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242535: MAJOR, RALPH HERMON (1884-) - War and disease
237712: MAJOR, RALPH HERMON (1884-) - The Doctor Explains. [With plates.]
239708: MAJOR, RALPH HERMON (1884-) - Physical diagnosis
263931: MAJOR, RICHARD HENRY (1818-1891) - Memoir on a mappemonde by Leonardo da Vinci : Being the earliest map hitherto known containing the name of America... / Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by Richard Henry Major
44684: MAJOR, CHARLES - Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall
166305: UN MAJOR D'INFANTERIE - Des Transgressions De La Discipline Et Des Moyens a Employer Pour Les Prevenir. Conference Par Un Major D'Infanterie
91607: MAJUMDAR, MARGARET A. - Althusser and the End of Leninism? / Margaret A. Majumdar
265590: MAJUMDAR, B. N - Short history of the Indian army / B. N. Majumdar
140436: MAJUMDAR, BIMANBEHARI - Indian Political Associations and Reform of Legislature, 1818-1917
237087: MAKA-DE SCHEPPER, MONIQUE - Le thème de la pythie chez Paul Valéry / Monique Maka-De Schepper
168874: MAKA-DE SCHEPPER, MONIQUE - Le theme de la Pythie chez Paul Valery
176165: MAKA-DE SCHEPPER, MONIQUE - Le theme de la pythie chez Paul Valéry
110424: MAKANNA, PHILIP (1940-) - Ghosts : Vintage Aircraft of World War II
54406: MAKAROVA, NATALIA (1940-) - A Dance Autobiography
217283: MAKAROVA, N. V. - Russkiye na Tikhom okeane vo vtoroy polovine XVIII v [Russia in the Pacific during the second half of the XVIII century. Language: Russian]
172518: MAKAROVA, HALYNA ISAIVNA - Speak Ukrainian with us / [by] H. Makarova, L. Palamar [and] N. Prisyazhnyuk.
42647: MAKDISI, SAMIR A. AND KHAIR EL-DIN HASEEB, EDS. - Arab Monetary Integration : Issues and Prerequisites / [Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Abu Dhabi, on 24-27 November 1980, Organised by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies and the Arab Monetary Fund]
54097: MAKECHNIE, H. P. - Poems by H. P. Makechnie, A. M. , M. D
67687: MAKECHNIE, GEORGE KINSLEY (1907-) - 70 Stories about Boston University, 1923-1993 : a Memoir
231328: MAKEHAM, JOHN (CONSULTANT) - China : the world's oldest living civilization revealed / chief consultant, John Makeham
271749: MAKEPEACE-WARNE, ANTONY - Brassey's companion to the British Army / Antony Makepeace-Warne
190162: MAKEPEACE, R. W. - Marxist ideology and Soviet criminal law / R.W. Makepeace
149438: MAKHINE, THEODORE H. - L'Armee Rouge; La Puissance Militaire De L'Urss
113170: MAKIN, WILLIAM J. (WILLIAM JAMES) (1894-) - South of Suez
91234: MAKIN, WILLIAM JAMES (1894-) - Brigade of Spies [By] William J. Makin
179446: MAKINGS, S. M. - The economics of poor land arable farming : Based on surveys of difficult farming areas in the East Midlands
49048: MAKINO, SHINJI - Home Aquarium, Aquatic Gems: Tropical Fish
249815: MAKINS, FREDERICK KIRKWOOD - British trees in winter
249790: MAKINS, GEORGE HENRY SIR - Surgical experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 : being mainly a clinical study of the nature and effects of injuries produced by bullets of small calibre
216781: MAKLAKOV, V. A. - Tolstoy i bol'shevizm [Tolstoy and Bolshevism. Language: Russian]
216213: INSTITUT ETNOGRAFII IM. MIKLUKHO-MAKLAYA - Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i etnografii xxiii. Kul'tura i byt Narodov stran tikhogo i indiyskogo okeanov [Culture and life of the people of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Language: Russian]
226262: MAKOS, CHRISTOPHER - Exhibitionism / Christopher Makos, Preface by Glenn Albin, Foreword by Calvin Klein
273837: MAKOS, CHRISTOPHER - Everything : black and white monograph / Christopher Makos
273842: MAKOS, CHRISTOPHER - White trash uncut / [author, Christopher Makos ; contributor, Peter Wise ; [introduction], Andrew J. Crispo]
110370: MAKOS, CHRISTOPHER - Warhol : a Personal Photographic Memoir / Makos
45255: MAKOS, CHRISTOPHER (1948-) - Warhol : a Personal Photographic Memoir
42204: MAKOTO, ODA (1932-) & LECLERCQ, JEAN MICHEL (1927-) - Les Intellectuels Japonais / Oda Makoto ; Traduit Du Japonais Et Preface Par Jean-Michel Leclercq ; Avec Une Post-Face De L'Auteur
159702: MAKOVSKY, MICHAEL (1963-) - Churchill's Promised Land : Zionism and Statecraft / Michael Makovsky
28824: MAKOWER, JOEL (1952-). BUSINESS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (ORGANIZATION) - Beyond the Bottom Line : Putting Social Responsibility to Work for Your Business and the World / Joel Makower and Business for Social Responsibility
136484: MAKOWER, JOEL (1952-). BERGHEIM, LAURA (1962-) - The Map Catalog : Every Kind of Map and Chart on Earth and Even Some Above it / Joel Makower, Editor, Laura Bergheim, Associate Editor
118848: MAKOWER, STANLEY VICTOR - Richard Savage; a Mystery in Biography
159138: MAKOWSKI, JULJAN - La Situation Juridique Du Territoire De La Ville Libre De Dantzig / Juljan Makowski
227673: MAKS, KEES - Kees Maks, (1876-1967)
216086: MAKSAKOV, V. V. ; AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, INSTITUT ISTORII - Sevastopol'skoye Vooruzhennoye Vosstaniye v noyabre 1905 goda : Dokumenty i materialy [Sevastopol armed uprising in November 1905: Documents and Materials. Language: Russian]
234800: MAKSAREV, IU. E. (IURII EVGEN'EVICH) - Technical progress in the USSR, (1959-1965) / [Compilers: A. A. Uskov and others. Edited by Y. Maksaryov. Translated from the Russian by David Skvirsky]
75315: MAKSIMOV, VLADIMIR EMEL'IANOVICH - The Seven Days of Creation
273178: MAKSOUD, CLOVIS - The Arab image / Clovis Maksoud
216374: MAL'TSEV, A. N. - Rossiya Belorussiya v seredine xvii [Russia Belarus in the middle. Language: Russian]
216228: MAL'TSEV, A. I. - Zemel'no-vodnyye Resursy Sredney Azii i ikh Sel'skokhozyaystvennoye Ispol'zovaniye [Land and water resources of Central Asia and their agricultural use. Language: Russian]
179127: MALACHI, ZVI (ED.) - Papers on medieval Hebrew literature : presented to A. M. Habermann on the occasion of his 75th birthday / edited by Zvi Malachi, with assistance of Jonah David [ Language : Hebrew ]
197783: MALACODA, SECONDO - Popolo, Fascismo, Monarchia / Secondo Malacoda
136417: MALACODA, SECONDO - Popolo, Fascismo, Monarchia / Secondo Malacoda
264845: MALAGOLA, CARLO - L'archivio di Stato di Bologna dalla sua istituzione a tutto il 1882 : memoria
221991: MALAGUTI, FAUSTIN-J. (1802-1878) - Lecons elementaires de chimie / par M.F. Malaguti - 4 volumes complete and bound in 2
260245: MALAMAT, ABRAHAM - Bi-yeme bet rishon : malkhuyot Yisra?el ?i-Yehudah / ha-?orekh A. Malama? / Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
67214: MALAMUD, BERNARD - The Tenants
51281: MALAMUD, BERNARD - The Tenants
240871: MALAMUD, BERNARD - Dublin's lives / Bernard Malamud
185043: MALAMUD, BERNARD - Conversations with Bernard Malamud / edited by Lawrence M. Lasher
229192: MALAMUD, BERNARD - The Fixer
215398: MALAMUD, BERNARD - Dubin's lives / Bernard Malamud ; illustrated by Mark Bellerose
214759: MALAMUD, BERNARD - The magic barrel ; Idiots first / Bernard Malamud ; illustrated by Bert Silverman
201754: MALAMUD, BERNARD - A new life
250465: MALAN, RIAN - My traitor's heart / Rian Malan
203613: DE MALAN, E. CHAVIN - Histoire de Saint François d'Assise / par E. Chavain de Malan
251325: MALAN, RIAN - The lion sleeps tonight : and other stories of Africa / Rian Malan
275997: MALANGA, GERARD - Gerard Malanga : resistance to memory / poem by Thurston Moore ; text by Ben Maddow
155076: MALAURIE, JEAN - Ultima Thule : explorers and natives of the Polar North
157748: MALBROUGH, RAY T. (1952- ) - Charms, Spells, and Formulas for the Making and Use of Gris-Gris, Herb Candles, Doll Magick, Incenses, Oils, and Powders-- to Gain Love, Protection, Prosperity, Luck, and Prophetic Dreams / Ray T. Malbrough
55135: MALCOLM, JANET - The Crime of Sheila McGough
38400: MALCOLM, ANDREW H. AND STRAUS, ROGER - Mississippi Currents - Journeys through Time and a Valley
276557: MALCOLM, FIONA - The Antiques roadshow : a celebration of the first 21 years
213538: MALCOLM, NOEL - Kosovo : a short history / Noel Malcolm.
202690: MALCOLM-SMITH, GEORGE - The trouble with fidelity
231060: MALCOLM, L. W. G. WELLCOME, HENRY SOLOMON SIR (1853-1936). WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL MUSEUM - Souvenir programme : reception to the African Society, July 11th, 1928 ; The Wellcome Historical Medical Museum / Henry S. Wellcome, director ; L.W.G. Malcolm, conservator
12250: MALCOLM, CHARLES ALEXANDER (1875-) - The History of the British Linen Bank
244785: MALCOLM, HOWARD (1799-1879) - Travels in south-eastern Asia, embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China : with notices of numerous missionary stations, and a full account of the Burman Empire; with dissertations, tables, etc.
43895: MALCOLM, IAN, SIR (1868-1944) - Lord Balfour : a Memory
172959: MALCOLM, JOHN, SIR (1769-1833) - Sketches of Persia
134393: MALCOLM, JOHN, SIR (1769-1833) - A Memoir of Central India : Including Malwa, and Adjoining Provinces, with the History, and Copious Illustrations, of the Past and Present Condition of That Country - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
85578: MALCOLME, DAVID (D. 1748) - An Essay on the Antiquities of Great Britain & Ireland
40926: MALCOMSON, SCOTT L. - Tuturani : a Political Journey in the Pacific Islands / Scott L. Malcomson
247573: MALCOMSON, R. M - Daisy Ashford : her life
154014: MALCOMSON, SCOTT L - Borderlands : Nation and Empire / Scott L. Malcomson
38528: MALCOMSON, ROBERT - Warships of the Great Lakes, 1754-1834
11350: MALCOMSON, SCOTT L. - Empire's Edge : Travels in South-Eastern Europe, Turkey and Central Asia / Scott L. Malcomson
231770: MALCOMSON, A. P. W. ULSTER HISTORICAL FOUNDATION - The pursuit of the heiress : aristocratic marriage in Ireland 1740-1840
142379: MALCUZYNSKI, KAROL - At the Peace Frontier
143561: MALCUZYNSKI, KAROL - At the Peace Frontier
159124: MALDEN, RICHARD HENRY (1879-1951) - The Story of Wells Cathedral / with a Foreword by the Bishop of Bath and Wells
133807: MALDEN, RICHARD HENRY (1879-1951) - This Church and Realm
164929: MALDEN, RICHARD HENRY (1879-1951) - Problems of the New Testament To-Day
166926: MALDEN, RICHARD HENRY (1879-1951) - Religion and the New Testament
178821: MALDEN, RICHARD HENRY (1879-1951) - Religion and the New Testament
168149: MALDONADO, JUAN (1534-1583). MARTIN, CONRAD (1878-) - Joannis Maldonati, Societatis Jesu theologi, commentarii in quatuor evangelistas : ad optimorum librorum fidem accuratissime recudi / curavit Conradus Martin - [Complete in 2 volumes]
43520: MALE, DONALD J. - Russian Peasant Organisation before Collectivisation; a Study of Commune and Gathering 1925-1930
147590: MALE, D. J. (DONALD J. ) - Russian Peasant Organisation before Collectivisation; a Study of Commune and Gathering 1925-1930, by D. J. Male
120369: MALE, EMILE (1862-1954) - L'Art Religieux De La Fin Du Moyen Age En France : Etude Sur L'Iconographie Du Moyen Age Et Sur Ses Sources D'Inspiration / Emile Male
120367: MALE, EMILE - L'Art Religieux Du Xiie Siecle En France. Etude Sur Les Origines De L'Iconographie Du Moyen Age
244973: MALEBRANCHE, NICOLAS (1638-1715) - Oeuvres de Malebranche: Tome Deuxueme: Méditations Chrétiennes
216608: MALECZYNSKA, E. - Szkice z dziejow Slaska [Language: Polish]
165847: MALEGARIE, CHARLES - 20 Ans D'action Sociale
252108: MALENKOV, GEORGY MAKSIMILIANOVICH - Speech by G. M. Malenkov to the USSR Supreme Soviet, April 26, 1954
250117: MALENKOV, GEORGII MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Speech at the 20th Congress of the C.P.S.C., February 17, 1956
278040: MALENKOV, GEORGII MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Report to the Nineteenth Party Congress on the work of the Central Committee of the C. P. S. U. (B.) : October 5, 1952
136847: MALENKOV, GEORGII MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Report to the Nineteenth Party Congress on the Work of the Central Committee of the C. P. S. U.
172541: MALENKOV, GEORGII MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Speech by G. M. Malenkov at the session of the U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet, August 8, 1953
194609: MALENKOV, GEORGII MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Report to the nineteenth party congress on the work of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B.) : October 5, 1952 / G. Malenkov
167910: MALENKOV, GEORGII MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Report to the Nineteenth Party Congress on the work of the Central Committee of the C. P. S. U.
172262: MALENKOV, GEORGY (1902-1988) - Report to the Nineteenth Party Congress of the Work of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B) : October 5, 1952 / G. Malenkov
218229: MALENKOV, GEORGI MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Report to the nineteenth party congress of the work of the central committee of the cpsu (B)
218059: MALENKOV, GEORGI MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988) - Report to the nineteenth party congress of the work of the central committee of the cpsu (B.)
196330: MALENKOV, GEORGY (1902-1988) - Report to the Nineteenth Party Congress of the Work of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B) : October 5, 1952 / G. Malenkov
208256: MALENKOV, GEORGI MAKSIMILIANOVICH (1901-1988). MOLOTOV, VYACHESLAV MIKHAYLOVICH (1890-1986). KHRUSHCHEV, NIKITA SERGEEVICH (1894-1971) - Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR / speeches by G. M. Malenkov, V. M. Molotov, N. S. Khrushchov
227747: FOUNDATION FLORA MALESIANA - Flora malesiana. Series I Spermatophyta. Volume 5 General chapters and taxonomical revisions
275022: MALET, H P - Jacky Nory, or, Courage and perseverance
255243: MALET, HAROLD ESDAILE - Annals of the road or notes on mail and stage coaching in Great Britain. To Which are added essays on the road by Nimrod
158757: MALEVICH, KAZIMIR SEVERINOVICH (1878-1935) - Kazimir Malevich : Suprematism / [Catalogue By] Matthew Drutt
275085: MALFATTI, CESARE - Cuatro documentos italianos en materia de la expedición de la Armada Invencible ... : De las transcripciones manuscritas en la Biblioteca Nacional Ms. 979 y 1020 / Recopilados y anotados por Cesare Malfatti
245541: MALFILATRE (1733-1767). LACOMBE DE PREZEL, HONORÉ (B. 1725) - Dictionnaire d'anecdotes : de traits singuliers et caracteristiques, historiettes, bons mots, naivetes, saillies, reparties ingenieuses, etc. etc.: Tome Premier
173786: MALHERBE, ABRAHAM J. - Social aspects of early Christianity / Abraham J. Malherbe
215210: MALHERBE, FRANCOIS DE (1555-1628) - Poesies de Malherbe
257011: MALHERBE, ABRAHAM J - Paul and the popular philosophers / Abraham J. Malherbe
149506: MALHERBE, GEORGES - Etudes Theoriques Et Pratiques Sur Les Syndicats Agricoles
215405: MALIBU COMICS ENTERTAINMENT, INC. - Welcome to the world of Malibu : Malibu Comics promotional portfoilio
218307: MALICK, CLAY PACKER - Labor policy under democracy
93834: MALIK, HAFEEZ (ED. ) - The Roles of the United States, Russia, and China in the New World Order / Edited by Hafeez Malik
63972: MALIK, ARJAN DASS - An Indian Guerilla War : the Sikh Peoples War, 1699-1768 / Arjan Dass Malik
126042: MALIN, DAVID - The Invisible Universe / David Malin ; Foreword by Timothy Ferris ; Produced by Callaway Editions
147156: MALIN, IRVING - Jews and Americans. / with a Pref. by Harry T. Moore
219954: MALIN, IRVING - Critical views of Isaac Bashevis Singer
175315: MALIN, IRVING - Jews and Americans / Irving Malin ; with a preface by Harry T. Moore
70052: MALING, ARTHUR - Bent Man / Arthur Maling
9630: MALING, E. A. - A Handbook for Ladies : on In-Door Plants, Flowers for Ornament, and Song Birds
215848: MALININ, VIKTOR ARSEN'EVIC - Filosofia revolucionnogo narodnicestva [Philosophy of revolutionary populism. Language: Russian]
216387: MALININ, V. A. - Filosofiya Revolyutsionnogo Narodnichestva [The philosophy of revolutionary populism. Language: Russian]
161554: MALINO, FRANCES. ALBERT, PHYLLIS COHEN - Essays in Modern Jewish History : a Tribute to Ben Halpern / Edited by Frances Malino and Phyllis Cohen Albert
216262: MALINOWSKI, KAZIMIERZ - Zolnierze lacznosci walczacej Warszawy / Kazimierz Malinowski [Language: Polish]
165433: MALINOWSKI, BRONISLAW, (1884-1942) - The Dynamics of Culture Change; an Inquiry Into Race Relations in Africa, by Bronislaw Malinowski; Edited by Phyllis M. Kaberry
168669: MALINOWSKI, BRONISLAW - Crime and custom in savage society
238609: MALINS, JOHN - Clinical diabetes mellitus / John Malins
87880: MALINSKI, MIECZYSLAW - Pope John Paul II, the Life of Karol Wojtyla ; Translated by P. S. Falla
261445: MALKIN, ARTHUR THOMAS - Historical parallels - vol. 1
155739: MALKIN, LAWRENCE - Krueger's men : the secret Nazi counterfeit plot and the prisoners of Block 19
151812: MALKIN, MICHAEL R. (1943-) - Traditional and Folk Puppets of the World / Michael R. Malkin ; with Photos. by David L Young, Additional Photos by Alan G. Cook
253246: MALKIN, ARTHUR THOMAS - Historical parallels - Volume 1
163438: MALLA, KALAYANA - Ananga-Ranga; (Stage of the Bodiless One) Or, the Hindu Art of Love / Translated and Annotated by F. F. Arbuthnot and Richard F. Burton
204714: MALLAKH, KAMAL - Treasures of the Nile : art of the temples and tombs of Egypt
120821: EL MALLAKH, RAGAEI (1925-) - Saudi Arabia, Rush to Development : Profile of an Energy Economy and Investment / Ragaei El Mallakh
118054: MALLAKH, KAMAL. ARNOLD C. BRACKMAN - The Gold of Tutankhamen / Kamal El Mallakh, Arnold C. Brackman ; Pref. by William Kelly Simpson
264759: MALLALIEU, HUON - Understanding watercolours / H.L. Mallalieu
225187: MALLALIEU, HUON - Understanding watercolours / H.L. Mallalieu
164796: MALLALIEU, JOSEPH PERCIVAL WILLIAM - 'Passed to You, Please' ; Britain's Red-Tape Machine At War
263441: MALLALIEU, H.L. (HUON LANCELOT) - The dictionary of British watercolour artists up to 1920. Vol.2 The plates / H.L. Mallalieu
75097: MALLALIEU, JOSEPH PERCIVAL WILLIAM - 'Passed to You, Please'; Britain's Red-Tape Machine At War ; with an Introduction by Harold J. Laski
150213: MALLALIEU, JOSEPH PERCIVAL WILLIAM - 'Passed to You, Please' ; Britain's Red-Tape Machine At War, by J. P. W. Mallalieu ... with an Introduction by Harold J. Laski
166654: MALLALIEU, JOSEPH PERCIVAL W. (1908-1980) - Extraordinary Seaman. Illustrated by Mudge-Marriatt
108647: MALLAN, ROBERT - The Book of Man, by Robert Mallan
48056: MALLAN, P. B. - The Book-Hunter At Home
22867: MALLARME, STEPHANE. GLOSES DE PIERR BEAUSIRE - Mallarme, Poesie Et Poetique
191729: MALLARME, STEPHANE ; ROUJON, HENRY - Correspondance inedite de Stephane Mallarme et Henry Roujon
130935: MALLARME, STEPHANE (1842-1898) , RODENBACH, GEORGES (1855-1898) & RUCHON, FRANCOIS (1897-1953) - L' Amitie De Stephane Mallarme Et De Georges Rodenbach : Lettres Et Textes Inedits, 1887-1898 / Publies Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes Par Francois Ruchon Preface De Henri Mondor
69468: MALLERY, DAVID - The School and the Art of Motion Pictures; a Discussion of Practices and Possibilities
267823: MALLESON, MILES - Six men of Dorset : a play in three acts / Miles Malleson and H. Brooks
6970: MALLESON, MILES - Four People, a Comedy in Three Acts
10498: MALLESON, MILES - An Actor Visits China
6230: MALLESON, MILES - Merrileon Wise : a Play in Three Acts
233784: MALLESON, CONSTANCE LADY (1895-1975) - After ten years : a personal record
8878: MALLESON, MILES - Young Heaven & Three Other Plays
272777: MALLET, CHARLES EDWARD SIR (1862-1947) - Anthony Hope and his books : being the authorised life of Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins
248861: MALLET-JORIS, FRANÇOISE - Jeanne Guyon
179566: MALLET, FRANCINE - George Sand / Francine Mallet
255666: MR. MALLET - Elvira: a tragedy: as written by Mr. Mallet: distinguished also the variations of the theatre: as preformed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
43781: MALLET-JORIS, FRANCOISE - The Underground Game
162514: MALLET, THIERRY - Plain Tales of the North
227053: MALLET J.W. ET AL. [CONTRIB] - Memorial lectures delivered before the Chemical Society (vol. I): 1893-1900
153901: MALLET-JORIS, FRANCOISE (1930-) - Cafe Celeste. Translated by Herma Briffault
134941: MALLET, CHARLES EDWARD, SIR (1862-1947) - Mr. Lloyd George, a Study
127577: MALLET, CHARLES EDWARD - Mr. Lloyd George : a Study
126643: MALLET, CHARLES EDWARD, SIR (1862-1947) - Mr. Lloyd George, a Study
280627: MALLET DU PAN M., JACQUES (1749-1800) - The history of the destruction of the Helvetic union and liberty
65236: MALLET-JORIS, FRANCOISE (1930-) - A Letter to Myself
221173: MALLET, PAUL HENRI, (1730-1807) - Northern antiquities : or, An historical account of the manners, customs, religion and laws, maritime expeditions and discoveries, language and literature of the ancient Scandinavians... Translated from the French of M. Mallet
195639: MALLET, BERNARD, SIR (1859-?) - British Budgets, 1887-88 to 1912-13
250314: O'MALLEY, PADRAIG - Shades of difference : Mac Maharaj and the struggle for South Africa / Padraig O'Malley
211172: O'MALLEY, ERNIE (1897-1957) - On another man's wound / Ernie O'Malley
163996: O'MALLEY, PADRAIG - The Uncivil Wars : Ireland Today / Padraig O'malley
118887: O'MALLEY, CHARLES DONALD - English Medical Humanists, Thomas Linacre and John Caius, by C. D. O'Malley
211174: O'MALLEY, ERNIE (1897-1957) - The singing flame / Ernie O'Malley
254683: MALLIE, EAMONN - The fight for peace : the secret story behind the Irish peace process / Eamonn Mallie and David McKittrick
193041: MALLIEUX, FERNAND - Doctrine de l'idealisme juridique : introduction a la philosophie du droit
7665: MALLIK, MANMATH C. - Orient and Occident - a Comparative Study
97181: MALLIN, JAY - Merc : American Soldiers of Fortune
246969: MALLIN, DAVE - Big Carp Hunters
22437: MALLIN, JAY - MERC; American Soldiers of Fortune
265604: MALLINSON, ALLAN - A close run thing / Allan Mallinson
251388: MALLINSON, ALLAN - The Warrior's trade / Allan Mallinson
250283: MALLINSON, ALLAN - The Warrior's trade / Allan Mallinson
231427: MALLINSON, ALLAN - Light Dragoons : the origins of a new regiment
205149: MALLINSON, ALLAN - Rumours of war / Allan Malinson
202358: MALLINSON, ALLAN - The sabre's edge / Allan Mallinson
193737: MALLINSON, ALLAN - Light Dragoons : the making of a regiment
196416: MALLINSON, RUFUS H. - Free-lance journalism with a camera
257713: MALLISON, W. THOMAS (1917-1997) - The legal problems concerning the juridical status and political activities of the Zionist Organization/Jewish Agency : a study in international and U.S. law
221045: MALLMANN SHOWELL, JAK P - The German Navy in World War Two : a reference guide to the Kriegsmarine, 1935-1945
154253: MALLOCH, DOUGLAS (1877-1938). KEMP, OLIVER (ILLUS. ) - Tote-Road and Trail, Ballads of the Lumberjack, by Douglas Malloch, Illustrated in Full Color by Oliver Kemp
209957: MALLOCH, PETER (1909-1975) - The Sniper
179588: MALLOCK, W. H. (WILLIAM HURRELL) (1849-1923) - Religion as a credible doctrine : a study of the fundamental difficulty
219397: MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL (1849-) - The Nation As a Business Firm, an Attempt to Cut a Path through Jungle
118880: MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL - The Nation As a Business Firm, an Attempt to Cut a Path through Jungle
183784: MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL (1849-1923) - A critical examination of socialism
186192: MALLOCK, W. H. (WILLIAM HURRELL) (1849-1923) - The nation as a business firm : an attempt to cut a path through jungle
42734: MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL (1849-) - The Nation As a Business Firm, an Attempt to Cut a Path through Jungle
177889: MALLOCK, W. H. (WILLIAM HURRELL) (1849-1923) - Capital, war and wages : three questions in outline
43824: MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL (1849-1923) - Labour and the Popular Welfare
114504: MALLONEE, RICHARD C. - The Naked Flagpole : Battle for Bataan / from the Diary of Richard C. Mallonée ; Edited by Richard C. Mallonee II
121767: MALLORY, WALTER H. (WALTER HAMPTON) (1892-1980) - China: Land of Famine, by Walter H. Mallory, with a Foreword by Dr. John H. Finley
219305: MALLOWS, WILFRID - The mystery of the Great Zimbabwe : the key to a major archaeological enigma / Wilfrid Mallows
200325: MALLOWS, WILFRID - The mystery of the Great Zimbabwe : the key to a major archaeological enigma / Wilfrid Mallows
261321: MALMESBURY, JAMES HARRIS EARL OF (1746-1820) - A series of letters of the first Earl of Malmesbury, his family and friends from 1745 to 1820 / Edited, with notes etc., by his grandson, the Right Hon. Earl of Malmesbury - 2 volumes
188522: MALMESBURY, LORD (ED.) - The new order : studies in unionist policy / edited by Lord Malmesbury
149434: MALMESBURY, JAMES EDWARD HARRIS, EARL OF (1778-1841) - The New Order : Studies in Unionist Policy / Edited by Lord Malmesbury
269028: MALMESBURY, JAMES HOWARD HARRIS, EARL OF (1807-1889) - Memoirs of an Ex-Minister : an Autobiography
244836: MALMESBURY, JAMES HOWARD HARRIS EARL OF (1807-1889) - Memoirs of an ex-minister : an autobiography
25238: MALMONT, VALERIE S. - Death Pays the Rose Rent. A Tori Miracle Mystery
243391: COMMITTEE AGAINST MALNUTRITION - Committee Against Malnutrition: Bulletin: March 1935- January 1936: Vol. II
245240: COMMITTEE AGAINST MALNUTRITION - Committee Against Malnutrition: Bulletin: March 1938 - September 1939: Vol. IV
85638: MALO, JOHN W - The Complete Guide to House Boating
193313: MALO, HENRI - La Police intervient : 1790-1850, par Henri Malo
99396: MALO, JOHN W. - Wilderness Canoeing [By] John W. Malo
187922: MALON, BENOIT (1841-1893) - Le socialisme integral - [Complete in 2 volumes]
172290: MALON, BENOIT (1841-1893) - Expose des ecoles socialistes francaises : suivi d'un apercu sur le collectivisme international / par B. Malon
164563: MALON, BENOIT, (1841-1893) - La Troisieme Defaite Du Proletariat Francais / Par B. Malon
76865: MALONE, DUMAS (1892-1986) - The Sage of Monticello - Volume 6
272648: MALONE, CAROLINE - Neolithic Britain and Ireland
245268: MALONE, CECIL L'ESTRANGE (1890-) - The Russian republic
76352: MALONE, DUMAS (1892-1986) - Jefferson the President, Second Term, 1805-1809
143193: MALONE, CECIL L'ESTRANGE (1890-) - The Russian Republic
162234: MALONE, TED (1908-1989) - Ted Malone's [Pseud. ] Scrapbook. Favorite Selections from between the Bookends
130317: MALONE, CECIL L'ESTRANGE - The Russian Republic, by Colonel Malone, M. P.
269432: MALONEY, TERRY - Astronomy / Terry Maloney
241993: MALONEY, WILLIAM JOSEPH MARIE ALOIS (1881-). POYNTER, FREDERICK NOËL LAWRENCE ( 1908)- - George and John Armstrong of Castleton : two eighteenth-century medical pioneers
180277: MALONEY, TOM & STEICHEN, EDWARD - U.S. camera 1943
105289: MALONEY, TOM (ED. ) - U. S. Camera Annual 1950, International Edition 2 Volumes in 1
105287: MALONEY, TOM (ED. ) - U. S. Camera Annual, 1949 Two in One Volume.
87947: MALONEY, THOMAS JAMES (ED. ) - U. S. Camera, 1940
54785: MALONEY, TOM (ED. ) - U. S. Camera '62
104773: MALONEY, TOM (EDITOR) - U. S. Camera Annual 1950. International Edition.
104828: MALONEY, TOM - U. S Camera 1948. the Year's Finest Photographs - [2 Volumes Complete in 1]
104835: MALONEY, T. J. - U. S. Camera 1957
104837: MALONEY, TOM - The U. S. A. At War. U. S. Camera 1945
49218: MALORY, THOMAS, SIR (15TH CENT. ). POLLARD, ALFRED WILLIAM (1859-1944) ED. RACKHAM, ARTHUR (1867-1939) ILLUS. - The Romance of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table / Abridged from Malory's Morte D'Arthur by Alfred W. Pollard. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
256392: MALORY, THOMAS SIR - Le morte Darthur / Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round Table ; the text of Caxton, edited, with an introduction by Sir Edward Strachey
114241: MALORY, THOMAS, SIR (15TH CENT. ) - The Noble Tale of the Sangreal
201116: MALORY, THOMAS SIR - Le morte dArthur : Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the round table
8600: MALOUF, DAVID (1934-) - The Conversations At Curlow Creek / David Malouf
258886: MALOUF, DAVID - The conversations at Curlow Creek
157642: MALOUF, DAVID (1934-) - Harland's Half Acre / David Malouf
47310: MALPASS, ERIC - The Cleopatra Boy
161732: MALRAUX, ANDRE (1901-1976) - Lazarus / Andre Malraux ; Translated by Terence Kilmartin
156546: MALRAUX, ANDRE (1901-1976) - Anti-Memoirs / translated by Terence Kilmartin
237629: MALRAUX, ANDRÉ (1901-1976) - Les puissances du désert. La voie royale
237238: MALRAUX, ANDRÉ (1901-1976) - La tête d'obsidienne
237647: MALRAUX, ANDRÉ (1901-1976) - Les noyers de l'Altenburg
237171: MALRAUX, ANDRÉ (1901-1976) - Hôtes de passage
237162: MALRAUX, ANDRÉ (1901-1976) - Oraisons funèbres
237356: MALRAUX, ANDRÉ (1901-1976) - L'homme précaire et la littérature
40729: MALRAUX, ANDRE (1901-1976). RELATED NAMES: COURCEL, MARTINE DE - Malraux : Life and Work / Edited by Martine De Courcel
235693: MALRAUX, ANDRE (1901-1976) - Lazare
44408: MALRAUX, ANDRE - Anti-Memoirs
242038: MALRAUX, ANDRÉ (1901-1976) - Antimémoires / André Malraux
217155: MALTA. MULLER, W. A. - Report on the Malta Police Force
278248: MALTBY, PEG - Peg's fairy book : written and illustrated by Peg Maltby
164803: MALTBY, WILLIAM RUSSELL - The Significance of Jesus / William Russell Maltby
231365: MALTEBRUN, CONRAD - Geographie complete, descriptive et historique de l'Europe - Complete in 3 volumes
201509: MALTER, HENRY (1864-1925) - The treatise Ta'anit of the Babylonian Talmud / critically edited on the basis of manuscripts and old editions and provided with a translation and notes by Henry Malter
158399: MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT (1766-1834) - The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated : with an Application of it to the Alterations in the Value of the English Currency Since 1790 / T. R. Malthus
278575: MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT - Malthus en zijn bevolkingswet
231696: MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT (1766-1834) - Additions to the fourth and former editions of an Essay on the principle of population, &c. &c
181657: MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT (1766-1834) - Grounds of an opinion on the policy and restricting the importation of foreign corn : intended as an appendix to 'Observations on the Corn Laws'
85880: MALTIN, LEONARD - The Whole Film Sourcebook
223128: MALTIN, LEONARD - The Disney Films / Leonard Maltin
71980: MALTSEV, ELIZAR - Heart and Soul : a Novel / [By] Elizar Maltsev - [Ot Vsego Serdtsa. English. ]
110038: MALVANEY, SAM - At the Beach. Hawaii's Favoriate Pastime
109900: MALVERN, MARJORIE M. - Venus in Sackcloth : the Magdalen's Origins and Metamorphoses
95232: MALVIN, JOHN (1795-1880) - North Into Freedom; the Autobiography of John Malvin, Free Negro, 1795-1880. Edited and with an Introd. by Allan Peskin
101423: MALVIN, JOHN - North Into Freedom; the Autobiography of John Malvin, Free Negro, 1795-1880. Edited and with an Introd. by Allan Peskin
217040: MALY, JAROMIR - Kulturni cinnost Karla Stan.-Sokola : K dejinam pokrokoveho hnuti a nasich osvobozenskych boju [Language: Czech]
123063: MALY, MILOS - Tales of the Amber Ring / Told by Milos Maly
64162: MALY, EUGENE H. - The World of David and Solomon [By] Eugene H. Maly
142361: MALYSHEV, SERGEI (1881-) - Unemployed Councils in St. Petersburg in 1906
77585: MALZBERG, BARRY N. , ED. - Dark Sins, Dark Dreams : Crime in Science Fiction / Edited by Barry N. Malzberg and Bill Pronzini
53107: MALZBERG, BARRY N. , ED. - Chorale
114122: MALZBERG, BARRY N. - Guernica Night : a Science Fiction Masterwork
104170: MALZBERG, BARRY N. - Chorale
104410: MALZBERG, BARRY N. - Guernica Night : a Science Fiction Masterwork
233439: MALZER, GOTTFRIED. UNIVERSITÄTSBIBLIOTHEK (WÜRZBURG) - Universitatsbibliothek Wurzburg
227745: MAMBELLI, GIULIANO (1879-1960) - Gli annali delle edizioni dantesche : con XLVI tavole fuori testo
56922: MAMET, DAVID - The Village : a Novel / David Mamet
136582: MAMMACH, KLAUS - Der Einfluss Der Russischen Februarrevolution Und Der Grossen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution Auf Die Deutsche Arbeiterklasse, Februar 1917-Oktober 1918 / Klaus Mammach
33538: MAMMARELLA, GIUSEPPE - Italy after Fascism : a Political History 1943-1965
33663: MAMMARELLA, GIUSEPPE - Italy after Fascism - a Political History 1943-1965
113779: MAMULA, RICHARD A. - Community Placement of the Mentally Retarded; a Handbook for Community Agencies and Social Work Practitioners, by Richard A. Mamula and Nate Newman
274567: PRINTING AND THE MIND OF MAN - Catalogue of display of printing mechanisms and printed materials arranged to illustrate the history of Western civilization and the means of the multiplication of literary texts since the XV Century... under the title of Printing and the mind of man : assembled at the British Museum and at Earls Court, London, 16-27 July 1963; [and] an exhibition of fine printing in the King's Library of the British Museum, July-September, 1963
277820: MAN, ROSAMOND - The compleat mustard
10629: A. L. B. M. A LONDON BUSINESS MAN - John Bull's Open Door: a Plea for it to be Shut
85137: MAN, JOHN (1941-) - The Day of the Dinosaur
195312: MAN, HENDRICK DE - Zur Psychologie Des Sozialismus / Hendrick De Man
172324: MAN, HENDRIK DE (1885-1953) - Cahiers de ma montagne / par Henri de Man
265610: AN OLD MAN - Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassua by an old man
232965: MAN, FLORENCE - Johannes Brahms. Two volumes in one
196765: MAN, HENDRIK DE (1885-1953) - Au dela du marxisme
198739: LUMBER MAN (PSEUD.) - Clearing the ground
217832: MAN'KOVM, A. G. ; LENINGRADSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI UNIVERSITET IMENI. ZHDANOVA, A.A. - Materialy po istorii krest'yan v russkom gosudarstve XVI veka : sbornik dokumentov [The materials on the history of Russian peasants in the state of the XVI century: a collection of documents. Language: Russian]
245040: MANA, ALA - The message, Lord Kitchener lives / received by Ala Mana
249147: SOCIETY OF WOMEN HOUSING MANAGERS - Municipal housing management by women / Society of Women Housing Managers
125095: MANCA, JOHN. VINCENT COSGROVE - Tin for Sale : My Career in Organized Crime and the NYPD / John Manca and Vincent Cosgrove
273873: MANCALL, PETER C - Governing the sea in the early modern era : essays in honor of Robert C. Ritchie / edited by Peter C. Mancall and Carole Shammas
187594: MANCE, HARRY OSBORNE, SIR, (B. 1875) - The road and rail transport problem
120987: MANCE, HARRY OSBORNE, SIR (1875-) - The Road and Rail Transport Problem
243992: LIBRAIRIE H. MANCEAUX - Bibliographie de Belgique Journal officiel de la aLibrairie: Cinquieme Année 1879
174748: MANCEL, J. - Reprise de la ville de Corbie sur les Espagnols en 16'36', d'apres des documents inédits publies, avec des notes par M. J. Mancel
79477: MANCERON, CLAUDE - The Wind from America, 1778-1781 ; Translated from the French by Nancy Amphoux
127150: MANCERON, CLAUDE - The Men of Liberty / Claude Manceron. -- Europe on the Eve of the French Revolution, 1774-1778 / Translated from the French by Patricia Wolf
273971: MANCHANDA, CATHARINA - Pop departures / Catharina Manchanda ; with contributions by Ken Allan [and eight others]
155065: MANCHANDA, BINDU - Forts and palaces of India : sentinels of History
159219: MANCHEE, WILLIAM HENRY - The Westminster City Fathers (The Burgess Court of Westminster) 1585-1901 : Being Some Account of Their Powers and Domestic Rule of the City Prior to its Incorporation in 1901
7569: MANCHEE, W. H. - The Westminster City Fathers (The Burgess Court of Westminster) Being Some Account of Their Powers and Domestic Rule of the City Prior to its Incorporation in 1901
65883: MANCHEL, FRANK - Cameras West
64860: MANCHEL, FRANK - An Album of Modern Horror Films / Frank Manchel
219396: MANCHEL, FRANK - An Album of Modern Horror Films / Frank Manchel
219375: MANCHEL, FRANK - An Album of Modern Horror Films / Frank Manchel
274025: MANCHESTER, HERBERT - Four centuries of sport in America, 1490-1890 / Herbert Manchester
266111: JOHN RYLANDS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF MANCHESTER - Riches of the Rylands : the special collections of the University of Manchester Library / with a foreword by Jan Wilkinson
223221: JOHN RYLANDS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF MANCHESTER. - Catalogue of medical books in Manchester University Library, 1480-1790 / compiled by Ethel M. Parkinson, assisted by Audrey E. Lumb
222450: JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY. MANCHESTER - A booke in Englysh metre, of the great marchaunt man called 'Dives pragmaticus' ... 1563 : Reproduced in facsimile from the copy in the John Rylands library / Together with an introduction by Percy E. Newbery; and remarks on the vocabulary and dialect...
254629: THE JOHN RYLAND LIBRARY MANCHESTER - Tercentenary of the Authorised Version of the English Bible A.D. 1611-1911
51497: MANCHOT, MELANIE (1966-) - Melanie Manchot : Love is a Stranger : Photographs, 1998-2001 / Edited by Klaus Honnef ; with Contributions by Janet Hand, Klaus Honnef, and Stuart Horodner
50193: MANCINI, JANET K. - Strategic Styles : Coping in the Inner City / Janet K. Mancini
31772: MANCINI, JANET K. - Strategic Styles : Coping in the Inner City / Janet K. Mancini
27813: MANCINI, JANET K. - Strategic Styles : Coping in the Inner City / Janet K. Mancini
23437: MANCINI, JANET K. - Strategic Styles : Coping in the Inner City / Janet K. Mancini
219452: MANCINI, JANET K. - Strategic Styles : Coping in the Inner City / Janet K. Mancini
29556: MANCINI, JANET K. - Strategic Styles : Coping in the Inner City. Foreword by George W. Goethals / Janet K. Mancini
139047: MANCINI, JEAN-GABRIEL - Prostitutes and Their Parasites / J. -G. Mancini ; Translated by D. G. Thomas
124836: MANCINI, ELAINE - Struggles of the Italian Film Industry During Fascism, 1930-1935
30254: MANCINI, JEAN-GABRIEL - Prostitution Et Proxénétisme
164540: MANDACH, ANDRE DE (1918- ) - Moliere Et La Comedie De Moeurs En Angleterre (1660-1668) : Essai De Litterature Comparee
68651: MANDEL, LEON - American Cars : from Harrah's Automobile Collection / Leon Mandel ; Photography by Baron Wolman and Lucinda Lewis
185875: MANDEL, ELI - Contexts of Canadian criticism
127286: MANDEL, ERNEST - Trotsky : a Study in the Dynamic of His Thought / [By] Ernest Mandel
61644: MANDEL, MORRIS AND GARTENBERG, LEO - Israel through Eight Eyes; an Orthodox View of the Holy Land
250053: MANDEL, ERNEST - Der Spätkapitalismus : Versuch einer marxistischen Erklärung
135543: MANDEL, ERNEST - La Réponse Socialiste Au Defi Americain / Ernest Mandel ; Traduit De L'Allemand Par Marie-Louise Roux
184207: MANDEL, ERNEST - Marxistische Wirtschaftstheorie : I. Band / Ernest Mandel
243480: MANDEL, ERNEST - Traité d'économie marxiste. Tome 2
142094: MANDEL, WILLIAM M. - The Soviet Far East and Central Asia
142924: MANDEL, WILLIAM M. - The Soviet Far East and Central Asia
147392: MANDEL, WILLIAM M. - The Soviet Far East and Central Asia
42973: MANDEL, PAUL - Mainside
198318: MANDEL, ROBERTO - Storia popolare illustrata della Grande Guerra 1914-1918 / Roberto Mandel [complete in 6 volumes]
207530: MANDEL, WILLIAM M. - The soviet Far East and central Asia
251319: MANDELA, NELSON (1918-2013) - Long walk to freedom : the autobiography of Nelson Mandela
251138: MANDELA, NELSON - In his own words : from freedom to the future / Nelson Mandela
237536: MANDELA, NELSON (1918-2013) - Mandela: an illustrated autobiography / [Nelson Mandela]
50561: MANDELBAUM, MAURICE - Purpose and Necessity in Social Theory
158672: MANDELBAUM, ANN (1945-) - New work
135436: MANDELBAUM, ALLEN - Chelmaxioms : the Maxims, Axioms, Maxioms of Chelm / Allen Mandelbaum
166942: MANDELBAUM, BERNARD, (1922-) (ED.) - Assignment in Israel. [New York] The Seminary Israel Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
123148: MANDELBAUM, ANN (1945-) - New Work / Ann Mandelbaum ; Texts by Trudy Wilner Stack and Rudolf Schmitz
114441: MANDELBAUM, KEN - A Chorus Line and the Musicals of Michael Bennett / Ken Mandelbaum
264546: MANDELKERN, SOLOMON (1846-1902) - Veteris Testamenti concordantiae Hebraicae atque Chaldaicae : quibus continentur cuncta quae in prioribus concordantiis reperiuntur vocabula, lacunis omnibus expletis, emendatis cuiusquemodi vitiis, locis ubique denuo excerptis atque in meliorem formam redactis, vocalibus interdum adscriptis, particulae omnes adhuc nondum collatae, pronomina omnia hic primum congesta atque enarrata, nomina propria omnia separatim commemorata / servato textu Masoretico Librorumque Sacrorum ordine tradito summa cura collegit et concinnavit Solomon Mandelkern
112313: MANDELL, MAURICE I. - Advertising [By] Maurice I. Mandell.
146913: MANDELSHTAM, OSIP (1891-1938). BERENGARTEN, RICHARD (1943-). GOMORI, GEORGE (1934-) - Homage to Mandelstam : an Anthology of Poems / Edited by Richard Burns and George Gomori
248712: MANDER, RAYMOND. MITCHENSON, JOE. - The Theatres of London (illustrated by Timothy Birdsall)
64682: MANDER, ANICA VESEL - Blood Ties : a Woman's History / Anica Vesel Mander, with Sarika Finci Hofbauer
40966: MANDER, RAYMOND. MITCHENSON, JOE - Revue : a Story in Pictures
39331: MANDER, ANICA VESEL AND RUSH, ANNE KENT - Feminism As Therapy
247954: MANDER, RAYMOND - Musical comedy : a story in pictures
140030: MANDER, JOHN - Leicester Schools, 1944-1974
17759: MANDER, JOHN (1932-) - The Unrevolutionary Society; the Power of Latin American Conservatism in a Changing World
93399: MANDERS, A. STAINES - Who's Who in the Rubber World. 1914 [Etc. ]. Edited by A. Staines Manders
238274: MANDEVILLE, BERNARD (1670? - 1733) - An enquiry into the causes of the frequent executions at Tyburn, 1725 / [by] Bernard Mandeville
119506: MANDL, F. (FRANZ) (1923-) - Quantum Mechanics / F. Mandl
44914: MANDLER, GEORGE AND KESSEN, WILLIAM - The Language of Psychology
128172: MANDONNET, PIERRE. J. DESTREZ - Bibliographie Thomiste, Par Mandonnet, O. P. Et J. Destrez, O. P.
84405: MANDRELL, BARBARA WITH VECSEY, GEORGE - Get to the Heart : My Story
138969: MANDRELL, BARBARA. VECSEY, GEORGE - Get to the Heart : My Story / Barbara Mandrell with George Vecsey
105529: MANDRELL, BARBARA. GEORGE VECSEY - Get to the Heart : My Story / Barbara Mandrell with George Vecsey.
12314: MANDROU, ROBERT - From Humanism to Science 1480-1700 - [Translated by Brian Pearce]
66439: MANDUCA, JOSEPH - The Meccano Magazine 1916-1981 / [Compiled By] Joseph Manduca
202560: MANDUS, BROTHER (1907-1988) - All about you
189957: MANDUS, BROTHER - The grain of mustard seed
189688: MANDUS, BROTHER - The divine awakening
218583: MANENKOV, S. M. - Deti vremeni i drugiye rasskazy iz zhizni rabochikh / S.M. Manenkov. [Children of time and other stories from the lives of workers. Language: Russian]
280489: MANERO, ANTONIO (1885-1964) - La reforma bancaria en la revolución constitucionalista
150450: MANES, STEPHEN (1949-). ANDREWS, PAUL (1949-) - Gates : How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry and Made Himself the Richest Man in America / Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews
22033: MANES, PROF. DR. ALFRED - Die Einkommensteuer in Der Englischen Finanz-Politik Und -Literatur. Bis Zu William Pitts Tode
22034: MANES, PROF. DR. ALFRED - Die Einkommensteuer in Der Englischen Finanz-Politik Und -Literatur. Bis Zu William Pitts Tode
45348: MANET, EDOUARD (1832-1883). SHONE, RICHARD (ED.) - Manet
253825: MANET, ÉDOUARD 1832-1883 - Manet / [text by] John Richardson
237392: MANET, ÉDOUARD (1832-1883) - Manet: portraying life
199347: MANET, EDOUARD (1832-1883). BAREAU, JULIET WILSON. ART. JOHNSON, DOUGLAS (1925-2005) BRITISH MUSEUM - Manet, the execution of Maximilian : painting, politics, and censorship / Juliet Wilson-Bareau ; with essays by John House and Douglas Johnson
225636: MANET, EDOUARD (1832-1883) - The Masters 35 : Manet. [The world's most complete gallery of painting] 5
249983: MANEVICH, E. L. (EFIM L'VOVICH) - USSR: full employment
238329: MANEVY, JEAN V - La guerre contre la maladie à travers le monde / [Jean V. Manevy]
128259: MANEVY, RAYMOND - La Presse De La III. Republique / Raymond Manevy
176169: MANEVY, RAYMOND - Histoire de la presse, 1914 a 1939 / Raymond Manevy
205062: MANEVY, RAYMOND - La Revolution et la liberte de la presse
180585: MANFERTO, VALERIA. PIRELLI, ROSANNA. ARNONE, ANGELA - The queens of ancient Egypt / [foreword, Suzanne Mubarak ; introduction, Dorothea Arnold ; texts, Rosanna Pirelli ; editorial director, Valeria Manferto de Fabianis ; translation, Angela Arnone]
257343: MANFREDI, VALERIO - The lost army / Valerio Massimo Manfredi ; translated from the Italian by Christine Feddersen-Manfredi
169639: MANFRONI, CAMILLO - Marina e aviazione italiane nella guerra mondiale. (Marina. [By] C. Manfrioni.-Aviazione. [By] V. Giglio.) Illustrato da 200 figure nel testo
141966: MANFRONI, CAMILLO (1863-1935) - I Nostri Alleati Navali; Ricordi Della Guerra Adriatica 1915-1918
232077: MANGA, JANOS - Ungarische Volkslieder und Volksinstrumente
98826: MANGA, JANOS - Herdsmen's Art in Hungary - Translated by Kornel Balas
198213: MANGALNATHJI, PARAMAHANSA.; HARI PRASAD SHASTRI - Triumph of a hero = : Vira vijaya
149609: MANGANO, V. - Le Attivita Scientifiche Di Giacomo Tauro
187888: MANGARIELLO, MARIA ESTHER. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA (LA PLATA). - FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACION. - DEPARTAMENTO DE LETRAS - Tradicion y expresion poetica en 'Los romances de Rio Seco' de Leopoldo Lugones / M.E. Mangariello
16539: MANGELSDORF, PAUL C. - Corn : its origin, evolution, and improvement
160251: MANGEOT, SYLVAIN (1913-) - Manchurian Adventure : the Story of Lobsang Thondup / Sylvain Mangeot
54444: MANGIONE, JERRE - Night Search
214794: MANGNALL, RICHMAL (1769-1820) - Historical and miscellaneous questions, for the use of young people; with a copious selection of British and general biography
231255: MANGO, ANDREW - Turkey and the war on terror : for forty years we fought alone
239044: MANGOLD, TOM; GOLDBERG, JEFF - Plague wars : a true story of biological warfare / Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg
192790: MANGOLD, ROBERT (1937- ) - Robert Mangold : recente werken : recent works
235237: MANGUEL, ALBERTO - A history of reading
173860: MANHEIM, JAROL B. (1946-) - Political violence in the United States, 1875-1974 : a bibliography / Jarol B. Manheim, Melanie Wallace
276948: MANI, C - A macro study of early Indian coins
157951: MANIATES, BELLE KANARIS - Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley
103170: MANIERA, LEYLA - Christie's Century of Teddy Bears
251589: MANIFOLD, J. S - The Penguin Australian song books
71350: MANIS, MELVIN (1931-) - An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
77115: MANIS, ANDREW MICHAEL - Southern Civil Religions in Conflict : Black and White Baptists and Civil Rights, 1947-1957
235349: MANITIUS, MAX (1858-1933). ULICH, ROBERT (1890-) - Vagantenlieder aus der lateinischen dichtung des 12. und 13. jahrhunderts, Carmina burana / übertragen und eingeleitet von Robert Ulrich, den lateinischen text bearbeitete Max Manitius
188925: MANITOBA. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND NATURAL RESOURCES ; BAILLE, ANDREW D. - Devonian System of the Williston basin area : Plans and sections
48786: MANK, GREGORY WILLIAM - It's Alive! The Classic Cinema Saga of Frankenstein
162886: MANK, CHAW - 'The Bridge of Happiness' Built by the One and Only Liberace by Chaw Mank
256458: MANKELL, HENNING - Depths / Henning Mankell ; translated by Laurie Thompson
256406: MANKELL, HENNING (1948-2015) - The man from Beijing / Henning Mankell ; translated from the Swedish by Laurie Thompson
256451: MANKELL, HENNING (1948-2015) - The pyramid : the Kurt Wallander stories / Henning Mankell ; translated from the Swedish by Ebba Segerberg with Laurie Thompson
58665: MANKIEWICZ, FRANK (1924-) - U. S. V. Richard M. Nixon : the Final Crisis / Frank Mankiewicz
57223: MANKIEWICZ, FRANK (1924-) - U. S. V. Richard M. Nixon : the Final Crisis / Frank Mankiewicz
154099: MANKIEWICZ, DON M. (1922-) - Trial
164542: MANKOV, ARKADY GEORGIEVICH - Le Mouvement Des Prix Dans L'Etat Russe Du Xvie Siecle / A. G. Mankov ; Traduit Du Russe Par G. Krichevsky
93701: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - Mazeppa, the Lives, Loves, and Legends of Adah Isaacs Menken : a Biographical Quest
88188: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - Dickens of London
55956: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - The Extraordinary Mr. Poe : a Biography of Edgar Allan Poe
153925: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - The Mendelman Fire : and Other Stories / Wolf Mankowitz
139242: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - Dickens of London / Wolf Mankowitz
137614: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - Dickens of London / Wolf Mankowitz
223581: MANKOWITZ, WOLF (1924-1998) - Wedgwood / Wolf Mankowitz
5839: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - Make Me an Offer; Illustrated by Leonard Rosoman
6967: MANKOWITZ, WOLF - The Mendelman Fire
43429: MANLEY, ROBERT H. - Guyana Emergent - the Post-Independence Struggle for Nondependent Development
39238: MANLEY, SEON AND BELCHER, SUSAN - O, Those Extraordinary Women! Or the Joys of Literary Lib
258459: MANLEY MRS. (1663-1724) - New Atalantis / Delarivier Manley ; edited by Ros Ballaster
154448: MANLEY, ATWOOD. MANGUM, MARGARET MANLEY - Frederic Remington and the North Country
212952: MANLEY, C M. - Plymouth plaques : people, places and events
135273: MANLEY, GEORGE THOMAS - The Book of the Law : Studies in the Date of Deuteronomy
148446: MANLEY, GEORGE THOMAS - The Gospel in the Psalms : Being a Study of the Commission to Evangelize the World As Foreshadowed in the Psalms
264311: MANLEY, BILL - The seventy great mysteries of ancient Egypt / edited by Bill Manley
173837: MANLEY, GEORGE THOMAS - The book of the law : studies in the date of Deuteronomy
221044: MANLEY, RAY; MANLEY, RUTH - Ray Manley's world travels
257157: MANLY, GREGORY - The art of praying liturgy
137945: MANLY, JOHN MATTHEWS. EDITH RICKERT. FRED B. MILLETT - Contemporary American Literature, Bibliographies and Study Outlines, by John Matthews Manly and Edith Rickert; Introduction and Revision by Fred B. Millett
99412: MANN, JOHN HARVEY - Encounter : a Weekend with Intimate Strangers
69233: MANN, DAVID (1934-) - A Concordance to the Plays of William Congreve
42002: MANN, WILLIAM (1924-) - James Galway's Music in Time / Written by William Mann
30131: MANN, THOMAS E. AND ORNSTEIN, NORMAN J. - Congress, the Press, and the Public / Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein, Eds
277475: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Doktor Faustus. : Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus
276102: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - The Holy Sinner. Translated by H. T. Lowe-Porter
272105: MANN, PETER H. (PETER HENRY) - Books : buyers and borrowers / Peter H. Mann
258774: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955 / selected and translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston ; introduction by Richard Winston - Volume 1
253719: MANN, WILLIAM SOMERVELL - James Galway's 'Music in Time' / written by William Mann
251716: MANN, SIMON - Cry havoc / Simon Mann
239747: MANN, CAROL; MODIGLIANI, AMEDEO (1884-1920) - Modigliani / Carol Mann
215461: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955 / selected and translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. Introd. by Richard Winston
205907: MANN, CHARLES - Editing for industry : the production of house journals / [by] Charles Mann
180261: MANN, SYLVIA (B. 1915) - Collecting playing cards
188252: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Vom zukunftigen Sieg der Demokratie / Thomas Mann
246125: MANN, THOMAS - Buddenbrooks : Verfall einer Familie
215146: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Joseph in Egypt ... / translated from the German for the first time by H. T. Lowe-Porter
259728: MANN, J. G. (JAMES GOW) (1897-1962) - Monumental brasses
236118: MANN, FELIX - Atlas of acupuncture : points and meridians in relation to surface anatomy
154288: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - The Tables of the Law / Thomas Mann ; Translated by H. T. Lowe-Porter. [ Gesetz. English ]
15470: MANN, HEINRICH (1871-1950) - Die Grosse Sache
137654: MANN, TOM - The Industrial Syndicalist
68271: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Joseph the Provider / Thomas Mann; [Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter]
64419: MANN, MARTY (1904-) - New Primer on Alcoholism; How People Drink, How to Recognize Alcoholics, and What to Do about Them
63681: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - The Holy Sinner; Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter
61414: MANN, ARTHUR - Yankee Reformers in the Urban Age
56719: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Tristan : Novelle / Thomas Mann; mit einem Nachwort von Rudolf K. Goldschmit-Jentner
54324: MANN, ARTHUR (ED. ) - Growth and Achievement: Temple Israel, 1854-1954. Foreword by Oscar Handlin. Contributors: Lee M. Friedman
48168: MANN, KATHLEEN - Peasant Costume in Europe, by Kathleen Mann, with Notes by J. A. Corbin
90216: MANN, ALFRED LEONARD (1930-) - Famous Biologists, by A. L. Mann & A. C. Vivian. Illustrated by Norma Ost
88053: MANN, THOMAS - The Holy Sinner; Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter
85446: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Joseph in Egypt
82099: MANN, F. A. (FLORIAN ALEXANDER) - Story of the Huguenots : a Sixteenth Century Narrative Wherein the French, Spaniards and Indians Were the Actors
246236: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Goethes Laufbahn als Schriftsteller / Thomas Mann
246136: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus : Roman eines Romans / Thomas Mann
246126: MANN, THOMAS - Doktor Faustus : das Leben des deutschen Tonsetzers Adrian Leverkühn, erzählt von einem Freunde
253632: MANN, JAMES SIR (1897-1962) - Monumental brasses
122371: MANN, TOM (1856-1941) - Tom Mann's Memoirs; with a Preface by Ken Coates
121390: MANN, JACOB (1888-1940) - The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine under the F? Timid Caliphs : a Contribution to Their Political and Communal History Based Chiefly on Genizah Material Hitherto Unpublished / Jacob Mann
117591: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Joseph in Egypt ... Thomas Mann - Volumes One & Two
223101: MANN, P. Z. ; HARRIS JIM - A gruesome stew : a monster pop-up book / written by P. Z. Mann; illustrated by Jim Harris
253286: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Joseph in Egypt ... / translated from the German for the first time by H. T. Lowe-Porter - volume 2
190699: MANN, PAMELA - Children in care revisited / Pamela Mann
227002: MANN, WILLIAM A.R.C.A. - Gouache painting with designers' colours. With plates and illustrations
138079: MANN, WILLIAM W. - Esperanto Self-Taught
143427: MANN, RANN SINGH (1936-) - Hakkipikki : Trapper and Seller
157296: MANN, SYLVIA - Collecting Playing Cards
163526: MANN, KATHLEEN. CORBIN, J. A. - Peasant Costume in Europe
18322: MANN, JAMES GOW (1897-) - Monumental Brasses
20692: MANN, THOMAS - Letters to Paul Amann 1915-1952
124853: MANN, BRIAN RICHARD - The Secular Madrigals of Filippo Di Monte, 1521-1603
28399: MANN, DEAN E. DOIG, JAMESON W. - The Assistant Secretaries; Problems and Processes of Appointments
123403: MANN, A. T. (1943-) - Sacred Sexuality / A. T. Mann and Jane Lyle
44965: MANN, HUGH - The New Lights, a Drama in Four Acts
65273: MANN, FRANCIS OSCAR. - The Devil in a Nunnery, and Other Mediaeval Tales
99424: MANN, ARTHUR (1922-1993) - Yankee Reformers in the Urban Age
214118: MANN, THOMAS. STERRETT, JANE (ILLUS.) - Thomas Mann Stories
195555: MANN, HORACE (1796-1859) - Slavery: letters and speeches
195998: MANN, HORACE (1796-1859) - Slavery: letters and speeches
196782: MANN, GOLO - Karl Marx (1818-1968)
211292: MANN, HEINRICH (1871-1950) - Der Kopf : Roman / Heinrich Mann
211661: MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955) - Konigliche Hoheit : Roman / Thomas Mann ; mit einer vorrede von Hanns Martin Elster
269024: MANNERING, DEREK - Mario Lanza : a biography / Derek Mannering
186803: MANNERING, DOUGLAS - The life and works of Rembrandt
223819: MANNERING, GEORGE EDWARD - With axe and rope in the New Zealand Alps
68701: MANNERS, DAVID X. (1912-) - The Great Tool Emporium
253671: MANNERS, JOHN ERROL - Country crafts today / [by]J.E. Manners
178641: MANNERS, GERALD (1932- ) - Coal in Britain / Gerald Manners
169395: MANNERS, WILLIAM (1907- ) - Patience and fortitude : Fiorello La Guardia : a biography
118477: MANNERS, ANDE - Poor Cousins / Ande Manners
104302: MANNERS, TOM E. - Songs of Seas and Tall Ships. a Collection of Sea Ballads / Tom E. Manners. with Preface by Hobart Bosworth
109146: MANNERS, DAVID - Teach Your Child Self-Defense
47335: MANNERS, J. HARTLEY - Peg O' My Heart - a Comedy of Youth
279387: MANNERS, J HARTLEY - Peg o' my heart : a comedy of youth
270360: MANNERT, M. KONRAD - Geographie der Griechen und Roemer
243380: MANNERT, KONRAD - Geographie der Griechen und Römer: Kleinasien
259245: MANNHEIM, KARL (1893-1947) - Rational and irrational elements in contemporary society
143194: MANNHEIM, HERMANN (1889-) - Prediction Methods in Relation to Borstal Training
130443: MANNHEIM, HERMANN - Criminal Justice and Social Reconstruction, by Hermann Mannheim
228569: MANNHEIM, HERMANN (1889-1974) - Comparative criminology : a text book. Complete in two volumes
128365: MANNHEIM, KARL (1893-1947) - Freedom, Power & Democratic Planning
166745: MANNHEIM, HERMANN, (1889-) - Group Problems in Crime and Punishment : and Other Studies in Criminology and Criminal Law
168651: MANNHEIM, KARL (1893-1947) - Man and society in an age of reconstruction : studies in modern social structure
148100: MANNHEIM, HERMANN (1889-) - Juvenile Delinquency in an English Middletown
156209: MANNHEIM, HERMANN (1889-) - Group Problems in Crime and Punishment, and Other Studies in Criminology and Criminal Law
197337: MANNHEIM, HERMANN - Criminal justice and social reconstruction
197527: MANNHEIM, HERMANN (1889-). WILKINS, LESLIE T. - Prediction methods in relation to Borstal training
232924: MANNHEIMER KOLLOQUIUM. WÜRTZ, ROLAND. MOZARTGEMEINDE KURPFALZ (GERMANY) - Mannheim und Italien : zur Vorgeschichte der Mannheimer : Bericht über das Mannheimer Kolloquium im März 1982 / im Auftrag der Mozartgemeinde Kurpfalz e. V. herausgegeben von Roland Würtz
245532: MANNHEIMER, ISAAK NOAH (1793-1865) - Gottesdienstliche Vorträge, gehalten im israelitischen Bethause in Wien / von I.N. Mannheimer ; aus dessen schriftlichem Nachlasse herausgegeben [von S. Hammerschlag]: 1 heft
229428: MANNHEIMER ALTERTUMSVEREIN VON (1859). HEUSER, EMIL (1851-1928) - Katalog der vom Mannheimer Altertumsverein im fruhjahr 1899 veranstalteten Austellung von Frankenthaler Porzellan von Emil Heuser
252277: MANNICHE, PETER - Elsinore in the setting of Danish social and cultural conditions
150654: MANNICHE, PETER (1889-1981) - Denmark ; a Social Laboratory : Independent Farmers, Co-Operative Societies, Folk High Schools, Social Legislation; with 150 Photographs Illustrating Life and Conditions in Denmark
11760: MANNICHE, PETER - Denmark; a Social Laboratory; Independent Farmers, Co-Operative Societies, Folk High Schools, Social Legislation, ... . ..with 150 Photographs Illustrating Life and Conditions in Denmark, by Peter Manniche...
91872: MANNIN, ETHEL (1900-1984) - England My Adventure
112540: MANNIN, ETHEL (1900-1984) - Aspects of Egypt; Some Travels in the United Arab Republic [By] Ethel Mannin
49313: MANNIN, ETHEL (1900-) - The Curious Adventure of Major Fosdick
89829: MANNIN, ETHEL (1900-1984) - Rebel's Ride : a Consideration of the Revolt of the Individual
144125: MANNIN, ETHEL (1900-1984) - All Experience
187278: MANNIN, ETHEL (1900-1984) - Common-sense and the adolescent
185307: MANNIN, ETHEL - Common-sense and the child : a plea for freedom / with an introduction by A.S. Neill
249151: MANNING, OLIVIA - The fortunes of war / Olivia Manning. Volume 1, The Balkan trilogy. Volume 2, The Levant trilogy - 2 Volumes
99293: MANNING, JACK - The Fine 35mm Portrait / Jack Manning
97208: MANNING, CLARENCE AUGUSTUS (1893-?) - Ukrainian Literature; Studies of the Leading Authors, by Clarence A. Manning. with a Foreword by Watson Kirkconnell
92065: MANNING, MAURICE (1943-) - James Dillon : a Biography
85223: MANNING, PAUL - Hirohito : the War Years
74032: MANNING, ROBERT (1919-?) - The Swamp Root Chronicle : Adventures in the Word Trade
62314: MANNING, RICHARD (1950-) - They Cannot Kill Us all : an Eyewitness Account of South Africa Today / Richard Manning
274935: MANNING, FREDERICK - A series of views, illustrative of the Boscobel tracts, published 1660 : shewing the present state of the places visited by King Charles II. in his miraculous escape from England to France after the battle of Worcester, 3rd September, 1651, being forty-one days of extreme peril
267162: MANNING-SANDERS, RUTH (1888-1988) - The River Dart
261606: MANNING, HENRY EDWARD (1808-1892) - Sermons on ecclesiastical subjects
258508: MANNING, BRENNAN - The wisdom of tenderness
258137: MANNING, HENRY EDWARD (1808-1892) - Pastime papers
257905: MANNING, MAURICE - James Dillon : a biography / Maurice Manning
251720: MANNING, STANLEY ARTHUR - Portrait of Broadland / S.A. Manning
205044: MANNING, MATTHEW - One foot in the stars : the story of the world's most extraordinary healer / Matthew Manning and Tessa Rose
190070: MANNING, THOMAS G. - U.S. Coast Survey vs. Naval Hydrographic Office : a 19th-century rivalry in science and politics / Thomas G. Manning
17039: MANNING, RICHARD - They Cannot Kill Us all : an Eyewitness Account of South Africa Today / Richard Manning
214814: MANNING, FREDERIC (1882-1935) - Her privates we
280350: MANNING, THOMAS DAVYS - The British destroyer
257102: MANNING, HENRY EDWARD (1808-1892) - The Crown in Council on the 'Essays and reviews' : a letter to an Anglican friend
250675: MANNING, S. A. (STANLEY ARTHUR) (1921-1991) - Portrait of Cambridgeshire
107829: MANNING, GEORGE CHARLES AND SCHUMACHER, T. L. - Principles of Naval Architecture and Warship Construction... : Especially Prepared to Furnish in Compact Form the Information Required by the Operating Personnel of the U. S. Navy
99976: MANNING, ANNE AND JELLICOE, JOHN (ILLUS. ) - The Colloquies of Edward Osborne Citizen and Clothworker of London
139368: MANNING, GEORGE CHARLES (B. 1892) - Manual of Ship Construction; the Fundamental Principles of Naval Architecture for the Operating Personnel of the Merchant Service, Particularly Those Who Are, or Desire to Become, Officers. by George C. Manning ...
35559: MANNING, SAMUEL (1822-1881) - Egypt illustrated with Pen and Pencil
112521: MANNING, CARDINAL. REDESDALE, LORD - The Infallible Church and Communion under One Kind
107873: MANNING, ANNE (1807-1879) - The Household of Sir Thos. More
239941: MANNING-SANDERS, RUTH (1888-1988) - Seaside England
111605: MANNING, THOMAS DAVYS - The British Destroyer
109857: MANNING, THOMAS DAVYS (1898-) - The British Destroyer
60496: MANNING, GREG - Love, Greg & Lauren
65289: MANNING, ANNE (1807-1879) - The Maiden & Married Life of Mary Powell, Afterwards Mistress Milton
222807: MANNING, EDWARD - Ashrea, 1665 / [by] E. M
152487: MANNIX, DANIEL PRATT (1911-) - Freaks : We Who Are Not As Others
10411: MANNIX, DANIEL PRATT (1911-) - Black Cargoes; a History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1518-1865
104614: MANNONI, OCTAVE - Freud [By] O. Mannoni. Translated from the French by Renaud Bruce
11858: MANOLESCU, JOHN - Permitted to Land : an Autobiography
142787: MANOLL, MICHEL. GUY LE CLEC'H - Franz Hellens / Michell Manoll, Guy Le Clec'h ; [Preface Par] Jean De Boschere
248588: MANOLSON, FRANK [VETERINARIAN] - C is for Cat ... Drawings by Harry Titcombe
65917: MANOR, GIORA. DANCE MAGAZINE - The Gospel According to Dance : Choreography and the Bible : from Ballet to Modern
123891: MANOR, GIORA. EDITORS OF DANCE MAGAZINE - The Gospel According to Dance : Choreography and the Bible : from Ballet to Modern
39306: MANSBRIDGE, JANE J. - Why We Lost the ERA
266777: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - The appeal of labour
165304: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Margaret Mcmillan : a Prophet and Pioneer : Her Life and Work
164845: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Brick Upon Brick, by Albert Mansbridge
162950: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Margaret Mcmillan, Prophet and Pioneer, Her Life and Work, by Albert Mansbridge
142123: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Brick Upon Brick, by Albert Mansbridge
138695: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Brick Upon Brick
148617: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Margaret McMillan : a Prophet and Pioneer : Her Life and Work
143624: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952). CLARK, LEONARD - The Kingdom of the Mind : Essays & Addresses, 1903-37, of Albert Mansbridge / Selected and Introduced by Leonard Clark, with a Foreword by G. M. Trevelyan
119226: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Brick Upon Brick, by Albert Mansbridge
174493: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - The making of an educationist
225169: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT - Brick upon brick : the Cooperative Permanent Building Society, 1884-1934 / Albert Mansbridge
45069: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - The Older Universities of England: Oxford and Cambridge, by Albert Mansbridge. with Drawings by John Mansbridge
156195: MANSBRIDGE, ALBERT (1876-1952) - Brick Upon Brick
68623: MANSEL, PHILIP (1951-) - Pillars of Monarchy : an Outline of the Political and Social History of Royal Guards, 1400-1984 / Philip Mansel
224212: MANSEL, PHILIP - Paris between Empires, 1814-1852 / Philip Mansel.
212754: MANSEL, PHILIP (1951-) - The court of France, 1789-1830 / Philip Mansel
261078: MANSELL, NIGEL - Driven to win : an autobiography / Nigel Mansell and Derick Allsop
233240: MANSER, MARTIN H - The Lion Bible quotation collection / compiled by Martin H. Manser
278023: MANSERGH, NICHOLAS - Britain and Ireland
96076: MANSFIELD, PETER - Kuwait : Vanguard of the Gulf / Peter Mansfield
276248: MANSFIELD, T. C - Shrubs in colour and cultivation
276220: MANSFIELD, T. C - The border in colour
268043: MANSFIELD, ROBERT BLACHFORD (1824-1908) - School-life at Winchester College, or, The reminiscences of a Winchester junior under the old regime, 1835-40 : with a glossary of words, phrases, and customs, peculiar to Winchester Collge
254904: MANSFIELD, HAROLD - Vision, a saga of the sky. : Boeing history
253311: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - Trout, and how to catch them
252797: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - Trout, and how to catch them
252151: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - Coarse fishing. Edited by Kenneth Mansfield
248160: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - The fisherman's companion
225227: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - The fisherman's companion / edited by Kenneth Mansfield
211640: MANSFIELD, HARRY ORFORD - Norfolk churches : their foundations, architecture and furnishings
252807: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - Coarse fishing for beginners
250193: MANSFIELD, KATHERINE (1888-1923) - The letters of Katherine Mansfield / edited by J. Middleton Murry: volume I
249625: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - The Art of Angling. Edited by K. Mansfield. With contributions from prominent angling writers. [With plates] - Complete in 3 Volumes
108909: MANSFIELD, IRVING. JEAN LIBMAN BLOCK - Life with Jackie / Irving Mansfield with Jean Libman Block
11005: MANSFIELD, EDWIN - The Economics of Technological Change
47295: MANSFIELD, BRUCE - Australian Democrat; the Career of Edward William O'Sullivan, 1846-1910
149063: MANSFIELD, FREDERICK JOHN - 'Gentlemen, the Press!' : Chronicles of a Crusade. (Official History of the National Union of Journalists)
123743: MANSFIELD, KATHERINE (1888-1923). J. MIDDLETON MURRY (ED. ) - Journal of Katherine Mansfield, Edited by J. Middleton Murry
115634: MANSFIELD, BRUCE - Australian Democrat; the Career of Edward William O'Sullivan, 1846-1910, by Bruce Mansfield
119924: MANSFIELD, PETER (ED. ) - The Middle East; a Political and Economic Survey
253406: MANSFIELD, T. C - Shrubs in colour and cultivation
262958: MANSFIELD, KENNETH - Coarse fishing for beginners
240136: MANSFIELD, KATHERINE (1888-1923); MURRY, JOHN MIDDLETON (1889-1957), EDITOR - The letters of Katherine Mansfield / edited by J. Middleton Murry
191104: MANSFIELD, FREDERICK JOHN (B. 1872) - 'Gentlemen, the Press!' Chronicles of a crusade (Official history of the National Union of Journalists)
44623: MANSFIELD, HAROLD - Vision - a Saga of the Sky
54731: MANSFIELD, EDWARD DEERING (1801-1880) - Life and Services of General Winfield Scott, Including the Siege of Vera Cruz, the Battle of Cerro Gordo, and the Battles in the Valley of Mexico, to the Conclusion of Peace, and His Return to the United States
242259: MANSFIELD, EDGAR. DUVAL (K.D.). FIRM. EDINBURGH - British bookbinding today / with an introduction by Edgar Mansfield
122076: MANSHARDT, CLIFFORD - The Hindu-Muslim Problem in India [By] Clifford Manshardt
127320: MANSHARDT, CLIFFORD - The Hindu-Muslim Problem in India / Clifford Manshardt
239634: MANSION HOUSE RELIEF FUND , LIVERPOOL COMMISSION - Persecution of the Jews in Russia / Mansion House Relief Fund, Liverpool Commission
160525: MANSO, PETER - Mailer : his life and times / edited by Peter Manso
265410: MANSON, JAMES A. (1851-1921) - Sir Edwin Landseer, R. A.
200536: MANSON, DAVID - Jacob Kramer : creativity and loss
187814: MANSON, THOMAS WALTER (1893-1958) - The Servant-Messiah : a study of the public ministry of Jesus
187830: MANSON, JOHN - The Salvation Army and the public : A religious, social, and financial study
280424: MANSON, WILLIAM (1882-1958) - Jesus, the Messiah : the synoptic tradition of the revelation of God in Christ, with special reference to form-criticism
141699: MANSON, THOMAS WALTER (1893-1958) - Ethics and the Gospel / Intr. by R. Preston
136777: MANSON, THOMAS WALTER (1893-1958) - On Paul and John : Some Selected Theological Themes / T. W. Manson ; Edited by Matthew Black
238393: MANSON-BAHR, PHILIP HENRY SIR (1881-1966) - Patrick Manson, the father of tropical medicine / Sir Philip Manson-Bahr
119129: MANSON-BAHR, PHILIP H. (PHILIP HENRY) , SIR - The Dysenteric Disorders : the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dysentery, Sprue, Colitis and Other Diarrhoeas in General Practice
166086: MANSON, THOMAS WALTER, (1893-1958) - The Servant-Messiah : a Study of the Ministry of Jesus
164905: MANSON, WILLIAM - The Gospel of Luke
177799: MANSON, THOMAS WALTER (1893-1958) - Studies in the Gospels and Epistles / T.W. Manson ; edited by Matthew Black
177194: MANSON, THOMAS WALTER (1893-1958) - A companion to the Bible / edited by T.W. Manson
139506: MANSON, WILLIAM (1882-1958) - The Epistle to the Hebrews
154221: MANSON, THOMAS WALTER (1893-1958) - The Beginning of the Gospel
170167: MANSON, WILLIAM - Jesus the Messiah
204893: MANSON, J. B. - Dutch Painting
97524: MANSUELLI, GUIDO ACHILLE - The Art of Etruria and Early Rome / G. A. Mansuelli
198929: MANSUKHANI, GOBIND SINGH - The quintessence of Sikhism
153426: MANSUY, MICHEL, ED. - Positions Et Oppositions Sur Le Roman Contemporain : Actes Du Colloque Organise Par Le Centre De Philologie Et De Litteratures Romanes De Strasbourg (Avril 1970) / Textes Recueillis Et Presentes Par Michel Mansuy
279059: MANT, RICHARD (1776-1848) - The happiness of the blessed : considered as to the particulars of their state, their recognition of each other in that state, and its difference of degrees : to which are added musings on the Church and her services
279055: MANT, RICHARD (1776-1848) - An appeal to the gospel, or an inquiry into the justice of the charge, alleged by Methodists and other objectors, that The Gospel is not preached by the National Clergy: in a series of discourses delivered before the University of Oxford in the year 1812, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. J. Bampton
279056: MANT, WALTER-BISHOP (1807-1869) - Memoirs of the Right Reverend Richard Mant : lord bishop of Down and Connor, and of Dromore, with an introductory sketch of the history of those dioceses from the beginning of the seventeenth century
279205: MANT, RICHARD (1776-1848) - The book of common prayer & administration of the sacraments & other rites & ceremonies of the church : according to the use of the united church of England & Ireland ; together with the Psalter of the Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches ; and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests and deacons ; and the Thirty-nine articles of religion with notes explanatory, practical, and historical, from approved writers of the Church of England / selected & arranged by the Reverend Richard Mant
36827: MANT, ALICIA CATHERINE - Ingenuous Scruples : Chiefly Relating to the Observance of the Sabbath : Answered in Eight Letters, Forming a Supposed Series from a Father to His Daughter
279030: MANT, RICHARD, BISHOP OF DOWN, CONNOR AND DROMORE - Biographical notices of the apostles, evangelists, and other saints, with reflexions and collects, adapted to the minor festivals of the United Church of England and Ireland
279058: MANT, RICHARD - Eight lectures on the occurrences of the passion-week
275996: MANTE, HARALD - Color design in photography. / Harald Mante ; translated from the German by E.F. Linssen
248508: MANTEGAZZA, VICO. BARONE, ENRICO - Storia della Guerra Mondiale. Con note militari di Enrico Barone: complete in nine volumes
60076: MANTEGNA, ANDREA (1431-1506) - The Frescoes of Mantegna in the Eremitani Church, Padua / Text by Giuseppe Fiocco; with an Introduction by Terisio Pignatti; [Translated from the Italian]
225643: MANTEGNA, ANDREA (1431?-1506) - The Masters 33 : Mantegna. [The world's most complete gallery of painting]
28883: MANTEGNA, ANDREA (1431-1506). FIOCCO, GIUSEPPE (1884-) - Paintings by Mantegna
255344: MANTEL, HUGO - Studies in the history of the Sanhedrin / Hugo Mantel
207582: MANTEUFFEL, TADEUSZ (1902-1970). INSTYTUT HISTORII (POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK) - Historia Polski / Tom IV 1918-1939 Czesc i 1918-1926, Rozdz I-XIII (1918-1921) opracowanie zbiorowe pod red. Tadeusza Manteuffla
147658: MANTLE, JONATHAN - Archbishop : the Life and Times of Robert Runcie / Jonathan Mantle
107904: MANTLE, BURNS (ED. ) - The Best Plays of 1928-29, and the Year Book of the Drama in America, Edited by Burns Mantle With Illustrations
238309: MANTON, JO (1919-) - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
238244: MANTON, JO (1919-) - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
203174: MANTON, S. M. (SIDNIE MILANA), (B. 1902) - The Soviet Union today : a scientist's impressions / S.M. Manton ; with a foreword by Lord Boyd-Orr
210287: MANTON, SIDNIE MILANA (1902-) - The Soviet Union today : a scientist's impressions / with a foreword by Lord Boyd-Orr
206361: MANTOUX, PAUL (1877-1956) - The industrial revolution in the eighteenth century : an outline of the beginnings of the modern factory system in England
262635: MANTRIPP, JOSEPH CLOSS - The faith of a Christian
226938: MANTUANI, JOSEF - Die Musik in Wien : von d. Römerzeit bis zur Zeit d. Kaisers Max I.
129692: MANTZ, PAUL (1821-1895) & MERSON, OLIVIER (1822-1902) - La Peinture Francaise Du Ixe Siecle a La Fin Du Xvie / Par Paul Mantz ; Avec Une Introduction Par Olivier Merson
131500: MANTZIUS, KARL - Moliere : Les Theatres, Le Public & Les Comediens De Son Temps / Karl Mantzius ; Traduit Du Danois Par Maurice Pellisson
184379: MANTZIUS, KARL (1860-1921) - Moliere : les theatres, le public & les comediens de son temps / Karl Mantzius ; traduit du danois par Maurice Pellisson
235769: MANTZIUS, KARL (1860-1921). PELLISSON, MAURICE (1850-1915) - Molière : les théâtres, le public & les comédiens de son temps / Karl Mantzius ; traduit du danois par Maurice Pellisson
269543: MANUCCI, NICCOLAO (1639-1717) - Memoirs of the Mogul court / edited by Michael Edwardes
188892: MANUCY, ALBERT C. - Artillery through the ages : a short illustrated history of cannon, emphasizing types used in America
189084: MANUCY, ALBERT C. - Artillery through the ages : a short illustrated history of cannon, emphasizing types used in America
249786: MANUEL, DIANA E - Marshall Hall (1790-1857) : science and medicine in early Victorian society / Diana E. Manuel
132607: MANUEL, FRANK EDWARD - The Realities of American-Palestine Relations
39132: MANUEL, FRANK E. AND MANUEL FRITZIE P. - French Utopias - an Anthology of Ideal Societies
47337: MANUEL, FRANK E. AND MANUEL FRITZIE P. - French Utopias - an Anthology of Ideal Societies
199766: MANUEL, NIKLAUS (1484?-1530) - Niklaus Manuel Deutsch / [den Text verfassten Professor C. von Mandach ; und Dr. Hans Koegler]
25530: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANUFACTURERS. - Bulletin - June 1893. [Frequency of This Journal Was Quarterly]
7320: LANCASHIRE MANUFACTURES - A Survey of the History, Commerce and Manufactures of Lancashire Together with Extracts, Reproduced by Request from 'the Home Trade of Manchester'
229603: STAATLICHE PORZELLAN-MANUFAKTUR - Meißener Porzellan vom 18. [achtzehnten] Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart : eine Ausstellung aus der DDR
229431: KONIGL. PORZELLAN-MANUFAKTUR - 'Koeniglich Berlin ' (1763-1913) : Gedenkblatt zum 150 jahrigen Jubilaum der Konigl. Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin
277940: MANUIL'SKII, DMITRII ZAKHAR'EVICH (1883-1959) - The results of socialist construction in the U.S.S.R. / Report delivered byD.Z. Manuilsky August 17, 1935 at the 7th World Comgress of the Communist International
252537: MANUILSKII, DMITRII ZAKHAROVICH (1883-1959) - The Soviet Union and the world's workers : report at the XII Plenum of Executive Committee of the Communist International, September 14, 1932
183277: MANUILSKII, DMITRII ZAKHAROVICH (1883-1959). COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. (12TH : 1932) - The Soviet Union and the world's workers : report at the XII Plenum of Executive Committee of the Communist International, September 14, 1932
142072: MANUILSKY, DMITRY ZAKHAROVICH - The Communist Parties and the Crisis of Capitalism. [Speech Delivered on the First Item of the Agenda of the XI Plenum of the E. C. C. I. Held in March-April 1931 ...]
174413: MANUILSKY, DMITRII ZAKHAREVICH (1883-1959) - Speech delivered to the active members of the Moscow organisation of the C.P.S.U. on the work of the Seventh Congress / D.Z. Manuilsky
172514: MANUILSKY, DMITRO ZAKHAROVICH - The Soviet Union and the World's Workers, etc. (The U.S.S.R. and the world proletariat. Report at the XII Plenum of Executive Committee of the Communist International
273966: GANDZATUN ALEK? EW MARI MANUKEAN - A legacy of Armenian treasures : testimony to a people / with an introduction by Edmond Y. Azadian, executive editor ; Sylvie L. Merian, editorial coordinator ; Lucy Ardash, general coordinator
275546: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS - Miniatures and borders from a Flemish horae : British Museum Add. Ms. 24098, early sixteenth century : reproduced in honour of Sir George Warner / British Museum
275191: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS - Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts : series 5
268435: BRITISH LIBRARY. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS - The British Library catalogue of additions to the manuscripts. The Blenheim papers :additional manuscripts 61101, additional charters 76069-76142, detached seal CCV.8, appendices of printed items - complete in 3 volumes
259670: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. MANUSCRIPTS - List of the Benjamin Franklin papers in the Library of Congress / compiled under the direction of Worthington Chauncey Ford
258531: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS - Fourteenth report. Appendix. Pt. 10 The manuscripts of the Earl of Dartmouth : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. Vol. 2 American papers - Vol. 2
219154: ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS - The manuscript papers of British scientists 1600-1940 / the Royal Commision on Historical Manuscripts
208855: BRITISH LIBRARY. DEPT. OF MANUSCRIPTS - The British Library guide to the catalogues and indexes of the Department of Manuscripts / M.A.E. Nickson
220972: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS - Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years 1888-1893
220973: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS - Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years 1900-1905
273718: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS - Calendar of the manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells. Vol. 1
261470: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPT. OF MANUSCRIPTS - British Museum guide to the exhibited manuscripts. Pt. 1 & Pt. 2
243395: GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS - Ninth report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts : presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty: Part I: report and appendix
271336: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS - Facsimiles of royal, historical, literary and other autographs in the Department of manuscripts, British museum / Edited by George F. Warner, M. A. ... Series 1-5
130001: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPT. OF ORIENTAL PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS - Descriptive List of the Hebrew and Samaritan Mss. in the British Museum / Edited by G. Margoliouth
218897: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS - The British Museum : the catalogues of the manuscript collections
207233: BRITISH MUSEUM. DEPT. OF MANUSCRIPTS - Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts : Series 1
200164: FRANCE. BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE. DEPARTEMENT DES MANUSCRITS - Vie et histoire de Saint Denys : reproduction des 30 miniatures du manuscrit Francais N.A. 1098 de la Bibliotheque Nationale
215839: MANUSEVIC, A. J. [ET AL.] - Internacionalisty. Trudjasiesja zarubeznyh stran - ucastniki bor'by za vlast' Sovetov [Internationalists. The working people of foreign countries... Language: Russian]
253222: MANUZIO, ALDO - Aldo Manuzio editore : dediche, prefazioni, note ai testi / introduzione di Carlo Dionisotti ; testo latino con traduzione e note a cura di Giovanni Orlandi
94295: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987) & FRAENKEL, HEINRICH (1897-1986) JOINT AUTHORS - The German Cinema
91178: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987) - The Trial of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh
115020: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987) - Films and the Second World War
10335: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987). FRAENKEL, HEINRICH (1897-1986) - The German Cinema
103807: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987) - The Trial of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh
116160: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987) - The Living Screen: Background to the Film and Television
121806: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987). FRAENKEL, HEINRICH (1897-1986) - The Incomparable Crime; Mass Extermination in the Twentieth Century: the Legacy of Guilt [By] Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel
224917: MANVELL, ROGER - What is a film?
127611: MANVELL, G. T. - Immortality
21534: MANVELL, ROGER - The July Plot The Attempt in 1944 on Hitler's Life and the Men Behind It
42928: MANVELL, ROGER AND FRAENKEL, HEINRICH - The Hundred Days to Hitler
48131: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-) - The Trial of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh
94871: MANVELL, ROGER (1909-1987) & FRAENKEL, HEINRICH (1897-1986) JOINT AUTHORS - The Hundred Days to Hitler
265054: MANWARING, G. E. (GEORGE ERNEST) (1882-1939) - My friend the admiral : the life, letters, and journals of Rear-Admiral James Burney, F.R.S., the companion of Captain Cook and friend of Charles Lamb
220025: MANZONI, ALESSANDRO - I promessi sposi : storia milanese del secolo XVII, aggiuntovi un cenno sulla vita dell'autore. Volume unico
96494: MAO, ZEDONG - Mao Papers, Anthology and Bibliography Edited by Jerome Chen
33435: MAO, ZEDONG (1893-1976). GRIFFITH, SAMUEL B. - On Guerrilla Warfare / Mao Tse-Tung ; Translated and with a New Introduction by Samuel B. Griffith II
33436: MAO, ZEDONG (1893-1976). GRIFFITH, SAMUEL B. - On Guerrilla Warfare / Mao Tse-Tung ; Translated and with a New Introduction by Samuel B. Griffith II
18285: MAO, ZEDONG (1893-1976). GRIFFITH, SAMUEL B. - On Guerrilla Warfare / Mao Tse-Tung ; Translated and with a New Introduction by Samuel B. Griffith II
174002: MAO, ZEDONG (1893-1976) - Mao zhu xi shi ci san shi qi shou. English & Chinese
32775: MAO, ZEDONG (1893-1976). JEROME CH'EN (ED. ) - Mao Papers - Anthology and Biography
121976: MAO, YISHENG - Bridges in China, Old and New : from the Ancient Chaochow Bridge to the Modern Nanking Bridge over the Yangtze / Mao Yi-Sheng
122186: MAO, ZEDONG (1893-1976) - Ten More Poems of Mao Tse-Tung
101228: MAO, ZEDONG AND GUEVARA, CHE - Guerrilla Warfare
208377: MAO, ZEDONG (1893-1976) - Report of an investigation into the peasant movement in Hunan
279167: MAP, WALTER - The Latin poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes
26917: MAPES, VICTOR, 1870-1943. - Duse and the French. with an Introd. by Daniel Frohman
59019: MAPES, VICTOR (1870-1943) - Duse and the French. with an Introd. by Daniel Frohman
50989: MAPES, VICTOR - Duse and the French
205243: MAPLE, ERIC - Superstition and the superstitious
201386: MAPLE, ERIC - Magic, medicine & quackery / Eric Maple
185550: MAPLE, PETER K. - Bob Stone, the young detective / story by Peter K. Maple ; based on 'Picture Crimes'
88683: MAPLE, COL. DICK - 'He Demons...and...she Devils': the Demon Hand of Greedy Wealth Exposed, Red with the Hearts Blood of Toil. the Satanic Filth of the 'She Devils' of Society Uncovered... Etc
182454: MAPLE, PETER K. - The Arizona Kid on the bandit trail
20693: MAPLETON, ROBERT A. - Theory of Charge Exchange
96910: MAPP, WAYNE (1952-?) - The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal : the First Ten Years, 1981-1991 : an Assessment of the Tribunal's Jurisprudence and its Contribution to International Arbitration
59552: MAPPLETHORPE, ROBERT - Some Women
57844: MAPPLETHORPE, ROBERT - Mapplethorpe / Essay by Arthur C. Danto
100570: MAPPLETHORPE, ROBERT. RELATED NAME: WHITE, EDMUND (1940-?) - Altars / Mapplethorpe ; Essay by Edmund White
51682: MAPPLETHORPE, ROBERT - Flowers / Mapplethorpe ; Foreword by Patti Smith
220932: MAPPLETHORPE, ROBERT - Robert Mapplethorpe : certain people : book of portraits
109013: MAPPLETHORPE, ROBERT & SONTAG, SUSAN - Certain People : a Book of Portraits / Robert Mapplethorpe ; Preface by Susan Sontag
232724: EURO MAPS - Romania, Moldavia. Scale 1:800,000. Euro Country Map
15435: MAQUET, JACQUES JEROME PIERRE (1919-) - Africanity; the Cultural Unity of Black Africa [By] Jacques Maquet. Translated by Joan R. Rayfield
39711: MAR, JAKAI (1825-1904) - A Debreceni Lunatikus
254514: LA MARA - Musikalische Studienköpfe, von La Mara: in five volumes
233540: O'MARA, ROISIN - Konig der Baume : das altirische Epos von der 'Ekstase des Suibhne' (Buile Suibhne) / erstmals ins Deutsche ubertragen und herausgegeben von Roisin O'Mara
234308: LA MARA. JSTEL, EDGAR. - sechs ausgenodhlte musikerbiegraphien groker meister
159677: MARABLE, MANNING (1950- ) - Black Leadership / Manning Marable
250018: MARABOUT - L'encyclopedie du jardinage: Les fleurs
97696: MARAINI, FOSCO - The Island of the Fisherwomen, Translated from the Italian by Eric Mosbacher
230100: MARAINI, FOSCO. TAYLOR, JOHN BIGELOW. DUBLE, DIANNE. GYARARI, TENRI - Maraini : acts of photography, acts of love
18687: MARAN, MEREDITH - Notes from an Incomplete Revolution : Real Life Since Feminism / Meredith Maran
11066: MARAN, RENE - Batouala
98316: MARAN, RENE - Batouala, a Negro Novel from the French of Rene Maran
108552: MARANA, GIOVANNI PAOLO (1642-1693) - The Seventh Volume of Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy : Who Lived Five and Forty Years, Undiscover'd, At Paris: Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan At Constantinople - [Turkish Spy Vol. 7]. Written Originally in Arabick, Translated Into Italian......
141504: MARANON, GREGORIO (1887-1960) - Liberalisme Et Communisme; En Marge De La Guerre Civile Espagnole, Par Gregorio Maranon
81946: MARAT, JEAN PAUL (1743-1793) - Polish Letters, Translated from the Original Unpublished Manuscript - [Complete in 2 Volumes]
213975: MARAVIGNA, PIETRO - Le undici offensive sull'Isonzo : (Maggio 1915 - Settembre 1917
217026: MARBIE, EUGENE - Pour comprendre le socialisme / Eugene Marbie
13058: MARBLE, ANNIE RUSSELL - From Boston to Boston: a Story of Hannah and Richard Garrett in Old England and New England in 1630, by Annie Russell Marble, Illustrated by Frank T. Merrill
264874: MARBOT, JEAN BAPTISTE ANTOINE MARCELLIN DE BARON - The Memoirs of Baron de Marbot ... Translated ... by Arthur John Butler
245233: MARBOT, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ANTOINE-MARCELIN BARON DE (1782-1854) - Mémoires du Général Bon de Marbot: in two volumes
243545: MARBOT, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ANTOINE-MARCELIN BARON DE (1782-1854) - Mémoires du général Bon de Marbot. 3, Polotsk, - La Bérésina - Leipzig - Waterloo
146235: MARBURG, THEODORE (1862-1946) - Peace Movement Practical
60997: MARC, STEPHEN - The Black Trans-Atlantic Experience : Street Life and Culture in Ghana, Jamaica, England, and the United States / Photographs by Stephen Marc ; Foreword by Marilyn Houlberg ; Interview by Alan Cohen
50011: MARC, DAVID - Demographic Vistas - Television in American Culture
200519: MARC (1931-1988) - The collected and recollected Marc / edited by Mark Amory ; with an introduction by Craig Brown
127829: MARC, ALEXANDRE - Avenement De La France Ouvriere
172594: MARC, ALEXANDRE - Peguy et le socialisme
131519: MARCAN, PETER - Poetry Themes : a Bibliographical Index to Subject Anthologies and Related Criticisms in the English Language, 1875-1975 / Compiled by Peter Marcan
166112: MARCEAU, HARRY - Balkaniques and Cie : Elucrations D'Oisivete ; Vieux Papiers
237045: MARCEAU, FÉLICIEN (1913-2012) - Les personnages de la 'Comédie humaine' / Félicien Marceau
140504: MARCELLE, JACQUES - Le Deuxieme Coup De Prague : Le Renouveau Socialiste Tchecoslovaque a L'Epreuve De La Liberte / Preface De Bernard Feron
177248: MARCELLIN, L. - Politique et politiciens d'apres guerre
176010: MARCELLIN, L. - Voyage autour de la Chambre du Cartel des gauches
232646: MARCELLO, BENEDETTO (1686-1739). EINSTEIN, ALFRED (1880-1952) - Das Theater nach der Mode / [Benedetto Marcello] ; zum erstenmal ins Deutsche ubertragen von Alfred Einstein
230171: LE COMTE DE MARCELLUS - Chants populaires de la Grèce moderne, réunis, classés et tr. par le cte de Marcellus
165789: MARCELLUS - Aux Mineurs : Reponse a M. Raoul Warocqne / Par Marcellus
130679: MARCERE, EMILE LOUIS GUSTAVE DESHAYES DE - L'Assemblee Nationale De 1871
220076: MARCET, MRS. (JANE HALDIMAND), (1769-1858) / BLAKE, JOHN LAURIS (1788-1857) - Conversations on natural philosophy : in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and adapted to the comprehension of young pupils
271062: MARCH, JENNIFER R - The Penguin book of classical myths / Jenny March
270981: MARCH, RICHARD - Poetry: London No. 21 Feb. 1951
270120: MARCH, HANNAH - Death be my theme
268194: MARCH-PHILLIPPS, GUS - Sporting print
265659: MARCH, RUSSELL - The Cricketers of Vanity fair / (compiled by) Russell March ; introduction by John Arlott
259484: MARCH, JO. [OF GRAYES-INNE, BATISTER.] - Actions for Slaunder, or Methodicall Collection under certain Grounds and Heads of what words areactionable in the Law and what not
171669: MARCH, FRANCIS ANDREW (1863-) - History of the world war
29991: MARCH, THOMAS - The History of the Paris Commune of 1871
50466: MARCH, TONY - Darkness over Europe - First-Person Accounts of Life in Europe During the War Years 1939-1945
164615: EDITORIAL EN MARCHA - The U. S. Naval Base At Guantanamo : Imperialist Outpost in the Heart of Cuba
95200: MARCHAK, M. PATRICIA - The Integrated Circus : the New Right and the Restructuring of Global Markets
267829: MARCHAL, JEAN - Problèmes économiques contemporains - Fascicule I & II
152112: MARCHAL - Coup D'Oeil : Sur Le Mode D'Avancement, La Position De Non-Activite Et De Reforme Et La Mariage Des Officers De L'Armee Belge
149908: MARCHAL, CHARLES - Histoire Et Refutation Du Socialisme Depuis L'Antiquite Jusqu'anos Jours / Par Ch. De Bussy [Pseud. ]
144752: MARCHAL, LE P. - Espoir!
131563: MARCHAL, JEAN - Deux Essais Sur Le Marxisme / Jean Marchal
167563: MARCHAL, JEAN - Deux Essais sur le Marxisme. I. Le marxisme comme conception generale de l'homme et du monde. II. Le marxisme comme instrument d'analyse de la repartition du revenu national
176013: MARCHAL, LEON (1900-?) - De Petain a Laval
67205: MARCHALONIS, SHIRLEY - The Worlds of Lucy Larcom, 1824-1893 / Shirley Marchalonis
245590: MARCHAND, JEAN - Voyages en France de Francois de la Rochefoucauld (1781-1783): publiés pour la société de l'histoire de France (séirie antérieure a 1789): tome premier
15186: MARCHAND, JEAN - Le Roman De Jean De Paris, Renouvele Par Jean Marchand - [Uniform Title: Jean De Paris]
214522: MARCHAND, ALFRED (1842-1895) - Le credo revolutionnaire
127596: MOROCCO. DIVISION DU COMMERCE ET DE LA MARINE MARCHANDE - Maroc, Cinq Ans De Realisation Du Programme D'Équipement, 1949-1953
63344: MARCHANT, WILLIAM (1923-) - The Privilege of His Company : Noël Coward Remembered
274646: MARCHANT, BESSIE (1862-1941) - Rachel out west
136564: MARCHANT, LESLIE RONALD - To Phoenix Seat; an Introductory Study of Maoism and the Chinese Communist Quest for a Paradise on Earth [By] Leslie R. Marchant
187565: MARCHANT, JAMES, SIR (1867-1956) - Winston Spencer Churchill, servant of Crown and Commonwealth : a tribute by various hands
247235: MARCHANT, JAMES SIR (1867-1956) - Winston Spencer Churchill : servant of Crown and Commonwealth ; a tribute by various hands presented to him on his eightieth birthday
178522: MARCHANT, JAMES - Theories of the person of Christ
12446: MARCHANT, JAMES, SIR (1867-?) - The Claims of the Coming Generation. A Consideration by Various Writers
113011: MARCHANT-HAYCOX, SUSAN - Secret Pleasures
148599: MARCHANT, JAMES, SIR (1867-1956) - The Future of Christianity / James Merchant ; with an Introduced by the Rt. Rev. Arthur C. Headlam
193300: MARCHANT, JAMES (ED.) - Rebuilding family life in the post-war world : an enquiry with recommendations / [Lord Horder et al.] ; editor: Sir James Marchant
188334: MARCHANT, SIR JAMES - The claims of the coming generation : consideration by various writers / arranged by Sir James Marchant
120683: MARCHANT, LESLIE RONALD - To Phoenix Seat; an Introductory Study of Maoism and the Chinese Communist Quest for a Paradise on Earth [By] Leslie R. Marchant
202435: MARCHANT, JAMES, SIR (1867-1956). TIMES (LONDON, ENGLAND) - The spirit of man : being essays from 'The Times', second series / Selected and arranged by Sir James Marchant; with an introduction by the Archbishop of York
227347: MARCHANT, JAMES SIR (1867-1956). HOLMES, CHARLES JOHN (1868-1936) - The Madonna: An anthology; selected and edited by Sir James Marchant. With an introduction on the Madonna in art by Sir Charles Holmes. With ... illustrations
224331: MARCHANT, JAMES [ED.] - Winston Spencer Churchill, servant of Crown and Commonwealth : a tribute by various hands presented to him on his eightieth birthday.
190823: MARCHANT, JAMES, SIR (ED.) - The future of the Church of England / [edited by] Sir James Marchant ; a volume of essays by the Dean of Winchester, the Bishop of Manchester...[et al.]
196005: MARCHANT, JAMES (ED.) - History through 'The Times' / a collection of leading articles on important events, 1800-1937, ; Sir James Marchant
78615: MARCHBANK, PEARCE & MILES, BARRY (1943-?) - The Illustrated Rock Almanac / [Compiled, Written, and Edited by Pearce Marchbank and Barry Miles]
88492: LA MARCHE, OLIVIER DE (CA. 1426-1502) - Le Chevalier Délibéré, by Olivier De La Marche, Printed At Paris in 1488: a Reproduction Made from the Copy in the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection. Library of Congress
9324: MARCHELLI, RENZO - The Civilization of Plastics - Evolution of an Industry Which Has Changed the World
84686: MARCHETTI, ROGER - Law of the Stage, Screen and Radio, Including Authors' Literary Property and Copyright in Drama, Music, Photoplays and Radio Script; the Press and the Radio; Censorship of Films; Defamation through Screen or Radio; Broadcasting Drama - [Literary Property]
174640: DE' MARCHI, CARLO - La Corporazione prima di essere istituto giuridico e metodo di vita / Carlo De' Marchi : monografia con presentazione dell'Avv. Roberto Roberti
228634: MARCHINI, GIUSEPPE - Il Battistero, il Duomo e il Museo dell'Opera del Duomo di Firenze
233832: MARCHIS, IUSTIN; DINESCU, DAN IOAN; STAVROPOLEOS, FUNDATIA - Stavropoleos : ctitorie, oameni, fapte
267216: MARCHMONT, FREDERICK - A concise handbook of ancient and modern literature : issued either anonymously, under pseudonyms, or initials / comp. by Frederick Marchmont
276943: MARCIANO, JOHN BEMELMANS - Bemelmans : the life & art of Madeline's creator
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185737: MARCSON, SIMON - The scientist in American industry : some organizational determinants in manpower utilization
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75852: MARCUS, ERIC - Is it a Choice? : Answers to 300 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Gays and Lesbians
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43255: MARCUS, JACOB R. - The American Jewish Woman, 1654-1980
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220570: MARCUS, STANLEY - His and hers : the fantasy world of the Neiman-Marcus catalogue
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19080: MARCUS, IRWIN M. - Currents in Psychoanalysis / Edited by Irwin M. Marcus
155708: MARCUS, GEORGE H. - Masters of modern design : a critical assessment
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279169: LANDAU MARCUS (1837-1918) - Rom, Wien, Neapel während des spanischen erbfolgekrieges : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kampfes zwischen papstthum und kaiserthum
279941: MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO. TITUS POMPONIUS ATTICUS. HEBERDEN, WILLIAM [TRANS.] - The Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Titus Pomponius Atticus: translated into English with notes by William Heberden, M.D. F.R.S.: volumes I & II
245039: MARCUS, JACOB RADER (1896-) - Early American Jewry. vol. 2 The Jews of Pennsylvania and the South (1655-1790) / Jacob Rader Marcus
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190964: MARCUS, JACOB RADER (B. 1896) - The rise and destiny of the German Jew
213302: MARCUS, STEVEN - The other Victorians : a study of sexuality and pornography in mid-nineteenth-century England
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184191: MARCUSE, HERBERT - Kultur und gesellschaft I
203087: MARCUSE, FREDERICK L. - Hypnosis : fact and fiction
184214: MARCUSE, HERBERT (1898-1979) - Die Gesellschaftslehre des sowjetischen Marxismus
184179: MARCUSE, HERBERT; SCHMIDT, ALFRED - Konterrevolution und Revolte
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250150: MARCY, MARY E - Shop talks on economics
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49455: MARCZYNSKA, BARBARA AND MELENDEZ, L. V. AND KING, N. W. ET AL. - Animal Models for the Study of Herpesvirus Associated Malignancy: I & II
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75719: DE MARE, ERIC SAMUEL (1910-) - Time on the Thames
275828: DE MARE, ERIC - Bridges of Britain / Eric de Maré
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260831: DE LA MARE, WALTER (1873-1956) - Memoirs of a midget
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240852: DE MARÉ, ERIC SAMUEL (1910-2002) - The Victorian woodblock illustrators / Eric de Maré
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7148: DE LA MARE, WALTER - Ding Dong Bell
77611: DE LA MARE, WALTER (1873-1956) , COMP. - Readings, Selected by Walter De La Mare and Thomas Quayle, D. LTTT. , with Woodcut Illustrations by C. T. Nightingale
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99065: MAREK, FRANZ - Philosophy of World Revolution; a Contribution to an Anthology of Theories of Revolution. [Translation by Daphne Simon]
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82111: MARENHOLTZ-BüLOW, BERTHA VON (1810-1893). KRIEGE, MATILDA H. TR. - The Child, its Nature and Relations; an Elucidation of Froebel's Principles of Education
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266206: MARGARET [QUEEN OF NAVARRE] - The Heptameron Tales by Margaret, Queen of Navarre: in three volumes: II, III & V
245510: TROUNCER. MARGARET - She Walks In Beauty
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93069: MARGERISON, TOM - The Superpoison, 1976-1978 / Tom Margerison, Marjorie Wallace, Dalbert Hallenstein
271734: MARGERISON, JOHN. S - The Mad Reporter
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31939: MARGETSON, STELLA - Leisure & Pleasure in the 19th Century
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185704: MARGOLIN, PHILLIP - The burning man / Phillip Margolin
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263173: MARGOLIOUTH, MOSES (1820-1881) - The history of the Jews in Great Britain / Moses Margoliouth - vol. 3
197859: MARGOLIOUTH, D. S. (DAVID SAMUEL) (1858-1940) - Religions of Bible lands
262230: MARGOLIOUTH, MOSES (1820-1881) - The history of the Jews in Great Britain. : By the Rev. Moses Margoliouth - vol. 1
182746: MARGOLIS, MAX L. (MAXIMILIAN LEOPOLD) - The story of Bible translations
152002: MARGOLIS, MAXIMILIAN LEOPOLD (1866-1932) - The Story of Bible Translations
181492: MARGOLIS, MAX L. (MAXIMILIAN LEOPOLD) - The story of Bible translations
150005: MARGRAF, ERNST - Einfluss Der Deutschen Litteratur Auf Die Englische Am Ende Des Achtzehnten Und Im Ersten Drittel Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts
82353: ANN-MARGRET (1941-) - Ann-Margret : My Story / Ann-Margret with Todd Gold
226733: MARGRETHE II, QUEEN OF DENMARK - A King's feast : the goldsmith's art and royal banqueting in the 18th century : Kensington Palace, 5 June-29 September, 1991
254007: MARGUERITE QUEEN, CONSORT OF HENRY II, KING OF NAVARRE (1492-1549) - L'heptameron : des nouvelles de tres haute et tres illustre princesse, Marguerite d?Angouleme, reine de Navarre
212506: MARGUERITE, QUEEN, CONSORT OF HENRY II, KING OF NAVARRE, (1492-1549) - The Heptameron of the tales of Margaret, queen of Navarre. / translated into English from the authentic text of M. Le Roux de Lincy ; with an essay upon the Heptameron by George Saintsbury
81992: MARGUERITE, QUEEN, CONSORT OF HENRY II, KING OF NAVARRE - The Heptameron : Tales and Novels of Marguerite, Queen of Navarre / Translated, with a New Introd. by Arthur Machen
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