes first : a selection of articles from the Soviet press depicting the mobilisation of the civilian front in the war of defence against Hitlerite Germany
245054: LA BIBLIOTECA BALMES - Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia: Vol. IX: ANY 1933: Fasc. 2: Estudis Historics (extracte): Notes Inedites Sobre El Monestir de Ripoll
141449: BALMES, JAIME LUCIANO - Art D'Arriver Au Vrai : Philosophie Pratique / Par Jacques Balmes ; Traduit De L'Espagnol Par M. Manec
158923: BALMFORTH, OWEN - The Huddersfield Industrial Society Limited : History of Fifty Years' Progress, 1860-1910
237683: BALMFORTH, HENRY (B. 1890) - The Gospel according to Saint Luke, in the revised version / with introduction and commentary by H. Balmforth
65663: BALMFORTH, H. (INTRO & COMMENTARY) - The Gospel According to Saint Luke : in the Revised Version, with Introduction and Commentary
132624: BALMFORTH, OWEN - The Huddersfield Industrial Society Limited : History of Fifty Years' Progress, 1860-1910
186865: BALMFORTH, HENRY (B. 1890) - Is Christian experience an illusion? : An essay in the philosophy of religion
7381: BALMFORTH, RAMSDEN - Some Social and Political Pioneers of the Nineteenth Century
257794: BALNIEL, LORD - A commemorative catalogue of the exhibition of Italian art, held in the galleries of the Royal Academy, Burlington House, London January to March 1930 / edited by Lord Balniel and Kenneth Clark ; in consultation with Ettore Modigliani. [Vol.2], Plates
276498: BALOGH, THOMAS (1905-1985) - Unequal partners. Vol.1 The theoretical framework ; by Thomas Balogh
193101: BALOGH, THOMAS (1905-1985) - Germany: an experiment in 'planning' by the 'free' price mechanism
249806: BALOGH, THOMAS - Unequal Partners. Complete in 2 Volumes
16732: BALOGH, THOMAS - Unequal Partners. Complete in 2 Volumes
146995: BALOGH, THOMAS (1905-1985) - Germany: an Experiment in 'planning' by the 'free' Price Mechanism
132964: BALOGH, THOMAS (1905-1985). NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH. - Studies in Financial Organization
181471: BALOGH, THOMAS (1905-1985) - The dollar crisis : causes and cure ; a report to the Fabian Society
45633: BALOGH, THOMAS - The Economics of Poverty
205839: BALOGH, THOMAS [AT AL.] - Crisis in the Civil Service
158437: BALSAMO, LUIGI - Bibliography : History of a Tradition / Luigi Balsamo ; Translated from the Italian by William A. Pettas
137762: BALSAN, FRANCOIS (1902-1972) - Chez Les Femmes a Crinieres Du Sud-Angola
180838: BALSARA, PESTANJI PHIROZSHAH - The union of South Africa
224052: BALSARA, PESTANJI PHIROZSHAH - The Union of South Africa / P.P. Balsara. Oxford Pamphlets on Indian Affairs ; No. 31
6162: BALSDON, JOHN PERCY VYVIAN DACRE (1901-) - Roman Women : Their History and Habits
272778: BALSTON, THOMAS - Sitwelliana, 1915-1927 : being a handlist of works by Edith, Osbert, and Sacheverell Sitwell and of their contributions to certain selected periodicals, and three portraits of the authors
219718: BALSTON, THOMAS ; NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE (GREAT BRITAIN) - Wood-engraving in modern English books : the catalogue of an exhibition arranged for the National Book League
165602: BALTHASAR, NICOLAS - La Methode En Metaphysique / Par N. Balthasar
227475: BALTHUS (1908-2001). KLOSSOWSKI DE ROLA, STANISLAS - Balthus
217000: BALTIISKY, N. - Poland - our Neighbour (From “War & The Working Class,” Moscow)
199924: BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART. ROSENTHAL, GERTRUDE (1903-1989) - Italian paintings, XIV-XVIIIth centuries, from the collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art / Gertrude Rosenthal, editor
140286: BALTZ, LEWIS. GUS BLAISDELL - Park City / Lewis Baltz, Gus Blaisdell
273681: BALTZER, F. (FRANZ) - Die Kolonialbahnen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Afrikas / von F. Baltzer, mit einem Geleitwort des Staatssekretärs des Reichskolonialamts; mit 149 Abbildungen und einer Karte
69179: BALY, DENIS - Geographical Companion to the Bible, by Denis Baly
248615: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - The member for Arcis : (Le député d'Arcis) / [by] H. de Balzac ; translated by Clara Bell ; with a preface by George Saintsbury
270432: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850). BOUTERON, MARCEL (B.1877). LONGNON, HENRI (B.1882). HUARD, CHARLES - La comédie humaine: études de Moeurs: scnes de la vie privée, VI
265532: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE - Le Cousin Pons / H. de Balzac ; introduction, notes et relevé de variantes par Maurice Allem
253863: BALZAC, HONORE DE - Oeuvres completes de Balzac - 17 volumes
14866: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850). MADAME ZULMA CARRAUD. J. LEWIS MAY (TRANSL. ) - The country doctor / translated by Ellen Marriage
253086: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - The novels of Honoré de Balzac - 8 volumes
188161: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - Le cure de village
252643: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE - Balzac's works - 13 volumes
252624: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - The novels of Honoré de Balzac - 17 volumes
264276: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Illusions perdues / H. de Balzac ; introd., notes et relevé de variantes par Antoine Adam
264281: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Le père Goriot / H. de Balzac ; [introduction, notes et appendice critique par Pierre-Georges Castex]
264273: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Le curé de Tours : Pierrette / H. de Balzac ; avec introduction, notes et variantes par Maurice Allem
252584: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - The works of Honoré de Balzac / with introductions by George Saintsbury - 17 Volumes
174444: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850). POMMIER, JEAN JOSEPH MARIE (1893-1973) - L' invention et l'ecriture dans La Torpille d'Honore de Balzac : avec le texte inedit du manuscrit original / Jean Pommier
234869: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - The girl with the golden eyes
236887: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850). REGARD, MAURICE - Gambara. Édition présentée par Maurice Regard avec le texte inédit de la version originale, une introduction, des notes
193352: BALZAC, HONORE DE, (1799-1850) - Stenie, ou les erreurs philosophiques. Texte inedit etabli par A. Prioult
250414: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850). MULTIPLE TRANSLATORS - Selected Novels of Honoré de Balzac in 10 volumes
215161: BALZAC, HONORE DE AND SUSSAN, RENE BEN (ILLUS. ) - Eugenie Grandet / Translated from the French by Ellen Marriage, with an Introduction by Richard Aldington and Illustrations by Rene Ben Sussan
262174: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE - Honoré de Balzac: Volume Three : Cousin Betty
236605: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850). BALZAC, ANNE CHARLOTTE LAURE SALLAMBIER DE (1779-1854). HASTINGS, WALTER SCOTT (1890-1962) - Lettres à sa famille, (1809-1850) : comprenant une série de lettres de Madame de Balzac à son fils / Publiées avec une introduction et des notes de Walter Scott Hastings
270199: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE - The novels of Honoré de Balzac : now for the first time completely translated into English - in 22 volumes
269851: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Cousin Pons / Honoré de Balzac ; translated with an introduction by Herbert J. Hunt ; lithographs by Shirley Hughes
15181: BALZAC, HONORE DE - Die Kleinburger (Honore De Balzac: Ubersetzt Von Hugo Kaatz). Complete in 2 Volumes
138385: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - 'Le Cure De Village' Manuscrits Ajoutes Pour L'Edition Souverain De 1841. Documents De La Collection Lovenjoul. Precede De La Genese Du Roman, Par Ki Wist. 2e Edition Corrigee Agrementee De 8 Planches Hors-Texte
137547: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850). STEELE SAVAGE (ILL. ) - The Droll Stories of Honore De Balzac
108244: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - Old Goriot
102100: BALZAC, HONORE DE AND SUSSAN, RENE BEN (ILLUS. ) - Eugenie Grandet / Translated from the French by Ellen Marriage, with an Introduction by Richard Aldington and Illustrations by Rene Ben Sussan
84875: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - Balzac and Souverain : an Unpublished Correspondence / Edited by Walter Scott Hastings
73370: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - [Balzac's Contes Drolatiques]. Droll Stories Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Illustrated with Designs Gustave Dore and Decorative Borders by Camden
63129: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - Droll Stories; Thirty Tales by Honore De Balzac; all Now Especially Translated Into Modern English by Jacques Le Clercq, and Printed with Illustrations by Boris Artzybasheff
244879: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Illusions perdues : [scènes de la vie de Province] / H. de Balzac
247058: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850). DORÉ, GUSTAVE (1832-1883) [ILLUS.] - Droll stories
246014: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Louis Lambert : Les proscrits ; Séraphita / H. de Balzac
237057: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850). BÈRARD, SUZANNE JEAN - Illusions perdues. Le manuscrit de la Collection Spoelberch de Lovenjoul. Introduction, édition et notes-Suzanne Jean Bérard. Thèse, etc. [With facsimiles.]
126221: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850). MADAME ZULMA CARRAUD. J. LEWIS MAY (TRANSL. ) - The Unpublished Correspondence of Honore De Balzac and Madame Zulma Carraud, 1829-1850; Translated Into English for the First Time by J. Lewis May
116309: BALZAC, HONORE DE - Pere Goriot, by Honore De Balzac
245931: BALZAC, HONORE DE - Die dreissig tolldreisten Geschichten, genannt Contes drolatiques, übertragen von Benno Rüttenauer. (Dritte Auflage.)
39876: BALZAC - Kurtizanok Tundoklese Es Nyomorusaga
43202: DE BALZAC, HONORE - Cousin Pons
236764: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Sténie : ou, Les erreurs philosophiques / texte inédit établi par A. Prioult
240430: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) - Ursule Mirouët / H. de Balzac
67944: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) - The Girl with the Golden Eyes, Translated by Ernest Dowson
235597: BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850). CASTEX, PIERRE GEORGES (1915-) - Falthurne : manuscrit de l'abbe Savonati, traduit de l'italien par M. Matricante instituteur primaire
218341: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850) ; HUGO, VICTOR (1802-1885) [ET AL.] - Honore de Balzac in twenty-five volumes : the first complete translation into English
218345: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799-1850). HUGO, VICTOR (1802-1885) [ET AL.] - Honore de Balzac in twenty-five volumes : the first complete translation into English
198548: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799–1850) [ET AL.] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : 4me annee - tome 6
198549: BALZAC, HONORE DE (1799–1850) [ET AL.] - Revue de Paris : seconde edition : 4me annee - tome 7
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